#because the hiatus back in the summer was bullshit enough
chalkrevelations · 1 year
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Just so you know, if you’re subscribing to the whole “publicity” thing, going out there to troll or trash Alba, or just generally being a bit of an idiot about him or her, then I’m blocking and unfollowing.
Not because I care, but I DON’T.
I don’t believe it’s publicity. I really don’t. And I think anyone who does is just delusional and desperately wishing for some strange reason he was still single. But that’s my opinion. You are, of course, entitled to yours. Just as I am entitled to not want to read or see it.
And FYI, whilst we’re at it, writing untruths whilst they’re presented as facts (such as things about no leaves being green this time of year- news flash, THEY ARE… or comments about how she Alba possibly be in the country/state due to Visas. Again, BULLSHIT, trust me, I’ve had enough experience with visas for the US to last me a lifetime) is really fucking sad and dangerous.
You parasocial fucks are the reason the majority of us normal guys are now not seeing much of him at all. He said his break from SM was for the summer, I’ll be surprised if he ever comes back at all. So yeah, nice work, morons.
I find it all gross and just a bit strange to be honest. But what I find more gross is how now these people are going for him and her and their looks and how they’re both “gross” and “ugly”, how he’s “losing his looks”, “looks haggard,” “ageing rapidly,” and that she’s a “plain Jane…” bla bla bla. That’s disgusting. And I hope when you finally grow the fuck up, you really understand how shameful that is.
The marriage might last. It might not. But I really think you all need to take a long hard look in the mirror.
This fandom is toxic. And I want nothing to do with that shit. My writing blog is going on indefinite hiatus. The only stuff you’ll see coming from me will be what I’m beta reading or contributing too with my writing partner. I’m out, and need well away from this crazy.
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kookieswan · 11 months
Handlebars - Seven Days a Week
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Biker!Jungkook x Receptionist!Reader
Word Count: 1.3k
Genre: Biker AU, Gang AU, Enemies to Lovers, Fluff, Angst. MV inspired.
Warnings: No actual smut but MC and JK have dirty mouths (dirty talk).
Notes: I’m still on hiatus but I wrote this for the release of Seven and wanted to post it so here it is. Enjoy.
You sigh as the lights continue to flicker, a pen gripped between your teeth as you go over the paperwork. There’s been an obscene amount of people coming into the shop lately, the summer months bringing in more than enough patrons to keep the place busy. With that, it’s brought on even more work for your sorry ass and it’s been keeping you past your designated shift.
The little bell above the doorway jingles suddenly, letting you know that someone decided to brave the horrible storm for their vehicle. Glancing up, there’s no way to prevent the growing retail smile from dropping into a snarled frown, the pen loudly falling from your mouth. Of course he dragged his out of hiding in the middle of a tornado watch.
There stands Jungkook fucking Jeon, your boyfriend and also a complete clown. He smiles at you warily, hair slightly sticking to his forehead as small droplets drip down onto the floor. He pulls his arm out from behind his back, a bouquet of likely once beautiful flowers now drowned in his hand.
“What the fuck Jungkook.” The pout is instantaneous at your accusatory tone, lips pursed as he steps further into the shops waiting room. He shakes his long hair lightly, the water flying from it and making your eye twitch.
“Aw, come on doll. Don’t be like that! I almost got hit by a car for these.” He plops the wet flowers on the counter with wide eyes, his leather jacket squeaking slightly as it runs against the surface. Letting out a huff, you pull your paperwork together and away from your very wet (and annoying) boyfriend, tossing it toward your work laptop before sitting back in the fun spinny seat.
“You never showed up for our date! All of that food I made was wasted; I even cooked stuffed chicken for your ungrateful ass.” Stuffed fucking chicken of all things and he missed it. You barely even cook for yourself, so the fact that you cooked for an ungrateful ass man and he skipped out pisses you off greatly. Jungkook leans over the counter, voice gentle as he draws closer.
“I’m sorry baby, I really am. I had some business to take care of with the boys and I lost track of time. I sent a text but I don’t think I went though…” Ah, so that’s it. He and the crew were off doing some shady shit and he didn’t want you to know about it. You scoff and stand up, deciding that it’s time to pack up your stuff because honestly you don’t want to hear it.
“Oh yeah? And what were you and the boys up to? What had you so busy, huh?” Maybe he’ll tell the truth, maybe he’ll just let you in because that’s all you really want. You know what they get up to, you know how illegal and bad some of is… And you don’t care, not really. You just want the truth, that’s all. You’ll never judge him for it.
Jungkook stares at you until you pause and look back at him. His face is tense, nostrils flared and it’s clear a million thoughts are running through his mind. It finally cracks, and suddenly his eyes can look at everything but you.
“… It’s nothin you need to be concernin your pretty head with.” Wrong fucking answer. Grabbing your bag and coat from the back of the chair, you throw them both on quickly because you’re definitely not here for this bullshit. Walking around the desk, you ignore the booming thunder from outside along with wide doe eyes and start to walk toward the door.
“I apologized! I really feel bad, what more could you want?” He grabs your shoulder gently as you try to walk by, but lets it go as you pull away. Turning to look back at him, it’s hard to keep your voice level as emotions continue to run wild.
“For you to tell the damn truth! You all seem to think I’m so naive and have no clue what’s going on but I’m not fucking dumb.” The lights flicker again, this time turning off for a few moments before turning back on. Jungkook doesn’t really look mad, just… Uncomfortable maybe? You can’t quite place it.
“Oh, come on. I never said you were dumb! I just don’t want your ass getting caught up in our shit, there’s too much at stake. We’ve talked about this.” Clenching your jaw, your turn around without another glance and go for the door. There’s nothing nice to say to him right now, and so you won’t say shit.
“Babe- baby where the hell are you goin?! It’s stormin real bad out there!” And you don’t fucking care. Flinging the door open without a second thought, you step into the downpour with open arms. It’s not long before the enthusiasm dies, but you don’t falter.
“Away from your secretive ass! Leave me alone, I don’t want to talk to you right now.” You yell it back to him, hoping that he wouldn’t be crazy enough to follow you into the shitstorm you just walked into. Of course, the front door doesn’t even get a chance to slam shut before he’s flying out after you like a bat out of hell. Jungkook follows you as you start the ten minute walk toward your apartment, easily catching up as he yells over the white noise.
“God you’re so fuckin stubborn. I promise I’ll make it up to you, give me a chance and the rain won’t be the only thing makin you wet babydoll.” A laugh escapes you, both humored and baffled by his annoying ass. The shit that comes out of his mouth sometimes really shouldn’t surprise you anymore… And it also shouldn’t be quite as oddly endearing as it is. Fucking Jungkook.
“You really think I want to fuck you right now? Really?” Stopping in place, he nearly tramples over you as you push an accusing finger into his hard chest. The first thing you notice is how his muscles are very obviously there beneath the soaked shirt, his skin warm and a biting underneath your hand as you flatten it out.
The second thing you notice is that he’s very clearly changing the subject to something else. Maybe it’s for the better, maybe you should let it go. You’ve had this fight with him a million times over and it always ends the same. He leans in close to you, hair falling into his eyes as he attempts to look you in the face.
“Yeah, I really do. We fuck seven days a week sweet thing; I think make up sex is the obvious answer to our spat.” Rolling your eyes, you slap his boob lightly, the corners of your mouth quirking up as you hear his giggles over the rain. It’s quiet for a moment then as he grabs your hand, gently holding it in his own.
“Seriously, I am super fuckin sorry. We can just go back to my place and cuddle if you want? I can make you some hot chocolate or some shit after we have a hot shower.” Such a romantic. He grips your hand a little tighter, swinging it back and forth a few times before tugging you forward and hopefully toward his dry car. You start to follow because really, how could you possibly stay mad at your idiot of a boyfriend?
“… Fuck, you’re lucky you’re so adorable Jeon. Alright, we’re going back to your place and fucking till you’re a whiny mess.” He just laughs loudly, arm wrapping easily around your shoulder. His voice comes out low and husky, just barely carrying over the rain.
“In your dreams baby.”
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josiebelladonna · 2 years
if daveigh/greendruidess/whatever she goes by now is discouraged from writing in the wake of the infamous incident... i want every single one of you to know that i am fully responsible for
my own little world over here because the fact she couldn’t sort out her own shit before she got to writing three years ago has absolutely nothing to do with me and never did, either. i’ve said this before but the only reason i ever bring her up in the last year or so anymore is to make fun of the whole thing. when you’ve been through enough bullshit in life, you learn to laugh at things (and it’s even better if you find the right people to laugh along with).
i mention this because, just out of morbid curiosity just now, i checked her ao3 profile: aside from like loving the dead, she hasn’t updated any of her other wips since february. and my first thought was “wow, that’s... horribly depressing.” shit, i feel bad that i haven’t touched xenon dreams since january and to be frank, i can’t believe it’s been that long, especially with my love of sci-fi and whatnot.
i’ve said this before, too: i do feel bad for her and when this whole thing started, i genuinely didn’t want to go through with it. i think i always will, too (i have too much of a heart, hating is not in my nature, contrary to what she might tell you) and it always kills me to hear about someone giving up something they loved doing because someone else gave them hell of a tongue-lashing. it’s a fear that’s way too common and all too real in the art world, in particular. so many people have given up or will give up because of criticism and it’s something that so many artists fear as well: including me! that was a big fear of mine for years, and in fact, i still feel it. i always clam up whenever i get any comments on anything, not just a piece of art. but at the same time, i also think, wow. your ego was far more fragile than i realized. especially when i remember just how out-of-touch she is.
(and just for some perspective, i consider myself way out-of-touch because yesterday was the first time in... jeez, i don’t even know how long, since i last wandered over to the type o tag just to see what’s going on over there. i’ve been laying low on ao3 lately, aside from the updates and the odd kudos here and there. i haven’t scoured a tag in weeks: writing several thousand words in an afternoon takes a lot out of you and i’ve been focusing on moving lately, so i just haven’t been able to). apparently, she has it in her head that i’m calling people out left and right for stealing, and moreover, she’s addressing me in quite literally the most passive-aggressive way possible.
well... first of all, obviously not. i have way better things to do and it’s really something you have to be on guard for: you don’t go out of your way to scold someone for that, no one does unless they’re actually the victim of it. i’ve lamented how it seems totally bass-ackwards now, that the thieves are the ones to defend and the artist/writer/creator is the one to receive bullshit, and tumblr is an utter bastion for that behavior (why do you think so many artists on here add “do not repost” to their art?), but i’m just sitting here scratching my head at that.
i do remember that chapter of like loving the dead she posted back on my birthday in april, and i have no doubt it was in response to me trying to talk to her last summer to cool things down a bit. the whole vibe of that was she thinks i’m a hater because she’s got a popular fic.
look, there’s a lot of things i don’t like, but i cannot bring myself to hate another person, no matter shitty or toxic they are (and i couldn’t be bothered with things like hits or likes, either, i stopped caring about that during my hiatus and wattpad completely killed it for me).
i actually don’t even hate her at all. i hate that she condones horrible behavior like plagiarism and shameless copying/taking and doesn’t see anything wrong with it. i hate her attitude and how it’s apparently too much to ask of her to throw her weight around (the way she sits in my memory is she looks like regina george in about 30 years but with red hair). i hate how she brags all the time and also her sense of entitlement that’s apparently only gotten worse with time, and i couldn’t help but react to it in the past, either. but as a person, though? no way. you couldn’t pay me money to hate her as a person.
if you ask me, she’s the real hater here. she’s still thinking about that incident and talking about it two years later when there was absolutely no reason to (hell, there was no reason for it six months afterwards). yeah, dead man walking is my side of the story, no doubt about that, but it’s got way more purpose than that: it’s a story that i’ve wanted to write for a long time now and i finally found the opportunity to do so with the events that happened between me and her - i needed a moral or an underlying theme of some sort (it is rated teen and up, after all 😉). she’s just vitriolic and browbeating and projecting onto me, and all i can say is is grudges are fucking stupid.
i got my anger out immediately after it happened through my st. anger drawings, the dead trilogy, and the remainder of my at land’s end series. aside from the odd outburst along the way, i said everything i needed to say and i put it to bed, especially when alex entered my life. i don’t hold grudges, and i’ve never been able to, either.
it literally blows my mind how way too many people on here are like “i have a grudge against this person/i resent this person” and don’t see anything wrong with it. grudges are, at their core, completely petty and pointless and they only end up destroying you, the bearer of the grudge, in the end. really, imagine yourself 5/10/15 years from now, still feeling angry at the other person over something stupid that they let go of right away. you’re going to look so ridiculous and you’re going to wish for that time back, as well. grudges are not just stupid and pointless: they’re sad. like, this is going to be your legacy, man. forget everything else, this is how i’m always going to remember you. was it really worth it in the end? you can’t help but feel bad for the person with the grudge... but you also can’t, because hey, you were the one who stayed angry all this time, not me. i was just trying to live my life, unlike you, letting your anger cloud your vision and swell up your ego to the size of the earth.
when that incident happened (if you don’t know: i was just trying to be friendly with her during anthrax’s livestream from wacken during quarantine - you know. fellow fangirl to another. innocuous fun stuff in a world gone horribly wrong - and over here, she was getting all up in arms about someone annoying and obnoxious, and when she blocked me on here and on wattpad was when i realized she was referring to me), and i looked back on her behavior (which is how i found out her plagiarism in the first place), i saw right away that she’s all-talk and no-walk, but it’s being magnified big time now because she refuses to let go of anger and she’s made it her persona, too. she can go as dark and gothic as she wants: i’m always going to look at her name and think “angry, bitter person.”
i clearly don’t even give a shit about any of this anymore, and i haven’t since the end of 2020, either. i can barely be bothered to go through the type o tag anymore, or any fic tag for that matter because fandom as a whole has followed her lead. aside from things happening on my end, it’s hard to find fic (particularly band fic) on ao3 anymore that feels like it was written from a good place. it’s all clique-y and snide and hard to understand and gives me a headache and i don’t know if tiktokification of everything in existence now is to blame or not.
like i said, if she (or anyone else) throws in the towel, it’s not my call to make and it never was, either. you’re the one driving the ship: i’m just the madwoman in the attic.
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bandofchimeras · 24 days
um bored of talking to myself on here & scrolling...need a good rejuvenating inner push 2 start make music or stories again. idk i didn't understand for a minute how much of my behavior and feelings were rooted in internalized beliefs from complex trauma & codependency, fear of 'making mistakes' and how many relationships that turned into dumpster fires. I am finally back on my bullshit (i.e. believing its ok for my autistic fairy himbo slut dumbass to simply exist, and realizing you can talk about shit or say how you feel, what you want even if people don't like it) largely due to a several month hiatus from speaking to any family members more than perfunctorily, not jumping into romances, taking political education seriously and obtaining a job with decent wages. recovery is kind of boring. as in, no longer chasing the Thrills. Whether that's busyness, being oppositional, flings, whatever. Activism leveling out to doing shit because its actually in line with principles not scattered attention or approval seeking. i'm not very enamored of escapism at the current political moment except in small doses when it all builds up to meltdown mode. I'm no longer stuck in loop of survival adrenaline/OCD or psychosis. And I can't do enough drugs to get off track, because they all make me sick except in tiny doses. so the ol brain is like.....yo. what the fuck. no more addiction?????? i need something to do now, something constructive. i took the day off today and just dove into some special interests and ran a few errands, read a book on Monsters and Guillermo del Toro and sat in the sun remembering summer moments from childhood. when the job starts I'll have less free time, but the boredom is a really good sign. maybe time to explore some new hobbies. write again. considering aikido. and finally learning bass guitar. maybe adopt some pigeons? top surgery feels more and more real as an option. my last therapist kept telling me to chill and go a step at a time and he was very Right. i have no idea who I am yet. there is a world to discover.
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suckitsurveys · 2 years
1. Do you like zombie movies? Not particularly.
2. What’s the grossest/worst thing you’ve ever seen in a public restroom? Used condoms.
3. What’s the most wasteful thing you regularly do? We use paper plates a lot, but the trade off is that we don’t use the water often lol.
4. What’s the most difficult apology you’ve ever had to give? A bullshit one to my brother in law about something that wasn’t my fault. I sent it over email so I could get all my thoughts down and he sent a LONG ASS REPLY back saying he didn’t accept it because I didn’t do it in person and telling me how childish I was and a bunch of fucking bullshit.
5. What’s the worst relationship advice you’ve ever seen? “Fighting is healthy.”
6. Have you ever volunteered in a hospital? If not, would you ever want to? No and no.
7. What was your worst Halloween costume? Eh, I’ve enjoyed all my costumes, otherwise I wouldn’t wear them.
8. Who has/had the worst reputation in your graduating class? Everyone from that school sucks.
9. When was the first time you can remember feeling mature? I’ll let you know when that happens.
10. Have you ever had a disappointing Christmas, or any disappointing holiday if you don’t celebrate Christmas? Yes.
11. Do you have any character bandaids in your house right now, or just plain ones? I have ones with pandas on them.
12. Have you ever had to give a pet away? Yes.
13. What’s the junkiest junk food you’ve ever eaten? Oh honey, I live in the USA. I can’t even begin to tell you the disgusting things I’ve consumed....
14. Did you play pretend a lot as a child? Were there any recurring plots or themes? Oh yes. My favorite thing to do was to build fake mini vans with chairs in our dining room and take my dolls on road trips.
15. How do you feel about runny egg yolks? I’m not a huge fan. I prefer hard yolks.
16. Has a teacher ever tried to teach you something that was undeniably wrong? Uh huh. That’s what happpens when you go to a Lutheran high school...
17. If for some reason you had to give up one of your hobbies, which would you choose? Bro I don’t know. Maybe this shit?
18. Have you ever hidden a relationship from your family? No.
19. How much do you know about first aid? Enough.
20. Which of your relatives do you know the least about? I’d assume ones I don’t even know exist lol.
21. Have you ever meditated? If so, did it do anything for you? Yeah, kinda.
22. Have you ever given advice to someone who was much older than you? Yeah. Usually work-related things.
23. Have you ever used a view-master? I don’t know.
24. Do you ever listen to talk radio or podcasts? If you do, what are some of your favorite shows? I like The Office Ladies podcast and also Smartless and Conan O’Brien Needs a Friend.
25. When was the last time you got ice cream from a truck? Over the summer, actually.
26. Are any of your favorite bands broken up or on hiatus right now? Probably.
27. Do you know any sex workers? If so, how do they feel about their job? I do. Sex work is work! It needs to be de-stigmatized because it’s so dangerous as it is right now. Sex workers deserve to be protected.
28. What’s the biggest art project you’ve ever attempted? How did it go? Bro I don’t know.
29. What kind of wild animals do you see most frequently where you live? Birds, squirrels, bunnies.
30. Have you ever cooked anything other than s’mores over a fire? Hot dogs, burgers, bacon, popcorn, potatoes, eggs.
31. Are there any items in your house that you use for something other than its intended purpose? Probably.
32. What do you hope the afterlife is like? I like the idea of your soul getting passed onto something in nature. So, you aren’t “living” again in something else or somewhere else, but your loved ones can still feel you in things in nature.
33. What’s the worst behavior you’ve ever seen from a child? General brattiness.
34. Have you ever planned an act of revenge? Small ones.
35. Do you and your parents share any of the same hobbies? Yeah.
36. Do you think it’s more exciting or scary to get older? Scary.
37. How was the reception of the last wedding you attended? The last wedding I attended was my own and we didn’t have a usual reception. We went to a waterpark with some friends and family a few months later.
38. Do you have any physical photo albums? Yes.
39. Would you feel comfortable working at a sex shop? Eh. I probably would but I don’t want to.
40. Who was the worst friend you ever had? Lydia.
41. What’s the biggest sacrifice you’ve ever made? Sigh.
42. Have you ever campaigned for a political candidate, or otherwise played an active role in an election? Nah.
43. What’s the coolest hand-me-down you’ve ever gotten? What about the best one you’ve ever given? i have so many heirlooms and things of that nature from my mother.
44. Do your parents and grandparents get along with each other? All my grandparents are dead.
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littlemisskookie · 4 years
Piss Off Your Parents
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Piss Off Your Parents Ship: BadBoy!Jungkook | RichGirl!Reader Description: Roommates!AU | BadBoy!AU | FakeDating!AU | In an effort to piss off your parents you move in with their worst nightmare- a boy with tattoos, a rock band, and an irresistible charm. Warnings: Dom!JK, Daddy Kink, D/S Themes, Spanking, Pussy Spanking, Intercourse, Rough Sex, Dirty Talk, Creampie, Fingering, Oral, Multiple Orgasms, Squirting, Size Kink, Hair Pulling, Praise Kink, Lots of Pet Names, Angst, Fluff, Drug Use (it’s just weed) Word Count: 16,411 A/N: Based on the song 18 by Anarbor! This ends my hiatus! I’ve been writing this for literal months so I hope you guys like it. Happy Early 3rd Year Anniversary!
"Oh, you must visit us in Morocco! We got a summer home there not too long ago, and it's absolutely divine!"
"You don't say? We were thinking about visiting there! It was between there and Budapest."
"I went to Budapest not too long ago, actually. Remember when I was telling you about Belgium?"
"Belgium? I remember Prague..."
"Oh yes! Prague, that's it. Well, it was the trip after-"
You rolled your eyes, internally groaning as you listened to your mother speak with the Senator's wife. You hated going to these. The senator loved to host "intimate" parties, which mainly compromised of the 1%. Everyone knew it was because the next election was coming up, and he wanted to raise funding. As if he needed it, you mused to yourself, admiring the interior of the mansion. Spilling wine on a nearby couch would cost as much as some student loans.
Still, you were the daughter of a wealthy family, trust fund baby among other things. Your college was paid for, not including the bribing, and you were the darling among many. Daddy's little jewel, and one of the few brats who wasn't forced under the scapel at 16.
You couldn't stand the boys in that circle. They were all the same, figuring that a man of their "status" should have a trophy equally worthy. Or perhaps they wanted an arranged marriage, no bullshit, simply in hopes of linking the family businesses together and gaining your father's support. Often times they were just men who had never heard the word "no", and didn't like hearing it, wealth be damned.
You feel sick to your stomach, seeing one of your "suitors" eyeing you when he enters. He's different from the others, no suit adorning his figure. Instead of a suit and tie, he wears all black, leather jacket and combat boots. The graphic tee is tucked into his ripped jeans, accentuating his tiny waist. You peak at the tattoos on his hands, and the jewelry he wears. Lots of rings, some earrings, and a chain necklace, with a matching one on his pants. He had long hair that hung around his ears, making it where he had to flip his hair to see what was in front of him.
You felt as though the world had stopped, holding your breath as you simply stare at him. He gives you a charming smile, surprisingly cute dimples showing up on either cheek. It felt as though the breath had been knocked out of your lungs, and your stomach was doing flips.
"Oh, that boy! I told him to dress for the occasion," the Senator's wife scowled. She smiles towards you and your mother. "If you'll excuse me."
As soon as she scurries away, you turn to your mother, eyes wide with wonder. "Who's that?"
Your mother gives a judgemental stare to the boy as he's approached. "The Senator's son- Jungkook. You grew up with him when you were about toddlers."
"The Jeons created that?" You couldn't believe it. Those two had sticks shoved so far up their asses you were sure you could see the end whenever they opened their mouths. You would've remembered growing up with a specimen like that. "How come I haven't seen him until now?"
"His parents sent him off to boarding school in Switzerland, hoping it would whip him into shape. It didn't. After he got his degree in college he decided to make some rock band. Apparently he's back in town to work with this new record label- or was it to own his own guitar shop?"
"So he's some baddie rock star?"
"Dear, I told you to speak properly. Like a lady." Your mother sighs. "But in other words, yes. Figures the Senator would make the living embodiment of teenage rebellion- though I'm surprised it's lasted this long."
"I'll say." You hadn't been able to do anything of the sort. Your parents were strict to whip you into the shape, not allowing any form of rebellion, though you have your tiny ways. You learned to appreciate the little things. So when you looked at the Senator's son, in all his indie-rock glory, you couldn't help but admire him.
"I'll see you in a bit, Mother. I do believe I have to acquaint myself," you say, sliding away with ease.
You're long gone, though, the lecture Jungkook was surely hearing now over as his mother stomps away, shaking her head. You combed your fingers through your hair, hoping you looked good. You wore a tight red dress, though it wasn't too revealing, as well as a matching set of diamond earrings. Don't even mention the carats on your necklace.
"Hey," you say, giving the coy smile you had mastered so long ago. "Jungkook, right?"
"That's me," he says, taking your hand to bring it up to his lips, winking at you. "And who do I have the pleasure of meeting?"
"Meeting?" You feign slight offense. "Don't you remember me? Y/N. We grew up together as toddlers." Before he has time to take it seriously, you let your expressions melt back into a smile. "Though I wouldn't worry too much about it- it was long ago."
"I don't think I'll be forgetting you again any time soon," he says, a smirk on his lips.
You giggle at that. "So what brings you here? Doesn't seem to be your kind of scene."
He shrugged. "My dad's the senator, as I'm sure you already know. He figured I'd be able to bring in a few dollars with promoting to our 'friends', along with getting me on the 'right track'. AKA his track. Y'know, politics and that sort of stuff."
"I get that," you nod. "My parents have been pushing me most of tonight to find myself some new boyfriend here."
"And why haven't you? I'd figure a gorgeous girl such as yourself would have no problem."
"The problem isn't with me, mind you," you say, sighing. "Let's just say that most of these guys aren't exactly my-" You nod to the suitor who had been eyeing you the entire time, though he now glares at Jungkook. "-type."
"They aren't my type either," Jungkook jokes, waving in acknowledgment to the man. He leans in close to whisper in your ear, and you can't help but feel your knees go weak at his scent. Was that cologne or did he naturally smell good? "What exactly is your type then, hm?"
"I'm talking to him."
He smiles at that. "Good move, princess."
"Who do you think you're calling princess?"
"Oh? What would you like to be called, then?"
"Wouldn't you like to know? You already have too much power over me. That would just be my one-way ticket to doom." You let your fingers twirl around a lock of his hair, admiring how soft it was. "My name will do for now."
"Fair enough," he chuckles. "Do you want to get some fresh air on the balcony? It's just that wonderbread over there seems like he wants to pick a fight, and I'd rather not get blood on that white shirt of his."
"Is that why you're wearing black? So the blood won't show up?"
"You're wearing red- it'll do just as well."
"Touché. No fighting tonight, though. Wonderbread can't even handle a nosebleed."
"Lead the way then, Y/N."
You're happy to do so but already find yourself cringing as Wonderbread catches up with you before you can leave. "Hey! Y/N! Where are you going off to? The party's just started"
"Jungkook and I are just going to get some fresh air," you assure him, trying to smother the rising feelings of annoyance as well as the urge to groan.
"Jungkook, huh?" Wonderbread looks him up and down, eyes squinted, glaring at his appearance. "The senator's son?"
"That's me," Jungkook says in response.
"You don't look like the type," Wonderbread mutters.
"You mean boring?" Jungkook snorts, giving his own dirty glance up and down Wonderbread's form.
"What are you insinuating?" Wonderbread's face was already getting red. It was always so easy to offend these sorts of guys. They could dish it, but not take it.
"I mean black is slimming. You should dress in a way that flatters you, y'know?" Jungkook plasters on a fake smile that could rival your own. He reaches for Wonderbread's tie, toying with it between his fingers for a few moments. "But judging from your choice of baby blue, I don't think you do."
"Why I oughta-"
"I think now's a good time to get that fresh air!" you say, pushing Jungkook off in the direction of the balcony. "Right, Jungkook?"
He simply shrugs, taking the hint before stalking off in that direction. You're about to follow him when Wonderbread yanks on your arm, a scowl on his face. "I thought you had better taste, Y/N. That you were smart."
"Let go of me, please."
His grip tightens. "Didn't your parents tell you to stay away from guys like that? He'll just get you into trouble- they always do. What with their piercings and tattoos and drugs- stay away from that. He had a choice and could've been like that, but it's clear he wants to be a rebel and get himself in jail."
"I said let go of me." You try to pull your arm back, but he stays firm.
"Why don't you just listen to me and stop for a second. Guys like that will just hurt you. They hurt everyone around them, including themselves. They're scum-"
"I said-"
"Don't be an idiot and stick with your own kind."
"If you don't let go of me right now, I'll scream. I don't care," you grit.
Wonderbread scowls again, muttering to himself as he finally lets go of you. You rub your sore arm, glaring at him. He simply scoffs. "You'll be the laughing stock when you go crying back to your parents."
