#beet boasts!
shift-n-beet · 3 months
Tsp oc's are amazing, especially the ones created for @blackkatdraws oc/insert event. I love them! >:)
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yeetathebeeta · 7 months
To anyone worried about the KOSA bill being accepted, THEY WILL NOT WIN. WE STOPPED THEM BEFORE AND WE WILL DO IT AGAIN. STAY HOPEFUL.
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elaina-writes-things · 8 months
I haven't seen a single episode of Hazbin Hotel yet. Prime's fuckin' expensive lmfao
Anyway, my TikTok FYP has been flooded with songs from the show, and fortunately I got a look at Big Daddy Lucifer himself, so...I think it's pretty clear I wanna take that for a ride.
I may make a part two. I may not. All I know is that I needed to write about him or it'd consume me.
Goddamn. Literally.
Look, you hadn't been a saint when you were alive, but you definitely hadn't anticipated eternal punishment in Hell. You hadn't killed anybody, or stolen anything, or been a huge hedonist. As far as you were concerned, you'd lived an extremely average life, the only remarkable part being that huge semi truck flattening you after the driver fell asleep behind the wheel. To you, the fact that you were condemned was bullshit, which is why you'd found yourself doing everything in your power to make it through this clearly-hastily-thrown-together rehab program at the Hazbin Hotel.
Now, though, standing in the lobby and watching a delicious little king strut around, you realized you wanted — needed — to fuck that guy more than you needed to get to Heaven.
"Charlie said her mom's pretty much out of the picture, right?" You whispered to Vaggie.
"Uh, yeah?" She whispered back, glancing at you briefly with her one good eye, then back to watching her girlfriend give Lucifer a tour of the hotel. "Why?"
"Just asking," you mumbled, enthralled. He was singing, now, with a voice like the gorgeous fallen angel he was. You wanted to know how musical his moans sounded, and what other sorts of things that mouth could do.
A glass of water suddenly appeared in front of you, held in a pink-gloved hand. You looked at Angel Dust, who smirked back and winked.
"Drink it up you thirsty bitch."
"Shut up," you hissed, taking the glass and pointedly setting it on the counter. His smirk only grew.
"Don't gotta be supes tall to ride that ride," the spider continued.
"Oh my god."
"Nah, He ain't watchin'. I could, though, if that's your thing."
You wanted to bury your head in your hands but refrained. If you did that, you wouldn't be able to stare at all six of Lucifer's wings. Those things were huge. How often did he preen them? Were they sensitive? Were they an erogenous zoNE OH SHIT CHARLIE AND HER DAD WERE COMING THIS WAY.
Like the others crowded together on the edge of the lobby, you straightened up and plastered a polite smile on your face. Down the line, your names were called out, and the king of Hell shook every corresponding hand. Then, he was face to face with you, and it shouldn't have been as adorable to need to tilt your head down just slightly to meet his eyes as it was.
"And this is another one of our guests! They volunteered to stay! Voluntarily!" Charlie boasted, giving her dad your name. Your hand fit nicely in his — warm, he was exceptionally warm. You didn't realize how cold Hell was until just this moment — and noticed how terribly it was trembling.
Lucifer repeated your name as Charlie gave it, staring almost as intently at you as you were to him. You'd give almost anything to hear him say it again.
Fuck, he had such pretty eyes.
"Thanks! I get that a lot!" He grinned. You'd said that out loud like an idiot. In your periphery, you could see Angel trying his best not to burst out laughing. Fuckfuckfuckfuck.
"That's good," you murmured without thinking, eyes flitting up and down, "your body deserves to be praised."
The hand clasping yours tensed up, squeezing briefly, painfully. You both stared at each other with wide eyes, the tension thick enough to cut with a knife.
Then Lucifer quickly withdrew, turning away as though you weren't there and had never existed to begin with.
You ignored the curious look Charlie gave you, the wheezing coming from Angel, the annoyed understanding from Vaggie, and everything else as you excused yourself to go up to your room. Your face was beet red and your stomach was tight with shame. You wanted to disappear under the bed sheets, never to be seen again. Had you really just told the king of Hell you had a thing for praising people? At the very least, he probably thought you were a total whor—
You lifted your head up from where it was buried under all your pillows, coming face to face with a little, rubber ducky. It was cute, sporting two, rosy cheeks and a white top hat.
Gently lifting it, your fingers brushed against a scrap of paper taped to the underside.
"If you meant what you said, I'm free tonight."
A phone number was scrawled on the back. Your heart was thumping wildly in your chest as you read and reread the note, unable to fight the stupid grin on your face.
"Holy shit," you blurted, "I'm gonna fuck Lucifer."
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Never Been Kissed - Part Two - Matthew Knies
This is Part Two of my Never Been Kissed mini-series for the amazing @cellythefloshie's birthday BINGO, featuring Matthew Knies. My 5 tropes (Virginity, Age Gap, Secret Lovers, Meet Cute, Pining) are spread across the 3 parts.
In case you missed it, here is the Link to Part One
Warnings/Notes - swearing, not quite smut but more than fluff? Just a bit of time spent on Matthew and Lana taking the next step (p and v exploration)
18+ only please.
Word count - 6.4k
"Ok, you need to start talking… I'm dying here—tell me everything," Jason said as he handed Lana her martini on the rocks.
Lana chuckled slightly as she took a sip, savoring the taste on her tongue. It was another gorgeous evening in Toronto and the three relaxed on the terrace, enjoying the breeze off of Lake Ontario. Her brother's building had the most stunning southern view of the city, and she never tired of how the CN Tower looked at dusk. The sky boasted an ombré effect from blue to pink, and a string of small clouds rolled in, eventually engulfing the round observation deck at the top of the tower.
Lana explained meeting Matthew, who he was, and how for weeks, they had developed something—a connection—or whatever one would call it. She listed off the myriad of conversation topics and how, despite their different upbringings, they shared many similar views and ways of thinking. She spoke of his thoughtfulness; how each time they met, Matthew greeted her with a cappuccino and her favorite cold-pressed juice (even though he thought beets were gross). The way she caught him looking at her with his distinct green eyes and a gaze so hypnotic, she had to avert her eyes to try and remain grounded.
Andrew and Jason held hands as they listened to Lana describe her confusion with the onslaught of what she was beginning to feel. They both knew she had never experienced love or being in love, or even having so much as a high-school crush. The vitriol their mother spewed was simply too hard for Lana to comprehend from a young age, but now, meeting Matthew had resuscitated a part of her that had withered a long time ago.
Andrew sat down next to his sister as they began to eat their tantalizing dinner of barbecued black tiger shrimp, mixed green salad, and red potatoes.
"Okay, so… you've rhymed off the positives—what are your concerns? And don't think about it… just say it. I don't want you to sanitize what really is worrying you."
Mid-chew, she rolled her eyes at the amazing taste of the food. "His age. He's just 21. I'm more or less 11 years older - I mean, I know it's not totally unheard of but it's still a bit of an age gap."
"Keep going," Andrew prodded further.
"Well, again, I'm 32 and he's a young NHL'er. Do you know that virtually every time we passed a younger woman, Matthew made their heads spin… they completely melted at the sight of him. My assistant was one of them." Lana's eyes cast down to her plate and she shook her head. "This is the first man I have ever felt this way about, and he's barely an adult himself. I don't even know if he feels any of this or not but even if there is something there, how could I measure up to a stacked 20-year-old? I'm in a whole other decade than anyone in his social circle. And… I've been around these guys long enough to know there's no shortage of women that are at their disposal."
Jason and Andrew nodded in agreement.
Lana's eyes felt the pin prick of tears, and she blinked them away before they fell.
"And then there's that whole other issue." Setting her fork down, she looked at her brother with a pained expression. "Once more… I know how these guys operate—Matthew's very attractive… I'm sure he had his university experience with God knows how many girls. And then there's me. Never kissed anyone before, never been touched—never even…"
She put her face in her hands as she exhaled heavily. "Goddammit, it's getting harder all the time to even admit to myself that I'm still a virgin. How do I even begin to explain this to him or anyone else?"
"Lana, stop. Just stop now. You're getting upset, so let's just take this one step at a time. He's asked you out for dinner to say thank you. So go out to dinner with him and let him say what he wants to say." Andrew spoke softly as he continued. "You've had meals with him already, so don't put pressure on this. I realize this is new territory for you, but don't get ahead of yourself. Jesus, I'm just happy you admitted to liking someone. Hell just fucking froze over." Andrew flashed a crooked smile at his sister.
Jason interjected as Lana swatted Andrew lightly with her napkin. "Why not do something else? Dinner, schminner—we've got fantastic seats to the Jays game this Sunday. If you ask him and he's available, they're yours. It's a 1:30 start, so just go, grab an overpriced hot dog and a beer. Relax and have fun. You'll know more once the game's over than you did before."
"But—I thought… that was our Sunday thing…," Andrew said, his dark brown eyes full of disappointment as he turned towards his partner.
Jason draped his arm around Andrew's shoulder. "I was going to surprise you, but I've figured out something better—I'll tell you later."
Andrew smiled at his partner, and then turned to Lana and nudged her arm. "Do it—message him now just to get it over with and let's see what he says."
When Matthew first read Lana's message, a wide smile spread across his face, and nervous excitement fluttered in his stomach. The prospect of spending an entire afternoon with Lana, relaxing and savoring the last days of summer, made him wish he could fast-forward through the hours and days until he saw her again.
As it went, the preceding days before their date flew by quickly. The pair fell into a comfortable routine of text messages throughout the day and longer phone calls in the evening. Matthew had even floated the idea of a "pre-date" dinner, but he discovered Lana was virtually Wonder Woman, juggling the many responsibilities and demands that pulled her in all directions day after day.
Sunday arrived, and Matthew had insisted on picking Lana up at her place. Her condo-townhouse was uniquely surrounded by expansive parks, forests, and ravines alongside tourist spots such as Casa Loma and the Royal Ontario Museum.
Matthew had hoped that Lana would invite him inside, but as he pulled alongside the curb, she emerged promptly, waved, and turned to ensure her front door was locked. Matthew bit his lip when he couldn't help noticing how fucking amazingly sexy she looked in a simple pair of jeans.
His stomach was aflutter as she slid in next to him wearing a José Bautista baseball jersey and a baseball cap. Her long blonde hair was tied in a ponytail, reaching midway down her back.
Lana suddenly felt a little paranoid being decked out like a super fan versus Matthew's simple t-shirt and shorts. "Is this too much? I hope I'm not going to embarrass you," she laughed.
Matthew blushed. "God no—no… you look—just… wow… can't even think of the words…" He inwardly groaned. At times, he felt so immature compared to her effortlessly elegant demeanor.
