#because the bots looks really fucking cool!
classychassiss · 2 years
Im curious why they didnt have Mirage speak though like is it because they didnt have time or bc theyre waiting a bit for any Pete Davidson blowback to bowl over??? Idk They didnt have Arcee speak either for that matter
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Some opinions down below on why I think these specific characters would be funny to see in this scenario;
-Nightbeat is a detective. Gotham is full of crime. See where I'm getting at? Also, it would be funny if he just casually figured out the batfams secret identities, went "neat" and then just moved on to the next mystery.
-Rodimus would 100% try to become a vigilante. Creates a heroic looking holoform (that looks way to flashy for anything in Gotham) and uses his alt mode as his own batmobile. Batman would find out about his true identity by the end of the week.
-I want to see Megatron accidentally create a criminal empire. Like, he tries so hard to appear like a normal human while trying to find a way home, maybe even opens a cafe or some shit as cover, but he keeps on attracting the attention of criminals. Suddenly he's got hundreds of goons devoted to him, following his every order. Call that warlord rizz.
-Whirl for the same reason as Megatron except he does it on purpose. He wanna do crime! Be a rogue (but one of those cool ones like Poison Ivy and Catwoman)! And punch the Joker. Fuck, he really hates the Joker.
-It would just be funny to see Prowl in this hellhole of a city. Gotham's crime rate is 100%, the cops are corrupt, the law is upheld by vigilantes. Look me in the eyes and tell me that he wouldn't have a fucking seizure. Would kill the Joker for stress relief.
-Look, Starscream would hate the city but he would make it work. He'd make his own place, forge connections, create his own criminal empire. And totally try and seduce Bruce Wayne. You know, for the money and power.
-Grimlock gets found by Robin. Robin sees giant, fire breathing, robot t-rex and goes "hmm, yes, you're mine now" and keeps him a secret from the rest of the batfam.
-Brainstorm would fucking thrive in Gotham. He's a mad scientist, he would have so much fun taking apart the weapons and equipment of Gotham's rogues and vigilantes. Not to mention creating his own. He'd steal the batmobile only to return it two days later, upgraded and decked out with the most insane tech.
-Soundwave has an adoption problem. Batman has an adoption probem. You see my vision? Also, I want him to adopt Robin. And Robin just accepts it because now he gets to hang out with Ravage, Buzzsaw, Laserbeak and Ratbat. Alternatively, just Ravage in Gotham because that would be funny too.
-Rewind thinks Gotham is fucking WILD and he's planning on getting it all on tape so he can show his friends later. He stalks the batfam on their patrols, sneaks into the secret bases of rogues, just to get those good action shots.
-Similar to Prowl, Ultra Magnus would be so fucking vexed by Gotham but while Prowl goes "I FUCKING HATE THIS CITY AND EVERYONE IN IT!", Ultra Magnus has a major case of "I can fix them".
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maxwellatoms · 10 months
Do you think the new division of Cartoon Network Studios will end up exploiting and abusing AI to make new cartoons of their old properties?
I wouldn't put it past any studio to do this.
We're at the end of The Animation Industry As We Know It, so studios are going to do anything and everything they can to stay alive.
The way I see it is:
AI "art" isn't actually art. Art is created by humans to express ideas and emotions. Writing prompts allows a computer to interpret human ideas and emotions by taking other examples of those things and recombining them.
Just because something isn't art doesn't mean that humans can't understand it or find it beautiful. We passed a really fun prompt generation milestone about a year ago where everything looked like it was made by a Dadaist or someone on heavy psychedelics. Now we're at the Uncanny Valley stage. Soon, you won't be able to tell the difference.
It's not just drawings and paintings that are effected, but writing and film. It's every part of the entertainment industry. And the genie is out of the bottle. I've seen people saying that prompt-based image generators have "democratized" art. And I see where they're coming from. In ten years, I can easily see a future where anyone can sit down at their desk, have a short conversation with their computer, and have a ready-to-watch, custom movie with flawless special effects, passable story, and a solid three act structure. You want to replace Harrison Ford in Star Wars with your little brother and have Chewbacca make only fart sounds, and then they fly to Narnia and fistfight Batman? Done.
But, sadly, long before we reach that ten year mark, the bots will get hold of this stuff and absolutely lay waste to existing art industries. Sure, as a prompter I guess you can be proud of the hours or days you put into crafting your prompts, but you know what's better than a human at crafting prompts? Bots. Imagine bots cranking out hundreds of thousands of full-length feature films per minute. The noise level will squash almost any organic artist or AI prompter out of existence.
AI images trivialize real art. The whole point of a studio is to provide the money, labor, and space to create these big, complicated art projects. But if there are no big, complicated art projects, no creatives leading the charge, and no employees to pay... what the fuck do we need studios for? We won't, but their sheer wealth and power will leave them forcing themselves on us for the rest of our lives.
The near future will see studios clamp down on the tech in order to keep it in their own hands. Disney does tons of proprietary tech stuff, so I'm sure they're ahead of the game. Other studios will continue to seek mergers until they can merge with a content distribution platform. I've heard rumors of Comcast wanting to buy out either WB or Nick. That's the sort of thing I'm talking about. The only winners of this game will be the two or three super-huge distribution platforms who can filter out enough of the spam (which they themselves are likely perpetuating) to provide a reasonable entertainment experience.
400,000 channels and nothing's on.
I do think that money will eventually make the "you can't copyright AI stuff" thing go away. There's also the attrition of "Oh, whoops! We accidentally put an AI actor in there and no one noticed for five years, so now it's cool."
One way or another, it's gonna be a wild ride. As the canary in the coal mine, I hope we can all get some UBI before I'm forced to move into the sewers and go full C.H.U.D.
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You are so unbelievably correct about Animated Megashock. They are completely incapable of being normal about each other and it's the best thing ever.
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Me every time one of my cool mutuals tells me I have good opinions
Real talk tho, TFA megashock lives in my head rent free. Megatron as a character is so fucking fascinating to me just because it's so hard to read his actual motives, but the clear, constant throughline you can always pick up is a DEEP distrust of everything and everyone around him. Even in the first episode, before Starscream tries to outright kill him, he tells him straight up that he doesn't want him going after the Allspark. He makes a grab for it alone because he just straight up doesn't trust anyone else with that much power. And then Starscream's bomb happens, Megs wakes up as a severed head with half his bits rearranged wrong, and he's on full alert all the fucking time after. He doesn't trust Sumdac, he doesn't trust anyone on Earth, he doesn't even trust his own Decepticons. He thinks LUGNUT of all bots might be out to get him, if only for a moment.
And the thing that's got me pacing around my fuckin room and scratching up the walls, other than pretty much every interaction megs has with shockwave through the whole series, is this one little detail in the Allspark almanac.
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God. It's got me fucked UP.
Does Shockwave realize he's the only thing keeping Megatron from a mental breakdown? Does Megatron??? How close are they on a personal level, exactly? Because you don't just get mr. "I'm surrounded by enemies" to admit that on no uncertain terms in front of Primus and everyone unless he MEANS it, and he's PROUD of it.
That is the one bot he can depend on for certain. Shockwave is his stability, his rock, as reliable as the cannon on his arm (god the juiciness of their weapons being so similar too. Fuck. Just marry each other already). He is the trusty weapon he knows he can conquer with. And that's the closest thing to love Megatron would ever let himself feel.
I like to think Shockwave knows hes a weapon in the eyes of his leader and he wouldn't have it any other way. And a lot of that probably comes from how warframes were treated by the autobots before the whole Decepticon movement kicked up. They were assembled with the intent to be killers. Created to be powerful and terrible, treated as living weapons from the moment they came into existence, and hated for it.
To shockwave, Megatron treating him as a weapon is likely what he's come to expect. It's what EVERY warframe expects. But Megatron doesn't treat him as something dreadful for it. He doesn't look at him with disgust or fear or contempt when he carries out the exact destruction he's told to. He looks at him with pride. With a pleased smile. He's met with praise and tenderness. And after such a long time of being made to fight and destroy, only to be treated like garbage, it's probably pure euphoria to be told he's doing a good job at what he was created for.
He will never be good in the eyes of the autobots that made him to be destructive. He'll never be anything other than terrifying. But to Megatron, he's good enough. With Megatron, there's a right answer. With Megatron, he's okay with being a weapon because it finally feels right, if only because there's finally someone there to tell him he's done a good job.
They're both so fucked up by the system and their own trauma that they don't really know how to love each other in a way that's normal or healthy but that will not stop them from trying to love anyway.
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preeningpisces · 5 months
JJK Men vs. Tinder
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What the men are like on Tinder! Non-Curse AU
AN: I discussed these with my sister & it’s such a fun topic. If you have any thoughts/headcanons, pls share them!
Includes: Choso, Geto, Gojo, Kenjaku, Nanami, Sukuna, Toji
Below the cut, toxic behavior, enjoy!
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❥ Photos: not the best at taking photos. They’re awkward, but in an endearing way. A classic above view selfie where he tries to look neutral/cool, but it ends up looking kind of pouty and oh-so babygirl. A photo with itadori with a forced smile, and one that itadori took of him while they were at an arcade & he won a plushie from a claw machine
❥ Bio: itadori did some major editing because Choso wrote like a whole paragraph that no one wants to read
Hi! New to the dating scene. If you like video games, anime or sci-fi too then should talk🖤
❥ Opener: pretty standard, afraid of coming off like a creep because he's awkward
hi how are you?
❥ Messaging: makes you feel like you’re messaging a bot at first because his responses are pretty fast because he's eager, but also straightforward and bland because he doesn't want to say something wrong. Itadori has to come in & do damage control until Choso can see you're interested. Very much a penpal--might be a week or more before he asks you out. He's the type that wants to have an emotional connection going on a date
❥ How he asks you out: he's nervous but he's direct. Stares the phone down until you reply
I really like you and want to meet you. do you want to go on a date?
❥ First date: he’ll take you somewhere sweet and fun, like an arcade or a carnival. Having activities takes some pressure off, which helps with his nerves a lot. Googled how to act on a date, so he brings flowers - aaaaw. Pays too, even if funds are tight.
