#because they both had red hair and god how do you look at your reflection
nobodieshero-main · 10 months
emotional about tiernan rn nobody talk to me
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How do you feel about writing more Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler? After watching X Men 97, I forgot how charismatic this elf man can be. If possible, I need an introverted reader with barely any social skills who starts to malfunction whenever a certain blue is around. When confronted, reader is basically 'you're too pretty' and almost dies of embarrassment.
Social System Error
Kurt Wagner x reader Words: 1.9K A/N: I changed it a little bit to fit the scenario, but I hope it's still up to your expectations :)
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You wished that the ground would swallow you up. Who knows, maybe you would find a mutant who could grant you that wish, as long as you looked hard enough. Clasping your hands to your face, you felt your cheeks grow hot and slid down the door of the room before sitting on the floor.
Why couldn't you be normal for once? Talk to him normally for once, make small talk and say goodbye elegantly? But you weren't allowed to do that. Instead, you had to run into the next door just because Kurt waved at you and gave you one of his most charming laughs. Instead, you spilled your coffee all over the table just because he entered the room. I
nstead, you couldn't get a word out when he came your way, you just turned around on the spot. It was horrible.
The fact that you had developed a crush on the blue mutant was really no secret and the fact that he hadn't noticed was a real miracle. Or maybe he had found out and just decided not to do anything. You didn't know which option was worse.
So far, you had really done your best to avoid him as much as possible so that he wouldn't think of talking to you, but you could always at least catch a glimpse of the blue mutant out of the corner of your eye. You just couldn't help it, Kurt was wonderful. He was funny, charming, polite, intelligent and incredibly attractive. One look at his face with a beaming smile was enough to make your legs go weak.
And today you had really blown it.
Rogue had finally managed to convince her brother to stay at the school and he had decided to teach some of the classes. You were both thrilled and devastated at the prospect of seeing this wonderful man every day, and probably embarrassing yourself every day after you'd already ogled him more than once.
However, when you had entered the staff room at lunchtime and seen Kurt sitting next to Ro on the sofa in his shirt, suit trousers and loose tie, you had immediately stormed out of the room with a bright red face and gone to the staff bathroom, where no one had been at the time. In hindsight, you really should have locked that door.
You energetically threw another handful of cold water onto your face and rubbed your cheeks several times to be on the safe side, hoping to drive out the redness. "Oh God, oh God, oh God," you mumbled and leaned against the edge of the sink, head bent forward. "How am I supposed to survive this. God, I bet Rogue recommended these clothes to him. Lord help me."
Nervously, you began to pace up and down, ruffling your hair. "Why does he have to look so good? Can't he be ... normal attractive? Not inhumanly, divinely attractive?" You'd embarrass yourself, really embarrass yourself, and he'd never talk to you again. Or worse, think you're pathetic and talk to you out of pity.
You came to a halt in front of the mirror again and looked at your reflection. "No, no." You couldn't bear the thought. "Okay." You exhaled and leaned against the edge of the sink again. "It can't be that difficult. Just be normal. Or whatever," you mumbled. "Just be cool. Kurt's just another teacher, he probably doesn't even know you exist. You just go up to him and start a conversation, that's all."
You exhaled. "You can do this, take it easy." You looked up, meeting your gaze in the mirror, and put on your most believable smile. "'Hi Kurt, how ya doing?' No, no, that's too casual." You paused for a moment and thought. "'Good afternoon, Mr. Wagner, how are you today?' Oh God, far too formal."
You wipe your face in frustration. "Come on, it's just a conversation, nothing more. You can talk to students all day. What's the difference? Apart from the fact that Kurt is a lot more attractive and wonderful and that you have a crush?" You gave a somewhat exasperated and forced laugh. "Nothing more than that. Gambit would laugh at you if he saw you like that." Your fingers drummed on the porcelain of the basin.
"'Hi Kurt, I just wanted to take a minute to say that I really admire you and think you're wonderful and funny and...um I've seen you around here quite a bit and..." Groaning, you threw your hands up in the air. "God, I sound like a crazy person! Or a stalker! Or both! This is way too much too soon. Just... keep it casual. 'Hey, you're Kurt, aren't you? I'm glad you've decided to stay with us'."
You nod and run your fingers through your hair again. "That works, doesn't it? It's not too casual but not too formal and I don't sound like a crazy stalker who's way too obsessed with a stranger. Okay, good, you can do it. Just relax and stay cool. Who knows, maybe he won't even notice you and you won't have to talk-“ As you turn around mid-motion, you freeze in place, your heart skipping a beat. "-with him," you added meekly, your eyes widening in panic as you realize who’s been silently listening to your pep talk. Across from you, leaning against one of the toilet stalls, is Kurt, his arms crossed in front of his chest and an amused smile playing on his lips. His tail whips lightly through the air, as he slowly releases his arms from their twist.
You had to admit that your next move wasn't particularly brave. All the self-confidence you had been trying to build up over the last five minutes had disappeared and you did what was the only logical thing to do: you dashed past Kurt out of the bathroom, sprinting down the corridor, feeling incredibly grateful that you didn't have any more lessons today, meaning that you could hide in your room in the hope that you would never have to face him again.
Just the thought of it made your face flush with shame and you threw yourself onto your bed to release frustrated screams into your pillow. You weren't quite sure how long you'd been lying there, but a knock on your door brought you out of your racing thoughts. You didn't really feel the need to talk right now, but you heaved yourself out of bed anyway when there was a second knock.
You were pretty sure you must look horrible, clothes and hair out of place from the bed, but usually only Gambit or Jean came by and both had seen you in some worse circumstances. Sighing, you opened the door. "Listen, I'm not-" You broke off mid-sentence, looking up wide-eyed at the person in front of you, who was definitely not Gambit or Jean.
"Hello, am I interrupting?" Kurt looked down at you, his lips curled into a sweet smile and your heart instantly beat in your throat as the heat rose in your cheeks. You could only shake your head, causing Kurt to smile even wider. "Wonderful." He stepped slightly towards you, leaning against your doorframe, and you were pretty sure you were going to explode instantly.
"Can I...I help you?" Your voice was barely audible and shaky and you tried your best to avoid eye contact, but it was so incredibly difficult. Kurt's eyes were bright and shining and so attractive that she found it hard to look anywhere else.
"Indeed yes." His smile became more mischievous and you were pretty sure your legs wouldn't be able to hold you up for much longer, they were so weak. "I saw you storming out of the staffroom earlier and I was worried. What if you're ill? Or something is wrong? So I thought I should follow you to make sure you were okay."
It was pure torture. You wanted to sink into the ground, get struck by lightning, anything just to avoid having to have this conversation. Kurt, however, seemed quite determined to do so.
"But when I got to the bathroom, something was revealed to me that I could never have guessed." Ashamed, you turned away, your hands over your face. "I'm so incredibly sorry Kurt, I really am... I'm so unbelievably embarrassed right now. Please, forget I said that."
He raised an eyebrow and looked slightly amused. "You called me wonderful and funny. That's a little hard to forget." You groaned. "God, kill me."
"Ah, ah, ah, let's not start with that," he admonished, raising a finger. His smile softened and he gently stroked a finger over your hand, which was still covering your face. "You have nothing to be ashamed of. There's nothing wrong with it. Even if I don't quite understand why." At that moment, you decided that it couldn't get much worse and that if you were going to be embarrassed, you could at least get it all out at once. That way you would have limited the most embarrassing moment of your life to a few hours and not a period of weeks or months.
"Because I like you and you're incredibly attractive and perfect, but I'm not brave enough to tell you that and so I become a walking mess around you every time and I'm only telling you this so I can get it over with and you only have to reject me once and not twice."
You had spoken quickly and quietly and were pretty sure he wouldn't have been able to understand you, however he seemed to do so as he stepped towards you and slowly stroked your cheek again, this time more tenderly and with a sugary sweet smile on his face.
"Actually, that hadn't quite been the plan, my dear," he murmurs, a gentle lilt to his voice. His tail emerges from behind him, swaying lightly as if adding to the suspense. With widening eyes, you realize he's holding a bouquet of flowers wrapped with it.
Perplexed yet touched by his gesture, you accept the bouquet, feeling the soft petals under your fingertips. His smile broadens, his eyes twinkling with anticipation. "Can I take you out to dinner? Tonight?"
Your eyes widened, cheeks burning with a mix of surprise and excitement. "What?" you stammered, caught off guard by his unexpected invitation. He chuckled lightly, tapping your chin, which had dropped in astonishment.
"I'm asking you out," he repeated with a playful grin. You were at a loss for words, your mind racing as you tried to process the whirlwind of emotions flooding through you. When you finally managed to utter a "yes," your voice came out as no more than a soft squeak, barely audible over the pounding of your heart.
Kurt smiled contentedly, took your hand and pressed a kiss to the back of your hand. "Tomorrow night, eight o'clock. I'll pick you up." With a wink and a slight bounce in his step, he disappeared down the hall, leaving you standing there, bouquet in hand, still trying to comprehend what had just happened.
As the realization sunk in, you hurriedly set the bouquet down on your table and dashed down the corridor to Gambit's room.
You had a date with Kurt Wagner, and the sudden rush of excitement left you with one pressing question: What on earth were you going to wear?
Part 2 (in work)
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stars-for-circe · 9 months
Sex, Drugs, And Rock & Roll
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Tags / cw: AFAB reader, guitarist!ellie, making out, smut, weed, mirror sex, hair pulling, mirror sex
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It was no secret that the green room at the back of the club was used as more than a pitstop before and after performing, and if there was someone out there that was still unaware of that, the many noises Ellie was currently drawing out of you could definitely attest to it.
But in your defence, it would be hard to not be quiet with how she had you bent over the vanity that was shaking and thumping against the wall from her rhythmic thrusts. And thank god for the sound proofing in there, because all of your 'ah, ah, ah's being let out in tandem with every time she pounded her strap into you, and Ellie's breathy gasps whenever it put pressure on her clit would have been rather embarrassing to explain to her bandmates later on; but it's not like the two of you gave a shit about that right now.
But fuck later on, because right now, all you could focus on was how her cock was slamming into your sweet spot with the perfect amount of pressure, and how sexy your girlfriend looked through the reflection of the vanity mirror. Yea, Ellie was totally making you watch as she fucked you hard, a joint in her mouth, one hand holding a bruising grip on your waist, and the other holding a fistful of your hair to keep your head up to make sure you didn’t look away (as if you would though, with the sight she was giving you).
“Y’gonna fucking take it, won’t you baby? Take my fucking cock like a slut, yeah?” Ellie grunted, words muffled by the joint between her lips.
And maybe if you weren’t high, cockdrunk, and halfway to cumming again you could have answered her, but instead all you could do was cry and babble out her name while she fucked you. The sight of it all - you screaming her name as your red eyes rolled back, your ass all raw and red from being slammed against her hips, and the little ring of white forming at the base of her cock - it made Ellie laugh at how easy it was to ruin you.
“Oohhh yeah you are- shit baby- you’re gonna fucking. take it. all.”
Each word was punctuated with an especially hard thrust from Ellie, causing you to edge closer and closer to release as you begged and pleaded for more. She barked out an incredulous laugh at that, you were acting as if she had barely even touched you, when in reality she was balls deep in your dripping pussy.
“More? You want more you fucking slut?” Ellie slowed her thrusts,
“Fucking beg for it, go on. Then I’ll give you more”
It was like she was making fun of your request, with how she kept her slow pace until the sounds of your “pleasepleaseplease” filled the air. And it was then, and only then, that she gave you what you wanted.
Stopping her slower pace with one, hard thrust into you that left you dizzy, Ellie pulled out and lifted you up by the waist and onto the vanity - you now on your knees with your hands against the mirror to balance yourself. You looked at Ellie through the mirror in confusion, but all you were met with was her lazily smirking at you while inhaling from the joint. And as she exhaled, she hoisted her right leg up onto the vanity, grabbed your ass with both hands, and slammed right back into you.
…To say you screamed was an understatement. Actually, it was like a loud, wounded yelp, more animal than human. The new position Ellie had you in meant her strap could reach much deeper than before, with her cock now kissing your cervix with fervour each time she thrusted up into you. And god, that coupled with her staggered groans got you real fucking close.
And Ellie could definitely tell, what with how your moans started getting bigger pitched and more breathy, how your knees started to buckle a little, and how your eyes started to get that faraway look in them. It made her want to fuck you so much harder, but she knew that changing the pace now of all times would ruin your oncoming orgasm. So she resorted to taking her left hand off your ass, making sure to trail it up your back which sent shivers back down your spine.
Finally, she settled it around your throat, thumb and index finger squeezing hard enough that your head started to get all fuzzy and your vision cloudy, as she started kissing and sucking at the back of your shoulders with a tenderness that contrasted the harsh manner of how she was fucking you. Small black dots swam around in your vision from the lack of blood flow to your head, and the dizziness coupled with her other hand making it’s way around to rub small, tight circles on your puffy clit was what pushed you over the edge.
