#bitcoin maining
tweedfrog · 3 months
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Close enough, welcome back Lann the Clever 🙏 💸💯
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disabledstraydogs · 5 months
I'm curious, if your BSD fave has autism/ADHD/any disorder that causes 'intense' fixations, what do you think their main interest is?
(This includes characters that don't show any typical symptoms of having these in canon as a btw)
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thethingything · 2 months
we just got a fucking scam email from someone claiming we'd bought bitcoin on paypal and there's something very satisfying about immediately forwarding it to paypal's fraud investigations address
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awkward-teabag · 6 months
Oh yeah, and on the topic of websites being godawful these days because of the reliance on hardware to compensate for not optimizing them, I'm pretty sure that's what killed my last GPU.
Sure it was an old card and predated DX12 and only had 2GB of VRAM but it was playing games just fine up until that point and didn't have any issues... until I was dragging a browser window and my whole system suddenly crashed and wouldn't reload.
It took days to figure out it was the GPU that died and was causing the issues, every other component was fine. Removed that and suddenly everything was back to normal, minus one monitor.
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odinsblog · 1 year
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Is This Elon Musk’s Burner Twitter Account?
“Elon Musk appears to have accidentally revealed his burner Twitter account in a screenshot the billionaire shared on Monday night.
The Twitter account, which Motherboard has not confirmed is Musk’s but several points of evidence strongly suggest it is, is full of bizarre tweets like, “Do you like Japanese girls?” in response to a tweet from a Bitcoin influencer, praise for Tesla, and replies to Elon Musk tweets.
On Monday evening, Musk tweeted a screenshot of him logged into his own profile. The purpose of the screenshot was to show content creators how to enable subscriptions on Twitter.
As well as the well known profile picture for his main account @elonmusk, the screenshot also showed a second profile photo. This is how Twitter displays secondary profiles so people can switch between them more easily. The image is of a young child.
Using that profile photo, people quickly found what appears to be the respective account, one with the username “Elon Test” and @ErmnMusk.
A member of 4chan appears to be among the first people to identify Musk’s potential burner account. “LMAOOO,” the user wrote, along with a screenshot of the profile. The profile picture matches that of the one in Musk’s original screenshot. Motherboard searched for the image using the TinEye service and it returned no results, meaning that the image may not have been used elsewhere on the internet.
The account was created in November, with its first tweet being on the 13th, just weeks after Musk completed his purchase of Twitter. The account’s first like is of an Elon Musk tweet containing the tombstone emoji and the bot emoji, alluding to Musk’s commitment to stamping out Twitter’s bot problem. In one tweet, @ErmnMusk replied “Wow!” to a CNBC tweet about a test of Tesla’s self-driving capabilities, and in another case replied to an Elon Musk tweet sharing a meme about former FTX CEO Sam Bankman-Fried.”
👉🏿 https://www.vice.com/en/article/v7bew8/elon-musk-burner-account-ermnmusk
This is definitely Elon’s burner account. Change my mind.
2K notes · View notes
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I have never seen anything like this- it's a mansion in the middle of a residential area. Built in 2000, in Dallas, TX, it has 0bds. 1ba, & is listed for $2.4M.
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Surprise! The beautiful entrance foyer. Does anyone want to buy a Bitcoin Mining Center?
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This looks like a break room.
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According to the description: Formerly AT&T, this upgraded turnkey Tier 2 Data Center is a Full Liquid Cooling Immersion System. True multi-use facility whether you need AI services, cloud hosting, traditional data center, servers or even Bitcoin Mining - this site has it all! This property comes with all equipment included!
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I don't even know what I'm looking at.
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Steel Reinforced CMU, 3 Phase Power, 2 Power Grids, Backup Diesel Generator, Sites on Main Branch Lines of Communication Infrastructure for Dallas, Fire Suppression, Electronic Access, Bulletproof Glass, Double Safe Room Door, Raised Floor. There's a safe room?
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Upgrades include: 500kw 3 Phase Panels with digital monitors, Full Liquid Immersion System, 500kw Dry Cooler, 3 Phase Pump, 3 Slic Tanks, 5 New HVAC Units.
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So, they can just sell all this? They said it's turn key. So, is it bitcoin or what? I wonder why they're selling it. That's suspicious- maybe it's not making money, anymore.
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Out back. That's all they have, a wood stockade fence around the property?
100 notes · View notes
The main currency used is similar to bitcoin, in its sense of instability. Oh a sword costs 15 gold according to the player manual? Now it costs *rolls some dice* 58,394 gold
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bodhrancomedy · 8 months
If you have issue with "the energy spent" to generate AI, you should be advocating for the death of video games.
AI arent bitcoin. The processing power used for AI generation is on equal grounds with film rendering, and playing a high graphic video game at home on your computer, or maintaining a large website. Bitcoin processing is a problem due to the massive size of server farms who are overclocked until they break, generating heat, destroying hardware built with hard mined materials, and spending energy to make a digital number counter go up by 1. AI is not even mildly, not even remotely akin to that problem.
It is very very very very very difficult to take you seriously about a topic you dont understand the problems of. It is hard to trust you at your word when one of your major talking points has literally nothing to do with the problem you are speaking on. If this is your issue with AI use in video game making, you should be railing against the games themselves.
It was one throwaway sentence actually and it would be less processing power to hire an actor than to use AI.
My main issue is that it is fucking over voice actors and is fucking with art. There is no reason to replace voice actors with honestly really shitty AI. There is no reason to replace writers with AI. No reason to use AI art.
