#been a while since I used my markers I need to practice with them again
heartfulselkie · 4 months
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Fluff Noir and Fluffmidable the Furry CousinsBrothers
Are you more of a catboy person or a dogboy person?
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auras-moonstone · 9 months
Hii! Could you please write an ethan fic based off the ybwm music video but y/n and ethan are childhood bestfriends and but doesnt notice her until prom? ALSO IM LISTENING TO 1989 TV RN AND ITS SOOOO GOOD
been here all along — ethan landry
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word count: 3,306
pairing: ethan landry x fem!reader
summary: ethan and y/n had been best friends since they were little, but y/n, unbeknownst to ethan, has always been i love with him. it isn’t until prom night that he finds out.
warnings: none!
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Y/N WAS STUDYING ON HER DESK WHEN SHE SAW HER BEST FRIEND’S SILHOUETTE THROUGH HER WINDOW. Ethan threw himself to the bed, lying on his back as he tiredly rubbed his face with the hand that wasn’t holding his phone to his ear. He felt eyes on him, so he turned around and saw the girl staring at him with a worried expression. He smiled instantly and, after hanging up the phone, he went to grab a small board and a marker.
hey, creep, he showed her the careless handwriting with a smirk.
Y/N stuck her tongue out before grabbing her own board. you okay?
i’m fine, he replied with a shrug and a forced smile.
Y/N arched an eyebrow, i know you better than that.
His shoulders slumped, can i hang out with you for a while?
always. back door is open!
Less than five minutes later Ethan entered her room and plopped down on her bed, resting his head on his hand. Y/N noticed his eyes were a bit red and had dark bags under them, and yet he continued to be he most gorgeous human she had laid her eyes on.
“What’s wrong?” she asked softly, resisting the need to run her fingers through his wet brown hair.
“Coach killed us at practice today. My whole body hurts.” he mumbled.
“And…” she urged him to go on, knowing that was not it.
Ethan sighed. “I hate that you know me so well.” he groaned. “I fought with Mila.”
“Again.” she added, trying to hide her bitterness.
Mila and him had been dating for a couple of months, and she had managed to turn the ray of sunshine that Ethan used to be into a person who was always tired and in a gloomy mood. She had completely brought him down.
People at school loved the couple. And, on the outside, they seemed perfect. Ethan was the captain of the hockey team and the most good-looking boy at school, and Mila was the cheer captain and most good-looking girl at school—perfect pairing, right? On paper, yes.
But Y/N had the disgrace of witnessing most of their fights and the toxicity that filled the air whenever they were together. At the beginning, they had a normal relationship but eventually, the attention got the best of Mila and she turned into a controlling, jealous girlfriend who was also obsessed with painting the perfect image.
“Yeah… this time it was about prom.” he scoffed.
“What about it?”
“She came to practice and said we had to go buy her dress and my suit. Then she wants me to take fucking dancing classes because everything needs to be perfect and I can’t mess it up with my dance moves.”
“She’s going to have to buy tons of oil bottles for that. The Tin Man from Wizards of Oz can move better than you.”
Ethan laughed and threw her a pillow. “You’re such an asshole.”
Y/N smiled like the Cheshire cat. Ethan had no idea that his smile could practically light up the whole town, and it made her furious that Mila managed to take that away. Ever since they started dating, Ethan very rarely smiled around others.
“Anyways, the thing is I refused to do that. You know how tired I am after practice, and she got pissed and wouldn’t let me leave. I ended up holding back hockey practice and coach was furious.” he explained. “Then, after practice, she called and silly me thought—nice, she is going to apologize, but no. She wanted to see if I’d changed my mind. And that made me mad, so we started fighting about her interrupting practice and how furious she would be if I were to find her during cheer practice. Then she started yelling and I just hung up because my head fucking hurts.”
Y/N watched with sad eyes. What was he doing with a girl like that? She clearly didn’t care about him. “I’m sorry about your psycho of a girlfriend. You deserve better” she said, and he gave her a small smile. “There’s Tylenol on my drawer and the bottle is filled with water.”
“Thanks. You’re the best, did you know that? Being with you is lately the only thing that makes me feel at peace.”
“I love you, Eth, and I’ll always be here.”
The boy grabbed her hand and pulled her into his chest, hugging her tightly. “I love you, too.” he placed a kiss on the crown of her head. “Can I stay over?”
“Of course.”
Ethan fell asleep quickly, contrary to Y/N, whose thoughts kept her brain working like crazy. Ethan’s sweet words about her making him feel at peace should be heartwarming, but instead it made her heart hurt. Why couldn’t he see her the way she saw him? The way he saw Mila. Why couldn’t Ethan see that she was dying to be in Mila’s place and that he deserved so much better than her?
Ethan deserved to be with someone who treated him like he hung the moon, and instead he was settling for someone who overwhelmed him and brought him down, someone who cared more about what other people said than about his feelings and happiness. It made Y/N both sad and angry, and she prayed he would wake up and see he was worth more.
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ETHAN ENTERED HIS ROOM AND DRAGGED HIS FEET TOWARDS HIS BED. He wanted to take a long nap and disconnect from the world, ignoring all the things that were overwhelming him lately. He wanted those feelings to be gone, he needed a good sleep and a good cry. And as if God had heard his prayers, the problems evaporated once his eyes caught sight of his best friend dancing around her room without a care in the world. He crossed his arms and watched with a smile, waiting for her to notice.
The girl stopped as soon as she felt eyes on her. Frowning, she quickly scribbled something on her blackboard.
i don’t do shows for free, quit looking
Laughing, he wrote back, what kind of shows do you do? i’m interested.
Y/N pretended to throw up and replied, i’m calling 911 pervert. And as he shook his head, she quickly wrote something else. you look stressed. wanna talk about it?
And as every afternoon, Ethan ended up sprawled on his best friend’s bed with her lying beside him. “First of all, I broke up with Mila.” he started, and Y/N’s heart stopped.
She tried her best not to smile at that, and managed to mutter “I’m sorry about that.”
Ethan shrugged, “It’s fine. We both know we weren’t really invested in that relationship. I’m stressed because she was furious, screaming something about ruining her chances of being prom queen and disappointing the school by our break-up.”
“And you feel bad about it.” Y/N stated, knowing him like the back of her hand.
“A little bit. I mean, I don’t get it, but prom is important to her for some reason. And now she needs to find another date.”
“That won’t be a problem, though. She’s literally the most gorgeous girl in school.”
“She’s not the most gorgeous girl in school.” he said, but quickly shook his head and moved on. “But it’s us who they want. Ethan and Mila, not Mila and some other guy.”
“Well, if it makes you feel so bad, you should go with her.” Y/N said out loud as her inner voice called her stupid in different languages.
Ethan frowned. “I don’t want to get back with her. And I thought you hated her.”
“I don’t hate her.” she argued.
“I heard you said you’d like her to recreate Regina George’s bus scene.” Ethan said, trying not to laugh at the guilty face she made.
“Look, everyone has intrusive thoughts.” she defended herself and Ethan bursted out laughing. “I’m not proud of it. But, moving on, I’m not telling you to get back with her, but just be her date to prom and then go your separate ways. We’re leaving for college soon, anyways.”
“I suppose you’re right.” he nodded. “That’s another reason why I’m stressed, college.”
“What about it?”
“I’m scared.” he confessed
“Why? Eth, you’re an stellar player. Lots of colleges already told you they’re interested.”
“I’m not scared of not getting into any college. I’m scared that we won’t end up in the same one.” he explained. And his eyes got glossy by just thinking about Y/N not being part of his every day life.
They had known each other since forever. They grew up together and it was in his plans to continue to grow alongside her. She was his person, and he knew he was her person too. She was his other half, he wasn’t complete without her. He rolled his eyes everytime he heard someone say that ‘we are our own person and it was wrong to believe someone complemented you’. He thought that was bullshit. Him and Y/N complemented each other and their lives wouldn’t be the same if they didn’t have each other. A part of them would be missing.
“I’m positive we will both end up on the same college. But even if that doesn’t happen, there’s absolutely no way that will be the end of our friendship, Eth. Come on, you really think our bond is not strong enough to handle a little distance?”
“You’re right.” he said, wiping his tears with the heel of his palm. “It still would suck not to have you there to annoy me every minute of the day.”
“Fuck you, Ethan.” she pinched his side, making him squirm. “And bold of you to assume I wouldn’t call you and text every one second.”
“Wouldn’t have it any other way. I love you.” he hugged her tightly to his chest, breathing in the scent of her shampoo.
“Love you, too.” she whispered. She wanted to kiss him so badly she had to hide her face on his chest to die down the temptation.
“Hey, I never asked you. Who are you going to prom with?”
“With no one.”
Ethan frowned. “I can’t have that. We are going together.”
Her heart started beating faster. “You’re going with Mila.”
“I haven’t told her we can still go together. And I’m not going to, we are going together.”
“No.” she shook her head. The inner voices screaming at her again. “It’s important to her. I really couldn’t care less about prom. Don’t worry about it.”
“All of your friends have dates, Y/N/N. I know you don’t care about prom, but it doesn’t mean you shouldn’t have a good time.” Ethan said, and she shrugged. “I don’t understand, though. I heard, unfortunately, the guys talking in the locker room. A lot of them were planning to ask you.”
“And they did, I just said I was going alone.”
“But why?”
Because I don’t want anyone but you, and I just turned your offer down. “I just don’t want to. Really, don’t worry about me. I don’t like parties anyway, so I won’t stay long. You will have to dance with me at least once, though.”
“Obviously.” he replied softly as he run his fingers through her soft hair until he fell asleep.
Meanwhile, Y/N laid wide awake, picturing that moment. Him, looking like a daydream in a suit, with his big hands around her body and her head on his hard chest, listening to the beat of his heart, which clearly won’t be beating as fast as hers. Yes, she didn’t know how she was going to survive that.
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ETHAN STOOD NEXT TO MILA AS THEY TALKED WITH THEIR FRIENDS. Well, Mila did the talking and he was just standing there, looking anxiously at the entrance door, waiting for his best friend to arrive. Ethan had offered to drive her, but she instantly turned him down because there’s no way she was going to share the confined space with Mila.
“Your break-up lasted less than I expected.” one of Mila’s friend said.
Sensing Mila’s intention of not denying the statement, Ethan spoke first. “We aren’t together, we came as friends.”
“We’re always breaking up and making up, we both know you’ll take me back in no time.” Mila laughed.
“Mila.” he sighed. “We talked about this. I told you that we can still be each other’s date, but as long as it was clear that we are over for real. Don’t make me regret it.”
“Wow.” Zach, Ethan’s friend, said. His eyes were wide and his jaw was practically on the floor. And following his gaze, he found out the reason behind his reaction.
Ethan’s body stiffened and felt the blood rushing to his cheeks. Y/N walked through the gym, making her way towards her friends. No one, expect for his group, was paying attention to her. Why was no one paying attention to her?
She looked absolutely beautiful. Breathtaking would be most accurate word, because she took Ethan’s ability to breath as soon as his eyes landed on her figure. She was wearing a long, satin green dress. Her hair was up in a tidy bun, making her look elegant. Fuck, he couldn’t get his eyes off her, nor did he want to.
“Green is not her color.” Mila said between gritted teeth.
Ethan frowned, but his brown eyes were still glued to the girl across the room. “Every color is her color.”
“I’m going to ask her to dance with me.” Zach said confidently.
“Dude, get a hint. She told you she didn’t want to come with you.” another of Ethan’s friend said.
With that, Ethan finally looked away and instead glared at his friend. “You asked her?”
“Well, yeah. Can you blame me?” No, he couldn’t. But still, for some reason, it bothered him. “I can’t believe she said no.”
“Oh, come on. It’s obvious she was going to reject every offer. Well, anyone but one.” Mila said, and the boys’ curious glances landed on her. “What?”
“What are you talking about?” Zach asked.
Mila rolled her eyes. “Really? Literally everyone figured it out”
“Figure out what?” Ethan asked impatiently.
“She’s been in love with the same person for years.”
Ethan’s fists clenched and he felt like his whole body was on fire. “No way, she would’ve told me. We tell each other everything.”
Mila laughed. “It’s you, dumbass. She’s always been in love with you.”
Ethan froze and shook his head. “No. I would’ve- she should’ve… No.”
“Yes, Ethan. Ask anyone. I swear boys are so oblivious” she rolled her eyes. “It’s obvious she didn’t tell you because she knew you’d reject her. I mean, she is out of your league and you’ve never given her any signs that you might feel the same.”
Well, in that she’s right. But only because he had never let his mind wonder about being more because he didn’t want to ruin anything. Besides, he hadn’t seen her signs either and he also started dating Mila. But now… he could see them together. Now he couldn’t understand how he hadn’t thought about it before. After all, Y/N had always been his person—the one that understood him unlike anyone else, the one that made him laugh harder than anyone else, the one he always wanted to have by his side, the one who he belong with.
“She’s not out of my league.” he said, glaring at Mila. “I’m the one out of her league, hell, I don’t think anyone is really deserving of her! You know, she was the one that suggested I still should bring you here, because it was important to you. I asked her to be my date, and she said no. Even though she probably wanted to say yes. She’s that amazing, and I never saw her. What the fuck is wrong with me?”
