#been having fun with collage type stuff lately ^_^
butchdarling · 1 year
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[ID: Collage style fan art of Shiki Misaki from The World Ends With You in her UG appearance. On the left is a fullbody drawing of her kicking her leg up and grinning. She holds the strap of her fanny pack which she wears as a shoulder bag. On the top right is a drawing of her leaning forward with one hand on her hip and the other on her knee to prop herself up. She looks to the side with a curious expression. The lower right drawing shows her from the shoulders up with her hand held delicately to the side of her face with a content smile. The collage features both cut and torn construction paper in pink and yellowed layered over each other with cutouts of her Mr. Mew plush, cartoony flowers, letters that spell "Shiki," and the date "6/18." End ID]
Just like the girl on TV!
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voiddoesntexist · 2 years
hello everybody ! ★
a bit of a late post today >_<
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i've been a little lazy this week ... it was just average because of school, but i was still able to get some good outfits in !! i was busy all week and tired all weekend though, so i have to rush in this post at 7pm ... whoops
as far as outfits go, i think i did good !! for monday, i had this witch inspired goshikku co*de (though i got made fun of for the hat LOL). tuesday i wore a rainbow co*de !! its amekaji inspired but not quite amekaji- it almost seemed more like a light decora or kidcore coord. wednesday i wore a really pink kogal co*de, and thursday was a rokku co*de with a kinda different style of lips than i usually do! for gal friday... (drumroll please) it wasss an agejo co*de !! i tried my best to look a bit more cute than sexy though. i don't do agejo often for obvious reasons, but i really wanted to wear the dress i had, which is a ma*rs dupe from shein ! i bought it months ago now and only wore it twice, this time included. i think my two best outfits were thursday and friday, but maybe i'm a little biased because i LOVE the pink x black color combo <3
i really planned on using some of lizzie's (hello lizzie bee) post about gyaru blogs for inspiration this weekend, but i think it's down again ? so this post is a little laid back ! i don't really know if there's a real format to posting like this, so i just type how i usually do with a lot less grammar mistakes >_<
the weekend had been nice to me ! although i worked out in the hot sun on saturday, i still got to dress up at least !! i take the weekend as my experimental days. whether it be trying other makeup styles (usually goth), testing possible co*des, or TRYING my best to style certain items that i dont usually wear. on saturday, i had to go to my brother's football game (not that it had any significance on my outfit ofc 😋). i tried styling this mesh black top with red hearts, and i think i succeeded ! i only wore it one other time, but my mom got another skirt for me and it worked perfectly :)
lastly i'll just show my co*des from thursday and friday since they were my favs <3 i just did this simple collage since i'm not completely used to editing yet, but i wanna start trying more intricate stuff soon ! hope you guys enjoyed this and see ya later :}
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jodilin65 · 31 years
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 29, 1993 Talk about weird sleeping habits! At least I’m well-rested and my asthma has been much better. I fell asleep yesterday at 7 AM, got up at 1 PM to take my meds, then fell back asleep till 4 PM. Then at 6:30 PM, I fell asleep till 10 PM. Guess it’s cuz of my period and I was flowing quite heavily.
I heard Tom go to bed at 8:00 last night. He has to leave for work at 7:15. He’s decided he’s gonna like working days better. He says 10-hour shifts will be better than 12. That’s for sure. Also, he used to put himself on days when he wasn’t working, so, he says, why not be on nights when he’s off? This way we can still see each other.
I have 4 envelopes to go out in today’s mail. One to Nervous, Nervous’s mother, Fran, Alex, Gina, and 3 to Kim. Tom gave me neon orange round stickers he got at work. I numbered all 3 of Kim’s envelopes. This way she can read them in the order I typed them. I’m also sending Gina a quick letter to the radio station, as well as my picture in The Beat. She kept asking what I look like, so soon she’ll see. The letter’s really short saying how fun she is to chat with different fonts.
Believe it or not, last night I gave her a reading which was fairly accurate, seeing how dead my vibes have been lately.
While Gina was on the air, I left a message for Andy of me talking with Tammy, Glen, and some funny drunk guy named Larry. He loved it and thought it was so funny.
I just did my legs again with the hair removal thing. A few hairs grew back, but they were much lighter and finer.
Tom accidentally erased the movie The Guardian, but now I’m glad he did. He’s buying the movie for me and this way I can get the uncut version and see more nudity! Plus, I accidentally hit the record button and erased a few seconds during two different parts.
Tom looked the movie up through Prodigy and it turns out she was in some other movie called Local Hero. This was back in 1983. Wonder what she looked like then?
Tom’s taking a shower now and soon he’ll be off to work.
In a little while, I have to go put my mail out.
Tom made us tater tots and garlic bread. It was good.
I’ve run out of things to say for now, so I guess I’ll write later when I think of more stuff to write.
I just got done watching Charlie’s Angels. It was a two-parter. So, tomorrow I’ll try to remember to see the second part, even though I’ve seen every single episode.
I have a two-page picture of Gloria from one of her tour books, but she takes up very little space. Therefore, I’ve glued on 6 tiny ones, so, I now have sort of a collage.
Well, I fell asleep at noon and I got up shortly after 7:00.
Tom had just gotten in from work. He said it wasn’t very fun at all. The poor guy. He also said he may go look somewhere else for a job. Lastly, he says he may be getting a cold. I sure hope not. Especially now that my period’s pretty much over.
Beauty’s doing fine. She basically only eats her lettuce if I feed it to her by hand, but this is cuz she’s still a baby. She’ll eat more independently as she gets older. She eats the pellets with no problem, though. She’s so loving and always gives me kisses.
I wish it were summer! I wanna go swimming! At least I only have to wait for 4 more months or so, rather than 7. I miss being able to be outside constantly. The daytime weather’s usually nice, but it’s more fun when you can swim.
When Tom looked up the movie The Guardian through Prodigy, there was a 26-page write-up all about the movie. He’s gonna print it out and maybe I’ll copy it into my journal. That is, whatever one I’m on when he’s able to find the time to print the thing out.
Boy, Michael Jackson’s certainly in some serious hot water. Guess he’s about to be charged with molesting young boys. At first I believed he was innocent cuz everyone always wants to bring down a star. People want to gain publicity and power. They want to challenge those who are successful. Now, I wonder if maybe he’s guilty, as there are lots of sickos in this world. Plus, most cops and superstars feel they’re above the law. If he’s brought to trial, he’ll win. He’s famous and he’s male.
I just turned on the radio so I can hear what DJ is on tonight. Gina’s on weekends and I guess she’s also a fill-in. She hopes to go on full-time soon and I hope she does too. It’s cool to be able to chat with her and others on the party line when everyone else I know is working or asleep. I’ll bet that guy Magic is on now. I haven’t heard yet, as sometimes they don’t speak till after several songs have played.
My period’s over, thankfully. It sure is weird that I’ve shit 4 times today when all I’ve eaten is a cupcake and a bowl of popcorn.
Next shower I’ll have to do some massive shaving downstairs. It hurt too much to use the hair removal thing down there, as well as under my arms. That’s fine, though, as it sure is nice to only have to do it under my arms and my pussy, rather than my calves and thighs, too.
Gina’s on! Great, I’m gonna give her a call after I go smoke a butt.
I just called in and she’s got me on hold now. It’s pretty weird hearing the same song playing on the phone that’s playing over the radio. What’s she doing? She must be extremely busy cuz this is the second song now that I’m holding through.
I just hung up and called back and said, “Did that reading scare you, or are you tremendously busy?” She said she was busy and to call back in a half-hour.
No problem. I understand. If she’s on tomorrow night too, then she’ll know what I look like before the weekend. I’ll call her in 10 minutes.
Gina just said, “I wish I could let you hear half the conversations we have here on the party line.” It sounds like the phone lines are quite busy. I wonder how many lines there are. No less than 10, I’d assume. I can see that being a lot for one DJ to handle. Sometimes there are two DJs.
Tammy’s on again. I just heard her. Some guy named Stan, too.
I’ve got to tell Andy to take his phone off the hook Fri. and Sat. nights. This way if I leave him any messages when we’re on the party line, his phone will only ring once. He said to leave him all the messages I want from the party line.
OK, I’m gonna call now.
She said she’s got everyone on hold, and she’s got Stan and Tammy on and wants to keep me on.
OK, whatever. I told her to take her time. Is she testing me to see if I really am a loyal fan? It’s fine by me, as I have nothing better to do anyway.
I never did get around to sending Tammy (my sister) a message, but I will within the next few days. I’ll type some more letters, too.
Now I’m on the line with Stan and Tammy. Gina’s sick with diarrhea and is in the bathroom. She just yelled, “I can’t get sick! I have too many jobs!”
Gina’s also a waitress at Tuchetti’s.
Now, I’m doing promotions stuff saying, “K-O-O-L F-M” in unison with Tammy and Stan. Gina’s singing is very loud, strange and funny. She still feels shitty. They’re talking about movies now. I hate Westerns, too. And old movies and science fiction.
Some woman from 7/11 named Sandy just called in, but I didn’t hear her request.
Gina may have to work tomorrow night too, as well as 10:30 this morning. Damn! That’s a long time. About a half-hour ago Tammy and Stan hung up. I asked Gina if I could come down this weekend if Tom will drive me. She said probably, but call her at 2 AM first.
I left Andy a message of all 4 of us. Also, I have me on tape doing a promo line.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 28, 1993 Well, I didn’t get married last Friday, but I did get a guinea pig. Let me go in order of events.
I felt kind of foolish and Tom felt bad, but what he really meant by “Friday” was discussing a tentative date. We set a tentative date for next December. I just didn’t stop to realize that it’s not something you just do in 5 minutes.
I talked with Tom alone and with Andy alone and I think a year from now’s good. This will give us plenty of time, as it’s a big and scary commitment. I know, though, that life’s all about taking chances and I think that if all continues to go well, I’ll be brave enough to take this chance in a year. I am still a believer in the saying “nothing lasts forever,” but I’ll enjoy one day at a time. I won’t put a time frame in my mind for how long Tom and I live. An example of what I mean is, I hope I live a long life, but I could get run over and killed by a car tomorrow.
Andy still feels I should be with a woman and I understand this, but if I could’ve been I would’ve been. It’s not like I didn’t put in a few good years of trying so I’m not without a woman by choice.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 25, 1993 Believe it or not, I fell asleep last night at around 9:00. I awoke at 10:00 to a car going by with a very loud muffler. Originally, I fell asleep on the living room couch. Tom went to bed at 10:00. Shortly before this car’s muffler woke me up. When I did wake up, I went and got into my bed and fell back asleep till a little after 1 AM.
Last night, though, Tom and I had lots of fun. Not sexual fun, but fun hanging out together and finally wrote in my next journal.
When I got up, I cleaned the stove, did dishes, straightened up, listened to music, and typed Kim a letter.
At 4:00 I dropped a bowl of creamed spinach and smashed it to smithereens all over the kitchen floor. I cut my foot, too, and woke Tom who was my savior. He washed my foot and put a Band-Aid on it and cleaned the kitchen floor. So, now I have a black and blue on one foot, from whacking it on the phone which was on the floor, a glass cut on the other foot and a paper cut on my thumb. The thumb is healing nicely, though.
I tried to get some more sleep. At least a few more hours, but it hasn’t worked. I’ll go try again.
I have been unable to go back to sleep. I typed Lisa, Becky and Sarah a letter, but then got knocked off when I tried to type Tammy a letter. I’ll try again later. Prodigy’s funny sometimes.
I also want to check Springfield’s weather so I can laugh. Unfortunately, they’ve had some mild days in the 50s. They��ll get theirs, as far as the bitter freezing cold goes.
I forgot to mention two calls I made early yesterday morning. One to Barbara, who I woke up. I insisted she left a message for me to call her. She very sleepily denied it, then hung up after two minutes.
I also called Jenny and yelled, “Knock it off, Jenny!” Then I slammed the phone down. I’ll bet she and the bastard brother are still buddies. They can have each other. I’m gonna tell Tammy that if she ever again speaks with Larry to tell him he didn’t want anything to do with me, so why should I want anything to do with him? My life’s way too cool now to have assholes like Larry, Art, or Dureen in it to screw things up. Or try to I should say, as in the end, I learned not to let it get to me. I know what I did and did not deserve.
This is amazing, yet great. I’m still awake! Cuz I only napped a few hours last night, I didn’t think I was gonna hold out past noon. If I’d been more awake, I would’ve gone to Tom’s parent’s house, but I’m definitely not that awake. He said he’ll try to bring home leftovers.
I went and pulled $20 out of the ATM for cigarettes, then we went to Jack-n-the-Box where I got a breakfast platter.
I also typed two more letters. One to Nervous and the other to his mother telling her what an asshole her son is. I called him up politely to see how he is and I’m so sick of his moods. I don’t deserve his shit. I haven’t done anything to him in ages and any shit I ever did pull on him, he damn well asked for. The guy can fuck off and out of my life just like Dureen and Art. My sending a letter to his mom will surely heat the guy all up. Especially as it’ll shock the shit out of him and catch him off guard cuz I’ve never sent the mother mail before in the past. She’ll be surprised too, and I don’t give a rat’s ass if either of them calls my family.
Oh, before I end the subject of Nervous - his mom had no idea Crystal lived with him or who the fuck she even is. That is quite interesting. I’ve spoken to this girl, so I’m sure she exists, but I highly doubt she lives with him. Not if she’s got any real brains.
Tomorrow should be fun. Tom says that cuz he slept so many hours the last two days, he can go shopping tomorrow when I am awake. Depending on his paycheck we may get the pig tomorrow. Can’t wait! He says it’s a birthday present, but I told him to spare me for my birthday and Chanukah, as I wanted him to have money to buy his family Christmas presents. We’re also gonna look at prices of dishwashers and who knows what else tomorrow.
Remember the note we passed each other on the toy car? The one about us getting married Friday which is tomorrow? Well, he hasn’t said one more thing about it and I hope he wasn’t joking. I’d feel kind of foolish unless he meant next Friday. Maybe he thought I was joking. Well, I wasn’t joking. I wonder what’s really going on in his mind. Are we getting married tomorrow?
What else can I say? I’m in a writing mood, but I’ve run out of things to say. I just hope that whenever I do fall asleep that I stay asleep at least till 2 AM. This way, we can take off as soon as the stores open. It’ll be mobbed, though, being Fri. Plus, everyone’s begun to do all their Christmas shopping.
It’s been oh-so quiet next door, thank fucking God. Come to think of it, I haven’t even heard their dog. Only the one across the street, but it’s not as loud.
I wonder how much of all those letters Bob’s read so far? Is he done? Probably not. I sent an awful lot of stuff, but it’ll be good for him. He needs to fill his time and occupy his mind.
Well, the computer says it’s 28º in Springfield today and tonight will be 10º! It’s only 62º here today.
I talked to Tammy briefly. Apparently, Bill and the girls are very sick, so she canceled dinner. She’s still cooking dinner, but she canceled the company that was to be coming.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 1993 Boy, I’ve been having lots of fun playing Nintendo games for hours. Today’s the first time I’ve ever played. Tom set it up in the back room on my TV. There are these 2 games I’ve been playing. My favorite one is where you use a plastic gun to shoot ducks. You get 3 shots to go to the next round. I’ve gone as far as round 11. The other one’s very hard and I have yet to win one round. It’s where you shoot at two flying disks at once.
Now, here’s the most exciting news of the day. (now yesterday) Tom put batteries in a toy car. We were out back by the pool, then we came into the back room where we were sending the car back and forth to each other across the room. Finally, I took a tiny piece of paper and wrote: I love you and I will marry you. Then Tom wrote: When? I wrote: When do you want to, and be honest? He wrote: Friday. I wrote: It’s a deal!
I got bored with the Nintendo (for now) as well as the TV. So, I tried to call Nervous. The guy’s smart as no one ever even said hello. He just picked it up and pressed a button on the phone. Although, I wonder if that could’ve been Crystal. It seems her style but not his. His is to answer, swear, then unplug the phone. If Crystal’s still there, that is truly amazing.
I tried to call the radio station but kept getting a busy signal. That’s OK, as shortly after I tried I realized Gina isn’t even on tonight.
Tomorrow Nerv, Fran and Bob should get all their mail.
I did try to call Fran at nearly midnight his time, but he said he’d call me later. Or tomorrow. He was either asleep, drunk, or terribly depressed.
I know what I forgot to mention I did earlier. It sure was an unexpected, yet great surprise, too. Tom asked if I wanted to “fool around.” It was grand, alright. He sure does a fine job down there with his tongue. He knows I can cum way, way too fast (in a matter of seconds), so he knows how to make it last and keep it going so I can enjoy it. It won’t be long till I’m on the rag, so this is when I’m the horniest.
I’ve got to watch myself on the cigarettes. Been getting a bit carried away. I did better the last 3 days by smoking 11-14, but so far, I’ve had 16 since I’ve been up. In 2-3 more days, I’ll be done with the antibiotics. After that and my period, I’m gonna get working on the exercise videos. Been slacking off. I’m soooooooo fucking bloated! It’s absolutely pitiful! I can now feel myself “precramping,” so I don’t have long to wait.
I wish I could be there to personally see the looks on Bob, Fran and Nerv’s faces when they open their mailboxes to so much mail from me. Especially Bob’s face, as he’s the one who appreciates my mail the most.
I just took all the meds that I’m supposed to take. I think now I’ll go listen to music and then try to get some sleep. I don’t want my schedule to change too much just yet as I have stuff to do.
Tonight’s Tom’s last night at work. Sunday the poor guy’s on days.
I’m not exactly as sleepy as I had thought I was. I listened to music, though.
Earlier I came up with a very interesting way to improve my game aim which is naturally pretty good. There are 10 birds to kill in each round, so I came up with two rounds worth (20 people) I can’t stand. I imagine they’re the birds.
I may get another letter from Bob tomorrow or Fri. That’d be nice. I give up on waiting for Alex to send a letter. For now. I’m sure he has a reasonable excuse for not writing and is busy. Hopefully, Kim will send a letter too.
I’m kind of hungry now. Damn. I got a paper cut too. Fuck!
OK, I just put a Band-Aid on my paper cut.
Andy must’ve fallen asleep. He told me he’d call back when I spoke to him several hours ago.
Tom’s mom beeped in with a message for Tom that Thanksgiving dinner was to be at noon as Raymond, his brother, has to work early. She sounded nice and invited me, but I don’t know if I’ll be going.
Tomorrow Tom and I will probably be getting up at the same time for the first time in a while. This will be nice.
I think I’ll go see if Nervous will answer his phone now, although he may be at work. We’ll see if Crystal answers.
I am sitting at the living room table while Tom’s watching sports on TV. He made us tater tots which were really good.
Andy picked up his pants and the movie I taped him and he left me a blank tape. I spoke to him earlier and all’s well with him. While he was on the phone, I called Nervous. He got my mail and says Crystal’s still there. I’ve never heard the guy sound so relaxed before in my life. This is good for him.
I played Nintendo and did really well. Got some perfect scores and shot the disks through round 1.
Tom and I were discussing a trip to CA in February or March. A package deal to fly to Disneyland and stay at their hotel for 2 days and 1 night.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 23, 1993 Well, Tom’s not going to recognize the back room when he goes in there. He’ll most certainly get up before I do, too.
I didn’t make it to my GYN appointment today. I really did plan to go as nervous as I was, but I was not able to fall asleep till 7 AM. My appointment was at 11 AM, and I would’ve had to get up at 9 AM. The place is 40 minutes away and there’d have been no way I could’ve functioned on only 2 hours of sleep. Plus, I only slept 4 hours yesterday. My referral expires on the 26th and I don’t know if I can reschedule by then. We’ll see. Guess I’ll have to call Dr. Wilcox. I’ll live whether or not I ever get there.
Lisa typed me a letter over Prodigy. She says she’s nervous about her solo and Becky and Sarah are sick. Within the next few days, I’ll call Tammy and the girls.
Yesterday I called Mary and guess what? About a month and a half ago, the butch moved out. Mary said she said she bought a house. Yeah, right! On her income? I don’t think so. Not unless she won the lottery or got a hefty inheritance. If she moved into a house, she rents it and probably shares it.
I still feel so bad for Mary as her nightmare isn’t over. She’s going through all I went through. Some guy moved in above her in the butch’s place and he has late-night wild parties with mucho company. She says she’s gonna call the office, but I know that’ll never do her any good.
