#i love that i have to live with a mother who every time she gas a bad day it becomes “yell at kes” time
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lonniemachin · 5 months
I was asked to help share Maram's fundraiser. She is a young displaced Palestinian mother urgently raising money to evacuate she and her family from Gaza. She has only raised €225 out of her €30,000 goal so far! Please share and donate, and if you can't donate, please still share!
From Maram's GFM:
‏Hi, my name is Maram. I am 28 years old. I am a Palestinian from Gaza City.A mother for 3 kids. This is my husband, Ahmed, and my children are Habiba, four years old, kareem, two years old, and Mohammad, nine months old. ‏My family and I went through very difficult circumstances in Gaza after October 7th ‏
It’s painful to say that we lost everything. But yes
we did! We lost our beautiful homeland with all its memories, we lost our job, we lost our lives and our dreams. We evacuated our house with only a small bag of clothes before it was bombed and destroyed. So technically YES we have lost EVERYTHING, from the biggest to the smallest little detail.
We have been displaced 6 times. My children left our home for the first time and moved to another home, and then we moved with the family to another, less safe home. Then the army ordered us to flee to southern Gaza, so we fled to the ground, then we ended up fleeing to a small tent and sleeping on the sand. ‏
My family suffers from a lack of food, especially ‏the children. My child, Mohammed, who is 9 months old, ran out of breast milk due to malnutrition, and the price of infant formula has doubled. Kareem and Habiba saw the simplest thing that could be available to children, which is apples, so they screamed and cried, wanting an apple, but the price of one apple reached 10 dollars or more!! ‏In addition, there was also a lack of healthy drinking water, which caused them severe stomach pain and diseases such as hepatitis A.
‏Due to the conditions imposed by the occupation, the siege, and the lack of resources, it has become difficult for my family to provide the children with basic and simple needs, such as diapers. It is difficult to provide all the needs, and due to the poor quality of the types of diapers available, my children suffered from a skin problem ‏ My family also suffers from not having a bathroom or even a shower. We can only shower once a month using a bucket due to lack of water. There is no electricity or gas either. ‏Every morning, I wash my children's clothes in cold water and spread the clothes out in the open air. If there is food, it is cooked on firewood, which is completely unhealthy and tastes bad. Me and my husband shared a beautiful life together. Our home was always filled with love and laughter. My children are the most precious thing I have in my life. ‏ Our lives were once full of dreams and hopes, but the never-ending cycle of conflict in Gaza shattered those dreams. Now our only goal is to survive. ‏ While others dream of the future, we long for the past, remembering the life we once lived before the horrors of war tore it apart.
‏I have hesitated to ask for financial assistance for several months, but the reality is that life in Gaza has become impossible in the near future. With schools destroyed and opportunities disappearing, our only chance for a better life lies beyond these borders. ‏ My only hope is to save my little family and we need €30,000 to make it out of Gaza, to start a new life from scratch. It is very difficult to leave homeland, but we are forced To get out of Gaza. Your kindness can make a big difference to us. Your donation, no matter how small, will help us escape the constant fear and uncertainty that has plagued our lives for so long. If you're not able to donate, simply sharing our campaign with your friends, family and social networks can also have a huge impact. ‏Together, we can give my children the opportunity to grow up in a world free of the horrors of war. Your kindness will help us build a brighter future and restore hope to a family that has endured so much suffering. ‏ Thank you from the bottom of our hearts for your sympathy and support! Your contributions will not only change our lives, but will also provide hope to countless people affected by similar circumstances.
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errolluck · 4 months
Dear Americans and people outside Mexico: Please stop.
I have seen many posts of people outside Mexico saying: Congrats, Mexico! Claudia, a leftist feminist ambientalist jewish woman, is president! Take notes US!
Meanwhile, you go out in the streets in Mexico today and no one is celebrating. No one. The streets are empty, everything feels sad and hopeless.
A lot of people didn't want her. Because we know what is going to happen.
Morena (her political group) is literally in every position of power. From senators, to city governors. They have EVERY SINGLE thing in the goverment.
You know how bad things are gonna get for us here? Do you know what she has allowed? What THEY have done to our country? All the shit we have been through because of them?
No, because you don't care. You haven't cared enough to research who this woman is really and just praise her without knowing a shit.
Because you have to make everything about you, don't you?.
"I can't believe Mexico has a woman president before US!"
"OMG, US take notes!"
"The US-"
Can you stop for a second and think outside of your bubble? Do you truly know who this woman is and what she has done to Mexico? Or you are just using this to talk about you and your own country and problems?
Please. Please do your research.
She is not your precious feminist ally.
She has denied multiple times the ongoing wave of violence against women in Mexico (11 women go missing A DAY). She has sent riot police to gas feminist protests.
Did you hear what I said?
And she denies this. She has denied MULTIPLE TIMES that the violence against women is at an all time high.
A feminist would denied that 11 mothers/sisters/daughters/aunts/girls/women/people are going missing PER DAY?
No. Because she doesn't fucking care.
She is no ambientalist.
She was more than happy to support the Tren Maya, a project AMLO, the former president, was hooked on making since the begining.
The issue?
Entire natural spaces gone for a train that isn't even working and already is having problems.
Also, how can I forget this?
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27 people died, 80 injured.
The line 12 (Linea 12) of the CDMX Metro collapsed. The structure and the entire transport had (and still are) been neglected by the city administration.
Guess who was in charge of CDMX at the time of the tragedy?
Exactly, Claudia Sheinbaum. What was she doing instead of sending resources and money to fix and mantain the Metro?
But political propaganda for herself, of course!
And even after that tragedy, there have been multiple issues and accidents in the metro. A fucking coworker of a family member was trapped in a wagon alongside multiple people for HOURS due to a malfuction of the metro. They weren't allowed to get out even if they were cooking alive due to the heat of being inside a closed wagon and police ordered them TO NOT FILM what was happening to them.
She is not a saint. She is not an icon. She is not someone you should praise.
Mexico is not USA. Get it? We don't have the same politics and issues you have, get that?
The entire world doesn't revolve around you. We aren't your argument to use, we aren't your little meme to fuck around with.
We are people that are tired. People that didn't want this. People that are upset, dissapointed, mad, hopeless.
My blog isn't a political place, so as a final note, I want to say this:
I want to be wrong. I really, really want to be fucking wrong.
I want my country, Mexico, to be ok. To be a better place to live.
I HOPE to be wrong and that things get better. For me, for my family, for my friends, for the millions of people that stay, study, work, breathe, live and love this country.
Claudia Sheinbaum, I really want to be wrong about you. Not because I love you, but because I love Mexico.
I don't have high hopes for the future, but I really, REALLY, want things to be better.
That's all I have to say for now.
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withlovemark · 1 year
all of the moments that led me to you.
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warning: steve's black eye (nothing new), violence, mentions of blood, a fight between steve x billy
pairing: steve x reader, light billy x reader (not really, this isn't a love triangle lol)
words: 4.5k+
summary: the title speaks for itself -- a series of moments with steve harrington
an: i was going to post everything as one fic but i kind of hit writer's block in the middle of year 1985 so i'll post this for now instead and hopefully gain some inspiration to continue :)
yr. 1984
i. the first meeting ft. dustin henderson
the words “code red” hitting your ears every five seconds, the stomping of feet running around the house, the back door opening and closing several times - babysitting is weird. not one kid is ever the same, some are easy-going, others can be a real pain in the ass. 
you hoped you got an easy kid today. one that just stays in front of the television, binging on crackers and occasionally asking for your help. obviously, you were wrong. 
if it wasn’t for the fact that it pays well while simultaneously allowing you to do some of your own studies and looking good on your college resume, you wouldn’t even be here.
but you are here. seated inside the henderson household. 
“hey y/n, can you please drive me to my friend mike’s house?,” dustin runs into the living room, an exasperated expression on his face, interrupting your reading. 
“are you okay?” you ask, worried about the kid you just met when his mother called an hour ago trailing on about how she saw your babysitting flyer some time back. and even though she knew that she had to book a date at least two days beforehand, she still asked if you could watch over her son. 
“just for today” she said, as she needed to look for her missing cat. her promise of double pay, convincing you to accept her request. 
“i’m fine, i just really need you to drive me to mike’s,” dustin says hurriedly, eyes hopeful that you wouldn’t ask anymore questions. 
“why?” you ask and the boy’s shoulder slumps, doing his best to not roll his eyes at your persistence. he’s obviously not used to  asking for permission. 
“i uhm forgot my book there and i really, really need it to study for my exam tomorrow,” he sends you a toothy grin, trying to convince you that that was all there is to it. you’re no fool. you notice the slight change in his voice, his fingers anxiously playing with his pockets, right leg slightly bouncing up and down - indications that he’s lying.
“you know your mom’s not paying for my gas, right?” you reason, not wanting to give in to his request and hoping you could just have a calm afternoon.
dustin sighs, his smile disappearing, “fine. i’ll just go behind your back and bike there and if i end up missing or in a ditch somewhere then it’ll be your fault,” he counters, personality quickly switching from the boy who said “please.” 
you sat there, flabbergasted, “are you…blackmailing me right now?” an eyebrow raising, you couldn’t believe how diabolical the curly headed boy is. 
“i’m not blackmailing you. i’m simply telling you what's going to happen if you don’t drive me,” he smiles, an almost devilish smile, tone hardening with every word and you truly do not know whether you’re terrified or impressed. 
letting out a quiet chuckle, you shake your head, “alright, c’mon kid,” you say, grabbing your car keys off the table, “but we’re going back as soon as you get it.”
you should’ve known not to trust him, finding yourself hurriedly getting into the back seat of the car of the last person you ever expected to interact with - steve harrington. 
pushing his forgotten red roses towards the other end of the car, you take your seat in the middle. 
“wh-what are you doing?” dustin turns from the passenger seat, facing you as steve takes in your presence, eyes on his rearview mirror, a confused expression evident on his face. 
“y/n l/n?,” he questions, finally remembering where he has seen you before, “you’re in nancy’s grade?,” he asks, more a question for himself than you. 
you nod, “steve harrington,” acknowledging his presence for the first time. 
 “why are you with dustin?” he wonders. he didn’t know much about you. only that you and nancy were sometimes studying in the library together. she’s told him before that you always get the top grades in class and she wanted to be around more motivated people like you. 
“i’m his babysitter and i’m coming with,” you simply answer his question, keeping the explanation short. it’s weird enough that you were inside the car of hawkin high’s famous “king.”
“since when did you have a babysitter dude,” steve reverts his attention back to dustin. 
“i'll explain later,” dustin reassures him quickly before turning back to you,  “and uhm, you don’t have to come, i have steve now,” he points to the guy in the driver seat like you don’t see him. 
from what you’ve heard about steve, you’re not sure you trust leaving the young boy with him. he’s known for being notorious, having bad company and overall, just a guy with the money, the looks and the popularity that somehow has every girl wanting him and every boy wanting to be him. you’re not sure how that guy can be trusted with kids.
subconsciously, you eye steve suspiciously, causing him to put two hands up in surrender “hey, i have no idea what’s happening either,” he defends, shrugging nonchalantly. 
snapping out of your daze, you focused your attention back on dustin, “look dustin, steve isn’t the one being paid to watch you right now,” you start to explain.
“hold on, you’re getting paid for this?” the older boy interrupted.
you ignore him, attention still on dustin, “if something were to happen to you, your mom would be looking for me. i’m responsible for you kid, i-,”
“fine! there’s no time,” he cuts you off, obviously in a rush. 
“you can come, just,” dustin contemplates, already regretting the words that slipped from his lips, “just don’t blame me for getting you into this thing.”
at that, steve snaps back to reality, “wait, wait, wait, if this ‘thing’ is about ‘that’ then she definitely can NOT come,” steve declared, his voice laced with a seriousness you didn’t think he could have. 
“well, are you going to drag her out of the car so she doesn’t find out about this thing?,” the younger boy replies, a sarcastic tone evident on his lips. 
“guys, i can hear you,” you piped in, eyes going back and forth between the two boys, having absolutely no clue what they’re referring to. 
“dustin, im not joking ok!,” steve ignores you, “we can’t tell people about this,” a serious expression appearing on his face, one you’ve never seen on him before, “we’ll get in trouble, you know that. besides, we shouldn’t involve anyone else into this anyway!,” he protested. 
he didn’t sound like the steve you would hear about at school. he sounded responsible, protective. he sounded like…a babysitter. 
“i know that steve, that’s why i told her to leave!,” dustin shouted. 
“well, she’s clearly still sitting in the backseat of my car!,” steve’s voice raises with every syllable. 
“can someone just explain what’s happening?” you try butting in, rolling your eyes, completely fading into the background as they continue their bickering.
“i don’t see YOU trying to do anything about it!,” dustin throws the argument back to steve, his patience on thin ice.
“she’s YOUR babysitter!,” steve points out yet again, ears turning red, veins popping and finally pushing the young boys’ limit. 
“fuCK!, we don’t have time for this steve, we really have to go NOW!” dustin shouts, losing his temper. 
steve, ready to reprimand him, before you decide you’ve had enough.
the series of “thing” and “this” has your mind spinning and your curiosity getting the best of you.  
“SHUT UP!” gaining the two boys’ attention, their bodies turning towards you, “both of you. shut. up.” you enunciate, loud and clear.  
“i promise i won’t blame you…or you,” glancing at the two boys, “for whatever the hell this thing is…just put your seatbelts on and drive,” ending their argument as you sat behind the passenger seat, clicking your own seatbelt into place. 
steve gives up, letting out a sigh, “fuck it,” before finally stepping on the gas. 
ii. the babysitters and an angry billy hargrove
you should have never picked up mrs. henderson’s call and you definitely shouldn’t have agreed to babysitting. what was the point of having your own terms and conditions when you didn’t even follow them yourself?
you should, however, have listened to steve and dustin when they told you to leave.
the day isn’t even over yet and you’re already questioning everything you knew. in a span of a couple of hours, you have been introduced to a world you couldn’t even imagine. having to pinch yourself a couple of times to make sure you weren’t just dreaming. 
everything was strange. 
you’ve spent the whole afternoon dropping meat, trying to bait something called a demogorgon. met steve’s spiked bat. got questioned regarding your relationship with billy hargrove from his very own red headed step-sister. came face to face with the said demogorgon, who, by the way, had demogorgon friends and were actually a pack of demodogs. almost died in a junkyard. walked in the dark woods just to end up in a creepy laboratory. felt the awkward tension between steve, nancy and jonathan. understood why will byers was called the zombie boy. stood behind steve while holding a random kitchen knife you grabbed from the byers’ kitchen — and to top it all off, encountered a little girl who flung the finally, very dead demogorgon through the window then unlocked the front door, all using only her mind. 
in conclusion, monsters and superpowers aren’t just a thing people read in their comic books.
“how are you holding up?” steve breaks you out of your thoughts, your eyes snapping to his voice. 
everyone else has left, leaving you the only two teenagers to act as the adults once again. 
the strangest thing of all of this was somehow, steve harrington went from being the popular jock to a guy whose simple presence can provide you comfort. everything you knew about him has changed. 
it’s amazing what shared trauma could do. 
you shoot him a small smile, “well, i definitely wasn’t expecting all this,” you look around the mess around you, “to be a part of that thing” you refer back to the boys’ banter, trying to keep the energy light despite everything that happened. 
he gives you a sheepish smile,  almost like he was sorry, regretting that he allowed you to be a part of this. 
