#because Sokka makes Zuko smile and him being happy is what matters
Can we talk about Yue?
Let's just say there is a world where she doesn't have to sacrifice herself for Tui - because my girl deserves so much better like look at her.
But also, imagine the interactions she could have with all the other characters!!
Also, for that point, I'll be ignoring the fact that she'd most likely wouldn't leave the northern watertribe because responsibilities and her parents and jade jade. Let's just say it's her time for teenage rebellion and she sneaks off with the gaang or something. Idk.
Like she'd be there for the character development for Aang, Katara and Sokka (even Zuko).
But imagine she meets Toph!
Toph 'fuck you and what society/ my parents expect from me, I won't be put into a damn box because I'm not delicate porcelain to be put up on a shelf, I'll go kick ass and show people who I am, who I really am' Beifong?
That sounds so interesting! Like their parallels? Both being kept 'protected' and being put into positions they don't want and don't like (Toph being keept in a cage so to say and Yue being married off to someone neither she nor he loves).
But also, Yue is what Tophs parents see as a perfect daughter. She is soft spoken, elegant, meek and such. She is what Toph isn't.
But Toph gets free. She runs away and becomes happy and free.
I feel like they'd be such good friends once they get over the struggles. Toph would go commit some chaos and Yue would just smile and come along.
Imagine she meets Azula.
She's basically the opposite of Yue but they both have the same royal devotion. Also, Azula is a girl and it doesn't matter, she's respected and she's badass. That must be a culture shock for Yue.
Also, I think Azula and Yue have quite the interesting parallels as well. Both of them are the 'perfect princess' in the eyes of their people and culture but they are soooo different. Both put their duty above themselves in a way, both are 'blessed' (Yue literally by the moon and Azula is a prodigy), both have fathers who decide things for them (The whole marriage thing with Yue and do I even have to go into detail with Ozai?), both are kept in this cage of responsibilities and duty and both suffer in the end because of it, not having experienced the freedom a child of their status could have had their whole life only to be doomed in the end.
(Also, if we just mess more with canon and redeem Azula, I think they could be besties as well. Like they could learn so much from one another. Azula is sorta like an unhinged and abused Katara so I think it could work.)
Her meeting Mai and Ty Lee would also be something.
Nonbenders who are fucking badass? Respected for who they are? I imagine they could teach Yue how to defend herself. Just imagine Yue throwing knifes and chi-blocking people.
Same with Suki.
Another nonbender who's badass and a leader of a respected group. I think they'd get along just fine.
(Also, about that whole ship drama that would probably happen: I don't really care about ships so idk, make them poly? Who cares, just let them be happy man)
But what I would be most hyped about would be her meeting with Kanna.
You know, Kanna, who said fuck you to the sexist rules and just fucking moved across the world while a war was going on? Kanna, who basically told Pakku to fuck off and she won't marry a sexist man like him? Kanna, who's the grandmother of Katara? Who send Katara across the world to kick Pakkus ass (because she must have know)? The og? The legend? It would be amazing. I imagine they would both roast Pakku to his face. And Kanna would immediately adopt Yue as one of hers. It would be so wholesome come on.
Of course there are a lot of other characters that she'd meet, but I think the ones I mentioned are the most interesting once because of parallels and stuff.
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El sequel Part 1
Zuko rubbed his eyes which only caused them to hurt more. Ever since he left Sokka he hadn't been able to do anything. His mind just kept circling back to the hurt look of Sokka's face as he left. Try as he might to read the pile of scrolls on his desk his mind just came back to those blue eyes. So he ended up just lying on his bed definitely not crying
 Spirits Zuko loved him but he couldn't-
Zuko sat up immediately as the doors to his room were kicked in. He looked over and saw Sokka walking towards him. “What the-Sokka what are you doing-” “After careful consideration of your proposal I have rejected it.” Sokka said, climbing onto the bed. Zuko stared at him “What? There was nothing to reject Sokka.” 
Sokka sat crossed legged in front of him “Too bad I reject it anyways” he said smiling. 
Why was he smiling? “Sokka I can't-” Sokka moved forward and hauled Zuko into his arms which was easier than normal since he didn't put up any fight. Gods he couldn't even stick to his decisions for even a day. It took a bit of finagling and tangling of limbs but eventually Sokka was situated with his back to the headboard and a bundle of Zuko in his arms. “Sokka what are you doing?” Zuko asked quietly.
“Gonna hold my boyfriend until he stops being a idiot
He is still calling me his boyfriend. “I’m not being an idiot”
He felt lips press against his temple and a small whine escaped him as he melted further into Sokka’s arms. This only resulted in Sokka’s smile growing much larger.
“Hmmm I disagree.”
“I-I was just trying to protect and make you happy Sokka” Sokka tucked his face into his hair and said “I know and appreciate the thought baby but did you consider what I wanted?”
“I-” “Ask me what I want, Zuko.” “What do you want Sokka?”
“I want to keep being with you Zuko cause no matter what the world or you throw at me, I can handle it. Because all of that is nothing compared to how happy you make me Zuko.” Zuko's heart was definitely going to burst at this point and a few stray tears had already started to slip down his cheeks once more.
Sokka lifted a finger to wipe away tears before continuing “And even when I travel, I will always always come back to you Zuko. There is nothing in the world that could keep me away from you
Zuko let out a small sob “What if I'm not enough for you to come back?”
“Did you not hear what I just said? You are always enough babe, you think I’m gonna let something as perfect as you out of my life?”
“I don't deserve you Sokka,” Zuko said, burying himself in Sokka’s chest completely. 
“Well too bad cause you got me,” Sokka kissed him once again, “spirits love have you got me.”
He had tried to push Sokka away, to tell him to leave. But Sokka had said no, had come back, told him he loved him and would never let him go. Zuko didn't deserve him in the slightest and Sokka had rejected that notion too.
“I'm sorry Sokka, I’m so fucking sorry.” Zuko’s words came out strangled as he started to hyperventilate.
“I know babe I know.” “I just wanted-” He could barely choke the words out as he tried his best to breathe and talk at the same time.
“It's okay love I understand, now just breath for me love” “See once again your putting up with my weird shit and-”
Zuko felt a hand press to his chest “It aint a one sided thing love I help you and you help me, but for now just breathe for me okay?”
They stayed curled up together for a while, Sokka kissing him every now and then and whispering all sorts of sweet things in his ear. Zuko didn't know how long they stayed like this but eventually his mind had stopped racing enough for him to speak once more.
“I love you Sokka” “I love you too, you big idiot.” Zuko chuckled, “Yeah I deserve that.”
Sokka smiled “So do I get to be your boyfriend officially again?”
“If you want to.” “Zuko,” Sokka said with a warning look.
“Yes, yes I know.” “Then?” “Of course you can be my boyfriend again Sokka”
Sokka shifted to kiss him fully on the lips and Zuko let himself get lost in it.
“Thank you for not giving up on this Sokka.” “I am never gonna give up on us Zuko, I will always be yours” “And you will always be mine.”
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nycolewrites · 1 year
here’s an exerpt from my day 2 @zukkaweek fic which will cover both the turtleduck pond and second chances themes
Three days after the fall of Ozai, Sokka finds him by the old turtleduck pond. The air is eerily quiet, the water almost unnervingly still. Zuko isn’t focused on anything in particular, simply staring ahead of him as the leaves hang unmoving on their branches and the sun sits precariously on the horizon. This is the first break he’s had since the imprisonment of his father and sister, too busy being hauled from one meeting to the next about what to do next and ‘What color of robes do you want for your coronation, my lord?’ As if he’d be able to wear anything but red and gold.
“I can hear you thinking from across the castle. You’re gonna hurt yourself if you keep that up for too long.” The new voice startles him out of his daze, and he turns a half-hearted glare at the intruder. Sokka simply looks at him, an eyebrow raised in amusement as something else settles in his eyes. “Everyone’s looking for you, y’know. It’s rude to make people who care about you worry.”
 “None of those people care about me. They were ready to help my father take over the world four days ago. My well-being isn’t really a priority of theirs, despite the facades they’re putting on for the Avatar and his friends.” Zuko turns back to the pond. A mother and her ducklings have come out from their nest to drink from it, one of the smaller ones struggling to stay upright. The sight makes him miss his mother dearly, and not for the first time he wishes she was here with him now. He hopes that he’s making her proud.
“Your friends.” Sokka’s voice is much closer than it was before, and when Zuko turns his head he finds that the other boy has made himself comfortable in the grass beside him. He’s looking at Zuko almost pityingly, but something inside him tells him that’s not the right word. Zuko stares at him, tilting his head in confusion. “We’re your friends, too, Zuko. Not just Aang’s.”
Zuko blinks, unsure of how to respond. “Um.” That probably isn’t it.
“We may have started out on different sides of the war, but what matters is where we are now. You turned against everything you ever knew because you were able to recognize the wrongs in what your family did. You taught Aang firebending, helped Katara get her closure—though I’m still not happy with your methods—and…you helped me rescue my father. You’re just as much our friend—our family as Aang is.” Sokka pauses for a moment, a soft smile overtaking his features. There’s a dimple that forms in his left cheek. Zuko wants to reach out and smooth it out with his thumb.
He blinks, mentally shaking the thought from his head. In two days he’ll be crowned his nation’s ruler. He doesn’t have time for wandering thoughts or what-ifs. Distantly, he realizes he’s been quiet too long, but when he pulls his gaze from Sokka’s lips, he finds that Sokka is looking at him just as intently. Sokka doesn’t wait for him to reply as he turns to watch the turtleduck mother try to teach her ducklings to swim. Zuko follows his gaze, not sure about the feeling that’s forming in his stomach.
“You’re worth more than the crown they want to shove on your head, Zuko. Don’t let them take from you who you truly are.”
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zukkaart · 1 year
I don’t jump on the divorced Zukka bandwagon- not because it’s stupid or invalid but because it makes sense and I hate it because I want them to be domestic and happy until they’re grey and old okay???????
That being said
“Bleach” from 5sos5 gave me a thought-
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So we know that cutting your hair is generally seen as a formal act of losing a part of yourself or your nation. Seen very clearly here- Iroh and Zuko cut their hair off when they realize they no longer have a home to return to.
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A little more indirectly when zuko shaves everything except his top knot after being banished as a sign of his exile and dishonor but still tied to the fire nation.
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And even a little MORE indirectly when we see Azula cut her own hair- not out of solemn realization or dishonor but because she is LITERALLY losing pieces of herself to her madness
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All this to say
(Sorry I went on a bit of a tangent there)
And IF Sokka and Zuko DID break up or get a divorce it would be seen as improper for the fire lord to cut his hair over something so “trivial”
After all Ozai didn’t alter his when Ursa left
SO I think Zuko would probably try everything possible to alter his hair without actually cutting it. I.e. braiding, hiding under hoods, etc.
I think he would even go as far as to bleach his hair- especially if they really did get divorced because even though there was no love lost- their lifestyles of being leaders of separate nations just couldn’t cope. He’d start a little at first- just a few strands on the underneath where no one could see done by himself late at night.
Little by little he realizes “cleansing” little pieces of him makes him feel the slightest bit better because the man in the mirror is starting to look less and less like the man who Sokka loved, who loved Sokka…
Obviously he couldn’t bleach all of his hair but imagine Sokka comes to the Fire Nation as his Ambassador and Chief status requires to find Zuko with one stark strip of white cutting through the right side of his hair, he looks closer and finds the smaller- subtler ones in the under layers, some obviously more well done than the others, some faded with time.
Imagine Zuko finally turning to lock eyes with him- but before he can get a word out to explain Sokka reaches up and brushes the light strip that leads into his topknot.
“What’s this?” He asks, dangerously closer than most Ambassadors should be to their hosts.
