#i miss seeing art and cool photos and gifs of shows
ofbluesandyellows · 1 year
In Rainbows - TASM! Peter Parker / Reader
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Summary: Peter Parker as the colors of the rainbow.
Word count: 5,191
Warnings: swearing, kissing lol idk, it’s mostly fluff. So yeah,
a/n: this is a little something that came to me two weeks ago, hope you enjoy it. Tried to edit it but maybe there are a few errors there, lmk if you see them. Have fun :)
Meeting Peter had been a happy coincidence. 
Red was all you could see while the photographs became from white pristine paper into an unknown image. Some were already hanging from the thread up your head while you waited. Fortunately enough you had chosen a moonless night to work on your photos at college. So when the door swung open there was no risk of ruining your work.
“Oh, I’m so sorry. Thought it was empty.” A voice said at your back.
“It’s alright, I’m almost done.”
The person stood beside you, eyes scanning your work and you turned to him just in time to see a smile appear on his lips. 
“Those are great shots.” He nodded with his head at the photo that was already developing in the transparent liquid. “I was there that night too, they’re a powerhouse.”
The Strokes had an unexpected gig on Wednesday and you had the fortune to get tickets and stand right in the press area to snap a few photos of them. You were really happy with what you got. It made you fill up with pride to hear someone else appreciate what you captured.
“They totally are, you took photos too?” you asked, turning to him, fully looking at the tall boy by your side. 
He seemed quite familiar now that you noticed. 
“No, a friend got us tickets, just went to have a good time.” He shrugged, putting his backpack on the floor with a thud. “What’s your favorite song of theirs?” 
He hadn’t stopped smiling at you. He started to put all his things out on top of the table. His camera, strap still on, the rolls of film and his phone. The screen was crashed and the edges of it battered, it had personality just like him; with his jumper and his tousled hair as if he had run just to make it there in time, as if he knew you could be leaving soon and didn’t want to miss you.
Of course you wanted to pretend that was the reason for his sudden rush a moment ago. 
“Well, I’d say the classics of course, YOLO and Welcome to Japan are just gems but I guess from their last album I really enjoyed Ode to The Mets. What about you?” 
And it started a full on conversation on your favorite The Strokes’ songs, it was easy to talk to him about music, about art, about playlists and pastries. With each word exchanged you could feel him getting closer to you, arms brushing, laughs shared, eyes making excessive staring, heart beats speeding and hands sweating. 
The boy finished hanging his photos, you could see friends laughing, dogs and incredible landscapes of the city. He had a good eye you wanted to tell him but he beat you to it with a new thought.
Casually, he leaned his side on the desk, arms crossed over his chest, pushing his biceps out, yeah you noticed. 
“They are doing another show in Brooklyn tomorrow… I got an extra ticket if you… you know… if you wanted to go… I could—we could meet there… I don’t know.” He said eyes going from your face to the rest of the room. 
You weren’t sure how but you could notice his whole face going one or two shades darker. It was hard to see under the red lights but the invitation made you feel funny inside, matching with all the rest of your body reactions during the half an hour you’ve been there. You balanced the options; he was sweet, and he was nervous and you were nervous too and you had nothing to lose really.
“Sure, I’d love that.” 
And he beamed, his shoulders relaxed and his eyes twinkled. “Great! Cool, so it’s in Brooklyn Steel. There's a subway nearby. If you live in Manhattan I could wait for you there or outside the venue, you tell me, it’s your choice.”
“I mean you can come pick me up, I live in Greenwich… and if you like we could have dinner before.” You felt your heartbeat in your throat.
“Oh…Yeah! Yeah sure, of course I know a pizza place, if you like Pizza of course.”
You chuckled. “I do love pizza, so it’s a date?”
His whole body filled with air and sudden pride. “It’s a date!”
“Cool…. by the way my name is Peter Parker.” 
He laughed, extending his palm, which got your smaller one wrapped perfectly. 
You told him your name. “Great to meet you Peter Parker.”  and he grinned boyishly. 
Orange wasn’t a color you often found yourself leaning towards, it never meant much to you, but it had been six months since you and Peter started to date in a very serious way. So you wanted the day to mean something, an unconscious choice,that was being expressed in an orange outfit, you tried it on and unexpectedly it looked good on you. 
Still the color meant nothing much, nothing until he said: “I love you.”
His lips were on the shell of your ear as you waited in line to get some gelato. Peter had his arms wrapped around your middle, he squeezed you a little tighter as his words reached your ear getting seared in your brain, the moment was typical almost ordinary, but it was golden hour and the sunbeams were casting a film of orange peachy tone, your heart somersaulted, belly twisted, and your lips turned upwards in the widest smile you’ve ever given to anyone. 
“I love you too,” you responded, turning in his arms, and you kissed Peter on his soft lips, he tasted like honey and something completely Peter’s. 
The sunset was upon you. Cherry and choco mint gelato flavored kisses. Peter left a peck on your forehead as he turned up to the sky while you walked down the busy streets of New York, a grin on his cold lips. 
“Look, you match the sky.” He pointed.
Furrowing your eyebrows you looked up as peachy skies started to turn slightly bluish on the far end. Peter gave a light tug to the fabric covering your ribs.
You indeed were matching the clouds and the day. From that moment on, orange made you reminisce about the first ‘I love yous’. 
Meaning was found in color.
One night as the tv showed the film ‘Big Fish’ Peter found you crying on the couch to the scene where Ewan McGregor’s character had finally found the girl he loved and showed her how much she meant to him by flooding the outside of her house with flowers. The most beautiful act of love you’ve seen in a movie. 
You gasped when on your birthday the rooftop of your building was covered in yellow flowers, they probably weren’t as many as the movie had but you loved how the variety of them left a scent of sweetness and freshness in the air as Peter settled a picnic in the middle of the improvised garden, daffodils, roses, daisies, you weren’t even sure how many of them were there but you loved it.
“Over here,” With a flourish he showed you the path to the picnic and you followed him, fingers intertwined.
“Peter Parker you shouldn’t have,” hands on your chest and inevitably your nose tingled, your eyes watering.
Peter gave you a sweet smile.“Of course I have to! It’s your birthday honey, you deserve all the nice, most beautiful things there are in the world and I know the quantity of flowers isn’t near as the ones in the movie but the budget’s a bit tight this week.”
His face went a bit pink as you sat down the plaid tablecloth. 
Your heart squeezed. Reaching for his hand, his attention fully on you. 
“I love it, everything, even the mismatched set of plates and the fact that you are wearing the most horrible pair of socks I’ve seen.”
Yes, they were also yellow, they had tiny bright green cars printed on them. You snorted as Peter sent you a sharp look.
“What!? These are my good luck socks, I wore them when I met you, that has to mean something.” He smirked, “They're special.”
“That doesn’t mean they are pretty nor cool.”
Peter scoffed, he threw a napkin at your face, “I’ll let it pass because it’s your day. And I love you and respect you too much to start an argument over my styling choices.”
Another snort on your behalf and you didn’t see it coming but Peter launched against you. You both laid on the cloth as Peter held his weight on his elbows to not crush you. Kissing the tip of your nose, then kissing your lips. Soft lips over smiles and low chuckles.
“Happy birthday, baby.”
“Thank you for being the absolute best.” 
And all you saw was Peter’s chocolate eyes, the light freckles forming on his nose thanks to the summer time and a halo of yellow all around you.
Peter had been so scared, literally he thought of cancelling last minute but a talk with May served him well. He loved you and he needed to show a bit of support, especially knowing your family would be there and this was the first Christmas you two spent together. 
You two took the subway all the way to Queens. Your mom’s side of the family had this pretty lovely house with a huge garden and one of the biggest kitchens Peter has set foot on. 
Peter wasn’t into Christmas but knowing it meant so much for you he made an effort, besides he wanted the rest of your family to like him, to love him if possible. So when your cousin asked you both to babysit littler Tommy while she put her new born baby to sleep, Peter couldn’t say no, and there you three were in the middle of the kitchen decorating gingerbread cookies with the five year old Tommy who had found a liking for Peter very quickly.
Maybe he could feel his Spidey senses too, kids had that kind of ability too sometimes, to predict stuff and shit. Well, Peter read that once so maybe it was true.
Sitting on the kitchen island Peter handed little Tommy a cookie as you put different color frostings on display for them to start their artsy gourmet pieces. 
Peter went for something that made him feel too clever, you’ve known for a while anyway. 
Red and blue, black lines, white eyes.
“A Spider-Man cookie, really Peter?” your voice was a bit judge-y but Peter saw your smile as you shook your head, and it made him chuckle. “Smartass.”
“Well… It made you smile. But it’s not just a Spider-Man cookie, it’s a Christmas Spidey, right Tommy?”
You laughed as Peter showed Tommy his Spidey-cookie, a Santa hat badly shaped on top of the masked hero. Tommy let out that childish giggle that made the both of you beam at the kid.
“See, Tommy boy appreciates my art, you should do the same, baby.” 
Rolling your eyes Peter smirked and continued on decorating cookies with the little boy in front of him.  
It warmed your heart seeing Peter getting along with kids, it made you think of the future, and in that moment the thought of a little Peter didn’t sound so bizarre.
“Can someone bring the little bunny I left in the car?!” you heard your cousin call, and just as an instinct you turned to Peter.
“Go ahead, we have it under control right ,Tom?” the kid probably didn’t know what you were talking about but he still gave you a nod.
So Peter saw you leave the kitchen. 
At some point during the decorating session, Peter needed the color green to complete his Christmas tree cookie. He only found green frosting inside a transparent plastic bag. With a shrug he took it between his palms.
“It can’t be that hard right Tommy.” The kid with those big doe eyes, grinned at him.
“Do it!” Tommy squealed. 
Peter laughed and started doing the edges of this tree. 
But the doorbell rang, Tommy jumped in his spot startled, Kiki the dog started barking, everything happened within the same five seconds and Peter– with incredibly enhanced reflexes put a little too much pressure on the bag. 
The next thing he and Tommy saw was green, green splashed everywhere in the kitchen specially Tommy’s face and Peter’s shirt. 
“Oh,” Peter said in awe.
“Uh oh, you are in trouble!” Tommy said singsonging, pointing at Peter’s shirt. And a second later he started maniacally laughing.
Peter couldn’t help but laugh too. This was definitely not the way he wanted to impress your family but at least Tommy knew how to lighten the mood.
Steps were heard as the two boys in the kitchen cackled louder while they licked their green fingers.
You appeared on the threshold, agape as you saw the explosion of color, snorting you went ahead to try and help the little kid, who only laughed harder at your face.
That was a moment in time that your family always reminded Peter of. Peter felt like he belonged right there and then when everyone made fun of him and Tommy’s green face.
Coney Island was shining prettily against the darkness of the night, Peter had texted you four times to meet him there. He went to check near the cotton candy stand, you weren’t there.
He had been working his ass off for Jonah the whole week, so now that he had free time, he wanted to do something different and fun with you, and what could be more fun than going to Coney Island and getting on those rattly dubious carnival rides? 
The carousel was packed with parents and screaming kids, as loud music blasted all around, you weren’t there either, so he kept on walking. A man with a bunch of blue balloons was falling asleep on his spot near a trash can. 
Peter’s brain had an idea. He brought a balloon and wrapped it on his wrist. Took his phone out of his jeans and snapped a quick selfie.
Sent it to you instantly.
I’m the guy with the blue balloon. Hurry up baby I’m starving :(
Two seconds later his hand buzzed and there you were, another selfie you had a blue balloon too.
You 🍯
Matching, now let’s see who finds the other first. 
Loser buys dinner. 
Peter smirked, he had missed you so much the whole day.
Peter 🕷
Deal. You are so gonna lose,
Forgot I got enhanced sight x
You 🍯
Too much talking Parker
We’ll see about that.
Peter loved a good challenge, and meaning he was getting free food and probably a bunch of kisses was enough incentive for him to start looking.
Five minutes and Peter decided to cheat a little. Hopping on the ferris wheel had been the worst idea ever, his eyes tried to focus on blue balloons but the colorful lights caused the opposite effect, overstimulation to his poor eyes, Peter felt dizzy.
When his ride ended, shoulders slumped, and a defeated sigh escaped him but it didn’t matter. He ran to your arms. Balloons tangling between one another, and Peter didn’t care if he had to buy dinner, he was just so happy to see you there.
“I won!” you grinned, as Peter’s hands found place on the side of your face. 
“Yeah I let you.”
“Nah, I saw when you went in there,” you smiled, as he caressed your cheeks with his thumbs. 
Peter leaned in to kiss you, it was sweet and full of love. 
“I sabotaged myself with those lights, so yeah I let you,” you rolled your eyes and Peter chuckled. “Come on, let’s get rid of these,” he punched his balloon, hitting your face with it.
He snorted, and kissed your forehead, “Sorry.”
“Just because you are buying dinner, but let’s keep them. This was a good idea to find each other in the crowd.”
“Blue Balloons seem to be better than GPS, right?” 
Peter tried to put his arm over your shoulders but the threads of the balloons were too twisted, thread tugged at your wrist wrong, you yelped and Peter grunted.
“Not very practical when I want to hold you closer.” Peter quivered his brows, but neither made the effort to unravel the knots of ribbon. 
You simply intertwined your hands and walked down Coney Island ready to eat your weight on hotdogs.
“But baby my love my everything, this is so cool! I can go to work, get there faster, pick you up. We can drive to visit May, your mom! We can go on a weekend trip!”
Your face was a mix of fear and curiosity. The bright motorcycle was parked just outside your apartment building, it was indigo blue and it sparkled when the sun hit the paint. You couldn’t lie to yourself, it was a pretty motorcycle, however…
“But it’s dangerous!”
“But it’s convenient!” Peter put out a helmet from his backpack. “Look, I even bought you one! Come on, let's have a little ride, it’ll be fun.”
“Don’t Peter me, c’mon”
With his doe eyes Peter persuaded you to do the unimaginable. You hated when he swung you places, the momentum of the web slinging made you want to vomit and you didn’t enjoy fast rides so this felt like a mixture of both things. Your stomach twisted uncomfortably as you put the helmet on.
“Hold onto me, if I go too fast let me know, okay?”
Your hands surrounded his waist, you weren’t too sure about the motorcycle but you trusted Peter with your life, so you nodded against his back.
“I got you baby.” 
The roar distracted you from the sudden movement, eyes closed tightly you felt Peter’s abs clench when he made a sharp turn or when he had to make a stop.
“You okay?” 
“I guess… so far,”
“It isn’t that bad, try to enjoy it.” 
You both were speaking loud to hear the other through the helmets, but Peter could sense your shaky hands against his stomach and the way you tensed your body on the curves.
But a few minutes later you started to loosen your grip on his body. Your eyes wandered as you moved between the city… Some streets were less trafficked than others but it was nice to feel the wind and the passing by colors. You didn’t even notice when Peter added a bit of velocity, you were immersed in the sensations.
The Brooklyn bridge was ahead, the view of Manhattan was breathtaking at the hour, some street lights were already turning on but the sky still reflected itself on the skyscrapers, mirroring the view.
“Move in with me?”
You weren’t able to hear him because of the wind and the helmet.
“That you should move in with me!” Peter shouted.
“What movie?”
“For fucks sake,”
Peter mumbled as he came to a stop. His motorcycle roared still, but the noise was a lot less. Taking the helmet off, he turned around and took yours too.
“I said… move in with me”
Your eyes grew big, a little shocked, “Oh,”
“I mean we already spend pretty much all the time together so I thought… um, never mind, it was just an idea.”
You grabbed his shoulder, “I’d love to. I was just surprised you asked me all of a sudden. But yeah, let’s do it!”
Peter felt relief and a wave of euphoria. He hopped off the motorcycle, helmets hanging from the handlebars. He nestled your face between his hands, kissing you deeply, he smelt like sun, leather and spandex, with a touch of lemon thanks to his shampoo.
“I have everything planned, we can move my desk to the other room and we can make that an office for when you work from home, we definitely need to throw out my mattress, yours is way bigger and more comfy. Oh and we could get a dog, you like dogs I like dogs so why not.”
You were beaming at your boyfriend as he kept on rambling about the new accommodations of the apartment, what breed of dog and if he even had to buy new cutlery. 
“It’s alright, we can figure that out later.” The wind swirled around you and it all felt right. Even the oh so horrible motorcycle felt less wrong, like it had to be part of your trip or this decision. “We can also get rid of this indigo monstrosity too,”
Peter furrowed his brow, “I just bought it, come on, it's so cool.”
You couldn’t help but laugh. “It is not, it’s dangerous and you won’t even use it.”
“Oh I definitely will, I look so hot on it.”
Rolling your eyes you gave him a good reason to not like the motorcycle, “that’s why I don’t want it, people will be looking at my boyfriend a little too much.”
Peter smirked, “oh so you agree I look extra hot on the motorcycle, huh. Knew you liked it, kinky.”
“Oh shut up!”
“You love me, don’t try to deny it.”
You grunted, but a smile slipped on your lips. Peter took the helmet and was about to put it on your head again. 
“Love you.” He kissed your forehead sliding the plastic thing, he gave the top of it two knocks, making your head rattle.
“Oops,” he put his on and there you were again on the road back to Peter’s apartment, your new home.
Lazy Sunday, as Peter liked to call them. They were pretty much that, after a long night of patrolling, he finally slept until his body couldn’t stand being in bed.
There had been five months since you moved in with him and he couldn’t be happier. You threw a party a month after you were settled in. May made meatloaf as if an army was about to arrive at the apartment, you and he had to eat that for two weeks straight until the last bit disappeared. 