❥ If it doesn’t work out: omg having to end things will STRESS HIM THE FUCK OUT. He's going to mull over the decision for a hot minute before he does it. He's apologetic, but makes it clear that he doesn't want to see you anymore
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❥ Photos: the best at taking photos. They’re pretty normal for the most part, one with him petting a cat, another at a cafe with Gojo and Shoko. But he has a pretentious black & white photo of him reading a book or staring off to the side. He looks so pretty it cancels out the cringe tho
❥ Bio: keeps it simple, he believes it's better not reveal too much. That's what getting to know someone is for, afterall. Definitely has his spotify connected
Looking for real connection, someone that's my bestfriend before anything else. Always looking for new music, any song recs?
❥ Opener: opens with something from your profile to show he actually read it and didn't just swipe because of your looks, and to start with an interesting convo!
Saw you like reading. What’s the best book you’ve read so far this year?
❥ Messaging: engaging conversationalist, but not the type to instant message endlessly. Doesn't take forever to respond tho, and if he's about to become busy he'll warn you. Will ask more questions about you than he will share about himself. Gotta keep up that mysterious art hoe vibe he ikes to give off
❥ How he asks you out: would ask you out pretty quickly, perhaps after talking for 2 days or a day and a half. You’d be instant messaging, and he just says your name as if he’s about to say something serious, & lets it hang there for a moment before following up with:
I’ve really enjoyed talking, we should go on a date
❥ First date: chill but gives you something to talk about. Museum, aquarium, bar with a jazz music night, pottery class, etc. Gentlemanly but in a cool way, if that makes sense? Not quite as strict as Nanami, but you will feel a bit like a princess. Definitely pays! Cuts out the awkwardness by saying he's going to cover things before you even go
❥ If it doesn’t work out: lowkey kind of dismissive! He’s not going to outright ghost you…but he’ll breadcrumb you until you bring it up
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❥ Photos: has the most normal photos. Always looks like he’s having fun & hanging with people. One where he took an unwilling selfie with Nanami, another of him standing over a maximum height chart at an amusement park with an exaggerated pout, and a video deadlifting Geto at the gym with passerbys staring judgementally
❥ Bio: uses the stereotypical bios but ironically. You need 3D chess insight to know he’s joking because it kind of suits him LOL
If you like pineapple on pizza, it’s not gonna work 🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️🙅‍♂️ looking for my partner in crime. The Pam to my Jim 🥰 short king 👑 let me climb you like a tree mens 14 shoes, if you know what I mean 😈
❥ Opener: Gojo likes a casual and playful approach. If your profile has something funny he'll open with that
heeeeey what’s up?
❥ Messaging: weaponizes girl texting. Playful, cheeky. Instant messanger most of the time, but will randomly disappear for a whole day and come back with a lame explanation like 'sorry, was busy with work'
❥ How he asks you out: he’d ask while you’re joking around, after you roast him. Will text for several days before meeting up
mmhm why don't you come say that to my face? 🤨 this weekend over coffee my treat definitely not a date or anything
❥ First date: surprisingly, he goes for the classic coffee shop, window shopping, or movie type dates. Very lackadaisical when planning--kind of stressful if you're a big planner or have a tight schedule. A lot more chill on the date than he was over text. Will pay for everything, obviously, might even buy something you see and casually mention liking
❥ If it doesn’t work out: straight up ghosts you - sorry buddy. He just doesn't like dealing with that mess, and to him, if you haven't been seeing each other that long he doesn't feel obligated to end things directly
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❥ Photos: normal, flattering, down to earth. He wants people to swipe so he can mess with them. On other occasions, MIGHT use random people's photos and catfish just because he was feeling goofy. Has been banned SEVERAL times
❥ Bio: Kenjaku is tricky. His profile and approaches change all the time because he's the type that wants to do 'social experiments' on Tinder. I can see him doing the whole 'I made the most toxic profile to see if ppl will still match with me' or making one that comes off SO sketchy it's insane anyone would talk to him. Even worse, will make one looking for a serious relationship only to commit psychological warfare on the poor sap who matched.
❥ Opener: depends on what he wants. Very much a wild card. Some examples:
sends a questionable link - it's a photo of your house from Google Streetview
If being normal, like Geto he comments on something from your profile: you like hiking, have you been to X trail? It has great shade
❥ Messaging: eratic. Either endless chatter, or radio silence. Definitely the most verbose of the bunch--if you've caught his interest or bring up a topic he likes he's texting paragraphs. Will get bored easily if you're a dry texter. Occasionally sends voice memos because it's like a one-sided phone call LOL . Sometimes he asks out quickly, sometimes he doesn't. Sigh.
❥ How he asks you out: I'm a broken record at this point, but it depends on his intent! Sometimes he's charming, sometimes he's insane and wants to creep you out
I have tickets to X, want to join me?
That cafe you went to yesterday looks nice, we should go together sometime
❥ First date: if he's trying to charm you, he'll take you somewhere he knows you like (that he can stand) OR somewhere entertaining like an open mic comedy night. If he's being a menace, he'll take you somewhere really weird like a Quaker meeting (thank you fleabag). Or just stand you up. He'll actually be there, just to watch how you react
❥ If it doesn’t work: will gaslight you into believing YOU'RE the one with the problem and are the reason it isn't working. You might delete the app after suffering this demon
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❥ Photos: his company headshot photo, a few work function photos that he’s cropped and are blurry. He’s not smiling in any of them, except for one of him accepting an award at work where he gave the smallest smile for the photo to look agreeable.
❥ Bio: fills it out like a job application. Straight to the point.
Dating with intention. I enjoy reading and cooking. I look forward to speaking with you.
❥ Opener: Nothing crazy - very standard but more formal than typical
Good afternoon, how are you doing?
❥ Messaging: very formal and polite, doesn’t like small talk but will engage in interesting convos. Doesn't reply instantly, but doesn't leave you hanging for hours--he's a busy guy, afterall. Respectful of your time, and expects that in return. Prefers phone calls! Especially while he's making dinner.
❥ How he asks you out: he’s very effecient, he’s not going to be your penpal. He’ll ask you out within the first day of talking if he’s feeling the right vibe. Thinks meeting in person is better for getting to know someone. Will arrange all the plans and make sure it works with both of your schedules comfortably
I would like to get to know you better. Would you be interested in dinner at XX?
❥ First date: classic dinner man! Won’t take you somewhere intimidating, but definitely something nicer. He doesn’t go on dates willy nilly, so he’s going to treat you right. Will be baffled if you offer to pay
❥ If it doesn’t work: Very respectful, of course. He'll let you know quickly as well and won't lead you on. Will thank you for going on a date with him and say it was a pleasure to meet you.
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❥ Photos: a shirtless pic with him flexing, one of those middle-aged man selfies where they look stern but also a bit confused bc they aren't sure they're doing it right LOL. One of his car or a bike. He's gotta look badass but kind of looks lame
❥ Bio: BOSSY. He basically has a DNI list but for swiping. Sees it as you being audacious if you swipe on him and aren't worth his time
If you're clingy, desperate, have kids or a moron don't bother
❥ Opener: will say something about your appearance - whether this is positive or negative entirely depends on why he swiped. Somtimes he'll swipe on ppl he finds ugly just to see if he gets a match. He's an asshole like that
You look sexy as hell in that 3rd picture
Don't get your hopes up. You're fucking ugly, just thought you needed to know
❥ Messaging: very dry texter. Don’t ask multiple questions, only 1 will be answered. Takes long to reply as well. Prefers calls, but doesn't like calls where it's just chatting to chat yknow?
❥ How he asks you out: basically tells you you're going out LOL. Will ask you out pretty quickly, he just doesn't care for texting that much
Come to X on Friday. We're getting food.
❥ First date: He's going to take you to dinner, but is one of those annoying mfers that's like 'if you won't get messy in public you’re too full of yourself' so it'll be like bbq or wings at a sports bar. 50-50 type of guy. He's not spending $$ on someone he doesn't know
❥If it doesn't work: oh you know he's going to be ruthless. Your ego isn't going to be wounded, it's going to be evaporated
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❥ Photos: only 2 photos - a shirtless, dirty mirror selfie with flash obscuring most of his face & a gym selfie where he’s flexing
❥ Bio: tinder isn’t important to him, so he isn’t going to put effort into his profile, but if it catches him the occasional hookup he won’t complain. One of those terrifying mfers that straight up puts their number on their profile (I'm always tempted to send them something insane)
text me if we match (XXX) XXX-XXXX
❥ Opener: he doesn’t usually open, you gotta text him first. What a bitch. If he does open he'll comment on a photo, something that stands out so it isn't odd to comment on it, but still invovles your appearance somehow so it lets you know he's basically checked you out. He knows being too bold will scare most ppl off
I like the hair. suits you
❥ Messaging: nonchalant, and doesn't reply quickly. Dry, but not as dry as Sukuna. Big breadcrumber - engages juuuust enough to keep you around
❥ How he asks you out: Toji’s intention is usually hookups, so he’s pretty straightforward & will ask if you want to meet that night. Too old for ‘you up’ or ‘wyd’
I’m at X. Want to join for drinks?
❥ First date: usually a bar. Then his or your place. Very low effort. Whether he pays or not depends on you, to be honest. If he gets the vibe you don't care, he won't offer. If he gets the vibe you will care, he'll pay. Very good at reading people
❥ If it doesn’t work out: ghosts, but keeps your number if he wants to hit you up again. You’ll probably get a text 3 months later LOL
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weebsinstash · 7 months
more valentino PLEASE 🙏
How does the saying go, "i want this man in ways that are concerning to feminism"?