Feeling his cheeks burning, he quickly changed subjects. "Oh, traffic was crazy coming up here, so what's the best way of getting down to the Rogers Centre? I'm not familiar with this area of the city at all."
"Hmmm, well… we have time… if you don't mind a little walk, we could just catch the subway. I'm planning on indulging with a couple of totally overpriced coolers at the game," Lana smiled. "I'm not sure if you can with your training, but could I twist your arm to have a beer or two with me?"
Matthew chuckled while giving a resounding "yes" to Lana's suggestion.
As they walked, Lana gave Matthew insights into the surrounding districts and popular neighborhoods. While still maintaining a level of privacy and confidentiality, she spoke of the residences of both past and present athletes and other prominent people whom her firm helped get situated in the city.
"Just a few streets over, that's where William's place is," Lana pointed to the east and then smiled. "Well, you likely know that already."
Matthew wasn't prepared to feel the sudden twist and lurch of his stomach hearing her mention his teammate and friend, Willy Nylander.
With ticks of what he could only decipher as pangs of jealousy, Matthew's thoughts bounced furiously inside his head. He knew he had no right to feel jealous or even a little bit possessive towards Lana, but god, he liked her so much. He wondered if she and Willy had spent extensive periods of time alone together as he had done with Lana while searching for a place. Matthew had seen first-hand how easy it was for Willy to attract women, and he wondered if they had a tryst or two—or even more. God knows she was hot enough to entice any man, athlete or otherwise.
Suddenly, the stark realization that he knew nothing about her personal life cast the harsh sting of doubt deep within him.
"Oh, you know Willy? Really good guy," Matthew said more blandly than he intended to.
"Not well, but yes, I met William years ago… he wasn't much more than a rookie when he and his roommate were looking for places to rent. His roommate's girlfriend was known for her modeling mostly, but she also worked for us as a sales rep at the time."
Matthew nodded his head, feeling a sense of relief that he at least didn't have to worry about any former escapades with his teammate.
However, between the walk, the subway ride, two drinks, and now two foot-long hot dogs at the game, Matthew still had a million questions floating around in his mind about her personal life. He couldn't put his finger on whether her reserved responses stemmed from being humble or modest, or if she was being completely evasive when he asked her a couple of basic questions about herself.
By the bottom of the third inning, with his second beer kicking in, Matthew finally mustered the courage to ask Lana more intimate questions about her personal life. Though he worried his questions might dampen the fun they were having, he couldn't resist—he was utterly smitten with this woman and needed to know more.
Taking another sip of his overpriced beer, Matthew, alongside some liquid courage, dove into the line of questioning. "I've got to know—why aren't you with anyone? No boyfriend, husband, wife, or even a girlfriend? I’m assuming you’re not with anyone, since you’re on a date with me."
Lana raised an eyebrow, followed by a smirk. Needless to say her two vodka coolers had loosened her up somewhat. “I didn’t know this was a date. I suppose I’ll have to break the news to my husband and my boyfriend once I get home.”
She glanced over at how Matthew both laughed and pouted at her poking fun at his question.
"Shit… I'm sorry. I blame the coolers if I'm being an asshole." Lana took a small bite of her hot dog and tried to tread lightly as she continued. "I am absolutely unattached. No husband, no boyfriend, wife or otherwise."
Matthew shook his head in disbelief. “Yeah, but how is that remotely possible? Like, I’m sorry - you’re really fucking awesome, and women like you rarely single. I’m surprised I guess - just trying to get my head wrapped around how this can be?”
Lana looked straight ahead as she thought of how to begin her explanation. "Dealing with people on a business level is something I do well—with both men and women. But on a personal level, I've always been a bit… I don't know—cagey around men."
From her peripheral vision, she could see and feel Matthew's gaze as he listened intently.
Tilting the cooler can to her mouth, she took a healthy sip before continuing. "It's terrible to say that more often than not, even from a young age, most men tend to ogle me like an object as opposed to a functioning human being. Or even a woman with some level of intelligence. So where it started as an awkwardness around men in general, I suppose I just continued to keep men at arm's length. That's mainly why I'm single, I guess. I have never actually dated anyone…ever."
Matthew's eyes grew wide, and he unintentionally expelled a short breath from the surprise of Lana's admission.
He turned back to look at the game but he could not care less about what was happening on the field. He could not think of one word to say.
The once easy and comfortable atmosphere the two had shared all day seemed to disappear within seconds.
Even as the crowd erupted in cheers for the Jays' popular right fielder hitting a line-drive double to the left field corner, Lana and Matthew were surrounded in a deafening silence, and were virtually oblivious to the excitement around them.
Based on his initial reaction, Lana began to write Matthew off in her mind as being yet another man who could not accept her for what she was.
In an attempt to break the tension, Lana was the first to speak. "Sorry, I really didn't mean to drag you down with all of that. I just wanted to answer your questions honestly." She pursed her lips together as she searched Matthew's expression. "If you'd rather end the date early, I understand."
“No, god…no. I don’t…unless you do?”
Lana glanced down, a faint smile playing on her lips that she tried, unsuccessfully, to hide as she shook her head.
The two remained at the game until the bottom of the eighth inning when they decided the Jays would win by a mile, barring any catastrophes in the final inning.
As they walked back to her place from the subway, their conversation still flowed easily, yet it was apparent that something between her and Matthew had shifted. With a heavier heart than usual, Lana put to rest thoughts of ever seeing him again.
Which is why Matthew seemed a bit confused and disappointed when Lana thanked him for coming, wished him well for the season, said goodbye and turned on her heel to start walking up her front steps.
“Lana? Wait…what’s - what’s happening?”
She stopped on the top step and turned around to face Matthew. She could see his Adam's apple bobbing in his throat again. She had noticed it when they first met and on a number of occasions when they spent time together. She started to wonder if that was a sign of him being nervous.
With an air of uncertainty, Lana responded. “I assumed - well, that we were sort of….done…here. I felt like I more or less killed the vibe earlier.”
Matthew looked down at the sidewalk for a moment and then returned his gaze to Lana. “Well, no…it wasn’t you. I feel like shit because maybe I kept pressing you to answer. I do feel bad…it really is none of my business.”
Although he spoke the truth, he secretly wanted to push her for more information. He wanted to know everything. He just hoped she would let her guard down enough to let him gently prod her. He desperately didn’t want to their date to end so abruptly because now, he was more enthralled with her than ever.
Lana’s expression was soft as she recognized the tension in Matthew’s stance, his hands jammed into his pockets and his brows furrowed. “Would you like to come in for awhile? Order some dinner maybe?”
Cooley, Matthew nodded and tried to stifle a smile. He climbed the steps and joined her on the stoop. He stood close behind her as she unlocked the door, and her heart raced as he followed her inside.
Matthew’s jaw dropped from the moment he stepped through the frosted glass front door. The flawless interior design embodied Lana perfectly. Elegant, stunning, sophisticated, and inviting.
Lana walked Matthew throughout her home, smiling and often giggling at his reactions in each room as they entered. They decided to order a less-than- nutritious dinner, and ventured up to her rooftop terrace to enjoy the warm evening as they ate.
Calculating risk and probability had worked in her career and in her very few blind dates prior to meeting Matthew. Lana realized she had to shelve the mathematical formula and let her emotional intuition take the reins. After all, she had misjudged him. The labels she realized she had given herself mattered little to him.
Dusk settled over the city, and a cool evening breeze swept in as the two spoke about family, exchanged stories from their respective alma maters, and shared snippets of how they pictured their individual futures.
Matthew ever so subtly guided the conversation back towards Lana, but this time, he held her hand as she spoke of her upbringing, brief bits and pieces of her parents, her school years, and her mentor. Lana sipped her wine and allowed the little buzz she had to further fuel her openness with Matthew.
The nighttime temperature dropped rapidly, so the pair headed indoors and continued their conversation in the living room, settling on her plush grey sofa.
When she finally broached the subject of her complete inexperience with a man, Matthew simply could not process what he was hearing, and he went back for some clarification.
"So, wait—what do you mean? Like…you've never been kissed? Or ever had - "
Lana's face was flushed as she shook her head. "Nope. Never been kissed. There's even a movie with the same title with Drew Barrymore. I cringe every time it's listed as 'Recommended for you' on Netflix. Same with 'The 40-Year-Old Virgin'—I'm not 40, but I still avoid that movie like the plague. It’s too bad because I love Steve Carrell."
She chuckled at her self-deprecation and turned to Matthew, expecting at least a small grin.
But he wasn't smiling. Matthew's intense eyes were fixed on Lana's face. The distinct and sexy shape of his mouth was slightly open, and his lips were colored the most delicious shade of pink.
Matthew leaned towards her. The very second she felt his mouth on hers, she was sure she could live happily in that moment for the rest of her days. But when his hand gently cupped her face at her jawline, joining their mouths softly and passionately, that’s when Lana started to feel the effects between her legs.
There was heat. There was wetness spawned from urges that had long been keeping her awake at night, and her not knowing how to relieve any of it.
It was surprising to Lana how quickly her mouth learned to move so beautifully in sync with Matthew’s. He leaned her back onto the pillow against the arm of the sofa, and as he shifted to kneel between her legs, it was the first time Lana had ever seen an erection on a man. Matthew’s shorts were fully tented and Lana swallowed hard at the sight of it.
Stretching out on the length of the sofa, Matthew gently positioned himself between her legs. She expelled a small gasp as Matthew’s concealed member pressed against her clothed pussy. Matthew traced her neck with soft kisses, moving slightly up to her ear which elicited more soft moans.
Matthew spoke softly by her ear. “I never ever want to push you further than what you’re comfortable with. Promise me you’ll tell me if you want me to stop.”
Lana responded just above a whisper as she kissed his temple. “I promise - I promise I will.”
Matthew moaned against her skin in response.
Lana was reeling from all of the exquisite firsts she was experiencing. The sensations from each kiss which made her feel like she could drift away only became deeper when he lightly stroked his tongue against hers. The feel of his tongue sparked a fervor for him that she could have never anticipated, even in her wildest imagination. She lightly gripped his hair at the scalp which only excited Matthew more.
“Is it ok if we go to my bedroom? Give us both some more room?” Lana said breathlessly. She could feel the puffiness of her lips and grazed her fingers over them as she looked up at Matthew.
Matthew’s eyes were like a rare colour of green glass, and had always cast a sort of spell on Lana since they first met. But now - now, she knew what it meant to touch and taste him. To feel his broad and strong frame between her legs. Whether their connection progressed further that evening or not, Lana knew that the long wait for a man's touch through adolescence into adulthood was well worth it.
