#being entrepreneur
kaeyachi · 6 months
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it was funnier in my head
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wintvies · 4 days
i've been making my own coffees for a while now, so don't be surprised if you see me on the forbes thirty under thirty list 🤭
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kruemel8 · 10 months
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Tessa never loved skating and she never loved Scott. The two go hand in hand unfortunately. I’m sure he feels just great about how she speaks about the sport he loves, how she has nothing positive to say about it or about him.
and yet gets paid 💰💰💰 to wax poetically about their alluring illustrious storied career?
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sonicblooms · 1 year
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our girlie is #MakingMoves 🎉
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jrueships · 4 months
'Luka is Batman and kyrie is robin!!' lmfao, bro is never beating the sidekick allegations
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princessproductivity · 5 months
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A bit about @princessproductivity!
Hey there, everyone! Welcome to the Princess Productivity blog! This blog is written by myself, a 23-year-old Christian woman, residing in the beautiful Pacific Northwest! I co-own two successful businesses with my ambitious husband, and I am now pursuing two more entrepreneurial ventures of my own.
My "business beliefs":
Everyone has room to become a better, more productive version of themselves.
Knowledge related to self-improvement should be freely available to those who are willing to take the necessary steps to improve their circumstances.
If a person wants to turn their unpaid passion into a successful business, that passion must be treated like a business, even if they aren't yet making a dime.
Entrepreneurial success can be achieved without the loss of one's humanity, compassion, and generosity.
We live in the era of opportunity, where over 300 million people in the U.S. alone have the wisdom of the internet at their fingertips. The sad reality is that only a handful (about 10%) of those 300 million have the self-discipline to truly pursue entrepreneurial success.
This blog was created for that handful.
On the Princess Productivity blog, I share the things I have learned while building two businesses, and the things I'm still learning as I pursue the founding of two more. From books and podcasts I've discovered along the way, to personal experience and lessons learned, this blog is my attempt at sharing knowledge with others.
No filters, no catch, and most importantly, no charge.
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What is the 12 week year? 7 ways to organize your life... 7 ways to reduce your screen time...
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valoale · 9 months
I’ll soon open an OF because photography and graphic design is too expensive like fuck this
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stonerzelda · 11 months
nghaahahaa the french (press) #diy
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televocation · 2 months
[THE MOON] - if they had to choose one trait to describe themselves, what would it be? is it a genuine answer, or the illusion/persona they put on for others?
i think vox would probably say enterprising.
this is for the most part a genuine answer. he views himself as extremely shrewd when it comes to business and production and thinks he can get pretty much anyone in the palm of his hands with the right manipulation.
i wouldn't even say he's wrong about this---vox IS genuinely very good at getting what he wants from a business perspective, and his rise to the top has been fueled mostly by his own drive and resourcefulness. it's something he'd admit to anyone, that he considers this trait at the forefront of who he is.
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tarot headcanons. / accepting.
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carlyleandco · 2 years
i really dont think lockwood is like kaz lmao their personalities are completely different aside from being leaders and wearing suits.
Agree. I’ve always said Lockwood is more of a Nikolai mixed with a hint of Kaz. If anything, it’s Kaz who is the more depressed, angsty, violent, and cruel variant of Lockwood - they are on opposite ends of the scale. Lockwood, unlike Kaz, retained his soft heart, good humour and caring nature after his trauma.
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crunchworldsupreme · 1 year
Ah fuck it, I lied! I won't be migrating to pillowfort completely. I just do not have the brainpower to maintain two things at once. I would still encourage people to sign up and at the very least snag your current username because I *really* think Automattic has a good chance of ruining tumblr or shuttering it because they can't make money off of it.
For now it's just going to be crossposting when I remember.
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tears-that-heal · 6 months
Exciting Plans Ahead......
It's already April and I'm so excited to be busy preparing for my next art project, it's going to literally be a big one. LOL 😉 Plus this summer, my art business will be in full swing with available in-person openings for The Visual Arts Worship Workshop and Drawing 101 lessons. I'm Super Stoked!!! 🤩❤️
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I'm simply amazed how God is affirming me on this business endeavor! He's constantly reminding me how much He's totally in favor of make this dream to startup my own art studio business into reality. I feel like practically everything has been falling into place without me needing to do much. The financial needs to start a business continues to be resolved and provided. My volunteer work at my church, using my artistic talents, have already been a huge promoter. Which has lead me to my first paid commission offer which will be my next art project. What I receive from that commission will so straight toward my small business. What's even more exciting to me is that my town will be having a Neighborhood Block Party next month, which I hope to have a promo-table to advertise sign-up for the my summer art workshops and lessons. God is seriously providing alot of opportunity for my art business to become known in my community. Thank you, Lord! I couldn't have gotten this far without you! 🎨
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monky · 1 year
I might buy a table at this craft show in November bc it’s only $20 but I’ve literally never done anything like that before. I might make some dried bouquets and have some fresh bunches on hand to make custom stuff but I’m afraid of buying a bunch of supplies and ppl not buying anything 🧍🏻I also have some ceramics but not a lot anyone want an incense burner
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non-un-topo · 1 year
Decided to make myself suffer today by conducting a job search.
... I’m just gonna open up commission slots this summer screw it lol
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princessproductivity · 5 months
How I am using Notion to organize my life!
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I am a huge fan of free tools and resources, and Notion is a game-changer for being able to create detailed plans and goals that can be tracked across multiple types of devices. While I do most of my planning on my laptop, I love being able to open up my plans and change them as needed from my cellphone when I am out of the house.
Below is just a small example of what a week plan may look like for me. I try to include an opportunity every day to learn, be active, and focus on my faith. Each week I focus on a new podcast and read a new book, and I try to find new ways to apply what I've learned to my life.
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I'm a huge supporter of reading. I believe that we are capable of figuring out anything on our own given enough time, but that a single book can be the difference between the solution taking a year, or an hour to find.
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One thing I really love about Notion is the ability to create a very detailed reading list with books, podcasts, articles, and more. I am actively making an effort to read more books, and having one set place to keep track of my reading list is such a useful tool!
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Another awesome feature of Notion is the implemented AI tool! This is a gamechanger for those who freeze up when it comes to planning, or are just now learning how to streamline their goals!
Like I mentioned at the start of this post, I am a huge fan of free resources and tools for those looking to improve their life circumstances! With that in mind, the best part about Notion is that it is free! While there is a bit of a learning curve to utilize all of the tools they offer (even I'm still figuring everything out!) it is so worth the time to try it out and explore the opportunities it opens up. This program offers so many features, these are just the ones that stood out to me on a first impression!
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What is the 12 week year? 7 ways to organize your life... 7 ways to reduce your screen time... These two mistakes are stealing your time...
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