I was thinking of how Angel used to live in V Tower and, how fucked up would it be for him to receive a good morning text from Val to head up to his room, and AD is thinking it's a booty call, but it's ACTUALLY Valentino being a manipulative piece of shit
Angel comes into the room and Valentino is already half or fully naked but like, he's not hard or anything and Angel is confused? The moth is just, chilling naked smoking with this satisfied look on his face? And Valentino just, gives him some menial command to run him a favor, and he pauses mid-sentence to turn and call out YOUR name before regarding his Fizz Bot, "Kitty, why don't you make my baby a drink?" and you're just like, slinking out from under the covers, ashamed that Angel now knows you slept with the Overlord, let alone someone you know uh, treats him pretty fucking poorly (although I imagine not like, the entire entire brutal extent of it, also, Angel Dust using Reader as a shield against Val because they're both calmer when you're around)
Could you imagine some scenario, platonic romantic it doesn't matter, where like. Angel is talking to Valentino and he sees you in the corner of his eye and he just stops mid sentence, does a double take, looks at you half naked in his boss' bed, and Val forces him to focus and carry on the conversation while he's crying. Angel is just all but sprinting out of the room by the time he's dismissed and Valentino may even play fucking mind games to make him like, MARINATE in how horrible this makes him feel. Valentino is dragging out the conversation and putting on his nail caps or doing his skincare routine at his vanity and making Angel sit there and wait as he's deliberate dragging on his sentences and constantly pausing but if Angel moves to leave Val snaps IMMEDIATELY. So Angel is just. Forced to stand there.
VALENTINO TALKING TO Y O U, MAKING YOU ACKNOWLEDGE ANGEL AND THE REVERSE. Valentino being manipulative and awful and shitty and doing shit like "so Angel baby, I was gonna take a trip to the spa tomorrow, mhm, and also hey you're coming too *looks at you* so Angel what do you think we should get my other amorcito over here done?" the evil bastard is making you two talk to each other, about each other, when you're both like, IN TEARS
Angel, trying to hold on to the last shreds of his sanity: s so... h have you... ever had a facial before
Valentino pausing from doing his mascara with the biggest shit eating grin on his face: oh yeah, someone just had a really, really BIG one
Reader, happily getting drunk off the drink Kitty brought you because it helps take away the pain of this entire interaction: a. .. a massage or something might be nice
Valentino, doing his contour: but baaaabe, I thought you told me you were shy about who puts their hands on your body. Are you trying to make me jealous?
Angel, desperately trying to ignore Val blowing you a kiss and you clearly having bites and hickies alllllllll over you like there wasn't a single inch of you the moth didn't put his hands mouth or otherwise on: uh huh! Cool! So! Guess we can! Decide later right! :)
Valentino, doing his nails: wrong 💅 I also need you to
And the mf is just doing that shit for like 20 minutes straight which doesn't SOUND like a lot but when you're standing there just talking and waiting and, especially having a moment like THIS, it's just DRAGGING ON, and when Angel finally leaves, you're crying, and here's Valentino, "awwww, pobrecita, come here, what's wrong?" and hugging you and you need the comfort and you're drunk and, now maybe you're just a little scared he's the only person you have left....
Also. Bonus round for the angst. Can you imagine. Angel runs off and it's you sleeping with Valentino that finally hurts him so much he's finally RUNNING running away, meeting Charlie, having another place to live. He's still working under contract but the second his shift ends he's out of the studio without another word because... he can't protect you anymore. He feels like this is his fault. He failed Molly and now he failed you and he's worthless and trash and an addict loser-- meanwhile you're beating yourself up because you've lost your only friend down here and also your biggest supporter and Valentino all but lovebombs you (and the worst part is, it's genuine and if you reject ANYTHING, he's getting Offended Bigly)
Ugh. Ok. I'm sorry. Finally finishing the post with one more thing. Valentino is definitely the type to give you expensive gifts and he doesn't actually care about the amount of money he spends on you BUT, will use the fact he's spent so much money on you to manipulate you IN A HEARTBEAT
And also. You're not allowed to reject gifts because it sets him off in like 5 different ways. "Oh so my gifts aren't good enough for you?" "Do you have any idea how much I spent on this?" "I TOOK THE TIME to get this for YOU" God forbid if it's something custom. Could you imagine he offers you something and he doesn't immediately tell you it's custom, like he's got sketches in a notebook somewhere, this is MADE WITH LOVE ableit his creepy obsessive love, and you could literally have a very polite "oh my gosh I couldn't that's so expensive I, I don't deserve it, wow" where you're obviously very happy but just shocked and feeling guilty, like a FLATTERING rejection that is obviously an insult to YOU, NOT him, and he's just. The switch fucking flips. His head tilts. He lets out a hum as his smile pulls way too tight. Lashes out within seconds. Grabs you. takes that jewelry or watch or expensive thing he bought you and literally forces it onto your body, and he's not screaming or raising his voice, he's getting right up in your face and growling out the deeeeeetails of how he got this for you until you're crying and apologizing for your ingratitude
Ugh he's so cunty and mean and awful UGH WHY WOULD I LET HIM HIT, he would use that heart shaped belt he has to put heart shaped welts on your ass and then set your cute bruised heart covered butt as his phone wallpaper and your icon in his contacts and save your name as Ropebunny or something rhfkcsbfkhdxkfh
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tomssexdoll · 5 months
Okay so,
Tom had just got home from a concert and it did NOT go well. Y/N was trying to talk to him because she's a very talkative person and he likes that but to, he yelled at her. That put her in funk for the rest of the day and when Tom calms down and tries to be all lovey dovey with her, she denys it.
That's all I could come up with! Okay thank you love you bye. (I've may or may not got that from a c.ai bot...)
yes pookie ofc
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PAIRINGS: Tom 2007 x Female reader CONTENT: ANGST + FLUFF SYPNOSIS: Tom yells at Y/N after talking his head off after a shitty concert, later he tries to get all lovey dovey with her but she rejects it. Later on, after Bill knocked some sense into him he came to her, frowning and apologsing A/N: moody tom WARNINGS: light yelling
"Hey baby!" I smiled and hugged Tom tightly, squeezing his tall frame in my arms, he just flashed a quick smile and entered the tour bus, a little bit of attitude lingering on him.
I chuckled at him being moody, yapping his head off as I usually did. Little did I know he was in a foul mood, the concert didn't go that well, mics breaking, guitars being faulty but in the end it worked out so I didn't think it had still affected Tom.
Usually Tom loves when I talk but I guess not today.
I kept on talking to him, clinging onto his arm. I couldn't tell that he was getting agitated, jaw clenching and face hardening. Then he finally snapped, turning around and screaming in my face, "will you ever shut the fuck up? Oh my god you are so annoying!" he grunted "I can't get peace and quiet after a shitty concert, not one ounce of quiet!" he continued to yell, shaking me softly.
My eyes widened, Bill interviening, "hey hey hey, there is no need to yell at her, she was just trying to cheer you up" Bill confronted Tom, scolding him.
I just walked off, tears welling up in my eyes. I locked myself in one of the bedrooms, sobbing on the bed, hurt from his kniving words. I heard Tom continue to complain, about anything he could, the guys continuing to scold him.
I hear Georgs soft voice at the door, knocking. I opened it and welcomed him in, his hand caressing my back and comforting me, reminding me it's not my fault and how he is being an asshole.
For the rest of the day I avoided Tom, being quiet and keeping to myself, his fit early on set me into a mood as well. When it came time for bed I watched as he walked in, eyes staying on me.
I just rolled my eyes and turned my back to him, reading my book to avoid any kind of conversation with him. I felt the bed dip and his comforting arms wrap around my waist, pulling me in.
"Cmere baby.." he kissed my neck, hands slipping down to my stomach and softly caressing it, I just ignored his pathetic attempts and continued to read, paying no mind to him.
He sighed, "cmon baby" he kept nibbling and kissing on my neck, trying anything to get my attention. I grunted "Im reading, isn't this what you wanted, peace and quiet?" I ripped his arms off me, storming off outside and into Bills room.
Bill looked up at me, a confused look on his face. I sighed, "Tom thinks he can get away with what he did before, not even a sorry, nothing" Bill scoffed "he really is an asshole isn't he, stay here I'll talk to him" he grunted, getting up and rushing into our shared room.
I could hear yelling coming from the other room, the walls being paper thin. Then 5 minutes later it stopped and Tom appeared in the doorway, a red mark on his cheek.
He walked towards me and sat down, his head low. "I'm sorry baby...I didn't mean to yell at you like that" he frowned, keeping his hands to himself to not upset me any further.
I sighed and hugged him, even thought he could be an asshole sometimes I still loved him, I knew it was just a heat of the moment thing and he didn't mean it, he just needed to cool down.
"And I'm sorry for not apologising earlier.." he sniffled, I smiled softly, surprised I didn't need to remind him about that.
"It's ok schatz..just stop being an asshole" I giggled, pulling back and wiping a tear from his face. He smiled and grabbed my hand, leading me back into the bedroom with an angry Bill.
"Did you slap my poor baby?" I glared at him, Bill chuckled, "he deserved it" before walking out and heading back to bed.
I sat on Toms lap, comforting and babying him for a while before we went to bed and of course Tom cuddled up to me, holding me tightly.
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tags: @itsmealaiah @tomscumdump @tomscumdoll @tomkaulitzloverr @bkaulitzlover @ballhair @estxkios @charliesgoodboy @ge-billsgf
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thatsafuckeduptale · 9 months
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First post is here! Please note y/n and Flowey aren't actually involved in the general "Clover gets stuck in the pizzaplex" thing and are entirely optional depending on how you wanna view it. If Clover survives the pizzaplex they get adopted by y/n (blah blah legal adoption shit), if they die they just kinda. Well they're dead.
Please note I do not condone or support Scott Cawthon and his opinions or politics. Anybody who tries to argue with me or say I support him will be blocked.
Scattered thoughts about the AU in the read more below, they won't be organized very well sorry.
*When clover gets stuck in the Pizzaplex the first boss they have to deal with is Martlet. They kite her around before getting her to ram into a fuse box causing her systems to restart and the anti virus to work again.
*Clover is a big fan of the Wild West area of the pizzaplex and thinks North Star is super cool. So they ask Martlet to help them get there because in this childs brain of COURSE the Sheriff would know what to do and how to help!