Before anyone could say anything, Ethan let his feet guide him towards her. Y/N saw his silhouette making his way to her and her mouth broke into a smile. He did look like a daydream and the smile she loved was present on his face, shinier than ever.
"Hi, Eth." she stood up to hug him.
How could he have been so blind to notice it? The way her cheeks turned a light shade of red, her shy smile and the sparks in her eyes. Y/N was in love with him. "Hi. You look... like a daydream."
That made her blush even more. "Thank you. You look very handsome." Ethan smiled like a little kid, which made Y/N laugh. "What is going on? You're acting odd."
"What makes you say that?"
"I don't know, you're looking different."
"Is that bad?" Ethan frowned.
"No, it's a good different. You look happy. But what is happening?" she laughed with uncertainty. Ethan shook his head, trying to wipe the smile off his face. "Come on, you're making me nervous."
my love was as cruel as the cities i lived in
"First we have to dance to your favorite song." Ethan said, grabbing her hand and guiding her to the dance floor.
Just like she had it pictured it in her mind, her best friend's arms were wrapped around her waist, her hands resting on his broad shoulders and her head lying on his chest. But, contrary to what she had thought, his heart was beating inexplicably fast.
i don't wanna look at anything else now that i saw you
"I love you, Y/N" Ethan whispered in her ear. He felt her shoulders tense and she slowly raised her head to look at him.
It wasn't like any other previous I love you's, there was something about the way he said it—so softly and vulnerable—that gave her the hope that there was another meaning, that it was another type of i love you.
been sleeping so long in a 20-year dark night
"I do. I really do love you. I am in love with you, and I'm really sorry."
"What are you sorry for?"
and now i see daylight, i only see daylight
"For not realizing it earlier. For not seeing how you really felt."
Y/N widened her eyes. He knew. "Ethan... don't."
"Don't what?"
"You're confused. You don't love me like that, I don't want your sympathy. You just think you love me because you don't want to reject me." she said. He opened his mouth to argue, but she cut him off. "I promise you that our friendship won't change. I've always known it wasn't reciprocated, and I've come in terms with it."
Ethan just smiled. "Are you done overthinking? Because you have two options—you can keep on trying to convince yourself I don't love you and that my heart hasn't been skipping since you walked into this room," he put her hand on his heart. "or you can accept the truth—that I love you and I want you more than anything in the world—and let me kiss you while your song is still playing." he tilted his head down, nose brushing hers. "What is it, Y/N? One or two?"
"Two" she whispered.
He smirked "Good girl."
The kiss stopped time. When they finally pulled away, they stared at each other completely awestruck. Taylor Swift wasn't playing anymore, and they truly didn't have a clue how much time they had spent tasting each other. What they did know is that nothing had ever felt more right.
"Okay, enough show. Let's get out of here, I want you all to myself." he said pressing kisses to her neck.
"I want ice cream first, then we can make out."
"Whatever my girlfriend wants, she gets." with one last kiss, they walked out of the room hand in hand. “By the way, I have always thought you were the most gorgeous girl in school.”
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annwrites · 5 months
— pairing: shane walsh x fem!reader
— type: part of a series
— summary: you & shane (mostly you) try to talk hershel into letting you take care of the walkers in the barn
— tags: talking
— tw: discussions of loss of loved ones
— word count: 1,009
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It'd taken a good bit of convincing on your part to talk Shane down from going full-steam-ahead and using the walkers in Hershel's barn for target practice.
Numerous soft words, touches, looks, and kisses later—and right in his lap, at that—he'd finally calmed enough to let you go inside and try and talk to Hershel yourself, instead of risking Shane, once again, acting first and thinking later, if at all.
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At present, you and Hershel are seated at his dining room table, Shane leaning back against the wall, eyes intently upon you.
You lay your arms upon the tabletop, hands clasped in front of you. You do your utmost to maintain a calm, sympathetic demeanor, in every manor, as you talk with him. Shane had already done enough damage. So much so that when you'd initially come to Hershel to talk, Shane right on your heels, he'd initially told the both of you to get out.
He'd only acquiesced due to you and your genteel femininity.
"How do you know? How can you look at me and tell me you don't believe there's a chance? For a cure? Something? Rick insisted the same thing, and my answer is the same now as it was then: we've been fighting plague after plague since the world began. And we've always survived, just as we will now. Just as...as they might." Hershel asks, voice full of doubt.
"You've been sheltered here. I can appreciate that. But you've still seen them. Their skin is rotting from their bones. Entire limbs...missing. Their organs have decayed. There's...there's no coming back from what they've become. And I hate to say it, because it's still so awful to even try and accept, to even grasp, but they're walking corpses. Who they once were? Your neighbors and friends, your family—people you loved and cared for? They passed away a long, long time ago.
“I think that, even if by some miracle, a cure or vaccine—treatment—one day becomes available…it won’t apply to them. They’re too far gone for any amount of saving. And I’m so sorry to say that. Truly.”
He’s quiet for a long while, staring at the window across the room, his breathing steady. You know he’s thinking; considering.
He doesn’t look at you when he replies. “You’ve lost people you love. By your age, I assume your parents?”
He glances to you then and you nod.
“Would you see things this way if they were in there?”
“I would.” And you mean it.
Shane sighs. “Man, let me tell you somethin’-”
You turn abruptly toward him. “Shane, stop.” You say it firmly.
He shuts his mouth.
Hershel then looks at him. “If you speak again, this meeting is over. You’re not the one I agreed to listen to. I let you in my house as a courtesy. Same with my farm, which you and your people were supposed to have been gone from some time ago after Carl recovered. But I’ve allowed you to stay longer out of good Christian charity, which runs lowers with every word you speak. Don’t you forget that.”
Shane shakes his head, looking away, thumbs threaded behind his belt.
Finally, Hershel looks back to you. “How would you do it?”
“I’d really prefer—if you do agree to this—that you and your family not be here when we…put them down,” you say it as kindly—as softly—as you can manage. “I don’t want all of you bearing witness to it—in any form. I don’t want to risk any of you seeing it, or even hearing the gunshots.
“I know it’s dangerous: asking all of you to leave. But it would be, at most, for perhaps an hour. We can get started on digging the graves now…if you have an estimate of how many may need created? And then, when it’s time, a couple of our people can go with you, maybe to the training area we set up, since it’s already cleared out.
“And when you come back, and they’ve been laid in their graves, you tell us their names—what you want put on their markers—and we’ll help you do that, too. You’ll finally have a place where you all can go to see them. To talk to them. To mourn them and grieve. They can finally be put to rest.”
You reach across the table, resting your palm atop his clasped hands.
Hershel stares at the table and he’s quiet again for a long time. Then, “I need time to consider this. This isn’t a decision I can make on my own. They’re not just my family and friends.”
You nod, bringing your hand back. “I understand that. Take all the time you need.”
“And if I tell you, once I’ve decided, that my decision is no? If I tell you all to get off my land once and for all?”
You glance to Shane and you see his jaw feather and then he shakes his head.
You look back to Hershel. “Then we would leave. But you need to understand that…if you leave them in there…it may only be a matter of time. A matter of time before they get through the doors. Or break through the sides of the barn. And if—when—that happens… We won’t be here to help you if they begin to overrun the house, or your farm. So, I guess it’s a good thing Patricia, Jimmy, and Beth went through training.”
He stands then, as do you. “I’ll consider this.”
You smile. “Thank you for being willing to. For taking the time to listen to me.”
You all three head toward the front door, until Hershel stops Shane with a hand to his chest, which he then drops. “She’s an extraordinary young woman. You could live a hundred lifetimes and never deserve her. Perhaps you should take that into consideration,” he nods his head toward you. “For her sake, when you think about what’s truly best for her.”
Shane doesn’t deign to give him a reply. He simply takes your hand firmly in his, leading you outside.
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maxybabyy · 9 months
literally losing my mind over your frat boys au klllllljkkljkllkklljll
please know it has been living in my mind since yesterday, so here's part two, aka what i actually thought about when i saw the original ask (@gaycrunch) ...
part i (re: this)
He finds him outside, hunched over on the porch with his phone in his hand and a half-full bottle of vodka open between his thighs.
“What’s a pretty boy like you doing out here all by himself?” Daniel asks, teases as he drops down to sit next to him. “If only there was a party somewhere, with like, good people and shit.”
Max grunts, barely moves as Daniel hooks his knee over Max’s. He brings the bottle to his mouth, swallows a mouthful of vodka as his free hand comes to rest on Daniel’s knee. “You know already probably, this is why you are here,” he says, digs a finger into the scar on his kneecap, the faded line from when he cut himself on a beer can.
Daniel does, was pulled aside by at least five different dudes who told him where Max had gone, “But I’d rather you tell me, Maxy.”
Max pours another shot into his mouth, keeps the bottle by his lip as he talks. “What even is a rose? This makes no sense, Daniel,” he says, and to his credit, he does sound frustrated. He’s a little drunk too, always is these days when the night falls, but Daniel doesn’t know if it’s cause or consequence.
“It’s an old school thing,” Daniel relents. He steals the bottle from Max’s hands and takes a tiny sip just so he won’t keep drinking. “Reckon I’m plenty sweet for the lot of us, yeah? Don’t need a lady to tell me how to act.”
He didn’t know frats still did this kind of shit, thought they were all past it now, that men could be graceful and charitable too. Hadn’t even thought to mention it to this year’s pledges, but then maybe, Max could have used the lecture anyway.
“Did you really tell her to go suck a bunch of dicks? Because if so, Maxy –“
Max huffs. His leg shakes underneath Daniel’s knee, jostles loose the slide he wears on his foot. “I of course did not say this,” Max says, snappish, taut. “She said she was the best at sucking dick, and I said, ‘this probably is not true’. She showed me this thing she did with her tongue, with her straw you know, and it did not look good, Daniel.”
Daniel chokes down a laugh, relents easily when Max reaches for the bottle again. He watches with unbridled want as Max pretends to suck off the lip of the bottle, interrupted too frequently by his own commentary on the technique.
Daniel reckons he’s right, the tongue is too much, barely touches the bottle at all. Not like Max had done that night, lips heavy around his dick, his tongue firm against the underside of the head.
“So like, you didn’t tell her to suck a dick?”
Max jams his elbow into his side, jolts when Daniel clams his hand around the top of his thigh to keep him in place. “Always this was not – Daniel, I would not say this,” he says, glares at Daniel when he doesn’t relent. “I said maybe that she had to practice more. I have of course sucked a lot of dicks, if she wanted to be like me, then.”
Daniel laughs, loud and surprised, and suddenly Max laughs too.
The Kappa Alphas are dicks anyway. They wouldn’t lose anything if Daniel took them off the social calendar, isn’t really a party if the entire frat can’t go, is it?
“Why didn’t you go home?” He asks after a while. The lid has been put back on the bottle of vodka, and Max has been fed whatever was left in his cup of water.
Two weeks after officially becoming a pledge, Daniel had found Max passed out in a pool of tub juice, white tee soaked in sticky sweet alcohol. He hadn’t vomited – Daniel doesn’t know then if he wouldn’t have just left him there – but Daniel had dragged him upstairs and into the shower. Had scrubbed the marker off his face but left the blue marker in his hair to watch the botched, fucking dip dye his hair had held onto for almost a week.
Max had slept in his bed that night, does it at least every two weeks now, cuddled up between Daniel and the wall. They haven’t fucked since that first time, since Daniel realised Max would be pledging the frat. But sometimes they kiss, and it’s. It feels nice, feels easy, breezy even.
“I have to wait for Carlos,” Max says, shrugs.
Daniel had elected not to pair himself with Max, chose instead one of the legacies who seemed to find power in whatever fucking hazing ritual Daniel threw at him. He kinda regrets it now, knows how shit Carlos must be at this big brother stuff. Knows he left more than an hour ago with Max’s friend from the lacrosse team, apparently without saying shit to Max.
“Nah, Maxy. You’re fine,” he says, squeezes his thigh again when Max hesitates. “Let’s go back to the house, yeah? Maybe Carlos is waiting for you there or like, we can send him a text or something.”
Max doesn’t look convinced, sceptic, like he’s the one who’s on his third year in the frat. But he takes his hand when Daniel gets up, pulls him to his feet. “Lando has the dorm tonight,” he says, shows him a picture of a sock on a doorknob.
It looks fake, but Daniel hasn’t actually seen it for himself ever. Like with the rose, doubted it was even done anymore. But then, Lando’s always been an odd guy.
“There’s always the couch if you want,” Daniel offers, shivers. “Or like, there’s also my bed. Probably the best if you don’t wanna wake up when Scotty gets home.”
Daniel doesn’t hold his breath, he doesn’t, listens instead to the crunch of the road underneath them. It’s no more than ten minutes until they’re home, Greek row almost condensed down to one block.
“Okay, Daniel,” Max says, quiet in the dark night. His hand brushes against Daniel’s, and he tries not to jump, stays still in case Max does reach out. “I think that would be very lovely.”
