queer-reader-07 · 10 months
i love when people seemingly do everything in their power to interpret what you’re saying in the most bad faith way possible. it’s so fun and nice. (sarcasm)
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t4tdanvis · 11 months
I hate it when people decide a ship’s bland because it’s popular.
i come up with ships inside my own little bubble. its up to god whether i latch onto something super popular or that no one has ever even heard of
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catgirl-kaiju · 2 years
Just curious, what's the "pink scare"?
I misspoke; I was referring to the Lavender Scare.
The Lavender Scare was an American political movement that lasted roughly from 1947 to 1956, paralleling the 2nd Red Scare. It was largely helmed by Joe McCarthy and Roy Cohn and was a targeted campaign of political attack against queer people. The reasoning behind it was that gay men and lesbians constituted a threat against national security because their "subversive behavior" (not being straight) meant they somehow had strong connections to communism and, therefore, the USSR.
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The movement resulted the outing and firing of hundreds of queer people from government jobs (ranging from politicians, clerks, military personnel, and contractors working with the government) with the State Department reporting that by 1953, they had fired 425 people under allegations of homosexuality. It also resulted in Dwight D. Eisenhower's Executive Order 10450, which fully barred any "homosexuals" from working any positions in the federal government.
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EO 10450 was partially repealed in 1975 largely in response to young men using claims of homosexuality to dodge the Vietnam draft, and again in 1995 when the Bill Clinton administration instituted the "Don't Ask Don't Tell" policy for military personnel. It wasn't fully and completely repealed until 1998 with the Bill Clinton passing Executive Order 13087, which prohibited any such discrimination in federal employment and wasn't EXPLICITLY repealed until Barack Obama's Executive Order 13764 wich took effect in 2017.
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The cultural effect was an amplification of pre-existing societal homophobia to violent extremes and the promotion of the idea that queer people are inherently dangerous to "American freedom and democracy". Fun fact, Roy Cohn was actually a gay man who was very openly in sexual and romantic relationships with many men, even during The Lavender Scare, bit considered himself to be different from other gay men, basically because he was a dominant top. He died of AIDS while being part of the federal government's inaction campaign in response to the pandemic.
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If you want to read more about it, the Wikipedia page is a decent place to start.
The point I was making in regards to there being a 2nd Lavender Scare happening right now is in reference to the growing wave of targeted transphobic policies and violence from the political right and the liberal inaction in response to it.
I'd say that this new Lavender Scare started in 2017 with Trump's banning of trans people from entering the military and has continued to the present day when it is rapidly escalating with no end in sight.
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The main characteristics of this new scare, in my opinion are:
A targeting of trans people, gender non-conformity, and drag performance as subversive elements in society that pose a danger to the "traditional family", christian hegemony, and the wellbeing of children.
The platforming of extremist right-wing propaganda from various sources in mainstream media and political discourse, which all spout unified transphobic talking points that inspire discriminatory policies and violence through stochastic terrorism.
Transphobic policies being passed into law at a rapid pace on the state level in multiple states, with little to no federal intervention. (This refers to the US specifically)
Domestic stochastic terrorist attacks on queer spaces that prominently feature and support trans communities and drag performance, which are inspired by transphobic right-wing propaganda.
The boosting of TERF voices who pitch the same transphobic talking points as the right, from a pseudo-leftist perspective that serves as an alternate route of attack in the insemination of violent transphobia into the mainstream. (This is especially prevalent in the UK)
The "groomer" narrative, which links trans people, gender non-conformity, and drag performance to pedophilia in an effort to evoke strong emotional reactions from misinformed people prone to bigotry and reactionary thinking. This tactic can also be seen in action with the Q-Anon conspiracy cult.
Utilizing trans people, gender non-conformity, and drag performance as scapegoats for economic decline, political unrest, and poor quality of life in order to disract from the systems actually responsible for these problems.