*North Star genuinely does his best to help Clover but eventually gets attacked by another animatronic that messes up his system. He tries to kill Clover but with Martlet's help they both end up resetting his systems back to default.
*Guardner watches over the Pizzaplex's greenhouse area (Its my au and I want the pizzaplex to be as unhinged as the Mall of America so fuck you if you hate it I think its neat). Gaurdner isn't infected with the virus and just wants Clover dead because they accidentally broke a flower stem and she is SO TIRED of kids NOT RESPECTING THE RULES. They are banned from the Greenhouse forever (but not really let her calm down and she'll reverse it).
*The Feisty Four are now the bandits for the wild west area! Moray was originally from one of Foxy's attractions but was repurposed. Ed is the boss bandit with the other three basically acting as background characters for hijinks. The kids who visit the Wild West area of the pizzaplex are considered the Sheriff's deputies.
*Axis is a staff bot and he is very stubborn when it comes to his job. Yes he will still fall in love with a trash heap tho. Let my guy live a little damn.
*Y/n primarily works on the Wild West area bots and is constantly getting on North Star's case about his wires getting messed up. North Star constantly deals with scolding from y/n and barbs from Flowey.
*Y/n takes Flowey with them almost everywhere in the pizzaplex. He tends to swear at others so they decided it was safer if they could just carry him around and take him away from people.
*North Star was ECSTATIC to learn his favorite mechanic adopted his favorite Deputy. He constantly begs to be able to babysit Clover.
*North Star has a prior companionship to Sun and Moon, as they were all formerly theater bots. North Star however got the better end of the deal as he still gets to act in front of others.
*Martlet constantly sneaks food to Chica when nobody is looking. They're besties.
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mamasbakeria · 1 year
hey, what's your major again?
summary: my credible expert opinion on what the aot characters would study in university. what are my qualifications? the dozens of hours i’ve spent staring at my school’s program bulletin trying to figure out what i’m majoring in
genre | includes: headcanons, sfw, minor language, uninformed percy jackson reference (pls don't hate me if im wrong)
characters: eren jaeger, mikasa ackerman, armin arlert, sasha braus, jean kirschtein, connie springer, historia reiss, ymir, reiner braun, annie leonhardt
author’s note: had this in my drafts for months now. i just need to post it so it stops haunting me. might do the rest of the marleyans and vets in the future! lmk your thoughts, my only tumblr notifications are from p*rn bots, so i'd love to hear from real people lol. enjoy <3
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eren: sociology and public policy, 4+1 program for a social work masters
there’s only so many times you can hear “you’re gonna be a doctor just like your dad” before you start to believe it. that’s why eren started out with biology on the premed track. the thing is, he really didn’t care for it. eren is really passionate about lessening equity gaps and is a firm believer in “if you want something done right, do it yourself”. this is why i see him making the switch to a double major in public policy and sociology. he wants to know about how society got to the point of perpetuating disparities so that he can fix them. but he also knows that the government fucking sucks and thinks its naive to expect policy change to be the only method of change. and like the maniac he is, eren is enrolled in a 4+1 program so he can get his master’s in social work when he’s done with his undergrad. he’s determined to graduate with both degrees in just 4 years though. rip his summers.
armin: international relations and military ethics, minor in communications or smth
everyone always says armin would study marine biology or oceanographic studies, but i honestly think that it’s a passion that he pursues on the side. he takes marine bio courses for his breadth requirements, but knows he’d end up hating the ocean if he spent the rest of his life studying it. he also strikes me as someone who would rather run buck naked into traffic than sit through multiple semesters of organic chemistry. armin was always a good public speaker, though, despite being a bit insecure. that’s why his speech and debate teacher during sophomore year of high school recommended model united nations to him. he was hooked after his first conference and now genuinely sees the path of international diplomacy as his calling. that’s why he’s majoring in international relations. his concentration in military ethics is something he tacks on in his junior year after taking some courses and publishing research with dr. erwin smith. he probably minors in communications because he can.
mikasa: forensic science
mikasa had no idea what she wanted to do when she started uni. she’s good at nearly everything. like never gotten a B in her life and is the student who the curve is based off of. but excelling in every environment you’re put in often means you don’t know what you’re best at. she knew deep down that she wanted to do something justice related like her childhood best friends did, but she’s no public speaker and has no interest in political reform. she was, however, emo in high school and heard a fair share of undertaker jokes at her expense. it wouldn’t hurt to look into right? as cool as the title sounds, morticians don’t make enough money for the job they have. fortunately enough, forensic pathologists do and mikasa looks good in a lab coat. she would never admit it to spare armin and eren’s feelings, but when they, as children, recreated the crime-solving shows mrs. jaeger always had on, mikasa always wanted to be the brains. so criminology and forensic science it is. (side note: she definitely joins the military and they pay for her education)
jean: structural engineering and industrial design with a minor in studio art
more than anything, jean wants to provide for his mom and knows he can’t guarantee a retirement of luxury for her as the freelance artist he wishes he could be. he’s decent at math when he tries and doesn’t hate physics, so he decided he’d give structural engineering a try for at least a semester or two. he wasn’t expecting to get much from it, to be honest. he had a plethora of backup plans waiting for his supposedly inevitable distaste for engineering, but he found that he didn’t hate it at all. someone once told jean that he had the makings of a great leader and he didn’t believe them until he started taking the lead on design projects and producing incredible results. his only qualm is that he just doesn’t get to be as creative as he wanted to be. that was easily rectified by an additional major in industrial design and a minor in studio art. he’s unbelievably busy, busier than he anticipated when he started his post-secondary journey, but he’s content and there’s nothing some extra coffee can’t solve. 
sasha: environmental science and sustainability
sasha spent her childhood ankle-deep in mud and fighting her way through forest thickets without a compass. an upbringing like that doesn’t leave your spirit, no matter how far into the city you go for school. so sasha’s always been passively passionate about the environment. that passiveness became significantly more prominent when part of the woods she grew up in was cleared out to build an industrial complex. it was then that she started researching and writing petitions about preserving wildlife and making environmentally conscious decisions. her work actually got her the scholarship she’s on (because god knows it wasn’t her grades). and she genuinely loves what she does, so why wouldn’t she keep learning about it? the environmental science and sustainability program at the school is small, but tight-knit and known for churning out changemakers. sasha knows she’ll be one of them one day. just hide your plastic straws from her, okay?
connie: computer science and chinese
stick with me here okay? everyone expects connie to be a douchebag marketing major whose hardest assignments are graphing functions and making posters on photoshop, but he’s a lot more invested in his education than he looks. don’t get me wrong, connie has always struggled academically, but that’s because so much of early education is pre-determined. he performed way better when he could choose what courses he took. it’s kind of like percy jackson being dyslexic in english because he was wired to read in greek. connie can’t keep his eyes on a history textbook for shit, but will gladly sit in front of the c++ code on his pc for hours. he doesn’t even get mad when he realizes that he was missing a semicolon. connie loves how versatile of a future he could have with a compsci degree, because, let’s be real, he could never survive in a typical office environment. definitely takes a bunch of chinese classes and doesn’t realize that he has enough credits for it to be a minor until his second to last semester.
historia: political science with a minor in international relations and child development
historia is a lot like eren in the sense that she knows her time is best spent doing hands-on work in the fields she cares about. she realizes this sometime after reconnecting with her estranged father and volunteering at the orphanage she grew up in. but now that she’s publicly associated with a powerful political figure, historia doesn’t get to do what she wants, only what is expected of her. that’s how she ends up on the pre-law political science and public policy route. the nickname “ms. president” that connie and sasha give her only further reminds her that she’s heading down a path she never wanted for herself. after lots of encouragement from ymir, historia decided to take child development courses on the side. even if she doesn’t take on the full minor, she’s taking some classes she cares about. maybe she’ll find use for it someday. at the very least, it’s her first step in becoming the most selfish girl in the world.
ymir: data science and business management
ymir is smart. much smarter than she presents herself to be, almost as a form of protection. nobody expects much of someone who is aloof, so it makes it easy to slip through the cracks to remain safe and comfortable in the shadows. business management is notoriously low commitment and easy to skate by with. guaranteed internships, post-graduate employment, and so on. To anyone who doesn’t know ymir well, it’s perfect. but they have her mistaken, ymir will do as little as possible to go as far as possible. sure, she can live comfortably with a business degree, but it could be better with a little bit of data science in her arsenal. she’s intelligent enough to pick up on it, and determined enough to make it her bitch. yeah, academia is a money-sucking pipeline into the capitalist hellscape, she doesn’t believe in it yada yada, but at the end of the day, ymir’s gonna get the bag. so what if she’s gotta sleep through some stats classes to get it?
reiner: behavioral economics
reiner’s mother had convinced him his whole life that getting a high paying job would fix their lives and bring his father back. believing “perfect grades lead to a perfect life” made high school tough for reiner; gifted kid burnout is no joke. it really messed him up. he wasn’t sure if he could withstand the pressures of university, but here he is. reiner was never allowed a therapist, so he figured pursuing psychology would, at the very least, give him some answers and be a good pathway to a medical degree. he loved getting to understand how people work and why they act the way they do, but something was missing. he found out what it was when a guest lecturer spoke in his economics class. he knew making the switch would be risky, it’s a new field and his current career options are really only research, academia, or government, but the interdisciplinary study of behavioral economics is calling reiner’s name. 
annie: biomedical engineering and kinesiology
annie’s entire life revolved around her father, including the injury he was never able to heal from. the one she gave him. he’s claimed to be over it, she’s forgiven, but annie will never feel like she’s earned that forgiveness until she gets rid of the problem entirely. how is she going to do that exactly? with biomedical engineering. she has years of hell in front of her, especially with her concentration on biomechanics, but she doesn’t care. annie will throw herself into her work to get the results she wants. she takes the highest amount of credits possible every semester so she can graduate early. you’ll most likely find her chained to a study cubicle at the library at all hours of the day and running on 2 hours of sleep, but it doesn’t faze her. she tacks on a minor in kinesiology because it makes sense and she had most of the credits for it anyway. and as if it couldn’t get worse, she probably TAs for a thermodynamics course or something crazy like that.
