#besides that…. snow ☺️
thatsouthernstate · 1 year
February 27-28, 2023
E don cast, last last, na everybody go chop breakfast
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You go bow for the result o
Nothing to discuss o, cause I dey win by default
And without any doubt o
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Omo me I be adult o, I no go fit take your— (I no go fit take your insult o)
Omo mind as you dey talk o
I put my life into my job
And I know I'm in trouble
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She manipulate my love o
I no holy and I no denge pose like Baba Fryo
My eye o don cry o
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
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I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
Shayo (Shayo) shayo (shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
Shayo (Shayo) shayo (Shayo shayo)
I dey Port Harcourt when dem kill Soboma
I dey try to buy motor one Toyota Corolla
My feelings been dey swing like jangolova
Feelings been dey swing like jangolova
Now you crash your Ferrari for Lekki, Burna
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Na small thing remain, it could have been all over
My feelings still dey swing like jangolova
Feelings still dey swing like
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Ti n ba ni kе juru, e juru
Omo why to’o ki nfe ni suru?
Why you say I did nothing for you
When I for do anything you want mе to do
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Ti n ba ni ke juru, e juru (E juru)
Omo why to'o ki nfe ni suru? (Ni suru)
Why you say I did nothing for you
When I for do anything you want me to do
Maybe another time, maybe another life you will be my wife and we'll get it right
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E don cast, last last, na everybody go chop breakfast
Have to say bye bye o, bye bye o to the love of my life
My eye o don cry o
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
Shayo (Shayo) shayo (Shayo shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
I need Igbo and shayo (Shayo)
Shayo (Shayo) shayo (Shayo)
0 notes
dailyreverie · 7 months
A/N: Kicking off the holidays with a cute snowy moment with Poe ☺️❄️ I hope you all enjoy this, and all the stories that are coming!
1. Ice skating
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Word count: 1.1K
Holiday prompts ⛄
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You walked for what felt like ages, until you could swear your joints were frozen from your feet being buried under snow for so long. But Poe wouldn’t hear your complaints, dismissing them with his usual confident smile swearing you were close to the town you were supposed to reach for supplies.
“Remind me again, why you landed so far?” You complained as he helped you jump down a snow-covered rock. 
“This place is basically hidden under the trees. Besides, the last time I came here the weather was nothing like this, I was able to land closer.” Poe defended himself and his ‘no more than a 15-minute walk’ promise he gave before you left. Your landed right in front of him after you jumped, meeting eye-to-eye with him, his hand not leaving yours in the process not letting you slip onto the cold ground; still, you glared at him. “Don’t hold it against me.” He tried one last time.
“I won’t be able to if I freeze to death.” Ever the gentleman, Poe lifted your hand to his lips and gently kissed your knuckles. “Don’t try to charm me, flyboy.”
“I promise I’ll make it up to you.” In between his rosy cheeks, hidden under the hood of his puffy jacket, you saw that cheeky sparkle in his eyes that you’ve always loved.
“You better,” after a playful push of his shoulder, you kept on walking your never-ending trail of snow.
“I promise we are close now, and we’ll stay the night in the coziest inn I can find.” Your chuckle told him everything he needed: you were not mad, you were just cold. “We only need to reach the lake, surround it, and we’ll be no more than 5 minutes away.”
“And are you sure we are not lost? If there’s a lake nearby we should at least be able to see it, and no offense honey but- woah!” The next step you took made your foot slip, almost making you fall backward if it weren’t for Poe’s hands catching your back. “What the hell?!”
With cautious feet, Poe stepped and slid his foot on the ground. “This is the lake.”
As you and Poe stood there, recovering from the unexpected slip on the ice, the sudden appearance of BB-8 added a new layer of chaos to the situation. Poe's attempt to warn the droid about the icy surface was cut short as BB-8 rushed past you both, completely unprepared for the slippery terrain. “BB, watch out! Everything in front of us is-” Poe’s words died in his throat as the droid rolled past you, not slowing down a bit and clearly not expecting to slide around the ice. The droid began to let out high-pitched beeps, screaming in surprise into the cold air. The scene in front of you sent you both into a fit of laughter as the droid kept spinning around, doubling in laughter as BB tried (and failed) to stop his round body from whirling on the ice.
In the midst of it all, Poe found your hand, warmth meeting cold, and he pulled you onto the icy surface with mischievous intent. “Hey! What do you think you are doing?”
“Come on, let’s join Beebs.” His eyebrows did a swift up and down motion, almost convincing you. 
“No way, Poe! I’m not planning on breaking a leg!” You protested as he kept pulling, and much to your dismay, he managed to successfully pull you into the ice. “KRIFF, POE!” You exclaimed between laughter as you slid, Poe’s hands on your waist steading you as he pulled you, sliding himself backward not to miss any expression on your face.
As you reluctantly found yourself on the icy surface of the lake, Poe flashed you one of his famously mischievous grins. “Why do you look like you are about to murder me?”
You stared at him standing still as a rock, not risking moving and dramatically falling on your bottom. “Because I just might do it.” If it weren’t for the tremble on your legs, Poe would’ve been sure of your threat. It didn’t help you, though, that the second you tried to move away from him your feet began to wobble on the icy surface. Poe was quick to steady you with firm hands on your hips, but that didn’t stop him from erupting in laughter, loudly and with his head thrown back, his melodic laughs echoing around the snow-covered trees that framed the lake. “I will kill you, Dameron!”
“Come on, sweetheart! It’s not that hard,” Poe expertly slid to stand behind you, his chest against your back and his grip still tight on your waist; you knew that whatever happened next, he was not gonna let you fall. “One foot in front of the other, just like walking.” He encouraged you, pushing you softly as your feet began to move.
With Poe's guidance, you reluctantly began to take cautious steps on the ice, trying your best to maintain your balance. His warm presence behind you and the reassurance in his voice eased some of your tension, and soon he let you go and stood still to watch you gracefully slide across the ice.
“Told you! You are a natural!” Poe cheered, followed by a few beeps from BB who had finally managed to slow down to a soft spin. “You did not do it better, bud, you couldn’t even stop.”
“I’m way better than you, BB!” You couldn't help but smile at Poe’s infectious enthusiasm, and soon enough, you found yourself actually enjoying the unexpected detour from the mission. You couldn’t seem to remember the cold, your hurting joints, and the mountains of snow, right then, the only thing on your mind was enjoying this little moment Poe created out of nowhere for the two of you.
Poe joined you soon after, skating quickly to catch you by surprise. His hands landed on your hips as you squealed, even more so when he pushed you across the ice to test your abilities. “Oh, you’re in for it, Dameron!” you declared, a mischievous glint in your eyes as you skated back to him, challenging him to a race.
“The winner can have the shower first.” Poe grinned, the twinkle in his eyes matching the snowy landscape around you. 
“Or…” You stood dangerously close to him, your noses almost touching. “If I win, you won’t get to shower with me.” Poe’s eyes widened, he was sure your sultry tone alone would be enough to melt the ice - if he didn’t melted before. Before he knew it you were skating away, laughing at his shocked face.
