#bi curious ???
antifa-boyfriend · 1 month
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You paid attention to what I said when I was drunk? That's... special.
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hotwife-affairs · 28 days
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sapphiel · 6 days
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Pride month buggos altogether~
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louiisaaah · 2 months
tommyinnit marrying his gay best friend before coming out as bi-curious will be a story passed down to the grandkids
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gender-fluidbees · 3 months
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bi-b0i-band · 1 month
🫦Mmm so sweet🩵
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judacris · 1 month
"This is the lookout! Frisky and I used to come up here as teenagers to... um,
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Frisky and Chilli in: Hair of the Dog // dm29.deviantart.com
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genderstarbucks · 12 days
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Bisexual | Biflux | Bifluid
[ID: The bisexual flag with a png of a double-sided axe on top. End ID.]
[ID: The biflux flag with a png of a double-sided axe on top. End ID.]
[ID: The bifluid flag with a png of a double-sided axe on top. End ID.]
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Bi-Cycle | Biflexible | Bi-Curious
[ID: The bi-cycle flag with a png of a double-sided axe on top. End ID.]
[ID: The biflexible flag with a png of a double-sided axe on top. End ID.]
[ID: The bi-curious flag with a png of a double-sided axe on top. End ID.]
Battle Axe Bisexual, also known as a Band-aid Bisexual is a term for bisexuals who push back against biphobia and uplift and support other bisexuals. This is NOT an exclusionist term, this is using the original definition of battle axe bisexual. A battle axe bisexual acknowledges that multisexual terms other than bisexual exist. They acknowledge that not everybody under the multisexual umbrella is also inherently bisexual. For example, they acknowledge and accept that some omnisexuals may also identify as bisexual and acknowledge and accept that some omnisexuals may only identify as omnisexual.
Tags: @caeliangel
I'm tired of exclusionists taking our shit so I'm reclaiming bab to what it originally meant
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aes-555 · 2 months
The Minecraft youtuber to queer community pipeline is real
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thatmemeguy89 · 5 months
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We all get a little curious
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nerdygaymormon · 8 months
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aiiess · 3 months
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M18 dm if u would let me ride u
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introjis · 12 days
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ah yes the start of the meme emoji for pride month:
"WOAH! they're (insert gender/sexuality/romantic orientation here)??? I didn't know that!!!"
flags are from first to last as follows: neoproun, bisexual(magenta top, blue on bottom), bisexual(blue on top, magenta on bottom), bi-curious, lesbian, transmasculine, genderfluid, aroace(aromantic + asexual flag combined), aroace(aroace flag)
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hopeless-ronantic · 4 months
i’ve recently come to the realization that i think my favorite fics to read are the ones where nancy and/or steve struggle to accept their bisexuality.
maybe nancy is like
“😡😡😡 robin is so annoying”
and then is like
“but maybe…?”
and then she finally can’t take it anymore & just has to be sure about what she’s feeling, so she kisses robin and everything makes sense finally
and of course the whole time robin can’t figure out what nancy’s problem is, and thinks that maybe she really is just a prissy know-it-all, but of course that doesn’t stop her from wanting to spend time around nancy any chance she gets
so when nancy finally kisses her, robin realizes nancy’s problem was never with robin, it was with her feelings for robin.
& maybe nancy realizes she had a crush on barb at some point or that maybe her love for blondie goes a little beyond just liking their music. but when she’s kissing robin, everything makes sense and everything just feels right
or maybe nancy and robin get along great (which is kinda weird for steve at first, but he’s got eddie & he and nancy are back on good terms now)
and robin has a crush on nancy but vows to never act on it or do anything to risk losing nancy’s friendship because that’s more important to her than some dumb unrequited crush
but secretly nancy is trying to pinpoint the exact feeling she gets around robin because she’s always so excited to hang out with her & she can’t tell why. because she’s never been that excited to hang out with any of her other friends before, so why does she get so giddy when it’s robin?
and one night, they decide to have a sleepover with makeovers & chinese takeout & maybe a couple wine coolers that nancy stole from karen (or maybe robin convinced steve to buy them some).
and nancy is so excited robin agreed to the makeovers part because it means that robin gets to play with her hair but again can’t tell why that excites her so much
(meanwhile robin is trying so hard to be as “normal” as she can while braiding nancy’s hair, because all she can think about through the light fog from the 2 wine coolers she’s had, is leaning down and placing light kisses on nancy’s exposed shoulders & she’s terrified that nancy might somehow read her mind or that she might not be able to stop herself & in turn ruin the only real friendship she’s had with a girl since barb)
and when they move on to makeup and nancy is applying lipgloss to robin, she is finally able to put a name to the feelings she’s been having: want, desire, longing. staring at robins freshly glossed lips, she realizes there’s nothing she wants more in the world than to know what they’d feel like on hers.
and because she’s nancy (and possibly slightly tipsy). she decides, screw it, and she just goes for it. and robin, surprised at first, quickly realizes she isn’t dreaming and kisses nancy back and it’s more magical than either girl could’ve ever imagined
i lose my fucking mind over that shit!!!
or like steve is confused because why does his heart beat like that when eddie is around? why does his stomach do little flips when eddie calls him pet names, those little flips like it used to when nancy would laugh at his jokes, or when she’d affectionately call him an idiot?
he can’t quite figure it out, because it can’t be that he likes eddie because he’s never felt this way about another man before, and he is certain he likes girls. and you can’t like both, right? right??
and he goes to robin in a panic because she’s really the most qualified to give advice in this situation (but also because there’s nobody he’s ever trusted to not judge him as much as her). and robin laughs and has to explain to steve that he can like both & that just because he hasn’t felt this way before doesn’t make it any less real or valid.
& maybe steve has to sit with that for a little bit, so he spends the weekend in his bed just staring at the ceiling, thinking. and eddie is convinced he pissed steve off because he won’t answer the phone, so he goes over sunday night to apologize for whatever he did because the thought of losing steve makes his heart ache
& when eddie knocks on steve’s open door and peeks his head in with an apologetic smile, steve looks into eddie’s big brown eyes, and everything clicks into place. all the thoughts and questions that were running through his head all weekend finally stop & all he can think is “kiss him” so he does & nothing has felt more right in his life
and eddie can’t believe this is really happening, because he thought one day the ache in his heart would kill him, the ache from knowing steve would never feel the same way eddie did. the ache that eddie would have to live the rest of his life as nothing more to steve harrington than a friend, and he’d have to be okay with that.
and i just really need more of these in my life, especially ronance because there just really isn’t enough content out there for them.. okay that’s all, thanks for listening to my ramblings.
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couchpotatoegang · 5 months
Just looking for a man to stroke my cock with and watch some porn or scroll through some tumblr blogs is that really that hard to find nowadays?
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Friends can be a sexy a sexy thing a fun time!!
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