#because i have been Thinking ab dahlia
apricotmayonaise · 1 year
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hi i drew @mimimilu 's dahlia prison design i hope u dont mind i hope u like it :)
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midnightchaos04 · 1 year
ok ok ok so recently i've been playing through the ace attorney games (i haven't started three yet but i remember most of the plot bc of the anime) and for some reason i wanted to take a shot at what an "accurate" no DL-6 AU would look like! I just think it's interesting to see what might've actually happened if DL-6 never happened bc DL-6 is kinda the major butterfly effect in the AA world. Idk if i wanna make this an actual AU or just a ramble on how the series would be completely different without DL-6 lmao. We'll see! Maybe you guys decide :D anyway MAJOR AA TRILOGY SPOILERS AHEAD
I'll start with the characters. Gregory Edgeworth would still be alive, Miles would become a defense attorney & work with his father at his law firm. Phoenix would most likely pursue his artist career. Narumitsu/Wrightworth tbh would still happen bc they need to be canon PLEASE CAPCOM. Just that there would be no rivalry.
Anyway the Dahlia case would've been so different but also kinda the same without DL-6. It was because of DL-6 that Misty Fey left Kurain Village and Mia also left to become a defense attorney. Without Mia, it would've most likely only been Diego Armando taking on the first Dahlia case with Terry Fawles. Fawles would probably still commit suicide, and I believe Diego still would've investigated Dahlia further & gotten poisoned by her, but without Mia becoming a defense attorney & being killed by Redd White in 1-2, Diego would've never had a reason to become Godot so he probably would've stayed as a defense attorney. Furthermore, without Mia it most likely would've been Miles taking Phoenix as a client in 3-1 bc childhood friends never losing touch bc no DL-6 (you get the point lmfao).
Like, I think about maybe half the cases in the original trilogy would've NEVER happened if DL-6 never happened bc we would've never met Mia or Maya or Pearl, Yanni Yogi wouldn't need to take out his revenge, Von Karma wouldn't have been arrested, Franziska would've never wanted revenge so she most likely would've never come to Japanifornia, I think the only person that would never change is fucking LARRY and that's honestly the craziest part LMAO.
agh i'm getting kinda tired bc it's late so i'll probably finish this ramble tomorrow. there's so much I wanna talk about but my mind is going at like 1000 mph so I need to get my thoughts together lmfao
TLDR: DL-6 is the butterfly effect for the entire ace attorney world & many of the characters we know and love wouldn't even exist/be introduced if it weren't for it.
EDIT: removed the censor for suicide bc apparently tumblr is weird and idk how it works (please be nice ab me making mistakes next time I didn’t appreciate you guys basically yelling at me)
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A Story of Another Us- Chapter Three
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Metal cutlery scraping off the China plates did little to drown out the laughter that filled the kitchen. Everyone crowded around the small table enjoying the company and the Zucchini and sausage casserole that Alicent had made from scratch for them. The mood was light as the stories flowed between them all.
‘So then Hel figures that I would love to be woken up to see the new spider she had caught and shoved the thing right in my face’ Aegon grinned, Haelena giggling uncontrollably at the memory.
‘You screamed like a little girl’ She added, holding her stomach from laughing.
‘Don’t worry Aegon I’ve been there too, every little insect in our dorm needs to be thoroughly inspected and cared for’ Dahlia chuckled, loving to see how their family enjoyed each other’s company.
Everyone had been sharing old stories and good times, everyone but Aemond. He had offered a few small smiles to stories that involved him or a quiet hum of acknowledgement but nothing more. Though Dahlia had avoided his direction purposely for the majority of the evening she had caught his eye line a few times. His bright iris’ staring back at her own, only for a second before one of them would look away uncomfortably. She couldn’t tell what he was thinking and it annoyed the hell out of her, his face was so unreadable.
‘Goodnight sweetheart’ Alicent smiled as Aemond stood, placing his plate in the dishwasher and heading for the door.
‘Night’ he mumbled, disappearing out of the room.
‘I’m gonna head up too’ Aegon yawned, stretching in his chair.
‘Not a chance, it’s your turn to load the dishwasher’ Haelena grinned, stopping her brother from standing up with a death grip on his arm.
While Aegon wallowed in self-pity of having to help tidy, Dahlia put the leftovers in the fridge and retreated to bed herself, a nice hot shower awaiting her. She had made sure everything was ready waiting for her, soap shampoo, nice dry clothes. All she needed was a towel and Haelena had told her there was some fresh cotton towels in the airing cupboard outside of her room. The thing Haelena had failed to mention was that they were on the top shelf, even on her tip toes she had no chance. As she rested her neck back on her shoulders looking up at the fabric she almost debated trying to scale the side of the cupboard, that was until the door at the other end of the landing opened, catching her attention.
Without saying a word Aemond walked out of his room, in nothing but a pair of gym shorts. His toned torso was only made all the more graceful by his pale complexion. She had noticed how tall and broad he was but underneath all the layers he wore she hadn’t seen any sign of his abs or larger muscular arms. He walked right up to her and leant up over her, grabbing a thick towel of the shelf and holding it out to her. A mix of cologne and shower gel radiated off his skin into her nose, the smell so heavenly she almost rolled her eyes back. She hadn’t realised how obvious she had been staring until Aemond cleared his throat, snapping her out of her daze and bringing a hot deep blush onto her cheeks.
‘Thanks’ she mumbled quietly, rushing back into her room and shutting the door in embarrassment and missing this little smirk that pulled at Aemond’s mouth.
The hot shower did nothing to flush the feeling of humiliation from her body, she may as well have been drooling over him. Just because he had a nice body did not make him any less of an asshole. Hair washed and body scrubbed Dahlia left the steam filled en-suite and sat on her bed platting her unbrushed locks, playing the words Alicent had said to her over and over. There was a job here if she wanted it, was she being serious when she had said that or was she just filling her head with hope to be ‘nice’? Dahlia had dreamed of a life where she could live and work on a farm, somewhere she could care for the animals and make a difference. She wanted it so badly; she deserved it after all of the hard work she had put in but she dare not let herself believe that it could be that easy for her. Nothing was ever that easy. She could still imagine though, she climbed under the covers and played that life out in her head, how it would feel to wake up here every morning. After drifting off with that wonderful scene in her head it was almost like a dream walking up.
Not wanting to risk getting lost in a new area Dahlia had passed on her morning run the day before but after three homemade meals already she felt she needed it. Alicent’s cooking had her waddling from the table every time, she wasn’t used to eating so well, usually settling for microwave meals or ordering from the takeaway diner that was on the corner opposite her dorm building. She had been almost giddy to slip on her running shoes and large hoodie before leaving the front door and starting off on a slow-paced walk for her warmup. She took a right off the Ranch and figured she would do a loop at whatever junctions she came across, helping Aegon and Haelena out in the fields the day before had helped her navigate the surrounding fields a little easier.
The fresh country air was just the wake up call she needed, the cool breeze and the sounds of nature almost cleansed her. Dahlia’s mind wandered through many things on her morning runs, from what brand of steel toe cap wellies could take the weigh of a cows hoof the best, to what the first home made meal was going to be when she got her own house. Today however her mind was packed with images of Aemond walking down that hallway towards her, topless and toned. How his muscles moved with every step he took towards her, how his long her had hung over his shoulders resting against his chest. She wondered what his chest would feel like under her hands, on her back… against her lips.
Shaking her head she cleared her mind, she couldn’t think of him like that, he was her best friend’s brother. He was off limits to her and her train of thought, him and his stupidly perfect body. Dahlia winced a little looking down her running shoes that were now covered in mud where they had once been pristine white.
She passed fields full with cows and sheep and some even just packed with hay. A few stray rabbits ran across the road a few feet in front of her and she even saw a small fox heading back to its burrow, it was like being in a fairy tale with nature all around her. Dahlia never wanted to leave; she could happily spend the rest of her life on that farm. Before she knew it Dahlia was walking past a familiar field back towards the entrance of Dragonstone ranch, the sun almost fully of the horizon now. As she passed the field a small cry caught her ear, Dahlia stopped and listened for it again. She followed it over to the other side of the road and there stuck in the small trench between the road and the field was a small calf. The cow looked up at her and cried again for help, it’s mother stood not far mooing at her too, Dahlia knew she had no chance of moving the poor thing by herself and she was going to need some help so off she took on a jog again back towards the farm. Running through the entrance and towards the stable, straight to the only person she knew would be awake.
Aemond was gently brushing over a large black stallion when she walked into the door, breathing heavily from her fast-paced pursuit of him.
‘Hey… I need your help… there’s… there’s a calf stuck’ She struggled to get out with her heavy breathing.
Aemond just looked at her like she was a crazy person, her hair all frizzy and fraying out of her braids, her chest heaving and her feet all muddy.
‘I’ll show you’ she resorted to after a moment of silence.
Not sure of whether he would follow her or not she walked out of the barn and back towards the entrance of the field. Happy to see that he was trailing behind her, Dahlia led him over the grass and past the herd of cows that had grouped together grazing at the far fence. She heard him grumble something as he avoids a cow pat and she chuckled a little looking back at him.
‘Why don’t you like cows? They’re so gentle’ she smiles over her shoulder at him, trying to lighten the heavy mood between them.
‘They are useless shit stinking holes’ he replied disregarding her attempt at some light conversation.
Dahlia stopped at the edge of the field right where the barbed wire fence had split and allowed the cow to get stuck. Aemond looked over at the animal and shook his head.
‘Example A’ he huffed
‘We need to lift her out I can grab the back an-‘ Dahlia began  as she rolled up her sleeve, ready to jump down into the ditch.
‘We’re not gonna be able to lift her she’ll be to heavy’ Aemond sighed, turning on his feet and beginning back across the grass.
‘So what? We just leave her down there?!’ Dahlia asked, shocked that he was so dismissive of the situation.
‘Yeah for my lazy ass brother to deal with’ he yelled back over his shoulder.
‘We can’t just leave her Aemond’
‘Hey I deal with the horses okay! Aegon handles this shit’ Aemond turned abruptly, emphasizing his words by pointing at the calf aggressively.
‘I am getting this calf back up to its mother with or without your help! And it would be a hell of a lot easier with’ Dahlia shouted back angrily, sitting herself on the ledge of earth and jumping down next to the calf.
She tried to sooth the frightened animal next to her with a gentle hand on it’s back. For a moment she had thought Aemond had actually walked away and left her to handle it on her own. Her blood boiled at how thoughtless he was being, how he would happily leave this poor baby alone and scared crying for its mother.
‘Sshh it’s okay, I’m gonna get you back up there little one’ Dahlia soothed her.
At the sound of her gentle voice Aemond stopped in his tracks of walking away from her, huffing he threw his head back onto his shoulders and looked up at the cloudy sky. She was incredibly annoying and irritating but if he didn’t go back over there and help her with this stupid cow, he would never hear the end of it. Sighing heavily Aemond turned himself around and jumped down next to her in the trench, ignoring the face splitting grin she offered him.
‘You can grab its ass, if it’s gonna shit on anyone it’s not gonna be me’ he growled.
Aemond wrapped his arms underneath the calf and watched Dahlia do the same on the other side towards the back of the calf. On his count of three they both lifted the shockingly heavy animal, Aemond using all his upper body strength to lift its front end higher until it had its front hooves planted on the grass. The calf took off running across the grass towards its mother, its hind leg kicking out and catching Dahlia in the chest. She grimaced heavily trying her hardest to not let Aemond see, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of thinking he might have been right. It was to no avail however, Aemond had lifted himself out of the ditch and leant down offering her his left hand, she had no choice but to give him hers and left him help her out. The pull of his arm on hers made her wince heavily and let out a little cry, Dahlia ignored Aemond’s worried look when she was safely on her feet. Her hand moved to hold her collarbone as it burnt with pain.
Aemond moved her hand and gently pulled her hoodie down enough for him to look down at the already forming bruise on her chest. His eyes shot to hers and Dahlia darted hers away from him.
‘I told you we should have waited!’ he grumbled at her letting go of her hoodie.
‘I’m fine’ she huffed back looking over at the calf.
‘It could have broken your collarbone!’ Aemond raised his voice slightly.
‘Yeah but look at how happy they are now!’ Dahlia disarmed him completely giving him a small smile and nodding over at where the young calf was nuzzling against its mother.
Aemond huffed and began walking away from her, Dahlia chuckled and followed him, loving how much she got to him. Aemond complained about the state of their clothes now that they were covered in mud and how he was going to kill Aegon for being a lazy prick and sleeping in. Dahlia let him grumble to himself as he plodded back towards the stables, she slipped off her shoes and left them outside the doors to the kitchen not wanting to trapse mud into the house.
Once Dahlia had changed and brushed out her hair she returned back downstairs, heading into the kitchen with her dirty clothes in hand. Haelena and Alicent were stood making breakfast for everyone, Jace, Luke and their girlfriends sat around that table, all still looking groggy from sleep.
‘Hey, how you feeling this morning?’ Haelena smiled, noticing the presence of her best friend.
‘Good! Erm is it okay if I use the washing machine?’ she asked politely.
‘Of course, it’s just through there with the dryer’ Alicent directed her, flipping the bacon over in the frying pan.
Dahlia moved into the laundry room and threw her muddy clothes into the machine with a washing pod and shut the door. As she was setting the machine, she heard the kitchen doors slide open and Aemond’s voice sounding through the room.
‘Where’s Aegon?’ he questioned.
‘He’s getting dressed to go to the wholesalers for me… what the hell happened to you?’ Alicent asked slightly shocked at his muddy appearance.
‘Ask genius here’ he griped as Dahlia appeared at his side from the laundry room.
They all looked at her in question to which Dahlia gave an awkward smile and moved to sit at the table.
‘There was a calf stuck in one of the trenches by the junction so I asked Aemond for help lifting it out’ she informed them nonchalantly.
‘You lifted a cow?!’ Luke asked stunned.
‘It was a baby’ she protested.
‘A baby that almost broke your collar bone! Take them for the pain’ Aemond added, tossing a small bottle of pain killers at her.
‘What?!’ Haelena asked panicked, immediately dropped the serving spoon she had hold of and moving over to inspect her best friend.
‘Hel I’m fine it’s a little bruise’ Dahlia dismissed her, waving her off.
‘What happened?’ Alicent questioned concerned.
‘Little twat kicked out when we lifted it and caught her in the chest’ Aemond informed his mother before exiting the room and heading up the stairs.
Dahlia threw him a look of annoyance on his way out as she had Haelena and Alicent trying to inspect the dark growing bruise on her chest.
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mrsaltieri-real · 1 year
His Perfect Victim (Mickey Altieri x OC!Dahlia Levine)
Chapter One: One Door Closes
Okay SO!!! I have been working on making this a series for such a long time and after a lot of trial and error it’s FINALLY in the works and the first chapter is DONE. It’s a lot shorter than the ones to come but it’s a good starting point I think!
Depending on how long you’ve been here you may no I did a one-shot for this fic a long ass time ago called Darling Dahlia. Well, I’ve changed the name but this is it! The first chapter! I wanna give a huge massive thank you to @bisexual-horror-fan for not only editing and beta reading the first chapter but for giving me the motivation to finally bring Dahlia to life after so many months of me getting so annoyed and frustrated at my lack of progress. THANK YOU DUDE!
Word count: Almost 1.5k
Warnings: The whole fic will be rated explicit, language, teasing, trauma, mentions of the Woodsbro murders, death (yes already but don’t worry!) Mickey being a complete ass, Dahlia being an ass right back to him
Dahlia’s face claim is below!
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Here we go! Chapter One!
You know them times where it seems like absolutely everything goes wrong all at once? You fail a test, forget to defrost the fucking chicken or your cousin decides to go on a murder spree all within the same day?
All three of these things happened to me. It’s easy to guess which hit hardest.
I can still see Stu’s hesitant eyes looking down at me as his accomplice and best friend Billy brought his blade down to my stomach, plunging it deep inside of me. I didn’t cry, I didn’t scream. I accepted the pain, I welcomed the darkness and just waited for it to be over. I see both of their faces every time I close my eyes, in every single dream I’ve had. Billy’s expression of pure undiluted concentration and Stu’s sad and torn blue eyes dragging themselves away from me as the knife imbedded into my torso.
The only things I know that happened after are what Sidney and Randy told me. Sid had managed to single-handedly kill them both, putting an end to the series of grisly murders they had committed and calling the police. I remember waking up in the hospital, parents sobbing at my bedside, telling me that I had in fact been legally dead for three minutes. I remember Stu’s parents visiting and my mom screaming at her brother to “Get the fuck out!”.
I remember Sid and Randy telling me that Billy and Stu had killed Tatum.
But despite all of it, I felt nothing. It was like after Billy stabbed me and I’d died, the part of me actually being able to feel things went along with it. In a way it was good. It meant the betrayal of my own flesh and blood didn’t hurt me as much as it hurt the rest of my family, my parents completely cut themselves off from my aunt and uncle after everything, not wanting to associate themselves with the Macher name. It was obvious this was for the sake of appearances and of course, their image. We were a well off family, not because my parents worked hard but because Stu and I’s grandparents were ridiculously wealthy and left just about everything to our respective parents.
But none of that mattered when I stepped foot in Windsor College. When I met him.
