#because everyone is tired of my posting random music on my instagram account
Current rotation and new obsessions
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sizzlingpatrolfox · 9 months
What's the point of th's supposed popularity if no one is listening to his music? He's basically an influencer at this point. The Kardashians have more ig followers than Beyonce and Taylor Swift, but they could easily lose those followers, unlike Beyonce and TS, who have the most loyal fan bases in the world. Quality over quantity, honestly.
Wdym his instagram likes don't matter???!?!?!
I think it has to do with everyone's obsession with "GP". Kths started that conversation around some grammys red carpet, I don't remember what year it was when they said "locals" kept asking if taekook were a couple. That's the first time I remember being taken aback and confused about this "gp" and "locals" validation. Then it was because he was in that kitchen show and they all went "omg gp darling this, gp darling that". And it hasn't stopped since solo era started. Do you have any idea of how tired I am of reading "gp" - take a shot everytime you go on army/solos spaces and read those letters.
Nobody cared about "gp" when BTS got all those billboard hot 100 positions and streams thanks to the huge fandom. As I've said before, BTS had a huge fandom for a while but only became somewhat "popular" (as in, random people would know about them - oh sorry, I meant precious GP would know about them) after butter or maybe my universe. Mind you, I've never in 6 years heard anyone in real life say "BTS". Literally Never. Meanwhile I just started this new job a month ago and I've already heard 3 different groups of people of all ages talk about Taylor. I've got students umproptly coming up to me and say "Miss, I've been listening to Taylor Swift songs to practice my English".
You'll see.. kpop fans are stereotyped as white, chubby/obese high school girls with blue hair who spend too much time online daydreaming about celebrities and have no life and get no sex. The truth is that some fans -even if they themselves are white chubby blue haired girls- are obsessed with not being associated to that stereotype. They don't want Taehyung's fans to be some miserable, lonely losers. They want him to have "LOCALS" admiration and respect. When the members opened their own ig accounts, those interactions were a gateway to that, mostly because instagram is you know.. theee place for the skinny, tanned, successful, pretty LOCALS.
I've always thought the whole obsession with "gp" and "locals" was so stupid. There's absolutely nothing wrong in having a big fandom. That's literally how BTS came to be what they were until last year, and armys weren't praying and begging for "gp" support. Taylor gets the numbers she gets because yes, many people around the world know her name and willingly listen to her music; but also because she has a huge ass fanbase. She's been building that fanbase for more than a decade. Three years ago, if you listened to Taylor you would've been considered a pathetic, lonely loser too.
At the end of the day, all this popularity talk it's just fans' own insecurities and their itch to distance themselves and the idol from the image of a "fandom" because they know what everyone thinks of people who are part of fandoms. Ironically, most BTS fans started out as people who didn't know anything about kpop -gp- and two years later they're getting hit tweets calling Jennie a lazy slut and saying "my fave is so popular amongst locals."
Taehyung stans clung to his ig interactions because they thought having the likes of "locals" made him more important or better in every way than the other members. However, in music, it's always better to have a huge fandom that will make eight hours long playlists of your song and play it multiple times a day -investing their own money and time on you- than it is to have random people liking your ig posts. And if what I'm saying it's not enough, take his china bar activities as an example. They bought almost a million albums; there's no 800k "locals" that would've bought his album.
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I’ve seen this done before but here are my modern!rdr2 social media headcanons for the Van der Linde gang.
some of these are LONG and then some are shorter. doesn’t mean I love any of them any less however. I just did my best with all of them. 
* I treat the gang as family especially for my modern au 
frequently uses Facebook and has dozens of friends he doesn’t even know. like if he gets a friend request he’ll accept it. John tells him he might as well just make his page public and Arthur pleads with him to make a facebook PAGE so that his random friends will stop liking posts that Arthur tags Dutch in. 
Dutch has no idea how to make a facebook page. 
he also has a Twitter and a massive following at that. He’s VERIFIED. 
all of his twitter posts are vague though
are they a joke? are they political? is it what he’s eating for lunch that day? literally no one knows.
also has facebook but doesn’t use it because why does he need to look at pictures of events he was at. he only uses it to see things he didn’t partake in
also has snapchat but just to keep up with the kids 
because life360 was too much to deal with for everyone
and snapchat is cool
also he can and will spam you with bitmojis 
used to use facebook a lot but stopped because he was tired of his posts getting likes from people he didn’t know and friend requests from people Dutch was friends with. 
he has a private facebook for a reason, he doesn’t want other people to know his business. 
he also has an instagram but anything he posts on facebook also goes on there. it’s not aesthetic or pretty or anything and he doesn’t even caption over half his pictures. 
he literally only uses social media so that his friends and family know he’s alive
has snapchat because of Hosea but barely knows how to use it 
doesn’t get why everyone wants to use snapchat when teXTING AND CALLING ARE RIGHT THERE
the question is what doesn’t he have.
john has been trying to make it big on social media since youtube came out.
his youtube used to have videos on it but he deleted them because they were cringy and arthur liked to send them to the group text. 
plays twitch games on the weekends and sometimes with Jack but he thinks most of the subscribers are there for his kid since most of his solo streams don’t do as well
has a twitter, doesn’t follow Dutch, literally envies that he’s verified. 
he’s tried everything but no matter what he does nothing pans out
uses tiktok to promote twitch streams
instagram feed is mostly selfies of him but 99.9% of the time he’s wearing sunglasses and the caption is some random quote 
also has facebook but only to appease Arthur and Dutch, he doesn’t even have a profile picture. Claims only boomers use it. 
an avid reddit user. if he’s got problems he’ll go to reddit. claims reddit saved his life. everyone’s tired of the story so they stopped asking. 
also uses snapchat more than he should and the only social platform he has more than 100 followers on. 
same as arthur and has both facebook and instagram and posts the same on both except his are pleasing to look at. 
they’re unintentionally aesthetic 
he uses a psd on all his pictures and won’t share what it is
has monthly life updates that start with some inspirational or deep quote and then text that pushes the instagram word limit
also has a deviantart , has shared psds there before , constantly tries to convince Arthur to get it. 
used to use tumblr but he forgot about it
the definition of a facebook mom. 80% of her facebook posts are about Jack or parenting. 
Instagram is similar but also different, she’s actually a relatively successful influencer with over 1,000 followers. 
all of her friends and family (who have instagram) follow her
has snapchat solely for the cute bitmojis and to send John adorable snaps of Jack playing with all the fun filters. 
she also won’t take a selfie unless it’s with snapchat because she no longer trusts her own camera. 
also uses pinterest and has a collaborative board with all the ladies. 
but in general, on her own, she has too many boards. she uses pinterest for EVERYTHING 
bold of you to assume she uses social media. 
she does just not a whole lot. 
checks it once in the morning and once at night. 
except pinterest because how dare Abigail get her into it. but even pinterest she only uses in downtime. 
has facebook and instagram but there’s maybe only five posts.
if anything she’ll post on her story
will only snap Abigail and Arthur otherwise she doesn’t use snapchat
all of the social apps are mostly offloaded on her phone anyways
if she needs to know anything she just checks the group text which she has on do not disturb because they text way too much. 
she’s verified on instagram 
it’s also the only social platform she’ll use, which frustrates Dutch because he wants to be friends with her on facebook
but she’s happy with just instagram 
she keeps it simple 
and the main theme to her posts are fun outfits in her ever expanding closet
the other posts are usually of plants that she’s managed to grow. she’s not the best at being a plant mom but she’s still a good one to the ones she’s managed to keep alive. 
the only thing she contributes to the pinterest board are her own pictures of her plants which are overly aesthetic. 
started out with a normal instagram account then made a spam account which she ended up using way more often.
all of her posts are extremely chaotic
and usually reposts from her snapchat
has a reddit just to troll John
reposted his cringy youtube videos to reddit and got hundreds of upvotes
if you wanna see the most raw and chaotic videos of Arthur and John then she’s the one to follow. 
also if you wanna see Abigail when she’s not all put together. 
is the reason there’s so many memes in the collaborative pinterest board
has a instagram but also has a second instagram for art and book reviews
or basically anything she’d post on her tumblr
which is her second most used social
also uses facebook but only because she is an admin for one of those multifandom blogs. 
also begs Arthur to get a deviantart. 
uses pinterest most but only second to Abigail
literally the queen of pinterest DIYs
has twitter
as far as anyone else knows that’s all he has
maybe he has snapchat?
maybe they saw him on snapmaps once? 
all he ever does with twitter though is retweet anything Dutch posts.
yet somehow he has so many followers. 
anyone who has snapchat has streaks with Lenny
even Hosea who doesn’t understand why it’s a thing
he also posts a lot on facebook but it’s mostly travel or vacation photos everyone is just a tad jealous of. 
Lenny always seems to be busy but still has time for streaks with his friends. 
he’s also an up and coming youtube vlogger
also has reddit to troll john
but he also legitimately uses it too. 
he’s also really popular in the minecraft subreddit , don’t ask
also has twitch and also has way more subsribers than John
and a youtube which he’ll upload (overly edited) twitch streams to
everyone subscribes to him but they don’t tell John that.
also has a tiktok and is up to date on all the trends because of course he is
got facebook when he was 10 and just never left.
literally doesn’t use any other social media
he’s not in the group text either so he has to facebook message Arthur to know what’s going on. 
but he shares a lot of memes and cute pictures of animals
he used to follow Dutch but unfriended him when he was the only thing he ever had on his activity feed. 
has facebook but claims she doesn’t have time to use it
Arthur knows this to not be true because she will like a lot of his posts. 
she’s also guilty of liking every single picture in one post or album. 
Arthur has also caught her looking at memes and using recipes she finds on there. 
also part of the pinterest board but never contributes. 
he has an account for everything
even whatsapp and linked in and kik
even tinder
the only one anyone knows about are his facebook, twitter, and instagam
but there’s no posts on any of them except twitter
he’s also verified
but for unknown reasons
any posts on his facebook are ones he’s tagged in
he’s also in a lot of facebook groups
runs a subreddit
a paid facebook admin of several pages
the only person who actually knows this is Dutch because Strauss has told him about it
he has no online presence whatsoever out side of those.
spotify king
has over 500,000 subscribers on youtube
uses instagram but as another platform for his music
edits his own album covers
top tier playlists too
aesthetic queen
the most put together and pleasing to look at instagram feed next to Charles. 
uses pinterest a lot as inspiration and for making moodboards.
also uses tumblr to share moodboards
part of the sims global community facebook group
she keeps saying she’s going to start a youtube vlog but hasn’t yet
keeps trying to convince John to let her help him with his youtube.
she also uses twitch to play minecraft and sims
oh and she set up a minecraft server for everyone
facebook boomer
that’s it
I don’t know how else to put it
probably shares heavily republican posts
didn’t use social media until tiktok.
he doesn’t do dances or anything but he does post weirdly obscure and chaotic videos that end up trending on more than one occasion
it’s usually drunk ramblings in his car that end up being hilarious
or videos of the others almost dying or ending up in the ER
facebook boomer but make it cool.
also shares conservative posts but less offensive ones compared to Bill’s
likes almost every post any of his friends share
also comments on them too
does he have social media? no one knows for sure. 
yet somehow he knows what’s going on
even if nobody can find any of his social accounts or have ever seen him using one before let alone doing anything on his phone other than playing cheesy mobile games.
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hstyleshoney · 4 years
Stay With Me  - part one
Tumblr media Tumblr media
AU friends with benefits but things get complicated, like they always do
word count: around 8.3K // angst, alcohol consumption, language 
A/N: Hiiiiii! So, back in September I posted a preview kinda thing to a fic I was just casually writing and now I have finally finished it! Took a while but I’ve been going through some shit but now it’s done! It’s gonna be a two part thing (I think) because it turned out way longer than I first expected, and this part is still so long, woops.  It’s the first thing I’ve written in YEARS so please be nice haha.  (Also, English is not my first language so I’m sorry if some grammar is wrong. I’ve proofread it many times but it could still be bit off in some places.)
AND please let me know if you liked it and if I should post part 2 as well. Feedback is so so so appreciated because it’s been sooooooooo long since I posted anything and I’m scared hahah anyways..!
Hope you like it!
His lips were hot against her skin when he leaned in and whispered in her ear.
“Your place or mine tonight?”
She smiled to herself and her heart skipped a beat when she felt his warm body press against her back. The music was loud around the two of them and she could hardly hear herself think, yet his voice was clear as day. She turned to look at him and was met by his familiar warm grin as he looked right back.
“What makes you think I’ll be going home with you tonight?” she teased.
He snorted and raised his eyebrows, and she had to bite down on the inside of her cheeks to stop herself from smiling too much.
“Well, love” he started and spun her around so he could place his hands on her hips. She felt her cheeks flush under his stare as he pulled her even closer to him. He smelled like beer and tequila mixed with that cologne she loved so much. Her knees weakened and he smirked. “I think we both know you are.”
He was right.
But she wasn’t going to let him have that.
“It’s awfully bold of you to assume such a thing, Mr. Styles.”
“Is it though?” He was still smirking and she felt her knees weaken even more as his tongue poked out to wet his pink lips. Her heart was beating so hard she was sure he would’ve heard it if it wasn’t for the loud music. Sweaty bodies kept bumping into the two of them on the overcrowded dance floor, which normally she couldn’t stand, but she was drunk. Very drunk and she was hungry and tired... and also in a huge need of a wee.
However, now Harry was standing in front of her.
So needless to say nothing else really mattered anymore.
His mere presence made her forget about all the people around them and suddenly her bladder didn’t seem so full after all. That’s the effect he had on her and he knew it. With his soft brown hair that curled so pretty at the tips, his smooth skin and green eyes; there was no way she wasn’t going home with him again tonight. He was the best thing she had ever laid her eyes on and he also wanted to take her home.
So who was she to say no?
“Yours then,” she replied and tried to not sound too eager. Harry squeezed her hips again as she finally confirmed they would indeed go home with one other again and pulled her even closer into him. His chest pressed against hers and she swore she could feel his heartbeat against hers.
“See that wasn’t so hard to say, was it?” She rolled her eyes as she noticed his smug grin and as much as it pained her to do; she pushed him off, pointing a finger into his chest.
“We’re stopping to buy fries on the way though... and you’re paying!”
Harry laughed and agreed, but not before adding; “I can give you something a lot better than fries once we get back.”
And well… she didn’t disagree.
She wasn’t entirely sure when this thing between the two of them started, or how it started even. It was just one of those things that happened one night. Harry first came into her life when her flatmate Louisa started dating his mate Tom during their first year of uni.
The first time she met him they didn’t really speak to each other. It had really just been a case of her admiring him from afar as he was approached by a handful of women at the student bar. She thought he was probably the prettiest guy she had ever laid her eyes on and thought to herself that he was just way too cool to ever notice her.
It was obvious from the start, by just watching him, that he had an aura around him that drew everyone in. People, both boys and girls, flooded around him wherever he went. He was always the center of attention and she understood why. Because not only was he the prettiest guy she had ever seen, he was also one of the nicest guys she had ever met. At first she had just assumed he’d be an arsehole because to be fair she had never really met a guy that got as much attention as him that wasn’t one.  
However, as Louias’s and Tom’s relationship grew more serious; the more all of them hung out and she started talking to him rather than just staring from afar. She got to know him and even though the two of them were quite different from each other, they still became good friends.
While she was more of a typical girly girl who enjoyed spending a little too much money on overpriced makeup palettes and listened to whatever songs were in the top list that week Harry was a little more into old school music, bringing up bands and songs she had never heard of before. He did all his shopping at different thrift shops. He wore weird shirts and painted his nails without caring what anyone else thought while she couldn’t even leave her house without checking with all her roommates at least three times if her outfit was okay. She loved scrolling through Instagram. Harry didn’t even have an account.
He was interesting, alluring and cool.
She just wasn’t any of that.
She wasn’t his type and he was simply just out of her league.
Until one night.
It was at the start of their third year at uni and they were out to celebrate their friend Jax’s birthday. To make a complicated story short, there had just been a ridiculous amount of alcohol consumed and when she told everyone she was leaving Harry stood up too and announced he’d come with her, and because everyone was so drunk, the two of them included, no one thought more about it.
They left the club together. Harry got them an Uber and when it stopped outside her house he got out as well.
Kisses were shared and clothes came off and the next day she thought she was still dreaming when Harry was right there next to her when she woke up. There was no awkwardness though as they shared a cup of tea and he made them a full English breakfast to cure their hangovers.
And then they did the same thing again next weekend and it kinda just became a thing. That was three months ago now and it was still nothing they really talked about. Which was fine; she didn’t really want to talk about it. Because what was she supposed to say? Whatever was going on between them was working and she didn’t want to complicate things.
She was fine with just waking up next to him every now and again. Especially now when the nights were getting colder it was just nice to have a warm body to snuggle up to.
It was an agreement that worked well for both of them, even if she did fancy him a little it wasn’t a full-blown crush and Harry kept calling her his friend so that’s what she also settled on calling herself. She knew she wasn’t the type of girl he usually went for and that somehow made it easier to keep her feelings for him platonic. He was too cool for her anyway.
This way she just didn’t have to swipe through tinder or chat some random guy up at the bar to get laid.
Louisa kept warning her that she was going to get her heart broken but it was just sex. Amazing sex. He made her feel like no other man ever had. Harry knew just how to work her and it made her lose her breath every single time. Her whole body was on fire anytime he touched her. She didn’t want to think about getting her heart broken.  
“What time is it?”
Harry’s raspy voice startled her out of her thoughts and his body vibrated against hers under the duvet as he chuckled at her reaction. His arm was slung over her waist loosely and she could feel his warm breath on the back of her neck, leaving goosebumps all over her skin.
“I dunno,” she whispered back and leaned into his touch a little more. The hair on his legs tickled her smoother ones and she could feel her skin sticking against his, but neither of them made any effort to move away from each other. It was still early though, that much she knew. The sun was barely shining in through the blinds in Harry’s bedroom.
