#anon... anon who are you
katyspersonal · 1 year
because blorbos are for the girlies and waifus are for smelly men... or something like that idk
i just dont really like how some people convinced themselves their way of enjoying characters is better than that of others
i'd even go as far as to say some of thrm are just as shallow in their treatment of the charas they claim to treat better but thats another story
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Hmmm... Very good take, anon. You nailed it. Poor Maria is basically a mascot of more shallow and toxic type of fans - they will think that "unlike us filthy misogynists" they AAAAACTUAAAAALY respect her... only to completely ignore her nuances as a complicated and tragic character and simplify her to angry, rude, badass woman that enjoys killing and being a bitch to all men but girlies are good. Like, okay, if all you can say about the character is how much she loves women and murder, and all you can draw for her is her smooching Adeline with a lesbian flag background - sorry, but this is ALSO pretty simple. This is ALSO one-dimensional, same as some gamer bros drooling about how much of a 'waifu' she is and not being able to draw anything of her besides horny fanart with her clothes being skin-tight so we all can see her boobies and oddly thin waist or something.
And yes, when you figure that the ONLY rebuttal they can use against the accusation of being simple AS WELL with their vision is 'well but [demographics] is not oppressed and horny gamers from reddit are worse just because they're cis het men lmaoooo 😭😭😭' - you also figure the problem. That they make it about ideology and some sort of activism, revealing that they do not care about "respecting the complexity of the character". They are very much okay with character being simplified and not explored past like 1 trait (2 if they are feeling REALLY generous)... but only as long as the way to simplify the character itself matches THEIR tastes. Reducing character's entire personality to masculinity and sexuality good!!! Reducing character's entire personality to being a potentially good gf/wife and sexual appeal bad!!!
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No, you are not "respecting the character". You are doing feminism activism in front of my salad the fandom, which is a place for ALL types of fans to go to, and ALL takes to be shared. The only requirement to be part of the fandom is to be a fan of the source material - in it's entirety or a part of it!
At the end of the day, there is nothing criminal in simplifying the characters. I am not a fan of one-dimensional takes myself - I like to deep dive and analyse the characters, I like seeing every single corner of their life and personality and purpose in overall lore! I like complexity and various aspects of the characters shown, not only one side of them! I can be bitter in my own autistic way, but it is about preference, there is no point to be made about who is "right" and who is "wrong" in how they treat fictional characters. They are not real and do exist for our entertainment and happiness FIRST of all - whatever makes the person happy. Just like how I get sorta bitter when people draw Malenia with huge honkers and thin build - but I will also be bitter if Micolash is prettyfied (I mean the ingame status quo, he could have looked prettier when he was healthier). But do I also think artists are allowed to invest their time and effort in what they personally enjoy, without hassling over "respecting canon"? Of course!
The sentiments can coexist. They SHOULD coexist, in fact. Not having an opinion and preference and equally liking everything is probably not a good sign... unless you are a fan of a character so rarely acknowledged that you do love anything at ALL about them, ahahahah. Someone's way of enjoying the character is not "better" only by the virtue of being more representative or canon-accurate - objectively. It comes down to preference. What I love about us Mico simps a lot, actually, is that those of us that prefer canon Micolash in all his ugly, hideous, sickly glory is that we do not make it out to be some loud political statement, accusing artists of "lookism" or "ableism" or literally... anything you could pull out of the fact that a dude that looks like a corpse got a makeover fsdhfsdh Get creative! Maria fans can get creative with seeing "misogyny" and "dyke-hating" in the places where it doesn't exist! So, let's also use our imagination.... NOT!!!
We just pout and say 'you are not REAL fan' as a joke. It is always. just. a joke. The more avid fans of iconic female Soulsborne characters should learn from us to own up for their subjective preferences instead of starting weird ideological fight over whatever lady they claimed THIS time.
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hinamie · 18 days
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samble-moved · 1 year
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post itself
false flags
trans/adjacent tags
accessibility features
tumblr live post (thanks for the link, @problemnyatic)
flashing / strobing / lights
unblockable flashing ad
buying ad free
staff @/macmanx guilt trip
list of staff + more issues
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technically-human · 1 month
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wombywoo · 11 months
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just checking...