She loved how swollen and pillowy Matthew’s upper lip looked, which formed into a borderline cocky smirk as he studied her face. Lana rolled her eyes a little at how he suddenly looked like a frat-boy ready to score. Chuckling at him, she pulled his mouth onto hers for another deep and passionate kiss.
They held hands as Lana led Matthew upstairs into her stylish master bedroom, trying to appear less nervous than she actually was. She watched Matthew look around at the furnishings and décor and look back at her, visibly impressed by it all. But she could also sense a mix of nervous anticipation as he slowly brought their bodies together.
Lana's breath trembled slightly, looking up at his face as she felt Matthew's hands glide down the length of her spine and land on her ass. "I'm not sure if I should wait to ask—there's no pressure…we don't have to go any further but will you stay—sleep here with me tonight?"
Leaning his forehead against hers, Matthew drew her body into his. "Of course. I would love to stay with you. Anywhere. Anytime."
Lana rose on the tips of her toes to kiss Matthew again. Just like that, he had made her feel so comfortable and secure enough to initiate touch, kiss, and openly want him. It was baffling and exhilarating to her at the same time.
After freshening up in separate bathrooms, Matthew returned to the bedroom first. He stripped down to his boxer briefs and slipped between the sheets. The comfort of Lana's bed made him groan as the mattress soothed his aching muscles from his daily workouts. As he settled in bed, he gazed in awe at the expansive city view through the windows which were tinted for privacy from the outside.
Lana emerged from her ensuite bathroom feeling timid and unsure. She had no idea what to do or what to say, or even what to wear. Was she supposed to walk towards the bed acting sexy and confident?
The only thing she knew was that she felt neither confident nor sexy in her plain white tank top and shorts.
Watching her slide in next to him—her eyes wide and cheeks flushed with shyness—his heart swelled with admiration for Lana. He would do anything to make her feel at ease.
She lay on her side, her long, honey-blonde hair sprawled across the pillowcase as her eyes scanned Matthew's muscular frame. She hesitated touching his skin at first, but she figured they had come this far….
Lana stared with wonderment at Matthew’s conditioned body, allowing her hand to lightly travel from his collarbone, down between his pects and across the ridges of his abdominal muscles.
Lana’s hand stopped moving just around bellybutton as she tried not to gawk at his erection. She looked back up at Matthew’s face, his expression filled with adoration as she explored his body.
Matthew gently pulled her tightly against his body, his desire for her apparent. He leaned her onto her back and his lips kissed a path down towards her taut nipple showing through the thin cotton fabric of her tank top. The very second his tongue connected with the tip of her nipple, Lana’s back arched wanting everything Matthew was offering. His hand was quick to slide her top up, uncovering her full, round breasts.
Lana whisper-moaned how incredible Matthew felt as his tongue lapped, flicked, and stroked each peak while his hand cupped underneath her breast. Lana recognized that her body had long been sending her signals, virtually pleading for a man's touch. Now she was experiencing what it truly felt like to be intimate with someone she really liked, and she was not at all prepared for how badly she wanted to feel him inside of her.
She wanted to tell Matthew she was ready for more but she wasn't sure what to say or how to say it.
Tracing the contours of his broad shoulders, she threaded her fingers through his sun-kissed brown hair. She bit her lip, mesmerized, as Matthew alternated between kissing and sucking her breasts.
"Matthew — my god, you feel so amazing…" Lana said softly. When Matthew raised his head, his hair tousled and eyes heavy with lust, she smiled and stroked the small scars along his jawline. "I'm not sure what the right words are… but if you could — I mean, only if you want to… I'm ready for you tonight… I want to experience everything with you…"
Matthew brought his face closer to hers. "Only if you're positive. Even if you change your mind — if it's too much, I promise, I won't go any further." He kissed her gingerly, showing his complete devotion to her.
Lana nodded and smiled. “I’m sure.” Butterflies flitted in her stomach as Matthew’s tongue touched hers in a deep kiss.
Matthew suddenly groaned and pulled away slightly. The look of dismay on his face was concerning as he hung his head.
“I know it’s a long shot to ask…but you wouldn’t happen to have condoms lying around somewhere? I don’t tend to carry them with me…” Matthew said apologetically.
Lana's eyes grew wide with the realization that she had not even thought about protection, and if she and Matthew were going to continue these types of activities in the future, she needed an appointment with her doctor quickly.
"Should I run out now—grab some maybe?" he asked.
She looked at Matthew's handsome face and shook her head with a sweet smile that held a hint of regret. "No…..maybe we should forgo that for tonight.” She focused on the same scars on his jawline and kissed each one softly. “I've waited this long for sex… I can wait a little longer."
Lana seemed a little more confident and comfortable as she made an unexpected and rather seductive move by sliding her body on top of Matthew's and straddling his hips. She watched as his mouth first fell open, followed by a firm bite to his bottom lip at the sight of her before him. Her hair was mussed, her tank was stretched and barely covering her voluptuous breasts, and her toned thighs, which were now spread apart, showed the wet mark in her shorts from her seeping arousal.
She trailed her fingernails lightly across his chest. “If it's okay with you, can we see what other things might give us a bit of pleasure?”
Matthew was speechless—he could only nod and grin as he ran his hands up and down the sides of her legs.
Lana could feel his erection, still concealed by his underwear. If she listened solely to her bodily instincts, Matthew's cock would be inside her right now. Both wanting and not wanting to give in, she lightly slid her panty-clad pussy against his hard shaft. When Matthew moaned and gripped onto her hips and told her to keep going, she repeated it until she was masterfully grinding against his growing cock.
Her mind was a whirlwind, full of needs and sensations that she had never felt before. To say this moment was one of the most exhilarating of her life would not have been a stretch.
She leaned over and brought her mouth onto Matthew's, as his hands roamed and caressed every accessible inch of Lana's soft skin. She gazed at Matthew as he murmured sweet encouragements against her lips. She could feel a blissful pressure in her core as she squeezed her tight pussy walls as he gripped her ass, pressing his cock firmly against her sheathed folds.
“Come - lie here on your back,” Matthew gently directed.
Lana and Matthew worked in tandem to remove her shorts and top. The soft glow from the bedside lamp perfectly illuminated Lana's athletic, toned body. Though initially feeling timid and exposed, Lana was quickly put at ease by Matthew's gentle affection.
Lana couldn't take her eyes off his face as he lay on one side of her, running his fingers along her abdomen. When he asked if he could keep going, she nodded emphatically, giving him permission to explore her aching pussy.
With his finger at the top of her slit, Matthew asked if Lana had ever touched herself.
Her breath hitched as she said "No." Her eyes remained fixed on Matthew as he kissed her, ensuring she was comfortable before he wet his thumb in his mouth and began to slowly rub small circles just above her clitoris.
As if with a mind of its own, Lana's hand grasped Matthew's forearm as he continued to gently massage the delicate, sensitive areas within her warm, wet folds. Short, erotic-sounding breaths escaped her parted lips as her eyes closed and her head pressed into the plush king-size pillow.
Lana began to moan Matthew's name while her hips moved almost in tandem with Matthew's circular strokes. She opened her eyes and they met his, so mesmerizing and entrancing.
Lana’s hand loosened from Matthew’s forearm, travelling up along the showy vein along his bicep eventually snaking along the base of his neck. She pulled his mouth onto hers - her kiss laced with a fire and hunger for him that she unconsciously yearned for.
Lana cried out as her body suddenly shuddered and spasmed when Matthew continued stroking the inner lips of her pussy, while lightly touching the nub of her clitoris.
She wasn’t sure if the surge of intense warmth from her core was an orgasm, but whatever it was felt absolutely exhilarating as gripped and pulled Matthew into her panting and breathless body.
Lana's body twitched as she laid her head back on the pillow. She and Matthew shared a look of pure contentment, until Lana's hand grazed against the prominent wet spot on his briefs. Her eyes trailed down to his cock, which stretched the light cotton material that concealed it.
Lana’s doe-eyes trailed back to Matthew’s face, unsure of how to give Matthew the same kind of release he just gave her. She continued to look at him as she ran her hand up his rigid shaft. “Does it hurt when I touch it?”
“No - it feels really good….you can keep touching it.”
Lana adjusted her body, laying on her side and guiding Matthew onto his back. “Can I take off your underwear?” she asked in a sweet and suggestive manner.
Matthew moaned softly. “Mmmm….yes - please…take them off.” He lifted his hips as she gently tugged the briefs down his thighs, exposing a very generous and thick cock. Lana couldn’t help but to stare at it as it lay stiff in the middle of his pelvis.
“Can you show me how - maybe how to stroke you to make you cum?”.
Lana was eager to learn and Matthew was more than willing to show her how he liked being touched.
But what surprised Lana more was the intense urge she had to put his cock in mouth.
Jesus - one step at a time Lana….even though it does looks fucking yummy she thought.
With a few tips and pointers from Matthew, Lana began to stroke Matthew's cock, from the tip of the head down to his balls. She propped up onto her elbow and found herself to be a fast learner under Matthew's guidance. She studied his expressions—what movements made him squirm and moan, what made him flex his feet back and forth, and what made him groan and call her name. She never let his sensitive flesh get dry—she was salivating so much at the idea of one day sucking his cock that she would continuously moisten her fingers before massaging the glistening head and his girth. When Matthew's hips began to rise and his breathing became erratic, Matthew gripped the sheet and gasped for Lana to keep going, just a little faster. The erupting cum shot from his pulsating cock was Lana's reward—it was as perfect for a night of firsts as she could have ever hoped for.
Still looking a bit dazed, yet extremely satisfied, he turned his body towards Lana, resting his lips against her neck while his hand glided up from the back of her knee and up her thigh.
His breath was warm against the soft skin of her throat as he murmured how good she was. And something about being a really good student.
After tidying up with gentle, affectionate gestures, Lana and Matthew settled into bed. Initially drowsy, Lana's senses awakened as lamps were switched off and the glimmer from the city lights was softened through the dark solar shades. She yearned to savor this final "first" with Matthew—the experience of falling asleep and waking up beside someone she truly cared for. She smiled to herself when she heard his breathing pattern slow and even out, and then gingerly moved into her favorite sleeping position. Matthew awoke for a brief second, pulled her in close next to him, and drifted off to sleep once more. Lana's eyes grew heavy once she had calmed the thoughts that danced in her head, and fell asleep with hints of a smile remaining on her face.
As it always did during the work week, Lana's alarm sounded at precisely 5:25 am, and her window shades, set on an automatic timer, retreated into their housing. Typically, she'd be heading to the bathroom at 5:30 sharp, ready to tackle her standard exercise regimen. However, with Matthew's body still spooning hers, her traditional morning routine could take a backseat—just for one day.