“Hm,” he hummed and tightened his grip a little. “Can’t sleep?”
“Just thinking. “
“Nothing really.”
Harry hummed again but didn’t say anything else. They laid in silence while Harry circled his thumb over her stomach lightly. It felt like the most natural thing in the world. Just the two of them, tangled in each other’s naked bodies and the sheets. She could feel a hangover coming over her slowly. Her head felt heavy and throbbed painfully against the soft pillows. There was a glass of water on the bedside table tempting her but reaching out for it meant moving away from Harry and she was just way too comfortable to do so.
It wasn’t long until Harry’s soft snores filled the room again and his thumb stilled. She sighed deeply, sleep creeping over her too. They were friends. Friends that slept together and cuddled. Nothing else. Just friends.
… but she really could stay like this forever.
The next time she woke up Harry wasn’t next to her anymore and the room was a lot brighter. A weak whimper left her lips and she buried her face into the pillow; the sunlight too much for her sensitive eyes and raging headache, which only seemed to have gotten worse.
Blindly she reached out for the glass she’d spotted earlier, but instead of actually getting a hold of it it was knocked over. It landed on the floor with a soft thud and her eyes shot open at the sound. Glancing down she noticed that, thankfully, the glass hadn’t broken into a million pieces, but unfortunately there was water everywhere.
“Damn it,” she muttered and fell back, hiding her face in the pillow again. Stupid water. Stupid hangover. Stupid everything.
Her head was spinning and her body ached. This hangover was going to be rough and she cursed herself for letting Jax and Beth persuade her into taking all those shots the night before. She knew it was going to come back and bite her in the ass today. Stupid Jax. Stupid Beth. Stupid shots.
Outside the bedroom she could hear Harry roaming around in the kitchen, talking to his flatmate Isaac and every now and then he’d sing along to the music playing softly in the background. She relaxed as she listened to his voice. At least there was something good about this morning.
And it was enough to eventually get her out of bed.
She found her black underwear at the bottom of the bed and pulled them on, stepping around the water she had just spilled as she got out and made a mental note to herself to fix that mess later.
The black strap dress and oversized blazer from the night before were stern across the floor and she stared at them for a long time before deciding she wasn’t in the mood to put them back on at this time. Looking around the room she spotted something very familiar. The yellow jumper she always wore when she slept over was hung neatly over Harry’s chair by the desk, waiting for her, and she smiled to herself knowing he’d put it there for her to wear.
Always so considerate.
“Jesus, you look like absolute shit,” Isaac teased when she eventually emerged from the bedroom and into the kitchen “Wild night?”
“Fuck off,” she groaned and walked straight past him and over to the sink to pour herself a glass of water, downing it in pretty much one gulp. It spilled down her chin and onto the jumper, leaving a big wet stain, but she really couldn’t care less. Water had never tasted better.
“Ah, I’m just saying,” Isaac laughed. “You look like you got run over by a truck.”
“Feels like I was,” she admitted and slumped down on one of the chairs next to the kitchen counter. “Ugh, I’m never drinking again.”
“Ha! Yeah, I’ve heard that one before.”
The kitchen was surprisingly cold and she regretted not stealing a pair of Harry’s sweatpants before leaving his warm comfy bedroom. She let her eyes wander over to him and felt her pulse pick up. Harry was standing shirtless in the kitchen, only dressed in his regular Nike sports shorts, and she just couldn’t stop herself from staring at his tattoos and toned chest. The same chest she’d left kisses all over just hours ago and it gave her goosebumps just thinking about. He had a spatula in one of his hands and a cup of coffee in the other. As always, he was perfect and she looked like a mess. Great.
Harry smirked as he caught her staring, but didn’t say anything about it.
“Do you want some breakfast?” he asked instead.
A minute later he placed a plate of eggs and some toast in front of her. The smell of it made her nauseous but she also knew that if she didn’t eat anything she was going to feel a lot worse soon. She’d much rather crawl back into Harry’s bed and maybe sleep for another hour or two, preferably with him beside her.
But now she had a plate of food in front of her that Harry had made and it would be rude to at least not try to eat some. So she ate in silence while listening to Harry tell Isaac about the previous night and slowly she realized that she had a few blackouts from the night.
Shit, how much did I drink?
She really shouldn’t have taken those shots. Her mother would have lectured her for hours if she knew about the heavy party nights that sometimes occurred, having a strong belief alcohol was indeed a gift from the devil himself. Alcohol and sugar. She had lost count of the number of books her mother had given her about healthy living and mindful thinking, and she was pretty sure she was getting another one for Christmas. Harry once found her hidden stash of books she’d put in the back of her closet and begged her for one. She happily gave it to him.
Harry would probably love her mother’s rants about the dangers of alcohol and unhealthy meals she thought to herself and almost rolled her eyes. She could picture it now; Harry and her mother sharing recipes with each other that claimed your life would be twenty years longer and ganging up on her about the lack of exercise she did. What a nightmare.
Yet, she had to ignore the warm feeling in her belly at the thought of Harry getting along with her mother.
“Alright well,” Isaac announced after a while and stood up. “I gotta get to work. Fuckin’ Jake called in sick so now I gotta cover his shift at the shop.”
“Sucks mate,” Harry replied while he shoved the last piece of his toast into his mouth. “At least you’re getting some extra cash.”
“Yeah yeah, something like that,” Isaac muttered as he dropped his dirty plate into the sink. “I’ll see you guys later. Hope you feel better party girl!”
She shot him a weak smile and a nod as a thank you. Her plate of food was still half full and the cup of tea Harry had also made for her was now cold. She just couldn’t force herself to eat more. Stupid shots.
“You really do look like you got run over by a truck,” Harry chuckled when Isaac was gone and she sent him a glare. “How much did you drink? Didn’t realize you were that drunk when we left.”
“I actually have no idea. I think Jax and Beth might have poisoned me.”
“Ah,” he nodded. “That explains it.”
“Can I get you anything else?”
“No, that’s okay” she told him. “Kinda just wanna go back to bed if I’m honest.”
“‘S your lucky day then,” Harry said and rose to his feet, offering his hand out to her. “Let’s go.”
She could have cried out of happiness when she finally crawled back into Harry’s comfortable bed. The sheets had never been more comforting as she pulled them up to her chin and made herself into a little cocoon. She never wanted to leave his bed ever again. “You are ridiculous.”
She peeked out at him from under the duvet and noticed him smiling down at her fondly, but his smile soon turned into a small frown. “Is that water all over the floor?”
“Oh yeah... that was me. Sorry,” she pouted.
“I repeat, you are ridiculous,” he rolled his eyes but she also knew he wasn’t upset when she noticed his little dimple.
He quickly cleaned up the mess she had created earlier and then jumped up to join her. The bed shook as he landed and she groaned as another wave of nausea washed over her. But having him next to her again made her forget all about it. He smelled so good. How did he always smell so good?
She rested her head on his shoulder as he pulled up his laptop and signed onto his Netflix account, picking the first random movie that caught his interest.
And that’s how the two of them spent the next few hours. Just laying in bed together watching random movies on Netflix with her dozing in and out of sleep for most of the time. Harry kept running his fingers through her hair, gently scratching the top of her head and it was probably the most soothing thing she had ever experienced.
Eventually, she started feeling better but made no effort to move or get up.
Not until he did.
“I’m gonna take a shower quickly,” he announced as the third movie finished. She followed him with her gaze as he got up and pulled out a pair of fresh boxers out of his drawer. Her heart beat a little extra. “You can watch something else if you want.”
“Thanks. Are you doing something later or?” she asked casually and pulled his computer onto her lap.
“Yeah, uh, I forgot I have a date actually.”
She’s pretty sure she forgot how to breathe then.
A date.
Harry had a date.
“Oh... “ is all she managed to say. Her mouth felt as dry as it did when she woke up earlier that morning and she racked her brain for something else to say. Unfortunately there was nothing. Harry stopped and looked at her.
“Is - I mean...  um, is that okay?”
She felt stupid. So utterly stupid but she just couldn’t find the words to speak. She felt weird, even though she knew he was technically only her friend and she knew they were not even close to being exclusive. But Harry was going on a date. Like a proper date. Not just hooking up after a night out. A date. With someone else.
“Are you okay with me going on a date... ?” he asked slowly, inspecting her closely and that’s when she realized she needed to say something fast.
“Yeah, no, of course!” she tried to laugh but it was more of a strange cackle coming out of her mouth rather than a laugh. Harry eyed her for another minute and she sat up. Her palms were sweaty and her cheeks hot. She felt like a bigger mess now than she had all morning. “Harry, we’re friends. Why would I care if you go on a date?”
Harry looked at her a bit startled.
“Well, because we-”
“I’m fine,” she interrupted before he could finish and cursed herself yet again for being so fucking weird. They were friends. She had no reason to not be okay with it. She knew she wasn’t his type. Of course he was going on a date with someone else. She knew this and she needed to get herself together before he wanted to talk about something related to the two of them and make things complicated. The thing between them wasn’t something they ever talked about and she refused to start doing it now. “I’m excited for you even,” she shot him the biggest fake smile she could muster. “Who is she?”
What a stupid question.
“Uh, a friend of Matt’s or something like that,” he shrugged, but he looked at her with uncertainty written all across his face; almost like he didn’t believe a single word she was saying.  “I don’t know really. He set us up.”
“Cool... ?”
Suddenly she doesn’t want to be in his bed anymore. For the very first time, she felt awkward sitting in front of him.
“Yeah, cool.”
It’s uncomfortable and she knew she messed this up. Both of them were frozen in place and she had to look away from him before it was all too much. She was so aware of how her cheeks had turned into a deep color of red and she felt nauseous, only this time she knew it was not from the alcohol.
“I’m just,” Harry coughed in an attempt to break the heavy tension and she wanted nothing more than to disappear.  “I’m gonna go take that shower.” He pointed awkwardly towards the door.
“Yeah, uh,” she said and tried her absolute hardest to get herself back together. To act normal. “I’m going to head home anyways I think.”
“No, you don’t-”
“It’s okay,” she interrupted him again. “Beth wanted to have pizza night and I should stop being such a lazy ass anyways. I have some studying to do before my lecture tomorrow too, soo... yeah, gonna head home.”
Harry looked at her for a moment, scanning her face after any other sign that something was wrong, but she managed to keep it together and he nodded.
“Alright, well I’ll see you around yeah?”
“Of course.”
When he left the room she let out a breath she’d been holding ever since Harry first mentioned the word ‘date’. She also realized she did not like the way she just reacted and that maybe, very possibly, Lou might have been right.
She was fucked.
For the next few days she couldn’t stop thinking about Harry and his date. She wished she could go back in time and take back everything she said; wished she would have reacted differently. It was hard to think about anything else and all she wanted to do was to go and see him and ask him all about it. How did it go? Was she nice? What did they do? Was he going to see her again? Did they kiss?
And if she hadn’t been so embarrassed about her behaviour she probably would've done so, but she had no explanation as to why she’d been so weird and she was too scared to go deeper into her own feelings and find one. So as much as she wanted to see him she was also extremely terrified to do so.
But it was really eating her up.
She couldn’t focus on anything else.
And it was strange.
Before all this, she was sure of her feelings towards Harry. Sure he was attractive, he was nice and he made her laugh, but she thought she’d managed to keep it platonic. Now she just felt weird. Everything about their arrangement felt weird, and she didn’t know what to do. Deep down she knew there wasn’t much she could actually do about it. He went on a date and she was his friend. Friends with benefits. They weren’t anything exclusive. He hadn’t done anything wrong. She told him so herself.
Still, something felt wrong.
On Thursday night their whole gang made plans to meet up for their regular quiz night down at the pub and she stood in front of her mirror for an hour, preparing herself to see him again. She changed her outfit five times and rehearsed what to say when she saw him over and over again.
Only for him to not show up.
So instead of being squished into his side all night, she was stuck between Jax and Louisa and she found herself missing him. She didn’t even have to ask to know he was on another date, yet when Isaac confirmed it later she felt her heart drop down to her stomach.
Louisa glanced over at her when Isaac told them and she forced a smile, not ready to let anyone know about the weird feeling in her chest. Louisa also tried to bring it up on their way home, but she brushed it off with the same thing she always did.
“We’re just friends.”
But once she was home in bed it was harder to act like nothing was troubling her. Harry was out on another date and it shouldn’t be bothering her but it did. It bothered her a lot. He should’ve been right there with her, laughing along at their friends' jokes all night and then suggest coming back home with her.
Now he just wasn't and it felt wrong. It was only three months ago that he came home with her for the first time but somehow it wasn’t until now she realized that she may have gotten a little too used to it.
It was so stupid the whole thing. Like ridiculously so.
She knew from the first night that she would never be more than a few drunken nights to him. That his touch wasn’t hers to keep. It belonged to someone else. So why did it feel so weird now?
On Friday night, Beth invited a few people over from uni to their place for a game night and some wine. She joined them but decided to stay away from the wine. They played monopoly for most of the evening while gossiping about everyone they knew. It was nice. It was fun. She won at monopoly. But most importantly it helped her to not worry about what Harry was doing or who he was seeing. It felt like her brain got a long awaited break from everything and she slept better that night than she had all week.
It was on Saturday it all came crashing down.
They were all going out. The whole gang. As always everyone had shown up for pre-drinks at the house she shared with Louisa, Beth and Aliyah as it was the biggest one. Jax had as usual brought along a bottle of Fireball that he forced everyone take a shot out of. Beth refused to let anyone else control the music. Tom and Louisa were loved up on the sofa together. Isaac was in the kitchen mixing drinks for everyone while Aliyah complained about Beth’s choice of music. All in all it was a pretty typical Saturday night and it was all going well.
Until Harry showed up. With a girl.
She almost dropped her drink when she saw them and everyone in the room turned to look at her when they entered. Once again she had to force a smile to assure them she didn't care and more than ever before she tried to ignore the way her heart sank inside her chest.
And for some very odd reason; she was the first to stand up and greet Harry’s new lady friend. Maybe because everyone was looking at her and it felt like they were just waiting for her to start crying in front of everyone. She didn’t want their pity so she stood and shook this new girl’s hand, acting like everything was completely fine.
“Cleo,” the girl introduced herself with a cheery smile.
And that was about it.
After that she didn’t really talk to her anymore. That’s something she left for the rest of the group to do.
It was hard to concentrate on anything else for the rest of the evening and despite promising herself to not take a shot from Jax’s bottle of Fireball; she had three. The alcohol was warm as it made its way down her throat and she noticed Louisa watching her with worried eyes.
And Harry? She couldn’t even look at him. He tried to talk to her and start a conversation at one point but it felt like her brain was about to explode from anxiety so she quickly excused herself and hid in the bathroom for a good twenty minutes.
She tried her very best to be engaged in the conversations around her and she tried so hard to have a good time. Just like she had the night before. But with Harry right there with Cleo it was fucking impossible and she felt like a green little goblin watching the new pair.
Cleo was pretty much everything she expected her to be and more. She just couldn’t stop staring at them. Harry had a hand on her thigh and she was so polite to everyone. Just like him. She had tasteful tattoos all over and it was almost like the two of them had coordinated their outfits before coming over. Both dressed in checkered prints and matching colors of pink and red. She felt so stupid in her boring and basic black jumpsuit and her dull eye make-up.
Cleo was so effortlessly pretty and she just wasn’t.
It was a slap in the face just how right they looked together.
And it just got worse when they arrived at the club because under the flashing lights on the dance floor she saw how Harry leaned in and kissed Cleo. One of his hands was low on her back while the other caressed her face. Everything was spinning as she watched them kiss she knew it was not only because of the alcohol in her veins.
It hit her hard. Because a small, a very small, and naive part of her thought that maybe he’d still want to go home with her and not Cleo. But as she watched him kiss Cleo the way he used to kiss her ruined all hope she had ridiculously built up.
And maybe it wasn’t the kiss itself that hurt so much but more the fact that Harry was now with someone else and it was real. It was so bloody real.  Just last week it was her and now he was kissing Cleo and had barely looked in her direction all night. And even though he technically hadn’t done anything wrong it still hurt and she was angry. Angry with him for kissing someone else, but mostly at herself for still wanting him. For wanting to walk right up and pull him away and take him home. She still wanted him despite everything, but she couldn’t have him.
So instead she had some tequila.
Except, tequila probably wasn’t the best company because in the wee hours of the night she regretted every single shot she had taken. The alcohol in her body made her stomach turn heavily and it was a miracle she even made it into a bathroom stall before it all came back up. Someone on the other side of the stall asked if she was okay but she could barely hear them over the loud buzzing in her ears and her own gagging.
It took her several minutes before she found the strength to get back up on her feet, brushing away the dirt from her jumpsuit, trying desperately not to think about all the germs she had most likely caught from resting so long against a public toilet seat.
As she exited the stall another girl looked over and she didn’t even try to pretend like she hadn’t just been throwing her guts up minutes ago. Instead, she splashed some cold water on her face and took a steady grip of the sink to keep herself standing up.
When she stumbled out of the bathroom a while later she had to lean against the walls to not fall over. The dim lighting in the club made it even harder for her to see where she was going and she kept bumping into bodies as she eventually made her way through the crowd.
Then all of a sudden someone grabbed her by the shoulders.
“Heeeey, party-girl, are you okay?”
The buzzing was still loud in her ears and her vision was blurry, but she still somehow managed to recognize the voice and the striking blonde hair. Isaac. As soon as she knew it wasn’t a complete stranger that had grabbed her she fell into him without a warning and he stumbled a little as he tried to catch her body. “Woah, steady on.”
She tried to talk to him. Tried to explain how she got to this point but no coherent words were coming out of her mouth and she had to use his whole body for support. He wrapped an arm around her and hoisted her up a little before taking a hold of her chin so he could get a good look of her face. She could tell that he was talking to her, his mouth was moving, but she had no idea what he was actually saying. It was too loud and she was too drunk. The club atmosphere made her stomach turn once more and all she wanted to do was to get out of there before she was sick all over again.
