#black hair jun is superior
nandawrites · 2 years
Jun Mochizuki drew Gilbert Nightray and it awoke something in her and then she started Vanitas no Carte and said "I'm going to give those bitches (me) that love the black hair/golden eyes combo everything they want" and made Louis, Dominique and Olivier.
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chess-writes · 10 months
Mario Kart
💜 Summary: Natsume and Ibara often argued, but rarely had a clear winner. So, Natsume decided that a good way to prove that he could beat Ibara is through video games.
💜 Warnings: none really besides the two wrestle due to Mario Kart induced rage. a small fight, nothing serious. might be ooc
💜 Note: hehehrhihuhuh... redheads that are gay. :). anyways Natsume and Ibara are crushing on each other but refuse to admit it and Leo is the official IbaNatsu wingman or something. ending is a little rushed but it's fiiiiiiiiiine. Hiyori also makes an appearance.
Natsume had an idea. A wonderful idea. A truly amazing idea!
Ibara and him bickered often, very often. He would never admit it, but he loved their fights. Ibara, although annoying and stuck up and infuriatingly pretty, was very nice to talk to. He made good points, was good at arguing, and was so easy to annoy. He wouldn't admit how much he loved it.
But they usually didn't come out with a clear winner. So Natsume was going to show that he was better once and for all. (For the next hour or so.)
Mario Kart.
What could go wrong.
Natsume and Ibara regularly blocked and unblocked each other on Hold-Hands. Well, Natsume did. He had done it earlier that day... he didn't recall why. It was probably deserved, though.
He unblocked him and sent a message telling Ibara to come to his dorm. Leo and Nazuna were currently out, so he didn't need to worry about them.
Ibara asked why. Natsume said he was going to beat him in a game. Ibara said he was on his way.
Ibara was oddly willing to drop things to argue or fight with Natsume. He didn't know why his chest felt light at the thought.
He made sure the game was set up and there was a knock on the door.
"Come iN, Ibara-kun. I've been expecting yoU," Natsume grinned, barely able to wait. He wanted to slaughter this twink in Mario Kart.
Ibara stepped in. He was in a simple button up and black pants. His clothes were simple but fitting, and they matched his hair which was laying down smoothly.
"Natsume-kun, how unexpected! I didn't realize you were so desperate to engage in battle once more!" he smiled, approaching Natsume.
"I came up with a plan that will prove my superioriTY, and now is a good time to launch my atTACK." he replied smoothly. He patted the spot next to him, signaling for Ibara to sit down.
As he did, he was handed a controller.
"Are you familiar with Mario KarT?" he asked. Although he wanted to crush him, he wasn't totally unfair.
"Jun has had me play with him before." Ibara confirmed. "If your goal was to beat me in this, I wouldn't be so sure you're going to win." he looked smug.
Ibara returned the smug look and got them ready to play. They picked characters and customized their game.
And so it began.
As the first race started, Ibara and Natsume were composed. Backhanded compliments were passed back and forth, or direct insults.
Natsume was clearly more experienced. He was the president of the Game Research Club, and him and Sora had figured out all the best ways to play. Shortcuts, using items, everything.
Natsume won the first round. He looked horribly smug as he pulled out a paper and made a little mark on one side. Ibara side-eyed the paper and his smile looked strained.
"Round twO, Ibara-kun?" Natsume was smiling, loving the look on his face.
"Start the game, Natsume-kun." his smile was fake.
It had been almost two hours. The two had barely moved. They were hunched over, and the tension between the two could be cut with a knife.
They had started to push each other to distract them so they would mess up in-game.
The paper had long been forgotten, replaced with simply thriving off the sheer euphoria of winning a round, met with the rage that demanded another.
As the two got ready for another round, the door opened. Not a glance was spared.
"Uchuu!~ I'm back!" Leo happily cried out as he entered the room. "Oh! The Viper is here!" he smiled.
The two didn't even glance at him.
Leo pouted, skipping over and sitting right behind them. "What are you playing?"
The two were focused, and it was only when Ibara hit Natsume with a blue shell, that he snapped.
"You cheaTER!" he cried out, dropping his controller and lunging for Ibara. Leo leaned back so he wasn't hit, and watched as the two wrestled.