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torchstelechos · 16 days
i realize how nothingish this question is regards to like answerability but like how do you get.... ideas...? or. i dont really ever have any kind of bigger things i want to draw its always like small stuff.... or... idk.... i want to make things that are like.. more... i want to make stuff that like... means something makes you think something... most of my stuff is just tiny little things with nothing behind it just something to get it down but i like want to make things that are interesting to look at.... idk..... okay wait ill share a self portrait i did.
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^ im really hapoy with this stuff theres color theres studf going on! an eclipse! right like its. its neat theres things theres associations being made theres questions theres something there this is the only thing ive made where i actually feel like ive expressed something that was in me and i just dont know how to do that again i want to make more things like that i want to get more out of my art than just putting stuff down thatll be forgotten the second its down i want what i make to be meaningful to me and idk how... uhhhh anyway thanks for reading thisif you do i just needed to get thoughts out or smth frustrated with this. doing this for six years and its just. ive managed like a handful of things id want to show people everything else is just things made because i just have to do this urghhh sorry about all this
Howdy! I had to take a bit to think of an answer for this question. I didn’t want to fall back on the statement everyone gets when they ask about art (practice), especially since you specified ideas rather than art appearance/style. So! Lets get into that! (gonna be kind of long oops)
First I want to say that I enjoy your self portrait, its very colourful and I LOVE colour. The choices in colour also complement each other very well, as yellow, orange, and blues go well together. Not only that, but the saturation of each colour help bounce off each other and bring it all together. Now, I assume the materials are a blue pen, and crayons? It might be markers, but the way the orange moves across the yellow makes me think of crayons. I adore it! I love crayons and haven’t been able to use them in a while, so it’s nice to see them being used. 
Now, your question, I feel needs some context from my side of things before I can properly answer it. I have been doing art for about 15 years now, and I have done multiple mediums including painting (water colour, oil, and acrylic), drawing (crayons, pens, markers, pencils, etc.), fiber arts (knitting, sewing, crocheting), baking/cooking (i think the presentation counts and how its a medium that takes combing lots of things to make a singular outcome), and a few I wont share right now. I’ve had official art classes that made me do things very specifically, one that taught me art history and how different genres of art were introduced, another on creativity and how to help flourish ideas, and some others on how to use different mediums and styles. I also watch speedpaints, animatics, and animation progress videos to learn some quick shortcuts in digital art since I was never taught officially on digital art. Including all of these, I also have done LOTS of practice in art. Having said this, lets get into some of my own thought processes. 
When I make art, the first things I tend to ask myself is “what do I want” and “what do I think would be interesting”? These aren't mutually exclusive, but they can be answered very differently depending on how I want to do something. For the Siffrin during the Mal du Pays fight piece, I actually started it by seeing a cat picture and thinking, “I want a discord reaction with Siffrin face down on the floor” which went into drawing Siffrin as the cat and then asking myself, “Wait, why is Siffrin face down?” which went into Oh! It’d be funny if it was Mal du Pays! So, doing that I decided to make it in the king's room which meant I had to draw a background. Eventually that transformed into “Okay but it doesnt look right, why?” the answer was that it didnt look like the game so I had to add some texture details and ta-da! Siffrin face down! 
But this also comes from years of practice in knowing what I want and knowing how to draw it, some of my art pieces were, “I think it would be cool if I drew a character looking down at me in front of a skyscraper” but um,, I didnt know how to draw that ;-; so I had to just let my hands kind of try and finish the piece even if I didnt like it. At that point, I realized I needed to practice the character and my style more until I COULD draw what I wanted. Which led into my drawing, a LOT of things I couldn’t and didnt like. 
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As for symbolism in art, and how I got ideas for it, a lot of it comes down to knowing the character and how you want to translate your thoughts of the character into art. One of the ways I started doing this was adding flowers to the characters art, or learning what flower I considered “theirs” that way I could add hints to  it in the drawings. Some of it also came from animals, others came from art genres and their historical significance, and some come down to theories (such as colour theory in art). 
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Finally, it really does come down to practice. As much as I hate to say it, a lot of the art pieces I do and share tend to lean towards “practice” or concept doodles so that I can better understand HOW I want to add it to a bigger piece. Most of my Siffrin and Loop drawings tend more to that as I need to better understand how their shapes and lines communicate to an art piece (Loop being a fucking star gets me so much) before i can add symbolism and make a bigger art piece. Even then, sometimes it doesnt work and the bigger art piece needs to be put to a back burner before i can communicate my thoughts on the characters as I wish to. 
(Here’s also a neat little trick I do, write out what you want to draw and then draw thumbnails so you can figure out the composition of the piece you want. It helps you know where something goes and how you want it to appear without keeping it in our brain for a long period of time. Some of the things I share are concept doodles but I’ve shared pictures of me doing this before! It can be annoying but trust me, it helps when you can’t figure out the draft at all.) 
Also, heres some of my REAL old art for reference when I say I’ve practiced a lot and didn’t always know how to do big art pieces ;;;;
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Hope that helped answer some of my thought process on ideas and how that translates to art? I could go into more detail if you need me to discuss something further
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rayvvens · 2 months
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First pup is done
There are a few mistakes here and there so I'll have to alter the pattern some more. I think for a prototype/practice project tho he's pretty cute.
On another note I am very happy with the fur! I believe I mentioned previously I would do a little review of the shop if I liked the material so here we go.
I ordered from the etsy shop TeddySuppliesHK.
Two things to note if you do decide to purchase from them is that
1. They are from Hong Kong so the shipping can take a while. It took a few weeks for my package to arrive. Which absolutely is not the fault of the shop itself. Just something to note so you aren't purchasing material and expecting it to arrive in a few days.
2. Check the sizes of the materials. Once again this is not the fault of the shop. They specialize in miniatures and doll making supplies. Some of what I ordered was smaller than I thought because I am an idiot and did not read the sizes. If you need a specific size (dolls eyes for example) definitely check it. But you guys are smarter than me so I know you all know that already 👍
Moving on!
They have a great selection of faux furs for dolls. There's many different colors as well as textures. The furs I purchased also aren't very long meaning minimal trimming is required if you're sewing lil plushes. (At least for the kind I am making)
They also, at the time of writing, have those long fuzzy pipe cleaners. They're the ones some popular videos were made of. You can make little animals out of em. I ordered a few as well and made one dog so far. They also seem to be good quality. I was able to bend them easily, add colors with markers, and they somewhat blend together if that makes sense? Since they are fluffy you don't see where they are twisted together so much.
Back to the fabric. I would def recommend it if you're making tiny plushes. As previously mentioned the fabric pieces aren't very large. But they're also priced at $3-5 (the ones I got) which seems fair to me. They also don't have the shine some faux furs have. They are matt and also come in more natural colors. Which for me has been difficult to find when in stores.
Minor note which idk if anyone cares about but, I didn't notice any smell when I received the fabric. Which is a good thing. As someone who works in a fabric store some of it stinks real bad. (The minky at my store reeks! People who go to joann is this universal or just my store?)
That about wraps up I think just about all my thoughts. I'm not sure if anyone will find this at all interesting. But I'd partly like to keep notes on material I like. As well as have materials I use just listed on here for anyone who may stumble upon my page and be curious. Sometimes it seems like people are a bit secretive about where they get materials for certain crafts so I'd rather just mention shops or stuff I like.
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dont-worry-honey · 1 year
Please. I need to know.
Hi!! So I’ll be very honest I don’t use anything fancy!
So here’s the list and a funny story along with them! (You’re getting the whole experience)
STA Pigment Liner Pack. (I found one in the street and I liked it so I went to look for more online. Almost died for picking up something from the street counter: 1)
- Pros: Waterproof! (For a while) And since it’s a pack, they come with many different sizes
- Cons: after some time the ink does erase a little, and loses its waterproof….
Sharpie Permanent Marker Ultra Fine (I was in desperate need for new inking pen.)
-Pros: Doesn’t ERASE!! Very strong pigment. Water proof. Lasts!!
-Cons: smell…
Royal & Langnickel 18 watercolors: (I just wanted to have something to do in school since I never had much work to do)
Pros: Very Travel Friendly
Cons: idk!! I’m not a watercolor person !! It’s the first time for me!!
Aenart 36 Dual Pens: (I was gifted this from the school!! The embarrassing part was that I sleeping when it all happened. They stormed in the classroom with a camera in my face saying: “YOUR WISH HAS BEEN GRANTED.” I practically jumped out of my chair! Apparently my teacher bought it for me!<3)
Pros: MANY COLORS!! VERY PRETTY!! White marker is perfect for shading white!! (I know nothing about shading)
Cons: none I love them
Staedtler 10 Triplus fineliner: (no story)
Pros: very fine! Very pigmented!
Cons: I don’t remember… maybe don’t put them near watercolor if not dried or applying?
Crayola Color Pencils: (I do not have a full pack. The ones I have are from elementary. I’m currently in college.)
Pros: I like them :) very affordable
Cons: idk! Maybe a professional knows…
Imperial Color Pencils: (I only have ONE! It’s the red one. Almost died for picking up something from the street counter: 2)
Pros: The red one is very nice! Very pigmented!
Cons: idk… I don’t have the full pack…
U Brands Gel Pens 30 Count: ( I got this from a secret Santa! A YEAR LATE. A YEARR!! So when I received it I was very pleased. The year wait was worth it)
Pros: many colors!! Glitter!! Metallic too!!
Cons: does NOT dry fast. Need to wait for it to dry or it will smudge everywhere. The white gel pen doesn’t work well. Get a special one for that! (Someone told me here which one but I already forgot….)
So ofc sketch first!!
Inking: I use the STA pen for face and face shape. Since I draw Fukase (mostly), I use it for his face markings too. (After erasing sketch, I advice to touch up anywhere you used the STA Pen) For the Sharpie Pen I use it for the the rest. Background, body, clothes, etc.
Coloring: First I go over it with my watercolors. I put them down before I put down the markers. For example, I use the watercolor first for Fukase’s hair. Then I use the Staedtler Pens to get that bright red! For clothes (or anything else) I use Aenart Markers. For the background, I put my crayola/ imperial color pencils on top. Depends on the feeling I want. Then I usually like to outline my drawings with the U Brands Gel Pens. When I tell you I put glitter on all my drawings, I put it on ALL my drawings!! I LOVE SHINY!!
I really hope this was able to answer your question! I’m pretty sure most of the things on my list are affordable! I also hope my process was able to help explain how I make coloring… well coloring (English is not my first language I apologize. I suck at my first language too, though). I also hope you enjoyed the bonus stories (I didn’t want to make this whole thing boring). If you have any more questions I’ll be happy to answer them!! Also THANK YOU SO MUCH!!! I never thought someone would actually like how I color since I struggle big time with it,,, I’m self taught so I have no idea of the art basics of coloring.
Anyway, thank you so much again!!
- Honey
P.S. Due to legal reasons, not sponsored.
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md3artjournal · 1 year
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Been trying to get back into watercolors.
Even though I don't really have watercolor paper. LOL Actually, I think I have a pad of watercolor paper, but I'm not sure where to dig around in my room for it. Or maybe it's in storage; not sure. But either way, I've always been too anxious to be anything less than stingy with art materials. It was a real problem in painting class, when everyone kept telling me that I don't mix enough of the paint colors that I need. But I just couldn't stand the idea of throwing it out at the end of class. And even though I've switched to alcohol markers, I'm still too nervous to use expensive paper like watercolor paper. When I'm too afraid to mess up with expensive supplies, I end up drawing nothing, for months and years. Though, it is strange that I have no problem using Copic markers and other artist markers, though on cheaper paper. Maybe it's because I almost always get my markers on sale at anime/comic book conventions. Never pay $8 for one Copic marker, when convention booths will usually have them for $5 each.
Been making some notes during these past few days, while experimenting with getting back into watercolor painting:
5/12/2023. Tried to make intentionally messy, to differentiate from marker coloring. I wanted this to be obviously watercolors, to make switching from my usual markers medium, worthwhile.
5/12/2023. Still practicing watercolors, so tried doing my final linework as only pencil. Sometimes I wonder if the softness of pencil fits better with watercolors. I still want to differentiate my watercolors from my marker/ink drawings. So I tried some wet-on-wet techniques and allowed a lot of messy imperfections.
5/14/2023. I know I should have stuck to my usual Copic markers, since I was short on time. But it’s been a long time since I’ve done referential drawing, and I wanted the pencil’s ability to erase mistakes. Also, I’ve recently been experimenting with trying watercolors again. Back before markers, I primarily used watercolors. (Then again, back then I also had sketchbook paper thick enough to handle watercolors, and that’s not really the case anymore.) I may be comfortable with alcohol markers and ink pens now, but I keep wondering if something good might come of me returning to watercolor painting. Maybe it would look nice to color more organically, and allow some loose messiness, the way watercolors are often afforded. Maybe that type of style could really work for me. So I’m trying watercolors again. Today reminded me how much I love drybrush, when I use brush pens—even though I haven’t gotten the hang of setting up that technique with a paintbrush yet. So I might practice more drybrush with watercolor paintbrushes.