Everything changed in an instant. Leaving Woodsbro behind with two of my best friends and finally finding someone I could bear my soul too I was a whole new person. I got feeling back, I could feel again. It was the perfect time for all of us to reinvent ourselves and be happy again, new life, new friends, new boyfriends.
It was like the moment I laid eyes on Mickey something inside of me snapped back into place and began to heal me. It took a long time, a painfully long time for me to want to accept the fact that I wanted him. Part of me wishes I’d given into it sooner, soaked up every last part of the version of him I’d known at the time to be true whilst the more rational side wishes I’d never stepped foot onto this campus, never let him touch me, never let him know me. Everything about him was just magnetic and looking back at it now, that should have been the first of many red flags. No one can be that charismatic, that charming and not be hiding something dark and sinister, there is just no way.
But I’m getting ahead of myself. Let me tell you about the first time I met Mickey Altieri.
“I think this will be good for you, you know? Make some new friends, start to move on.” Sid had her fingers wrapped around my wrist, tugging me gently over to her small circle of friends all sat crowded in the college square.
“I don’t need to make new friends. I’m fine by myself.” Of course I appreciated her concern for me, but I was getting really tired of being told what I needed to do. If I wanted to be alone, why couldn’t I be alone?
“Dahlia,” Sid abruptly stopped walking, turning to face me with those goddamned brown eyes looking down at me imploringly, “it’s been months. We all need to at least try and move on, you know?”
“I know, Sid.” I sighed a little, eyes nervously flickering up to the three people sitting perched on the bench, Randy luckily amongst them. I smiled a little as I saw him eagerly wave at Sidney and I, beckoning us over. “Just…” I struggled to hold her gaze, voice dropping to be a bit quieter, as if lowering the volume would make the admission and subsequent minor vulnerability easier to push out, “It’s hard.”
Sid’s expression turned sympathetic, her hand moving to grasp mine. Sidney has good hands, strong, grounding, firm yet soft, just like her. She speaks again, “I know, Dahlia. But I really think this could help. They’re all great, very understanding and they won’t push you to talk about…Well, what happened.”
“God, fine.” I mumbled and she nodded, looking just slightly smug as she gently tugged me closer to the group.
A chorus of “Hey, Sid” was uttered before Sid introduced me. “Dahlia, this is Derek, Hallie and Mickey. Guys, this is Dahlia.”
I couldn’t help but smile a little awkwardly as my eyes scanned the tight knit group. Randy was looking at me encouragingly and Sidney squeezed my hand a little.
I said nothing.
I still felt nothing.
Even then, I subconsciously noticed that Mickey was staring at me a little too hard. He was sitting with his back leaning against the wall with his foot propped up on the bench, toying with a video camera in his hand as he gave me a quick and not at all subtle once over. Despite the zombie-like trance I’d been in for the last few months, it made the blood rush to my cheeks and lightly stain them.
I mean, I wasn’t stupid. He was ridiculously good looking. His dark hair stuck up a little, he was toned and the thin fabric of his sweater clung to his body in a way that made it almost painful to look away and his brown eyes were just so…Full.
Full of mirth and life and so much I don’t think I could actually list it all. When was the last time I felt that full? Had I ever, even before that night? In his eyes I could see the excitement and wonder in them from where I stood and it was oddly enticing, I focused on that as opposed to my usual depressing internal monologue.
He managed to ruin my little initial fascination with him in about three seconds.
“Oh! You’re the chick who died, right, I- ow!” I watched as the girl, Hallie, darted out her hand and smacked Mickey upside of the head, “Jesus, what?”
“You can’t just say something like that to someone, God you’re an ass.” The mild disgust on her face twists to an apologetic smile as she continued on, “ I apologise for Mickey, he has zero fucking tact.” Hallie’s expression turned warmer as she was moving up the bench to make room. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Mickey roll his eyes a little before he settled his gaze back onto me.
“No, no it’s fine. Yeah, I am. Glad that’s so interesting to you Michael.”
He cocked an eyebrow at me, an amused smile cracking on his face. “Mickey.” He corrected me, sounding amused as he did so.
I held back a scoff as I told him, “Yeah, sure. Whatever.”
That was the first time I ever spoke directly to him. I can’t help but imagine how things would be now if I never bothered, never got so captivated with the way he’d look at me all through the rest of the day and every single day after.
It was never creepy, far from it. Instead it was almost as though he knew something I knew, like he knew me already.
Little did I know he did know me. He knew every single thing about me.
Chapter Two HERE
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carmasi · 1 year
Mercenary for Hire Chapter 12- part1 -Sun & Moon
Kilian groaned looking inside the establishment he worked at, he was no more than a coward, it had been the fourth day in a row where she came to find him. When he had to either leave the establishment, not  come in or just  generally hide.  She wasn’t giving up was she? and he. He was so ashamed to meet her, to  look her in the eyes, to smell the fresh scent of honey and hydrangeas that came off of her and drove him crazy, to just pick her up and run away not worrying about what they’d say. He breathed out a sigh as he turned from the window to avoid her gaze from meeting his.
“Why are you out here?” He almost jumped back when he heard a familiar voice  come from his back. A woman. Her pixie hair was slightly longer than last he remembered, but her dark purple hair remained the same as the grin on her face. 
“Not you two” he let out a groan, as he looked at the second woman come into pace with the first, her hair was light, lilac and she had  pigtails now, she had always been the friendlier of the sister, Dahlia and Suki were his colleagues and like Vera they were the cause of his teasing  most of the times.
“Oh sister, look, the pretty lady from before is at the guild!”  Suki, the one with lilac hair cheered when he almost let out a growl. it was almost gnarly, he felt so protective, almost possessive of the blonde “Really?” Dahlia  commented, coming back to look into the window. 
“Don’t you too have anything better to do?”  he asked, brushing down his hair, and they looked at him skeptical, and surprised “ oh! Goodness sister, look he’s not stuttering!” he jolted. He noticed it, he noticed that he stopped stuttering around women, after coming back from his mission. Vera commented on it, and he thought maybe it was a temporary thing but it hadn’t been. He listened to the woman Giggle. 
“I Guess he got better with women '' Dahlia teased, hooking his arms around him, he was about six foot tree and the woman was short just not as short as the blonde. “Oh maybe this Kyrius Woman helped him~” Suki cheered and his eyes went wide as he shot a glare right back at the lilac hair woman who looked all innocent. 
“How do you know that name?” 
They weren’t in town for the last week, it is not like they’ve seen the blonde since that one time she brought up the Original quest and he doesn’t remember her saying her name, or mentioning it to these two vulgar women.
“Oh you said that  name in your dreams last night when we came back” Dalia responded putting some more pressure on the hook she had on his neck “You two H-How?!” Suki pouted and approached “oh no sister he’s stuttering again” she quipped disappointed and Killian managed to break free of the hold the other sister had on him “H-HOW!” he but screamed at them and they  only laugh 
 “We heard you dummy, sneaking into your room at night to watch those magnificent abs of yours is always a great therapy after a mission!” 
He blushed massively and covered his face “you two are sick” the woman giggled, it was always amusing to tease the man. Before he  left though he turned to look at them  “stay away from the blonde'' he snarled and they jumped, it was fun to tease him but the man nonetheless was still scary,  they knew who trained him they knew how strong he was, they wondered all the time why he wasted his time as a mercenary when he could be something more, his silver eyes were small and never touch the button of his lids so it made him even scarier when he was upset and they became smaller, they were sure to stay away from the blonde now. 
Kyrius pouted at the woman at the counter. Vera, who did her best to keep the blonde from throwing a fit was debating at this point whether she should just take the woman to the dorms and wake up the bastard that kept running from her, if it wasn’t because she didn’t think the blonde was capable of actually following through and throwing a fit. 
“Come on pretty lady, don’t be upset, I’m sure he’ll show up eventually” 
Kyrius’s expression softened “Eventually huh?” a sighed escape and she relaxed. “I’m worried something may have happened to him..” she mumbled and vera waved nervously, over the course of the last couple day she could tell there was something more there, behind the Blonde’s brown eyes a glimmer of care always show when speaking of the man. 
 “ naw that Ugly bastard is still alive and kicking!” She received a glare from Kyrius as she listened to the counter keeper.  “he’s not ugly..” she did nothing more than whispered.  
“ how would you know if he’s okay? You said you haven’t seen him” Kyrius pouted again those brown piercing eyes staring intensely at the tall muscle woman 
“Easy now, pretty lady, if something happened to that dumb ass, we would know everyone here is contracted by magic that way we’ll know if they’re in peril” Kyrius crossed her hand across her chest, and chuckled  sadly. 
“You must be getting quite tired of me coming here…” Vera looked  at those brown eyes meet the floor again and sighed, an expression she’d seen way too often on the blonde  
“Don’t sweat it, its a change of pace from the usual brawny figured that come by, and beside you even brought me muffins this time!” Vera cheered, grabbing one of those blueberry muffins in her palm. Kyrius blushed, while smiling
 “it’s the least I could do, for taking some of your time…I think, I’m getting tired of looking.. I will give it some time, I may come again after a while then '' She looked defeated as she said the words and at that moment Vera knew she meant it, she knew the blonde warlock’s hopes of finding the man had died that day, and it was sad. 
 Vera waved at the blonde goodbye as she noticed her smiling figure exit the front door.
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masonscig · 3 years
after seeing demo screens for n and a’s route....... i’m toying with the idea of making two more detectives
#just gonna ramble in the tags because i spent like 2 hours scrolling through fcs and name sites#so for n i'm thinking det. ramona guerrero#she's an art school dropout who isn't really salty about the fact – she just goes with the flow and doesn't get bothered easy#so being with n is another one of those natural things bc she just wants to see where it goes#don't really have much for her other than the fact that she's the chillest person alive (i think that's gonna play into the demo#because as we've all seen nate gets really anxious and freaks out in the demo so i think that might actually freak ramona out?#might even turn her off of n for a bit :/ also meant to say n in the previous tag JSDFKJSDF still deciding b/w nate and nat#and for a (leaning towards ava) i've actually got quite a few options#i know i want her last name to be reyez bc i think det. reyez rolls off the tongue#but with first names i'm between dahlia / lydia / valeria / yara bc i think they're all pretty#i was leaning more towards ava because i thought about how delicious a's route would be if the det. is questioning?#the idea's been swirling around my brain for a while now and i think it'd be such a good dynamic#like imagine an a-mancing detective who's still unsure ab their sexuality/closeted and their attraction to a has made it more complicated?#not just sex !!! i'm thinking my det. will be questioning her feelings constantly because... she's never had feelings for a woman before#and she gets a hot and cold attitude from a so frequently that she thinks she's making up her feelings#and if i end up doing an adam route ........ idk man SKJDFKSDJK#anyways if you read this far just know i am virtually smooching you and i never thought i'd have four detectives but here i am#last demo related post before i go to bed because i'm severely sleep deprived and will be mia tomorrow#jade.txt
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thesunandmoons-blog · 2 years
pool boy
long story short i was talking to @gavinsdeviant about david and angel because i have we have a shared problem with wolf boys and david being angel’s ‘pool boy’ came up and i couldn’t stop thinking about it
cw/tw : all fluff and love and shit
Word count : 1,244
Fandom : redacted asmr
Pair : davey/angel
if you wanna read on ao3!!
Anytime anybody asked Angel and David how they met, they always tell them that David used to be their pool boy. He hated that, by the way, and it was shown with a, “That’s not true, don’t listen to them,” a huff, and a shake of his head.
Angel was right, to a certain extent! David had been cleaning their pool since they’d moved into the house together, and it was something Gabe had taught David to do when he was growing up. It was fairly simple nowadays, seeing that they had a pretty well kept pool when they’d moved in. There were no big renovations or cleans that they needed to do to the pool when they bought the house, so it was an easy keep up.
Summertime in Dahlia was no joke, and the nice pool that David and Angel had always served as a nice way to stay cool during their freetime. David always had that long pole thing with the net, Angel not having a damn clue what the actual name of it was. He would scoop dead leaves and all sorts of stuff out of the water, and they would stand in the kitchen and watch. David could typically be found doing this right before the two of them were going to hop in for a cool down swim, likely after a meal or something, so Angel would be watching from over the sink while scrubbing dishes. 
Because they were planning to hop in as soon as they were both finished with their tasks at hand, David was in nothing but his swim trunks. God damn. Angel’s cheeks flushed as their eyes wandered his figure. Tall, warm skin, thick arms and thighs that were defined in all the right ways, and the slightly protruding abs that David always denied to admit he had, even though they’re literally right there. What really sold it for Angel was the strong, broad shoulders that he had. Those brought them a sense of safety- something they could always hold onto in a time of need. 
The Alpha’s eyes caught his mate’s wandering ones, eyebrow raised as he now held the net’s pole like a staff, his other hand resting on a jutted out hip. He waited a few seconds before calling out to them, easily noting the light coming back to their eyes as they regained focus into real time. Angel cleared their throat, face bright with color as they looked down to the sink, continuing to scrub the dishes a little rougher than necessary. 
Once the sink was cleared of any remaining dishes, Angel dried their hands on their t-shirt, making their way to the side door in the kitchen that lead to the backyard. Where the pool was. Where David was.
Where shirtless David was. 
They stumbled out of the door, tripping on their own feet as they finally stabilized on the patio ground. Eyes slowly moved from the ground to their handsome boyfriend, his hands outstretches as he looked a few steps closer, probably from watching them stumble so much. Their lips were now graced with a large grin, David huffing in response. “Do you think you’re capable of giving me a warning if you plan on tripping on the concrete, Angel?” His voice was laced with sarcasm, and Angel wasn’t one to back down from a good banter session. “Only if you promise to clean the pool everyday without a shirt on! Even better yet, with nothing o-” 
Angel gasped, their dry clothing now being spotted with wet dots as David swatted over as much water as he could at them. “You little snot- go change so we can swim already.” Angel began to skip away back into the house, singing, “Yes my handsome pool boy! Right away!~”
Minutes later they walked back through that same side door, now wearing nothing but their swim attire and a towel wrapped around their waist. Their feet took them to the covered deck table, covered by an umbrella that David (thankfully) installed before the weather got too hot. They’d tossed their towel into one of the chairs, noticing all of the sunscreen that David had just tossed onto the table.  
Seeing the amount of suncreen bottles dumped onto that table didn’t surprise them one bit, but watching David walk over to them with a stern look did. “If you think you’re getting in that pool without putting on sunscreen first, you’re wrong.” His arms were crossed over his chest, sunglasses slowly slipping to the end of his greasy, sunscreen covered nose. 
David had been wearing sunscreen since he’d been outside that day, which had pretty much been since the morning. That meant that Angel had a full view of his glossy chest and arms and shoulders and abs and-
They could go on forever just thinking about how good he looked, especially when he was all shiny like that, his skin glimmering under the heat of the sun. The sweat that David worked up around his forehead and on his chest had their knees weak, and they couldn’t wait to get into that pool with him to make him more wet than he already was.
As if David could read their mind about him, their own skin was now glistening in the sunlight, coated in a layer of sunscreen as their boyfriend’s hands travelled along their skin. Angel swallowed, a shiver shooting up their spine as David’s nimble fingers rubbed the lotion down their thighs now, letting his thumbs run small circles over their inner thighs. His eyes glanced up, peering over his sun glasses while he said, “Just being thorough,” finished off with a wink. 
David stood back up and Angel was completely frozen in place. The two of them had done some pretty... intense stuff before, but his hands over their body like that never failed to get them flustered to hell and back. David took this opportunity to literally sweep them off of their feet, arms catching them underneath their knees and behind their back as he not so gently threw them into the pool. 
A loud gasp was heard before it was covered by a loud splash, Angel soon resurfacing while slicking all of their hair back, like in those modeling ads.
David liked that. A lot. 
He was feeling playful and decided to jump in, doing a nice big canonball next to his mate. A grin was on his face as he hit the water, Angel trying to protect their face from the backsplash as much as possible, but failing miserably. They were already struggling to touch the bottom in that area of the pool, so there was no way they could keep themself up and stop from getting more water in their face!
Before too long David resurfaced, tossing all of his hair back just like his lovely mate. He swam over towards them, smiles larger than life on both of their faces. The alpha scooped them up in his arms, their legs wrapping around his waist and arms around his neck, almost on instinct. He carried them deeper into the pool, laughter starting to erupt out of Angel’s throat as their foreheads now touched. David’s sun glasses were discarded somewhere in the pool by now, but it didn’t matter.
“I love you, Angel. So much. More than I could ever describe.”
“And I love you even more, my pool boy!”
“Hey, you little snot!”
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dollsonmain · 2 years
Long post incoming!
So I haven’t been posting any pics of my dolls as displayed because I decided a couple years back to start liquidating my collection so there’s less stuff to manage when I finally can move.
But the BJD generally aren’t on the chopping block, though I have let go of a couple of them that I didn’t really click with (Ji and Bach).
Most of these were bought with my own money, though some were gifts and some were won in drawings.
The majority of my dolls are hybrids.
I do include my vinyl/ABS dolls in the BJD category because of aesthetics.
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Goob (left) is a Parabox Ai head on a Goodreau MiM Body.
Mika is a volks MSD Mika
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Little Kurhn Colorist Mint
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Goodreau Innuendo though she’s currently for sale on eBay, so not really part of my collection. She’ll be added in again if she doesn’t sell.
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Starting at the top left.