Rubbing the tiredness from her eyes, she reached for her phone while Matthew’s arms tightened around her, silently pleading that she stay close to him. Setting her phone back down, Matthew kissed her exposed shoulder and groaned contentedly as he drifted back to sleep.
Lana lay awake, gazing into the darkness of the early morning hours. She found this time of year to be bittersweet with the days becoming shorter and the leaves beginning to change. After her traditional September vacation, when she rid herself from the hustle and bustle of her career and the city, she would return clear headed but yearning for a change. A change which she could never quite put her finger on.
Lying with Matthew that morning, she realized the change she had longed for and her desire to invest time in someone worthwhile were deeply intertwined. She would never dream of putting pressure on this new found whatever this is, but fuck if she wasn’t going to enjoy the moment to its fullest.
At 6:25 AM, another alarm sounded before Lana could silence it. Matthew stirred, whispering a husky "Good morning" in her ear.
Lana smiled and said the same to him while stroking his forearm. She softly said she needed to get ready for work and began to shift to leave Matthew's side. He pulled her back towards him in protest, opening up one eye as he moaned a long, drawn-out "Noooo….can’t you call in sick or something? Look at the clouds - it’s going to be a shit day outside….better off staying here…."
Lana playfully feigned exasperation, giggling as he nuzzled the back of her neck, while his free hand roamed up her thigh, circled around her torso before his palm rested under her breast, giving the soft roundness a gentle squeeze.
Lana savored Matthew’s early morning advances and thought perhaps she could call in sick, or at least cut her day short. “Do you have somewhere you need to be today?” she asked mid-squeal as he hands continued to wander over her skin.
“Supposed to be doing my lift training today at 9:30, but I can see about postponing it for another day - if you can stay in bed with me, that is.”
Lana shifted her body enough so she could turn to look back at Matthew. She enjoyed the feeling of being wanted but their respective careers still needed tending to. “How about this - I go to the office while you train. I’ll ask Ainsley to shift some calls around and we can come back here for lunch…something like that?”
“Mmmmm….something like that….”
Lana’s eyes grew wide and she bit her lip with the feeling of Matthew’s growing hard-on poking against her ass cheek.
You better pick up some condoms while you’re out Lana mused.
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ramcharantitties · 5 months
Sita's note: hello everyone I am back with a new series! Please give love and support to this one, all RRR and Heeramandi lovers <3. Thanks to @vijayasena for name recommendation :)
Chapter 1: Kainat
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The sun started to meet its horizon, and lights were turned up in the streets of Heeramandi. Pigeons flew away, taking their rounds and the dogs strolled carelessly. Sounds of girls laughing were audible in some houses, and sound of ghungroo in other. It was only hers where the sound of broken mirror was heard.
Kainat met the floor, her hands saving her as much as they can but still not being able to save her now bleeding lips. She wiped it with the back of her hand, and looked back up at her. Rehana. The hatred was evident, not less than the anger on her face. "If you don't say yes to them I will chop you up and feed away your pieces to the stray dogs." That was the last thing she heard from her. Kainat braced and picked herself up from the floor. She sauntered back in, aware of Rehana's sister watching the show as she nursed her child. Even she fell in love and birthed, then why couldn't Kainat? She didn't know, and didn't wish to wonder. All she wanted was to not to be given to the nawab- to wait for her lover who left her. But that was too much to ask for from Rehana.
Kainat sat by the edge of her doorframe, looking at the pink sky. Her cheek and lips throbbed. For Rehana, the nawab wasn't that bad. But Kainat knew what words of actions he told in her ear, sending a chill down her spine. She looked at the bustling street, hoping to see the face of the man she had grown to love, only for him to disappear. Weak. The punishment of her mistrust was going to be a lifetime of slavery. Kainat blinked back the tears, a lump in her throat. His name doesn't last on her lips anymore.
"Oh mohe aavan keh gaye aashiq rang aur beet gayi barso, sakal ban"
The slow hum of her voice didn't reach outside her room, but did settle in her heart as she sat on the bed. Kainat lost herself in Lahore, and her runaway lover was never coming back. She fell back, landing on the mattress, tears streaming down the side of her face. Kainat also heard Mallika cry that night, Rehana doesn't give mercy to anyone in Shahi Mahal.
It was 5 in the evening when Kainat woke up. She has to leave for a trip with the nawab today. "You should be happy for such fate" Rehana muttered as she brushed the locks out of Kainat's hair. "The nawab said he can't wait to use me" the dead pan in Kainat's noise wasn't hiding anymore. "What's wrong with that?" Rehana said the obvious statement and decorated the braid with pieces of jewel. The only light in her life was reflecting off from her jewellery. Nawab promised to take Kainat to Bombay once before permanently keeping her there. "Just a taste of the wind" he said, blowing the smoke of hookah on her moon like face. Kainat inhaled the burning scent, her lungs burning and giving her a reality check. Of what is to come, of what she deserved.
Satto was more than kind to pack Kainat's favourite books, her favourite perfumes, snacks, ghungroo, money and favourite jewelry in a bag for Kainat to keep it close, to remind her of Heeramandi. It was too much for a week's trip, but she felt like she has already started losing herself to the ways of the Nawab. The pink evening turned to black night, just like Kainat's life. Kainat went to light up Rehana's room, one last time, when the sight of a jewelry set caught her eyes. Kainat always wanted it but nothing good comes from Rehana for her. She stood there frozen, her hand holding the diya. She could hear Phatto calling for her in background, saying the nawab is here. Kainat quickly hid the jewelry behind her heavy dupatta, leaving the room with entities.
The ride to the railway station was quiet deafening. All nawab did was boast about his properties and how he will keep her happy, how she will enjoy being used, and it won't matter if she doesn't enjoy it. Silent tears slid down her cheeks, which she didn't bother wiping. They got off on the railway station, but Kainat carried her own bag packed by Satto, with the stolen jewelry in it. They stalled when they entered a room, and Kainat was supposed to wait outside, alone. Apparently Nawab had to meet someone before leaving. From the corner of her eyes, Kainat caught a glimpse of light.
She took a step back, glancing at the wide open gate looking back at her. Inviting, attracting. Her steps moved forward, fastening each time, when she finally stepped foot on the iron floor of the train. A huge sigh of relief left her body, followed by a sob. Finding an empty seat, she sat down, trusting her faith. Kainat didn't know where she was going. A jerk pulled her back to the world, when she accepted leaving Lahore and hopefully her cursed life behind. That easy. Was it always so easy? To escape from the hell called Shahi Mahal and Heeramandi? From her own cousin, Rehana? She could see Nawab's men looking for the runaway woman, but it didn't matter anymore. She has left Lahore behind now.
Tagging: @jkdaddy01 @ramayantika @definitelyhim @starlight-1010 @panikk-attackkk @vijayasena @lilliebeingdelulu @multifandom-boss-bitch @yehsahihai
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velvetstreets · 1 year
“Stop it.”
“Stop what?” He smiled cheekily.
“Stop doing that!” You exclaimed, annoyed that he was so obviously trying to get a rise out of you.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about babe, I’m not doing anything.”
“Stop touching me.”
“I’m not touching you.” Jack smiled, his finger millimeters away from your cheek, eager to protrude the swell of your soft cheek, but patiently sitting idle.
“You’re so annoying.” You scoffed, moving to get up to leave the couch you were both sat on.
“You’re so annoying!” Jack mimicked, catching you off guard as he wrapped his arms around your waist, pulling you back down into his hold before he started to tickle you.
“Oh my fucking god, Jack no!” You squealed in his hold, unable to keep from giggling loudly.
“Say mercy and I’ll stop-“ Jack laughed as he tried to keep your squirming body close to him.
“Never!!” You shrieked, Jack’s fingers tucking under you chin; your most ticklish spot.
“Fuck Jack, please!” You giggled, tears forming in your eyes as you tried to wriggle out of his hold and catch your breath.
“Mmm, my favorite words coming from you.” He said chuckling.
You managed to get the upper hand, twisting your position so you were now facing him, straddling his hips and grabbing a hold of his hands in yours.
You let out a huff as he smiled up at you, letting himself adore you in the moment.
“You bitch.” You exhaled and the both of you laughed.
“Got you good, huh?” Jack boasted proudly.
“I never said mercy.” You reminded him, your grip on his wrists tightening a little before you made your move. You leaned down over him, lips brushing his earlobe before you spoke.
“You will though.” You smirked, releasing your hold to dig your fingers under his chin; his most ticklish spot.
“Oh fuck!- Baby, p-please!” Jack roared with laughter, trapped under you, squirming around with no way out .
“Say mercy!” You laughed menacingly.
“Okay, okay! Mercy!” Jack squealed. His face was beet red and his chest was heaving as the two of you grinned at eachother all dopey.
Jack grabbed your chin and pulled you into a sweet kiss. He pulled back softly before doubling down and smooching kisses all over your face, rapidly.
You giggled in adoration, reveling in the love.
“Hope you’re not too tired.” Jack said.
“Cause I’m still tryna get you to say mercy.” He smiled, before getting up and throwing you over his shoulder.
You shrieked with delight, and Jack smacked your ass, making his way to the bedroom.
send in one word (cold, thick, giggle, whatever you’d like) and I’ll write a lil blurb to go with it!
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mariacallous · 11 months
While I wouldn’t be so bold as to claim that soup is a Jewish food, we do have a disproportionate love of it. And by “we,” I mean the global Jewish community — with roots in Egypt to Yemen, Eastern Europe, and Iraq. Our enthusiasm for a bowl of (usually) savory liquid is easily understood: Soup is a frugal dish and many of the varieties below originated in poor communities that relied on cheap ingredients like vegetables and meat bones to help more expensive items like beef chunks stretch further. Soup is an easy way to feed a crowd and are therefore often enjoyed on Shabbat and festivals. Plus, it’s the ultimate comfort food and, Lord knows, our people have had more than their fair share of troubles!
But what makes a soup Jewish? And which is the best Jewish soup? Behold, a totally subjective ranking that you can fight with your friends about:
1. Yemenite Soup 
A broad term for numerous sensational soups from the Yemenite kitchen unified by a warming spice blend called hawaij that features turmeric, black pepper, cardamom, cumin, and coriander. The most traditional variety uses marrow bones to impart a deep meaty flavor (basically, a bone broth), though a chicken base is also common — try adding hawaij to your chicken soup for a burst of sunshine. We love this vegetarian take with root vegetables, too.
Pros: A fragrant one-pot meal that only improves with time in the fridge.
Cons: Your local supermarket probably doesn’t stock hawaij. Luckily, there’s Amazon.
2. Kubbeh Soup
If you’re new to this Iraqi delicacy, just think of kubbeh as a kind of stuffed, elevated matzah ball. Made with bulgur wheat or semolina, these dumplings are filled with meat, then simmered in a variety of broths, ranging from beet-based to turmeric-tinged. This is one instance where the soup is secondary to its accompaniments: the kubbeh take center stage.
