#bhagavad gita podcast
mplanetleaf · 8 months
Renunciation of Liberation భగవద్గీత Chapter 18 Bhagavadgita
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santmat · 1 year
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Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast - Hinduism, Christianity, Religion, Spirituality, Jesus-Krishna Parallels, Spiritual Paths, and Sant Mat Mysticism - Listen/Download @ the Podcast Website:
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Today's Program Has Several Segments -- Table of Contents -- Program Outline:
Quotes from the Upanishads;
Bhagavad Gita/Gospel of Thomas Jesus-Krishna Parallels;
Recommended Reading: The Hinduism (Vedic) Chapter of, The Harmony Of All Religions, by Swami Sant Sevi Ji Maharaj;
Fending For One's Self vs. Following and Getting to Know a Living Spiritual Path;
In a Book I Once Read it Says Books Are Not the Answer -- "You can’t read your way to enlightenment."
In Sant Mat the Centers of Power, the Location or Real Estate Never Remains the Same Forever;
What About Those Who Get Re-Initiated? Have Been Initiated by More Than One Guru?
Sants of Antiquity Long Before the Time of Kabir;
Living Teachers Reveal the Methods of Meditation and Mysticism;
The Definition Of Sant Mat by Maharshi Mehi Paramhans;
In Hinduism and Other Eastern Religions the Main Operating System is The Eight Limbs of Yoga -- Stages of Spiritual Development... and The Five Ethical Precepts;
Initiation Into Surat Shabd Yoga -- Inner Light and Sound Meditation by a Living Master (Sant Satguru);
A Paraphrase or Summary of the Teachings of Maharshi Mehi on the Sant Mat Way of Life;
Seven Key Practices of Sant Mat Mysticism;
The 5 Jewels of Sant Mat;
Sarguna or God-with Form vs. Nirguna, the Way of the Formless God in the Bhagavad Gita of Krishna  -- A Transition from Form to Formlessness;
How A Formless God Communicates With Souls Living in Worlds of Form;
The Radiant Form is the Key to Exploring Inner Space;
The Inner Satguru: God Has Made the Reflection of His Form Available in All Worlds;
The Formless One Assumes Forms In Order to Communicate With Souls in All Realms and Escorts Them Back to the Original Abode of the Beloved;
The Outer Master Guides Souls to the Inner Master. The Inner Master (Satguru) Guides Souls Back to the Formless God;
From Light to Sound, From Form to Formlessness -- Stages of Meditation on the Path of the Masters;
Krishna -- Gita: The Power Between the Eyebrows -- the Third Eye -- The Seat of the Soul;
In Divine Love (Bhakti), Light, and Sound, At the Feet of the Masters, Radhaswami,
James Bean
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nirvanayogaschool · 8 months
The mind is always busy, restless and cannot be stopped. Meditation and yoga help us rise above the mind’s chatter. What we meditate on now creates our future life.🧘🏻
Mantra meditation involves the repetition of a mantra (sacred Vedic sound in Sanskrit) in prayer, meditation, or incantation and concentrating the mind on that sound vibration.📿
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foone · 5 months
Gender with a blast radius
Gender you watch from a distant cliff and the city is destroyed
Gender that leaves you naught but a shadow etched into the brickwork
Gender that can't be taken into tunnels or across bridges because the emergency vehicles would never be able to get there in time
Gender that requires its own NFPA 704 hazard diamond.
Gender that's best viewed through a mirror from down a long hallway
Gender that can't be photographed because it spoils the film or glitches the CCD
Gender that causes nearby electronics to fail. TVs fade to static. Lights flicker. Bulbs burn out. Engines stall.
Gender that freaks out dogs. All their hair goes on end and they bark at you. Cats try to look big and then flee.
Gender that makes people quote the Bhagavad Gita at you.
Gender that gives people the look of Moses descending from Mt. Sinai. Beard turned white. Face flash tanned. Eyes cloudy.
Gender that changes people, forever. They have trouble sleeping afterwards. They can't get effective therapy for what they went through because no one else can understand what they went through.
Gender that's making your eventual burial arrangements difficult for your next of kin, because the EPA is worried it might leak into the watertable.
Gender that gets assigned an incident severity by the IAEA.