“it’s not your fault. i chose to come,” you say, reading his thoughts and putting an end to them. 
“where did you put the demogorgon?” you continue, changing the subject, reassuring him that you were ok. at least, as much as anyone could be ok in this situation. 
“we stuffed it in the fridge,” he shakes his head, arms crossing, like he couldn't believe it himself, “‘for science’ dustin said,” steve quotes the younger boy with a grin.  
“right, of course, all the important things,” you chuckled, matching his grin as the two of you continued to clean the broken fragments that have scattered around the house. 
you thought it was over, that you could all just wait for everything else to unfold in peace but after a few minutes of silence, the kids were back on their feet, ready to "get off the bench.” you’re not sure how steve has the energy to continue arguing with them when you’re completely exhausted. 
the sound of an engine brings a silence to the house, max running towards the blinds recognizing the car that has made an appearance in the driveway, “shit, it’s billy, he can’t see me,” she says frantically, eyes meeting yours, a silent call for help. 
“i got it, just hide,” you hushly ordered, quickly making your way to the front porch. steve tried pulling you back but you were out the door before anyone could protest, resulting in him looking through the peephole. 
billy’s momentarily confused expression at your arrival wasn’t lost on you and if you were in his shoes you’d probably have the same one on, “hey sweetheart, what are you doing here?,” his husky voice taking up space in the cold, night air.
standing a couple steps away from him, his hand immediately finds a spot on your waist, pulling you closer. you placed a hand on his chest to keep some distance between the two of you, aware of the audience you have, “i’m babysitting a kid, his friend lives here,” you explain, smiling sweetly at him, hoping that he won’t suspect anything and leave as soon as he came. 
“have you seen my sister?” he asks breathily, face inching closer and closer to yours, a smirk on his lips. if it was any other day, you would have enjoyed his attention, maybe even be up for some fun. right now though, you just want him as far from max as possible. 
“no, why would she be here?,” feigning innocence, you hope he believes your lie. 
“she’s been hanging out with a couple of kids here, a bunch of bad influences,” he huffed, eyes quickly glancing around you before pulling you even closer.
“i haven’t seen her, she’s probably at the arcade, have you checked?,” you hope he doesn’t hear the shakiness in your voice. 
“you know what i like about you sweetheart?,” he muttered, placing a harsh kiss below your ear, his grip on your waist starting to dig into your skin. you know he has caught you. 
“you can’t lie for shit,” pulling you away from him, gaze darkening, he howled with laughter as you followed his line of vision, seeing four kids peeking through the window — one, with very bright red hair. 
frustrated curses slip from your lips as you shoot them an angry glance before billy grabs your wrist, dragging you right behind him as he pounded on the door, coming face to face with steve. 
“harrington, am i dreaming or is that you?,” he mocks, his hold on your wrist tightening. 
“yeah it’s me, don’t cream your pants,” steve rolls his eyes, hands on his hips like a disappointed mother. 
steve notices you wince under billy’s hold, “let her go man,” he orders, taking a step towards the wider boy. 
billy focuses his attention back on you, for a second you see a feeling of betrayal flash through his eyes but that was quickly replaced with a snarled expression, like he was completely disgusted with the thought of you. 
“is there a reason why you both are here alone?” his dark voice causes goosebumps to rise throughout your body. 
you’ve heard of how violent he can be but until right now, he has never shown that side to you. 
“what are you saying?,” you almost couldn’t recognize him anymore, breath hitching in your throat. 
“are you fucking him behind my back, sweetheart?,” billy’s voice grew menacing, “you know i don’t like to share,” he continued accusing you, his free hand coming in contact with your neck, forcing you to look at him. 
“dude, no. we’re babysitting,” steve answers for you and motioning towards the kids like it’s the most obvious answer in the world.  
“you’re hurting her,” he emphasized, “just let her go,” gently stepping closer, steve has his arms slowly reaching for you, hands up, a signal that he comes in peace. 
steve hopes billy will focus his attention on him instead, just wanting to get you out of there. he feels responsible for your safety and well-being. 
“gladly…” billy shot him an evil smirk, “you can’t trust bitches anyways right, harrington?,” he scowled, violently throwing you against the wall. 
your head makes a direct impact with the concrete, causing you to fall to the ground, a whimper slipping through your lips. you hear the kids' screams and a punch being thrown as you feel your vision slipping between darkness and light.  
you make out dustin running towards you and grabbing your hand, trying to get you to sit up. a couple of unsuccessful tries, he pleads “i’ll come back okay, just stay alive,” as he makes his way back to his friends. 
the proceeding events were all a blur and it felt like you were watching it through static television. one moment you can hear victorious cheers. the next moment, you hear something break and steve is suddenly lying on the floor a couple feet away from you, bloody faced and barely breathing. billy continuously throws his punches and the kids scream in fear. you try to get up but your body betrays you, only allowing you to reach out your arm towards the brown haired boy. 
somehow, the sound of the punches halted and billy fell to the ground. a sigh of relief escapes from your lips while the slow rise and fall of steve harrington’s chest becomes the last thing you see as you completely fade into the darkness.
the next time you open your eyes is to another set of screams, waking you up from your much needed slumber, if you can even call it that. you ignore the pounding in your head as you try to regain your vision. the first thing you feel are the strong arms in front of you, acting as your seatbelt, as you try to piece it all together. 
a couple minutes of confusion later, you finally recognize what’s happening, joining steve in full babysitter mode. the yelling of “no’s!,” and “stop the car’s!,” filling the tiny vehicle. 
“great, now they’re both awake!, i told you we should have just left them!,” mike cursed dustin annoyingly. 
“we were not going to leave them there, mike!,” dustin retorted, “c’mon guys i promised you’ll be cool, okay? just calm. down,” he softly ordered, like he was the babysitter and you two were his children. 
you scoff, “dustin, don’t fucking tell me to calm down!,” somehow fearing for your life now more than ever. 
“everyone just shut up, i’m trying to focus!,” max yells as lucas yells the directions in her ear. 
max makes a harsh turn causing a chorus of screams to rise. your hand immediately clutching around steve’s arm, face burrowing in his neck, seeking for protection, afraid of the crash that luckily never came. 
you’re not even too sure what happened the rest of the night but somehow you all made it out unscathed, besides the fact that you and steve are probably suffering matching concussions. 
iii. the heart-to-heart
in the tiny bathroom of the byer’s house, you find yourself standing in between steve harrington’s legs. his body feels familiar now, especially after you seeked comfort in each other in the dark tunnel, the two of you thinking it would be your last breaths. in some way, the miracle happened and the screeching demogorgons ran straight past the two of you, like you weren’t even there. 
you remember looking up at his golden, brown eyes. being that close to him, you noticed how beautiful they actually are and finally understood how he has charmed every girl at school. 
‘i guess it wouldn’t have been too bad dying in steve harrington’s arms.’ you thought to yourself.  
brushing those thoughts away, you bask in the moment of solitude within the commotion that is taking place behind the bathroom door. everyone reunited here, checking up on each other.
“does it hurt?” you ask him as you gently pat the alcohol covered cotton pad around his eye, cleaning up the bits of red that have stained them.
he slightly winces, hoping you didn’t notice, “i’m fine, this isn’t my first rodeo,” he assures, sending you a wink before completely regretting the tiny action, a frown briskly replacing his smile, causing small chuckles to slip between your lips. 
“you know, you should really stop getting into fights, i could’ve sworn you had a black eye just a year ago,” you remember it like it was yesterday - steve harrington walking the halls of hawkins high without his two minions for the first time, looking like he had fallen off his throne as the hushed whispers grew louder until they finally made its way throughout the school in a matter of minutes. 
you could tell he wasn’t at all the person he was trying to be and for a second, you saw yourself in him. you wanted to get to know that steve. the steve that may understand you. but that second didn’t last long. 
“so you were watchin me?” he teases, a smirk on his lips resulting in a playful shove and an eye roll from you.
gently grabbing his chin, you stare straight into his eyes, “of course i was. you’re steve harrington,” you remind him, “everyone watches you,” stating the facts before letting go and going back to removing all the dried up blood from his pretty face. 
he clears his throat, shrugging his shoulders, playing it cool, “yeah, i guess you’re right,” he says dumbfoundedly, making you laugh. 
“you’re ridiculous,” you quietly comment, a smile still on your lips. steve focuses on your light touches, trying not to wince every time you get near his open wounds. you notice his knuckles going white, gripping the toilet seat he was sitting on and ever so gently, hurried your actions. 
“there, all clean,” you softly declare as you slip from his space, turning around and putting all mrs. byer’s first aid kit back into place. he quietly thanks you, leaning his head back a bit to rest, his eyes shutting for a second. 
“thanks, by the way,” you break the silence “for protecting me earlier… with billy and all the upside down things,” you explain, looking at steve through the mirror. he nods, not entirely sure he’s deserving of your gratitude. you protected him as much as he protected you. 
“is he always that violent with you?” steve asks, an eyebrow going up. 
you immediately shake your head,  “no, he’s never laid a hand on me, i don’t know what came over him,” you say honestly. 
“why billy hargrove?” he asks, causing you to pause your actions, paying attention to him.
“what do you mean?” you reply, turning around to face him once again, your back against the tiny kitchen sink. 
“well, you didn’t leave dustin alone even though you just started babysitting him today, you care about having seatbelts on, you immediately covered up for max and just now, you took care of me when you should be taking care of yourself,” he points out, “you’re responsible and kind and you care and, well, billy is just a huge dick,” he finished, a hand flailing in the air as you stare at him, stunned at his observations.
you compose your thoughts for a while, not at all ready to have a heart to heart with steve harrington in a bathroom. 
instead, you throw the question back at him, “why nancy wheeler?” 
“you cannot possibly be comparing billy to nancy,” he replies quickly, a disapproving tone laced in his voice.
“i’m not,” you say defensively, “i’m just saying, she hurt you too but you’re still with her, you-”
“i-i don’t know if we’re actually still together,” he sadly replies, cutting you off, eyes dropping to the floor and you think back to the woods earlier that night — nancy emerging with jonathan right by her side. 
“but you still love her,” you continue, “even though she’s hurt you, you still love her,” you finish, trying to make a point.
“so, you’re in love with billy?” he concludes.
you scoff, wanting to say yes and finally drop the subject but the mere thought of agreeing with that sentence makes you visibly wince. 
“god no, i’ve been on a couple dates with the guy, it’s far from love,” earning an even more confused steve to face you. 
“i don’t know if it’s because i got my brains punched out or i really am just dumb but i completely lost you there,” he admit, a tiny smile on his lips and all you could do is sigh. 
heart to heart talk it is. 
“you’re not dumb, i just-” taking a deep breath, you prepare yourself.
“we all have our own reasons why were with someone,” you begin, “i’m just so tired of the perfect good girl image that has been imposed on me, it's like people just see me as that and nothing else,” as soon as you start, the dam breaks, flowing. 
you find yourself entrusting your deepest thoughts to him, “i can’t be fun because good girls aren’t supposed to be, i go to parties and people are confused that i'm there. you know, i even joined the cheerleading team so people can see me as something more? but all that does is fuel the assumption that i can do everything and still get shit done...that im not capable of mistakes and bad decisions. that i’ll turn out to be something great when really i’m just so damn scared all the time,” your voice breaks but before he could comment, you cleared your throat and continued. 
“i guess being with him makes people finally see me out of my stereotype” you confess, waiting for him to say something. the silence becomes overbearing and you feel completely vulnerable under his gaze. 
“oh,” steve responds, before bursting into laughter and you feel like a complete idiot, eyebrows shifting downward. god, you’re so ready to dramatically walk out of this bathroom and slam the door against his face but before you could do that, he notices.
“hey wait,” he says, gently grabbing your arm, asking you to stay as he arranges his thoughts.
“i’m sorry, i’m just relieved that you’re not actually in love with him because you deserve a lot better than billy hargrove,” he says charmingly, his cool facade still on display. 
“i know,” you agree, stopping yourself from rolling your eyes, “is that all?” you ask, still annoyed. 
“yeah,” steve starts, “i-no,” you give him time. you know that he’s having a war in his mind right now, the same one you just had. 
he avoids your gaze, thinking to himself, until finally, he puts his defenses down, “i understand you,” he confesses. 
“if it makes you feel better, it’s not at all greener on this side, i wished people looked at me less, i wish i didn’t have to go to all these parties just for people to respect me,” steve rattled on, feeling the weight fall off his shoulders with every word that falls off his lips, his facade disappearing bit by bit.
“i completely gave up on school because everyone has already expected me to fail and i started to believe them…it’s tiring having to pretend i’m this ‘king’ steve,” he quotes, “when really i am spiraling and have no fucking clue what i even want in life...i’ll probably just end up having a stupid job i hate and being as bitter as my father,” he sadly chuckles.  
“i’m just as scared as you,” he ends with a small smile, eyes meeting yours. he feels lighter after having said it all out loud for the first time and he can’t quite comprehend how he feels so safe sharing his saddest truths with you. 
but as you cast him a kind smile, the words “fuck stereotypes,” making its way to his ears, he can’t help but be thankful for the spilled truths and ajar doors. 
steve mirrors your expression and you’re glad you finally got to meet him. not “playboy” steve harrington and definitely not steve “the king” harrington. 
just steve. 
next: yr. 1985
an: a lil bridgerton reference there hehe ... thank you for reading! let me know if you're interested in reading the other moments i had planned :)
feel free to inspire me by dropping your thoughts, comments, suggestions, etc. here <3
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moon-simmers · 3 months
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As every year this is a good date to remember the daily struggle for the rights of the LBGT+ community. It is also a time to learn about the people who made it possible for us to identify ourselves as who we are today without fear of reprisals or being punished by the law. This month I got involved in the history of Argentina and its different movements for the fight for rights through the 20th century. Here I come to share some important figures, some more known than others, but obviously there are a lot that I have left out of this publication.
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Sara Facio (1932-2024) & Maria Elena Walsh (1930-2011)
A couple of intellectual artists that would need a separate publication to go deeper into the subject. Sara is one of the greatest Latin American photographers who with her camera contributed to the creation of the most outstanding photographic heritage of the country. Maria Elena is a writer, singer and composer whose children's songs resonate to this day because they are much more profound than they seem and are still relevant today.
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Salvadora Medina Onrubia (1894-1972)
She was a writer, militant anarchist, single mother and the first woman to run a newspaper in the country. She was the first Argentinean woman to dare to write about double sinners, lesbians and adulteresses. One of her most valued plays was Las descentradas, premiered in 1929. There, Salvadora honors her own contradictions, narrating women who question monogamous structures, marriage and the traditional family.
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Malva Solis (1920-2015)
She was a transvestite writer who lived for 95 years when the life expectancy of this community in the country was under 40 years old. In 1951 founded the first trans organization on record, Maricas Unidas Argentinas. She has the oldest series of trans photographs in the country, dating from 1940 to 1980, when simply having those photographs at home was cause for being arrested. There is a documentary based on the photographs and conversations with her at her home called "Con Nombre de flor".
