#bia and buster
pnf-lover98 · 9 months
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On this day, marking the second anniversary of the day I made the first drawing of my Sing OC Bia Springs, I'm here to bring you guys...
...not one but two official playlists! I already uploaded small playlists for these two (and for their daughter Lena) a long while ago, but as the story changed and expanded, I gathered more and more songs that fit the Moon family vibes.
I've collected all of these songs into two separate Youtube playlists, one for Bia and the growth of her relationship with Buster, and one for their family life with their children! 🐨💕🐨
[P.S. Since some of the songs are in italian and I didn't find a good video translation on Youtube, I'll be happy to help you guys if you need a quick translation for the lyrics :) ]
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Sing Characters VS Couches
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eretzyisrael · 9 months
by Lenny Ben-David
The New York Times (December 21, 2023) claimed Israel’s air force used U.S.-provided 2,000-pound bombs in Gaza, specifically a model that “is one of the most destructive munitions in Western military arsenals.” But the Times based its analysis on the wrong bomb, a Mark-84, which explodes on impact with little penetration properties.
The Washington Post (December 22, 2023), with its satellite and visual analysis, claimed that “the evidence presented by the Israeli government falls short of showing that Hamas had been using the [Shifa] hospital as a command-and-control center.”
CNN, following the New York Times, claimed that Israel’s 2,000-pound bombs were responsible for the high casualty rate among Gazans. But it appears that CNN was also relying on data from general-use MK-84 bombs and not earth-penetrating bunker busters that explode underground.
What is clear in one CNN map is that the bunker-buster bombs did not damage nearby schools or injure children, but they were deployed to destroy Hamas tunnels, which also explains why the craters were in a linear pattern as if the Israeli pilots were bombing a long stretch of tunnel.
Even suggesting that the IDF sought to harm Gazan school children is a blood libel. But genuinely puzzling is why CNN had a very tiny caption that admits Israel used bunker-busting bombs that avoid explosive damage on the surface.
All Gazan casualty reports emanate from the Hamas-run Ministry of Health, which has a determined desire and motive to inflate the number of civilian dead, especially women and children. The number of Hamas’ dead combatants is never published.
Hamas’ inflated numbers have become gospel truth, repeated in awe and fury on campuses, television, social media, and in Congress and presidential press conferences. The New York Times, Washington Post, and CNN are co-conspirators in the scam. The consequences of the fraud are Members of Congress calling to cut military aid to Israel, encouraged by Israel detractors.
The New York Times (December 21, 2023) claimed Israel’s air force used U.S.-provided 2,000-pound bombs, specifically a model that “is one of the most destructive munitions in Western military arsenals. When a 2,000-pound bomb detonates,” the Times wrote, it unleashes a blast wave and metal fragments thousands of feet in every direction.” Using “artificial intelligence,” The Times “measured the…craters to find ones that spanned roughly 40 feet across or more, which experts say are typically formed only by 2,000-pound bombs.”1
But, the Times based its analysis on the wrong bomb, a Mark-84, which explodes on impact with little penetration properties. The Times failed to report on a more credible bomb, the BLU-109 “bunker buster bomb,” that penetrates many meters below the surface before it explodes, making it a very effective weapon to destroy deep Hamas tunnels. The craters were the telltale sign of underground voids, such as tunnels, collapsing. According to the Wall Street Journal, “The United States has not previously disclosed the total number of weapons it sent to Israel nor the transfer of 100 BLU-109, 2,000-pound bunker buster bombs.”2
One U.S. intelligence officer (retired) told the author, “The crater in the (Times’) image is ridiculously clean for there to have been a target on top of it. The crater is also symmetrical, which would not be the case if the bomb had glided in.”
If the civilian structures and hospital buildings in Gaza were connected to or located above Hamas tunnels, wouldn’t they be legitimate targets for Israel? Comes the Washington Post (December 22, 2023), with its satellite and visual analysis to show that “the evidence presented by the Israeli government falls short of showing that Hamas had been using the [Shifa] hospital as a command-and-control center.” Expressly, the Post declared, “The rooms connected to the tunnel network discovered by IDF troops showed no immediate evidence of military use by Hamas, and there is no evidence that the tunnels could be accessed from inside hospital wards.” A video of two hostages dragged into Shifa’s entrance was explained away by the Post as circumstantial evidence – “It was not clear if the hostages were taken to the hospital for medical treatment or other purposes.”3
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hauntingblue · 10 months
Does it say anything about the world government that the judge at enies lobby sentences everyone to death lmao
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dandylovesturtles · 4 months
actually not that anyone asked, but here's my current ranking of Rise episodes, in descending order, also keep in mind these are just my feelings right now and I change my mind a lot lol
Turtle-Dega Nights: The Ballad of Rat Man
Evil League of Mutants
Insane in the Mama Train
The Clothes Don't Make The Turtle
Lair Games
Mystic Library
Snow Day
The Fast and Furriest
Late Fee
Hidden City Job
Pizza Puffs
Down with the Sickness
Portal Jacked!