Gender that causes the writing of endless new papers. There's an international scientific organization trying to get grants to build a new supercollider in a salt mine in Brazil so they can recreate, study, and hopefully understand your gender.
Your gender inspires depressed poets.
Your gender has a New York Times best selling book about it. It's called one of the scariest non-fiction books ever written.
Your gender gets talked about on a podcast about disasters, and the hosts have trouble making any jokes between the exclamations of "Jesus christ!"
Your gender is mentioned in the book of revelation, in between the beast with seven heads and the star falling to earth and turning the seas to blood.
Your gender spoils milk and destroys crops. There's European folk legends about the rituals needed to cleanse a town after your gender has cursed it.
Your gender is talked about around campfires to scare children.
Your gender keeps horror writers up at night and inspires their next work.
Your gender is yours and is beautiful and terrific.
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art-of-manliness · 2 months
Podcast #1,007: The 5 Mountains of Personal Development
The journey of personal development, of becoming a more excellent and extraordinary individual, can sometimes seem a little abstract. That’s why it’s helpful to imagine it as Mark Divine does, as a set of five metaphorical mountains to scale. Mark is a retired Navy SEAL Commander, a professor of leadership, a yogi, the creator of fitness and mindset programs like SEALFIT and Unbeatable Mind, and an author. He combines his two decades of military service with his study of martial arts and zen meditation to create the holistic warrior monk development philosophy that informs his work, including his latest book, Uncommon: Simple Principles for an Extraordinary Life. Today on the show, Mark acts as a guide to the topography of the five mountains of personal development and the daily practices that will help you summit them. We talk about why mastering the physical mountain comes first and climbing the intuitional mountain comes fourth, the Navy SEAL breathing practice that will help you develop your metacognition, how the Japanese concept of ikigai can help you find your purpose in life, and much more. Resources Related to the Podcast * Mark’s previous appearance on the Art of Manliness podcast: Episode #60 — The Way of the SEAL * Box breathing * Unbeatable Mind by Mark Divine  * Staring Down the Wolf by Mark Divine * AoM Article: 4 Key Insights From the Bhagavad Gita * AoM Podcast #616: A Guide for the Journey to Your True Calling * Sunday Firesides: You Don’t Have the Time, Not to Take the Time * F3 Nation * Ikigai Connect With Mark Divine * Uncommon website  * Mark’s website * Mark on IG Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!)   Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Transcript Coming Soon Help support independent publishing. Make a donation to The Art of Manliness! Thanks for the support! http://dlvr.it/T9jy1d
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sufjanista · 11 days
i love accents especially indian. i'm listening to a podcast about the bhagavad gita right now and this dude's voice is so beautiful
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ididntorderthesoup · 1 year
Getting back into Hinduism has unlocked so much color in my life I didn't realize was missing. I donated a lot of my old devotional prints, tapestry, my puja kit, and cotton wicks but I don't even need those things. Reading the Bhagavad Gita and books like "Dancing with Síva" and "Shakti: Realm of the Divine Mother" has rekindled this expansive love in me. I've been listening to the voice of Vedanta podcast, from the Vedanta Society and its poetry and in depth talks lit a fire within me that's both calming and passionate.
The world looks kinder and more beautiful, I find myself having richer connections in my life, I have more peace and stability. I feel like I'm coming home.
I have much respect for Buddhism, it's definitely taught me deeper compassion for myself and others and how to treat my emotions with loving kindness. But I'm ready to get back on my devotional path to Ma Durga, Shiva, Ganesha, and all forms of the Divine.
The only way I can describe this feeling is like the spinning light of stained glass windows and twirling multicolored fabrics. Colorful glass getting blown red hot and whimsical and harmonies of music filling the air. It's pure enchantment and belonging.
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nativeyoga · 2 months
Janne Kontala ~ Exploring Bhagavad Gita's Impact on Modern Yoga Practices
Listen to podcast with Janne for FREE Here In this enlightening episode, the Toddcast welcomes back Janne Kontala, an esteemed yoga scholar, to delve deeper into the profound teachings of the Bhagavad Gita. Building on their previous discussion on contemporary yoga, Janne and the host engage in a thought-provoking conversation that sheds light on the intricate layers of the Bhagavad Gita and its…
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denimbex1986 · 1 year
'“What is driving the US economic recovery?” a podcast host asked a guest economist recently: “Is it ticket sales for Barbie and Oppenheimer and for Beyoncé and Taylor Swift concerts?” “That’s not the whole story,” said the expert. But it’s part of it.
