#because me and my brother have always sat on the same sides when we're in the back of a car together
hephaestuscrew · 1 year
Assorted Thoughts about the Greater Boston Season 4 finale
I'd assumed that Leon would 'move on' at the end of Season 5, the end of the podcast as a whole. But now we're going to have a whole season of the podcast without him. It's strange to imagine. There's never been a Greater Boston podcast without Leon Stamatis. There's never been a city of Red Line without Leon Stamatis. We began Season 1 confronting the gap that Leon left behind. We learned that he wasn't quite as gone as we might have thought, but there was still the loss, the grief, the consequences of his death. In an interesting narrative symmetry, at the beginning of Season 5 we'll have to confront him being more fully, completely gone. But I think we'll continue to see the ways in which his life and afterlife have rippled outwards.
Immediately after Nica said Leon had brought people together "like a family", Louisa exclaimed that she needed to call Michael. I can't help wondering if it was Nica's comment that triggered that thought for Louisa. I'm emotional about Michael being family for Leon, Michael being family for Louisa, Michael being someone who was brought into Louisa's life by Leon…
There were two moments of Nica and Dimitri sitting with Gemma in the middle of them holding the crystal ball. First, in the back of Lucia's car, when Nica reached out to touch the ball and Dimitri took her hand instead. Second, on the Ferris wheel as they prepared to say goodbye to Leon. Leon was in the middle between his two siblings - he is what divides them and he is what unites them. They held hands over him, finding awkward togetherness in the presence of their loss, stopping each from succumbing to that loss. Leon was in the middle between his two siblings, but he also wasn't; it was Gemma occupying that space for him.
On a related note, I can't help but wonder whether the Stamatis siblings had habitual positions when they'd sit in the back of a car together as children. I think that's a fairly common sibling thing, and it seems likely that it would appeal to the order-loving Leon. I can't decide if it makes me more emotional to imagine that they usually sat with Leon in the middle like that, or to imagine how they sat on that ferris wheel wasn't their typical childhood order.
The lack of narration and the high number of monologues from a range of characters this episode meant that sometimes I wasn't initially sure whether a scene was an interview snippet from a real person or a monologue from a character. I think there's something significant in that blurring of reality and fiction, in real stories of loss mixed with the fictional. Those interviewees are a part of this story, or this story is a part of our world too.
I loved Michael's mantra being spoken by the group, with each person taking one word. For Michael, that sequence of numbers was a way of asserting his own agency in spite of circumstances and his ideas about his nature. It was a way of saying 'my choices matter, even if I can't change the outcome'. And this moment showed how that idea can be upheld within through community and togetherness.
Michael spoke the word "Eight". And perhaps he wanted other people to take over, trusting that the people around him would complete his mantra, believing that they'd understand what he needed in that moment. Or perhaps he was intending to speak the mantra by himself until Louisa interrupted to support him. Either way there's a uniquely powerful kind of choice made against an indifferent world - the choice for people to stand against that world together. It's a contrast with Michael's often self-isolating tendencies for that mantra to become a shared thing.
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reiderwriter · 10 months
😝 brain rot from my character ai scenario… the team goes out to a bar to celebrate and you wear a tiny little dress (just to rile him up obvi) but you also end up attracting a lot of male attentionand he gets SO jealous and protective of you he’s like sitting off to the side just watching you flirt with everyone and the team is like “he looks like hes gonna explode wtf” and then the SMUT HES ALL “they can’t have you, you’re all mine” “you really like all the attention huh? i’ll give you what you wanted” OMG it’s making me crazy i hope i described it good enough 🥰🥰
A/N: Is it really a reiderwriter smut if I don't have to clarify that 'I got carried away' at some point in the authors note? No, it is not. Thank you for the request. My brain is now equally rotted, oops.
Warnings: complaints, dirty talk, semi public sexual activity, partial voyeurism, fingering, hard/rough sex.
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You weren't even dating.
Which made the situation even more frustrating for Spencer, and even more exciting for you. 
You'd always flirted with the man a lot, had been told multiple times to knock it off even after getting a little too close for comfort on a case. 
But you couldn't really blame yourself on that one. You'd had to do a quick takedown at a dive bar, and you'd been tasked with pretending to be a touchy couple at the bar to block the back entrance at the staff entrance. 
You'd draped yourself all over him, allowing yourself to get closer than you'd ever been before. 
If you'd just happened to let your hands fall down to his crotch, it was pure coincidence. So was giving his obviously erect length a few strokes through his jeans as he sat staring at you like you were his last meal and he was back in prison. 
Emily had to pull you aside after that one personally. 
You knew she was protective of Spencer, seeing him as a little brother, but it seemed like she was more protective of you at that moment. 
“Are you sure you know what you're doing?” She'd asked, waiting carefully for your answer before she said anything more. 
Two could play at that game. “What is this concerning?” 
“With Spencer.” 
“I'm not sure what you mean, Emily.”
“Yes, you do. Listen, I don't care what you get up to in your personal life, but Spencer has a way of making others feel very… seen. He can get protective and pushy. And I just want to know you're ready for that, and you're not going to let it affect your work.”
“Is Spencer having the same talk?” 
She laughed at that. 
“Spencer? No. I already know it's going to affect his work, because it has since you joined our team. He still gets his job done, but I know where his priorities would lie if there were an emergency.” 
You'd shivered at that and excused yourself. 
If he was that obsessed with you, why had he not told you? Stepped over that line from friends to more than that?
You needed to force the issue, and you had the perfect opportunity when Penelope invited you out for drinks. 
“Y/N! Don't go, it's Friday night, we-” she said gesturing wildly to the team gathered around you, “are going to a bar. No, you can't rain check either.” 
“Can I at least get changed first?” 
“You need to get changed. We're going to a nice bar, Y/N.” Running off again to grab the rest of your team members and force their attendance, you grinned after Penelope. 
It was time to see exactly how focused on you Spencer Reid was.
And how willing he was to let you slip through his fingers.
An hour later, you were stepping out of your taxi, pulling your skirt down as you did. The short black dress had a terrible habit of pulling up your thighs to flash your underwear at anyone in a 10 foot radius. Usually, that bothered you, but tonight, you planned on using it to your advantage. 
After all, you'd left out the underwear tonight for a reason. 
Pulling your jacket around you tighter, you pushed the door to the bar open and scanned the room for your team members. 
“Y/N, over here!” Tara called you over, nursing a beer. Luke sat next to her, Penelope on his other side, and Matt on hers and completing the group was Spencer Reid. 
“Where are JJ and Emily?” You asked, doing your very best to ignore Spencer as you sat down next to him, practically falling into his warmth. You sat so close to him. 
“At the bar. Emily is convinced she can flirt her way to a free drink, and JJ is convinced she cannot. The girl she's working on now has to be 22 at most, so it could honestly go either way.” Penelope answered, and you felt Spencer shift slightly beside you. 
“Speak of the devil,” Luke said as the two women approached. 
“Well? What's the result?” You grinned up at them, letting your head fall back against Spencer’s shoulder as you gently rested your hand on his thigh. He sat silently for a minute, not moving and just taking in the conversation. 
“I've still got it.” Emily grinned triumphantly. 
“Maybe I should give it a try. There are a few hot male bartenders tonight. Who knows, I might score more than just a drink.” 
Spencer choked on the drink he was sipping as you spoke quickly, a few knowing looks passing between every other person at the table. You'd have to be blind to miss it. Or Spencer. 
“Spencer, are you okay? You should be careful, I wouldn't want you to choke. That's how I want to end my night, but it's not for everyone.” That one earned you a few snickers from the others and a glare from the man himself. 
“I'm fine, thank you, Y/N.” He smiled down at you and gave your knee a friendly tap that turned slightly less friendly as he pushed it further up your leg. 
The others had since averted their attentions, moving their conversation onto other things, but you and Spencer were still stuck in each other's orbits. 
Your heart beat faster until you were sure it could be seen, raw and fit to burst out of your chest. His fingertips brushed your hem. He was seconds away from realising that you were going to get the attention you wanted that night. 
Slipping just an inch up the hem, he twitched almost imperceptibly as he searched for your panty line, brows knitting when he couldn't find it. 
“What's wrong, Spencer? Searching for something that isn't there?” You enjoyed watching his frown deepen as he registered your words, but you enjoyed it even more when you gently pushed his hand away as you stood. 
“Well, I need a drink. Let's hope I can recreate your success, Emily.” You said, finally pushing off your jacket. The dress may have been short, but it was also low cut, burning the candle at both ends as your breasts threatened to spill over with any particularly deep breath. 
“Sweet lord in heaven! You didn't come to play tonight.” Penelope exclaimed, practically applauding your body as you twirled for her and showed off the form fitting dress, giggling all the way. 
“You said it was a nice bar, Penelope. I'm hoping there are also some very nice men here, too.” With a wink, you turned on your heel and strode to the bar, making sure your hips swung seductively with every step. 
You couldn't immediately give in and turn to see if he was watching you when you got to the bar, though, not willing to give him the satisfaction. You were doing it all for him, but you still didn't want him to know that.
It didn't take long for men to swarm you. They came one at a time, and you entertained them each as you waited for your unnecessarily complex cocktail order to be prepared. 
In the 7 minutes you'd been away from the table, you'd been approached by three separate men. They all tried lines on you, gave you their numbers and tried their best to woo you, but with Spencer’s eyes burning across your body as you leaned against the bar, you really couldn't have cared less. 
Still, you leaned in, giggled in the appropriate places, and took the numbers, knowing they'd never be called.
When your cocktail was finally ready, and the last one offered to fund it for you  You finally felt a hand at your back. 
“That won't be necessary, thank you.” Spencer ended the conversation, handing his own card over to the bartender as he kept his hand on your back, his body crowding yours. 
The man walked away in defeat, and you turned on him, sipping your drink as you refused to move away.
“Now why ruin all my fun, Spencer?” 
“You're really enjoying all this attention, huh?” He said, pushing your hair behind your ear as he leaned closer to you, his next word a whisper against your skin.
“I can see your pussy from all the way back there,” he said, tugging down your skirt slightly. You weren't surprised though  simply taking another sip and maintaining eye contact. 
“I know.” His hand, having slipped up to your waist, tightened as his gaze dropped to your lips. 
“You want everyone to see your dripping cunt? Want to let all the men here take a turn trying to catch your attention so they can slip in?” His voice was low, practically a growl as he licked his lips.
“No. I wanted to see how long it'd take you to come over and do it. By my count, that was eight minutes, correct?” 
“Good girl. Just remember that you're mine. I'm not letting anyone else have you.” Giving your face a gentle stroke, he let it trail down your body, subtly cupping and squeezing your chest on the way down. 
“All of a sudden, I feel very tired, Spencer. Take me home.” He wasted no time, grabbing your hand and gathering you up, your jacket and bag collected from the desk as he gave minimal answers to the others as you departed. To their credit, they asked minimal questions. 
The cold air hit you hard as you pushed the doors open again, but Spencer was unperturbed, pulling you over to his car silently, a strong hand on your shoulder helping you into the passenger's seat.
You dare not talk the entire drive to his apartment, so sure that any word from you would have him turning immediately to deposit you right back at the bar. 
He didn't, though, but he also didn't look at you or touch you. You sat squirming at the heavy atmosphere, suddenly desperate to know exactly what thoughts were trapped inside Spencer’s impressive brain. 
“We're here.” He announced, pulling up quickly and cutting the engine, climbing out in a hurry. 
You fumbled with your own seat belt as he pulled your door open, catching you up in his arms as he closed the door behind you. You wrapped your legs around his waist as your arms wrapped around his neck, letting him carry you up the stairs to his apartment.
His lips didn't meet yours until the door was firmly closed and locked behind you, and even then, he didn't immediately dive in. He out you down, and a touch of disappointment flooded your body as he completely entangled himself from you. 
It dissipated completely when his hand wrapped around your throat. 
“Let me be clear, Y/N. You are mine. If you want attention, I will give it to you. If you want to choke on something, I'm more than happy to provide it. If you want to dress like a little whore, go ahead, but don't forget who your sweet little cunt belongs to.” His fingers tightened with each word as you gasped for air, back resting on the nearest wall as his body pressed up along your own. 
“Do you understand?” He asked, and you nodded repeatedly, fast and desperate. 
“Good. Now, ass up on the bed. I'll meet you there.” You practically sprinted to the room in question, slinking up onto the bed. He said ass up, but you hesitated slightly as he quietly shut the bedroom door behind you, just long enough to earn a slap on your ass as he finally returned to your side. 
“You have to listen, Y/N. You wanted this, so you have to listen nicely.” 
“I'm sorry, Spencer, it won't happen aga-” He stole the end of your sentence as he slipped his fingers into you, gently working the two longest ones up into a frenzy as he finger fucked you. 
“Sorry, what was that? I don't think I quite caught your words.” You could only moan in reply as you buried your head in his pillows, ass pressing back into his fingers to help him get deeper.
“So needy. Look at this little black dress. You knew this was going to happen, right?” A third finger slipped inside you, and you screamed out in pleasure as he continued using you.
“Burying your head isn't going to work, Y/N. Your cunt is answering for you.” 
You heard the rattle of his belt unbuckling as his fingers finally slipped out, the emptiness only a relief for a second before his cock was hitting deep inside of you. 
Thoughts escaped you as you finally got what you'd been begging for for weeks. His every frustration was pounded into you as he tugged at your hair, pulling your torso up so he could hit even deeper. 
Pulling back your head with a hand on your throat he laid a barrage of kisses across your upper back and shoulders, making sure to bite and suck and nip as his spare hand toyed with your nipples, pinching and pulling. 
In a second, you reached your climax, not having the breath left in you to let him know before you tightened on his shaft and let your body fall limp under his hands. 
“I'm going to mop up our cum with this dress, Y/N, and then I'm going to make you put it back on.” With a final grunt, he pulled out, jerking his cock through his release as he shot his load right over your pussy lips. 
He collapsed on top of you, and you finally gave up your last bit of strength beneath him, enjoying the pressure of his weight pushing down on you again. 
“Thank god that worked,” you gasped, catching your breath. You smiled as he flipped you over and pulled the dress off your head, true to his word. 
“What worked, Y/N?” 
“This. You don't know the lengths I'd have gone to to get you yo finally fuck me if this hadn't worked.” 
“But suddenly, I'm curious, and I have all the time in the world.” You laughed lightly but snuggled into his chest again, meaning to sleep. 
“Unless you want to get dressed again now…?” 
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aryxchse · 5 months
godly bonding day / platonic! hera x poseidon & percy jackson x daughter of hera! reader.
a / n : people should give more about hera and her other siblings other than z*us fr. and call me crazy or whatever but i've always thought hera married the wrong brother 🤞🏻
warnings : hera apologist right here, poseidon and hera being sweet siblings, zeus cheating, maybe swearing
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"alright mom, that's it," you said, holding both of your mother's hands. "we're having a selfcare day together."
hera sniffed, looking at you with teary eyes. zeus once again cheated on your mother, and the gossip spreads around olympus very quick. specially when your mother has little spies that follows zeus' every movement.
instead of taking revenge -simply because she was sick of it-, your mother called you to olympus for cheering her mood. and well, maybe you reminded her the revenge she took from zeus.
