#biding her time
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Day 7 — Birthday / Anniversary ₊˚✧ ゚
Submission for @minthe-drawings #BaxterMCWeek!
MC: Ai/Sky
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of-nyon · 1 month
I bench Skywarp for one whole scene and he goes and has an offscreen mini adventure. typical.
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rebouks · 4 months
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[crickets chirping – muffled music] Oscar: And you definitely don’t want to go home? [Levi shook his head and rubbed at his eyes, feeling far more vulnerable than he was comfortable with] Robin: His parents aren’t home and I think they’d be kinda like, uh-.. not nice about it, y’know? Levi: My s-sister was gonna babysit me after her curfew at t-ten. Oscar: Okay, well.. how ‘bout we get you checked out first, then you can wait at ours? We can drop you off later like nothing happened, how’s that for a plan-.. Robin? [The knot in Robin’s stomach eased as Levi nodded along with him, swiping at his runny nose with a sodden sleeve] Oscar: Alrighty, let’s go. [Levi stiffened briefly as Oscar easily scooped him up and slung him against his shoulder] Oscar: You okay? [Robin nodded with a faint smile as Oscar ruffled his damp hair] Oscar: You did good, bud. [Robin’s classmate couldn’t help but relax as he clung to Oscar and the warmth that emanated from him, both tangible and not. He might’ve looked scary to begin with but he’d shown Levi more sympathy and compassion in the last five minutes than he’d received from his own family in the last few years] … Oscar: Aren’t you supposed to be retired? Sidney: Aren’t you lucky I’m not! Oscar: Oh, for sure.. heaven forbid another doctor do the exact same job as you. [Sidney scoffed incredulously] Oscar: Really though… Sidney: I’m not bloody well dead yet! I just cover a few casual shifts here n’ there is all. Oscar: Hm-.. better get this guy home n’ properly dry, anyway. Sidney: Yeah, he’ll be alright-.. y’know he’s just as reckless as you, right? Robin: Uh, I’m still here. Oscar: I hear ya! Sid unfortunately has a point though, you shouldn’t-… Robin: Don’t try n’ save someone in oceans or rivers ‘cause the current will get you both, blah blah-.. pools don’t count! Sidney: He’s a smartass like you too.
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zoobus · 5 months
Okay I know this is old news and no one cares anymore but another reason it's dumb to put Toshiro not explicitly telling Laios he didn't like him on his culture/upbringing/east vs west/poorly defined anthropology concepts
(in addition to all the other reasons e.g. Laios canonically has a 1 in people skills, Falin is of the same culture and does not struggle in the same way Laios does, Laios' inability to pick up "high context" social cues/read people is an issue that follows him throughout life not just with this one foreigner, everyone else in his party figures out how Toshiro feels despite not being easterners, Toshiro's recollection of how he indicated he wasn't interested are all common ways to softly reject people in "Western" culture ["I'm busy that day. I'm busy the next day. I'm busy every single day."], Toshiro's nanny [also an easterner] points out his inability to speak his true feelings as both odd and a character flaw he should work on, Toshiro has logical reasons to not make his feelings known, one of the big background themes of the story is that broad, sweeping assumptions about how Other Races think is a good way to misunderstand the individual you're dealing with and the lived experiences that shaped them)
IN ADDITION TO ALL THAT. What was it Rin said before that fight?
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bluerosefox · 9 months
Roting Jasmine Flowers and Dead Robins
[Anger management Crime Lord! Jason and a Dark/dark grey Jazz] [warning, murder plots, mentioned character deaths, and other things]
We all know what happened to Danny when he lost everything.
But what if this time it's Jazz.
Jazz who lost everything at the hands of the GIW when she was on a college tour while she was in Gotham, suffering and grieving from the news her parents (who finally started to choose both Danny and her over their projects and are in the know of Danny's halfa status), Sam and Tucker, Dani (who was finally family) and her baby brother, the boy she basically raised had died.
The GIW wants their hands on Fenton Tech but seeing how Jazz is the sole Fenton alive and everything gets put under her name they decide to pull some strings in Gotham, using her breakdown in front of the Dean of the college she had been visiting when the news came to her, to get her sent to Arkham for her 'breakdown'
Once unlawfully placed in Arkham the GIW visit and try blackmail her into signing over rights to her parents inventions and tech and it would be a shame that her family and friends death effected her to the point she'll never be able to leave Arkham because she lost her mind. Basically this alarms Jazz and with some more words she gets the hints that her family and Danny's friends death wasn't an accident.
And the GIW was the reason why.
In anger Jazz goes to attack but is held back my guards and the GIW use this to get Jazz signed as 'insane' and 'unstable' and with some bribing and blackmail gets her tossed completely into Arkham.
....While in Arkham, her rage builds and bubbles.
She wants them dead. All of them. She wants every single one of them, all the GIW, to die by her hands.
But first she needs to prepare. She needs to plan. She can't go in a blind rage.
She was going to make them pay for everything.
