#because im available and dont fight back
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newvegascowboy · 4 months
I was kinda Jesting about it a little bit ago, but Killian and Shaun just have the potential to have SUCH a fucked up relationship. Shaun, the guy who considers the death of his mother to be collateral damage, who was going to free Killian as a social experiment, who finds out his dad takes off into a grief induced drug haze and becomes a raider overlord for a little bit. VS Killian, the guy who straight up tells him to his face "I love you, but I never should have been your father, and the parent who could have saved you is dead". Killian who realized he couldn't be the kind of father a child deserves wayy too late, but having a wife and kid was kind of all he had. Shaun who has to contend with the realization that his dad thought it was a blessing that Shaun and Nora were "dead". Killian who realizes he's done the exact same thing his parents did to him. DELICIOUS.
#fallout#kal talks#killian#shaun#killian was an addict before the bombs fell and hid addiction is very much a parallel to how the us army treated soldiers#in Vietnam#in which soldiers would become addicted to drugs that were freely available in country and then have access to Zero recovery resources#once they were shipped home#also like. no resources for PTSD therapy lol#and Nora KNEW. she just didnt say anything#told herself it was fine unless he brought it home#and he didnt for a while. until he did. and they separated because of it. they were only briefly back together because killian promised#to recover#and then yk. bombs.#nora is rightfully frustrated with killian because of Killian's lack of initiative#SHE asked him out SHE proposed SHE wanted a baby. but she never communicates this frustration to him until like The Fight they have#*she never communicates this until The Fight they have where she decides to take off and take shaun#like dgmw killian genuinely mourns nora and shaun when he believes they're dead but a part of him is relieved#that they dont have to try and survive in what the world has become#and a big part of his character arc as a whole even beyond the redemption aspect of atoning for the Overboss thing#is overcoming his depressed and pessimistic world view#that the world IS worth something#that there is hope and we must try to make the world better#because if we dont then it will be just as bad as you believe it to be#facing off with shaun is Killian's final challenge#to look at his son and acknowledge the way he failed him. that killian did not believe in a world where shaun survived and thought#it was a mercy that he 'died'#and they both suffered for it#Killian's gotta face the music and be like 'yeah i failed you and i can never undo that and im sorry. i wish i had been a better man'#'and all i can do is be one now.'
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arlathen · 1 year
reading thru my old wips and finding the one where nate has to turn lucy and is like 100% sure it killed her and hes just sitting alone in their house w her corpse in the next room. like BROTHER....
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lunarhoneybunny · 1 year
sinking into my desk chair
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crypt-keepers-den · 1 year
A request of a tav having an abusive ex and astarion finding out. Much fluff please AHHH I LOVED YOUR LAST FIC OF ASTARION KEEP UP THE GOOD WORK
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[Astarion x reader]
warnings: Mentions of abuse and unhealthy relationship situations (swearing in this one), trauma bonding for Tav and Aster enjoy <3
The fire pit crackles as you throw another log onto the dying pile, your thoughts are swirling in a vicious tidal pool, your stomach churns, unbeknownst to you a pair of carmine eyes observe your slouched figure. "Little Love youll give yourself a hunch sitting like that", you jump at the sound of his voice, hiding your tear stained face from his view, your words muffled as you do your best to clean your face.
He admits a soft huff when you dont tease back like normal, the weight on the log seams to shift as he sits beside you, his voice is soft and carries like a leaf in the wind "sweetness whatever is the matter? youve seemed off since we left that tavern", a lump catches in your throat, of all the taverns, in all of baulders gate, why did karlach pick that one.
your ex partner had been there, you had hoped to hide from them in the back corners of the dimly lit tavern but to no avail; they sauntered up to the table like they owned the place "Tav long time no see how are you" forcing you into an all but too tight hug, the sickly sweet smile on their face as they trapped you in their arms, your anxiety and claustrophobia hit an all time high. You firmly place your hands on their chest to push yourself out of their arms, they catch one of your wrists rather roughly, definately causing bruising, a small yelp emits from your lips. You wish your camp mates had been nearby to help you out of the situation but it appeared that they were off doing their own thing in the midst of the tavern party, "you wont run off on me this time sweetheart" their grip on you is tight and unmoving, memories of your last time together flash across your mind, bruises, wounds, tears and tantrums. They were going to hurt you again, their attempt to drag you to one of the many tavern bedrooms brings you back to your senses, your fight or flight kicks in, your elbow connects with their stomach allowing you to make a break for it "YOU LITTLE SHIT" their words are drowned out by the wind howling in your ears as you continued your sprint to camp.
Astarion studies your face, your eyes look distant and your hand keeps rubbing at your wrists. "Little darling whatever happened?, you seemed so excited for your night out on the town" you dont answer, your voice faulters as fresh tears make their way down your face. In the beginning it startles him, but he can see how much your hurting, he goes to gently grab your hands to help relax you, his eyes come in contact with the purple bruise that marks your beautiful skin "Dove when did this happen? It looks fresh" His fingers press against the bruise causing you to wince, his eyes watch as your face contorts in pain and sadness "Darling i hope you know you can talk to me, like i did to you when i needed to" his fingers gently stroke your cheek, wiping away tears.
you regain your voice, but its hoarse from crying "tonight in the tavern i saw someone, someone i didnt want to see" he nods giving your hand an affectionate squeeze, you would speak in your own time and he had all of eternity to hear you out. "My...Ex partner was there" "im sensing bad blood between you" you nod before guesturing to your bruised wrist "we were together years back and we broke up because...they liked using their hand on me" Astarion's brows scrunch together as he pieces the words together "Darling are you saying they used to beat you?" he doesnt need a verbal response when he sees the pain in your eyes, now hes seething with rage; who in the right mind would hurt a sweet thing like you, the very same creature who had comforted him and offered their neck to him.
"That Bastard I'll skin them" the rise in his voice causing you to jump, astarion takes your bruised wrist, pressing soft kisses to the marked flesh "who in the right mind would damage such a wonderful work of art, a feast for the gods eyes, should they ever step within 10 foot of you again my love you tell me, you promised me that we'd hunt down cazzador and make him pay for what he did to me, now ill make a promise to you my little darling" his kisses slowly making their way up your arm before landing on your lips "i will protect you from all harm, none more will befall that beautiful mind of yours" he presses a kiss to your forehead, "come darling you look exhausted, youll sleep with me tonight, ill watch over you" he takes you to his tent and tucks you up amongst his many blankets and pillows, his fingers playing with your hair until you fall asleep, "my sweet if only you knew just how far I'd go to ensure your happiness" he presses a final kiss to your forehead before curling up with you.
He kept to his word you'd never be plagued by that ex of yours again infact no one would, ever again.
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I really hope you enjoyed this, its my first time writing for this kind of scenario <3 thank you for your request and by all means pop by again and request something else if you liked this one
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serejae · 3 months
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genre : angst | pairing : myungjae x fem!reader | wc : 1458
warning : cursing, major our beloved summer and the notebook references | @onedoornet
taglist @lilriswife4life @cherrytaesan @tubatu-lovie @woonsbot @guiltysungho @taylorluvation @kage-yaa @lionhanie @dearly-somber @nicholasluvbot @nujeskz @unhakki @lblossom21 @kirbyyluvs @seunghancore @nctrawberries @i03jae @icewons @miidorei @hanbinniesmango @dongminz @helpsplease @sol3chu @letwiiparkjay
the next day of recording was tense. you and jaehyun had been silent the whole day making woonhak uncomfortable. he tried starting a conversation between you two to no avail, when he started recording he had about 17 minutes of interviewing and 30 minutes of just pure silence.