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Jorge Horacio Ballve Piñero (1920-?)
Piñero was a young man from a well-to-do family of the Buenos Aires society at the beginning of the century. Together with his best friend Adolfo and Blanca, he organized gatherings in his apartment in Recoleta, and was a pioneer of male erotic photography. They mixed the privileged social class with workers, dishwashers, gas station workers, sailors and cadets from the Military College. These three characters were involved in a police case involving cadets from the military college, known as the Cadet Scandal. In the police archives remain captive the photographic collection, intended for pleasure and personal aesthetic enjoyment that tragically proved key to incriminate some friends who just wanted to have fun.
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Ruth Mary Kelly (1925-1994)
She was a bisexual woman, who worked as a "Wohoo Worker". Founder of Grupo Safo in 1972, the first Argentine lesbian organization, and of the Frente de Liberación Homosexual (Homosexual Liberation Front). In 1972 she wrote Memorial de los Infiernos about her experiences as a "Wohoo" worker and bisexual, persecuted by the psychiatric-prison system.
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Manuel Puig (1932-1990)
He was an Argentine writer and LGBT+ activist, author of the novels Boquitas pintadas, El beso de la mujer araña (Considered one of the most recognized LGBT works in Latin America and one of the best works in Spanish of the 20th century) etc. He also fought against authoritarianism and machismo, and was one of the founders of the Homosexual Liberation Front in 1971, one of the first associations for the defense of LGBTQI+ rights.
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Mariela Muñoz (1943-2017)
She was the first transsexual woman to be recognized by the state and given a female ID card on May 2, 1997. At the age of 16 she became independent, and it was then that she began caring for children, teenagers and single mothers. She cared for children who had been abandoned by their mothers, whom she loved and cared for. She raised, during her lifetime, 23 children and 30 grandchildren. In a dispute over the guardianship of 3 children in 1993, Argentina was confronted for the first time with the debate as to whether a transsexual person "could be a mother"
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Carlos Jauregui (1957-1996) & Raul Soria
Carlos was a History professor and the founder of the Civil Association Gays for Civil Rights, organizer of the first Pride march in Buenos Aires and an essential figure for Argentine activism. In 1984, he broke with the schemes by appearing in the magazine Siete Días embracing the activist Raul Soria, a homosexual person assumed his sexuality in a public way for the first time. He believed that media visibility is fundamental for LGTB people. Leaving aside the fear and silence that other generations suffered for years. In 1985, Raul would present himself as the first gay candidate for congressman in the country.
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Roberto Jauregui (1960-1994)
Brother of Carlos, was a journalist, actor and the first activist for the rights of people with HIV in the country. In 1989 he exposed the inequality in access to treatment at that time due to the price of medication. He played a central role in marches, actions, talks and interviews to demand human rights for people living with the virus. A well-known phrase of his is "Showing one's face is not easy in a society that discriminates, censures and separates".
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Cris Miró (1965-1999)
Cris was the first visible trans people that appeared in the media and broke with the "transvestite" paradigm. A dental student, she got involved in the artistic underworld and later studied classical dance, musical comedy and acting. Her career was meteoric: the popularity of revue theater catapulted her to the small screen where she became a sought-after figure in the most popular programs. On June 23rd, a series about his life inspired by his biography was released, available on Prime Video.
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Alejandro Vannelli (1948-) y Ernesto Larresse (1950-)
They were the first couple in the province of Buenos Aires to get legally married on July 30, 2010 after the Equal Marriage Law was passed. They met in 1976 because of a triple A bomb in the theater where Larresse was performing with Nacha Guevara, then he joined the cast of Vannelli. At the beginning they did not like each other because of Vanelli's appearance as a wealthy young man and Larresse was the opposite, but opposites attracted and they were a couple for 34 years.
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Norma Castillo (1943-) y Ramona "Cachita" Arévalo (1943-2018)
They were the of South America's first gay marriage on April 9, 2010. Norma and Ramona were married to two Colombians, who were cousins to each other. During the dictatorship they both went into exile in Colombia and there they fell in love and lived their romance clandestinely, until Cachita separated and Norma was widowed by her husband. They lived their love freely and even opened an LGBT discotheque in Colombia. In 1998 they returned to Argentina and began to work in sexual diversity organizations.
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Feliciano Centurión 1962-1996)
He was a visual artist, a Paraguayan painter professionally trained in Argentina. He grew up in a home dominated by women, where he learned to sew and crochet. Inspired by queer aesthetics and folk art, he used to incorporate household textiles and references to the natural world. She handled kitsch art and languages not considered high art with a great deal of knowledge and sensitivity.
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Humberto Tortonese (1964-) , Alejandro Urdapilleta (1954-2013) & Batato Barea (1961-1991)
Batato was an actor and "literary transvestite clown" as he called himself, one of the most important personalities of the underground theater movement of the post-dictatorship years. Together with Alejandro Urdapilleta and Humberto Tortonese, revolutionized the underground scene of the 80's - in places like the Parakultural. They disguised themselves, wore make-up and improvised delirious and strident scenes for the decade.
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Sandra Mihanovich & Celeste Carballo
Sandra and Celeste are two singers who were visibly lesbians during the 80s and early 90s. Together they released the albums "Somos mucho mas que dos" and "Mujer contra mujer" which became a symbol of belonging for the whole LGBTQ arc in our country. They managed to be part of the rock scene, an area historically dominated by men. Sandra among all her songs is "Soy lo que soy" released in 1984 composed by Henry Jerman.
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asston69 · 3 months
I think im gonna TRY and write a small quick fanfic on thomas hewitt. Now before I writs this I was a wattpad fanfic writer and I said some cringe ahh stuff. So you might read some on here😞😞
Warnings: Reader doesn't live, death, violence, a lot of blood talk, gore, cursing, (if I missed anything else just tell me<3)
Your Heart Is Mine
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It was a hot texas morning. You and your family are going on a road trip, even though you're an adult, you were still forced to do this.nyou sat next to your sister, who was one year younger then you.
Your father had the radio up high. "Isn't this good music? Way better then your shit!" He says trying to sound funny but it wasn't. Your mother laughs.
Suddenly your father looks down at the gas thingy (I forgot what it was called.) "Shit!" He says turning off the radio. "What is it?" Your mother says in a southern accent. "Were almost out of gas." He says looking around for a nearby gas station.
He starts to starts to drive around eventually finding a gas station. He pulls up next to it. "You know what, kids." he says looking at you and your sister. "You kids go walk around, we have a long drive when we get out of here" he says smiling softly. "Okay then, what time you want back?" You ask looking at your watch clock. "I thinking maybe 10 to 20 minutes maybe, it depends." Your dad answers.
"Ok then" you say getting out of the car along with your sister. Today she was wearing a long sun dress that flowed softly along the wind while your wore (whatever you want to). "Damn it hot out here" you say to your sister. "No shit! It's texas" she says sarcasticly. "Need to use the restroom?" Your sister asks. "Auctually, yeah, I do." You say. She nods. "I'll be back" you say walking into the gas station. I see a woman at the counter. "Hello mam. How are you today?" You ask with a smile. " Oh I'm just fine. So what you need?" She asks with a smile. "Oh that's good, well where is your bathroom?" You ask.
"Well down that hall Is where the bathroom is" she says with a grin then a smile. "Thank you" you say walking towards that door. Every single step you take makes a creak noise. You were down at the hallway. You sigh softly as you open the door. It was completely darkness. As you step someone grabs you and takes you into the dark. The last vision you see is a man smacking you with a hammer.
You started to open your eyes, blood was dripping onto of the dried blood layering it. You were tied down to a chair. You look around to see the same woman from earlier, from the gas station. Then you saw a person in an officer uniform.
Suddenly one of then yelled out "Thomas! Get your ass in here!" He yells. Suddenly you hear someone walking in the room. It the same man from earlier.
You were so confused and scared. "W- what's going on..?" You say fearfully. "Oh honey, nothing is gonna happen to you yet" the old woman came close to you and petted your (whatever color) hair. You felt drips of blood on your shoulder. You look up to see your mother hunger up on the wall. You scream put in terror. "What did you do?!" You scream out to the man who was inparently named thomas. You cried as you look down, at the table. "Oh my god.." You cry.
The whole family said grace while you cried knowing that your whole family was dead probably, and your probably next as well.
Then the family sat down and ate. It was filled with silence besides from all the crying. A few minutes later the woman comes over to you and tries to feed you the soup. "Come on, eat it." She says holding the spoon filled with broth and the suspicious meat. You finally gave in. You open your mouth and she feeds it to you. You chew up the meat, it didn't taste good at all.. she hold up the spoon again. "N- no.." You say.
"Please. Eat it." She says glaring at her. "You know.. if you untie me and I can sit here and eat it.. I'll finish it." You say. "Darling, you'll just leave." She says. "I won't. I love it here, I want to stay here for my whole entire life. " You definitely made it sound suspicious but she allowed it. Thomas stood up and standed right behind you chair.
You began to ate it. It tasted horrible but you needed to prove your innocence. You sat there and ate it. Not to long after you were done, you took a swig of your water that was given to you. The old woman smiles. "Take her tommy" she says. You suddenly got lifted up. You scream. "FUCK!" You cry out as you got held downstairs. You were then chain down on the table. "Please dont!" You cry.
He had to do this. Even though he didn't want to he did it for his mama. He couldn't deny her, she was always right no matter what. "Thomas don't do this! I love you so much!" You say to try and not get killed. As he was about to grab his chainsaw he stopped. He was surprised. Instead of the chainsaw, he grabs a knife. He then cuts you open, around your chest. You were screaming crying trying to kick and fight but I was no help. He then cuts out your heart which was covered in blood. And you were dead for sure. You were laying down lifeless. He had your heart in his hand It was as big as his hands. He admired your heart. He sets it down gently and he grabs a glass box and he sets it in there safely.
He looks at your heart, so lovingly and then he looks back at you. In his mind he says to himself "you're heart mine."
Sorry if this was bad lol😭😭
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ohjeon · 1 year
❝RIDE❞ ― jjk (1)
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one. first look
series masterpost
pairing: jungkook x female reader
genre: 18+, strangers to lovers, smut (none in this)/fluff/pinch of angst. ft. jimin & side made up characters
word count: 1.4k
warnings: none in this part. exp language. introoo to themm
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Jungkook stretched his tattooed and non tattooed arms over his head, his shirt slightly lifting up revealing his boxer’ waistband, abs teased. Slightly groaning. Girls in the corner whispered and murmured about how attractive he was. They aren't wrong. He is an attractive man. Jungkook was used to the stares. He was used to girls drooling over him. He was used to all the female attention. It was sort of his rep. His title. Jimin noticed the girls and chuckled with a slight grin on his face. "I think those girls are only in here for you." he whispered with a smirk plastered on his face. "I wouldn't be surprised, they've followed me before." He shrugged back, looking up at the two girls giving them a smile, which caused the girls to flush red and internally react. "Let's go, we need to get some rest." Jimin stood up reaching over to help a restless Jungkook stand on his feet.
Walking out of the building the boys said their goodbyes and parted ways. The dorms were close, walking distance. Jimin lived at home with his family, he hated the idea of dorms. He perceived them as jock filled, party living frat boys, and the disgusting smell of sweat and cologne. He felt more comfortable living at home even if it caused him to spend more money on gas. Jungkook on the other hand, loved the dorm. He was lucky to be gifted a dorm with no roommate, he enjoyed the little space left just for him. He was close to campus and he didn't have to face his mother.
Don't get it wrong, Jungkook loves his mother. But it almost was one sided. His mom was obligated to love him back, she didn't really love him. Or so he thinks she doesn't. She used Jungkook as a pawn, her test baby. She wanted him to get married, become rich and take care of her until she's old and dying. She never cared for him like a son. But Jungkook dreaded to ever disappoint her. He pleaded and prayed for her love. He craved the thought of having a mother who cares, who lets him be vulnerable, who fed him food when he came to visit on a holiday, who called him telling him she missed her son,
But he never got that. But he still loved her. He still forgave her.
His earphones plugged in while humming as he made his way home. He was whiffed with the fresh air. Calm and quiet, but soon interrupted. A fast moving vehicle swerved in his eyesight, Sound of harsh brakes and tires screeching against concrete interrupted. The after wind blew in his face causing his hair to spill in-front of his eyes.
Swiftly running his fingers back through his dark hair, annoyed, he looks up, in the distance, to see a smallish figure on a motorcycle. He watched carefully as they parked in front of the campus building, leaping their leg off the vehicle. Jungkook watched in suspense, curious to who the hell that is, here, at this time. They slowly lifted the helmet off their head. He watched as their hair fell down their back gracefully. A girl? Jungkook blinked.
She slightly turned her head to the side which gave Jungkook a slight view to make out what she looked like. She was beautiful. Absolutely stunning. Pink stained lips that anyone would kiss in a heartbeat. Jungkook's jaw was hanging low in awe. Jungkook usually doesn't care this much about who a girl is based on their appearance, he was a very hit and quit it guy, not on purpose. She kept him hooked, like a leash, he wanted to keep staring.
She walked towards the building with her helmet under her armpit, held secure. Jungkook still standing there watching her every move. Before he could react and look away, she glanced over and caught him. The look on her face was expressionless, while Jungkook almost started coughing because he choked on his own saliva. His face flush red and he immediately turned around to avoid her eyes. He believed she thought nothing of it as she continued walking. Meanwhile, Jungkook's cheeks burned hot, the back of his hands met his face to try and cool himself down. This was so odd of Jungkook. When has a girl ever gotten him flustered? Never. They didn't even interact verbally and Jungkook still blushed. After countless times of sex he's had with almost every girl on campus. Girls drooling whenever he would wear a pussy clenching outfit, striding through the university hallways, all eyes always on him. He's the one making people flustered, not the other way around. This is so not you, man up. He scolded himself.
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7:24 am. Jungkook was making his way to his lecture, with a female linked with his bicep. Kim Soyeon. An upperclass girl, attending university off her daddy's money and authority. She was pretty. She had brown long locks that complimented her snow skin with round doe eyes. Boys fond over her. Girls resented her. She gripped onto male attention. Soyeon craved Jungkook's attention the most. She wanted him, between her legs to say the least. And Jungkook would be lying if he said he wasn't slightly attracted to her.
"Jungkook babe, would you walk me to class please?" She pleaded with pouty lips and eyes. Jungkook only stared. He cringed. But then feeding in and smiling. He walked her to her lecture. Jungkook didn't really care for the girl. He craved sexual attention every now and then, in which he always got. But there was never a female that kept him hooked. Kept him interested.