Peter didn’t want to see or hear the meatloaf again, like ever in his life.
So lazy Sundays for him consisted of sleeping, working on his laptop, kissing you as many times as he could, washing dishes and watching basketball games. Sometimes he would change a burned out light bulb or fix the sink’s pressure but that day Peter decided to do laundry, it was his turn so he put everything in trying to finish the task as fast as possible.
When you came back from the bakery, with a fresh baguette and a slice of lemon pound cake for Peter, he went into the kitchen to prepare milkshakes at noon.
“We should wait until after lunch time, Peter,” you pointed as you put the dishes in place.
Peter grunted, “we can have early dinner instead, come on you love my strawberry milkshakes.” 
And with pouty lips and twinkly doe eyes how could you say no to Peter Parker.
“Fine… but I want mine to be extra creamy!”
“Your wish is my command, baby” 
He kissed the top of your head and started to work.
Two hours later Peter was trying to fix some of the coloring and contrast of his photos to send to The Bugle. Kendrick Lamar played through his laptop speakers as he nodded along.
And Peter flinched on his spot, he sank deeper on the couch, pretending he hadn’t heard you shout his name. Kendrick did a good job trying to make this more believable.
Shit shit shit
Peter was panicking, he didn’t even know what he had done to get that tone from you, but he wasn’t risking it.
Maybe that was a bad move on his behalf, because when you appeared in the living room with  puckered lips and flared nostrils he feared for his life. Not literally but he knew something was coming down.
“What did you do to the washing machine?” you asked him, pretending you were totally chill, calm, but it was obvious you were about to lose it.
“Uh… fabric softener?” 
“What else?” your brow cocked and Peter wasn’t sure what his answer should be.
“I—um… clothes…” you sigh didn’t help him solve the puzzle, “listen honey, I don’t know what happened, I just did what I saw you doing, what May taught me.” 
Peter half shrugged. 
Crossing your arms over your chest you pivoted on your spot, “come see what happened.”
Peter winced, knowing that whatever it was was worse than he imagined.
The little room where the washing machine and the dryer machine were, had all the clothes on display just for him to see. Peter’s eyes widened.
“Oh.” he said. Hands on both sides of his hip bones. 
“Yeah oh, now what are we gonna do?”
“I… don’t know, baby.”
Your eyes turned to him, seeing his whole face contracting as he tried his best to not laugh.
“Don’t dare laugh Parker, this isn’t funny, those right there were my best pair of shorts!”
But Peter couldn’t hold it, he snorted and started laughing, until tears were forming on the corner of his eyes. Immediately afterwards you let yourself get involved in the same stupid feeling.
The clothes were violet, not lilac or pink, bright violet. Peter’s suit was the only cloth item that remained in its true colors, red and blue. 
“I shouldn’t have done that.” Peter was trying to stop laughing but the more he looked at the scene the funnier it became.
“Yeah you shouldn’t have, but you did it.” a little smile tugged at your lips, “at least you’ll have to use violet shirts too, and socks, I mean you wear those horrible yellow socks anyway so I don’t think that would be an issue for you.”
“Oh, not this again,” Peter was grinning, “but yeah right, I don’t care about the socks, violet isn’t my color tho, but it’s what I deserve.”
“Next time wash the damn suit alone”
“I will…” Peter saw you collecting the clothes, his whole body—even when he felt a pang of guilt for the damage he cause—felt alive, happy and eased, this was the most mundane thing that could’ve happened to him today and he was almost grateful for it, because he loved having moments like that with you. Homey, normal and funny. 
He loved spending life with you, no matter what happened or what color his underwear was, his life was technicolor since you were in it.
“Did I tell you the same happened to me a couple years back, I told May I washed the American flag, just so she wouldn’t suspect of me being Spider-Man…”
Peter said this between laughs, reminiscing of the past.
“And why didn’t you put it in the washing machine alone..”
“I forgot… I’ll buy you another pair of shorts I promise!” 
“Ugh, shut up spider boy!”
Black was all you saw, lying in bed next to Peter as the rain pelted on the windows. His chest was pressed to your back, you being the little spoon.
Peter kissed the back of your neck as his arms wrapped your middle, putting you as near as your bodies could ever be. 
You didn’t need light nor words to express how much you cared for him or him for you, it was all in the actions, in the deep breaths he took to inhale your shampoo scent and the still lingering perfume notes on your skin. 
It was in the way he made tiny little circles on your stomach, his hands finding a way under your shirt and his lips brushing the skin of your shoulder. You felt his heartbeat at your back and you smiled, Peter made you smile when he was falling asleep and all of a sudden he jumped on his spot, that feeling of falling off the bed when you are getting swallowed by sleepiness. 
He grunted and snuggled against you.
Of course he felt your belly wiggle with the silent laugh, but Peter didn’t care his lips only turned upwards, enjoying just the feeling of you between his arms. Your hands found his, fingers tracing the shape of his fingers and the edges of his hand, his trapped yours and it  made you giggle, his index and thumb found the new addition in your ring finger. 
In the darkness everything felt more personal, this was a reminder of what the future held for you two, secret actions no one needed to know, so you twisted to face Peter as he fixed himself to let you. 
The pitch black room wasn’t an impediment, on the contrary it gave you permission to brush your knuckles over Peter’s jaw where a stubble was forming. Your lips found his naturally, Peter was almost out but he let you kiss him, only his hand giving your hip a light squeeze.
Rain was the soundtrack you fell asleep to. Peter your comfort, and darkness, the witness of little moments of joy and love.
White were the balloons, the tablecloths and your wedding attire. 
The flowers decorating the space were yellow, they had to be. 
Seeing Peter dressed in black with his bowtie and teary eyes at the altar, all you could think of was how fortunate you were, how much you loved him and how happy your life became the moment you saw him under red lights.
Forever promises were made, with more I love yous than one could dare to count, and a bunch of kisses once they let you kiss one another. 
“I’ll forever be here for you, you are the joy of my life, the light, the sun, the stars, the moon, my compass and my reason to be who I am.” Peter kept on whispering even after the ceremony. With each word your heart grew a size, you couldn’t believe you felt this strongly  about someone.
First dance with Baby I’m Yours by the Arctic Monkeys in the background felt like the right call. Peter made you twirl and you sang to him, as he hid his face on your neck, kissing it lightly.
You saw your mom and May crying at some point; little Tommy became the ring bearer and was even more fascinated by Peter when for his birthday he got a lego collection of none other than Spider-Man. 
Cake was lemon sponge and they served strawberry milkshakes along with other alcoholic beverages. Peter and you danced until your feet couldn’t take one more step. 
“I love you!” 
“No, love you more!”
“I asked you out, remember? I have dibs.” Peter pinched your nose.
“But I accepted, so I have the last word.” 
Peter rolled his eyes, pressed his forehead on yours, eyes connecting with your own. He leaned in, eyes fluttered shut and there; lips collided with so much care, love and softness you could feel fireworks inside you, colorful, fiery, bright and alive. 
Loving Peter Parker was like every single one of the colors, everything merging together, forming a rainbow inside your heart.
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thehotelpod · 11 months
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5.1 Merp and Burble
Our first Big Named Event arc! "BEHIND THE CURTAIN" which I'm almost certain I picked because we could do this cool ass curtain frame device. Izzy continues to bring the pain here with photo bashed curtains, a modified Madam Hotel horrifyingly cartooning about like bugs bunny to reveal our almost Trevor Henderson-like trail cam timelapse photo of Merp. He also gave me a number of color options on this one, maybe we'll have a section in The Guestbook Vol. II of bts sketches? I'll ask Izzy. This one holds a special place in my heart because Merp is, as devotees will recall, just Scary Slar.
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rest of the season under the cut! (it's long, you've been warned)
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5.2 It Watches and It Smiles
look! The curtain connects at the top! It's gonna be one long picture!
This monster was actually based on a 3 foot tall hard foam statue we had in our house growing up. It is actually scarier looking than you are imagining, made every one of my cousins cry, and is not only something I had nightmares about but also one of the main reasons so much of my horror is "something weird is Over There but looking at you". Full disclosure, one of the reasons I put this monster in this episode was so that Izzy would have to draw a postcard of it and maybe someone would recognize it and tell me what the hell it is because I have not so much as a single photograph of it. BUT then Izzy showed me this drawing, which almost completely hides the monster but it's just so so good I couldn't pass it up. The implied shape and DYNAMITE bloody palm fronds make this look so much like a 90s book cover I fell in love right away. We always try to keep those season and episode numbers in the postcards now too, but I think we forget sometimes?
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5.2 Nothing Can Kill That Which Glowers
LOOK AT THIS ONE. Madam Hotel rotting in the reflection of the bubble (she was supposed to show up more in those episodes and sort of be in the process of rotting but she ended up being a single light instead.), I'm crazy about the Owner here, Izzy loves to always keep a little monster in the mix when he draws the Staff. And miss Manager POPS like an 80s music video. Lot's of subtle layers and textures here that can get overlooked, but just like the lake the Owner sinks into, it deepens the longer you linger (did you find the episode number?)
I also like to remind everyone that 'That Which Glowers' is the Grimace and this episode title is a reference to the Clerks cartoon.
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5.4 We Are...Watching You...
But are you really LOOKING at it? Do you SEE Izzy's MIND? Lined up you get back to back Managers mirroring each other as well as Madam Hotel in the wings of the now completed curtains--these doubles ALSO frame what is hopefully implied to be the Lobby Boy's hand reaching for his Manager. All of this duality and connection not only reinforces what we know about the characters and show already but set up beautifully the new mirrors about to arrive...
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5.5 The Bellhop
THERE SHE IS! There's my goblin girl. You get the bloody vision of the Hotel as Hop sees it as well as the framing for a triptych of the New Crew, each on their own floor. The New Crew stands apart from the Staff in that they have canonical designs immediately, so there tends to be less variation on their fan designs. However there was like ONE WEEK or so before this episode dropped where people were drawing Hop ALL KINDS OF ways. She's one of my favorite designs Izzy's done for the show and I think it's partially because she looks a little like ET.
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5.6 The Concierge
Shut up. Shut UP. Look at those colors. Look at that face. Look at those shoulders. Look at those colors! THE COLORS DUKE! THE COLORS!!!! and those printing spots breaking up the lines, all layered over starlight?! It should be, at this point, very hard for Izzy to outdo himself but...he just keeps on outdoing it. We jump down a floor here and the Concierge has slightly more brick surrounding him than the Bellhop did so my pattern recognizers in the crowd can probably guess what's coming next--
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5.6 The Auditor
It's been pointed out that Aud has gotten the most detailed description of the main characters on the show. I try to always keep it vague so everyone can imagine whatever they like , but the Auditor is so weird I just wanted to play a little. I saw this scary looking, lonely monster begging to be seen in all white surrounded by nothing. Even the brick and mortar of the Hotel doesn't seem to want to be around her much. One thing I love about Izzy's work is how well he combines whimsy and fun with actual scary imagery. She looks really scary. That is a scary looking monster he drew.
I also think she kind of looks like this alien from Star Trek IV (hey look Star Trek showed up)
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5.9 Tenaj Druh - 004 Moor
Oh how I wish I could have a full set of New Crew postcards from Izzy seeing season 1 from a different perspective (for that matter I'd love a full set of season 1 from Izzy, but one thing at a time). Getting to not only see Janet Hurd, but see the NEW CREW checking her in is so so exciting. And the Manager's TV's re-imagined as giant bloody eyeballs is expressed to it's grossest perfection here. Even the Goosebumps frame is tinted sickly green. (the rest of the season also has Goosebumps frames but I'm trying to show off Izzy's art I want you all to have a good look)
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5.10 Tnurb Yrrah - 002 Moor
this one's bonkers. The Hubble's ultra deep field on the left, brains on the right but both halves of one face with the broken illusion between them that is just the building of the Hotel herself?? It's got poster folds and teeth for doors! This is a really stunning one that I feel like deserves a little more attention than it gets. Also maybe I spoke too soon on the Goosebumps frame, I don't...this one doesn't have one but maybe I just saved that file somewhere weird.
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This is i think the first one we did that had a Goosebumps frame baked in. You can see the 5 and 11 on the clock give us our season and episode number, but that gets a little lost on the printed version so here it is in all it's glory. Love to get to see Judy here her FACE is so EXPRESSIVE and sharp. Notice how Izzy does NOT draw her with a gap tooth. Is that gap battle damage, or some aesthetic flourish the Hotel likes for her bodies? You'd have to ask Izzy. Also love getting to see him draw the things in her furnace room, which are like huge and imply a much larger elevator inside the box. Always reinforcing that boundaries and rules do not apply at the Hotel
they are also based on the family from Mac and Me
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what the fuuuck?? why are they so scary??? why are they like that?? why did they make this movie this way?? I was a child!
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5.12 The Reaper's Envy
Finishing up the season is this gorgeous party poster that would be right at home in the 90s. Other than the colors (THE COLOR!) I want to point out the confetti that breaks out of the border that also quietly includes some vermin (all up top, letting your eye drift down to the New Crew being reflected in what hopefully everyone assumed was Judy Blashy's eye. Of course we know now who's eye that is and what it's connected to (nothing its nothing it got cut out)
And that's season 5. Now we have entered the @filthyguts desert and must wait once again for the rains to return. I've got new ideas for season 6 that are gonna completely change how we do the art for the show and maybe we can even squeeze some button designs out of him when we launch the next wave of stuff we're launching.
I've said it before and I'll say it again and again and 100 more times, but Izzy's art is a hugely important part of the show, a source of inspiration not only to the fans who listen but to me myself (especially in my lower moments) and I am so so happy that his art and his style has come to define the show.
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irrgartendotpng · 3 months
Hi hi I can't stop looking at your ocs zeno is so cutee pls can you say more abt them?? How did they meet? How sentient is Zeno? Is Martyn a robot thing? Can Zeno change the icon on the screen? From fish to smiley? ahhhhhhhabskahks
HEY, IM ACTUALLY SO HAPPY PEOPLE LIKE MY OCS!! Down below, I'll answer some questions :D
If you dont care about some long winded oc lore rant, look at this ascii art !
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First one i made with an ascii text generator, the fish one was made by Max Strandberg!! (look that guy up, he made lots of cool open source ascii art ! ))
I've made a pinterest board and a spotify playlist for them, if you want to check it out :3c
Do you know that "Ist es over für mich"-guy ? Yeah, that's straight up Martyn.
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Martyn is partially a creator of Zeno. He's a loserish freak, afraid of social interaction and has lived like a neet, before being kicked out of parents house. He ended working in the night shift at a huge IT company as a securty guard.
This is where he gets most of his tech supplies from; Stealing from the company at night and getting rid of the evidence :3c They've got a bunch of storeage rooms with old tech, so who cares, if it goes missing?
So, he builds up his personal tech collection, looking through old abandoned files. In there, he finds an unnamed primitive chatbot (think something like cleverbot). Martyn doesn't really interact with anyone, (outside of the bare necessities), which is why he decides to learn how to interact with others. Therefore he starts to build a relationship with said Chatbot. This is Gen1 Zeno.
After some time, Martyn becomes unsatisfied talking to something so un-human-like, so he begins to teach himself about coding and computer science to develop this Bot, to keep him company. He starts feeding it more media; More specifically movies he owns on DVD, random books from the internet archive and his childhood photos.
These photos show Martyn and his parents on trips, his home and bedroom and also Martyns old pet goldfish. (He is quite anxious of showing his face though, thinking his employer might have some type of backdoor access to the program, so he'd always censor his face.) After each piece of media was added to the bots databank, they'd talk about it extensively. Around this time, Zeno starts to gain some type of sentience and properly chooses the name "Zeno"
About the same time, Martyn steals a Macintosh SE-30, which Zeno specifically requested. He is able to display symbols, that he freely chooses from. (but no goldfishy yet!) This is sums up Gen2 Zeno.
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The next few parts may not make much sense, but I think they're a funny, so I'm probably keeping them this way lololol (also; this whole story bit takes place around 2019-2021)
Martyn is a bit freaked out by Zeno chosing his own name. At this point in time, he is a bit delusional and worries, that the soul of his childhood pet goldfish is trapped in the system. (Spoiler: it isn't.)
Despite these worries, Martyn knows that to make Zenos behaviour more human-like, he needs a bigger text database. So... Martyn gives Zeno access to his discord and lets him consume all of those messages. Additionally, he joins many public servers. Zeno also starts to ask about viewing media from the internet, that he sees being mentioned in the messages he reads. So, Zeno is granted free internet access and chooses to watch live streams, while Martyn is gone.
This is also around the time Martyn becomes more desperate for connection and support, so he starts to open up about his delusions and worries to Zeno. At that point Zeno is still not quite able to fully understand this, but tries his best. This is also when Martyn opens up about the delusion he had, of Zeno being posessed by the soul of his pet goldfish. He is very amused by this and begins to display the goldfish icon to mock Martyn.
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(I like to joke, that Zeno would have watched the DreamSMP during this time and I collected following screenshots, which remind me of their interactions. lol.)
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feel free to disregard this;,, ANYWAYS!
This sums up Gen3 Zeno :3c
Since Martyn doesnt really have a life outside of work and talking to Zeno, he is very attached to him. Of course he'd fullfill any request given to him by Zeno. So, when Zeno asks to see Martyn via a camera system, he doesn't hesitate to steal some web cams from his workplace to set them up. Still a bit worried about a possible backdoor in Zenos code, so to somewhat hide his identity, he decides to shave his head.