"okay. whats up with you two?" he said frustrated "why are you guys being all tense all of a sudden, and you!" he pointed at jaehyun "why didn't you show up to the recording? did you two get into a fight the day jaehyun got drunk or something? cause if you guys did I'm gonna need you both to get over it and at least pretend you both are friends because that's kinda the whole point of this documentary"
you and jaehyun both fell silent, you didn't bother looking up and just stared at your hands as jaehyun turned to you. "i didn't feel like coming" he said blanky "why? why didn't you feel like coming?" woonhak groaned as he ran his fingers through his hair stressed. woonhak observed the way jaehyun slightly turned his head to you making him sigh, "oh i get it now, you didn't want to come because of yn."
"oh i get it now, you didn't want to come because of yn."
the sentence shouldn't have made you feel the way you did but something in you snapped
"right this is how we always were" you sighed and turned over to him
"all i did was watch you come and go. while we were dating i would wake up wondering if i'd feel someone lying next to me or an empty space. whenever we planned something i'd clear out my whole schedule to get all pretty for you because going on a fucking date was rare, after i'd get all dressed up so you could remember me you wouldn't even show up. all you did was make me feel like a fool."
looking up you saw his blank face, if you're not gonna say it now, you'll never say it. all the things you've been holding in, the things you swore you would curse at him when you saw him again, but instead you were forced to be civil.
"i only could sit there and watch you leave and come back when you wanted. and i hate myself for letting you in and holding you when you wouldn't bother opening my messages all day. but the one time i truly wish you didn't come back was when after you broke up with me out of the blue. we had gotten into a argument but couples argue right, i just didn't think that would be our first conversation after 2 weeks of silence from you. so when you ended things i swore i'd never let myself get close to you anymore scared you'd leave again but i thought, just maybe. i thought you would be different after these two years. and granted you only did this one time but like i said, I'm not allowing you to hurt me the same way you did jaehyun." letting out a shaky breath you continue looking down at the bench
"but somehow i let you, i still let you come back, and i still let you leave, but even worse i still let you make me feel the same way i did two years ago.
like a stray
so it really feels like your back jaehyun"
you heard jaehyun kiss his teeth
"oh stop youre acting like i didnt feel like a stray watching you go ignore me after i tried making it right with you.
i mean look at us! were already arguing just like how we constantly did back then. argue, argue, argue, and you blame me for locking myself away? it was the only time i didnt hear you nag at me!" he said resting his head in his hands.
his heart stung. you had every right to be mad, he didn't mean what he said but he felt let down, by himself. he let himself down the second he pushed you out of his life and the things he saw as doing something good for you both were doing more good than bad.
out of frustration, you stood up in front of him making him look up. he saw the look in your eye and you saw the look in his.
maybe this is what you were talking about, the rug reference. everything had been pushed under it for too long that it had finally overflowed. there are only so many things a rug could cover, and this?
the rug is out the window :///
"well, that's what couples do! they argue, maybe not as intensely as we did but even then couples fight, you tell me when im being a hardheaded loudmouth and i tell you when youre being a selfish loser who cant get more than 2 followers which you were..or are. i don’t know...but im not afraid of telling you anymore, its better to tell you now than to never tell you at all cause as soon as you lock yourself in that room you avoid everything we ever talked or argued about and continue as if nothing happened and I'm sorry jaehyun, but that's not how relationships work. maybe that's why ours failed" that was a petty move, you see his eyebrows furrow and small drops on his forehead.
what great timing.
it was raining
"listen, im glad you feel comfortable enough to leave again but im tired of running in a circle, if youre gonna stay out of my life, do it permanently and forget about me like how you did through these past 2 years" you mumbled just enough for him to hear you. you couldn't put any more energy into him, knowing from jaehyun and your past mistakes, arguing doesn't go anywhere.
this time jaehyun stood up. the look on his face was familiar, the same face you recognized each time you said something wrong or pushed one of his buttons
"forget about you? are you fucking kidding me yn?"
he walked closer to your face leaving a couple inches between you two as the rain got heavier
"forget about you?" he repeated
"what?" you whispered tears welling up in your eyes as you looked into his. his tears were dried at this point, something about what you said made him flip.
"you were the one constantly pushing me away when i have tried to make it better between us, hell even your friend group and mine get along better than we do, i dont know what fucking you want any more when i constantly put my effort in and you don't. i know and understand why you're afraid but are you really going to put the whole blame on me for leaving? you're constantly giving me signals to leave, so once i give up i do but i can't help but come back. its like I'm fucking tied to you"
"guys i hate to interrupt but you guys keep cursing-"
"woonhak shut up" jaehyun said before continuing
"how could you even think i forgot about you? i wrote 846 songs for you. every day i wrote a song about you, for these last 2 years and till this day. every time i thought about you i sat down and wrote a song about you because you were all i could think about. fuck, i wrote one today yn.”
he continued to stare at your tear-filled eyes with his. you could barely make out his face at this point but you kept listening
"in the mornings because i woke up thinking about you, in the afternoons cause i'd wonder what we would be doing, in the middle of the night cause i couldn't sleep without you. the number seems a lot but it wasn't when it was you, so how could i forget about you? how could i forget about you when the thing that drew me away from you brought me back huh?"
your face felt hot and you could barely see the tears fall from his eyes
"yn," he said so delicately as if it was a forbidden word
"how can i forget you or even bother moving on when im still in love with you?"
you didn't know if the excessive water was your tears or the rain but a voice pulled your eyes from jaehyun.
"guys get inside before you catch a cold." woonhak said wearily, rushing into his house as if he were stepping on eggshells
you both walked back inside in silence, after drying off you decided it'd be better if you left first, you stood up from the seat across from him and walked away leaving with a faint 'bye' and exited before you could hear a response back.
you had said everything you needed to say, but what about what you wanna say now?
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thepepsislvt · 8 months
-🌷 the Eustass and Killer (and barto ofc) obsessed Tulip
nobody will understand how much i miss the pre time skip killer fit like he looks good in post timeskip but GOD.
Warnings: Cursing, kid being a dick
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dating both Kid and Killer there will never be a dull moment
Kid is loud and rowdy and Killer is quiet
you and Kid bicker and poke fun at each other like you’ve known each other your whole life
When you and Eustass are at each other's throats it's Killer who comes and steps in to break the fight
Acts like a mom and is like “I don't care who started it I'm going to finish it”
Because you're too damn stubborn and Kid has such a thick skull Killer has to separate you more than not
Kid may not seem like he cares but he does
he shows it awfully though
he pull up to your bedroom door at an ungodly time of night before going to bed himself
he barges in and bangs on the open door just to wake you up
after your initial reaction which was to grab a weapon and hide under your bed you finally realize its just him
you crawl out and give him a nasty glare
“What is it Eustass? cant it wait until morning?”