By now everyone in North America has seen the hype and read enthusiastic reviews of the two films. Recently a drive-in theater nearby – yes, there is still one in operation – announced a “Barbenheimer” five-hour double feature that you can view from the comfort of your car beginning at 9:30pm.
In Oppenheimer’s complex but probing exploration of world-changing events of the last century, its stunning visual presentation, and the depth of the actors’ portrayals of the creators of the atomic bomb, the film is a tour de force. Unpacking a critical episode in modern history, director Christopher Nolan stays close to his source, a highly regarded biography. Some of his trademarks in the sci-fi action films for which he is best known are present here, such as confusing jumps back and forth in time and dialogue nearly obscured by ominous music. But the eminent actors he brought together for the project form an extraordinary ensemble cast.
In his August 8 blog posting, Scott Hoezee invited Reformed Journal readers to ponder the burdens of learning the secrets of the atom. Is our curiosity, he asks, a virtue or a vice? Are there things we should not know, or even want to know? The film invites us to reflect on these perplexing questions.
Here I will focus not on broad questions such as these but on a brief scene in which the characters’ questions and their answers, taken in context, tell us something important about what it means to be moral. It is the scene where Oppenheimer challenges the denial of his security clearance in 1954. It was nine years after the bombs were dropped on Japan, two years after the first successful test of the “Super,” the hydrogen bomb.
What was the nuclear balance of power in 1954? All the A-bombs in the world were held by three nations: 2,000 by the US, 200 by the USSR, and a dozen by the UK. Western governments knew that Russian scientists were working feverishly on nuclear fusion, but no one knew how to make a weapon small enough for delivery to a target. The US achieved this in 1960, followed one year later by the USSR. At the time of Oppenheimer’s appeal hearing, the quest for a deployable H-bomb was a high priority for US presidents and generals.
Oppenheimer clearly and accurately shows the ambivalence of the A-bomb’s creator about his work. Quoting the Bhagavad-Gita, which he had studied in his youth in the original Sanscrit, he warned: “Now I am become death, the destroyer of worlds.” But he also knew that German scientists were hell-bent on building their own A-bomb. Also evident in the film is the simmering conflict between Oppenheimer and his colleague Edward Teller, an indefatigable advocate of the far more powerful but far more technically challenging H-bomb.
In 1954, having learned that his security clearance was unlikely to be renewed, Oppenheimer asked the Atomic Energy Commission to hear his appeal. What was supposed to be a routine administrative inquiry became a wide-ranging attack on the integrity and credibility of America’s most famous scientist. AEC staff and academics appointed to the committee regarded Oppenheimer as a Communist sympathizer seeking to undermine American military hegemony. In evidence they cited his objections to development of the H-bomb. Nolan was able to consult a verbatim transcript when he recreated the hearing.
Why did Oppenheimer lend unswerving support to the atomic bomb project, the committee asks, but oppose the next stage of weapons development? Where did his “moral qualms” about Teller’s fusion bomb come from? When asked, Oppenheimer replies that he was afraid fission weapons research would be underfunded and neglected in favor of a new sort of weapon the military does not need.
The committee chair presses him further: “Dr. Oppenheimer, when did your moral convictions develop concerning the hydrogen bomb?”
Oppenheimer pauses, then says slowly, “When it became clear to me that we intend to use any weapon we have.”
It’s a quiet turning point in the narrative. Denying Oppenheimer’s appeal, the committee locks him out of military research projects. The committee’s questions are evidently intended to undermine the scientist’s integrity. We hear someone muttering about Oppenheimer playing the martyr again. Still, their questions demand answers.
The film has shown us already the complex stew of competing ideals and goals that shaped the Manhattan Project. Awareness of parallel German efforts motivated scientists and workers, along with fear of the consequences if the Germans won the race to build a bomb. Each time a technical roadblock was removed, the project gathered momentum—and moral scruples about the bomb’s destructive power faded into the background.