Bastien, Batchix Bastien head on zombie body prototype, dyed - gifted
Constance, modded Volks old F-04 on a Xinyi body - bought by me
Fakiechan, a modded fake Aleep Eidolon Moira vinyl head on a DBS Dream Fairy body (don’t get me started on how pissed I am at DBS) - gifted
Groddy/Gardenia Rhodes, DDH 07 I think, HEAVILY damaged both to face and body and repaired - bought
Terra, Unoa Latea or Marion head (I forget which...) on Xinyi body - head gifted, body bought
Gum, HEAVILY damaged SD10 Ryo head on an Obitsu50 body (sayaka Miki’s body) which was damaged and repaired - bought
Elma, 4StarDoll Edmund head on AoD body - bought
Long Noodle, I THINK he’s a Clever Little blown up and prototype-printed in filament? I don’t remember right now. - gifted
Mimi, Volks SD13 Mimi head on SD10 body - bought
Ichiro, Luts/CP Sleeping Sooni on CP Boy Type 1 body - body bought, head given as payment for a faceup
Violet, my VERY FIRST BJD bought in 2001 but body upgraded from the old-old ugly hip balled SD10 in like 2005 or so, Volks SD13 Megu on CP Mature Type 1 - bought
Hyacinth, SD13 Four SIsters or the FCS head, not sure which, on a really cheap Night Lolita knock off body IIRC??? I don’t know. - head gifted, bode bought
Hyacinth is holding Suve, who’s brand I can’t think of right now - Gifted
Lily, SD13 Four Sisters Nana on CP Mature Type 1 - bought
Bellamy, SD13 Four Sisters (don’t know which) head on Mirrodoll Thunder body - head bought by me, body bought by That Guy
Bellamy is holding Dahlia, CherishDolls Pia - bought
Bellamy is also holding Alexander, a DollZone Christmas Baby A - gifted
Giselle, RML 01 modded head on Obitsu60 BJD-style with Volks Dollfie Dream bust - bought
Steve, Bishounen House Steve - won in a drawing
Emi, Obitsu50 Sayaka Miki head on Obitsu45 body - bought
Doyen, Volks Customize Figure Kit - bought
Lusis, Unoa Lusis 1.5 - bought
Alyssa, Unoa Sist 1.0 - bought
Calliope, HDD10 modded on MDD body - bought
Moon Moon, Obitsu head though I don’t remember which on Xinyi body - bought
Sleeping MiniMee, DiM MiniMee head on Xinyi body - head won in drawing, body bought
MiniMee, DiM MiniMee head on DiM Happy (old) body - head won in drawing, body bought
Nameless Unoa, Unoa faceplate on Buff headback on a Prettie Girls body - faceplate gifted, headback and body bought
Alice, Heavily modded Machina Alpha - bought
Smooshface, A Dollzone head that had been in a fire and modded on a Batchix Machina boy body - head bought, body gifted
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cosmicfurby · 3 years
2, 4, 9, 16, 22 for the ask game :D (feel free to do the ones you want!)
ok buckle up buttercup because this is going to be a LONG one lmao thanks for the questions bae 💕 you know i love talking about them gay lawyers
2 - favorite case
you see this one is already a tricky question to ask me, a renowned indecisive bastard. with a notable exception (turnabout big fuck), i think i have enjoyed all cases for one reason or another, i'm unsurprisingly easy to please. however, if i had to list (LIST not rank) my favorite cases it would go kind of like this:
farewell, my turnabout (a race against time.... your client being guilty...... finding the meaning of the truth......edgeworth returning....... masterpiece)
turnabout memories (playing as mia playing as mia playing as mia playing as mia playing as m-)
bridge to the turnabout (i don't think there are words to describe the fondness i have in my heart for this case and the cathartic conclusion to the trilogy and to mia's story, the TRIBUTE to her and her legacy oh my GOD)
turnabout for tomorrow (i unashamedly loved dual destinies and the ending got me crying like a toddler, so melodramatic and so SAD SO MANY ATHENA/SIMON SIBLING FEELS)
turnabout storyteller (sue me)
twisted karma and his last bow/the resolve of ryunosuke naruhodo (i don't think i need to explain myself with this one, anyone who has played it knows it is a cultural reset and the best thing to happen just ever)
if i had to choose one, though? it would have to be twisted karma/resolve. it genuinely made me lose ALL domestication and go feral. i have said this once and i will say it more times: the great ace attorney is the best videogame of a time
4 - memorable witnesses
i have to name fucking moe the clown here. for lack of a better word, that fuck sure was memorable. i kept insulting that hijo de puta reverting to my native spanish because he made me so MAD and he kept LAUGHING and i hate clowns so Much. his cross examination is my villain origin story
also dahlia inside maya's body pretending to be iris? iconic. that was amazing to see and amazing to figure out
maria gorey 💕💖✨🥰
i always love whenever you have to cross examine someone you know from before, like cross examining simon and apollo during turnabout for tomorrow or van kinks during twisted karma. it's just so different when you actually care a lot about the person on the stand you know
5 - "oh shit" moment
oh there have been plenty! i can remember very vividly the gasp and the "NO" i yelled at the screen when athena's prints were found on the lighter in turnabout for tomorrow, because i would have NEVER guessed the case was heading that way. having athena suddenly be the defendant was an Experience and i loved every second of it
realizing there was only one person who had described the poker cards as blue during turnabout trump made me sit down for a moment. i genuinely thought I got it wrong and would get a penalty when i presented kristoph's profile, i screamed so hard
also i may or may not have gasped so hard all air left my lungs when susato recognized kazuma as the apprentice during the return of the great departed soul, and then the apprentice looked sideways and i saw his profile and it was HIM UGH SO GOOD
16 - a ship i don't get
blackquill and the phantom. like. why?? what??? i really don't understand. mostly because i think if there is a token straight in this franchise that is simon blackquill, but also because i can't see them as a couple. i just can't.
even with aa ships i don't personally agree with, like narumayo (derogatory) or cykesquill (*sounds of me gagging across the ocean*), i can see why people would ship them. nick and maya are best friends and i get that many people would see chemistry where i see sibling-like banter; and sunshine girl/emo grumpy bastard is one of the oldest and most popular ship dynamics for a reason: it works. but with simon and the phantom i don't understand the appeal or why you would even ship them. it absolutely escapes my mind SIMON WAS IMPRISONED FOR A CRIME THE PHANTOM COMMITTED WHYY
22 - plot twist that annoys you
you know what's coming: "apollo is actually trucy's brother" from aa4. i don't really mind they're siblings, not at all, i find it quite cute – however, the way it was done was lazy and badly written. though i can't say it came completely out of left field, because back in the first case you're told that only apollo and trucy are able to perceive, that is the one and only clue leading to the "shocking revelation" that they're both thalassa's kids. such a cheap trick clearly done to tie apollo to the trilogy characters and the plot in some way... he didn't need that! he was fine just the way he was! having your mentor turn out to be a murderer and your childhood idol a double-faced cheeky bastard was enough trauma to fuel apollo through the next games, he didn't need all of *gestures broadly* this
(and some would argue he didn't need his other backstory either but anyway-)
and it could've been so easily done too! just mention apollo was raised in an orphanage. have him mention he wouldn't know anything about having a father because he grew up alone. just anything, something that would plant the seed of "hm, what if" inside our heads. it's a problem with an easy solution but they didn't do it! they decided to just drop it all in the last case and hope the impact of the reveal would mitigate the outrage. so annoying and for what
anyWAY this was long bae i hope you enjoyed it and you got a good glimpse inside of my twisted mind 😩
(i would've liked to have more tgaa here because that game gave me Thoughts but you already know it's my favorite videogame ever so)
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secretaryunpaid · 3 years
5. “I pushed you away because…I was scared. Never in my life had someone so earnestly tried to be my friend. I was bitter because ‘bitter’ was all I knew how to be. And I’m sorry for that—I really am.” “It isn’t too late, you know.”
Any Pairing and any a.u you feel speaks to you
Pairing: Dahlia Dalton X Robin Flores
Word Count: 1,860 approximately
Rating: Explicit
Warning(s): Not for immature minds, 17+, adult intercourse, bondage, cum play, spanking, female pegging
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Music Inspiration:
Cum Get It (E) - Tink
Do For Me (E) - Tank
Girls Need Love (E) - Vedo
Alone With You(E) - Alina Baraz
Sending a quick text, she receives confirmation that he is home. “Sure, I haven’t seen my nephews in a while. What is this really about though, Dahlia.” With no response over the next five minutes, he phones her.
Hearing her sobs, he immediately becomes concerned. “How close are you?”
“I’m pulling into the garage now. The boys are asleep. Can you help me bring them in?” Upon taking a deep steadying breath, Robin opens the door. “I…” She immediately falls against him in exhaustion, tears flowing faster than before.
“Hey, now… What’s going on?” Feeling things he shouldn’t right now, he gently strokes her shoulder, attempting to soothe her staggered breathing. “I… just need a friend right now…“ Knowing there is much more, he doesn’t pry. He smooths his palms against her back until she finally calms. “Let’s get everyone inside, huh?” She nods, drying her tears, inhaling quickly…
Once inside, he suggests putting the boys on the bed in the spare room. Privacy will definitely be needed. The boys don’t need to see Dahlia upset. They can never understand and usually end up crying in her arms along with her.
With the twins snugly sleeping, Robin and Dahlia move to a part of the penthouse furthest away from the boys to discuss what has her in such a broken state. “Robin, have you ever trusted someone to have your back through everything and then they do the worst damage to you over everyone else? … Wait dumb question right… I wasn’t think- “
“Don’t apologize, Dahlia… This isn’t about me right now… What did my brother do?” Before the words fully reach her ears, she’s sobbing quietly, unable to face his question… “Can we … I don’t … I’m lost right now… I can’t even form a damned coherent sentence…”
“You don’t have to say, I know already that it’s Sam… This scenario has played out one too many times… Especially in colle- … I’m sorry, forgive me…” She peers up for a moment, “It’s really okay, Robin… You’re not wrong…”
“What does it for you? I mean, Sam isn’t the easiest character to deal with. I have to give it to you… You tamed him better than anyone I have seen, yet… So what is it about him that “keeps you”?”
“What does it for you? I mean… What gets you off?,” she boldly asks Robin. You taunt and tease, but is it just a facade? Are you … compensating?”
“That’s a loaded question you’ve asked me… Careful of that curiosity… it kills!” Showing that she isn’t afraid of a challenge, she strokes his crotch, flexing a brow, deepening her stare… “Is it ... loaded? I can help you with that minor problem!”
She drags her tongue against his closed lips, arousing him and providing a challenge at the same time. This would be an immediate situation, except now, she isn’t just Sam’s plaything … She is his wife now, and if he’s honest with himself, his enemy…
“Gonna make me work for answers, I see. More fun for me!” She trails her nail over his growing attraction, slowly batting her lashes as she casts her spell… Her hand moves up to pull his shirt free from his trousers, teasing his perfectly toned abs just before leaning close to trace the outline with the tip of her tongue.
“Give in to me Robin, or are you milking this for its worth?” The soft spoken words tickle as her breath grazes the sensitive places of his heating flesh. He adjusts as if pulling away, but she soon feels his fingers tracing her neckline. “Why now, Dahlia?... Why not before you became my brother’s property?”
“Property? Hmmm, m’kay… Can property make you feel like this?” She straddles his lap, slowly teasing her center against his. She slides her hands up his abs, spreading along his chest until she teases his nipples between her nails, lightly applying pressure.
“So you’re saying his Audi makes you feel like this?” Kissing him, slowly inserting her tongue into his mouth as it loses resistance to her advance, Watching the flicker in his eyes, she knows the fire has been fully lit, and only taking her fully would put it out.
She presses her breast against him, taking his hands in hers, massaging them as her head lolls back for his kiss against her neck. Unable to resist, he presses his lips to her flush skin. “Lick it, Robin… Tease me with your tongue… I’m feeling sinful…”
Her throaty groan sets the tempo, and he falls into her first line of capture. “So… again,” she says, kissing his full lips, “What? (Kisses his chin) Gets? (Licks from his chin to bottom lip) You? (Grinds hard against him) Off? (Leans back, staring like a panther ready to pounce)”
“Giving back shots, tasting what’s forbidden, fucking you so hard you’ll beg me not to stop … pleading through the pain… Need I say more?” Licking her lips in anticipation, “Say nothing... Do ... everything… someplace … private.”
“Are you sure that you are ready to walk on the ‘dark side of the moon’? You should be careful of what you let your curiosity get into… I won’t relent… So… You must give your consent…” She simply crosses her wrists behind her back, winking to assure him that she is a big girl… “Safe word or phrase ?...”
Hesitating to form something uncommon, she confirms, “Dark Phoenix”, and he begins to bind her wrists together, connecting them to the ankle restraints. (She has already informed him that he can unzip her skirt for removal, but all else must remain. With the twins here, she can’t afford to delay answering them should they wake.)
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As he removes her skirt, he stares at every exposed area, teasing his nails against her inner thigh, sending a shiver of semi-release through her. Moaning, she spreads her thighs… “Again… Please, Robin.” As he does, he notices her sit back for just a moment, body trembling.
“I mean, I know I’m that good Dahlia… but give me a chance to feel that release.” Eyes coming back center, she lowers her gaze, slowly retracting her tongue against her teeth, as she squeezes her thighs together tightly. “Spank me, Robin.”
Eager to follow her commands, he moves behind her, smacking her ass cheek firmly, then gently rubbing light circles to soothe the sting. He reaches up through her legs, teasing her clit before running his fingers inside her folds, moving back to her anus… shocked by the fuzzy tickle of his forearm. “
“Are you wearing a vibrating butt plug, Dahlia? ... Kinky girl!” Her gentle hum excites him … sending a pulsing thrill up his shaft. “Shit, I love a freak.” She tilts her head just enough to speak over her shoulder. “How about Fuck this freak instead.”
He kneels in front of her, kissing her roughly as he stuffs three fingers inside her, stoking her juices as his tongue plays against hers. “Hold them still, I’ll ride them. Kiss me harder.” She winds against his soaked fingers. Her thrusts send his fingers deep into her, triggering soft moans of his name. “Fuck this, I need to be in you!” His desire peaked, he doesn’t waste any more time.
The sound of his belt hitting the floor immediately sends a thrill through her center, her climax building again. Within seconds, Robin is positioned behind her, detaching her wrist restraints from her ankles, then reaching over her thigh … pressing against her clit pinched between his fingers as he drives himself into her.
Exhaling deeply, he latches onto her neck, feeling the urge to shout from the intensity of feeling her surrounding him tightly. The vibration causes them both to grind, movement hardly noticeable, but involuntary. She leans her head back against his shoulder, and he instantly kisses her.
His tongue moves in time with his deep strokes, which are gentle at first allowing her to adjust to him fully. It isn’t long before he grips her forearm, stabilizing himself as he leans back to maximize his thrust. Her release evident as it coats him, causing him to still momentarily to feel every drop… quickly recovering, fucking her hard to bring them both to completion mindblowingly hard… Moaning together loudly before they realize volume.
Gradually falling from her high, she hears Robin explain their past indifference…
“I pushed you away because … I was scared. Never in my life had someone so earnestly tried to be my friend. I was bitter because ‘bitter’ was all I knew how to be. And I’m sorry for that- I really am.” “It isn’t too late, you know.”
“So, are you expecting us to be “friends with benefits” after this?” She smiles, tilting her head… “Robin?” He smirks, expecting her to say the magic words… “I’m going to need that video footage… Did you really think that I didn’t know you were filming this? And untie me!”
He laughs, running his hand over his scruffy beard, then through the right side of his hair… his ‘tell’ that he has indeed been caught. Quickly dressing, he removes the thumb drive, handing it over. “You have it, so… what are you gonna do for me?”
She hands him a thumb drive of her own… “I think that you will find Sam’s latest departmental projections quite interesting… It’s on you what you choose to do with this information …”
Making their way hurriedly to check on the boys, they find them still fast asleep. “Help me get the boys in the car? We have a flight to catch … “
“Does Sam know about this… flight?”
“Fuck Sam!”
“If this drive contains what I think it does … consider him fucked !”
Within an hour, the three Daltons are airborne, sound asleep as they make their way to Cordonia… But Dahlia wakes suddenly, feeling more guilt now than anger… “How could he? How could I? Does our marriage really mean this little to both of us? Dammit Sam… of all people, why Jenny? Hypocrite! Did you not just fuck Robin?” …
She places one final call, “I’m calling in that one-time home visit. I should be there before dinner. Thanks, Van… I screwed up big time… I left Sam!” As she places her phone on the nightstand, memories of her wedding filter to mind… and the tears start once more...
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Erik and Reader are best friends and Reader is the best freaky love for Erik but he doesn’t know how freaky she is. He finds out when he sees her at a heels class dancing to Beyoncé- Rocket.
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“Deep down, everyone doubts themselves. Sometimes, I think I’m not good enough but at the end of the day I know I’m the fucking shit. I pray you quit overthinking, replaying failed scenarios, feeding self doubt & seeing the good in everyone but yourself you deserve more, ma.”
He passes Y/N the blunt, licking his full lips with a quick swipe of his tongue, and showing off his gold canines. Taking a puff of weed, Y/N watches Erik scratch the side of his defined torso over a tattoo that says Fuck Reality in that cursive lettering she loved to see. He yawns, blinking his sleepy eyes a few times before looking over at Y/N. She couldn’t help but look at his face.