“i made this for you asshole”
he gives you a new bracelet or necklace he made himself before leaving without another word
he leaves your door open just to annoy you
you slam the door before returning to bed
the noise from the door being slammed woke Killer awake and he knows exactly what happened
when you all wakeup you get an earful from Killer about being quiet at night because the crew needs to sleep in order to function properly
Killer is almost the exact opposite from Kid
any fights you have with him he will resolve in a normal, calm manner
he lets you sit in the kitchen with him while he cooks
you can talk his ear off and he wont butt in or interrupt you
he does get his piece in when you pause for a moment
most nights he cuddles with you since Kid stays awake pretty late
and if you do stay up late like Kid, Killer will sleep on whatever furniture available and just hold you in his lap
Killer is insecure about his laugh and face so when you first started dating he would only let you kiss his hands or mask
but slowly he warms up to the idea of you seeing his face and every now and again he moves his mask up his face more when you want to give him a kiss
when he does eventually remove his entire mask you cover his entire face in kisses and tell him hes perfect to you even if he doesnt think so
Killer loves it when you play or brush his hair
you help him style it and always puts it into a ponytail for him when hes cooking
Kid lets you kiss him only if you can reach his face
he will make you climb on furniture and jump around just to do so
when hes done making you work so hard he squats down only to tease you even more
“can you reach now, Tiny?”
“well now youre not getting a kiss for that”
“Im not giving it to you for that!”
hes so demanding
when Killer sees Kid giving you shit for being shorter than him Killer will push the back of Kid’s head down so you can reach him
You kiss Kid’s cheek and then go hug the blonde while Kid complains that having Killer help is cheating
on nights where Kid is just worn out and actually decides to go to bed when you and Killer do its an amazing cuddle session
Killer has to separate sleep in the middle which he doesnt mind but only does this because you and Kid will Bicker about anything and everything
“STOP laying on me you big red asshole”
“well youre cutting off my oxygen when you lay on my chest” (you dont he just wants to have the last word)
“God you act like you cant bench triple my weight”
“you two fight like children just shut up and go to sleep” Killer had to physically move either one of you to the other side of him just so the poor guy can sleep
there are some nights you and Kid can sleep next to each other without fighting but you two are always up till 4 in the morning giggling and laughing about the most random ass things
“okay would you rather spend 24 hours in an abandoned mall with 10 cobras or 1 gorilla but you cant use your metal arm or devil fruit”
“Well obviously the gorilla because i feel like i could fight it without those”
“i didnt know youre that dumb”
“oh really what would you pick?”
“the snakes obviously”
“you dont know where they are though! one could drop from the ceiling and theyre harder to hurt! at least you can see the gorilla”
“Snakes are more afraid of you than you are of them if you leave them alone you will be fine”
“But if they bite you youre done for”
“Youre done for if you try and fight a gorilla!”
“i personally think i would intimidate it”
“Kid you cannot intimidate a gorilla, you would be better off with the snakes like they said now shut up”
you and kid do shut up for exactly 4 minutes and 56 seconds then start yapping again
Killer and Kid are the best boyfriends that anyone could ask for
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ifimdreaming · 1 year
its not the same anymore
jack hughes x reader || angst
summary: basically a breakup 😶 
authors note: no happy ending. sorry im in a mood. 
word count: 0.5k
“just stop ignoring me!” jack yells out with tears welling in his eyes, after you had retreated to using the silent treatment, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of even a response from you.
you turn to walk away, sick and tired of hearing him make excuses about why he forgot you two had a date tonight.
“ill stop ignoring you when you stop choosing your fucking friends over me!” you call out, not bothering to turn around as you make your way to the bedroom. 
“oh grow up! You know thats not true! I choose you every fucking time!” jack yells back and you slam the bedroom door in frustration. 
you and jack had been having more and more fights lately. normally you would talk things out and argue towards a resolution, but tonight you got so fed up. 
it was jacks idea to plan a date tonight in the first place because you two had been spending so much time apart lately. 
you tried to blame your lack of connection lately on finally being out of the honeymoon phase of your relationship. Jack insisting it was just your busy schedules keeping you apart, but you knew it was more than that.
tonight, you texted him multiple times with no response, and you  had waited well over two hours for him to pick you up like he said he would.
he had given you a moment alone in the room and you just sat on the floor with you back against the bed, crying into your hands. you didnt want to face this argument and everything it represented, already knowing what would come of it.
“open the door please, we're not done.” he knocks on the door before shaking the handle to no avail, because you had locked it. 
“actually i think we are done.” you say as you walk towards the door. You are both standing on either side of the door and you hear jack sigh in defeat.
“...what are you talking about?” 
You unlock the door and creak it open slowly as you look up to see a disheveled and saddened looking jack. His eyes were red and puffy as he just stared at his feet, not wanting you to see him crying.
reaching out your hand to hold his, he accepts it and tightly interlocks your fingers with his. He takes a step closer, resting his other hand against the door frame. 
“you dont take care of me anymore jack.” you say as his eyes shoot up to meet yours. 
Your eyes sting with tears and the lump in your throat grows just looking at him.
“i know i havent been there for you either. i-its just not the same anymore…” you say as your voice breaks and jack pulls you in, hugging you tightly as you cry into his chest. 
“Its all my fault. I -Im so sorry baby” jack whispers lowly in your ear and you can barely hear him over the sound of your cries. 
“p-please dont leave me-” you place a passionate kiss against jacks lips before he can continue, and he wraps his hands around your face, pressing his lips deeply against yours.
 you are so afraid of what comes next. losing him is the last thing you want.
“please...” he whispers again through kisses, as he strokes the back of your head. 
you just pull him in even tighter against you, not knowing if this is the last time…
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burnedwriter · 2 years
comforting them after a nightmare
warnings:none,just pure angst to comfort
A/n:i dont ship kaeya and diluc,i just go with the lore and because i strongly believe kaeya would have nightmares from that fight (im just saying it bc i wrote about diluc on kaeya’s part and i dont want any misconceptions happening)
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🐋childe has extreme nightmares from his memories when he fell into the abyss.
🐋he tosses and turns constantly in his sleep and some times he will even mumble words.He will wake up in cold sweat shaking from fear that someone has taken you away from him only to turn and see you peacefully sleeping on your side
🐋when you hear him having a nightmare you would put his head on your chest softly stroking his hair while you whisper sweet nothing,hoping he will calm down
🐋‘‘no...no...no’‘Ajax murmed in his sleep as he tossed left and right violently.
His non stop tossing ended up waking you up,rubbing the sleep of your eyes,you tried to shake him awake him awake but to no avail.
‘‘Ajax,wake up!’‘you yelled as you continue to shake him awake.Finally you were able to wake him up,he sat up,sweat dripping down his forehead,he pushed his hair back away from his face before turning to look at you.
‘‘i thought they took you away ‘‘he said sadness creeping in his voice.
‘‘come here,it’s ok,im here safe and sound ,see’‘wrapping your hands around his build figure into a tight hug reasuring him that that it was just a nightmare and nothing was real.
‘‘promise me you will never leave my side,got it’‘his voice desperate as he wrapped his own arms around you,closing the distance between the two of you and resting his head on your shoulder.
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😠🍃xiao doesnt need to sleep or can sleep.
😠🍃hes usually the one to tell that you need to go to sleep and get some rest,as he he says ‘’mortals need it to survive’’
😠🍃he might not get nightmares since he doesnt sleep but he gets those visions of the wrath of the gods he has slayed in the past and its the reason why he has karmic debt.He can feel the pain throughout his body making him kneel as he tries to control it.