"selfcare day?" hera asked, tilting her head. the goddess and queen of heavens was so vulnerable in front of you. and it made you think like she was a normal mother, who was crying because of her husbands betrayal. "what is that?"
"i'll call percy and we'll take you to new places in the mortal world," you said, smiling at her. the goddess sat straight, considering the idea. "who knows? maybe he'll bring poseidon!"
hera smiled at the mention of her favorite brother. "oh i love poseidon! he's the dearest to me." you nodded at her comment, caressing her knuckles. "i know mom. today is your day, we can't let a man ruin your mood, not anymore."
hera wiped away her tears as she smiled. "oh my lovely daughter, you're so kind to me."
"of course mom," you smiled. "come on, let's go."
‎ 🦚
while you waited percy to call you to say the suprise were ready, you and hera visited multiple shops and places. hera appearently loved iced americano with chocolate chip cookies. and she loved the style old money, since she had to change her clothes to more comfortable ones.
now you guys headed to some old but vintage beach, were percy and poseidon were waiting.
hera took a sip from her third iced americano, smiling at the taste. "i sure want these in olympus," she said, stopping to take off her shoes. "their taste is amazing."
you did the same as you took a sip from your own coffee, taking the shoes inside of your bag. "i know right?" you said as the smell of the salt water started to fill your nose.
you both heard percy and poseidon talk pationetly about something, but they stopped and smiled the moment they saw you.
"hey baby," percy said, hugging your waist and kissing your cheek. you hugged him back with your free arm, smiling immediatly. "hi!"
"poseidon!" hera cheered next to you, running on the sand to hug her brother. poseidon laughed and picked hera up in his arms, turning around with her. "hera, my lovely sister!" he cheered back. "good to finally see you on the mortal world!"
"thanks to my daughter," hera answered, finally standing on her foot but still not letting poseidon go. "she helped me open my eyes."
you blowed a kiss to her as you stand next to percy, your arm still lazily hanged around his neck.
"well sister!" poseidon said, turning her around to walk around the beach. "let's have some dinner eh?"
‎ 🦚
who would've thought god of the sea made the best meal?
you all eated happily together, which was a weird sight. you and percy never thought your godly side of the family would bound this much. but well, maybe they needed a little courage.
you and percy insisted on washing the dishes, letting the divine siblings have their moment. they eventually agreed, leaving you both.
you washed the plates and handed them to percy to dry, while watching your parents laugh together from the window.
"i thought hera would never smile," percy grinned, drying some plate you gave him. you washed a fork, chuckling. "that's because she has the worst husband."
poseidon picked hera up and throw her on his shoulders, running around on the beach like two little kids. some thunders appeared but the siblings didn't cared, laughing like crazy. you and percy started laughing with them behind the window, getting happier each second.
"she really needed that." you said quietly, giving the last spoon to percy. you closed the water and percy finished drying up the spoon, putting back to it's place.
"believe me, he needed that too." percy said, stading behind you and hugging your waist. you gladly appreciated the love, hugging back his arms and resting your head against his cheek.
poseidon finally put down hera but the siblings hugged eachother, hera's laughter echoing through the beach. the lightning get really loud, but the siblings made a middle finger to the sky, clearly saying 'i don't give a fuck about you!' to their most annoying brother.
you smiled. "appearently gods need to have a bonding day too." percy nodded, kissing on top of your head.
"siblings are siblings everywhere after all." he whispered, and you chuckled.
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ariestrxsh · 2 months
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⚠️ content warning: ⚠️ smut, masturbation, sneaking around, getting caught, risky sexual encounters, oral, praise, light fluff
📝 author's note: 📝 this is part two to another piece of my writing, you can access part one here 💖 there will be at least one more part (possibly two)
✍️ Summary: ✍️ You're staying in a hotel room with the triplets while on a roadtrip with them. After Chris catches you playing with yourself and decides to help you out, he asks if you'll do the same for him later that night after his brothers go to bed.
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road trippin' part two
We all sat around the hotel room, eating our dinner and tossing around ideas about what we'd do the next day, but it was hard for Chris and I to focus. We tried our best to act normal, but we had basically forgotten what it was like to act normal around each other. I didn't wanna sit too close to Chris, in case someone picked up on this and wondered why we were sitting closer together than normal. I didn't want it to seem like I was avoiding him or sitting too far from him, because that's also a dead giveaway when you're sneaking around with someone. Chris ended up sitting in a chair, I sat in the chair across from his, separated by the coffee table, and in between us were Nick and Matt on the pull out couch that Nick called dibs on when we first saw the hotel room, because he didn't wanna have to share a bed with anyone.
Whenever Nick and Matt weren't paying attention, Chris and I found each other stealing glances from one another, practically fucking each other with our eyes. There was something about the way Chris looked at me that was dripping with seduction, his dreamy, blue, bedroom eyes, the same ones that peered into my soul earlier when he ripped climax after climax out of me. Chris and I had to be careful about what we had planned for tonight. With the way the hotel room was set up, all the beds were in one room. There were two full sized beds that were next to each other, one which I slept in and one that Matt and Chris shared. On the opposite side of my bed was the living room space where Nick's couch bed was. So there was no way for Chris and I to do what we wanted to do without being really quiet and discrete about it. And there was also no way to discuss it without raising red flags.
"About tonight. Bathroom?" I texted him. "No, no way. Bad idea. If someone wakes up and we're both in there together, they'd know," Chris texted back. Even texting each other back and forth, I knew Nick and Matt would pick up on one of us finishing a text, sending it, and the other person's phone buzzing, so we had to be strategic about it. I knew that if Nick or Matt knew about our secret texting back and forth, they'd wanna know what's up. "Why don't you share with the class," Nick would say anytime he caught two people having their own private texting conversation in a group setting. Nick always found this rude, and I understood that sentiment, but I also knew that if Nick and Matt knew the content of our secret conversation, they'd immediately regret asking. I knew it would just be simpler to not raise any attention to the situation. "Just meet me in my bed after your brothers pass out tonight," I texted back after a few minutes. Chris, who already had his phone in his hand when I sent this, peered past his screen at me and nibbled on his lip. I watched his hands as he typed out a response. His fingers were long and thin, and whenever I looked at them now, all I could think about was how he had me gushing all over them. I discretely squeezed my legs together to try and relieve a little bit of the tension. "It's gonna be so hard to be quiet when I shoot my load in your mouth. Getting hard just thinking about it," his text read once he sent it. Part of me wished Chris would just get up, bend me over my chair, and fuck my brains out right there, but I knew I had to hold out longer.
"Hey, are you okay? You look kinda flushed," Matt asked, looking over at me with a little bit of concern in his face. "Actually, I think I'm gonna get ready to lay down. I just feel tired," I responded. "Yeah, I doubt we'll be up for much longer either. It's been a long day," Nick replied. I strode off to the bathroom, washed my face, and brushed my teeth. I laid down in my bed that was actually really soft and comfortable for being a hotel bed, and dozed off to sleep while the boys started turning off lights and getting ready for bed themselves.
A few hours later, I woke up to someone gently shaking me. I groaned at being woken up, but then I heard Chris' hushed voice, "Shhh. They're asleep. Please take care of me," Chris whispered. I was immediately turned on by his begging. "Come here," I said, pulling him on top of me, his lips sinking into mine. There was a part of me that felt dirty that this was the first kiss Chris and I were sharing, even though his fingers had already been inside me, but I secretly liked it. Chris crawled under the covers with me, and we continued to kiss a little longer. I could tell he was shirtless and wearing nothing but his underwear. My eyes started to adjust to the dark a little, and there was a small crack between the ends of the blinds and the wall where a small bit of light poured in from a street lamp outside. I knew I wouldn't get to see much of Chris' body or get to watch his facial expressions while I went down on him, but I was just happy to be able to do it, and I hoped that if we got to sneak around again after that, that I'd hopefully be able to get to see him the way he got to see me earlier.
I kissed his neck, trailing down to his collar bones, his chest, his stomach, and finally I got to the bulge in his boxers. He impatiently took it out and ordered me to suck on it. I caught a glimpse of the swollen tip and the glossy beads of pre-cum that were forming. "It's lovely," I whispered back. "I know," he said, placing a hand on the back of my head and pushing me down. He was as passionate as he could be with me without waking the other two boys sleeping on either side of us. I could feel that his cock was thick and long. The shaft was veiny, and the head was smooth and I loved feeling all the different textures with my tongue while Chris held onto my hair with both of his hands and bobbed my head up and down at the pace he liked. I heard stifled moans and sighs escape his slightly parted lips. "Good girl, suck on the tip," he whispered quietly. And as he guided my lips back up to the top, I created a little suction, but I was careful not to make a sound while I did this. Chris continued taking control, bucking his hips a bit to push his length further into my mouth. I couldn't help but to gag a little as he did this, but he was too lost in his pleasure to notice how much noise we were making.
Thankfully I heard Nick and Matt's soft snores still while Chris fucked my face. "Pretty girl, I'm starting to get close. I need you to swallow my seed, every last drop of it," Chris moaned a little louder. I felt the wetness between my legs as his sweet sounds filled the room. I felt Chris' whole body tighten as he twitched in my mouth and let out a few more loud groans. He was a mixture of sweet and salty, and something about the consistency and the way it felt in my mouth had me turned on beyond belief. I couldn't believe Chris had just cum in my mouth, and I couldn't believe how much the way he spoke to had me longing for him. "Good girl," he whispered, as he pulled my head up off his cock. "You did so good for me, letting me cum in that pretty little mouth of yours."
Chris and I laid next to each other in bed for a few minutes while he kissed me and stroked my cheek. "I wish we could fall asleep like this," I told him, knowing the longer we stayed in this position, the more we were begging to get caught by Matt and Nick. "I do too, pretty girl," he answered. But I felt his weight shift as he got up from my bed. "We'll find time tomorrow to make each other cum again. I promise," he said, kissing me one last time and quietly returned to the bed he shared with Matt.
Once I was sure they were all asleep, including Chris, I slipped my hands into my panties and gently rubbed myself while I thought about Chris and his fingers and the way he just choked me with his cock. "Fuck," I whimpered under my breath as I greedily brought myself to orgasm again. This man had a hold on me, and I couldn't get any of him. I sighed, relieved once again, and started to doze off while I imagined how tomorrow's sexual excursion would go.
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I woke up bright and early the next morning before everyone else, despite having secretly stayed up later than everyone else, sucking Chris off and fondling myself afterwards to the memory of it. I made my way to the bathroom to shower and brought my toy with me. I figured since I probably had at least an hour before anyone else would be up and functioning, I could just get one more in, but I had to be quiet and quick, because with the hotel we were staying at serving complimentary breakfast but only until a certain time, this made it a bit unpredictable as to when the boys would wake up. I thought sneaking around with Chris would relieve the sexual frustration I was feeling, but instead it kicked it into over drive, because I couldn't look at, think about, or even be around Chris without soaking my panties. Plus the thrill of it all excited me.
I ran the shower until the water was warm and got in. I propped my leg up on the ledge of the tub, and I started teasing myself by running the toy around my folds, purposely ignoring my clit at first. But once I couldn't hold off anymore, I started working it against my sensitive bundle of nerves, and I let out a small whine. The combination of the hot water running down my body, the hum between my legs, and my mind swallowed by fantasies of Chris, had me feeling like I was in some kind of hedonist heaven. I found myself wondering how his mouth would feel in place of my vibrator. "Mmmm Chris," I moaned as almost a whisper.
At that very moment, I opened my eyes, and the boy from my dirty thoughts materialized in front of me. "Chris!" I whisper-yelled as he pulled back the curtain and grinned all wide at me. "Are you thinking about my fingers, my tongue, or my cock?" He smugly asked as I shut off my vibrator and set it down. "Get out of here! You're gonna bring attention to us!" I whispered loudly again. "Hmm I bet you're thinking about my tongue, because that's the only part of my body you haven't really interacted with yet," he bit his lip at me. How did he know? "Please don't draw attention to us. We can't wake up your brothers," I begged him. "Why didn't you wake me up to come join you?" Chris asked. "I just thought I could use my toy and finish before anyone woke up," I said, shrugging. "Why would you wanna cum alone with your vibrator, when I can get into the shower with you and eat that pretty pussy of yours?" Chris said, reaching between my legs. I let out a soft moan as I allowed him to run his thumb over my sensitive nub, and I asked, "What if we get caught?" "We won't, but I know there's a secret part of you that would love it if we did," Chris responded, removing his clothes and getting into the shower with me.
I propped my leg up on the ledge again, and Chris descended to his knees in front of me. I watched as he slowly took my clit between his lips and started teasing it with his tongue. I was impressed by how gentle he was being and how good he was at eating pussy. The water from the shower started to drip down his body, getting his hair wet and trickling down his chest, but he was completely unphased. He looked up at me with his beautiful blue eyes while he savored every moment of eating me. He flicked his tongue back and forth until I was seeing stars and rolling my hips forward into his face.
"Come on, sweet girl. Cum on my tongue," he cooed, between licks. His lips were soft and his tongue felt like wet velvet against my folds. I couldn't take it anymore. I had never been eaten out so expertly before. I could tell Chris knew what he was doing. "Yes yes yes. Chris, you treat me so good," I whined back in response as I reached the point of no return. My knees grew weak, and my legs started to shake as I had my fifth orgasm in the past 24 hours. I threw my head back and my eyes rolled around as Chris cleaned me up with his magical mouth. "Mmmm sweetheart. You taste so sweet," he said, holding up my limp body and helping me to a more balanced position.
"Fuck Chris. No one has ever made me cum that hard with their tongue," I whispered, calling my breath back to me. "Well, I'm glad I could, because you deserve to feel good, princess." He stood up and pulled me into a kiss while he caressed my face again. We let the warm water run over us for the next few minutes while we held each other, but we knew we couldn't stay long, and that Nick and Matt would both be getting up for free hotel breakfast soon. I did like sneaking around with Chris, but part of me wished we didn't have to rush through everything, and that we could enjoy each other a little longer.
"Let's not wait for Matt and Nick. Let's go get breakfast together before they wake up," Chris said, kissing me on the forehead and pulling me into a hug. I smiled up at him and nodded.
final part posted here 💖
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timelessstardust99 · 1 month
Except for you | ford pines & reader (platonic)
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characters: Ford pines & the reader
summary: the reader had run away from Ford's watchful eye and hid in an abandoned shack after finding out he was gonna leave them behind in a dimension for her own safety, yet all she wanted to do was follow him, because he was her safe place.
This one shot (or a future story if y'all would like one) was inspired from TLOU Part 1, but it isn't gonna be word for word, just only bits and pieces like the abandoned shack and some dialogue I remember Ellie and Joel saying. Anyway, hope u like the one shot ^^
y/n sat on the window sill, her eyes looking out into the open and slightly broken dimension her companion and guardian dragged her into. It had many other creatures here, all refugees just like her before she ran into Ford. She scoffed at the thought of his name. He was supposed to protect her from the request of her mother, because of the attack on her planet and dimension. Bill had gotten there to destroy her world, he had no reason to, but he wanted to cause chaos. He liked chaos, and he wanted to watch the place burn. Ford had found herself and her mother huddled inside of a pocket inside of their home, and she had taken it up on herself to ask the man for help. Ford was hesitant, but took y/n with him in the end, the two leaving her dimension and planet to become nothing but rubble.
