#benny miller headcannon
rimunagenius · 11 months
The Five Times Will Miller Wanted to Kiss You.
Parings: Will Miller x f!reader
Word count: 3.7k
Warnings: Straight fluff, a lot of cuteness and platonic? semi established relationship behavior?? A LOT OF PINING!! (unrequited love [Will]) This is basically Will Miller pining over reader years before she met abusive cheating husband and before he got engaged.
Note: IM BACK!!! i wanted to depict Will and readers relationship before the events of Triple Frontier, and provide a small explanation as to why Will acts the way he acts when it comes to the reader (the TENSION IMMA ADD FOR THEM PEOPLE!!) the build up for their story is gonna be insane!! also, the tension in these scenarios you have to cut it with a chainsaw. ‘bowie’ and ‘sunshine’ are nicknames used for reader.
could/should be read as the prequel to Lucky
The first time Will wanted to kiss you was when he got back from his first deployment.
You did this everytime they were coming home. That he was coming home. You had been his bestfriend for years. Well into your guys' second year of highschool. He always thought you were the prettiest girl in the world. All those girlfriends or girls who lined up just for him, had nothing on you.
It was certainly hard leaving you behind for months, you two had only been apart for weeks at a time, but months was something he didn't know he could handle.
So seeing you standing at base, waiting for him, stirred up a feeling he had missed while he was away. Watching you bounce from heel to toe, hands clasped together infront of your mouth, hoping to see him get off the plane, elicited a warm feeling in his cheeks and stomach. Etching a smirk on his soft pink lips.
He saw you before you saw him, hell, Frankie and Ben, and anyone who was near and paying attention could see him already looking at you. His smile only tripled in size when you finally saw him approaching.
Immediately he dropped his bags right where he stood when he saw you take off running towards him, squealing, giggling, and crying all at once.
Right then and there, he wanted to pull the prettiest woman into him and kiss her while everyone watched. He wanted everyone to see the most beautiful woman hug him and be excited for his return. He wanted everyone to be jealous the way he was when it was him watching you and someone else.
He was entranced by you. Your hair had grown longer and healthier, the same color looking impossibly more vibrant than ever. He couldn't help but notice your frame and figure changed. You have a slightly, just slightly, taller frame and you certainly grew into your curves since sophomore year.
His mind was only ever on you. The whole time he was away on those dark nights. The hard nights. It was only ever you. You. You. You.
He caught you when you had thrown yourself at him, full force. Him, barely moving an inch.
"Oh my god, Will! I missed you so much, you have no idea." You spoke, slightly muffled, as your head pressed into his neck in the hug you seemed to wrap yourself, literally, in. From catching you, one of his hands moved from the bottom of your thigh to your back to join the other.
All he did was hold you. "I think I do, Sunshine." He whispered into your ear. His grip on you only tightening. He missed his girl.
"And oh my god! You look so good with short hair! And you have muscles! Oh my god you have muscles, Will." You had pulled away from his neck, your legs and arms still wrapped around his body, just looking at him in the eyes.
Your faces were close in proximity due to the position. That's when he felt every bone and muscle in his body aching to kiss you so passionately. To kiss you like he's missed a lifetime with you, essentially, he has emotionally.
He couldn't kiss you. He didn't know if there was someone, he didn't know where that kiss would lead him. Where it'd lead you and your guys' friendship. It was far too risky. So he settled for resting his forehead on yours, slowly letting you drop to the floor.
"Im so glad you made it back home." Was all he heard you whisper from your conversation as he focused on the touch of your hands that somehow ended up cupping his cheeks.
"Me too, darlin'."
Will planned to spend every waking moment he could with you on leave. He didn't want to waste any moments that could be pulled from right under him. He would spend this leave watching you, loving you, regardless of if he wasn't yours or you, his. He knew it wouldn't be like that because your you, and he's not who he was before he left.
"C'mon you, it's time to get you home." You whispered as you let go of him, and grabbed his hand instead, already trekking to the car.
The second time Will wanted to kiss you was when you two were at Tom's wedding.
He should've known you would have looked like an angel sent to earth from heaven. Your beauty has always been something that captured his mind in a way he didn't understand and didn't want to understand. The way you were nothing less than the most beautiful human being on this earth, and that you were his bestfriend.
Although you looked like you were heaven on earth, he felt this was his own personal hell. He felt as if the gods were punishing him and condemning him to an eternity of witnessing the godly beauty bestowed infront of him. Torturing him because he knows he cannot have you, and that he will never have you. Atleast in the way that he wants. The temptation egging on the intrusive thoughts.
Your dress long and green. The green that he despised before he had met you. What once reminded him of broccoli and vomit, now reminded him of the purest of natural beauty. The green he loved because you did. You hair long and the curls sitting nicely as they cascaded down the expanse of your back.
He was entranced by the look—by you. And he would be damned if he took his eyes off of you.
"Hey boys!" He heard you quip as you got closer to the groomsmen of the wedding. Frankie had texted you in need of assistance of tying his tie—everyone's tie. "Im here on time which means I took my seat on time, for once might I add, and you boys still find a way to make me late." You shook your head as you hugged Frankie. You fixed his tie and moved onto Benny, hugging him and fixing his tie. The two left the room to go check on Redfly as you moved to Will.
"Hi." He said. That's all he could say. His mind somewhere else as he gazed at you. All he could think about was the beauty that was you. That encapsulated his mind into a bubble of attraction at all hours of the day. It was damn near impossible to speak a full sentence when you looked at him like that.
Granted you thought it was just a normal look of platonic affection, but to him, it was as if you knew what he was thinking and feeling all in that moment. "Hi."
He watched you smile at him while you adjusted, and fixed his tie. He knew how to tie a tie, he thinks a part of you knew that too. He would be lying if he said he played dumb just to have you this close and personal with him. "I thought you knew how to do this, Miller." You quipped, a small giggle escaping past your soft lips.
There it was. He was caught. "I do."
"Then you don't need my help." You started to drop the fabric of his tie, and land a small shove to his shoulder.
"I said I knew how, I didn't say I didn't want you close to me, sunshine." Will knew he may have exposed himself, said too much. But the look on your face when he said it, assured him he didn't push it. He had placed his hands on your hips, bringing you closer, closer than before.
He didn't take his eyes off of you. The whole time you tied it. He watched the way your eyes were trained on the task but flickered up to his every couple of seconds. He watched the way your nose sloped perfectly and how well your hair framed your face.
He could stare at you forever if time allowed it. If you allowed it. The feeling you brought out in him was something he's never felt for anyone before. This feeling was only reserved for you, no one would be able to bring this back out in him.
He stared at you until you finished, and for a little while after. You two stared at eachother and it took everything in him to not kiss you. To not kiss you like you were the air he needed to breathe.
It wasn't until you leaned in closer and closer that his heart started to beat out of his chest. This wasn't happening. You couldn't have someone like him, surely you knew that you deserved so much better than what Will could offer. His mind was moving a mile a minute thinking and rationalizing all the possibilities that could come from your face inching closer to his.
"Your gonna be late, handsome. Your the best man, so I suggest you stop looking at me how you just were and get a move on." You whispered into his ear. Okay, so Will was a little dissapointed, completely dissapointed, that you didn't actually kiss him. He would hope that you would, you still had time.
He couldn't have you. Repeating it in his head like it was a prayer with an ulterior motive. If he kept repeating it, maybe the universe would take pity and jinx it. Just give him what he wanted.
"Thank you, pretty girl." He settled for a kiss on the forehead before you both walked out of the room.
The third time Will wanted to kiss you was when you and the guys had a movie night.
Movie nights didn't happen often as everyone had a busy schedule. Frankie was spending more time with his new girl, Benny training to start fighting in local fights, that Will often coached him for. Santiago was always planning to go back home to his mother, and everyone thinks that will be set in motion soon.
So no better than for you, who's schedule was mostly open aside from work, to suggest a movie night before everyone gets to busy and before Santi leaves.
It started like every other time you've done this. Santiago took the best recliner in this basement, Frankie took the loveseat in between the two couches, Benny was always sprawled over the one couch and Will and you shared the other.
Except this time, Will sat on the farthest end of the sofa by the right arm rest. Your head in his lap and the rest of your body stretched over the expanse of the couch like Benny. Will never had a problem with the seating arrangement until right now.
All he could think about was the proximity between you two. Damn the movie, and damn everyone else in this room. You right here. In his lap. This was all his mind wanted to focus on—could focus on. His eyes weren't on the screen, they were simply drawn to you. Like busy honeybees drawn to a pool of honey.