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Armed Proud Boy protest against the Holi-Drag Storytime in Columbus, Ohio, and counter protesters protecting the event.
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Protesters against Florida's "Don't Say Gay" bill
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Link to article
I would also like to add that unlike the 1st Lavender Scare, this is not just an American phenomenon but part of a clear and roughly coordinated multinational right-wing movement and is presenting just as prevalently in the UK (albeit in a slightly different form). It is dangerous to leave this reactionary movement unstated and unnamed, lest is become normalized.
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Tolkien's Legendarium in the Modern World
It has been over 100 years since Tolkien first began his work on Middle Earth with the first draft verses of Luthien and Beren's story and the world has changed much in that time. Tolkien never published most of Legendarium until the end of his life he continued to draft and redraft its stories, and this begets the question of what Tolkien would have wished a completed Legendarium to look like and what I would have liked the Legendarium to be.
I personally disagree with most of Professor Tolkien's political opinions. While I do not think he was ever mean spirited, to the grave he carried with him many old fashioned ideas that while not quite bigoted in themselves, underpinned a lot of bigoted talking points. For example after people wrote to him about the troubling implications of his Dwarves on the Jewish people, Tolkien in response changed his depiction and mythology about Dwarves, he genuinely tried to do better. However what he never corrected was the view was that there were inherent differences between the different kinds of people of the world. Giving minorities a positive stereotype is not necessarily a good thing (hardworking, good with money, etc.). It feeds into the model minority myth that pits minorities against each other and acts as a rallying point for white supremacists that X minority is a threat to the white race.
The more racist parts of the Legendarium however are not the Dwarves but the descriptions of the Lesser Men, the Men of Darkness. There exists this hierarchy of the types of Men with the enlightened and European-like High Men such as the D��nedain at the top, followed by the Middle Men or Men of Twilight like the Rohirrim or most of the other European-like Men, and at the bottom are the Men of Darkness those groups of men who fell under the control of Sauron (note how the European men were wise/strong enough to fight off Evil but the other types weren't) like the Haradrim, the Hill-men and others who are described with racist language that was also used to describe Middle Eastern peoples, African peoples, and really anyone Europeans considered a savage. Yikes, let's just scrub that, it would be impossible to rid the Legendarium of the eurocentrism but I would at least remove the most racist parts. Nor would I want to remove all of the Eurocentrism, Tolkien after all was directly inspired by European literature and epics, that is the literary ancestry of the Legendarium and I would not discredit it.
It is not bad for works to include racism or other sensitive topics, I would instead turn the Eurocentrism present in the Legendarium into a commentary on the ignorance of Middle Earth on the rest of Arda and the woes of a limited perspective. This idea was present in some drafts, that the entirety of the Legendarium was a story told to a human sailor that had washed up on the shores of Tol Eressëa and thus what the audience sees is actually a story within a story, thus making all the biases of the Legendarium the biases of that in universe storyteller. Of what Tolkien ever drafted, most of it is Noldorian history or history recorded by those associated with the Noldor. We barely hear mention of the Elves that refused the Great Journey presumably because the Noldor did not care for the histories of those people, placing themselves (Eldar and Calaquendi) above the Avari. Even the words used to describe groups of Elves are primarily Noldorian (or High Elvish) or Sindarian (normal Elvish) and the Sindar were greatly influenced by Thingol who saw the light of the Trees and Melian who was a Maia. Much of the Lord of the Rings is told from the perspective of Middle Earth (Gondor, Elrond, Hobbits), instead of completely eliminating the racism I would tone it down and make it more clear that the racism present if a product of the in story authors and their perspectives. Another option though I am not as fond of it and it would be harder to do is to lean into the bigotry, confirm that it is baked into the universe and thus lean more heavily into the tragedy that all the character's live in a universe there racism and a lack of free will are inherent parts of the fabric or reality and inescapable (more on this later).
