#because responsibilities are currently getting in the way of chill contemplation time
snoozepotato · 2 years
We’ll Be Fine -12- (Simon ‘Ghost’ Riley x f!Reader)
Disclaimer: I do NOT own the original source material or any of its characters.
she/her pronouns
Category: slice of life, slow burn, mutual pining
Warnings: lil creepy, stalking, swearing, FLUFF
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Summary: It's cold working in some of the other server rooms, Ghost finds you trying to warm up and gives you his sweatshirt.
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Part 12
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Generally speaking, you don't mind the cold, but today was an exception. Currently, they have you stationed in the basement, for some that might mean dealing with loads of paper documents. But not you, for you this meant the clean room.
The COLD room. 
They keep the temperature low because the sensitive machines down here put off so much heat, computers and heat don't mix. It's not that cold, but combined with your bad circulation once you get cold you tend to have a difficult time warming back up. This kind of work really makes you appreciate the lax atmosphere of the old server room upstairs.
You had been wearing a ‘bunny suit’ all day, you get the purpose, but you're beyond grateful to finally be rid of the protective gear. Despite being back upstairs you can't seem to warm up, and regretfully you hadn't thought to bring anything warmer to change into.
Frustrated, you decide to grab a cup of tea and make sure everything is situated upstairs before turning in for the night. It's been a long day and you're exhausted, but thankfully the areas pretty much cleared out due to the lateness of the hour. After making your tea you head off towards your usual room, and can't help but take notice of the eerie quiet atmosphere of the hallway.
The sense that you're being watched.
Pace quickening in the slightest, you're all too grateful to finally arrive at your destination. Scanning your badge and leaving the door slightly ajar, with no intention of staying for very long. Reaching over to flick on the first of two light switches, illuminating half the lights, basking the room in a dim glow.
Heading over to a server console and skimming through the menu, checking to be sure everything is running smoothly. A shiver runs up your spine and you grumble in frustration, quietly cursing the basement work that felt like punishment. At least you had your tea to look forward to, you ponder as your attention is suddenly drawn to the other side of the room.
Looking up from the console to find the silhouette of a massive figure standing beside your desk. Your heart drops into the pit of your stomach at the sight of the intruder. Before they slowly lean forward into the light casting down from above. The warm relief spreading through your chest as those dark eyes of his catch yours.
“You fucking scared me!” you exclaim, the initial anger washing away as you let out a stiff laugh, shooting him a weary smile.
how did he know you’d be here?
“Noticed the light was on,” He retorts as if he conjured the question in your gaze. The sight of his imposing figure lurking in the muted light, it's almost like he’s stalking you.
“Sorry,” you apologize for your sudden outburst, taking a moment to rub your hands together in an attempt to defrost the chilled digits before going back to typing.
“You alright? you look-,” he pauses, looking away like he's contemplating something.
“Ya, I'm fine, just recovering from working downstairs in the cold room,” you interject before he can continue. Marginally warmer hands back to typing as your gaze returns to the screen.
“Done for the day but I can't seem to kick this chill,” you murmur thoughtlessly, fingers clicking away on the keyboard as you input the last of your data into the console.
His lack of response draws your attention from the screen. Looking across the room to find the masked man has vanished. He must have slipped out while you were distracted. You part from the servers to make your way over to your tea, but something seems out of place.
Peering around your desk you find Ghost’s sweatshirt slung over the back of your chair. Your gaze is fixated on it a moment before reaching out to rest a hand on the worn material, it's still warm… He seriously just took it off and left it here for you without saying anything?
Glancing around the room suspiciously you pluck the garment from your seat, slipping the sweatshirt over your head without much thought. It's enormous, you’d been expecting as much but hadn't quite grasped the scale. You were swimming in it, absolutely drowning in fabric. But, oh my goodness is it warm. Hiking up the sleeves to free your hands, you grab the mug off your desk and head off to your room.
You'd say you were happy no one was around to see you like this, but what you were sporting earlier was far worse in comparison. The quiet of the hallway seems a little less sinister now. There's still that sense of being monitored, but it subsides the moment you're shut behind the safety of your door.
Setting the tea down at your desk, and dressing down for the night. You turn off the light and nestle into your bed, completely ready to surrender yourself to sleep. Still clad in the oversized garment that keeps you warm despite your thin blanket. You lazily slouch down against your pillow, head sinking below the collar, taking in a deep breath.
‘It smells like him,’ you mentally muse. Rolling over onto your side, as warm color pools in your cheeks. Drifting off into a pleasant slumber, the plush armor shielding you from the nightmares that lurk in the shadows of your subconscious.
Your tea long forgotten.
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There's nothing better than a giant sweatshirt, thanks for reading &lt;3 <3
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@tallrock35 @violet-19999 @hypernovaxx @k4marina @sebsbee @d4z01
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celticwoman · 2 years
20-25 for ur current fav!!!!
20. If they disagree, who's usually the one to compromise? I feel like they rarely do, they're both very chill people so most of the time they can come to an agreement together without much trouble, but on the off chance that things get a bit more... heated, I guess, I'd say Teddy is most likely the first of the two to kind of give in, or step back and try to calm the situation down so that they can find some common ground.
21. If they live together, how do they split household responsibilities? They just agree to do the things the other doesn't really enjoy doing. For example, he will take out the trash for her while she might cook for both of them whenever she can, or she tidies the apartment while he does the dishes, things like that. If there's something neither of them likes doing, they just take turns.
22. What's different about their backgrounds? Do those differences affect the relationship? Their backgrounds are, in a way, pretty similar, I'd say. They're both basically nepo babies, they didn't grow up in the same circles and their families are very different, but they share a lot of similar experiences. Whenever they do find differences, I don't think they're relevant enough to affect their relationship.
23. What was their first impression of each other? They met at a fancy ski resort, he was taking some time off with his brothers while Adeline was vacationing with her mom, and at some point of their trip they got stuck on the ski lift together. Teddy was smitten from the moment he met her. It was, of course, a very superficial attraction at first, but as time went on, they realised they might be there for a while and started getting to know each other, he became fascinated by her. She was quite irritated with the situation, which made her act a little mean at the beginning, but their conversation was able to calm her down. In the end, they didn't really notice how much time they had spent stuck because of how at ease and comfortable they had felt with each other. She thought he was a sweet guy although a little intense. He was already super into her and thought she was very cool and also nice (by that point he already had heart eyes for her so she could have done literally anything and he would've been be like 'wow what an angel 🤩'). Anyways, the funny thing is he didn't have a clue who she was until he mentioned her to his brothers and they made fun of him for not knowing. It made things way easier once he realised she was quite famous, and he decided to reach out to her after their trips ended.
24. How did they fall for each other? I think Teddy actually fell for her once he got to know her better. Adeline wasn't really interested in dating but for some reason she really enjoyed spending time with him, so it was hard for her to say no to him whenever he suggested they spend time together. Her genuine laugh is what really got him, he began to notice how she was letting herself be her real self around him, that she was comfortable enough around him to not hold back, and he felt so honoured and it was such a precious thing for him. Teddy realised then that he wanted to hear and be the reason for that laugh every single day for the rest of his life. For her it was a much slower process, she was against catching feelings and she kicked herself whenever she agreed to see him, but she couldn't help herself, he was cute and sweet, and so, so nice to her... She had never been in love before so she was quite scared too, he just made her feel so happy and safe that she sometimes forgot all about it while they were together. It wasn't until he told her how he felt that she started contemplating the fact that, even if she didn't want to, maybe she had started to fall in love with him.
25. Who said "I love you" first? Even though he confessed his feelings first, he didn't dare say it yet, I mean, he knew for sure he was in love with her, but he also knew she was very apprehensive and it might scare her off, so he held back and kind of gave her some space so that she didn't feel pressured or uncomfortable. Adeline was the one who said it first. After she opened up about her feelings with him, she started feeling more confident and took charge of the situation most of the time. She said it quietly one evening while they were laying in bed together, hugging each other in silence. Neither of them made a big deal out of it, he said it back, and they both felt relieved that everything was finally out in the open.
send some numbers and the names of the couple! (+ you can find my oc directory here)
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cloudbattrolls · 2 years
Shut Eye
Ginger Mycoba | Rural Western Alternia | Present Night
Ginger looked out on the absolute shitshow below them with a thoughtful hum.
The flood response team was doing their best, but while they had a hydrokinetic, the poor troll was at their limit and currently knocked out in a hastily erected hammock. The rest of the team were mostly flatscans; the few psiionics were mostly telekinetics who were almost as tired from shifting debris and freeing trapped trolls from their hives. 
The whole place was a muddy wreck, and they had a checkpoint up some ways away to warn anyone trying to come into town that that wasn’t going to happen.
They didn’t have a beastspeaker to help corral the disoriented, sometimes aggressive lusii either, and a couple trolls had already been mauled. 
Yeah, this was going to take a while to clean up.
They turned around and walked back down the hill they were atop of. At least the weather was decent; mild breeze, bit of a chill but nothing too bad.
Leshwi waited for them at the bottom, the tall woman (for an oliveblood) smiling as usual. Unlike them, neatly fully covered in armor, she wore sturdy work clothes with a sweater, her long straight hair tied back with an orange scrunchie.
The two began walking down toward the town itself.
“Done contemplating your grubscars, Ginger?” She said, low and teasing.
“Never.” The armored troll replied, perfectly placid. “You’re getting demoted for asking again.”
Their assistant laughed, her pointy ears flicking.
“What’s my new position this time?” She asked, playing along.
The muscular troll slowed their walk slightly, thinking.
“Uhh…official wriggler wrangler. For when they try to climb on me.”
“That’s your fault. You aren’t nearly firm with them, and I’m the wrong shade of green for that.” She said, amused.
The hemoanon shrugged.
“They’re just kids. I don’t want to be too rough.”
“You’ve killed enough children.” Her tone was still light, if now a bit dry.
“Eh. Still.”
It wasn’t that Ginger liked killing wrigglers, or anyone, really. Some trolls spoke of the thrill of murder, of the power it made them feel. Ginger had never experienced any of that. 
Possibly because they always had to deal with the aftermath.
“So, what’s the sitch.” They asked, their booted feet now squelching in the mud they’d seen from above. 
Leshwi pulled out a clipboard, lips pursed as she scanned it.
“As you suspected, there’s a lot in that water. The treatment plant was run by idiots…they’d been fudging their reports for sweeps. Filtration’s been messed up for at least five…” she said, muttering, olive eyes flicking up and down the sheet. “And their UV light treatments pretty much don’t exist.”
“Sounds about right.” The hemoanon said, unsurprised if faintly disappointed. The town was almost entirely lowbloods, a few scattered olivebloods, and the teal who ran the place. 
The pair of trolls smelled the town before they entered it properly. The tainted deluge had left most of the place with a distinct reek. Some carpenter droids had begun repairing hives, but any delicate work would need to be done by troll hands.
Ginger suspected the reason droid labor wasn’t more standardized for other tasks had more to do with lowbloods being made to do manual labor than with a supposed lack of resources for making them.
Still, they nodded appreciatively and saluted as they passed the creatures, shiny black carapaces gleaming as they scuttled about with materials, prying out rotted wood and sealing up leaks. They had no idea if they were noticed or even understood, but at least it had been done.
They were so busy walking around and looking over the damage that it took them a minute to realize Leshwi was laughing quietly.
“You’ve got some admirers.” She said, eyes gleaming.
Ginger dragged their focus back to the world around them and yup, there were the usual staring children. Their expressions ranged from curiosity to hostility, among the dozen or so flitting around like moths to a streetllight. They seemed to range from as young as three or four to about six or seven, all told. 
“I’m not gonna do a backflip, kids.” The hemoanon said, shaking their head slowly. 
Their voice was deep - a bit deeper than they’d like, if they were honest - and they were seven feet tall, clearly muscular, and looked ready for a battlefield. They were used to it. 
Still. They really weren’t worth gaping at.
Time for old reliable.
“If you keep staring I’ll have to charge you.” They said, shaking their head in mock chastisement. “Cough up.”
“No way.” Declared one kid, a maroon who seemed to be about six. “That’s dumb.”
“Hurting my feelings, kid.” Ginger retorted in a deadpan tone.
The boy scoffed.
“What’s a big damn anon doing here? We don’t need you. You keep staring at us.”
Leshwi put a hand to her mouth, undoubtedly trying to hide her snicker. Ginger spoke again, their own tone even.
“Great question. Got one for you in return; where’s the mayor?”
The kid scratched his neck. “Gonna pay me if I tell you?”
“Sure.” Said Ginger indifferently.
“Let’s see it, tallass.”
Ginger flipped a coin through the air and the maroon caught it expertly, prompting some remarks from the others that he was a show-off. One kicked mud at him and he gave them the finger in return. 
“Aren’t you just a lowblood?” The maroon piped up as he pocketed the coin. “Putting on gray so people might think you’re important?”
They pretended to think about it.
“If I wanted to pretend I was important, I’d have flashier armor.”
The children muttered and considered this, even the accusatory rust. They looked over Ginger’s dull gray protection, as unobtrusive as it could be on someone like them. 
“Okay.” Declared the boy. “I’ll get the mayor. What are you gonna do to them?”
“Depends on how they answer my questions.”
The boy scowled at that, but ran off anyway. 
“Will you fight them?” Piped up a brownblood girl.
Ginger noted the barely disguised enthusiasm in her tone, the way the other wrigglers eagerly awaited an answer, all leaning forward with wide gray eyes.
“Maybe.” They answered.
“Do it!” Yelled another boy, a yellowblood. “My moirail’s half drowned ‘cause of -“
The other kids shushed him, though one did pat him on the shoulder. Ginger followed their gazes, and saw the maroon coming back with a harried-looking, irate teal in tow. 
Tyrian tits. This kid was barely older than the rest. Eight sweeps, if that.
Ginger had hoped for someone they wouldn’t have to feel bad about, but of course fate wasn’t that kind.
Leshwi stepped over, offering to shake the teal’s hand, but they waved her off, eyes drilling directly into Ginger instead.
They met the attention with an ironic salute, unlike the one they’d given the droids.
Leshwi walked away, seeing there was nothing she could do here. She knew how this went; she’d do more good elsewhere, taking samples and offering aid. 
“So.” Said the teal, somehow weighing that one word into an anvil that crushed even the wrigglers’ shuffling and muttering into silence.
They were a lean, gangly sort, with short hair that clearly hadn’t seen a brush in a while and sharp, multi-pronged horns. 
“The empire’s own plague-ridden lapdog, come to visit. To what do I owe the pleasure?”
Every word was bitter, a resigned sort of that carried resentment for a future they knew would come to pass.
“Plague-ridden vulture.” Ginger corrected absentmindedly. “I’m surprised you’ve heard of me.”
“I hadn’t, not until they let me know you were coming. I did my hivework.”
The hemoanon almost felt bad for them; this troll was no idiot.
They might’ve managed it if it weren’t for the wreckage surrounding them, the way more children had gathered as the mayor had come, silent, expressions intent and ears perked. They carried weariness and tension alike on their shoulders, a few with lusii trailing behind or perched on shoulders. 
The whole situation was unfair, really. A bit of a farce.
“Do you want to come clean, or drag this out?” Ginger offered bluntly. The teal had earned that much.
Their eyes, irises just starting to thread with their blood color, narrowed.
“You offer that so you can be done sooner, plaguehound.” They said coldly. “Not to make it more painless for me. Don’t bother pretending.”
Ginger rolled their eyes, though their odd pupils made it hard to tell.
“That’s not news to anyone.” They confirmed, deadpan. “You didn’t make it more painless for everyone here. Every troll under your watch,  they’re all stuck dealing with the treatment plant’s failure. It wouldn’t be as bad either, if its facilities had been up to date. Sweeps of disease brewing while you turned a blind eye. 
Do you know what it’ll cost to repair it? More than it would’ve taken to maintain it. This was completely preventable.”
The teal’s lips curled in disdain, their arms crossed. 
“Is that so? Have you seen the budget I work with? Abysmal. The empire does not care if this town suffers; they just want me made an example of.”
The hemoanon snorted.
“Why’s it all about you, then?”
The mayor hesitated.
The children drew closer.
“They were a rebel.” Whispered someone scornfully. 
The word passed among the crowd like a wind through a wood, the little voices akin to rustling leaves.
Huh. That hadn’t been what Ginger expected.
It didn’t change anything, strictly speaking. But it complicated things a little.
“I was re-educated.” Said the teal tightly. “My mind was cleansed. I was allowed to serve again.”
“Yeah.” Murmured Ginger. “Then you gave up.”
“Do not judge me!” Snapped the young troll. “You don’t know what it’s like! You will never know what it’s like!”
Their voice took on a hint of hysteria, and the lowbloods snickered.
“Maybe not.” Said the hemoanon with a shrug. “But no one made you give up on your town. No one made you and your staff lie to the inspectors. Re-education isn’t that kind of brainwashing.”
The teal stalked toward Ginger in a rage, sclera turning orange. They bared their teeth, fists clenched.
“You say that like it’s nothing?!” They cried. “As if I should be grateful?”
Stated the hemoanon calmly.
“Then what are you saying?”
“That it’s your responsibility, kid. Maybe one you shouldn’t have been given. Maybe you weren’t ready, needed more help. Still on you to figure it out. Now it’s on you to clean it up.”
That stopped them short.
“You aren’t here to take away my position?”
Ginger shook their head.
The teal paused, and the crowd of lowbloods frowned, muttering.
“What would that do?” Asked the armored troll bluntly. “I don’t know if your replacement would be any better. They might be worse. I don’t control any of that, don’t want to.”
A pause filled the air. Ginger let the wind blow through the rank-smelling town, listening to the sounds of the distant flood team at work, the shuffling of the wrigglers.
“Then what are you going to do to me?” Demanded the mayor, breaking the silence.
Ginger chuckled, then looked around at the gathered lowbloods.
“I don’t know, kids. What do you think?”
“Kill them!”
“Chop their horns off!”
“Make their lusus sick, like ours will be!”
The tealblood tried to keep a disdainful expression, but Ginger saw the fear creeping in as more and more trolls joined in shouting, as the crowd pressed closer and closer, until the hemoanon drew their sword from their sylladex and stepped closer to the mayor. 
The lowbloods cheered.
Then they slowly pointed it at different faces of the crowd, who looked disappointed, betrayed even, as Ginger forced them back several feet with a slow, careful advance. 
“What would that do?” Ginger said once more.
“Make sure they won’t hurt us again!” Called the maroon from earlier. “Duh.”
“I think they’d want revenge.” Stated the hemoanon dryly.
“Then we’ll kill them!”
The angry shout pierced the air, but Ginger laughed. 
“What do you think happens if you kill a tealblood?”
The crowd went quiet.
The hemoanon nodded.
“Yeah, you all know. It’d get worse. The killer would get culled. You might all get re-educated.”
Anger and fear alike spread across the faces of the children.
“So, what do we do with them?” Ginger asked, even.
The lowbloods looked at each other, looked away, looked at their feet. 
“You said they’re gonna clean up, right?” Piped up the maroon. “Will they do that until it’s all done?” They said eagerly.
“Yeah.” Answered the armored troll with a nod.
Several lowbloods looked approving, while others scowled.
“What about the trolls dead because of them? Or hurt?” Shouted the yellow from before. “I don’t want them working with us! Like they know what to do anyway, useless half-noble.”
The mayor opened their mouth for an angry retort as other lowbloods called in support, but Ginger slammed their sword tip-down in the mud, one hand still on the hilt, and all the young trolls went quiet again.
“They’ll learn.” Said the armored troll, matter of fact. “I didn’t say they were getting off totally free, did I?”
Several of the lowbloods smirked.
The tealblood’s face paled. 
They knew Ginger’s reputation.
“Disease will linger here.” Stated the hemoanon, matter-of-fact. “No matter what we do, some of it will. You’ll get supplies, advice on how to cope, but you’ll have to get through it yourselves. However.”
They looked directly into the midblood’s eyes, and raised their dirtied blade to gently touch their throat. They felt the troll’s life, the pulse of their heart, the rhythm of their breath.
“You closed your eyes to the people in your care.” Said Ginger gently. “Too bad for you.”
White, creeping veins of energy spread from the mud smeared on the troll’s pale gray throat. They spread up their face to reach their eyes, which wept teal tears, becoming red and blurry, and the mayor whimpered as the energy faded.
“You’ll heal.” Murmured Ginger. “If you do your part. Help clean up every night until it’s done, and your sight’ll be good as new.”
“What is this?” Croaked the mayor, angry and afraid.
“Conjunctivitis. Pinkeye’s the common name. Sucks, but it won’t kill you. Normally it’s contagious, but you get it all to yourself.”
The children were whispering and debating now, unsure of what to make of this, and Ginger wiped their sword off on their armor, then put it away in their sylladex.
“They’ll kill me anyway, with this weakness.” Said the mayor, words a quietly fierce accusation.
The horseman of pestilence shrugged.
“Maybe. Maybe not, now that you’ve gotten your due. Might have to learn to rely on other people, work with them, so they help protect you.”
The teal made an anguished sound.
Ginger saluted again, more sincerely this time.
“Good luck, kid.”
They turned and walked away, given a wide berth as the crowd parted before them. 
They went to find Leshwi, who knelt down in the mud, collecting samples of sediment and other debris. 
“Anything interesting?” The hemoanon asked.
“How should I know? I don’t have your powers.” Said the olive, amused. “If I did, this would be a lot easier.”
“Aside from that.” They said with a shrug. 
“You were awfully light on them.” She said instead of answering, eyebrows raised.
Ginger shrugged, looking down to see some lusus tracks - canine, they thought, but they weren’t an expert - sunk deep into the mud. 
“I’d say I was moderate.” They replied absentmindedly, trying to figure out where -
A snarling creature leapt at them from the cover of a broken hive, then gurgled and twitched as it found itself impaled with a wet crunch on Ginger’s swiftly raised sword.
They shook their head as they lowered their blade and extracted it from the corpse with a grunt as they leaned it against the hive. That would need a proper cleaning. Figures.
Leshwi looked over. 
“Oh, Ginger.” She said, slightly chiding. “You killed someone’s lusus, by the look of it.”
The animal that now slumped on the ground- some sort of coyote, maybe - did have fur of a muddied white, between the red blood gushing out of its chest. Dried yellowish-white flecks spotted its muzzle. 
“Oops.” They said, slightly abashed. “Well. It wasn’t doing so hot anyway. See the foam on the mouth?”
The midblood nodded. “Now we’ll have to check every other lusus in the area.” 
“I can start.” They offered.
“Always taking all the glamorous jobs for yourself, hm?”
The hemoanon laughed. 
“Guilty.” They said, then put away their sword and picked up the corpse. 
They’d have to apologize to whoever it belonged to later, but for now it was best gotten rid of, though luckily the rabies virus wasn’t very transmissible outside a living host. The body would draw plenty of other carriers, though.
They’d bury it before that happened. They knew the rites; Kai had taught them long ago.
Carpenter droid eyes watched as they passed by this time, silent gazes following the tall troll. Stares from the townstrolls followed the horseman of pestilence as they walked out town a different way than they’d come.
They strode toward a patch of trees, where they knew the flood hadn’t reached and the soil would be easily moved.
They laid the dead lusus down gently, then took a shovel from their sylladex and dug its grave. Patient and methodical, Ginger scraped against rocks and chucked away dirt at a steady rate.
At last they put down their shovel and lowered the beast into the hole, covering it back over with soil, then stopped to take a few breaths.
Now they had to make sure there were no other mercy cullings to be done, or carry them out if there were. That would sure make them popular.
Didn’t matter, though. 
Shitshow or not, someone had to get it done.
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mind-vacation · 2 years
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soonsluv · 3 years
that other night
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pairing: sub!vernon x dom!gn!reader
contains: two idiots in love that need to learn how to communicate properly, lots of dry humping and grinding, vernon being a virgin, reader having a vagina, vanilla sex, vaginal sex, a glimpse of top!vernon at the very end
a/n: i’ve been fighting for my fucking life trying to figure this mf out, i hope this is it.
you and vernon were at your place chilling since you both had a day off. your bodies were currently squished against each other on the couch as you quietly enjoyed the movie.
you hum in acknowledgment, deciding to ignore the hint of distraught in his tone, hoping you were just imagining it.
“why…” he pauses like he’s contemplating whether he should just drop what he’s about to ask but continues nonetheless, “why haven’t you kissed me again like the way you did that other night?”
you turn your head to look him in the eye with a frown on your face.
you can tell that he’s displeased by the fact that you don’t know what he means and that he’ll have to specify.
“you know that other night when we came back from that one award show…” he trails off, hoping you’ll get what he’s trying to say and you start ruminating on what he- oh. that night.
you guys had made out before but you had been particularly hot-blooded after witnessing his performance that night. when the two of you came back, you pushed him against the first wall you encountered and feverishly kissed him, your hands holding his hips. vernon definitely enjoyed all the attention but it’s when he felt your hand going for his belt that one of his hands moved from your shoulders to harshly grab your wrist, which alarmed you and made you stop. when you pulled away, he was panting and had this surprised look on his face that was all flushed. this made you let go of his hips, murmur a sorry and when he failed to say anything in return, you walked off to the bathroom to take a shower, thinking you guys weren’t on the same page.
you sit up so you could properly look at him.
“well, i backed off because it felt like i went too fast and i didn’t want to make you any more uncomfortable.”
he copies your movements by also sitting up.
“well, that was because you took me by surprise and i didn’t know how to- i mean i’ve never- i just didn't know what to do,” he takes a moment to slowly breathe in and continues, “i wouldn't have minded had you continued.”
the both of you sit in silence as the realisation of how all of this could’ve been avoided if you had just talked downs on you.
another moment passes and you speak up again.
“do you… want to give it another try?”
“we could do that, yes. only if you want to though. i know i want to.”
a small smile appears on your face as you nod in response.
you slowly lean in to kiss him, careful not to overwhelm him this time and he melts into it.
you move to straddle his lap without breaking the kiss, prompting him to place his hands on your hips. you cup his face and deepen the kiss, relishing in the way he spontaneously follows your lead.
you pull away and let your lips brush against his as you whisper, “can i kiss your neck?”
“yes please,” he whispers back.
you lean down and start off with feather-like kisses along his jaw, slowly working him up.
you go lower until you can feel the goosebumps on his neck against your lips, making you smile into the skin. you softly suck on his skin and you hear him exhale loudly, encouraging you to continue. as you suck a few more hickeys onto his skin, you feel him shift under you until his hard-on pokes against your thigh and like they had a mind of their own, your hips grind down hard, making vernon gasp and his grip on your hips tighten.
“you liked that?” you ask, lips grazing his skin.
“yeah, a lot,” he replies as his hips buck up, taunting you to do it again and you do.
the two of you start to tentatively hump each other, gradually speeding it up until you’re both panting loudly. you’re now looking into each other’s eyes, as if the other might disappear if you look away for even an instance. your hands are tangled in his hair while his refuse to leave your hips and slowly but surely, noises start to slip past vernon’s lips. they’re quiet and little but they’re there and you hear them nonetheless.
“enjoying ourselves, are we?” you inquire.