One hand was on your cheek, his thumb making small strokes, and his other playing with your extended hair. Was this a little too domestic? yes. Did he care one bit? no. of course not. How could he when he had a beautiful beautiful girl his reach.
Yes your beauty was something he couldn't shake. You were always beautiful, and everyone could attest to the notion that you, the beautiful angel sent beauty, has never had an off day of looking like the most divine intervention in human form.
You had always been beautiful to him, but right now, you looked absolutely ethereal. It didn't help that you were sporting his favorite black hoodie that he had left at your home after the last gathering you hosted. He had to buy a new one and as fate would have it, or it all happened coincidentally, he had wore it paired with dark denim jeans and his black and white shell toe adidas.
You both matched and if that didn't do anything for his attraction to you then, it sure as hell did now. It didn't help that a scary part of the horror movie you suggested, got to you, which had you curled into his stomach; your face now hidden in his abdomen, away from the movie.
Your lips were drawn into a small pout and by god, did your lips look so kissable to him. All he ever wanted was to kiss you, tell you that it'd be okay even if it wasn't that scary. To call you his.
All he ever wanted was for you to want him. For you to need him the way he did. He was so desperately gone for you. It'd take him years to get over you and to make his heart stop beating for you. To make it stop repeating the constant call of your name. He just needed you to let him love you the way you were intended to be loved. His heart simply called your name, he believes it always had.
But he knew it wouldn't happen. Maybe not now, not soon, hell, maybe not in this lifetime. That wouldn't stop him from wanting you. From loving you. He'd just have to have you from afar.
And that's what he'll do until your ready. Love and admire you from afar, just like he's doing now. His eyes on you, the insatiable need to kiss you, the restraint in his actions, as you watch the movie. While he watches a vision better than any movie. You, in his lap. While you look like the effortless ethereal beauty you are to him.
The fourth time Will wanted to kiss you was when you two were at the beach together.
"Will! Why are we in so deep! The water is about to reach my boobs." You huffed, arms moving any motion that would guarantee that you stayed afloat.
Of course Will didn't nessacarily realize how far it was for you. To him it barely hit his waist.
"Will! Are you even listen—AH!" You laughed as you tried to jump over the wave that looked giant compared to you, considering you were right under the wave in deep water. Suddenly you were submerged in water as the wave was far too big to jump over.
You rolled a little under the water, trying to come back up but the swell of the wave hasn't passed. The current pulling you closer to the shore but not far enough to where your far away from Will. You came back up, the current passing you making its way to the shore.
You swiped both hands over your hair and took a deep breath in.
Will turned as he heard you come up for air, and immediately a small smile of relief and amusement etched his sun kissed skin. He slowly moved closer to you as you opened your eyes and met him halfway.
Once you reached him, you slapped him on the chest. All he could do was laugh as he found more amusement in your frustration. "It's not funny you jackass! I almost drowned." Your eyebrows frowned just a little.
"But you didn't and that's all that matters." He smiled as he wrapped his arms around your head, pulling you impossibly close to his chest.
"It's gonna matter when my fist connects with your face, asshole." You rolled your eyes at the blonde.
"Yeah? You think can hit me?" He mused, his eyes not once leaving your glimmering eyes.
"Oh hell yeah, i can. It's gonna hurt, too." You quipped, mostly convincing yourself than him, but he decided to humor you. He's literally apart of a special forces tactical team, captain at that! A punch from you wasn't going to phase him one bit.
"Oh yeah? I think that’s kinda hot." He smirked while still holding the most intense eye contact you think you've had in your life, and you couldn't lie and say that it wasn't turning you on in the slightest.
"Oh, so your kinky? Never expected that from you." The water pushed your body just a little bit closer, your breasts flush against his stomach. Instinctively, his hands found place on your hips.
You two stared at eachother. You gaze falling to his lips for a split second hoping he didn’t notice. He did. That’s when his gaze fell from your eyes to your lips. Slowly, without either of you realizing it, you were both leaning closer to eachother. His breath fanning your cheeks. Before you couldn’t even make contact with him, he stopped.
You were being hoisted into the air and you didn't know what for until an even bigger wave made its way for you two. The water clashed with your skin, the cool air and the cold water sending chills all over your body. Will holding you up, took the brunt of the wave, pushing you and him closer to the shallow of the beach.
Once he put you back down, the water now at your hips, he placed you back in the same position as before. You both stood there for two seconds before he spoke.
“Cmon, it’s getting dark. We should head back, or we’ll be late for the guys’ movie night tonight.” His hand tapped your hips before you both made your way back to the shore, your hands locked together.
This would definitely play in his head over and over tonight when he can’t sleep. Another sleepless night from his nightmares…atleast he’ll have this beautiful moment—beautiful person, to deter the scary thoughts. You had the power over them. Over anything in his life.
The fifth time Will wanted to kiss you was when his leave was over and he would be deployed for months. Months where he wouldn’t see you—his girl.
“I’ll miss you, Benny.” You stood on your tip toes to wrap your arms around Benny’s neck and kiss his cheek.
“I’ll miss you too, Bowie.” He kissed the top of your head. You’d never get used to the fact that even though he was the youngest, he was always the biggest.
“You know I love you right? Be safe.” You said before releasing him and walking over to Will.
You started coming to the buses on base because your dad had gotten you a pass when you were younger, coming to work in his office with him when your babysitter canceled. Plus, Will and Benny being your bestfriends, single, and parents who live in another state, don’t really have anyone to say goodbye and hug hello to when they leave and come back. So your here for them everytime.
Plus your here for Frankie and Santi too. But now they have their girlfriend and wife here for them too.
You had already bid your goodbyes to Santi, Frankie, and Benny. Last was Will. You walked over to blonde who was already looking at you. He had watched you hug and kiss everyone goodbye.
The internal conflict going on in his head drove him mad. He could kiss you goodbye and see where it take you two when he gets back. But that’d leave you reeling for months and he didn’t want to spark any hope just incase he didn’t come back. But there was the possibility that he’d come home, see you and hold you and never let go. You could finally be his and him, yours.
Or he could settle for the friendship between you two. Although he didn’t know that after the beach trip you guys took a while back, he didn’t know if the lines between friends and lovers was blurred. Regardless, he could have you to himself either way, just one he knew he wouldn’t lose you forever. And hell would he be a stupid man to not pick the one where you would remain in his life for as long as you’d have him.
“Bye, Will.” You immediately wrapped your arms around his neck, already trying to fight the tears. You didn’t know why it’d be so hard to say goodbye to Will. The worst just swimming in the back of your mind, the worst being he may never come back home to you. Your best friend. Your lover.
“Bye, bow.” He instantly dropped his bags and wrapped his arms around your waist and embraced you wholeheartedly and tightly. He didn’t want to let you go.
You drew back slowly, your hands landing on either one of his cheeks. “I love you,” You kissed his cheek. “Don’t you dare die,” You kissed his forehead. “You and Benny better come back home to me, you big idiot.” The hesitance in your body only lasted a millisecond before you decided to place a hopeful kiss to the corner of his mouth. Dangerously close to his clips and the boundary between friends and lovers.
You thought this would be a significant will boosting kiss, to encourage him to fight and come back to you. The possibility of being able to receive more from you if he came home safely.
“Wow, so touching. Truly.” He feigned sarcasm as he placed a hand on his heart before he grabbed your face. He knew how much he meant to you. But he also knew for a fact that you had no idea how much you meant to him. Although your words we definitely encouraging, he didn’t need them to have the most animalistic will power to fight his way back to you. If worst came to worst, he’d shoot himself in the foot just to be sent back home to you.
“I love you. I’ll come back home, baby.” He then kissed your forehead, and then reciprocated a kiss on the corner of your mouth before moving to the other side and placing a kiss there. His hold still on your face, he then opted to just let go and get on the bus. Another kiss would go against his internal conflict decision.
He’ll come home. When he does, he wouldn’t wait anymore. You’ll be his. He’ll be yours.
How it was always meant to be.
should i create a taglist for this small series? idk. if you want to be added, comment or message me!!
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intheorangebedroom · 2 years
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Pleased to meet you (a fairy tale)
Series, complete.
Summary: You meet Frankie Morales. Twice.
A 20-year-old French student, you're spending the summer of 1999 in New York with your best friend. When she drags you to a party in Brooklyn, you meet an aspiring pilot and the two of you spark an instant and intense connection. Separated by unfortunate events, you waste the next 15 years of your life longing for what you've lost, only to meet him again when your new boyfriend Benny introduces you to his best friend.
Pairing: Frankie Morales x Gabrielle Tourneur (OFC)/French fem!Reader with a dash of Ben Miller x Gabrielle Tourneur (OFC)/French fem!Reader
Written in reader format but Reader is an OFC. There are sparse but still present physical descriptions, she is French and has a thorough background, and a name.