“An experiment” Zuko says quickly, unsure why he chose those words in particular, but Sokka is a scientist right? He’ll understand.
“Oh,” The playful smile drops from the darker boys features, although Zuko is unsure why.
“Does it bother you?” The words came out more defensively than Zuko meant. Why should he care now anyway?
“Not at all it’s just…” nothing. Everything.
All the words Sokka left unsaid somehow came down to this one white strip of hair, as white as Yues. The truth was that he had hoped Zuko would tell him that he had no idea where it came from, letting Sokka come to the logical conclusion that it was in fact Yue who had blessed him, and he could take it as a sign that he and Zuko were meant to be together. That they could make it work this time if they really tried. Spirits knew that stuff right?
It doesn’t matter now. The hair was fake. For whatever reason Zuko had done it on purpose. It unsettled Sokka in a way he didn’t expect.
“Sorry” He snapped out of his own thoughts. “It just looks so different from the pictures I have, it looks good though.” Sokka offered a timid smile.
Zuko stiffened imperceptibly at that but still responded in kind. “Thank you, I should go. I have others to greet before dinner.” His voice did not waiver but his mind raced. He still has pictures of me? Of us? And he looks at them? Zuko hadn’t been able to do that for months.
“Of course” And when Sokka turned to leave Zuko noticed something. A thin strip of leather braided in to the underside of Sokkas wolf tail, dyed such a deep shade of red that it almost blended in to his hair, but Zuko noticed, because Zuko always noticed.
It was the same strip of leather that Zuko had used to tie his topknot with on his first visit to the South Pole. Deeper in color than his usual choice because he didn’t want to stick out too much, but Sokka had protested anyway, gently pulling it out of his hair and replacing it with one of brilliant blue, a color as deep as the ocean but somehow still as alluring as a familiar set of eyes. At the time, he would have gladly drowned in both.
That was 15 years ago now, when Zuko hadn’t even been brave enough to hold his hand.
Sokka had kept it. All this time. And now he was even wearing it - subtle as it may be. And Sokka was just the same, just the same, same blue eyes, same genuine smile, same gentle brush of fingers against his hair, the exact same Sokka. His Sokka.
Zukos hair was back to its natural color by morning.
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transboysokka · 1 year
“Hey, why are you walking like that?” - the first time Zuko notices Sokka's leg injury never fully healed?
From these prompts || Send more!
"Hey, why are you walking like that?"
Sokka froze, almost out the door on the way to a council meeting. He’d been walking carefully around Zuko all day, trying to hide his limp from the firebender, trying not to let it become a Thing…
"Like what?" he tried to keep his voice casual, but it squeaked a little at the end, like it always did when he was caught in a lie.
Sighing, he dropped down into one of the chairs in their chambers’ sitting room. It looked like they were doing this- the meeting could wait.
"Don't do that. You're hurt." Zuko sat opposite him, arms crossed as he studied Sokka’s face looking for any sign of injury.
As much as Zuko hated being babied about his own injuries, he had no problem poking, prodding, and nagging at Sokka whenever he had the smallest scrape.
And his bedside manner was terrible.
"I promise, I'm not-" Sokka’s protests were cut off as Zuko knelt down in front of him, yanking down Sokka’s pants to get a better view of his legs. “Spirits! Do you mind?”
"Stop being a baby and let… me… see-" the firebender had to yank at the pants, as Sokka was not making it easy to get them off. When they finally budged, they came down in one motion and sent Zuko falling back onto his backside. Sokka snorted.
Zuko’s brow furrowed as he got a good look at Sokk’s legs. "…You're not hurt."
"No, I'm not." Sokka crossed his arms, more than a little annoyed but happy to say ‘I told you so.’
Zuko frowned and absently traced the scar under Sokka’s left knee. Sokka hissed at the contact and Zuko smirked up at him in triumph before turning a concerned gaze back to the knee.
"So it's... How long has this been going on?"
"What? I said-"
"Cut the bullshit, Sokka,” Zuko was using his Fire Lord voice now, and Sokka couldn’t help but to flush at the tone. “You're not okay if you're limping. Let me help you."
"You can't help me,” Sokka replied quietly, “Katara can't even help me, she’s tried. It's just one of those things...."
Zuko let Sokka’s voice trail off, sitting back in the opposite chair and throwing Sokka’s pants back in his lap. He reached up to pinch the bridge of his nose and met Sokka’s gaze directly.
“You don’t think I can fix it so you didn’t even want to tell me about it. Sokka. That’s so… stupid.”
“I don’t need your pity,” Sokka mumbled back, taking the opportunity to break the eye contact and carefully wiggle his pants back on.
“You’re an ass.”
Sokka stopped, one leg in, one leg out, and looked back up at Zuko. Why was he so mad? True, Sokka hadn’t told him about his chronic pain, but Zuko had more important things to worry about. Like running a country. Still…
“I’m sorry,” he finally croaked, “I know I shouldn’t keep things from you…”
Zuko groaned in frustration.
“You don’t get it. I’m not mad you didn’t tell me, I’m mad you didn’t think it mattered enough to tell me! When I’m having a bad day with my heart, do you think I tell you because I think you have some magical cure for me? No! I want you to be there for me, and I want you to let me be there for you!”
Sokka suddenly and deeply did indeed feel like an ass.
Especially since he was still only half-wearing pants.
He quietly finished dressing and crossed the room to Zuko, swatting his hands off his knees to make space to sit in his lap.
Sokka settled in and wrapped his arms around Zuko’s neck. The tension in the other man’s body eased, but he still wouldn’t look at Sokka.
Sokka craned his neck so that their eyes met as he pressed their foreheads together.
“I’m sorry. I’m sorry, I’m sorry, you’re right. I’m just so used to… I was always the oldest, you know? I couldn’t worry anyone else with my problems and sometimes I forget that you… Well, that we love each other and are here to support each other. I’ll tell you from now on when I’m having a bad day with my leg, okay?”
Zuko smiled and reached up for one of Sokka’s hands, bringing it to his lips.
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ssreeder · 2 years
hi hypothetical anon back again B)
anyways!! i have a hard time thinking of these but i think i found a good one. hypothetically, what would happen if mai found zuko? like current time line in the story but it’s just her and zuko (and sokka since they’re never separated). what do you think would happen? does she still have a crush on him?
the story is absolutely awesome sreedy i love reading it! it always makes me evening
I like Mai, I think she has a depth to her that canon didn’t have time to explore, and I think if she saw Zuko she would be sad?
I think she would be sad for so many reason but that sadness would turn into whatever feeling she had during Boiling Rock? Idk like this fierce need to protect him even if it meant her turning against her beliefs?
I think Mai would be happy Sokka loved Zuko the way he deserved to be loved. I think she would threaten Sokka with a knife to treat him right and if she saw Sokka overstep she would correct him but she would be thankful Zuko had someone.
As long as Zuko is loved the way he deserves she is happy for him. & she would protect him always. But there would be a lot of sadness, because he had to suffer so much and no one wants that for someone they love.
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linnoya-writes · 2 years
“Why would I let go of Katara?  I love her.” --Aang
Aang never asks her if she loves him.  
Not once.  Not in the forty-nine years they are married, the fifty-four years they spend together.  
For everyone who sees them, they might think it’s because it’s already so obvious how she feels about him.  It’s all but assumed.   It’s what Aang tells himself, after their kids have grown... as he meets Katara’s supportive eyes and finds her smile somewhat lacking, replaced by some unfamiliar, distant… removed grin.  
It’s nothing, he says, it’s all in his head.  
She’s always been there for him, hasn’t she? Approaching him, affirming all of her time and energy to him, comforting him even at the slightest sign of loneliness? 
In those early years, Aang would catch himself wondering if Katara is truly happy… being on his constant beck-and-call, far away from her homeland… raising their children alone in Air Temple Island while he travels with Tenzin.  But it’s ridiculous to question anything, right?  They never argue about not visiting her homeland; as she knows he cannot stomach most Southern WaterTribe cuisine, or look at dead animal skins for longer than a day.  Most of their food is meat.  Even the clothes they wear are furs.  
Katara understands without even having to bring it up, how most WaterTribe customs cannot be properly practiced by an Airbender.  And in the end… she chose him. She chose his culture over hers.  She even chose to be with him over the countless opportunities to travel home, to help rebuild her homeland after the war.  She was even agreeing to let Zuko’s self-imposed death sentence be carried out, for the sake of Aang’s principles— even after the prince almost took his own life for her.  That sacrifice meant nothing.
And it was so beautiful… seeing now nothing else mattered to her, Aang says, not in the grand scheme of things.  
Instead she was always there, paying tribute to his Airbending customs just like all the acolytes, because she knew how important these things were to him.
This has to be love, he says.  
He remembers Katara even attempting to wear orange-and-yellow acolyte garb, on one occasion… and when she said it felt more like a costume than an outfit… she apologized.  Returning to her usual blue, she apologized.  
Because she felt like she had failed him in some way, and it was a beautiful moment… Aang holding the tears on his girlfriend’s cheek, reassuring her in his own way that he still loved her.  
And their wedding was a traditional Airbending ceremony.  The first one in over a century.  Katara even reprimanded Sokka after he muttered something about wishing there were at least some seal jerky to honor the WaterTribe side of this marriage… and it was so beautiful, the way Katara defended Aang’s vegetarian diet, reciting the ancient Airbending ways.  
Sokka had been way out of line, anyway.  They wore the painted marks of the WaterTribe -- the ones Bato had given them -- so it wasn’t like Katara’s culture was completely written out of the ceremony, was it?  Nobody forced her into having an Airbending ceremony.  It was what she agreed on.  They shared a plate of steamed tofu together.  She liked it.  She said she liked it.  
So, why bother addressing her feelings?  It’s all there, in her actions.  
And it’s all ...so beautiful.  
There’s no amount of spiritual enlightenment that could measure just how much he loves this woman.  Not seeing her for even the smallest moment makes him ache.  He only sees her devoted blue eyes, and nothing else.  That is enough.
Aang knows better than to invite that poisonous doubt anywhere near his own peace of mind.  
This love is real, he says.  It is.  He doesn’t have to question anything.  
Anyway, would he? He’s the Avatar.  He knows Katara; he knows what’s good for her.  And she knows...  he knows that she knows that he would be a wreck without her.  It’s a bind only true soulmates can understand.  
Aang never asks Katara if she loves him.  
Doubt cannot afford to live in such a pure, beautiful place like what they have.  It is a poison; a pinch with bite; a drop of ink... tainting, dispersing in a pool of water.  
He won’t acknowledge it, he won’t even imagine it.  
Aang chooses to remain silent, all those years, refusing to mull over the myriad of ways he might react if he heard her respond with anything other than “Yes.”
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flameo-hotman · 3 years
The night is quiet. The war has been over for years now, and Ozai is still behind bars.
Everything should be perfect. He should be fine.
But Zuko isn’t.
It doesn’t matter that he is safe. It doesn’t matter that the New Ozai Society has finally disbanded.
It doesn’t matter has much progress has been made.
And Zuko can’t help but hate that he isn’t okay. Really he should be at the very least fine.
But he still has the nightmares.
He still wakes up feeling fire on his skin.
Zuko doesn’t think he’s ever been okay. Not really.
And so he lays in his bed, wide awake, and he repeats to himself all the reasons he should be okay now. And normally that works.
But its the anniversary.
Not for the end of the war. Not for the opening of the Jasmine Dragon, but that anniversary. The one that had left him scarred and banished.
He wasn’t banished anymore of course… but his scar would never leave him.
The bed shifted next to him and Zuko was reminded that Sokka had been visiting him and had fallen asleep while hanging out with Zuko.
His advisors were mad that Zuko allowed Sokka into his pirate quarters, but there wasn’t anything they could actually do to keep Sokka out. Not when Zuko was the one who invited Sokka into them.