“Hey! That’s not fair!” Poe caught you and twirled you around on the ice, your laughter mingling with his as you both ran away from each other. The worries of the mission, the biting cold, and the challenges of the journey melted away; you always wondered how Poe did it, how he could make you forget everything that was wrong with such simple things. Turns out, his only mission these days was to see you smile.
Thanks for reading! Please reblog and comment if you enjoyed it!
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 1 month
Can you do a fluff with slash where the reader has a bad day at work and feels dizzy so slash tries to comfort her ??
A/n: As someone who's low iron I can understand the getting dizzy so I kind of based this off of my own experiences, hope others can relate, even if not I hope you still enjoy it <3
Warnings: None, just fluff
I love pictures of slash where you can see his eyes bc he looks just as surprised that he actually does have eyes, also looks mildly insane but that’s ok ☺️
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Your head was killing you. It wasn’t even so much of a headache as it was this weird feeling you just couldn’t get rid of. Your body was freezing but you were sweating, your hands were shaking and your knees felt weak. Like a deer on ice.
You told your boss how you were feeling, she took one look at your pale face and sent you home. You sat outside on the curb until Slash could come pick you up. It was fall, winter just coming up. It was too cold to stay out for long but it felt nice for you right now.
Slash pulled up and barely stopped the car before he rushed out to get to you, sitting beside you on the curb and throwing his leather jacket around you. “Jesus, fuck, what happened?” He asked, wrapping his arms around you.
You shrugged and leaned into his touch. “Didn’t feel good.” You mumbled. Slash kissed your forehead.
“No shit.” He helped you up and got you into the backseat of the car so you could lay down.
Upon arriving at your shared home he got you into bed, putting on your favourite movie. “Wait here until I get back, alright?” He kissed your forehead and cheek before turning to leave.
“Where-where are you going?” You asked, voice carrying hints of exhaustion.
Slash turned again and came right back to your side. “I’m just going to get some things.” He brushed your hair out of your face. “I’ll be right back, okay?” You nodded, your eyes already starting to close. He kissed your forehead again and left.
When he returned you were all sprawled out on the couch with the TV all a channel that was pure snow. Slash dropped the bags and rushed over to you in fear that your condition had worsened.
“Hey, hey. What’re you doing out here?” He asked, shaking you gently. You stirred, slowly blinking your eyes open, a wide smile pulling at the corners of your mouth when you saw the curly haired guitarist.
You reached for him and he scooped you into his arms, sitting on the couch with you in his lap. “Hey, baby, how did you get out here?”
Your head rested on his chest. “I woke up and you weren’t back yet.” You said, reaching up to play with his hair. “You said you’d be right back.”
Slash sighed and gave your arm a quick rub. “Yeah. Yeah, I know, I just went out to get some snacks and stuff to help you feel better.” You hummed in understanding. “How about you go crawl back into bed and I’ll make you some tea?” You smiled and nodded, slowly standing and heading to the bedroom. “Just call for me if you need anything.”
You curled up in bed. Your body had mellowed out, no longer sweating, no longer freezing. Your chest still felt heavy and everything was a little foggy still but you were doing better.
Slash came in a while later with a tray of food. He was never one for cooking so you watched him carefully as he approached. There was a cup of tea, a sandwich and a muffin. He handed you the tray with such a proud smile of what he’d done. You smiled up at him. “Did you make the sandwich?” He nodded as he got in bed next to you.
“Yeah, sorry, I tried.” You kissed his cheek.
“I’m sure it’ll be fine.” It wasn’t a half bad looking sandwich, mozzarella cheese, bright lettuce, juicy tomatoes. Slash fumbled with the remote until he found a good channel to watch, horror movies, of course.
Slash didn’t leave your side the rest of the night for more than a few minutes. It took some convincing to even get him to let you go to the bathroom alone.
He held onto you as much as he could, repeatedly asking you how you were doing, if you needed something for the pain, food. He made sure you were well taken care of. He brought some cats in to give you cuddles because he’d seen somewhere that they have ‘healing qualities’.
To a point you could understand it but you were pretty sure he just wanted the cats to sleep with you guys. They craved the warmth of your bodies on the bed, one or two even crawling under the blankets and licking your toes.
“Feeling better?” Slash whispered in your ear, tucking some of your hair behind your ear. You nodded, nuzzling into him.
“Thank you for taking care of me.” Slash kissed your forehead.
“Anything for you, sweetheart.”
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radiant-reid · 1 year
can you maybe write about spence and reader having a night in? like superrr domestic spence cooking her dinner and stuff. i feel like he would be a good cook☺️
"It's me." You call when you step through the front door. It's so much warmer than the snow and gusts of wind outside.
"Hi, me." Spencer jokes, peering around the corner from the kitchen.
You leave your bag, shoes, and coat at the door and walk down the hallway. "Hi, handsome." You greet him.
He leaves the pan on the stove and turns around to hug you, wrapping his arms around your waist, pulling your body tight to him, and resting his head on top of yours.
"Missed you." He says, regarding the days you've spent apart while he was away on a case.
He must have gotten home in the early hours of the morning because when you got up to go to work, he was sleeping deeply beside you, and you really didn't have the heart to wake him.
"I missed you more." You tell him.
"Not possible." He says, pulling back to kiss you sweetly.
You turn to look at the stovetop emitting a delicious smell. "What are you doing?"
"Cooking dinner." He explains, still holding your waist as he stirs what you're guessing is sauce. "Part of my house husband duties."
"You're so good to me." You remind him. "How can I help?"
Spencer shakes his head. "You can sit there." He nods to the bench. "And look pretty."
You do as he requests, and he hands you a drink, keeping his hand on your knee while using his other to cook. "What's for dinner?" You ask.
"Pasta, of course." He answers. He's not an expert cook, but he can make incredible pasta. "Here." He picks up a spoon with sauce on it, blowing on it so it doesn't burn you and holding it out for you to try.
You moan at the creamy, rich but not overwhelming taste. "This is amazing." You report. "I could really get used to this, coming home to you serving me dinner each night."
He laughs with you. "I could too."
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catindabag · 6 months
TBOSAS on Crack short take (63)
*What are the Hungers Games for?* Read [this] first.
Sejanus: My love, my Snow Angel, wake up~. It’s almost lunchtime.
Coryo: *is half asleep* Five more minutes, Babe.😴
Sejanus: Ok! Anything for my pretty Snow Bae~.😍
Clemensia: Ugh. You’re so bad at this, Plinth.
Sejanus: Bad at what?
Clemensia: Watch and learn, lover boy. *grabs Coryo’s shoulders and shakes him like a rag doll* Wake the f*ck up, Snowy! Wake up! The school is giving away free food and money!
Coryo: *wakes up* Free food?! Free money?! Where?!
Clemensia: I lied.
Coryo: Clemmie, you’re cruel.
Clemensia: I’m normal.
Coryo: Doubt-
Clemensia: Snowy, be a dear and wake our professional dumpster diver, will you?☺️
Coryo: Fine. *turns to Festus* Bestie, Pup and Percy Price are playing Patty Cake without you again.
Festus: *immediately wakes up* Pup, you lying traitor!
Livia: Pup is not even here, you idiot.
Festus: Then where is he?!
Livia: I don’t know-
Felix: He’s currently hiding from the lunch lady again.
Festus: Lol. Did he “borrow” her hairnet again?