I like that you ignored all of those points in favour of the one-line “oh by the way” one.
I think as a performer I understand the issues affecting me.
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nhasablogg · 8 months
Fandom: Red, White and Royal Blue
Characters: Alex/Henry
Anonymous said: So pre cake-gate Alex is clearly going through a little bit of an unconscious pigtail pulling phase, right? In the book he literally (drunkenly gushes) about Henry’s perfect composure and posture and says he just wants to poke at it until he messes up. What if we take that literally?
Words. 1.7k
The room is already crowded - overflowing couches and champagne glasses - and Alex has his eyes set on a lowly lit corner, where he plans to stay until he inevitably gets forced to interact. It’s a gala of some sort, but it seems more lowkey, although maybe that’s an attempt at appealing to the youths. There are youths everywhere, and if there’s one thing he knows about young people it’s that they would rather not get bothered unless they have to. He has no one to impress, really. Not more than usual.
Cursing Nora for not coming along even though she was invited and quite literally bribed by him to “please just fucking come”, he shifts through the crowd. His hand, which won’t be empty for much longer he’s sure, gently pushes people aside until he reaches it, the corner in the far back of the room, only to find his royal goddamn highness made it there first.
“Henry,” he spits out, more annoyed than is reasonable.
“Alex.” He nods at him, all perfectly sculpted face and body, not a single strand of hair out of place. “A pleasure as always.”
“You’re in my spot.”
He raises an eyebrow and turns his head (stupid perfect jawline) to the side. “This wall?”
“I don’t recall seeing your name here.”
“Don’t you have a throne to sit on or something.”
Henry’s smile doesn’t match his dry, “Ha ha.”
Alex clicks his tongue, suddenly imagining being pulled into discussions about politics (work) or bitcoin (fake) or, as has been the most recent main topic of conversation, what it’s like being best friends with Prince Henry (awful). “Move.”
Henry, the bastard, all but glues himself to the wall. “You’re being absurd. We can share this corner just fine.”
“Don’t wanna.” He steps closer, aware of Henry’s guards watching them intently and pretending otherwise. “I was here first.”
“You quite literally weren’t.”
“I was mentally here first. I don’t know where you came from.”
Alex jabs him in the ribs, afraid that if he’s too rough he will get some sort of death penalty. But Henry retreats as if he’s been shot, hand over the spot Alex touched.
He rolls his eyes even though the guards make him nervous now. “Drama queen.”
“Don’t do that.” Henry straightens again, face turning an interesting shade of pink, but maybe that’s just the lighting in there. “We can share.”
“I said no.” Alex pokes him again, disappointed when Henry remains upright this time, proving that Alex had probably only caught him off guard. “This is the best corner of the building to hide in plain sight. Move.”
“And why would I move when I’m perfectly content also hiding in plain sight?” Alex pokes him again, this time aiming for his waist, but he remains mostly undisturbed, if only a little nervous if his thinning lips are any indication.
So there is a human side to him, Alex ponders, poking him again in quick succession before Henry can protest. He kind of just wants to see what he will do. If Alex can manage to poke a hole in that perfect exterior of his.
What he doesn’t expect is the prince grabbing his wrist with a giggle. A giggle. Of all things!
“Oh my god, am I tickling you?” Alex’s own delighted laughter overpowers Henry’s denial. “Oh my god, Henry.”
“Alex, please.” Henry looks flustered more than anything, which is interesting. “This is surely not the time, don’t you think?”
“On the contrary. This is exactly what a best friend would do.” As he speaks, Alex circles Henry’s waist with both hands to poke at the back ribs, causing Henry to jolt into him with a yelp. He smells fucking good, that bastard.
“This is ridiculous, do-hon’t!”
“There’s that giggle again. I knew you couldn’t have perfect composure all the time. I mean-” He curls his fingers over Henry’s belly, having successfully trapped him between his body and the wall. “-this gotta tickle, right?”
“Do we need to interfere, sir?” one of the guards asks, but Henry, miraculously through his laughter, says, “No, it’s ok-ahay!” and Alex doesn’t question why he doesn’t take the easy way out. He likes having Henry squirming under his hands, for scientific reasons of course. Royalty can apparently be ticklish. Stiff bastards like Henry can squeal.
Okay, that’s kind of adorable.
Kind of.
A bit.
Alex is definitely not going to be thinking about it later.
It becomes a thing after that, if only in Alex’s head. Being forced to interact with the prince anyway, he might as well make sure to have some fun while at it. Henry doesn’t react the first time they meet after the gala - some sort of charity event during a pouring weekend which he would much rather spend either working on his presentation or eating junk food with June and Nora, thank you very much - and so Alex can sneak in his tickle attack quite easily. It’s only a poke, really, because he’s aware he can’t very well pin the prince down in the mud to see how he would react (Alex won’t allow himself to imagine it for some reason). Henry’s composure crumbles much more easily this time now that he’s aware that Alex is a “menace to society, Alex, please, not here.”
“Am I making you nervous, your royal highness?”
Henry flushes, which is really interesting, and slaps away his hand before Alex can get another tickle in. “I will call my guards on you this time.”
“Awe, come on, that’s cheating.”
“I wasn’t aware we had any rules.”
“You want rules? I can make you some rules. Rule number one: no calling for help. It will just bring attention to it. Although so will your giggling.”
“I don’t giggle.”
“Oh, yes, you do, Henry. Very much so actually.”