And it wasn’t like the two of them were doing anything wrong.
Sokka wanted to hear Zuko read a theater scroll to him, claiming that Zuko understood the characters better than the local theatre group. And so Zuko agreed to read the scroll.
And then they’d talked about the play.
Zuko had gotten tired and struggled to stay awake, so Sokka had offered to leave for the night, but Zuko asked him to stay.
Honestly he wasn’t sure what had gotten into him, but Sokka granted his request and he stayed.
And then Sokka offered to read him some poetry.
He must have memorized the poems because he didn’t pull out anything to read from. Zuko didn’t recognize any of the poems, but he remembered thinking he would have to have the palace staff find a copy. The poems were too beautiful for him to not get his hands on them.
And with that he’d fallen asleep.
Soft poetry drifting around him and Sokka.
Zuko turned and looked at Sokka. The rise and fall of his chest, as the man slept soundly beside him.
Zuko thought about one of the poems.
“The war was unfair to all of us
And sometimes when I wake it’s still there
In the moments before I recall
A time before I met you
I saw you before I met you
I couldn’t have know you then
From beneath all of your armors
In a time before I met you
And now you stand proud
There fire in your heart
Beauty in your love
All learned in a time where I met you”
The poem has gone on like that for awhile. Telling some sort of story about someone who was in love. The author of the poem claiming that while they wanted to profess their love to their muse…
While just like Zuko they couldn’t.
He felt for the poet, after all he had fallen in love with someone that he probably shouldn’t have. And he was playing a dangerous game with his own feelings allowing that very person into his bed.
But he couldn’t tell Sokka. Not when he knew he’d be rejected. Sokka had told him that there was someone he was in love with.
Zuko wanted Sokka to be happy, and if this mystery person was what would make his friend happy, Zuko would stay quiet. He would let Sokka go to that person.
And then Sokka blinked his eyes open and smiled at Zuko.
“Your thinking too hard again.”
Zuko rolled onto his back to stare up at the canopy of the bed and sighed, “Nightmare.”
“It’s the anniversary…” Sokka said, wiggly closer to Zuko’s side. “I wish I knew what to say to make you feel better.”
Zuko couldn’t help the smile. Sokka being here with him… Well, it made him feel better. But he didn’t think he should tell Sokka that.
“Hey, Zuks, look at me.”
And Zuko did.
“When I was a kid, and I would get hurt, my mom would kiss it better. I know that the kisses didn’t actually make it better, but it made me feel better…”
“You want to kiss my scar better?”
It seemed so silly, but it was sweet of Sokka to offer.
“Is it okay if I do?”
Zuko let his eyes close and he nodded.
He felt Sokka shift his weight in the bed, so he could lean over Zuko. Even though he could feel the touch of lips on his scarred skin, he felt Sokka’s weight settling against him.
The tickle of Sokka’s stubble against his unscarred skin, indicating that Sokka had pressed a kiss to his scar.
“See all better,” Sokka whispered in the dark and Zuko opened his eyes to see Sokka’s face still hovering over him.
“I wish you could kiss my heart better.”
He hadn’t meant to say it, but the words had slipped out of him like when he’d asked Sokka to stay.
Sokka looked thoughtful.
“Now look whose thinking too hard, Sokka.”
“Can I try?”
Zuko blinked at Sokka in confusion.
“Try what?”
Sokka glanced from his eyes and then to his lips before looking back into his eyes and he asked, “Can I try kissing your heart better?”
He’d whispered the man’s name, hope filling him because it sounded like Sokka was asking if he could kiss Zuko. Did that mean? Was he? Was Sokka in love with him?
“I wrote that poem…”
Zuko didn’t trust himself to answer because with hope came the fear of being wrong.
Sokka traced a finger over the outline of Zuko’s scar and then added, “I wrote it for you…”
And then Zuko kissed him.
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atlabeth · 3 years
hey! i love your zuko fics so much and was wondering if you’d like to write this, because the idea just popped up: maybe a zuko x reader fluff that takes place before/during LOK? maybe they’re reminiscing about their past adventures w the Gaang while helping out the new Team Avatar? idk it’s just that every time I see old zuko it makes me soft and emotional 🥲🔥❤️ anyways, much love! (and don’t feel pressured to do this at all, I was just thinking abt who I could submit this request to, and obvi my first choice was you 💕)
reminiscence - zuko x fem!reader
summary: just because you and your husband are retired doesn’t mean you don’t have amazing advice for the new team avatar.
a/n: this is so cute omg!! thank you so much for requesting this and thank you for much for your kind words i'm honored <33 im so sorry this took so long
sorry im posting so much lately im trying to stop slacking and publish things that have been wips for over a month sdkjfh
wc: 1.3k
warning(s): none bc i choose to ignore the news of zaheer’s plan right after this scene
Retirement was… nice.
You had spent your childhood fighting with the Avatar to end the Hundred Year War, a feat that was only made more difficult with your Fire Nation roots and connection to the banished prince. But all that’s well ends well, and you ended up getting your happy ending together — you had to fight hard for it, though.
You married Zuko at nineteen, three years after he ascended to the throne, and spent the subsequent years balancing your duties as Fire Lady and taking care of your daughter. Ruling the Fire Nation was a lot, but you knew you could get through anything with your husband at your side.
When he told you his plans to abdicate the throne, you were more than supportive. One of Zuko’s biggest fears was becoming his father, and by giving up his position willingly to Izumi, it guaranteed that he wouldn’t fall victim to the power-obsessed ways of his ancestors. It also gave him a well-deserved break after decades of being Fire Lord, and you were more than ready to get out of the world of Fire Nation politics. You had sat through enough meetings to fill multiple lifetimes.
But just because the two of you weren’t as involved in every day affairs of the world didn’t mean that you were completely out of it. No, that was far from the truth. You and Zuko were still some of the most important people in all of the nations, which meant it wasn’t a rare occurrence for your husband to be called off on some sort of mission.
One such mission was stopping the Order of the Red Lotus for the second time; Zuko had been part of the team that stopped them from kidnapping Avatar Korra as a child, so it was no surprise that he had been called to help for a second time. You knew even in his old age that your husband was powerful, but you couldn’t help but feel concerned about everything he was doing.
This concern was ultimately what led you to join Zuko on his trip to meet with Chief Beifong and Chief Tonraq in the Misty Palms Oasis. He had originally been against your involvement, claiming that the Red Lotus was far too dangerous, and he didn’t want to risk you getting injured in any way. You, of course, weren’t having it. “The Avatar’s in trouble, and I’d like to think I know a few things about getting out of trouble.”
One thing was certain after you arrived — it had been far too long since you had ridden on the back of a dragon. You truly adored Druk, and you felt bad for everyone that would never have the opportunity.
After conversing with Lin and Tonraq inside, you all exited to greet the new Team Avatar. If what you were told was true, then they had been through quite a lot since leaving Zaofu. For as long as you had been involved in foreign affairs, you had never met Avatar Korra nor her friends, so you didn’t know what to expect — an awestruck boy that could barely speak wasn’t at the top of your list though.
“Oh my gosh. It’s Lord Zuko and Lady Y/N. I can’t believe it!” He stared at the two of you with wide eyes, his voice getting higher and higher as he whimpered. He looked like he was going to fall over until another black-haired boy pulled him out of the way, his tone apologetic.
“Uh, forgive my brother,” he said as he put his fist against his open palm, his brother following suit. “We’re just really honored to meet you both.”
“It’s no problem,” you smiled as you and Zuko returned the greeting. It had been years since someone had reacted that way towards you, and you would be lying if you said it didn’t amuse you. “It’s a pleasure to meet you as well.”
The two boys straightened again as the taller one gestured to them each in turn. “I’m Mako, and this is Bolin. We’re Korra’s friends.”
“Ah, she’s got her own Team Avatar?” You inquired with a twinkle in your eye. “You know, I traveled with Avatar Aang years back along with my husband.”
“Of course I know!” Bolin exclaimed. “Oh, I’ve heard so many stories about your adventures, they’re all so amazing!” His eyes widened and you actually thought that he was going to fall over. “Oh, oh, could you tell us about some of the things you went through?”
“Bolin, we really shouldn’t bother them—” Mako started, but you laughed and waved it off.
“I assure you, there’s nothing to worry about. It’s not often I get to relive my journeys to such avid listeners. What would you like to hear about?”
He thought for a couple seconds then shot back up again. “What was it like when you escaped the Boiling Rock together? You guys were the first people to ever break out, right? That had to be amazing!”
You and Zuko both laughed as you shot him a look. “It was… interesting,” he said.
“By interesting, he means it was a complete disaster,” you corrected. “Everywhere something could’ve gone wrong, it went wrong. They had originally come there to rescue Sokka’s dad, but instead they found Suki and I. Then Zuko got found out and thrown into prison, our first escape plan failed, Sokka almost got found out, Azula showed up… it was honestly a miracle we made it out at all.”
“It wasn’t that bad!” he protested. “Getting thrown into prison was part of the plan, we wouldn’t have been able to get the cooler out if I hadn’t been found out.”
“I guess I can’t complain,” you chuckled. “I did get to punch you a couple times.”
“They are so cool,” Bolin whispered as the two of you went on in the background. He elbowed Mako in the shoulder and gestured towards the couple with his head. “Come on, ask them something! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity!”
“I’m not going to ask them something, Bolin—”
“Excuse me, my brother has something he wants to ask too!” Mako shot him a dirty look which quickly disappeared when you and Zuko turned to him attentively.  
“Oh, um…” He coughed and scratched his head. “I guess.. is there any advice you have for us? With this whole Team Avatar thing, I mean.” You smiled at Mako and took Zuko’s hand.
“The friendships you forge during your journey are the most important thing — they’re the things that will keep you going during your darkest moments, and they will last a lifetime. There will be mountains and valleys, ebbs and flows, but no matter what, you will hold an unbreakable bond.”
You felt Zuko squeeze your hand and turned your smile on him as you returned the sentiment then nodded for him to continue. “Never take anything for granted, and trust in fate. You’re where you are for a reason — everything will end up working out in the end.”
You grinned and kissed him on the cheek, humming in agreement. “It did, didn’t it?”
After a few more minutes of talking with the two brothers, they went off to join the rest of their group. It was strange being on the outside of it all after how intense your childhood was, but it was… refreshing not to have the weight of the world on your shoulders anymore.
“The world’s in good hands with them,” you murmured as you leaned your head on Zuko’s shoulder.
“They all have that same fire you had when I first met you,” Zuko chuckled. You watched the four of them conversing and a smile graced your lips.
“Oh? Then I think the world’s in very good hands.”
perm tag list: @dv0412 @siriuslyslyslytherin
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Love Conquers All
Part 2
Zuko x Male Reader
Word Count: 1643
The next morning Y/n followed Zuko back down to the kid's campsite. Y/n was half expecting them to have packed up and left, but he was happily proven wrong when they got down there.
The kids were sitting in a half circle, clearly waiting for the two of them to arrive. From the looks of things, they might actually be more open to talking to them today.
A look at the water tribe girl told Y/n that she still had a serious distrust for them that would be annoying to get past.
They approached the group. Y/n held back. He would be on guard for anything they might pull that could hurt Zuko.
"Um, so, you guys have something you want to say?"
Y/n guessed that if you couldn't count on the Avatar to break the ice then the world was doomed.
"Yes. I'm here because I know now that my destiny is to teach the Avatar firebending. I also wanted to say that I'm deeply sorry for all of my actions that have caused you pain or worry. I know that my apology doesn't fix everything, but I hope that it can help pave the way to better relations between us."