Felix: Worse.😔 He stole her golden spatula in the name of research.
Festus: *gets up and salutes* May the odds be ever in our brother’s favor.🫡
Felix: *salutes back* So be it.
Coryo: So be it. I’m hungry. Let’s go, Babe.
Sejanus: Yey! Hold my hand, my love-
Dr.Gaul: *blocks the exit door* Children, sit down.
Coryo: But it’s lunchtime-
Dr.Gaul: Sit.
Coryo: But I’m hungry.
Dr.Gaul: Starve.
Vipsania: *gasps* She said a forbidden word! She said a forbidden word!
Coryo: The audacity!
Livia: Dr. Gaul, can I leave? I have to fix my makeup real quick.
Dr.Gaul: Sure. Go ahead, girl.
Livia: Bye, losers! *walks out*
Urban: Yo, that ain’t fair, Doc!
Dr.Gaul: It’s Dr. Gaul to you, Mr. Canville. Besides, Mama Cardew is a monster.
Sejanus: You’re a monster!
Dr.Gaul: What are you gonna do about it, boy?
Sejanus: I will cry!
Dr.Gaul: That’s what I thought.
Persephone: That is still a form of favoritism, Dr. Gaul.
Dr.Gaul: Says the nepo cannibal.
Persephone: *starts crying* That was one time! One time!😭
Lysistrata: Dr. Gaul, that was uncalled for-
Dr.Gaul: Do you want Mama Cardew to burn our economy to the ground?
Lysistrata: No-
Dr.Gaul: Then shut your useless mouths before I shut them for you!
Persephone: Festus, Baby, hug me!😭
Festus: *hugs Percy and comforts her* There, there, Percy Price. Dr. Gaul is just a hallucination. She ain’t real. She’s just a bad dream.
Iphigenia: *raises hand* Dr. Gaul.
Dr.Gaul: Yes, pet?
Iphigenia: Can I fix my makeup too?
Dr.Gaul: No.
Felix: Wow. ✨Cardew Nepotism✨ really does work like a charm.
Coryo: Eh. ✨Cardew Nepotism✨ sucks. It only works on crazy people with real power.
Sejanus: I wish my nepotism is as good as hers.😞
Coryo: Don’t be too sad, my love. Our ✨Plinth-Snow Dynasty✨ will rule them all someday.
Sejanus: Along with our 24 gorgeous children?🥺
Coryo: Whatever you say, Babe.
Sejanus: 24 and more children?
Coryo: *sighs* 24 and more.
Sejanus: Coryo, Kiss.😘
Coryo: Sure-
Dr.Gaul: Not in front of me and my pit bull rabbit, you fools!
Coryo: Then let us go! I’m starving! I need to eat my pecan pie without looking at you!
Apollo: Yo, I have to buy a new bottle of glue.
Vipsania: Can somebody help me find my other shoe?
Persephone: I want my precious meat stew!😭
Dennis: I have an illegal business to attend to!
Diana: Does anyone have a new copy of ✨Me Before Hugh✨?🥺
Hilarius: I want to buy expensive shampoo-
Felix: Not now, Hilari!
Festus: Let us go! Let us go! Let us go-
Dr.Gaul: No! Nobody is leaving this classroom without answering the most important question of the day!
Lysistrata: The most important question?
Io: What is love?😀
Dr.Gaul: Ms. Jasper.
Io: Yes?
Dr.Gaul: Go cry in the corner before I give you and your parents another demerit.
Io: Ok.😞
Urban: So what’s the question?
Dr.Gaul: I’m so glad you asked, Mr. Turban.
Urban: It’s Urban-
Dr.Gaul: Tell me, children, what are the Hunger Games for?
Urban: I’m too angry to answer that stupid question-
Clemensia: To commemorate the war!
Dr.Gaul: Good. What else?
Diana: To commemorate the fallen heroes?
Dr.Gaul: Lame.
Dennis: To punish the rebels?
Dr.Gaul: Boring.
Felix: To punish those who stole my granduncle’s last bits of sanity!
Dr.Gaul: Lol. Nice try, brat. President Ravinstill was already crazy from the start.
Felix: But-
Dr.Gaul: He was born crazy and he will die crazy.
Felix: That’s kinda rude-
Dr.Gaul: Next!
Juno: To remind the Districts that we can be evil and ✨fabulous✨ at the same time!
Dr.Gaul: You’re not wrong, but-
Sejanus: To commemorate how cruel the Capitol is!
Dr.Gaul: Lol. Is that all?
Coryo: To Commemorate Drunk Dean Highbottom’s loser ass loser life!
Dr.Gaul: Correct- No! Not correct!
Coryo: To commemorate how angry and hungry I am right now!
Dr.Gaul: That’s still wrong-
Coryo: Let me go! I’m hungry! I need to eat my f*ckin’ pecan pie before I go feral!
Dr.Gaul: Mr. Snow-
Coryo: *is now in “feral” mode*
Sejanus: Not again-
Coryo: *is now acting like a feral wet cat* My pecan pie!
Sejanus: Babe, calm down-
Coryo: *hisses like a cat, shoves Dr. Gaul to the side, and quickly runs away* Bye, b*tch!
Lysistrata: Why is Coryo running like a skinny cat on crack?!
Sejanus: Festus, get the ropes! My poor darling lost his mind again!😭
Lysistrata: Again?!
Festus: Yeah. Poor Snowy goes full “feral” if he doesn’t eat something before lunchtime.
Hilarius: That’s wild, bro.
Festus: That’s just his weird irreversible war trauma working overtime.
Sejanus: It gets even worse if you don’t feed him his daily cabbage.😞
Hilarius: Well, that’s sad.
Clemensia: Felix.
Felix: Yes, Clemmie?
Clemensia: Are you 100 percent sure that our “prestigious” school is not secretly a mental asylum for the rich and Coryo?
Felix: I hope not.
Lysistrata: Weewoo.
Felix: I really hope not.
Pup: *comes out of nowhere holding a golden spatula* But seriously, what are the Hunger Games for?
Dr.Gaul: F*ck them kids.
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amethystfairy1 · 2 months
Hi! Wip game pls?
Fine (as in the feeling)
Also, I think it’s really neat you knit and crochet! I also crochet but can’t knit but kind of want to learn? I lowkey want Scott to make a blanket with various blue yarns as like an anniversary gift? Blankets take hella long to make, also depending on yarn weight, tension, hook size, etc so now’s as good a time as any to start on it lol
This'll be my last post for the WIP ask game! ☺️
“Look at the stars, Tilly! Aren’t they pretty, darling?” She exclaimed cheerfully, as if she was none the wiser to the carnage she’d left behind her.
“Besides, no one ever said you wouldn’t be getting more kisses.” 
But the strings were so vivid in his memory, an analogy he’d come up with for himself two decades ago as he slogged through anguish and half-asked questions that’d only gotten him burned. 
And besides, he trusted Cub. That would have to do for now.
No use of the word 'patience' in any of current WIPS!
No use of the word 'Fine' with the specific connotation you asked for, either!
He brought his pure snow-white wings around and wrapped them around himself, over the sloppy, blood-stained, reused bandages on his arms.
I don't use the word 'braid' anywhere! 😅
No use of the word 'shiny' either!