"Have you ever considered I don't want to be like you people? Like us? Look around, Wonderbread. None of us are happy. You clearly aren't because you can't get laid, at least not by 'your own kind'. I haven't done anything with Jungkook, I just met him tonight and we're getting air, and even if I did, it'd be none of your business. So stop staring at my rack like you have been for the past hour and get a life."
You turn on your heel, marching over to the balcony, leaving Wonderbread far behind you. Jungkook's waiting for you, leaning on the railing.
"Are you ok? I saw some of that back there. I wanted to help, but I didn't want to go all 'Alpha Douchebag' like other guys. Besides you seemed to be able to handle yourself at the end."
You huff, brushing your hands through your hair. "I'm able to defend myself once in a while. I'm not some damsel in distress."
"Never said you were, princess. And trust me when I say I'm no white knight."
"That's why I'm here with you instead of Wonderbread."
"No one with a personality spicier than flour would want to stick around with Wonderbread," he responds.
"You've got a point," you huff. "Guys like him are hard to shake off."
"It's not hard to see why. You're gorgeous and rich, double whammy," Jungkook winks.
You groan. "God, not you too. Besides, you're one to talk. You waltz in here, dressing like sin, son of the senator no less, and you don't expect girls to fawn over you?"
"Who said I didn't expect it?"
"Plus, it's different for guys and girls. In this sort of society guys just want a trophy wife. The girls want a trophy too, though. The hottest guy, the richest guy- a provider," you state. "The gender roles of the high class still stay in the 50s, I'm afraid."
"So you followed me out here because you see me as a provider, huh?"
"Did you invite me out because you saw me as a trophy?"
"No." He shakes his head, his locks bouncing as he did so. It was strangely attractive.
"Well if I just wanted a provider I'd stick with Wonderbread. He'd be more than willing to 'provide' for me."
"The only thing softies like that can't provide is an orgasm," he bluntly says.
You burst out laughing at that. "Oh my god, don't-"
"I'm just saying," he chuckles. "Besides, it's not all that bad. So you're hot and rich- boohoo. First world problems, am I right?"
"I know, I know, I'm privileged but- God, it's annoying."
"It's just a few guys who want to marry you- what's the big deal?"
"What's the big deal?" You hold out your hand, tallying off the reasons. "My parents are pressuring me to marry young, wanting to trust their wealth to a man they don't even know rather than the daughter they raised. I'm constantly sexually harassed, and most of the time when I reject the guy he either doesn't take the hint or just says I was fat or ugly to ease his bruising ego. Everything I do is perceived as a ploy to get a man, and the other chicks go as far as to slut-shame me or say I think I'm better than everyone else because I'm some SJW who doesn't want to get boob surgery to please a man, despite the fact he'll probably be sleeping with an 18-year-old when we're 50 and hating ourselves."
"If it helps, I think your tits are great as they are."
"Did you listen to anything I said?"
"Of course I did, baby. But you have to keep in mind when a guy hears the words 'boob surgery' he tends to tune in more," he jokes. "But yes, I get your struggles. I grew up in the same environment, for the most part."
"Why aren't you out here trying to win a trophy, anyway?"
"Didn't you hear? I was sent off to boarding school. It's good to see an outside world that doesn't cater to your every need," he shrugs. "You know, a world where women are more than trophies and guys are more than the thickness of their wallets."
"Instead the thickness of their cocks?"
He winks. "Now you're thinking like me."
"So you got outside perspective and chose to follow that instead of a life that would've provided you with everything?"
"What can I say? I've got passion for things outside of elections and sexism."
"Let me guess- you're in a rock band, ride a motorcycle, and play guitar," you roll your eyes. "Color me impressed."
There's a moment of silence, and you turn to him, finding him bashfully stunned. "No shit! You're actually all of those things?"
"I'll have you know I own a guitar shop along with the band. Have to pay the bills somehow."
"Oh my god- you're like every teen girl's wet dream! The living embodiment of a Harry Styles fanfiction but without the toxicity!" You guffaw. "I can't believe this. I should've known. Leather jackets, long hair, tattoos- fuck!"
"Yeah yeah, you've made your point, princess."
"I mean, I thought I was a bit of a parent's worse nightmare when it came to youthful rebellion but you're the icing on the cake," you continue. "Fuck, you'd piss my parents off."
"Getting turned on by the thought of it, little girl?" he teases, trying to get you to back down, quirking a brow at your amusement.
"You know it," you flirt back, tugging at his belt, fueled further. "I love nothing more than showing them I'm more grown-up than they realize."
"Oh?" He starts to take you seriously, gulping. "I would've figured a Daddy's girl like you would've loved pleasing her parents."
"I guess you could say I'm a different kind of Daddy's girl," you wink. You laugh at his serious expression, knowing your little joke was in full effect. "Calm down, Jeon. I'm not going to fuck you on the balcony- despite how my type you are."
"I'm your type?"
"Haven't I made it obvious?" you snicker. "I told you I loved nothing more than to piss my parents off- and you're the embodiment of that. I could see my dad's face going red already! I mean, motorcycles, rock band, tattoos, leather, guitars- already my type, but it's the cherry on top."
"You're weird about that, huh? I knew some girls were into this whole look, but I wouldn't have figured it was for the same reason as you."
"All girls who are attracted to guys like you are attracted for the same reasons," you muse. "Daddy issues."
"Makes sense," he hums. "But I'm not all that dreamy, princess."
"Oh? Explain."
"I drink."
"Vodka I hope."
"I also smoke. Weed."
"Better than vaping like the 'cool kids'."
"I'm broke."
That's the one that takes you by surprise. "How's that? You're the senator's son."
He shrugs. "My parents cut me off after I came back from boarding school and told them I wanted to join a rock band and make a guitar shop. They hate my look as much as your parents would- though they brought me here in hopes that those my age could rub off on me in time for the election. I make enough to live in my apartment and provide for myself, but I don't think I'd be able to be the same kind of 'provider' as Wonderbread over there."
"Well, what do you think I'd use Daddy's card for?" you say. "It has been gathering dust..."
"God, you're serious about this," he laughs. "I'm on a fast track of getting a rich girlfriend and I didn't even have to lift a finger. I'll have to start calling off my other girls soon enough."
"Not quite," you say, pressing your finger against his lips. "There's one thing that'll prevent me from dating a guy like you- no matter how appealing you may seem."
His brows furrow in a state of confusion. "And what's that, princess?"
"There's one thing that's very consistent about men like you- what, with your 'bad boy with a heart of gold' persona," you say, tilting his chin up a bit. "Heart breakers. All of you. In all of the stories, fiction or reality, it ends the same. A broken heart one way or another, even temporarily. I'm guessing with you it'd be those other girls you mentioned. If not that, arguments because of how different we are. Or perhaps it'd be my parents saying enough's enough and taking me away or something- I don't know. It's the only thing that my parents and Wonderbread get right, though."
"So what does that boil down to?"
"It boils down to the fact that I wouldn't fall for someone like you."
Jungkook chuckles at that. "I don't think you'd be able to choose whether or not you fall for someone, princess. I've been told I'm quite irresistible."
"I'm sure you are- but I made my choice the moment you stepped through those double doors," you smile, tapping his nose. "I'm not going to be another broken heart. That I guarantee."
"Oh, you read too much fanfiction. What Harry Styles fanfiction gave you this mindset? The Bad Boy's Rich Girl?" He laughs. "I see it now. I assure you, baby, I'm a lover, not a fighter."
"I can handle fighting. I was raised in it. A lover like you isn't what I need."
"Are you sure? I'm confident in my loving abilities."
"Ha," you flatly say. "Sure you are. Choke me, baby."
"Give me the safe word first, baby."
You roll your eyes. "You're no good for me."
"You'd break my heart."
"Like so many others'."
"You'll call me?"
"At 2 AM."
"God, you're sleazy."
"You love it, baby."
"Shut up and put your number in my phone so I can wait two days to text back."
You and Jungkook had been texting non-stop since the senator's party. Surprisingly enough, between the banter and flirting, he was a very genuine person. He was caring and sent the same memes, though you were considering unfollowing meme accounts so that you'd be pleasantly surprised. Damn him for having the same sense of humor as you.
You were in the middle of spamming the skull emoji when your mother called for you. You rolled your eyes, huffing as you put down your phone, checking your appearance once more in the mirror. Your parents told you to get dolled up for the evening, and you could only hope they were taking you to see the musical that was in town.
Once you glided down the stairs, however, you were supremely disappointed.
"Y/N," your mother beamed, "this is Jin. He's a doctor, and he's involved in-"
"Non-invasive surgery," Jin interrupted, already pissing you off. "Pleasure to meet you- your parents told me all about you."
"Pleasure's all mine," you say through gritted teeth, already absolutely pissed. You turn towards your mother. "May I talk to you for a moment?"
"Of course, sweetheart." You see her internally roll her eyes as she escorts you to the kitchen, where you immediately turn on your heel.
"This is the fifth boy you've brought home for me to date! How many more do you need to bring for you to realize I'm not interested in them?"
"Sweetheart, you have to understand-"
"Understand what? No means no. I don't like any of them. The fact you won't stop pressuring me into dating strangers isn't helping, either."
"We just want to see you settled down with a proper gentleman-"
"Settled down!? I'm in my young 20s! I'm nowhere near menopause, for your information. I've got my whole life ahead of me before I even have to think about marriage."
"Don't raise your voice at me, young lady," she fumes. "What, would you rather we bring... bring a Jeon Jungkook?!"
"Is that what this is about?"
"We know you've become affiliated with him, yes. We're trying to get you on the right path."
"To hell with that noise!" you burst. "Jungkook is no less- no, more of a man than those dweebs that walk in! You want to know why? Because he's honest! I know these guys better than you. They might act all nice and charming to you guys, but that's just because they're after your money. You can't seem to see that, however, because it's not your tits they're staring at! It's not you who's the trophy. It's not you who is sexually harassed and seen as a prize to be won!"
"Young lady, I won't stand for such behavior!"
"I'm a grown adult, and I'll date bastards like Jeon Jungkook if I so please," you huff, turning away. "Tell Jin it was so nice to meet him, but unfortunately another 'proper gentleman' is keeping me occupied."
You stomp away before she can grab you and force you on your date, and by the time you're in a secluded area, you burst into tears. You simply wish your parents could see you as an adult who is capable of making her own decisions. That you're allowed to live your life and you're different from them and that's ok. They couldn't seem to get it through their thick heads, however.
You were sick of it. Absolutely sick of it. Over 20 years of this bullshit, and now it was worse, what with them pressuring you to jump into marriage with someone 'respectable'.
There had to be some way to get back at them. To get it through to them. To get back at them for their bullshit or get them to see you're not some naive 16-year-old or something.
With a shaky hand, you pick up your phone, dialing the number to call your friend.
"Jungkook? Yeah... yeah, I've been crying. Can you, uh, do you think you could do me a massive favor?"
Jungkook had to admit, it came as a surprise when you asked to move in with him.
It really didn't register with him, however, until you pulled up in front of his building in your luxury convertible, boxes filling up every inch of space.
He had no problem with you becoming his roommate- after all, you promised you wouldn't bother interfering with his bachelor lifestyle. In fact, he was quite amused.
Fake dating. Your deep-rooted frustration for your parents was quite apparent, but he didn't think it'd go this far. You'd live with him for a while under the guise of boyfriend/girlfriend, at least to your parents. He didn't quite understand the revenge scheme or how it worked, but he understood enough. Between your choked up sobs, you had explained the plethora of men your parents have brought to your house under the guise of a date when in reality they were trying to pressure her into marriage.
Even if that hadn't been happening, Jungkook would've let you come in. You two were friends. You had insisted that you would pay your half of the rent and wouldn't become his actual girlfriend, and admittedly, Jungkook liked the thought of a roommate.
"What happens if your parents cut you off?" Jungkook had questioned you, knowing how rough it had been for him when it happened.
"Unbeknownst to my parents, I have a job," you explained.
"What? You said you just used your father's credit card when we first met!"
"I barely knew you! Now that I know you're not some creep I can tell you. If you must know, I'm the assistant to some chief executive for a fashion company."
"The Devil Wears Chanel?"
"It's The Devil Wears Prada, but close enough."
Still, he couldn't help but feel a bit worried for you, especially now that he saw you again. You lifted your designer sunglasses to reveal tired, worn eyes, a look only achieved through crying. He greeted you with a smile, however, hugging you once you stepped out of your car.
"How you holding up, princess?" he questioned, giving you a warm embrace.
"God, better now, thank you." You melted into his hug. "Thank you for doing this. It means a lot."
"Hey, I promised to piss off your parents, didn't I? I'm a man of my word," he chuckled. He stepped back, combing over your hair affectionately. "Now, here's the deal, oh precious fake girlfriend of mine. As roommates, we've got a few rules. Rule number one: No fucking after 3 AM. Despite my many escapades, I have a bedtime. Rule number two: when one person cooks, the other washes the dishes. Simple. Rule number three: Be honest. We're living together, so we've got to be honest. Lying, secrets- none of that. You've got something on your mind, you say it. We'll yell at each other for a few minutes and settle it. Sound good?"
You nod. "Sounds like a plan."
"Alright. And the fake dating rules, baby?"
"Nothing much. Drive with me once or twice to visit my parents, to show we're 'serious'. We can go into details about our story if need be. Keep up the act around rich brats."
"Sounds good," he chuckles. "Already turning into a Wattpad fanfiction, isn't it?"
You smile weakly, a light giggle escaping your lips. "Oh god, it really is, isn't it?"
"Hey, there's a reason they're popular. We've just got to do it better." He looks back towards your car filled with boxes. "Here, let me help you with your things, Your Highness."
"Why thank you, my humble servant," you say, getting a box yourself. "I sure do love a big strong man!"
"If only I weren't a peasant boy who worked at the stables."
"Indeed. You're filthy- I shouldn't even let you touch my valuables," you snicker, "but I suppose you'll have to do."
"You're right about the filthy part," Jungkook winks.
Being roommates with Jungkook wasn't what you expected.
Your work was getting more hectic, so you were arriving later than usual. It absolutely exhausted you, and you'd be stumbling in, kicking your heels off at the front door only to collapse into Jungkook's arms, who would wait for you. Every. Single. Night.
You had told him that he didn't have to wait for you. His work ended at 6, and even the nights when he'd play with his band wouldn't go too late, as they play until midnight for their usual gigs.
Still, he had insisted. Something about not wanting you to feel alone. You'd never tell him how much you appreciated it. Instead of the vast, empty mansion, you lived in, where the only thing that would embrace you was dust, you lived in a small, messy apartment and collapsed into a pair of warm arms.
On the few days you were off you were able to properly spend time with your roommate. Every other Friday would be movie night, where one of you would pick the movie for the two of you to watch, all because you believed the other was "tasteless". Nevertheless, it was time you truly enjoyed, and you were genuinely disappointed whenever you had to miss it because of your job.
Living with him was domestic in a good way. It was a friendly face to come home to every day, a warm hug to embrace you whenever you kicked off your heels. It was burnt bacon on some mornings and lazy Sunday clothing to borrow whenever you felt like it.
Sure, it wasn't always the greatest. Often times you guys would bicker over some basic chores and neatness. Jungkook left his clothes everywhere in the living room, and you'd leave all your heels in a heap in front of the door. However, you thought it'd be worse.
You were suspecting people over every other night, all as tatted and pierced as he was. Weekly bong parties where they'd try to hotbox the apartment, maybe. Women draping themselves over him every other morning, wanting to stay for the day, glaring at you because they saw you as a threat.
There was some of that, but not really. Jungkook, when it came down to it, was just another ordinary guy. Human. He'd have some of his bandmates and friends come over once in a while, and they were just as handsome and tatted as he was. They were polite and friendly, though, and didn't even leave much of a mess behind. Jungkook would get weed for the two of you to smoke once in a while. As for the women? Well, there was only one woman you had encountered.
It was a Friday night and you were able to come home at the usual hour, kicking your heels off and letting out the high ponytail you had in your hair. You massaged your scalp, making eye contact with Jungkook from his position on the couch. You strut over, plopping yourself down by his side and positioning yourself where you can lay your head in his lap.
"How was your day at work, princess?"
"Exhausting," you groaned. You'd never admit it to Jungkook, but you had warmed up to the nickname as of late. It made you feel warm inside. Special. You weren't a princess. You were his princess.
His fingers start running through your hair, giving you a gentle massage as he hums in understanding. "Want to talk about it?"
"Just the same old shit, honestly. You'd figure I'd be used to it by now."
"You'd figure," he chuckles. "Well, I'm glad you're working hard. It might be difficult, and the boss may be a bitch, and the pay lower than it should be..."
He smiles. "But... if it makes you happy, then I'll support you."
"God, I think you're halfway to fixing my daddy issues already," you grin. You look up at him, noticing his long hair was styled, and a leather jacket adorning him. Typically when he was in the apartment he'd simply lounge around with uncombed curls and glasses, one of his baggy white shirts revealing the tatted sleeves you loved. "Hey, what're you all dressed up for?"
"Oh? This? I've got a date tonight," he shrugs, eyes back up on the TV.
"Oh," was all you could manage to say. He had said it so bluntly like it wasn't a big deal. Well, it wasn't. He was your roommate. Why should you care whether or not he's got a date? It's not like you had feelings for him or anything. That would be ridiculous. It would only complicate things.
Jungkook was your friend. He let you move in with him and comforted you in your time of need. Sure, you guys flirted a lot, and there was a lot of physical affection, from combing through each other's hair, cuddling on the couch during movie night, or tight hugs on especially rough days. But none of those meant that he liked you. Maybe you just kept thinking back to the air of mutual attraction, the first night you met. Maybe you had lulled yourself in a false sense of comfort, thinking of him as a boyfriend.
But he wasn't. You guys didn't kiss. You guys didn't have sex. You guys didn't even say anything about liking one another. For all you knew, he saw you as a sister at this point. The two of you knew each other like the back of your hand at this point.
Besides, the worst thing you could do was fall for your roommate.
Not an option.
Still, there was a feeling in the pit of your stomach that made you squirm in discomfort. You felt... unsettled, by the thought of Jungkook with another girl.
Was she pretty? Was she like you? Or was she more like him? Was she covered in tattoos and a cute septum piercing to go along with it? Did she have brightly colored hair and like punk rock? Yeah, you could picture Jungkook with a girl like that. They'd make an aesthetically pleasing couple.
"So, tell me about her," you say, realizing the two of you had been silent since you got lost in thought.
He shrugged again. "Not much to say. She's nice. She's been visiting my shop a lot recently. She's got some old guitar that she refuses to let go of, so she visits me for repairs. She visits so often I started to think she was breaking it on purpose. Eventually, she asked for my number and... well, now I've got a date."
"Cool," you nod. "What time do you have to leave?"
"I'll probably leave to pick her up in about 15 minutes," Jungkook says, looking down at his phone. "Actually... I think I have to leave now. I lost track of time."
You raise your head to let him up, and he checks himself once more in the reflection of the microwave in the kitchen. You chuckle, walking up to him and straightening out his clothes, fixing his hair a bit.
"There we go, now you look... maybe presentable," you smile.
He laughs a bit at that, ruffling your hair. "I promise we can have movie night tomorrow. If not, you can pick. We can even watch that god awful Fifty Shades movie you've been bugging me to watch."
"It's for the irony! We'll be watching it to make fun of it!" you exclaim, part of your usual banter about the series.
"Uh-huh. Just don't get horny based on that garbage, or I'll have half the mind to kick you out," he jokes. He grabs the key to his motorcycle and grabs the extra hot pink helmet- the one the two of you had picked out together once you started riding with him. "Don't bother staying up for me, ok? You need your beauty sleep."
"Is that your way of saying I'm ugly?" you say, quirking a brow in a comical manner.
"Absolutely hideous," he grins, kissing the top of your forehead. "Sweet dreams, princess."
He shut the door behind him, and you felt your heart sink in your chest.
Maybe you did feel something for Jungkook.
She wasn't exactly what you were expecting.
To be fair though, there was no way for you to expect waking up to a nude woman in your kitchen.
Typically you would've ignored Jungkook's suggestion for you to go to sleep, instead opting to head to bed once he left. You had been completely wiped from the workday, and could barely keep your eyes open. Maybe your body simply had pity on you, choosing to put you in REM sleep before you had to hear the two of them having sex.
Maybe you thought Jungkook was the type to do it at the girl's place. Maybe you thought he was the type to kick the girl out as soon as the deed was done. However, he was neither.
You had woken up to go to the kitchen, prepared to make your morning cereal when you heard the sizzling of bacon on a pan. Ah, Jungkook must be making breakfast. No doubt he's burned it again by now- something about not liking the bacon to be too fatty. The two of you really knew it was because he couldn't cook anything other than ramen.
"Jungkook, are you- oh shit!"
Instead of your edgy roommate, you were greeted by a woman wearing nothing but an apron. Literally nothing. She had been turned away from you, and you had gotten a full view of her ass and sideboob through the apron.
Out of instinct, you cover your eyes, hearing her shriek.
"I'm so sorry! I didn't know someone else lived here. You're not his girlfriend, are you? He told me he was single!"
"What? No, no! I'm his roommate, Y/N," you say, slowly peaking through your fingers. She was facing you now, and though she couldn't change at that moment, the apron covered up everything. You let out a sigh, lowering your hands.
"Oh, well nice to meet you, Y/N!" She smiled brightly, offering an awkward hand. "I didn't know Jungkook had a female roommate."
You shake her hand, quirking a brow. "You didn't see all the shoes by the door?"
"I was a bit... preoccupied, so to say," she chuckled awkwardly. "I'm Solji."
"Nice to meet you, um, Solji," you say. "You're Jungkook's date from last night, right?"
"Yeah." Solji tucks a piece of her hair behind her ear, and at that moment you completely get it. She's pretty in that natural kind of way. The kind of pretty that looks gorgeous without makeup, but would probably look good either way. Anything she did could be done with grace.
Jungkook walks into the kitchen in only a t-shirt and briefs. "What was that scream about- oh."
"Hi, Jungkook." Solji's voice is breathy, as though even seeing Jungkook again made her dizzy. You knew that feeling all too well. "I-I'm sorry. You were asleep and I couldn't bear to wake you up, but I thought it'd be rude to leave, so I thought I'd make breakfast! And then your roommate..."
"Y/N," you help, noticing she had forgotten your name already.
"Y/N! Right, sorry." She smiles apologetically. "And then Y/N walked in..."
"We're good now though, I think we were both just startled," you say. You look between the two awkwardly, an air of silence hanging over the three of you. "I, um, need to... pee."
You exit the situation as quickly as you could, holing yourself up in your room for the majority of the day. It isn't until later that day, when you lounge in the kitchen, stuffing your face with pop tarts after doing your best to avoid social interaction that you see Jungkook.
"Hey, Kook," you say, wiping the crumbs off your face. You probably looked like a mess right now, from lounging in your sweats. You couldn't care less, though. You were starving, and Jungkook had seen you worse. "Where's Solji?"
"Hm? Oh, she left."
"She left? But she seemed so happy to be here."
"Well, then I guess a more blunt way to put it is that I kicked her out," Jungkook shrugged.
You're stunned by his clarification.
As though sensing your shock or judgment, Jungkook quickly changes the topic. "So, movie night tonight? Since we missed it last night? I can make the ramen."
"I... yeah. Let's do it."
He grinned. "Great! I'll get alcohol too, and we can take a shot every time they say some cringy dirty talk."
You rolled your eyes, unable to hold back the smile that tugged at your lips. "You really want to destroy my liver, don't you?"
The two of you didn't speak of Solji again.
You still hug on tightly to Jungkook's waist as he rolls up to your parents' mansion, clinging even after his motorcycle comes to a complete halt.
"You know, I'm pretty sure your waist is smaller than mine," you note, finally loosening your grip. You had seen Jungkook shirtless plenty of times- the man child had a tendency to prance around the apartment half-naked. Still, his abs were rock hard- and you felt so squishy in comparison.
"That's just because I work out, baby," he chuckles, taking off his helmet and giving his locks a dramatic swoosh of freedom. He grins boyishly at you, helping you take your helmet off as well. "It wouldn't kill you to get out of the apartment for something other than work, you know."
"Excuse you! I work out plenty in the confines of my room," you fume.
"Sure- like those little girl weights do anything," he jokes.
"Well, I oughta-"
"Miss Y/N."
The two of you look up at the front door, the butler looking at you with that usual scornful expression of his. He glowers at you and your fake boyfriend, giving a sneer. You'd figure after all these years the man would show a little warmth towards you- but then you remembered it was your parents who were paying him, not you.
"I do believe your parents are expecting you and your... boyfriend, miss," he says, eyes scanning over Jungkook with clear disdain.
Jungkook only grins in response, putting the helmets up and helping you hop off, wrapping his arm around your shoulders. "Lead the way, chump."
The butler scoffs at that, turning on his heel to follow Jungkook's orders as the younger man giggles. One of Jungkook's favorite hobbies, as it turns out, was pissing off rich people. Must be the socialist in him.
"Chump?" you question, raising a brow. "What century are you from?"
"Oh, don't say that. Besides, I highly doubt I would've been let in if I had called him a cuck."
"I'm surprised we even got this far."
Jungkook, determined to help you piss off your parents, had decided to wear a plain black t-shirt that revealed as many tattoos as possible, as well as chains and hoop earrings. His jeans were ripped, his sneakers were scuffed, and he was the most handsome man to walk the earth.
Your parents had insisted that you finally visit them. You had never been away from home for this long, and they had suspected you'd be on your knees groveling by the first week. Still, you held your own and seemed to be doing well for yourself. So naturally, they had to see the boy who agreed to take you in, who they were sure would break your heart by this point. Perhaps they'd beg for you back while they were at it.
They didn't do that, however, instead greeting you with a hug.
"Darling," your mother says, giving you that familiar tight embrace that left you unable to breathe. "We've missed you."
"Missed you too," you grunt. "How have you two been?"
"Fine, fine, the usual," she says. Her eyes glance over the two of you, and Jungkook quickly locks his hand with yours, fingers interlocked as he gives a tight squeeze of support. "And... you two?"
"Thriving," Jungkook interjects. "She really takes care of me. I don't know how I got along without her."
"I don't do much- he's the one who usually stays up to make sure I'm home safe, as well as help me with the dishes... Or at least tries." The two of you exchange a small smile at that.
"I see..." Your mother's mouth goes small, and at that moment you have a hard time reading her. Or maybe she was having a hard time reading you. Maybe she could sense something was off. That the two of you weren't real.
Your heart started racing in your chest, and you silently prayed to yourself that she wouldn't be able to see through your ruse.
Before you could overthink further, however, she smiled. "Lunch, then?"
Your father claps his hands in delight. "Dear, you'll be glad to know we have your favorite! We had the cooks make it especially for you."
The four of you walk to the dining room to eat, and Jungkook leans in. "Wait, what's your favorite?"
"It's literally just spaghetti."
Surprisingly, lunch went better than expected. Your parents asked you and Jungkook exactly how you two came to be, and you had your story under lock. Most of it was the truth- you had reunited at the Senator's party and gotten to know each other through becoming friends. Eventually, the two of you began to form feelings, dating a bit before you decided to leave your parents and move in with him. You explained a lot about the living arrangements between you two, aside from the fact you two were just roommates. You'd explain small things like movie night and how you'd leave your shoes by the door, or how he'd burn anything that wasn't ramen and how he'd wait for you to get home every night without fail.
Before you knew it the lunch was over and you had to leave. Jungkook was getting the motorcycle started, making sure everything was in order while you hung back to speak to your parents at the front door.
"So..." You trailed off, unable to start.
"So?" Your mother looked at you quizzically. "Dear, remember what I told you about finishing everything you start. That includes sentences."
You take a deep breath. "So you're not going to insist I move out of Jungkook's apartment?"
Your parents exchanged looks before turning back to you.
"That was our original plan, however," your father sighs, "it appears that this isn't a situation we can put in our own hands. We'll let you two stay together."
You furrow your brows, confused. "Wait, what? You're letting me stay with him?"
"Of course, darling. We know you may think of us as evil capitalists, or whatever the liberals try to convince you of-"
"-but we aren't evil enough to stand in the way of love."
"Yes, love," your mother sighs. "We were prepared to demand you move out the moment you got to the door, but you look at that boy the same way I look at your father, and the way he looks at me. I suppose you reminded me of how we were in the old days."
"Besides, you do seem very comfortable with the boy. More sure of yourself. Perhaps it is beneficial for you to be living away from your parents- after all, we won't be here forever," your father says.
"Don't say that," you say, frowning.
"It's true, dear. Not that we want it to happen any time soon, or to be morbid, but we're simply glad there's going to be someone to take care of you after we're gone." Your mother looks back to Jungkook, who is now looking at the three of you with curiosity. "He might not be the most dignified boy, despite the fact that he comes from such a prestigious family. However, he loves you, I can say that much. I don't think he'll break your heart any time soon."