Y/n had missed this version of Zuko. He had been buried under so much pain and anguish, and had been desperately trying not to let anyone see it. It was good to have him acting more like himself again, but no amount of royal training was going to remove his awkward manner.
"Why should we believe anything you have to say? You've been chasing us around the world trying to capture Aang and kill us! We shouldn't even be sitting here listening to you!"
That girl was really sticking with her hard-done-by feelings. Y/n was going to have to keep a close eye on her around Zuko.
"Actually," the water tribe boy interjected, "I had a question about that."
He stared into the remains of their fire for a second before looking up at the still standing duo.
"Why didn't you just use your airbending to capture Aang? I mean, it looked like you were holding your own against Katara pretty well. When we first met you could have wiped the floor with us. So why?"
Y/n was surprised. The Water Tribe boy was more perceptive than he had given him credit for.
"It's a secret."
Bless Zuko for trying to take the question for him. Y/n sent a grateful smile his way.
"The Fire Lord has decreed that any airbenders are to be executed. If any are found, it's a death sentence."
Y/n looked around at the appalled faces of the kids. Finally it looked like they were starting to realise what they were involved in.
"How can you side with monsters like that?!"
Y/n turned furious eyes on the opinionated girl.
"I don't side with them! I side with Zuko."
"That isn't any better! So you're saying that if he decided to go back to the Fire Nation tomorrow you would just go with him?"
She was on her feet and flinging her words at him much the same way she had been with water the day before.
She turned back to her friends.
"This is why we can't trust them! I know you want to have someone else who's an airbender Aang, but he won't do the right thing if Zuko doesn't."
She spat Zuko's name like it was a bad word.
Aang turned big eyes on them.
"Would you really go back to them?"
"You just said----"
"I won't go back to them because Zuko won't. And I stand with him."
Y/n chanced a glance at Zuko only to find him already looking at him. He had that soft smile on his face that had been missing for years. Y/n was so glad that it was back. They reached for each other at the same time, fingers coming together and intertwining easily, familiarly.
There was a surprised intake of breath from the kids in front of them.
"Yeah, oh." Was Y/n's eloquent response.
"Well, that doesn't make it okay to do the wrong thing when you know it's wrong."
She was still lecturing them, but the wind had clearly gone out of her sails.
Y/n managed to pull his eyes away from Zuko and look back at the group.
"We really are on your side this time."
Y/n stilled. The air had shifted in the way that it did when it was trying to warn him of something, becoming electrified. He spun around, scanning their surroundings, trying to locate the problem. He spotted the man up on the cliff just in time to bring his sword up and deflect the wave of energy that he sent at them.
Y/n growled. His timing had been off, resulting in his returned wave being sent off in a different direction.
"You all need to get out of here! If he keeps this up, the whole temple is going to come down."
"Y/n, if you can keep him busy, we can try to find a way to get rid of him!"
The Water Tribe boy was apparently their leader, was Y/n's distracted thought as he stood waiting for the man's next barrage.
If they got out of this alive he was going to smack Zuko upside the head for ever hiring the assassin.
That was probably something that the group of kids didn't need to know about, Y/n thought absently.
He was almost too focused on the long distance fight between the two of them to notice Zuko attempting to distract the assassin from where he stood nearly beside him. When had he gotten over there?
Something whizzed by Y/n's ear and he was so distracted by the thought of Zuko doing something so monumentally stupid as to antagonise the most ruthless assassin in the Fire Nation from a matter of feet away, that he didn't even sense it until he felt the air move by him.
He watched as the boomerang flew true and struck the assassin in the center of his third eye. He felt the world slow down as he saw the man draw in a breath for another wave of energy, but instead of it being sent to where they were standing, it exploded in his face and in the air all around him.
Y/n's heart stopped when the whole side of the temple crumbled and fell. Zuko had still been up there.
His sword fell with a clatter that was muted in his ringing ears. He was over by the side of the temple before he even thought about it, scrambling to find Zuko. If he was gone then that was it.
Y/n felt a thought settle in the front of my mind. He felt a sickening sinking feeling in his stomach, but there was no denying it.
He turned empty eyes on the group who were all celebrating their lucky escape. It was their fault.
He stood at the edge of the temple, watching them, feeling the wind caress him. It was whispering something to him, but he still couldn't hear anything over the adrenaline still coursing through his body.
He took a step toward them, reaching for his sword but coming up empty. His gaze narrowed in on it, lying on the floor back where he had been standing.
He was shaking, he realised as he tried to take another step but found himself on his knees instead.
The wind was growing around him as he fell forward onto his hands. He could feel himself falling apart, but he couldn't seem to pull himself back together. He had always had Zuko for that, but the stupid self-sacrificing idiot had gone and gotten himself blown off the side of the temple.
There was a groan from the ledge Y/n was nearest to. The wind died suddenly.
Y/n turned his tear streaked face sharply in it's direction.
He recognised that voice.
Then he was scrambling once again for the ledge, and grabbing hold of Zuko's arm and pulling with everything he had until he had his idiot firmly in his arms and far enough away from the edge.
He squeezed his eyes shut tightly and held Zuko in his still shaking arms. Y/n hoped Zuko was comfortable because he was never letting him go again.
They had gathered around the fire that someone had restarted to sort out something for lunch.
Y/n had the feeling that his melt down hadn't gone unnoticed by at least one member of the group. When he had gone over to pick up his sword from where he had dropped it, the little blind girl had watched him with her unseeing eyes. He had just sheathed it and walked back over to Zuko's side, but she hadn't stopped watching him ever since.
Y/n was sitting by Zuko's side, too strung out from earlier to be properly on guard, but he was sure that since they had seen him in action they might be a little hesitant to attack so openly.
Once everyone had a bowl of food Sokka cleared his throat. He had an uncomfortable look on his face.
Y/n waited silently. This was Zuko's destiny, it was up to him to earn his place with the group.
"You know why we're here. Our reasons haven't changed. I think, it comes down to this. Can you trust us?"
"Look," Sokka started, "We don't fully trust you, but I think that's fair. I mean you chased us around the world, but we also saw what you did for us back there. You could have died trying to help. So we're willing to give you a chance. But just one."
Zuko's face lit up with his happiness. It was a sight that Y/n knew he would always enjoy.
"You won't regret this. I promise!"
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the-badger-mole · 3 years
Can you write a short story with a jealous Zuko?
Zuko was used to being overshadowed. By Azula; by Lu Ten; by Avatar Aang. It still often annoyed him to know that the most he could aim for was second best to someone else, no matter where he was. But he never minded when it came to Katara. Give her enough time, Zuko often told himself, and she could bring the entire world to its knees. She'd saved his life in more ways than he could count. She had saved them all, and there would never be enough people singing her praises as far as Zuko was concerned. She stood out no matter where she was. Even in spaces where the Fire Lord should have been the center of attention, Zuko knew he didn't stand a chance when Master Katara entered the room.
It should have annoyed him, Zuko thought, but it didn't. She was sunshine, for all she was a child of Water, and she drew everyone towards her like plants reaching up for Agni's rays. When she laughed, it filled the room- a bit too loud to be polite, but too infectious to really be upset over. She talked with high-ranking nobles with passion, leaving them stunned at her knowledge and convictions- this woman who was barely not a child anymore. She had earned the grudging respect of Zuko's council, which even he hadn't succeeded in doing. He should be jealous, but he watched Katara make her way around the room with pride. Maybe he wasn't as eloquent or magnetic as Katara, but he was her friend. He knew her in a way few- if any- in that room would ever know her.
Someone- Iroh, Zuko guessed- had signaled for the band to start playing. Business was done for the day. Soon the crowd had reshuffled itself, and couples began making their way to the dance floor while everyone else made their way to the buffet tables lining one end of the hall. Katara met Zuko's eyes across the room, and with a warm smile, made her way over to him. She seemed to glow supernaturally. Zuko cast a surreptitious glance to see if some prankster had aimed a spotlight on her. Was it just Zuko? How was no one else being blinded by the way the light reflected off her smile? Her hair? Her skin? Zuko swallowed hard, trying to unstick his tongue from the roof of his suddenly dry mouth.
Katara's smile widened and she opened her mouth to greet him.
"Excuse...um...p-pardon me." Katara turned in surprise to the young man who had approached her. Zuko recognized him vaguely, and he scrambled to place a name. Katara spared him the ordeal of guessing.
"Lord Jee-Soo," she smiled politely at King Kuei's cousin, though Zuko could see an odd tightness in the corners of Katara's eyes. Jee Soo, however, did not notice. His face was tinged pink and he leaned forward in a stiff, formal bow.
"I-I hope I'm not disturbing you," he said. "I was hoping that...that maybe you...er, that is...would you grant me the honor of a dance."
Zuko froze. A shock went down his spine as if someone had walked across a carpet and touched his skin. Katara gaped at him in surprise. Her cheeks flushed a pretty dusky red. Jee Soo smiled at her, nervous and hopeful. She cast a glance at Zuko, trying to communicate... something.
"Oh!" Katara gasped. "Well... I was just going to..." She cast another look at Zuko before she shrugged and smiled at Jee Soo. "Um... sure, I'd love to."
Zuko watched silently as Jee Soo wrapped a clammy-looking hand around Katara's and led her out to the dance floor. His hand squeezed his punch cup dangerously tight as Jee Soo slid his arm around Katara's waist and pulled her as close as propriety would allow. His breath caught in his throat as the young Earth Kingdom noble said something that caused Katara's nose to crinkle in amusement.
"Take care, Fire Lord Zuko," Iroh sidled up to his nephew, with an affable smile and a knowing gleam in his eye. "Someone might think there's trouble between the Fire Nation and Ba Sing Se the way you're glaring at young Lord Jee Soo."
"I'm not glaring!" Zuko insisted hotly. Still, he turned his scowl on his uncle instead.
"She would have danced with you if you'd asked," Iroh told him. "I'm sure she still would."
"I don't know what you're talking about," Zuko grumbled.
"Oh no?" Iroh tried unsuccessfully to hide his amusement. "My mistake. It's been a long time since I was young and in love. Perhaps I don't remember the signs as well as I thought."
"Perhaps not!" Zuko knew he was being peevish, but his uncle was overstepping. Zuko had admitted to having a small crush on Katara years ago, and Iroh had never forgotten, even though Zuko had gotten over her a long time ago. She was dating one of his best friends at the time.
But not anymore.
The traitorous, smug voice in his head sounded annoyingly like his uncle. It was true that Katara had broken up with Aang, but it made no difference. Even if he wasn't over Katara- and he was over her- she and Aang hadn't split on the best of terms. It wouldn't be fair to either of his friends for Zuko to insert himself in the middle of that.
On the dance floor, Jee Soo seemed to have gained some confidence. He twirled and spun Katara with expert ease. If Katara had been hesitant to dance with him before, she seemed happy enough now. Her eyes were bright and her face pink with the exertion of the dance. She was having a good time, and Jee Soo gazed at her as if half in love already.
Zuko could dance. He could dance at least as well as Jee Soo. Others may outshine him in literally every other part of his life, but Zuko's mastery of dance was part of what made the Blue Spirit so deadly. Maybe he could challenge Jee Soo to a friendly competition. Katara could be the judge. Maybe the first prize could be a kiss...
Zuko shook his head. Dangerous territory. She was just coming out of a serious relationship. With one of his best friends. True they had broken up almost a year ago. Also true that Aang hadn't been in close contact with any of them since the breakup. And there was speculation that things had ended because Aang had cheated. But Zuko didn't know that for sure. No one knew for sure except Katara and Aang. Suki probably had more of the story, which Toph probably bullied out of her. And Sokka at least suspected if his coldness towards Aang at the last summit was any indication.
Dangerous territory. Friends don't go after a friend's exes. Even if you happened to have had a thing for said ex before your friend started dating them. Even if that ex was also your best friend.
