#because it's not gonna get a season three
secondbeatsongs · 1 day
alright my friends.
it’s time.
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look! the wall I always take my pictures in front of is blue now! so much has changed. aeons have passed.
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this looks unsettling
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ohhhh this is dry milk powder! I’d know that taste anywhere - I used to love the stuff, and it’s pretty flammable.
hmm. tastes like there’s a bit of salt in this, and definitely some poppy seeds. fascinating.
I was gonna just go right to cooking it but hahaha holy shit this looks so gross now that I've added water to it
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look at it! it looks like a really scummy pond with dead bugs floating in it!
okay. waiting-four-minutes time
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Jackie why are you squeaking at me. I’m not letting you climb in the dishwasher again
(look at all the claw marks on the woodwork! she's a menace)
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it doesn’t have a strong smell - it smells mostly of noodles with just a hint of garlic and caraway underneath
oh! all the sauce sank to the bottom, but stirring it up there’s definitely some creaminess in the texture of the sauce
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hmm. now that it’s stirred up and there’s steam coming off of it, it smells mostly like hot milk, but specifically the instant kind. unsurprising.
okay, I’ve put this off for long enough.
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oh the noodle texture is particularly slimy. and...huh.
on their own, the noodles taste like nothing. maybe some milk taste, but not much otherwise. but when I get a bite that has lots of seeds in it, I definitely taste them! and some bits of onion, too.
it’s not outright disgusting though, so that’s something
does it taste like an everything bagel? no. it tastes like noodles with caraway, poppy, sesame, onion, and salt.
does the sauce taste like cream cheese? disappointingly, no! it’s got a milky creaminess, but no sour tang to it at all!
weirdly, I feel like if it did have that sourness, it might taste more like an everything bagel.
speaking of...
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it’s time for some science
so the first thing I have is popcorn that’s supposed to be everything-bagel-and-cream-cheese flavored. my sibling gave me this specifically for this experiment, so everyone say thank you to them for enabling me.
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interesting! this doesn’t taste bad. it still doesn’t taste like bagel (and actually hold on...no, the popcorn on its own doesn’t taste like bagel either, just garlic) but I think the flavoring on the popcorn has added some much-needed taste to the noodles, and so it mildly improves it. three stars
next for the cream cheese
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oh, significantly improved! ...or maybe I just love cream cheese. it adds such a nice tangy creaminess to it, and balances out the spices and seeds. four stars.
still tastes nothing like a bagel, though.
and so we try: packaged everything bagel seasoning!
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ah. this was a lateral move. the seasoning on its own tastes good, but when added to the noodles it does nothing but make it a bit more salty. one star.
so now, I have to reveal to you. that I have one final trick. one last thing I can do to attempt to make these noodles taste like an everything bagel.
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behold: an everything bagel
(and it’s a fancy one too! not a pre-packaged one! it’s even got sunflower seeds on it!)
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I’m going to try a couple bites without cream cheese, and then I’m gonna add cream cheese and try that
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conclusion: this was a waste of a good everything bagel
I liked the cream cheese variation better, simply because I stopped being able to taste the noodles at all. five stars!
so when I started out I said the noodles themselves were not outright disgusting, but I’ve changed my mind. after tasting this really good actual everything bagel, these noodles do disgust me. partially because of their flavor, but more because of their (and Nissin's) moral integrity.
how dare they claim that this is what an everything bagel tastes like. this is an insult to bagels everywhere, and I find it truly offensive.
...anyway I guess I’m gonna go eat the rest of this now, because this is my actual breakfast today.
oh god. and I still have two more of these cup noodles! I forgot; I bought extras just in case!
wish me luck -_-
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haley-harrison · 3 days
tbh the main cause of shipping wars is that jackles is too good at his job. Man has convincing chemistry with most of his coworkers, so depending on which scenes you focus on, you can gather a convincing argument for your ship of choice.
like if you look just at the first three seasons, j2 have such insane chemistry you have to be blind not to notice. (case in point, even my mother, who is otherwise a normal 62-y-o was like 'well that's not a normal brother relationship'). add the lack of significant alternative options, and it's clear why the early days had so many wincest shippers. Like, duh. You see two hot guys who look at each other with adoration (and lip-licking), brain's gonna ship. Fiction isn't reality anyway.