Henry huffs, and Alex has to give it to him that he’s handling his rosy cheeks much more gracefully than Alex probably would. Bastard.
“What’s the second rule then, if we’re going to be so thorough about it.”
“Hmm. No tickling back.”
“That doesn't sound very fair at all.” Henry suddenly smirks. It’s small, subtle enough that Alex wouldn’t notice it had he not seen it before. It’s alarming. “I must say, that rule makes it sound as if you’re ticklish as well.”
Alex turns away from him. “Kindly shut the hell up, your majesty.”
Henry’s visibly nervous the next time they meet for some sort of dinner at the White House. Alex can’t blame him. It would be extremely easy for Alex to pull him into an empty room to tickle him properly, although that’s not really part of the game. He messed around the other day and had come up with even more rules and is strangely excited to show them to Henry, who, despite it all, still hasn’t really protested too much.
“Hey you,” he says, poking Henry in the side and grinning when he folds. The more Alex tickles him, the more he’s starting to react. He’s sure it will become a problem eventually, but is happy to keep it going until then. “I’m glad you’re here.”
Henry furrows his brows. “You are?”
“Yeah! The last event we had was super boring. At least I get to tickle a prince this time.”
Henry makes a sound and looks down. He’s wearing another gray suit and Alex suddenly imagines pulling the stupid dress shirt out of his pants to tickle over bare skin. Alarmed at this thought, because what the fuck was that, he turns toward the room and finds his rescue in the champagne that is being brought in their direction.
“Here.” He grabs two glasses and shoves one toward Henry.
Henry accepts it “I suppose you’ll let me drink some before you decide to intrude on my person?”
His words in combination with Alex’s previous thought are not ones he can be chill about, and so he huffs and leaves without another word (or poke), and when Henry seeks him out later (since when do they do that?) he doesn’t explain it and Henry doesn’t push.
Henry spots him before he does, much to Alex’s dismay. His favorite way of approaching him has become to taser his waist, innocently enough that no one will notice. Although he does also enjoy the way Henry looks when he catches him coming nearer, knowing what’s to come. Even though it’s a perfectly reasonable thing to happen, he has for some reason not thought about how Henry would approach him since this game had started, because while Henry has never tickled him back Alex isn’t stupid enough to think he will never try.
But Henry simply stands next to him, suddenly, as if it’s the most obvious thing in the world, with a rather cheerful, “Hello.”
“Jesus!” Alex nearly drops his phone, which he’s been using to look up that his paper is in fact due in two days and not suddenly that evening even though he also checked it in the car and just outside the venue. “You scared the shit out of me.”
“Hmm, you seem nervous.”
“I’m just stressed.”
He waves his phone around and Henry’s face softens. “School?”
“It makes me sound approximately twelve years old when you phrase it like that, but yes.”
“If only I was allowed to tickle you,” Henry suddenly says and Alex very much does drop his phone this time. “I could distract you. Help you ease up a little.”
“Are you engaging in playful banter?”
“Are you trying to hide your blush by being nonchalant?”
“You know, I think Zahra needs me.”
Henry grabs his arm. “No, she doesn’t.” He squeezes it once. “Stay. Please. I’m sorry. I won’t tease you again.” With a tiny grin, he adds, “I didn’t know you couldn’t take what you dish you.”
Alex tickles him then, prodding at his belly, which he suspects is one of Henry’s worst spots, in quick succession. “Don’t forget the rules, Henry.”
“I haven’t!” Henry twists away from him, ducking his head as he laughs. Fucking adorable. Goddammit.
They become friends and Alex keeps tickling him, only in brief bursts, usually in public, until suddenly it becomes quite natural to do it when they’re alone as well.
Only Henry starts tickling him back.
“The game has changed,” he says, giving Alex’s knee another squeeze. “New rules.”
“Fuck you!” Alex cries, embarrassed as the giggles keep pouring out. Henry is never going to let him live this down, he knows.
But hey, at least he can pin Henry down now to tickle him properly now. This can’t possibly turn into a problem.
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adambja · 9 months
My Price List (updated August 2024)
these tapes are with benefits!
they aren't subliminals
they aren't like normal tapes with affirmations
All the tapes are updated with the latest benefits!
* THE AI VOICE UPDATE IS GONNA BE IN SEPTEMBER (applied to all the paid tapes)
• The Subconscious Mind Tape - 5683 benefits (updated - July 2024)
Current Price: 210$
*before the discount - 30% - 300$
2 months of coaching included for free
• The Reality Controlling Tape (the void state alternative) - 5296 benefits
(updated - July 2024)
Current Price: 330$
*before the discount - 40% - 550$
2 months of coaching included for free
• The Reality Controlling Tape V2 (the void state alternative) - 8357 benefits
Current Price: 390$
*before the discount - 35% - 600$
2 months of coaching included for free
• The Self-Concept (high-end) Package - TOTAL 2863 benefits
1st tape (main self-concept): 766 benefits
2nd tape (in control): 376 benefits
3rd tape (I already have my desired life) : 532 benefits
4th tape (manifesting self-concept): 1018 benefits
5th tape (emotional self-concept) : 171 benefits
Current Price: 180$
*before the discount - 40% - 300$
2 months of coaching included for free
• The Self-Concept V2 Tape (high-end)
Current price: 240$
*before the discount 40% - 400$
2 months of coaching included for free
• The Self-Concept (low-priced) Tape - 71 benefits
Price: 70$
**anything under 100$ doesn't get any discounts
15 days of coaching included for free
• The Void State (high-end) Package - TOTAL 1554 benefits
1st tape (the void concept): 895 benefits
2nd tape (the void tiny tape): 659 benefits
Price: 135$
*before the discount - 35% - 210$
2 months of coaching included for free
• The Void State (low-priced) Tape - 79 benefits
Price: 70$
*anything under 100$ doesn't get any discounts
10 days of coaching included for free
• The Appearance Tape - 864 benefits
Price: 180$
*before the discount - 40% - 300$
• Specific Person (custom) Tape - 482 Benefits
Price: 80$
*anything under 100$ doesn't get any discounts
2 months of coaching included for free
• Money Manifesting Tape - 902 benefits
Price: 100$
*anything under 100$ doesn't get any discounts
• Shifting Tape (all-in-one) - 408 benefits
Price: 140$
*before the discount - 30% - 200$
2 months of coaching included for free
• How To Pay?
