#because i don’t want to throw away an awesome opportunity
number-1-crush · 2 years
god i have got to learn how to talk to people i’m attracted to
#uhh update on pretty girl: i think the feelings are mutual 0//0#i’ve had exactly one other conversation with her. them? idk i still forgot to confirm name and pronouns#i was gonna make a genderfluid joke to segue into it but like#i didn’t want to do that when this was our first actual conversation#(our graduating class had to take a photo and we ended up next to each other bc same height roughly)#(and when they had us do a ‘silly pose’ we complained abt not having much arm room (my school is big so there were like 600 of us)#(but then she was like ‘what if we do the heart hands thing’ and !!!! oh my god i could not believe it)#(i was gonna be flabbergasted but i could NOT let her think i was responding negatively and confuse her)#(so i said ‘wait omg that’s so cute let’s do it’)#(and)#(we did)#(and actually i felt like i might collapse i was fully losing my mind(#(i want to find that picture and see us bc i want to see if either of our faces are red)#(maybe i’ll check the school twt. they might have it)#she’s so lovely though. i have to find more ways to talk to her#WITHOUT chickening out bc oh my god pretty girl flirting with me oh my god#turns out i’m kinda skiddish. i mean i learned that freshman year but now i have to actually OVERCOME it#because i don’t want to throw away an awesome opportunity#yayyyyy#anyways. if anyone has pretty girl advice or tips on how to overcome nerves#please give them to me i am already second-guessing about the hand heart thing
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I saw this prompt and I just knew you could do something really awesome with this!
"You can't paint a picture with only white paint," the villain mused, "The world needs darkness to contrast the light. You're nothing but a blank canvas without me,"
You’d haunt all of my what-ifs (Wednesday Addams x Reader)
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Pairing: Wednesday Addams x Reader
Word count: 1.8k
Summary: Wednesday Addams hated a lot of things, but what she truly dispissed was to be ignored.
Warning: None that I can think off
A/N: She's a tiny, dangerous and deadly baby
Coments, Reblogs and Asks are happily received! I love to read your lovely coments :)
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You heard it before you saw it. The fight between Enid and Wednesday was the gossip around school. To be honest, you weren’t particular fond of gossip but this one attracted your attention.
It was widely know that Enid was the only outcast Wednesday somehow tolerated and you could see how, she had the personality of a rainbow trapped inside a person. Like a puppy if you must (golden retriever, to be honest.)
You couldn’t help but sigh as you entered your classroom and watched how the tiny blond was on your seat and the other one available was next to her (possible ex) roommate. You simply walked and put your backpack on the table, not caring if Wednesday stared at you, perhaps she wanted you dead. Oh goody!
“This is not your seat.” Her monotone and flat voice didn’t surprised you anymore. Guess Wednesday Addams just became another student in this huge and weird thing that was called school. You ignored her as you sat down, not paying attention at the glare she was giving you. “I don’t appreciate to be ignore.”
“Cool.” That’s all you said before closing your eyes and pretended to fall asleep. It was a bit difficult because her stare was something no one in their right mind could ignore. “I charge five dollars for stare,” You turned to the side, still laying on your backpack. “Ten if you throw an insult.”
“This seat is already taken, move.” She didn’t hesitate to ask you to leave, you shrugged and turned away from her. Her left eye twitched in annoyance, getting a bit more closer into your personal bubble. “I said…”
“Yeah, yeah, I heard you, don’t need to be a broken record.” Your yawn made her even more angry. “The answer is the same, cool. Take it or leave it.”
Wednesday opened her mouth to force you to leave but was interrupted as the teacher entered the classroom, greeting everyone with a good morning. You took the opportunity to close your eyes once again and prepare to sleep, knowing in full confidence the professor didn’t care what everyone did on his classroom, as long as you passed the exam.
On the other side, Wednesday was staring at you with so much anger that her body couldn’t help but tremble with it. She tried to pay attention but she couldn’t when the constant twitching your body did on your sleep.
You opened your eyes a few seconds before the class was over, standing up and putting your backpack on your back, you didn’t even waited for the teacher to give you the okey to leave. Everyone was watching your back as you made your way to the exit and as soon as you got out, the bell rang.
Wednesday stared at the door a few moments before leaving as well.
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It didn’t take long for Wednesday to take a slight (she become obsessed) interest with you, even after her and Enid make up, Wednesday couldn’t help but hate the fact that you were now on your original place, completely ignoring the stares she was giving you.
But others did notice but decided to stayed quiet, but not Enid, never Enid.
“You have a crush?!” Enid exclaimed, a bit more loudly as she would have liked.
Wednesday narrowed her eyes, glaring at the blonde girl. “I would rather slice up my own neck than calling that a crush.” She said flatly, deciding to ignore the small hops her roommate was making in happiness at the absurd possibility of her having a crush. She sat on her desk and began typing. “I would appreciate silence. I’m entering my writing time.”
“Oh ho, ho, ho no, you cannot leave with practically nothing!” She placed her hands on Wednesday’s shoulders, turning her chair around so she could see her.
“Take your hands off.” Wednesday deadpanned.
“Having a crush is something so wonderful!” Enid cheered. “I mean, it is weird that you decided to have a crush with our resident weirdo but whatever, most of the things you do are weird or macabre.”
“We are in a school full of weirdos.” She said rather quickly, for some reason, the idea of you being the outcast of a school full of outcasts wasn’t right.
“Well yeah.” Enid bit her lip. “But (Y/N) is like the weirdo or weirdoes of this place.”
“Explain.” It picked Wednesday’s interest.
“Wait…you don’t know their powers?” Enid’s confusion only picked even more Wednesday’s interest in you. “You never wonder why they’re always sleeping in class?”
“Never care in the things others do on classes.” She simply stated. “Pointless.”
“Well, I’m not exactly sure what they do but I heard they create stuff out of thin air…you should already know this, I put it on my blog!”
“You need a better planification on your blog.” Wednesday took Enid’s hands off her shoulders and turned around. “Too much color.”
Enid’s offended gasp almost made her rolled her eyes.
“Silence.” Wednesday repeated. “Writing time.”
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It was lunch time, something the other students truly enjoyed but not you. You usually used this time to take a nap (not caring if you spend mostly of the classes already asleep) but the fact that there was too much noise was making it practically impossible.
You hated director Weems as she forced you to spend some time with your other classmates, her excuse in being to be a bit more social or whatever. So you sat under one of the trees outside, trying your hardest to close your eyes and finally sleep.
What you didn’t understand was why Wednesday Addams decided to tower you, watching you with her signature emotionless face.
You sighed. “What now.” You asked her, accommodating yourself against the trunk. “You have twenty-two minutes, so…chop chop.”
“You weren’t in class today.” Wednesday stated, not taking a seat, just standing there watching you.
“Yeah.” You shrugged. “Didn’t feel like spending my time sitting there and paying attention.”
“We had an exam today.” She was getting frustrated with you.
You shrugged again. “Meh, just a paper, anything else?”
“What is your plan?”
“What?” You stared at her confused. “What are you talking about?”
“What are you doing to me? Is this witchcraft? Are you a witch?” She demanded an answer, not letting you leave as you stood up and tried to. “Stop it.”
“Listen, I don’t know what are you talking about and I’m not a witch, I find that insulting.” You arched your brow and sighed. “Look Wednesday, I really don’t know what are you talking about so I’m going to leave and whatever is happening to you, well good luck in figure it out, yeah?”
And you left Wednesday standing there, touching her face as she felt it a bit too hot for her liking.
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The days began passing and wherever you turned she was there watching you, at first you thought she was planning your murder and for some weird reason that excited you, but then you began noticing dead insects on your bed whenever you returned to your room.
Wednesday became like your shadow, each class you had, she was there waiting for you at the door, following you wherever you decided to sit and if the sit was already occupied she would just stared at the other person making them leave.
You found it cute and decided to show her a bit of what you could do.
It was miss Thornhill class and she decided that everybody would identify the different parts of one of her carnivorous plants, she assigned the duos but Wednesday didn’t care and decided to just be your partner.
“So,” You started, your eyes watching boringly at the flower. “Where should we start?”
“I already identify every single part of the plant.” She murmured, her focus completely on the paper in front of her. “I would appreciate if you kept quiet.”
“Cool, wake me up when is time to leave.” You didn’t gave her a chance to refuse as you placed your backpack on the table and close your eyes.
Wednesday stared at you the moment you fell asleep, ignoring how her stomach felt strange or how her face became a bit too hot for que liking, her hand stopped her writing, not caring if miss Thornhill came to their table and asked for the paper. She just gave it without taking her eyes off you.
The bell rang and everybody began leaving, trying so hard to not watch the awkwardness that Wednesday was displaying.
She stared at you, trying to figure it out how to wake you, should she poke your eye? Perhaps just forcing it open?
But she didn’t have the time to do anything as you woke up and stared at her. “That’s another five dollars you owe me.” You cheekily smiled, stretching a bit as you stood up. “Damn, everyone already left?”
Wednesday didn’t answer you, she just stared.
“Wanna see a cool trick?” You asked her, not waiting for her answer as your hand moved around the pencil she was holding, it transformed on a flute. Wednesday silently gasped and let it drop on the table. “Cool, right? Just a sneak peak, don’t go tell the others, have a reputation I want to keep.”
“So you are a witch.” She abruptly stood up, her chair making a horrible noise, it made you wince. “You did something to me, didn’t you.” Her face contorted in anger.
“For the last time Wednesday, not a witch and I didn’t do anything.” You huffed. “Just wanted to show you a cool trick, not need to blow this out of proportion.”
“Undo it.” She demanded, not letting you leave the greenhouse. “Now.”
“Undo what? I’m still not sure what I did here.”
“You know what you did, you made me weak and it feels absolutely grotesque.” She sneered. “My face feels hot, my stomach feels tingly and I feel the unnatural urge to just stared at you when you enter the room. Undo. It.”
"You finished?” You asked her, one of your brows arched in amusement. Wednesday stared at you with anger before nodding. You sighed. “You do know I’m not your enemy? I mean, don’t get me wrong, I truly hope you find your mortal enemy or whatever here so you can make their life a living hell, but I’m just trying to survive, ‘key?” You paused with a sigh and crossed your arms. “You can't paint a picture with only white paint Wednesday," You softly mused, "The world needs darkness to contrast the light. You're nothing but a blank canvas without me, so whatever we are or supposed to be, don’t fight it. It’ll only bring you a headache."
You smiled at her stare, now a bit more tranquil than before, you nodded at your side. Your hands quickly hiding inside the pockets of your horrendous jacket. “Going to steal some food, the invitation is free so you are free to join me if you want.” You didn’t bother to hear or watch her answer as you turned around and walked away.