“definitely.” and though it was only one word, you could tell he had struggled to get it out. he was also ridiculously hard by now so wanting to give him some time to calm down knowing he’d burst if you kept going, you (unwillingly) stopped your movements.
his hips stutter and eventually come to a stop too.
“w-why did you stop?” he puffs while looking at you with pleading eyes. cute.
“vernon, sweetheart.”
“yes?” what could you possibly ask him that was more important than what you w-
“do you want to have sex with me?”
his eyes widen and he feels like the air has been knocked out of his lungs as those eight words swirl around his head.
“say no if you don’t want to, babe. we can continue what we were doing or just go back to watching the movie,” you tell him as you gently play with his hair, “just need to know that we’re on the same page.”
“yes, i’d like to… have sex with you. do you want to have sex with me?” he asks back with an awkward smile on his face.
you nod as a small smile cracks past your lips.
you stand up and extend your hand to him, “wanna continue this in the bedroom?”
he smiles and nods, taking your hand in his and follows you.
when the two of you get to the bedroom, you grab his hips, pull him in so your body is trapped between his and the door and resume kissing him. he whines into your lips and cups your face. the kiss quickly heats as you feel his hips grind against yours. you pull away and you can see the confusion on his face appear and be gone again when you start undressing yourself. he naturally imitates you until you two are left in your underwear. you look down and notice a wet patch on his boxers and feel yourself throb at the sight.
“go lay down on the bed.”
he immediately obeys and you follow not far behind. you straddle his thighs and go for another check-in.
“how are we feeling?”
his lips are swollen and red from all the kissing. his pupils are dilated and his chest is heaving irregularly.
“good. i want to continue. you?”
“good. i want to continue as well.”
this would’ve been a sweet moment if you both weren’t so distracted by the throbbing in between your legs. you move up until you’re sitting on his cock and when you feel how hard he is with the layer of his pants removed and he feels how damp your underwear is, you groan and his hips jerk up. this sets off another session of desperate grinding and messy kissing as your breathing becomes uneven. though this time it doesn’t last that long.
“i want- i want you, y/n,” he pants against your lips. you hum in agreement, too engrossed with how his dick slides back and forth against your clothed folds but you slow down and knowing that having him in you will feel ten times better.
“let me grab a condom,” you announce before leaning to the side to grab one in the drawer of your nightstand, inhaling sharply at how his cock presses just right against your clit.
“can i remove your underwear?”
“yes, please.” his voice is higher than usual and he hears just how desperate he currently is, knowing you probably heard it too but you don’t seem to mind.
you lift your body off of his hips and help him remove his underwear. when that’s done, the realisation of the fact that he’s now naked in front of you hits him like a brick but he tries to put up a front, fighting the urge to hide himself. his face however, that was now red as a tomato, completely betrayes him.
you grab his cock so you can slide the condom on him, his hips twitching despite how gentle you are with your touches. while one of your hands holds his cock upright, the other pulls your underwear to the side, not bothered to properly remove it and then slowly slide down his cock. he chokes out a moan, the first one since you’ve started and grabs a handful of the sheets. when you’re sat back down, you take a moment before resuming.
“can i move?”
he hums in a high pitched and desperate tone.
you suppress a smirk that threatens to appear on your lips and start to rock your hips at a moderately slow pace.
he exhales softly and closes his eyes, hands going back to rest on your hips as yours go to his wrists for support.
“god, you feel amazing,” he whines, not bothered by how aroused he sounds anymore.
you wanted to reply but you were too busy pushing the thought of just fucking him right there and then out of your mind.
you gently pick up the pace, making him turn his head, bury his head into a pillow and moan into it. you let yourself get lost in the feeling as you close your eyes too and keep picking up the pace.
“fuck,” you breathe as you let one of your hands let go of his wrist to play with your clit. you increasingly get louder too and vernon notices. his head quickly turns back to look at you and your blissed out look and pretty sounds make his hips snap up at yours as he sweetly moans out your name. you doubt that that move was calculated but it hit a spot so you honestly couldn’t care less.
“you’re doing so good angel,” and as those words leave your lips, you feel his cock twitch in you. oh.
“don’t say that. please, don’t say that”
his grip on your hips tighten so bad, his fingertips could burn through your skin. you open your eyes to take a look at him. the veins along his neck are prominent and the skin is flushed. his breathing is laboured and his eyes are screwed shut. he’s close and he’s trying his very best to hold back.
“sweetheart, you don’t have to hold back, you know. you can just enjoy yourself.”
“yeah but you-“ he voice cracks as a whimper interrupts him but you don’t need to hear the rest of the sentence to know what he’s trying to say.
“it’s okay vernon, you’ll get many other chances to make me cum. it doesn’t have to be right now,” you reassure and he seems to be convinced, though you doubt he could’ve held back much longer anyway.
you feel his cock violently throb in you as he throws his head back and rocks your hips to meet the frantic movements of his, making you unexpectedly clench down on him, ultimately sending him over the edge.
“fuck, y/n!” he screams, voice cracking again.
your hand moves from his wrist to his chest for better support as he continues to ride out his high as sweet whimpers and whines continuously stream past his lips.
he gradually slows down and when his hips have come to a stop and his breathing has calmed down, he opens his eyes to look at you.
he weakly calls your name.
“yes?” you try to sound as composed as you can, though you feel hot all over.
“i’m gonna make you cum so hard next time, you’ll forget the names of your exes,” he says softly, determination present in his tone.
you chuckle at that and lean down, letting your body rest against his chest to catch your breath before you start cleaning the saccharine mess that has been made.
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halfmoondaze · 2 years
So It Goes
this a collaboration fic with @yamahex
authors note: I wanna thank @yamahex for collaborating with me in this fic. definetely make sure to check out her blog as she's a great writer and I just love how she writes Jack in her fics
KRTH-FM and worldwide at KRTH-FM.com is Y/N and her song “Fragments”. 
“Oh my gosh you’re on the radio” Starlie, Y/N best friend squeal in excitement as you guys were sitting on the cafeteria. 
It was 2019. Y/N was a freshman at college and doing very well herself in terms of academic work. And with a lot of time in her hands, it seemed like a good idea to start writing again. With the help of her roommate who was studying Audio Technology, she was able to record “Fragments”, which she ended up releasing on Spotify. 
Following Billie Eilish’s appreciation post on Twitter, the song blew up all over Tik Tok. And this is how everything started. 
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This little interaction led to a lot of exposure, and before she knew it, she was being approached by music executives from Sony Music Entertainment Group, RCA Records, and Universal Music Group. But ultimately she ended up signing with Transgressive Records, an independent record label based in London.
(Present Day)
One morning she got a call from Valentina, her manager, with news she never expected to receive. 
“Jack Harlow is fanboying over you right now-”
“-Jack Harlow?!”
 She laughs at your response. 
“He’s really obsessed with you right now and really wants to work with you”
“I think you guys could do a remix of Fragments or make a song together”
“Oh my gosh” “So, what do you want to do?” 
“Fuck yeah” 
“Do you want to do a song with him or do you want him to jump on Fragments?" 
“Yeah, like a remix”
You put your hair in a messy bun and proceeded to put on an oversized comfy hoodie and bike shorts. You were currently sitting in your bed while lurking through your Instagram, when you got a notification that Jack had just started an Instagram live. 
You spent the following 10 minutes contemplating whether you should enter to see what’s going on. 
On the screen was Jack in a hoodie with his messy curls all over the place looking into the comments. 
He was cute, there was no denying about it. 
In that moment he smiled to himself while looking at the comments, and it was such a cute moment. Upon scrolling through the comments, you realized all his fans had already outed you commenting nonstop that you had joined his live. 
Before you could contemplate leaving, you got a notification that he requested for you to join his livestream. You hesitated for a moment, but then you accepted.
“Oh I see you Y/N” 
“Hi” you said shyly. 
“Nice shirt” 
“oh thanks” she said looking quickly at her oversized hoodie. 
“That’s weird I almost wore those” 
“Did you?” 
“Yeah, that’s really embarrassing because one of us would have to go and change”
You burst out laughing. 
“How are you?” Jack asked. 
“I’m good, and you?”
“Good. You’re great by the way” 
“Yo chill out” 
He started laughing. 
Sleep started to take over Y/N and she accidently let slip a yawn 
“It’s ok you can go get your beauty sleep” 
“Sorry about that, goodnight” 
“I love you” 
Before you could react, you ended the live barely realizing what he said. 
To your surprise, the next day your phone was blowing with a bunch of notifications. Your livestream was the current topic of discussion all over Twitter, Instagram and YouTube. 
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On April 29th, the remix of Y/N's song Fragments featuring Jack Harlow was out. And it got a lot of people talking.
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It’s been three weeks since the remix of Fragments with Jack Harlow was out and Y/N had kept herself busy by promoting her upcoming album by doing a bunch of radio interviews. 
But tonight was the Met Gala. The most anticipated event of the year. A night filled with opulence and theatricality. And Y/N was among the attendees this year, and as her first time, she was beyond nervous. 
After months of preparation and fittings, it was finally here. Tonight Y/N was wearing a custom ensemble inspired by the painting “Elizabeth Wharton Drexel” by Giovanni Baldaini with a modern take to it. An off-shoulder glove corset top with a ballgown skirt with a train. 
The night consisted of getting ready, red carpets, interviews, and the exhibition. This is then followed by dinner, drinks and live performances.
And then it was finally the time of the after party. After a wardrobe change, she arrived at the Upper East Side’s Carlyle Hotel where the most exclusive after party was being held. And on the side of the stairs, you could find Y/N surrounded by Emma Chamberlain, Conan Gray and Olivia Rodrigo chatting the night away and bursting out laughing now and then.
In the mix of all the noise you made eye contact with Jack. He looked suave in his chocolate colored suit. Immediately a smile appeared on his face at the sight of you. Your nerves grew as you watched him approach. 
“Well if it isn’t the infamous Y/N.” He held his hand out which you accepted.
“Mr. Harlow, it’s good to see you.”
He snickered then let his eyes roam your dress. 
“Lookin good, as always.” 
Your cheeks flushed at the compliment. 
He took an extra moment to study the details of your outfit, with a smile on his face. 
“Are you trying to butter me up so you can get the collab?” 
He snickered and shook his head. 
“You’re silly, but nah you do always look good.”
“Well thank you, so do you.”
“Oh I know.”
The two of you laughed.
“But just to be clear, I would be happy to do a collab with you.”
His eyes widened and his smile grew. He held his hand out to you once again. 
“I look forward to working with you.”
 You shook his hand again and smiled brightly.
“I’m going to cut to the chase, I've been actually looking forward to meeting you, and I just feel captivated by you. So what do you say, do you think we could get away from here?” 
“Well, heaven cannot wait forever” 
Jack leaned into your ear. 
“I like the way you think”
They stepped outside into the glistening night. Both of you felt like kids skipping class, feeling the rush of excitement as you walked briskly through the bustling sidewalks of New York into the streets as Jack managed to hail a cab. 
They arrived at the hotel walking through the corridor to the way to Jack’s hotel giggling and goofing around. Y/N was currently wearing Jack’s shoes, which he insisted for her to wear as she was finding it hard to walk any longer with her stiletto heels, still in her gala outfit with her shoes on her right hand. 
Eventually they arrived to the designated room and they disappeared as they enter inside, getting lost in each other, as they proceed to culminate their night as they get to properly know each other. 
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jamaisjoons · 4 years
dark chocolate snap ⤑ ksj & kth | m.
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⟶ 𝑠𝑢𝑚𝑚𝑎𝑟𝑦:〝 the last thing you’d expected a few days before valentine’s, was a text from your friends’ with benefits telling you to meet them at a hotel. however, with all the tasty tricks up their sleeve, you’re sure that valentine’s day will be extra sweet this year. that is, as long as you survive the night with the two men ravishing you as if you’re their last meal… or dessert. 〞friends with benefits au. valentine’s au. pwp au.
❥ 𝑝𝑎𝑖𝑟𝑖𝑛𝑔: seokjin x reader x taehyung
❥ 𝑔𝑒𝑛𝑟𝑒: fluff ∝ smut
❥ 𝑤𝑜𝑟𝑑 𝑐𝑜𝑢𝑛𝑡: 15.5k
⟶ 𝑤𝑎𝑟𝑛𝑖𝑛𝑔𝑠: heavy bdsm themes, hard (but softer than tae)dom!seokjin, hard dom!taehyung, big cock!seokjin, big cock!taehyung, slight bratty sub!reader, threesome: mfm, public indecency yeehaw, use of sex toys: vibrators, exhibitionism, humiliation, use of blindfolds, grinding, female masturbation, voyeurism, teasing, biting, dirty talk, degradation, finger licking/sucking, fingering, wet and messy, minor breast/nipple play, spanking, face slapping with cock, cock rubbing, rough/sloppy blowjob, choking/gagging on cock, praise, food play: melted chocolate, temperature play, licking/eating food off of a body, power dynamics, pain kink, mild ass worship, pussy eating, deep throating, hair pulling, clit torture, throat bulge, face fucking, slight objectification kink, minor choking, crying, orgasm control, orgasm denial, disobedience/punishment, oral fixation, cock worship, anal play, cockwarming, multiple orgasms, impact play: paddle, some truly inspired use of chocolate, begging, forced orgasm, squirting, overstimulation, unprotected sex, riding, minor male masturbation, ass eating, anal fingering, spitting, anal sex, double penetration, rough sex, deep dicking, creampie, anal creampie, aftercare because yn is a trooper an deserves it for her performance
➵ 𝑎/𝑛: ahhhhhhhh i have no idea wtf is happening in this but either way i love taejin... also this is ACTUALLY pwp because the plot and or background to their relationship is non existent
⤑ edited by my lovely @shadowsremedy​, beta read by the sweetest @yeoldontknow​, @kithtaehyung​, @softyoongiionly​, @yoonjinkooked​, @sunshinekims​, @nottodayjjk​, and @vari8tions​
⏤ written for the bon appetit collab
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Big Daddy 🍆
        Princess Suite. Crown Plaza. Sowol-ro. Hannam-dong. Reserved under Kim Seokjin. Taehyung and I will be waiting.
You stare at your phone for a couple of moments, making sure that you’ve got the correct address, as well as the hotel, before looking up at the imposing tower of steel and glass that looms over you. The words ‘Crown Plaza’ are emblazoned at the top of the building; the flavescent neon lighting proudly shimmering against the late-evening sky. Eyes skimming to the entrance, you pull your lower lip between your teeth, before anxiously chewing on it. Currently, you’re in the warm comfort of your Uber, the driver patiently waiting for you to exit her vehicle. However, the harder you scrutinise the length between the door of the cab, to the hotel’s front door, the more you feel like turning tail and running away. And that’s nothing to say for the way the distance seems to increase with each passing second; though, you’re sure that’s more to do with your apprehension than anything.
Turning to the Uber driver, “Is there any way you can get closer to the entrance?” you question. The woman looks at you strangely before shaking her head.
“This is the drop off,” comes her laconic response.
At her words, you bite your lip harder - hard enough to almost draw blood - before nodding your head. For a second time that evening, you consider asking the driver to take you back home. Nonetheless, you know that’s not an option: Seokjin and Taehyung most likely waiting for you in the hotel suite. Though, honestly speaking, your tentativeness is all thanks to them in the first place. After all, who the hell ordered their lover to go to a hotel completely naked, with only a winter coat to keep them covered? Answer? Seokjin and Taehyung. Of course, it’s partially your own fault. Mostly because, you’re the one who told both your friends’ with benefits that you wanted more spontaneity and thrill in your relationship. Although, this was not what you had in mind; i.e. Seokjin texting you the moment you’d gotten home from work to strip and get to the hotel.
“Are you getting out? I have other customers,” the woman prompts, and realising she’s grown impatient, you send her an apologetic smile before nodding. Well, there’s no turning back now.
Taking a deep breath, you tug the coat tighter around you - ensuring each of the buttons are securely fastened, lest you unwittingly flash someone - before opening the door and exiting the Uber. The moment you step outside, a gust of wind blows by. It carries the brisk chill of the winter on its back, and skimming through the heavy tweed of Seokjin’s coat, the gale kisses your skin, leaving the surface gelid under its touch. Instantly, a violent shiver runs down your back, the wintry breeze causing you to huddle into the little warmth offered by the jacket. Under its sharp bite, your nipples twist to hardness, almost painfully, the sudden ache causing you to suck in a sharp breath. Surreptitiously, you chance a glance towards your chest, only to let out a breath of relief. With how thick the jacket is, the hardened peaks of your breasts are hidden - the bulky material effectively hiding them.
For a brief moment, you contemplate getting back in your Uber, but, just as the thought crosses your mind, the car behind speeds off, leaving you alone in the cold. With your choice made for you, your next option is to simply run towards the hotel lobby, because - now that you look at it - the distance isn’t that great. Nevertheless, you know that’s simply not an option. And that’s thanks to the second demand your paramours had asked of you. The remote control vibrator resting just within the walls of your sex. Courtesy of one, Kim Taehyung. It’s small, and motionless right now, but paired with your naked body, and the sight of people simply milling about, the feel of it inside you is prominent - inescapable.
With the fear of the toy falling out of you, and alerting everyone to your lewd, depraved actions, you gingerly begin making your way to the entrance. As you walk, you keep your thighs clenched together, in a bid to retain the silicon toy inside of you, though, that’s easier said than done. Each of your steps has the silken lining of Seokjin’s coat sliding against your naked skin; the soft touch, paired with the thrill of your brazen actions and the biting air, causing your walls to intermittently convulse - threatening to push the toy out of you. Nonetheless, after long, drawn-out moments, you finally reach the front doors.
Just as you take a step to enter the lobby, however, another gust of wind blows past, and this time, after ruffling through Seokjin’s coat, it brushes against your bare core. Automatically, a soughed whimper falls from your lips - the chilled air against your heated sex making your skin prickle with goosebumps. The sensation has your inner walls clenching inadvertently, and under the reflexive movement, the feel of the rounded vibrator inside you intensifies. Against your will, you feel your cunt release a fresh wave of arousal - the wetness trickling out of you and along your thighs. Skin flushing with humiliation at the slickness that coats your flesh, you swiftly open the front door and step into the hotel - the sooner you get to the suite the better.
A pleasant heat assaults your senses as soon as you enter; the warmth a stark juxtaposition to the frigid cold you’d just escaped from. Before you can enjoy the welcomed change, however, the vibrator inside you flares to life. Viciously, it thrums inside you and as the intense vibrations stimulate your inner nerves, your walls unintentionally pulse - a second, thicker gush of wetness slipping out of you and down your thighs. The reverberations take you by surprise, and automatically, you clench your legs. Unable to stop yourself, however,  you let out a high-pitched squeak. Beside you, the doorman gives you an odd look, and cheeks flushing with heat, you turn away from him. Rather, your eyes skim across the foyer.
Surprisingly, despite the lateness of the evening, a hoard of people occupy the hotel’s reception - all of them dressed to impress as they casually mill about - and eyes landing onto the sign at one end of the lobby, you understand why. The hotel is currently hosting some form of speed dating event. Seeing the crowd, an inkling of despair flits through you, especially when you feel the pulsating toy shift inside of you. You continue looking around the palatially decorated room, yet, no matter how many times your eyes sweep across the floor, you can’t seem to locate either of your lovers - whoever it is blending in with the throng of people that loiters around the foyer. Just as your gaze lands on the reception, your pocket buzzes, and pulling out your phone, you look at your newest text.
Dr Dick 👅
        Go straight to the reception. Don’t be late.
Then, as if in a warning, the vibrator’s reverberations intensify for a short moment, before coming to a halt. Unwittingly, a small mewl slips from your lips, and sucking in a deep, steadying breath, you cautiously make your way to the reception counter. As soon as you approach them, the two employees rise to their feet and greet you with a smile.
“How can we help you?” one of them asks. The second you open your mouth to respond, however, the vibrator inside you suddenly begins moving - this time, at a much higher setting than before. The unexpected movement forces a gasp out of you, and body going rigid, you watch as both the receptionists look at you in alarm. Thinking on your feet, you quickly morph your gasp into a forced cough.
Corners of your lips twisting into a weak smile, “Sorry about that. I’ve, uhh, got a reservation under Kim Seokjin,” you respond. Your voice is shaky, and higher than you intended it to be, and responsively both of them look at you oddly. Nonetheless, rather than commenting on your strange behaviour, they nod their head, and turn back to their computer.
“Just give us a moment to find your reservation,” one of them responds, the other beginning to type out something. Feebly, you nod your head, your hands moving to casually drum on the countertop.
Despite your nonchalant demeanour, however, internally you feel your resolve slowly begin to crumble. Molten desire pools within the pits of your stomach with each passing moment, the vibrations of the toy stimulating the deep erogenous zones inside of you and causing bristles of pleasure to prickle at your flesh. Discreetly, you look around, the sight of the crowd causing your blood to bubble with pleasure. They mindlessly mill about, completely unawares to the way the vibrator rhythmically pulses inside of you. Walls rippling, you feel the contractions threaten to push the vibrator out of you, and muscles locking in alarm, you discreetly clench your thighs - willing it further inside of you. Thankfully, on one hand, the movement has it retreating back into the safety of your walls. Thanklessly, on the other, it pushes in deeper, causing your breath to unwittingly hitch when it brushes against a particularly sensitive spot.
“It’s the Princess Suite, you can find it on the forty-third floor. Here’s your key,” the employee states all of a sudden. Their voice draws your attention, and you watch as one of them slides a golden keycard across the marble countertop, “We hope you enjoy your stay with us. Checkout is midday tomorrow,” they continue.
As soon as you pick up the keycard, the vibrator comes to a still. Letting out a quiet exhale, you smile wanly at both the employees, and, “Thank you,” you reply. Then, turning on your heels, you quickly stalk towards the elevator. With each step, the sticky slipperiness of your thighs grows more apparent - your wetness dripping out of you and along your flesh. The sensation causes you to pick up speed, and before long, you approach the lift. Luckily, just as you reach the doors, they open - a young couple exiting out. Not wanting to waste any time, you quickly make your way into the amber-lit chamber and click the button that leads to your floor.
As soon as the elevator doors shut, a tinkling chime ringing through the air, you let out a deep breath of relief. Somehow, you’d done it. Somehow, despite your own embarrassment and consciousness, you’d managed to walk into the hotel completely naked - even with a vibrator pulsing inside of you. Now, you just have to make it to your room. The elevator ride is short, in spite of how high up your reserved suite is, and before long, a familiar bell resounds through the air - signalling your arrival. Lift doors opening, you walk out into the short corridor. Two doors meet your eyes, one one either side of you; and eyes skimming the gold plaques, you locate the one that has ‘Princess Suite’ embossed in black into the surface.
Swiping your keycard through the slot, a low beep alerts you to the bolt unlocking, and without further delay, you enter the room. Automatically, the lights flicker on, and as the space is flooded by croceate lighting, your breath catches in the midst of your throat. The suite is opulent to say the least - rich shades of gold, ivory and walnut meeting your eyes. As you take in the lavishly decorated front room, you can’t help but wonder how much Seokjin and Taehyung shelled out in order to reserve the suite. It must have cost a small fortune. The thought of it causes your stomach to twist, and involuntarily, butterflies bloom within your abdomen.
At the remembrance of your two lovers, your shoulders perk up. You step through the entrance, and after crossing the living room, you make your way to what you assume is the bedroom. Luckily, your guess is right, and immediately, you’re met with the sight of a large four-poster bed - adorned in goose-down pillows and draped in satin sheets. Nonetheless, as inviting as it looks, there’s only one glaring thing missing: Seokjin and Taehyung. From their texts, they’d made it seem as if they were waiting for you. But, apparently, that hadn’t been the case. Corners of your nose scrunching, you move to pull out your phone and call Seokjin, however, before you can, something catches your eyes.
Approaching the mattress, your eyebrow quirks at the sight of the small envelope casually resting at the edge of the bed. Easily recognising the handwriting on the surface, the thin scrawl belonging to none other than Seokjin, you pick up the letter. It’s thicker than you’d thought, and as it rests in your hands, you feel something soft nestled within it. Curiosity piqued, you flip it over, and opening it, you pull out two items - a broad, silk ribbon, and a small piece of paper. ‘Put on the blindfold and wait. We’ll be there for you soon.’ Eyes tracing the words over and over again, a small frown forms at the edges of your mouth. You had to wait even longer? God, whatever they had planned better be worth it.
Despite your slight aggravation, you slip the note back into the envelope and place it back on the bed. Then, perching on the edge of the mattress, you tie the blindfold around your eyes and begin your waiting game. Hunger churns through your bloodstream, your neediness growing with each moment that passes. It doesn’t help that the silken lining of Seokjin’s coat presses flush against your sex, the sleek material clinging to your folds thanks to the lubricious wetness that slicks your cunt. The musky heat at the apex of your thighs grows uncomfortable, and hips squirming, you try to get into a more comfortable position, only to let out a whimper when your pussy glides across the silk-like fabric.
Entrance rippling, you feel your clit throb for attention and a low mewl of wanton need escapes your mouth. Repeating the action, you grind your cunt further into the jacket, and this time, when the fabric brushes against your engorged clit, you let out a hoarse cry. With nothing to distract you, and no one to stop you, you spread your legs a little wider and push your hands between your thighs. Pads of your fingertips grazing your swollen bundle of nerves, a spark of electric pleasure jolts up your spine, and throwing your head back, you groan out in ecstasy.
Hips writhing, you begin grinding into your hand, your fingers dancing across your slit as high-pitched keens intermittently escape your mouth. You can feel how wet you are, a dense film of stick slickness coating your walls; stringy trails of your arousal oozing out of your entrance and onto the sheets. Digits gliding through your cunt, you begin rolling your clit in deep circles, your thighs beginning to tremble. With each roll of your hips, the vibrator shifts inside of you - its surreptitious movements causing your frustration to build up - and unable to bear it any longer, your desperation growing to urgent levels, you lay back on the bed.
Spreading your legs a little wider, you move your hand back to your sex, your fingers slipping past the heavy tweed of Seokjin’s jackets. For a few moments, you trace the outline of your sex - running your fingers across your slit and over your clit - and once the lengths are sufficiently wet, you dip two fingers into your dripping walls. Easily, your entrance accepts the intrusion, and fingertips coming into contact with the toy, your head lolls back and your mouth falls open in a ragged cry. You hook the crook of your second knuckles around the loop attached to the toy, and once it’s secure, you begin pumping your digits in and out of you; simultaneously dragging the smooth silicon toy through your folds. When your fingers push particularly deep, the vibrator pressing flush against your sweet spot, a heavy moan resounds through the air, and knowing your body well, you can feel your orgasm draw nearer.
Fingers picking up speed, you thrust them quicker in and out of you - using both, the pleasure of your digits plunging in and out of you, along with the vibrator stimulating your g-spot - to bring you closer and closer to the brink of pleasure. You have no idea how long passes, with you sitting there, your clit grinding against the silken lining as your fingers pump in and out of you, but soon, you lose yourself in your own pleasure. Thick ropes of arousal drip out of you, pooling under you and percolating into the jacket, undoubtedly leaving a puddle of your arousal in the material. Just as you feel yourself teeter on the precipice of pleasure, your thighs trembling uncontrollably, a low voice cuts through the air.