5/18/2023. My last watercolor drawing reminded me that I could use drybrush with watercolors, to mimic the feeling of using brushpens, which I love. So I did a lot of hatchlines, like I would do with my usual pen/ink drawings. I actually wanted to do more sharp detail, but needing lighter colors for those details necessitated more water, which made the brush tip less tapered, so those smaller details I wanted, ended up broader and messier. But didn't I recently get back into watercolors, wanting to differentiate them from my pen/ink drawings? And I determined that allowing watercolors to be messy and looser (since people usually afford/expect that from watercolors) would be how I would differentiate my watercolors from my marker drawings? Then again, I had been wanting for a long time to find a way to break out of my hyperfocus on one medium at a time. If I could switch to dip pen in the middle of a watercolor painting, maybe that will bring me closer to mixing color pencils on top of marker drawings, or mixing pastels on top of marker ink, and just mixing more mediums. I want to be able to use the mediums to achieve the effects I need in each case, but I keep unconsciously locking myself in to only one medium at a time. But if dip pens make my watercolors too precise and erases that lovely, organic, messy looseness, then what's the point of me going back to watercolors from alcohol markers? Hmmm….We'll see what happens.
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softertoday · 6 months
i'm going to rant for a moment about therapy and insurance so please forgive me, and feel free to scroll on past this lol
it's very frustrating trying to find a new therapist. a lot of them are out-of-network with all insurance providers. my insurance doesn't cover out of network providers at all, so when they say they offer a superbill to file on your own with insurance, that doesn't help me because my plan won't reimburse me at all. some of them offer a sliding scale option, which is nice, but not all of them do. i am not currently working while i'm in school. so i just cant afford to pay $150 - $200 per session with a therapist.
i just want a therapist who has experience working with neurodiverse adults, and i would really love someone who offers art therapy. but that doesn't seem to be an option for me because they are all out of network.
the only one i could find that has a sliding scale is located 3 hours away from where i live and i would need to do telehealth with her, which is fine for regular talk therapy, but art therapy would be a little different (weird) over telehealth.
i'm frustrated because for one, i really honestly believe that every provider, whether they are a medical provider or mental health provider, should be in network with all insurance providers, and file the claims for you. its bad enough that some people cant even afford insurance, but if you're lucky enough to have insurance, you should be able to use it with everyone.
and secondly, i'm frustrated because my insurance plan doesn't cover out of network providers at all and i don't have any chance of getting reimbursed for any of the payments i would be making. i would take the superbill and submit the claim myself, i don't care about that extra work and time, but it wouldn't even matter with the plan i currently have.
and the other thing that really really makes me upset, is that i've had to start over with a new therapist 5 times in less than a year. I've had 5 different therapists since this time last year. most of them have been throughout my different treatment stays since june of last year, but regardless, i've not had a steady therapist for more than a month or two in a whole year.
i met a really nice therapist here when i came home from treatment, and he worked at a place that offered a really significant sliding scale, so i could afford to see him. he was really great. we only had sessions for a couple months and then he moved to a new practice and didn't take his clients with him. he helped me more than any other therapist i've ever had in such a short amount of time and i really liked him. i'm sad that i have to start over again.
the new therapist that he recommended to me is at the same practice, so i can afford it, but he doesnt schedule weekly sessions. he will only schedule 2-4 weeks out. and that might be ok, im not sure yet (we'll see how it goes i guess?) but im just... sad.
i'm gonna stop looking for an art therapist. its pointless. i cant afford it. i will just continue to bring a coloring book and markers to my regular sessions.
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portfolio400 · 10 months
Inclusive Learning
Remembrance Day was right around the corner during Exploration C. The two most common activities I saw were colouring poppies and reciting poetry. Even though every student had the same goal, they all met it at different rates — something I have seen before and expect. No two students are entirely the same and a single classroom can have great variances in ability. Most of the teachers I talked to during Exploration C spoke to this and I see it as well in my job as a tutor. 
What is different and daunting for me is that as a tutor, the majority of my teaching is done one on one and accommodations and modifications can be made easily because of the small scale. But how does it work in a classroom setting where every individual has different needs and prowess? The poppy activity I have asked my presentation group to do was my attempt to create an activity that would contain elements the Big 5.
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I gave them the same assignment, which was to create a poppy for a small Remembrance Day wreath.
I gave different materials that can be used — markers, crayons, tissue paper and scissors, and a template. 
But is it enough? My assignment is simple and low stakes yet made me realise that even something that seems straightforward can present challenges to certain students. What about students with low motor function? Will they be able to colour in a poppy? Will it be fun and challenging for students who are adept at colouring? How can I scale an assignment to do all of these things at once? 
Even though I have been given a definition of the Big 5 and a general understanding of it, the term is very new to me. I feel like I am only beginning to understand how to create a lesson plan that contains UDL. I have tried to here, by giving different methods and materials that can be used to reach the same goal, 
Then again, I am not alone in my confusion over what UDL is. Edyburn’s 2010 article talks about misunderstanding UDL as solely architecture based or conflating the use of technology as implementation of UDL or even dismissing UDL as being inherently good teaching. He claims that UDL is a skill which must be taught. Whether or not there is basis in that claim, I would seize further opportunities to learn about implementing UDL in the classroom.
I think the first step in practicing UDL in the classroom will vary from class to class, student to student. Every student is different, which means I will have times when I need to be flexible and accommodate where needed, or watch out for patterns in behaviour and study. Basically, things like student interviews, parent interviews, and working with IEPS as well as support staff will be necessary to make sure that all students have a way to demonstrate their learning. 
I work part time as a tutor at Kumon, an after school program that helps students with their math and reading. My primary focus is with what we call the Early Learner group. They range anywhere from ages 4 to 7. Some of them have undiagnosed learning disabilities or behavioural issues while some of them have been diagnosed. The program itself has a strict curriculum and set of expectations for the kids. There is a poster in the classroom that shows what the correct posture should be when seated at a desk. It is a both feet on the ground, no slouching or rocking the chair, type of deal.
A good amount of my students have trouble with this arrangement. They like to wriggle and squirm and move around. Since learning about the Big 5, I wonder if it is more beneficial to let them move more rather than enforcing a strict seating style, especially in the students with ADHD designations. I find myself being more lax in the arrangement as long as they still manage to finish their assignment and it is not detrimental to the task at hand. 
The program is definitely limited in terms of the Big 5. The most that I can do in terms of accommodations is giving a student more time or less pages. Since it is in a worksheet format, it does not offer different ways for them to show their knowledge. I have a younger student who has attention issues and enjoys reading but fails to demonstrate her grasp on math through the program. As a result, we have reduce most of her math work to a minimal amount. However, I wonder all the time if there is some way for her to show how much she does know about math that does not necessarily follow the standard quantified form Western education asks for. She has a lot of personality and is bright, just very stubborn when it comes to doing her math. 
Kumon does work for a lot of students. I have seen great progression in terms of math and reading skills throughout the time I have been here. However, now more than ever, I can see that just because one thing works for the majority, there will always be some for whom it does not. 
I also wrote a reflection on disability earlier in the semester where I talked about growing up in a culture that either pitied people with disabilities or designations or outcast them. I continue to work on unlearning these perceptions. When I work with students with disability, one thing becomes clear to me: they are capable of so much.
During Exploraction C, the IEP director at Salish Secondary also spoke to me about how they try to keep students with designations in the classrooms, even though it sometimes places greater demand on teachers, because the students end up helping them too. It builds a sense of community. 
What I would love to be able to do as an educator is create that type of environment where there is not only diversity, but diversity of all kinds thriving. I want for my students to be able to succeed and give them the tools to do so within this society while also making them feel like they belong regardless of how they learn or what their differences may be.
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megatraven · 2 years
Lean On Us
For @wombatking!! I hope you enjoy it! This was my first time writing for Amphibia at all, but I had a lot of fun doing it! Sashannarcy fans rise up 💗💚💙
Rating: General Pairing: Sashannarcy (Sasha x Anne x Marcy) Summary: After fracturing her ankle during cheer practice, Sasha needs to find something else to fill up her time if she doesn’t want to die of boredom. Luckily for her, her girls know just how to help the time fly by.
AO3 || 2.3k Words
The phone rings almost endlessly on her nightstand, a constant, incessant reminder that she matters to people. Her hand slaps at it, poking around until she silences it.
With a sigh, she rolls onto her side, laying an arm over her eyes to block them from the sunlight streaming in through her window.
“Finally. Some peace and-”
Ring, ring, ring!
She groans, pulling her pillow over her head, 
Unfortunately, that doesn’t stop her phone from trilling out. Knowing when to admit defeat, Sasha reaches for her phone and answers the call.
“GOOOD MORNING, SASH!” Anne yells, far too cheery for the morning. “Me and Marcy are gonna stop over soon, so be prepared, ‘kay?”
“What... don’t you guys have school?”
That’s where they should be, anyways. None of them have missed a single day since coming back from Amphibia- the need to find a routine again, to have a little bit of normalcy was too much for any of them to even think about skipping class. Of course, wanting to be at school didn’t mean much when you fracture your ankle and your doctor recommends bedrest.
Stupid cheer practice, she thinks, a little bitter that that’s what did her in.
Not fighting for a toad army, or going toe-to-toe with her best friends, or getting sliced by Darcy. Nope. Nothing cool like that at all.
Instead, one of her teammates dropped her. Not on purpose, and had it been at any other moment, Sasha would have easily stuck the landing. Unfortunately for her, it happened just as Marcy and Anne showed up to watch their practice, and Sasha was just distracted enough that instinct didn’t kick in until there was already a sharp pain travelling up her leg, forcing obscenities out through clenched teeth.
She only just got discharged from the hospital the day before, and now she’s home for a few days while she gets used to her crutches, bored out of her mind.
Or, she would be, if not for-
“What? No! It’s already 4 o’clock, dude!”
A quick glance at the time on her phone confirms it: she slept through the entire day.
A laugh comes through the phone- Marcy, for sure.
“Don’t worry, Sash, we’ve got your homework. And like 37 different apology notes and get-well-soons from the squad.”
“Oh, frog. I told them it was okay!”
“Yeah, but they still feel bad,” Anne says. “But don’t worry about that right now, we’re just gonna stop at our houses on the way to pick some stuff up.” A pause. “You’re at your dad’s, right?”
She hums in confirmation.
“Cool, see you in a bit!”
“Bye Sasha!”
“Bye, girls.”
The line goes quiet, and her room is silent again. Only now, that’s the opposite of what she wants- her girlfriends always know how to turn her mood around.
“Where’s Anne?” Sasha asks, hugging Marcy until she lets go. She came in alone, no Anne in sight, which was odd.
“We were almost here when she said she had a great idea! Don’t know what it is, but she looked really excited about it and pretty much took off! She said it’ll only take her like half an hour tops.”
Sasha snorts.
That’s become pretty typical of Anne. She’s always going out of her way to do something way too nice for Sasha and Marcy both. Something really meaningful that makes Marcy want to cry... and makes Sasha want to cry and hit something. In a good way. 
“So... what’s all that for, then?” she asks, pointing down to the bag at Marcy’s feet.
“Oh my frog, I almost forgot!” Marcy squeals, picking it up and dumping its contents out all over Sasha’s bed. “I brought markers! So we can decorate your cast!” Swatting a few of them aside also reveals a couple of discs. “And I brought... our favorite movie! The cut and uncut version!”
“Oh, you mean your favorite movie?” Sasha teases. They’ve all watched it plenty of times since returning home, and though she won’t admit it, it actually was her favorite movie now. It doesn’t matter, though; Marcy and Anne see through her anyways.
“Yep, our favorite movie,” Marcy confirms with a smile. “But we should wait or Anne to start it. In the meantime...” A gleam enters her eyes as she picks up handfuls of markers. “It’s art time!”
“Woah, there. I dunno about that...”
“Awwww, come on, Sash! Pleeeeease? I promise I’ll draw lots of cool stuff!” She pouts, and plays up the puppy-dog eyes that Sasha absolutely can’t say no to. 
Sasha puts both her hands up in surrender and sighs, though she can’t mind too much.
“Okay, okay. Have at it, Mar-Mar.”
There’s a battle happening on her cast.
What started off as little flowers and silly doodles of their Amphibia friends turned into a fully-fledged battle. Little spears and swords clashing against robots and vaguely Core-like entities. Sasha, Marcy, and Anne at the front of it all. Pink, green, and blue streaks mark them as powered up, ready to fight.
And that’s not to mention just how detailed it all is. Sasha was ready to throw the cast away the first moment she could, but now it’s too beautiful to ever throw out.
“This is... wow, Marcy. I’m like. Really, really impressed.”
Of course, Sasha knows how much work Marcy’s been putting into her art- she and Anne have been doing their best to be supportive of her interests. And that’s not hard to do at all when her art is so amazing. 
Marcy, with her tongue sticking out, is too focused on finishing the giant green d20 to answer right away, but she sits back on her haunches when she’s done and admires her work. She looks so proud, and that makes Sasha happy, too.
“Yeah, you know, I think this is some of my best work!”
“Totally! Now you have to sign it, too. That way everyone knows I own a Marcy Wu original. You know, so I can brag when you’re famous.”