Dropping Soyeon off, he headed back. He stuffed his right hand in his front pocket, while the left clutched his backpack over his left shoulder. Making it to the right hall, he caught a glimpse of a tattooed arm holding his art lecture rooms door, to what it looked like, chatting to the person or people inside as they were about to leave. He stood far as he watched. He couldn't see their face, but he couldn’t help but notice the tattoos that coated the arm. Rose petals and vines with thorns wrapped around and up the arm, whilst there was messages and different art in the gaps. It all layed out so beautifully, yet not too full but minimal. Jungkook adored a good tat(s). He was a major art geek and found that through his love of painting his skin permanently. He watched as the arm shut the door, turning around to walk away. The face was now on full display. Jungkook's throat was caught, almost choking. It was her. The girl on the motorcycle. What is she even doing here? Is she a student? Curiosity ran through him, he almost found himself chasing and following after her but he stood in his place, observing. Jungkook saw her before but was clueless to the inked skin that was hidden under her black leather jacket.
He watched as she left the building, now not in his sight. Jungkook felt stuck and couldn't move. His feet glued to the floor. He soon snapped out of it and continued walking. The image of this random tattooed motorcycle girl won't leave his mind, and he wasn't going to let her get away with it. He will not let a girl he doesn’t even know affect him like this.
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Copyright © 2023, ohjeon on tumblr. no reposts allowed please.
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mx-incognito · 2 months
I hate making this kind of post, but I'm at the point that I don't really know what else to do and I have exhausted all other options.
Last year, on July 10 2023, my hometown was devastated by catastrophic flooding. All surrounding towns were hit, thousands lost their homes, and it's taken us a whole year to rebuild.
Yesterday, the anniversary of the flood, it happened again.
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This time, my mother in law's house (above) was washed away entirely, along with everything she owned as well as her two cats. Roads were catastrophically damaged and washed away, making travel difficult. Our water systems were destroyed, meaning that we all need to buy jugged water now for everything we do. I'm also taking care of my girlfriend's cat & apartment one town over, but I have to drive out of my way to get there (extra gas costs) due to the destroyed roads. I also took in an additional family whose house was damaged in the flood last night; a 6 year old girl and her Dad.
I am disabled & live on a fixed income with my 3 kids, and I really need your help right now. All funds are to be used towards food, replacement clothing and personal care items for the kiddos in my care, and for transportation costs.
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for those who are able to donate, every penny is appreciated!
Thank you for your shares & care. Hug your loved ones & stay safe
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resowrites · 2 years
Terror By Night - drabble.
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Summary: Crate training proves a difficult task all round…
Pairings: AU!Henry Cavill x Girlfriend!OC
Warnings: fluff, banter/British humour, dialogue heavy, language, pet names, nondescript OC body type/appearance, hastily written/lightly proofread.
WC: 665
A/N: My work must not be copied, reposted, or translated elsewhere. Likes, follows, reblogs and comments are thoroughly welcome and appreciated! Gifs/pics not my own. I hope you all enjoy and thanks for visiting!
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Terror By Night - drabble.
"Do you know how handsome you are?" She smoothed the side of Henry's head, her fingers sliding through his curls.
"Yes. And I'm not bringing her up here." She harrumphed and turned over in bed. Less than a minute later she threw off the covers. "Where you off to missy?"
"… Nowhere. Just the bathroom." Henry sighed.
"Darling come back to bed…"
"But she's whining!"
"Who is?" She lobbed her pillow at him. "She's fine, I promise you. Come on, beddy-byes." Henry pulled her back onto the bed and into his arms.
"But what if she's not? What if she's snagged her collar or something?"
"Then she'd be making a lot more noise. Now go to sleep."
"Can't I just go check on her quickly?"
"Darling, I checked on her twenty minutes ago. She just wants attention because she's bored and doesn't want to go to sleep. I can't imagine where she picked that up…"
"Why can't we just move the crate in here?"
"Because Kal already sleeps in here and--"
"So she gets left whimpering in the living room? Do I have that correct?"
"Ollie, for the love of God, go to sleep."
"No. This isn't just cruel to Copper, it's cruel to me. Well balls to it, I'm not leaving her in distress all night…" She wriggled free and turned to switch on the bedside light.
"Darling, she can't learn that every time she whines-- sorry whimpers," she shot Henry a death stare, "you come running!"
"Well, I'm not having her think that if she cries, no one's coming because nobody loves her!" He chuckled.
"So she's crying now?!"
"Henry, she's only little, sometimes babies need--"
"She's a puppy--"
"So?! Imagine if that was poor little Kal! Shivering away in a big scary crate… separated from his mother and siblings-- Henry? Henry, are you listening?" She swatted him awake.
"Mmm w-what? Is it morning already?"
"Right, fuck this. I'm coming Copper, don't worry, no one's abandoned you--"
"Ollie, she's not thinking that! If anything she'll be thinking 'oh good, here comes the muppet with big tits to play tug of war with me the rest of the night…'"
"And is that how you see me? A muppet with big tits?"
"I was speaking purely from Copper’s perspective…"
"Henry, please. She needs comforting--"
"There's a difference between comforting and coddling--"
"You coddle me!"
"Yeah well you're beyond help," Henry kissed her between the eyes, "but it's not too late for Copper." He switched off the light and tried to nestle her back into his arms.
"… Why are you doing this to me?" Henry sighed.
"I could ask the same thing…"
"You know a lack of empathy towards animals is a sign of psychopathy?"
"Mhmm. Go to sleep."
"Do you think her snuggle buddy needs new batteries?"
What about another blanket?"
"… Did you give her long enough outside?"
"Yes! I did everything short of burping her now will you please go to sleep?!" A minute or two passed.
"… Well maybe it's gas then?"
"Lullaby and good night, with pink roses bedight--"
"Henry, you're not funny--"
"With lilies o'er spread is my baby's sweet head--"
"You know I could have just checked on her by now--"
"Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed--"
"Will you stop?! You can't even sing--"
"Lay thee down now and rest, may thy slumber be blessed," he kissed her again, "night-night muppet." She sighed and after a little while, snuck her phone off the nightstand. "What are you doing now?!" Henry squinted at the slideshow of puppy pictures playing on loop.
"Nothing, I was just--" but it was too late, he'd chucked back the covers and was already thumping down the stairs.
Several minutes passed before Henry reappeared with a triumphant puppy underarm and a dour look on his face. Ollie squealed in delight. "Not one word!" She nodded as Copper raced towards her the minute she was plonked on the bed.
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To be updated on when I post please follow @resowrites and turn on post notifications.
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yuriko-mukami · 4 months
Her Calamity Dark 04
Beta reader: @ruki-mukami-dl
Chapter Selection
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Yuriko was washing rice while Yuuto stood right next to her, watching her every move. Sunlight sparkled from the droplets of water, reminding her how sweltered it was outside. It was slightly sweaty in the apartment, too, for it was only one room, and this tiny kitchen along with a bathroom. And right now, the kitchen felt even smaller than usual since Azusa had come with Yuriko. He was now working on the second counter with a vegetable-cutting task he had volunteered himself.
“It’s not difficult. You should use fresh water and then you just keep washing until the water stays clear.” Yuriko rolled the rice over again and again by her hand while staring at it. She wasn’t the best cook – and nothing compared to Ruki – but she knew how to make a few dishes. “Kareeraisu is a convenient choice because you will eat it for several days and the taste only gets thicker later. I made it often when… when I was still living with… Keisuke. That way I could focus on… hmm… other things because I didn’t need to make meals every day.”
“Makes sense…” Yuuto shrugged. “He should have cooked for you tho. It’s a parental duty.”
“Umh… Mom always said it was a woman’s duty to make sure the family gets to eat…” Yuriko shifted. Not that their mother had done that too often. Yuriko had tried to do all possible household chores while studying in middle school and high school. She had wanted to be good. But it hadn’t been enough.
“Dontcha go there…”
Yuriko lifted her head, glancing at Yuuto. “Eh?”
“I know that face. Dontcha let that happen. There’s nothin’ you could done differently. Our parents didn’t know how to raise kids, that’s for sure. So, dontcha let it get you. You gotta keep your head up high and move forward.” Yuuto ruffled Yuriko’s hair, making her blink heavily. She wouldn’t cry now.
“Oi, no cryin’. You’re a tough vixen who can push through, not a pup.” Yuuto smiled, making even more of a mess of Yuriko’s hair. “Didcha hear me?”
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“I… I… yes, of course.”  Yuriko nodded. She turned to look at the rice again and poured it into the rice cooker – the necessity she had told Yuuto should have. “Okay… now, we need to fry the pork and then simmer it with the vegetables.”
Yuuto pulled out a frying pan and tossed the meat on it. After setting the gas, Yuriko showed him how he should constantly move the meat with the cooking chopsticks so that it wouldn’t burn into the pan.
“How do you know all this?” Yuuto scratched his head. “I mean... you said our mother didn’t teach you much…”
“I read books. The library had some about cooking too.” Yuriko handed the chopsticks to Yuuto. “You should try it now. Haven’t you cooked anything before?”
“I know how to make an omuraisu.”
Yuriko tilted her head. “Eh? It’s super difficult to roll perfectly, I always end up breaking it. I bet you’ll manage the meat just fine then~” 
As Yuriko kept her eyes on the frying pan, Yuuto worked on the pork. She was pleased to see there weren’t any problems at all. She should send the recipe later to his phone, and then he could make this dish anytime he wished. Next time she would teach him another easy dish.
“I found a cheap laundry service nearby, so that’s settled too.” Yuuto continued frying the meat. “I just need a steady job…”
“You could… ask Karlheinz-sama…” Azusa commended from his duty.
“Absolutely not. I’m not gonna ask that je–”
Yuriko gasped, clapping her hand on her brother’s arm. “Yuuto! Don’t say it!”
“Fuck!” Yuuto tensed under Yuriko’s touch, and she let go of him. “Sorry… It’s just… damn those bloo– Vampires. I still don’t like them…”
“Azusa-kun is right here…” Yuriko whispered.
“It is okay… Yuriko-chan… I know that… Christina, Justin and Melissa… will always… love me…” 
Yuuto mumbled something, but Yuriko poked him between his ribs and left him alone with the frying pan, roaming toward Azusa. She had always wondered who these three friends of his were, for she had never seen them but Azusa had mentioned them often. Since he had been kind enough to bring her here, she should make an effort to get to know him better.
Leaning her bottom on the kitchen drawers, Yuriko smiled at the Vampire. “Say… Azusa-kun… umh… about Christina-san, Justin-san and Melissa-san…”
“Yes, Yuriko-chan?” Suddenly sparkly eyes glanced at the young Kitsune woman. Azusa held the knife firmly in one of his hands while nicely cut carrots occupied the chopping board with pieces of onion. There was still one potato waiting to be worked on.
“These friends of yours… Can I meet them one day?” Yuriko tilted her head, and her curls tickled her cheek. 
If there had been sparkles in Azusa’s eyes before, now they truly lit up as if he had been waiting for this question all along. To Yuriko’s surprise, he put the knife away and started to roll up his sleeve, revealing his slender arm full of faded… Were those scars?
Azusa drew his finger along his arm. “This here is Justin…” He glanced at Yuriko and continued. “This is Christina… and this…” Azusa gasped. “Melissa… is… almost gone… I must do… something…”
Before Yuriko had time to react, Azusa had grabbed the kitchen knife again, running the blade over the barely visible scar. Crimson elixir poured on his white skin.
“Oh my gosh! Azusa-kun!”
“Fuck! Stop that shit!” Yuuto was on Yuriko’s side within a second, snatching Azusa by his wrist and forcing his hand up. Azusa fought back.
“Please… Yuuto-san… stab me…”
“Fuckin’ hell I’d do that! Now, gimme the damn knife!” Yuuto’s words made Azusa release his grip of the knife that Yuuto caught.
Yuriko whimpered, pushing closer. “Yuuto, please, don’t!”
“Huh? I ain’t gonna stab him!” Yuuto pressed the knife into Yuriko’s hands without letting go of Azusa. “What the hell is wrong with you?! You ain’t doin’ such shit in front of Sis, you hear me?!”
“Squeeze… harder… Yuuto-san…” Azusa sounded almost happy, making Yuuto’s eyes widen as Yuriko simply stared at the view. “Ruki said… I can’t ask… Yuriko-chan… but he didn’t say… I can’t ask you… to hurt me.”
Swallowing, Yuriko tossed the knife on the cutting board and took support from the counter. She didn’t understand what was going on with Azusa. Why had he cut his own arm? That must have hurt so badly, and now there was blood slithering down his arm, soaking his shirt. This was terrible. Yuriko clenched her fingers against the edge of the counter as the kitchen swayed before her. She was gasping for air, almost panting. She didn’t want to lose yet another family member. Azusa shouldn’t cut himself; he could hit a critical place and then… and then…
“Fuck! Sis! Breathe!” Yuuto snatched Yuriko by her upper arms, swinging her slightly.
“Is… she enjoying so much… that she is… out of breath?” Azusa’s face appeared closer. Two pairs of eyes stared at Yuriko, one worried, the other curious. 
“I… I… can’t lose more people…” Yuriko trembled. Yuuto pulled her closer, enveloping her with his arms. For a while, there was complete silence in the kitchen as he stroked her back, swaying her back and forth.
“No one’s gonna leave you… It was just an accident.” Yuuto’s speech was mumbling against Yuriko’s hair.
“Yuuto-san… the meat…” Azusa said behind the siblings.
“FUCK!” Yuuto released Yuriko and dashed toward the stove, lifting the pan from it, and shutting down the gas. The smell of burning danced in the air when Yuriko tried to steady her breathing. 
“Yuriko-chan…” Azusa touched on Yuriko’s shoulder.
Blinking tears from her eyes, Yuriko gaped. Azusa’s skin would heal… He wouldn’t go away because of a single wound. He was a Vampire after all; there was no reason to worry. Everything was alright. They were all safe.
“You okay?” Yuuto patted Yuriko’s head and waited until she nodded. “Listen, Sis. I’m gonna need your help. You know how to do this… So, it’s your task now to finish that dish. I’m gonna patch Azusa up in the meantime. Can you cook?”
Yuriko nodded again. “I… I… can.”
“Cool.” Yuuto grinned, turning around, and taking hold of Azusa’s arm. “You, with me.” Without further explanation, he walked the Vampire toward the bathroom. Yuriko was left alone in the kitchen, and it took a moment before she could cut the potato and start cooking again.
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Yuriko poked her portion with the spoon. The atmosphere had changed after Azusa’s incident. It was clear that the Vampire wasn’t truly happy that Yuuto had wrapped a new bandage around his arm, securing the fresh wound under it. Yuriko wondered if she should tell Ruki about this later… but he probably already knew that Azusa might do something like this. At least it had sounded like that if Azusa wasn’t allowed to ask her to stab him.
Who would think such a thing beforehand without a reason? Yes, Ruki must already be aware that something like this could happen.
Shaking her head, Yuriko finally tasted the meal. Spices tickled on her tongue. She had added a bit too much but couldn’t be helped now.
“Yuuto-san… do you have… shichimi or chili?” Azusa looked at the Kitsune as if nothing had been up earlier.
Yuriko gaped. “But… but… there’s so much spice already…”
Azusa shook his head. “I could… add some more…” 
“Haa… just a moment.” Yuuto rose from the table and went to get the chili. He placed the tiny jar in front of Azusa who gladly took it. It was almost disturbing how much of it he poured over his rice and curry sauce. 
Yuriko turned her head and decided it was time to sail to the safer waters. Hopefully safer. “Yuuto… say… were you the only one with the white hair in the village?”