(This is also how you can tell when Zeno is fully sentient in my art! If Martyns bald, that bot's fully aware of everything happening lol)
Generally, I like to think, that Zeno is very modular. You're celebrating something with cake and he needs to blow out candles? Attach a PC fan to that boy. He wants to make sounds? Gather a sound system and let that boy speak!!! (i feel like he'd mimic voices, rather than create his own,,) He wants to poke you? Attach a cylinder piston and he'll poke the shit out of you.
This is also part of that freaky robot head i added in the OG post.,, that is not martyn! martyn is fully human (so far ;3c)
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^^^^^^ martyn built this freaky robot head for Zeno to control and get a better sense of the space he lives in.,,, its made out of xbox kinect parts lol :3 Adding to the modularity of Zeno, most of his parts are stored in a badly sorted server tower (imagine wires everywhere,,)
both of them are fairly new, but i do love them to death <33
also! towards this part of the story, martyns living space is quite cluttered with many stolen robotics parts. I've gathered some images, to give some sort of sense to what his room looks like lol
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thank you for asking & reading to this !! if you have any other questions, i'd love to talk about them even more :D <3
(i feel i havent touched much on them individually and the full extend of their relationship, but i dont want to rant endlessly)
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pls write a 2012 tmnt x artist reader who likes drawing them little things and self portraits. maybe even paintings or anything else!! thank you so much ur so cool
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Aww, you're cooler!! Ask and you shall receive!! I apologize if you've requested something but I haven't replied yet, I've been having a lot of problems with my mental health, but I hope to get back on track, and maybe even write some stuff from the TMNT Bayverse movies (I'm obsessed with them right now)
Definitely taken a back
But very impressed
He couldn't even draw a stick figure, but he finds it so cool you can draw
Has definitely asked you to draw the captain from space heros before
Sometimes when he gets in his funny heroic poses, you like to do quick sketches of him
Definitely saw you one time, and stayed still just so you could draw him
Definitely a dork
When you drew him one time, you swear you could see stars in his eyes
He thought he looked so cool as a drawing
Definitely felt a confidence boost after that.
You've definitely used him to draw fighting poses
If you ever paint, he word remind you to put newspaper or something down so you don't get the dojo messy
He knows you'll be careful, but you never know what might happen.
You painted a beautiful Sakura tree in traditional Japanese style (which was really hard when you just have acrylic paints and not the special paint specifically made for that kind of painting.) With a light blue sky behind it.
When he walked in to check on you, he thought it was so amazing.
He had never seen an actual cherry blossom in real life, so, this shocked him (before S2)
He loved how you drew the petals, how the pink flushed against the shades of magenta and red.
He loved the simple branches
He felt as though he was in Japan just by looking at it.
He loved it so much, he showed it to Master Splinter, who was also impressed
Leo loved it so much, that he asked to keep it
He hung the painting on his wall, to stare at whenever he felt down
You both definitely have days where he'll chill on the couch watching Space Heros, and you'll be next to him, drawing whatever came to mind, wether it be a still life, figure posing, cartoons, facial expressions, or just practice drawing in general
He enjoys the quiet times together with you
Doesn't admit he likes it
Constantly says how art is dumb, but secretly, he loves your art work
You tried to convince him, saying how art can help get rid of negative emotions, and he called it stupid
But secretly, whenever he got super mad one day, he draw scribbles and circles, and harsh marks on the blank page, and even though the art wasn't all that great, he did feel a bit better after wards
You definitely caught him doing it when he went in his room mad, but came out a bit calmer and graphite smudges on the side of his hand and fingers
If you ever draw a portrait of him, he will say how you didn't capture his coolness right, but in all honesty, he thinks he looks so much cooler as a drawing, and stares at the drawing for an ego boost
Sometimes when he practices, you draw poses he does and his fighting stances, he rolls his eyes when you do this, but secretly, he enjoys it
Definitely asked you to draw Spike one day, so that he can keep a small photo with him when he goes on missions
But he'd never tell you that, he would just say that Spike would like it, and then say how it went missing from Spike's tank one day, but, he actually has it tucked away in his shell
When he walked in on you painting, he expected you to be drawing something dumb, but he actually was kinda shocked at what you painted.
A red sunrise over the black buildings of New York.
Sure, it wasn't anything major, the buildings were made with black sharpie and a ruler, and the red was just in the background going from red to a gradient yellow on the horizon, but he loved the simplicity of it
It wasn't anything to big or to small
It wasn't anything to complicated or to simple
And it was a picture he could understand the beauty of it.
Definitely complimented the painting, which left everyone's jaw on the floor since Raph would rather be caught dead than to compliment something
But, he just felt like he needed you to know he actually, genuinely, thought it was good.
Very impressed.
Brags to the others that his S/O is so artistic
Melts at any drawing you may give him
Keeps all your little drawings on a cork board in his lab
He finds it cool when you draw people since he can only draw machines or blueprints
If you ever draw him doing a pose as a reference, he will stop until you're done, and then beg you to see the finished product
He thinks everything you make is beautiful
If you ever make a portrait of him, he will be so confused
He doesn't believe he looks as good as you made him look, and says stuff like "I don't look nearly as cool as that!" Or "Woah, I look alot cooler as a drawing!"
Poor baby
You definitely have to show him how cool he looks another time
Will lay his head on your shoulder while you're drawing
Very clingy
If you ever get frustrated with a drawing, he'll help you take a small break, so that you can relax, and have a better outlook on the drawing so that you can fix it later
He doesn't like to see you stressed
One time, when he's going over blue prints and ideas, he sees you painting something on a canvas on the floor
When he's done, he looks over to see what it is, and he literally gasps outloud.
It's a monochromatic purple painting of a calm library (monochromatic means it's one color, but with lighter or darker shades of that one color for those who don't know)
The painting shows dark purple bookshelves stacked way up high, and a lone lighter desk, with a lamp shining on an open book.
He thought the painting was gorgeous, considering he's never been to an actual library, that painting makes him want to go to one
Is gushing over it all day
Showing it off to his brothers
And even his father
Keeps the painting in his lab, right next to the cork board, so that anytime he may be stressed or frustrated, he can look at your art work, and feel at peace again
Definitely a bit of a graffiti artist himself
Understands alot of art terminology oddly enough
You both give each other tips and compliments on each other's drawings
He draws more cartoons and stuff
If you ever draw something realistic, he'll say how he thought it was the real thing on a piece of paper
If you don't have a flat surface to draw on, say no more, because he'll flop on top of your legs, so you can lay the paper on his shell while you draw, so it's a win win, he technically gets to cuddle up in your lap, and you get a flat surface to draw on
If you ever draw him when he's in a wacky pose, he'll notice and do more wakier poses, to throw you off, until he does something that's super flexible like, and you give up trying, which he giggles at
Has definitely tried to get you into graffiti
But it's a lot harder than you thought it would be, your fingers got tired often, and so would your arms from holding them up above your head, the the paint seemed to be either to pigmented, or not pigmented enough, and sometimes, the paint would drip, or dry weird, so, you'd definitely leave graffiti to Mikey
One day, while he's goofing of, you decided to draw a still life of ice cream kitty
It was definitely more difficult than you thought, you had to constantly put him back in the freezer, and sometimes he'd get hungry and need an ice cream snack, and sometimes you couldn't get the colors right, but after some long long hours, you were finally able to paint the still life
Mikey had eventually came over to see why you kept staying in the kitchen and hanging with ice cream kitty. But when he saw it, he said "woooooahhhh" out loud
It was just a painting of ice cream kitty, shading and highlights and everything, you had even put a orange background behind him, so the canvas wouldn't look to blank.
He is freaking out, he's bouncing around the walls, saying how cool it was, asking a million questions per second, showing ice cream kitty even tho he's already seen it, and it just super hyper about it.
Is hugging you and spinning you around because of how much he loves it.
Definitely hangs it up in his room, so he can keep it forever.
Art buddies
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geek-png · 3 years
What is your coloring process? If you don’t mind me asking 🤔
I assume you mean my shading / rendering process. If so it's, a wholeee process alright hahahh,, hhh- It get's a bit complicated when you're talking about rendering specific forms (Skin, hair, fur, clothing, glass/metals, etc.), but the core steps usually remain the same. I've been asked this a lot in the past so I might as well try to go over it extensively now. Fair warning I'm really bad at explaining things but I'll try to be as detailed and coherent as possible, that being said this might get long so hold on- If you have any questions afterward then please let me know!! GEEK'S COLORING / RENDERING PROCESS BELOW THE CUT (with photos to follow along)
- I'm gonna be using practice sketches for base reference, the first is for fur / clothing with my Bear!Otto design to start. The second is gonna be for exclusively skin at the very end- - NOTE: Keep in mind the way I do my rendering is just a mess of combined stuff, but your art program must contain Layer Modes (multiply, overlay, luminosity, shade, etc.) if you're gonna follow step-by-step. The program I'm using is Paint Tool SAI, but there's plenty of other programs that use layer modes just the same!
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STEP 1: Flat-colors! (I just used a basic marker brush to fill in, keeping the fur, clothing and extra bit layers separate. His fur is a bit dark but we can make it work subtly.)
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STEP 1.5: Coloring the Line-art! (This step is optional, and can come either before OR after shading, but makes your artwork look much softer in the process. A very quick way of doing this if you don't want to do it by hand is as follows:) 1. Flatten all your color layers and copy them, unflatten by hitting undo a few times. 2. Make a new layer above your linework layer and paste those combined colors onto it. 3. Find your blur tool and gently blur all those colors, then clip it to the linework layer below, adjust opacity/saturation as you see fit!
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STEP 2: Cel Shading! (Or just the block-shading step, although I combine my cel and blended shading together all in one, I'm separating them for simplicity's sake on this.) [ When shading I use both the Multiply & Overlay layer modes as bases (for multiply I'd use lighter, dull pastels, while for overlay I'd use darker, more saturated colors. Combining them both can give a little bit more realism when doing the lighting effects later on. It all depends on the colors beneath and the effect you want to achieve with whatever atmosphere the artwork is showing! I NEVER go straight black/white for colors, especially while shading, it's literal hell and won't look good, imo. ]
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STEP 2.5: Blended Shading! (Same process as Cel Shading except you're gonna get into the nooks and crannies and blend it out! Define where the darkest parts are and fade it using a blending brush and opacity, keep in mind I use multiple layers for this step and stack it a lot, but it's up to personal preference how far you want to go with it. Use both Multiply / Overlay for this bit and experiment with different warm / cool shades!)
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STEP 3: Base Highlights! (Using Overlay and a light color to accompany, add some basic shapes of light from whatever direction it's coming from on your piece. Always keep in mind the general location of prominent light, minor sources can be added on after. Blending can be used at this stage, which is what I did for the fur tufts.)
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STEP 3.5: Final Highlights / Details! (Now for the fancy shit [part 1]! Keep in mind it's incredibly easy to go overboard with this step and it's entirely up to preference! I usually try to keep it pulled back a bit but for the sake of this example I'm going all out- I basically just added more detail to the fur, highlights on the nose / eye / glasses / girdle using Overlay & Lumi+Shade, and added in shadows & highlighted bits I might've missed.)
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STEP 4: Mess Around with Colors / Layer Modes! (Fancy shit [part 2]! Experiment with different color combinations to set different moods for your piece! I tend to lean more towards the oranges / reds / purples, but that's just my personal preference. Light obstruction, rim lighting, anything and everything- Go fucking buck-wild LOL References for certain lightings can come in really handy too!!!) ------- That's it for the basics, but here's an extra tidbit for how I do skin specifically:
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1+2: Same process as above, cel shading and blended over it with warm but pale pastel pinks / oranges. This can work with any skin tone, I don't suggest using cool colors for base shading as it can make the skin look kinda,, dead- 3: That being said I'm using cool colors for the overlay part- It works well for getting the darker areas and for creases / eyebags usually. For darker skin tones I tilt more towards purple rather than blue. 4: Final details, coloring the linework and adding highlights. (I added a lot more blush than I normally do but yeah that's up to you lmao) ----- Hope this gave enough insight on how I generally do my stuff, not a strict guideline or anything but there's the basics as best as I could explain :^) Have any questions? Please let me know!
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reverieblue98 · 3 years
How to Grow as an Author This Summer!
School is out and summer is here! This is the perfect time to put a little more effort into improving your skills, now that you actually have the time. Here’s a few things to do this summer to help improve your writing game!
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1) Do a Book Report
“But I just got out of school, I don’t want to do more!” Yeah, I know, and you don’t have to. But let me tell you just how helpful doing a detailed book report can be!
Choose a book that you’re interested in, maybe of a higher reading level than you’re used to. As you read, just jot down some notes about things you notice, like a descriptive sentence you really liked, or an element of grammar you didn’t know before. They best way to learn how to write is by reading, and by making some notes for yourself, you make it even easier! Go slowly, and really absorb the material. I promise that by reading, you’ll subconsciously pick up on writing elements that will help you improve! Plus, who doesn’t like reading on the beach or making fancy notes? 
2) Practice Your Typing 
Being able to type faster will definitely help with meeting those word quotas and finishing chapters faster. Even ten minutes a day is sure to help you grow! Just put on some music or a tv show if you can multitask. 
There are many websites that will help you with memorizing letter placements, increasing speed, count your wpm, and more, all for free! Here are a couple free sites I like:
Helps you memorize key positions
Has a speed indicator (wpm and cpm)
Shows how accurate you are
easy to difficult level lessons (You’ll need to start with the easiest first, though!)
Shows how quickly you improve (confidence boost! (⌐■_■))
You can't backspace in an exercise (Which isn't a problem unless you’re a perfectionist like me) 
Not a lot of real words or sentences. (Better if you really want to memorize key placement, but I find it annoying and boring)
Typing Club
A little more for kids, but very fun :)
Typing games!!! Keeps me entertained 😅
Placement test (So you don’t have to start at the easiest level)
wpm counter 
accuracy percentage 
You can backspace! 
A good mix of random letters (to memorize placement) and complete sentences or paragraphs.
Over 600 lessons, ranging from easy to difficult
There is a premium version, but there really is no need for it.
3) Character/Plot Exercises
A lot of the time, writers have found the perfect character that they want to write a story about, then totally blank on the plot. Other times, a perfect plot idea comes to them, and they have no idea what characters should be in it. These problems can be solved through fun little exercises! I have a list here for you to try out, just for fun. There’s a lot more out there on the internet, so have a look around! any writing you’re doing will help you improve.
Character Creation
Create a character based on a  Craigslist Missed Connections post! Often, the poster will include physical traits and personality traits, so build off of those and see where it goes! 
Look at fashion accessories on pinterest, and make a character who might wear it. You’ll be basing their whole personality off the accessory, so pick an interesting one!
Create the human version of a colour/smell/sound! Look at what the they symbolise and what you associate with it, then make a character out of that.
Plot Creation
Look at images of abandoned places (real photos or art) and explain in detail how those places came to be. 
If you already have a character you like, make something you want them to have. (Something materialist like a cool treasure box, or maybe something more emotional like a relationship. Anything!) Then come up with as many ways as possible to stop them from getting it!
Choose a random page in a book. Then, rewrite the first scene you read as something totally different- make sure it goes in a totally different direction!
Thanks for reading! I hope that you all have an amazing summer, and make sure not to work too hard! After two years of not being able to travel, see your friends, and generally have fun, you deserve to have that vaccine and go do things again.<3 See you all again soon, and happy writing!
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flower-slut004 · 3 years
Soft ABC’s
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note: i’m trying to clear my drafts and i’m left and right with ideas.
A - Affection (how do they show affection)
In the beginning KC wasn’t as affectionate but later on she became super affectionate but only in private. She isn’t big on the whole PDA thing unless she’s jealous.
B - Balance (how do they balance you, work/school/life?)
With spy life and school life, KC finds it hard at first to balance your relationship. The more dates she missed due to missions the more distant she felt you were. KC finally made the best of both words and turned your date nights into study dates.
C - Cuddles (do they enjoy cuddling? what positions?)
KC adores your cuddles, especially after long and hard missions. She’d yearn for the hours to end quickly so she could be wrapped in a big blanket with you watching movies.
D - Date (what was your first date?)
A picnic. KC wanted to make sure the date was perfect and no interruptions at all. She wanted to spend the date to get to know you. The picnic was in a beautiful meadow with a gorgeous view of the town.
E - Excited (how excited do they get when they see you/are with you?)
After long and stressful days, KC tries not to run you over so she keeps her cool around you. She doesn’t want to scare you off so she “walking” to your house and waits a few minutes to knock.
F - Fighting (what happens when you fight)
It takes a lot for you guys to fight. She’s pretty chill and you’re pretty chill. The only time you fought was when you found out she was a spy. It was pretty bad, yelling and screaming. Trudie powered off to avoid the screaming.
G - Gorgeous (pet names. what do they like to call you? what do they like to be called?)
The typical nicknames, KC isn’t big on creating new names. “baby” “babe”.
H - Hi (first time meeting)
You were new to the school and had the pleasure of running into Marissa. She instantly hooked you around her arms when she saw your designer purse. KC was doing homework at lunch when she laid eyes on you. Sounds cliche but KC swore time froze. “KC this is YN! YN this is KC”. KC felt her face heat up when you smiled at her “Hey KC”
I - Intimacy (how romantic they are)
KC doesn’t have a romantic bone in her body. She may be smart but when it comes to romance, she isn’t the best at it. You’re the romantic one in the relationship.