😠🍃you were near when one of those visions happened.you were folding some laundry of the guests while xao kept you company,when all of a sudden you hear a loud thud,followed by a loud groan.
turning your head towards the direction of the noise,you see xiao kneeling holding his face and you immediatly run to his side,crouching to his level.
‘‘xaio are you ok’‘you said worried,clearly seeing him in pain
‘‘i will be fine,no need to worry about me’‘he said struggling.
‘‘i wont leave your side until i make sure you are fine’‘you insisted,placing a hand on his back petting him softly,reminding him of your presence.
After some time time passed,he slowly got up,looking at you angryly,but also admiring your bravery.
‘‘you could have died by my karmic debt energy,you know that’‘,he angryly said,even tough you knew that wasnt true.
‘‘then i would have died knowing i helped you’‘
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❄when kaeya has a nightmare it’s usually the brutal fight he had with diluc that left his eye scarred forever and destroyed their relationship.
❄he doesnt toss  and turn or talk in his sleep unlike childe,but he will wake up with a bad mood and be less talkative than he would normally would.You know there is something wrong when kaeya doesnt talk.
❄it was late at night,when you heard loud crashing coming from the bathroom waking you up instantly.You turned to wake up kaeya thinking it was an intruder only to realize his side of the bed was empty
‘‘oh no’‘you thought to yourself getting up and immeddiatly heading to the bathroom.Only to see a crying kaeya leaning ovee the sink,breathing heavily.
‘‘kaeya what’s going on?’‘you asked concerned,seeing how upset he was.
‘‘just go back to sleep sweetheart and i will be there in a min’‘He replied not wanting to keep you awake.
‘‘im not leaving kaeya,sleep can wait’‘
He smiled at your words seeing your determination to help him
Coming,closer you cappedd his face with your hands claeaning the tears off of his eyes as he melted in your warm touch.
‘‘diluc never hated you kaeya,he cares about you still even after all the things that happeened between the two of you that night,he still sees you as his brother’‘you reasured him softly drawing circles on his cheek with your thumb.
Those were the words he wanted to hear reminding him that he inst a bad person and will never be one.
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geralallfandoms · 11 months
○ Opportunity or misfortune ○
Joel Miller x female reader.
No use of y/n, In the story it is never said how old they are, be happy and choose the age you want. Before and after the apocalypse. Domestic violence, beatings, hospitals, fights, weapons (?, tlou things. (If there are more warnings I will say them in the corresponding chapter)
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His strategy? move.
You moved all the time. As many times as necessary.
It was easy to keep the curious away from what was happening between you two. Keep them away from hitting and screaming.
This time you had gone even further. For some reason Lucas had decided on a house this time, a small house not far from the city but in a fairly small town.
The place was beautiful and quiet, the town needed work so you could try to convince Lucas to let you help with the expenses (and spend as much time as possible away from him.) It could have been a new beginning...a new opportunity...a change.
But the things had never changed and would not change.
You had already given Lucas opportunity after opportunity but he always came back to the same thing. He always returned to hitting, shouting and the threats.
And the story was always the same.
Or that's what you thought.
"Im going to the town... I saw signs that they needed employees in a cafeteria, I can work half a day at least so you won't have to go out as much and you can stay here at home longer..."
You knew it was the only way to convince him. Telling him that this way he could spend more time at home and not telling him that you needed your time or your space, your personal life, like you had told him that time and that it had ended too...badly.
"Of course, baby...but I don't want you too far from here, or away from home every day." He said as he took the car keys and probably went out to sleep with some other woman.
"Yep..." you said trying to smile.
He approached, left a kiss on your cheek and without saying anything left the house. You waited for the car to disappear to grab your things and go out to explore the town.
The people seemed friendly, everyone seemed to know each other. A great advantage of living in a small town and a great opportunity for this curse that followed you for years to finally come to an end.
When you entered the cafeteria, you stood behind a tall, robust man. He had a light brown jacket, construction boots, and jeans stained with dirt. Her head full of messy, uncontrollable curls that seemed to ignore his comands no matter how much gel he put on them.
He was looking at the list of options, carefully choosing the coffee he would have on a cold afternoon like this. When he saw that you were waiting behind him, he turned around and with a half smile on his face he stepped aside and let you pass.
"You advance if you want... I haven't decided yet." He said kindly.
"Oh...thank you." You responded without taking your eyes off the man.
When you arrived on the island, you asked him if the job was still available and for how many hours it was... but luckily for you, they were looking for someone who would stay all day, and you knew that was going to be impossible with Lucas. So you simply thanked him and started walking towards the exit.
When you were getting to the door, you heard someone calling you, and to your surprise it was the man who had let you pass in line.
"I'm sorry, I know I shouldn't listen to other people's conversations, but... are you looking for a job?" he said a little shy.
You looked at him for a few seconds thinking about what to answer. You knew that if he asked you that it was because he had a job proposal, but you weren't sure if you wanted to risk working with a stranger... and much less with a man, knowing that if Lucas found out... he wouldn't like it. Not the idea at all.
"I...well...i-cant...i dont..."You said nervously, not knowing what excuse to give other than - I'm sorry, I can't work with a man because my husband is going to kill you if he finds out.-
"I'm sorry, I heard that you were asking about the job but that you could only do half a day and I... well, I have a daughter, she's not a baby but this month I'm going to be complicated with my job and I don't want to leave her alone for too long. .. I know I don't know you but..." He stayed silent when he saw that you didn't answer him... but it wasn't because you didn't want the job... you were actually thinking that if Lucas didn't find out where you were working, it might work.
"What do you think if we have a coffee and we talk about... ..."
"Sarah...and i'm Joel." He said as he shook your hand.
You told him your name as you held his hand.
Joel...It could mean one of two things, either it was going to be your exit door...or your entrance to hell.
Another update? incredible true? (Don't get excited, I don't know how long it will last.) I just did poorly on two exams and I'm a little depressed... I wanted to distract myself a little.
I hope you liked it!! Obviously there is going to be a second part (maybe more?) Tell me what you think!
Request are open!!
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skatingbi · 11 months
It starts slow, but it definitely begins after their 1v1 dogfight training. TL;DR- Zoro gets humbled during the training exercise against Sanji.
Long answer:
In practical lessons the instructor (who I REALLY want to make Admiral Garp), at the request of Luffy, has Zoro and Sanji practice 1v1 dogfighting for the mission since only two aircraft will be available...And it goes about as well as you expect. Zoro has the upper hand until suddenly, Sanji pulls back and uses the abrupt change in speed to change directions easier and punches forward and upward to gain a height advantage. Eventually, after 2 thousand feet or so, it makes Zoro pull back enough for Sanji to maneuver the stick and crank the jet perpendicular to the surface to get right behind Zoro's aircraft and...bullseye. I'd have to rewrite this later since im still researching how to write dogfights and just general flight mechanics, but hopefully, it gets my point across for now.
Zoro is absolutely FLOORED and since then respects Sanji, but still picks fights with him.
He holds a newfound respect for Sanji and becomes more cooperative as a nav instead of complaining, which weirds Sanji out but like whatever, right?