Their relationship from them on had been rocky, both of them were stubborn, and they always argued, but were there for one another, despite their clashing personalities. As their time together went on, the teen had grown an attachment to Ford, and had secretly thought of the older man as a parental figure she would come to look up to. But those were crushed when she found out he wanted to abandon her here because in his words, it was "too dangerous" for her to continue because she was only fourteen.
She still gazed out the window when she heard the footfalls of Ford, his breaths came out rapidly as he glared at the young girl who looked down in her lap at the journal she stole from him when she left. "Do you have any idea the hell I went through to find you?" Ford seethed.
She flipped a page in the journal, "is this what you were worried about in your dimensions? Finals and assignments?" She asked, ignoring his question. He quirked an angry brow. She looked at him.
"The hell are you talking about?" He questioned. She held up his very old and tattered journal from thirty years ago, the one from his college years. He thought he had lost that. Ford scoffed.
"come on, we're leaving," he said, turning around.
"what, so you can abandon me?" y/n stood from her spot by the window and tucked the journal away into her overcoat (the one Ford had gifted her when she turned fourteen). Ford turned around quickly, his hard cold stare present on his face.
"they are good people, they can protect you more than I can." Ford said. That made y/n even angrier.
"that's bullshit Ford, and you know!" She exclaimed, glaring at him. She didn't want to stay, she wanted to go with him, "everyone I care for in this lifetime has either left me or died, fucking everyone except for you!" She shoved him when she got close, which caused him to stumble a bit in surprise and shock. She could feel the tears already gathered at the corners of her eyes. "So please, don't tell me I'll be safer with these people, cause the truth is Ford, I'll just be more scared."
He ignored the gathered tears and gave her the same cold stare he's adopted on his travels to escaping Bill, she took a small Shakey breath, clutching her sides as she looked at the older man. "In the journal, I read about a man named Stanley. He's your brother, isn't he?"
It seemed all they knew how to do was scoff, "that has no concern to you kid, stay out of my family business." He said, going forwards to grab the journal from her pocket.
"well, I'm not Stanley, you can't treat me like how you treated your bother..." She wasn't sure if she should bring another point up for the man, but she was already digging herself into a bigger grave. "... I'm, also not her, you know."
"what?" He asked, already knowing the answer.
"I wasn't the only kid you decided to pick up, was I? I saw it in one of your other newer journals when you weren't looking. I'm not Lizzie." She said. He looked ready to go off on her. She knew she had crossed a line, but she couldn't help it. All these people and he only saw her as Stanley or Lizzie, not as her own person. He continued to glare at her.
"You're right, you're not like Stan..." He trailed off, "... Or my daughter... And I sure as hell ain't your dad." He spoke, his voice wavering as tears gathered in his eyes. He could see how broken she looked, and it had shattered his already crumbling heart from the way she was looking at him. He could tell she was beginning to lose hope in surviving. "After we get back, we go our separate ways." He said, his voice hardening.
"whatever you say... Sir." She growled.
He should've expected a response such as that to leave her mouth, but he couldn't help but be hurt by the lack of emotions behind her voice. She reverted back to calling him sir, from when he first took her under his wing after the destruction of her home world because of Bill. And now he regrets ever coming up with the idea of leaving her behind.
so, how was it? Would y'all like a full story like this for a Ford and Daughter Reader? If so, would u like it to be on Wattpad or AO3?
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surielstea · 7 months
Ballroom Secrets (pt. 11)
Based on this request.
Read pt.I here.
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Pairing: Eris x Fem!Reader
Summary: Cassian finds out about readers secret relationship with the High Lord of Autumn.
Warning: Angst | Slight description of depression | hurt/comfort | happy ending
5.6k words
A/N: Sorry this is so long 😭😭 I just really wanted to get the angst right so it got long quick, hope you enjoy! :)
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I sat in the sitting room of the river house cuddled up next to Morrigan who was splitting a bottle of wine with me.
"Where'd you get this?" Mor asks, pinching the silk of my new dress between her hands. "Oh I'm not sure, it was a gift." I smile, remembering the way Eris handed it to me for no particular reason other than the fact that he wanted to take it off of me. "From who?" Feyre asks in her own chair, Rhysand standing beside her, leaning against the arm rest. My mouth goes dry.
"It's a male, look at the way she's blushing." Azriel hummed, leaning back against the wall. I cast him a glare but he only returns it with a soft smile. "The same male that gave you this?" Mor points to my neck. "Gave her what?" Cassian perks up from his sprawled out position on the couch, Nesta's feet in his lap. "Yeah, what?" I look to Mor confused. "A hickey." A smirk curves her lips and I slap my hand over where the mark lies.
"By who?" Nesta sits up, gods even she was interested. "No one, I don't know— just some guy." I stumble over my words, cursing myself for my horrible lie. Azriel nearly laughs and rightfully so, his shadows were probably picking up on every nerve that tensed in my body.
"Is that why you've been missing training?" Cassian raised a brow and I can't will the words to leave my mouth. I've always been a horrible liar, Eris has tried to teach me his ways of deceit but it was no use when every time I tried to be quick witted or malevolent it failed miserably and I made a fool of myself. "I've been missing training because you schedule it for the asscrack of dawn." I grumble, half truths however were my forte. Cassian narrows his eyes on me and I swallow thickly. "Oh leave her alone already, let the girl have her fun." Amren speaks up and I silently thank every god I can think of. "Cauldron knows she's had the three of you Illyrians hovering over her shoulder since she was born." The eldest of us finalizes and the conversation thankfully ends there.
I was in the middle of reading a novel in my bedroom of the river house when a note fluttered down onto my chest, appearing from thin air. A soft smile comes to my lips as I close the book and pick up the note, recognizing the handwriting immediately.
Will you be home soon?
I twist my lips to the side and dwell over the question before flipping on my side to grab a pen from my nightstand. I quickly write back and watch the note disappear from my hands.
I'm waiting for everyone to fall asleep, we're all night owls evidently.
It takes only a minute for him to reply and the words on the paper make me audibly giggle.
Drug them. I miss you, and I'm tired.
Can't sleep without me?
Apparently not. I smile widely at the sentiment. I'll leave soon, just for you.
Soon isn't soon enough
I roll my eyes at his childish impatience but a smile forms over my face as I write out my retort.
Shut your whining up, I'm trying to read
You're so mean to me (I like it)
I don't write back, deciding that if I say anything else he might winnow here himself just to take me back, which wouldn't be good. I opened my book back up but as soon as I was getting back into the story there was a knock at my door. I sigh and use Eris' note as a bookmark before shutting it. "Come in." I call, sitting up.
Cassian enters, taking up the whole entry way as he shuts the door behind him. I smile at my brother as he looks to me with his warm hazel eyes. "I thought you were going to bed?" He creases his brows skeptically and I roll my eyes. "I say that, and then I read my romance novels." I lift up my book and it was his turn to roll his eyes, taking a seat on my bed.
Cassian isn't my brother by blood, but he might as well be. I can't remember a time when he wasn't taking care of me. When he was only seven years old he offered me shelter in his tent. I was six and lost, my parents deserting me, or so I presumed. He tucked me under his wing and shielded me from the rain until arriving back to the tent. He snuck me food from Windhaven and even stole maids clothes off of laundry lines. If it weren't for him I most likely wouldn't be alive today, ever since then he's been particularly protective of me, even towards friends from other courts. I wasn't Illyrian either, but he always said I acted like one. Perhaps that was an insult, but I took it as a compliment.
"What's up?" I shift in my bed so my legs dangle over the side and he's right beside me. "We haven't talked in awhile, I miss you." It was true. It feels like it's been months since it's been just him and I. Realization dawns upon me that all of my free time has gone to Eris, he's my mate sure, but that doesn't mean I want to leave the rest of my family in the past.
"I know. I'm sorry." I lean my head on his shoulder. "I've been busy." I murmur, fiddling with my hands.
"Alright, Who's the lucky guy— or gal, I don't discriminate." He hums and my heart drops. Gods I did not want to expose my relationship with Eris right now. Not ever. "Can we not talk about this right now?" I say, my voice gentle and pleading. "C'mon, you used to tell me everything." He groans and I lift my head from his shoulder, my hands coming to my knees to stop from fidgeting. "This is different." I shrug.
"How so?"
His question is met with silence, I was weighing whether or not I should just kick him out and tell him I'm tired. He'd leave if I asked. But I didn't want him to, just didn't want to talk about this.
"I'd like to meet who's got my sister glowing like this." He bumps my side with his. "Doubt it." I grumble, then curse myself for letting that slip. "What's that supposed to mean?" He snorts a laugh and I look at him nervously, gripping my knees tighter as his smile slowly drops. "I've met him?" He arches a brow and all I can do is slowly nod. Is this it? All that sneaking around summing up to this very moment? "Do I like this guy?" He guesses like this is a game and the health of our friendship isn't in my hands. "Not really, no." I answer honestly, lying is impossible and staying silent will only cause his thoughts to drive him mad.
"Well if he's got you this happy, I'm willing to reevaluate." He shrugs, carefree. He clearly doesn't understand the situation. "It's not that simple." I shake my head, looking away from him and back to my lap. "Talk to me, I won't judge." He reaches over, placing his calloused hand on my clenched ones. "Promise." He gives them a reassuring squeeze. A pit forms in my stomach. My nails dig into the skin of my knees and he understands, pulling his hand away. My eyes widen and I can only pray he doesn't hate me for this.
"Before I tell you, try not to be too mad okay?" I crease my brows, swallowing thickly and looking to him. "Uh, okay?" He looks at me foolishly. "I'm serious." I stress with wide eyes. "Okay, okay, I won't be mad." He promises and I force myself to take a deep breath. This truth that I've been hiding for nearly a year now about to be exposed. All because I forgot to glamour a fucking hickey on my neck. Gods how could I have been so stupid?
I realize the quiet has been dragging on for far too long and that if I don't tell him now I never will.
Silence. He doesn't make a sound and he doesn't move. A weight lifts from my shoulders and for a second it's bliss. "What?" His voice lacks emotion and a new weight envelopes me. Fuck. "Eris is the male I've been secretly seeing." It comes out in a pitiful whisper. "Are you mad?" I was quick to ask, but he doesn't reply for a long moment. Allowing me to think of everything I've done. All that I've risked just to be with my mate, to be happy.
"Please tell me you're talking about another Eris." He tries to remain calm but I can hear it, the quiver of his voice, the clenching of his fists. I shake my head no and I swore I could feel the heat radiating off of him, pure anger. "You promised you wouldn't be mad!" I stand to look at him, a fire in his eyes that is pure rage.
"Well that was before you let that bastard into your bed." He stands and my neck cranes up to keep eye contact, the power dynamics making my legs wobble. Gods I felt useless.
"It's not like that—" I try to defend but he doesn't let me finish. "What? Don't tell me you think he's in love with you?" He scoffs like it's the most improbable thing on the continent. Tears well in my eyes at the idea. "You don't know him." I defend. "I don't want to, for all I know he's probably using you for a good fuck—" He starts. "Stop it." I demand and he clamps his mouth shut. "He's better than you think." I will my voice not to break. "Has he brainwashed you? You can't be serious." He nearly laughed at the idea. I don't say anything, allowing him to get his anger out before I plead my case.
"Or have you forgotten what he's done to Morrigan?" A shutter racks through me and I can't bring myself to look him in the eyes. "That story isn't true." I rasped but I doubt he hears me. I must sound insane to him. "Do you know who his parents are? How you'll be treated if you ever married him?" He goes on but it's not true, none of what he says is true. "You'll be a fucking brood mare, forced to give sons over and over again. Do you understand that?" His hand comes to my shoulders, squeezing tightly. "He's not Beron. We've talked about it, he doesn't even want kids unless I'm willing to give that to him." My words are just above a whisper and he lets go of my shoulders like he's repulsed, as if I hold a virus and he doesn't want to get infected.
"It doesn't matter. Eventually you become parents." He whispered. "You really believe that? Tell that to Rhys. To Morrigan, or Azriel. Tell that to fucking Nesta." I grit out, whipping my head up to look at him and his hypocritical statements. I allow him to see the fury in my eyes, the tears streaming down my cheeks. "Leave her out of this." He narrows his eyes on me.
The first argument to this level we ever had was over his mate. I hated her, loathed every part of her and what she made my brother go through— and now she's one of my most trusted friends and one of my favorite people. A laugh escapes from my body. I must've looked crazy finding amusement at a time like this. "It's the same thing." I bring my hands up to wipe my tears. "Gods were so fucking predictable." I sigh out. He looks at me confused, eyes analyzing my body language. "Nesta is just like him, and you know it." I narrow my brows at him. "This is different." He clenches his fists at his sides. "How so? Give me one good reason as to how this is different?" I will him. "Eris hurt Mor." He says the crime like it's dirt in his mouth. "Nesta hurt Feyre." I reason with him. He grits his teeth. "He hates Illyrians. He hates you and I because of where we come from, do you understand how fucked that is?" His hands come to my wrists, as if pleading me to listen.
"His father hates Illyrians." I correct. "And stop saying I'm an Illyrian I'm not." I pull at his grip but it's iron. "Fine. But he hates me, are you picking sides right now?" His brows crease like I've betrayed him. "No! I—" My breath gets caught halfway up my throat. "I don't want to pick sides, I want both." Tears continue falling and I don't bother wiping them away anymore. "And Nesta hated the Fae entirely, don't be so certain that makes them different." I seethe out at him and he narrows his eyes at me. "We're mates. Nesta and I are cauldron willed, you can't ignore something like that." He says and I stare at him unwavering, not bothering to say anything but rather dropping my glamour around the mating bond connected straight to the high lord of Autumn.
His eyes widen and his grip on my wrists loosens but I don't pull away. "No," His voice is a whisper. I nod. "Reject the bond, you deserve better than him I don't care if you love him." He rules. "I already accepted it, nearly half a year ago." I expose. If I was going to be honest I might as well lay it all out. "Half a year?" He rasps and I nod gravely. "You've been lying to me for half of a fucking year?" His tone is louder, more angry. "I don't understand why you care so deeply, I gave you my reasons now leave it alone." I match his lever of voice. "Why I care? I've always cared, you're my family—" He begins and I tear my wrists from his grasp. "You're not even my real brother!" I yell at him and I swore the world stopped spinning. Pain flashes across his eyes and he stumbles back, his mouth falling open before he clamps it shut and swallows thickly.
"Cass I didn't—" I try. "No." He looks at me like he's never seen me before. "You've made your point clear." He walks to the door. Every fiber of my being wants to beg him to stay. But my feet can't move and I stare aimlessly as he leaves, the door clicking shut with a gut wrenching softness. Leaving me alone with my thoughts.
I use whatever remaining energy I have left to winnow back to my apartment. Where I knew Eris impatiently waited for me to return. I land wobbly on my feet, tears slowly cascading from the wells of my eyes. Eris who was laid on the couch with a book sat up alarmed. I remove the walls around our bond and allow the misery that overwhelmed me to flood into his end of our connection.
He rushes toward me alarmed, fire raging in his eyes but not toward me, toward whoever made me feel this way. "Eris," I murmur, I was sure I was going to collapse. "My love," He brings a hand to my waist, keeping me steady but that didn't stop a choked sob from escaping me. "What's wrong?" His other hand comes to my cheek, wiping away my tears. "Talk to me." His brows crease and this feels so wrong, seeking comfort in the very reason Cassian is mad at me in the first place.