I got a letter from Bob and one certain line had me cracking up. When he said, “I need your letters.” Oh, he’s got letters coming alright. If he only knew. He has 10 of them on their way right now. Fran has 11 and Nervous has 9. They’ll each get 50 pages in all, maybe more. Remember how I typed and printed out journals 1 through part of 4? Well, I decided I didn’t want to continue doing this and really had no purpose in keeping what I’d already typed. Therefore, I split the 150 pages or so I typed between Bob, Fran and Nervous. I never thought to send Alex any, but, oh well. He’ll get his fair share of mail from me.
We got HBO and Cinemax. I’ve already seen a few good movies on them both.
It seems each year that goes by I become more and hornier. Once or twice a month is no longer enough for me. Nor is it enough for it to be one-sided where only I cum. I always used to love this arrangement. I wouldn’t want Tom to always be all over me, but I give up. I can’t make him any hornier. This doesn’t change my love for Tom and what I feel emotionally for him and what’s in my heart. It still gets better and I feel surer all the time. I never thought I could be with someone this long, let alone live with them. I can’t believe I have more and more thoughts of marrying him. I won’t count on that happening, though. If and when he ever asks me - well - we’ll see.
I guess the only other not-too-cool news, besides me being the only horny one around here, is that I woke up yesterday really wheezing. Didn’t have to go to the ER, thank God, but I had to deal with it for an hour.
Tom and I had a nice talk when he came in from work. We talked more about getting a guinea pig.
My license expires on my birthday. I’ll have to renew it if I can pass the written test. Maybe I’ll just get a photo ID.
The back room was badly cluttered with boxes and books. Now it’s nice and organized. I also have the perfect spot for the pig.
I can hear Tom talking in his sleep now, but I have no idea what the fuck he just said.
Today was a great day. First of all, Andy left his pants on the front door handle for me to sew a ripped pocket of his work pants. He’ll come get it tomorrow and leave me a blank video. This is cuz I’m taping a movie for him on one of ours.
I called the GYN and rescheduled for 12/16. Tomorrow I’ll call Dr. Wilcox and explain why I need a new referral, and also a refill on my meds.
It was a gorgeous day today, but a cool spell is coming.
I spoke with Lisa today who’s still nervous about her solo. Tammy was pretty busy and Bill just returned from CA. It was a business trip and due to the drastic temperature change, he’s sick. I went through that bullshit those two times I went to Florida in the winter. I also spoke a little bit to Becky.
I’ll bet there’s a chance my parents are thinking I may call right before my birthday for a birthday present. (money) No way! Their money’s not worth it.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 20, 1993 Well, lots of little things have happened since I last wrote. First, let me go do up a list of topics and smoke half a cigarette.
OK, I’m back. That only took a second. First of all, I changed my mind. Originally, I was gonna let Tom have the very last page of this book. Now I’m letting him write in the next journal (#51). This book has no lines on the pages, so, this way he can write as large or as small as he likes. He can also have as many pages as he needs.
Well, today the cat went back home. I cried as I’ll miss him. He was the best-behaved cat and so loving. I still have a new guinea pig to look forward to. Perhaps in 2-3 weeks.
Anyway, after he left, I vacuumed and aired the place out. It was a beautiful day at 78º and will be tomorrow, too. I did the dishes, but I hope to not be doing this too much longer. After the first of the month, we’re getting a dishwasher (I hope).
I ordered 2 CDs of Gloria’s through Columbia House and Tom ordered 6. I hope there are no problems with this, as I just realized Tammy’s got CDs coming to this address.
The tooth whitener Kim sent is really working. I noticed a huge difference after only one day.
This coming week Tom’s gonna pick up film and a flash for my camera.
I rearranged my tapes some more, and can you believe that after 4 years, I’ve finally completed my Gloria medley?! Finally, I do still have a few touch-ups to do and I will later.
Gotta go take my meds.
Well, I recorded a movie and now I’m recording two more shows.
I have 3 letters ready to go out. To Fran, Kim and Bob. I asked Bob if he wants a tape of the edits and some convos. Kim confused me in her postcard to me. She mentioned, “the pictures you just got.” But I never got any pictures. Maybe they’re on their way. I hope so, as that’d be nice. I pre-addressed and put my address labels on 25 envelopes. Kim, Bob, Fran, Nervous, and Alex got 5 each.
The biggest thing I’ve done is talk on the phone to Gina, the DJ at KOOL FM for two hours the last two nights. I was on the party line with a few other people. She is sooooo funny. She is a carbon copy of me and Andy. She’s got our kind of sense of humor. I played her some edits and I even edited her saying, “I think I’ve just lost my fucking mind!”
She sent me over the air saying, “Gina, I’m having fun with you this weekend with KOOL FM.”
She even dropped hints that she may be gay and asked me what I look like. Shall I send her a copy of me in The Beat? We’ll have to wait and see.
She also had me answer one of the party lines by saying, “Sunny 97.” That’s another oldie’s station. I said I punched her out cold, so I was taking over the airwaves.
She had me and 2-3 others singing live to a song, and we told jokes. There’s a really funny one I heard if you know that there’s a Thomas St. and a Grand Ave. here in Phoenix. The joke goes: What did the gay guy do when he got to Phoenix?
He went down on Thomas and thought it was Grand! (names of streets in Phoenix).
I just went to call Andy, but he’s playing Monopoly with someone, so he said he’ll call me back. I always hated that game.
Tom’s working now, trying to get as much overtime as possible. When he’ll be home, who knows? He’s kind of bummed cuz his job’s being eliminated and the poor guy has to work days next week. Permanently. I’d just want to die. At least he’ll have 10-hour shifts, rather than 12. He’s to be working Sunday – Wednesday from 8 AM - 6 PM.
Well, finally! The Gloria medley is finished! I just stuck in the last few songs. I did leave out a few slow boring songs, though.
Now, what do I have to edit? Well, as far as that goes everything’s all edited down. So, I’m gonna go through each convo one by one and edit stuff that way. I know that over half of all these convos combined have already been edited. I’ll go through them as who knows what great stuff I could’ve missed.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 18, 1993 Finally! I finally got my package from Kim. It sure is great to have my very own camera. Soon, I’ll get film and flash for it. It’s a very small lightweight camera and it seems it’ll be easy enough to use. Luckily Tom knows cameras, so he can help me with it.
She also sent that tooth whitener and already it’s making a difference.
She sent a magazine called The Night Side she picked up in Las Vegas. It’s just like The Beat magazine I was in when I was at Favors. She enclosed a letter along with a letter she got from Bob. Some other time I’ll copy these into #44. I typed both Kim and Bob letters.
Kim mentioned Alex may have once again gone cross-country. Where the hell would he get the money to afford to do this?
I got a letter from Bob today. Also, a postcard from Kim. She had some left over with stamps on them, so she figured why not send one?
I spoke to Fran earlier and even his friend Sharon. I have a couple of minutes of her on tape, but she’s not nearly as funny as Ann or Melissa (CP lady).
I split that Vegas magazine between Nervous, Fran and Bob. They each got 4 pages.
I do suppose I could write more but I haven’t been in a writing mood.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 17, 1993 I never wrote while at the doctor’s office as I luckily wasn’t there forever. She changed my antibiotic to something else and gave me yucky-tasting cough syrup. She also recommended I try charcoal capsules for the gas and bloating I’ve had. This is a weird one I’ve never even heard of before. The last thing she did was have the nurse draw blood right then and there. Originally, I was to return today for the blood to be drawn. Conveniently, it was all done today.
Tom’s been really helpful, patient, and supportive through all this and I really appreciate that.
The only other thing that’s gone on is that Fran’s tried calling both me and Andy.
I took that foam thing I took from my sleeper couch off of my bed. I had 3 problems with it. It was too wide, kept slipping (the sheets) and sagged in the middle too much. I’m better off just waiting till I get a real double bed with a soft mattress.
Real soon I’m gonna hit the sack. I’m taking about 7 different medications right now and they’re making me somewhat drowsy. So - till next time!
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 16, 1993 Yesterday was an absolutely shitty day. I awoke at 7 AM with a very bad asthma attack. Tom called 911 and they came and gave me two breathing treatments. After they left, I fell asleep for two hours, but have been feeling very tight and congested. I’ve been wheezing and sneezing a lot.
In about 5-10 minutes, I’m going to my doctor. After that, we’ll stop at Jack-n-the-Box.
I haven’t worked on the computer, but last night I mustered up enough strength to draw a few pictures. Tom really liked them. Especially my eagle. It was the very first one I drew. I copied it off of one of my collector’s plates.
I have a few other things to write about, but I’ll save them for my endless wait in the waiting room.
SUNDAY, NOVEMBER 14, 1993 Today I feel a million times better, thank God! Boy, I sure felt lousy. My lungs are much clearer, as well as my nose. I knew I needed an antibiotic. I slept only an hour or so yesterday afternoon and basically accomplished nothing. I had zero energy. Couldn’t even type letters or the 13 remaining pages in #49. I did, though, glue in 12-30. Maybe later I’ll type up 31-43 and some letters too. I may even do some editing.
Tom’s now working on the computer and we made a “date” for later if you know what I mean.
I tried calling Kim to let her know I still haven’t gotten that package. Maybe it got lost, or something came up where she wasn’t able to mail it out. Yesterday I sent out Barbara’s picture of Bob. Also, I sent a letter to Alex and the old smoking log to Nervous.
Later on, I may also do the dishes and straighten up. I’m doing laundry now.
Tammy’s ordering CDs here and if they come here, which they should, I will ship them off to her.
Tom and I have made a decision yesterday. I’ll never be that tolerant of cat dander and smells, so after this one goes home, we’re getting a guinea pig. I do miss them, and now being with Tom, who’ll help change the cage, it’ll be much easier. I won’t have to constantly lug sawdust down 4 flights of stairs and rinse a filthy cage in my tub. Being in a house is so much easier and better for it, as all we have to do is go out back and rinse the cage with a hose. Tom has plenty of hoses.
I’m an expert on guinea pigs. I know them like I know sign language and I know everything they need. I’ll put him in the back room away from where we sleep. This will be good too, as I won’t have to keep my bedroom door shut or step on kitty litter. They eat more and need more things and are a bit more costly, but we can afford it. I’ll tell you one thing, though, and that is that I’m definitely gonna get a lid for the cage. I’m not about to ever again deal with what I went through with Toffee always jumping out and getting into everything.
Well, I’m now gonna go pull out the stuff that can’t go in the dryer and then make some of my honey cinnamon tea.
Tom’s now running my clothes through the dryer he’s got out in the garage.
I just played with the cat for a little while and for the first time, I didn’t sneeze. I really needed those antibiotics and now, once again, I want to keep him and forget about the guinea pig. Unfortunately, he can’t stay anyway, and I’d rather get a pig, rather than another cat.
I’m now gonna lay down for a bit. It’s still rainy out and that makes you drowsy. Well, it sucks the energy out of me, anyway. Later I’ll do some editing before dinner. Tom’s making us pork chops again. How wonderful to have someone around who likes to cook.
I’m dedicating the last page of this journal to him to write whatever he wants. Only 3 others have written in my journals - Andy, Nervous and Kara.
Well, I fell asleep for an hour and a half. I awoke at 2:30. An hour after I got up we had pork chops and tater tots. Then I folded my laundry, Tom took a shower, and we fooled around after. It was great. I really believe he does even better down there than most of the women I’ve been with. Things have been excellent with us, both in and out of bed. He went to sleep after we fooled around which was at about 4:30.
At 5 PM the movie Police Academy went on. I’m watching that now. There are two more movies I’ll probably watch. I’ll edit some other time, but I may still type later.
SATURDAY, NOVEMBER 13, 1993 Tom’s gone out to pick up my antibiotics. Last night at 2 AM I awoke all congested, wheezing and sneezing uncontrollably. It’s been worse than usual. Especially with this yucky rainy weather we’re having. It’s been waking me up a lot, too.
I do have more to write, but I am just way too tired. I’ll write more later. For now, I really must try to get some sleep. I need it.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 1993 Today I got the envelopes I ordered. Still no packages from Kim, so who knows what’s going on with that?
When Tom got in yesterday morning at 6:30 he went to bed. He’s been there all day and night. He only got up for a few hours. I don’t think he’s feeling too well. I believe the two of us are going food shopping together tomorrow morning.
We’ve only had sex twice since a little over a month ago. I never met anyone like him before. I think it may have to do with our age differences. He’s through with his sexual peak and mine’s just beginning. I’m getting used to this, though. I’ve been used to this and it’s not like he’s a gorgeous woman. Then it’d be much harder to deal with for sure.
Well, he’s up now. I just heard him open the kitchen door. When we go to sleep, which I plan on doing soon, we shut the door to keep the cat in the back, away from clawing our doors.
Earlier I worked out and did a few other things. I typed a letter to Tammy and the girls over Prodigy. I also sent Nervous an old smoking log which certainly did me no good and typed Alex a letter. Barbara’s picture of Bob is ready for her too. I also addressed 5 envelopes to Kim, 5 to Bob, and 1 to Fran.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 1993 Last night I didn’t fall asleep till 10:00. I woke up at 6:30. Tom woke up shortly after.
It’s raining out now for the first time in quite a while. This is good, as it’ll settle any pollen and continue to make allergy plants go dormant.
I hope and pray to hell that I finally get my packages and envelopes today.
Right now I’m gonna go and get myself a cup of tea. After I drink it, I’ll finish copying a page from each journal in #49.
I finally got my hair trimmed today. Tom did, too. She didn’t do as good of a job as Richard did but did good enough. She didn’t get scissor-happy. It’s been trimmed another 2” but is still below my waist. In less than a month it’ll be to the crack of my ass. I feel she could’ve done a better job with my bangs, although it’s still a bit too soon to tell. At least it’s no longer in my face.
Yes, she’s pretty like Andy said. I’d rate her a 7½ - 8, but her body wasn’t great. Her face was kind of broken out, but pretty. Her hair was permed and almost to the middle of her back.
I had forgotten that there was to be no mail today due to it being Veteran’s Day. Oh well, if I don’t get my package tomorrow, then I give up.
Today it rained and was chilly and windy. First rain in quite some time.
I’ve only had 13 cigarettes in the 15 hours I’ve been up. That’s better, but earlier I didn’t feel too great. My chest was tight.
Well, I’m gonna try to conk out now, but if I can’t sleep, I’ll write some more. Before going to bed, I better go check my messages. I do believe I heard the phone ringing. It’s probably either Andy or Fran. Fran left a message last night.
Nope. That call wasn’t from Andy or Fran. It was from Wendy. Now Tom’s got two messages. One from Eileen, a coworker with a gay daughter, and Wendy, who took her dog to the vet.
I came back to write something else I had just remembered, but now I forgot what the fuck it was.
I keep telling myself to call Mary, but keep forgetting that, too. She had to have lost my number as she certainly would’ve called by now.
God only knows what’s going on with Kara. I have no way of contacting her and she’s got no way of contacting me. Not by phone, that is. I could maybe write to her at her old address at the Via El Camino apartments and it’ll get forwarded to wherever the hell she is now. She could be in Michigan. I remember her mentioning wanting to return there. Will she ever become a cop? I hope so. That’d be totally for her.
Every now and then I still have fantasies about Stacey. I don’t know what it is with that sick bitch. She reminds me of Kate Jackson even though she has light eyes and hair. Did she really ever have a thing for me? I’ll never know for sure, but yes, I believe she did, despite the fact that she shit on everyone. I can’t picture her ever shitting on Rosemarie, Donna, and Tara and Tonya, though. She most certainly never has or will shit on that damn butch. At least I know that everyone I wrote to did receive all my mail. Even Rosemarie. It’s amazing how much legwork both Stacey and Andy put into trying to nail me in court. They were so sure they were going to, too. I’ll bet they’re still pissed that they lost. I’m sure they lied about losing, too. Stacey’s not the type to walk back into the office and admit she lost. Too humiliating for a person like her. Despite that letter I sent her boss, she’s still working there. I knew she would, as like with cops and staff members in funny farms, they protect their own. I have no regrets about writing it, though. I hope she at least got to read it.
I spoke to Tammy a few days ago. She asked me if I’ve talked to Dad.
Fuck no!
She says she’ll mention my guitar. Like it’ll do any good. She hasn’t heard any more about the bastard, but I hope they all killed each other. All 3 of them are good for nothing.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10, 1993 I’m now on my 50th paper journal! Yes, I am actually here before 1998, the year I figured I’d get to #50 when I first began. Although I’ve officially closed #49, I’ve got a project for the last half of it. It’ll only take me a few hours to do it, too. I’m writing two pages from each journal. The only ones I may not do two of are the books of letters.
Tom and I had a great day. He’s now cooking us pork chops and tater tots for dinner which I believe is to be ready any minute.
That was a great dinner.
I haven’t been able to reach Carolyn, so if I don’t hear from her by tomorrow, Tom and I will go have Richard do our hair Friday.
Tomorrow I have to call Dr. Wilcox’s office to make sure my referral is good till the 22nd.
Last night I fell asleep at 10 PM and awoke at 4 AM to take my meds. Then, I went back to sleep and got up at 6:30.
At 9 AM Tom and I went to the mall. I got this journal, some makeup, and that hair-removal system for $50. I did my legs and my bikini line (as far in as I could go). It wasn’t really as painful as I thought it might be. I could feel it, but it didn’t hurt so much that I couldn’t stand it. It took a while to do and I still have to do under my arms.
Can you believe my God damn package still hasn’t come yet? Neither have the envelopes. In fact, they still haven’t cashed my check. This is bullshit. What’s taking so long? Guess it’s all cuz we’re getting closer to the holidays.
I totally love this journal. It’s the most awesome one I’ve ever had. The outside’s nothing all that spectacular, but I’ve always wanted colored paper for a change from typical white paper. There are 8 of all 6 colors.
Well, I sure did plenty of stretching when I was using the hair removal system, but tomorrow I’ll do the exercises with the video. I’m just too beat now. I’ll remember to put the beast in the back room and close the door between the kitchen and the living room. He gets in the way. Being as flexible as I am really helps when you’re shaving and or removing hair. Especially the backs of the legs.
I hope Alex writes to me. As I said before, Kim says he writes like hell, but I have yet to see this. I’ll write him another letter begging for a letter. I’ll even put a guilt trip on him, cuz I already wrote him a very very long letter.
I just asked Tom, who’s going to bed now, to pick the next color. He picked the one I figured he’d pick. It was also to be my next choice. I have 9 different colors picked out. That’ll look cool. Not only will I have different colored paper, but different colored writing on it. It’s different than writing with different colors all on white paper.
I think I’ll go listen to music for a while now, then I’ll come back and write some more later.
Amazingly enough, I’ve only had 11 cigarettes today. Nonetheless, my lungs were a bit tight a little while ago, so I made a cup of this honey cinnamon tea Tom bought earlier. It’s good. It helped to clear me up too, and to relax my chest muscles.
I just listened to some music and soon I’m gonna go make another cup of tea.
I just remembered something else I forgot to remove, as far as hair goes. My widow’s peak. I’m not particularly fond of the thing.
I wish I was much more awake than I am now. I’d type some letters, do some editing, and whatever the hell else. I’ve got a semi-bright lime green T-shirt I’m gonna decorate with glue. I also may take one of my pairs of cutoff jeans and glue stuff on that too. I plan to get more Bedazzeler beads one of these days. They’re at Wal-Mart where I got the glue. It’d also be nice to get more colors of the glue. There’s not much variety in only 3 colors.
Gotta send letters soon through the computer to Tammy and the girls. Lisa got a solo in the band playing sax. Great for her. Today’s Bill’s 47th birthday and I sent no card. I’m sure he’s not crying over it any more than I’d be if I were to not get a birthday card from him. The two of us never really liked each other. We’re extremely different, but that’s fine. All that matters is that he makes Tammy happy.
Now I’ve had 12 cigarettes, but that’s still much better than the ridiculous pack a day I’ve been smoking.
I wonder how Nervous and Crystal are doing? I’m sure by now she’s realized she’s made the biggest mistake of her life. If not, she’s even crazier than he is. I wish I could see the look on his face when he pulls out Bob’s dick. Also, when he got my tits.
Well, it’s now almost 6 PM and I am not gonna be able to hold my head up much longer. I’m sooooooo tired. Be back here tomorrow, though. That can be counted on!
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 9, 1993 I am now sitting outside and it is beautiful out. It’s 82º.
It’s so hot that I just ran in to change. Andy called, too. I can’t believe that it’s 11/9 and I’m sweating out by the pool in a bikini. How lucky I am.
I have so much to write about and it’s all good stuff, too. Last Friday night Tom and I finally fooled around and it was fun.
