#they gave the wilds season two like two months
arlana-likes-to-write · 6 months
Holiday Compromise
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Summary: It was your nature to be a giver. You could give the shirt off your back if your girlfriend asked you for it. But when she is just as stubborn as you are, you have to be creative this holiday season to give the small family of three a Christmas they deserve.
Warning: slander of Vision and Sharon (no hate to them), implied sex, drinking, divorce, mention of fighting and past childhood trauma, reader is lowkeye rich, no Avenger/power AU
Note: I can't believe this is my first Wanda x reader fic, wild.
Word Count: 5.2k
You heard Wanda say goodbye to Billy and Tommy as their father picked them up to celebrate Thanksgiving with him and his new girlfriend. It was the second Thanksgiving for the boys, a feeling you knew all too well as your parents divorced at a young age. You were in the kitchen, washing off the dirty dishes and loading them into the dishwasher. "You didn't have to do that," Wanda said, leaning against the wall with their arms crossed. She was wearing a maroon dress with long sleeves that came to the middle of her thighs. She was beautiful.
"Of course I do," you said. "You cooked, I cleaned, it's only fair." She smiled at you before grabbing two wine glasses and filling them with a red wine you brought. She jumped onto the counter, slowly sipping her wine as she watched you. Once you were done and the dishwasher was running, you grabbed your glass and moved between Wanda's legs. You took a sip. "Were the boys excited to go to their father's?" You asked. Wanda sighed.
"I'm not sure," she said. "I think so." You put her glass down and placed your hands on her thighs. This was the first holiday the twins had to experience with divorced parents.
"The first holiday is hard." You smiled. "But it gets easier, I promise." You kissed her forehead. You met Wanda 10 months ago while walking out of a coffee shop on your way to a meeting for your company. As you left the shop, someone ran into you, spilling your coffee all over you. Your outfit was ruined, and on any other day, you would be upset, but you were distracted by the beauty of the woman in front of you. She was frantically trying to clean up the mess. You told her not to worry about it and asked her for dinner. "So," you took another sip of your wine. "What do you want to do for the rest of the night, my love?" You asked, kissing her cheek and down her neck. You made sure not to leave marks on her skin. Her breathing hitched.
"I see you have some ideas." You smiled against her skin.
"Can you blame me?" You asked, looking at her. "The food was delicious, but I was hungry for something else the entire time." You loved making her blush. Wanda was incredibly self-conscious of her body since giving birth to the twins. It didn't help that Vision rarely gave her attention after she gave birth. But my god, you were in love with her body. You found it difficult to keep your hands to yourself in front of her kids. Wanda smiled, biting her lip.
"You make me feel like the most beautiful woman in the world," you kissed her softly, taking her glass out of her hand. You lifted her. She gasped at the sudden movement and put her hands around your neck.
"It's because you are. Let me show you."
To your surprise, you woke up to an empty bed. You were always the first one up because you had clients in different time zones. But you made sure to take the day after Thanksgiving off so you could cuddle with your girlfriend. Her side of the bed was cold. You sat up, stretched your arms over your head, and glanced at the clock. It was 0730. You sighed and got out of bed. You put on shorts and a sweatshirt to look for Wanda.
She wasn't hard to find as you stepped into the kitchen, hunched over a notebook, a calculator, and her checkbook. You walked up behind her on quiet feet, wrapping your arms around her. She was tensed up but soon relaxed in your arms. "I wanted more cuddles." You pouted. Your girlfriend chuckled, turning around to face you.
"I'm sorry, baby," you loved when she spoke in her native tongue. It was incredibly sexy.
"Why are you up so early? You don't have to be at work till 5. She was working the evening shift at a 24-hour diner. You saw the stress and worry in her features. "Hey, what's wrong?"
"Nothing, nothing I can't handle." She said. Yeah, that wasn't going to fly. Early in your relationship, she hid everything from you because Vision was never there for her. You weren't his biggest fan.
"Hey, don't keep things to yourself. Remember, we are a team." She sighed.
"I'm worried about money," she confessed. "With the holidays coming up, I just hope I can give the boys a good holiday with everything they've been through." You hummed, kissing the top of her head. "I'm sorry this isn't your problem."
"Hey," you spun her around from the table. "I love those boys like they are my own. We will figure it out." She shook her head, biting her lip.
"I'm their mother," she firmly said. "I do not need your help." You nodded.
"Okay," you smiled, rubbing your hands up and down her arms. "But can we cuddle some more, please?" You pouted. Your girlfriend rolled her eyes and stood up.
"Yes, we can, but," she kissed you softly. "Please forget about this, okay? I don't need you spoiling us." You kissed her forehead, and she led you back to her room, promising you would forget it.
So you were struggling to keep your promise. Every time your mind had a spare moment, you thought about Wanda hunched over her checkbook, trying to make ends meet. You knew Vision was paying the bare minimum of child support when he could afford more. But you felt trapped. It was in your nature to help those you loved and cared for. Your second-grade teacher, who allowed you to spend your lunch in her classroom because you were trying to work through your parent's divorce, needed money for hip surgery - you donated the rest of the amount to her fund. Your high school coach was in a car accident - you bought him a new one. Your secretary was diagnosed with breast cancer - you covered the medical expenses and other bills that came up. You were fortunate to be in the position you were in. You had enough money and wanted to give it all to Wanda and the twins.
However, it was early on in your relationship that Wanda wasn't with you for the money. She fought you on paying for her share of the bill, refused any gift, and never asked to help with bills. On the one hand, it made you love the mother of two more because you had your fair share of partners who took advantage of your status. Conversely, you wanted to spoil the small family if only she would let you.
"What's got you thinking so hard?" Natasha asked as she opened the door to your office. The Russian was your second in command, your best friend, the sister who always wanted. Her family lived next to your father, and when it was his weekend, you would spend more time at Natasha's house than at his. Melina helped you get emancipated at 15 since you were done being a pawn in your parent's game. It was around that time you and Natasha tried dating; you were better off as friends - family. She set a stack of papers on your desk. Ugh, you hated being the boss. "Speak. I got other things to do on my list."
"Jeez, thanks," you stood up. "You got time for a drink."
"I guess I could make time in my busy schedule." Typical. You chuckled and grabbed two glasses and a bottle of whiskey. "Damn, we are drinking the good stuff," she took off her jacket and draped it on the back of the chair before sitting down. "Is this about Wanda? I like her. She is so much better than Sharon." You rolled your eyes, pouring the alcohol into the two glasses and giving one of them to her. No one liked Sharon. "Cheers." You hit your glass against hers and sat down.
"Wanda is having financial troubles," you swirled the amber liquid in the glass before taking a sip. "She worries about the holidays but won't let me. She's stubborn." You loved her, but she would work herself to death to provide for her boys.
"You are stubborn, too; it makes sense why you fit so well together," you flipped her off. "So she won't let you spoil her or the boys with things."
"Yes! I have all this money. What's the point if I can't spoil my girlfriend," Natasha rolled her eyes, but she was quiet, biting the inside of her cheek. You knew that she was thinking.
"So don't spoil them with things. Give them an experience. Bring them to the cabin up north," she suggested. "All you have to do is provide the food and sex."
"That is," you paused. It was a good idea. The cabin was built on some property you bought in Upstate New York. The three-bedroom, 2.5-bath sat on 16 acres of land with a private pond perfect for ice skating. You allowed close friends to use it year-round. You could take them ice skating and sledding; if you were lucky, the Northern Lights would appear. "Not a bad idea."
"That's why you keep me around," she finished her drink. "Just bring it up to her and let me know she says. Because if you aren't going to use it," Natasha stood up. "I will use it." You finished your drink and placed the two dirty glasses on the shelf behind you to be cleaned later. You chuckled.
"Are you going to take Bucky?" You questioned. She smirked.
"Him and possibly Steve, make things interesting," you cringed, grabbing the pile of paper she brought in.
"I'd have to burn down the cabin if you three spent a weekend there," you deadpanned. The redhead flipped you off.
"Hey, I'm a gentleman and always clean up after myself."
"Get out of here, you pervert, before I have to file an HR report," she waved and opened the door. "Nat," she stopped at the sound of her name. "Thank you."
"No need to thank me," she smiled. "You'd do the same thing for me."
You were a little nervous as you sat on the edge of your bed and waited for Wanda. The twins were with Vision, so after her shift, she came over. She was in the bathroom, showering and getting ready for bed. You wanted to ask her sooner rather than later, but your stomach was in knots. What if she hated the idea? What if she thought you were being pushy and broke up with you? That would destroy you. "Baby," you turned to face your girlfriend's voice. She was drying her hair and wearing a shirt that was too big for her and came down to her thighs. "Are you okay?"
Sometimes, when you looked at Wanda, your brain short-circuited. She was so beautiful. Vision was an idiot, but hey, his loss was your gain. Your girlfriend smirked, threw the towel back in the bathroom, and walked over to you. She stood in front of you before straddling your waist. Immediately, your hands went to her thighs, massaging them. "Where have you been all night?" She asked, tracing the lines on your forehead. "I feel like you've been a million miles away." You sighed, taking her hand and kissing it.
"I'm sorry, sweetheart, my brain is all over the place."
"Can I help?" She whispered, kissing your cheek. "You work so hard." Her lips trailed down your neck and nibbled on a sensitive spot below your ear. "You help so many people," Wanda began playing with the bottom of your shirt, hands grazing your stomach and flexing your muscles. "Let me take care of you," her lips ghosted over yours. "Please." You groaned; the hold you had on your thighs tightened. She was going to be the death of you. There was a voice in the back of your mind screaming to give in, to have this talk later. But it couldn't wait. Using your strength, you flipped her over. She landed on her back and would have bounced off if you weren't holding onto her. Your face was in the crook of her neck, breathing in her scent. Vanilla. Lavender. Fresh linen.
"As much as I want to," you said. "We need to talk about something." She touched your cheek and forced you to look at her. Her green eyes were filled with worry. "It's nothing bad. It's about the holiday season." She huffed, dropped her hand, and sat up. You were forced on your knees.
"And I thought I told you to forget about it."
"I know, I know," you sat up on your knees to be between her legs. "But you know how I am, baby," she rolled her eyes, and you took her hands in yours. "Just I came up with a compromise if you'll listen." She sighed but nodded. "I know you said you don't need my help, and I don't want to help," you added quickly. "However, I want to treat you and the twins. I own a cabin in Upstate New York, and we could go there for a few days after Christmas. It will cost me nothing besides food and the gas to drive up there," Wanda was giving you her classic 'mom look' when the twins said something she didn't like. "It has a hot tub," you said, trailing your fingers up and down her thigh. You liked the way goosebumps formed.
"No presents."
"3 presents," you countered. "2 for the boys and 1 for you." She sighed, rubbing her forehead.
"You can't get us anything for Hanukkah then." You groaned. Dammit, you wanted to get them something. But you had to compromise.
"Deal," you smiled. "So," your hands went to her waist. She didn't slap them away, so you figured it was good. "Are we going?" She was fighting to keep the smile from forming on her face; she was forced to bite her lip.
"Yes, we can go. I'll discuss it with Vision." She said. SHE SAID YES!
"Wooo," you cheered, picking her up, moving her to the middle of the bed, and attacking her face with kisses. Her laughter was infectious. She pushed her away, and you turned on your side, head resting on your hand. Wanda's cheeks were pink, and she was slightly out of breath. "You are going to love it there," you told her. "It's beautiful and quiet. The boys can have their room if they want. That reminds me, the place could use a good cleaning. I'll call the service tomorrow. What do we want to do for dinner? Oh! I'll get the place decorated and-"
"Baby," Wanda cut you off with a playful smile. "We have a few weeks. No need to rush everything."
"I know," you brought her into your arms. "I'm just very excited." She giggled.
"Yeah, so am I."
"Boys, are you sure you have everything?" Their mother asked for the third time since picking them up at Vision's. It was Christmas. The four of you spent a quiet morning of breakfast and gift unwrapping; the gifts you got were at the cabin. Then you brought the boys to Vision's so Wanda could do some last-minute packing. The look on the man's face was hilarious when he opened the door, not expecting to see you. Thankfully, the twins excitedly ran off toward the Christmas tree, preventing awkward or hateful interactions. You drove home to spend a few hours alone with Wanda before returning to their father's.
"Yes, Mom," they said in unison, but they were already engrossed in what movie they would watch on the TV. Their jaws dropped when they saw them on the back of the driver and passenger seats. Wanda was in the trunk, reorganizing the back to fit the stuff they wanted to bring they got from their father. You rounded the back and saw Vision from the front door, a smirk on his face as he watched his ex-wife struggle. You were quick to kiss her, keeping your eyes on the man. He turned around and went back inside.
"If they forgot something, I have extra of everything," you rearranged the back and closed the trunk. "No stress, right?"
"Right, no stress." You smiled and walked to the driver's seat.
"Boys, are you ready?" You asked and fastened your seat belt.
"Yes!" They cheered. You were surprised they were excited to go. They spent a few days reading up on the wildlife they might encounter. You smiled, watching the boys put on their headphones and hit play. Wanda got in, getting settled with a blanket and a few necessary road trip snacks. You started the car and began the drive with your hand on Wanda's thigh.
The drive to the cabin was your favorite, especially in the winter. The mountain views were blanketed in the snow. Trees that lost their leaves but told a different story. It was so quiet, too, a stark contrast to the city. There were about 30 minutes left of the drive; you were taking it slow as the roads weren't the best. Billy and Tommy were fast asleep, and Wanda played with the rings in your hand. You told her she didn't need to stay up, but she told you she was okay. "Why did you buy property out here?" She asked, keeping her voice low. "I feel like you could have brought property anywhere.' You chuckled; she wasn't wrong, and you have thought about it - a house in Florida on the beach, a French villa in the countryside, anywhere. You sighed.
"When I first realized I could afford anything, I wanted a cabin like this," you told her. "My mother had one when she was younger, and before the divorce, we would go, but a fire destroyed it. In my delusion, I thought if I bought one, we could be a family again," you shrugged. "Obliviously, it didn't work." You hated your parents, but a part of you was desperate for their love and acceptance.
"When was the last time you spoke with them?" She asked.
"About three years ago," you answered. "Mom needed some money, so I gave it to her," your girlfriend shook her head. "What is it?"
"Your heart is too big for this world," she kissed the back of your hand. Natasha and her family would say the same thing. However, they would say that's how you would get hurt.
"Are we there yet?" Billy groaned from the back. You chuckled.
"Almost, buddy, about 15 minutes." You said with a smile.
"I'm hungry," this time it was Tommy. Wanda rolled her eyes. That boy was always hungry.
"I'll cook us something when we get there, but first, we have to bring our stuff inside."
"And open presents," you added on quickly. The twins woke up more at the mention of presents.
"Presents are waiting for us!" Billy excitedly said. You nodded.
"Of course. It's still Christmas!"
"There better be only three presents under that tree," Wanda gave you a stern look.
"I only bought three presents," you said. She looked like she did not believe you. "I promise! That was our deal!" You stood by it, but the people you worked for didn't make that promise. "Babe, it's fine."
You parked the car, and before you could speak with the family, they were out of the car to look at the cabin. Smiling, you got out yourself. It did look better in real life than in the pictures. You hired some people to come out and decorate the cabin. It was perfect with the freshly powered snow; lights hung on the roof, and the trees outside. There were some Christmas-themed blowups out front. Wanda looked at you. "You did all of this for us?" She questioned. You shrugged.
"It was nothing," you smiled, scratching your head.
"Boys, grab your stuff," Wanda instructed her kids. The twins grabbed their backpacks and suitcases and ran for the door, kicking up the snow as they went. You grabbed your bag, and Wanda's before joining them. There was other stuff in the car, but that could wait. The twins were bouncing on their heels as you typed in the code and opened the door. "Oh my god," Wanda whispered. It was like a Hallmark movie threw up in the cabin. There were more lights and wreaths, and a Christmas tree was at the center of it all. You should have given them a limit.
"Presents!" Tommy yelled, running over to the tree. So, there were more than three underneath the tree. Boxes were stacked high around it.
"Is this all for us?" Billy asked, looking back at you. You ruffled his hair.
"A majority of it is. I think there are a few for your mom and me," you said as you looked back at their mother, whose arms were crossed. Oh, she was pissed. "Boys, go pick out your room. Down the hall." Tommy stood up, looking between you and his mom.
"Are you in trouble?" He whispered.
"Maybe," you admitted. "Now go." They were quick to grab their things and run off. "It wasn't me," you said when they were out of earshot.
"I said three presents."
"I did buy 3," you paused. "Well, technically 4, but I bought it for myself." You quickly closed the distance between you and her. Her arms were still crossed, but she allowed you to wrap your arms around her. "All of these gifts are from my coworkers; you know they love the boys just as much as I do." There were rare times when you needed to pick up the boys from school when Vision or Wanda's schedules would line up differently. Since you were the boss, it was easier for you to leave. You brought them back to your office until Vision or Wanda could pick them up. Everyone loved them. You would find them with Yelena or Natasha in their office, Bucky in the cafeteria, or Shuri in the lab. When they asked what the family wanted for Christmas, you couldn't tell them nothing. It was in your nature to spoil people, so if you couldn't do it, you might as well have your coworkers do the dirty work. "Baby," you took her cheeks in your hands. "You and the boys deserve a wonderful stress-free Christmas with the year you three had. If I can provide the space and have others spoil you," you glanced at the tree. "They did go over the top. I'll talk to them." She giggled and placed her hands on top of yours. "I'll do it. You deserve the world; let me give it to you the next few days," she sighed, resting her head on your shoulder. You felt her tears on your shirt.
"Okay," her voice was so soft. "Thank you." You kissed the top of her head.
"You're welcome. Now," you whipped away her tears. "We have some very excited kids that want to open presents." You saw the boys peek their heads around the corner. Wanda laughed.
"Come on," she said. "Let's get going."
Growing up, you dreamed of having a family vacation like this one. As soon as Tommy and Billy were up with bellies filled with breakfast, the fun would begin - ice skating on the pond, sledding on the hill, and winter hikes in the surrounding woods. But also snowball fights, lots of them. You saw the northern lights at night and a little wildlife in the backyard, and you flew the drones you got the boys for Christmas. When they were asleep, you would draw a bath for Wanda, sit by the fireplace in the master, or take a dip in the hot tub. It was perfect; you'd never seen your girlfriend this relaxed. She was smiling, laughing, and more carefree. Even the boys noticed the change in their mother.
At last, all vacations must end; it was your last night at the cabin. Wanda cooked a fantastic dinner; you refused her help with every meal, so you knew she was itching to get back in the kitchen. Then it was smores around the fire and one final movie night. You were putting Billy to bed; the poor kid was falling asleep halfway through the movie. The sound of your name from the sleepy boy made you stop and turn around. "What's up, bud?" You asked, walking over to sit on the edge of the bed. If his eyes weren't opened, you would have thought he fell back to sleep.
"Are you going to marry my mom?" You fought your jaw dropping and thanked all your years of being CEO to keep a straight face.
"I'd like to," you said honestly. You never liked lying, especially to kids. You were often on the receiving end of the lies from your parents. "Is that okay with you and your brother?" He nodded quickly, and a weight you didn't realize was on your shoulders was lifted.
"I like you, and you make Mom smile," he frowned slightly. "My dad doesn't like you." You chuckled, shaking your head.
"I'm aware, but that's not gonna stop me from being with your mom, okay?" He nodded and sat up, staring down at his hands.
"They fought a lot," he admitted. "They tried not to do it in front of us, but we still heard it." Oh, you knew that feeling well. They were lucky to have each other. "I don't like fighting. Dad and his new girlfriend fight sometimes, too," you weren't aware of that. You wondered if Wanda knew.
"Do you like her?" The boy shrugged.
"She's okay, not as nice as you," that made you smile. "She just kind of ignored us when we are there." You hated some of the partners your parents ended up with.
"Look at me," he slowly did. "I want you to know that you and your brother can always come to me. You are part of my family." Billy smiled.
"Thank you," he hugged you.
"Always," you whispered, kissing his forehead. "Get some sleep." He played back down.
"Night, buddy," you turned off the overhead lights and closed the door. Wanda was in the kitchen, making herself a cup of tea. "Is Tommy asleep?" You asked, wrapping your arms around her waist. She nodded.
"He was out as soon as his head hit the pillow," you chuckled, kissing her shoulder. "You were in there awhile with Billy; everything okay?"
"Yup," you popped the 'p' at the end of the word. She spun around, back against the counter, and tilted her head at you. She was a mind reader; you swore by it. "We were just talking about you and me. The boys like me." She rolled her eyes.
"I could have told you that." You laughed.
"So it's our last night here; what do you want to do?" She bite her lip, moving her head from side to side.
"You know," she trailed her hand up and down your chest. "I haven't gotten my Christmas present yet."
"And I thought you didn't want me to get you anything," she shrugged, smiling.
"You got a girl curious," you smiled, took her free hand, and led her into the master.
"Sit and close your eyes," she did as she was told and sipped on her tea. You weren't sure why you were so nervous to give it to her. Every time you went to bring it out of its hiding place, your anxiety got the better of you. You returned to the bed with a small jewelry box and bag. You set them next to her. "You can open your eyes." She did and handed you the mug. "Open the bag first," you told her, placing the mug on the side table. Wanda slowly opened the bag, pulling out the tissue paper.
"Lingerie," she laughed, taking the maroon pieces out. You smirked. "I can't believe it." You shrugged, kneeling in front of her.
"I told you I bought something for me," you chuckled against her neck. "I want to buy some lingerie for my girlfriend. Sue me," she shook her head and pushed you away slightly. You pouted as she returned the clothes to the bag and picked up the jewelry box. "If you hate it, I can return it and get you something else," you added. She opened the box.
Her green eyes shun with unshed tears. It was a necklace with four gems - each was a birthstone representing her parents, brother, and boys. "I know we don't talk about your parents or Pietro a lot, but I wanted to get you something so they'll always be with you," you explained. "If I overstepped, I can-" she surged forward. You caught her body trembling slightly as she cried.
"It's perfect," she said. "So perfect." She sat back on the bed. "Can you put it on?" You took the necklace from her and placed it around her neck. She was quick to go to the bathroom to look at it. While she was gone, you sat on the bed. When she was done, she came out and sat on your lap. You got major deja vu when you told her about your Christmas plans. "I don't deserve you," she whispered, kissing your cheek. "Thank you for the gift, this trip, and everything you've done for me and the twins. What Billy asked you rang in your head - 'Are you going to marry my mom?' You squeezed her thighs, and she looked at you.