Holy shit did Ellie relish how you cried out her name - at this point your moans were just broken and incoherent, your voice all raspy and constantly breaking every time you tried to speak. She fucked you through your high fast and hard, slowing down only when your whines turned into whimpers. And at some point in the hazy midst of it all Ellie realised she was cumming, too, as her thrusts morphed into slow grinding into your pussy, the pressure of the strap angled perfectly on her clit. Joint still in her mouth, she tried not the grit her teeth at the mind numbing pleasure - reminding herself to thank whoever said that weed made fucking so much better.
It took a few moments for the both of you to regain your senses, and it was your little whines that reminded Ellie that her hand was still squeezed around your throat. Quickly, Ellie released her grip as she pulled out of you, causing you to gasp in at the combination of it all. And maybe it was the weed or something, but the feeling of all that blood rushing back to your head right after cumming made you feel all dizzy again.
Ellie was quick to help you back down from the vanity, taking the joint out of her mouth and leaving it on the table before taking you to the couch against the wall as she whispered and cooed about how good you were. She laid you down and then got up, stumbling around the room for something to quickly clean yourselves up with. What she returned with was something oddly familiar, however.
“Ellie, is that my underwear?”
“It’s meant to be there, anyways. What’s the big deal?” She shrugged, while wiping up whatever was between your legs still with the small garment.
Afterwards, she threw off the strap, retrieved the joint. and flopped dramatically on top of you, much to your protests. But you couldn’t be mad at your girlfriend for long, as she peppered kisses all over your face while giggling at how you scrunched your nose at her antics. It would be blissful for a while, just the two off you, passing the weed and holding each other close. That is, until a sharp, rapid knock on the door reminded you both of where you two were.
“Shows over, lovebirds. Ellie, get your fucking ass out here, we’re on in five minutes” called out a male voice, the drummer - you presumed - in Ellie’s band.
Ellie groaned, rolling her eyes and glaring at the door as she took another puff from the joint.
“Fuck off, Jesse. We were having a moment here”
“Uh huh. Less fucking more moving, or we’ll start without you!” Jesse’s voice faded out slowly as he walked away. And when his footsteps finally disappeared, Ellie returned her gaze back down to you and sighed.
“You heard him, baby. I gotta go to work now” She said in playful defeat.
You nodded let her climb off of you to get dressed, giggling at how she did the little jump-shimmy to get her jeans on (and you also stared a little, at how it showed her ass) and then sat up on the couch to slowly get dressed, too. Then, out of your peripheral, you saw Ellie freeze on her way to the door and slowly turn to you with a mischievous smile.
“Buuttt, we technically have three out of those five minutes left, Yknow..”
And before you could even reply, Ellie ran back and jumped onto your lap, straddling your thighs. She let out a giggle before grabbing your face roughly and kissing you, hard. She nipped at your bottom lip and sucked on your tongue, letting out pleased groans when your hands started travelling from holding her waist to squeezing her ass. And while your mouth travelled lower and lower, beginning to suck a mark right at the column of her throat, Ellie took a deep inhale of the joint and gripped your chin upwards to blow it into your mouth. She made sure to keep eye contact during the entire time, and instead of letting you exhale right away, she locked your lips with hers once again before pulling away.
“Pretty girl…” she murmured, watching your hazy red eyes as you let the smoke pour out of your mouth.
Leaning in again for one more slow, deep kiss, before finally sitting back, Ellie pulled away reluctantly and stood up. She started walking to the door before glancing back at you.
“Gotta go for real now. Wish me luck?” You smiled.
“Good luck, Ellie”
“Don’t need it” She whispered, while back looking at you softly.
And once she was out the door and running to make it to the stage on time, you finally got up from the couch. On shaky legs, you started picking up all your clothes that were thrown half hazardly around the room to put them on. Except there was one small issue: where the fuck were your panties?
(And maybe later, after watching the video of your girlfriend performing that night, would you notice the small black lace hanging from her back pocket. A good luck charm, as Ellie called it.)
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cassiefromhell · 8 months
Blings, Rings, & Other Things
Sukuna x Concubine!Reader
wc: 1.5k
warnings: mention of sex, nakedness
a/n: i tried my hand at sukuna. don’t squint too hard. as always, requests are open, pls send me things because I'll write anything and I'm bored
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You need to ask Lord Sukuna for a new necklace.
You sit in front of your elegant mirror, lounging on the ornate carpet with all of your necklaces laid out in front of you. Diamonds, emeralds, sapphires. But no rubies.
How do you not own a single ruby necklace?
Your Lord gave you a stunning red dress for the ball tonight, one that flatters you in every way. But somehow, you have no necklace to match. And it’s crucial that you look impeccable, because an extremely politically important Lady and her full entourage arrived last night, and they will all be at the ball, too. Sukuna’s whole harem was invited, expected to dress to reflect on his power. Which consisted of you, since he had permanently dismissed all his other concubines months ago.
But you had no ruby necklaces.
You sigh, running a hand through your still-damp hair. Your dressers will be here soon, pampering you for the event ー maybe you could get one of them to grab you a ruby necklace from… somewhere. You weren’t sure where Lord Sukuna got all those exquisite things.
A soft knock comes on your door, and you straighten, quickly jumping to your feet. Your maids will kill you when they see that you’ve been sitting and pondering instead of finishing your hair. You place all your necklaces back where you had them laid out on the bureau, hurriedly arranging them nicely.
The knock comes again, just as you’re crossing your large room to get to your dressing room, where your silk robe is hung up. Because you were stupid enough to be sitting around naked, and now you’re definitely pissing off your personal staff with your tardiness.
“Just a moment, ladies,” you call out, taking the robe down. “Not clothed yet!”
“I don’t mind,” a purr of a voice says against your ear, familiar hands wrapping around your waist.
You flinch, practically flying off the ground, then slowly sink back into Sukuna’s gentle embrace, your bare back leaning against his outiftted chest. 
“By the Gods, you scared me,” you murmur, turning your head to kiss his cheek. “You’re so fast, I couldn’t hear you coming. I thought you were Izumi and Murasaki.”
“You called me ‘ladies,’ so I assumed so,” he hums.
Sukuna takes your chin between his index finger and thumb, gently tilting your head up to look at him properly. He gives you a tender kiss, something that’s so rare from Sukuna, with his… well, brutish persona. But he gives you that softness in this moment that you so crave, his tongue dancing with yours.
When he breaks the kiss, you open your eyes and gaze up at him. You chew your bottom lip. “Is something happening? You were supposed to be in a meeting with the Lady and her advisors until an hour before the ball, and it’s only just past noon…”
He releases you and takes one long stride backwards to lean against the wall. “I left early.”
“How come?” You ask, slipping your robe on and raising a brow. “Did something happen?”
You narrow your eyes. You know Sukuna usually tries to keep you out of courtly matters; he says he doesn’t want you to carry the burden that he does. But right now, he’s being exceptionally quiet.
“Are you going to elaborate?” You turn and leave the dressing room, figuring you may as well finish drying your hair as you talk. At first you had assumed he had visited for sex before the long night ahead of you both, but the atmosphere has dimmed down quickly.
“The visiting Lady Taira and her advisors have come with a marriage proposition between myself and Lady Taira, organized by her cousin,” Sukuna replies, tone giving none of his emotions away.
You nearly trip and fall, but quickly recover, taking a sharp breath and continuing to your dresser. You refuse to let something so little bother you. After all, no matter how many fancy things he buys you, or nights he lets you stay in his bed instead of immediately sending you back to your chambers, or times he tested the words “I care for you,” when he thought you were asleep, you are merely a concubine. A woman to be kept pretty, to be called upon for sex or comfort or every once in a while, someone to complain to. You know this. And so, with an unshaking hand, you grasp a dry hair towel and watch him in the mirror.
“That’s a very good offer,” you hum, traitorous heart thrumming in your chest. “Lady Taira is said to be the loveliest lady of all. Your council has been trying to get you to marry for months now. She would be a nice candidate for you, I think.”
He scoffs, sitting on your bed. Your eyes meet in the mirror. “She is not the loveliest lady. Not even close.”
“Oh? Well, a marriage to her would surely be beneficial,” you turn to face him with now-dry hair. “When will you announce the engagement?”
“I did not accept the offer.”
You blink. And again. And again. A moment ago you thought your heart couldn’t pound any harder, and you thought wrong.
“Because my council isn’t the King of Curses. I am. I dictate who I want to marry, and it is not that Lady,” he crosses one set of arms over his chest, the other propped up behind him as he watches you. “However, I do feel that I need a Queen of Curses.”
“Ah,” you turn back around, getting a comb and raising it to your locks, starting to work out the tangles. “Still looking for candidates, then?”
I could be your wife and queen.
You shut down that thought immediately, and not a moment later your Lord speaks again.
“It could be you.”
You freeze.
“My lord,” you sigh, slowly lowering your combing hand. “Please, do not speak words you do not mean.”
“Don’t call me Lord.” 
He’s behind you in an instant, taking the comb out of your hand and picking you up, spinning you. After a flash of movement, you’re sitting up on the bureau, effectively raising you the multiple feet in height it takes for you to be eye level with him.
“You never call me Lord,” he frowns.
“I did once.”
“Yes, because Uraume was there and you’re terrified of them.”
“…That’s true.”
He leans in, speaking against your ear. His hand slides up your thigh. “It. Could. Be. You.”
Eyes widening, you swallow thickly. “…Why?”
He continues to talk against your ear, fingertips digging into your hip through your silk robe. “Because you are the only female that I enjoy the company of. That I have never once wanted to kill—”
“That’s not true.”
“You wanted to kill me when I stole your kimono and wore it in front of all the other concubines, then they nearly killed me—”
“Don’t interrupt me.”
“Continue on.”
He sighs, pulling his face back and holding your chin steady with a hand, staring you right in the eyes. “If I am to take a wife, it will be you. If you do not want the responsibility, then I remain wifeless, damn the council. If I want an heir, you will be the one to carry it. If I want a companion, you will be there. Do you understand?”
You nod slowly.
“Words,” he growls.
“I’ll be your wife,” you blurt.
He smirks. 
“On one condition,” you raise a finger, sticking it in front of his face. “I want a ring. No need for a big fancy proposal, but a nice, handpicked by you, pretty engagement ring. And we both have to wear wedding bands.”
He makes a face, nose scrunching.
You scowl, putting on your best mean voice — your attitude is the reason he likes you so much, anyway. “Oh, boo hoo, Mr. Curse King hates rings. You don’t have to wear it all the time. But we must own them.”
He narrows his eyes, then huffs. “Fine. Two out of seven days of the week.”
“Three, and every time we fuck.”
“I assumed that was already part of the deal, but yes, three.”
You bare your teeth. “Four out of seven or no wife.”
Sukuna leans forward, biting your bottom lip. “Fine. Four.”
“Then I’m your fiancée.”
“I’ll announce it tonight.”
And suddenly, it all feels so… real. This is actually happening. You’re marrying Sukuna.
With a squeal, you jump into his arms, wrapping your arms and legs around him. You kiss him, first his mouth, then his cheeks, then all across his neck.
“Gods, that’s enough,” he tries to push your face away, but he keeps holding you up in his embrace. 
You bite his hand gently, and then whisper into his ear. “Hello, Husband.”
“I did not anticipate you to be so excited about this, woman.”
“Say it.”
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want a part 2 of engagement sex and fiancee duties? request it (and anything else) in my asks
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hxltic · 2 years
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• established relationship
•Genre: smut
You’re in the lonesome bathroom of the party correcting your makeup when Rin suddenly makes his way through the door. He hastily closes it behind him. How it wasn’t locked? You have no idea.
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You expected his arrival, just not as grand as this. It wasn’t new. It wasn’t new to always call and find each other as if seeking refuge. The mirror reflects his hands trudging up his face to brush through his hair, meanwhile the mascara wand waved idly in your hand when you quipped, “Who ya running from?”
A course “Nobody” was all you received. You thought he’d just come in and sit on the toilet seat to talk or waste time with you.
Finding a stopping point, you turned to him and your fresh eyes trailed his body leaning on the door. He looked paler than usual, dark hair falling over his weaker, heavily red-tinted face. The mascara clicked into the bottle and tightened as you twisted.
“Rin are…are you okay?”
He sighed and one hand fell to the doorknob while the other fell to his pocket.
“…If I’m being completely honest, no. Come here please,” he huffed out. He was breathless like he rushed up here to you. You guess it was a random call from him that you put on speaker over the trap music, however, you didn’t ask why he needed to see you so instantaneously.
You took slow, incredulous footsteps forward to his chest in the already tight space. Clearly you weren’t fast enough because he cupped your face—both hands—and tugged you close.
“Look at me,” he ordered. Your eyes focused on each of his earnestly. “You know I love you right?”
“Yes.” A distrusting countenance slowly morphed onto your face, matching your previous steps.
“You know you look so fucking good, right?”
“…Rin where is this-”
“-I think my drink was spiked. My drink was spiked with something and I’m saying I’m sorry now because I am just one fucking word away from bending you over this counter. It needs to be yours.”
Your cheeks flushed red as you examined his face again, confirming he did look a little sick. Except not the coughing sick; the lightheaded, desperate need that can make you delusional sick. You were terrified to look down.