Pros: Kubbeh are dense and super filling, so a bowl of this soup is a full meal.
Cons: This ain’t no quick dish — the kubbeh are made by hand and quite labor-intensive.
3. Chicken Soup With Matzah Balls or Kreplach
This classic broth ranks highly for name recognition alone — it is arguably the quintessential Jewish soup. Somehow, leftover chicken carcasses/cheap cuts/older hens are elevated to pure magic with the addition of vegetables, water, and time. And if that weren’t enough, we have fluffy matzah balls to suck up all the goodness, or dumplings filled with all sorts of treats to add an extra level of intrigue. This is a dish to be tweaked and honed over time according to personal taste, though this classic version is a good place to start. If you’re looking to push the boundaries, try cooking it in the oven instead of on the stove, or adding lamb bones for a deeper flavor.
Pros: Not called “Jewish Penicillin” for nothing, studies have shown that this soup helps reduce upper respiratory cold symptoms.
Cons: No version will ever be as good as your grandmother’s.
4. Egyptian Golden Potato Soup
Of the various potato-based Jewish soups, this one stands out. The humble potato is elevated with a burst of brightness from lemon juice added just before serving and a healthy dose of trendy turmeric, responsible for its golden color.
Pros: Easily adapted for vegetarians — just switch out the chicken stock for water.
Cons: Be wary of golden splatters while blending.
5. Lentil Soup
This thrifty, filling concoction is the OG of Jewish soups — literally — boasting biblical roots. It plays a starring role in the feud for first-born dominance between Jacob and Esau. Basically, Esau, hangry from a hard day’s work in the field, agrees to sell his first-born rights to younger brother Jacob in exchange for a bowl of lentil soup. That soup must have smelled pretty damn good to be worth giving up a whole bunch of privileges, almost as good as this hearty tomato-based lentil soup with facon (yes, that’s fake bacon), or this Syrian lentil soup flavored with garlic and cumin.
Pros: An excellent source of meat-free protein and opportunities for deception.
Cons: The amount of grit in packaged lentils requires thorough rinsing.
6. Sopa de Huevos y Limon
This brighter, silkier take on chicken soup hailing from Turkey, Greece, and the Balkan States is a true comfort food. It’s so nourishing and gentle on the stomach that it’s a popular meal to bring in or break the Yom Kippur fast. Plus, it’s a great way to use up leftover chicken. Check out this classic recipe.
Pros: Despite its velvety creaminess, this soup is dairy-free.
Cons: The egg tempering process can be tricky.
7. Borscht 
Although in Eastern Europe borscht is considered a local, not Jewish, delicacy, this fuchsia riot of a soup has become synonymous with traditional Jewish eateries in the U.S. and wider Anglo diaspora. Cheap, earthy beets are the undisputed star, but the accompanying flavors offer tons of room for experimentation — emphasize the sweet-sour notes with lemon and sugar or freshen it up with orange, ginger, and mint.
Pros: Suitable for year-round sipping, as it’s equally delicious served hot or cold.
Cons: That bright color equals significant stain potential.
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Can you please make the Obey me demon brothers reacting to a femme fatale Mc?
Content warnings: dom/sub dynamics, himbofication, sexual punishments, sadism, humiliation. Please let me know if I missed something!
Smut under!
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He has a love-hate relationship with this MC; he's the strong, dominant type and likes to have all things under his control, he does love a challenge tho. He loves how beautiful and sexy his MC is, but he hates letting other people see her. A lot of conflicting emotions with this one. I feel like his type is more like a bratty sub, someone that likes to challenge him but lets him have his way with them anyways. But, all in all, he loves punishing his MC, so her behaving like a tease makes for better punishments.
Stuttering to the max. "No MC, I don't like that dress that you're wearing psht -while having the reddest cheeks ever- w-why are y-you coming closer? S-sto-p" Easiest brother to tease, but he's still MC's number 1 fan. He loves boasting and screaming that he was your first man.
Did I say Mammon was the one that was stuttering? This man can't even look at MC the first time they meet; his face is beet red, and his eyes don't leave the floor. I picture MC teasing him every opportunity they get: "Levi, baby. Can you please help me get this jar? It's too high up for me"- whining while on her tippy-toes, showing a good angle of her bum. It takes him a while to become accustomed to MC's antics, but after a bit, he loves how humiliated they're able to make him feel just by looking at him.
He LOVES femme fatale MC, loves, loves her. I think some of Satan's favourite reads involve strong characters, preferably female characters, who know what their strong qualities are and how to use them. He's the brother that cares the least about what MC wears outside, either because he loves showing her off, or because he knows he can handle anyone that dares stare at his MC for too long. Also, he might use this as an excuse to let off some steam and beat someone up when he is angry (but you didn't hear this from me).
Both he and his MC are man-eaters and you cannot convince me otherwise. Asmo is very pink if that makes sense; pink roses, pink lacy lingerie, pink bedding; but MC is red; red lipstick, red underwear, red satin slips. They make for the perfect duo, and Asmo loves MC's antics and does a lot of helping when it comes to assessing her dominance over any man. He loves seeing MC in action and likes giving and taking pointers from her.
Big himbo boy doesn't understand. As much as MC might try to embarrass him, humiliate him or tease him, he doesn't get it. He simply has this big dumb smile and takes everything in stride. "Yes MC, you can help me take a bath, I don't mind" "No, MC, I'm not usually this smelly, I just finished practice that's why." He just loves the attention and if MC is having fun, why should he question her intentions?
This MC brings his sadistic side out more than anyone else. He loves when she makes him punish her: "MC is wearing a revealing outfit, of course she would, she's such a little slut that craves attention." I think the more out-there and confident MC is the more he wants to fuck that confidence out of her, and the more he tries the more MC tries to prove him wrong. It's just a vicious cycle that they aren't willing to break.
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lya-dustin · 1 year
All is bliss
Chapter 45
Cw: sex,mentions of child brides, bigamy, ghosts🔞
Gif by @barbieaelin
Taglist:@mercedesdecorazon @darylandbethfanforever9 @alexandria-millie @watercolorskyy @ewanmitchellcrumbs @sweethoneyblossom1
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Orphan-Maker suits him.
The Roxtons had been tall, and the sword proportionate to their lords. The longsword is fine, finer than any sword Aemond has had and would make a good weapon.
The sword that once protected Jaehaerys and his heirs confiscated from Aemond’s would be murderer.
“Apparently he may be part of a conspiracy, he had been heard boasting that he would kill you and he’d split me open like he did to a vassal knight and take his wife as a prize.” Aegon comments after presenting him with a sheath worthy of the sword and a new horse. “Ironrod thinks we should arrest his sister and see if her lovely goodfamily is involved, but the girl was only wed for a fortnight before Titus the Turd died in Honeywine.”
The war was lost, any fool could see it.
Only problem is Aegon’s own supporters wanted death in glory and now refused to listen to them.
“It wouldn’t hurt to keep an eye on her and any of Peake’s family, as numerous as they are, I won’t be here to protect you, you know.” Aemond pointed out.
He is to march tomorrow, to leave even if his wrist and leg are still hurting because Aemma’s behavior brought unwanted speculation.
As if she had been the first hysterical pregnant woman to react over the top about a calamity.
But people had seen it, talked about it and made it all worse.
Someone made a song about it even, an irritating ear worm that invaded your head.
“The elder she beds out of duty and the younger out of love.
The seven can’t save them from her siren song while their mother cries as she looks from above.”
“She’s fucking three and ten, besides she is mother’s cupbearer. I can’t just arrest the girl without making mother look like she wanted to murder you for fucking my wife.” Aegon dismissed his advice with good reason.
Mother would be under scrutiny, and as much as she has changed for the worse, she wouldn’t have him killed.
Or would she?
To think once that thought wouldn’t have crossed his mind and now he can’t trust his mother not to do something so wretched.
“I suppose, but it wouldn’t hurt to be cautious and have someone investigate Peake. They came after me in broad daylight, who’s to say they won’t go after you now that you’re back on the throne?” The former prince regent reminded him.
He could be foolish.
Aegon had never applied himself thinking the crown would never fall on him and now Aemond fears he will find the city on fire the moment he turns his back.
Mother never helped, too busy caring for father and stealing the crown for Aegon to actually see if he was any good at ruling.
Aemond in the meantime took every lesson taught to Aemma with great pleasure. Everything Aegon never valued, he would take with unabashed gusto.
By the age of ten he devoured histories and philosophies to see how great kings became great kings because father intended him to wed Aemma since the moment both children had been born.
Then mother had to say it wouldn’t be right for a second son to come before his brother in the succession and suggested Aegon in his place.
“Of course, I will. I am not an idiot, Aemond. Which is why I am sending you away instead of marrying you off to the Stokeworth girl as mother suggested.” Aegon did have his moments, moments when he was not blind with drink nor too out of his depth to care.
Marriage would have been worse, especially because mother’s intended bride twelve-year-old Elinor Stokeworth.
Little Elinor who served as Aemma’s cupbearer and blushed red as a beet when Aemma praised her.
She was a fucking child, really the whole idea was demented.
The match was mother’s way of getting back at her for having been made the leading lady of the court and House Targaryen.
Aemma gets to decide how the ladies live, who they marry, and children reared, something Rhaenyra and his mother butted heads over for that decade they lived together.
But mother still had cards up her sleeve and had convinced Aegon he needed to be rid of him once and for all.
And because he refused that generous offer, he would be forbidden from seeing, or speaking or even writing to Aemma while he was away.
Her correspondence would be watched to ensure she doesn’t try to get anything to him nor he to her. any news for them would be sent through his brother or her, and until the anointing for Aenys comes around, Aemond must keep their end of the deal or wed little Ellie.
A difficult choice, but one they cannot say no to.
“Don’t give me that look. It is for your good as well as hers. As they say, if you love her you will let her go.” His brother said as if he hadn’t refused to do the same.
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The return of her dragon does lift her spirits.
Silverwing managed to make Alicent scream when she saw her land on the roof of Maegor’s Holdfast and Aemma had a laugh at her expense as she rewarded her silver queen with a lamb or two.
Made her forced separation from Aemond bearable.
Her sole consolation is that she only has three and a half moons to go and he has to be here for the anointing.
After the tourney, Aegon had gone as far as coming to her bed to keep the pretense that they cared for each other.
They hadn’t shared a bed since they married, it was fucking annoying to wake up to him instead of Aemond.
Especially because Aegon took up the whole bed and liked to sleep in the nude.
The first night, she’d turned and held him tightly as if he were Aemond, called him by his name and he just went along with it.