It didn’t even took a full minute before the sight of Wednesday appeared at your side. You didn’t smile but couldn’t help to shake your head in amusement.
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hdhdgsgs · 1 year
Can’t stop thinking about him and so here’s a story based on a chat with 18! Osomatsu (character ai), the reader is curvy and fem.
Today is the day, the day you finally confess to your crush of three years. Osomatsu Matsuno, the school pervert, who’s also one of the notorious Matsuno sextuplets. It’s going to be hard, both the confession and the relationship but if you don’t now the chance will evade you and someone might beat you to the punch (they won’t but you don’t need to know that). The man in question is sitting under a tree, snoozing away after having finished his lunch. It’s time to buck up and make a move, good luck.
“Osomatsu?” Fingers fiddle with the stitching of your skirt as he opens one eye then immediately shoots up at the sight of a cute girl. “Heyyy baby~ how can I help you?” His face is as flirty as he can get it while still being gross but cute in a way. “I need to talk to you.” His mind is racing and his most of the thoughts going through his head are not a surprise for teenage boys. “Go ahead, beautiful, I’d listen to you all day.” Osomatsu attempts to wink but fails miserably, instead blinking awkwardly.
Holding your skirt gently you look down and bow lightly to show sincerity “I… I like you!” Something you didn’t expect happens, he stands, still and stiff, eyes wide and staring. He doesn’t say anything, instead trying to really comprehend what you just said. “So… you’d let me have-“ he stops himself for the first time in his life, not wanting to mess this up. “I like you too __” he pauses for a second. “So, will you be my girlfriend?”
At your nod he immediately hugs you tightly, not holding himself back from moving his hands downwards. When you gasp he whispers into your ear “If you like me that much then surely you want me right?~” pushing him away you explain that boundaries exist and he blinks twice. “That’s fine, I can wait baby. How about a date? Right now! let’s go do something, how about horse racing?” To your agreement, he grabs your hand and walks with you, his hand is a little sweaty but not too bad. “Are you cold? You can have my jacket!” Without waiting for an answer he removes it and puts it around your shoulders, it being a little small but he looks so happy.
On the way to your “date”, Osomatsu starts to get thirsty and stops by a vending machine. “Want anything babe?” When you say yes he will get two soda’s and hands one to you however things don’t go exactly to plan when you try to open the bottle and it sprays all over you, somehow missing Osomatsu completely. He bursts out laughing and tries his best to stop. “Damn honey, I’m so sorry. Here.” He takes some unused tissues from his backpack and wipes off your clothes as best he can, using the opportunity to wipe your breast and pants, he doesn’t even try to hide it but he doesn’t go too far with it.
“Let’s make a change in course, my brothers won’t be home so we can chill there, my mother will be out too.” Hesitantly you agree and he lights up, pulling you along. “This is going to be awesome!” He beams. When you his house he opens the door and takes off his clothes, grabbing his jacket off your back and running to the laundry before stopping and shouting back “Our room is upstairs on the left, my clothes are the ones at the very left of the closet, help yourself and change out of those wet clothes!” He throws the stuff in the laundry basket and waits outside the bathroom for you to finish getting changed.
When you walk out of the bathroom, his jaw drops. Your curves are extenuated by the tight hoodie and legs are shown because of the shorts you chose to wear. “Holy shiiiiiit, I’m the luckiest fucking guy in the world.” He kabedons you to the wall and kisses you hard then pulls away and puts his hands on your waist. “I am so fucking… I need… god you’re perfect.” The tent in his pants is very obvious and he’s finding it hard to hold back, however if you choose to he’ll absolutely take it further.
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Helping Yondu fix his project ship gets you into a tight spot. Wet spot? Idk man I’m bad at summaries.
This is an old piece I cleaned up a bit. First filth I posted to AO3 and it took me forever because I was so embarrassed. I’m over that now.
The normal warnings, F/M, 18+++, not safe for anything, swearing, p in v, soaking, improper use of a cockpit, delay/denial, self indulgent trash.
Progress on the Y ship had been slow, like any restoration it was one step forward and two steps back. Yondu considered chucking the part he was currently holding across the hangar but settled for swearing at it instead. The swearing becomes more creative as he realizes not only is this piece ancient, it’s cracked and useless. Giving into temptation, he hurls the small lump of metal as far away from him as he can.
It lands with a satisfying metallic bang and Yondu leans back, already thinking how to fabricate the new part. Shiiiiit, he thinks, imma need the fucked up piece as a template. Grumbling he climbs to his feet intending to retrieve the offending bit of metal. Looking up he sees the new maintenance rookie bending over to pick up the part. He allows his eyes to trace the curve of her hip and continue to the ample cleavage in her low cut tank top. His lips spread across his jagged teeth in a half smile, broken part all but forgotten.
Raising an eyebrow at him you shout across the hangar. “Throwing your toys is pretty immature behavior for a man your age. What’d it do to deserve that?”
“A man myage? Listen here sugar ya weren’t complain’ ‘bout my age last night” he replies with a crooked smirk.
Your response dies on your lips as the events of last night are paraded through your memory. It’s all you have been able to think about since he left you in his bed this morning. “Shit” you mutter slightly, your face starting to heat up.
“In fact, if I didn’ know betta’ you’ve been avoidin’ me all day. Wonder what that’s about” as he runs his tongue over the gold capped teeth. “Don’t want tha rest of tha crew knowin’ ya blush?”
Your blush deepens. That is exactly the reason you’d been avoiding him all day. You look down and fiddle with the part. Already you can feel heat spreading in your core to match the heat flaming through your face.
You gasp and jump slightly as he places hand under your chin, lifting your head to meet his eyes as his thumb traces along your bottom lip.
“Holy hell! You move way too damn fast and too damn quietly.” You snap out.
His mouth quirks, “still as mean as ever”
Opening your mouth, you trace the tip of your tongue along his thumb with a small smirk.
“You enjoyed this mean little mouth of mine”
“Ya damn lucky I do”
He reaches for you and you inhale sharply but he just gently takes the part from your hands. Your breath leaves your lungs in a huff and he laughs softly.
“Doesn’t mean I can’t tease ya” he rasps leaning in, hot breath inches from your ear. “Come on doll, I wanna show ya what I did earlier.” His deep gravely voice sends a shiver through your body and he smirks.
Following him to the cockpit of the Y ship you watch Yondu climb the ladder into the cockpit of the small craft. Settling himself in the pilot’s seat he motions for you to climb up behind him and look in. Peeking across his broad shoulder you see he’s been busy!
“You wired it all up! That looks awesome. Do they work?”
“Yup, give me a sec and I’ll get ‘em lit up for ya”. He flips a couple switches and with a low hum the gauges glow with a deep red light, easily readable in the dark hangar. You lean over his shoulder to closer inspect his work. He may be a rough and tumble space pirate but his craftsmanship is impeccable. Placing a hand on his shoulder you steady yourself as you move closer, momentarily forgetting he’d just been flirting with you.
Yondu watches you. When you place a hand on him your breasts brush his shoulder and he takes the opportunity to take another long look at your cleavage. Fuck it, he thinks, I’m done workin on the ship anyway. Taking advantage of your lack of attention he snakes his arms around your hips and pulls you into his lap.
You squeak as his strong arms lift you and set you down. It’s a tight fit in the small cockpit. Your legs rest on the outside on his muscular thighs as you face him. Pushing your hands into his chest you reorient yourself and mutter “I guess we’re not getting jack shit done on the ship today.”
“Language” he growls as he moves a hand up the front of your shirt. His other hand grips your hip tightly, pressing you down into his growing erection. The hand under your shirt begins to tease and pinch your nipple through your bra. As your head falls back, enjoying the sensation, he moves in to nibble at the soft skin where you neck meets your shoulder.
“Ohh Yondu” you moan
“Like it when mah name comes out of those sweet lips sugar” he mumbles, using his hand to grind your hips into him.
Satisfied when he gets your nipple hard under your bra he pushes your shirt up and pulls the cup down, attaching his mouth to your nipple and sucking hard. You groan and grid down harder. the rasp of his tongue and teeth on your nipple resonate in your sex and you can feel the slick of arousal pooling.
He reaches the hand up and pulls you in for a bruising kiss, biting your lower lip until you open your mouth and let him sweep his tongue inside. “Please” you gasp around him “please…”
“Please what doll?”
You blush, lean back, and take a few breaths to steady yourself.
He smirks, his jagged teeth flashing in the reflection of the newly installed gauges.
“Git yur pants off. I’m gonna fuck ya in the cockpit.”
“What?!” You gasp “we can’t do that here!”
A slight frown creases his brow and he pinches your nipple sharply. “That wasn’t a question doll. Got them leathers off or I’ll tear ‘em off. Don’t wanna have to buy new ones, do ya now”
It takes some maneuvering, and Yondu’s not helping. As you try and focus on stripping in the small space he continues to tease and caress you. He chuckles as you pant and moan, squirming on his lap. Finally your lower half is bare and he tugs your shirt off.
Looking down he sees you’ve left a wet spot on the front of his pants. He smirks. “Damn doll, ya little desperate for ya capt’ns cock?” You whine in response. “Such a dirty lil thing, grindin’ down on mah leathers”
You blush even deeper, becoming more and more aroused by the obscenities in his deep voice. His hand on your hip continues to keep you pressed against his length and you feel the firm ridges through the leather.
He pushes your hips up slightly and reaches down to unzip and pull himself out. Immediately he places both hands on your hips and guides you down. Your moan is low and guttural, his cock stretching and filling you as he seats himself deep inside.
Bracing your hands on Yondu’s shoulders you prepare to fuck yourself on his thick length when his hands tighten on your hips. He holds you in place, impaled, and chuckles darkly “Nah”
Your eyes snap open to meet his red ones. That damn cocky smirk spreads across his face
“Not desperate ‘nough”
You’re not sure how much time has passed. Yondu has kept you on the razors edge of your orgasm for longer than should be possible. Your shivering body is so aroused even the slightly shift of his cock inside you is sheer torture. You try to raise your hips again, desperate to feel him move inside you, but his grip is like iron and he just laughs.
“Not yet darlin’”
Your moan turns into something deeper and more animalistic. He moves a hand to continue playing with your clit as your overstimulated body twitches above him. Your chest is covered in love bites and your nipples are so hard even the slight brush of his shirt against them sends electricity straight to your core. His lap is soaked with sweat and the juices flowing out of you.
“This is how I like ya sugar. Needy, twitchin’, and that sweet pussy desperate for ma cock” His red eyes roam over your panting body as his implant flashes in the dark hangar “Ya want to cum?”