Jee Soo dipped Katara, causing her to let out a nervous, but giddy laugh. Her hands clutched at Jee Soo tightly, to keep herself steady, but as a result, they were much closer than they started at the beginning of the dance. Jee Soo's face lit up with a grin as he did it again. And again. And again.
Didn't this guy know any other moves? Katara was going to catch on to him, and she would be annoyed. Wouldn't she? Zuko knew she'd been out with a couple of other guys since the breakup. Nothing serious, though, Suki had informed him. No one who lasted more than a month. Still, Zuko wasn't sure what her type was anymore. Jee Soo reminded Zuko a bit of Aang, but just because Katara had dated Aang for three years doesn't mean he was her type. Maybe she was into quieter guys who got way too deep in their own heads and overthought hypothetical situations until they lost entire nights of sleep worrying about problems that didn't actually exist. Yeah...for sure that's what Katara would find attractive.
How long was this song, Zuko wondered. Jee Soo was dipping Katara again, though she seemed to be getting tired of it. Her smile was that polite, tight smile that she'd given him earlier when she wasn't sure she wanted him to interrupt her. Zuko saw her say something to him, probably asking him to keep her upright for a while. Jee Soo laughed and shook his head and said something teasing as he pulled her closer. Katara's smile fell away completely, and Zuko saw she was getting mad. He was halfway across the dance floor before he'd even realized he was going to go over. He was ready to yank Jee Soo away, and if necessary, deck the creep for not respecting Katara's reasonable wish. But before he got to them, Jee Soo had stepped away with a deep, embarrassed blush on his face.
"I'm so sorry," Jee Soo was saying as Zuko got closer. "Honestly, I was just trying to...well, I didn't mean to upset you or offend you."
"It's alright, Jee Soo," Katara said patiently. Her smile was back in place. The song ended, finally, and another one started up.
"Would you...like to dance again?" Jee Soo asked.
"I'm a bit tired," Katara begged off. "But I'll bet Kimiko would love you to ask her. Don't say I told you, but she's been checking you out." That didn't seem to soothe Jee Soo's disappointment, but he accepted the rejection graciously enough.
"Seems like you had fun," Zuko said. Katara sighed tiredly and slipped her arm through his.
"I thought the song would never end!" she groaned. "It was like dancing with Aang. Fun for the first minute, but he was doing way too much. All the dipping gave me vertigo." Zuko heard that with interest.
"I didn't realize you weren't having fun," he tried to keep his voice even as he led them away from the dance floor over to the punch table. "I would have come rescue you if I'd realized. We should come up with some sort of sign when you want me to cut in."
"You never dance at these things," Katara pointed out.
"I'd make an exception for you." Zuko blushed and scrambled to cover. "I mean, I'd do it if it saved you from some over-eager guy who can't take a hint."
"My hero." Katara scrunched her nose up at Zuko and leaned against him. It was adorable! Zuko had to bite the inside of his lip to keep from grinning.
"Actually..." Katara said slowly. "I was coming over to ask you to dance before Jee Soo interrupted."
"Really?" Zuko's voice hit an octave it hadn't hit since he was fourteen and his voice was still dropping. He cleared his throat, trying to ignore the fact that Katara was trying very hard not to laugh.
"Yeah," she nodded her head. "I know you don't really like dancing, but maybe you can preemptively cut in for me? Someone told me that Lord Hino's son wanted to ask me for a dance." Zuko grimaced. Lord Hino was one of his most trusted advisors, but his son was a famous klutz with two left feet. No woman left the dance floor without bruised feet when she danced with him.
"You told Jee Soo you were tired," Zuko reminded her. Why, he yelled internally, would he say that? Fortunately, Katara just shrugged and looked up at him coyly from the corner of her eye.
"I'd make an exception for you," she said quietly. Zuko froze midstep. Katara looked up at him in alarm. There was a spectacular blush rising from her neck towards her hairline, and a panicked retraction already on her lips. Zuko turned to her and took her hand. Then in a move that would have pleased every last one of his etiquette tutors and his uncle, if he was watching, Zuko bowed elegantly and brushed a feathery light kiss on Katara's fingertips. He lifted his gaze with an impish grin.
"I would be honored," he said, "to have this dance." Katara nodded speechlessly and allowed Zuko to lead her out to the dance floor again.
Zuko was used to being overshadowed. He wasn't the most powerful bender, or the most charismatic leader. He wasn't the most handsome man or the most eloquent. But there on the dancefloor, with the most beautiful woman in at the ball in his arms, he knew that no one could match him for dancing. Katara seemed to agree because she accepted his request for another dance. And another. And another...
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asciendo · 3 years
I Have Something to Tell You
Zuko has just started his reign as the new Fire Lord and everything seems to be falling into place. 
That is until Y/N finds out she’s expecting and doesn’t know how to tell Zuko, afraid she’ll ruin the perfect bubble they’ve been living in. 
It’s been five months since the end of the war and since Zuko became Fire Lord. Life was good, the four nations were in harmony under the protection of Aang and you and Zuko were stronger than ever.
Your family was welcomed back in to the Fire Nation so you had your home back, but you spent most of your time with Zuko at the palace.
There were so many close calls during your time with Team Avatar, which made you, and Zuko appreciate and value your relationship even more. Zuko would include you in his important meetings and valued your opinion, you were there for him when he’d question his capabilities to run the Fire Nation, he’d constantly visit your family and you’d wake up to each other every morning.
Everything was going smoothly until the day you found out you were expecting. You weren’t certain at first, you were late and felt sick in the mornings. Zuko was concerned, thinking it was something you ate so sent a doctor to your bed the third consecutive day you were throwing up. When the doctor told you that you were pregnant, you couldn’t talk or move for a good hour. When Zuko came back and saw your shocked state, he rushed to your side immediately. You told him it was food poisoning and had to be kept in bed the rest of the week. He placed a kiss on your forehead then went back to work.
After your week of “food poisoning” was over, you started to think of how to tell Zuko that he was going to be a father. You weren’t sure how he was going to react, as you knew he was still getting used to ruling over a whole nation. You hated keeping secrets from him but you wanted to wait till you were even used to the idea of being a mother. The situation made you distant from Zuko and he was starting to get frustrated with your cold demeanor.
“Hey, do you want to go for a walk after the state dinner tonight?” Zuko asked hopefully one afternoon. It was week two of your cold demeanor towards him and everyday was more stressful than the one before. “No.” you stated as you read by the window in Zuko’s bedroom.
“Figures.” He rolled his eyes as he turned away from you. “What?!” you snapped back, you didn’t know what it was, the hormones maybe, but other than distancing yourself from Zuko, you also found yourself snapping at him more often.
“Nothing.” He said through gritted teeth as he began to leave the room. “No, Zuko, say it!” you slammed your book shut and sat up from your lounging position.
“Nothing! I’m just not surprised with your attitude anymore!” he turned to face you and you could see the frustration in his face.
“Attitude?! Just because I don’t wanna go on walk doesn’t mean I have an attiude, Zuko!”
“It’s not that! You’ve been so—so—“
“So what?” you raised an eyebrow waiting for him to finish his sentence. “CRANKY!”
“Well if I’m so cranky then why would we even go on a walk together, then?” you were standing up now with your hands on your hips.
“Forget it!” Zuko huffed and left the room.
“Agh!” you collapsed on the couch. You hated yourself for acting this way towards him. He didn’t do anything and he certainly did not deserve your attitude. The whole thing was so confusing for you and the truth was, you were scared. You and Zuko were only seventeen and you just won the war. Bringing a baby into the mix now is a whole different ball game that you weren’t sure that either of you were ready for.
That evening at the state dinner, you sulked on a couch in the corner of the courtyard.
“Hi.” Zuko sighed as he sat next to you. “Hi.” You said back but didn’t look at him.
“How are you?”
“I’m bored.” You laid your head on the wall. “I know. Me too.”
“I’m hungry.” You sighed and looked up at him and he huffed then stood up to get you some food.
You were getting impatient until you heard a voice coming from the crowd. “Move! I have to bring food to my cranky girlfriend!”
“Really, Zuko?” you rolled your eyes as he handed you the plate of food. “What’s wrong now?”
“Telling everyone I’m your cranky girlfriend isn’t exactly chivalrous.” You snapped.
“I can’t do anything right with you anymore!” he was whispering so no one else would hear but there was strain in his voice. “I’m gonna go.” you didn’t want to look at him then made your way out to the balcony.
You were so angry with yourself for being this way. This wasn’t you and it made you think about what kind of mother you would be if you couldn’t even comprehend the thought of having a child. Of course you wanted a family with Zuko, but you never expected it would be this soon.
Suddenly, you felt a hand on your shoulder and you turned to see Katara. “Hey, are you okay?”
“Yeah, I’m fine. Just needed some air.” You smiled but you could tell she didn’t believe you. “How are you and Zuko?” she asked.
“Uhm, we’re okay? Why do you ask?” you nervously stared at your feet as she looked at you with a concerned expression.
“Y/N, come on it’s me. You can tell me, I won’t judge I promise.”
“I’m fine! Really, me and Zuko are okay.” She rolled her eyes as you continued to lie. “I heard him talking to Aang, alright?”
“What did he say?”
“He thinks you’re going to leave him.” Your eyes shot wide open, “WHAT?!”
“Yes! That’s why I wanted to ask you first!” Katara raised her arms in relief, as she knew you were finally going to open up to her.
“Oh no, this is all my fault.” Burying your face in your hands, Katara placed her arm around you.
“I’m so awful to him! He’s been nothing but amazing towards me and I was the biggest jerk!” your face was still buried in your hands as Katara watched you with concern.
“What’s going on?”
“Katara...it’s just...” there were tears forming in your eyes as Katara pulled you in for a hug. “It’s okay, I’m sure whatever it is—“
“Katara I’m pregnant.” She froze as soon as the words came out of your mouth. Katara stood there frozen and just staring at your face, then at your stomach. “I know, that’s how I reacted too.” You turned to face the open air as she continued to stare at you with her mouth wide open.
“OH MY GOD CONGRATULATIONS!” She suddenly pulled you into a tight hug.
“Katara it’s not that simple!” there were so many factors that would make having a baby complicated, how young you both were, Zuko just started his reign, and you not knowing the first thing about being a mother.
“Y/N, this is a good thing!” she squeezed your shoulders. “How? I mean...I don’t know how to feel about it yet...” you looked down.
“We’re only seventeen! Zuko just started his reign! I-I don’t know the first thing about being a mother!” you paced back and forth as Katara giggled.
“Why are you laughing?!”
“It’s just...Y/N you’re looking at all the bad things. Yes, we’re all still young but you both won’t have to do it alone. You have all of us! Can you imagine how loved your baby will be?” she smiled and you stopped pacing and looked at her. “Aang is going to flip! Sokka would spend every single day here if he could, and I know I would make the best godmother.” She winked and you laughed.
“But Zuko’s been so worried about how he is as the new Fire Lord...he has a so much on his mind and I’m so scared the baby will just add more stress for him...” you sighed and plopped down on one of the benches.
“He’s going to be happy no matter what. Zuko is going to be a great father and you’re going to be a great mother.” Katara sat next to you and put her arm around your shoulders. “I was so awful to him Katara...”
“It’s completely understandable, you were scared. Heck, I would probably be the same too! But you have to talk to him.”
“I know...thank you. It feels so good to finally tell someone!” you laughed in relief. You’ve been keeping this secret for so long it felt good to tell someone.
“Of course, I’ll always be here for you! But now you have to let Zuko be there for you too.” She smiled sweetly and you knew she was right. The both of you made your way back to the party laughing at the thought of Zuko changing diapers.
As soon as you entered, you spotted him in the middle of conversation with his generals. Your eyes locked on his and he quickly averted his gaze back to his own conversation.