Payment is thru any international credit card or bitcoins! It's completely safe the website I use is protected by Blockchain also it's protected by Visa and MasterCard!! So there is no need to worry at all!
Also you will need verification thru the website not thru me! Do not send me your ID card unless I ask for it but 100% I never ask for your ID CARD OR YOUR SSN!!!
You can buy bitcoins from any bitcoin atm and send it to my wallet but tell me first!! Or you can just buy Bitcoin from anyone and send it but again let me know first!!
After the payment you will receive your tapes thru me I will send you a link on mega.nz and from there you can access your tape!
Goodbye and happy new year!
My DMs are open if you want any package or tape :)!
these tapes and these services are available right now fully
if you can't afford them check my YouTube channel or you can message me about ur situation and I can give you affs for it!
for free!
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fernsnailz · 2 years
please i have to know the turbo tails lore
bitcoin i can assure you there’s no fucking way you’re ready for what’s about to unfold in this lore post
i’m willing to talk about the turbo tails lore because it gives me the chance to explain my favorite panel from ALL of archie sonic:
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below is over 2,000 words worth of turbo tails lore. don't say i didn't warn you lol
TL;DR: a convoluted prophecy, a cryptic grandpa, and a single lost backpack make turbo tails one of the strangest things to come out of archie sonic
note: any time i say “it’s actually really simple!” in this explanation please know i’m saying it with the thickest tone of sarcasm and bitterness known to man
we gotta start wayyyy back in early archie sonic - specifically, at the tails miniseries. these issues follow tails as he travels alone to a place called “downunda” (aka the archie sonic equivalent of australia), where he helps the freedom fighters there defeat some badniks terrorizing their home.
tails’ journey is sparked by his own desire to become a hero and the frustration he feels when the rest of the freedom fighters treat him like a little kid. in the first part of the miniseries, we see a comic that tails makes about him becoming a superhero called “captain super foX-MAN” (the writers did a lot of comic references in early archie sonic).
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when tails gets to downunda, however, he becomes injured and finds himself in the bottom of a crater. here, he meets an oldass echidna named athair. this dude is one of knuckles’ (many) relatives, and hopefully the only one i ever have to talk about
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athair’s main character trait is that he’s cryptic as hell. nothing he says makes any fucking sense, but is treated as all-important because… he says it is. he’s gonna be relatively important through all of this, so we gotta keep peepaw around.
athair takes tails further into the comet and introduces him to some guys called the ancient walkers. you might think, “hey, are those just dinosaurs wearing masks?” and. yeah that’s exactly what they are
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the ancient walkers are pagan dinosaurs that discovered the chaos emeralds and developed some sort of immortality and futuristic vision because of them. or. something like that
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so what the hell does this have to do with tails? well, the ancient walkers speak of a prophecy: a chosen one who will realign the chaos emeralds for a “higher purpose,” and cause something called the great harmony.
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we won’t be getting to THAT for a WHILE tho
after his adventure in downunda, the next important thing to cover is sonic, tails, and knuckles’ battle against a dude called mammoth mogul.
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for simplicity’s sake, the main things you need to know about mogul is that:
he’s immortal and really old
he wants to take over the universe
he has a chaos emerald embedded in his chest
he’s ALSO going to be very important
i don't like him he’s really boring
at this point, mammoth mogul has stolen a bunch of power from another villain called enerjak (LONG story), and has used it to transform into his own sort of “super” form called master mogul.
mogul really wants to fight the sonic gang so he can use the three of them to take over the world, and this is what his vision of that looks like LMAO
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sonic and knuckles go into their super and hyper forms respectively, but even the two of them can’t take down mogul. however, a mysterious caped hero shows up to help - TURBO TAILS.
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turbo tails's design is in reference to the superhero tails was drawing at the beginning of his miniseries, captain fox-man. this is turbo tails' first official appearance, and he’s able to fight off mogul where BOTH super sonic and hyper knuckles couldn’t. kid’s strong.
once they defeat mogul, they trap his ass in the master emerald. however, note this all takes place before the comic’s adaptation of sonic adventure 1. and if you know SA1, you know that stuff inside the master emerald gets OUT of it eventually. and oh boy you’ll never guess who gets out of the emerald when eggman eventually destroys it
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however, we’re not worrying about that right now. in the next bit we’re covering, tails is at SCHOOL! however, he’s lost his backpack and needs to find it. oh no!!!
but before he can find it -
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athair teleports into the school, says tails is needed for something (but doesn’t say what), then teleports tails away.
this specific teleportation will be really important later.
athair takes tails to angel island where he wants tails to… fight knuckles. i guess. currently, knuckles is stuck in a state called “chaos knuckles,” where he’s green, confused all the time, and really strong. homeboy’s going through it
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before tails can really do a lot, he gets knocked out by some falling rubble, and ghost athair does nothing to help. have i mentioned that athair kinda sucks?
