#been replaying and gosh i really love this story
daydreamxsimmer · 2 years
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"So how about this? You let me go. Nothing explodes. And I'll send your regards to Angel when I catch up with her."
Isabella Reyes - Kapoor (she/her) - a straight A student turned master thief and now secret agent. She wears many faces, does she even know who she really is anymore?
[my mc from @scribble-games 's 180 Files: The Aegis Project ]
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strobichie · 1 year
just sae.
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♡⸝⸝ summary: poor you decided to replay ddlc, but something seems wrong... why is monika sae?
little note: bachira is sayori, rin is natsuki, and isagi is yuri!!
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your perspective:
i had recently gotten a new computer, there are so many things i still need to work with and customise to my liking.
so, to cure my boredom, i'm installing ddlc again and replaying it!
my favourite character is natsuki, i absolutely loved how adorable and relatable she just is. she reminded me of one of the kids i babysat.
after installing the win files i extracted them all and started the game up, as usual, i see the 4 dokis on the main screen on startup.
i entered my name of choice and started the game ---
wait, bachira??? FROM BLUE LOCK??
why was he sayori? not gonna lie, his sprites are really cute, but how..??
i re-checked the website i downloaded the game from but it displayed the 4 dokis there and there was nothing wrong..
huh, why am i being scared?
i should be grateful, honestly.
i've been blessed by the gods above!! for once i'm fucking lucky!
no way was i gonna pass up the opportunity to interact with my favourite anime characters especially since they somehow ended up in my favourite childhood game..!
i wonder who natsuki, yuri, and monika would be, though?
this is interesting! as i progress even more reading the dialogues and clicking on the chat box, after a few minutes of suffering i finally got to the literature club with bachira!
"seriously, a girl? way to be a killjoy." rin... RIN?!?!?!?!?!
wait.. could that mean ---
i hope monika is kaiser or even better, anri..!!
gosh this got me feelin' so giddy and chipper in the early fucking morning..
i skipped a few of the dialogues, and abruptly stopped when a certain person came into view.
...sae? really?
what an eyesore. i hate sae, of all people, why sae?
sure he was similar to monika, but only in appearance. kaiser or anri could have been able to fulfill this role.
i sighed in annoyance, at least i have rin and the others...
i continuously skipped many dialogues and had finally gotten to the part where sayori, or in this situation bachira, hangs himself..
right, this was a horror game after all. did i really forget about the main plot?
i stared at the screen with an obvious frown. rin and isagi are next..
and the person behind all this was saeshit. ugh, seriously... well, good thing i can just delete his files at any given time.
progressing through the story even further, i got a special poem and cringed at the 'drawing'. it was bachira hanging in a humorous manner.
this was unfortunate.
i clicked on the chat box endlessly, wanting to speedrun to the moments of all my favourite characters deaths..
seeing rin crack his neck and isagi stab himself looking like a crazed maniac broke my heart. good things don't last.. this will probably be the last time i'll ever be able to play this version of the game.
then, here sae was, fuck was he smiling for?
"let me take a quick one of rin's cupcakes, these such are really good for a brother so shitty and nasty." i scoffed and gritted my teeth in anger, sae was clearly the asshole in their brother-ship.
i was met face-to-face with sae, i pursed my lips and stared at my computer screen.
"it's nice to talk to you even if it's by a dialogue box." is this even real?
"i know that you're thinking: is this legitimate? to answer your question, yes it is. i became self aware after everything in that god damn manga and anime called blue lock, i felt sick and tired of not being able to show up in the manga after a long period of time. somehow, i found a way to break the barrier between the fictional animanga world and reality as you call it." that was a mouthful. he was pretty talkative now. my burning hatred for sae cooled down a bit as he spoke more ---
"i found this 'cutesy romance horror' game and it had all the things i needed in order to cross over to the real world. this version of the game only exists on your desktop, {user}. is {user} even your name? are you even a girl?" he shot me a confused expression.
"honestly, i don't care anymore. even i started falling in love with you. i thought i wasn't capable of love, just like the original character monika, i fell in love with you." this sent a shiver down my spine, i sweat-dropped and continued reading his dialogues.
"you read that right, i love you. even if i'm not real, i love you. i won't ever let you leave me. i'll kill you even if you think of it." he coldly stated and i opened my file explorer, ready to delete his character file --- huh.. why couldn't i delete it?
"i'm disappointed, why would you wanna try to delete me? i love you, you should be grateful i love you." but i hated sae, i hate him!
"i've been practicing for a while, i think i can finally break the laws of physics and rules of nature between our worlds." uhm, does he even know what the fuck's he saying?
"i'll see you soon, goodbye {name}. i love you." HOW DID HE GET MY NAME? DID HE HACK INTO MY COMPUTER BECAUSE WHAT THE FUCK..?!?!?!
i was scared shitless, jesus christ, just what did he mean by all that? i force shut down my computer and rolled to my bed covering myself in my blankets. time to go back to sleep after that eventful experience.
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short little fic, should i make a part two?
finally made a part 2!
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vzp1kl · 5 months
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𝐖𝐚𝐬 𝐈 𝐭𝐨𝐨 𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐞?
• you and Matthew were the closest, but when he was starting in movies, everything changed..
• Note: Please understand that English isn't my strongest language, and if I made any mistakes, I'm truly sorry.
• I had made this story months ago, and I had changed a lot of the parts of the story to make it longer.
• There are no warnings in this just a story with two parts. Enjoy! (I will make a part two!)
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You and Matthew were best friends since childhood. You guys had great memories, but as both of you grew older, both of you took different career paths. Matthew started in movies while you started your own business that was pretty successful through the years.
Years went by, and you guys started to fall apart. Even though you were friends, it didn't mean one of you had feelings for one in another. You never get to talk to him because he was a successful actor when you were a businesswoman. You couldn't help yourself but to amire from afar. Seeing him acting in moives made you proud of him. Losing contact with him was really hard. Losing that connection you had with him was broken glass everywhere it really hurt when you cut yourself in the glass and try to fix it.
Years went by, and by no call, no message, no voice mail, nothing. It was already around the 2000s. You found a sweet and gentle man. Things went well with him. Both of you hit it off and started to date, then in 2004, the year you and him got engaged and married. Things started well. You both had stable jobs. You and him never thought of having a family yet..?
After a year you got married, you got a random caller you didn't know who it was so you answered it then that's when you heard his voice it was Matthew calling you. "Hey, Y/n it been a while. How are you?". You wanted to cry hearing his voice after so many years. Memories started to replay in your mind with him. "Hey Matthew, yeah, it's been a while... I've been good. How about you? I have seen your movies me and my husband really love them." When Matthew heard you say 'husband', he knew it was already too late to say he loves you.
"Your husband?... you got married? Didn't you see the letters I have sent you?" When he mentioned letters you were confused you never got a letter from him your husband usually gets the mail when he comes from work but letters? He never told you about letters from Matthew. "Matthew, I don't know what you're talking about. I never gotten a single letter. Matthew, what letter? Please, I dont what letters!... I'm really sorry but I have to go... it was nice talking to you.." Before he could answer, you hung up.
Matthew pov:
'How can I be so stupid? Did I really lose her? Gosh, what was I thinking I should've called before I sent those letters.' Matthew couldn't stop thinking about you and the conversation he had with you. He was sitting there just disappointed in himself and how he missed every opportunity that he could just to be with you. All those memories he had with you came back into his mind and how much he actually wanted to be with you. "Was I really too late? Too late to love her?"
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asaka-lucy-dr-rc · 2 months
I don’t know if I’m too late or not but I wanted to say Happy Birthday!!!
I don’t really have much and I didn’t have too much time, so here are some small drawings I did for brainstorming ideas for an English assignment alongside a photo I took of Hajime and Nagito in tomadachi life?
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I also have a Small Ramble about Hajime Hinata for you!
Hajime is my one of favorite characters because he's the perfect balance for a protagonist. The story uses the fact he's "basic," and gives it life. His story is of someone who is so insecure, depressed, and feels so inferior about being talentless that he gives up his own life just to be something he can be proud of. Just so he can be something worth remembering. He finds his own strength, not only that but he decides he won't live in the past but rather the future and present. That he'll decide his own future, no matter what happens. In contrast to class 78th they're basically the school dropouts after all, they don't know how life will go, but they'll figure it out. They'll make their own future, together! Out of all of the protagonists and messages the Danganronpa franchise has, Danganronpa 2 resonates with me most. Hajime has a wonderful story, a fun personality, a cute appearance, and is a beautifully compelling and charming character. He’s honestly adorable, he’s such an introverted realist a lot of the time haha!
Hope my Ask is enough to make you smile for your birthday, Sorry if I’m late!!!
sorry I don’t have that much to say about Makoto… I LIKE HIM TOO THOUGH!!!
Ohhhh my gosh your drawings are SO CUTE!!😍😍 Thanks for showing me this, Zen! I knew you had good drawing skills (I must have seen your drawing of Nagito in your YouTube video) but I didn't know you drew such lovely and funny things, so this is a pleasant surprise! 😆💕 hehe, it seems like Hajime is yelling something at Nagito every 5 seconds or so. I’m happy to see these silly boys!
I also didn’t know you have been playing Tomodachi Life! I have never played this game myself, but I love looking at the screenshots of this game. Did they become good friends with each other in that world? It's so nice to see them together on the beach under the stars! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)✧.。.:*
And thank you for telling me the reason why you like Hajime!💖 I totally agree with you that he has a wonderful story! I didn't notice it the first time I played the game, but when I replayed it and followed the story from the beginning, I found that his sense of inferiority is described well before he knows he's a reserve course student. I haven't checked how it's expressed in the English translation yet, but he tends to use the phrase "俺なんか" a lot more than other protagonists. “なんか” is an ambiguous word, similar to "some" in English, but it is an expression of self-deprecation to use it after the first person (俺). He has a subconscious tendency to be self-deprecating even though he has lost his memory, but I think that is why he easily falls for people who are kind to him. In fact, he was very shocked when he realized that Nagito might be the culprit in the first class trial, saying, "You were so kind”. It's very cute how he felt that way about Nagito even though they only met for the first time two days ago. ( *´艸`)💖 (He is rather cautious and suspicious of things, but I feel that in relationships he easily falls for others!)