"I'm going to marry you one day, Wanda Maximoff," she let out a surprised squeak from the back of her throat. "One day, you'll never have to do anything, not worry about money or bills. You could sit at home all day for all I care."
"I'd get bored," she said. "I could never be a housewife." There was something about the way she said housewife that put a chill down your spine.
"You won't have to be one," you smiled, tickling her sides and spine. She shivered. "You could go back to school and become a teacher like you wanted to, be a writer or painter, or go to culinary school. Anything you want as long as you are mine," Wanda chuckled, moving her fingers through your hair and tilting your head back.
"You got this all figured out, huh?" She teased. "Do you think about marrying me a lot?" You weren't sure how to tell her you've thought about it since she ran into you at the coffee shop. Your silence must have been telling because she threw her head back in a laugh. "I haven't even said yes yet." Your jaw dropped slightly.
"You would say yes," you said slowly. She shrugged, got off your lap, and grabbed the bag.
"You'll have to ask."
"I'll buy the ring," she stopped on her way to the bathroom, threw a wink over her shoulder, and closed the door behind her. Groaning, you fell onto your back. That woman was going to be the death of you in the best possible way.
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beskarandblasters · 16 days
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For You, I Would Ruin Myself
Part Four of Time, Wondrous Time
Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x F!Reader
Main Masterlist | Cooper Howard Masterlist | AO3
Series summary: You’re California Crest Studios’ newest production assistant, getting the opportunity to work on the hit movie, The Man From Deadhorse. But when you meet the movie’s lead, Cooper Howard, you fall head-first into a secret affair. Enter a war, a cryogenic freezer, and a two-hundred-year time jump. And yet despite all that, you just might run into him again.
Chapter summary: An end and a new beginning. Big feelings come to the surface at the The Man From Deadhorse premiere and Reina offers you a deal you can't pass up.
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: reader is able-bodied and wears a dress/makeup, oral sex (F receiving), semi public sex, vaginal sex, pull out method, pet names (sweetheart, love), angst, no use of y/n
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It’s been four months since you’ve seen Cooper at Emil’s house. And to say you’ve been going through withdrawals would be an understatement. You’ve been so busy since then, diving headfirst into a new production at the studio, one without Cooper, of course. The only benefit of the new production is being there right from the start. You luckily made a small group of friends so you’re not forced to eat lunch alone anymore. 
And even though things are looking up in your career, you can’t help but miss those wild nights with Cooper in his trailer. January can’t come fast enough. 
Before the holiday season gets intense, you decide you need to shop for a dress for the premiere, thinking about calling Reina and asking if she wants to go with you. You haven’t seen her in a while so you figure this time would be nice for you two to catch up. Plus, getting a second opinion on the dress would be nice. It’s a nerve-wracking night littered with celebrities and cameras; if there was ever a time to be self-conscious about your outfit, it’s the night of the premiere. 
You call up Reina, hoping she’s free this afternoon. Ever since she started working for Vault-Tec you’ve been hearing from her less and less. Cooper made it sound like Barb was busy all the time, too. What is it about this company that pulls people farther and farther away from their personal lives?
“Hey, are you free today?”
“For once, I am.”
“Wanna go shopping? I need a dress.”
“Sure. Give me like an hour to hop in the shower and then I’ll come get you.”
“Sounds good!”
After getting ready you wait for her outside, swiftly hopping in her passenger seat once she stops the car.
“So what do you need a dress for?” she asks, getting straight to the point. 
“The Man From Deadhorse premiere.”
“You were invited?! That’s amazing!”
“Emil gave me a ticket as a thank you for joining the production so late.”
“When is it?”
“Not until January but I figured it’s better to get the dress now before the holiday season.”
The afternoon is spent with your best friend, trying on copious amounts of dresses and catching up. Once again, you get the urge to tell her about Cooper. It’s less risky to tell her now since production for The Man From Deadhorse is done. And considering you haven’t seen him in four months…
Still doesn’t hurt any less.
But something in your gut tells you that you shouldn’t tell her. You can’t help but listen. 
“So how’s work?” you ask, coming out of the dressing room with a sleek black gown. 
“First of all, that’s the best one you’ve tried on so far. And second, I love it but it’s sucking the life out of me.”
“How so?”
“I’ve been working nonstop on this one experiment.”
“What is it?”
She looks around and takes a few steps closer to you, whispering, “Cryogenically freezing people.”
“For what reason?” you ask, your eyebrows raising. 
“You know… In case there’s a war and we need to freeze people in the vaults.”
“Do you think that’s really gonna happen?”
“I hope not… But we can never be prepared.”
“I’m proud of you.”
“Thanks,” she smiles. “We’re about to start the process of looking for test subjects.”
“What does that entail?”
“Right now, we’re looking at freezing test subjects for a week.”
“Well?! What do you think?! I think this is the dress,” she says, changing the subject.
“I think so, too,” you say, turning and looking at yourself in the mirror. 
After buying the dress and having lunch, she drops you back home. You try on your dress again and think about Cooper’s reaction to see you in it– his slack jaw, eyes wide, trying to hide his reaction from Barb. You think about what he’ll be wearing: a black suit with his hair slicked back. God, you can’t wait to see him like that. January can’t come soon enough. 
A relatively normal holiday season passes and the premiere looms over your head. You spend the entire week violently anxious, thinking about all the people, all the cameras. And in the middle of all the commotion is Cooper, your calm amidst the storm. 
When the big day rolls around you spend hours getting ready– eating, hydrating, taking an everything shower, perfecting your makeup. You look over your appearance one final time in the mirror before the cab arrives– perfect, flawless even. You grab your ticket and slip it into your purse, putting on a brave face for the big evening.
Flashing lights. Paparazzi yelling from all angles. Your senses are overwhelmed. You’re not even someone “important” and yet they’re trying to get your attention left and right. You can’t imagine what it’s like for someone like Cooper.
But once they realize you’re not an actress you’re quickly ushered down the carpet. An enormous roar erupts behind you. You glance over your shoulder and your jaw drops. Somehow he looks even better than you pictured all those months ago. All black attire, slicked back hair, a confident saunter in his step. And beside him is his arm candy for the evening. You can’t deny she looks beautiful, wearing a floor-length red dress that compliments her skin perfectly. You’re feeling a weird mixture of jealousy, envy, and longing. 
The pair splits so Cooper can get solo pictures. Barb notices you and smiles, immediately heading in your direction. You freeze, your entire body going stiff with fear. Her smile is unsettling like she knows something you don’t. But you put on your best fake smile, hoping it’s coming across as genuine. 
“How are you?” she asks.
“I’m good. How are you?”
“Vault-Tec’s working me to death. It’s a miracle I was able to come with him tonight,” she says, gesturing toward Cooper. 
“It’s a big night for him. I’m glad they gave you the night off,” you lie. 
“It’s a big night for you, too. Celebrating the first film you’ve worked on.”
“Thanks,” you sigh, starting to relax a bit. That part felt genuine, at least you hope. 
“Of course,” she smiles. “Enjoy yourself tonight,” she says, heading inside the theater. She doesn’t wait for Cooper to finish his photos, which strikes you as odd. 
You walk inside and get situated in a seat, waiting for the movie to begin. Cooper eventually heads inside, sitting in the same row as you a few seats down. Barb is on the other side of him, staring directly out in front of her, not glancing in his direction. Another weird occurrence. It’s like they’re not even a married couple, only putting up a facade when the cameras are out. 
When Cooper finally looks over at you it’s right there and then you get the reaction you’ve been daydreaming about ever since you picked out your dress. His eyes look like they’re pleading with you, begging you to save him. You turn your head and glance at the back of the theater, looking for an exit. Hoping he’ll catch your drift, you get up and head into the lobby once the lights go down, looking for a bathroom. 
A faint glow of a single-stall bathroom sign is your beacon of hope. You make a beeline for it and close the door behind you, hoping he follows you. A faint knock and a whisper of your name confirm your prayers. You open the door and usher him inside, swiftly locking it and turning to face him. 
His hands immediately gravitate to your waist, pulling you close. His lips attach to your neck, muttering “I missed you” over and over again to your skin. He pulls back and looks at you, the same look in his eyes like all the times before. You reach your hand out and cup his cheek, stroking his clean-shaven face. 
“I missed you, too.” 
“I know it’s risky but… I need you. I haven’t stopped thinking about you for months.”
“You could’ve called.”
“I didn’t want to risk getting caught.”
“I get it,” you sigh. 
“I just miss what we had before, back when we were shooting.”
He’s right. Everything was so much easier back then when everything you wanted was within reach. The premiere feels like a symbolic end to this chapter of your life. But you’re not dwelling on the past tonight. You’re focusing on what’s right in front of you.
“But at least we have right now,” you smirk.
“That’s my girl… But you’re gonna have to be quiet this time. Think you can do that?” he teases.   
“Make me,” you shoot back. 
He grabs your hips and spins you around, prompting you to bend over the sink. He hikes up your dress, pulls your panties to the side. You watch in the mirror as he drops to the floor and soon enough you feel his tongue licking your cunt from behind. You fight the urge to let a moan slip past your lips, thinking about what he said, thinking about where you are. 
You clutch onto the sides of the sink for dear life, knees buckling underneath you as his tongue makes a mess of you. His hands grip your thighs, fingertips sinking into your soft flesh. You bite your lip as he works you up to the edge, tongue flicking around your clit expertly. It all comes to a head as your orgasm spills over, cunt clenching around nothing and begging to be filled already. You bite your lip harder, trying your best to stifle your whimpers and sighs. 
He stands up when he’s done, wiping his face with his fingers and tasting your wetness like he always does. He delivers a swift slap on your ass, pulling his cock out of his pants before collecting your release on his hand. He lubricates his cock and grabs your hips, pulling you into him. He expands your walls, sighing at the feeling of your warmth wrapped around him once more. You watch him in the mirror, his forehead already slick with sweat while he thrusts in and out of you. His perfectly slicked-back hair threatens to let loose with the movement of his thrusts, exerting primal energy as he fucks you. It’s so hard to stay quiet. You want to moan freely, letting everyone in this theater know who owns you, who’s making a mess of you, who’s making you feel pure euphoria. 
“Bet you missed this cock so much, huh, sweetheart?” he smirks, voice coming out as a gravelly whisper.
You know better than to open your mouth right now so you eagerly nod. 
“Then show me,” he says, leaning forward and whispering in your ear. “Cum on my cock like a good girl.”
As if his words have that much of a hold on you, you cum around him. Your walls clench and release him erratically, tears brimming on your lash line, almost rolling down your cheeks. God, you want to moan and scream, putting on a show for him like a good girl. But you know better and you keep silent, riding out your high in total bliss. 
He holds off his orgasm for as long as he can before pulling out and painting your ass with his cum. He curses under his breath, his voice low and filled with arousal. As good as that was, it almost felt like an end, a goodbye of some kind. He reaches for a paper towel and cleans off your ass, helping you stand up straight and smooth down your dress before returning his cock to his pants. 
“You look beautiful tonight,” he says, grabbing your hand. 
“Thanks,” you smile. 
“Give me a spin, sweetheart.”
You giggle and twirl for him, holding onto his hand the whole time. You wish you could do this for him out there. You wish could just be his. 
“I missed you,” you say again, looking at the floor.
“I know, love. I missed you, too,” he says, his voice somber. 
It’s as if that new nickname triggered something within you because you decide to say fuck it.
“I have to tell you something.”
“Of course.”
“I want… more than this.”
“What do you mean?”
“I want to be more than your dirty little secret. I want us to be real.”
“Oh, I-”
“I think these past few months without you made me realize how much I need you.”
“Sweetheart… You know I adore you but I can’t give you that.”
“I have a family to think about… I have a reputation to think about.”
“I know but I-”
“Think about this. This would affect your reputation, too. You’re just getting in the business.”
“You should be with someone who can give you the things you want… the things you deserve.”
Tears roll down your cheeks and they’re not showing any signs of stopping. What he’s saying is logically sound but it doesn’t hurt any less. The man you’ve gotten to know over these past few months is nothing more than a passing fancy. You were destined to be just a dirty little secret, one he’ll most likely take to the grave. But your heart is louder than your mind. And your heart is telling you to get far away from the man whose words are hitting you like a thousand tiny cuts, the reality of the situation breaking the facade with everything he says. 
“You’re right.”
“I’m sorry, sweetheart.”
“Don’t-” you say, voice cracking. 
You turn to leave but he grabs your hand. His other hand grabs your chin and forces you to look at him. There are tears in his eyes, too. He kisses you one last time, this one feeling different than any other kiss he’s given you. 
“Goodbye, Cooper,” you say, letting go of him for the last time. 
You leave the bathroom and race to the exit, power-walking as fast as your legs will carry you. Fuck the premiere. You need to get home now. You hail a cab and head home, trying to keep your meltdown at bay until you’re in complete solitude. 
Sitting on your bed you crumple into yourself, the weight of reality crushing you like a ton of bricks. It was foolish to think he’d ever give up his wife, his family, his reputation, all just for you. What you had was nothing more than passion, lacking the real love and intent behind a solid relationship. And now that the affair is over and done with, the clarity is setting in. You were doomed from the start. 
You fall asleep with your eyes in pain from all the crying. But at least it distracts you from your heavy heart. 
When you wake up in the morning, everything feels numb. You’re left in a puddle, feeling sorry for yourself. You call out of work for the day, giving a flimsy excuse so you can wallow in self-pity. 
But your phone’s ringtone rips you from your brooding. The overly optimistic side of hopes it’s Cooper. But the realistic side of you knows that it isn’t. You roll over and pick up the phone. “Hello?”
“Hey, I need to ask you a question and I need an answer quickly,” Reina says, her voice frantic. 
“Do you remember the cryogenic freezing experience I told you about?”
“Yeah, what about it?”
“Vault-Tec’s looking for people to test it out. You’d only be frozen for a day or two. If you say yes you’ll be paid a thousand dollars cash and you’ll be guaranteed a spot in the vault later on.”
“Oh wow. I-”
“Yes or no?”
The same impulsive urge from earlier kicks in and you decide to say fuck it. 
“Great, thanks! I’ll pick you up tonight at seven.”
“Okay. See you then.” 
What could possibly go wrong? 
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Part five
End note: Only one more part left!!! Part five will be coming on Monday! I just wanna thank @clawdee for beta reading this every step of the way. And I wanna thank all of you for reading! Stay tuned for a little surprise announcement at the end of the final part 🤍
If you like my work, consider supporting me on Ko-fi 🤍
Check out the series playlist! 🎶
Fic notifs: @beskarandblastersfics
Dividers: @saradika-graphics
Tag list: @widowmakerow @bisasterbisexual @wowitsem @vegetarianvamp @celestial-vomit @ghoulsimper @anyzandy @justfoxymuffins @hobnob2020 @fallout-girl219 @ipostwhtifeel @awhoresjourney @chiyo13 @valkyreally
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hunnylagoon · 3 months
The Killing Moon
PT1: Camp Spirit
Ellie Williams x Reader
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Of all the paths you take in life, make sure a few of them are dirt.
Premise: You are a camp counsellor who comes back year after year to be at peace in the one place you love the most. Though there is something different in the air, could it be love or maybe an ancient evil you’ve mistakenly awakened?
Warnings: slight mentions of violence / mentions of monsters and cryptids / raunchy humour / spooky?
The Killing Moon Playlist
PART TWO: The Colour Wars
Week One of Summer Camp
Camp Honey Hills is what you could call 'off the radar'. It sat way up past the hills and forests of Oregon, relatively untouched by the urban nightmare of the city. It stayed peaceful and undisturbed as leaves shed from trees and snow covered every inch of ground, but the camp was alive for one season of the year. Even in the quietness of preparing for the campers to arrive you could still hear counsellors laughing with one another and that's how you could tell the camp was waking up from its ten-month slumber.
"Anyone in the White Tail Deer Cabin, over here!" I held my hand up and waved to the kids piling out of the buses, carrying duffle bags bigger than themselves. The first day of camp was always the most stressful, the only thing to get you through was the idea that it would be over soon and we could get to the fun part of summer.
I already had a handful of girls crowding around me, all of them were either ten or eleven; depending on how you look at it, I either got blessed or cursed that I was assigned to a cabin of older girls. While the younger ones were wild and untamable, the older ones tended to be snarky and standoffish, these girls we’re leaning toward wild.
"Hi," I look up from my clipboard to see a scrawny girl, she has long black hair in two French braids, a summer camp staple. "My thing says that Ellie is my counsellor and I don't know who that is."
"All good," I bend down to her height, "It's that pretty girl over there," I point at Ellie, she's talking to one of the girls in her cabin, and her dark eyebrows are furrowed at what I can only assume to be an absurd question. "You're in the Grizzly Cabin, looks like I'll be seeing a lot of you."
The girl doesn't answer me with words, from the way she's looking at me you'd think I just told her that I sat on her hamster. She gives me one last side glance before she struts off and lugs her duffle bag behind her. "That weird girl said I was in your cabin," I hear ever so faintly in the distance, Ellie bites back a laugh.
I shake off the not-so-subtle cruelty of a pre-teen and go back to yelling for all of the girls in my cabin. So far I had seven of the eight campers I was supposed to have, I was in the lead and if I collected all of the girls in my cabin first, that would be more points towards the camp cup. You should know that I take the camp cup very seriously, it really isn't anything more than a trophy that Tommy and Joel give to a cabin but I haven't lost it in the past five years that I've worked here. 
"Is your name Tamar?" I point at a stubby ginger girl, "You look like your name is Tamar," I was on the hunt for the eighth girl in my cabin so I could win the arrival day points. 
"Uh, no," She said, looking as muddled as scrambled eggs "My name is Marcy."
"Then get out of here, Marcy," I look past her and nod at a girl with skin the colour of ebony wood "Are you Tamar?" This girl looks around to double-check that I'm talking to her before she shakes her head no.
"Who's my counsellor then?" Marcy who stands at a maximum of what looks to be a mighty 4'3 is peering into my soul with her icy blue eyes and I almost shudder, all I could think is that someone needed to get this four-foot-nothing girl some contact lenses.
"Your counsellor and cabin should be on the slip of paper that administration gave you."
"I lost my paper."
"Um," I glance around at the other counsellors, collecting their campers. My eyes settle on Abby, she's wearing a Camp Honey Hills T-shirt. She looks like she's got everything more put together and organized than any other counsellor so I decided to dump this kid on her. "It's that blonde girl with the big muscles, you better hurry because she'll crush you if you aren't there in time."
Marcy looks at Abby and then back to me with wide eyes at my words before she scurries away. As I watch her roll up to Abby's group, I quickly realize that there is no way she is in that cabin. Abby got the oldest group, consisting of fourteen and fifteen-year-olds and I was sure that Marcy, with all of her missing teeth, was no older than nine. I avert my eyes to avoid any wrath.
I spot Jesse who is trying to wrangle up his boys who are already rough housing and throwing each other in the dirt. Somehow he always ends up with the returning campers or the savage ones who would surely put my head on a stick before taking a shower. 
"Is this the White Tail Deer Cabin?" A girl with pale skin and brown hair stares me down, she's tall for her age and lanky.
"Are you Tamar?"
"Yeah," She says it like she's annoyed.
"Perfect," I smile, turning to my group "Alright girls, that's everyone," I turn to look in Tommy's direction "I said that's everyone," I enunciate louder to be sure he can hear me, each of my campers gives one another a snide glance. 
Tommy presses his lips together in a thin line and answers me with a thumbs-up. He already knew I would be the first to get my group together, I always was. He and Joel are the camp directors, they were talking about something before I called their attention.
Marcy points at me and Abby looks in my direction, her eyebrows knit together. Great, now I was being snitched on my nine-year-old. Abby calls out my name but I'm already ushering my girls towards the cabins "Who wants to see the cabin?"
In just moments, I'm long gone and walking the trail to the girl's cabins. Breathing one last moment of peace, the earthy bitterness in the air, droplets of last night's rain slipping off leaves. It made me want to savour every moment in the forest I had before summer ended and I had to go back to stuffy dorms and lectures along with people as boring as the city itself. I've never been able to fathom why anyone would dream of the city, of the drug users and creepy men roaming the streets. Concrete everything and headaches from blue light, every day that I was away at college I dreamed of coming back here, I counted down the days I could turn my phone off and disappear from the world for a while.
The boys may have had a shorter walk to their bunkhouse but the girls definitely got the better view. It also didn't hurt that the circle of cabins was right beside the pasture so we woke up to watch horse grazing, unless you don't like horses, then you can just ignore them I guess.
"Okay, ladies," I open the door to our cabin, a little carving of a doe above the doorframe. "This is our cabin, go ahead and claim your bunks, I don't care who goes where, just don't fight about it and no one set up on my bed."
"How do we know which one is yours?" One of the girls, Leslie, asks. 
"Because it's the only one that's set up," I say, bluntly and I see the realization hit her like it was a math equation that finally clicked in her head "You guys can unpack and I'll go over the cabin constitution in a minute."
As my campers piled into the cabin, ravenously fighting over who got which bed, I saw Ellie walking up with her girls. Our cabins were right next to each other, we shared a little porch that Maria decorates with plants while Ellie and I neglect them until they're wilted and we try to save them so we don't get yelled at. Alternatively, dump the responsibility of nurturing plants on one of your campers, kids love to water stuff and feel important.
Ellie's campers begin to walk up the porch and into the cabin, one of her girls runs up to me "I wanna be in your cabin again," Lana pouts, I had her last year and I can't say that I have a least favourite camper but if I could, it would definitely be Lana. "Ellen is so mean."
"Well, maybe she would be nicer if you said her name right." I look up to see Ellie who mouths a 'Thank you'  "Call her Ellie and maybe you two can be nice to each other."
Lana looks between the two of us before wordlessly walking into the cabin in trail of the other girls. "It's shaping up to be an interesting summer."
"We've survived worse," I cross my arms "Do you remember Tucker? That kid Jesse had who managed to tie a piece of dental floss around a wasp and carry it around with him all day like a balloon."
"He was a little weird but he was chill," Ellie jokes, like every other counsellor, she's wearing the Honey Hills T-Shirt and Demin shorts, her auburn hair pulled back into a half up half down style "How about that girl in Dina's cabin who wrote Reid letters pretending to be Priya?"