And for a moment, he considered that kid in the alley…that kid who’d killed in self-defense, felt the blood drenching his back, felt the incredible high of bloodlust, and given up his dreams of ever being perceived as anything more than a liar and a thief. 
Yes, I love to crochet! I crochet amigurumi a lot, specifically dolls, I've actually made some of the different Traffic SMP characters! I'm working on making a Jimmy doll with big golden wings right now, actually! 🥰 Knitting is really cool too, but I dunno how to explain it I find crochet a bit easier to freehand stuff with, and I enjoy that a lot! Plus amigurumi and doll-making is much easier, I think, with crochet! My love of yarn and crochet and knitting is about to become relevant very soon in TTSBC, actually 😆
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ideas you wanted ideas I deliver
that heart event where Lance is like, "wanna accompany me while I work in the Badlands?" But instead of the farmer, he asks Isaac because he needs someone to "watch his back", he really doesn't, he just wants Isaac to spend a day off work but the man refuses to take any vacation
I think Lance was talking about it in Highlands, not Crimson Baldlans. On the other hand, why not describe Badlands too?
Thank you for this fluff idea and enjoy!☺️🫰
"Right behind you"
"Such amazing landscapes... put me in a dreamy thoughts."
Isaac didn't understand what kind of "dreamy thoughts" could be set by the crimson horizon and endless sandstorm, where monsters from the darkest depths were swarming. Maybe, for example, mighty snow-capped mountains, or a calm peaceful green meadow covered with flowers of different shapes and colors - he can see the beauty and greatness in something like this. But here? This view at the Crimson Baldlans post is just sad and depressing. But Lance apparently knew better.
"And what do you dream about? About busty women and where to get drunk?"
The scarred adventurer's comment made Lance chuckle a little. But it wasn't mostly because of Isaac's rather peculiar sense of humor, but the fact that, having been a couple for about a year now, he hadn't stopped hiding his soft spot behind a crude mask of indifference and cold-bloodedness even in front of Lance.
"My oh my," Lance hummed, turning his violet eyes straight into a pair of Isaac's dark, anthracite eyes. "I don't recall you being the jealous type."
In the past, Isaac would have furrowed his eyebrows at his pink-haired lover's attempt to tease him, but it had become such a routine for them that now Isaac just rolled his eyes. In another exchange of barbs, it was a draw for these two.
"While such a view may, and deservedly so, be repulsive, I find Crimson Baldlans mesmerising in its own way." Lance once again directed his gaze to the horizon, watching the infernal sun slowly fade into the sunset.
"I've seen enough of that already. And..." Isaac's voice became half a tone quieter and his dark eyes filled with sadness, "when I look at the Badlands, all I see are their faces..."
Lance looked at him sympathetically. Seeing Isaac so vulnerable and grief stricken was painful. The ghosts of his fallen comrades still haunted him, and he still berated himself for failing to protect them. Well, Lance can't afford for his partner to go back to being in pain, can he? And it's better to start with a change of scenery.
"Well, then I suggest you enjoy some other, equally breathtaking view. Besides, I was going to ask for your help on my patrol anyway."
"How is it that the great second-in-command of the First Slash Clan and hero of noble bloods can't handle a couple of slimes in the woods?" Anything to take his mind off the intrusive thoughts and faces of dead adventurers, anything, get him out of here, this is unbearable, anything...
"I wouldn't call them an inconsequential problem. The monsters there are quite a threat, they are stronger and more ferocious than their counterparts in the Mines. There's a one particular monster at the top of Highlands that we've called 'The Bully'. And if you're interested, you can come with me and find out why."
Both men stood silent for half a minute before Isaac finally said: "Alright. Let's go." Lance smiled softly.
"Take my hand. And no need to make that face, dear," the gallant adventurer laughed slightly as his dark-haired lover rolled his eyes again.
It was one thing to teleport yourself to the right place with a totem, and quite another to feel the threads of someone else's magic surrounding you for a moment.
Lance was right - the forest area in the Highlands was truly mesmerising and alive.
"Ah, now that's a view..." Lance took a deep breath of fresh air, enjoying the light breeze of the spring wind.
"...Yeah, really beautiful." Isaac's gaze, though, was directed at Lance himself, who was distracted by considering the terrain.
"I meant the scenery, my dear."
Or not so distracted.
Isaac immediately decided to change the subject, feeling his cheeks flush slightly at the realisation that Lance had caught his gaze. "So are we going after your 'Bully' or not?"
"This way," the pink-haired man's smile grew even bigger, and he strode forward down the familiar path while Isaac walked behind him.
Whoever this Bully is, he wouldn't dare touch Lance, Isaac thought, keeping up with his lover and occasionally grumbling at the thick bushes that were always snagging his already battered cloak.
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nena-96 · 7 months
No 1 of the I still prompts 😇
I still smell the traces of your scent on my bedsheets; my clothes; my pillowcase
I’d love Romione but feel free to write whatever comes to your mind ☺️
Hello, dear friend
What a lovely an unexpected ask ;) haha, thanks for sending one my way and I hope that you enjoy what I come up with. Lets go with a little Romione for this prompt, shall we :)
Here is my take on the "I still prompts"
No 1: "I still smell the traces of your scent on my bedsheets; my clothes; my pillowcase" (from @dumplingsjinson prompt list)
please read below or over on A03
His Scent Calms Her
She remembers the way he twirled her, when they danced at his brother’s wedding underneath the tent. It was almost as if nobody else existed in the world. It had taken her by surprise that Ron had even asked her to dance. Hermione had thought that the appearance of a certain Bulgarian Quidditch player would have complicated things between the two lifelong friends, yet it was a blessing in disguise. 
Especially since Ron had gazed into her eyes while they danced and reassured her that she was never his last resort and he was practicing all bloody morning in ways to ask her to the dance floor. Hermione had felt her heart flutter at his confession, if it wasn’t for Fred spinning one of Fleur’s Veela cousins and bumping into them. She was almost certain that Ron was going to close the distance between them and finally place his lips onto hers. Yet, the interruption had broken the spell between them. Even though they hadn’t kissed that night, just dancing with Ron would be enough for her to think of a happy memory and cast her Patronus.
The wedding was a distant memory now, one of the few she would let herself indulge in every now and again. As she laid on her cot, as she stared at Ron’s empty bed, she knew she shouldn’t torture herself by making his bed and fluffing the pillows in the way she saw him do countless times. Yet, she would do it because…. well because she has this feeling that one day, he’d come back to her and she would do everything to prove to him that he means so much more to her than what he imagines. The night when everything went to shit, Hermione felt so numb and utterly lost because she realized that she had taken Ron for grated far too many times.
The only thing that had kept her anchored to her spot when she re-entered the tent was Ron’s blanket. It might sound cliché, but his scent was the only thing that kept her going each and every night on the hunt. Which is why she had casted a charm, once she stopped shaking from crying so much. She had casted a spell after spell in order to protect his scent from ever fading from his blankets. Hermione did the same for his bedsheets, and her clothes. Which in reality she was wearing one of his old jumpers that was far too big on her small frame. Yet, the warmth that this knitted jumper had managed to calm her, especially since she’d bring the collar so close to her face that she’d inhale the distinctive scent that is Ron Bilius Weasley.