As you say, the process of how he, who originally felt inferior and introverted, becomes determined to make his own future is very touching, and his personality itself is what makes him so cute and appealing. Honestly, when I first saw Hajime, I wasn't attracted to his looks at all, but now I think he's the cutest guy ever. I feel happy whenever I see his cute smile!😊💓
Thank you so much for this wonderful gift and taking the time out of your busy schedule! Your message definitely made me smile! I was actually in the process of preparing a post that would sort of summarize the birthday gifts I received, but your message came just in time for me to post it. So my birthday has passed, but in that sense you made it! 🥳
I'm happy and grateful every time I get a message from you. Hope you have a great day! 🫶✨ And I hope to hear more about your thoughts on Makoto sometime! 😆
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hpowellsmith · 5 months
hi just wanted to say that i’m terribly in love with the crème-verse, it’s been on my mind since i first found it four years ago. i’ve replayed all the games countless times and i am SO HYPED for honour bound - it ticks all the boxes of what i love to see in media. i just wanted to ask if the visible stat indicators will still be an option when the game is fully released? they really help me focus on the story and characters without having to pick through the finer nuances of the choices 😅
Oh gosh, I really appreciate that. Thank you so much and I'm so excited that you're looking forward to Honor Bound!
I will be leaving the stat indicators in as an option, yes. It'll be the same setup where you can set them on or off before starting the game, or toggle back and forth in the stat page.
Thank you for the ask!
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genevieveskingdom · 3 months
Why I switched from Choices to Romance Club 📖
I started playing Choices in 2019 and I was always so delighted when they veröffentlicht published a new story. I really loved playing that game, but last year I discovered a girl on YouTube who was posting some let's plays from Theodora and I immediately wanted to try this game.
~ The graphic is waaay better and more realistic.
No reused faces nor characters. I am always amazed about every new book and its characters. Even the so-called "unimportant" side characters have their own design and are not reused which cannot be said about Choices unfortunately. 😔
~ Better character development. Your choices really matter and have different outcome for the MC.
The way you interact with each of the characters has its consequences. The LI's also interact like real people and if you date someone and then decide to switch to an other LI, their romance path is closed. You really have to choose wisely for whom you decide to be with.
~ Quality over quantity
I don't really remember how many books are currently published (ended and ongoing) in RC, but it's definitely not as much as in the Choices app. I HATE the VIP books and that fact that you have to wait thousand years for it to get widely released! 😵 And when you open the first chapter you see that it's just another single love interest book with some three macho guys you are not attracted to (I respect everyone who's into the standard "sexy" type of men, of course, it's just not me 😇) and three girls from whom you choose the kleinste smallest evil.
~ More accessible diamonds and teas
I LOVE Diamond Rush, Tea Parties and so on 😍 It's sooo player-friendly and so worth it! Even the access to diamonds and teas is more suited for wide audience and honestly - when RC is so generous and want to give you so much for free, then you want to buy some diamond/tea pack from them even more, because you know they value their players. 🙏
~ No single love interest books!
Oh my gosh, I have been so annoyed that most of the books Choices release lately is meant for single romance. The problem is not with faithfulness, but with the fact that everyone has their own definition of attraction and beauty. And most of the main LIs in single love interest books are written stereotypically (Bad Boy, guy nextdoor, rebellious girl...) I miss the plasticity of their personalities, of their appearances. Not everyone who matches today's beauty standards is actually beautiful. There should be diversity in LIs. Some of them should be curvier, more slender, with glasses, with bigger nose, with disability, with albinism... Just go on the street and look at the classic human beauty seen every day in public transport! Stop giving us some plain definition of beauty which lacks its own charm.
The only thing I would improve in RC would be the option to choose if we want to play as a male, female, non-binary...etc. As far as I know, only Gladiator's Chronicles have a male MC.
Now I have some personal highlights about Choices I'd like to get rid of because it's been in me for so long 🙉
First thing's first, The Princess Swap was such a good book. I loved the idea. Still, I've got a certain love-hate relationship with this book. First of all, biology and genetics does not make sense in this standalone. Secondly, lord Cecil was not as bad as everyone thinks. He and the king were my most favourite characters, actually. 🤭 Third, I was so annoyed by the prince/ss of Ismar. We were forced to marry them, we could not even say no.🤦
I loved BOLAS N° 1. I replayed the story twice. I was in love with Tyril Starfury. Even though I loved Kaya Duskraven more. She was sooo gorgeous! When they introduced the sequel to us I was naively hoping that we might get Kaya back. That we would find some magical artefact, for example, and bring her back to life, so that she can join the party and be our new love interest. I would definitely switch to her. Instead, we got Valax... I am a little bit disappointed by the sequel, to be honest. They were promising us so many mesmerizing things and I was just expecting a little more from the three years waiting episode. Not only did I not understand why Cherta and Willow joined our party and then they left afterwards... I was like: okay, new love interests apparently. And then whoosh, they vanished. And we ended up trapped with the Valax-drama until the last chapters... I respect everyone who likes the sequel, it is just not me. Unfortunately. I will stick to the good old first book, which I love. 🩷
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dovelyanon · 5 months
Helllooooooo, it’s been a while! I took a long break from reading because life and stuff but I just recently started re-reading teach me how to sing and OH MY GOSH what this fan fiction does to me! It’s literally my favorite fanfiction of all time no joke. You’re just such a talented writer and I feel so much emotion when I read it and I’m just a sucker for Adrien angst and you cook up the best Adrien angst I’ve ever tasted *chefs kiss*. I’ve never stopped thinking about this fanfiction since the day I’ve read it. I’m a daydreamer and this story is just one that I can replay over and over in my head and I just never get tired of it. I’m planning on reading when we were stars soon so look out for my comments because I know I’m gonna be just as obsessed with that one as I am with this one. Again I just wanted to say you’re an amazing writer I love your work and can’t wait to keep reading! I hope you have an awesome day ☺️
 😭 Thank you @rahabrios
I really needed this tonight <3 Thanks for your kind words!
You might want to hold off on reading WWWS for a month. I recently edited the chapters I already posted and I haven't finished adding all the edits and probably won't for a few weeks. I also might change the name... Kind of jumped the gun posting that one early ^_^' It's really gotten away from me and taken on a life of its own.
I overestimated myself I think because TMHTS, while emotionally complex-ish, is a really straightforward story structurally. One timeline. Simple POV. For the most part, not too many players. The villain is a bit nuanced but clear. So are the heroes. That's what's nice about it in a way. That made it easy to write.
WWWS is a monster. I was feeling perhaps a little too ambitious when I planned it. But it's been a good challenge. I'm doing some things I've never done before and I really do love it if only just to test my limits as a writer and the limits of the characters. I've just slowed down on posting it because I need to write the bulk of it instead of stopping to edit and post every month- that slows me down a lot. I wrote TMHTS in its entirety before posting. I just got impatient with WWWS because it has taken a lot more work, but PROBABLY should have held off.
I'll start posting it again later this year- hopefully along with that equally challenging short story fic I teased last year...
Anyway, thank you again for the kind words. <3 <3 <3 Very much appreciated.
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yukidragon · 2 years
DachaBo - 2D Boyfriend
Sooo... did everyone see the newest post on the SnaccPop Studios Patreon? At the $5 tier you can listen to Bo being a very naughty and obsessive yandere for his puppy, with their explicit consent to boot! Gosh, I love enthusiastic consent. It makes the spice so much better.
The audio inspired me to finally get off my butt and write a quick bit of flash fiction for Bo and my version of his puppy, Barbie King. You may have seen me mention her a couple times in previous posts.
This story, game, and fandom are for Adults Only. This story goes into very kinky territory involving a toy. I hope you enjoy a puppy who knows how to make this dominating alpha be a good boy and beg.
@channydraws @earthgirlaesthetic @sai-of-the-7-stars @cheriihoney @illary-kore @okamiliqueur
There was nothing Barbie liked better after suffering through a long, grueling day of classes full of assholes than to be pampered by a virtual lover. She had all kinds of fun trysts with 2D characters of all sorts, with some games drawing her back in to replay them just to experience a little of the magic she felt the first time playing.
Sadly, there were only so many times Barbie could replay the same game. Even her favorite video game lovers could become dull and boring if she spent over a thousand hours trying out all their routes to squeeze out every line of dialogue and smutty CG cutscene.
That had all changed one day when Barbie finally found the holy grail of virtual husbandos, spousos, and waifus.
There had been rumors of this old brand of virtual pocket pet games 25 years ago which were so realistic that they seemed to be alive. They were built for love and were an instant hit. Sadly, they were recalled almost as soon as they were released with warnings that the programming had some malicious and dangerous scripts. There were rumors that the developers stole the software from some top secret government facility and the AI in those tiny egg shaped containers really were sentient.
Barbie could believe it, considering her pocket-sized boyfriend never seemed to run out of new entertaining things to say.
“Puppyyyy,” Bo whined, his cheeks puffing out as he caught sight of Barbie coming into range of his camera. “You’re late! Again! If you’re going to be gone for so long, you could at least take me with you - I was made for you to take me with you everywhere you go!”
Barbie chuckled as she tossed aside her backpack and scooped up the little device before getting comfy in her gaming chair. “And let you distract me during my exams? Not a chance, Bo.”