I laugh "I can't believe it went on so long."
"I can, Reid's a fucking idiot." She says "He pronounces chutney like chut-uh-ney."
"Oh my god, I hate that so much," I was obviously dragging on this conversation, hunting for reasons to talk to her "And the way he says Ibiza and Cuba and like everything." 
"Do you remember when he joined the women supporting women club in high school?"
"Please don't remind me, that was awful," I chuckle "The worst part is that he ran that shit like the navy."
"Are you coming inside?" Chloe pokes her head out the door.
"I guess so," I answer "Uh, I'll see you at the campfire," I tell Ellie before stepping into my cabin and seeing pure chaos. The four bunkbeds that were pristinely set up just hours ago were now clad in each girl's personal bedding, ranging from Chloe's neat colour scheme of light blue and white to Kim's mismatched quilts, fuzzy pillows, and bright orange sleeping bag. They were still working on getting everything set up, specifically getting the fitted sheets onto the twin-sized waterproof mattress. Some of the girls were even beginning to tape up photos of their friends and family from back home. "Wow, looks great girls."
"Can we go to dinner yet?" Leslie asked, her twin braids hanging over her pink hoodie.
"No, it is three o'clock but we will go over the cabin constitution."  A couple of the girls let out groans of disapproval "First you always listen to me, do as I say not as I do. Respect others and their belongings, please don't hurt anyone or yourself. Maintain personal hygiene and do not go anywhere without telling someone where. Also, we have shower schedules, showers are absolutely mandatory, and no one will talk their way out of it. On Friday's we have tuck shop, and everyone gets a twenty dollar allowance for that, no you do not actually touch the money it's part of the camp package, I take your orders and come back with candy. We have campfires every night, breakfast, lunch, and dinner are mandatory to attend even if you don't eat which I strongly encourage you do."
"Do we have to go if we're sick?" Tamar asked me.
"But you just said it was mandatory."
"It's mandatory if you aren't sick."
"But you said-
"Stop," I clasp my hands together "I know I'm older than you guys but I promise you can tell me and ask me anything." I smile, looking around "Any other questions?"
"Can we swear?" Valentina asks, she's kicking her feet off her bed on the top bunk. Her skin is the colour of copper and she has a little dusting of freckles over her button nose.
"I don't really care just don't do it around other adults and don't tell them that I told you that."
"What's the wifi?" Morgan was typing something on her phone which was by far more expensive than the model I owned. Dina had Morgan in previous years and I wasn't too thrilled to be in charge of the (as she claimed) disrespectful blonde monster sent from hell to ruin her life.
"We don't have wifi, we hardly have service," I tell her "And you aren't even supposed to have your phone here but you can't do anything on it anyways so it doesn't matter."
"Do you have a boyfriend?" Leah chimes in, she's sitting on the ground with Oliver and slowly but surely braiding her friend's hair.
"Not at the moment, no."
"So are you a lesbian?" Olive follows up for her friend.
"Um," I press my lips together, my mind failing me, "I think we're good on questions, who wants a camp tour?" No one says or does anything, they just kind of look around awkwardly "That's too bad, you're getting one."
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Everyone gathered around the crackling fire pit on splintered wooden benches. The warm glow of the campfire flickered in the midst of a cool summer night, casting dancing shadows on the faces of worn-out campers who were ready for bed. 
Tommy had given his speech to sike up the kids for the rest of the summer, he made sleeping in the woods sound like a lot of fun. "We're giving you tonight to settle in but I promise that starting tomorrow we are hitting the ground running, activities from morning until dark, this will be a summer to remember," He smiles brightly "I don't wanna babble too long so I'm gonna give the attention to Miles who is going to kick off our campfire by playing the guitar for us."
Miles sat directly across from me in the first row of benches so I could only see him through the orange flames of the fire. "This is an original song I wrote, so far it's untitled but I'm open to ideas," He made himself comfortable with the guitar, readjusting it to sit in his lap properly. 
"What do you wanna bet it's about?" Ellie whispers into my ear from beside me. Since the day cooled into the night, she's thrown on a gray hoodie to keep herself warm. You would be an idiot to ignore how pretty she looks illuminated by nothing more than stray stars in the sky and a campfire.
"I'll put five bucks on sex,"
"Sex?" She raises her eyebrows "I don't think he's stupid enough to sing a song about sex in front of kids, I'm gonna say it's about being a tortured artist."
"It could easily be both," I look down and see Ellie's muddied converse "We break even if he does both." The fire roared before us like our own miniature hell.
Miles clears his throat and lets his curly blonde locks fall over his forehead. Beginning to strum, he made that weird face he makes every time he plays guitar, where he scrunched his eyebrows together "Baby, maybe, I just wanna do you, do you, do you wanna do me? do me underneath the moonlight," He's too lost in his song to see the horror on every counsellor's face "Baby, baby, maybe I will steal you, steal you, just so I can feel you, feel you, maybe that would heal you."
I cover my mouth with my hand to stop me from cackling. The older kids were on the verge of laughing themselves while the younger kids seemed utterly confused. "Holy shit," I mutter so quietly that my words got blown away with the wind.
Ellie didn't try to stop her laughter, just hide it, she buried her head into the crook of my neck so no one could see how red her face was. She was far better off than Dina who was laughing so hard that she was clutching her stomach and nearly falling over, Miles seemed to be oblivious to all of this. In Dina’s defence, it was difficult not to laugh at a song so wildly inappropriate and bad in general.
Miles had far from the best voice, he just sounded like every other white guy who sang Wonderwall at a girl, not to her but at her "Sticky thighs are you wild now or just a memory? I heard your broken cries and looked into your eyes under the moonlight, so do you wanna do me, do me, so I can heal you, heal you, from the inside-
He stops abruptly when Joel takes the guitar away from him "How about Sawyer tells us the camp legend instead."
Those who knew who Sawyer was looked towards him, Miles was trying helplessly to get his guitar back from Joel who was holding it just slightly out of reach. "It's been a while since I've told this so forgive me if-
"No one cares, just tell it," Ashlynn said. She was one of the counsellors who clearly didn't want to be there, which meant all of the campers thought her to be the coolest; in all fairness, she was cool. Ashlynn had bleach blonde shaggy hair, so light that it almost looked white. Her eyeliner was always a little smudged and she was only there to keep the kids alive, she tended to be the first to opt out of group activities and go to bed early.
"Okay well, it starts way back in the sixteen-hundreds, on these very grounds there was a small village," Sawyer put on his best storytelling voice which was just him lowering his voice an octave. "They lived in peace for decades, and throughout all of those decades there was a woman named Abigail who never seemed to age, while all of her friends and family developed wrinkles, their hair turned gray, and their bodies sagged, Abigail still looked nineteen even at her alleged age of sixty-seven." 
The new campers seemed enraptured but returning kids and counsellors seemed bored out of their minds, I even spotted one boy who's been attending this camp longer than I have, mouthing the words of Sawyers tale.
"They accused her of witchcraft and she was shortly exiled far up the hill into what we now call the Honey House. They left her with nothing more than a hunting knife, a canteen of water, the clothes on her back, and a small portion of seeds. The villages burned down her home in town along with everything inside it. If you think that is the end-
"Think again!" Dina cut in, getting up from her spot and squeezing herself beside Sawyer. "With Abigail gone the villagers thought they would be safe but just days after Abigail was exiled, anomalies began to appear-
Sawyer chimed back in "At first they were harmless, pixies, gnomes, jackalopes, nyiads by the rivers and dryads in the trees. The creatures appearing slowly began to appear more and more dangerous and at last, the snatchers arrived-
"Like a muscular and tall emaciated human. The most terrifying creatures to ever be seen, they roamed just outside of the village and lured children in, they slurped the flesh right off of the children's bodies like prey and wore the clothes of their last victim. They have no lips just a bloody gash and when they don't eat, the gash begins to reseal, leaving nothing on their gray faces but large and pale sunken eyes the size of my fist!" Dina clenched her hand into a fist and held it up for everyone to see.
"Their fingers are long and rotted, long curls of claws on each of their ten spindly fingers. The males are devoid of all hair and the females hardly have hair at all, just small plugs of greasy and matted strands. Their teeth are sharper than fangs and are rotten black and yellow, a foul odour escaping each time they open their disgusting gashes of a mouth. Though the snatchers were the most feared among villagers, they were also being terrorized by other creatures, such as pine devils who slithered from the forests at night and attacked families. There was ghouls who would take on the form of the last corpse they devoured and of course, the wampus which was half-man and half-cat, would stalk villagers.”
"Like a furry?" One of the boys from Jesse's cabin peeped.
"No," Sawyer exasperated "Like a scary and intimidating cat-man."
"So does it look more like the Cat in the Hat or like Cats the Musical?"
"It doesn't look like either, it's a terrifying man that is covered in fur and looks like a cat but is also a man."
"So Cats the Musical?"
Dina ignored the comment and continued with the story "After a year the village population had been cut in half and everyone thought it to be the witch, they figured that Abigail had cursed them for exiling her so they lit up their torches at sunset and marched up the hill to the Honey House. Abigail pleaded with them and explained that she hadn't cursed them but during her residency in the village she had warded off each evil spirit and creature with her witchcraft but she no longer could protect the village after they burned her home down and all her supplies inside of it."
After muttering to Jesse to get his cabin in order, Sawyer picked up when Dina left off "The villagers begged for her forgiveness and apologised for their cruel acts in the hope that Abigail would rid them of the monsters, Abigail said she would but in return they grant her return to the village, so the townfolk agree-
"With all her supplies to ward off the creatures gone, Abigail resorts to a blood ritual. She tells the townfolk that they must complete the ritual before sundown. She creates five pentagrams made of sticks and twine. Abigail races around the village to place the pentagrams and avoid the creatures while she does so, the villagers ward the monsters away from her with their torches. At each pentagram, Abigail slices her palm open and squeezes her fist to drip blood onto each one, then she ignites the pentagram with a torch and utters an incantation. She slashes her thighs and calves to get enough blood and in a last-ditch effort, she cuts her wrists open to finalize the ritual," Only the younger kids had been paying any attention to the story, they seemed downright terrified, clinging to one another but trying to play it cool.
"I fail to see how this is any less inappropriate than Miles's song," Cat mutters with one girl huddled into her, her arm slung over the little girl and rubbing her back to soothe her.
"Once she had completed the ritual, Abigail said that no creatures should return to the village. She is bleeding out in the middle of the town square but the town doctor only watches her, and refuses to help so she begs the appointed mayor to bury her beside her mother, he answers by saying 'The graveyard is sacred and we will not let it be tainted by filthy witch blood' in her final breath she plunged for the mayor and drags her bloody palms down his face, cursing him. Once she is no longer breathing her body begins to rapidly age into the appearance of the sixty-eight-year-old woman she was supposed to be. The townsfolk cut Abigail's body into five parts, two legs, two arms, and the torso with the head still attached and buried her on the border of the village."
Everyone sat in silence "Is that the end?" someone asked, though they were in the back row of benches and I couldn't see who it was.
"Yup," I answer "Abigail gets renamed as 'the girl that time forgot' in folklore and she never gets revenge on the townsfolk for betraying her after she laid down her life for them." I had never liked the legend. Young boys thought it was cool and gory and fifteen-year-old girls thought it was poetic and tragic but I hated it to death. Other camps have fun light-hearted legends about playful forest spirits or secret villages of fairies deep in the woods but we got an edgy story about a woman who just wanted to be loved.
"I wish she let the snatchers eat them all," Ellie said the same thing that she says every year, she wasn't wrong, that's how I wished it ended too. 
"Just wait until one eats you," I joke.
"Nah, I'd kick it's ass."
"I'm sure you would but right now you owe be five bucks.”
"No, we didn't pick this legend, it's true," I heard Jesse's voice cutting through the conversations of the crowd.
"Bullshit," Mordecai said, he was one of those kids who thought it was cool and edgy to be an asshole and act older than he was. He despised summer camp but every summer his parents forced him back much to our dismay.
"It's not," Bowie jumped in "The snatchers come back to visit us sometimes." 
"Yeah? I thought Abigail banished them with blood magic."
"The spell is growing weaker with time, it's slowly wearing out and there hasn't been a witch to revive it," Jesse was a good storyteller, he should've been the one to deliver the camp legend. He found a way to enrapture people with his words.
That's when I decided to call it a night for my girls, the longer you stayed at the campfire, the more outlandish stories the guys would tell and I learned my lesson last year that it is very easy to give ten-year-olds nightmares. "Whitetail deer, we're heading out," I stand up.
A few of the girls had groans and complaints while others seemed happy to leave. Ellie looked up at me from where I stood and did the same "Grizzlies, we're leaving too,"
"You're just saying that because you wanna hit it, Williams," Dean said between obviously fake coughs into his fist, causing Ashlynn to bite back a smile and Miles to playfully punch him on the arm. 
"Dean," Tommy gave him a stern look and said nothing else, Dean took the hint and ceased his laughter.
"Headcount," I say looking at the girls in front of me "Chloe, Leslie, Kim, Leah, Tamar, Morgan, Valentina, and Olive." Each of them stands in a close-huddled bundle "Alright, don't go off trail."
The walk back from the campfire was gorgeous during the day and borderline mortifying at night. Since the foliage was so thick you could hardly see the sky if you looked up and at night the little piece of clearing that was the trail was pitch black, we were guided by nothing more than mine and Ellie's flashlights.
The two of us had been trailing behind the girls in silence to keep an eye on everyone until Ellie felt the urge to speak up "Uh, by the way, that thing that Dean said about-
"I don't care."
"You don't?"
"Yeah he's a dick and his cabin looks like a wooden prison cell." 
"It does," She furrows her eyebrows in thought "It’s like he's conditioning his campers for war."
I didn't notice when I did this, it must've been a subconscious thing but I mindlessly reached for Ellie's hand to hold. I used my free hand to keep the flashlight focused on the trail and campers ahead of us. "Sawyer has to walk back to the bunkhouses across the camp with those little monsters."
"Payback for all of the pranks he's pulled with Bowie," Ellie mutters. Sawyer took pride in initiating the prank wars every single summer the same way I strove to win the camp cup. His pranks weren't also lighthearted and fun, he and Bowie organized this prank where Sawyer put a bag over Tyson's head and dragged him to the administration office in the middle of the night and then pretended to shoot Bowie dead in front of him. Tyson quit the next morning and Sawyer got a hefty write-up.
"So are you still talking to Cat?" I ask.
"Nah, that was never gonna work out."
"Because she's too hot for you?” I joke.
"What? No," She whipped her head to look at me "Why? You wanna get with her or something, you have my blessing."
"I'm good, I'm a little preoccupied at the moment."
"Who with?" Her voice dripped with accusation. Ellie's hand clenching just the slightest bit tighter on mine.
"Work? You should know that I don't date at camp, to think that I thought you knew me," I tease her.
"What about that summer with Chandler?"
"That doesn't count," My smile drops and I fight the urge to shiver at the memories. Before I was a counsellor at Honey Hills, I was a camper and I happened to have my first kiss at age thirteen with a boy named Chandler, our braces got stuck together.
"Everyone saw, so it counts," I can't quite make out Ellie's face in the dark but I can hear the smile in her voice "Remember how Joel had to pull out the pliers."
"You need to stop before I sacrifice you to the Honey Hills Snatchers," I look ahead on the trail and I could've sworn my heart stopped "Stop!" I yell and all of the girls look back at me, I drop Ellie's hand "Where is Olive?"
All of the campers look at each other for answers, and then Leah opens her mouth "She saw a rock that was shaped like a heart and when off trail to get it."
"Well I'm not seeing a heart-shaped rock or Olive but it's super safe in these woods so no need to panic." 
"No one's panicking," One of the girls in Ellie's cabin says, she was the same one who called me weird during arrival.
I run one hand down my face in exasperation, using the other to keep the flashlight trained on the girls "Everyone, stay here with Ellie, I'm going to be right back," I look at Leah "How far back did she go off trail?"
She shrugs "How am I supposed to know? I don't have a tape measure."
"Sweet," I answer before marching straight into the pitch-black woods. It was almost scarier to be in the dark with a flashlight instead of no light source, it felt like I had been in a video game or horror movie and I was about to get my throat slashed by a maniac in a mask. 
Every rustle of leaves or snap of twigs made me feel uneasy. I knew the woods were safe like I had told the girls but that didn't stop irrational fear from bringing up stories of cryptids and cuts from murder podcasts. If you ever played that shitty Slenderman game, you'd know exactly what I'm looking at; not Slenderman himself, just an eery forest.
I called out for Olive, my imagination running wild with thoughts of unseen dangers lurking in the shadows. The forest seemed to come alive around me, its inhabitants whispering secrets that only the night could hear.
"Olive?" My voice echoes into the night, I did what I could to ignore whatever fear I was feeling. I had walked through these woods a million times, I knew every pathway better than I knew the city. This forest was like home to me, it didn't feel right to be so on edge.
I couldn't help but jump when something loud snapped beneath my sneaker, instinctively I brought my flashlight down to look at it, moving my foot out of the way. It had been a pentagram made out of sticks, wow really funny, it might've scared me if Ashlynn and Bowie hadn't made dozens of them and laid them around camp last summer to scare the shit out of kids. It had broken in half beneath my weight.
There was a possibility that I was going crazy in the five minutes I was alone in the woods because I thought I heard a rustle but the beam of my flashlight revealed nothing but the dense thicket of trees and the inky blackness beyond.
Something charged behind me, wrapping its skinny arms around my torse and I couldn't help but flinch. "Olive," I turned my head and brought the flashlight to shine down on her "Don't run off in the dark ever again, you scared the shit out of me."
"I'm really sorry, I won't do it again," She said. I tried to pry her off me but she was hanging on like a Koala, eventually, I got her to settle for just holding my hand. "It was stupid."
"Don't beat yourself up too much, you're ginger and that's punishment enough," I was hastily yanking her along so we could get back on the trail and shortly back into the comfort of the cabin "Did you get your rock at least?"
"Yeah," She held her palm out, the rock was an oval with the littlest indent in the middle, but I let her act like it was shaped like a heart. 
"How'd you get so far out?"
"I grabbed the rock and then I saw a cat and I followed it."
Cat? "You must've seen Buckley, he's friendly," I tell her. Buckley was the resident dog at camp, he was probably older than me and wandered around before settling at Tommy and Maria's cabin for the night.
A moment after I dragged the little girl along we broke past the tree line and into the clearing of the trail. I looked around and spotted Ellie and the girls a good 40 yards or so behind. Clutching Olive's tiny hand in mine I walked towards them, flicking my flashlight on and off to catch their attention.
"Finally wrangled her," I let out an almost nervous laugh.
"You said not to go off trail," Tamar wrinkled her nose.
"Yes, Tamar, I know."
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I don't know how late into the night it was when I was awoken by every girl in my cabin squabbling with one another. I got up and turned on the flashlight that I kept on my dingy bedside table "What's going on girls?"
"The snatcher is coming to get us!" Leslie cried, and I mean cried. Her face was red and puffy, her eyes were so glassy that they reflected any and all light, hot tears streaming down her round face.
That's when my annoyance turned to concern. Oh god, I was going to kick Sawyer and Dina's asses tomorrow morning and Joel for even suggesting the camp legend even though it made my campers too afraid to sleep year after year. "No, snatchers aren't real, they were made up in the sixteen hundreds to keep kids away from the forest."
"We heard it!" Morgan chimed in.
"Guys it's just the placebo effect, you've convinced yourself that it's real-
I froze when I heard a long scratch down the door and a wet guttural growl. It was low and deep, shaking me to my very core. Whoever was on the other side began to scratch harshly on the door, jiggling the locked door handle. When the handle didn't budge it began to slam itself on the door, each thump louder than the last. It was still groaning and grumbling in a harsh, awful voice.
The girls screamed, Olive and Leah, were hugging each other tightly, clenching their eyes shut. Valentina had a bottom bunk and slipped beneath the bed, covering her eyes with her hands. Leslie (like I had mentioned) was a blubbering mess, crying and hyperventilating too hard to get any words out. It looked like Morgan was trying to call someone on her phone and Tamar had her knees tucked to her chest, hugging herself. Both Kim and Chloe threw their blankets over top of them, pretending to disappear.
The voice sounded again except this time I realized it wasn't just a growl, it was a word "Girrrrllllls." Then it began to scratch the door all over again. When I tell you this voice was the most unsettling thing I've ever heard, I mean it. It was wet and phlegmy whilst being course and grumbly. From the very beginning, I had known it was a prank.
I marched towards the door flicking on the light in the cabin on and dropping my flashlight, before hammering my fists on the door "Fuck off!" I kicked the door, the sound stopped for just a moment before it slammed itself against the door.
Each thud against the sturdy wooden door reverberated through the night like a thunderclap. Whoever was sent to scare us was sure doing a good job. Their breathing was low and heavy almost as loud as the banging of the door itself. "Don't open the door," Leslie heaved out between sobs.
The girls huddled together in terror, their breaths hitching in fear as they strained to discern the source of the horrifying sounds "Girrllllllssss," It grumbled again "GIRRRLLSSSSCOMMOUT," I could see the door moving with the force of whoever was deeply committed to this role. The growling slowly morphed into a screech or maybe it was something more like a hiss.
I was almost at my breaking point, the first day of camp and I already had to deal with these bullshit pranks. I decided to slam my body against the door, matching whoever was on the other side "Go back to your cabin, you piece of shit!" I kept banging my fist and slamming my palms against the door until I heard them scuttle away. 
Reaching for a baseball out of Valentina's open duffle bag, I swung the door open and saw the slender figure of what I assumed to be a teenage boy running to the pasture "Tell Sawyer to eat shit!" I yelled before throwing the ball at the figure, it hit them but it didn't do much, they just stumbled for a split second before disappearing into darkness. 
"What the fuck is that noise?" Dina shouted from her cabin, I could tell I had woken her up from a nice sleep from the way her puffy eyes were squinting in my direction. A few girls poked their heads outside from the doorframe behind Dina.
"What happened?" Now Priya was walking towards my porch. Her long black hair was braided perfectly and she had her silk sleepmask pulled onto her forehead. She still looked put together in a hoodie and bunny pyjama pants.
"Can you guys shut the fuck up?" Ellie opened her door and looked me up and down.
"Be quiet!" Abby shouted from an open window in her cabin. By this point, I was sure everyone in the girl's bunk houses was wide awake and I would be getting a stern talking to by either, Tommy, Joel, or Maria, honestly, I didn't know which was worse. 