"If he does though, I'll kill him," your father threatens.
"You won't be killing anyone," you assure him. "Jungkook treats me well."
"That's all we ask." Your mother gives you a kiss on the forehead. "Love like that can't be faked, my dear. Who are we to step in the way?"
You give the two of them a tight hug, tears springing in the corners of your eyes. You wipe them away quickly before looking back at Jungkook, who was still waiting for you patiently. "Well... I should get going."
"Remember we love you."
"Love you, too."
You put down the hot pink helmet, silent. You and Jungkook had just arrived back at the apartment, and neither of you had said a word about your parents.
"So..." Jungkook trails off. "What'd your parents say? Right before we left? It seemed pretty serious."
You were silent as Jungkook continued.
"Let me guess- 'You can't go out with that boy! He's a good for nothing, disgrace-'"
"They said they liked you- us." You cut his impression short. "They said love like ours couldn't be faked. They're letting me continue to live with you."
"...Oh." Jungkook clearly didn't know how to respond to that. He was stunned, a deer in the headlights.
The two of you are silent, awkwardness hanging between you two.
"Ridiculous, isn't it?" you say with a nervous chuckle.
Please say it isn't.
"Yeah, totally," Jungkook laughed along, his smile matching yours. "Must mean we did a good job of faking it, huh?"
I wasn't faking it.
"Maybe we should go into acting," you smiled. "Prepared to have me live with you forever?"
"Always, princess," he grins, ruffling your hair. "You know I can't have a moment go by without you by my side."
"If only my parents could've heard that."
"Yeah," he chuckled. "Love like that can't be faked- little do they know."
"Yeah." You wave it off with a laugh, putting an end to the awkward discussion.
Little do they know.
Tonight was the night you were finally going to see Jungkook's band, Obsidian Chaos, perform.
Sure, he had many other performances, but you were never able to make them because of work. Your boss, however, seemed to have an extreme case of the swine flu, and therefore was unable to perform her duties. Code: Day off.
So here you were, in a bar that would have any other girl of your social standing shriek in horror. Everyone here looked something like a freak show in a conservative's book, and the place reeked of weed and liquor. You were living for it.
You were singing along to one of the band's newest songs. You knew the words already, having listened to the songs on repeat using your Spotify Premium.
Jungkook looked good on stage- his skin shiny with sweat as he poured his heart out into the songs. He was really revving it up on the guitar, the bassist and drummer both keeping up in stride. They were truly something special, and you found yourself glad that they were a bit more underground. It made you feel like you could keep them to yourself.
It wasn't until they finished you were able to meet the bandmates.
You had never met them before, as they were always practicing in the drummer's garage. They didn't have much need to go to Jungkook's apartment.
They were similar to him, though, also dressed in dark clothing with piercings and tattoos. Equally as hot, in your opinion.
The drummer greets you. "So you're the girl our precious guitarist is going on about!" He picks you up and gives you a hug, twirling as he did so. "I'm the drummer, Jimin!"
"Hey, Jimin!" You didn't even mind how affectionate the guy was, as it didn't seem perverted in the slightest. Perverted hugs were something you had to get used to at a young age, sadly. You shuddered to think back to your father's friends who would give you tight, lingering hugs at 14, all in hopes to feel your developing breasts against their chests.
"Ignore him, he always acts like a puppy whenever there's a pretty girl," the bassist says, extending his hand for you to shake. You did. "I'm Yoongi, the bassist. If I had known Jungkook's roommate was so gorgeous, I would've smoked some of his weed a long time ago."
"I could've just brought it to you, dude," Jungkook says, rolling his eyes.
"I don't trust your shit, man."
"You guys were great up there," you compliment, grinning. "I seriously think Obsidian Chaos is my most played artist on Spotify. The name's pretty neat too- both pretentious and edgy."
"Well, thank you. Jungkook here wanted our name to be ReBex- but luckily seniority rules. We've got a new album coming up soon- Jungkook's gotten a lot of inspiration to write, as of late," Yoongi says. "I wouldn't have thought a girl like you would be into our music, though."
"What's that supposed to mean?" you say teasingly, feigning offense.
"You don't exactly fit in here, sweetheart. You stand out," he chuckles.
"How could she not, though? She's hot!" Jimin exclaims.
"So I'd blend in a bit more in something like this?" You yank Yoongi's beanie off, messing up your hair before sliding it on. You pose in it, wiggling your brows as though to get under Yoongi's skin. "I think I look better in this than you do."
"I agree," Jimin says, smiling.
Yoongi only smirks at that. "I agree too- but I think you'd look better in nothing at all, personally."
"Is that so?"
"Hey hey hey!" Jungkook jumps in before the sexual tension can jump further. "Rule number four! I'm adding this now- no fucking the members of Obsidian Chaos!"
"Wouldn't that include you too?" Jimin questions.
Jungkook thinks for a moment. "Revision! No fucking my bandmates."
You all laugh at that.
Jungkook wasn't sure what was keeping you so late.
Today you were supposed to be out clubbing with a few of your friends. You definitely deserved a night of fun, and seeing as you weren't lounging around a mansion anymore, your preppy friends hardly got to see you. Jungkook told you he thought it was a good idea for you to be dragged out, and despite the fact he wished he could've come with you- just to keep an eye on you, of course- he had to tend to the shop and write songs with Obsidian Chaos.
Still, this was a ridiculous hour. He had gotten used to staying up this late for you- your job was an abhorrent one, in his opinion. No one should have to stay at work for that long.
The only thing that was keeping him awake was the worry that wracked his brain. Even he didn't club this late- and he had been to quite a number of clubs.
His heavy lids stayed pried open as he wondered where you were. Were you all right? Was everything ok?
What if you were hurt?
What if you had gotten into an accident on the way there? Or the way back home?
What if some creep roofied you? What if your friends had left you at the club?
He shook his head, running his hands through his hair. No, he had to stay optimistic. You were a grown woman, you could care for yourself.
He began biting his nails as he read his messages to you, asking when you were coming home. It was a nervous habit he had picked up as a kid. He couldn't believe he was regressing back to these habits, yet, here he was.
He huffed, grabbing a jacket, on his way to the club, when suddenly he heard the rattle of the doorknob.
You burst through the door.
With someone else.
The stranger was all over you, his hands roaming up and down your skimpy dress. You awkwardly kicked the door shut, your eyes firmly shut and mouth pressed against his. You moaned when he pinned you against the door, your wrists trapped in his large hands as his mouth began to travel to the nape of your neck, leaving marks in his wake.
Jungkook was frozen, immobile as he watched you hook your leg around the stranger, drawing him closer, pressing his body impossibly closer to your own. The stranger let out a husky growl that had you shuddering beneath him.
There was something oddly familiar about the stranger, though Jungkook knew he had never seen him before in his life. Maybe it was the tattoos that peaked out from beneath the sleeves of his leather jacket. Maybe it was the combat boots or the multiple ear piercings, or even his shaggy hair.
Jungkook couldn't help but realize the man's alternative style was eerily familiar to his own.
It was at that moment you finally opened your eyes from the pure bliss, only to come face to face with Jungkook.
You gasped in surprise, quickly pushing against the stranger's shoulders to pry him off you. "Taehyung," you said in a serious tone, though you sounded breathless.
The man grunted, confused as to why you wanted to stop. He got off of you, turning around to lock eyes with Jungkook.
"Oh, sorry man, didn't see you there," Taehyung chuckled. "Was occupied, you know?"
Jungkook finally found the words to speak, though his mouth felt dry. It felt as though his tongue were too big. "I- yeah, no worries, dude. I'll leave you two to it."
"I- Jungkook," you said.
"Shit, is she your girl?" Taehyung questioned.
"No, my roommate," Jungkook answered. "I was just waiting for her to get home- make sure she's safe and all."
"So you wouldn't mind if we...?"
"Just, um, keep it down. I'll be heading to bed."
"Sweet, bro," Taehyung grinned, turning back to you, leaning in to give you a kiss.
Jungkook finally unfroze, quick to turn on his heel and retreat to his room. He could go to bed now, seeing that you were home safe and sound. He should have no problem falling asleep, what with the anxiety and worry no longer plaguing him.
Despite this, however, as well as the soundproof headphones he had on his ears, he wasn't able to get a wink of sleep.
It was probably apparent the following morning. He had bags under his eyes and kept looking as though he'd faceplant into his cereal.
"You look like shit this morning," you remarked, reaching over to tousle his hair.
Jungkook noted that your new boyfriend was nowhere to be found. You seemed well put together. Your hair was pulled up in a bun instead of the bed head he had been expecting, and you wore the same pajamas as always. Maybe it was the post-sex glow that made you seem so lively.
"Don't worry about me," he yawned, stirring his spoon around in the cereal. He usually loved Lucky Charms, but he found his appetite... absent. Addressing the elephant in the room, he sighs. "So, where's your boyfriend?"
"Boyfriend?" You looked at him quizzically before a look of realization painted your features. "Oh! You mean Taehyung?"
"That's the fucker."
"I kicked him out once you went to bed," you shrug.
"We... Well, we didn't do anything. I wasn't in the mood to have sex last night, I guess," you clarified.
"I... um..." Jungkook didn't know what to say.
"Yeah, so... sorry if you put on those bulky headphones of yours. Knowing you, you just played Waterparks at full blast in an attempt to block out noises that weren't being made," you chuckled nervously.
"You didn't have to kick him out on my account," Jungkook said, scratching the back of his neck. "It's still a bit before 3. It's not against the roommate agreement."
"No, no, don't worry. I wanted to," you said, offering a weak smile. "I was just... tired."
"You sure? I mean it- you don't have to stay abstinent on my account. I've brought someone home before. It'd be hypocritical of me being upset with you doing the same."
"I mean it, Jungkook, I wanted to.  I just wasn't in the mood."
You seemed to be in the mood before, Jungkook thought. Had he not walked in, he had no doubt the two of you would've gotten more hot and heavy than earlier.
Jungkook felt guilty for ruining your potential hook up. "Alright, well, if that's what you wanted, my guy."
Your smile faltered a little. "No princess?"
Jungkook chuckled warmly at that, reaching forward to pull you in. "My bad, princess," he said properly, pressing a kiss to the top of your head. "I was just relieved that you were here and safe. I won't lie when I say I wasn't worried- I was just about to head out to look for you."
"Thank you for staying up so late for me."
"Anything for my princess."
"I'm pretty sure your father would send a SWAT team on my ass if he found out I was letting his little girl do this," Jungkook laughed, watching as you coughed after taking a hit.
"Shut-" cough "-the fuck up, Jungkook."
The two of you were sitting on his couch, smoking weed. It was the first time you had ever smoked pot with Jungkook, as the moment you got home after a long day at work, you asked whether or not you two could smoke together. Well, demanded was a more accurate term. Jungkook didn't question it though, instead giving you that same, obnoxious, amused smirk.
"Is this your first time smoking weed, baby?"
"I haven't smoked since I was 16," you say, taking another hit, letting it settle deep into your lungs before coughing numerous times. "It was only twice with some guy who thought I'd blow him if I got high enough. My first time I didn't feel anything despite four hits. The second time I took 6, but his weed was so weak I didn't feel much. Man, was he pissed."
"A guy like Wonderbread, I'm guessing?"
You laugh. "Alas, even commoners feel privileged. I'll let you know though I didn't even touch his little cheesedick."
"You just used his pot and took advantage of him, huh?"
"Oh please! That's not it at all. Either I take advantage of him than the other way around. His intentions were totally sketchy, hoping I'd become inebriated enough to fulfill the lewd fantasies he had garnered. If he was willing to waste weed on a girl, he should've left it at that. I didn't owe him anything. No matter how much shit guys give, whether it's weed or Lamborghinis, you don't owe them anything. You don't owe them love, sex, or a relationship. It's their choice whether or not they want to buy your affections, but those feelings cannot be owed. Women are not in debt to men because they fool themselves into thinking that they deserve blowjobs because they're 'nice' or 'waste shit' on the woman."
Jungkook whistled. "I sense a lot of pent up anger today. I gotta say, I never expected you to demand my stash. Wait, no, I did. But I expected it sooner."
"My boss is a bitch," you mutter. "She's great at her job, and I admire her, but God, she's a cunt."
"What'd she do?"
"She's just-" You let out a frustrated groan, taking a deep inhale from the blunt before puffing it out. "She's so condescending and demanding. She expects me to be little miss perfect and thinks I'm lazy because I'm privileged. It's like no matter how hard I work and prove myself she still can't see me as anything other than a spoiled rich brat. Every tiny mistake I make confirms it, and every big accomplishment goes ignored."
"Are you unhappy enough to quit?"
You sigh, taking another hit. You could feel it setting in now. Your limbs felt lighter, but your head a little heavier. One thing was for sure- this shit was a lot stronger than what you had at 16. "No. I love my job, and I still respect and admire her. I may complain about it a lot, but I still love it."
"You complain about me a lot, though, princess," he laughed, nudging his thigh against yours. "Does that mean you love me?"
"Well, yeah."
Jungkook tenses up at that. "You do?"
If your head wasn't as cloudy as it was now, you wouldn't have opened your trap. You felt uncaring, however, speaking freely as you took another hit. "Yeah, I do. I love you. We've lived together for months, Jungkook. You're one of the people I'm closest to. You mean the world to me."
You lean your head against his shoulder, fluttering your lids as you shut them, concentrating on his breathing. The rise and fall of his shoulders lift your head along with them, and he lets out a chuckle. His fingers comb through your hair, doting. "I love you too."
You take a hit, playfully blowing some of the smoke in his face. "I'll always be your princess, right?"
He smiles again. "Didn't figure you as the affectionate stoner. Usually, you're acting like a brat, y'know."
"What can I say," you hum, nuzzling your nose into the crook of his neck, planting a small kiss there. "Pot gets my panties wet."
Jungkook freezes underneath you, and you continue, sucking lightly on the skin to leave small pink and red marks, nipping a bit. You put your blunt in a nearby ashtray and find yourself climbing into his lap, his blown-out pupils locked with your own.
You wouldn't be doing this if you were sober. But right now you were releasing every pent up frustration you had- whether it was anger towards your boss or the sexual attraction you felt to Jungkook.
Jungkook's silent, only staring at you, waiting for your next move. You place your hands on his chest, feeling how quickly his heartbeat raced. You wondered for a moment if yours was doing the same.
And then you stopped thinking.
Your hands slid up from his chest and around his neck, tangling into his long locks as you close your eyes and kiss him. He kisses you back after a few seconds reaching behind you to put out his blunt before gripping onto your thighs, tugging you closer to his body.
You two were completely intertwined, wrapped around one another like ivy, a small, intimate moment that felt so grand in the scheme of things.
And then it stopped.
Jungkook pulled back, gripping your arms to push your chest a few inches from his, ending the kiss. "We can't."
"Why not?" You weren't angry, but rather curious. Your voice didn't even show a hint of confusion, instead instantly accepting it. Maybe it was the sober part of you that knew what you two were doing shouldn't be happening.
"I just... We're roommates."
"I don't remember not hooking up being one of the rules."
"It's an unwritten rule not to sleep with your roommate, I think," Jungkook says, his cheeks turning red. It was as though he were admitting he wanted to sleep with you.
"But you flirt with me all the time and act like you want to..."
"Fuck, I do, princess, I do." Jungkook brushed your hair out of your face, looking into your eyes with as much sincerity as he could muster. "But I don't want to be like that asshole you met at 16, or Wonderbread, or any other asshole you met. I don't want you to think I had ulterior motives or I'm trying to take advantage of you in this state. For all you know I'm exactly like the asshole before but with better shit."
"But you're not, Jungkook. You respect me, I know that."
"Just trust me on this, ok? Nothing changes between us." He presses a kiss against your forehead, as though to further confirm it. "I still love you, of course. You're my roommate, after all. It makes living together a lot easier. I just don't want you to wake up and see me as another douche who saw you as nothing more than a status symbol."
Your voice is quiet, like a child who's parents were disappointed in them. "Ok."
"You did nothing wrong, Y/N."
You nod your head. "Mhm."
Jungkook sighs, gripping onto you tightly before standing up, walking you to your room. "C'mon. Let's get you to bed, princess."
Usually, when something was up between you and Jungkook, you'd resolve it quickly.
You guys had been roommates for what felt like forever, now. Of course, you had issues. Of course, you've gotten into arguments. Typically you'd resolve it quickly.
After the encounters with Solji and Taehyung you guys talked about it immediately. Even the smaller things. One time Jungkook accused you of hating a new song he was working on, and you guys argued about it then and there. Another time he had been lazy and forgot to do the dishes, and you had been in a bad mood and lashed out over the small detail. Another time you were just looking to fight for the sake of fighting, and Jungkook called you out on it, resulting in, what do you know, more fighting.
This time, however, was different.
The two of you were barely talking, mainly speaking in grunts and noncommital nods of the head. Neither of you really even used the living room anymore, simply going into the kitchen to make food and eating in isolation in your rooms.
Jungkook still waited for you to get home, though. He wouldn't greet you, however.
You two still kept up with your dishes and cooking, sometimes leaving the food for the other on the countertop.
You started lining up your shoes instead of kicking them to the side, as though to be more mindful.
Both of you hated it, though.
A week without interacting with the person you lived with? Who treated you as a best friend? Agony.
Jungkook was the one who acted on it.
He knocked on your door before opening it. "We need to talk."
Clearly he had just gotten back from hanging out with his bandmates, what with the slight sheen of sweat on his forehead and his locks looking particularly unruly. He hadn't even bothered taking off his leather jacket. You could only guess that he marched directly from the front door to your room. It was such a stark contrast from you, who was only wearing pajama shorts and a tank top.
"Why?" You felt shame and embarrassment, your cheeks burning red. Every time you looked at him you could only think of when he pushed you away. When you had made a fool of yourself and climbed all over him. When you made him uncomfortable and overstepped your boundaries. When you ruined everything.
"You know why." It was clear Jungkook was in a confrontational, no-nonsense mood now, having finally mustered up the courage to face this head-on. "We need to talk about that night."
"We were high-"
"No, it was more than that. Otherwise, we wouldn't be in this... this funk."
You could feel tears springing up in your eyes. "Yeah? So?"
"What do you mean so?"
"I mean so?" You let out an exasperated sigh, still unable to meet his eye. "Who cares?"
"I care!"
"I don't want to have this conversation."
"Well, I do." He kicked the door behind him, crossing his arms. "Why're you acting so weird?"
"What? I'm not the only one acting weird, you know. It's a two-way street," you seethe.
"I've been making attempts! I have," he insisted. "I tried talking to you just yesterday in the kitchen when you were washing dishes. You just ran away to hole yourself up in your room. We need to move past this."
"I'm sorry, ok!" You fume, crying out the words. "Is that what you wanted to hear?"
"Sorry for avoiding me?"
"Yes- No-" You bury your face in your hands. "I'm just... I'm embarrassed, ok? You wouldn't understand."
"You're embarrassed because of that night? Because- what, it's me?" Jungkook tilted his head, as though wanting you to meet his eye. "Any other guy and you wouldn't be acting this way."
"Yes, partially because it's you. You said nothing would change between us but clearly it has," you sighed. "I fucked everything up, Jungkook."
"No, you didn't. I told you that you didn't do anything wrong."
"But I did! You respected me at least, and stopped it from going further because you knew that I wasn't in the right mindset or wasn't capable- I don't know, but the point is that you put in my feelings and thoughts for if I'd be sober and such, especially with that big monologue I had given. But..."
"But what? I don't get it. Did I do something wrong?"
"No, you didn't. I'm glad you respected me. But I didn't respect you." You wiped at your eyes, frustrated with yourself. "You were also smoking that night. Yet you thought of me and if I was in the right headspace to consent or think about things, but I didn't think about you. I of all people should've been able to realize that."
"Oh." Jungkook seemed stunned, as though that wasn't the answer he was expecting. "Y/N, it's ok. I've got a lot more resistance than you do, and I'm a lot bigger. I wasn't nearly as affected as you were."
"It still doesn't take away the embarrassment of climbing all over you. I feel stupid," you huffed.
"You're not stupid-" Jungkook stood in front of you and reached out, only to have his hand slapped away.
"Shut up," you hissed. "You're not the one who made a fool of themself."
"Don't lash out at me, princess. You didn't come off as stupid or anything else- you're just overthinking as always."
"As always?!" you mimic. "You're full of it, you know that? God, I hate you sometimes."
You try to push at his chest out of annoyance, but it grabs your hand, keeping it there. "Say that again, I dare you," he growled.
You gulped, able to feel the deep vibrations against the palm of your hand.
You were quiet, whimpering as he towered over you, with you still sitting on the bed and him standing before you. Your eyes lock with his, finally, his hard glare making you cave in on yourself, all of the rage dying within you, leaving something else in its wake. Sensing your submission and the shift in the air, Jungkook only lets out a dark chuckle, leaning in.
You lean back, falling onto the bed as he climbs over you, one leg between your own. You brace yourself, feeling your muscles get tight as he hovers over you, not touching you. You feel the anticipation build as his nose grazes the side of your neck, similarly to how you did that night. His scent overwhelmed you, despite the fact you should've gone nose blind to it after all this time. Still, his cologne and natural scent overpowered you, enveloping you completely.
"You know, I'm getting real tired of your attitude, little girl."
You stiffen at that, his hot breath sending shivers down your spine.
"Have you had any alcohol, or smoked anything, or taken anything that might affect your senses?"
"Huh? No?"
"Do you want me to touch you, princess?"
"Be a big girl and tell me what you want, baby."
Baby. Princess. Little girl. All names he had called you before, but tonight they hit differently.
"Do you want me?"
"I want to hear you say it, Y/N."
You took in a deep breath. "I want you, Jungkook."
He smirked at that. "That's a good girl."
Before you had time to process anything, he was positioning you where you were lying on your stomach beneath him, with his knees on either side of you as he straddled the backs of your thighs.
He yanked down your shorts, exposing your panties before giving a sharp spank to your ass.
"You know, it's really unfair that I call you so many pet names and don't have a special one of my own," he says, his voice hot in your ear. "Don't you think so, princess?"
You shuddered beneath him. "Yes."
"Yes, what?" Another spank.
You groaned at the sensation, burying your face into the mattress as you muttered the words.
He pulled your hair, lifting your head so you couldn't hide your face. "What was that? I don't think I heard you. What did I say about using your big girl words?" There was a rain of spanks with those last few words. You could feel your ass start to warm up now.
"Yes, Daddy," you said, biting on your lip from the pain of the slaps. The pure irony of the daddy kink being used, no doubt because of your daddy issues. Your revenge against your parents using Jungkook had finally come full circle.
Jungkook grinned, giving you two more slaps, this time as a reward. "Now was that so hard?"
You feel his fingers go down to the wet spot on your panties, now sticking to your folds, evident from your arousal. You shook your head, gripping the sheets. "No, Daddy."
"Mm, I think my princess liked her spanking," Jungkook hummed, twirling the pads of his digits around your clit, watching you squirm beneath him. "Did you like being put in your place for being such a brat?"
"Fffffucckkk." You couldn't think straight, your hips raising from the bed to buck at his hand, needing more friction.
"Such language, princess." He gives a quick swat to your pussy, watching you twitch and yelp in surprise. "I would've thought a little rich girl like you was taught to avoid such language."
Jungkook was generous as always, giving you what you needed as he continued to pet your folds and rub your clit. He seemed to know exactly how to touch you, drawing small circles as he admired how you squirmed and panted into the sheets. You'd wiggle beneath him, your skin still red from his earlier ministrations.
"I-I'm gonna-" You bit into the sheets. You've never cum this fast with anyone before, and over such a small thing. Jungkook was just rubbing you over your panties and you were losing it. You'd never live this down.
"Oh? Gonna cum in your panties like the disgusting little girl you are?" Jungkook let out a dark, sinister chuckle, leaning down so his lips could be felt at the shell of your ear. "Go ahead and cum, dirty girl."
You felt yourself come undone, thighs shaking as you moaned into the sheets, knuckles turning white from how hard you were gripping them. Jungkook rubbed you through it, letting you see the orgasm until its end.
You panted as he flipped you onto your back, petting your hair as you came down from your high. He pressed his hand against your cheek, letting you feel the cool metal of his rings against your hot skin. "How're you doing, baby?"
"I-I'm good," you murmur, eyes drooping and fluttering. "Thank you, Daddy." You turn your head to the side, capturing his thumb in your mouth, sucking on it lightly as you twirled your thumb around it, tasting the metal against your buds.
"Fuck," Jungkook groaned. "You're gonna be the death of me."
Slipping his hand away, he pulls your clothes off, one by one, until you were completely bare beneath him. Your panties are the last to go.
"I think you've ruined these," he chuckles, pulling on the waistband of your underwear to let it snap back against you. "Now it's your turn."
You don't bother covering up, comfortable with him and in your own body. Jungkook grins, leaving a trail of kisses down your chest as he descends further down.
He spreads your legs, arriving at his destination. You let your fingers gravitate to his silky hair, tugging to bring him closer to your goal. He chuckles at the action, answering your request as he lets his mouth finally meet your folds, laving his tongue over the area to help you relax.
You gasp at the feeling, arching as he gets quick to work spreading you open with two fingers so he could have easier access to the area. Your thighs twitch as his tongue finally brushes against your clit, and upon noticing how sensitive you still were, he runs his tongue over it, again and again, a smile evident as you let your thighs tense with every movement.
It wasn't until his lips finally suctioned around it that you felt his finger slip into your entrance as well. It was easy, no friction necessary from your copious arousal, and the feeling overwhelmed you. He crooked his finger up as he pumped into you, finding the bundle of nerves with ease as you found it harder and harder to contain your moans. Before long he had to insert another finger, scissoring the digits to stretch you out.
"So fucking tight," he panted, breathless as he continued to place sloppy kisses against you, rubbing your g-spot in an effort to see you squirm. "Gotta stretch you out to take me. You're so small, I'll probably break you."
"I want you to break me," you reply immediately. "Please, please, please, Daddy!"
Jungkook let out a smirk at that. "Seems like that bitchy attitude is finally replaced with manners. Since you asked so nicely..."
His mouth returns to your cunt, french kissing and sucking harshly on your clit has his hand hammers into you, rough and sloppy thrusts helping catapult you towards your high. Before long your eyes were rolling back, hips rising into the air as you feel your high overpower you, and you were cumming against Jungkook's tongue.
He eased his ministrations, slipping his fingers out despite your whine at being empty. He let his tongue run over your folds, soothing them before he came up for air, lips meeting yours with a sloppy kiss. You realized the two of you hadn't kissed at all since this whole ordeal, and you pulled him closer between your legs, pulling him closer as you let your tongues dance together.
He breaks away again, but keeps his forehead against yours, as though to assure you he doesn't intend on ending it just yet. "How're you holding up, baby?"
"Mm good," you hum, still high on bliss. You reached down to his crotch, palming it, pleased to feel the stiffness beneath the material of his pants. "Want Daddy's cock."
"How can I say no to that? You just can't get enough, can you? C'mon then, take me out so I can get inside that dirty cunt."
You do as you're told, finally able to get his cock free as you hook the waistband of both his pants and boxers around his thighs. As you do so he takes off his leather jacket, tossing it to the corner of the room.
He pumps himself, jerking off into his hand as you watch. He was about as big as you expected- then again you always fantasized about Jungkook having a big cock. One by one he was fulfilling all of your fantasies, and creating even more.
He pressed the head of his cock against your pussy, rubbing up and down the slit for lubrication. You ogled his size, wondering how much the stretch of his girth would burn. As though reading your mind, or just the expressions on your face, Jungkook stops. "Are you sure you want me in this messy cunt of yours, baby?" he questions. "We can wait. I can eat you out some more if you want."
"No, I need you inside me," you immediately respond.
He can't help but grin at that, cooing at you with a condescending, sickly sweet voice. "No please? So demanding. Spoiled little princess, used to getting what she wants." He pushes inside of you inch by inch, and you hiss at the stretch, loving the slight burn.
When he bottoms out inside of you your foreheads are pressed together, hot and sweaty, but oddly intimate. A single tear runs down your cheek, and he reaches up to wipe it away, cradling your cheek.
"Look at me, Y/N."
You do so, eyes locking with his. "I'm ok," you confirm before he can ask. You were able to read his expressions as easily as he could read yours. "Move, please."
He nods, doing so, starting a slow rhythmic pace as he pumps into you. You groan at the feeling. You couldn't remember the last time you had been intimate with someone, especially someone who fills you up so completely, unable to even avoid the sensitive parts within you.