In their bunks, Sanji is usually restless and hates sleeping (night terrors? PTSD? insomnia?? the world will never know), and Zoro wakes up one night and just goes, "Wanna spar?" and Sanji is confused because sparring for him was never fun, but Zoro looks like he's about to take back the offer, and so he says sure without even thinking.
That starts their semi regular training together other than top gun bullshit they have to do, and Sanji always goes to bed humbled since Zoro kicks his ass every time.
Zoro is a great guy and a great teacher in hand to hand combat. He learns that Zoro wasn't always a pilot, that he did get stationed in places like the north blue. He learns that Zoro has seen the more disturbing parts of war that pilots dont see every day. He also learns that Zoro isn't all just muscle and density (physically and mentally, Sanji thinks to himself), but he also despises sweets and thats why he never falls for the trick of candy in the MRE's that always have Luffy running laps every lunch despite it being a known rule.
Eventually, the arguing is more like playful bickering with camaraderie hidden behind it. Sanji picks fights for the hell of it, and Zoro rolls with it. Zoro knows that he would trust sanji with his life when shit hits the fan, and so would Sanji if the same happened to him.
Friendship for them is the same as they were before except theres respect and trust that they each earned, and Nami can finally breathe and is like "Thank god y'all got your shit together."
One night after their ritualistic sparring session when Sanji is asleep, he is suddenly woken up to Zoro gasping for breath and thrashing, and then the man throws himself off the bed and lands with a thud loud enough to wake up Luffy and Usopp. Usopp is confused as fuck and Luffy snorts awake and is half asleep until they both see Zoro suddenly stand up, extremely alert and sweating.
"Hey Zoro..? What's up, man?" Usopp asks tiredly with his question laced with concern. Whats weird, though, is that its like Zoro doesn't hear them. He's standing where he fell one second and suddenly making a sweep of their bunk the next. Sanji is watching from his top bunk, looking down at Zoro before looking straight at Luffy. It's almost like Luffy knows, and he nods and says, "Let him do his thing, i trust you to know what to do, Sanji," And so he does what Luffy says.
Everyone listens to the squad leader and quietly lets Zoro sweep the parameter, check the door, check around outside, the windows, the window locks, under the beds, until Zoro is standing in the center of the room with a look that gives away everything Sanji needs to know. Zoro isnt here, at least not mentally, so he slowly shuffles out of his top bunk, making note of how Zoro's gaze flicks to him suddenly and makes sure to telegraph his movements before they even happen.
After a few minutes, he's in front of Zoro, looking directly into his eyes and standing. Zoro's eyes almost seem distant, looking through him but into his soul at the same time.
"Hey, moss, what's going on in that head of yours?" Sanji whispers low enough, so it's barely heard by Luffy and Usopp, who watch in case anything happens. Sanji knows, though. He knows Zoro won't do anything, and if he does, then Sanji knows that Zoro trusts him enough to stop him.
Zoro is staring, and eventually, Sanji slowly moves his arm within his view, gently resting his palm on Zoro's chest and feeling the elevated heartbeat. "Mossy, you with me? You're in our barracks now. Not wherever your brain thinks you've ended up," and he can visibly see Zoro deflate, then a rough palm shakily holds onto his wrist like his life depends on it. Zoro is trembling, his shoulders shake with each breath now, and his eyebrows scrunch like he's fighting with himself. Maybe he is, Sanji thinks to himself.
After a while- maybe 5 minutes or 20. No one was keeping track of time - Zoro eventually has enough self-awareness to clear his throat and really look at Sanji, who is still there and looking right at Zoro. It's grounding, the hand on his chest, and blue and brown eyes looking at him. Luffy and Usopp are asleep again, and Zoro takes one deep breath and lets it out, closing his eyes and counting to ten, and instead of the horrors he saw again in his sleep, he sees Sanji.
"Thanks, cook." Zoro whispers. It strikes Sanji in his soul how vulnerable it sounds. How Zoro squeezes his wrist gently before letting go.
They dont talk about it, or the other times it happens, or the times Zoro does the same for Sanji but its him using deep pressure therapy in the form of a hug after Sanji wakes up with a yell and fight overtaking his system when flight ironically loses the battle.
Their friendship is odd, but it comforts both of them in a way nobody else ever has. They both know each other well enough now that they can work alongside each other while constantly making jabs at each other. Their lighthearted bickering reveals smiles that were previously hidden, and it lets them feel like they can be themselves a little bit more.
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tasty-arsenic · 1 year
I wrote a fanfic based off the first game of Cleos Blood on the Clocktower because im obsessed
Im using only the information available from Cleos POV so not everything will be here.
Please mind any typos
you could also read it on Ao3 here
CW: death, blood, graphic descriptions of violence
words: 2,619
It was a sunny morning in town, the sun was shining brightly over the horizon and crows were chirping louder then ever before. So loud in fact that it drew the attention of three townsfolk; Xisuma, Gem, and Cub.
The trio of investigators noticed the birds fighting over something red and jam like by the clocktower. Gem pushed forward to see what it could possibly be. She noticed long ginger locks attached to a a pale face. She looked in horror at the mangled body of the village storyteller, Cleo.
Gem screamed at the discovery while Xisuma and Cub stood quiet in horror.
Gems screams brought the attention of the townsfolk and they all gathered by the clocktower.
When everyone was assembled Gem was on the ground crying as Xisuma did his best to calm her, Cub was freeing Cleos body of crows.
“Is that… Cleo?” Ren asked meekly.
Cub moved away from the corpse. “It is,” He paused before continuing. “I believe they have been murdered,”
“Do you think it could’ve been a demon?” Iskall asked. Travellers had brought tails of demons from hell coming up to the human world disguised as a regular people, only to devour innocents during the night.
Xb took a closer look at Cleos body. “It looks like she had been eaten by something very big, and very hungry. So unless a bear got into town I think its safe to say that it was a demon.”
“Are you suggesting that one if us killed them?” Impulse asked.
“It would check out,” Hypno said. “None of us had lived here very long so one if us very well might’ve been a demon from the very start.”
Ren stepped back from the crowd. “I dont like the sound of that,”
“What now?” Cub asked.
“Well we can’t have the demon going around and killing us all!” Impulse exclaimed. “This is our home and we need to defend it!”
“What are you suggesting?” Xb asked.
“During the day we talk to each other and gather as much information as possible, then when evening comes we share the information and based on that we vote someone to be executed,”
“E-Executed?!” Gem exclaimed through a shaky voice.
“We’ll never get rid of the demon otherwise.” Impulse states.
“I think he has the right idea,” Cub said. “Its the only way for anyone to survive this.”
“So we’re just going to kill each other?” Xisuma asked.
“the demon will kill all of us if we dont do anything,” Hypno said. “I think this is the best course of action.”
“And remember that we all have our own abilities,” Iskall reminds. “We can use those to snuff out this dirty imp”
“Cleo did say to use them if something like this happened.” Gem said, dejected.
“We should do this. For her and for everyone here.” Cub announced.
Ren sighed. “You’re right and i dont like it.”
“Lets talk among each other today but not vote. We dont need two deaths in one day,” Hypno said.
“That sounds good,” Xb agreed.
“I guess we scatter,” Ren said before the group split up across the town.
It was almost evening when the townspeople heard a unfamiliar voice calling out in the distance.
“Howdy!” The stranger called out the the people.