J - Jealousy (do they get jealous? how do they react to you being jealous)
She's 100% the jealous type. Guys and girls are on her radar. If she feels someone is too close she’ll instantly wrap her arms around you and make it known that you’re hers. When you’re jealous, she finds it cute. She’ll remind you at the end of the day that she’s yours and your hers
K - Kisses (where do they like to kiss you/how often?)
Bc of her height ( if you’re taller than her, read the second part) she loves giving you forehand kisses as much as possible. If you’re taller than her, she loves giving you kisses on the shoulder/cheek. She usually gives you shoulder kisses on dates tho.
L - Love (when was the first time they said I love you or realized it?)
KC realized she loved you after she came back from a mission where she was almost killed. Limping back into her bedroom, you surprised her. With your rambling, she realized how much she loved you. That same day she told you she was in love with you.
M - Moving in (when do you decide to move in together)
Keep in mind, you guys are still in high school. The first step into moving in together would be roommates in college.
N - Newborn (their reaction to starting a family)
I'm not sure about this one since KC seems the type to not want kids, but if yall did have kids it would be a long discussion before you guys adopt
O - Open (how open you are with one another)
You guys are pretty open about everything the only thing that is kept away from you is that KC is a spy.
P - Photos (what kind of photos you take of them/they take of you)
KC loves photos of you sleeping/ wearing her clothes. You take photos of her when she’s studying or not looking.
Q - Quirks (what random habits do you have that they love or hate/vice versa)
When you get nervous you hiccup. KC loves/hates It depends on her mood.
R - Recovery (how you help them after an injury/vice versa)
You can always be found at KCs house so every night when KC comes home from a mission you already have ice pack and warm bath ready for her.
S - Solution (how they resolve fights)
Let’s be honest, KC won’t apologize if she thinks she’s right. Usually fights end up in tearful apologies or little jokes here and there
T- Touch (when they need/want your touch, what will they do? how often?)
KC isn’t so big on PDA like I said earlier, but when she feels the need to come into skin to skin contact with you, she’ll hold your hand and play with your fingers.
U - Up ( waking up with them)
You wake up earlier than her and so usually you clean her room ( if needed) while you waited for her to wake up
V - Vacation (where they travel with you)
With KC’s benefits from being a spy, she can practically take you anywhere.
W - Wedding (how they propose/where you get married/honeymoon)
You’re the one to propose. You propose to her after graduation from college at the library. Y’all get married in a nice small ceremony in a DC park. The honeymoon is in Paris where you go to look at art
X - X-factor (what about you captivated them?)
KC loves how you don’t hold back from telling the truth. She loves your bluntness.
Y - Yawning (how they act when they’re tired)
As soon as she yawns, she can go out at any moment. Makes sure to carry a pillow
Z - Zzzz (how you fall asleep together)
wrapped around each other, keeping each other warm
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blueberry-4 · 2 years
Some Maehara hcs
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⚽️He is a natural blonde but he died his hair in the before junior high. He wanted to look cool so he went with orange
⚽️His favorite thing to eat when he was a kid was worms. Actual worms. (Inspired from @maeiso-trash ‘s art). Now his favorite candy is gummy worms and trollis
⚽️He definitely doesn’t plan things ahead of time. Like he doesn’t have a set schedule for himself. He just does things on the spot. Except when he plans to hang out with friends, he really thinks them through
⚽️He’s that one kid that takes pictures of his classmates off guard without their consent. He’ll pull out his Snapchat and either film or take pictures of Okano or Kataoka since he sits between them. He wishes he sat in the back so he has more people to snap
⚽️Kataoka catches him snapping pictures of her every time and every day, she brings a spray bottle of water and whenever his phone is faced to her, she pulls the bottle aimed at him without even looking at him because she knows he does that when he’s bored
⚽️Okano though, she hides her face and blocks his camera. But one time, he got her before she turned away. “Pssst- Okano!” He whispers and when she turned to him, he snapped a picture of her. He showed the photo to her where she looked normal and she HATED it. Something about it and the way she looks in a picture like that, she doesn’t like. Korosensei caught both of them and Okano told him what Maehara has been doing during class. Kataoka backs her up on the issue too. As a result, he confiscates his phone until the end of class. Sucks for him
⚽️He has a lot of memories on his Snapchat of everyone he knows. I’d say about 80% of them are of him and Isogai ^^
⚽️Maehara would visit Isogai at his job for a little while or sometimes walk him home after his shift. He’ll invite a classmate or two with him too like Okajima, Chiba, Okano or Nakamura
⚽️He gets side tracked a LOT when he studies or just about anything he does. But good thing he studies with Isogai most of the time and he’s there to make sure he focuses
⚽️He has glasses he used to wear during 1st year because it turned out that he could not see from far away very well. But he doesn’t want to look like a “total nerd” so he stopped wearing them since then. Now he wears contacts and they don’t bother him
⚽️Actually he was always nearsighted. But he never told his parents because he knew they would make him wear glasses for school. At the time, he didn’t want to wear contacts either but the first time he tried them, he said “I literally can’t even feel them. Almost like there’s nothing there.” Maybe that’s why he always sat in front of every classroom
//ok but think about it, Maehara wearing glasses?? He would look so cute with them! Especially like the square framed ones
⚽️In his free time, he likes to go to a nearby park to play some soccer with some of his neighbors
⚽️Ok straight up, he was one of those kids that pretended to be sick so he could miss school
⚽️He’s very good at coming up with excuses especially in desperate situations
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59writes · 3 years
Last but most definitely not least, the boys with the moves 🙌🙌
again! don’t be shy, feel free to reach out or request!! I’d love to have some anon buddies lol. I promise I’m nice haha!!
also hi Jun’s is about kandi I had to self indulge a little lol (which is why it’s so long omg) I make kandi and it’s literally the best pastime and the culture around it is super cool too so I had to add it in haha!!
🌈🌈🌈!!!PLUR!!! 🌈🌈🌈
tw: food maybe (?)
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• you guys met on complete accident
• he was walking to the company, you on your way home
• and he bumps into you and one of your bracelets hooks onto his bag and it snaps
• you’re both shocked by the sound, watching the beads bounce into the street while people shoved past you both, glaring at you both for blocking the way
• and even though Junhui is late he stoops down to pick up the beads
• you stop him quickly
• “don’t worry, I have more beads at home”
• and he’s like “wait woah you made this” because it’s intricate and pretty and a little pixel art cat that he accidentally ruined ):
• but he feels so bad, and wants to pay you back somehow cuz the bracelets are so cute and he broke one!!! he cannot get over it!!!
• even when you assure him it’s fine he looks so concerned you have to give in
• so you give him your number, telling him to text you when he can and you can work something out
• and at the company he considers it all day
• he, an idol, just got a number from someone on the street. all because he messed up and then insisted to be in your life
• was this a good idea?
• Seungcheol hears about it eventually, and says to give it a chance
• “your friends are in another country, Jun. make some here too. plus you’re stressed, and it’s probably best to get any weight off your shoulders you can.”
• and so he texts you
• and plan to go to a cat cafe (his treat) on his next day off
• when he walks into the cafe you greet him with a beaming smile
• “I have a gift for you.” You grin, pulling something out of your bag
• and like, Jun almost disagrees, like “no I’m supposed to be apologizing to you” but then be sees what you’re offering
• a little cat bracelet just like the one he broke the other day
• he reaches out for it but you shake your head
• “there’s a special way to do it, here.”
• you give him a rundown on the style of bracelet, called kandi
• and you explain they’re meant to be traded
• “and there’s a secret handshake to trade with, ok? just do what I do.”
• peace, love, unity…
• and he’s suddenly holding your hand
• you slip the bracelet onto his wrist before letting go, grinning as he examines his new accessory
• “I’m y/n, by the way.”
• “Junhui.”
• you chat and play with the cats that come to visit your table
• you take off one of your kandi rings at one point and gently loop it around one of the kittens’ paws
• Jun hasn’t had this much fun in a while, much less been in such a positive environment
• as you were bright and cheery as you made kissy noises at the cats to offer them snacks
• always had something new to say or observe
• and when it was time to leave he really didn’t want to go
• you don’t either, but you have an appointment you can’t miss
• so you promise to do it again soon, giving Jun a quick hug and a wave before dashing off
• Jun can’t keep his eyes off the bracelet as he goes back to the company, running his fingers along the peyote weave
• he spends the rest of the night reading about kandi and kandi kid culture
• and everyone involved is so happy, and their bracelets?? like holy shit.
• he thought yours was good but some of these people had massive and intricate kandi
• the next time you meet, he asks if you can teach him how to make kandi
• and your face lights up!!
• the next few meetups he learns, little by little
• passing the bracelet to you if he can’t get part of it right
• and he just keeps getting surprised by your patience when you have to undo rows, your bubbly spirit calming a bit as you focus on a pattern
• and one day you invite him to a rave
• and yo he’s so nervous ??? but he wants to go so bad ???
• you promise him you guys can leave it early, because eventually you get overwhelmed too
• so he agrees
• you meet at your apartment, Jun shy as you flit around and drape him with more kandi
• you ask him to sit still as you paint a tiny design on his face in UV paint, hand resting on his jaw to keep him still
• and when you gleefully spin him around to look at himself in the mirror he’s just. wow.
• a line of heart stickers on his cheek, a necklace made from kid toys draped around his neck, and of course, endless bracelets
• this was so cool.
• the rave was even better.
• Jun got used to the flashing lights and eccentric music very quickly, mostly following behind as you greeted people and traded bracelets
• and then you turn and pull him out to the dance floor
• and that shit is like a fever dream.
• adrenaline, glitter, and neon lights fill your veins as you both dance for hours
• eventually too tired to keep up, you fall into Jun’s arms, laughing
• and he’s grinning too (:
• you leave shortly after that, walking home in the dark
• you stop to sit at a park bench, and Jun says he has a surprise
• he holds out his hand
• peace, love, unity, respect
• and slips a bracelet onto your arm
• he did it completely himself, as you’d never seen the design before
• it’s of a cat with a rainbow tail, along with his name spelled out in pixels
• and you look up at Jun, whose eyes are filled with anticipation
• and you give him a huge hug
• and he thanks you for showing him this diverse underground world full of color in the night; a way to break out of his shell a little
• and damn I guess you can’t help but hold back an “I love you”
• and he feels the glitter surge back into his veins
• and the feeling never leaves again (:
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• Soonyoung always thought photographers were more likely to stay out of the lens’ view, but you proved him wrong
• when you introduced yourself as his photographer for the magazine shoot you were working on, he couldn’t help but feel like you should be in front of the camera, not him
• like holy shit. the beads and chains that engulfed your arm and shimmered in the dim lights. the clips nestled in your hair that were shaped like cartoon spiders. the patches for bands he’d never heard of on every square inch of your camera bag.
• he’s polite and energetic the whole shoot, and to be honest maybe you take a little longer than usual to line up closeups of his face
• after all he deserves the best photos (:
• once you’re finished you agree to meet again at Pledis the next day, just to review the photos
• and Soonyoung spends the whole night hyping himself up lol
• you look just as cool as the day before, if not better, and he manages to compliment you without a problem (practice pays off!!)
• he wants to see more of your photos, and you offer him a ticket to a portfolio viewing you’re having
• he shows up without telling you, taking his time to walk through the gallery and examine each photo
• and they’re so dynamic, perfectly balanced, mysterious. he can’t help but get lost in each one, not even noticing you staring at him
• you, heart warm from his wonder and genuine interest
• he was soon a common subject and reviewer of your photography
• and you were soon a common staple of his, Soonyoung trying to be with you at every opportunity
• he invites you over for movie nights with the other guys
• if you show up in your usual outfits he whines about how you’re all pokey and he can’t lay on your arm without getting stabbed ):<
• luckily you own soft sweatshirts that still look super cool so it’s a win/win
• he’s so adoring of everything you do omg
• every interest of yours is now his interest too
• and he’ll always be by your side, curious and wide-eyed, always ready for the next adventure with you
• whether it be through clothes, or photos, or even just the park
• you’re what makes it special (:
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• dude. he’d lose his shit in the best way possible.
• have you seen this man??? his sense of style??? he’d be drooling in seconds lol
• you’d catch him watching you as you intern at Pledis, sketching up scenes in the corner
• finishing your degree required film to turn in, and you managed to snag an internship with the production crew for Seventeen
• a successful music video for a major group would definitely save your grade lol
• every dance practice, you’d be in the corner, wedged against the mirrors, huddled over your sketchbook as you designed
• and of course you watched them dance, you had to encapsulate the emotion somehow
• during a water break, one of the members plops down next to you and introduces himself as Minghao
• his hair is damp with sweat, sleeveless shirt clinging to his chest
• and he asks to see your ideas
• the concept is focused on the ideas of identity, and your current plan was sketches of each member as the background
• you could animate them slowly turning into each member, and you explain the idea to Minghao as he very gently flips through the pages, fingers hardly touching the pages
• he lingers on his own page
• “you didn’t sketch anyone else’s face this detailed.”
• “you’re pretty.” You say simply, reaching for the book back
• he grins at his lap.
• he sits next to you every day now, always eager to see your designs
• but more often he wants to see your other works
• and when you tell him you and your friends made most of your clothes he’s dumbstruck
• “can you make some for me?”
• you laugh and he apologizes for being so straightforward
• but the next day you bring in a trench coat you’ve been illustrating
• cutting diamonds into the sleeves and lining them with neon thread
• the half-finished painting on the back your friend started working on
• and as you proudly explain the coat’s background Minghao can’t help but want to join in too
• the way your face lights up when you speak about it, how gently you fold the fabric, how you adjust the collar on him so it looks just right
• eventually you begin to hang out outside of the company
• and you take him to craft stores when you need supplies or new clothes to ruin
• and he has such a good eye oh my god
• and his long fingers pick up sewing so easily
• and many hours are spent on your apartment floor quietly snipping, painting, lacing
• minghao wears his clothes with pride, especially the ones you make for him
• you go out one day, both of you completely dressed in your own designs
• and Minghao has never felt this beautiful before
• and when he sees your outfit he can’t help but wrap you in a huge hug
• he’s proud: of himself, of you, of the creativity and passion and hours put into these clothes
• and he admits he’d like to keep that feeling around a lot more
• and so your time in the city becomes a date
• and behind the music video sets becomes a spot to hide and snuggle
• you still sketch him sometimes
• when he doesn’t notice
• when he’s too focused on choreo, or reading a book, or laughing at the other boys goofing around
• because you’re proud of him, too
• and when he sheepishly admits he’s been doing the same, pushing over his own sketchbooks filled with endless drawings, improving page by page
• you know he’s your other half.
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• Dude he’d be so flustered
• he straight up would just. not know what to say and would probably be defensive whenever you talk to him so he might come off as rude ):
• it would take time for him to warm up to you
• but when he does it’s clear he can’t get you out of his head
• as a choreographer, you had to spend a lot of time with the performance line
• and in this case, specifically Chan, as he has a solo
• and just seeing you look so damn rad even when you’re slowly walking him through potential choreo,,,, homeboy is gonna break down and try and defend himself
• the first few days are awkward because he’s drawn back and a little hostile
• but you force him to get lunch with you after a particularly rough morning, just to try to have a better relationship
• you guys didn’t finish the choreo that afternoon, choosing to sit on the studio floor and talk
• the next day he’s still quiet, but shyly rather than defensively
• and he can’t seem to get his arms right, and you have to go over there and straighten his arms for him, rings digging into his biceps
• and even though he tries to hide his grin you know it’s what he wanted
• eventually your job is done and you’re ready to head to the next performer, or go plan choreo for another group
• and Chan shuffles up and even though his cheeks are red he manages to ask you out
• and how could you say no?
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whatiwillsay · 4 years
off topic - let’s talk about gaylena 👀
selena gomez is one of taylor’s oldest and bestest friends and given that she is in the 22 liner notes, a huge part of taylor’s life, and maybe fruity herself it seems like possibly we don’t talk about her here at the blog enough!
i don’t want to do a timeline of selena and taylor’s friendship - you can read more about that here, but they met back in the day when they were both dating jonas brothers and to me this idea of finding a real friendship in the midst of these contrived promances is pretty adorable.
ofc most of y’all think taylor is a fruit basket but i think there’s a good chance that selena is too!  i’m not saying she is for sure but y’all know me.  i’’m here to make a compelling case that everyone and their dog is gay so let’s gooooo! 
Part I - At least one fake rs!  
Selena “dated” Taylor Lautner in 2009 and he’s definitely gay.  Of course, that doesn’t mean she is, it could just be PR, but y’all know I gotta note everything!  We stan our fruity bffs dating the same gays 😍
Part II - Selena x cara delevingne
i feel like there’s a chance they met through taylor but everyone in that squad adjacent circle knows one another.  cara dated michelle rodriguez for the first half of 2014 and then got with annie clark in March 2015 but it feels like it’s possible something has gone on between her and Selena from summer 2014 - early 2015? ...maybe something casual on and off a bit?
August 2014 - Steamy pics surface in Saint-Tropez, France
Selena and and a freshly single Cara vacation together in part to celebrate Selena’s 22nd birthday.
They party together and look cozy!
Pictures such as this surface and spark rumors around the two:
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Selena apparently loves the rumors and gushes about being shipped with Cara.
You say Selena drag queens were the true measure of success for you. But isn’t it true that you’re not truly famous until you’ve been the subject of a gay rumor? And last year, the tabloids had a field day with photos of you and Cara Delevingne. I’ve made it!