Soon Jungkook was picking up the pace, the thrusts becoming harder and quicker, more precise as he lifted himself up onto his arms to look at you, admiring how your eyes would roll back every now and then. He reached between you two, spreading your lips apart with two fingers to properly look at how well you were taking him.
"Fuck, you're just sucking me in baby," he hissed, doing his best to compose himself. "This pussy was made for me, wasn't it? No one else."
You moaned at that, biting your lip. "D-Daddy..."
"That's right- Daddy. This pussy was made for Daddy, all for him," Jungkook went on, now beginning to rub your clit with your thumb, feeling you clenching down on him with his words."Remember that. Who am I again?"
"My Daddy."
"That's right. Yours. Who's the only person who can fuck you this way?"
"You. Fuck, Daddy, I'm gonna cum. Let me cum for you?"
"Good girl. And who are you going to cum for?"
"You Da-Daddy- ffffffuck-"
"That's right, cum for me. Give me one more, I know you can. Be a good little girl and cream on my cock. Get me as nice and messy as your dirty little cunt."
Your eyes rolled back as your third orgasm shook through you, more powerful than the first two. Droplets of cum sprayed out, getting all over both you and Jungkook. You moaned, shaking as Jungkook groaned in satisfaction.
"Fuck, you just squirted everywhere," Jungkook said, his thrusts getting sloppy. "You're so perfect."
"Cum in me, Daddy. Use me," you asked, looking up at him with pleading eyes. "Use my body."
"Shit, shit, shit-" Jungkook grabbed your wrists, roughly pinning them to either side of you as he thrust into you like a mad man, using your body to jerk off before finally, he was erupting inside of you, filling you to the brim as he bottomed out inside of you. He panted, hands squeezing your little wrists like a vice. You were positive there would be bruises by the morning.
Soon he collapsed on top of you, sweaty and out of breath. He rolled over, chest heaving as he stared at you, grabbing you and tugging you close so he could bury his face in the juncture of your neck, acting as the big spoon as you two cuddled.
You slowly regained your breath, reaching back to comb through his hair.
"Just stay like this for a minute," he said, eyes closed and voice soft, a stark contrast to his dominating demeanor before. "Let me just hold you for a few minutes and then we can go take a bath, ok? I'll take care of you."
You let him do exactly that.
The morning after didn't feel as awkward as you had expected, Instead of the uncomfortable air that had been left after the two of you made out, it was oddly comfortable. Not the kind of comfortable that was there before, with you two bickering and joking with each other, but rather a far more affectionate one.
The two of you had been waiting for months to be able to touch each other how you wanted, and now you had the opportunity. You weren't able to keep your hands off of Jungkook, and not even in a sexual way. You'd let your hands roam freely over his body, whether it was combing through his fluffy hair or feeling the broad expanse of his chest, and the hard muscles beneath his band tees.
Jungkook wasn't much better. You'd be doing as simple as making yourself a bowl of ramen and he'd press up behind you, wrapping his arms around you and burying his face in your hair, breathing in your scent. It was like nothing was between you anymore, and it felt so right. Jungkook was your best friend, your roommate. The man you had lusted and pined after for what felt like forever. He just got you.
Or that's what you thought at least.
The two of you were watching a movie again, as always, but instead of the casual arm draped around your shoulders you two were completely intertwined, ignoring the movie as you two shared small, slow kisses. You let yourself melt in the moment, the taste of him addictive.
He gives you that look that you love, the one where his gaze is deceptively soft and solely focused on you.
"You know," he says between pecks, "I meant what I said before."
"Meant what?" you smile.
"That I love you." He pushes a lock of hair behind your ear, staring at you. "I think I've been in love with you since my father's little party."
You stiffened.
In love?
That was very different from the love you had interpreted.
You plaster on a fake smile, hoping he didn't notice how you had tensed up. "Is that so?"
"Mhm," he hums, pressing a small kiss on the tip of your nose. "Did you mean it when you said you loved me?"
"I did," you tell him, burying your face into his chest to avoid looking at him, focusing on the vibrations of his chest as he hummed with delight, wrapping his arms tighter around you as he pressed his lips against the top of your head.
That night you slept in his bed, his arm wrapped tightly around your middle. You didn't get a wink of sleep that night, and the moment he rolled over to his side, you knew what to do.
When Jungkook woke up, you were gone.
You had seemingly left no traces. Your bed was neatly made, your dresser drawers were empty. It was like you didn't exist.
Jungkook was absolutely distraught. He had the shop closed down for a bit, instead choosing to lay around in the apartment you once shared, playing the same few chords on his guitar.
He was angry. He was sad. He was pissed and frustrated and miserable and confused. He felt so stupid for fucking everything up. He wondered if what you said was a lie. Was everything between you a lie? It had to be. How else could you just cast him to the side like that? Like he meant nothing to you?
In the end, it seemed you truly were just using him. He should've known any affections you had for him were just some phase. You were just indirectly lashing out at your parents and using what you knew would piss them off. He knew that since the beginning, and still let himself get fooled.
That didn't stop him from sulking, however.
It wasn't until Yoongi barged into his apartment that Jungkook was forced to do something.
"What the hell man? You've been skipping out on practices- where have you been?" Yoongi looked around, seeing the apartment a mess.  Jungkook didn't look much better, sitting upside down on his couch in sweats and greasy hair, strumming on his guitar. "Jesus Christ, dude. I got you were a mess from the lyrics you've been sending me, but this takes the cake."
"What do you want, Yoongs?"
"I want you to pick your ass up and get out of this funk! I've noticed you haven't been running your shop for a little bit, and it seems clear to me that you've just been sulking around. Where's that roommate of yours? I would've thought she'd tell you to get over whatever it is you're sobbing about and do something about it."
"I don't want to talk about her," Jungkook muttered, striking a chord that had many of the notes clashing.
Yoongi winced at the sound. "I always thought that you two weren't just roommates. She always looked at you how a puppy looks at their owner- and you weren't much better."
"Well, she's gone now," Jungkook said bitterly.
"What happened?"
"She didn't love me, simple as that."
Yoongi shook his head. "That's a lie, dude. That girl was crazy about you."
"Well, that's what happened. I told her I was in love with her and the next thing I know, I wake up and she's gone."
"Maybe it was something else," Yoongi shrugged. "Then again, you knew her better than me. But you can't let some girl keep you cooped up in your apartment. Sulking isn't going to bring her back. Obsidian Chaos is going to be releasing the next album in just a month- you need to have your shit together by then. Don't tell me that you want to quit the band."
"No," Jungkook sighed. "It's just... I miss her. And I feel confused and-"
"You feel about a million emotions, my man, I know. And none of them are exactly helping to motivate you," Yoongi finished. "Do you really want her to see you in this state, though, when she comes back? If she comes back?"
"No," he admitted.
"You can't expect her to come and save you. You've got to save yourself first. She was never responsible for your happiness- remember that. Pick yourself back up and who knows, maybe she'll be waiting for you."
Jungkook did pick himself back up after that. He took a shower and opened the shop, going day by day, and though he still felt heartache and longing for you, he was able to pull himself together a bit more with each passing moment.
Obsidian Chaos released their next album, Oblivion, shortly after. Jungkook wrote most of the lyrics, and every single one was about you. Maybe it was like a siren call, trying to call you back to him. Luckily for them one of the title tracks blew up on a few websites and apps, giving them a lot of coverage and publicity. Their popularity had blown up overnight, radios constantly playing the hit song, making it impossible to escape their sound.
It was a rainy day, about a week after the release of Oblivion when there was a knock at the door. Jungkook thought it was a bit too early for him to have stalkers, but he was precautious, looking through the peephole.
To his surprise, it was you. Your hair was soaking wet, your designer clothes sticking to your skin. Your makeup seemed to be running a little.
Jungkook immediately swung the door open, shocked. You were here. You were really here.
"Hi," you said, your voice meek and small. "Can I come in?"
Jungkook stepped aside to let you in, closing the door behind him. He was speechless. There were so many things he had wanted to say to you, weeks of planning some long monologue for nothing. It felt strange seeing you in his apartment, despite the fact you had been there countless times before and lived there yourself. You seemed foreign, out of place, even though it hadn't been that long.
"Congrats on your success, by the way," you said, filling the silence. "Oblivion seems to be a big hit."
"You heard it?"
"I stayed up all night waiting for the release. Besides, your song plays everywhere I go. People love it. I couldn't escape your voice even if I wanted to."
"The song was about you."
"Yeah... I know." You wiped your wet face, taking in a deep breath.
"Y/N, what are you doing here?" Jungkook finally asked.
Your breathing was shaky. "I came to apologize. I know I don't deserve your forgiveness but... It was wrong for me to flake out like that, to leave without explanation."
"Why did you?"
You seemed unable to look him in the eye. "Every time a guy told me he loved me, that he was in love with me, it turned out to just be to use me. It was a way to get on my good side and use me for... Well, ulterior motives. When you said you loved me, I had spent so much time convincing myself that you didn't see me that way that I assumed you only meant platonically. Even if I wanted it to be in a romantic sense. When you confirmed, though, that you were in love with me, it just sparked so many memories of guys before. I was stupid. You've proven time and time again that you're honest and genuine, and that you respect me in a way those boys never could, but I couldn't handle it. I needed time away to figure my shit out. So I left and went to my parents', and I told them everything. The fake dating, the roommate situation, the job, that you were in love with me- all of it.
"My parents have been wrong about a lot of things. About what I should be, about what kind of guy would make a suitable husband, but they were right about one thing." Your eyes finally locked with his. "I was stupid to let you go, especially when I'm as head over heels over you as you are for me."
"So..." Jungkook didn't know what to say, overwhelmed with your speech. "What does this mean?"
"It means I love you too, Jungkook. I'm in love with you. I meant it when I said it back then, the same way you meant it. I took a taxi and ran over here as soon as I realized that. I've been in love with you for God knows how long, and I want to be with you, for real this time. That is... if you'll take me back."
Jungkook couldn't help but melt at that, smiling as he pulled you into a tight embrace, despite how your wet form began to dampen his clothes. "Always, princess."
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master-sass-blast · 3 years
This Life is Infinite: Chapter One.
Summary: The Infinity War Fic aka I do whatever the fuck I want with the Russo's canon.
Get ready for the most ambitious crossover in CHC history.
Pairing(s): Piotr Rasputin x Reader, Nathan Summers x Wade Wilson, Alexandra Rasputin x Nikolai Rasputin, and Kitty Pryde x Illyana Rasputin.
Rating: M for canon typical violence and death threats.
Word Count: 10k... oops.
Set after "Children of the Gods: Part Three."
Author's Note: Tentatively, I’m back from my hiatus. Things are nowhere near settled with my mental health, but I’m feeling well enough to post again.
I think it mostly goes without saying that updates for this series might be a little irregular going forward; not only do I need to take care of myself, but I also need to find a better balance with posting fanfiction and the rest of my life. As always, I will do my best to be clear with you all about what to expect in terms of updates and wait times.
Thank you again for your compassion and understanding.
Taglist: @marvel-is-perfection, @chromecutie, @super-darkcloudstudent, @girl-obsessed-with-things, @leo-writer, @emma-frxst, @sadstone-s
It’s not every day that mysterious, leather-clad men appear –quite literally, considering they teleported in—in your kitchen unannounced.
(Okay, perhaps they don’t qualify as “mysterious” when one of them is your dad, one of them is your brother, and the third is your uncle, but there’s a fourth man with them that you don’t recognize, so you like to think that the principle of the expression remains intact.)
You glance between Nate, Wade, your uncle, and the aforementioned unrecognized fourth man, then lift the box of cereal you’d been pouring into a bowl by way of greeting. “Breakfast?”
(The fourth man, as it turns out, goes by the code name “Kronos” –which, in terms of super cool code names, ranks at about an eight.)
“There’s a war coming,” Nate explains while the four of you stand around your kitchen counter. “Apocalypse is stirring. He’ll be sending his allies to Earth to initiate the first stage of the war, so that he’ll encounter less resistance when he comes to rule.”
“‘s called ‘The Decimation,’” Wade interjects as he shovels spoonfuls of Lucky Charms into his mouth. He points at his bowl, then jerks his head at the fridge. “D’ y’all have chocolate syrup?”
“Yeah, second shelf on the door.” You take another bite of your cereal, swallow, then ask Nathan, “What… what happens with ‘The Decimation?’”
“One of Apocalypse’s allies, Thanos, will arrive with his armies and generals. He’ll use his own forces to annihilate the heroes of Earth, then he’ll finish assembling the Infinity Stones and gauntlet and use them to wipe out half of all life across the cosmos.”
You purse your lips together and eye your dad warily. “If… if this was anyone other than you saying this, I’d say this all sounds like a hackneyed comic book and-or movie plot.”
“His information checks out,” Kronos says, voice low and gravelly. “Our cross-temporal intel confirms communications between Apocalypse and Thanos. We might have a few weeks to prepare for Thanos’s arrival –and that’s if we’re lucky.”
Wade snorts and mutters something that sounds suspiciously like “handwavey bullshit” under his breath.
You look to your uncle. “And you’re here because…”
“Need to talk to Xavier,” your uncle answers, “and then alert the Avengers and anyone else that can help us face Thanos.”
“Right,” you say slowly. “And you stopped here first because…”
“I was hungry,” Wade blurts as he drizzles more chocolate syrup on top of his cereal.
“You have credibility,” Nathan says while shooting Wade an equally annoyed and endeared look. “Xavier and Piotr listen to you, and the rest of the X-Men listen to them. We can’t afford to deal with a bunch of hesitating and infighting right now. We need to get our shit together and defeat Thanos, or the world as we know it is fucked.”
“Question.” Wade lifts his spoon. “Does Donald Trump die in this decimation bullshit?”
“We’ll deal with him later,” your uncle stage-whispers to Wade.
“If you’re all sure…” You wait for all four of them to nod, then sigh and shrug. “Alright. I think most of the X-Men are training right now. Let’s go talk to them.”
“This all sounds fucking insane.”
Wade gasps. The eyes on his mask widen as he lifts a gloved hand to where his mouth is under his mask. “James Doohan used a no-no word! My goodness gracious golly!”
Scott Summers scowls, but otherwise ignores Wade. He turns to the Professor, expression incredulous. “Do you believe… any of this?”
Xavier grimaces. “Our sources through Kronos” –he gestures to your uncle’s colleague—“have been confirming the intentions of Apocalypse for several years now. The difficulty was always in determining when Apocalypse would act, and in which timeline –though, now that we have Cable’s intel, we’ve been able to figure those two details out.”
“If Thanos is as powerful as you’re saying,” Ororo pipes up, looking at Nathan, “then how are we supposed to defeat him?”
“Any way we can,” Nathan fires back, expression grim.
“Our intel says that Thanos only has three of the six Infinity Stones, along with the gauntlet,” Kronos adds. “If we can keep the last three stones out of his hands and defeat his armies here on Earth, we’ll have better odds of facing Apocalypse down the road.”
“Right,” Jean says. “And where are the last three stones?”
“The Mind Stone is in the possession of Vision, an android created by Ultron, who now works with the Avengers,” Kronos explains. “The Time Stone is in the possession of Doctor Stephen Strange, who leads an order of sorcerers and magic users in New York. The Soul Stone… has yet to be located.”
“And we’re sure that Thanos is coming here?” Ororo asks, brows raised in skepticism.
“One of the unifying features across the pertinent timelines is a battle that takes place on Earth, specifically in the country of Wakanda,” Kronos answers. “Regardless of the other features in the timeline, there is always a major confrontation between Thanos and the forces of earth there.”
“Great,” Rogue deadpans, expression flat. “Now we just have to convince them to let us in. ‘Excuse me, your Majesty T’Challa, but there’s an evil spaceman that is collecting all powerful rhinestones and he’s going to come here to try and wipe out half of all life on Earth, so we need you to let us into your country with strict visitation policies to we can help you fight him.’ Yeah, that’ll go over real well.”
“We don’t have time to waste on sarcastic bullshit,” Nathan grits out, cybernetic eye flaring as he glares at Rogue. “We’ll handle getting the Avengers and Wakanda on board,” he says, turning to the Professor. “I take it we can trust you to get your team and Magneto collected?”
“I’ll contact Erik,” Xavier promises before looking over at your husband. “Piotr, would you mind calling your family? I believe, given the severity of the coming conflict, having as many hands as possible would be in our best interests.”
Piotr nods. “Konechno –of course.” He looks up at you from where he’s sitting, confusion clear in his sky blue eyes—
“You good to come with us?” Nathan asks, tapping your shoulder lightly to get your attention. “We’ll need help talking to Stark.”
“Huh? Uh –yeah. Sure.” You look back at Piotr; the request to ask for five minutes, just five minutes, to talk to your husband is on the tip of your tongue—
Nate tugs you –gently—a couple inches closer, then says, “Bodyslide by five.”
The room blurs, then disappears from view.
You’ve only bodyslid with Nathan a handful of times –and each time you do, you’re always caught off guard by how fucking weird it feels.
Your stomach lurches like you’ve just gone down the steepest drop on a rollercoaster, even though the ground remains steady beneath your feet. In a flash, there’s a brand new room in front of you –sleek, monochromatic cabinets, white marble countertops, stainless steel appliances and fixtures, the works. The space oozes sophistication, function, style –and money. So much money.
Given everything you’ve heard about Tony Stark, it makes sense.
“Deep breaths,” Nathan says. He places a steadying hand on your shoulder while you blink rapidly. “In through the nose, out through the mouth.”
You do your best to comply –though it’s a bit difficult, given that your brain is shrieking ‘sensory overload’ while trying to adjust to the new lighting, the new sounds, the sensation of having moved without really having moved at all, at least in the sense of walking or riding in a car—
And then alarms start blaring. Red lights flash, klaxons go off, the works.
Wade swears and claps his hands over his ears. “Christ! For a guy who has literal robots that can wipe his ass with dollar bills, you think he’d invest in something a little easier on the ears!”
“Wilson!” The klaxons and red lights cut out, replaced by various whirring noises and the sound of hurried, angry footsteps. “I swear to God, if you’ve hijacked one of my jets again, I’m gonna –who the fuck are all of you?”
Tony Stark looks… nothing like what you see in the papers. Granted, his face and hair look largely the same, but he’s not wearing the crisp, stylish suits that all the magazines, articles, papers, and interviews feature him wearing. He’s got on a worn, holey Metallica shirt, ripped, grease stained jeans, and a pair of scuffed sneakers that look like they might’ve been purchased ten years ago, for all that they’re barely holding together.
The army of security bots hovering and whirring around him, however, do fit his press image.
“Jon Snow!” Wade chirps, waggling his fingers at the harried “genius-billionaire-playboy-philanthropist.” “Long time, no talk. How’s Daenerys doing?”
“Summers, would you do me a favor and put your psychopath on a leash?” Tony asks, tone less than polite or pleasant as he focuses on Nate. “Preferably a nice short one that’s far away from me?”
“We’re here to talk,” Nathan says –though he does stop Wade from trying to play with the knives in the block on the kitchen counter. “It’s a matter of life and death. The well-being of the entire universe is at stake.”
“Yeah, been there, done that,” Tony says, looking none too impressed.
“One of your colleagues may have mentioned his name,” Kronos interjects, taking a step forward. “Does the word ‘Thanos’ ring any bells?”
Tony’s expression sobers for an instant, but he hides it quickly enough. “This is private property, and you’re all—”
A red being with a green suit and a yellow gem in the center of his forehead emerges from the floor. He places himself between Tony and the rest of you. “Would you like me to escort them out, Mr. Stark?”
“Ah, Casper the Friendly Android with No Concept of Personal Boundaries Despite the Infinite Knowledge!” Wade fires back, waving cheerfully. “How you doing, twenty-twenty?”
Vision sighs, longsuffering. “You have been expressly forbidden from these premises, Mr. Wilson.”
“Unless he’s here under my direct supervision,” Nathan fires back. “Stark, we need to talk about this—”
“Tony?” A tall, elegant woman with red hair wearing a tailored, navy blue dress walks up behind the man in question. She flashes you all a polite smile, but there’s no missing the way her gaze cautiously assesses each one of you. “I’m guessing these aren’t –oh. Wade’s here.”
Wade waves in response. “Hi, Miss Potts! How’s being a CEO?”
“It’s going very well, thank you,” Pepper replies politely –though, this time, she’s scanning the room for missing objects and-or visible damage. When nothing turns up, she looks back at Tony. “Are we escorting them out?”
“They claim to have information about the end of the world,” Tony says, tone flippant –though the grave expression on his face belies his snark. “About Thanos.”
Recognition flashes over Pepper’s face, though her polite mask never fully slips. She nods, then says, “Are we going to listen to them?”
“Probably should,” Tony replies in the same lackadaisical tone. “I’m not turning off the security drones while Wilson’s here, though.”
“Just for that, I’m pissing in your Ficus before I leave,” Wade huffs.
“That seems like it’s for the best,” Pepper tells Tony, smiling going tight at the edges while she stares at Wade. She takes a breath, steeling herself, then steps past Tony and nods at the rest of you in greeting. “Sorry for the confusion. Would you mind coming with us, so we can talk somewhere more comfortable?”
“I started connecting the dots after Thor left,” Tony explains, twirling a pencil between his fingers as he paces back and forth. “He mentioned Thanos briefly –but with the destruction and repurposing of Loki’s staff, the straggling records of Dormammu’s attack and the use of the Time Stone by Strange, the roles that the Tesseract and Loki’s staff played in the attack on New York by the Chitauri…” He sighs, pausing to stare out at the window at some unseen object before grimacing and shrugging. “It wasn’t hard to figure out.”
You’re all gathered in a conference room –which, as with the kitchen, carries the same modern, sleek style. Floor to ceiling windows show off the training grounds and the forest that conceals the base from the rest of the world. A massive plasma TV takes up one of the far walls, while the other walls are taken up by various dormant, holographic and electronic displays (made by Stark himself, no doubt). A black, oblong table sits in the center of the room, with leather, silver studded swivel chairs positioned around it.
“How many are there?” Tony asks, looking first at Kronos, then at Nathan. “How much time do we have?”
“There are six Infinity Stones in total,” Kronos says. “Thanos already has three –the Space stone, which was contained by the Tesseract, the Reality stone and the Power stone. Your colleague, Vision—” he gestures to the android “—is in possession of the Mind Stone already, and Stephen Strange has the Time Stone. Our agents have been unable to confirm the whereabouts of the Soul Stone, but we’re certain that Thanos doesn’t have it.”
“Yet,” Tony adds, tone pessimistic.
“As far as time goes, we have a few days at most,” Nathan says, crossing his arms over his chest. “Maybe a week, if we’re lucky.”
Tony grimaces. “That doesn’t bode well for rebuilding international relations on a dime. Or team morale for that matter.”
“Sort it out,” Nathan gravels out. “We’ve got bigger issues.”
“We won’t have time for issues if we can’t even pull a team together,” Tony snaps.
“If it helps…” Kronos withdraws a flash drive from his jacket pocket and holds it out to Tony. “The evidence of Thanos’s collection of the stones and his plans to come here.”
Tony accepts the flash drive. He turns it over in his fingers a couple times –no doubt mentally comparing the drive to the technology he’s created—then pockets it. “And Xavier’s on board with all this?”
You blink when you realize everyone’s staring at you. “Uh –yes. He’s contacting Erik Lensherr for some additional support, and the rest of the X-Men are ready to take on Thanos as well.”
“Great.” Tony stares down at the table for a moment, expression slightly melancholy but otherwise inscrutable, but then he snaps back to his usual self. “Good meeting. I’ll text you with the details.”
“Ooh, does that mean we’re trading numbers?” Wade gasps, pressing his hands on either side of his face. “I’ll put you on my favorites list.”
“I’ll contact Xavier,” Tony amends, shooting Wade a slightly harried look.
“We’ll be ready,” you assure him, at a loss for what else to say as you hook your arm around Wade’s to keep him from messing with the holographic display system.
“Vision will escort you out,” Pepper says with a polite smile and nod.
“I’ll make you a friendship bracelet, Tony the Tiger!” Wade calls as you and Nathan gently usher him towards the door. “Wait –stop shoving me! I need to get his wrist size!”
“Later, gorgeous,” Nate says with a barely suppressed smile.
Under any other circumstances, you’d laugh, but the stony foreboding weighing down your gut makes it too hard to even muster up a chuckle –especially when you catch Tony slumping down into one of the conference room chairs with a despairing expression on his face. You force yourself to focus on getting Wade out of the Avenger’s headquarters without stealing anything –though that does little to calm your swirling thoughts. How in the hell are we gonna pull this off?
“Are you okay?”
You sigh, instinctively wriggling back against Piotr’s chest as he lays down behind you. “Define ‘okay.’”
It’s nearly midnight now. Between contacting other allies for help –Nathan had you all bodysliding around New York for the better part of the day to reach out to the Hell’s Kitchen figures—and learning up about Thanos’s army and what could be expected in a confrontation against him, you didn’t get home until well after dinner.
You’re in bed now, too tired for anything else. You stare out the windows that overlook the balcony, purposefully trying to keep your mind blank so you don’t grow overwhelmed by the chaos buzzing in your brain.
Because this is insane. This is beyond mutant trafficking or petty grievances between groups of mutant rivals or even being gunned down by the mafia. This is beyond abusive parents, groups of hateful bigots, or anti-mutant legislators.
It’s –quite literally—the fate of the entire world. The entire galaxy. Based on Nathan’s reports of the future, half of all life is wiped out. People, animals, plants –all gone, dissolved into piles of ash… and for what? So some egomaniac can have his moment of glory?
Your stomach curdles when you even try to contemplate a life without Piotr.
“Hey.” Piotr draws you in close when you start crying. “Tische, myshka. Everything is okay.”
“But it’s not.” You sniff, wiping at your eyes with your sleeve. “Nothing about this is fucking okay, Piotr. Someone’s gonna wipe out half of the damn universe because he wants to jerk off to it later.”
“He has to go through us, first,” Piotr reminds you as he presses soft, sweet kisses against your cheek.
“We don’t have the numbers,” you point out bleakly. “We don’t have the ammunition. We don’t have the time to make a solid plan, or to prepare any extra defenses, or—”
Piotr hugs you tight. He kisses the top of your head. His hand strokes up and down your arm in an attempt to soothe you.
You grip his other hand, holding him close to you. You focus on how warm and solid he is. How wonderful he is and how lovely your life is with him. “I love you, Piotr.”
“And I love you, Y/N.”
You squeeze your eyes shut and cry some more.
The call comes in at five thirty in the morning.
“Stark’s brought around the other Avengers and Wakanda,” Nathan says, sounding far more alert than you ever will at this godforsaken hour. “We’re lifting off at seven.”
“Roger that,” you manage while Piotr turns on the bedside lamp and blinks the sleep out of his eyes. “We’ll be ready.” You set down your phone when the call ends, then groan and drop your head into your pillow. Why can’t the end of the world ever happen in the afternoon?
The Blackbird jets are loaded to maximum capacity. Aside from carrying the X-Men and the X-Force exclusive members, you’re also ferrying the Hell’s Kitchen vigilantes, Piotr’s family and Allison, your uncle and his team, and the younger children and their parents to Wakanda for safe-keeping (your uncle’s reasoning was that an enemy of the institute might notice the sudden lack of protection and decide to attack the younger, more vulnerable students and their families for vengeance, so it was better to be safe than sorry).
You keep close to Piotr or to the cockpit, but there’s still no avoiding the tense, cramped feeling.
You’re not the only “birds” in the sky, either. It’s practically a whole convoy, flying out to Wakanda in what might’ve been a formation if Wade didn’t occasionally grab the control and try to do a “barrel roll.” Magneto and his forces are flying in their own airship, while the Avengers are leading their pack in Tony’s custom, “cutting edge of technology” jets.
You watch the small fleet of jets that belong to the Avengers, lips pursed into a tight line. Your gaze darts over to the navigation board every few seconds, tracking your miniscule progress across the Atlantic Ocean towards Wakanda.
There’s a heavy sigh behind you, and then an even heavier pair of arms settle around your shoulders. “Myshka. You should rest.”
You “hmm” softly to let Piotr know you heard him, but you don’t step away from the cockpit door.
He kisses the top of head and starts gently rubbing your neck with his thumbs. “Will be several hours before arrival, dorogoy. There is nothing you can do until then.”
“It feels like wasting time,” you murmur back –because, naturally, Piotr’s seen to the heart of the issue already. “We’ve got so much to do.”
“And we can do nothing until we arrive in Wakanda.” Piotr kisses your temple, then gently nudges you away from the cockpit. “Come sit with me, lyublyu. You will need full energy when we land.”