We finished sealing up the soundproofing stuff in my windows, but I still have to sleep with my radio on. This is cuz of the mailbox thing and that fucking mutt next door. You also never know if they’re gonna slam their car doors and move shit next door. Their driveway’s barely 5 feet away from where I sleep. So, to be on the safe side, I sleep with it on. There is still a positive side to soundproofing. It does decrease noise and it makes it nearly pitch dark if I am asleep during the day.
Well, I’m in my bedroom now. It’s too hot out there for writing. Too uncomfortable to write as much as I have to write. It’s so bright and sunny out, too. I wore my sunglasses. No breeze at all. If there were a slight breeze it’d be perfect. Perfect for tanning, although it’s perfect now for that. The only bummer is that you get all heated up but the pool’s too cold. I’m not gonna have any patience for tanning till I can swim.
I just ran out back to cut my toenails. This way my nails don’t go flying everywhere.
Tom’s working on the computer now. We’ve been doing great together.
Still no package from Kim or letter from Alex. Soon I hope, but I just sent one to Bob who wrote me. Guess what he sent? Two Polaroid shots of him in just long pants, two in his underwear, and one of his dick. I’m keeping the two of him in his long pants. One of the underwear shots is going to Barbara in the NHA. The other, along with his dick pic is going to Nervous. He oughta love it.
Last Saturday I did get my address labels and they’re very pretty. Black print on 5 different metallic colored backgrounds - blue, green, red, purple and gold.
I talked to Tom and finally gave in and set up a doctor’s appointment for the 22nd. The one my referral’s for.
Carolyn got her own phone now, so I hope she can do our hair tomorrow or the next day.
The beast, as I call the cat, is doing fine. My allergies are a little worse, though. Last Sunday night I woke up wheezing my ass off at 11 PM. Thankfully it was no ER attack.
I think I mentioned sending a tape to Kim. Well, everyone has tapes, except Bob. It’s time he got his very own copy of edits, convos, etc.
Yesterday at noon I called KOOL FM, my favorite radio station, to request a song. I said I was dedicating it to my fiancé. Tom got a kick out of it. Of course, I taped it.
I was just eating and outside smoking. Speaking of smoking, I can’t quit so I’ve developed a cutting-down method at least. I’ve been getting too carried away. I’ve been setting the timer so I only have 1 an hour. Soon, after I get comfortable with this, I’ll up the time by 15 minutes. Every 3 days or so, I’ll up it to 15 minutes to slowly lower my nicotine level.
Real early last Sunday morning Tom and I went to JB’s for breakfast.
After, we went to Walmart. I got a leopard print bodysuit, two exercise videos, a journal, and fabric glue. I still have to get new sneakers, ballet slippers (the practice kind you don’t tie around your ankles), and I saw a gorgeous skirt I want. I’m also gonna get a hair removal system. It yanks the hair by the roots and grows back slower and finer. I hear it’s painful, but no pain, no gain. It’s better than breaking my arm again or childbirth. It’s something I can also stop if it hurts too much.
Next month we’re getting a dishwasher. Thank God! We need it.
The exercise videos really work great. One’s Buns of Steel, the other’s Abs of Steel.
The journal I got was really cheap at $2.69. It was the only one of two there that I liked and it’s got no lines. The one with no lines is a nice change here and there. This way I can write super small or big. I can, and I have done that in lined journals, too, but it looks nicer on blank pages. I now have a total of 50 journals!
I also got 3 tubes of fabric glue. Neon colors of pink, green and orange. They all came in 1 package. Tom bought two white T-shirts which I decorated for him. I also did my yellow half-shirt and I’ll do more clothes of mine later. On journal 20 I had glued on material from an old bathing suit. Then I put blue glitter glue on it, but it would always fall off. Well, I tore it all off and decorated it with glue. I also did journal 37 with the glue too, and put 3 rhinestones on it. They were from my half-shirt. They were arranged a bit crooked, so I stuck them on the side of journal 37. Two are blue and one’s yellow. I also put a pink line of glue on the side of journal 5, too.
Tom’s in the shower now and soon to be off to work. This week he’ll have the next two days off.
I called Carolyn and her boyfriend answered. There’s a possibility of her coming tomorrow afternoon.
FRIDAY, NOVEMBER 5, 1993 I fell asleep around 2:00 or 3:00 PM and although by 10:00 PM I was well-rested, the fucking dog next door woke me up. This weekend for sure, we must seal in any gaps in the soundproofing stuff. This is the last time I’ll be woken up by outside noise, even though it’s only been occasionally. I live in a house now, therefore, I refuse to be woken up by anything outside. Even if it is once or twice a month. The good news is that my asthma’s OK. I just thank God it’s not an everyday thing like it is in apartments I can tolerate dogs and kids very well if it’s off in the distance. I almost like hearing dogs bark way off in the distance. But next door’s too close and too loud. Tom’s snoring is another example. It’s soothingly rhythmic from his room to mine, but I could never deal with it in the same room.
I got two things in the mail yesterday. My referral to a female GYN. Also, a notice of services I didn’t think my health plan covered. Family planning stuff, like birth control pills, IUDs, condoms, Norplant, sponges, creams, shots, vasectomies for guys and tubals for women. At least I don’t have to bother with and deal with all this. Not if he won’t cum and I’m sterile.
Today I really oughta get Kim and Bob’s mail for sure. I mailed Kim her tape in an envelope and wrote “hand cancel” on it.
This weekend or next, Carolyn can do our hair, but in the meantime, I have to get more detangler stuff.
Gotta get like maybe 3 journals and a CD. I’ll save the rest of my money for cigarettes and whatever else I may need. My address labels probably won’t arrive for another month or so.
The cat’s been great. He’s the perfect cat and still never bothers me or claws on my door when I’m in my room. I wish I could keep him.
Now for the weirdest dream of them all, before I forget. I was told by my beautiful neighbors to ring their doorbell at a certain time so I could babysit. I rang their bell and got no answer at the time they told me to. I figured they had to step out. I then looked straight down and realized I was topless! I put my pants on but had forgotten my shirt. So, I glanced over here, thinking, “I better run over here fast and get a shirt on.” But as I turned to run over here, the house kept moving farther and farther away till I was next walking on the beach in CT. I covered my tits with my hand and hair, and in my other hand, I had my journal. The beach was crowded and although no one seemed to notice me, I had to walk out in the water. It was so mobbed that there was no room on the sand, but the water kept getting deeper and deeper. The last thing I remember before waking up was, “Oh shit! My journal’s underwater.” It was up to my neck.
I am 97 pounds according to the scale, but I’m just finishing my period, so of course I am. In a few days, I’ll be closer to 100. Those Pre-Sym pills do help a bit as far as the bloating goes from water retention.
I’m playing some edits right now and just had another sneezing fit. It was worse yesterday. This weekend I’m gonna dust and vacuum. Gotta do the dishes, too, but hopefully for only 1 more month.
Now I’m gonna make Tom some sandwiches.
I just made Tom 8 sandwiches. It’s funny but true, that on weekdays I make his sandwiches, and on weekends he makes me my coffee. Also, on weekends, he cooks and I clean. I hate being around him when he eats though. I always thought Andy was #1 on my list of those who are totally obnoxious when they eat making these gross smacking sounds. Not anymore. Tom’s disgusting. Way worse than Andy and me. We agreed to talk about the stuff that bothers one another, but he takes it wrong when I try to tell him about this obnoxious chomping of his. He takes it as a cut-down and gets defensive.
Yesterday morning he and I had a nice talk about his family. He said whenever I’m ready to meet them, fine. He’s been good about this, too, and has never pressured me. I told him I was hesitant cuz everybody loves a liar, and I don’t want to pretend to be who I’m not to please anyone. I’m happy with what and who I am but was afraid they’d cut him down as he has a great job and car, and I don’t. Also, cuz he looks like a conservative man and I look like a girl who’s more on the flashy, modern style of looks. We don’t look the same as most couples do. If his family asks me what work I’ve done, I’m not gonna lie. I’m proud to have been a dancer and to hell with what anyone else thinks. People want to hear awesome lies, rather than the truth at times, although Tom says not to worry at all. I also don’t want to seem selfish either. If Tammy lived here, he would’ve gladly met her long ago.
It’s incredibly chilly out now, so thank God I have this heater. It’ll warm up to 83º today and yesterday was about 85º. I was out back for a bit yesterday afternoon and it was beautiful. Too cool for a bathing suit, but too warm for a heavy shirt. A thin half-shirt was fine.
Today or tomorrow Steve will get his letter. I’m sure he’ll show it to everyone in the office and the entire complex. He’ll also suspect me too, but I don’t give a shit. He’s the type that’ll think it’s weird and somewhat funny, but will mainly be pissed, paranoid and probably scared. I’m sure by now Scott has fucked him over. They’ve probably fucked each other over. How can Bonnie live with a guy like him? I always wondered.
THURSDAY, NOVEMBER 4, 1993 This cat is so good. I wish it were mine. He’s so friendly and loving. He now seems so happy here. He’s not obnoxious and doesn’t wake me up. When I go into my room and close the door he doesn’t claw at it. I think it’s best to keep him out of my room. He knows Tom, but would definitely rather hang with me. This is good, though, as I have much more time to play with him than Tom does. I’m sitting at the table in the living room and he’s sitting right by me. He’s come totally out of his shell.
Now that I’ve been gone two months from Crystal Creek, I decided it was time for Steve to hear from me. You know, the guy that lived below me when I was next to Tom. I assume he and Bonnie are still there. If not, his letter will be forwarded. I never knew his last name, so I addressed it to Steve Jensen. How did I come up with Jensen? Well, Steve’s a firefighter. One time I saw a firefighter on TV here in PHX with that name, so he oughta get a kick out of that one. I’ll bet they do know each other. I pretty much wrote some funny stuff.
I was slightly annoyed earlier as I recorded 3 shows but forgot to up the volume on the VCR remote, so I can’t hear anything. Oh well, they will repeat this show in a few months. All they do these days is 10-15 new shows on almost each of the series, then repeat them all 3 times.
I’m still debating on whether or not to mail Kim’s tape in a mailbag or an envelope. I have done both in the past and they’ve both worked. We’ll see.
Also, when the stamps run out, I could order 50 more or get stamped envelopes. We’ll need envelopes soon, too.
Yesterday Tom got a Signet bill, so I addressed the final letter for Tammy and I’ve mailed out all 3.
Yesterday Tom also got me a portable heater and I love it. It works so well and has a fan and an air purifier too. There are wall heaters here, but only in the living room, the hall by the bathroom and his room, and in the back room. There’s none in our bedrooms and the only thing that comes out of the vents is the AC and EC.
The cactuses I got with Kim are starting to grow.
Yesterday I called my doctor’s office. They didn’t have my current number and address, even though I gave it to them, so they left a message with Andy. They’re mailing my referral. I have no infections, but they say I have non-malignant cell changes. So. What’s the big deal? Everyone’s cells change, so why should I go to a specialist? Tom says he’s gonna try to talk me into going, but why put myself through more discomfort for nothing? Plus half the GYNs say one thing, while the other half say another. An example of that is, half say I’m average size down there. The other half says I’m too small. I know I’m small. It’s been obvious enough. They also say I can have sex. I have nothing that can hurt Tom, but I’m not sure that’ll make a difference in his appetite.
I’m not sure if I mentioned this yet, but Nervous is gonna be getting an awful lot of mail. Tom got a package of 25 no-postage-necessary postcards for computer stuff. I’d have loved to have sent them to Stacey, Andi, and several others, but they’ll just run and try to get another conjunction. Although they’d lose again, I don’t need the bullshit, so they’re all going to Nervous.
I told Tom of all those weird dreams and he thought they were quite bizarre, too. I have yet to write about one more, but before I do, let me thank God I slept OK. I knocked off at 4 PM, got up at 9:30, took my meds and went back to bed till 1 AM. I talked to Andy at 2 AM for about 20 minutes. Tomorrow he’s taking the AT&T test for the fourth time. I really hope he passes. Again he was saying how he wishes I could go take that test for him. Also that he would’ve gotten a 40% on the civil service test, whereas I pulled off an 81%. How, who knows?
My hand’s pretty sore, so later I’ll do the dream, as well as a list of stuff I want.
Tom’s gone out to get my prescription and some groceries.
We had a great talk earlier. We finally are beginning to have extra money and things have been so much better with us, it’s making me again want to marry him. To hell with the odds and statistics. I’ve been made to eat my words once again and that is about it getting better with time, rather than worse. But I’ll still never have a kid even though he thinks I’d be a good mom.
He got some great ideas for me to help him out with the computer by doing icons and releasing them for possible donations if people like them. He’s gonna write a biography on me. He told me what he was gonna say and it was very flattering.
He said his friend Wendy says I should go to the crotch doctor as the cell changes could be pre-cancerous. Why oh why must I deal with this? I’ve had enough. Dealing with asthma and allergies is enough.
I got my period and it’s almost over, so at least I’m not horny.
Tom says he ordered something for me by mail, but he won’t say what. It’s multi-colored and made of paper.
I sent a check for $34 for 100 stamped envelopes by mail. Hopefully, my address labels get here soon, and Kim’s package and Bob’s letter.
For Hanukkah, I’ll send Tammy and all of them a check for $25 and only buy a few Hanukkah cards.
When I decide what to do for Tom, do I do it on the 9th or the 25th? How do couples work this out when only one’s Jewish? I’ll figure it out. I’m sure there’s a way. Cuz even though I don’t consider myself Jewish or of any other religion, it’s been a lifelong habit to celebrate or exchange gifts at Hanukkah and ignore Christmas. Except for all the pretty lights, decorations and Christmas songs, it would’ve been so much more fun to have been Catholic as a kid. There are certainly no Jewish Santas. No pretty trees to decorate. Only 8 lousy candles.
In December we might get a dishwasher, then a camcorder. I may also go to Vegas and California in this life. Can you imagine that?! Me? California! Well, that’s what I said about Phoenix, dancing, modeling, relationships, living in a house and marriage. But no kid.
Guess I’ll go make coffee now.
WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 1993 Today was sort of a shitty day. I was living in an apartment all over again. It sure felt that way when the assholes next door woke me up 6 times from 6 PM - 11 PM moving furniture. They were moving something in and out. I’ve always wanted to live in a house and now that I finally do, neighbors are still waking me up. While I seldom hear them, their fucking dog is unpredictable. Whether it’s daily or occasionally, I’m so sick of listening to other people’s noise. I want to wake up when I say so, not someone else’s dog or activities. Also, when I’m awake, I wanna hear my noise. Not someone else’s. I hope these people decided they hate it here and are moving out and a guy like Tom moves in. It’d be so nice to have one person over there with little or no company and no dog. It’d also be nice if these houses weren’t so close.
On the lighter side of things, Kim left a message that relieved my fears. Bob’s alive and well and hasn’t written due to not having money for stamps. She said he was quite ecstatic cuz his court date’s only two weeks away and looking good. In his favor, I mean. She said he was quite “normal” for a change and he mailed me a letter. Kim says my package is to be mailed out today. Can’t wait.
No referral or call from my doctor yet. Oh well, but I am gonna call Tammy now. I still need to read that letter to her.
Also, the cat’s here. It hid behind the stove for a while, but I eventually coaxed it out. It’s friendly and yes, a bit chubby. Shadow was bigger, though. Longer and taller, I mean.
I finally got ahold of Tam to read the letter to her and to add stuff for her. I printed and mailed 2 of the 3 letters for her. I’m waiting for Tom to get a bill from Signet so I can get the address.
I don’t know this cat’s name, so I’ve been calling him Shadow. He came out from hiding again and was meowing by his litter box.
I sure hope I get Bob’s letter today. Hope to hear from Alex soon, too.
Tom will be home any minute, but I figured I’d write till then.
Ellie had given me hair glitter gel. I finally used it and it sucks. My hair is all matted.
Last night, around midnight I called Andy. I played him a little more than a half-hour of edits. He called the VV machine. Stacey’s still working there as I figured. Her voice is still on the outgoing message. Two quick segments of her were left. The bitch will probably go call the idiots in Florida, but I could care less. Either them or the so-called parole officer I never had.
Speaking of Stacey, I had a weird dream with her in it and the assholes next door. I dreamt I went out back and caught her sitting by the pool. She had a huge German shepherd that almost bit my knee, but I didn’t care. I was too busy cussing her out.
I was also visiting these so-called people next door, but it didn’t look like a house. I was sitting talking to them in their living room when one of them opened their fireplace door which was solid. The back wall of the fireplace was glass, though, and through it, I could see the apartment next door’s fireplace and into their apartment which was all brick. Then weirdly enough, as I was leaving and walked out the front door, I was outside my old door at Crystal Creek.
Then, there was this part where I was standing at our front door here and glanced down a slight hill at theirs. It seemed to be a brown wooden colored house, much bigger with two floors. I remember turning to Tom who was sitting on the couch and saying, “It’s amazing how they live so close, yet so far.” Apparently, the house was at an angle.
In another part, I was walking across my backyard and through the back of theirs. (there was no block wall) Inside they were talking to Stacey.
Tom’s home now, so I’ll have to remember the weirdest part for later.
TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 2, 1993 Well, I got my period a few hours ago. No severe cramps thankfully.
Yesterday I did more editing.
Tammy called really early, but we were both up. She gave me the addresses of the credit card companies she owes money. I typed a letter to them for her and I will call her at 8 AM her time (later) and see if they’re OK. The letter basically says how she’s struggling and trying to find a job.
I decided I do like and prefer my phone numbers to be in a journal, rather than an address book. I’ve written stories halfway through #35, and I have decided I’m definitely sick of story writing, so the last half is phone numbers. I’ll probably write stories on and off here and there, but for the most part, I’m tired of it. They’re easier to keep in my head, rather than write them down.
I called Kim a few hours ago. She hasn’t had time, due to tons of ambulance calls, to go check on Bob. She will soon, she says. There’s definitely something wrong. Neither of us has heard a word from him.
Also, no one in my beautiful family’s tried to call, thankfully. Tammy never mentioned anything the last time we spoke, so nothing too exciting’s going on, I guess.
My parents will never send my other guitar, let alone my pictures. I’m sure she never kept the pictures. That was never her intention. Her intention was to throw them away and that’s exactly what she did.
I just finished making 7 sandwiches for Tom. That oughta help him out and make his workweek easier.
Tomorrow, before he goes to work, he’s picking up that cat that needs to be on a diet.
I have to remember to call Mary soon. It’s been a while since we last spoke and I’ll bet she’s lost my number. I should’ve heard from her by now.
Oh, almost forgot. Yesterday morning I finally spoke to Carolyn (Andy’s coworker). Tom needs his hair cut too, and she says she’ll only charge $5. Between Tom and I, that’d be $10 instead of $16 and she’ll come here. Maybe this weekend.
I can’t wait till Kim sends me that tooth whitener and the camera.
I also can’t wait till I know what in the world happened to Bob. I wish I knew. I hope he’s OK. I hope he gets out here. I need more letters from him. Gotta start filling up Book of Letters #5. It’s got only one full page done. I also hope Alex writes and more often than once a year. Kim says he is a big writer and that once he starts, he goes on and on. Kim said she and Phil got a kick out of Alex’s letter.
I let Kim know I’m sending her a tape. On one side there’s a funny convo with me, Andy, Fran and Nervous. The other side has Andy and Laurie H and also one she’s never heard that I just found of me, Bob and Andy. She oughta enjoy it.
Well, anyway, I think I’ll go do some more editing. It’s been coming along really well. Tom heard some new ones last night. Andy said I could leave them on his machine, but it’ll take forever. It’s a pain in the ass when the VM only goes for 3 minutes each. I’ll wait till we’re on the phone and I’ll play them for him live.
MONDAY, NOVEMBER 1, 1993 Today was another very good day. Yesterday morning I didn’t fall asleep till nearly 11:00 and was shocked to have slept till 7 PM. There are tons of kids on this street, yet never did I hear a knock or a doorbell. Not even after I got up. I’m so grateful that I hardly ever hear kids. I sure don’t miss hearing them 24/7. The only thing that can sometimes be obnoxious is the dog next door. It’s always outside. The soundproofing stuff in windows really helps. Tom and I are gonna seal it up soon.
This Tuesday we’re having a cat here, but only temporarily. Some elderly couple he knows has 10 cats. One’s gotten fat and needs to be on a diet, so it’ll be here for a month or two.
When I got up, I danced and exercised a bit. Later, Tom set up his keyboard and we played a little of that and some guitar.
