#billy harris count your days
gubler-garbage · 1 year
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Hi hun. If you’re taking requests could you write something about dadrry maybe something where they have another baby and their first kid starts to act out and get jealous.
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Jealous Baby Styles.
masterlist || ask me anything <3
blurb masterlist is here.
word count -
in which, five days ago, you and harry welcomed another little baby into the world, but the blissful baby bubble isn’t all it turns out to be when you have a toddler as well.
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Sitting on the cosy sofa with your husband, Harry, and your four-year-old daughter, Marlie, you find yourselves in a whirlwind of emotions and exhaustion. Just five days ago, you and Harry welcomed your precious baby boy, Billie, into the world. As you sit together, Marlie is the furthest away from you, engrossed in her iPad, while you hold Billie close in your arms.
At this moment, you're dressed in nothing but a sports bra and shorts, accompanied by a postpartum nappy that reminds you of the physical toll your body has endured. Your hair, untamed and unwashed, reflects the lack of time you've had for self-care since Billie's arrival. The need for a shower looms over you, but finding the time seems impossible.
The exhaustion is palpable, etched onto your face and seeping into your bones. Five days of little sleep have taken their toll, as you struggle to get more than three hours of rest at a time. Napping is a luxury you can't afford, for you have a toddler to look after alongside your newborn.
Despite the weariness, there's a deep sense of joy and fulfilment within your heart. As you sit on the sofa, the love in the room wraps around you, providing strength amidst the exhaustion. Harry's gaze is filled with admiration and unwavering support, offering reassurance in this challenging phase. Marlie occasionally glances up from her digital world to shower her baby brother with smiles, a testament to the bond forming between them.
Amidst the chaos and messiness of this phase, you find solace in the unity of your family. The sacrifices you make—sleepless nights, dishevelled appearance—are small prices to pay for the overwhelming love and fulfilment that parenthood brings. You draw strength from each other's presence, knowing that this stage, although demanding, is temporary.
You find yourself dozing off on the sofa, the weight of fatigue pulling at your eyelids as Billie rests peacefully in your arms. Just as sleep threatens to overtake you, your husband speaks up.
"Hey, love," Harry gently says, his voice breaking through your drowsiness. "Y'should go upstairs and lie down for a while."
You stir, feeling torn. As a breastfeeding mother, you can’t help but worry that Billie might wake up hungry and need a feed. The thought of leaving him even for a short while makes you hesitant.
"But what if 'he needs to eat?" You express your concern, looking at Harry with tired eyes.
Harry's reassuring voice comforts you. "Don't worry, darlin'. There's pumped milk in the fridge. If 'e gets hungry, I'll take care of it."
Your mind races, contemplating the logistics of it all. Harry would have to manage both Marlie and Billie while you catch up on some much-needed rest. It feels overwhelming', but Harry remains steadfast.
"I don't get up for the night feeds because y'breastfeed 'im," Harry reminds you. "I'm only responsible for changin' nappies. Y'deserve a nap. Let me handle things for a while."
Reluctantly, you give in, nodding your head in agreement. The weight of exhaustion and the realisation that you desperately need rest outweigh your concerns. Trusting Harry to care for both Marlie and Billie, you surrender to the idea of stealing' a precious moment of sleep.
And with that nod, the scene concludes, leaving you with the anticipation of the rest you so desperately need.
Once you've nodded, Harry gently takes Billie from your tired arms, causing the little one to stir slightly at the movement. With a soft whisper of reassurance, Harry slowly lowers him into the cozy bassinet placed in the front room.
"Don't worry, mate," Harry whispers to Billie, his voice soothing. "I've just gotta help y’mama get upstairs. You'll be alright."
Meanwhile, Harry turns his attention to Marlie, who is engrossed in her playtime on her ipad. "Marlie, m’love," he says, trying to engage her. "Y’keep an eye on y’baby brother, alright?"
Marlie, fully immersed in her imaginative world, remains focused on her screen and doesn't respond to Harry's words. However, both you and Harry are too preoccupied with ensuring a smooth transition upstairs to give much thought to her lack of response.
Harry offers his strong and supportive arm, helping you up each step of the staircase. You're still feeling the lingering discomfort from giving birth, and his gentle whispers of reassurance provide a comforting backdrop to your ascent.
"It's alright, m’love," Harry murmurs, his voice filled with tenderness. "Just take it easy. We'll get y’settled in no time."
As you reach the top of the stairs, Harry guides you into the peaceful sanctuary of your master bedroom. He lovingly pulls back the soft duvet, creating a welcoming space for you to find comfort. With careful attention, he assists you in getting cosy, ensuring you're nestled in just the right way.
Leaning down, Harry presses a tender kiss to the top of your head, a gesture filled with love and support. His presence is a soothing balm, reminding you that you're not alone in this journey.
"Rest well, m’beautiful," Harry whispers, his voice carrying a mix of affection and concern. "Is there anything else y’need before I head back downstairs?"
Taking a moment to gather your thoughts, you assure him that you have everything you require nearby. The essentials are within reach, and you're grateful for his attentiveness.
"No, I think I have everything I need," you reply, feeling the warmth of his care enveloping you. "Thank you, baby."
With a final loving gaze, Harry bids you farewell and heads back down the stairs. You watch him go, appreciating the support he provides as he tends to the needs of your growing family.
As Harry descends the stairs, a cheerful voice calls out to him, filling the house with excitement. It's Marlie, eager to have her daddy join in the playtime fun.
"Daddy, come play with me!" Marlie's voice resonates through the living room, brimming with anticipation.
Harry's heart melts at his daughter's request. With the arrival of their baby boy, he recognizes the importance of making sure Marlie feels loved and included. A warm smile spreads across his face as he joins her on the floor, ready to embark on a Barbie-filled adventure.
"F’course, sweetheart!" Harry replies, his voice infused with enthusiasm. "Who do we have here today? What's your Barbie's name?"
Marlie giggles with delight, holding up a doll with a vibrant purple dress. "This is Princess Lily!" she exclaims, her eyes shining with excitement.
Harry joins in the fun, adopting a high-pitched voice for his Barbie doll. "Well, hello there, Princess Lily! It's an honor to meet you. Shall we go on a grand quest together?"
Marlie claps her hands, her imagination taking flight. "Yes, Daddy! Princess Lily needs to find the hidden treasure in the enchanted forest!"
And so, father and daughter dive into the world of make-believe, crafting intricate storylines and creating magical moments. Their voices fill the room as they bring their Barbie dolls to life, each character imbued with unique personalities and aspirations.
Harry leans into the role, using exaggerated gestures and a playful tone to captivate Marlie's imagination. "Princess Lily, fear not! With my trusty unicorn steed, we shall journey through the enchanted forest and overcome any challenges that come our way!"
Marlie's eyes sparkle with delight as she continues the story. "Yes, Daddy! And Princess Lily is brave and kind, just like you!"
Harry's heart swells with pride, cherishing these precious moments with his daughter. As they play, their laughter fills the air, creating a symphony of joy and connection.
As the game unfolds, Marlie introduces new twists and turns, each narrative becoming more whimsical than the last. Harry is fully engaged, actively listening and responding to Marlie's ideas, allowing her creativity to flourish.
"Daddy, look! Princess Lily found a magic wand!" Marlie exclaims, waving a tiny plastic wand in the air.
Harry gasps dramatically. "Oh my goodness, Princess Lily! With that magic wand, you can bring smiles to everyone's faces and spread happiness throughout the kingdom!"
Their playtime continues, with Harry and Marlie exploring the depths of their imagination. They share laughter, engage in heartfelt conversations, and build a bond that transcends the mere moments spent on the floor.
As the playtime reaches its vibrant peak, a sudden cry pierces the air, interrupting the magical atmosphere. Billie, nestled in his bassinet, demands attention, and Harry knows he must momentarily step away to tend to his newborn son.
"Mar, m’love, I need to go check on Billie for a moment," Harry gently explains, his voice filled with concern. "He's crying, and I have to make sure he's alright."
Marlie's face scrunches up, her brows furrowing in protest. "No, Daddy! Stay and play with me!" she pleads, her voice tinged with disappointment.
Harry sighs, torn between the needs of his two children. He longs to grant Marlie's request, to stay and continue their joyful playtime. However, his paternal instincts compel him to ensure Billie's well-being.
"M’promise, sweetheart, it won't take long," Harry reassures Marlie, trying to ease her disappointment. "I just need to see if Billie needs some comforting. I'll be right back."
With a heavy heart, Harry makes his way to Billie's bassinet, his footsteps filled with a sense of urgency. As he reaches the bassinet, a pungent smell wafts through the air, indicating that Billie's nappy needs changing.
"Oh, baby darling, did y’make a poo?" Harry chuckles softly, carefully lifting Billie into his arms. "Let's get you to the changing table and sort this out."
Carrying Billie over to the changing table nestled in the corner of the room, Harry sets him down gently, his eyes filled with adoration for his newborn son. As he begins the task of changing Billie's nappy, Harry maintains a soothing and comforting tone, engaging in heartfelt conversation with his little bundle of joy.
"Alright, little man, let's get this nappy changed," Harry murmurs softly, his voice filled with warmth. "You know, Billie, you have the best big sister in the world. Marlie loves you so much, just like I love my sister, Gemma."
As Harry carefully cleans and wipes, he continues to share stories and whispers of love, creating a bond between father and son. He narrates tales of the adventures Marlie and Billie will embark upon, painting a vivid picture of a future filled with laughter, support, and sibling camaraderie
"You and Marlie are going to be the best of friends," Harry assures Billie, a twinkle of anticipation in his eyes. "Just like how Gemma and I have been there for each other through thick and thin, you and Marlie will have a lifelong friendship."
While Harry is engrossed in the intimate interaction with Billie, he remains unaware of Marlie's presence on the floor, her Barbie dolls momentarily forgotten. Tears stream down her face, her heart yearning for her father's undivided attention. She watches as Harry and Billie share this tender moment, her emotions running deep.
Harry carefully fastens a fresh nappy around Billie, stealing a glance at his son's cherubic face. Little does Harry know, the tender moment he shares with Billie coincides with Marlie's emotional outburst, leaving a trail of tears in her wake.
As Harry finishes the nappy change and turns his attention back to the room, he realizes that Marlie is no longer in sight. Concern fills his heart, and he quickly secures Billie in his bassinet, ensuring his comfort and safety. Gently, Harry rocks the bassinet back and forth, using the soothing motion to lull Billie into a peaceful slumber.
Once satisfied that Billie is settled, Harry grabs the baby monitor, clutching it tightly in his hand. With each step, he follows the faint trail of Marlie's sobs, determined to find her and offer the comfort she so desperately needs.
As he steps into the serene garden, the soft breeze rustles the leaves of Marlie's favorite tree. His gaze searches the tranquil space until he spots her huddled beneath the branches, her tear-streaked face illuminated by the golden sunlight. Harry's heart aches at the sight, knowing the depth of her emotions.
Silently, Harry approaches Marlie, his steps careful and deliberate. He takes a moment to compose himself, wanting to offer her solace and reassurance. With a gentle touch, he sits beside her, enveloping her in a warm embrace that conveys his love and understanding.
With a gentle touch, Harry sits beside Marlie under the comforting shade of her favourite tree. He wraps his arm around her trembling shoulders, offering a sense of security and warmth. But as he does, Marlie tries to crawl away, clearly upset with him.
Harry's heart sinks at her attempt to distance herself, understanding the depth of her emotions. "Marlie, m’love," he says softly, his voice filled with compassion. "Y’don't have to say anything if you don't want to. I'm here, and I'll sit with you."
Silence settles between them as they sit side by side. The tranquillity of the garden envelops them, granting them a moment of respite from the weight of their emotions.
After several minutes, Marlie slowly crawls into Harry's lap, her tiny fingers playing with the cross necklace dangling from his neck. She hesitantly begins to speak, her voice soft and fragile.
"I didn't mean to get upset," Marlie whispers, her eyes cast down.
Harry's hand continues to rub soothingly up and down her back. "It's alright, m’heart. What upset you? Y’can tell me."
Marlie shrugs her shoulders, her words barely audible. "I don't want to be forgotten."
A wave of realisation washes over Harry as he comprehends the root of Marlie's anguish. He holds her tighter, understanding the fear that lingers in her young heart.
"Oh, sweetheart," Harry murmurs, his voice filled with tenderness. "I'm so sorry if it feels like Billie is taking me and mama away from you. That's not his intention at all, it’s because he’s a baby that he needs a lot of our time, you were like that when you were his size."
Marlie's tears continue to flow as she searches for the right words. "I don't like my baby brother," she confesses, her voice filled with a mixture of sadness and confusion. "He keeps taking you away from me."
Harry's heart aches as he absorbs Marlie's words. He continues to hold her, rubbing her back in gentle circles.
"I understand, m’heart," Harry whispers, his voice tinged with regret. "When I was born, Aunt Gemma must have felt the same way. But y’know what? Mama and I love both of y’so much. We're going to spend lots of time with both of you, making sure you both feel special."
Marlie looks up at Harry, her tear-stained face searching for reassurance. "Really?"
Harry nods, his eyes filled with sincerity. "Absolutely. Tonight, you can sleep in our bed, and we'll have a special time together. Mama, you, Billie, and me."
And with that promise hanging in the air, the weight of their emotions begins to lift. Harry holds Marlie tightly, hoping to mend the cracks in her tender heart. Under the sheltering embrace of the favourite tree, they sit together, finding solace in their love for one another.
“Now,”Harry pushed some curls away from her face and stared into the matching eyes of his little girl. “How about we go make mama some cupcakes for when she wakes up, just me and you whilst baby brother sleeps?”
Marlie’s eyes lit up, nodding her head as she snuggled her face into the crook of her fathers neck. “Just us?”
“Just us.”
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skeelly · 5 months
"when im fat and old and my kids think im a joke"
"who cares if im pretty if i fail my finals??"
"who's your daddy?" (IYKYK ;))
"im tired and it's winter"
"i wish i could block me out"
"wanna die"
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hi!! welcome. i suggest putting a seatbelt on and i will pay for your therapy, dont worry. :)
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☘ "hi, it's me. im the problem it's me.": im kristen! you can call me kristen or kris. minor (im 14 if you really wanna know). she/her. intp-t. ambivert. 🇵🇭. reader (sort of). notes app writer (sometimes). i could not care less about my dumb typos so deal with it. i suck at math. biiiiiggg ophelia wilde fan. delulu swiftie no.9273737277. rodrigoxpartidge's biggest supporter. claire rosinkranz is the reason for my existence. gracie abrams ily. "how long can we be a sad song?". im married to grayson hawthorne. mirrorball//tolerate it girlie 4 life. stromboli fan until the day i die. nick girlie by heart. pjo stan at this point. harry potter simp. hermione granger is my mother. sherlock and enola holmes stan. "no body, no crime". haylor (sorry not sorry). one direction is my life. FREE PALESTINE. kenji, my spirit animal. jude is so ughhhhh perfect. javery shipper cause jameson for avery, grayson for me :3. massive k!nye west hater so if you like him, please leave. but i love rap. certified professional procrastinator. capricorn (not a believer in those things though). i love reading poetry. correct grammar = non existent. i can (technically) fluently speak 3 languages. i can speak (basic, not much) about 5 languages?. piano enthusiast. very big sport girly (football *soccer. america football can kiss my toes. that sport sucks*, f1, volleyball, badminton, basketball, tennis and hockey fan). walker scobell is perfect and i love him. c²>>>>. sharl leclerc. max the axe. oscar paistry. ankara messi. sewy. leah is my bestie. dior is the best artist no cap. pookie nation frfr. charlie's luke is best luke. andrew is underrated. olivea is jusssttt.
☘ rappers i like//listen to: eminem, lil skies, ysbtril (does he count?), nicki minaj, doja cat (:3), cardi b (rarely), dominic fike (does he count? yk, melodic rap). tbh idk who else lol.
☘ all around favorite artists: taylor swift, olivia rodrigo, claire rosinkranz, gracie abrams, the weeknd, doja cat, lil skies, ysbtril, selena gomez (?), harry styles, niall horan, louis tomlinson, zayn, liam payne, one direction, clairo, conan gray, lana del rey, one republic, why don't we, the neighborhood, billie elish, ariana grande, abba, michael jackson.
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☘ follower count (as of march 20): 313 (im actually not sure lol)
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7ndipity · 4 months
More Songs That Remind Me Of Them
A/N: I made a list like this ages ago here, but since y’all shared some songs that reminded you of the guys, I thought I’d make a new one!(lowkey want to make playlists for each member, but I don’t know if y’all would want those, lol)
J’s Lullaby by Delaney Bailey
Accidentally In Love by Counting Crows
Cool Blue by The Japanese House
Ocean Eyes by Billie Eilish
Wish by Choi Yuri
Like Real People Do by Hozier
One of Your Girls by The Weekend, Lily-Rose Depp, & Jennie(I’ve seen too many tiktok edits not to mention this one)
I Wanna Hold Your Hand by The Beatles
11:11 by Taeyeon
I’m Your Girl by Khan
Reflections by The Neighborhood
My Love by Mitski
Don’t Go Insane by dpr Ian(lowkey need a collab from him and Hobi)
Dance by iamnotshane
Lights by Harry Styles
Drown by Baekyun
If You Love Her by Tokyo Tea Room
Youth by Ateez
Green & Gray by Nickel Creek
Only For A Moment by Eric Nam
Wanderlust by Eloise
Darling by Seventeen
This Must Be My Dream by The 1975
Kiss Kiss by Shinee
Magic by Coldplay
Break Up With Your Girlfriend by Arianna Grande
Dear Happy by Dodie & Thomas Sanders(don’t think abt how good he would sound singing this🥺)
Someone's Someone by Monsta X
Cherry by Harry Styles
I Fall In Love Too Easily by Chet Baker
Day Night by Lee Youngji
Collision by Stray Kids
Stay by The Kid LAORI & Justin Bieber
Boys Like You by Dodie
Back To Me by The Rose
Taglist: @sopebubbles-replies @btsw1fe @this-must-be-my-tardis @whitefoxgirl @bethanysnow @coffeedepressionsoup @main-bangtansmauyeondan @feminympho @a-gayish-unicorn @captainorangegoose @k4ngelz
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loverhymeswith · 9 months
I am thinking of a fic with Tommy to “the lakes” by Taylor Swift. Maybe the reader is trying to escape the criminal lifestyle, and essentially is begging Tommy to come away with her to live in the country away from all the danger… But he just can’t seem to let go. There’s a sort of comfort in the chaos for him. Lots of angst I think.
Calamitous Love
Pairing: Tommy Shelby x F!Reader
Summary: Enough is enough. You present Tommy with an ultimatum.
Word Count: 1.4K
Warnings: Pure angst, swearing
A/N: Thank you for the request, Anon. This was heavily inspired by season six. Thank you @a-reader-and-a-writer for the beta ❤️
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In the early hours of the morning, you watch him leave.
Dense fog shrouds the grounds of the Arrow House estate, but amidst the dull, muted grey, the pitch black stallion is a dark silhouette, harsh hooves crunching over the gravel as it gallops along the length of the driveway and beyond, towards the rolling Warwickshire hills.
With a heavy heart, you relinquish your vigil at the window, the linen curtains falling back into place as you sweep across the bedroom, concern quickening your pace.
Like the consumption currently ravaging the nation, sleep’s reluctance to claim your husband is contagious, his torment and madness spreading through the cursed house and infecting all those in its path.
You’d fought again, this evening. The same old story. How much more was he prepared to lose before enough was enough? Couldn’t he just rest?
But these days, getting a sensible response out of Thomas Shelby is akin to drawing blood from stone. 
You dress in darkness. Riding boots and a woollen coat to protect you from the autumn chill. Silent footsteps along the hallway and whispered words through Frances’ door; a harried plea for her to watch over the children. It pains you to leave them, but - one way or another - this will be the last time.