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© mamasbakeria 2023. do not repost, translate (without permission), or modify
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ikkosu · 6 months
So you know when you wear shorts in summer in a car with a leather seat that your legs stick to it sometimes? I've actually almost fallen out of car bc of that. And because of this experience, may I request this happening to the reader with any autobot of your choice?
THROUGH the glaze of the windshield, traffic churns at a slow, steady pace. Pistons chuff, creak and groan; beaten down by the glare of the sun, little by little the mottled blurs of car start to file out.
Everytime, you think you're going to wrangle out of this hellhole — a wide gap-like opening, blaring out like the heavens for freedom — you find yourself stuck in another junction, relapsing in the same fucking problem.
Stuck in the same place. Between mesh metal of blistering, practically burning from the sun, hot cars.It also doesn't help how raw to the bone hot the weather is.
Heat is seething through the Aircon. You're practically drenched, and the discomfort of having an already wet shirt matted to your wet spine is exacerbated by the goddamn ire before your eyes.
There's a truck, in front of you.
A very old truck.
And, fast?
Not it's greatest virtue.
A lump of irritation bites its way through your teeth. The backside of the truck sputters with black fumes. You're about to relinquish the title of an honorable citizen, when the radio warbles with a staticky breedle.
"You're getting sweat all over the seats, pipsqueak." Comes his sardonic chuff. The insignia lits up with every sass induced spool of his words.
At that you lift up your thighs, a kind of schlap followed after as a result of very sweaty skin latching on leather.
"Suck it cop-bot," You pat the steering wheel. "That's what you get for having shitty air conditioning."
A growl revved up from the engine. The wheel whirls away from your touch three-sixty at max speed.
"You can't expect me to accept the blame, can I? When all there is out there under that— that blisteringly — whatever you call that slag of a weather, is hot fraggin' air."
You blink at the sudden venom in his tone. Prowl's usually, eh usually, the type to keep it down when he's about to lose it : a scowl and a sharp tongue is good enough for lacerating the source of his ire.
For him to snap? Yikes. That takes a lot. A hefty lot. Even with Smokescreen, concierge of shenanigans — worst he's got is a swift chuck to the brig and cleaning duty for a year. And, that's just with a scowl and a low, steady tone.
Guess Cybertronians aren't immune to hot days, either huh. Sun's that bad.
"Is it getting to you too, Prowler?"
"What do you think?" He bites back. "Look at the thermometer. It's exceeding above the usual range of what a normal temperature should be. It's draining up the power in my cooling fans which drains up my fuel, which drains up energon. Which, at this moment, is scarce."
"Hard times, Prowler." You shake your head solemnly. "Hard times."
"You don't get a say in this." He grits out.
The car leers forward with a sudden jerk and your forehead kisses the steering wheel. Not the flat surface where the insignia lies but the edge. You know, the round handle? Bubbles of pain shoot out from the spot and you groan.
"What?" You whined. "It's already hot enough with my ass sticking to your seat — you can't leave me with any more bruises worse than this, alright?"
"Then keep that mouth shut. Or I'm shutting it off for you."
" We're stuck in traffic, though." You grope the steering wheel, grinning at the irritated growl of an engine when he tries to steer it away.
"Will you cut it."
"Hunkering down on a quick brawl in the street doesn't really contribute to the whole," You waggle your hands. " bots in disguise, kind of thing. Not really your style. Doesn't fit you, prowler. Doesn't seem to fit the muse of a..." You trail off, playful and purposeful with your tone. "...law enforcer."
He's quiet for a moment.
"Oh, yeah?"
"Uh huh."
He laughs : a quick sarcastic 'hah' and a chuff.
"Get out."
Yep. There, it is.
"Duly noted."
Your fingers wrangle the door knob. And, as soon as you struggle to pry it open you realize Prowl is keeping it locked.
"Where'd the angry coppa go?" You huffed.
"Oh, you'll see."
"Open the—huh?"
Your fingers grasps the open air, twitching around nothingness. The momentum propels you to slide off your sweat-lathered seat, lurching forward and face first into the hot, concrete road.
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sinning-23 · 1 year
My Latest crush is an alien car from space Pt.3
Yall is eating this UPPP (rise of the mirage simps lmao) and I appreciate that so so much! Thank you all for the 300+ followers that's insane! Also, the taglist got bigger too! I got yall don't even worry about it lol. Anywho, there's a fuck ton of tension in this one and in the final part, I think yall know what's going diz-ownnnnn (alexa play pony by genuine) Let me know if you'd like to be added to the taglist!
(Heres the link to pt.2 luv)
(Heres the FINALE)
Without further ado, ENJOY! (this one is a little short but pt.4 will be kinda lengthy)
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Gimmie one margarita imma…
He was far taller than Mirage, robotic features more stressed-looking than anything. And before either you Noah or Mirage could protest, he pick you up by your shirt, your hands reaching to flatten your skirt. There was about a 99% chance you’d just flashed both Noah and Mirage. 
The larger bot who you assumed was named Prime scans you, and soon his voice sends shivers down your spine. 
“Who are you?” 
The question is simple really but knowing you and the fact that he just picked you up with no kind of manners makes you slightly more irritable in your answer. Maybe you were a little butt hurt Mirage didn’t volunteer this information about there being other to you but know him he’d probably just say ‘You never asked!’ With that stupid, pretty, dumb, adorable look on his faceplates.
“I’m not answering anything because you just picked me up and expected me to give you answers. That’s rude first of all. Mirage, come get him-” You huff, seeing the larger bot raise a brow in response and look at the silver and blue-clad Autobot.
Mirage only chuckles nervously, removing you from Prime’s grasp, and putting his hands up in defense. You’d been only a tinnny bit aggressive when you’d met a couple days ago so why he expected you to be all peaches and cream with Optimus somewhat interrogating you, he had no idea. 
“Listen, had another tiny setback. I promise this one isn’t always so…fussy. She’s cool. Cross my spark.” He explains nervously, seeing Prime's optics narrow. This mf just called you fussy? Like a damn infant??? 
You go to speak out, but the depth sounding in Prime’s vocalizer makes you freeze. 
“You seem to have no concept of that undercover means. How you’ve landed in this predicament twice still baffles me” Prime sighs, looking back down at you. 
You’d managed to take refuge behind Mirage, still embarrassed by the fact that you were almost 100% sure he got a glimpse of your panties. Despite the garage being empty yesterday, it obviously had some other tenants who hadn’t a clue in the world you existed until now. This was way outta your league. Robots and 3 more of them at that, were far too overwhelming and you’d be damned if you wound up in the middle of some cyber bullshit.
Sure you liked Mirage, his personality and kind of play boyish looks made you swoon MAYBE a little bit….but from the looks of it, there were already girls like that back where he lived, hell one of them was just standing behind Prime while he chewed out Mirage…..AND WHY WAS SHE KINDA CAKED UP? That was beside the point though, they already had one human (Noah), and Prime wasn't looking for any extras (you) from what it looked like. 
Taking your chance to escape, you grab your purse and slide out of the garage quietly. The others were going from somewhat scolding Mirage to discussing a plan for something you didn’t quite care about at the moment. The best option was to disengage and maybe things could go back to normal! You could pack up for your apartment. Go back to work, maybe you’d do something with mechanics after this instead of nursing all day? You pop your AirPods in and press shuffle. 
It was getting late but there was just enough sun to find you a spot to wait for an Uber home. You’d talk with Mirage later, it looked like he had other priorities. Speaking of which, what was that whole interaction??? You shake the thought away, that moan replaying in your mind. This was so wrong.
Your heart beats faster at the thought of how he seemed to melt under you, his servos hovering over your hips, wanting to touch but being so unsure. The way his otic seemed to be hazy and the way his fan picked up in speed. You run your hands down your face and sigh, definitely feeling like a drink would be the best option….speaking of which, you never did get your night out.
It didn’t take long before Mirage realized you weren’t behind him. You’d obviously hightailed it during Optimus’s scolding and slipped past him like a thief in the night. Part of him knows you’re capable of handling yourself but the other half knows it’s not safe, especially now that you both have been formally introduced. And with what Arcee had reported, Brooklyn wasn’t getting any safer.
Apparently, a few more terrorcons had made their way back and we’re trying to do a bit of avenging considering Optimus ended Scourge rather brutally. In all, Mirage wasn’t one for the violence but when it came to helping his friends and the ones he loved, he’d set that aside for the best. 
Anyway, he didn't want you going anywhere without him, a sense of more or less responsibility for you washing over him. It was more of a protective feeling than anything, wanting to be the one to save you and keep you safe no matter what. The thought of you thanking him as your hero makes him weak. You knew what you were doing, touching him like that. He still couldn't get over the fact that you claimed it was for science….bullshit. The feeling was quickly becoming addictive and the longer you spent together the more he wanted you…fat chance. 
Remixed renditions of Kesha songs blast through the clubs' speakers as you and your girls dance the night away. You each took about 3 shots to get your blood pumping and your closest friend was about to make it 4. Your body moves on its own, bass filling your chest as you catch any and all ass your friends decide to throw. You took pictures and posted them on your story and everything seemed good!...sorta. The last of your worries should be some cyber alien crush that isn't even here right now…you can't help but let your mind drift.
A wave of…what was that guilt? Washes over you as you take a break from the dance circle, alerting your girls that you be ‘going to the bathroom’ a lie of course. Maybe this wasn't a good idea? Part of you felt kinda committed to Mirage. Before you could make it down the hall past all the commotion, a pair of hands are warm against your hips. Whoever it is… they're tall. The faint smell of motor oil fills your senses and you whip around to see a pretty good-looking stranger with eyes blue as the damn sky smirking at you. 
“Where you going, mamas?” He questions, moving his hips side to side playfully with the rhythm of the music.
You can't help but giggle. Something about him was so.. comfortable and fun and familiar, and so so so damn charming! He's smiling right back at you freckles somewhat adorning his face as his curly black hair falls over his eyes. He looks mixed, more so Hispanic or Latino and black. Blue eyes were odd though, but it didn't matter because, at the end of the day, this man looked like he'd won the genetic lottery.