Rating: Explicit 🔞
Note: In 2023, I will stop apologising. Maybe. And anyway, I make no excuse. I'm in love with this pilot and obsessed by this movie so I'm making it everyone’s problem. This story is nothing if not a self-indulgent exploration of the soulmates ideal. Expect a lot of angst, and smut.
Every chapter is explicit and you should be 18+ to read this. The American university system remains a mystery to me, I googled "how to become a US Army pilot", and visas are not a thing in this AU. English is not my first language, but one I adore.
Welcome to the orange bedroom, hope you'll enjoy 🧡
Chapter 1 - Lovesong
Chapter 2 - I Feel You
Drabble (chapter 3) - What lingers (you)
Drabble (chapter 4) - What lingers (Frankie)
Chapter 5 - Boy meets girl
Drabble - Proud Mary (Ben Miller x you)
Chapter 6 - That Brooklyn bathroom
Chapter 7 - Frankie
Chapter 8 - Shuffle Your Feet
Chapter 9 - The Way Young Lovers Do
Chapter 10 - The Deal
Chapter 11 - Sunday Morning
Chapter 12 - The Drive Home
Chapter 13 - Perfect Day
Chapter 14 - Love is blindness
Chapter 15 - Flaming June
Chapter 16 - Plainsong
Chapter 17 - Auf Achse
Drabble - What lingers (you&him)
Epilogue - Songbird
Road Trippin’ - inspired by one of Wildemaven’s beautiful weekly moodboard writing prompts 🔞
The ties that bind us
To Bring You My Love
I <3 U SO - coming one day for sure
Frankie's high school locker
The TF boys' favourite things in life and how they like it done.
Benny and Gabrielle (better read between chapter 14 and 15 to avoid spoilers)
A PTMY Halloween 🎃
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bitchyglitterfox · 1 year
Bitchyglitterfox Rec List
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Something Sweet @little-spicy (Tarzan!Stucky)
2. A SWEET TREAT- STUCKY @lanadelreyscokewhor3 (Domestic Stucky)
3. Late night @talaok (Spencer Reid)
4. Homecoming - @astroboots (Santiago Garcia x Reader x Frankie Morales)
5. Sunrise, Sunset - @little-spicy Orc!Stucky)
6. I think I met you in a dream once - @frostironfudge (Au!Ex Military!Bucky)
7. Like a virgin - @xpao-bearx (Steven Grant)
8. To let you win - @delaber (Bucky Barnes)
9. First Time - @luvpedropascal (Steven Grant)
10.Letting Go - @luvpedropascal (Steven Grant)
11. Cherry Pie - @welcometostayingawake and @melodygatesauthor (Steven Grant)
12. Following the herd - @uglypastels (Dark!Cult!Eddie Munson)
13. Work Break Fun - @queendeeshorrorimagines (Jed Olsen)
14. Untitled - @buckyalpine (Bucky Barnes)
15. I could teach you things - @hope-you-brought-kneepads-bitch (Wanda Maximoff)
17. Headlines - @pascallftv (Pedro Pascal)
18. Keep me alive - @freyjhasdesiredreality (Bucky Barnes)
19. Limitless - @missdictatorme (Jake Lockley)
20. Take care of me tonight - @missdictatorme (Jake Lockley)
21. Awakening - @romanarose (Triple Frontier Men)
22. Just to be your man - @romanarose (Benny Miller)
23. The thing about Marc - @juneknight (Marc Spector)
24. Make room for me - @juneknight (Jake Lockley)
25. Stairwell sex with Matt Murdoc - @howaboutcastiel (Matt Murdoc)
26. National Targaryen Family Vacation - @valeskafics (Targaryen/Velaryon) (Series: complete)
27. Anything for you - @luc-k-y (Moon Knight System)
28. Headcannons - @valeskafics (Modern!Helaena Targaryen)
29. Milf!Rhaenicent x Nanny!Reader - @ruby-dragon
Ill add more when the time comes! Please check out my wonderful friends masterlists as well down below
@missdictatorme @romanarose @juneknight @luvpedropascal @valeskafics
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alwritey-aphrodite · 1 year
Chapter 11 of I’ll Be Back Again To Stay
Series Masterlist | Main Masterlist
Pairing: Santiago Garcia x single mom!reader
Warnings: none :)
Word Count: 2.2k
Author’s Note: here it is!! The end of the story!! First, I want to say thank you to everyone who read, commented, reblogged, and enjoyed this <3 you all deserve the world. Second, if anybody’s interested, I am always open to writing little fics or headcannons about these two idiots and the in-between moments <3
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Santiago makes good on his promise to visit. He comes for the first time in February, and swears up and down that he didn’t even realize Valentine’s Day fell during his visit. He only stays for a few days, but it’s wonderful just to spend time with him, to take Inez out somewhere during the day and then spend the evenings together.
It’s perfect, and you get a little bit heartbroken when he has to leave. You loved all of the time you were able to spend with Santi, just the two of you, but you might have loved watching him and Inez bond even more. You’re never going to forget how big she smiled when the two of you came to pick her up from school, and how she never wanted to be away from him during his visit.
For someone who claims he could never be a father, it seems like the most natural thing to him.
You see him again in March, when you and Inez fly out to spend her spring break in North Carolina. This time, you drive out to the beach and get ice cream and get a rental car. You stay with Santiago, and even though Syd had pouted when you told her, you could tell she was secretly very happy that all her meddling and not-so-subtle pushes had worked.
Santi ends up flying out to see you about once a month, even though you text and call and FaceTime almost every day. Once, Inez had begged for him to bring Toby, so he drove the 23 hours, just so your daughter could see his dog.
It’s over the summer that you finally make the decision to move out to join all of your friends. There wasn’t anything keeping you in Denver, there was no reason for you to stay, and Inez seemed delighted at the idea of getting to see her best friend every day.
You’d complained to Santi about not being able to find a house near everyone, late one night during one of his visits.
“Just stay with me,” he says, as if it’s the most obvious idea on the planet.
“At least until you find a place,” he’s backtracking, taking your surprise for repulsion, when really, you just weren’t sure that was something he had wanted.
The two of you never really made it clear what you were to each other. You knew you both cared about each other, that you wanted to spend time together and be near each other, but labels had seemed so unimportant. This was a big step, but it was one you felt ready to take.
“You sure? A six year old and a dog?” You ask, smiling as Santi rolls his eyes at you.
“They can occupy each other,” and you laugh, rough patch and hurt feelings carefully avoided. There were always a few moments when things felt like they could take a rocky turn, like you and Santiago really weren’t meant to be together, but you always navigated them carefully, side by side until things turned around.
All of your friends come out to help you pack and move - thank god for the Miller brothers. Santi has the whole operation under wraps; all you had to do was tell him what you wanted done, and he and the boys would do it with military precision.
Everything was running so smoothly you barely did anything, spending most of the days they spent packing up furniture and placing boxes in trucks showing Sofia and Maria around town with Inez, staying out of the guys’ way while they did all the hard work.
Benny had volunteered to drive the moving truck to your new home while you, Santi, and Inez drove in your car with some of the smaller boxes and suitcases full of what you’d need immediately, like toiletries and spare clothes and pajamas. You were just as excited as Inez, though you weren’t bouncing up and down the entire car trip.
It takes some time to get settled in, to create a new routine with Santi and Inez and Toby, but everything fit together perfectly once you get the hang of it. You loved watching Santiago with your daughter, how wonderful he was with her, the way he’d sling her pink, sparkly backpack across his shoulders whenever he’d come with you to pick her up from school and walk her safely through the parking lot.
Winter arrives, and Christmas comes with it, and you’re happier than you’ve ever been.
This year, you get to kiss Santi whenever you see him, sit next to him and hold his hand or cuddle into his side when he slings an arm around your shoulder. Santi’s a sap, and even though the guys don’t say anything because he’s happier than he’s ever been, they can’t help but roll their eyes and smile whenever his eyes track you across the room with a reverent look.
Over the past few months, Inez has taken to calling Santi ‘dad’, and you’d been terrified the first time it happened, but Santiago didn’t do anything but smile wider than you’ve ever seen him and answer the question she was asking. Now, she calls for her dad as often as she can. It’s a novel word for both of them, and his eyes light up every single time.
Christmas Eve is spent at the Morales’s again - Sofia is pregnant with their second baby and decided that she didn’t want to leave the house. Maria is over the moon about being a big sister, and keeps telling everyone who will listen about all of the fun things she’s going to do with her little sibling.