“But won’t that stuff still be in your system? You need to throw it up or something before-”
“I can’t be sure but it doesn’t feel out of the ordinary, like a viagra or something. I’ll do whatever you want after. Just need to be inside of you in the next ten seconds before I pass out.”
He was rambling in a pitch slightly higher than usual, desperation seeping off his words. His chest motioned up and down with each difficult breath he took gazing into your eyes, upturned brows not-very-patiently awaiting your response. Hey, it was a party after all.
You kept your eyes trained but turned to give yourself up to him.
The slim eyes lit up. A single palm forced you down by the middle of your upper back, effectively bending you over. He did it so swiftly you could’ve taken it as routine.
Hands situated and caressed your waist in admiration, hips following suit as you pressed them back into him. His fingertips dug holes through the sequin covered fabric and into your skin, the obvious print rubbed right between your legs with the dress flipped up, and the friction was sending him away.
Oh god he needed it so bad, all his hormones at peak and the first thing on his mind being you. He knew he needed to stretch you out and he knew how especially good that pretty pussy would taste spread for him on the counter, but his dick was quite literally throbbing.
He may have realized it a little late considering he had a high sex-drive anyway, but this was something completely different. He was so hard it hurt. So when he called you, shoving through people as you gave him your location in the house, he was already overheating from swarming throngs of people and the alcohol swimming through his blood.
So when your slit rolled perfectly over him he had to undo his pants immediately.
“I can leave it to you to wear no panties to a party.”
“Gotta give ‘em a show,” you giggle.
With the clank of his belt and its drop to the floor, he taunted, “Only one of us is taking the show home.”
Suna was already a pretty impatient person, so when a finger dipped into you slow and welcoming he had to add another. A squelch sound came from the way he pumped into you as if you were already ready to take him.
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heecyon · 1 year
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pairing: ceo!park sunghoon x coffee shop owner!fem!reader
genre: one night stand, fake relationship, strangers to lovers, angst, fluff, and accidental pregnancy.
summary: Park Sunghoon was done with his grandfather begging for an heir. Being the CEO of the Northern Branch, Sunghoon wasn't ready for a relationship just yet and neither was he ready to have a baby. So, after being arranged a blind date, he meets you, and soon convinces you to run away with him far away from your dates, as you were arranged a blind date as well with a different guy. And after a night of talking, flirting and alcohol, you both ended up in an hotel bed. Being attracted to an stranger wasn't in your plans, but soon everything goes to hell when you discover that you are pregnant with sunghoon's child.
release date: between late november and mid-december
2nd installment for CEOs & ARRANGEMENTS with enha 02z
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“So, you’re a CEO?”
Sunghoon’s cheeks blushed from the amount of alcohol that he had chugged down. And you were not innocent, either, your hair was kind of messy from how much time you had combed it back with your fingers, and your mind was racing in a million places because of the two bottles of Henri Bourgeois that you had shared with the flushed boy in front of you.
“Yep, Park Sunghoon, Northern Branch.” His voice came out like a tumble, his mind not processing what his sentences meant. He was not a person to drink, he usually did not do it, especially with a person he just met, and especially not in his hotel room, but tonight he felt in a place of trust, and you felt the same, except that the only difference was that you were somebody to drink with friends, but not with people who you had just met.
You pressed your elbows against the table, your teeth clutching against the tip of your nail. “Who would’ve thought that I’d be sitting in front of the famed Park Sunghoon? I guess it’s a one-in-a-million-type of situation.” “Especially, if I’m getting drunk on glasses of wine while having him sat across from me.”
“Who would’ve thought? I just came to New York to finish some unsolved company partnerships, and now I’m ending my trip with a forced blind date that I just escaped from, with a pretty, tipsy girl who I took with me in the process.” He answered sluggishly, his brows lifting up with sarcasm as he spoke.
Your brain suddenly stopped tracing around, by just emphasizing one word he said.
“You think I’m pretty?” Your voice came out like a wave, a small smile setting on your mouth.
“Why wouldn’t I? You are the most gorgeous girl I’ve ever seen.”
“It makes me happy that you think I’m pretty, but that doesn’t mean that I don’t think that I’m pretty. I’m pretty sure that I’m pretty.” You suddenly rambled, the words came out fast as a train, all because your nerves and the alcohol took complete control over you. But, Sunghoon just found it funny in his drunken state, he found it adorable, to say the least.
He was almost slushed on the table, his arm being completely settled on the wooden board.
For you, he looked so handsome, his arms were toned, and it was visible against his dress shirt, his fingers slender and delicate, you were convinced that his hands were soft as silk pillows.
But his face was absolutely gorgeous, with features that could've been chosen by the Greek Gods themselves.
"You are so handsome, like really handsome, the type of handsome that was kissed and blessed by Aphrodite and Princess Diana." The words vomited out of your mouth like a splutter. You weren't expecting your drunken state to reveal such a thought, but when you looked at Sunghoon it didn't seem to bother him.
"Kissed by Aphrodite and Princess Diana? Never heard of such compliment." His voice came out slurred and dazed, but it sounded as if he was in a dream-like state.
His lips were red and glossy, his eyes shone from the reflection of the New York lights. The more you looked at his lips, the more you wanted him to touch every part of your body.
"Well, now you've heard it…"
He tapped his chin for a moment before unexpected words came out of his mouth.
"What if I told you that it would be a real compliment if you told me that I was kissed by you?" Your heart skipped a beat as your stomach fell and came back up from the impression. Your heartbeat quickened and did everything it could to go back to normal.
You got up from your chair, walking towards him with tremendous mischief. I'm pretty sure it was the immense amounts of alcohol acting up for you.
His figure sat in front of you, his gaze analyzing every single part of your body, especially your lips, and the shimmer on your eyes.
"Do you want me to kiss you?"
"Oh, Cindy! I want you to do that and more."
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Never in your life did you think that you would be taking a pregnancy test inside a pharmacy bathroom.
But you were going through desperate times. It needed to be done as quickly as possible. It was mostly because you needed to calm your frantic nerves and also get out of any doubts that you had. The worst part was the fact that you wouldn't be worrying about this if you just didn't run away from your blind date with a complete stranger.
Complete stranger that could possibly be the father of this possible baby.
You just needed to confirm if you were actually pregnant.
Two lines.
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seoltzuki · 6 months
Show & Learn
a scrapped work of mine
momo x fem reader
fluff, smut
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"Show me how you like it."
Momo has always been a keen observer. Whether she's at dance practice, watching the choreographer closely before trying the moves herself, or at Nayeon's place, taking notes on how she arranges things, like moving the couch to the left side of the room because it just feels right. And when she's with you, she's curious about your preferences, eager to know what you like and how you like it. This often turns into mini tutorials, whether it's about making coffee, cooking meals, baking desserts, or picking out outfits.
Momo prefers to sit back and observe.
She is a quick learner, after all.
"What?" you mumble mid-yawn, tucking yourself further under the covers, your voice muffled by the soft fabric.
"Guide me through it," Momo says, her voice soft as she unties her hair, reaching over you to adjust the bedside lamp, casting a gentle glow that illuminates the room.
You frown and reach for her, pulling at her oversized pajama shirt. She smiles and opens the covers, settling herself over you. Her hands slip under your shirt, her fingers dancing over the skin of your tummy. In return, you do the same to her, dragging your fingers to caress her back.
"Why? You know what I like, my love," you murmur in response.
She yawns and gently pecks the skin under your ear, then moves to your lobe with another kiss.
"I never actually took the time to ask you. I just went in assuming what you'd prefer," Momo whines, her voice low and nasally. She squirms in your hold and lets out a huff of frustration.
"But I'm happy with what we do, Momo," you press, tangling your fingers in her hair, trying to soothe her.
Momo whines louder and rises to her knees, standing between your legs. You can't help but giggle at how cute she looks, her cheeks puffed with exasperation as she sighs and playfully pokes your thighs.
"Please? Do it for me?" Momo pleads, her voice soft and earnest, her eyes reflecting her longing as she looks down at you.
You purse your lips, contemplating her request. Glancing at the clock, you realize it's already late at night, and knowing Momo has to be up early tomorrow, you both had a long day. You remember how she was nearly falling asleep while eating the dinner you made. Slapping her poking fingers away gently, she grabs your hands, her gaze pleading.
You look at her face and god...
There's a mix of affection and a deep desire to please in Momo's eyes, and it catches you off guard. She almost looks innocent, considering her request. It tugs at your heartstrings, compelling you to fulfill her wishes, knowing that her happiness means everything to you.
"Okay," you exhale softly, settling yourself more comfortably on the bed.
You can't help but feel yourself warming up to what she wants. There's something different about it when there's someone eagerly watching your every move, someone who genuinely cares about your needs and wants. It adds a new layer of intimacy to the moment, making you feel vulnerable yet strangely comforted by her presence.
Momo shifts as well, straightening her back and shuffling closer until her knees touch your inner thighs. You notice a red tint creeping up her neck, but you can't quite discern if she's feeling shy, turned on, or perhaps a mix of both. Her proximity sends a shiver down your spine, adding to the sense of vulnerability and anticipation in the air.
She breaks the heaviness with a gentle suggestion, "Do you maybe want help? How about you talk me through it? Before, you know... doing it." Her words carry a hint of playfulness, easing the tension between you as she offers her support in a way that feels comfortable for both of you.
You nod, feeling a mix of nervousness and relief at her understanding. Taking a deep breath, you admit, "I've never done that before." There's a vulnerability in your admission, but also a sense of trust in sharing such a personal detail with her.
Momo gently reassures you with a soft smile and a squeeze to your thigh. "It's just me, baby," she whispers, her words filled with tenderness and care. You feel comforted and reassured by her gesture, any lingering doubts or fears melting away in the warmth of her affection.
Taking another deep breath and closing your eyes, you begin to speak, your hands tracing down to your hips, then your thighs, gently caressing the flesh as you gather your thoughts. "Usually," you start, your voice soft but steady, "what gets me going is you." Your words hang in the air, carrying the weight of your honesty as you continue to share your desires with Momo.
"I think about the way you look at me," you continue, your voice growing more confident as you express your feelings, "how sweetly you talk to me, how safe you make me feel when you hold me..." You sigh as you lift the hem of your shirt over your belly button.
"Your lips... that little smirk you always give me before doing something mischievous or obscene... the kisses after a long day, the nips when I make you feel good," you confess, each word laden with desire and affection.
You lift your shirt higher over your breasts, and a soft whine makes you open your eyes. You find Momo completely flushed, her face red, and she seems out of breath, her reaction a clear indication of the effect your words and actions are having on her.
"Do you need my lips?" Momo almost moans out, her voice thick with desire. Her eyes drift to your chest, locking onto your hardening nipples, her gaze filled with longing and anticipation.
"Thought you just wanted to watch?" you tease, a playful smirk dancing on your lips as you enjoy the effect you have on Momo.
She huffs and runs her fingers through her hair. "You agreed for some help," she reminds you, her tone a mixture of frustration and anticipation.
You playfully hum pensively and say, "Max 3 kisses."
Momo leans in eagerly, her breath hot against your skin as she presses her lips against yours in three heavy, wet, and heated kisses. With each press of her lips, heat spreads between you, igniting a fire that consumes all thoughts but the burning need for each other.
Her breath is hot against your skin, her tongue dancing with yours. You can feel the urgency in her touch, the way her fingers curl around you as if she wants to pull you closer, to consume you entirely in the heat of the moment. Though, there's a tender desperation in her touch, as if she's trying to convey all her love and desire through each caress of her lips.
She pulls back after the third kiss, her lips lingering for a moment before she retreats, like the good girl she is. Her chest heaves with each breath, the intensity of the moment still lingering in the air as you both try to catch your breath.
"Touch yourself for me," Momo rasps, her voice low and husky, her fingers digging into the skin of your waist with a fervent urgency that betrays her desire.
You curse under your breath, feeling a surge of anticipation as you lift your hips to remove your underwear. But Momo is quicker than you, eagerly pulling the garment down your legs and tossing it aside somewhere in the room. She returns to her seat between your legs, a hungry look in her eyes as she waits for you to continue.
You bring a hand up to your breast, feeling the weight of it in your palm as you gently caress and squeeze, using two fingers to pinch a nipple between them. The sensation sends a shiver down your spine, and you can feel the warmth spreading throughout your body as you continue to explore and tease yourself.
Soft breaths leave your lips as you bring your other hand lower, your fingertips barely dipping into your heat. You're surprised to find yourself this wet, but of course, you'd be soaked with your girl sitting there watching you. The thought of Momo's eyes on you, witnessing your arousal, only intensifies the sensations coursing through your body, heightening your desire with every touch.
You move a finger down to your entrance, feeling the slickness of your arousal as you let out a soft whine. Gently, you drag your juices back up to circle around your clit, the sensation causing a wave of pleasure to wash over you. Each movement sends sparks of electricity through your body, and you can't help but moan softly as you lose yourself in the ecstasy of your own touch.