Finale pt 4: Rise
Finale pt 2: Shreddy or Not
Many Unhappy Returns
Bug Busters
Shadow of Evil
Stuck on You
Finale pt 1: E-turtle Sunshine of the Spotless Mind
Finale pt 3: Anatawa Hitorijanai
End Game
Man vs Sewer
The Purple Game
The Purple Jacket
The Mutant Menace
Hidden City's Most Wanted
The Longest Fight
Mascot Melee
Repo Mantis
Donnie vs Witch Town
Origami Tsunami
Mystic Mayhem
Bad Hair Day
Smart Lair
Ancient Art of Ninja Hide and Seek
One Man's Junk
Flushed, but Never Forgotten
Battle Nexus New York
Always be Brownies
Breaking Purple
Air Turtle
Todd Scouts
Minotaur Maze
Mrs. Cuddles
Repairin' the Baron
Goyles, Goyles, Goyles
Jupiter Jim Ahoy!
Operation: Normal
Sidekick Ahoy!
Fists of Furry
How to Make Enemies and Bend People to Your Will
Hot Soup: The Game
Shell in a Cell
Mind Meld
You Got Served
Warren and Hypno, Sittin in a Tree
Raph's Ride-along
Sparring Partner
Hypno! Part Deux!
Donnie's Gifts
Pizza Pit
Mystery Meat
Cloak and Swaggart
War and Pizza
Al Be Back
Nothing but Truffle
I feel like you can see my bias against episodes that don't have the turtles as the main focus lol
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finishing-touch · 8 months
And also top 5 DRK swords
[ put “top 5” anything in my ask ]
Had to have a long think about this. Great question btw. Here they are in no particular order of preference:
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Seeing Horde Guillotine - Do you like Soul Calibur? You should.
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Ravel Keeper's Guillotine - bootleg buster sword for all your discount Cloud cosplay needs. Why Yoshi-P hasn't given us a SOLDIER uniform or the original sword yet keeps me up at night.
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Guts' Dragonslayer Shadowbringer - Guys only want one thing, and it's disgusting and it's a big ol honkin' Berserk reference!
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Abyssos Guillotine - This one feels like an evolution of Aladar's original sword- the final product you get at the end of a fully upgraded schematic. This weapon holds a special place in my heart because of the months I spent progging Abyssos- and this weapon is my trophy to show for it.
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Flame Officer's Claymore - Pure bias but I like to believe this one is synonymous with my character. It's a rather simple design by FF standards and I like that best about it. Shaped like an executioner's sword, this blade has been on a whole RP journey at Aladar's back. This slab of iron and steel has been through so much wear and tear and abuse that it's practically a separate character. I'm hoping it gets a texture update in Dawntrail.
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thebestworstidea · 1 month
So I was listening to some old Hbomberguy videos, and he touched on the response to the Ghostbusters trailer
and how it had put everyone's panties in a twist. So I went and watched the original Ghostbusters trailer
(it really was shot like it was a horror/action flick not comedy, wasn't it?)
and I was once again struck by the thought.
The girl team had a better story. just looking at the trailers, I know which one I'd be more interested in learning the plot of.
(Nevermind that when I saw it, I burst into tears because 'I can be a Ghostbuster'. The Cartoon had an action figure of Janine in a suit but that's as close as it got until Extreme Ghostbusters and look never mind, aren't you glad I don't make videos?)
Is this bias? I mean having watched these movies (and the origonal a lot, I liked that movie as a child.) Holtzman is a little irritating, but compared to Venkman? A few years ago we had a Ghostbusters marathon and I just kind of sat there durring the first movie, eating too much halloween candy and wondering why anyone liked this character. (Even as a kid, my preferences went like Winston, Egon, Ray, Janine and I guess Venkman is here too.) What the fuck did Dana see in him? He was a slimy bastard who pushed boundries. Yes when the chips were down, he did do the right thing, but I got the impression that he did it because he was kind of backed into a corner, not out of any real desire to help people.
So, yeah 'kind of annoying' is not really the same thing. The movie is solid, the effects were solid, the story is solid, the science is sci-fi, so I just... couldn't understand why it was being tanked so hard. I heard 'oh they made sex jokes' and I Was like 'when was the last time you watched the original, they might not have said dick but holy shit were there sex jokes.' (they might have said dick, I don't remember the whole movie, just a bunch of scenes I learned by rote as a young willow) (no wait, they said dick. and there was the blow job thing)
And when you can't find a rational reason why people are hating on something, you're stuck with the irrational one and you just kind of sit there dumbly going 'wait what?'
Can I prove the movie was just as good if not better?
It's fucking art, okay, it's subjective.
And it's not even the same world.
okay too be fair, I was so annoyed at the way they panned the 2016 "Grrl-busters", I haven't watched the 'legacy' (CoughSEQUELCough) movies. They do look pretty good, and I should sometime I wouldn't have to rent them through Youtube. (even though I kind of resent the 'teen movie' reframing they seem to be going for. The original Ghostbusters, even on the recorded from tv VHS I had probably deserved a pg13 more than a pg. It wasn't a movie for kids, she said hypocritically)
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scribe-of-hael · 8 months
Thundercracker HCs
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TC headcanon that follow nothing in particular of Canon and is as very bias to my own au where I build him up to be kinda different because him and Sky are very underdeveloped and utilized. LETS GO
•TC is more well kept, and organized , he is able to throw down but at the end of the day he cares about himself to keep his up keep
•He is the youngest of the trine and it kinda shows with how more optimistic and far more light hearted he is than his brothers
•TC had always has had a fascination with , what? You guessed it! Writing !