Everything seems so much brighter than last Christmas. You and Santi are finally together, Sofia is having another baby, and Will and Sydney finally got engaged. It seems as if everything yet nothing has changed, as if this is the way it was always meant to be.
The evening passes in similar fashion to last year, with dinner and gifts and restless children, except now, Santiago helps you haul Inez’s gifts to the car and drives you all home. He helps Inez set up cookies for Santa and the three of you cuddle on the couch until your daughter passes out, curled up between the two of you.
As expected, Inez comes bounding into your room at the crack of dawn, jumping onto the bed to wake you and Santi. It takes a few minutes to gather your senses, but soon enough you’re all downstairs, watching as Inez tears at the gifts under the tree.
“Did you like all the presents from Santa?” You ask her as she climbs onto your lap while Santiago starts breakfast.
“Yeah, except I didn’t get a little sister, but that’s okay because toys are probably better.”
She moves on pretty quickly, hopping off the couch and back onto the floor to play with her toys. She doesn’t bring up wanting to be a big sister until March, when Luna Morales is born and Maria becomes a big sister. Both of the girls are obsessed with the baby, spending hours just sitting and watching her, interspersed with begging Sofia to know when she’ll be big enough to play with.
It seems like with the new addition to the group, everyone gets baby fever. Sydney had mentioned to you that she’s ready to start trying, because watching Inez grow up and meeting little Luna has only increased her desire to be a mom, even after Luna spit up on her. If Benny’s around, he’s got Luna in his arms more often than not, even though he’s perfectly content with staying as Uncle Benny for a little while longer.
You’ve never seen Santiago look at something with as much longing as he looks at sweet baby Luna. He’d been terrified to hold her, just as Sofia told you he was scared to hold Maria, but he always cradles her in the softest of ways, looks down and cooes at the big brown eyes she’d inherited from his best friend. He’d mentioned it a few times in passing, how maybe he wouldn’t be an awful father to a baby, but he’s yet to outright ask if you wanted to start trying.
The spring is spent with lots of play dates at the Morales house, so Inez can keep Maria busy and you can watch over Luna while Sofia showers and naps and does whatever she needs to do. And, if you’re being honest with yourself, you’ve gotten a little bit of baby fever too.
You love Inez more than words can say, and you wouldn’t change a single thing about her, not even raising her alone, but it would be nice to have someone by your side throughout the whole pregnancy, someone to be there for all the milestones. Sure, the first time you had Syd, and you’re eternally grateful for her, but you can’t imagine how different it would be to go through all that with the other person who’s going to raise your baby.
You want to have a baby with Santiago.
Before you broach that topic with him, though, the two of you get married, going down to the courthouse in late June with your friends as witnesses. And, while you’re there, Santi officially adopts Inez, and you don’t think you’ve ever been happier.
The reception is in your backyard, with food from a local restaurant and drinks spread out in coolers along the back porch. The kids run around with Toby while the adults take turns holding Luna so her parents can eat and have a few minutes to relax. It’s casual and simple and absolutely perfect.
You and Santiago finally have a talk about having children together, and by next Christmas, you’re the one pulling the pregnant card and making everyone come to your house. Inez is absolutely over the moon, chattering on and on about how she’ll finally have someone besides Toby to play with.
It seems like your happiness is only growing, with every Christmas somehow better than the last. There’s no fighting, no drama, no snarky comments, just genuine love and appreciation for the people you’re surrounded with. There’s not a day that goes by where you aren’t beyond grateful for the family you’ve made and for the bigger family you’ve found.
And, in March, the newest member of that family arrived.
The group had been divided over whether it would be a boy or a girl, even though it hadn’t mattered to you as long as they were happy. Still, Benny had to slip Will a twenty dollar bill when you revealed that you’d be having a baby girl.
Little Augustine Elena Garcia is born, with her father’s eyes and your smile, the same one inherited by Inez. You’d been worried, terrified, that she would feel replaced when the baby arrived, but it seems like every second she’s home, Inez is with Augustine, even if she just sits next to you or Santi as you hold her.
If you thought it was wonderful to see Santi with Inez, you’re blown away by the sight of him cradling your baby girl. He's amazing, the most supportive partner you could ever ask for. He does whatever you need him too, and still makes sure to spend special time with Inez, like playing with stuffies together or going to get ice cream, so she remembers that he always loves her.
As Augustine gets a little older, Santi takes to wearing her on his chest as he moves around the house, folding laundry or doing the dishes, sometimes strapping her to his chest while he takes Toby for a walk so he doesn’t need to worry about dealing with the stroller.
He just loves to be close to her. You can’t even count the times you’ve walked into the living room and seen Auggie asleep on his chest, Santiago passed out beneath her.
You host Christmas again, and Santiago spends most of the day with Augustine strapped to his chest. She’s a total daddy’s girl, and you’d feel a little jealous if it weren’t so adorable. Both of your girls love to be with Santi, and he loves spending time with them just as much.
As you sit around, waiting for everyone to open their gifts with Auggie in your arms and Inez nestled between you and Santiago, you can’t help but think about how much everything has changed in the last four Christmases.
You’d met everyone as a single mom to a kindergartener, feeling like you’d never meet someone you want to spend the rest of your life with. Now, Inez is eight years old, you have another daughter, and you’re married to your favorite person in the world.
This was never the life you grew up dreaming about; the husband and dog and white picket fence, two and a half kids and a nine-to-five, the whole suburban dream. You were never aching for a husband, and you hadn’t thought much about kids until you had Inez.
You did things a little differently, a little unconventionally, but you wouldn’t change a thing. Even if this wasn’t the life you grew up dreaming about, you’d never been happier and you don’t think it’s possible for you to become any happier.
Everything always works out the way it should, and the universe works in mysterious ways. Still, you wouldn’t change a goddamn thing about your life, not when you’re surrounded by your favorite people, by your daughters, by the love of your life.
You feel complete, and nothing could ever top that.
Tags: @zoriis @andr0medafallen @campingwiththecharmings @itspdameronthings @stevenngrant @loonymagizoologist @welcometostayingawake @outmodead @pakhiya @wand-erer5
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alwaysdjarin · 2 years
Hey how are you? How was your day today?
I just want to say that I love your fics about Triple Frontier!
And I wanna ask for a hug or maybe if you could tell me...
....Today was my last day of work before vacation, I worked my ass hard today, and I'm feeling kind of sleepy, tired, anxious and I don't know, I want to cry (got no idea why). And I kind want some company right now 😔.
What the Tripple Frontier Boys (except Tom I don't like him, sorry), would do when I came home from work today?
What they would do, say...? Could you do a little headcannon about which man?
Thank you for listening to me, I wish you all the good things!
Hey Rach ❤️
I want to give you a BIG hug. I hope you feel better today and as you wished, I have a little headcanon for you.
Hope you like it. 😘🫶🏼
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Santi hears you moan, when you shut the front door behind you.
He takes your purse from you and hangs your jacket on the hook.
He puts his hands on your cheeks and looks at you with concern. „Hard day princesa?“
When you nod tired, he leads you to the living room and places you on the couch.
He pours you a glass of wine, turns on your favorite music and while he massages the stress and tension from your shoulders you can tell him how your day was.
When you feel a little bit better, he tenderly kisses your neck.
„Let Daddy give you some relief, princesa. And later we'll plan some trips for your vacation.“
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Frankie is working on his truck in the garage, when you arrive at home.
He can already tell from the sound of your voice that something is wrong as you rush past him into the house.
Of course he follows you directly and finds you lying on the couch.
He squats next to you and strokes your head.
„Querida, what can I do for you?“
You cuddle and Frankie fulfills all your wishes.
After cooking your favorite meal, he prepares you a hot bath.
When you come into the bedroom afterwards, he's already laying in your bed.
„Come over querida, I have something special for you.“
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Will's coming home at the same time as you. He was having a stressful day himself.
When he hugs you and you snuggle up to him for longer than usual, he knows what's going on straight away.
He puts his hand on your chin and lifts it slightly to look into your eyes.
„Seems like we both had a shitty day babe.“
He gives you a kiss that almost makes you forget the stress.
You cook a delicious dinner together and Will can't keep his hands off you.
You disappear into the bedroom and give each other a massage while telling each other what happened at work.
Four orgasms later, Will gives you his prettiest smile while caressing your cheek.
„Now I always have this to think about when I have a busy day at work."
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Benjamin „fucking“ Miller is lying on the couch when you arrive at home.
He snores and the house is a mess.
You shake him awake.
He's awake immediately.
"Oh...fuck...honey. I wasn't expecting you at this time."
"It's fucking 5pm! I've had an absolutely shitty day and you haven't done anything at home, just sleeping?"
He scratches his head and looks at you with puppy eyes.