"I didn't cheat! You're the one who knows every single trick to the game, if anyone is a cheater, it's YOU!" Ibara argued as he kicked at Natsume. Although Natsume made a show of hitting and punching Tsumugi, he really wasn't that good in physical combat.
And Ibara grew up in a military camp.
As Ibara rolled to the side to pin Natsume down, Leo was loudly cheering and encouraging the fight.
Natsume seemed to almost contort to bite at Ibara, flailing around in order to get him off.
It was only successful because Ibara was going easy on him. Everyone in the room knew it, but no one said anything. Leo certainly had a knowing smile though.
"I'm not a cheaTER, you just suck at Mario KarT!" Natsume managed to knock Ibara onto his side. He tried to mimic what Ibara had done by straddling his torso, but Ibara quickly swapped them back.
"I won plenty of times!" Ibara would usually be more behaved, but after two hours of Mario Kart, he was about as kind as a starving honey badger. And he didn't feel like pretending otherwise. "You would know that if you hadn't burned the paper and nearly your dorm as well!"
"The paper was meaningLESS! I didn't need it to know that I was winning more than yoU!" Natsume fought more but he was getting tired, and Ibara was bound to win any hand to hand combat.
"Come on Nacchan! Fight, fight, fight!! Bite him!" Leo cheered, almost screaming.
Natsume's hands were pinned above his head by Ibara, so he just tried to jerk them down. He only slid down both of their hands, but that was enough.
You know what they say. If you can't beat them, eat them.
Natsume leaned up as much as he could and strained his neck to bite down on Ibara's forearm.
Ibara pulled his arm back a bit and Natsume used this chance to sit up as fast as he could and headbutt him.
Both of them leaned back with a groan, holding their heads.
Leo cried out, something about inspiration, and ran to his bed to write on the papers he had everywhere.
"You could have broken my glasses, you moron.." Ibara grumbled as he rubbed his cheekbone where it had been hit.
"You had it comING, Ibara-kun." Natsume replied, muttering as well. He was rubbing his forehead.
The two sat in pain for a few moments more before realizing the odd position they were in. Ibara was sitting on Natsume's lap, basically straddling him.
Ibara quickly got off and tried to compose himself. Natsume was trying to hide that he was almost as red as his hair.
Natsume attempted to glare at Ibara, but he was more or less pouting.
Ibara gave another fake smile, his tone mocking. "What, do you want me to kiss your booboo better?"
Natsume turned his head away, but Ibara caught the blush that had gotten stronger.
Natsume turned back, still red, but determined to not lose. "I didn't realize your first instinct was to kiss mE." he smiled smugly.
The two stared at each other in tense silence for a bit before Leo spoke up once more.
"Ughhhhhhh... you guys are sooooo lame! Just kiss each other already!" he laughed at his own comment, and the two redheads quickly discovered that the floor was simply fascinating.
"Love heals all wounds, ahahaha!" Leo quickly went back to scribbling down notes.
Natsume and Ibara glanced at each other a few times, both unsure of what to do. Finally, after a few painfully long moments, Natsume did something.
He took a deep breath and stood up. He slowly walked to Ibara and kneeled right in front of him. Blue looked into amber, and it almost seemed like Natsume would back out. But he didn't.
It was a stiff kiss, just a small peck. But it solidified what both of them had known but refused to admit.
Natsume seemed almost stunned after the kiss, but it only took a second longer for him to stand up and run out of the room, blushing furiously.
Ibara left once his blush had gone down and he had made sure Leo wouldn't tell. Of course, he can't exactly trust him even with him promising silence. Leo had a habit of speaking without thinking.
"Ibara, are you wearing lipgloss?" Hiyori asked. The two had met up that night so Hiyori could drag someone around while shopping. Jun had been busy.
Ibara raised an eyebrow. "No. I use chapstick."
Hiyori shook his head and leaned close to his face. "Your lips are shimmery. It's really uneven, though."
Ibara leaned away and lightly rubbed his lips, and then examining the slight shimmer left on them. They had a slightly red tint, and when he licked his lips, it tasted faintly sweet.
Ibara didn't wear lipgloss.
Apparently Natsume did.
Ibara had a long story to tell and lie about it seems.
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mxthxbot · 1 year
Kevin as Krel Tarron
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"Looks like human bones... with bite marks."
🎧 Kevin is the younger brother of Solar.