"He knows." I whisper. "Who knows?" His brows crease in confusion, before they relax with realization. I grip his shirt in my fists, looking up at him like a lost animal. "I'm a horrible sister." I confess, my voice breaking on the final word. "No," He shakes his head, pulling me into his chest, holding me close and warming me up. "No love, don't say that." He whispered into my hair, his arms tight around me.
Another sob racks through me but he doesn't shush me, he allows the dam of tears to break and every emotion I've kept bottled up for the past half year comes flowing out.
I tell him everything. From the moment Mor noticed the hickey to the point when Cassian left my bedroom. My voice shook when telling him of what I said to my brother. "And now I'm here and, and I don't know what to do." I sobbed, looking up at him as he ran a hand through the ends of my hair. "I see." His voice is soft, caring. "I was so mad, I wasn't thinking and with all the words he said about you I just— I hated him at that moment." I cup my mouth at the realization. I never wanted to hate anyone, especially not someone I love so much. I never want to feel that uncontrollable emotion ever again.
"It's not your fault." He stresses. "We'll figure this out together alright?" His thumb traces along my cheek and I nod, blinking away my final tears. "But what if he never wants to talk to me again?" I whisper. "What if he hates me?" My lip quivers at the thoughts, I don’t know how I’d live with myself if Cassian ever hated me. "Your brother loves you too much to ever consider that. Alright?" His hands grip my face slightly as if to stress his point and I nod meekly, slipping my hands around his waist again and hugging him tightly.
He releases a deep sigh and hugs me back, his touch warming my skin in a way that comforted me more than he could ever know. In the hug I begin to wonder how he feels about the world knowing. I hoped he knew how much he’s helping me, how much I appreciated that he’s here for me. Then I realized that he might be thinking of leaving for my benefit, so I can return to Cassian and tell him everything he said about Eris was right and I can stay with my family. I didn’t want that. Gods, why can’t I have both? The cauldron must’ve been playing a cruel joke on me. "Please, don't leave." I beg of him. He bends down and places a hard kiss to the temple of my head. "Never." But he would, if I asked.
The next few days were long. I barely slept, every time I tried I'd be reminded of the words I spat at Cassian. I couldn't face him, didn't dare go back to the River House, much less the House of Wind. I stayed in bed, staring out the window of my bedroom, watching the sunset shining against the Sidra, the water refracting in rainbows as stars awakened in the sky. Another day passes.
I felt hollow, my limbs heavy and my stomach a pit. I knew I'd have to face Cassian soon, see him and the others. I wonder if he told them, warned them all to no longer speak to me. All because of who I'm in love with. Anger consumed me for a few days, thinking him deserving for what I said. Who was he to pick who I can and cannot love? I spent hours cursing him as a hypocritical bastard, spewing lies to convince myself I was in the right.
I slowly came to, deciding I needed to stop avoiding my own fate and face what truly lies at the root of the problem. The rest of the days of my solitude was spent in grief.
Feeling sorry for myself wasn't any better than the raging nights. It was truly pitiful how I ended up here.
There was a knock at the door frame. I didn't have to look to guess it was my mate. "I'm not hungry Eris." I say plainly, continuing to stare out at the river. "Have you eaten today?" I don’t expect his voice to be behind me as he slithers into the bed beside me, curling an arm around my waist. “I had a bowl of soup not too long ago.” I answer, flipping onto my side to look up at him. His golden eyes that rolled with sadness, he couldn’t help blaming himself for my situation and I hated that he did. “Okay.” He pressed a gentle kiss to my forehead. “I have to return to Autumn later tonight, high lord stuff.” He grumbled and I groaned, tucking closer to him. “I’ll be back in the morning.” He promised. I huff, wrapping an arm around his torso and burrowing into his chest. “Unless, you want to come with me?” He arched a brow and I look up at him, my head propped up on his chest. “To the Autumn court?” I ask. He nods, tucking a strand of hair behind my ear.
I haven’t been to my mates court since Eris’ coronation because it’d raise suspicion if a girl from Rhysand’s inner circle began to roam the markets of the foreign court. But I suppose that didn’t matter now if our secrets out. “You think your people will react well?” I ask anxiously. “After my father ruled over them they’ll take anything they can get, and if a pretty high lady is an option I think they’ll be over the moon.” He offers me a gentle smile. “High lady?” I can’t help but smile at the idea of ruling a court together. He nods. I fantasize about the idea for a moment, until the thought of Cassian finding out about me proudly wearing an autumn court crown settles over me. He’d fall into a fit of pure rage and I’d never forgive myself. “Can we wait?” I ask. “Just until all this is resolved with Cass, and then yes. I’d love to be your high lady.” I nod. He gives me a comforting expression. “Of course my love.” He leans down and presses a gentle kiss to my lips. I him against the action and kiss him back. Wrapping my arms around his neck and pulling him impossibly closer. His lips slotted perfectly against mine and the feeling that bloomed in my chest when kissing him filled the pit of my stomach and the hollowness of my heart. I felt lighter. A knock sounds at the front door, loud and demanding. My ears perk at the sound and I pull back, he seems to want to chase my mouth back to his but he freezes too when another impatient knock rings through the house.
I sigh and sink down into the bed. "You can answer it." I say, removing my arms from his neck. "Are you sure?" He asks, his own warm arms slipping from my waist and I wished they didn’t. "They all know by now, what's the point of hiding it?" I grumble, and he nods as he stands from the bed, my eyes watching him as he does so. "Alright." He nods. “If it’s not Cassian I’m not interested.” I voice. He glances to me and only nods in reply.
He leaves the room and my eyes go back to the window. I strain my ears to hear for the voices in the living room but I can only hear Eris.
"She doesn't want to see you." He said. A mumble of a voice replied, it was soft, must be female. My hope diminished when I realized it's not my brother. "In the bedroom." Is the next thing I hear from my mate and I mentally prepare for whoever is about to walk into my room.
The door creeks open but I don't move. I stay looking out the window, watching as dusk now takes over the sky. "Gods its dark in here." Nesta.
I don't have the energy to reply, giving her enough of an answer with my silence. "Look, I know I'm not who you want to see, but he's in a similar state as you." She hums and that fact settles deep into my bones. I adjust, sitting up and facing her, leaning back against my headboard.
"He throws up every night too?" I ask with a wry sense of humor. Nesta tossed a glare toward Eris who stood at the doorway like a guard.
"No, much worse. He won't stop training." She hums, crossing her arms and sitting on the edge of the bed beside my thighs. Her eyes go distant as she thinks about her mate. "He's spent more time in the training ring than sleeping as of late, he doesn't joke anymore, and I haven't seen him smile in a week." She confesses, her brows creased in concern.
"Are you telling me this to try and make me feel better?" I murmur, avoiding her gaze.
"You know me better than that." She scoffs. It was true, Nesta is one of my best friends. The three Valkyries all are, but especially the eldest Archeron. I remember all the things I said about her, how I boiled her down to all of her faults. The hollowness returns and another thing I will never forgive myself about forms. "I care about you, but I care about him more." She stands up, Eris growls from the doorway but I wave him off, understanding what she meant. "And I just need the two of you to figure your shit out so he goes back to his usual self, it’s so quiet at the house." She crosses her arms over her chest defensively but her tone is soft. "He misses you." She reveals. "He won't admit it but he wants to see you, stop by the house, please." She finalizes, before turning on her heel and walking towards the door.
"Nesta," I call, she whirls around to look at me. "Thank you." Is all I can get out. She nods, then turns back around and exits the way she came.
The house of wind was emptier than I expected it to be. Eris offered a dozen times to come with me last night, saying that he’d cancel his meetings in the Autumn court so he can offer some sort of support but I told him he had to tend to his own court, that I had to do this on my own. So here I was, about an entire day after Nesta's speech, ready to face my brother. Or at least I hoped I was.
I wandered the halls, stretching ny hearing for any sound but I was met with nothing. I remember Nesta mentioning the training ring so I ascend the steps to the roof.
The clang of metal swords clash loudly as I welcome myself onto the landing, staring at my brother and Azriel who were sparring just to get frustration out. Cassian was sloppy with his moves, not breathing through each step the way he usually did. And Azriel was going easy on him. It was rare for the competitive shadow singer to sympathize but in this instance he was working Cassian like a charity case. The general knew it too and only fueled more of that anger he held in each of his swings.
Azriel and I make eye contact and his movements freeze, shadows pooling at my feet as Cassian struck him down and pinned him with his sword. "Again." My brother demanded, reaching his hand out toward the spymaster. Azriel remained looking at me and with the distraction, Cassian whirled around to look at me with narrowed eyes that quickly turned wide.
His sword clattered down onto the mat as he let it slip from his hand. "Cass." My voice is a rasp. He takes a step out of the training ring until he's right in front of me and I'm looking up at him again.
Tears well in my eyes. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean what I said I just—" I tried to speak but was cut off by his large arms wrapping around me tightly into a warm hug. I melt into it, releasing a soft sigh of relief and hugging him back. "You were right." He confesses. "I was just hurt and wasn't thinking about how you might be feeling." He mutters into my hair. "No you were right to be mad," I shake my head. "I kept it a secret from you for a long time, I should tell you everything." I admit and he backs away from the hug.
"I don't want you to feel like you can't tell me things, I reacted poorly." He sighs. "I did too, the things I said about Nesta were uncalled for. You know I love her." I say with tearful eyes. “I know, it’s okay.” He reassures, squeezing me tighter and lifting me up off the ground slightly with his height. "But, I'm not sorry for being with Eris." I assert as he places me back on the ground and he backs away. His eyes soften and he wipes a stray tear from my face. "I know, it'll take some time for me to get used to but I want you to be happy." He utters and that's all I needed to hear. "I can't promise he'll be invited to all the family dinners." He scratches the side of his neck and I offer him a relaxed smile. "That's okay," I nod my head. "I doubt he'd want to come anyways." I shrug. "The prick should consider himself lucky for even being able to look at you." Cassian grumbles. I give him a reprimanding look and he puts his hands up like he's been caught for a crime. "Sorry, I'll be better." He promises. "Thank you, brother." I pull him closer into another hug. "Means the world to me." I mumble and he presses a kiss to the crown of my head the way he's always done for the past five hundred years.
"You're sweaty." I grimace, breaking away from his hug. I lean to the side of him to see Azriel waiting impatiently for him to return to the training ring. "Do me a favor?" I look up at him. "Anything." He hums without hesitation. "Kick Az's ass for me?" I arch a brow and a menacing smile curves his lips. "I heard that!" Azriel calls from a few yards away, dammed shadows.
I look at the blue siphoned male glaring at me as Cassian retreats back to his sword. I blow the spy master a kiss and he waves me off. I smile contentedly and winnow back home.
Eris leaned against the kitchen counter with a furrow in his brow, waiting impatiently for me to return. I was surprised at his early arrival, he said he’d be home tonight but the sun had barely left the horizon. I suppose he wanted to return as soon as possible. He pushed off the counter and looks at me expectantly. A bright smile curves my lips and I jump into his arms, he catches me without so much as a stumble back, his warm hands coming under my thighs and heating me up like a cozy fire. "Everything's okay?" He asks worriedly, I don't reply and instead bring my hands up to his sharp cheekbones and pull him in for a kiss.
It was soft and lasting, like he was afraid I was going to tell him to leave after this ends. That Cassian somehow convinced me my mate was some maniacal creature who didn't deserve love. He wouldn't blame me, he'd go if I asked him and that fact is tearing at me. So I deepened our kiss, pulling him closer with a hope to reassure him.
"Please tell me everything's okay." He begs against my lips and I nod. "Everything's okay." I whisper with a small smile and he releases a hefty sigh, the weight of a world lifting from his shoulders. "Cass said he'd try his best. But then he followed up by saying you're a prick so?" I scrunch my nose at the way it sounds and he grins widely. "Sounds about right." He nods, placing me atop the countertop.
"Thank you." I say, wrapping my legs around him. "For what my dear?" His brows crease. "You took care of me when I was at my worst, I appreciate it." I softly say, his eyes glaze over for a moment but the sheen quickly disappears after he blinks. "You would've done the same thing for me." He shakes his head, leaning closer and pressing a gentle kiss to the corner of my lips. "I think I'll miss sneaking around with you." He admits and I chuckle. "Me too, but think about all the things we can do now that we don't have to be a secret?" I grin wildly at all the possibilities. His eyes light up and a smirk curves his sensual lips.
"What?" I ask him nervously when he doesn't say anything. "How would you like to be crowned high lady now?" He suggests and my cheeks heat. "But you've already been crowned, can we still do that?" I tilt my head. "It's my court love, I can do whatever I want." His arrogant tone makes me roll my eyes. "And what do you want?" I tilt my head, running my hands through the tufts of his deep auburn hair. "I want you on my throne." He purred, pressing a kiss to my jaw. "That can be arranged." I grin, throwing my arms over his shoulders.
"Anything else high lord?" I give him a seductive smile and he gets the hint. "I also want to fuck you by the fireplace." He confessed, pressing light kisses up the side of my face. "Then what are you waiting for?"
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Taglist: @fxckmiup @olive-main @iluvyewman-blog @gaymistakeboi
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machiten · 1 year
thats my seat!
academic rival scaramouche x gn!reader headcanons
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warnings: scaramouche(bro is a whole warning), foul language(it's scaramouche we're talking about here so), reader is mentioned to have bad eyesight, fights, angst, academic validation, bad parenting
barely proofread lmao im tired, it's 3:15 am and im starving. there will be a chapter 2 ofc i just wanted to post something goddamn my blog has been empty for so long (4 days) didn't have a way to keep track of the word count but it's kinda long. anyways hope u enjoy!!
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oh god
when i say rival, i mean full on brawls on the school hallway
so let's say you've been top of your school since day one. your name has always been at the top of the score board every exam, always class representative, and well known as a smart kid ever since you steped on school premises.
you work hard to keep your grades up, your parents pay enough attention to your succesful brother and none for you
having a successful brother plants high expectations on you. i mean, he did very well, so why cant you? you both have the same blood running through your veins. your parent's praise, that is all you've ever wanted. and yet you're not even informed if there's a family outing, leaving you in your house alone
it has been like that for years
not until one day, you enter into the classroom and someone else is sitting in your chair. someone unfamiliar is sitting on your chair.
"hey, excuse me. i sit there." you pointed at what is supposed to be, your chair. "what, i dont see any names on it." Ok, what. when you finally look up to the culprit, my goodness. Fierce purple eyes that looks like it holds the entire universe, his skin as fair as a maiden, lips plum as a springs fruit, a beauty mark at the underside of his right eye, and his hair a unique color of indigo that is cut in a weird jellyfish-ish hairstyle. while yes, he looks ethereal, not gonna lie (if he had longer hair you might've mistaken him as a girl) his personality certainly does not match his elegance. an annoyed look currently adorned his face, as if you disturbed his peace.
"done checking me out? i know im hot, i get that look everyday so dont ever think you're special." and now it changed into a cocky smirk. the nerve! not only is he sitting on someone else's chair but it seems like his head is getting bigger too. "well excuse me, i havent seen your around school until today so im guessing that you're the transfer student our teacher talked about last week. but do you mind finding a new spot, i sit there." you glared at him.
"no i like it here. here's a better idea, why don't you find a new spot. im the new student here, show some courtesy."