She'll make them regret taking everything from her. And tossing her in Arkham was such a foolish thing to do. There are many she can learn from here, even if they don't teach her anything she has been good at observing.
A few months later, almost a year, rumors of the newest Crime Alley Crime Lord being sent to Arkham was the fastest rumor being spread in the place.
And teal eyes watched, curiously and gleaming with questions from her cell as the guards dragged a young man around her age to his own cell.
Teal meets blue and for a second both their eyes flashed green.
And for a moment Jazz felt the longing familiar feel of a fellow limenal present.
And Jason feels not alone anymore.
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dorianwolfforest · 1 year
Hello I can’t stop thinking about all the stuff Harry can just. Carry around. And therefor I’ve decided the frittte bag is actually a bag of holding.
“Please tell me you brought everything with you when we left.” Jean has barely stepped foot into the precinct when a realization seems to come over him. You’re not sure you understand. “The gun, for example. Please tell me you have all of your shit, on your person, with you, because I’m not driving you back.”
“Oh sure”, you say, raising the frittte bag you used to haul things around with you. “Should be in here.” You didn’t need to pack as you left, everything you picked up during the investigation, you would keep in the bag.
“Should be.” He repeats with barely concealed disdain. “Check.”
You stick your hand into the bag, fingers latching onto something cold and metallic. That’ll show them, you think, as you pull out… the Kvaalsund multi-tool. The gathered crowd stares in silent disbelief at the small, pathetic little plastic bag which had somehow held both the length and weight of the multi-tool. Okay, that wasn’t your gun. Try again. The chain cutters, prybar, and flashlight all come out as you fish around for metallic objects. Kim doesn’t mention that those are technically his and probably shouldn’t be in there at all. The rest of them blink slowly as a green monkey pen, a cube that looks too valuable not to sell for some kind of substance, and several tare bottles which you insist you found on the street, appear on the desk in rapid succession. You even fish out a board game that Judit picks up and looks over. She considers telling the rest of the precinct it could be a good bonding exercise, but the realization hits that the rest of the precinct would turn it into a drinking game. Kim must realize it too, because he doesn’t tell Judit how great Suzerainty is and how you should all play it sometime. You guess you’ll have to raise that brilliant idea to the group on your own.
Eventually you tire, and turn the bag upside-down. Piles upon piles of clothes, some worn, some not, all stolen, spill out in droves on your desk. Your badge lands gently on top. No one says anything. It’s too weird to say anything, as if reality itself will hear them point out that the bag shouldn’t be able to contain most of these things and realize what a conceptual horror exists within it. You stick your hand in one last time, and finally your fingers clasp around the barrel of your gun.
“Bada-bing, badaboom!” You shout, triumphantly, as you pull it out. Attached to the other end, as if glued to the handle, is a small child’s hand, followed by an arm. Cuno’s red hair and face follow the gun out of the frittte bag.
“Fuck does Cuno care! Finders keepers, pig.” He spits, and tries to pry your grip off of the gun. Was he attached to the gun when you put it in there, or did he crawl into the bag himself as you were about to leave?
It would be so fucking funny to let him go, INLAND EMPIRE whispers, it would be so funny to just drop the gun and let him run wild in the precinct. He could live in the walls, with a gun! You give Cuno a small smile, and he scowls back, questioning your intention. Clearly, you two aren’t on the same soundless communication wavelength yet, but Kim notices it. Jean notices it. As your hand loosens around the gun, they descend upon Cuno like wolves upon a chicken.
Kim’s “Absolutely not, officer!” and Jean’s “What the fuck do you think you’re doing!?” are drowned out as you bellow “RUN, CUNO, RUN!” And Cuno takes off, deep into the precinct, shrill laughter scattering against the halls like light bouncing off of a disco ball. Possibly never to be seen again. Yeah, you’re pretty proud of that decision.
LOGIC - “He definitely got in on his own. You would have noticed a child attached to your gun.”
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diwtara · 18 days
Iva is in the revolutionary army -> Robin spent her two years with the revolutionary army -> Robin knows where Sanji was during the two years and exactly what he was getting up to
You really cant hide anything from her
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teepussilakana · 8 days
thinking about how alice, celia and gwen have been late for work but we haven't heard of sam being late at all (correct me if i am wrong)
thinking about how gwen is going to try to be assertive and say that there is no excuse for being late
thinking about how alice is going to call colin and try to help him and fix something, anything - and probably hearing a buzz from somewhere in the office
thinking about how teddy was trying to ask for a favor from alice - returning to the job he had crawled out of - and how gwen will take him back immediately because she needs to be in control no matter what
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quecksilvereyes · 1 year
dialogue "i’ve seen greatness in you." for a lil lucy 👀
Little Lucy Pevensie comes back from the country a film that has been left in the sun for days. Perhaps forgotten. Her edges are smudged and her skin is overlit. Her eyes sit, deep dark channels, where once shone all the joy a little girl could fit behind her eyelids. As paper draped over a wooden frame and set alight, little Lucy Pevensie sits in her chair -
And waits.