And somehow she managed to communicate that to Isaac.
The air was cool and refreshing when they finally made it out of the club and she was clinging onto Isaac as if her life depended on him. He had a strong arm wrapped around her as he pulled out his phone with his other hand to get an Uber. As they waited for it to show up Isaac slowly guided her over and sat her down on the curb next to the road. He crouched down in front of her and took a hold of her chin again. That’s when the first tears fell. She didn’t even try to hide it, once again too drunk and too sad to care if Isaac saw that she was crying.  His eyes widened as he noticed.
“Heey, noooo, no, don’t cry. What’s wrong?”
She didn’t know what to tell him. Everything was spinning too much to be able to think of what to say. The alcohol and emotions had taken over all of her senses and it was all just too much. There was only one explanation for her behavior tonight after all and how would she even begin to explain it to him? She had no idea. So all she said was
Isaac didn’t say anything in response but she was pretty sure he knew exactly what it meant when he reached out and squeezed her shoulder. Nothing more was said as they waited for the Uber to show up and the last thing she remembered was crying about not having the key for her house.
The next morning was arguably the worst morning of her life, which seemed quite fitting as she’d had the worst evening of her life the previous night. Most of the morning was spent on the cold tiles of the bathroom floor, head first down the toilet, regretting every single decision from last night.
This time though it was all her own fault. There was no one else to blame for all the shots she downed but herself.
It was embarrassing. So so embarrassing how drunk she got and how much Isaac had to take care of her. He had brought her back to his and Harry’s shared flat after they couldn’t find her key and realized she was locked out from her own home. She cried her eyes out in the Uber while Isaac tried to comfort her and when they got out she almost got vomit all over his new sneakers.
However, Isaac was nice about it all. He didn’t say anything and just helped her inside, put her down on the sofa, made sure she drank some water and covered her with a blanket. She couldn’t remember exactly what she told him but she knew she had talked about Harry and it was killing her.
But Isaac continued to be nice and he didn’t bring it up when he wandered in and said good morning.
“I feel like death,” she confessed and her throat hurt a little from being sick all last night and earlier that morning.  Isaac chuckled lightly.
“Yeah, I can imagine.”
She bit the bottom of her lip and struggled to look at him where he sat on the armchair opposite the sofa she was spread out over. She had known him for as long as she had known Harry, but she had never actually been alone with him in a room and now when she was sober she felt so stupid, and also so incredibly self-conscious because she knew her make-up from last night was smudged all over her face and she had vomit on her jumpsuit and all over her hair. It was the lowest she’d ever been.
“So um,” she grumbled. “Thanks for last night, eh... yeah, I don’t know. I’m sorry for being a mess.”
“Don’t worry about it,” Isaac waved it off and smiled at her. “We’ve all been there.”
“Yeah, well, thank you anyway.” She still couldn’t look at him as she spoke. Because he knew. He knew her feelings for Harry had changed and she didn’t know how to act now.
“So much for never drinking again huh?” he joked lightly to ease the mood and she forced a laugh.
“Yeah, didn’t stick to that one, did I?”
Silence fell between them after that, but in some ways, it was a comfortable one. Isaac sat in his chair and scrolled through his phone as he drank his morning coffee while she just laid on the sofa and tried to collect her mind and emotions. He offered to make breakfast but there was just no way she was going to be able to stomach it. Water was pretty much all that her stomach allowed and she was barely holding onto that. It was early still and she could tell it was raining heavily outside as the raindrops drummed heavily against the windows. It was comfortable though. Pleasant even.
And then, out of nowhere, Cleo emerged from Harry’s bedroom and all the emotions from last night washed over her like a tsunami.
Plus, it felt like someone was playing a practical joke on her when she saw that Cleo was wearing Harry’s shirt from the night before.
“Good morning!” Cleo was as cheery as she was last night and looked even better. Issac nodded and greeted Cleo politely. To make things worse Cleo sat down in the other armchair and started a conversation. Time stopped as she watched Cleo and Isaac talk and it felt like someone suffocated her with one of the pillows. “Did you guys have a good night then?”
She couldn’t take her eyes off Cleo, who looked perfect even after a night out. Her hair was still flawless and her skin looked like it was glowing. It wasn’t ideal for anyone to see or be next to Cleo when they woke up after a chaotic night out and they themselves were covered in vomit. It honestly made her more nauseous than her hangover had all morning and she’d probably never felt as ugly as she did in that moment laying next to Cleo.
“It was decent, yeah,” Isaac said and then looked at her. His eyes filled with pity and she hated it. She hated it so much. “You?”
“It was super fun,” Cleo answered with a big smile. “Harry and I got in sooooo late though. We stopped to get some food down at that kebab place around the corner before we got in and I swear to God it was the best food I’ve had in my life! Thanks for letting me come out with you guys.”
And just like that, it was all too much. There was just no way she could sit there and talk to the girl who was dating the boy she had come to realize she liked more than just a friend. There was a lot she could do and put up with, but that wasn’t one of those things.
“Um, excuse me,” she mumbled as she got up from the sofa. Isaac called out her name but she ignored it. Her whole body ached and her head felt heavy. She had no idea how she was actually going to make it home in this state but she’d try her damn hardest, even if she was sick along the way it would be better than staying here.
Then she heard her name being called again.  
This time however it was from someone else.
Someone whose voice she’d recognize anywhere.
“What are you doing here?” He looked at her with furrowed brows, clearly not expecting to see her.
“Oh, eh, hey,” she managed to croak out and fought back the urge to be sick all over again. “I came back with Isaac last night.”
“You uh, you came back with Isaac?” Harry asked slowly, his eyes never leaving her as a small line formed between his brows. He opened his mouth to say something else, but closed it just as fast. The silence that fell between them then was defeating.
“I mean, I wasn’t feeling very well so he helped me out a little.”
“Oh, okay,” he nodded and the corner of his mouth twisted into a small smile, but then it faltered just as fast. “Did something happen? Are you okay?”
“I’m okay.”  She knew she was being short with him and the look he gave her burned into her skin, but with tears threatening to fall at any moment it was a conversation she really didn’t want to have. Not with him. Not right now. “Look, Harry, I gotta go.”
“What?” he said and pushed himself off the door frame he leaned against, and as he came closer she took a step back. “You’re more than welcome to stay. It’s so early still and by the sounds of it it’s bucketing down outside. Stay for some breakfast. I was gonna make some pancakes.”
“I have to go.”
“Wait,” he called after her when she turned her back to him and got ready to leave. “Hey, wait a minute!”
She didn’t really care at that point though. Whatever thing she and Harry had was already gone and there was nothing that could make things worse than what they were now. She just wanted to get out and get as far away from him as fast as possible.
So she left without saying another word to Harry despite him calling her name.
- “Harry’s a fucking prick anyways,” Aliyah began and threw her hands up dramatically. “Like, is he just going to sleep with you one week and then replace you next week? No, fuck that. You deserve better.”
“He did tell me about it though,” she noted with a small sniffle and curled up further under her blanket. “I mean, he did tell me he was going on a date so it’s not like he lied or I don’t know... went behind my back.”
“Yeah, well, he’s still a prick,” Aliyah grumbled and slumped back against the sofa, arms crossed over her chest.
“Besides, we’re just friends, you know... ”
“You’re clearly more than just friends though,” Louisa added carefully with knowing eyes. “Like, I hate to break it to you but it’s pretty obvious you like him.”
“I... “ she trailed off not knowing how to respond to that. Because she knew she couldn’t keep denying it anymore. Not after showing up at her own house, drenched from the rain with red puffy eyes in last night’s clothes and without a key. No matter how scary it was to admit what she had buried inside her heart for so long it was impossible to deny it any longer. “Yeah. I do. I do like him.”
She let out a huge breath as she finally admitted it. It was strange, but also so right. The feelings she had for Harry was something she had buried inside for so long and it was freeing almost to now admit it out loud in front of her best friends.
“Maybe you should tell him that?” Beth suggested.
She almost laughed.
“That’s definitely not happening,” she shut down the suggestion straight away. There was no way she was telling him how she felt. Especially not now. “He obviously doesn't like me back, and besides he has Cleo now, and you know.. he’s like actually dating her and stuff so…”
“So what?” Beth cut in. “He might like you too. I’ve seen the way he looks at you.”
“Me?” she scoffed. “Yeah, I highly doubt that.”
Beth shrugged.
“I don’t know. I think he might do.”
“Yeah, well, it doesn’t matter anymore does it? He has Cleo now.”
“You won’t know unless you ask,” Louisa pointed out with a small twinkle in her eyes. Before she had the chance to object to the faulty statement the sound of the doorbell ringing echoed through the house.
“That’s probably the food,” Beth announced and stood up swiftly. “I’ll go get it.”
She gave Beth a small smile and wiped her wet cheeks with the ends of her blanket. As soon as she had left Harry’s flat earlier that morning she broke down in tears and called Louisa who offered to come to pick her up straight away but she declined, needing some time for herself before facing anyone.
But after showing up a mess, drenched from the rain in last night’s clothes after walking all the way home it was clear that she needed all her friends today. So Aliyah ran her a bath while Beth ordered food and Louisa went out for snacks and her favorite drink.
And she couldn’t be more grateful.
“Uhm,” Beth popped her head back in the living room and it was obvious by the look on Beth’s face that something was off. “It’s Harry.”
For a moment she thought that maybe Beth was just taking the piss but judging by the confusion spreading across the room she quickly realized that wasn’t the case. “I don’t want to talk to him.”
“You sure?” Louisa asked. “This might be the perfect opportunity to talk things through.”
“No,” she shook her head quickly. “I can’t. Not now.”
“I’ll go talk to him!” Aliyah announced with fire in her eyes and leaped off the sofa in one go, only to have Beth stop her in the doorway.
“I think maybe I should talk to him,” she offered and looked at Aliyah with both her eyebrows raised knowingly. Aliyah only mumbled something under her breath but accepted Beth’s proposal and returned to her spot on the sofa without a fuss.
“You okay?” Louisa asked when Beth disappeared again to go talk to the boy who had her heart aching so badly. Louisa reached out to squeeze her knee gently when she didn’t respond. She just didn't know what to say; because she wasn’t okay. She was very much far from okay today.
Tears welled up in her eyes for the hundredth time and she shook her head and attempted to blink her tears away. She didn’t want to cry anymore. Louisa sighed and pulled her closer and wrapped her arms around her in a long hug. It was embarrassing really how much she had cried all day but she just couldn't stop. Never in a million years did she think she’d ever get so upset over a guy.
But it was Harry.
Harry who left jumpers out for her to wear after she stayed at his flat. Harry who made her breakfast in the morning and knew exactly how she liked her tea. Harry who made her laugh until she couldn’t breathe anymore. Harry who rubbed her back after a night out. Harry who let her steal all of the duvet in her sleep even though he was cold too. Harry who texted her stupid jokes just because he knew she liked them. Harry who also texted her cute pictures of puppies because she loved dogs. Harry who made her feel like no man ever had.
Harry who was now with Cleo.
Cleo who was absolutely perfect for him. Cleo who probably went thrift shopping with him and helped him find silly shirts with crazy prints and knew about all the bands he always talked about.
Cleo who was just so much better than her.
Harry Styles 8:27 AM Heeeyyy are you mad at me?
Harry Styles 10:12 AM Hello?
Harry Styles 10:46 AM Ok so mad then? will you pls talk to me? don’t like the way you stormed off earlier :/
Harry Styles 12:01 PM Hellloooooooo? pls talk to me
Harry Styles 12:30 PM Isaac told me you were quite upset last night... did something happen?  
Harry Styles 12:56 PM You’re making me a bit worried, did you make it home okay?
Harry Styles 1:15 PM I tried calling a few times but it’s not really coming through.. Are you okay?
Harry Styles 2:49 PM I'm coming over
Harry Styles 4:37 PM Beth said you weren’t feeling so well,  I hope you feel better soon, make sure you drink loads of water! .xx
Harry Styles 11:26 PM Ok sooo, i dunno whats going on. i dunno if Beth lied to me today or not... i just hope you're okay. you know you can talk to me if something is bothering you right?
Goodnight .xxx
PART 2 ♡
Let me know your thoughts. Thank you for reading! <3 
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shra-vasti · 4 years
If I had to choose | Boo Seungkwan
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Type : best friends au
Genre : fluff, slice of life, soft Seungkwan and strong reader? Like mentally strong and the reader always protects him? You get the point.
Word count : 2k
Synopsis : Seungkwan had always needed someone to look after him, he was too naive for the world but you were always there to protect him from all the odds, you were the bold one in this friendship.
A/N : This is solely inspired by a movie I watched and I really loved the interaction between the two best friend.
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The music was played blissfully at the church by the band, all of the people who came to attened the wedding were either sulking at how boring the wedding was or were either pretending to be interested.
Even if we take a look at the bride and groom who were seated in their respected seat; the bride was taking selfies and the groom was chatting with some random person.
Isn't wedding suppose to be the most happiest and lively event?
You heard someone yell your name making you halt your activity and turn towards the voice, the father of the bride made his way towards you who was busy managing other activities of the wedding.
"Yes Sir?"
You didn't even made an effort to smile fakely at the man standing in front of you.
"You're not doing you're job properly, look how boring the wedding seems to be."
He exclaimed pointing at the people and the atmosphere of the wedding which made you scoff and roll your eyes at the said man.
"Listen Sir-" you breathed in, "- I have done my part as a wedding planner for this wedding, I have decorated the church with flowers and also the outside plus the song list you gave to me for the wedding I'm even playing it, now, it's not my fault that you have such boring family and relative who can't hype up the mood of the wedding, you can't expect me to do that!"
You were really tired, now what do they want you to do? Dance your heart out and entertain people so that they won't be bored? Being a wedding planner was surely a hard job. You even needed to bear the people's reckless tantrums.
"Hangin, the plates for the lunch have out numbered the guests in the wedding and we need more plates."
The brother of the man came rushing towards you and the bride's father.
But before he could utter a single word you stopped him by showing your hand in front of him since your phone started to vibrate.
You looked at the caller ID to see Seungkwan written over it with a picture of a really adorable boy. You shook your head and decided to answer your best friend's call afterward and kept it inside your pocket.
"I told you guys that the plates will be out numbered, in a wedding with guest list of 1200 people you just asked me bring 700 plates saying it's not necessary that everyone will come and now see what has happened, you're such a miser."
You finally snapped at the man.
"Now how are we going to manage this?" Hangin asked you finally giving in and accepting it's his fault.
You nodded thinking of a way to get out of this trouble.
"I have an idea, I'll bring out 400 plates more but I need 200 dollars more."
"What? That's too much!"
"I didn't tell you to mess up in the first place plus since I know your condition I'm willing to take just 200 dollars otherwise other planners would have took nearly 500 for the urgent delivery."
You reasoned as you waited for their answer.
Both the brothers sighed.
"Okay I'll give you the required money just get you're thing done."
"Okay let's go." you agreed smiling at yourself for gaining an extra amout of money.
"Listen Vernon I need 400 plates more for the Jung's wedding urgently so bring it in 1 hour or less."
You informed your manager/friend calling him to tell about the emergency.
"Okay baby."
He chuckled before hanging up, he liked watching you being this stress but alas he wasn't there to witness it.
As you were observing if there were any other mistakes, a lady in her mid 30's, probably the aunt of groom, stopped you from going any further.
You looked at the lady with an eyebrow raised, you weren't normally this grumpy but there are different kinds of people in this world and they need to be treated just the way they treat others.
"I don't like this white rose system, it feels like you have came to a funeral hall."
She exclaimed while making a face at the decorations.
You huffed.
"Well I'm sorry ma'am but it was the bride's wish for the flowers to be white."
"Can't you change this flowers to green colored flowers?" The lady asked. "I like green more."
"I'm sorry ma'am but the wedding is almost finished I don't think I can do that plus it's hard to find such a big amount of green colored flowers."
"I don't know who gave you the permission to be the wedding planner of this wedding. Who even gave you the degree of being one huh? I will do a better job than you in this field." The lady said while blowing her manicured nails.
"Listen woman, you don't know how much knowledge and patience is required to be at this stage and you're better than me? Hell not even in your dreams who likes green flowers you dumb."
You scoffed and walked away.
Your phone rang again making you take it out in front of you Seungkwan was written on  the caller ID, sighing you picked up the call.
As soon as you picked up the call you could clearly hear your best friend crying at the other end.
"Now what?"
You had already grown tired of your best friend's crying, not that you were heartless but the reason made sense.
"World is so cruel to me, this time it was my fault, I shouldn't have done that."
Seungkwan's voice cracked as he spoke with you.
"Yeah yeah the world is really cruel and the life can be hard sometimes." you said but that only made him cry more.
"Where are you Boo?"
You asked him softly taking in consideration that he's crying right now and he can't be treated harshly.
Seungkwan gave you the address where he is and without even a second glance you headed out of the church to fetch your bestie.
After fetching him up and constantly listening to him babbling about random things but not exactly telling you what happened, along with that crying face, both of you finally reached at your apartment.
He rushed out first and went inside the kitchen got himself a big piece of cake and sat at the corner of the kitchen silently eating and looking at nothing in particular.
You removed your blazer and shoes and stood in front of Justice.
"Mind telling me what has happened?" you asked putting both of your hands on your hips and here we go the Nigra falls started to flow again.
"Will you even tell me what has happened?"
You were so done with his constant crying that you had to control your urge to smack his head.
"Now what? I know you're crying because of her but I want the reason, from the past 2 years all you do is cry over her and nothing else."
"It wasn't her fault, it was mine this time." he cried as he was still eating the cake.
"Eat first and then talk you brat." you made a face at him.
"Shut up. I'm already hurt."
You sighed and sat in front of him, crossed leg.
"Why don't you break up with her already?"
"I love her." Justice
"But I don't think she loves you."
"Why do you think like that? She loves me."