"no- what, go away thats my seat!"
"alright everyone, settle down- oh, i see that the new student is here already," the teacher finally came in the classroom, cup of steaming hot coffee in his hand. Everyone sat down on their seats while you are still standing up waiting for this person to look for another seat. Lmao guess what, he didnt move.
"(name), c'mon sit down. i know getting a new friend is exiting but we have to greet the new student properly. now go find your seat."
"wait but sir--"
"sit down, (name)"
"yeah that's right (name), sit down" a voice beside you spoke. you looked over to the new student adorning a triumphant grin at your loss. and so you are now forced to sit at the back, barely seeing what's in front because of your poor eyesight, and wearing a vengeful spirit.
epic first meeting
the seats in the back are okay, its breezy and you now sit next to xiao (his music taste is so good) but yeah, you cant really see the board clearly so you get notes from mona at the front
at first, it was a one sided rivalry. how hated how rude and bratty he was and at that time, he didnt seem too care (like he get those everyday). but then he started fighting back and oh boy he hasn't had this much fun in years!
the way you retort back to his harsh words is so amusing to him. usually, no one would dare talk to him in a degrading manner but then you came into his life, claiming that he's sitting on your chair, and it was never the same ever again.
now, he looks forward to everyday. he rises up earlier so that he can sit at your chair first, he keeps looking at the classroom door everytime someone enters (in case it's you so that he can give that shit eating grin), he loves how your face gets messed up when he wins an argument, he loves how small your hands are compared to his when you have a brawl in the hallways, and most of all, he loves it when you give him the shit eating grin when you win something (he says he let's you win sometimes because he pitied you, but is it really?)
to him, this is fun, amusing, entertaining. but to you? you've never felt this much hate in a human being, ever.
scaramouche is smart as fuck and he demonstrated that loud and clear
he aced the math test that the teacher gave that wasn't even taught to him
in presentations, he speaks loud and clear and you can really understand the point he's making
he doesn't really like group works (you noticed) but if he was put in a group, he does most of the job flawlessly
sports? oh of course. he's really good at baseball (pitcher). he's also good at other sports but not as good as baseball
oh and pray that you don't get him as your opponent in debates, you will be grilled like a brisket
did i mention he sleeps in like 70% of his classes? it's not like the teachers can do anything about it. he excels in everything, at least let him sleep as a gift
the only times he would be awake is when he pulls on your strings
but of course, you're also good in all of these, that's why you both are rivals
you fight almost everyday for the top spot (and for your original seat) to the point where its a daily routine to everyone else to see you both pinching and arguing in the classroom
He doesn't have any close friends (ahem childeahem) and it's either bc ppl are intimidated by him or he just doesnt give a fuck about friends
maintaining grades is one thing, winning against him is another
you are very intellegent, yes, but you work very hard for your grades every night. losing sleep studying for upcoming quizes and making sure your projects are perfect. unlike him who doesnt even try
you havent seen him study once
and it makes you see yourself lower. you're both equally in par with your grades but thats when he doesn't even try. what happens when he takes everything seriously? what if he studies as hard as you do? where will you stand then?
but when you got 2nd place for the 3rd time this year, he took it too far
"what the hell?! this is the third time!" you looked at the results in the bulletin board expecting to see your name in first place. you studied hard, right? so then why,,,
"oh oops, looks like i did a little too well again this time. aw and i didn't even answer some of the questions because i felt bad for beating you the last two times." a snicker is heard behind you and sure enough, piercing indigo eyes is looking at yours in pure pity. "thanks i guess. are you happy now? that's three times in a row!" aether beside you is now having a deadpan expression, expecting the worst. 'alright here we go again'.
"oh yes very, you know what makes me even happier? your declaration that you're inferior to me. why do you even try anyways, it's clear to everyone that im better. you're just wasting your time burying your head in your books and notes when we both already know who's coming at the top. imagine not meeting your parent's expectations." he's now looking down on you, beating you up with words that you know damn well are true. but that doesn't mean you're not gonna fight back.
"oh you know, maybe if you tried harder, the cost of your education might be worth it for your parents. honestly, if i we're them id--"
before he could finish his sentence, a loud echoing smack is heard all across the hallway, making everyone's attention turn to the commotion. scaramouche head is now turned the other way, his cheeks beginning to flare from the hit as he glared at the culprit, you. "you motherfucking bitc-!" you tackled him and due to surprise, he fell back. aether is now alert, shouting your name trying to get you to your senses.
you gripped scramouche's collar, rasing his head from the floor and slamming it back down. "you're an asshole, you know that?! i try my best everyday and this is what i get?!!" he fights back, hand on your arm that's trying to get a hold of his hair and another on your neck, holding back your weight.
"you don't know what it's like!! you will never know what it's like being compared to your brother everytime they get a chance!! you dont know what it's like going home to nothing but words of disappointment when you did everything you can to get their approval!! you will never know what it's like for your efforts to go to waste!! you will never know the feeling of being kicked out of your own home and live in a run down apartment!! i work day and night, i lose sleep everyday, i barely have anything for myself to live, and now i have to deal with your ass every single day too?!!"
"(name)! calm down, hey-!"
"fuck off aether!"
every word you spat pricked scaramouche's heart and made him struggle from your assaults. this isn't fun anymore. he knew a bit of your situation, kazuha told him. but he never knew it was this bad. all he knew is about your parent's expectations. he didn't even attempt to fight back this time and just defends himself from your blows. 'shit, i took it too far.'
"you dont have to remind me of my incompetence! i already know, i know damn well i will never be enough!! you're right, why do i even try, right?! you're so fucking annoying, doing everything so effortlessly, like school is a nuisance!! can't i take a fucking break?!!" at this point, you cannot control your tears from falling into his cheeks, rolling down his porcelain skin.
"what are you--?!"
"why can't i be a genius like you?! why dont i have everything that you have?!! i did everything i can, what am i doing wrong?!" you are now saying intangible words that no one can decipher because of the mess of emotions you are feeling at that moment. you're about to deliver another blow when someone held you back.
"(name)! you're doing too much! thats enough!!" goddamn she is stronger than i thought, scaramouche deals with this everyday?? aether pulled you away from the tangled mess that you and scaramouche managed to create. you're struggling his hold but after a bit, you slumped down having no more strength to keep going, sobbing quietly. "...(name)?" aether said.
"...i am so tired of everything, why do i even keep trying. i.. i just want to make my parents proud..." sniffles could be heard from where you are being held my aether's arms. aether supported you from the groud and led you away from the scene and the prying eyes of other students. before you both can disappear completely, aether turned around and gave scaramouche a threatening glare. "i know you both bicker a lot but you took it too far. you are an asshole and you better change that attitude of yours or i will send you home even worse than your condition right now." and you both are gone.
scaramouche is still sitting on the floor, his arm supporting his weight, bruises are forming in his skin while he's craddling his cheek that is now very noticeably red and flaring from the slap you served him earlier. he doesn't know how to act, really. should he apologize? should he just walk away and like nothing happened? should he report you for physical abuse? he didn't know anything.
what he does know though is that he fucked up, big time. he knows that you'll never want to see his face ever again, he knows that nothing will be the same again, and he knows thag the feelings he has will never be reciprocated, after what he's done.
he actually just found out recently, when someone from the other class was making fun of you and he didn't like it one bit, he's the only one allowed to make fun of you, everyone back off. scaramouche can see the crowd dissipating, no longer interested since the main action is gone. he sat there on the floor the whole time, rethinking his life choices, wondering if he said things differently instead of those. would he be seeing you tomorrow? will you still argue with him about nonsensical bullshit? can he still hold your hand whenever you pinch him?
he heard footsteps and before he can look up, someone had smacked him in the head.
"what the fuck-!!"
"i want to say 'are you okay', but to be honest you kinda deserved that." a mop of ginger can bee seen hanging from someone's head.
"fuck off childe, and why did you smack me?!"
"because you deserve it. but y'know, it's nice having front row seats seeing you ruin your life because of that toungue of yours. aether's right you're an ass." he helped scaramouche from the floor, dusting his uniform from the filth. "ill take you to the infirmary." scaramouche can only nod, feeling lethargic after all that energy spent.
he hopes to see you the next day, acting like nothing ever happened.
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part 2
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acewritesfics · 10 months
He Is A Beautiful Man | Bradley Bradshaw
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Pairing: Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw x Seresin!Reader 
Request: from @rainydayteacups
Prompt: "You're staring." 
Warnings: Fluff. Mentions of Hangman x Phoenix pairing. Summer fling. Two fools falling in love hard and fast. 
Word Count: 1,777
Tag List: Open - acewritesfics taglist sign up
Top Gun: Maverick Masterlist
©️ no one has permission to copy, translate and/or repost my works on here or anywhere else.
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"Hey sis, I hope you packed your cowboy boots because we're going dancing tonight," Jake calls out to Y/N as he walks through the front door of the beach house she's leased for the summer.  
While he's stationed in San Diego, he persuaded her to come spend her summer under the Californian sun. Despite being nothing alike, the Seresin siblings are close, and she couldn't pass up the chance to spend the summer at the beach with her brother. 
"When are we leaving?" she asks as she walks out of her bedroom. 
He informs her, "You've got an hour to get ready." 
Y/N spends the next hour showering and getting ready for the bar that Jake plans to take her to. She wears a short-sleeved black dress that is adorned with tiny pink and white flowers. The skirt of the dress flowed freely over her thighs and ended just above her knees, while the top of the dress hung loosely from her shoulders. She wears it with a belt that is the same dark brown color as her cowboy boots, which were a birthday gift from Jake two years prior. 
She leaves her hair alone, not bothering to do anything special with it, and then applies a little make-up, aiming for a "no make-up" make-up look before putting on her jewelry. Her jewelry included a set of small, hooped earrings, her watch, a bracelet, and her horseshoe pendant necklace, which she wore every day. 
"Are you ready to go?" Jake inquires, standing at the doorway as she clips her earrings into her earlobes 
She nods and retrieves her clutch from her bed, double-checking it before following him out of the little two-bedroom beachfront bungalow. "Where are we heading tonight?" 
He sheepishly answers, "The Hard Deck." 
After being here for 10 weeks, she gives him a little smack on the arm as they arrive at her rental. "Here you were getting me all excited that we were going someplace new, finally asking me if I packed my boots because we're going dancing." 
"I thought you loved the Hard Deck," he chuckles as he takes her keys and walks over to the driver's side. When he's around his sister, his country twang always comes out more strongly. "Oh, I'm sorry I forgot, you like going there to see the rooster that's there." 
"Bless your tiny little heart, Jake Seresin. How's Natasha doing, by the way? Have you chased her away with your oversized ego yet?" she retaliates as she climbs into the passenger seat. He glares at her, shaking his head, as he climbs into the driver's seat and drives to the navy bar they frequented. 
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"You're staring," Y/N hears Natasha say from beside her as they're sat at a table watching Jake, Bradley and a few of the others around the pool table.  
"I don't know what you're talking about," she denies glancing at her before returning her gaze to Bradley and raising her bottle of beer to her lips to take a drink. "He is a beautiful man," she continues, not denying that she finds him attractive. 
Natasha scoffs, smirking at her and says, "Oh please, you and Rooster haven't exactly been subtle." 
"I didn't think we were trying to be," she replies, looking back at her new friend, who just so happens to be her brother's fellow naval aviator and girlfriend. "How are you and Jake doing?" 
Natasha looks across the bar at her Jake, smiling from ear to ear, "We're doing great." 
With a tinge of seriousness, Y/N jokes, "It's nice he finally has someone who can keep him and his ego in check."  
Natasha was the first of her brother's girlfriends she loved and got along well with. Before realizing he felt serious feelings for Natasha, Jake didn't have the greatest taste in women often going for ones that didn't have many brain cells and stroked his already massive ego. 
The navy pilot beams, "I'm glad I have your approval." 
They tap the necks of their beer bottles together in cheers before taking another drink. Natasha turns to face the men after noticing a woman who wasn't wearing a navy uniform stroking Bradley's arm. She looks past the woman, seeing Jake's scowl as he eyes the hand that doesn't belong to his sister.  
"Are you going to let her know that he's already taken?" Natasha asks, gesturing towards Bradley and the unknown woman.  
When Bradley shrugs the woman's hand off his arm and says something to her, Y/N knows that Bradley has it handled. "I don't have to, but I'm going to make it known."  
As a slow song starts playing on the jukebox, she gets out of her chair, leaves her empty bottle on the table, and walks towards Bradley. She approaches him and places a hand on his shoulder getting his attention as she stands in front of him. He hands Bob the pool cue and moves his hands to her hips, tugging her closer. 
"Dance with me?" she asks, looking up at him through her lashes. 
"With you, always," he replies and takes her hand, leading her onto the small area that's cleared for a dance floor in front of the jukebox. 
Standing in front of her, Bradley moves wraps an arm around her waist, placing his large hand on the small of her back as the other takes her hand in his and holds it to his chest. He pulls her close as she lays her free hand on his shoulder and starts swaying to the music. 
Never did she think coming to California would lead her into the arms of her brother's 'friendly' rival. From the moment Jake, reluctantly, introduced them, she knew her, and Bradley would become great friends. Little did she know that they would become more than that. 
She wasn't in San Diego two weeks when Bradley asked her to dinner, ignoring Jake's threats of shooting down his jet if he even dared touch his sister. Jake tried to convince her that Bradley only asked her on a date to spite him but once he realized that there was no stopping the two, he gave up. But that didn't mean he didn't keep a close eye on them.  
The more time Y/N spent with Bradley, the more she could feel herself falling in love with him. She tried to stop it, but it was impossible. Both her and Bradley had agreed that this would be a summer fling but the thought of leaving to go back to Texas in two weeks made her heart hurt. 
"What's on your mind, sweetheart?" she hears Bradley voice cut through her thoughts. She looks up at him, her eyes meeting his pretty ones.  
"Let's go for a walk along the beach," she says stepping out of his hold, keeping their hands interlocked as she pulls him out the bar doors.  
As they walk along the beach, Bradley lets go of her hand and slings his arm across her shoulders and pulls her to his side. Y/N reaches her hand up, covering his hand with her own.  
"What's got you so quiet?" he asks after a few minutes of them walking in silence, the only sound coming from the crashing of the waves and the music slowly fading in the background as they move further away from the bar. 
"I don't want this to end," she tells him looking towards the beach, not wanting him to see her sadness as she is thinking about her approaching departure date. 
"Who says it has too?" he asks her as he stops walking and turns her around. Placing a finger under her chin, he tilts her head up, so she'll look at him. "Who says it has to end?" 
"I'm leaving in two weeks," she reminds him. 
"Cancel your flight," he says like it's the simplest thing to do.  
"I can't just cancel my flight," she says as though it's the most difficult thing to do.  
"Why not?" he asks. "We can find you a house here. You're self-employed so you don't need to find a new job. You'll be closer to Jake and Nat and this," he pauses, pulling her closer and buries his head in the crook of her neck, his lips brushing against her sweet spot, his moustache tickling her skin. A soft and pleasurable sigh leaves her lips as she runs her hands through his curls, before gently tugging his head back. He smiled, seeing that her eyes had closed as she enjoyed his affection and planted a soft kiss to her lips. "doesn't have to end," he finishes when he pulls away. 