•Writing is TC'a passion, it was one of the focal points he was hooked on when agreeing to join the Decpticons was because of Megatron's writing for when it first started. He was touched to his very spark with Megatron's words. He learned very quickly how words and working could affect one another.
•he researches endlessly of writing, works, and genres. He prefers stories with happy ending but he is also about drama and some dark themes.
•He is also a photographer, he loves to take picture of his brothers, the scenery or even important moments. It has gotten him into trouble for stopping in the middle to capture the moment.
•His writings are important to him, it doenst matter if he feels or even if he's hurt he will take some time out of his day to write. Because he reads do much, if its niche knowledge or even history you want to know you come to TC.
•Try to keep him on topic he will jump aorund and get a bit carried away with rambling /pos
•TC had always questioned the Decepticons almost as soon as he joined , it only grew with time and the more worried he got, worried he got for his brothers Especially Starscream and Megatron's growing abuse towards him.
•He is definitely a kind spark, who wants to see the beauty in it all, which some bots call him soft amd weak for
•he more sensitive and emotional ,this can be both good and bad. He panics and is filled with paranoia. He tends to overthink and complicate things.
•just because he is kind. Do not mistake it for being weak. He is just as fierce as Star or Sky and honestly probably could be more unpredictable about what he will do. He can be just as scheming , clever and resourceful. He is a Decepticons for a reason.
•he is prone to outbursts of emotion, if it is anger its connected to his abilities. His sonic booms can become more powerful when emotional driven. Nothing like shattering brain modules when he decides to have the pulse of five sonic booms in half a millisecond.
•His frame is way more durable than the other two because of the constant subjection to his own sonic blasts. Its reinforced but also allows its self to vibrate to allow the sound to travel.
•Oh and he writes Erotica and is kinda a freak/pos
•He is Demi though, having taken little to no partners because he could never properly feel a connection depsite having a desire for a partner. While he wants someone he wants to truly have a deep and lasting connection
•he is nothing but in love with being in love which makes him prone to being vulnerable and easily taken advantage of in hopes of finding someone fo love, which Star and Sky (mostly) intervene to stop their brothers spark ache.
•TC also loves animals, that includes his dog Buster whomst he'd give his life for
•He adore human culture so DAMN much this bot is also obsessed with vintage items humans have made.
•He wear glasses despite not needing them because he thinks they make him look cooler/smarter
•TC's main thing is he writes stories and incorporates real people into characters. There are many stories you will find character eqiailants to bots he's encounter or events he has lived. You'll come to find writing isn't just his passion, but his cope for the war and even after it.
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noddytheornithopod · 11 months
PnF Season 5 Title Speculation
Okay first thing's first, found out through this (click on "relationships"), which I found out through the PnF Wiki twitter.
As for the episode titles themselves, I will list what's been confirmed here.
501: Summer Block Buster/Cloudy with a Chance of Mom
502: Appetite for Adventure/License to Bust
503: Dry Another Day/Deconstructing Doof
504: Tropey McTropeface/Biblio-Blast!
505: A Chip to the Vet/More Than an Intern
506: The Aurora Perry-Alis/Lord of the Firesides
507: Agent T (for Teen)/The Haberdasher
508: [Title TBD]/Out of Character
Alright, now that's out of the way, time to get crazy and speculate nonsense based on titles alone
Summer Block Buster: I don't really have much to say besides the fact the title is very fitting. Yeah Summer Block Busters are a thing, but I won't be surprised if this episode is just one big grand re-entrance for everyone. I expect it to be very meta about it too, some of the dialogue Dan recorded for Doof even suggests this.
License to Bust: IDK what to say here but the whole pun on "licence to kill" (which is also the title of a Bond movie). I don't think puns are emblematic of much, but it's most explicit confirmation Candace is still trying to bust her brothers, which people understandable debated after Candace Against the Universe. Wonder if the licence thing is going to be relevant.
Dry Another Day: Second Bond title pun, lol.
Deconstructing Doof: Not sure what's being gotten at here, but it's an intriguing title to say the least. Very uh interesting. I could make a joke about how it's about how they don't know what to do with him post Summer but I'm not here for snarky commentary.
Tropey McTropeface: Uh... very interesting. Named after Boaty McBoatface, apparently. IDK what tropey nonsense they're getting up to though.
Biblio-Blast: I feel like SOMETHING is being said here but I don't know what. Was pointed out to me it could be something about weaponised books but IDK what that even looks like.
A Chip to the Vet: Okay this is very interesting. Firstly, it's probably Perry going to the vet. Secondly... one thing done for pets at vets is to get chipped. Whether it's just something the vet does or it's a deliberate request so they can get an idea of where Perry wanders off to... it's gonna be a big problem for Perry. Hopefully OWCA has a way to get around that lol.
More than an Intern: Carl episode. Nuff said. More trying to prove himself to Monogram probably even as Monogram treats him like shit, lmao.