You pinched your eyebrows with your hands and started counting three to control your anger and also the throbbing headache which you know was soon going to follow.
"See you remember that time?"
"Which time?"
He casually asked you still eating the cake not really remembering what time.
"The time when she yelled at you for posting a picture of you with Bora."
"She was jealous okay, girlfriends tend to be jealous."
"And then he posted a picture of her with two random boys we don't even know about."
"She's different."
He furrowed his eyebrows pouting at you.
"Every freaking boy on the earth thinks that his woman is special but since it's coming from you're mouth, I know we are fucked up."
"But what? Remember when both of us went to club with her and she introduce us to a new boy?"
"What about that?"
"Shw introduced you as her close friend and not as her boyfriend, did you get that? AS A CLOSE FRIEND, don't you know what happens when girlfriends starts introducing their boyfriends as close friends to someone?"
"But she said that she didn't want him to know about us because he was her cousin."
You rolled your eyes as you took out your phone, open up your instagram account and showed it to him.
"See where do you find a picture of both of you on her account. She has herpictures with so many boys but not with her own boyfriend."
You snapped showing him Jaeyung's profile.
"Okay I got it, it was her fault that time but this time it was me."
You motioned him to go on.
"She was in bathroom and suddenly her phone vibrated so I went to take a look at it and before I could do anything she snatched it away form me and was angry cause she thought that I'm doubting her." he says softly sniffling a bit.
"Do you know that she has a tinder account?"
"Nope." he answered.
"Boo she has a tinder account! Why does she even need it anyway? And why didn't she tell you? Do you know what it means?" you dramatically questioned.
"But what's the big deal anyway."
"Boo-" you stood up. "-out of two years means 24 months which means hundred and four weeks, she made you cry for hundred and two weeks, what kind of relationship averages one week of happiness per year?"
Seungkwan just looked at you and blinked multiple times digesting fully on what you just said.
"Then what should I do?"
"Finish it boy!"
"But I've been with her for 2 years already."
"It's never too late Boo plus that girl, I don't think she even loves you, you can forget her." you patted the latter's shoulder.
"I can't, I love her."
"Well I'm sorry then this is the only way I can save you up from that asshole."
You put both of your hand on your waist looking intently at him.
He gulped as you stood up looking at your eyes with confusion and fear written all over his face. What will you do?
"Me or her?"
The words left your mouth and horror plastered all over his face. He sighed knowing all well that whatever happens in his life he will always choose you and you'll always choose him.
"What club are we going to this time?"
You grinned at him already knowing you will win if you put out the said question in front of him.
"Surprise." and he groaned knowing he's going to have a wild night.
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jojal-jojalkorean · 4 years
💖Introducing New Admins!💖
Hello everyone! 안녕하세요! This is Admin Yu here:D We’re back with more vocabs, grammar lessons, Korean culture and history posts, and most importantly NEW admins! They are all talented and awesome! We’ll try to upload posts more frequently so please stay tuned😉
Admin Na
Grade: 1st grade of high school
Dream job: Reporter
My personality: I’m an ESFJ!
What I usually do in the Jojal-jojal team: I have written posts. Some of you may have already noticed but I'm not really ‘new’ to Jojal-jojal. I’ve been working with Admin Sun, Do, and Yu for the past 5 months and have written posts like ‘Learn Korean with Kdramas’, ‘Learn Korean with Songs’, ‘Dalgona Coffee’ etc(I hope you enjoyed them:D). And also I am planning to record all of Jojal-jojal’s activities and manage the attendance/budget of the blog.
Favorite Subject: My favorite subject is English and Korean! Also, I’m totally into biology these days, too.
Things I like: I’m a big fan of IU. I enjoy watching Kdramas starring IU(You should definitely watch ‘Hotel Deluna’ it’s so good). My favorite songs are ‘Twenty three’, ‘That was green’, ‘Red Queen’, and ‘glasses’. I like to go to gastroventures and experience delicious new food. I also love to travel! It makes me refresh my mind and helps me release stress. Visiting new places, experiencing new cultures, and meeting new people is always exciting! Since I am a teenager right now, I have restrictions on travelling, but as soon as I become an adult, I want to visit many places I haven't been to.
My hobbies: I really enjoy reading both Korean and English novels. They make me think about stuff I would never even get interested in, let me feel a lot of emotions, and they also teach me a lot, too. (Sometimes I write them myself although it's terrible😂)
Random facts about me:
It’s almost 12 a.m. right now in Korea, but I’m wide awake, introducing myself to you guys.:D
I used to be able to speak only in English accent when I was little, but now I can speak in both English and American since most of the people here speak in an American accent.
As I said, I really love to travel, and the place where I most want to go is Venecia.
I suck at Dynamics.. wonder how science could be super interesting and hard at the same time.
Stay safe everyone
Admin Hyun
Grade: Highschool 1st grade
Dream job: Nurse or a School-nurse
My personality: INFJ
What I usually do in the Jojal-jojal team: I usually write posts and I’m in charge of the overall financial.
Favorite Subject: I like science and art!
Things I like (My interests): I love fantasy novels and movies. Especially ‘Harry Potter’. I am also interested in earth science and chemistry. I like to learn about stars, planets, and the galaxy. And psychology is one of my favorite areas.
My hobbies: My hobby is listening to music and taking a nap(when I am little bit tired)
Random facts about me: 
I love pop musics. My favorite singer is Selena Gomez and Taylor Swift!
 My dreams are not really decided yet, so it often changes. But right now I want to be a nurse :)
If one day I can go to the U.S., I really want to visit Disneyland and Universal studios!!
Admin Ju
Grade: first grade of high school
Dream job: accountant
My personality: ESFT-T
What I usually do in the jojal-jojal team: I usually write posts and am in change of technical work. Besides, l am a blog management. I am freshman of this team. So, I'm going to learn hard from predecessors and try to provide more various posts for you!
Favorite subject: My favorite subject is PE (physical education).
Things I like: My interest is movies that contain the history of Korea. They are more interesting for me rather than I learned the history of Korea. Because history movies are more deeper and vivider than history that I learned at school. Sometimes I was empathized the movie, so I cried many times. Maybe, If you are interested in the history of Korea, I recommend you movies like 항거(A resistance), 암살(assassination), 명량(Roaring currents) , 대장 김창수(Man of will), 택시운전사(A taxi driver), and 천문(Forbidden Dream).
My hobbies: My hobby is reading novels. Especially, I like reading romance novels.
Random facts about me: 
I didn’t go to the school because of COVID- 19. So, I am getting fat because I stayed at home and ate a lot.
Now, I make up my mind to exercise. But, I have been on a diet for 10 years just by words. :D
My nickname is water tap because I cry when I watch a sad movie and my friend cries.
Admin Kyung
Grade: 1st in high school
Dream job: I don’t have a specific dream job, but I want to become a person who do what I want. 
My personality: I am ISFP. I think my MBTI is very suitable for me. 
What I usually do in the Jojal-jojal team: My role is to uproad posts on queue. I write some posts. And I answer the questions people ask of us. 
Favorite Subject: My favorite subject is music. i like singing and listening to music. My favorite music are SHINee’s Dream Girl and ONF’s New World. 
Things I like (My interests): I love The Boyz who is an idol group of Korea. They sing well. My favorite The Boyz’s songs are water and Right here. My favorite member is Sunwoo, and he is very cute. 
My hobbies: I like singing music. And I also like to fill coloring book. But I am so lazy that I have never finished coloring books. 
Random facts about me:
My height is 168. I think I am tall, but I want to have short height. Because I think the most ideal height is 165. 
I want to travel all around the world before I die.
Admin Hee
Grade : 1st grade of Highschool
Dream job : My dream job hasn’t been decided yet. But I’m thinking of going to psychology or something related to overseas. Actually, there are many jobs I’m curious about. A flight attendant, interpreter etc.
Personality : ISFJ!! 
What I usually do in the Jojal-jojal team : I’m going to write some posts from now on. Look forward to it!! I’m also going to answer some questions.
Favorite Subject : My favorite subject is English and bioscience. I think studying in New Zealand is the main reason why I started to like English.
Things I like : I like watching movies. I really enjoyed ‘The Avengers’ , ‘Maze runner’. I also like to hang out with my friends. When I’m bored or when I have nothing to do sometimes I call my friends. I really like talking and spending times with people. It happens in foreign countries too! When I travel, I like to talk with foreigners, new people. 
My hobbies : My hobby is listening to music. I don’t really care about the genre of the music. I usually enjoy listening K-pop, Pop songs. My favorite singers are BTS, Lauv and The weeknd! I’m still waiting for their new songs~! 
Random facts about me : 
I really want to visit Switzerland someday!!
I like to eat ( pizza, pasta, ice flakes etc.)
I want to become an international couple
I’m very active. Like dancing, singing, walking around~
Admin Sung
Grade: 1st grade of highschool
Dream job: pharmaceutical-related occupation (for example pharmacist)
My personality: I’m ISFJ. I think it's quite consistent with me.
What I usually do in the Jojal-jojal team: I’m going to manage financial part of Jojal-jojal team with our team member. Also answering to what you guys ask us is one of my roles.
Favorite Subject: My favorite subject is Korean, especially grammar part. I wish I could enjoy writing grammar posts.
Things I like (My interests): These days, I love going school ! After almost half years of house cock life, I really wanted to go school. When I met my friends at school, I was so happy :D Other than this, I like watching movie at the movie theater. It helps me to refresh and keep having positive energy.
My hobbies: In my free time, I enjoy looking around Instagram. Instagram gives me a big fun and huge amount of information and tips. For the rest of the time, I just prefer sleeping to restore energy.
Random facts about me:
I like color ‘purple’. So I enjoy using purple pen and highlighter !
I tend to listen one song over and over again when I am hooked on something. What I listen to these days is ‘Aloha’ sung by Jo Jung-seok.
Admin Seo
Grade: I am a first grader
Dream job: I don’t have a dream job yet
My personality: My M.B.T.I test results are INTP-T 
What I usually do in the Jojal-jojal team: What I’m mainly going to do in the JoJal-JoJal team is designing
Favorite Subject: My favorite subject is physics, geo-science, and art
Things I like (My interests): What I like doing is reading fiction books (Eragon, The gods of Olympus, This book is not good for you, the magic Thief, odyssey, and more) or reading webtoons. I also like playing games.
My hobbies: My hobbies are playing badminton talking or messaging with friends watching movies
Random facts about me
I’m the only boy in the JoJal-JoJal team
I like physics but I suck at math
I lived in Israel for 4and a half years
I haven’t read the Harry Potter series
-Edited by Admin Yu
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modernsocialmediaau · 5 years
who are you
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February 28, 2015 2:30pm
" Lauren? " a woman's voice rang, it's like some type of dream. In Lauren's point of view, she's coming back into consciousness
" Lauren? " the voice adds again and Lauren finally opens her eyes which she immediately regrets seeing that she had a big ass flashlight pointed at her.
" There we go. " she chuckles and moves the flashlight out of her eyes, her oh so delicate eyes.
" Alright, so I assume you haven't been eaten all today? "she challenges
" You assume right, "
" Well, I recommend you eat and stay in here for quite a while. " she orders
" Will I get to perform tonight? "
" I advised you not to, but if you feel better then yes, and may I ask? " she pause and Lauren nods
" Is there something else on your mind because fainting should not be caused for only missing a couple of meals, at best you should've just been light headed. " she quizzes making Lauren nervous
" Aren't you a doctor? " Lauren tried to change the subject
" Yes, but I'm also a mother." she smiles
" I don't know. "
" I've got two teenagers living in my house, fasting usually comes from mood swings and mood swings often are due to love interest. " she hums
" Wha---whaa, " Lauren nervously chuckle
" So, mood swings and fasting check and check, who is the love interests?."
" Doc I really don-"
" Lauren humor me, okay. "
" No, I'm just-I have something in mind. " Lauren sighs knowing that she would not let go of the topic
" Which is? " she smiles
" I have a crush on my friend who iced me out of our friendship for awhile because of what some fans thought of us and she was pursuing this boy. But-well I think I might be even in love with her. Which makes me sick because all she ever did to me was break me but here I am telling you that I love her " Lauren covers herself with a pillow. Awaiting for her response but when Lauren removes the pillow she's simply waiting for Lauren.
" I know I'm not your mom but I've had my fair share of love affairs and if you don't let whatever you are feeling out willingly it'll find its way out.  " Lauren can't believer how easily she is able to confess this to a random person but not Ally and Dinah.
" Yea but out of the 7 billion people why her? "
" Alright what seems to be the problem? " she requests
" Well for one thing I'm not gay and neither is she. "
" So you're afraid of confronting her and your own sexuality. "
" Yes. "
" And the idea of keeping this big secret is making you anxious and paranoid. Which causes stress levels to go up. Now it all makes sense. "
" What do I do? "
" Tell her. " she simply said implying as if it were that easy
" Ugh. " Lauren quickly sits up and suddenly Lauren feels the familiar feeling of uneasiness and imbalance
" Sit down Lauren. " she grabbed my fore arm and guided me back onto the couch
" I can't. " I said
" You're also afraid of rejection, since you've gone through it before. But the thing is none of this will get easier. Not only will you're emotions take over, they will speak for themselves. "she smiles giving Lauren that mom smile
" Okay, so how do you advise I tell her? "
" Just be honest with her and don't drag it along. "
" What if we're not friends after? I can't exactly go another year of her ignoring me," Lauren anxiously rubs her wrist, and her anxiety comes back all over again
" You girls have gone through a lot, and besides it's not like she can quit. "
" Ok. Thank you Dr.-"
" Jacoby. " she smiles and begins packing her stuff
" Thank you. " Lauren replies
" Remember stay hydrated and eat. And if and I mean IF you feel better by the time of the show, go perform you're little heart out. But don't over do it," she asserts before leaving the room
Lauren wonders how much she's missed out on. She picks her phone up from the table and see's that it was already 3. That's when she realizes she's missed 3 hours worth of work.
Lauren decides to sit up but didn't feel good being up so high, so she lays back down. Lauren establishes to take a little catnap listening to music with a water bottle to her chest.
" Lo? " Camila whispers, but Lauren frankly didn't believe its her and decides to ignore her.
" Lauren? " she repeats herself and this time Lauren believes it is her
" Hey Camila. " Lauren croaks
" Do you feel better? "
" Yea, " Lauren weakly smiled
" Are you gonna perform tonight o-"
" Hell yeah I am. " she chuckles
" You are one bad bitch Lauren Michelle. " Dinah jokes making everyone laugh.
" Are you sure? " Camila interrupts the groups laughter and changes the vibe to a much serious one
" Sure about what? " Lauren questions taking the plate Normani is handing her
" Mhmmm, mac and cheese. " Lauren hums
" About performing tonight. " Camila repeats
" Yea she said I could, I just can't over do it. " Lauren laughs
" Girl you always over do it, " Dinah sasses snapping her fingers
" We all do, " Ally adds
As the girls eat and chat, Lauren see's a message from Will wondering if she can quickly go to the stage for a quick sound check. Lauren stands up, and excuses herself but Camila stops.
" Hey where are you going? " Camila worries
" I have to go to sound check. "Lauren laughs grabbing a water bottle, her phone, and throw outs her trash.
" Are you gonna be okay? " they announce in unison
" Uh yeah I think I'll manage. Meet you guys back here in 2 hours. "Lauren laughs rolling her eyes
" 2 hours it don't take that long. " Normani answers
" Yea but I also need to do make-up and buy a couple of things from Rite Aide. " Lauren responds
" Text me when your going to Rite Aide I need a couple of things too. " Normani winks and Lauren questions it but still nods her head.
Lauren leaves, the girls and scrolls through her phone as she is walking through the back. Will walks in front of Lauren stopping her in her tracks.
" Hey Will what's up? " Lauren is shock but also puts her phone down.
" The doctor said to be careful okay. " he reminds Lauren not wanting to have another panic attack
" I know,"
" Here Lauren, " the sound guy hands her, her ear piece and mic before carrying on with the sound check
" Thank you. " and we carried onto the sound check.
Lauren leaves the make up room and sends Mani a text letting her know she is ready for their trip to the convenience store.
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As she waits for Normani she scrolls through her instagram or twitter to see if they made it public that she isn't feeling well. Thankfully it was a simple tweet from the Fifth Harmony twitter account, following up with another assurance.
@FifthHarmony One of the girls, had a bit of an accident backstage. We'll keep you guys posted
@FifthHarmony  And we're back everything is fine see you guys tonight
" Hey sorry, " Normani runs into Lauren leaning up against the wall, while catching her breath
" Why are you running? "
" The girls and I got bored during dressing stuff so we played tag. " she simply answers as if it's a typical day in fifth harmony world
" Okay, well the Rite Aide is only around the corner so it won't take that-"
" Are you okay? " Mani interrupts
" Huh? I already told you guys. " Lauren chuckles and they start walking towards rite aid
" Lauren why did you faint? " she brings up
" Because I was hungry, "Lauren answers
" But that's- "
"I hadn't eaten since yesterday Normani it happens. "Lauren asserts not wanting to walk about this conversation anymore.
For the rest of the walk it was it was pure silence, until a fan would stop us for autographs and pictures . But other than that it was pure silence. It's not because I got sick of the topic of me, but it's just I'm tired of the constant pity being thrown at me. I am fine, I was hungry and stress.
" So I'm gonna tell Camila, " Lauren confesses making Normani trip on her feet and fall
" What Mani? What did I do to her? I want to fix it. " Lauren cries
" Lauren I don't think you get it. " Normani sighs caressing Laurens head trying to calm and comfort her hurting friend.
" She's not talking to me what's not to get Mani? What? What did I do to her for her to just ignore me like this. " Lauren continues begging and pleading for answers.
" Wha- "
" You aren't doing anything wrong! " she interrupts pulling her
" But- "
" No! Listen to me? I don't know what's going on with her, but I sure as hell am positive you did nothing wrong. 3 months Lo I've watched the whole thing unfold and you have not done one thing wrong. " Normani explains bringing Lauren into another comforting hug but this time Lauren felt her tears on her shoulder. She began to cry with Lauren.