There's many social issues I could talk about here, but for me what is most blatantly chaffing is the Catholicism. Tolkien's Legendarium is a Catholic work. Professor Tolkien himself was devotedly Catholic and traditionally Catholic, and that undercurrent of Catholicism permeates every aspect of the Legendarium. The Catholicism shows up everywhere from the mythos have a one true god that is a all powerful, all knowing, and benevolent creator, to how weird the Legendarium is about divorce (like a divorce had the butterfly effect causing most of the First Age's problems), discussions of morality and free will are very much made with Catholic theology in mind, the Catholic focus on purity, marriage is a sacred act between two soulmates destined for each other, sex is what makes a marriage real, and divorce is evil. It would be impossible to remove all the Catholicism and have the Legendarium to still be recognizable. As someone who recognizes the sheer amount of cultural destruction Christianity has wrought upon this world, if I were to rewrite the Legendarium, to create its ideal form, I would tone down the Catholic-ness of it though not entirely eliminate it, the question is how.
In the Legendarium, alignment with Eru Ilúvatar's will equates good and to turn away is to be evil. Melkor, Sauron, and Saruman are all examples of this, all three started out wanted to do good, to improve the lives of the people of Arda. For example in the beginning of the universe Melkor wasn't out for destruction and suffering, no what he wanted was freedom of will and choice, individuality. It was in defying Ilúvatar that he was corrupted because Ilúvatar's will is good and to rebel against it is to do evil, good and fix are fixed universal constants in Arda. I personally am fascinated by the inherent existentialist themes present in the Legendarium's cosmology. If there is a fixed path before each person and to stray from it means to become cosmologically evil, what is the moral thing to do? The relationship between creator and created, Elves and Dwarves were designed for a purpose what does it mean to fulfill that purpose or nature? Ilúvatar's Theme as first envisioned was never realized, Arda was created marred, suffering and discomfort are inherent aspects to existence on Arda. Similar themes can be found in other existentialist series such as the NieR games. Elves in Arda are bound to it, they cannot escape their fates even in death, their very essences are tied to the fate of Arda. It is curious then that humans are the sole beings that can escape Illuvatar's will and the fate of Arda, the have what Morgoth sorely coveted, the freedom to individually choose how to live their lives, The Gift of Man. I would keep this aspect even if it does still reek of Catholicism.
This brings us to one of the pivotal events of the First Age, The Finwë Divorce Saga. Tolkien himself wrote that he did not intend the Legendarium to be a Catholic allegory mostly because he hated allegories, but the man was so deeply Catholic that it just permeated everything he created. One could view The War of the Jewels as a cautionary tale of how divorce is evil and will only cause trouble to everyone even if Tolkien did not intend that specific reading, his views on marriage and divorce still leaked through. But Feanor and his family drama is such a keystone to the events of the First Age that the entirety of that era cannot exist without him. What I would do then in a rewrite is shift the narrative blame away from Finwe and Miriel and over to the Valar. The problems that followed were primarily because of the Valar mishandling the situation, not that Miriel and Finwe wanted a divorce. Hints of this interpretation already exist in The Silmarillion and HOME so its not that I would be creating something new so much as shifting emphasis.
This would also necessitate making the Elves less Catholic as Elf culture is very Catholic. Because Elven spirits (fea) are tied to the fate of Arda they are immortal so long as the world exists, unlike humans when Elves die their spirits do not leave the world, so their loved ones and partners are not truly gone. To each elf, they have one true soulmate and thus their marriages are eternal, until the end of existence. I would just get rid of this or at least tone it down, remove some of the mysticism or marriage being a literal magic bond. For one I feel what the Elves do takes away the true joy and uniqueness of each romantic relationship, that it is something people chose, that people chose each other and they could have chosen differently. I think Tolkien wanted to highlight the unchanging eternal nature of his Elves, because to support divorce would mean acknowledging that people and feelings change (just like his marriage, yes I said it, in their later years John and Edith lived lives that little to do with each other even if they shared a house). There is something to believing that because each soul is inherently and immutably good, every single person can be saved no matter how far they fall because its impossible for that base nature to change. I do not believe that, but even if it were true (which would fit the cosmology as discussed above), that does not discount all the "surface" level changes a person can undergo. Take Maedhros one of my favorite characters for example, even if he had an unchanging immortal soul or whatever Catholics are calling it these days, his behavior changed. Maedhros had all the set up of a classical hero (eldest son of a storied and prestigious lineage, skilled at both pen and sword, a diplomat, a leader, loyal, determined), and his story is about him failing to become that hero and just becoming worse over time to where by the end he's killing innocents and people fighting against the great Evil, and he commits the ultimate sin of killing himself (also suicide being a sin is very Catholic).