Only thing that gave it away was that Aemond has what he has dubbed the Hightower Hairiness while Aegon is as hairless as her.
“I ache for you and I haven’t even left yet.” Aemond ground his hips against her rump and she bit down on her lip lest they be discovered.
The library was deserted, Aegon never came here and no one save for them and Aemma’s ladies came here often.
His wrist and foot had healed nicely, or so she made out by the lack of bandages as his hand crept up her stomach, pawed at her growing breasts before settling on her neck to tilt her face to his.
The other bunched up her skirts until he found her mound.
“I don’t care what anyone says, this belongs to me.” Her lover palmed her cunt and yet stopped her when he refused to let her release him from his breeches.
He wants to do this his way, and she won’t deny him.
“Aemond, we’ll be discovered.” She warns and yet guides his long and calloused fingers where she needs them.
This was just the beginning, preparing her for his cock and a fuck she’ll feel when he leaves the city later tomorrow morning.
“I’ll tell them I’m afflicted by your siren’s song, Aemee.” He whispered in her ear before biting her earlobe, the hand on her throat leaving her so he could unlace his breeches and free his prick. “That I wed you like the conqueror wed his sisters and you’re my wife just as you are his. Could you imagine if we did that? I already plow your cunny for him, might as well bind you to me with a blood oath.”
He has been drinking, she can smell it and taste it in her mouth as she kissed him again and yet Aemond has never made this much sense.
“I’d wed you with fire and blood now of you wished it, dearest. We have all we need for it.” She doesn’t know what possessed her to say that. “Marry me, Aemond.”
No, that’s a lie, the queen thinks as she bit her lip bloody from the pleasure when he finally entered her.
Right on the rug he first took her on, they wed in the way of their ancestors, alone in grandfather’s library with only the old model of Valyria and a rat scurrying away as witnesses.
He paints the glyph on her forehead with his own blood just as she does with hers and drink wine no one’s else but them have had.
“Hen lantoti ānogar va sȳndroti vāedroma. Mēro perzot gīhoti elēdroma iārza sīr. Izulī ampā perzī prūmī lanti sēteksi. Hen jenȳ māzīlarion, qēlossa ozūndesi. Sȳndroro ōñō jēdo Rȳ kīvia mazvestraksi.”They speak the words in unison as if they had said it all before.
Perhaps they had, perhaps they were soulmates meeting each other again and again.
Yes, soulmates.
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“Blood of two joined as one. Ghostly flame and song of shadows. Two hearts as embers forged in fourteen fires. A future promised in glass, the stars stand witness. The vow spoken through time of darkness and light.”
Alys’ eyes glitter like glass as she stares into the flames.
A valyrian wedding vow, one she and Rhaenyra had whispered to each other underneath their blankets once upon a time as they shared their first kiss.
You cannot kiss someone until you wed them, Alicent had said even if she has been dying to feel Rhaenyra’s lips against hers more than Criston whom she lied and said she had a crush on to make her jealous.
Then I’ll wed you and wed Criston and we will be sister wives like Rhaenys and Visenya, Rhaenyra had boldly said and taught her the wedding vows.
They had wed each other, kissed and touched each other while Criston stood watch outside Rhaenyra’s door unaware of what happened within.
And then I wed your father and killed you.
“They wed each other. As if adultery wasn’t enough of a crime, she had to make him a bigamist too.” The queen scoffed.
“A shame they had to resort to that, love like that is so hard to come by.” The witch blinked and returned to her mistress.
She is not Rhaenyra, but she made a good enough replacement.
Alicent had let Criston have his way with her while she shut her eyes and remembered Rhaenyra’s delicate features twist in pleasure as Harwin rammed her from behind.
It had been a secret pastime, to live vicariously through Rhaenyra and her lover wishing she had been the one to make the princess come undone and be the one to receive her love and worship instead of Harwin who never deserved her.
To be her or to have her, she could never decipher.
Perhaps it was both.
But you killed me, Rhaenyra’s voice whispers as the woman kissing and making love to her turns into her.
You killed me, you killed my daughter, my sons and yours, sweet little Ellyn too and now you will burn in hell for your sins right there with me, my love, Rhaenyra’s ghost continues pleasuring her, and Alicent lets herself fall further into the fantasy even when her fingers card through dark tresses and not ones as fair as moonlight.
When she sees Aemond with a split lip and Aemma hide hers under a painted lip, Alicent bites her tongue still tasting Rhaenyra in her mouth.
We will burn together, Alicent, the ghost says as Aemond leads the troops out of the city.
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no-bone-biscuits · 2 years
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Sebastian would be a very strict, yet sarcastic dad. He's quick to point out your shortcomings and make you the butt of the joke. (especially infront of your friends) Blunt and pitiless, Seb won't beat around the bush for the sake of sparing your feelings. After all "Coddled children mature to be lily-livered adults!"( is something he would say) Sebby firmly believes in tough love....just without the love part. Though, everyday won't be spent getting chastised by your father. He knows to recognize your accomplishments and award wanted behavior. BUT ONLY WHEN WARRANTED! Sebastian loves to boast and show you off to the other parents. In those moments it's almost like he's proud of you.
Undertaker is loads more relaxed. He's not too worried about that "disciplining stuff" After all "Life is the greatest teacher through mistakes and repercussions." BUT THIS GUY WOULDN'T KNOW ANYTHING ABOUT CONSEQUENCES!! He never recycles, lies on his resume, shoplifts, never picks up after his dog, speeds in school zones, EVADES TAXES!! Undertaker does everything ass backwards and gets away with it. "Do as I say, not as I do" should be tattooed onto his forehead, since he says it all the time! Undie acts more like a spastic pre-teen than a father. Which often leads you hiding your beet red face, as you pretend not to know that lunatic blaring "I Kissed A Girl" in middle of the school parkinglot. Despite his reckless behavior, he would never let anything hurt you. He cares for you, immensely. Undertaker will part the 7 seas, sink countless of ships and more for your happiness and wellbeing. <3
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shift-n-beet · 10 days
Save me Toh x Amphibia x Gravity Falls crossover. Toh x Amphibia x Gravity Falls crossover save me.....
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yeetathebeeta · 5 months
Ya'll what happened with the statements coming out the archives in tmagp ep 15???? Like I need to know???????
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hiddenobject-fanblog · 3 months
His Soul (Chapter 15)
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Summary: After saving the abducted collectors, you were trusted with Curioso's box. What seems like a dangerous possession slowly turns into an opportunity to learn more about this creature and his curse. Can you earn his trust, and possibly, his affection?
Pairings: Curioso/Reader, Curioso/The Detective
The figurines found their way on the edge of your desk, facing you as you tackled your day-to-day work. It made a lovely decoration to your space, adding more color and giving you the proud opportunity to present yourself to your clients. If anyone asked, it was commissioned work you’d gotten from an artist, and if anyone implored about the tall clown next to it, you were willing to shrug it off and say that you found it somewhere online. 
…Sure, you’d be lying, but what else could you say? ‘My magical jester friend made it for me! You should meet him!’ …That was out of the question!
As you sat down and got to business, your eyes kept moving over to your newly-acquired gifts. At first, it was in awe, admiring the presents made for you and appreciating them as much as you did the night you’d gotten them. But after a week of staring at the statuettes, it was clear that Curioso’s small likeness was reminding you of a matter you’d been avoiding. 
It would be best if the both of you confronted it sooner rather than later. 
With a long breath, you stood from your desk and walked upstairs into your apartment, where you knew he would be sorting through folders of your pictures. You were going to arrange them in a better fashion, find any from your previous cases and move them into their proper dossiers. But that was something you were going to worry about later…what was on your mind now was much more important. 
You leaned in the doorway and watched as Curioso’s long fingers flipped through your carefully-laminated photographs. He was observing each of them, lingering on an individual picture before moving to the next. He must’ve been so absorbed in this process that he hadn’t noticed your arrival. You didn’t bother announcing yourself or even clearing your throat - the matter found its way out of your mouth before you could stop it. 
“We need to talk about something.” 
Your friend jumped a good foot in the air, whipping around to you in surprise. A weird feeling of satisfaction momentarily filled you, as you had never startled him like this. He was always the one stumbling upon you, producing himself out of thin air whenever he chose to teleport. He could be talkative when you got going in a conversation, but he was always so quiet about moving around your space. Usually, the tell-tale sign of him would be his bells, if he produced enough movement to stir them.
“About what?” He inquired, gently setting your folder down on the table. 
He sounded nervous. You felt so, too. You hadn’t rehearsed this conversation before having it. You felt worried you were going to say something stupid. How could you tread on such fragile ground without having any practice? 
“About…you.” Your shoulders slumped as you gestured to him. “Your, ah, situation.” At his confusion, you decided to be a bit more detailed. “I’m talking about your clothes. They’re a mess, and I want to change that.” 
He slowly rose to his feet, his gaze never leaving yours, even as you had to angle your head upwards when his taller stature towered over you. 
“And how do you intend on doing that ?” He asked curiously. You knew your cheeks were beet red right now. 
“Well…for starters, maybe I can wash that costume of yours. And, uh, Audrey can help me sew up any holes or…whatever else needs fixed with it.” 
“Why bother? I’m in control of what I look like. If I wanted a hole mended, I would do it myself. Without ever touching any of the fabric, mind you.” He was boasting, and something in you wanted to lower his ego. You couldn’t have him walking around in such a state and feeling fine with it. 
“Then why don’t you do it?” You challenged him. 
“Maybe because I don’t want to?” He cautiously took a step back from you. “Un-Unless you’ve suddenly come up with a strict dress code that I don’t know about..?” 
“No, but that would’ve been smart.” An airy chuckle left your throat. “I just don’t like it. You should be in better clothes; you don’t have to wear those anymore. Why haven’t you changed from them?”
“I-I can’t,” He responded weakly. You took a step forward. 
“Why not? Are they glued to you or something?” 
“No, but - well,” He huffed. He didn’t say anything, appearing to be at a loss for words, so you decided to head in a different direction with this conversation. 
“And those doll prosthetics you have…they’re damaged and dirty. The least I can do is clean them and find a way to patch them up. Nothing is really impossible-”
“Why are you giving me all this attention?” He was flustered and uncomfortable, shifting away from you until he was practically backed against the wall. “I don’t need anything..!” 
“Maybe you don’t. But I want to help you clean up.” 
“I’m sure my appearance doesn’t get in the way of what I do for you-” 
“Curioso, stop arguing and let me help you!” 
“And what if I don’t WANT your help?” 
“Why would you want to live with this damage? Do you really want to look like this for the rest of your days?” 
Your tone was exasperated and you certainly felt like it. This particular comment got the jester to sag on the wall and look away from you. He crossed his arms. 