The Aurora Perry-Alis: Aurora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of- yeah we all know Steamed Hams probably. No idea what this will add up to honestly, maybe some kind of astronomical phenomenon that looks like a platypus, or the gang make one? If there's anything I have to say though, there's a chance it might run parallel to the next episode in a Bubble Boys or Bee Day type fashion, because...
Lord of the Firesides: Yeah you know I'm gonna be talking about what is obviously a Fireside Girls episode as that guy with the Isabella brainrot. So if it works like Temple of Sap or Bee Story, it COULD run parallel to the last episode, but that's not guaranteed. Either way... some friction between the Fireside Girls is going to come up. The title obviously references Lord of the Flies, aka the story where kids turn brutal and try to dominate each other or whatever. Maybe there's a split Isabella is caught in the middle of. Or perhaps... Isabella is removed as troop leader. She could make some serious blunder (could even be unrelated to Phineas even if that bias does affect her activities a lot), but maybe the other girls just end up being sick of Isabella's Phineas nonsense after something went too far. :P If Isabella is kicked out, I feel like she'd really struggle with that, because being a Fireside Girl is really important to her. Also, IDK who would replace Isabella as leader (honestly this ep would be good to just flesh out the other girls more in general), but I did see a hilarious suggestion that maybe it could be Candace. Would be similar to We Call it Maize (a very underrated episode IMO) but with more serious consequences. Not something I'm riding on, but it's a fun idea, especially if she proves she's more egotistical or just outright doesn't know what she's doing. Also saw a hilarious yet touching idea that somehow PHINEAS helps Isabella regain her leadership, he'd reassure her of why she's a good Fireside Girl and all that (cuz he believes in her to the ends of the Universe guys, shit my Phinabella is showing), or just somehow help her prove herself again. Also, the solution coming from what the girls thought was the problem would just be ironic and funny in a very PnF way. Either way... amazing at what a mere title can make me wonder.
Agent T (for Teen): Perry the teenage girl??? Okay so I've already seen this catch on from many people, but if there's one thing everyone in the Phineas and Ferb fandom wants, it's more Stacy and Perry interaction. Sure, maybe it could be someone else (Monty's a teenager, where's he been? maybe something leading to or following up Vanessa's internship based on when the revival takes place, or even some weird Candace shenanigans)... but come on. Even if it isn't, we all are gonna see this and hope it's Stacy related as she gets roped back into Perry's world again.
The Haberdasher: So something to do with selling men's clothing? Definitely a scheme PnF could enact. Also there's the meaning of stuff for things like sewing but that's supposedly British and the men's clothing thing is American soooo we know what's more likely. I wonder who's gonna get the glow up though? Baljeet? Jeremy? Maybe the guys just wanna slay? Shit, Phinabella brainrot is back, what happens when she sees whatever Phineas puts on? :v Of course, this could somehow tie to the B-plot too, maybe Doof needs to dress nicely for something.
TBD: Truly a profound title. So much is said with mere letters... okay yeah I can't do this lol
Out of Character: So much is said with so little. The first thing that came to mind was once someone asked Dan and Swampy at I believe SDCC if they'd ever do a personality swap episode, and their response was to look at each other and be like "maybe we will now" (it was likely too late before the show ended then but yeah). Point is... maybe we're finally seeing this idea. It can be very easy to have characters act out of character through whatever means ie an inator or invention, but if you're going to name an episode that, I think you're going to have something that really commits to that premise. There is ENDLESS potential of weird dynamic shifts you could do with this, it could be truly hilarious. Maybe it's also body swap shenanigans, but well I think I made my case for personality swap. Just imagine Perry trying to take over the Tri-State Area, or Baljeet bullying Buford, or Ferb talking while Phineas is silent, or *could go on for hours*.
Soooo yeah that's way more speculation than I expected, let's see if any of this leads to anything lol
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deusvervewrites · 4 months
How about some headcanons for Oracle Cell?
Eri's God Arc is a Buster Blade/Blast Gun combo. For reference, that means she has a sword larger than Cloud's Buster Sword and it turns into a cannon. I should note that Eri is not taken on missions for a while because AFO is trying to hide her existence.
Speaking of God Arcs, only the special unit utilizes God Arcs; regular Aragami Exterminators use Support Gear that works with their Quirks.
Due to what AFO is after and the lack of proper God Eaters, there is no Bias Factor injection. Come to think of it, there also won't be a greenification of the moon.
The Happy Funtime Vampire Adventures Gang will be running into Cathleen's group when the latter come to investigate the Gaol of the Red Mists falling for a few minutes. Though that will happen late in this AU's timeframe
People outside of the special unit are very confused about who they are and how they do what they do.
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pnf-lover98 · 1 year
TSTWFM - Moon family times
I present you a written post, today, to gather together some little moments and fun shenanigans between Buster, Bia and ther kids.
Ever since the first day Ollie peeked out from her pouch, Bia has been keeping well-nourished folders on her phone’s gallery where she keeps photos and videos of all sorts of everyday moments with her kids. In a separate folder, then, there are plenty of pictures of Buster looking all soft while he holds his children or plays with them, and of the times the kids fall asleep all snuggled up to their dad.
Throughout the years, Bia never dropped her habit of making puns and word plays based on their species. After all, why would she, if now she has two kids that can confirm that mom gives top koala-ty hugs?