It’s enough to make Marcy blush, but she does finish the drawing off with a quick signature at the bottom.
“I feel kinda bad, I didn’t leave Anne any room to sign...”
“Well, what if we all sign our names next to where we’re fighting?”
Marcy lights up at the suggestion.
“Yes! Sash, you’re a genius-!”
“Hey, girlfriends!”
“Anne, hey- woah. What, uhh... What happened to you?” Sasha asks, looking her other girlfriend up and down, from her muddied pants to her shirt with tears in the fabric, to her hair full of leaves- just like when she was in Amphibia. And just as odd, she’s only wearing one sock, while the other foot is bare.
“Oh, nothing,” she says with a bright smile. “Just had to go pick up something.”
From behind her back, she pulls out a shoebox that’s just as dirty as the rest of her. There are holes poked through the sides and top, and that’s enough of a tip-off for Sasha to know what’s inside.
“Anne, I love you, but you know frogs still aren’t really my thing...”
“What? No, I know that! That’s why I got you this guy instead!”
She takes the lid off the box and angles it so Sasha can see- revealing a big, plump toad taking his abduction into a shoebox pretty damn well. It makes her heart pang, and then the toad croaks and it sounds just like Grimesy that Sasha nearly begins to bawl.
“Aww, he’s so cute!” Marcy coos, looking into the box. “Can we keep him?”
“Yeah, Anne, can we?”
She’s sure she could convince her dad to get a decent habitat built for it. The money isn’t an issue, anyways, and her parents have been a little too clingy after her disappearance. She’s about to mention it when she notices the look on Anne’s face.
“Heh, probably not guys. He shouldn’t be out of his environment for too long. But, I just thought... I don’t know. I thought it’d be a nice reminder. Just for a little bit.” Her smile’s a little sad. “I was going to bring him back to where I found him when I left.”
“That’s... yeah, that’s for the best.” Sasha pulls her into a hug, careful not to jostle the box, and Marcy joins in. “Thank you, Anne. It was really cool getting to see him.”
“Anytime, Sash. You know you’re my girls.”
By the time they’ve all finished watching the cut version of the film, it’s dark outside. They’ve eaten way too much popcorn and sweets, their pillows are littered all over the room from an earlier pillow fight, and they’re all too wound up to even think about calling it a night.
“Okay, okay, let me just- I gotta go put this guy back, it won’t take as long as it did to get him. But then we’re putting on the uncut edition, and it’s over for the both of you,” Anne says, laughing at the other two.
Sasha’s got Marcy pinned underneath, her cast not slowing her down in the least. She looks up at Anne and grins, and Marcy mirrors the expression, not letting her upside-down view of the world ruin her fun.
“Come back soon! My dad ordered in pizza for us, and he’s also picking up some of those cupcakes Mar-Mar likes so much.”
Marcy gasps, sitting up so fast that it knocks Sasha off to the side
“The red velvet!?” 
Snickering, Sasha rolls off of her completely.
“Yeah, those ones.”
She throws her fists up in victory- too fast for herself, this time, because it knocks her off balance and makes her fall onto her side, too. 
They all erupt into giggles.
“Come back quickly, Anne! There might not be any cupcakes left if you don’t hurry-”
A pillow flies into her face, and Anne bursts into laughter all over.
“Hey, calm down girls, don’t have too much fun without me!”
“Never!” their voices ring out, Marcy’s muffled now that Sasha’s wrestled the pillow from her.
Resting her elbows on the pillow that is firmly set over Marcy’s face, Sasha winks at her. 
“Be safe, okay?”
“Sure, Sash,” Anne says with a smile. “I’ll be back soon, girls.”
It goes like that, for the next seven weeks.
The girls come over every day after school, even after Sasha’s allowed to go back. They chatter about anything and everything, from the upcoming school dance- which they’re all going to with each other- to the cheer squad dedicating a brand new cheer to Sasha. Something about wanting her with them even when she has to sit on the sidelines.
It’s sweet, really.
But nothing helps the time fly faster than her girls.
Marcy brings over countless video games to play- ones where Sasha can just button-mash through the fights like she prefers, but also the strategy kinds where she really gets to sharpen her skills. She’s still got it, even if she’s no longer commanding Amphibia’s largest army.
Anne is always bringing over something homemade- usually food she helps her parents make, but also sometimes new song lyrics for them to try out. Not that the band is still going strong- they’ve hardly played a musical note together since the battle of the bands in Amphibia- but it’s fun to sing together and rock out in her room.
Not to mention the sheer amount of sleepovers they have, some spanning their entire weekends. They used to have sleepovers a lot back in the day, but it’s incomparable to how many they have now that they’re home and more open with one another.
In those seven weeks, Sasha learns more about frogs and toads and newts and olms than she ever imagines she would, but she loves hearing Anne and Marcy talk about what they love. There’s a passion that wasn’t there before- or maybe it was always there, and it just took their time in Amphibia for Sasha to wake up and notice it.
And speaking of passions... everyone at school loved her cast; there were times it was hard for her to get through the hallway because of all the people swarming their little trio. Marcy’s art was a major hit, just like she knew it would be, and Sasha didn’t miss a single chance to show it- and her girlfriend- off to the rest of the school.
A lot of people tried to sign it, or wanted to, but Sasha refused. The only names she wanted on it were hers, Marcy’s, and Anne’s. It felt too personal to let anyone else sign.
Other than that, school often dragged, not that she minded that much. The sense of normal that came from it was still nice, even if she couldn’t stay after school to join in cheer practice.
A couple of times, rather than her mom or dad picking her up, Anne and Marcy somehow convinced whichever parent to let them take her home. Which, of course, always resulted in a detour.
Once, to the park, where they squabbled over getting to push Sasha in the swing. (Sasha promptly shut that argument down by using her good foot to kick off and give herself a massive push.
Another, to that old antique shop, where everything started. That was a little bittersweet, she’ll admit, but it also meant a lot, considering how far they’ve come together.
Twice to Anne’s house, and once to Marcy’s.
Anne’s parents never let them leave without being full and bringing leftovers home. Plus her dad had a pretty fun fight with Anne using those fake sci-fi swords- Anne crushed him, though. He was a good sport about it.
Marcy’s mom, on the other hand, loved hearing about the girls and how their school was going, which was nice in its own way. She treated them to a delicious dessert and hugged each of them before they left.
And when the cast finally comes off, she takes it home with her.
Overall, those seven weeks weren’t too bad, Sasha thinks, remembering all of the little things her girlfriends did for her.
Not bad at all.
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writernomore · 3 years
Can you do soulmate au headcannons for feral Bois + Wilbur please?
You are my Other half|| Feral boys + Wilbur
Please do not publish my work/ content to different websites and platforms, I only post my work here on tumblr and wattpad
A/n: I must say these were like the cutest ever QwQ
Gender Neutral! Reader
Okay for Dream's soulmate headcanons I like to picture that you have a specific sentence/ words written on your wrist that your soulmate would say to you.
Now, I like to think that you've met your soulmate but! You don't know that yet because of the words on your wrist.
Here's how the situation will go, so basically your a streamer (Naturally) and your friends with Dream! (Shocking :0) .
So you've recently been getting undeserved hate because of the way you play a certain game or people just don't seem to like you, sure there are your loyal fans cheering you up and all but there's just sometimes going to be someone who'd take their comments too far and it just gets to you.
So right now your on discord with Dream ( I don't if you guys want it to be the both of you are in face time so I'll leave this part vague so you can imagine which one you prefer.) and you are just venting/talking about your situation with Dream and you come to stop saying that you couldn't handle it anymore and that you didn't know what to do anymore.
Dream has experience to what your encountering, putting yourself out there and becoming a sort of influencer and gaining fame is that there will always be people to bring you down and love to see that they have left and effect on you.
" You don't need to listen to them, clearly, they don't know how amazing you are."
"Thank you Clay, you're really great too, I don't see why people seem to hate you too."
It was silent at first but then you came to a sudden realisation of the familiarity of the words Dream just told you, quickly pulling up your sleeve your eyes widen to the exact words Dream said imprinted on your wrist.
Looking up at your Monitor, you were breathless, there was a sudden change of mood and the both of you were just silent before Dream spoke once again.
"Hello, Soulmate."
Okay, I think this one is cute but I always think Soulmate Au's are cute so here's George's Soulmate Au!
You have a clock timer to when you meet your soulmate and it's just the perfect one for this idea in my head.
So basically, your on your way to meet an online friend of yours, George or going by his online alias Georgenotfound.
You had been streaming for about a while now and you've met such wonderful people, along with George and other nice streamers on the platform.
You were looking out the window of your plane, as you were nearing to the UK, glancing down you notice the timer on your wrist had sped up and that it shows that you might meet your soulmate here in London.
You were ecstatic at the idea of meeting your soulmate at the airport, just like some cheesy RomCom you've watched before.
Going down the stairs of the airplane you go through scanning and you grab your luggage and look for George, taking out your phone you text him asking where he was and he texted back sending where he was standing, pocketing your phone your clock seems to have gone faster and that you might encounter your soulmate soon before you get to meet up with George.
Walking around you glance to see where George is, ocassionally looking at your wrist, but then you spot the man holding up a welcome sign you walk over to him but just as you were about a few feet away you put down your luggage and make a sprint running to him, to attack him in a hug.
You hug George as he carries you and spins you around, the both of you laughing as you look up at him and smile, it was finally that moment you got to meet him.
He sets you down and you look down to your wrist that your timer, you brush your hand over it and George grabs your wrist to look at it, as he examines it you look up at him in surprise, your soulmate was the person you were so desperate to meet.
He looks up at you and smiles even wider as he pulls up his sleeve and showing that the his timer to had gone off, he encases you in a hug and you chuckle wrapping you arms around his shoulder.
Okay, so this one I like to make this that you and Sap are strangers in this one because, why not? And it would be perfect for the soulmate Au I chose for Sapnap.
Your Soulmate Au with Sapnap is You're deaf until you meet your Soulmate, and the first thing you'll be able to hear is their voice.
So here's how your situation goes, so given that your deaf, you had to learn ASL language to communicate with people(I make it that everyone has different Soulmate Au's, ex: your friend has the red string.) and it's sometimes hard to be able to get your bearings considering your deaf.
And hearing aids don't work as well, there's nothing you can do about it, so you just wait for your soulmate.
So, you're walking down the street after getting groceries, and you try to balance all the bags in your hand but they were to heavy and you were really desperate to not drop the groceries.
So you hug the groceries close to your body but you stiffen at the hand on your shoulder, you turn around to look at the person and they smile at you, raised their hands to sign if you needed help, dumbfounded you try to say something but you couldn't hear what you said but it was clear he did because he had this look of surprise.
And he puts a hand over his ear and looks at you and opens his mouth.
"Can you hear me?" You had the same expression he had but you nodded and then everything seemed to be clear and the both of you can hear sound now.
The two of you just talk to each other about anything you guys come up with relishing the sound of each others voice whilst carrying your groceries.
Karl Jacobs.
Okay, so for Karl's Soulmate thing I picked where your hair would be the same as your soulmates if they dye it and vice versa to your soulmate.
So basically you've had this love for gaming and you practically have been entertaining the idea of streaming, you loved people who play games whilst they streamed, talking to the people in chat and just making people's days.
And you happen to want to do the same, so basically you wanted to be exclusive with your appearance so you usually just turned your face cam off, but when you did people would gush about how nice your hair looked because of the colors you pick out.
Your streaming career had really gone well and you were quiet well known and was doing really well, the people loved you! (excluding the people who bash on you).
You've met really wonderful friends and they're just the nicest and most wonderful people!
And you have this friend named Karl he was really the best, you met him through Quackity and the two of you just really hit it off from the on.
Basically, you and Karl would be streaming later but there was a problem it was when you were with other people or felt the mood you'd turn on your camera but your soulmate decided to dye their hair and now you had the same exact color (awww and you were really growing into the old color too.)
So basically, when you got ready you joined the call with Karl(But you had your camera off) and the two of you were just playing and then you started ranting how your hair changed because your soulmate dyed their hair, Karl just comforted you and then when you were going to look at chat people wanted to see your hair so you went to open your face cam showing your hair, ruffling it a bit.
Unbeknownst to you, Karl happened to have opened your stream on his monitor, You went to talk again with Karl but he was silent for a while, then he smiled and went to talk about how he dyed his hair and he wanted to show the stream, you told him it was nice and was just oblivious to Karl's doing.
People kept on spamming your chat to check Karl's stream and so you did, you pulled up his stream and there he was, with his hair the same color as yours.
You started screaming and just yelled in disbelief letting out little chuckles, you went to cover your face with your hands and chat was ballistic (Both yours and his chat) .
Okay, so for Quackity I chose the one where you write on your skin it would also appear on your soulmate's (and vice versa).
So for this you use this as a form of communication since you don't know each other, it doesn't get personal but just little details about each other.
I have a feeling Quackity would draw penises as a form of prank and you'd have wash it off quickly because you know, it's embarassing but alas, you can't erase it.
It only happens to disappear after time or when your soulmate erases it.