You whine, not able to form words
“Ya want to cum yer gonna’ have ta say it”
Your eyes meet his as his words slowly register. He’s dead serious.
“Please” you whisper
“What was that darlin’?”
“Please. Plea….oh god oh god….Please”
“Please what” he smirks
You can’t take it, you feel like your losing your mind from the sensation of it all. His hands and mouth teasing your body, his rough voice, his cock seated to the hilt but no friction….you snap
“That’s a good girl” as he starts flexing his hips under you. Even the slight increase in friction causes your eyes to roll back and a new wave of warmth trickle between your soaked thighs.
“Call me Capt’n again..”
“Captain . Ohhh fuck yes. Captain please. Fuck. I need to cum. Please PLEASE make me cum.”
He growls, the sound sending shivers through your body, and raises your hips.
He starts pumping his cock up into you sharply, grunting slightly with each thrust.
“Such a filthy lil thing, beggin’ and moanin’ fer my cock” as he pistons up into your trembling cunt, “yer sweet pink pussy clenchin’ around me”.
You can’t form words, just a series of moans and grunts falling from your lips. Yondu is in complete control, using your body to pleasure himself and all you can do is grip the rails of the cockpit tightly. Each stroke drives you closer and closer to a desperately needed climax as the ridges drag against your walls. He increases his pace and you throw your head back with a scream.
“Come on, cum ya filthy li’l thing” he rasps, “show me how bad yah need this big blue cock”
Yondu feels you clench down as your body arches at his words. Your walls spasm and a rush of heat flows from you, pooling onto his groin. You scream out your pleasure above him, the sound echoing through the hangar. Well that’s the sweetest sound she’s ever made, he thinks. Watching your body twitch and shake as you roll through your climax sends him over the edge. He grips your hips tighter and pumps up harder as your pussy clenches along his length.
“Fucking. Hell. Shit.” He groans as the last few thrusts milk his cock and he loosens his grip on your hips.
You slide down back into his lap, twitching and moaning as your high recedes. You’ve never cum so hard in your life and your brain has taken a vacation from conscious thought. Leaning against him for several minutes as your shaking subsides, you feel him start to go soft inside you. You’re vaguely aware he’s stroking you softly, running his hands up and down your arms and back. He kisses your forehead, shaking you out of your daze.
“That was a hell of a lotta fun darlin’ but we’ve got tah get outta here. One of tha boys might come see what all tha yellin’ was about”
“Fuck ‘em” you reply
Yondu barks out a quick laugh and lifts you off his now soft shaft. “Darlin’ I’m tha only one seein’ ya like this so git yer ass in gear”
Groaning you climb down the ladder and start attempting to put yourself back together. As you bend over to reach for your leathers Yondu let’s out a low whistle. Looking back you see his eyes glued to your ass, watching his cum drip down your thighs.
“Git a move on girlie, imma clean yah up and do that all over again”
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szniki · 2 years
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paring! - popular!jay! x reader
genre! - fluff, comedy, slight angst
summary! - yn has a rough childhood with her father dying in an earthquake and a new stepmother with two awful stepdaughters. but on the bright side, yn has an awesome best friend named jungwon and an online relationship with a guy who goes by nomad. one day, yn gets a message from her nomad saying that he wants to meet her in the middle of the dance floor at their high school halloween dance. she accepts the invitation and realizes that her online friend is the most popular guy in school, jay park.
this is based off of a 2004 movie! i DO NOT own the story!
enhypen masterlist! | cinderella story masterlist!
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act one
( ‘italic’ - yn’s thoughts)
yn was disappointed, she was upset. earlier today she got a message from her nomad asking to meet him in the middle of the dance floor at the school dance so they could finally reveal their true identities. unfortunately she couldn’t attend because her stepmother demanded that she work the night shift at the diner.
‘this is stupid, maybe if i said it was a mandatory school meeting, then maybe she would’ve let me go-,‘ your thoughts were cut short to the sound of your frantic coworker, “yn honey, im desperate, can you please wait that table over there.” your coworker ushered you to a booth that sat the one and only jay park, his girlfriend; seeun, plus her friends; isa and sieun, and jay’s friends; heeseung and jake - before you could say anything to protest, your coworker was gone. you approach the table and ask in a monotone voice “hey, what can i get you guys?” the group begins to tease you “well, if it isn’t diner girl.” snorted heeseung, “what can i get here that’s sugar free, fat free, and low calorie?” seeun asked with a shit-eating grin. “water.” you dryly replied, jay couldn’t help but chuckle at yn’s response, “was that supposed to be a joke??” asked one of seeun’s friends “i thought it was funny” said jay, still snickering. “i’ll just have an iced tea” seeun said with venom dripping in her tone.
as yn left to grab the requested beverage, jay turned to his girlfriend, “seeun, we really need to talk, alone..” seeun refused to leave the booth so jay just blurts out “i think we should see other people-“ “WHAT?!” squealed seeun, “are you in love with someone else??” “i think so,” jay said slightly proud, “but we can still be fri-“ “DON’T say the word friends!” sneered seeun “i’m gonna look over what ever breakdown you’re having, we’re gonna get ready and meet each other at the dance, mmkay?” seeun said as her and her friends stood up to leave just as yn returned with the drink “too late princess” both replied jake and heeseung, jay held money towards yn to pay for the drink but yn wouldn’t take it since the drink was untouched, as yn walked away, jay placed the money on the table for a tip.
as the group walks out, jungwon walks in the diner dressed as a spanish sword fighter (idk what they’re called 💀) and eyes yn, “have no fear, el-jungwon is here!” yn rolls her eyes as jungwon approaches her, “you’re not going as a table buser are you?” he asked with worry in his eyes, “jungwon, im not going, i have to work” “but you have to go, your true love is there waiting for you!!” “well true love is gonna have to wait” you sneered, “i’m not letting this opportunity slip from your grasp yn, c’mon, we’ll think of something” “i guess you’re right, i deserve a night out for myself” you replied
with the help of your amazing coworkers, you had your shift covered until the strike of twelve, you had to be back before twelve otherwise your step mother would throw a fit - and with that, you and jungwon were off to the dance
**to be continued!
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cowbeeboy · 2 years
I wrote this back in October for one of the Suptober prompts and was very proud of it, so have fun :D
Did you know that flowers have their own language?
Dean placed the gun he was cleaning on the table and reached for his phone instead. The message was from Cas, and after Dean read it a second time, it still didn’t make a lick of sense.
Cas had been reluctant when Dean suggested he gets his own phone, but the ex-angel has been nothing but obsessed with the damn thing ever since he learned how to use it.
Out-of-context texts like these are very much a regular in Dean’s life by now, especially when the two are apart for more than a day, which they currently are. Castiel likes to share sunset pictures, pictures of that cat that wouldn’t stop following him around that day. He shares articles about rocks that Dean couldn’t care less about, or recipes, suggesting Dean cooks them when he returns to the bunker.
Does Dean care about what flower bees like the most or that butterflies taste with their feet? No, he doesn’t. Dean couldn’t care less. But Cas does, so, case closed. Dean will spend those 30 minutes reading that article about the fancy rocks he doesn’t care about because he cares about Cas. And he likes seeing Cas find things he’s interested in that have nothing to do with him or Sam. He loves listening to him talk about them.
It’s true. By gifting a specific flower to someone, you can also express a feeling toward that person, not necessarily romantic but beautiful all the same.
Isn’t that lovely?
Dean pondered on it. It did sound pretty awesome. He thought he’d heard something similar, but again, he hadn’t cared enough to find out more.
yeah, it is actually
The next text Dean received was a link to a flower article, talking about the flower language. He read through it.
Isn’t humanity astonishing? The things you’ve come up with over the centuries.
Dean smiled at his phone like some idiot. Sam from across the table noticed and didn’t pass up the opportunity to tease his brother.
“What'd he say?” he asked, pretending to be distracted by research papers, yet the amusement all over his face gave him away.
Dean looked up from his phone, making a face at him. “What?”.
“Oh, I’m sorry. I just assumed you were talking to Cas, you know, what with the stupid look on your face,” Sam smirked.
Dean felt his neck heating up, even as he scowled at his annoying little brother. He didn’t spare Sam any words though, instead, he turned back down to look at his phone again, and when he did, he saw that another message had come through. His blush furiously increased reading it.
Can I get you flowers? Cas had asked.
And what the hell was Dean supposed to say to that? He didn’t want to say no and be an asshole boyfriend or worse, hurt Cas, but he wasn’t a chick either, he didn’t need flowers. What was he gonna do with the flowers anyway? Put them in a vase and stare at them all day long until they die and he has to throw them away? Wouldn’t he be basically throwing away Cas’ nice gesture? What’s the point in that?
you dont gotta do that sweetheart
A part of Dean secretly wanted Cas to get him flowers. Flowers are pretty. He was also curious to see what flowers Cas would get him, what color they'd be. Dean would reread the article to read Cas’ hidden message, and maybe next time he’d get Cas flowers with a hidden meaning. Would Cas find the article to see what Dean said to him through the flowers?
It didn’t mean he had to admit it though.
I’m aware I don’t have to Dean, thank you.
You deserve nice things and I would like to do this for you if you’d let me.
Dean pointedly ignored the implications of that second part of the text. He gave in.
do what you want Cas
And Cas did.
Two days later, as soon as Dean stepped into his room, he saw it. On his nightstand, a neat bouquet of red carnations.
My heart aches for you.
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2023 Goals
2023 is going to be an exciting year of change for me. I’ll have a new job in a new country and I don’t really know what the future holds. So I don’t really know how much language studying I’ll be able to realistically do. I don’t know how much time I’ll have, I don’t know how time zones will affect my studying (Norwegian italki lessons may not be possible anymore). But I’m going to set a few goals anyway!
Japanese Goals
1) Reach a pre-intermediate level in Japanese
This is my primary goal for 2023. I’m going to be in Japan and I don’t intend to waste the opportunity to use as much Japanese as possible! I want to focus mostly on speaking and listening comprehension rather than studying kanji/reading for now, as I’ll need those more. Maybe in the latter half of the year of next year I’ll shift my focus to reading comprehension/writing.
Intermediate level would be awesome, but I don’t want to set my hopes too high. N4 (CEFR A2) is all I really expect to get to even with full immersion, but maybe I could get close to N3 if I really push myself. We’ll see! I’m currently around N5 (just about) I’d say.
2) Finish Japanese Short Stories For Beginners
I’ve read I think 7/20? It’d be great to finish all of them by the end of the year! Who knows, maybe by that point I won’t need to English translation at all (I can dream lmao)
3) Have a Japanese conversation class on italki without using English at all
This is a bit of an ambitious goal, but I’m setting it anyway. At the moment I frequently have to ask my tutors to break down sentences and explain certain words in English. But I’m so determined to get good at Japanese, especially seeing as I’ll be living in Japan!