It’s quiet outside as dawn prepares to break over the crest of the hills; a stillness in the air, charged and expectant, even beyond the blanket of fog. The stable boys won’t report for duty for another hour, but you can saddle your own horse or better still, ride bareback. Years of banquets and ballrooms haven’t yet turned you soft. 
You take the white mare; the gentle creature is your favourite. Beneath her calm exterior, there’s a wildness threatening to escape. Her pace might be no match for Thomas’ horse, but she’s a kindred spirit, requiring no instruction as she breaks into a gallop and follows in the black stallion’s wake. 
The wind whips your face as you ride across the foothills and dales, mist and drizzle plastering strands of damp hair to your brow. Tears stream down your burning cheeks as you clutch the reins tightly. When was the last time you felt so alive? So free?
It was long before politics. Before the Italians and the Irish. Before bookmaking and Billy Kimber. Before the war.
Before death had set up camp outside your front door.
The sun has risen by the time you reach him, rays of watery light escaping through the silver haze. Perched atop the rocky outcropping, your husband is a lone figure, surveying his kingdom from the mountain peak. You know why he came here: isolation; solitude; remorse.
As soon as you dismount, your mare trots off in search of the stallion. She has no desire to bear witness to this conversation. Sensible girl. 
White smoke curls around Tommy’s head as you approach, his grey cap is discarded on the rock face along with a handful of spent cigarettes. The subtle shift of his shoulders is the only indication he is aware of your presence.
The words, well-rehearsed despite your fervent reluctance to speak them over the last ten years, catch in your throat, but you can put this off no longer. It’s now or never.
“I’m leaving, Thomas.” Your voice breaks, just as you knew it would, each bitter syllable burning your tongue.
Any sense of relief you hoped to feel is unforthcoming; the ever-present tightness in your chest remains. You’re not sure what you expected… something rather than nothing. Tangible evidence of the weight of your words. But perhaps, like the consequences of a vengeful curse, patience is in order.
Tommy stubs out his cigarette but makes no move to turn around. Maybe you should have been brave enough to face him while you spoke, but it’s easier this way. Those blue eyes get you every damn time.
“You came all the way out here just to tell me that, eh?” 
His tone is entirely devoid of emotion, just as it has been for the last seven months. Even when you fight, he doesn’t get angry anymore. Once upon a time he would trade you, blow for blow. Now, he simply walks away.
“You can’t shut the door on me out here.”
Slowly, as if it’s causing him great pain to do so, Tommy looks over his shoulder. His cold stare is as lifeless as his words. “What do you want me to say? Sounds like your mind's made up.”
You didn’t come here for an argument. The fight finally left you last night when he didn’t follow you to bed. Instead of arming yourself with more words, as ineffectual as the weapons that have tried to kill him over the years, you slip out of your boots and pad barefoot across the wet grass. 
Kneeling on the ground before him, you take his face between your hands, his skin as chilled as your own. You force yourself to look at him. To really see him. Glacial eyes, rung by dark shadows, have lost their sparkle; his cheeks are sharper, his chapped lips drawn tight and his strong brow furrowed. A shade of the man you once knew. 
“What happened to you, my love?”
Tommy looks away, freeing himself from your touch, and you force yourself to ride out the heart-stopping wave of hurt alone. You both know the answer. Some things don’t need to be spoken out loud.
“I’m leaving,” you repeat, more softly this time, reaching for his hands, “but I don’t want to go without you.”
The truth hangs heavy in the air between you. And it is the truth. Despite the constant pain… despite the insurmountable grief that his actions have wrought, you still want him. You can’t bear to imagine life without him; Thomas Shelby, your calamitous love.
Tommy allows you to lace his fingers together with your own. He has the courtesy, at least, to meet your gaze when he responds.
“There is business.”
You squeeze his hand. “Fuck business. I don't belong here Tommy, and neither do you.”
“You think I don’t know that, eh?” A cocktail of sorrow and anger spills through the cracks in his words. “You think I don’t hear that every minute of every day? The workers say I’ve betrayed them. The rich will never accept me as one of their own.”
“Since when did Tommy Shelby ever feel the need to fit in?”
With your free hand, you stroke his cheek. His eyes shutter as he leans into your touch, his warm breath visible as he exhales into the frigid air. “I’m trying to make a difference.”
“Is changing the world really worth risking your family?” 
You don’t wait for him to answer. Your knees are straining against the cold ground and you climb into his lap instead, surprised when he doesn’t resist. It’s been too long since he held you this close and you welcome the warmth of his arms as they wrap around your waist.
“I’m not cut out for this. For any of it,” you tell him calmly as he tucks you beneath his chin. “I’ve stood by your side through all of it. I thought I could handle whatever they had to throw at us. The vendettas, the Russians. We’ve survived so much. But I don’t want to just survive anymore, Tommy. I want to live.”
You feel the weight of his lips as he kisses your head. “I need time. Just a bit longer, eh. And then it will all be over. I promise.”
You’ve heard it all before and God, how you wish you could believe him. You’ve no doubt he means it, and maybe it is the truth. Maybe this time, it will stick. 
“But at what cost?” You wonder aloud. Because Tommy knows as well as you do that there’s always a price. A payment demanded in blood. 
Shelby blood.
“If you want to leave, I won’t stop you.”
You untangle yourself from his embrace, all the better to face him. You need to be brave enough now. You need him to understand.
“I know you think you have no limitations. Maybe you don’t. Maybe they’re right about you, after all. Maybe you are a god, or the devil himself, Tommy Shelby. But I can’t stand by and wait around to find out.”
After you’ve allowed your words to sink in, you press your lips - now unburdened - to Tommy’s.  Recognition, realisation, flashes across his face - this is one battle he will never win. Hands fisting in your hair, he pulls you closer, sealing your goodbye with a feverish kiss. 
When you eventually ride back through the valleys and mountains, you are alone.
Tommy Taglist: @a-reader-and-a-writer @crysxtal @simpforbuckyb @shynovelist @amberpanda99 @globetrotter28 @iammrsrogers @dragonsondragons @butterfly-lover @sunshineyourethebesttime @iwantmyredvelvetcupcake @breezy2and2freezy @fia-thefirst @dreamy-caramel @trixie23
113 notes · View notes
lovecanyon · 2 years
harry styles x azoff!y/n
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 1,302,744 others
hshq Y/N Azoff, our new manager. Beginning of an era.
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harryfan2 omg
harrystyles Already such an honor to work with Y/N.
harryfan3 he’s so cute
pillowpersonpp so excited!!!
harryfan6 a true girlboss
jefezoff #retiring
yourinstagram have fun old man
mitchrowland the excitement i feel right now
harryfan4 oh this was the girl harry was with yesterday…😭
kidharpoon shaking in my boots
harryfan7 #slaying
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liked by harryfan9, harryfan11 and 731,607 others
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harryfan13 i’m not okay right now
harryfan15 BE SERIOUS
harryfan17 harry…count your goddamn days
harryfan19 @jefezoff let us know how you feel about this 🎤🎤
harryfan14 cause of my downfall = this
harryfan16 she’s his new manager obviously they are going to be seen together? 😭
harryfan18 yeah…
harryfan20 cut the cameras
harryfan22 banging my head against the wall
harryfan24 the matching coats ✨
harryfan21 jeff’s sister stealing his job is just so iconic
harryfan23 harry hiring y/n as his new manager is very real of him
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liked by harrystyles, annetwist and 3,402,617 others
yourinstagram happy 28th sue! thank you for staying up late talking to me and buying bottles of rouge’s for your overly special best friend (me)!
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harryfan27 tears are rolling down my cheeks
harrystyles It’s an honor buying you wine, my love.
yourinstagram speaking of wine…go buy some, specifically red wine!
harrystyles Already on it darling.
harryfan29 i’m on the floor
harryfan31 i don’t know how to process this information 😭
alessandro_michele birthday boy
harryfan33 just thinking of all the photos y/n has of harry
paulithepsm feeling 28!!!
harryfan30 he’s so hot for what??
glenne_azoff this duo is truly everything
harryfan32 the azoff’s really got harry in a chokehold
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liked by harryfan34, harryfan36 and 661,290 others
enews Harry Styles was seen carrying suitcases into his manager Y/N Azoff’s house in Malibu earlier this morning.
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harryfan40 not him moving in with y/n 😭
harryfan37 SHIT SHIT SHIT
harryfan39 this is it boys. she got him.
harryfan41 they are most likely just a couple of besties
harryfan43 “besties” yeah sure…
harryfan45 the way this is trending on twitter. we are going through hell.
harryfan47 crying in the club
harryfan42 harry’s outfit though 🙏
harryfan44 i am going through all stages of grief
harryfan46 literally going insane
harryfan48 pretending i did not see this
harryfan50 this post has every harrie shaking
MARCH 2022
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liked by harryfan49, harryfan51 and 821,402 others
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harryfan52 omg the new album is probably coming soon 😭
harryfan54 WHAT
harryfan57 y/n probably knows a lot 😮
harryfan53 she looks so beautiful…i don’t blame harry at all
harryfan55 the hottest azoff
harryfan56 i love the way she’s so humble
harryfan58 right, i didn’t even know jeff had a little sister
harryfan60 slayed.
harryfan62 i’m going to need harry sue the paparazzi again
harryfan59 y/n is just so pretty
harryfan61 leaving the studio??? hs3 coming soon 🤭
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liked by harryfan63, harryfan65 and 591,903 others
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harryfan64 I WANNA MEET Y/N?
harryfan66 the fans should’ve told her to leak hs3 🙄
harryfan68 they are in the presence of an icon
harryfan70 i love her already
harryfan67 y/n gives me so much harry vibes
harryfan69 they radiate the same energy 😭
harryfan71 the woman behind it all
harryfan73 the way y/n managed haim, tyler the creator and billie eilish
harryfan75 a true girlboss
harryfan72 harry’s fans = y/n’s fans
harryfan74 i’m going to need a story time about them meeting y/n
harryfan76 the rings.
APRIL 2022
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liked by yourinstagram, harrystyles and 404,712 others
pillowpersonpp coachella bound
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harryfan77 HARRYCHELLA
harryfan79 oh my god harry’s soulmate 😮
yourinstagram i hate the heat
pillowpersonpp same same same
harryfan81 she has me in a chokehold
billieeilish MY ICON AND MUSE
harryfan83 y/n can run me over…
glenne_azoff so pretty!
harryfan84 when you realize y/n was the one that got harry to perform at coachella
harrystyles Y/N is amazing at what she does.
harryfan82 SOBBING
harryfan85 harry responding to a fan gives me life…
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liked by harrystyles, glenne_azoff and 5,307,192 others
yourinstagram the youngest azoff child takes on harrychella (hoping she doesn’t get sunburned)
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harryfan86 i love y/n
harrystyles So very beautiful darling.
yourinstagram your very beautiful too H
harryfan90 not them flirting in a comment section 😭
harryfan92 cause of death: harry and y/n
alanahaim missing my favorite girl!
harryfan94 i love everything about y/n 🙏
mitchrowland the coolest
harryfan91 literally going feral for her
_basselin so gorgeous y/n 💞
harryfan93 now i know why harry was flirting with her..because same
MAY 2022
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liked by harrystyles, stevienicks and 3,920,711 others
yourinstagram Harry’s House, Out Now
view all comments
harryfan95 SCREAMING
harryfan97 HS3 HS3 HS3
harrystyles Thank you for everything you’ve done bunny, I seriously love you.
yourinstagram i love you too!
harryfan98 harry dating his manager is so 😭
pillowpersonpp album of the year
jefezoff congratulations, i am so proud!!
harryfan102 this album has me sobbing on the floor
haimtheband so very amazing ❤️
harryfan104 late night talking and grapejuice is clearly about y/n 🤭
harryfan100 crying and throwing up
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liked by yourinstagram, billieeilish and 7,419,602 others
harrystyles The muse of Harry’s House.
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harryfan103 did he just post this??
yourinstagram i love you dearly sue
harrystyles Well I love you more.
harryfan107 never settle for less women
harryfan109 this seems like a fever dream 😭
gemmastyles i love you guys 💞
harryfan106 having a breakdown
emmalouisecorrin I KNEW IT
harryfan110 this relationship is everything to me
glenne_azoff best couple ever!
harryfan112 harry really loves the azoff’s 🤭
JUNE 2022
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liked by harryfan114, harryfan117 and 3,199,672 others
papermagazine Jeff Azoff is apparently angry at his little sister, Y/N Azoff over dating his former client, Harry Styles. He calls it an ‘inappropriate relationship’ for the music industry.
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harryfan119 JEFFREY?
harryfan121 now i know why harry fired jeff 🙄
harryfan124 dramaaaaa
harryfan122 this is so bad….what are we going to do
harryfan125 i don’t believe it
harryfan127 be serious please
jefezoff fake news.
yourinstagram sorry for being in a ‘inappropriate relationship’ :(
harryfan129 I AM SCREAMING
harryfan131 i seriously love them for this
harryfan134 paper magazine = deuxmoi
tag list: @harrysmatcha @harryspinkpillow @helen-with-an-a @florencepughily @peterparkerbae @toji-dabi-wife @fallonx @drphilssoulmate @cherriesrae @alienorknight @valluvsu @ivegotparticulartaste @ayeshathestyles @hazgoldenstyles @eiffelmezarry @tsukishimawhore @renatavieira @michellekstyles @eleanordaisy @shawnsblue @academiaghosts @japanchrry @agustdpeach @hannahnikohl @whoscamila @ch3rryrry @msolbesg @newyorker14 @futuristicpalacegardenpsychic @youusunshineyoutemptress @eunoiamaa @kaitieskidmore1 @cherryfragrancx @ssuziess @milkiane @golden-hoax @flwrmuse @sunshinemendes8 @your--sweetest--downfall @melllinaa @iluvjj @tenaciousperfectionunknown @cashtons-wife @stellarossii @scenesofobx @manifestrry @olivialovesh
801 notes · View notes
caplanbuckybarnes · 9 months
Songs4Caplan Challenge
Definitely supposed to be on hiatus, but I'd wanted to host another challenge. Please don't let this flop lmao
Tag me in the authors notes & send me a message with yuor fic once it's posted! (along with the hashtag so I know which Masterlist to place the fic when I post it)
Please tag the proper warnings before the fic
More than one person can write for the same prompts
RPFs are allowed
If you’d like to write for more than one song, please make them separate fics
the songs are randomly picked from my playlist, so don't judge lol.
Can be however long you’d like the fic to be, however, please be considerate to the folks using the app and place the 'keep reading' feature on your posts!!
PLEASE tag the fic as #songs4caplan so i can easily find your fics!!!
Addicted to you simple plan
Africa Toto 
All downhill from here new found glory 
All for you sister hazel 
All summer long kid Rock 
Alone together fall out boy
Amnesia 5 seconds of summer
Animals maroon 5
As it was Harry styles 
as the world caves in Sarah cothran
Ashes of Eden breaking Benjamin 
Attention Charlie put 
Bad guy Billie eillish 
Bad things jace Everett
Beautiful mistakes maroon 5
Beautiful soul Jesse McCartney 
Before he cheats carrie underwood 
Before you go Lewis capaldi 
Beggin maneskin 
Better than me hinder
Blue ain’t your color Keith urban 
Burn usher 
Car radio twenty one pilots 
Church fall out boy
Climax usher 
Come & get it Selena Gomez 
Count on me Bruno mars 
Criminal Fiona Apple 
Deja vu Olivia rodrigo 
Delicate Taylor swift 
Diary Tino Coury 
Dirty laundry Carrie underwood 
Dirty thoughts Chloe adams 
Don’t call me up Mabel 
Downtown lady a 
Drivers license Olivia rodrigo 
Easy on Adele 
End of me a day to remember 
Every breath you take the police 
Every morning sugar ray 
Everybody hurts r.e.m. 
Fall for you secondhand serenade
Fallin Alicia keys 
Fast car Tracy Chapman 
Flowers Miley Cyrus 
For the first time the script
Forever young alphaville
Forever and ever amen randy Travis
Fuck it Eamon 
Fuck you bitch wheeler walker jr
Ghost of you Justin beiber
Glimpse of us Joji
God gave me you Blake Shelton 
Hate (I really don’t like you) plain white tees
Havana Camilla cabello 
Heart attack Demi lovato 
Heartbreak anniversary giveon 
Heaven Kane brown 
Hello darlin Conway twitty 
Hold on, we’re going on drake 
How do you sleep Jesse McCartney 
Hurt Johnny cash 
I fall apart post Malone 
I miss you blink 182
I see red everybody loves an outlaw 
I wanna be your slave maneskin 
I’m not the only one Sam smith 
I’m the only one Melissa Ethridge 
I’m yours Alessia Cara 
In my blood Shawn Mendes 
It ain’t me baby me Johnny cash 
Jealous nick Jonas 
Just one yesterday fall out boy 
Just the way you are Bruno mars 
Keep Holding On Avril Lavigne 
Killer queen Queen 
The last of the real ones 
Leave  the door open Bruno mars 
Leavin’ Jesse McCartney 
Let her go passenger
Like I can Sam smith
Lips of an angel hinder
Little do you know Alex & sierra 
Little Talks Mumfords & sons
Mama's broken heart Miranda lambert
Man down Rihanna
Misery Maroon 5
My Boo usher & Alicia keys 
Needed Me Rihanna 
Never gonna be alone Nickelback
New Rules Dua Lipa 
Not Over You Gavin DeGraw
Obsessed Mariah Carey
One Call Away Charlie Puth
One More Night Maroon 5
Our Song Taylor Swift
Picture KidRock & Sherry Crow 
PillowTalk Zayn Malik 
Please Don’t Leave Me Pink
Red Taylor Swift 
Remember the time Michael Jackson
Rolling in the deep Adele 
Say My Name Destiny’s Child
Say So Doja Cat 
She’s Got You Patsy Cline
Shower Becky G
Smokin out the Window Bruno Mars 
Someone You Loved Lewis Capaldi
Stay With Me Sam Smith
Take a Bow Rihanna
Take Me to Church Hozier
Take You Dancing Jason Derulo
There’s Nothing Holdin Me Back Shawn Mendes
Title Meghan Trainor
Too Good at Goodbyes Sam Smith
Too Little Too LAte JoJo
Trip Ella Mae
Trouble P!Nk
True Love P!NK
Unfaithful RIhanna
Unholy Sam smith
Unsteady X Ambassadors
Uptown Girl Billy Joel
Wait For You Elliot Yamin
Walk Me Home P!NK
Walkin After Midnight Patsy Cline
Want U Back Cher Lloyd
What a Man Gotta Do Jonas Brothers
What Ifs Kane Brown
Wolves Selena Gomez
Would You Go With Me? Josh Turner
You Found Me The Fray
You Had Me @ Hello A Day to Remember
You Need to Calm Down, Taylor Swift
77 notes · View notes
randomfoggytiger · 5 months
"Mr. Mulder, I Know Something About You"
(Dedicated to @baronessblixen for her fascinating idea: Bill Scully giving Tom Colton and Ethan Minette binders bulging with dirt on one Fox Mulder. This took a slightly different path, though.)
The first time Bill heard the name Fox Mulder was the day after his sister and her partner were sucked almost dry and hospitalized in Washington State for nearly two weeks. One fuzzy, panicked call from Tara and one fuzzier, harried call from his mom sketched in the slim details: Dana was on the mend, she’d been investigating a missing loggers’ case with her partner--
“What 'partner'? She’s in the field?” 
She had been, for months. He’d forgotten to ask at their father’s funeral, convinced that her height and lack of experience had kept her teaching at Quantico. 
“Dana's mentioned him once before, I think. You know how tight-lipped she is about her life.”  
“Mom, do I need to come home? Is she….”
“No, Bill-- but I’ll call you if she takes a turn for the worse.” 
So, Bill stayed on board; and Dana got better, and Tara celebrated over the phone, and Maggie remembered the name: Fox Mulder. 
The second time Bill heard the name Fox Mulder were the days following his sister’s abduction. 