“Good luck.” Katara smiled and left you with your thoughts.
The state dinner was over and you were making your way to Zuko’s bedroom. As you entered you leant by doorway and watched Zuko try to remove his ceremonial robes.
“Let me help you with that.” his body stiffened at the sound of your voice. “I’m fine.” He grumbled but continued to struggle. You sighed then walked over and helped him. “Zuko...I need to tell you something...” you fumbled with your fingers as you sat in front of him. Zuko stopped then sat down in front of you but he was avoiding looking in your direction. There was sadness in his eyes, which confused you at first, but then you remembered what Katara told you about how Zuko thought you were going to break up with him. “Zuko...I’m sorry.” You began and he didn’t react. “I’m sorry for being such a jerk to you these past few days...or weeks.” You rubbed the back of your head sheepishly. “Zuko can you please look at me?”
“Why should I? If you’re going to break up with me just do it.” he said bitterly. “Zuko, I’m not breaking up with you!” You grabbed his face with your palms and he was finally looking at you. His eyes were staring at you intently waiting for you to speak. “It’s just...” tears started to form in your eyes as you began to speak. “Are you okay? Did anyone hurt you?” Zuko suddenly looked at you with so much concern that your heart melted knowing that no matter how awful you were to him, he was still the sweetest to you.
“No, no, it’s not that it’s...” you stood up and started pacing back and forth and Zuko watched you in confusion. “The reason why I’ve been such a jerk to you is because....I didn’t know how to tell you and I also didn’t fully, I still don’t actually...uhm...the information hasn’t really sunk in for me either, so whenever I thought about telling you, I still didn’t believe it myself so I didn’t tell you!” the whole thing was making you nervous so you started to ramble. Zuko stared at you with his eyebrow up and head tilted so you knew he was confused.
“W-wait I don’t get it. The reason why you were a jerk to me is because you did something I wouldn’t like?” he asked looking at you with a little bit of fear in his expression. “I didn’t do anything...well I kind of did by not telling you when I should have but I didn’t tell you because I still don’t sort of believe it myself?” Zuko’s expression was still a confused one you didn’t blame him. “So you’re hiding something from me?” you nodded and he huffed. “Is there someone else?” he looked down to the floor. “NO! God no, Zuko there is no one out there for me but you.” you quickly grabbed his face again.
“Then what is it?”
You sighed and turned to face him directly. “Okay, I’m going to tell you what it is now.” You said slowly as if convincing yourself that you were actually going to do it. Zuko stared at you with big eyes in anticipation of what you were going to say. When you still didn’t say it Zuko shot up from his seat and started making his way out the door.
“Y/N if you’re just going to keep me guessing the whole night you might as well not tell me!” he stopped by the door but was refusing to face you.
“If you don’t trust me—“
“ZUKO I’M PREGNANT!” the words finally came out of your mouth as you waited for Zuko to react. He stopped in his steps and slowly turned to look at you. His eyes were huge in shock and his mouth open.
The both of you stared at each other without saying anything until you finally broke the silence. “I know I should have told you! I was just so scared...I mean I don’t know how to be a mother. I’m so sorry for taking out my worries on you by being a jerk and I know how stressed you’ve been being the new Fire Lord and I didn’t want to worry you even more. I’m so so—“ before you could finish, Zuko’s lips were on yours and you fell into each other.
“Y-you’re not mad?” you looked up at him. “I’m mad because you didn’t tell me.” He looked at you with a serious expression and you looked away. “But not about our baby.” He pulled your face to kiss you once more. “Why would I be mad about the start of our family?” he looked deep into your eyes. “I-I don’t know, I guess I thought you’d be scared about it but I guess it was just me.” You buried your face in his chest again.
“I’m so sorry you had to deal with this on your own. That must have been terrifying.” He whispered in your hair. “No, it’s my fault, I should have let you be there for me.” You smiled and he kissed you on the forehead. “We’re going to be a great family.” He said and at that moment, you couldn’t be happier.
The next day, the both of you decided to have the gang over for lunch to tell them the news. You told Zuko that Katara knew, he was a little upset at first that he wasn’t the first to know and you understood. You promised he’d be the first to know if anything ever happened with you again and he forgave you.
Zuko sat at the head of the table and you to his left. Uncle Iroh was seated to his right but you haven’t told him yet as well. Katara and Aang arrived first and Katara gave the both of you a knowing look. Sokka and Sukoi came next with Sokka telling everyone he had big news to share. Toph was last as usual saying she was busy throwing melons at strangers.
“Uhm, guys we have something to tell you.” Zuko smiled looking at you while squeezing your hand.
“Wait wait!” Sokka stood up and everyone stared at him. “I think we should start with the most important news first. Don’t we all agree? And I have an announcement!” Sokka started to prance around the table. You started to chuckle and Katara was glaring at him. “Yes, let Zuko talk!” she said with annoyance.
“But I don’t think whatever hot head over there is going to say is more exciting than mine!” Sokka glared back at his sister. “Sokka—“
“No it’s fine, go ahead.” Zuko smirked and you punched him in the shoulder playfully. “What’s your announcement, Sokka?”
“Glad you asked Y/N!” Katara rolled her eyes and slumped to her seat as Sokka grinned from ear to ear.
“I have been declared BOOMERANG MASTER!” Sokka declared while everyone stared at him with amusement. His proud expression quickly dropped and you started to giggle. “WHAT! I am!”
“Who even declared that, Sokka?” Toph teased. “THE BOOMERANG CLUB!” Sokka’s face turned red and the rest of the gang laughed. “There’s a boomerang club?” Aang asked and Sokka sat back down and Suki rubbed his back but she was laughing as well.
“Okay, if that doesn’t excite everyone then I DON’T KNOW WHAT WILL!” Sokka fumed which made everyone laugh harder.
“I’m pregnant.” You announced and Zuko was staring at everyone with a huge grin on his face. Katara was smiling as she already knew, Aang stopped mid drink, Toph yelped, Suki’s eyes were large with excitement and Sokka’s jaw dropped to the table.
“Y-you’re what?” Aang jumped up in excitement as Katara hugged you. “She’s pregnant. I’m going to be a father.” Zuko announced proudly. Aang rushed to hug the both of you while talking about how he’s going to teach your child how to go penguin sledding. Katara started asking you about baby names. Toph was already planning on making a crib for your baby. Sokka was still in shock while Suki whispered to him that she was excited about his boomerang master status.
“OH MY GOD!” Sokka burst out then rushed to hug the both of you telling you guys he’s going to give all the boomerangs he could find to your future baby. You were all so happy to tell the rest of the group and to see their excited reactions. You were looking for Zuko but then saw him hugging Uncle Iroh tightly and you saw tears in his eyes. That moment, you knew you were so lucky to have a child with the best father there could be.
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raewritez · 3 years
Enough | Sokka
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based on this request: You want requests? I have an idea/request if you don't mind and are still accepting them, if not I’m sorry. Maybe “friends to lovers/teammates to lovers” where Reader joins the team from Ba Sing Se and while they’re preparing for the invasion, or beyond, Sokka and Reader fall in love, or start to fall in love? I hope that makes sense. Thanks! Your writing is all wonderful! <3
word count: 3.6k
The last thing you'd expected was for the Avatar to break into your house.
You'd been upstairs in your room when you'd heard a ruckus from down below, drawing you to your feet with nervousness and light footsteps. Who was it, burglars? You made your way down the stairs, body pressed against the wall. You heard muffled whispering.
"We can't just break into random houses, Sokka!"
"Well, what else are we supposed to do?! Do you have any better ideas?"
"That's what I thought, Aang. Just trust the process."
You peered over the corner, catching sight of the intruders. A boy, a bit shorter than you, stood awkwardly in the corner of your living room. He was dressed in yellow and orange robes, his head decorated with a blue arrow. Huh. Beside him, pulling the curtain back cautiously to scan outside, was a boy seemingly about your age. He was tall, tan skin and dark hair, dressed in a sleeveless blue tunic. You didn't peg these guys as particular threats, so you stepped down.
"Uh, hello?"
They spun around with a yelp, assuming defensive positions. The taller boy held something in his hand - a boomerang? He narrowed his eyes at you.
"What are you doing here?" He demanded.
"Um, this is my house? Who are you?"
He lowered his arm, glancing around sheepishly. "Oh, uh, sorry. We needed to hide."
You raised an eyebrow. "Hide? Hide from who?"
The younger boy spoke up. "The Dai Li."
You furrowed your brows. "The Dai Li?" You questioned, confused. "Why would you need to hide from them? Did you, like, break the law?"
The older boy crossed his arms. "What? No!"
"Then why are you hiding?"
"Because they're after us!"
"Why would they be after you if you didn't break the law?"
"Because!" He was flailing his arms now, and you almost chuckled with amusement. "They - they're bad guys!"
You looked at him flatly. "That sounds like something a criminal would say."
He groaned. "Ugh, ok, ok. Once we know they're gone, we'll leave."
"Are you sure? I was gonna invite you for some tea and cookies," you teased. He glances back, as if seeing if you were serious, before turning back grumpily.
The younger boy scratches his head awkwardly. "Um, anyway, thanks for not kicking us out. I'm Aang."
You chuckle. "Yeah...no problem. I'm Y/n." You aren't quite sure why you're having a conversation with the guys who just broke into your house, but they seem nice enough. The older one's a little grouchy, but for some reason you feel safe.
Aang smiles brightly. "Nice to meet you. This is Sokka," he says, nudging his shoulder.
Sokka glances back at you. "Hey." You offer him a wave.
"So...why are you hiding in my house?"
Aang glances at Sokka, and it seems like a silent argument passes between them. Sokka shakes his head, Aang gives him an imploring look, and Sokka glares. Then he throws his hands up, mumbles a "Fine", and Aang turns back to you with a grin.
"Well, you see, I'm the Avatar," Your eyes grow wide. "And we're trying to get some important information to the Earth King. But the Dai Li don't want us to, so they're kinda chasing us."
"You're the Avatar?" You breathe. He nods cheerfully. "Wait - so, why are the Dai Li chasing you? Shouldn't they be helping?"
"Yeah, they should," Sokka says. "But they decided to, you know, not."
You're confused. The Dai Li are the highest level of protection for the people of Ba Sing Se. Why wouldn't they help the Avatar? You look around the room, spotting the closet near the door. An idea pops into your head.
"I can help." They both turn to you, looking skeptical. "I mean I can help you get out. Without being noticed."
They look at each other, hold their gaze, then turn to you and nod.
"I look ridiculous."
You stifle a laugh, taking in Sokka's appearance. "I think you look great. And it'll help you get by unnoticed, so that's what matters."
He's dressed in your father's trench coat, a heavy, brown beast of a thing that's so long it pools at his ankles. He's also sporting a dashing top-hat; the brim so wide it effectively shelters his face. He glares.
Aang comes bouncing in, dressed in a hooded cape that provides coverage for his tattoo. He stops short when he sees Sokka, doubling over in laughter. "Oh, you look great, Sokka."
Sokka groans, slumping over. "Let's just get out of here."
You lead them out the front door, scanning the road for any sign of threats. You step out, the boys following in tow, and walk as confidently as you can past the agents lining the street. Eventually, you successfully make it out of the middle ring. Sokka immediately sheds his disguise.
"Well, here you go," you say, looking around. Although only one ring above you, the Upper Ring is much nicer than you're used to. "Good luck with the Earth King."
Aang's eyes grow wide. "Wait! You should...you should come with us!"
You tilt your head. "Come with you where?"
"Back to our place! You could meet our friends!" He nudges Sokka, who appears disinterested. "Right, Sokka?"
Sokka's eyes snap to yours. "Oh, uh, sure. I guess."