“Oh? Now, what do we have here?”
Shoulders tensing at the sound, you let out a whimper, your hand immediately coming to a still. Blindfold still wrapped around your head, you can’t see who it is, nor where they are. But, you don’t need to see to know who it is. From the rich, sweet tenor, and the slight wry intonation to his droll, you already know it’s Seokjin. Footfalls pad against the carpet, and as the noise draws nearer to you, you feel your body tremor with anticipation and excitement. Lifting your back, your elbows falling to either side of the mattress as you brace yourself, you look ahead, your head tilting to the side as you’re met with the darkness of the blindfold.
“Seokjin...” you breathe out heavily, the tenseness in your shoulders alleviating as you relax. The older man simply hums, the timbre of his voice resonating through the quiet room. His heavy presence draws nearer to you, until you can feel it loom over you, the hair at the back of your nap standing on edge. Instinctively, even though you’re blindfolded, you tilt your neck up; blindly searching for him. “Where’s Taehyung?” you ask, your head tilting around the room, your ears on alert - searching for any sound that would signal you to his presence.
One hand falls to your stomach, and slipping through the buttoned seam of your coat, you feel long, cool fingers dance across your naked skin. Deft fingers flittering over your bare stomach, “Right here, Kitten,” he drawls, the deep tremor to his voice causing your stomach to quiver.
“Took you both long enough. I’ve been waiting for a while, you know,” you pout, your lower lip jutting out.
“And yet, you couldn’t really wait, could you?” Seokjin hums.
Before you can reply, you feel a pair of plump lips graze across the outer shell of your ear. Warm breath fans across your skin, the feathery sensation causing a shiver of anticipation to run down your spine. All of a sudden, a sharp sting jolts through you, and feeling Seokjin bite down on the tip of your ear, you let out a small yelp. “Hmm, I don’t think either of us told you to play with yourself, did we, Taehyung?” Seokjin questions, his voice low and dangerous. As he speaks, you feel a pair of hands trace the placket of Seokjin’s coat, dexterous fingers systematically unfastening each of the buttons.
“No. I believe our instructions were to ‘Put on the blindfold and wait’,” Taehyung responds, a playful lilt colouring his voice.
With each clasp undone, more and more of your body is revealed to their eyes, until all of a sudden, the material falls to either side of your body - revealing your naked figure. The warmth you’d built up from the jacket immediately dissipates, and cool air descending over your bare flesh, you feel your nipples twist to hardness. Two sharp inhales fill the air, the sounds identical as Seokjin and Taehyung suck in a breath at the sight.
“At least she listened to one of our orders,” Taehyung chuckles, and though his sentence is light and airy, you easily pick up the slight edge to his voice.
Breath hitching, you feel him trail his hand down your abdomen and towards the apex of your thighs. Reaching your pubic mound, he begins tracing lazy circles into your skin, the teasing sensation causing you to mew in pleasure. When his fingertips brush against the hood of your clit, you gasp out his name, your hips autonomously bucking up into his hand. Not wasting a moment, he pushes his digits between your thighs, and swipes them through your dewy lips. A guttural groan spills from your mouth, your head falling backwards as you feel Taehyung delicately toy with the slick creases of your pussy.
“Oh? You’re fucking soaked. Did you enjoy being a nasty little slut?” Taehyung coos; thick derision dripping from his voice, like viscous honey.
On the side of you, a hand trails along your arm, and gently encircling around your wrist, he picks up your own hand. Bringing your fingers up to his mouth, he - Seokjin, you think - begins swiping your wet fingers across the soft folds. Voluptuous lips wrap around your digits, and feeling them enveloped by a wet, warm mouth, your skin flushes with the heat of desire. Seokjin’s tongue begins swirling across the lengths - and between his velvet appendage swiping over your fingers, as well as his mouth intermittently suckling - he cleans off your own arousal.
Releasing them from his mouth with a wet pop, “I think she did,” Seokjin chimes in with a low chuckle. Then, languidly twirling his tongue around the tips of your digits, “Our Princess is a depraved little whore, isn’t she? Getting off while walking around in public naked, with a vibrator inside her,” he continues. Their words have the tips of your ears tinging with heat - this time, with mortification.
“B-But you made me-” you try to argue. As soon as the words slip past your lips, however, Taehyung plunges two fingers inside of you, before splaying them wide. The unexpected intrusion has the vibrator pressing further into you, and paired with the burn of the stretch, your words are quickly morphed into a throaty groan.
“But no one told you to enjoy it so much,” he remarks, a sadistic inflection to his voice, and though you can’t see his face, you can practically feel the smirk that crawls onto his face.
“Enjoy? I-I didn’t-,” you try to counter. One of your nipples slots between two crooked fingers, and twisting them between his knuckles, Seokjin immediately stops your protests. Responsively, you moan, your back arching off of the bed.
“Don’t lie to us, Princess,” he hisses in warning. Then, soothingly stroking your nipple with the pad of his thumb, “We can already tell how much you enjoyed it. You’re so wet I can smell you from here,” he drawls. The vulgarity of his words has your spine tingling, and involuntarily, your entrance quivers around Taehyung’s fingers. In response, Taehyung starts to indolently thrust his digits into you, his thumb simultaneously pressing to your clit as he rolls it in light circles. Pleasure rippling through you, your hips squirm, and you push your sex further into his hand.
Above you, you feel someone’s head dip close to your abdomen, the silken ends of long hair tickling your bare flesh. The man presses a soft kiss to your stomach, just above your naval, and after swirling his tongue through the indentation, “You really are wet…” Taehyung comments. His fingers pick up speed, and hearing the clear squelching sounds of your pussy, Taehyung and Seokjin laugh. “Messy girl,” Taehyung coos.
Seokjin presses his nose to the side of your breast, and after lightly nipping the skin, he languidly swipes his tongue over your hardened nipple. “But we can get you messier, can’t we?” he murmurs.
With that, both of them suddenly draw away from you. Their warmth dissipating from your body, you let out a low whine of protest. Nonetheless, it doesn’t last long, because without a moment’s hesitation, they flip you onto your back - undoubtedly using Seokjin’s coat for help. Thanks to your blindfold, the gesture is unexpected, and startling, you let out a surprised shriek. One hand drags the hem of the coat up, revealing your bare ass to their gaze, and before you can say anything, another hand drops down onto your plump flesh. Pain flares across your skin - the sensation heralded by a sharp slap echoing through the air - causing you to hiss and push your ass back towards the hand.
“Take off the coat,” Seokjin orders,
“Then, get on your hands and knees,” Taehyung commands, their voices resound through the air back to back, as though with practiced ease. Though, realistically, you just know it’s from the amount of time you’ve spent together.
Your body moves on its own, as if trained to obey, and after shedding Seokjin’s heavy coat, you manoeuvre your body onto your hands and knees, your ass sticking in the air. In front of you, you feel the mattress dip, and when the sensual, spiced scent of nutmeg and musk fills your senses, you know it’s Taehyung; another presence behind you alerting you to Seokjin’s positioning. Thanks to your new position, you have no doubt that your body is bared to your lovers in the best way possible, and core trembling - another wave of arousal leaking out of you - you whimper out their names.
“P-Please,” comes your soughed plea.
In front of you, you feel the bed shift, and lifting your head up, you attempt to peek through the partial slit at the bottom of the blindfold. Before you can make out anything, however, you feel someone gently cup your chin between the side of his hand and his thumb. Carefully, yet firmly, he tilts your head downwards - the gesture filled with domineering authority. Pad of his thumb brushing against your lower lip, you feel him delicately trace the outline of your petal.
“Such pretty lips,” Taehyung murmurs. His hold only lasts a few moments, because the next thing you know, he’s letting your chin go. “But do you know when your lips look the prettiest?” he continues. The bed shifts once again, before the rustle of clothing fills the air; the sound accompanied by that of Seokjin rummaging behind you. Before you can comprehend what’s happening, however, Taehyung’s placing his large hand on the back of your head and lowering your face. Within moments, your mouth comes into contact with the leaky velvet of Taehyung’s cockhead; his precum staining your lips.
“Ah,” you gasp, the barest hint of his heady essence tinging your palate.
“It’s when they’re wrapped around my cock,” Taehyung purrs. Mouth watering, you instinctively part your lips and dive forward - blindly. Eyesight obscured, your cheeks slap against the side of Taehyung’s cock, and above you, he laughs, “Such a desperate, cockhungry kitten.” Suddenly, a thud resonates through the air, and feeling the heavy weight of Taehyung’s cock slap your cheek, you let out a little whimper. “Do you want to suck my cock that badly?” he coos.
Nodding your head furiously, you press your cheek further into the velvet hardness and stroke your face against it, “Please, can I?” you question. Laden with a mix of heavy lust and desirous need, your voice has Taehyung’s chest rumbling in approval.
“That’s my Kitten. You’ll be good and take me into your mouth, won’t you?” he asks. Again, you eagerly nod your head. Chuckling, “Open, slut,” he orders.
Not wasting a single moment, your mouth parts open, and with a pleased hum, Taehyung begins to feed you his cock. The moment you feel the weight of his cockhead on your tongue, you seal your lips around his girth; autonomously creating a vacuum-like seal.
Bit by bit, Taehyung pushes his cock into you, one hand faithfully on the back of your head as his shaft presses further and further into your silken wetness. With each inch, the underside drags against the flat of your tongue - dousing your palate in his potent flavour; the taste only causing your mouth to water - and with the aid of your spit, his length easily fills your mouth. Mere moments later, the lip of his cockhead grazing against the back of your tongue, Taehyung’s crown bumps against your tonsils. The feel of his cock pressed against the entrance to your throat causes you to choke, and spluttering around his shaft, you feel your eyes begin to sting with tears.
“Oh… Fuck yeah… Such a pretty cock-stuffed mouth. You always look so good filled with our cocks,” Taehyung moans, undoubtedly relishing in the velvet warmth of your mouth around his girth. Under his praise, you preen, a flutter of pride rippling through you, and in response, you forcibly will your oesophageal muscles to relax.
Out of the blue, and just before you can swallow, you feel a trickling, hot sensation drip down onto the curve of your spine. Heat flares across your flesh, and feeling the sharp sting, you cry out - the sound stifled by Taehyung’s cock. Taken by surprise, you arch your back, the movement inadvertently forcing the shaft further into your mouth, and as a result, you gag. Head jerking in surprise, you try to pull off Taehyung and turn your head towards Seokjin. Nevertheless, keeping a steady hand on the back of your skull, your lover keeps you in place. Swiftly, the heat dissipates, only to be replaced by the soft sensation of Seokjin’s tongue tracing the length of your spine as he licks up whatever it is he’d dribbled onto you.
“W-What is that?” you question, the words muffled as your tongue strains under the velvet weight of his girth.
“Melted chocolate... Spontaneous and thrilling enough for you?” Seokjin murmurs. As he speaks, he runs his tongue over the outline of your backbone, and when he reaches the top of your ass, he grazes his teeth against the plump flesh.
“Oh, fuck yes,” you breathe out, your core quivering in a mix of anticipation and excitement. The blindfold, paired with Seokjin’s actions, has the pits of your abdomen flooding with liquid lust.
Behind you, the older man notices the way the ringed entrance to your cunt pulsates, and with a light chuckle, “You like that, Princess?” he asks. Unhesitantly, you nod your head, the motion causing Taehyung’s cock to jolt within your mouth.
“We thought you would,” Taehyung hums, his fingertips affectionately stroking your scalp. “Now, my Kitten’s going to let me fuck her throat, isn’t she? All while Seokjin plays with you,” he coos, and again, you nod your head. For a brief moment, Taehyung pauses, and then, “I’m going to remove your blindfold now, Kitten. But I want you to keep your eyes on me okay?” he continues.
“Wait- I thought we were going to leave it on?” Seokjin asks. Taehyung shrugs, or at least, you think he does. All you feel is the slight movement of his body.
“I was. But, she looks so pretty when she looks at me with her mouth full of cock,” Taehyung responds.
Exhaling a breath of amusement, “That she does,” Seokjin agrees.
Taehyung slips the blindfold off of you, and lurid beams of flavescent gold flooding your vision, you immediately squint. You blink carefully, allowing your eyes to slowly adjust to the light. It only takes a few moments, and growing accustomed to the luminance, your gaze immediately comes into contact with Taehyung. He sits above you, his back casually pressed to the walnut headboard, and completely naked. Under the croceate lighting, the deep golden undertones of his skin are highlighted, causing his body to be encapsulated by a gilded halo. Thick thighs are spread on either side of your face, the bulging muscles bunched up and spread across the mattress - only making his limbs seem broader.
Through the thick of your lashes, your eyes still slightly blurry from when you’d gagged around his cock, you stare up at him; the sight causing Taehyung to groan in pleasure. Hand slipping from the back of your head to your face, he cups your chin, and angling it up slightly, “Mmmm. That’s one of my favourite sights,” he purrs.
Behind you, Seokjin drips more of the melted chocolate onto your body. Drop by drop, he drizzles the liquified confection along your back, and with each gesture, you feel your skin smart with the heat. Pain interweaves with pleasure, the sharp stings making you hiss and writhe while your walls rhythmically clamp around the silicon vibrator still resting inside you. Your lover allows the chocolate to trickle down your back, forming small, heated rivers of cocoa, and once it cools, he soothes the burn with his tongue - licking and nipping as he leaves his own marks onto your flesh.
With each whorl of his tongue, he effortlessly sucks the drying confectionary off of you, his plump lips dragging across your body. Under his ministrations, your skin turns febrile, and sensitive - from more than just the molten chocolate. Each dribble is erratic - the timing random, and unpredictable - and with Taehyung keeping your eyes firmly locked onto him, you simply can’t foresee when Seokjin is going to dribble the next dollop onto you. Especially since there’s no real pattern; some coming in quick succession - his teeth scraping and biting your flesh, leaving it tender under his ministrations; while others come slowly, with long delays between them - his lips and tongue roving over your back as he licks you up.
Gradually, however, Seokjin trails his way down your spine, until you feel his lips drag against the tops of your plump cheeks. Suddenly, Seokjin pours some more chocolate onto you - this time, directly onto the rounded flesh, and at a much higher volume. It drips down the surface, all the way to the sensitive tops of your thighs, making them quake as you feel it lick trails of fiery pleasure across your skin, only for the swelter to dissipate with moments - leaving you with nothing but the prickling stings of heat. Crying out in pleasure, you thrust your hips backward; directly into Seokjin’s waiting mouth. Silken wetness flat against your cheek, he licks up the molten confection sensually - practically making a meal out of you. His tongue tracks a broad line from the bottom of your ass, all the way to the top, and when he’s cleaned it all up, he harshly bites down on your plump globe.
Hissing in a mix of pain and pleasure, your head automatically moves to look at him. However, gripping your chin firmly, Taehyung tuts at you. “Eyes on me,” he reminds you, punctuating his words with a harsh thrust of his hips. Tip of his cockhead ramming against your tonsils, you splutter around his girth, the reaction causing pools of saliva to surge around your tongue. Inadvertently, it causes you to soak his shaft in your spit, small trails oozing out of the tight seal of your mouth and down his shaft.
Meanwhile, behind you, Seokjin drops his hands to the backs of your thighs, and thumbs pressing to your ass, he spreads you open for him. Nether lips saturated with your wetness, he unabashedly takes in the sight of you: the way the tight ring of muscles twitches, the vibrator threatening to spill out of you, and how your flesh oozes your arousal. Thin, filmy strings of your essence leak from your cunt, the threads clinging to your folds and hanging in the air. Flicking his tongue, he catches one of the ropes on its hollow, and as your laden taste bathes his palate, he lets out a deep groan.
“Mmmm. You taste even better than the chocolate… Such a sweet cunt,” he groans, his lips tickling your pussy with each word. Wrapping his mouth around your folds, he teasingly sucks for a fleeting moment - pulling more of your wetness into his mouth - before releasing them with a wet pop. “I could eat you forever,” he adds with a purr.
Placing the tip of his tongue flat on your pulsing bundle of nerves, Seokjin licks a broad line up the length of your pussy; from the hood of your clit, along your slit, and towards your leaking hole. As your heady taste deepens - the thick slickness coating his taste buds and leaving them heavy with your flavour - he purrs in pleasure. The vibrations dart up your nerves, stimulating every single one, while simultaneously setting them aflame with lust. Your eyelids flutter at the sensation, and loosened by your pleasure, your pharynx eases slightly; allowing the crown of Taehyung’s cock to slip further into your throat.
Seokjin runs the tip of his tongue through the creases of your fold, and after swirling the point around your quivering entrance, he pulls away. Abruptly, he smacks your ass, and biting down harshly onto your ass cheeks - hard enough to leave the indents of his teeth into the surface, “Spread yourself,” he orders. The sharp impact has you yelping around Taehyung’s cock, and flesh of your mouth vibrating along his shaft, his head lolls back in pleasure as he lets out a guttural moan.
You dig your knees further into the bed - using them to both anchor your body, and your weight - before doing as he says. Fingertips digging into the flesh of your ass, you spread both cheeks for Seokjin, bearing yourself wide open for him. The new position causes you to fall further onto Taehyung’s shaft, and as his blunt head pierces into you by another inch, you feel your throat constrict - protesting the intrusion. Responsively, you gag, the stifled sound of you retching around his length filling the air as the tears welling in your eyes thicken.
By now, he’s got just under half of his cock buried into the velvet cavern of your mouth; his cockhead pressing mercilessly against the aperture of your pharynx - threatening to slip past the ring of muscles and into your oesophagus. Pools of spit seep out of the straining seal of your lips, dribbling down your chin and over his shaft, leaving your skin glistening under the amber light.  Taehyung takes in the sight of your misted gaze, and spit-stained face, and letting out a derisive coo, he indolently strokes your cheek. Thumb moving to brush your eye, he swipes one of your tears away.
“Such a messy slut,” he purrs, the snark to his words undercut by the affection that colours his eyes.
Deft fingertips tease the folds of your slit, Seokjin running his fingers through your soaked pussy. He hooks his knuckles around the small loop sticking out of you, before harshly tugging at it. As it pulls out of you, your walls stretch around the rounded girth, and easily, it slips from your cunt - aided by the copious amounts of your arousal that coat it. Despite its small size, the moment it’s out of the walls of your core, you whine in displeasure; your pussy feeling empty. However, your dissatisfaction doesn’t last long, because suddenly, an acute sensation of feverish pain floods your senses.
Out of the blue, Seokjin pours a dense stream of the liquified chocolate over the swells of your ass, the deluge flowing down the contours of your plump cheeks and towards your inner thighs - dangerously close to the lips of your cunt. Pained pleasure flares across your flesh, the heat radiating from the chocolate mixing with that of your cunt. Involuntarily, your back arches, and pushing your hips further into the air, you thrust your bare cunt towards Seokjin. Seizing the opportunity, Seokjin drags the broad of his tongue over your flesh, sensually lapping up the chocolate from your body. When his velvet appendage teases the lips of your sex, you moan in pleasure. Muscles of your pussy convulsing, your cunt releases a thick gush of wetness, your juices trickling down your slit and towards Seokjin’s tongue.
Humming under you, Seokjin places the tip of his tongue to your clit. Then, licking a line through your slit, he gathers your arousal onto the dip of his appendage. Your heady essence pools onto his palate, and your innate flavour mixing with the sweetness of the chocolate, Seokjin groans in pleasure. He presses his face deeper into your cunt, and tongue plunging into your rippling entrance, he buries it as far as he can into your internal walls. Feeling the agile muscles glide into your depths, your hips jerk in pleasure, a muffled cry of bliss resonating through the air.
Euphoria blurs your senses, and eyes fluttering shut, you feel your blood bubble with ecstasy. In response, your pharynx eases, and with a well-timed thrust, Taehyung pushes his cockhead further into your throat. Unwittingly, you swallow, and with one smooth motion, Taehyung buries the entirety of his cock into you - aided by the contracting muscles of your throat, and the spit coating his length. The thick of Taehyung’s girth pushes into your silken tightness, and with each inch he forces inside of you, the muscles of your oesophagus stretch - pulling apart around the shape of his member - until your nose is pressed against his abdomen.
“Ah- Fuck yes. That’s my Kitten,” Taehyung praises. Hands moving to grip your head, his fingers card through your scalp, only to fist around the roots of your hair.
Underneath you, Seokjin begins plunging his tongue in and out of you, accentuating each thrust with a whorl of his appendage through your walls. Each swirl has him tasting your pulsating cunt, stroking your inner flesh, and stimulating your nerve ending. Spikes of frenzied want lance through you with every ministration, and body prickling with heat, you sink further into pleasure. Nails digging into your ass, you spread your cheeks wider - purposely allowing Seokjin better access to your dripping entrance - before rocking your hips into his face.
Voluptuous lips tugging into a lopsided smirk, Seokjin retreats his tongue from inside of you. A moan of objection bubbles at the top of your throat, however, just as it starts to spill out of you and around Taehyung’s cock, you watch as the younger man exchanges a look with the older one. Curiosity colours your being, but before you can ponder their interchange, Seokjin suddenly presses something familiar flat against your clit. Abruptly, the vibrator flavours to life, and with it held to your sensitive, needy bundle of nerves, you shriek in pleasure - the sound straining around the shaft buried in your oesophagus.
Your shriek reverberates around Taehyung, and groaning at the stimulation, his hold on your hair tightens. A predatory, borderline sadistic, smirk curls onto your lovers lips, and watching the smile, your stomach somersaults. His eyes flash with mirth, and having known Taehyung for a while, you already know what’s coming - you can tell from his reaction. Without any semblance of a warning, Taehyung retreats his cock out of your throat. The veined underside drags against your tongue, and when his head reaches the aperture of your pharynx, you feel him roughly thrust back into you.
In one, fluid motion, his cock pierces into your throat once again, the feel of his blunt head ramming through the soft tightness of your oesophagus causing you to groan. Immediately, you gag around him, the lewd sounds of wet retching echoing through the air. Nevertheless, your gagging - paired with the rhythmic pulsing of your throat, and its welcoming warmth - only urge Taehyung on. One of his hands moves to wrap around your neck, and thumb pressing against the bulge of his cock, Taehyung begins gently stroking the outline.
Roughly, he begins thrusting in and out of your mouth; using your throat as his personal cocksleeve - as though it was made for his own pleasure. With each snap of his hips, his blunt head rams through your oesophagus, the smooth muscles straining around his girth, and causing your flesh to turn tender. Thumb pressing further onto your distended neck, Taehyung relishes in the feel of his shaft plunging in and out of your mouth. In response, he tightens his hold on your throat, just enough to further feel the shape of his own cock buried inside of you.
“Fuck. You’re so good for me, Kitten. Such a good cockhungry Kitten,” he grunts, each word punctuated with a particularly hard snap of his hips. “Ugh. God. You like this don’t you? You love it when I use your throat like this. When I fuck it hard, and raw,” he continues. The vulgarity of his words causes you to keen in pleasure, and tears spilling freely from your eyes, you look up at him imploringly. “Shit. Look at you. Crying while I bruise your oesophagus. You’re so good for us, Kitten. Fucking- shit,” he moans, his head falling back to rest on the headboard.
Between your thighs, Seokjin relentlessly presses the vibrator against your clit, and as it intensely thrums, you feel your clit smart with pleasure. With how hard it’s pressed to your throbbing bud, the reverberations jolting through every single one of your nerves and setting them on fire, you feel your skin flash with heat. Liquid lust floods your stomach, an intense knot forming deep within its pits. Your thighs quiver on either side of Seokjin’s face, and feeling the intensity of the toy’s thrumming, another wave of tears floods your eyes. As much as you enjoy the pleasure, it’s too much all at once - your neglected clit overly sensitive by now - and as a result, you sob around Taehyung’s cock - even as he continues thrusting it into your throat.
Vehemently, your hips squirm, in a bid to get away from the ferocious vibration. However, Seokjin is stronger than you, and all your struggle does is cause him to press the vibrator even harder into your engorged, weeping bundle of nerves. Heat blisters your skin, hot spikes of euphoria lancing at your being as your orgasm draws nearer and nearer. From the way your entrance erratically convulses, the quiver matched by your thighs and writhing hips, Seokjin knows you’re close. Tongue darting out, he presses the tip to your ringed entrance - relishing in the way it contracts around his appendage - before he tantalisingly traces the outline of your leaking hole.
“Don’t cum,” he orders, a playful lilt to his voice as he practically sings out the words. Despair intermingles with your pleasure at his words. You need to cum. In fact, with how close you are, you don’t think you even have the will to hold off. Something you know he knows. “If you cum, Taehyung will punish you,” Seokjin drawls. As he speaks, his tongue plunges further into your cunt - impaling you on the velvet muscle - and sliding into you, the vibrations of his words spark through your internal walls.
Despite his warning, between the unrelenting vibrator against your clit, and Seokjin’s words reverberating through your internal walls, you feel yourself careen off of the brim of pleasure. Ecstasy surges through you, the overwhelming euphoria of your orgasm flooding your entire being, and causing your blood to bubble within your veins. Body falling forward, your hands fall from your ass and onto the mattress, your toes curling while your fists ball into the sheets. Above you, Taehyung rips his cock out of you, and senses overpowered by rapturous bliss, you barely register the pain of his cock retreating from your oesophagus. Rather, you fall limply onto the bed, your cheek pressing to Taehyung’s thigh as you weep in pleasure.
As you drift off on the wave of your climax, Seokjin pulls the vibrator from your clit, and instead, he begins gently rubbing your clit with his thumb - drawing out your orgasm. Gradually, though, you slowly come back to reality, your breathing ragged as you gasp for air. Muscles still trembling, the fog of your orgasm clears, and you still when you realise you’d disobeyed one of Seokjin’s commands. Lifting your head, you look up at Taehyung through teary eyes, your lover simply looking down at you with a wide grin. Fingers threaded through your hair, he gently strokes your scalp. Yet, in spite of his affectionate gesture, from the dark glint in his eyes, you already know what’s coming.
“Did we give you permission to cum, Kitten?” he coos, his voice deceptively sweet.
“N-No,” you stammer, your voice hoarse, and weak - undoubtedly from when Taehyung had fucked it raw. Behind you, Seokjin bites down onto your ass, the sharp pain causing you to whimper.
“I specifically told you not to cum, Princess,” Seokjin purrs, his lips trailing kisses up your spine.
“I’m s-sorry,” you stammer, though, you already know it’s too late. Especially when you see Taehyung’s smirk widen, something wicked twinkling in his eyes.
Gently stroking your hair, “Sorry? Oh. You will be, Kitten,” he promises.
With that, the two pull away from you, and swapping places, Taehyung moves behind you, while Seokjin moves in front of you. Just like Taehyung, Seokjin is completely naked, and as you take in the sight of him lounging against the headboard, you find yourself drooling. Though, that could just be from when Taehyung had fucked your throat. Seokjin is much more built than Taehyung, sinewy muscles - honed from his time at the gym - rippling under his taut flesh. They accentuate his broad shoulders, and long limbs, somehow making his already imposing figure seem bigger than it already is.