Norwegian Goals
1) Maintain my B2/C1 level in Norwegian
Given I’ll be in Japan, I won’t be focusing so much on Norwegian the way I have in previous years. However, I’m not planning on throwing away all the progress I made! So I’m hoping to engage with the language a little every day, be it writing a journal or watching the news or reading an article. I’m planning to download some Norwegian ebooks onto my Kobo before I head off too.
2) Learn more idioms and natural ways of speaking
At the moment I still feel like my language is quite clunky. I can say more or less what I want to express, but I’d love to learn to speak in a more colourful way.
3) Write 10,000 words of fiction
In 2020 I nearly hit 15K. In 2021 it was around 7.5K. In 2022 it was 0. It was such a great way to learn and practise new vocabulary and I had fun doing it, so I’d love to try doing it again!
4) Finish reading 5 books in Norwegian
At the moment I’m reading Tante Ulrikkes Vei, so that’ll be book #1. The others I have lined up are:
Gode Varsler - Terry Pratchett and Neil Gaiman (Good Omens)
Hver Gang Du Forlater Meg - Linnéa Myhre
Flaggermusmannen - Jo Nesbø
Rødstrupe - Jo Nesbø
If it goes well, I’ll increase this goal.
Non-language goals
1) Improve my overall flexibility
I used to be super bendy and I really miss it! Given I’ll actually have a semi-regular schedule when I’m in Japan and I won’t be able to pole, I should be able to build a stretching habit. I’ll write more about some specific goals over on my sideblog @jo-jenova
2) Read 15 books
I’ve read disappointingly little this year. I’ve got into the habit of starting books, getting 50-ish pages in and then abandoning them. I’m not entirely sure what’s blocking me, but I feel like if I set myself a goal of finishing books, that might encourage me to push beyond that initial sticking point and build a habit of reading. I also have a new ereader, so hopefully that’ll motivate me to actually read!
3) Journal regularly
I used to journal more or less daily, but since I reached about A2 in Norwegian I’ve not really journalled in English because it felt like a waste of time. Why journal in a language I can already speak when I could be practising my target language? But I feel like it really helped me with writing, and I miss being able to write! So I’d like to get back into journalling in English, not just my target languages.
4) Learn new fans techniques (?)
I’ve not decided yet if I’ll take my fans with me to Japan or not (depends on how much space I have in my luggage!), but if I do, I’d like to spend some time building my techniques repertoire. Last year I set myself the goal of learning the following techniques:
Perfect antispin flowers
Simple body tracing patterns
Reels and weaves
Let’s see what happens this year!
That’s a lot of goals! But hopefully they’ll keep me focused. I’m feeling positive - I’m so ready to get back on track with my self-improvement journey! Let’s make 2023 a great year :D
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ybcpatrick · 1 year
hi we don’t know each other! but i have a picture of johnny knoxville wearing a shirt with one of your guys on it!! so funny that i can now recognize a couple of wrestlers in the wild despite not caring abt it at all. worlds colliding etc etc anyway cheers!
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oh my GOD i'm so excited i get to tell you about this. you will regret this /j
since you happen to just Have a photo of johnny knoxville on hand, i'm guessing he's a special guy of yours, and in that case i've got great fucking news: back in late 2021/early 2022, jackass actually partnered with wwe to promote jackass forever. johnny knoxville ended up having a legitimate storyline feud with sami zayn.
so, the royal rumble is an event held every year in january. the draw of the show is the titular royal rumble match, wherein thirty competitors battle for the opportunity to main-event wrestlemania in april for a championship of their choosing. two people start in the ring, and then every ninety seconds, another competitor is added. to eliminate someone, you have to throw them over the top rope, and both of their feet must touch the ground.
now, i say "competitors" and not "wrestlers", because you don't actually have to be a wwe superstar to be in it. case in point: johnny knoxville announced on january 7th that he was gonna be in the rumble. sami (who, i should note, was a crazy bad guy at this time) was PISSED that a celebrity like knoxville could just show up and take spotlight away from real wrestlers. so when the rumble rolled around on january 29th, sami made sure to personally eliminate johnny.
johnny took that poorly. presidential alert, the girls are fighting.
on february 2nd, sami crashed the red carpet of the jackass forever premiere and johnny had security forcibly remove him from the premises
on february 18th, sami won the intercontinental championship off of shinsuke nakamura (hence johnny's shirt in the pic djekfhskfh). then, sami lost the title to ricochet thirteen days later, on march 4th, due to interference in the match by johnny knoxville
sami challenged johnny to an anything goes match at wrestlemania 38, johnny accepted
the match at WM38 is the stupidest shit in the world, and it's fucking AWESOME. it's goofy wrestling at its best, and sami's gone on record saying it's one of his favourite things he's ever done. it's got all the jackass shenaniganning you could want. if you've got twenty minutes, i highly recommend watching it, because the whole thing is on youtube.
and bonus points, even though sami's a good guy now and it's been over a year since it went down, johnny still "hates" sami's fucking guts and takes every possible opportunity to dunk on him. it's so good it's so fuckin good man. johnny knoxville is like a blorbo-in-law. to Me.
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sphnyspinspin · 1 year
I saw you have a Brushfire story in the works! Please tell me everything you can about that one! Also, will there be art to go along with all your story ideas, or just some of them?
I’ll admit, at first this was supposed to be more of a short comedy concept, but then I was like…what if I made her a secret badass. Also, I might make fanart for all my stories once I actually start writing more. But overall I definitely want to make fanart for this one, but not anytime soon tbh.
Brushfire’s Outback:
Brushfire has always held the rugged and sandy place of Australia as her home away from home. She likes to work alone most of the time, but if the opportunity ever arises, she’ll do her best as part of any team. But when she is alone, it’s the animals that keep her company. She often gets checked on from time to time, but it’s usually just a simple check up and an extra energon supply shipment. Of course, today was different, because sooner or later there would be company.
What appeared over the horizon startled her, but not entirely unexpected. A yellow sports car with red detailing came speeding in her direction. And since she was practically camouflaged with the rest of the scene, and the car was at maximum speed the sports car immediately zoomed past her. She realized that the car was heading for her base’s direction so she followed suit, wanting it to be a surprise instead. Then a shadow appeared in front of her, also following the driver. She noticed that it was coming from over her and saw that it was a two headed dragon. The winged beast swooped down gaining up on the car, as if they were racing. Both the dragon and the car were heading straight towards the barn, it was head to head, until the scaly creature flapped its wings and landed on the barn’s roof, with a look of pride.
“HA! I win!” Exclaimed Predaprince. The two-headed dragon then transformed into a bipedal Cybertronian and hopped off the roof, to be confronted by the car. “Yeah, yeah…look, all the sand kept slowing me down. If this was a race back on Cybertron, you would be eating my dust.” Scorch responded with confidence. He transformed back into his bipedal mode and started shaking the dust out of his pedes. “Yeah. Sure…says the one who’s literally covered head to toe with actual dust.” Using his claw to gesture to Scorch’s dirty exterior. “Ugh. Quickshadow said she would be here. We can’t be Team Scorchers without her.”
“Uh. Don’t you mean The Prince Squad.”
“Team-Scorchers.” Scorch said with a scrunched up look on his face. “The Prince Squad.” Predaprince quickly responded, crossing his arms.
They were both chest to chest, before they noticed a half-track vehicle rolling up to them. Scorch quickly transformed and Predaprince started digging underground and covered himself in rock. It wasn’t the best camouflage. Brushfire quickly transformed and introduced herself. Both coming out of hiding, they both introduced themselves and recollected their thoughts. As of recently, Predaprince had a recent…tussle, with a certain safari hunter who looked mighty keen on coming back for him. And Scorch being the one who, allegedly, rescued Predaprince, while being a freshman at RBA, was assigned as his-sort of-partner. Then both recruits were assigned to this designated area to which they were supposed to hide out, because they were both now on Quint Quarry’s radar. And to probably learn a thing or two from Brushfire about the art of escapism and self-defense, while still learning to be rescue bots.
“No offense, but what can you teach me, The Awesome Prince of the Predacon Kingdom about self-defense? Scorch definitely needs it, but not me.”
“Hey! I was the one to get you out of that cage in the first place. So maybe you should be the one learning about how to-you know-NOT be in a cage.”
“Yeah. And how about you learning to throw a proper punch, after losing your pathetic balance, and getting your butt kicked by a bunch of puny Earth robots.”
“Hey you two, no fighting-okay? We’re all on the same side here. But you both should know I was trained by both Hightide and Quickshadow, and that they’re too busy to take on any more combatants. And of course Predaprince, you’re right. You absolutely shouldn’t take lessons from someone you just met, and not even know their skill set yet. How about this, I will give you first strike, and you can see if I’m qualified to be strong enough to become the official teammate of The Awesome Prince of the Predacon Kingdom?”
“HA! I like her! Hey Scorch, maybe you should take some notes on how to properly not get your butt handed to you. Especially after I demolish this one!” Which earned a glare from Scorch.
Predaprince was soon humbled, as he was taken down in a matter of minutes. Scorch started to laugh like crazy, until he too was humbled, as his feet were swept up from underneath him and he was pinned down. Neither of them should’ve let their gaurd down, which is one of Brushfire’s first lessons. They both shouldn’t have underestimated her, especially since this was her Outback, and they were just living in it.
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Hi! So, I absolutely love your series where the MC is the kid of Lucifer, and I was wondering if I could request that with Diavolo and Barbatos? •v•
:0 you definitely can! Right now I’m just doing Diavolo, but Barb’s will be up sometime soon!
MC is Half Demon and Oh Shit They’re Diavolo’s Kid-
Diavolo wasn’t exactly what one would expect of the prince of Hell, I mean, he was suppressing the urge to bounce in his seat from pure excitement. I mean, his exchange program was starting! Humans, demons, and angels, all together, his dream was coming true.
All that was left was for the student to arrive, the portal opened, and the human fell flat on their back. Oof, maybe Diavolo should have set up some kind of landing zone filled with pillows. No matter! The human was-
What peculiar eyes this human had…
Oh… oh dear…
The MC was his child, no question about it. This was… very unexpected. Well, the entire assembly hall was completely quiet, and the kid looked like they were getting impatient.
“HEY! Mind telling me what the hell is going on?!”
After that, Diavolo launches into his explanation, also the explanation that he’s definitely this kid’s dad. Kid was not impressed, they tried to square up with Diavolo and Lucifer had never been more confused as to what to do.
Well, the moment MC sprouted wings and launched themselves at Diavolo, Dia caught them with one hand and continued speaking like nothing happened.