And that, above all else, is the only reason you let Piotr usher you over to the nearest seat.
You crawl into his lap once he sits, curling up in his arms. You lay your head on his shoulder and let his warmth combined with the gentle thrum of the jet’s sonic engines lull you to sleep.
Wakanda is simultaneously everything and nothing like what you expected.
There’s a force shield that surrounds the inner part of the country that gives way as the convoy of ships pass through it. It almost seems to shimmer out of view before revealing an elegant, shining palace and curved, glimmering towers that comprise the larger part of the city. Lush jungle and towering, ice-capped mountains border the city, split by a winding river and rushing waterfalls.
It almost looks too beautiful to be real.
The awe-inducing visuals and technology don’t stop as the convoy flies out to a glittering, black glass structure that, on the navigation board, is labeled as the lab of Princess Shuri. The convoy swoops around to a massive hangar at the base of the building, landing just inside on the polished stone and metal floor.
Waiting for all of you in the hangar is King T’Challa Udaku; he’s wearing a black robe embroidered with silver thread and a vibrant kente scarf, and generally looks every bit as poised and unflappable as he did in the UN interviews. He’s flanked by his Dora Milaje soldiers –who are undeniably badass with their armor and spears, and you catch Ellie, Yukio, and Kitty all staring at the women in awe—and his partner, Nakia, and his sister, Princess Shuri.
Tony and Professor Xavier handle the introductions with the King, which lets you stretch and take in the hangar and throngs of superheroes. You recognize a few of them –Captain America aka Steve Rogers, Ant-Man aka Scott Lang and his entourage --including a man with dark hair styled like Elvis that you recall seeing in some sort of news interview a while back and a young woman with curly brown hair and warm eyes that’s holding his hand-- and War Hero ,aka James Rhodes, aka Tony’s best friend and “work wife”—but some of the entourage members are new to you.
You take a moment to stretch out your back –sleeping in Piotr’s lap isn’t the worst quality rest you’ve ever had, but given the configurations of the jet seats it was a little cramped—and admire the glimmering, inlaid lights on the hangar ceiling. Swanky.
“We have space prepared for the upcoming preparations and hosting all of you,” T’Challa says, voice cutting through the din of the crowd with ease. “If you would all follow Princess Shuri, please.”
Shuri smiles, then motions for everyone to follow her out of the hangar.
Half of the Dora Milaje break away from the formation, keeping a protective line between the princess and everyone else.
You fall into stride alongside your husband, well-practiced by now at matching your steps to his long stride.
The “prepared space” winds up being three massive rooms, each with smaller rooms sectioned around the main spaces, a kitchen-slash-rec area that joins the three massive rooms in the center, and three large, communal style bathrooms with multiple stalls for toilets and showers. The main rooms have several long, workstation style tables at them, with some beds stationed at the fringes, and the smaller rooms function only as bedrooms, mostly for the families with kids and the handful of couples present.
“This interface,” Princess Shuri says as she taps on a small disk embedded into the wall, “will let you contact security and staff if you have questions or need to speak with someone. There’s one in each room, for easy access. It will begin glowing and beeping if someone’s trying to send a call to you; you answer by pressing the base,” she explains, demonstrating on the disk.
“We’re expecting another group of people,” Tony pipes up. “Strange is collecting some of our allies from the South Eastern Quadrant. They should be here in the next sixteen hours, give or take.”
Shuri nods. “We’ll contact you when they arrive.” She offers the group a magnanimous nod and smile, then strides out the hall you all entered through, flanked by the Dora Milaje soldiers.
For a moment, no one moves. You all stand around, hesitating as you all try to take in the new scenery and space.
Alex moves first. She sighs, then grabs her duffel and strides towards the nearest workroom. “No point in waiting.”
Her initiative seems to jolt everyone else out of their daze. Everyone sections off, largely sticking with the groups of their original affiliation.
You amble alongside Piotr, peering around the workroom as you try to decide where to set your pack. Here goes nothing.
We’re staring down the apocalypse, you muse as you watch everyone set up shop, and it’s all coming down to sewing machines.
It’d come as a shock when Alexandra had lugged the sleek, white machine out of its carrying case. She’d set it on one of the tables, then lifted bolts of thick, rugged Kevlar out of one of her duffels next. Thread, scissors, measuring tape, and gridded cutting boards follow the Kevlar—
And then the sewing machine jammed as soon as Alex turned it on.
“Ty meshok der'ma,” Alex mutters under her breath as she fiddles with the internal mechanisms of the sewing machine. She glares at the gears, grumbling and swearing while she prods at them with a pair of tweezers. “Kakogo khrena tvoya problema?”
The situation seems mundane in its inanity.
The end of the damn world, and we’re being thwarted by twenty pounds of plastic and metal.
“Day mne poprobovat'.” Nikolai crouches down next to his wife. He adjusts the reading glasses perched on his nose, then aims a small flashlight at the interior of the machine. He murmurs and tuts in Russian while prodding at the machine –and then he makes a soft noise of exclamation. “Broken needle. Pryamo tam.”
“Sukin syn.” Alex uses her telekinesis to draw out the metal shard, then lets out an exasperated sigh and spreads her arms when the machine finally makes the proper start up noises. “Thank you.”
“Be nice,” Nikolai chides her with a teasing grin. “Is uncomfortable, having metal stuck in organs. You would not want to work either.”
“I’ve had metal in my organs,” Alex grumbles as she gets her sewing machine configured. “I still managed.” She smirks when Nikolai laughs, then kisses her husband’s cheek before motioning for you to approach. “Come here, ptitsa. I want to reinforce your suit; I need your measurements.”
You round the table, shucking off your sweatshirt so Alex can measure your torso. “Is there anything I need to do?”
“Just hold still, malenkiy,” Alex murmurs as she runs her tape measure around your waist.
“I make no promises,” you joke.
Alex snorts, then moves her measuring tape up to your ribcage.
The waiting is, somehow, worse now.
At least on the plan there was a promise of a destination. A sense of the temporary, that you’d be up and moving and doing again within a few hours.
Unfortunately, reality is so often different from how you envision it, just as it is now. Because the reality of the situation is that there are only a limited number of people capable of helping. Nate and Tony are working with the Princess to configure weapons to fight Thanos’s forces, Hank and the healers are preparing a makeshift medical bay, Frank, Wade, Mikhail, and Neena are cleaning and checking guns, Alex, Piotr and Nikolai are taking turns working on fabricating armor for those who need it—
Leaving you with nothing to do. Aside from keeping those who are working well fed and hydrated and managing the kids, all you can do is sit and watch while everyone else prepares.
It’s agony. Your chest aches from stress, and your stomach’s churning so much you can barely choke food down at mealtimes. I need to help more. I need to do something, dammit.
It’s like being in line for random execution and having no idea whether you’re going to be shot or not.
You stay close to Piotr. You run food and snacks and drinks for anyone who needs it. You help manage the kids when the need arises –but since most of their parents are here, the incidents are far and few between.
You sit. And you wait.
It’s all you can do.
“Absolutely not.”
“You need to be reasonable.”
“I am. It’s perfectly reasonable to keep a fourteen-year-old off a fucking battlefield!”
Alex sighs. She leans back in her seat and raises an eyebrow at her eldest daughter. “Normally I would agree, but I don’t think you’ll have much say in the matter. Your ability to control her is notably lacking.”
Artemis huffs and crosses her arms over her chest. “You try reining in a teenager who’s realized there’s no consequences to her actions.”
“I’m not judging, merely observing,” Alex assures her daughter. “But, at any rate, it’s not unreasonable to predict that she’ll join the fray at some point. Body armor is a necessity.”
“It’s an invitation! She’ll take it as permission!”
“Artemis?” Allison sticks her head into the room, then strides over to her mentor-slash-surrogate mother. “Is everything okay? Who’s getting permission to do what?”
“No one is,” Artemis grumbles, even as she holds her arm out so the teen can lean against her side. “Especially not you.”
Allison lets out a disgusted sigh and rolls her eyes. “I already told you—”
“You’re not fighting.”
“I can handle myself!” Allison snaps. She jerks away from Tatianna, scowling. “You’re treating me like a baby!”
“Compared to me, you are a baby,” the older woman points out drily.
“It’s not your burden to bear,” Alex interjects, fixing the testy teen with an even –though not harsh—stare. “Teenagers shouldn’t have to fight for the future of the world. That’s for adults to handle.”
“No one gets to decide,” Allison grits out, “what my burdens are. And this isn’t about ‘should’ or ‘shouldn’t.’”
The corner of Alex’s mouth twitches. She looks up at Artemis, brows raised.
Artemis sighs. She tips her head back, staring up at the ceiling, then looks down at Allison. “You need body armor to keep you safe. That does not mean, however, that you’ll be joining us in the fight against Thanos.”
Allison sweeps her tongue along the inside of her cheek. She crosses her arms and cocks her head to the side. “Pretty sure you don’t get to decide that.”
“Pretty sure you should listen to me,” Artemis fires back, “since I have more experience and am telling you that it’s too much for you to handle.” She lets out an exasperated breath when Allison rolls her eyes, then waves her hand dismissively as if to say ‘I tried.’ “Get her set up.”
Alex nods, then waves Allison over. “Alright, malenkiy. Let’s get you sorted.”
“Are you asleep?”
“Nyet.” Piotr rolls over, drapes an arm over you, and kisses your forehead. “I would ask you the same, but…”
You manage a small chuckle. “Pretty obvious answer, yeah.”
The two of you are in one of the private rooms –if only because (aside from your status as married) it has a bed big enough to accommodate Piotr. There’s a small window that overlooks a cavern beneath the lab. Dim, blue light seeps through the glass pane, but it’s not enough to properly illuminate the room.
Piotr’s fingers skim over your upper arm. “Why are you not sleeping, myshka?”
“Can’t,” you admit, voice wavering. You take a deep breath through your nose and try to calm yourself. “I just… I can’t handle not doing anything. It gives me too much time to think about what might happen.”
Piotr croons gently, drawing you in closer so he can tuck you against his chest. He cradles your head with one massive head. “Dorogoy. You know such things are not good for you.”
“Yeah, I know,” you grumble, eyes stinging with unshed tears. “Doesn’t mean that knowledge stops my brain any.”
“Ya znayu,” Piotr murmurs as he kisses your temple. “But everything is going to be alright, myshka.”
“Except it really might not be,” you argue, voice shaking. You grip the material of his shirt, as though he might be wrenched away from you at any moment and whisked away into the wind. “It really might not, Piotr.”
Your husband doesn’t say anything in response to that. He merely holds you closer still and strokes his fingers through your hair.
You press your forehead against his chest and start weeping quietly.
The second day is much like the first –a slow, agonizing crawl punctuated by overwhelming anxiety and exhaustion.
You linger at the table where Nate, Tony, and Ellie are modifying guns, handing the three various tools and materials when they ask for it. You watch their progress numbly, brain devoid of anything other than wordless worry.
At least, you watch until Nate texts Piotr to come get you.
“Davay, myshka,” your husband coaxes as he lifts you off your stool. He grunts slightly as he shifts you into a bridal-style hold, then carries you away from the table and out of the room. “Let’s have lunch.”
“Is important to stay fed and hydrated.”
“—I was helping.” You peer past Piotr’s arm –then sigh when Nathan gives you a sympathetic, concerned smile and waves you along. “Baby—”
“Just for little bit.” Piotr sets you down when you ask, but he keeps a hand on your shoulder, just in case. “Is not good to sit and stew in anxiety.”
You drop your gaze to the floor. “You can’t prove anything.”
Piotr lifts his hand from your shoulder and cradles your cheek. He strokes his thumb against your skin, waiting until you look up at him before speaking again. “Come have lunch with me, moya lyubov’,” he says with an adoring smile (which you’re certain is a deliberate, tactical move on his part to make sure you don’t try and argue, and dammit if it isn’t working). “I would enjoy your company.”
You scuff the toe of your sneaker against the floor, but ultimately acquiesce. “Alright. I guess I should take a break.”
The snooping starts after lunch, while Alex is chewing Frank out for spray-painting his bullet proof vest.
“What, are you looking to ruin perfectly good Kevlar?” Alex gripes as she tosses Frank’s “Punisher” vest aside. “You want to break down the material? Get shot out like some schmuck because you decided to be an artist?”
“It’s strategic,” Frank argues with a good-natured, crooked grin. “Keeps my enemies’ line of sight trained on where I have the most protection.”
Alex nods and makes a sarcastic noise of assent. “‘Strategic.’ Is that what it is? Ya ne mogu v eto poverit'. V moye vremya my nazyvali strategiyu pobedoy, a ne stavili svoyu grebanuyu vizitnuyu kartochku na kazhdoye sovershennoye nami proklyatoye ubiystvo. Get your ass over here, drama boy.” She scoffs and starts measuring Frank’s chest and shoulders. “‘Strategiya,’” she scoffs. “What a load of horse shit.”
“Akh akh,” Nikolai tuts as he walks into the room with a plate of food and glass of water. “What is happening here?”
“I’m pretty sure I upset the apple cart, sir,” Frank says, unabashed.
Nikolai chuckles while Alexandra brings up to speed, ranting in irritated Russian. He sets the plate and glass on the table next to his wife, kisses her head, then ambles back out to the kitchen—
And that’s when you notice it. Or, rather, her.
Natasha Romanoff, aka the Black Widow. Renowned spy, assassin, weapons and espionage expert, and former member of the Avengers if the debacle surrounding the Sokovia Accords is to be believed.
She’s sitting at the kitchen counter on barstool, tapping away at her phone –which isn’t inherently suspicious, but her line of sight lets her look directly into the room you’re all situated in and—
She’s watching Alex.
At first you think she might be watching Frank (which, fair enough, having a mass murderer, somewhat unstable vigilante around is a reasonable cause for caution). But when Frank gets up and walks out (probably to go find Karen), Natasha doesn’t even move. Her gaze –when she’s not looking at her phone—stays fixed on Alexandra while she works at her sewing machine.
For once, you’re grateful Piotr is as large as he is; he makes a great hiding spot to do countersurveillance from.
Natasha approaches slowly, but deliberately. She talks to someone on her phone –whether she’s faking or not doesn’t matter to you, because she still uses it to get off the barstool and amble around while she’s talking. Then, she has a conversation with Captain Rogers, which she uses to get a few feet closer to the doorway.
At some point, you’re not certain if she realizes you’re watching her, only because she gives up the pretense of trying to hide her snooping entirely. She leans against the doorframe, watching Alex intently while she marks, pins, and cuts out fabric.
It’s Illyana who has enough of the whole thing first. Three minutes into Natasha standing in the door way, the blonde sighs, sets her phone down on the work table, and glares up at the red head. “Kakogo khrena ty khochesh?”
Natasha purses her lips slightly. She acknowledges Illyana with a brief glance, then turns her focus back to Alex. “Alexandra.”
“Natalia,” Alex says by way of greeting, not even bothering to look up from her work. “Are you here to help, or are you here to waste my time?”
She grimaces, but recovers and smiles politely. “It’s been a long time.”
“So, you’re here to waste my time,” Alex surmises as she pins a pattern to a piece of heavy black Kevlar.
Natasha swallows reflexively, then turns on her heel and walks away.
Half an hour later, it’s Captain Rogers and Sergeant Barnes’s turn.
The two supersoldiers are far less covert than Agent Romanoff. They stand in the middle of the rec room, a few feet away from the door, and don’t make any attempt to hide their conversation or the fact that they’re watching Alex (and, to some extent, her children and Nikolai as well).
Illyana says something to her mother a few times, but Alex waves her off –and, in general, seems unbothered. “U nas yest' rabota, snezhinka. U nas yest' rabota.”
“Did you know him?” you ask, later, when the Rasputin kids are out of the room. “The Winter Soldier?”
You’ve heard enough through the grapevine to know about the basics of the man’s story –captured by Hydra, experimentation, brainwashing, being coerced into murdering.
(It all sounds chillingly familiar.)
“We crossed paths,” Alex admits with a shrug. She slides a piece of ceramic armor plating inside a Kevlar pouch, then starts sewing the pouch shut. “Overlap was common back in the day.”
“Do you think he remembers you?” you murmur, glancing out at the kitchen (fortunately, Rogers and Barnes are gone for now).
Alex pauses. She purses her lips, then shrugs and resumes working. “I don’t know. He went through a lot with the forced mind wipes. There’s really no way of knowing.”
“Are you going to be in trouble if he does remember you?”
Alex huffs and favors you with a gentle smile. “I’ve gotten out of worse, ptitsa. Don’t worry so much.”
You say that like it’s easy, you think while the knot in your stomach coils tighter.
There’s a brief reprieve around dinner. You even manage to relax a little, smiling and chuckling as Piotr and Mikhail bicker and generally irritate each other as much as humanly possible.
Work starts up once more as soon as everyone’s done eating. You nestle yourself against Piotr’s side, relaxed via the virtue of being too tired to be stressed—
And then Tony Stark walks in.
Or perhaps “walk” isn’t the right term. He moves with an air of grandeur and utter self-assurance –which, even with your limited exposure to Tony Stark, you can tell is a “brand standard” for him. He tosses an apple up and down in one hand as he breezes along, expression blasé to the point of looking disinterested as he strides up to the table where Alexandra works.
If it weren’t for Natasha, Captain Rogers, and Sergeant Barnes scoping out the Rasputin matriarch earlier, you would’ve pegged Stark’s visit as entirely coincidental.
“What’s your deal?” Tony asks, leaning against the table next to where Alex is stationed at her sewing machine.
No pretense. No niceties. No attempt at subtlety.
Alex’s lips quirk into an annoyed grimace. She looks up and over the top of her machine for a moment, staring at Nikolai (likely trying to find any scrap of his infinite patience for herself), then lowers her gaze once more and says, “Usually, it’s not answering vague, pointless questions asked by nosey individuals.”
“You’ve got half my team twisted up just by being here,” Tony continues, unruffled. “I’ve seen Romanoff stare down the Hulk on a rampage without flinching. What about you is so special that you make her nervous?”
“Interesting,” Alex comments, almost to herself. “And here I thought, after the Berlin incident, your ‘team’ was largely disbanded. Something about ‘not agreeing with your leadership.’”
Tony’s face twitches, mouth briefly stretching into a pained grimace before he smooths it back out. “You don’t exist.”
“Everyone’s concept of self is different,” Alex mutters as she rips out a crooked seam on an armor pouch.
“There’s no record of your birth. Or your parents, for that matter. Your marriage license has no given maiden name. No history of education, doctor’s visits, driver’s license –nothing until you turned twenty-four.” He takes a bite of his apple, swallows, then says, “People don’t just ‘poof’ into existence as full grown adults. It doesn’t happen.”
“Perhaps,” Alex retorts as she resews the faulty seam, “you are just not very good at finding things.”
“I can find anything.”
“Except, it would seem, a way to keep from trying my patience.”
Tony watches her for a moment longer –then, when she doesn’t say anything, he turns and starts striding out of the room. “I’m going to figure out what’s up with you. There aren’t any secrets that can hide from my A.I.”
Alex doesn’t dignify his departure with a response –but her eyelid twitches as she continues her sewing.
You look up at Piotr, only to find he’s watching Nikolai. You look over at the Rasputin patriarch, and your heart sinks when you see the worried expression on his face.
Nick sighs, then stands and rounds the table. He ambles up behind his wife, drapes his arms around her shoulders, and kisses the top of her head before he starts murmuring to her in quiet, loving Russian.
You lean against Piotr’s side, giving him a reassuring squeeze even though the only thing you feel is disquieted. You force yourself to take a deep breath and relax your jaw as fear starts crawling up your spine once more. One thing at a time. One thing at a time, that’s all you can do.
Except, it seems, when everything decides to happen at once.
Meeting the Norse god of thunder is… intense.
Though, that may have to do with the entourage of people he brings with him.
Around three in the morning, Dr. Strange shows up with the remaining allies –Thor, god of thunder, and his brother Loki, god of magic, Bruce Banner aka the Hulk, a woman by the name of Carol, and a group that calls themselves the “Guardians of the Galaxy” (which happens to include a talking raccoon and a sentient tree).
“Just when you thought, like, it couldn’t get weirder,” Kitty mutters to you as she stares at the newest arrivals.
You nod. Granted, your usual metric for all things weird is Wade, who has basically explored every avenue of zany, bizarre, and disturbing—
But yeah, this is pretty fucking weird.
“Where do we stand in preparations for the arrival of Thanos?” Thor asks Tony.
“We’ve got most of the busywork done,” Tony says, outlining the weapons upgrades and the armor work that’s been done. “We waited for major planning until we had everyone here and better intel.”
Thor nods, then gestures to two women standing with the “Guardians of the Galaxy,” one with green skin and dark hair and the other with blue skin and cybernetic enhancements. “This is Gamora and Nebula, daughters of Thanos. They’ll be able to provide information on the strength and size of his forces.”
“Good,” Steve pipes up from where he’s standing with Sam Wilson and Sergeant Barnes. “The sooner we have a plan, the better.”
“It can wait until we’ve slept,” Alex decides, voice crisp. “We won’t come up with anything good while we’re fried.”
Tony blinks, then scowls. “Thanos could be here as soon as this coming morning.”
“Then we’ll be doubly fucked if we’ve stayed up all night trying to scrape together a plan,” Alex replies, unmoved. She crosses her arms when Tony glares at her. “The younger and less experienced of us need rest if this is going to work.”
“I’m with the lady,” Quill pipes up, brushing past Tony. He gives Stark a smile that, if you had to wager, is supposed to be charming but just comes off as arrogant. “I think you’ll find that we… don’t really roll with plans. It’s not our style.”
Alex stares at Quill for a moment, expression vastly unimpressed. She sighs, blinks slowly, shakes her head, then turns on her heel and strides back to the room she’s been sharing with Nick. “Absolutely not. I’m going back to bed.”
As if waiting for a cue, everyone else disperses, muttering about being tired and “needing an IV drip of espresso.”
You shuffle off with Piotr, hand in hand, shivering slightly from nerves. Please just let this go well.
“Both the Chitauri and the Klyntaar forces number into the tens of thousands. The Chitauri have sentient airships capable of carrying infantry forces while wreaking their own havoc, in addition to chariots that can carry up to five marksmen at a time. He also has tanks the size of this building that can demolish anything in their path.”
Everyone is gathered in one of the main work rooms. A majority of the people present hang back at the fringes, content to watch while Tony, Captain Rogers, King T’Challa, Alexandra, your uncle, Thor, Quill, and Natasha hash out a strategy.
“He’s trying to overwhelm us with sheer numbers,” Steve says in response to Gamora’s information.
“It might work,” Natasha murmurs, gaze focused on the worktable in front of her. “We don’t have near enough firepower to chip away at that many grunts.”
“Not if we play our cards right,” Alex says, crossing her arms over her chest.
“There’s also our siblings,” Gamora adds with a pained grimace.
Off to the side, Nebula scoffs. “They’re hardly family.”
“Thanos collected beings throughout the galaxy to serve him,” Gamora explains. “To act as his eyes and ears and eliminate his foes. Aside from Nebula and I, he has four other ‘children.’ They’ll be acting as his generals and commanders in the fight –and helping him track down and capture the final infinity stones.”
Tension ripples through the room.
“What do we know about these Infinity Stones?” Alex asks after a moment of fraught silence.
“The stones were originally created by the Celestials,” Loki pipes up from where he’s leaning against a wall. “Their magical properties are tied to aspects of the universe –time, space, reality, and so on. Only beings of immense power can wield them without severe consequences.”
“Thanos has the gauntlet that accompanies the stones,” Thor adds. “With it, once he assembles all six stones, he’ll be able to use them simultaneously.”
“He wants to wipe out half of all life on Earth,” Gamora says, voice wavering slightly. “That’s been his single goal ever since I’ve known him.”
“All men want to be gods,” your uncle jokes half-heartedly.
“Can the stones be broken?” Alex asks.
Loki chuckles, incredulous. “These are magical tools created by the most powerful beings ever known to the galaxy… and you want to break them?”
She shrugs. “Best not to overlook the simplest solution.”
“I’m taking that as a ‘no,’” Steve interjects. “So, if we can’t destroy them, how do we fight them?”
“The only thing powerful enough to combat the effects of the Infinity Stones are the Infinity Stones,” Loki answers.
“And we only have two,” Natasha surmises, expression drawn and grim.
Everyone looks up and turns when Illyana speaks.
She smirks, tilting her chin up when Natasha meets her gaze. “We have three Infinity Stones.”
“Vision has the mind stone, and Dr. Strange has the time stone,” Kronos argues, shaking his head. “The soul stone is still missing.”
Illyana’s smirk broadens. She lifts her hand, curling it as if she was holding something.
A sword materializes in her hand –and in the center of the sword, small but unmistakable, is a glowing orange gem.
Your uncle’s eyes widen. “Holy shit.”
“Three,” Illyana repeats, looking supremely confident and self-satisfied. “Unless there is elusive seventh stone?”
Loki smiles ruefully, shaking his head. “The Goddess of Limbo pulls through. Well done.”
“Okay, but Vision’s stone is in his head and Strange has his stone in a necklace around his neck,” Tony interjects, gesturing to each person in turn.
“Amulet,” Dr. Strange mutters under his breath.
“Your stone disappears if you’re not holding it,” Tony continues, pointing to the sword as Illyana dematerializes it once more. “What’s stopping Thanos from finding it and taking it?”
“I am only person who can use Soul Sword,” Illyana says, arching her eyebrows. “It is bound to me until the next in my line is ready to take my place.”
“My family has been bound to Limbo’s magicks for generations,” Nikolai clarifies when Tony starts sputtering. “Illyana is the keeper of the sword, which means only she can call upon it. Thanos would need our blood to have access to it.”
Tony grimaces. “Still risky.”
“Better than nothing,” your uncle fires back.
“We have a shot of taking down Thanos with the other three Infinity Stones in our camp,” Steve says, planting his hands against the worktable's surface. “Without them, we’re as good as sunk.”
“Well then,” Alex says, smirking. “Let’s make sure we don’t waste our opportunity.”
“For the love of god, stop talking.”
“I’m just saying,” Quill starts, spreading his hands in a defensive gesture.
“You’re not saying shit!” Alex snaps, lifting her head from her hands to glare at him. “You’re just wasting our time!”
Once the planning started, a large portion of the crowd dispersed to help wrap up the last of the weapons modification. The leaders from each faction stayed behind –Tony, T’Challa, Steve, Natasha, Thor, Peter Quill, Xavier, your uncle, Alexandra, and Erik—to plan, along with Gamora, Nebula, and Loki so they could offer up information on Thanos, his forces, and the Infinity Stones.
You’d also hung back, since you didn’t have the skills necessary to do the weapons modification. If all I can do is sit around like a nervous lump, may as well do it where I won’t be in the way.
“This plan just isn’t our style,” Quill argues, either immune or completely ignorant to the exasperated sighs and death glares the others are giving him. “We like to take things looser, add a little pizazz.”
“How many times did your parents drop you as a baby?” your uncle asks, staring Quill down. “No, I’m serious,” he adds when Quill glares back at him and opens his mouth to argue. “I’m genuinely at a loss for how you can be this fucking dense.”
“We’re up against overwhelming numbers and powers no one here has ever seen, let alone fought against,” Natasha adds. “We need to allocate our resources carefully if we want even a chance at victory. The three wave strategy is our best chance.”
“Okay,” Quill says, pressing his hands together. “I think we just all need to relax—”
“You’ll be pretty fucking relaxed when I gut you,” Alex grumbles as she pinches the bridge of her nose.
“Look, the way I see it, Thanos can’t take us all at once!” Quill reasons. “If we hit him with everything we have—”
“We have to survive his armies, too,” Tony adds, words clipped. “Or there won’t be any of us for Thanos to be hit by.”
“No.” Alex glares at Quill when he keeps trying to argue, startling him into silence. “Look at them.” She points at Gamora and Nebula. “These are your friends, da? Your teammates and companions, da? This is their abuser we’re facing. If we lose, what do you think happens to them? Do you think someone that wants to destroy half of all life will have mercy for them? Hm? If you care about them, you pick the plan that has the best shot of ensuring their safety. Got it?”
Quill swallows reflexively. He stares down at the holographic display of the future battlefield, jaw working. He exhales through his nose, slow and stuttered, then nods. “Alright. We… we do the three wave strategy.”
“So glad we can agree,” Alex says, turning her attention back to the battlefield schematic. “Now, we were discussing where to put our snipers…”
“—I need both their arms. Trust me, it’s the only way this is gonna work.”
“Look, I’m normally all for a little dismemberment, but I don’t think forming our own amputee league is gonna net us a win here.”