I drew a horse which he really likes. Yeah, it was a lucky shot.
Last night we baked chocolate chip cookies and we still got plenty left over. He cooked us burgers and mashed potatoes. Soon I’m gonna go zap some leftovers.
Fran called. It’s cold and snowing! They’re only two hours ahead now.
I hear Tom opening a soda.
I’m back after having a cookie and telling Tom about a great idea I came up with. The idea is to build a shelf that goes around the whole room across the middle of the wall. Maybe a foot lower than the middle (between the floor and ceiling).
Someone’s out having a good time now. I heard a car stereo. Other than that, it’s quiet and rather chilly out.
Gotta go pee now, but I’ll write more later.
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sitpwgs · 10 months
Omg 300+ bracelets!! That's awesome - good luck! I made about 50 for my first show and am planning to do some for my various concerts next year. I would definitely enjoy seeing bracelet photos if you want to share (no pressure if you don't!). And it's fun hearing about the bujo stuff! I'm bujo adjacent - both my best friends do bujo and I love seeing their spreads, but I've never done it myself. What types of inspiration do you use for your bujo and embroidery?
I'm kind of chaotic with crafting like I start a lot of stuff but only finish a few things haha. I'm also coming off of being in grad school for a few years where I didn't craft at all so I'm trying to get back into it. I mainly collage and make bracelets for shows lately and I'm trying to practice painting too. In the past I knit for a few years but idk if it's for me.
i'm thinking of making bracelets for holly & olivia! i'm also going to fall out boy in march, but i don't think i'll be making bracelets for it (i also don't know their stuff very well — like, at all, but a friend wanted to go and i'm always down for concerts + to learn music before i go)!! and then obviously, i've got eras!!! i don't have any recent photos of bracelets, but here and here are some i've posted before !!
i got into bujo because one of my friends was like "oh i'm thinking of starting a bullet journal" and then i got super super super into it for like three years, and then quit in 2020 because well, you know. and then migrated to notion, but have been toying with the idea of returning to bullet journaling/junk journaling/something that combines the two! i really love doing either specific themes with my bullet journal (i.e. i did some bookish themed spreads back in 2019, like red, white & royal blue the week i met casey mcquiston in portland, or musical themed ones — i definitely had an anastasia spread, a waitress spread, etc. depending on what i was currently into / what events were going on in my life at that moment!, definitely a few taylor spreads too!). i also started doing more scrapbook-y styled bullet journal/junk journaling, so saving receipts, etc!! i can dig an old bujo out and post photos for you if you're interested!! and with embroidery, i tend to get kits from etsy! usually something floral, but at some point i want to work on more lettering-y things!! i did cross stitch as a kid, and all the embroidery stuff is self-taught!
a lot of my crafty stuff is a result of being done with grad school (graduated in 2019) and then being in a terrible work environment for a year after → when we started quarantining i realized i didn't really have ... hobbies! i did not know what to do with myself except for read and work and then after a while i realized that was not sustainable and i had to do something else! grad school really sucked a lot out of me, and i think it does the same for a lot of people, unfortunately. i hope you're able to get back into crafting more soon 🤍
i used to paint a lot when i was younger, but haven't in years but i've been thinking of experimenting with painting again — i also really want to go to a local ceramic painting place soon (once i'm no longer suffering from the plague), i used to go to one near school but haven't gone in ages! it's really cool that you used to knit; i've always wanted to learn how to knit! how did you get into knitting + collaging? 🤍
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indigobackfire · 2 years
The fashion question back to you! But I want to ask about Indigo and Phoenix. What’s their style? You can include Jacob as well, of course, but if it’d be too much or you don’t have a clear idea for him yet, that’s fine too :)
Also, please, take this question however you wish. You don’t have to make collages or anything – unless you want! Then go for it!
Thank you so much for sending the question back 💖
I didn't have to but, I don't if you ever used it, I spent my early teens on Polyvore day and night making collages and I forgot how fun (and tiring) they are so I made it for each! Polyvore closed years ago, so b4 anyone asks, I did them on Medibang with PNGs from Tumblr.
I focused more on them during Hogwarts years, but I hope to make a post for their fashion as adults.
Indigo's Style
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So this isn't half as much as I really wanted represented here xD due to the confinement of the space and png availability. I made one for her more academia side and one for her colorful self.
As general style rule Indigo will avoid anything tight or that shows too much skin, she wants freedom of movement. I'm sure I didn't convey her witchy vibes enough, nor her 70s influence, but soon I'll make another set.
She also doesn't vibe with blue, pink, nor with black. Yeah, no matter how gloomy she's feeling. But her favourites are red, green and orange brown.
Phoenix's Style
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Here, I suffered with the lack of good male clothing pngs and my laziness xD.
Though I focused on his more yellow and neutral side, Phoenix has a passion for the colorful as well, with inspiration from the preppy fifties, with some boldness from the 60s/70s especially with clothes handed down from his late (biological) father.
Anyway, I think I did convey his very cozy good boy vibes, he's milk and honey, breeze on a hot day type of person.
I had been so long staring at screen doing his, my head began hurting, I had to lay down before moving on to Jacob, reason why his has less stuff than the others. Also I don't think I planned the space right 🙈
Jacob's Style
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His collage is the most chaotic but that's pretty resonant with his character, not as much red as I'd like for him nor as punk as his style really is.
You right, I still have very little on my Jacob, but searching trinkets and clothes I actually got inspired x). Anyway, I like to think there's a before and after the vault Jacob in matter of style, I'll say more below, but can get experimental with his style, despite his laziness to put any effort into it.
And I'll talk under the cut just to avoid being huge x)
I don't think I can't explain Indigo's style as whole all at once so I'll divide by her Hogwarts years.
Indigo is trying to drive her image away from Jacob, better yet, her mother is doing it for her, the colors are toned down and very basic, but it's inevitable the resemblance. She spends most of her time in complete or half uniform.
Now determined to explore the vaults, she invites the 'Jacobness' in, she's purposefully looking for him not just literally but figuratively. She's wearing jackets and shirts he left behind even if they definitely don't fit her right yet. She's got a classic colorful 80s girl style out of class and isn't afraid to call attention to herself. A time to be experimental with her hairdos.
Starting to develop her own style while being influenced by Rowan, trying to mix her new nerdy side with remnants of her brother.
The year she slowly starts growing, she has her first period, she gains weight, she's well, confused in herself. The colors are a tad toned down in comparison to the previous year. Tho, as the year progresses, since the current curse has to do with fear, she subconsciously seeks in her fashion saturated, happier and bolder colors.
But when she joins the gryffindor quidditch team, it enforces that red, burgundy color palette.
Despite the exercising and duelling training, she continues to gain weight due to stress eating. Lucky for her, she continues getting taller which helps hide some of the weight gain, but her ever changing body does influence in the types of clothes she picks.
Since Rakepick is around now, she wants to be defiant - strong colors, oversized shapes, leather details and footwear, bringing back those Jacob clothes she had.
Also with the start of her friendship with Barnaby and with more of Aspen's influence, she begins wearing more and more plaid patterns to represent her Scottishness.
Another year of fun hairdos, especially considering her approximation to Tonks.
As Rakepick's apprentice she's more and more inclined to dress with confidence.
She's dating Barney and he influences her fashion / As well as spending more time with Rakepick - she adopts the habit of wearing jewelry, a belt for her utilities, a lot more red and green, she begins putting her hair in place.
In the matter of hair, here is where it becomes like I usually draw (or try to), with hormones flourishing as well as her Legilimency, her hair has a growth spurt and becomes very thick and voluminous.
On opposite route to the previous year, she's stress starving, due to pressure because of the Curse and working in kitchens makes her lose her appetite. Therefore she's colder than usual, fluffy coats and a brown leather jacket and a tartan wrap Barnaby gifted her become ever so present in her daily wardrobe.
She's wearing saturated colors but also lots of brown, she associates the color to maturity and is how she wants to appear to her friends and, especially, to Rakepick. Red also becomes prevalent with the feelings of love.
For the first time she's putting actual effort into looking pretty for a boy.
In here Barns has broken up with her for seemingly no reason and this takes a tool on her fashion for most of the year. She's not putting effort at all, dark colors patternless mourning the loss of her relationship as well as the departure of both Rakepick who she was beginning to grown fond of, as well as Jacob.
But with Jacob back around after a while, it's his style she's back at mirroring, tho most clothes she and Phoenix had borrowed had to be returned, she still keeps many he doesn't want anymore or that don't fit his new weight.
Then later, Achilles, whose fashion is similar to Jacob's but closer to what the 90s will bring with a renewed side of punk. She's also trying to make Barnaby jealous with Achilles so a bit more revealing clothes, blacks and strong greens - which doesn't last long since Achilles himself tells her how this isn't her.
Even then, she's not certain who she is.
I'm not sure what will happen this year cause I don't feel like following canon and I've got so many ideas.
But it's a confusing year to her, while things have an air of settling down, the future feels unsettling. While she takes hold of her Legilimency, her self confidence doesn't follow. She's not sure of herself or her purpose and it reflects in her fashion.
Except, this is the year of true reconciliation with Rowan which brings her back those times of their third year, resurfacing with her nerdy academia side, this time with accents of leather and darker colors.
Yes, she stays another year cause she fails her NEWTS spectacularly.
The year of nostalgia with the golden trio coming along, therefore vintage, 'childish' patterns and styles, also trying to blend into the background because she really doesn't want to be there.
Preference for brown and burgundy, mostly trousers instead of skirts, hats and beanies more often used. And plaid, lots of it.
Phoenix never worried about fashion, he wears what mom buys and that's good. He also grew up with Jacob's hand-me-downs as part of his wardrobe ever since he was a baby, consequently paralleling his brother's style, not to mention always being a few years outdated in relation to the other kids.
But even after Hogwarts, his best friend is Rowen, not popularly known for being a fashion king himself.
Even with growing older, Phoenix is a Veela, naturally beautiful and charming so he often relies on that more than style - even though, sometimes, not even his pretty face can help his dweeb fashion.
What I wasn't able to add to the collage was Ismelda's influence on his style. Not only he has the boldness of dying a strand of his hair turquoise, he begins wearing black!!! Mostly stuff that used to belong to Jacob, but it does start seeping into his fashion slowly the longer he stays with her, though without ever losing his soft essence.
Considering Jacob was a teen during the late 70s, he got caught in the beginning of the punk movement, taking inspiration from Vivienne Westwood, Sex Pistols, Blondie, Bowie, and well whatever media he could access at the time.
But also the classics, bell bottoms, weird patterns, bright colors along with plaids, and very funky hair.
After the vault, he loses the body he had along with his confidence, he used to be stocky and reasonably tall, but now he's skinny, cold, and feeling very unsexy. He's opting for dark colors, uninspired combinations, beanies and gloves. Though he doesn't realize straight away, he does use a wrap around his shoulders much like Rakepick does.
Also, even though he's not very sporty, he like sportswear, jerseys, baseball caps, and cool basketball sneakers.
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bonesandthebees · 2 years
Hi :D more questions predictably!! More so about you then my other ones, and I’m going to have two questions for the more personally ones because I want you to feel comfy ^^ so just answer one of the two :3 skip any that make you happy icky though <3
A) what did you plan to major in as a kid?
B) what was your favorite part of highschool?
C) what’s your favorite part of being an adult? And what’s your least favorite part?
D) do you have a job while at collage / do you still talk to your parents a lot?
E) what’s your favorite part of being in a fandom (any)
F) how many times have you gone to the hospital? / what was your worst fear when you were 7?
Me being nosey again, who could’ve guessed it ^^” -🍄
mushroom anon you are so good at coming up with interesting questions i love these!!
A) ever since I was a kid I had an interest in being a doctor. when I was 5 I begged my mom to buy me a human anatomy book from the bookstore lmao. so I was always planning on majoring in a premed type major like human bio or something similar, and it wasn't till i was in those classes that i realized oh i really do not like hard science enough for this oops-
B) my senior year of high school was pretty damn great?? admittedly fall semester was stressful as hell with getting college apps out and everything, but spring semester was so chill. I hung out with a lot more people than I had in previous years, I was more outgoing, teachers treat you so much more like an adult once you're a senior so chilling with them is way more fun, I got to relax in most of my classes since I'd already been accepted to my top university choice—it was just a great time all around
C) honestly this is gonna sound dumb but about a month back it was like 1:30 am and I realized i needed something from CVS. the CVS I lived nearest to at the time was a 24 hour one, so I was like wait I could actually go to it right now. and even though i'm almost 22 sometimes I still pause when I'm about to go out late at night and think oh I need to ask permission I can't leave- but then I remember I'm an adult living in my own apartment with my own car and I can literally just go do stuff like that. there's nothing stopping me from going out drinking with friends and not coming back till 2 am, or going out to CVS at 1:30 in the morning, stuff like that. so yeah that's my favorite part of adulthood—being completely independent. least favorite part though is also gonna sound dumb, but it's getting sick. like, there's a lot that sucks about being an adult, but getting sick and not having anyone around to take care of you?? and knowing that you have to be the one to get up and make yourself food and buy yourself medicine and do your laundry because literally no one else will even though you feel like shit?? it sucks man just makes me wanna cry and hug my mom
D) I do still talk to my parents a lot!! rn I'm staying at my mom's again so I'm living with her, though since I am taking summer classes I'm gonna be going back down to my university apartment once I've gotten over covid. after my summer classes though im moving back in with her again for the forseeable future lol. but even when i'm at school we talk on the phone every few days, and i talk to my dad roughly around once a week?? maybe once every other week?? like he'll text to check in on me every few days but full phone calls or actual in person visits happen way less (although it's been like that with him since i was like 13ish so that's not anything new lol)
E) content creation is always my favorite part of being in a fandom. i love writing, it's my number one hobby and i genuinely don't know what to do with myself in my free time if i can't write. so being in a fandom gives me so much space to just put my work out there and actually get an audience for it!!
F) uhhh idk if you mean like in general gone to a doctor or have gone to the ER, but if we're talking ER then apparently when I was like 3 i had a super severe fever and had to go to the ER but I don't remember it?? otherwise i've pretty much never been to the ER. I have been to urgent care a few times, once in my freshman year of uni bc I got like 2 seconds away from fainting in the middle of my campus dining hall and I had to call my roommate to come get me and take me to the urgent care center on campus, and then in my sophomore year I got really sick for like a solid month and a half and ended up going like 3 times in a single week so that sucked, but I ended up recovering just fine!! if we're talking like actual hospitalization, when I was 5 i had to get my tonsils and adenoids removed, so I stayed in the hospital for like a day or something after that, but that's about it
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haechanhues · 3 years
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pairing : enhypen x reader (mostly platonic but can be open romantically) 
genre : friendship tingz (is that a genre?) social media. bullet points. 
warnings : swearing a bit and slightest mention of sex like once or twice. some are longer than others. 
summary : these are your friends. cherish em. love em. pick on them. make connections. 
Not too long before ENHYPEN’s new comeback, are you all excited? 
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You met Heeseung when you were younger - he was playing with three lizard toys and you had wanted the pink one and so, being the nice kid he was, gave you the green one instead 
Has been your best friend ever since 
You once stepped on a broken glass bottle and he cried more than you did 
When you were waiting for your dad one afternoon after school (your dad was always ridiculously late) you both made a long handshake that you couldn’t remember the next day 
You’ve caught him trying to act cute multiple times by making eye contact in the mirror and he yelled at you for judging him 
Ramyeon addict 
Everywhere you two go 
There’s ramyeon in his bag 
You’ve kissed each other a couple of times 
Never done it again 
Thought about it once, and then fed yourself and that thought disappeared 
You’ve had some stupid fights 
eg who has to pick up the rubbish on the ground 
Serious fights 
Past partners and their boundaries 
Why you ate his leftover ramyeon he was saving for a ‘special occasion’ that special occasion being Friday night 
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When you became friends, Heeseung was jealous of him and thought Sunoo was trying to take his best friend away from him 
Twitter demon 
Sweeter in person
Always running around and trying to sell you off 
‘Do you know of a Y/N Y/L/N? Well you’re absolutely lucky because she’s absolutely single, hit her up’ 
Got you two both cute matching character PJs 
You both co-own a Tik Tok account 
too be honest you’re just a featuring act at this point 
One time you were sick for a week and he had made a video on all the stuff you missed out on 
Because he gets sick often, you buy him a lot of thick blankets, clothes and always get him jackets because you’re worried he’d get sick 
Literally the bane of your existence on Twitter 
He gets away with it though and he knows he will (him and Niki) 
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The other boys get jealous of how nice you are to him 
Comes to you for daily cuddles 
Sometimes doesn’t get it 
The baby knows how to guilt trip you 
But when you want cuddles, he’s suddenly too cool for you 
Teaches you swear words in Japanese to say to Jay and the other boys 
Uses your email when he thinks it’s spam or for his own orders so you had to make another email 
People always ask if he’s your little brother 
You’ll both be bored one day and sit side by side on the floor 
He’d offer his airpod for you to listen and you’d both be red in the face trying not to giggle at try not to laugh videos you two are always watching
Both go to the movies together
You’re paying
He always gets the biggest size even though he can’t finish it
‘It’s a popcorn party’ 
Always throws the leftovers on Jay or Sunoo
Whatever he wants, he gets. 
You’re his best friend. No shit you are. He loves you. He really does. 
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Always squeezing his cheekies 
Your girl friends always ship the two of you together (NO) 
They saw him in the background of your video call
You take a lot of photos together 
A Yes-Man when it comes to your ideas and is literally the hype man you want 
Lost a bet to him and so he signed you up for a soccer tournament where you’re not exactly good but you’re decent 
You do a lot of planning together but you don’t really execute it unless Jungwon, Heeseung or Jay are involved 
Tend to bump into each other when you walk side by side
Heeseung refers to you both as Thomson and Thompson from Tin Tin because you’re both really smart 
But he makes you act dumb 
And he reassures you a lot 
Got you waxing strips because you wanted to try it and accidentally got it stuck on the hair of the back of your neck and so, being the nice boy he is, did it to himself 
His eyes watered :( 
But it was funny :) 
Always bringing you out into the world more so you don’t cramp up inside 
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He’s a little mean to you - all in good fun of course
You go to him for advice about this boy or girl you’re talking to 
Don’t tell him but you love talking to him 
About his day 
Ideas for a new movie 
About this new boy/girl you’re talking to 
Sometimes you feel distant from him in comparison to the other boys 
You always go for little walks with him every now and then 
One time he grew out his hair purely so you could play with it 
In his sleep you drew cat whiskers on him with eyeliner 
When you moved into your own apartment, he was the only one that could help out and collapsed on your bed and stayed the night with you 
Again : people asked if you were dating 
Once again : No 
Should really write a FAQ and just staple it to your forehead 
When the washing machine is full at yours, you both take your washing to a laundromat and chat away - you get pizza delivered to the laundromat and scoff it down so the others don’t catch you out - you both turn to each other to wipe the crumbs off and spray perfume on your clothes - for the memory box he writes it down on the receipt
Always full of laughs 
Never a dull moment 
Can just chill together or do something mischievous and fun 
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Accidentally confessed that you’d f*ck him if you were the last people alive on Earth and he’s never let you live it down
Made a collage of all the photos you have on your phone and others and his mother wanted her own copy to hang in her living room 
‘Can you wear this?’ 
Always trying to style you when you go shopping because your fashion sense isn’t up to par apparently 
You always catch him taking selfies and always clown him 
Argued about the shape of an elephant nose once 
Said your apologies with snot running down your noses 
When you made up and came out of the room, Heeseung and Jungwon mimicked elephant noises 
Spams you with celebrities that pop up in his feed that he knows you like 
You don’t like to talk about it  but once when you were doing a speech assignment, you had to hold his hand to refrain from crying and he rubbed his thumb over the back of your knuckle and didn’t let go until class had ended and you were more relaxed
Although you kind of sort of like to make fun of him 
He’s always the first one to look after you if you needed someone 
The type to message you if you were doing okay 
Can’t look at you when you’re crying so awkwardly has to angle his head the other way and comfort you without looking 
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A lot of past 
At first you both had crushes on each other (he was the last to join your friendship group, tall, handsome, really kind, always wanted to make him smile) 
Considered the Dark Ages 
Jungwon likes to rehash the memory every now and then when your guard is down 
For your birthday he gifted you a stool so you can ‘grow’ 
That ruffled your feathers 
Always the one to make short jokes when in your opinion you’re not even that short 
Tried to teach you how to ice skate but was slightly disappointed you knew how to stay upright 
Girls tend to give you their numbers and little notes made for Sunghoon because they’re too shy 
He’s super comfortable with you. You always make sure he’s included and make sure his voice is heard and he’s not being taken for granted. 