The first A-bomb test occurred too late for the European war, two months after the German surrender, yet still in the heat of the Pacific war. The decision to drop two A-bombs over Japan was made in secrecy and in great haste. Here the film oversimplifies the scientists’ and politicians’ reasoning. It may be true that the atomic bombs saved as many American soldiers’ lives when an invasion of the home islands was called off as they killed in the two Japanese cities that were destroyed. This is asserted in the film, reinforcing a belief held by most Americans. It is unquestionably true, however, that this trade-off was an egregious departure from long-standing rules of war that forbade direct attacks on civilians. This rule against indiscriminate attack held little weight, however, when civilian immunity had already been wholly disregarded by German, British, and American bomber fleets.
Few Americans know, and the film does not inform us, that Japan was already proposing terms of surrender before the first bomb—terms the US was not willing to accept—or that Russia’s declaration of war in the few days between the two atomic attacks might well have led to immediate and unconditional surrender even if Nagasaki had been spared. A film cannot convey, even in three hours, all the complexity of such a decision, but it was less straightforward than it appears here.
The US went on to build hundreds, then thousands, of fission warheads and deploy them on bombers, ships, and missiles. Russian and British military labs were several laps behind on the same track. When the innumerable technical challenges of the H-bomb were overcome and a device was successfully tested, the moral stakes were raised higher than ever. A weapon capable of destroying not just a small city but an entire region—a thousand times more powerful than an A-bomb—cannot be a legitimate weapon of war. Its function is psychological, threatening unimaginable destruction to deter aggression.
Would any nation devote enormous sums to building weapons it will not use? Oppenheimer came to the realization that the answer was no. The United States was intent on amassing an arsenal of weapons that it claimed it would never use, yet it was readying them for deployment. The blinders were removed from the eyes of the A-bomb’s principal architect.
The theory that made A-bombs possible was the work of German émigré Albert Einstein, who appears briefly in the film. In 1939 Einstein had urged President Roosevelt to launch a fission weapon research program because German scientists were pursuing the same goal. But in 1945 he opposed the use of the A-bomb in Japan, and he urged that nuclear research and existing weapons be placed under the control of an international body. In 1950, protesting against the H-bomb project, he wrote that “achieving security through national armament is, at the present state of military technique, a disastrous illusion.” (These statements by Einstein, not directly part of Oppenheimer’s story, are not mentioned in the film.)
Many other scientists besides Oppenheimer and Einstein reached the same conclusion. Whatever the morality of the attacks on Japan, the dawning world of opposing arsenals of multi-megaton H-bombs posed unprecedented challenges. What the AEC committee deplored as wavering and hypocrisy was instead a difficult but essential engagement with issues the world had never imagined it would face.
“When did your moral convictions develop?” It’s a question we need to ask ourselves frequently. Oppenheimer’s interrogators tried to discredit him because he had changed his mind. Morality is morality, they assumed: if we were right to build the first generation of nuclear bombs it’s hypocritical to draw the line at the next.
But thinking and acting morally is not a matter of discerning unchanging principles and applying them in all circumstances. It is an evolving process of testing and reconsidering our principles as we apply them, a recursive deliberation in response to the outcome of our actions and the challenges offered by others who disagree. Fifty years ago most Americans thought racially tinged jokes, sexist remarks in offices, and disparaging comments about mental illness were harmless fun among friends. We have learned better. Twenty years ago we dismissed bullying—on the playground or in the corporate office—as a minor but harmless annoyance. We know better now. During and long after World War II, LGBTQ Americans were ineligible for military service and subject to dishonorable discharge if they slipped into the ranks. In June, 2023, the US Army news service featured the ways in which gay, lesbian and trans soldiers celebrated Pride Month. Not every institution in American life is as open and accepting as the Army, it’s true, but there has been progress.
The mark of an ethical individual is not unswerving application of unchanging principles but readiness to admit blind spots and to sharpen one’s moral vision. That is what Oppenheimer describes, very tersely, in his response to the committee. Earlier he regarded the H-bomb as a necessary support for American interests that would never be used; now he understands that if built they will be used; so he has withdrawn his support. That’s not hypocrisy, it’s moral growth.