Confusion quickly grew on Ellie's face, she lowered her voice "What's going on?"
All eyes were on me for answers but I didn't have any. Despite convincing myself it was a prank, that didn't stop my hands from shaking. "It was one of the boys playing a prank, don't worry about it, he's long gone by now."
"Fucking Sawyer," Dina murmured walking back into her cabin and slamming the door behind her. 
"Are you girls okay in there?" Priya asked, looking at the mortified girls in my cabin, concern etched across her bronze face. "It was a dumb joke, you're all okay now." 
Priya had invited herself into my cabin to offer her solace to the probably traumatized little girls, while she was doing so, I pressed myself flat against the front of the cabin, between mine and Ellie's doors, trying to process how I was going to find a way to make these girls unafraid.
"They do that prank every year and it's almost crazy how it's literally never been funny," I tell Ellie while I stare straight ahead at the pasture they faded away into.
"I wouldn't worry about it," Ellie stands next to me, leaning against the wall "We'll get them back tenfold."
"Those girls are all gonna wanna call their parents and I'm so fucked," I drag my hands down my face. I didn't want to see the look on Joel's face when I tell him about this. There's gonna be sixteen parents who will spam call the camp and verbally harass me over the phone, this wasn't my first rodeo. Sure the prank was shitty but I guarantee no one is leaving this summer with newfound trauma to tell their therapist in a decade. 
"Relax, he's just gonna chew out the boys for pulling this shit again."
I looked at her for a moment, the silence hung between us like birds on a wire before I lunged in for a hug. She was a little taken aback but didn't seem to mind "I just need a hug, don't make it weird."
"Okay, wasn't planning on it," She teased. I took a deep breath in and caught the scent of firewood, petrichor, and axe body spray, an Ellie classic.
“I'm really glad I have you as a friend," I mutter into her shoulder, so quietly that I wasn't even sure she heard me. I let us stay like that for longer than I probably should've before breaking away "Okay, I gotta be a grown-up and deal with this instead of letting Priya do recon."
She nodded pressing her lips together in the same awkward way the socially inept guys from high school did "See you for breakfast?"
"For sure," I smile and walk back into my cabin to see Priya sitting next to Chloe with one soothing hand rubbing her back. "Thanks, Priya, I'll take it from here, you outta get back to your girls."
Priya had this maternal way about her, I wasn't sure what it was but she sure had the ability to nurture. She started at camp last year and I was happy to see her return. She gave her farewells to all of the girls who had only met her minutes ago and were already attached.
"Can I be in her cabin?" Kim asked, she had finally calmed down.
"No, you're in my cabin where we have fun like this every night!" I forced a smile on my face trying to get the girls back into a good mood.
"This isn't fun at all," Tamar, said, bluntly may I add.
"Yeah, this sucks," Morgan added on.
"Guys, listen," I began "I'm super sorry this happened, I need all of you to know that it's just a really bad prank, it happens every year to different cabins. Boy being boys- sorry I shouldn't say that because you guys are young and I know their gender shouldn't excuse their bad behaviour but what I'm trying to say is guys are assholes."
"Yeah, they're assholes!" Olive repeated.
"Maybe don't shout that," I pointed at her "But they are and if you want I will storm down to their cabins right now and yell at them until they cry."
The cabin began to erupt in shouts of no, little girls with wide eyes, frantically shaking their heads. "Please don't leave us alone," Leah pleaded. 
"Okay, I won't, I'll yell at them in the morning. Do you guys want me to leave the lights on?" Everyone answered with a 'yes' to my question.
"Where are you going?" Valentina asked me, peeking out from beneath her thick layers of blankets.
"To my bed?”
"That's too far away from us."
I let out a deep breath "Alright, I'll just bring my sleeping bag onto the floor and I will sleep in the middle, okay?"  Nothing better than sleeping on the hardwood floor in the middle of four bunkbeds and eight ten-year-old girls.
Surrounded by the shallow breathing of girls far too startled to sleep, I decided that tomorrow I would wake up dressed in adventure, straddling a star. Every day that follows I will guide these girls to the moon and back.
A/N: Hi y’all, I’ve been gone a hot minute because of medical issues and whenever I have time to write, I’m too tired to. Anyways, we’re back and better. I know I should probably finish my other series but I’ve had this one drafted for a while and since I’m super sick and basically confined to my house for the next week I’m hoping to get this series done. Thanks for reading!
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tantei-chan01 · 6 months
Animals Continued
Once the World Tour is taken care of, with the rock trolls agreeing to help with the damages, the rest of the tribes return to their respective territories. There's just one issue, the wild life have gotten bolder.
Since the attack, many of their defenses have been destroyed, causing the local wildlife to get closer to the residents. There haven't been any attacks, but it does make the citizens nervous.
Techno trolls have sharks, eels, and large squid that are their natural predators. It's also the time of year for the giant mana ray migration, so they need to figure out a way to redirect them without their tech.
The Classical trolls have large preditory birds to worry about, and they're having trouble getting their eighth goats under control.
The Country trolls have many poisoness animals in the desert. Their cattle have been scared off so many times that they won't get close to the town.
The Funk trolls have to stay grounded until repairs are done on the ship, since they haven't been on the ground for so long, they're not quite sure how to deal with many of the creatures.
The Rock trolls also have a problem, with so many of the citizens in different territories to help with repairs. They've neglected their own issues with the lava crocs and boulder buzzards.
When Poppy learns of this, she sends in the one troll who can help them.
Enter Branch.
At first, Branch was a little apprehensive to leave the village, they still have some repairs to do, and it's mating season for the puffalo. The Snack Pack tell him that they can handle the reconstruction and Milton can help with the puffalo. So he packs up his bags and starts heading toward the other tribes.
Branch spends a month in each tribe to do his job. He tackles the predators first, spending two weeks studying their habits and memorizing their sounds. Once he finds a pattern in the communication or an exploitable weakness, he makes a strategy and collaborates with the other trolls on how to best go through it. Some animals he was able to convince to move areas, others he had no choice but use force.
Once the predators are taken care of, he gets to the domestic animals. Like before, he memorizes the habits and sounds. Once he has a form of communication going, he'll ask them what they need. He then relays the message to the trolls, and they start making accommodations.
The other tribes notice how their pets and livestock seem much calmer around the once gray troll. Even the more temperamental of their creature become putty in his hands. Many have called him the 'Animal Whisperer', and the more romantic types call him an Angel.
To say thanks for helping them, each tribe gives him an animal.
Techno gave him a Low beat Turtle, similar to Suki's bugs, the have a turntable on their back. They can move on land and can create a low vibration sound that has a calming effect.
Classical gave him three eighth goats as they do better in a herd than by themselves. Their wool is fluffy and warm, making incredible blankets, pillows, and sweaters. They also have a melodious bleat.
Country gave him a dairy Bluegrass Buffalo, they're a sandy blue color cow. They make a delicious and nutritious milk and are very gentle.
Funk gave him a snug-a-lug since Branch can talk to them. He can figure out how to hug it without multiplying. And yes, Branch can make that cute little warble it does.
Rock gave him a Lava Snake, they vary in color from dark red to an ashy gray. Their hide is very tough while their underbelly is quite soft. They can withstand extremely high temperatures, and their skin can be melted to create many things once they shed. The young one likes to sleep in the fireplace.
The animals in Pop village take them under their tutelage to become Branch's bodyguards, unbeknownst to him.
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They Think They're Sneaky
(Ghoap & Price/Reader)
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It had taken you a while to make it feel like home. The soggy Liverpudlian winters were dreadfully different from your eighty-degree Miami holiday seasons. Seeing Santa Claus in shorts and a Hawaiian shirt was the Christmas of your childhood, and now you were bundled up, fighting the wind stinging your nose. After you were seeing each other for a few months, Price had been the one to invite you to stay, paying to break your apartment’s lease and cleaning out his extra room to help make space for you. You’d nested together, buying furnishings and linens, two little love birds. 
Price smiled at you over the kitchen island one day,
“What about a housewarming, then? Make a party for the boys before we head out on this next campaign.”
You agreed, rushing to prepare for a dinner. You made sure to head to the butchers for the best meats and cheeses, made sides from scratch - the whole deal. Price had put up the tree and the lights, hanging ornaments with you into the middle of the night, making love to you in the glow of the garlands, the tiny bulbs turning his skin into gold. 
The tables were set, the patio was cleaned, and the tree was trimmed. Then, the doorbell rang.
“Hey! C’mon in!” You hugged Soap, Ghost, and Gaz as they crossed your threshold, arms full of gifts, mostly bottle-shaped, hugging you back.
“Good ta see ya again, lass. Where’s the old man?”
“Out back, waiting for you,” you smiled, leading the team to the patio. 
The party went on for a good long while before anyone even mentioned being hungry, and you all drank more than you meant to. Price had smoked through two cigars, and he had a dram of whisky in his huge hand, talking animatedly with Gaz. Your friends from the gym had shown up, as well as your two pairs of neighbors, and the house was alive with laughter and warmth.
You spotted John across the kitchen, through the crowd, and gave him a knowing look. He saw you, mid-conversation with the neighbor, and excused himself, stalking you as you moved out to the patio. 
“Mm,” you put your hands inside his coat, “My warm bear. Bit chilly tonight, huh?”
“Aye,” he held you close to him, breathing into your hair, kissing your forehead. 
You looked up at him, seeing the love and desire in his eyes, hoping he’d kiss you. When he did, it washed over you, warm and fiery, burning down to your core. 
“Careful, love,” he warned, breaking your kiss, “House full o’ people are ‘bout to get more party than they came for if you keep rubbing on me like that.”
“Oh, yeah? How about the greenhouse? Surely they won’t miss us for that long,” you suggested, tugging on his arm, your eyes wild with mischief. 
He laughed, following you around the house to the large greenhouse he’d built for you. You’d mentioned missing fresh tomatoes, and so he had given it to you as a coming home present, breaking your heart with his surprise. You’d fucked his brains out in it that night, both of you sweating from the hot, humid interior, creating a tantric sauna, rolling around in each other’s filthy, soil-covered arms like animals. 
Now, as you approached the little building, you noticed that your secret space was occupied. Price held a hand to your mouth as you approached, pushing you back to the wall, hiding you from view. Slowly, carefully, you knelt with him, watching the scene of your two friends, Ghost and Soap locked in a half-naked embrace, unfold in front of your eyes. 
“Oh, my God!” You whispered as Price lowered his hand. 
“Hush!” He put a finger to his lips, unmoving, watching them as you crouched together, spying on them voyeuristically. 
Soap was having his cock sucked enthusiastically by Ghost. His mask was flipped up onto his nose, and his jaw was stretched to accommodate the Scot’s hardness, using his pink tongue to lick the silken skin along his shaft. He was jacking himself off with one hand, and fingering Johnny with the other, making him whine and beg for more of everything. Then, Ghost stood up, setting himself between Soap’s spread knees, ripping off his shirt, and began to feed himself into his lover’s asshole. You watched as Simon pulled Johnny’s mohawk back, exposing his huge Adam’s Apple, licking and sucking at his neck, leaving cruel bruises. 
With a unique urgency, he began to thrust himself up into the sergeant, jerking his cock as he did, spitting down onto it, rolling it in his palm. Soap was gripping onto Simon’s waist with white-knuckled hands, desperately keening. 
You gasped and Price turned to look at you, tearing his eyes away from your very personal porno,
“Mm, ‘s hot, huh, love? Got me fuckin’ hard. Wanna feel?”
He grabbed your hand and rubbed it along the crotch of his tight jeans. 
“Too bad our spot’s taken. Think they left us any room in the back corner there?” You joked with him, fondling his fleshy head and his rigid shaft through the fabric. 
You heard a terracotta pot shatter. Ghost yelled out a string of curse words, and you and Price ran for the patio, hurrying so you wouldn’t be spotted if they came out of the greenhouse. You stood by the back door, panting, laughing with each other, watching as the two sweaty bodies got dressed in a panic. Gaz poked his head out of the door and saw you two laughing, panting, and gazing out to the greenhouse. 
“What’s all this then?”
“Nothing! It’s nothing,” you tried to cover it up. 
But, just as you went to push him back inside, Ghost and Soap very casually exited the greenhouse, disheveled, Ghost’s black mask out of place, and Soap’s mohawk beyond repair. Gaz looked at them and then at you,
“That doesn’t look like nothing, does it, Cap?”
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sunshine-theseus · 6 months
I’ve Got You | Charlie Grant x reader
Word Count: 2.4k Summary: Having someone like Charlie by your side makes pregnancy a whole lot easier. i don't think this is my best i'm sorry Warnings: none? Request for - @charligrantismygirlfriend
Being friends with Katrina basically guaranteed being friends with Kyra and Charlie.
I met Kat in 2022, toward the end of her time at Brisbane, as she was beginning to get back in with the Matildas. I found myself crying in the baby aisle of a rather desolate IGA in Clayfield when she crouched next to me and asked me if I was alright. I didn’t look up as I struggled to calm my sobbing to explain my situation.
“He- he left me. I’m 21 and pregnant without a partner. How am I supposed to have a baby without a partner?” I stared up at her with red-rimmed eyes and tears that stream down my cheeks. It’s then that I notice she has a young baby resting on her hip, eyes gently closed as her head rests on the shoulder of this woman.
“Do… do you have anyone that will help?” I vigorously shook my head, then told her how I’d been living alone for 4 years, my parents running off to whatever dingy town they decided would bring them the most drugs without police caring.
“A- and he kicked me out. Oh fuck I don’t have anywhere to live what the fuck am I doing?!” my eyes frantically flickered around the store as my situation settled in. There was no way I could survive this.
“I know this is a weird offer but… you could live with me? I have a spare bedroom and rent is getting kind of wild. And Harper would love you.” She looked down at the girl who clung to her with such adoration.
“I’m Katrina.” She reached out her hand and I took it.
“Y/n” I smiled gently at her.
“I mean it. You living with me. I had Harper 8 months ago and I have bunch of pregnancy books and clothes and all that stuff.”
“W- what about your partner? Won’t he mind?”
“She lives in Sweden, so probably not.” Katrina then told me her story of wanting to be a mum and going through IVF, and how Harper brought her back to football.
About 2 months later, I was flying over to Sweden, following shortly after Kat and Harper left. I attended pretty much every game Kat played, taking care of Harper when her mum couldn’t make it, and researching a lot.
I was lucky my job was remote, so I was able to move around with Kat without an issue. My boss had sent a small gift basket of baby books and clothes when I told her I would be living overseas for 6 or so months. She also gave me less work, insisting that I meet people and do fun things instead of worrying about how much I had to do. She was probably the person who pushed me the most to meet someone new.
It was 2 weeks after I moved in with Kat, and met Clara, that I met Charlotte and Kyra. Despite Kyra’s club being 5 – 6 hours away, she’d somehow managed to make it down for a few days on a short break between matches. We all went for coffee and brunch, me limiting my food to hashbrowns and toast because most other things made me nauseas.
Charlie and Kyra asked how Kat and I met and why I was living with them. I gave them a rather short version of the day in the IGA, and Charlie reached over and put an empathetic hand on my shoulder. I give a tight-lipped smile in return.
It doesn’t take long for me to grow close to the two younger players Kat had also taken under her wing. Some days they had off, I’d take Harper off Kat and Clara’s hands and take her somewhere with Charlie, like the park or a pool. Other days we’d all go together and when Kyra could, she’d come down and spend a couple days.
It’s nice to have friends my age to hang out and talk with, Katrina having been the only person I had for the most part of 3 or so months.
Both girls insisted I need to meet the other Matildas, but I struggled to find time when they have camp, or I’m too nauseas to travel.
This creates a new problem when Kat and Clara both decide to head back to Brisbane in mid-November now that the Swedish season is done, so Kat can play with the Roar again during the A-League season.
My bump is relatively big, and most forms of travel make me sick, so I know I won’t really be able to travel with them back home, and in a few more weeks I won’t be allowed to fly. So I’m stuck by myself again. Until Charlie makes a rather compelling offer.
They don’t have any matches in the up-coming international break, so she offers me to live with her for the time being so I’m not as alone. The one fault to present itself, is she only has 1 bed. I insist I sleep on the couch, but she waves the idea away as I hold my stomach, trying to relieve some pressure.
“Oh! Can I try something? It might help give you some relief for a moment. I saw it on TikTok.” I simply nod my head; I’ll try anything at this point.
I’m slightly shocked when she circled around behind me and reached around my front, but I can’t question anything before she placed her hands beneath my belly and lifts. I groan in relief and my hand rolls back onto her shoulder.
“Holy shit that feels so nice.” She holds my belly for a minute or so before gently removing her hands and pressing a kiss to my cheek.
I flush red as she goes back to making lunch. I’ve found myself doing that a lot around her recently. Any nice gesture or any touch and I’m blushing and butterflies flutter around my stomach. Sometimes I wonder if the same thing happens to her.
Later in the day, I'm desperate to take a nap, so I slowly lay down on Charlie’s couch. It takes her all of 5 seconds to realise and start pulling me up, dragging me to her bedroom.
“If you’re so adamant that I don’t sleep on the couch, and you definitely shouldn’t be sleeping on the couch, we can share the bed. It’s big enough for us both.” I don’t have the energy to refuse as I fall back against the pillows, eyes fluttering shut as Charlie plays with my hair.
I spend the next 2 months spending time with Charlie and Kyra, who also decided not to travel home until their Cup of Nations games in February. Kyra stays on a blow-up mattress she lugged with her from Stockholm while Charlie and I continue to share the bed.
I’m a week away from my due date when I feel something wet drip down my legs. Kyra and Charlie freak out, but I let them know my contractions haven’t started. And I nearly think that maybe it was somehow a false alarm.
Nearly a day later, I feel severe pressure on my pelvis. I groan in pain and clutch my stomach as I move positions, assuming it’s just a Braxton Hicks contraction. The pain doesn’t subside for a minute or so, and Kyra doesn’t take notice of my groans from the other room, on a call with Charlie who had forgotten the grocery list and now had to have Kyra recite it to her so she could rewrite it on her phone.
I don’t think much of the contraction until I feel another one 20 minutes later, and another 20 minutes after that. They progressively get closer together and I call out to Kyra to help me up from the bed before calling for an ambulance, and I frantically scroll my contacts for Charlie’s number. It takes 10 minutes for her keys to rattle against the door and she rushes in, followed closely by the paramedics.
I suffer through 13 hours of labour before I’m holding a small bundle in my arms, Charlie holding another, as Kyra takes photos to send Kat later.
“I can’t believe that fucking piece of shit left you, but at least he gave you two little cuties.” Charlie passes the baby off to Kyra and turns to me.
“I wouldn’t have been able to do any of this without you, Kat and Kyra.”
“I’m so proud of you.” I don’t stop to think before I lean over and gently place my lips on hers, her strawberry chapstick is all I can taste.
I see a flash go off in the corner of my eye and whip my head to look at Kyra, who giggles sheepishly before looking back down at the baby in her arms.
“I know this is probably rushed and wild, but do you want to move in with me? Officially? We can find a bigger place to house the girls. But I’ve been holding in my feelings for you for like 6 months now. I promise to take care and love you and the twins with my whole heart.” A tear falls down my cheek as I nod my head, and she kisses me again.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Oh! Mini’s calling! She doesn’t know! What do I do? Do I answer?” Kyra interrupts us, frantically looking for whether she should answer or not.
“Facetime her.” Kyra hands the baby back to Charlie and quickly facetimes Katrina, who doesn’t take a moment to answer.
“None of you have answered any of my calls for the past 14 hours what the fuck is going on? Why does it look like you’re in a hospital” is the first thing she says as Kyra’s phone faces away from me.
“Well… we have a surprise.” The phone slowly pans over to Charlie and I and we both grin.
“WHAT THE FUCK? You had the baby?!”
“Babies” Charlie corrects her.
“Kat, I’d like you to meet Ashley Jade and Maysilee Hazel Gorry.” Everyone’s heads snap to look at me as I smile.
“What, what do you mean ‘Gorry’?”
“You literally changed my life, took me in when I had no one, introduced me to my best friend… and girlfriend,” I pause and give Charlie a look, she smiles in return.
“I also changed my name like a month ago, to Y/n Gorry. I hope you don’t mind.”
“Of course I don’t mind what the fuck!?” I glance back at Katrina; tears prick at her eyes and my own mirror her’s.
“I’m going to fucking fly over and meet those little cuties.”
“Well, I was thinking… if they’re healthy enough to travel, we’d fly over with Kyra and Charlie for your Cup of Nations matches in February? And I’d meet the team.” Another wave of shock ripples through out the room
“Fuck yes!”
We talk to Kat for a while after that. Harper tumbles into screen and coos at the babies but soon looses interest, and Clara comes in to congratulate me. We eventually have to say goodbye.
“Is it ok if I head back to the apartment? I think if I fall asleep on these chairs, I’ll never be able to play again.” Kyra dramatically complains, but I just smile and nod, sending her on her way.
“I know I already said it, but I am so proud of you and I love you so much. You could’ve given up on these babies, but you pushed through.”
“I couldn’t have done it without you Char, these little guys are going to adore their mumma so much.”
“Of course they will, you’re so amazing.”
“I mean you…”
“I wouldn’t want anyone else by my side.” She kisses me passionately, well as passionately as you can kiss someone who’s lying in a hospital bed while you’re both holding a baby.
“Are you excited to see your aunties?” Ashley and Maysilee’s giggles fill the car ass Charlie tickles their feet.
“Yay yay yay!” they both chant as we help them out of the car and onto their feet.
They’re running down the corridor as soon as the elevator doors part open, giggling and screaming without knowing where they’re supposed to be going. They only stop when they run into two pairs of legs, and they sheepishly look up as they go to apologise, only to be picked up.
“Aunty MinMin! Aunty Anna!” Maysilee screams as Alanna gives her a sloppy kiss on the cheek, Ashley much quieter as she returns Kat’s hug.
“We’ll look after them while you settle in. I missed my favourite twins.” Kat says as she also gives Maysilee a gentle kiss on the forehead.
Charlie and I take each other’s hand as we walk to our room, kissing our daughters goodbye and thanking the pair of teammates. When we reach the room, I waste no time in fall on the bed, Charlie following swiftly behind. I lean into her as she wraps her arms around me before I kiss her.