His mother talked of little else-- with Dana’s captor dead, any possible leads had died with him. There was nothing now but faith and hope.  
“But I believe Fox will call as soon as he finds her.” 
Fox. His sister, Tara had told him, still called him Mulder. Then again, Tara’s attention was currently wrapped up in calendars and planners and endless negatives. For that matter, his was, too; and what little time he had to think of family he thought of her, alone, counting the rising costs of their countless tries, alone, while he worked as often as he could to forget to cover those costs and forget his own loneliness. And his sister, somewhere, alone; and his mother back in Maryland, alone.
Dana and her former partner’s professional relationship wasn’t a top priority, or even a distant concern.  
The third time Bill heard the name Fox Mulder was after promising his eldest sister that Tara would try her fertility herbs. His wife was curled up on one side, quiet, and Melissa stuck her toes in his other side, slyly smiling.
“Now that that’s out of the way,” she concluded, setting aside the herb pouch and pinning him with her eyes, “why haven’t you given Dana a call? She hasn’t said it, but she’s been expecting one.” 
“Don’t start, Missy.” He’d have disengaged, too, but Tara’s head was pressing into his shoulder, a sure sign she was falling asleep. And sleep was precious these days, what with the hormone shots and regular appointments and never-ending stress. He’d promised to shoulder her stresses for nine more weeks; and whether this was a test or not, Bill Scully had and would never back down from his word. 
Melissa, opportunistic woman that she was, had banked on it, waiting for her sister-in-law’s “dozing” tea to kick in before launching the subject. “Billy, you know you want to talk to her. What’s the problem? I mean, she almost… we almost lost her. Why can’t you let whatever you’re holding onto--” 
“Miss--” he stopped, his voice startling them temporarily.
“You owe it to her, Bill. You two haven’t talked in months; and you both say it’s because of your work but really it’s because of your pride. You’re both so like Dad; but at least Dad was blind to what it did to us."
“And what about Dana? She's back on her feet and running right back to her autopsies and late nights. You can’t point a finger at me without three pointing right back at her. At least I try to be there for my family.” 
“You weren’t there when she was gone.” 
He swallowed, stung and angry. “And who was, Melissa? You?”
Her toes gripped his hip, guilty. “Fox.” 
The fourth time Bill heard Fox Mulder’s name was during his sister’s not-so-secret battle with cancer. His mother called often to vent and cry, unable to share her worries and pain with her only living daughter and unwilling to burden Tara with more stress.  
Fox had become a footnote of late, so consumed was he and Dana in their work. 
“Mom, how can you let Dana run herself down like that? She should be resting or looking into treatments-- anything rather than chasing after rag magazine cases half across the country!” 
“Bill, you know perfectly well not everyone can run to sea to escape their problems. Not even you.” 
The fifth time Bill heard Fox Mulder’s name was after he’d met the man, watched him fill Dana’s head with insane theories about chips and government conspiracies, and backed off, awed, when Dana’s cancer miraculously went into remission. 
He was roaming the halls, searching for coffee to wash down the remainder of his rage at Fox Mulder’s red eyes and dazed expression when he noticed another government type walk stiffly towards the nurse’s desk, brusquely flash a badge, straighten his stiff spine and stiffer tie, and promptly demand to see “Fox Mulder.” 
“I know where he is,” Bill cut in, saving the nurse the hassle but still getting a glare for his trouble. “Bill Scully. How can I help you?”
“Yes-- I was sent to bring him back for questioning; and we’re expected in,” he looked significantly at his watch, “forty minutes. If you would take me to him--”
“Take Mulder where?” Bill snapped around to see Walter Skinner, A.D., striding over, eyebrows drawn and face grim.  
“Yes, Sir. Agent Mulder is being called in for--”
“The committee’s been disbanded until further notice, Agent Colton; and until I have those further orders, my agents are not to be bothered or contacted while they are in this hospital. Is that understood?” 
Bill watched the other man’s jaw lock, grind, and shift as it worked its stubborn way around, “Understood, Sir.” Then Agent Colton turned tail and fled, heels thudding down the tile on their thunderous path to the elevator. 
A.D. Skinner wasn’t done yet. “My apologies, Mr. Scully. That agent was out of line; and I'll see to it that your family isn't bothered again.” 
It was best to nod and let the A.D. think he was frustrated with the intrusion.
Mulder could have been mid-conversation or on his way out by now. Instead, he would still be on that bench long after the family had left for the night. 
He seemed the type. 
The sixth time Bill heard Fox Mulder’s name was over another phone call, mere months before the birth of his child. 
“Bill Scully? You might not remember me, but my name’s Ethan, Ethan Minette, and Dana and I used to date back when, well rather, right after she was recruited by the FBI. She ever mention me? Yes? No? Anyway, not important. Calling about information you might possibly have on, lemme check… Fox? Mulder, yep, Fox Mulder. Dana’s partner? There was a case she was involved in recently, really gruesome, real Frankenstein abomination stuff; and Colton, Tom Colton? You know him? Dana’s friend? Anyway, we keep in touch, we’re related somewhat, you know? And he named you as a hot tip and I was wondering if you…. Yeah, yeah, I can wait.” 
He and Tara fought afterward: Tara, as big as a house, was ready to cave the roof in.
“Dana’s coming for the holidays, Bill! And you two will spend the week in stony silence avoiding each other and, and Maggie and I will have to try to keep the peace instead of celebrating our first Christmas as a growing family, and-- and how could you do that, Bill? After all Fox Mulder did for our family?” 
Bill was lacking even to his ears; and, after cooler heads prevailed, he dialed Ethan back up and insisted his name be kept out of the article. Ethan talked doubly fast, banging a pen up and down every other word for emphasis as he cajoled and steamed about losing necessary credibility; but, inevitably, gave in. 
“I’ll only do this because you’re Dana’s brother and she was a real sweetheart. But if I need to call you in future…?” 
“I don’t have any more information.”
Dana skipped most of Christmas, anyway. 
The seventh time Bill heard Fox Mulder’s name was when he flew in for Emily Sim’s hearing. 
“I need him as a witness if I’m to have any chance getting custody of Emily,” Dana had stated carefully, meticulously avoiding eye contact as much as possible. Bill still caught her bewilderment and fear… and joy. 
“When’ll he get here?” 
“Tonight, tomorrow… he didn’t say when, just that he’d be here.” He caught her smile, too. 
“Dana…” Her head snapped up, and he paused. “We’ll be there.” 
“Bill, you don’t have to--”
“We’ll be there, Dana.” 
And they were. 
And so was Fox Mulder. 
Bill left with Tara, tired and emotional, and Maggie, displaced and confused, after exchanging silent, cursory greetings with his sister’s partner. While he slowly walked away, both women in tow, he heard a curt “Dana Scully and Fox Mulder” echo behind him. 
And, in spite of everything, he sent up a prayer for both.
Thanks for reading~
Tagging @today-in-fic
47 notes · View notes
Hi! I have a request for Florence. Can you you write one where the Florence is away filming and her and the reader are really missing each other, so either Harry Styles or Emma Watson helps the reader surprise Flo on set. You bring Billie as well. After shooting is over for the day they go back to the house Flo is renting, and just cook dinner and cuddle. For the rest of the week, the cast can see Florence is so much more at ease with the reader visiting. :)
── ⋆。゚☁︎ 𝗺𝗶𝘀𝘀𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗵𝗲𝗿
paring: florence pugh x fem!reader
tag(s): fluff, a bit of spice but sfw, short blurb, established relationship
warning(s): grammatical error, unedited, not proofread, alutions to sex
word count: 1,800
note: The whole set thing was really hard to picture, since I've never been to one, so the whole thing could be inaccurate, but just go with it (?). Apart from that, it was kinda fun. I really hope you like it. Also you just gave me the best excuse to add Mr. Harry Styles. (Should I write for Harry? I luv him so much). Also, let's pretend that Flo and Harry are the best of friends because I said so (*cries*). [By the way, should I try writing smut. I feel like I'm ready but I'm not 100% sure.] I'm not a native english speaker, so please let me know about any sort of mistake. Hope you guys enjoy <3
requests are open! <3
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Waking up everyday and not seeing her stupid cute face made your heart ache. 
It’d only been a month since she left to start shooting her new movie, but it felt like it had been years since you last felt her touch, heard her laugh or felt her lips against yours. Yes, you two would facetime every morning and every night, but it wasn’t enough. It never was. You needed her close to you, you needed her hugs, you needed her to cuddle you to sleep. You just needed her badly. 
And she wasn’t coming home for at least one more month. You didn’t know how you were going to be without her for so long. You could tell that Billie missed her too, and that only made your heart ache even more. 
“You miss mama too, don’t you, babygirl?” she gave you the most heartbroken sad puppy eyes. “Yeah, that’s it. We are going to visit her, would you like that? Would you like to go and see mama?” as if understanding exactly what you were saying she started to bark at you, her tail swaying back and forth. 
So it was settled. You and Billie were going on a road trip. You knew it was a long ride for her, but she actually liked being in a car. Plus, she was a great companion. 
You didn’t know this, but Florence was missing you like crazy as well. She loved working, she was really excited about this new project of hers, she just didn’t expect to miss you so bad. She had grown used to waking up to your face, you making her breakfast when she had to leave for work early, or just taking Billie out for a walk with you. She missed all of those things.
If she didn’t have to shoot a scene, she would spend all her time rumbling about you to her castmates or crew. Especially to Harry Styles, who she had grown close to. He knew how she felt since he missed his partner as well. So they would spend their time telling eachother everything about their amazing lovers. 
Talking to Harry about you made her missing you a little bit easier. But still it wasn’t enough. She needed to feel you again, to smell your scent, to sleep next to you. She needed you badly. 
What she didn’t know was that you and Harry had spoken recently. He knew about you coming to visit your girlfriend, and was excited about his blonde friend's reaction when she’d see you. You had called him the night before, telling him your wonderful idea, he immediately agreed to help you in any way he could. You told him that you would be on your way the next day, and would probably arrive by 12 P.M. All he had to do was keep Florence off of her phone, so she couldn’t call you and you wouldn’t have to lie to her over the phone, since you were terrible at it. 
You guys woke up the next morning, everything already packed and hit the road at 8 AM. It was going to be a four hour trip to Las Vegas, where the shooting was taking place. You had about four stops, so both you and Billie could go to the bathroom and stretch your legs. And by 12.30 P.M. you arrived in Las Vegas. You thought Billie would be stressed by then, but she was actually having the time of her life sticking her tongue out the car window. 
Once you arrived, you called Harry and asked him about the set address, which he texted you immediately after ending the call. He told you that distracting Flo had been really easy since she had a lot of work to do, but by the time you would arrive at the set she would be free to spend some time with you. 
After another 20 minutes in your car, you arrived at the set. You were scared that the security guard wouldn't let you pass, but Harry was waiting for you outside, so you didn't have any issue with that. 
Once you got out of the car, Billie trailing behind, you made your way to him and hugged him. Over the past month you guys became some sort of online friends. You would always see each other while you would facetime Florence, and somehow developed a friendship once exchanging phone numbers.
You pulled apart from the hug and that’s when it hit you. After being away from your girlfriend you were actually going to see her. Billie could tell your excitement, her tail swaying back and forth. You smiled at her. She was as excited as you were.
“Okay, so she’s in her trailer right now. I believe she has a half an hour break. Let’s take you to your better half before they need me on set.”
Harry quickly made his way to this sort of parking lot filled with lots of caravans. He stopped at the first row and pointed to the fourth one. 
“That's hers.”
“Um, can you tell her to come out for a second?”
“Sure thing.”
He made his way to Florence’s trailer door, knocked and just opened the door. He stuck his head inside, and you heard him muttering something to her. Once he was done, he gave you a discreet thumbs up and stood next to you. He was as excited as you and Billie were, he noticed Florence's mood changed ever since the shooting had started, and knew that seeing you would make her really happy. 
The first thing Florence noticed was a white and brown blur coming her way. She didn’t realise it was her own dog until Billie was licking her face. 
 “What are you doing–?” She started but cut herself off once she saw you next to Harry. She couldn’t believe her eyes. 
She gently put Billie down and ran towards you. She hugged you and lifted you up from the ground, spinning you around. You both started to laugh. Once she put you down you rested your hands on her cheeks and smashed your lips against hers. It was a much needed kiss, showing each other how much you have been missing the other. You both heard Harry had said something about he had to go, but you two weren’t actually listening, too absorbed by each other. 
After what felt like hours, you and Flo could finally head home. Well, it wasn’t actually home, it was just a flat where Florence was staying until she was done shooting. You guys were all over each other as soon as you got there. Kissing and touching, making up for the lost time. But with Billie present, demanding Florence’s attention as well, you couldn’t do much more.
Florence wanted to cook for you. She wanted the both of you to feel at home. So she made one of her favourite recipes, which was obviously delicious. Florence's cooking abilities were like heaven itself. During dinner she told you the things she could about the movie she was working on, how excited she was to work with Greta Gerwig, since she was a remarkable film director. You listened to every word she said carefully, not getting enough of her raspy low voice you’d been missing for a whole month. You told her about your work, that you asked for a week off so you could do this trip. How the idea came to your mine all because of Billie, which upon hearing her name started to howl. You both laughed at her.
After dinner, you were the one cleaning everything up, since she did the cooking and you didn’t mind washing the dirty dishes. There was something relaxing about washing the dishes for some reason. You actually zoned out, lost in your own thoughts about how much you had been missing her, how badly you craved her. Florence noticed the shift in you right away. 
“What’s up in that head of yours?” she asked softly in your ear, her arms around your waist. 
“I was just thinking of how much I had been missing you,” you chuckled. 
“And how much is that?” she said as she buried her head in the crook of your neck, leaving small bites and kisses here and there. 
“Oh, you have no idea,” your head lifting upwards giving her more access to your sensitive skin.
“Then show me,” you could hear the grin on her face even though you weren’t facing her. 
You quickly washed your hands, turned the water off, turned around and smashed your lips against her. You could taste the wine in her mouth, making you feel a little bit dizzy. But it didn't compare to how she made you feel. You felt the butterflies in your stomach erupt, heat creeping all over your body. It was as if it caught up to you all that time being away from her. Missing her in every way possible. 
You two made your way to your now shared bedroom and made uo for the lost time.
You ended up in her arms for the rest of the night. Her holding your waist tightly as if never ever letting you go again. It was the first time in a month that you two could actually get some rest. You felt at ease with her being this close to you. That was what you had been missing, those little moments when it was just you and Florence. The rest of the world didn't matter, it was just the two of you. And Billie, of course, who was sleeping at Florence’s feet. 
For the rest of the week, Florence’s castmates and crew could tell that something had changed in her. She was less stressed, she appeared more rested and she wasn’t on her phone as much as she used to. They soon realised that you were the reason why once you showed up on set trailing behind her and Harry. 
They all immediately knew that you were Florence’s girlfriend. They already knew how you looked, since Florence was constantly showing you off, but it wasn’t your face that gave you away. It was the fact that Florence couldn’t get her hands nor her eyes off of you. 
Which everyone thought was really cute and hilarious. Especially Harry, who would constantly tease Florence about it. But they were all happy that she was back to her regular self. 
When you left, everyone thought that Florence would go back to her grumpy self, but she actually didn’t. She knew the shooting was almost done, so she was just counting the days to see you again. Only one more week and she could wake up to your cute snoring face.
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sagewritings · 2 years
Late Night Talking - Steve Harrington x Fem!Reader
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pairing: steve harrington x fem!henderson reader
synopsis: being dustin henderson’s older sister made you involved in their fights with the upside down, which also led you to become closer with steve harrington. after spending months with each other, and a particular encounter with billy hargrove, steve realizes that he found who he was looking for.
word count: 5.3k
warnings: violence, mentions of blood, curse words, insults/bullying
request: [anon] Can you do a Steve Harrington imagine set after season 2 before season 3 for Steve and the Henderson!reader  where Billy just keeps trying to push them to fight him but she and Steve make a deal to make sure the other doesn't so one day she needs Steve calms her down after Billy (verbally) goes after Dustin so Steve talks about their future and accidentally confesses because they're in love with each other?
a/n: hello everyone! here’s a steve harrington fic based on a request. thank you so much to the person who sent this, it’s really fun to work with! also, as you may have noticed with the title, this story is briefly based on harry styles’ late night talking too :3 i honestly didn’t expect this one to be this long (i was planning to keep it between 2-3k words lol) but i just had to establish the story first.
if you’d like to check out my other works, you can check the pinned post in my blog :>
i hope you’ll like this fic! happy reading!
If you're feelin' down
I just wanna make you happier, baby
Wish I was around
I just wanna make you happier, baby
We've been doin' all this late night talkin'
'Bout anythin' you want until the mornin'
Now you're in my life
I can't get you off my mind
It all began on that one eventful afternoon.
You thought your brother had gone crazy when he barged in your room, panicked while he explained something about a demogorgon. You weren’t foreign to the word, having heard it multiple times whenever his group of friends would come over to play their fantasy game. But when he confessed how he kept one as a pet and became more than ten times its size after eating your mom’s cat, you almost laughed at him.
And then you saw it crawling above the kitchen island. You didn’t know whether you wanted to protect Dustin or feed him to the creature for letting it inside your house.
“Out of all the animals in this world, you chose a fucking demogorgon as a pet.” You hissed at your brother, and both of you crouched down to peek through the wooden door of your mom’s tool shed.
“I didn’t know it was a demogorgon.” He argued back, glaring at you. “Oh, shit. There he is.”
You looked forward, watching the creature eat the ham slices Dustin laid out.
“Yes, yes, yes.” He mumbled to himself when it reached the basement. Dart, who seemed to know that he was being watched, stopped and turned around, looking directly at the shed. “Shit.”
You gasped, pulling Dustin away slightly. Your brother heaved and pulled his hockey stick tighter. Your eyes widened when you realized what was going on in his head. “Dustin, you are not going out there– fucking hell!”
You barely had time to hold him steady when he slammed the door open and ran outside. The demogorgon screeched, lunging at your brother with its wide mouth and sharp teeth.
Dustin struck at the monster using his stick, successfully sending it downwards to the basement. Both of you ran quickly and held each side of the door closed before it could regain its balance and climb up.
“Get a lock and a chain!” You ordered Dustin, leaning to his side to position yourself in between the two doors.
He ran back to the shed to get what you needed, hastily wrapping the handles together when he reached you.
When you were sure that the demogorgon wouldn’t be able to escape, you looked at your brother sternly. “What the hell was that?!”
“I just saved our lives, in case you missed it!” He screamed.
“Yeah? What if that thing was stronger than you and ate us both?”
“Well, it didn’t!”
You groaned. “Where did that come from anyway?”
“Nothing.” He gulped, remembering that you had no knowledge of the upside down. “I’m gonna go to the Wheelers.”
“Absolutely not.” You stopped him, glaring threateningly. “I knew there was something going on with you since Will went missing. And now I just witnessed a fucking alien in our house. So either you explain to me what’s going on, or I’ll call mom this instant so you’ll be grounded for life.”
Dustin sighed. “Fine. But I need you to drive me to Mike’s first. I’ll tell you everything on the way.”
And so he did. Your brother filled you in with everything; the gate in the Hawkins lab, the upside down, Eleven, demogorgons. You didn’t even think about doubting him anymore, not after what you’ve just seen.
When you reached the Wheeler residence, the two of you stepped out of the car, both sweaty and stressed. It didn’t help that Mike and Nancy were not in their house either, and Dustin couldn’t help but mumble curses under his breath while walking back towards your car.
Another car pulled up at the back of yours, revealing a distressed Steve Harrington holding a bouquet of roses in his hand. You were familiar with the boy, having seen him numerous times because you two were both seniors in high school, but that was it.
You ignored him, not surprised why he stopped over because you knew he and Nancy are dating. But your brother had other plans.
“Steve.” He called out, stopping Steve in his tracks as he looked at you and Dustin. “Are those for Mr. or Mrs. Wheeler?”