Momo's nails dig into your skin, sending a jolt of pleasure mingled with a hint of pain through your body. You look up to lock eyes with her, and in that moment, you notice the subtle way her hips are moving, grinding up in the air, seeking some relief. The intensity of her gaze makes you wonder if she's thinking about ravishing you, using you for her own pleasure, or perhaps both. There's a primal hunger in her eyes that mirrors your own, igniting a fire between you that threatens to consume everything in its path.
Another harsh squeeze from Momo and you respond by increasing the speed of your finger circling your clit, moans dripping out of your lips with each breath. The intensity of sensation builds as your pleasure escalates, and soon your other hand joins in the mix. Two fingers slip into your drenched sex, the slickness allowing them to glide in effortlessly.
A few curls of your fingers into yourself, and Momo cuts in, her voice husky with desire. "You're such a wet girl... fuck, pull them out," she groans, grabbing your wrist and bringing your soaked fingers to her lips.
Your digits slip into her mouth, and she moans around them, her tongue twirling as her eyes flutter shut in pleasure. You watch, gasping at the erotic sight before you, feeling your peak approaching rapidly as the intensity of the moment overwhelms you.
"Keep touching yourself, baby," Momo whines, her voice high. "God... cum for me. I wanna see how you make yourself cum." She guides your hand back to your cunt, her fingers purposely grazing your sensitive flesh, sending a shiver down your spine.
You bring your fingers back to your weeping hole, the slickness of your arousal coating your skin. Momo bends closer, her breath warm against your skin as she brings her face nearer. Out of breath, she brings each thumb to your lower lips, spreading you wide, aching to witness every detail of your pleasure.
"Momo, Momo, baby!" you cry out, your voice filled with urgency and desire. Momo nods in response, her own moans mixing with yours as she continues to spread you wide, her thumbs slipping on your wet lips and digging deeper to keep you open and exposed to her gaze.
"Y/N, you're gonna make me cum... Baby," Momo whimpers urgently, her voice trembling. "Please, make yourself cum for me. Let go." She collapses onto you, her lips pressing against your earlobe as her nose traces the line of your jaw, her every touch sending waves of pleasure through your body.
As you reach your peak, struggling for air, you choke out Momo's name, and she does the same, repeating your name over and over in a symphony of shared pleasure. With each gasp and moan, you both surrender to the ecstasy of the moment, your bodies trembling with pleasure as you ride the waves of climax together.
The pleasure subside, you find yourselves tangled in each other's limbs, your bodies still shaking with the remnants of bliss.
"Momo," you whisper breathlessly, your voice barely audible as you cling to her.
"Mmm, Y/N," Momo murmurs in response, her breath warm against your skin as she holds you close.
You share a tender kiss, the taste of yourself still lingering on her lips. "I love you," you say softly, your words filled with warmth and affection.
"I love you so much," Momo replies, her voice filled with tenderness as she peppers your face with gentle kisses.
"You know… I wouldn't mind giving you more of these types of lessons."
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skywalkershootme · 7 months
what about reader giving ani the silent treatment and he gets annoyed and fucks her so she finally talks to him again?!??!
anakin skywalker x afab!reader
18+ MDNI WC: 1309
warnings: slight angst, couple fighting, fluff, smut, anger, porn w plot, crying, i took so much inspo from a porn trope, oral (f receiving), fingering (f receiving), gspot stimulation, anakins kind of mean at the start. DNI if not comfortable!
Anakin had been getting on your nerves this week, and it never seemed to quit. It was something so deep in his selfishness that he was unable to see how much he had bothered you; to be gone all day, and come home just to not give you any attention. He would slug himself into the kitchen, drink water, give you a lazy excuse of a mumble for a “thank you” just to lurk into the shower for god knows how long (using YOUR special shampoo) and to lay in bed until you both fell asleep. The only affection he would give you at the time were light neck kisses, and playing with your hair
Of course, it's not Anakin's fault he has been feeling so down lately.. But you want to be able to help him and it's always refused. He hadn't realized how the lack of attention was bothering you until you fought that evening.
A short, shallow mix of your yelling and sobs, and Anakin unable to understand what you needed, because all you could do was cry about how you needed his attention. Once he realized, he looked at you like he was almost offended. Were his neck kisses before you slept not enough? They would be, if you didn't wake up in the middle of the night to a cold, empty bed.  
At the end of it, Anakin sat in the living room reflecting, as he heard you quietly crying in the bedroom into your pillow. How could he be so selfish? He refused all help given to him, and instead just brought her down with him. He may have not been the best boyfriend at the time, and saying he felt horrible was a severe understatement. You were his living light, the reason his heart beat, you were the air he breathed.
He gained his confidence to see you laying in bed with wet hair, having just showered; and flipping through a book. When he walked in, your heart felt like it was going to explode with so many emotions. You were angry, furious of course; you almost wanted to throw your book at him and scream, but at the same time, it was filled with love and grief of missing him, so you decided to just ignore him. Anakin stood in the doorway, looking over at you, your skin shining fresh with lotion, and the big t-shirt he gave you to wear. 
“Honey? Honey..” He spoke to you just for you to ignore him, like he was talking to the walls of the room instead of you. The fear and guilt in his voice was immaculate to hear, it almost healed you; knowing he was sorry “My love..” He whispered as he got onto his knees right by the bed, rubbing your leg just to move it away, wanting to see how much you could push and make his guilt rise. It was messed up’ you know that, but you just want him to feel as guilty as he could. Anakin felt his heart break as you moved away. He wanted nothing more to hold you in his arms, cover you in as many kisses as he could until your heart was healed. But alas, he actually had to get your attention, and apologize. That's a scary word for him. He said your name sternly, for  you to just peek over your  book and look him in the eye. His facial features were prominent, nostrils flared, and he was scared red from crying earlier… you made him cry; but still.. You were mad. That was not enough for you. He tried and tried getting your attention, just for you to never falter to it. 
You see him stand up out of the corner of your eye, looking down at you. His hands start slightly stroking your thighs and putting his hand on the back of your neck “Come on baby… Please just talk to me. You don't have to make this as hard as it is right now” You feel him slowly shift and crawl onto the edge of the bed. What was he doing? What the fuck? He feels up your thighs, pulling that big tshirt up so he has more room to see you, letting out a low groan “Do I really have to make you talk to me?” Anakin traces his fingers up your thighs, seeing you blush slightly, still seeing your eyes on your book. You read word by word as you tried to ignore him slowly prying your thighs open, to look at your panties, brushing his nose against them. You knew this game, you know you couldn't win.. But shouldn't you at least try?
Your thoughts were quickly cut off by him licking a strip over your underwear, and licking the insides of your thighs, then running his hands over your covered folds. His deep, husky voice filled the room as he sternly whispered to you. “Lift your hips up.” You hesitantly obliged, raising your hips so Anakin could pull your panties off, to slowly throw them aside. “Good girl…” He said with a smile as he spread your legs, settling himself between them. He slowly blew on your clit, making you jerk in surprise, overhearing his soft chuckle. He was being such a brat. Couldn’t he just eat you out.. Not make you even more furious? He dipped his head in between your legs, licking and sucking on your clit, making you wet with a mixture of your juices and his spit… he was licking softly and suckling on you for a few minutes until he spoke up. Your body was already flashing hot already from the pressure on your clit, but you tried to ignore him. The words in your book were beginning to make less sense, and your mind was creeping over to Anakin, and how much you deeply, truly missed him. 
“Wow… baby?” He said “You must be so upset to ignore me when I'm kissing your pussy like this…. I'm so, so sorry baby… “ 
He whispered this between your folds, going back to kissing and delving in them, slowly slipping his fingers inside. You let out your first moan of the night, and dropped the book, finally looking at him. “Well, there's progress” Cocky bitch.
His fingers slowly massaged your g spot, as you threw your book across the bed, and put a hand in his hair, letting out another guttural moan. You saw his eyes look up at you as he was sucking on your clit, your juices and his spit all around his mouth and on his nose. His free hand creeped up to hold yours, rubbing his thumb over the back of your hand as you threw your head back in ecstasy, letting out a smile as you do so, your legs almost folding over on your body. You used your leg to push him closer, your calf resting over his shoulders and neck keeping him there. He went faster, giving your pussy all the attention you craved from him this past week. You felt your pussy flutter, unexpectedly cumming all over his fingers as he massaged your insides. He let out his own moan when he saw you drip all over his fingers, looking up at you and cooing. “Oh baby… you needed that didnt you, yeah? Just need your pussy rubbed a bit so you can cheer up?” He crawled on top of you and made eye contact as he licked himself off of his fingers, before grinding himself against you, looking at you. “Come on baby… let me in.. I'm so sorry, you know I'd do anything to make it up to you. Anything.” 
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forthevillains · 7 months
Only good girls get what they want
Albert Wesker X fem! reader (18+)
You had no idea just how you ended up in such situation. Legs spread deliciously as your eyes kept darting away from the mirror sitting opposite you. The thing being so large that you had no other choice than to look at your sinful reflection.
"So good for me..." a sweet whisper from the man behind you made you shiver in anticipation as tingles spread inside your stomach, making you try and attempt to press your thighs together, rub them, hide your arousal from his eyes filled with pure greed, yet you couldn't. He wanted you, he would've swallowed you whole if that was possible. The red orbs stared into your own through the reflection in the mirror, his blonde hair that used to be slicked back was now messy and his chin lay comfortably on your shoulder as he took the image in. Wesker adored you, each part of your body, in every position he put you in, how you prayed for him as if he was your God, repeating his name over and over in a state of pure bliss, however this was his favorite one - having you already in front of him, with his knees keeping your legs spread, making you vulnerable, desperate and unable to do anything but fall apart in his arms, under the sweetness of his touch.
His fingers were glued to your aching cunt, covered in that sweet wetness of yours. It felt too heavenly to have your arousal coating his fingers, especially knowing that no other man is ever going to touch you like that. Not on his watch, not while you're his. Not when you're locked up with him and only him... He's stained your brain with how much of a pleasure he has to offer and it is indeed the truth that no man could ever make you feel like this. So dumb from the way his body makes you feel.
He rubbed your clit in painfully slow circles with his rough digits while his eyes kept piercing through you, making your skin burn under his intense gaze. You couldn't help, but whimper, your eyes closing shut from the overwhelming pleasure.
"Eyes on me, my sweet little girl," Wesker commanded as soon as he noticed and the movements of his stopped, yet he didn't move away. "Or else you won't get to cum." When he added that, your eyes flung open only to be met with those terrifyingly attractive irises of his.
His fingers spread your folds, the middle finger finding its place on your shamefully revealed clit and his movements began all over again, abusing it while he applied a bit of pressure, only to have you squirming around as you tried your best to keep quiet. Yet still, he was taking his time. He wasn't always like this, no, he was often too busy to be like that, however whenever he got the opportunity, he would be your worst nightmare, teasing you with painfully slow pace, not giving you what you wanted, barely even bringing you near your climax, just so that he could watch as you grew more desperate, needy, whiny... It was all just for him and that control over your body was enough to satisfy his ego.
"P-Please..." you begged, stuttering over your words, oh you poor thing... That only earned you a chuckle.
"What are you begging for, darling?"
"Faster..." you whispered and that earned you a slap right at your pussy, making you yelp in both, pain and surprise.
"Now... What have I told you about being too greedy?" He was greedy himself and yet, you were deprived of that opportunity. Or at least you couldn't talk about it. Wesker on the other hand couldn't help it, nor did he have a need for that, because your beautiful body is all for him after all.
His fingers returned to your aching core, though this time - his fingers slid lower. He circled your entrance with his wet fingers, drawing an impatient sigh out of you. One of your hands shot up to hold onto his muscular forearm and at the very moment, he pushed two digits inside of you, making you gasp. Your grip on him tightened, nails digging into his skin as he withdrew his fingers out of your dripping cunt only to push them right back in. He continued with that movement, in and out, in and out, hard and quick. You threw your head back to lean against him, your breath ragged and eyes rolling back.
"Look at yourself, dearheart, look how pretty you look with my fingers inside of you." Wesker's voice sounded heavenly to you when he whispered those words. Though everything about this man seemed so angelic, you could've sworn he fucked like the devil himself. Each time he took you, he made you see stars, making you forget about everything you had left in your head apart from him. So lovely.
His other hand shot up to catch your jaw and turn your head towards the mirror. "Open your eyes, my dear." And you do. Your eyes wide open now, staring right into his through the reflection. He looked back at you, a playful grin on his lips as he still fingered you in almost brutal pace.
"That's it."
Your mouth fell agape, any desperate attempts to muffle your moans were useless by now and the sight of your naked form surrounded by his muscular one made your legs tremble. You held onto him like your life mattered on it as warmth covered your entire body and you bucked your hips against his hand in desperation. You were close. So close...
Just when you were about to come undone on his fingers, he pulled them out of you, making you whine in response.
"Not yet, dearheart, the night has just begun," Wesker gave you a smug grin, his eyes fixated on yours when he brought his digits coated in your arousal to his lips, tasting you. The sight alone made you whimper, only imagining how good it would feel if he tasted you properly.
He made sure to lick his fingers clean while he made you watch. Impatience in you only grew, your heart racing as he forced you to just watch. It was pure torture.