She knew that her charms were strong but, she would always worry that one day his scent would be gone. If that ever happened then, she’d realize that a piece of her would always be missing, never to return again, not even in her wildest dreams.
Whenever she’d go out and search for mushrooms, which had become quite scarce due to the blankets of snow covering the forest ground. She would do her best to make a small plate and place it on the small table besides the cot, because he’d come back. Many times, Harry would see this, but he would never complain like he did a few times before, no matter what he’d say, Hermione would continue leaving a small plate of mushroom and berry soup, besides Ron’s empty cot before taking her turn on watch. Only to return and notice the plate covered with ants and the occasional mice, and no food left.
Hermione would torture herself, every single night with memories of her Ron, she would hug her pillow... which was his pillow to be more accurate and close her eyes and let his scent from the pillowcase, and lull her into a sleep as she dreams of her Ron. whether it be from their times studying together or their trip to Hogsmeade, the shared chores that Mrs. Weasley had given them to finish, or even those late-night patrols through Hogwarts that ran a little past curfew. The memory that would surpass every single one would be the moment from Bill and Fleur’s wedding. It was the moment underneath the large tent, dancing with the boy that once had dirt on his nose all those years ago on her first train ride to Hogwarts, was beautiful. There were simply words in the dictionary to describe how much she loved having his strong arms wrapped around her waist in a gentle hold. The way that he whispered in her ear that she's “beautiful” had caused a warmth to spread all throughout her, while she tried to hide her blushing face. 
Who would have thought that once she’d get the feel of being wrapped in his warm embrace, that she would become addicted to the feeling? This made her thankful that Ron didn’t dance with Padma when they went to the Yule Ball together… it’s not like she kept a watchful eye on the red-head that night. She was just merely observing the other students dancing and Ron just so happened to be in her peripheral vision several times that night. Even with those overly ruffled maroon dress robes, he still was still the most handsome boy at the ball even if she was dancing with one of the Triwizard Champions. Viktor was alright but he was much too agreeable for her liking, she needed someone who could voice out their stance when they’d bicker, someone whose face is decorated with so many freckles that it rivaled all the stars in the sky. She needed someone who would defend her with a broken wand, someone who had belched up far too many slugs, just to defend her from Malfoy’s taunts, that she later learned from Ron that it was a horrid slur used for Muggleborns that was meant to belittle those that come from Muggle background. 
 Hermione knew that the boy she needed in her life wasn’t some famous Quidditch player, it was the boy that was wearing hand-me down dress robes. The youngest of the Weasley boys, Ron Weasley the boy that managed to steal her heart without even knowing. If only she could have used her Gryffindor courage and voiced out her feelings to Ron, maybe just maybe he wouldn't have let that blasted locket drive him away from everything that they built together. The moment she looked into his eyes, while the rain was pouring down on them, she knew at that moment things were different.
 Oh, how she wished she could’ve gone with him, but they both knew, she couldn’t. They had made a promise to each other at Grimmauld, that no matter what they would always be on the same page as the other. Yet, did that mean she broke her own promise by staying in that beat up tent? Was it because she doted on him while trying to help him heal from the splinching, or was it because he was tired of having her so close to him? It was times like these when Hermione blamed herself for not trying enough to make Ron stay with them…. with her. 
That locket must have riddled his mind with lies and left a lasting effect. It didn’t help that Harry had taunted him with, “running back to mummy” and shouting for him to leave not once… but twice. Why couldn’t she have that bloody Time-Turner, why did she give it back to McGonagall? Most of all why wasn’t he back…. It’s been weeks and still nothing. Hermione knows that he’s still alive, and it has nothing to do with the fact that she’s listening like a hawk besides the radio every day and before she sleeps. No, it was because she refuses to believe that Ron Weasley would be another casualty to the war, she knows Ron all too well. That being said, Hermione never loses hope that he will return its just a matter of time before she doesn’t have to strengthen the spell on her clothes, pillowcase or bedsheets. In was only a matter of time before Hermione’s senses are once again engulfed with the scent that is Ron Weasley. Her Ron will be back and she will make things clear that, she chooses him the one she was dancing with in Ottery St. Catchpole.
Tonight, was different because she whispered his name,"Ron." She had refused to say his name because of the hurt she had felt in her heart for his departure, but know she doesn't care anymore, nothing will stop her from saying his name not even herself.
"Ron.... Ron.... Ron." 
She knows he'll be back its just a matter of time.
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holdmytesseract · 1 year
Daryl Dixon ~ Winter Song
(The Head And The Heart)
a/n: I listened to this wonderful song and immediately had an idea. ☺️ Also, this song gave me some... winter vibes. Thanks for requesting @thefemininemystiquee ! I hope you like what I wrote and the line I picked. ☺️
Warnings: mentions of death, bit angst, some sadness, fluff and Daryl being an absolute sweetheart
Word Count: 1054
Tagging: @in-this-minute @thefemininemystiquee @hotgirlsshareaccounts @azanoni @lokisgoodgirl @goobysgoobers @fuseburner @fictive-sl0th @alexreadz07 @sweetpeapod @stitchintimefan
Lyric-Drabble-Mania Masterlist
Based on this song:
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Coldness in Our Hearts
The heavy gate of Alexandria fell shut behind Daryl, after he had stepped past them, crossbow slung over his shoulder. He had been on a hunt. Probably the last one this year. It was winter and the first snow was threatening to fall. The sky was grey; heavy with clouds. It was freezing cold. So cold, that rivers and lakes were already frozen. Alexandria wasn't bad at food, but a hunt wouldn't hurt – thought Daryl. Food was food - and the more, the better.
"No luck this time?" He heard Rosita's voice coming from the guard tower beside the gate. The archer turned to face her, shaking his head. "Nah. 'S pretty cold. Everythin' is already frozen. 'Sides, Alpha took us our main hunting ground. Ain't much left to hunt. Hopefully it's better after the winter." Rosita nodded and just wanted to say something, as another voice cut through the cold air, calling out for Daryl. "Daryl!" It was Aaron - like said man was able to hear and see. The other man was making his way quickly to the archer, was on the verge of running. Must be urgent, Daryl thought. He decided to walk towards Aaron, meeting him halfway. "What is it?" Aaron was quite a bit out of breath, when he reached him. "Can't find Y/N. She... She wanted to come to the conference, but never showed up. I got suspicious, decided to look at your home for her, 'cause I... 'Cause I know she usually never misses a conference. She's not home either. Nobody saw her. Not even Gabriel, when he was on watch earlier." At first, Daryl felt his heart speed up at Aaron's words; felt the fear coursing through his veins, but a few moments later, realisation hit him. He adjusted his crossbow and poncho, ready to go out again. "I think I know where she is. I'll go, get 'er." With those words, Daryl turned around again and made his way back over to the gate, which got opened for him with a squeak. "You think she sneaked out?" He heard Aaron call after him. "I know it." Daryl answered, leaving Alexandria again.
It wasn't the first time you had sneaked out of Alexandria since it happened. Nobody noticed, of course. Except Daryl. He knew. He always knew. Not just because he was your boyfriend for so long now, no, because he understood. And he had always been the one to bring you back. To catch you, when you fell.