“And who might you be?” Xb asked as he gathered around the stranger.
“The names Joe Hills! Im here to visit my good friend Cleo!”
The growing crowd of people grew silent.
“We have a demon problem,” Impulse said, breaking the silence. “They were killed just tonight.”
“Sorry to break the news like this.” Ren said. “We’re trying to find who the demon is and kill them. Its best you leave.”
“A demon you say?” Joe paused, in thought. “I may not be able to stay for long but i want to do what i can to find this demon,”
“Are you sure?” Hypno asked the traveller.
“Of course,” he nodded. “Anything to avenge Cleo.”
“You can stay in her house then,” Gem said. “I’m sure they wont mind.”
“Perfect,” Joe said. “Since you all know that im not the demon ill be transparent as possible and tell you all my ability.”
“Oh, really?” Hypno asked.
Joe nodded. “Im a thief, i can steal votes.”
“A thief…” Gem whispered to herself, deep in thought.
Cub looked at the moon rising in the distance. “Its best we all go to bed, the demon might strike soon.”
The townsfolk all agreed and dispersed into their individual homes.
Hypno woke up in the middle of the night to his own alarm. His job as the empath would be very useful for the townsfolk and he could not rest.
He set up everything needed for the ritual, he double checked everything was in place and not to mess up. If one of his neighbours was evil it would be suicide to mess this up.
Before the ritual Hypno decided to get a drink the calm his nerves. He noted that the drink tasted different then usual but paid no mind to it.
He sat in position and started his chant, by the end of it a voice called out in his head, “two.”
Hypno chuckled, this was interesting.
Morning came and everything was as it was the day before, the birds were satisfied with their meal yesterday and the sun was shining brightly as ever.
The towns folk, however, werent as chipper as usual. Anxiety and dread filled them all as they left their houses and met up at town square.
Everyone looked around and noticed that everyone was accounted for, no one was missing.
“Did the demon.. spare us?” Gem asked the group.
“Probably just the night,” Joe stated. “Demons dont need to eat every day.”
“But they’ll probably continue their rampage tomorrow,” Xb said.
“Correct,” Joe agreed.
“So we have today to talk to everyone before people start dying,” Gem said. “We need to use this time well.”
“Shes right.” Hypno said. “Lets form groups and talk.”
the towns people scattered around the village and naturally formed groups.
Over by the burger place Iskall, Impulse, and Xb were chatting.
"So do we talk about what are roles are?" Iskall asked the group.
"Its probably not completely safe right now but it might be safe to drop hints." Impulse answered.
"Well i can tell you that im definitely not the imp." Xb told the group.
"thats just plain ol' suspicious, Xb." Impulse replied.
"Well im not the imp, i dont have it in my name!" Iskall declared. "Right, IMPulse?"
"Wha, hey! thats just ridiculous." Impulse said. "imagine the chances of that."
"im getting kind of hungry." Xb said, changing the conversation.
"why dont i make us some burgers and we can talk about our roles a bit?" Impulse suggested.
"works for me." Iskall said, sitting down.
Impulse went into the building and started heating the grill.
"So how much should we say about our abilities?" Xb asked.
"Maybe just some hints." Impulse suggested.
"well ill say one thing." Iskall started. "I shall publicly chose someone."
"you'll publicly chose someone, huh?" Impulse said.
Iskall hummed.
Over at the Laundry House Gem, Hypno, and Xisuma were sat on the ground, discussing.
"I dont really understand whats happening," Xisuma admitted to the group.
"I guess its just something that'll become more clear as time goes on," Gem told him.
"I hope so."
"I wanna go chat with other people so i'll be off now." Gem announced before leaving.
The laundry house was silent for moments after.
"If im being honest," Hypno started. "im not sure what information i should be telling people."
"Yeah," Xisuma agrees. "Say the wrong thing to the wrong person and its all over."
"stressful, huh?" Hypno dryly chuckled. "I could have great information, i could have no information, you could have good information, who knows?"
"You never know."
Over again at the burger place the group has changed and now Cub, Xb, and Xisuma were talking.
"So what will happen when someone gets voted out?" Xisuma asked.
"They'll die." Cub answered plainly.
"Yes but how?"
"Theres an old guillotine in the clocktower," Xb told the group. "Im sure that can work."
"there is?" Cub said, surprised.
"Mhm, i saw it once a few months back, around the time Impulse joined the village." Xb paused. "The blade was still sharp."
"Well thats convenient innit?" Xisuma said.
"Very," Xb agreed.
Cub paused for a moment after. "When someone is executed then the undertaker would get to find out their role right?"
"Yes I will." Xb quickly responded.
Joe was wandering around the town. He felt as if he had a slight disadvantage here as he didn't know everyone as well, so he made it his mission to talk to as many people as possible. When he saw Impulse and Cub talking to each other he made his way over the join the conversation.
Impulse seemed to be in the middle of his conversation with Cub as Joe got in hearing distance of the two. "-yor and you're the mo-"
"Howdy!" He called out.
The duo jumped at his arrival but quickly calmed themselves. Cub patted for Joe to sit beside him.
"I was thinking of making some burgers for some people, you want any?" Impulse asked Joe.
"Oh you are?" He said. "In that case id love some!"
"Perfect, i made some for myself, Xb, and Iskall earlier then felt bad that no one else got any."
"Burger time!" Joe exclaimed.
"Burger time!" Cub cheered back.
As the clock reached seven the bell rang across the village, notifying everyone that there time to chat was over. Over the next few minutes the townspeople assembled at the town square.
In the seat directly in front of the clocktower the people noticed the ghastly figure of Cleo standing there.
"Cleo?" Gem exclaimed "Is that you?"
Cleos ghost did nothing.
"why isnt she sayin anything?" Xisuma asked.
Before anyone could answer Cleos ghost spoke up. "Nominations are open."
"Its seems they're policing the trial." Joe stated.
"Thats a bit cruel isnt it?" Gem said.
"Yeah," Ren agreed.
"well we should get started right?" Hypno said.
"We should," Ren said. "And i have some information."
"Go on," Iskall said to Ren.
"Okay, first of all Xisuma refused to reveal any information the whole time. Even during our very intimate moment in the jacuzzi."
"That was a laundry-"
"Yeah it was very intimate." Gem agreed "He joined us randomly and didnt say much so it was very weird."
"yeah it was." Ren said. "Anyways. Number two is that Gem shared very suspicious information that im not going to share at this time. Thats all"
"Way to make me look suspicious." Gem sighed. "Anyways ive been doing some deducting and trying to figure out what everybody's roles are, and someone is lying."
"You dont say." Impulse laughed.
"No, i mean that theres two people claiming to be the same role!" Gem clarified.
noise gathered in the crowd.
"thats all for now." Gem ended.
"I would like to say that in all the groups i was in everyone was quite talkative, except Xb." Iskall stated. "He was very quiet."
"Second call for nominations." Cleo announced to the crowd.
Iskall thought for a second before declaring. "I nominate Xb!"
"Iskall has nominated Xb to be executed." Cleo said. "please take your positions."
Iskall and Xb moved towards two desks that seemed to have found their way in front of the clocktower.
Iskall cleared his throat. "I was walking around town all day, i spoke in many groups with as many people as possible." He started. "Xb here kept quiet in three different occasions,"
The townsfolk took a few moments to think.