You squirmed in his hold. "Please... Touch me again," you begged.
"Patience," he clicked his tongue. "Be a good girl and you might get what you want." Though his orders were direct, you knew better than that. He wanted you to obey, without him having to remind you. The thought of you struggling to keep up with him turned him on so much and he had the whole night to continue with the teasing, edging you until you would be so sensitive it'd become a dangerous play whenever he'd touch you.
You ached for him, to feel his skin on you, to feel him all over you, inside of you.
"Yes sir." You muttered silently as you stared at him and noticed a smug grin form on his face again.
One of his hands took a hold of your breast, squeezing it almost painfully before his thumb slid over your hardened nipple, making your breath hitch. That seemed to satisfy him enough. He was holding himself back from fucking you senseless at this point, every other sound from you only added to the fuel. What a pathetic feelings for a man like him and yet, he was caught up enough not to care one bit.
He began kissing your neck, gently, his tongue sliding over your skin, wettening it before he began to suck on it. You gasped. Completely engulfed by mixture of pain and pleasure you could only think of how purple your neck is going to be the next day. He kept sucking and biting, becoming rough, only to shove his fingers back into your aching hole, forcing a loud moan out of you.
His fingers moved in and out of you quickly while he kept looking at you through the mirror. That was an observation - he needed to know whether you'll listen to him or not. A sigh escaped him, enjoying the beautiful sight before him. You were indeed trying to be good for him.
Your mouth fell agape and you fought the urge to close your eyes and seek support of his body behind hours. You trembled with each thrust of his fingers, not even knowing how many he stuffed you with. You were so wet, he slid in so easily, making your vision go blurry so that you couldn't even count.
Your eyes were locked together as he brought you closer to your orgasm, enjoying every moan of yours. It was like a music to his ears, absolutely angelic.
It was your body that seemed to be giving up on you. You were close again, gripping his arm roughly, hoping for some stability. Though when he brought you over the edge, your eyes immediately rolled back, a loud cry escaped you. If you'd only known...
"Now have I given you permission to cum?"
There was the catch you didn't count on. He didn't stop there, working you through your orgasm, the movement of his fingers only intensified. Tears formed in your eyes while he kept overstimulating you, you tried to desperately push his hand away, the amount of pleasure becoming painful, yet he didn't budge.
A low chuckle escaped Wesker at your pathetic attempts of stopping him. "But I suppose that since you wanted to cum so badly, I'll just make you do it again and again, until you learn how to ask politely."
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kuroppiii · 2 months
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   women love me, fish fear me ᵕ̈         timeskip!boyfie!nishinoya yū         x gn reader ˎˊ˗
⋮⋮ ˒ ₍ᐢ..ᐢ₎ 𖥻 ⿻ : traveling the world    ⋮⋮  with noya can be a handful at ⋮⋮  times ...
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💬 kuroppiii ─ “ i actually loved writing this so much ?? not me making myself giggle and kick my feet around … this one is so silly , chattt i hope you like it toooo ”
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your boyfriend was currently holding a big-ass king crab in his hands as the fishing boat rocked under your feet.
your travels have brought the two of you to the waters right off the shores of british columbia, canada. this isn't the first time nishinoya had convinced you to fish for your own dinner at the destination you found yourselves in. what better way to immerse yourself in the culture than eating only the best of what's in season for the region?
however, this is the first time that this little tradition has brought you face-to-face with a sea creature with arms about the same-length arms as yours.
"hurry up then, babe! take a picture so i can send it to the guys back home!" nishinoya only giggles as if he's not holding an absolute beast of a crustacean, “this is going to taste amazing tonight, i can’t wait. maybe we should grill it—wait does our airbnb even have a grill?…”
in the most loving way possible, you think to yourself how you could not possibly give a fuck about trying to remember if the airbnb had a grill or not right now.
not with that crab—something of magnitude you’ve never seen before in your life—staring you straight in the eye.
you try your best with slightly-trembling hands to fumble with the phone in your grasp, lining up the shot at the same time as squinting to see the screen under the blazing summer sun and its rays.
once you overcome the glare of the shimmering, almost sparkling, waters around you, nishinoya's image becomes clear through your phone screen as you snap a few photos.
his colorful rayband sunglasses are pushing back against the blonde tuft at the front of his hair slightly-damp hair. the mist that floats up from the current splashing against the base of the boat and has you both covered in a thin sheen layer of water—which is doing your boyfriend so many favors because the sun reflects off his tanktop-clad arms as they flex to hold up the king crab in front of him.
probably taking more pictures than necessary (perhaps a bit distracted by how you were ogling the man in front of you), you almost can forget about the fear the crab was instilling in you when you’re interrupted as nishinoya suddenly yells out,
he doubles over, still holding the crab but now trying to hold it as far away from his as possible, and winces in pain.
"OH MY GOD, BABE ARE YOU OK?" you ask him in a panic. your first reflex is to rush to his side to make sure everything’s okay—but again, there’s a huge fucking crab in your way.
flustered about this fact, you start to turn to get the boat captain for assistance. but then suddenly nishinoya starts to laugh.
“sorry baby, i was just playin’,” nishinoya admits through the gasps of air from his laughing fit, “i’m fine!”
you can even hear the captain laugh along with nishinoya’s little prank as he steers the boat a short ways behind you and nishinoya.
if the sun beating down on you wasn’t enough, you feel your face get even warmer and you can practically see yourself blushing as red as the crab your boyfriend just faked pinched him.
you wanted to be frustrated at him for joking around about something that could be very real and very dangerous.
but when you looked at nishinoya—quite literally glowing under the summer sun and with a smile that was wide and almost brighter in your eyes than that very same sun—you couldn’t bring yourself to be actually upset at him for very long.
“don’t scare me like that!” you still lightly scold him but feel his contagious laughter creep onto your face in the form of a reluctant smile on your lips. you try to playfully nudge at the side of his head for emphasis, but only your fingertips manage to graze his sea-salty hair as you try not to touch the giant crab by attempting to reach as far above it and its claws as you can.
but that night in your airbnb, a small log cabin that overlooked the shoreline where you were on that crabbing boat just hours before, you and nishinoya did manage to find a grill.
and your boyfriend wound up being right—the crab did taste really good after he cooked it for the both of you for dinner.
“told ya it would be worth it, sweetie,” he lovingly bragged.
you roll your eyes as you crack open another one of the crab legs but before you can dig in, nishinoya leans over the candlelit table where you two share your meal on the airbnb’s back porch.
the two of you kiss, and you can taste the garlic butter that's been accompanying your meal on nishinoya’s lips. it leaves you giggling as he pulls back, and it doesn't help that once he’s seated again, you swear you can see love swimming around in his eyes.
you're so in love with this man.
but if you said the best part about getting to travel the world was seeing your boyfriend enjoying the antics you both get into as he pursues this journey that means so much to him, you’d be wrong in his opinion.
in actuality, nishinoya’s favorite part is moments like these. seeing you in front of him, a beautiful sunset of pink, purple, and orange hues swirling to create a backdrop to your happy and serene face… that’s the thing he’d travel to the ends of the earth for, over and over again.
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stcrgazings · 2 years
like a tattoo ➳ (c.l)
part two is up and you can read it here
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note: sooooo I literally wrote this out of nowhere, but i like how it turned out, it’s nothing like the song really buttt it has some of its lyrics so it only seemed fitting to name it that. thx to my girly @hey-kae who was my beta reader, and convinced me to post this, love ya. happy reading and don’t be a ghost reader!
pairing: charles leclerc x female reader
summary: in which you’re having a very hard time trying not to think about your ex-boyfriend charles, and with his dnf in the first race of the season, everything seems to remind you of him.
warnings: use of alcohol, lots of swearing (mostly fuck), a very heartbroken reader, mentions of a dick-ish charles, smoking ¿?? kinda
word count: 1,5K (it’s a shortie but I promise is soooo good)
“and it’s a Ferrari slowing down guys, and it looks like it’s Leclerc” the commentator in the tv says and your heart immediately drops.
Yes, you hate him, and don’t even wanna look at his face ever again but your heart still aches for him and the way his team is failing him yet again in what is barely the first race of the season.
Your model friend turns to look at you as the stylist sips you up over the black tube dress and fixes your hair in the tight ponytail that adorned you head.
“That’s karma” says the girl besides you, as you inevitably roll your eyes.
“That’s one way to call it” you say and everyone in the room that was starting at you bursts out in laughter.
You wanted to hate him, you really did, but you couldn’t help but wanting to text him after that awful race for him.
But fuck him, right?
He had a championship to win, at least that what he said when he broke up with you cold blooded, so yeah, fuck him and his stupid unreliable little red car.
you look at yourself in the mirror and smile at the reflection, you’re pretty, the most wanted model of every single luxury brand, and you eventually will get over him.
So you say your goodbyes as you exit the Prada building after signing yet another contract to add to your portfolio, your girl best friend hooked in your arm as you both giggled softly about where you both will be partying that nigth.
“But in Monaco right?” She asks as you both enter the limousine waiting for you at the front.
“Yeah I guess” is all you answer as you manager turns to look at you both.
Your hand lingers through your phone and eventually Charles contact, you wanted to text him, but at the end you decide against it, but something in the back of your mind tells you to unblock him and so you do.
Maybe some vodka will give you the courage to text him, or at least to hook up with someone else to forget about those haunting green eyes.
“We’re going to a club” you answer, finally lifting your eyes from the device your managers face quickly going pale.
“You really think that’s a good idea?” He asks serious, you roll your eyes.
“Why?” You play dumb as your friend besides you giggles.
“Bella don’t support her!” He complains.
“I’m actually curious why not?” The model asks again, also playing dumb, the man in front of you squeezing his fists as the both of you gang up on him.
“You going out partying and getting hammered when your ex just got his ass kicked at the race, how do you think the media would react to that?”
you meant this with absolutely every bone of your tiny body, when you say this;
“Do you really think I care what the media thinks? Fuck them for all I care” You spit and Bella besides you claps and cheers and picks a fight with your manager who is clearly unhappy with your plans of the night, he lists all of the cons and the reasons you should stay at home tonight.
“It’s a Sunday y/n, for gods sake!” He says but you didn’t listen and truly did not care a bit.
This is what you’ve been doing for the pasts weeks to try and cope with what he had done to you, and you hated yourself for not just getting over him.
Because it’s not like he was boyfriend of the year when you two were together, in the last months of your relationship he barely even acknowledge you, and he had dump you over call after what it was the biggest fight of your relationship.
Because you had exploded out frustration from his constant indifference, and dick ass attitude, and then ditched the apartment you both shared together.
So naturally when when he called you hours later you thought it was maybe to fix the things between the both of you.
But boy were you wrong.
Somewhere along the lines of “you’re just a model you don’t understand anyway” and “text me when you come get your things” the person you had love the most for the longest time broke your heart and didn’t looked back.
And so you went into self defense and destructive mode and if he didn’t looked back neither did you, blocking him in every social media known to men.
And like that you were strangers with who one was your favorite person in the entire earth.
And so if you wanted to go and get completely hammered after he lost a stupid race you would.
The Weeknd was playing as you downed another shot with people surrounding you as they cheered you on.
you were pretty wasted, but you still couldn’t get the Ferrari driver out of your mind.
All that you could think about was him, how much you missed him, and how much you wanted him right now.
As you danced with strangers hand all over your body you couldn’t help but remember his.
You remembered his hands, the way you would squirm under his touch, how he would show you how the stars looked like with just his fingers, the way his hands fit practically like they were meant to be holding yours, how good it feel when they were wrap around your neck, and how he would woke you up with them as he tickle you in to his arms, the way he held you at night as you both talk about your days and how much you missed each other.
Suddenly it all feels like too much, you pushed the stranger away from you, his grab in you becoming overwhelming and you need air, a single tear running trough your cheek and you can’t breath and it’s so unfair.
It’s unfair because you’ve had the worse months of your life and he had just moved on, with who used to be one of your best friends.
(Or at least that’s what every single media outlet said)
And you probably shouldn’t believe it but you still remembered the bile coming up your throat as you stared at the pictures of them at the Paris Fashion Week.
So you sit with your head thrown back in on of the sofas of the private booths at the club, and as the air conditioner hit your face, you remembered his hands and the way the mountains looked when you took that trip to the French Alps last Christmas, and you wanted to sob because of how awful it all felt and how much your body ache for him, you close your eyes and take some deep breath, and you can almost feel his lips against yours, you can almost see the life shooting diamonds from his eyes, his beautiful eyes.
The ones that would haunt you at night when you couldn’t sleep because all you did was think of him, how he was doing, if he missed you as much as you did him.
“You want a cig? Looks like you need it” a stranger asks in front of you, you mumble a no as you can, being so lost in your own head.
For the longest time Charles was by far, in your books at least the best person in the world, always so happy and perky, his smile lighting up your days, and nights, always so hungry for life, wanting for you to know the world the same way he did, always so passionate about the things he loved, always so passionate and loving of you.