However, then comes s4. Now, I think Misha is awesome and funny and great, and obviously he and Jensen hit it off. Enough that it shows on screen. That said, the script was still written as Kripke intended, which is that Sam and Dean are obsessed with each other.
Because it's a fact, that Kripke read Siken's Crush, and also On the Road, and wrote Sam and Dean very much under that influence. And if you read either of those, you know they're about gay lovers.
So. There's a conflict between the script (which is samdean coded), and the acting (where jenmish actually gets more and more intense with time).
And the thing is, both sides of the fandom have solid 'evidence' on why their ship is (practically) canon. And it sucks to see people actually fight and insult each other.
I am a multishipper: I have an OTP but I see the appeal of other pairings and occasionally read those too. And I wish we could all see that plurality of opinions is good. Fiction is meant to be discussed, there isn't one correct answer.
At the end of the day, we're here to have fun with this trash show (affectionate), so maybe let's do that without judging?
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niko-sasaki-dbd · 3 days
So, I've seen several questions about this, so I'm gonna try to do my best to share my explanation of the:
Port Townsend is a city, located at the Quimper Peninsula, in the Jefferson County, Washington, USA.
There's several ways to get there, and one of them is by ferry, in the following map, you can see the geographical location, and the ferry route (Coupeville – Port Townsend).
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Now, let's go back to the start!
Here, the questions are not about the route, but the money. For a lot of people, the logical and immediate answer is that Crystal used her powers to get into an airplane, but I think is plausible that she didn't use them exactly to avoid paying, and if she did, she felt very guilty about it (I'm gonna explain this later).
What is certain is that she used her powers to avoid security and registration at the airport (all the airports), because there was no way a minor was leaving the country, or jumping from one jurisdiction to another without documentation, a passport or an ID.
About the route, there's a lot of options here, but if I believe Crystal didn't use her powers to avoid paying for the tickets, is simply because there were better options than taking three flights, and if she was going to stole the tickets anyway, why no choosing a direct flight? Or at least, a faster one?
I mean that could have saved her a lot of trouble, because going from one airport to another with Charles and Edwin quarreling around her is not exactly the definition of a holiday vacation.
I'm sure she would have chosen any flight that could take her to Washington the fastest, the thing is that she didn't.
She got into a flight with two connections, and secured herself a headache too, so I guess she used the money she had on her, or most logically, her money + the money from the agency (let's give the boys some credit, at the end of the day, they're good at their job, and they care about getting paid).
Now, the route could have been something like this (based on a real flight itinerary):
London, GB -> Frankfurt International, DE
Frankfurt International, DE -> Calgary Intl Airport, CA
Calgary Intl Airport, CA -> Seattle Tacoma Airport, US
[I'm using ISO 3166 country codes, instead of the airports abbreviations]
Which translates into:
First flight: 1 hour and 30 minutes (+1h 30min)
First layover: 2 hours (+2h)
Second flight: 10 hours (+10h)
Second layover: 5 hours (+5h)
Third flight: 2 hours (+2h)
All of these sums up 20 hours and 30 minutes of dealing with Bert and Ernie, without a possible escape.
But the point is, that there are faster routes; a direct flight, or even a flight with only one connection, has a duration of 14 hours or less and is only €100 more than the journey of nightmares I just described, so why did she pick the longer flight if she wasn't going to pay anyway? quality time with the boys? weren't they supposed to be in a hurry?
Obviously, is possible that the flight they took was the first available, or even that they took a flight to a different state, and then travelled within the US, but in either case, I'm sure they didn't pick the fastest route available and the only reason for that is the price of the plane tickets.