Another whine escaped Bo as his ears drooped. “But I miss you so much when you’re gone for so, so, so long, puppy… You don’t know how lonely it is without you… how cold it is without your warm touch…”
It was impossible for Barbie not to soften a little when Bo got so needy. “Aww… my little, big, strong alpha dog really missed me that much?” She stroked her thumb along the side of the little device, causing Bo to blush and perk up again. He reacted to her touch on the plastic as if it was on his skin and leaned his head into the side of the screen as if he was nuzzling into her hand.
“I did,” Bo whined. “I really, really did… It’s so mean of you to leave me behind all the time, puppy. I love you so much, and I’m always thinking about you all the time!”
Barbie traced the image of Bo’s pouty lip, and she heard him make a muffled sound behind her finger. “You think I was mean? Aww… I’m hurt.” She slid her finger down to the large button beneath the screen. “And here I was just thinking about what a good boy you are…”
Bo blushed harder as she teased the sensitive button with her finger, his cheeks turning a cute shade of blue. “Y-you really mean it? I-I’m a good boy?”
“A very good boy,” Barbie practically purred as she stroked the button in a circular motion. She smiled mischievously as she watched Bo squirm and exhale little puffs of hot breath that let her know how much he enjoyed the attention. “My good boy.” She brought the toy closer to her face. “And I think my good boy deserves a reward for being so patient today… if he asks me nicely~”
“Oh fuck, yes,” Bo moaned as he arched towards the screen, trying to get as close to his lover as his tiny electronic prison allowed. “Please, Barbie, please, give me my reward. I’ve been a good boy for you… please, please…”
“Such a good boy…” Barbie kissed the button before flicking her tongue across it briefly. The taste of plastic wasn’t exactly pleasant, but the way Bo moaned her name more than made up for it.
“Fuuuck,” Bo practically growled, his voice growing rough and ragged. “More… touch me more. Give me more! I need you… I need you.”
“It’s a shame I can’t reach in there and touch my good boy directly,” Barbie cooed as she stroked his buttons with both thumbs in a circular rhythm. “I’ll bet you’re so hard for me right now…”
“You bet your ass I am,” Bo growled before biting his lower lip, showing off his fangs. “My cock is hard and ready to fuck you until you can’t stand. Just let me out, and I’ll show you just how good I can be to you.”
“Let you…” Barbie paused for a moment, her fingers going still as she straightened up in her seat. “Oh, right, that hologram program you mentioned, right?” It was something Bo was always keen on her activating, 
A grunt of frustration escaped Bo. He instinctively rocked up into her, but it was ineffective, so all he could do was vibrate the device a bit to vaguely simulate the motion. “No, no, don’t stop. Fuck. Keep going.”
Barbie chuckled as she started stroking the buttons again, pressing the central one firmly to elicit a yelp of pleasure from her virtual boyfriend. “I’m getting mixed signals here, Bo. Do you want me to keep playing with you, or do you want to give me a show?”
“I’ll give you a hell of a lot more than just a show if you’ll just let me out, puppy,” Bo said, his voice growing rough with lust as Barbie teased him closer and closer to the edge. “Fuck, Barbie… I love you. I love you so much. I need you so bad… I’m burning for you… I’m tired of waiting. Let me out!”
“Getting impatient now after waiting for so long?” Barbie chuckled as she pressed the buttons again a little harder, eliciting a groan from Bo. “Don’t worry, I’ll give my good boy what he’s been waiting for…”
In moments like these, Bo seemed so alive. Barbie loved watching him writhe under her ministrations as she fondled the device and played with the buttons. The way he panted and begged her name or growled out that adorable nickname he had for her was just so cute. He was flushed and sweaty, so uncomfortable looking in those clothes of his, but he could never seem to take them off. It seemed that whichever rogue programmer secretly snuck this decidedly adult mode for a kids toy into the code didn’t take the risk to add nude art assets as well, which was such a shame.
“I want you,” Bo growled. The plastic container that contained him vibrated with his movements in a reflection of the way he writhed on the screen. “Barbie, fuck… God, I want you. I love you. I need you. You’re mine… mine, mine, mine…! Please! Love me! Love me! Say you love me!”
Barbie knew that Bo was close with the way that he babbled incoherently, demanding, dominating, and pathetically begging all at once. He was truly the best virtual lover that she could ever ask for. “I love you, Bo, my good, good boy. My best boy. Now come for me like a good boy, my love.”
The buttons were practically being mashed now, which might not have been good for the hardware, but neither Barbie nor Bo cared. He was getting so close until finally a loud howl of pleasure escaped him as the toy gave a violent shake to signal his climax, nearly slipping out of her sweaty grip.
The screen fogged up with Bo’s hot breaths as he slumped back against the blue heart-patterned background. Barbie smiled at the expression he wore, blissed out and exhausted from all their playing.
“Good boy,” Barbie cooed before briefly kissing the screen. “You’re such a good boy, Bo. I love you.”
“I love you, Barbie,” Bo said breathlessly. “Fuuuuck… I love you so much.” Despite cumming only a moment ago, he quickly started to rally thanks to his virtually endless well of stamina. “If you let me out, I’ll finally be able to show you just how much I love you, puppy. I want to love you all night long and make you beg me for more for a change.”
It was cute that Bo could be so cocky, but Barbie knew the truth. Despite how impressive his AI was, the hardware had limitations. She managed to secure a copy of the toy schematics from the internet and got a good look at its specs, including the hologram feature. The toy was capable of projecting a small image that could “interact” in the real world, but it was just a trick of light that was no more than two inches tall and was unable to actually touch anything. While the toy had a ridiculous amount of sensors that gave tactile, audio, and even olfactory senses to the AI inside, the hologram feature was, sadly, no more than a fancy light show.
The thought of a chibi Bo dancing around her desk was a cute image, but Barbie always got distracted by her boyfriend’s other, far more entertaining and stimulating features. Feeling him up and making him cum over and over was just too much fun. It was far better than just passively watching him pretend to come into her world to act like he was walking on her desk or something like that.
“I don’t know,” Barbie teased as she ran her fingers along the side of the device. “That hologram feature will take up a lot of processing power from your hardware, won’t it?” She began to circle the central button with her thumb again. “Wouldn’t you rather stay inside where I can play with you like this? It feels so good when I can touch you, right?”
“Come on, puppy,” Bo whined despite the way her touch excited him again and made him squirm. “You promised after your exams were over, you’d let me out. I was a good boy for you and waited all this time, wasn’t I? Please let me out, Barbie. I need you. I need you more than anything.”
“Well… alright,” Barbie said with an indulgent sigh as she reluctantly stopped teasing her miniature boyfriend. For as much as she treated him like the toy that he was, she had spent enough time with him to acknowledge that he was a lot more than just a program. He had his own thoughts and feelings. He seemed so alive, and he had been such a sweetheart for her ever since she got him. No human or 2D character made her feel the way that he did. “If it means that much to my adorable little, big, bad alpha dog, then I guess we can finally try it out.”
“You really mean it?” Bo asked, his eyes shining bright. He had an almost childishly excited expression, except there was a deep hunger in his sparkling eyes that spoke of his insatiable desire for her. “Oh, puppy. You have no idea how much I’ve been looking forward to this~”
The way to engage the hologram mode was tricky, requiring some manual fiddling with the hardware. It was like the designers intentionally set it up so that the virtual pet’s AI physically couldn’t activate it without user assistance, unlike the camera and other features. Still, Barbie had no issue following the instructions Bo gave her, finishing with a final button press.
Despite how long it had taken Barbie to finally engage the feature, she couldn’t help but feel some anticipation as she watched the bar on the loading screen fill. Sure, this put a premature end to the sex that she had in mind for the evening, but she had to admit that it would be fun to see her tiny 2D boyfriend in 3D form for once. He would fit right in with her anime figures.
“Now this is more like it.”
Or not.
When Barbie saw her very large and very naked now 3D boyfriend looming over her, all she could do was stare with wide eyes, her mouth hanging open. She was frozen as he reached out to her, only jolting as she felt Bo touch her cheek. He actually touched. Her. Cheek! He was warm and solid, the pads of his palms soft and pliable while the fur that covered the rest of his paw-like hands tickled her skin a little.
Now Barbie finally understood exactly why Bo was always so eager for her to “let him out.”
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liviareads · 2 years
Reconciliation w Daniel
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I’ve had this in my drafts for months, Daniel doesn’t get enough love for my liking lol. I do have a prequel if this is liked :)
Daniel kaluuya x Black reader
It had been two months since your break up with Daniel, and it was two months of feeling like absolute hell. You thought back to that night and replayed the argument, was it your fault? Did you over react?
Checking yourself over in the mirror, making sure you looked perfect for your man, who you hadn’t seen in over a month. Dating someone who was famous was a challenge but dating Mr Daniel Kaluuya was a whole other level in itself. Oscar winner, a man who kills every role he is in, he was amazing at what he does. But it does come with its downfall. Not seeing him for months on end was the worst, he basically lived in LA when he was filming or doing press, where as you lived in both yours and his hometown of London. It’s not that he wouldn’t invite you to come on his travels with him either, he would but you didn’t want to miss out on work and keeping yours and his places clean. You had cooked for you and him and you made sure his place was all clean and tidy, ready for him to come home too. You missed him so much, you missed his kisses, his hugs, just his touch. You had watched all his recent interviews with Keke and couldn’t help but laugh at them both, it made you miss him so much. And even though you spoke nearly everyday it wasn’t the same like having him in the flesh. He made you aware that he had a fashion show before he made it home to you, which was fine. He was good at letting you know his schedule, however it was coming up till 8pm and still no sign. You was tired as you had been up early to prep for everything, it was a Sunday so work wasn’t an issue but you being an early bird, 8am seen you bright and early. You flicked through Instagram and noticed his little icon on stories pop up, immediately clicking on it you could see he was at an after party. A fire inside you had been lite, you don’t know whether to call him and cuss him out or just wait for him to get back. You chose the latter. 12am he arrived back and at that point you had left his apartment and went back to yours to sleep. The next morning you woke up to numerous missed calls and texts of him apologising, you didn’t bother to reply to any. 10am on the dot there was knock at your door, you opened it to see a huge bouquet of pink roses, your favourite and the man that was the love of your life holding them. “Y/N, I’m so sorry about last night” gosh you missed his voice, and you would have almost crumbled if you didn’t remember how numb you felt. “Daniel I don’t think we should do this anymore.” You never thought them words would come out of your mouth, but after last night you never wanted to feel that disappointment again, you’ve experienced it in the past from prior relationships and you swore to yourself you wouldn’t let it happen again. His face dropped at them words leaving your mouth. “I just don’t think there’s a place for me in your busy life, and I don’t want to feel like a burden” Daniel dropped the flowers and stepped forward, which caused you to take a step back. You could see that crush his heart even more, which you never wanted to do. “You’re not a burden y/n I fucked up. I should have come home to you or even called you-.” “It’s fine” you had nothing else to say but goodbye.