When the kids are still relatively young, Buster starts to need to wear glasses. When the family goes to the optical shop to pick and buy the new glasses, Buster tells his kids to take a look around and choose the frame shape they like the most. Lena and Ollie end up presenting him the silliest model they can find - with one round lens and one squared one - that their father actually ends up buying. Bia tries to argue that the “silly glasses” will get him a lot of weird looks from everyone, but Buster replies that the rest of the world can think whatever they want about it; the only opinion he cares about is his children’s. Once the kids get older and the joke wears out, Buster will transition to a more regular shape of glasses.
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Both Oliver and Lena took music lessons for a while; when it came to picking an instrument, Oliver chose the trumpet, and Lena the piano. But music only remained a side hobby for both of them.
The Moons love to organize family activities like board games nights. When they need to split up to form teams, there are a few options to pick from; "boys vs. girls", "kids vs. grown-ups", and "blue team vs. green team" (in which Buster and Lena team against Ollie and Bia) - with the occasional addition of "brown team" when, during family gatherings, they also play with Floyd and Camila.
Lena's favourite prank on her brother is hiding his glasses and then watch him search for them in every corner of the house.
As teenagers, the siblings love to record little videos full of silly dance moves to upload on Tiktok. The account they share is actually only Lena's, but while Oliver isn't really looking for the fame and the glisten of social medias' spotlights, he doesn't mind when his sister drags him into her videos. Occasionally, the siblings also like to record pranks and challenges.
Being three years older than Lena, and believing that part of his job as a brother is to protect his little sister from potentially awkward situations at school, in the summer before Lena starts high school, Oliver teaches her all the slangs that “big kids” commonly use, and all the bad words and the gestures that she shouldn’t replicate.
The only time Oliver got in trouble at school, getting detention (and a scolding from his mother) for raising his hands against another student, was to defend his sister.
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hoperays-song · 1 year
Ok so, I already did the favourite Sing moms and grandmas so now...
As always, in order, let's meet our competitors!!!
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asianhaven4u · 8 months
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Busters bias THICCkara !
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devildomditzy · 2 years
Devildomditzy’s Road to 2K 🎉🎊🎈
We’re almost at 2,000 besties! That’s a fuck ton of people. We could rent out a Dave and Busters and probably and still not have enough room. So, to celebrate, we’re gonna do a 20 sentences prompt challenge!
These will most likely be drabbles unless one (or a few) get me carried away.
Rules: Send in a character + two emojis + a sentence
For example: Mammon + ☔️💐 + “Stop, I’m supposed to be mad at you.”
I’ll try my best to make something coherent for you!
As always, my Mammon bias will probably be showing 👀. Please only send in the Brothers + the Dateables + Luke (who is strictly platonic). I haven’t gotten to the other three’s part in the main storyline so I don’t know enough about them :’). You can specify if you’d prefer it to be nsfw, but if you request it your age MUST be in your bio.
Everything will be tagged #dddroadto2kevent
I’m not putting a time limit in this at the moment! Going to write them as I can (and hopefully actually finish the event this time LMAO).
List below! Only one character per prompt, no prompt will be done twice! I’ll update as they’re taken.
If this flops you never saw it!!!
“You did this on purpose, didn’t you?”
“Are you afraid to die?” - Mammon 🥺💛
“I feel at home when I’m with you.”
“Stop, I’m supposed to be mad at you.” Satan 🥺📚
“Please just let me take care of you.”
“Do you remember when we first met?” - Mammon 🤗💐
“I don’t really know why I care about you.”
“Was that supposed to be a pick-up line?”
“What the hell happened to you?”
“I need you beside me.” - Mammon ❤️‍🩹🥺
“I can’t take you seriously.” - Diavolo 🍨👹
“Make sure you come back to me.”
“You’re a terrible liar.”
“Stop apologizing, it wasn’t your fault.”
“Is that my jacket?”
“When I get home, you’re so dead.”
“Stop calling me that.” - Belphie 🐏🐄
“Wait. Am I your lock screen?” - Mammon 🫣⛈️
“Did…Did you just bite me?” - Mammon 😶❤️‍🩹
“You can hold my hand if you’re scared”
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blackhakumen · 11 months
Mini Fanfic #1147: Start of a New Vacation (SSBU X Wario Ware)
11:34 a.m. on Diamond City's La Glorious Cruise Boat........
Penny: WHAT!?
9-Volt: (Crosses his Arms) Yeah, you heard me.
Penny: (Glaring Down at 9-Volt with her Hands on Both her Hips) What I'm hearing is a heavy amount of bias and hoohaahs! What the heck makes you think Goku would stand chance against Saitama in an on-one-on match!?
9-Volt: Years of challenging, disciplinary training experience, incredibly durability and speed stats, has multi powerful techniques in his disposal, the guy even faced plenty of monsters, planet busters and literal GODS in the runtime of the series! He's easily one of the strongest fighters in the entire universe!
Penny: Strongest my foot! He's not even the Top 10 strongest in his own series! Need I remind you the time he lost to an ACTUAL god once? And some of the wins we DID achieved were thanks to pure luck and close clutches!