Strong arms encircle your body, and with careful movements, Seokjin moves you back into position - getting you on your hands and knees once again. Limbs still shaky from your orgasm, however, you simply flop in his lap, your shoulders drooping to press against either of his thighs, while your face rests against the corner of his hip. Despite his dominant aura, Seokjin smiles at you, tenderly stroking the sweat-matted hair out of your eyes and behind your head. His affectionate gesture has you purring in contentment; only for the sound to morph into a rumble of wanton need when you spot his throbbing erection.
It stands at full attention between his thighs, tall and proud. His cockhead is an angry shade of cherry-mauve, and sticky with the precum leaking from his slit. From your position on his hip, it somehow looks even more daunting than it usually is, the angle of your head making it seem impossibly thick. Prominent veins streaking his length, they pulse intermittently, the surreptitious movements drawing attention to his immense girth. Mouth salivating - and this time most definitely because of him - your lips part and you whimper.
“Does my Princess want my cock in her mouth?” Seokjin coos, his fingers mindlessly toying with a strand of your hair. Nodding your head, you shift into a more upright position, your mouth impatiently hovering over his crown. Seokjin’s hand trails down to your neck, and when you wince - the internal muscles still raw - he delicately strokes the column, “Taehyung was rough with you, wasn’t he?” he murmurs. You simply nod your head in response.
“She liked it,” Taehyung chimes in from somewhere in the room, and hearing his voice further away then you’d thought him to be, you turn your head to find him. Nevertheless, this time, it’s Seokjin who stops you.
“Uh-uh. Taehyung’s had enough of your attention. Now it’s my turn,” Seokjin tuts. Hand moving from your neck, he grips the base of his shaft before smacking your lips with his cockhead twice. “Come on, Princess,” he urges.
Not needing to be told twice, your head dips forward, and tongue darting out, you drag a kittenish lick around the circumference of his glistening crown. Taste buds dragging over his cockhead, his salted precum coats your palate, and you moan in pleasure - the sound emphasised by Seokjin’s own growl of approval. Encouraged by the sound, you repeat the action -  your tongue slower this time. Placing the flat of your muscle against his slit, you lap at it, relishing in the way his arousal leaks out of him and directly onto your tongue.
Watching the action with dark eyes, “Do I taste good, Princess?” he chuckles, causing you to eagerly nod. “Then how about you worship my cock, huh?” he asks, his fingers weaving into your hair.
Warm lips brushing against his frenulum, you place a soft kiss to where his cockhead meets his shaft. Then, while keeping your eyes firmly locked onto his, you delicately trace one of the more prominent veins that ridge his shaft. Rhythmically, it pulses under the weight of your wet muscles, and savouring the discernible throb, you repeat your action. Following it to the hilt of his shaft, you take one of his balls into his mouth. You roll it gently in your mouth, revelling in the way it sits on your tongue - heavy, and full of cum. The entire time, you stare up at your lover; Seokjin’s eyes growing more and more tumultuous with each reverent action.
You release his sac with a pop, and lips dragging over the length of his underside, you track your way back to his cockhead. Mouth parting, you wrap it around his tip, only to teasingly suckle at it. Your action has Seokjin’s head lolling back, and with your gazes still locked onto each other, you take more of his head into your wanting cavern - until the entire cockhead sits just inside the seam of your lips. And it’s at that exact moment, that Taehyung returns - only to push something against the rim of your ass.
Eyes bugging out, a cry of pleasure tears from your throat - your mouth falling open around Seokjin’s cockhead. Relentlessly, Taehyung presses the toy into you - the tight of your walls gradually opening around the rounded, lubed up object. The widest part of the item strains against your puckered entrance, and feeling a light smart of pain, your body jerks when the entirety of it slips into you - your muscles swallowing it up. Fingertips brushing against your asshole, Taehyung grips something, only to twist it - and feeling the toy spin inside of your ass, you let out a moan.
Your pleasure doesn’t last long, however, because soon enough, Taehyung is pressing the elongated protrusion right up against your clit. Feeling the silicon rod nestled between the folds of your pussy, and the silicon pad against your bundle of nerves, you let out a whimper. You know exactly what it is. An anal vibrator paired with a clit stimulator. As you recognise the item, your cunt gushes involuntarily. Whatever punishment Taehyung had planned for you was undoubtedly going to be exciting - if a little intense. Though, that only has anticipation colouring your veins.
Dark gaze transfixed to your ass, Taehyung revels in the sight of your asshole quivering around the toy, and unable to help himself, he spanks your ass - hard. The sharp slap echoes through the air, causing you to cry out and jerk forward, Seokjin’s cockhead dragging across your lips and over your chin. Watching the flesh of your plump cheeks ripple, Taehyung places either of his hands onto each globe before kneading them open.
“Your ass always looks so fucking hot when it’s filled up… Can’t wait to fill it with my cock,” he murmurs; the compliment causing you to croon out his name.
However, you don’t have long to relish in his appraisal. Because, all of a sudden, the vibrator comes to life. Fiercely, it begins thrumming, stimulating the inner muscles of your ass. At the same time, the protrusion along your folds and clit begins to vibrate - the tremors stimulating your slick folds and throbbing bundle of nerves. With your recent orgasm, your cunt is still sensitive, and pleasure bolting across your sensitised nerves, you howl in pleasure. Jerking over Seokjin, your head falls onto his abdomen - his erect cock inadvertently slapping your face - while your hips writhe wildly.
“Oh fuck- Taehyung, too much,” you gasp, your ass thrashing reckless as you try to get away from the pleasure. Regardless, no matter how hard you try, the vibrator is firmly embedded inside of you - making it impossible to shy away from it.
“Too much? You don’t know too much just yet, Kitten,” Taehyung drawls. Still, even as he speaks, “Remember Princess, your safe word is ‘Roses’,” he reminds you.
“And your safe signal is snapping your fingers,” Seokjin adds. You nod your head, letting them both know that you remember.
“Good girl,” Seokjin praises with another caress of your hair. Then, lifting your head, he places your mouth above his cockhead once again. “Now, why don’t you warm my cock in that pretty mouth of yours, while Taehyung punishes you for being a disobedient slut,” Seokjin purrs.
Whimpering at his words, you do as he says, your lips automatically pouting as you take him into your mouth once again. Jaw straining around his girth, you stare at Seokjin through the thick of your lashes, basking in the heavy weight of his length against your tongue. Sooner than you’d like, his crown bumps into the back of your throat, a choked gag warning Seokjin that you can’t fit any more of him into you - lest he repeat Taehyung’s actions and force himself into your throat. However, knowing your throat needs some respite, Seokjin simply keeps himself within the confines of your mouth; revelling in the wet chasm of your silken cheeks and velvet tongue.
Out of the blue, using the moment you audibly splutter around Seokjin’s cock as a signal, Taehyung pours a considerable amount of melted chocolate onto you - all over your ass. Back arching, you hiss as the sweltering heat trickles all over your plump cheeks: trails of blistering pain flaring over your flesh. The stinging ache, paired with the intense vibrations of the toy inside your ass and against your clit, has your eyes rolling into the back of your skull. Entire body convulsing under the intense sensation, you’re suddenly flung over the edge of your orgasm, and straight into bliss.
Orgasm unexpectedly flooding through you, the unadulterated rapture surges through your nerves, invigorating each and every one of them with euphoria. Eyes screwing shut, you wail out Taehyung and Seokjin’s names; the sound coming out animalistic, and inarticulate. Responsively, the walls of your sex clamp: your ass muscles tightening around the vibrator - unwittingly causing the vibrations to intensify; while the flesh of your cunt contracts around nothing - emphasising the growing emptiness. Watching you cum, the vibrator suddenly comes to a halt, and gasping for air, you suck in a ragged breath.
Gradually, your orgasm washes through you, leaving you a trembling mess while you mindlessly suckle at Seokjin’s cock. Cool hand pressing to your thighs, Taehyung tenderly strokes the supple lengths, the repetitive motions somewhat soothing. The heat from the molten confection slowly dissipates, and through the haze of your ebbing climax, your eyebrows furrow - especially when you feel the chocolate begin to dry and harden. Sucking in a shaky breath, you look up at Seokjin curiously, your lover simply shrugging in response - already knowing what you’re asking.
“Don’t worry, Princess. Just focus on my cock, hmmm?” he reminds you. Blinking owlishly, your eyes light up with recognition - the fog of your euphoria completely clearing. Tongue flicking against his ridged underside, you begin suckling at him once again.
Without warning, Taehyung spanks you - from the tops of your thighs, to the plump flesh of your ass. Unlike before, when it was just his large palm, this time you feel a hard surface impact the supple skin, and eyes widening you recognise the sensation of the paddle. The abrupt ministration has you mewling around Seokjin’s cock, and eyelids fluttering, thick tracks of tears roll down your face. Once again, Taehyung repeats the action, though, this time, he brings the paddle onto your other cheek. Hips undulating, you push them back into him, another hoarse resonating through the air. Under his action, you feel the hardened chocolate crack, a few pieces falling to the mattress.
Taehyung shifts behind you, and picking up one of the chunks, he runs it through your pussy. Teasingly, he strokes it through your slit - the touch light, and feathery - and bringing it to your honeyed hole, he slicks the jagged slab in your arousal. A shudder runs down your spine, the tantalising caress of his fingers and the pointed edge of the chocolate causing you to groan around Seokjin’s shaft. Once the piece is sufficiently coated in your wetness, Taehyung draws it away from your cunt. Instead, he reaches around your body, Seokjin tugging your hair and pulling you off of his cock.
Dissatisfied whine of protest erupting from the midst of your throat, you unwrap your mouth from Seokjin’s thick shaft - just in time for Taehyung to drop the slick-coated chocolate directly onto the older man’s length. Pupils dilating at the sight of the dark confection against your lover’s shaft, your tongue darts out, and thoughtlessly, you lick your lips. Seokjin watches the movement, his eyes shining with mirth at the ravenous hunger sparkling in your eyes.
Stroking your hair out of your forehead, “Are you ready for your punishment, Princess?” Seokjin questions.
“This is punishment?” you counter, the words spilling from your lips before you can stop them. Hearing your words, Taehyung immediately brings the paddle onto your ass. The impact hits harder this time, a heavy smack resounding through the air while more of the dried chocolate falls from your body. Sharp pain erupts over your tender flesh, causing shockwaves of smarting pleasure to ripple across your veins.
“I’d be careful if I were you, Kitten,” Taehyung warns, the edge of the paddle running down the seam of your ass, only for him to press it against the toy in your ass. His gesture has the vibrator pushing in deeper, and head falling forward, your chest rumbles in bliss.
An airy laugh tremors from Seokjin’s throat, “Your punishment is Taehyung paddling that pretty little ass till it’s nice and tender,” he purrs. Then tugging your head towards his cock, the piece of chocolate still resting precarious on his throbbing erection, “This is just for fun,” he continues. “Now, suck.”
Face lowering, you wrap your mouth around his cock once again, Seokjin slipping the chocolate between your teeth just before you enclose your lips around his girth. Instantly, the creamy sweetness of the cocoa bursts onto your palate, the sugary essence mixing with the heady one of your own wetness, and the slightly salty bitterness of Seokjin’s precum. They mingle together onto your tongue, the tastes blending together into an inebriating flavour that has the inner flesh of your cheeks salivating. Moaning around the heavy intrusion in your mouth, you expertly manoeuvre the piece to the underside of Seokjin’s cock, and pressing the flat of your tongue against it, you begin lapping at both the chocolate, and his shaft.
Gathering your hair into a makeshift ponytail, Seokjin angles your head to look up at him. Turbulent eyes, rife with desirous hunger, take you in, before he lets out a low growl, “God, Taehyung was right. You really are pretty when you look at us with a mouth full of cock.” You purr in response, your tongue dragging over the chocolate and towards a pulsating vein that runs along his length. Out of nowhere, the vibrator inside of you begins humming. The suddenness of it has your body jerking, your spine contorting as your mouth falls open in pleasure.
“O-Oh f-fuck,” you raspily weep, your eyes screwing shut at the mingling sensations. Simultaneously, the vibrations stimulate the tight muscles of your ass, along with the throbbing bud of your clit. Unadulterated bliss floods your nerve endings, your stomach quivering in tandem to the pulsating toy within you. Breathing turning ragged, you distractedly suckle at Seokjin’s chocolate stained cock.
As the vibrator pulses inside you, Taehyung brings the paddle onto your ass again in four rapt slaps, alternating between each of your cheeks. With each impact, the punishing force increases, aided by his strong arms, and causing a strangled cry of pain and pleasure to bubble from your throat. Every collision of the hard surface against your soft cheek has more and more of the dried chocolate cracking and falling off of your skin. More of your bare flesh revealed, the next of Taehyung’s spanks lands directly onto your plump muscle, and though the fatty tissue absorbs some of the impact, your ass still flares with heat.
“P-Please… T-Taehyung,” you cry out, the words hoarse and slightly broken.
Between the intense reverberations of the silicon toy, and the powerful spanks of the paddle, you begin to sob and moan: the blistering pain interweaving with euphoric rapture. Tears well within your eyes, thick tracks of salt running down your cheeks, as you lose yourself in the juxtaposing sensations. Taehyung’s eyes drop to the side of your raw ass and puffy cunt. Filled with the silicon toy, your puckered rim twitching intermittently - the tight muscles threatening to push out the object with each contraction. Just below, thick strings of your arousal seep out of your pussy, the filmy ropes hanging in the air and sticking to the sides of your thighs.
“Do you like that, Kitten? The way I spank your ass raw while you suck Seokjin’s cock?” Taehyung intones, the derisive lilt heavy in his voice. You merely let out a garble of affirmation, your tongue loosened by pleasure, and weighed down by the velvet weight of your other lover’s shaft.
The overwhelming ecstasy soon grows far too intense, and wildly, you begin writhing your hips. Deliberately, you attempt to evade Taehyung’s paddles, while simultaneously trying to push the vibrator out of you. Nonetheless, as if locked onto your plump globes, Taehyung strikes you with practiced ease; alternating between the harsh spanks and pressing the edge to your ass, keeping the toy pressed into the snug heat of your ass. A sweltering heat overcomes you, your nerves set afire by Taehyung’s ministration, and thighs shaking erratically, you sob out the names of your lovers.
“T-Too m-much. It’s t-too much,” comes your distorted whine, your nails scratching the mattress.
Hearing the inarticulate garble of your words, Seokjin coos, “Aww, has my Princess had enough of her punishment?” Through the thick fog of pleasure, you vaguely register his words and nod your head. Behind you, Taehyung brings the paddle onto your cheeks - right in the middle - causing you to howl.
“Are you sorry, Kitten?” he questions. Barely able to form coherent sentences, you nod your head while blubbering. Nonetheless, despite your answer, Taehyung spanks you once again. “Why are you sorry?” he asks.
You suck in a shaky, jagged breath, “I’m s-sorry for cumming w-without your p-permission,” you weep.
“Good Kitten. Now, cum,” Taehyung orders, pressing the paddle’s edge to the toy. His ministration forces the thrumming vibrator further into you, and as the silicon protrusion presses against your clit - intensifying the reverberations - you wail out both their names.
Dry sob emanating from your lips, the heightened pleasure hurtles you off of the edge. Viciously, your body trembles - every muscle quivering with ecstasy - as you come undone between them. Mouth falling open, you release Seokjin’s cock, your cheek falling listlessly onto his thigh as your orgasm rockets through you. White spots blind your vision, and the knot in your stomach unravelling abruptly, your body stills. Then, with an ear-piercing shriek, an intense sense of rapture overwhelms you, only to be replaced by an intoxicating sense of relief - powerful gushes of your cum squirting out of you. Feeling your arousal pelt his thighs - the deep scent of your sex deepening - Taehyung lets out a groan.
Immediately, he rips the toy out of you - the sudden stimulation making you sob harder - only to press his fingers to your clit. He furiously begins rubbing your clit, his ministration drawing out your orgasm even further. The pain of overstimulation grips at your cunt, and eyes screwing shut, your jerk your hips - in a bid to get away from him. Seeing the way you shy from him, along with your fucked out state, Taehyung takes pity on you, allowing you to flop bonelessly onto the mattress as you come down from your high. The tide of your climax ebbs through you, and drifting down to reality, you inhale a deep, ragged breath. Cunt trembling erratically, you whine when the ache between your thighs grows prominent - your walls desperate to feel something fill it up.
“F-Fuck me,” you stammer, your words weak and raspy - the tender muscles of your throat straining under the sound. Delicately, Taehyung’s fingers flit down your spine, and tracing invisible shapes onto the surface of your skin, he bends over and presses a kiss to the nape of your neck.
“Climb onto Seokjin,” he urges.
Strong arms wrap around you, and feeling Seokjin gather you into his arms, you allow him to place your body onto his lap. Once your thighs are straddling his hips, Seokjin grips the base of his thick shaft and runs the head through your folds. A wanton mewl spills from your mouth, your sex splaying around his leaking cockhead as he stains your saturated flesh in his own precum. Hips squirming, you attempt to position him at your entrance and take him into you - your desperation rising twofold. Letting out a throaty chuckle, Seokjin leans forward and nips your jaw, your eyes fluttering at the sensation, before he lowers you onto his cock.
The blunt pressure of his crown presses up against the ringed muscles of your entrance, and your head falling backwards, you feel his head pop into you. Your body twitches, the sudden, thick intrusion causing you to croon in pleasure. A searing burn ripples through your cunt, your muscles protesting the way his immense girth stretches out your inner walls. Behind you, Taehyung places his hand onto the middle of your back, and pushing it, he causes you to fall forward. Your hands instantly move to brace themselves on the headboard, on either side of Seokjin’s body.
“God, you’re so fucking tight. Such a tiny little cunt. Are you going to be able to take my cock, Princess?” Seokjin taunts, a playful, lopsided smirk teasing at his lips.
Keening in pleasure, “I can take it,” you respond, the words coming out higher pitched than you’d intended.
“Then take it,” he growls.
Utilising your new position, Seokjin’s hands trail down to grip the swells of your hips, and fingers digging into them, he lowers you further onto his cock. Inch by inch, he fills you up - the broad width of his shaft spreading your innermost walls, shaping them around his cock. As his cock pierces into the warm sheath of your body, his length seems almost unending, and soon, a dull pressure builds up within your abdomen. Dropping your gaze down, it trails past the ripped expanse of his torso - each muscle rippling under his taut skin - and towards your entrance.
Guttural groan spilling from your throat, you relish in the sight of Seokjin’s cock impaling you - your walls clenching involuntarily when you realise he’s only about half way into you. Walls of your cunt tightening around his shaft, Seokjin lets out a growl, his fingers digging further into your hips - hard enough that you worry he’ll bruise them. Behind you, Taehyung’s dark eyes are fixated onto your cunt, his gaze soaking in the way the muscles of your entrance stretch thin around Seokjin - your cunt clearly straining to fit the large intrusion. It’s almost too erotic for him, and his erection becoming almost too painful, he begins pumping it with his fist.
“Fuck. Look at the way that pussy stretches. Such a greedy little hole,” Taehyung purrs, his hand palming his cock faster.
Seokjin continues burying himself into your velvet depths, and as he pushes deeper into you, the dull ache in your stomach morphs into a blunt ache. Mouth falling open in a strained cry, your fingers curl around the headboard - in a bid to find some much needed purchase - your knuckles turning white under the hold. Breath turning harsh, your hips start to writhe, your body looking for a sense of reprieve from the unrelenting hardness piercing into you. Nonetheless, all you do is cause Seokjin to slip further into you - your trembling walls rhythmically gripping his walls in a pleasurable massage.
Unexpectedly, with a sudden thrust, Seokjin sinks the remainder of his cock into you. In one fluid motion, the crown of his cockhead bumps into the soft walls of your cervix, your ass simultaneously pressing flush against his thighs. The sudden plunge has your muscles locking, and back contorting viciously, you cry out in pleasure. Pain flares through your insides, a blistering heat flooding through your cunt as your internal walls are forced to stretch around his girthy shaft. Underneath you, Seokjin hisses - your sheath gripping him almost painfully - and leaning forward, he roughly bites down onto your nipple.
“Oh fuck- you’re so fucking wet… and tight,” he groans.
“Mmm, her cunt looks so good stuffed with cock,” Taehyung hums. Dexterous fingers moving to where both you and Seokjin are connected, the younger man begins tracing the tight seal of your entrance. The feathery motion has you crooning, your ringed muscles twitching under his touch. Taehyung lets out a soft laugh, and trailing his fingers up, he begins circling his digits around the puckered rim, “But… you’ll look even better with my cock in your ass,” he continues.
Hands curling from your hips to your ass, Seokjin palms both of your plump globes into his hand, and fingernails pressing into your skin, he pulls them apart - splaying you open for Taehyung. At Seokjin’s gesture, the younger man lets out a hum of thanks. Bed dipping behind you, Taehyung shifts further down the mattress, until his face is level with your spread ass. Boldly, his tongue darts out, and then placing it to your cunt, he licks at both your spread pussy, and Seokjin’s thick cock. Twin sounds of pleasure echo through the air, Seokjin’s groan intermingling with your moan, both of your hips bucking into Taehyung’s face.
Corners of his lips twitching, Taehyung smirks, and repeats the action - the velvet appendage moving slower this time. Teasingly, he laves at where your sexes are connected: the point of his tongue tracing the outline of your straining ring of muscles, as well as the girth that splits it open. Heavy strings of your arousal pool onto his tongue, your wetness oozing through your sheath and onto Seokjin’s balls, and he gathers as much as he can onto the hollow of his palate. Then, trailing his tongue upwards, he licks through the seam of your ass. Breath caught in your throat, your oesophageal muscles tighten, and when you feel him flatten his tongue against your asshole, a deep moan emanates from your chest.
“My Kitten loves getting her ass eaten, doesn’t she?” Taehyung laughs, his voice lowering by a few octaves. Each word has his warm breath wafting over your ass, causing you to shudder and nod your head. With another laugh, Taehyung spits onto your asshole - dribbling a concoction of his own spit and your arousal onto the tight entrance.
You feel the mixture tail along your asshole, and down towards your filled cunt - the combined fluids slickening your puckered rim. Through rapt fascination, Taehyung scrutinises the sporadically twitching rings of muscles. The entrance of your ass slightly gapes, and as the muscles contract, they inadvertently suck in the mix of juices into you. As though entranced by the sight, he drags his finger through the sloppy mess and lubricates his finger in as much of it as he can. Then, slowly, he presses the tip of his forefinger against your asshole.
Body perking at the sensation, you sit up slightly - the movement causing Seokjin’s cockhead to ram further into the groove of your cervix. A gasp of shock falls from your lips, the sound mingled with pleasure, as you feel Taehyung slide his finger into your ass - the length aided by the makeshift lube - until it’s hilt deep in you. Experimentally, he wriggles it inside of you, and feeling the hot muscles of your ass stimulated, your body falls forward once again. Seizing the opportunity, Seokjin’s mouth encloses around your pert nipple.
“A-Ah. Hyungie…  Jinnie…” you moan, a shudder running down your spine at the mix of sensations.
Seokjin’s cock is still completely sheathed inside of you - his pulsating member stroking every single one of your erogenous zones. Meanwhile, his teeth harshly tease your nipple - his tongue languidly whorling around the hardened buds outline, while he bites and suckles at it roughly. At the same time, Taehyung thrusts his finger into you, twisting it intermittently as he tests the pliancy of your ass. Tingles of pleasure race up and down your spine, and noticing the way your cunt clenches - pulsating in tandem to Taehyung’s finger plunging in and out of your asshole - Seokjin grins against your breast.
“Come on Taehyung, hurry up and prep that cute ass so we can fuck her,” he urges. Words vibrating against your tit, you gasp in ecstasy, a fresh wave of arousal dripping out of you and down Seokjin’s balls.
Emboldened by the older man’s words, Taehyung presses a second finger into your back entrance. Under the ministration, your features twist into a wince - a dull sting rippling through you at the stretch. However, from the amount of times both Seokjin and Taehyung have fucked your ass, it quickly dissipates, morphing into blissful euphoria. Taehyung begins thrusting two fingers into your ass, alternating between wiggling them and plunging them hilt deep into you. Over and over again, you feel his digits drive into you, the sensation stimulating Seokjin’s cock and your pussy through the thin lining that separates your cunt from your ass.
Out of nowhere, Taehyung splays his fingers, and feeling your ass stretch around, you let out a hollow moan. Taehyung immediately thrusts his tongue into the gaping hole, and feeling his wet appendage stroke the inner walls of your back entrance, your hollow moan transforms into a guttural groan. Expertly, he licks your ass, his velvet muscle whorling against the internal flesh as he douses them in a thick coating of his spit. His actions cause your blood to bubble in your veins, and heat prickling at your skin, unbridled pleasure flits over your being.
Pulling his tongue out of you, Taehyung pours something into you. A cold sensation floods your ass, and feeling the lube slide into your depths, a soughed croon spills from your lips. Digits pumping into you once again, Taehyung spreads the substance over your walls - leaving them slick in a mixture of his spit and the lubrication. Once your ass is sufficiently wet, he spreads his fingers one final time, only to spit into your ass. The thick blob slides into your open hole, and as the warmth of it runs along your walls, your puckered rim twitches. Fingers retreating out of your asshole, Taehyung suddenly spanks your fleshy cheek.
Hand palming at the cheek, “There we go. Nice and prepped,” he murmurs.
“Taehyung… please,” you whimper, and urgency evident in your voice, both your lovers laugh.
Not one to disappoint, Taehyung shifts closer to you. With Seokjin still keeping your ass spread, the younger man grips his cock and presses the head to your puckered entrance. Feeling his leaking cockhead stroke your lubricious back entrance, you mewl in wanton need and purposely buck your hips into you. Palm dropping to the small of your back, Taehyung keeps a heavy hand onto your body, the firm pressure causing you to still. Then, he begins pressing forward. The moment he applies pressure to your asshole, however, your muscles autonomously clench.
Bulbous cockhead pushing against your back entrance, Taehyung groans, “This is going to be a tight fit.”
All of a sudden, with a strong thrust, Taehyung squeezes his cock through the tight ring of muscles - the crown only slightly fighting the constricting hole. Walls flaring with a searing burn, you shriek out Taehyung’s name - your asshole rendered even tighter by Seokjin’s immense girth buried into your cunt. Face lowering, Taehyung’s plump lips graze over your shoulder, and pressing a kiss to the nape of your neck, he gently hushes you. Below you, Seokjin soothingly lavishes kisses along your sternum, his hands caressing your ass in comfort.
“B-Big,” you shallowly gasp, tears stinging at your eyes once again.
“You can do it, Princess,” Seokjin murmurs, his words rumbling between the valley of your breasts.
Thick by thick inch, Taehyung feeds his unyielding hardness into your ass, pulling the flesh apart and around the shape of his cock. With every part of his length that impales you, your pliant back entrance stretches - his blunt cockhead spearing further and further into you. Halfway buried into you, you let out a whine of pain, your fingernails digging into the wood of the headboard. Between Seokjin’s cock in your cunt, and Taehyung’s shaft pushing into your asshole, you’re sure that you’re going to split apart.