Her eyes flutter open, and she bites the inside of her cheek as she thinks about what he's said. He did make a very convincing point.  
"How can I say no to that?" she asks, a lazy smile on her lips as she looks up at him. 
"You can't," he says, pecking her lips.  
"Want to get out of here?" she asks, running her hands down his chest. 
"You know I do," he says stepping back from her and takes her hand, leading her back the way they came. 
Y/N giggles against Bradley's lips as they stumble through the door to her rented beach house.  
"Sorry," he mumbles against her lips, kissing her hungrily.  
"No, you're not," she chuckles after breaking the kiss, stepping away from him. "There's one thing I need to do before this goes any further," she continues, holding her hand against his chest to stop him from advancing on her.  
Y/N turns on her heel, taking her phone out of her clutch, dropping the clutch to the floor as she pulls up her flight info. Bradley comes up behind her, his hands on her hips as he places soft kisses along her shoulder and up her neck to her ear. She bites her lip, stopping the moan of pleasure from escaping as she tilts her head giving him more access.  
"What are you doing?" he asks, his warm breath hitting her ear and sending a shockwave down her spine. 
"I think you know what I'm doing," she smiles as he rests his head on her shoulder, watching her finger hover over the cancel option before pressing it and confirming it. She turns back around to face him, dropping her phone on the couch before wrapping her arms around his shoulders. "After all it was you who convinced me to do it." 
"No regrets," he smiles and kisses her again, as he lifts her off the floor and wraps her legs around his waist. Walking them into her bedroom, he kicks the door shut. 
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omgkatherine01 · 2 years
Dream Girl: Chapter 1 - Brother
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Series Masterlist
Chapter 2
Pairing: Neytiri x female reader
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When you were told about your older brother, Tom's death, you didn't believe it.
He spoke to you only hours ago. You told the agents; Ralf and Cassidy that.
"I'm sorry, kid," Cassidy told you that while the two of you sat on the couch in yours and Tom's apartment.
When you realized that now, with Tom's death, his Avatar won't be used. Not even for the first time.
Tom's twin, your brother Jake, was found and talked to into coming.
You haven't spoken to Jake for a few weeks until then. Your relationship with him wasn't strong like yours with Tom, despite you tried to reach for him a few times, it never work.
Tom, as the oldest Sully, was the one who supported you to follow your dream, the one who was there to hold you when you cried in your parents' funeral. The one who told you to never give up on your hopes and dreams. The one who made his little sister laugh and smile.
He was now gone.
And yet, even though you have your brother Jake, who is identical to Tom, it wasn't the same.
Tom was always there. Jake wasn't.
You wouldn't have been surprised if he wouldn't have showed up to see our brother one last time.
But when you saw him rolling into the building on his wheelchair with Ralf and Cassidy by his side, you were surprised but deep down was relief to see he came.
That night was when you told him about the program, and when you said you will be leaving Earth for this, he agreed to join.
With Tom's gone, it was only the two of you left. Now that his twin, his older twin by five minutes, was now gone, Jake had to step in and be there to look after you.
"You weren't at the safety briefing."
You turned to Jake as he rolled down to your side while walking down the hall of the building in Pandora. "Already got one from my mentor," you replied as you placed your bag on top of his and walked behind him to lead him by the wheelchair, "Don't need another."
Jake hummed, "Got it."
"So, find it interesting so far?" you asked.
"Oh yeah," Jake said, "A little bit, that's why I agreed to join."
"Funny, I thought it was because Ralf told you it was paying good," you said, yet smiled a little.
He smiled and looked up at you, "It's only one of the two reasons. I joined in more because you going."
This time you hummed.
"Oh, y/n! Sorry, excuse me. Y/n!" You stopped pushing on Jake's chair and turned to see Norm Spellman, a friend of your and Tom, and also part of the program, running toward you and your brother.
"Hey, Norm," you said.
"Hey," he said as he stopped next to you. He gave you a warm embrace, "I'm really sorry about Tom."
The two of you pulled away, and you gave him a small smile, "Thanks." You looked from him to Jake, "Uh, Jake, this is Norm Spellman, he's part of the avatar program." You looked at Norm, "This is the twin I told you about, my brother Jake."
Norm nodded, "Right. You and Tom are 100% identical." He raised his hand, and Jake shook it. "Nice to meet you. I went through avatar training with your siblings."
"Nice to meet you," Jake said.
"I was about to show Jake the lab, coming?" you asked.
"Yeah," Norm answered.
You and Norm took Jake down the hall until you reached to the lab. "Into the bio-lab," Norm muttered and smiled as the three of you walked inside. "We're gonna spend a lot of time up here. Link… Here's the link room right here. This is where we're connecting to the avatar."
Jake rolled his wheelchair past Norm and toward the three Amnio Tanks where two male and a female avatars were in. You, Jake and and Norm were to drive these bodies. They were grown from human DNA mixed with the DNA of the natives.
You smiled at Max Patel, "Hey Max."
Max smiled at you, "Hey kid. 18 now, you get to try her on finally." You chuckled softly and walked around the tank of your avatar. Max looked at Norm and Jake. "Welcome to Pandora. Good to have you."
Jake and Max shook hands. "Thanks," Jake said. He scoffed as he looked at the avatars. "They got big."
"Yeah, they did," you said as you smiled while staring at your avatar.
"Tomorrow, you could take them out," Max said. He turned to Jake, "Alright, it's time for you to meet your boss for the next six years." He turned to you and stepped closer to place his hand on your back, "I'm sorry. We heard what happened with Tom. You and Jake are okay?"
"Yeah," you answered as you walked beside him toward the link room, while Norm and Jake followed behind. You looked around, "It looks different from the pictures," you muttered.
You looked to the links and saw the psionic link units lifted. You saw Grace in one of them and she groaned a little as she sat up. "Who's got my godamn cigarette? Guys! What's wrong with this picture?" The tech woman rushed closer with the lab coat and cigarette. "Thank you."
You walked faster than the guys and smiled a little at the woman as she took a puff before noticing you walking closer. She hummed and gave the cigarette to the tech woman.
"Grace Augustine is a legend," Norm said behind you as they walked in. "She's the head of the Avatar Program. She wrote the book, I mean, literally wrote the book on Pandoran botany."
"Well, that's 'cause she likes plants better than people," Max said quietly to him and Jake before watching you and Grace hugging, "Or at least one person she likes."
"I'm so sorry about your brother," Grace said as the two of you pulled away. She placed her hands on your cheeks, "How are you now?"
"I'm good," you answered, giving your mother figure a smile.
"So y/n knows that Doc?" Jake asked.
"Yeah, they pretty close, actually," Max answered. "We met her and Tom years ago, when y/n was 15. Yeah, Grace took her under her wing." Max walked closer, with Norm and Jake following. "Here she is, Cinderella back from the ball. Grace, I'd like you to meet Norm Spellman and y/n's brother, Jake Sully."
Grace placed her hand on your shoulder, ignoring your brother and focusing on Norm instead, "Norm. I hear good things about you. How's your Na'vi?"
Norm spoke in Na'vi, "'Awvea ultxari ohengeyä, Nawma Sa'nok lrrtok siveiyi." May the Great Mother smile upon our first meeting.
Grace nodded approvingly, and spoke Na'vi as well, "Tsun tivam. Aylì'u ngian nì'it skepek lu." Not bad. You still sound a bit too formal, though.
You chuckled at that, and Norm smiled a little before speaking, "Zìsìt amrr ftolia ohe, slä zene fko nivume nìtxan." I studied for five years but there is much to learn.
"Grace?" you started and nodded to your brother, "This is my brother, Jake Sully."
Grace looked at him, and her amusement had disappeared from her face. Jake nodded to her, "Ma'am."
Grace nodded, "Yeah, yeah, I know who you are, and I don't need you."
Jake raised an eyebrow, while Max frowned a little, "Uh, but--"
Grace cut him off, "Shut it." Max closed his mouth. Grace looked at Jake, "I lost your twin, but I still have the youngest Sully. She will do. Go back to Earth."
Grace turned around and started to leave. Max took a step to follow her, but you beat him to it, pointing a finger to tell them to wait before quickly stopping Grace by your side, "Grace, Grace." She sighed as she looked back at you. "He's my brother, you got to give him a chance. Please, you can't send him back to Earth, he came not just for this project, he came for me."
"Now he cares?" Grace asked quietly.
"Tom's dead, now we only got each other," you pointed out, "You, Max and Norm are the closes thing I have for a family, but he is my brother, please."
Grace looked at you for a moment before taking a deep breath and walking past you to go back to the guys. You quickly walked by her side and the woman looked at Jake with a look, "How much lab training have you had?"
"I dissected a frog once," Jake shrugged.
You looked up at the ceiling in annoyance. Grace looked from you to Max, "You see? You see? I mean, they're just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain." She started to walk away again, "I'm going to Selfridge."
"No, Grace, I don't think that's a good idea," Max said.
"No, man, this is such bullshit!" Grace said, "I'm gonna kick his corporate butt. He has no business sticking his nose in my department."
Max looked from you to Norm and Jake, "Here tomorrow. 0800." He gave Jake a look, "Try and use big words."
"Easier said than done," you muttered as you gave your brother a look.
"What?" he asked as Norm and Max walked away.
"What?" you repeated quietly, "Jake, you promised to take it seriously."
"I'm taking this seriously," Jake muttered as he rolled after you.
"No you not," you said.
"Oh come on, y/n," he said and you stopped to turn back and look at him. "You and I both know that Grace doesn't want me around since the moment she laid her eyes on me. Clearly she doesn't like me because I wasn't much around for you like Tom was after our parents' died."
"Yeah, she knows everything," you said and let out a sigh.
"They asked you to talk to me, because I can use Tom's avatar," he said, "They don't want me here."
"I want you here," you said and placed your hand on his shoulder, "It's never too late for us to go back to be a family, Jake. You're my big brother, and I hoped you would come with me, so we can start over again. I want to do that."
"Me too," he said and took your hand in his.
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alaydabug2 · 1 month
Tag list: @sparklenarniawizard @imobsessed123 @thoughtlescat @ilikebookssomuch
Broken heart/Broken mind
Chapter Fifty-seven
(Human AU)
Sophie and Keefe met in the children's hospital when they were little. Because of how long they were confined to the four walls of the hospital, they became very close during their stay.
As the years pass, they wind up being in the same classroom together due to their physical conditions. This makes their bond deepen.
But are they able to handle when life gets tough, throwing problems and complications their way?
Sophie forced herself to walk to the lunch table. She knew the conversation she had ahead of her, and she desperately wanted to avoid it.
She sat down beside Dex. Her friends greeted her, then started to unload rumors going around the school.
Her face slowly paled as Marella said, "Yeah, apparently one of the baseball players is in the hospital. I don't know who. It was someone in Mrs. Delani's class who heard this. I don't know how he ended up there, but it was something pretty bad."
Sophie's throat felt thick. She felt like she couldn't speak.
"Hey," Fitz asked. "What's wrong?"
"Keefe," she croaked. "That's him. He's in the hospital."
Everyone at the table dropped what they were doing.
"Is he ok?"
She shook her head. "He had a heart attack yesterday morning. I found out after lunch, and Edaline checked me out of school to go see him. He hasn't woken up yet," her voice broke.
The tears started spilling over again. She tried to smear them away, but they were replaced with more. The looks on her friends faces tipped her over the edge. They looked like they just saw a puppy being run over.
Dex wrapped his arms around her. She turned and sobbed into his shoulder. Sophie knew she needed to keep it together, but she just couldn't.
The rest of lunch was spent with her and her friends trying to process what had happened. At the end of the day, she jumped into her car and started driving to the children's hospital, which was thirty minutes away.
When she stepped into the lobby, her legs shook. Everything was trembling by the time she clicked the button on the elevator to go up. She took deep breaths to calm her nerves.
Sophie paused when she got to the door. She counted to three to prepare herself for the horrid sight.
When she opened the door, her eyebrows rose when Ro was already sitting in a chair beside Keefe's bed, with red eyes. She wasn't necessarily surprised she was here to see her brother. She just didn't think she would be here at this time.
"Hey," Ro murmured.
Sophie took a seat on the opposite side of the bed. "Hey. How are you holding up?"
She shrugged. "You?"
She shrugged back.
Sophie gently stroked Keefe's face, avoiding the oxygen mask over his mouth. They stayed sitting in the quiet until Ro muttered something under her breath.
"If he doesn't end up ok, I am going to kill my parents." She looked up. "This isn't even a joke, I'm going to end up on trial."
Sophie frowned. "Why."
"Just... for treating him like crap his entire life." Ro took Keefe's hand and gently squeezed it. She sighed. "I'm going to tell you something, but you have to swear to not repeat this."
She nodded. "I swear."
"Good." Ro's eyes trailed up to Keefe's face. Her gaze softened. "Ok, I'm just gonna say this, we're fourteen years apart. That wasn't on purpose."
Sophie nodded. "I figured that was the case, but I always thought that you were the... well." She cringed.
Ro shook her head. "Nope. They only wanted one kid. They were already in their forties when he was born."
"Forties?" Sophie blurted out
Ro snorted. "They're on a first name basis with the botox lady." Her face fell. "But that's why they're so awful to him. They never even wanted him. And, well..."
"What?" She murmured.
She shifted. "Mom drank a lot when she was pregnant with him, even though she wasn't supposed to. Pretty sure she even blacked out on it once or twice." Ro went back to staring at her brother. "Sometimes I blame that for why he has health issues now. I don't have any direct proof, but..."
"It's plausible," Sophie chimed in.
She nodded. "She seemed to even drink more than she did, usually. Sometimes, I even think she was trying to..." She trailed off, and Sophie had to block the horrible thought from finishing inside her head.
"But," Ro sighed and propped her head in her hands. "I don't have proof for any of it. It's not going to do any good."
Sophie was quiet. She wasn't sure what she was supposed to add to that. She decided to nod her head to leave Ro to interpret it how she pleased.
Eventually, she had to ask, "Is he in a coma?"
"Not necessarily a coma," Ro tried to explain. "But because of how much trauma his body went through, it needs time to recoup before he wakes up."
"When do you think that will be?"
"I'm not sure, Blondie," Ro whispered. "I'm not sure."
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dazuya · 2 years
If That's How We Reunite, So Be It
Ragnvider! adopted! reader going to Mondstadt after a decade with their new family, Only to be reminded of the things they went through by their old one.
Part 2 for Dark and Cold.
"So sweetie, We have one day off for now. Is there anything you wanna do? Or do you just wanna stay in and play with the new recruits? Hmm?" Childe asked. Although he never had a shimmer in his eyes. You could tell he was gentle to people he cared for. You could tell his words hold honesty and love.
"I do want to show you around places i loved as a kid. But you know, only if you like to, brother Ajax." You said shy and not being able to look him in the eye. You wanted to show him sides the he had shown to you. He would tell you about his family. Take you to his family. Take you to places that were special to him because you were his own. And now, you would tell him just that. That he was your brother. That without him, you would've passed that night.
"Well, Yes! i definitely would love to! This is the first time we're here and it would be amazing for you to show me around. Do you want the others to come?" He asked smiling and already out of the couch to get ready. Although you'd love to show your friends in the Fatui your old hometown. You'd show it to them another time. Not right now.