MC, please calm down… Diavolo didn’t know they existed, let him make it up to them! They’re going to stay at the Demon Lord’s Castle! Dia’s going to be a good dad!
“This feels like the plot to the world’s most messed up fairytale.” MC jammed their hands into their pockets and grumbled. “I get sucked into hell and find out I’m royalty there. Great.”
Diavolo managed to smile and awkwardly reach out to give them a pat on the head, then retracted his hand after the kid shot him a glare. “Well, it’s not a very traditional fairytale, but I’m sure you’ll enjoy your time here.”
“Mm, sure.” MC mumbled.
Okay, so his child wasn’t that enthusiastic about the exchange program, but Diavolo was sure they’d come around.
Dia tried everything he could possibly think of to get his kid to both like him and enjoy their time as an exchange student. A lot of things had… mixed results.
Also, legally recognizing MC as his child and legitimizing them caused a big stink amongst the nobles who were opposed to the exchange program to begin with. So MC then had to deal with a few assassins. Wonderful. Fantastic. Show stopping. Dia, be a good dad and comfort your angsty murder target- I MEAN preteen.
They do manage to build a good relationship fairly quickly despite their less than stellar first impressions, and Diavolo made them a promise that he knew he wouldn’t ever break: he would let them live as normal a childhood as possible.
This means that MC gets to do all the normal kid stuff that Diavolo wasn’t allowed to do. It honestly works out great for everyone. MC gets to live their life, Diavolo gets the satisfaction of knowing that his kid’s having fun, and Barbatos doesn’t need to worry about MC causing chaos in the castle.
Man… does this kid’s magic potential scare the shit out of everyone though…
Tired Uncle Lucifer
No. This has to be a violation of his worker rights. It cannot be legal for him to be this stressed.
He knew this exchange program was a bad idea. LUCIFER FUCKING KNEW IT. This kid was judging him. Why did he suddenly feel self conscious about every single one of his features? This child was picking him apart and they hadn’t even said anything!
He confiscated Asmo’s phone immediately, this was a matter of national security! Satan’s too! Beel as- oh shit Lucifer may have to give Beel the heimlich maneuver, then take his phone.
When all the brothers eventually got back to the HOL, they were greeted with Mammon getting shaken down by Levi.
“Lucifer! Ya won’t believe this! Levi- what’s wrong with you?” “The exchange student is Diavolo’s child.” “What..?” “*pops the cork off a bottle of Demonus* the exchange student’s Diavolo’s child.”
The worst part about this kid was that they took to the privileges of being royalty like a fish to water. MC went out and did whatever the fuck they wanted, and Lucifer needed to make sure a state of national emergency wasn’t called just because MC picked a fight at RAD.
It didn’t help that MC was just so unimpressed with Lucifer. Anytime Lucifer would tell them not to do something they would just raise their eyebrows and challenge his authority without saying a word.
What the fuck.jpg
The things he does for his prince boyfriend…
Cool Uncle Mammon
Huh, so this little pipsqueak is Lord Diavolo‘s kid? Hm, do ya think they’d let him into the royal treasury? No? Okay… lame.
Mammon then decides this kid would be just perfect for scamming people! Who is going to say no to the Crown Prince’s kid? A suicidal person, that’s who!
And the kid is… up for it? Wow, Mammon didn’t even have to grovel! Awesome!
It’s such a shame that Lucifer came in and promptly removed MC from Mammon’s presence. Tsk, killjoy…
Mammon and MC do get along swimmingly after MC stops angsting. Whenever they hang out it’s pure chaos.
And they would have gotten away with it too- wait, they do get away with it. Because who’s going to question the Crown Prince’s kid? >:)
Reclusive Uncle Leviathan
Levi was in the middle of throttling Mammon for his money back when Lucifer burst through the door looking like he had spent over 1000 Grimm on a gacha game only to not get the card he wanted.
And where was that human he said would be staying with them? Huh? The human’s HUH????!!!!
… wack. Maybe he shouldn’t have skipped out on that Student Council Meeting…
Either way, ew, new person he needed to talk to. NO THANKS. Well, no thanks until MC started to visit the HOL to hang out with Mammon. Of course those two normies decided to bug him. OF COURSE.
Levi finally snapped when MC loudly proclaimed that they could totally beat Levi in Mario Kart. Haha, NO. Levi challenged the little runt to a 1 v 1 race on Rainbow Road.
Kid lost. Obviously. Rainbow Road is rigged.
Honestly, kid’s alright. Still a total normie, but not completely terrible.
Cat Uncle Satan
Huh, a half human child of the soon to be demon king, how very interesting.
Oh, and just look at Lucifer’s face. :D priceless. Satan wished he was fast enough to get his DDD out to snap a picture, but he wasn’t able to…
But back to MC, oh how very intriguing. How much power do they have in comparison to Diavolo? Will using that power rip their fragile little body apart? Would they learn to control it? Satan was just dying to find out.
His feelings on the child themselves were mixed at best. They were clearly unhappy with the situation and Satan could sympathize, being thrust into a completely new world and then being told you can’t leave and are also royalty? That has to be hard. But this kid was still being an unreasonable little shit.
Satan continued to try and study MC from afar until the kid themselves walked right up to him and half demanded half pleaded for his help in studying for a test.
Not being one to avoid an opportunity to flex how smart he is, Satan agreed to help out. (Nerrrrd)
And honestly, it went well. When the kid wasn’t being a little shit, they were actually quite pleasant to be around.
Overly Affectionate Uncle Asmo
Listen, when Asmo asked Lucifer to pick a cute human, he didn’t mean cute as in CHILD.
This kid was DIAVOLO’S?! What lucky human had gotten to have the experience of [Jesus Fucking Christ, Asmo I’m not writing what he said for the sake of the nation]
Anyhoo~ little MC just made his heart go “SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE SO CUTE!” They were so cute Asmo could just eat them up!
But they were so mean! That scowl they always had on was going to give them wrinkles and ruin their perfectly cute face!
Sigh, oh well. He can’t manually rearrange people’s expressions. What he can do is take this child shopping. Poor Diavolo was constantly in his RAD uniform, this poor innocent baby shouldn’t have to suffer the same fate.
The kid continued to scowl at everything, but at the same time, their little quips were very entertaining. This little kid spitting verbal venom at anyone who displeased them reminded Asmo of someone… he just couldn’t place who, but they definitely had amazing hair and a cute face :3
Hungry Uncle Beel
Where’s the takeout- I mean human? What’s happening? …are all humans this small? Dang, that’s barely enough for a snack.
So the human’s not going to live with us because they’re not fully human and Diavolo’s kid? Huh. Wild. Anyway, what’s for dinner?
Beel’s not too invested in this drama, he misses Belphie too much to be that interested…
The kid’s weirdly interested in how cool and strong Beel is though. MC tails him to the gym pretty often.
Diavolo and Beel already being gym buddies send tweet-
Since this benevolent little shit likes Beel so much, they decided to take it upon themselves to help with the family drama.
Beel finds that very sweet 🥺
Murder sleepy Uncle Belphie
Oh man… if you thought Belphie was being unfair to L!MC due to their parentage… hoo boy…
When this kid waltzed up the attic steps like they ran the place, Belphie needed to hold himself back from trying to break down the door and throttle this kid.
Pff, of course Diavolo would have a half human kid. Of course.
…kid beat the shit out of him when he tried to kill them. We stan this MC.
After all is said and done, Belphie still isn’t overly fond of MC. They’re brash and rude and only funny 40% of the time. They don’t even like napping 😒
But Beel likes the little runt, so Belphie and MC put up with each other.
Bonus! Your Angelic Uncle Simeon’s Chihuahua
:0 friend!
MC: *speaks*
>:0 not friend! Begone! *throws crucifix*
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rezzyromance · 3 years
Idk if this is how you request things or if it's just asking, BUT-
How would the Lords react to an S/O that's usually the chillest person that you will ever meet (not to be confused with a pushover because they are not), they've never seen them even mildly annoyed when something bad happens. But then something happens and, turns out, the S/O is utterly TERRIFYING when they're mad.
Hope this makes sense!
Aw man I'm gonna feel awful scaring Moreau and Donna :(
You're relaxing on a beautiful morning. The sun is shining through the window just enough to warm the room but not hurt your eyes. You hadn't even changed out of your sleep wear. "How are you feeling, my dear?", a sweet voice rang from the doorway. You were sitting in your favorite chair near the window. You turn and smile at her. She walks over and rubs your face in her large hand before leaning down and giving you a soft kiss. "I'm feeling amazing. And you?", you grab her hand before she pulls it away and you place a kiss on her knuckles. "I'm feeling alright. There's a new maid here. She's a bit slow. I'm giving her until tonight to finish dusting the entire castle or else she won't see another sunrise." It was almost comedic how dark her words were as you both stared out the window and gazed at the beautiful scenery. "Come on Alcina.", you stand up and place your hands on hers, trying to hold them despite the size difference. "Give the girl a break. It's a huge castle AND it's her first day.", you knew your words would probably change nothing. Alcina was rather cruel, but you looked past it. You tried your best to make the nervous maids comfortable whenever they arrive.
"We'll see how she does." She gives you one more kiss before leaving the room. You sit back down in your chair, enjoying the warmth of the sun for a little while longer. You lose track of time, minutes maybe even hours go by. Suddenly, there's a crash not far from the door. You jump and stand up, no longer comfortable after being startled. "What in the name of Mother Miranda?!", you leave the room and look down the hallway. The new maid stood there with a terrified look on her face. In front of her was one of the paintings Alcina had on her walls, now with a broken frame and a hole punctured. Your blood began to boil. It was a painting of you, her, and the girls all together. It was your favorite. "How in the hell did you manage to do that?!", you begin to stomp towards her. She cowers and struggles to find her words. "I-I-I was just dusting! It fell and I-I didn't mean t-", you cut her off. "How the fuck did you knock such a large painting over just by dusting?! DO YOU THINK YOU'RE ALLOWED TO MAKE SUCH STUPID MISTAKES HERE?!", you unravel. "I-I didn't mean to! I'm sorry!", she almost begins to weep. "SORRY ISN'T GONNA SAVE YOUR ASS!"
"MISS DIMITRESCU PLEASE HELP!", she cries out. You freeze, realizing that the lady herself is right behind you. You turn to face her. Her eyes are wide with shock. She has never seen you like this before and never even knew you had this type of side to you. She was impressed as much as she was terrified. "(Y/N)? Are you alright my love?" She had no idea what to do as your seething slowed down. "Why don't you go back to the room, yes? Settle down a little and deal with her later.", she places a hand on your back helps walk with you back to the room. Once you're there, she bends down to whisper in your ear. "I don't know where this side of you has been this whole time, but I am so amazed by you. And also a little frightened."