🎧 Adopted by @raiden-oc 🌺
🎧 Dating @vivzie-kpop-cb’s Jun and @ateezmystery’s Theo 🐺
🎧 They both come from the planet Akiridion-5.
🎧 Kevin is self-centered and he doesn’t really earn people’s respect or friendship.
🎧 In his Akiridion form; Kevin has electric blue skin, light blue hair that spikes up, blue eyes with black sclera and four arms of a royal.
🎧 But he’s the only one with a ridge on his forehead, marking him as king in waiting.
🎧 He has a deep love for science and music.
🎧 And unlike his older sister, Kevin appears to be more stoic and introverted.
🎧 He often makes snarky comments to his sister and everyone around him.
"And you always tell me we are the ones who have to be normal?"
🎧 Kevin doesn’t seem to have much of an interest in a lot of things, having a large ego.
🎧 Despite this, he appears to be an excellent disc jokey and loves to to dance.
🎧 Kevin is quick witted, curious about Earth.
🎧 Even with his curiosity, he often criticized Earth’s more primitive technologies compared to his planet’s.
🎧 He frequently gloats about his superior intellect, being a super genius and even past Akridion’s standards.
🎧 Kevin gets impatient and frustrated when people are clueless about a Daxial Array.
🎧 In spite of his haughtiness, vanity, arrogance, insufferable attitude, and being somewhat ill-mannered, Kevin seems to be a very compassionate and decent guy.
🎧 He also willingly throws off the math duel for Seamus after overhearing his and his father's argument.
🎧 While Kevin shown confidence in his ability to invent and understand technologies, there are times when he doubts himself.
🎧 He admits to Solar if he could ever fix the mothership by himself after it was damaged during their fight with Omen.
🎧 Kevin also appears quite touchy with his own inventions, shown when he constantly cautioned Solar not to break his mind reader headset to the point where he whines and was visibly dismayed after she broke them.
🎧 There's also a tiny, darker side to Krel.
🎧 Although it was understandable that he felt deeply hurt and betrayed by Vex when he learns that he had helped Morando invade Akiridion-5.
🎧 It was to where he almost kills him for high treason.
🎧 Even after two weeks, he still hasn't gone over Varvatos's betrayal and still held a mild grudge against him.
🎧 He has a serrator which is an Akiridion's most common weapon, being able to form into a nearly impenetrable shield, a blaster, a blade, and a two-pronged spear.
🎧 He also has a hover board, usually riding along with his sister.
"I like vintage!"
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fourseasonsfigs · 1 year
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The Stage of Love that Will Never be Lost
This is my all-time favorite performance by Zhehan, so I was so happy when I saw this fig!
This is the performance of his song Huan Rao (Surround) on the Jiangsu TV x Zhejiang Satellite TV x Kuaishou 616 True Heart Night gala. The actual performance of this was on 6/15, the night before for 6/16.
I have the broadcast of this, but I'm instead going to give you the fancam version of it, which in my mind is infinitely superior. Most crucially, it stays focused on Zhehan the whole time, and doesn't cut away wildly in order to gyrate around the audience and the stage. Because it stays focused on him, we get to see the extra special moment in which he stops singing, and Gong Jun's track comes in (at 1:30, but do watch the whole thing!). And of course, at the end, we have him throwing up his hand sign, which is the moment his fig immortalizes.
Here's a few stills as well for the hand sign - I love all the different angles from the different fans and fan sites!
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Zhehan looks so beautifully handsome in this suit, with the cascades of silver across his lapels and shoulders, and the string of spun silver at his waist.
This was such a special night - I remember everyone bubbling over with happiness over it! I was absolutely giddy myself.
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This precious little man does not stand up on his shiny little feet, but I managed to get him to balance just once to take a picture!
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There we go, safe and secure on a fig stand. He is super sweet.
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Ooh, the classic fan site pose! This is the best angle for the hand sign too. I will just comment here that this is a difficult hand sign to make - I know Junjun can make it easily (while carrying a phone, no less!) but my fingers struggle.
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Always a good angle for Zhehan figur-- what! I can't help it! I've been brainwashed! It's not my fault the fig post count is close to 300 and I've been conditioned to look at the modeling on Zhehan's tush. It's purely for fig documentation purposes, after all.
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Yes, moving on. Here's a good shot of the silver embroidery down his jacket.
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Oh this is an even better shot of the silver. It's beautiful!