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athair then takes tails to our favorite guy - tails’ uncle, merlin prower! merlin is a wizard and that’s all you need to know right now. athair wants merlin to wake up tails so he can go and fight knuckles, but merlin is FUCKING PISSED!! and reasonably so.
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imagine. some oldass dude teleports into your house, hands your unconscious nephew to you, and then goes “hey can you fix him? i need him to fight the hulk.” like?? HE’S BUT A MERE LAD!
merlin is kinda right - tails has been dragged into echidna family drama for no reason other than athair seems to be out of ideas. and since tails' parents are gone, merlin's nephew is the only family he seems to have left.
unfortunately, merlin can’t find a way to argue with athair’s “we gotta do it for reasons i can’t explain” argument, and brings back our boy turbo tails.
however, turbo tails gets his ass kicked.
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(side note: from here on out, turbo tails' cape is red. i don't know why that's just how it is)
when merlin goes back to his unconscious nephew (again), athair searches turbo tails’ mind to figure out why he got his ass kicked so bad. and the explanation is actually really simple!
this turbo tails is actually a duplicate of tails and the original tails is just. somewhere we don’t know.
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so. yeah what the fuck
neither of them know how tails was duplicated or where this one came from. athair’s solution to this is just “let’s not tell anybody.” great job peepaw you really solved that one
after this, tails 2 just kinda keeps living his life without knowing he’s a duplicate of the original. however, he starts having nightmares about a weird, mysterious cave. when he and sonic eventually find this cave, they find the original turbo tails, trapped in a stasis.
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and then, guess who shows up in the cave!! oh boy it’s everyone’s favorite character mammoth fucking mogul!!!!!
mogul explains the tails duplicate thing, and it’s actually really simple!
you know that one time athair teleported into tails’ school and kidnapped him while he was trying to find his backpack? yeah, so mogul basically kidnapped tails while he was being teleported, replaced him with a duplicate he created that was identical to the real tails, then placed the real turbo tails into stasis so he could harvest his power, thus regaining his original power before he was trapped in the master emerald.
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do you see why i was dreading talking about turbo tails?
sonic fights mogul off, but tails 2 is kinda going through it. i don’t know how, but mogul made a duplicate that was near PERFECT, and tails 2 still has all of the original tails’ memories, emotions, and bonds. so when tails 2 disappears… it’s strangely tragic?
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and then they just kinda move on lol
the original tails is released and returns to living his life, but unfortunately his life is kinda not so great at the moment. he just learned that his parents are alive on an alien planet (read THIS lore dump for more context), he’s part of this weird confusing prophecy he doesn’t understand, and he’s frustrated that he isn’t allowed to know about this great prophecy that directly affects HIS life.
and when tails confronts peepaw athair about this, athair does this.
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good riddance
in the next issue, sonic and tails are visited by an alternate universe version of sonic called zonic, who serves as a sorta time cop that watches over the multiverse to make sure no one is messing with the space time continuum.
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that’s obviously a bit to unpack, so here’s the main stuff you need to know:
the multiverse exists and is very important in archie sonic
all of the alternate universes and dimensions are called “zones”
the sonic and tails of the main story are called the “prime” versions, basically meaning they’re the true canon of the entire multiverse.
i don’t want to explain the existence of zonic rn. just know that he stands on things sideways
zonic is freaking out a little bit because someone’s in the process of destroying the entire multiverse, but he can’t figure out who. however, he heard about this weird “chosen one” prophecy thing, and he thinks that tails might be able to help.
while with zonic, tails and prime sonic realize that the person destroying the universe is our favorite guy mammoth fucking mogul, who collected enough power from the turbo tails he had in stasis and chaos knuckles (who he fought at a different time) to become all powerful enough to destroy the universe. plus, weird spacetime shenanigans are happening because knuckles died and was then resurrected (don’t ask), which kinda threw off the balance of the multiverse.
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the prime bros and zonic are starting to run out of time, but zonic has a plan (sorta). see, he hoped that tails could help somehow, but he didn’t know WHICH tails across the multiverse would be the chosen one.
so he recruited ALL of them.
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tails, knowing that he’s the chosen one and all that jazz, tries to fight the universe destroying god form mammoth mogul alone. this obviously does not work, so the rest of the tails and sonic come to his aid.
however, when sonic is injured in the fight, tails is convinced that he died. in his anger, he’s able to fulfill his destiny and converge with every single version of himself across the multiverse, becoming…
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"YOU WILL NOT" is one of my favorite reaction images
titan tails might be one of the most powerful characters in all of sonic canon, as he’s able to defeat a universe-destroying mammoth mogul in a matter of seconds.