" Why? Why is she ignoring me. "
" What? " Normani chokes while sitting on the floor
" Yeah, I think it's best. " instead of answering Lauren she stands up and picks her up
" Alright calm down. " Lauren smile
" When are you gonna do it? " Normani questions
" I don't know, probably when we get to Ft. Lauderdale. "
" Why there? "
" Well one I'll be near family so I won't feel alone. "
" You'll never be alone girl, " Normani sighs in relief giving Lauren a side hug
" Thanks Mani, and secondly I think it would be nice to see Luis plus I know he'll just have the right thing to say. "
" Exactly, and hey if you want me to be there I can be. "
" No I think I'd be best if I do this by myself. "Lauren smiles and continued to shop. It took 3 people for Lauren to finally decide to tell Camila, well a year of ignorance and 3 people. Lauren hopes that this all goes well, but it's still very much in faiths hands and its in the universe. Lauren has come to the conclusion where she doesn't need Camila to tell her she feels the same way or anything like that, she just needs the freedom.
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golbrocklovely · 5 years
only the lonely survive // colby brock - chapter nineteen: how far down they can go
A/N: sorry i couldn’t post yesterday. i was super busy with life stuff lol i’ll be coming out with a request or two later. also, tomorrow i will be posting the next chapter of Twisted since we’re getting into the home stretch of that story. let me know what you think of this story so far. also let me know if you want to be on the taglist. see yall later :)
description of the story
taglist:  @ajosieface , @localsleeper , @julyrubyrose , @far-to-many-bands , @absolute-randomness-forever
trigger warning: cursing, general fluff
word count: 1677
DAY 10/14
"Skye! You almost ready? Brennen and Colby are pulling into the driveway!" Casey called, knocking on my door.
I walked over and opened it. Casey looked me up and down. "Wow, Skye. You should dress up more often."
"Shut up." I joked.
Dressed in all black, I wore an off the shoulder dress, fishnets, and boots. Casey was a little less emo than me, sporting a floral two-piece blouse and skirt.
"Are you nervous?" I asked, grabbing my purse and slipping it on.
She shrugged. "Kinda. But I think this night's gonna be fun."
I nodded my head. "Definitely."
Three loud knocks interrupted our conversation. Casey winked at me as she opened the door, Brennen and Colby stepping inside. Colby immediately came up to me, smiling sweetly.
"Hi Colby." I giggled as he wrapped his arms around me.
"Hi Skye." He squeezed me and slowly let me go.
I glanced over his outfit: a king of hearts button up shirt, black jeans, and black sneakers.
"Nice shirt." I mumbled, looking into his eyes.
A small blush rose to his face. "Thanks."
"Y'all ready to go?" Brennen turned to us, grabbing Casey's hand.
"Where are we going to exactly?" I questioned.
"It's this Italian restaurant next to the Woodley Mall, Giuseppe's. It's new and super hard to get reservations for, but I know some people and got us a spot." Brennen smirked.
Casey tapped Brennen's arm lightly. "Is it fancy?"
Brennen shook his head. "Not really. But the food is to die for. I had them when they first opened. Let's go before we're late."
/  /  /  /
"Four for Taylor? Right this way." The hostess stated. We followed her all the way to the back of the restaurant, to a very secluded spot. The lights were dimmed and very romantic. Very soft classical music played as we passed by multiple tables, until finally getting to our booth.
"Oh, a booth? You really worked your magic Brennen." I laughed.
We slid in, Brennen and Casey on one side and Colby and I on the other. The hostess handed us menus and left us quietly. I gazed around the restaurant, observing all the different decor and patrons that were near us.
Colby lightly placed his hand on my knee, bringing me out of my thoughts. I looked at him and smiled.
"You look beautiful." He whispered.
I couldn't stop the rush of heat to my face. "Thank you."
Time flew by quickly on our date. Colby kept me close to him the whole time, wrapping his arm around me when he got the chance, kissing my cheek whenever I leaned towards him. Brennen and Casey were as handsy as us. Casey leaned her head on his shoulder, and he would pull her into a kiss right before she could take a bite of food.
After eating what felt like twenty pounds of pasta, we got our bill and paid.
"So... what are we doing next?" Casey asked, her arms stretching as we got out of the booth.
"We could head over to the mall and shop around?" Colby suggested, glancing at us.
/  /  /  /
Once we got into the mall, Colby and I separated from Brennen and Casey.
I think we all wanted to be alone with our significant others…
It was nice to just be with Colby. We caught up while shopping around. He told me how his trip went, how they almost got caught going into the abandon building by police and had to run away and hide in the forest.
I told him he was going to get arrested. He laughed.
And as I was planning to tell him about Casey and the Alex situation, a young girl walked up to us. She was pretty: blonde hair, hazel eyes, and a sweet smile. She was maybe sixteen. She had two friends with her who kept looking over at Colby and I.
“Hi. I’m such a huge fan. Can I get a picture?” She meekly asked looking directly at Colby.
He smiled brightly. “Of course!”
I took a step back, letting her get close to him. She pulled her phone up and they both posed for a selfie. Her friends stepped up and asked for photos too. Colby obliged happily.
The girl stood next to me, glancing me over. “Who are you?”
Her tone was no longer the sweet one she had when talking to Colby. I turned my head to her. She stared me down, trying to look intimidating, I think.
I held back a laugh. “I’m Skye. What’s your name?”
“Ashley.” She replied.
I nodded my head. “Nice to meet you.”
I turned back towards Colby and Ashley’s friends, smiling at their interaction.
Colby looked so cute when he talked to fans.
Ashley suddenly cleared her throat. “Aren’t you the girl Travis Marcus made a video about?”
Hearing his name almost made my skin crawl.
What was this girl trying to do?
Keeping the smile on my face from before, I looked Ashley in the eyes. “You mean the video where he lied? Yeah, I’m that girl.”
Her glare faltered as her friends stepped up to her and waved goodbye at Colby. She did the same thing, her gaze never returning to me.
Colby and I strolled in the other direction of the girls after saying goodbye. “Um… Colby?”
“Yeah?” He mumbled.
“Could we… maybe go back to your place and just hang? I’m tired all of a sudden.” I responded.
He giggled. “As long as we can cuddle, I’m down.”
I half-laughed, following him to towards the exit as he called an uber.
Something about that Ashley girl doesn’t sit right with me. But I can’t tell Colby. That’s one of his fans.
He would probably think I’m crazy…
/  /  /  /
I had dozed off the moment we got into bed and cuddled. Colby had as well. I woke up to his arms around me and my face buried in his chest. I didn’t want to wake him, so I had been laying in bed for an hour now, just scrolling through my phone.
Switching from Twitter to Instagram, I noticed I had been tagged in a lot more post. I had turned off notifications because of the whole Travis incident. Looking through my tagged post, my heart stopped for a moment.
Oh no.
I slid out of Colby’s grasp as I looked at the images on my screen. Ashley had posted her photos of her and Colby. But in a different post, what she failed to mention, was that she had been following us from the moment we got into the mall with Brennen and Casey.
Multiple fan accounts had reposted her photos: the four of us, walking around for a bit and then separating. Ashley then followed Colby and I from store to store, taking a picture every so often. She caught one of us holding hands; it was blurry as all hell, but you could tell it was us.
Her caption is what hurt the most.
ashgolbrck the girl that travis mentioned in his vid… is now dating colbs… how’s that clout taste, skyeeee
The comments… were a whole different story.
Some where extremely nice, telling Ashley she shouldn’t have followed us around and that Travis literally lied in his video. Some were just surprised Colby was seen with a girl. And some were saying we were just friends and to stop assuming.
However, there were A LOT of fans asking who the fuck I was and what I was doing with him. How Ashley was right and that I was probably just using Colby for clout.
I hadn’t even realized I was breathing heavily, overwhelmed by all the hate that I was reading about myself.
I clicked my phone off and threw it onto Colby’s couch.
“What did your phone do to you?” Colby uttered, his voice low with sleep. He rubbed his eyes and stared at me as I stood up.
“Do you remember that girl we met today… Ashley?” I uttered, crossing my arms.
“Yeah. What about her?” He sat up, still sleepy.
I leaned against his desk and looked at the ground, not wanting to see his reaction. “She apparently had been following us around.”
“What?” Colby questioned, his brows furrowing as he swung his legs out of bed.
“Her and her friends followed us around the mall and took photos of us the whole time. She posted them all and then called me a clout chaser.” I groaned.
He sighed. “…Shit.”
I paced to the other side of the room, my back facing Colby. I tried to calm my nerves down, taking multiple deep breaths.
As if that’s gonna fucking do anything…
“She shouldn’t have said that. I’m sorry. My fan base can be a bit… overprotective. But that was uncalled for.” He insisted, shaking his head.
I turned to him hastily. “Can I ask you something?”
“Are you ever gonna tell the fans about me?”
I could see his body tense for a second. “Um… uh..”
“I mean, you told everyone else in your life about me. All your friends know. I just want to know if you plan to tell.” I remarked, stepping towards him.
He relaxed as I held his hands. “Eventually I want to. Do you want me to?”
“Not yet. Not for a while.” I replied.
“Why a while?” He mumbled.
“You literally only asked me out yesterday.” I smirked.
A cheeky smile came to his face. “Valid.”
“Also, we already have a lot of eyes on us right now. I don’t think we need anymore. I don’t want us to get judged for being together, especially since everything is so new.” I admitted.
He nodded. “I agree completely.”
“Four months…” I spoke. “Once we’ve hit that, I think then you can tell everyone.”
Colby chuckled. “Four months? You plan to stick with me that long?”
I leaned up and lightly pecked his lips. “You’re lucky I don’t ask you to marry me right now.”
<< CHAPTER 18 || CHAPTER 20 >>
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kachulein · 6 years
Dear Han Jisung,
It has reached my ears how you're feeling about yourself. In all honesty, I've feared all along you might have a low self-esteem and many insecurities despite the confident appearance you always make.
That's why I've decided to write down everything I can think of that makes you a wonderful and beautiful human being, in order to show you my unconditional love and affection, in hopes it might reach your ears and make you feel loved.
Dear Han Jisung, this is For You❤
Let me start with your appearance first. Even if you do not believe it, you're beautiful beyond measure, not just in my eyes, but in the eyes of every STAY. You know I've realized you rarely post selfies on your Instagram account and it makes me sad, thinking you might feel too insecure or bad about yourself to bless us with your pretty face.
Take a look at your eyes. I've never seen a pair of eyes that reflected so many emotions in such a strong sense and they're sparkling as if they're holding whole galaxies within them. Your eyes are truly beautiful and I could get lost in them in no time.
Solely from the look in your eyes, I can feel the emotions you are conveying.
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(© gif credit @stray-kz)
But not only do your eyes contribute to your beauty, it's your whole face, your whole being, that makes you as beautiful as can be.
You have the fluffiest hair and I'd love to run my hands through it.
You have the cutest frame and I'd love to hug you.
You have the cutest nose and I'd love to boop it.
You have the cutest cheeks and I'd love to squish it.
You have the cutest smile and it's so contagious I can't help but break out into a smile myself whenever I see yours.
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(© gif credit @sstraykids)
Your smile has helped me through so many hardships already. When I see your smile, it makes me feel warm on the inside. I catch myself thinking of you, wondering how you're doing and if you're taking good care of yourself. I keep wondering whether you have people surrounding you who make you feel loved and appreciated because that's what you deserve and so much more.
Your smile has made my day so many times and no matter how sad and broken I may be, your smile is so powerful that it makes me smile as well. And I'm truly thankful to you for pulling me up when I've fallen down with as much as a simple yet genuine smile.
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(© gif credit @167crn)
Have you noticed how your lips always break into a heart-shaped form whenever you smile? It's as if even your smile wants to tell us STAYs how much you love us.
Your lips are beautiful and I love seeing them curve into a smile because I want to see you happy, I want to see you enjoying life because that's what you deserve.
You are so precious with the most precious smile.
I hope you will continue to bless us with your beautiful and loving smile, in hopes you'll never lose it.
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(© gif credit @lovemaill)
Even though I love your appearance wholeheartedly, I must admit your personality is even more beautiful and shines brighter than all the stars in the universe combined.
At first glance, you seem like a fun person and a happy-virus, the one member that talks the most and is the loudest, the one member that never fails to draw attention to himself by being cheerful or screaming. Some may think this is an immature and silly behaviour but those people don't know what else you got up your sleeve.
You can be loud and talkative, but this includes being supportive and funny as well. You are the happiness in my life and I miss your screaming every day I don't get to hear it.
Your aegyo and your jokes are also underappreciated. In my opinion you are the cutest little bean and I honestly love your acrostic poems, they aren't just random, funny sentences, they make sense and are sweet.
Not only are you a moodmaker but you are also a very caring, helpful, kind and sweet human being.
You are always there when another member needs your help.
You are very attentive and notice when another member is struggling
You are quick to help and stay by their side
You are very empathetic and caring towards your brothers
Your whole being is just so loving and caring that I can only say, everyone needs a Han Jisung in their lives❤
Here's a gifset of you noticing Hyunjin is shivering and warming him up to visualize how much of a caring and sweet human being you are.
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(© gifset credit @jeongin)
And now let's talk about your talents and your position in the music industry because you genuinely blow my mind.
You are only 18 years old and yet you've come so far and I'm so incredibly proud of you (and you should be proud, too💞).
First of all, you are an insanely talented rapper who can spit fire
Your raps are either very powerful and aggressive
or sweet and comforting, with your lyrical rap style
Not only are you a great rapper but you're also a very talented vocalist
You are able to reach high notes and your vocals are stable and either powerful or sweet and dreamy
Your voice is beautiful, so so so beautiful (and I don't want to discredit vocal line here, I just want to point out how much I love his singing voice)
You have a certain tone in your voice that makes me feel safe and happy, I could listen to you sing all day long and I'd never get tired of it.
Apart from your singing and rapping voice I also want to point out that I love your speaking voice as well.
And this might get overlooked but wow, you are such a great dancer? or is it just me?
(again, no shame to the dance line ofc)
But I'll never get bored of watching you dance
There's something about your moves that captivates my attention and it's hard for me to tear my gaze away
Your dancing is so smooth and you're doing it with such ease, I can only admire you
And as if it couldn't get any better, here you are, at 18 years, producing bops after bops with your fellow 3RACHA mates.
Apart from your incredible producing skills, you're also a very talented lyricist and you touch my heart with the lyrics you write
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(© gif credit @godhanjisung)
Following up on you writing deep and comforting lyrics, I'll come to my next point, which is pointing out how mature you actually are.
Yes, your happy-virus, loud and fun-loving personality may make you seem a bit immature, though that is not the point at all. You've proven to us over and over how thoughtful, mature, serious, sincere and considerate you are.
With your 18 years of age, you are already so knowledgeable and deep, seemingly understanding the complexity of life and giving us advice on how to overcome hardships and deal with them.
Every time, you surprise me all over again with how wholesome you are and I honestly couldn't be prouder.❤
Please don't let the hate get to you. It's only a reflection of the character of those who sent it your way and not of you, yourself.
Please know, that even if you feel like you're lacking or not good enough, you are so much more than enough for the entirety of the STAY fandom.
You are a blessing to us and we don't deserve such an angel like you.
You've set your own expectations so high, to a point where you can't reach them anymore, but the thing is, you don't have to.
You are enough as you are. And nothing less.
I know, I shouldn't say someone is perfect because no human being is, but you are very close to it, my love.
Dear Han Jisung,
I love you with all my heart and I wouldn't know what I'd do without you in my life.
Thank you for being a wonderful and amazing human being.
Thank you for giving us love and stay by our side when we need you.
Thank you for existing and blessing us with your music and messages.
Thank you, simply for being YOU.
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(© gif credit @godhanjisung)
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sunsetscurving · 5 years
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Oh, Cruel Fate (Enemies to Lovers AU)
Ch. 8
ao3 link
The Demaurys and the Lallemants had been enemies for over one hundred years. And when Lucas first meets Eliott, he hates him with his whole heart even without knowing him, blaming him and his family for his life which is slowly falling apart. But when they are forced to live alongside in the same surrounding, something is changing between them. And this scares Lucas more than anything else.
Lucas was sure that he never had such a bad hangover in his entire fucking life.
He groaned as he opened his eyes, the sun seeming to trigger an explosion in his head with its brightness.
Lucas needed some moments to recall what happened yesterday night. But when he tried to sit up and a sharp pain went through his body, the memories of it all came back.
The party, the dark alley, his attackers, Eliott.
Lucas’ head fell back on the pillow and he laid an arm over his eyes, shutting the sun out for a moment. Eliott went after him, Eliott took care of him, Eliott played with him piano. Eliott stared into Lucas’ soul with his piercing gaze.
Eliott, Eliott, Eliott…
“Gosh, what the fuck is wrong with you”, said Lucas quietly to himself.
Eliott was supposed to be his enemy, he should hate him and not… think about the color of his eyes or his messy hair where he would gladly drive his hands through and –
Lucas slapped himself in the face, trying to chase away all the thoughts about the other boy in this way. Since when was Eliott his first thought after waking up?
Since he saved your life, putain.
Eliott protected him, even breaking the nose of one of his attackers without even being asked to do so it. He cared about him. There are not many people in his life who seemed to genuinely care about Lucas and his well-being and this was the first time in forever where someone looked after him. And he felt a kind of warmth inside of him only when thinking about it. Lucas was an asshole to Eliott from the beginning and he was sorry about it. But he apologized and that’s it for now. They could go on with their lives, with their separate lives.
Lucas took his phone from the nightstand, having a lot of new messages from Yann and the other boys. He choose to ignore these for now, his fingers automatically moving to Instagram, opening the app.
The first post on his feed was from Eliott.
Lucas raised his eyebrows and looked at the ceiling of his room.