“Make yourself a priority, Y/N. For real. Stop settling for these toxic lame ass niggas. When you meet a real nigga you gon’ realize you was never asking for too much.”
Y/N passed the blunt back to Erik while staring out of his bedroom window from his king sized bed. She knew her worth, she really did, but she always ended up going back to the same fuck boys.
“You’re too fine to be giving all your time and energy into him. Too fine. My bestfriend needs to know her worth. You looking at me like that but I’m being honest, shit, when was the last time you felt appreciated? When was the last time a nigga did something for you and didn’t expect something in return? Called to check up on you? Texted you back? Ate your pussy because he knows you had a rough week and you just need your pussy ate? Some good sex? When?”
Her carefree bestfriend with his tapered dreads and full beard and mustache. His sincere whiskey colored eyes and messy brows that he always talked with. Raising them, creasing them. He smooths a hand down his solid and sculpted chest before resting that hand over his abs. The gold rings on his fingers against his brown skin was just as beautiful as the sun setting before them.
“I can’t remember. I’m embarrassed to say,” Y/N finally speaks. She heaved a sigh, unzipping her velour pink hoodie, a white form-fitting shirt underneath, “I know I deserve more. Ugh, now I’m going to be single and lonely for Valentine’s.”
Erik sat up on his elbows, the hue of the sunset against his russet skin, “I’m your valentine now. i’ll be there at 10pm climbing through your bedroom window with flowers. Dahlias right? Cool, I’ll see you later tonight?” Erik gave Y/N a teasing smile. She knew he was trying to make her feel better but it didn’t change the fact that it sounded so...honest? Like he wanted to do and say that.
“Scary movies and chill? That romantic movie shit is played out. We can snuggle close with some popcorn with Freddy Kruger on the screen.”
“Your obsession with 80s slasher movies is amazing,” Y/N laughs, “Why must you mix Valentine’s with blood and gore, Erik?”
“Why not? Instead of bleeding your heart out because you’re heart broken, you can watch a heart actually bleeding out,” Erik chuckles before he ashes out the blunt in his ceramic ashtray that Y/N made for him with 4/20 carved into it.
“Should I dress up?” Y/N played along.
“Just keep those same straight backs in your hair and wear those little stripe linen shorts that make your ass look nice. Oh, and that mini white T-shirt that says Daddy on it in pink letters. Can’t forget the mix match ankle socks either.”
“You can wear a durag with a pair of grey sweatpants and a black T-shirt. The ones you wear that’s all loose fitting on you because you refuse to wear a tighter one? Yeah, and a pair of Vans.”
“What time for our little date, ma?”
“8. And don’t be late either.”
“To a date with you? Never.”
“Okay, I have a question,” Y/N turns towards him, “what’s your idea of a perfect night with your girl?”
“Hmm,” Erik rolled his moistened lips in deep thought, “Dick rubs and intellectual conversations. Head in a comfortable bed. Falling asleep with my head laying on her crotch so I can just pull her panties to the side and eat her pussy. Honestly, give pleasure by just being there. We don’t even have to talk or fuck. Presence is just comforting.”
“That sounds amazing,” Y/N never had those things but that’s what her bestfriend likes? She wished she had that same treatment.
“Those chill, nice nights with someone you feel comfortable with.” Erik spoke in a low tone while twirling a single loc, “I crave that.”
“I know, ugh, me too, Erik,” Y/N laid back against the bed, “I have to go to class today.”
Erik gave her a questioning look, “What class?”
Y/N turned around to lay on her belly, “A heels class. Remember I was telling you that I started doing this like a month ago?”
“Shorty, I have other things going on with me right now I didn’t focus on that,” Erik gives her a sad look, “I’m sorry.”
“It’s okay. I’ve been working on a routine. I think I have it down. It’s gonna be real sexy.”
“Sexy? Who you tryna impress with this class?”
“Don’t worry about it,” Y/N teased.
“Ah, man. That ain’t fair, ma. I’m your bestie.”
“You are but I don’t need to tell you my business,” Y/N rolls her eyes into her head.
“It’s cool, cuz I’m coming there with you.”
Y/N’s face flushed.
“What? I can’t come-“
She didn’t want Erik to watch her dance. Being surrounded by those women made her feel like she was in her room dancing in the mirror. They all connected because they related to each other. If Erik came there she would probably mess up her routine since he would definitely be watching her move. It was a heels choreography class and Erik is a man, he’s going to watch. Y/N wore either a pair of black high crotch panties with fishnets and a cropped t shirt or a form fitting leotard with black sheer stockings. Six inch heels on her feet with a skinny heel since she’s gotten better. Popping her ass and hitting splits to the music. Erik never saw her like that. What would he say and do when he did?
“It really ain’t that deep, ma,” Erik jokes because Y/N was spaced out, “I promise I won’t laugh at you. I don’t have shit else to do but sit around so let me come with you.”
Y/N pondered while staring down at her hands before heaving a sigh of defeat, “okay. You can come.”
“I knew you would say yes,” Erik gave her a half smirk, “You can’t tell me no even if you tried.”
“Don’t embarrass me in there, Erik,” Y/N spoke to him with a warning in her voice. She knew he could be silly and fuck with her but when she danced, it was her time to shine.
“Teh, girl, you really think I would do that?”
Erik got closer to Y/N, leaning on his elbows while his face got closer to hers, “I’ll be on the side lines cheering you on. I promise, okay?”
Y/N looked up into his eyes, giving Erik a weird look before turning away from him, “Okay.”
He was acting very...strange. Not like his usual self but Y/N could be overthinking it. She sat up on her knees, lifting off the bed to put her sneakers back on before picking up her velour jacket and her PINK gym bag that carried all of the things she needed for class.
“Put on a shirt and come on, Erik.” She picked up a shirt that was wrinkled and balled up on the floor before throwing it at him, “I’m not trying to be late!”
“Calm that shit the fuck down, Y/N. Don’t give me attitude before I really make you late for this class.”
“You calm down yet?” Erik asks Y/N while following behind her to the dance studio that held her heels class. The closer they walked, the more Erik could hear the deep base to the sensual music that vibrates the walls. He’d sit back and watch a bunch of women shake their ass in heels. Erik looked at his bestfriend walking ahead of him as she lead the way with a sway of her hips. Those tantalizing hips. Erik looked up at the back of her head as if she had eyes back their and could see him checking her out. He couldn’t help himself. Like he said back in his room, she’s too fine.
“Are you going to behave?” She looked back at him over her shoulder with a brow raised, “Well? Are you?”
“Yes ma’am,” Erik said with a husky voice, “whatever you say.”
Y/N rolled her eyes before making a left turn, opening the double doors to a dimly lit studio with a pink neon sign of a woman in heels that read dance. A few chairs rested in the corner of the room, mirrors were placed on one side of the wall so that the ladies could watch themselves. A guy stood off to the side in deep conversation with a short plump girl about 5’ 3 dressed in a mesh leotard with red fishnets and heels. He was fumbling with a camcorder that Erik assumes is used to record the ladies do their routines. On the polished hardwood floor, directly in the middle, were all the ladies doing stretches. Some were down in a split stretching out their legs, others were bending over to touch their toes, stretching out their backs. Erik recognized the music. It sounded like Teyana Taylor & Kehlani- Morning.
“Okay, I gotta get myself changed, I’ll be back, alright?” Y/N spoke with a whisper to him.
“Yeah, I’ll be over here,” Erik pointed to a black chair with a leather cushion to sit on.
“Cool,” Y/N gave Erik a silly smile before walking away, waving to a few ladies as she made her way over to the dressing room. Erik rested his hands in the pockets of his black cargo pants that he wore. The wrinkled shirt wasn’t the shirt he had on. He was wearing a muscle tee with the sides cut really low, giving you a view of his muscles and scars along his ribs down to his hips. Black boots on his feet and gold around his neck and on his fingers. Erik scratches his scruffy facial hair while looking around the class. When he did this, eyes were on him, wondering who this handsome guy was that came with Y/N. He entertained their looks for a minute before taking his phone out of his pocket to scroll through pointless apps.
“Oooo, Y/N, what routine are we gonna start out with today, honey?” A tall mocha skinned girl with a large curly bush and a black catsuit on asked. Erik looked up at the mention of her name. His eyes seemed to widen and gawk at Y/N. Erik was in a state of stupor. Stupefied but mesmerized at the same time.
“I have something I’ve been working on all week but that can wait for tomorrow. I gotta have a guy to do the lap dance with. When is Montell coming back?”
“Girl, why use Montell when you can use him?” The tall chick pointed at Erik. Erik looks over at Y/N, watching her eyes grow wide.
“Erik? No,” Y/N laughs, “He’s just here to watch until I’m done.”
The chubby chick that was talking to the camera guy came over to intrude, “Isn’t that your boyfriend though?”
“No. He’s my bestfriend and he’s just going to watch.”
“Well, can I use him for my routine then? I put a little something something together to Ciara- Body Party and I need a nigga to pop this ass on. He so cute, Y/N. Hi bestfriend!” The pretty chubby girl waved at Erik who returned the wave with a smile on his full lips.
“He is cute. How can you just be friends with that?”
“Dominique,” Y/N was referring to the taller chick, “Erica,” She looked over at the short plump girl, “I’m using him for my routine.” Y/N spoke with finality. Wasn’t no chick in that class gonna put ass on him if it wasn’t her.
“Oh? Why the change of heart?” Dominique folded her arms while giving Y/N a sassy smile. Y/N didn’t say a word as she walked away, looking over at Erik before sticking her tongue out at him. He was in a fit of laughter, clutching his chest and everything.
Y/N was dressed in a black thong with sheer black stockings that had tiny rhinestones on it, a tiny black and gold wrap top that made her breast sit high and black stilettos on her feet. All that ass out and bouncing each time she walked. Erik knew his bestfriend has body but damn, he never saw her like this. Y/N was fumbling with a wall audio system that was installed to play throughout the studio. She found the song she wanted, pausing it, then grabbing a chair to bring in the center of the dance floor. The other ladies crowded around and the camera guy set up so that it was facing her. Y/N then walked over to Erik, a roll of her eyes while trying to fight a smile. She got down in front of him in a squat, talking closely with him. Erik leaned forward on his elbows to hear her.
“Okay, so I didn’t mean to put you on the spot like that but,” She sighed, “I’m gonna need you for my routine.”
“Hmm,” Erik smirked, “What I gotta do?”
Y/N licked her lips, “All you gotta do is sit in that chair for me. You’ll be in that chair while I do all the work, alright?”
“Let me ask you something,” Erik narrowed his eyes, “Why did you change your mind so quick?”
Y/N rolled her eyes away from him before kissing her teeth, “You gonna do that for me, or what?”
“You ain’t off the hook, ma,” Erik stood up, while looking down at Y/N who was still in a squat position while staring up the valley of his body to connect with his eyes, “You gon’ tell me after this class.”
“Whatever,” Y/N finally got up, grabbing Erik’s hand with force, walking him to the middle of the dance floor. He wasn’t nervous one bit. He wanted to see what his bestie could do.
“Sit.” She instructed, earning oooo’s and ahhhh’s from the ladies around them. Erik raises his brows at her before taking his seat real slow, legs wide and one arm stretched over the back of the chair. He motioned with his head for Y/N to get started, his eyes intense and heated. Y/N motioned for one of the girls she started the class with to play her song.
Beyoncé- Rocket began to play.
Let me sit this ass
On you
Y/N sat down real slow on Erik while looking back at him. She wound her hips, back arching and ass moving up the length of his crotch nice and gently. She did a spin on his lap, her leg going up and over his head so she could straddle him. Her hands grabbed at his shoulders before pulling on his shirt to bring him closer to her. She made him watch her while her hips moved over him. Erik has to hold onto the sides of the chair.
Show you how I feel
Let me take this off
Will you watch me
Yes, mass appeal
Don't take your eyes
Don't take your eyes off it
Watch it, babe
If you like
You can touch me baby
Do you
Do you wanna touch me baby, ooh
Grab a hold, don't let go
Let me know
That you
Ready (ready)
Erik looked at her with eyes so deeply filled with desire there was no denying his attraction to his bestfriend. Y/N held those eyes with her low ones, before grabbing his jaw to tease him. She almost touched his lips with hers but she pulled away before Erik could even get a taste.
I just wanna show you now
Slow it down
Go around
You rock hard
Y/N stood up, getting down on her knees in front of Erik while running a hand from his chest down to his crotch that was indeed rock hard.
I rock steady
She bounced up and down in a squat to demonstrate how steady she would rock on that hard dick. A few chicks wolf whistled at that, cheering her on.
And rock right up to the side of my mountain
Climb until you reach my peak baby, peak babe, peak
And reach right into the bottom of my fountain
Y/N pats her kitty kat to indicate where that fountain he needed to find was.
I wanna play in your deep baby, your deep baby, deep
Then dip me under where you can feel my river flowing and flow
Y/N went back on the floor, her legs coming all the way up to rest on each side of her head. She was open like the peace sign. Her hands ran up her body, eyes still on Erik to show him that she was nothing to play with. He gave her a sly smirk that showed off a single dimple. So this how she got down? She danced all freaky like this? Showing him where she wanted him to go with his hardness?
Hold me 'til I scream for air to breathe
She grabs her neck, body arching from the floor. Erik could feel his dick growing stiffer.
And wash me over until my well runs dry
Send all your sins all over me, babe, me baby, me
Rock it…
Y/N got up from the floor, swaying her hips. She stared into the camera, moving in those heels like she was wearing a pair of sneakers. Erik didn’t know she was this flexible. When she arched her back to pop her ass, getting into a split stance while running her hand on her crotch he wanted to lift from that chair, pick her up, and hold the back of her neck while making her pop her ass on his hard crotch. He had to have restraint because this is her routine but FUCKKK, was it hard.
Rock it 'til waterfalls
Rock it 'til waterfalls
Rock it 'til waterfalls
Bathe in these waterfalls
She grinned her hips into the floor before bringing her legs up from behind, her heels almost touching the back of her head before rolling over to lift a single leg in the air, grinding her hips forward. She was showing him what that body could do. She was showing him exactly how freaky his bestfriend could be.
I do it like it's my profession
I gotta make a confession
I'm proud of all this bass
When you put it in your face
She stood, arching forward, and grabbing her ankles while looking back at Erik. Her ass popped and swayed from side to side.
By the way, if you need a personal trainer or a therapist
I can be a piece of sunshine, inner peace, entertainer
Anything else that you may read between the lines
You and I create rockets and waterfalls
“YES HUNTY!” One of them yelled out while snapping their fingers.
Erik nods his head in approval. He found himself rocking to the beat while tapping a single foot and grinding his hips in the chair. She rode that song with so much ease. Beyoncé’s voice mixed with her sensual moves had everyone in that room watching in complete silence now. The song played on and then that’s when it became really intense...
I can't help but love the way we make love
Daddy, daddy
Ooh child, ooh now
Yes, Lord, damn baby
She was going crazy. Popping her ass, arching her back, looking at Erik with her mouth hanging open. Swinging her head from side to side, running her hands over her breasts before jiggling them. That continuous Daddy, Daddy, has Erik losing his mind. The self control was unraveling.
You driving me cray, cray, yeah
You ain't right for doing it to me like that daddy
Y/N crawled towards him. She was staring at him like she wanted to rip his clothes off and show some attention to the hard dick that she felt growing in his pants. When she made it over to him, she got into a handstand, her legs widening into a split, before descending back on him, her legs wrapping around his waist while Erik pulled her forward with his hands on her hips.
Even though
I've been a bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad, bad girl
Y/N bends her body back while grinding on him so hard and forceful that Erik couldn’t help but to grind up into her on that chair. His hips were lifting from the chair.
Tell me what you're gonna do about that
He wanted to do something right fucking now. Y/N was driving him crazy. His growls and moans were trapped in his throat because of everyone surrounding him.
Punish me please
Punish me please
Daddy what you're going to do with all of this
Y/N turns around, her ass rubbing along his chest. Erik moves his hands down her back before slapping her ass, causing Y/N to gasp and everyone around them to cheer and clap.
All up in your face, yeah
Hell yeah
Love me so deep
Ooh my shit's so good it ain't even right
This shit wasn’t fair. She bounced on his lap in a continuous rhythm to the freaky beat. Since she wanted to give him a little lap dance to this beat she was definitely going to fuck him to this song. Bestie or not.
I know I'm right
Hell yeah you the shit
That's why you're my equivalent
So sexy
To Erik’s disappointment, Y/N got up from his lap, circling him in the chair before standing behind him. She lowered her arms over his shoulders from behind, taking her fingers to drag his muscle tee up to reveal his chiseled body. Abs flexed, skin so smooth even with the raised scars, her nails clawing lightly at his ripped abs all the way up to his chest. Her lips lightly touched the side of neck, giving him a lick there while the song faded out. The room erupted with applause at her routine. Y/N wrapped her arms around Erik’s neck, rocking him back and forth with a big smile on her face. Erik grabs her arms, holding them with a grin on his lips. Y/N did her thing.
“Girllllllllllll,” Dominique shouted while coming over to hug Y/N, “You had your bestfriend ready to hop off this chair and handle you, girl.”