You shake your head as Wade banters back and forth with the talking racoon –whose name is Rocket, apparently—then look over at Nathan. “How long have they been at this?”
“Going on three hours now,” Nate replies. A soft, endeared smile flits across his face when he looks at Wade, but his expression sobers when he resumes his soldering job. “How’s the final plan looking?”
“Everyone but Quill was leaning towards a three-wave tactic.”
Nathan grunts. “Yeah, he seems like a jackass.”
“Alex threatened to gut him.”
“Hey!” Wade shouts, sounding genuinely wounded. “No disemboweling without me!”
“Quill wanted to do an ‘all for one’ attack directly on Thanos.” You sit down next to your dad, studying his face while he works. “You’ve actually fought against these people before. Do… do you think dividing our forces up will actually work?”
“The issue is the land and air forces,” Nathan says, shaking his head. He attaches a power unit to the base of a rifle, then starts welding the compartment shut. “This time doesn’t have the necessary shielding to repel the Chitauri and Klyntaar forces for that long. We’ll have to fight the grunts; holding some of our people back to make sure we have someone to take on Thanos is our best bet.”
“That doesn’t necessarily mean we’ll win, though,” you point out.
He offers you a melancholy half-smile. “That’s war, kid.”
Your heart sinks further. “Do we even have a chance?”
“Statistics says we do,” Nathan says he strips a piece of wire before threading it into the gun.
“That’s not what I asked.”
Nathan sighs. He looks at you for a long moment, then says, “I think we have the best shot possible with what we have right here, right now.”
You gulp, then nod. It’s still not technically an answer to your question –let alone a positive one—but…
You’ve learned that, sometimes, it better not to dig at these sorts of questions at all.
“We’re dividing our forces into thirds.”
You’re all crammed into the rec room post dinner. In the center of the room, by the counter, Tony, Steve, Natasha, and Alex are addressing the crowd in turns.
“The first wave will consist of high stamina fighters and snipers,” Steve says. “There’s a shield system that extends several hundred kilometers around the lab’s perimeter. Wakandan soldiers will join the line of snipers who will pick off any of Thanos’s forces that make it through the shields.”
“We’ll also have any fighters with enhanced stamina on standby, in case there’s a larger breach,” Alex adds. “Their job will be to protect the sniper line from being overrun by the enemy forces.”
“The second wave will be air support,” Tony continues. “Myself, Rhodey, Wilson, and any flying mutants will head out when the Chitauri airships come in. Princess Shuri has a fleet of attack drones at the ready, which can be manned from headquarters in the lab. HQ will have a complete look at the battlefield; all intel will be coming from them during the fight.”
“Third wave is everyone else, save for Illyana, Dr. Strange, and Vision,” Natasha says. “We’ll join the fray when the second wave of Thanos’s forces arrive. The final three” –she nods to Illyana, Dr. Strange, and Vision in turn—“will wait in central headquarters until Thanos arrives, to prevent early capture of the remaining Infinity Stones.”
“In the meantime,” Tony says, “we’re going overtime on modifying rifles to be sonic weapons. They’re more effective against the Klyntar forces than regular firearms. All hands on deck. If you can’t solder, you can run supplies back and forth and help perform diagnostic tests at the firing range. Clear?”
Everyone nods, then breaks off to start working on constructing and testing more “awesome guns.”
You slid your fingers between Piotr’s. Your heart’s in your throat, racing a mile a minute. Your mouth feels dry.
If you were the religious type, you’d start praying. As it is, you make a plea with the universe on the off chance it decides to listen to you –for once.
Please. Please just let this work.
“So… about the three-wave plan—”
Tony slams down the compartment piece he’d been working on against the table. He glares at Quill, face strained with barely constrained rage and impatience. “What the fuck is your deal?”
“It’s just not sitting well with me,” Quill continues, leaning against the table. “I’m more of a ‘solo moment’ style person. More of a lone wolf.”
You gape at him. “You… you work with a team of five!”
“I just think that there needs to be a more focused confrontation with Thanos. Y’know, for someone to challenge him, man to man—”
“Some get this idiot out of my face,” Tony snaps, looking around for anyone that might be willing to assist –or, at the very least, drag Quill out of the room by his jacket collar.
“You’re not listening to me!”
“You’re wasting my time!”
“Why does every problem come back to you?” Alex stalks into the work room, eyes glowing a dull shade of copper as irritation takes hold in her. She strides over to Quill, looking like a menace in black leather and Kevlar. “How much more of a nuisance can you possibly make yourself?”
“I’m just pointing out some flaws in the strategy!” Quill argues, holding up his hands in a defensive gesture. “I’m being the devil’s advocate!”
“You’re pointing out dick,” Agent Barton, alias Hawkeye, points out from the side (where he’s modifying some of his arrows to release sonic pulses).
“Look,” Quill presses on, ignoring Clint’s comment. “We need to make sure this thing is airtight—”
“We don’t have time for ‘airtight,’” Nathan growls, cybernetic eye flaring. “The goal is to survive, not to create perfection.”
“I really just think—”
Alex scowls –and then her hand snaps out and closes around Quill’s neck. She slams him against the edge of the table, sneering down at him while he coughs and claws –futilely—against her iron grip. “You’re past the point of being a nuisance. You’re a fucking liability.”
Quill wheezes, face slowly turning red.
“If I was paid every time a man like you told me how to do my job…” Her voice trails off, and she lets out a sardonic chuckle. “Let me make something clear to you, Peter Quill.” Her hand tightens around his neck, which makes some ominous creaking noises as she presses against layers of tissue, cartilage, and bone. “I am not about to have an asshole like you risk the lives of my children, the people who are putting their own lives on the line to protect the world, or the future of the damn universe. If you’re going to keep being a jackass about this…” She smirks. “I’ll kill you. I’ll do it right here, right now. I am not going to have a hazard like you on my team or on that battlefield.” She grins nastily, leaning in closer as Quill’s eyes bug out. “Best thing is, no one really knows you’re here. No tracks to cover, no family to pay off, no authorities to worry about. You’d be an unfortunate casualty in war. No one would fucking miss you.”
A chill runs down your spine. You gulp, stomach twisting as you look from Alex, to Quill, to Alex again. Is anyone going to stop her...
“I really don’t know how to make this any fucking clearer, but since you’ve proven to be thick-headed, I’ll summarize: you stray from the plan in any way, and you’re dead. Got it?”
Quill nods hastily. He gasps when Alex releases him, collapsing to the floor. He hacks and coughs, one hand rubbing at his throat while his skin slowly fades away from an angry magenta color.
“So glad we understand one another.” Alex smirks, then turns on her heel and strides out of the work room like nothing even happened.
You purse your lips, trembling while everyone goes back to work like nothing even happened. You try to focus on sorting pieces into containers for the fabricators to grab from, but with your shaking hands it’s near impossible. You duck your head, gritting your teeth together as your stomach churns angrily. I just want this all to be over.
The call comes in a couple hours later.
“We’ve got temporal disturbances outside the shield perimeter,” Kronos shouts while alarms blare overhead. “Thanos’s forces have arrived and are attempting to break through to our location.”
Your stomach drops as everyone starts scrambling. You grab your flight jacket and goggles, throwing them on haphazardly. You start running towards the hangar –then stop and switch directions. “Piotr!”
He pauses when he hears your voice, turning and catching you as you leap into his arms. He kisses you briefly –desperately—then pulls back and cups your face in his hands. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.” You give him a quick hug, then pull away and start sprinting towards the hanger where the rest of the air support is gathering. Tears sting your eyes, but you wipe them away and force down your fear and preemptive grief. Focus. You have to focus.
It’s time.
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zelda-ffitzgerald · 3 years
Taking time off in 2019 was a huge mistake. It just goes to show you his arrogance as much as he pretends to be humble and self deprecating. He thought he had enough popularity and clout to just do one minor project during hiatus while focusing on his photography before resuming Riverdale as he drank, snorted and fucked his way through the summer, and just pick right back up with films in 2020 no sweat. Meanwhile, Lili was working her ass off trying to pack in as much as she could to keep her name out there. He also resented her for that. He got a major reality check when Silk Road didn’t work out. Still he thought 2020 would offer him better opportunities. Maybe it would have but then the pandemic hit. Wah wah wah.
Also, what the fuck did he need a break from in 2019? What a fucking lie telling fans and interviewers that he had been acting nonstop since he was in diapers and so felt he needed a break. They hadn’t acted since 2011! He and Dylan were basically dicking around LA and NYC gaming and cosplaying and playing house with women because of their mommy issues and getting their whatever degree from NYU. Cole had a five year break from working in the industry before Riverdale. This man is such a fucking liar and I cannot believe people still buy his bullshit. 
All of this. He’s not as smart as he thinks he is and he’s lazy as fuck. It says something that Lili has been famous for only a few short years and yet she has more clout then him and knows how to better navigate the industry than the dumbass who’s been acting since diapers. That’s real networking.
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ofkanes · 4 years
me   pulling   up   wayyy   later   than   expected   :   👀👀,   fhdjs   hi   !!   i’m   nik   but   u   can   call   me   nikolaj   (   b99   stans   only      😤)   &   i’m   here   to   bring   my   mess   of   a   baby   kane   !!   ok   so   i’m   literally   too   excited   for   this   group   pls   don’t   @   me   .   before   i   start   i   just   wanna   say   that   all   ur   intros   ??   shakespeare   is   quaking   !!   send   tweet   .
Tumblr media
[   jack   gilinsky   ,   he   /   him   ,   twenty   two   ,   cis   male   ]   do   my   eyes   deceive   me   ,   or   did   i   just   see   (   KANE   MORGAN   )   getting   out   of   the   car   in   hunnington   ?   i   guess   (   HE’S   )   living   around   (   ROCK   SPRINGS   )   ,   which   i   could’ve   guessed   .   hopefully   they   can   keep   their   (   -   SHORT   TEMPERED   &   -   COMPLACENT   )   shit   to   theirselves   ,   and   focus   on   being   (   +   ADAPTABLE   &   +   CHARMING   )   to   avoid   any   problems   .   and   for   the   love   of   god   ,   lets   hope   they   don’t   talk   about   the   (   HIDDEN   )   thing   .
ok lemme say that i envisioned kane as a movie bby , you’ll get what i mean in 2 secs . 
his two parents are both movie directors , his mother is an actress turned movie director . the morgan surname is well - known across the silver screens everywhere , not one that people take it lightly . here’s some background about his parents . 
tim morgan : father , but mostly known of his work as a movie director , i wanna say he has the career claim of frank darabont ( directed : the shawnshank redemption , the green mile , mary shelley’s frankestein , the walking dead ... etc ) . he earned his name despite being , at first , a nerdy film school student . very proud person , definitely snobbish . 
ingrid jackson - morgan : mother , but also a very good actress , i was thinking she had the career claim of michelle pfeiffer (  scarface , grease 2 , batman returns , hairspray , murder on the orient express ... etc ) . she comes from a line of models & actresses , so it’s no surprise there . 
now you have young kane morgan , now im ashamed to say he was named after citizen kane , his parent’s favourite movie ( rlly no taste ngl ) & you’ll never guess his middle name .... brando . that’s it , i’m cancelling him . 
but basically he’s a little accident that happened before the marriage , oops ? so really , an unhappy surprise for ms & mr morgan . his mother wasn’t very happy w his arrival because all she wanted to do was to work on movies & NOT take care of a child . 
don’t worry , cuz kane rlly felt that unhappiness ooze outta her . gr8 nannies though , he loves them . 
his father was happy to have someone to teach all his knowledge to , nerd alert , but that was one of the few moments he appreciated kane . that’s it . 
so one could imagine the disaster of a kid being brought up by movie stars ( read : nannies ) , not a stranger to cameras , red carpets & all that good stuff . 
ofc he was a child actor , his parents tried to put him in almost every movie they could , spreading that good morgan family name n all . kane didn’t think much of it , until he was old enough to understand .
he was definitely a little bratty , demanding attention from everyone all the time . being as fickle as they come , but that’s only because his parents didn’t give a flying fuck . 
as he grew up , still on the spotlight , he liked to be on & off the camera . some years , he yearned to be the center of attention & other’s he hated the job . very hard to keep up with . 
when he turned sixteen , he had his first ( & probably not last ) proper hollywood breakdown , almost as bad as brittany circa 2007 . he got a good role & was introduced to the bad side of hollywood . parties , drugs , shady people & all that good stuff . he was influenceable & fell into all the traps . it was only 2 years later that his parents were able to snap him out of it . they ofc paid all the tabloids to keep the good name out of their articles , but if you do your research , you’ll find some pretty pics of lil morgan . 
since then , he has cleaned up his act . ofc he took a couple of years off , went to college, tried to focus on himself & discover who he was ( he wasn’t only a morgan , he was kane !! who is kane ?? ) & he only started starring in roles recently , post college graduation . 
he just got off his first acting job post - hiatus & it’s a blockbuster . i was thinking maybe inspired on those coming of age movies ( à la hot summer nights but w more traction ) & people are freaking out !! kane morgan on the big screen ?? WHAT ?? he came back to nc before he decides on what to do next .
ok so you can already guess that kane morgan is no humble kid . i like to think he has layers , but ppl can’t be bothered to look through all of them . 
some would say that his major problems stem from the fact that his parents didn’t give him enough attention & the public gave him too much . 
having your parents’ attention ? that’s so 2002 . 
for the press i like to think he has this movie star facade down . you know the old charming james dean smile , handsome but kind . loves the underdog , very humble about his social standing . generous , outgoing & loved by everyone . 
idk i never met james dean , all the information i have on him is taylor swift’s song : style .  
now if we dig a little deeper , he’s still quite the charmer ( c’mon he’s an actor after all ) , but maybe not as humble nor kind . he can be quite rude & entitled , but has some good jokes . don’t get him completely wrong , he’s still a bit generous ( he gives 25% tips wow ) . likes a good party , but knows his limits . always down for a good time . 
if we go even deeper , oof , he’s a bit broken . never learned to love properly , all he has it’s movies , which we can all agree are shit if you’re gonna base your attachment type on it . he lives on his own little world & likes to keeps his guards up . a sweetheart really , you can see past all the snobby film critic bullshit & he’s just a boy who wanna have fun & have a good life like all those people on the screen . 
you   would   fucken   think   im   a   film   major   but   NO   ,   i’m   not   even   that   fancy   w   movies   .   and   after   all   reading   all   those   movies   titles   ur   head   must   be   spinning   ,   MINE   IS   !!   but   ily   &   ur   an   absolute   queen   /   king   /   monarch   if   you   read   thru   all   of   this   !!   let   me   tag   my   plot   page   below   hehe   ,   it’s   were   we   get   angstyyy   !
plot page babey
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miller-day · 4 years
hi everyone!!
during the semi-hiatus i took from tumblr i became obsessed with psych (people who follow me on twitter know) and i even started writing about it. i thought it would be so funny to see how a crossover between shawn/gus and sherlock/watson would go, so i took it upon myself to make it happen. i’ve only written 6 pages of it but i’m thinking about going forward and writing more, but firstly i wanted to know if it’s actually worth it so i’m posting what i wrote on here and i hope that if ANYONE actually reads it and enjoys it, then let me know <3
(none of the characters are mine)
“Shawn Spencer. Psychic detective.” Watson shifts his glance from the open newspaper on the coffee table to Sherlock, who’s standing in the kitchen and looking like a misplaced giant, his 6 feet of flesh and bones (or just bones) still forming a comical comparison with the small-dimensioned furniture of their apartment, most of it bought by equally small-dimensioned Mrs. Hudson. “I see you’re now interested in the supernatural?”
 Sherlock scoffs. “Please. You know my demon-hunting days are long past.”
 Watson waits for Sherlock to develop his last statement, even though he’s not sure he actually wants to hear more of it, but his roommate’s attention seems to have been captured by the stirring sounds he’s making with the teaspoon against the glass of his mug. “What’s this doing here, then?”
 Sherlock doesn’t look at him to know what he was referring to. He goes about as though Watson’s presence in the room is as dispensable as a fly on a summer day, something you dismiss with a single hand motion and move on, and sits on his usual red sofa. Watson rolls his eyes, not yet immune to Sherlock’s peculiar way of being even after almost two years of friendship, and throws the newspaper onto his lap rather angrily, to which Sherlock replies, “Hey!”
 “Shawn Spencer,” Watson says, pointing at the bold black letters on the top of the page that’s facing Sherlock, the phrase PSYCHIC DETECTIVE SHAWN SPENCER SAVES THE CITY OF SANTA BARBARA FROM ANOTHER KILLING SPREE making its loud announcement above a picture of two guys proudly smiling in front of a police station. “You were reading this.”
 “How observant,” Sherlock replies, rolling his eyes. “Maybe you should be the one solving the crimes and I should be the one writing about it on my blog.”
 Watson exhales angrily. “Why are you avoiding this topic?”
 “It’s not so much avoiding this specific topic as much as it is me avoiding you,” Sherlock stops to take a sip of his tea. “I’m busy.”
 Watson rubs his left temple in an attempt to soothe the vein he’s foreseeing popping in a couple of seconds. “If you say so.”
 He ends up sitting dramatically on the opposing couch. They’re both silent for a while, Watson with his eyes closed and his head resting against the cushion, Sherlock noticing the rhythm of his best friend’s chest rising and falling as he approaches, slowly, the realm of sleep.
 “Alright, fine. Do you want to discuss this?” Watson opens his eyes in surprise at Sherlock’s sudden rupture of the room’s previous quietness. “I think the guy is obviously a con-man.”
 Watson blinks, noticeably distressed. “What makes you so sure?”
 “Oh, come on. Please don’t tell me you believe this bullshit.” Sherlock says, his sarcastic laugh creating an itch on his roommate’s skin, then places his mug on a table nearby. “You’ve believed worse, though, so I’m not exactly shocked.”
 “I just asked a question. I think the guy deserves the benefit of the doubt.”
 Sherlock’s expression is void of any inclination towards an agreement with Watson and giving the psychic even the tiniest bit of credibility. Crime-solving, as far as he is concerned, is an art, a study of the human brain, a test of one’s skills in terms of impulse-control and harmony of the senses, a practice no one can ever master in its entirety, and for someone to taint its name with something so low and idiot as an alleged psychic ability only makes him furious. The worst part, he thinks, is that people aren’t contesting it at all — the guy managed to make his name go from Santa Barbara to London after all, and from the looks of it, he has the entire local police department on his side.
 “Oh, don’t start,” he says, a tone of annoyance dripping from the edge of his words.
 “With what?” Watson asks, a little amused.
 “With your whole thing,” Sherlock gestures vaguely with his hands. “You’re free to think what you choose—”
 “How kind of you.”
 “—but I won’t let you waste my time with arguments in his defense. He either has someone on the inside or he actually solves the crimes, but I won’t acknowledge any talent on his part if he’s doing something so stupid as hiding under the pretense of ‘communications with the supernatural’,” he does the air-quotes mockingly, “or whatever term he uses to call it.”
 “Are you jealous because the spirits like him better than you do?” Watson asks, a smile of mockery slowly taking form on his lips. “I’m sure if you’re kinder to people they might just come around to talk. Y’know, if you’re a good bloke and all that.”
 “You’re thinking about Santa Claus, Watson, but given that he’s not any more real than whatever powers your little Shawn Spencer claims to possess, I suppose it’s a valid assumption.”
 “He has a partner. You know that, right?”
 “Who? Spencer or Santa?”
 “Shawn Spencer, obviously,” Watson replies. “You said you think he has someone on the inside, and he’s not alone in that picture. He works with someone.”
 “Oh, but I meant inside the police department, to give him information and such. The man on the picture is his...” Sherlock sighs. “Best friend, I guess. As if they couldn’t get more embarrassing.”
 Watson throws his head back in laughter and Sherlock stares blankly at him. “What?”
 “Nothing! It’s just...” He puts his hand over his mouth, then itches the back of his head, still smiling. “If you think about it, they’re kind of like us.”
 Sherlock’s face has an expression about it that makes him look as though he’s taken a bite out of a lemon. “What do you mean?”
 Watson hasn’t stopped giggling, and Sherlock looks at him with puzzlement, expecting an answer.
 “I mean, they’re two friends who solve crimes together.” Watson replies, his tone an indication of how obvious the comparison is.
 “I don’t suppose you’re suggesting I’m the Spencer in this scenario?”
 “Well, you’re the one who’s always going on with the ‘you see, but you don’t observe’ bullshit. I always thought you meant it literally, but perhaps you meant something more... metaphysical? Seeing like a psychic, maybe?”
 Sherlock stands up abruptly. “This isn’t funny, Watson.”
 Watson chuckles. “Agree to disagree.”
 “You know, I’m positive I could expose that Spencer within seconds of meeting him,” Sherlock says, and starts pacing around the room like his thoughts are too fast in his mind for him to be still. “His partner, for instance—”
 “I think you meant his best friend.” The smile of mischief is still there.
 “Is a pharmaceutical salesman. What does this tell you?”
 Watson furrows his brows in confusion. “That he has a discount on paracetamol?”
 “You’re useless. Utterly, completely useless,” Sherlock replies. “How did you even manage to get a medical degree?”
 “Oh, well, they just give it around these days,” Watson rests his elbows on his thighs and places his face on his hands, a Little-Mermaid-like position that weirdly fits him. “Showing up is pretty much the only requirement.”
 Sherlock ignores his roommate’s response and continues, this time more to himself than as a contribution to their conversation. “Shawn Spencer’s partner having another job is an indication that their whole business isn’t as solid as they make it seem. It might be to help with the money for rent and transportation and such, but it could also be that the financial guarantee he’s seeking is preparation for the moment when Shawn is inevitably exposed for being a fake.” Sherlock stops and scans Watson for an indication of him having been convinced. “Or he just had that job before this scam started and doesn’t trust Spencer to keep it for much longer, at least not enough to make him quit.”
 Watson rests his back against the cushion again. “I don’t know what you’re trying to accomplish with this bit, make me hate the guys?”
 “No, of course not. I just want to show you the other side of things, the real side. But you can choose to live in this delusion as much as you want. I mean, go ahead. Keep thinking the supernatural actually exists! I’m sure it helps you sleep at night.”
 Watson rolls his eyes and angrily grabs the newspaper, which, at this point, is on the floor, having been stepped on by Sherlock at least five times, and his eyes immediately fall on the picture. The one whom he reads is Shawn is on the left, plaid shirt and cocky grin giving him the appearance of an average guy you wouldn’t be surprised to see eating chicken wings or making obscure references to movies from the 80s. His hand is up as though he’s waving to the crowd in front of him, not even a little bit worried about his unconventional methods being an easy target of judgment. He looks like he belongs there, Watson realizes, and for a second he almost wishes he knew those guys. The best friend/partner, Burton Guster, is on the right, his hand placed on his chest in a gesture that would suggest humbleness if it weren’t for his facial expression, a look about him that seems equally receptive of the recognition and praise as Shawn is. He’s wearing a buttoned shirt that’s tucked under his pants with a belt, and the two of them form such a distinct contrast to each other that Watson finds it rather amusing. He can’t help but think about the many pictures of him and Sherlock that have appeared on the newspaper over the years, and he wonders if people have analyzed them the way he’s analyzing Shawn and Guster at this moment. They can undoubtedly notice Sherlock’s arrogance and Watson’s shyness from the capture of a lens, but can they also see his excitement, Sherlock’s determination, the deep and unspoken connection the two of them share but hardly ever acknowledge? Can they understand what motivates them from within, the drive for justice, the thrill of the chase pumping in their veins?
 “I think you’re being too harsh with them,” Watson says simply, putting the newspaper on the couch next to him.
 “How come?” Sherlock replies. “I think I’m being perfectly adequate.”
 “I don’t know,” he crosses his arms. “It’s just... Okay. Let’s suppose he is indeed faking his powers.”
 Sherlock points a finger at him. “Which he totally is.”
 Watson ignores him and continues, “Does that inherently mean he’s a bad person?” Sherlock stares at him, silent. “He has put a lot of bad people in jail, and no doubt has saved a lot of lives in the process... Doesn’t that give him a little bit of credit?”
 Sherlock takes a deep breath. He doesn’t respond immediately; instead, he walks to the window and gazes at the street below, strangers passing by with shopping bags and dogs on leashes and briefcases on hand, the sounds of London fading away as background noise as he concentrates on details of the everyday life. He notices the mark of a ring on the girl with the dog’s finger, the dust on the shoe of the guy with the briefcase, the small tear on the shopping bag carried by the woman. He absorbs all of it in, knowing none of this information is relevant to his existence, and takes a deep breath.
 He’s reminded of a babysitter he used to have back in the day. Susan Carter. She was, in theory, hired to take care of both him and Mycroft, but Sherlock’s brother, even in his youth, acted like someone older than his age, someone who could take plenty of care of himself even though he was still sleeping with a night light on and occasionally peeing his pants. Sherlock didn’t like Susan very much — he actually felt that way about pretty much everyone at that time, but with her it was especially intense because she’d spend the entire day checking in on him. He couldn’t just simply tune her out diving into the depths of his mind castle, because it was a guarantee she’d be there too, her high-pitched auntie voice asking him questions like, “Do you want some tea, Lockie?” or “Want me to read you a story?” Never mind the fact that she was merely doing her job, one which he was aware she was being paid for incredibly well (it wasn’t easy to find someone willing to accept employment in the Holmes residence those days): he wanted her out of his sacred place, expelled out of his house like a virus after an antibody attack.
 His will ended up being his way, in the end. Susan decided to quit after Mycroft put laxatives in her tea one day, and all of this happened because she had entered his room, without knocking, and caught him during one of his private costume sessions. Mycroft would sometimes spend hours alone in his room doing this — one day he’d be a king from the Victorian times, ordering the toys in his room to attend to his commands, and the other he’d be Britain’s first astronaut setting foot on the moon. Sherlock was never allowed in, even though he’d usually want to, much to his own dismay, and when his nanny caught Mycroft dressed up as Shakespeare in the middle of a reenactment of his own play, Mycroft decided it was best to put matters into his own hands. Or, really, the poor lady’s digestive system, which got torn to shreds after that tea. Sherlock was glad to see her gone, but it sadly wasn’t much long before another nanny stepped in to take her post, and the others after her blended together to create one amorphous being in his mind, all identities a dense cloud of memories he, to this day, associates with despair and annoyance.
 What made Susan stand out amongst them was the fact that she liked tarot cards. Sherlock always thought of it all as rather stupid and tried to avoid her “sessions” as much as possible, but sometimes she managed to catch him in the sofa, staring at the ceiling or memorizing the patterns of the paintings on the wall, and she’d say “let’s have a reading, Lockie! You’re not really doing anything much now, aren’t you?”, to which he’d have no reply. He’d sometimes run away to the garden, but other times he’d admit defeat and sit next to her on the dinner table, and she’d spread the cards and explain the meaning of every one of them, even the ones which weren’t chosen by Sherlock. Surprisingly, he’d sometimes find himself enjoying those moments, especially when Susan’s eyes would sparkle with excitement and he’d wonder if one day he’d ever feel that way about anything. She’d maneuver the cards with the utmost gentleness, like they were thin pieces of glass she could drop and break at any moment, and he’d almost let himself smile. He never would, though, because he was still a Holmes, therefore still genetically indisposed for such an act.
 Sherlock later in his life learned that Susan had died not long after she quit her job as his nanny. She was murdered by an ex-boyfriend who needed some money and was leeching off of her and the tiny, almost inexistent amount she had. She was stabbed eight times in her own living room, the very same Susan who would put an extra spoonful of sugar in his afternoon tea even though his mother’s orders were of strictly one. Sherlock hated himself the day he found out. When his mother told him over the phone, bile crawled up to the back of his throat and left in it a bitter taste that lasted until the next morning. Sherlock wanted to punch someone, punch himself. The murderer had already been caught by that point, but Sherlock wanted badly to be the one who had found him, perhaps because he felt like he owed something to Susan. He couldn’t catch his own eyes in the mirror for a while after that discovery.
 “I think I’m going to bed.”
 Watson blinks in surprise. “It’s five in the afternoon.”
 Sherlock wraps the belt of his robe on his stomach. “I am very tired.” He gives the reply as though it was an act of courtesy on his part, unneeded.
 “You said you were busy about three minutes ago.”
 He slumps his shoulders in a dramatic gesture like there’s a sudden weight on them he can’t bother to carry, and then straightens his posture again. “Haven’t you heard of procrastination, Watson? My being tired at this very moment doesn’t exclude my desire to sleep.”
 Watson narrows his eyes, bites his lower lip. “You’re planning something.”
 Sherlock fakes an appalled look. “I am going to bed. Think of that what you will.”
 He starts making his way across the living room and Watson says, “Tell me what you’re thinking!”