You can’t help but wonder when it all went wrong, maybe somewhere between France and Abu Dhabi, the last being the last time you remembered being genuinely happy beside Charles, because yes he had come second in the championship but you remembered the way he held you up and kissed you in the hotel room and for a moment you thought you both will be fine.
But when you reach the top, it comes the fall.
And it was all fighting and misunderstandings and misery because you just wanted to be with him but he just wouldn’t let you.
Now you were there, still falling, wanting to forget about those times when you were happy with him.
He moved on, why couldn’t you?
Sitting there you beg for the universe to help you, to give you a sign, anything really, that eventually things would change, that you would stop feeling this way, that the hole inside your chest would disappear and finally the air would feel the way it’s supposed to and breathing and waking up in the morning wouldn’t be as hard as it had been lately and happiness would return your way and things would get better.
Obviously the least that you expect is your phone screen lighting up.
Especially with the name of the one that hadn’t been able to leave your mind in the entire night.
Suddenly an “I miss you” text from Charles hits you out of nowhere like a brick in the face.
Maybe you’ll take that cigarette now.
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killykstudio · 1 year
Miguel O'Hara x Obsessed!Reader
Part 1; Part 2; Part 3; Part 4; Part 5; Part 6;
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Warnings: 18+, smut, parano1a,heavy themes as depress1on, anxiety, intrusive thoughts, obsessive behaviour
Summary: After breaking definitely with your ex husband, you think your life is gonna be better, instead you get submerged from your own unhealthy behaviour.
Author's note: the pictures at the top of the post are just for aesthetic purposes. Y/N doesn't have any distinguishing physical traits or type of clothing, leaving you free to imagine her as you like!
Your reflection in the hand mirror is engulfed in the pinkish and blue lights of the club.You are messing your hair , trying to give them a more beautiful shape. You look...
"Linda~" you feel the word on your neck and gasp at the known voice.
"here. The line at the bar was so long, sorry if I made you wait too much" he places two glasses of tequila in front of you two on a glass table.
"Don't worry, Miggy" you lovely smiled at him. He reciprocates the sweet gesture adding a hint of seduction.
You both take the glasses , sip down the drink. Without thinking, you took all the tequila in your glasses, and in that same moment, a sensation of both heat and cold sent a shiver down your spine, causing an involuntary shudder. The alcohol was relentless, mercilessly scorching your throat, and your stomach clenched uncomfortably.
"Slow down! Muñequa! This isn't a competition " he chuckled, placing his glass on the table.
"God," you murmured, choked, and closed your eyes for a moment.
"You were supposed to enjoy it and not see it as a challenge..." His hand brush against yours as he takes your glass and places it near his. You reopened your eyes and locked them on his figure.
Damn, he is gorgeous: disheveled hair, plumb lips , you can see his muscle under his too tight black shirt and his eyes! His red bloodied eyes that make you bloom emotions you cannot distinguish.
"You are... sooo pretty Miggy ~ " you said it boldly.
He chuckles at your statement. You start hitting him playfully "why are you laughing!" Accidentally you went so close to him: your breast against his heavy chest; one of your legs on his; your nose lightly brushing. "C'mon Miggy stop making fun of me!" He keeps laughing until his lips crash on yours. It was sensual and hungry: he tasted all you had to give him,then he broke the kiss with a groan, leaving you breathless.
His warm hand ventured higher. A shiver ran through your heated body, and you couldn't help but bite down on your lower lip and close your eyes. His warm breath on your neck made you tense up. 
He buried his head in your supple neck, kissing and sucking on your skin, leaving behind a trail of love bites.His hand disappears under your dress, and you stifle a moan as he slides two fingers in your slit. Your body was engulfed in flames.
"Miggy-y! Not her-e!" "Let them see who makes you feel good and who you belong to" you have to muffle a moan by biting your lips due to the way his voice rumbles in your ear to your chest.
"te gusta Muñeca? Eres un balbuceo desastre, "¿Te hago sentir tan bien?
The desire in his burning eyes. He stared at you like a hungry predator, and it dawned on you that it was just because of what he was doing to you, right in the middle of the club.
The various sensations nearly drove you insane
"If only you knew," his fingers moved faster inside you, his thumb massaging your clit incessantly, you almost lost your mind, "how much I’d like to fuck you right here on this table."
And that was it. His words were the trigger, you org-
You scream in pain as you fall on the freezing ground, you were on the peak of pleasure and you were brought abruptly down from it without having the time to experience it.
"time is off Y/L/N" you are a shaking mess, breathing heavily and sweating profusely. You stand on your arms , propping your head back to see the figure in front of you. A woman elegantly dressed with a goth cyberpunk dress and wearing
"you don't have enough memories for another round"
"impossibile I- "you have used them all" She leans near you giving you a hand to stand up. Delicately she starts unplugging all the caves attached to you. " The fuck?!" You move quickly from her touch falling on the floor. "Listen Y/L/N you know perfectly how paraerotism works , I even gave you the depliant : you can use your own memories of a person and copy and paste them to be able to modify them in whatever scenarios you want, but they can only last as much as the original one. You have copied all in which this.... Eugh " she touched her glasses that worked as a tablet.
"Miguel" you correct her
"can you silence your phone, Y/N/L? It has been ringing the whole time "
It was your husband sending all that texts still desperate to understand why you left him
" I can't, if someone important text me, I have to know it"
As if Miguel is gonna call you in any moments
She sighs and continues with her lecture "Unfortunately you already copied all the memories you have of him and-
"can I not copy them again?"
"Can you not talk for a minute?" Your face showing clearly annoyance. " if you copy the same memory more than once , there is the chance of altering it irrevocably and even the chance of completely forgetting it."
Now everything else from now she said was a buzz for you , immersed in your thoughts as you slowly regain your sense from the brain sucking session
Fuck... You don't know for how many days you went on this paraerotic thing: you had left your husband two weeks ago and you cut all your relationships, but one , except for your ex searched for you and this only led you more into this artificial drug. It's not the first time you were dragged by it, but all the time you exited from it.
"I promise this will be the last time, mom" the phrase reverbed in your brain.
"anyway since you have finished your memories of this guy, can I show you our Catalog of videoparaerotica? We have a new entry! which is already popular among our costumers: Spiderman Venom edition! The tags include: tentacle; dom; superhero; fighting; rescue; traumatic experience..."
As she continued reading all the tags, she didn't notice you get off from the floor and leaving the club like place.
Your senses are still cool down having a difficult time to focus everything in your eyesight, you could feel under your skin a buzzing feeling like a static tv. Another effect of assumption is the momentary loss of sense of orientation, so you activate location to be able to move back to your home.
As you narrow your eyes to adjust them to the light, you are met by a huge thunderstorm
Lucky me ! You sarcastically smiled thinking at the fact you didn't bring an umbrella since the metro didn't announce anything about rain.
Your smile fades away
Fuck! Fuck this city! Fuck my family! Fuck my ex! Fuck Miguel! FUCK EVERYBODY!
This sound is different, since you have set up different sounds for all your number contacts.
You open your phone:
My dear I've been worrying about you I hope you are doing that disgusting perverse synthetic drug again... Please call me when you can.
You start typing.
You are never gonna call her.
You keep walking under the rain trying to avoid getting dripping wet, stopping sometimes under some balcony and veranda. The rain doesn't stop, it's raining cats and dogs, it's so strong that it almost creates a Gray screen. You are freezing and trembling , the cold reminds you of that of the lake.
Without realising, tears start flooding from your eyes,falling in the plash in front of you, fading in the rain.
Why am I like this? No . I destroyed my wedding, my most important relationship that I've built up in many years .not again . It's not my ex fault , it's mine ! I was feeling strange even before I knew about his cheating. NO. I'm tired of these thoughts, I can't MANAGE TO DO ANYTHING, why can't my brain shut down?
You try to stop thinking, eyes fixed on the rain falling in front of you, then see your reflection: you look fucking stupid.
I'm so stupid! I'm so weird! Can I be someone else?! God I wish I could peel my f-
A crowd of people screaming and running in front of you drags you back to reality.
"come here you little bug!"
It's that dr. Octopus? Is he a female? He is... A human?! I thought it was a sentient octopus, on the news they describe it in that way... I'm gonna unsubscribe from NYCN website. It's a fucking scam. Like this cit-
"Come on spidey don't run~ I've a lot of questions for you~ you don't know? It's legit to ask questions and it's a courtesy to answer them!"
She is swinging across the builds with her mechanical tentacles , the rain making it difficult for her to move quickly and precisely, trying to grab something, someone.
"It's courtesy not obligatory!"
Ah yeah... omg... You bring a hand in exasperation on your face. again him. You sigh deeply.
Spiderman still being agile enough to dodge or her hits and swings. He is really agile, but he has the trademark to be like an elephant in a crystal shop, terribly unaware of his surroundings, everywhere he goes , something has to be repair.
Like my balls everytime my ex messages me. Incredibly this rude statement from you makes you grins a little. Good one Y/N!
The two opponents keep bittering each other with witty remarks. You couldn't care less : you are under a veranda bar covering yourself from the thunderstorm; people keep fleeing the scene to secure themselves,but you couldn't care less, you didn't care If the hit,on the contrary, your mother could redeem your association, so you would actually be helpful to your family! Finally!
"We have fought thousands of times in my universe, it's a quiet...as they say in Italy... a 'prassi'~" (custom thing)
God,I should start a business where I sell popcorn near this kind of fights. Also thickets and merchandise, people would go crazy for this kind of things
"Funny! I have checked my agenda and there is written that it is scheduled only one match, bitch or as they in Italy,puttana!"
He lands on the street, throws a web and pulls himself towards his foe. She starts striking quickly attacks with her tentacles,but he manages to dodge them all, cutting them in the processe. Only one is still functioning properly, infuriated , Docto tries to flee , but Spiderman grabs her by her last tentacle and pushes her violently on the ground.
No wait!
Hitting the ground, due to cause effect , a huge wave of rainwater hits you like a tsunami. You are incredulous and dripping wet.
Not even Miguel could make you this w-
Now even your thoughts were making your life miserable.
You can smell blood. Not yours.She is still alive, getting up weakly from the ground.
"Wanna go for round two?" He asked sarcastically
She stares at him full of wrath then her anger seems to be replaced by amusement. She starts laughing , starting from normal to a hysterical one, simultaneously she takes a pistol needle and injects her self with some strange liquids and slowly she regains strength. Ready to storm towards him. She starts swinging, then everything went black for her.
You couldn't see her anymore: a flying ambulance just hit her.
You are still from shock. Spiderman is shocked. The paramedics are shocked. The only thing that wasn't stunned , is the rain who keeps falling down at an incredible speed.
Fuck this shit!
As you feel the effects of the drugs have been completely washed over by the shock, you turn off your phone and storm back to your home.
And so in the hallway echoed your steps, the screaming of the people, the shouts of the paramedics at the poor driver and the voice of spiderman.
Drops falling from your jacket on your floor as you are undressing your self. You look around, something is off.
Did I forget to turn the lights off? AGAIN!? Damn then I ask myself why the bill is so hig-
"Y/N , you know it's courtesy to answer the phone" you turn your head knowing what hare you going to face : your mother fury.
"But it's not obligatory"
"only people without common sense doesn't or-
"my ex doesn't leave me alone , he keeps messaging me! What the fuck does he want from me?!"You cut her lecture clearly being too tired to even listen to her, but at the same time you know the power she holds on you.
"moderate the language"
"sorry... So I had to turn off my phone, the sound was driving me insane!"
"I-" "your phone had the position activated" she abruptly interrupts you. Cold sweating gathering on your skin.
"and it was still on when I texted you"
"I-" you trying to collect saliva in your mouth.
"I was busy"
"busy destroying yourself?"
" I was in the fifth Avenue 42 there is a pub there" she narrows her eyes. "This isn't a bright period for me and I just wanted to relax a bit." Your hands moving in the air looking more dramatic, trying to release all your anxiety.
"Drinking a few beers isn't destroying my self"
"oh so you were drinking alone in a pub? " she says sarcastically. "It's not true that drinking alone leads to alcoholism! You know my bud-"
" let me check your breath"
You are caught red-handed. Your mouth is semi open trying to think of something to help yourself out of this umpteenth disaster.
"I washed my teeth"
Nice try
Your mother stared at you with a murderous look. She stands up and comes closer to you. You are petrified. You could feel your soul leaving you. You don't remember how many times she helped you and how much money she has spent for your rehabilitation, but you can clearly picture how many times you let her down.
She a few centimetres from your face
"you destroyed all my efforts to give you a better life" her voice was grave and severe. You are preparing yourself for the emotional wave of anger she is gonna throw on you.
"I'm sorry to have been a nuisance. I will let you be. Have fun with your own life"
Then she turns her hills and goes straight to the door.
Wait, what?
Author's note: I'm sorry for the long chapter, but I didn't find a way to split in two effectively. Anyway in the next one we will encounter a new familiar face! A new silly and bizarre relationship is gonna form. Also I've plans for Miguel POV,but I don't know if it will be in the next part or the one after. Only time can tell. So be ready for part 7 and as always thank you for your support!