“Is this some kind of joke or what?” He spoke into the silence of his empty house, addressing no one and everyone to the same time.
Lucas looked down on his phone again, adjusting the brightness so his head wouldn’t explode from staring at Eliotts new post.
It was a drawing. Nothing new, Eliott posted his drawings often, showing off his artistic talent. But this drawing was different. It showed two people from behind, sitting close to each other on a little stool. In front of them, a piano. Both of them looked down at the keys of the instrument, filling the air with music.
Lucas stopped to breath for a second, a smile creeping onto his lips.
No one could see the faces of the two people but Lucas just knew who this was.
And Eliott knew that Lucas would see it.
He posted it because he wanted Lucas to see it.
Lucas scrolled down, his heart beating rapidly in his chest and his eyes widened again when he read the caption of the photo.
Qui n’avance pas, recule
“Who does not move forward, recedes.”
For random people, the caption had nothing to do with the drawing Eliott posted. But to Lucas, it meant everything. Eliott told him that his life can still be changed, that his life and his happiness are not lost. And that they could change their fate together, moving forward to better times. If Lucas was brave enough.
Lucas kept staring at the caption but his thoughts traveled to his mum. To his mum who told him that Eliott and Lucas are the last hope for the peace of their families. Not only Eliott told him to be brave and go against everything he has known till now, but his mum did too.
Suddenly, the phone in his hand vibrated, announcing a new message.
Lucas’ heart kept beating like crazy when he opened the message section of Instagram, clicking on his newest chat.
The first thing he saw when he opened the chat between him and Eliott, were the absolutely embarrassing messages he sent yesterday. He groaned and rubbed his hand over his face. He really called him pretty, talented boy.
It was even more of a wonder that Eliott came after all these messages. If Lucas would’ve been in his place, he would’ve laugh his ass off, sending the messages to his friends to mock Eliott with it.
But Eliott was also different in this case.
Lucas scrolled down to the newest message, trying to fight the feeling of embarrassment rising inside him.
srodulv: how do you feel?
lucallement: like the worst I’ve ever been.
srodulv: you saw my post?
lucallement: how could I NOT see it?
srodulv: do you like it?
Lucas took a deep breath. Of course, he liked it. The thought that Eliott was apparently also thinking about him did something with Lucas. And the drawing was beautiful, as was the meaning behind it and the moment where exactly this happened.
He just had to be brave. He just had to stop denying that something… happened between them. One word and Lucas’ life would change.
But he was afraid. Afraid of what his parents would say, about what Eliotts parents would say, about what the world would say.
He was never been brave before and it wouldn’t start just now.
lucallement: idk what this drawing is about but it’s okay
srodulv: you are kidding me
lucallement: no
Lucas looked the screen, watched Eliott reading the message, watched him typing. And then he made a decision. He closed the chat between the two of them, went to Eliotts account.
And blocked him.
Lucas locked his phone and threw it across his bed to his feet, out of his reach so he wouldn’t undo his action. His head fell back on the pillow again, wincing as he did so and he stared into the void. He knew that Eliott would see that he blocked him.
But it was better this way.
He had to push Eliott away from him, saving himself and his reputation from Eliott Demaury.
Saving himself from the feelings inside of him whenever thinking about the other boy.
But he couldn’t run away forever.
Days passed.
Lucas didn’t tell his friends about the night after the party. They asked about his bruises, about the pain which seemed to be present in the first days, but Lucas always found excuses. He tried to go on with his life, tried to forget what happened.
But his life changed.
It changed in that night when Eliott took care of him and they played piano together, looking into the other ones eyes.
Whenever Lucas saw Eliott in school, he tried to escape him. He always saw a smile blooming on Eliotts face whenever he spotted Lucas. And whenever Lucas turned around on his heel, taking another way, literally running away, the smile on Eliotts face disappeared and left a void inside of Lucas.
A week passed after Lucas’ exaggerated night. He was standing in front of the mirror on a Friday morning, examining his face and the bruises which finally seemed to fade away. The pain coming from his rips also slowly decreased, he was going back to his usual self. But his usual self didn’t think about his enemy all the time.
He was still examining his face when he suddenly heard the front door, a loud bang echoing through the empty house. Lucas frowned and walked out of the bathroom only to halt in his movement, a nearly shocked expression on his face.
“You”, hissed Lucas and his eyes darkened.
Lucas felt hatred rise inside of him as he saw his father, Jack Lallemant, standing in the hallway of their house. There was a time where he looked up to his father, seeing him as some kind of idol. But this time was long gone, as so many other times were long gone.
“What do you want here?”, asked Lucas and took some steps closer to him. The door behind him was still open and when he suddenly heard more voices, his heart started to race.
This is not going to end well.
Behind his father, his two older Brothers Louis and Jules, were entering his house and Lucas felt some kind of panic rise inside of him.
“Hey, little brother”, said Louis, the oldest one and flashed him a smile. Oh, how Lucas hated all of them. His brothers always bullied him whenever they had the chance to do so. They humiliated him and showed him nothing but cruelty. And they stood with their father as… things went down. Alone for that, Lucas hated them. For supporting an abusive man.
“What is all of this about?”, asked Lucas carefully, already eyeing the door and how fast he could get out all of this. He felt the tension in the air and it was completely different than the tension between him and Eliott.
There he is again in my thoughts.
“Aren’t we allowed to visit our little brother?” Jules was coming forward and as many steps as he took into Lucas’ direction, the same amount of steps took Lucas backwards.
“Not after abandoning me and this family”, said Lucas dryly and looked at Jules.
“Come on boys, stop this.”
His father was now stepping forward, stopping when he was in front of Lucas. Lucas was tired of backing down so he held his ground and looked up to his father.
“This is still my house and I can come home whenever I want.”
“This is not your home anymore.”
“Says who?”
Lucas held his gaze and watched him, not answering the rhetorical question.
“What. Do. You. Want. Here?” Lucas was speaking slowly, as if talking to a little child.
His father was spreading his arms innocently as if inventing Lucas for a hug. Lucas stood still, not moving a millimeter.
“I just want to talk with you.”
“We want to talk with you”, interfered Louis and gave Lucas another one of those creepy smiles which woke the sudden instinct to flee in Lucas.
“Don’t you want to sit down?”, asked his father, already moving into the direction of the living room. Lucas couldn’t stand this man being in this house, memories of certain nights crushing over him. Lucas crossed his arms, leaning his body against the wall.
“I’m good standing. And since you three are going to leave soon, I don’t see any reason to sit down with you.”
They were silent for a moment, all of them and then his father sighed and his mask fell. Now Lucas saw the cruel and brutal person he really was, his mouth curling into that impression that Lucas hated with his entire being.
“Fine. I tried to be polite but if you want it that way, then we’re doing it that way.”
And as his father nodded into the direction of Lucas’ brothers, they were darting forward. And before Lucas could do anything else, he was being pressed against the wall behind it, the sheer force of it knocking out the air of his lungs.
“What are you doing with that Demaury brat?”
Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about”, answered Lucas breathless, his brothers holding him into place with their strong bodies. Louis was smiling his maniac smile the whole time and Lucas had the feeling to get sick.
“I know that he was here. In our house. Aren’t you ashamed of yourself?” His father came nearer and Lucas struggled against the grip of his brothers. But he couldn’t move a tiny bit.
“Even talking with him is a betray to our family. You are disgrace to your name and to our family.”
Lucas knew how his father thought of him but to hear it was something else. Something inside him went lose, the anger and the hatred he used to feel for the Demaurys coming to the surface of his being again.
“I hate him as much as you do! He stalked me!” Lucas suddenly blurted out, his voice muffled by his breathlessness.
Fuck the shut up, Lucas.
“He stalked me and he went after me and…”
“This is it. Enough is enough.”, interrupted him his father, a shocked expression on his face and something like… madness in his eyes.
“This is the point where we have to do something”, said Jules and let go of Lucas suddenly. Lucas dropped to the floor, breathless, staring at the carpet in front of him while trying to breath properly again.
What have I done?
“They went too far with this”, agreed Louis and he heard the cracking of knuckles through the blur of it all.
“What… what are you…”
“Let’s go. We know where he currently is.”
“Hey, where are you going?” Lucas finally made it to drag himself him, rubbing the place on his neck where Louis pinned Lucas to the wall. The others didn’t seem to listen to, didn’t even to acknowledge him still being there on the floor. Lucas’ brothers and his father suddenly turned around and stormed out of the house, leaving as quickly as they came.
“Hey!”, Lucas screamed after them and ran down the front stairs of their houses, standing in the middle of the street. But they were already around the corner. Lucas felt dizzy and he closed his eyes to recall the conversation they had, everything seeming to blur together.
He stalked me.
Enough is enough.
We know where he currently is.
And then realization hit Lucas.
“Oh my fucking god”, he whispered breathless, his hands starting to shake. And then he took off, running as if his life depended on it.
Or the life of another one.
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kpoptart216 · 6 years
Silent Validations (Namjoon Oneshot)
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A/n: In celebration of mono coming out today, I just had to type a little something up when I had the time~ Congrats to Joon on such a beautiful playlist, it’s literally everything and more.
It was the only thing that surrounded him at the moment, as he sat in his room, waiting as each second passed by. 
In a matter of minutes, Namjoon was going to release his new mixtape, his playlist. 
The silence somewhat haunted him, because it really only left him with his own thoughts. Would it be successful? Will people like it? Would it meet expectations?
Though his members reassured him that the playlist was more than ready to make it’s debut to the world, Namjoon couldn’t help but stare at the clock and think about what the world was going to say. 
These tracks were his raw feelings somehow in musical form. Would those feelings be heard to those who listen? He could only hope so. 
And sure, he himself has grown since first starting to work on the mixtape, but he still wanted to show the world what he himself has felt and gone through since starting till now. 
He glances at the clock at the bottom of his monitor and shuts his eyes when he realizes that it was 11:59 pm. One more minute to go. 
It still amazes him how nervous he gets no matter how many songs he releases. This time was probably the most nervous he’s ever been. 
He knew he shouldn’t immediately log into different sites and look at the comments that people leave. So he shuts down his monitor, just as the time turned to midnight. 
It was strange, he thought. He felt so much anticipation waiting till midnight, but now that it was here, it almost felt surreal. 
Fans around the world were probably streaming the song already, and he slightly chuckled when he saw the first notification on his phone was one from Youtube, letting him know that his music video was now uploaded. 
He wasn’t even going to see it for a while. 
There weren’t that many places he could escape to so late at night in France, so he settled to taking a nice long shower. He forced himself to think of anything but what people were probably saying about his music at the moment. 
He could hear his phone beep with a few notifications, probably from the members congratulating him. He can almost guarantee that Jimin or Taehyung was probably the first one to message him. 
After stepping out of the shower and wiping at the fog on the mirror, Namjoon stood there and just stared at the reflection staring back at him. And...the reflection smiled. 
The journey he took up till this point was....long to say the least. It was tiring, both physically and emotionally. But those exact experiences are what shaped his current playlist. And he hoped that at least one person out there found some comfort in his words. 
Now, in that moment, Namjoon felt a lot of things, but perhaps the most prominent emotion was...eagerness?
He was eager to meet the future and tackle it head on. 
Namjoon grabs his phone, smiling further when he realizes that both Jimin and Taehyung had texted him at pretty much the same time. I know them too well he thinks. 
He chuckles at the rest of the messages from various other people. His other members, Bang PD, other producers, and even his family. He was so thankful for these people to be willing to listen to his works as soon as it was released, no matter what time it was wherever they were. 
Namjoon decided to reply to everyone in the morning, when he could gather his thoughts more. 
He stumbled to bed, ruffling his wet hair hoping to get a few extra drops of water to fly off. 
He plopped down on the bed, groaning a little when his whole body relaxed into the comfort of his bed. He was tired, but he knew that sleep probably wasn’t going to come anytime soon. 
What could he do to pass the time?
It wasn’t really a question he had to think of the answer for too long, because there was really only one thing he really needed to do at the moment. 
He quickly unlocks his phone, settling into his bed further as he wraps himself under the thick comforter. 
He opens up his own personal, and rather anonymous instagram account. It was an account that no one knew who he was. Sure, he had another account for his family and close friends, but this was a public account that he opened up just for fun one day. He uploaded mostly random pictures from his travels, but none of them revealed who or where he was. Plus, he only really had like 15 posts and 73 followers. 
He wasn’t even sure how he got 72 of those followers. 
One though, he knew very well. Well, somewhat. 
One day as he was browsing through instagram, he had stumbled upon an account. It wasn’t anything special really, the pictures were actually pretty basic. But the captions are really what caught his eye. 
It was rare to see people express their feelings in such a raw form on social media. He read the caption of the picture he saw first, and it was obvious that whoever the user was, was having a not a bad day. 
But he opened up other pictures from the user, and each picture had a little caption of that person’s life and it was oddly entertaining to Namjoon to read through this person’s life through instagram. 
He started from the beginning, and scrolled through each picture as if going back in time on this person’s life. 
And the first time he actually found a picture of the person himself, it was almost as if time stopped. 
That person, that beautiful woman behind the screen, took his breath away. 
“Too all the new people who have stumbled onto my account and have stalked through the rest of my pictures, hello. My name is Y/n. It’s nice to meet you.” you simply captioned, causing him to chuckle at that time. 
He just knew, he had to talk to you. So he had immediately sent you a DM right there and then. 
He wasn’t really sure what to say, let alone if you’d even reply considering you had thousands of followers, but it was worth a shot. 
So he sent you a simple message. “Thank you for sharing your feelings”. 
It wasn’t till a few days later after he sent that message did he really have time to check his instagram. And much to his surprise, you had replied. 
“Thank you for taking the time to read about my feelings, stranger. I don’t know how many people actually read the sappy stuff on my captions, but thank you for doing so” you said. 
Namjoon just smiled as he typed up a reply himself. 
Fast forward to today, you two had talked frequently. And by frequently, you mean you two talked almost on a daily basis. 
Namjoon never thought he’d make an internet friend considering his job. But you had respected his wishes of being anonymous, as long as he promised he wasn’t some creepy stalker or murderer, which also caused him to chuckle as he read the message. 
Your online friendship was now a solid 3 years strong, and Namjoon found silent comfort in your words, not only through your conversation with him but also through reading about your life. 
Somewhere along the line, Namjoon had become your favorite person to talk to, and somewhere along the way, you had confessed that you were a fan of BTS.  Namjoon remembers freezing when he saw that message from you, slightly wondering if you possibly caught on about who he really was. 
But thankfully, you hadn’t. 
So Namjoon just told you that he himself had listened a little of BTS’ songs (which was the biggest understatement of the century) and he had asked you on multiple accounts of what you thought of the music. 
And at first, he was just expecting you to fangirl about the music and the members. But then again, you never failed to surprise him. 
When he first asked you what you thought of BTS, he could see that you were typing. But he never got a reply for hours. 
So when he finally got a response, he was surprised to see almost a small essay in his messages about why you appreciated BTS and their music. You had related their music to moments and experiences in your life, and Namjoon felt tears form in his eyes. 
Sure, he constantly read from fans about how their music has helped them, but he felt this connection to you after talking to you for so long, and he was so happy that in some way or form, he had helped you overcome struggles in your life. 
“Wow, I didn’t know they meant that much to you” He had simply said. 
“You have no idea what they mean for lots of people” you say back. 
So since then, following any release, he would ask you what you thought of the music. And you were brutally honest when it came to your feedback. Sure, most of it was good, but you had to speak on your preferences. Of course you’d prefer some songs over the others. 
He remembers when Hoseok had released his mixtape, you had all but bombarded him with compliments. It was strange, but Namjoon realized that he was slightly jealous by it. 
 He knew that you were probably awake and had listened to his playlist by this time, so he anxiously sent you a message. 
“So...didn’t RM release a mixtape today? What did you think?” he asked, trying to play it cool. 
A few seconds later, he saw that you had read the message. 
You: Honestly?
He felt himself tense at the reply. Did she not like it?
Joon: Yeah, what did you think of it?
He could see you start to type again, and he felt his heart beat faster as each second passed. Why did he feel more anxious now then when he was waiting for the mixtape to release?
You: Well stranger, it’s everything. 
Namjoon blinked at his screen. What was that supposed to mean?
Joon: Everything? What do you mean?
He waiting again anxiously as you typed, but this response was taking a lot longer than he would have liked. He almost wanted to yell at the phone as if to tell you to type faster. 
But finally, his phone vibrated with a response. 
You: I mean like... it’s everything? I don’t know how to explain it, stranger. The emotions in the songs are so... how do I put it... raw? I wasn’t expecting this kind of a sound for his mixtape, considering his first one. But this one is just... beautiful to say the least. I love it, I love it all. I finally got done listening to all of the tracks, and I honestly can’t even pick a favorite. The lyrics, those really hit home for me. And plus, have you seen the MV? It’s so... sad? So meaningful? I know they’re famous stars and stuff and it probably makes me a bad person for saying this, but knowing that he struggles too and felt these...painful emotions? It made me feel like I wasn’t alone, that even people like Kim Namjoon is just a person too. And also like how even does he and the company even have time for this? I’m sorry, I know you probably don’t want to listen to me rave about BTS all the time, but this playlist kind of had me in tears. It’s just... it’s amazing...to put it simply. 
Namjoon read your message one, and then once again. And again for good measure, as if the message was going to disappear as if it were on snapchat. Hell, he even took a screenshot of the message. 
Because in that message alone, he got everything he needed. He needed just one person out there to understand the things he was trying to say through his music, and he felt like you had done just that. It was the silent validation that he was seeking. 
So before he could even think of what he was saying he quickly typed,
Joon:  you have no idea what that feedback means to me. Thank you, sincerely. 
You:  why does my feedback on this playlist have anything to do with you??
And it was at that moment that he realized that he had slightly messed up. Sure, he didn’t give himself away, but it definitely made you suspicious slightly. 
Joon: I guess you just helped me see things through your eyes more clearly. 
He knew that sounded ambiguous af, but he knew that you wouldn’t really question it. 