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Ok these are all good shots. This is the more heavily embroidered side of the suit. I remember seeing him wearing it and thinking how nice it was that it was asymmetrical, made it seem more interesting and unique.
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Ah, that's the good angle too - I always like this 3/4 turn. Here we also can see the (moderately kinda sorta) deep black V of the shirt under the suit.
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And of course the moons in his eyes 😍 His fingers are very delicately blushed!
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What a cutie. Have I mentioned I love him?
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It's the cute little one sided smile, you know that's my weakness! Cute from every angle.
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They did a good job on his hair too. It looks a little brown from this angle but it's a nice deep black.
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Here he is admiring the optional Junjun badge that you could get with this set! You can't tell with the weak winter sunlight over here, but it's actually really sparkly and pretty (just like Junjun in his NYE silver suit). The badge is just plain metal - no pin or magnet on the back.
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Come back tomorrow for the shiny sparkly gentleman you can see with his back turned to us on the box!
Material: PVC
Fig Count: 288
Scene Count: 22
Rating: Magnificent!
[link back to Master Fig Index for more posts]
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judgementkazukun · 1 year
Name: Kazuma Kiryu
Aliases: The Dragon of Dojima, Judgement Kazzy, Taichi Suzuki, Dragon Mask, Joryu
Age: 20-55+
Date of Birth: 17 June 1968
Astrology: Gemini Sun, Pisces Moon, Scorpio Rising + Full Chart Analysis
Eyes: Brown
Hair: Black, Black/Gray, Gray; verse dependent
Height: 6'0"
Weight: 194 lbs
Rank: Chairman of the Tojo Clan (formerly)
Occupation(s): Disciple of Daidoji Temple, Debt Collector (formerly), Real Estate Agent (1988), Manager of Four Shine Cabaret Club (2006), Founder & Manager (2007-2011) of Morning Glory Orphanage, Taxi Driver (2012, as Taichi Suzuki), Bodyguard
Birthplace: Yokohama, Japan
Ethnicity: Japanese
Nationality: Japanese
Sexual Orientation: Bisexual
Family: Shintaro Kazama (adoptive father), Haruka Sawamura (adoptive daughter), Haruto Sawamura (adoptive grandson), Ayako (adoptive daughter), Riona (adoptive daughter), Eri (adoptive daughter), Izumi (adoptive daughter), Koji (adoptive son), Mitsuo (adoptive son), Shiro (adoptive son), Taichi (adoptive son)
cw: violence, death, mentions of sexual assault
Major spoilers for the Yakuza/Like A Dragon series
Childhood: Kazuma Kiryu's parents are killed, resulting in Kiryu's being raised at Sunflower Orphanage by Shintaro Kazama. At the orphanage he meets Akira Nishikiyama (Nishiki), Yuko Nishikiyama, and Yumi Sawamura.
1980 (Age 12): Kiryu secretly follows Kazama to a raid on the Korean Jingweon Mafia. Confusion erupts when he reveals his presence, resulting in Kazama killing the head of the Jingweon Mafia.
1985/6 (Age 17): Kiryu joins the yakuza alongside Nishiki. The two swear loyalty to one another, becoming oath brothers.
1988-1989 (Age 20): Events of Yakuza 0. A man that Kiryu collected a debt from turns up murdered. His superiors suspect him of the murder, but Kiryu is innocent and wants to prove this. However, one of his superiors attempts to blame Kazama for the incident, citing that it is his fault Kiryu is incompetent. Kiryu chooses to be expelled from the Tojo Clan rather than let Kazama take the fall. Kiryu joins Tetsu Tachibana and Jun Oda as a real estate agent and plans to figure out who really committed the murder he's suspected of while Tachibana Real Estate are engaging in a war with the Dojima Family over Kamurocho's empty lot. He is ultimately cleared of the murder charges and rejoins the Tojo Clan.
1993 (Age 24/25): Kiryu is held captive and tortured by Lao Ka Long.
1995 (Age 27): Sohei Dojima, the patriarch of the Dojima Family (to which both Kiryu and Nishiki belong) kidnaps Yumi Sawamura, likely planning to sexually assault her. Nishiki follows the two. Kiryu hears about this after the fact and attempts to follow them as well, but is held up by a fight on the way there. By the time he arrives, Nishiki has shot Dojima multiple times. He urges Nishiki to protect Yumi and ushers them out of the area. Police show up and arrest Kiryu for the murder. He confesses his guilt despite reservations from the interrogating detective Makoto Date.