Other's have discussed the problems with depictions of women in the Legendarium but to cover a couple major points, the Legendarium just lacks women there are barely any female characters, and of the women present it's like they are only allowed to act within the bounds of traditional European femininity. Take for example Luthien who is probably the single most powerful non-Maia in the series (well she is half but she's counted among the elves), and yet her power in the story manifests solely through traditionally feminine domains like weaving. This on its own would not be a problem, women are allowed to like feminine things and Luthien has a lot of agency within her story, the problem is that there are so few women in the Legendarium and they are all like this, what powers they have always coming from the feminine sphere.
And of course because the Legendarium is a Catholic work the concept of purity is tied to morality and applied to women. Through reading many different drafts and letters Galadrieal can likely be suspected of being one of Tolkien's favorites. Her role in the Swearing of the Oath and First Kinslaying at Alqualondë vary drastically between drafts. In earlier drafts she sided with Feanor and the Noldor and though she did not swear the Oath of Feanor and thus doom herself, in these earlier drafts she is counted among the leaders of the Noldor revolt and like them is exiled from Aman. In other drafts she alternately does not participate in the attack on Alqualondë or even fights with her mother's brethren the Teleri against Feanor's forces, in some she crosses the Ice with Fingolfin's forces and in a particular draft she has nothing to do with the Exile of the Noldor and comes to Middle Earth by her own boat for her own means the timing just so happens to coincidentally line up. Generally in later drafts Tolkien bends over backwards to make exceptions for Galadrial so that she commits less sins and remains pure, he removes her rebellion against the divine and associations with the Exiled Noldor and thus retcons the most interesting aspect of her character in order to keep her unstained. This is one of two time where I have a strong preference for earlier drafts of the Legendarium (the other is draft epilogue where The Lord of the Rings ends with Sam looking back before closing the door as he hears the whisper of Aman on the wind). Those later drafts do a massive disservice to her character. Galadriel's whole character arc is that she starts off a headstrong, prideful, rebellious princess who want a kingdom of her own because she wants the power to rule over other people and through the devastation of the First and Second Ages she mellows out to become one of the wisest people in Middle Earth who would look power in the face and say no, who rules to serve and protect the people in her kingdom. Galadriel is so much more if Tolkien allows her to make mistakes when she was younger, to carry the guilt of what she enabled and allowed or perhaps participated in and have that weight shape her for the better. Then her actions in Middle Earth become not about how she was always good and pure, they become about redemption and taking the marred and the ugly and making something worthwhile out of it.