Soon enough, you're back on the floor the cheers of your homegirls reaching your ears and you shake your head. This was just some spontaneous dude that just HAPPENED to catch you before you made it to the bathroom, not like you really needed to go anyway. He sways you, pulling a few cheesy dance moves here and there but it is enough to make you giggle. The previous song soon is chopped and screwed and transitioned to what sounded like a reverbed version of ‘Streets’.
Either way, the air had changed while people, couples or otherwise began finding space on the floor to dance up on one another. He didn't say much, spinning you slowly just before pulling your body to his gently. You may talk a lot of game, but you'd never danced with someone like this, let alone be so close. The feeling of his front pressed to your back makes you weak, the feeling sinking lower and lower as he holds each of your hips.
“Cálmate mama’s. You know I got you right?” He hums, your body relaxing a bit as you find the rhythm again, rolling your body with his to test the waters
That voice was so familiar….you ignore it, thinking it must the alcohol. There was no way he could…could he?
You didn't care, letting your head roll back and rest against his shoulder, your bodies synching with each other, his touch never feeling forced or aggressive. It's soft, kind, and almost loving...like he just wants to be able to feel your warmth, know the way you move. You work up the courage to speak, voice small, almost nervous. 
“I didn't catch your name stranger.”You state, hoping his response would answer your question.
If this was really him, then there was no reason to feel bad about how up close and personal this was getting. 
“You know my name, pretty girl. Kinda rude of you to walk out on me don't you think? You're lucky Noah was able to see where you were at based on your story.” He reveals, making you smile. 
So it was him but how? Some kind of alien car tech you didn't know about? You didn't care, he was here and you were ACTUALLY holding him somehow. 
“I'm sorry, looked like that meeting was important.” You explain, pressing against him more now, his grip tightening when you did, a hiss escaping his lips. 
“It was but when I noticed you’d left I panicked a little. Noah told me where to find you and I knew I couldn't just waltz in. I'm parked outback, this is just a holoform.” He explains, flashing that stupid smile. 
“So that's what this is, you look good 'Rag. Not the first time you've done this I'm assuming. You're far too good of a dancer.” You joke hearing gasp in faux hurt. 
“Wowww it's like that lil mama? You're breakin' my spark.” He chuckles, pressing into you, making a gasp escape your throat.
You felt it…holy shit it was right against you, the miniskirt not helping at ALL, in fact, any more friction and he'd be right against your panties. The grip on your hips is only making you hot and his voice so close to your ear isn't helping. He smirks against the skin of your neck and takes the risk of kissing there. Another gasp, only this time it was more or less a whine. 
“I'm not doing anything else until you tell me I got the green light. We both know this tension can only build for so long ‘til one of us breaks and I'm for damn sure about to fall apart if I can't taste you soon.” He admits, his voice trembling slightly when he speaks.
He was right though. The last 2 days had been filled with nothing but flirting, touching, and teasing and before you were so rudely interrupted in the garage earlier you were sure you were closer and closer to giving head. The music is still playing and most of your girls had given the two of you space to ‘dance’ a couple texting you to let you know where they were in case you needed them. It was definitely time to leave because any longer in this dark little corner of the club and you'd be trying to peel your clothes off. 
He can practically feel your begging to lose any sense of morals, a few drink making your brain only a little foggy. That’d ware off by time you made it back home if you played your cards right. Turning to face him you cant help but let your eyes drift to his lips. 
“You gonna let me ride?” You hum, lips pressed to his neck.
Aweeee shit the perfect set up for pt.4 cause in the words of miss Megan thee stallion... we finna ride that dik like a stolen car HAHAAAA
No-so-mini-Taglist: @gniteruirui @veggiepizzababy @panty-h03 @justmare @merpmederp @rainbowpr1sm @mad-simp420 @insane-scientist
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kaleaido · 16 days
So... episode 16 huh?
Okay guys, what the FUCK WASTHATTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111!1! that was. wow. oh my god. wow. okay I need to sit down. I'll be doing the bullet point breakdown again cause my thoughts are everywhere:
THE ANIMATION IS PHENOMENAL??? The art in general is AWESOME ii2 always had really fluid and cinematic animation imo but GOD this is such eye candy
Seeing the III contestants ISFUCKING SCARY I DIDN'T THINK WE'D GET TO SEE THEM AT ALL??? I THOUGHT THEY WERE GONNA BE MENTIONED??? They look soo weird in the old art style but this is cool I like it
II SUDDENLY TURNED INTO A MUSICAL WHATT!!! Steve Cobs song certainly was not on my bingo card but here we are. hate that guy but man he got a good voice
I'm digging the payjay angst but I didn't think that was a segue TO KILL OJ?????WHY WAS THAT SCENE SO GOOD. I'M FOAMING AT THE MOUTH IT WAS HORRIFYING!!! THE ENTIRE SEQUENCE OF MEPHONEX APPROACHING THE CONTESTANTS WASSOASHDGHWAHWASHJD But real talk, does this imply that Toilet was created by Mephone in some ways???
Hi guys I'm actually not okay with us seeing characters that are in pairs be separated. Mm yeah. OJ, Soap, Nickle. Yeah. I'm not okay that they spent the episode showing these characters hanging with their friends only for them to die. Yeah.I'm not okay seeing their friends being in complete shock of what just happened. Yeah. Mh yeah.........
THE HAUNTED MANSION GUYS ARE BACK YAYYY!!!!! and they were roomates <3 (dough i hope you die the second time)
Knife and Suitcase interactions are so well written I can't get over them. Also the way both of them handle 3GS isSOOEUAHGH I lovee 3GS
Knife and Trophy. Need I say more
Suitcase, Nickel and Balloon. Need I say more
Steven Cobs is horrible I hate him but he was also the most entertaining character in this. Him putting Mephone on speaker phone isEVIL I HATE HIM!!!!!! also never realised that he was so egotistical to name his products with "Me" in them that's such Steve Cobs things
THE PLOTTWIST IS SO. DEVASTING. IVE BEEN THINKING ABOUT IT FOR HOURS NOW. SO YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT MEPHONE WAS JUST ROLEPLAYING WITH HIS OCS????? SERIOUSLY???? This just makes so much sense but it's also so horrible. like how many of the stuff tthat contestants did was intentional??? Is this why Bot was one of Mephone's favorite contestants? because they were "real"???
Also quick thing but I just hopped off from Brian's stream just now and he said something along the line of how BP is the opposite of Steve Cobs. Which just makes me wonder if like. did Mephone ALSO make BP??? Did he make someone he could look up to as a healthy father figure??? This is making me insane
yeah my brain is absolutely jumbled right now. if anyone still want to yap on about ii16 hit my dm please I still don't know how to feel about this act. LIKE YEAH It's awesome I love it but wow......is the emotional damage really worth it....
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yes-i-write-fanfiction · 10 months
TFA X ROTTMNT crossover imagine Idea:
What if back when Splinter was Lou Jitsu he got spirited away in the TFA universe as a cybertronian thanks to a magical artifact long time ago before the first autobots-decepticons War, became a Gladiator against his will, meet Megatron and end up becoming "Friends" with him, build himself a reputation among Cybertronians and became a Well known History figure After managing to get his Freedom back and managed to get all the other Gladiator, Megatron included, free?
What if years After Lou Jitsu managed to get back to his universe and the ROTTMNT canon happen the turtles found the Magic artifact, end up in the TFA universe turned into cybertronians and two of them are warframes while the other two are civilframe?
I got way into this AU crossover the more I wrote about it and I just want to say that you, my friend, are a genius for coming up with it.
-Lou Jitsu's alter ego when he was a cybertronian was Splinter. Yeah, I'm basic like that. His alt mode would have been either a jet or a race car though I'm a bit partial to him having a car alt mode, simply because I could really see him turning into some flashy 80's sport car.
-Becoming a really popular gladiator not only for his fighting skills but also for bringing in his theatrics to the ring. They don't know that but whenever he wants to seem cool he says a one liner from one of his movies. The crowd ate it up every time. He's also really handsome as a bot so he's got a ton of fans.
-Ok but wouldn't be really cool if Splinter kinda revolutionized the cyber-ninja scene??? Like, up until his appearance it had kinda stagnated but when he shows up and shows up his amazing moves all the cyber-dojos go "YOOOOOO, THAT'S FUCKING AWESOME" and he basically starts the cyber-ninja renaissance. He also probably gets offered to become the leader of his own dojo but he declines the offer because he doesn't wanna abandon his new gladiator-buddies.
-Young Yoketron being his pupil??? Showing up one day like Genos in One Punch man and begging for Splinter to become his master??? YOKETRON YELLING "HOT SOUP" EVEN THOUGH HE HAS NO IDEA WHAT IT MEANS???
Prowl: Master, is it true that you trained under the master Splinter?
Yoketron: Yes, my pupil, I indeed did.
Prowl: Amazing, I've heard so much about him. What was he like?
Yoketron: He was... very wise. *flashback to Splinter forgetting how to use his brakes while in alt mode and crashing into a wall*
-Also, as for the brothers, if two of them are warframes then I imagine it being Raph and Leo. Raph because, well, he's built like a brick, it makes sense, and Leo because his weapons are the most lethal, made to kill. Also, Raph would be a tank while Leo would be a jet. Meanwhile, Donnie's alt mode would be like a microscope/telescope or something while Mikey would be a racer, either a motorcycle or a race car. I just want Mikey to have wheels on his pedes and rollerblade around while fighting.
-I also want some cyber-ninja dojo to 'discover' Mikey's talents, both as a ninja and spiritually, and taking him in. And Mikey can't tell them the truth, that he's already trained, so he has to pretend to be a newbie but instead he comes off as an actual genius, a prodigy only seen once every eon (he is a prodigy though so they're not too far off). Mikey shows them his 'magic hands' and the old coots practically faint.