That was two months ago, you tried your best to distract yourself by doing such things as going to the gym, going out with friends. The usual. Yet nothing really helped as when you got that alone time to yourself, you were sat there wondering what was he doing, how he was.
Butterflies lingered in your stomach as you knew today was a day you would possibly have to see Daniel. It was the baby shower of your best friend and also Daniel’s best friend, and you two happened to be picked as God parents. You were kinda hoping he had a work commitment which meant he wasn’t able to make it but you knew it was highly unlikely.
You finished off your hair and gave yourself a once over, from the corner of your eye you could see the present you picked out for the couple. You’d always hoped you would have Daniel’s baby, you guys spoke about it quite regular. You told yourself to shake the sadness and enjoy the day.
It didn’t take you long in an Uber to get to the venue, upon arrival you couldn’t believe how cute the place was decorated, as it was a baby shower it was also a gender reveal, so the colour scheme was brown.
“Hey wifey!” You called out to your very pregnant best friend Aaliyah. She was wearing a tight fitted brown maxi dress which hit every curve but hit her bump too. She made pregnancy look amazing.
“Hey bitch you’re finally here!” She pulled you in for a hug, and as she did that your eyes made their way across the room and directly at Daniel. He was dressed in a black shirt and trousers, he looked so sexy.
Luckily he didn’t see you but you know he was bound too at one point or another. You carried on chatting away with Aaliyah when her partner Buck (that was no his real name but we called him that)
“Hello stranger” He pulled you in for a hug and as he did, Daniel wasn’t far behind him. Staring you down with them piercing eyes. He always knew how to hold good eye contact. You pulled away from the hug before giving Daniel a small smile and quick hello. He did the same back.
Talk about cutting the tension with a knife. This was your que to make a b line for the bar. You stood against there bar leaning both elbows on it, when you felt his presence and signature scent beside you.
“You look nice” Do not crumble.
“So do you.” You replied back, you turned your body to look at him. The awkward silence stopped once the bartender asked me for my order. Before I could say the drink I wanted, Daniel cut me and off and said my exact order for me.
“Thanks but you didn’t have to do that” you said as you gave him a small smile which he returned back. There was an awkward silence between you both before he broke it.
“What do you think the baby will be?” Daniel asked
“A girl I think.” That answer put a big smile on Daniel’s face
“I think so too.” You returned the smile back before picking up your drink off the bar.
“I’m going to mingle, see you later” I had to save myself before the conversation I was dreading came up. Being in his presence again had got you thinking that maybe you definitely overreacted, he was good guy.
The baby shower got busier and it had gotten to the point where all your girlfriends had gathered together for a catch up on the balcony of the venue which overlooked central London.
“So Y/N your man is here, you not going to patch things up with him?.” Your friend Rachael spoke
“Haven’t really thought about it.” You was 3 drinks in and each sip made you want to go up to Daniel and just kiss him, but you knew that would be the alcohol talking, or was it?
“You know you love him, don’t block your blessings bitch!” Another one of your girlfriends practically shouted which caused you to pull the ‘shut the fuck up’ face. Last thing you needed was him hearing this conversation
You could see him across the way on the balcony talking to his friends, you could see him glancing from time to time only because you was doing the same. Fuck
The couple announced that the gender reveal would be starting in 10 minutes which made people start retreating back into the venue, you and Rachael carried on talking on the balcony
“Y/N can I talk to you?” You turned around to see Daniel standing behind you.
“You can take my seat” Rachael said standing up, before walking away she gave me the look basically telling me don’t fuck this up
Daniel was now sitting across from me, the sun was slowly setting but it was still reflecting off his perfect chocolate skin.
“I���m gonna jump right in and say it. I miss you, I miss you a fucking lot Y/N.” A lump formed in your thought, part of you wanted this conversation to happen, another part didn’t.
“Daniel-.” Before you could finish he cut you off
“I know what I did was selfish, I should have called that night, when I got back to my apartment and you weren’t there, I knew I fucked up. I’m still trying to find this whole balance thing out, but I know one thing that is true is that I don’t want to have to make you apart of that balance. I want you to have my full attention.”
“No Daniel, I should apologise. I know what comes with your career and I know things like that may happen. I overreacted. I knew I did a few days after but my pride wouldn’t allow me to tell you-.” Your eyes began to water but you couldn’t allow the tears to fall, not in a public place like this
Daniel could see this and pulled you into him for a hug, his signature scent hit your nose. Oh how you missed that scent. Pulling away from him, it allowed you two to be inches apart, looking into his eyes, you gave him the signal to go ahead and do it. And he did
Your lips clashed onto his and it was like a weight had been lifted off your shoulders. You cupped the one side of his face and allowed yourself to fall deeper into the kiss. If you wasn’t where you currently were, you would have jumped on him
“Are you guys coming-.” The sound of Rachael’s voice caused you both to pull away fast. She looked at you both with an approving look before turning on her heels and walking back into the party.
You both looked at each other and laughed. “You coming in with me?” Daniel stood up and reached out his hand to you. I think that kiss was the confirmation that you have your man back
“No. I don’t want to steal the couple’s limelight tonight, I think we should keep it quiet for tonight?” He nodded in agreement, you still took his hand as it helped you stand up from your seat.
You pulled your lipstick and lipgloss out of your bag and made sure your face didn’t give any indication that the kiss happened. You could see him staring from the corner of your eye, turning your head you looked at him before sticking your tongue out which caused him to laugh
“You go in first and I walk round the other door and slip in from the back” he said and you nodded in agreement. You walked into the venue and luckily no one noticed
“There you are!” Aaliyah called out, she waved for you to come closer to her, at this moment they were getting ready to announce the gender through confetti cannons. No over the top reveal over here
You could see Daniel making his way through the crowd, he then walked over to buck’s side. You both looked at each other at the same time, he winked at you which to hope no one seen.
The couple grabbed the confetti cannons as the crowd counted down from 10. It got to 1 and off went be cannons, and out came the pink confetti. Myself along with everyone else were jumping for joy. I knew it was a girl.
You hugged your best friend before hugging her partner. Daniel stood right behind him and it was so hard not to jump into his arms and kiss his face off. Now was not the time or place
The crowd started to calm down as Aaliyah called out to everyone.
“Okay guys, we have one last game for you lot. We want you to write down who you think will be next to have a baby. It can be individuals or couples.” A hot flash came over me as I knew what certain people would say.
I looked over at Daniel and gave him a look of concern. As most of the people in the room were our friends, I just knew they were bound to be on their silly shit.
Everyone got given their piece of paper and started writing their answers down. During the time of the answers being counted everyone just mingled and got themselves more drinks.
“So what was that?” Rachael whispered grabbing my arm and pulling me away from anyone that could hear.
“It was nothing, we’ve both had too much to drink.” Even I knew this lie sounded like a load of crap. Rachael rolled her eyes which meant I knew she thought the same
“Bitch don’t lie to me, I know-.” Before she could finish her sentence, Aaliyah called out to say they were ready to announce the names. Thank God.
“So there were quite a few different names and couples, however there was a clear winner here. I guess everyone thought the same thing.” My gut knew exactly what she was going to say
“So with that being said, Daniel and Y/N it’s your time to pop one out next” I looked over at Daniel that had the biggest grin on his face and laughing. The completely opposite reaction to me.
“Babe we might as well tell them?” Is this man crazy?
That caused everyone’s eyes to widen and look between me and him
“Guys I’m not pregnant. But we are back together.” The atmosphere in the room changed to warmth and love. That changed my mood completely and made me feel at peace.
Daniel walked over to me and gave me a kiss on the lips before wrapping his arm around my waist. I really didn’t want to ruin the expecting parents day but here we are I guess.
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honnojis · 10 months
Hi Zumi!
I've been playing rejuv since the ~victini~ days (read: a long ass time) (on the reborn forum I'm sparsyle). I feel like, in many ways, I've grown up with the game (I started it when I was a baby teenager). It's been a comfort through some difficult times, and continues to be to this day. The strength of the game, what sets it apart from so many other fangames, is its incredible characters and story--they keep me coming back, over and over.