"Just you. I'll take them later. Anyways, the first place i want to take you to is windrise. Follow me!" Maybe the inner child in you always wanted someone to go there with. That place had one large Tree infront of the Anemo Archon's statue. It was the perfect place to climb up and just sing your heart out.
"Alright, Alright. Hey now! Don't trip over nothing. I don't want to carry you around all day yeah?" He said following you. Walking from your inn. You guys made your way to windrise. While you were going on about how the tree is so big and beautiful. Childe would look over you with a gentle smile. Sure you might be twenty five now. He still sees you as the fifteen year old he took in that day.
While you guys were walking there, Three people made sure you couldn't see them following you. Aether was worried that the Harbinger and his supposed subordinates were going out to make trouble. While Diluc and Kaeya were making sure that you weren't in danger. Sure they can't look after you when you're outside Mondstadt, They could least keep their mind at ease for now.
Aether was confused as to why Diluc was joining them. Kaeya, he could understand. Kaeya was a captain so it made sense that he would be there to maintain peace in the city. Diluc was a night owl. He would protect the city at night. But somehow, he left his office for today. Brushing it off, they were sneaky enough to be without ear shot distance but not be seen.
"So, This is the tree i was talking about! Isn't it Huge? Seems like it's grown a bunch since last time. Come on! let's climb it." You started to make your way on top of a branch which would support both you and childe. Childe just followed you and sat next to you.
"I'd come here whenever, my gaurdian would go to work with his kids. They were older than me so they had things to do. While, I'd sit here and look over the lake. It still looks beautiful. Doesn't it, Ajax?" A small smile on your face. It certainly was the same tree you were on. The memories came back to you. What started as a hum turned into fully fledged singing. While you were swinging your legs dangling from the branch.
Childe felt inner peace. Maybe coming to Mondstadt with you wasn't such a bad idea after all. Aether stared at you wide eyed. He wasn't that submerged into someone doing anything. Not less a Fatui memeber! Should he be admitting to find you ethereal? No but he can't lie to himself.
While the Ragnvider brother's felt somewhat relieved. That you still didn't stop singing. The same song they taught you to sing when you left lonely, Or when you were happy! They couldn't tell which one you were right now. But considering the way you smiled to Childe and his subordinates, It was clear that were happy.
"You've been hiding such a voice for me? I've been hurt. Just wait until everyone hears about this!" He joked to you. Ruffling your hair. Laughs echoed through the place. Getting down from the tree carefully, You decided to make your way to thousand winds temple. It was still in ruins, The same ruin gaurd lurking and taking rounds mindlessly.
"I'd come here to fight it sometimes! Because i didn't have a vision, I would just use sword. It wouldn't work as well and the tavern owner would come save me. But now since you taught me how to use a bow. I think i can take it on my own. So keep your eyes on me brother! After this, We'll sit on that point there. We can see the tree in windrise from here." You said almost eager to show him how hard you'd practice with your bow and make sure to make it a point to get better and make him proud. Before Childe could say anything to object you from fighting, He didn't have the heart to say no to you. He just let you be for now.
Aiming your bow at the core of the ruin gaurd, you infused it with your electro element and shot it accurately. Just like how you'd be taught. When it was down, you got close to finish the job with sword. After dusting your legs and hands, You made your way to him. Who was waiting to tell you that you did good.
"Is This what you've been doing in the ruin labs? You've gotten better i must say! Just don't get yourself in dangerous situation yeah?" He chimed. Looking out for you.
The three people who'd been following you had their weapons out. Just in case something went wrong. Diluc smiled to himself. You've grown to be able to protect yourself. Something he wanted to do. But he left you to do it on your own. Kaeya was kind of proud that you didn't let go of the sword skills he had taught you way back when you were younger. Chuckling to himself when you'd complain about it being hard when right now you were doing it without breaking a sweat.
Aether was entranced, once again. He couldn't help but admire you. You might be on the other side of his journey but he wouldn't mind taking a breather with you as his stop. Paimon made note to keep his love sick gaze for you in her mind.
"You know, I thought i was going to die that day. Thank you for taking me in. I was abandoned by my mother in front of a church. A kind man took me in. Only to be killed later, And then I met you! I wouldn't wanna go through it again but i think having my family now makes me think maybe it was worth living for. Of course you don't have to consider me as one! Just.. Thank you so much. It might not have been the best to fight and go out killing people but if i get to protect you from harm's way and your family then i think it's good enough for me, Brother Ajax." You were starting to tear up. Childe brought his hand to wipe away the tears. He pulled you in for a warm hug.
"I don't think I've ever made a better decision. And don't talk nonsense. You are and will always be my family. Even though you're stubborn. A little hostile to people. Please get along with other Fatui Harbingers. They're not bad you know? But Regardless of all that. I'm proud of you and how long you've come. Again, you don't have to come with me. Just stay with our family back home. I'll come visit you guys." The chilly windy was carrying sentiments of years which bottled inside of everyone there.
"I would always want to know you're safe. So i think I'll always join you. Even when you wouldn't want me." After a heartfelt talk between you guys. You were making your way to the city, when you noticed blonde hair in the side of your vision. Telling Childe to wait until you went and picked some flowers was an excuse to check this out.
The Ragnvider brother's made their way to childe. Not to threaten him. But to talk and find a way to perhaps connect with you.
"Look, We just want to talk about them. I know it seems like a laughable attempt to repair something that's been shattered. We just can't help it. Just once, Can we talk to them? With you or without you. Anything works." Kaeya was trying to come to an agreement while Diluc was nervously glancing around making sure you don't see them talking.
"And Why would i do that? Do you take me for a fool? I think it'd be best if you let it go. I don't want to comfort them again regarding you guys. It's heartbreaking for me." Childe hissed. Yes, he didn't want them near you. But some part of his heart wanted you to heal with them. If this had been with sibling or you. He would reach out too. He understood that. Pondering on it for a while.
"Don't come near them. I'll give you one last thing. Here. Take these. I found these on them the day i found them. I doubt they remember anything but here. Now i suggest that you take your leave before sweetie comes. And like i said. I will always make sure they're happy." Childe handed over a pair of earrings to kaeya and a wooden bracelet to Diluc. They had the initials "K.R" and "D.R" on them. Their heart swelled up and broke down. So this is what you were excited about. This is what you wanted to give them but never could.
They left. They couldn't face you again. Not when you had left such a previous thing to process. While Aether was confronted by you.
"Why were you following us?" You asked glaring at him. He merely gave you a sheepish smile and explained that he was just going around seeing Mondstadt.
Considering how his clothes weren't of Mondstadt origin. You believed him. He was a traveller from a far. So maybe it wouldn't be too bad to show him around later too. Just some genric places while you stayed here.
"I see. Well, I'll certainly see you around. Maybe show you a place or two. But don't get on my brother's bad side!" Right when you said that childe creeped up behind you. Aether's eyes were begging Childe to pretend they don't know each other.
"Well what do we have here hm? Aether and Y/n huh? What're you doing? It's getting late. Let's go back and have dinner." He said. You were confused as to how he knew him but that would be another conversation. Since your brother already knew of him. Maybe he wasn't a bad guy you thought.
"Okay. We'll take out leave.. Aether." With that the both of you left to your inn. Aether felt like he could certainly catch you up on that offer for a tour around.
Meanwhile the brothers were content. Not to their heart feelings but at least enough. They couldn't meet you outright. But at least they got one step closer. If this is how you reunite, step by step. Then so be it.
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llondonfog · 1 year
You know how Lilia often talk about the fact that Silver grew up so fast, for him it’s like if he was a child yesterday and now he’s already a young fine man ?Well, the other day I realized how it felt when I looked at my brother’s cat, Soup.
For context, I know Soup since the day she was born and didn’t realize how fast she grew before holding her in my arms in the other day. Suddenly, I felt that she was not as small and light as she used to be not that long ago. But the shook really hit when I looked at the calendar and realized she was only 5 months old. Like, she was as small as my hand this spring, how could time flew that fast ?!
And then I realized that Soup will probably die in a couple of decade if she lives a good life, waaaaay before me. So I sat and though deeply about this feeling and in a way I understood how Lilia may feel about Silver.
Because Silver is his little kitten, his baby that he loves like his own son. And even if Silver will grow and age much faster than him, he’ll probably be his little kitten until the very end in his eyes, even if Silver is not youthful anymore.
Because like 20 years fly in the blink of an eyes for us, 80 years is nothing in the long life Lilia lived. Yet, the same way our cat will probably leave a deep memory in our lives years after they’ll quit us, Silver will certainly be remembered by Lilia until he himself die.
Of course, I already thought before that this must be quite horrible to feel, as a species that can live longer like fae, to see the ones you love pass out so quickly… But I think I didn’t expect to actually be able to grasp this feeling myself with my relationship with this cat.
Anyway, I needed to share this feeling and since I know you love Lilia and Silver relationship I thought you’d be interested.
as a first-time cat owner myself, i can't tell you how much your ask hit home with me, and makes a perfect reference point for how we interact with these characters. i know exactly how you feel— when i picked up my cat at three months old, he was the smallest, cutest little bundle of fluff, his ears accounted for half of his size! and it's so crazy to look at him curled up next to me now, in the space that could have fit three of him as a kitten. we're celebrating his third birthday in november, and it's hard to believe so much time has passed— where did it go? it feels like only yesterday i was eagerly prepping for his arrival and fussing over his every move, so worried that i wouldn't know how to care for him properly.
and the thought will strike me from time to time, just as it has with you about soup— i will outlive my cat, this sweet little creature that's given me so much joy, purpose, and delight in my life. the very notion of it doesn't seem real, and it's humbling to realize that life is so fleeting and precious, and we have to cherish the time we have with our loved ones (even if they're cats!) because time can only keep marching on.
also, as a person in my late twenties enjoying the game, lilia and silver's relationship really hits home when i consider silver's struggle to accept his own father's decline and compare that to my own parents and the inevitable fact of aging. i don't think i've ever seen a piece of media demonstrate the grief and fear of losing your family structure as well as twst has done, and it honestly floored me with how much respect and nuance that they're treating this relationship.
like you pointed out, the differences in silver and lilia's species and overall ages only underscores how treasured their relationship to each other truly is— lilia is over 700 years old and only found silver at the end of his life. silver is just on the cusp of adulthood, and lilia is all he's ever known, he's silver's entire world and the cornerstone of which he bases all else. and i think that prior to ch7, silver fully expected his father to live beyond him, and i think that was almost a comfort, in a way. to have lilia always be by his side, to never lose his most precious family member and to have the rest of his human life to give lilia the happy ending he keeps wishing for his father to know, only to now realize that those wishes can never come true. lilia will die before silver, and seemingly soon— can we even begin to grasp what that must feel like when you have no other family?
as i've mentioned, i just really appreciate how twst has been handling this development with the gravity and emotional weight that it deserves. silver will always be lilia's one and only son, and i hope that despite all that he's learning about his father's past and even his own, that lilia can remind him of that. no matter how fleeting silver's presence was in the span of lilia's long memory, it was the happiest time of his life.
in any case, thank you for this sweet ask, i really appreciate you sharing your thoughts and how it affected you when you applied it to your own daily life <3 and thank you for allowing me to ramble about my own in return <3
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unironicallytes · 2 months
It's WIP Wtuesday!
Aka, I don't remember what day it is but want to share a WIP. I just got home from a trip where I ended up writing a lot during plane rides, so here you go! I've included Zath's hover-text asides as smaller, bracketed text at the bottom. For context, Zath and Lu have just arrived at the Cheydinhal Sanctuary, where they've run into Mathieu and Antoinetta.
Awkwardness ensues for ... multiple layers of reasons.
Speaker wordlessly passed me his travel bag while he addressed the pair, clasping his hands together and offering a gracious smile. I exchanged a quiet nod with Mathieu, who flicked his gaze from Lucien for only a second to acknowledge it. Then, I dipped into our room to set our things down. I caught snippets of the conversation as it continued behind me. “I did not expect to be home so early,” Speaker replied. “But when I arrived, I received word from Sanctifier Ocheeva about your progress and was able to make it in time.” Of course, that wasn't actually our reason for visiting, but you have to admit, it was pretty convenient. “You seem to be adjusting well. You look much happier than when we last spoke, and I'm quite pleased to see this. Do tell me how you've been.” Perhaps he expected a few sentences at most, maybe ‘I’m doing wonderfully, Speaker, I love being cooped up here reading in the chapel, thank you!’ or something along those lines. I don't think he expected for Antoinetta to deliver him a full, *autobiographical account of the past month. How did she even have so much to say? An Initiate’s life in the Sanctuary was the exact opposite of exciting. You were not permitted to leave before being baptized - in fact, if you tried to leave or even object too strongly, you'd be sent **‘home’. So, a Sanctifier sat your ass down and taught you our scripture until you could repeat it forwards, backwards, and sideways. That was it! You couldn’t even train with weapons yet! It was over a decade ago for me, but coming from a life bounding around the mountains of Valenwood, I found the process excruciating. The same apparently could not be said for our newest recruit. I hid my smirk as I returned to Speaker’s side. Antoinetta was still going. A glance at Mathieu told me he too was suppressing joy at witnessing our leader’s discomfort. The corners of Speaker's lips had remained politely upturned, but his smile’s genuinity had begun to erode with his patience, of which he had very little to begin with. “ … and I’d never known vampires were so kind! Sanctifier Vicente has been such a terrific mentor. Did you know he's been to Vvardenfell? What am I saying, of course you probably know, haha! I've only heard stories of Morrowind, but I've always wanted to see it in person. Brother Movis says it's not the best place to work though, that’s a shame!” The way she, a fresh-faced recruit, chatted so casually with what was essentially a high priest of our order was admirable in an absurd way. She was remarkably illiterate when it came to reading a room.
[*What? Fine, I know what you're probably thinking, but it's acceptable when I do it, because my commentary is so much more interesting.]
[**The permanent one. With Father. Please, we're not just going to let you go back to your last place of residence if you decide "actually this isn't for me, I'd like to quit now." Once a Speaker gives you that password, you're past the point of no return.]
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eleven441 · 5 months
The Story 1 🤍💙❤️
Cody Rhodes x Eleven story.
First of all i wanna say congrats to Rhodes once again. And all Roman reigns fans are pathetic why are you crying. You know he couldn't be champion forever. Y'all can stay mad.
Meh he's leaving meh this meh that, can't he do something normal like you know , finally starting a tag team, you know winning the tag titles. Join a Battle royal emg Andrea the Giant. Can win Money in the bank idk.
Stuff like that , it's fun. But noooo no championship you just leave anyway it's giving petty vibes.
He's now as good as someone like Ricochet, or Kofi Kingston. The Underdog never had a problem. I LOOOOOVVVVED THE UNDERDOG. But ever since he became the tribal chief and had brown eyes.... Ugh.
Soo to the story....
So in this story Cody is 28, Jey 25 and Seth 26.
Cody still has brown hair. And Seth black.
Ok umm
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Hi my name is Eleven I'm 25 and i am one of the biggest WWE superstars yet. I live with my brother Jey Uso🙄. With his friends Cody and Seth. And also with my best friend Becky. In a real big house.
I have another brother named Jimmy you know his stage name. But we don't live with him, due to some "personal reasons". We've been going through alotta ups and downs in the Anoa'i family. We'll get into that later.