“Oh? Really?” Y/N spoke into Erik’s ear before giving him a quick peck on the cheek, “I’m sorry I put this ass on you and you couldn’t do anything about it.”
Erik clenched his jaw. She only fueled him more.
“Nothing to say? Hmm?” She dragged on.
Erik looked up at her with a tilt of his head. She knew those hard domineering eyes meant one thing and one thing only: she was going to get it for sure. He had something for her after this class.
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Surveys #417-419
Been slacking on posting these, so here’s like three surveys over the past few days divided up. I just don’t feel like posting them individually. Beware, it’s a long post, haha.
Do you believe that animals don’t have souls? I lean towards the idea that they, at least more complex species with actual sentience, do in some way. It's hard to imagine like, a fly having a soul, but it's a nice thought. You could NEVER convince me some don't, though, like my late dog Teddy, Sara's old chameleon Jem, and I could go on and on. Have you ever not been able to swallow pills? No, I've always been able to. If you HAD to change your first name, what would you change it to? Maybe like, Quinn. Something you don't hear a lot, for sure. Something more memorable. What are your thoughts on orange soda? Orange cream soda is BOMB. Man, been so long since I've had that stuff... Are you good with children and/or animals? Don't mean to brag, but people say I'm like a magician with animals. No matter what it is, I bond with it. Children, not so much. I'm awkward around them. Who in your life makes you smile the most? My cat, ha ha. If you were cremated, where would you want your ashes to be placed? Hm. Maybe high up in the mountains or in the Kalahari Desert. Do you plan on going to your high school’s reunion? No. I'm pretty sure I'd shatter from memories just entering the building. Would you want revenge on someone if they killed someone special to you? Or would you find it in your heart to forgive? "Forgive" my ass. They'd better get what's coming to them, even if I've gotta be the person to deliver it. Is there someone you are dying to see? More than I think anyone could possibly know. But it's probably better if I never do. Could you picture yourself getting married and having kids? Married, yes. Having kids, no. I could only picture that in one phase of my life, but like I called it: a phase. I should never be a mother, nor do I want to be one to begin with, so yeah, no kids for me. Do you like to take walks? If my legs were actually worth a shit, yes, I would, if it's in a nature-filled area. What are you listening to at this moment in time? "Thoughts & Prayers" by Motionless In White. Did you ever kiss someone with a tattoo? No. Could you say something good about the last person you kissed? She's very resilient. Why are you single? Because 1.) I'm a very unappealing example of an adult, 2.) I'm not exactly very attractive, and 3.) I'm basically a hermit, so I don't meet people. Do you get jealous if your boyfriend hugs another girl? Hypothetically, in almost any case, I wouldn't. My imaginary boyfriend can have female friends. But I'll admit if it was like, an ex-girlfriend or something and it was a seriously intense hug, I might. Is there something that happened in your past you hate talking about? Yes, but I mean, who doesn't. Have you ever been completely alone with a boy in his room? You make this sound so scandalous lmao. Yes, plenty of times. I dated a dude and briefly lived with him for three and a half years. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? No. Who was the last person that you cried in front of? I'm sure it was Mom. Is it hard for you to be “just friends” with the opposite sex? Nah. Do you remember every single person that you’ve kissed? Yeah. Do you believe that the world will actually end? Humanity, oh yeah. The planet itself, given the infinite nature of the universe, also yes. At SOME point, even if it's zillions of years down the line, Earth is gonna get fucked by something. Are you socially awkward? I am the literal avatar of "socially awkward." Would you rather watch a comedy movie or horror movie? Horror. Who is your favorite actor/actress? MARK IS A FUCKIN' ACTOR, Y'ALL. Are you satisfied with your gender? Yeah. Are you good at admitting your problems? HA! Yeah. ezpz Have you ever had a hangover? No, never been drunk to begin with. Do you know any strippers? No. How many times have you dyed your hair? I ain't counting. What is something that reminds you of your childhood? Dinosaurs. Do you think you eat healthy? I try to. I have my bad days, though. Are you sick quite often or hardly at all? My immune system is the fucking MVP. I am just about never, ever sick. Has anyone suspected you of being a different sexuality? Yes. Do you like chocolate or vanilla cake more? Chocolate, duh. Does it bother you to have blood drawn or not so much? Nah, no biggie. Has your cell phone ever rung in class? Omg no, I woulda been mortified. Have you ever tried opening your eyes under water? Yeah, as a kid. Would you rather have a cat or a dog? I prefer cats. Have you ever been admitted to the hospital? Like... six times, I wanna say. What would you say is your favorite type of flower? Orchids, but I also love dahlias. I've actually noticed that I've really had a greater "thing" for flowers lately. Like don't get me wrong, I've always loved flowers very much, but I've just found myself more drawn to them than usual, especially when taking the daily hour ride to the TMS office. Do you watch Toddlers and Tiaras? FUCK no. That show disgusts and angers me so much. If someone asked you to go to war today, what would you say? Yeah, no. Funny joke. I couldn't go anyway due to mental health issues and a suicidal history. Do you own an old vintage typewriter? We used to when I was little. I have no idea what happened to it, though?? Hell, maybe we still have it somewhere, but I doubt that. Do you like or hate the smell of fish? Ew, does ANYONE like the smell of fish??? Have you ever read any of John Green’s books? I got a few pages into The Fault in Our Stars, but stopped for no real reason. I didn't not like it or anything, I was just still in my "I don't read" episode. Are you a protective person? VERY. I'm a fucking guard dog over those I love most. Are you a fan of penguins? Yeah, they're cute. I especially think emperor penguins are very majestic. Have you ever met your favorite author? I don’t have a favorite author. Did you get your mom or dad’s eyes? Neither's. I think my maternal grandpa had blue eyes, though? I'm not sure at all, though. When was the last time someone bought you flowers? Not sure. Has there ever been a murder in your town? "A" murder? Thems is rookie numbers for my neck of the woods, fella. This place is known for crime, and that includes murder. When falling asleep, do you ever feel like you stopped breathing? Well, I have seriously severe sleep apnea, so... but the diagnosis came as a surprise to me, because I never DID think this. But sure enough, did a sleep study, and in just one hour's time, I stopped breathing like what, 30 times? What's the last thing that scared the hell out of you? Stupid drivers. Do you have any life-changing plans within the next 6 months? I guess getting a job could be pretty life-changing. As of right now, how do you feel about your future? I'm very, very scared. Who is the last person you ran into unexpectedly? Hm, I dunno. Where does your grandma live? Both of mine are dead, but my paternal grandmother lived in Michigan, while my maternal one technically lived in Florida, but stayed in New York with her son's family a whole lot. I don't really know where she stayed more. Do you know how to read music? Not anymore. Does the song you’re currently listening to remind you of anyone special? Not so much the song, but the band. Motionless In White is one of his all-time favorites, so I can't listen to them without thinking of Jason. Sucks because they've been becoming one of MY favorites, too, so I listen to them a lot. If the person who has hurt you the most, said they were in love with you, would you believe them? I'd tell him he was in a love with a person who no longer exists. It's impossible for him to be in love with me now when he doesn't know how much I've changed. If Facebook made you pay would you still use it? Ha, no. Have you ever been recorded on film without your permission? Not that I know of? Tell me about your last boyfriend? He's a wonderful person. He's been there for me without fail since we became friends in high school band, and he is SO fucking funny. He's always cared a lot about me, and I care a lot about him, just not in the same way he does me. He's like my big brother. Are your parents racist? My dad definitely is. What is your least favorite subject in school? Math and economics both sucked. Have you ever been involved in a custody battle before? Almost certain no. I'm pretty sure Dad didn't fight for custody at all, but it could've been something Mom just never told me. Have you ever babysat a newborn baby before? NOOOOOOOOOOOOO. I NEVER could. Do you have any siblings you neglect? .-. As a kid, did you ever go to camp? I went to Vacation Bible School, if that counts. Did your parents ever let you play in the pits of those multicolored balls? Yeah, until that big news story about a dirty needle pricking a child. Have any of your siblings ever had a crush on your significant other? Not to my knowledge. I highly doubt it. What do you usually order at Taco Bell, if you go there? Cheese quesadilla with fiesta potatoes. Rarely a pair of those cinnamon ball thingies. Ever consider a sex change? Nah. Do you eat whip cream straight out of the can? EW no. I hate the texture of whipped cream. What do you think of popcorn? Loooove. Have you ever dated any of your friends’ ex? No. Well, it's funny, Rachel (both Juan's and Jason's ex) and I are friends now, but definitely weren't at the time of us being together. Have you ever gone out with someone even though one of your friends liked that person first? If yes, did you feel bad? If no, were you tempted to? No. Would you rather be a rich musician, or a rich actor? Musician. What was the last charity you donated to? I don't recall. Did you like to collect frogspawn as a kid? I've told the "my friends and I saved hundreds of tadpoles" story enough times, so for this question, I'll just talk about when I would go fishing with Dad as a kid. Back then, if I got bored of actually fishing, I would walk along the riverbank and try to catch tadpoles and minnows in my hands. It was soooo fun to Kid Brittany. Do you walk fast or slow? I walk pretty damn slow. Can you juggle with more than two items? I can't juggle, period. Do you like jalapenos? Yeah! Do you like kiwis? Yessss, I love kiwi! Does anyone in your family go deer or bird hunting? Who is it anyway? I don't know if she still does, but my little sister used to go deer hunting with a friend.
Are you saving up for anything right now? What? Yeah, my pet snake's 40 gallon terrarium. What sort of things do you have bookmarked in your internet browser? It's quite diverse, but I think I mostly have templates for specific character profiles. Have you ever snuck in to a theater/dance/bar etc? No, I'm a good noodle. If given the chance, would you go to Ireland? Certainly! It's beautiful there. If you have a cat, does it ever “converse” with you? Oh, ABSOLUTELY. When I talk to him, he sure does try to answer me and it's the cutest thing, ha ha. Have you ever tried those electric toothbrushes? Yeah, that’s what I use. Has anyone told you that they wanted to marry you/were planning on it/etc? Yeah, guess he changed his mind. Name one of your ex’s mother’s names? Virginia. Does your favorite song have a meaning? BIG TIME. Have you ever written or received a suicide note? I've written one. .-. What is the worst thing a child has ever done to you while you were babysitting? When I was changing her diaper, she got up and ran around naked in the house. ;-; Do you own a nightgown? No. If you could get any pet right now, what would you get? i. want. my. tarantula. Have you ever actually been stuffed into a locker? No. That is just such a TV trope that I've never even heard of happening irl. Do you/did you decorate the inside of your locker at school with stuff? I only had a locker in middle school, and I believe I didn't. I didn't want one in HS. What’s the coolest thing you’ve made with Legos? I was never a Legos kid; I played with Lincoln Logs. Do you want to get pregnant right now? Fuck no, man. Or ever. Have you ever housed a friend for a long period of time because they had no place to live? No. If you have a favorite comedian, have they ever been in a movie? I don't have one, really. Are there any books you want to read? Besides the series I'm reading, I want to read The Testaments by Margaret Atwood, but idk if I'll ever get to it, really. If you have younger siblings, are you very protective of them? We don't have a close relationship, but I am nevertheless. If you have older siblings, are they very protective of you? Not really, it seems. First letter of the names of everyone you have kissed? J, T, D, S. Do you like going to school sports games? No, I hated it. When Ash was a cheerleader, Mom made me go, and I was never happy about it. Have you ever worn your boyfriend’s clothes? An ex-boyfriend's, yeah. Did you get into your mom’s makeup when you were a kid? I don't think I did? Do you want anything pierced? Ugh, a lot of places. The last time you washed your hair, did you use conditioner? I never do. Has your partner ever accused you of cheating when you actually didn’t? I've never been accused of cheating. Has anyone ever called you stuck-up? No. I'm quite the opposite. Have you been diagnosed with any mental disorders? Too many, really. What are you doing this summer? Nada. Do you still watch MTV? I never did. Have you ever spent the night with the last person you kissed? Yes. What’s the dress code for your job? Do you like it? I'm unemployed. Does your job allow piercings or tattoos? ^, and this might sound stupid, but I wouldn't work at a job that didn't. Especially tattoos. No job is stopping me from doing things that improve my self-esteem and body image, particularly when I LOATHE my body. If a little bit of art makes me feel better about myself? Nobody is stopping me. What are some trends you dislike that everyone seems to love? "Crocs. Whyyyy?" <<<< THIS. First people hated them, now they love them??? They're hideous as shit. If you got married and then got divorced, would you want to re-marry? I don't really know. How often do you use lotion? Not NEARLY enough for someone with skin as dry as mine. Do you donate your old stuff to Goodwill? If so, what was the last thing you donated? Yeah. Mom recently brought some old toys, I think? How weight conscious are you? You have no fucking idea. Rent a movie or go see one in theaters? I prefer going to a theater. I enjoy the experience. What’s the biggest personality trait turn-off for a potential partner? Probably being an explosive/volatile person. I can't with that. Would you ever go on a birth control pill? I already am to regulate my period and tame the cramps. And if I was sexually active, I absolutely would want to be on it. What's your favorite late night tv show? I don’t have one. At high school do or did you participate in Spirit Week? No. Do you have a favorite vocalist? Who? Queen's Freddie Mercury will probably always top the list. If you have a favorite photographer, can you describe their work? I don't have a favorite photographer. Surprisingly. Are sex and sexual activities something you enjoy? If it's with someone I'm in love with and am in the mood, sure. What is one aspect of your life that did not turn out as you expected? I did NOT expect to reach 25 like... *gestures at self* this. What is one thing stopping you from becoming a veterinarian? I could never handle euthanizing pets and watching the families' hearts break. How long have you lived in the house you live in? Not even a year. Compared to this time last year, are you happier or sadder? I'm definitely sadder. Especially today. Do you like Subway? I do. Have you ever seen a volcano? No. Have you ever found a spider on your bed? Yes. It's the scariest shit when one skitters across your blanket, because like, you LEAST expect it to happen in the comfort of your own bed. Are you satisfied with the way your life is right now? Not even remotely, if I'm being honest. I'm at a real low. When was the last time you ate at Burger King? Years ago, when I was a vegetarian and went there for the veggie burger. How often do you cry? lol a lot Ever had a crush on a teacher? No. Can you wire a plug? ... I don't even know what you mean by "wire a plug," so obviously no lmfao. Where were you when you got your first period? Well I think I actually *started* at school, but I noticed when I got home. Can you drive? I mean I'm capable, but I'm an incredibly anxious, overly passive, and just generally terrified driver. I'm so scared of when I finally get new glasses and therefore a new permit... but I have to get used to driving. Living where I do, public transportation is very, very limited, and I just can't have people driving me places the rest of my life. Exercise or healthy eating? I sadly hate exercising SO much. I'd rather eat healthy. Did you play Red Rover when you were a child? Yeah. Are you more attracted to men or women? This can actually vary with time, which I originally thought was weird but is apparently normal for some bisexual individuals. There are spans where I feel more sexual attraction to men, and then other times women. Has anyone ever called you rich? God no, I am so far from it. What makes you feel beautiful? Nothing. Are you considered a very sensitive person? I'm way too sensitive for my own good. Have you ever told someone you never wanted to speak to them again? Yes, my dad. I regret that letter I sent him so, so much. I honestly don't know how he can treat me with so much love after the shit I said. If you could watch any TV series right now, what would it be? I am... astonishingly behind on Meerkat Manor: Rise of the Dynasty. I know, seriously incredible. I just don't watch TV, man. It's strange, I'm into the show, of course I am, I just... don't like sitting myself in front of a television and purely watching it. I'll catch up, though. Do you grind your teeth, and if so, why do you do it? No. But it's not like people have a reason they grind their teeth... they just do. Do you feel the need to rant about anything right now? If so, go for it. I could, but I'm not going to. It'll just upset me. Do you have a friend named Nick? What’s his favourite food? My sister's husband's name is Nick, but he is definitely not my friend. I can't stand his bigoted, sexist, misogynistic, homophobic, racist ass. I don't know or care what his favorite food is. What are you listening to? I'm re-watching Gab and Sinow play Resident Evil 5. People can say all they want about RE5, but I love it. Do you prefer waffles or pancakes? Waffles, but only if they're still soft enough to not be considered crunchy. I prefer them because I can put peanut butter on them, and the grooves catch the syrup instead of just absorbing it all like pancakes. Do you prefer non-diet or diet soda? I don't/can't drink diet sodas because the artificial sweetener gives me a KILLER headache. Are you craving anything right now? You guys have no idea how badly I want Taco Bell for whatever reason. Which word did you say first, mama or dada? The latter. What was your first pet’s name? So, there's three answers to this. I was born into the family while we had a collie named Trigger, but I have absolutely zero memory of her. She passed when I was too young. Our first family pet that I clearly remember was Chance, our rescued cat. My first *personal* pet was either a guinea pig named Squeak or Chinese water dragon named Shadow. I can't remember who came first. Who was your best friend in elementary? It changed with the years, but I can say the three biggies were Brianna, Kim, and Quiata. Who was your favorite teacher in high school? Probably Coach Collie. He was so wise, kind, funny... He was all-around just wonderful and taught so many life lessons. When you go to a restaurant, do you have a go-to dish? Always. What is the best part of your most ordinary day? Waking up and doing my first sweep of the Internet before I get bored outta my fucking senses. Do you read any web comics? No.