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glitchtricks94 · 1 year
Demon Slayer Drabbles: Giyuu Tomioka Thirst
So the thirst wouldn't send through the ask box- I just decided to straight up make this a post because I'm proud and damn it, I refuse to pussy out and shorten it or spread it out over two anons! This is NSFW with a soft dom-esche Giyuu, so please, mind the cut and the divider. This was a gift for @desi-the-blue-eyed-kakushi, a lovely person I really look up to in the community. So, without further ado, kick back, relax and enjoy~ -Glitchtricks
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Giyuu's head was filled with fog, the sound of your moans filling his ears like a symphony, his own low groans and soft whines slipping from his lips as he thrusted in and out of you, the scent of sweat and sex swirling all around the room you were both given at the Wisteria House. You had both known each other for ages, romantic and sexual tension always lingering between the two of you, and after this last mission, everything finally bubbled over and you two had practically pounced on one another in the forest. Giyuu ended up acting out of pure relief when he first pulled you into that initial kiss. You were nearly shredded by the demon you were both sent to dispose of, and Giyuu, being the good man and smitten fool he was, instantly lost it internally and made quick work of the demon, a quiet rage bubbling in his chest. Afterwards, while you were trying to thank him, he crashed his lips into yours, tossing his katana aside and squeezing you tightly, pulling you close enough to where you were flush against him. One kiss turned into two, then three, and then you were both grinding on each other through your clothes as you collapsed to the ground beneath you, tongues dueling for dominance, Giyuu soon being declared the winner. He pulled away, telling you that you both should go get fixed up, much to your dismay. You couldn't remember your complaints now, however, not while Giyuu was pounding into you as if his life depended on it. To him, it sure felt like it. Months of his longing were pressed into each thrust, everything he's been feeling towards you being poured into every kiss, every single heart stuttering moment that he ever had with you bursting to the forefront of his mind alongside the memories of all the nights he spent alone, having gotten off on imaginary scenarios that could never compare to the real thing. Giyuu couldn't help but give his everything to you with every plunge of his cock into your wet cunt. "F-fuck...you feel...feel so incredible..." Giyuu panted, sapphire eyes staring down at your fucked out expression, his face painted a warm red hue as he braced his body on his elbows on either side of your head, caging you. You looked up through tear stained lashes into Giyuu's eyes, pleasure wracking your body deliciously, your lip swollen from a mix of bruising kisses and you biting it to suppress your moans. "Y-you're so b-beautifuulll...oh gods..." He moaned out, seeing how you looked up at him, love, lust and pure bliss being reflected in your glassy eyes. "G-giyuuuuu..." You whined out, wrapping your legs around his waist and leaned up to catch his lips in a feverish kiss, the raven haired man instantly returning the gesture before parting and pressing you back into the futon. "G-Giyuu, more, more....please, please...!" You whimpered, the coil in your stomach threatening to snap again. "I-I've got you, my lily, I-I've got you...Let me handle it, l-let me-Fuck...Y-you got tiiiighter..." Giyuu responded, tipping his head back for a moment as you clenched down on his dick, pleasure shooting through him as he bucked into you harder. "Y-you're close, c'mon, baby, cum for me, please, I-I know you can do it. Cum on my cock, my love, I-I know you- Ah!"
You had let out a cry that Giyuu swiftly muffled by clamping a hand over your mouth, a strained groan leaving him as he continued thrusting, causing you to whine from overstimulation. "G-Giyuu, 's'too muuuucchhh!" You whined out again, Giyuu pressing a kiss to your lips, soft pants leaving his own as he grew closer to his own climax. "J-just a little more, my lily, I-I'm almost there, p-please hold on a little longer- Mmm!" Giyuu couldn't stop himself from thrusting wildly in and out of you, his eyes rolling back as he moaned out a little louder. "Oh fuck, fuck- I-I...I love you...." He whined out, pinning your hands on either side of your head and twining your fingers, the man above you still moaning out soft 'I love you's with each thrust of his cock, crying out when he felt you tighten as a second orgasm wracked your smaller frame, both of you silencing yourselves with a kiss while riding your highs. You both pulled away with a string of saliva connecting you both. Everyone applauded when you both came back, hands intertwined. Giyuu was embarrassed and so were you.
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imalicu · 6 days
Armin stood in front of the mirror, telling himself that today had to be different. The blond boy decided to follow Mikasa's advice on a beautiful day like this…
Of course, with the simple goal: confessing to his crush.
“Armin, what color do you think about Annie's eyes are?”
She looked at him, suddenly asking about his crush. Surprised by his friend's question, Armin could only answer honestly.
"Ocean blue?"
"So, what do you think about the blue in her eyes?"
“Uh… what?”
He was so shocked that he felt embarrassed, staring at the Eastern girl in disbelief.
Could it be that dating her own crush made Ackerman bolder? Or maybe she wanted to play matchmaker? Who could ever figure out what Mikasa was thinking, especially since her Eren wasn’t at school today due to being sick?
Ugh. And there could be many other reasons…
Even so, as longtime friends, Armin Arlert could only share everything about the beauty in Annie’s cold, blue eyes. He spoke with a strangely bright look in his own blue eyes.
"Alright... Her ocean-blue eyes look like two clear gems, shimmering as light reflects through them. The blue is gentle, deep like a peaceful sea, but sometimes it stirs with emotion like powerful waves. When she looks straight at me, those blue eyes seem to hold the vast ocean, both immense and mysterious, and I can’t help but get lost in them..."
“Really? That’s quite poetic of you, mister.” Mikasa nodded as if understanding, which made the blond boy even more embarrassed.
"But why did you suddenly ask that?"
“Well, I’ve come up with a plan, a plan for you to confess Annie.”
Armin's cheeks flushed red, feeling even more flustered at Mikasa’s suggestion. Ever since his failed confession the last time, he had lost all his courage to confess. His lack of confidence was growing day by day.
“Hey, I can’t do it. You know, I already tried confessing to her. But…”
Before he could continue, Mikasa interrupted.
"Don't worry, I know. Since you can't directly tell her ‘I like you’ (because you’re too chicken), I’ve come up with this plan. All you need to do is follow my lead and execute it well."
“Really? What plan?”
Armin looked at the Eastern girl with curiosity. With a captain’s smile, Mikasa shared her plan. And it was met with Arlert the bookworm’s nod of approval.
“Got it, I understand now.”
“If you understand, then go execute it. Your beloved Annie is waiting for you, your dummy.”
He took a deep breath, fixed his hair once more, and started walking toward Annie, who was sitting by the window listening to music. That was always her favorite spot.
From afar, Mikasa watched with her gray eyes lighting up with a satisfied smile, like a proud mother. She was certain that today, Armin, her “son,” would succeed.
According to her plan, Armin had decided to give Annie a genuine compliment: "You have a beautiful eyes."
Annie looked up, pulling out her earphones to hear him better.
"I wanted to talk to you… do you have a moment?"
“Uh, sure.” Annie hesitated for a bit before nodding. “Go ahead.”
“Well... the thing is…”
Come on, just say it, Armin. God, heart, please stop pounding so hard. Stomach, don’t twist up on me now. Brain, intelligence, where are you guys... I need confidence. Right, just take a deep breath. It’s just an honest confession disguised as a compliment, courtesy of Mikasa. Right? Right? Right?
Even though he tried to be natural, as Armin got closer, he grew so flustered and panicked that he couldn’t remember Mikasa’s exact advice. He mumbled, and finally blurted out something that even surprised himself.
“I have a beautiful eyes.”
Annie’s eyes widened in surprise, unsure how to react to such a strange compliment. She raised an eyebrow, trying to understand what Armin had just said.
From afar, Mikasa sensed Armin’s failure. She chuckled and shook her head in exasperation. “Oh my god, this bitch. I want to kill him right now."
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yuriririnnie · 10 months
To Hug a Porcupine
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A/N: I remember getting so much hate and having to go through so many conversations about how much of a walking red flag I am literally with everyone I know and love. I know a lot of us can relate, and we get along so well with those who tolerate us so much, it’s so unhealthy. Let this story be a homage to those who have been so patient with us, and love us so dearly despite it being so difficult. The metaphor is just so beautiful and I can’t help but reflect!
PAIRING | Sim Jaeyun (Jake) x reader
WC | 3.2k (again, wth Alice?)
GENRE | angst, fluff, everything’s sfw y’all is it even me if it’s not?
WARNINGS | explicit language (pardon my French, I can’t help it) mentions of sex, alcohol consumption, attachment issues, and all that teen angst
SYNOPSIS | You’re hard to love. That’s it. That’s the plot. 
“That’s it?” he breathed, “two years worth of my life and you’re going to throw it all away because “you can’t take it anymore”?”
Looking around the field you finally pluck up the courage to nod. 
It was about 10 more seconds before he picked up his backpack and left you sitting on the bleachers by yourself. It was the first break up of your life and you thought it would be more eventful, tearful, and painful, but the reality was that it was pretty straightforward and simple. Maybe it was the build up you’ve been feeling for a while, or maybe this wasn’t the kind of love you thought would have you begging on your knees. He was your first boyfriend and you thought that this break up would feel a lot more meaningful than this. 
You stay there alone for a while.
“So how did it go?” you finally feel the presence and warmth of a human being. “Did he cry? Oh my god please don’t tell me he cried.”
“No, Jake he did not cry.”
You moved from where you sat making room for him and his huge gym bag. Judging from his wet hair and pink cheeks, he probably just got out of football practice and just couldn’t wait to hear the news from you. 
“Man, I wish I could have made it on time before he left. The guy could have used some comforting.” 
You snorted, “You didn’t even like him that much.”
“Because he was totally jealous of me! He even asked you to avoid me at one point. He didn’t deserve you.”
“I actually think that it was me who didn’t really deserve him,” you countered albeit reluctantly, “Jay was a good guy.”
Jake could only nod slowly.
“And besides, it was me who woke up one day and realized I just didn’t like him anymore.” 
You sighed, getting lost in your thoughts trying to dig deep into your feelings to get an answer as to why you did not feel an ounce of regret or longing for any comforting yourself. It wasn’t every day you get to break up with your first boyfriend after all. 
Jake knew exactly why though. He’s been your best friend since childhood and witnessed you grow into the woman that you are now. The extrinsic changes were present and evident, but he knew who you were deep inside so everything you ever did or every decision you’ve ever made was still somewhat predictable to him. He will never tell you that, but you were hard to love, not because you were a bad person or because you treated others like shit. But because you were so fiercely loyal, strongly assertive, and undeniably rational. You wore your emotions up your sleeve but never put up with other people’s shit. This was especially because you had the patience of a driver stuck in rush hour traffic, and had absolutely no tolerance whatsoever. 
You were a walking red flag and even you knew it. And for some “unknown” pathetic reason, Jake tolerates you anyway. 
The very reasons why you were hard to love are the same reasons why it’s easy to fall head over heels for you.   
You looked at him, and he looked at you. You both smiled when he said, “Let’s get outta here.” 
You were now in college and you’d think that the break ups would get harder over time because you learn to understand and feel for others even more. They do still get a little difficult, especially with how invested people become when they fall in love. However, as you grew, things got a lot more complicated and the more that you’ve been pouring your feelings onto someone else, the thinner your patience got as time passed and it became easier, a lot less regretful for you to leave someone behind. 
“Heeseung told me you broke up with him.” Jake sat next to you on the couch as you mindlessly flipped through the Netflix shows you and him saved to watch together over the summer. 
You shrugged, still tapping on the remote. 
“Yeah, it was only a few months in, I didn’t think it was a big deal and— hey!!” 
He snatched the remote away and you were forced to face him. He looked at you with piercing eyes. Like, he had been angry with you before but you always hated having to confront him with these things. 
“Y/N, seriously. Tell me what happened.”
You sighed, rolling your eyes and finally caving in only because you thought that he would never let it go, and you wanted to watch your movie. 
“Things got too serious too fast. You know how easily overwhelmed I get.”
“What did he do to overwhelm you?”
“He told me that he loved me.”
You both paused. Jake witnessed the many boys that went after you but none of them had ever dropped the L-word knowing the kind of girl that you are. This was foreign territory for him too, but now that he knows what your reaction would be when someone tells you that for the first time, he suddenly felt the need to be more cautious, to be more careful of the things he might end up saying. 
“Oh.” he finally spoke. 
“I told you it was overwhelming.” you muttered, stealing back the remote from him. 
That night, he didn’t feel the need to pry even more. It was enough for him to know how sensitive you were about being told that you were loved. Nonetheless, he felt a small ache in his heart knowing that someone beat him to it. 
It was the night after graduation and instead of rejoicing over the milestone and celebrating with your friends and family, you were crying on the rooftop, burying your face into your arms as you wept. It was the first time you ever cried over a boy this hard, and you didn’t think it would hurt this bad. 
You heard footsteps nearby and a familiar warmth surrounded you. Jake cradled you in his arms and rubbed your sides as you continued to hide your face from the cold night air. 
“He said I was controlling and that I had too much of a chokehold on him,” you broke down, “he said that he felt like he was losing himself through the course of our relationship and that he allowed me to make all the decisions for us way too much.”