The place where he needed to go wasn't that far away from the safe walls of Alexandria, but nevertheless, he hurried a bit. Not just because it was going to be dark soon and snow threatened to fall. Because he didn't like the idea of you being alone out there - no matter how well he knew, that you were more than capable of defending yourself.
When he neared the edge of the wood and saw the little hill to his feet, an uneasy feeling spread inside his stomach, telling him that he, as well, hadn't swallowed the big, bitter pill of what had happened here not so long ago. His feet carried him further up the hill. About halfway, he saw a figure sitting on the cold grassy ground in front of the line out of pikes. It was you - without a doubt. Daryl had been right... He'd find you here.
Carefully, not to scare you, the archer approached you - and sat wordlessly beside you. You flinched for a second, but as soon as you recognised the familiar face, you relaxed again. Neither you, nor Daryl spoke something at first. You just inched closer towards him, cuddling against his side, causing him to wrap an arm around you. Just like that, you and him sat there for a while, watching the sinking sun.
"Thought I'd find ya here." Daryl said then, eyes still directed on the horizon - and forbidden land. You breathed out a small laugh, twisting a long grass stalk in your hands. "Were they looking for me?" Daryl nodded. "Mhm. Aaron was pretty worried." "Sorry, I..." You swallowed hard. "I just needed some time alone..." "Thought so. I can understand ya." You turned your head to give your boyfriend a weak smile. "'S just... There are these moments, where everything is just crashing down on me, you know? I still can't quite accept that she's gone. That they all are gone… I-I... I loved her. She was like a sister for me." You felt how the emotions got stuck in your throat and how your eyes went blurry with tears. Daryl immediately pulled you closer, catching you as you fell - like so often. "I know, 'm so sorry. I wish nothin' more than to change what happened. I wish we could've done somethin'... Save 'em all..." "Me too... But it's too late. Ain't nothing we can do." You looked up, gaze landing on the pike on which had Alpha spiked Tara's head. Tara... You found her back at the prison together with Glenn - and became friends immediately. You were so close - and now she was gone. Brutally murdered by this bitch. Tears were falling down your cheeks, as Daryl started to rub soothing circles into the clothed skin of your back. "I will miss the days we had... So much..." Daryl answered nothing, knew exactly how you felt. He just held you, giving you a feeling of love and comfort, until you calmed down once again.
The sun had gotten replaced by the moon by now. "Let's go back home. It's gettin' real cold. Might even snow tonight. Don't want ya to catch a cold - or worse. Let's go." He stood up and helped you up as well. "Thank you." Daryl gave you a soft smile. "'Course." You shook your head. "No... Thank you... For everything." The archer smiled even wider, before he cupped your cheeks in both his hands. "I love ya." "I love you, too." You couldn't help but to place a soft kiss on his lips. Yes, he was definitely an angel, walking on this earth. Daryl took your hand in his then and guided you back down the hill. "Can we come back tomorrow?" "Sure, sunshine. As often and long as you like."
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faulty-writes · 2 years
No request? 😳
Than could I have more Monama(? I think that's his name) and Tenya iida fighting over reader? It could be any scenario, I just enjoy love the thrill of two guys fighting over me 😤☺️☺️☺️
But in, the end I choose Tenya lol.
[ Ah, it's my cute friend Cole! I was wondering where you went, don't go leaving me now. Haha. His name is 'Neito Monoma' so you were close! But I enjoy verse stories! So this will be fun to write. I made a new banner for this. I also stole the idea from this really cute Webtoon comic called Boyfriends, I love that series so much. <3 ]
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It was a brutal winter, and while there wasn't any evidence of snow on the ground. You woke up one morning to find your room as cold as an ice box and wrapped yourself in your blanket before going to the living room to see your fellow classmates.
They were huddled together, trembling due to the cold temperature and you couldn't help but notice the way Uraraka and Izuku were pressed against Shoto. You assumed he was the greatest source of warmth at the moment given that his left side possessed a fire quirk.
"What the heck is going on man?" Eijirou questioned as he continued to rub his arms. "I don't know! The heat must be out!" Kaminari exclaimed, proceeding to wrap his arms around the redhead who gladly welcomed sharing his body heat.
Tenya seemed to be the only one besides Shoto who wasn't shivering. "Perhaps we should check the surrounding buildings to ensure our fellow students aren't suffering through the same conditions we are," his suggestion was responded to with groans.
You frowned, Tenya could be high-strung but he only had the best intentions in mind. "I don't think that's a bad idea..." you said quietly causing your fellow students to turn their heads. "Oh yeah?" Katsuki said, stomping over to you.
He had a menacing glance in his eye and you took a step back before Tenya rushed over. "Enough Bakugou," he stated in his all too familiar stern tone. Of course, Katsuki didn't take his words kindly and instead, glared at him.
"What the hell are you gonna do about it four ey-" before he could finish, the door to the front entrance was kicked open with such force that it scared a majority of the students present, yourself included. There stood Neito, looking as furious as ever.
"What the heck is he doing here?" Eijirou questioned, his arms still tightly around Kaminari who replied, "I don't know man, but it can't be good," he could already feel the annoyance as Neito stepped inside. Placing his hands on his hips, he glanced around before laughing.
"How pathetic! The great Class A's heating is out too, how awful," he mocked, pressing his hand against his forehead and the other to his chest. "What do you want man!?" Eijirou demanded, whatever it was couldn't be good.
"Me? Well, I..." he paused and allowed his gaze to linger on you. "Hm!?" you felt slightly uncomfortable and Tenya seemed to sense this because he gently pulled you behind him. "May we assist you in any way, Monoma?" he asked, crossing his arms.
Neito huffed, looking rather unhappy. "I came to steal your heat, what else?" he replied before Tenya raised his eyebrow. "I believe you already took notice that we do not have heat," he pointed out before Neito smirked and began to approach him.
"Then perhaps I could borrow someone's body heat, surely you don't think you can keep Y/n all to yourself," he commented in a sly manner making Tenya tremble in response. "I...I beg your pardon?" he replied, somewhat confused by the other's words.
Granted he had somewhat of a rivalry with Neito when it came to you, and had small quarrels with him in the past in an effort to gain your affection. "What do you say Y/n? Surely you'd like to cuddle with someone from the superior class," Neito held his hand out to you.
"Um..." you stepped out from behind Tenya and looked at that offered hand before reaching out for it. But, ended up jumping when Tenya clasped onto it causing you to look at him bewildered. "I'm afraid that Y/n already has a prescheduled plan with me," he said firmly.
You raised your eyebrow, knowing that he was lying. But you said nothing and looked back at Neito. Annoyance spread across his features. "You still can't keep them all to yourself!" he repeated, reaching over to grab your free hand to try and pull you towards him.
"Do not treat them in such a manner!" Tenya responded, wrapping his free arm around your shoulders and forcing you back against him. "You Class A clowns truly believe you own everything, don't you?" he said, once again pulling you against him.
After a few minutes of back and forth, you ended up agreeing to cuddle both of them. You were in the middle, Neito was to your left, and Tenya was to your right. Your blanket was thrown over their shoulders and you were happy to finally feel some warmth.
Of course, the cold atmosphere had triggered your allergies and in the midst of cuddling, you sneezed. "They must be allergic to you," Neito replied before getting up to get a tissue. However, Tenya reached into his front pocket and pulled out a handkerchief. "Here you are," he said, politely handing it to you.