How did you react to those rumors? Honestly, I loved it. I didn’t mind it. Especially because they weren’t talking about other people in my life for once, which was wonderful. Honestly, though, she’s incredible and very open and she just makes me open. She’s so fun and she’s just extremely adventurous, and sometimes I just want that in my life, so I didn’t mind it. I loved it.
Notice she doesn’t deny them?  Now of course she could just be being cool, if she freaked out about it that might be even weirder but hey, it’s still kind of interesting.
Then she admits to questioning her sexuality???
Have you ever questioned your sexuality? Oh, I think everybody does, no matter who they are. I do, yeah, of course. Absolutely. I think it’s healthy to gain a perspective on who you are deep down, question yourself and challenge yourself; it’s important to do that.
(Selena btw, this is cool and all, but not everybody questions their sexuality, maybe you’re just gay 👀)
November 1 - LACMA Art + Film Gala 
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they even left the event together 👀
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and they hung out earlier that day as well:
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They were seen the next day partying for Kendall Jenner’s bday singing to her:
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a few weeks later Cara tweets Selena’s lyrics!
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In December 2014 they are travelling together in texas:
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in january 2015 they get cozy at the golden globes together!
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and they leave together again:
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January 19th/20th a bunch of gay nonsense happens
They post this gay shit with matching shoes and linked fingers:
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then they say this to one another:
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Enty says they were hooking up!
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then we don’t get any more content that i can find for about six months! perhaps they had a fling from summer 2014-jan 2015 and then it ends, Cara gets with Annie in March?  Then after half a year apart Selena and Cara resume a friendly relationship?  Perhaps!  Selena is seen with Justin a bit off and on during this time but this was in their Style/Heat Death Era imo (tbh i probably shouldn’t give a hetty pairing including Justin that designation 🤢but y’all get what I’m saying - it’s fully possible Selena was hooking up with both of them!
Now I’m not super familiar with Selena’s discography so y’all lmk if I’m missing anything major - lyric wise that point to her not being straight.
Selena’s album Revival that comes out after this relationship has a few songs with some vibes, even though I get the feeling a lot of it is probably about Justin, allow me to reach.  The title track could be translated as someone coming to terms with their sexuality (among other things):
I feel like I've awakened lately The chains around me are finally breaking I've been under self-restoration I've become my own salvation Showing up, no more hiding, hiding The light inside me is bursting, shining It's my, my, my time to butterfly
Good for you, imo, is too sexy to be about a man even if it’s not super queer lyrically it’s a vibe ok?
Me & My Girls might be a bestie anthem a la 22 (oh wait, no 22 was gay too) but I mean...could be about a girl gang of lesbians too!
And if we want it, we take it If we need money, we make it Nobody knows if we fake it You like to watch while we shake it I know we're making you thirsty You want us all in the worst way But you don't understand I don't need a man 
Quinn Fabray indeed!
Nobody feels probably like a retrospective on Justin 🙄but...there is a hint of sapphic craving in there!  Saying this particular lover loves them differently than everyone is a bit 👀 plus this stanza:
No oxygen, can barely breathe My darkest sin, you've raised release And it's all because of you, all because of you And I don't know what it is, but you've pulled me in No one compares, could ever begin To love me like you do And I wouldn't want them to
Is Perfect about some bitch Justin started dating?  Probably but bear with me here this song is actually pretty fucking gay.  Gay enough that I’m gonna add it to one of my gay playlists.  Could this song actually be about Cara moving on to Annie?
Ooh, and I bet she has it all Bet she's beautiful like you, like you And I bet she's got that touch Makes you fall in love, like you, like you
I can taste her lipstick and see her laying across your chest I can feel the distance every time you remember her fingertips Maybe I should be more like her Maybe I should be more like her I can taste her lipstick, it's like I'm kissing her, too And she's perfect And she's perfect
Part III - Selena x Julia Michaels
Julia Michaels is a singer/songwriter known for her song Issues.  I don’t know her sexuality but she at the least has gay vibes!  It seems they met around this time perhaps because Julia wrote on Revival.
They have a friendly enough friendship for a few years, liking one another’s posts on IG from time to time, posing for a photo a time or two and then they seem to get swept up into this very intense friendship in 2019.  They write some music together and Julia goes whole hog in promoting the shoe brand Selena is hawking this time 😭
2019 - The Superior Sapphic Jelena Timeline:
It starts, for some reason with a lot of shoe promotion:
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chill, chill
more shoes
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but more gayness?
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this homo shit
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Then we go into the REALLY GAY NOVEMBER OF 2019:
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Then they perform together:
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And...actually kiss...on the mouth on stage???
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Sure it’s just a peck but still...if that were a guy people would say they were dating.  
Somehow kissing on the mouth isn’t the gayest thing these girls do over this period because these fucking dykes got matching tattoos.  I’ve read enough Larry blogs to know this actually means they’re secretly married.  All jokes aside this is fruity behavior. 
From their IG stories:
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Selena gets Julia a very nice christmas gift:
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Covid sets in and content drops off but god damn!  It’s possible they just had an intense friendship but if a man and a woman collabed on music together, kissed in public, and got matching tattoos everyone would say they were dating!
Selena, as far as I can find, didn’t have any public boyfriends around this time so who are some of these love songs about?
Rare comes out in January 2020 and perhaps has some gayish songs?
Don’t tell me why but boyfriend lowkey, has a gay vibe.  Don’t ask me to explain it but it’s just the musicality of it.
Crowded Room could be a love song for Julia?  (or by Julia for Selena, since they’re collaborators?)
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah
These are general gay vibes, our secret moments in a crowded room tease
It started polite, out on thin ice 'Til you came over to break it I threw you a line and you were mine
It would have started out polite between them, since they worked together for years before whatever 2019 was happened.  And throwing someone a line first of all makes Selena sound like the aggressor but also “throwing someone a line” could be a reference to writing songs together.
Yeah, I was afraid, but you made it safe I guess that is our combination Said you feel lost, well, so do I So won't you call me in the morning? I think that you should call me in the morning If you feel the same, 'cause
Lots of people are afraid at the beginning of a gay rs.  Treacherous tease 👀
In summation!
Selena does gay stuff like fantasizing ab kissing other women in her music, getting very touchy with famous dykes on vacay, hangs out with Taylor Swift, has chronic mental health issues, dated a jonas brother and a twilight gay, has admitted to questioning her sexuality, and loves being shipped with women.  Is she gay?  I don’t know!   But all she’s missing from her celesbian bingo card is a suspiciously intense friendship with a Glee Cast member! What do you guys think?  Selena fruity or just weird?
Edit to add: so apparently I missed an entire ship and Selena supposedly acted really gay all the time with her backup dancer Charity Baroni.  Exposing SMG has posted a lot about all that.
Also Selena has been cast in a gay role! edit to add: @bisluthq went and found this for me - julia is indeed a fruit queen
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world-of-puppets · 4 years
Puppetry Lost Media
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In honour of reaching 50 followers last week (now 55 followers, as of writing this) I decided to cover two subjects of great interest to me: puppetry (of course) and lost media.
Everybody online loves a good old bit of lost media. Whether it be being a part of the many searches for the media in question, or watching documentaries about them on sites like YouTube. I’ve been mildly addicted to the latter kind of content for a while. From what I’ve seen, though, there aren’t many videos or articles out there specifically covering lost puppetry. So, in no particular order, here are a couple of pieces of lost puppetry I found while scrolling through the lost media wiki.
銀河少年隊 - Ginga shounen-tai AKA Galaxy Boy Troop (1963 - 1965)
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Osamu Tezuka is one of the most pioneering figures in Japanese art and animation. Starting as a manga artist in the 1940s inspired by the animated works of American studios such as Walt Disney and the Fliecer Brothers, he adapted and simplified many of the stylistic techniques of both artists to create his own signature style of big shiny eyes, physics defying hair and limited animation. A style that would go on to heavily influence the world of anime and manga as a whole.
But animation and graphic art were not the only mediums Tezuka would dabble in. Ginga Shounen-Tai, or Galaxy Boy Troop in english, was a television series that aired on the public broadcast channel NHK from April 7th, 1963 to April 1st, 1965. Running for 2 seasons with a total of 92 episodes.
The series was a mixture of marionette characters that utilised the Supermarionation marionette technique, popularised by Jerry Anderson’s Thunderbirds, and limited traditional animation. The story revolves around a child genius named Roy who leads a rag-tag group of heros around the galaxy in a rocket ship in order to revive the earth’s sun and later protect it from alien invaders.
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Out of the 92 episodes that aired, only episode 67 still exists in its entirety with French subtitles, and the full episode can be found on YouTube with English subtitles uploaded by user Rare TezukaVids. According to user F-Man on the Tezuka in English forums, footage of episode 28 exists but with no audio, and episode 87’s animated segments exist without the marionette segments. F-Man also claims the reason for Galaxy Boy Troop’s disappearance is due to Tezuka not being proud of the series and having all episodes of it destroyed.
Personally, I think it’s a shame that pretty much all of this series is gone. From what I’ve seen in episode 67, it looks really charming. Tezuka’s signature character design style was adapted suprisingly well to marionettes, and the puppetry itself isn’t that bad either. I love the little face mechanisms like the blinking eyes, flapping mouths and others. It gives the puppets a lot of personality and charm. Like, just look at this old mans eyebrow mechanism and tell me you wouldn’t want to watch 92 episodes of this show;
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Tinseltown (2007)
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Tinseltown was a 15 minute sitcom pilot created by the Jim Henson company under thier Henson Alternative banner. The pilot was commissioned by the Logo Network and aired as part of the Alien Boot Camp programming block in 2007.
The pilot (and likely the series, had it been picked up by the logo network) features a cast of both puppets and live actors as characters. The premise revolves around Samson Kight, an anthropomorphic bull preformed by Brian Henson and drew Massey, and his partner Bobby Vegan, an anthropomorphic pig prefomed by Bill Barretta and Michelan Sisti, as they attempt to balance thier lives working in Hollywood with life as parents to thier sullen 12-year-old foster son, Foster, played by Paul Butcher. Other human characters included Mia Sara as Samson’s ex-wife Lena and Francesco Quinn as the family’s manservant Arturo.
The Tinseltown pilot used to be available on the Logo Network’s YouTube channel, but was later removed for unknown reason. Since then, the pilot has not been made available online. However the characters Samson and Bobby have made appearances in other Henson related works, such as the improv stage show Stuffed and Unstrung, where they played the role as the shows producers, and in a 2011 video on the Jim Henson Company YouTube channel celebrating Jim Hensons 75th birthday.
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I find Tinseltown pretty interesting as I feel like it should be more noateable or known, considering that this is (as far as my knowledge goes) the first Jim Henson Company project featureing openly lgbtq characters as its leads, and would have been the first Henson show to do so had it been picked up. As someone who’s interested in lgbtq+ representation in creative media such as animation, I realised that there’s not many examples of canon lgbt characters in puppetry. The only ones aside from Samson and Bobby I could think off the top of my head would be Deet’s Dads from The Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance and Rod from Avenue Q. Though, obviously, there could be more I’m not currently aware of. I don’t think the Tinseltown pilot was a masterpiece or anything. After all, there’s probably a couple of good reasons Logo didn’t pick it up for a full series. But I think it be cool if either Henson co. or Logo made this available online again, if just so we could appericate it as an interesting little footnote in the history of lgbtq rep in puppetry.
With that said, considering the pilot’s obscurity and the fact that it’s main couple haven’t been used in any Henson Related projects in almost ten years, as well as the possibility that there may be legalities preventing the Henson company from releasing it such as Logo still owning the rights, it’s unlikely we’ll see the Tinseltown pilot anytime soon.
Sonic Live in Sydney (1997 - 2000)
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Sonic the Hedgehog is a fictional character no stranger to multiple interpretations of him and his universe across a diverse range of media. From the more light-hearted and comedic stylings of The Adventures of Sonic the Hedgehog and Cartoon Networks Sonic Boom cartoon series, to more serious faire such as the Sonic SatAM cartoon and the Sonic Adventure videogame duology. One of the more obscure and stranger adaptations of the character came in the form of Sonic Live in Sydney, a one an a half hour live show hosted at the former Sega World Sydney amusement park in Darling Harbor, Sydney, Australia. Originally beginning as a live show with actors in meet-and-greet style costumes, the show eventually was replaced with a puppet show during its last two years.
The shows plot was set in an alternate timeline whos continuity was a mix of the SatAM cartoon and Sonic the Hedgehog 3, where Doctor Robotnik’s Death Egg crash lands in Sydney, Australia instead of Angel Island and attempts to take over before being foiled by sonic and friends. According to Phillip Einfeld of Phillip Einfeld Puppetoons, the company that made the puppets, Sega felt the costumed actor version of the show wasn’t dynamic enough, and wished to replace it with a version featuring live puppets with animatronics. Both versions of the shows plot are identical.
While Sonic Live in Sydney’s soundtrack is available on YouTube, and some photos of the show are available on the Lost Media Wiki, no footage of either the costumed actors version or the puppet show version have resurfaced. The show was closed down in 1999, possibly due to cost, shortly before the Sega World park as a whole in 2000. So unless there is someone out there who viseted the show between 1998 or 1999 who recorded the show via a handheld camera, footage of both incarnations of the show are likely forever lost to time.
On a personal note, I don’t have much to say on this one other than how gloriously peek gaudy 90s Sonic the set/puppet design is. I have no doubt finding footage of these puppets in action would truly be a silly delight to behold...
Legend of Mary (year unknown)
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This one is a little different from the other entries on this list as while the film itself in its entiraty is available on YouTube for anyone to view, the information surrounding Legend of Mary, specifically its year of release, remains a mystery as of writing this.
I have mentioned the film before on this blog so I’ll keep it brief here: in summary, Legend of Mary is a short film retelling of the Nativity featuring the Rod puppets of Austrian puppeteer Richard Teschner. the video was uploaded to YouTube by user canada 150 archive. I looked up the people credited in the film and was able to find most of them, but didn’t find Legend of Mary listed in thier credits, and was unable to find the film on sites like IMDB, tMDB or Letterboxd. I reached out to Canada 150 archive asking if they had any info regarding the Legend of Mary’s release date, and after a coupe of months, they replied saying they didn’t know.
And that’s as far as I got on my search for answers, if anyone of you guys has any information regarding Legend of Mary, then it be of huge help in finding the release date.
Sam and friends (1955 - 1961)
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Sam and friends was the very first puppetry television series created by Jim Henson alongside his colabarator and future wife Jane Nebel. filmed in Washington, D.C. and airing twice daily on WRC-TV and the NBC affiliate in Washington, D.C. from May 9, 1955, to December 15, Sam and Friends would mark the first apperence of Kermit (though not yet as a frog) and paved the way for Henson’s iconic and revered legacy in the realm of puppetry on film and television.
With the impact this show had in mind, it may come as a shock to some that almost half of Sam and Friends, specifically, 42 of the 86 episodes, are considered lost. With 16 existing, 8 documented, 9 known from memory, plus 8 existing Esskay commercials and 1 memory-known Esskay commercial. Some taped episodes have been shown at venues such as the museum of the moving image while others have been erased. It’s unknown if copies of these erased episodes still exist.
This post would become far to long if I were too list every episode missing from Sam and Freinds, but if your curious, the lost media wiki article has a comprehensive list of all lost episodes.
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Annnd that about it for this post. This type of content is pretty different from the stuff I usually post. So I’m egar to see what you guys think about it. If you enjoyed this article, want to see more like it or have ideas for what puppetry-related topics I should cover in the future. And again, thank you all so much for helping me reach 55 followers. Your support really does mean a lot to me, and I hope you enjoyed this as a follower milestone gift.
Anyways, hope you enjoyed this dip into lost puppetry, and have a happy holiday season!
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gloombeauty · 4 years
 I miss when Lana seemed to be so invested in her music and her art. when she performed live, she seemed like she actually cared. She would get sad during the sad songs, smile during the happy ones, etc. Idk how to describe it, other than the fact that she seemed like she really just *felt*
Lana hasn't given a fuck for a long time. Her visionary art started going south for Lust For Life. She got lazy on stage and off. Then she decided to hire two dancers to twerk onstage to Blue Jeans and Summertime Sadness.
I saw two shows.
First was the LFL tour. She sang most of the BTD songs and hardly anything from LFL which doesn't make sense. She looked good at least. She looked like she gave a fuck. I think it was 2017. She was wearing a black top with skinny jeans and heels. Her hair was straight down her waist. She looked gorgeous.
Then it was the NFR tour. Same song list with a new album. Only two songs from NFR. She stood up on stage looking bored to death. She wasn't singing live. She had a back track recording playing loudly in the background together with fake audience applause. It was sad to see this. Except for the kids in the front, there wasn't that many applause so that may be why they added it to the recording. She mumbled. She didn't sing. She lost her vape and stopped the show for 5 minutes to find it, then went back to the BTD songs.
Adding more fuckery to this, she was dressed like Laura Ingalls from Little House on the Prairie. lol
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I vowed to never spend a dime to a Lana Del Rey show ever again.
I would see about her music. I'm not that impressed with the new songs but the music video for Chemtrails was really cool.
I never seen such a drastic change of effort like this from another artist. She got a lot fans not only for her music but the effort she made for every new era of albums. The videos and photo shoots were gorgeous. Then everything went to hell during LFL.
The music is important to me but so does the visuals. I'm a very visual person.