Steve questioningly looked at the flowers. “No.”
“Good.” He pulled the bouquet out of Steve’s hand and started walking in the direction of his car.
“Dustin! Where are you going?” You called out after him.
“Hey! What the hell? Hey!” Steve ran too.
“Nancy isn’t home.” Dustin turned around to face Steve before looking at you. “Steve can help us.”
“Help you with what?” Steve asked.
“We have bigger problems than your love life.” Your brother opened one door in the backseat of Steve’s car. “You still have that bat? The one with the nails?”
“I’ll explain later. I just need you to drive.” He sat inside. “Now!”
Steve scrambled after Dustin, a confused expression on his face but he didn’t protest. You were left standing, not knowing if you should follow them while hesitating to leave your car in the Wheeler’s driveway.
“Y/n! Get your ass in here!” Dustin yelled.
You inhaled sharply, feeling nervous, confused, and annoyed all at the same time but you obliged.
On the way back to your house, you and Steve took turns to question Dustin. It surprised you how much you agree with the boy, nodding whenever he would make a scolding statement at your brother.
The events only worsened when you reached the basement and found that the demogorgon escaped, digging through the wall and dirt.
Following Dustin’s plan, you three walked to the junkyard, joining groups with Max and Lucas. The boys were stunned when they realized how quickly the new girl warmed up to you, immediately attaching herself by your side after ten minutes of knowing her. It was probably because you were the only other female there beside her, you thought.
The rest of the night was chaotic. You and Steve took turns in protecting the three children, grabbing them out of the way whenever one of the adolescent demogorgons would attack. Your group had to gather with the rest at the Hawkins laboratory when the creatures ran away.
And now you found yourself at the Byers’ home, following Mike around as he points at Will’s drawings.
“Here, right here. This is like a hub.” He said, kneeling on top of the paper sheets. “So you got all the tunnels feeding in here. Maybe if we set this on fire–”
“Oh, yeah? That’s a no!” Steve said.
“The mind flayer would call away his army.” Dustin continued for Mike.
“They’d all come to stop us!” Lucas added.
“We circle back to the exit. By the time they realize we’re gone–”
“El would be at the gate.” Max finished.
“Hey! Hey! Hey! This is not happening.” Steve clapped his hands to gain their attention. He saw Mike open his mouth and quickly spoke before him. “No buts! I promised I’d keep you shitheads safe, and that’s exactly what I plan on doing. We’re staying here, on the bench, and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everybody understand that?”
“You’re not the only one in charge of us.” Max pointed out, looking at you.
“Don’t ask me anymore. I’m with Steve.” You shrugged. You saw Steve smile smugly while Dustin threw a glare at you.
The sound of a car engine interrupted your conversation. Max was the first to run towards the window, a look of shock and fear on her face when she recognized the mobile.
“It’s my brother.” She whispered. “He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us.”
“Cover the windows. Now!” You instructed, and the kids pulled down all the blinds. Steve walked to the front door before you stopped him. “Where are you going?”
“I’ll make him turn around.” He said simply.
“I don’t know how you’re planning to do that, but I don’t think your charm will work on him.” You said. You didn’t know a lot about Billy Hargrove, but you’ve heard enough to know that he’s more on the violent side.
“Okay, ouch. But I have to try. Just keep them hidden.” He instructed, pointing at Dustin and his friends who were watching anxiously from the window.
You groaned, standing by the door so you could faintly hear their voices from outside. You were confused about what was taking them so long until you heard the children gasp, throwing themselves aggressively back on the couch while mumbling curses.
“What happened?” You asked them, shocked when you were thrown aside from the impact of the door opening.
You winced when your back hit the wooden drawer behind you. You didn’t have time to register until you were face to face with Billy, blocking his path while your younger friends hurried behind you.
“Stay the fuck away.” You gritted, still feeling the pain in your lower back.
Billy met your eyes, angered but smirking when he saw you. “Ah, Y/n Henderson, right? I didn’t expect such a bad mouth from a girl like you.”
“You’ll get more than a curse word if you don’t leave.” You threatened him.
“What are you gonna do? Punch me?” He taunted, stepping forward.
You laughed, which seemed to catch him off guard, before raising your right fist and aiming at his nose. You were surprised by your own actions. If your mother knew you punched someone, she would be in hysterics. But you didn’t care, you were too tired and angry by everything that has happened, and seeing Billy Hargrove’s face just marked your boiling point.
He stumbled back, stunned but furious when he felt blood dripping from his nose. He lunged at you, reaching for your waist so he could throw you down. “You little bitc–”
You stepped away swiftly, leaving him to grab air while you reached for the iron stick beside the couch. You slammed it against his back, hurting him slightly but he was able to grasp your ankle, making you lose balance as you fell directly on your back.
You groaned at the impact, your back, and head both in pain. Billy stepped over you, breathing heavily. “Never come in my way again, Henderson. Or I won’t hesitate to kill you in front of your brother.”
He turned his attention to Lucas, the poor boy was frightened but he couldn’t do anything when Billy picked him up.
Dustin ran to you. There was a mixture of amazement and concern on his face. “Can you get up?”
“Yeah, just give me a moment.” You croaked.
Steve entered the house, a few scratches on his face but still rushing over you when he saw you laying on the floor. “What happened?”
He guided you to sit up slowly, but you pushed him away. “Don’t worry about me. Billy has Lucas.”
Your words alerted him as he walked to the kitchen, prying Billy off of Lucas. Unfortunately, Billy was stronger. In a matter of seconds, Steve replaced your body on the ground of the living room, the other boy hovering above him as he threw continuous punches.
You didn’t know what to do as you watched with the kids, your arms spread horizontally to shield them away from the fight. You looked around for any weapons that could knock out Billy until your eyes landed on a syringe on top of the drawers.
Max followed your eyesight, grasping your thoughts. She reached out before you could move, plunging the needle at her brother’s neck without hesitation.
Billy fell back, rapidly losing his consciousness but Max threatened him first before he could close his eyes. She grabbed his car keys, throwing them towards you.
“Let’s get out of here.”
“Woah, hold on.” You said, making them all look at you. “Where are you planning to go?”
“The hive,” Mike answered.
“Didn’t we have this conversation earlier? You are not going. And we can’t leave Steve here!” You panicked.
“Then we’ll take him with us,” Max said.
You were about to disagree when Dustin stepped in front of you, looking as serious as ever. “Look, Y/n, either we stay here and do nothing, or we could go out there and help our friends.”
“Please. Distracting them is the least we could do.” Dustin insisted.
You groaned, looking at Steve’s knocked-out body. “Fine. But no one goes anywhere without me. Got it?”
You waited for all of them to nod before starting Billy’s car, coming back inside the house to help Mike and Dustin lift Steve’s body to the backseat. Lucas and Max picked up everything they needed in the process, including some lighters and gasoline.
Mike and Dustin were huddled in the middle, keeping Steve’s body steady while Lucas took charge of the equipment at the back. Max was seated beside you as you drove, her eyes focused on the road signs and map.
It wasn’t long before Steve woke up, panicking when he found himself in a moving car. The rest of you tried to comfort him in an attempt to maintain the silence before he opened his eyes.
A few minutes passed and you reached the field, dressing with masks and glasses to avoid inhaling the air from the upside down. You and Steve went down to the tunnels first, making sure that there is no creature waiting to devour any of you.
You stayed in front of your group while Steve positioned at the back, shielding the kids effectively until they lit the hive on fire, all of you running back to where you came from after hearing the demogorgons.
You were all panting from fear and exhaustion when you returned to Billy’s car. Steve let you drive again back to the Byers’ house, admitting that he couldn’t see properly from all his injuries.
By the time you reached the house, Billy was sitting silently in the living room after he regained consciousness, but still groggy enough to feel any anger. It was an advantage on your side when Hopper and Eleven arrived almost at the same time as you, and the chief was successful in scaring Billy away.
The boy glared at you and Steve before going back to his car, Max following him. You were hesitant to let her go with him, but she assured you that Billy will never lay a hand on her as long as they live in the same house with her mother.
Joyce offered to make a quick dinner for everyone before parting ways, briefly panicking when she saw the dead demogorgon in her fridge that Steve and Dustin placed earlier. You settled for a sandwich, thanking her quietly before stepping out to the porch to sit on the bench.
Your mind was still processing everything that had happened in a span of four hours, feeling every sort of emotion while simultaneously thinking of an excuse for you and your brother when you returned home.
You could hear their voices inside the house, your brother’s laugh standing out from the others. The sound of the creaking door made you look up and you made eye contact with Steve, the boy sitting beside you with a can of soda in his hand.
“You look like shit.” You tried to hide your concern as you took in his face.
“I feel like shit.” He shrugged.
“Hargrove did a number on you, didn’t he?” You asked. “How will you explain that to your parents?”
It was a simple question for you but Steve stiffened, covering the tension in his voice with a chuckle. “It’s a good thing my parents aren’t home all the time, then.”
You didn’t reply, taking a bite of your sandwich instead. You weren’t oblivious to reading people’s emotions, and you knew that there is much more to Steve’s statement.
“Is your hand okay?” He pointed at your right knuckles. “Your brother wouldn’t stop talking about how you punched Hargrove.”
You smiled to yourself at the mention of your brother before tilting your hand to inspect it. There was nothing major aside from the reddening area of your joints. “It’s all good. My back hurts like hell, though.”
“Can you imagine his face when we see him back in school next week?” He spoke, eyes widened slightly at the thought of seeing Billy eye to eye again.
“He can’t really hurt us in school, can he? Unless he wants to be kicked out.” You shrugged.
“You know, aside from the part where I got beaten up, I had fun.”
You snorted at his words. “Fighting monsters was fun?”
“Yeah. And, I got to talk to you. You’re pretty cool.” Steve looked at you playfully.
“Pretty cool? Come on, Harrington. I’m more than that.” You said with confidence.
“Okay, you were amazing.” Steve rolled his eyes at your pleased smile. “I wish I could’ve seen you punch Billy.”
“Hey, as satisfying as that feels, I don’t fancy doing it again.”
“Alright, let’s make a deal.” He turned his body to fully face you, reaching his hand out. “No more fighting Billy Hargrove.”
You looked at his hand with a smirk before shaking it. “No more fighting Billy Hargrove.”
You and Steve stuck together since that night, and you even applied to the same colleges. Sometimes you still wonder how that single experience from six months ago suddenly shifted the way you looked at him. From the asshole popular student who always finds himself in trouble, to this softhearted older brother material to children.
You were also introduced to Eleven, who warmed up to you as quickly as Max did, and would always invite you over to their cabin. It was fascinating to witness her powers, and you were always left in awe whenever she would use them.
Billy Hargrove didn’t leave you either. He couldn’t do something physically harmful, but that didn’t stop him from throwing unpleasant statements at you and Steve. Although, it seems like he chose a different victim for today.
After your classes, you made your way to the parking lot where Steve promised to pick you up. It was another advantage of your friendship with him, free rides for you and Dustin whenever you wanted.
From the distance, you stopped walking when you spotted him leaning against his car, talking with Nancy Wheeler. You felt something tug in your chest but you quickly pushed it away, pretending to be unbothered at the sight.
But you weren’t unbothered. You remember the day you fought those creatures, how you and Dustin found him walking towards the Wheelers’ house with flowers in his hand. You are not an idiot to not realize who it was for. And from what you and Steve have talked about, they didn’t have any closure.
It would be untrue if you say that you didn’t have feelings for Steve. Even El told you that she noticed how your smile is always brighter whenever you’re with him. It was hard not to admire the boy, especially whenever you would see him bond with your brother.
Though, naturally, your mouth remained shut. You convinced yourself that this crush will pass, but it’s been months and you find it harder to hide.
You waited for Nancy to leave, waving her hand at Steve before joining Jonathan in his car. Your friend watched her with a smile when she walked away, only turning around when he heard your voice.
“Hey.” He smiled at you.
“I’ll just pick up Dustin.” You said, starting to walk to the next building where Hawkins Middle School is located.
Steve jogged up next to you. “I’ll go with you.”
You chuckled, nodding as the two of you made your way to your brother. But the sight that you caught made your blood boil.
Dustin would always wait for you and Steve at the drop-off area, but he wasn’t alone at the moment. Towering over him was Billy Hargrove, smirking as he looked down at your angry brother.
As you come nearer to the two of them, the more you can hear Billy’s insults.
“You little shit. You think I’ll let you talk back to me?” He hissed at Dustin. “You’re nothing but a piece of dirt, you hear me?”
When Dustin didn’t reply, he became angrier.
“I said, do you fucking hear m–!”
“We heard you, asshole.” You cut him off as you and Steve stood in front to protect Dustin.
“Ah, look who it is.” Billy grinned wider. “Harrington and Henderson. Nice to see you again.”
“You know what’s nicer?” You smirked. “Seeing blood running down your nose after a girl punched you.”
Your words made him drop his smile, breathing heavily as he tried to contain his anger. Steve senses the change in his emotions and pulls you backward.
“Fucking bitch. You’re just like your brother. Useless and patheti–”
You lunged at him, morals are damned. But Steve held your waist before you could throw a punch at Billy. He whispered your name repeatedly, attempting to calm you down and remind you of the deal you made months earlier.
“Let’s go. He isn’t worth our time.” Steve said aloud, holding your hand and wrapping an arm around Dustin’s shoulder.
You jeered at Billy’s face, not letting go of Steve or you might end up bruising his face again.
“If there’s anyone that’s pathetic here, it’s you. No wonder why even your own sister can’t stand you.”
Your words tore through him, replacing his anger with despair. If you didn’t know who he was, you would feel sorry for how he looked like he was about to cry. But your words were nowhere near all the insults he gave you and your brother since that night.
You walked away without regret, feeling nothing but resentment when you saw Dustin with his head down. Steve glanced warningly at Billy too, trying to remain calm for your sake.
The drive back to your house was silent. You and Dustin were leaning against the car doors, distracting yourselves with the sensation of the wind flowing through your hair. Steve would occasionally glance between you two, waiting for you to speak first.
Your mother welcomed you by the door, oblivious to your gloomy mood.
“Hi, sweetie.” She greeted Steve who walked you and Dustin. “You want to stay for dinner?”
“Oh, uh, sure Mrs. Henderson.” Steve smiled.
It wasn’t the first time your mom invited him over, knowing that Steve usually spends his time alone without his parents. She appreciates him, seeing the positive impact of his presence in your and Dustin’s lives.
Dustin made his way to his room, mumbling something about homework before slamming his door shut. You sighed at your brother, planning to talk to him alone later.
You and Steve went to your room and did schoolwork for an hour, only leaving the room when your mom called for your assistance in preparing the plates. Dustin was silent the entire time, looking down at his food as he avoided any conversation.
You volunteered to wash the dishes with Steve’s help. Your mother excused herself early, entering her bedroom with Mews. You noticed that Dustin was about to do the same and you called for him, stopping at his door before he could close it.
“Hey, Dusty.” You smiled softly. “You okay?”
“Yeah, just tired.” He lied.
It was unusual for your brother to go beyond hours without making any playful remarks or swearing. “I don’t know what Hargrove told you, and I won’t push you to tell me if you’re not comfortable. But I want you to know that none of them are true, alright?”
He looked down, not saying anything. You crouched a little and placed your hands on his shoulder.
“I mean that. You’re the smartest and bravest person I know. You even battled with demogorgons! Hargrove got nothing on you.”
You were surprised when Dustin reached forward and hugged you, wrapping his arms around your waist. You two barely hug, but you knew he needed one at the moment.
“Thanks, Y/n.” He whispered, letting you pull away first before softly closing his door.
You exhaled, dragging your feet as you walked back to the kitchen.
“How is he?” Steve whispered to you, wiping the plates that you had washed earlier.
You leaned your back against the counter. “I don’t know. I still don’t know what that scumbag told him.”
“You almost lost control back there.” He stated, standing beside you.
“I just… I didn’t mind it whenever he would push my limits. But I just got so mad when I heard what he said to Dustin.”
Steve let you speak, doing nothing but listening and nodding.
“You’re a good sister.” He whispered after a while.
“He’s a good brother, honestly.” You shrugged. “He treats you like his brother too, you know.”
Steve’s head snapped to look at you, a hopeful look on his face. “Yeah?”
You nodded, chuckling. “Yeah. You have no idea how much he talks about you.”
Steve couldn’t help but smile. If he was being honest, he also treats Dustin Henderson as a brother. He was somehow grateful that he got involved with all these upside down phenomena because he got to meet the kid.
“Thank you.” You whispered.
“For what?”
“For being in Dustin’s life.” You met his eyes. “We didn’t really grow up with a father. He would only rely on my mom and me, sometimes on his friends too when he has a problem. And then you came, and he became twice as happy.”
Your words warmed Steve’s heart, trying his best not to show his reddening cheeks. He averted his eyes around the kitchen until it fell on an envelope near the fridge. Even from afar, he recognized the university seal.
“Is that…?”
Confused, you looked at where he was looking, realization filling your mind. “Oh, that? Yep. I got in.”
Your flat tone made Steve turn to you with furrowed brows. “You don’t sound excited.”
You sighed heavily before confessing. “I’m thinking of taking a year off.”
“Seriously?” His eyes were wide.
You nodded. “Yeah. I talked with my mom already, and I told her that I want to save up first. Get a job or something so I can help her. She was fine, thankfully.”
“What job will you take then?” Steve sounds genuinely interested.
“I don’t know. But I saw an opening at the library. They needed two assistants.” You grinned. “What about you? Heard from any university yet?”
Steve’s smile fell. “I got two results yesterday, and I didn’t get in. I’m still waiting for one more. I’m screwed if that fails too.”
“Oh, Steve.” You lean closer to him until your arms are touching.
Steve looked down at you, taking the chance to admire you without you knowing. He would be lying as well if he denies that most of his thoughts weren’t preoccupied with you.
He tried to persuade himself that what he feels for you is platonic, strictly brought by the fact that he experienced his first real friendship with you. But as he looks at you, knowing that despite your sarcastic and carefree attitude, you were a kind, generous, and loving person.
He looked away when you raised your eyes.
“I saw you with Nancy earlier.” Your tone was playful, trying to make it sound like you were teasing him and not as if you were trying to snoop on what they talked about.
Steve scrunched his nose, chuckling slightly. “It was nothing.”
“Nothing? Nothing how?”
“She just asked for permission if they could use the swim team for this year’s school paper.” He explained.
You let out a small sound of understanding. “Steve?”
“Do you… still love Nancy?” You decided to ask him before you could take it back.
Steve raised his brows when he looked at you.
“I’m sorry if that’s weird.” You said quietly.
“No, it’s not.” He chuckled. “I’ll always love her, but I’m not in love with her.”
You shot him a confused look, signaling him to elaborate.
“I guess I always knew that we weren’t as perfect as we seem and that she always loved Jonathan instead of me. Which is why I didn’t really ask for a closure anymore, ‘cause we both knew it was failing but we were too scared to be alone.”
“Damn, that’s deep.” You whispered which made him laugh.
Steve stared at your eyes. “But I did find a girl.”
“Mhm. I’m torn, though. I convinced myself that I like her, but I think I already fell in love.” He said softly, not disconnecting his eyes from yours.
You ignored the feeling of envy that was currently brewing in your chest as you took in his words, faking an interesting look to let him continue.
“I feel like an idiot for not talking to her sooner because she’s the smartest and most loving person that I know. I’ve never experienced so much laughter and sarcasm until I met her. And I knew that I fell when I realized how she made me the happiest person this past few months.”
“This past few months?” You repeated his words, mind failing to grasp what he was trying to say. You tried to think about all the girls he became friends with recently, but there was none other than you.
Steve grinned at your confused face, finding it adorable. He didn’t know if the words he was about to say would ruin your friendship, but he didn’t care. He needed you to know. “She has a brother too, which is great because he’s funny and smart like she is. And surprisingly, we make a good team as babysitters.”