Jey is an annoying Wild Card , who could be bothering me for no reason. He just comes and takes my chips. He uses my equipment without asking and he is always yelling.
Seth is very toxic in a funny way. He is always making these offensive jokes in serious situations like at funerals. He is a real foodie, i stash up the whole pantry and fridge with food, next morning poof it's gone.
Then we have Cody...Coooodeeey ......CO-D
Umm yeah we don't talk at all I don't even think he likes me. I guess i can't tell because whenever we're in the same room. It's just an akward silence. I am kinda crushing on him especially when he walks in without a shirt. But i ignore my feelings and let it slide.
Today Jey and Seth were out running errands for this week's upcoming SmackDown. I was in the gym busting my ass off. Cody was with me, but he was like literally on the other side of the room. It was total akward silence from there.
All he said coming in was a quiet hi. Then he went to his business. What weirded me out the most is how I could feel eyes on me. I felt bright blue eyes on my skin and for some reason it stung. I decided to ignore it and lift some weights but i was failing.
My brother Jey usually gives me a spot. But now that he ain't here it's gonna be hard. I wasn't expecting anything from Cody at all.
"Y-You need help with that?"i heard his soft voice gently echoing from the other side of the room. I was in shock just thinking of what Cody said. "Umm yeah yeah" i answered back. He came over to me snd stood behind me, to help me lift. The idea of squatting Infront of him made me uncomfortable.
He made sure i didn't hurt myself. ".....25! Woof that was one work out!" I said. "Thanks" i said softly fluttering my eyes. He smirked at me , with sparkling eyes. "Don't mention it" with that he walked off into the distance.
Seth , Jey, Cody and i went ot waffle house to have breakfast. Once we were there we so a real fat guy tryna get through the doors. "HEY! WHY DON'T YOU LOSE SOME WEIGHT!!!" Seth yelled. "Seth!" Jey and i hissed. All Cody did was chuckle, and shake his head then went through the other side of the door.
I had to answer a call from an Unknown number
Oh hi, Elé....
Who the fuck , is this?
Liv Morgan ofcourse
(Ugh bitch)
Why the living fuck do you want?
Nothing , nothing, just let Jey know his time is almost up.
Leave my brother alone.!!!!! Hello he-hello?
Ugh i put my phone in my pocket and entered.
Seth and Jey were sitting next to each other. Which left me with Cody... He looke at me with a small smile and bright eyes. I sat next to him knowing it was ok.
Seth and Jey went to order and now Cody and i were left alone. That fat giy came back and bardged through the doors , he had a cake, sadly the hit the floor him too.... "NOOOOOOO , I WAS GONNA EAT THAT" He said , i could bear Seth laughing from the counter.
"Well you don't see that every day"Cody finally said with a small smile. "Yeah"i added on."We don't talk much"Cody said softly. "Yeah , we really don't...." I responded.
"would you like to join me at SmackDown"he asked.I eas surprised. "Yes , id love too" i smiled. "I love you" he whispered."What?" I asked. "Umm i want stew" he said.
After that Jey n Seth came with our food.
I guess i wasn't meeting Bianca and Naomi on their segment. Oh well ...
Story continues...
@alyyaanna @codyrhodesnet-blog @jeyusos-girl @wwe
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liiilyevans · 1 year
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Singer/Band AU
Part 7. Peep below the cut!
Ginny was sitting outside the roller rink on the sun warmed wooden bench when her brother finally showed up. He was grumbling loudly and looked highly annoyed, which was a good sign if you asked Ginny. Hermione was elbowing his side and also looked annoyed, more likely at Ron than the situation. She was wearing a dress, too, which Ginny thought was a terrible idea. At least it was loose and between her knees and ankles in length. No one was going to catch a glimpse of her knickers when she fell.
Then there was Harry. He was wearing jeans, his hands stuffed into his pockets as he watched Ron and Hermione with raised eyebrows. Ginny assumed the look on his face was amusement, but she couldn't tell for sure. He was wearing a faded Imagine Dragons t-shirt, his hair as messy as the last time she'd seen him. When his green eyes landed on her, a smile fell over his face and he waved.
That was her que to stand.
"I hate you," Ron grumbled as she stretched.
"Well, geez, Ron, I hate you, too, so I guess we're even."
Hermione rolled her eyes. "Really? This is the mood we're setting for the afternoon?" She glanced down at Ginny. "Won't you get your knees banged up in that?"
Ginny glanced down at her shorts and exposed knees. "No."
"What if you fall?" Hermione said.
"I'm not planning on falling."
"But you can't be sure of that."
"Hermione, you're wearing a dress," Ginny said. "I don't think you have the right lecture me about my clothing choices."
With that, she turned on her heel and marched into the roller rink. A cool breeze met her when she stepped inside as well as bright red lights of Florean Fortescue's ice cream shop and roller rink. Old Florean was behind the counter, scooping some chocolate ice cream into a cup. When he saw her, a grin slipped over his face and he waved. Ginny grinned and waved back. His grandson was behind the counter for the skates, and he gave her an easy smile as she approached the counter.
"Hey, Gin," he said. "Long time no see."
Ginny beamed. It had been. She and Bill used to come here a lot when she was a kid. Ginny was often prone to loud outbursts when she was upset, and they could turn violent fairly quickly. She had pulled Ron's hair on multiple occasions and kicked the twins in the shins (though she'd never managed to figure out how to get them both at the same time). Her mother had been appalled. It was hardly fair though. The boys wrestled all the time, and Ginny had only been copying what she'd seen them do. Nevertheless, she'd still gotten in trouble and had been sternly lectured on several occasions, though that rarely helped. Her mother had been at her wit's end and Bill had been her saving grace.
Whenever he saw her start to get frustrated, he'd ask her if she wanted to nip out to Florean's for ice cream and a quick skate. It was clever of him because it made young Ginny, with her knobby knees and numerous freckles, feel special. Bill was always rather good at that. So, they'd come here, and Bill would spend the money he'd earned that week as a paperboy on ice cream and roller blades. He never brought up her behavior at home, but slowly, her outbursts stopped, her mother stopped pulling her hair out, and Ginny became rather good at roller blading.
"Hey, Marco," she said. "Size six, please."
"Already gotcha," he said. "Ron?"
"I'm just watching," Ron said.
"No, he's not," Ginny said. "Size 15."
When Marco slid the skates across to her, she roughly shoved them into her brother's chest, knocking the air out of him and forcing him to grab them. Then she turned and marched over to the benches to put her skates on. Just as she'd finished tying up the laces of her first skate, Harry sat down across from her. Ron and Hermione were still over by the front desk, quietly bickering.
"Remind me why he's not keen on this," Harry said as he tied his first skate.
"Because he sucks ass at it," Ginny said.
"Shut the fuck up," Ron said, glaring as he walked past her.
Ginny just grinned as Hermione rolled her eyes.
Once she'd tied her second skate on, she rolled her feet back and forth a couple times before standing up and starting toward the rink. As she glanced over her shoulder, she saw Hermione stand up as well, only to flail her arms before putting them on Harry's shoulders. Ginny just laughed.
After she'd been around the rink a few times, Ron and Hermione both managed to make it onto the rink, Harry following skeptically behind them. He was much better at this than either of them with Ron clinging onto the railing and Hermione rolling a few inches before flailing her arms. Ginny slowed down as she approached them.
"They're a hazard," Harry muttered to her.
"For sure," she said. Nodding her head to the left, she skated around them. Harry followed her. "Remind me how you met Ron again."
"I told you," Harry said easily. "We met at university."
"Right, but why haven't I met you before?" she said, eying him shrewdly. "I bring friends over all the time."
A slight lie. Mainly, she brought Luna over, and Dean when they'd been dating, but not many more.
Harry shrugged, stuffing his hands into his pockets. "I'm usually busy on the weekends. That's when you have your family dinner, right?"
"Besides, if Ron brought me as his date, Hermione would get jealous."
Ginny threw back her head and laughed. Hermione was right about one thing. His sense of humor was killer. As she managed to get herself under control again, she glanced at him out of the corner of her eye, only to notice that he was already looking at her, green eyes bright and a small smile tugging at his lips.
"Guess Ron be really jealous if you came as my date then."
Ginny didn't mean to flirt. It just slipped out, and she wasn't one to take things back or downplay them. Once you spoke them, life was breathed into words, like when she sang them.
Harry looked away from her then, but his smile grew bigger. "Most definitely."
She pushed off her skate hard to get enough momentum to get in front of him, then flipped herself around so she was skating backwards. When she glanced up at his eyes, they were bright as his eyebrows raised and a smirk starting to form across his lips. He had nice lips.
"You're really good at this, aren't you?" he said.
Ginny shrugged. "I hope this doesn't affect your plans for the song too much. I know I changed it last minute."
"S'alright," he said, grinning now. "I was actually going to suggest recording a demo. I think the work you've done has been great."
"Really?" Ginny said because she had never worked through this process with anyone. It had always just been her. This felt intimate, skating with him in a large rink talking about music and figuring out where this song - their song - should go next.
"Yeah," he replied. "It sounds great. We can do the demo at my place because I've got the basic equipment. Once we've fine tuned things, we can head to the recording studio in London."
The grin that slid across her face was huge and she didn't even care. Harry was grinning right back at her, until he wasn't.
"Oh, shit."
Ginny spun around just in time to see Hermione flailing her arms right back into Ron, and her idiotic brother's feet fly out from under him as he wrapped an arm around her middle to keep her from falling. Then they were both falling to the ground with a loud thump, Ron's head smacked against the concrete. Groaning, Ron just flopped back on the floor with his eyes snapped shut. Hermione was sprawled out on top of him; she had somehow managed to flip herself around and land most of her upper body on top of Ron. She looked comical with her big hair flying all over the place as she looked up at Ron to see if he was ok.
"That was impressive," Ginny said when she and Harry rolled up next to the downed couple.
Ron finally opened his eyes to glare at her.
"Are you ok?" Hermione whispered.
"Fuck you," Ron said to Ginny. "I'm fine. Can you just get up? I need some fucking ice cream-"
The rest of Ron's sentence was cut off by a groan as Hermione pressed her elbow right into his solar plex.
"Sorry!" she said, pushing herself up quickly only to loose her footing and fall back on top of Ron.
Ginny laughed as her brother groaned. Pushing off her skate, she moved behind Hermione. "Push onto your knees," she told her. Once she was up, Ginny grabbed her under the armpits and hauled her to her feet, no easy task considering that Hermione was taller than her. "Grab the rail."
Hermione clung to the rail like it was her new favorite book. When she turned back to Ron, he'd pressed himself up onto his elbows and looked like he was two seconds away from killing her.
Ginny just grinned in response.
"C'mon, mate," Harry said, grabbing onto Ron much the same way she'd grabbed Hermione.
"Fucking roller blades," Ron muttered darkly as he stood up.
Once they were rolling toward the exit, Ginny fell back into line with Harry, who, she thought, hung back to talk to her.
"So, your uncles are coming to town?" she said.
Harry ran a hand through his hair. "Yeah. They raised me since I was twelve."
"Since you were twelve?" Ginny said. "What about before twelve?"
A dark look passed over Harry's face, but it was gone almost as soon as it was there. Like he was used to hiding it. Ginny wasn't sure what to make of that or the tight feeling it caused in her chest.
He glanced down at his watch. "I'll have to go soon if I'm going to catch the train when it arrives, but I'll buy you a ice cream before you leave."
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youandmedead · 2 years
2012 Råþhåêl x Gñ RêåÐêr
Warnings: Swearing, angst with comfort, Raph may be ooc
Requested by: No one
Synopsis: The Kraang invasion has commenced and the turtles + April, Casey and Y/n have gotten out of New York. Leonardo is in critical condition and his brothers are in a crisis. It's up to y/n to comfort them.
Notes: Y/n could either be read as a mutant or human (I didn't put any Specifics in). This hasn’t been proof read and the ending probs sucks ass 🤷‍♀️
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Rage. That was all he felt. That familiar emotion constantly consuming him from the inside out. He knew he needed to keep it under wraps, but he found it so difficult especially since he could never find a constant healthy way to manage it. He was constantly at battle with his thoughts and emotions and tried to bury them deep within, he couldn’t never seem weak in front of anybody no matter how close his relation was with them.
Emotion was weakness in his eyes. That’s why he always hid his insecurities and sadness behind a mask of wrath and only let out his emotions in the safety of his room and the company of his little pet tortoise Spike...and now you.
Everyone in the van fell silent as they left New York. Y/n and Mikey stared out of the back window of the vehicle, wanting to catch one last glimps of their old home. "So, what's the plan now?" Y/n asked - breaking the silence.
April turned around in her seat, "I have an old family holiday home up state. Barely anybody is around there a-and we can stay there for as long as we need."
Y/n nodded and sighed. Before they tore their gaze away from the window, they gave Mikey a sympathetic look and a quick hug in order to reassure the youngest. They then sat between Donatello and Raphael, who were keeping close watch of their unconscious elder sibling, Y/n reached their hand out and placed it on top of Leo's, "He'll make it...he always does."
"Yeah but what if he doesn't?" Donnie replied quietly, "I-If we had just set up a second base and got out of the city while we had the chance...None if this would've happened. It's all my fault."
Y/n turned their gaze towards the purple masked turtle with a deep sadness and concern presenting. They gave Leo a small kiss on the forehead and sat back in their seat in order to comfort Donnie. They placed their head on his shoulder, "Don't think like that Donnie. Never, think like that. Both plans would have had both positive and negative outcomes, once we recooperate and figure a way to stop this inva-"
"Donnie's right though that was too close a call if you ask me. For all we know Leo could die even before we reach this stupid 'holiday home' and the Kraang could multiply in numbers and grow stronger than ever before! It'll become impossible to stop them...we're all screwed matless the fucking outcome."
Raph was beginning to grow impatient - his emotions had broken free and swirled up from deep within his subconscious. He was growing vulnerable further and further by the second, he was dreading the moment be could no longer contain it. Suddenly Raph felt a warm presence beside him, he looked to his left and noticed y/n now giving him a side hug, "I know it's hard to not think of the worst case scenario Raph, especially when one has already happened, but please try and keep it together. Your brothers need you...so do I."
Raph always relied on himself. Some may say it was for self gain, out of selfishness, but the majority of the time it was simply because he never knew how to ask or he always found it safer and less bothersome to depend on himself. Comfort wasn't exactly something that he was given a lot (the same with his younger and elder brothers) so it was still a strange phenomena to experience. Having someone like y/n to fill that empty void, which was created by such negligence of interactions, was a strange sensation but a pleasant one none the less. "We'll all get through this," y/n whispered whilst slighty tightening the hug.
That was his breaking point.
He readjusted himself and hugged his s/o back, making sure that his brothers couldn't see the tears that were spilling down his cheeks.
"What if we don't? What if Leo never wakes up..."
Y/n broke the hug and looked deeply into Raph's eyes, they placed both of their hands on his cheeks and wiped away the stray tears. "He'll wake up. Leo would never give up and leave his family alone."
Y/n placed their forehead on his and for the rest of the ride everyone was silent. It wasn't long till the journey came to an end and they made it up to April's family farm and immediately aided Leonardo. From then on, Raphael refused to move away from his elder brothers side until he awoke and all everyone could do was accept his wishes, wait in great eagerness and adjust to the new lifestyle that the countryside brought…away from monster and aliens yet double the chaos.
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