We spend another hour or so cuddling and kissing, basking in the childless quiet. I admire Charlie like I do every moment we get together, her crystal blue eyes, the shape of her nose, her dull pink lips, the small scar above her right eyebrow. And I wonder the same thing I always do; how did I get so lucky.
“I can’t believe we brought our kids to the Olympics. Who does that? We should have left them with someone back in London.” I joke before kissing her.
“I’d take my babies anywhere; I hate being apart from you all.” Charlie pouts and kisses me again, and again.
Charlie brings Ashley, Maysilee and I to all the events and training sessions Tony allows her to, the girls always with one of their Mumma’s jerseys on or something that showcases a blatant support for the Matildas.
After a particularly difficult game, the team silently heads back to their rooms, Charlie curling up under the blanket as I get the twins ready for bed. When they notice she hasn’t come to kiss them goodnight, they clamber up onto the bed and start to tickle and poke her. She doesn’t respond and they seem to understand she’s upset.
“What’s wrong mumma?”
“Mumma’s just sad and hurt about today babies.” Charlie whispers through shaky breath.
I watch as they calm down and instead wrap their arms around her and kiss her gently, like she kisses them when they’re hurt. I slowly slide in behind Ashley, wrapping my arm around all 3 of them.
“We’ve got you baby.” I give them all a kiss and we fall asleep like that, the sun slowly allowing the blanket of stars to fill the sky.
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outsideratheart · 1 year
Can I Ask You a Question? (Alexia Putellas x reader)
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A/N: Chapter 3 in the Legacy Series
The sun shon down on the beach in Ibiza. The heat along with the smell of the sea was enough to make you forget about the past and the future. For the past 4 days you had been in the present and it made you feel more at ease than you had done in months. A couple of nights ago you had bumped into some of the Barcelona girls and in Jill’s slightly drunken state she had invited them over to your house for food and drinks. This is something you didn’t fight, in fact you encouraged it stating that you will set up the entire night. All the Spaniards had to do was show up.
Alexia had reached out after the World Cup final and the two of you had been talking ever since and much to your surprise football didn’t get brought up once. It did however bring up feelings that you feared would come but you couldn’t blame yourself the woman was beautiful and getting to know her on a personal level only added to your crush.
“Y/N!” You heard Daan shout from up at the house.
The villa you were staying in was beautiful and owned by a family friend. It had everything you needed: several bedrooms, a huge pool and a private beach. You really had no reason to leave but there’s no way you can come to Ibiza and not venture out to experience the electric night life.
“Coming!” You unbury your feet from the sand before making your way to the house so you can get ready.
Choosing an outfit proved to be a difficult choice. Alexia, in her nervous state, had messaged you earlier in the day asking what she should wear. A couple of hours later she sent you a photo of a dress. It was simple yet you know it would take your breath away once you saw her in it.
As you looked through your wardrobe, which was full, you felt like you had nothing to wear.
You stormed into Jill’s room in frustration. The blonde only laughed at your child like behaviour before reaching into a shopping bag. She help up an olive green silk dress with a low cut front which was borderline on being too low.
“I saw this when we went into town earlier. I thought it would suit you and it will be sure to drive any woman wild, especially Catalonians who you may or may not have a crush on”
“Can you blame me? Alexia is hot, like really hot”
Jill may not have mentioned her name but she saw the way you watched the Spanish woman dance when you bumped in them the other night. She would say you had heart eyes but they were full of lust.
“I thought you weren’t the type to have flings”
“I’m still not”
“Not even a little holiday romance”
“That’s not who I am and you both know that it’s not like I can sleep with her here and not face the consequences when the season starts”
“Wait! What!”
You had been so careful to keep you mouth shut and having told Jill out of all people might come back around to bite you in the arse.
“I mean it could do, if I decide to go there”
Silence filled the room for all of five seconds before Jill changed to the subject and showed you what she planned on wearing for the night. You could only hoped she believed your cover and if not you prayed to the higher powers that she keeps her mouth shut but you knew it was a gamble because Jill had no filter when she drank.
Alexia took one last look in the mirror as she gave herself the once over for the fifth time in last ten minutes. Whenever she came to Ibiza in the past her main aim was to relax and recover in anticipation for the upcoming season but tonight she was willing to let go and have fun. She wasn’t sure what the future held and knowing that this might be the last night she saw you for some time she was planning on making the most of it.
“Ale! do you want a dri—“ Leila comes barging in the room, stopping in her place as she sees her friend standing in the corner, a little uncertain of herself.
“Is it too much?” Alexia felt a little insecure, it wasn’t everyday that she dressed like this.
“Not at all” Leila walked towards her “You look beautiful Alexia. I’m not saying you are but if you are dressing to impress a certain someone then I think this will do the trick”
“You think?”
Leila didn’t tease her captain for admitting she wanted to impress you although she didn’t mentioned you by name. This was uncharted territory for her best friend.
“I know so. Speaking of the Dutch, well not really but still. Lieke has just text me saying that they will be ready in half an hour and for us to get there in about an hour so that the chef can prepare the food”
“It seems Y/N is pulling out all of the stops. It’s almost like she wants to impress us” Leila raised her eyes playfully and Alexia knew exactly what she was insinuating.
“Leila please do not mention it tonight” it was a warning and Leila showed her understanding by pretending to zip her lips.
You were speaking to the chef when you heard the front door open. You couldn’t know for sure who it was but the butterflies that had suddenly formed in your stomach was a good indication. When you entered the outdoor area which had the makeshift bar, the sight in front of you filled you with happiness. The Dutch and the Spanish together, acting like they were old friends reacquainted.
“Bienvenidos” you join the now double in sized group of football players although only one player has acknowledged your presence.
“Gracias para la invitación” Alexia hands you a drink. She senses your hesitation due to not knowing what was in the glass “I saw Lieke make it”
You were in the clear. The drinks Lieke made are safe, you can have a few and still stand. You other team mates on the other hand well they preferred alcohol percentage over taste.
Not before long you were called over for dinner. The long table held just enough seats to fit everyone and unlike the other nights spent at it, you choose against sitting at the head of the table. Whether it was on purpose or not, one side held the Dutch and the other sat the Spanish with Alexia sitting directly opposite you.
At first you thought the language barrier might be an issue but you soon find that everyone has agreed to speak English, as broken as it may be. The first course is served and the whole table settles into a comfortable silence as they savour the meal prepared for them.
“What?” You whisper as you see Alexia looking at you whilst she takes a sip of her wine.
“Nada, I mean nothing” Alexia corrects herself but the smirk that tugs at her lips lets you know her mind is far from being empty.
That’s how the next half an hour or so went. You and Alexia stole glances when you thought the other wasn’t watching only to get caught in the end. It filled your head with thoughts that you had tried to bury deep over the past couple of days or if you’re being honest ever since you met her at the seaside restaurant in Barcelona. Now whilst her execution was poor that night, she did show just how much she want you to play for Barcelona and her clear passion for the team reminded you of that same passion your father had.
You were in the middle of a stare off, the only words spoken with your eyes. Oh her eyes, the hazel orbs which looked perfect as the sun hit them at the right angle.
“Señorita Cruyff” a member of the chef’s team politely taps you on your shoulder.
You couldn’t know for sure how long she had been standing there or if she had been trying to get your attention but the look of the other women at the table told that this wasn’t the time time she had called your name.
“¿Quieres más vino con el plato principal?”
All eyes are on you with your Dutch team mates not knowing what the woman was saying and the Spanish waiting to jump in.
“Sí. Por favor traiga lo que recomienda”
And with that the woman leaves you be but when you turn your attention back to the table you are met with eyes that hold something you don’t recognise. They had never heard you speaking Spanish before and even though you had a Dutch accent when you spoke Dutch and English, the Spanish one you had when speaking Spanish was almost native.
“I forgot she’s Spanish” Patri explains your fluent Spanish to her friends.
Whilst Patri was correct you always saw yourself as Dutch because that is where your family is from. The only time your place of birth got brought up was when you were chosen to play at a senior national level. You had only ever played for The Netherlands youth team but when the time came to chose a senior team Spain came calling but it never got passed a phone call. Your father played for the Netherlands and so would you, there was nothing more to discuss.
“She’s Dutch” Jill corrects her “it’s bad enough you get to play with her all season, you don’t get to have her for international break too” she says the last part under her breath but you still can’t believe she said it out loud at all.
“Jill!” You scold her hoping that only you and her had heard what she said.
Just like the rest of the night you turn you attention back to the person sitting opposite you only to find her watching but hopefully not listening to the discussion taking place between you and your best friend.
In a split second you decide the best approach is to imagine that she was none the wiser.
“You seem to be having a good time in Ibiza” with anyone else this could be classed as small talk yet with Alexia it didn’t feel this way.
“I always do. My favourite day so far have been the boat trip we went on yesterday”
“Those are my favourite days too”
“Yeah Y/N loved the photos you posted it. She was a big fan of your bikini” Daan added from her place down the table.
A deep blush flushed your cheeks as you get all but outed by the brunette. Your trail of thought shifts as you remember the photos in question, there were five in total but it was the third one that caught your eye the post. Alexia posed against the railings of the boat wearing nothing but a bikini. The way she posed showed off her toned body enough to fill your mind with less than innocent thoughts.
“You did?” Alexia, for the first time since meeting you, felt like she had the upper hand.
“The bikini—it erm—verdomme“ you finished what was left in your wine glass “You looked hot, beautiful in fact”
You could tell the entire table was enjoying seeing you flustered but you wasn’t a fan. Not when the woman who played a huge part, yet did very little, was sitting in front of you. Wanting to remove yourself from the centre of attention you stand to leave but Alexia reaches over the table and grabs your hand.
“You can’t leave now. The main course is coming” Alexia used her other hand to point behind you where low and behold there was in fact servers bringing out the next course of food.
Vulnerable. That is how you felt as you ate your food. Alexia was now aware how you saw her, you only found a little bit of peace knowing that she didn’t know just how beautiful you found her.
Once all courses had been served and dated you politely excused yourself making sure to take your glass of wine with you. You wasn’t exactly sure where you were going but you knew that the glass of red would be needed.
Alexia watched as you walked away. At first she thought you would go back into the house for whatever reason but instead she sees you walk towards the edge of the grounds the house sat on, unaware of what it lead to.
She tried to include herself in her friends, and yours, conversation but it was to no use. Her focus remained on you even though you were no longer in site. There was a lot she wanted to say to you, even more so with what she had learnt in the last hour or two. When the barcelona captain sees one of the bartenders bringing out the last couple of bottles of wine she is quick to swipe one and go in search of you.
There was something about water that made you happy. Maybe it had something to do with memories of walking along the canals of Amsterdam with the your father when you would take the family dog for a walk or how the entire Cruyff family could spend the whole day at the beach in Barcelona yet still want to go back and do it all over again the next day. As you got older you came to the conclusion that it’s because the ocean makes you feel small and it puts your life into perspective. You would spend hours looking out at the never ending water whilst letting you mind run wild.
“Care for a top up?” The voice makes you jump but your heart beat soon returns to its natural pace when you see the who had spoken.
“Please” you hold your empty glass up.
Alexia uses the action as a way to sit next to you without it being a big deal. The two of you slip into a silence with the only audible sound coming from your friends back at the house.
“So I’m beautiful huh?”
You let out a groan at Alexia’s teasing because that’s what is was and you both knew it.
“Can we please talk about something else?”
“We could talk about what Jill said?”
“I take it back. I’d rather talk about your beauty”
Funnily enough Alexia didn’t have much to say at your compliment. When you said she was beautiful at the table she thought it was just something you said to please the table but now it was just the two of you, surely you meant it.
“Can I ask you a question?”
You hesitantly nod.
“Have you talked to anyone about it?” She needed need to be specific, you knew what she meant by it.
It was a good question. Apart from Aitana, you hadn’t really talked to anyone about your move. You knew that you could trust Lieke but she played for Barcelona and as your best friend you thought she would be biased but at the same time no one knew more about your struggles. You didn’t want to talk about moving to Barcelona with your family but the reasons why you didn’t want to would only bring up emotions that you had all tried desperately to bury as unhealthy as that may be.
“I’ll take that as a no”
You took a large sip of your wine before you try to explain the thoughts that have been keeping you up at night.
“It’s hard”
“When you came to the match it —“
“Was the first time back since it happened, yes” by cutting her off you stopped her from saying the words.
You could already feel your breathing building at a rapid pace and like any other time this happened you hands began shaking in suit although you had learned to control that or hide it, at least that’s what you thought. When you feel Alexia take your hand in hers you realise that it must have been obvious.
“The club meant a lot to him and I don’t think I could handle—“
“The pressure” now it was Alexia who attempted to finish your sentence only she got it all wrong.
“His presence”
“I lost my dad a few years ago” Alexia knew that she was asking you to open up to her, someone who was closer to a stranger than she was a friend. Hopefully if she shared a little bit of her pain that you would feel comfortable to do the same “I know I don’t wear his name on the back of my shirt but it is his family name that gets said when I win an award. I understand what it’s like to live your life hoping to do someone proud when they can never tell you themselves”
“He always wanted me to play for Barcelona. He said that is where I will play the football that I am destined to play”
“I think he’s right” Ever since the meeting where she learned you would be leaving Ajax she couldn’t help but think about what the two of you could achieve together. The team was a perfect fit for you but she couldn’t make you move there. Right now she would settle for being your sounding board.
“Of course you do. If he is right and I do what he wanted then I come to Barcelona. That has been you aim from day one” the look you give Alexia lets her know you are playing and trying to get a rise of our her yet she cannot help but bite.
“I was out of line but I can’t sit here and say that I don’t want to come play for us because that would be a lie. This is your decision and you have to do what is best for you. I know that whenever I go back to Mollet my heart is heavier and I can’t imagine facing that everyday but I know what it’s like. The thing about Barcelona is we aren’t only a team, we are a family. You will never be alone on your bad days, I know this because I never am”
“Alexia” you could feel your nose begin to tingle as your emotions rose to the surface. In this moment she wasn’t appealing to the player, she was talking to Y/N the girl whose heart broke in 2016 and had been in pieces ever since.
“I have an idea” Alexia eyes light up “I leave Ibiza the day after tomorrow and I have a couple of days before we need to prepare for the WICC cup in Portland, I’m guessing you have a few days left off too. Come to Barcelona, don’t tell anyone but come. I’ll show you around and give you a taste of what life could be like off the pitch because that is when you will really see the city”
The Catalonian waited in anticipation, worrying that she may have crossed a line but she couldn’t help herself. The thought of you moving to Barcelona felt more like a reality and to say she was excited would be an understatement.
“Can I take a rain check?”
You physically saw her face drop in disappointment.
“I’m sorry Y/N. I got ahead of myself, I shouldn’t have said anything. I think it’s best I leave” Alexia hastily stood up. She was embarrassed and didn’t want to stick around to face a rejection.
“Alexia” you stood up just as quick as she did and grabbed her hand, stopping her from walking any further “I have to go home to Amsterdam tomorrow. I have some meetings that I cannot reschedule but I would love to see Barcelona though your eyes whether I move or not”
Not only had you given Alexia something to look forward to. You had told her that you wanted to see her again regardless of your decision and that was enough to make the risk of opening up to you worth it.
The two of you finish the bottle of wine whilst admiring the view before rejoining your friends who in your absence had managed to drink the left over wine and move onto the cocktails and shots. Yet another moment where you shown a scenario that could become a regular occurrence.
You left Ibiza the following morning lighter than you had felt in months because the impending question of Barcelona or Arsenal was no longer looming over you.
A decision had been made.
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spacebarbarianweird · 4 months
Omg hi!!! Love your Writting, could you make an Astarion x Eladrin! Reader please? It can be and fey eladrin or a celestial eladrin (tough i prefer the celestial ones). I'm surprised no one asked for an eladrin hc already, they're such dolls)
Hi! Eladrins are truly interesting. The difference between two types depends on what edition you play - before the 4th edition Eladrins were native to Arvandor, distant cousins to elves. Beginning with the 4th Edition, they're fey creatures from the Feywild.
As there is more relevant info about Fey Eladrin, I will write this HCs based on them but the difference between different types of Eladrin isn't really big.
Astarion x Eladrin!Tav
Your ancestors were casted away from Arvandor along with other elves but instead of going to Material Planes they chose Feywild as their home.
Many of your kind have slowly lost their humanoid form and allowing the wild magic of the Faierie to change them.
The seasons for you aren't times of the year, they are places you can visit and the form you can take.
When you are a Spring Eladrin, you sing and dance but so easily fall in love that you lose yourself.
When you are Summer, you are a stubborn fighter.
As Autumn you are kind and generous but to trustful.
But as Winter you are depressed and melancholic.
In trance you change your season like a dress and your change appearance as well.
It drives Astarion insane because you have four different personalities and four different skins.
Fey Eladrins and stability are complete opposites.
But at the same he is attracted to your wild magic, so alive and bustling, nothing like what his undead existence is.
You are also a gender fluid since sex and gender are too limitimg when defined.
Sometimes you feel like a man, sometimes like a woman, sometimes you are both, sometimes you are none.
The adventures on the Material Planes is just another fun experience for you since you are not intedning to stay there.
As for Astarion he doesn't truly knows what to do.
The Undead don't belong to Feywild, he can't go there with you and he isn't sure he wants all this fey madness.
Meanwhile the Material Plane is too exhausting, too stable, too bleak for you.
But you decide to stay.
To stay to get him the cure.
Astarion doesn't remember being alive, but you know how miserable he truly is.
Hunger. Cold. Pain.
There must be the way.
Astarion gets used to your changing nature. You just become a very complex person to him but luckily your pysical appearance betrays your mood change as well and he always knows which "you" he is going to deal with today.
You spend a century looking for ithe cure but nothing helps. It's just a ghost you keep searching for.
And the Material Plane is draining you, sometimes you are so week,you can't move for months, lying motionless in your trance and remembering the Feywild.
Astarion begs you to go.
He will be fine. This century was the the best time he ever hoped to have. He will remember you. He will cherish the memories of you.
But you have to part ways. He is an undead, he belongs to the Shadowplace and all what is dread. He will wander the roads for eternity as the creature of the dark. And you will live your long life in the magical place of fey wonders.
He will never forget you.
Beaides there isn't anyone like you, his tiny wild love.
You dissappear like a mist in the morning and he hopes you are happy in the magical feywild.
He keeps living
Hunting monsters .
Adebturing here and there.
Sometimes he makes griends, sometimes he takes lovers
But in his reverie he remembers only his eladrin of tje feywild the magical creature who gave him hope.
A century passes.
Lonely ten decades.
Astarion meditates and his meditation is so deep it is more like a real sleep.
He feels that something is beside him someone warm, someone familiar.
He wakes up and sees you.
You lie beside him in your atumn form warm like a lantern.
You break the silence and brush his cheek, making him sniff.
"I know how to cure you."
You spare Astarion of details, he doesn't need to know what price you paid.
A century of slavery. Of servitude. Of humilation.
A fey, powerful and cruel, shoved the cure up to your nose, bragging they have it and you don't.
A century. A terrible, difficult century with every day worse than another.
Losing your humanoid form. Being an ugly beast for a decade. Losing yoir mind and doing the most disgusting things for your master.
The feys are cruel when they know you need them.
The transformation is painful and long and you are afraid the fey bitch lied to you.
They didn't.
Astarion opens his eyes and they are emerald greem like Feywild woods.
It takes him time to adapt to his mortal body but it's much easier in Feywild than it would be in the Material Plane.
You don't know what the future holds for you two.
The elven nature is fluid and unpredictable.
But deep inside you know you have always meant to be together, you are thiramins, elven soulmates. Maybe, you knew each other in your past lives. Maybe you are both something new.
And you have centuries ahead to figure this out.
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume @brainfullofhotsauce @coffeeanddonutscafe @my-queen-rhaenyra-targaryen
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ladykailitha · 1 year
Can Anybody See Me? Part 21
Executive dysfunction is a bitch and can go to hell. I had something I could have posted yesterday while I was working on this, but no...
I am starting to wonder if maybe I shot myself in the foot with my tag rant as engagement for the last Reconnect AU was WAY down. But oh well. I can only continue to move on and hope I find new people who like my stuff.
All righty, my lovelies. We have gotten to the part where I was going to end it originally before you absolute menaces said you wanted me to continue it through season 4.
But here’s the deal, this story has reached nearly novel length of 40k. So what I’ve decided to do is call this the end of book one. And then I will start up book two, which will be through to the end of the school year and probably through the events of season 3. And then book 3 should take us the rest of the way.
I hope that’s acceptable to all of you. I want to continue it, but I think from here on out the title doesn’t fit Steve anymore and he needs a new one.
Now if you’ve followed me long enough, you know that I don’t start putting out a story until it’s done (if it’s short enough) or if I’m three to four chapters deep. So hopefully by the end of the month (if not sooner) you should start seeing book two.
I will run a poll on how you think I should do the tag list for it. But thank you all for coming with me on this absolutely wild ride. And hope you’ll stick around for the next two parts.
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 Part 12 Part 13 Part 14 Part 15 Part 16 Part 17 Part 18 Part 19 Part 20
Word had been handed down, Mindy Jones, Ollie Anderson, and Kyle Carver had been suspended with word that Kyle being the instigator might be expelled. For sure he wasn’t going to be able to walk in his cap and gown at graduation.
Steve felt a sense of relief and strangely justice too. Yes, all right suspension wasn’t getting expelled, but the kids had been punished. They didn’t try to hand wave it away.
Steve had heard that Mr Vinke, the math teacher, Mr Cole, Miss Lucy, and Chief Hopper had all gone to the principal and superintendent for all three of them to be expelled.
The suspension was a given, but the school district wanted to do their own investigation and then expulsions might be handed out after it was complete.
Steve didn’t have much hope.
Marty, Gethin, and Janice all sat with the Corroded Coffin boys at lunch, something they didn’t normally do.
“Fuck,” Janice swore. “Why I am more nervous about tonight than I have all week?”
Steve nodded, poking at his food. “I haven’t been this queasy since I took a plate to the head.”
Everyone winced and murmured sympathetic platitudes and other noises of sympathy.
“I think it’s because it’s your last performance,” Gethin murmured. “Your last chance to completely biff it on stage.” Steve and Janice looked at him in wide-eyed fear. He waved his hands placatingly. “Not that I think you will. Just that your brain thinks you will.”
Steve and Janice looked at each other and then nodded.
“Yeah,” Steve agreed. “That tracks.”
