#bird care at home
tiktokparrot · 20 days
Protect your feathered friend from silent killers in your home! Learn how to safeguard your bird from toxic fumes and create a safe haven. Read now and breathe easy!
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ooo fantasy au Poppy oooo there's so much empty space on this, it's killing me
why is there lace? why does she have a neck corset? because she's Gorgeous and I'm the Artist Here. i will always inflict my personal tastes on everyone I draw. pretty bird <3
it's really difficult to put clothes on a bird... stream helped out a bunch with the colors & the leg gear! I imagine that the leather is durable, which is probably the only thing that gets her to traverse less Forgiving terrain. Thornbushes and itchy tallgrass can't hurt her! she's got "boots"! How Does She Secure Them, i hear no one ask. that's what neighbors are for, isn't it? and a skilled beak once she gets the swing of it.
her shawl remains largely the same due to my lack of imagination! i put a lil feather clasp instead of the shawl being tied together to give it a more fantasy-oriented look. i think i succeeded? i like to think so! i imagine that the clasp gives Poppy some stress, though. It's sharp! Ish. it's sharp by her standards!
Poppy's enchanted glasses allow her to "see" injuries and illness, both caused by magical & normal means. this is very helpful in her role as healer, but also extremely stressful - just because she can see issues doesn't mean she automatically knows what they are! to her, a papercut may be misinterpreted by the beginnings of a fatal infection! i like to think that she got tired of needing to hold the glasses in place over her beak and asked if there was a charm to keep them steady. and they confidently had their resident wizard spell them on - oops! the spell was a little too strong! they're now magically superglued on! yeah, those are never coming off.
she also has a magic bag that i imagine was a gift from her family when she left the nest! she'd never directly use it herself - what if she falls in? what if something nasty managed to crawl inside? - but the Neighborhood uses it as collective storage. it can hold a lot! supplies, books, tents, gold, even Julie when she's determined enough!
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poorly-drawn-mdzs · 11 months
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Leave wildlife alone. He probably bites.
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smith1sblog · 28 days
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Do you love pet 🥰🥰
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moonlight-stalker · 11 months
# 67 Dc x Dp
Danny had been cursed when traveling the infinite realms he was exploring a world where the year was 1528, he had been exploring when a person uses magic to try to bind Danny to himself instead he bonded Danny to the land killing the magic user in the process. Danny became stuck in this new dimension unable to leave, he had no one to look and find him. Over the years many have tried to bond Danny to themselves but ended with their death, and Danny with more chains and being cursed
In the year 1695 people started to settle down in the land that Danny was bound to. Over the years the place became known as Gotham Danny protect everyone he could but he has grown weak because of the chains that hold him down. When Batman appeared and started helping protect Danny's people Danny decided to bless him with protection and each Robin Batman had would be protected
In 2260 another magic user appeared and tried to take control of Danny this time they were able to take control of him, but Danny made sure that the magic user and he could not leave Gotham. Batman had to let The Justices League into his city with a couple of the Justice League Dark. John was the one to tell the bats that the magic user had been able to enslave the Gotham spirit.
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lover-of-skellies · 16 hours
I am very strongly, very firmly a cat person. Cats have been, and will always continue to be my first choice, in terms of what kind of pet to have
I held a baby turkey today
It fell asleep repeatedly in my hand while I was petting it. There was no squirming, no trying to get away, it didn't even fuss or make any noise at me. The baby was totally chill and looked like it was in complete nirvana, and it was so unbelievably cute
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chantalstacys · 3 months
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saturday morning 🍃
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strawbebbiesart · 1 year
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a memory 🪴🌞
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swamp-chicken · 3 months
the Etho picture made me sick. My crops are wilting.
I cant look at it every time I do i see something different and start losing my mind. rn its the dead monitor that's been there for at least 4 (??) years according to peter bellshazes and it makes me want to die. how do you live like that. so imperturbable. your elbow sitting on a dusty 20 year old mousepad.
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sweetest-honeybee · 1 year
I have a silly question about home!
What would the ideal pet for him to have living inside him be (assuming the animal is house trained).
What’s a man’s best friend than a pet rock :D
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the FL brainrot is really hitting hard today!! Anyways, imagine going out for a late night picnic with FL somewhere on top of one of liyue’s many mountains. After a while of sitting together in peaceful silence (not really since FL’s purring never really seems to stop whenever you’re around), you spot a few crystal flies resting on legacy. It really makes him seem prettier than he already is with the crystal flies’ glowing wings shining on FL reflective metal armour.
(also with how much content on your blog where FL is just basically loved by all animals make him seem more of a disney princess than abyssal monster)
-sleepy anon
don't worry anon, my brain is rotting 24 hours seven days a week!!!
since night is one of the best times to travel while avoiding being seen, you and Legacy take many late night walks around the mountains, often bringing along snacks to munch on when you get tired or hungry. you sit in the grass, admiring the distant lights of the city from the hilltops of nearby mountain ranges as Foul Legacy valiantly attempts to catch fireflies and crystalflies between his claws as quietly as possible. one lands lightly on your knee and there's a soft but firm tap as Legacy pounces, gently, watching the insect casually fly away with his crystalline eye narrowed. you simply laugh and ruffle his hair with a hand, listening to his quiet growls turn to strong, rumbling purrs as he happily rolls over in your lap and cranes his neck so you can scratch under his chin, occasionally giving your fingers a small playful nibble
a crystalfly flutters down, slowly dancing in the gentle breeze, and lands directly on Foul Legacy's forehead
his purrs freeze momentarily as he blinks, not daring to move a single muscle. the crystalfly sits on his crimson mask, its sparkle casting a soft glow over the plates, and after a moment another one flies down and perches itself on one of Legacy's horns. more and more join the longer he waits, and soon there are ten or so tiny, shiny friends scattered over his armor, Legacy's own wings shivering and twitching with his attempts to keep his delight silent. he lets out a joyful chirp, the sound sending all but a few crystalflies fluttering away, the ones that remain curling up in his hair and lilac fluff asleep. he trills softly, reaching up and carefully nudging one of the delicate creatures onto his claws before depositing it in your hands, matching your wide smile with a purr that comes straight from the heart
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But if they can't even afford $40 how do you know they'll be able to afford vet care/food/medication?
Well I only sell to locals so its easy to keep tabs on my birds and i do offer help if something happens but while i do sell my birds as pets most of the time, some people do use them for their small egg laying abilities, they are livestock after all and most people dont or wont get vet care for a chicken and instead will cull if their birds fall ill or are injured. It would be silly to buy birds from me then neglect them when im well known locally and can get them blacklisted them from other breeders. Its also not that people cant afford them :p its just that im willing to barter for my birds if someone has something i would want or need because i care about community more then i do money. I like establishing good relationships with people who buy my birds so they come back for more.
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crescentmp3 · 2 months
oh by the way. there's a bird in my house
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evabloom · 2 months
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Have a sweet day 🌷
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djsadbean · 2 years
imagine we’re all wrong and professor boxleitner was actually an art teacher but just dabbled in nuclear physics
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steevejr · 2 months
my favorite non canon Margo joke is she has 3 big beautiful toucans and Emily hates this joke so much they roll their eyes every time I bring it up so now I have to send them funny toucan videos to soften their jaded heart
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