Do you drink bottled water? Yeah, but like any water, it has to be COLD. Not room temperature. Not a tad chilly. I mean cooooold. When did you last use a straw? Earlier. I have a metal straw I use to drink water with because I drink faster through a straw, and with it being water, of course I want to try to drink as much as I can when I actually choose to drink water. Have you ever tackled someone to the ground? No. Do you know anyone who lies to make themselves look more interesting? My former best friend did that. She was an online friend, so it made it easy. I finally caught on and called her out on it, and then she just totally dipped. Do you like to sing? Not that much, honestly. Like sometimes I feel like it, sure, but not frequently. Are your parents in good health? No, not really. Have you ever been a caregiver to a sick/disabled relative? No. I feel bad saying it, but I know I never could be. I could NOT clean another human being. It's one of the bajillion reasons I'm not having kids. Do you like to take naps during the day? "Like" isn't the right word. I just... need to. Most days, there is NO way I can make it 'til night without one. What movie was your favorite to see in the movie theater? Even though it was sincerely a sucky movie, I really enjoyed watching Silent Hill: Revelation because I saw the 3D version, plus the hype over my favorite franchise getting a new movie was just very exciting. Favorite Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle character? I was never into that. Ever watched The Blair Witch Project? Yes, and I positively adore it. I genuinely think it's a genius horror movie, never showing, but telling through other methods. Have a favorite AC/DC song? Probably "You Shook Me All Night Long." Are you good at selling candy for those fundraiser things? Omg nooooo I HATED doing that shit, especially when some amount of sales were like, required for whatever bullshit reason. I hate hate hate advertising to people. My parents always bought them instead. Have you ever had a crush on someone too old for you? No. Well, besides James Hetfield, ha ha. What's your favorite Dr. Suess quote? I don't know enough quotes to have one. If you were to have wings, what would you want them to look like? Dark and dragon-esque with lots of rips and tears in them... but not enough to stop me from flying, ha ha. Have you ever broken up with someone to find you want them back later? No. Has anyone ever dared you to eat a chili pepper? Did you do it? No. Have you ever tried Thai food? No. Have you ever watched Avatar? The TV show, not the movie. I've seen I think one season with Sara so far? I actually quite enjoy it. What's your cellphone's signature for text? WOW this survey is ancient. If you smoke marijuana, what is your preferred or typical method? I don't smoke it. Do you often take painkillers? I dunno about "often," but headaches to the point I take something aren't rare for me. Do you wish you were in a relationship? I mean yes, but I know it's for the better I'm not. Have you ever been to the ER? Many times. Do you ever feel guilty eating meat? I feel extremely guilty. I try not to think about it. Where have you lived for the most part of your life? Eastern NC. How old are you? 25. What are you listening to at the moment? Powerwolf came out with a new album, so I've been bingeing the shit out of some songs, ha ha. Right now it's "Blood For Blood." Do you watch WWE Raw? Ew, no. I have NEVER gotten the appeal of wrestling. Just like... why????? Do you dye your hair? Nowhere near regularly. :/ I haven't had it dyed in a very long time, and I hate it. I love colored hair. We just can't afford that expense on something so little. My hair does NOT take dye easily, so we have to have a professional do it, and that isn't exactly cheap. Have you ever lived in a different country that the one you’re living in? No. Which of your parents will you see next? I live with my mother, so. Have you fallen asleep in school? Not in class, no. In college when I would be in the library between classes, though, I've dozed before. Have you ever been hospitalized? Yes, but not for physical issues. Do you make fun of obese people? You're talking to someone who is. So obviously no, and you're a piece of fucking shit if you do. Do you have an innie or an outtie? Innie. Have you ever tried to headbang? No. Even as a metalhead, I don't get it, man. You're asking for a headache. Do you own any Converse? What do you think of them? I have a few and like them. Have you ever started a rumor? No. Have you ever been in a position of authority? I mean, I'm an admin on two sites, so I guess? Were your ancestors royalty? Yeah, I'm related to one of the Queen Victorias, I believe. I just know she had a thing for beheading people, ha ha. What do you like on your pasta/noodles? Sauce, butter, grated cheese, etc.? Just tomato sauce and meatballs, really. Who is the most ungrateful person you know? What makes them this way? My fucking ex-best friend. You could never, ever give her enough and she just... blegh. She was so fucking ungrateful for everything people did for her. It was just never enough. Do you like cherry Pepsi? I like cherry Coke. I don't like Pepsi. Have you ever held an uncommon pet before (ex: mouse, spider, snake, lizard)? I've held snakes, rats, lizards, and a tarantula. Who did you last play truth or dare with? No clue. Have you ever camped out somewhere for an event the next day? No. When were you the saddest in your life? 2016. Do you know anyone, personally, who is in an abusive relationship? Are you? No. If you have siblings, have they moved out or do they still live with you? Yeah, they've moved out. What was the most unique pet you’ve owned? I'd probably say my champagne ball python. A lot of people don't even know ball python morphs exist, so seeing her might surprise some people. Do you like Doritos? Yeah. When you buy clothes, do you always try them on first? No, but I need to learn how to... I just HATE doing it. Have you used bugspray recently? No. Do you enjoy swimming in the ocean? Yesssss. Have you ever tried to sew or knit anything? No. Has something ever happened to you that seemed like it was from a movie? Most of Jason's and my relationship felt like one. Hence why the breakup felt so sudden and just impossible. Do you find yourself to be a believer in love at first sight? Not even remotely. Is there something you want to do, that you swear you will, no matter what? Spread Teddy's ashes in Yellowstone. I promised him. Are you longing for the day that you’ll be an adult? (If you’re not already) I am an adult, and it sucks. What’s something you’ve vowed to never eat? Any meat that was hunted. Have you ever owned a diary/journal with a lock and key? I don't believe so. When you were little, what movie did you watch over and over? Mostly Disney films, like The Lion King and Finding Nemo. Are you deathly allergic to anything? No. Do you know what you want for your dream house? Nope. I honestly don't really care about having a "dream" house to begin with. I just need one that's cozy to me and gets the job done. Have you ever seen the movie The Notebook? Many, many times. It's my favorite romance movie. Have you ever used the photo editing site “Picnik”? No, not to my memory. Has an animal ever taken a strong dislike to you? Our old dog Bentley didn't like me all that much, and I didn't like him, either. Have you ever attempted to cut your own hair? No. Do you have a lucky or special coin? No. Do you love ice cream cake more than normal cake? No. Do you check your email daily? No. Is there anyone you know who’s in any way paralyzed? No. For you, do you commonly feel more jealousy or envy? Envy. Do you rely on the heads/tails flipping of a coin sometimes for decisions? No. Has a laptop ever burned your legs? Yes, actually. For a while many years ago, my old laptop left subtle burn marks on my legs. Anyone’s birthday coming up soon? My nephew's is next month. Do you like Laffy Taffy? I doooo. Are your biceps at all noticeable? Ha, no. Have you ever seen a walrus? Maybe when I went to SeaWorld as a kid? Did you ever have one of those easy bake ovens as a kid? Yup. If given the opportunity, would you ride on a camel? Sure. What flavor cake do you like for your birthday? Red velvet. Have you ever had a job you loved? Nope. Have you ever been in a building that was on fire? Yikes, no. Have you ever written a poem for someone? Two people. Have you been best friends with someone of a different race? Yes. Who is the person you are closest to that you’ve met online? Sara. What was the name of the first porcelain doll you got? I was very afraid of dolls as a kid, so I obviously didn't have one. Do you sell any products? If so, what? I mean, I'm a wannabe photographer that sells my service. Owls or peacocks? Owls. Lions or horses? Lions. Can you still fit into kid’s clothes? Hell no. What devotional do you read, if any? None. What do you make wishes on? I only ever do for the tradition of it on my birthday. I don't believe in the magic of wishes, though. Have you ever made a recipe you found in a magazine? No. Are you bitter about anything? Probably always will be. Have you ever been in a love triangle? No. How bad are your hangovers? Never had one. Have you ever broken a bone? If so, what was the cause of it? Yes. It was identified as a fracture, but a break and a fracture are technically like the same thing, so. At a skating rink, I fell and landed on my hand so the top of it nearly touched my arm, so my wrist got FUCKED. I will never, ever forget the severity of the pins and needles feeling and just the experience in general. It hurt so goddamn bad. Is this the best year of your life? Fuck no.
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gaysneeg · 3 years
she's defending a 20 year old phoenix wright who's been accused of murdering his girlfriend's ex (also he looks like this and i think you need to know)
Tumblr media
she proves his innocence and his girlfriend's (dahlia hawthorne) guilt. apparently not only did she kill the guy, she ALSO poisoned tit's ex boyfriend, landing him in a coma
so phoenix latches to tit like a lost puppy bc he is just a little man, and she takes him under her wing and teaches him more law stuff (he switches from talking ab hour sad he is about dahlia to why he wants to go to law school SO FAST it's hilarious)
so boom flash back to the present, phoenix and co are facing off against a new prosecutor, godot, who seemingly has some kind of history with phoenix?? he hates the man's guts, but never explains why. he also has an eye mask for some reason and he can't see the color red
so they continue on, solving another couple cases, then BOOM FLASHBACK CASE AGAIN
it's big tiddie's first case !! she and her assistant/boyfriend probably are facing off against 20yo edgeworth (who is like a huge bitch) to prove this one guy's innocence. they interrogate this witness, melissa, and then prove that her true identity is dahlia hawthorne. they almost catch her as the murderer, but before they can their client drinks poison she gave him in order to off himself bc he didn't want to live without her, and the case closes
then it pans out to phoenix (in a hospital bed??) reading the file on that case, CUE FINAL CASE BABEYYYYY
so maya and pearls are trying to convince phoenix to take them to this spirit channeling mountain where they can train, and he really doesn't want to (mans hates the cold) but he agrees after he sees a familiar face in the paper. ✨✨✨✨dahlia fucking hawthorne somehow ✨✨✨✨
so they go to the mountain, and everything is going great. and then someone fucking dies. maya is on one half of the mountain alone (the only thing connecting the two is a bridge) and after this lady is discovered dead the head nun sends phoenix to the bridge to call the cops (he doesn't have his phone and there's a landline)
so he goes to the bridge, only to find out that it was STRUCK BY LIGHTNING AND IT'S ON FIRE. he tells a guy sleeping nearby to call the cops, AND RUNS ACROSS THE BURYING BRIDGE bc hey man thats his basically little sister over there
and then of course it collapses bc it's a burning bridge nick, you dumbass, and he falls into the freezing river below. the cops arrive, he's taken to the hospital, and the guy nearby (he's nick's childhood friend but like he does not matter so i haven't mentioned him) calls edgey, who is currently in fucking germany, and tells him the situation
of course he calls a goddamn private jet and gets there asap, finds out what's going on with the case from the detective (the dahlia lookalike was accused and detained) and then visits nick in the hospital. he has literally no injuries but a really bad cold bc of course, he's phoenix wright. he tells edgey to take the case in his stead and uncover the truth, and then hands over his badge
so he agrees and goes on, and bc he has magic prosecutor power he arranges a trial with a judge who doesn't know him, and franziska on prosecution because she won't rat him out. so they go though the first day alright, and after that phoenix takes over even though he has a 103° fever💛
they open up the other side of the mountain, but when they're looking for maya they deadass can't find her??? and there's this one room that's completely locked off with these magic spirit locks that they have the not? dahlia work on opening
and im gonna skim a little bc this case makes my brain hurt but they open the door notdahlia flees bc edgey passes out, they find her but she's acting weird, maya is still gone and there are more locks, godot shows back up out of nowhere, pearls goes missing for a bit, they find out the victim is maya's supposedly dead mom, then they go to court again
nick kicks ass and takes names and finds out that the reason notdahlia was acting weird is because when she ran away actual dahlia, channeled by maya, took her place and hid her in the cave. plot twist!!! they're twins!! so pearl channels tiddy and her and phoenix bully dahlia out of maya's body
they think things are over but then godot accuses maya of killing the lady (oh yeah there was a murder everyone forgot) as dahlia, but nick proves her innocent and they find out he killed her, bc SHE was the one channeling dahlia, who tried to kill maya to get revenge on tiddy (yeah this shit is convoluted)
so then he's detained, everyone cries a little, and then they go out to dinner
there's a couple fun spin off games after this, and then you get hit in the gut with pain in game 4💛 (apollo justice my beloved)
how do you remember so much about games story woah. I play a game and forget most of the plot within 30 minutes, I swear. 
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Huhh so, here’s some general characterization/fun fact things for Incredibles AU!! I usually don’t post this kinda stuff but since I’m still working on chapter three, figured I might as well! 
Phoenix (36), Mr. Incredible/Bob Parr counterpart
Superpower is super strength
Superhero name is Captain Indestructible.
 Didn’t really start to realize his powers until late in high school, though he didn’t actually begin superhero work until he was in college. Mia was one of his professors and she ended up eventually catching on to his abilities and offered to be his mentor (as she’s also a super). They worked as a team together up until the point Mia was killed in a severe incident, from that point on Phoenix ended up working alone. He did end up taking Maya  under his wing since she was supposed to train with Mia before she died, though she eventually branched out on her own as well.
Was an art major, and had plans of mainly working from home as a freelance artist. 
He really does try to be a good dad, okay, and he fucking loves his kids. It’s not his fault that every job the government’s placed him sucks the life and willpower out of him. He studied art dammit, being stuck at a desk job selling insurance was his worst nightmare come true.
Was in peak shape during his hero days, but years of being hunched over at a desk and little to no exercise--not to mention poor eating habits ended up developing into a soft dad bod that he’s a tad insecure about.
Meets up with Maya once or twice during the week, they usually end up getting burgers and reminiscing about the old days together.
Tried so hard to forget about hero work and live a normal steady life with his family, but that’s easier said than done. His entire den at home is decorated with all sorts of posters and articles and lately, he’s been spending just a bit too much time in it.
He’s already blown cover on their family twice, and he’s so torn between wanting to stay put and wanting to resume hero work.
Miles (36), Elastigirl/Helen Parr counterpart
Superpower is elasticity. 
Superhero name is Flexuous. 
Has been dealing with his powers pretty much since childhood. After his parents died, he was taken in by Manfred Von Karma and trained to be his prodigy. 
He ended up breaking away from Von Karma’s teachings sometime later and tried to do hero work on his own, his first instance of this being when he and Phoenix met for the first time. For a while they actually were rivals, before becoming friends and eventually dating, and were far too amused by the media’s obsession with their supposed rivalry.
Was studying to obtain a law degree and had hopes of becoming a lawyer, but when the lawsuits started happening and superheros were all uprooted, he ended up having to abandon any hopes of having any sort of high profile career. 
Sometimes works as a legal mediator just to make a bit of extra money/put his law knowledge to good use. 
He is the true backbone of the Edgeworth-Wright household. It would be in shambles if he weren’t in charge of it, as hair pulling as such a task is. For some years he and Phoenix co-parented without a problem, but with middle age starting to settle and Phoenix delving into a midlife crisis, he’s more or less been having to manage things on his own.
Phoenix and Miles -
They formally met through a foreign language course they were both taking, though officially had actually met several times under their super personas. It didn’t take long for either of them to figure each other’s identities out, however.
By the media’s standards, Captain Indestructible and Flexuous were rivals to one another, which up until a point was true. When they started dating, however, the rivalry all became a pretense just for the public’s entertainment. Though that wasn’t to say their butting heads and bickering outside of their super suits wasn’t all real, because it very much was. 
They dated for about two years before they were engaged, but their wedding had to be put on hold due to all the lawsuits and Super-related scandals going on. 
Miles pretty much planned his and Phoenix’s wedding up to a T, which didn’t matter in the end since they couldn’t afford the venue they’d wanted. They tried to wait a while, so they could save up enough money but that didn’t work out, and thus they decided to just go ahead and have a small private ceremony at the local courthouse. 
Phoenix knows Miles will never admit it, but he’s heartbroken that they didn’t get to have the wedding they wanted, especially after all the effort he put into it. That and the venue they’d booked was where his parents had gotten married, it’d meant so much to him to have their wedding there and they didn’t get to do that. 
They made the promise to each other that someday, when they were more financially stable, that they’d renew their vows and have the ceremony they’d always wanted, however that’s easier said than done when you’re trying to pay off bills and raise three kids.
Adopted Apollo two years into their marriage, then Athena a few years after that, and just recently have adopted Trucy. 
Apollo (14), Violet Parr counterpart
Superpower is invisibility/force fields.
The oldest child of the Edgeworth-Wright family. 
Has a crush on Klavier, who’s one of the more popular students in school because of course he is.  
Struggles with having to keep his powers a secret, which in-turn causes a great deal of self doubt.
Enjoys classic literature and music. 
Is stressed 24/7. His family is weird and he just wants to be normal, please help him. 
Athena (10), Dash Parr counterpart
Superpower is super speed.
The middle child of the Edgeworth-Wright family.
Her biological mother was also a super, who was killed by an ex-villain. Something similar happened to Miles when he was young, so of course he was all for adopting her. 
She has way too much energy for her own good, and has trouble focusing on one thing at a time. Her parents have tried time and time again to find a proper outlet for her to take her energy out on, but nothing’s worked so far and has only resulted in multiple visits to the principal’s office.