So basically as payback to the little penises he draws you draw these shapes on your face, there are hearts, stars, and little doodles along with the words Kiss me!
It was all fun and games between you guys, and you wanted to share your little 'prank' on instagram, taking a picture of your self smiling and along with a caption saying how you pranked your soulmate.
After you had posted that you just decided to scroll through instagram smiling, but then your smiled had dropped and you saw someone posting a picture, their face having the same markings as you had drawn but you just didn't do anything and liked his picture.
But for a while it had been eating at you so you went to go and message him about being soulmates.
So you just resulted to doing it the old fashioned way and grabbing your marker and contemplating what to write, you decided to write your username and just left it at that hoping he'd check it out.
It was about a few minutes before your phone vibrated, opening you saw someone had DMed you, going on to instagram it was him!
You went to check out the message it said:
"I never knew my soulmate would be so beautiful/handsome."
"Hello to you too, Soulmate."
Mister Soot, your soulmate Au with him would be that you have the same mark as your soulmate, it isn't some random shape but it's a specific mark that you and your soulmate would have.
I don't know how I'm going to be able to write this one so basically this is just how Wilbur found out you were his soulmate, Wilbur would be about a year or 3 older than you and it was your 21st birthday that when your soulmate mark would appear, Wilbur had already gotten his before you.
So the two of you are counting down by midnight in video chat talking and waiting for the clock to strike 12, you had been so excited, you've waited for 21 years for this moment to arrive, when the clock had striked 12 you quickly checked out what the mark was.
It was a white music note, it was cute and it was placed on your wrist, you smiled and look at Wilbur, raising you arm up to angle it so that the camera could see it and show Wilbur what the mark looked like, "Check out my soulmate mark." you found Wilbur silent but then he started giggling, "What's so funny?" You asked him frowning as you looked down to your wrist.
"I guess I finally found you, and you were just right under my nose." Wilbur giggled again.
You held a dumbfounded expression before looking down at your mark and back up again before shaking head, "I guess you found me." You said smiling.
But if you guys want, I have a discord server It was so that I could interact with the readers of my wattpad book but it could be that you guys could see what I'm working on! Discord server.
Anyways, if you guys like my writing, why not and consider giving me a follow? ;)
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kohanayaki · 3 years
.:Time and Time Again:. (Marauders Era x Reader) Ch 2
As you reconcile with Sirius, he reminisces on how you came to be friends despite a rather rocky start (mostly told through flashbacks taking place in the Marauders era).
LINKS:   CH 1   CH 2   CH 3   CH 4   CH 5   CH 6   CH 7   CH 8
Ch 2 .:Pranks and Past Prejudices:.
“I was about to see if you were awake,” Sirius admitted with a small grin, “Seems we both had the same idea.”
He shifted his weight from foot to foot, stepping aside slightly so you could come in. If the Sirius Black from your school days had offered you into his room in the dead of night, you would have slapped him upside the head; but things were different now, and so were the two of you. 
However, as you glanced around the room you almost laughed at how remarkably unchanged it was, and why wouldn't it be? He hadn't lived here since he was sixteen, and he was only living here now because he preferred this house to an Azkaban cell by a small fraction. While the rest of the house was set in deep tones of obsidian and gray, save for the green Slytherin theme of his younger brother's room, Sirius' room was all warm shades of red and gold, Gryffindor paraphernalia covering every inch of it from Quidditch trophies and old banners to a tapestry he had stolen from the Great Hall when they'd won the house cup that year.
The room was littered with memories of your school life— a set of charred robes from when he and James had drunkenly lit the Quidditch field hoops on fire, an old Beater's bat that he had broken in half during the Cup finals, an old Gobstones set you used to play with in the courtyard, and stacks of classic rock records that you and Remus had gifted him for the holidays. A muggle toolbox sat in the corner of the room from when he'd made improvements to his enchanted motorbike that couldn't be done with magic, which you were certain his parents were mortified by.
Posters of bikini-clad women were plastered across the wallpaper, and you recalled the day he told you his mother had a fit when she realized he'd used a permanent sticking charm on them so she couldn't take them down. Said posters were still present, but mostly covered up by all the photos of him and his friends from their school and early Order days— the only noticeable sign of change you could see from his moving back in. It was truly like some sort of time capsule.
As soon as you tore your eyes away from the room and turned to focus on its owner, a tense silence fell between you two. This was the first time you had seen Sirius in over a decade. The last time you two spoke, he was in chains being led away to Azkaban. What was there to say? How could you possibly think things could go back to the way they were? 
“Sirius,” your voice cracked with emotion as you said his name, and when you saw the look in his eyes, so similar to the look he'd given you when he was in that horrible barbed cage during his trial, the dam just broke.
You practically threw yourself at him, sobbing quietly into his shoulder as the fabric of his shirt bunched up in your trembling hands
“I'm sorry,” you said, “I am so, so sorry I didn't believe you, Sirius. I didn't know, I didn't—”
“(Y/n), it's okay,” Sirius said softly.
You almost jumped at his gentle touch, his arm wrapping around your waist and one hand coming up to pet your hair. It hurt him to see you like this, that you went through this much because of him.
“There was no way you could have known,” he said, resting his chin on top of your head as tears continued to stream down your face, “There was no proof that I wasn't the Secret Keeper. We'd decided to make it that rat at the last second. Only James and Lily knew and, well, they couldn't exactly attest to my innocence.”
Hatred bubbled up in his chest at his own mention of Pettigrew, but he forced it down for you, his expression softening as soon as he looked at you. “That was bad judgment on my part, I suppose,” he said in an attempt to lighten the mood, although twelve years in prison was a difficult matter to joke about.
“I should have just believed you,” you muttered into his collar. Sirius' other hand reached out to cup your face, wiping the last few tears from your cheeks.
“Come now, even Moony thought I'd done it,” he said, a small smirk finding its way to his face, “I know what it looked like. . . I don't blame any of you for not believing me. So please, don't blame yourself for this, (Y/n). You're still my best friend.”
“Oh, now you've done it,” you sniffled, laughing despite yourself as fresh tears spilled over. Sirius laughed along with you and yo u could feel the sound reverberate through his chest, rich and melodic. Warm.
He wrapped both his arms around you, holding you tight as you two chuckled like a couple of idiots, standing there glassy-eyed in the middle of his room. If anyone else had bore witness to the scene they'd have thought you'd gone mad, but in that moment you couldn't care less. Your body had been buckling under the weight of your guilt and how much you had missed him. Hearing him say that he still considered you his best friend. . . that was more than you could have ever asked for.
Sirius swelled with pride as he saw he was able to make you smile, something he'd long considered a small victory. He couldn't believe how much your relationship had changed. If someone had told him all those years ago that you would turn out to be someone he couldn't imagine his life without, he wouldn't have believed them. But he supposed life was unexpected like that. . .
~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~   1973  ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Ever since the day you'd stood up to him, James Potter found himself increasingly curious about you. Of course he and his friends continued to pick on Snape, but when you were around to fend them off it became more and more difficult to do so, something that the leader of the self-proclaimed Marauders decided was cumbersome.
James insisted that to get to Snape they would have to take you down too, since you were so keen on protecting him.
“We need to cut the head off the snake,” he had said.
And so, slowly but surely, James shifted the cross hairs of his mischief-making from Severus Snape to you. It started out small; a Bat-bogey hex here, some heat sensitive combustion power under your cauldron there. What he didn't expect in the slightest was for you to actually retaliate with pranks of your own.
Quidditch season had just ended as the year came to a close, and James, who was supposed to be helping clean out the Gryffindor tent, was lying on his back and fiddling about with a golden snitch he'd found wedged in the wooden scaffolding. His head perked up as he saw the Lily across the pitch, walking next to you and chatting. He clearly couldn't care less about what, as he had no problem interrupting your conversation.
“Hey, Evans!” he hollered, heading towards you two.
As soon as Lily spotted him she rolled her eyes.
“And now we're walking faster,” she muttered, grabbing you by the arm and tugging you along.
“Aw come on, I just wanna talk,” he said, quickly catching up with you. Before long he had jogged a few paces ahead, turning around to block your path. “Hey,” he said with a smirk. He was wearing his Quidditch practice uniform, broom in hand.
“Merlin, you are nothing if not persistent,” Lily huffed.
“What can I say? I'm a Chaser~”
“Goodbye, James,” Lily deadpanned at the pun, and he quickly moved in front of her again.
“Wait, wait! Just watch this, okay?” he insisted.
You bit back a smirk, grateful he hadn't paid you any mind until now.
“Trust me, you've never seen anything like this before,” James said cockily, willing his broomstick to hover a few feet off the ground and hauling one leg over to mount it. However, as soon as his arse hit the wood, his entire body phased right through it. He groaned as his tailbone made unceremonious contact with the ground, his broomstick now hovering above him. As soon as he looked up the stick dropped and plonked him on the head, solid again.
You burst out laughing, revealing your wand that had been obstructed from his view by your sleeve.
“(Y/n)!” Lily looked at you in shock, hitting you in the arm playfully but unable to fight the laughter that rose in her chest. It was nice to see him get a harmless taste of his own medicine.
“Well, you were right, Potter,” the redhead said, “I've never seen anything like that before.”
James' face flushed with embarrassment while you two walked away, gathering his broom and whatever remained of his pride. You wouldn't get the better of him again.
Or, at least that's what he told himself until the beginning of your fourth year.
James strode down the corridors leading to the Great Hall with a pep in his step. It had been an unusually peaceful morning; despite having slept in, he wasn't in much of a rush to join his friends who had already made their way to breakfast.
The real reason for his quick pace was because he couldn't wait to see your reaction to his latest prank. It was a classic, amped up a bit thanks to a tube of ink from one of the “magic” markers at Zonkos. He hoped you liked your new look, because you were going to be saddled with it for a while.
As he walked through the courtyard he shot a wink to a fourth year Hufflepuff girl he recognized from his Divination class and she covered her hand with her mouth, turning away from him slightly as she tried to hold back the giggles that spilled from her lips. He gave himself a pat on the back, oblivious to the fact that the laughter was directed at him, an unawareness that stayed with him up until the moment he threw the doors to the Great Hall open. The gasps and laughter that followed him only grew as he sat down at his usual spot. Even his friends were staring at him, wide-eyed and unblinking.
“What?” James ran a hand through his hair in confusion, “What are you guys—!!”
As his hair flopped in front of his face his peripheral vision was curtained with the brightest shade of neon turquoise he'd ever seen.
“No,” he said, “no, no, no way!”
He grabbed one of the food trays, dumping the pastries that were on top onto the table. Peter squeaked as he caught a few that were about to fall, setting them down quietly on his own plate.
James stared at his reflection in the shiny metal, and sure enough his once pristine brunette hair was colored the bright blue of the magic marker whose contents he'd dumped into your shower bottle the night before.
“Did you like the shampoo?” a voice behind him asked innocently.
He nearly jumped out of his skin as he turned around to see you, your hair colored the same bright blue shade. Now he was thoroughly confused.
“It smells nice, right?”
“How did you. . . if I. . . why is your hair—”
“A simple connection charm on the shampoo bottle,” you said, “anyone who touches it receives the same benefits and results of the next person who uses it within three hours. In this case, you landed yourself a dye job and a hell of a keratin treatment, so you're welcome. The spell was already on the bottle to begin with; pretty convenient when you have dorm mates that can all save on buying product, and besides it can be kind of nice to skip a hair wash day every once in a while. I suppose I should thank you, I didn't have to do any shopping or sneaking around for this one. You did all the work for me.”
You put your hand to your chin, pretending to study him for a moment.
“You should take care of that fast, though” you said nonchalantly, gesturing to his hair, “you don't look nearly as cute as I do in this color, Potter.”
To further prove your point, you waved your wand around the crown of your head, and with a quick utter of 'aufero hue' the blue in your hair seemed to melt right off the strands, leaving behind your natural (h/c) locks. The color swirled around the tip of your wand in an aqueous state for a moment before you flung it aside. It landed with a splat! against the Gryffindor table, staining a section of the wood that same shade of bright blue as if it had grown that way.
“I'd do it for you myself, but I don't want to,” you smirked, “ Perhaps you could take a few remedial classes to learn the color-leeching charm. Have fun figuring something out!”
And with that you flounced away, leaving behind a very embarrassed, very blue, and very reluctantly impressed James Potter.
He may just have found himself a proper rival.
Sirius scoffed from where he sat.
“Oh please, the stupid charm can't be that hard to do,” he said, taking out his wand.
“Not that I don't have faith in you, mate, but I'm probably better off seeing if Slughorn has anything for this,” James said.
“Why don't you just soak your head in some Valerian water? That's what takes the color out of potions, right?”
“Peter, he might go bald if he does that.”
James would go on to land a few good jokes on you too. There was one night where you had snuck into the Prefect's bathroom and emerged with a mermaid tail, which was pretty awesome until you realized you had no way of getting out of the tub. From then on, you and James would continue to try and get the jump on one another, marking the start of your now-infamous fourth year prank war. It entertained the students and infuriated the faculty. Gradually, your pranks on one another became more light-hearted, meant to amuse the other person and make them laugh rather than actually hurt or humiliate them.