Her nails are bloody. Her eyes are rimmed red. When she opens her mouth, out come words no one understands, torn open on the blades of her teeth. She frowns.
She tilts her head. When she smiles, there is an afterimage, as a film that was left exposed for too long. Here is little Lucy, chubby-cheeked and bare-faced, plucking dandelion seeds from their stem. Here is some shadow of a thing pulling human skin over razor blades, gone thin and translucent where it doesn't quite fit.
Staring at the wooden desk, fingering the knothole.
Little Lucy Pevensie does not speak when spoken to. She blinks. She frowns. She smiles. There is a scent, in the curl of her hair and in the ridges of her palms that is stronger the further the day goes on. In the mornings, it is a faint thing, as a sailor who speaks of the sea still, for years after he has left it. A whiff of salt when the wind is just right.
By the time the sun sits low on the horizon, little Lucy Pevensie smells of fish and seaweed. A cove that has been flooded for so long it retains the stink of rotten reeds and something dying still clinging onto rock even when the tide leaves it dry and salt-crusted. Algae covered floors and mussel covered walls cradling that last bit of water that can never leave. A salt crust so thick it breaks in sharp edges.
The sea boils under the afternoon sun until the tide washes back in.
Lucy Pevensie sits at her desk and waits. In the right light, her hands are forced shut and dripping white. Her collarbones scrape against her skin in an angle so wrong it hurts to look at. When she wets her cracked lips with her tongue, it is a live thing. A pier left flooded for centuries. A sunken ship.
A flash. An opened hole. One-and-two-and.
Lucy Pevensie is chubby-cheeked and bare-faced. She is youngest of four and worships her older siblings with all her little heart. She plucks dandelion seeds from their stems. Her tongue is pink as a blooming peony. The freckles on her nose are faded, and when she smiles, there are gaps in between her teeth.
"Can you understand me?", asks her teacher.
"Adam's flesh lays bare Adam's bone", says Lucy, and scrapes her fingernails over the tiny bit of bark that wasn't removed when this table was built. In a hurry, surely. "There is none other who can bare the weight."
"Lucy", says her teacher. "The apples. How many have you got if you give ten to Imogen?"
"I've seen greatness in you", says Lucy. "There will be ballads singing of the shape of your teeth when all this has turned to rubble. Are you not proud?" She tilts her head. She smiles.
On the photograph, her eyes are white with froth.
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sometimesanequine · 28 days
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drawing some of my huntnjump horsies, this is shrike and i love him, he's a classic champagne dun and he is my child
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foolishlywandwaving · 2 years
one of the joys of dumping tom marvolo riddle into 1990s london is the knowledge that he has no choice but to encounter the spice girls
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jakeperalta · 2 years
if taylor is doing two surprise songs per night without any repeats then by the time she gets to the international dates we're gonna be getting like christmas must be something more and willow (dancing witch remix)
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the-herdier · 16 days
Reading The Promised Neverland right now and DAMN Ray, you SCARY smart.
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doginprogress · 11 months
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Ponzi stole Evie’s spot in the chair
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queenharumiura · 1 year
Continued from: [x] @whiskeysmultimuse
Haru had always suspected this would happen eventually, with his continued exposure to loud sounds from either gunfire or his own explosives. Damage to his hearing was to be expected, but to witness it firsthand when he can barely hear her was an experience she didn’t think would happen so soon. She started to panic at the thought that from this incident that he could be deaf, and it would be because of her no less.
She can’t seem to form any coherent sounds or words from her panic, and that should be obvious if he had any skills at lip-reading. She finally makes a hand movement to denote he should wait a moment. She rummages through her bag and pulls out some earbuds and puts them into his ear and starts playing music. She researched that a lot of patients suffering from tinnitus have found that music, particularly classical passages that didn’t have wide variations in amplitude helped. She looked into what some patients recommended, and she had a separate folder inside of her phone set aside, just in case. She’d hoped to never have to use it, though. Not like this.
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She didn’t know if this would help him at all, but she hoped it would. The fear that he’d go deaf, the anxiety of the situation itself and the guilt of this happening because he was helping her was too much at the moment and she couldn’t help but cry. He probably couldn’t hear her, and he wouldn’t be able to read her lips since she looked away from him, but she kept muttering ‘I’m sorry’. She was panicked.  
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fanstuffrantings · 6 months
I'm just saying if Cinder actually killed a well loved member of the faculty to steal her identity, flawlessly integrated herself into the daily life at haven while also securing spots in the academy for her subordinates, made it so that Lionheart was aware of what she'd done to strike fear into him and ensure he wouldn't act against her as she secured her position constantly near him, and eventually made it ao that she was the faculty head representing Haven at the Vytal festival with Lionheart's approval; that would instantly make her more horrifying and calculating while also setting her up amazingly as an act 1 villain. And the fact that she was under orders would've actually made Salem's reveal more effective and instilled a foreboding feeling in the viewer as we think "if this was only one of salem's subordinates, how bad are the others?"
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