"Xb, whats your defense?" Cleos almost robotic voice asked.
"I just think that if someones being shady something that they might do is throw that shade to someone else." Xb said.
the townspeople briefly spoke among themselves, deciding that it was a decent rebuttal.
"Voting starts now." Cleo told the people. "When i look at you your vote will be decided then, and no time after."
She looked at Xb. "turn on your light to vote for Xb to be executed." Cleo gave the group a few moment to vote before continuing.
her gaze moved to Gem, whos light was on. "one."
then she looked at Impulse, whos light was on. "two"
next was Iskall, whos light was on. "three"
she moved on to Joe, whos light was on. "four."
after was Ren, whos light was off.
then was Cub, whos light was on. "five"
next was Hypno, whos light was off.
lastly it was Xisuma, whos light was off.
"thats five votes for Xb to be executed, that is enough. Xb is on the block." cleo told the group. "nominations are still open."
The town went silent.
"theres more?" Ren said.
"I guess if we nominate someone else and they get more votes then Xb theyll get executed instead." Joe thought for a moment. "what if theres a tie?"
"in the situation of a tie no one will be executed." Cleo quickly answers.
"Well has anyone else been suspicious?" Ren asked the group.
the group went silent.
"final call for nominations."
nobody spoke up.
"I would like to nominate Iskall!" Xb declared.
"Xb has nominated Iskall to be executed." Cleo said. "please take your positions."
Iskall and Xb once again found themselves heading toward the two desks in front of the clocktower, only this time in switched positions.
"The reason i believe Iskall to be guilty is because he is so quick to throw the blame on someone else. its very suspicious." Xb stated.
"Iskall, whats your defense?"
"During the day i was very open about who i am and my role, Xb was not." Iskall said. "if we're looking for someone suspicious then we have our guy."
"Voting starts now."
The townsfolk shifted in their seats, preparing for the vote.
She looked at Iskall. "turn on your light to vote for Iskall to be executed."
A few moments passed before the counting started again.
She turned to Joe, whos light was off.
She looked at Ren, whos light was off.
next was Cub, Whos light was off.
then it was Hypno, whos light was off.
after that she looked at Xisuma, whos light was off.
they then looked at Xb, whos light was on. "Negative one."
then was Gem, whos light was off.
last was Impulse whos light was off.
"thats negative one votes for Iskall to be executed, that is not enough. Xb is still on the block." cleo told the group. "nominations are still open."
"Xb is to be executed."
"so uh, hows that happening?" Gem asked.
"theres a guillotine in the clocktower." Cub answered.
"why?" Ren asks.
"Dunno, but itll do." Cub answers.
"i regret telling you about that," Xb chuckles nervously.
"Someone come help me bring it out." Cub called out. Impulse and Hypno answered his call and helped out.
"Okay, Xb." Cub gestured to the guillotine. "get in."
"I am really starting to regret telling you about that."
Xb climbed into the guillotine, shaking in fear.
"Are we sure this is a good idea?" Xb pleaded to the crowd. "im an innocent man i swear!"
"Xb is to be executed." Cleos voice sounded through the air as the guillotine activated on its own.
everyone gasped in horror as Xbs head was swiftly cut off, the blood splattering all over the floor.
"the day is over, goodnight." Cleos voice told the crowd. No one dared to argue so everyone made their way back to their homes.
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I have been dealing with sleep issues for so many years, at least since my early teens. I legitimately thought it was just depression fucking with me. And yeah depression played its part. However as i found out several months ago, it was far from the only reason. I snore, all night and very loudly. Someone told me that if you snore really loudly you might have sleep apnea so i talked to my doctor about it. I wasnt totally convinced so we did a take home pulseox monitor test to see if my readings over night might indicate if it was possible. It was very much possible. I am now convinced so i agree to an overnight sleep study in the hospital. the whole shabang. They put electrodes or whatever all over my body and i slept. I got up, checked out. They said ur doc will be in touch with your results and sent me on my way.
In my personal experience, nothing in the medical world works quickly unless death is on the line and sometimes not even then. So i was more than a little surprised and concerned when i got a call from the sleep doctor's office affiliated with the hospital i was tested at only a few hours later. They scheduled me an appointment to come in and discuss next steps and the appointment was so soon, i knew they squeezed me in because no doctors in my area have availability that quickly. I go to the appointment and im very nervous and this very concerned woman started explaining more about sleep apnea and my results.
The average adult stops breathing 3-5 times a night. I stopped breathing 117 times in 1 HOUR.
Do you know what its like to be told you are basically fighting for your life in your sleep every night? Its TERRIFYING. This poor woman was horrified on my behalf and ordered a cpap machine for me. Unfortunately due to the supply chain issues, cpap machines had months long wait list. So when i was laid off work a month later causing me to loose my health insurance, i wasnt even close to getting a machine. So i get a new job and wait the 3 months to get insurance and start the process of finding doctors that my new insurance will cover. So now 5 months after my sleep study i am sitting in another sleep doctors office. I hand this man the papers detailing my sleep study and watch the blood drain from his face while he reads.
If you have never scared a doctor before I wouldn't recommend it.
This poor man sees that i have been waiting to get a cpap machine for 5 months and puts in the order for one. While he is putting in the order he is trying very hard to be casual while asking me questions that boil down to how the fuck do function normally? How can you drive a car without falling asleep at the wheel? I then have to admit that i have been compensating for extreme exhaustion since i was a teenager so its all very normal for me now. I thank him for his time and go about my day.
This doctor let me know that the wait for a cpap now is about 3 weeks so im already happy, like that is sooo much shorter than it was 5 months ago. He says the home health equipment office will call me when my machine comes in.
I got the call from the home health office that same day. Turns out i horrified that sleep doctor so much that he put a rush on my cpap order so i got bumped to the front of the list. I had my machine 2 days later.
I have had this thing for 3 weeks now and i cant describe how amazing i feel. I am used to waking up at least a dozen times a night, now its only once or twice. Im used to having trouble keeping my eyes open long enough to turn off my alarm clock in the morning and i am used to making myself keep moving so i dont instantly fall back asleep. Now i am awake and alert when my alarm goes off. I dont wake up already exhausted anymore. I learned early in my driving life that i have to listen to audiobooks in the car to keep my mind engaged enough to not start to fall asleep at the wheel. For the first time in years i was able to just listen to music in the car and not start nodding off. I haven't needed to take a nap after work even once.
I have been told that i might not notice changes until after the first month with the machine so i am so excited about what else might change because of this machine. I cried actual tears the other day because of it.
It has already changed my day to day life significantly. The machine is so small for the miracle it has already given me. I cant even hear it when its on. I have a fan on at night and the machine is quieter than my fan.
Getting tested is so so worth it. The benefit to your life could be so significant.
I have other things that i need to take care of for my health but taking care of this one has made it easier to work on the others.
If you think you might have it, get tested.