-Meanwhile, Donnie gets similarly 'discovered' by the autobot Ministry of Science when they take notice of his remarkable intelligence and honestly? Donnie eats up the attention and praise. Perceptor and Wheeljack are fighting over who gets to mentor him and Donnie just does "Gentlemen, please, the answer is obvious; You both teach me everything you know. I want to know it all."
-Splinter, after becoming a mutant, turns into a cybertronian again but he looks really different so no one recognizes him. He's a beast-former now with a rat alt mode, about the height of Bumblebe (maybe even shorter). He kinda radiates this mystical air though, only perceivable to those with more spiritual senses, like Prowl.
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Edit: Added some ideas of what Bot-Splinter would look like, both before and after mutating.
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bunnypeew · 7 months
Under star-lit skies - Moon/Sun x reader part 1
Okay so I started writing this cuz my obsession for Sun and Moon came back since I keep getting posts and fanart of them so here is the first part of the fanfic you can read it on Ao3 linked in my bio :3c
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it was one of those days, one where you and your class had to go to a stupid location outside of town. You weren’t eager about it since you preferred being closed in the confinement of your dorm room, but an outing was necessary even for you. You got up from your bed unwillingly and started getting dressed, some sweatpants a t-shirt and a hoodie on top, was pretty easygoing and comfortable for a day out.
you weren’t sure where you were going until it came into focus, the Freddy Fazbear Pizzaplex for some reason you weren’t going to question it since your school did choose some random places all the time, not caring if it’s educational or not, but you guessed it was because of the way the pizzaplex was built, could be really interesting or maybe how the animatronics worked. You all went into the pizzaplex being greeted by some basic-looking bots holding maps
“Take a map, take a map,,
you take one and look the other way a little creeped out, you hope those poor things weren’t sentient like the bigger ones otherwise this would’ve been fucked up. The tour starts then, going around the entire pizzaplex from Gator golf to Roxy raceway, it was pleasant meeting the big animatronics in charge of entertainment. Roxy, in charge of Roxy Raceway, was a wolf animatronic with long grey hair and a puff of green in the front, while Gator Golf was attended by Monty, an alligator-like animatronic with icon star-shaped sunglasses, he was pretty cool. Then you arrived at the star of the gang Freddy Fazbear himself, he was a nice bear animatronic with a little top hat on his head and an iconic earring on his left ear. He waved at everyone with a happy smile on his face, you waved back catching his attention, noticing you he winked at you also doing finger guns, you smiled and blushed a little bit at that (blushing over an animatronic? Are you okay??)
You then arrived at your last stop, the Superstar Daycare. It was a place full of kids, also full of toys and arts&crafts stuff (of course like the name said it was a daycare) but something caught your eye, the animatronic that was attending the children, it was a jester-like robot with a sun for a head that could spin around when it wanted to
“Hello everyone! I am Sun! the daycare attendant I hope you guys had a lovely tour so far!,,
he says lively his rays on his head spinning around happily, Sun huh? (ironic isn’t it) You were fascinated by him, he was really, pretty? I guess you could call him pretty.
When you got back to your dorm you picked up your laptop right away and started doing research on Fazbear Entertainment, finding a lot of weird stuff about some lawsuits and shit like that, you didn’t care you went on to look if the pizzaplex out of town was looking for a job, you really needed one and that was a big place so maybe they did need some human personal, you were also hoping you’d get to work near or in the daycare, you wanted to know more about Sun. Thinking about that you looked up the Superstar Daycare for some more information and found yet another lawsuit about the daycare this time, you read through it.
“my son was traumatised by your stupid daycare attendant and can’t sleep with the lights off anymore, whatever that thing did to him. You should decommission it right away it is not safe for children,,
you scrunch up your nose at that, because there is no way this person was talking about Sun seemed like a nice guy! So you did more research finding out the animatronic they were talking about was not Sun, but an animatronic called Moon, he was the nap time attendant and apparently, they were two separate animatronics, which intrigued you even more.
Doing even more research you find out they were actually looking to hire someone, it didn't say in which position but you weren't one to complain about stuff like that so you wrote an email and sent it, you weren't expecting a reply right away so you decided to go to bed.
It was dark, and something was bothering you but you couldn't put your finger on it, you found yourself in a jungle gym of some sort crumbled up like a pretzel, you started moving in front of you or what you thought was in front of you, while moving you could hear some sort of music, like a soft melody getting closer and closer until it stopped, you stopped as well, looking around now trying to understand where you were.
You wake up in your bed full of sweat and your heart beating super fast, you get your phone from your nightstand only to see it is 2 am, you definitely can't sleep after this weird ass nightmare you just add so you decide to start scrolling through social media. Before you get the chance to do that tho you get a notification from your emails, saying that Fazbear Entertainment sent a reply to your email, accepting your application!
You get up to do a little victory dance happy for it to begin.
tomorrow is another day.
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this is how they will look in the fanfic since they are separate animatronics here the one in the middle is my persona ignore them I insert myself in every fandom I go in lol!!
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sephirthoughts · 3 months
Maybe Reeve and 15, 26, 34 for the ask game? ^^' (15 is a free option. You don't have to do it, if yiu don't want to. ^^'')
Yayyy Reeve!!! i do have several opinions about him
Reeve pretty much 24/7:
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same bro same
-15- pets or feelings about animals:
-26- interactions with their friends
I don't know Reeve to have any canonical friends aside from Veld (Verdot), before Dirge, and I don't know much about their friendship, but I assume Veld was a hero of his or something because Veld is old as shit, and Reeve is only 35 during FF7. He was willing to risk his ass to help save Elfe, because she's his friend's daughter, even though she's with Avalanche. Yes, he uses his Cait Sith bots to go in his place, but even getting involved that much is a massive risk for him considering he's on the Shinra Board of fucking Directors. This suggests how highly he values friendships and demonstrates his personal integrity.
Reeve actually gets involved in a staggering number of situations considering he's a literal executive at the biggest company in the world, like…Reeve my guy when do you sleep buddy? (Also how did you make it to the top of Shinra with your conscience intact??)
I really wanted Reeve to have seen Vincent's file or some of his reports back in the day, like as a young Shinra employee, and been like "holy shit this Turk is amazing in a totally not gay way i am just going to take a copy of his photo for personnel management purposes thank you Veld." ALAS, Reeve was five years old when Vincent died. So no such luck unless he was Shinra's youngest employee ever aside from Sephiroth (lol).
HOWEVER. We KNOW direct from the cat's mouth that Reeve knows all about Vincent, meaning he DID study his files at some point, and was clearly moved by how sexy he was tragic his story was. HERE THERE BE HEADCANONS: Vincent was a pretty impressive guy even before the monster powers, and I absolutely HC Reeve as being a total Vincent fangirl, which makes him scruffing and then throwing the Cait Sith bot at Cloud even funnier. He and Vincent become friends through the Cait Sith bot, during the events of FF7 but they have that falling out because of the Marlene thing. However, he keeps helping the group and whatnot, which earns their and Vincent's trust back, and then eventually reveals his identity to the whole group.
Between FF7 and Dirge, he and Vincent stay in contact and even wind up meeting in person. By "meeting in person" I mean Vincent vampire ninjas himself into Reeve's office and scares the ever-loving shit out of him, because he wanted to meet him face to face, and they have a nice talk, before Vincent vampire ninjas away again, leaving Reeve with an even bigger totally platonic and not at all gay crush on the very dangerous and very sexy vampire man.
Reeve eventually leaves Shinra and starts his good-guy club and all that, and he and Vincent reconnect during Dirge, where Reeve is doing this weird matryoshka doll thing with himself inside Cait Sith inside a suit of himself, but whatever i don't kink shame. Apparently Vincent finds that very cool (or hot if you ship them) because they spend the rest of the game helping each other (or secretly making out). Much like almost all of my ships, whether you ship Reeve and Vincent or not, my HC for their relationship is pretty much exactly the same, except in the ship version they fuck.
Anyway I HC that Reeve and Vincent are friends. That was a long thesis, just to work up to this one point.
ps. my ship name for reeve and vincent is reeventine because it's more prosodic (fancy talk for rolls off the tongue), and also, reevince just looks like re-evince, which is a word already
-34- feelings abut themself
This is important to how Reeve feel about himself i promise: CAIT SITH SPEAKS FUCKING KANSAI-BEN. I have no idea why they chose Scottish accent for the English version but they have inadvertently canonized Reeve's hometown dialect being either Kansai-ben, or Scots-gaelic. Which means that little Reeve had one HELL of an accent, and had to meticulously dialect-train himself, to speak in the accepted nonregional vernacular (Kanto or newscast English) for his Shinra job. HEADCANONS BEGIN: This suggests that he's self-aware enough to know what will help him get ahead, and is willing to do what it takes to succeed…but like, in a NORMAL way, not like the rest of the Shinra execs, who are all literal psychopaths. Not exaggerating. Actual psychopaths. He's a classic overachiever and apparently pretty charismatic, despite never having been listened to ever not even one single time during a Shinra board meeting. Luckily he's also a good person deep down and when it really counts, he does the right thing.
In conclusion, Reeve thinks highly enough of himself to have very strong drive and ambition, and to go against the flow and make conscience-based decisions, even when it puts him at risk, but not enough to disconnect the coffee I.V. and get a good night's sleep once in a while.
unpopular but correct opinion: reeve was hot even back when he was cosplaying some kind of pirate clergyman back in the Dirge of Cerberus days
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Thanks for the ask! Hamsterverse forever!
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skzimagines · 1 year
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Part 15
Characters: | Obsessive!Hyunjin | Lee know | Female Reader | All of Skz | y/n’s friend. |
Genre: | Polyamory!relationship |
Warnings: | 18+ Minors dni | Smut | swearing | alcohol | threesome activity |
Summary: Hyunjin finds out Y/N and Minho have done things together without him present, which wasn’t the rule. They’ve broke the one rule he had, to ensure his jealousy issues stay at ease.