She wants so badly to play sports and has begged her parents time and time again to let her try out for one of the teams, though this usually ends in disagreement. Miles will put his foot down over the fear of her having an unfair advantage due to her powers, while Phoenix wants nothing more than to let her go ahead and do it. 
She very much loves and cares for her siblings, even if she does tend to pick on Apollo sometimes. 
Trucy (11 months old), Jack Jack Parr counterpart
Superpower is transformation, but the rest of her family doesn’t know this yet shhhh. 
The youngest child of the Edgeworth-Wright family.
She was an urgent emergency adoption, as well as being a closed one, so not much is known about her birth family. 
Maya (30), Frozone/Lucius Best counterpart
Superpower is telepathy/telekinesis.
Every woman in her family ended up developing these sorts of powers one way or another, so when hers started to get out of control she confided in Mia and was promised help in the matter. When she did finally arrive in the city though, Mia was dead so Phoenix took over the whole mentor thing, even if admittedly he wasn’t very good at it.
Despite everything, with Phoenix knowing next to nothing about Maya’s sort of power, he really tried his best to be of help to her and they ended up becoming close friends, even when she went off to do hero work on her own. 
After the superhero relocation program went into effect, she started work as a medium as a low key means of using her powers without giving herself away. She now owns her own small “mystic elements” type of shop where she does palm readings and the like, though nothing too drastic since a full display of her powers would give her away and have her relocated. 
Has never once been relocated come to think of it, and Phoenix is kind of jealous. It helps that she can be more subdued about her powers, while he doesn’t really have that option. 
Pearl lives with her and works in the shop as well. She ran away from home several years ago after a fight with her mother and Maya’s been looking after her ever since.
Is the cool, eccentric aunt to Phoenix and Miles’ kids. She or Pearl are their go-to whenever they need a babysitter (since they can’t actually afford one lmao). 
Franziska (33), Edna Mode counterpart
Has no superpowers. 
Works in the fashion industry, used to be responsible for a lot of super’s suits before the whole lawsuits and relocation shit went down.
The adoptive sister of Miles, who at one point was incredibly resentful towards him due to their father paying him more attention than her due to his having powers. They’ve both made peace since then, on the account that their father sucks.
Before Phoenix had met her, he was wearing his own homemade suit which she absolutely tore to shreds upon seeing. Ever since that day, he’s been low key terrified of her. 
Is essentially that wealthy lesbian aunt who likes to show off around Christmas and dump expensive presents on her nieces and nephew. 
Travels around a lot due to her job, so she’s not around often.
Dick Gumshoe (45), Rick Dicker counterpart
Has no superpowers.
Works with the whole Agency that regulates supers and what not, personally made sure that he’d be both Phoenix and Miles’ assigned case worker since he’d already known them a while.
Is doing his best in a crappy situation. Personally if you asked him, he’d be fine with supers coming out of their forced retirement but he’s not able to do much about it in his position. Regardless, he’s still a valued family friend and the kids love it when he visits.
Is married to Maggey Byrde because its what he deserves. 
Dahlia Hawthorne (32), Syndrome counterpart
Has no superpowers so to speak, but instead relies on technology invented by her family’s company.
She and Phoenix crossed paths during a supers convention, where she tried to convince him to train her as well, going on and on about how she wanted to be a hero too. But seeing as she didn’t actually have powers and wasn’t a hero herself, he turned her down.
The first attempt wasn’t the last, as she tried time and time again to get his attention and get her to train him, and each time he would refuse. He admired her efforts but the fact was, she was a civilian and even with her technology, she could be seriously hurt. 
Inadvertently foiled his attempts to sabotage a villain that ended up causing a railway explosion. She was arrested afterwards for interference with hero work, and Phoenix didn’t see her again for a long time.
Took Phoenix’s rejection very personally, and holds her public humiliation towards her arrest as his fault. 
Moved away to the island after she got out of jail and spent the next several years building up a brand new company from the ground up as part of her revenge plot. 
Iris Hawthorne (32), Mirage counterpart
Has no superpowers.
Is the twin sister of Dahlia.
She took on many of the company responsibilities until Dahlia was released from jail, then was forced into being her assistant for the new company. 
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Daydreams and Night Monkeys
//This post is acting funny and won’t come up, so I’m reposting! 
“You can’t go back to your room.”
“Um, yeah. I don’t think I should, with Mysterio’s tech and everything.” Peter admits. “But, I mean, I’ll figure something out. There’s always Mr. Harrington-”
“Or you could stay here.”
Characters: Peter Parker x Michelle Jones, Ned Leeds x Betty Brant, Mysterio, Mr. Harrington, Charles, Abe Brown
Wordcount: 4,529
Warnings: Fluff, Touch of Angst, Nightmares
Daydreams and Night Monkeys
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Even though it’s the brightest night of the year in Prague, Peter can’t help but feel as if he’s stumbling around in the dark
After his quick departure from his hotel room, he did manage to contact Happy, who assured him that Mr. Fury would be alerted about Beck’s deception
It’s something, at least, but Peter knows the fight is far from over
Beck isn’t going to let it rest that easily, and figuring out the next move while keeping him in the dark will be a bit difficult now that he has access to E.D.I.T.H.
To top it off, Happy will be arriving the next day to get Peter out of the field, where Beck is certain to be searching for him
Which means that Peter is going to go far away from Prague, far away from the trip he has been looking forward to for ages
And far away from black dahlia necklaces and the girl who has seen right through him for months
The girl who has been watching Spider-Man so intently that she fooled him into thinking that maybe, just maybe, she might have been looking for Peter Parker
Peter shoves the thoughts out of his mind as he swings over the rooftops, paying no mind to the lights that flicker in the streets below
He doesn’t want to think about how they smolder just like the destruction of the carnival, burning as a reminder of his failure
It is only as the glowing lights of the hotel come into view that Peter realizes he can’t go back into his room
Mysterio may have bugged it, so returning there would be putting himself in harm’s way
He really only has to make it one night until Happy comes to get him tomorrow, so Peter decides to room with Ned
After all, he memorized the number of Ned’s room off of the list of room numbers that came out on the bus
So, as Peter slides through an open window down the hall and climbs the ceiling to keep out of view of any cameras, he knows which door he is looking for
There’s only one problem
When the door does come into view, Peter already recognizes it– and it’s not because it’s Ned’s
He knows it because this is the door that he saw MJ leave through earlier, and it’s the same door he knocked on after to suggest they go for a walk
Peter’s heart skips a beat at the thought of showing up at her door at two in the morning, but he’s out of options
So, after steeling himself, Peter knocks on MJ’s door for the second time that night
The door opens unexpectedly quickly, and Peter doesn’t know what he was expecting, but it isn’t this
Because, when MJ answers the door, she seems to be wide awake
The slightly taller girl is wearing a large, comfortable-looking grey hoodie with a faded picture of Rosie the Riveter on it, as well as a pair of black leggings and black socks
Her hair is loose, completely free of the style she had worn earlier that evening, and her dark eyes are alert as they find his
Peter is rather grateful for his mask at that moment because he can feel his eyes widening and his cheeks heating up
It takes a moment for him to finally find words, and when he does, Peter just barely keeps himself from becoming a stammering mess
“I, uh– Sorry? Sorry. I didn’t mean to wake you up or anything–”
Before he can continue, MJ cuts his off, blinking a couple times before she does so
“Um, it’s cool. You didn’t. Wake me up, I mean.”
Peter lets out a quick breath in relief as she glances away from him, fiddling with the cuff of her sleeve
“Right, okay. Good.”
MJ glances up at him, raising a brow in question, and this causes him to continue
“Uh, I thought this was the room Ned was assigned.”
A gleam of understanding enters MJ’s eyes, and she nods slowly as she replies, “Oh, right. Yeah, he traded me for a room closer to Betty. I think they’re right next to each other.”
Peter nods quickly, several times in succession, as he rambles, “Yeah, that makes sense. Do you, uh, remember your old room number?”
MJ’s fingers tuck a few stray strands of hair behind her ear as she seems to ponder the question for a moment, eyes wandering upwards
Peter is almost glad not to be the object of her piercing gaze for a moment since his face currently feels like it’s hot enough to melt into the mask
“Well,” she says slowly, “I remember the last room I was in. But that was after I traded with Charles for the Wi-Fi and with Abe so he could have the corner room, so…”
“Oh. Okay.”
For a moment, there is an awkward silence as Peter’s mind races, and he tries to think about any possible alternative
He could pretend to be sick and spend the night in Mr. Harrington’s room, but then he’d probably have to fake throwing up or something, and he doesn’t think he’s a good enough actor for that
And spending the night on the roof doesn’t exactly seem brilliant when Beck has access to a host of flying, killer drones
“You can’t go back to your room.”
Peter’s eyes flicker to MJ’s as she says it, finding that her gaze is locked on his again
“Um, yeah. I don’t think I should, with Mysterio’s tech and everything,” Peter admits, a hand rising to scratch the back of his neck awkwardly
“But, I mean, I’ll figure something out. There’s always Mr. Harrington-”
“Or you could stay here.”
Peter’s eyes widen as he looks to her, surprise filling them
He hadn’t expected her to say anything of the sort, and now he is certain that his face is burning holes in the Stealth Suit
She, for the record, looks about as comfortable with the idea as he is
MJ is religiously avoiding his gaze now, almost like she did earlier in the evening when they both suddenly became aware of the fact that he had stripped down in front of her
But Peter knows he’s pretty much out of options, so he manages to mutter, “I-I, uh, I mean… Sure. Thanks.”
MJ lets out a wordless nod and quickly turns around, entering the room and leaving the door open for him
Peter glances over his shoulder, making sure that he’s managed to avoid the cameras in the hall before he disappears into MJ’s room
The thud of the door behind them suddenly snaps Peter to reality
All at once, Peter is very aware of the situation in which he has found himself
Because, even though the plan went down the drain days ago, this possibility?
It is not one that Peter would have even dreamed of considering
And now, Peter is standing in the middle of MJ’s hotel room in nothing but a skin-tight Stealth Suit in the early hours of the morning with no idea what he’s supposed to say
“Um, I can crash in the bathtub,” Peter offers quickly, shutting down the train of thought
“But then I’ll have to reschedule my three AM bath,” MJ points out, voice deadpan as she stares at him
There’s a little glimmer in her eyes, however, that tells Peter that she may not be as serious as she seems
“Messing with me again?” he prompts, unable to keep a small grin from forming on the edge of his lips
MJ tips her head slightly to the side, and a hint of a smirk creeps onto her lips
“Yeah. You’re catching on.”
Before Peter can let the warmth that’s fizzling in his chest spread too far, she’s turned away
“But yeah, you probably shouldn’t sleep in the bathtub,” MJ reasons, her back turned to him as she walks to the chest of drawers and begins to rifle through them
“I mean, you need sleep with everything that’s coming.”
It’s the first time anyone’s vocalized it, and it’s kind of like getting a kick to the chest that he somehow really needed
Even on the phone, Happy didn’t really talk about anything past getting Peter out of the field, and the discussion about Fury didn’t include any future involvement in the affair
But deep down, Peter knows that he’s been a part of this from the beginning
And whether he likes it or not, he’s going to have to see it through to the end
It’s his fault Beck has the glasses, his fault that these Elementals are about to become more dangerous than ever
So it’s his responsibility to remedy it
Peter lets out a breath in a controlled exhale, nodding slowly as he says, “Right. Sleep is always good... I can take the chair, in the corner.”
Peter gestures to the upholstered armchair by the window, and MJ shoots him an unimpressed look in response
“You’re going to be sore if you sleep sitting up,” she counters firmly
“You can take the bed, and I’ll take the chair.”
Peter’s eyes widen as he stares into the unflinching gaze of his classmate, who appears so resolute that Peter is almost afraid to try to change her mind
Still, the idea of taking MJ’s bed is ridiculous enough that he still has to try
“I’m not making you sleep on the floor, MJ,” he presses, attempting to make his voice sound as insistent as hers
MJ raises an eyebrow and Peter knows he’s not going to win this argument-- she is much, much smarter than him, much better at arguing, and has the added energy that comes from not swinging across Prague all night
“You’re not making me,” she counters, crossing her arms, “I’m offering. And you are going to sleep in a bed because even if you don’t I’m taking the chair. So it’s the bed or the floor.”
Peter is quiet for a minute, brow furrowed as he looks at her
She’s infuriating, but as they stand opposite one another, squabbling over something as stupid as sleeping arrangements, the sight of her sharp eyes and each word from her quick tongue is enough to make his heart race
“I just don’t want to take your bed from you, since you’re letting me sleep here and everything.”
Peter’s words are honest, just like she is: they’re tired, and they are earnest, and they reveal the truth
Which is that Peter is too tired to fight this fight right now, but he’s not still going to try because he knows he owes it to her
For a moment, MJ’s eyes widen, but she quickly recovers
And then it’s Peter’s turn to be surprised, because she tips her chin up and says:
“I mean, we could share it.”
A lump immediately rises in Peter’s throat, and his eyes feel like they must be bugging out as he looks at her, blinking rapidly
His voice, when it leaves his throat, is higher than usual as he stammers, “What?”
“I mean, it makes sense,” she says quickly, turning around
As MJ moves to the drawers beneath her TV and begins to open them, Peter thinks her words might be coming slightly faster than usual
Still, her tone is nonchalant as she reasons, “You need to sleep for tomorrow, and you aren’t going to sleep well if you’re freaking out about me being in the chair. So it’s kind of a convenient solution.”
When she turns around, MJ has a pair of flannel pajama pants in her hand, as well as a t-shirt that says “Feminist AF” on it
“But if you’re not cool with it, I guess we could-”
“Wait. Wait, uh, no. I-I’m cool.”
MJ arches an eyebrow as she looks at Peter, and he is grateful for the moment to collect himself
Because, due to the fact that his heart is currently trying to chisel its way out of his sternum, he barely remembers even choosing to speak
Maybe she hasn’t been watching him for the right reasons, and maybe she doesn’t like him the way he likes her, but Peter knows that he’s still head over heels for Michelle Jones, even if he doesn’t have the right to be
He’ll get over it, because he knows it would be disrespectful to keep pursuing someone who isn’t interested
But he can start getting over it tomorrow
Because tonight, with a battle looming over him and exhausting dogging his every step?
Tonight, Peter can’t deny himself one last night imagining he has half a chance with the most incredible person he’s ever seen
“Then you should go change,” MJ replies slowly, dragging Peter out of his thoughts and extending the bundle of clothing in her hands to him
“Huh?” Peter stammers, a few seconds delayed in realizing what she’s doing
“You’re- you’re gonna want pajamas.”
“Oh. Right... Thanks.”
“Uh, don’t sweat it,” MJ murmurs, the corner of her lips quirking upward slightly
Still, she appears slightly stiff, and Peter can’t help wondering... Is she nervous?
Rather than trying to puzzle that out, Peter takes the clothes and turns to enter the bathroom, shutting the door a bit too quickly behind himself
It takes a few moments to catch his breath, and then a few more when he realizes, as he’s changing, that the clothing smells like lavender soap
The fabric is soft against his skin, and as he steps out of the bathroom Peter realizes he finds the slightly-too-long pants comforting
He’s so caught up in having his enhanced senses overwhelmed with MJ that it takes Peter a moment to realize she’s turned off the lights
Prague is still bright outside the window, and the lights from the city combined with the light of the moon keep the room illuminated enough that Peter can see pretty much everything with his sharp vision
This is how he spots MJ, who is standing by the bed
She has turned down the sheets, something strangely particular that fits perfectly among her other quirks, but she is currently staring out the window, at the city below
A few of the lights have flickered out due to the time, but the city still sizzles and sparks below her, and the lights cast a warm glow that bathes her face
The soft light illuminating the curves of her features causes Peter to catch his breath, a sound that alerts her to his presence
She glances his way, and immediately warmth floods Peter’s face, making him grateful for the low light
MJ quickly tucks a curl away from her face, breathing, “Sorry. It just looks like...”
She doesn’t finish the sentence as her eyes come to rest on his face, and Peter watches as she swallows uncomfortably
For a moment, uncertainty flickers in her eyes, as well as an apologetic gleam, and Peter realizes she’s worried she said the wrong thing
“No, you’re right,” he murmurs, glancing at the window and back to her
“It does. Uh, but I’m not gonna let that happen anywhere else.”
For a moment, MJ stares at him across the room, and her dark eyes gleam with the reflected shine of the streets below
Peter catches his breath and wonders if he is imagining the gleam of something else that he can see, the little spark that seems to be lit as she looks at him
“I know.”
Her voice is filled with quiet confidence, and for a moment neither moves
And then MJ turns to the bed, letting out a breath
“Uh, I normally would close the curtains, but...”
“No, it’s okay,” Peter says quickly
He understands: it’s too easy to imagine, in the dark, that they are cornered in the room
And it’s also just a bit too easy to imagine other things, things that Peter knows will have everything to do with the girl he’s crazy about on the other side of the bed
MJ hesitates at the side of the bed, then swallows
“I, um, normally sleep on the left side of the bed...”