We can be thankful that, by God’s grace, the “Super” has never been detonated in war. But as Oppenheimer foresaw it has been used, over and over again, as a means of intimidation. We can sanitize its use with the familiar term deterrence, or we can name it for what it is: bullying, on the most egregious global scale. The United States threatened to deploy nuclear weapons against Russian forward bases in Cuba, and against Chinese overland movements in Vietnam, and in who knows how many other situations still hidden away in classified military and diplomatic files.
Nolan’s film conveys a vivid sense of the moral and technological challenges of the Manhattan Project. We see gifted scientists and loyal citizens struggling to apply the morality of war in circumstances where its demands are uncertain – and when all the combatants in a still-raging war have tossed them aside. If it oversimplifies the issues at times, it is also a compelling reminder of the fateful choices we have made and the future we face if we continue on our present path.
Einstein captured the challenges of the day eloquently in a 1947 essay in The Atlantic, where he wrote:
We have emerged from a war in which we had to accept the degradingly low ethical standards of the enemy. But instead of feeling liberated from his standards, and set free to restore the sanctity of human life and the safety of noncombatants, we are in effect making the low standards of the enemy in the last war our own for the present. Thus we are starting toward another war degraded by our own choice.
There is an echo here of the warning that the prophet Jeremiah sounded against rebellious Israel:
Now therefore say to the people of Judah and those living in Jerusalem, ‘This is what the Lord says: Look! I am preparing a disaster for you and devising a plan against you. So turn from your evil ways, each one of you, and reform your ways and your actions.’ But they will reply, ‘It’s no use. We will continue with our own plans; we will all follow the stubbornness of our evil hearts.’ (Jeremiah 18:11-12, NIV)
Perhaps the words that the prophet attributes to the people of Jerusalem are a more candid rendering of our own nations’ response to the specter of nuclear destruction that has loomed over us since 1945.'
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intuitiveprospector · 2 years
The PATH - Meditations for the Modern Mind with Dina Kaplan
INSPIRED LIVING - TOP 100 Inspirational Podcasts to follow and listen to in 2023!💎 SOURCE: https://blog.feedspot.com/inspirational_podcasts Join INSPIRED LIVING Host Marc Lainhart - The Intuitive Prospector™ this "Wisdom Wednesday" as we welcome to the show for the first time Meditation Teacher Dina Kaplan to discuss 'THE PATH,' and our approach to meditations for the modern mind to explore and discover our true PATH to health, happiness, peace, and truth.   "When meditation is mastered, the mind is unwavering like the flame of a candle in a windless place." –Bhagavad Gita  Let's go "PROSPECTING!"💎⛏ GLOBAL TIME ZONES LIVE: 9 am PT (Hawaii) 12 pm PT (Seattle) 1 pm MT (Colorado) 2 pm CT (Chicago) 3 pm ET (Boston) 8 pm (London)  Locate, Listen and Leave us a Review of  'INSPIRED LIVING,' now streaming on any of your favorite Podcasting Platforms... or just say "ALEXA, open INSPIRED LIVING PODCAST!"  OMTIMES INTERNET GLOBAL PLAYER: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO - LISTEN LIVE FROM ANY DEVICE FROM ANYWHERE AROUND THE PLANET: https://omtimes.com/iom/shows/inspired-living-radio/ 💎OR http://backbonenetworks.streamguys.com/OMtimes1.mp3  OMTIMES RADIO CALL-IN LINES: 1-202-570-7057  FACEBOOK: INSPIRED LIVING RADIO & PODCASTS INSTAGRAM: INSPIRED4US TWITTER: INSPIRED4US TIKTOK: THE INTUITIVE PROSPECTOR HOST: MARCLAINHART.COM "Meditation brings wisdom; lack of mediation leaves ignorance. Know well what leads you forward and what holds you back, and choose the path that leads to wisdom." -Buddha  💎ABOUT DINA:Dina Kaplan is founder/CEO and a certified meditation teacher who teaches meditation and guides retreats around the world. Before founding The Path, Dina was co-founder and Chief Operating Officer (COO) of the tech start-up Blip.tv in web video. Before Blip, Dina was an Emmy-award winning television news reporter for local NBC stations. Prior to reporting, Dina worked as an associate producer for MTV News and at the White House as Director of Research for the Office of the White House Counsel. Dina was named one of Fortune Magazine’s Most Powerful Women Entrepreneurs and Fast Company’s Most Influential Women of Web 2.0. She has a column about meditation for entrepreneurs on Forbes.com and has written articles for the New York Times, Today.com, Time Magazine’s Motto, Marie Claire, Medium, Town & Country and more. 