“So… fucking… tight,” Taehyung breathes out, short pants breaking the words apart, the restraint heavy in his baritone.
In spite of the pain that floods through your sex, you whimper in pleasure - an undercurrent of euphoria weaving the stinging ache as your lovers fill you up in a way only they can. Their hard cocks stretch you out, their lengths carving their shape into your waiting, and welcoming, depths. Eventually, however, Taehyung bottoms out within you - the hilt of his shaft pressing to your puckered, while his hips slap the plump cheeks of your ass. Throat tightening at the overwhelming fullness, your lips part in a silent scream.
“T-Taehyung, S-Seokjin” you whimper.
Nuzzling his nose into the back of your hair, “I’m here, Kitten,” Taehyung mutters.
“Me too, Princess,” Seokjin follows, his own lips pressing a tender kiss to your nipple.
Sucking in a sharp breath, you voluntarily clench your ass around his their cocks. As your muscles tighten, “Fuck-” they groans.
“Please… fuck me,” you urge. Simultaneously, as if they’ve practiced, they both inhale a deep, steadying breath.
“Shit. Hold on then,” Seokjin remarks.
“Get ready, Kitten. We’re going to fuck you till you cry,” Taehyung warns.
You open your mouth to retort, however, at the exact moment, the both of them retreat out of you - their lengths dragging against each other through the thin lining between your cunt and ass. Then, abruptly, they drive back into you. Instantaneously, the words on your lips die. Instead, a strangled cry of ecstasy is forced from the base of your throat. Without any further warning, they snap their hips, their cocks hammering into your warm, heated depths. As their lengths surge into the sheath of your body, you scream out their names.
Their pace is stilted for a few moments, their rough thrusts causing your body to jerk and bounce over them as blinding ecstasy overtakes your senses. However, swiftly, and with practiced ease, they quickly fall into rhythm with each other. Each movement has them plunging their cocks as deep into you as they can, the sounds of flesh slapping against flesh filling the air, and with each sound, they elicit a moan from deep within their chest. A fierce pressure builds in the pit of your abdomen from their brutal thrusts, and toes curling in pleasure, you allow them to practically rut into you - their cocks slamming into your depths over and over again.
“F-Fuck… H-Harder,” you urge, in spite of the sharpening ache that builds within your stomach.
At your behest, they somehow increase their movements, and their new, borderline punishing pace, has your eyes rolling into the back of your skull. Their change in motion alters their rhythm, and instead of plunging into you at the same time, now, when Seokjin thrusts into your cunt, Taehyung pulls out of your ass. Only for Seokjin to then retreat from your cunt, and for Taehyung to pierce his shaft into your back entrance. Mercilessly, they use your body as their cocksleeve, and their veined cocks drag against every single erogenous zone buried in your innermost walls.
A mix of desirous need and blissful euphoria courses through your bloodstream, and feeling spikes of white-hot heat lance at your being, your body begins trembling. Delirious with pleasure, and as a result of their cocks constantly slamming into you, your low moans morph into slurred sobs. The fog of euphoria descends upon you, and as its haze clouds your mind, you lose yourself into the relentless pleasure they reap onto your body. Soon, your walls begin rippling around them, and as both your cunt and ass grip their shafts, both your lovers let out throat groans.
“Fuck, I’m not going to last long. Your ass is so... fucking... tight,” Taehyung intones deeply, each word emphasised by a harsh thrust that drives his cock further into your back entrance.
Below you, while mouthing at your bouncing tit, “Same here. God, you’re so fucking wet… and your cunt won’t stop tightening around my cock,” Seokjin breathlessly adds before biting onto your nipple.
“C-Cum in me. P-Please,” you stammer, and tongue loosened by pleasure, your words come out distorted. Nonetheless, understanding them, your lovers quicken their pace - something you’d thought wholly impossible.
“Are you close, Princess?” Seokjin questions, causing you to nod your head furiously.
Taehyung’s hand curls around your body, and pushing it between your thighs, he begins furiously rubbing your clit. Lips falling to your shoulder, he bites down - hard enough to leave the indents of his teeth into your flesh - and, “Cum,” he orders.
That one action has you suddenly careening off of the precipice of your climax, and diving head first into sheer, unadulterated pleasure. A croaked sob falls from your lips, and blubbering out their name, you feel hot tears stream down your cheeks. Veins sweltering with burning euphoria, you feel the heat of your orgasm flood your entire being. Between them, your entire body begins convulsing, and back contorting violently, your walls clamp around them in a vice-like grip. Throughout your orgasm, your lovers continue fucking into you, their cocks spearing into your cunt and ass respectively, paired with Taehyung ruthlessly toying with your clit, you feel the knot in your stomach suddenly loosen.
High of your orgasm consuming you wholly, you feel an overwhelming elation sweep through you, and carrying you on it’s tide, you float away from reality. Walls clenching almost painfully, Seokjin and Taehyung hiss as they feel powerful jets of cum squirt out of you - the wetness gushing against both their thighs, as well as Seokjin’s abdomen. As you gush around Seokjin’s cock, your cum soaking into the sheets below you, twin roars fill the air. Using your own stick juices as lubrication, both of them slam into you at the same time - burying their cocks as deep into you as is humanly possible.
Without any warning, their cocks swell inside of you, and viciously pulsating, they begin to cum. Thick rope after thick rope of their warm essence floods your depths; Seokjin emptying himself deep into your cunt - his seed spilling directly against your quivering cervix - while Taehyung’s own cum pours straight into the rippling depths of your ass. Through the blurry haze of your orgasm, you vaguely register their warmth enveloping your guts, their heavy seed painting your flesh white. Responsively, the walls of your pussy and ass clench around their cocks, the battered muscles milking as much of their cum out of their lengths and into you.
The three of you sail down from your ecstatic highs, and as the euphoria ebbs away, you’re left basking in the post-orgasmic haze that enshrouds the three of you. Chest heaving for air - in a bid to satiate the dull ache in your lungs - you bonelessly flop onto Seokjin, every ounce of your energy dissipating from your bones. Automatically, Seokjin’s arms wind around you, a small mewl slipping from your lips when you feel his warm chest press flush against your own. Body still wired, you tremble in his arms - your muscles quaking intermittently as the aftershocks of your orgasm continue sweeping through you.
Gradually, the blurry fog clears from your mind, and brain kicking into gear, you let out a small moan when you feel the way their cum fills up your depths. You don’t get time to relish in the feeling, however, because soon, Taehyung begins pulling his cock out of your ass. Flaccid shaft slipping from your depths, you flinch, his length dragging across your raw inner flesh. The moment he retreats out of you completely, his cum rushes out of you, and as it leaks from your gaping asshole, you let out another groan. Eyes dropping to the sight, Taehyung lets out a growl of approval.
“Sloppy slut,” he coos, and despite the derisive words, the affection in his intonation causes you to preen. Then, with a kiss to your naked, sweat-soaked shoulder, you feel Taehyung climb off of the bed.
With the younger man disappearing, Seokjin takes the opportunity to gently flip the two of you over. Body weary, your muscles protest the movement, a displeasured groan emanating from your throat. Seokjin only chuckles at the sound, and when you're firmly on your back, he slowly pulls his own cock out of your battered cunt. Once again, you let out a wince, your thighs trembling at the sensitivity in your core. Bending forward, Seokjin presses a kiss to your forehead, before murmuring a gentle apology. You sigh at his gesture, a sleepy smile tugging at your lips.
In a matter of moments, Taehyung returns to the two of you, a glass of water and a damp towel in his head. As he approaches the bed, he hands Seokjin the cup, the older man pulling away from you and towards your side, while Taehyung takes his place between your thighs. Perching beside you, Seokjin lifts your back using his strength, and after he’s propped you up, he places the rim of the glass to your lips. Coolness of the water teasing your lips, your throat suddenly feels dry, and swiftly, you gulp down the drink.
“Slowly,” Seokjin warns, his hand automatically lowering the glass. You merely nod your head, before slowing down.
Meanwhile, Taehyung spreads your thighs, pulling apart your puffy folds, he begins swiping the warm cloth through your sex - clearing up the mess. Delicately, he runs the towel over you, from your leaking cunt, to your dripping asshole. It only takes him a few moments, and once you’re thoroughly clean - every trace of your mixed fluids soaked into the terry cloth fabric - he presses a soft kiss to the top of your mound. As his plump lips caress your oversentised clit, you moan, your hand autonomously moving to push his head away as your thighs clamp shut.
Laughing, “Sorry,” Taehyung apologises.
“It’s okay… Thank you,” you murmur, your nose wrinkling when the raw muscles of your oesophagus strain.
Seokjin places the empty glass on the bedside table, while Taehyung haphazardly throws the dirtied towel on the ground. Then, the two of them climb into bed beside you. Warmth of their bodies flanking either side of you, you snuggle further into the sheets, your eyes begin to droop from your exhaustion. Seokjin’s hand drops to your bare abdomen, and mindlessly, his fingers begin flitting over the soft flesh. At the same time, Taehyung nestles into your side, and face burying into the side swell of your breast, he gently nips the skin.
“Happy Valentine’s Day, ____,” they both murmur, Seokjin pressing a kiss to your temple, while Taehyung presses one to your breast.
Eyebrow furrowing, “It’s not Valentine’s Day. Not for another couple of days” you respond, causing them both to laugh lightly.
“It was supposed to be a spontaneous surprise,” Seokjin answers, and this time, you giggle.
“Was it as spontaneous and thrilling as you wanted it to be?” Taehyung questions, his lips twisting into a lop-sided smile against your skin.
“Mmmm. Definitely…” you sigh in response. Then, after a brief pause, “Although… I’m going to be fucking sore tomorrow,” you grumble. Once again, the two of them laugh.
“Well… you know the best remedy for that...” Taehyung begins, one of his hands teasingly wrapping around your thigh.
“Is to continue working through the soreness,” Seokjin finishes, his own hand moving to palm at your breast.
“Oh my god. You’re both insatiable,” you gripe, your hands batting their hands away from your body.
“Only for you,” Taehyung quips.
“Yeah, I’m already starving again,” Seokjin growls.
“I could go for another round of dessert,” Taehyung nods.
At their exchange, you simply shake your head. Sighing, “Later. I need a nap first.”
“Hmmm. We’ll hold you to that,” they reply, and as the twin sounds echo through the room, you sigh in exasperation. Valentine’s Day or not, you’re sure they’re going to run your body ragged before letting you out of the hotel suite.
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a/n: anyway : ) i hope : ) you : ) busted : ) a : ) fat : ) nut : )
⇥ Masterlist | Like my work? Consider buying me a Kofi!
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lavendermin · 3 years
when it storms | kazuha
pairing | kazuha x reader
word count | 1.9k
genre | light angst, soft, first encounters
The skies had been cast over with rolling clouds of dark grey. Where the sun and moon used to glow so reverently, there now only fell a heavy rain in their wake.
It was fortunate for the land, your father had commented after a few days of downpour. The rain season was hardly this generous in recent years, and with the nation currently closed off there was an uneven flow of imports due to adjustment. More paperwork, longer shipment times. The people would have to endure less patron flow as the rain kept most indoors, but harvests and plenty of crystal clear lakes would be a sight to behold in the coming months.
This is good, you convinced yourself. Perhaps the dry storm seasons won’t be as many.
The streets outside slowly became less and less active with the usual flow of people. You stand against the door frame of your family’s restaurant, watching the never-ending sea of grey clouds above. The rain is cold against your skin as you stick out a hand curiously. It feels refreshing, pleasant.
“We’re closing up a little early today since the rain is starting back up again. Bring in the sign that’s outside. It would be a shame if it got blown away by tonight’s storm,” your father said as he wiped down the counters and put away clean bowls.
With a nod you happily went outside, umbrella in hand. The rain pattered quietly and rolled off the sides of its protective roof, surrounding you with a soothing atmosphere. The day had dwindled to a lethargic close, and with a languid fondness you watched the last few shopkeepers huddle back into their shops and homes.
The streets emptied out within minutes leaving muddy streets behind. The smell of wet earth hung in the air nostalgically.
Maybe it was fate, that double-take you took. With one last gaze out across the rainy-soaked street, you noticed them. The figure was so still—statuesque— that you wouldn’t have noticed them through the rainy mist if it hadn’t been for the bright crimson of their clothing that stood out.
Had they nowhere to go? Or were they someone who enjoyed standing in the rain? Better yet… How long had they been standing there in the pouring rain?
The question made your heart sink just thinking about it.
From within the building, your father’s voice called out with amusement. “Y/n, come in quick or you’ll get soaked. I don’t want you getting chilled and falling ill because you wanted to watch the rain.”
There was a squeeze of your chest when you turned back to the rain—a pang of guilt that gripped onto your mind. Rain fell relentlessly hard as it picked up, and it filled your mind with concern for that stranger in the rain.
Your body only partially turned toward the door, a quick hesitation stopping you in your tracks as you took one last look over your shoulder. That person… would probably get sick at this rate. Something in the way they stood rigidly against the elements held no joy for the downpour. No childlike amusement like the one you held for rainy days.
“I’ll be right in,” you reassure. “I forgot I left something outside.”
Peering your head quickly through the door frame, you see your father wave you off with a patient smile.
“Be quick.”
With a nod, you wait until you see him disappear up the stairs to the second floor to turn in for the night. You are quick on your feet making your way down the street of shops and houses. The patter of your boots on the rapidly-forming puddles pushed your aching legs forward, umbrella tightly gripped in hand.
The stranger was still unmoving as you approached, steps sounding out with the splash of water with each step. You were sure he heard you, yet he did not turn to meet you as you drew near.
“You’ll get sick if you stay out here in the rain, stranger,” you lightheartedly commented as you stopped next to him, holding your umbrella over him just enough to still partially shield you from the rain.
His eyes remained on the grey sky above, only now torn away slowly from the trance. There was a sorrowful haze that gripped those misty, crimson eyes.
“Do you think the rain is beautiful?” he asked.
This sudden question took you by surprise. The way he looked out at the sea of clouds held anything but sympathy for the grey skies that rained mercilessly.
You blinked, not knowing how to respond to this mysterious stranger. Unexpectedly, though, you felt at ease in his presence.
“I think the feeling of it is beautiful,” you responded, looking at the sky with him.
He hums at this answer, seemingly contemplating it. The answer comes from someone who spends their life indoors, and he understands it. Somehow, these small differences in experiences from person to person brings a little comfort to him. To know that not everyone’s simplicities of life are plagued by grief soothes his soul.
Brief silence overtakes you both as you stand in the downpour.
“Do you not like the rain?” you quietly ask after a while. There’s a worried crease in your brows as you look at him, and he cannot help but feel like he gravitates toward your warmth.
Only the harsh patter of the rain on your umbrella and flooding of the streets fills the silence for a beat as he remains in his thoughts.
“It’s been a while since I heard that question directed at myself,” he chuckles. The small smile that graces his features doesn’t reach his eyes, but answers fondly all the same. “When I was younger, I loved the rain.”
There’s weight in the words as he speaks them. You choose not to pry into the emotional scars tied to his answer.
“Are you travelling?” you ask, changing the subject.
He gives you a smile, and you notice how his snow-white hair clings to his face from the rain. It leaves a pleasantly warm feeling in your chest—how gentle he looks.
“Something like that.” Though his answers are vague, you aren’t one to pry—not when his eyes hold a distant sorrow in them. “It’s best to head inside. You could get sick out in the rain.”
“Come indoors with me, then,” you offer simply. With a warm smile you add, “If you’d like.”
He blinks at you, watches as you hover the umbrella closer over him. The rain is soaking most of you by now, and your smile is radiant— innocent in it’s bright sincerity as you offer him a roof over his head.
It makes this kind gesture all the more difficult to refuse.
“Kazuha,” is all he responds with, a thankful smile softening the gloom that surrounds him as you both hurry back down the muddy street. You introduce yourself just as briefly and lighthearted.
With a motion to the bar counter, you tap your hand on its surface to offer him a seat while you close up the shop and disappear into the kitchen. Kazuha wordlessly takes a seat, the warmth of the restaurant enveloping him pleasantly. His hands grip the towel that now rests around his shoulders a little tighter.
Within minutes, there’s a steaming bowl of noodles placed in front of him. “You’re too kind. I couldn’t possibly—“
You wave him off, plopping down on the seat next to him. “If the food is available, why not share a meal?” you interject simply, settling down next to him to begin eating your own noodle dish. “It’s hard to cook small portions when you’re only ever used to making large amounts for hungry customers. So, please, help yourself.”
“Thank you.” And Kazuha means it. “I’ll take my leave once I’ve finished.”
The look you give him is a little incredulous.
“In this rain? It’s an awfully harsh storm we’re expecting tonight.” You set down your chopsticks, looking at him fully with wide, concerned eyes. “You’re free to stay in the guest room until the storm passes. I would feel terribly guilty to leave you out in the rain.”
It’s silent, and you’ve both left your food untouched as Kazuha becomes a little tense. There’s something weighing on his mind with how he avoids your gaze, hands anxiously clenching and unclenching in his lap.
He reaches into his pocket, clutching something in his palm shielded from your view.
Now you’re curious.
His voice lowers, soft and cautious. “I don’t want to put you in danger with my presence.”
The smooth metal of the vision’s frame clangs quietly as Kazuha places it on the table, sliding it towards you.
“I’m a wanted man.”
There’s no response from you for a brief moment. Visions are rare to see nowadays, and even more dangerous to have. Your fingertips smooth over its surface momentarily, eyes sparkling with intrigue and wonder.
“The vision… Why is it missing?” you wonder silently.
Kazuha looks down. “That’s—“
“You don’t have to explain anything. This doesn’t make you a bad person,” you quickly defend. It takes him aback, caught off by the sudden emotion that makes your eyes twinkle. “Stay.”
“It would put you in da—“
“I don’t care. Your life is important. I’ll help you.” There’s a fire in your eyes as you hold his gaze, face serious. Your expression softens as you place the blank vision back in his palm with a reassuring gentleness. “I won’t lose another person to them.”
There are details that both of you do not know, information left out of each other’s backgrounds and circumstances. But one thing reigned true—there was goodness in his heart, and in yours, too. Perhaps this is what convinced him to accept your generosity.
He’s smiling, gentle upon his expression as he picks up his chopsticks once more.
“You aren’t the first to put your life on the line for me,” he adds quietly. The atmosphere has relaxed once more as you both continue eating through idle conversation in the dim restaurant lighting.
You hum, mouth full of food. “And I’m sure I won’t be the last. But,” you bite your thumb, pondering. “I’m sure you’ve been running for a while.”
With a quiet sigh, he answers, “Longer than I thought I would last, if I’m being honest.”
There’s a glint in your eye, and you’re deep in your own onslaught of thoughts. There’s an underlying anxiousness that falls upon your shoulders. Kazuha wishes he could read you better.
For the remainder of the quick meal, you hold your tongue but he can see the gears turning in your head. The bowls are emptied, hunger satisfied, and you show him to the guest room through hushed voices.
“Kazuha,” you call quietly before leaving the room you prepared for him. Your voice lowers further, barely above a whisper and you make it a point to sidle closer to him. “If you had the chance to escape Inazuma… would you?”
His eyes go a little wide for a moment. “You couldn’t mean…”
“I have a plan.”
And in that moment, he gazes at you with reverence and trust. His heart would be safe in the palm of your hand. You wait for his approval to continue with the idea. The smile he flashes you is contagious, and you are a beacon of hope in this tumultuous uncertainty.
He sits on the sleeping mat you've prepared, patting the spot next to him where he plopped down. “Let's hear it, then.”
In the late hours of the night, two hushed voices debate their best chance of escape.
“I have a close acquaintance, captain of her own fleet from Liyue.”
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cheri-translates · 3 years
[CN] Gavin’s 2021 Birthday R&S
🍒 Warning: This post contains detailed spoilers for an R&S which has not been released in EN! 🍒
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[ This was released on 24 July 2021 ]
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[ Chapter One: Model Aircraft Competition ]
The cicadas outside the window are clamorous, and the dark green trees cover the blazing sun, casting shady and cooling patches.
This is an incredibly ordinary late afternoon. The summer vacation is about to arrive, and the classroom is filled with the buzzing chatter of students, as rowdy as usual.
Gavin is asleep on the seat next to the window. Sunlight passes through the crevices of leaves and linger on his shoulders, bright and indolent. However, he isn’t actually sleeping, and the conversation between his deskmate and the student in front of him drift to his ears clearly.
“Hey, are you going for that model aircraft competition the teacher mentioned a few days ago?”
“I heard all the middle schoolers in our city will be participating. Those who get prizes will have extra marks, and the person who gets first place can visit the Aviation Headquarters!”
“Then again, you’ll need the capabilities to win. If you're participating, I’ll watch.”
“Hehe, you speak as though the person who lags behind in every subject can bag a trophy.”
The two of them attack each other with taunting remarks. After lapsing into a moment of silence, they suddenly turn their gazes to Gavin simultaneously.
Gavin’s deskmate pokes his arm and calls out to him.
“Gavin, you aren’t asleep, are you?”
The figure wearing a blue and white school uniform remains plopped on the desk, unmoving. A slightly muffled response drifts from him.
“What is it?”
Gavin’s deskmate and the student sitting in front of him look at each other, then speak excitedly.
“Do you know about that recent model aircraft competition?”
Gavin lets out a “mm”.
“Aren’t you going to participate?”
“We had a discussion about it, and felt that in the entire class, you’re the only one with the capabilities to win a prize. The others are just a bunch of useless troops, and they’d be of no use even if they went.”
Gavin stirs slightly. His deskmate looks at him with anticipation. In the end, he simply cushions his head using the other arm.
“Not interested.”
His deskmate stares at the back of his head in utter disbelief.
“Your dad’s a military officer, and you’ve seen more real planes since young as compared to the number of models we’ve played with. This competition is basically made for you.”
Gavin doesn’t respond. In the sunlight, a few strands of hair on the back of the youth’s head stick up disobediently, clearly showing that he isn’t in the best of moods.
At this moment, the dismissal bell rings. Along with the cheers from students, the classroom erupts into a state of chaos.
Gavin finally sits up. After stuffing the English book he used as a pillow into his sling bag, he turns around and leaves the classroom.
After the figure vanishes at the door, Gavin’s deskmate turns to the student sitting in front of him, expressing puzzlement.
“Why do you think Gavin doesn’t want to participate? A few days ago, I saw him at the bookstore outside school buying an Aeromodelling Atlas.”
The student in front of him shrugs, signalling that he has no idea.
“Maybe he got bored.”
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[ Chapter Two - Proof ]
When Gavin reaches home, his mother has yet to return.
Placing his bag down, he suddenly notices a new post-it note on the fridge. On it, there’s a menu written in delicate handwriting: Stir-fried tomato and scrambled eggs, fried stuffed tofu, stir-fried duck with pineapples.
There’s a smiley face drawn on the last line, and the words “The dishes Little Gav loves to eat” are written at the side.
Only then does Gavin remember - his birthday is coming.
Every year, his mother would start preparations way in advance. It’s as if in her eyes, this particular day is even more worthy of celebration as compared to all other festivals.
And this year is no exception.
The post-it note is a little crooked. Gavin uses a fridge magnet to straighten it, then returns to his room.
The small room is covered with traces of youth. There are posters of basketball celebrities on the walls, and there's a globe and a few books on the desk.
After hesitating for a while, Gavin pulls open his bag and takes out a pamphlet. On it, there’s information pertaining to the model aircraft competition.
He reads the information seriously. A breeze blows the the white curtains, and the lights and shadows of dusk outline the youth’s straightened back profile, casting specks of light on a book. The words “Aeromodelling Atlas” can be vaguely seen. 
While reading, he suddenly recalls the words his deskmate said-
“Your dad’s a military officer, and you’ve seen more real planes since young as compared to the number of models we’ve played with. This competition is basically made for you.”
His grip on the pamphlet abruptly tightens. Gavin rolls it into a ball and tosses it on the table, getting up in frustration and leaving the room.
Everything in the living room is clean and tidy. The school uniform he had changed out of is drying in the balcony. The large uniform drifts with the wind, and the air is filled with the fragrance of soap.
Even though there are clear traces of diligence and attentiveness, certain things can still be seen.
Model robots and clay crafts are displayed neatly on the left side of the built-in cupboard. However, there’s nothing on the right side.
All the cups and plates form a complete set. However, one cup is placed upside down on the cup rack. Although it has been a long time since it was last used, its owner wipes it spotlessly every day.
It’s as if the person she’s waiting for has always been around. Disappointment has repeated itself in endless cycles, but she continually harbours hope.
Gavin ignores such traces. He walks over to the fan in the living room, furrowing his brows as he squats down.
This fan has been spoilt for several days. Each time it’s turned on, it releases a strange clacking sound, akin to a heavy wooden door being pushed open with great effort.
When Wardia steps in with a bag of groceries, she sees Gavin half-squatting and studying that fan which has been broken for numerous days.
She calls out to Gavin.
“Little Gav, the fan is spoilt. I’ll ask a worker to fix it tomorrow. Don’t mind it.”
“When you called yesterday, the worker said that he wouldn’t be free these days. He probably won’t be able to drop by tomorrow either.”
Gavin pushes the outer shell of the fan lightly, and the white netted cover stirs gently, letting out a muffled buzz.
“No need to call for a worker. I can fix it.”
Wardia is stunned for a moment. Then, her eyes crinkle into a smile.
“When did our Little Gav become so incredible?”
Gavin stands up, his tone very certain.
“Leave it to me.”
Wardia casts a contemplative glance at Gavin. He’s going to be 14 soon. At this age, children tend to think about a lot of things, and may be exceptionally sensitive in certain areas.
Since a particular point in time, he had already been working hard and learning how to become a man with an indomitable spirit.
She can only nod.
“Okay. Mommy bought green beans today. I’ll prepare you a cooling soup later to alleviate the summer heat.”
With this, Gavin responds by heading to the kitchen to get a bowl to soak the beans for his mother.
The green coloured beans are immersed in water. Some float and some sink, and their colours are clear.
Wardia looks at Gavin. After a moment of hesitance, she speaks in a light-hearted and leisurely tone.
“Little Gav... Daddy took up an urgent mission recently and was sent to a very faraway place. He might not be around for your birthday this year again...”
“Mm, I’ve got it.”
Gavin’s tone is very indifferent. It’s as though whether that person returns or not has nothing to do with him at all. Wardia wants to say something, but after opening her mouth, she turns around, forcefully suppressing her emotions. 
Gavin carries the bowl with both hands. When he sees his mother’s back, he suddenly grows quiet.
Why harbour hope when one clearly knows the ending?
After dinner, Gavin returns to his room. The pamphlet is still on the desk. He pauses for a moment, then reaches out to pick it up.
He’s going to be 14 years old soon.
Becoming one year older is something his mother looks forward to even more than he does. Because of this, she feels even guiltier with every year of his father’s absence.
Even though he knows he doesn’t need that person to wish him a happy birthday, he hopes that his mother can be a little more genuinely happy on his birthday.
Gavin makes a decision.
He smoothens the pamphlet on the desk. In a serious manner, he fills up the registration form on the back with his name. When he sets down the pen, his eyes sparkle with a certain determination.