You checked him out once and he caught you. 
‘You’re blushing.’
Jungwon laughed cause he sees and knows everything 
Silently protective of you - one time a guy tried to ask you out and he laughed like 
ha ha ha 
until he left 
tells everyone it’s your birthday on the wrong date so you’re getting your birthday wishes a month earlier. 
also gets the freebies because apparently it’s your anniversary every other thursday. 
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leossmoonn · 4 years
Christmas Shenanigans [Peter Parker]
peter parker x fem!reader
type - fluff
note - in the spirit of christmas, i wrote tis cute lil imagine. enjoy!
summary - you spend christmas eve with Peter and do some fun activities :) 
warnings - lil suggestive 
*gif isn’t mine*
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“Peter! I’m here!” You shouted while walking through his apartment. You saw May in the kitchen. 
“Hey, Y/n! Merry Christmas Eve!” May smiled and came over to you, and gave you a hug. You smiled at her and hugged her back. 
“Merry Christmas Eve! I have a little something for you,” you pulled away and reached for your backpack. 
“Oh, Y/n! You didn’t have to,” May smiled as you got out the wrapped gift. 
You shrugged, “You’ve been a second mother to me ever since Peter and I were friends, even more since we started dating. Plus, I’m spending the whole day with my family tomorrow, so this is a good time to give you this.”
May chuckled, “Well, I have something, too.”
“Ooh, yay! Gift exchange!” You giggled and clapped your hands. May shared your enthusiasm by walking with a pep in her step to you. 
She handed you a medium-size box that had Santa wrapping paper on it. You handed May a little box, too, with Christmas tree wrapping paper.
You two opened it simultaneously. You gasped as you saw a a few face masks and a clay mask jar.
“Thank you so much, May! I love this!” You smiled. “Of course! I overheard you complain to Peter about not having a lot self-care products, so I got you some. Every girl needs at least a few of these 24/7.”
“Ah, I agree! Okay, open yours!” You pointed to the box who had been unwrapped, but not opened. 
May danced in place a little, gently opening the gift. She gasped and put her hand on her chest. Inside was a charm bracelet that had a seashell, May’s zodiac sign symbol, and a little circle charm that said ‘family’ with a heart. 
“Do you like it?” You asked, slightly anxious. 
“Oh, honey, I love it. Thank you!” May said, tears in her eyes. You chuckled as she gave you another hug. 
“You know, I haven’t had a charm bracelet since Peter’s parents died. Mary gave me a matching charm bracelet when we got really close, before her and Richard got married. After she passed, I had packed it away somewhere in all of  their things. Thank you so much, Y/n,” May smiled. 
“You’re welcome. Peter actually mentioned you liked charm bracelets when I asked him what you wanted for Christmas,” you explained. 
“Ah, gotta love that kid,” May smiled. 
“Agreed,” you smiled. “Speaking of him, where is he?”
“Hm, I think he and Ned went out somewhere. He should be back. He knows you’re here, right?” May asked. 
“Yeah, I texted him like, 15 minutes ago,” you pulled out your phone and frowned. 
On cue, the door opened and there appeared your boyfriend. He was out of breath, probably from running up the stairs to his apartment. He had a few gift bags in his hand, too. 
“Well, there is the man of the hour! Where have you been, Pete?” May asked. 
“Late Christmas shopping. I, uh, kinda forgot,” Peter laughed awkwardly, setting his backpack and the gifts down. 
“I thought you got kidnapped or something,” you teased. 
Peter turned to you and a big smile immediately came onto his face. He went over to you and engulfed you in a big hug. You relaxed instantly, melting into his embrace and putting your head in his shoulder. 
“I’m Spider-Man, babe, I can’t be kidnapped,” he whispered in your ear. 
You giggled quietly, pulling away and pecking his lips. Peter went to his gifts, handing a bag to May. 
“Aw, Peter, you shouldn’t have!” May smiled and grabbed it. 
“You would’ve yelled at me if I didn’t,” Peter snorted. May rolled his eyes, but smiled at she got her gift out. 
She held up a new spatula set. 
“Peter! This is just what I, well we, needed! Thank you! Now, I don’t have to buy anything,” May smiled. She hugged Peter and ruffled his hair. 
“You’re welcome, May. I have another gift for you, but you gotta open it tomorrow, when it's actually Christmas. And for you, I have loads of gifts!” Peter smiled at you.
You giggled, “Thank you, Petey.”
“You’re welcome.”
“Well, you two can run along. Keep the door open a little, I’ll be cooking dinner. Chilli okay for you, Y/n?” May asked.
“More than okay! Thank you!” You smiled. 
Peter took your hand, thanking May, and leading you to his room. 
Peter closed the door a little more than halfway, coming over to you and pressing a slightly needy, but sweet kiss on your lips. You smiled into the kiss, wrapping your arms around his shoulders to pull him closer. His hands snaked around your waist, walking backwards so you two fell on his bed. 
You pulled away and giggled, panting slightly. “Where did that come from?”
“I just missed you,” Peter said, leaning over and pressing a chaste kiss on your lips. He pulled away, getting your Christmas presents and putting them on the bed. There were two gift bags. You took off your backpack, taking out the couple of presents you got him. 
“Okay, um, here is one of yours,” you said, hanging him a small bag. 
“Yay!” Peter squealed like a little boy. You chuckled, putting your hand on his knee, anxiously waiting for him to open your present. 
Peter took out the tissue paper, gasping in excitement. He pulled out a medium-sized candle that you made. You had put your perfume scent and shampoo scent that Peter always said he loved.
“Y/n! OMG! I’m gonna light this up all. the. time,” Peter said.
“I’m glad you like it,” you smiled. “Like it? I love it! Okay, now open yours,” Peter said and shoved a big box in your face. You grabbed it, surprised by it’s weight.
You untied the ribbon and lifted the top fo the box. You gasped as you saw what the present was. It was a picture collage of you and Peter during Christmas times through the years. It spanned over the coarse of 11 years. You looked over the pictures, tears springing in your eyes as you saw pictures of you two from when you were 5 to literally the other day. You smiled as you saw the picture from last year, when you two finally started to date. In that picture, you two were kissing. That picture and the one from the other day were the only ones that had you kissing in them. You loved to see the development in your guys’s relationship over the years. 
“Do you like it?” Peter asked. 
“I love it, Pete. Thank you so much,” you sniffled. Peter put his hand up to your face, wiping a few tears that had fallen from your eyes. 
“Don’t cry, Pretty Girl,” Peter said. You smiled softly and leaned over to press a kiss to his lips. 
“I’m just really happy,” you said once you pulled away. Peter smiled, “Me, too, Okay, here’s a more personal gift that I got you.”
He gave you a little box that was wrapped. You unwrapped it, seeing that it was a white box. You took the top off, smiling even more when you saw the present. It was a silver necklace that had Peter’s name on it. 
“This is so cute! I see you’ve been paying attention to all the tik tok’s I’ve sent you,” you giggled. You leaned over again to kiss him. 
“Oh, I have. I also got a match one!” Peter said, taking out a silver bracelet. It had your name on it. 
“Ah! I love you,” you smiled at him. You put your necklace on, getting your phone out and seeing how it looked like on camera. 
“I love you, too. Sooooo, you said I have another gift for me?” Peter said. 
You giggled. “Yes I do, Petey.” You reached for your gift and handed it to him. Peter ripped it open, smiling excitedly as he saw you got him a Spider-Man watch. 
“This is awesome! I can’t believe I never even got one for myself,” Peter snorted. “Thank you, babe.”
“You’re welcome. I know how much you loooove Spider-Man,” you chuckled.
“Yes, indeed, I do,” Peter laughed. You helped Peter set the watch to the right time, putting it on for him. 
“This is so cool!” Peter squealed. 
“I’m glad you think so. I would’ve gotten you a Star Wars one, but I decided to get that one for Ned, and this one for you,” you shrugged. 
“Oh, he’ll love that,” Peter smiled. “I know. I'm an amazing gift giver,” you smirked. 
“That you are,” Peter said. He took you in his arms, laying down on the bed with you. You giggled, getting on top of him and straddling his waist.
“Trying to get lucky tonight, Parker?” You smirked. 
“Maybe,” Peter smiled. “Extra Christmas present?”
“Hm,” you hummed. You ran your fingers down his shirt, feeling his abs through the clothing. You leaned down, giving Peter a good view of your cleavage, as you were wearing a fairly low-cut shirt).
“Please,” Peter whined. You smiled and put your lips on his, kissing him slow and passionately. Peter put his hands on your waist, trailing down to your thigh. Before you two could go any further, you heard the laughter of children from outside. 
You pulled away, earning a grunt of annoyance from Peter. 
“OMG, Peter!” You exclaimed. 
“What?” Peter asked, setting his hand on your thigh. “You should dress up as Spider-Man and give kids candy canes and sing to them!” You exclaimed.
Peter made a face. “What? Why?”
You rolled your eyes and looked at him. “Because, you are the “Friendly-Neighbourhood-Spider-Man”! Please? I’ll buy the chocolate and candy canes or whatever. Just go around the neighbourhood.”
“I don’t know, Y/n,” Peter said. “Oh, c’mon! You usually would be up for this! Please, it's for the kids. Plus, I’ll give you a treat,” you said, pouting. 
Peter smiled at you and sighed. “Fine. I’ll go and get my suit under my clothes. We can say goodbye to May and whenever we get the stuff, I’ll change into my suit.”
“Yay!” You exclaimed and clapped. You got off of his so he could go and get his suit on. He changed quickly, putting his jeans and sweatshirt on over. He grabbed his backpack, going out of his room with you. 
“Hey, May, Peter and I are gonna go to the store and get some candy,” you said. 
“Alright! Stay safe please. Call me if you need anything!” May said from her room. 
“Will do! Bye!” You exclaimed. “Bye, May!” Peter said. 
You two went out of the apartment, running down the stairs and going outside. You two went to the gas station, getting candy canes and chocolate. Once you got outside, Peter took his clothes off, putting his Spider-Man mask on. 
“Are you cold in that?” You asked him as he put his regular clothes in his backpack.  “Nah, the suit has a heater,” Peter said. “Wow, lucky. I'm freezing,” you chuckled, bouncing up and down to make some heat. 
“Aw, baby, you should’ve told me. Here, stay next to me, I’ll keep you warm,” he said, putting his arm around you. 
You put your hat over your ears and smiled up at him. “Thank you. Now, ready to get your Christmas on?”
“Yes!” Peter smiled and placed a sweet kiss on your cheek. 
You giggled and you walked around the neighbourhood, knocking on people’s doors. 
“Hello, may I help you?” The first door you knocked on opened quickly. 
“Hi! I’m Spider-Man and this is my assistant!” Peter said. 
“Yes,” you chuckled. 
“We’re just going around the neighbourhood to wish you Merry Christmas and give you some gifts,” Peter said and held out a few chocolate packs and candy canes. 
The woman at the door smiled and took the treats. “Thank you! Do you mind if I get my son? He is a big fan of yours.”
“No, not at all!” You smiled. 
The woman went into the house, son returning with a little boy. The little boy gasped. “Spider-Man!”
“Hey, buddy!” Peter crouched down. “Have you been good this year.” The little boy nodded with a wide smile. 
“Good. I gave your mom a few treats for you and your family. I wish you all a Merry Christmas!”
“Thank you so much. Do you mind if we take a picture?” The little boy’s mom asked. 
“Not at all,” Peter said. You moved out of the way, the little boy standing next to Peter. The mom took the picture, gesturing for the little boy to come back inside. 
“Thank you so much, again. This definitely made his Christmas.”
“It’s not problem, ma’am. Have a good night!” Peter said and waved. 
“You, too!” The woman smiled. The little boy waved at you two before the woman closed the door. 
You went by Peter’s side again, “See? Wasn’t that fun?”
“Yes, it was,” Peter said, putting his hand around you. 
You smiled and put your head on his shoulder, going to the next house. You and Peter did this for an hour and a half, going through all the houses and apartments, taking pictures with the kids. You two reached the last house finally, saying goodbye and wishing them a Merry Christmas. 
Peter put his clothes back on and you two went back into his apartment. You noticed May sleeping on the couch, and chilli on the stove. You two took off your coats and shoes, going over to the chilli. 
“Thank you for doing this with me,” you said, leaning on him as you got yourself chilli. 
“Of course, baby. It was really fun,” Peter smiled. He kissed your head, nuzzling his cheek onto the top of your head. 
“Good, I’m glad,” you said. You two walked into Peter’s room. You two set the bowls onto his desk. Peter changed out of his Spider-Man suit, putting back on his underwear. But before he could put on the rest of his clothes, you took his hand and pushed him on the bed. 
Peter smiled wide and you smirked, climbing on top of his lap. 
“Merry Christmas, Peter Parker,” you whispered, capturing his lips into a kiss. 
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loopynal · 4 years
How about the yandere Bakugou Izuku and Shouto with a laidback darling like “oh you kidnapped me that’s cool want some pizza?”
Ouuuuuu <3333
Good request! All of the characters will be aged up! They are all pro hero’s!
My request box is still open so feel free to send in anything <3
Warnings ⚠️ occasional explicit content, yandere, Kiddnaping.
If you’re uncomfortable with any of theses topics please scroll past
How would yandere bnha boys react to a laidback darling.
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Bakugo, Katsuki
He kidnapped you because you don’t know how to take care of yourself.
Your a college student, finials are a coming up, so, you had pulled a couple of all-nighters.
You may have over estimated your ability to stay awake.
3 days straight, barely eating, and when you did it was either coffee or a quick junk snack.
As always he was stalking watching over you, to make sure you’re safe, how could he not? You’re just too soft for this world.
He wasn’t totally sure but you looked like you hadn’t slept at all in the past few days.
And he could practically see how malnourished you were!
He was growing angrier by the second you can’t even take care of yourself!
You put school and your grades above everything, even your health.
He couldn’t have that.
So, on your way home when you ran straight into his chest he held you firmly against him, pressing a rag over your face.
Honestly, he probably didn’t even need the chloroform, you were so malnourished and sleep deprived that you practically passed out from the shock immediately.
He prepared for you to struggle, cry, scream, punch, kick, fight, anything.
But when you woke up, you only asked for your textbooks?
He refused you saying that you wouldn’t need them anymore, he could easily provide for the both of you.
He again, expected you to protest.
“Huh? But what about my collage debt?”
That’s what you’re concerned about?
He laughed saying he already paid them off.
The two of you had met when he was in his last year at U.A. your school had done a week long exchange program.
It didn’t take long for you to consume his every thought.
You two grew close very quickly in your short time there and even exchanged numbers.
The two of you still kept in contact.
He finally asked.
“Why aren’t you scared?”
You tilted your head at him confused.
“Why would I be? I mean- I trust you. Sure you were a bit forceful but... we’re friends right?”
You just solidifyed his obsession.
Honestly, you just vibe the whole day. No school, no tests, no work.
Plus Katsukis cooking is to die for!
He buys you anything you want considering how well behaved you are.
If you ask for anything electronic he takes off any form of communication apps just in case.
Since your so well behaved if you ask nice enough he’ll take you on walks around the local park.
If you’re ever lonely if you ask enough he’ll buy you a pet as long as you don’t give them more attention then him.
He’s never letting you go, but it doesn’t seem like you mind too much.
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Midoriya, Izuku
He would ‘save’ you the second your in any type of danger.
You had been a fan of his since his debut, almost immediately going out to buy a pair of DEKU™️ themed shoes.
You met him on the train on your daily commute to work almost a year after his debut.
You still had the same shoes, now paired with a deku themed hoodie.
You died and went to heaven when he took a seat next to you.
You took a double take.
He sensed your nervousness and tilted his head to look over at you.
His eyes lit up when he saw his merch on such a pretty girl.
“Hi there! I like your shoes!”
You looked like you were overheating at this point.
“Hi! Ah thank you~”
He had to hold himself back from gushing about how cute you were.
The two of you chatted more and slowly you got more comfortable around him.
So when you informed him that your stop would be coming up in a few seconds he quickly wrote his number down and slipped it into your bag without you noticing.
You caught his interst.
Izuku couldn’t get you off his mind the rest of the day so when he got a text from you around lunch he was ecstatic!
The relationship bloomed from there.
He knew your schedule by heart.
Which means he knew how late you worked and that you walked home.
He always tried to get you to take the train or a more popular road but you never listened.
He got off of work early today and decided to admire you from the shadows on your walk home.
He would be forever glad he was there that day.
You were jumped by a group of men and neither of you wanted to know what would have happened if he wasn’t there.
He didn’t even bother knocking you out he just took you to his apartment dropped you on his bed locked all the doors and left to go ‘take care’ of the low life’s who thought they could mess with what’s his.
It was almost morning by the time he got back to his apartment he took a deep breath and held it excepting to run at him or scream.
When he opened the door he was instead met with soft breathing.
There you were, as beautiful as ever snuggling into his pillow in his shirt.
He almost came his pants as his eyes traveled you body.
He had to physically stop himself and instead went to go take a shower.
You didn’t even question anything, you just asked if you could grab some of your stuff from your old apartment.
He was over the moon.
The whole day he would just be clinging to your side as you grabbed anything you needed from your old apartment.
Takes you out on a bunch of mini dates in the park.
The public is obsessed With your relationship.
Anything you want you got it immediately.
Need to go clothes shopping? On it.
A new phone? On its way.
Craving chocolate? Already in the kitchen.
Please pay him back in cuddles.
He melts.
Knows exactly what you want even before you do.
He gives you the most freedom but don’t take it for granted.
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Todoroki, Shoto
He would strike out of jealousy.
You had been invited out to a local bar by a couple of your colleagues at work.
You agreed naturally.
You had worked under Shoto as an assistant for years now and yet, you only ever had eyes for him.
He didn’t care at first when you went out he would be watching the whole time so there’s no risk of you getting hurt.
What he didn’t expect was for you to willingly go off with a drunk stranger.
The man had talked to you for a bit before asking if you wanted to go somewhere warmer as the bar was quite cold.
You were too gullible for this cruel world.
One of the reasons he fell so hard for you.
So he followed the two of you, his rage building with each step.
When he saw the same man pin you against the cold brick wall of an ally way he snapped.
“That’s not how you treat a lady. Why don’t you let her go and we can do this the easy way?”
The man couldn’t tell who he was from the shadows and even if he could he was too drunk off his ass to make the right decision.
“Heh? Ehat could you do about it ‘eirdo besides tfhis little lady an’ I were just having a some fun.”
Shoto let flames erupt off of his body in waves once he had you behind him and safe.
The man wa slept burnt half to death and left to die in the snow.
When he had you back to his apartment you were to dazed to protest as he tied you to the head bord.
Not that you would’ve.
Almost a week passed.
He still hadn’t untied you out of paranoia. He would feed you and make sure you drank enough water. 
You thought you were going to die of boredom.
But you need him to trust you right?
When your ropes came undone and slipped off when he left you almost cried.
Would he be mad?
So you spent the next few hours trying to tie yourself back up.
You had started to cry out of frustration not hearing the man enter the room.
“Y/n? What are you doing?”
You looked at him with a face similar to ‘🥺’ and ‘😭’
“Th-the roAps c-came undone when you left and- and- and I couldn’t get them back on.”
He almost melted from happiness.
He regretted leaving you tied up for the past week.
Constant snuggles.
Lots of love.
Would be the most hesioto let you outside.
Just give him puppy dog eyes and you can get at least a half an hour at the park.
This boy is touch starved and constantly needy.
Could never yell at you especially when your this well behaved.
He loves you more than anything and you know that, so what’s the point in running if you love him just as much?
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ambivalent-anarchy · 4 years
You've Got Moves (Part 2)
Part 1
Gender: Female
Pairing: Peter Parker x reader
Warning: None
A/N: Better late than never, right?😂😂 (wow 2 fics in one week that's crazyyy) Also I put one of my favorite comedy tiktoks in the dialogue soooooo oops? Also Harry and Ned are wingmen who share one brain cell and I like it that way
I might make one more part to this but idk
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It took 7 months for Peter to ask you out.
It took the time for MJ and Asher to become a couple, homecoming to go by, MJ and Asher to break up, winter formal, midterm exams, MJ and Asher to get back together, and Christmas to go before Peter Parker gathered the guts to even consider thinking about asking you out.
Scared wasn't even the word for it.