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mplanetleaf · 1 year
Divine and Demonical Endowments భగవద్గీత Ch 16 Bhagavadgita
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santmat · 5 months
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Bhagavad Gita/Gospel of Thomas Jesus-Krishna Parallels - Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcast: https://santmatradhasoami.blogspot.com/2023/06/bhagavad-gitagospel-of-thomas-jesus.html
#gnosis #spirituality #gnostic #meditation #GospelOfThomas
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art-of-manliness · 2 years
Podcast #864: Advice on Achieving Any Long-Haul Dream
In a world that celebrates overnight success, it’s easy to forget that very often, achieving your dreams takes a heck of a long time. My guest knows this all too well. You may know Steven Pressfield as the bestselling author of books like The Legend of Bagger Vance, Gates of Fire, and The War of Art, but as he details in his new memoir, Govt Cheese, it took more than a quarter century for him to become a published novelist.   Today on the show, Steven talks about what he learned in that journey, and the many odd jobs, from driving trucks to picking apples, that he took along the way. We discuss the lessons Steven gleaned that apply to achieving any dream, including how to overcome a propensity for self-sabotage, get your ego out of the way, finish what you start, and develop the killer instinct.    This is a great, motivating conversation on learning not to “pull the pin” on the important commitments in your life. And we’ll explain what that means coming up. Resources Related to the Episode * Steven’s previous appearances on the show: * #55: The Warrior Ethos  * #281: Overcoming the Resistance by Turning Pro * #692: The Two Halves of the Warrior’s Life * Steven’s books mentioned in the show: * Govt Cheese * Put Your Ass Where Your Heart Wants to Be * The Legend of Bagger Vance * The War of Art * AoM Article: 4 Key Insights From the Bhagavad Gita * AoM Article: Hector and Achilles — Two Paths to Manliness * Seth Godin’s pamphlet for learning to “ship it” * AoM Podcast #849: Live Life in Crescendo Connect With Steven Pressfield * Steven’s Website * Steven on IG Listen to the Podcast! (And don’t forget to leave us a review!) Listen to the episode on a separate page. Download this episode. Subscribe to the podcast in the media player of your choice. Listen ad-free on Stitcher Premium; get a free month when you use code “manliness” at checkout. Podcast Sponsors Click here to see a full list of our podcast sponsors Transcript Coming Soon The post Podcast #864: Advice on Achieving Any Long-Haul Dream appeared first on The Art of Manliness. http://dlvr.it/Sgz2tw
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voidlanguage · 3 years
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February Productivity Challenge Day 1!
To Do List:
• Chinese character practice
• Draft American history essay
• Read 11th and 12th Bhagavad-Gita teaching
1. What’s your favorite podcast?
I’ve been listening to a lot of Desperate Acts of Capitalism! It’s been really interesting and I love the hosts.