You: Oh, gotcha. Not sure if it helped, but you’re welcome. 
Namjoon placed his phone on the nightstand after sending his goodbyes for the day, a smile still plastered on his face. 
Tomorrow was going to be a new day, and when he awoke, he would take the time to go through and read the comments of fans all over the world. But he knew that he had already got the validation he needed. 
Tomorrow was going to be a new day. 
Perhaps, it was one day closer to finally meeting you in person. 
One day closer to thanking you in person.
One day, closer to you. 
A/n: just something short and sweet for our Namjoon. hope you guys enjoyed. stream mono!!
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crappyfics · 6 years
Cherry Bomb [Part 2]
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Rockstar!au / Chanyeol x Reader
Word count: 1 933
Pervious part / Masterlist
“What do you mean by ‘bandmates’? You’ve never told us about your acquaintance and we’ve been in the dark all this time!” Kyung was furiously yelling at me in the parking lot a few blocks away from my apartment building. There was no one with us, not even the rest of the band. They were all gone to their homes and even took Somi with them not to witness the discussion that was about to go down. 
“It is not like we’re friends anyway. We used to be in the same band a few years ago, but that was it.” I explain myself but he clearly didn’t think this was good enough explanation. 
“The way he talked to you tonight didn’t seem like you were just bandmates, Y/N!” He laughed unamused and brought his hand up to his hair pushing it back trying to calm down his nerves. It wasn’t the first time I saw him having a crisis but this time I did not exactly know the reason why he was freaking out. I could guess it was only because I was one of Park Chanyeol’s ‘old friends’, but it felt more like Kyung did not like it when the rockstar took me to the back door for a private conversation. 
If it was already complicated to explain how things were between Chanyeol and me in the past, it was even worst to try and explain what Kyung and I are in the present. I don’t know, it was some kind of weird open relationship that wasn’t ever serious or anything but we tended to ask for a commitment from each other. Our complicated relationship was only a stupid way of being together without ever letting our personal lives affect the band, which was our business. We never meant to go into deep, we never meant to fall for each other, but it was too late to go back when we always found ourselves tangled in the sheets and sharing dreams before going to bed. 
We liked to lie to ourselves too. We pretended that we were fine the way we were, that it really did not affect our band, that regardless of what would happen between us, we would remain professional. But Zack and Jin knew how close we were and how this crazy ass relationship was toxic. If only we assumed each other and tried to keep a balance without hiding and pretending to even our bandmates and friends that we were nothing, things would go much better. 
Me knowing Chanyeol and hiding it from everyone could be a parcel of our argument tonight, but to Kyung the big deal was when I left to speak to the big guy in a more private place because I used to be that close with him. 
“We only talked, Kyung.” 
“What about?” 
“I never hide anything from you, but this time please don’t ask me that.”
“And why not? We’ve been struggling for so long to have stupid gigs around town meanwhile all along you knew someone in the industry. You simply hid it from us that you had a passageway to the industry much easier than what we've been trying to do. I- I don’t get it! And now you can’t tell me what you and Park fucking Chanyeol were talking about?”
“It is strictly personal. I really hoped you could understand that.”
“No, I can’t, Y/N. I can’t! You wanna know why? Because now you’re not hiding things from the band, you are hiding from me and that doesn’t bother me, it infuriates me!”
“Chanyeol and I used to be friends. That’s all, Kyung! We barely still know each other. Telling you that I had a stupid garage band with him wouldn’t change a single thing because HE kicked me out of it!” his wide eyes now watched me surprised by the revelation. Who would ever think that me, a nobody, was once in a band with the biggest rock star in Asia and managed to get kicked out of the project? Oh well, nobody, not even Kyung saw that coming. “He would never help us get there, he would never do anything for me. He never did! Instead, he would steal our songs and make them his own!”
It was cold outside but all the yelling heated our bodies. It felt like the thick coat of tension in the air was enough to warm us up. Kyung kept staring at me still agape not really knowing what to say. Me, on the other hand, I did know what I wanted and it was to go home. I couldn’t allow Chanyeol to destroy my career once again, especially now that he had nothing to do with it. I was tired from the concert and the fighting, I just wanted to stay alone, to go home and be by myself. I wasn’t mad at Kyung. I understood his point, or at least I tried. I just didn’t want to open up more than I’ve already done that night. It was enough for me to deal with the memory of Park Chanyeol alone. I didn’t wanna risk having other people reminding me of the guy at times. It was always better keeping it a secret.
“I wanna go home.”
I entered the car and Kyung followed me going to the driver’s seat and silently starting the car. The only sound we could hear was from the engines of the vehicle, we were both silent not really knowing how to approach each other at that point. I wanted to say I was fine and that we should forget about tonight, but I couldn’t forget the memory of Chanyeol’s tall figure towering me when we were both alone by the back door of the venue where the music was muffled and we could hear each other's strange feelings. 
Kyung kissed me goodnight before I left the car, but it wasn’t his affection I was craving tonight. I just hoped it all went away just like Chanyeol did and would do once again. 
I could hear the kettle on the stove dramatically announce that the water was boiling. I got up from the couch and ran to the kitchen to pour myself a generous mug of tea. It wasn’t any great medicine, no. But it sure would help me organize my thoughts better, maybe intercalate ideas between sips. I thought that it all would be weird once the band met again for rehearsal, but afraid of the truth, I stuck with the doubt. I avoided meeting the boys only limiting our conversations to quick and objective text messages.
The only one who caught me home with no difficulty was Somi. But knowing that I wasn’t on my 100%, she also avoided talking about my band's last gig. She did not really have a filter for social interactions, but she had a lot of respect for me and my personal space. Knowing that, I had no problem being at home with her because I knew she wouldn’t push my buttons. Not so soon. 
On cue, I saw my best friend come out of her room and join me at the kitchen table. 
“What’s up?”
“Been trying to finish my homework but I guess I’ll leave it for tomorrow.”
I only nod and shift on my chair giving her space to come and sit beside me. She poured herself some tea and silently we drank from our cups. School was Somi’s life. She woke up early in the morning every day to go to class and she came home late at night. She spent most of her day studying and if not, she would be at work trying to make enough to pay the bills. She would go out with her friends sometimes, but most of those times it was to watch my shows. But she was an ordinary girl. She had an ordinary life and that was amazing. Somi was very down to earth meanwhile I tried to believe I was as responsible as she was. I liked to believe that being a musician was my destiny, that I had a talent for no other thing in this world. But when your band is not very successful, and your talent is not well recognized by big labels, that’s when you have to question yourself and your life decisions. My tea was almost over but I still had no many thoughts I had to go through. I put my cup down. Maybe I should go back to school. Making music was not making much money, at least if I got a job as a waitress and went back to school I might have had a chance to succeed. 
"He asked me what I was doing,” I spoke up making Somi look up at me and try to understand the randomness of the conversation. She stared at me silently. “Chanyeol. He asked me what I was doing playing at a club.”
“What does that even mean?”
“He thinks it’s pathetic.” I moved to drink some more of my tea but I stopped midway remembering there was no more in the cup. I put it down once again. If a sigh could last 4 minutes, that was what Somi would hear from me in the kitchen. “Before that night, the last time I saw Chanyeol was in the garage of his parents’ house. It was after a show in a club. Back then he didn’t think it was pathetic.”
“Why did he even took you to the back door that night? To fucking mock you? What’s wrong with that guy?”
“I wish I knew.”
Ever since my last show, Cherry Bomb got quite popular around town. There were videos all over the internet, and on twitter, we gained so many followers. It had never happened after our show, but last time Zack checked, Byun Baekhyun, one of the Byun siblings, had posted a video of us on Instagram and things got crazy online. 
I wasn’t very fond of the virtual world but I could not deny its power. Zack was doing his best on updating all our social media accounts but things got a little weird and scandalous when rumors started popping out on our feed. Some comments on videos and photos were about “that girl and Chanyeol secretly talking in the back exit door of The Cave.” It was absurd. If they only knew Chanyeol was not being a flirt, these rumors wouldn't have spread so fast like that. 
As if I liked the martyr, when I heard from my bandmates that people were talking about me and the rockstar, I started accessing our accounts just for the sake of knowing what they were saying. Countless comments, countless lies, but also countless pictures taken of us talking so close to each other that from another angle it would look like something else. I was drowning in so much toxicity from the abusive posts, but I could not help myself from seeing them. It was all pretty stupid in the beginning until thousands of notification started appearing on our account.
@Park_CY Old friends reuniting. Fun times!
"OLD FRIENDS!” He literally said that! He called ourselves old friends for the entire internet to see. This was NOT what Park Chanyeol would ever tweet. ‘Old friends’ was not what we seemed to be that night. He called me pathetic, he mocked me, he was not friendly at all. Something was up and I had to find out as soon as possible before it was too late to protect my bandmates. 
Bridge chapter
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forthemultiverse · 6 years
Young Justice Headcanons (2)
A Teenaged Night In
- They still found a way to blame Robin when they found out Batman had walked in on them again.
- Technically he was the one that set up the game station in the cave…
- And technically it was his hard drive of illegally downloaded TV Shows and Movies. 
- It all began when Artemis outed that Dick and Wally weren’t available one night because they were at the Batcave, playing video games. 
- M’gann asked what video games they played. having heard the time a few times at school, and instead of just welcoming everyone to the cave, Dick and Wally decided to relocate to the mountain. 
- He linked the training simulator to the video game so it was like some super high tech virtual reality game. 
- Wally and Dick started explaining how to play the game to the group and Kaldur picked it up immediately.
- He destroyed them all. 
- They never saw him coming
- He’d just appear, score points, disappear and somehow gain even more points.
- Conner…not so much
- He’s a button masher but doesn’t know the actual combos
- No technique, just hit and hope for the best.
- They can’t let him play certain characters in fighter games because button mashing started to work for him and Dick refused to lose. 
- They started a rotation thing, every one pairing up to try and complete one of the levels
- Dick and Wally are an unbeatable combination, they didn’t even need to communicate in full sentences.
- They just played off each other to destroy all of the bad guys
- Seeing them be such nerds and so successful set off the next part of the night.
- M’gann watched them and suddenly started singing Two-Player Game from Be More Chill
- Dick started joining in as he played, attempting to sing at the top of his lungs and still play well. 
- Wally and he were distracted by the song and started stupidly dancing along to the words.
- When they completed the level and the song had stopped, everyone was laughing and wanted to know why Robin knew all of the words.
- “My dad supports theatre and stuff…” he carefully phrased. “But if we are introducing musicals, a throwback to the other night, we need to show them High School Musical.”
- “Oh my god yes!” Zatanna clapped
- That discussion turned into a full-blown debate
- They all knew that they had to show theme High School Musical, but what about all the other Disney movies? 
- What order to you watch DCOMS and the normal Animated Movies
- And what about Pixar
- What about the Pixar Timeline
- Or the must-watch animated TV shows like Avatar The Last Airbender
(Fight me, we all know Wally or Dick would have watched it and worshipped it)
- They binged all three High School Musical movies, the group that already knew the words trying their best not to ruin the musical numbers
- They failed, Dick started singing and dancing ‘I Don’t Dance because it’s his jam (+he’s the youngest and a ball of sunshine with no self-control yet)
- They also starting ‘arguing’ about whether Sharpay was truly a bad character.
- They started Avatar the Last Airbender and made Kaldur do the water movement each opening credits.
- They also didn’t get very far into the episode because they kept making Kaldur copy Katara.
- They stopped because Artemis started thinking about M’gann’s love of ‘Hey Megan’
- She suggested they should watch Friends
- The thing about Artemis is, she didn’t have much of a happy childhood, and she certainly didn’t have all the TV channels or a Netflix account to watch all of these shows on. 
- She watched them illegally from rooftops and closet when she was hiding from her dad. She’d watch every time he and Jade had an argument before Jade ran away. 
- She binged hundreds of shows when joining Gotham Academy to try and fit in, she thought she’d understand all the references, but she was wrong. 
- Watching the shows now, surrounded by a group of people who loved her, laughing out loud and saying whatever she wanted, without the fear of being found and told off/caught in the middle of an argument.
- Thinking about it all made her snuggle even closer to Wally’s chest.
- She wouldn’t trade that feeling for anything. 
- Artemis and Wally started the clapping in the Friends Theme Tune since they had it on constantly when they had more relaxed dates. 
- Soon M’gann joined in. Overly excited, and clapping far too many times since she didn’t know what the rhythm was.
- Soon everyone was clapping randomly.
- Dick and Wally started deliberately trolling the group by clapping out of time, or adding too many times.
- They watched the first three seasons and started classifying each other as the characters.
- They didn’t settle on anyone definitely because they all kept arguing. 
- Some people would say Wally was Joey, since he used to flirt with everyone - but now he was with Artemis…it was harder
- Wally said Robin was definitely a Joey but no one agreed with him. They didn’t know Dick Grayson - ward of the billionaire playboy, the Dog who kissed Barbara Gordan in a closet during his fourteenth birthday party. (Dick identifies as Janice)  
- Since they’d watched friends, Raquel said they needed to watch How I Met Your Mother, since she’d started watching it from the recommended section on Netflix. 
- The Slap Bet is now banned from the mountain because if Conner manages to somehow win - you are screwed
- Plus, M’gann knows if you’re cheating to get extra slaps
- And Dick always wins, even if the bet is over something as small as the most popular ice cream flavour or the name of some random background actor. 
- He then goes on a mini-rant how he’s constantly pressured by Batman and the second he lives home, he’s going to relax his head and focus on the things he wants to know - like people and real team leading, not just I always have a planning team leading. 
- After the mini-rant, they needed something to lighten the mood. They could see the tension Robin’s feeling about Batman, and they aren’t ready to be the catalyst to their breakup. 
- Wally suggested ICarly
- The Theme tune is all that’s heard from Kaldur’s room from that point forward for about a month and a half. 
- Seddie versus Ceddie. 
- They’re all team Seddie, and Dick totally doesn’t make them rewatch the first kiss from Season Five three times just because he can’t deal with how amazing it was. 
- That pisses Wally off even more as  the gang then say that a hopeless romantic like that couldn’t possibly be a dog/flirt
- Little do they know Dick just has emotional problems that stop him from expressing his hopeless love for people.
- They thought about all the videos of them up from their last non-superhero adventure and considered making their own little online show. Just some small vlogs about them training, or the stupid things Kid Flash does.
- They decided against ever publishing them since they can’t trust themselves not to use real names by accident (or just showing too much personality that would allow people to figure out who they are)
- Batman had said they were a team to work on the sly.
(cackling from a distance)
- Robin makes the Youtube channel anyway, just in case they ever change their mind. 
- Zatanna also makes a team Instagram to post short videos or photos, they all have the password so they can post whenever they feel like it. 
- They have to be careful they don’t accidentally post on their civilian account
(I reckon Dick fucks up one time, and that’s how the team find out his identity, but all the civilians just assume that something’s up with the Wayne’s so the team were brought in for protection)
- Watching ICarly leads them into looking at what exactly Dick has on his hard drive 
- Phineas and Ferb came on by accident, and even though they’re all tired and half asleep, it’s too entertaining to turn off.
- It also got Wally in the mood for Snow Cones, due to the Swinter episode, meaning they attempted to make them, sending him and his superspeed off to grab the stuff for it.
- Watching Phineas and Ferbs starts an OG Team meme
- “Aren’t you kids a little young to be saving the world?”
- “Yes, yes we are,”
- Batman saw the social media account and wants to know what’s going on/ Why Dick hasn’t been home for over twenty-four hours?
- He walked into the mountain, and they were all too caught up in Snow Cones, lack of sleep, and kids cartoons to notice his arrival (even though the system announced it)
- He heard them laughing and thought about all the argument’s he and Dick had been having recently.
- He thought of Artemis’s stolen childhood
- How M’gann and Kaldur were now apart of earth culture, but they never grew up here, M’gann faced discrimination on Mars, Kaldur trained in magic. They didn’t get childhoods in their worlds, and they at least should get a moment of childhood here on earth.
- He thought of Zatanna, being forced to see Fate every time the Justice League was around, and how she can’t do anything to free her dad. Her family was so close, yet, she had still lost him. 
- Raquel was inspired to help people by the team, that was her choice, but it still wasn’t fair. She may have chosen to give up a normal life, but she deserved a break.
- He thought of Conner. Clark was working harder to welcome Conner into his family, but it’s hard enough dealing with teenagers and Conner had appeared as a sixteen-year-old, and he was going to be that age forever. Conner was brainwashed to think he was a weapon; he deserved to feel like he was more than that. 
- He retreated into the teleporter, disappearing away to let the kids have that weekend off. 
- They deserved a weekend off, a night in.
- They deserved to enjoy teenaged culture. 
Part One: Teenaged Night Out
Sorry guys, I wanted to write some cutie TV show stuff plus some sadness that was just on my mind. Hope people like it <3<3
xx Scarlett
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polyglottraveler · 6 years
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Movies and TV Shows: 
This month I tried to be more serious about Portuguese, so I watched a bunch of movies and TV shows in Portuguese :) - Central do Brasil, this is THE Brazilian movie everyone watches, but it’s very good, it was my second time watching it and I didn’t get bored at all  - 3%, this is an amazing TV show by Netflix Brazil, the second season was really great  - I also wanted to watch some kid movies in Portuguese so I rewatched Azur & Asmar and The prince of Egypt which I hadn’t whatch since I was a kid and honestly they’re pretty good and I recommend them even for grown ups (especially if you watch it in your target language!) 