"I do hope you find more use out of my handkerchief than a mere tissue," he stated which caused Neito to growl. "L-like I could even find a tissue in this poorly designed Class A dorm!" he snapped, crossing his arms with a visible pout.
His words caused Eijirou, who happened to be passing by to stop in his tracks. He turned to glare at Neito and pointed a finger at him. "All the buildings are designed the same man," Neito stomped his foot before snapping "Shut up!" at him.
"Make room!" he demanded as he rejoined the three-way cuddle. "You can't have Y/n all to yourself!" he repeated yet again, making Tenya raise his eyebrow. "I'm afraid Y/n belongs to neither of us," he said, though he selfishly wished the opposite were true.
"However, I am not opposed to them seeking warmth from me," he said, noticing that you had leaned closer to him when Neito had gotten up. A few minutes passed before your stomach growled, causing both of their heads to turn.
"Are you hungry?" Tenya questioned before he got up. Neito huffed, "Of course they're hungry! " he crossed his arms and rolled his eyes. "Does Class A not recognize when a stomach growls?" how dreadful. Moments like this made him wish that you had been placed in Class B with him.
Tenya chose to ignore his words and pondered what supplies were in the kitchen. "I believe I can create a hot dish that would increase the temperature of your body momentarily," he commented as he covered you with the blanket.
"As if you Class A wannabes know anything about cooking!" Neito stated, jumping up from the couch. "I'll see if I can make them a proper meal in your less than organized kitchen," he said, brushing past Tenya who yelled, "Excuse me!" in response before following after him.
Half an hour passed as you heard them struggle in the kitchen, then a sweet and savory scent filled the air. "Here," Neito said as he walked over to the couch and laid a rather large bowl of noodles on the table in front of you. "Luckily I was able to find pleasant ingredients, what a miracle," he commented with a smirk.
Your mouth watered as you looked at the noodles before turning your attention to the kitchen. "Where's Iida?" you questioned, making Neito's smirk widen. "Seems that know-it-all doesn't have any culinary talent," he stated, it was amusing to see someone so intelligent struggle with simple ingredients and vegetables.
"I believe you are due back in your own designated dorm room," Tenya stated when nightfall came. "As if I'd listen to a poor excuse of a hero student like yourself," Neito replied as he wrapped his arm around your hip and pulled you closer to him.
Tenya frowned. "Pardon," he said before grasping your hand and gently guiding you back towards him. "I do believe the only 'poor excuse' at this moment is the lack of manners in which you display," he noted before you felt yourself being yanked back to Neito.
"How dare you!" he snapped at Tenya and once again you found yourself being pulled back and forth between the two. 'Maybe Uraraka and Izuku were onto something when they cuddled Shoto...' you thought with a long sigh.
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stanshizuku · 2 years
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Childe as your big brother!
Big!brother!Childe x Child!Reader
Genre: Fluff
About: hcs about Childe being ur brother ☺️
Listening to while writing:
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This man would probably rant about you to Lumine/Aether 😭 ur his pride and joy man, he’s a family man, what do you except? I feel like his voice line is about how you’re sweet, kind and a cute sibling.
“(Name)? Have you heard about them? You know.. they’re really cute and kind, they play with Tecuer a lot and they get along well, they also help at such a young age, maybe they might be mature enough to know the truth at 8 years old.. maybe when you come to Shenzhya you’ll see them”
Ways he shows he love you
He would spoil you in gifts just like his other siblings, expensive things mostly but he also gives small gifts like sweets when he sends letter to you guys :)
He also spends as much time with you all as he can, yes he has a whole bunch to do with the fatui but he would spend the free time he gets with you <33
Coming home from a trip
When he comes back from home it’s usually on Christmas break.. if they have Christmas in tevayt. He scoops both you and tecuer in his arms and hug you guys, not to tight to the point you can’t breath but kinda tight 😓
He would also bring toys/toys from the nations he visit during these trips, imagine he comes home and brings you a beetle from inzuma 💀 little thought here about that:
“<Name> looks what I got from inzuma, I got it from this person named itto.”
“Woah is that a beetle!”
“Damn right it is”
“Tecuer look, big brother ajax brought a beetle!”
But anyways, besides that you guys would all be playing with the snow outside, mostly making snowman’s and snow angels (I wish I lived somewhere where it snows 💔)
Hiding their secrets from you
Angst warning I think
We know how he tries to hide that he is apart of the fatui from the younger people in his family right? He also hides it from you but he knows that you are not as naive as Tecuer is, he tells himself that he would just let you figure out yourself but he can’t help but think what would happen if you didn’t like the fact that he harms other for his job, I mean I don’t think anyone would anyways.. but he is also thinking maybe it’s best for you to know when you hit 13 as well so at least you are aware that he might not be able to spend much time with you
He just wants to try and protect you from the true threats the world has and how cold it is in reality than what you view it as, just a world where you could spend time with those you love, should he tell you his secret or should he just let you figure it out by yourself?
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A/n -> ah, that took a while for me to write as j was running out of ideas, anyways take this post that take me like 3 days 💔
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home for christmas
okay so this one’s really short but i had an idea for a little drabble this year just to post on tumblr! i hope you guys like it hehe☺️
Scott didn’t really do the whole Christmas thing, especially after moving out of his childhood home. As a kid, it had all been corporate parties and photo shoots and boring dinner parties where people he barely knew would sidle up beside him and claim that “I knew you when you were this big!”
That was what Christmas became. It was stress. It was performing for an audience. It was opening gifts and realizing that he and his sister got all the same things.
Vincent had shown him another side to the holiday- one that didn’t involve sitting through church just because one of his mom’s friends invited them.
With Vincent, it was a day that they spent quietly together as the snow peacefully fell outside. It was shopping trips together where they would each drop little hints as to what they hoped to see under the tree. The day itself was one that Scott wanted to last forever.
This year was unusual; typically Vincent was the one to set up the christmas tree, decorating it entirely by himself while Scott was at work.
Now, it was two days before Christmas and Vincent was at work.
Scott felt an itch that he had never felt before, carrying himself to the storage closet, where the faux tree was stored for most of the year. He pulled it out, setting it up in its usual spot beside the TV stand.
He wasn’t quite sure what he was doing when he wrapped the string of lights around the plastic branches, simply mimicking what he had watched Vincent do in years prior.
Before he knew it, he was dragging another box out of the closet, a string of garland in one hand and a star in the other, carefully placing the star on the top branch of the tree and watching it light up.
He was strategic in placing the ornaments- fragile ones near the top, no similar ornaments beside each other, and ensuring that the front and the back of the tree had an even spread of decoration.
After he placed the last ornament on the tree- a tiny photo of Scott and Vincent from their first anniversary- he stepped back.
It was far from the perfect, corporate Christmas trees of his childhood, but that was what made it so amazing: it was a tree that only Scott and Vincent could create.
Then, he rested.
His sleep was abruptly interrupted when Vincent came home.
Seeing the tree- realizing what Scott had done- he immediately knelt down beside the chair that Scott was curled up in, kissing him delicately on the forehead.
Scott’s eyes fluttered open.