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PODCAST: A History of Vegetarianism and Veganism in the Great World Religions -- Spiritual Awakening Radio With James Bean -- Listen @ Youtube: https://youtu.be/1i_Uj6eUM_4  
OR Stream, and Download, Here: http://download.liveindexer.com/podcasts/HealthyLifeOD/Audio//ECI_AUTO/Jun2017/SPA062017_WMA.mp3  
On this week's edition of Spiritual Awakening Radio we explore the history of vegetarianism and even veganism in the great world religions and philosophies:
Akhenaten the "Heretic" Egyptian Pharaoh of the 18th Dynasty, who ruled for 17 years;
Hebrew Bible, First Book of Moses: Genesis;
Yoga Shastra, a sutra or scripture of Jainism;
Bhagavad Gita of Krishna;
Srimad Bhagavatam;
The Laws of Manu, a kind of "Hindu Torah" or Book of Laws;
Pythagoras and the Pythagoreans;
Porphyry,  a 3rd century AD Neo-Platonist philosopher;
The Vegetarian Prayer of Thanksgiving in the Epilogue of Asclepius of the Corpus Hermeticum, and the same prayer again, as it also turns up in the Nag Hammadi Library of Egypt, the Gnostic Gospels;
Early Church “Heresy Hunters” that used to require meat-eating on Sundays as a way to discover who the veg Gnostics were in their midst;
Philo of Alexandria's description of veg meals at a Jewish Therapeutae monastic community in Alexandria perhaps related to the Essenes;
The Bahai Faith: Baha’u’llah, ‘Abdu’l-Baha, and Shoghi Effendi -- prophecies of a vegan future of humanity;
Vegetarianism in Islam: The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him), Rabia of Basra, Bawa Muhaiyaddeen and the Sufis;
John the Baptist, who ate locust bean (carob) flour, not locusts -- BEANS NOT BUGS;
and the Mystery of the Missing Veg Saying of Jesus found in Luke 21: 34 of the Evangelion Da-Mepharreshe --  the Old Syriac-Aramaic manuscript of the New Testament Gospels but is no longer present in Greek manuscripts;
Also, hear the earlier programs in this series on:
The Vegetarianism of Jesus and the Hebrew Christians -- Spiritual Awakening Radio: https://youtu.be/11JYfefpnAo
And: Vegetarianism is Going Vegan: Christianity, Sikhism, Buddhism, and Gnosticism -- Spiritual Awakening Radio: https://youtu.be/gpO61cO6VlY
* Podcast Download Page: A Collection of Current Spiritual Awakening Radio Podcasts-On-Demand: http://hosted.EarthChannel.com/HealthyLife/spa-od.html
God is the Ocean of Love.
In Divine Light and Sound, Peace Be to You, James
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#vegan #vegetarian #ethics #ahimsa #nonviolence #peace #christianity #essenes #ebionites #pythagoras #gnostics #plantbaseddiet #climatechange #green #globalwarming #yeshua #jesusmovement #sikh #worldreligions #jainism #mahavira #suprememasterchinghai #worldpeacediet #Bahai #Islam #Sufism #Sufi #Aramaic #Rabia #Hebrew #Bible #Moses #Syriac #NewTestament #Porphyry #Manu #Krishna #Therapeutae #SrimadBhagavatam #BhagavadGita #Genesis #Akhenaten #PrayerOfThanksgiving #Hermetica #BawaMuhaiyaddeen
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poetiiicnjustus · 3 years
Donate: $Poetiiic LIKE, SHARE, & SUBSCRIBE! @PoetiiicNJustus Presents: Matter & #SavageChallenge NU EARTH? NU MERCH! Teespring.com/the-cosmic-community Poetcast: Auditory Oasis Podcast anchor.fm/poetiiic 🌊🌍🔥🌬🌀🌌🌊🌍🔥🌬🌌🌀 🗣🙏🏾✨Peace✨Love✨Prosperity✨ Clarity✨Gratitude✨Godspeed✨🤗 ✨"LIFE IS GOD'S DANCE AS THE UNIVERSE!”✨ - @poetiiicnjustus When thou shalt rise beyond the plane of illusion then shalt thou cease to disturb thyself regarding doctrines, theology, dissertations concerning rights or ceremonies and other useless trimmings upon the cloth of spiritual thought. You will be liberated from those who would interpret that which they themselves fail to understand but instead shalt thou fix thy mind in earnest contemplation of the spirit and thus reach the harmony of thy true self. - Bhagavad Gita #poeticjustice #poetiiicnjustus #zen #peacelove #conscioushiphop #consciousness #consciousrap #hiphop #revolutionrap #savagesaintsquad #savagechallenge #rap #poet #poetsofinstagram #poetsoftiktok #poetsoftwitter #numerchforthenuearth #thecosmiccommunity #thecomediccommunity #straightouttainnerspace #thelawsofnjustus #justice #Auditoryoasispodcast #moonsday #artoftheday #viral #higherconsciousness #highvibrations https://www.instagram.com/tv/CVLUy2cFX7A/?utm_medium=share_sheet https://www.instagram.com/reel/CVNiaK2lMNJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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