9-Volt: (Starts Glaring Back at Penny) At least he gave it his all in those fights! I don't see Baldy-McTwo Fists out there fighting any 9f the foes I just mentioned!
Penny: On the contrary, Point Dexter, not only has Saitama faced plenty of monsters, supernatural beings, and other heroes with planet busting feats, but he also managed to blow up Jupiter into figurines with just one sneeze.
9-Volt: No way he can do thar when Goku could easily do that with a single Kamehame wave!
Penny: Yeah, well look it up, genius! It's a certified fact.
9-Volt: Nuh-uh!
Penny: Yeah-huh!
9-Volt: Nuh-uh!
Penny: Yeah-huh!
Ashley: (Sighs While Watching 9-Volt and Penny Arguing with One Another and Sitting Next to her Boyfriend in the Background) The one time I get to enjoy my peace and relaxation on this trip and this is what I'm welcomed to.....
Lucas: (Turns to Ashley) Have they always get into these heated debates?
Ashley: More or less. One time they spent two hours and a half debating over a duck/rabbit picture. (Shows Lucas a Picture of a Duck/Rabbit Sketch on her Phone) See?
Lucas: Awww~ It look so cute~ (Smiles Sheepishly) Can't tell which one it really is though......
Ashley: No one here has a clue either. But that's neither here nor there. (Lay her Head onto Lucas' Shoulder) How are you enjoying the trip so far?
Lucas: (Smiles Brightly) I'm enjoying it a lot so far! The temperature feels nice out, the ocean looks so shiny and beautiful, I don't even think I remember the last time I rode on a boat before, this is great!~
Ashley: (Giggles Softly) I'm glad to hear it!~ I have no doubt that this week will be even more spectacular from here.
Lucas: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah, neither do I. You think everyone back home will be okay without us?
Ashley: (Shrugs) I wouldn't worry too much about them personally. Their chaotic mannerisms are more than enough to keep them busy for a week at least.
Lucas: (Giggles a Bit) I wouldn't exactly say they're completely chaotic, but I will miss them dearly. I hope I have enough to buy them all souvenir gifts....
Ashley: (Hugs Lucas While Pouting at Him a Little) We'll worry about our vaction comes to it's closing point, mister~ You deserve to have as much fun and relaxation as the rest of us here.
Lucas: I know. (Happily Hugs his Girlfriend Back) Thank you.
Ashley: (Gives Lucas a Peck on the Cheek Before Smiling Back) You're welcome.
Wario: (In the Distance OI! Lovebirds! Quit having a relaxing hug fest and get over here! Team meeting's about to start!
Ashley: (Groans in Annoyance While Getting Up From her Seat Along with Lucas) He's holding a team meeting in the middle our time off?
Lucas: (Smiles Sheepishly) Let's see what he wants from us first. (Gently Grabs Hold of Ashley's Hand) We can go everything ypu want to do afterwards if you want.
Ashley: Sure. (Makes her Way to Wario and the Others with Lucas Right Next to Her) It probably won't be much though.
Wario: (Stands on Top of a Crate as He Sees Everyone of his Colleagues Arriving Towards his Area) Alright, losers, gather around and shut up! Before this little vacation adventure of ours starts, we need to break a few ground rules.
Dribble: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) Ground rules?
Spitz: You serious, man?
Wario: Yes, MAN! I am. I'm your boss, I paid for the expenses, everything I say goes, which is exactly Rule #1. #2: Never ask me to buy you anything! You have money in your own pockets, use it. #3: There's a picture of a map made in the back of your brochures, so keep them close to you at all times. If any of you manage get yourselves lost by the time we head back home and are late get back on that cruise ship before then, sucks to be you.
5-Volt: (Gives Wario a Stern, Motherly Glare) If ANYONE gets lost, we band together to find them no matter how long it takes. No gets left behind on this trip.
Everyone: Yeah!
Wario: ('Sighs in Defeat') Fine! We'll set up a search party if that ever happens, moving on! #4: Any hidden treasure I potentially stumble upon along the way, will be mines in advance.
Mona: Always finding treasure, eh Wario?
Wario: Been a Treasure Hunter since day one, it's what I do. And the Fifth and Final Rule for the Day: Until this vacation this done and over with, none of you loser bother me. (Points at Lucas) That goes double for you, Sunflower boy.
Lucas: (Salutes to Wario) Yes sir, Mr. Wario sir! (Lowers hid Posture Down and Forms a Bit of a Nervous Smile on his Face) A-Also I just wanted to say how thankful I am for letting me join you guys this time around. I-I promise not to be a bother to you guys going forward....
Wario: Yeah, you better not, twerp! I didn't get my arm broken and have to pay extra on this trip JUST to deal with a snot-nose crybaby like you all day-
The Fatman starts shivering in fear as he turns to see all of his co-workers giving him dark, soul piercing glares at his direction (with Ashley's hair turned white and 5-Volt turned into her demonic persona, slowly pounding her fist onto her palm)
Wario: Uh- ('Clears Throat') F-Forget everything I said just now. Glad to have you on board.
18-Volt: Look!
The gang turns to see that they've finally reached their destination, Caresaway Island.