“Welcome home, Vince,” He yawned.
Vincent’s fingers were woven into Scott’s hair when he pulled Scott forward just enough to press their lips together.
{thank you for reading! happy holidays!}
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ferniliciousness · 4 months
Writing Pattern Tag Games
Tagged by the wonderful @nowandthane thank you so much ☺️
Rules: list the first line(s) of your last 10 posted fics and see if there's a pattern! Y'all making me go back to Wattpad for this lol.
If anyone wants to join a long feel free. Most of my peeps have been tagged already sooooo 😅
Queen of Chaos. "I will give you one last chance. Tell me where she is, and I won't end your sorry little life here." Blood was already trickling down her fingers, her nails embedded into the man's skin, hooked underneath his jawbone, threatening to crush his arteries.
Because of You "Get out of my shop you Blue Sun of a bitch. I don't pay protection to anyone let alone the likes of your dumbass."
Copious Copiar It was the big day, no matter how much I tried to calm myself down I was still nervous. I couldn't mess up today, too much depended on this.
Korrupt Kitties The quiet footfalls of my paws, the branches of the trees blowing against the walls, and the sweet hum of music flowing out the windows filled my ears as I walked along the snow. Sneaking along the walls, I risk a glance into the window, my pupils constricting as I adjust to the light.
Child of Bitterness Bark popped and sparks danced in the roaring fireplace. A woman sat quietly, embroidery in her hand as her husband stood before the flames beside her.
I ran out of things so here's some really bad poetry lol
Absolute Trash (yes that's actually the title lmao)
Happy on the outside doesn't always mean happy on the inside.
Alone on the outside doesn't always mean alone on the inside
Is it true?
Did he leave you?
The blade rests upon my skin
I feel the coldness of its breath
Three horses grazing in a meadow,
I sit and watch in awe as they go along there way
Cold and empty
My emotions are a void
There is no rhyme or reason to any of this lmao. Though apparently I do like to start out violent and heavy in the action.
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duckmine · 1 year
We're doing BB asks? What are your favorite Jimmy Junior relationships outside of shipping? Who is your favorite non-Belcher character besides Jimmy Junior? In your Swap AU, how and why did Tina get her ears?
ooh hi!
for jimmy junior relationships outside of shipping, i admit i also am a sucker for his and zeke’s broship. i love how supportive but also stern zeke is with jimmy jr., you can tell it’s out of genuine love and care as his best friend 🥺. and the way jimmy jr. praises zeke so adamantly because of his lack of emotional support at home and how actually anti-social jimmy kind of is but zeke always being there by his side i just. bro 🌺🌺😭✨.
as for favorite non-belcher, i have quite a few actually 🤔. aside from sasha, i actually love millie’s character. i was honestly hoping to see more character development after hearing we’d see more of her in season twelve but then i remembered bob’s was a primarily episodic show considering it’s a *sitcom* and all so i knew chances like that were teeny especially since millie is a very small character compared to louise. i also love how when you see louise, you think “oh, psychopath” but then you put millie next to her and all of a sudden louise is the sane, reasonable one lmao. it also kills me how much millie scares her but if they actually became a duo they’d be unstoppable. but aside from their relationship, i also find millie fascinating in general. i’ve pondered about her upbringings a lot and why she had developed such an obsession with louise. also is millie like, rich? because she really spent that much time getting her room to look exactly like louise’s and just all the other shit millie does idk this is probably a dumb question but sgja i just think it’d be funny if the rich girl who could have whatever she wanted just wanted another nine year old girl from a low income family with more fierce than a soldier to be her friend like what.
as for the swap au, the way it worked was that louise, the youngest, swapped i guess personality/roles with tina, the oldest. and in that order tina swapped personalities with gene and gene with louise. the accessories were inspired by the original designs but molded to fit the characters more, if that makes sense. like tina would have the bunny ears because they’re a primary accessory to louise’s design while gene has tina’s glasses. i hope louise wasn’t too confusing to figure out, i kinda had to rely on gene’s peppy attitude to accentuate that was who louise swapped with 😭.
if you meant lore-wise, then WHOOPS i wasted that entire rant but i would *assume* it would fall under the same pretenses to louise’s backstory. but maybe instead of first day of preschool it would be more like a gift before middle-school 🤔. like before middle school tina was anxious to start leveling up to a grade or something because of maybe the level of difficulty or the raging prepubescent hormones that will flutter around and her having louise’s personality, she wouldn’t handle it well. so when she got the bunny ears, she was like getting to a point where she felt too old for cutesy stuff and was already delving into her dark, brooding aesthetic. but the white ears had a sort of ironic contrast with the rest of her clothes that she somewhat admired. so she wore it to school for the first time and for a bit no one batted an eye so she felt pretty safe, until someone made an comment on it that bothered her and she made a (quite loud) stand for herself and immediately intimidated a whole crowd of kids on her first day of middle school. after that nobody messed with “snow ears” and tina proudly wore her hat everyday ☺️.
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umbralaether · 1 year
🍎💘 + Eisha ☺️
where was your oc born? do they still live in/around their place of birth or do they live somewhere else? how do they feel about their birthplace?
Eisha’s memory of her homeland is rather… foggy. She knows it was near a coastline, as she remembers traveling every other morning to fish with the rest of the hunters. It was warm, a steady heat that made the rivers she played in that much more satisfying (she had never seen snow until she travelled to Coerthas during Heavensward, after all)
But she doesn’t remember where it was, or what it was called. Her latest vivid memory is fleeing to Limsa on a pirate ship, trading her only heirloom for them to smuggle her there.
La Noscea is her home now, close to the sea where she can—for a moment, anyway— close her eyes and be brought back to when she was just a child staring out at the endless horizon.
what and/or who does your oc consider the most important to them?
Besides her loved ones (G’raha Tia being top of the list hehe) Eisha values kindness above all else. She has seen enough cruelty and what has wrought in her time as Warrior of Light. Extending a hand to help, rather than hurt, will always yield a better result.
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redwolf17 · 10 months
Bel I Update
Prose: 2,898
Outline: 10,635
AN: 479
It’s going so well ☺️
When the bells tolled the sixth hour of the night, Bel was busy refilling the oil lamp. It was a gaudy thing, a globe of leaded red glass wrapped in curls and swirls of iron that swung from a heavy chain beside the door of the brothel.
Bel would never have wasted precious coin on such a fancy lamp. But as it was already hers, Bel meant to keep it in one piece. She could still see a thin little crack in the glass from the one time she'd been foolish enough to let Hubard fill the lamp, the clumsy oaf. Her own plump fingers were deft and careful, even though the cold wind tried to make her shiver. Not a drop of oil went amiss, nor was the glass allowed to come to harm.
Once the lamp was back in place, Bel stepped back, taking in the sight of her brothel. It was three stories, made of timber and plaster, less ramshackle now that she'd had a carpenter in to make repairs. The timbers were all solid, the rotten wood cut away and replaced with new. Beside the new timbers the old plaster looked shabby, faded and dingy against the bright white of the snow that blanketed the thatched roof. The shutters of the small upstairs windows were shut tight to keep out winter's chill; only the downstairs windows had panes of leaded glass. Their shutters were open, so that passersby could see the warm, welcoming glow of the common room.
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