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me when my energies are pulled away lol
with mammoth mogul defeated (again), titan tails uses his power to return the world back to the status quo and imprison mogul in yet another emerald.
so that’s the end of the prophecy, right? that’s all the chosen one jazz, and titan tails was a result of the great harmony?
well, no.
if you look back at that prophecy from the original tails miniseries, it never mentions anything about the multiverse. instead, it only mentions the chaos emeralds realigning for a higher purpose, brought about by the chosen one. so what’s all that about?
this brings us back to tommy turtle.
after the events of titan tails, an eggman AI named A.D.A.M. learns of the chosen one prophecy and the great harmony of chaos emeralds. A.D.A.M. has been working behind the scenes of a LOT of various plots as a figure named Anonymous, where he was working on a greater master plan to become an all powerful being. and man, that chosen one prophecy that speaks of realigning EVERY chaos emerald in the universe? that sounds promising.
i talked about A.D.A.M.’s plan a little more in my tommy turtle lore dump, but the basics of it is that he kidnaps both shadow and tails in order to use their super forms to cause the great harmony mentioned in the prophecy. through using super shadow’s chaos control, he can open up doorways through spacetime to summon them all. however, the emeralds won’t arrive unless he has the chosen one - turbo tails.
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using both of them, A.D.A.M. summons every emerald in the universe, of which there are a LOT. in archie sonic, the chaos emerald lore is that each planet has a bunch of chaos emeralds, but only of one color. for example, the emeralds on mobius (sonic’s world) are all green, while the rest of the colors all originate from different alien planets.
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so, with every emerald summoned, thus begins the great harmony and the end of the prophecy from the classic tails miniseries.
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once super shadow and turbo tails are freed, they work together to finally complete the prophecy: realigning all of the chaos emeralds by placing them in the zone of silence, which is kinda like the distortion world of sonic lore. basically, they’re putting them in storage and out of reach because the writers didn't want to deal with a bajillion chaos emeralds anymore.
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after the great harmony, the archie sonic chaos emeralds return to a form that are similar to that of the games - there are only seven, one of each color. thus ends the prophecy, the chosen one’s purpose, and the turbo tails lore.
and that's it! turbo tails never shows up in archie sonic again, and will likely never appear in any piece of sonic canon ever again. and really, there’s only one question i have after revisiting all of this again.
where the FUCK is tails’ backpack??????
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dnp-dreams · 19 days
DnP rhythm mobile game!!!? 🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯🤯 this is gonna be long and detailed.
if anyone is familiar, it was similar to those kpop rhythm games where you can gacha the idols from different eras + japanese idol games UI.
PHACHA: the gacha for the cards + PHUDIO items. cards rank from 1*-5*, but there is also a 6* rank for special events (i saw DNPC, WAD and TIT stuff, brain completely made up the TIT cards cuz we havent many pics lol)
in the gacha you either get dan cards, phil cards, dnp, and others, which are their little critters/recurring props (announcement moose, golden pig, pheal, norman, phils ugly ass face pot, etc). i think in my dream i pulled a 4* phil card from one of the vacation pics.
PHALLERY: where your gacha cards are stored. it had real pictures of the two, screenshots from their vids of items, some chibi artwork, and queenusagi's art. you can view your cards in HD, level them up, read their stories, and there are little descriptions for each of em.
PHORE (store): exchange real currencies into the game currencies. theres a money system called DnPCoins or smth (sounds like a bitcoin...), and also some sort of gems. to level up your cards, you "feed" them with food items. the items have a ranking system too: huge xp are heavy/special foods like mukbang pizzas and slut toast, mid xp is like normal toast or cereal, and small xp are treats like marshmallows and cola gummies. YOU CANNOT FEED ANY PHIL CARDS CHEESE OR DAN CARDS LICORICE! they will lose xp!
PHORE (lore): dan and phil "lore", but a bit dumbed down because... duh. unfortunately i didn't get to explore this one thay much but its just stories of them, real and made up, in the style of a visual novel with phanart as sprites!
PHUDIO (studio): a feature where chibi DnP "create" their music in a room you can customize with items you collect from playing the game/gacha (i made mine look like their gaming set up with a butt chair and like 5 huge pheals in the bg). the chibis also move around and would interract with the items/eachother.
PHLAY: it had all of their tour music, the little songs theyve made (like i think the tutorial song was the ladders song), and the main catalogue was dnpbeats. it had a huge banner in the home screen that announced there was a summer event going on and any songs you play from the summer DnPB album gives you double xp.
PHRIENDS: this tab was locked for me, no idea what this was. im guessing its to become friends with other players.
also yes, it did say PHLAY, PHORE (store), PHRIENDS, PHORE (lore, very confusing why they didnt just say PHORY), PHACHA, PHUDIO etc lmao. i may have been gaming a bit too much while having dnp in the background....
-catnip anon (dont remember if you do anons here, but id like to have a tag bc ive submitted many long ones in the past month + need an easier way to access them again lmao)
this is so detailed i love it
and if you submit more often and want an anon tag just start ending your submissions with an anon tag!
