#bingewatch netflix
saydesole · 6 months
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Bridgerton Tea Party theme 🫖💐
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hi 🥰🤗😍🤩 bi 🩷💜💙👀?? ig 📱🤳📸👉👈🥺🙏?? i-me🧍‍♀️👈😏😝… you 👉🧍‍♀️🤤… 👏👩‍❤️‍💋‍👩✂️🫦🥵👅😘😩💦🍑??? or just 🤝👭🍫🛍️👩‍❤️‍👩?? OR 🖤🩶🤍💜🍿💻🎬📺🗣💩🤬🤭🤫🤣???
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yourmusicmuse · 1 year
I made more Witcher memes y'all, get silly and eat up >:3
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emiemi345 · 4 months
I really want to know what would happen in The 8 Show if they bought a car
Would they partake in silly vehicular shenanigans? Would 6th Floor and/or 8th Floor just commandeer it and run everyone over?? They probably would've earned a LOT of hours either way
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krtke · 2 months
Season 3 of Carmen Sandiego is too short but still so good .
Love the mask theme
My headcanon is that player and the troll are brothers living next door to each other
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alpaca-clouds · 2 months
A Requiem to the Filler Episode
There is something I am realizing recently that I have been unkind to a simple concept of TV writing for most my life. And now that this concept is being killed, I honestly have to say:
Dear Filler Episode, I am sorry!
For most of my life I used to rage about filler episodes. I would argue the quality of a series based around how many filler episodes there were. I would get annoyed at all the filler episodes that usually would come with certain types of series.
But then the era of streaming started. And the filler episode started dying.
In the era of streaming, more and more TV, or rather streaming shows turned into what basically feels like 4 to 8 hour movies, rather than a TV show. The episodes are no longer episodic but kinda overlap, running into one another.
Shows no longer have like 13 to 26 episodes a season, but often just 6 to 10 episodes. And of course this meant that there was no longer any time or space for filler episodes.
Even some of the shows still airing on TV often get cut shorter than they usually did. Yeah, sure, there is this type of fairly easy to produce TV stuff that still follows old conventions. Some sitcoms fall under that, as well as most of the Copaganda shows.
And while some shows work like that, others really do suffer from this lack of filler episodes.
Here is the thing I did not realize about filler episodes in my younger days: While they might not advance the plot or the character arcs, they still allow the viewer something, that is now missing: They allow the viewer to get more familiar with the characters and the world they inhabit. You can explore character dynamics through filler episodes, you can allow side characters to shine a bit more, and you can just show off other aspects of the world.
I cannot help but think that something like the Witcher Show would have profited greatly from some filler episodes. And even with my dear Castlevania I cannot help but feel that a few filler episodes of just the characters travelling around. And while with something like Arcane might not quite work with a more traditional TV structure (it feels like a film trilogy more than anything), I would kinda wish for a simpler, cheaper LoL show that is more about travelling the world of Runeterra (let me dream).
I also remember that the crew of The Owl House for example were sad that they could not do certain filler episodes that they originally planned.
I mean, I am also thinking about filler episodes in terms of anime. For a long time we had the long running shonen being very heavy in filler episodes, because the manga always got too far ahead. So the anime crew - keeping the anime running always - had to come up with arcs to fill in the between stuff.
And yes, those anime fillers were often really bad... And I still will always have to admit, that all my favorite DBZ episodes were fillers or parts of filler arcs.
But yeah... I just miss filler episodes. I want more episodes of characters visiting the beach, and going off on a shopping trip, or just getting sidetracked by some other stuff.
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spatial-jump · 1 month
As soon as I walked into the leisure centre, fifteen minutes after S4 was released, Don’t Stop Me Now (the very song that plays in the background when Five is fighting Hazel and Cha Cha in Gimbel’s in S1) started playing. Don’t try and tell me that this is a coincidence.
Update: [I’ve Had] The Time of My Life (karaoke song at Luther’s bachelor party) played as well. This is fate.
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onewhothinksalot · 3 months
This guy was made to deal with his father being his age again frrrr
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sleeptism · 6 months
why didn’t I start Derry girls sooner
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antecedent-ing · 5 months
Finished binge watching Baby Reindeer in a day just because i couldn't bear the anxiety of putting it away after one or two episodes.
I feel like someone has hit me in the head with a sledgehammer. It's one of the best portrayals of trauma and victimhood I've seen on TV.
And the way that show ended... I need days to process this!
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reallyunluckyrunaway · 5 months
As someone who has been stalked and desperate for any kind of praise that it blinds me to the bigger issues.... Baby Reindeer really hits hard. And I'm only less than half way through it. But I just want to keep watching??? Even though it's so real and triggering and uncomfortable.... Idk maybe I'm a masochist or something.