Eddie slid his hand under the table and gripped Steve’s knee. Steve covered his hand with his own and gave it a squeeze of thank you.
Steve scanned the crowd the second night. He spotted Jeff and all his family, Gareth and Gethin and their parents, Brian and all of his younger siblings, and what looked like his dad. Wayne shuffled in his seat nervously, having never been to a musical before. But still no sign of his parents.
His mom promised that at least she would be there, even if his dad refused to come. And he held on to that. He managed to make it through the show and held it together.
He went out to be congratulated by his friends and their families. Wayne brought him flowers.
“You did good, boy,” he said gruffly, after giving him a hug. “I looked it up and flowers are the gift you give someone after a well-done performance.”
Steve looked down at the bouquet of wild flowers and smiled. “Thank you. I love them.”
Jeff clapped him on the shoulder. “They might be a tad wilted by the time we’re done, because we’re taking you out to eat in celebration.”
Steve teared up a bit. “Thanks, guys.”
Gareth smiled. “You deserve it, man. That was awesome!”
Gethin nudged his shoulder. “We’re just waiting for Janice and Eddie to get done.”
Steve nodded. Eddie had to reset the stage for tomorrow and Janice had to get out of a corset and that took some time.
“Yeah, no problem!” he enthused.
Eddie finished first and came out to meet them.
“Hey, Steve!” he said. “Feeling famous yet?”
Steve laughed. “I’m going to get fat if this keeps up. First ice cream last night and then dinner tonight.”
They all laughed. “It’s impossible for you to gain weight, man,” Brian huffed. “I’ve seen you eat a whole pizza and didn’t even get bloated.”
Steve laughed. “Playing three sports does that to you. Hell, I still life guard at the rec center every summer.”
Brian eyed his lean form skeptically. “I suppose so.”
“Swimming’s fun,” Steve said. “And it’s not just for us jock types.”
Janice finally came out. “Sorry to keep you waiting guys. Sharing with Tammy Thompson is hell let me tell you. I don’t know how someone so tiny can take up so much room.”
“At least you don’t have to share the choir room with twenty sweaty dudes that wouldn’t know deodorant if it bit them in the ass,” Steve grumped.
Gethin shook his head. “Shouldn’t you be used to that from sports?”
Steve rolled his eyes. “At least there are showers after basketball. Can’t say the same here.”
Gethin’s lips curled. “Fair.”
Wayne clapped his hands. “All right, I’ve got us a place reserved, so we need to hustle. Eddie and Steve are coming with me.”
Eddie and Steve filed out with the rest of them and followed Wayne out to his truck.
Steve slid into the middle between Eddie and Wayne.
“Thanks for this, Wayne,” he murmured. “And the flowers, too.”
“You’re welcome, Stevie,” he said. “I didn’t see your parents. Did they show up last night?”
Steve shared a glance with Eddie and then shook his head. “There’s still tomorrow.”
Wayne and Eddie shared a glance of concern over Steve’s head.
“I’m sure that’s the case,” Wayne agreed.
An uneasy silence settled on them as they drove to the restaurant. Wayne parked and turned to Steve.
He pulled him in for a great big hug and then opened the door. “It’ll be all right.”
Steve nodded and slid out after Eddie.
The dinner was just as ruckus as the ice cream parlor the night before. With just as many people. Steve looked around and smiled.
Yeah, 1985 was his year and it was just getting started.
Steve looked out to the audience and knew, even in the dimmed lights his parents weren’t there.
“Tell me, Mr Thomson, out of curiosity, do you stand with Mr Dickinson, or do you stand with me?” Vince asked.
Steve could feel the sting of tears in his eyes. He held up the dispatch. “I stand with the General. Lately–I’ve had the oddest feeling that he’s been–writing to me…”
He slowly rose to his feet as he sang,
“I have been in expectation Of receiving a reply On the subject of my last fifteen dispatches. Is anybody there?”
His voice cracked with emotion as he stepped half out of the spotlight.
“Does anybody care? Does anybody care? Y’r humble & ob’d’t–”
The drum rolled and Steve looked up into the eagle’s nest where Eddie was doing the spotlight. A single tear ran down his cheek.
Steve looked down at the paper in his hand and then back up at Eddie. And then he exited the scene on cue.
Eddie swore he saw more tears in that moment then for ‘Mama Look Sharp’ that night.
But that performance of Steve’s brought out something in Vince in that moment. Vince’s John Adams bid Hancock good night, but then it changed. All the emotion and fear of not being seen or heard. The loneliness that Adams must have been feeling in that moment, borrowed from the loneliness of both Washington and Thomson.
“Is anybody there–”
“Does anybody care–?”
Again, nothing.
“Does anybody see–what I see?”
And then Kenny came on and delivered the line with a sharpness that hadn’t been there before.
“Yes, Mr Adams, I do.” As if to banish all the fears and insecurities that John was having in that moment.
And Steve could almost hear it as though it was coming from Eddie. As if it was coming from his friends. The party. Wayne.
Yes, his parents weren’t there. They never were. And probably never were going to be. But that didn’t mean that no one was listening to Steve. That no one cared.
They all cared. Every last one of the dozens of people that showed up the last two nights. They cared. They brought their families. Brought flowers. Thought he was worthy of celebrating. Worth treating.
For the boy with the bat.
The boy that never knew what love really was until he looked up from a god damned garbage can into those warm and friendly brown eyes. A warm hand on his back and a gentle ‘Are you okay?’
In that moment, Steve’s life had become changed. Different. Better. All because a teacher took pity on Steve and chose Eddie Munson of all people to be Steve’s protector.
And he looked up at Eddie in the rafters and though he couldn’t see him, he knew that Eddie was looking back at him. Smiling back at him. Loving him for all his worth.
And if you had asked Steve what his worth was back in December he would have told you nothing. He wasn’t worth anything but being the baby-sitter. But now?
Now Steve was a baby-sitter, chauffeur, groupie, actor, chef, swimmer, friend, brother, and most importantly boyfriend. And maybe if he was really lucky, someone’s son.
Fuck, rereading this to add back in the formatting made me cry. My apologies if it makes you cry too.
Tag List: @shrimply-a-menace @strangersteddierthings @throwbackthrowaway @novelnovella @cursedfoxteeth @babyblender @garden-of-gay @anaibis @lifeisnotsobadonceyoustopcaring @swimmingbirdrunningrock @steve-the-hairrington @winterbuckwild @spectrum-spectre @matchingbatbites   @thing-a-ling @fandemonium-takes-its-toll @artiststarme @sundead  @nelotegreitic @gregre369 @butterflysandpeppermint @thedragonsaunt @kodaik97 @messrs-weasley @scarletzgo @deadlydodos @renaissan-vvitch @evix-syne666 @emly03 @justforthedead89 @ashwinmeird @huniibee @phantypurple @stevesbipanic @shucks-yuckyuck @lovelyscot @awkwardgravity1 @bookbinderbitch @reportinglivefromsoda @jinxjinn @chasinggeese @be-the-spark-bitch @kohlraedirectioner @cr0w-culture @xjessicafaithx @whimsicalwitchm @jaywhohasthegay @estrellami-1 @dangdirtydemons @howincrediblysapphicofyou @the-redthread
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fillingthescrapbook · 9 months
Let's Talk About: Mentopolis and Case Closed
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This is arguably the best Dimension 20 finale of 2023… so far. Sure, Dungeons and Drag Queens gave us one heck of an emotional ending that was elevated by Jujubee's personal stakes in the story. The Ravening War was a fun romp through time that delivered cinematic-quality twists, plot developments, and tension-filled moments in the finale. And Neverafter's finale was more scary serious and needed a lot of processing.
Mentopolis though… With the mix of catharsis and a table of players that really focused their talents on the fun of role-playing… This finale was just so enjoyable. It gave me everything I didn't even know I wanted.
And the whole episode was truly bonkers. The fight, the player decisions… Danielle/Anastasia Tension glugging down some room-temperature vodka after a wild chase, Hank/The Fix setting the mood with some genre-appropriate steam, and Freddie/Dan Fucks making the ultimate in-character choice of distracting the enemy with his diamond-hard balls.
Trapp rolled the most cursed Nat 1 from Dimension 20 history--and still survived! Siobhan found the best coda for the whole adventure.
And Alex… Alex has done something no other Dimension 20 player has ever done for me: they made me cry for four episodes straight. Maybe five. I'll have to go back to what I said in previous talk-abouts. But Alex was very masterful with how they delivered their emotional gut-punches. As well as the physical ones Conrad delivered.
Hank didn't want to get left behind either. His final scene with the reunion? Magnificent. And the "did you know" speech in the fight that wasn't meant to be menacing but still managed to scare the shit out of everyone (including myself who is watching months and months after they finished wrapping)? Inspiring.
I need to see Alex, Hank, and Freddie in future Dimension 20 seasons. I would love for them to be together, but I would love it even more if we see them interact with other Dimension 20 cast members and/or newcomers. I want Hank to come back in a season with Murph and Emily. I want Alex on a season with Aabria as the game master, and maybe with Oscar Montoya as a fellow player. And Freddie… Freddie, I feel, could fit in with any table composition. I want to see his chaos with Zac and Lou's though. Or Zac and Ally's.
And I want Danielle partnering with Siobhan again. Maybe in another Good Society-run season by Aabria. Maybe in a different system run by Jasmine Bhullar. I feel like we only got the tip of the possible shenanigans we could've gotten from the two… Thinking about it now, what if Murph guest DMs a side quest season with Danielle, Siobhan, and Emily?! The possible combinations are endless.
While I fantasize about possible casts for future seasons of Dimension 20, I leave you with a few gems I will treasure from the finale of Mentopolis:
"The greatest pleasure is punching your boss."
"Mr. Fix? Duck!"
And "57. My favorite number."
See y'all next time. In the stars. In the soup. In the dome.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 1 month
The crisp, cool air and bright sun heralded the death of winter, a welcome reprieve from snowy patrols and freezing in metal armor. Abel enjoyed winter, honestly - snow brought a beauty and silence to the world that he rarely experienced, and both he and Tilieth could get lost staring out at the white expanse until they were both dragged indoors by her parents because they were shivering. Nevertheless, spring brought new life to the world, and it was Tilieth’s favorite season, so Abel liked it too.
Most importantly, though, the eve of springtime was when Abel was given a break so he could return home.
Breathing in the scent of flowers, Abel guided his horse from the Dueling Peaks Stable, feeling his heart swell with excitement as he headed towards the fort. He hadn’t been home in nearly six months, and he couldn’t wait to see his family. He glanced to his right to see wild horses grazing in the distance, giving him comfort and making him smile. This area was the most beautiful in Hyrule, in his opinion. He remembered when he was first stationed near Hateno Village, and he thanked Hylia every day for that blessing.
Movement up ahead caught his attention, and the knight squinted as he saw someone riding his way at a full canter. Abel moved his steed towards the right side of the road to make way, senses alert for trouble, when he recognized the white spotted mare and his heart sped up in eager anticipation.
Tilieth’s smile was as bright as the sun, but the way she held herself was strange. She slowed her horse’s pace, one hand hidden under a cloak that she had tightly wrapped around her while the other guided the reins. Her light blonde curly hair was in its usual half up style, frizzy but carefree in the breeze. Abel sped up to cover the distance, and within seconds the two were side beside and in each other’s arms.
“What are you doing out here?” Abel asked as Tilieth giggled in his embrace. He didn’t let her go, he couldn’t, not after being away from her for so long, but something felt strange. Tilieth seemed in high spirits, but he didn’t like how he picked up on a change in atmosphere. Was it simply because it had been six months? What was wrong?
Tilieth looked up at him, face radiant, eyes sparkling with anticipation and tears. She kissed him first and foremost, and he returned it in full, enjoying the texture of her lips, the smell of her skin, the way his body melted under her touch, the way he felt safe and loved. Whatever was different, surely it couldn’t be so bad.
When his wife finally pulled away, she gave him one last kiss on the tip of his nose, giggling. “Oh, honey, it’s so good to see you.”
“I missed you,” Abel admitted with a soft sigh, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead before continuing with his earlier questioning. “But how did you know I’d be here today? What are you doing out here?”
“I spent yesterday planning out your route,” Tilieth answered with a little shrug. “You’re pretty predictable, you know, once I knew where you’d last been stationed based on your letters.”
Abel chuckled. He supposed he was predictable. His wife certainly wasn’t, though - he hadn’t expected her to meet him at the fort rather than waiting in the village.
“I just couldn’t wait to tell you!” Tilieth continued, squeezing him tightly as their horses waited patiently alongside each other.
“Tell me what?” Abel asked good naturedly, nuzzling her with his cheek.
“Oh, honey,” Tilieth gasped, pulling away, too excited to contain herself. “I’m—here, look!”
Abruptly, his wife reached forward to grab his hand, pushing her cloak off one shoulder to reveal her clothes underneath a little more. Abel wondered if perhaps she’d made something new, knowing she enjoyed to sew, when he noticed that her body shape was different.
Her abdomen was…
Tilieth guided his hand towards her belly, letting it rest there. Abel froze up entirely, his mind very quickly coming to the conclusion she was hinting at.
The little movement underneath his touch confirmed it.
“You—you’re—” He couldn’t even finish the statement, brain stopping short of the words, entire being reeling at the realization. Then the anxiety immediately hit. “You shouldn’t be riding, Til, what if—we need to get you home, and—”
Tilieth laughed outright now, kissing him again to silence his worried words. “I just had to see you, Abel! But come on, we can go home together.”
Abel stared at her, worries and happiness and relief and terror mixing together to the point that he didn’t even know what to say. So he just held her again, never wanting to let go, never wanting this moment to end, never wanting to get over the realization that he was a father now.
I’m a father.
What did—how could he be—what was he going to—the baby—there was a baby.
Tilieth was pregnant.
Abel laughed. He laughed until he cried, he held Tilieth as he trembled, and she rubbed his back lovingly, and he didn’t know what to say or do but by the goddess he would do everything he could for his wife and child. He would. He promised.
The couple moved side by side on their horses, the sun bright, spring in the air, new life all around them, and despite the silence that hung between them for the moment, their eyes spoke far more than any word in any language ever could.
And for one, beautiful moment, everything was perfect.
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frozen10fanzine · 2 months
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Frozen Through the Years
Yearly Spotlight: 2023
Written by @toriofthetrees
This year marked...
Frozen’s 10th Anniversary
It was wild.
Starting off with a bang, in February Disney CEO Bob Iger announced that Frozen III was in development, later confirmed by Josh Gad. Idina Menzel and Jen Lee confirmed it in June, with Jen Lee going on to say that she would not be directing this installment of the franchise. However, she confirmed that she knew the person who was, she loved their story, and she trusted them completely.
Her enthusiasm did not go unnoticed.
On top of the 10th Anniversary for Frozen (November 27) this year also marked the 100th Anniversary for Disney Studios as a whole (October 16). To commemorate both, much of the activity peaked towards the last three month of the year.
The hashtag #Frozen10 was created to celebrate the anniversary.
On October 11, the Forces of Nature podcast was released over several installments. It was met with mixed reviews; some enjoyed it, some were more critical of it, and most agreed that while it was fun, it did not have the chops to be a major installment of the Frozen franchise.
On October 16, Disney released a short film called Once Upon a Studio to commemorate their centennial celebration. It aired on ABC and showed the hustle and bustle of Disney Studios as everyone (all of our favorite characters) prepared for the big celebration! Elsa, Anna, Kristoff (and technically Hans) were among the many classic Disney characters that appeared!
Two novels were released this year. The first book was the first installment in the Disney Legends trilogy entitled Fixer Upper, written by Jen Calonita. It tells the story of Kristoff’s childhood and life before he met Anna in Frozen. The second novel, an anthology of short stories, was created specifically to celebrate #Frozen10. It is called All is Found, and it brought together 10 authors to write 10 short stories to celebrate the anniversary. It was edited by Heather Knowles and Mari Mancusi, veterans in non-film Frozen lore.
November is the month things started reallly picking up. The merchandising train at Disney rolled out a lot of Frozen merch, including limited edition dolls of the sisters specifically for the 10th anniversary. On November 16, Bob Iger announced a fourth installment of the franchise, with multiple voice actors and creators tied to the project confirming it later that same day. This coincided with the Grand Opening ceremony of the World of Frozen at Disneyland Hongkong. Jen Lee joined in this celebration, with the gates to the park opening four days later.
She informed the world on November 22 that Frozen III and Frozen IV were one story across two installments.
The anniversary itself was on November 27. Disney released a press release on their official website commemorating all that had happened in Frozen history (kind of like what we are doing with these blog posts). And, of course, the merchandising train spun out once again to give us all new merch specifically for the #Frozen10 celebration.
Towards the end of the month, the Frozen song playlist was added to Spotify and Season 5 of Disney Speedstorm was released with Frozen characters.
The year ended with exciting activity from the fandom! The Youtuber GeekCritique worked closely with the Arendelle Archives to create a video detailing the history of Arendelle. The video was released on December 23 and managed to make headlines! The other major project was a fanzine celebrating #Frozen10. Inspired by All is Found, several fans came together to create Water Has Memory: A Frozen Decade. Within the zine are the fandom's Frozen memories, presented in the form of Elsa & Anna accessing them together through Ahtohallan.
Needless to say, this year was a major leap forward for all things Frozen. It gave so much to look forward to, and it was a sizable way to commemorate the 10th Anniversary of this beloved story.
Stay Tuned for More
👆🏻 Click above if you want to celebrate the 10th Anniversary of Frozen. The due date is April 12, 2024.
4 Days Left
We look forward to seeing your memories ❄️
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countryclubkook · 1 year
The Gold
Pairing: Rafe Cameron x reader
Warnings: season 2 spoilers, angst, mentions of death of course, mentions of alcohol
Summary: Rafe has changed since the hunt for gold started and you’ve had enough. But then tragedy strikes and you feel like things are finally getting better, then something unexpected happens and you have to make a choice
A/N: made some tiny adjustments to this and wanted to repost it, i was listening to phoebe bridgers ‘the gold’ when I wrote this the first time which heavily inspired it
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You knew your relationship with Rafe had come to a standstill when you began to feel like he was a ceiling waiting to collapse on you at any moment. You spent 4 years with each other and it all came crashing down in one month, it's funny how things work out sometimes. All the love you once felt for him was replaced by estranged thoughts and tears over what once was. You knew it wasn't all his fault, his father had a stronghold on him and he was desperate for his love and validation, but it still hurt you in the end.
“I love you and I miss you Rafe.” there was a tense silence before he spoke up.
“Yeah, love you. Look I've gotta go cause dad needs me. I'll see you soon.” it was all lies, his voice held the same distance it’s had for the last month.
“Okay.” this is how your phone calls had been for weeks now, it hurt more now to pretend the two of you were fine than not speaking at all but neither one of you wanted to admit to the other it was over, neither of you ready to admit it.
When news broke of Ward's death, you ran to the Cameron residence to see how Rafe was doing. He looked horrible, he had been crying and reeked of whiskey. He broke down in your arms and he didn't know if it was from losing his father or from feeling your comforting touch after so long. He hadn’t meant to neglect you or the relationship, but he was so worried about his father going back to hating him or thinking he was a disappointment again that it was all he could think about.
“I'm so sorry Rafe,” you told him while trying to hold yourself together. Ward wasn't a very good man, but you knew how much he meant to Rafe and it was still his dad at the end of the day. He still loved and grieved him.
“He's gone Y/N, he's really gone. I'm all alone again, i’ve got nobody.” the last part hurt you but you tried to ignore it, he gripped onto you harder than before as he began to sob.
“I'm right here Rafe, you’ve got me still. It’s going to be okay” you whispered, stroking his head trying to reassure him, but you were only met with silence. The only thing you could do was be there for him hold onto like a lifeline.
That was a few weeks ago and things seemed to be getting back to how they once were between you and Rafe, if not better than before. He’d been talking you out on more dates, trying to get clean, stepping up to take over the business. It felt like you truly had your Rafe back and you couldn’t be happier…that was until he had come to you saying Ward was actually alive and that he and his family had to leave in a few days but you weren't allowed to come with them. It was like a knife had stabbed you in your chest and that's when you knew, no matter what happened or how much you were there for him, how much you gave him your everything, how much you loved him, it would always be his dad that he chose. This wild hunt for gold and dire need for validation had changed him completely and his kisses didn't taste like the mint gum and whiskey you were once so addicted to, they tasted like poison.
“Rafe we need to talk.” you said solemnly, ushering towards the couch for him to sit.
“Sure what's wrong? Are you okay?” concern suddenly lacing his voice when he saw your face laced with sadness and defeat.
There was a tense silence for a moment, you took a deep breath before spitting out the one thing you were both terrified to admit, “I don't think I love you anymore.” there it was, the words you both knew were coming but too scared to say out loud finally out in the open. Maybe that's why it didn't come as a shock to either of you when you said it.
“What? Don't be crazy Y/N, of course you do.” he was just trying to fool himself, it wasn’t a surprise to him, he just didn’t want to lose his safety line. But he knew that wasn't true anymore. He had pushed you to the side and stopped caring about the relationship and you.
“No Rafe, I don't, and you don't love me anymore either so please, can we stop playing this game? It hurts too much to keep pretending and I don't want to do it anymore, I can't do it anymore.” tears streaming down your face as your voice broke. You needed him to let you go so you could being healing.
Rafe hated to see you cry, especially when he was the reason for your tears, but it was the truth. Pretending to still love each other and act like your relationship was fine was taking its toll on you and he knew it. He wanted to be selfish and keep you around as a safety blanket when things got worse after his dad but knew it had to end before he left.
“I still love you, I've always loved you. That was always real.” was the only thing he could say that was really genuine.
“I think that you believe you loved me but I don't think you really did. You don't do the things that you did to people you love. I think you've gone crazy searching for this stupid gold and I can't keep pretending otherwise. This good changed you, you’re not my Rafe anymore, you're a stranger to me. You don't have to hold me anymore Rafe so please, just let me go.” you pleaded, your voice desperate and distant. You hated to be so cold towards him but it was the only way this conversation would end the way it needed to.
“You're right. I'm sorry, I've got to go and prepare everything to leave. I did love you in the beginning though, regardless of whether you believe me or not. I'll see you around Y/N/N.” he said, tears forming in his eyes as he spoke to you for the last time without looking at you before walking out the front door for the final time.