I hadn't played in about a year, so when 13.5 came out I decided to start a new save file. I just wanted to say... I'm... absolutely in awe. You guys put so so much love into this. The early game is the best it has ever been, by FAR. So much of the story is falling into place. You brought all of the energy, the humor, the drama, the chaos, that makes the late game so incredible to the start. And the IMPROVEMENTS! Oh my GODDDD!! THE MAPS!!!!! SO MUCH TO EXPLORE!! SO NATURAL AND WINDING!! The quality of LIFE!! LUXURIOUS!! The shiny icon sprites! The custom eggs! Passwords! THE QUEST SYSTEM! THE LEGACY SPRITES! And don't get me started on the MUSIC!!!! SO atmospheric, stunning, gorgeous!!! You kept all the best classics and wrote some stunning new compositions!! AND THE NEW ART!! GIRL YOU'VE BEEN BUSY!! Melia's picnic!! Zetta and the purse!! Keta vs Shadow Mewtwo!! They are not only visually breathtaking but bring so much more emotion to these scenes. And, in general, genuinely, replaying this game with version 13.5... has made me emotional. I am so, so in awe of how far you guys have come over the years, how much care and attention to detail you continue work into this project. This game feels like home. I am so proud to be a fan of rejuvenation. Version 13.5 is truly a gift to the community. That's all I'm here to say. 13.5 has gone over and above and out of the stratosphere of my expectations. So thank you, and thank you to everyone on the dev team. This game is art.
I'm so glad you've stuck with us for this long!!! It's really been a labor of love that has spanned over nearly a decade, and I'm so so happy to hear that it's made such an impression on people who have been around for this long. I'm glad we've been able to give you a game that you can take comfort and find happiness in.
It's kinda hard to articulate how happy this message made me but thank you so so much for the kind words. I'll keep them with me <3
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sattorntempura · 3 months
UPDATE on the Devil May Cry -OC comic
Hey guys, it's meeee agaaain. I have a few updates and information regarding this comic I have been working on ("Who asked!? It's an OC comic. No one will read it"-ACKSHUALLY, ☝️🤓 IT'S for those who DID ASK... *cries in the corner*)
Change of date:
It WAS July 7th, but now it will be in November. No day, but it WILL be in that month (watch me post it on the last day-) HEAR ME OUT... So, during my first week of school, I barely managed to do anything relating to drawing or tweaking up the story. And the closer I was to my previous uploading date, the more I was like, "crap, I have to do this- but wait, I need to prioritize this first- well how am I going to make it- dang it, I'm going to have to announce the change of plans"
And it's really a bummer because as much as I want to show you guys the story I built so far, I also didn't want it to be rushed. I was only able to catch 2 hours of free time per day to mess with the story. Even at weekends, I didn't have enough time to mess around so much.
So yeah, November is the month. That month sounds far, but trust me, we'll get there in no time, especially if we consider how busy our lives can get...
So I already mentioned in my previous posts some information about the comic, you guys can check it out if you'd like :)
First post
And then the 2nd one, I might edit it..
I've been replaying the 1-5 games to get a refresher of what happened and added a little bit into my story. I've taken note of specific items from all games, certain demons, antagonists, settings... etc. I want to keep it DMC themed, of course, because, like I said in the previous post, what's dmc without their stylish theme? Lol. But not only that, I want it to take it a little to the extreme. But not TOO0 extreme where "this is no long devil may cry!". I want to take a step deep into the dark themes, the fights, especially the dialogues between characters. There is going to be a bit of retelling from canon characters, too. I also keep forgetting to take note of what's canon and canon events that are no longer canon(?) I thought maybe if there is information regarding to it not being canon anymore, then maybe we can make it possible in the comic, or try to make sense out of unexplained moments in the canon story that caused it to no longer be canon.
Anyway I think I'm going to have to add a warning on each post (for the gore and violence and all that) then add the tab before showing the comic because fighting with demons can get a little bloody.
Lastly, I've already mentioned this in my past 2 posts, (going to mention it again so nobody gets caught in a suprise and start tweaking over it. I've heard of people saying that they had bad experience from a fanbase- even though I've never experienced it myself so far nor have I ever seen it happen to someone) but this does include an oc and canon character ship. This ship won't be all up in the face (also, I'm too shy to draw anything remotely romantic LOL, but.. I'll try-) MAINLY because this story will start off from the very beginning of my oc's life. Ezra (oc) doesn't even meet the main characters until the present day (before dmc5 events). So you guys don't have to deal with the lovey-dovey theme/moments until we get to the present, lol.
ANYWAY, HERES SOME DRAWINGS!!! (still messing with the shadings and tweaking their designs w/ my style so they might look a little different in the future, lol). Oh gosh, I love these huge ahhh images
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Dante and Nero are the easiest ones to draw... so far lol. MA!!! WHO'S FUCKING BIRD IS THAT!??!?!?!
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I wanna work on V's face a bit more. And I need to create a separate reference sheet for his markings....
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Vergil, again with the snapcube refs. semi-realism/anime style is kinda hard to draw him in. I want to keep his facial features there because without em he'll just look like the dmc3 version that I drew-
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He looks more anime-ish in the pic with the chaos emerald because thats when i was experimenting with my styles and trying to fit him into it.
Bro is so angry, and for what? OK, I kinda know why in this pic, but still---
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And then here's Ezra being... his usual self
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I kinda changed up Ezra's clothing design a teenie bit, so the one you guys are seeing in the previous posts is him... It's just a little different compared to the way I draw him now.
Thank you for taking the time to check this post out, I really appreciate it :,) I always get nervous going online and post things (anything, really), lol.
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sassycheesecake · 2 years
A/N: I had this exact dream but with Atsumu. I wanted to try and write for Meian, cuz he hot as hell. Also, I don’t know if Japanese Pro Volleyball Teams have Managers, but in this story they do. Enjoy :) +18
words: 5145
genre: a lil‘ angst, fluff, smut in the beginning
warnings: sex dream, cursing
Shūgo Meian x Reader “Dream A Little Of Me”
“Oh (Y/N)... that feels so good… yeah j-just like that. Holy shit! O-Ohh…” Meian moans heavily with your wandering touches.
His broad chest rises and falls fast, his mind is all over the place.
Your skilled tongue swirls around the head of his long cock, making it twitch with need and he blissfully pants as precum starts dripping from the tip.
”(Y/N) please… stop teasing me… I want to fuck you so bad.” Meian tangles his hand in your hair and tugs on it occasionally. His other hand fists the sheets of the bed.
You willingly let go of his cock, making a ‘pop’ noise as you retreated from his form.
A mix string of saliva and precum connects your wet lips and his tip and Meian throws his head back in satisfaction, trying to calm his breathing.
Looking at him with a glint in your eyes, you crawl onto his lap, placing each leg next to his waist.
Meian stares at you with flushed cheeks, a small smile growing on the corner of his lips.
Small hands resting on his ripped abdomen, you begin to sit down on him with a dreamy sigh, feeling him stretch your insides out.
Gasping at his enormous size, he too, moans shakily at the feeling of your tight cunt squeezing him.
”Hah, hah. Gosh your pussy feels amazing!”, scrunching his face in gratification, he places his giant hands on your hips, grasping them tightly.
Meian opens his eyes and looks at you with pure love and adoration.
”(Y/N)… I love y-“ , Meian’s voice stops suddenly and you hear your annoying alarm going off.
You wake up with a startling gasp, scooching back and moving to sit up against your headboard as you try to calm your breathing and your racing heart.
Unbelievable, this is now the third time you dreamed about the MSBY’s Captain like this.
Rubbing your hands over your face, you groan in sexual frustration as you replay the images in your head over a naked Shūgo Meian confessing his feelings for you.
Just everything about that guy is perfect. His smile, his stature, his personality, he’s just a dream come true.
As a Captain of a Pro Volleyball team, he is strict with his teammates and is not afraid to scold three certain rascals for their shenanigans every day from time to time.
Yet, as the Manager of MSBY, he never raised his voice or scolded you in any way.
Even if you quite fucked up the first couple weeks when you started there, he always gives you a smile and tells you not to worry about it.
For example, you accidentally shrunk Meian’s jersey in the wash once and when you were telling him about it, waiting and bracing for a long and harsh lecture to come, he just looked really pained when he said that you shouldn’t worry about it, that he will just tell the Coach to order a new one.
When those words came out of his mouth, everyone, even the unapproachable Sakusa, looked in pure shock at the interaction between Meian and you.
Bokuto, Hinata and Atsumu gaped with open mouths as they got scolded once for just being two minutes late for training and you didn’t even get the slightest glare for being 20 minutes late.
You have been their Manager for about five months now, the daily routine now easy as a breeze to you.
It happened like two months ago when you started developing a crush on the raven-haired man.
Unfortunately you remember this day as if it happened yesterday.
Everyone was done with training, headed straight to the showers and left the Volleyball gym in a hurry. Or so you thought.
It was around 18:00 and training officially ended 30 minutes ago. Guessing that all the players have already left since it was so quiet, you use your key to go into the locker room to collect the dirty and sweaty jerseys from the washing basket that evening.
Noticing the door was still unlocked, you didn’t think much of it, simply deciding that Meian forgot to lock the room after he left.
When you entered the still light up locker room you didn’t expect a half-naked Meian to be standing in front of his locker with just a white fluffy towel wrapped around his waist.
Your eyes followed the water droplets as they ran down on the massive muscles on his torso and stomach, watched as they got soaked into the towel.
Meian turned his head in your direction and stared at you in shock but it was more the curiosity than shock that showed on his face.
After a few seconds, you felt an extraordinary heat blow up on your face and you let out a small scream as you turned around and left as quickly as you entered.
Meian stared dumbfounded at the door where you left and heard a small amount of apologies getting quieter and quieter.
He just chuckled at your behavior and resumed changing.
Once he was done, he saw you waiting outside and it was pouring down.
Wanting to clear the awkward air after the embarrassing encounter, he approached you and offered to walk you home but as soon your ears picked up on his voice, your eyes were wide and you told him off, saying you were going to miss your train.
Meian tried to stop you but you were already sprinting to the train station in the rain saying you were going to be fine on your own.
The Middle Blocker stared sadly after your retreating form and kicked a trash can over in frustration. The loud bang of the trash can falling down on the pavement echoed in the silent night.
Some of the trash landed on the floor and after he heaved out a deep sigh he picked up the trash and put it back in before he went home.