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therealdaydreamstark · 6 months
Binge Watching / Vi Stark Rant Time 📺
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Riddle me this one please 🙏 why is it that the human brain has the capacity to continue a series without stopping? 🧐
First, we have a log line, which is that juicy one-liner that describes what a movie or series is about. We all know this, it’s the summary that captures the reader and peaks the viewer’s interest despite us might not wanting to see the series or film. I bet, we all had that feeling where we don’t know to watch something or not, but it’s that long-line that makes us interested 👀 (it also helps hearing it from the perspective of someone else who had already seen the product before!)
A good log-line answers the “What is it?” question, clearly and enticingly. Most log-lines will state the central conflict of the story and provide some sort of an emotional hook to stimulate interest.
Secondly, the open loops! We are all too familiar with those dang cliffhangers at the end of our favorite TV shows that leaves us wanting more, feeling annoyed or antsy cause we want to know what happens next! What are is rest of this story? What comes next? Is Meredith gonna end up with Derek or not?! Are Mark and Lexie gonna stay how they truly feel?
The human brain is so complex yet captivating as it wants to comprehend and close that loop.
This is why SO MANY people end up binge watching their favorite series til the end in a single weekend. We need the answers! Sometimes it’s not answers, sometimes it’s that simple evoking energy the series gives us that might be comfort, that leads up to keep watching.
Third, the storytelling duh! What do really great TV shows and movies have in common? They have all mastered the art of transporting you out of your living room and into an entirely different world that they’ve created. And they do this through extremely thorough sensory detail and descriptive storytelling. The lighting, the music, the dialogue, the carefully crafted costumes and landscaping, they all play a pivotal role in your cinematic experience.
But all of this can be carefully replicated just as well, if not better through great writing! That’s because great storytelling brings out all of your senses, sounds, taste, sight and even the smells.
Sooo now I wanna hear your thoughts on this! 🫶 What are some series or movies that have grabbed your attention and why? 📼
Tags: @missstrawbs2001 @cherrysft @gcthvile @rickb-chaos @purpleprincessonfyre @luna-d-marsh @sherloquestea @superspookyjanelle @huskerhale @gaminggirlsstuff @rooster-84 @ask-starrk and etc
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theeroticmuse · 7 months
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Welche ist deine liebste Netflix-Serie im Moment?
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the-terukane-archives · 9 months
Not that I was really asked my opinion on the poll but I like playing cupid.
With dating sims, I kid you not, I speedrun them for funzies. I'm never invested. But matchmaking it feels like I'm putting two dolls together and going "kiiiiiiissssssssss" which is what I usually do with shipping
I'm hundreds times more interested
you’re so real for that, confession i’m consiiidering making a tbhk fangame or something like that so that’s why i made the poll
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seriesmagicx · 4 months
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Eintauchen in die Welt von "The Sandman": Staffel 1
Die erste Staffel von "The Sandman" auf Netflix hat mich in eine magische und tiefgründige Welt entführt, die ich so schnell nicht vergessen werde. Basierend auf der legendären Comicreihe von Neil Gaiman, bietet die Serie eine visuell beeindruckende und erzählerisch fesselnde Reise durch die Traumwelt.
Eine meisterhafte Adaption
Die Serie bleibt den Comics treu, bringt aber gleichzeitig frischen Wind in die Geschichte, um ein modernes Publikum zu begeistern. Die visuellen Effekte sind atemberaubend und die Traumwelt wird in lebendigen, surrealen Bildern dargestellt. Besonders hervorzuheben ist die brillante Leistung von Tom Sturridge als Dream, der Herr der Träume. Seine Darstellung ist tiefgründig und mitreißend, und er schafft es, die komplexe Natur seiner Figur perfekt einzufangen.
Tiefe Themen und starke Charaktere
"The Sandman" behandelt Themen wie Macht, Verantwortung, Schicksal und Veränderung auf eine Weise, die sowohl nachdenklich stimmt als auch unterhält. Die Charaktere sind vielschichtig und ihre Geschichten sind eng miteinander verwoben, was zu einem reichhaltigen und fesselnden Narrativ führt. Neben Dream gibt es viele bemerkenswerte Nebencharaktere, die alle ihre eigenen faszinierenden Geschichten und Entwicklungen haben.
Eine visuelle und akustische Meisterleistung
Neben der beeindruckenden visuellen Gestaltung ist auch die musikalische Untermalung der Serie bemerkenswert. Die Musik verstärkt die emotionale Tiefe der Szenen und trägt zur Gesamtatmosphäre bei. Die Kombination aus Bild und Ton schafft ein immersives Erlebnis, das die Zuschauer in die Welt der Träume und Albträume eintauchen lässt.
Die erste Staffel von "The Sandman" ist ein absolutes Muss für alle Fans von Fantasy und tiefgründigen Geschichten. Sie bietet eine perfekte Mischung aus visueller Pracht, starker Charakterentwicklung und tiefsinnigen Themen. Neil Gaiman und das gesamte Produktionsteam haben eine Serie geschaffen, die sowohl alteingesessene Fans der Comics als auch Neulinge gleichermaßen begeistern wird. Ich kann es kaum erwarten, mehr von dieser faszinierenden Welt zu sehen.
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ddaemo · 2 years
Wednesday in Monster High Style 🥀
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