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darkmaga-retard · 1 month
John Ellis
Aug 05, 2024
1. Stock markets tumbled on Monday, with Japanese shares at one point exceeding their 1987 "Black Monday" loss, as fears of a U.S. recession sent investors fleeing from risk while wagering that rate cuts would be needed to rescue growth. The safe haven yen and Swiss franc surged, as crowded carry trades unravelled, sparking speculation that some investors were unloading profitable trades to get money to cover losses elsewhere. Such was the torrent of selling that circuit breakers were triggered on stock exchanges across Asia. (Source: reuters.com)
2. Taiwan stocks ended down 8.4% on Monday, a record slump, with tech stocks including TSMC plunging as investors sold off one of Asia's top performing markets this year, spooked by a poor outlook for global tech stocks and the U.S. economy. The main index shed 1,807.21 points, its worst one-day percentage fall, to close at 19,830.88, the lowest level since April 23. The decline was fuelled by a sell-off in tech, and then spread more broadly as the index dipped below the key 20,000 level. (Source: reuters.com)
3. Earlier today, South Korea's stock market marked its worst session since the global financial crisis of 2008, with trading curbs activated for the first time in four years, as tech stocks slumped amid U.S. recession fears. The benchmark KOSPI stock index ended the session down 8.8% at 2,441.55, its biggest percentage fall since Oct. 24, 2008. During the session, the KOSPI fell as much as 10.8%, triggering circuit breakers for the first time since March 2020, which are trading curbs activated when the index falls or rises more than 8% and halts trading of stocks and derivatives for 20 minutes. (Source: reuters.com)
4. A closely watched measure of expected US stock market turbulence surged to its highest level in almost four years today as a global stock sell-off gathered pace. The Vix index of expected volatility in the S&P 500 — commonly known as Wall Street’s “fear gauge” — rose to as much as 41.8 points by morning in London to its highest level since November 2020, breaking above an intraday peak in March 2023 following the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank. The Vix measures the price of options that enable investors to profit from swings in the S&P 500. (Source: ft.com)
5. U.S. pension funds are beginning to explore investments around bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies, a move that could expose millions of former teachers, police officers, firefighters and other retirees to the wild ups and downs of a largely unregulated financial product. In at least five states, industry lobbyists have aggressively hawked the idea, aiming to woo local lawmakers with the promise that digital assets can deliver sky-high profits — often without fully acknowledging the possible risks. The emerging sales campaign contrasts with the broad warnings in Washington that investing in cryptocurrency could leave retirees’ life savings vulnerable to “fraud, theft and loss.” (Source: washingtonpost.com)
6. After more than a decade as a recurring tea-time conversation topic, the delay in retirement is nearing reality in China, set to impact over 500 million workers as the country grapples with a rapidly aging population. The five-year reform blueprint, released last month following a key Communist Party gathering, includes a commitment to raise the retirement age. According to the resolution adopted at the Third Plenum of the party’s 20th Central Committee, China will gradually increase the statutory retirement age based on the principle of “voluntary participation with appropriate flexibility.” For the first time, a key policy document outlines the principles of the reform, fueling expectations that the decade-long initiative will soon be implemented. (Source: caixinglobal.com)
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themakeupbrush · 2 years
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Miss Universe El Salvador 2022 National Costume: STORY OF THE SAVIOR'S COIN.
The theme of Miss Universe El Salvador's national costume this year is the evolution of the Salvadorian currency. Cocoa was originally used as currency in El Salvador. The Columbus became the official currency of El Salvador from 1892 until it was replaced by the U.S. dollar on January 1, 2001. Columbus is named Christopher Columbus. Being a country with a true vision of positive change for the future, El Salvador became the first country in the world to use cryptocurrencies as legal currency when it adopted Bitcoin in 2021. Miss Universe El Salvador's national costume features cocoa leaves, the Columbus, the dollar and the Bitcoin symbol on her cane and crown, which shines with quarry. The predominant colors of gold, silver and bronze reflect the main colors of the coin. The materials used in the national costume of Miss Universe El Salvador are sponge, cardboard, polyskin, leather, fabric, quarry and iron. The evolution of the Salvadorian monetary system over all these years is a testimony to how Salvadorians have transformed their economy at the different stages of their history.
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goombasa · 2 months
Youtube Recommendations: Folding Ideas
You know what? I really like video essays.
A good video essay, a really meaty, well researched expose on any topic is not only a great thing to have on the background, but I do legitimately find myself learning something when I listen to them. Even if it's on a topic I am not particularly interested in at the time, a well made and well crafted video essay can easily get me interested or get me to care about something that I knew nothing about just a few minutes earlier.
Enter Folding Ideas, a youtube channel operated by Dan Olson, who basically specializes in video essays. His main claim to fame was originally analyzing different films and discussing the various editing techniques and decisions used, drawing upon his own knowledge as a film school graduate. However, since then, he's started covering a lot more topics beyond just films, or even popular culture in general, talking about online culture, particularly scam culture, or covering things like the failure of the metaverse, the failure of bitcoin, online scam culture, the failure of wall street apes (like most of us, failure is quite a fascinating subject). He's even done some very in-depth and interesting analyses of fellow content creators such as Doug Walker or James Rolfe, bringing to light some very interesting insights into the way that they operate and think and analyze the media they're critiquing.
Dan's style of narration is fairly dry, but his strength is definitely in his writing and word choice. If you're looking for someone who is going to be very jokey and humorous about what they're talking about, Folding Ideas isn't meant to be a comedy. He does insert jokes and humor here and there, but his focus is often on delivering information on the subject at hand, with a quick and deft hand.
His videos vary wildly in length, depending on the level of depth he goes into on certain subjects. His video on the Blizzard Darkmoon fiasco is a fun, eight minute long romp describing some convention incompetence on the part of Activision Blizzard, for example. Quick, without the need to go into much depth. Compare that with his video on the Stock Market Ape culture, a two and a half hour long epic that goes into massive detail on the events leading up to the GME short squeeze, what happened during it, and the fallout afterwards. It's a much more nuanced topic, obviously, with a lot of history, a lot of rhetoric that can be difficult to understand, and a lot of misinformation that floated around at that time that sort of embedded itself in everyone's memory as what happened. It's a long, but amazing watch as Dan systematically breaks down every single aspect of the insular culture of people who are cultishly devoted to the idea that buying stock in a failing company could trigger an economic apocalypse.