Yuuto was just about to push the spoon into his mouth but now lowered his hand. “Yeah. Why?”
“Umh… I wonder what they look like as foxes then?”
“Usually, the color of their fur is close to their hair. Like you and me.” Yuuto tasted the food and smiled. “Damn, this is good! You really know how to cook.”
“It’s just a simple dish.” Yuriko waved her hand hastily but couldn’t hide her smile. Still, her mind was wandering. “Are… are there other white foxes then?”
Yuuto shrugged. “Within the Yako, white’s a rare color. It occurs at times, like in our family apparently. It’s more common with the Zenko but even many of them have other fur colors too.”
“The Zenko?”
“The Kitsune in the Human World. All they do is cause trouble, so stay away from them. They kidnap the Yako children… I was in a rescue party at some point for gettin’ them back.” Yuuto frowned and explained how the Yako already had problems because the Vampires hunted their females and then the Zenko had made the situation even worse by taking some young vixens. It had been a constant fight and Yuuto had worked to get them back a few years ago. “But then Grandpa told me not to go to the Human World anymore. I did other jobs after that.”
Yuriko nodded. So, the fox she had seen could have been a Zenko. But the fox had only watched. And Yuriko was constantly with the Mukamis. So, there was no reason to worry about this matter, right?
Eating her food, Yuriko listened to the talk. Something felt off but she couldn’t quite put her finger into it. Maybe it was just because there was so much new information. Half a year ago she hadn’t known anything about the Kitsune aside from the folklore tales and now living as one had become her reality. Yet, all this talk about the Yako and the Zenko only sounded confusing. 
“Umh… why… the Yako are living in the Demon World and the Zenko in the Human World?” Yuriko pondered between spoonfuls of rice. “I mean… they are all Kitsune. Why fight? They could just get along and live in peace.”
“The Zenko took over the Kitsune Realms in ancient times and chased the Yako out there. The Founders gave the Yako a new realm, so that’s why…”
“Eh? Shin and Carla-san did that?” Yuriko blinked. “Just when…?”
“Dunno. But it was probably their parents… I mean, those jerks are surely ancient but not that ancient.” Yuuto emptied his plate, starting to fill it again with rice and sauce. “Anyway, the First Bloods were away for the longest time. I only saw them comin’ this year. Suddenly, they walked in and said they’d renew the old vows. Whatever that means. It didn’t change a shit for me. But Grandpa was all ‘Carla-sama’, ‘Shin-sama’, beggin’ for their attention… disgustin’. For me, they’re the same blood-suckin’ scum as —”
“Yuuto!” Yuriko glared at Yuuto and then glanced at Azusa, but the Vampire was focused on eating his portion in silence and didn’t seem even to listen to the siblings’ conversation. “Yuuto… Shin is my friend and he helped me to save you. He made Grandpa give your star pearl back. We… we should be grateful.”
“Yeah… yeah…” Yuuto sighed. “You surely have been busy making such friends. Vampires, Founders… What else?”
“Umh… zombies but humans too.” Yuriko pushed the last spoonful into her mouth. This could be a good chance to mention Nalia. “Actually… one of my friends would like to meet you.”
“Huh? Why?” Yuuto frowned again. “I don’t have time for silly little teen vixens.”
“Hmph, my friends aren’t silly little teen vixens!” Yuriko shoved her plate aside and started to search for her phone. “Besides, you have all the time. And she isn’t a teen or even a fox. She’s a nice human.” 
Yuriko put her phone on the table and tapped Nalia’s picture on the screen, turning the phone to face Yuuto. “She’s around your age and I can assure you she’s good company. She is looking for friends, so…” 
“Haa… dunno… I shouldn’t mess up with people. Humans. There’s enough shit goin’ on without.” Yuuto shrugged but picked up the phone, staring at the photo. “Red hair and green eyes, huh? She’s a foreigner, right?”
“Mhm. Her last name is Wagner, so yes, I think she is.” Yuriko realized that she still hadn’t asked where Nalia was from. She totally should do that —
“Nalia-san… is probably from… Germany then…” Azusa said, smiling over his plate. “Wagner is… a German name.”
“See? Nalia is a pretty human lady from Germany, and she’s interested in meeting you.” Yuriko beamed at Yuuto, wondering how Azusa knew about German names. He didn’t strike her as a person who had knowledge like that, more like Ruki could have said it. But maybe there was more in Azusa than met the eye.
“Dunno…” Yuuto sighed, starting to eat his second portion.
Yuriko leaned in, putting on the best pleading face she could manage. She stared at Yuuto with wide eyes and smiled. “Please? It would make me happy.”
“Haa… You ain’t throwin’ me with such lil’ sis’ stuff! Not a fair game!” But no matter how annoyed Yuuto tried to look, a chuckle escaped him. He lifted his free hand and ruffled Yuriko’s hair. “Fine, I’ll meet her. Tell her to come to that park nearby.”
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When Yuriko had put her shoes back on and was ready to step out of Yuuto’s apartment, he grabbed her arm and nodded toward the door. “You sure it’s okay to go alone with him?” 
Glancing at the door, Yuriko frowned. Azusa was waiting for her behind it, but she was aware that he could hear them. She placed her hand over Yuuto’s and pushed to remove it from her arm. “I’m sure… don’t worry, Yuuto. I have lived with them for a while now. Neither of them is hurting me or anything like that.”
“He seems… unstable.” Yuuto sighed. “Look, I’ve seen shitty things. Some people just lose it if too much happens. Dontcha be too near to him when… Haa… if things start to go south.”
“Really, Yuuto?” Yuriko placed her hands on her hips and stared at her brother. “You… you and me… have gone through lots of bad stuff too. We… should get others a chance to prove themselves before judging.”
“He pretty much proved himself today…” Yuuto turned his gaze to the wall. “You’re much more stubborn than a little sister should be. You should listen to me more.”
“I… I… start to listen when you… umh… start to make sense.” Yuriko wanted to kick something. As much as she enjoyed having a brother, she wished that Yuuto didn’t butt in her decisions constantly. It had been enough that she had tried to be good for mother and fath– Keisuke. That hadn’t mattered in the least. Now, she would do as she wished. She would keep the happiness that had been handed to her. Even if she needed to fight for it.
“Hmph, vixens should always do as foxes are telling them…”
This again? Yuriko glared at Yuuto. That was the stupidest reason he could come up with, especially since he had learned it from their relatives who had kept him against his will in the Demon World for years.
“Maybe you should reconsider that. You wanted out of there… Now, you should play by the rules of this realm.” Why couldn’t Yuuto understand? Yuriko had imagined how they would do fun things together, how she would finally have a family member who supported her… but she had gotten an overly protective douchebag of a brother who couldn’t accept how she was living her life. “I… I… will go now. I’ll visit you again later. Maybe with Ruki that time. See you later, Yuuto.”
This time Yuriko was allowed to step out. She pressed the door shut behind her and took a deep breath. The sweltering and moist afternoon air slithered into her lungs while enveloping every inch of her skin, making her feel instantly sweaty. It hadn’t been this bad last summer… or any summer before but this year the heat was really a bother.
The walk through the city did not feel any better since the sun was scorching from above. Yuriko was relieved when they finally stepped into the park which had at least some shadows. She hurried under the trees. Maybe they should have used the limousine, but she had insisted on walking since she wasn’t allowed to go jogging in the woods while Ruki was away.
“Are you… sad, Yuriko-chan?” Azusa’s words took Yuriko aback. She glanced at the Vampire next to her, shaking her head.
“Umh… no, Azusa-kun. I simply wish that Yuuto would see how good people you all are.”
“Good… people…?” It almost looked like Azusa couldn’t quite understand what Yuriko meant. “But… are you… missing Ruki now?”
Yuriko turned her gaze to the path they were walking. Going through here would take them into the forest but perhaps that was for the best. Surely, it was less sweaty there. “I’m looking forward to him coming home, yes. And I hope everything is alright with Karlheinz-sama.”
“The Vampire king?!” The voice bounced behind the trees at the same time as a white-grey head peeked out. Amber-yellow eyes pierced Yuriko but they seemed friendly.
Within seconds, Azusa had moved in front of Yuriko. A young man stepped out, scratching his head, and laughing like he was nervous. He was only a little taller than Yuriko. She was pretty sure they must be around the same age. But the most interesting detail arrived when the wind shifted and made the scent of the man waft toward Yuriko and Azusa.
A Kitsune. Without a doubt. He smelled like Yuuto, yet a bit different. In a similar manner, the Vampires had a distinguished scent but each of them was still unique. 
Yuuto said that white fur is rare for the Yako… So, does it mean that this man is… What was the other name? Yuriko shifted, trying to see better behind Azusa.
“You are… a fox person…” Azusa lifted his hand to prevent Yuriko from dashing in front of him. 
“Yeah, I surely am.” The Kitsune grinned, flashing his canines, and ruffled his hair. “The cutest fox in the city… Though… Now, I’m not sure anymore. You have such a cutie there~”
“Emh… How do you know that I am…?” Yuriko placed her hand on Azusa’s shoulder but stayed put.
“Easy! My brother and I saw you in the cafe before… and that smell of yours. Though, there’s so much Vampire in it too.” The Kitsune stopped for a moment, moving a bit closer. “Now, it makes sense. You sure hang out with these Vampires a lot. Such a cool vixen you are! I hope the blond one didn’t give you real trouble… For a moment I wanted to jump in there but Toshi-nii said it would be too dangerous…”
Just how much did this young man talk? Yuriko tried to keep at his pace and absorb every word. Suddenly, it dawned on her. The two white-haired men in the cafe and later in the street when she had talked with Kou! 
And in the library too. But it wasn’t this man… So… probably this Toshi-san he mentioned…
“Yuriko-chan… we must go…” Azusa took Yuriko’s arm and started to pull her along the path, making sure he was in between her and the Kitsune.
“But… but… He seems like a good person!” Yuriko glanced back. 
“I am a cute person!” The man waved his hand. “Kozima Toru is the name! I’m happy to meet a new vixen in the city, but I can see you’re busy now. Let’s talk more later~ Maybe after the mating season is over!”
Kozima Toru? Yuriko glanced back again but the Kitsune had disappeared. The name didn’t ring any bells to her but at least it wasn’t Nakamura, her grandpa’s family name. Perhaps her grandfather had not sent this man after her. Men. The first time, there had been two of them.  But then… They were tailing her on their own? That didn’t seem alright either, and Yuriko was sure Ruki wouldn’t like the news. Yet, she also knew it was better to tell him when he would come back home. Keeping secrets wouldn’t do any good, right?
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Will You Be Redesigning The Other Three Los Campeons?
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I’ll answer these both at the same time!
1. I do want to, but like I don’t have as clear an idea for Fly, Pro and Rayo. (I do have a rule 63 design for Pro though because I think it’d be funny) Rayo’s might be out in the next…five months??? Who knows.
2. Just Hcs because you already know my fave (ik you send that ask to my main. A lot of folks don’t know it’s the same person lol)
Man does not sleep, because sleep is for the weak and he is always on that grind 💪 Because of this his ability to make choices is hindered (which is the only possible reason he chose not to let Sorpresa join the team I say jokingly) and it also gives him a shorter fuse, as if it wasn’t short enough.
He’s already got some anger issues from his father, but most of his fight outside of the ring are just gas so he’ll rarely start a physical fight.
Still trying his best to outgrow his father’s shadow, but his team is worried it’ll all go to his head instead. He is one to brag whenever things really go his way so the next step in his hero’s journey has better be humility
In his first match with Rayo he got his elbow broken and that was how Rayo got thrown out of his first club and why I draw Jr with a brace.
Nepo baby, like big time. He’s a rich kid and they all know it, but he tries not to flaunt his wealth. His father’s influence however…
Grew up around the ring and knew “Tío Blanco y Verde” before his father left that team. Hadn’t seen them in a long time, which is why he didn’t recognize either of their voices.
Used to love his fathers old movies until he realized just how big a legend he had to live up to, now it just makes him feel sick when he sees them knowing his dad was only a few years older than he was then when they were made and he had only just secured a main event. Not so fun feeling like you’ve fallen behind.
Refuses to touch alcohol or drugs of any kind so he doesn’t fuck up his body. His father started losing his shape when he started drinking more and smoking cigars, so he’s seen the road gone down before.
He’s gonna start wearing contacts eventually so he can play into his Dragon roll more.
Up next the grappling goth himself, Rayo X!
He is the second shortest.
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This isn’t even a hc, I just wanted to show you their hight comparisons
He is not as physically strong as the others because he put more of his stats into agility and precision. Pressure points and the ability to use his opponents weight against them is key, but he’s still stronger than your average cat. Guy can throw a fully grown man over his head, what do you expect?
Autistic. HEAR ME OUT! Doesn’t like being touched by anyone, the only one who wrestles in gloves, hangs out in a quiet coffin and works better in the dark. “But that’s no-“ Just trust me bro.
He’s a little limp wristed, but you know. Happens to the best of us.
His character is a sullen goth who’s like this serious guy and kinda scary, but out of character he’s a little shit emo kid who’s starting to dwindle into scene.
Has an older brother, also cannon now I think, and isn’t really on the best terms with him. Still he got on great with his mother and his father used to take him to work and he’d hide in the coffins to try and scare his dad.
Isn’t intentionally rude, but does come off that way pretty easily so he just kinda ran with that when making a character. Because of this he dances on the edge between técnico and rudo, but still leans more towards face because he likes coming across as a hero.
When he was banned from every promotion and couldn’t find a job he ended up doing a few death matches. You’ll find a lot of scars under all that gear and he’ll no longer use thumb tacks if he can avoid it.
Mr Professional
Has a $tan Pines-ass backstory with him getting kicked out of his own home when he was young and having his kid sister run away so she could stick with himself
Where am I getting this?
I just like the drama I guess :)
Big personality in the ring, but is kinda timid outside of it. A little shy, but still good at talking with folks. He’s still more a party dog type of guy
I think he’d collect sweaters, sense were already ripping off the Pines family here, and tea, because once again this guy is pretty chill.
[tbh a masked wrestler would fit right into gravity fa//s if I’m being real)
Has a cat that he had to leave with his sister when he moved to Mexico and when he calls her he makes her turn on face time so she can talk to it DX
Still looking for a house and might end up moving in with Fly now that Sorpresa has moved out.
Knew Fly for a while before moving away and knew Sorpresa too, but never knew she worked as his valet because he thought she was his daughter.
If any of his team mates find themselves in a fight she will be the one to end it.
Cross dressing cowboy? Why not. He brought it with him to Mexico for some reason 😭
Tsetse Fly!
Met Sorpresa’s aunt first when he was teamed with her for a comedy act which neither of them wanted to be a part of. They ended up whipping their opponents so hard they were belt holders for a month before Sorpresa’s aunt was scouted by a woman’s wrestling promotion. She was going to stay with Fly, but he told her to take her chance when she had one so she moved on. To Fly’s surprise she kept in touch and she ended up steering her towards her sister so they could wrestle together instead.
He actually got really close with the Sorpresa family, so much so that he’s Sorpresa’s god father.
This man is a big pipe smoker. He used to sit outside, smoke and just stare at the clouds. When Sorpresa was younger she’s sit on the floor next to him and bug him till he taught her some of his moves.