Harry Osborn, the new transfer student, laughed at how nervous Peter was at lunch. "Asking girls out is easy, Peter. I do it all the time!"
"You say it like it's the simplest thing on earth," Peter dreaded, to which Harry shrugged.
"Because it is! You just ask. How is it that I've only been at this school for 2 months and I've had more chicks than both you and Ned combined?"
"Hooking up is not a hobby of mine. That's why," Peter retorted with a pitifully unintimidating glare.
Harry shrugged with his shit-eating grin. "It's not my fault the girls and gays can't resist these lips."
Ned chimed in as he threw a french fry into his mouth. "Peter, this isn't like Liz last year. You and [Y/N] are already really close, dude. I'm sure you can just ask her. Who knows? She might say yes!"
"But what if she says no?," Peter groaned. "Then I'll just be one of those people she avoids and barely talks to out of awkwardness." He shifted in his seat nervously. "I don't want that."
"But if you don't say anything then you'll always regret it," Ned pointed out.
Harry sighed and rolled his eyes. "Peter, pull out your phone."
Peter raised his eyebrows in confusion, but followed Harry's instructions.
"Go to her in messages and say 'hey let's get dinner'." He smiled. "See? Simple."
Peter opened your messages in his phone and stared at your profile picture.
'You can do this, Peter. You can do this.'
He bit his lip. "Okay but should I say, 'let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'?" Seeing Harry's impatient face, he explained himself. "I just feel like those two sentences have completely different vibes, y'know?"
Harry glared at him. "Are you really about to have us telling you what to tell your crush like a bunch of girls?"
Peter didn't know how to answer that question seriously. "Uh...yes?"
Harry pondered the question for a small bit before simply shrugging and answering. "Hmm, go with 'let's get dinner', so you'll sound all confident and assertive."
Before Peter could press send without thinking twice, Ned stopped him. "Well, actually now you sound a little aggressive, man."
"Really?," Peter asked with a wince, immediately erasing the message.
"Yeah, I mean the last thing you wanna be like is the guy that's all like 'let's get dinner' like you're some kind of caveman."
Peter groaned. "Oh no, definitely not."
Ned ate another fry. "You want to ask her to dinner, not tell her to dinner."
"I'll go with 'do you want to get dinner' then," Peter said with a nod.
That one didn't sit well with Harry. "No Pete. Cuz now you sound like a pussy."
Peter slammed his phone onto the lunch table. "This stuff is tough!"
Ned turned towards Harry. "No but listen. The last thing Peter wants to do is come off as the overly masculine type that's all like 'let's get dinner cuz I'm the breadwinner, bitch', y'know?"
Harry shook his head. "Yeah but women also love assertiveness. You have to know what you want."
Peter stared at the table, desperately wanting the conversation to be over. Why would he even go to these two for relationship advice? Harry was the king of hookups and Ned's relationships never lasted longer than a few weeks. What was he thinking? For a guy with a 4.5 GPA, he sure did feel stupid.
"I got it!," Ned exclaimed. "Okay. Text her this. 'Dinner would be something that I would enjoy taking you on, but only if YOU were also interested in attending the meal'." He held his hands up for praise.
Harry nodded. "Mhm. Perfect balance. And the more words the better."
Peter just stared back at them, wondering where he'd gone wrong in life. "...no.... I'm not gonna send her that."
Harry shrugged. "Welp,' he sighed. "I guess some people just don't want to be helped."
So close to slamming his head into the table in front of him, Peter felt a tsunami of relief hit when he saw Asher walk into the cafeteria.
Asher was your best friend. If anyone knew the proper way you'd want to be asked out, it'd be him.
The second Asher noticed Peter looking at him, he made his way over. "Hey Peter. What's up?," he asked as he found an empty seat.
Harry spoke up before Peter had the chance. "Hey Ash. Pick one. 'Let's get dinner' or 'do you want to get dinner'."
Asher thought for a second. "Depends on the girl," he said before taking a bite into his apple. "-but 'do you want to get dinner' is nicer. Why?"
Harry slammed his fist on the table. "Damn it!"
"Yes!," Ned cheered.
Asher looked around the table. "Okay, by why?"
Harry and Ned went quiet and looked to Peter, who was staring anywhere to avoid eye contact. He began to mumble pitifully."I....I-i wanna.. I wanna-"
Harry and Ned spoke up, already tired of the conversation not getting anywhere. "He wants to ask-"
"-I wanna ask [Y/N] out!," he blurted, feeling his cheeks start to burn when Asher's smirk turned into a wide grin.
"Well it's about time!," he exclaimed. "She's been crazy about you since you met."
"Really? She has?," Peter asked. That wasn't even in the realm of possibility in his mind.
Asher nodded. "She's always going off to me about how-" he mocked your higher pitched voice. "I've been dropping him hints since, like, foreverrrr!"
"Seriously?! She has?"
Ned laughed. "Well Peter. She has been calling you cute since the day she met you..."
"But I just always thought it was the friendly kind of cute, y'know?," he rambled. "Not the boyfriend type cute!"
"How many girls are out here calling you cute for you to make that assumption, dude?," Harry asked.
Asher sighed. "So this is what it's like to have low confidence." He shook his head and gave Peter a disappointed look. "I can't say I like witnessing this, Pete."
"Just-" Peter groaned and squeezed his eyes shut. "Just tell me what will work, okay? I need to ask her out perfectly."
Asher tilted his head in confusion. "She's a simple girl. You just have to straight up ask her out. What's the confusion there?"
"That's what I said!," Harry yelled.
"You know he's got to make it difficult for himself for no reason," Ned pointed out.
"Okay can we all talk about how terrible I am at this after you help me?," Peter begged.
"Ugh, fine."
Peter sighed. "Alright. So?"
"What are you going for?," Asher asked. "Like a gift or something?"
"I just want whatever's the absolute best way to ask her out."
Asher pinched the bridge of his nose. If he was gonna set you up with your crush, he wanted it to happen right.
"Okay," he said, staring Peter in the eyes with a new sort of intensity. "Think about your best moments with her. Now pick something special from all those moments and voila! You'll have it!"
Peter nodded and stared at the ground as he thought for a while about everything he'd done with you since the beginning of school. You were truly the most extraordinary, most confident girl he'd ever met.
Every time he'd thought you couldn't get more perfect, you'd just show him another side of you that was better than the rest. He always stayed endlessly impressed and most of all, he felt as if he didn't have to try too hard with you. He could be himself and mess up as many times as he could manage and you still stuck around, showing him that there needn't be any worries.
And your style? Fuck, you could make anything work for him. You were the only one who could get him out of his comfort zone and in front of a camera, for something as frivolous as a TikTok. But he'd always do it, and even find the fun in it, because it made you happy.
"Remember how we freaked out that first time when she called you cute, Pete?," Ned said. "She said that you were cute and that you only had to put it use!"
Harry laughed. "This girl is literally giving you the instructions, Peter. Take them."
"Hmm." Peter looked up with a smile and snapped his fingers. "I got it."
You tossed popcorn into your mouth and snuggled yourself further into the blanket. "Ash, how can you even say that? 'It' is a horror movie!"
"Yeah, technically," he retorted. "But there's literally not a single part of the movie that's scary. It's more of a drama than anything else."
"You realize the clown phobia rate skyrocketed when the movie came out right?"
Asher scoffed. "Uh, your point? It's not my fault some pussies couldn't sit through it. Still a drama. The story definitely played with your emotions more than your fears."
"Whateverrrr," you laughed. "I can't deal with you."
"Pennywise literally got up and did this," he said before breaking out into Pennywise's dance. He laughed as he kicked his legs out. "What kind of horror movie has this crap in it?" He stopped when he felt the full force of you throwing a pillow on his face. "Ugh!"
"Sit down and get under the covers, idiot," you hissed. "I wanna keep watching these HORROR films."
"Whateverrrr," he drawled out, mocking you. He sighed and plopped down next to you, grabbing a handful of popcorn after.
When school was getting suffocating, marathoning horror movies with Asher were a must. He had an endless repertoire and all the time in the world for his best friend.
Halfway through 'It: Chapter 2' though, the movie was the least of your focus and instead was TikTok.
What could you say? The app was addictive.
It was a big, entertaining, completely useless collage of everything every no-name had to offer, from stupid debates to cringey POV's to fun dance routines.
You tried to hook every friend you could on it. Asher, of course, already knew about it since it first came out and he, of course, had thousands of followers because most of what he posted was random thirsts traps whenever he was feeling hot, which was always. And thirsts traps are always in high demand for the people on TikTok.
You tried to hook MJ on it, but she'd already decided that she didn't like it before even giving it a chance. Even the messy, political side didn't reel her in.
Of course then there was Peter, who didn't know was TikTok even was before he met you. You made it your sole mission to get him hooked, but you'd since given up on that. It was a lost cause. The only time he probably ever saw TikTok nowadays was when he was doing dances with you before gym started. He let you put the app on his phone but he never used it. You wouldn't even put it past him to have deleted it, but it was whatever. TikTok had started his friendship with you, so needless to say, it'd done an amazing job in your life.
Plus your followers were always asking about him. All of the "omg couple goalssss" and "you guys look so cute together" served as massive confidence boosters. A girl can dream, right?
You shifted over a bit when you felt Ash getting closer and closer to you.
When he moved over again, you scooted away, only for him to get closer again. "Ash, what is your deal?"
"Easy there," he chuckled, backing up a little. "I'm looking at the phone, not you."
"You've been all up in my phone all day, what's up?"
"I can't tell you," he shrugged, a sly smirk stretching across his face. "But," he pointed to your tiny screen. "Some idiot is taking wayyyy too long to shoot his shot."
"Shoot his shot?" You gasped. "Who?"
"I'm not at liberty to say," he said with a smirk.
"Nooooo," you whined. "If someone has a crush on me you gotta spill! C'mon, please?"
He laughed and repeated himself. "I'm sorry, but I am not at liberty to say!"
"Bullshit! Who is it? C'mon! C'monnnnnn!"
He shrugged and this time you knew that he was dead set on not giving up the mystery guy.
"Ugh," you pouted. "Fine. Let's just finish the stupid movie."
"Kids next door, battle stations!!!!"
And now it was sometime after midnight. The popcorn was all gone. The movie was done and now you were watching old cartoons so that the horror movie wouldn't be the last thing on your mind before bed.
Looking over, you saw that Asher didn't need any cartoons like you did. He was already passed out, snoring as loud as ever.
Grumbling in boredom, you stared at the wall, trying to connect the tiny dots in the designs. It was like something was officially keeping you from being able to fall asleep.
At the sound of your phone receiving a text, you sat up curiously. Who was texting you at this hour?
You smiled when you saw that it was Peter.
Pete: hey y/n
You were about to send him a quick,"why are you up this late" text, but he kept typing.
Pete: pls dont judge me too hard for this
With that completely vague warning, you furrowed your eyebrows, concerned.
Y/n: whats up r u okay
He sent you a link next, which confused you, but not as much as when you actually pressed it.
It led you to TikTok, and the video was waiting to be pressed to start. Peter was standing in the middle of the screen with one of his typical corny sweatshirts on. The caption at the top read: "For [Y/N] Only". Smiling already, you quickly pressed play.
You slapped your hand over your mouth. "Oh my God."
"So he finally got the guts, huh?," Asher mumbled, having woken up from the loud music on your phone but was still half-asleep.
"Oh I'm sorry, did I wake you?," you asked. You turned down your phone.
"Don't worry about me, you just got a boyfriend," he chuckled, moving to lay down so he could get to sleep again. "Text him back for god's sake."
Y/n: its been almost a whole year and youre still so cute when you make those
Pete: haha thanks
Pete: uh
Pete: i really like you y/n
Pete: do u think you'd wanna go out with me or get dinner sometime?
"He asked me out," you gasped. "Ash, he asked me out!"
Asher rolled over and groaned. "I thought that was already established? Jesus, you two couldn't possibly be moving any slower."
You rolled your eyes. "Fuck you."
"Nah, you're with Peter now," he laughed. "You're gonna have to fuck him instead!" That comment earned him another pillow to the face.
You looked back at the messages and sent a tiny cute one. You smirked at the new idea of what was about to happen and turned it off before going to sleep.
Y/n: kiss me at school tomorrow and find out
Didn't do a third edit cuz I got lazy but I'm pretty happy with the turnout anyway. Thanks for reading!
Tagging: @allegra-writes, @allegra-soleil, @yumings, @hey-its-grey, @spideyyeet, @sunkissedspidey, @tommyunderoos, @chaoticpete, @snarky--starky, @sovereignparker, @thesherlockianavenger, @bubblebucky, @kelieah, @eridanuswave, @ithoughtthiswastwitterbutfr, @kidney9-9, @gwenvrse
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jiangwanyin · 3 years
hey I saw you speaking of bullet journals. what do you put in it? I've been curious about it but everytime I've tried to do one I've gotten bored
hiiii :) oh uhm i'm actually sort of new to journaling more regularly because i also get bored easily and am generally not good at committing to things, but lately i've really missed being creative in general so i'm trying a new approach where i just do whatever i like, i don't do stuff like ‘my year at a glance’ and tasks and daily schedules etc etc etc because i don't care about that nor am i organized enough for it? the way i see it the world, but especially the journal is your oyster and who cares if yours doesn't look quite like other people's journals do???? if you get bored of pages on end of your goals for the day and making it look neat and instagrammable and keeping an index and so on just try and find the things you actually do want to record for yourself and enjoy writing about and stick to that!
anyways!!!!!! in my case that mostly consists of:
short journal entries not even necessarily about what i actually did that day (especially when i haven't been up to much) but just things i've been thinking about?
journal entries actually about what i did that day with stuff like photos, little drawings, bus tickets, receipts, something funny a friend texted me and five songs i've been listening to (or literally anything else i think of)
on that note also whole separate pages for playlists!!!! very important!!
collage pages for books i read and movies i watched that moved me with some quotes n printed out pictures etc etc like these
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individual pages for stuff like recipes or a longer poem i like
monthly mood trackers, i actually just saw these on pinterest yesterday and they're SO cute i can't believe i never thought of this
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aimless lists and rankings of things like types of tea and favourite characters from a book simply because i like making them!
a page for the things i enjoyed that month with things like the cinema ticket for a movie i liked or the wrapper of a new type of tea or candy i bought, a mini playlist, magazine cutouts, a favourite quote, something from the tv show i was watching etc
sometimes i just choose a quote or a song or random topic + do a page on it occasionally with some creative writing involved but mostly just even more magazine cutouts tbh
reading lists, bucket lists, watchlists with movies friends recommended me
genuinely anything i think of? some days that's bad poetry or just whatever language learning stuff that's on my mind or tarot notes or a whole page with just some photos of a musician i like but ✨aesthetically✨ arranged just for the fun of it or a quote i like surrounded by copious amounts of flower doodles and stickers etcetera!!
um this is a tad long and i'm not sure if it's remotely helpful and like i said i don't really have experience either nor can i promise i'll actually stick to it in the long run, so i guess we'll see in a few month's time if this advice was any good— buut good luck anon i hope you find a way to put your bullet journal to a good use and enjoy it 💖
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nc7dr3am · 4 years
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HI this is a long post. the idea for this was inspired by my favorite @delicatejisung who also has an nct dream oc that you MUST follow. also i know the edit sucks. also also i write very light nsfw stuff in this. like mentions but no smut cuz i don’t do that. HOWEVER there are no nsfw mentions w jisung. ik teens do whatever and lily is only a year older than him but 1.) i will not do that because he is still a minor and 2.) they just aren’t like that together. they don’t need it
THIS IS ALL HYPOTHETICAL NONE OF IT IS OFFICIALLY CANON. lmk which ones sound cute cuz even tho it’s not gonna happen .. lilno and chenlil might have stolen my heart
you can bet they’d be so completely in love with each other
very sweet, very romantic
“baby” “babe”
in front of the camera they’re normal, the same amount of affection as usual, oftentimes less
lily, when mark is talking or being unintentionally attractive: *bites bottom lip, looks up a little, seems like she’s trying not to smile*
he does his rap in mfal to her randomly and it’s cringey and funny but he does it to make her smile because he knows it’s her fav title track
when she sings he smiles so wide because in his opinion. there is no sound more beautiful than her voice
they talk to each other so well. like. they can sit for HOURS just talking and it never gets old to them
writes genuine love letters to her but will cringe and hate himself if he gives them to her until she gets teary and smiles
her basically giving him book reports about the books she reads and he literally falls more in love with her when she’s screaming about the novels because she is so PASSIONATE
her falling asleep in the practice rooms or studio late at night because she INSISTS on staying with him
and when he kisses her he likes to tilt her chin up with his hand of holds both sides of her face
hyuck taking credit for the whole relationship
she has a collage of polaroids of them, of him (including some of the ones from qtah) that are separate from her other photos of friends (she has a lot)
mark has a few polaroids of her that he keeps by his bed and he always smiles when he sees them
she never calls him oppa (even a bit before they start dating tbh)
when she has to do sexy performances or just acts sexy you will 100% find mark at his most awkward
they will have fun doing ANYTHING they’ll be happy through anything if they’re together
they could go through five watermelons in a day
konglish all the time. and getting excited/thinking something is funny and jumping and screaming
“can i have your netflix password, lils?” “mark you’re literally richer than me and still use all of my accounts”
her getting embarrassed by him and giggling
she will continue her campaign to get mark to play spiderman
lazy days making music, him watching her cook, binge watching american reality shows she likes, and literally just days where theyfe in bed and make out and talk and make out
shopping trips all the time
they love to do activities together. like, they’ll go places and try new things
she’s desperate to visit his home and his family
and they have their ideal life planned. like. if they weren’t idols they’d get an apartment together. they wanna have some pets together. they have trips they’d like to go on together
they grew up together, they’ve loved each other for years, they’ve been pillars of support
but as much as they’ve loved each other they grew to be IN love with each other
but teased by every unit especially 127. wbk.
they’re more.. private than the others. they’re alone together a lot and don’t overdo it in front of the others
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
ummm so like. vanilla for the most part even tho lily is a bit more ✨wild✨
oh um. ass grabs. when they’re alone but. constantly
when they get comfy with each other (read: when mark finds confidence and is comfy) he will always have his hands on her ass
even just resting there
mirror selfies with his hand on her ass
if he can’t touch her ass, it’s always a hand on her thigh
very affection when alone together, moderate when they’re with others
he likes to lay on her stomach and she loves when he lays on her shirtless
so many days where they just lay in bed together, tangled in lily’s blankets, music playing in the background, lazy makeout sessions... need i go on? CUTE SHIT
mark isn’t great at expressing his emotions publicly, and they hold so much of their relationship just between them. they both always know how much they love each other
so they’re SOFT
song covers together
she tries to learn mandarin but. she ends up getting frustrated that she can’t get it and renjun kisses it better
he tells her the wrong words in mandarin a lot and it has fucked her over a lot, especially in lives
“oppa, how do you say ‘i bought that shirt for renjun?’”