“Very funny, (L/n),” James said as he walked up to you, his body turned around 180 degrees from the waist up so he had to shuffle backwards to face you. You laughed, nearly choking on your pumpkin juice as you saw your handy work.
“What are you, five?”
“Right, because you're so much more mature stalking and bullying my friends,” you quipped back.
“I really don't understand how Snivelus is your friend.”
“Severus,” you said crossly, “and for the record, I really don't understand how Remus is yours either. He seems like a nice guy.”
“Har har,” James rolled his eyes, “Now would you turn me the right way 'round already? I've got Quidditch practice.”
“Nah, I think you're fine to play like this.”
“Honestly? Not a bad tactic. I can cover my blind spot and stare at my own ass while I fly.”
“Who's five now?” you grinned.
As the months went on, instead of storming over to each other and slinging insults, your interactions with James became more akin to playful banter. And frankly, Sirius didn't get it. You were a Slytherin, and a pureblood at that. Hell, you were a descendant of one of the 28 pureblood families. Everything about you went against everything he believed in and relished in getting away from each year when he would leave home to go to school. You were in the same house as those stupid blood purists, you probably were one yourself—
“You're glaring.”
Sirius blinked, snapping out of his stupor as Remus nudged him in the shoulder. He said nothing, slowly returning to eating his dinner as he tore his eyes away from you, sitting at the Slytherin table with Snivelus, Evan Rosier, and his younger brother of all people. He stabbed at his roast potatoes a little too harshly and his friends traded looks among themselves.
“You alright there, mate?” James asked cautiously.
“Fantastic,” Sirius said, shoving another forkful of potatoes into his mouth to avoid saying anything unsavory as he spotted you heading towards their table.
“Coming to the library today, Remus?” you asked the boy to his right who looked up at you in surprise.
“Oh, sure thing,” he said, “I'm off for the night.”
“Great, we can study for Arithmancy then,” you said. Remus nodded at your suggestion and you gave him a dazzling smile, walking off with your books.
“Since when did you two get so chummy?” Sirius bristled.
Remus rolled his eyes.
“We're just studying for the upcoming mid marks,” he said, “They’re proficient in Ancient Runes and History of Magic. As a study partner it's. . . refreshing.”
“Oi, are you calling us stupid?” James rose a brow.
“Your words, not mine,” Lupin grinned. He saw Sirius' bothered expression and sighed, collecting his things.
“You might get on if you bothered to get to know them,” he told Sirius out of the others' earshot, slinging his book bag over his shoulder before heading off in your direction.
You only continued to grow inadvertently closer to James throughout your fourth year, your prank battle coming to its epic conclusion with the two of you joining forces against some particularly nasty upperclassmen. Your practical jokes subsided, your quips and passing insults were traded for real conversations and walking each other to class. You hated to admit it, but he'd grown on you— especially with him letting up considerably on bullying Severus and annoying Lily lately.
All the while, the closer you got to James the more irritated his best friend became. In Sirius' mind, the more time you were spending with James the less time James was spending with him. They hardly hung out alone anymore. And since James started hanging out with you he started mellowing out, which made Lily start hanging out with him, which made him even more tame. Sirius just wanted his best friend back.
“You do realize that issue would largely be resolved if you weren't so bothered by hanging out with both of them together, right?” Lupin had brought up one night as Sirius was airing out his frustrations.
“I'm not going to bother making friends with someone whose family is so wrapped up in blood politics they forget to be human beings first. Trust me, I've met their mother enough times to know.”
“Have you ever asked them about it?” Remus pressed.
“I don't really need to, do I? They're a (L/n). Open your eyes, Moony!”
Remus' brow furrowed, a shine in his eyes akin to sympathy as he regarded Sirius.
“Perhaps it's you that needs to clear your vision, friend.”
A/N: Thank you all so much for the unexpected early support on this story! I have a lot planned for it~ If you’d like to be added to the taglist just let me know ! 
Read chapter 3 here!
Taglist: @blackpinkdolan @sleep-i-ness @parker-natasha​
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honklore · 3 years
would you consider doing an au where dream is a high school teacher (maybe a math teacher or english teacher or something?) and he has been crushing on his colleague, maybe an english teacher or an art teacher, and his friends have been teasing him quite a bit for it since he hasn’t had the courage to ask them out, which is quite weird considering he’s usually so confident, but it’s just a lot of flirting and shyness between the two until he final caves and asks them out? maybe even some of the students had begun to call him out on not acting on it? it’s perfectly okay if you don’t wanna do this but thank you for reading it :))
you + me = <3 | dreamwastaken
(math teacher!dream, gn!reader, dream likes u oooooh, cute kids, writer knows nothing about chess or how chess tournaments work, you requested high school but i can’t read so i chose middle school sorry!! this is literally nothing like you requested pls forgive me but i has fun, proceed with caution)
song to listen to: roadtrip by dream
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i am setting the scene to say that teacher!dream is hot!!!! like, rolled up sleeves and leather watch kind of hot !!!!!!!
dream with fluffy waves that he sometimes ties into a bun if it gets too hot,,, brown roots and blond hair, brown eyebrows, forest green eyes,,,,,, freckles,,,,,
teaches middle school math!! very patient w his kids!!! but also has been known to go on tangents so long that they last until the bell rings
he’s the teacher whose classroom the weird/shy kids sit in at lunch
reads up on his students special interests and tries to ask them about it and encourage them
doesn’t make kids write out their entire process during testing bc he understands some students work in their head and can’t <3
works with different methods to help each kid learn math in their own way
the sweetest ever omg i can’t imagine a nicer teacher than dream
has a open-policy snack cabinet in case some of the kids can’t buy their lunch
has rlly cheesy anti bullying posters on his wall but actually talks to his students about it and makes sure they know he is someone they can go to
okay this is supposed to be a love story not an i heart teacher dream story sorry
you’re the art teacher of the middle school!!! you are also one of the favorites when it comes to teachers
dream is sort of a practical logical comforter and you’re a more dreamy, imagination-based comforter
so the kids ofc have their favorites
you’re a wonderful teacher !!!!
you let the kids use art class as a sort of art therapy, giving them time to do whatever they want with colors and mediums of their choosing
and assignments are usually fun!! you make it fun by giving them good topics that encourage them to express their opinions and personalities !!!
dream has the FATTEST crush on you
it’s so big and he’s very bad at hiding it
literally buys an extra coffee friday morning
slips into your classroom like “oh? hey ___ ? didn’t expect you to be here!!”
you: “in my own classroom?”
dream: “ANYWHO!! they messed up my order AGAIN and gave me a caramel frappe instead of a matcha so you can have it”
he does this every week
new excuses sometimes but it’s always ur favorite flavor, sitting right beside his matcha in a lil cup holder
dream is the type of guy to make sure your fingertips touch when he hands you your cup
so he can blush about it later and pretend it means something
any time he needs supplies or something he goes to you first instead of the communal supply closet
during his break he’ll come in and try to talk to you while your kids are painting
you sometimes sit with him during lunch!! and the kids that all sit in his classroom love you, even if they don’t have art
and every time you do he stutters over his own words and his neck gets rlly red
the kids all give each other side eyes when he does this
math kids 🤝 art kids : tired of witnessing dream’s bad flirting skills
dream brings you a cupcake on your birthday and a little necklace w a crystal on it :/
“i googled crystals for protection!! because i want u safe always!! and i made sure it was sustainably sourced!! let me know if you don’t like it!!”
how could you not like it :(
his eyes are wide and almost worried and when you give him a big smile he gets so happy like :((
your students are just. super still behind their easels hoping this is the moment you’ll actually kiss him
but no
it isn’t until a few of your kids come up one day and ask about forming an official chess club
they need at least one teacher willing to supervise and go on tournament trips and stuff
half of the team asks you and the other asks dream
but they don’t communicate that to each other
so it’s a saturday when both you and dream show up to the school in your casual clothes, unlocking one of the rooms for the kids to practice in
you help some kids set up while dream takes a few to the side and begins to teach them the basics, since not everyone who joins is an actual player
some just wanted to be w their friends ^u^!!!
but dream keeps catching your eye over the sea of middle schoolers and it makes your cheeks heat up whether u want them to or not
the two of you becoming the unofficial parents of the middle school chess team; you take turns supervising but usually both go to trips for tournaments!!
there are six students who make up the chess team + a few who just come for the snacks and respite
and your team is actually so good they qualify for state
and it’s going to be an overnight trip !!
some parents have also agreed to come chaperone
the team is so excited!!! the entire team got to go even though only a few are competing
theres a lot of lovely support going around
your kids are expressive and bright, all wearing special t-shirts they made that count as “uniforms”
they are twelve and dgaf about what ANYONE has to say
puffy markers and all
and before the tournament they surprise u and dream with ur own shirts :(( they are so sweet omg
and ofc you and dream wear them!!! fashion be damned!!!!!
man they just look up to you guys so much
they really needed a place to fit in and your club gave them that
even the ones who are HORRIBLE at chess are sitting in the bleachers with you guys, cheering on their friends ><!!
it’s all so wholesome omg
and your team ends up qualifying !!!!!!!! it’s huge !!!!!!! you all go out for celebratory milkshakes sponsored by mr wastaken !!!!!
and everyone falls asleep with a big smile on their face that night
the next day is full of driving,, and you and dream share a lil seat at the back of the bus
all the kids are winding down, listening to music or playing games on their phones
and dream is so warm, shoulder pressed against yours when he hands you one of his earbuds and is like ,,,, do you want to listen to music with me?
and ofc you do
so the two of you take turns picking songs
dream adds them all later to a playlist called ___ and dream’s epic roadtrip playlist
now that interstate is paved with memories amirite?
once all the kids are picked up at the school, you are about to call your roommate to come pick you up
but dream is like. i can drive you home
dream is that guy who drives with one hand and keeps the other on top of the gear shift <3
you’re just excitedly recounting all the kid’s faces and all the silly stories you were told in the hotel when dream is finally at your apartment complex
and he just bursts
“i really like you”
and you’re just. stunned bc you knew he was fond of you but you never thought he’d be brave enough to SAY it
“i like you too dream!!”
“would it be too cheesy to walk you to your door and kiss you goodbye?”
“maybe... but i like cheesy.”
thank you for requesting!!!
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astaroth1357 · 4 years
AYE requests briefly open you say? Then here ya go: MC (female or gn) turns into a child for a day courtsey of Solomon (maybe around 5) with the Brothers. I think it'd be adorable, what with finger painting on spell books and things, but there ya go!
The MC is Now Five Years Old, Thanks Solomon...
Oh boy…. A little kid in Hell sounds like a train wreck admittedly, but at least they'll have some pretty strong guardians right? I heard It'll Be Okay by SMLE & Helen Tess and decided that was JUST the feel this sort of request needed.
Solomon really doesn't mess up spells often. He's been doing this for a while (at least as far as my headcanon is concerned) so he's gotten pretty damn good at magic over the years. It takes a looot to make him mess up. Like say, a natural disaster, an unexpected surprise… or a whole-ass MC getting knocked into what sigil he's using at just the wrong time. Yeah. That'll do it.
How in the world is he going to explain this to the brothers…?
His anger toward Solomon is quite severe… tempered only slightly by how utterly adorable kid!MC is. (Well all know he's got that soft spot for cute things 🤭) It reminds him so much of his brothers at that age…
The man basically reverts back to being Dad!Lucifer sooo fast.
He's the one tying their shoes, checking on them throughout the day, making sure they're not running with scissors… that sort of thing.
Weirdly enough he's not that bothered by it… In fact, his brothers find it a little unnerving just how at peace he seems when he's keeping track of kid!MC doing this or that… It's like he's just put on an old pair of gloves and found out they still fit.
Speaking of his brothers, Lucifer can't turn off "Parent Mode" so it starts spilling over to them too...
When he started telling Levi "It's bedtime" and used a napkin to wipe Beel's face for him in public, they decided to hold an informal intervention. They're grown demons now, damnit!! 😖
The first thing kid!MC did when they saw Mammon was fling themselves at him while screaming "MAMMIE!!!" at the top of their lungs… Regardless of his confusion, the man could probably die happy now.
He only gripes a little bit about being saddled with babysitting duty… Because everybody knows he's not the babysitter now. He's the playmate.
"Mammie, I wanna play House!!" "I ain't playing House with ya, kid. How 'bout Tag?" "No way, you're too fast!"  "Hide'n Seek?" "Luci said we can't play that no more…" "Well don't hide in the oven again!" "You didn't find me!!" "That was the problem!!!"
Pretty much the Man-Child/Actual Child Duo. He's perfect for keeping up with them and they'll whine incessantly when they can't find him for too long...
Totally the brother to take them to the amusement park or really any of those super fun places kids love. He will be just as excited as they are to be there, too.
It's not uncommon to find Mammon passed out on a couch or something with an equally exhausted kid!MC sleeping on his back. The two can really wear each other out…
He's probably the least perturbed by this change. Sudden de-aging of characters is a pretty popular anime trope, after all...