Everyone: Hey, we're here!~
Wario: Finally!(Jumps Put of the Boat First) Outta the way, chumps, I'm going first! (Rushes Over to the Island's Staff)
Staff: (Happily Greets Wario) Greetings! Welcome to the island. Please take these precious stones as a hello gift.
Wario: (Smiles Brightly as the Images of Diamonds Appears on Both his Eyes) Ohhh! Diamonds!? Gimme, Gimme!!
Staff: (Presents Two Sets of Somewhat Familiar Looking Stones Along with Two of his Co-Workers) Actually, they're Form Stones! Moving around with these in your hands could bring you good luck.
Wario snatches one of the Move Stones from out of the wooden plate and examines both of them up close one by one before angrily chucking them.
Wario: Stupid rocks! I don't want 'em!!
Both of the rocks manages to hit the top of a parrot's head, causing it to screech in pain and flies away while indirectly bumping one of the tourists and making her drop her drink to the ground. It wasn't long for a blue elephant to slip on the spilled drink and uses his trunk to grab onto a flower coded sign before flipping himself over and accidentally kicking Wario hard enough to send him flying and crash down towards a faraway forest.
5-Volt: (Pinches the Bridge of her Nose While Sighing) Of all the lousy.....(Starts Bowing at Everyone Present in the Entrance) We are so sorry about all that, everyone.
Staff: (Smiles Sheepishly) I...take it you all know are acquainted with man in some way.
Ashley: Unfortunately.
Mona: (Smiles Sheepishly as Well) He's out boss from back home.
Penny: (Rolls her Eyes) Just as rude and impatient as he always is......
While everyone else agreeing to that motion, Lucas looks down at Move Stones and picks both of them up from the ground.
Lucas: So.....These Move Stones.....(Turns to Island's Staff) Do they really bring you good luck charm, sir?
Staff: (Happily Nodded) That's right! All you have to do is move around attracted to the grip of your hands and you'll surely be granted with luck in due time.
Ashley: (Lools Down at the Spare Move Stones in Front of Her) Hm.....Can't say I care too much about anything luck related. But given we're in vacation with Wario of all people....(Picks Both of the Stone Up From the Plate) I suppose it wouldn't hurt to put to good use eventually.
Penny: Ooh I'll take one too!~ (Happily Takes the Last Pair of Move Stones From the Other Plate) I can already tell by the craftsmanship of these beauties alone that they're research worthy.
9-Volt: (Starts Jumping Up and Raising his Hand Up) Ooh! Ooh! Can I get one too please?
18-Volt: (Raises his Hand Up as Well) And me too!?
The Gang: And us too?
Staff: (Smiles Brightly) Sure! It'll.....take a while to have the stones up and ready for you all though.
5-Volt: (Happily Bows at the Staff Members Once More) Take as much time as you need. It's the least we can do for what happened earlier. (Turns Back to the Gang) Right, everyone?
The Gang: Yeah./Sure!/ I don't mind waiting./ We can wait.
Staff: (Clasps his Hands Together with a Smile of his Own) Thank you all for your understanding. We'll have them out for you shortly. In the meantime, please, enjoy your stay at Caresaway Islaend! (Happily Waves Goodbye to Everyone Before Taking his Leave)
5-Volt: (Happily Waves Back at the Leaving Staff Members Before Taking a Deep Breath) Okay. With all of that out of the way. (Places her Hands on Both her Hips) I say we're all ready to get this vaction up and started!~ Oh and Lucas?
Lucas: (Looks Up at 5-Volt) Yes, ma'am?
5-Volt: (Gives Lucas a Sincere Motherly Smile) We're very happy to have you here with us, as part of our crew even. Please don't let whatever Wario says make you think differently about that or about yourself, okay?
Ashley: (Hugs Lucas' Arm) That goes double from me too, dear!
Penny: (Happily Chimes in) And from me too!~
The Gang: (Chimes in as Well) And from us too!!~
Lucas: (Giggles Ticklishly by all Hugs He's Receiving) Okay, okay!~ I promise not to think any of that get to me. (Smiles Brightly) Thank you all so much!~ (Eyes Suddenly Starts to Widened) But wait, W-What about Wario!? Is he gonna be okay-
The gang looks up to see Wario flying in the skies while riding on a poor parrot's back and holding two of the Move Stones.
Wario: These rocks rock! Get it. WAHAHAHAHA! AAHAHAHAHA!
5-Volt: He'll be fine. This IS Wario after all. But seriously this time....(Raise her Fist Up in the Air) Let this one week vacation adventure begin!
Everyone: (Raises Their Fist Up as Well While Cheering in Rejoice) YEAH!~
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aj-mblvck · 2 months
Day 2 of writing prompts because I have a block rn
Prompt #1107 from @creativepromptsforwriting
"Wow, you're really treating a friend like that?"
"You are not my friend."
word count:1,120
Bias and Jason grew up in the same neighborhood, and now their boyfriends wanna go on a double date. Jason buried his feelings for Bias for years. Literal years, it got easier as they got older and Bias never talked to him anymore. Bias became an edgy, judgey asshole that their friends and boyfriends forced him to hang out with. They never spoke to Jason and never checked in. They used to play games together in their younger years, but now they just sat at the same table at lunch.
"Aw but baby, Bi is besties with Nyla and Nyla is my sister so if she sits here they sit here."