Éowyn the one character who noticeably steps beyond the boundaries for women, gets shoved back into traditional femininity at the end of her story, choosing to leave the battlefield to tend hearth and home. Now this likely was not intentional on Professor Tolkien's part. What he intended was a continuation of his anti-war stance seen throughout his works. World War I was brutal and massive shock to the world, recent innovations in technology made killing easier and faster, so while not the bloodiest conflict in history it was an abrupt wake up to the traditional modes of war. Soldiers went out and were slaughtered, most of Tolkien's tight-knit friend-group died in that war. On the battlefield Tolkien found no glory or honor, all he saw were the horrors of war, the human cost and the purposeless suffering inflicted. His anti-war stance can been seen most clearly outside the Legendarium in The Homecoming of Beorhtnoth Beorhthelm's Son which is a dialectic between an veteran soldier and a new soldier. Within The Lord of the Rings we see this is how Sam in the true hero of this story, in how hobbits value peace and good food over war or politics, in how the best men like Aragorn and Faramir are peaceful and would rather choose the pen over the sword. We see this most strongly in "The Scouring of the Shire" which arguably is the most thematically poignant part of The Lord of the Rings, because the a person's story does not end with the battle, sometimes war never ends for some people, and yet there are things worth fighting for in this world. War is terrible, but sometimes we have to fight to protect the simple good things in the world and it is not some destined hero that will save us but ordinary people rising to the occasion together. However it is incredibly conspicuous that the only major female character shown on the battlefield was the one forced to carry this narrative of putting down her sword to take care of a household. There are dozens of men in this story that fight in the War of the Ring and we do not see any of them retiring from fighting and choosing domesticity. It would have been so powerful if Tolkien chosen her brother the war chief Eomer to carry this message, imagine if it were him who came from a warrior culture and becomes warrior-king who chose to put down his sword and forswear fighting. So yes I would have rewritten Eowyn's ending, let malewife Faramir have his kickass girlboss wife. Let Eowyn's arc be her fielding herself out of despair and a desire to prove herself, and her character development learning that she is more powerful than she thought and that she will continue to wield the sword in service of Rohan, her people, and in service of peace.
Now I have typed some 3000 words about what I would change and why so let me end on some of the things I would keep the same for I love the Legendarium dearly and I would preserve far more than I would change. I would keep the hope and love that is written into these stories. I would keep that there is beauty in this world, there is good in friends and family. I would keep the awe and wonder for the natural world, that mountains and forests and streams can be their own characters. I would keep the sense of magic, not in the sense of spellcasting and sword and sorcery style magic, but that wonder and joy for the world that makes everything magical. I would keep that life is a journey and all you have to do is take the first step out your front door. I would keep the believably that this is just an untold forgotten history and like it there are still many mysteries in the world. I would keep the wide scale of continents and forces beyond us moving to their own stories. Tolkien crafted the Legendarium out of love, from that first poem about the woman he was in love with, to his love of philology stories and creation, Arda was made with love. In the Legendarium is deep love of the world, the natural world and the people that inhabit it, in here is hope too that no matter what evils plague the world there is still good there too in the hearts of the most ordinary person.
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zozoubbb · 9 months
i cant even express how much i dislike the " terrible people deserve certain punishments that i dont think that are okay for people who arent 'terrible'" line of thought. from certain punishments, that means lots of things, but im mainly talking about violence and what people may call "karma". in my point of view, karma should be about consequences, not punishment and suffering. this line of thought sometimes is also used to dismiss a person identity or make bigotred comments toward them, like when people misgender and deadname a trans person who has shitty views/ stands, or uses a weight of a person as something negative to humiliate someone who has harmed others. this thinking only serves to ignore nuance and set things as black and white, or "8 ou 80" how we say in Brazil.
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lizardbytheriver · 1 year
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Steven Crowder said a Woman had an "aggressively asian face". One of Crowder's friends/coworkers said he wished she "kept her fan". Just very, very bizarre racism. "Aggressively Asian", "Americanized Asian", and "Full Asian", what do those terms even mean? Cause there's just Asian People with different looks and ethnicities.