“Right, okay,” Peter agrees, slowly coming around to the right side
He hesitates for a moment, heart hammering, and then before he can tell himself this is a bad idea, he pulls back the covers and slides underneath them, then turns his back so that he is facing away from her
Across the bed, he can hear the rustling of blankets, and then after a moment the bed creaks slightly as she slips in
Peter catches his breath, and he seems unable to let it go as they sit in silence for a moment
He tries to shut his mind off, but it’s extremely difficult to think about anything but the fact that, an arm’s length away, MJ is bundled up in the blankets
His enhanced senses make it even more difficult to focus on sleep, because every inhale and exhale from across the bed is loud and booming in the relative quiet of the room, and he can hear the sound of her curls brushing the pillow as she adjusts her head
A million hypotheticals race through Peter’s head
What if he sleeptalks? What if he moves in his sleep, and like, punches her in the face or something? What if he does something super embarrassing, like drooling or stealing all of the blankets?
What if he is thinking so loudly that she can hear every single one of these hypotheticals?
After a few minutes that feel like hours, however, Peter relaxes as MJ’s breathing deepens and evens out into a rhythmic cadence, and he finds that knowing she’s asleep is starting to make him sleepy, too
Because the blankets are thick, the mattress topper is soft, the room is cool, and the lavender soap on the clothing paired with the cinnamon shampoo scent that his senses are picking up from the other side of the bed are soothing
Peter is just about to drift off when MJ’s breathing begins to speed up
The change is gradual at first, but Peter’s senses pick it up almost immediately as the time between breaths speeds up and the breathing becomes shallow
Peter barely has time to wonder if she has woken up before her inhales become ragged and desperate, and he slowly rolls over in the bed, cautious in case he wakes her but swift in case something is wrong
“MJ?” his whisper is soft and careful, but it doesn’t seem to have any effect on the girl across the bed
His eyes adjust quickly, and his heart sinks as he finds MJ’s face
Her brow is furrowed, and though her eyes are closed, the expression on her face is pained and fearful in a way that makes him feel sick
Her breath is coming in uncontrollable bursts now as her eyes roll beneath their lids, and a few sounds somewhere between whimpers and strangled gasps leave her lips as she silently mouths words, almost like she’s crying or calling for help
The sight is one that causes Peter’s heart to ache in his chest
Never has he seen such pain in the eyes of the girl who isn’t afraid of anything, the one who discusses true crime and conspiracy theory like the weather and who walks backwards into every fire armed with a well-aimed retort
Peter doesn’t know what he’s doing as he reaches for her shoulder, but her name leaves his lips in a whisper that is laced with concern
The murmur is not enough to wake her, but it seems that there is no need
Because as soon as his fingers find her shoulder through the hoodie, her breaths pause
And then, slowly, the expression of pain begins to melt to one of exhausted relief
Peter doesn’t know why he suddenly can’t breathe-- maybe it has something to do with her soft, worn hoodie beneath his fingers, or the slim, strong shoulder he can feel beneath that
But he knows, as she slowly turns so that she presses further into his touch, that it is the contact between them that has calmed her
To test this, Peter begins to withdraw his hand, and immediately an incoherent groan leaves her lips as MJ turns her body in search of it again
Peter hesitates for half a second before carefully returning his hand to her shoulder, struggling with what to do next
Because on the one hand, he knows she is asleep and he doesn’t want to take advantage of her
But she’s also in pain, and he doesn’t want her to have to fight it off alone
So, slowly, Peter begins to slide just a bit closer under the blankets
As he does so, MJ angles her sleeping body towards him, burrowing slightly closer to him
The action brings a small, reverent smile to Peter’s lips, but it fades as he focuses entirely on getting closer without waking her
Peter manages to close the space between them, moving so that their bodies are a few inches apart
Just when he is about to settle, though, sleeping MJ decides that this is not enough for her
Peter’s heart just about shoots out of his chest as her willowy frame presses against his, as MJ tucks his head into the crook of her neck and brings them to close that one of her arms is pressed against his chest at a slightly awkward angle, while the other comes to drape haphazardly across his torso
For a moment, Peter doesn’t breathe at all
But then a long, quiet sigh of relief is breathed from just a little bit above his head, and MJ’s breathing returns to normal
And before he can stop himself, Peter slowly brings his arms to circle her torso, keeping them innocently positioned so they are wrapped around where her ribcage meets her abdomen
She is warm, against him, and the rise and fall of her chest is rhythmic again
Warmth of a different time floods Peter’s chest, and he savors the moment of quiet peace so long that he doesn’t even realize he’s slipping into a deep sleep
Peter hasn’t slept this long or this peacefully for a long time, since before the Blip entirely, so when the sun streams through the window, waking him, he finds himself extremely disoriented
For one thing, he isn’t in his bedroom, and for another, he’s not wearing his clothes...
It all comes back to him in one instant, and then Peter’s eyes shoot wide open
His head is on his pillow, and one of his arms is folded beneath his head, clutching the pillow while the other is sprawled across an empty bed
His heart hammers desperately as he remembers the events of the night before, and Peter sits up so rapidly that he experiences a head rush
The sunlight is so bright that it takes Peter a moment to realize that MJ is across the room, packing her backpack
She’s gotten dressed, in the dark green jacket she likes, and her hair is pulled back into a familiar ponytail
Her dark eyes flicker to him immediately, and she quickly scans his face before commenting, “Nice hair.”
Peter runs a hand through his mess of curls, swallowing as he struggles to find his voice
It’s slightly husky from sleep, but he finally manages, “What time is it?”
“Almost time for breakfast,” MJ replies simply, glancing at the hand in his hair before returning to her bag
“But you were out late, so I didn’t want to harass you until I had to.”
“Thanks,” he breathes, not looking away from her even though she’s not looking his way
The only sounds are the rustling and swishing of her cloth bag for a moment, and Peter’s mind races
Because all he can think about, in that moment, is the way that her curls felt against his cheek last and the smell of cinnamon and spices that he almost imagines still linger on the sheets where she slept beside him
Finally, he’s brave enough to ask it
“How did you sleep?”
Her eyes snap to his so fast that Peter can’t breathe for a moment, and he wonders if they narrow just a fraction
But just as he thinks he might have seen it, they are dark and inscrutable as always again, and he is convinced he imagined it
“About as well as you can when there’s a drone threat snoring across the room.”
Her deadpan relaxes Peter immediately, though he winces at the last comment
“Did I snore? I’m sorry, MJ, I sleep alone so I didn’t know-”
“Kidding,” she hums, returning to her bag
“Oh,” he says slowly, exhaling in relief.
“Yeah, you were fine.”
“Good. Uh, thanks again. I should probably change and then go to the spot where I’m meeting Happy.”
“Oh, um, he helps me out with... Mission stuff. He’s gonna get me out of here, and Harrington got a call that says I had an emergency at home.”
“Right,” MJ replies, nodding in understanding
For a moment, there is silence as Peter glances at her in the daylight
It had to have been a dream, then
She would have told him if he had overstepped with her, he was certain of that
He should have been relieved... So why was some small part of him disappointed that, last night, she hadn’t fallen asleep in his arms?
But Peter has bigger things to think about, bigger drones to fry
So he pulls himself out of bed and crosses the room to the armchair, where he left the stealth suit
“I’ll, uh, leave your pajamas on the bed,” he says as MJ crosses the room to the door
She glances over her shoulder, nodding as she hums, “Sounds good.”
There is a pause as Peter crosses to the bathroom and lingers in the doorway, and she says it so quickly he almost doesn’t hear her
“Good luck, Peter.”
He lets out a breath and nods in return, murmuring, “Thanks,” and then he has disappeared into the bathroom
But MJ lingers in the doorway of the hotel room when he is gone for a moment, eyes wandering to the bed
Her eyes take in the depression left in the very center of the mattress: a shape too large for just one person, but the perfect size for two pining high school students, tangled together
With a glance to the bathroom, she crosses the room and quickly makes the bed, pulling the sheets so that they’re crisp and so that they erase the picture that the bed had drawn of the night before
Peter still hasn’t come out of the bathroom by the time MJ reaches the door, so she casts one more glance over the room, which has been transformed by the daylight
A soft smile crosses her lips, and it lingers there as she lets out a long breath, straightens up, adjusts her bag, and then disappears out the door so she can pretend with the others to be surprised by Peter’s “sudden departure.”
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arp-ar-performers · 5 years
Official Website—Member Profiles
Translations of the artist profiles on the ARP website.
Words in blue are taken from the official English translation. Links have been added for context in the Q&As.
Birthday: December 6th (Sagittarius) / Blood type: A / Height: 178cm / Weight: 60kg / Gender: Male
The son of a famous composer and an opera singer, he received advanced education for playing the violin, ballet, and figure skating from a young age. After graduating from middle school, at the urging of his parents he entered the prestigious artist vocational school ISM (International School of Music) in Yokohama, where he’s remained at the top of his class at school since enrollment. Diligent at everything he attempts, he is the de facto “leader” of ARP. He refers to his fans as “princesses” and “knights”.
Favorite international artists: Dirty Loops, Pharrell Williams, Michael Jackson Favorite Japanese artists: Hibari Misora Instruments you can play: Violin, piano Pre-show rituals: Huddling and doing a group cheer Favorite subjects: Music Least favorite subjects: None Favorite school lunch: Omurice (at ISM, they draw a musical note on it with ketchup) Favorite ISM teacher: I don’t like or dislike my teachers Hobbies: Online shopping, cooking, running, and researching Japanese confectionery Talents: Whistling, Internet research Animal you’re most like: Dog Animal you want to have as a pet: I currently have a Boston Terrier named Mimi What you wanted to be when you grew up: Ballet dancer, Takoyaki chef Favorite season: Beginning of winter Favorite movies/animation: Kingsmen, and I’ve also recently gotten into American superhero and sci-fi movies Favorite ramen flavor: Salty Favorite sweets: Freshly ground convenience store coffee, chocolate mint frappes, and handmade traditional Japanese confectionery Favorite onigiri filling: Eggs and ground beef Favorite oden ingredient: Eggs and radishes Favorite type of girl: Someone who likes me, and adores me more than anyone else in the world Least favorite type of girl: I can’t think of anything Favorite hairstyle on girls: Whatever suits them Favorite clothing for girls: Whatever suits them, and also long knit sleeves during winter Gifts you give to girls: Bouquets of roses and dahlias How you spend your days off: Cooking, taking Mimi for walks, going home to my family Favorite amusement park rides: Merry-go-rounds and spinning teacups Events you often go to: Any sort of opera Everyday clothing: GUCCI, YSL, Ron Herman Sleepwear: Silk pajamas, though sometimes I fall asleep in my bathrobe Cologne used: CHANEL No5 L’eau First thing you do after waking up: Take a shower What you would bring to a deserted island: A chef First love: A girl in my ballet class
Birthday: August 7th (Leo) / Blood type: O / Height: 187cm / Weight: 71kg / Gender: Male
A member of the duo “REBEL CROSS.” His real name is Daiya (大哉). DAIYA was raised at an institution after losing his parents at a young age. While in elementary school, he was invited by his close friend RAGE to form the indie band CROSS BONE. In addition to being the vocalist, he was also the band’s guitarist. He won 1st place at the International Street Dance Competition. He personally designs ARP’s clothing, accessories, and merchandise. He is good at all sports, and serves the role as the team’s “older brother”.
Favorite international artists: Red Hot Chili Peppers, The Qemists, Eminem, Jazzy Jeff, and many more Favorite Japanese artists: I don’t really listen to them Instruments you can play: Guitar Pre-show rituals: Polishing my costume's accessories Favorite subjects: PE, Art, Calligraphy Least favorite subjects: Math, anything related to history, Japanese Favorite school lunch: Don’t care, I always just choose curry Favorite ISM teacher: My calligraphy teacher Hobbies: All types of designing Talents: Dancing, doing backflips Animal you're most like: A cow (according to RAGE) Animal you want to have as a pet: An otter or a cat What you wanted to be when you grew up: A superhero Favorite season: Summer Favorite movies/animation: Marvel movies, The Matrix, John Wick Favorite ramen flavor: Pork bone and soy Favorite sweets: I rarely eat sweets, although sweet red bean soup is alright Favorite onigiri filling: Pickled plums Favorite oden ingredient: Konjac Favorite type of girl: Girls with some volume (softness is important) Least favorite type of girl: Girls who use too many fake eyelashes Favorite hairstyle on girls: Long and glossy hair Favorite clothing on girls: Vintage accessories with denim, shorts, short skirts in general, fishnet stockings Gifts you give to girls: Handmade accessories How you spend your days off: Going to instrument stores, shopping for jeans, cleaning and doing laundry, playing video games (WWE/Spiderman) Favorite amusement park rides: Rollercoasters and haunted houses Events you often go to: Pro wrestling and martial arts matches, though lately I've also been watching basketball games Everyday clothing: T-shirt with jeans Sleepwear: Jersey (although I sleep in my underwear during the summer) Cologne used: If worn I use Verveine by L’Occitane First thing you do after waking up: Gargle What you would bring to a deserted island: A fishing rod and Rage First love: My kindergarten teacher
Birthday: August 23rd (Virgo) / Blood type: AB / Height: Private / Weight: Private / Gender: Private
A member of the duo “REBEL CROSS.” Their real name is Reiji (怜士). At age 14, they teamed up with their best friend DAIYA to form the dual-vocalist indie band CROSS BONE, considered to be the predecessor to REBEL CROSS. They became known as the “prize winner” after they won various contests. They were then scouted by AR Productions and signed under the condition of attending ISM. They earn excellent grades in school. They are vehemently opposed to losing. They also work on song production. They refer to their fans as “sub-members.”
Favorite international artists: RAGE (REBEL CROSS) Favorite Japanese artists: RAGE (REBEL CROSS) Instruments you can play: Guitar Pre-show rituals: Touch an Ise Shrine charm Favorite subjects: Japanese Least favorite subjects: Cartography Favorite school lunch: Pancake plate (with bananas) Favorite ISM teacher: The lunch lady Hobbies: Living Talents: There’s nothing I’m bad at Animal you’re most like: Cat Animal you want to have as a pet: Any animal What you wanted to be when you grew up: RAGE Favorite season: I'm not a fan of hot weather Favorite movies/animation: The Harry Potter series Favorite ramen flavor: Super carb-heavy ramen (primarily for its cost-effective performance) Favorite sweets: Awkeotsang figs, convenience store sweets, Chinese almond jelly, Japanese parfait Favorite onigiri filling: Red rice and red roe (because they're red) Favorite oden ingredient: Eggs and kelp Favorite type of girl: All girls who love me should be my lovers Least favorite type of girl: Girls who won’t admit that they love me Favorite hairstyle on girls: Pigtails Favorite clothing on girls: Short pants and miniskirts with slit leggings Gifts you go to girls: Ladurée macarons and Échiré candy How you spend your days off: I’m on 365 days a year, I don’t take holidays Favorite amusement park rides: Bumper cards, labyrinths, solving riddles, escape rooms Events you often go to: Musicals Everyday clothing: Nothing looks bad on me (Daiya says jerseys are fundamental) Sleepwear: In my birthday suit (though sometimes I'm in clothes) Cologne used: Cotton candy First thing you do after waking up: Open my eyes What you would bring to a deserted island: Guitar First love: Everyone who loved me
Birthday: March 1st (Pisces) / Blood type: B / Height: 176cm / Weight: 60kg / Gender: Male
LeOn was born in Kobe, Japan to a Japanese father and Brazilian mother. He left home to enter Yokohama’s ISM, where he lives in the student dorms. It wasn’t long before his remarkable 4-octave vocal range and model-like appearance caught the attention of AR Production. He wrote the lyrics and music himself for FANTASISTA. Part of his appeal comes from the stark contrast between his reserved off-stage demeanor and high-energy performances. He refers to his fans as “tantan” and “tantan men”. He is in charge of the “Brief Glimpses” on ARP’s official Instagram account.
Favorite international artists: Bruno Mars, Michael Jackson Favorite Japanese artists: Chris Hart, Seiko Matsuda, Mr. Children Instruments you can play: A little bit of guitar, digital music Pre-show rituals: Singing and dancing by myself Favorite subjects: Music, PE Least favorite subjects: Art (I have no artistic sense) Favorite school lunch: Fried pork with ginger (good for the throat) Favorite ISM teacher: My PE teacher Hobbies: Dancing, daydreaming, watching soccer Talents: Knowing trivia about staying healthy, singing girls’ songs Animal you’re most like: Meerkat Animal you want to have as a pet: Turtle (I used to have one) What you wanted to be when you grew up: A soccer player Favorite season: Summer Favorite movies/animation: Toy Story, soccer manga and anime Favorite ramen flavor: Pork bone Favorite sweets: Sofuol yogurt, Country Ma’am cookies, cream puffs, key lime pie Favorite onigiri filling: Chicken mixed with vegetables Favorite oden ingredient: Glutinous rice inside fried tofu Favorite type of girl: Nearby girls Least favorite type of girl: Crude girls Favorite hairstyle on girls: Energetic hairstyles and ponytails Favorite clothing on girls: Anything fluffy Gifts you give to girls: Clothing How you spend your days off: Clothes shopping, watching soccer on TV, visiting Rebel Cross, debugging Furefure Favorite amusement park rides: Freefall rides, haunted houses, carts or segways that go fast Events you often go to: Any sort of concerts, soccer matches Everyday clothing: A parka over a t-shirt Sleepwear: Fleece in winter and a t-shirt with shorts in summer Cologne used: Ultramarine First thing you do after waking up: Stretch in bed What you would bring to a deserted island: DAIYA—he can cook and fight animals First love: The girl who sat next to me in elementary school
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