He wants to participate in the model aircraft competition, and he wants to get first place.
He wants to use something he likes to prove to that person that he has already grown up, and has become even more incredible than he imagined.
“I’m going to prove to you that I can still do it without Evol.” He repeats resolutely once more.
If that person left this house back then because of how small and weak Gavin was, he’d definitely have a slightly different answer when he sees the current Gavin.
He’d definitely want to... return and see this family.
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[ Chapter Three - Wings Waiting To Fly ]
Aeromodelling books and scattered materials are piled up in Gavin’s room. When Wardia enters while carrying chilled green bean lily bulb soup, she sees Gavin sitting cross-legged on the floor, using a vernier calliper to measure the wingspan.
Wardia carefully steps across the spare parts, placing the bowl on the desk.
“Little Gav, why are you so diligent in this competition? You’ve been fiddling around in your room for several days.”
Gavin wipes sweat off his forehead.
“This is a really large-scale competition. The teacher says that the person in first place will get to visit the Aviation Headquarters. I want to have a look.”
He’s determined not to tell his mother the true reason.
Wardia nods, giving him a “work hard” gesture.
“In that case, Little Gav must continue working hard and strive to be a guest at the aviation base.”
Wardia pauses, then looks at Gavin seriously.
“But Little Gav, even though this is a very rare opportunity, you must remember that no matter what happens at the end, Mommy will be happy for you. Because I know that you’re doing something you like, that you’ve worked hard, and have obtained happiness in the process. And that’s enough.”
Gavin nods.
“I know.”
“Oh yes, Mommy also wants to use this chance to discuss your birthday plans with you.”
Wardia grins while posing a question.
“What does Little Gav want as a birthday present this year? And what kind of pattern do you want your birthday cake to have?”
“Do you want to invite your classmates over to celebrate with you?”
Wardia prattles on endlessly as she counts the plans she has for his birthday on her fingers. That pair of beautiful eyes are layered with gentleness, but also hide a twinge of guilt.
It’s as though she’s exerting her all to ensure that other aspects are done even better to make up for that guilt.
After Gavin ponders for a while, he shakes his head.
“I’ve already grown up, so there isn’t anything I specially want as a birthday gift.”
“I just want Mommy to always be happy.”
When Wardia hears Gavin’s words, she’s taken aback for half a second. Her eyes stir slightly.
After this, she walks over to hug Gavin gently. Gavin has no idea why his mother is suddenly doing this, but he puts down the blueprint of the aircraft wing, reaching out to return his mother’s hug.
Wardia speaks softly yet resolutely.
“Little Gav, even if you become an adult in the future and become a man with an indomitable spirit, your birthday is still an important thing.”
She pauses.
“Because this day doesn’t just belong to you. It also belongs to everyone who loves you, and the people who have prepared and looked forward to this day for a very long time.
After his mother leaves the room, Gavin looks at the blueprint of the plane which is just beginning to take shape. He repeats what his mother said softly.
“It also belongs to everyone who loves you, and the people who have prepared and looked forward to this day for a very long time...”
Those clear eyes seem to be filled with an even greater determination to win the prize. He picks up the vernier calliper and continues measuring the wingspan.
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[ Chapter Four: Heading In Another Direction ]
There’s only one week till Gavin’s birthday.
That huge pile of materials in Gavin’s room has turned into a beautiful white plane with blue wings and smooth lines.
At the competition venue, that white aircraft model ascends, spins around, flies upside down, and lands under Gavin’s control. Everyone is astonished at how perfect it is.
Without any reservations, Gavin wins first place.
The person handing out prizes is a certain officer from an aviation base. He places a small plane-shaped badge into Gavin’s hand.
“You referenced the air freighter Y2251 for the style, didn’t you? I could tell from a glance.”
Gavin nods, and the officer pats him on the shoulder.
“You reconstructed it very close to the original. Being this outstanding at such a young age, I believe your father will definitely be proud of you when he knows about this.”
Gavin lifts his head sharply, staring at the officer.
“Do you know him?”
The officer who handed him the award chuckles.
“I met him at an international meeting in the past. He’s a very outstanding soldier.”
Gavin doesn’t speak further. He lowers his eyes, tightly gripping that badge which symbolises the sky.
At night, Gavin sits at the edge of the window, lifting the small aviator badge to his eyes, staring at it meticulously under the moonlight.
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The badge isn’t large, but the wings on it have been engraved vividly. It’s as though in the very next second, it could break free from the heavy fetters of metal, flying freely towards the horizon.
Gavin looks at it for a very long time, then reluctantly shifts his gaze away from the badge.
The summer evening breeze passes by his lapel, bringing with it a cooling and refreshing scent. The trees in the courtyard are very tall, and the sprigs of blossoming plants stretch to the edges of the window, touching his ankle.
This is the first time he has attained honour based on his own strength. Does this mean he now possesses the strength to be acknowledged by others?
He looks at the badge. Finally, his eyes crinkle into a slight smile, unintentionally revealing the wilfulness and pride that a youth should have.
Using his hands to support himself on the edge of the window, Gavin turns around and leaps back into his room. He locates a plain white envelope from his drawer, then picks up a pen. On the address line, he fills in his father’s current location, then stuffs the badge into the envelope solemnly.
After hesitating for a while, he scrunches up the envelope slightly. A few creases immediately appear on it.
Only after he leaps over the wall and heads out to slip that envelope into a mailbox at the corner of the street does Gavin release a soft sigh of relief.
This is a proof of pride, and it’s also an invitation from a youth. 
An invitation for the person whom his mother cares about to return to this place, and spend a birthday together which could constitute a “reunion”.
Gavin stands in front of the mailbox, lifting his head to look at the star-studded sky.
Tonight, the Milky Way seems to be brighter than in previous nights. Sagittarius emits a resplendent light, and the bow formed by stars points towards an unknown, faraway place.
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[ Chapter Five: Indentations of Growth ]
On the early morning of Gavin’s birthday, Wardia cooks him a bowl of longevity noodles, and there’s even a soft-boiled egg burrowed underneath the noodles.
“Happy birthday, Little Gav.”
“From today onwards, you’ve grown one year older.”
His mother smiles as she says her well wishes to Gavin. After he’s done eating the noodles, she holds out a measuring tape.
“Shall we measure how much taller our Little Gav has grown this year?”
Gavin is slightly resigned but accustomed to it as he stands next to the pole in the corridor. 
Right now, he has already grown much taller. In a serious manner, Wardia uses a pencil to draw a mark near the roof of his head.
“Our Little Gav has grown much taller. Wow, one, two, three... four centimetres.”
His mother keeps the measuring tape and Gavin steps away from the pole. There are numerous deep and light indents on the white body of the pole - traces that witness one boy’s growth each year.
"Looks like I won’t need to measure you next year. Little Gav has already grown taller than Mommy.”
Gavin immediately cuts in, his tone extremely certain.
“I’ll protect Mommy.”
Wardia taps Gavin’s forehead lightly.
“Mommy doesn’t need to be protected by Little Gav. Mommy will protect Little Gav. I’ll celebrate your birthday with you every year until you grow up.”
“What will happen after I grow up?”
His mother grins as she turns around and enters the kitchen. Her gentle voice drifts to Gavin’s ears, and sounds a little hazy.
“After you grow up, you’ll meet someone like Mommy who is willing to celebrate a lifetime of birthdays with you.”
While his mother starts busying herself to prepare Gavin’s birthday feast, Gavin decides to fix the fan in the living room.
With the successful experience of aeromodelling, Gavin picks up the instruction manual and fixes that clanking fan very quickly.
The fixed fan starts rotating to and fro in a leisurely manner, releasing a cooling wind. Gavin closes his eyes to feel the breeze, and his hair is blown up, fluttering messily.
“It’s fixed.” Gavin opens his eyes, turning his head to look at the time.
Noon passed not too long ago, and it’s still very early.
Gavin thinks for a moment, then heads into his room to retrieve the model aircraft. He sits on the steps of the courtyard.
A chunk of paint on the model aircraft cracked a few days ago. Gavin holds a small brush, slowly giving a fresh coat of paint to the tailplane.
The cicadas on the trees are noisy as always, and the brilliant sunlight filters through the leaves, falling on Gavin’s face.
While using the small brush to mend the plane with layers of paint, Gavin occasionally lifts his head towards the nearby door.
Judging by the time, he should still reach today, no matter how late it is.
Birds soar in the sky, and the sun continuously shifts to the west, until it brings twilight with it, turning into a semicircle about to be swallowed up by the horizon.
Gavin sits on the steps for a very long time, from noon till late afternoon, and until the beautiful lines on the model aircraft have been mended, laying beside him quietly.
Yet, that door doesn’t get pushed open.
A few leaves are blown by the wind, and they fall on the wings of the model aircraft. Gavin reaches out to pick the leaves up.
He grips the leaves in his palm, lowering his eyes and thinking about something unknown to anyone else.
With a sudden creak, the sound of a door opening drifts from afar, and footsteps land on Gavin’s ears.
Gavin instantly straightens up, but he quickly faces away.
The tender dusk envelops him, illuminating the slightly upturned corners of his lips.
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[ Chapter Six: A Heart of Well Wishes ]
The people who pushed the door open are his maternal grandfather and grandmother.
Carrying a birthday cake, they brim with smiles as they walk towards Gavin.
His grandfather grabs Gavin into a hug.
“We wish our Little Gav a happy birthday.”
His grandmother lifts the cake, waving it at Gavin.
“Grandpa and Grandma specially bought a cake to see you, and to celebrate our Little Gav’s birthday.”
“Thanks, Grandpa and Grandma.”
Gavin receives the cake from his grandmother and heads towards the living room with them. Before walking up the steps, Gavin casts another glance at the door.
The door remains quietly caged in twilight, waiting alongside Gavin.
But even until the evening grows dark, it is never pushed open again.
Wardia notices Gavin’s abnormal silence. When she follows his gaze and looks at the door outside, she realises something.
However, Wardia doesn’t say anything. She simply pauses, then is full of smiles as she opens the cake box.
“Here’s wishing our birthday boy a happy 14th birthday!” His grandparents grin while singing the birthday song.
“Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you. Happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you...”
After singing the birthday song, his mother looks at Gavin, speaking gently.
“Go on and make a wish, Little Gav.”
Gavin stares at the cake and remains silent for a while. Then, he speaks quietly in his heart.
It’s fine if that person doesn't return. It’s fine if he isn’t acknowledged. Anyway, he has celebrated his birthday today, and has grown one year older.
He can fix a fan for his mother, and can use his strength to protect this home.
It’s fine.
After dinner, the family sits in the courtyard to enjoy the cool air.
Hearing from his mother that Gavin won the first place in the aeromodelling competition, his grandparents are extremely surprised.
“Little Gav is truly incredible. Isn’t it really difficult to build models? What reward would you like? Grandpa and Grandma will give it to you.”
“There isn’t anything I want as a reward.”
However, his grandfather is very stubborn.
“You’re still so young. How can there be nothing that you want? Just suggest something, and treat it as a gift from your Grandpa and Grandma.”
At this appropriate time, Wardia cuts in. “This is a well wish from your elders, so just accept it.”
Gavin lowers his eyes and thinks for a moment. Then, he lifts his head and responds softly.
“In that case, I want our family to be like this every year in the future.”
He pauses, his eyes carrying within them slight warmth and ease.
“We’ll eat cake together, talk together, and sing the birthday song together.”
"That’s such an easy feat. Every year in the future, Grandpa and Grandma will bring a cake and celebrate Little Gav’s birthday with your Mommy.”
“It’s a deal.”
The evening breeze blows past gently, blowing up stray hairs in front of Gavin’s forehead, revealing a pair of clear amber eyes. He turns back to the courtyard and watches as his grandparents and mother engage in small talk and laughing to their heart’s content.
This is a complete family which has been mended with love, and it has much warmth and many things to look forward to.
It encases the youth’s heart, enabling him to not feel lonely at this moment.
The Milky Way is as magnificent as always. Beneath the brilliant star-studded sky, the tree which has been growing in the courtyard for a very long time stands quietly, as though it would remain this way every year.
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Cheri’s Reflections:
Imagine if the letter wasn’t sent because Gavin forgot to put stamps LOL T^T
Not-so-fun fact: Wardia died when Gavin was 15, so this is the last birthday they spent together...
And MC not reading his letter back in Loveland High and leaving him waiting for hours hurts even more now because it probably reminded him of how he waited for his father to no avail
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vennilavee · 3 years
pairing: levi x reader (moon/stars universe) ft kaiya and rina
summary: rina peach's beachy birthday weekend!!
warnings: none at all, just a cute summer drabble
word count: 1810
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Kaiya has never been very fond of the beach. She is very much like Levi in that sense- they both would prefer to either stay home or go to the park rather than allow the potential for sand to hide in the crevices of their bodies. After all, seagulls are a nuisance and it’s not like you can even see animals other than those pesky birds.
At least according to Kaiya’s speech about why she did not want to go to the beach last weekend. But it was Rina’s birthday, and unlike her older sister…. Rina loves the beach. She loves poking her feet in her sand and feeling the salty ocean water brush over her chubby legs. Her specialty is building sandcastles and she had sneakily asked if she could bury her daddy in the sand.
To which you had said maybe. And Levi had sent you a sneaky glare.
You can vividly remember the first time you brought baby Kaiya to the beach. She’d been a year old, after you and Levi had done extensive research on what sunscreen would be best for Kaiya. She looked so cute that day, in a bright orange bucket hat with blue starfish on it, a blue swimsuit and tiny orange crocs.
It took you nearly fifteen minutes to get out of the house, because you were too busy showering her with kisses and taking photos of her first beach day.
While she had been all smiles on the way to the beach, her expression had quickly turned sour when you had tried putting her feet in the water. Her lips parted ever so slightly to let out a stream of wails and her eyes leaked tears. She was trying her best to avoid her feet touching the water with all of her tiny might.
Kaiya hated the sand even more, if that was possible. She glared at the sand stuck in between her toes and Levi had only looked smugly at you. As if to say ‘I told you so’.
And he had.
But today, Rina is tugging Kaiya’s hand impatiently, wanting to splash around in the water with her big sister. Kaiya is hesitant, warily eyeing the water and looking at Levi and then Rina.
“Oh, fine,” Kaiya sighs, “Only for five minutes.”
“Yay!” Rina cheers and does a little dance before running off towards the water (with Kaiya and Levi on her heels).
You can’t help but watch Levi’s golden skin glisten in the sun as he gets farther away from you. His shoulders flex as he jogs after his girls, and you sigh happily before rubbing sunscreen on your arms.
You had rubbed sunscreen into Rina’s skin while Kaiya had insisted on doing it herself. Levi had wordlessly asked you to rub his back, which you had gladly done.
But not before squeezing his bicep indulgently, because damn, your man looks good.
You brought a book with you to read (and Kaiya had as well. She had stated firmly that she plans to read on the beach during this weekend trip.)
Your gaze travels from your book to immediately zero in on the girls and Levi from the tops of your sunglasses. Rina’s giggles are contagious and filter through the salty breeze, tucking away in your eardrum and you can pretty much hear Kaiya grumbling from all the way out here.
Setting your book aside, you decide to join your family in the water. You adjust your baby blue swimsuit, making sure all of your bits are covered, and make your way over. Your jumbo sized umbrella, beach towels and cooler are close enough that you can keep an eye on it from the water.
“Mama! You come,” Rina beams, reaching for you from Levi’s arms.
“I did, peach,” you reply, scooping her up. She’s getting so big, she’s already four. Rina is no longer the small baby who used to waddle around the house clumsily, she’s now old enough to run through the water and splash her older sister.
Levi pecks your lips in greeting while Kaiya dramatically gags.
“On Rina’s birthday weekend? Ugh, gross,” Kaiya rolls her eyes. Levi splashes her playfully with his foot and Kaiya gasps.
“Wow, watch out, daddy.”
“Ya, daddy, watch out! Watch out!”
“Oh, alright. I surrender,” Levi says, holding his hands up.
“It’s nice out here, isn’t it?” you murmur, nudging Kaiya’s shoulder. She tries to scowl, but she can’t hide her smile from you.
“Yeah, it’s nice. I guess.”
“Oh, you guess? How lucky for us,” Levi teases, ruffling her head of dark hair.
“Daddy! I did my hair and you’re making it messy!” Kaiya pouts, messing her hair up again.
“It not messy!” Rina protests, “It nice!”
Kaiya gives her a toothy smile in response, to which Rina mimics.
“Mama, can we have some drinks? You brought those peach ones, right?” Kaiya asks with hopeful eyes.
“Of course I did. You think I’d forget?”
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You and Levi had taken extra measures to hide the cake that you both had baked for Rina’s birthday in the mini-fridge of the cottage that you were staying in for the weekend. In fact, it was Kuchel’s little cottage by the sea- Levi came here as a teenager and a young adult. And you can remember the first time he brought you here, too.
Kuchel will be arriving tomorrow to join the celebration, but tonight it was just your little family.
“Kiki,” you whisper from the corner of the kitchen, “Kaiya. Kaiya!”
“Yes, mama?” she whispers back.
“Will you please get Rina and your daddy and bring them outside to the deck? The cake is ready,” you reply and Kaiya nods, running off to find her sister and her dad.
The small deck has been decorated with shell themed balloons and streamers of gold and green (Rina’s current favorite colors) in the last two hours, while she was napping and while Levi had kept her entertained before that. You can hear her peals of laughter approaching closer and closer and you make sure to have your phone ready when she sees the setup you and Levi created for her-
And she gasps with wide eyes before squealing happily and running around the table decorated with teal lace to stare at the carefully curated mermaid themed cake that took hours for you to finish up.
“Mermaid! For my birfday, mommy?” Rina gasps, bouncing on the heels of her feet.
“Happy birthday, Peachy,” you beam at her and kneel for her to run into your arms for a big hug.
“Thank, mama,” Rina says, “Daddy, Kaiya! Wook cake! Come hug!”
She’s always been very affectionate. Levi says she gets it from you.
“Happy birthday, Rina Peach,” Levi murmurs, kissing her hair, “I’m so happy that you’re happy and healthy.”
Rina only looks at him with your eyes.
“Happy birthday, Peachy peach,” Kaiya says, jumping with her, “We gotta sing Happy Birthday! And then you blow out your candles and make a wish!”
“Make wish! Make wish!” Rina says excitedly, her dark hair shining with the sunset. Kaiya leads the charge in Rina’s birthday songs while Rina smiles brightly at you and Levi. It brings a few tears to your eyes and Levi tugs your fingers in his subtly.
Your girls are getting so big. Levi still remembers when Rina barely fit in the palm of his hands, when she came into the world so quietly. When fear filled his heart.
Seeing Rina blowing out her candles (with some help from Kaiya) makes his heart warm. Kaiya is getting so tall- he can tell she might be taller than him someday soon. Kaiya’s eyes glisten and shine, reflecting bits of his own steel grey when she looks at him.
He’s feeling contemplative. You can tell.
Once you finish with your pictures of everyone, Levi cuts slices of cake for everyone to eat. Rina most definitely stuck her fingers into her slice of cake but now, she is seated in his lap as she tries to feed herself (but ultimately leans back against his chest for him to feed her). Kaiya sits in between you and Levi.
It’s quiet, the sound of the waves against the shore vibrating around you as the close of Rina’s birthday draws close. The summer breeze drifts into your hair and you spot goosebumps on Kaiya’s arms.
“Gonna get some blankets, my little fruits. Be right back,” you murmur, patting her leg.
“Hey! I’m not a fruit!”
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By now, the moon is shining brightly in the night sky and the stars along with it, and Rina is fast asleep in Levi’s lap while Kaiya is laying across your lap with tired eyes. You’ve all moved inside the cottage once the summer chill settled in to watch a movie.
Rest assured, you’re dozing off, too.
You hear Levi call your name. You hum in response and open your eyes blearily. It appears you’ve been asleep for longer than expected, because Kaiya is no longer in your lap and Rina is not in Levi’s arms.
“I put the girls to bed,” Levi murmurs, “C’mon. Let’s get to bed.”
“You gonna carry me or what?” you joke, but before you can get your feet on the floor, he scoops you up in his arms and pecks your forehead.
“How romantic,” you murmur, wrapping your arms around his neck.
“Yeah, alright,” Levi rolls his eyes.
“Did you check the locks?”
“What do you take me for? An idiot?”
“I’m just making sure, okay-”
“Yeah, yeah,” you murmur, patting his cheek adoringly, “Hurry, I’m tired and my feet ache.”
“How lucky for me.”
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“The girls had fun today,” you murmur, rubbing lazy circles over Levi’s chest, “Did you?”
Levi hums, fingers trailing up and down your arm tiredly. “I like the sea, despite what you think.”
“You don’t like the beach. You hate finding sand in your-”
“Yeah, I hate the beach, but the sea is nice.”
You chuckle, pressing your lips to his throat.
“I’m surprised Peach went to bed so quickly. But she must be tired from running around in the sun with Kaiya all day,” Levi muses.
“Probably. Your mom can run around with Rina and Kaiya tomorrow at the beach. We should do boozy brunch in the meantime.”
“Why? So you can get drunk off your ass from two mimosas while your daughters are in the ocean?”
“Okay, first of all, that was a joke. Second of all, two mimosas? You think that much of me?”
“Am I wrong?”
“I’m going to sleep,” you huff dramatically, “Give me a kiss goodnight.”
Levi gives you a little more than a kiss goodnight when he pecks your lips, licking into your wet, warm mouth until your eyes flutter shut and he presses himself on top of you to envelop you in his embrace.
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tags: @simpingmaize @kentobean @captainchrisstan @alrightberries @celestidarling @regalillegal @castellandiangelo @bakuhoesworld
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its-ya-boi-autumn · 4 years
Hope your day is going well can we get a sexy aggressive chrollo punishing their s/o for acting bratty? Thank you! ❤️
I've been in such a horni boi mood it's actually concerning
also, I’m posting this for 1.3k! Thank you guys and I apologize for the thousandth time for my lousy schedule with writing, this has been in my inbox as have many more and I plan to bust them out when I get the motivation. Thank you for sticking with me and still enjoying my content despite the fact that I’m a little slow, your support and patience is appreciated a lot :’) I suck at talking about emotions but I’m trying to be genuine I know I suck at it. I hope you enjoy this~ (I was uncomfy as hell meaning it’s a good one lol)
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You couldn’t help the smirk that edged at your lips as the door slammed shut behind you. The click of a lock signaled your exit being sealed before you were spun around and slammed against the nearest wall, caging you in with his strong arms. Chrollo’s face was threateningly close, his lips allowed quick gusts of air to brush up against your own.
“Aww why are you all upset with me?” your tone was whiny and by God was it annoying. His grey gaze was hard on your face, clearly he’d had enough. You wiggled beneath him, your hands making way up his chest. He wasn’t having it, immediately taking your wrists and pinning them above your head. The mere force stole a rather erotic gasp straight from your throat. It was rare for his patience to run so thin and only you could get him here. But this was exactly what you wanted, and he knew it. Chrollo inhaled deeply before speaking.
“You know damn well why I’m upset with you. I’m not playing your little games tonight. Now is not the time y/n.” the way your name spilled from his mouth sent sparks fluttering around your thighs. Your hips drifted forward before coming into contact with his own.
“It definitely feels like you do~ come on Chrollo, please~?” you weren’t one to give up very easily which was initially what he liked about you. But tonight wasn’t the night for that. He’d have to leave with the troupe in 30 minutes and that was nowhere near enough time to punish you properly.
“I said no.” his voice stayed firm but your legs felt like jelly and you let your body sink against the wall, arms still high above your head. The way your mouth parted in a subtle moan mixed with your slack figure was a sight to behold and he didn’t know how much longer he’d hold off. Especially with your front rubbing up against his hard on.
“Even if you don’t fuck me you’ll have to fix your little friend down there.” you teased, rutting yourself again him again. You were granted a growl from somewhere in his chest, goosebumps slithering all over your skin. Your arms, your thighs, your chest, tingled with the need to be touched. You looked up at him with pleading eyes. He knew you were in need and you’d act like this until you got what you wanted. In fact the more he thought about it the riskier it may have been to leave you like this. For all he knew his phone would be blown up with explicits of your nude form and that was the last thing he needed on the job. You couldn’t fix it yourself since that little sweet spot was too far back for you to reach with your own slender fingers, and he’d refused you any toys unless he specifically used them on you because of his love for your desperation for him. And you were right. He’d have to fix himself before leaving, and Chrollo didn’t finish quickly.
You watched as his thoughts unfolded and you knew he was contemplating it. You sunk your teeth into your bottom lip, hoping he’d give in. Before you knew it you were spun around again, chest and face pressed up against the wall. His breath laid heavy near your ear. He said nothing but he didn’t have to. The throbbing of his cock on your ass said enough. The hand not holding your wrists roughly wound itself up your shirt, tugging insistently on the sensitive bud of your breast. You noticed he couldn’t help but rut himself through his jeans onto your clothed behind. The feeling made you giggle, earning a sharp smack on the ass. Your gasp only made him harder.
Chrollo knew it was a bad idea to draw this out, but your attitude warranted no reward. He needed to see you begging and pleading for him, though currently it seemed as if he were begging for you with the way he was dry humping you. He needed to switch things up a bit.
The feeling of his body parting from yours was cold and sudden, drawing a whine from you. The bulge beneath his zipper was beyond obvious, licking your lips at the sight. You watched your lover make his way for the bed, taking off his black blazer and setting it to the side. Chrollo plopped down on the sheets, patting his thighs.
“Come here princess.” his voice was low, no room for disobedience. You simply did as told, parting your thighs to seat yourself upon his thigh. He stopped you, smirking.
“Not like that,” he started, the look in his eyes hearing your core, “bend over for me.”
It took a moment for the command to process, but he waited. You gulped, sliding off his thigh to bend yourself over them. Your breathing became quite shallow, slight fear taking over your senses. His hand gently placed itself atop your behind, causing you to jump at the contact. This made him chuckle. It showed you hadn’t been quite ready.
“Hands behind your back.” and you did just that, crossing them behind the small of your back. Chrollo gripped your forearms and held them in place. The slight pressure arched your back enough for a slight pang of pain to elicit more wetness to your panties. His hand left your ass, leaving the anticipation of his next move to roll around your head.
“I should be leaving soon, but you’ve been a little too bratty for my liking tonight.” he mumbled, more to himself than to you, but you could still hear it. You scoffed.
“I had barely done anything~” you tried to coax him more. A white hot pain stung your ass cheek, followed by a resounding smack bouncing off the walls. You arched at the feeling, digging your teeth into his thigh. He hit you again.
“Lift your head up, I’d like to hear you.” Chrollo ordered your already shaking form. You tried, but it was it good enough for him. Another stinging smack against your skin. He hadn’t even taken your leggings off just yet but you could feel the welt already rising beneath the fabric. Chrollo hit so hard sometimes you had to hold back on the safe word, you knew he’d only gotten started and it’d only piss him off more. Though he’d stop if you asked him.
But all you wanted right now was for him to fuck you, though he didn’t even have the time to do so.