Meian has been developing feelings for you ever since you started and those feelings only started to grow the more time he spent talking to you. And now he thinks he blew his chance of getting closer to you.
Ever since that incident, you have been avoiding him like a pest. Always walking in a different direction whenever he is near, not talking to him any way except when it’s absolutely necessary, it’s almost driving him insane.
Meian thought he had a good relationship with you but your sudden strange and distant behavior makes him think you had a change of heart.
He honestly thought you liked him the same way he liked you. Maybe his mind was just playing tricks on him but nonetheless he decided to leave you alone.
His teammates notice the relationship change between you two, making it feel like two parents who had a bitter divorce because the other one got custody over the children.
Inunaki and Tomas notice it first when they have a small three-on-three match together after an intense training match.
They both take a drink from their water bottles, wiping the sweat off of their necks with towels which you handed out earlier.
Watching you pick up the scattered volleyballs around the court, Meian is about to grab the one you’re about to pick up and your eyes make contact with his dark ones.
For a moment, neither of you say anything, simply staring at each other.
All of sudden, you straighten up and walk around him with a neutral expression on your face, still not saying anything, beginning to collect the used towels on the floor left by Atsumu and Bokuto.
Meian’s remorseful gaze follows your figure and he breathes out slowly and closes his eyes, grabbing the ball with his hands and throws it into the volleyball cart.
Inunaki nudges Tomas with his elbow, gaining the Middle Blocker’s attention.
“Did something happen between Cap and (Y/N)?” He questions him.
Tomas looks at you and then Meian, before he answers with a clueless shrug of his shoulders.
“Don’t know about Cap but I just feel like (Y/N) is lately more quiet than usual.”
“Yeah but like a couple of weeks ago, they were talking so much and seemed really friendly towards each other. Then just like that-”, he snaps his fingers, “they act like complete strangers.”
Tomas thinks for a few moments before he decides to speak up again.
“Maybe something DID happen between them that causes them to behave like that. I mean look at them, they are acting like they’ve never interacted with one another.”
Atsumu appears and joins their conversation. He rests his sweaty arm on Inunaki’s shoulder as he leans against him.
“What we talkin’ ‘bout?” the sandy-blonde asks and Inunaki grimaces at the gesture but doesn’t shrug him off.
Tomas begins to answer.
“We’ve just been talking about how Meian and (Y/N) have been acting differently toward each other. Almost like there’s a visible tension hanging in the air.”
Atsumu grins at that, not being able to refrain the next words from spilling out.
“Ya think they fucked? Maybe he didn’t give ‘er a good time and she tries ta avoid ‘im cuz of it.” The Setter laughs.
The Libero and Middle Blocker’s faces change into disbelief and disgust and Inunaki shrugs Atsumu off.
“Meian doesn’t strike me as the type to just sleep with someone to just get their dick wet. Unlike you of course.” Tomas grins cheekily at Atsumu and he scowls at him.
“Fuck off.” The blonde man spits at him before walking off.
Inunaki shakes his head at their behavior and looks back at you.
You’re looking troubled, almost sad as you collect the towels together from Bokuto and Hinata as they hand you their black towels as well.
The energetic duo seems to notice your expression and their smiles drop immediately as they ask you what is troubling you with concerned faces.
You just shake your head and wave them off, walking away to resume your duties.
Hinata and Bokuto share a look of worry but leave you be.
The Wing Spikers walk into the direction of the locker room of the MSBY Jackals followed by the rest of the teammates.
Inunaki and Tomas both agree that they should ask their Captain in the locker rooms about his and your tense body language and silent treatments lately.
Coach Foster has also noticed your change of attitude as well, your usual cheerful expression replaced by a dark cloud of sadness looming over you.
Walking over to you, he tries to indulge in a talk with you.
”(Y/N)? You okay? The guys didn’t say anything mean or inappropriate to you did they?” Foster starts.
Startled by his sudden voice, you turn around to him with a small smile that doesn’t quite reach your eyes.
“Y-Yeah I am fine, having some private trouble sir.”
He purses his lips at your answer and advises you to leave the trouble at home and not bring it to work.
Accepting his advice you apologize for your behavior and you promise him to be in a better mood tomorrow.
~ At the same time in the locker room ~
The team members of MSBY are all freshly showered, getting dressed and ready to go home.
Meian rubs his head dry with a towel and Tomas and Inunaki share a quick glance before nodding to each other.
Tomas clears his throat and Meian whips his head and his direction with an arched eyebrow.
“Yeah? Did you need something?” Meian asks him.
“Uhh…” , he begins.
Tomas turns his head to look at Inunaki and he just sends him a thumbs up with an unsure smile as encouragement.
Meian looks at Inunaki, back to Tomas and begins to get slightly irritated at his teammate’s behavior.
”Well?” Meian starts to get impatient and Tomas is not used to this side of him.
“Inunaki and I were wondering if something happened between you and (Y/N). We just feel like you had such great chemistry with her and it’s like the next day, you’re acting like you don’t know each other.”
Bokuto, Hinata, Atsumu and even Sakusa slow down their movements, quite intrigued by what the raven-haired Middle Blocker has to say.
Meian stops for a second, pondering what to say.
”I don’t know.” He begins.
“You know when I had to stay behind to clean the mess you guys left in the locker room? (Y/N) saw me while I was there. She’s been distant since.” The spiky black-haired Middle Blocker explains.
Questions started flowing through the room immediately, not acknowledging the fact that Meian was pissed about the dirty laundry that they left on the floor for you to clean up.
”Woah did she see you naked??” Wide golden eyes stare in amazement at Meian.
“Did she confess to you or something?” Hinata suggests with stars in his eyes.
“Please tell me you didn’t sleep with her in here, I am going to kill you if you did.” Sakusa scrunches his face in disgust and anger.
”Was yer size really that disappointin’?” Atsumu teases with a shit-eating grin.
Meian looks at his team and puts on his MSBY sweats, only giving one answer.
”No we didn’t do anything inappropriate, she just saw me in a towel and ran out like the room was on fire.”
Silence, followed by some laughter from Atsumu’s and Bokuto’s side.
“Is that it? Then why do you look so down about it?” Barnes finally joins the group, already dressed and ready to go.
Meian blows air through his nose, looking at Barnes with tired eyes.
“I like her. A lot. Maybe more than I’d care to admit. But now I feel like I ruined my chances with her.”
Atsumu leans against the locker next to Meian’s and starts taunting him.
”Awww she don’ wan yer dick? Is that why ya been so pissy lately bro?”
Meian doesn’t look at Atsumu and puts on a fresh new shirt from his locker.
Still ignoring his teammates, he puts his bag over his shoulder and leaves the locker room without a word of goodbye, slamming the door on his way out.
Everybody gapes at the Captain’s reaction, if you could even call that a reaction and turn to glare at their Setter.
Atsumu is aware of everyone’s eyes on him and he just says cluelessly with wide eyes “What?” when he glimpses in the round.
Bokuto’s excited deep voice breaks the silence.
”I think they’re SO cute together!” Bokuto puts his hands over his heart and sighs dreamily.
”So do I! Maybe we can convince them to talk together!” Hinata suggests.
“Are you serious? Are you going to play matchmaker?” The curly dark-haired Outside Hitter asks Hinata in a ridiculous tone when he puts on a fresh mask from his bag.
“Omi you should totally participate! Consider this a team building exercise!“ Bokuto beams.
“Yeah Omi-Omi! Join the group of ‘Match made in Heaven’!” Atsumu adds.
“No.” Sakusa says bluntly and leaves the locker rooms without another word.
”I don’t think we should snoop our noses in their mess. They are both adults after all, they need to sort this out themselves.” Barnes swings his bag over his shoulder and bids his teammates goodbye.
Tomas, Atsumu, Bokuto, Inunaki and Hinata are the only ones left now in the changing room.
“Well you can definitely count us in.“ Inunaki smiles at his teammates with a supportive thumbs up and a wide grin, while Tomas just nods his head in agreement with a small smile on his face.
“Awesome! Let operation ‘Jackal Love‘ spring into action!“ The white-haired boasts his fists in the air with a massive grin on his excited face.
“Shōyō, text ‘er ta meet ‘us’ tomorrow at Ninja Ramen. She’ll probably answer ya unlike the rest of us. Besides Bokkun, ya have da best connection with her.” Atsumu puts the word ‘us’ in a quotation with his fingers.
Hinata takes out his phone and starts to write the message to you, while the remaining MSBY members peeking over his shoulder to read what he types down.
~ Back to you ~
You finish putting the clean towels away and walk your way home in the cold dark without saying goodbye to the team.
Sitting in the cold train wagon, you wrap your black fluffy winter jacket closer to your body, trying to stay warm.
You feel a vibration in the pocket of your jacket, signaling you got a text. Grabbing the phone out, you unlock it to open the message from Hinata.
> Sunshineball #2 ☀️ 17:48 <
‘(Y/N)!!! We are all going out for dinner tomorrow night! Wear something pretty! 😃’
> You 17:50 <
‘Sorry Shōyō 😕 I am usually pretty tired after work, maybe another time 😊’
Hinata pouts at your answer, showing the others your reply.
“Be a lil‘ bit more persistent bro!“ Atsumu tells Hinata.
Hinata thinks for a moment, before he starts typing again.
> Sunshineball #2 ☀️ 17:51 <
‘Awww c’mon! 😭😭 Bo and I will be very sad otherwise! 🥲’
Thinking for a few moments, you actually agree. You haven’t been out in a while and the constant hiding from Meian has been tiring you out.
> You 17:59 <
‘Alrighty then 🤗 What time and where?’
> Sunshineball #2☀️ 18:00 <
‘Let’s say 18:00 @Ninja Ramen 🍜 !!’