That was the final straw for you, you burst into tears from both relief and heartbreak. The relief of being free from him and not having to pretend that the two of you were in love anymore and the heartbreak of losing what you thought was your forever person to that stupid fucking gold. It was finally over now and the only thing left to do was heal from the damage he caused and try to find happiness again.
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mamaestapa · 1 year
Joeys Got a Plan
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•pairing: Joe Burrow x reader
•series summary: Y/N Y/L/N moved to Cincinnati, Ohio for a new start. Move in day arrives and she discovers something terrible...the apartment complex gave her the wrong lease. Instead of living with who she originally was supposed to, she's now living with the hottest quarterback in the NFL, Joe Burrow. Y/N is stuck living in the same apartment with him for a year...which the two are not thrilled about. However, as time goes on, they realize that maybe this wasn't the worst thing that could happen to them. Will Y/N and Joe stay enemies, or will they find themselves falling in love?
•chapter summary: Joe comes up with a plan to get Jake away from you…but does it work?
•word count: 4.4k
•warnings: language, fluff, angst, jealous Joe, um a very hot Joe after the gym, i think that’s all?
series masterlist
January 13-14, 2023
"Here let me help you," you chuckled, standing from the couch and helping Emma up from her seated position. She cradled her bump as she stood, letting out a sigh of relief as you helped her stand.
"Thank you Y/n," she smiled gratefully, "I can't get off the couch by myself these days."
You and Macee smiled at her as she said that. You were having the girls over to the apartment today for one last get together before Emma gives birth to baby girl Hubbard.
Not much has happened since Christmas. Joe went to Athens for a few days while you stayed in Cincinnati. The regular season has come to an end and the Bengals are in the playoffs. They're playing the Baltimore Ravens in the wild card round, so that should be a good game. Oh and, you’re talking to someone.
Crazy right!? After your fling with Evan, you didn't think you’d talk to anyone for a while. You wanted to get settled in and live in Cincinnati for a while before you looked for a relationship.
But Jake came into your life and changed your mind.
You met Jake the day Joe left Cincinnati for a couple days to celebrate Christmas with his family. You were at work with Macee, the two of you leaving to take your lunch break when you ran into Jake at the sandwich shop across the street. The two of you started talking and one thing led to another, so you exchanged numbers and went out on a date the next day. He's a very nice guy and he's extremely attractive. You’ve only known Jake for a couple weeks and you can already tell if you guys can make it work, you’ll be a great couple. That is, if you become a couple. There's an issue.
The issue being...Jake has asked you to be his girlfriend. You wanted to say yes, but deep down you knew you couldn't. Something inside of you told you to wait just a little longer and see how you feel. While you do like Jake, you also have these feelings about someone else that you just can't seem to shake. But you’ll get into that another day.
You and the girls were in the kitchen getting drinks, mocktails of course since Emma can't drink, when the door to the apartment opened. In walked Joe and Logan, the two of them coming back from morning meetings.
"Hey babe." Macee grinned, walking over to Logan and greeting him at the door with a hug and a peck to the cheek.
"Hi gorgeous," he smiled sweetly, wrapping his arms around her body and giving her butt a quick pat.
"Logan!" Macee laughed, "not here."
Logan just snickered and planted a kiss on on Macee's cheek.
"Fine, I guess I can save it for later."
"Good." She said with a wink. Macee walked back into the kitchen and held up the pitcher to the guys, "you two want a mock tail?"
"Sure." Logan said as he took his shoes off, Joe doing the same thing.
"Joe?" Macee asked.
He shrugged, "Yeah I'll take one."
Logan leaned against the counter, watching as Macee poured him a glass. Joe walked into the kitchen and greeted the three of you. He sees you on a daily basis, but he doesn't see the girls very often. He hugged Macee first, and then attempted to hug Emma. Emma is almost nine months pregnant, so it's pretty hard to hug her nowadays. Joe just gave her a quick side hug, chuckling as he pulled away from her.
"It's tough with baby girl in the way."
Emma smiled, "Yeah well, she'll be here soon."
"I cant wait to meet her," Macee gushed, pushing her bottom lip out.
"Me too," you nodded, "I love babies."
Emma chuckled, as she walked further into the kitchen. You all watched in amusement as her walk was more like a waddle.
She sighed, "It sounds like you two have some bad baby fever right now."
"Maybe a little bit." Macee shrugged, a small smile making its way onto her face as she looked at Logan, who was shaking his head.
The two of them would be the best parents.
Joe chuckled as he watched Emma come to stand next to you by the dishwasher.
"What?" you asked, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
"Emma. She kind of looks like a penguin when she walks."
Logan laughed, a smile on his face as he said, "She does, doesn't she? We have to tell Sam."
You smiled, "Well you're a cute penguin, Em."
"I agree," Macee replied, nodding in agreement. Emma smiled and shook her head at your comments. You can only imagine what it's like to carry around that precious cargo for the last nine months. Getting around isn't easy, especially when it comes to walking.
"You know," Emma said, "you're laughing now, but this is what your future wife will look like some day when she's carrying your baby, Joe. So just remember that." She finished with a chuckle. Joe smiled softly at her words. You swore you saw his eyes glance down to your belly before he quickly brought his gaze back up to Emma. You didn't think much of it, assuming it was just an involuntary gesture.
Because you’re sure there's no way Joe Burrow would ever think that way about you…right?
You decided to shrug it off and change the subject.
"How'd your meeting go?"
"Same old, same old." Joe said with a shrug, "just preparing for the first playoff game of the season."
"I know you guys will do great." Macee said with a smile as she took a sip from her glass. You nodded in agreement, giving Joe a small smile.
The Ravens are a tough team to play, especially when they're healthy. However, Lamar Jackson is expected to be out again this week so hopefully that's an advantage for the Bengals.
For about the next twenty minutes, the five of you drank your mock tails and made conversation, all of you enjoying eachothers company. You and Joe didn't have your friends over to the apartment often, but when you did it was always a good time. Macee and Logan left together, the two of them leaving so they could get ready for their date tonight after Logan got out of practice. Emma left shortly after they did, saying that her and Sam needed to do some last minute work on the nursery since her due date was quickly approaching. So that just left you and Joe. You haven't told him that you’re having Jake over later, so you figure you should probably do that...
Joe's pov:
Y/n cleared her throat, causing me to give all of my attention to her. She smiled softly as she looked into my eyes and said, "I hope you don't mind, but I'm having Jake over later," a slight blush rose to her cheeks as she said, "so maybe you can..."
I nodded, "Yeah, yeah. I'll stay out of your hair."
She raised and eyebrow, "Promise?"
I gave her a tight lipped smile as I nodded, "Promise."
"Thanks Joe." She left the kitchen and went off to her room. I assumed she was going to get herself ready for her night with Jake.
Jake that Y/n has been talking to since Christmas. Jake that Y/n is so infatuated with. Jake that is only with Y/n for one thing and one thing only. Jake that tall, stupid, pretty boy douchebag with not a single thought behind his eyes. Jake the guy that I've never met...but loathe so much.
I want nothing more than for Y/n to be happy. She deserves the best, and I know that Jake isn't the best for her. Evan and Sam told me they met him a couple days ago, and they didn't have many good things to say about the guy. He seems to be putting on a fake persona when He's around Y/n. If that's the case, I would hate to see her get her heart broken by him. She deserves to be happy and loved by someone that sees her as if she was the only girl in the world.
Not someone like Jake
I know have to do something about this. I have to get Jake away from Y/n.
I let out a sigh as I tossed alright ideas of what I could do to get them away from each other. I know I promised her I would stay out of her hair tonight, but I need to make sure Jake stays away from Y/n. As I was thinking of ideas, a smirk rose to my face as I figured out the best way to get him away from her. I hope she can understand and forgive me for what I am about to do...
Joey's got a plan ladies and gentlemen. I just hope it's the right one...
~time skip~
You were fixing you hair in the bathroom when you heard a knock at the front door. Jake was finally here and you couldn't wait to see him. You shut the light to the bathroom off and walked to the front door, opening the door and greeting Jake with a sweet smile.
"Hi beautiful," he grinned, holding his arms out for you to put yourself in to. Your smile widened as you walked into his embrace, your arms wrapping around Jakes tall frame. His muscular arms wrapped around your body, squeezing you gently. He pulled away, a grin still on his face.
"What does my girl have planned for us today?"
Your smile faltered slightly as you felt your heart drop. My girl. You really like Jake, but something almost didn't feel right. You should feel giddy about Jake calling you his girl. But you don't.
You shook yourself out of your thoughts and smiled up at him, "Sorry," you laughed, "I just, I was just thinking about what I have planned."
Jake smiled kindly and rubbed your bicep, his thumb slowly brushing against your soft skin. You glanced down at your arm and watched his fingertips move against your skin.
"So what do you have planned?" You looked back up at Jake, who was looking down at you expectedly. 
Jake smiled and walked further into the apartment, closing the door behind him, "Sounds perfect to me."
He grabbed your hand and brought the two of you over to the couch. He sat down in Joe's usual spot while you sat down right next to him. It felt weird seeing someone else sit in Joe's spot. You grabbed the remote from the coffee table and handed it to Jake.
He raised an eyebrow, "Oh, I get to pick?"
You nodded, "Anything you want."
He smiled and opened Paramount Plus, turning on Top Gun: Maverick.
"Good choice." you said, smiling up at Jake.
He chuckled and leaned back against the cushion, draping an arm around the back of the couch, his hand resting on your shoulder as the two of you began to watch the movie.
"Thanks sweets."
Sweets. That's what Joe calls you. It's sort of weird to hear someone else call you that...it is just a "pet name" though. I guess anybody can use it, not just Joe, you think to yourself.
You got to the part of the movie where Maverick is discussing the mission with the other pilots when you looked up at Jake and hummed. He looked down at you, a smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth, "What?"
"You kind of look like Hangman."
He chuckled, "I do not."
You sat up and turned your body towards him, cocking your head to the side slightly as you looked at his features.
"Hmm," you glanced at the screen and then back at him, "you actually look like you could be his twin." A playful smile appearing on your face as you leaned back against the couch. Jake just chuckled and wrapped his arm around you, pulling you into his side. The two of you brought your attention back to the movie, until the sound of the door unlocking made both of you sit up.
I thought Joe said he'd stay out of my hair for the day?! You thought. Maybe it's Macee? She does have a key to the apartment...
The door opened and in walked Joe. His dark blonde hair was damp with sweat and his white compression shirt clung to his sweaty body. The dampness of the shirt allowing just a faint outline of his abdomen muscles to be seen. And the muscles of his biceps and forearms were extremely prominent from the compression of the short sleeves. You couldn't help but notice the veins in his hands and arms bulging, especially the one running all the way up his arm, from the strenuous exercise he had just finished.
Your lips were parted and you couldn't seem to take your eyes off of him. Joe set his shaker bottle down on the counter and looked at you, a smirk growing on his face as he saw you watching him. He winked at you, which shook you out of your thoughts. A blush rose to your cheeks as you averted your gaze away from him. You looked over at Jake and saw his jaw dropped open as he looked at Joe. He was speechless. Joe walked into the living room and stood in front of you and Jake. Jake turned to you and shook his head, still in shock from seeing Joe Burrow walk into your apartment.
"Why is Joe Burrow in your apartment?" He asked, pointing at Joe.
"Oh he's just," you looked up Joe and bit your lip, trying to think of what to say, "he's my roommates boyfriend."
Joe nodded, "I'm going to shower real quick," he said, as he walked into the bathroom. He leaned against the doorway as he said, "then I'll be out of your hair, Y/n." he shut the door and the sound of the lock clicking was heard.
You felt bad for acting like Joe wasn't your roommate or your friend, but Jake doesn't need to know that you live with him. Not yet at least.
Jake nodded and laid back against the couch, "Well, that's pretty cool."
"Yeah..." you said quietly, a hesitant tone to your voice as you spoke. You sat back against the couch and turned your attention back to the movie.
You couldn't figure out why Joe was back at the apartment. He knew you were having Jake over and he promised he wouldn't be here when Jake was here. Maybe he just forgot your conversation from earlier? Unless, maybe he's trying to get Jake to leave...but in all seriousness, you highly doubt Joe would pull something like that.
About twenty minutes later, the door to the bathroom opened up. Jake turned his head to look, seeing steam come out of the door and something, or more like someone else.
"Oh." He said, eyebrows raised in shock. You looked up at Jake and furrowed your brows in confusion, "What?" you asked, sitting up and turning your body to see what he was looking at. Your eyes widened as you saw what Jake was staring at.
Joe was standing in the hallway with a towel wrapped around his waist, hanging just low enough so you could see the outline of the top of his v line, along with the slight, blonde happy trail that started at his belly button and made its way down his lower belly.
Your eyes widened. Is it getting hot in here? because I'm feeling a little flushed...Oh my go-. Your thoughts were cut off by Joe speaking.
"Babe, do you know where my gray jeans are?"
WHAT!? Babe?! Your eyes widened even more.
Joe looked into the bathroom and came back out holding them up, "Found 'em. Sorry sweets."
You glanced over at Jake to see how he was reacting to this. His jaw clenched as he stood up from the couch. You sucked in a breath as you watched him start to walk. You thought for sure he was going to walk over to the bathroom and deck Joe. However, he didn't walk to the bathroom. He walked to the front door instead. You frowned and got up from the couch, watching Jake grab his brown leather jacket and put it on.
He cut you off, "Y/n," he sighed, "you're a sweet girl, but I don't think this is going to work. You've clearly got some sort of connection with Joe and I won't want to mess that up."
You shook your head, "I don't-."
Jake reached out and squeezed your hand, "Quit denying it, you do. This, us, it's not going to work because of that."
You searched his green eyes for a better answer, but you got nothing. Maybe Jake is right...
He let go of your hand and gave you a small smile before he walked out the door without another word. You just stood by the door with so many thoughts running through your head.
What am I denying?
Why did Joe do that to me?
What am I even feeling at this point?
Is Jake right about Joe and I?
So many thoughts. So many emotions. So many questions—and not a single one you had an answer to.
You turned around and looked at Joe, frowning as you made eye contact with him.
"Why would you do that?" youbasked quietly.
Joe frowned, "Y/n, you have to understand-."
You shook your head in disbelief. You didn't even want to hear what he had to say right now. Too many emotions were taking over at the moment.
"I don't want to understand, Joe."
You started to walk away from the living room. You felt your heart break as Joe desperately tried to explain himself to you as he followed you to your room.
"Y/n, please," he said shakily, "just let me explain myself."
"No." you said sternly, struggling to hold back tears as you closed the door in his face and locked it so he couldn't come in. You let out a shaky sigh as you sat down on your bed. You heard a heavy sigh come from outside your door before you heard his footsteps, signaling that Joe left. You looked at your door and frowned. Maybe you were too harsh with Joe, but you just can't believe he would do something like that. Jake really did make you happy, even if he had his moments where he wasn't the greatest...
You thought Joe would be happy that you found someone. You know you would be happy for him if he found someone. Well, maybe you’d be a little jealous, but that's only because you’ve been living with him for so long. Yeah, that's definitely it. Maybe that's how he felt with Jake? You got up from your bed and let out a sigh. You walked over to your door, sliding down against the door before sitting down on the carpet. You leaned against the wooden door and closed your eyes, letting your thoughts run wild once again.
Little did you know, Joe was doing the exact same thing on the other side of your door.
~the next day~
You got out of bed and rubbed your tired eyes. I you didn't sleep well at all last night. Your mind kept you awake most of the night. You thought you’d be thinking about Jake, but instead the only person on my mind was Joe.
You need to talk to him about yesterday.
You opened your bedroom door, eyes widening as you were suddenly looking right into the center of Joes chest. You were definitely not expecting to see him standing there. He was holding a tray with french toast, fruit, coffee and orange juice in one hand, while his free hand was out in front of him to knock on your bedroom door. He brought his hand down and smiled softly at you, "I was going to bring this to you as a surprise, but I guess that's ruined."
You felt your heart swell as you looked up into Joes beautiful blue eyes. His gaze was soft and his smile was comforting. You gave him a small smile before looking down at the tray in his hands.
"You didn't have to do this."
"Yes I did, Y/n."
You just looked into his eyes once again, your lips forming a straight line. Joe's lips formed a slight frown as he looked down at the tray and back at you.
He cleared his throat before saying, "Can we talk?"
You nodded, "Yeah, I'd like that."
Joe just nodded and you both walked down the hallway to the dining and living room. He set the tray down on the table and pulled the chair out, motioning for you to sit down. You thanked him quietly before sitting down. You pushed the chair in as Joe sat down across from you. You picked up the coffee cup and took a sip. A small smile pulled at your lips as you tasted the hot liquid. It was prepared just how you liked it.
"Is it OK?" Joe asked, looking at you hesitantly.
You nodded, "Perfect."
"Good," he said, softly.
You sat in silence for a moment before youbdecided to speak up and break the silence.
"Why did you do that? With Jake?"
Joe let out a sigh and frowned as he listened to what you had to say.
"I only knew him for a couple weeks, but he made me happy. I thought you would be happy that I found someone like that, and it just," you sighed, "it just seemed like you were trying to get him away from me. Why?"
Joe rubbed his palms against his shorts and took a deep breath. You waited anxiously to hear what he had to say.
"I wish I could tell you," he frowned, "but I don't want to ruin things any more than I already have."
You shook your head, "You haven't ruined anything." you said softly as you reached out to touch his hand that was laying on the table, "Joe, please tell me." you pleaded, just wanting to hear the truth from him.
"I-." he shook his head, stopping himself from continuing. You raised your eyebrows, waiting for him to continue.
"I heard from Evan and Sam that Jake isn't a good guy. They met him and said he acts completely different around you, almost like he puts up a front around you."
You sighed and nodded your head slowly. It was true, although you thought Jake was sweet and you really did like him, you knew he had two different sides to him. You cant say the real reason you stayed with Jake. You know everyone would think you’re crazy for thinking Jake would make someone jealous...
Joe continued, "So I knew I had to do something. I couldn't just talk to him, so I scared him off. Made him think I was in love with you or something."
You smiled softly and let out a faint laugh at his words. Your reaction made Joe chuckle.
"I'm a little hurt," You said. Joe nodded in response as you continued talking, "but I see why you did it. You were just looking out for me, and I really appreciate that."
Joe smiled, "Anything for you Y/n. I want the best for you, really."
You felt your face flush and your heart sink to your stomach—in a good way. In a butterflies in your tummy kind of way. Something you’ve always felt around Joe, but decided to ignore.
You smiled appreciatively, your voice soft, "Thank you Joe."
Joe nodded and stood up from his chair, slowly walking over to your side of the table. You stood from your chair and met him halfway, wrapping your arms around him. He squeezed you gently before pulling away and looking down at you with a soft gaze.
"Are we good?" He asked, genuinely.
You nodded, "Yeah, we're good."
He smiled, "Good. I'm glad."
Joe stepped away from you and went into his bedroom momentarily, coming back out and holding his gym bag and keys.
"I'm going to head to practice. You," he pointed to the table, "enjoy your breakfast. I made it just for you." He winked, a playful smirk pulling at the corner of his mouth.
You chuckled softly, "I will."
He smiled and walked over to the entryway, getting ready to open the door and leave when he stopped himself.
"Oh and Y/n?"
You turned around, "Yeah?"
"Our game is home tomorrow. I've got a couple tickets, and I'd love it if you were there." He smiled softly at you before he turned back around and left, locking the door behind him.
There were those butterflies again. You couldn't help the blush that rose to your cheeks and the smile that appeared on your face as he said those words. You don't know what exactly it is that you’re feeling...but you do know that you’re feeling something you haven't felt in a while. More specifically, Joe makes you feel something you haven't felt in a while. You never really got butterflies with Jake, at least, not the way that you do with Joe.
You don't know what to do about your feelings quite yet, but you do know one thing. You have to go to this Bengals game tomorrow.
Hopefully something good will come out of it. There has to, right?
hey loves!!
i am SO sorry this took me forever to update! i appreciate your patience with me though🫶
my last week of college classes was this week and i take my apush test TOMORROW, so i've been cramming everything  in these last two weeks to make sure i get my grades where i want them. i also have prom on saturday, so i've been busy preparing myself for that as well. i've just been extremely busy is what i'm trying to say, so that's why i haven't been writing as much lol
that also explains why this chapter is kind of bad and very rushed lol. i just needed to get it up for all of you!
we're also getting EXTREMELY close to the moments you have all been waiting for👀
i hope everyone is doing well! thank you for your continued love and support. it means so much to me🤍
that's all i have for now :)
lots of love
tags: @jackharloww @ilovejoeburroww @dandelionwrites8 @ijustcrypretty @sinners-98-world @a-moment-captured @stainednailpolishremover @spookystoner @xoxokiaraaxoxo
if you want to be added to the taglist, let me know! i’ll gladly add you<3
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mariinawrites · 1 year
Wanted for Pleasure - Simon 'Ghost' Riley
Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Fem!Reader
Tags: nsfw, smut, neck kisses, dom Simon Riley, Angst
Recommended songs to listen while reading: Melting by Kali Uchis, Stay by Ari Abdul, Wild Horse by Darci, West Coast by Lana Del Rey
Word Count: 5,100~ (approximately)
A/N: Something about seeing Simon as a detective gets me in a chokehold oh my god. Have funsies! Minors do not interact!
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Being a detective at your local police department was not an easy feat. Every single day consisted of such heavy work and many files to take care of and to file properly, as well as capture many criminals in the district along with your temporary team. You pride yourself on your sharp instincts and relentless pursuit of justice. As a seasoned investigator, you really saw it all – murders, robberies and a long ongoing string of complex cases that always had you putting your skills to the test. 
By your superior, you were just recently assigned to a high-profile task force within the police department. A little intimidated by it, only because the group was full of well respected detectives. You were grateful your superior finally recognized your good and hard accomplished work to even assign you there. It would be a new chapter for you, and you didn’t want to mess up at all. Walking into the room where the task force was located, you scouted your eyes around the room clutching your brown box full of desk belongings and unfinished criminal files jumbled in there. You counted 7 desks with each detective working, not lifting their eyes from their screen to even acknowledge your arrival, as one desk was fully empty ready for you to use, all the way in the back, secluded, just the way you liked it. 
You place your box on your new desk as you quietly started placing things in their respective places, as your superior walks in full of energy. It was too early, being 8:00 am, to be that energetic. He took a grand sip from his coffee cup in his hand as he placed it on a pile of papers as he clapped to get everyones’ attention. 