Your mouth opened slightly when the puzzles connected. You blinked slowly, not knowing how to react.
Steve, who was anxiously waiting for your response, asked. “What do you think?”
“A-about what?” You stuttered, a smile forming on your face.
“About the girl.”
“She sounds nice.”
“What about the guy?” He asked nervously.
“I think he has nothing to worry about.” You shrugged, grinning. “Because she fell for him too.”
You saw his eyes brighten, a huge smile covering his face at your reply. “She did?”
You nodded, laughing softly when he wrapped his arms around your waist to pull you closer.
“You’re not playing with me, aren’t you?”
You faked a gasp of hurt. “I would never do such a thing.”
He lowered his head to yours, one hand raising to move your stray hair away from your face. “Do you think he can kiss her?”
You chuckled again, gazing at his lips. “Absolutely. He’d be an idiot not to.”
And he did. He closed the gap between your faces as gently as possible. Neither of the two of you moved, allowing you to memorize the sensation first. You can feel him smiling against the kiss. He held you tighter as you wrapped your arms around his neck.
You remained like that for a few moments before you heard Dustin shout.
“What the fuck? My eyes, my eyes!”
You gasped as you pushed yourself away from Steve, turning around to see Dustin covering his eyes aggressively.
You rolled your eyes at your dramatic brother while Steve held his laugh behind you. “You can open them now.”
Dustin hesitantly lowered his hand, breathing heavily as if he had just run for miles. “What did I just see?”
“What are you doing here?” You ignored his question.
“I came here for a glass of milk!” He exclaimed before you shushed him, saying that your mother has gone to bed. “Are you two dating?”
You raised your brows at his stern voice. “No.”
“Not yet.” Steve corrected you, sending you a flirty smile.
Dustin groaned, glaring at Steve for almost a whole minute before he sighed. “Look, I’m not going to pretend like I didn’t know you like my sister, and I’d rather have you date her than anyone else. But please, never ever kiss in front of me, got it?”
Steve nodded obediently, but Dustin had another threat.
“And don’t you ever hurt her, Harrington. Or I would have El open another portal and bring you to the upside down.”
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Wedding Day Blues.
my masterlist || ask me anything <3
my blurb masterlist is here!
authors note - i was watching ‘Sam and Billie the mummy diaries’ and it was the wedding episode so i decided to write something wedding inspired. 🤷‍♀️
word count - 2.4k
in which, it’s your and your fiancés wedding day, getting married in the garden of your shared italian villa, surrounded by your close friends and loved ones, but you can’t help but let the nerves get to you.
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Today was meant to be a day that you will never forget.
You and your fiancé had been engaged for a total of two years and today was the day the two of you would be tying the knot.
As you stand in the guest bedroom of your enchanting Italian villa, the soft morning sunlight streams through the window, casting a warm glow on the elegantly adorned room. The walls, painted in serene pastel hues, echo the timeless romance that fills the air on this momentous day. The delicate lace curtains sway gently, as if whispering secrets of love and anticipation.
Gazing outside, your heart swells with emotion as you witness the scene unfolding before you. The garden, a verdant paradise, is transformed into a sanctuary of love and celebration. Rows of pristine white chairs are meticulously arranged, each one a seat for a cherished guest, their faces alive with joy and excitement.
Your eyes are drawn to the majestic archway adorned with intertwined blooms and foliage, an emblem of unity and devotion. Beneath it, you and your beloved will stand, surrounded by the fragrant embrace of nature, ready to exchange vows that will bind your hearts eternally.
In the midst of this exquisite scene, workers bustle with quiet dedication, ensuring that every detail is perfect. The flowers, vibrant and fragrant, are arranged flawlessly. The soft, melodic hum of their preparations blends harmoniously with the rustling leaves and distant chirping of birds, creating a symphony of anticipation.
As you stand there, dressed in a gown that embodies your dreams and adorned with the promise of forever.
The dress was flowy, white and the bodice was designed with flowers, your hair was curled and in a bun.
A sense of profound gratitude washes over you. The villa, the garden, the archway—all bear witness to the love that has blossomed and grown, leading you to this magical moment. And as the day unfolds, you know that this chapter of your journey will be etched in your hearts and memories, a testament to the beauty of love and the artistry of life.
As you watch from the window, a rush of emotions courses through you as you see your fiancé, Harry, take his place at the altar. His presence is commanding, yet his eyes hold a vulnerability that speaks to the depth of your connection. The weight of the moment presses against your chest, and your hands tremble uncontrollably.
Nerves begin to tighten their grip, a tide of anxiety that threatens to overwhelm you. You realise you need to step away from the window, away from prying eyes, to find solace in the privacy of your own thoughts. Slowly, you retreat from the view, your heart racing as you navigate the room.
Sinking onto the edge of the bed, you try to steady your breathing, but the panic has taken hold. Your breath comes in shallow gasps, and your vision blurs as the world around you becomes a blur of colours and shapes. It's as if the weight of the moment, the culmination of so many dreams and hopes, has become too much to bear all at once.
In the midst of this overwhelming rush of sensations, you clutch at the sheets beneath your fingers, seeking an anchor amidst the storm. Your mind races, thoughts colliding, and tears prick at the corners of your eyes. You close your eyes, trying to regain control, to remind yourself that this moment is a celebration of love, a union of two souls meant to be together.
As you sit on the edge of the bed, lost in the grip of your panic attack, you're startled by a gentle knock on the door. Your father's voice, warm and familiar, floats through the air, breaking through the fog of your distress.
"Hey darling, are you almost ready? It's almost time."
However, in the midst of your overwhelming emotions, the sound of his knock doesn't register. You remain caught in the clutches of your anxiety, your breathing erratic, your hands trembling. Your father, sensing that something might be amiss, quietly enters the room.
As he approaches you, concern etches his face. He takes in the sight of you, shaken and struggling to catch your breath.
"Sweetheart, what's wrong?" he asks softly, his voice a soothing balm against the storm that rages within you. He places a gentle hand on your shoulder, attempting to offer comfort.
You try to respond, to explain the torrent of feelings that has engulfed you, but your words are caught in your throat. Tears gather in your eyes, and you find it difficult to meet his gaze. His presence, though, is a lifeline, a reminder of the love and support that surrounds you.
Your father's touch is steady and unwavering as he continues to reassure you.
"It's okay, my love. Just take a deep breath with me." His voice is a lifeline, guiding you through the storm with every word.
He encourages you to focus on your breath, guiding you in inhaling and exhaling, the rhythm slowly helping to ground you. His calming presence, his unwavering love, begins to chip away at the edges of your panic, offering a glimmer of relief.
As the waves of panic slowly recede, you manage to find your voice, your trembling words breaking through the lingering unease.
"I want Harry," you mutter, the simple desire a beacon of clarity amidst the emotional tumult.
Your father's eyes soften with understanding, and he nods in response, a silent affirmation of your wishes. With a reassuring squeeze of your shoulder, he offers a comforting smile. "Of course, my dear. I'll be right back."
He steps away from you, leaving a sense of warmth and reassurance in his wake. The space around you is filled with a mixture of anticipation and a newfound sense of serenity. You watch as he leaves the room, his footsteps fading down the corridor, a promise that he'll bring the one who can anchor you most in this moment of vulnerability.
Harry stands at the altar, a black tuxedo, with a frilly colour and a long, thin black tie, matching trousers and some heeled chelsea boots on his feet, the embodiment of nerves and excitement, his heart racing as he waits for the moment you'll appear. His gaze sweeps over the rows of seated guests, their faces illuminated by the soft golden light of the sun. The garden around him is alive with anticipation, each petal and leaf whispering of the love that's about to unfold.
But as he scans the garden, his eyes seeking the vision of you he's held in his heart, a flicker of concern crosses his features. You're nowhere to be seen, and his brow furrows with worry. His gaze narrows, hoping for a glimpse of your familiar figure emerging from the villa, but the seconds stretch on, and you remain absent.
Confusion deepens into concern as he tilts his head, trying to discern any sign of what might be amiss. His heart beats faster, the rhythm of the moment disrupted by the absence of the one he's been waiting for. Just as worry begins to tighten its grip, he notices your father approaching him, a determined expression on his face.
"Harry," your father says, his voice steady, though laced with urgency. "I need to talk to you for a moment."
He offers a reassuring smile, his eyes holding a mix of empathy and understanding.
Harry's heart skips a beat, his apprehension growing as he steps forward to meet your father.
"Is everything alright?" he asks, his voice carrying the weight of concern.
Your father takes a deep breath before speaking, his tone measured and calm. "There's been a little hiccup with (Y/N). She's inside the villa, and she needs a moment."
A rush of emotions sweeps over Harry as reality sinks in. He nods in understanding, his thoughts racing. "Is she okay?"
Your father's eyes soften, and he places a reassuring hand on Harry's shoulder. "She's with us. Just needed a moment to gather herself. I wanted to let you know."
Without another word, Harry turns on his heels and rushes back down the aisle toward the villa. He moves with an urgency fueled by love and concern, his heart pounding in his chest.
Time seems to stretch as you wait, the air pregnant with anticipation. In the distance, the sounds of laughter and murmured conversations from the garden drift through the window, a reminder of the celebration that awaits. And then, as if a gentle whisper of destiny, the door opens once again.
And there he is—Harry, your anchor, your rock, your source of solace. His presence fills the room, a magnetic force that draws you closer to him. As his eyes meet yours, you see an understanding there, a connection that transcends words.
In that instant, all the swirling worries and fears seem to melt away, replaced by a sense of security that only his presence can provide. He barely spares a glance at your dress, as if deliberately averting his gaze to maintain the element of surprise.
Without hesitation, Harry crosses the room, his movements fueled by a sense of urgency to be by your side. He crouches down in front of you, his fingers gently finding yours, his touch a lifeline as he holds your trembling hands. His eyes search your face, his concern etched in his expression.
"Hey," he says softly, his voice a tender murmur that seems to fill the room. "What's wrong? Talk t’me."
You draw in a shaky breath, feeling the safety of his presence as you begin to voice the jumbled thoughts that have been plaguing your mind.
"I'm really nervous, H," you admit, your words a vulnerable confession of your inner turmoil.
Harry's grip on your hands tightens, his thumb rubbing soothing circles on your skin.
"It's okay t’be nervous, m’honey," he reassures you, his gaze unwavering. "But we're in this together. Y’and me, right?"
A tear escapes your eye, and you nod, your voice barely a whisper. "I know, but... I want to make sure you're making the right decision by marrying me. I don't want you to regret it."
Harry's brow furrows slightly, his eyes searching yours with a mixture of understanding and determination.
"Listen t’me," he says firmly, his voice carrying a depth of emotion that leaves no room for doubt. "There's no one else, (Y/N), baby You're the only one I want, the only one I've ever wanted."
The weight of his words settles over you like a warm embrace, filling the space around you with a sense of profound clarity. In his gaze, you see a reflection of the love that has brought you to this moment, a love that is steadfast and unwavering.
With a tender smile, Harry reaches up to wipe away the tear that has fallen from your eye. "I'm here because I want t’be, because I choose y’every single day. We're a team, and we're on this journey together."
As you hold Harry's gaze, your heart swells with emotion, the words you're about to speak carrying the weight of vulnerability.
"Harry, I'm not like everyone else you've dated," you begin, your voice soft yet resolute. "I'm not a model, I'm not famous, I'm just... average."
The sincerity in your words hangs in the air, a testament to your own insecurities, a fear that you might not measure up to the glamorous lives he's been a part of. But before you can say more, Harry interrupts you, his voice gentle yet firm. "Hey, don't say that."
His fingers find yours, his touch grounding you in the moment. The look in his eyes is earnest, a reflection of his genuine emotions. "You're not just 'average',your (Y/N). Y’unique, y’beautiful, and y’perfect just the way y’are. Y’don't have t’be like anyone else. That's not why I love you."
The weight of his words washes over you, a tide of reassurance that erases the doubts you've been carrying. His sincerity wraps around you like a warm embrace, pushing away the shadows of comparison and self-doubt. In this moment, you understand that Harry's love transcends the surface and superficial, and that his feelings for you run deep.
He lifts your chin gently, his thumb brushing against your cheek as he gazes into your eyes. "Y’are not defined by anyone else's standards. Y’not just a sum of y’parts. Y’you, and that's all I ever wanted."
As Harry continues to hold your hands, his fingers gently intertwined with yours, his observant gaze catches the subtle tremble that still lingers in your fingers.
A hint of concern flickers in his eyes, and he offers a tender smile, his voice a soothing balm. "Y’know, there's an idea that just crossed m’mind."
You meet his gaze, curious and attentive, eager to hear what he's thinking.
"What is it?" you ask, your voice a mixture of curiosity and anticipation.
His smile widens, and his words are spoken with a warmth that radiates through the room. "What if... what if we walked down the aisle together?"
The suggestion hangs in the air, its simplicity carrying a depth of understanding that resonates with you. The idea of facing the nervousness together, as a team, is both comforting and intriguing. You take a moment to consider it, letting the concept settle within your heart.
"Walk down the aisle together?" you repeat, your thoughts taking shape. "You mean, like, side by side?"
Harry nods, his gaze unwavering, his expression filled with unwavering support. "Yeah, that way y’won't have t’feel nervous. We'll face whatever comes together."
His words echo the sentiment you've come to cherish—the idea of partnership, of sharing the journey, of supporting one another through challenges. You let his suggestion sink in, and a sense of relief begins to replace the lingering apprehension.
After a beat, you smile, your heart lighter than it's been in moments. "Yeah, that would make me feel a lot better."
Harry's eyes light up, his smile mirroring your own as he uses one hand to your hand gently and uses his free hand to wipe under your eyes, making sure your mascara didn’t smudge. "Good. It's settled then. We'll walk down that aisle together, facing whatever comes hand in hand."
His words are a promise, a reassurance that even in the face of nervousness and uncertainty, you'll find strength in each other's presence. As you lock eyes with Harry, you're reminded once again of the power of love, the connection that can ease even the most anxious of hearts.
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mychemicalimagines · 10 months
Everything Changed-Embry Call-Chapter 8
Summary: A couple months before her junior year in high school finishes, something happened to the once normal Hayley Uley. Myth turns into reality. Not just for her, but for her older brother, Sam, as well. They have to drop everything they once knew for something they thought was only in bed time stories. Will things finally start looking up for once after this ‘blessing-in-disguise’?
Warnings: Cussing, Paranormal, Supernatural, Angst, Love, Bella-Bashing, Possible Smut (Please read Authors Note in Chapter 1 for Age Explanation)
Words: 5,738
A/N: Here is another chapter! I hope you enjoy! To Be Tagged: Message Me, Submit an Ask, Comment or Tag Yourself in My Bio!!
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Third Person POV
Later that night, besides Jake, everyone is eating the food the girls made, sitting around a growing fire that Sam started an hour or so beforehand. Billy sits in his wheelchair with the forest to his back, starting the large circle. Old Quil sits on one side of him while Sue sits on the other side. The eldest three council leaders.
When Harry passed away, Sue joined the council, keeping the Clearwater name in the leading circle. Beside Old Quil is his grandson and the newest, fellow pack member, Quil. Jared, Kim and Paul sitting next to him, almost rough housing as usual, the female just laughing along. Beside Paul is Emily leaning against Sam, slightly cuddling. 
Hayley and Embry are next, with the female allowing her boyfriend to eat off her plate.They saved a spot for Jake, knowing that Bella would be showing up with him. Closing up the circle next to his mother is Seth, who is practically bouncing in his seat with all the excitement building in his stomach. 
They hear a car pull into the parking lot of the beach before Bella’s voice is heard to all the shifters.
“You sure this is okay?” She asks. “I really hate being a party crasher.”
“Technically, you’re a council meeting crasher.” Jake chuckles, trying to ease her anxiety a little. “See. The council leaders, Sam, Dad, Quil’s grandpa and Sue Clearwater. She took over for Harry when he died.”
“Okay, I should not be here.” She says, turning slightly but Jake stops her. 
“You’re okay. We…they thought it would be good for you to hear the histories.” He corrects himself. 
“The histories?” Her eyes widen. “The tribe's histories? Aren’t they secret?”
“We all got a role to play. And you’re a part of this. I mean, it’s the first time Seth and Quil are hearing them, too. But you’re the first outsider. Ever.”
“If I had known that, I wouldn’t believe you.” She looks up at him. “And would’ve dressed better.” 
“Jake!” They hear, causing them to face forward. 
Seth runs up toward them, almost like a puppy, a large smile on his face. 
“Hey, it’s about time you got here! Paul’s been hovering the grub. But, I saved you some burgers!” He continues.
“Good looking out, bro.” Jake smiles before looking at the female next to him. “Bella, this is Seth Clearwater, Sue’s son. One of the newest members of the pack.”
“Newest, bestest, brightest.” He grins.
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“And slowest!”
Jake grabs the young boy in a headlock, both tumbling to the sand, laughing. Hayley smiles to herself, happy to see Seth being a kid, despite all the future pressure he’ll, no doubt, have on his shoulders. Sam whistles loudly, stopping the two shifters, knowing Billy wants to start. 
“Come on.” Seth grins. “Your dad’s about to start.”
The trio walk over to the fire, sitting down in their respective spots with Bella next to Seth. Billy looks around, mentally counting to make sure everyone is there before he begins. Everyone’s attention wholly on him, his voice commanding.
“The Quileutes have been a small tribe from the beginning but we’ve always had magic in our blood. We were great spirit warriors, shape shifters, that transform into the powerful wolf. This enabled us to scare off our enemies and protect our tribe. One day, our warriors came across a creature…” He says, looking around at everyone. 
To Bella, it’s as if the story was playing in the fire in the middle of the pack. She can picture every word he’s saying as if it were a movie playing right in front of her. 
“It looked like a man, but it was hard like stone, and cold as ice…Our warriors’ sharp teeth finally tore it apart but only fire would completely destroy it. They lived in fear, the Cold Man was not alone…And they were right. She took her vengeance out on the village. Our elder chief, Taha Aki, was the only spirit warrior left to save the tribe after his son was killed. Taha Aki’s Third Wife could see that he would lose. The Third Wife was no magical being, no special powers…but one. Courage.” He says, looking in the direction of each of the three imprinted couples.
The pack knew exactly who the Third Wife was. She was Taha Aki’s imprint. That’s what makes her so special, besides the lesson he is currently giving. Embry kisses his own imprint’s head before she nuzzles her face into his neck.
“The Third Wife’s sacrifice distracted the Cold Woman, long enough for Taha Aki to destroy her. She saved the tribe. Over time, our enemies have disappeared. But one remains…The Cold Ones. Our magic awakens when they near. And we sense it now, we feel the threat in our blood. Something terrible is coming. And we must all be ready. All of us.” Billy finishes, glancing toward Bella.
She has slight guilt in her stomach after hearing the story. Knowing that packs ancestors were killed by Cold Ones when she wants to be one herself. She knows this hasn’t changed her mind but it does give her some insight into her best friend’s history.
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Another week has passed with no signs of the red-head or the random vampire that Jake and Hayley smelled in Bella’s bedroom. When the wolves and vampires have to switch out for their patrol outside her outside, there is no talking until the others have left. They have a truce but it is so tense, they swear they can cut it with a knife. 
That is what happened earlier when Hayley and Paul switched with Emmett and Alice. The two vampires stared at them before rushing toward their home. Emmett’s lucky that the truce was in place as well as Sam’s words of ‘wait till their feet touch the grass’. Hayley rolls her eyes and walks in her wolf form toward the front of Bella’s house. 
Her head snaps up when she hears the wheels screeching of Edward’s Volvo. She raises an eyebrow as the vampire rushes out of his vehicle straight toward Jake’s rabbit as he pulls in. Bella exits the car, holding her hand close to her body as if she hurt herself. 
“Not here, Edward. Please.” She begs her boyfriend. 
“If you ever touch her against her will again.” Edward snarls at her pack member. 