*in mandarin* “i am in love with renjun”
they’d be a bit more obvious about their feelings, a bit more touchy
when they confess, they’re together right away, no questions asked. they literally need each other
sleepovers every night and they’re generally really cozy
lily reading, renjun drawing, a movie playing on her laptop that they aren’t paying too much attention to
renjun has specific articles of clothing he puts aside in his closet because he KNOWS she’s gonna take those specific ones
he is very into giving her flowers and little gifts
shes asked him to give her mf art lessons LMAO
ended with them covering each other in paint and making a MESS
they’re silly together, they’re the couple who knows how to cook but starts playing with the ingredients and makes a mess
they leave sticky notes for each other everywhere
lily jumping into his arms
constant pecks on the lips. the dreamies are sick of it. so sick of it.
deep talks late at night
lily being funny and having a box of his stuff in her room even though they live in the same place
nomin threatening renjun
but then lily fourth wheeling with them all
somehow they become even more of a savage duo
when they make eye contact while performing they’ll make faces at each other
he turns the koala joke into her pet name
so he calls her koala and she calls him a pain in her ass
SOFT KISSES he always cups one side of her face
he braids her hair a lot or does cute little styles
lots of cafe dates
will KILL any of the others if they wake her up when she’s sleeping
the type of romance that’s sappy but also they can most definitely roast each other
she likes to wrestle him LMAOO
the way they’re basically chenji’s babysitters is SO FUNNY it started to happen a lot right after they got together
they want to adopt a puppy and name him moomin
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
okay so it’s kinda.. more hesitant and sometimes she takes the lead more than he does
their make out sessions are more heated but don’t always lead to something
like the way it’s going youd THINK it’d be something, but then they just decide to watch a movie and go to bed
he really likes her neck and collarbones but can’t do much to her neck because yknow they’re idols
there’s almost no insecurity in their relationship
it’s very relaxed and loving, and everyone around them can see and feel the love
a bit unexpected
a ✨whirlwind romance✨
lilno? more like lilmino because jaemin is always there
a part of her was genuinely sad that she broke up nomin and everyone looks at her like she’s crazy
torn between her love for him and letting him go if jaemin confessed
they can be a bit more obvious in front of fans than the others, because for some reason there isn’t much suspicion there
in front of czennies he lowkey flexes and picks her up over his shoulder a lot, has his arm around her a lot, and they wink at each other from across the set
he holds her waist a lot, and he’s super protective
but also the !! softness !!
have literally been walked in on several times of them just peppering each other with kisses and laughing and its literally lowkey a movie romance
working out together
practicing dances together
the type of guy to literally ignore everything she’s saying because her beauty distracted him
she hits him on the arm for that
passionate kisses
there have been too many times where the others walk in the kitchen and lily is sitting on the kitchen counter with her arms around jeno’s neck as they’re just making out
they’re the couple that’s yelled at by the dreamies the most because sometimes they need to chill out
and like they love each other deeply and fully, it’s not high school in that regard
but they giggle too much and are kinda all over each other sometimes
they use pet names just a BIT too much
the older guys are a bit more protective of her with him than they would be with any of her other options
cuz while they’re softies
they escalate their relationship super quick
and it’s RIGHT for them
but the hyungs are protective
jeno surprisingly isn’t that jealous because if he could actually get lily
he knows neither of them are going anywhere
him constantly telling her how beautiful she is
her encouraging him and telling him he’s so talented and more than he thinks he is
when they ride the tandem bikes (i think that’s what they’re called? the bikes with two people?) it’s just jeno pedaling
OH and when they make eye contact during stages it only enhances their stage presence because they both wanna look sexy for their boo
jeno is rooting for lily solo because he knows she deserves it
super sweet and wholesome and they make each other smile so WIDE
she pops his zits for him LMAO
cuddles for DAYS and jeno’s fav thing is when she falls asleep in his arms
touches his muscles all the time
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
they make out so much OMG
a bit wilder than she would be with others
she loves to run her hand down his abs
when she does that or touches his biceps it lowkey turns him on
jeno is a bit more reserved than the others at times, but with lily he feels utterly HIMSELF
he doesn’t feel like the jeno who is just a hot rapper. he feels more than that with her
they bring the light out in each other
another unexpected pair but a lot more expected than jeno/lily would be
they’re both literal sunshine and they would be such a beautiful couple
lily aka the only human alive to fluster hyuck
and even THAT doesn’t happen very often
hyuck’s lap = lily’s seat
SO touchy and affectionate but not in the way lily/jeno would be
it’s like constant hand holding, hugging, sitting on each other, leaning on each other, stars in there mf EYES
while they still tease each other and mess around
i have a very specific image in mind of them waking up together, hyuck leaning over her, the biggest smiles on their faces, and then kissing each other
and lily’s just like “hi” with the cutest smile, and then he says it back with the same smile
it might surprise you but hyuck POSSESSIVE
will gatekeep her and not let anyone hug her
always calls her his girlfriend in front of the members
he stands behind her with an arm around the middle of her torso a lot and she’s just absentmindedly playing with his fingers
only a tiny, lil bit obvious in front of czennies because they’re both so affectionate?? and before they dated lily would call him the love of her life?? and keep her face close to his?? this is NORMAL for them
but one of the biggest clues is hyuck being physically unable to not stare at her lips sometimes
they read each other’s tarot nearly every day HAHAH
very romantic as well
she sings him “you are my sunshine” all the time, just stroking his face and staring at him with all of the love in the world
like i said, they still tease the fuck outta each other and roast each other and are at each other’s throats but then they can flip INSTANTLY
he kisses her knuckles and traces her face
he games and she’s falling asleep on his lap
127 squad doesn’t like when they’re being forward because haechannie is the maknae
she loves life cuz more hyuck = more taeil
he will move mountains to make her laugh or see her smile
he’s begging sm for a sexy dance break with the two of them
she’s obsessed with how gorgeous his skin is
the type of boyfriend that notices the tiny little things
he’ll do things/get things for her just because he thought of her or remembered something she said
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
another one that’s a bit wilder
theyre not shy LMAO
steamy intense makeouts like
how is he so good? lily is very satisfied
overall they’re such a fun beautiful HAPPY couple
theyre both so loving and wonderful and there is not one single doubt in anyone’s mind that they love each other fully
literally impossible in any universe
lily and chenle have always been two sides of the same coin and he had been waiting for so long
the most beautiful happy smiles at each other ALWAYS because how did they get so lucky?
they were each other’s first proper kiss (canonically, as well)
it’s perfect because they’re best friends and always have been
nothing much changes except the affection and little things because they’re both still best friends
jisung being on all of their dates
he always buys her expensive shit and she hates it so much
she puts on lipstick JUST to kiss his cheek
jisung has walked in on them vibing, on them making out, and yeah he’s sick of it and so happy he only saw them kissing
always sleeping in the same room (usually at his place 👀) but theyre a huge mess when they sleep at night and someone ends up hitting the other because chenle moves too much for her liking
they’re still competitive and of course they still have their alliance
because dating or not, they would fight to the death on that rooftop
chenle literally will kiss every inch of her face because he likes hearing her giggles and he can’t believe he finally got his lily
CUDDLING ALL THE TIME and they’ve fallen asleep on the couch in the dorms and when they’re sleeping HARD the others like to see how many things they can balance on their heads
but then say summ like “her face is weird tho” after and unless they’re in front of fans he ends up kissing her after she hits him
when she has to be sexy on stage, he is HERE FOR IT even if the stage is with another person because!! YES his girlfriend is hot, he’s LUCKY
she loves going to his house!! mostly because his family but also
they get to have privacy and be a couple
they’ll hold hands on camera cuz they don’t give a single fuck
they’re definitely outed and have to go public
which just makes their competitive streak and constant roasts WORSE
she loves the sound of his laugh but will yell at him if it hurts her ears
threatens to get one of his predebut photos tattooed on her
a big part of them loving each other is annoying each other and being soft behind the scenes
always together
SLIGHT nsfw below. no smut but. and then some fluff near the end <3
the more intimate aspects of the relationship were really weird at first
but they’re very compatible so it was just fun to them
he WILL honk her boob. has done it in front of the others by accident and jaemin forbid her to see him for a few days
they kinda taught each other how to kiss way before they dated so it was funny when they did it as a couple
peak friends-to-lovers and even czennies can’t help but love then
god their shyness is kinda annoying
really confident in private- they talk a lot, they’re very good at just chilling
but lily has to be the one to hold his hand because he’ll get nervous even when he’s so comfy in the relationship
i mean not that the dreamies have time to be in a relationship, but jisung was so SCARED to kiss her and have his first kiss
she thought it was funny
clumsy duo and they tease tf outta each other for it
chenle always being around
they can’t tell who the members are more protective over in the relationship
hugs!!! she loves to backhug him and he thinks it’s cute cuz she’s so tiny
they watch harry potter too much
she has almost convinced him to ride a rollercoaster but ended up failing
he makes fun of her height a lot and then she’ll trip him or something
he’s kinda protective and gets insecure that he’s younger than her sometimes but she just kisses his cheek and tells him to stop worrying
tbh they’re the most innocent, wholesome couple
they wanna go out on dates and they do but catch another member tagging along to babysit them
she gets wine drunk next to him and he can’t drink so he just has this drunk woman on his hands and doesn’t know what to do but honestly she just wants him to cuddle her to sleep
his voice is her favorite sound and she wants him to sing more
whenever anyone says something weird about jisung they both hold up the handcuffs cuz
they’re super weird they can be so confident and then one of them gets flustered and will be a shy baby
trading lines in concerts
lily making cute faces at him, staring at him blankly, winking at him, acting cute to him in front of fans
they share one braincell together and probably accidentally outed themselves by using pet names and like. holding hands on live
and then the OH SHIT face happens
they’ve given the older members heart attacks because he’ll give her a piggyback ride, they’ll hug really tight, or WORSE... they’ll give each other a lil kiss
they’re more innocent by nature but they love kissing and he loves holding her face because her skin is pretty and soft
he wears her perfume on his wrist so he can smell her and smile
the type of boyfriend who is CLUELESS about girl stuff
he wants her to try a different hair color. like a weird one
she refuses
taeyong actually loves them together so much
them dating and being IN LOVE and jisung still gives her cash for her birthday
the “i love you’s” are so. cute. and full. of. LOVE
she is merciless when theyre playing something against each other. she’ll TRY to get him out
usually lily is clingier but when she’s standing and jisung is sitting with his arms around her waist and his head squished to her side it’s so cute
he gets randomly really clingy at times and won’t let go of her
emotional bub will get teary because he loves her so much
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gay-salt-amber · 3 years
Can we get a full story on Georgi and Jeans relationship? I think its really cute from the information you gave us and I wanna know more! - :D anon
Yes I sure can! Hope you like it :D
Love On The Ice
The ice rink. A figure skaters home away from home. Some go to the ice for training, some go there for fun, some go there to cry, some go there to rage, and some go there for love. This is no different for a 25 year old French skater named Jean Douce.
Jean pov-
Walking to the rink was something I always enjoy. Sure, my bag was kinda heavy at times and the walk may be long but it gave my legs some practice moving before I step foot onto the ice tonight. Todays competition was being held at my home rink in France, which is quite nerve racking, but I can't let that show. My coach said that this may be my chance to make it to a grand prix final, but I'm not so sure. We'll see when I get there I guess. As long as I try my best, then we'll be just fine.
When I finally made it to the rink, I looked up the sign 'Lilac Ice Rink' gave me a sign of comfort. I felt at home, I felt comfortable, I felt relaxed again. I opened the door gently before walking in, waving to the blonde behind the front desk, Ms. Joy, the woman who owned the place and someone I've known since I was little.
"Good luck out there!" She said with a smile
I gave a simple nod and went to the locker room to change, I didn't here anything before I entered, making me think not many people were there, 'Weird, I guess I am kind of early though.' I opened the door and sat my stuff down on the bench I looked over to see a face I hadn't seen before. The person had a pointy hair style, all of his hair was pointed infront of him, strange hair style but not bad. He was wearing a jacket over what I assumed was the outfit he was skating in tonight. I tried to read his jacket but the back of the chair covered it and I couldn't recognize the logo, curious, I walked up to say hi to him.
"Hi!" I greeted,
He put down what I recognized was blush and looked at me, "Hello, who are you?" I grabbed a chair, pulling it over and sitting down next to him, "I'm Jean."
"Are you skating tonight?" The black haired man asked
"Yes, I'm on the French team! What about you?"
"I'm on the Russian team."
"Ooo! Cool! What's your name?"
I got up and held out my hand, "Well Georgi, I hope we get along."
He scoffed and shook my hand, "Good luck."
I smiled and walked back over to my bag and got out my outfit for the night, when I was putting it on, everything was fine until I remembered that it tied in the back. Unlike some people I know, I can't reach that far back. I turned my head and saw that Georgi was still here, I'll just ask him for help.
"Hey! Georgi!"
He turned around, "Hm?"
"Can you," I pointed to the ties, "Tie this for me?"
He rose to his feet and walked over, "Sure, but don't blame me if it looks awful."
I laughed, "Heh, I think it'll look fine, I mean, if you can make your face look so pretty, you can probably tie a knot pretty well too."
Georgi paused for a moment before going back to tying the knot, "Don't say stuff like that."
"Awh cmon! Its just a compliment!"
The cloth on my back tightened and the feeling of hands on his back left, "There its tied."
He grabbed his bag, waved and exited the locker room, the door slamming behind him.
'I think we'll get along well.'
A while later, Georgi pov-
I stood, leaning on the wall of the rink, deep in thought. Who was that Jean boy? All I know is that hes a skater from France. I want to know more about him, hes quite a nice boy and I think we'd get along well. I glanced over to where he was getting some last minute practice. His olive eyes sparkled as bright as a star, his skating wasn't the best I have ever seen by far but the passion he had was as obvious as the blue sky.
The only thing I could keep my eyes on was the cute brown haired boy, I spaced out from all of reality and I wouldn't have it any other way...
"Oi! Georgi! I'm talking to you!"
I turned to the voice to see coach Yakov behind me, "Oh sorry."
I cleared my throat before speaking, "Do you know anything about Jean? The boy over there?" I said, pointing to him.
"Ah, that's Jean Douce, hes a French skater."
"Well I know that much, anything else?"
"Well hes quite the amateur, I heard from his coach that hes only been to the second part of a figure skating contest once."
"Ah, I wonder why.."
"I heard he is married and has a kid so that's probably why, its hard to balance a family life and skating, anyone can tell you that."
Those words felt like a jab to the heart, "Oh.."
"Your going on last by the way, I wouldn't have it that way normally but, cant argue with the organizers."
I nodded and walked over to the bench to sit, grabbing my water-bottle from my side and taking a sip. While I was drinking I stole a glimpse at Jean who was now panting, head hanging down as he sat about 2 benches away from me. Why the world doesn't he have water? I sighed, 'Do I have to do everything for this boy now?' Wait that doesn't sound too bad.. I glanced at my water bottle which was still practically full and headed over to him.
I sat down by him, which caused him to instantly look over, "O-oh hi."
With a nod, I held my water-bottle out infront of him, "Here, I saw you didn't have one but your panting like a fucking dog so I figured you'd want some."
He grabbed it, his hand brushing against mine causing my heart rate to go up higher then what I am fairly certain is healthy. He smiled brightly, it was adorable and when I saw that on his face, I knew this was what they call love at first sight.
"So, I heard your married?" "Yes. I have a wife named Salem."
I was curious, I want to know more about her, "What's she like?"
"Heh, not great lately.."
"Mind telling me why?"
"She just doesn't approve of the fact that I do figure skating full time she thinks it wont make good money which is-"
"Bullshit" "Bullshit" We said in unison, we both let out a chuckle and Jean continued,
"Because of that I cant get as much practice in because I cant get the time away from her nagging to get out to the rink."
I looked at him, thinking, "I think I have an idea."
"What is it?"
"I'll help you with your routine."
His eyes widened at my words, "Don't you need to practice too?"
"I memorize my routines quite well, I think i'll be fine with coaching you."
"I have a coach already y'know?"
I scoffed, "Yeah and from what I saw she has no fucking idea what she's doing."
"I mean.. You're not wrong."
I stood and held out my hand, "So get up and lets head to the ice."
Jean grinned, putting my water-bottle down and grabbing my hand, "Alright!"
After the competition Jean pov-
Well.. I didn't make the cut, I guess I was right, heh. My score was 221, I was about 4 points behind the 3rd place winner who was a boy from America named Leo de la Iglesia. While I was getting changed in the locker room, Georgi was sitting down removing his makeup
"You're not very chatty.." He stated
"Heh, I guess I'm just upset about losing.. Good job on getting 2nd though!"
"For what its worth, I think you should have gotten third, Leo failed that one double axal so he shouldn't have had 225 points, you should have scored higher too, you landed everything."
I let out a dry chuckle, "Still my jumps weren't nearly as good."
"Thanks, Georgi."
I stuffed my stuff into my bag and was about to leave when I felt a tap on my shoulder, "Hm? Did you need something?"
"Can I have your number?"
He handed me his phone, I typed in my number and put in a contact name. "See you later, fée endormie" (Sleeping fairy)
Georgi's face looked as red as a cherry, his words were stammered too, "Y-yeah you too.."
I waved, closing the door to the locker room behind me. The walk back to the hotel was long, I wanted to be outside longer so I could think. Think about the cute Russian boy I met just a few minutes prior. Then I started to ask myself, 'This is so.. Wrong, what's wrong with me.. I am a married man, I shouldn't think things like this.' I sighed, letting those thoughts die. Those thoughts were replaced with more happy ones about Georgi and how the day went, 'Yeah.. we can think about the future later, day-dreaming never hurt anyone, right?'
About a month later-
I was relaxed on my bed. my wife was out at work and finishing up some school work. I am still going through collage since I had dropped out for a few years to help raise Akaashi. But now hes 17 and a third year at Fukurōdani Academy, a school here in Japan which my wife is the superintendent of. The work was nothing bad, I was about to type my last sentence before heading to the ice rink for practice when my phone buzzed with a message from Georgi
Georgi: Hey, this may be sudden, but can you open your door?
Jean: Uhhh why?
Georgi: Cuz I'm outside and its cold!
Jean: Ok! I'm on my way!
I ran faster then I ever had down the stairs, I thought I was going to fall and land on my face but luckily I didn't. I unlocked the door and opened it, revealing Georgi in a black jacket with matching pants. His hair was down, I have seen him with his hair down a lot but it was so cute that I couldn't help but blush at the sight.
"So what are you doing here?"
"I was in Japan and wanted to see you, simple as that."
A smile grew onto my face and we walked to my room where we sat on my bed, he read a book while I finished that last sentence of my paper, once I was done I turned to him and asked,
"Hey can you look over my essay for me?"
"Sure, give me the laptop."
I nodded and passed my laptop to him. It was a short paper but he seemed to take his time, I watched him add punctuation and such. He glanced at the citations at the bottom,
"Hey I think you forgot a citation." He said,
"Oh? I did? For what?"
"The County Tribune one, you used it in paragraph 4 right?"
"Oooh! I had an issue with that one! I tried to get the information but when I clicked the link I used, the domain was down, I just put down the article title and access date since my professor said that was fine."
"Oh, gotcha. But other then that I would say just fix some words, you used 'according to' with your textual evidence a lot so I would say change that."
"Alright, thanks! You sure know your stuff!"
"Yeah, I did really well in Language arts and Writing classes back when I was in school."
"Cool! I guess I'll have to ask for your help more~" I cooed
"Pfft, have fun with that." He snickered as he went back to his book
I kept looking for more words but I kept catching myself getting distracted, "Hey, what do you-"
Before I could say anything else I felt something on my neck, I moved my eyes down to the feeling and saw Georgi, biting my neck.
He pulled back instantly and scooted about a foot back, "Oh my god! I am so, so, so sorry!"
I smirked, "Do it again, Georgi."
"Isn't your wife going to be home soon?"
"She texted me earlier, she's going to a meeting in Paris, she'll be away for the next few days."
"And what about Ak-"
"Are you going to keep asking questions or are you going to do it again?"
The Russian boy let out a 'heh' and scooted forward, continuing what he was doing before. I smirked and didn't react, finishing up the paper. It was only about 2 minutes later when I heard a sad 'humph'
The mouth released my neck for a moment, "Hey.. Pay attention to me."
I let out a chuckle, turned off my laptop and put it on a side table. I turned around to face Georgi and put my arms around his waist, "There, I'm all yours now."
He placed a kiss on my lips, "Good."
Georgi's lips locked back on mine hungrily. This was the thing I wanted for months, no, this is the type of thing I've wanted my whole life and I never knew it before. God, please let this last forever.
He crawled closer to close the distance and put his knee between my legs, the feeling of having something to rub felt amazing and it caused me to whimper. The moment those whimpers became loud enough for Georgi to hear, I was pinned down with my hands above my head. He dipped his head down to whisper into my ear, "May I, my sweet baby prince?" Those words sent a shiver up my spine, "Yes, please.."
---Timeskip cuz its late and I am not awake enough to write smut--
"That was so good.." I said, panting while laying on Georgi's chest
The Russian skater let out a snort and ran his hands through my hair, "Was it now? Or do you just moan for more whenever you feel like it?"
"I love you." I whispered, kissing him on the cheek.
"I love you too baby."
I cuddled into his chest with a big grin, "Good." "Hey, question.."
"Hm?" I looked up at him, my chin still resting on his chest,
"How are we dealing with your wife? Y'know since you're my lover now."
"Meh, I'll think about that later. Now, let me sleep, you're really comfy."
"Heh sure."
"Also, leave your hair down more, its adorable."
"Sure, whatever you want dear."
"Okay, sleep soon, k?"
---Aaand its over! Thx for the ask!---
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leupagus · 4 years
My Stationery Box, or: The Douche Chest, or: How I Learned To Stop Worrying And Love Being A Terrible Parody Of Myself
So I really love to write letters, and have since i was a kid — when i cleaned out my grandparents’ house I found a few I’d written in grade school, and my parents’ files are chocablock full of the weird collage type things I sent to them in college. 