Another slap but this time to the sensitive spot at the very top of your thigh. The moan you let out surprised both of you. It had been louder than expected. Chrollo laughed.
“My my, you’re even needier than I thought sweetheart.” the teasing tone made your blood boil. He was one to talk. You wriggled around in his lap, trying to also get some friction for yourself between your legs. This, of course, earned you yet another smack to your upper thighs.
“Fuck just take them off already!” you whined to Chrollo. Your leggings had become so insufferably constricting and there was almost nothing you could do about it. Chrollo of course found your discomfort amusing but obliged to your wish, tugging the waistband down just enough so it set at the tops of your thighs. It wasn’t exactly what you wanted but it would have to do. You just wanted him to touch you, that was all you needed.
The palm of his hand smoothed over your bare rear, sending sparks of fire across your swollen skin. You jolted at the touch on the welted skin, your hips jumping up slightly. Chrollo slapped your ass once more for good measure, ghosting his hand across your core. His touch made you gasp, keening backwards for more. Another sharp smack.
“Don’t move.” the command had you clenching around nothing, soaking yourself.
“Chrollo please, I need you.” and so began the begging, your voice wobbly from the eagerness of your needs. The hand on your ass spread your cheek a little to the side, exposing cold air to your wet clothed cunt. It made you whimper, willing everything in you to stay still. He parted your thighs for a peek. Chrollo was rather pleased to see that your body’s primal had taken over. Just as he wanted.
“You want me to touch you, don’t you dearest?” the question was rhetorical. It was obvious what you wanted though you nodded anyway. He spanked you again.
“Yes Chrollo!”
“Yes what?”
“Yes I want- want you to touch me.” your response wavered, the sudden shame flooding in your chest. Cheeks–both sets–red and burning, Chrollo gave you another harsh blow, tears threatening to fall from your eyes. “Chrollo please!” you tried again, wanting nothing more than his fingers to slip between your folds and prod at that sweet spot in the very back of your pussy. He did as you asked, sliding your ruined panties to the side to reveal your glistening heat, met with chill air all over again. Again your back arched at the sensation, toes curling and mouth hanging open. His middle and ring fingers gather your slick before dipping beneath your inner folds and caressing your walls shallowly. The sigh of relief you let out sent shivers all over your body.
“That feels good doesn’t it angel?” his pet names made your clit twitch. He knew every way to make you submit to him, taking pleasure in your despair. He delved deeper, stretching your pussy with a third finger before gently poking the spongey patch on your upper wall. Your legs started to shake, hips rocking in his lap. Rather than thrusting his digits in and out he simply focused all of his attention on that one patch, poking and rubbing against it generously.
Discharge had began to collect around his fingers, signaling your closeness so early. He withdrew his hands from you, picking you up and pinning you to the bed. He reached into his side table drawer and pulled out the leather handcuffs you’d bought, the purple glitter shining from the lamplight. Chrollo cuffed you to the headboard before getting up from the bed.
“H-hey! Where are you going?” you called out as he walked across the room. He opened the closet doors, rummaging through for something. He held whatever he found behind his back, closing the closet doors back up. He waltzed back over to the bed, revealing the wand in his hand. Checking his watch, he sighed.
“I guess it’s time for me to go now,” he started, plugging the wand into the wall next to your shared bed. He stuffed it between your legs, pressing it against your aching clit roughly. Chrollo turned the setting up so medium and your body instantly reacted. Your thighs clenched around the toy, rutting against it for some friction. His hand came down upon your ass once more making you cry out.
“Don’t come until I get back, understand?” he asked, already knowing the answer. He grabbed his blazer back up and fixed himself up some, just fo be safe. He could fix his little problem in his pants when he found a bathroom, though he wouldn’t have to worry about your antics until he got home. “You’re just gonna leave me like this?” you complained, shaking and tugging at the cuffs that bound your wrists.
“I’ll come back, but I want you to learn your lesson.” he said before leaving the room, you lying in bed, your release so close but always so far.
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barnesand · 3 years
the scent of old stories [ ii ]
Summary: You haven’t found your thing here in Brooklyn, but you hope that you’ve found it within the bookstore that happens to be on your work commute. Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader AU: *chants* bookshop au, bookshop au, bookshop au. Warnings: No warnings for now! author’s note: we have one cameo for this story so far, but hey, we’re back in the bookstore and the pining shall commence.
chapter one can be found here: x
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You thought that your tedious workload would drown out the reminiscing thoughts of yesterday, but you were wrong. Despite having your hands full with at least ten toddlers that were all vying for your attention (Jess needed you to look at her blue clay creation, despite you having no actual clue what it was supposed to be), you mind still found its way back the Second Hand. Working at a day care center is usually all-consuming—you couldn’t think of the last time you found yourself blinking away thoughts, not when there were so many things happening all at once.
Not that the children you cared for were the embodiment of chaos. But you had to pay attention to them—they were toddlers.
Your encounter with Bucky was three days ago. And in those three days, your mind still plagued you with a looping thought: why haven’t you gone back? Your mind was very correct in questioning your avoidance of the store. There was no point to it—clearly, Bucky was flirting with you. You might have lost your ability to return flirtatious remarks, because of reasons, but there was no denying that fact. Bucky wanted you to come back, to get that list of his favorite haunts. And, maybe, he would tag along on a few of those locations.
Ninety percent of your brain was scolding you about it, while the remaining ten percent remained on the fence about it. You know—good old denial: because what if he wasn’t?
You wouldn’t call yourself outright pathetic for believing what the ten percent had to say, but you were disappointed in yourself. Disappointed that you couldn’t give in and just do it—you did, after all, make a deal to return. Bucky had given you a free book, and that free book had come with a condition, and you had to honor it. What kind of person would you be—what kind of bibliophile would you be—if you didn’t honor it? But because you still quaked at the idea of returning, and because you feared that you would become a sputtering mess once again, you wouldn’t.
You’d considered gaining an outside perspective—but you didn’t really know your coworkers well enough. You spoke to them about several things, of course, but you hadn’t delved into the personal topics yet. You also humored the idea of calling your mother—but you really didn’t need to go down that wormhole of call. She’d find your indecisive thoughts a hint that you secretly wanted to come back home and you didn’t want to have an argument over that again.
By now, your ten toddlers have been corralled by another associate into quiet time—and for a brief second you considered asking your kids if you should go back to the pretty man at the bookstore. No—no, that’s too complicated of a story to tell and their track record with opinions wasn’t doing so well for you.
Your quiet dilemma would remain that—a quiet one.
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In the last hours of your shift, you tried to occupy your mind as much as possible. The toddlers kept in your care must have noticed the keen focus you developed, because they seemed more chaotic than usual. By the end of it, they were nearly tired out as their parents picked them up. Once the last child was picked up, you quickly cleaned up the mess they’d made. Indeed, you did manage to lose track of those plaguing thoughts, but the moment you were alone they returned as loud as ever. You pressed your head to the too-small crafting table and let out a meager sigh.
“Do I go?” You said out loud, tapping your forehead once more—you wanted to knock the solution out of your head, but it wasn’t really working.
“Go where?”
You didn’t move from your position entirely, instead only shifting your head to the side to find one of your coworkers in the doorway to the playroom. Joaquin Torres was one of the coworkers you’d considered telling about your current situations. He was nice—well, nearly everyone who worked with you seemed nice, but he felt genuinely nice. He didn’t enter the room entirely, instead leaning the top half of his body inward. Almost as if he didn’t want to impose on your moment. You lifted your head, pulling yourself up from your crouching position to stand.
“Um,” you started. You straightened your clothes, re-tucking your shirt into your slacks. “Well—there’s this bookstore on the way home, and I don’t know if I should go back.”
“You like books, don’t you? Seems like an easy yes.” He joked, bringing himself into the room.
Oh, you wished it were an easy decision for you. The laugh that left you was short, slightly strained. Your hands settled on your hips.
“One would think that.” You nibbled at the inside of your cheek. “But the owner is really cute. And I think he’s expressed interest in me. I—yeah, I’m usually not like this around men but he’s really cute.”
He nodded. You couldn’t believe it was that easy to talk to him about it—geez, you should have mentioned it to him days ago. Even if he wasn’t responding right away, but you could see the contemplation in the furrow of his brow and that was enough. If Joaquin could just make that decision for you, all the weight you’ve been carrying on your shoulders would be lifted easily. Come to your rescue, please. Joaquin put his hands on his hips and gave yet another nod.
“You should probably stock up on kids’ books. It looks like they took a few.” He pointed to the bookshelf behind you—which, to your knowledge, was fuller than it usually was. But… you got the point. “Does this bookstore carry children’s books.”
Your heart was sputtering along, like the little engine that could. The only problem was that you don’t think you can. But you’ve already decided that you would follow Joaquin’s choice. If that meant that you would have to go to the Second Hand on your way home from work—for children’s books—then that was simply what you had to do. And if you saw Bucky instead of his employee, then that was just a bonus. Your sputtering heart could handle it; you think.
“Then,” you said, drawing in a deep sigh. “I will go grab some more books.”
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You didn’t expect for the mid-September chill to creep in so quickly, but you wound up clutching your reefer coat closer to your body as you walked down the street. The small shop sign above the Second Hand grew closer, and your hands were already clammy at the idea of seeing him again. You already resigned to following Joaquin’s plan, that your intentions for coming in were for the kids only, but your body reacted otherwise. You’d stopped in front of the insurance agency, drawing in a deep breath to steel your nerves.
It didn’t work, but it was worth a shot.
A minute passed before you practically shoved yourself forward, scampering past the first window and through the door. The bell sang above you, and only the heads of other patrons perked up at the sound of it. To you, that felt like a good sign. Maybe he would become too occupied by the other people in the store to notice that you came back. You didn’t see any signs of Bucky, but you did find the aisle for children on the first floor, and you quickly made your way to the section.
It was colorful to say the least, and despite the fullness of the shelves it was surprisingly well organized. When it came to children’s books, though, you always veered toward the colorful ones. You crouched down, your fingers gliding across the thin spines of the books. The titles didn’t directly jump out at you, but then again, your mind was occupied, and you were constantly side glancing at the end of the aisles. But crouching on your knees, especially after a long day, proved taxing and you quickly moved to sit cross-legged on the floor. You did have three books picked out so far.
You heard the familiar thrum of Alpine’s purring behind you, and soon felt the feline brushing up against your back. You looked over your head, already smiling at the sight of them. How rude you were to not consider seeing Alpine again when you were stressing over the initial decision. Of course, you missed them, and their spine that was practically begging to be pet. But when you reached for them, they moved out of the way, only to come back. You shook your head, lightly laughing beneath your breath.
“What a tease,” you whisper, bending down.
You managed to rest a single fingertip beneath Alpine’s chin, scratching softly until the purring was so loud it could be a beacon to other cats. Your smiling was beaming, and you dared to scratch behind their ear.
You saw him move in a blur past your aisle, a massive stack of books in his arms—arms that were surprisingly thick and strained against the fabric of his Henley shirt. You would have paused the attention you were giving Alpine, but they absolutely refused to let you stop. And you didn’t have any time to move to a different aisle before Bucky reversed and filled the end of the aisle.
He wasted no time when it came to showing you that smile that made you swoon—almost, but your cheeks did feel warmer. You did smile back, hand still on Alpine.
“Hi,” you said first.
“Look who showed up,” Bucky responded with a short laugh. “Lemme put these books down, Reader. Hang on.”
As exhilarating as it was to watch him hold all those books, which caused your stomach to become all fluttery, you nodded in response. Were you always into arms? You’d assumed you were more into asses, but maybe you were wrong—it could just be all of him. Either way, he disappeared for a moment, and you quickly stole a breath for yourself. You considered standing up, but your legs felt as heavy as cement at the thought of it and you merely set the children’s books on one of the shelves and put your hands in your lap.
When Bucky came back, he had a folded papers in his hand and in one swift movement settled on to the floor beside you, his back pressed to the bookshelf you were facing. The three days you spent avoiding must’ve erased your memory of his appearance because pretty didn’t seem to cut it anymore. Your skin felt hot, your eyes tracing along the sharpness of his jawline, and your mouth practically watering at the pinkness of his soft lips. You were in way too deep, and, again, you were suddenly so concerned about Bucky noticing it.
He eyed you, the light from the fluorescents catching the cerulean of his irises so well. Like crystal clear waters.
He cleared his throat, unfolding the papers in his hand and from what you could tell he put too much effort into the list. Your eyes widened and you choked on a snort.
“Okay, uh,” you stammered for words. “That’s a lot.”
“I told you it would be extensive,” he chortled. “You’ve spent months here and you’ve only gone to the Brooklyn Bridge? It’s offensive.”
“I’ve gone to Coney Island!” You defended yourself. You leaned in, a momentary lapse in judgement. You eyed the list. “Which you’ve put on the list, by the way.”
“It’s for the experience.” He pointed beneath it, and you saw that he’d scribbled bullet points between each attraction he wanted you to see. “Two Coney dogs and then the Cyclone.”
You already found your mind filtering through the imagery of you on the Cyclone, knuckles blanched white as you gripped the handlebars for dear life. That wasn’t the issue, but instead the issue that arose from Bucky’s experience was the future candid photo immortalizing you vomiting the hot dogs you would have ingested beforehand. The hidden cameras on theme park rides always captured the worst moment, and for all you knew, that’s what Bucky was hoping for.
“You put thought into this list,” you commended him. “And you don’t even know me.”
A lot more thought than you’d initially anticipated; it would have made more sense if he simply told you a couple of places to visit. But to make at least two pages worth of locations and hidden spots for someone he’d only met once made no sense to you—that level of detail was better used one someone he knew.
He drew in a hiss of air, shoulders lifting in exaggeration before he seemed to settle on his next thought before glancing down at the list that now saw neatly in your lap. The tip of his tongue slipped out between his lips, swiping at the corner of his mouth—a habit you’ve come to notice, in the two times you’ve seen him.
“What better way to get to know each other than by doing the things on my list.”
You might as well resign yourself to this fate; it wasn’t as if you were going to be outright tortured by him (torture, fortunately, was nowhere to be found on his list). No, the fear that bubbled up your throat was purely at the idea that after all of this Bucky might realize that making such an extensive list may have been wasted on you. You weren’t boring, but you sedentary life had created a barrier between you and uninhibited fun. All those years at grad school where you buckled down to work on your degree had muffled that ability have fun.
But you wanted to get to know him. You wanted to know about the store, and how it came to be. There were other things—other things that made your cheeks redden and mouth water—that you wanted to know as well, but those would be better kept to yourself.
Finally, after much quiet thought, you nodded at him.
“We did have a deal.” You waved the list in the air. “So what are we doing first?”
He smiled widened, and you lost your breath when he moved to pat your thigh with a metallic hand. “Attagirl, Reader.”
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lsholland · 3 years
London Lights (pt. 3) - Tom Holland
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Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader (1st person)
Genre: Party!Tom
Warnings: swearing; alcohol; a lot of smut (don’t recommend -18 to read)
Word count: 1.8k
Read part 1 / part 2
Author’s note: Hey guys! Part 3 is out. This is the final part of this short fiction. Loads of smut. Hope you like it!
Synopsis: Quarantine has been tough. I’ve lost my boyfriend, and I’m feeling lonely. Clubs and restaurants are open again, but I feel like it’ll never be like it used to. My friends have been pushing me to install Tinder and go on dates. Well, tonight, I’m going on a date. I don’t really want to but I’m going to try and have fun for once. Just a few drinks and I’ll go home. What else could happen?
PS. You can read the story on Wattpad.
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Tom stops kissing me. He grabs the back of my neck and watches me. He exhales. His musky perfume and his warm, beer-scented breath mingle. I’m longing for another kiss, but he doesn’t let me kiss him.
“You’re beautiful” he grins. His messy curly hair spotlights his perfect jawline. I’m hypnotised.
I don’t even know what to answer, he’s driving me crazy. I just want more. I can’t think of anything else.
I want more.
I grab his face and pull it to give him a sensual kiss. He doesn’t even try to resist. He falls into my arms and moans. His fingers wander on my back. It’s giving me chills.
He finds the zip of my dress and slowly releases my naked back. He doesn’t immediately take it off. While he’s still pushing me against the wall, he gently takes the fabric off my shoulders and gives me soft kisses. His steamy breath is electrifying me to the point I can feel butterflies in my stomach.
I’ve had sex with many people before, but the way he carries my body, the way he contemplates my skin and looks at me is divine. He makes me feel like a Goddess.
I’m so sensitive the chills become unbearable. My hands are shaking under his shirt, and I’m persuaded he’s feeling the same. His heart is beating so fast. I caress his tensed abs. It’s giving him chills.
He tries kissing me, but my hair is falling on my face. He takes a strand and tucks it behind my ear. He smiles. “I wanna see your face all the time”
Tom glimpses at my bed in the corner of the room. He peers at me and nods towards it. He’s waiting for my confirmation to take it further.
I nod in return. And instead of walking hand in hand towards my bed as I imagined, he grabs my left thigh and my back, and he lifts me. Tom carrying me is the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.
He looks up to me and can’t hide his thrill anymore. He chuckles.
He’s all mine. It’s driving me insane. I can’t stop thinking of how lucky I am while I grab his face and cover him with kisses.
Just a few steps in his arms and we both fall on the bed. He’s now on top of me. My legs are spread apart, and he takes advantage of it. He lifts my dress and kisses my stomach.
He laughs.
Oh my God, what did I do wrong?
“What?” I anxiously whisper.
“When I saw you all wet, I knew you’d taste like Guinness,” he says as he lifts his face and glances at me “you’re even more delicious than I thought.”
He starts licking my stomach and slowly goes down.
So, he thought about this when we were still at the bar? He knew what he wanted from the beginning. I’m feeling dizzy, I think of all the signs I probably missed and what led us to this. But I’m happy.
He grabs both sides of my thong and starts pulling it down. I watch him use me as he pleases. He looks so concentrated on what he’s about to do, what he’s seeing, and what he’s already imagining. He’s so horny his hands are shaking when they’re touching my bare skin.
He grips the fabric and let it fall off my legs and throws it away. He stares at my pussy with a playful smile, both hands on my knees.
He takes off his shirt and throws it away in a hurry.
He is so good looking.
His features are mesmerising. I can’t realise I’ve been touching his sculpted body the whole time.
He leans back down and faces my pussy. He curls one of his hands on my thigh and grabs my stomach with the other one. And before doing what I’ve been longing for, he simply asks me “Are you sure you wanna do it?”
My stomach drops. I look at him in confusion. I’m not used to being asked this question, even with strangers. They usually just assume alcohol doesn’t matter.
He respects me.
This simple question makes me even hornier. I gulp and close my eyes. His stare . . . It’s hypnotising. He’s beyond all I imagined. I feel butterflies in my stomach; a shiver runs through my body and makes me feel uninhibited. I want him to get to know the real me. I don’t know about tomorrow, but tonight I’ve fallen for him. And I want him so bad.
He’s waiting for my response. My thoughts are confused. But the only thing I know is I want this to happen.
I want him so bad.
I grab his head and pull it down. That’s my answer to him.
When his lips touch my bare bottom lips, electricity is rushing through my body. His warm, wet tongue is soft, and he surprisingly knows exactly where to lick, as if he’d known my body for a lifetime.
As he gently tastes my pussy the desire inside of him is burning, he becomes more and more firm. He’s almost hornier than I am. He gives soft kisses and licks it with so much passion the bed sheets become wet.
My hands are grasping at the blanket in desperation. I can’t control myself anymore.
I moan. Loudly.
Each moan makes his hands grip my skin tighter. It almost hurts. But it feels so good. Excitement is reaching its peak and I just can’t get enough of his soft lips and tongue on my skin.
I want more.
I squeeze my eyes shut because it’s so intense . . . Each time his tongue touches my clitoris my waist startles and he knows it. His moves are making me wet as a melting ice cube. He’s playing with my senses, and he loves it.
I release one of my hands and caress his hair. I clear his face from his curls, I want to see him.
He’s been watching me the entire time.
His eyes are dark. There’s a connection between us. His glare says a lot. I feel like I know what he’s thinking about. He raises his messy eyebrow and breaks the eye-contact as he closes his eyes, focusing on giving me a memorable night.
And a memorable night for him too.
It’s exquisite.
I grip his hair and keep watching him. I don’t ever want to forget tonight.
“I can’t wait anymore – I’m sorry” he groans as he backs off and takes off his underwear in a simple sweep.
I catch a glimpse of his dick, and gulp. By the size of it, I know for sure I’m going to feel it in me. I’m shaking. He grabs it with his right hand and smiles at me, biting his lower lip.
Tom crawls over me and grabs my neck. He’s putting enough pressure for me to feel strangled.
“I’m gonna do you real good” he whispers, his face so close to mine. We’ve been waiting too long for it.
He holds his dick and plays with my pussy while he’s looking at me. He finds it amusing to peer at my facial expressions. He loves having this much power.
He loves it way too much.
He bites his bottom lip, focusing on his action, and finally enters in me. He slowly starts to go back and forth, panting. He closes his eyes, and now he’s the one feeling a little too much of pleasure.
He squeezes his eyes and frowns his eyebrows. He’s enjoying every second of it. He doesn’t let go of his hand on my neck. He keeps his eyes shut and moans. His tongue dives into my mouth.
The French kiss I’ve been waiting for.
I grip my hands on his back and cross my legs behind him, trying to pull him deeper into me. I’m so excited I can’t wait for it anymore. We both groan with pleasure. His arms are trembling with excitement and nervousness.
When he opens his eyes, he catches me intensely watching him. He frowns as if he were trying to control something in him.
But I want to play with him as he did when he went down on me.
“Harder Tom . . .” I moan.
He startles. This is the signal that makes him lose his mind. He starts gripping my neck harder and moves back and forth with a lot of strength, keeping the pace slow. He grabs my tit with his other hand and starts groaning louder.
He’s making me feel something new. Each one of his hip movements brings me closer to him.
“I can’t believe we’re fucking” I whisper in his ear. I feel his hair raising with goosebumps.
“I can’t believe they tried to stop me from chasing you . . .” is what he replies.
So, is this why he spent so much time on his phone? His friends were trying to stop him from doing it. That’s why he was so hesitant. That’s why he kept on giving mixed signals.
“. . . because I’ve wanted you as soon as I saw through that wet dress.”
Oh, my God.
I did not even realise my dress became transparent.
He’s accelerating his movements, holding my body close to his. He’s sweating and panting and smiling and kissing me so firmly. We’re becoming one, our bodies move in motion, close to climax.
Tom’s moans become louder and even though he’s gritting his teeth he can’t hide that he’s unable to handle so much pleasure. He lifts his face, his eyes still closed, and raises his eyebrows. He suddenly opens his mouth, hands trembling, and gasps with pleasure.
His body rubbing against mine, his soft smell and his moans bring me to climax at the same time.
Tom places his hand on my mouth to cover my scream. I feel his cum inside of me, my legs are locked around him I can’t move anymore. I’m overwhelmed with pleasure, and I can’t control my body anymore.
This feels like a sugar rush.
Tom falls next to me, exhausted. He looks at me with loving eyes. “You are perfect” he says as he grabs me in his arms and kisses my neck. He’s slowly falling asleep, and I just can’t realise I’ve just had sex in my apartment with Tom Holland.
I can hear birds singing. I glance at the window, it’s sunrise. The morning lights are illuminating Tom’s face. He looks like a fallen angel.
"When you wake up, we'll be strangers again, aren't we?" I softly whisper as I fall asleep.
I'm currently working on a longer Tom fiction with a much darker vibe. Like this post if you want to be notified when I publish it :)
masterlist: @hollandvibesss @nrvousxo @oswald98 @aaralynrae @originalpizzastudentartisan
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concernedbrownbread · 3 years
A Boy and His Cat
Day 1 for @adrienaugust: Bad Luck
In which Adrien finds a kitten, his charm gets stolen, and the universe is a meanie.
Oh, and Plagg is ... Plagg.
Read here or under the cut
Running away from school is becoming an unhealthy obsession of his.
Of course, Adrien waited until school let out for the morning to run away. He just didn’t want to have to drive all the way back to the Manor, eat in an empty dining hall, and then come back. It was a waste of petrol. Bad for the environment - and for his soul.
So he ran away from school, his beloved bodyguard chasing him half-heartedly for a while before waving goodbye and giving him a lecture on general safety.
After leaving school, he usually met up with Nino and the others, but today they were doing a group project he wasn’t part of. Which left him to wander the streets like a stray cat.
Speaking of -
A quiet mewl caught his attention. Adrien paused, ears perking up.
Definitely a cat, somewhere in the alley. Adrien loved cats, and had no sense of self-preservation, so he didn’t hesitate to check it out.
“Oh look Plagg, it’s you,” Adrien said dryly as his eyes caught on a little orange kitten, curled up against the wall.
“I’m way more personable,” Plagg protested.
Adrien gave him a look. Plagg huffed, crossing his arms and turning away.
The little cat mewed softly again, making Adrien soften immediately.
“Hey there little guy,” he cooed, “What’s your name?”
No collar or nametag. Maybe it really was a stray? Should he take it to the shelter? Or to a classmate? Subconsciously, Adrien reached out, slow enough to let the kitten come to him. Eventually, it did.
Adrien picked it up, delighted, “Aren’t you a cutie? Maybe I should keep you! I’ll name you - “
That’s when it noticed Plagg.
It’s ears flattened, pupils narrowing as it let out a hiss. Adrien yelped as it’s claws dug into the flesh of his hands, and he toppled backwards, something falling out of his pocket.
He barely had time to orientate himself when he realised what had fallen out.
His lucky charm, the one he’d gotten from Marinette.
His lucky charm, that kept all his bad luck away.
His lucky charm, which was being carried away in the cat’s mouth .
Adrien tried to give chase, but he slipped on wet cement, scratching his already injured hands in the process. When he looked up, the cat was gone, the lucky charm with it.
“This is all your fault Plagg.”
“I blame your bleeding heart.”
Adrien wasn’t superstitious by any means.
But he was. Right now. Without his favourite charm.
Adrien sniffled in his arms as he lay his head on them against the table. Nino slid into the seat beside him.
“You okay, bro?”
Adrien groaned.
“Aw, that sucks dude.”
Adrien whined.
“It’ll be okay.”
Alya looked between them, “You understood any of that?”
Nino shook his head solemnly, “Not a word, but a bros gotta do what a bros gotta do.”
Adrien un-buried his head for long enough to look up, “Thanks man.”
Alya shook her head, “Boys are strange,” and then turned to Marinette, who was stammering so hard she hadn’t gotten a single coherent word out. Alya nodded sympathetically, “I know exactly what you mean, girl.”
The sight of Marinette made Adrien’s gut churn with guilt. He decided right then and there to never let her know he lost the precious gift she had given him.
“Adrien,” Ms Bustier said, drawing his attention, “Did you turn in your homework?”
“I’m sure that I did.”
“I thought so too, but I couldn’t find it.”
Adrien buried his head back in his arms.
So it began.
“This is sad.” Plagg said.
Adrien had taken shelter from the universe in the bathroom. So far, he had tripped countless times (once into Rose’s art project, which he still wanted to apologise for), said something embarrassing at least thrice and ended up drenched in honey-and-feather twice.