"I-I'm sorry hun. Come and sit down, I'll order us something to eat and tidy up in the meantime."
You can't be mad at him for long anyway and let you fall onto the couch with a sigh.
You watch your favorite movie while you eat pizza and before the movie is over, Benny cuddles up to you.
"Since we already know the end of the movie..." His hand wanders under your shirt as he kisses your neck. "…let me make up for my laziness from earlier."
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Roger Rabbit: A Great World Tour
I got this idea when I was watching Total Drama World Tour and Wanted to be inspired lol ^_^
Information: The tv series is about roger rabbit and his friends going around the world and exploring.
(CUSTOM) Quotes
Roger Rabbit: Jeepers! We are so high in the sky I could see a whale swim in the ocean.
Baby Herman: That ain’t possible, Rog. Benny the Cab: Is that so? *He takes a look out the window* Fellas, I’m pretty sure we are going to Europe
Roger Rabbit: Europe?? You mean like.. we could go to France or Spain?!
Benny the Cab: I believe so.
Headcannons: I certainly headcannon that Benny the Cab and Baby Herman have last names. (Since Rogers last name is Maxwell and Jessica’s is Krupnick) Benny’s full name would probably be “Benny Miller” and Baby Herman’s would be “Herman Rodriquez” (I didn’t add the middle names since I couldn’t come up with any)
that’s all I could come up with lol (My phone is at 5% help)
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nobody7102 · 2 years
Bella I honestly have no idea what kind of bait I'm using in the pond but the fish are biting a little more than they usually do this afternoon (lol).
So I have this headcannon that Miles's mom, Kathy Miller, was a nurse for a long time and that was how she had met Otis (because Otis had gotten an injury doing something really stupid with the other pit crew members on the racing circuit in the summer of 1941 and they've been married for 28+ years as a result).
Kathy joins her husband, son and daughter-in-law (reader) at the hotel and can't believe how well Miles is doing since having been overseas, even though every now and again he still has a few terrors here and there. The hotel is doing amazing, Otis is permanently stationed in California, Miles is married to the reader and Otis soon informs her that in a few days there's gonna be a new addition to the family (who in this case is Benny).
There's a drenching rainstorm at the hotel, Miles and wifey are asleep.......and then it happens. Wifey wakes up and for a second she's like, "wait....why are the sheets wet?" and then it hits her. She wakes up Miles, he's exhausted and groggy. Wifey's like "you ready to be a daddy?". Miles goes completely wide eyed and can't believe it.
He goes and grabs his mom and Kathy basically tells him that everybody's gonna have to stay put since the rain is bad and there's no way they'd be able to make it to the hospital in the next town over. Kathy runs her daughter in law a warm bath and Miles stays next to her the whole entire time, even through what is seemingly the worst. Wifey's like "baby I'm so sorry you have to see this", to which Miles answers with a laugh, "(y/n) I've seen people get blown up in the middle of a jungle and then limp back to camp with a missing arm or a leg......this doesn't phase me in the least."
It's not long before Benny is finally born and he is SO FRIGGIN TINY!!!! He's even got his daddy's full head of hair too!! Miles was terrified that he was born early but Kathy tells him he's perfectly fine and will probably hit a growth spurt when he's a year old.
As soon as all is said and done with wifey safe and back in bed with Miles next to her and Benny wrapped in his little blue baby blanket, wifey asks Miles if he wants to hold Benny. He's a little bit shaky, but once Benny is in his arms, his eyes open and he looks straight up at Miles, a quiet little "oh" catching in his throat as he gazes down at the life you two just created. A small cry comes out of Benny when he sneezes and Miles is half crying, half laughing as he holds his son against his chest, lying on his back next to wifey as the three of them are beginning to fall asleep. Kathy and Otis, unbeknownst to them, are peering in the door and look at each other with a look of "we did good and so did they" on their faces.
I am so sorry this is so long, there was alot to get through (lol)
AAWWWWWWWWWW!!!! MY BRAIN CANT FUNCTION THATS SO CUTE! (Idk if it’s bc in like partially hungover or the fact that I wanna have a family so bad)
I know we don’t really get to see Miles arms but he was in the army so he’s buff to a point so TIMY BENNY IN MILES ARMS, I’m screaming!!
I fully believe that for the next few weeks, you and Miles just break out in tears every once and a while because Benny is so small and perfect and you look at each other like “how the fuck did we make that?!”
You know Otis and Kathy are taking all of the polaroid pictures for the next few weeks. Photos of y’all sleeping together, baby’s first bath, a random picture of miles making a face at how bad a diaper was, and one of Kathy’s personal favorite. A photo of you and Miles napping on the couch with burp rags thrown over your shoulders.
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Santiago ‘Pope’ Garcia
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One Shots
Wherever You Go, I Go
Summary: The Way I Said I Love You, In A Letter
William ‘Ironhead’ Miller
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One Shots
Benny Miller
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One Shots
Frankie ‘Fish’ Morales
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One Shots
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lucrezia-thoughts · 3 years
Okay I got an idea! What if fem!reader hooks up with one of bennys MMA opponents (by accident, she had no idea he was in MMA) then Benny finds out and gets super mad and possessive cuz she belongs to Benny! Could I possibly get an HC for that? If not, no worries!
I hope this is kind of what you were looking for, love! 💚 it got a little dark and angsty... which I don't normally do, but it sort of just happened... 😖
Warning(s): angst, mild violence...
Possessive Benny...
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You smiled and accepted the hug from the guy you'd amicably hooked up with last weekend, having had no idea he was an MMA fighter just like your best friend who you were currently visiting while he trained...
To be fair, the two of you hadn't actually talked much, so you weren't all that surprised that you didn't know his profession...
You felt the guy's body stiffen in your brief embrace and furrowed your brow when he pulled back and stumbled through an incoherent apology before all but running from the room...
"What the-" you began to ask as you turned, but your answer was staring you in the face in the form of your visibly fuming best friend...
"What the fuck was that?" Benny hissed as he stepped, almost menacingly, into your personal space...
"Don't give me that playing dumb shit," Benny spat, leaning forward so that he loomed over you...
Gaze hardening, you put your hand on Benny’s chest to keep him from advancing any further...
"What the fuck was what?" you countered, frustration beginning to slip into your tone...
"Benny, stop it," you warned, trying to keep control of the anger you felt growing inside of you...
You knew Benny could be a bit of a dick sometimes, but this outburst made no sense and was honestly pissing you off...
"How do you know O'Connell, princess?" Benny demanded, using the nickname he knew you loved, but it only served to anger you further as he sneered and placed his hand on the wall by your head to cage you in...
"Since it's so important to you to know, I met him last weekend at the party you ditched, Miller-" you spat, deliberately using his last name because you knew he hated when you called him by it...
"Did you fuck him?" Benny growled darkly, his eyes boring into yours as he leaned in close enough that you felt his breath on your skin...
"Several times-" you arched your eyebrow as you answered him, forcing your voice to sound almost bored- "not that it's any of your fucking business, though, Miller..."
You couldn't help but flinch when Benny’s free hand slammed into the wall next to your head at your response...
"Not my fucking business, princess?" He seethed, close enough now that your noses were touching as his eyes bore into yours, fury swirling in their dilated depths...
"You-" Benny whispered into the small space between you- "are-" his eyes stayed locked on yours as he tilted his head slightly- "mine..."
Your eyes flew open when his lips pressed forcefully against yours...
The shock only lasted for a moment before he was urging your lips to part so he could slide his tongue into your mouth...
A wanton moan worked its way out of your throat before your brain reminded you of your anger...
With renewed fury blazing through you, you bit down on Benny’s tongue...
When he broke the kiss with a hiss, you reached up and slapped him hard across his face...
You watched as his eyes widened when your palm connected with his cheek before you shoved him away from you...
"Fuck you, Benjamin Miller!" you shouted as your body vibrated with your indignant rage...
"You don't get to claim me-" you continued, hands balling into fists at your sides- "when someone else shows interest! I have been by your side for years!"
You sucked in a deep breath before you continued, taking a step forward to force Benny to step back in the face of your fury, "you have routinely ignored me in favor of the ring rats who drop their panties at the sight of you!"
Taking another step forward, you slammed your palm against his chest and shoved him further away from you, "you don't get to have your cake and eat it too, asshole!"
You felt the tears beginning to form in your eyes and refused to let Benny see you cry...
Turning on your heel, you ran from the gym...
You couldn't hear his shouts of your name through the fog of your hurt and anger...
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moralesispunk · 3 years
Frankie Morales x Female Reader
Warnings - alcohol
Summary - After two months away for work, Frankie comes home and neither of you are sure where you stand with one another.