I’ve also been a huge insufferable fucking snob about stationery since way too young (yes I did have a fountain pen phase, no it did not go well) and have been collecting fancy paper and cute cards and assorted weird writing paraphernalia forever. Up until recently, things were just kind of haphazardly stuffed in various drawers and shelves and I could never actually find any said fancy shit when I wanted it; but a couple of months ago I discovered an adorable little chest of my late mom’s that had previously housed, I think, her knitting and has mostly just been collecting dust since. And voila: The Douche Chest was born:
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(Pictured with my elderly laptop and coffee with my coffee warmer, which I STRONGLY ENCOURAGE everyone to buy one day when we’re not under worldwide quarantine, seriously it will change your life.)
Keep Reading for some top tier stationerdery
First off, the stuff that helps me write! I still use my family address book, which was purchased sometime in the early 80s and has the name and address of everyone my parents ever cared enough about to want their name and address, which is actually not that many people. I keep it updated and have added a few people, but mostly rely on my phone’s address book. Mostly I like it because it’s got a lot of my mom’s handwriting.
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My planner, which has a whole correspondence section where I keep a record of who I write to regularly, when I write to them, and what kind of stationery they usually get (because there are different types and you don’t want to give a correspondence an inconsistent letter-reading experience! Yes I know, I can’t believe I’m like this either) indicated by the m, s, x, l, b notations. That will be relevant later. Also yes the planner is where I scribble down both story ideas and my gratitude journal. This is what I’m saying in re: yikes.
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At my own house, I have a whole huge box of letters I’ve gotten over the years, mostly organized by sender and date. Since I’m at my aunt’s house for quarantine, my correspondence is all being kept in my dad’s old... I dunno what to call it, basically it’s a trapper-keeper type thing that I literally never saw him go to work without. (A running theme of this tour is that a whole lot of this stuff is inherited from/given to me by my parents and grandparents.) Inside is also various labels that have come in handy when addressing packages etc, as well as our local neighborhood directory.
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Next up is my pen bag, which is — I mean, it has my pens. I prefer writing with a black .5 tip rollerball type pen, and by “prefer” I mean “I cannot abide writing letters with anything else and will go to Staples and buy a new box rather than use a ballpoint pen except obv not right now, which makes the bag real important for keeping track of all my special pens.” Also pictured: my grandpa’s ancient letter opener that I’m pretty sure he stabbed multiple people with, and my blue Le Pen which I use to annotate my letters when I’m reading them through before sending. I KNOW.
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This is my assorted letter-writing stuff storage box (no we’re not even at the cards yet this is TERRIBLE); please note that I sort of jerryrigged this box together myself, which will be another running theme of this tour. Glue, roller whiteout thingies, washi tape (which I don’t really use but people keep sending me?) post-its and my address stamp because no matter what I do, the fuckin’ Audubon Society refuses to send me a single donation request with cute stickers showing my address even though they’ve sent my deceased dad like three THIS YEAR. Anyway. Also please note the incredibly awesome initial stamp thing — I came up with the rough design in college and use it in place of my name a lot, but I went to leoniebunch and they transformed it into this super professional and lovely design that I want to use for the rest of my life. Not pictured: the fucking wax seal I also had made with that design, because yes, I’m like this.
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WE’RE STILL NOT DONE WITH THE PARAPHERNALIA: here’s the other misc. stuff that I use on the regular. Cup with sponge because we’re not really licking envelopes these days: tons of weird stickers that I’ve collected, YET MORE PENS, including rainbow ones because one of these days I’m going to write to one of my friends with alternating rainbow colors and they’ll have to murder me. Also pictured: the letter opener which I forgot to put back in the pen bag, as well as my dog’s nail clippers and brush because that’s a handy place to keep them. Also also pictured: my dog, who does not help in any way with letter writing.
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OKAY FINALLY ONTO THE STATIONERY, Jesus just writing this all out is making me both proud and ashamed.
I’m sure you noticed in the first pic how everything is meticulously, not to say monomaniacally, labeled. Some stuff might require a little bit of explanation; some stuff is pretty wysiwyg though. For example, BEAR CARDS, which:
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(These are sent exclusively to my nephews, who go absolutely apeshit over them every time. Come to think of it, I have a LOT of cards/letter stock/etc that is just for one person or one set of people, which maybe I should talk to my therapist about.)
PUN CARDS are likewise exactly what you think they are; they’re the most recent addition to my hoard, having found them at Powells when I went to Portland in February. They are extremely My Kind Of Thing.
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Then you’ve got things like BIRTHDAY CARDS, THANKS, POSTCARDS which like — guess what:
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(Please note that of these birthday cards, all but two were actually inherited from my grandmother who passed away in 1986. See if you can guess which two are my purchases.) (Also I’m running out of thank-you cards but to be fair I am rarely grateful so this should last me another few years at least.) (Also shit, I didn’t take a picture of the postcards I don’t think? Whatever, they’re postcards that I’ve either inherited from my parents or collected over the years. There’s also a very odd collection of wolf-themed cards that SOMEONE in my family collected, and that I have been using exclusively for allighater because she’s the only one who could ever appreciate them enough.)
Then there’s the BLANK CARDS and BLANK AND WRITTEN CARDS WITH/WITHOUT ENVELOPES, because sometimes I just need to know what I’m getting into before opening the boxes. I’d say a good 50% of these were inherited from my folks, with the cutsier ones being my own purchases. The cards that these boxes originally contained are looooooooong since used up but they’re nice boxes and that meme about adulthood being an endless debate over whether or not you should keep a box because it’s a really good box is accurate as all hell. 
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(There are a lot of cards in here that I bought when I was like, in college — those square ones, for example, were purchased at Faces in Northampton when I was in college and I’m probably never going to actually send them which is kind of ridiculous but see: this entire post.)
And finally, the actual letter-letter stationery! Which I also have an embarrassing amount of! First up is what’s labelled MADOC TREE CARD/LETTER because I honestly had no idea how else to describe it; it was inherited from my grandma who everyone called MaDoc (on account of her being both a ma and a doctor, go figure) and it’s really lovely. I doubt it’s the original intention, but I like to unfold the paper and use both sides of it, because I always have a lot to say. These are used only for family members on MaDoc’s side, and of those, only the ones I really like, which accounts for there still being a lot left.
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Then there’s the X-LARGE paper, which isn’t actually that large — it’s just normal computer-sized — but in context is the biggest stuff I’ve got. All of this paper is from my mom, who loved using cute themed paper, and I use this stuff mostly for the friends of hers I keep in touch with (which is actually kind of a lot).
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Then there’s the letterhead I use for — okay, so like, we know by now that I’m deeply weird, but this is probably just DEEPLY WEIRD, but whatever, you came this far. So I found a metric shitton of 6 3/4 envelopes in amongst my parents’ office supplies — I have literally zero idea why they had about 5 100-count boxes of these envelopes but I’m one of those people who can never, ever throw shit out, so! I gathered together all the letterhead that they’d also collected over the years from the various universities and hospitals they worked at, cut said letterhead down so that it a) didn’t have University of Tacoma or whatever still on it and b) perfectly fit a 6 3/4 envelope if folded three times. The resulting shape is a little... odd, I’ll admit, but it pleases me greatly and that’s the important thing. In fact this has been my go-to correspondence choice for a couple of months now.
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(Also pictured: the cover for this hinky-ass box I made out of a Beekman 1802 box from when we went to their store for their Rose Apothecary popup shop. Zero regrets. Not pictured: the really cute pad of paper I also use for these envelopes that’s a more normal size and shape because where’s the fun in showing you normal stuff?)
And finally, my pride and joy, my Crane Stationery, some of which I have had since I was in high school and my mom bought me a box of it for my birthday (I told you, running theme). It comes in small, medium, and big; yes, I absolutely have rules as to who gets what size of these, too. The medium box kind of fell apart a few years ago so I cobbled a new one together; Crane stationery is notable for not being as exciting as that cover might imply. I’m also kind of pleased that I still have the airmail stationery that I got in college that apparently isn’t sold anymore, which I find baffling because what the fuck is the point of international correspondence if you don’t have to use special stationery? Anyway:
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(In re: the lined sheets — I actually have them for every size, because I loathe lined paper but also loathe writing crooked, hence these guides that I put under each sheet as I write. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
So that’s the complete guided tour! If you aspire to have a collection as viscerally unnerving as mine, feel free to send any questions my way. You’re welcome/I’m sorry.
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mrfutureboy · 3 years
I would like to know when you started drawing and where your passion for fanart started 😊
Oh FUCK dude i did not see this i’m so fucking sorry this is so late 😭 damn you, tumblr, for not fucking notifying me!! Anyway buckle up this is gonna be much longer than you asked for <3
Honestly ive kinda been drawing all my life! I hope that doesnt sound dumb cuz obviously almost everyone drew pictures when they were kids, but i know that it’s been a consistent hobby for me since i was little. By the time i was in 3rd grade I was hoarding notebooks to draw in. Cuz that’s something fun about me: i had a real huge habit of drawing in things that werent sketchbooks. Through middle school and beyond I did buy/receive sketchbooks, but I started out with various kinds of notebooks. One I had from like 2nd grade was like a hardcover, stationary-type notebook that I drew cats in lol, and I have 2 velvet lisa frank notebooks from 3rd grade. In high school and college I had a really bad habit of drawing in the margins on my notes and on handouts the teacher/professor would give. Those classes where the prof just prints out all the notes beforehand and gives them to you to follow along? Oh man, I spent so many classes barely listening while I drew on them! I also used to draw on my physics homework and tests and sometimes I even got extra credit for them (thank you jeff :D). I actually have a folder of various drawings I’ve kept from that 8yr time period and a lot of them are on classwork 😂
Obviously, I’ve been doing a lot of digital art lately, which I’m sure is what u were more curious about rather than the shit about drawing on my homework. I got a surface pro as a graduation gift in 2016 bc prior to that i had a wacom tablet and a janky ass laptop, so the gift was kinda a 2-in-1: i can do schoolwork AND art easily! i like digital art a lot and honestly im still learning new things abt it every time i draw. I use Leonardo currently (i’ll skip that story) but I started out doing digital art on sketchfu WITHOUT the wacom tablet in maaaaybe 2012??? 2011??? does anyone on this site remember sketchfu? Honestly couldnt even tell u how i found that site hahah the internet was just full of wonders back in the day. RIP sketchfu. Once i got the tablet tho some time later i used sketchfu still (i think) but also gimp and krita i believe.
Oh i suppose I should mention that i took art all four years of highschool and also minored in it in college! So it’s something i did academically as well as for fun. I keep thinking about going to art school for realsies but idk. I’m already $$$ in debt from my first degree i dont feel like adding to that 😅😓
Ok now for the second part of your question: I’ve also pretty much always done fan art! Ive never really been one for OC’s, EXCEPT for the self-insert superhero double life “comics” i wrote about a poodle named Sassy when i was in third grade. And then the knock off “comics” i wrote at a later time which honestly it was weird that i did a knock off of my own thing rather than just adding them to the original or making it a spin off with at least one of the og characters. Cuz it wasnt a spin off!! But anyway there wasnt really much to any of these characters; i just needed vessels to get my weird ideas out.
So anyway yeah most of what ive ever drawn has been fan art or self portraits, because its just easier for me to take characters that already exist and bend them to my will (artistically). Well excluding art assignments in school i guess because i would usually have to draw something specific and therefore not something self indulgent. But yeah ive drawn for lots of fandoms like the earliest i remember is warrior cats. Then theres things like pokemon and warriors and random other books i read thru middle school (i used to read a LOT but now im practically illiterate); spn, sherlock, and marvel through high school; and then marvel and bttf thru the end of hs and beyond. Idk i also have always loved looking at other peoples fan art and so im like “shit i wanna do that too!”. Tho i will say marvel was my biggest fandom and the one i had the longest interest in, so that was probably where the passion REALLY came from cuz I was drawing marvel stuff for such a long time (tho not posting shdjsk u have to trust me), but ive been doing fan art forever :)
(Of course, a lot of the fan art i was making prior to recently was drawn in lined notebooks or on homework sheets or what have you, and I wasn’t posting really any of it, but i was still making it and a good chunk of it still exists. Oh i should also mention most of it was with pencils or ballpoint pens like i wasnt doing anything too fancy. There was some digital art in the highschool-college time frame but it also really wasnt…much. Honestly i barely posted any of it here but I know some of it’s on deviantart)
I cant pinpoint the exact time I started getting more “serious” about my art in general, but i know the first pandemic lockdown gave me more free time and i was less stressed about schoolwork so i just kinda had a good outlet. (Tho i will say that prior, I had been in a life drawing club for a short while, and i had also been working on a personal sketchbook project that had me pretty ~inspired~ to do art. Also i watched twin peaks around this time and it inspired a lot of Feelings and i was making funky collages and other art pieced that were sometimes related to that. Some of those are on deviantart)
Honestly I think the Big thing with my digital art was coincidentally getting back into BTTF the summer of the 35th anniversary bc the fandom here was THRIVING and i was like “oh shit wait i want to contribute!” But as i kept drawing i kept wanting to improve and that leads us to right now where im constantly trying new things (whether subtle or obvious) and challenging myself to do full body drawings with different poses, and doing screencap redraws and what have you for various reasons (backgrounds, proportions, pose, etc)
So yeah :) Basically I’ve been doing fan art forever (I didnt even get into all the mediums ive tried but that’s another conversation bc this is already so long and convoluted) and it’s kinda coincidental that ive suddenly really gotten back into it and have improved dramatically in such a short time. Thank you so much @rovermcfly for the ask and again im really sorry you had to wait so long for a response! Stupid tumblr
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purplesurveys · 4 years
survey by pinkchocolate
Hi there! This list is based on some things I've done recently. Let's say, within the last few days. Have you done any of these things in the last few days?
Worn make-up? I never wear makeup. I’ve never felt the need to.
Worn perfume? Sure. I went out last Sunday to bring Cooper to the vet and to take myself out to a coffee shop for a few hours, so I wanted to make sure I smelled decent.
Taken selfies? I think I may have, but I’m sure I deleted them almost immediately.
Shared some photos on social media? Yes, I posted a couple photos of Cooper because he was being super smiley the other day. I also shared a photo of my laptop, which was playing Friends, beside my Friends mug the other night.
Woken up to the sound of your phone vibrating? Technically. But this usually happens when I’m trying to fall asleep in the evening, i.e. someone sending a late-night message, and not in the morning.
Heard the rain outside your window? Yes. It’s literally happening right now haha it just started raining.
Added sugar to a mug of tea/coffee? No. I use 3-in-1 coffee packets, which are already pre-mixed and all I have to do is add hot water. I’m terrible with measurements and starting from scratch and I doubt I’ll ever get the hang of manually combining coffee + sugar + milk + creamer + whatever else goes into coffee haha.
Refilled your drinks bottle? I don’t use a tumbler. I’m at home nearly every day of the week so I always have access to our glasses.
Felt emotionally involved while reading a book? This has happened before for sure, but not in the last few days.
Chuckled/laughed while reading a book? Uhhh I guess. My employer recently lent me this book on PR that they thought would help me gain a richer appreciation of the industry and I guess I did lightly chuckle at a few humorous anecdotes in it.
Spilled a drink? I don’t think so.
Eaten something that was sprinkled with sugar? Nope. I’ve eaten sweets here and there but nothing sprinkled with sugar.
Googled the definition of a word? At least a few times a day.
Read a Wikipedia article? Yes, I love Wikipedia. The last entry I read was a list on notable last words.
Laughed at a video you watched online? So many times. The main reason I watch videos is to be entertained and to laugh, to be honest; so it’s nice that a lot of creators make great, funny content.
Craved a savoury snack of some description? I’ve been craving gourmet donuts for weeks now. Nothing sweet; I’m looking for those with creative, out-of-the-box flavors.
Cursed after dropping an item on the floor? Probably.
Been amused by your pet's behaviour? I am always amused at their behavior. Kimi’s approaching 13 years but he still makes me laugh every single day.
Recognized an actor in a TV show, from another show you'd seen? I’ve only been watching Friends, soooo nothing to compare it to.
Seen an actor on TV that you thought attractive? Courteney Cox, always.
Typed something in a word processor? I had to look this up lol, but I guess I have if Google Docs counts as one? I use it a lot for work.
Been asked a question that you found awkward or difficult to answer? Sure. My grandma called up when I was stuck in a particularly tough period of my shift and she was asking how it’s been. I didn’t want to worry her or overshare, so I paused for a bit and just said “it’s going great!”
Smelled a pleasant food aroma? Yeah, my dad cooks up some great stuff al the time.
Dipped your food in ketchup, mayonnaise or another sauce? Tartar sauce.
Forgotten a hot beverage, then found it had gone cold? I don’t make hot beverages, so.
survey by kellyburnsred
What music video do you wish you were in? I don’t watch music videos a lot, mostly because they’re usually not at all related to the song it corresponds to and I never saw the point. Buttt idk, the one I had some of the most fun watching was One Direction’s Best Song Ever because it was hilarious. It’d be cool to fuck around with the characters there.
Who makes you laugh the most? I’d say it’s either Andi or Hans. JM and Kate are good runners-up.
You only can eat three things the rest of your life, what do choose? That would make me sick of those foods so fast...but if it were a legit life-and-death situation, I would go with surf and turf (so that I at least have a bit of variety), rice (because I can’t live without rice), and macarons (for something sweet).
What's one thing you wish you had in your life right now? Macarons. I recently liked a slew of local macaron shops on Facebook and even though I know it’s my fault, I hateeee that my feed is filled with macarons now haha.
If you had to give up your style, what other style would you choose? I’m not really sure. I can think of more styles I’m not willing to adopt, than those that can be my back-up.
What's your favorite ice cream topping? Hot fudge.
What is the bare minimum of sleep you could function on? I guess 3 or 4, but that’s the barest of the bare minimum. I would still be cranky if I was only able to sleep for that few hours.
When you drive, do you generally speed? Yeah, if I can. You’re always stuck in traffic in Manila so if you have the chance to press harder on the gas, you typically wouldn’t want to miss out on it.
Are you an animal lover? Yes, except for pests and insects I don’t like, like cockroaches.
What's the dumbest thing you've done because someone dared you? I once ate a piece of siomai that already fell to the ground; when I ate it I felt a lot of tiny pebbles and other debris so I promptly spat it out in a nearby bin.
What is the most disgusting trait that you have? Idk...typical disgusting habits make me wince myself. The worst thing I can think of is that I tend to keep my nails super long just out of neglect; and I usually only clip them once dirt starts getting trapped under the nails, or once it starts to become hard to type.
What was the last thing you talked to your friends about? Angela had made this really cute, DIY foldable collage for Hans for his birthday yesterday and I just checked in on her earlier to ask if he loved it.
What part of your day do you look forward to the most? The moment my shift ends.
What are your favorite song lyrics? This week, it’s probably “It isn’t the same, but it is enough.” It’s oddly calming no matter how sad the actual context is.
Who are your closest friends? Angela and Andi.
What profession do you admire the most? All are worthy of admiration. I don’t really have a ~favorite~
Do you believe in karma? Not strictly in the spiritual sense; but it can be comforting to think that the people who have hurt me will have their ass handed back to them someday.
What do you think is the funniest show on TV? Ooh, I don’t watch a lot of TV anymore...I have a sitcom in mind but it ended 17 years ago and it’s still pretty polarizing to this day, lol.
Are you an organ donor? No.
Did you have imaginary friends when you were younger? Just one, but I didn’t get the point of it and I got bored very quickly.
Have you ever smoked weed? No but a friend knows a supplier should I ever want to start getting into it.
Who do you look up to for your style? Idk, whatever girls my age are wearing these days.
What's the most expensive thing you've ever bought? With my own money, probably the hotel accommodation I purchased for my dad’s birthday this weekend. I’m super stingy with my money and I can’t imagine spending 4 or 5 figures on something just for myself.
What's your favorite amusement park ride? Not too big on rides.
Who was the craziest teacher you've ever had? Ironically, it was my Christianity/religion teacher from 5th grade. We bumped into each other a few weeks after I graduated high school and his first remark towards me was about my breasts. He did a lot of stupid shit too when I was in 5th grade but I don’t feel like getting into them because he was just one big headache of a man.
Where would you like to travel that you have not been? Thailand, if within Asia; Spain if outside.
If you could be any musician for a day, who would you be and why? No thanks.
Do you have any tattoos? No.
What are your favorite scary movies? Some favorites are Carrie, The Shining, and Scream.
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