 “Ask your friend Spencer to tell you that! He’s a psychic, he’ll figure it out!” He’s halfway through the hallway by now, his screams reverberating against the walls.
 “You’re forgetting your tea!”
 “You can have it, it’s too sweet for me anyway!” is the reply before Sherlock closes the door and creates a vacuum in the room from the instant end of the conversation.
 Watson groans in frustration. “I could kill him. And I think I could get away with it. Except he’d solve the bloody thing in the afterlife. Oh, Watson, you were such a fool, left the clues right there for everyone to see!” He mimics Sherlock’s posh way of speaking.
 He picks up the mug Sherlock left on the table and takes a sip. “A perfectly good tea, also. That bastard.” Watson’s tone of voice is annoyed, but as he takes another sip, there’s a smile on his face.
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mrsslrss · 4 years
Welcome to my annual accounting of things I loved, 2019 edition. 
I’m realizing the pattern here is to start this with a reflection of how I rang in the year but 2019 crept in pretty calmly: no big bugs to kill, no spontaneous sobs to a Sharon Van Etten song. On the first day of this year, I woke up and cleaned the house and, I don’t know, probably went to Big Bear and got a coffee and took a nap. Since it’s nearly the end of the decade, I could start there, but I couldn’t tell you where I was for New Year’s Eve, 2009; if I had to guess, I’d put myself at a friend’s house on the North Shore, drinking PBR with the guys and listening to pop-punk. That winter I was convinced I wouldn’t return to Poughkeepsie, I was so miserable, but when I did things started to fall into place.
I think my goal for this year was roughly something like, Just put your head down and do the work. When you are tempted to get fed up and wither from frustration or have a big ego about not getting what you want, just put your head down and do the work. I don’t know if I did that, exactly, if I really stuck to the goal, but every so often in a particularly challenging moment the goal would come into focus at the front of my mind and I’d sigh and acquiesce and nod at the work ahead of me. I got a lot done, I think; in this way I got a lot done. It was nice to be reminded about how the process can be the goal -- something I thought about a lot this year. Sometimes the goal looks like a result, but it’s really the habit I’m after.
I’d like to keep that up next year. 2019 was a year of cultivating; 2020, maybe, will be a year of action. Or maybe not! Maybe nothing flowers until 2021 or beyond. Or maybe I start tearing things up by the roots in 2020, who knows! 
So anyway. Here’s to 2019, and here’s a list (more or less alphabetized -- why not!) of ten things that helped me make it through.
annie’s homegrown birthday cake bunny grahams
My official snack of the year. Over the summer I was visiting MZ in Brooklyn and we got snacks at their neighborhood grocery store and I bought these, which are meant to celebrate the 30th anniversary of this snack company, taste like funfetti cake, and are definitely meant for/marketed to children. But anyway I ate the whole box and then sought them out at every Whole Foods in my vicinity (because I went online and WH is apparently basically the only place you can find them?) and started preaching the good word to anyone who was looking for a snack. By, like, September I had eaten so many of these that I could no longer stomach them, so I’ve been on a brief hiatus, but still: snack of the year.
keeping lists
I started this year with a big digital spreadsheet called “2019 things” where I intended to keep lists: all the new albums and songs that struck me, all the old albums and songs I got obsessed with, the places I wanted to travel in the year. I kept adding tabs: the books I finished, my financial priorities, stuff I wanted to make sure to read or watch. I was pretty diligent about updating them -- I wrote down every book I read, but definitely forgot to add a couple albums; I never made it to Philly this year. I started keeping gratitude lists (analog) towards the end of year, too, because in college a friend told me it helps rewire the brain away from pessimism, or something. 
Before this year, I’ve never had a serious relationship with meditation, but it always seemed like the kind of thing I would like. In mid-January I got struck by the urge to try it, so I did, and kept it up for a few days, and then I fell off, and then I got back on, and now, somehow, it’s been three-hundred-something days of it in a row. I have learned to find a quiet moment in a nice corner of my room before work, but also in a tent in the Catskills, in a guest room in Wales, in a hotel in Georgia, on a walk through Brooklyn, in my childhood bedroom. My life and brain don’t feel, like, enormously different or changed, but that’s good; it feels useful to keep showing up to something without expectation.
my siblings
Having a big family means every year is inevitably a big year for someone, but this was, somehow, a big year for all of my siblings. Mostly good things: health and healing, a wedding and a graduation, a license acquired and a course of study started and jobs well done. It doesn’t feel good to get into the hard stuff here, but there was a lot of that, too -- a lot of grueling bullshit overcome. After the wedding I almost texted everyone just to say how proud I was of all of them, but naturally I chickened out. But I really am proud!
navy blue
Longtime readers of, uh, *gestures wildly* whatever this is may recall that last year I claimed I only wore black but might be interested in navy blue? This year I determined that navy blue is so good: the color of the deep ocean, the night sky, my first Catholic school uniform. I bought navy jumpsuits, a sweatshirt, a scrunchie. I wore navy-adjacent eyeliner just in the corners of my eyes most days of July and August and September. I’m wearing a navy blue sweater right now. A good year for navy. 
“not” by big thief
My song of the year, which I knew from the first time I heard it. So much of this year (the news, the planet, global catastrophes, mass violence, etc. not to mention personal failures) felt hopeless and dreadful, but also so constant and exhausting that I wasn’t sure I could keep summoning anger, never mind do it in a useful way. I love this song because it is about abjection in the same way it isn’t about anything, about absence as presence, about not-knowing as knowing. It is desperate without being hopeless, explosive without being violent, or maybe: violent without being harmful. It’s about transcending language and different kinds of language and using whichever tools you have (Words are good enough). It’s about being swallowed whole by the everything-ness, a theme that came up in so much of the work I loved this year, the subject of an essay I’ll never write (lol). Music Twitter™ got into an argument about whether this band is good; I feel so sure of my love for this song (and most of what this band does) that I, for once, didn’t immediately assume I was a fool, or being had, just because someone disagrees with me. Instead it felt delicious and special to resonate with a thing that doesn’t resonate for everyone, a rare and generous experience for me. Imagine that.
At the beginning of the year I signed up for a ten-week session of pottery classes at a studio in Georgetown, and then when I told M, he wanted to join (by which I felt incredibly endeared). Then it became ten more weeks, then ten more, and since then we’ve gone nearly every Thursday night. Some things that are nice: learning to to make something with my hands, especially after staring at a screen all day; not being able to look at my phone or read the news for several hours (related: so many of the Democratic debates happened on Thursday nights!); having a standing weekly date with my favorite person. Nearly everyone in our lives got lumpy bowls, vases, etc. for Christmas this year, of which we are very proud.
“rooms on fire” by stevie nicks
This year, Stevie Nicks became the first woman be inducted into the Rock & Roll Hall of Fame twice and so Rolling Stone interviewed her about her fabulous career. In the interview, Rob Sheffield said his favorite song of hers is “Ooh My Love” from The Other Side of the Mirror, which is an album I had never listened to before, so I started listening and the first song just hooked me. It’s so dramatic and magical and moody! It’s right up there on the Apple Music-generated playlist of my most-played songs of the year.
For several years one of my repeated resolutions was “go to Scandinavia.” Sweden has always been the big goal, but Oslo seemed possible for a minute, and in 2013 I did briefly entertain the idea of going to graduate school in Finland. (Imagine!) This year I got really fed up of having not really, you know, taken a proper vacation since starting my job, so I took a full week off after my sister’s wedding and planned a solo trip to Stockholm. Each day of my trip I woke up whenever I woke up and I explored a different island; I went for long runs, drank coffee, ate kardemummabullar, took the subway across town, saw a one-of-a-kind Viking ship. I burst into tears at the Moderna Museet, ate through a vegetarian tasting menu at the Fotografiska, had an extremely lovely spa experience. I read three books in a week. I loved every second of it.
I bought a big gaudy pink wig this spring in anticipation of seeing Sasha Velour’s one-woman show in New York -- or, I told myself I bought it for that reason, but I think I really just wanted the possibility of wearing a big gaudy pink wig at will. After the Sasha show, I wore it to see Robyn at The Anthem, and was delighted when, after I put a picture on Instagram, a handful of people in my life thought I had a) dyed my hair pastel pink and b) grew my hair ~half a foot over the weekend. (I wish!) I think I’ll wear it for our house’s beach-themed NYE party, too.
everything else 
frequent, long drives with M; songs about solidarity; the #saltypod; custom t-shirts; craving waffles; having an e-reader; the concept of “the archive”; choosing kindness; threatening to move to rural new england to work on a farm; being in love
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bambamsgotjams · 5 years
NCT Mafia AU || Mark’s Backstory
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I finally got around to start writing the backstories for each of the members. I’m hoping to start having regular updates this summer for this series. I’m so greatful to all of you for continuing to support me throughout my hiatus. I hope you guys enjoy and if you are slightly confused be sure to read the member’s bios first!
My life had never been easy. Ever since I was a child I had never had the best relationship with my father. The main reason was because he was never around to be there to help support my mother and I. Growing up it had mainly been just me and her. I rarely saw my father unless it was late at night when my mother would allow me to stay up with her to watch those black and white movies on the Hallmark channel. Even then it was only for a few minutes and most often he was drunk so he’d stumble in through the door, walk to the fridge to find a bottle of water, and then mutter a good night before finding his way to the bedroom. My mother would always roll her eyes and made me promise I wouldn’t end up like my father.
When I was a young teen my father had finally opened up to me about being the leader of a mafia gang. I didn’t quite understand what a mafia was. The only time I had ever head it mentioned was on the news. I knew they were criminals, but I didn’t realize how bad it was. My father took pride in his job although my mother claimed he wasn’t very good at it and was notorious for making the worst decision possible. 
My father had always wanted me to follow in his footsteps. Being his son, I technically was next in line to be the leader. I didn’t really want to be involved, but being the son of a leader didn’t really give me a choice. I was already involved just by being born. My mother had always told me that she regrets not running away with me when she had the chance so she could keep me from being involved with this. She had experienced it first hand when she started dating my father not knowing he was in the gang. Unfortunately she was trapped in a relationship she couldn’t escape from. I have seen the way my father treats my mother. He makes it obvious she was forced into this marriage and he clearly doesn’t treat her right at all. As a thirteen year old I had made it my duty to always protect my mother. My father did do his part on protecting the family, even thought he wasn’t exactly good at it, it was enough to keep us from getting killed.
As I grew older my father grew more and more distant from the family. He claimed that it was because he was planning something big for the benefit of his gang. Unfortunately that didn’t go as planned. By the time I was eighteen my father had come clean to my mother and I about planning an ambush EXO. EXO at the time was good at gambling and they were pretty good at getting what they wanted. My father had told us he wanted to ambush them and rob them of their money and kill the gang off. That made both my mother and I nervous. Although I claimed to never have had a good relationship with my father, he still was my father and I couldn’t help but become nervous for him. My father wanted me to join him on his ambush but I refused telling him that someone had to stay behind to protect my mother in case the gang found out and targeted his family. It was a bullshit excuse and to my surprise my father allowed me to saying I would become a good leader because I cared for my family. That was the first time my father had ever said something to me that was remotely like a compliment. 
The next morning the news had broken out that my father’s gang failed the ambush leaving the result to be fatal. It was said my father fled from the scene never to be seen again. I’m not going to lie, it still hurts me to this day that my father left my mother and I in a vulnerable position. Even though the gang no longer existed, my mother and I are still involved by association and other gangs know about our existence and that both of us know about where things are hidden and secrets of the gang. I was furious at my father. He was foolish, a coward I could even say. I wanted nothing more than to get revenge on him. I wanted to show him what it felt like to feel betrayed and left alone. The worst part is, he didn’t have any remorse for the price he left on both my mother’s and my back.
Later that year, the worst that I could imagine had happened. I always had a fear of leaving my mother alone every day when I had to attend school. Being eighteen I was still in my last year of high school and in order to promise my mom to live a successful life I had to get an education. I didn’t want to leave her every day, but she always reassured me that she would be okay. I remember coming home from school one day a few months before my graduation to the empty apartment. It was unusual because my mother usually would leave a note if she was headed somewhere. Typically she wouldn’t leave the apartment unless there was some sort of emergency. With that in mind I began to worry. I rampaged around the apartment in search of any clues as to where she had left. My mother was a cook, she always had a huge love for cooking and baking just about anything eatable. I remember walking into the kitchen to the stove beeping like crazy and black smoke filing out of the closed door to the oven. I coughed as I turned it off and opened the oven to burnt cookies that were definately way too black to eat. Being a perfectionist with her food I knew something was wrong. 
I cursed as I caught myself from almost slipping in a puddle. I looked to the ground and noticed that not only my white converse, but the floor below me was covered in not drops, but puddles of red crimson blood. Weeks and weeks had past before I got any sign as to where my mother was. I couldn’t sleep at all during those days in fear that my mother was gone. Something in me told me that she was still alive, even if it was just barely, but that itself was enough to give me hope that I would find her.
I had received a text from an unknown number stating that they had my mother and sent me the location. I felt my blood boiling as I grabbed a jacket and a knife from the drawer before heading to the location. Angry tears were pooling out of my eyes as I ran to the address. It was a large abandoned building. The doors were made of heavy steel and locked by a security scan. I surprisingly found a scan card sitting just below the scanner and laughed at how unsafe it was. I scanned the card and spent what felt like hours running around the building until I found a dimly lit light coming from out of a door in the basement. I mentally cursed to myself for being stupid enough not to check the basement first. Everything bad happens in the basement. 
I quickly ripped open the door and saw my mother tied to a chair in the center of the room, her hair matted and greasy with bits of dried blood stuck in the tangles. Her entire body for that matter was covered in blood making my entire body boil with rage. I ran to her and kneeled down in front of her.
“Mom,” I had spoken quietly as I looked at her. She looked absolutely misrable. Her eyes were bloodshot red, she had gashes all over her body and three of her fingers were missing. To my surprise, her gashes were all healing rather than becoming infected and where her fingers used to be were small wrap bandages. My mother looked at me and started crying happy tears and spilled out everything that had happened. To save the long story that I could barely sit through myself, she basically had been captured by one of my father’s rival gangs and she told me that a man had saved her.
As if on cue, footsteps were heard from behind us. I turned my head to face a tall man with his hair dyed red. He had an emotionless expression on his face and stuck his hands in his jacket pockets as he walked up to us. I stood up to face him, gripping the kitchen knife tightly in my jacket pocket.
“There’s no need for that,” He spoke as if he knew I was holding onto a weapon. The man took a gun and a few knives out of his belt and set them on the ground, “I’m not here to hurt you.”
He looked at me as if he was waiting for me to put my own weapon down. I turned to face my mom and she gave me a small nod as if she was telling me to trust him. I don’t know why I did, but i took the knife out of my pocket and placed it on the ground immediately standing defensively in front of my mother.
“Mark,” I heard her quiet voice speak up, “He saved me.”
I looked to the tall man who was basically hovering over me at this point. I relaxed my body and placed a hand on my mother’s shoulder.
“You saved my mother, but that doesn’t mean I trust you,” I spoke harshly at him.
“That’s a shame. I’ve been watching you for a while Mark Lee,” He spoke my fully name causing me to wince in anger, “You’re a strong man and I definately could use someone like you on my team.”
“I vowed to myself I wouldn’t join a gang, not after what happened with my father.”
I moved to untie my mother’s wrists and helped her up. The man looked down at my pathetic weapon and then back up at me. 
“I could help you better protect your mother,” My head perked up at his statment. I looked at him once more before scowling.
“I’m perfectly fine protecting her on my own thank you.”
“From the looks of it, you didn’t do a good job this time and lucky for you, I found her before they killed her.”
I looked back to my mother who nodded her head. 
“This choice is all yours Mark. I just want you happy. You don’t always need to be there to protect me. You already are twice the man your father ever was.”
I knew I was going to regret this decision until the day I died, but I felt like I didn’t have any other choice. I did owe him one and he knew I would do anything to keep my mother alive, so I agreed.
Now, here I am as the underboss for Lee Taeyong
82 notes · View notes
bakudekuficlibrary · 6 years
BakuDeku: Protective Katsuki Part I
Click here for Part II & Part III!
1 Series. 64 Works.
Before Midnight by DriftingGlass ( E | 211,528 | 28/28 )
Izuku Midoriya takes the same train to and from school Monday through Friday, morning and night. His only company during these lonesome hours comes in the form of another boy his age—a teen with scarred hands and blood gem eyes, a stranger with ash-blond hair who walks in a shroud of danger and mystery.
"Would you stop with that fucking muttering, idiot?"
And before Izuku can find his footing, his life becomes a full-blown collision course thanks to walking cannonball Katsuki Bakugou.
(And along the way he may have found the missing fuel to his fire).
[Graphic Depictions of Violence | Underage | Abuse]
Cinnamon Bun Bun by DarkMachi   ( E | 108,071+ | 45/? )
In a world with humanoid creatures called "pets", Katsuki Bakugou finds himself suddenly the owner of a timid curly haired rabbit.  How the fuck did that happen?  Will the reluctant new owner and abandoned pet be the best thing for each other or will it end in disaster?  Only the tags will ever know.
Warm and fuzzy fluff pet AU with hints of angst and humor!  
*This story is mostly about fluff.  Warning and "past" tags for a backstory chapter(s) almost exclusively.  Will warn at the beginning of ANY chapter with ANY sensitive issues.*
[Rape/Non-con | Past Abuse | Panic Attacks]
Lost Omega by GreyDayMoon ( E | 45,574 | 15/15 )
Izuku was just trying to take care of himself and his mother but a single slip up sends him into unfamiliar territory where he encounters an aggressive alpha who drags him into tribe life.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Underage | Dubcon]
Dark Side of the Sun by Synnie ( T | 51,597 | 20/20 )
Staying up too late playing video games, Kirishima wasn't expecting to get an urgent call begging for help. Next thing he knew, he was letting his classmate Izuku Midoriya take refuge in his apartment - without consulting his always angry roommate.
Series Part 1 of Dark Side of Space
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Past Abuse | Stalking | Self Harm | Panic Attacks]
briar roses (and hundred years of sleep) by vannral ( E | 15,951 | 5/5 )
In complete honesty, no one who knows the Class 3-A should be surprised anymore. Izuku is asleep.
In which Izuku is hit by a ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Quirk, Class 3-A tries to find his True Love and get them to kiss him, and Katsuki’s very angry about it all.
In A Sky Of A Million Stars (Who Cares If One More Light Goes Out?) by Stringlish ( M | 49,956+ | 15/? )
He could never forgive himself.
It was his fault.
He’d planted the idea like a seed he’d never known would grow.
(Or: What if Izuku jumped?) (OR: The one where Izuku jumps and lives and Katsuki visits him every day and Class 1-A not-so-secretly finds it adorable that their designated angry pomeranian brings flowers to his comatose childhood friend.)
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | PTSD | Suicide Attempt]
Hear Me by my_name_is_Levi ( G | 22,419 | 5/5 )
It wasn’t as if nightmares were uncommon for the freshman class of Yuuei. They’d seen plenty of things, heard and felt and witnessed enough travesty in their lives to last them a lifetime. But Midoriya Izuku was screaming, and no one, not even Bakugo Katsuki could ignore it.
On The Run by Justaperson1718 ( E | 159,534+ | 29/30 )
(Based in an AU where All Might loses to All For One)
Follow Izuku and Katsuki as they fight together for their very survival and mature through their experiences with each other, on the run together from the League of Villains with no one to depend on but each other. The two will have to work out their differences if they want to continue to live and escape the villains.
Izuku will have to become stronger to finish what All Might started, meanwhile Katsuki will figure out his feelings for his new companion while slowly overcoming some of his bad habits.
[Major Character Death | Underage]
{Note about completion status: The fic is essentially complete, as the author has stated the main story is complete and the epilogue is up. The final chapter that is yet to be posted will show a side-character’s side of the story.}
New To Both Of Us by GrumpyTanner, underoriginal ( E | 37,774+ | 16/? )
Bakugou hadn't expected this when he got his first (and only!) Pet on a whim. He hadn't expected the nibbling, the teasing, the fear...
And he definitely hadn't expected to find the love of his life. But here he is, with a rabbit and a hard-on. What's a hero to do?
[Past Abuse]
Quirks of the Soul by Rxel ( M | 52,047+ | 38/? )
Something in Izuku's mind snaps when Kacchan flings the words "Make a leap of faith from the roof and believe with all your might that you will have a ‘Quirk’ in the next life" at him after he exploded his Hero notebook.
It was the last push he needed to tip over the edge.
Series Part 1 of Katsuki and Izuku
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Suicide Attmpt | Self Harm]
[On Hiatus] Forget Me Not by datboii ( M | 52,542+ | 17/? )
Izuku was hit by a memory regression quirk. Katsuki was having none of that shit.
[On hiatus]
Hummingbird Heartbeat by Tokiji ( M | 76,731+ | 16/? )
“The knife went through his fucking chest, Kirishima.” Katsuki spat his name into his face, mouth twisting into a vicious snarl, teeth and all. “You know that's where his heart is, right? And his fucking lungs? All the vital shit?”
Kirishima blanched. “I-I know, I just meant—”
“What, you mean to tell me that your stupid fuckin’ ass is so ignorant to forget that he lost a shit ton of blood, hah?! Yeah, it was a flippin’ knife wound, oh hoo-ray, but look at the nerd now! He’s fucking dying because of it!”
The World Is Silent (we are loud) by RedHeadsRock1010 ( T | 62,233+ | 14/? )
There is only one Angel and one Demon at a time – born each generation after the previous one dies and destined to keep the balance of the world in a vicious battle of good verses evil until the end of existence.
The current Demon stared at the Angel humming and weaving pink flowers into his own bright green curls next to him. A crown of red roses already sat on the Demon's head.
Yeah, fuck that bullshit.
surveying, reconciliation (and other forms of not-matchmaking) by vannral ( E | 17,449 | 6/6 )
In all honesty, Izuku thinks he really shouldn’t be having this crisis.
In which Mina has fun trying to play matchmaker, Izuku has Realizations™ about his feelings for Katsuki, and the class 1-A will witness many weird things.
Second Chance by Saysi  ( M | 84,140 | 42/42 )
"If you are still breathing, you have a second chance" - Oprah Winfrey
Izuku Midoriya's life has been plagued with mistakes. People have been hurt, friends have been lost, accidents have happened. When the country is nearing imminent destruction, he remembers every bad move, every wrong word, and wonders if he could have changed things.
Then time stops.
Izuku Midoriya grew up thinking he was Quirkless - turns out he just needed to face death to activate it.
PSA: People, please, do your homework before reading. The fic will still be here when you get back, I promise.
[Suicide Attempt]
Scream Like A Banshee, Make You Jump Out Of Your Skin. by LahraTeigh ( T | 2,235 | 2/2 )
Midoriya presents as an Omega in the middle of class, and unfortunately for everyone they witness the moment Bakugou finds out who his soulmate is.
It's Okay, Quirkless by VMarus ( M | 34,187+ | 15/? )
Izuku just wants to make his mother proud and to be happy with himself.
AU. Quirkless Vigilante Izuku!
Series Part 1 of Quirkless, Not Helpless.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Major Character Death
[Series] This is why I don't have kids by Saysi ( T | 15,132+ | 2 Works | WIP )
When Midoriya Izuku gets hit by an age-reversion Quirk, the last thing anyone expected to find out is that Toddler-Izuku is a little shit. Except for one Bakugou Katsuki, who has seen this phase one too many times already. And apparently his "Kacchan" is the only one who can deal with Izuku's screaming fits.
When Bakugou Katsuki gets hit by an age-reversion Quirk, no one is surprised to found out he's still an asshole. Unfortunately one Midoriya Izuku is stuck taking care of him to repay the favour. It's a good thing his "Deku" makes a good wife.
Remember Me by Blue_Writer ( M | 61,066+ | 23/? )
It had been years since Bakugou was exiled from his home and became the savage dragon king, but one good thing finally came to his life when he met Izuku again. The only issue, is that he doesn't remember him.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Racism]
Oubaitori by DriftingGlass ( M | 32,666+ | 4/16 )
From the moment he was born, Izuku understood that he was different. He was a rarity, an omega; not necessarily seen as useful or even desirable. It didn't take long, however, for his entire future to be placed in the hands of an alpha, one by the name of Katsuki Bakugo.
Through many pitfalls, confusion, and pains of growing up in a city where both are outcasts of their own kind, it takes more than just the threads of instinct and arranged contracts to bring two hearts together.
Love isn't fate. It's pure luck.
[On Hiatus] Lex Talionis by DriftingGlass ( M | 40,232+ | 6/35 )
“Are you sure you’re willing to do this?”
Aizawa barely recognized his own voice, ashen in the grasp of a stormy summer night.
Under the glare of his living room lights, Toshinori’s leathery face held a smile. A ghost from times long gone.
He stirred a cube of sugar into his coffee, fingers bony and shaking around his mug.
“If there is one good thing I can do for this child, as dangerous as he is… then it will be this.”
Aizawa knew, once the words fell from his comrade’s mouth—a more solid declaration than the deaths he’d witnessed—that there would be no changing his mind.
[ In which Toshinori Yagi, a shadow of his former self, raises an orphaned Izuku as his disciple... with a little bit of a twist. ]
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Abuse]
Law-Abiding Citizen by s_trychnine ( T | 2,131 | 1/1 )
Bakugou Katsuki has very little chill, this is a known fact. He does however, do his best not to get into legal trouble. Bakugou Katsuki couldn't get along with Midoriya Izuku if you put a gun to his head, this is an even more well known fact. Apparently someone decided to chew up those facts and spit them back out because that was definitely not the case in this very moment and christ almighty someone's going to have to pinch the entirety of Class 1-A, because this had to be a fever dream.
Or alternatively: Deku's dad is back in town and nobody is happy about, especially not Bakugou.
[Implied/Referenced Child Abuse (Past Abuse)]
2,645 Miles by mynameis152 ( E | 124,500+ | 36/? )
Izuku wants so badly to get to the other side of the country without his parents realizing he's missing. He just wants to find out who he is.
Katsuki is desperate to make it to Los Angeles without being caught by the police, desperate to fix his mistakes.
Neither know what to expect, but on a roadtrip across the U.S. involving four fugitives, two oblivious runaways, a high risk crime ring, and a police taskforce, the two will discover that there's more in store for them than what they originally thought.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Attempted Sexual Assault | Panic Attacks]
Marshmallow by choimarie ( Not Rated | 3,359 | 1/1 )
day 3: tears
“Yo! Look at what we have here!” A voice said loudly and Izuku's heart stopped.
He turned around, his eyes widening.
A group of six alphas was walking his way towards him.
Series Part 3 of Bakudeku week 2k18
Hero & Zero by GreyDayMoon ( Not Rated | 10,751+ | 5/? )
Bakugou was the number one hero, surrounded by fans, and loaded with fame and fortune. So why would he care if a boy from his childhood still watched him from the edge of crowds? He wouldn't give a shit about Deku who would? Who would even be looking for that stupid messy green hair?
Except maybe he would.
Instincts by HG_Wells ( E | 4,184 | 2/2 )
Izuku presents as a very special and VERY rare type of Omega and enters the worst heat imaginable, he needs to find an equally as rare Alpha to help him with this problem. Not so thankfully, he knows only one person that is able to help him with this situation. His very own personal bully.
Bakugou Katsuki.
Wild Child by SaltyTofu  ( E | 10,309+ | 5/? )
Imagine Tarzan, but KatsuDeku,
with wolves instead of gorillas,
and with a lot more smut.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence]
Don't Look by GrimReader ( M | 56,089+ | 12/? )
No one spots the cracks. No one notices how carefully pieced together he is. Under his bright smile and determined gaze no one sees, no one hears, NO ONE feels how broken he is.
At least, that’s what he thought.
Izuku is not human. He is a fraud. Not deserving of any love. Nothing but a vile monster.
At least, that’s what he believed.
He’s made of scales not glass. He’s always in control. He is invincible.
That is, until he became Midoriya Izuku.
[Former title: H(iS)tory]
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Major Character Death | Self Harm | Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-con]
Yūrei no Eiyū by FandomManiac22 ( T | 11,769+ | 5/? )
"If you wanna be a hero that badly, there’s a quick way to do it. Believe that you’ll be born with a quirk in your next life and take a swan dive off the roof!”
When Katsuki’s comment comes at just the wrong time, Izuku takes his advice. But it is not the end.
Alternatively: In another world where Izuku is attacked by the sludge villain on the way to school instead of after it, his dreams get crushed too soon. With nothing to save him and Katsuki’s words ringing in his ears, Izuku decides to end it all by jumping off his school’s roof. As his body cracks on the ground, Izuku does not pass on to the next world. Instead, he is left as a ghost among many others. When the slime villain escapes from jail and attacks the person Izuku can’t help but care for, he learns that there may be more to his afterlife than he thought.