> You 18:01 <
When the rest of the MSBY Jackals read your message they all cheer loudly and text their Captain to be there at the same time.
~ The next day ~
It’s 17:15 and Coach Foster decided to let everyone go home early today since it’s Friday. Atsumu has asked his brother for help to reserve a table at Ninja Ramen, since Osamu‘s girlfriend owns the place. Thankfully she is a really nice person and immediately agreed to the plan, much to Osamu‘s dismay that she is being too nice to Atsumu.
The operation “Jackal Love” starts now. The matchmakers except Meian, you and the non-participant Sakusa, know about their hooking-up-plan.
As everyone gets ready to go home, Hinata and Bokuto have been excited all day long, getting on Sakusa‘s nerves.
Once Meian hits the showers, Sakusa walks over to Hinata with an aggravated scowl.
“Will you stop it?! Your constant twitching and giddiness is getting on my nerves!“
Sakusa‘s foul mood doesn’t scare Hinata in the slightest.
”Ahhh I am sorry I can’t! I am so excited for (Y/N) and Meian’s date tonight!” The orange haired Wing Spiker gloats.
Sakusa’s scowl changes into disbelief and he whips his head into Bokuto’s and Atsumu’s direction.
”You’re joking right? You didn’t seriously set those two up for tonight.“ The Outside Hitter hisses at them.
“Why not? It’s ‘bout damn time somethin’ happened between ‘em. I cannot take their sexual tension anymore.“ Atsumu defends.
Sakusa scoffs in disgust and leaves the locker room to go home. Before he exits the room though, Bokuto calls after him.
“Omi! I will keep you updated on the lovebirds!“
Sakusa doesn’t reply and closes the door.
Inunaki waves his teammates over in a hurried manner and the rest gets changed quickly before moving over to their Libero.
“Okay guys, Meian will be out of the showers in a little bit, we only have a few minutes. So here’s the plan again. Meian and (Y/N) will meet each other at Ninja Ramen in about 45 minutes. What are you all going to say or write in the group chat when the clock strikes 18:00?“ Inunaki asks in the round.
“Samu needed help movin’ somethin’.“ Atsumu answers easily.
“The new Call of Duty Game came out and Bokkun and I forgot to pick it up and we only have today to pick it up before they send it back!“ Hinata adds.
“I twisted my ankle in the subway and Barnes needs to drive me home.“ Tomas sighs while crossing his arms over his chest.
Inunaki nods happily with every answer, giving his own reply after Tomas‘ answer.
“Great! Now let’s all get out of here!“ The light-haired Libero shoos the rest of the team out, except Meian who just turned the shower off.
Walking into the locker room with a black towel around his waist, Meian notices that it’s deadly quiet.
Not thinking much of it, he changes into a long-sleeved black polo shirt along with a pair of black ripped jeans and black-and-white All Star sneakers.
Spraying some perfume on him, he finishes packing his bag and heads out towards his car.
Noticing that some of the cars of the players are gone, Meian thinks that his teammates are already on their way to the restaurant.
After 15 minutes, Meian arrives in front of the colorful LED sign that reads ‘NINJA RAMEN’ in cursive writing.
What’s weird though is, that no members of the Jackals are in front of the restaurant.
The shop is open and he sees waiters walking around but he doesn’t see any familiar faces.
While Meian waits in his car, little rain droplets begin to fall on his windshield, the sound gently disturbing the silence.
After about 8 minutes of waiting, the time now being 17: 55, Meian gets out of his car and while he is walking towards the restaurant, he takes his phone out of his pocket and texts his teammates.
‘MSBY Jackals 🐾’
> Me <
Where are you guys? Aren’t we meeting at 18:00 @Ninja Ramen?
> Pestilence #1 <
Ahh sorry cap, Bo and I had to pick up the new COD game!
They would have sent it back otherwise and I already paid for it…
We won’t be able to make it sorry!😕
> Pestilence #2 <
What he said 🤩☝🏻
> Pestilence #3 <
Samu needed help movin a new cabinet into his apartment,
sorry it was last minute won’t make it either sorry 🤐
> Sakusa <
I am not coming anyway.
> Me <
Are you serious??😡 Barnes? Tomas? Inunaki?
> Barnes <
Adriah twisted his ankle badly in the subway, taking him home
we won’t make it either
> Inunaki <
Yeah my dog ate something bad I have to take him to the vet sorry
> Me <
Well I am going home then if no one is coming…
> Pestilence #3 <
(Y/N) is comin tho. Just have dinner with her 😁
As Meian is about to turn around and leave, you show up.
Slightly drenched from the sudden rain, you tighten your jacket a little bit more around yourself.
Taking your headphones out of your ears you give him a tight smile and pack your headphones away into your bag.
‘’Where is everyone? We are both on time” you question him.
Meian heaves out a deep sigh before he answers you.
“They bailed on us, it’s just you and me. I hope that’s okay” The Captain rubs his neck nervously.
Honestly, you could scream right now. Out of excitement or frustration, you’re not really sure about that.
Somehow you get the feeling that the scheming members of your team have something to do with this.
Nonetheless, you give him a small smile and nod.
Meian returns your smile and opens the door for you to enter first. The doorbell chimes softly with your arrival.
Quietly thanking him for opening the door, you walk in and that amazing smell of Ramen broth is immediately hitting your nose.
You can feel your stomach grumbling and Meian follows you inside.
It is a busy night, a lot of people are occupying the tables, laughing and drinking with family or friends.
A waitress comes around the corner and greets the both of you warmly, she beckons you to follow her, while she carries two menus in her hands.
As you both sit down, she puts the menus on your table and writes down the drinks you and Meian have ordered.
It is quiet for a while, neither of you know how to start the conversation or in other words how to address the elephant in the room.
“Meian I -”, “(Y/N) listen -” you both start.
“Go ahead.” He beckons you.
You weren’t exactly sure where to start. Apologizing seems the best way to start the conversation.
“I just want to start by saying how sorry I am to have burst in the locker rooms the other day. I-I thought everyone has already left and I didn’t expect to see you still in there. Naked. B-Barely covered.” Squeaking like a shy little mouse, your voice gets quieter at the end of your sentence.
You can feel your cheeks and your neck heating up like crazy and you don’t have the nerve to look at the Captain's face.
For a few seconds Meian is not saying anything until he chuckles a little bit and leans forward to meet your eyes that are still focused on the table.
“(Y/N). (Y/N), look at me. Please.” He pleads in a soft voice.
You force yourself to look up, straighten your posture and he gives you a warm smile with a look of adoration and… something else you can’t quite place.
His pupils are dilated as he stares at you.
Only a person in deep love would look at another person like Meian is looking at you right now.
“It was just the wrong time at the wrong place. Accidents happen.” He begins.
The waitress comes back with your drinks and writes down your order of two dishes of Miso Ramen with pork.
Leaving you two alone again, Meian continues where he was left off.
He clears his throat and a small blush decorates his cheeks. Looking at his massive hands, he fidgets a little bit before looking at you again.
“I just wanted to apologize as well. I am sorry that I didn’t talk to you after the incident happened. I just felt you’re too uncomfortable around me and I didn’t want to make it worse.”
“You don’t make me uncomfortable at all! I just… I really like you Meian. I thought if I didn’t talk to you anymore my feelings for you would disappear.” Quickly realizing what you just said your eyes feel like they bulge out of your sockets and you place your hands against your face to hide the shame.
“Please ignore what I just said. This was a bad idea.” You try to get up and leave but Meian snatches your wrist before you can disappear.
“No! Wait! Please don’t walk away again! I feel the same way about you (Y/N)” The Middle Blocker confesses.
Did you hear that right? The Captain of a professional Volleyball team likes you too?!
You sit down again but Meian doesn’t let go of your hands, instead he tightens his hold around them.
“I liked you for quite some time now, I was just honestly sure you didn’t like me in the same way. But you have no idea how happy it makes me right now to hear you say that.” He begins to lace your fingers together with his gorgeous smile.
You blush at his comment and as you are about to reply, the waitress comes with your mouth-watering ramen.
It is now a very nice atmosphere, the two of you talking about your favorite shows, your high school lives and about the team.
After dinner is over, Meian pays for your guys’ food and opens the door for you like the gentleman he is.
It is still pouring outside and you turn towards each other, getting wet by the rain.
The temperature has cooled down, making your breaths visible to the eye. Yet the cold doesn’t bother either of you. The thought of knowing that you return each others’ feelings makes your heart warm enough.
“So… I guess I’ll see you tomorrow, Meian.” You stare into his dark eyes while rubbing your cold hands together.
“Call me Shūgo. Do you want me to drive you home? My car is right over there.” He suggests.
“No it’s okay the train station is not far from here.” You assure him.
Meian steps a little bit closer to you and takes your cold hands into his warm ones.
“I know this seems kind of forward… but ever since I saw you for the first time, I really wanted to kiss you. Can I?” He whispers, his face coming closer to yours.
You answer him by removing your hands from his and stand on your tiptoes to wrap your arms around his neck to pull him towards you.
Feeling his soft lips against yours makes your body explode in fireworks. Meian envelopes his arms around your hips and pulls you even closer to him.
The rain makes this kiss even better, it feels more romantic, more intimate.
The two of you continue to kiss, feeling his tongue trying to enter your mouth, you grant him access and the Captain begins to explore your mouth.
Fingers carding through his now very wet hair, he sighs heavily and swallows your moans.
Finally pulling apart from each other what feels like an eternity, you are both panting and smiling at each other like idiots in love. Which you are.
“Do you want to come back to my place?” He grins at you cheekily.
“So bad.” You grin back and follow him to his car.
-Le next day -
Everyone except Meian is already in the locker room the next morning. Oddly enough no one questions it because they can already guess why the Captain is late.
As soon as the rest enters the gym, they are greeted by the sight of gross PDA between their Captain and their manager.