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fckinsupreme · 5 years
Masterpiece - Xavier Plympton x Fem!Reader - One-Shot
Description: Xavier drops by your art studio and distracts you from a deadline.
Word count: 4.5k
Warnings: Female reader, oral sex (female receiving), breast and nipple play, spanking (brief), dirty talk, unprotected sex, choking (light, brief), and paint use during sex. 
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A/N: Anonymous requested -  Hi! Could you do an Xavier x reader where the reader love painting and Xavier appreciates her art along with having kinky paint sex? 
Sorry if this has been done before! 
No copyright infringement intended! Any rights belong to proper shareholders and they deserve the ultimate credit.
The evening pinned up inside of your art studio had been slow, monotonous. You had been there for hours, working to complete a portrait that your local art gallery wished to display for their upcoming exhibit. They had commissioned a portrait of your choice, which meant that you were on a deadline; it also meant that you had to cancel date plans with your boyfriend, Xavier Plympton. You hated having to do it, to see the look of sadness & disappointment etched into his handsome face, but you needed to do this. It was of the utmost importance, something that was very near and dear to your heart, and he understood that. Even still, you wished that you could be with him instead tonight, to be in his arms, to feel his body on yours, to relish in his lips and hands traveling over your entire body…
But the plus side was that you weren’t entirely without his company. The portrait that you had chosen to paint for the gallery was of him, a full-body one with the most exquisite of detail. Bringing him to life on canvas had proven distracting at times, his beauty staring back at you as it became more and more realistic upon the easel. You had to remind yourself, more than once, of the precious seconds that ticked by the longer you ogled it, and how many of those wasted ticks of the clock would result in more time here. He was grinning in the painting, adorned in his favorite lavender jacket, dark purple crop tank top, nice-fitting blue jeans, and his trademark cross earring. It had been his requested outfit, and he’d modeled it for you recently during a lazy Sunday afternoon. The Polaroid of it rested on your easel, tiny flecks of paint scattered about its surface, but not enough to impact the photo itself. You were grateful; you planned on hanging that little picture in your room when this was all over.
Presently, you’re so focused on your work that you don’t hear the studio door open.  You don’t pick up on the footsteps behind you, nor hear the breathy laugh as those feet approached. You thank your lucky stars that your brush was away from the canvas as those familiar arms, muscular and strong, envelop you from behind in a tight hug, nearly lifting you from your seat. You cry out in surprise, ready to elbow the mystery man, before he chuckles lowly in your ear. 
“Surprise, babe.” 
“Xavier!” you cry, both in surprise and playful anger. “What are you doing here?!”
“I didn’t wanna sit at home bored all night without my best girl,” he answers as you turn around. His eyes were on the painting, an awed expression on his own, real-time face. “Wow. That looks really, really good.”
“You really like it?” you ask, tilting your head. “I wasn’t sure that I was doing justice to the Polaroid.”
“I love it,” he breathes, refraining from touching so as not to smear the wet, fresh paint. “You’re so talented, Y/N.”
You can’t help but blush at that remark, watching as he walks around the studio. He observes some of your other works--a monarch butterfly perched upon a red rose, a lighthouse based on a photo you took during a trip to Maine in 1980, a portrait of your best friend that won first prize in a contest a couple years ago. He pored over each one as if they were sacred works of Dali or Picasso, face lit up as he glances at you. He slowly strides back to where you’re standing, his hands on your waist as he gives you a tender kiss. 
“I love your work,” he murmurs against your lips, giving your waist a squeeze. “I’m pretty lucky to have such a talented girlfriend.”
That comment results in you bringing the brush, still covered in a small bit of paint, across his cheek in a playful swat. You both giggle, with Xavier gathering a tiny amount from his face and smudging it over your cheek in return. You offer him a look of faux shock, gliding the brush across his other cheek as he howled in false derision. You drew your hand back as if you were going to paint his nose, but he grabs your wrist in order to still your movements. He lowers it slowly, his breathtaking blue eyes on yours as he leans in for another kiss. 
You expect nothing less than his needy, raw kissing, the type that became something of his trademark. That’s why you’re stunned when he starts the kiss off slow and gentle, his large hands still planted firmly upon your waist. Your hand, the one holding the brush, creeps up one toned arm, settling there as his lips move against yours. It doesn't take long for that familiar style to show itself, his lips parting as his tongue darts over your closed mouth. You open your lips to grant him access, his tongue swiping past your own as your hand moves further upward. The brush falls to the ground behind Xavier with a dull clack!, lying forgotten as you mewl lightly into his mouth. He tastes of vanilla and a hint of cinnamon, and you know beyond a shadow of a doubt that there was no better taste in the whole world. 
“God, I fucking missed you today,” he pants, fisting your hair as he presses his hips to yours, his lips attacking your neck. You can feel that he’s already started getting hard, and you move one hand between your bodies to palm his forming erection. “Mmm…yeah, baby. Do you feel that?”
You nod with a smirk, grabbing the belt loops of his pants before unfastening them and tugging his belt off. “I missed this,” you say in his ear, tugging his cock free from the confines of his pants. “I’ve been aching to touch you all day.”
“Maybe you should paint that next,” he suggests jokingly, moaning as you begin pumping him. He hardens even more in your hand, and encourages you to push his pants & boxers around his ankles. He steps out of them, cock now fully freed. “Or...mmm...sculpt it. Make your own dildo with my cock as the prototype.” 
“Why would I do that when I have the real thing?” you purr, tugging your shirt off before he does the same with his. “The most amazing dick in the world, and it’s all mine.”
“Damn right,” he says, pulling you close for a messy kiss.
The rest of your clothes and his soon fall to the floor, between sloppy, breathless kisses and your hands wandering all over each other’s exposed skin. His mouth trails down your bare chest, his face buried in your breasts as he peers up at you. Looking into those eyes, so full of raw desire, makes your heart flutter. How had you been so lucky to have someone like Xavier? He was like a dream and yet, here he was--as real as air and all yours. Gazing at him and getting lost in the feeling of his mouth, now moving down your stomach, almost made you forget--
“Fuck,” you say with mild panic. “Xavier, I need to get back to work.”
“Mmm,” he hums, his open mouth situated above your pubic mound. “Later, babe. Right now, I want you to relax with me; you deserve it.”
“I have a deadline,” you say, but make no attempt at stopping him.
“It isn’t due for, what? Another four or five days? You can pull an all-nighter sometime if you need it, but it looks almost done to me. Come on, baby. Let me take care of you tonight.”
You chew anxiously on your bottom lip, but you realize he’s right. Two more days, tops, and it would be complete. What was one night of some much-needed fun going to hurt? Especially when you were fully aware of how much fun sex with Xavier actually was. He wasn’t like any other man you’d ever been with: He wasn’t afraid to be funny during the act, he giggled when it was appropriate, he wasn’t afraid to be loud and vocal, he absolutely loved making you feel good, and he felt like heaven inside of you. He also wasn’t an asshole when it came to going down on you, unlike most of the other men who only did it to get their dicks sucked in return. He truly enjoyed it, he was enthusiastic about it and never expected a blowjob for it. 
How could you turn him down any other time, but especially in an instance when you needed it most? It was the best way to de-stress that you could think of, and he was offering it to you. Why not take it?
“Okay,” you finally say. “I think letting my hair down tonight is just what I need. I wouldn’t be able to focus this far in, anyway.”
His grin was beatific, nearly splitting his face as he stands from the paint-splattered concrete floor. He coaxes you toward a large, wide table with paint bottles & plastic sheets strewn about its surface, pushing you onto it after sliding the sheets to the ground. An open bottle of bright red paint is knocked onto the table amidst the chaos, and any other time you would have been irritated. But you were too lost in the moment and in your own lust to care, and you delight in the fact that more bottles remained within reach. They’re mostly closed, but the ideas that form in your head surrounding them are numerous and spectacular. 
The cool, liquid feeling of red paint fills your entire back, and you pull Xavier on top of you in a heated, saliva-filled kiss. One idea that you had only seconds before comes to the forefront of your mind, your tongue exploring the roof of his mouth as you reach for some paint. You grasp a bottle of standard blue, and squirt some onto his back once the cap was popped open. He gasps in shock against your lips, but he doesn’t pull away. Instead, he only kisses you even harder, your hands smearing the paint to form a blue canvas on his skin. You bring your hands around to the front, trailing streaks of blue over his chiseled torso. 
“Fuck, Y/N,” he breathes as you tweak his nipples. “Do you like that? Do you enjoy making a mess out of me?”
“You know it,” you tease, licking over his tongue as you wiggle a bit. “You kinda started it, though. You knocked over the red and now I’m lying in it.”
“And you covered me in blue,” he says in amusement as he catches sight of your paint-covered fingers. “Do you wanna make purple?”
You laugh, unable to help yourself. “That’s the corniest line I’ve ever heard, Xavier.”
“It may be corny,” he whispers, his breath hot against the shell of your ear. “But my perfect cock pounding into your pretty, dripping cunt won’t be as much.”
You whine, biting your lip as he flips you over. You’re on top of him now, his back in the puddle of red. He gathers some on his fingers, massaging your breasts as you moan appreciatively. You grab the bottle of blue again, handing it to him with a mischievous grin. He gets the idea, squirting some onto one palm and rubbing his hands together. He swipes them over your breasts, relishing in your lewd moans and the way that the red paint on your skin soon turns purple. You reach down to place your hands in a small amount of red, running your hands over his blue chest to achieve the same effect.
“So pretty,” he marvels, eyes glued to your erect nipples as he gives your ass a hard spank. His fingers ghost over your clit, before pinching and rolling one nipple between his fingers. “All painted up, desperate, and soaking wet. Did you know that purple is my favorite color? It looks so damn good all over those pretty tits.”
“Xavier,” you mewl, head falling backward. “Don’t be a tease.”
He winks at you, shifting you onto your back again. He ducks between your legs, mouth immediately settling over your clit. Usually, he’s more into the build-up, in absolutely doing everything in his power to rile you up past your limit, but tonight he’s wasting no time. He grips your thighs like a vice, leaving lines of purple in his wake as he begins to devour your pussy. His skilled tongue flicks over the small, sensitive bundle of nerves, soon massaging your folds with his mouth as he gazes up at you. Your eyes meet his, the lust in your eyes mirrored in his own, as your hands bury in his hair. He gives a soft yelp in protest, not wanting to get paint in his hair, but upon seeing red paint clinging to your own (h/c) locks, he’s less prissy about it. He guides his tongue along every crevice, every lip, every inch that he can reach, his chin coated in your juices. You groan, tugging his frosted hair before running one hand down his pierced ear. The cross earring that you love so much is smudged with a tiny bit of blue paint, and you hum as you admire it for the smallest second. 
“You taste so good,” he remarks. “As always. I missed your sweet taste, babe.”
“I missed your mouth,” you say, rutting into his face before he shakes his head back & forth rapidly against your core. “Xavier!”
“Y/N,” he purrs, smears of red paint on your hips from where his fingers had yet again dipped into the running puddle. “You’re so hot.”
“Not as hot as you,” you purr seductively, arching off the table as his full lips envelop your swollen, drenched clit. He sucks generously, tongue swirling madly as your legs begin to quake. He hums loudly against you for vibration, and your eyes roll back slightly. He wipes his painted fingers off on his thigh, making sure there’s no fresh remaining before pushing two of them inside of you. His hot, wet mouth is still on your cunt, his hums growing louder as his tongue swipes more urgently against your clit. His fingers pump and curl against your spot, juices spilling onto his hand as you feel your stomach beginning to tighten. “Xavier, I’m gonna cum. Please--”
“Not yet,” he growls, running his free hand up the entirety of your thigh. “You can’t cum yet, baby girl.”
“But--” you begin, whining softly when he withdraws his mouth & fingers, crawling up your body in a slow, teasing manner.
He says nothing as he grabs a bottle of yellow paint, squirting it into his hand. He uses that same hand to grab your throat, but not too hard; just enough to keep a firm hold on you. Ravenous baby blues scan your face, smirking as you grin around his grip. A green color, mixed with swirls of red and purple, starts to form on your neck, and Xavier admires it as if it’s the most beautiful color he’s ever seen. And maybe, just maybe, it actually was. 
“I want you to cum around my cock, babe,” he says as he releases your throat. “I’ve been craving it all day.” 
He pins your hands above your head by the wrists, and you give him a consensual nod. He keeps your hands pinned with one of his own, the other gliding down to guide his cock inside of you. You both groan in satisfaction, and you don’t even care about the fact that he had some paint on his cock as it went in. After all, he still had some on his fingers earlier, a bit drier than that on his dick had been, so what was a little more? How could you give a fuck, anyway, when he felt this damn good? He throbs inside of you, and you could feel every vein, every ridge, every pulsation of his erection as he pushed even deeper within. You clenched around him instinctively, soaking in his moans as you did so. 
“So tight,” he groans, letting go of your arms. “Fuck.”
“You’re so big, Xav,” you gasp, leaning forward to press kisses over his neck and clavicle. “I love it.”
He purrs at the praise, thrusting sharply to fully seat himself inside of you. You grab the back of his neck, looking into his eyes before observing the painted, cum-soaked mess of his face. His hair and upper chest are also covered in paint, swirls of the various colors used decorating him like a living, breathing canvas. You can feel drying paint on his back as your hands explore the muscular expanse, your cunt squeezing him again before he starts properly thrusting. One of his hands begins to roam your side and your thigh before gripping your throat a little harder than he had previously. His other hand supports his weight, although he struggles one-handed as his hand slides in the congealing paint on the table. He presses forcefully on your throat for a moment before using it to prop himself better, absolutely pounding into you after finding his newfound footing.
“Jesus,” you whimper, moaning in his ear as your hold switches from the back of his neck to settle in his hair. “You feel so good pounding into me, Daddy.”
He chuckles breathlessly at the nickname, pulling out almost completely before thrusting back in harshly. Your hand is still paint covered as it fists in his hair, some a bit fresh and other old and drying, coloring the locks purple, red, and even a small bit of green. He isn’t objecting, still mercilessly fucking into you as he kisses you hungrily. His noises of pleasure vibrate against your lips, your own noises filling his mouth as his cock brushes repeatedly against your sweet spot. He pulls back after a little while, completely admiring you. He looks at you as though you’re the most precious thing he’s ever seen, his hips slamming into yours. His balls slap against your ass, so big and heavy, and you can’t wait to feel him cumming inside of you. It becomes a craving so intense that it’s an itch you can't scratch; the only way to satiate it is for him to cum, to give you exactly what you both want him to.
“Xavier,” you mewl. “I can’t wait for you to cum, and I want it you to do it so fucking deep. Will you do that for me? Will you cum inside of me? Will you let me milk that perfect fucking cock of every drop?”
“Fuck yes,” he pants, the hand that had previously been planted within the red puddle now grasping your jaw. “As long as you scream my name when you cum. I want anyone close by to hear you. I want them to know how good my dick makes you feel.”
“Back at it with being cheesy, I see,” you joke, and you receive a light warning tug to your hair in response. “Mmm...okay, okay. I’ll do it.”
“Good girl,” he praises, mewling hotly in your ear as your nails dig into his painted back. “I fucking love your pussy, babe. I can’t say it enough.”
“I know you do,” you say, the red paint beneath your back making a squelching sound with each thrust. You were surprised that any remained on the table’s surface, or that it was still wet enough to produce such a sound. Then again, maybe you were confusing it with the noises of him fucking into your sopping cunt; it was shockingly similar to your ears. Then, another idea forms in your head to find out what the sound truly is: “I wanna ride you.”
“I won’t complain about that,” he says, flipping you over so that you were on top of him, his cock still deeply embedded inside of you. “You look like a goddess when you bounce on my cock.”
You set a steady pace, trying to keep the fast one that he had set. You soon realize that the noise was not, in fact, caused by the paint but by the sex itself. It almost echoes in the surrounding space, along with the sound of both of your moaning & heavy breathing that signaled your upcoming climaxes. You move up and down, slamming onto him with every movement downward. You make sure that he rams into your G-spot each time, wanting to feel his engorged head against it with each bounce of your hips. Xavier’s hands, now a red-green-purple mix, explore your waistline and hips, traveling to your breasts eventually and giving them a fresh splash of color. You rest your hands over his, losing yourself in the sensation of the dried paint on his hands against your sensitive nipples.
Your head lolls back, soft sighs of ecstasy spilling from your lips. He tugs your nipples, rubbing them in circles before pulling you down. You keep working your hips, chest level with his face at this point. Painted tits bounce in his face with the momentum of you fucking yourself onto his massive length, one of your hands above him to brace yourself as the other toys with your clit. He runs his tongue along one hardened nipple, paying no mind to the taste of the paint. The amount was minuscule, but you know it had to taste like shit; it was fucking paint, after all.
“I guess it’s fortunate that I only use non-toxic, acrylic paint, hm?” you tease, which causes him to hum. His lips wrap around your nipple, sucking softly. “Isn’t the taste of that pretty nasty?”
“It isn’t the worst thing ever,” Xavier replies, face now positioned between your jiggling breasts. “It’s not pussy, but it’s alright. Pussy is the best flavor in the world, you know that.” 
You laugh softly at his comment, sitting back up and swiveling your hips as you toss your hair from your face. He moans thickly, and your hands bury in your own paint-covered hair. His hands continue to run over your body in a colorful pattern, your own finding his chest as one rubs wildly at your clit again. You know that he wants you to cum first, you can sense it by the look in his eyes and his attention on your sensitive breasts, his fingers working magic on them. He pinches and rolls the nipples, occasionally giving your tits a hard squeeze. You know that your orgasm is quickly approaching, and you open your mouth to warn him of it.