I also watched a bunch of popular stuff like the second seasons of 13 Reasons why and The Handmaid’s tale, as well as Love, Simon but I’m mentionning it anyway because they were pretty good :)
Youtube videos: 
- France video for the world cup: I’m so ready for the world cup I had to include this  - Peru video for the world cup: a very emotional video about Peru national team 
A few French youtubers to watch if you’re tired of the most popular ones: Daniil le russe Emmy LTR Le corps la maison l’esprit Bruno Maltor Alex Vizéo Little Gypsy  Donovan: he’s a French magician who blows my mind in every video 
A few accounts I love at the moment:  - Les Tarpin loin  - Fit_pham - Supertrampeuse  - Bruno Maltor  - Emmett Sparling  - Over_globe
Also I made an account for people learning french called DailyLifeFrench, check it out :)
Some random songs I listen to at the moment:  - Youth, Shawn Mendes feat.Khalid - Live it up (the official song for the world cup) - Wasting my young years - London Grammar  - Fête de trop - Eddie de Pretto - Nada personal - Soda Stereo 
- Yo, nerd: I saw this stand-up comedy in Montevideo an really liked it, check it out if you speak Spanish he’s a very good humorist from Argentina 
- Fitness: summer is coming for most of you, so if you want to start working out with youtube videos, here are some of my favorite channels to do so:  - Blogilates  - Fitness Blender  - Women’s workout  - Rebecca Louise 
I’m trying to do this “favorite post” each month to share some cool stuff with you and make people discover new things, so I was thinking that if some of you want to share something you do (whether it’s your instagram, your youtube channel, your blog or whatever), you can send me a message and I’ll be happy to give you a shout out :)
No let’s get ready for June, hope you guys are having a good day :)
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nogoodmox · 7 years
okay, challenge time. thoughts on sami/dean/finn. i want DETAILS.
this is…….a cursed ask peggy.
putting it under a read more bc this got very very long!!
so sami/dean? great. finn/dean? great sami/dean/finn?????? that’s some fucken….next level shit okay….how can we even fathom such a perfect trio….
- first thing’s first, i definitely think finn and sami would get along more naturally. they’re close friends irl and they’re just more similar. deano’s the odd one out in this but never fear!! they make it work!!!
- dean is….confused?? like how the fresh hell did he end up with two absolute angels when he sees himself as….a problem child at best. i hate to get edgy (no i don’t) but while i don’t think dean has self-esteem issues, i think he has self-worth issues if that makes sense?
- to clarify i think like,, he doesn’t care what people think of him (obviously) and he’s confident in his abilities, but he doesn’t see himself as a good person. i mean he’s referred to himself as a scumbag on more than one occasion, and let’s not forget “my whole life was a mistake anyway” line. so i think, being in a relationship with people as seemingly perfect as sami and finn might be initially tough for him.
- sami, being a sweetheart, constantly wants to reassure dean. he’s the best at reading other people’s feelings, so when finn’s kinda oblivious, sami knows to step in. he tries his best to not be obvious about what he’s doing, but he acts extra affectionate and clingy around dean when he’s in a low mood to let him know he’s loved.
- finn and dean aren’t super huge on pda, so when it’s just them two it’s mostly rigid “i wanna express my love for you but idk how”. sami’s pretty good at initiating it but despite him being affectionate i don’t think he’d be super into pda either. he mostly just does whatever dean and finn are comfy with!
- that being said, sami knows with finn it’s more a matter of “idk how to handle pda” than “i don’t like pda”, so you can catch him casually slipping his hand into finn’s while they’re out doing stuff. with dean it’s more tricky because he just feels….weird about it. he feels self-conscious no matter how subtle the touch, he’s much more chill about it in private. 
- they love going to parks!! it suits all of their needs tbh. dean being dean, can’t sit still and hates being cooped up, so a nice open space is good for him. sami loves being ~at one with nature~ and sunshine and just generally living his life out in the world, and finn…well he’s happy with whatever makes dean and sami happy. i personally think he’d love taking pictures of them having fun like a doting parent. 
- hiking is also a thing they love, but most of the time it’s dean dragging sami and finn out. dean loves it, whether it be rocky terrain or in forests. he has seemingly endless energy when it comes to that stuff, and he kinda comes to life on a bad day. dean just likes to be outside, point blank. sami and finn are usually the ones in awe of the landscapes and posing for pretty pictures while dean experiences some spiritual shit.
- dean is all over sami and finn’s social media. instagram, twitter, you name it. their accounts are full of strange off-guard pictures of dean (finn’s personal favorite thing is posting a blurry picture of him with the caption: cryptid spotted 👀 ) even the pictures where dean is expecting it he just seems…..off-guard. he usually poses with a hastily thrown-up peace sign and wide eyes, and he has no idea all these pictures are ending up on the internet.
-dates are always a weird mix of things for them. finn likes traditionally “simple” ways of spending time together like playing board games, or building things (cough cough legos). they all get pretty invested in it tbh. games of jenga can last hours if they try hard enough, that is until dean loses his patience and absolutely destroys the thing, bc of course he would. they also watch a lot of movies, but it’s usually obscure ones that finn and dean are super into while sami just kinda watches to humor them.
- sami likes to do romantic things for dates. they go out to dinner a lot, but knowing dean he doesn’t always make it fancy. he and dean are both fans of upbeat places with a fun atmosphere. they order a lot of food, and dean and finn are most definitely the kind of people to write their names on their to-go boxes to ensure no one eats from them. sami, on the other hand, really doesn’t mind and is generous with these two greedy boys.
- when it comes to dean, dates are a wildcard. anything that can catch his attention for more than 3 seconds is worthy. they’ve done some ODD shit together. i’m talking visiting a cheese factory, a dinosaur museum (finn especially appreciated that), amusement parks, visiting a psychic, tank driving, deep sea diving, etc. he doesn’t know what he’s doing, but he tries his best. 
- group naps are a very common thing. they’ve got a busy schedule, so they try to squeeze in rest whenever they can. they usually share a room, and sleep is the time where all guards come down. dean and finn become totally comfortable and there’s nothing awkward about it when sami initiates contact. they all kinda lump together, even when it’s hot, just because it’s reassuring to have everyone there. especially for dean, who doesn’t have the best relationship with sleep. finn is super touchy-feely in his sleep without realizing it, and sometimes he’ll wake up completely draped over sami or dean (usually sami, bc dean moves around too much)
- all of them being wrestlers definitely helps their relationship, and their road trips from city to city are always a blast. they take turns driving, but dean slacks off the most because he gets tired more than anyone. he’ll doze off in the car while mumbling lyrics to the shitty music he insisted on playing, then he’ll fall asleep again at the hotel. sami is most definitely the kind to point out the cows they pass up, and finn will gladly stop on the side of the road to get a closer look at them. they also give up on having proper meals while traveling, so catch them leaving gas stations with a mountain of junk food in their arms. 
- this one is a more biased headcanon but, i like to think sami teaches finn and dean words in arabic or french sometimes! dean will naturally ask him about all the curse words there are, and he sounds absolutely ridiculous trying to pronounce them. he and finn eventually get the hang of a lot of expressions though, and they start to use them casually with each other. finn might shout “yallah!” (come on) when they’re late for something, dean will gladly call anyone and everyone a “hmar” (a donkey, which is a v rude insult in arabic). 
- dean thinks arabic music? absolutely bangs. he gets really into it and asks sami to start playing it on road trips to keep him awake. bc a majority of arabic music is pretty…intense and party-inducing so good luck dozing off to that. 
- kisses! finn is personally the biggest fan of kisses amongst them. sami prefers long hugs and dean just likes leaning on others or resting a hand on them. finn kisses sami’s cheek a lot, he thinks his cheeks are adorable. he kisses dean on his forehead a lot because he came to learn that’s what he likes. dean gives forehead kisses a lot too so sami and finn decided that’s what he was most fond of. 
-kisses on the mouth from finn are usually short, but he almost always puts his hand on sami/dean’s neck when giving them one. he kinda pulls them forward a bit then pulls back quickly. 
-dean really likes giving neck kisses, not even in a sexual way he just kinda dips his head there because he likes the reaction. he also might nip their ears a lot bc…he’s dean and he’s a feral child. 
-sami’s kisses aren’t as common since he’s more of a hugger, but when he does give kiss it’s long and sweet and usually leaves dean/finn surprised and breathless. sami’s a charmer and a smooth criminal B) 
- dean really loves sami’s tummy! he already loves resting on people and sami’s presence in general is just so comforting and warm, so of course he loves sami’s stomach. he likes to rest his head on it and feel it rise and fall softly. for finn, dean loves his shoulders. he thinks they have a nice shape and his head fits there perfectly in his humble opinion. 
-finn likes sami’s general softness, and his stomach fits right in with that, but sami’s cheeks are still his favorite. he loves their roundness and how much bigger they get when he smiles. as for dean, finn really likes his arms. they’re muscular but in a subtle sort of way, and his hugs feel nice despite their rarity. 
- sami really likes finn’s hands. he likes how they look delicate, but also have underlying strength that’s apparent by the veins. sami’s favorite thing about dean is his crooked nose. it’s a silly thing, but he thinks it gives him character. he also loves dean’s dimples but, who doesn’t??
- dean usually feels like he’s being babied by finn and sami, which is a strange feeling. he’s used to only looking out for himself and not depending on anyone, so he’s reluctant at first. he especially feels bad because he doesn’t think he can give anything back. they try to assure him that his presence is enough, but dean doesn’t think so. he sometimes does random acts of kindness to show appreciation in any way he can, and finn and sami are always touched. 
- finn is a sweetheart like sami, but he has a less natural way of going about it which puts him in between dean and sami on the spectrum. he’s not as good as picking up on cues, so it takes him a bit to catch on and realize how sami or dean may be feeling. he immediately tries to make things better though, and he does his best to figure out their body language and mannerisms (especially sami, since he’s the best at hiding any personal issues) 
- sami is as close to an omniscient being as there is in this relationship. granted, he’s not perfect and he definitely misunderstands things sometimes, but he’s usually the best and handling dean and finn’s emotions. dean is more difficult than finn with expressing himself because he already feels like a burden on bad days, so talking about his feelings doesn’t really help. sami’s great at making dean and finn feel more relaxed about opening up, especially by letting dean know he just wants to hear his problems so dean can get them off his chest. sami’s definitely more proficient with the heart-to-heart stuff, but he’s so used to being on the receiving end that sometimes he doesn’t take his own advice and voice his emotions. 
- overall, they may have their rocky moments or times where they but heads, but sami/dean/finn is as close to a perfect relationship as you can get imho. healthy, pure, and Good. 
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bigyack-com · 4 years
What Happens When You Get Famous Off One Song?
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MILTON KEYNES, England — Last summer, a teenager named Tom Austin decided on a whim to record a rap song. He’d never made music before. But even as he was writing down lyrics — picking out references from an iPhone note of random stuff he’d been keeping — he was strangely sure of himself.“I don’t want to sound bigheaded,” he said, “but I knew it would do bits.” (Translation: Mr. Austin knew the song would connect widely.)The result was “Mary Berry,” a delightful, deadpan ode to life in small-town Britain. The title is a nod to the 84-year-old former “Great British Bake Off” co-host. In the song, Mr. Austin says he “needs a girl like” Ms. Berry; he defeats a local man in badminton; pulls out a secret Android cellphone; performs his own circumcision; threatens to fight the TV host Piers Morgan; flexes his discount Slazenger sneakers; and announces, “Top thing on my bucket list is to slide tackle the Queen.” For his rap alter-ego he borrowed the name Niko Bellic, an Eastern European gangster character from the video game Grand Theft Auto IV.As Mr. Austin later wrote on Instagram: “I decided to make a song within like 2 days and then 3 weeks later I signed a deal for it, now it’s 2mil+ streams across 3 platforms CRUUUD.”This success seems both calculated and hilariously accidental. In the intro to the song, he offhandedly shouts out the flashy East London afrobeats group NSG; not long after its release, he was touring Britain as their opening act. He’s taking meetings and other “bits and bobs,” Mr. Austin said, and carefully planning a second single with a record label. He is now 19.In 2016, 13-year-old Billie Eilish posted the song “Ocean Eyes” on her SoundCloud and went to bed. She woke up to see it had accumulated thousands of plays overnight. She is now one of the biggest pop stars alive.The 16-year-old rapper Bhad Bhabie has built her career off a catchphrase-minting “Dr. Phil” appearance. The 13-year-old country singer Mason Ramsey has capitalized well off a recorded Walmart yodeling session. Their sudden, culture-saturating music moments would have been impossible before SoundCloud, TikTok, Instagram, YouTube and Twitter. Now the music industry, social media and the influence industry at large are racing to adapt for, and borrow from, such overnight success stories.Tom Austin — or Niko B, for that matter, as he’s now calling himself, possibly to avoid litigation — is nowhere near as well known as Bhad Bhabie or Billie Eilish. His success, to date, is very much niche, and contained within Britain. But he’s at a crossroads each saw for themselves. He made a song. It did bits. What’s next?
Getting Down on Friday
A decade ago, instant virality could be a curse. Rebecca Black was 13 in 2011 when her uncanny-valley banger “Friday” — written for her in exchange for $4,000 of her mother’s money — exploded.“It took me years to get healed,” she said in a recent interview. “When you’re 13, nobody can explain to you how mentally extreme everything is.”Back then, she had vague dreams of Broadway, but no real career plan. In the years after “Friday,” she fended off all kinds of cynical business entreaties.Now at 22, she’s built a team around her that she trusts. And she’s back making music: “Sweetheart,” her latest release, is available on all streaming platforms. She’s also talking about her experience, and getting very positive reactions.“I had to figure out the long and hard way that nobody can give you this career,” Ms. Black said. “I had to do it in my own way.”In the years since “Friday,” it’s possible audiences have become less judgmental.While there’s still a bit of stigma associated with sudden virality, especially when it feels easily won, maybe we understand now that tunes can come from anywhere. Maybe we got tired of getting upset.Or maybe the latest generation got better at being ready. In the end, Bhad Bhabie has bangers. Mason Ramsey is a legit country radio presence. And Lil Nas X’s path to success was, on a much grander scale, similar to Tom Austin’s. He used meme knowledge and a social media base to turn “Old Town Road” into the longest-running No. 1 single in Billboard history.Ms. Black, as a pioneer, had no idea what was about to hit her. Teen creators now live knowing that any given thing they post might just change their life.
Crafting the Second Single on the Poets Estate
On a recent weekday on the high street of the tiny old town of Newport Pagnell, near London, Mr. Austin sat in a foofy coffee shop with a Realtree-style coat zipped to the neck. (He only opened it once, briefly, to remove a single key from a Prada fanny pack surreptitiously strapped to his waist.) He grew up, and still lives, in a humdrum subdivision down the road called the Poets Estate. He and his buddies used to skateboard, break into abandoned places, hang out at the kebab shop.And the rest of the time — “deffo, 100 percent” — he was on the internet. At 8 or 9, that meant building Lego animations on YouTube. (“Like, a skeleton horse chasing a guy,” Mr. Austin said.) By 14 or 15, it was prank calls and mock news channel stuff. He managed to build up a bit of a YouTube following, then switched his attention to Instagram, where he first posted cool-guy fit pics before having a revelation.“Mate, if I’m just showing you what I’m wearing, that’s not gonna get me anywhere. This is Instagram. You can’t deep it,” Mr. Austin said, meaning “take it seriously.” So he pivoted and started posting stuff like “me looking in the mirror, and in the mirror is this really buff guy,” he said. “It was the right turn to make.”Around the same time, inspired by the multi-hyphenate talent Tyler, the Creator, he introduced a clothing label called Crowd; he now sells to customers as far as Dubai. He used to work at a Subway, but quit when a Crowd pop-up netted him more money in one weekend than he’d previously made in a month. He even wrote an elaborate resignation letter: “Thanks to everyone even Carlos bye Marisa I hope I can transfer my sandwich making skills to my future day to day life.”As much as anything, “Mary Berry” was a promo for Crowd. (The video is full of Crowd clothes, and a post-video drop was his best-selling to date.) But it was also born of a generational D.I.Y. ethos: Why not do it?Mr. Austin points to Alex From Glasto, a fellow pasty British teen who won viral fame last summer when he was pulled onstage at Glastonbury by the rapper Dave to perform the hit “Thiago Silva.” Since then, Alex From Glasto has released his own single. “I was like, ‘No offense to him, but if this guy can blow up …” Mr. Austin said, trailing off.The making and release of “Mary Berry” was tied — breathlessly, naturally — with Instagram documentation: edited fake DMs from Drake asking to get on the remix, surreal footage of Mr. Austin surrounded by a platoon of life-size Mary Berry cardboard cutouts. “I did a video of me throwing a basketball out a window and then the Lakers being like ‘yo, we need to sign you right now,’” he said. The first Instagram Story tracking the journey is just captioned “about to become a full time rapper.”He also got friends who are big on Instagram, like @GullyGuyLeo, to post a snippet of the song.Then he landed attention of @ImJustBait, an influential British meme account run by a slick operator named Antz. (According to lore that Mr. Austin repeats reverentially, Antz started it without even having a cellphone. “He used his friend’s phone! Now he’s got, like, the most known Instagram page!”) Antz messaged Mr. Austin, saying, “yo, you’re jokes.” Now Mr. Austin is signed to Antz’s imprint, WEAREBLK, an entity created specifically to avoid the pattern of established labels profiting off viral successes they had no hand in creating.So Mr. Austin is now officially, and accidentally but not accidentally, an independent musician. At an appearance at the taste-making Boiler Room Festival, he heard people sing his lyrics back to him for the first time. His tour with NSG took him to London and Birmingham and Manchester alongside “mad big artists.”“I felt so bad because all these artists put in so much time and I’m just like, ‘what is going on,’” he said. The juvenilia-fueled song made the rounds and even got back to his grandma. (He said she texted him about one of the more anatomically graphic lyrics.)Next up, hopefully, is some money. “My dad’s a builder and he doesn’t work right now, which is tough. And my mum’s a teacher in a special needs school. So pay off my parents debt, that’s the very first goal,” Mr. Austin said. “And after that it’s like — whatever. Literally tomorrow I could try beatboxing, and then, a year from now I could be a really famous beatboxer. Anything I wanna do, I’ll just do it. Cause there’s no reason for me not to do it. So I’ll do it.” Read the full article
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