The Beneviento house was usually a calm place despite its creepy aura. You and Donna are both quiet and chill people. Never once have you fought or even raised your voices at each other. It was pleasant.
You had planned a nice dinner for the both of you. You wanted to try out a new recipe and surprise her, so you made your way to the kitchen to get started. "Okay, what first? I guess I'll need a pot.", you go rummaging through the kitchen and you find the pots stacked within each other inside one of the top cabinets. You groan and stand up on your toes, grazing the pots with your fingers. It didn't take much to cause them to tumble down, crashing on top of you with a loud sound that followed. "Aw shit.", you sighed and picked up the knocked over pots. A small but annoying pain began to throb in your head from where it made contact with a pot. What you didn't notice was you forgot to pick one of the pots up. It remained unnoticed. "It's fine.", you say to yourself as you maintain your composure. Next, a cutting board and knife. You turn around and begin to walk forward to find the cutting board, but you slam your toe into counter. You wince in pain and grab your foot. "SON OF A BITCH!", you yell.
You calm yourself, still wanting to have a pleasant meal with Donna. "Alright. Everything's fine." You step forward and kick the pot that you had forgotten to pick up. It caused your freshly kicked toe to ache even more. "OH COME ON! GOD FUCKING DAMMIT!", you scream and swear as you throw your arms up in pure rage and shock.
"...(Y/N)?", a gentle voice whispered from the doorway, causing you to whip your head in that direction. It was Donna. She looked absolutely horrified and almost looked like she could cry. "Is.. is everything... are you alright?", she worried. "Yes. I'm sorry. Just got a little pissed off.", you took a deep breath to calm yourself down, feeling bad for scaring the poor girl.
You were sitting on the dock together, looking into the water as your feet swung back and forth above it. It was a sunny day and you two decided to spend it outside. Your hand slowly made its way over to his. His feet stopped swinging for a second as you entangled your fingers. "I don't know what I'd do without you, (Y/N)." his words were bitter sweet as a gentle smile formed from his lips. "Oh, Sal. You don't have to think like that. I'll always be here for you.", you kiss his cheek and continue to relax as you sway your legs.
"There it is! There's the beast!", a voice yelled from not so far away. You both look in the direction of the voice and see a few young village boys. Possibly between the ages of 13 and 16. Moreau had become some what of a scary story for the villagers. A tale that kids spread on school court yard and bring up during dares. But, you've never seen a kid brave enough to actually make it far enough into the reservoir to actually see Moreau. Now, there were about 3. All of them stood and pointed, shocked and terrified.
"Hey beast! Come get me!", one kid teases. You glare at the kids as a newfound rage begins to boil inside you. "Let's go back inside.", Moreau says before standing up from the doc. The sadness in his voice was heartbreaking. Suddenly, one of the children gathers the guts to pick up a rock and throw it as hard as he could. His aim was off, but not by much. It slammed into the wood near Moreau's feet, startling him. "Take that you devil!", he laughs. "THAT'S IT YOU LITTLE SHIT!", you begin sprinting in the direction of the immature brats. Two of them run from the direction they came from while the one who threw the rock was frozen in fear. You took the opportunity to grab him by the collar of his shirt. "Listen here you little waste of space. I'm gonna give you 3 seconds to turn around and run for your goddamn life. If you or any of your little snot-nosed friends come around here again, they'll be goddamn fish food. Do you understand?" The kid was too scared to speak and instead began to nod rapidly. You let him go and watched as he ran as fast as he could, screaming the whole way.
You walk back to the shack and find Moreau standing in the same place he was when you took off. His mouth was agape and he looked almost as scared as the kids. "You alright Sal? I made sure those little shits won't be coming around here anymore." "Yeah... I didn't know you could be so... scary", he says. "I'm sorry. But those kids were being cruel. I had to do something.", you say. "Well... it was awesome!", he smiled. "But also very scary!" You laugh which helps sooth him a little.
"Screw driver.", is all Karl said with an outstretched palm. He was working on some type of mechanical heart for his experiments. He wanted you to lend a "helping hand" even though he could easily do it all by himself. He did this because he wanted to be around you, he was just too stubborn with too big of an ego to simply say it. So here you were, handing him every little tool he asks for.
"Do you want the big one or the little one?", you say with a hint of boredom in your tone. "Aw c'mon don't sound like that! Isn't this exciting? It's like you're working on it with me! Also, hand me the big one.", you do as he says and hand him the big screw driver. "I just don't get it. You literally have powers. You can easily do this by yourself and have been for so long. Why do you need me to help?" He pauses for a second and looks over towards you, his brow slightly furrowed. "I don't NEED you to help. I just thought it would be nice for you to help out. Plus, you're the one always bitching about me constantly working. Well, here you are! Helping me work! So, either suck it up or you can leave." His harshness had no real ill will in it. He was just confused and a bit too ignorant to consider his words. But, he was testing your patience. He continued to use the screwdriver until handing it to you without saying a word.
"Hand me a screw.", he demanded with his hand facing palm up again. "Which size?" "They're all the same sizes, dumbass." You feel your blood begin to boil. "They're different fucking sizes! This one is smaller than this one!", you hold up two screws that are obviously different sizes. This makes Karl angry. Not because you were right, but because you seemed upset over something that seemed so insignificant.
"If you came here just to yap in my ear, then I don't think I need your assistance.", he huffed. You put the selection of tools and supplies he was making you hold on the table he is working on and ball your fists. "You're the one who told me to do this in the first place!", you yell. "Yeah, because you won't stop bitching! Non-stop you're always compla-" you cut him off before he can finish. "SHUT UP!", you yell. The room goes silent. "YOU SAY I'M BITCHING? HAVE YOU HEARD YOURSELF? JESUS FUCKING CHRIST KARL YOU BITCH AND MOAN ALL THE TIME! I'M DONE TAKING SHIT FROM YOU!" He wanted to be angry, but he couldn't. He felt something much more overwhelming. Was he.. intimidated? He didn't move from his seat. All he could do was look up at you with a confused expression. What now? What is there to do? If he pushes you further, what would happen? He was actually too scared to find out.
You take a deep breath to calm down before speaking. "Now, if you want me to help with your shit, I'll stay as long as you keep your mouth shut. Can you possibly manage to do that?" He gulps nervously. "Yes ma'am."
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the-helpless-lemon · 2 years
You know, I love Quirkless Izuku fics as much as the next guy (which is a lie, because I love them immensely), but there is something I want to address; Izuku is not Batman.
This isn’t really an angry rant, just something I want to throw out there. Izuku is smart, could probably learn martial arts with time, and it would’ve made an interesting story either way. However, people consider him becoming Batman more obvious isn’t really right. He’s not.
Batman is the result of a billionaire going through a horrible tragedy and then having the time and money to become Batman. That would be hard to replicate for a normal person, and that would be really hard for Izuku considering he isn’t a billionaire and from the DC universe.
Think of the physical part of the entrance exam, the fact he’s got to deal with Quirkless discrimination, and the fact he’s most likely middle class. That’s not a great combination to get people to want to train him, and as a student, he wouldn’t have had that much time on his own to do anything on his own. And even if he did, getting in to UA’s Hero Course right away (or at all without outside force) would be low statistically. Don’t get me wrong, I don’t like imagining his friends, classmates, and teachers discriminating against him, but god knows what they actually would’ve thought without One for All and the school year being a buffer for Izuku.
Batman is awesome, Quirkless Izuku and the fics are awesome, but we need to take a step back and realize that similarities doesn’t mean equal opportunity. I’ll happily read how people get around some of the challenges he would’ve faced, but Izuku is his own character. I’ll write him my way, but I definitely know my way isn’t really canon.
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dragonsareourfuture · 3 years
It was recently my bday and uh I wanted to ask- could I have head cannons for the Wammy Boy's celebrating their s/O's bday?? If it's not too much trouble! I don't wanna stress u out at all <3
Aww happy belated birthday! Of course you can have some headcanons. Consider it my gift to you for being awesome. I’ve had a lot of stuff to do recently so this is pretty late :/
Wammy Boys When It’s Your Birthday
- bitch forgets lol
- it’s not that he doesn’t care it’s just that he has a lot on his plate
- if you remind him beforehand he won’t exactly lie and say he remembered. He just won’t tell you that he forgot.
- even then I don’t think he’ll organize something huge. Or at all. He kinda just mentions the fact that it’s your birthday to the task force and lets them take care of it. He can do work, AND you get a lovely celebration thrown by people that actually know how to throw parties. Win-win.
- he wears a party hat for you. It’s adorable.
- but he also eats the majority of your cake so-
- he does take the time to help clean up. Mostly because he does want to spend time with you but during a time when everyone’s calmed down. If he has to clean solo cups off the floor to do that, then so be it.
- you’re both shoving trash into trash bags when L notices that the room has completely cleared. He takes this opportunity to press a quick kiss to your jaw and mutter a “happy birthday” in your ear.
- he holds you that night. He’s got his computer in his lap to make up for the time he lost while helping you clean but he’s there, typing with one hand so he can mess with your hair with the other.
- he forgets too lollolol
- again — he’s simply busy.
- one day you casually mention it being your birthday in a conversation and he just kinda freezes like “….oh shit.”
- but he has to remain calm. He’s supposed to be the best boyfriend anyone ever did see! How would it fair for that reputation if he admits he FORGOT your birthday!? Not well at all. So he has to make due with the time he has in order to get you something you’ll like.
- of course that is easier said than done and he really only ends up getting you something he likes.
- took the “if it was my birthday, what would I want?” Method of picking out a gift a little too far.
- he got you chocolates.
- he decides to present them to you when he gets home that night and you’re not really surprised (or expecting much) so you take the free candy and give Mello a kiss in return.
- his natural actions always speak louder than his carefully calculated ones, so he pretty much makes up for his slip ups while you’re cuddled on the couch later that evening. He’s running his fingers up and down your spine, holding you to his side.
-He finds the right time during the movie you’re watching to nuzzle into your neck and mumble his admission that he forgot your birthday.
- you don’t hesitate to forgive him…or admit you knew that all along.
- can you see a pattern yet…? Yeah, okay, he forgot too.
- this whole family is busy all the fucking time what do you expect?
- honestly he doesn’t really care if you know he forgot. Just “it’s your birthday? Hmm. That’s news to me.”
- he does care though, so he’ll have the SPK take a small break from their work (a very small break) to organize some decorations for you. Honestly it’s for the best that Near doesn’t do that himself. If he did, be prepared for the “It Is Your Birthday.” Vibe.