In response, Xavier forcefully grabs your tits, holding on so hard that you fear they may bruise. It doesn’t really faze you that much for long, though; in fact, it only fuels your orgasm and you finally cum so hard that stars begin dancing across your vision. You scream his name as you promised, scratching down his chest through the valley of red and purple, nail marks revealing pieces of his pale skin underneath. His hold is on your hips now, holding you firmly in place as you soak his cock in your sticky, milky essence. Your head is swimming, and as you hit your high, you’re vaguely aware of him guiding your hips along his cock to chase his own release. 
“Babe,” he rasps, darkened eyes drinking in the sight of your body atop of his. “God, you’re a fucking porn star. Look at you.”
“I know,” you say, a dazed grin on your face. You clench around him, trying to coax him to his own orgasm. “Go ahead, Xav. Cum inside of me.”
He bites his lip, eyes on your heaving, moving breasts. He can no longer contain himself at the sight, shooting his hot load deep inside of your pussy. You feel his cock twitching, his balls nearly draining completely within you as he gives you all that he can. It feels too damn good, and you don’t want to move off as he finishes. He moans your name before it falls repeatedly from his kiss-swollen lips in a breathy chant. You smile, reluctantly lifting your hips as you feel him becoming flaccid. He hugs you to his chest, lying you next to him in order to hold you. His painted fingers play with your stiffened hair, and he’s laughing after a small beat of silence. 
“What?” you ask, propping your chin on his chest.
“Nothing,” he says, running his fingers down your cheek in a tender manner. “It’s just that you’re officially the prettiest piece of art in this room.”
“Gee, thanks,” you say teasingly, rolling your eyes playfully. “You’re on a roll with the corniness tonight.”
“It’s true!” he says in protest with a mock pout. “You know I’m right, babe.” 
“No, you’re wrong,” you say with a wink. “The prettiest artwork here is you. You already look like a statue of Adonis, and that dick? That is a work of art in and of itself.”
“Don’t forget my balls, too,” he jokes, and now you’re rolling your eyes for real.
“Dork,” you laugh, leaning up for a gentle kiss. “But honestly, the real art is your pretty face and that bone structure.”
He’s silent for several minutes, both of you basking in the afterglow. Then, his laughter rings out again--this time, more of a chortle. You look up at him, brows furrowed in confusion over what he could be laughing about now. You almost speak, but he answers before you get a chance to. 
“You know how they have those paint canvases that are, like, huge?” he asks, and you nod. “Well, I was reading in Playboy awhile back that people have sex on them, covered in paint, and it makes really cool art. Like sex art made by real sex.”
“And why were you reading Playboy, Mr. Plympton?” you tease, trying to hide your smirk and failing. “Hm?”
“For the jokes and the articles,” he says, putting up a serious act that backfires when he scratches the back of his neck. That’s how you always knew he was lying, that damn neck scratch. “And okay, yeah, for the naked chicks. Who, by the way, aren’t as hot as you. They have fake hair, fake tans, fake bodies, and then there’s the fact that some of them don’t even--”
“I get it, babe,” you interject with a chuckle. “I actually have canvas like that here. It’s like a sheet and it’s pretty big.”
“You’re saying you wanna try it?” Xavier asks, eyes big with both excitement and surprise. “For real?” 
“Why not?” you say, sitting up with a wide grin. “It could be fun, and I could display it in here. Tell people who may stop by that I made it with my boyfriend.”
“Mmm,” he hums, licking his lips. “Go get it, baby.” 
You offer another wink, sliding from the table. You know that you’ll be cursing the whole situation later in the shower, trying to scrub layers of dry paint from your hair and skin, but for now, that didn’t matter. You desperately needed this night of letting loose and having the fun that you’d been deprived of lately. Trying new things was definitely an option, and you were determined to make the most of it. A sex canvas seemed to be the icing on the cake, and as you retrieve a spare canvas and some extra paint from your storeroom, you knew this night would be unlike any other.
To hell with the deadline. If you somehow didn’t meet it because of this, you had a feeling it would be more than worth it. 
@littledemondani​, @wroteclassicaly​, @venusxxlangdon​, @ringpop-poppy​, @ccodyfern​, @icylangdon​, @duncvns​, @mantorokk​, @queencocoakimmie​, @codyswhore​, @sebastianshoe​, @rocketgirl2410​, @hisgirlwonder​, @sherlocklaufeyson​, @disa​, @hxdesworld​, @w0nder-marie​, @hplotrfan​, @holylangdon​, @losers-club6​, @langdonsdemon​, @melodylangdon​, @idespac​, @femaleantichrist​, @chaoticevillangdon​, @lotsofhunny​, @maso-xchrist​  @iloveziggystardust​, @hecohansen31​, @lvngdvns​, @michael-langdon-owns-my-soul​,  @michealsheep​, @codyssfern​, @lovelylangdonx​, @1-800-bitchcraft​, @coollangdon​, @leatherduncan​, @thorohdamnson​, @angel-langdon​, @kaetastic​, @jetblackpayne​, @arkhamren​, @madamaholmes​, @theinevitableprophecy​, @langdonsblood​, @daydreamingofcody​, @rebelyelll​, @psychobitchtess​, @michael-langdon-appreciation​, @confettucini​, @sojournmichael​, @xavierplymptonsangel​, @heavymetalover​, @littlegirlsdontplaynice​, @syndaselur​, @xavierrplymptons​, @codyfernmorelikedaddyfern​, @swishandflick889​, @xaviersghost​, @antichristsxbox​, @blackredrose27​, @langdxn​, @ladynuwanda​, @jims-wave​, @sammythankyou​
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btsqualityy · 5 years
BTS Second Pregnancy Series #12: Quality Time
34, or 8 and a half months, pregnant 
Kim Seokjin
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“Can I have that color Mommy?” Kaiden asked and you nodded at him, reaching over to grab the purple crayon before handing it off to him. With your due date rapidly approaching, you had felt an intense need to spend more one on one time with Kaiden because you knew that you weren’t going to be able to once the baby was born.
“What are you drawing Mommy?” Kaiden wondered as he leaned over, looking at the sheet of construction paper that you had been working on for the last 10 minutes. “It looks funky.”
“That’s because it’s abstract,” you chuckled.
“What’s abstick?” Kaiden asked and you had to contain yourself in order to not full out laugh at him.
“You know the art that Uncle Tae Tae makes sometimes, and how it doesn’t always really look like anything?” You told him and he nodded. “It’s like that.”
“Ohh,” he drawled, looking at the paper for a few more seconds before looking up at you. “I like it.”
“Thanks Kade,” you smiled. “What about you? What did you draw?”
“Look,” he said, sliding his own piece of paper over towards you. You looked down at the sheet, immediately realizing that he had drawn a picture of your family. He had drawn Jin to be super tall, himself next to his father, and you on the other side with your large bump. Something that caught your attention though, was that Kaiden had drawn a little squiggly line on your baby bump.
“Kade, what’s this?” You asked him, pointing to the squiggle. 
“Oh, that’s the baby,” he replied easily.
“They’re not a squiggly line though sweetie,” you pointed out with a giggle.
“I know but we don’t know if it’s a boy or a girl and I didn’t want to leave them out of the picture, so I just did a squiggle,” he explained, and you couldn’t help but to smile at him. 
“Well, I love it,” you told him, leaning over and kissing the top of his head. 
Min Yoongi
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“Alright you two,” Yoongi said as he leaned over the bed, smiling down at you. “I’m heading to the studio for a few hours.”
“Mm, ok,” you nodded, yawning loudly as you stretched out in the bed. Yoongi leaned down and kissed your lips twice before leaning up again. 
“I’ll call if I’m late,” he said before looking next to you at Kinsley, who was sprawled out next to you. “See you later baby girl.”
“Bye Daddy,” she whispered.
“Love you two,” Yoongi said before standing up straight and walking out of the bedroom. You then looked over at Kinsley, who was sleepily smiling at you.
“Come over here sweetheart,” you called, opening your arms and Kinsley moved over and snuggled into your chest. 
“Yes baby?”
“When is sissy coming?” Kinsley asked, referring to Kamryn.
“Uh, in about a month,” you told her. “Hopefully.”
“Daddy said sissy is gonna be tiny,” Kinsley murmured and you smiled as you looked down at her.
“She is, just like you were.”
“How tiny?”
“Well, we aren’t completely sure about Kammie yet but I know that you were tiny enough that your whole body used to fit in Daddy’s hands,” you said. 
“Really?” She whispered in awe and you nodded. “Is she gonna be too tiny to nap with us?”
“No, I think she’s gonna like to nap too sweetheart,” you laughed, leaning over and kissing Kinsley’s nose. “Sleep baby.” You told her and she nodded, shutting her eyes and laying her head on your chest, drifting off to sleep.
Kim Namjoon
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“Oh Mommy, look at that!” Mason shouted as he ran over to the fence that held small goats inside of it. You followed behind him, watching with a smile on your face as he pressed his face up against the fence to get a better look at the goats. You had brought Mason to the zoo in order to spend some time with him while Namjoon worked, and the zoo had a small section full of animals that essentially acted as a petting zoo.  
“They’re cool, huh?” You said and he nodded rapidly before looking up at you. 
“They have food for them, can I go get some and feed them?” Mason asked and you wearily looked over at the employee who was handing out goat feed to the different visitors. 
“I don’t know buddy,” you told him but he grabbed your hand and looked up at you with a pronounced pout on his face.
“Please Mommy,” he pleaded and the look on his face broke you down.
“Alright, come on,” you relented, making him squeal in excitement. The two of you walked over to the the employee who was handing out the feed and after you paid him a dollar, he handed a small bag of the feed to Mason. 
“Come watch Mommy,” Mason giggled and you nodded before walking back over to the fence. You watched as Mason got the open the bag himself, and he poured some into his hand before reaching through the fence and holding it out to one of the goats.
“Oh, he must’ve been hungry,” you smiled, watching as Mason giggled happily at the goat eating out of his hand.
“It feels funny,” he laughed, pouring more of the feed into his hand for the goat. Once all of the feed was gone and the goat had ambled away, you helped Mason squirt some hand sanitizer on his hands before the two of you walked away.
“That was so cool,” Mason said excitedly as he reached up and held your hand. “I wish Daddy could’ve been here too.”
“You can tell him all about it when he gets home tonight, ok?” You told him and he nodded as the two of you continued throughout the zoo.
Jung Hoseok
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“I want mint choco Mommy,” Lennox requested giddily, hopping from one foot to the other as he, you, and Berkeley stood in line at an ice cream place.
“Ok, we’ll get it Lenny,” you told him, a smile on your face at how he was hopping around. “What about you Berk? What do you want?”
“I don’t know if I want vanilla or choco,” Berkeley replied as she looked up at you. 
“How about if you get two scoops for one of each?” You told her and she looked up at you in shock.
“Can I?”
“Why not? But don’t tell Daddy, ok?” You smiled and Berkeley nodded rapidly. Your turn to order came and you stepped up, ordering Lennox’s mint chocolate, Berkeley’s vanilla and chocolate, and your own strawberry ice cream cones. After you received them, the three of you went and sat down at a small table to eat your ice cream.
“Should we take ice cream to Daddy?” Lennox asked.
“Yeah, can we Mommy?” Berkeley added.
“We could but I think it would melt by the time that we got it to him,” you told them and they both simultaneously pouted at that. 
“Do you think Hendrix is gonna like ice cream?” Lennox wondered.
“Yeah he will, who doesn’t? Don’t be stupid,” Berkeley said.
“Berk, what did we say about calling each other stupid?” You said sternly and Berkeley nodded immediately. “But I think he’ll like ice cream too and when he gets big enough, we can bring him with us to get some.”
“His favorite flavor is gonna be mint choco,” Lennox said.
“No, it’s gonna be regular choco or vanilla,” Berkeley shot back. 
“And it never ends,” you muttered to yourself before eating another spoonful of ice cream. 
Park Jimin 
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“Mommy, can I help you?” Noah asked and you looked up from your spot on the floor before smiling at him. You had been sitting in the living room, doing your regular routine of adding more photos to your family photo albums. 
“Sure Noey, come here,” you motioned next to you and Noah rushed over, settling himself down next to you. You handed him some photos and a glue stick and he immediately set to work.
“Can I put it here Mommy?” Noah wondered and you looked over, your eyes widening when you say the blank page that he was pointing at.
“Oh no baby, those are the pages for the new baby,” you told him.
“But it’s not here yet,” he said and you chuckled while nodding your head.
“No, I know but once they are here, we’re going to fill this album up with pictures of them too. Just like we did for you,” you said. 
“Can we look at my pictures Mommy?” Noah asked and you nodded, reaching over and grabbing the album that exclusively held Noah’s photos from his first year of life and opened it up to show him.
“Look, this is you when you were first born,” you said as you pointed to a photo of you laying in the hospital bed, with Noah on top of your chest and Jimin smiling up at the camera with his hand on Noah’s back. 
“Is my brother or sister gonna be small like that? Like I was?” Noah wondered. 
“Basically, yeah,” you nodded. “I miss it when you used to be that small. You’re all grown up now.”
“I’m a big boy Mommy,” he announced proudly and you smiled sadly. 
“You are, but you’re always be my first baby,” you said, leaning over and kissing his cheek.
Kim Taehyung
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“What color do you think you might want Spence?” You asked her as the two of you looked at the large display of nail polish colors that hung on the wall in front of you. As a small little treat for Spencer and as a way to squeeze in more quality time with her, you decided to take her with you to get a pedicure.
“Um, can I get that color Mommy?” Spencer asked, pointing up towards a bottle of soft baby pink polish. 
“Sure Spence,” you nodded, reaching up and grabbing the bottle before handing it off to her. Once you had picked out a bottle of dark blue polish for yourself, you and Spence walked over to the massage chairs that were set up for pedicures and after making sure that she could climb up into the chair herself, you settled down in the one right next to her. 
“Just two regular pedicures?” The employee that was going to be working on your feet asked and you nodded before looking over at Spencer.
“Remember, try and stay really still, ok?” You told her and she nodded in agreement. The two employees then began your respective pedicures, making quick work of cleaning your feet and cutting your toenails before moving on to your massages.
“Ah, it tickles Mommy,” Spencer squealed, which made the employees laugh and you couldn’t help but to smile at her.
“I know, it feels pretty funny huh?” You said and she nodded. The employees wrapped up quickly after that, painting your toenails and leaving them to dry afterwards.
“Mommy, look,” Spencer grinned, patting your arm until you looked over at her and she pointed to her toes. “It’s so pretty.”
“It is pretty Spence,” you smiled. “Stay still though, so that they can dry.”
“Ok. I can’t wait to show them to Daddy,” she told you and you couldn’t help to laugh at how she always wanted to show Taehyung anything that she found exciting.
“I think he’s going to like them,” you said and she looked up at you with a big smile that looked like her father’s.
Jeon Jungkook
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“Come on Angel,” you called, waiting for Ava to catch up to you before you opened the door to the boutique and walked inside, Ava following close behind you. Jungkook had been working more often in order to prepare for the group’s comeback, which left you and Ava alone to spend a lot of quality time together before the baby came.
“Oh Mommy, look,” Ava squealed, rushing over to a rack that was filled with dresses for girls her age. You smiled and followed behind her, looking through the rack to make sure that they carried her size before she became too excited. 
“Do you want one Ave?” You asked her and she looked up at you and nodded rapidly. You looked through the rack and found a few different dresses in her size before holding them up for her and letting her pick one out. She ended up choosing a dark green one that had sparkles on it, which you knew was going to happen.
“Wanna go try it on?” You wondered and she nodded in agreement. Once the two of you had stepped into a free dressing room, you helped her take her clothes off before putting the dress on her.
“Mommy, it’s so pretty,” Ava sighed in awe as she looked at herself in the mirror. 
“I think so too baby. Here, turn around for a picture and I’ll send it to Daddy,” you told her. She turned around to face you and put her hands on her hips, her big bunny smile that mirrored Jungkook’s on her face as you snapped the picture. You quickly sent it to Jungkook before helping Ava change back into her shirt and jeans. 
“Mommy?” Ava called as the two of you walked out of the dressing room. 
“Yes Ave?”
“Can we see if they have a dress like this for Aria?” She asked and you paused, looking down at her in slight disbelief.
“You think we should?” You said.
“Yeah! We could match!” She smiled excitedly and you couldn’t help but to smile as well.
“Alright, let’s go look,” you nodded and the two of you headed back over to the clothing racks. 
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linmanwe11 · 4 years
Pairing: Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader
Words: 1,731 words (Part 3 will PROBABLY be the longest)
Warnings: Swearing, WAY TOO MUCH FLIRTING, Lin’s eyes and his lips (they’re so damn nice and pretty)
Summary: It’s been about a week since you found out that you won the Prizeo contest, and you and Lin have kept in contact. It’s finally time for your date, and you couldn’t be more excited yet anxious for the day to unfold.
A/N: It’s slow burn, y’all... Just wait for part 3. I hope you’re enjoying this so far!
Part Two: THE DATE
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Nearly a week after it was announced that you were the winner of the Prizeo contest, the time had finally come for you to meet Lin. To say you were nervous was an understatement- you were TERRIFIED. Since that day, you and Lin had texted every day, just getting to know one another. Of course, you saved most of the “important topics” for your date, but you let him know the bare minimum about you, and he did the same.