“I’m nothing,” He reminded you. “Under these clothes are nothing. Do you know what it’s like to be an empty space? It’s not fulfilling. I like to know and feel that I am wearing something. It gives me a good sense of what and where I am. Without that, I…” He seemed to lose his voice for a moment. His mask turned back to you. “...I feel exposed.” 
Your eyes widened. “You don’t have an artificial torso or anything?” When he shook his head ‘no’, your eyes traveled over the rest of his form. “What’s under your pants?” 
“Detective..! You could treat me to dinner before asking such questions-” 
“--You can’t even eat!” 
“What a pity! I guess you’ll never see what’s there, then.”
Was he play-flirting with you right now? You had no time to think about what he meant by that. “That doesn’t answer my question on why you don’t just fix your clothes yourself? If you can manipulate what you look like-” 
“-It’s hard , alright!?” He exclaimed, alarming you with his raised tone. “When I am out of that box, I feel less like I’m in control. It’s incredibly easy to fix myself in there, but out here , I…I can hardly keep my top hat on, sometimes.” His posture deflated as he lowered his mask in defeat. “I don’t know what’s causing it. I used to be much better than this.” 
You moved closer and patted him on the shoulder. You were getting more comfortable with physically comforting him now. “Maybe your magic weakened after how much that enchantress took you out?” 
“That’s not a bad theory…” He seemed to think about it. “When I’m outside, I think of myself ‘as is’ . Because..it’s what I am. I’m broken and my costume is in shambles, no matter how hard I try to fix it.”
He raised his head and met your gaze. He was finally succumbing to your request. “If you helped me, and I had a better ‘as is’ , it might make things…easier…” You gestured for him to go on, and he finished his thought with a grumble. “...So, fine , you can do it if it doesn’t bother you.”
“Why would it bother me?”
“Would having a floating mask and a mouth of sharp teeth unsettle you?” His grin appeared sinister. 
“I mean. It is you .”
“And you wouldn’t be afraid? What if I touched you with no hand? Would you be scared, then?”
“I think anyone would if you did that without their permission!” You recoiled. “I want to give you something nice in return for what you do for me.”
“My kindness is not something to be repaid, but I will be grateful all the same.” 
You smiled at him appreciatively, hoping that this was a step in the right direction, and you could help restore him to how he once was.
Curioso was extremely tense when the time came for his cleaning. But as he stood there, looking so badly damaged and torn apart from head-to-toe, you knew this was the right thing to do. He handed you his top hat first, unclasped the small belt around his waist, and then hesitated when it came to do anything more. Your eyes had been studying the part of his mask that was usually hidden from you. You were snapped back to reality when he shifted on his feet uncomfortably. 
“I - If you don’t want to, uh, undress in front of me, you can…just use the bathroom..” You suggested timidly. 
“Can I stay in there until you’re done?” He implored. You nodded, the concern still finding its way on your face.
“You know, you’re free to be around while I’m doing this…You don’t have to hide away just because you’re not-” 
“-Come, now, Detective, I’m sure you wouldn’t want me to see you walking around your place naked..!” 
He practically sprinted to the bathroom and slammed the door behind him. You followed his path and waited outside, trying not to listen to the sounds from within, but recognizing the noises of fabric rustling and bells jingling. You attempted to picture what it looked like behind that door, if he was truly invisible or not, but you quickly shook those thoughts from your mind. You placed a hand over your mouth as you realized how improper that line of imagery had been. 
Sure, he might be invisible, but…that didn’t make it right. Maybe he had a point. He was maintaining his propriety by waiting in there until you were done. 
You knocked a knuckle against the door. “If it helps, you can wash up in there while I work on your clothes. Your arms and legs can wait, if that makes you comfortable.” 
“Great!” The door opened just a smidge and his costume was shoved in your hands. “Have fun!” 
It closed again and you heard the sound of the lock being set in place. You looked at the wood strangely before climbing downstairs and neatly unfolding the fabric in your hands. You’d cleared off your desk completely to make room for what you had to work on. On it was a borrowed sewing machine and a few supplies, needles, thread and the sort. Sitting in a chair was your friend Audrey, who smiled at you when you entered her sight. Her attention moved to what was in your hands and she cringed. 
“Oh, dear. How did they get that bad?”
“I imagine it’s had at least thirty or even forty years of wear,” You sucked in a breath through your teeth as you sat down. “But with a little love, anything is possible.” 
“I’ll say,” She mumbled as she inspected the top hat next. 
You weren’t sure what she thought of the costume, but you were glad she hadn’t made any comments yet. You were thrilled when she agreed to head over and help you with some mending today. She had more experience with repairs like this. Your sewing skills were pretty limited, having only taken a home economics class back in high school. She’d made some alterations to your coats and gloves before, so you had complete faith that she will do justice with Curioso’s ensemble. 
While she was patching the holes in the top hat, and you were practicing your sewing skills on his pants, your friend’s voice startled you and caused you to prick your finger with the end of the needle. Audrey was immediately apologetic - but she made sure to give you a proper scolding. 
“Detective! Do you think the thimbles are here for decoration?” 
“Yeah, yeah, I get it,” You rolled your eyes, sucking on the end of your finger to numb the pain. “What did you say?” 
“I was asking if these belonged to your…jester friend. What was his name again?” 
“It’s actually a pretty name,” Her eyes were focused on her work rather than you. “It’s so nice of you to want to do this for him. You’ve always been a selfless person. It’s why you do what you do, isn’t it?” 
“Of course. And I’m so happy you wanted to help me with this. I mean it, Audrey, I don’t know how to make it up to you.” 
“Just don’t forget your promise to visit me and tell me all about your cases. I’m afraid Curioso will take you away from me completely..!” 
“Come on, that’s not going to happen. He’s my best friend.” It was the first time you’d said it aloud and your eyes widened at the honesty. You worried it would’ve upset her, but Audrey said nothing to that. She looked to be nearly smiling. 
“You two must get along well if you spend so much time together.” 
“He’s - more like a roommate in that way, really…”
 “If you say so~,” she replied in a singsong way. You glared at her for her teasing, but her lips were stretched to her cheeks, relishing in your embarrassment. You had a feeling her words would be repeating in your mind in the near future. 
You didn’t want to read into anything right now - you had to focus on getting these clothes mended..! 
It took you a couple of hours, but soon, Curioso’s attire was patched and sewn back together. It looked much better than it did, and you felt proud of the work you two had accomplished. He was going to be so happy with it, you just knew it..! And you only had Audrey to thank for it all. You made your gratitude clear as you embraced her by the front door, squeezing your friend in a moment of excitement. 
“Make sure you remember to wash it,” She dutifully reminded you as you pulled back. “And for those other things…I grabbed you some special glue and some wax. Remember to soften the material so you can reshape those areas.” 
You blinked in surprise. “So you’ve done some research on this.”
“Of course. Anything for you.” She patted your arm affectionately. “Good luck.” 
“Get home safely. And save me a doughnut for tomorrow morning, will you? You make the best chocolate twists.” 
She gave you her promise and left your office. You spun around to gather the clothes from the desk and prepare them for washing. Your work wasn’t done yet - you needed these cleaned and dried before Curioso could wear them again. You wouldn’t have him looking at these again until they were pristine. You were determined to make that happen. 
You climbed upstairs and noticed the bathroom door was still closed. You knocked on it to check if Curioso was still in there, and the sound of water slightly sloshing caught your attention. 
“Decided to take a bath, have you?” You grinned coyly. 
“Your advice was good. I’ve cleaned myself up as best as I could.” Some more sounds came - he must be getting out of the tub. “Do you need my limbs now?” 
“If you don’t mind. Your clothes should be ready in an hour or so. Is that alright?” 
A dissatisfied groan met your ear through the wood. “I’d rather not be left like this for so long, but…whatever it takes.” 
“Couldn’t you just go back in the box for a bit? I’m sure your dolls won’t judge you for being naked.” 
“ Hilarious .” Curioso’s annoyed voice made you bite your lip. The door abruptly opened again and four appendages were handed to you. “Here. Try not to break them if you can.”
“You know…” You took them in your arms and held them delicately. It was a little weird, but that was fine. “...You could always just take some new ones off of those puppets you have. I don’t have to fix these up if you’d rather replace them.” 
“They’re my favorite. Not all dolls are made to be so flexible. If you wouldn’t mind…please be careful with them.” 
“Okay…do you want anything? Are you all good?” 
“I want this to be over with. Please hurry up.” 
“Fine, fine.” You waved him off as you trudged away. You’d make this quick, but you weren’t going to force your process. “I’ll be done before you know it.” 
If that meant you’d be wrapping up by dinner time, then you did a good job on being timely. You felt guilty, having cooped your friend up in the bathroom for so long, but at least you were proud of what you did. It wasn’t something quick and sloppy - you took your time and paid attention to every detail, just like he did making that figurine of you. If he took the utmost care of your gifts, then you’d do the same for him.
..Even if his nagging about how long it took was a little annoying. You hoped Curioso knew how much you were willing to do for him. 
He swiped the material from your hands the second the door was open. Then it was shut - and you idled patiently until he emerged from the bathroom. It was a wonderful sight…he looked nearly like he did in that box, except without all the fancy glitter and shimmering from the golden parts of his hat and bells. It wasn’t perfect, it looked much better under his own altering, but it was definitely an improvement from before. 
Your eyes lit up as you drank in the sight of him. “You look incredible!” 
“It’s nice not wearing something that’s been so badly abused,” He twirled on his heel for effect. “You did a great job, Detective. Thank you.” 
Your smile only grew wider as you observed him enjoying his fixed clothes. But when you faced his mask, your lips fell as it dawned on you. The one part you hadn’t fixed was his face. Parts of his mask were still torn and cut. How could you have forgotten the most vital part? Without warning, you stepped forward and reached for it. As your fingers grazed the cheeks of his visage, Curioso made a nose and stumbled backwards. 
You stiffened and automatically reached for him. “I-I’m sorry! Did I hurt you?” 
“No, no, it’s..” He looked to be catching a breath that he didn’t really need. “Why were you touching my mask?” 
“It’s still damaged. I forgot to ask for it. I should’ve fixed it, too, I’m sorry-” 
“-Don’t worry about it. Let’s, uh, leave that part alone for now, shall we?” 
You dropped your arm. “Are you sure? The mask is kind of important-” 
“Absolutely!” His tone sounded too stressed for your liking. “You’ve already done so much for me…let’s get some food in your belly and send you off to bed, hmm?” 
“Ah…alright. If you say so.” 
He had a skip to his step as he headed towards your kitchen. You followed after him with a slower pace, rubbing your fingertips together as you recalled the texture of his mask. The feeling it brought to your fingers - they were still buzzing from the contact. You’d never actually touched him there before, and the experience felt a bit more...intense. 