As we enter the movie theater, Minho grabs my hand in his as we make our way to the top row of seats. But what we don’t acknowledge is, hyunjin walking behind us, burning a hole into the back of both our heads as he walks the same path behind us. We all pick seats by one another at the top row, leaving Minho, Hyunjin and I sitting next to each other at the end of the row. As I sit down, Minho sits next to me, leaving Hyunjin at the end. “No.. she sits in the middle.” Hyunjin says, looking into Minhos eyes with a demanding look. Minho nods, stands up and we switch seats. Putting me in the middle of them. We finally get comfortably before the movie begins.
“What’s going on with those three?” Han asks Changbin. Changbin shrugs his shoulders while looking at the three. “Right? Haven’t they been acting really weird?” Ash jumps into the conversation. “Minho was holding y/n’s hand on the way up here.” Chan whispers. Ash gasps, louder than she intended to. Causing the three of us to look down at her. She gives us a small smile and puts her attention back to the screen. “They all fell asleep on the couch together too.” Jeongin says. “Do you think they’re all a thing together?” Seungmin asks with his eyebrow raised, taking a quick glance at the three of us. “Hyunjin would never let that happen.” Ash whispers, not taking her eyes off the screen.
“It’s cold in here.” I whisper, rubbing my hands up my arms. “Well, maybe your boyfriend can warm you up.” Hyunjin says with a hint of venom to his voice. “Hyunjin, we didn’t have sex.” I say back. He scoffs and crosses his arms. “We did!” I whisper. “What’s going on?” Minho asks next to me. “He’s pissed because he thinks we fucked.” I say, annoyed. Minho chuckles and leans forward, to get Hyunjins attention. “We didn’t have sex.” Minho confirms. He looks me in my eyes and smirks. My heart starts racing, because I know that look. That look means he’s going to stir the pot just to piss someone off. And right now is not the time. “Minho don’t.” I whisper, quiet enough for only him to hear. He lets out a huff with a smile. “But I did have her coming all over my fingers before we came here.” Minho says, with an evil grin spread across his face, directed at hyunjin. I watch as Hyunjins hands turn into fists, his knuckles turning white. His ears turn red and his jaw clenches. “Is this what you wanted?” He whispers, looking into my eyes. “What?” I ask. “Did you do it just to piss me off?” He asks. I slowly shake my head ‘no’. “I didn’t-” I begin to say, but he cuts me off. “You did, you did y/n.” He whispers. He finally stops looking at me and turns his attention back to the movie. He’s silent for the rest of the time, even during the ride back to the beach house.
We all get out of the cars and make our way into the house. Throwing our shoes and jackets aside. I suddenly feel hands rest on my shoulders. “Meet me upstairs..” Minho whispers in my ear, sending goosebumps down my spine. I head to the fridge and grab a water before noticing hyunjin sitting on the couch in the living room, watching me go up the stairs. I give him a sympathetic look with a small smile, leaving him there to cool down.
I get to our shared room, closing the door behind me. I turn around and see Minho sitting on my bed. “Come here sweetheart.” He whispers, holding out his arms. I sigh before making my way toward him, embracing him in a bear hug. “Everything will be alright.” He whispers, kisses my forehead and rubs his hands through my hair. I hum and push myself into his chest, causing us to both fall over. Giggles escape the both of us. “He’s still mad.” I whisper. “He’ll get over it, he always does. I sometimes begin to think he loves you a little too much” Minho chuckles. I chuckle with him and I suddenly feel his lips against mine. “Why don’t I help you forget about it?” He smirks, running his hand down the outside of my thigh. I think of the consequences if hyunjin were to find out but knowing we’re already in a bad situation with him as is, I quietly hum in agreement. This was his idea, he wanted to do this.
Minho quickly sits up and spins me around, telling me to get on all fours. I follow his command, getting on to my hands and knees on the bed. He gets up and sits on his knees behind me, and rubs his hand up and down my heat, causing a rush to erupt in my stomach. A small moan escapes my lips as he pulls my pants over my ass and down my legs. “That’s it baby… just relax.” He whispers. He runs his hands over my ass and up my back slowly, feeling the stress leave my body slowly as he does.
After continuing to rub for a few more seconds, Minho finally takes off his pants and throws them on to the floor, lining his hardened member up to my soaking wet heat. “You ready baby?” He asks in a whisper. I nod my head, giving him permission to go ahead. He grabs his member and rubs it through my slick folds, causing a moan to escape my mouth.
“What do you two think you’re doing?” Hyunjin says angrily from the door way, where the door was just slammed open. Minho and I both spring up, throwing the blanket over ourselves.
“Hyunjin….” Minho begins to say, but hyunjin cuts him off. “Don’t… I don’t want to hear anything out of you.” Minho closes his mouth at his comment. “And you…” he says with a huff. “You already knew you were in deep shit..” he says, making his way toward me. I look down and watch his feet as he makes his way to the bed, too scared to look into his eyes. “But yet, here we are.” He finally stops at the edge of the bed and brings his hand under my chin, forcing me to look at him. His eyes are dark and full of lust. “My pretty princess.” He whispers, tucking my hair behind my ear. “What am I going to do with you?”
He wraps his hand around my throat, not hard, but just enough to send pleasure to course through my blood. He pushes me back on to the bed and climbs on top of me, pinning my hands above my head. “Minho, do me a favor and actually listen to what I tell you this time…” hyunjin says, looking straight into my eyes. Minho hums in response. “Grab your belt and bring it over here, tie her fucking hands to the bed.” He growls.
Minho gets off of the bed and retrieves his belt from off of the floor. He makes his way back over to us and does his best to tie my hands to the head board. He gives the belt one last right pull, to which I can feel a stinging sensation in my wrists. I hiss at the feeling and try to pull my hands away. “You’re not going anywhere sweetheart.” Hyunjin chuckles. I whine, knowing he isn’t going to let me go. “Minho!” He shouts with a huge smile on his face. “You’re up!” Minho looks at him confused. “Get over here and get to work.”
Minho makes his way over to me, sitting between my bare legs. He looks at me with a sympathetic look, I give him a small smile to reassure him it’s okay. Hyunjin notices the interaction, which probably just pissed him off even more considering he’s taken my face in his hands, making me look at him. “He’s going to touch you, but you’re going to look at me and you’re going to pretend it’s me.. making you feel like the pathetic whore that you so badly want to be.” He whispers, centimeters from my face. I quietly hum and nod my head. “Now do it.” Hyunjin says to Minho.
I suddenly feel Minhos finger swipe right up my folds, sending a shock into my stomach. My body jolts and my eyes squeeze shut. “Look at me.” Hyunjin says, lightly tapping my cheek. “Don’t take your fucking eyes off of me.” Minho continues his action for a few more seconds before taking my clit between his thumb and index finger, squeezing it gently. “Oh fuck Hyunjin!” I moan loudly, my back arches off of the bed as pleasure courses through my body. “That’s it baby.. you like that?” He whispers, so close to my face that his lips graze against mine as he talks. “Y…yes hyunjin. I like it.” I moan out loud. Minho suddenly slams his finger inside, still rubbing at my clit. He pumps his long and slender finger in and out of me at a fast pace. Who knew being able to use both hands would be such a blessing. I suddenly feel myself growing closer by the second. “Hy.. hyunjin, I’m gonna cum.” I whimper as I’m seconds from release. “Stop Minho.” He suddenly says, and Minho immediately pulls away.
A whine escapes my lips as he does, I finally take my eyes off of hyunjin and look at Minho with a pleading look. He mouths the words ‘I’m sorry’ and looks down. I throw my head back and groan. “Lose the attitude, or I’ll leave you here all night.” Hyunjin says sternly. “It’s my turn now.” He comments, landing a quick kiss on my forehead.
Hyunjin and Minho switch spots. Now Minho is hold my face in his hands, saying sweet nothings into my ear and moving my hair away from my face, rubbing his thumb gently over my cheek. Hyunjin, on the other hand is working on taking his sweatpants and boxers off, throwing them on to the floor.
Minho is such a sweet lover, kind. Always making sure i am okay, praising seems to be his favorite thing. Hyunjin, he’s dominant, he’s assertive. He likes to be in charge. Both are amazing, both know exactly what to do to make me tick.
“Open baby.” Hyunjin says, pushing my knees apart. I submit, and let my legs fall apart. He slides his way between my legs and lines his member up with my heat. He rubs his tip through my folds. I tense up at the sensation before he bottoms out inside me with a loud groan. “You’re so fucking perfect.” He groans, before pulling out and slamming himself back in.
Minho sits beside me, stroking himself slowly. Every now and then, leaning over to whisper sweet comments to me and run his thumb over my bottom lip. “You like him watching you baby?” Hyunjin groans. I moan out a ‘yes’ looking over at Minho. “Tell him how much you like it baby.” He says. “I fucking love it, Minho.” I whimper out. A smile spread across Minhos face. “Yeah? Do you baby?” Minho says, rubbing his knuckles over my cheek. I nod in response, the pleasure from hyunjin distracts me again.
He continues this move until I feel a knot in my stomach form, for the second time tonight. “You close baby?” He pants out. All I can do is nod. A smirk forms across his mouth as he quickens his pace. His tip hitting the deepest point inside me. My head flys back and my back arches off of the bed and I come undone underneath him. Profanity’s and his name leaving my mouth over and over again.
“You’re so beautiful when you cum baby.” Minho whispers, laying down beside me. Hyunjin lays down next to me on the other side, throwing his arm around my stomach and kisses my cheek. “You really are.” He agrees with Minho. “Yeah, guys.. that’s nice and all, but can you untie me?” I ask tiredly. They chuckle together and hyunjin sits up to into me. My hands fall from the belt and I rub my wrists where there are red lines from tugging on the belt for so long and we go back to cuddling.
“So are you still upset with us?” Minho asks hyunjin with a smile. “I think the jealousy has subsided.” Hyunjin chuckles.
To be continued…
Tag list: @greysweaters-blog @mimihwang248 @armystay89 @berryberrytan @multeciahucho @poetrycassie @s4torii444 @nobody3210 @straykids5star @mabysblog @yaorzu-blog
(I’m sorry this took so long for me to post, I’ve been so busy lately. Please forgive me😭🙏🏼)
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