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jinsei-pika-pika · 2 years
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bibitobibito · 3 years
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short wolf image. . . . #ブリーチカラー #ダブルカラー #透明感カラー  #初カラー #初ブリーチ #エンダースキーマ #トゥデイフル #todayful #henderscheme #toga #togapulla #togavirilis #トーガ #アメリヴィンテージ #amerivintage #原宿美容室 #perverze #leinwande #soduk #bigotre #ウルフカット #ショートウルフ #マッシュウルフ #ミディアムウルフ #ロングウルフ #レイヤーカット #インナーカラー #ハイライトカラー #コントラストカラー #デザインカラー (bibito) https://www.instagram.com/p/CSRW768June/?utm_medium=tumblr
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droptokyo · 4 years
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Name: Ayana
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yousuke1980 · 5 years
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straight eyebrows and rainy day for @bigotre_official 2020ss make up by me #fashion #makeup #eyebrows #straighteyebrows #rainyday #bigotre #bag #hotel #city #thankful #goodteam (Tokyo, Japan) https://www.instagram.com/p/B7OFmLqDxUY/?igshid=1cjy6n1xl6zn6
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unknownentry404 · 3 years
What if the Boiling Isles is a metaphor for being LGBT+, as well as being out and proud?
Trigger Warning: discussion of IRL queerphobia and family/society rejection.
It’s like, Luz doesn’t fit in “at home” (in the closet). She’s unhappy and misunderstood, has no friends and is often bullied, (as can be seen from her reaction to the thought of being perceived as “acting weird”, and her fear of other human teens).
Her mother loves her, of course.* And is her one ally in the Human World, if only behind closed doors. But also, she wants Luz to fit into said box and “grow up.” (Which also fits into the gay conversion camp metaphor many people see, in Camila trying to send Luz away). Which is ultimately what ends up hurting Luz and pushing her away.
And then, Luz goes to the Boiling Isles (comes out / leaves her hometown, lbr). She finds and makes a new family of friends who love and accept her. Her own group of weirdos. And is happy and feels at home for the first time in her life.
But, that doesn’t mean being here (out and proud) doesn’t have its own explicit set of dangers, (phobia, hate crimes, etc). She’s often in danger from outside, malignant forces that want to kill her (goddamit can’t this world change). As well as an oppressive government regime out for her blood (*cries in queer*).
Camila sees all this, and wants Luz back and away from it. She just wants Luz “to be safe,” and, in her ignorance, sees the Boiling Isles as the “real threat” rather than the people within both it and the human world that cause such danger. I mean, magic is a gift from the Titan, right? The Boiling Isles (queerness) itself is not the problem. And being forced away from it would do more harm to Luz than anything, through the loss of her new loved ones and her own true expression and acceptance of herself.
(But yeah, also: just how many queer people have been disowned by parents who, when their kids came out to them, are also the ones to stress over how the world “will hurt said children because of their queerness”? When their rejection is are often the one thing that hurts their children the most? Unpoetic irony).
Obviously the solution to all this isn’t to never see her mother again. She wants and misses her mother. But in order to be able to reunite with her, Camila has to learn to accept Luz and support her the right way. Maybe the end result will be visiting her mother at weekends, or her mother visiting her, or even moving to the Demon Realm herself. Or the Demon Realm and the Human World combining/uniting. (True acceptance). But it’s never going to be Luz returning to the Human Realm for good, and only ever visiting the Demon Realm instead, leaving behind her friends and her schooling.
But yeah, this post isn’t very polished, but this idea just piped into my head when I was looking at the difference between Camilla’s words (“I promise it’ll be better”) vs what Luz heard from it (“never go to that place again.”) Obviously the metaphor isn’t the end all be all, but I do think it is intentionally a part of what Dana and the crew are trying to say and do. Plus it’s a nice metaphor that can also be applied to a lot of other things, like being Neurodivergent.
*Note: My own feelings on Camila are complicated, as I see a lot of warning signs that relate to my own upbringing. She’s obviously not Odalia guys! BUT, she’s also currently on a slippery path in regards to where she stands with Luz. A knifes edge, if you will. She has the capacity to go either way in regards to how she will go on treating/caring for Luz. I ultimately think TOH will redeem her and help her learn the error of her ways, which were caused out of true ignorance, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t learn from and acknowledge her flaws and how they will and have affected Luz.