He’s a ladies man, again cannon but you know, and is dating one of his ring girls. (I have Hcs for them too, but no names 😔) but it’s an open relationship because you can’t clip this fly’s wings XD
Because of his dwarfism he does have some health complications with his bone structure and his breathing, so he takes the great precautions of not giving a shit and it’s working apparently because he’s doing fine enough.
He’s not the step dad he’s the dad that stepped up🫡 Helped raise Sorpresa during her preteens to teenage years by “babysitting” (sneaking her into matches and buying her first beers) while her mother was busy and became her legal guardian the last few months before she turned 18. He was planning on finding her a job and a place to stay before moving up to the states but she insisted on coming with him and here they are! She did get tired of living with him though.
Did not realise he became a dad until everyone started calling Sorpresa his daughter.
And now the moment you’ve all been waiting for. The trickster of torture, the shocker of slaughter, the kick back of calamity
We have found the youngest! She has been training since she was popped out. Like this girl learned how to do a headlock before she could crawl and was beating her parents without them going easy on her when she was in her teens. She’s been ready to carry on her family’s legacy for a long time now.
If you’ve been around for a while you know what Hc I usually give my faves 😌
Afro Latina! Her mother is from Mexico and her father was from South Africa (Mzansi <3) but her father died when she was little so there’s not much to be said on him from her pov. She also doesn’t connect to her South African roots as much sense no one was there to help her learn them. (She’s Xhosa just in case you wanted to know)
There’s gonna be a great big lull between her helping to save a village of monsters and finding someone to sign her so, with some help from Rayo, she joins death matches. She was pretty good at both letting her nerves get the better of her, but it definitely took some getting used to. However she found herself pretty handy with a chain and if that failed she had her trusty bat! You’ll find her avoiding barbed wire at all costs tho 😞
She dropped out of high school at 16 to focus on wrestling and is very worried that she made the wrong choice
Her mother is in jail!
I think it would be funny if her cousins were punctuation themed. Like one of them was called like (google translate Spanish) “Pregunta?” And had a question mark on her head and so on. I think it’d be funny.
Speaking of cousins! She’s cousins with Ricochet! Mama Maniaca is one of her relatives that grew too far apart to wear her family mask.
Sorpresa has no idea what she’s doing but she’s doing it really well. She might not always be prepared for a situation, but she is great at coming up with solutions. You could even say this is the greatest plaaan-er. She’s quick on her feat and can roll with the punches easy.
Speaking of being quick, she is the fastest on the team, which was decided when she finally managed to take Rayo down lol.
Speaking or Rayo, tag team partners for life right there, hell she’s moving in with him with him! That’s her favourite person who isn’t family or dating. In other words, her best friend!
She and Jr had an on again off again relationship for a while until she finally sat him down and told him that unless it was going somewhere she wasn’t interested in all that drama. He stepped the fuck up after that.
She’s gonna usurp the role of leadership from Jr eventually. I can feel it in my knees. Either that or co- leaders. Rayo is only a little salty about it.
She is actually friends with the other valets. They would sneak her drinks because she was too young to buy them in the states (oh but back home it’s FINE! America’s drinking age is so dumb WHAT THW FUCK)
Despite knowing Pro for a few years they weren’t all that close, but now that they’ve started working together she’s enjoying his company a lot more than she thought.
The big part of her character is to be surprising, so whenever she’s in the ring she’ll do a lot of back stabbing. Her and her family are all rudos originally, but she’ll play técnico when she’s teaming. Being bad is just more fun.
Never let them know your next move.
If she was ever teamed with Fly she would have played big time into the comedy aspect to take the attention off Fly. We all know how he reacts when someone makes fun of him.
Here when she was younger she really wanted to be a dancer and she almost went down that route, until she met Fly and he showed her how wrestling was just like a more dangerous form of dance and she was hooked. Still enjoys dancing, going to a dance studio is still one of her favourite date spots.
Most of her strength comes from her core, so she’s good at staying stable in a fight, but she started strength training after the events of the movie to help her keep up with her team.
In one of her first matches she fought a woman who glued broken glass to the bottom of her boots and was very lucky not to lose an eye when she got kicked in the side of the head. Shes got some pretty wicked scars on the right side of her face now, but they’re hidden well enough under her mask. You can just see the one near her eye if it’s shits enough. (I haven’t draw it yet, so you won’t see it in my art 😔)
Despite being a really good wrestler she is the one with the most left to learn, but she’s getting there.
I have so many more but this post has gotten long enough. Thank you so much for the ask <3
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fangirlfrom-hell · 11 months
The Fragile Bonds Part 1 || Jay and Will Halstead x Halstead Sister
*re-posting this because I'm stupid and accidentaly erased my blog 🫠
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Summary: After their father's death, Becca moved in with Jay. This is the first time the detective brother has to go undercover since his sister has been under his full care, creating a challenging situation for both. Reluctantly, Becca will have to live with Will and his family during those days, even though she doesn't feel very welcome in that household.
Becca had been sitting down on the living room sofa for the last 15 minutes, looking at Jay going in circles all over the place avoiding whatever he wanted to say. 
"Would you please just spit it out? You are driving me crazy". 
He dried stopped in front of her: "I'm going on an undercover run. This is going to be for a few days, at most a week I hope....aaaaaaand you are staying with Will". 
He made a lot of hand gestures for each word he pronounced, especially when he mentioned their brother's part. Becca had a lot of emotions going around her chest. She was usually very nervous about her brother's job, but the prospect of him going undercover amplified those feelings. Of course he had been undercover in the past, yet this instance held a distinct significance: It marked the first time into such operations since she had moved in to live with him after their father passed away. This added an extra layer of complexity to the situation for both siblings. Besides all that, staying with Will for an entire week? That was torture! 
"Oh. Ok. Well, is Natalie ok with this?" She questioned the plan, somehow looking for a way around. 
"I already talked to Will, who is your brother. I honestly don't care what Natalie thinks". 
"But it's her house too..." Becca had this feeling that Natalie didn't quite like her, especially because of the emotional problems she had been dealing with due to all the changes and recent losses in her life. She was having a hard time dealing with anxiety and depression, and her brothers, mainly Jay, had been very busy taking care of her, rescuing her from her bad days and impulses. Natalie wouldn't like to have her in her house, especially around her baby, that was for sure. 
Jay approached his sister and sat down at the coffee table to be at her same height. 
"Bec...it's all settled. I know this is not your favorite idea in the world...to be honest, it's not mine either, but it's what we have". 
The girl took a cushion and put it on her lap to hug it. She unconsciously turn to the other side before speaking out again: "You can always choose not to go". 
Jay jumped to the sofa to meet her gaze and gave his sister a warm smile with pity eyes. 
"I know". She understood: "It hits different, now that we live under the same roof--I mean, when I was with...dad...I didn't see you every day, so it didn't bother me, I didn't even noticed if you were gone. But now... it makes me realize a lot of things..." 
"I know". Jay continued the idea: "Somehow it is harder for me too. What frustrates me the most is that this is your birthday week". He sighed: "I bet I'll be back in time but if not, we'll double the celebration on any other day, that I promise". 
Becca frowned: "I don't really care about my birthday. Just be very careful". She hugged him tight: "Very". 
"I will be". He kissed her hair. "But for now, I got an idea: before I go: movie night and pajama party as you liked when you were little". 
Becca smiled: "Yeah, I'd loved that. We used to do that a lot back in the days". It was what Jay used to do to keep her distracted when their mother got ill and started having frequent hospital admissions. 
"Quality time together as siblings, so you won't miss me so much". He teased his sister. 
It was the day. Becca packed the last couple of things before going down. She stopped at the frame door of her room looking around to check if she had forgotten something. In the middle of the bed there was a stuffed kitten, the one her mother gave her in her 7th birthday when her greatest wish in life was to have a cat as pet, but they couldn't get one because her father was very allergic to them. That stuffed kitten was the solution to the problem. It was one of the few objects she had from her mom. Becca thought about taking it, but decided to leave it there, thinking she would be mocked about it. 
"Where are you supposed to be going? It's only a week or less, Becc". Jay said when he saw his sister comming into the kitchen carrying so many bags. 
"It's only my school backpack, my daily clothes backpack, some books in this one and my dancing/acting backpack...because Will is taking me to my lessons, isn't he?". 
"Yes, I talked to him about that". But Jay wasn't very convinced of his oldest brother's intentions of doing that. Since he got together with Natalie, hers was the only family that mattered to him. "He has your schedule and all". 
"Alright. Leave those in the floor and get in the car. I'll make a double check around the house to be sure we're good to leave". Becca obeyed. 
After a few minutes, Jay joined his sister. The kitten was in his hands and he gave it to her as soon as he got into the truck: "Here. You forgot Mr. Snuggles". 
She smiled: "I was actually thinking of leaving him here". 
"What are you talking about? You can't even sleep without him!" The detective said as he started driving. 
The Halstead siblings entered the 21st from the parking lot. Becca was only carrying her small backpack with books and held Mr. Snuggles in her hands. Jay helped her with the rest of the bags. 
"Well, look at you!" Platt greeted Becca from her usual place in the front desk. -"I heard you are taking a short vacation with your doctor brother". 
"I am. I wish I wasn't, though". The girl said simply. 
Detective Halstead was looking around: "Is Will upstairs?" 
“No. Your brother hasn't arrived yet". 
"I told him to be here on time". He muttered in annoyance. 
"Hey, it's still early. Maybe he got caught in traffic or something". 
"Yeah, or something...". He concluded the short conversation and guided his sister to go upstairs. 
The Intelligence team was gathered around the board when brother and sister made their appearance. The smile was unanimous when they saw Becca coming in after Jay. Hank Voight approached a few steps: "Becca! What a surprise!" 
"I wasn't actually supposed to be here, but it looks like Will forgot about me". She stated that as something normal. Hailey raised her sight to check on her boyfriend's reaction, who was eagerly typing on his phone. 
"Well...silver lining: you get to visit us! We haven't seen you in a while". Burgess commented.
 Kevin stood up from his place to bump fist with the girl: "That right!". 
From the back of the office, Al peeked his head to greet the girl: "Did your brother gave you the book I sent?" 
"Yeah! Actually I almost finish reading it. Thank you, Mr. Olinsky". 
"A book?" Adam teased the little girl, "How old are you? 85?" Becca laughed and Al was about to say somethig when Jay abruptly interrupted the conversation, not even knowing that they were talking: "Alright, Becc. Will's on his way, he should be here soon". He said with a stern tone. There was no need to be a detective to know he was very upset. 
Jay's phone rang, but it wasn't his personal or detective cellphone. He received a message as an undercover and muttered something when he read the text. 
"I gotta go, I'm running late for...you know". He pointed to the phone and all the detectives understood. "Becc, you'll have to stay here alone for a few minutes. I can't wait for Will with you, I'm sorry". He looked at Voight asking for his approval with his gaze and the boss nodded. "You can take my seat, he'll be here soon". 
Becca nodded with sadness, swallowing hard trying to retain her tears. She was mentally prepared for this moment, but emotions were all over her chest: "Promise to take extra double care..." 
"Becc, I already told you--". 
"Promise me!" She lifted her pinky finger to consolidate the promise and her brother smiled following the game. 
"I promise to take double extra care". And when they crossed their fingers, he hugged her tight and sighed before parting: "Ok, gotta go now". 
Becca stood there until he disappeared going down the stairs. She felt a soft touch on her shoulder and Hailey's sweet voice invited her to the coffee room. 
"He'll be just fine, nothing to worry about. Your brother is a great cop". The blonde detective reassured the girl, who was pretending to be alright. "Besides, I'll be checking on him". She winked and took a juice out of the fridge and gave it to her. 
However, despite Becca missing her brother dearly, she didn't feel concerned about him in that way, as she saw Jay as invincible. What truly weighed on her mind was the thought of spending all those days at Will's house. Will had always been distant from her, almost like a stranger she used to call "brother," until just a couple of years ago when he made the decision to return from New York to Chicago. Before that, he was constantly on the move, traveling, studying—anywhere except home, even during the time when their mother, who was sick, had passed away. 
After a few minutes, Will arrived at the station, where he was greeted by Trudy Platt with a less-than-friendly gesture. "The Doctor's here". She announced striding to the entrance of the bullpen, him following her closely. As soon as he spotted his little sister, Will opened his arms to embrace her. 
"Hey, Becky!" Becca hated to be called like that, but at least he was trying so she simply rolled her eyes, "It's been a while". He playfully shook her head, something that also annoyed her quite a bit, a fact that she couldn't help but hide with her face. 
"Yeah, I know", she said, slightly moving away from him. 
"What do you have there?" Her brother puffed when he spotted the stuffed animal and he took him to observe it, "Aren't you a bit old for these kind of things?" He teased her. 
Flushed with embarrassment, Becca's face turned a deep shade of red, her thoughts consumed by the realization that now everyone around her would surely take notice of the plush toy. 
"Hey, Beccs!" Noticing the situation, Hailey called her with affection, her voice softening as she spoke directly to her, "You know, I'll be undercover with Jay, not diving in as deep as he will. I'll be in and out, so... if you need anything during these days—anything at all—just give me a call. You know my number’s on the phone. I'll be there as soon as I can, promise.”
Becca deep sighed: "I wish I could stay with you better". They both smiled. Upton opened her mouth to say something, but she was interrupted by the Halstead Brother's voice.
"Alright, Becca. I'm sorry, we gotta go. I'm actually in a rush right now". 
And so, she departed from Intelligence, from everything that held reminders of Jay—Unsure of how long she would be apart from the few things that made her feel at home. 
"We fixed the guest room for you, it's all yours for these days. You can close the door to have your privacy, but I--I removed the lock from the plate. You can close it, but it will always be open for us--well, for me to come in". Becca stared at the door, analyzing. She understood where the action was coming from, but couldn't help to compare that Jay had never and would never do that to her. 
"I'll always knock before coming in, don't worry". Her brother smirked, trying to lighten the situation. She forcibly smiled back to him. There was an unconfortable silence. Both of their minds were going in circles, trying to find something to say. 
"Natalie is on shift right now and Owen is with her grandma, so it's only us for now. If you want to, we could--". 
"I have homework to finish". His sister interrupted, but immediatly regret it, "But, maybe later we could--" 
"Yeah, we could do something. When you finish". Silence again. 
"Thank you". The teenage girl said before he left the bedroom, "For taking me". That night she avoided dinner by pretending to be asleep. 
She heard when Natalie arrived very late at night and sensed the hushed tones exchanged between her brother and his girlfriend when Will mentioned her presence in their home. Becca didn't like the unease that settled within her —she could feel them clamoring to escape the confines of her chest, she felt small and insecure. 
Thoughts and impulses that she had long suppressed began to resurface, intertwining with the tendrils of anxiety that sought to take control of her body. She longed for her familiar room, her comforting bed, her nightly rituals, and above all, she ached for Jay's reassuring presence. She wondered where he was, what he was doing in that exact moment, if he was safe. Her breathing began to agitate and her heart began to beat rapidly. She thought about giving Hailey a call, but it wasn't a real emergency to bother her with. She started to sniffle, and didn't even try to stop the tears. 