You and Frankie had been on two dates before he got the phone call. 
Being friends with Will and Benny you knew how it worked. Frankie phoned you the morning after your second date asking if he could come over to talk, wanting to tell you to your face. He sat down and after taking his hat off and fixing his hair more times than you could count he told you he really liked you but he had to go away for work and didn’t know how long it would be for. He asked for your email and if it was okay to message while he was away, which of course you agreed to.
You had only seen Frankie in person a handful of times but after the two months of emailing back and forth you had told him more about yourself than you had told anyone before - the good, the bad and the ugly. 
He had opened up to you as well, putting his thoughts into words in a way he could never do until talking to you. Some days his emails were lighthearted, telling you about when he was younger and got chased by cows after taking a short cut across a farmer’s field one day after school. Other days the emails were short, only asking questions about you, and you could tell something bad had happened. You would try to cheer him up by sharing funny stories, like how you were on the phone to the internet company for an hour the other day before realising that it wasn’t plugged in properly. 
You finally got an email saying that he was due to come home the next week and asked if it was okay to you phone when he was. You couldn’t stop the butterflies swarming inside you at the thought of finally getting to see him again. With every email that had been shared, you began to fall harder and faster for him
The same day you got an email from Benny, saying that they were planning on going to the local bar the weekend after they arrived home and you should join. He told you how much Will and him had been missing you, adding at the end the fact Frankie couldn’t stop talking about you. This pushed you over the edge and nothing could take your smile off of your face all week. Frankie’s face was as fresh in your mind now as it was the minute he left your house two months ago and you couldn’t wait to see it again.
Frankie didn’t call though. Not the first day, the second, or even the third. You knew it was probably because he was tired, he had been away working for two months and would be wanting some rest, but you couldn’t help the thoughts sneaking into your mind as you got ready to head to the bar that maybe he didn’t call because he changed his mind about you. That when he finally came home he realised he didn’t want to meet up with you in that way again.
After taking a couple of shots and ordering an Uber you finally had the confidence to go to the bar. When you got there you could hear the loud laughs travelling from the back of the bar and knew everyone else was already here. As you walked to the table you could see Will with his arm around his fiancé, Pope and his girl, Benny in the corner, and right in the middle - Frankie. You couldn’t help the smile that broke onto your face at the sight of him, your cheeks feeling like they could split if it became any wider. 
His face was just as handsome as you remembered. His eyes were dark brown but gentle, holding a softness in them despite everything he had seen over the years. They were surrounded by soft lines at the side, from where his face crinkled as he laughed. His nose, so strong on his face, you were sure it had been carved by marble. Then his lips, so soft and plump, holding the remainder of perfect smile that had been on his face from laughing with the rest of the group.
Frankie could feel your presence. He had spent about an hour choosing what to wear tonight, something he never usually gave much thought to. He fixed his hair more times than he could count but when remembering how on your second date you said you liked him in a hat, he popped his favourite one on top of his messy hair. He even looked out the cologne that on your first date you complimented when your head rested on his shoulder as the both of you sat on the bed of his truck. Finally getting to see your face after two months made his cheeks flush and heart stop.
His head shot up before anyone else realised you were approaching, making your breath hitch in your throat. Frankie’s eyes never left you as you made your way through the crowded bar. He knew he was falling for you hard but seeing your bright smile and caring eyes one more time made him land head first in love with you. 
When you finally reached the table you greeted the boys before your eyes finally fell on him
“Hi Francisco,” you waved, now feeling awkward standing in front of the man you knew you had fallen in love with but who hadn’t spoke to you since his last email a week and a half ago.
He stood quickly with your name spilling out of his mouth, nearly knocking over the beer in front of him as he did, “What do you want to drink?”
“It’s okay, let me get it!” you tried to protest, but he was already making his way from behind the table.
You motioned to the bottle of beer he held, saying you would just have the same and before heading to the bar he pulled out a chair for you to sit at. While Frankie was at the bar, the rest of the boys started asking what you had been up to and began sharing the lighthearted stories from their time away.
When Frankie came back from the bar with two new beers in hand he decided to sit at the empty seat next to you. You looked over at him, thanking him for the drink with a smile and he felt his whole stomach turn. How one person could make him feel so safe and warm was beyond him.
The night went in fast, with all the stories being shared but Frankie spent more time watching you than listening to anyone else. He watched the way your nose crinkled as you laughed. How you covered your face to hide yourself from cringing at one of the many embarrassing stories they told about Benny. The way that, every so often, you would turn and offer him a soft smile, making his heart swell and cheeks flush.
He spent the whole night thinking about what to say to you. He wanted to phone you as soon as he was home but didn’t know what to say. It didn’t help that the more time that went on, the more he worried you might not even want to go on a date with him now he was home. 
The bar quietened down as the night went on, until you were one of the few tables left. Realising the time, you took our your phone to book a taxi but when the app opened Frankie placed a hand on your thigh. As the night went on you and both moved closer and closer together, but neither of you brave enough to make the final move so that you were touching until now. You felt a buzz of electricity move through your body from where his warm hand was resting on your leg.
“I.. I uh... can drive you home if you want?” he asked, his free hand going to rub the back of his neck as he said so.
“That would be lovely, Frankie, thank you,” you replied.
Frankie stood first, lifting your jacket and helping you put it on. One thing you had noticed about Frankie was that he was ever the gentleman. Constantly opening doors for you, pulling out chairs, asking if it was okay before he placed a soft kiss on your lips at the end of your first date.
You had only shared one other kiss after he dropped you off at the end of your second date but you hadn’t stopped thinking about his lips since. They had been so soft and gentle against yours. His hands, that you had noticed were slightly rough and scarred, were somehow delicate as they had rested on your hip and cheek. You couldn’t stop thinking about his lips on yours all night, how much you had wanted him to lean over and place a needy kiss to your lips.
As you headed out to his truck, he placed his hand on the small of your back to lead you in the right direction before picking up his pace so he could open the passenger door for you. 
The ride back to yours was quiet, with only the sound of the radio playing some soft rock breaking the silence. Frankie had so much he wanted to say but didn’t know how to do it. He opened and closed his mouth about twenty times between the bar and your house, the words failing to form. 
When he pulled up outside your house, he turned to find you already looking at him. You had been going over every feature, ones you had only seen a few times before but missed so much. 
Before you could stop them the words had already fallen from your tongue.
“Kiss me, Francisco,” you breathed.
In a swift movement he had undone both your seatbelts and brought your bodies closer together. One of his hands stayed on your thigh with the other gently placed on your jaw. Your hand gripped his arm tight, scared to let go of him again, with the other pulling the back of his neck until your faces were almost touching. You don’t know who leaned in first but your lips smashed against one another in a needy kiss. His grip on your thigh tightened and he pulled you so you were now sitting on his lap, glad that your house was far enough from any neighbours who could see what was happening. Once on his lap his tongue brushed over your lip before your mouth opened. You ripped the hat off his head, letting your fingers run through his messy curls, earning a groan from him in response.
When you eventually broke away from one another your breathing was heavy, your chests rising and falling with one another. Frankie pulled you in once again, this time softer, until your foreheads were pressed against one another.
“I’ve been thinking about doing that for months,” he breathed out.
You placed a gentle kiss to his lips, “me too.”
You sat like that for a while, with his hands tracing up and down your sides and your hands cupping his face, taking in the handsome sight before you. 
“What are you doing tomorrow night?” he asked.
“Nothing, why?”
“’Cause I think it’s finally time I take you on our third date,” he chuckled.
You laughed with him, your chest tightening and how beautiful the sound of his laugh felt on your ears and moved off his lap, back to your seat to pick up your bag.
“I thought you were never going to ask,” you teased, your hand reaching up to softly scratch at the scruff along his jaw. He leaned into your palm, placing a soft kiss to it.
“Phone me tomorrow then?” you said.
He nodded and as you reached to open the car door his hand reached for yours to pull you back around to face him. He leaned in close again to place another soft kiss to your lip.
“Sorry, just needed one more,” he smiled.
You laughed and placed a soft kiss to his cheek.
“See you tomorrow, Fransisco.”
“Can’t wait,” he whispered back.
Waiting until you were inside safely and waving from your window, Frankie drove off, the smile never leaving his face the whole way home.
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aphroditescreature · 3 years
18+ only - tags to search on this blog
Tags for gifs
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Send me your Triple Frontier boys head cannons I want to try to write some and need some inspiration!