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dragynkeep · 2 years
“how could you write james & ruby that’s so problematic”
looks at my wips
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dabhair · 5 years
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#Repost @hiromi_nishinaka with @get_repost ・・・ ・ @voguegirljapan のスナップに載せていただきました。 ・ ニットはお気に入りの @perverze_official バッグ @bigotre_official パンツ @1977circa サングラス @diff_limen ⬅︎オススメな古着屋さん👀✨ photo @saeka_adamiss #hair#fashion#vogue#voguegirljapan#perverze #bigotre #77circa #ブリーチパーマ https://www.instagram.com/dab_hair/p/BxZU37BHTwV/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=1j5zsn7tqcynf
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oyster1999 · 6 years
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just-an-enby-lemon · 2 years
This post is different for my normal posts. It is a rant about TERFs and one of the miriad ways in each they are wrong and fill my heart with anger. If you are a TERF please block me. And if you are trigerred by transphobia and TERF discourse, I wish you the best, but also this post isn't for you (we will he back to the silly batman things soon) keep scrowling, find better blogs.
Anyway TERFS piss me off.
Like all they say are just soo wrong. And was talked about for soo many people, all smarter and better than me.
But there is a particular thing people often don't talk about: the adultification of trans woman. As an example I recently saw a video where a terf used the old and stupid conservative tatic of "think of the childrem" by saying more or less this words (I'm evoking them for memory): "If I sended my 5th grader daugther to a summer camp and discovered there was a man calling himself a woman sharing sleeping in her cabin, showering with her, he would be in jail. Firstly my husband would beat him up and them he would be in jail."
Now there are a miriad of problems with this rethoric, but a thing that draw my attencion was that she is talking about a 5th grader summer camp and so her speach can mean only two things:
1. She would be totaly fine with a grown woman sharing the cabin with the kids, sleeping and showering with them as long as this adult in the mist of 10-11yo was cis. Wich I think is weird. Why would you see no problem with a 40 yo woman showering with a bunch of ten year olds? And what kindda of weird summer camp even let the monitors sleep and shower with the childrem? They have their own private cabins for a reason.
2. Or this hypoteticall "man" is a 10 year old transgirl. In this case she is saying she thinks is okay for her husband to beat up a child and that after the same kid should be locked up in jail. Not even juvie. Jail. This ten years old comited such an awfull crime by existing and being herself that she deserves to be beaten bloddy (by an adult man) and throwed in jail. Because nothing says "down with the patriarchy" more than grow man beating up and locking alway a little girl for the crime of being different, I guess.
I do belive the second option is more likely what the TERF wanted to say (or she is stupid and dodn't really though his analogy through, as always in 50/50 in the game of malice or stupidy with this people). That she ignored the consequences and used the word man with so much enphasis because to people like her trans woman are pedophiles, they can't be kids because they are dirty and evil and sexual abusers who attack our woman and childrem and all this bigotred bs. This is the image she belives and so is the image she wants to sell people. And to do that she was to see this imaginary transgirl as a random adult man that only her can see. That while everyone is seing a kid, she can see the harmfull monster behind it, she can see how this can't be a child. Because the thing in her fantasy her husband is beating a pedo, a slimy, creepy, adult man pretending to be a little girl and that is the narrative she will tell and a lot of people will be afraid and agree without realizing that what they are actually agreing with is that her husband should beat up a little girl, that this adult man should be beating a 5th grader bloddy while his wife and other bigots sheer.
We talk a lot about how TERFS infantilize trans man (I even like to joke that between being a transman and autistic most upper class white woman must see me as a literal toddler) but we often forget to talk about how they adultific young transwoman and how this narrative exists as a way to further the non-sensical and damaging narrative that transwoman are predators and pedophiles.
Just to end in a nicer place: trans woman are woman, trans man are man, nb people are valid and no form of queer identy turns someone into a predator or a pedophile. We are just people trying to live our lifes with basic human dignity and if anyone has a problem against it they are the disgusting weirdos.
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