He's not all that taken with kid!MC though to be honest… Largely because he's too worried about keeping his stuff out of their grubby mitts. 😖
"Levi, what's this?" "GAH! Don't touch that!! That's my limited edition Ultra☆Rainbow Witch figurine!!" "I wanna play with it, though!" "It's not a toy!!" "That's not fair! You have nothing but toys, Levi!! You need to share!!" "NO I DON'T!!!"
In those times where Lucifer forces him to share, Levi goes full neat-freak. He handles all the discs and games himself, everything gets practically sterilized, and kid!MC HAS to wash their hands before they touch ANYTHING (especially the game controllers). He ain't risking any random kid-gunk getting on his precious possessions… 😰
He does enjoy playing games with them well enough, at least. No one's going to pass up a game of Devil Kart after all!
Sometimes he'll let them win just to see how happy they get… Though, then they start getting a big head about it so he has to remind him who the actual gamer is with another string of losses... Sucks to suck, kid! 😌😏
… You know, five year-olds ask a lot of questions… A looot of questions…
"Satan, what's that?" "An umbrella. You use it so that rain doesn't get on you." "Where does rain come from?" "Evaporated water collects in the atmosphere and-" "Is rain like the sky peeing?" "...." "Satan? Does your face hurt?... Satan?"
Please Lord, they may not be on speaking terms, but someone has to have mercy on his patience...
In truth, Satan's kind of charmed by how curious kid!MC is, he just wished they'd listen more to his boring explanations…
"Satan? Why does everyone listen to Diavolo?" "Lord Diavolo is like a king to us demons." "Where's his crown?" "He doesn't wear a crown." "Oh… You don't wear a crown and people listen to you. Are you a king too?" "I mean, you're not wrong… 😏" "Satan, get back to work."
Eh, maybe having a little MC isn't all that bad. They don't lie, after all. 😌
OMG he hasn't seen a child this cute since the twins were in diapers!!!!
If Mammon isn't around then Asmo takes over babysitting duties (like an actual babysitter) and he's more than happy to do it. It reminds of him of taking care of baby Belphie!
If kid!MC has any interest at all in makeup then he's happy to foster it. He won't give them the good stuff of course, but he'll show them how to do blush, eyes, lipstick, nail polish, whatever!
He also dabbles in a bit of facepaint so do they want to look like a kitty, panda, or dragon? He's got them covered.
Asmo just likes to let them be creative in all forms, really. He's going to be the one to break out the paint and markers and just the kid!MC go to town! (hopefully not on the walls…)
Takes pictures of whatever they draw, good or bad, and happily displays them to everyone. There's not a big enough fridge to hold all the art he's going to collect (and zealously protect).
Playmate #2 right after Mammon, but he's the less excitable, more responsible one.
"Beel! Beel! Watch me jump off this slide!!" 😰 "Please don't… You could hurt yourself… You slide down slides. That's why they're called that." "*GASP*... That's right! You're a genius!!" *sits back down* "Not really, but thank you." 😊 *waits for them at the bottom*
If the MC is with Beel, they're doing one of two things. Either they're playing together or gorging themselves on junk food.
Beel actually likes "domestic" games like House and Tea Party because it's an excuse to raid the kitchen. He'll play "house-husband" all day as long as he gets to actually eat at every imaginary dinnertime.
He'll play active games too, of course. Especially action-oriented ones like "Cops and Robbers" or Superheros. No one's better at roughhousing than Beel! Though he'll go easy on them, cause they're small and all… 😅
Everyone can always tell when Beel's in charge of them because he carries them around on his shoulders. He's the tallest one of the family so it's like getting to be a giant!
Belphie was introduced to kid!MC when they started crying during one of his naps. They couldn't wake him and they thought he was dead… Followed directly by them declaring their tears were magic when they noticed his eyes opened.
He proceeded to close his eyes again and purposely play dead just to get them all worried again. It was the smile creeping up onto his face that eventually gave him away… 😏
He likes to play with kid!MC and Beel but he's not going to let it get in the way of his nap schedule or anything. When they play "Knights" he gets to take the role of the world's laziest dragon… Rawr.
Kid!MC will only settle down for naptime if Belphie joins too since he'll read them a book like he used to do with Lilith.
Satan's usually the go-to guy for storytime, but Belphie's a close second (largely because he just imitates what he remembers Lucifer doing for him, voices and all 🤭).
He deals with their myriad of questions by just making shit up and pretending he knows what he's talking about. It's around the time that he told them that little men live inside the freezer and shave ice cubes to keep things cold that Lucifer started getting on his case about it… Killjoy. 🙄
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genshinobsession · 4 years
okey okey but like for your sentience au thing, and in one of your recent asks
like the one where the characters finally break free, childe's part had me thinking on how they can always be with you
what if, whatever, character manages to escape but what if they were tiny. like the same character size on the device you play on.
like what if they were pocket sized, is basically what I'm saying. then they can be always with ya.
ya know.
ack, too much.
I'm really liking your writing and ideas. I've turned on my notifs, so that I can always be updated on when you post. and I just, plse continue to write. obvi ion wanna sounds like I'm forcing ya to continue writing.
drink some water, not too much nor too little, eat, takes nap and take care of yourself
This is a GREAT idea thank you!
I hope I wrote it the way you were hoping so far!
They Escape the Game (Part 1)
(Pocket Edition)
Characters included in this part:
Xiao, Diluc, Kaeya
(I may make a PC version but it will more than likely just be HC’s because the only thing that would change would be the slight change in height)
It took everything in him to finally decide to leave everything he knows behind and take a leap of faith out of the game. All he’s every known has been Genshin and ONLY genshin. So when he had finally gotten out of it he was more than surprised by what he saw.
When he had made it out, the first thing he was met by
Was you.
Except, you were h u g e.
You looked down at the tiny person in front of you who had just literally hopped out of your screen.
As you took a closer look your realized it was xiao.
HA, that can’t be right, right?
You went to poke him to make sure you weren’t just making it up but right before you did you felt his tiny hands push against yours a-bit.
“What are you doing?” He asked with his usually annoyed tone. Your eyes widened as you realized, this was in fact xiao. He just, popped out of your game.
You left the palm of your hand open as he hesitantly climbed on. You carefully raised him closer to your face as he grabbed onto your thumb to secure himself on your hand.
“Xiao?” You asked.
“Who else would it be.” He retorted, taking a quick glance at the very large objects around him. He was used to the large mountains in Liyue but nothing of this size.
Having the tiny man in the palm of your hand was such a weird feeling but you had to admit his tiny angry face did look adorable. You gently placed him back down as you began to think.
“How are you even here?”
“...” no response came from the tiny yaksha as he looked away, seemingly avoiding the question. He looked around your room a bit more and noticed that you had his mask on your wall.
“How did you get that.” He asked as he pointed to it, looking back down towards his hip where his now tiny mask still remained.
“Oh, this was a gift from a friend of mine.” You said as you carefully took it down and placed it in-front of him.
Carefully he stood on top of the mask and admired the detail, it was accurate to the one he had, which was impressive but he dare not say that out loud. He lightly hopped off the mask as he looked back at your phone that now had an empty space where he had been.
His mind did start to wander as he thought about how literally all he knew was essentially
A lie.
Not wanting to think about it to much he turned back towards you.
“Traveler... pick me up.” He demanded as his now outstretched hands wrapped around your finger as you lifted him back up to your face.
“I am now going to stay with you to protect you at all times. No, you do not have a say in this.” He proclaimed as you lightly chuckled.
“What’re you going to protect me with, a toothpick?” You joked and xiao pulled out his spear and lightly poked your finger, not enough to make you bleed but it still hurt causing you to almost drop him.
“Didn’t think that through, did you.” You laughed.
Going about daily life wasn’t too hard with Xiao always around. You found different places to hide him so if someone walked in they wouldn’t see him.
When going outside you attempted putting him in your pocket but it was a bit to much of a tight fit for him to stick his head out well. So you decided to get a small empty bag.
He’s often very quiet throughout the day, just enjoying being around you finally. He didn’t even care about how you looked he just wanted to be around you especially now that he’s in a huge world full of unfamiliar things.
At first Diluc was unsure about dropping everything and leaving, since there was no guarantee of him getting back if he felt homesick. However, this thought was overruled when you had joined the game again.
He wasn’t one to just jump head first into things but this time he was sure about what he wanted to do. And before you could even do your normal greeting he had leaped from the screen.
He didn’t think about the fact that he had no idea where he was going to end up when he jumped through but that question was quickly answered when he landed in your face.
You immediately swatted at you face, thinking it was a bug, not caring to open your eyes and look at who it actually was.
Diluc hung on for dear life as you finally swatted him off but he luckily landed on the pillow in-front of you.
As you rubbed your mouth hoping to get the feeling of what you thought was a bug off your mouth you finally heard it.
“Traveler?” The voice said. It was a strong voice and sounded, a bit far away. You looked around for the voices host, but saw no one. Until you looked down at the pillow in front of you and noticed the small redhead who was standing there.
You had no idea what to say, this isn’t real right? But it’s so convincing. He practically look as if he was actually there.
“Diluc?” You asked hesitantly as he looked back up at you. This was the first time he had ever seen you face to face, you were a lot bigger than he had thought you were going to be but he found your features beautiful nonetheless.
You carefully put your hand down for him to climb up and he did. He held onto your thumb go slight security as you lifted him up to get a closer look, and sure enough, it was Diluc, down to every last detail.
“Oh my goodness it really is you! Why are you so small?” You asked, he shrugged his shoulders and turned back to look at the thing he popped out of which was your phone.
“Well I’m assuming since I come through that portal object over there, I ended up being no bigger than that size.” He said as you put him carefully back down on the phone.
“What is this thing anyways?” He asked as he tapped the sword attack button on your screen causing your character to attack.
“Ah, so that’s how you did it. I will admit this is a little bit weird for me.” He said as he turned back towards you.
“Are you still able to bring out your weapon and everything?” You asked and he nodded and drew his weapon. You were amazed to say the least. Your favorite character literally just popped out of your game.
“This is amazing! I can’t believe you’re here, how did you even manage to get out? Do you plan to go back? How would you even get back?” You rambled on with more and more questions as Diluc just calmly watched you as a small smile graced his features.
He didn’t care about getting back right now, all he cares about was that he was finally with you.
Your day had been pretty rough. Nothing was going right from the beginning so when you finally got back home you decided to just sit down and play Genshin.
When you entered you had realized Kaeya wasn’t in his usual spot which confused you but you decided to do a few quests before questioning it.
Eventually you had just gotten to the point in the Lantern Rite where you had to talk to Kaeya and you were ECSTATIC.
You made your way from Liyue to Mondstadt as fast as you could. And from a distance you could see the marker as it counted down the closer you got to it. As you made your way to fountain there he was.
He smiled at your presence as you ran around him in circles, trying your best to say hi. You stopped in front if him and went through the quest dialogue, praying to Barbatos that he wouldn’t disappear after wards, and lucky enough for you he didn’t!
You hopped up and down out if pure joy.
Kaeya chuckled a bit at your excitement as he put his hands on your characters shoulders to stop them from hopping.
“I have a little surprise for you, I’ve been working on it for a while. I need you to wait here.” He said as he backed up from your character. You watched him as he just disappeared.
“The hell?” You asked out loud, what kind of surprise was this? You expected him to appear back in front of you in game but it never happened.
You waited a little bit expecting something to happen, yet nothing did. Until you were met face to face with the blue haired Calvary captain.
Not expecting the sudden figure to just appear in-front of you freaked out and jumped up from where you were seated, cause Kaeya to go flying.
Luckily it was that far of a distance and he managed to land safely.
“Kaeya?” You asked, thinking you might’ve just had your phone to close to your face.
“Surprise!” He said, climbing back up your chair. He landed on a space where you both could see each other as he finally got a good look at your face.
You had no idea what to say as you looked at the tiny captain in-front of you. He still did some of his idle animations as he stood, waiting for your response.
“How did you get out?” You asked him, leaning down towards him a bit.
“I have my ways.” He replied. It’s Kaeya, did you really expect a full detailed answer? He looked around your room, taking in the new surroundings. It was nothing like he had seen in Mondstadt, for one thing there was technology.
This was entirely new to him, and there didn’t seem to be any weapons anywhere.
Your entire room was practically the size of Mondstadt to him.
“I must say, I didn’t actually think this would work, but I’m glad I could finally meet you.” He smiled, you smiled back, still unsure of what was happening and questioning if you should make an appointment with an eye doctor.
“How long have you been trying for?” You asked looking down at him, he paused as he thought of his answer, the time difference in your world was drastic from that of Teyvat.
“Well it’s hard to say but I have tried maybe, 25-30 times before. I was starting to lose hope if I’m being honest.” He admitted. You had no idea he was this dedicated to getting out of the game
To see you.
It was flattering but also a bit scary to think your favorite character has wanted to meet you just as much as you wanted to meet him.
“This height difference nah be a problem though.” He pointed out with a chuckle.
“We’ll figure something out I’m sure.” You responded
(This basically just serves as an introduction to the idea and hopefully I will have enough time to come back and expand on what they do as tiny people)
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