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ohheyitsokay · 3 years
Welcome to the Poly Frontier!
what's up loves! here's my masterlist for all of my triple frontier poly fics, which all exist in the same universe. they include William (Ironhead) Miller, Santiago (Pope) Garcia, Francisco (Catfish) Morales, Ben (Benny) Miller, and a female reader.
these are 18+ fics. yes, all of them, even if they dont have explicit sexual content.
again, I've spoken to the other tf poly author I know, this is ... completely separate :) as an additional disclaimer, I will not be including any fetishization of the mlm relationships in this group, and not including any romantic or sexual relations between the Miller brothers.
just a day - exploring the group dynamic
kissing - headcannons exploring the differences between each of them
ebb and flow - insecurities and glimpses at how they process them
free time - headcannons about what activities they do in pairs and trios and as a group
trials - what happens when Santi tries to get another girl, and ends up falling more in love with you
bickering - a lil goofy ficlet about de-esclating the Miller arguements
cuddle puddles - a collections of cuddly scenes
out or in - scenes of choosing each other
soulmates - an au of this au, where they're all soulmates
home - scenes from the first week in their house
ask - kinks, consent, kissing (and sex with each of the boys individually)
holiday scenes - mostly holiday, anyway
better late - a Benny valentines drabble
hair playing - self explanatory drabble
a Will fic I have no place for:
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nanamikeento · 4 years
Follower Milestone Celebration!
A few days ago I realized my audience has grown even more, so I thought of maybe celebrating in a different way. I’ll list some of my mutuals and their masterlists as a way to celebrate them too, because they’re also a part of my followers and I get so much support from them. I also love them very much. So if you don’t follow them, please take a look and consider! Thank you so much for following and putting up with me, lol. 💖✨
@hiscyarika: She has an on going Javier Peña series that I absolutely love with all my heart, and she writes for most of the Pedro Boys, and I love everything she writes. (masterlist)
@vercopaanir: omg, Brandi has a lovely story in progress! I love love her writing style, it makes me Yearn™. I love her version of Din, if you want some dad!Din, she’s the one you should go for! (masterlist)
@forever-rogue: bruh, Patricia writes the best version of Oberyn Martell, In Name Only is literally my fave and I think about it every single day. There’s also a professor!Peña fanfic that sometimes I think about and Yearn. I just love it so much? (masterlist)
@goldafterglow: I present to you, the Ezra Queen. Her words are like poetry and she manages to capture his character so well. Her writing always makes me yearn with her angst and hurt/comfort 🤧 (masterlist)
@bestintheparsec: Lauren is honestly so talented, she writes and make lovely gifs. Her stories are so easy to read and she manages to capture the characters so well! I love her The Same Coin series with Javi, I just love it so much (masterlist)
@hansoulo: lari has a wonderful on going series with Javier Peña that makes me y e a r n. I love it so much. Besides, she writes for other Narcos boys and i love her writing style, so much?! (masterlist)
@aerynwrites: Aeryn is one of the most talented people here. I seriously love everything she posts. She write for Pedro characters and more (apparently for DBH too?? how am i just seeing that??) Anyway, go follow her, she’s so talented and such a sweetheart! (masterlist)
@dindjarindiaries: Molly is the sweetest, most humble mutual I have. She writes fics and little blurbs for Din Djarin and honestly??? She's the Queen. I love her stuff so much and every time she shows up in my notifications I get so happy! (masterlist)
@yespolkadotkitty: If you’re a fan of Pero Tovar you have to read Querida and I’ll Do My Best By You. You just have to. She manages to capture Tovar’s character so well and I love it very much, thanks. (masterlist)
@haildoodles-writing: She’s honestly so talented and sweet! Writes for Pedro characters and dbh as well :’) (masterlist)
@catfishingmorales: Lex doesn’t have a masterlist, but she writes a lot for the Triple Frontier Boys (except for tom, cause f*ck him) and I really recommend if you want to read something sweet and sexy for Benny or Will Miller 🥺
@tiffdawg: Tiff knows I love her professor!Peña version, I freak out whenever she updates it! And she also writes for other characters!! Honestly, she’s such a sweet person, I love her so much! (masterlist)
@agentpike: Marcus Pike Queen. I love her work so much, I don’t think she knows it. I love loveeee her set it up au!!! tbh i wish we were bffs she’s literally the sweetest person!!! (masterlist)
@adikaofmandalore: Adi is so talented and they write Ezra and Jack so in character! I honestly love their writing style and their fics give me the serotonin I need to get through the day! I feel like they’re very underrated and they deserve all the love! pls go follow them, they’re amazing! (masterlist)
@maxlordd: yes, she’s the Maxwell Lord Queen. yes, even though the movie didn’t come out yet. You can see her love for the character, she knows about him a lot and I love that, because you can see she’s read the comics in her writing. And I’m not really a fan of the character but Dreide’s series A Gilded Lie is so good. Honestly, to write such story about the WW1984 without even watching the movie??? Patty Jenkins who?? I love it so much (masterlist)
@huliabitch: Julia writes one of the best smut I’ve ever read?? And she makes beautiful moodboards for her stories too!! Her clan!leader Mando x OFC is amazing!!!! (masterlist)
@softpedropascal: literally the Frankie Morales Queen. She’s got everything covered about him and still manages to come up with more headcannons, written differently and her grasp on his character is so well done. Her Pragma series makes me yearn so much. I love it. (masterlist)
@santigarcia : Taylor’s main blog is currently unfairly flagged for some reason, but if you like Oscar Isaac, she’s the one you should go for! She’s super talented and she writes Santiago Garcia so well and I just love it so much!
@mxndoscyarika: A fellow swiftie who’s talented and wrote one of the best fics for Marcus Pike (yes, I’m still thinking about that cardigan inspired fic), and she also writes a very lovely series with Javier and a chinese reader! (masterlist)
@absurdthirst: She writes a bit of everything and her writing style is so familiar for some reason? I love her smut, she writes it so well! (specially with Pero Tovar 🤧) (masterlist)
@rzrcrst: Also one of the best writers here??? She was the one of the firsts writers that I followed when I joined the fandom and I honestly aspire to be at her level. Her dialogue style is just perfect and I’m in love with the way she writes Ezra (ever since day one), but she also writes for other star wars characters and marvel too!! (masterlist)
@murdermewithbooks: The perfect balance between angst and fluff and smut? Her writing made me cry once and yes that is a compliment! She writes for Pedro characters and I love it so much! (masterlist)
@talesfromtheguild: Honestly she writes the best d*ddy k*nk I’ve ever read? lmao, I love the way she captures Agent Whiskey’s energy even though it’s nothing like he’s in the movie? I don’t know if that makes sense, but it’s just so on point and it makes my tummy churn. I love it. She writes for other Pedro characters too! (masterlist)
244 notes · View notes
nobody7102 · 5 years
Nobody7102 Writing Master-List: Part 1
Note: THIS TUMBLR IS THE ONLY PLACE MY STORES/FICS WILL EVER BE! If you see my fics/stories on any other platform please report the user, I have not given/nor will I ever give my permission for my work to be published on any other platform
A/N: Let me know if you wanna be tagged, updated with stories whenever I post them
I can no longer add Fics to this master-list(I reached the limit of links you can have) please see Part 2 for any new/added fics! (My most recently updated master-lost will also always be pinned to my account)
PLEASE READ: As of 5/8/23 almost all of my links are working, there are still some that are shotty that I could get to work properly no matter how many times I redid the link
Master-List: Part 2(continued)
(7/28/22) EDIT: Fic writing is on hold at the moment but if you have any head cannon or blurb requests feel free to send/share them
My Request Rules:
I only write for x Reader
I do write 18+\NSFW(so if you want spicy stuff just ask)
Feel free to either send the requests to my inbox or DM me
This sounds bad but if I don’t feel comfortable writing your request, I will ignore it
* = Angst
<3 = Fluff
! = Spicy
# = Drabbles/Blurbs
Believe me (Peter Pevensie x Reader)*
Grey Hairs (Pepperony)<3
The Spider-Man and Spinneret Master List (Tobey! Peter Parker)<3*
Late for the Love of my Life Master-List (All 3 Peters)<3*
Unless you Mean It (Andrew/tasm! Peter Parker x reader)* Part 2 <3*
I Don’t Hate You Master-List (Andrew/tasm! Peter Parker x Reader) <3*
Bucky Barnes
Play Along (Bucky x Reader)!
Joaquin Torres
Flying above the city <3 #
In Another Life Master-List (Foggy Nelson x Reader)*
Harry Potter (no longer writing)
Marauders Era
7th Year (headcannon)<3
Pregnant Jily (Headcannon)<3
Voltron (no longer writing)
Not Going Anywhere (Pidge Gunderson x Reader)<3
Pride and Prejudice (no longer writing)
Pride and Patience (lizzyXdarcy) <3
Breakdown of “Pride and Patience”
IT Chapter 2 (no longer writing)
Losers in Life (Stanley Uris x Reader, Platonic Losers club)*
We Are Here (Eddie Kaspbrak x Reader)<3*
Top Gun
Bradley ‘Rooster’ Bradshaw
NSFW Alphabet!