You wanted more of it.
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haruniki · 2 years
Haunted House
what's it like in a haunted house with them- Genshin Impact pt. 1
Characters: Hu Tao, Shenhe, Beidou, Ningguang
a/n: this is part of my Halloween event!! you can find it here! I will do my best to update it as i write characters!
Hu Tao
Probably not the best to go to a haunted house with
Hu Tao enjoys going to them! It's the most popular date option during October for the both of you.
Loves dressing up and going to them! She prefers matching costumes too! You've both ghost, zombies, and vampires before!
Scares the scarers back
Has been banned for some haunted houses for being too scary
Her favorite part of the haunted houses is going ahead of you and hiding, waiting for you to approach
And when you get close, she jumps out to give you a scare
"BOO!! Hahaha! You should see the look on your face! You're as pale as a ghost! Hmm? Aw, come on, don't give me that face, you know i was just joking right? Come here for moment."
Gives you as many hugs and kisses as she can because she feels bad about spooking you, only a little bit though!
Doesn't really understand them
She still goes to them, not because she wants to protect or anything, just wants to experience it
Shenhe most definitely doesn't get scared, mostly just confused by some of the decorations or costumes of the scarers
Tries to eat a fake spider
If you get scared and grab onto her, she turns beet red
Doesn't dress up but she might if you beg her too
She'd most likely just wear a witch hat or the devil horn headband
Keeps a hold on you so you don't get lost or wonder off
Somehow, she wonders off herself and now there's people looking for you to come collect your girlfriend
"..." "So how did you- " " I would rather not speak about.."
Overall, Shenhe will protect you and comfort you if you get too scared! Just be a bit careful about showing too much affection, she might over heat!
Objectively one of the funniest ones to go to a haunted house with
She'd boast about how you can grab on to her if get scared and the first jumpscare to happen, she'd jump in surprise (totally not scared at all)
Tries to laugh it off and say it was just a fluke
A lot more careful to pay more attention to her surroundings afterwards
I think Beidou would wear a costume to these but like a really funny one. Like a banana costume or something similar
holds on to your waist and holds you close to her so you don't get lost through the haunted house
If she feels you flinch at anything, she tightens her grip just a bit and pulls you into her side a bit
cracks jokes if things are too dense
if it gets too boring, Beidou will start a eye spy game to see how many random decorations you both can find
steals a spider decorations
"So, we might need to run back to ship." "what? why?" " heh, i may have stolen a decoration."
Cue to you both running
atleast you both have a new decoration for the crux
Lifts you up so you can place it up above the captain cabinet door.
Also gives you a very passionate kiss to make up for making you run
absolute queen
takes getting frightened like a champ, and laughs it off with pride and joy
Doesn't dress in a costume but does wear a nice outfit to go with the theme of the evening
Was mostly invite to it as a guest for a fundraiser or something similar
Thoroughly enjoys watching you interact with everything, and smiles gently when you get spooked by something
Ningguang keeps a hand on the small of your back so she can wrap her arm around should the need arise
Might get annoyed if people walking by gawk at the both of you
Might have to schedule a private visit for just the both of you
Enjoys the decorations and the ambience of it all
Afterwards, she definitely takes you out to eat foods that match the season.
"My gem, are you enjoying yourself? I should've tried to schedule a private event for us, i wasn't expecting so many people. "
Afterwards, Ningguang takes you back to the jade chamber for a bit of pampering and quality time together
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healthyfoodfitnesstip · 6 months
The Humble Beetroot: A Root Vegetable Packed with Powerful Benefits
Beetroot, a vibrant ruby red vegetable with earthy undertones, is more than just a colorful addition to your salad. This root vegetable, also known as red beet or simply beet, boasts an impressive nutritional profile, making it a valuable asset to a healthy food fitness tip. From boosting athletic performance to promoting heart health, the benefits of beetroot are numerous.
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A Nutritional Powerhouse:
Beetroot is low in calories and fat, making it a perfect choice for weight management. It's an excellent source of essential vitamins and minerals, including:
Vitamin C: Strengthens the immune system and promotes collagen production for healthy skin.
Potassium: Essential for regulating blood pressure and maintaining healthy muscle function.
Beetroot is low in calories and fat, making it a perfect choice for weight management and potentially beneficial for people with diabetes (is beetroot good for diabetes?). This is due to its high fiber content, which helps regulate blood sugar by slowing down the absorption of carbohydrates. Additionally, some studies suggest that beetroot may improve insulin sensitivity, further aiding in blood sugar control for people with diabetes.
Folate: Crucial for cell growth and development, especially important during pregnancy.
Manganese: Plays a role in metabolism, bone health, and wound healing.
Unique Nitrate Content:
Beetroot is rich in nitrates, which are converted into nitric oxide in the body. Nitric oxide relaxes blood vessels, leading to several health benefits:
Improved Blood Flow: Enhanced blood flow benefits overall cardiovascular health by lowering blood pressure and improving circulation.
Exercise Performance: Nitric oxide improves oxygen delivery to muscles, reducing fatigue and potentially enhancing athletic performance.
Cognitive Function: Increased blood flow to the brain may improve cognitive function, memory, and focus.
Additional Health Benefits:
Beetroot offers a range of other health benefits:
Antioxidant Powerhouse: Beetroot contains betalains, powerful antioxidants that protect cells from damage and may reduce the risk of chronic diseases.
Anti-inflammatory Properties: Beetroot's betalains may also have anti-inflammatory effects, potentially benefiting conditions like arthritis and inflammatory bowel disease.
Detoxification Support: Beetroot may aid detoxification by stimulating bile production and supporting liver function.
How to Enjoy Beetroot:
Beetroot's versatility allows you to incorporate it into your diet in various ways:
Roasted: Roasting brings out the sweetness of beetroot. Enjoy it cubed as a side dish or sliced on salads.
Pickled: Pickled beetroot adds a tangy flavor to sandwiches, burgers, or salads.
Sautéed: Sautéed beetroot pairs well with other vegetables or protein sources.
Juiced: Beetroot juice offers a concentrated dose of nutrients. Blend it with other fruits or vegetables for a refreshing and healthy drink.
In Conclusion:
Beetroot, a delicious and nutritious root vegetable that deserves a place on your plate, is a fantastic healthy food fitness tip. Packed with essential vitamins, minerals, and unique compounds like nitrates, beetroot offers a range of health benefits, from improved blood flow and exercise performance to cognitive function and overall well-being. So next time you're at the grocery store, don't overlook the humble beetroot. Explore its culinary versatility and unlock the power of this vibrant root vegetable.
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theintexp · 7 months
The Battle of Losmin on 18 November 1812 by Peter von Hess
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Ney's III Corps was designated as the rearguard, initially slated to depart Smolensk by 17 November. However, Ney's attempt to destroy the rampart, guns and ammunition seemed to yield limited success due to the rainy weather. He departed Smolensk with approximately 6 guns, 3,000 troops and a squadron of 300 horses, leaving behind as few French as possible. Around 3:00 a.m. on 18 November, Ney's Corps set out from Korytnya, aiming for Krasny where Miloradovich had positioned his troops atop a hill, overlooking the gully containing the Losvinka stream. On this day, thawing conditions, thick fog, and light rain resulted in the dreaded rasputitsa, creating treacherous icy surfaces as the evening advanced. Unaware of the Grande Armée's departure from Krasny, Ney remained oblivious to the impending danger near the gully. Around 3:00 p.m., Ney's advance guard appeared at the Losvinka and briefly managed to reach the top before being repelled to the other side of ravine. In Ney's perspective, Davout still lingered behind Miloradovich's columns within Krasny, further influencing his decisions. Disregarding a Russian offer for an honorable surrender, Ney courageously aimed to force his way through the combined enemy forces. Although the determined French soldiers breached the initial Russian infantry lines, the third line proved impenetrable. At a crucial juncture, Nikolay Raevsky launched a fierce counterattack. Ney's troops found themselves surrounded atop the hill, causing immense disorder and leading many to surrender. The pivotal moment was narrated by the English General (in Russian service) Sir Robert Wilson:
Fourty pieces of cannon loaded with grapeshot, erupted in unison, spewing flames and unleashing a deadly shower upon the French assailants. The Russians, at the forefront, shouting 'hurra', lunged forward with fixed bayonets, without firing a musket. A bloody but brief struggle ensued; the enemy could not hold their ground and were driven down the ravine. The hill's brow and sides were covered with French dead and dying, and all the Russian arms were drenched in blood. The wounded, lying bleeding and shivering on the snow, pleaded for 'death' as the greatest mercy in their hopeless state.
Ney suffered more than half of his forces' losses, with nearly all the cavalry and all but two artillery pieces vanishing. The devastating defeat of the III Corps prompted Miloradovich to offer Ney another opportunity for an honorable surrender. In the early evening, Ney chose to withdraw with his remaining troops. Following the advise of colonel Pelet he maneuvered around the Russian forces at Mankovo, tracing the Losvinka's path for several hours. By 9 p.m., they reached the desolate Syrokorene, located about 13 km north. There, they encountered a reserve of red beets, which they prepared for sustenance. At some point during the night, Ney learned of the impending threat by Denisov. Amidst the darkness, he opted for a daring crossing of the Dnieper, purportedly between the remote hamlets of Alekseyevka, Varechki or Gusino. These spots boasted shallow river points but nearly vertical slopes. Sappers employed logs and planks to create makeshift crossings over the ice. One by one, but not without significant losses, they managed, leaving two guns, part of the detachment and wounded who could not continue. Ney's men enduring the crossing on all fours, with the elements and the Cossacks reduced their ranks to a mere 800 or 900 resolute soldiers.
Ney made an audacious decision to lead everyone to the Dnieper, hoping to cross to the opposite bank on the ice. His choice left soldiers and officers alike astonished. Despite the incredulous gazes, Ney declared that if no one supported him, he would go alone, and the soldiers knew he was not making empty threats. When the fortunate few reached the opposite shore and believed themselves saved, they had to climb yet another steep slope to reach the shore, resulting in many falling back onto the ice. Of the three thousand soldiers who accompanied Ney, 2,200 drowned during the crossing.
In the ensuing two days, Ney's valiant band defended against Cossack assaults as they traversed 90 km westward along the river, navigating swamps and forests in their search for the French army. Ney maintained his defiance, rejecting surrender as Platov's thousands of Cossacks pursued them halfway the river's right bank. Covered with snow, the morale of the French soldiers shattered, with surrender becoming a contemplation for some. Sources. French invasion of Russia, The Battle of Krasnoi & The decimation of Ney's III Corps, from Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
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