You're about to politely decline, but Aang is staring at you so hopefully that you can't turn him down. You smile softly. "Sure, Aang."
"Awesome! Let's go."
You're led through the cobblestone pathways, eyes trailing after ornate carriages and towering buildings. Soon, you reach their house. The home of the Avatar. Sokka walks up and turns the knob, jumping back in surprise. In front of him stands a girl, not much younger than you, with her hands on her hips and her eyes bright with anger.
"Where have you been?!" She demands, dragging him inside by his collar. "We've been worried sick! I mean, you didn't even leave a note, didn't say anything-"
"We're sorry, Katara," Aang intervenes, hands raised in peaceful greeting. "We got caught up."
It's then that her eyes fall on you, gaze softening into uncertainty. She looks at Sokka expectantly.
"Oh!" He exclaims, stepping back and gesturing towards you. "This is Y/n. She helped us get away from the Dai Li."
The girl, Katara as she'd been called, offered you a slight smile of gratitude. "Thank you for helping my idiot brother."
You chuckled, grinning at the look of betrayal Sokka gave the girl. "It was no problem."
She nodded, extending her arm. "Do you want to come in?"
You glanced towards Aang, who was smiling excitedly. "Oh, yeah, sure."
You stepped inside, feeling a bit awkward. You didn't really understand why Aang wanted you to come so badly, but it was a kind gesture nonetheless. You scanned the interior; emerald walls adorned with gold plating that was probably more expensive than your whole apartment. You fidgeted your fingers, standing by while Katara and Sokka bickered about responsibility. A slam startled you out of your thoughts.
"Who's this?" A girl stepped out of the - hole? Yeah, hole, she'd just kicked a hole in the wall. Katara paused her lecture.
"Toph, this is Y/n. She helped Sokka and Aang with the Dai Li."
"Cool." She yawned, walking past you and plopping on the couch.
"We need to get to the Earth King," Sokka said, assuming a demeanor of focus and determination. "If the Dai Li aren't going to help us get to him, we'll have to do it ourselves." He briefly explained his plan, something about breaking into the fancy party that was happening later that night. They came up with roles, with guidelines for what each person should do, working together like a well-oiled machine. You felt out of place, you didn't know what your purpose was here. Aang turned to you, smiling softly.
"Y/n, you in?"
You stared. You couldn't comprehend the reason this boy had so much faith in you, the reason these kids were so willing to let you in on their scheme after just meeting you less than an hour ago. You didn't understand why you trusted them, either. You smiled.
"I'm in."
That was your first mistake.
When you'd agreed to break into an Earth Kingdom party with the Avatar, you didn't think you'd end up having to flee your home. You sat upon Appa's back, knees pulled to your chest as Ba Sing Se grew smaller. Sokka was steering, and the rest had their heads tucked into their hands. Except for Aang, who was lying unconscious next to Katara.
You'd remained in the city with Katara as the rest of the group separated, happy to spend some time with your newfound friend. It was then that things got messy; you found out the Fire Nation had infiltrated the government, the local tea-boy was actually a banished prince, and you found yourself in the crystal catacombs as a battle went on around you. You'd been there with Zuko and Katara, and you weren't sure exactly what'd gone down between them but it was obviously something serious, and you'd been there as he joined his sister - Azula. She was pretty scary.
You fought the best you could, your unpracticed earth-bending not doing much damage against the Dai Li agents, before Aang was struck by Azula's lightning. Now, you sat atop his sky-bison, mind racing and body numb from the shock of it all. You were in way over your head.
The five of you met up with Sokka and Katara's dad after dropping off the Earth King, because, you know, he was just casually there, too, boarding a Fire Nation ship as a means of disguise. Sokka introduced you to his father, Hakoda, who welcomed you with a warm smile and a firm handshake.
"It's a pleasure to meet you, Y/n. Sokka's told me a lot about you. You two must really get along well," he said when Sokka was out of ear reach, voice laced with mirth. You flushed when you registered what he was implying; the mischief gleaming in his eyes. You frantically tried to put a sentence together.
"Oh, we're not - he doesn't...I mean we do, but not like-" He cut you off with a chuckle and a friendly pat to your shoulder.
"I'm just teasing. Come on, let's join the others."
You sat with your friends and the Water Tribesmen aboard the steely deck, huddling with Toph and Sokka for warmth. Katara went downstairs to heal Aang, who had yet to wake. Your meals mainly consisted of rice as it was too risky to stop and buy more supplies. You were still dressed in your Earth Kingdom clothes; green-tinted pants and a tunic, feet clad in worn-down boots. Not ideal for posing as a Fire Nation soldier.
You were still in shock, you supposed, at how quickly things changed and how fiercely your life was ripped from you. I mean, just a few days ago you were a normal kid living in the middle ring of Ba Sing Se, where nothing remotely exciting ever happened. Then, the Avatar and his friend had broken into your house and now everything was different. You weren't upset, it was just a lot to process. You were worried for Aang and a bit overwhelmed at the reality that seemed to be your new friends' normal. So when everyone else returned to their rooms for sleep, you made your way to the overlook.
The moon beamed down over the sea - ivory light caressing the waves and kissing the surface. You breathed deeply, inhaling the cool night air that smelled of salt-water and a freedom you'd never experienced. You sat there, slightly chilly from the cold, when a warm presence took place by your side.
You glanced up, seeing Sokka's skin glowing under the starlight. Woah, had he always been this pretty? It was probably just the moon...that and your sleep deprivation. Yeah, that was it.
"What're you doing up?" He questioned, eyes cast out to the horizon. His hair was loose from its usual ponytail - wolf-tail, as he'd passionately pointed out to you days earlier - the dark locks flowing freely about his face. You tore your eyes away, following his stare.
"Just couldn't sleep," you glanced over. "You?"
He sighed, leaning against the metal. "Me neither. Just worried."
You turned to face him, face softening into concern. "About what?"
He ran a hand through his hair. "About Aang. About the Earth Kingdom...just...everything."
You moved closer, resting your forearms against the edge of the ship. He pressed his shoulder against yours.
"I get it. I am, too. Everything that's happening is just...crazy. There's no way I could've even imagined it."
Sokka tilted his head towards you, blue eyes glimmering with compassion and softness. "Yeah...how are you doing? I haven't really asked, I mean, this must be kinda shocking for you."
You snorted, nodding your head. "Well, yeah. But it's ok. I'm not the one who has it worst right now."
"Sure, but you can still talk about it. You can talk to me...if you want."
You smiled up at him, his face shadowed by the abyss of the night. "Thanks."
He offered you a grin before staring up at the sky. "You know, that's my first girlfriend," he said, pointing at the moon.
"The moon?" He nodded. "That's...rough."
It was finally here. The day of Black Sun.
You'd be lying if you said you felt totally prepared, but with some rigorous earth bending lessons from Toph and sparring with Sokka, you felt more confident in your abilities.
A finger poked your cheek. "Hey, are you listening?"
You glanced at Sokka's teasing grin, scratching the back of your neck sheepishly. "Uh...yes?"
"Really," he said, moving to stand in front of you. "What did I say?"
"Something about...food?"
He laughed, shaking his head. "It's ok, I'll tell you later." He looked behind him, taking in the sight of the preparing fighters and looming submarines. He took your hand in his. "Are you ready for this?"
You sigh, squeezing his fingers between your own. "Ready as I'll ever be."
He smiles down at you, and the look in his eyes is pure adoration. He reaches to tuck a stray piece of hair behind your ear. "You know, I'm glad I broke into your house."
You snort, swatting his hand away. "Yeah, yeah. Thanks a lot, nerd."
He chuckles. "Hey, I know you're glad, too. Otherwise, you never would've met me and would've been miserable and bored your whole life."
You laugh, but it's probably true. You and Sokka had grown much closer over the past weeks, days spent in playful conversation and evening strolls, in play-wrestling and heads rested on shoulders. You were the one he came to when his mind was troubled, when his energy was too spent to conjure any jokes. Yeah, you were glad, too.
You were called into the submarines - Sokka's invention, something you were unfathomably proud of - and off you went. Into the Fire Nation. Your arrival went mostly smoothly, disregarding the few punctures in the submarine walls, and you ran out of the carrier with the earth at your fingertips. Aang had flown off to fight the Fire Lord, and it was up to the rest of you to deal with everyone else. Your heart pumped loudly, blood rushing in your ears and adrenaline flowing in your veins. You raised your arms, summoning the ground upwards to knock out a few soldiers.
You turned around just in time to see Katara swoop down on Appa, Sokka and Hakoda climbing up with her. "Come on!" she yelled. "We're going to take out the soldier's battlements."
You nodded, running towards the bison and pulling yourself atop the saddle with help from Sokka. Appa lifts off, reaching between the battlements.
"Katara and I will take the one on the right," Hakoda said, his voice one of a true commander. "Sokka and Y/n, the left. Let's go."
You climb the battlement, hoisting yourself inside through the window before scanning the room. Pointed outwards is a sort of cannon, aimed perfectly towards the group of fire benders that were advancing towards your friends. You step forward, trying to figure out the mechanics while Sokka climbs in. "Oh-ho," he says, taking note of the projection of the cannon. "This thing is just begging to be fired."
You nodded, toying with the controls. Sokka stepped behind you. "Here, I'll show you."
He placed his palm over your hand, guiding it to where it needed to be. From his pocket he pulled a match - where did that come from, anyway? - and nudged it between your fingers. "Light it up, Sunshine."
You place the tip to the ignition, Sokka aiming the cannon. He pulls you back against him, arms wound tightly around your waist, and you cover your ears. The canon booms, sending out a flurry of smoke. You rush forward, fearful of the damage you might have just inflicted, breathing out when you see that it only landed between the soldiers and your friends. It didn't hit them, something you were a bit grateful for, but it allowed the fighters to evade the onslaught. Sokka chuckled in your ear.
"Not bad, not bad."
"You did all the work."
"That's not true! You were vital."
You shake your head, fighting off a grin. "Ok, we should probably get rid of this thing now."
You climb back out the window, jumping onto the ground with a thud. Breathing deeply, you concentrated your mind on the earth that lay below the battlement, and with a flick of your wrist, it crumbled. From the cliffside it fell, effectively ridding you of one other thing to worry about.
Sokka let out a low whistle. "Impressive."
You turned to him, out of breath. He stepped closer, brows knitted in slight concern as he lifted your chin with his knuckles. "Hey, you ok?"
You nodded, swallowing and trying to rewatch your breath. "Yeah, still a little new to this."
His thumb stroked your cheek before he moved his arm, placing it over your shoulders. "Come on, just stay with me."
You did, gladly.
So...things didn't exactly go as planned.
It turned out that the Fire Lord knew all along about the invasion, and Aang never had the chance to fight him. You'd come face-to-face with Azula again, something that made your blood boil. You'd had to leave - leaving the adults behind while the kids climbed aboard Appa's saddle. You were all exhausted, slumped over and falling to your knees when you finally reached the Western Air Temple.
You tried to mull your sadness; that guilty feeling that it was you who should've been left behind instead. You knew everyone was hurting - some in ways you couldn't really fathom. Aang felt like he had failed - again - and he went to bed that night with a half-hearted side hug and tired eyes. Toph felt weak, something she hated more than anything in the world. And Sokka and Katara...they'd lost their dad again.
So when you saw Sokka on the mountainside, head held in hands, you felt that he was more important. You plopped down next to him, his eyes snapping up and softening when they laid on you. No words were spoken; they didn't need to be. Instead, he sighed, pressing his cheek against your shoulder. You ran your fingers through his hair, soothing him with your touch. You only halted when he laced your fingers with his own, pulling your hand to his lap and tracing patterns across your skin.
"It's not your fault, Sokka."