Hayley immediately phases back into her human form before getting dressed. What the fuck happened?
“Don’t do this!” Bella continues, trying to put herself between them. 
“She’s not sure what she wants.” Jake growls at the leech.
“Well, let me give you a clue.” Edward snaps at him. 
“Wait for her to say the words.”
Hayley rushes from the trees, gently moving Bella from between them. The human sighs in relief at the sight of the Beta.
“Shut the fuck up, both of you.” She growls, pushing between them. 
“Fine. And she will!” Edward glares, ignoring the female shifter.
She pushes them apart, deja-vu hitting her hard. “Just shut up! What happened?”
Jacob finally looks away from the leech as he licks his bottom lip. 
“I kissed Bella…And she broke her hand…punching my face.”
“What the fuck, Jake?” Hayley snaps, her voice rising slightly. “You know she’s in a relationship with this asshole. You can’t do that!”
“I wanted to prove…”
“I don’t care what you wanted to do! You don’t do shit like that!” She pushes his chest again. “Get your ass in your car and go to my house. Tell Sam what you did. He’ll deal with your punishment.”
“No, Jacob. Go, now!” She growls, glaring at him. 
He shakes his head before turning around, stomping toward his car. No one says anything as he speeds away from the house. Edward finally speaks up when the car is away from view. Despite her calling him an asshole, he’s glad she was there.
“Thank you, Hayley.”
She rolls her eyes and turns toward Bella. She doesn’t like the girl, but she didn’t deserve that.
“Are you okay?”
“My hand hurts pretty bad.” She admits.
“You did punch a wolf in the face. We’re practically indestructible.” She shakes her head, glancing up at Edward. “Take her back to your house.” She looks back at Bella. “I’ll inform Charlie you broke your hand on the rez.”
“Thanks.” She whispers, following her boyfriend to his precious Volvo.
“I need to start getting paid.” Hayley mumbles to herself as she walks up to Bella’s front door. “It’s like babysitting a bunch of sparkly and fevered toddlers.”
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“Now, welcome to the stage, La Push High’s 2006 Class Salutatorian, Hayley Uley!” The Principal says before stepping back from the microphone. 
The entire gym erupts in applause with the pack, including Jared and Paul who are sitting in their own cap and gowns, being the loudest. Hayley blushes slightly as she walks up to the microphone, her speech in hand. Glancing around the audience, her eyes land on her boyfriend, who is smiling widely, proud of his imprint.
She is always going above and beyond for their tribe. Losing sleep so she can go on patrol and so she can finish her mountains of homework. This woman is the definition of a hard-worker. Embry puts his pinkies in his mouth and whistles loudly, causing her to bite her lip slightly. As the cheers slow down, her eyes meet her brother’s who is beaming with pride. 
He is so proud of his little sister. With everything that has happened in the last year, she stepped up and took her role as Beta seriously as well as made sure her grades were immaculate. She didn’t let their mom leaving them impede her studies and responsibilities. If anything, it made her stronger, more determined, and so full of perseverance, that Sam can’t help but be immensely proud of her.
Hayley fixes the microphone to her height before looking down at the speech she had written the night before.
“When we were five, they asked us what we wanted to be when we grew up. Our answers were things like astronaut, president or in my case, the Queen I know I am.” She grins as the auditorium is filled with laughter for a moment. “When we were ten, they asked again and we answered - rock star, cowboy, or in my case - a vet. But now that we’ve grown up, they want a serious answer. Well, how about this: who the hell knows?” 
Loud hoots and hollers from her classmates, Paul being the loudest. 
“This isn’t the time to make hard and fast decisions, it’s the time to do what we want. Find ourselves. Take the wrong train, and get stuck somewhere. Fall in love…” She glances toward Embry who is grinning at her words. “Some of us may go on to college right away, or get our own places, and start our lives. Some of us may continue to live at home - for whatever reason - and annoy the hell out of our parents - or, my older brother, in my case, just as we’ve done for the last 17-18 years. But, at the end of the day. No matter what we do, where we go, it’ll be at our own paces, and what’s best for us in that moment of time. Change your mind. Then change it again, because there’s only two things that’s permanent. That’s family and the friends you met along the way. So make as many mistakes as you can. That way, someday, when they ask again what we want to be…we won’t have to guess. We’ll know.”
The entire gym erupts in applause once again as her words sink into every single person there, not just her graduating classmates. She grabs her piece of paper and folds it as she walks down to her seat, putting it in her dress pocket. They all listen to the Principal make the same exact speech he’s been making since he started working at the school.
When it’s time for the students to get their diploma, Hayley is one of the first people in line, due to her class title. 
“Hayley Uley.” The Principal repeats, turning slightly to put his hand out.
She takes a few steps toward him and shakes his hand, grabbing the diploma case from his other hand as her brother and Embry, as well as the rest of the pack including the two graduating, stand up and cheer the loudest out of everyone there. 
“That’s my little sister!” “My girlfriend did it! Hell yeah!” “Wooo! Go, Hayley!”
She blushes and walks past the Principal to leave the stage, glancing at the pack as she does. Her heart drops slightly when she sees Billy clapping happily for his Beta…without his son next to him. About ten minutes later, Jared’s name is called, causing Hayley to stand up and whistle about as loud, if not louder than he had for her just minutes earlier. 
He grins and accepts his diploma case in the same manner before throwing up the rock-star sign, causing his friends to laugh. Since Paul’s last name began with L, it takes a little longer to get to him but everyone in the pack cheers as if it’s been five seconds. His classmates were surprised he was able to graduate but not the pack.
With Hayley being there, she was always helping him with his homework and studying, this included when they were on patrol. She quizzed him more often than not, making sure he would be able to walk the stage. He’s thankful for her. Because of her, he proved his father wrong and proved he was able to do it.
Over an hour later, after the tassels have been moved and the caps have been thrown, Hayley rushes toward her brother, squealing as she moves.
“I fuckin’ did it!” She practically screams, jumping into his arms. 
Sam catches her, holding her close to him. “I’m so proud of you, Hay.”
“You’re the one person I want to thank, Sam. Without you, I wouldn’t be here.” She whispers, hugging him tightly. 
“I didn’t do anything. All I did was…” She cuts off her brother by leaning back and looking at him.
“You believed in me from day one. That’s what you did.” She says, tearing up slightly. “Even when mom gave up on me, on us, you never did. Not even for one second.”
Her words cause her brother to tear up a little himself, as he smiles softly before kissing the top of her head.“Congratulations, Beta. You deserve this.” 
Before any more words can be spoken, her imprint walks up and wraps his arms around her waist, nuzzling her neck slightly. 
“I’m dating a high school graduate.” He whispers causing her to wipe her tears and giggle. “That’s kinda hot.”
Sam rolls his eyes but jumps when Jared and Paul almost tackle him with their own excitement. Since the whole gym is loud with families and graduates, he didn’t even hear them running toward them. Hayley turns around in her boyfriend's arms and wraps her own around his neck.
“Hot, huh?”
“Hell yeah it is.” He grins, leaning down toward her. “I really got lucky, dating an older woman. All the guys are jealous!”
She laughs slightly and leans up, pressing her own lips to his, sparks flying. He reaches up and cups her cheek, deepening it slightly. Normally the pack would step in to mess it up on purpose but Hayley deserves this. When they pull away for a breath of much needed air, Emily decides to be the one to step in, not wanting anything to happen in public.
“Alright, time for pictures!!”
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Since the pack had the legends bonfire a little over a week before, Paul, Jared and Hayley all wanted to have a nice dinner for their graduation party. Just the pack and them. The only family they would ever need. The three graduates sit next to each other with Embry next to his girlfriend and Sam next to Jared, Paul and Hayley in the middle. 
Kim wasn’t able to be there due to her own family wanting to have a nice dinner as she graduated today as well. She’s gonna be stopping by in a couple of days to spend time with the pack. The pack’s laughing, having the best time of their lives…that is until Jake walks into the room. They all quiet down and look at him, slightly shocked to see he even showed up. 
Sam notices that he wasn’t sitting next to his father in the stands earlier in the night. He’s irritated with his pack member but if he would rather be at Bella’s graduation, hiding, more power to him.
“Hey guys.” He says, putting his hands into his pockets. “Congrats.”
“Thanks.” Hayley says aloud, and very sarcastically, while her two classmates nod at his words, not wanting to speak.
“I, uh, I’m sorry I didn’t go. You know…Bella was graduating too, so.” He mumbles, knowing everyone could hear him. 
“It’s alright. We had the pack.” Jared says, watching him.
“Hell, we had your dad.” Paul shrugs, grabbing another piece of the fantastic dinner Emily created for them.
Jacob nods slightly before speaking reluctantly, knowing he’s going to make someone mad today. 
“I know today is a big one but I wanted to know if Hayley, Embry and Quil were ready…”
“Ready for what?” She raises an eyebrow.
“To go to Bella’s graduation party.”
Embry and Quil growl slightly, pissed at their best friend's words. 
“The fuck, Jacob. You knew since we graduated too we wanted a nice dinner with the pack so why the hell do I have to go?” She asks, throwing her napkin down onto the table.
“Because Sam said I can’t go alone and…”
“You didn’t tell me it was today!” Sam growls. “Can’t my sister have one day without your damn leech problems?” 
“Hay,” He looks at her, begging. “I’ll make it up to you. Please. I need to apologize for what happened a few days ago.”
Hayley shakes her head, glaring at him as she tries to hold back her vibrating body. “Fuck this! Fuck you, Jake! I’m not going. I’m tired of coming second to your little puppy crush on a leech lover. If you want to apologize, you can find a way that doesn’t include me!”
The tension in the room skyrockets and Sam sighs, rubbing his eyes. 
“Fine. Because you’re such a selfish asshole.” He turns to his Beta. “Hayley, will you please go with him and tonight, you and I will watch Harry Potter all night.”
Growling softly, but nodding as she stands up. “Fine.” She looks at Jake, glaring at him. “Just know, I’m done doing anything for you. I’m only going to this cause Sam asked. Next time you need something, why don’t you ask your new leech friends. Cause I’m done.”
“But the pack?” He starts as she walks away.
“No!” She turns, pointing toward him. “No. You do not get to lecture me on the pack! You’ve put me and the pack second to you and your leech loving best friend who’s not even your imprint! If you gave a damn about the pack, you’d have been there today, Jake. You’d have supported us. You’d have chosen your pack before all this. But no. You weren’t. You haven’t. And you didn’t! So, don’t you dare start in with the ‘but the pack’ bullshit! You’re the fuckin’ wolf that cried boy!”
Jake sighs and nods softly. “Fine. But…please?”
Hayley flips him off and growls as she turns away from him to go put her shoes on. Embry shakes his head, anger filling his stomach.
“You’re such a fuckin’ dick, Jake.” He stands up, throwing his own napkin down onto the table. “She got one day this year to do whatever she wanted and you ruined it.”
“I know but…”
“No buts, Jake. The only butt here is you.” He looks at his best friend. “Since the day you phased, she’s done whatever you asked, despite her being the Beta of our pack. A role you tried to take from her. When they wanted you to sniff Bella’s room for a new leech, she was there after getting literally an hour of sleep. When you needed help on homework, she canceled one of our rare dates so you’d get a good grade. She was the one that took every shift outside of Bella’s house she could to make sure that house was safe. If you truly knew how important this day was to her, and even - just slightly - gave a shit about her, you’d have been there for her. You’d have done the one thing that you knew you should’ve, the one thing she shouldn’t even have to ask of you. But you didn’t. You showed her - and everyone else here - just how little she, and the pack, means to you. How little you actually care about her.”
The teenage boy looks down at his shoes, not knowing what to say. Paul glances up slightly.
“He’s right. I didn’t care if you showed up. Jared didn’t either but she was the one to ask you. Personally! Out of all the times you’ve let her down, this has to be the worst. It’s the only thing she’s ever asked of you, and you gave a rat’s ass about it.”
“Forget it, guys.” Hayley speaks up, her heart full of love from her friends. “If he doesn’t care, then why should I? Let’s just go get this over with so I can come back and watch Harry win the Triwizard cup with the people that do actually care.”
She grabs her truck keys and walks out the back door. Embry rushes out after her, gently curling his fingers around her wrist once he’s close enough. He gently tugs, getting her to stop and face him. Leaning up, he kisses her softly, cupping her cheek with his other hand, absentmindedly wiping the tear that falls down her cheek. 
She deepens the kiss slightly, happy she has at least one good thing in her life and that's her imprint. He’s had her back through everything since the day their eyes met in Jake’s garage. When they pull away, he looks deep into her eyes, wanting to show how much she means to him.
“I love you, Hayley.” He whispers. “Even when everyone is shitting on you, I’ll love you until the end of time.”
Another tear falls down her cheek as she takes in a breath, wanting her heart to stop pounding hard at his words. 
“I love you, too, Embry. So much.”
She wraps her arms around his neck, nuzzling against him slightly. He holds her as close as he can, wanting her to feel his love.
“No matter how much worse Jake can make tonight, this moment, with you, Em, it’s the best part of my day. Of my life.” She whispers.
“You’re already the best part of my life.” He whispers, kissing her temple before pulling away.
Quil stomps out of the house, rushing straight for his best friends, mumbling about how much an ass Jake is. Jacob walks out slowly, embarrassed about everything Sam, Paul and Embry have said to him. Emily even said something when Hayley rushed out of the house. Their Beta drives them to the Cullen’s house, the disgusting smell of sweet bleach hitting their noses as soon as they pull in. 
Embry and Quil growl, but exit the car, knowing that they better get this over with so they can get home as soon as possible. Hayley turns off her truck and puts the keys in her pocket before looking at Jake.
“We’re going to go in. You’re going to apologize. I’m gonna get some cake then we’re leaving. Understood?”
He nods softly, swallowing the small amount of spit in his mouth. She leaves the car and walks to the two boys who are waiting for her. It doesn’t take long for them to find the entrance after hearing the loud music and teenagers talking from the truck. Despite how tense they are, Embry and Quil flank Hayley while Jacob stands a few feet to the side.
Since he’s in the house of the Cullen Coven, he’s calm and confident, not wanting them to know his pack just ripped him a new one for even wanting to be there. Bella catches sight of the four of them before sighing to herself, maneuvering off the dance floor.
“What are you doing here?” She asks, glancing at the other three.
“You invited me, remember?” He smiles slightly.
“Was my right hook too subtle for you? It was me uninviting you.” She scoffs before gesturing to Hayley. “She has more of a right to be here than you do and she doesn’t even like me.”
The Beta smirks to herself, glancing around the party.
“Look, Bella. I’m sorry…about, you know…The kiss and your hand.” He says, causing the two boys to look at him in confusion. “I’d blame it on the whole inner animal thing, but it was really…just me. Being an ass. I’m really sorry.”
Bella sees how sincere he is with his words before nodding slightly. 
“I brought you something. A graduation present.” He says, pulling something out of his pocket. “I made it myself.”
Embry rolls his eyes and puts his hand on his girlfriend’s back. He didn’t even give his pack members a card for their graduation. Hell! Seth handmade cards for the three graduates. Hay immediately put it on her wall so she can look at it everyday. 
“You made this?” Bella asks, looking at the intricately hand-carved miniature wolf that is attached to a bracelet. “It’s really pretty! Thanks.”
Jacob grins widely and helps her put it on, glad she likes it. Hayley pulls on her boyfriend’s shirt slightly, gesturing to the door. He nods slightly, knowing what she means before turning to Jacob to tell him where they’re going. Before Hay can try to move past a couple of the Forks High graduates, wanting to get some food since Jake rudely interrupted their dinner, a voice captures her attention.
“Hey! It’s Taken!” 
She groans slightly and turns around, mumbling softly. “As if this night couldn’t get any worse.”
Embry raises an eyebrow at her words and turns around, looking to see a blonde pale face, checking out his girlfriend, a slight glare appearing.
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“Mike.” Hayley says, putting her hand on her boyfriend’s arm to calm him down. “What do you want?”
“I didn’t know you were going to be here.” He grins, stepping in front of her. 
“Well, my great friend Bella graduated today so I thought I’d stop by and say hello.” She says, forcing the words out.
“Oh! Well while you’re here we should dance or something.” He checks her out again before looking up at Embry who steps up toward him.
Hayley bites her lip slightly, loving the protective feeling that’s radiating from her imprint. She’s also trying to hold back her laughter at the sight of her 6 foot 4 boyfriend, towering over the barely 5 foot 10 inch tall teenager.
“And you’re who?” Embry narrows his eyes. 
“I’m Mike.” He puts his hand out. “You must be the guy she’s happily and forever taken to?”
“I am.” He says, ignoring his hand shake. “So, you already knew that she’s taken? But you still thought you’d shoot your shot?”
“I, uh…” He stutters slightly. “I thought she was lying…”
“She wasn’t and she still isn’t so why don’t you go and dance with someone else because this beautiful girl is mine.” He wraps his arm around her waist.
“Yeah, uh, sure. Sorry.” Mike gulps before turning around, rushing back toward Jessica who was still on the dance floor.
When he’s out of earshot, Hayley turns to look up at her boyfriend with a smirk.
“And you say I’m the hot one.” She whispers, knowing he can hear her. “I’d have to say, you’re the hot one here.”
He looks down at her, the glare immediately erasing from his face.
“Me?” He chuckles and shakes his head. “Nah, it’s still you.”
Before she can reply, the air in the room quickly gets thick, not that any of the humans around would notice. The couple turns around to see Alice near the staircase, frozen in her spot. She’s having a vision.
“Shit.” She whispers before following Bella, Jake and Quil to the know-it-all vampire.
“Alice, what did you see?” Bella whispers, looking at her friend.
“Okay, something is going on. Tell me.” Jake says, looking between them.
“I…need to talk to Jasper.” She says, turning to the side.
The shifter puts his arm against the wall, blocking her from moving.
“Why don’t you tell me?” He growls slightly.
“I suggest you remove your arm…before I do.” Jasper says, appearing almost out of nowhere.
“Nah, how about you back up away from my pack before I remove yours.” Hayley glares at the vampire. 
He turns toward her, his lethal expression falling as he sees she’s flanked by her imprint and best friend. He swallows the venom in his mouth, not wanting to start anything with her.
“The decision has been made.” Alice says, breaking their eye contact.
“What’s going on? You’re not going to Seattle?” Bella asks, looking at her again.
“No…They’re coming here…”
The four pack members follow behind the vampire couple to Carlisle’s office where the rest of them were waiting. Once again Quil and Embry are flanking their Beta while Jake stands near Bella but he’s far enough away from Edward to be happy.
“How long?” Edward asks, looking at his ‘sister’. 
“They’ll be here in four days.” She answers.
The four pack members glance at each other, confused at the conversation that’s going on. 
“This could turn into a bloodbath.” Carlisle says, glancing at his family.
“Who’s behind it?” The mind-reading vampire continues his questioning.
“I didn’t see anyone I recognize. Maybe one.” Alice thinks about her vision.
“I know his face. He’s local, Riley Biers.” He says, glancing at his girlfriend. “He didn’t start this.”
For the last year, her father, the Chief of Police, has been searching for him since he’s been missing. Now she knows what happened.
“Whoever did is staying out of the action.”
“They must be playing with the blind spots in your vision.” Carlisle speaks up again.
“Either way, the army is coming…” Jasper stands straight. “And there aren’t enough of us to protect the town.”
Hayley has had enough. She steps forward, putting her hands out, shaking slightly at the conversation.
“Hold up. What damn army? What are you talking about?”
Carlisle looks toward his ‘youngest son’ who shakes his head. He sighs and looks toward the Beta of the pack.
“Newborns. Our kind.”
“What are they after?” Embry asks, glancing at his imprint.
“They were passing around Bella’s scent. A red blouse.”
“The scent Jake and I smelled. Must be this Riley kid.” Hayley says, glancing at the oldest vampire.
“They’re the ones after Bella?” Embry raises an eyebrow.
“What the hell does this mean?” Jacob speaks up.