Nick was relentless about it. Jason and Bias hadn't spoken since middle school, and they were about to graduate in less than a month. Bias never spoke during lunch or hangout sessions, Jason couldn't remember them even coming to a party since Sophomore year.
So when Nick said Bias and Elliot were joining them during their arcade night at Dave and Buster's, of course he went a little mental.
"Baby don't be upset please."
"I am not upset I just don't get why you invited them. Not every gay needs to go on double dates with the other gays." Jason said it calmly, still holding Nick's hand as he walked toward the car. Jason had just come out two years prior, with Nick's help. Being the only gay kid on the wrestling team was nerve-racking.
Jason was tall and bulky, as a wrestler should be. Coming in at a stoic 6'2 with brown curls and green eyes and once they made it to the car, he towered over Nick's 5'9 frame. Nick had medium blonde hair, tied into a manbun, eyeliner wisped along his lashes.
"I just don't see why they are coming." Jason said, opening the door for Nick.
"Because." He dragged on the because as Jason closed his door and walked to the driver side. When Jason opened the door, Nick sighed. "Because during your last match I was sitting next to Elliot and Bias and Elliot said that they were going the same night as us, so I figured instead of awkwardly running into them..." He trailed off
"We awkwardly sit with them to eat." Nick sighed.
"Exactly! It is only while we are sitting and eating. We can play arcade games away from them." Jason smiled.
"Including Jurassic park?" Nick rolled his eyes.
"If I must shoot dinosaurs to make you happy." Nick grabbed Jason's free hand as he reversed.
"Then I suppose I can suffer through dinner."
Jason indeed suffered. In silence, but suffered nonetheless.
The entire dinner involved Bias, Nick, and Elliot discussing make up, drag, and all the "gay things" Jason never connected with.
"Bias, I love that eyeliner. Did you use a tutorial?" Nick said touching their arm while they walked toward the arcade. Bias shrugged.
"No." Nick nodded, clearly impressed and intrigued - but to Jason it appeared to just be smudged and Bias sounded smug and uninterested in return.
"Well Bi does a good job, he did my make up too." Elliot said fluttering his lashes and blowing a kiss to Nick, his lips a nude glossy shade.
Bi was a nickname they got freshman year when they came out as bisexual, Nyla gave it to them. Bias was already short for Tobias - they haven't gone by that since the seventh grade when they came out as non-binary.
Jason took a turn, pulling Nick along. Much to his despise, Elliot and Bias followed suit. They did that the whole night. Air Hockey, Skeeball, basketball. Even the casino-esque coin machines (those were Nick and Elliot's favorites). When they finally approached the Jurassic Park game, Jason looked at Nick hopefully. Nick groaned and nodded. Nick had two things he hated: sitting down for longer than one minute and shooting games. This was both of those things.
"Bias loves that game." Jason looked at Elliot and Nick clapped.
"Perfect, go ahead you two." Bias smiled and nodded, climbing into the game. Nick and Elliot watched from the window behind them. That is when Jason noticed, he hadn't sat next to Bias in a long time, years even. They were tall too, probably about 6 foot. Their black curls looped around their ears near their ear cuff, which had a chain going to their earlobe. They had these piercing blue eyes. Bias didn't naturally have black hair, but their dark blonde or maybe light brown (Jason couldn't remember) hair was similar to their skin tone.
"Ready?" Jason shook himself out of his thoughts.
"Yea." He said it dry and went to swipe his card, but Bias had gotten to it first. "Why did you do that?" Bias shrugged and smiled.
"You can get it next time, just thought as a friend I could do the first one." Friend. That irked Jason. Bias never made an effort, Bias hasn't made an effort since they were all but twelve. They played the game and Jason let his competitive side take over. He had the higher score by the first play, and once they completed the game Jason had the lead score of the two.
"Ha! Suck it." Nick was beside him and frown.
"Jason. It isn't a competition, aren't you on the same team even?" Nick peeked at the screen but Jason shrugged and climbed out of the game.
"Well let's make it a competition." Bias looked at him and smirked.
"No thanks." They shook their head and Elliot wrapped an arm around his boyfriend's waist.
"What you afraid you are gonna lose Tobias?" Nick and Elliot shuffled slightly uncomfortable. Shit. Jason wasn't even sure why he deadname them, it just happened. He grew more and more flustered and embarrassed when he noticed Nick's distant look on his face.
"Wow, you are really treating a friend like that?" Bias said it sort of jokingly and sort of awkward, but there that word was again. Friend. Jason's awkward smile dropped and he shook his head.
"You are not my friend." Nick moved away from Jason and patted his arm.
"Jason Almay!" The full name.
"What? He isn't?" Elliot stepped forward.
"They." Jason nodded.
"They never talk to anyone but you two and Nyla. They aren't my friend." Bias nodded.
"Clearly." Bias said plainly before walking away, Elliot glared at Jason before following behind him. Nick let out a sigh.
"You are ridiculous. Bias has done nothing but support you, they are just quiet and reclusive. If you felt so strongly about that, you should have said something sooner." Nick shook his head and walked away as well, leaving Jason alone in the center of the arcade gallery.
and that was my sad attempt at gay - i think if I made this into a book Jason and Bias would probably get married
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