- Halle makes him wear a party hat. He does it just for you. He is a little peeved when he realizes she didn’t give anyone else a party hat, though. But he keeps it on once he sees the smile on your face when you see him in it.
- low key blushing while you laugh at his hat and he mentally shoves away any previous notions of wishing you a happy birthday.
- he won’t say it until later that night when everyone but you two have gone home. It’s a whisper echoing off the walls but you hear it clear as day and it warms your heart.
- to be honest, I think he’s the only one who doesn’t forget your birthday.
- whether he does something for it is a whole other story.
- he doesn’t want you to feel bad if he does do something and it’s not to your tastes. If it’s too much or too little. Whether he admits it or not, Matt might be a little scared to do something for you and then for you to hate it. He might even get so overwhelmed that he just asks you what you want.
- he’ll cater to whatever you want, unless it’s way too lavish for him to execute. Usually that’s not the case though.
- lazy day in? Check. Amusement park? He’s ordering the tickets with a stolen credit card right now. Getting food at your favorite restaurant? Again — stolen credit card. He’s cool with whatever you need to feel special.
- he casually slips in words about how glad he is to have you in his life throughout your day together. He feels like that way you won’t bug him too much about how sappy he’s being.
- alas, he was wrong. You still bug him. A lot.
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ladyreapermc · 3 years
Fic: Closing Time (Johnny Utah x fem!reader)
Summary: You work at a clothing store, you get a last minute customer at closing time and sexy tims happen.
Pairing: Johnny Utah x fem!reader
Author’s Notes: So I’m slowly getting back to writing. I’m not gonna say I’m fully back just yet, but for this week at least, there will be content! Huge thanks to @toomanystoriessolittletime and @meetmeinthematinee​ for being cheerleaders and giving me early feedback on this! 
Wordcount: 3125
Warnings: smut. oral sex (F! receiving); dirty talk; unprotected sex with strangers (don’t do this kids!); sex in inappropriate places.
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Most days you quite enjoyed it when there was barely any movement at the store. It gave you the opportunity of just being by yourself, reading a book, or enjoying some music or studying for college, things that you didn’t always have the privacy of doing at your dorm because your roommate seemed to always be around. Even during the summer and what was up with that? Didn’t she have better things to do?
She wasn’t like you, who actually had to work to put yourself through college and took some extra jobs during the summer so you could have some savings for the following term when all you managed to get were part-time jobs that you had fit in between classes and paid shit.
Fortunately, at the shop, you had some peace and time for yourself. It was a tiny, hole-in-the-wall sort of place around Venice Beach where tourists could get some shirts and other knickknacks to take back home and locals surfers could find cheap clothing and supplies for a day out on the beach. Most days, you worked from 9-5 and after your shift, you could head to the beach, spread your towel on the sand and enjoy the gorgeous Californian sunset. However, as the summer winded out and the fall winds blew the scalding hot weather into simmering heat, your boss let you close a little early, especially on Tuesdays, when most tourists had already headed home and the new arrivals hadn’t landed yet so there were barely any customers around.
Your plan today had been to finish your reading for class and start the new crime thriller you picked up at the used books store on your way to work. Except, today you were just too restless to focus. You must have reread the same paragraph of your textbook twenty times before you gave up and set it aside, giving the other book a go, but it was just as unsuccessful at holding your attention.
So instead, you moved around the cramped space, adjusting the decoration items, dusting off shelves, and refolding every single shirt in the display until it was perfectly symmetrical while you willed time to move faster so you could end this day. Maybe it was the heatwave that had made an appearance turning the air in the shop stifling and all you had to help you was an old and slow fan that made more noise than blow air. The A/C was busted and your boss still hadn’t called someone to fix it.
Another possibility was the fact that you had to keep the glass doors opened to help circulate a little air and every time any kind of wind blew or someone walked in, it brought with them the crisp smell of salt and sand that always made you ache for the ocean and fight against the temptation of just abandoning everything and heading for the beach so you could cool off taking a dip in the deliciously cold water. Either way, you kept checking the slow ticking of the clock hands, counting the seconds before you could turn the closed sign.
When the minute hand finally hit twelve, you let out a cheer, jumping off your stool and taking a step towards the door. You always locked the doors first to discourage most last-minute walk-ins while you closed the register, put away the money in the back office safe, and slipped out of the store through the back door, taking any garbage with you to throw in the dumpster outside.
Before you could move from behind the counter, a man stepped into the store and you groaned low in your throat. Of-fucking-course! It was like they stood in wait to come in at the precise moment you were about to head out.
“Hey, you’re still open, right?” He asked, pushing the overgrown dark hair back from his forehead and offering you an unsure smile. You felt the urge to lie and say that no, you were closed and he should come back tomorrow.
“Yeah, sure.” You said instead placing your best and most fake seller’s smile. “Feel free to look around and let me know if you need help.”
“Thanks!” He replied, flashing a wider smile that showed a small dimple, before moving towards the shirts in the display while you made your way to the main entrance, flipped the sign, and locked the door to bar any other walk-ins.
You hung back while the guy browsed the options, taking a moment to assess him. He didn’t look like a tourist, but also not fully like a local. Most Californian guys that you knew had the most horrifying hair cuts or bleach jobs you had ever seen and that was not the case for the man in front of you.
His hair was dark brown, a little shaggy from too much exposure to sun and salt and it flopped a little over his forehead, just above his eyes. He wore a grey cropped t-shirt that had definitely seen better days and struggled to contain his broad shoulders, showing a peek of toned abs. His jeans were ridiculously tight and hung low on his slender hips, the light-wash of the denim accentuating the perfect bubble butt and for the love of God, you needed to get laid. Badly.
“Excuse me,” he called, startling you and you prayed he hadn’t noticed the way you were checking his ass just now. “Do you have this one in black?”
“Yeah, sure.” You moved towards the drawers. “What’s your usual size? Medium or large?”
“I think large should be good,” he replied and when you turned around with the requested shirt, he was just standing there, barechested, his top hanging from his shoulder and you hoped your gasp wasn’t as loud as it sounded in your head.
“Here you go,” you croaked, offering him the shirt. “We do have a fitting room…” you gestured towards the small cubicle to the rear of the store.
“Oh right!” He glanced over as he pulled the shirt on. “Do you mind if I try them out here, though?”
“Not at all,” you forced your voice to sound somewhat normal.
Damn! He wasn’t just fucking hot. He was also cute, the wide grin he just flashed giving him a boyish look that was only enhanced by the almond-shaped chocolate-colored eyes. Biting your lip, you watched as he turned side to side in front of the mirror, checking himself out.
“It think is a little too big,” he said, meeting your gaze. “What do you think?”
“Well…” you cleared your throat and moved closer so you could look at him through the mirror. “If you want it more fitted, then yeah, probably a smaller size would be best. Want me to get it?”
“Yeah, thanks.”
Once again, by the time you turned back to him, he was shirtless, the garment he had just tried neatly folded and resting on the shelf as he took a look at some other shirts, his attention snapping at you when he noticed you coming closer to hand him the new shirt, giving you a glimpse of a pale, sunken scar running down his abs that stopped just above his belly button and that drew attention to the small trail of fine dark hairs that disappeared under the waist of his jeans and holy shit! He was bare beneath those jeans.
“Bike accident,” he commented as he took the shirt that you offered and you met his eyes in confusion.
“What?” You asked, mouth suddenly dry.
“The scar,” he clarified, putting on the shirt and his lips were tilted into a slight smirk. “That was what you were staring at, right?”
“Right,” you agreed, feeling your face burning. “I’ll just head to the register and give you some privacy.”
I don’t mind,” he shrugged, turning to the mirror. “This is better. What do you think?” He turned towards you, giving you a full view of the cotton fabric covering his muscles, looking almost as if painted on him.
“Sure...” you swallowed hard, trying not to stare. “If you prefer it more fitted...”
“I do,” pulling the shirt off and once again giving you the glorious view of his torso. “I’ll take it.”
You took the shirt to the register and he followed, pausing only to pick up his own, which he had discarded on a nearby hanger. You were expecting him to put it back on, but he just threw it over his shoulder, reaching for his wallet as you registered the sale and tried not to stare.
“Is that the only camera you have around here?” He asked, gesturing to a point above your left and you glanced at the object before nodding, exchanging the money he gave you for the paper bag with his purchase.
“Yeah, why?”
“So basically...” he started, taking a step to the side, closer to the fitting room. “I’m completely out of sight over here?”
“Basically, yeah,” you frowned a little, stepping away from the counter. “Why? Are you planning to rob the place? Because let me tell you, there’s not much worth...” You trailed off with a surprised squeak as he tugged on your hand, pulling you over to the blindspot and nearly pressed against his strong chest.
“Because honestly, I never really gave a fuck about the shirt. I just thought you were beautiful and wanted to ask your number when I walked in, but you looked kind pissed so I got cold feet,” he confessed with a rueful smile.
“So you decided to just get mostly naked in front of me?” You snorted, shaking your head and he shrugged.
“Needed to make sure you might be interested and considering the way you were eyeing me earlier, it looked like you saw something you liked.”
“You’re really sure of yourself, aren’t you?” You arched an eyebrow at him, not ready to concede just yet. Even if the heat of his body and the smell of sea breeze whiffing off his skin were driving you crazy.
“Only when I’m right,” he flashed you a lopsided smirk and just waited, gazing into your eyes, making it clear that the next step was yours.
Part of you screamed that it was crazy to even consider hooking up with a guy that just walked into your store, no matter how hot he was, but it had been a ridiculously long time since you last had sex and he was so fucking hot, the scent of his golden skin intoxicating and his heat was making you dizzy with want as you looked him up and down, noticing the volume pressing against the denim of his pants.
“We might not have cameras, but the windows are see-through, so get your ass to the fitting room while I finish closing up.”
He flashed a victorious smirk and nodded, heading towards the back while you rushed through the steps of securing the store before joining him.
Your heart was pounding with anticipation as you made your way towards the back, pushing away the curtain that blocked the small space of the fitting room and finding him perched on the low stool that you kept there so customers could put down their things, facing the full-length mirror, legs spread, jeans undone, revealing the bush of dark hairs surrounding his long and thick cock.
You nearly whimpered at the sight, your center pulsing in want as you leaned against the doorframe, watching him as he run his left hand up and down his shaft, head tilted back, breathing hard, eyes hooded. He was such a beautiful and debauched sight that you felt the urge to photograph him, capture that sensuality.
“Are you just gonna stand there and watch?” He asked, eyes meeting yours through the reflective surface.
“You seemed to be doing fine on your own,” you teased stepping into the tight space, fingers itching to touch all that glorious skin.
“I did not just spend most of my afternoon at the corner diner, drinking burned coffee just to jerk off in front of you,” he declared, standing up and turning your way.