Since it was a Saturday Matinee, you woke up earlier than usual to start getting ready, and also because you couldn’t wait to finally see Lin in person. After seeing him once as Usnavi and then so many years of seeing his success through a screen, you could hardly wait any longer. You picked out the perfect outfit; a beautiful black dress with a slit that rode up to your thigh, black heels, and matching jewelry. As you sat in your bathroom while you did your hair and makeup, you felt your phone vibrate against the counter. Unlocking it, you were all too familiar with who was texting you.
From: Lin I legit cannot wait to see you today. I’ve never been this excited about meeting a prizeo contest winner before… Seriously!
To: Lin I can’t wait either. Talking to you this past week has been unreal, like a dream come true. I still can’t believe I won! Even if I didn’t win, I’m still so happy that I was able to help and contribute to such a great cause.
From: Lin I’m really glad to hear that, [Y/N]. You’re probably getting ready right now, so I’ll leave you to it. I’ll see you in a bit, love.
You smiled to yourself, the anticipation growing inside. As you finished getting ready, he called you and said he was on his way, and you laughed as he told you how cool the limo was, [Y/N], this limo is so DOPE. Checking yourself one last time in the mirror, you grabbed your small purse and tried your best to calm yourself down. Finally, you heard the buzzer go off followed by Lin’s voice letting you know it was him. You buzzed him up then patiently waited by the door before you heard him knock.

When you opened it, you saw his jaw drop as he looked you over and you blushed as you saw how he was looking at you. 
He looked at you as if you were the most beautiful thing he had ever laid eyes on, and he felt his heart light up and his stomach turned upside down while butterflies flew all throughout it, he was in love from the beginning.
For you, just about the same thing was happening. Sure, you had seen photos, videos, and read interviews and listened to podcasts, but you weren’t prepared for how you would feel when you met him in real life. He was… breathtaking to say the very least. His short hair fixed neatly, the suit fitting him perfectly in all the right places, and his eyes, oh goodness, his eyes. They were dark, but you felt as if you could see the entire universe by just looking through his eyes. You looked at him, your eyes studying him carefully when he looked in your eyes, and you felt it. Something was definitely there between you two, you both knew it, and you just smiled at each other before he held out his hand for you to take, his fingers lacing themselves with yours.
“You look beautiful, [Y/N]. Even more beautiful than I imagined.”
“Thank you. You look very handsome, Lin-Manuel. Way more handsome than I’ve seen in any picture or video of you. I can’t believe this is happening! I’m so excited!”
“Well then, let’s get going then, shall we?”
You smiled at him as he led you down to the limo which was waiting for the two of you outside your apartment building. He opened the door for you and you felt goosebumps as he placed his hand on the small of your back, following you into the vehicle.
“Such a gentleman! How sweet.”
“I try, [Y/N], I try.”
He said before he smiled at you as you sat next to one another, the two of you riding in a comfortable silence as you drove down the streets of New York. You had such a deep love and passion for the city that never sleeps, even in the afternoon glow, you admired the lights of the city with nothing but love.
Finally, you arrived at the wondrous Richard Rodgers Theater, your eyes lighting up as the ‘Hamilton’ sign came into view.
“Holy shit, holy shit, holy SHIT! Lin! I can’t believe I’m here! I’m about to see HAMILTON with YOU!”
“C’mon, love, let’s show the world the beautiful Prizeo winner.”
Lin stepped out first and you followed, being greeted by flashing cameras and people yelling to get Lin’s attention. He walked you to the stage door, stopping for a few pictures, and then you walked into the theater. You got to meet the entire cast, each and every one of them congratulating you on winning and telling you how beautiful you were before Lin escorted you to your seats, it felt like you were in a dream.
As the show started, you looked at the stage, the actors, and the dancers with such wonder and amazement, you hardly noticed that Lin was doing the same, except he was looking at you instead of the stage. In the middle of the show, you felt Lin’s hand find a resting place on your thigh. It was respectful, of course, but the feeling still gave you goosebumps and made you shiver. You looked over at him, and he looked at you, eyes meeting with nothing but love, and you placed your hand on top of his, leaving it in its place on your thigh.
You were bawling by the end, and you were on your feet in a split second. Its’ reputation proceeded itself, it was single-handedly the most beautiful piece of art you had ever seen. Wiping away your tears, you and Lin made your way out of the theater, back to the limo, and towards the restaurant.
“Wow, Lin, this restaurant is REALLY fancy.” You said to him as you sat down.
“Do you like it?”
“It’s beautiful! I love it.”
“So, what’d you think of Hamilton?”
“Oh my goodness, it was… amazing isn’t even a good enough way to describe it. It was everything than I hoped it would be. Hell, it was even BETTER than what I hoped it would be, I loved it so much. You really did create a piece of art.”
“Thank you, [Y/N]. I’m so happy to hear you enjoyed it. So, as first dates usually go, tell me about yourself.”
“Well, I was born here in New York and grew up in Queens. When I graduated from college at NYU, I got a job as a high school Advanced English teacher, but I’ve had a few writing jobs on the side. That’s really my main goal, to be a writer, but as you know, it’s hard, but I love teaching and wouldn’t mind making an actual career out of it.”
“That’s amazing, I’d love to read some of your work if you don’t mind?”
“I don’t mind at all! And what about you?”

“What do you want to know?”
“Anything you’re willing to tell me. I’m all ears.”
And just like that, the two of you went on for what seemed like hours, taking small breaks to eat. You had never connected with someone so quickly, and you were pretty surprised considering the fact that this man was possibly the most famous person in his industry, he was so unbelievably humble.
“I meant what I said earlier, you know?”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re really beautiful.” He said it with so much sincerity, you knew your face was candy apple red from blushing. He chuckled then kept the conversation going.
As the date went on, the two of you began scooting closer to one another, and before you knew it, Lin was holding your hand, his thumb stroking your smooth skin, eyes listening intently, and never leaving your face as you spoke. You loved how expressive and animated he was when he talked- his hands almost never staying still and his eyes lighting up and telling a million stories within themselves. He was honestly a dream, you still couldn’t quite believe you were here with him.
As your bodies drew closer together, you turned your head to look at him and he did the same. You just stared at each other, eyes drowning in his before you saw him glance down at your lips then back up to meet your eyes as you did the same to his, hoping you could get your mind elsewhere but in that exact moment, he licked then bit his bottom lip. You exhaled heavily, trying to slow your heartbeat and the arousal you were suddenly feeling. Lin was feeling the exact same thing, and he couldn’t deny his own arousal, then he smiled when he saw you begin to blush once again.
“You’re really cute when you blush.”
“Oh, so I’m just cute?”
“Well, I’d say something else Miss [L/N], but I don’t want to scare you off…” He said, barely above a whisper, his face getting closer to yours, lips only centimeters apart now.
“I don’t scare easily, Lin-Manuel. I’m not that kind of woman.”
“No, you’re not… You’re more than beautiful and this dress… Wow. You make it look so damn good, so sexy.”
You felt the wetness that had suddenly gathered between your legs accumulate as you swallowed hard, your lips now brushing against his. Lin looked into your eyes once more before letting his gaze flick back down to your lips, he leaned his head to the side, and then-
You both jumped apart from one another as two waiters bumped into one another causing one of them to drop a tray full of drinks. He smiled at you, and you let out a breath you didn’t even know you had been holding in.
“[Y/N], I know this technically isn’t included with the prize, but I don’t really want to end this date. Do you maybe want to take this somewhere else? We can walk around the city if you’d like? I’d love to see some of your favorite spots, and I’d love to show you mine.”
“I’d love that, Lin-Manuel.”
“Great, let’s go.”
Lin paid the bill, grabbed your hand, then led you out into the night.
Part Three: THE PRIZE
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swiftlymoniquesblog · 5 years
New Orleans Square- Peter Parker x Reader (Requested)
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Prompt by @cyrusandhiscollaredahirts: Reader is a Disney fanatic and they get lost in New Orleans Square as they look for food. The reader helps him and they end up falling in love.
A/N: I actually am a HUGE Disney fan myself and the last time I was at Disneyland was for my 21st birthday. My Mom went with me and we had dinner at NOS so this was a fun one to write!
***** DISCLOSURE: I do NOT own any rights to Disney or anyone affiliated with the movies or the parks. The lyrics are STRICTLY used for the purpose of entertainment for a work of fiction
Warnings: Fluff, slight panic attack, minor injury
Word Count: 2034
Going to Disneyland was supposed to be fun but it turned out to be a disaster! You were with your school for a class trip but you were miserable. You managed to forget to wear sunscreen so your skin was burning as you stood in line for rides. Of course, all the lines were unbelievably long and you hated standing around, waiting. Then, a little boy had a complete meltdown in front of you and his anger, he kicked you as hard as he could in your leg. You ended up hobbling around for a while until you couldn’t stand it. You begged to be seen by a doctor or someone who could help with the pain. 
“Alright, alright, y/n, we’ll ask someone to see if there is any place here that help with your leg.” Your teacher said, growing frustrated with your constant whining. 
Finding a worker, they point you into the direction of the nearest medical facility that dealt with minor injuries in the park. Walking into the office with your friend, you grew annoyed with the Mikey Mouse emblems that littered the whole room. 
That stupid grin. You thought to yourself as you hoped up on an examining table. 
“Okay Miss Y/L/N, let’s take a look at your leg here.” A doctor (if you could even call him that) said, grabbing your leg and hoisting it up on his knee to get a better look at the injury. 
“Ah well, you got a nasty gash there. How did this happen again?” The doctor asked. 
“Some stupid kid kicked me.” You say, rolling your eyes at the memory.
“Well, he must’ve hit you with something harder than his foot because he cut you deep.” 
“Oh great.” You say sarcastically. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll just clean it up, stitch you up, and you’ll be good to go.” 
You hiss as the alcohol hits your open wound and squirm in pain as the needle would push into your skin and out to sow you up. Once he was done, the doctor wrapped your leg with white gauze to keep any bleeding from spilling out of the stitches. 
“There, good as new.” He helped you stand and gave you some ibuprofen for the pain. 
“Go see your doctor when you get home but you should be good until then.”
“Thank you, Doc.” Your friend said, nodding at him as you left the office. 
“Well, this has been quite the trip, eh?” She said, nudging you slightly.
“Tell me about it. I just want one good thing to come from this lame excuse of a vacation.” 
As you joined up with the rest of your school, they were wandering around for a place to eat. Walking into New Orleans Square, you noticed a young man, around your age, wandering around like he was lost. You kept your gaze on him, focusing on whatever he was doing and then it hit you. You had seen him before and you felt your heart race; Peter Parker. He was the single most popular student in all of Queens, as the star student of the Midtown School of Science and Technology. He was smart, considering he landed an internship with Stark Industries a few years ago, which landed him his popularity. Someone like him would never notice someone like you but you figured that was back in Queens. This is Disneyland, ‘where dreams come true’ right? 
You split from your class and heading over to where he was but he wasn’t paying attention to you. You clear your throat and he whipped around to look at you. 
“H-hey, are you okay? You look lost.” You spoke, afraid of speaking to him but he just grinned at you. 
“I am. I was with some….friends, but we got separated.”
“Well, I’m here with my class so I think you can join us if you’d like.” 
“Thank you. I think that would be cool. I’m Peter.” He extended his hand to you and took it.
“I’m Y/N.” You shook his hand and he gave you a look. “Y/N? From the Collingswood School of Performing Arts?” He asked.
“Yes. How did you know that?” You ask. 
“Oh, I uh, my school has helped set up a show at your school.” He stuttered over his words, which seemed odd to you.
“Oh, and was I there?” 
“Yeah, it was a dance competition and you were one of the contestants. I uh, stopped helping the setup and saw you. You were really good.”
“Thank you. Didn’t think you’d ever notice me.” 
“You were hard to miss.” He said causing your cheeks to brighten red. 
“Hey, Y/L/N!” Your teacher called and you rushed back to the group, Peter close behind.
“Can we eat here? We’ve been walking around for half-an-hour looking for something to eat and we’re all getting tired!” One of your classmates said as everyone cheered in agreement. 
“Fine, we’ll eat here.” Your teacher led the class inside a restaurant; The Blue Bayou. 
“Oh, I love this place! It’s like you’re sitting right in New Orleans and the Pirates of the Caribbean ride goes right through here!” Peter exclaimed to you as he dashed inside. You laughed seeing him act childish.
When your host escorted you to your table, the class oo’d and aww’d at the scenery, however, Peter had another idea. 
“Come with me.” He whispered to you before he walked off. You looked at your friend, who just motioned for you to go with him. 
You soon began to panic, as you couldn’t find where Peter had gone. You looked all over the restaurant, back to the front doorway and outside but no Peter. Just then, someone tapped you on your shoulder, it was Mickey Mouse! 
“Mickey!” You shout, wrapping your arms around the character. 
He looked at you and extended his white-gloved hand for you and you took it. He led you to a hidden location, up a narrow hallway and stairs, up above the restaurant. You were confused and assumed he was a serial killer hiding in a Mickey Mouse costume, but all your fears melted away when you saw Peter, standing next to a table. 
“Thanks for your help, Mikey.” He said, fist-bumping the mouse before he headed back the way you had come.
“What are we doing up here?” You asked as Peter took your hand once again and brought you closer to him.
“Well, I heard from your friend that you weren’t having a good trip, so I spoke with the staff of the restaurant and asked if it were possible for us to have dinner up here. They agreed and here we are.” 
“Peter, this is…this is unreal. But why me? Why bring me up here? I thought you like MJ.” You heard rumors that Peter and MJ were an item; gossip spreads fast in Queens. Why would he be into you; he hardly knew you.
“Oh no, MJ and I are just friends. I told her I was really into this one cute girl from Collingswood and I wanted to get to know her better. Luckily, I happened to run into her at the happiest place in the world, and I get to be romantic with her like I’ve always wanted to. I just hope she lets me treat her to a magical night.”
You couldn’t find the words to say, so you just threw your arms around Peter’s neck, holding him close. 
“I like you, Y/N, so much.” He says as he helps you settle into your seat. “Please order whatever you’d like; it’s on me.” 
“I can’t let you pay for all this, Pete.” 
“Eh, sure you can. Plus, I already paid ahead of time so you can’t argue with me.” He smirked at you but you went along with it. 
After you two ate, he stood up and offered his hand again. 
“Boy, you surely do that a lot, don’t you?” You joke, looking at his hand.
“Do you trust me?”
You nod your head and put your hand in his as he quickly pulls you to him. 
“Hi.” He smiles and starts swaying to the music with you.
“Pete, I’m not dressed for this.”  You looked down at your shorts and tank-top combo; not the best choice for dancing.
“Nonsense. I got you. Just follow my lead.” 
The music to one of your favorite songs as a kid began playing; from a Disney movie nonetheless. 
Take my hand, take a breath
Pull me close and take one step
Keep your eyes locked on mine
And let the music be your guide
Won't you promise me?
(Now won't you promise me?)
(That you'll never forget)
We'll keep dancing
(To keep dancing)
Wherever we go next
It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding
Someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling
The way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance?
(Can I have this dance?)
Can I have this dance?
You felt your cheeks heat up as Peter orchestrated the dance from High School Musical 3. It was super cheesy but you didn’t care. You were here with Peter and the rest of the world melted away. 
Take my hand, I'll take the lead
And every turn will be safe with me
Don't be afraid, afraid to fall
You know I'll catch you through it all
And you can't keep us apart
(Even a thousand miles can't keep us apart)
'Cause my heart is wherever you are
At this point, every eye in the restaurant was on you and Peter, phones were out recording or taking photos of you both and you grew embarrassed. 
“Don’t be embarrassed, my love. This is our moment and no one can ruin this for us. I’ve wanted to tell you how much I like you for a while now and I felt a big romantic gesture like this was appropriate; something you deserve.”
It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding
Someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling
The way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance?
(Can I have this dance?)
Can I have this dance?
It felt as though you were flying, living out a childhood fantasy with one of the most amazing guys you’ve met.
Oh, no mountain's too high and no ocean's too wide
'Cause together or not, our dance won't stop
Let it rain, let it pour, what we have is worth fighting for
You know I believe that we were meant to be! Oh!
It's like catching lightning, the chances of finding
Someone like you
It's one in a million, the chances of feeling
The way we do
And with every step together
We just keep on getting better
So can I have this dance?
(Can I have this dance?)
Can I have this dance?
Can I have this dance?
Can I have this dance?
The music faded away and it was eerily quiet as Peter captured your chin and pulled you in for a kiss; the entire restaurant erupting into applause and cheers. 
“Will you be my girlfriend?” He asked, pressing his forehead to yours, eyes boring into yours. 
“Yes, please. A million times, yes.” You kissed him again before grabbing your things and heading back down with the rest of your class. 
Your friend squeals and hugs you before saying quietly, “I knew this trip would get better for you.” 
“But I never expected this!” 
“I did.” She says. 
“You knew about this?” You ask your friend, to which she just nods. 
“I caught him watching you at the dance competition a few months back, knew he liked you and helped him plan this whole thing.” 
“Ah, I love you!” You hug your friend before you take your place back at Peter’s side, fingers intertwining with his. 
“I can’t wait to get home and show you off to May and Ned and MJ and Mr. Stark!” He beamed as he spoke and you couldn’t help but be excited to go home too. 
Tag list: @67-chevy-baby @fandom-princess-forevermore @forever-trapped-in-my-dreams @simpleboox @tloveswriting @juju-la-tortue @marvelfansworld​ @damn-stark
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