Additionally to that, Crystal didn't have much money left to pay for rent when they arrived, and she was the most worried about getting money out of the cases all the season.
There's no direct way to get from the airport to Port Townsend, they need to get to the ferry terminal in Coupeville first.
Don't worry, is not that hard to get from Seattle to Coupeville, is a two-hour bus ride and the buses leave relatively often, and you can take one from the airport.
So, here we are, back at the beginning. Welcome to Port Townsend, you will surely be enchanted by its beautiful Victorian architecture and the witch kidnapping little girls.
Isn't it the coolest small town ever?
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Clearly, I just did this for fun, but if it is helpful for some of you, that's great!
Doing this also made me came up with some headcanons, and I'm gonna be thinking about them for the next three business days.
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lizaluvsthis · 3 days
To love and what-not?
-New fixation because I said so-
I am now having thoughts if Smg4 either is having a hard time for himself and with the fact that also involves smg3 by his side. And maybe trying to keep their friendship stable and not going beyond that line?
Smg4 is really REALLY trying hard to keep his attachment with other people work out fine. Ever since after the arc he still can recall "who knew you could play an antagonist so well!"
He had scars healed right after his arc from IGBP which was the one we had seen it worst, but coming to him realizing about PV who has been the one behind all of that?
Man it sucks. He had every right to be angry and bash that TV's head up to the sky.
Because he thought to himself that he's already the worst from all of his friends, so what else there is to try and fix even tho it's all been damaged?
But ofcourse smg4 didn't know that it wasn't his fault- it was PV's fault. But since it's hard to believe it- he let pride and enviness consume him to get what he ever wanted.
This causes four to back up for a bit because he doesn't trust himself for being open due to those things he and his friends went through because of one simple mistake. (Nice- butterfly effect)
He may hide that from us but we've seen him hurt plenty of times, like how he hides it.
Wondering if he's that oblivious enough or he already knows due to three being a tsundere when he's around. What if right after that search history he had from "what does a tsundere mean?" Maybe him finding out three has a crush on him?
Maybe it worries him that he might hurt three even more because of his struggles so that he casually plays it off as friends.
Maybe this is more than just saying no? Even tho they're cosmical partners they're in a mutual bond. Because last time we've seen for Smg3 he never took a shower.
(Meaning he might had that possibility due to his fall of depression getting a bit worse that he didnt even bothered to take care of his own body)
Since our boys are not healthy at their physical and mental state- I am a hundred percent sure that they're still dealing with their own problems still so it takes them for a while.
Maybe in a coupls of seasons? When will this be canon? No one knows, maybe because it's "not their time" yet.
Not just yet they're not. But maybe just maybe.
Since three is his friend he meant so much already and he doesnt want to lose him too. And three doesn't want as well as for just "crushing on him" because of his decisions.
Three doesn't want to make it obvious which he wasnt sure but to four I think he's to oblivious to know but there mightve been a possible chance he DOES know but doesnt say anything about it.
And maybe if so he doesnt want to tell four just yet to find the right time that he does and probably wont even at all anytime soon thinking it'll pass.
Just saying SMG3 fell first, but SMG4 fell harder.
And three just wanting to just pull out that "if we're in good conditions I'll just wait for the time until he does it first. For now I'm not gonna mention anything" BECAUSE THREE DOESNT LIKE TO RUIN THIS BOND BETWEEN HIM AND HIS CLOSE FRIEND-
two of them have been through SO MUCH- you can even tell out much of a person SMG4 is like to lose a friend that meant everything to him. (Adds to the point he saved THREE back when a baby just TOOK him away)
Like how the comparisson faced over to three seeing four get taken away, he didn't even hesitate to get him back he LITERALLY CAME BACK FOR HIM
and to four seeing three GETTING TAKEN AWAY- you know what he did? The same exact thing. HE CAME BACK FOR HIS FRIEND. AND NEVER SAID ANYTHING BECAUSE HE DOESN'T KNOW WHAT TO EVEN SAY- (left from more dialogues three just says to four then a "baka" at the end-)
Maybe four is new to this feeling? Of what it feels like to save a friend? Maybe its more than that? Maybe its how he remembered that time when three was the one who saved HIM without hesitation during igbp.