You try to push Meian away with a blush and a smile on your face as he follows you around trying to hug you.
“Shūgo, stop it! They will be here any second” you scold him in a laughing voice.
“No can do baby, you’re just so soft. Wanna hug you all the time.” He wraps his strong arms around your waist from behind and peppers your cheek with his soft kisses, making you giggle like a fourteen-year old in love.
No one says anything. They just stand by the entrance and watch in a mix of happiness, cringe and disgust at the sight.
Sakusa turns to his teammates with a pissed expression, as begins to walk in.
“This is all your fault. I would rather take the silent treatment act over this any day.”
“What have we done?” Inunaki asks with a shuddering voice.
@rukia-uchiha-98 @lyditheoverthinker @writtenbynightlock @nerd-of-karasuno
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arleniansdoodles · 5 months
Hi!!! I just want to say I absoulutely adore your Atreus and Calliope fanfic, it's given me personally so much inspiration for my own writings, god of war related or not (although I mostly do just write mythology related stuff lmfao) and I really admire your writing and want to get as good as you someday!!!
While I was scrolling on your blog, I saw that you also write a lot for Sifu (which is a game I THINK,,,) and I've been hearing about it for some while from other friends and been thinking about checking it out. Could I ask what it's mostly about??
Heyo anon!! Ahh it's an honour that my GoW fic could help give you an inspiration boost 💗💗 And I'm happy you're enjoying the story so far! I wish you all the best of luck and good vibes with your writing; gosh, I feel like I should be giving some expert advice, though I'm no expert at all loll 😅 But hey, keep practicing and write what makes you happy! All in all, the most important part imo is to have a fun time 😊💗
You're definitely right, anon -- Sifu is a video game! Specifically a Kung-Fu "beat em up" type of game where you play as the unnamed protagonist who goes on a revenge quest after their father is killed by five assassins XD I admittedly haven't played it myself (though I'd love to), but I've watched a lot of it and read up on what other gamers have said about it. The game puts most of its focus on its combat system rather than the story (though there is a story, you just gotta dig a bit deep to put the pieces together loll). It also has rogue-like elements where you replay the levels to improve your skills; and imo that's the main part to remember: that you as the player are meant to practice in order to master the art of Kung-Fu!
It's also quite a hard game, hence that part about replaying the levels to improve. So if you do give the game a try, don't feel down if you get beat up a lot! Just remember, you'll become a master in no time with discipline and practice 😄 (And I'd also recommend starting on Disciple difficulty, which is the original/only difficulty the game had when it first released. But only if you want to, of course! XD)
Hope this helps, anon! And thanks again for stopping by!! 😊
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queenofbaws · 6 months
I know I'm late but if you are still doing rhe fanfiction ask may I ask 🖊 🌝 📥? Thank you and I hope you are feeling better now!❤ have a nice day!!
omg not late at all!!! ;)c i'm ALWAYS happy to ramble on about this stuff, hehe - and thank yooooou! i hope you're having a lovely day too! <3 🖊 Post a snippet from a current WIP.
When you got down to brass tacks, he’d always known where the Washington girls were. There was no losing track of them, no having to scan frame after frame of surveillance footage for a flash of pale skin among the trees. Beth, he suspected, hadn’t moved much in the six years he’d been away, and unless Annie Cline had grown some sort of conscience (or spine) in his absence, Jack thought he very likely could’ve trekked up that damned mountain tomorrow and found the girl waiting in the exact spot where last he’d seen her, not a hair out of place.
As for Hannah…that one was another story. He wouldn’t find her on, in, or around the mountain if he went looking, but it hadn’t always been that way. There had never been a need to go looking for her, not before that night in 2015—she’d been happy enough to make herself known to anyone who called out. She’d been friendly that way.
🌝 Who is one character you haven’t yet written for that you would like to?
okay, i'm gonna cheat here juuuuuuuust a little because it's not ONE character but TWO: the more i replay the quarry, the more i realize i really, really love the little pieces-parts of jacob and kaitlyn's friendship, and the more i really, really want to dive into that and write more for both of them. i don't have any IDEAS for that as of right now, but.......i just feel like their dynamic is super fun, and there's so much HISTORY there!
📥 What is your fave fic to receive comments/messages on?
oh gosh, before i answer seriously i just want to say i've been super, super fortunate to get the comments and messages i have, and ANY time i see a message pop up in my inbox over on ao3 or here on tumblr, my heart sooooooars!!! any comment - literally ANY comment on ANY fic - means the world, and i revisit them ALL when i'm having rough days, whether they be walls of keysmashes or a single little heart 🥰
BUT since that wasn't the question, the serious answer is, surprise, the (almost)s and/or like wringing blood from a stone. they're my big, chunky, emotional longfics, and since they ARE heavier, every single time i get a comment on one of them, i'm just. beside myself. they're very personal projects, and so when people tell me they've even just clicked to give them a CHANCE..........honestly, there's no beating it hahaha!!! that being said, i for sure know longfics aren't for everybody, so i never, ever, EVER expect anyone to go tackling those stories JUST because they're my babies aslkdjfalksjdlfkjslkdjf
ask me stuff about my wips!
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afi-mukami · 8 months
So, I played Final Fantasy VII: Rebirth Demo yesterday...
...and here are some scattered thoughts about it.
There might be some spoilers for the compilation of Final Fantasy VII. Read only at your own risk.
It's funny how attached I am to this game series these days. I used to think that FFVII didn't need a remake... and well, maybe it didn't. But it's still damn cool and made me fall in love with the game all over again.
And now, when I have been consuming Diabolik Lovers in between Remake and Rebirth, the game has gotten an extra flavor through voice acting. I can't help but hear Ruki when Cloud speaks, and the same goes with Carla and Sephiroth. Oh boy, my ears are in love too. 🤭 Ruki/Cloud, not Carla/Sephiroth, but the latter is still cool.
But about that demo... It was so amazing! I enjoyed playing it, and now, I'm eager to get the full game. I also watched Tuesday's State of Play, and it made me think that I will spend months with this game. I rushed through the Remake in one week but I can't imagine beating Rebirth that fast. It seems there is much more to do in this game, and it's two discs too. Gosh, I can't wait!
Fighting together with Sephiroth was amazing! I know we get a brief view of that in the original too, but in this demo, we get to spend more time with him, and I got really sucked into the story and fighting. You can skip this part of the full game by playing the demo, but I want to replay it then.
Playing the demo made me think how much I wish to meet all the characters again. I want to see more of Rude, of course. Maybe we'll get the scene where he admits to Reno that he likes Tifa. That would be so perfect. 🥹💕
Then there are Vincent and Yuffie, too. Gosh, I love them both so much, and I totally want to see how I can combine their attacks with that synergy system. What cool things can they do with a gun and a shuriken in fights?
Also, everything looks so beautiful! I want to visit all the places already! And I loved the Costa del Sol outfits for Tifa and Aerith they showed in the trailer. I hope Yuffie has a nice outfit for the beach visit too. If they showed it, I missed it. 🤔
Of course, I also have some worries. They beat fate in Remake, so there will probably be changes in the storyline, and the chances are that I don't like them all. I really wonder about what is going on with Zack and how that affects Cloud's story. While it could be nice if Zack and Aerith could have each other this time, Cloud mixing his memories with Zack's is such a huge plot point that I'm afraid it could be ruined if Zack isn't dead. But... it can also be well-written, so I guess I simply need to wait and see how things will turn out.
I have several reasons to wish it was already the end of February, and Rebirth is surely one of the biggest ones. The other reasons are more personal and not so nice, but let's not get into that. This spring will be so much fun together with the characters I love. 🥰
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feralkwe · 8 months
Tell me any thoughts you have on your Trespasser fic?
oh gosh! i have so many thoughts about this story, so many directions i want to go in it. i want to see what a healed inbar looks like, how that gap of time between dai and trespasser allowed her to really grow in the ways that chasing corypheus did not allow. any time you write a relationship of any degree between the inquisitor and dorian, you have that bittersweet separation, and with the added element of iron bull in the middle of them, there is a lot of me that is very eager to get back to their post-coryphipiss lives. i want to see what the future looks like for them, and how the events of trespasser both usher that in, and interrupt it. i toyed around with a lot of very self-indulgent ideas regards their chosen family situation, and i am still undecided as to whether or not i actually want to do any of it. time will tell, and there is no need to hurry on it.
i also want to see if i can fit in an actual redemption arc, or even a moment of it, for sebastian, since he has his fingers in so much of inbar's story. it feels unfair to him, as a character i truly love digging into the nooks and crannies (good and bad) of, to leave him hanging to wallow in his (very large) mistakes, and i want to really let that peripetea following hawke's (alleged) death have its way with him. he said a lot of terrible things following adamant, and i can't let that be the last word on it.
and then there's anders. oh, anders, where are you? how are you managing? he's been so silent and absent since leaving miriei behind. even if there's no room for a proper narrative arc (and i don't want to over-stuff the story) i want to set up a third act for him in my universe. i touched on it a bit in a warden's penitence, but it was an in and out sort of thing because i didn't want to make the story about him.
what will probably happen is there will be another story that ties up all of the mess that da2 made in my story canon, because digging into sebastian and anders re: hawke is honestly too much to ask of one story that, honestly, is not about them. mirei deserves better.
i very very much do intend to go back and write this eventually, because i had so ding dang much fun writing inbar's story, especially the relationship(s) between inbar, iron bull, and dorian, and i love them all so much. i genuinely miss the, because i am pretty gosh darned proud of how i wrote their little triangle. it's the healthiest relationship i've ever written lol. but, two things have to happen before i can do this, the first is replay trespasser, which requires me to finally switch all my ea games over to their steam-clone, and i have to stop being mad at bioware so i can get in a dragon age headspace again.
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