And maybe he can be a hero after all.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Major Character Death | Suicide]
The Offering by Bakuholic ( T | 7,032+ | 4/? )
Every year, an offering is given to the dragon race as a trade off for the dragons' protection. This year, Izuku Midoriya is the human offering.
He trembles at the very thought of his death being by the claws of a dragon. However, his expectations of his future seem to turn when an ash blonde alpha dragon begins to grow fond of him and adds him to his hoard of treasure.
(I"m not good at summaries it seems)
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence]
Not All Heroes Wear Capes by vulcanhighblood ( T | 11,002 | 3/3 )
When Kacchan offered to scare off pushy groupies and nosy reporters for Izuku, he hadn't realized that Kacchan was planning to lie about the two of them being in a relationship in order to do so.
Petals In Your Hair by Yuechum ( T | 16,121+ | 15/26 )
Katsuki sees him with sunlight in his hair, the lines of his face softer and more gentle in these brief moments. He looks breathtaking like this he'll think, watching all the while, wondering just when Izuku became someone to long for so deeply.
The slightest hint of a smile lingers on Izuku's face when he notices, and the urge to touch grows, grows, grows.
katsuki bakugou is incapable of love. or so they thought. by alpwaca ( T | 6,276 | 1/1 )
in which their class tries to figure out if Bakugou and Midoriya are dating.
Lights. Camera. Hero! by brichibi ( E | 23,248+ | 6/? )
If there’s one thing Izuku Midoriya’s good at, it’s dreaming big, and dreaming hard. That’s why he’s in Hollywood, of all places, his hometown an entire ocean away along with his graduating high school class and single mother. But he’s gonna be an actor, an international sensation, a superstar like no other.
He just.
Has to convince the rest of the world.
Which is, admittedly, a difficult task.
[AU where "My Hero Academia" is an upcoming television series, everyone's an actor/actress, and romance happens behind the scenes]
Day and Night by Soundsoftherain ( Not Rated | 18,527+ | 4/? )
Midoriya Izuku was born quirkless in a society where your quirk equates to your worth. What did this mean then, for the child whose smile was made of sunshine? The boy who had selfless dreams bursting from the seams?
His father knew, that’s why he’d left. And his mother?
Well…That’s where the story begins.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Abuse]
Lovebites by mynameis152 ( M | 58,375+ | 18/? )
Katsuki Bakugou was going to hate this summer.
He thought he'd hate it because he was being forced to leave home and work for his mother's friend in a small, seaside town. He thought he'd hate it cause he was being punished for burning his room to a crisp. He thought he'd hate it because he hated change.
But it turns out, he hated the Supernatural Turfwar between four species that shouldn't exist but do a whole lot more....
The one where Katsuki is forced to move in with Inko for the summer and finds himself falling for a particular bloodsucker....
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Abuse]
[On Hiatus] The Duo by furipuri ( M | 21,385+ | 8/? )
As children, Katsuki and Izuku make the promise to become a duo hero team. Things don't go quite as planned.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Attempted Rape/Non-Con]
I'll Be Your Hero by bakudeku ( T | 2,536+ | 4/? )
Katsuki wants to protect Izuku. He wants to make sure Izuku never has to cry again. Maybe this was his chance to fix everything, to make sure he didn't make the same mistakes as before. If this really isnt a dream, if Katsuki really is in the past, then he'd do anything his little body could to keep Izuku safe.
This time, he'll stay by Izuku's side.
[On Hiatus] synthesis by DriftingGlass  ( M | 31,325+ | 6/? )
They didn’t know how it happened, or when a concept so fickle and ridiculous blossomed in the garden of doubts, anger, and pain in which they so frequently visited.
Between scarred hands and bloodied knuckles, unspoken thoughts stirred like petals in springtime rain.
Bakugo was not prepared for the undeniable change spurring between them.
Unfortunately, neither was Midoriya.
Baby Boom by Minglisabeth ( T | 20,546 | 10/10 )
Bakugou and Midoriya accidentally have a baby.
NOT MPREG, Baby comes from quirk shenanigans.
Series Part 1 of MHA Adventures in Parenthood
Back to Reality by menengaur ( M | 46,975+ | 10/? )
Katsuki's childhood friend disappeared when they were both seven. While everyone else gave hope, Katsuki made a promise to become the No.1 hero. If he couldn't find Izuku, then he would at least destroy those who took him.
How will he react when Izuku returns with powers beyond what should be possible.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence]
Room 207 by bakudeku ( Not Rated | 8,796+ | 4/? )
No one, not even Bakugou Katsuki, could deny that Izuku was adorable as fuck.
ᶜᵃⁿ ᶦ ᵍᵉᵗ ᵘʰʰʰʰʰʰ
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[Suicide Attempt]
Late Bloomer by HG_Wells ( E | 4,752 | 1/1 )
It's the beginning of their last year of Junior High, Izuku Midoriya is a normal Beta. He isn't anything special, at least he doesn't think so. His first heat comes at school and in the end, he ends up at Bakugou Katsuki's house.
Alone with him.
What's the worst that could happen?
(It's better than it sounds I promise)
Bakudeku Week 2018
[Underage | Bullying | Attempted Rape/Non-Con]
[On Hiatus] The Mummy by Spectra ( E | 98,732+ | 17/? )
Midoriya Izuku's adopted brother, Kirishima, brings him a strange puzzle box that contains the whereabouts to the famed Hamunaptra, otherwise known as the City of the Dead. The city, lost somehwere within the depths of Egypt, is said to have held great power during the golden All Might Era. It is also rumored to be the final resting place of the king's all powerful books; The Book of Life, and the Book of the Dead. Izuku doesn't believe in magic, he believes in history, and that's exactly what he expects to find in these books.
To actually get there, Izuku has no choice but to accept the help of the infuriating, and ridiculously short fused soldier, Bakugou, who claims to have been there before. The ensuing ride tests both Izuku's and Bakugou's patience, and the two form the most unlikely of alliances.
Little do they know, the power that they are messing with should have remained undisturbed, and there is something more lurking with the tombs of Hamunaptra than treasure...
All the Cracks They Left Behind by linkami1379 ( M | 11,175 | 1/1 )
Katsuki and Izuku become soul bound to each other when Katsuki is captured by the League of Villains.The shift in perception rocks them both to their cores and they seek to fill in the cracks life has carved into each other's hearts.
Series Part 1 of My One and Only
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Underage]
A Place Called Home ( E | 3,812 | 5/? )
"It's okay now, we're your new family. We won't ever hurt you."
[Past Rape/Non-Con | Past Abuse | Homophobia | Addiction]
and the rest is rust and stardust by youreanovelidea ( G | 8,587 | 1/1 )
Kirishima likes to think that he knows his classmates pretty well. But sometimes, he looks at Bakugou and Midoriya and wonders if he even knows them at all. He wonders if anyone does.
(or, Kirishima notices the moments hidden between childhood friends, offers encouraging words, and maybe kisses Kaminari in the process)
A Little Issue by arealhoe ( G | 6,985+ | 3/? )
Everyone awoke to an ear piercing screech.
A child? What’s a kid doing in the dorms…? Aizawa thought, as he lugged his tired body through the hall, trying to find the source of the screams. One by one, students started bursting out of their rooms, “What’s that screaming? “Did a kid get in here?” everyone was panicking at the sudden chaos. “Calm down, everyone. Jirou, use your quirk to find where that shrieking is coming from, everyone else, quiet down!” Kyoka plugged her earphone into the wall, closing her eyes. “It’s coming from… Midoriya’s room?” Aizawa threw open Izuku’s room door, only to find a small Izuku, huddled in the corner, crying his heart out. Jesus fucking Christ… Aizawa whispered under his breath, walking towards the child. “W-who are you? W-where’s my mom? Did she send me away?” Little Izuku could barely get the words before everyone saw him, and the chaos started all over again.
Tinted Windows by sula (black_oak) ( E | 18,250+ | 8/? )
Bakugou and Deku have been rivals since the third grade. Now seniors in high school, Katsuki looks forward to destroying the nerd once and for all. But, on the first day of school, Deku arrives a mere shell of the boy he used to be…
Nothing will ever be the same.
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | Underage | Self Harm | Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con]
[On Hiatus] Please Don't Take My Sunshine Away by estupidaval ( T | 5,994+ | 4/? )
“Oh- oh my god.” He whimpered.
“I,” Izuku swallowed. “I think they heard the phone ring.”
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence]
20% by MayTentacleBeWithYee, MissEmotionallyMasochistic  ( Not Rated | 1,386+ | 1/? )
Izuku should have been paying attention.
The man behind him looks hungry.
[Rape/Non-Con | PTSD]
and the screams all sound the same by youreanovelidea ( Not Rated | 1,265 | 1/1 )
"Quiet, Deku," a low voice says quietly. "I've got you." And an arm slips around his waist and there are fingers carding through his hair, gentle and soft, and he can feel the screams that he had shoved into his stomach threatening to escape.
(or, Izuku's nightmares are cold and Katsuki's hands are warm)
Reignite by MorningMoon ( G | 1,400 | 1/1 )
Their classmates knew there was something going on with Izuku and Katsuki, but they didn't know how much they had been missing out. Also, Kacchan saves the day and proves that he has redeemed himself.
[Panic Attacks]
Yell It From The Top Of Your Lungs by estupidaval ( T | 2,897 | 1/1 )
Being seen as weak by many is frustrating. Even so when it's almost everyone who looks at you.
At this, Izuku sheepishly lowered his gaze, and said “Strong people cry…”
At this, Aizawa smiled again, “And what are you doing right now, Izuku?”
“Crying,” He replied as he picked at his finger nails.
Aizawa decided to keep pushing, as Izuku knew what he was implying, but wouldn't budge.
He raised an eyebrow and spoke up once more, “So, you are…”
And ‘Ah, there it is.’ Aizawa thought to himself as a smile crept it's way onto the boy’s mouth. Izuku lifted his gaze once more and looked back into Aizawa's eyes,
Entanglement by srysmnwrites ( T | 14,847+ | 7/? )
Izuku thought that returning home would be good for him.
Oh, how wrong he was.
Returned Favor by CrystalDragonette  ( Not Rated | 1,332 | 2/2 )
Set when Bakugou was taken by the League of Villains, he finds out that Dabi has less than innocent intentions towards Deku.
Series Part 1 of Dekubowl
[On Hiatus] Daemon Sense by LostBear ( G | 14,266+ | 8/? )
Midoriya Izuku has the quirk daemon sense, to be able to see manifested souls in the form of animals. She is determined to be a hero, with her daemon Naoko by her side. Her best friend Kacchan is taken along -willingly- for the ride.
Watch Izuku nose her way into other -familiar- peoples lives without thinking of the consequences...
It All Started With Beer & Pizza by x_tincan_x ( E | 29,237+ | 11/? )
Half an hour after Kirishima had left, there was a knock on the door. Katsuki had a beer in his hand and walked over to the door. Mumbling under his breath, “fucking shitty hair forgot his fucking keys again..” to himself.
Katsuki opened the door, he looked from the dripping wet Kirishima to the equally soaked male he had gone to pick up. When he saw the familiar tangle of green hair and freckles, he choked on his drink. “The fuck…?” he half whispered.
Or, the one where Izuku has a past that he finds hard to talk about. Can he build himself back up with the help of his new friends, and re-kindle a relationship with his childhood friend?
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | PSTD | Panic Attacks | Past Abuse | Implied/Referenced Rape/Non-Con]
A Reaper's Assistant by TatoBugTheDestroyer ( T | 23,121 | 14/14 )
What kind of fucktard is in charge here? What dumbass thought it was a good idea to pair Katsuki with an angel! Of all creatures to help him play the role of a reaper, they chose an angel! He didn’t even need any help, dammit! So, yeah, he missed a few deadlines, accidentally delivered a few people to the wrong place, so fucking what! He damn sure didn’t need help!
-Or- Reaper Katsuki fucks up and as a result, is paired up with Izuku, a High Councilman angel of Heaven to make sure it doesn't happen again.
Void of Pain by Running_wild829 ( T | 19,308+ 12/? )
Kidnapped by his own villainous father at the young age of six, raised by villains since then and sent on countless missions filled with murder, Midoriya Izuku is anything but normal. He may be fifteen years old, and have a quirk, but that doesn't make him normal. He's been careful on all his jobs, except this one. When Shigaraki turns him loose to kill the infamous Hero Killer Stain, he gets sloppy and goes down at the hands of a couple of Yuuei kids. Dragged into the police station and waking up to a detective giving him a second chance was the last thing he thought would ever happen in his fucked-up life...
[Graphic Depictions Of Violence | PSTD]
[On Hiatus] Two Sides of the Same Coin by LocalTrashBin ( T | 82,009+ | 10/? )
Dangerous missions across the continent are one thing but dangerous missions across the continent with zero experience, a cursed bracelet and accompanied only by a difficult, hot-headed protector is a whole other story.
He's a Little Spoiled by DeathByShyKid ( T | 3,477 | 1/1 )
His class may have babied him while he was still recovering from an accidental femur break but one weekend with them out of the dorms and Katsuki is already there with open arms as well as some non-negotiable terms. Katsuki makes Izuku cuddle with him since he refuses to succumb to his pain medication. (bad summary)
Heroes in Underland by BebbekKuning, HG_Wells ( Not Rated | 45,950+ | 19/? )
Years suffering from wars, Monsters and Humans wars led to the point where the third side of the wars step in. The side of supposed to be neutral. The side that wants peace for both; Monsters and Humans sides, the ones who bear with half-blood. But it’s still not working.
That was until the fourth side of the wars waltzes their way in, they didn’t call themselves humans, nor Monsters or the half-blood. But they called themselves the Artificial. They not made by gods, so the gods can’t bound them to their rules or their dice of fate.
This makes the Artificial do what the three sides can't do; Bring peace.
They stay nameless, and still nameless. Their existence always vague in every history books, and always will be. But their tales always stay at every storybook for the young ones.
Now though, when Monsters, Half-blood, and Human reunited, thanks to Quirks existence, new differences poke their ugly heads yet again; Heroes, Vigilante, and Villain.
With that, the Gods roll their dices and play with their children, again.
That was before the forth side trashed the Gods playground, again.
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thelazyeye · 5 years
oh okay, internet famous Losers, like they're all youtubers and insta famous kids doing really different stuff around the nation, what do each of them do? who connects with who and how?
Ooff I love this idea. I used to be moderately into youtube people. Mamrie Hart anyone? She cracks me the fuck UP. Anyway this got super long so its under the cut. I hope you enjoy anon! Thanks for sending something it!!
Okay. Here we go. 
is a youtube personality. Duh. He started out vlogging and his Voices and somehow his channel picked up. He writes comedy bits, does personal blogging, and tests his voices. 
When he was starting out he had a bit where he was a weatherman that had multiple personalities (Voices) and it got insanely popular. He received some backlash due to the offensiveness of the bit and has since retired it, but references it from time to time to credit his fame. 
Now he focuses a lot on his comedy routines and improv acting with other members of the community. He does challenges from time to time as collabs as well
People are super invested in his personal life (bc people seriously get like that with youtube people) and started speculating about his sexuality. It took him a few years to address all the rumors that he wasn’t straight and how he was probably dating this youtuber or that youtuber. 
is an LGBT Activist that has a youtube channel as well (think Laci Green but LGBT and not sex ed, though he does do sex ed work)
He got his start when he was in college. He became the president of the LGBT club. He wanted to reach a large number of students and he figured the best way to do that would be youtube
The entire club helped him out. Every week he would have another club member on the channel to talk about their sexuality and experiences
It didn’t get big at the school but he got lowkey noticed by the HRC after about 6 or 7 videos. He was contacted by a social media manager on the team to commend him on his work
From then on out he started to work harder on his videos, including more in depth information and he included links to more resources
Eventually, his videos started to rack up views from young LGBT kids thanking him for his channel
He started to collab with famous LGBT youtubers (troye sivan, hannah hart) and that’s when he really blew up 
actually got his start on Vine. He mastered the art of the 6 second story and when the platform went down he migrated to youtube, snapchat, and twitter. He’s got profiles on almost every social media platform and he’s written a couple of webseries, as well. 
His first webseries (pre-vine) focused on comedy. He and some college friends got together and wrote the script/acted it out. It wasn’t very big but the following for it had a cultish feel. 
It blew up after he became famous on vine
After that, he started writing more webseries and partnering with other youtube actors
He wrote and completed two successful comedy webseries before he got bored of it. He decided to make the jump to horror work 
Think Marble Hornets
He ended up getting a scholarship to a film school and has been working on becoming a movie director ever since
His youtube work is on a hiatus but he still posts blogs and updates of his life. He’s active on Snapchat and Twitter the most. He still does dumb, funny shit from time to time and tweets out very random jokes
is an adventure youtuber. He travels all over the world, seeking thrills and exploring nature. His videos usually have some kind of educational component but they’re always entertaining. Stan has explored the Savanah and Rain Forrests, he’s sky dived and scuba dived. He’s done a lot
He has a side channel for his love of birds because how can I not throw this in here?
When Anti semites started showing back up in the world Stan started to dedicate more of his channel, and his other platforms, to Judaism. He’s uses his popularity and fame to educate people and create awareness around the issues Jews face
As a result, he blogged his Birthright to Israel. It was a weeks worth of videos, some candids that he just uploaded on the whim, and some he took the time to edit. They were adventurous, educational, and full of his personal journey
Stan has also faced a lot of backlash for his involvement with the jewish community. He voices this in his videos. To combat the threats against him, he recruits other members of the youtube community to collab with and talk about issues. He makes it fun. He’s cooked Jewish foods, celebrated Jewish holidays, and had fun discussions with other personalities. 
is a famous fashion designer and makeup artist. She got her start on Instagram, posting her designs and outfits that she created. Sh started young. Like 15 years old. As she grew up and went to school, her fashion instagram grew. People got to see her skills improve and they watched as she turned into a teenager designing clothes in her bedroom to a design student to a professional
She gives fashion tips to people and her favorite hobby is making posts that help girls and boys create fun, new, and exciting clothes out of what they already have in their closet
She firmly believes that you don’t need to have money and status to dress well. She wants fashion to be accessible. 
She started a youtube channel out of request from her followers. She got a lot of comments about her makeup and she started to do makeup tutorials there (Think Sailor J)
People really started to see how funny she was, then. She would always throw little bullshit videos onto her story but this was the first time she posted video content that didn’t disappear after 24h
Her youtube is not nearly as active as her instagram. That’s where you can find all of her content
She is also a vocal activist against child abuse on her insta. She frequently donates to various organizations and she does it very publicly. She runs clothing drives for those in need and has even hosted makeover days for young girls whose families can’t afford good clothes/makeup. 
She has recently expanded her fashion designs to male clothing, promoting Non Binary, Trans, and other identities in her lines. She says “Clothing has no gender” and pushes that despite advice to lay low on the issue. 
is a super unlikely case of internet fame. His instagram is composed almost entirely of his farm animals. He really didn’t think he was going to get famous from it. He just loves his farm so fucking much
The first half of his internet fame just consisted of pictures and videos of his animals. Namely, his dog Mr. Chips and his cow, Barely. They were best friends and Mike posted pictures of them napping together, playing together, and helping him run the farm
Once he started to gain an unreasonable about of followers he would pepper in posts that were educational. He talked about the importance of farmers, the work that he does, and how he maintains his animals. He worked to debunk a lot of myths about farming and really promote the work that he does. 
He still posts a lot of videos of him with his animals being all cute, but he uses his activism to reach large numbers of people at a single time. 
He also promotes healthy eating on his instagram. He talks about balanced diets and how to moderate sweets intake. 
Eventually he talks about working out (because Mike Hanlon is ripped sorry I don’t make the rules) and helps build an all around healthy lifestyle for his following. He kind of accidentally becomes a life coach of sorts. Motivation, healthy living, and cute animals. 
He has no idea how it happened but he doesn’t regret a single minute of it
is a singer! This sweet old mother fucker started out on youtube when he was 16. He bought a Ukulele and started writing love songs for the girl he was pining after
We all know that one mother fucker who owed a Ukulele in high school
His voice was like velvet, though. He wasn’t popular enough for anyone to really see it so he didn’t get teased in high school for it. His first couple videos got only a handful of views
What kick started his fame is a cover video. When he decided he wanted to do an acoustic cover of Lady Gaga’s Love Game
He did it on Ukulele
It ended up being such a fun and unique cover of such a popular song that he got noticed. Like. The video fucking blew up. He ended up getting over 5 thousand views overnight and the number just kept growing
Ben ran with it. He covered other popular songs (I Kissed a Girl, Viva La Vida, So What, etc) 
He blew up so hard and fast that people started to notice his original works
He got noticed by a label and signed the summer after he graduated high school
His first album was a love album because it’s Ben come on
He doesn’t have much of a social media presence after his youtube channel. He has the mandatory instagram and twitter that all famous people seem to have but they’re fairly inactive
Richie and Bill
Richie and Bill were the first to collab with each other. Richie acted in Bill’s first webseries and it built a friendship that lasts a lifetime. 
The two of them do stupid youtube challenges with each other whenever they’re in the same city
Bill used to guest on Richie’s channels and play improv games to help both of them work on their comedy. They always turn out ridiculously funny and normally involve some level of alcohol
When Bill lost his younger brother in a car accident (sorry georgie dies in like every single universe) Richie flew out to see Bill and spend time with him. The two of them filmed a vlog together where they talked about the loss and then they both donated to anti drunk driving campaigns and urged their followers to do the same and never drive drunk
Richie and Eddie
They met for the first time at vidcon when they were first starting out. Richie was already pretty big but Eddie was working on his following. They hit it off immediately and they filmed a video for Eddie’s channel that focused on Eddie debunking stereotypes surrounding the LGBT community. Richie added a tasteful comedic flair that brought in views and he taught Eddie that things don’t always need to be serious 100% of the time
They kept in loose contact after that, always meeting up at vidcon and filming a ridiculous video for Eddie’s channel
2 years later, Richie reached out to Eddie and asked him to film a video for Richie’s channel
He wouldn’t tell Eddie what it was until they were in front of the camera, but Eddie readily agreed. He loved working with Richie. He thought he was fun and witty
When they got in front of the camera Richie revealed that he was bisexual and that Eddie’s videos helped him learn about bisexuality and come to terms with it
They spent the video talking about Richie’s journey to self acceptance, why he decided to come out, and Eddie’s knowledge surrounding sexual identity development. The video ended up being 15 minutes long and had the highest comment numbers Richie had ever seen. Not every comment was positive, but he took the experience in stride and started doing little bits of advocacy here and there for his and other channels 
Richie and Eddie end up dating, but not for a long, long time after that video when they’re both living in LA and well established in their youtube careers. 
Bev and Mike
An unlikely combo for an unlikely youtube star! Bev and Mike do a collab that focuses on self esteem and loving yourself!
Mike gives health tips and Bev gives fashion advice, but both of them talk about the importance of self worth and how external image means nothing if you don’t love yourself first. They both talk about their own journeys. 
The collab starts because Bev finds out about Mike through insta and she ends up contacting him about wool. They partner up business wise and Mike helps provide wool for her fashion line while Bev promotes his farm work. 
They don’t do many intentional collabs after they one, but they do show up on each others stories and in pictures together very frequently. The two become best friends
Ben and Bev
They don’t collab. But they do get married. 
They meet through the fame and bustle of L.A. Ben’s music career makes him end up at the same Gala as Bev, where they’re introduced to each other. They hit it off immediately, connecting with their childhoods and such. 
They date for 3 years before Ben proposes via Flash Mob and song written just for Bev
Bev loves the song so much she insists Ben release it. It becomes a Billboard hit
Eddie and Stan
Stan finds himself in NYC where Eddie lives and he reaches out to do an educational collab on LGBT politics in the Jewish community. 
He takes Eddie rock climbing and the two film the video with go pros. 
Eddie is terrified at first and it makes for a funny introduction but he eventually gets his bearings and the two of them scale a cliff together, talking about issues and getting to know each other. 
Stan and Richie
Eddie introduces them after the Coming Out Video. 
They collab as frequently as they can
They do ridiculous shit and Stan films Richie’s commentary. Its hilarious
They have a natural chemistry and they feed off of each other. Stan didn’t know he was a funny guy until he met Richie. Then it just kind of came out of the woodwork. Richie really highlighted Stan’s eccentric sense of humor. 
Richie and Bev are childhood best friends
Eventually, they all end up meeting. They don’t really film videos with each other. Sometimes there’s a vlog that includes more than two of them but very rarely are they all in the same video at the same time. 
It happened intentionally once. It was chaos. Everyone was drunk. The video had to be edited so severely that it was only 1 minute and 30 seconds
They do however show up in snapchats, insta stories, and pictures as a group. By the time they’re all 30 they’re very, very good friends
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sweet-cyrus · 5 years
my andi mack experience.
The news of today has been heartbreaking. But I would like to once again share what this show has meant to me, and I’ll try my very best to not just be repeating everything everyone else is saying.
I started watching Andi Mack after I heard about it on Tumblr. It was the middle of season one, and I watched every episode that had come out thus far in one day. It was so fun. Light hearted, but deep. Heartfelt. You could tell that it was full of love and that all of the cast was channeling their love into their craft. You could tell from the get go that Andi Mack was a special show.
I am terrible at keeping up with TV shows. Positively dreadful at it. And I did slip for a while with Andi Mack; I forgot to watch new episodes after I had caught up with what had already come out.
When I heard season 2 was starting soon, I caught up with the rest of season 1. And oh my god was I excited for the premiere of season 2. I was so excited to see Cyrus. I see so much of myself in him, like I’m sure so many of you do.
I was on my phone with my significant other at the time while I was watching the first episode of season 2. We were FaceTiming, and boy was I glad to have someone to talk to when Cyrus came out to Buffy. When he came out for the first time.
I was shaking.
I was crying.
I experienced an outward, physical reaction to a TV show, which is very uncommon for me (it may have even been the first time that has happened). I was so proud. So excited for this to be on the Disney Channel. I felt so seen. The fear that Cyrus has in that scene and that Josh portrays is so real. It’s exactly how I felt the first time I came out to someone.
I continued to watch the show for a few weeks, but once a hiatus came I was back on my bullshit being terrible at watching shows. It wasn’t until a year and a half later when One in a Minyan came out (and Cyrus did to Jonah) that I knew I needed to catch up again.
I saw on Twitter that Cyrus had said “I’m gay” on Disney Channel. I watched the clip so many times without sound because I wanted the first time I actually heard him say it to be in the proper order of episodes for the show. I spent that entire weekend (which was also my birthday weekend, lol) catching up on Andi Mack. I had to get to this episode.
And once I did. Oh my goodness. The tears. I literally cheered. I have never, ever felt so seen by or so proud of any piece of media. I had to show all of my friends. My current girlfriend. Everyone I loved who knew I was gay just had to see it, and that was that. This was monumental. History.
In the days that followed I joined Andi Mack stan Tumblr and followed stan Twitter accounts (though I myself did not become one. I think stan Twitter accounts are in my past, but I interacted with others and joined groupchats). There was so much to this world than I originally even thought.
I took in so much content, and it helped me cope with some personal things I was experiencing. It made me so happy. Andi Mack is my go-to comfort show. I made reaction videos on YouTube for the episodes that followed, which has been so much fun. I can’t wait to make them for the rest of the series (though I am a bit nervous as I will be home for the summer and will be trying not to wake up my family while filming them. Wig).
I knew I had to somehow express the pride and love and adoration I had for this show and Cyrus to Joshy Rush (@joshua-rush) himself. So I wrote him a letter and I mailed it to him. I didn’t know what to expect, if anything. But a few days later, I got a DM on Twitter from Josh himself thanking me for my letter and he followed me. We had a brief chat about how much the show means to me, and also how I became mutuals with Howie Mandel. I was thrilled. This is the first time anyone I have admired has responded to any love or gratitude I’ve sent them, and I am just so glad that he knows what this show has meant to me. It pleases me beyond words.
We are so lucky to have this show. We are so lucky for this cast; one that cares so much about their roles and responsibilities as public figures and one that cares enough about their fans that they reach out and let them know that they are heard and appreciated and loved. This fandom is one of the most spectacular, wonderful things I have ever been a part of.
I am so excited to see the rest of the show, but at the same time, I never want it to end. I am heartbroken that this is the end of the road for Andi Mack. But I am so, so, beyond thankful for everything it has done and everything it has given me and so many people. I have so much love in my heart right now.
Thank you so much, Andi Mack. I’m with you all the way. 
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