“It means an ugly fight. With lives lost.” Carlisle sighs.
A sudden weight falls on Hayley’s shoulders. Lives lost meaning that these newborn vampires can get past the Cullen’s and get to Forks or the tribe, killing everyone. She can’t let that happen. Innocent people can get hurt and she, as a spirit warrior, has sworn to protect every innocent human she possibly could. 
She looks over her right shoulder at Embry who, despite not being a mind reader, knows exactly what she’s thinking. He puts his hand on her lower back, silently informing her ‘whatever you say, I’ll do’. She looks toward Quil who gives her an almost invisible nod, knowing what the risk is. She blows air from her nose before looking at Jake. 
Even after her large speech barely an hour ago, she knew she had to do this.
“Alright…we’re in.” 
“No!” Bella speaks up, shaking her head. “You’ll get yourselves killed. No way.”
“I don’t need your permission, Isabella.” She states before looking toward Carlisle. 
Before she can speak any further, the human looks toward her boyfriend.
“It means more protection for you.” He shrugs, happy that Hayley came to the conclusion she did.
“If I was in Hayley’s position, I’d do the same.” He says, thankful for the Beta of his pack.
Her speech was still lingering on his mind so he knew he couldn’t outwardly ask Hayley to do this…save his love but knowing she was willing to do this…even if it wasn’t for him, it makes him question his intentions with the pack. 
“Do you believe Sam will agree to an understanding?” Carlisle asks, looking at the female pack member.
“Innocent lives are at stake here. Her father. Jake’s father. My tribe.” She says, crossing her arms. “Not just Bella.”
“Jasper.” He says, looking at his ex-war veteran. 
“They’ll give us the numbers. And the newborns won’t know they even exist. That’ll give us an edge.”
“We’ll need to coordinate.” He says, looking toward Hayley once again.
“Carlisle, they’ll get hurt!” Bella speaks up again.
“We’ll all need some training. Fighting newborns requires knowledge that Jasper has. You’re welcome to join us.”
“Name the time and place.” Hayley looks toward Jasper.
“Tonight…Dawn?” Jasper asks, making sure the time was okay with her.
“I’ll talk with Sam.” She says, turning around toward her imprint.
He keeps his hand on her lower back, ushering her out the door, Quil and Jake following her. 
“There goes my damn Harry Potter marathon.” She mumbles, causing Embry to rub her back. 
Before they can fully exit the house, Bella runs up behind the four pack members.
“Hayley, Jake. You don’t know what you’re getting yourselves into!”
The Beta turns around to look at her. 
“Bella, this is what we do.” She shakes her head. “I’m doing this for your father and every other innocent person you’ve dragged into your bullshit.”
“You should be happy.” Jake looks down at his best friend. “Look at us, working together. You’re the one who wanted us to get along, remember?”
Not allowing the human to say anything else, the four pack members quickly leave, getting into Hayley’s truck, ready to go back to her house.
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harringtons-cupid · 1 year
In love with a criminal - Steve Harrington X Fem Reader
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➻wc. 3.4k
➻Warnings: 18+;
Creampie, infidelity, choking, fingering, squirting, cunnilingus. Masturbation. Findom
This is based off the songs - Heaven - Julia Michaels & Where you belong - The Weeknd
Steve Harrington is based off someone I used to be involved with - so thanks for writing inspo I guess ;)
➻Tagged: @oo0lady-mad0oo @urlbitchin @jonathansonlysweetheart @sweet-villain @eddiemunsons-missingnipple @harrys-four-nipples @joejoequinnquinn @thefreakofhawkins86 @hellfiremunsonn @roguemetalmaster13
| 2 | 3 | Masterlist | Series Masterlist |
He was notorious for his dangerous antics, he had been arrested multiple times, he had fought many people including your boyfriend Billy.
Not wanting to tell him or anyone for that matter that you found him attractive.
Not wanting to tell him or anyone for that matter that you found him attractive.
He was cocky and rude, all girls would swoon over him. If body counts were important, his would toppling the scale.
You had been with your boyfriend Billy Hargrove just under 2 years, he had saved your life from a Mind Flayer after spending weeks in the hospital. You and his half sister Max stayed by his side, Billy was different these days.
He wasn’t as involved with fights, you would spend most of your time with him. He was sweet, loving and kind, he wouldn’t wind up Max or bully her for dating Lucas.
There was one person that grinded on his gears was Steve. He knew that Steve liked you, he hated when Steve would wait outside school for you.
You weren’t rude, you did stop to speak to Steve. Before Billy, you and Steve were close but you drifted due to Billy’s jealously.
Today Billy drove loudly into school, Max was sat in the back listening to her Walkman as his hand stroked your thigh.
It was a hot day, your legs were burning against the leather seats. Your mini skirt riding up as you turned to get out the car, much to your surprise. Steve’s car was not parked out the front of the school, Billy smiled taking your hand in his.
Your lilac flowery top blew against the wind, the sun blinded you as you walked together into the school. Everyone looked at you both, all the girls fancied Billy and were jealous of you.
At the end of the day, you left school before Billy. Deciding to have a cigarette against the wall out of the sun, the heel of your shoe rested against the wall as you bent your head to lit the cigarette.
“Mind if I pinch one?” His voice was calm and not, a smirk appeared on your face. Trying to hide it as you exhaled.
“Sure but don’t you have your own?” Your eyebrows raised as you extended the box out in front of him.
He shrugged and let his back hit against the wall, his shoulders touched yours. Sending broken shivers down your spine, smoke exhaled into the air as your eyes met.
“Your little boyfriend not here then?” He sneered at you, making you tut and roll your eyes.
As your head turned to watch other kids rush out the school doors, you didn’t notice his eyes scan your body. Stopping at each bit of exposed skin, trying to calm himself down with every exhale of smoke.
Lifting his sunglasses off his eyes , they met yours through the smoke, those dark and dangerous brown eyes made you melt. Smoking the cigarette slowly not leaving his eyes, your breathing became hitched as his body got closer to you. His hands trailed your exposed skin making you shiver, reaching your nipples. He pinched hard over your top, listening as a raspy moan escaped your lips.
Smirking to himself, his body was standing over you. His cigarette was smoking on the gravelled floor as he spread your legs apart to position himself closer to you. Your head was firmly pressed into the brick wall, fussy and drunk on him.
His lips came in contact with your neck, nibbling slightly before licking it. That same noise escaped your mouth, he chuckled on your skin.
You knew what he was doing but you had no control, it’s like your body needed him.
His hands trailed down your arms, reaching your hands and squeezing them. Taking one last look at you, lifting his knee up between your legs. Feeling your wet panties and stroking you against his knee, watching you struggle and gasp.
Before letting go of your body, leaning into your ear.
“Catch you later, Sweetheart” his breath hot against your skin, slowly opening your eyes to see his disappear behind those shades.
Another unlit cigarette in his mouth, he tilted his glasses down and winked at you. As he was turning away from you, Billy’s loud booming voice was ricocheting across the courtyard. Steve smirked as they grew closer together.
“WHAT WERE YOU DOING WITH HER?” His voice was angry, shoving Steve hard with both hands.
“Nothing that she doesn’t already want” winking at Billy with that dazzling smirk.
You stood still dazed, watching as Billy shouted at Steve. Who calmly let him, your whole body tingled. His head turned to look at you once more with a simple head nod, his shoulders pushed past Billy.
Ignoring his taunts as he made his way to his car, his marron BMW did something to you. His arm hung out the drivers window, his eyes glared at you as he spun off into the distance.
Once he had left, Billy was by your side once again. You missed when Billy was like that, he’d touch you in public or make you feel you were going to die if he didn’t touch you.
Sighing, you took his arm in yours and let him lead you towards the car. His hand on your thigh, not paying attention to anyone but the idea of Steve Harrington and you.
He dropped you off at your house, after talking to your mom for a while. You flopped on your bed with a sigh, your mind shifted to Steve Harrington.
Without realisation, your hand slipped down your panties. You were soaking wet, your eyes tightly closed as you visioned him. Your lip bleeding from being bitten, your hips arched as you grinded yourself against your hand.
It wasn’t long before your eyes shot open in ecstasy, your body shaking as you rode your fingers. Muffling your moans with your bleeding lip, in your mind Steve was buried between your legs. His silky tongue was spelling his name out on your clit, his hands were digging into your thighs.
You came hard, completely coating your bed and your clothes. Giggling to yourself, sweat glistened on your forehead. Your thighs sticky and dripping, you grabbed a towel and wandered to the bathroom.
As the water trickled down your back your mind found it’s way to him again, your hand pushed the shower head between your legs. Bucking at the intense friction, your already cum coated cunt was twitching.
Your vision of him standing behind you, spreading your legs and slamming into you. His hands would be all over you, his lips would be marking you until he would fill you up.
You knew he had a breeding kink, it was something that been in your mind since you found out. That someone so dangerous cause you breed you, made you want it more.
Your legs buckled slightly in your water as your clit twitched. Cum splashed into the base of the shower, your moans escaped into the noise of the water. He filled your mind as you came twice.
Feeling some what satisfied, you got out. Taking your time to change into your pastel blue lace night dress, lying on your stomach as you flicked through magazines until your eyes became heavy.
You were woken by the home telephone ringing through the house, out of curiosity you rushed downstairs. Breathlessly you picked up, an automated voice forced you to transfer when your clit twitched at his voice.
“Hey Sweetheart, I don’t mean to be a pain but I couldn’t call anyone else” he sounded desperate, his voice was hoarse.
“What do you need Steve?” Your voice was shaking as you whispered into the receiver, not wanting to wake your parents up.
“So you know where my mom is don’t you? Well can you ask her and she should give you money to bail me out” His pitch changed to a whisper as he told you.
You knew what he meant, throughout your friendship he had always referred to ‘Mom’
“Speak soon Steve” you hung up, composing yourself at the bottom of the stairs. You threw on your puffer jacket and boots with no socks.
Quietly starting the car, you drove to Steve’s. There was a key perfectly placed under the mat, sliding it into the lock loudly. His parents were never home, the house smelt unused and cold.
Under the floorboards of Steve’s bed, there was a big black urn shaped tub with gold lettering M.O.M.
You had never seen the contents until now, there were thousands and thousands of dollars stuffed into the tub. Cents rattled against the china, there were watches and knives amongst it.
Amazed, you pulled out more than enough. Stuffing it into your pocket, taking one last look at his room. Knowing that he could loose a second, you opened his closet and smelled his clothes. That strong scent of cigarette and his expensive cologne filled your nostrils, your eyes closed you could almost imagine he was here.
Snapping out of it and into reality, you rushed into the dark night. Glancing back at the house once more before pulling out the culs de sac, the police station wasn’t far from either of your houses.
You waited in the car for a second before tucking the money under your arm. You had found an empty envelope in his house that you shoved it in.
Your hands shook as you walked inside, the lights blared into your retinas as you waited for someone to attend to you. Clearing your throat, you requested bail for “Steve Harrington” the woman repeated the amount of “$500” and you slid over the envelope. She took out the correct amount before sliding it back.
Rudely asking for you to wait there, sitting down on the cold and uncomfortable chairs. Until what felt like forever, his eyes met yours.
That damned smile.
He changed in the back of your car, the silver chain glistened is the light. Swapping his earrings for his small hoops, your eyes were captivated. He winked when he caught you staring.
Starting the car, you assumed he’d want to go home. Sitting in silence as the streetlights flew by, growing closer and closer to his house.
“Hold on! Sweetheart stop here” He tapped onto the side of the door, curiously you stopped.
You were parked at the side of the road, at 1:30am as Steve Harrington searched the bushes on the outskirts of town. His head came up with a grin, clutching onto 3 plastic bags containing something you couldn’t quite see.
Continuing to drive until you reached his house, turning off the engine. You turned to face him, his tired eyes gleamed back at you. The plastic bags sat on his lap as he dug inside them, pulling out a red velvet box.
He opened it and pushed it forward towards you.
“I got this for you, Sweetheart” he smiled at you, his dirty hands clutched onto the box as you stared at the contents.
Gasping as it twinkled in the fluorescent lighting, the shadows hid you both well. Taking it into both hands, still in shock.
“Here let me” He took the clasp off you, turning so that your back faced him.
The necklace hit your hot skin, the soft sound of the clasp being done up. Your hand touched it, feeling the jewels between your fingers.
The emerald and gold necklace suited you, it matched your smile.
Unable to speak as you stared him, leaning forward until your breath met. Your eyes closed instantly as you felt his rough lips on yours.
Billy had disappeared in your mind as Steve’s hands touched your skin, the necklace pressed into your neck in the shadows of your car.
“Would you like to come in?” He whispered into your ear, your body needed him.
Nodding, his hand in yours as he led you into his house again. The plastic bags clunked in his hand, throwing them under his bed to allow full his attention on you.
You felt drunk as his hands combed through your hair, sliding down to your ass and picking you up. Your legs wrapped round his body grinding against him desperately as he kissed your neck.
“Billy, not giving it you to Sweetheart?” You could hear the smirk in his voice, feeling pleased with himself as he threw you onto the bed.
Ripping off your coat and boots, spreading your legs and peeling off your panties. His tongue licked down your inner thigh, sending shivers through your body. There was a pool of wetness closest to your clit, your hands tugged on strands of his hands.
Your vision from earlier was coming true, his tongue was circling his name onto your clit as your back arched against the bed. Your eyes tightly shut, you moaned loudly into the room.
His fingers played with your entrance before sliding inside you, you whined at the sensation. Blood rushed through your body, he felt this as you rode his face and fingers. Edging closer to your orgasm, wetting his face with your cum as your body shook.
He kept going until you were unable to moan, kissing up your body as he removed his fingers. Shoving them into your mouth making you taste them, gagging on them before dropping his own trousers.
Your eyes dropped to his hard cock in the material of his boxers, with greed. You yanked them down, gasping at the sight in front of you.
You had heard about the size of his cock but as it twitched in front of you. You felt yourself grow weak with lust, wrapping your arms around his back and pulling him closer to you. Your nails dig into him, marking him roughly.
His cock forced your pussy apart, not giving you a second to familiarise before thrusting inside you. His grunts echoed in your mind, your legs were weakly wrapped around his back.
Grabbing tightly onto you, he rolled you over. His back touching the mattress with you on top, his hands guiding your hips as you rode him. His eyes stared into yours, the tip of his dick hitting your soft spot over and over.
The sounds of your wet pussy and both of your moans filled the room, his hands snaked around your neck. Your hand played with his chest hair as you rocked back and forth, your hips hitting together.
“Fuck Sweetheart, you’re going to make me cum” his voice was shaky, feeling out of control as you continued to move.
A surge of power darted through your veins, you sped up. Clenching your pussy around him, he groaned at the sensation. Thrusting desperately beneath you, firmly pressing your hand on his chest and sliding until your hands fit perfectly around his neck.
You squeezed tightly, slamming yourself down onto his body. His groans were muffled, his eyes were pleading down at you.
“You going to cum in me Steve?” You smirked, feeling powerful as you brought him closer to his orgasm.
Within seconds, his hot cum was filling up inside you. His cock still pulsating as he slowly thrusted it inside you, loosening your grip around his neck. You arched your back and rode through your own orgasm.
His body twitched repeatedly underneath you, feeling him cum again inside you. Not wanting to stop you continued until he whined from overstimulation.
Smirking to yourself, you climbed off him. Some of his cum sticking to your legs as you flopped next to him. Within seconds, you heard faint snores escape his mouth. Smiling you kissed his forehead and left.
In the morning, you watched the ceiling move. Your guilt crept through your veins, your pussy hurt from Steve. Unbeknownst to you, Billy was already on his way over. His loud music rattled the windows of your parents house, your mom invited him in. Her flirting could be heard from your bed, rolling your eyes and sighing as his footsteps grew closer and closer.
''Hey baby, I missed you. Your mom said you weren't well'' his voice was soft and quiet, his body hovered over you as his hand brushed your hair out your eyes.
You were pale, but not due a physical illness.
He climbed into bed with you, his warm body cradled yours. His arms tightly around your stomach, kissing your neck when you began to cry. He rubbed your arm in circles, soothing you as you soaked your pillowcase.
Staying with you until you were fast asleep, you didn’t hear his feet tiptoe out the room. When you awoke, the house was silent.
Steve’s necklace had been neatly hidden in your desk drawer by your bed, it was 10AM. You showered and changed, wondering whether to go to school or to stay at home.
Your guilt was heavy against your chest as you stared at the photo of you and Billy on your desk and fell back underneath the covers.
It took you another day to recover, when you arrived at school without Billy. You were scared incase Steve would be waiting for you, as the bell rang at the end of the day.
Feelings of fear and anxiety bubbled in your stomach as the sun scorned your face. Scanning the courtyard for his maroon BMW which was nowhere to be found, Billy’s lit cigarette crowded his face.
His blonde curls illuminated in the sunlight, he rushed towards you and threw his arm around you. Leading you towards the car.
“I’m glad that Harrington isn’t here today” his voice was pleased.
“Yeah me too” you sighed, not really agreeing with him.
Billy drove you both to the drive in movie theatre, his arm around you as you sat side by side. Your mind not focusing on the movie in front of you, the toffee popcorn stuck to your clothes.
Irritated, you groaned and knocked it onto the floor. Not caring if Billy noticed, he was too busy laughing loudly at the film. You sunk further into the chair, your eyes grew droopy and your head lolled against the headrest.
He scooped you into his arms, your limp sleepy body dangled as he carried you up the stairs. He tucked you into the bed before getting in with you, his snoring vibrated against the pillow.
Half way through the night, tapping vibrated against your window. Startling you awake, adjusting to your surroundings before rushing towards the rippling sound. To your surprise a hooded dark figure was throwing tiny rocks against the glass, stopping at the sight of your head.
It was Steve.
The open window brought in the cool night air, leaning out to get a glance of him. A smirk plastered across his face as he swung his arm far too reach the window, throwing something past you and onto your bedroom floor.
You saw him wink in the dim light of your front garden and whisper ''Catch you later sweetheart'', your heart skipped at his voice echoing in the wind.
Looking back to face him, only to see that he was no longer there. With intrigue, you scrambled to pick up the item on your floor. There was a note rolled around dollar notes, untangling the note. You began to read:
Thank you for helping me Sweetheart,
Here is something for your trouble
Until my eyes you next
Smiling to yourself as you clutched to your chest, knowing that he signed the note backwards for safety. Smelling the paper, you inhaled the scent of him and quietly opened up with desk. Placing it inside with your necklace before picking up the money, deciding to see how much he gave you. In your hand after counting every single note, was $1000 dollars.
Wanting to squeal, you jumped up and down in the shadows of your room. Billy snored and rolled over to the other side, making you pause for a second before scrambling to pick up the fallen notes. Shoving them in your necklace box, your heart still racing as you climbed into bed. You laid awake the rest of the night, thinking about him.
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bluesylveon2 · 1 year
After much deliberation, I think I'd love to see Rook with "I Won't Say I'm in Love" from Hercules. It started me on a brainstorming spiral. And! The little bit at the end where Megara holds the nile flower to her chest? Imagine Yuu doing that with Rook's hat. I just really like the idea, that out of all the possible options, they fall for that guy.
It could be fun if instead of the muses it's the ghosts of ramshackle, and instead of falling onto a statue, Yuu falls into the arms of a ghost that looks like Rook. Yuu doesn't know how to process these feelings and the ghosts are being menaces.
So when I first saw this ask, I was like "I got this 😎" Famous last words right there lol. I did enjoy messing with Yuu/MC tho. I hope you enjoy it, anon!
Word Count: 933
Notes: the ghost names are: Billy = short one, Don = tall one, Harry = fat one. I picked the sames based on the Lonesome Ghosts (what Ramshackle is based on) and used the actor's names
Warning: not beta read, possible ooc characters, and one irl reference
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"Ah!" Yuu jumped and dropped the item in her hands. She frantically looked around the Ramshackle lounge. Her eyes landed on Grim, who was jumping on the other side of the couch. "Yes, Grim?"