“Okay everyone, listen up!” He exclaimed.
“We have a new addition to the team, and she is another fellow detective transferred from the other force. Now, treat her as a part of you all now, include her in missions and no sabotaging funny business you hear!” He said aggressively, causing you to smile gently as you stood up to introduce yourself.
“I hope we can all work together well, nice to meet you all!” You said nicely towards all your new accomplices as you gave a warm smile to each fellow detective, as some returned the same, until you reached the last detective. Your smile fades slowly as you realize who is there. Your breath hitches slightly as you sit back down slowly. 
Your ex-boyfriend Simon Riley.
What the hell is he doing there? You thought.
You were known for your unwavering dedication to your job, but nothing had tested your resolve like the day your heart shattered. Once, you and Detective Simon Riley had shared a love that burned brighter than the sun itself. But now, all that remained were the charred remains of broken memories and shattered trust. It broke you, broke you so much you had to take a couple months off, claiming you were on “sick leave.” 
Things ended between you two so abruptly, considering he was the one who ended it after you found out he cheated on you supposedly with another member from another task force, in that same damn police department you were in presently. You were dumb to even start a relationship with him, but oh did you love this man more than anything else in the entire world. He was a man of very few words and was rather cold and mysterious, your mind was all in a frenzy not knowing what to do next as you clutch your pen in your hand, trying to get started to file documents, but you can’t. 
You were too focused on realizing that you were now forced to work with your ex boyfriend, and the fact that you still couldn’t get over him, despite it being 3 years ago. You weren’t going to lie to yourself, no matter how hard you tried over the years, you could never get over him. You were forced to succumb and bury the heartbreak you felt as well as the feelings you still miraculously still had for him. This was all too fast for you to process, you didn’t know what to do next, hell, you couldn’t even look up because you were afraid he was staring at you, which would’ve been absolutely awkward. 
Your hands started to grow cold as you felt your stomach twisting, giving you the feeling that you had to throw up. You shot up quickly as you grabbed your jacket from your chair as you burst through the door to the bathroom, having 3 team detectives look up confused at your sudden action. Simon did not even bother caring, as he lit a cigarette from his leather jacket pocket, shooting a few puffs upwards as he analyzed a murder case file simultaneously. 
Clutching the bathroom sink, you splashed water on your face to wake you up. You couldn’t possibly be feeling like this. This would hinder your profession and possibly, your superior could notice the change in your work ethic and send you out, which would be really embarrassing. It couldn’t be that bad, just work with the team as if there was nothing between you and Simon. Easy right?
You dried your face as you paced from side to side in the small bathroom, thinking of a good way for an entrance back to your desk without feeling queasy again. You decided to hype yourself up and not be cooped up in the bathroom as you left, making way to the office again. Pushing the door open slightly, not to disturb anyone else working, you quickly went back to your seat and sat down without gathering any attention to yourself, as you began filing a report for one of the cases you were assigned to. 
As you were too engulfed in working on the case file while simultaneously concealing the feelings you were battling in your mind, as well as processing the fact that you are now forced to work with your ex boyfriend Simon Riley, this thought reminding you every waking second of the day, You hear a heap stack of files be placed on your desk with a huge thud, startling you. Darting your eyes up to see who it is, it is none other than Simon himself, staring at you with an icy cold stare that broke into you, making you feel absolutely small under his gaze. He slapped the giant pile of files he placed while playing with a cigarette hanging loosely from the side of his mouth, a scar apparent on the side of his lip. 
“File these in the cabinets, alphabetically, get to it.” He said with no emotion whatsoever, making you wanna disintegrate right then and there, as he leaves the office with his leather jacket over his shoulder. You scoff and stare at the massive amount of files he left there, resembling an entire jenga tower, it’s like you were some maid of his. 
Who the fuck does he think he is. You thought angrily. 
You huff in defeat as you continue to file all these documents in their respective places, you eventually lose track of time.
[Same night - 12:30 am]
You yawn lazily as you start staring at the clock, reading 12:30 am, you rubbed your eyes and slumped into your chair stretching yourself, as you gaze around the room lightly, seeing only you in the entire office, feeling envious of the other members having finished their work early. This was Simon’s fault, giving you more work than you already had, considering he was the first to leave, he could’ve done the alphabetical filing himself, but no, he had to dump it on the newbie of the team. 
You were happy with yourself despite the situation, considering the fact you were always an organized person, so everything was in order and in place, just how you liked it. Getting up and packing your bag with your things, you yank your jacket off the seat and leave the office, closing the lights and locking the door behind you. 
This is fucking overtime. You thought, as you were not liking the fact you stayed so late because of a certain someone, even though it is your job as a detective, it irked you because this meant you missed the premier of your favorite show on your TV at home. Walking out of the empty police department to your car, the parking area was all empty, giving you an eerie feeling that you weren’t so alone, like you imagined, and that someone was still around, despite it being so quiet. You thought nothing of it as you were too tired to go and scout the area, so you just decided to ignite your car and zoom off home.
As you left, you couldn’t help but still think that someone was staring at you when you were at the parking lot, even though it was empty. It creeped you out a little but you thought none of it as you gripped the steering wheel focusing on the road. Little did you know, someone was there staring at you when you left, and it was the man himself, Simon. Watching your every move as you left, while he stayed hidden behind a tall tree near the parking lot, once again, smoking another cigarette while leaning against his motorcycle. 
He couldn’t lie to himself, he was just a little shocked you were transferred to his team, but nonetheless, it ended between you two because of his stupid decisions. He messed up, but at the same time, he can’t bare to see you with anyone else. He wanted you all to himself. Despite ruining what you both had, and having you absolutely heartbroken, he claimed in his mind that he did what he did to you to protect you, by pushing you away from him. This backfired, considering that now, he can’t get you out of his mind. And now that you both are forced to work with each other, it will make it all the more harder for him. Which is why now, he was closely watching you, from a distance, like a hawk, ready to attack if anything comes your way to harm you. Like your guardian angel. You were his first love, and he was not going to get that taken away from him, regardless of the past. 
[Couple weeks later - Monday - 8:10 am]
Pouring yourself a 2nd cup of coffee as you went to sit down at your desk, yawning tiredly, turning on your computer and putting on your badge and name tag lanyard on, it was time to begin work with the first case of the day. Pulling out the file, it was labeled as an armed robbery case. And this file was directed under you. 
Setting up the documents, to make the explanation of the case easier on the cork board. You kindly began explaining to the other detectives, all while trying not to make eye contact with Simon, who was on your side listening intently to what you were saying. Which stressed you out a little, even though it has been a couple weeks since you were transferred.
“So, essentially, he was armed, and broke in about 15 minutes later, after the family had left for their camping trip.” You said strategically as you pointed to the board. You were breezing through this briefing to the others, and then assigned a part of the case to each detective to make the work easier, and to send the final report to your superior quicker and more efficiently. 
Simon did not like the idea of being told what to do, and you learnt that the hard way. He told you bluntly that he was going to work on this alone and that he didn’t want to negotiate, which irritated you immensely. He left the room without even giving you a chance to speak, angering you. You followed him all the way outside near the back door, where he lit a cigarette, blowing puffs as he stared up at the sky, irritating you even more. Bursting through the door, you pushed his shoulder. 
“What the fuck is your problem Simon?!” You exclaimed angrily. “All I am trying to is my job, and you are making this so fucking difficult with your bullshit-” You continued, as you pissed him off, which he then pinned you against the brick wall, holding your neck tightly, staring at you with the same icy look he gave you when you first joined. 
“Watch that fucking mouth.” He said sternly. “If I say I work alone, you abide by that, you understand?!” he said, raising his voice louder, you were not going to let him just step over you once more, since the breakup.
You pushed him off you with all your force as you backed away from him.
“This case is under my name and my jurisdiction so you’re gonna have to follow my rules, and not disobey them, even though you are such a hard-headed piece of shit, and you’ve always been that way!” You said sternly but had tears well up in your eyes. He just stared at you, with his hands in his pockets, not saying another word, feeling somewhat hurt by what you said. 
You left him there and went straight back inside as this deteriorated your mood immensely, making way to your desk, you quickly wiped your tears and continued to work on your tasks. You couldn’t let this bother you, he was not negotiating and that pissed you off, you didn’t think you would lash out on him like that. But it felt nice, to finally say something against him since the breakup.  
After finishing the report with your members you made your way to your superiors’ office to hand him the completed documents, to which he was delighted to receive. He sent you off work early, meaning you could go home. Packing up your things and leaving for the door, you see Simon walk in holding someone, by pinning their arms behind their back, telling them to quiet down, and it seemed like he captured a suspect for a certain case. 
Not that it was much business to you, so you briskly passed by him, however, you couldn’t help but notice how attractive his arm muscles looked, as they bulged through his tight shirt. Catching yourself shamelessly ogling at him, to which he noticed, you left for your car. As you sat in your car, you ringed up your best friend to come over that night. 
[Same Night - 9:30 pm]
“Uh okay…so like now you two are working together, what’s the big deal?” Your best friend asked as she shoved her face with a bunch of gummy worms making you sigh and slump into the couch.
“I know but dude, its been 3 years since the whole breakup.” You said as your best friend looked at you about to say something. 
“Wait a fucking minute…usually you are the type to forget things and you know, be in your new bitch arc everytime, but oh my god wait…do you still love him??!!” She said shockingly, having you widen your eyes, and have your brain in another frenzy.
“I can’t possibly..” You sigh as your eyes start tearing. Your best friend sighed as she came next to you and rubbed your back reassuringly.
“It’s okay, let it out.” she said softly as you started crying uncontrollably, it seemed like you have been holding all these tears since the day you found out he cheated on you, but at the same time, he was the only man at the time who made you feel loved, made you feel like such a princess. You had him wrapped around your finger, and he did everything you wanted him to. Despite his cold and rough personality, he was a giant care bear to you, and always was by your side whenever you needed, he loved you, and you loved him even more. And now, you were starting to miss him, the part where he cheated on you didn’t even bother you, you wanted him back. You needed him, you've had enough of this.
You got up and grabbed your jacket and keys and decided to drive to the police department, cause you had a feeling he was still there. Leaving to the door, it was heavily raining, your best friend knew what was going through your mind, and supported you. 
“Here, take the umbrella, be safe and don’t do anything you’ll regret, okay?” she said as you nodded with a gentle smile. 
“I’ll be fine, I just need to go see him.” You said, while giving her a tight hug as she nodded as you left through the door. 
Driving down the road to the police department, the sound of the rain heavily hitting the windows, and the sound of the windshield wipers calming you. You finally reached the police department as you parked your car and rushed inside scanning your employee card first, respecting the others who were working and on the job. Not making much noise as you entered the empty office, you can’t seem to find Simon anywhere, mentally cursing yourself if you have come too late.
You walk to his desk slowly and touch his coffee mug, which still felt hot, meaning he could still be there. Your eyes scan his desk until you find the corner of a photograph under a small pile of papers that caught your attention. Lifting the stack slowly to see the photograph, your heart sinks but flutters at the same time, which you couldn’t really comprehend how. Clutching the photograph, it was a picture of you and Simon together on your 1 year anniversary, at a park. You couldn’t believe he still had this picture, you had thought that after the breakup he would just get rid of everything, but you were wrong. 
He decided to keep it, and it wasn’t torn or ripped, it was in good condition after these couple of years. This brought tears to your eyes, and you were too focused on analyzing the photograph and reminiscing about how much fun it was back then, that you didn’t hear Simon walk in and catch you looking through his things.
“What are you doing?” He said sternly yet softly, walking towards you and taking the photograph from you, as he gently put it in the breast pocket of his jacket. You looked up at him and smiled gently and inched closer to him, closing the gap just a little bit more, causing him to be confused at first but later softened his gaze and looked at you with a saddened look. 
You didn’t care about what happened between you two, you were a firm believer in second chances and wanted to give him a second chance, if he wanted to. You wiped some of your tears and took his hand gently in yours. You knew Simon like the back of your hand so the saying ‘Once a cheater, always a cheater’ left your mind, he didn’t fit in that category, he was better than that. 
“Simon…” You said softly as he pulled you in a tight hug, catching you off guard. He felt warm, and his signature natural scent made its way to your nose, filling you to the brim with nostalgia and reminiscence of your past memories with him. Clutching him tighter, leaning your head on his chest as he looked down at you slightly, he didn't say a word but held you in his embrace tighter.
Your heart was beating fast as you pulled away from his grasp and looked at him while holding both of his hands in yours, gently rubbing with your thumb reassuringly. You wanted him to know how you really felt, so you were going to seize this moment, or else you’ll regret it later. As you were about to speak, he beat you to it, by clearing his throat.
“Listen, I’m sorry, I’m sorry for everything I did, I shouldn’t have never done what I did. I was clouded by judgment and was clouded by jealousy. I hated seeing you being transferred to some other task force where all the asshole men there wanted a fucking piece of you. I thought you deserved better, and to numb my shitty overthinking and jealousy, I picked a random woman from the other force and got with her, to forget you, to keep you away from me, only because I thought you needed better.” He said as his eyes started to well up with tears, which was something you never thought in a million years you would see. His rough and tough exterior was shedding right in front of you.
Your cheeks became wet with the tears flowing out of your eyes as you listened to what he said intently, and couldn’t help but push yourself into his embrace and hug him once again. Hating him for his dumb decisions and causing heartbreak for the both of you. But you had him now, you had him in the palm of your hand, and you needed him back. Reaching to dry his tears gently, you cupped his cheek and lightly grazed your thumb over the scar on his lip, causing him to release a sweet hum as he closed his eyes and leaned more into your touch, feeling more at ease.
“I forgive you, Simon…come back to me.” You said softly as he looked at you and nodded slowly as he took your hand and kissed your palm. Your heart skipped a beat and your entire mind was full of him, and you were happy that this cleared between you and now are connected once again.
Was this a bad idea? Was this too quick? Absolutely not. Not in a million years.
[Same night - 10:45pm]
Simon offered to take you back to his place, he wanted to spend the night with you. He missed you and now that he finally had you back, he was not going to mess up and have you taken away from him, not now, not ever. Not again. 
Locking the door behind him as you start to wander around in his flat, it was clean and well organized, since he was a clean freak, just like you. There were many things that were so similar between you two, it was as if you were just two peas in a pod. You make your way to his bedroom door and as you enter you find small polaroids on a little cork board hung on the wall to your left. 
Little pictures of the both of you once more were there, documenting the many trips you two went on and it brought such happiness to you, and tugged your heartstrings the right way. Simon came up behind you, after changing into more comfy clothing, and snaked his strong arms around your waist to rest on your stomach, while resting his head on yours, swaying from side to side gently. 
“Remember that one, it was our first date.” He said pointing to one of the polaroids, making you smile and nod gently. 
“Yeah, I’m happy but also surprised you still have all of these, Simon.” You said as you count how many of the little polaroids are there, hanging pretty on the cork board. You even notice that they are in chronological order, making your heart flutter at the sight. 
“I never got over you, I can’t fucking do it, I’m obsessed with you, and that’s never gonna change.” He said sternly yet lovingly, causing your cheeks to heat up as you turn around to face him. 
“Don’t worry, it won't change.” You whispered gently,  as you inched your face closer to his as your lips met together. The feeling of his sweet, soft lips on yours after these couple of years,  and having his rough scar graze on your lips the right way had your stomach in knots and mind in a blaze. 
He released a small groan as he pulled you closer to him, feeling you even more, you were a part of him and he was a part of you, as he snaked his arms around you to hoist you closer to him. 
Pure love. 
That was the only thing going through your mind as he was kissing you with such need and such want. You bring your hands up to tangle in his soft locks of his hair as he groans at the action. You were kissing him with such passion, you didn't want it to stop, you couldn't help yourself at this point. His sweet, intoxicating lips were just begging to be sucked on until they became swollen. Every single fiber in your body dissolved at his rough but gentle and dominating command. An entire new sense of craving was taking over your mind. 
You missed this, you missed feeling this exact feeling with him for the very first time, and now you are feeling it again, and you couldn’t be happier. His tongue darting into your mouth, playing a game of tug o’ war, exploring each crevice of your mouth with such extreme need. You needed him badly and released small moans into his mouth to tell him you wanted more. He suddenly pulls away and immediately latches his soft wet lips onto your neck, your back arches, almost like a perfect parabola, right into him, as he leaves open mouthed kisses, leaving marks apparent on your skin. Gently nipping at your skin, he asks you. 
“Do you want more, sweetheart?” He says lacing his words with a playful tone. You couldn’t even form a sentence with how he’s got you feeling right now.
“Come on, use your words.” He said, licking each and every love bite and hickey he left on your neck for everyone to see on display. 
All you could muster was a small and breathy ‘yes’ and that was all it took for him to place you gently onto the bed and hover over you, taking off each article of clothing from the both of you. Now, you two are completely bare in front of each other, as he attacks your lips once more, as he glides his large and calloused hand up and down your naturally beautiful hips and thighs. 
And it was on.
All you could see was the carnivorous look in his eyes as he eyes you up and down, hypnotized by the way you look at him. He needed to taste you, absolutely devour you and you couldn't wait for it. He leans down for a quick short kiss to your lips and starts teasing your clit with the tip of his hardened cock, having you twitch in need under him. He laid small butterfly kisses all the way down your tummy to your pelvis area.
“You’re just so fucking pretty.” He cooed as his hot breath hit your most sensitive area. And not a moment later, his long flat tongue made its way to your throbbing clit as he tasted you. So sweet, so magnifying, his arms wrapped around your legs to keep you from moving so much, as he buries his entire mouth and nose into your delicious folds, feeling your wetness which only made him more excited. 
As you followed his lead and pushed your pelvis up to feel every inch of his mouth, your hands grip his hair with such need and full desire. He inserted two fingers into your slick cunt as your moans filled the dimly lit room quickly and delightedly. He felt your walls close tightly around his fingers as he knew you were close to release.
“Shoot it, beautiful.” You heard him say muffled under your touch.
With that, you released a succulent burst, that had his entire face soaked as he licked up every single last drop not wasting anything. You lay there watching Simon taste you even more indefinitely on his fingers as he leans in to kiss you, and lay more butterfly kisses on your perked breasts, releasing sweet moans into his ear.
His soft voice giving you sweet compliments almost lulling you to sleep. As he lifts you to turn around and have your ass up for him, just sitting pretty. Instantly crouching lower and arching your back, ass high enough for him to grope. He wastes no second as he plows into you, letting out moans and groans from his soft mouth, as he fills you up. With his strong and flat stomach now completely pressed into you, his rough hands make their way to your hair as he tugs from the roots pulling your head back to him, meeting his lips for another greedy kiss. 
The absolute ripping and exhilarating feeling of your core mesh with his, feeling the pleasure of the outstanding string of orgasms you have every single time. He was the only one who could make you feel this way and was the only man you would be on your knees for. You felt like putty in his hands and was on cloud 9, with how strong and uniform his thrusts were. Reaching each other’s climax, he gives your ass a couple rough slaps to leave an apparent mark to ogle at later. And then shoots his large load into you, shivering at the feeling as he pulls out and sees his cum drag down your leg, and wastes no other second to take his thumb and push it back inside you, causing you to fall to your forearms and let out a sequence of whimpers.
Falling down next to you with whatever energy he had left, he pulled you to his chest under the covers as you both stayed in silence. This was a comforting feeling for you both, your eyes half open as your head rests on his chest, hearing his heartbeat beautifully, and hearing his soft breaths escape his lips as you both come down from your high. He smiles gently as he sees you trace his tattoos on his arm.
“I love you.” Were the only three words escaping your lips as you doze off to sleep in his warm and protective embrace. He leaned to kiss your forehead gently and eventually turned off the only lamp in the room by his side, and followed you soon after, as he crashed to sleep, not letting go of you at any given moment.
Simon would do anything for you, all you had to do was say the word.
You were his.
And he was yours.
And he vowed to himself, that would never change.
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mymanreedus · 11 days
I heard they were shooting the last episode, and I thought, "I feel like I should be there. It'd be so great to see all the old crew and the old cast and new cast that are all there." And basically, I felt like I should just be there for it. So I texted executive producer Denise Huth and was just like, "Hey, can you let me know the final day of filming? I'd love to be there for it. I'll be in Georgia, and it'd be great to come by." And so she sent me the dates, and I made the trek down to Senoia, Georgia.
And apparently Denise hadn't told anybody that I was coming, and I didn't realize that. [Laughs] So I showed up, and Denise told the rest of the cast, "So I told you guys I had a surprise for you on the last day. Here it is!" And I'm just like, "Hey, guys!" And it was so just wholesome.
What did it feel like to be back?
It was probably about half of the same crew was there from when I left, so it was great seeing all those guys again, and all the cast and producers and everyone. It was really incredible. I had showed up early when they started filming because I didn't have anything else to do that day. So I figured, "Well, I'll just head on down, and I'll be there for the whole day." And so, I was just hanging out in Video Village.
So how did you end up on screen?
It was for one of their wide shots, and they were like, "Let's get you in there. Here!" I was just in this shirt and jeans that I came down there in. They grabbed a hat from wardrobe. It was like Father Gabriel's hat! And they gave me a hoe and said, "Be a part of the background for one of the last shots." And they just tossed me back there, and I just did some hoeing in the ground in the background. [Laughs] It was a lot of fun. It was just a quick thing before the rest of the filming for the day, so it was pretty cool.
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I love that you were not only able to be there for the finale, but for the last day of filming, and for a day where Norman, Melissa, and Lauren — who all were on the show with you for so long — were all there.
Yeah, to see all of them get wrapped on the show and just to hear those words of, "That's a wrap," on the series for everyone, that was just so wild to be there for it.
Was this your first time back on set since Carl's death back in season 8?
Yeah, it was my first time. My last day was in August of 2017, but I came back probably about two months later for some pickups. But that was my first time back since I was working there. It was really awesome getting to be there for their last scenes on the show and hear their big speech at the end about how much the show has meant to them.
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And it was so cool to see how welcomed the new cast was, to be honest. All the new folks that had come in and been a part of the show for the last couple years, it was like they had been on the show for 10 years. It was really cool to see just all of them be just as welcoming as I was on that set by Norman and Lauren and their whole crew and everyone. I think that was the thing that stood out to me the most.
When they cut on the last shot, they blasted confetti, and everyone was cheering, and it was a really, really cool moment, and I'm really happy I got to be there for that.
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Chandler Riggs, Entertainment Weekly
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