Maybe his head wasnt responding correctly because he had been constantly staring at SMG3 while he speaks- maybe he's been sent with mixed feelings? Mixed signals? Between the two?
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lyxchen · 2 years
I absolutely Hate how fast streaming services give up on a show when it doesn't do That well, even though there are still a Lot of people who watch and adore that show
#this is mostly about the wilds right now#because it's not gonna get a season three#and i don't know if that is the reason but i head it's because season two didn't do that well when it came out#and like#that's so Annoying!!#even if a show doesn't get the best and most streams... that doesn't mean it's a bad show that shouldn't be renewed!!!#stop cancelling shows just because they don't do as well as stranger things#stranger things is not the standart#also this is no hate on stranger things i actually love that show#but stranger things has such a big fanbase and get's so much hype#and you can't just compare every show you make to that#because like this all we ever get it a bunch of amazing shows with a great plot and interesting characters that get canceled after one or#two seasons and that have an unfinished story#good shows should get the chance to tell the whole story#they sould not have to suddenly stop when there is still so much to do and see and learn#and i get that there are probably shows that are genuinely bad and that get No steams at all#but god damn it if riverdale can get seven fucking seasons then why can't the wilds get at least three???#and why do both julie and the phantoms and the society have only ONE season when they deserved So much more???#just because your show doesn't break a streaming record immediately after release doesn't mean it's a bad show!!!!#okay i'm gonna stop ranting now but i just want to say#they gave the wilds season two like two months#it was released in may 2022 and now it's canceled#like it didn't do that well immediately after release so i guess it's just not worth it anymore /sarc#okay that's it rip to all those good shows that streaming services gave up on :(#julie and the phantoms#the wilds#the society#*standard lol#lea's random thoughts#*heard
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jennifersminds · 6 months
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A one time thing,
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arcanegifs · 2 months
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tomfrogisblue · 6 months
I have finally finished O Segredo Na Floresta.
I have cried more than I thought possible.
And I fear I shall never be the same.
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Sure, “the cycle is cycling” is a fun and cute thing to say but in all honesty? To me, the succession ending sort of accidentally broke that logic. Can you really draw the logical conclusion that the siblings end up like Ewan and Logan? No, because what was the reason for their estrangement? Ultimately, Ewan resents Logan for letting himself become the person he died as. Why was Logan like that? Because of the company (very simplisitc, there is more here obviously). Shiv literally takes that possibility away from Kendall by voting against him.
Does that mean being “out” magically fixes their shit? Of course not. Here is the thing. Kendall will always be trapped in the cycle of thinking he was meant to be CEO, it was instilled into him as a child! Part of him will always resent Shiv for her vote and will always come back to this formative moment. But. Does that mean he can never care about anything else, doomed to wander around as an empty shell? I don’t think so, we’ve been through the epic highs and lows of corporate fuckery with Ken, he somehow always returns to himself in the end, partially because of his siblings.
Shiv will always be stuck knowing that her being a woman plays a major part in the way her father and every other man in her life treats her. That resentment won’t go away either, it may even take a new shape with motherhood mixed in. But also, she is probably working a new angle with Tom as we speak. Maybe she’ll return to her political roots, who knows, she certainly will do everything to not become her mother even if she jokes about the opposite at the funeral. But the most important thing to me is the fact that, even in her resentment towards Ken, she tells him “I love you, but I can’t fucking stomach you”. The first part did not need to be there. And yet.