In her grip, Mr. Snuggles was tightly embraced, his plush form offering some solace amidst the overwhelming feelings; She closed her eyes, if she concentrated hard enough, she could conjure the memory of her mom's scent that lingered faintly within the fibers of the stuffed animal. The memory of her mother served as a soothing balm for her heart, and she felt a surge of gratitude towards Jay for making her take Mr. Snuggles at the last minute. 
With her mind slightly cleared, a glimmer of hope emerged: Tomorrow would mark the start of a new week, school and after-school activities would serve as a welcome distraction and would keep her away from Will's house, where she felt less than unwelcomed. She smiled when she remembered her dance lessons, she thought about them with excitement, that would maintain her sane, yeah. 
With the scent of her mom still enveloping her, her breathing gradually returned to normal, and her eyelids began to droop, until she finally fell asleep. 
Thanks for reading. If you liked it, it would help my soul if you give it a like, comment or share. 😌♡
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€122,136/€130,000 ‼️‼️
Dear people with living pronouns.. Peace and humanitarian greetings to you. I am Rama, a cancer patient from Gaza undergoing treatment in Egypt. War and my battle with cancer are similar. The events of October 7 came without warning, and cancer struck me unexpectedly. Our loved ones and friends were killed and taken away by the war, so my baby girl died, because of cancer and chemotherapy. I don't know where to begin. We've spent a lifetime in wars, but this war is like no other. The building in which we used to live in Gaza was divided into two sections: one for my sister's Raneem family and the other for our family—my parents, and me. Our family home wasn't easy to establish. It took my family years to gather the funds, immense effort to design its furnishings, and an abundance of love and patience. As the situation worsened and rockets rained down on Gaza like never before, the Israeli army announced a ground invasion, instructing residents to head south "south of the Gaza strip". My family refused to leave our home, but concern for the children eventually forced us to flee to Rafah. We shared a house with a friend of my father's, but life became increasingly difficult. Food is scarce and very expensive, water was contaminated and almost non-existent, diseases spread, in addition to electricity shortage over the past months.
My family is in a very critical situation. Tasks are divided among us to sustain ourselves. My father fetches water -if ever found- from a distant area early every morning. He suffers from a back disc issue and has undergone seven surgeries in his life. He had a medical appointment in Egypt, but the war came between it. My sister's husband Ismael, who lost his job, searches for household essentials and tries to find canned goods and flour to feed the family. My sister wakes up early to prepare dough manually and bake bread over wood fires due to gas shortages and bakeries closures. My mother Ghalia, who had a brain tumor previously, could only sit and pray day and night. She had delayed her medical appointment in Turkey scheduled for earlier this year because of the ongoing war. Meanwhile, the children, who should have been playing and studying, spend hours searching for energy sources to charge our family's phones and small lights. Unfortunately, my sister's baby no longer receives sufficient breast milk due to his mother's malnutrition. This abnormal life became an unbearable burden on my family. My sister Raneem’s family before the war
Financially, we couldn't bear more losses. We lost three homes—two for the family and one for my sister. These were the assets we relied on. Getting permission to leave Gaza requires paying around $8,000 per adult and $2,500 per child. This process is a slow escape from death. You can't travel immediately after payment; you must wait about twenty days. These sums are far beyond our means. I still hear my mother's Ghalia voice in voice messages to her family abroad, saying, 'Pray for me, my house will be bombed. This house is my lifetime work.' My family invested their life savings in this house. With the war events, my health deteriorated, and the treatment was ineffective, forcing doctors to change the treatment protocol. They advised me not to expose myself to news and events that affect my mental and physical health as a cancer patient. After changing treatment and trying not to expose myself to psychological pressure, my health improved slightly, and the new treatment showed good results. But with threats of a ground invasion in Rafah, I try to calm my fears. However, time is not on our side. My family has narrowly escaped death several times, thank God. Your donation means saving my life and theirs. I have no life or hope without them, and they see me as their hope for safety. In the end, we ask for nothing more than our right to live. If you've reached this point, I want to thank you for your time and attention. With warmth and kindness."
*Campaign aim: - Collecting the security coordination funds to exit Gaza safely, ensuring the entire family's departure. Since the number of family members in the campaign is seven (mother, father, sister, her husband, and their three children), including three children, the total amount due is $39,500. - Securing a financial amount for temporary accommodation in Egypt until they can leave. - Covering visa and flight ticket expenses to the countries the family will seek refuge in, depending on facilitations and the opening of doors for asylum and residency for Palestinians. - Covering the medical treatment costs and medications for my mother, and the need for comprehensive examinations in Turkey to ensure her safety after the war. - Covering the family's living expenses until one of them finds work. - Obtaining the cost of psychological recreational treatment for the three children, estimated at $3,000 at a minimum. - Improving my mental health, which will subsequently affect my physical health and accelerate my response to treatment. - Establishing a start-up business for my sister's family, if circumstances permit, with a minimum of $8,000. If you cannot donate, please pray for my recovery and the safety of my family from war atrocities, and share my story on your social media accounts"
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sorayah2 · 2 years
Sensory Lovers| Neteyam x oc FF
@Sorayahluvs on Wattpad
✠ ━━━━━━━ Chapter 1
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✠ ┏━━━━━━━━
When is it going to end?
They are forced to leave. Again. Their village, their people, and their way of life to start all over again.
Neteyam is enraged by this to his core. They had already lost their beautiful hometree. The Omatikaya hometree which served as the ancestral home of the Omatikaya clan; it was honeycombed with natural hollows and alcoves in which the Na'vi slept, ate, wove, danced, and celebrated their ties to Eywa. Regrettably, it was obliterated by the RDA's security forces using high-explosive missiles after driving the Na'vi out with tear gas, forcing the remaining inhabitants to relocate. During the attack and collapse of the tree, many of the Omaticaya perished.
His own bow is made from the wood of the fallen hometree. And Neteyam never got the chance to witness it in its prime, when it stood proud and was exalted by the people. He only heard the heartbreaking tales from his grandmother and those who were fortunate enough to survive. The people who are still mourning their lost loved ones, are gradually recovering.
Then it was their second home, destroyed again. Gone with all of his childhood memories.
The thing he is certain of is that the man will stop at nothing to get his hands on Jake's skull. He is capable of and willing to destroy anything in his path to accomplish that ambition.
His parents are under stress without a firm plan. His father only cares about keeping their family safe. He cannot afford to endanger any more lives because of him yet again. Jake suffers from guilt that refuses to go away, not even with time. He can still recall. Everything. He recalls every detail vividly, as though it all happened yesterday.
The screams.
The blood.
The gunfire.
The sorrow.
He wants to—no, he needs to change that. And the solution he came up with is to resettle his family far away as possible. So, no more innocent blood will need to be shed. Will that work? He's uncertain of the possibility, but he has hope. He begs for the small miracle.
Jake only asks that they cooperate with him on this and understand. Even though he'd never intended for them to be in this situation, things do happen.
Neteyam is trying to. It's unfair, nonetheless.
He's not just leaving his home; he's also abandoning his special someone. For 4 months and a half, they've been dating. He was in love with her ever since they were little and had been hesitant to ask her out as they grow up. Eventually he grew a pair and confessed to her at her birthday celebration; to his surprise and delight, she accepted and also admitted her secret feelings for him.
Neteyam had a few crushes here and there but none of them compared to his feelings for Yayìu.
She's his first and hopefully last.
He was so absorbed in his thoughts that he didn't hear the knock on the door until the repeated attempts and the voice of his mother calling out his name. Startled, he cussed under his breath and set the bags down.
"Uh—yes, come in!"
Neytiri entered the room with strays of food, while maintaining a straight facial expression. Her eyes swiftly scanned the space.
"I wonder why it took you that long to answer." She asked suspiciously. He's a teenager, and the very fact that his girlfriend hangs around here didn't go unnoticed. Neytiri is supportive of their relationship, but by no means will she tolerate any sort of inappropriate behavior in her home.
"Nothing! I guess I was zooming out..." He defends himself. "Sorry about that, mom."
"Have you started packing yet?" She placed the strays on his nearby table (crafted by Jake).
He nodded. "I already have, and I packed Tuk's too."
"Aw, that's so sweet of you, thank you, darling!" She gives him a smile and ruffles his hair before squeezing the tall boy into her embrace. Neytiri appreciates that her son assisted with one of the tasks that needed to be done because a lot is taking up much of her time. Truth be told, she can always rely on Neteyam for these things. He's a very helpful child.
Neytiri eventually noticed Neteyam's foul mood when he simply hummed instead of giving her the traditional bear embrace.
In order to gain a better look at his face, she gently drew him back by his shoulders. "What's wrong, Teyam?"
"I don't wanna leave home, mom. This is where we belong. We should fight for it. Do you think whatever clan Dad has in mind will just accept us? We're outsiders with different cultures." He finally voices out the words that had been gnawing at him from the inside after keeping them to himself for days.
"Listen, I feel the same way you do. I don't want to leave our village either—our whole lives here. However, as your father said, we really have no other choice."
"Another war is not what we should bring upon our clan right now. We've lost many, many over the years." She gulped to hold back the tears, as her beloved father crossed her mind. Before he died, he handed Neytiri his bow and told her to protect the clan, leaving her devastated with a purpose she holds dear in her heart.
Neteyam still with his eyes glued to the floor, nodded. "Okay, mom."
Neytiri smile sadly and caress his hair. Her identity is tied to her clan; the daughter of their former leader, she has grown into a leader in her own right.
While Jake Sully found a new world and home in Pandora, Neytiri broke many traditions to be with the man she loves. Along with the loss of her father, her home on sacred Na'vi land, and many of her people in the war with RDA. This has continued with Neytiri and Jake starting their precious family between the events. Happiness didn't last long enough with the return of the humans and RDA, now they must find a new safe haven, which will pull Neytiri even further away from her roots.
This is mainly about their safety; sacrifices will be made.
"We're going to be together, we'll get through it together like we always do because us Sullys?"
"Stick together." Neteyam chuckled dryly.
"Exactly. Now promise me you'll look after your siblings please, especially Lo'ak." Knowing about her youngest son's behavioral issues, she stresses the term to make herself clear; she will need to worry about Lo'ak in a new unfamiliar environment. Great mother eywa.
"I promise. Also, did you made the food or Dad?" Neteyam gave her the gaze, eyes pleading with his mother to rescue him from the dreadful mess that is his dad's cooking.
Jake's recent occupation has been trying out different ingredients that the kids are absolutely not so pleased with. Neteyam and Tuk try to be nice, meanwhile Kiri and Lo'ak go haunt by themselves to make their own food or eat at home when it's Neytiri who cooks. Hell no will they let that man kill them from food poisoning.
Neytiri muffled a laugh. "No, I made it, don't worry. It's all your favorites, go eat." She assured him and started walking away.
"Not yet, I have to go find Yayìu."
"Eat first then do that." His mother said sternly, shutting the door behind her. She needed to prepare Lo'ak and Kiri's meals before they return from wherever they are.
After eating, Neteyam immediately headed to Yayìu's house. Neytiri would've surely strangle him if he wasted the meal, plus he had barely eaten since this morning due to lack of appetite. He manages to eat everything, though. Your stomach has to be fed; it doesn't care about your problems.
He didn't find her there, then again, it's rare for Yayìu to stay home and not go outside to enjoy the forest.
As he was walking, he spotted Nan'ti, his girlfriend's best friend. She was weaving alone while singing one of the folk tones. They only interact in Yayìu's presence to avoid any possible misunderstandings. Nan'ti herself knew better; she knows her friend and the grave consequences of upsetting her.
Regarding Nan'ti's character, he didn't really give it much thought. She has a calm demeanor and seems genuinely uninterested in life. She doesn't speak unless spoken to, and she responds if she feels like it.
"Hey Nan'ti, where's Yayìu? She wasn't at home, I've looked for her."
Nan'ti slightly shrugged. She prepared to reply something like, 'I don't know,' or any other excuse she could master, but she paused to give Neteyam a long look before saying, "She's by the river."
Neteyam thanked her and headed further into the forest, having an idea of which river she was referring to.
He noticed the eclipse has begun. And Neteyam defines it as an entirely new experience each and every time. The beauty of the forest is absolutely breathtaking, especially at 'sun-down' as the scientists and his dad sometimes call it. Transforming the forest into something even more exotic, the bioluminescent plants emerge as animals' rustle through the brush, calling out to one another, and disappear into the darkness.
A world truly ablaze with ethereal light. Everything native to Pandora glows, including trees, seeds, moss, waterways, and even the creatures. The peculiar luminosity is celestial; the lichens become like a carpet of stars. The organisms' function like a neural network, all connected to each other symbiotically. This aesthetics of joy are ultimately what makes their world so alluring, valuable, and desperately worth saving.
Neteyam soon arrived by the river and could hear noises. As Nan'ti said, his girlfriend was there laughing with one of the village boys, Zakum, and her friend, Suki. He rolled his eyes and slowed down his step. For some reason he never got along well with Zakum, so he doesn't like to stick around him.
"That little bastard should learn his lesson now." Zakum said with pride, feeling a sense of victory from the fight he had just won against a much weaker opponent. The youngster, who was in front of a group of other teenagers, kept his ground despite knowing he couldn't defeat a fighter like Zakum.
"Sad thing, he lost miserably after all that talking," Suki snickers.
"Yeah, you kind of went too hard on him." Yayìu said, not that she cared. A fight is a fight.
Zakum smirked. Winning brings him satisfaction, beating up lesser beings is what a guy like him enjoys. His strength was witnessed and applaud.
He stood up, yawning. "I have practice tomorrow, I'm out."
Yayìu and Suki waved him goodbye.
Thank goodness he left, Neteyam waits to see if Suki will do the same then he can be alone with Yayìu.
"So, I heard the Sully family is moving soon?" Suki spoke, twirling a piece of her braid between her fingers while casting a few quick glances Yayìu's way. Of course, that's not news to her, who's dating a Sully, and if she's being honest, Suki's not even sure why she started like that. She had to somehow start this conversation; that's what popped up.
Yayìu chuckles, a soft smile appearing on her lips as she questionably looks back at Suki. "Unless you literally live under a rock, everyone in the village knows that. They're all discussing it."
Suki nodded. "Right, uhm what about you and Neteyam? Have you talk to him?"
Yayìu tenses a little at her question. She cleared her throat, "What do you mean?"
"Exactly what I mean."
"Well, we haven't seen each other that much since he told me about his family plans. I understand he has a lot on his plate to worry about. He is needed by his parents and siblings during this time. And I've been busy with stuffs also." She explained.
"That's not what I'm talking about, and you know it, Yayìu. You're only telling yourself those excuses for your own comfort. I think it's best to just tell him what happened." Suki tells her honestly.
"Why are you pressing me? What's your deal?" Yayìu's eyes snap to her face, features hardening because she doesn't want to hear any of this. Suki's interrogations are starting to irritate her. Why is she so engrossed in her business? Nan'ti is far less annoying.
"I'm your friend, Yayìu. I don't want to sound as if I'm judging you...I feel like he deserves the truth. You got what you wanted."