Twice didn’t seem like a lot, but it was strange that it had happened at all.
He was currently removing the last of his feathers under Plagg’s scrutiny.
“How do you even become chicken-man?” Plagg asked, “I looked away for two seconds.”
“I need my lucky charm back,” Adrien said in lieu of a response.
“Maybe Chat Noir will have better luck.”
“Maybe Chat Noir will have better luck,” Chat Noir mocked, “Stupid Plagg. You can’t let the universe know your plans!”
Plagg grumbled somewhere in the back of Adrien’s mind, which he dutifully ignored. He continued his fruitless search, the sky darkening with angry clouds that reflected his mood well.
“I feel ridiculous,” he mumbled as he waved to passing fans who were cooing at him.
“That’s how the cat felt,” Plagg responded in his mind.
Adrien pouted. The cat was so cute, he couldn’t stop himself from cooing.
He sighed, ducking under a ladder that was wobbling dangerously. He steadied it, getting a thanks from the guy at the top in return, who was holding a brush with dripping white, a tub of paint balanced precariously on the edge of a ledge.
“I think I’ll have better luck as - as - “ dammit, he couldn’t let the universe know, “Whatever. Let’s just detransform some- “
That was when Chat Noir got drenched in white paint.
Which was what he got for walking under a ladder.
“I am so sorry, Chat Noir,” the guy on top of the ladder said, “Uh, it’s a nice look on you?”
Chat wiped paint from his eyes and promised the universe vengeance.
(Somewhere, Marinette shivered at the remembrance of Chat Blanc.)
“Here kitty kitty.”
“You know cats don’t understand English - “
Plagg pouted, “Don’t ignore me Adrien.”
“I will ignore you all I like until you stop sitting around and actually help me.”
“I’m but a poor kwami,” Plagg yawned, “Do it yourself.”
Adrien huffed, poking his head into another alley, “I don’t even know where to start .”
“Maybe with an umbrella?”
“What - “
Now, Adrien was a Good Boy™. He hugged all his friends, kissed his plushies goodnight and tried to be Very Nice.
But he really, really wanted to break something when the first rain droplet hit his nose.
The ensuing downpour had him seeking shelter in yet another alley way. He was shivering from the cold, miserably getting ready to call it a day when Plagg drifted past him lazily.
“Oh hey, what’s that?”
Adrien whipped around, nearly tripping in the process.
“It’s -”
“A her.”
“It’s her!” Adrien hopped forward happily, ignoring the orange cat’s hiss. He picked her up.
“Aren’t you a cutie?” Adrien cooed, rubbing his cheek against hers, “Why’d you run away? Did big bad Plagg scare you? I can give you all of Plagg’s cheese - “
“And you can live with me forever and ever - “
Plagg groaned, “Aren’t you forgetting something?”
Adrien reluctantly pulled himself out of showering the cutie with affection, “What?”
“What you came here looking for?”
Plagg pointed towards the little box that the cat had been hiding in. Adrien adjusted the kitten so that the claws were safely pointed away from him and peered into the carton.
Little trinkets decorated the box, from blankets to little toys. Adrien reached out, grabbing his lucky charm and gently sorting through the rest.
“What a little thief,” Plagg said snootily, “You should leave it to its thieving ways.”
Adrien gasped, “How could you say that!” he cuddled the cat closer, “She just wanted a home.”
Plagg narrowed his eyes, “I hate her.”
“You’re just jealous. Isn’t Plagg a meanie?” Adrien crooned, “Yes he is, yes he is .”
Plagg glared at the cat, “I hate you.”
The cat hissed back.
Chat Noir dropped by the shelter, happy to let the cat scratch away violently at his indestructible suit. He was sad to see her go, but knew he couldn’t keep her.
“Does she have a name?” the girl at the counter asked.
“Uh …” Adrien thought about it, “Lucky.”
“We have at least ten cats with that name.”
Plagg snickered. Adrien sighed.
The girl shrugged, clearly very over that fact that one of Paris’ heroes was here. Adrien gently handed Charm over, and got a wonderful scratch in return.
“I think she likes me,” Adrien purred.
The girl gave him a look that was eerily reminiscent of a kwami he knew.
Once they were outside, Adrien found a place to be alone to detransform. Plagg sighed dramatically, stretching.
“Glad that’s over. I’m hungry.”
“Hey, Plagg,” Adrien said contemplatively, “How did we just happen to come across that cat after so long searching?”
Plagg settled into his hair sleepily, “You forget I’m a god, kit.”
Adrien paused at the implication.
Then shrugged.
“Want to get cheesecake on the way back?”
“Bribery,” Plagg nodded in approval, “The universe doesn’t stand a chance.”
Lucky charm tucked safely into his pocket, Adrien found himself agreeing.
Author's Note: Decided to start with a super chill fic because I write too much angst for this boy
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dreamersleeps · 4 years
I keep re-reading MHA 299 and I know many are upset Hawks is standing up for Endeavor but... I get the whole chapter was setting up that Hawks is going to commit suicide by heroically protecting Endeavor. He doesn’t want to look at the alternative because it just adds to the tragedy of his life, but also because he wants to die. He probably feels he doesn’t HAVE to investigate it at ALL because what does it do for him? He’ll be dead and it won’t be something he has to worry about.
Hello, it’s nice to talk to you again! :) So I’m not sure if this is the response you were looking for cause I just sat down, began writing and it kinda went off topic? I’m not entirely sure, but thank you for sending your thoughts and opinions in!
I read over Chapter 299 a few more times and I’m not sure if I really interpreted it as Hawks wanting to die. However I think I can kind of see what you mean by he’s going to commit suicide in the sense that (depending on the outcome) the action of Hawks going to help Endeavor is “suicide” in that it is his choice. 
I think the root of my interpretation lies with my opinion that while Horikoshi does work with heavy and difficult subjects, I can not see him ending the story of Hawks’ with death. While I think he could die in a metaphorical or symbolic way (something I believe has already happened when he took Jin’s life) when his story ends, a physical death is not impossible.
Just to express my train of thoughts easier, the following panels are not in the exact order of how they appear. 
"Endeavor’s in Trouble” 
I can see how you could interpret what Hawks says as him “standing up” for Endeavor but I did not really read it in that way. Standing up for him implies that he is in a way “okay” with what Endeavor has done in the past, and if we get more on Hawks’ thoughts later it will be clearer on where he stands but if this is all we get, I’d argue that he is not “letting things slide,” because it’s Endeavor. 
All we currently have is that Hawks states, “Endeavor’s in trouble.” I think he’s most likely referring to Dabi here. 
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I guess you could argue that he may commit metaphorical suicide by choosing to help Endeavor. If we want to continue pursuing the Icarus narrative: then even after falling and after gaining his freedom, Hawks chooses to head towards Endeavor, or the sun again.  
So as you convey, this is the controversial page. 
“Even if what Dabi says about the Todoroki family is true... I know things are different now.” 
The inclusion of Hawks’ memory of Shouto and Endeavor is very, very important here. It appears in the middle of this sentence. I’d argue that Hawks here was not brushing off or ignoring what happened in the Todoroki household, and again this is mainly because of the inclusion of the memory which happens during the Endeavor Internship arc. This is how he is thinking through the situation. Seeing as we get a glimpse of Hawks’ past memories, I’m sure that he has been contemplating about everything that was revealed by Dabi. Especially considering that Hawks most likely can relate to Touya to a certain extent. 
Hawks’ hero career involved a lot of him having to collect information, analyze information and reach a conclusion in order for him to act upon it. Perhaps that is why when he states, “I know things are different now,” it comes off as very bold. I think the boldness of his statement is what may have upset people but I think it has to do with the way he’s been trained to think. 
The secret missions Hawks had to undertake while working for the Hero Public Safety Commission required one to detach their job from their individual feelings and thoughts. He must not let sentiments get in the way. 
As always, I like to include definitions of words I find very important that could be understood differently based on who you are - what are sentiments? A couple definitions that come up in the dictionary are: 
1) an attitude, thought, or judgment prompted by feeling, 2) an idea colored by emotion (Merriam-Webster) and 3) exaggerated and self-indulgent feelings of tenderness, sadness or nostalgia (dictionary) 
We see that feelings and emotion get in the way with his job when Hawks confronts Jin. Hawks had a connection and relationship with Jin that he did not have in his life. As we see below in Chapter 265 even Dabi points this out, “Looks like sentiment tripped you up after all, hero!” Yes, ultimately Hawks takes Jin’s life but I do believe he was hesitant and did not want to. The dialogue between the two has Hawks expressing that he believes that Jin is a good person who was dealt an unlucky hand in life. 
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While he does convey that he wants to “save” Jin by helping him but after already assessing the threat he believed Jin posed and with the arrival of Dabi, Hawks weights his options and chooses to take his life. 
From a detached, cold reading of this scene, Hawks does mess up. His hesitance distracts him and makes himself vulnerable to Dabi’s attack which badly burns him, and he loses a large portion of his feathers. 
Now I’m only going to focus on the fact that Hawks takes Jin’s life and the thinking that went behind it. I’m not here to discuss in depth about my thoughts and opinions on the matter however I think by the end of this post, you may have an idea on where I stand.  
What is a hero? 
Okay, my wording here is confusing but I’m going to try the best I can to convey what I’m trying to get at. There is also the idea of the two concepts of heroism that float around the manga: 1) working as hero as an occupation and being able to fulfill that role, and then 2) one who we label as a hero/heroic in how they think and act. For both we think of saving, strength, power, charisma, etc. 
Then there are the other qualities we tend to associate with the second concept of who/what a hero is: being selfless and compassionate, having moral integrity, showing concern for others no matter who it is and being understanding of others’ perspectives. There are others as well but these are what come to mind at the moment. 
While the qualities I list above can be associated with heroes in general, in BNHA there has been an effort to differentiate at least two different concepts of heroism. The biggest example was with the introduction of the character Stain. If the reader had not been questioning hero society beforehand, Stain told us directly to think critically and refrain from being passive like the characters in the story. Due to the emergence of quirks, there were those whose quirks deemed “unacceptable” by society, their existence often leading to a difficult life or being  labeled as a villain. The demand for heroes created the concept of the hero as a job. 
And so heroes became celebrities. They are rich and influential, and they cover the cities with their faces to sell and endorse products. Even the physical copies of the BNHA manga have ads of various pro-heroes selling products in the back. There’s plenty of other criticisms that you could talk about such as the Hero Billboard Chart. 
While the older pro-heroes seem to have lost or never embodied the meaning of what the reader may argue as “being a true hero,” we see that there is a difference with the students, but first let’s go back to Hawks and Twice again. 
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Yes, Hawks attempts to save Jin but the outcome is that he takes his life instead. Definitely not what the act of saving is supposed to look like. As seen above, Hawks had already verbalized that he may have to kill Jin. I’ll also throw in that I felt like Hawks was looking down at him in pity (like he does with his parents) and determines that Jin is need of saving. Hawks reaches that conclusion himself. But that is not what happens. Instead he decides that the death, or “sacrifice” of an individual is worth it if he can save hundreds or thousands of others. In this way you could argue that he has successfully acted to fulfill his job as a hero. But, as many people were wondering: 
Aren’t heroes supposed to save everyone? 
Perhaps one of the defining qualities of a hero is that they chose to save indiscriminately or most importantly, whoever they can reach. 
In the same arc we get Midoriya who is faced with a very similar situation. Shigaraki poses as a significant threat to the heroes and the rest of Japan. Midoriya knows that Shigaraki can wipe out all of those he holds dear to him and the rest of Japan if he is not stopped. Midoriya sees firsthand Shigaraki’s terrifying and destructive powers, his friends, teachers and allies being critically injured. He is with the knowledge that the people in his life and millions others may lose their lives. 
When faced with such a horrifying outcome, would stopping Shigaraki be enough? I’m assuming that taking his life would have been a very tempting option. To take a life to save millions of lives.
But even after all that we get this page spread of Midoriya’s final thoughts before he loses consciousness at the end of Chapter 295. 
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Midoriya chooses compassion. 
The juxtaposition of Midoriya’s thoughts and image gave me chills when I first saw it. We see the outcome of the conflict: a quiet, lifeless city in ruins with the dust in the process of settling. This is the result of Shigaraki’s destruction. The reality that there are thousands of civilians who got hurt, are critically injured or even dead hangs heavy in the air. When society chose to ignore Shigaraki and the heroes chose to label him as an evil, unredeemable villain, Midoriya has chosen to look directly at him. 
Based on the first concept of what a hero is/does according to hero society, Midoriya dues not fulfill his duty as a hero after failing to defeat Shigaraki, however based on the second concept because he chooses compassion he has begun to embody the ideals of who a hero truly is.
Hawks is tripped up by sentiments but acts to finish the job the way he sees fit. 
exaggerated and self-indulgent feelings of tenderness, sadness or nostalgia 
He tries to be compassionate and understanding but isn’t. He has an image of Jin he created himself that is not the true Jin, hence why they are mere sentiments. He chooses to focus on his mission because he does not actual understand how Jin was feeling. This results in him looking past Jin’s life to protect the lives of millions of others. In contrast, Midoriya recognizes Shigaraki, the person who is standing immediately in front of him. In its purest form, to be a hero means to save indiscriminately and to save those you can reach. 
Being a hero as a career in BNHA becomes tricky as it means to defeat and take down villains, and choosing who to save as Hawks demonstrates. 
However to save someone like Shigaraki, Dabi or Toga (who were all let down by hero society) requires someone to take the more difficult path to reach a hand out with selflessness, compassion, and understanding. It seems that Midoriya, Shouto and Ochako will be the ones to extend their hands to them. 
“Starting With my Origin” 
Children often are only able to understand and grasp basic concepts. A hero is someone who saves you, or puts a smile on your face. We get a glimpse back in to Hawks’ childhood, to that innocent concept of heroes that Hawks had. 
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As they say, “Never meet your idols/heroes” mainly because they are not actually who they are portrayed to be. The world looks very simple when you are younger, black and white, but as you grow and experience more of life, you start to begin to see just how complicated things are. There are way more gray areas when you begin to look closely. 
Similarly, Hawks does not see him in the same lens as he did in his childhood. He understands that the image of Endeavor he had when he was younger is not who Endeavor actually is. I don’t think that Hawks’ decision to want to go help him was made without thought. He takes in information and contemplates on it until he makes a conclusion. For someone who was actively seeking out more information, I’m wondering if all he has is what Dabi has stated. We have to remember that the information we have as the reader is not the same as the characters in the story. I’d also argue that he is not ignoring what Dabi has said but taking into consideration the past and whether Endeavor is working to change. 
Now that he is most likely no longer working for the Hero Public Safety Commission, he is free to do as he please, and as seen earlier, he chooses to walk towards Endeavor. The team up between the two in Fukuoka, and the ambush against the League of Villains and Meta liberation army may have strengthened their relationship but Hawks wanting to help Endeavor this time does not stem from hero work. 
Wanting to help Endeavor will put him directly on the path towards Dabi. 
Like you, some people believe that he may as in consequence for his actions, he will ultimately crash in to the ocean like Icarus, and die. The final fall. Perhaps his mistake will be that he will choose to pick Endeavor over Dabi, or find himself in a position where he may believe he has to take Dabi’s life away as well. 
Others believe that Hawks has had his Icarus fall already but will learn from the consequences of his actions. He’s died, but has been reborn like a phoenix. Shouto will be meeting Dabi again as well, and as we’ve seen, like Midoriya, he sees Touya as a person: his brother. He even identifies himself to him. I’ve seen people talking about and hoping for a team up between Hawks and Shouto so we’ll see what happens if they do. 
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I’m going to bring the very last page back, but most of Chapter 299 has to do with Hawks’ childhood. His mother would ask him about why he was born and what the point of his wings were for and Hawks’ answer is to save people.
“Starting with my origin, so to speak... Endeavor’s in trouble.” 
We get a focus, visually to Hawks’ back. The origins of what allowed Hawks to save and be a hero: his fierce wings quirk, and it looks his wings are healing and growing back. I think you could also see it as him referring to Endeavor as well. The hero who saved him when he was a child, could also be seen as his origin.
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During the High End vs Endeavor fight in Chapter 190, we see some of Hawks’ insecurities. Hawks is/was insecure about his back, and that is where his wings are. This was during the time when Hawks was working as a hero because it was his job. He did have that desire to save people but it was only a muted motivation behind what he did: he worked as a hero as a job first. I’m wondering if things have changed. 
Putting this all together, I think I’m currently leaning towards the second possible outcome from what I listed before. If Hawks can go back to his origin and become someone who tries to embody the true heroism. Of course he’ll stumble but it’ll still be a drastic change from how he had been living before. 
While I understand that many people are upset about these panels, I think we have to wait to see what will happen. To be honest, while I’d personally prefer the second outcome, I think I would be satisfied with either outcome. 
As the reader, we certainly can argue that Hawks is a tragic character however I’m not sure if Hawks considers his life as “tragic.” I think he will continue to do what he can as I feel like he defines his purpose based on what he does.
So will Hawks be tripped up on sentiments again, or will he be able to think and be understanding like Midoriya? 
As for now, I think it may be the first. 
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immortalcoelacanth · 4 years
Beyond the Walls, Chapter 1: Seeking Shelter (Of the Emotional and Physical Kind)
*does a little dance*
As I slowly work through chapter 5 of Between the Walls, I decided to give into the immense urge and create a oneshot/bonus content spin off called Beyond the Walls! Prepare for fluff! Hurt and comfort! And an eventual Hermitcraft crossover because I will generate the content I wish to see in the world!
Word count: 2128
Summary: Not long after settling in with Techno, Tommy discovers an unfortunate side effect of being a borrower in a tundra environment. The unbearable cold. 
Tommy had a problem.
Well, it would be more accurate to say that Tommy had many problems. He lived with someone who could very easily kill him. He still needed to find a way to reunite with Tubbo and get back to Borrowton. He had no idea how to get back to his old home, if he could even call it that, and still needed to come up with a plan to get to his friend.
And, perhaps the worst problem of all, he didn’t have a proper source of heat.
Despite living pretty close to the fireplace that Technoblade had made the borrower could not actually create his own source of heat, unless he wanted to risk accidentally burning everything down. If that did end up happening he knew for a fact he would get kicked out with barely a moment’s notice for lowering Techno’s “property value”, or whatever that meant. This left him relying on the fireplace in the corner of the main room as his source of heat to fight off the chill of the tundra.
Unfortunately for him, there were times where the fire went out and that chill started to sneak in again.
Technoblade was, understandably, not at all bothered by these moments. He was either outside doing… something, or was perfectly fine thanks to his fancy cape, layers of clothing, and the immense amount of heat he seemed to produce.
The hybrid was like a living furnace, while Tommy was the exact opposite.
He got cold easily, really easily, and had always hated it when it snowed at Borrowton. He had many memories of huddling with Tubbo around their furnace, wrapped in many layers of blankets, and still shivering. Now that he was stuck here with his pathetic collection of resources, primarily things he had snagged from the hybrid’s chest, and no real way to keep himself warm. Sure, he had stolen some wool and used that to make a nest, as well as wrapping himself in the too thin blanket that he had been given while being exiled, but it failed horribly and he still felt cold.
Which was why Tommy was currently staring at Techno, sleeping away in his warm bed, and thinking about what he should do.
The fireplace was out, he had no means to light the giant furnaces in the main room or the flimsy furnace he had made for himself, and he did not dare risk trying to light a fire in his own home, so that left him with one option. An option that could easily lead to his death and put him in one of the most embarrassing situations he had ever been in.
Getting closer to Techno and stealing some of his body heat.
… Just thinking about his stupid idea filled him with a mixture of dread and shame. He had no problem with physical contact, he had hugged Tubbo many times and gotten an equal amount of hugs from his friend in return, but this was different. This was him putting himself in danger, exposing not just a physical vulnerability that could result in him getting crushed, but an emotional vulnerability too.
These worries filled his mind as he got closer and closer to Techno’s bed. Several times he froze when the hybrid shifted in his sleep, fearing that he was on the verge of waking up. Every creak of the floor and natural groan of the house left the borrower cringing. He felt scared, but the promise of warmth kept him moving. After climbing up the bedpost connected to the headboard of the bed, he found himself standing in front of Techno’s face.
There was, thankfully, space between them, but the borrower still froze as the reality of what he was about to do dawned on him. He quietly wondered to himself when he would get used to being around someone so… so incomprehensibly massive.  
Slowly, Tommy crept across the bed and approached the slumbering hybrid. The soft surface dipped beneath him with every step he took, and he could feel each exhale, the warm breath ruffling his hair. Anxiety built up in him. At this point he had not physically been close to Techno all that often and he was still more than a little intimidated by his presence. And if the hybrid ended up waking up while he was nearby…
He didn’t want to think about what might happen, the teasing or what retribution might look like if he ended up angering Techno.
However, he needed to do this. He needed to get at least one good night’s sleep instead of the sporadic naps he usually had. He was tired, cold, and more stressed than he would like to admit.  
And so very, very lonely.
Once he reached the edge of the blanket he slipped under it, heart stuttering in his chest as his perspective shifted. After laying down, and seeing how much more Techno’s still form loomed over him, he curled up while deliberately facing away from the hybrid, and tried to sleep.
This… this was better. The blanket was nice and heavy, locking in the heat around him, but it failed to generate its own warmth and just resulted in the borrower continuing to tremble thanks to the cold.
It sucked!
He let out a frustrated growl as he tried, and failed, to dramatically fling the heavy blanket off him. All he ended up doing was slapping at the bulky fabric before squirming out from under it. Feeling colder than ever now that he was back out in the open air, he promptly wrapped his arms around himself and tried to ignore the chattering of his teeth as he continued shivering.
Shivering, until another gust of warm air rolled over him.
Ooooooh noooooo.
Absolutely not! There was no way in hell he was going to try getting any closer to him than he had to be! Besides, the thought of… of cuddling someone other than Tubbo was absolutely humiliating! He would rather spend the rest of the night dealing with the cold than resort to such a desperate measure.
However, another gust of warm air quickly had him changing his mind.
For once in his life, Tommy carefully took his time as he got closer and closer to his target. The tension that left his hands trembling and shoulders rigid started to fade as the heat radiated by Techno started to sink into him. Reluctance replaced by an eagerness that begged him to get as close as possible, the borrower paused and weighed his options. He could, of course, just lay down beside the hybrid, but that left him open to being crushed if Techno rolled over in his sleep. Using the pillow would probably result in a similar fate, or him being immediately seen and getting in trouble.
But then he noticed where one of Techno’s hands was.
Curled up close to the hybrid’s chest, yet still having more than enough space for someone his size to lay there, it was the only spot where Tommy didn’t see himself getting crushed or caught instantly.
Which was pretty iconic all things considered.
He was hesitant, who wouldn’t be, at the thought of essentially sitting in Techno’s hand and trying to get some decent sleep, but the choice was looking more and more tempting as he thought about how warm and cozy it would be. Besides, he had to be a heavy sleeper, right?! None of his nighttime tunneling had ever seemed to disturb the hybrid while he slept, so surely he wouldn’t notice anything!
Plan now firmly in mind, Tommy set out to complete his mission. Still being as careful as he could make himself be, he slipped over Techno’s forearm. Landing in the open space and partially trapped by the arm behind him and the chest in front of him, the borrower was relieved to realize this would function as the perfect escape route in case anything happened.
As long as Techno didn’t move, of course.
Now feeling more comfortable and confident, he crept towards the hand in front of him. He stared at it, eyes narrowing as he tried to think of the best way to execute his plan. There was the obvious option of climbing into the partially open hand, but just thinking about it made him feel so weird.
Just… fuck!
This whole thing was so weird! Weird and foreign and a situation he never thought he would find himself in, and it left his stomach feeling like it was doing flips! He felt so nervous, full of energy, and strangely excited at the same time. The anticipation fueled by adrenaline left him frozen in place, legs practically vibrating as he struggled to both move and not move. And there he stayed, frozen in place by his own buzzing anxiety, until a loud snore that startled him resulted in him stumbling both literally and figuratively into Techno’s clutches.
Unfortunately, this was the moment where things started to go wrong.
A quiet, fearful whine escaped Tommy as everything around him moved, Techno once again shifting in his sleep. The hand behind him was pressed against his back, forcing him closer to the hybrid’s chest and nearly cutting off his escape route in the process. Shadows closed in around him, encasing him in darkness. Finally, he heard what would have been a quiet rumbling noise were it not for the fact that he was basically being cradled against Techno’s chest. The sheer volume of the sound was something he could feel in his lungs-
“What the fuck.” He quietly whispered to himself, unable to see how one of Techno’s ears flicked in response to the noise. For a moment, he contemplated making a break for it and sprinting back to the walls, getting away before the hybrid woke up. He was too vulnerable here, his choices were limited if something went horribly wrong, so many things could go wrong, he could die-
And yet, he felt so warm.
Tension slowly seeping out of him, Tommy let out a sigh and clung to the expansive shirt in front of him. His eyes shut and he listened to Techno’s steady breathing and the slow pounding of his heart. Even the hand behind him, something that could easily kill him, seemed to be nothing more than a protective barrier hiding him from the rest of the world as it was, very gently, pressed against him.
Despite all the anxiety and fear that had previously bubbled up in him, he felt… safe.
Truly and genuinely safe for the first time since he had been exiled.
So, it was no surprise when he quickly found himself falling asleep. He did not fight the welcoming embrace of oblivion as it engulfed him, nor did he stir when the hand cradling him shifted. A thumb was pressed against his back and slow circles were traced into it. It was a soothing gesture, something that caused the sleeping borrower to smile in his sleep as he listened to the gentle rumbling that acted as a lullaby.
For the first night since arriving at the cabin, Tommy found himself getting a good night’s rest.
Hours later, the light of the afternoon sun shone through the windows, one of the beams hitting Technoblade in the face. He let out annoyed huff and slowly opened his eyes, wincing at the bright light. For a moment he contemplated on whether he should try and fall back asleep, retirement was not all that exciting and he could afford to sleep away a few days, but ultimately decided not to. Just before getting up, he glanced down at the hand cupped against his chest, seeing-
It was empty.
An amused snort escaped him and he shook his head. His hearing told him enough about where Tommy was, hidden under the bed based on the sounds of his panicked yet muffled cursing, but he ultimately chose to ignore the borrower. As Techno sat up, stretched, and got ready to start the day, Tommy sprinted towards the hidden hole in the wall and ducked inside, hoping that his quest for warmth during the night had gone unnoticed.
It was a hope that died when, as the night drew closer and the cold grew stronger, he noticed Techno adding more logs to the fire than he usually did. His hope died further when the hybrid smirked at him and spoke.
“Don’t want it getting too cold at night.”
Coincidently, this was the greatest amount of regret that Tommy had ever experienced in his life. Regret that would only be surpassed by a decision he would make at some point in the future.
But that is a tale for another time.
I’m legally obligated to allude to angst every time I write! Please bear with me as my scatterbrained self navigates how to best write these oneshots without spiraling into spoilers for the main fic, or just going total Hermitcraft as the urge is immense. 
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