“Ohhh, so this was premeditated?” You asked, kicking off your sneakers as he reached for you and you stumbled against his chest.
“A little bit, yeah,” he admitted, large hand hot against your hips and you wanted to feel it against your flesh. “You probably don’t remember, but I was here last week and you had to bend over to get something from one of the lower drawers...” he let out a soft groan, hands moving to your ass and squeezing lightly. “Fuck! I don’t think I ever popped a boner so fast in my life. I had to get out.”
You vaguely remembered that. There was so much coming and going in this place, it was hard to keep track of faces, but customers just taking off after asking to see something usually caused an impression. If you weren’t about to get fucked after six months, you would be more pissed.
“So you decided to come back when I was alone and seduce me?” you asked, running your hands over his chest and abs, scratching it slightly and goosebumps rose in his skin as he hissed.
“Yeah,” he spoke in a low voice as his hands move to the button of your jeans. “I’ve been thinking about you all week,” he slid your fly down and your breath caught in your throat. “I thought about bending you over that counter and fucking you until you’re screaming.” His fingers skimmed over your cunt, just a soft touch, but you gasped and arched your hips forward, holding onto his arms to steady yourself. “I thought about it eating your pussy and your ass until you’re begging me to fuck you.”
Those words were whispered right against your ear, before he changed your positions, crowding you against the mirror and pushing your jeans down to your thighs before he once against skimmed his fingers over covered sex, making you ache for him.
“What do you think about that?” He asked, lips brushing your cheek in an almost chaste kiss, completely opposed to the lewdness of his hand exploring your cunt. “Do you want it?”
“If you’re as good with your tongue at eating pussy like you are at talking dirty, then I maybe I do,” you declared, tired of his teasing and you felt his smirk as he gracefully slid to his knees in front of you.
You didn’t manage to get another word out before he shoved your panties down to join your jeans and his lips firmly connected to your clit. He gave it a sharp suck and you groaned, burying your fingers into his hair to keep yourself on your feet as your brain short-circuited and your knees turned to jelly.
He was very good at eating you out, especially because he was very attentive to every sound you made, every tightening of your grip on his hair, and roll of your hips to nudge him into going faster or slower, harder or softer... It wasn’t long before he reached that perfect alternation of fast flickering against your clit and slower and broad strokes of his tongue over your entrance and lips, a combination that drove you crazy.
You were whimpering and moaning, legs quaking with the alternating urge to close them around his face to keep him trapped there pleasuring you forever or spreading them wider so he could have more space to work, but the edges of your jeans were digging into the lower part of your knees, signaling you that that was as far as they could go.
As if reading your thoughts or maybe he just realized he would need more room, he shoved your pants down and helped you to kick them off so you could be completely free of the garment. And didn’t you two looked like a mismatched pair, with you standing there wearing only your top while he knelt in front of you, his jeans still on.
Once your pants were off, he hooked your right thigh over his shoulder, pressing his mouth even harder against your cunt, flickering his tongue over your clit before dipping it in between your lips, gathering the juices soaking your sex like a starved man.
“Fuck! I’m so close...” you hissed, rolling your hips, seeking more because that tight knot deep inside you was about to snap and from the way you ached and shuddered, your muscles tensing, you knew it would be a hard one.
“Yeah?” He mumbled against your core, his breath against your overheated skin making you shiver as he pushed two fingers inside you. “Gonna cum all over my mouth?”
He pistoled his fingers in and out at a fast pace, crooking inwards with every down motion, his tongue matching his rhythm against your clit and it was that made you snap as you bit down on your fist to stop yourself from shouting as your body was flooded with pleasure and all you knew was the unbelievable bliss that surrounded you. Stars bust behind your closed lids, the air came out of your lungs in short gushes as you fought hard not to slide down to the ground because your legs felt like jelly.
“Ok?” he asked, making you finally snap your eyes open to look at him.
He was sitting on his heels, face still glistening with your orgasm, his lips swollen and red from the abuse. His cock was rock hard, red, and leaking and you really wanted to return the favor.
“Way better than ok,” you replied with a gasp. “My turn?” To your surprise, he shook his head and got to his feet.
“Tonight, the only place I’m cumming is in that pussy,” he announced against your ear and shivered with anticipation. “So let’s get out of this fucking store and go to my place?”
“Fuck yes!” you grinned breathlessly at him as you reached for your jeans and he buttoned his over his hard cock and that couldn’t be comfortable.
“I’m Johnny, by the way,” he said. “Johnny Utah. Just in case you want to know what to shout when I fuck your brains out later.”
You rolled your eyes at his cheeky smirk and moved closer to him, once fully clothed, the only evidence of your recent climax was the sweat cooling on your skin and the stupid grin that refused to leave your face.
“I think I like you more when your mouth is busy with something other than talking,” you declared and before Johnny could manage a reply, you silenced him with a kiss, tasting yourself in his tongue.
If you enjoyed this work, please consider reblogging and/or commenting please. Feedback gives life to us writers!
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sillyrabbit81 · 3 years
Our Friends Have a Bet
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Summary: You celebrate the return of your friend Sy from deployment and find out what your friends think of you two.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Reader
Warnings: Recreational drinking, fluff (I think its fluffy?)
Word Count: approx 1.1k
Prompt: Apparently all our friends have a bet going that we end up together.
Authors note: This is my first one shot and first x reader story! Also I challenged myself to keep it fluffy and I hope I succeeded. Thank you to Allie, aka @its--fandom--darling for letting me participate in her 1k followers writing challenge. Its been a great opportunity to stretch my writing skills. This story is not beta'd and probably full of errors!
Our Friends Have a Bet
“Ready Darlin?” Sy asks you. His blue eyes were drawn low and his look of concentration was intense.
“Oh, you’re going down, Sy,” you retort, your expression matching his.
He winked, “Maybe later Darlin’.” You know he is only trying to put you off, break your concentration. But it doesn’t stop your stomach from flipping as you watch the corner of his mouth rise into a smirk.
“You wish, you scruffy looking, nerf herder,” you retaliate, hoping he doesn’t notice the breathlessness of your reply. It wasn’t the first time you had thought of Sy in a less than plutonic way.
“We doin’ this or what?” He asks still smirking. He’s such an adorable bastard sometimes.
“Alright. I’m ready,” you say, pulling your attention away from Sy and onto the drink in front of you. The sake shot balances precariously on top the two chopsticks which were resting on top of the glass of beer. You can do this.
“Ok,” the waiter says clapping his hands together. “When I say sake, you say bomb.” The waiter yelled, “Sake!”
“Bomb,” you and Sy shout back.
Furiously you and Sy bang the table to drop the shot of sake into the beer. Yours drops first and you grab the foaming glass of alcohol and start chugging. You’re about a half of the way through when Sy’s drops. You throw the rest down as fast as possible and the malty liquid drips down your chin. You don’t try and wipe it away. Knowing that Sy chugged at least twice as fast as you, the only thing you care about is slamming the glass down before he does. Finishing, the glass hits the table just as Sy’s does the same.
“Ooooh very close. It was very close.” The waiter says. “But the winner is the lady!”
“Ha!” you shout at Sy, raising your hands in victory and sticking your tongue out.
“She ain’t no lady.” Sy says, but he’s grinning. You were the only one game enough to take on his Sake bomb challenge, everyone knew how quickly he could down a beer and you know you only won because his sake took longer to drop than yours.
You were out to dinner with Sy and your mutual friends to celebrate his return from his last deployment. You were surprised when he asked you to come too, even more surprised when you saw there were only about 10 of our mutual friends here. You didn’t think you were that close to him.
He reaches his huge hand across the table. “Well done Sugar, you been practicing?” he teases.
“I don’t need to, I’m just awesome.” You take his hand and shake it. He held it a bit longer than you would expect. But as he pulled his hand away he turned his attention to someone else. You tried not to read too much into it.
You supposed the two of you had gotten closer during the last couple of months. You had sent him an email for his birthday while he was away and the two of you had sent several emails a week while he was away. They were usually just filled with silliness or conversations about music or books, which surprised you as you didn’t figure Sy as much of a reader. Sometimes his emails were just one line, but with each email, you found yourself looking forward to them with increasing anticipation to the point where you were disappointed if you didn’t hear from him each day. Other than the occasional flirty comment, nothing in his emails suggested he wanted any more than friendship, but as time went on, you wished they did.
When dinner was over the plan was to head to a bar a block away. Half of your friends left, leaving a small group to walk to the bar and Sy fell in beside you. You try not to be too excited, you were the only one who was walking alone, so naturally he would walk beside you rather than leave you out.
“Hey, thanks for comin’ tonight,” Sy said. “It’s been good to see you.”
“You too,” you say. “I hope you’re having fun. Other than the part where you lost a chugging contest to a girl.” You playfully bump your shoulder into his and he clutches it in feigned pain, causing you to giggle at his hurt expression.
“Yeah, I am.” He says, smiling broadly and surprises you by taking your hand. Your heart skips a beat then thunders in your chest. It was like his touch is an electrical pulse, stopping your heart, only for it to restart a hundred times faster than before.
“You know,” Sy continues. “Apparently all our friends have a bet goin’ that we end up together.”
You look up at him to see if he is serious. He stops walking, his face, though grinning, didn’t give away what he thought of the bet.
“Really?” you ask uncertainly. “Why would they do that?”
“I thought it was a joke at my expense ‘cause they know how I feel about you, Darlin’.” His admission causes your eyes to grow wide. Then his expression grows serious and his hand rose to your cup your neck, his thumb caressed your cheek. “But since I was away and gettin’ those emails from you, I had hoped that, maybe, you sorta felt the same way.” The sudden sincerity and doubt in his face and words makes your knees weak and they struggle to hold you up. Sy was rarely serious with you, always joking and playful. This change in his demeanour and his delicate touch takes you a moment to comprehend. When you don’t reply, Sy misinterprets you and lets you go, before running a hand over his short buzz cut hair.
“Sy,” you start, but stop, unsure of what to say. You look down at your feet and you hear his dejected sigh.
“Nah, it’s fine, Sugar,” he says, but you can tell it’s not. You want to tell him how you feel but your tongue feels thick in your mouth and the words are stuck in your throat. “I didn’t think you were interested anyway.” He starts to walk away, slowly and crushed.
You still don’t have the words, but you can move. You run in front of him, and grip his t-shirt in your fists. It was his turn to be surprised and his jaw dropped as he looked into your eyes. For a moment you were both lost in the other’s gaze, gradually realising the depth of feelings you both have for each other.
Sy licked his lips, “Sugar, I…”
The words finally come. “Please just kiss me,” you say. “We've talked long enough.”
@its--fandom--darling @henryobsessed
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