Unless You Are A Fool <3
Good Girl !#
Robert 'Bob' Floyd
NSFW Alphabet!
Being Bob's GF<3 #
The Killjoy (Bob x Reader)
Bad Day <3
It’s Okay *
Late Night/Early Morning Cuddles <3 #
Sneaking out your window <3 #
Lovesick <3#
Glass !#
NSFW Soft Bobby !#
Jake ‘Hangman’ Seresin
NSFW Alphabet!
A Very Long Time !
Tom ‘Iceman’ Kazansky
How It Used To Be <3
Pete ‘Maverick’ Mitchell
NSFW Throughts! #
Formalities !#
Marks !#
Mickey ‘Fanboy’ Garcia
Trying for a baby <3 #
NSFW Thoughts ! #
NSFW Trying for a baby ! #
Cessna <3 #
Really? <3#
Finding out he’s married <3 #
They’ve got a pool <3# Part 2
Beg !#
Do you like it when I use Spanish? !#
Happy Birthday Amor <3
Outer Range
Rhett Abbott
NSFW Thoughts! #
Soft Thoughts <3 #
Our Song <3
Braided hair ! #
Hooliganism <3 #
Theatre Mom <3 #
Late Night/Early Morning Cuddles <3 #
NSFW Trying For a Baby ! #
Mummy <3 #
Siblings <3 #
Skunk <3 # Skunk Part 2
The Twins <3 #
The Kids #
Horny Toad <3 #
Interrupting !#
Bad Times At The El Royals
Miles Miller
Late Night/Early Morning Cuddles <3 #
Camaro <3 #
Sleepwalk <3 #
Purple <3 #
Little Benny <3 # Little Benny Part 2
NSFW Thoughts ! #
Spaghetti Sauce <3 #
Still? !#
Lake Tahoe <3#
Salem’s Lot
Ben Mears
You fainted <3 #
Dad Ben <3 #
Pregnancy Hcs <3 # Part 2
Cold House <3 #
Spicy Benny Boy !<3#
Jealous Ben <3 # part 2
Strip !#
Tomato’s <3#
Relax !<3#
Bathtub !#
Waiting <3 #
Set It Up
Charlie Young
Friends !#
Lingerie !#
Boobs !<3#
Bad day cheer up <3#
374 notes · View notes
fumbling-fanfics · 5 years
My ASK - Feel free to send anything :) FLORIAN MUNTEANU (x Reader)
- Flo being gentle with Virgin s/o - Toothbrush
- Silk Pillowcase - Part 1/1
- Red Dress - Part 1/2
- Red Dress - Part 2/2 - tbc
- Wait for it - Part 1/? - Deja Vu - Part 1/? - Calling Florian Daddy and he likes it - Mini - MBJ is your brother and Florian takes you on a date - Keep warm with Viktor Drago and Florian Munteanu - Mini - Florian and Virgin Reader Mini Fic’s/Pic Fic’s - Bump into Florian at an Event - Photo Fic - Wedding - Banter - Thundering Dad Voice - Red Shorts - Part 1 - Red Shorts - Update - Red Shorts - Small Edit Imagines - Disneyland with Florian (please check notes for additions from other people) - Imagine being at a Wedding with Florian - Sleepy Drunk Florain - Imagine being at a Wedding with Florian - tbc Picture Asks - Date with Florian - Valentines Day Date - What Savage Fenty Set Would You Wear For Florian - What Pictures Would You Send To Florian - Going on holiday with Florian and your daughter - Cuddly drunk Florian
10 facts about Florian “Big Nasty” Munteanu, the Romanian star of “Creed II”
Home - Part 1/3 Home - Part 2/3 (Smut) Home - Part 3/3 (Smut)
Gravity - AUViktor Drago NSFW Alphabet - Part 1 NSFW Alphabet - Part 2 SFW Alphabet - Part 1 SFW Alphabet - Part 2 - tbc SFW Alphabet - Letter L
Burnt Offerings - Part 1/1 (Smut) Untitled Piece (Smut)
Balanced Breakfast - Part 1/1 Fold Clothes - Viktor Drago X PregnantReader Fold Clothes - Viktor Drago x PregnantReader - Part 2 Viktor with his child - Headcanon
- Viktor teaching you to box and things get heated
- What would Viktor be like with his child - Headcannon
-  Bathtub Sex w/ Viktor
- Viktor Paying for Sex - Part 1
- Viktor Paying for Sex - Part 2
- Viktor & Unprotected Sex - Viktor Proposing to Girlfriend - Viktor’s Girlfriend Meeting Ivan - Is Viktor a Virgin? - Viktor is Frustrated/Angry & Reader Gives Him a Blowjob To Relax (SMUT) - Reader (poc) is Pregnant with Viktor's Baby - Part 1 - Viktor Meets Reader’s Parents - Viktor Staying with Reader - Rough Sex with Viktor (SMUT) - Cuddling with Viktor - Waking Up Viktor - Helping Viktor Look After Sick Ivan (SMUT included) - Viktor Introducing His Girlfriend to Ivan - short - Viktor finds out the reader is pregnant  - Imagine having a second child with Viktor Drago
- First edition
- Second Edition - Topless
- Third Edition - Holiday
- Fourth Edition - Viktor Drago
LEWIS TAN - Bobby the Security Guard - Den of Thieves Security Guard x Reader - Part 1 - Bobby the Security Guard - Part 2 - Lewis Tan getting his love bites from the reader covered up while on set
- Sleep first - fluff/flirting - Pablo’s insta story - mini - Daddy’s girl - Attagirl - Imagine Pablo Schreiber spotting you at Comic-Con while you're doing a press conference for your hit series - Pablo remembering names of trees because you often have sex outside on hikes - Pablo being charming on FaceTime - short - Pablo fucks you in a museum - Pablo wearing you down by just looking at you - Calling Pablo Daddy - Pablo doing squats with his kids - mini - Sucking s’more off of Pablo’s fingers - addition to what @crushed-pink-petals wrote - Zeeko: sex after work. Pablo: sex after workout
RAY MERRIMAN - Ray fresh out of prison and goes to his old girlfriend to make up for lost time - Ray cuts his hair short and the reader really likes it - Ray helps the reader who is in an abusive relationship - Part 1 - Reader works on a job with Ray Merrimen and sleeps with him after - Implied blow job - Jealous Ray - Mini - Soft Ray - implied domestic violence situation
- Helping Ray out of his tac gear - gif fic - Finally saying yes to Ray asking you out - gif fic - Part 1 - Going on a date with Ray - gif fic - Part 2 - Gif prompts
WYATT RIVERS - You demand Wyatt Rivers (Pablo’s character in Thumper) stops selling your brother weed
ZEEKO ZAKI & PABLO SCHREIBER CHRONICLES - Zeeko: sex after work. Pablo: sex after workout
ZEEKO ZAKI - Zeeko showing off his hoodie - ‘Accidentally’ teasing Zeeko after you got your nails done - Being bratty with Zeeko - Mini - Calling Zeeko Daddy and he likes it - Zeeko Zaki hand kink - Zeeko hittin’ it real slow - mini fic - Throwback Thursday with Zeeko Zaki - implied smut - Zeeko in an FBI vest - mini - Cum undone - Being pregnant with OA Zidan’s first chid
OA ZIDAN - Sex with OA after he’s had a long hard case - Finding OA Zidan asleep in the living and making him come to bed - OA Zidan keeping you warm - mini - Being pregnant with Oa’s first child -
- Threesome with Zeeko Zaki, Lewis Tan and Pablo Schreiber
MICHAEL KELLY/DOUG STAMPER - Jealous Doug - Doug Stamper HC VIKING BJORN - Reader stumbles upon Bjorn and Ubbe - gif fic - Part 1/? MODERN BJORN - Bjorn Gif fic - Dating Bjorn
BENNY MILLER - Sunday Dinner - Benny Miller - Part 1 - Benny Miller - Preview of Part 2
Keanu Reeves - Implied Smut - Morning sex - mini
BUCKY BARNES - The New Black Widow 
Melainmarvel Celebrity Fic Recs - Michael B. Jordan, Henry Cavill, Trevante Rodes, Winston Duke, Additional Florian Munteanu, Chris Evans, Tom Holland, Keanu Reeves, Chadwick Boseman, Chris Hemsworth, Tom Hiddleston, Jake Gyllenhaall, Harry Styles.
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