Grim crawled up on Yuu's lap, "I'm hungry! Feed me some tuna."
"Oh, I am. I'm sorry, Grim. Let me get you your tuna for dinner," Yuu stood up, grabbed the big purple hat, and walked towards the kitchen with Grim following behind to sit down. 
"You had a starry look in your eyes when you were staring at that hat. Were you thinking about Rook again?" 
"NO!" Yuu exclaimed while placing the hat on the dining table. She opened the pantry and grabbed a can, "Why would I be thinking about him anyway? He is weird, mysterious, and a bit creepy."
Grim put his paws on his hips, "Mhm, sounds like your type."
Yuu almost dropped the opened can of tuna, "Grim! Eat your tuna!" She shoved the can into Grim's paws. He barely had enough time to catch it.  
"Hey, this is premium tuna! Besides, what I said was true."
Yuu rolled her eyes and approached the refrigerator to hide her blush, "I only see Rook as a friend. We are just friends."
"I don't know. You don't sound happy saying that," Grim stopped eating his food to stare at Yuu, "You two have gotten pretty cozy after the Island of Woe incident. I would say a bit too close to be just friends."
"It's not like he is on my mind all the time, or I think about his laugh or the way his hair flows just right in the wind, or how eccentric he sounds when he speaks French…." Yuu sighed, grabbed a random container, and kicked the fridge closed. She headed towards the microwave to warm up her food. 
Curse Grim for putting him in my mind! 
"Is Yuu talking about Rook again?" Don, the skinny ghost, asked. He and the other Ramshackle ghosts materialize in the kitchen for dinner. Although they cannot eat, they stay to keep Yuu and Grim company. 
"Yep," Grim smirked, causing Yuu to roll her eyes. 
"Oh ho ho! I always knew you had feelings for him!" Harry, the fat ghost, laughed. 
"Since when?" Yuu sputtered, her face turning red. 
"Since the VDC. Billy, the short ghost, replied. "You two would always hang out, and he started spending more time here after it ended."
"A lot of people spend time here, too," Yuu pointed out and ate her dinner. 
Harry chuckled, "Well, you at least accepted his gift," The ghost pointed to the food Yuu was eating. Said human looked down to find that she did grab the leftover ratatouille Rook gave her yesterday. That was also the day he left his hat at her dorm.
"It was the first thing I saw," Yuu deadpanned and plopped on her seat next to Grim. 
"Sure it was, Yuu. We'll believe you for now," Don smirked. He and the other ghosts floated to the unoccupied chairs.
"I don't like him like that."
"I don't know…" Billy drawled, "It didn't look like it when he serenaded you on your balcony."
"He was just being nice because it was my birthday," Yuu replied, ignoring how hard it was for her heart not to jump out of her chest that night. She was willing to take how she felt like a princess to the grave. 
"What about that time he wanted to draw you like one of those French girls?" Grim innocently asked. 
"How bold!" Harry exclaimed, and the other ghosts laughed. Grim just sat there confused. Yuu felt her ears turn red as the ghosts smirked.
"Not like that! You know how he is! He is always trying to find ways to appreciate beauty."
Billy raised an eyebrow (do ghosts even have eyebrows?), "Oh, so he finds you beautiful?"
Yuu covered her face with her hands out of embarrassment. Her heart was beating fast, and her mind was thinking about Rook a mile a minute. 
The first time she met Rook, Rook's soft hair that she wanted to run her fingers through, Rook's unique personality, Rook…Rook…Rook…
"Watch this," Don whispered to the ghosts and turned to Grim pointing to something on the table, "Hand me that hat," 
Yuu was praying the teasing stopped until she felt a presence near her. 
“Bonjour, mon amour!”
"Ahhh!" Yuu screamed, causing herself to fall into Ghost Rook's arms and the other witnesses around her to laugh. Ghost Rook looked down at her with a smile similar to the real Rook, except Rook's smile made him look like a prince. Wait, prince? Yuu shook her head. This isn't real! "That is not funny!" she exclaimed, scrambling back and snatching Rook’s hat. She inspected it for any dust. 
Ghost Rook turned back into a laughing Don, "You must admit it, Yuu. You can't deny that you have feelings for him."
Yuu sighed out of defeat, "Maybe I like him a little." Grim looked at her with a 'really?' look, "Fine, I like him a lot. Happy?" Yuu hid her growing smile by placing the hat on her head and hiding behind the brim. 
The ghosts and Grim smiled, "Very."
Meanwhile, a certain blonde hunter sat on a tree, listening to the conversation through an open window. He originally came to retrieve his hat but climbed up the tree instead when he heard his name. 
"Oo la la! It seems ma chérie has feelings for me after all. I must let her know that they are reciprocated!" 
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400 follower event (only 1 spot left!!!)
Disclaimer: I do not own Twisted Wonderland and its characters. Those belong to Aniplex, Walt Disney Japan, and Yana Toboso.
©: This story belongs to bluesylveon2 2020-23. DO NOT modify, republish, or plagiarize my work.
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pleasingsatellite · 2 years
could u make a fake ig with billie eilish as the fc 💗
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liked by alessandro_michele, harrystyles and 3,279,963 others
yourinstagram I’m a Gucci girl now
view all 1,729 comments
y/nfan1 beautiful, inspiring, show stopping, iconic
y/nfan2 well now I have to find Gucci money
y/nfan3 you’re amazing
harrystyles welcome to the club, I’ve been a Gucci girl for years.
↳yourinstagram wow I’m so lucky to be amongst such a icon 😍
alessandro_michele my love!
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liked by y/nfan1, y/nfan2 and 73,629 others
y/nupdates y/n was spotted backstage at the Harry Styles concert tonight! There’s a rumor he’s bringing her out as his special guest for tonight’s show!
view all 892 comments
y/nfan2 shut up right now don’t do this to me
y/nfan3 I’m going to the concert and if this is true this will be my last day on earth
harryfan1 whatever they sing together is going to slay
↳y/nfan4 what do we think they’ll sing?
↳harryfan1 I hope it’s a cover that would be iconic
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liked by harrystyles, y/nfan1 and 4,628,929 others
yourinstagram thanks for having me love 🫶🏻
view all 2,629 comments
harryfan1 LOVE? EXCUSE ME
y/nfan1 y’all killed it omg
y/nfan2 literally the most life changing concert I’ve ever attended
harrystyles thanks for coming to my house, you’re welcome anytime.
↳yourinstagram an open invite into the house of harry? count me in.
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liked by harryfan1, harryfan2 and 47,628 others
harryupdates Harry with a fan backstage after the show tonight!
view all 479 comments
harryfan1 this was such a slay outfit I’m obsessed with the pants
harryfan2 he’s so cute even after sweating on a stage for 90 minutes 🧐
harryfan3 that’s me! he was so sweet and I also met y/n backstage and she was the nicest!
↳harryfan4 omg were they together?
↳harryfan3 yes! they were hugging and she was congratulating him on the show and he kissed her forehead and told her she did a great job it was so cute!
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liked by harryfan1, y/nfan2 and 83,628 others
view all 858 comments
harryfan1 the cutest couple ever
harryfan2 she was the first person he approached after his name was called i’ll cry
harryfan3 the hug 🥺
harryfan4 when he thanked her in his speech? I’ll cry
↳harryfan5 what did he say?
↳harryfan4 he thanked her for being such a huge inspiration for him and for being so supportive!
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liked by harrystyles, y/nfan1 and 3,628,920 others
yourinstagram waiting on you
view all 1,094 comments
y/nfan1 imagine looking this good just sitting in your car?
y/nfan2 I need a makeup routine immediately
↳ yourinstagram I stay just putting random stuff on my face tbh
harrystyles I’m going as fast as I can.
↳yourinstagram hurry I need coffee king
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liked by y/nfan1, y/nfan2 and 90,628 others
y/nupdates y/n in the pit tonight at Harry’s show!!! Harry shouted y/n out tonight “my girlfriend is in the audience tonight can we all give a warm welcome to her?”
view all 673 comments
y/nfan2 she was literally dancing all night it was adorable
y/nfan3 imagine harry just shouting you out mid concert I’d lose it
y/nfan4 she’s so cute I can’t
y/nfan5 I can’t wait for her to go on tour and harry’s in the audience every night
↳y/nfan6 I swear they do opposite touring schedules just for that reason
↳y/nfan7 they do! y/n said in an interview that to make their relationship work they have to tour at opposite times so they can be together!
can I confess that anytime I saw people say they’re “hillie” stans I thought that was a harry and millie bobby brown stan until like a month ago not a harry and billie stan 🫢
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Cruel intentions | chapter twenty-three
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summary: harry breaks your heart and now you have to break peters.
warnings: violence and sex trafficking and it's triggering please be careful while you read this. Threats.
listen to: Therefore I am  - Billie Eilish   | Because I liked a boy - Sabrina Carpenter (playlist here)
word count: 2.4 k
series masterlist + read the next chapter early on my ko-fi!!
You’d been into The Union Club a couple of times before in your life. No, girls weren’t allowed. You often dressed up as a man with Harry and go inside with him. The parties conjured up a 1920s feeling mixed with the rotting realization the glamour wasn’t there, just the decadence and the excess. You wouldn’t usually get out of the club after two days of drinking and doing drugs, having sex with men who would swear that they wouldn’t tell you were a girl and were too drunk to realize who you were. 
You hadn’t been there in a while, though. 
You weren’t wearing a costume as you approached the back entrance, where the party often occurred. You could hear the music from outside as the bouncer let a couple of finance bros get in. His eyes narrowed as soon as he saw you, you weren’t in disguise. A sleeveless tank top and loose trousers were just what you managed to grab while you changed. You didn’t have it in you to dress up for what seemed to be the funeral of your friendship with your closest friend. 
But you did have it in you to go through that bouncer. 
“And where are you going?” the bouncer sneered as he blocked the door from you with his body. 
You glared at him. Without moving your body an inch, you took out five one-hundred bills and offered them to the man. 
“No women allowed,” he spat at you, you didn’t take the money away from him. You instead, raised a brow. “I said, no women allowed,”
Your patience was ticking as you pursed your lips. You could be in trouble for what you were planning to do and yet, you were already in a lot of trouble if everyone found out what you were doing. Without a hitch on your movement, you quickly tapped the clock on your wrist, the nanobots covering your hand. 
The money fell from your hand as it wrapped around the bouncer's neck and you lifted him effortlessly, gripping it tightly. The man groan as he tried to remove your hand from his neck, croaking, failing as he choked. 
“I’ll swear you are going to regret not letting me pass through,” you muttered through gritted teeth. 
You took a deep breath as you prepared to toss the man down the alley but then you heard his voice. 
“Let her in,” his dark voice made your insides twist. You snapped your head toward his direction, taking him in. “Nice to see you again, backstabber,” he stated as he inhaled the smoke of his cigarette. 
Letting go of the bouncer's neck, you let him fall on the floor helplessly as he coughed and heaved. You didn’t care honestly, your eyes were only focused on Harry. 
He was so pale that the slightest bruising on his face was noticeable and to the point that he seemed green. The bags under his eyes were so intense that his beautiful green eyes now looked sunken. When his gaze fell on you, you noticed the red and yellow that clouded his eyes. He was so skinny, skinnier than he had ever been to the point that it was worrisome. His silky curly dark hair seemed lifeless, extremely unkempt -so unlike him- that you felt a whimper leaving your lips as your eyes looked him in. 
He didn’t seem just off anymore. He was sick. 
“Harry,” you whispered as you stepped over the hundred dollar bills on the floor and towards him. He took a step back, he quickly walked away from you. You followed him, Harry usually reserved a room in the place. It was dark, loud music, satin, and silk red on the seats and the curtains of the place, and people having sex and drinking, they didn’t notice you and you didn’t care if they did, you needed to talk to him. 
Harry lead you to a small room, it was surrounded by mirrors in the upper part of the wall, then down, where Harry sat down, and there was a velvety red couch. He laid softly, and a couple of guards closed the silly curtains after you stepped in. 
Only then you realized that you weren’t alone. 
“Stark, have you met Allen?” 
Your eyes fell on Liz Allen, she was wearing a pretty black dress and heels, and her dark skin looked like it was glowing, those big doe-eyes throwing darts at you as she watched you carefully. She was allowed in for obvious reasons, often the call girls would be allowed for the patrons. You didn’t look glamorous, you didn’t look well-kept, you were a mess and a smile drew on her face. 
“I’ve had the displeasure,” you whispered as your eyes returned to Harry. 
“Did you already do a sex tape with Parker and you need me to erase it from the internet?” he asked as he took another line of the white powder that was perfectly set over a silver tray. 
“Liz if you don’t get out of here in the next five seconds, I swear to god that I have a blast ready for everyone to know who your father is,” Your eyes didn’t falter from him, not for a second as you stated your threat. 
There was a beat of silence after your threat, you could see the hint of a smile on Harry’s face as he looked over at Liz.
“Don’t believe-”
“I told you, I’m a crazy bitch and I don’t care about the consequences,” you repeated, cutting her off. 
Liz’s glare burns your skin, but you don’t look at her, you don’t even bother to check how she scoffs as she walks out of the room without a doubt in his step. Once you felt she was gone, you sat down next to Harry, who was leaning for another line. 
“Harry, what happened to you?” you stated, concern dripping from your voice as you tried to hold his hand, he brushed you off. 
“Don’t come here with your spurious concern,” Harry spat as he moved away from you, a hand passing through his hair, the bags under his eyes looked so much deeper under the light. “It’s not good here and I’m not Peter Parker, I don’t fall for your lies,”
The venom in his words made you flinch suddenly. It was strange, how vulnerable you felt when he acted like this. Harry often did that, your concern usually was brushed off but you didn’t care, you moved closer to him. 
“I’m not lying, Harry, I’m worried-” 
Harry’s brows furrowed further than ever before, he quickly stoop up from the sofa and gave a step back. “Shut up!” he screamed, his eyes a furious red as tears threaten to fall from his eyes. “You are not, you left me,”
You sighed as you watched him, you were used to a few tantrums from him. 
“How much cocaine have you been doing?” you stated, your face remaining firm and stern. 
“Not enough,” a sharpness to his tone that immediately makes your eyes fall to the white powder next to you. 
“Fuck off!” Harry snaps back, quickly tossing the tray with the cocaine to one of the walls, breaking the mirror from there. The volume of his voice is higher than ever, you don’t want to flinch but you do. His seething, his seething and you can see how hurt he is. 
You are stuck in place, suspended in time. You wonder how you hadn’t noticed how he was circling the drain, how much he was consuming. If you could’ve pried more, you could’ve seen the signs, you thought that you could’ve helped him. 
“I’m sorry,” you finally decide as your eyes met with Harry's. “I was scared, I was scared of what could happen and I,” you aren’t sure of what to say. “I’m sorry but this is us. We fight, we make up, like any one of our fights. We can get over this, together, I can help you,”
Harry scoffed as he passed a hand through his hair. “This isn’t like any of our other fights, y/n. Haven’t you noticed?” Harry sneered. He watched you carefully with a sick smile. “You always had to be the best, didn’t you?”
Your brows furrowed. “What do you mean?”
“Don’t play dumb, I know you aren’t. You made sure I knew that you weren’t dumb. You had to be the one with the best father, you had to be the smartest one, you had to be the Avenger, the good one,” He licked his lips softly. “Always one-upping me, right?”
You watched those sad green eyes that had been next to you all the time, how now they were blazing with hate. 
“And then you fell into that coma and you became just like me. We were finally even. You did all the same bad things I did and I, I could control you. It became so easy.” he explained, he brushed his eyes, a longing feeling in his voice. “Parker didn’t change you. I changed you and now that you are being an Avenger again, you think you’re better than me?” he scoffed. “You are even worse than me if anything,”
The tears fell from your eyes before you even noticed, heavy and warm down your cheeks. Your brows furrowing. You don’t recognize him, you were supposed to be next to the other forever. You were family. One thing was him being himself, but sabotaging you? Drowning you with him to make him feel better? You stand there and wonder how you hadn’t noticed before. 
“Peter Parker will never love you when he finds out what you’ve done,” Harry said as he lifted his hand and wiped hurriedly at his nose. “And he will leave you as everyone does,”
Something breaks inside of you as you watch him from your place on the red couch. You don’t dare to speak for a moment, afraid that he might detect the way your voice is breaking for him. How hadn’t you noticed? How stupid you must’ve been! Had everyone known? How could’ve you been so stupid?
All those years you’d spend fighting the world, angry about what had happened, hurting yourself under the guise of liberation, of doing what you wanted. He’d never know how much you struggled, how much you have to deal with the regret of hurting everyone, how much you were always hurting. 
You cleared your throat, swallowing softly as you stand up and walk away from him for a second. You turn around for a second as you watch yourself in the mirror, you’re broken and yet you know you have to do something about him, you can’t let him escape. He might’ve broken you, now you just don’t feel the sinking hole in your chest as it dawns on you that you have to bring him to the police. 
“I came here, as a friend because I am concerned about you but I also know what you’ve been doing and I can go to the police and the press, right now,” 
You didn’t need to say what you knew, his eyes gleamed slightly, he already knew. 
“You wouldn’t dare,” his eyes furrowed as he lay again on the couch. 
“Try me,” you stated, coldness in your voice. “You have twenty-four hours to go to the police yourself, you will not be permitted on any international flights, so don’t try to escape because I’ll find you,” you explain. “I’m giving you those twenty-four hours as a grace period for our friendship but I swear to go if you don’t go, Harry, I’ll get you myself,”
Harry let out a malicious laugh. 
“You need to fuck off and don’t forget I know about Parker, Liz can corroborate my story,” Harry said, his eyes watching you carefully. 
You felt a sting in your chest, anger running through your blood as you listen to his threat. “Don’t worry,” you answered quietly. “I am going to tell Peter myself,” you decide as you glare at him. 
“I’ll stay to see the show and maybe I’ll try to do something with Parker, you know?” Harry said as he took the glass of scotch and raised it as you walk away from the room. “Nice to see you, Stark!”
You walked out of the room before you could finish hearing him, you couldn’t bare to be in the same room with him. Your mind went blank as you thought about Peter, about what Harry had said. He could hurt Peter. As you walked out of the place, your eyes met with Liz who was smoking near the exit. You watch as she glared at you, looking you up and down but you quickly took a hold of her wrist as you pulled her closer to you. 
She immediately recoiled at your touch but you didn’t let her go at first. “Liz,” you said quietly, looking back at the way Harry’s place was.
“What do you want?” she said as she tried to brush you off.  
“Don’t go in there with him,” you warned her. She scoffed as you finally let go of her, her brows furrowed as she took you in. The puffy eyes, the fear in your eyes, the way you were carrying yourself. “Liz, I’m serious. This is dangerous, please” you repeated. “Please,”
Liz took a deep breath as she crossed her arms over her chest. She looked back at the club, at the men near her. She frowned as she looked back at you again, the urgency in your voice. She pinched the bridge of her nose. 
“Fine. I’ll leave right now,” she exhaled as she walk towards the wardrobe where she had left her coat but before she gave another step, she looked back. “Could you wait for me?” 
You simply nodded as you lay against the wall, your eyes looking at the ceiling. You had done what you needed to do with Harry and he had threatened Peter. You needed to keep him safe. 
And you just had to break Peter Parker’s heart. 
author's note: all we have left are FOUR CHAPTERS!
taglist: @walkintheprk @jeonzll @hoetel-manager @pbeckn26 @novaspietro @s-we-e-t-t-ea @spideys-world @3louisee @lnmp89 @coffeeandcrimeshows @dreamsarecloserwithyou @danslamer-eternelle @mayleenicole5676 @teamspideyman @ang3liclov3ly @hannahferru @nctma15 @happypopcornprincess @msperfectrocks @poseylove @blair3lou @melodicheauxxo-writes @peterdarlingg
feedback is always welcomed
buy me a coffee? thank youuu
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