And Roman (always hardest to talk about for me, lol). Well, he will always look for guidance outside of himself, he will always need his family. His ending is lonely on one side, but there is a quiet beauty in it as well. After everything, there is a moment of solitude and being able to breathe, even reminisce. He just started really grieving and wherever the path leads, it will never lead back to Logan. It can’t. He will always love his father (and I need to take the moment to say- that is totally fine, we as observers have a different view on their relationship than him), but his father will never be able to abuse that or hold it against him again. The wheels have come off the cycle and the engine is dead. The entire fourth season can be seen as an attempt to keep the cycle alive, because it is comforting in a way. But it doesn’t work, because, I repeat, THE ENGINE IS LITERALLY DEAD.
See, succession clearly has shown that whereas Logan and Ewan had no desire to be a family, the sibs always find their way back to each other. After Ken’s season 1 bullshit. After Ken’s press conference. After the confrontation with Logan. Ewan tells people at the funeral “I loved him I suppose, but-” but none of them would ever say that. The love is so clearly, inarguably there and maybe that is the real tragedy; that in another world it could have been a much easier kind of love (but it rarely is, for most of us anyways).
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puppyeared · 2 years
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jamiesfootball · 3 months
A very very good thing has come from this rewatch. I think I just wrote what’s going to be my favorite of all the snippets from the Roy and Sharon therapy scenes
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all-that-jazz-93 · 9 months
Finally watching Agents of Shield again for the first time in years
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maddy-ferguson · 11 months
the soundtrack is my least favorite part of the summer i turned pretty there's just too many needle drops let's calm down why are you playing lover when we're seeing conrad for the first time
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mocacheezy · 11 months
Having sensory issues that you haven't quite registered as proper, real and VALID issues yet can be real interesting. For example;
Me, overwhelmed and fuming with rage and anxiety: How can I fuckity fuck make this better?
*remembers that sunlight and seeing what's outside can make people feel less claustrophobic ergo lowering anxiety*
*forgets that bright lights and colors are a sensory FUCK NO when overwhelmed*
*partially opens the window shutters*
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*closes the window shutters*
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wernerherzogs · 3 months
bear in mind i've never seen yellowstone when i say this but, seeing your tag post about the reason for jamie's family dynamics and how its bad writing is extremely funny to me because that is exactly what happened to my best friend dean winchester 😂
*takes a long drag of a cigarette* dean winchester..... now that's a name i haven't heard in a while
#scream no anon you're actually onto something#there are - surprisingly or not - many similarities between the shows#mostly shitty fathers/complicated family dynamics/toxic masculinity#with jamie in particular i get so frustrated because the main reason why (slight spoilers but i don't think anyone watches this ajdjjd) his#sister hates him so much and why his father is extra critical of him gets revealed in the middle of season THREE#until then nothing he does warrants that level of hatred tbh#and when those reasons get revealed girl (gn) the writing was just SO LAZY when it comes to that!!!!! SO LAZY#and don't get me wrong jamie's not a crystal clear fellow and some of beth's (his sister) commentary on him is On Point#but when i discovered the origins of her/jamie's father's contempt towards him i was furious 😭#GUESS I'M GONNA SUPPORT JAMIE'S WRONGS FOREVER THEN !#truly few things piss me off more in shows/films than lazy writing/shock factor writing. fuck off#ANYWAY. just remember another shared characteristic between spn and yellowstone: characters brush off killing people SO easily lmao#well. most of them anyway#also the quote: 'there are monsters everywhere in this world. so we just have to make sure we kill them when we find them' is shockingly#NOT from spn lmao.#anonymous#a response#yellowstone spoilers#IF ANYONE CARES#yellowstone lb#ish#also am not fixing the typos i'm sorry. i see them but i ain't retyping all that#TL;DR BE MORE CREATIVE WHEN CREATING CONFLICT WRITERS OF THIS WORLD
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magniloquent-raven · 2 years
yall ever think about the fact that billy would've lived if joyce had longer arms
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