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lxvvie · 7 months
fuck nasty!Ghost who shows you how much he misses you.
You were out running errands, leaving Simon, home from his latest deployment, to his own devices. All was going well—so you thought—until you heard the telltale ping of your phone and saw that he had texted you.
Simon probably needed you to pick something up for him on the way home. Mm. Doable. You opened the text under that innocent assumption.
And you know what they say about making assumptions.
Because right there in front of your very eyes was a picture of underwear. Your underwear. Your favorite pair of underwear. Your favorite pair of underwear you'd been searching for while you were getting dressed this morning.
They were covered in cum. Simon's cum.
You receive another text not even a second later: Miss you, sweetheart.
It was a miracle you didn't drop your phone.
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bittsandpieces · 7 months
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I wanna get in your mind and open up pandora's box
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finifugue · 3 months
"Bring back cunty F1" "Bring back F1 drivers who don't care about PR and just say what they think" "Bring back F1 where the drivers are actually allowed to be rivals"
You fools. You insolent buffoons. You can't handle the Ferrari drivers taking shots at each other in separate interviews. You can't handle Max saying what everyone else is thinking. You can't even handle Lando Norris existing. And you think you would survive watching Multi-21 happen in real time? Or, God forbid, classic F1? I'm laughing.
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ohposhers · 8 months
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creek when hes been stuck at the Brozone Bunker morning coffee get together for 3 hours and has to resort to making his own entertainment
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theotherbuckley · 4 months
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incorrect tweets pt 17/?
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pineapple-frenzy · 1 month
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Book 2 au: and there was only one bed!! :00
Because of course I just had to do this trope
This is the first and last time they decide to sleep in an inn and they have an unspoken agreement to pretend this never happened
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arealtrashact · 11 months
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Second Verse
Part 1
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rileyslibrary · 1 year
Ghost would come walking (definitely not running) into your room because you called him at 2 a.m., screaming that there’s a bug flying around.
The guy’s pissed, alright? You gave him a heart attack, it’s a long day tomorrow, and he had to change into his uniform and put on his mask. Also, you could have handled this alone, being a soldier yourself. You know how to eliminate targets; you could have used your slipper in this situation.
On the other hand, he could have stayed in bed and let you deal with it. Hell, he didn’t even need to answer that call. He cares, though he’d rather endure five consecutive hell weeks than admit it.
And then he’d just stand at the door and stare at you being all frantic. You’re running around, tugging at your clothes and shuffling your hair.
He finds it amusing; You’re not in real danger, and that bug is smaller than your big toe. Plus, you didn’t receive any reports of hazardous predatory insects in the area, so it’s safe to assume that this little guy cannot eat human flesh.
But you’re almost in tears, and beg him to stop standing there and do something. He notices how distressed you are and understands that he stalled a little too much. He waits for it to sit still and stomps on it or smashes it with his hand if it’s on the wall.
And then he’d pick it up with a tissue and, instead of throwing it away, he’d just show it to you—indicating that it’s okay and you can calm down—murmuring something like, “this is why you woke me up for; remember it next time you whine about a surprise wake-up call.”
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deep-space-lines · 6 months
okay but like. I just had the weirdest thought about that ‘don’t look I’m naked’ comic. Which is that that’s essentially the same thing Adam and Eve did after they ate the fruit of knowledge of good&evil. So I feel like the theological implications of that could kneecap Gabe if he doesn’t think V1 is a being with free will.
yeah ok. i dunno man. is this anything
((side note. this isn’t necessarily meant to be in-character or story-accurate or take place at any particular point in time, just a way to explore some Thoughts. i was also imagining more that V1’s words aren't actually spoken, more like Gabriel’s more articulate interpretation of whatever garbled mechanical noise V1 is using to communicate. I think an angel could do that.))
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and then they fucked nasty the end
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ohno-wallace · 8 months
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I had a little idea that John has Sherlock walk Archie sometimes for “much needed bonding”
inbox open for Sherlock & Co. Requests!
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shepscapades · 23 days
(no pressure of <3)
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