He nodded against you, but you heard his sniff. You straightened up, his head begrudgingly lifting from its place against you before you cupped his face with your palm. "It's not," you implored, desperate for him to stop feeling so down on himself. "None of us could've predicted that they knew. And with Azula...she knew what she was doing. None of this is because of you."
He glanced away, blue eyes brimming with the tears he'd fought so hard to keep at bay. He dipped his head in silent acceptance, nuzzling against the warmth of your palm. You smiled sadly.
"It's not over, Sokka. There's still hope, now more than ever. And I know we'll figure it out."
He raised his gaze, and it seemed like his soul was carried in his stare. Slowly, enough so that you thought you imagined it, his eyes drifted down to your lips. He leaned in slowly, bringing his calloused hand to brush back your hair. You were frozen, as if one wrong move would shatter you from this dream. His palm was warm against your cheek, and his nose bumped your own. Your eyes met his, close enough together that it was a bit funny to look at, and he offered you a silent question. You answered with your lips against his.
He breathed against you, fingers carding through your hair. His lips were warm and oh, so soft, and they moved against yours with ease. You wound your arms around his neck, bringing him closer. He was warm, and he was familiar, and he was safe. You pulled apart when your lungs ached for air, peeling your eyes open with effort. He was looking at you, and you were looking at him, and suddenly a grin broke out across his face. He laughed breathily, nudging his head into the crook of your neck. You laughed with him, holding him tight. You sat there together for who knows how long, melted in each other's embrace under the light of the moon. He pressed soft kisses against your neck and whispered thanks into your ears. You responded with a peck to his tanned cheeks. You were right, he knew. It wasn't over. There was time left, and there was hope. Wrapped in your arms, he was sure of that.
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tech-whale · 3 years
Sokka x Reader Modern AU
Pairing: Sokka x Reader
Word Count: 892
Warnings: fluff 
I do not give permission to people republishing, printing, copying, reposting or stealing my stories
High school, what a time. Not that you had anything against your high school, in fact you were having a great time, you were on the track team, you were doing great in your classes, and all your friends were the best. The one thing that did suck though was relationships, which you had been lacking for all of high school. And it's not like you didn’t want a relationship you did but there was only one person in the whole school that you liked. Sokka, swim team captain, top of your class, and student council president. 
So, maybe your expectations in men were a little high, but you never really expected anything to come from a relationship with him. You were ok with that, you were ok with just being his friend. As Long as you got to be around him and got to bring a smile to his face, you knew that you would be happy with it no matter what.
But even with that attitude you couldn't help but want him to ask you to the prom, I mean it was prom and no one had asked you yet, though one of your friends on the track team offered to take you if you ended up not having a date. So now all you could do was hope that in the 4 years you knew Sokka he would finally notice you as more than a friend.
“You know _____, if you really want to go with Sokka to prom you could just ask him.” Suki said, as she continued on with her chemistry homework. Yue nodded along with her statement, adding that she thinks the two of you would make a great couple.
"I know I could ask him out, but what if he says no. Then the whole friendship would be over, and he will never talk to me again." you said, as you draped yourself dramatically across Suki's bed.
"That won't happen, Sokka will say yes to you. He has practically been in love with you since the 9th grade." Yue said, as she ran her fingers through your hair to help calm you down.
"Sure he is." you said, as you rolled your eyes at your friends. "Oh don't be like that, you are only not seeing it because you are refusing to see it." Suki said, as she hit your arm.
Rolling your eyes, you looked at Suki skeptically. "Ya right, Suki whatever you say." you said, as you rolled off the bed. "Alright I think I am going to head home, I'll see you guys tomorrow." you spoke to your friends, as you made your way out of the house.
"See you _____." Yue yelled after me, "Byr _____." Suki yelled out. Now I just had to mull over what my friends had told me.
Prom was in a week, and still you remained date less. But you also noticed that Sokka was still dateless, so there was hope for you two to still go together.
"Alright _____, what is the plan for asking Sokka out." Suki said, spooking you as she wrapped her arm around you. "Shhhhhhh, Suki, he is right there." you whispered, hitting her arm as the two of you looked over at Sokka who was laughing with Zuko.
"Fine, all I ask him." you concede, to Suki. "Alright let's start the plan." Suki spoke, leading you to your next class.
Finally you had created the perfect plan on asking Sokka out, now you just needed to put it in action. But before you could, someone came up to talk to you.
"Hey _____ I wanted to ask you something." someone spoke, turning around you saw Sokka holding a bouquet of roses. Sokka looked at you  as if asking permission to continue, "I wanted to ask if you wanted to go to prom with me, as more than friends, like only if you want." Sokka hurried through his sentence.
"Ya Sokka I would love to be your date to prom." you said softly, smiling at him. "Ok, I can't wait, I'll pick you up at 6 for prom." Sokka spoke, handing you the roses and walking away to his class.
Sitting in your room adding the final touches to your outfit, you waited nervously for Sokka to come pick you up.
Finally there was a knock at your door, rushing downstairs you opened the door to Sokka with a clean suit and a nice blue tie to compliment his eyes.
"You look really nice, I also got you this corsage." Sokka said, as he slipped the corsage onto your wrist. Thanking Sokka for the corsage the two of you made your way to the prom.
As the dance went on the two of you had an amazing time, and then it was the last dance.
"I had a really fun night Sokka." you spoke, looking at Sokka smiling at him. "Ya it was really fun." Sokka said, as he began to lean towards you.
"Can I kiss you?" Sokka whispered. Nodding, Sokka closed the distance connecting your lips. Once the two of you pulled away, you smiled at each other and you buried your head into Sokka's chest.
"Let's go on a date after this." Sokka said, placing a kiss on your head. "Ya I would like that." you said.
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ap-kinda-lit · 3 years
As It Should Be
A Zutara fic How it SHOULD'VE been (featuring passive aggressiveness towards Bryke and the ATLA/LOK series)
Katara nearly choked when she saw the poster for an upcoming play. On it was a man and woman who looked almost identical to her and Aang. The couple were locked in a loving embrace under the title "The Avatar's Love" accompanied by the subtitle 'a play by Mister Konietzko'. As mortified as Katara was, she couldn't help but laugh alongside Suki and Toph at the poster. The giggling fits lingered in her even after she returned to the vacation home. "What's got you so tickled?" Katara stifled her giggling to answer her husband. "Nothing. Just an ad for a play I saw while out with Toph and Suki." she explained, still smiling. Zuko pinched the bridge of his nose. "Let me guess: the Avatar's Love?" he groaned. Katara nodded. "I saw a pamphlet for that. People have been talking about it lately." Katara nibbled at her serving of fish. "It looks...interesting." she said. "It's ridiculous. Way more than it looks, believe it or not." Zuko spoke into his gauntlet. Katara looked at him in interest. "Oh? Have you seen it without my knowledge?" she said. Zuko rolled his eyes. "Of course not. It's more infamous than it is popular. Most of the reception it's gotten is because people find it so cringe inducing. Some of the councilors saw it and even they laughed at it." Katara shook her head with a tired smile on her face. "Why am I not surprised?" she muttered to herself. More giggles bubbled from her. She couldn't resist. It was so absurd. Her and Aang? As a couple? No, no. She did not have any interest in that years ago and she certainly didn't now. Especially now that she was a happily married woman to someone she did have more-than-friends/surrogate sibling feelings for. "I feel bad for Aang though. I mean, he did want that kind of thing with you." Zuko continued. "True, but that was before. He's over that. We wouldn't have had him officiate our wedding if he wasn't." Katara pointed out. "True. And we wouldn't be making him our child's godfather." Zuko shrugged. "Exactly." The two ate in silence for a few minutes before Zuko spoke again. "But, just out of sheer curiousity...was there ever a time where you and Aang...could've been a thing? Like, if you could go back you would be with him?" Katara swallowed her food. It was a fair question. She thought it over for a moment though she already knew her answer. "No, I don't think so. I've always loved Aang, but in a kid brother way. It wouldn't have been fair to either of us to be together if one didn't feel the same for the other. Besides, Aang still had a lot of work to do, for the world and himself. Being in a relationship would be the last thing he should've had." she said. Zuko processed his wife's answer. Katara gave him a loving smile and reached for him. "Plus, why would I want to change what I have now?" she added. Zuko smiled back at her and took her hand. "And what is it that you have?" he asked. "A husband I love and who respects and loves me unconditionally for who I am, a career that fulfills me, friends that are family to me, and a baby that although hasn't been born yet I already love to pieces." Katara said. At the last part, she placed a hand on her stomach, which was still small but starting to protrude. Zuko leaned in closer and kissed Katara on her cheek. "I'm happy that you're happy. I love you so much." he told her. "I love you too." she replied. With that warm assurance, the Fire Lord and his Lady of the Moon returned to eating their dinner. They moved on to other conversations: Sokka and Suki's upcoming visit, recent premature gifts for the baby courtesy of an exhilarated 'Uncle Aang' (as the Avatar signed his letters, insisting to be called this for his future godchild), court gossip, and political matters in the Fire Nation and the rest of the world. After finishing their dinner, they took a warm, relaxing bath then retired to their bed where they drifted off into a peaceful slumber in each other's arms, both as content as could be with the life they
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bisexuallsokka · 3 years
25 for zukka? i feel like that would be hilarious - no matter who cleans whose room lol
25- “I can’t believe you cleaned my room!”
Zuko is frozen, his hand on the doorknob of his bedroom - his very clean bedroom - as he tries to remember if a) he had cleaned it in his sleep and didn’t realize until just this moment or b) the stress of this week finally got to him to the point where he is hallucinating.
He hears Sokka’s footsteps from behind and when he looks over, his roommate/best friend/long-term crush is beaming. Such a sight is usually enough to have Zuko internally waxing poetic (because seriously, are his lips looking softer than usual, or what?) but all he can focus on are the actual poems that he has written about Sokka that were in his room--
“Oh god,” he says, his voice sounding less strangled than he had expected. Well, that counts for something. “Did you do this?”
“I did!” Sokka answers immediately, looking pleased. “I know you’ve been having a stressful week and that being disorganized just makes you more stressed, so I had some extra time and...” Sokka shrugs, now looking a touch bashful, a rare look for him. Zuko knows that one of Sokka’s love languages is acts of service, but he doesn’t normally get shy when caught in the act by any of his other friends.
Not that Zuko has any mental capacity to think about whatever that means. The only thing he can think right now is “oh god” and “the poems where are the poems” and “maybe this is a sign that it is creepy to write poems about the roommate you are in love with and then leave them where he could possibly find them”...
“I hope that was okay. We’ve lived together long enough that I know mostly how you like to keep things,” Sokka adds, scratching the back of his neck nervously, and Zuko realizes that maybe he isn’t having the most fitting reaction to someone taking the time to go out of their way and do something to help their friend.
Zuko shoves the alarm bells sounding in his skull into the metaphorical broom closet of his mind and forces a smile.
“That’s...wow, Sokka, I can’t believe you cleaned my room!” he says, then instantly winces at how fake he sounds. “Uh, seriously, that’s so nice of you, I’m just surprised, is all.”
Sokka relaxes. “It’s no problem, really. I’m happy to help.”
Zuko thinks he says something else, but the alarm bells have managed to knock down the closet door and make him numb to anything else at the moment. Luckily, Sokka is already retreating, and as soon as he disappears back into the living room, Zuko makes a beeline for his desk. The notebook was on top of here, wasn’t it? Or no, maybe he left it on his nightstand. Or maybe he even-
Ah! There it is, with all his other notebooks, stacked neatly on the windowsill behind the desk. That’s where he left it, right? Sokka didn’t move them or touch them or open them and guess that the nameless boy in the poems was actually himself, right?
That’s what Zuko tells himself, if only for the sake of his sanity.
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