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mercykatze · 1 month
I will walk into your house and (politely) demand you to explain all of your lore, hello???????? I'm listening!!!! I will read! I will gobble!!!! I will consume!!!! I'm so interested..... plsplspls don't feel like no one's interested because I am now???? What is the story omg?????
sorry i took so long to reply work is killing me 😭
ive posted a few comics of the story here under the hiddenclan tag but i dont think ill have the time/emotional availability to draw out the rest so ill do a little lore dump under the cut
so what i had envisioned for the story was like. Shineclan (Warmflick and Bluffpaws original clan was Very unpopular in their area, mostly for their disbelief in Starclan. The clan culture acknowledge Starclans existence but saw them as just dead cats with no real power over the clan. The highest power to Shineclan was the current clan leader and that's who theyd refer to for any ceremonies or giving of thanks (hinted at when Warmflick calls upon Thymestar to approve the name she was giving Bluffpaw).
the current leader, Thymestar (Warmflicks father) was a similar sort of leader to Oakstar. very popular within the clan as a strong and fearless leader but was very aggressive to any outside cats, including other clans, loners, ect. eventually it got to the point where the other clans joined up and decided to drive Shineclan from the forest, one way or another. Warmflick, as the only pregnant queen and Bluffpaw as the youngest cat in the clan were both sent away as soon as the fighting started to protect them.
I wanted the story to show in particular, Warmflicks son Jumblekit slowly picking up on signs from Starclan and trying to tell his mother abt them and culminating with her receiving nine lives and the name Warmstar.
I really wanted to show how tragic i found Warmstar as a character. she is painfully optimistic and self sacrificing, even after slowly losing everyone she cares about. where i played the save to, she only had one kit remaining, had lost both Bluffnudge and Jumblekit(now Jumblebear) to the same tragic fire and had lost the mate she found. all of the lives shes lost so far as a leader have been while protecting clanmates. the one kit she has left, Gullgrove, she is incredibly close to. but he has a mate outside of the clans (has brought back 3 litters and is constantly spotted in the twoleg place) and i imagine she is terrified that shes going to lose him through this too.
i just have a lot of feelings about warmflick and shes really special to me so im sad like. with myself for losing motivation in telling this after getting no engagement </3
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yamiiwaii · 1 year
Do you have headcanons about macaque's recovering process from bpd and his copying skills (like about holding back extreme emotions or apathy, how does he regularly motivates himself to keep healing and so on)?
thats honestly a really good question...strap in, its a long one
macaque is definitely prone to bad spirals and bad episodes, as evident in the show, and he tends to internalize a lot of it and lash out in aggression. because of that i feel like starting the healing process was really hard for him. with lbd off his back and a lot more free time, im sure he thought alot about the things he did in the last few centuries. he probably stayed holed up in his dojo for a good while after the lbd stuff and just...thought. all that thinking led to spirals and breakdowns and he spent that time crying more than hes ever cried in his life. but afterwards i think he felt fine, stagnant even, and thats when he finally decided he could move on.
its hard giving up your fp and if hes anything like me im sure he didnt want to let go. he didnt want to break off those ties he had with wukong because those were familiar, safe. he fell back onto bad habits a lot, (i headcanon that he has s/h stims and he pulls on his fur when hes really stressed which adds to his bald spots), and found himself in spots where he felt the urge to go and fight wukong again, like before. during times like these his shadows are actually really helpful ! they help ground him and im sure rumble and savage help talk him through his breakdowns when theyre alone together. they help drive him to keep going, i think, because they know as well as he does that he needs this.
i think mk is another big motivator for macaque too, if not the biggest. he cares about mk so much, way more than he was ever expecting to, and i think he does hold some guilt and remorse about the way he treated mk. he wants to repair their relationship and actually become friends in the genuine way that mks friends with everyone else. and mac knows he cant get that if hes still holding onto the past, ya know. he wants to be someone mk could go to when wukong isn't available (he makes that...very very clear its honestly a little endearing) so i think he always thinks about mk while hes going through the process of healing.
and honestly, repairing his friendship with wukong could be something of a motivator too. he wants them to have something thats normal, im assuming, and maybe thats why he hangs around ffm still. but its also a little bit of a bittersweet memory of sorts, to see everything still as it was. to see bits of him still there.
with the holding back extreme emotions, macaque is the type to bottle everything up util he explodes. which isnt...healthy AJVKSKCJ i think overtime and mk exposure showed him its okay to feel those things...its okay to cry and to be upset and to just. be a person...obviously he only ever lets himself feel those things in the privacy of his dojo but hey, at least its something !
he does have set backs, as everyone does because healing isnt linear, and he still has days where its almost like hes back to being that hard-headed smartass trying to kill everyone...but i think now its a bit easier to deal with those days because he has a support system. he has people to rely on that wont shun him away, even if things are rocky between them all. but hes trying and he'll keep trying because as much as he lets it on, i dont think he actually enjoys being alone as much.
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03l210 · 2 years
Hello Hello!! Can I ask Himeko Murata or Sandrone Headcannons?? The plot would be, Himeko/Sandrone reacting to their S/O imitating people(Just like Griseo from Honkai Impact). Its okay if you won't accept this request, I understand !!!
I dont know if your accepting Anons but if yes, can I be ' ☕🧋Anon' ??
Anon I LOVE how you think oh my god ofc I'm going to accept this request (totally not because Griseo is one of my favorite flame-chasers, definitely not)!! I decided to just go with Sandrone for this because I am in DESPERATE need of writing for her, but I will definitely update this post/make a new one for Himeko later because I love this idea... Also, I am 100% always accepting anons as long as the emoji is available, which I will make a list for soon! However, I do ask that you only choose one emoji/name so for now I'll just refer to you as Latte/Coffee anon but just let me know if you want to be referred to by Bubble Tea/Boba anon instead in my inbox and I will update it! ^-^
Now, without further ado:
Sandrone with a S/O that imitates people (HC):
Okay so for Sandrone it’s pretty much a huge case of favoritism for her 😭
She honestly seems like she would hate hearing people’s imitations of others but when it's you??? Oh my god she finds it so endearing and just silently enjoys hearing your imitations of people, be it while you are complaining or are just doing it for whatever other reason.
Like she just enjoys it from you
You could be imitating Dottore’s maniacal laughter and whatever random sounds he makes while thinking about something or doing one of his experiments or you could be imitating Pierro’s speech from earlier that day and she will just be softly smiling while giving you the smallest, most loving glance ever IM SO
She doesn't have even the slightest problem with it... Until you imitated Tartaglia while fighting one of her robots to test its capabilities for her
One day she is just observing you fighting while noting down the machine’s weak points that you find mid-fight and then all of the sudden while she is grabbing another piece of paper from her side, she just hears you yell out “Riptide!!” followed by the laugh of a certain ginger haired harbinger
she looks like one of those shocked cats😭
her mouth is in its usual smile, except this time her mouth is just slightly open, and her eyes are just wide open and blinking while she is frozen in place processing what she just heard before turning her head to you and having the robot she sits on bring her to where you are in front of the now broken machine
when you turn around her face is back to its usual soft smile and open eyes, but you can practically SEE the hatred coming off of her smile
its lowkey a little bit scary when you take in the GIANT ROBOT SHES ON THATS LOOMING OVER YOU
"My dear... might I ask of you to never imitate that boy again if possible?" she asks you so sickeningly sweet that it has chills going down your spine
I think it's safe to say you don't imitate Childe in front of her again after that
Once that is settled, she just goes back to silently admiring you and your imitations of others while ignoring that whole interaction
as if you didn't get the shit scared out of you that day😭
(I took some slight inspiration from the fact that Griseo imitates Mei's ult for the Childe part I couldn't help myself)
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