“There, there. It’s not your fault.” he whispered, “you did your best to love him in a way that you thought he wanted to be loved.”
“No, Jake, just no!” you lifted your head up and Jake swore that he heard his heart crack at the sight of your tears. “I loved him in my own way. I loved him because that’s how I wanted to love! It wasn’t how he wanted to be loved!” 
Jake felt the urge to just get up and punch Beomgyu, the boy who made you cry, in the face and make him regret that he ever broke your heart. However, he didn’t find it in him to argue, so he pulled your head onto his chest and let you cry and cry. This time, he finally witnessed you fall hard and actually admit it, and it awoke something in him. He was always on the fence about how he felt because you were best friends, but this time it’s decided. 
Sadly, he knew you weren’t in the right headspace. He knew he wasn’t ready. He will tell you when he’s ready. 
“You ghosted him?!” Jake put his beer down firm and loud, it made your dog jump in surprise. Poor Cookie.
“He was getting clingy, and you know that that can’t be for someone who’s struggling to obtain a law degree. School’s demanding, you know that.” 
You took a sip of your own beer nonchalantly.
So this was boy number four for you. Soobin. 
Okay, maybe number five because you couldn’t stand the guy you hooked up with twice a year back. Yeonjun was great, but he was also a law student and all you ever talked about after sex were your professors, subjects, and just law school in general. It was like sleeping with a coworker and you didn’t want that. 
“Soooo… you don’t like nice guys, you don’t like guys who say I love you too quickly, you don’t like it when they don’t allow you take control, but hate it when you have too much control.” he took a deep breath and continued, “you don’t like clingy, but you don’t like distant either.”
God he sounded like one of your classmates reciting important provisions, it almost gave you a headache. 
“I can’t help but be myself.” 
“You’re so hard to love.” he groaned.
Letting out a squeaky laugh you sang, “You love me anywaaaaayyy~!” and moved closer to him.
Jake choked on his beer and looked at you with panicked eyes. He knew that you were just playing and didn’t mean it in a way that’s past the boundary of being friendly. Well in your case, best-friendly. Still it made his heart skip a beat. 
You lift your feet up to fold your knees and made yourself comfortable on the couch next to him. It was always weird that you never felt any tension between you and Jake despite being so close to each other. You had nearly maximum skinship and spent more than half of your lives together and yet the relationship between you two was always tiptoeing the lines between romantic and just friends. It was the perfect trope, however, you knew Jake so well and loved him despite his lack of bitches and possession of so much negative rizz. 
He was so undeniably attractive yet never opened up to you about any girl. You always thought that maybe he was just picky but as the years passed you couldn’t help but wonder if he’s being too invested in you or is spending way too much time on you. Just the thought of those things being the reasons why he might not be getting any girlfriends made you cringe.
“It feels like hugging a porcupine.” he suddenly felt so confident in lecturing you.
“Like hugging a porcupine. You know, loving someone that’s difficult to love.” 
“That metaphor is so adorable, I almost feel like I am not offended.” your smile was there, but faltered when you suddenly felt the seriousness of the conversation. You don’t remember how much you two drank at this point of the night but you’re sure it has already been 6 beers in each and 6-beer Jake was truthful Jake and you’re not sure if you’re ready for it. 
You cleared your throat to ease some of the tension and scooted to the right to create some distance between you two, small enough to not be awkward, but distant enough to create a proper boundary. 
“What about you?” you finally said, “You were always at the front-row to witness my failed relationships but I have never heard you talk about your love life like literally ever.”
“You never asked.” he said.
“Never felt like I needed to ask.”
“Well I’m telling you now that you need to ask for me to answer.”
You felt a surprise chill at the change of atmosphere. If he liked someone he would have talked about her long ago, or could have at least mentioned her. You felt slightly disappointed in the newfound knowledge that he might really have had a girlfriend or liked someone before and you didn’t know why. It was unfair of him to keep that from you, but you also felt selfish in a way because you made everything seem like it was about you all these years. 
“I like someone Y/N, duh. I’m still a guy after all.” he chuckled. 
You sighed, not sure if it was out of relief or worry. “So are you gonna tell me or nah?”
He pretended to think for a while. “You’ll know.”
“Oh come on!!” you whined, “is she someone I know?!” 
“I said you’ll know her soon!” he continued to tease, “I’m actually making it blatantly obvious.”
“Fine. Though even if you don’t tell me, you know I’ll find out one way or another.”
“I hope it doesn’t drive you crazy.”
“Please. You can’t make me what I already am.” 
He laughed out loud and rubbed the top of your head. “Right. A crazy little porcupine.”
You deadpanned him and stuck your tongue out but snuggled back to him anyway, finally watching whatever movie it was that was playing in the background. 
The restaurant was quiet when you arrived. No one was around except for the waiter that greeted you as you walked in. You take in the ambiance with all senses, ears were surrounded by faint jazz music, everything was painted emerald and gold, roses carefully placed at the center of each table. The smell was a mixture of fresh mint and musk. Adding to it were the sounds of kitchenware clanging and chefs bickering in the background. It made you feel a little small considering you were kind of underdressed for the occasion. 
Jake told you to wear something decent and you did. You just didn’t think that decent meant extra formal. It was a little embarrassing and you make a small reminder inside your head to kill him later. 
You finally sat down on a table by the window feeling really nervous about meeting the girl Jake has been dying to introduce to you for the first time. He was extra giddy about her lately you weren’t sure how you felt about him being all worked up about some girl all of a sudden. Also, you wondered where has she been all this time. There was no build-up regarding her existence whatsoever so the whole idea of her made you skeptic. 
This whole thing reminded you of you guys’ childhood when one of your friends confided you saying that she liked Jake. It was just a small middle school crush and was meant to be a secret but it sent such a bad taste on your tongue. Granted that you were a kid back then, but thinking about it now, you knew that you still would have felt the same bad mood knowing someone else was making Jake the object of their affection. You were occupied with falling in love with other people and drowned in the flattery others were giving you, but never too distracted from the feeling of anger when you knew someone was crushing on your best friend.
It’s so funny how much you guys have been through together and how much you’ve grown. You know that a lot has changed for you and him but the dynamic of your relationship was your only constant. The idea of it changing because of this girl caused an emotional whiplash quicker than you ever imagined—and you haven’t even met her yet!
This another reason why you were so difficult. You were greedy and never swallowed your pride.
Fast forward to today. Here you are contemplating on your life decisions that involved Jake at the very last minutes of your chances of ever actually getting to be with him. How pathetic could you get picturing yourself watching him fall in love with someone else? 
The wait felt like hours and you checked your phone about 10 times within the last 12 minutes. He said he was going to be late because he was picking her up but the suspense was killing you.
You heard a bell ring from the entrance indicating that someone’s finally here. You looked up from your phone and spotted a familiar four-legged cutie walk up to you. 
“Layla?” you gaped, running towards her as she wagged her tail at the sight of you. “Oh my gosh, look at how big you’ve gotten!”
It has been ages since you saw Jake’s dog. She grew up alongside with you guys but you haven’t seen her since college and whatever Jake was up to right now made you forgive him for making you go through whatever this was. A million good girls, hugs, and slobbers later, your cute aggression subsided as you noticed something dangling from her collar. It was a locket with a picture of you and Jake back when you were kids on your first play date. You couldn’t remember taking that photo but you do remember not liking him at first. He was hugging you while you made a face. 
Were you gonna cry right now? Oh my god you are literally going to cry right now.
You stood up as the dog ran back towards the door and that’s where you saw Jake in his black turtle neck shirt, hair falling down to his eyes, just enough to cover his eyebrows, perfectly bordering his perfectly sculpted face. You always knew he was handsome but had you always known he was this handsome? He crouched down to ruffle Layla’s head of fur before walking to where you were. 
You were completely, utterly dumbfounded. What the hell was going on? Was he pranking you? If he was pranking you right now you would dump him so fucking hard both as a lover and as a best friend.
“Hi.” he smiled as if he didn’t just drop the biggest love bomb on you.
“You said you were going to be late because you were picking her up.” your voice was stern, still pretending to be your iron self even if deep inside your guts were doing somersaults. 
“Well, picking Layla up from home is a bit hard. She isn’t as light as she used to be.”
You both laughed.
You hear him take a deep breath and whispered, "I love you, Y/N."
Wasting not a second further you wrapped your arms around his neck and held him the tightest you have ever held him your entire life. You felt his hands grip your waist as he kept you guys in place. You hugged him so tight it nearly knocked the both of you down. He giggled and finally settled with rubbing your back, taking in the sounds of your beating hearts. Nothing compared to how close you were at this very moment, and you two have had your fair share of moments of zero-personal space. It wasn’t like when you sat close the day at the bleachers with his arm around you, not when you cried on his shoulder at the rooftop during graduation night, and not even like the drunken nights where you fell asleep on his chest. Nothing compared to how close you were right now.
“Did you see our photo?” he broke the silence, “I told you it was hard, but even as a kid I always knew how to hug a porcupine.”
“You’re insufferable.”
And with that, you shared your first kiss with your one true love, your soulmate, your best friend. And all it took was a leap of faith and the courage to love who was difficult to love.
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rysticality · 4 months
🔏: Stars, Turmoil, and Confessions
hq x reader. mini scenario.
⇲ in which the two had actually bundled up feelings for a long time. now, they spill out in a cheesy shakespeare-wannabe way. completely aware that they both became out of character.
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"If you squint your eyes a little more, you might finally realize that he only sees you like the dust being habitually brushed off his shoulders, while you look at him like he's. . .a star."
"That is so out of character for you to say, Miya."
You shifted, straightening your legs to stand up. You held onto the lockers in front of you, hiding away from the sight of the senior you were contentedly gazing at until a mop with blonde hair interrupted the moment. Your knuckles in contact with the grayish boxes resulted in a metallic sound causing you to look at your peripheral vision. The sigh of relief after seeing the senior leaving was short lived when you heard an unnecessary "ahem" at your side.
You glared at him. Quietly.
Quietly hoping that you would have it in yourself to find patience again for the audacity of the athlete infront of you.
He glared back, but there was a glint of something unfamiliar with it. Quietly.
He's quietly hoping not to accidentally vocalize the turmoil ongoing inside him. The kind that does not pull one into an abyss of doubts. A hole of chaos. A pit of hesitations.
No. This is a kind of turmoil. . .
"Well?" You asked after a three minute staredown with him. "You sure had a lot to say just a few minutes ago—"
"Turmoil." . . .in the shape of butterflies.
"What?" You crossed your arms as he became wide-eyed.
God. I really am not myself today.
"I'm sorry, Miya. But if this is another attempt to convince me in tutoring you for English then it is not working." Unconsciously, you stared at his adam's apple as it moved. His habit whenever he tries to think of wording something better. Your eyes moved upwards, meeting his line of sight. His gaze that could tell so much.
But none of that prepared you into finding out that he mistakenly thought you were in love with someone else. Someone who is not him. The senior. Although, he was not wrong. It was just that — the senior was currently a way for you to try to get over him.
"It's weird that you're now calling me, Miya." Shaking his head to avoid your suspecting stare. Then he pouted, trying to a make the atmosphere playful. You narrowed your eyes even more, he's doing something you've recalled from your past tutoring sessions with him. Topic-shifting.
"What's weirder is you sneaking behind my back as I internally fawn over my new crush. To move on from that previous numb, oblivious, and clearly uninterested one." You retored, noticed how his brows twitch at every emphasis of those words.
"You don't have to do that." You looked at him with questioning eyes as he scratched the back of his head. "Uhm, I might have heard that he; the "numb and oblivious." His ears turned red. "Could also like you—uh, he might also be interested in you. I mean your—"
"My crush?"
"Yes, your crush!" He exclaimed, biting his lip. "He might just be a bit of a coward—"
"A bit?"
"Alright!" He blurted back. "He was really a coward in those moments that just felt right. For those silly back and forths. The times that he took for granted. For ever letting those chances slip becase he's afraid that it's all only in his head." He sighed. You feel your heart crumbling while watching him being teary-eyed.
During the tutoring sessions. The practice matches. The encounters in the corridors. Him in the court. You in the sidelines. The feelings passed around through your intersecting perspectives.
"Call it me being a "fool", but I never thought it could actually be possible."
He looked at you straight in the eyes. You liking me back you know? His golden irises reflected on the mirrors of your soul. Filled with emotions that you've become familiar with because you've already witnessed them a couple of times.
"While you call it that way. All I could describe it is that it's strange too."
You sighed, the long awaited confession at the tip of your tongue. Your arms fell both at your sides as your hands clenched into fists, closing your eyes.
"It's strange that up until now you'd accuse me of gazing at someone like he's a star—"
"When all I've ever thought is that you were my entire universe."
Meeting his intense gaze, he closed the distance. The ends of your worn out shoes touching. His index finger trying to meet with yours. Smiles sneaking onto two pairs of lips. No one knows the hazy proximity of the two students at the school grounds. During after class hours. The rays of the setting hitting them as if it is obviously eavesdropping on their conversation.
His eyes finally gleamed in unmasked fascination after hearing your words.
"You're not a fool, Tsumu."
©️ rysticality
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