And from there, his videos run the gamut in terms of length between those two extremes, and I'd highly recommend any of them. Like most great video essayists, his upload schedule is a bit on the slow side, but for the amount of work put into each episode, that's more than understandable.
I can't really think of a negative with Dan's videos other than the fact that it might not be for everyone, but that's a blanket statement that could be applied to anything that isn't focus tested to hell and back to reach the widest possible audience. Trust me, all it takes is a single video into a topic that you had no knowledge or interest in to get you hooked.
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The Art of Editing and Suicide Squad: This was the video that introduced me to his channel. It analyzes the failings of the first Suicide Squad movie through the way the film is cut and edited, pointing out how plot points seem to phase in and out of existence, how the film has a penchant for assuming its audience has no short term memory, and how the movie's choice in color really hurts it. Even if you know nothing about film editing, it's a great primer on what does and doesn't work for sequential storytelling.
A Lukewarm Defense of Fifty Shades of Grey: As the title suggests, this is part of a two-part series discussing the fifty shades movies, not just as adaptations of the text, but also the hate culture around it, and a critical look at what the films did right, rather than just bashing it for the sake of bashing. Of course, when the films DO do anything wrong, he doesn't pull his punches.
This Is Financial Advice: A massive two and a half hour exploration of the Gamestop stock boom and bust, what led up to it, what caused it, the aftermath, and the cult that has sprung up around it afterwards. While it is intimidating for its length, and even when primed for it, the talk about various finance terms and wall street language still manages to go over my head somewhat, it is a surreal look at the before and after of an event that, while a part of recent history, feels incredibly misrepresented in how it was shown off by the media.
An Exhaustive History of Ralph Bakshi's Lord of the Rings: As the title says, it is very much a thorough exploration of the animated adaptation of Lord of the Rings, headed by one Ralph Bakshi. The video goes into detail on Bakshi's strange and interesting career in animated films and his attempts to create more adult oriented animated films (this is the guy who made the Fritz the Cat movie and Coonskin), and the very long, twisted, and unusual attempts to try and get a LotR project up and running well before Peter Jackson would manage to get his trilogy working.
Comfortably Doug: An analysis of the Nostalgia Critic's review of The Wall. Rather than just bashing the review, Dan takes this as an opportunity to pick apart Doug Walker's style of video making and how it just doesn't work, how he wants to be a film maker without really having any idea of what makes a good film, and how his messaging in the review itself is confused because he never really has a unified point to make. But most of it, it's a critique of how Doug just refuses to intellectually engage with what he's watching, only gleaning the absolute surface level of anything he's interacting with. You can imagine then that him trying to take on The Wall, a movie that is very heavy on allegory and symbolism, isn't going to go well.
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nightpool · 8 months
> "A highly anticipated decision by the US Securities and Exchange Commission on whether to approve a spot-Bitcoin exchange-traded fund quickly morphed into a major cybersecurity incident on Tuesday.
> "The SEC’s X account was compromised and a fake post claiming that the agency had green lit plans for the products fueled a brief surge in the price of the world’s biggest cryptocurrency. It also has sparked an investigation by US authorities into how a social media account at Wall Street’s main regulator was compromised. …"
Look, I have no inside information, but most of the reporting I have read about spot Bitcoin ETFs has said that 1. the SEC is going to approve them, 2. by the end of today, and 3. this is public knowledge that everyone believes.
So you would think it would be pretty priced in? It just does not seem to me like there would be a ton of alpha in (1) constantly refreshing the SEC’s Twitter account, (2) looking for a tweet saying “okay spot Bitcoin ETFs are cool now,” and (3) buying Bitcoin on the news. Which implies there would not be a ton of alpha in (1) buying a bunch of Bitcoin, (2) hacking the SEC’s Twitter account, (3) tweeting “okay spot Bitcoin ETFs are cool now” and (4) selling your Bitcoin into the resulting enthusiasm.
Doesn’t it seem at least possible that this hack was just trolling? It didn’t move Bitcoin prices that much, and it shouldn’t have: The fake announcement was something that everyone expects to actually be true today. But it is very funny? The key element of online trolling is irony, and there is plenty of irony here. Like:
1. The crypto community and the SEC do not particularly like each other: Gensler’s SEC has launched a broad and aggressive crackdown on crypto, and it is only going to (probably!) approve spot Bitcoin ETFs today because a court forced it to. If you’re a Bitcoin enthusiast with the skills to hack the SEC’s Twitter, you might want to manipulate the price of Bitcoin, but you might also just want to make the SEC look bad.
2. Having the SEC (1) announce that Bitcoin ETFS are approved, (2) walk back that announcement, and then (3) announce it again, for real this time, the next day, really is quite embarrassing. Like if the hacker made the SEC say something outlandish and false, that would be a little funny. But making the SEC say something true a day early is extremely funny.
3. In addition to cracking down on crypto, one of the SEC’s big regulatory priorities under Gensler has been punishing companies for cybersecurity incidents.[2] The SEC once sued a company for using weak passwords, and its enforcement director said that the case “underscores our message to issuers: implement strong controls calibrated to your risk environments.” But apparently the SEC’s Twitter was compromised because it didn’t turn on two-factor authentication. Nyah nyah nyah nyah nyah!
Anyway, the great counter-troll here would be for the SEC to announce today “you know what, all the Bitcoin ETF applications are rejected, we’ll see you in court again. We were going to approve them, but it turns out that the Bitcoin market is still too vulnerable to manipulation, as you can tell by the fact that someone hacked our Twitter to manipulate Bitcoin.”
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