"And I feel like you should mind your own business, stop being comfortable butting in mine. Just shut your mouth, you're—" Before Yayìu could even begin cursing Suki out, she noticed a movement out of the corner of her eyes and turned to see Neteyam approaching them.
She hardly registers the frightened gasp that escapes her lungs, thoughts of him overhearing this stupid convo which was never supposed to happen fills her insides with rising anguish.
Her heart sinks as soon as she meets his gaze; his expression is practically unreadable, but clear enough to tell her he heard them. All thanks to that annoying girl. She should've silenced Suki earlier. Why didn't she simply ignore the pest? This is a whole forest, damn it; anyone could've stumbled upon them here, and the only person she dreads of hearing and finding out this way is standing right in front of her with an empty face.
She panicked, "Neteyam—w-what are you doing here?"
When 'tell me what' makes it out of his mouth, she swallows and tries to move closer to him, but he instantly stops her, keeping a considerable distance between them.
"It's nothing important. W-we were just talking and--" She stutters, struggling to form her words.
Suki quickly left. She earned her ticket to go meet eywa for sure, Yayìu will kill her. But she didn't think she's at fault. This is Yayìu's problem.
As Yayìu takes long, deep breaths, he notices her trembling hands and realizes her state screams nothing but a person who's been caught for their wrongdoings. She's making him very nervous, and he's not even sure what secret she's hiding from him. It must be related to their relationship based on the way she is acting; it can't be a good one. He's so confused.
Their eyes meet, sharing a similar discomfort and he swears, he can't stand the tension any longer.
"Since it's a rude thing, I'd Normally apologize for eavesdropping, but I'm not gonna do that, because I wouldn't have found out you're keeping secrets from me, Yayìu." He sighs, "Whatever you're hiding, get on with it."
The smallest intervals of time seem to last an eternity. Neteyam who's impatiently staring at his girlfriend, is completely unconscious of the internal struggle she's experiencing. This isn't how she imagined the outcomes. Things were going along smoothly, then all of a sudden, they flipped. No doubt she'll lose him, and she must accept the consequences that came back to bite her in the ass.
Yayìu blinks a few times, she has no choice but to tell him since there's no point beating around the bush. "I, uh, after we confessed to each other and broke the news to everyone...someone in particular didn't like it."
Neteyam carefully listens to what she was saying.
Someone. Who could that someone possibly be? Her parents? They barely acknowledged Neteyam and Yayìu's relationship. All they wanted was for him to treat their daughter right and make her happy as he should.
"Please understand that I do care about you. I really do, Neteyam. It was something that happened in the heat of the moment, and I.." Yayìu paused, biting her lip. He frowns at that and casts her a disapproving glare, fighting to maintain his composure.
"You cheated on me," Neteyam doesn't ask, he bitterly uttered it as he lets his anxious sentiments that have been consuming him ever since he overheard her and her friend's conversation flow.
There's a beat of silence.
"He kissed me first..and I kissed him back..." She mumbles, gaining the courage to look at him again with guilty features.
Neteyam felt a ping hit his chest. He's speechless for a minute, staring at her completely dumbfounded with parted lips as his brows furrowed, too shock to speak.
She kissed another man yet always avoided any physical touch during their relationship. Not that he ever pressured her to do things with him that she didn't feel comfortable with. They weren't dating for that long, and he himself wanted to take things slow till they were both ready to go deeper in it. Truthfully, he'd never make a move. Was he not interested in her physical? he didn't have the answer to that. He hugged her once, she quickly retreated, he assumed she was scared, and he apologized.
"Like I said, it was in the heat of the moment. I had feelings for you two, and you confessed to me first. I was okay with that, thinking that I'd be happy with you. A part of me resisted when he made a move out of jealousy over us, but the other part gave in. I guess despite my effort, my feelings for him remained."
"Who is it? Who'd you cheat on me with?" He finally whispers, taking a short and shaky breath.
Yayìu close her eyes and shook her head. "Zakum..."
How fucking hilarious. She betrayed him in favor of a dude who's obsessed with competing against him at any given opportunity. Zakum despises Neteyam for all that he stands for. He has his reasons. Neteyam is the eldest son of well-known heroes who led the clans against the Sky People and successfully defeated the human invaders. Even the entire tribe gathered to celebrate his birth, and he's favored for his strong and confident demeanor. He's a great natural athlete and excels at all things, being nearly unmatched in hunting prowess among the other young members of the Omatikaya clan. He's an expert at archery and the youngest of the clan to make a clean kill on a sturmbeest hunt.
Zakum is undeniably popular with girls for his appearance and his own athletic abilities, but Neteyam still holds the upperhand. He was more irritated by Neteyam's lack of effort to recognize him as a rival.
"Why?" He swallowed.
"If he's who you wanted why did you have to bring me into it? You could've just rejected me. I wouldn't hate you for it. Instead, you fucking used me for such bullshit. What kind of fucked up game is that?!"
"Uhm..." Yayìu slowly trailed.
Because he was necessary to her. The priceless piece of her puzzle. Dating Mr. Perfect skyrocketed Yayìu's popularity, as it would for any girl in the clan. She gained lots of attention from said girls, who dreamed of being in her place. She'd listen to people praising her and telling her how lucky she was. She watched as girls (whom she'd dealt with later on) threw themselves at him, desperate to catch his attention.
Girls gush over him, and other guys aspire to be him. Those qualities are what attracted her to him. Basically, he's a catch and having what many desired made her feel powerful.
They were an attractive couple, she's pretty and he's an eye candy.
As for Zakum, he wasn't any different. She has no actual hope for their fling relationship either. She's using him as well. Afterall, he's a playboy, from whom she holds zero expectations. She had her eyes on them both. Now that Neteyam is practically out of the picture, she luckily fetched herself a rebound in advance. It doesn't matter how long that'll last, as long as she's on top of having to date those two guys.
"I'm sorry." There's no sign of sincerity or falseness in her apology. Two plain words that she simply felt the need to say, to look humane.
Neteyam scoffed, "I bet."
"Oh whatever! We were going to be separated anyways, you're leaving and might not come back. I'd move on someday." Yayìu shouted, swaying her arms in the air.
"Are you serious? You cheated way before that, Yayìu. What the hell is wrong with you!" He exclaims, running his hand through his hair as he tugs on the braids in frustration.
She pursed her lips, staring at him. She can't change anything. What's done is done.
He sighs, "Nevermind, just forgot it. Let's pretend nothing ever happened between us."
Does he honestly want to stay with a girl who has it in her to be so selfish and heartless? Heck no. Then, perhaps this is a blessing in disguise which she shown her true colors and not much later when they are bounded with kids. He'll take this as a learning experience.
"I hope you can have it in your heart to forgive me. You were actually a great boyfriend, so thank you."
Neteyam cringed. What was he supposed to say to that?
"Witch!" Lo'ak suddenly jumped out from atop of a big tree, yelling while throwing fruits directly at Yayìu. Kiri accompanying him.
Yayìu gasped and quickly stretched her arms in attempts to protect herself. "Stop it! Are you crazy, you brats?!"
Poor Neteyam barely reacted to the outburst, he was holding himself back from crying. Not in front her, and his siblings. She's not worth his tears, he tried to convince himself.
"Keep 'em coming-" Kiri was told by Lo'ak. She continued to give him the fruits, grinning.
"Ow! Ow—How dare you, four fingered freaks! You'll pay for this!" Yayìu screams in pain.
"How dare you cheat on my brother, bitch! I always thought he lowered his standards for you, you're not even all that." He yells back.
Yayìu couldn't believe those offensive remarks. If he wasn't hitting her with those fruits, she would've grabbed the brat by his ears and taught him how to speak to a lady. An outcast like him should grasp his place in this world. How dare he!
When Lo'ak purposefully increased the strength of his aims, she had no choice but to hastily flee and shouted that she won't forgive their disrespect.
Laugher erupted from the two siblings as they high fived each other.
"I guess we Sullys have a thing for eavesdropping." Neteyam mumbled to no one in particular.
"A creature was chasing us after we accidentally stepped on its tail; we ended up here, and Lo'ak decided to be nosy when he heard that cheater and her friend. He wanted dirt on her, and honestly, same." Kiri explained in details. She shifted to be by his side, soothingly rubbing his back.
"You alright, bro?" Lo'ak asked his older brother, a tone full of earnest concern.
"It's her loss. You're way better off without her, Teyam. You deserve better."
"Kiri's right, plus you have us."
"I think that's more of a curse than a blessing." Neteyam groaned, rolling his eyes playfully.
"Bro what?? We're awesome and we're here for you! Nothing's stronger than family."
Neteyam would be lying if he said he wasn't affected by this. It hurts. It's a huge blow to the ego. He trusted her. That's why he never questioned her relationships with other guys she called her friends. She took him for granted, his feelings, his heart. No one with real love for a person would betray them like this. She was the girl he saw a loving future with. Maybe they might split up at some point, but that was another day's worry. This is too soon and damn painful.
Well, it all did become clear. It had little to do with him. She preferred another guy. It didn't mean he did anything wrong or wasn't good enough. It was her choice. Instead of being a good and honest person, she lied to save her own face. He knew he had kept his integrity throughout their brief relationship. He knew he was good enough. He knew he had plenty to offer someone else. And he knew he'd rather be by himself than with a she-wolf who would lie and use him.
He shrugged, "Let's go, mom cooked."
"Okay, c'mon." Both Kiri and Lo'ak's arms were securely wrapped around their older brother's slender waist as they swung their bodies to escort him back home. They granted him a moment of peace to himself.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
A/n: Helloo. First chapter, finally~ I'm actually looking forward to a lot of things.
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Everyday I mask my neurodivergency. That’s normal at this point.
But this has been masking on overload. On steroids!!
I am mentally, physically, and emotionally overwhelmed and exhausted.
I just need to take my hands off the wheel and my foot off the gas for just a moment. The tiniest moment.
This would be a lot for anyone. I know people go through this everyday. There are a million caregivers for a million different people for a thousand different reasons. I understand that. I know that there are hard days for everyone one of them. Unfortunately I just so happen to be one of them. I even acknowledge that it’s even harder for the people we care for.
But for me… for my neurodivergent, adhd having self.. I am drowning… I am fucking drowning. And yet I can’t… I won’t… take my hands off the wheel nor my foot off the gas.. because I know what it looks like when that happens. I know the destruction that follows. I know the pain and the guilt and the shame, all the blame that comes with it and that’s far more than I can handle. That’s way worst than this. I wouldn’t survive that. And I’m barely surviving this.
I’m not complaining for having to do it. In no way shape or form. I am simply acknowledging that I am human, I have feelings, I am overwhelmed, and I really really need help. I need physical support. I don’t have the mental or emotional capacity to go into details. All I can say is shouldering all of the day to day responsibilities of this, remembering every detail of every task that needs to be accomplished, hell just simply trying to accomplish 1/4th of it is exhausting. I am one person. My entire world has been flipped on it’s side.. hell flipped upside down in the last 3 months.. we’re just in month 4 of an undetermined timeline of an anomaly. I am this exhausted and it’s only been 3 months. I mean I’ve been exhausted for the majority of my existence but this… this is different. I just need someone to help me. I need another 3 to 10 other me’s. I need someone that doesn’t have the same mental challenges as me.
I need the mental help of processing the fact that my narcissistic mother, who has been my sole provider for my entire life, now needs me to be a caregiver to her. I have been trying to run and escape this hell for 14+ years and now I feel obligated because that’s my mom. That the single mother that stepped up when my father didn’t. That’s the woman who, whether she was physically or emotionally present or not.. more times not, she was the one semi present. I am her only child. It is my sole responsibility to take care of her. Outside of her mother, whose going to do it. And yet I have been the one on the front lines. I have been the one taking all the negativity and abuse these last few months. I get the ugly. I have to endure the painful times. I’m the one that gets blamed. I’m the one that gets verbally and emotionally abused. I am the one that has to take it and keep going.. and yet again.. this isn’t anything new.. I should be used to it but again it’s different now. I need the mental help of having to accept the fact that my last memories of my mother was not that we got it together, not that we mended our relationship, not that I felt her love and respect and proudness… no my last memories are more than likely that I wasn’t enough, that I didn’t do anything right, that I never made any good decisions, that I was lazy and careless and irresponsible. I will have to live whatever days I have left feeling this. I have zero clue of how to heal from that kind of hurt. I know for a fact that it is already changing me for the worst.
Which brings me to emotionally. I have literally shoulder all of this on my own. All the thoughts and emotions. I have both relied on and absolutely undone 5 years worth of healing in 3 months. I can’t remember the last time I was genuinely happy. I can remember the last time I smiled and it wasn’t out of momentary politeness. I can’t remember the last time my nervous system felt stable and at peace. Life has completely destructed my support system. I don’t even feel comfortable reaching out anymore and when I do it’s because I am literally at a breaking point and I’m just trying not to jump off the edge. The one person I want to be here can’t or won’t or whatever word fits the moment. There is resentment forming inside of me for so many people. I used to say I just need a hug but honestly, a hug is barely scratching the surface. It’s the feeling of scratching the surface without actually leaving a mark. I need real love and support and PRESENCE right now. And I know that nobody that God has put in my path thus far can give me that. I know that I have to give it to myself. And yet as hard as I’ve been working to give myself grace and love and support… it’s just not the same. Maybe I haven’t mastered it. Maybe I have no clue how to.. because I definitely don’t. But at the end of the day I know it’s a need that screaming to be met and I have zero way of meeting it right now.
This isn’t even a pouring from an empty cup situation anymore… the cup has been dry.. and so is the well that the cup was supposed to get water from. I’m pouring air and hopes and prayers at this point.. empty fucking wishes and desires.
That is all I have. And yet my foot is on the gas and I have a death grip on a wheel that I am not actually steering. I am truly extremely more afraid of who I will be after this that of who I am right now. Or even who I was. I am terrified of what this situation is going to turn me into. I am terrified of what that level of hurt and grief and exhaustion is going to do.. I’m already terrified of who I’ve become thus far.. imagine then.
I genuinely wish someone understood that.
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probablyjustamagpie · 2 months
being an adult is so terrifying and exciting at the same time. I’m moving out west next year. I have to plan my own move this time since I’m leaving my family behind, not being dragged along behind them, but this is gonna be something like my 14th move in my life. living with my parents has become significantly less like having parents and more like passive aggressive roommates and being a live in dog sitter. I got used to coming home with no expectation for dinner to be there or for my family to even come home, after 17 years of family dinners every night and knowing when my dad was out of town. I sort of just wake up now and both my parents are gone. I take care of the pets and go to work and get gas and groceries and cook myself dinner when I get home. I’m moving on my own next year.
What happened to the little girl who thought she would live next door to her mother? Who never questioned her parents love? Nowadays I don’t see them for a week and the first words they say to me are criticizing me for not keeping the house spotless. I’m sorry you’ve been gone for a week. I’ve been trying to keep afloat. You’re aware your daughter is disabled, right? It doesn’t feel like it.
I’m going to adopt a dog in the future and train him as a service animal. And I’ll get a car and go on hikes and be utterly alone and it will be less lonely than living with the people I’m surrounded by. I haven’t seen my friends in weeks
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