1995-2005 (Age 27-37): Kiryu is imprisoned for Dojima's murder. He is expelled from the Tojo Clan.
2005 (Age 37): Events of Yakuza Kiwami take place. Kiryu is released from prison. Third Chairman of the Tojo Clan, Masaru Sera, has died. Later, Kiryu will find out that Sera's will named Kiryu himself as Fourth Chairman. He attempts to reunite with Kazama at the funeral, but Kazama is shot while they are talking, and Kiryu gets accused by Futoshi Shimano of the attempted murder. He escapes with the help of Makoto Date who urges him to look for Yumi. He does, but instead finds a room full of slaughtered people and a hiding and terrified Haruka Sawamura. When reuniting with Nishiki, Kiryu learns that Nishiki is responsible for Kazama's attempted murder, and the two fail to reconcile. Later on, he finds out where Kazama is waiting for him, but this time a grenade thrown by Futoshi Shimano causes Kazama to be mortally wounded. Kazama confesses he is the one who killed Kiryu's biological parents just before he dies. Kiryu tries to meet with Yumi at the Millennium Tower, but they are interrupted. He then finds Nishiki whom he fights and defeats. When another man tries to shoot Kiryu, Nishiki detonates a bomb that kills the assailant and himself. Yumi succumbs to a gunshot wound. Having lost everyone, Kiryu considers going back to jail, but is talked out of it when reminded that he is now the only adult alive that Haruka trusts. Kiryu steps down as Chairman and leaves Kamurocho to start a new life with Haruka as his adoptive daughter.
2006-2007 (Age 38): Events of Yakuza Kiwami 2 take place. On the anniversary of the incident at the Millennium Tower, Kiryu and Haruka return to Kamurocho to visit the graves of those they lost one year ago. Terada, who Kiryu had given the title of Fifth Chairman to, dies in front of him at the graveyard, and Kiryu is subsequently pulled back into the politics of the Tojo Clan. In Sotenbori, Kiryu first meets Ryuji Goda, The Dragon of Kansai, who has no interest in peace with the Tojo Clan and stages a coup against the Chairman of the Omi Alliance, who happens to be his own father. After fighting with Ryuji, Kiryu meets and is questioned by Kaoru Sayama, an investigator for the Osaka Police Department. After she is shot, he helps her and learns that she is investigating the Jingweon Mafia massacre from 1980. Later, at Terada's funeral, Ryuji Goda shows up to cause problems on purpose and to warn the Tojo Clan that in three days the Go-Ryu will invade Kamurocho. Three days later, they find out bombs have been planted throughout Kamurocho. Ryuji says he wants to fight Kiryu at their full strength as he wants to beat Kiryu and be the only one with the title of The Dragon. Sayama, after finding out Ryuji is her half-brother, risks her life by heading to confront him at the Millennium Tower to try to get him to stand down. Kiryu follows her. He, Ryuji, and Sayama are eventually last ones standing. With five minutes left counting down on the last bomb in Kamurocho, Ryuji and Kiryu decide to fight right then and there. Kiryu wins. Ryuji dies. With less than two minutes remaining before the bomb goes off, Kiryu urges Sayama to leave him, as he isn't in a state capable of escaping on time due to his own injuries. She refuses and the two remain while the bomb counts down to zero. It turns out to have been a fake the whole time.
2007-2009 (Age 41): Events of Yakuza 3 take place. Sayama tells Kiryu she's moving to America where she'll have more career growth and they part ways. Kiryu convinces ally and friendly rival Goro Majima to back Daigo Dojima as Sixth Chairman of the Tojo Clan. Kiryu and Haruka move to Okinawa, where Kiryu sets up Morning Glory Orphanage. A few months later, he receives an eviction notice from the Ryudo Family, a local group of yakuza. He meets Rikiya, a member of the Ryudo Family, who leads him to their base after losing their fight. After confronting the patriarch, Nakahara, the man still refuses to rescind the notice. Not long later, Rikiya enlists Kiryu’s help to find Nakahara’s adoptive daughter who has been kidnapped. He rescues her, and Nakahara insists that he and Kiryu swear loyalty to one another as oath brothers right before Daigo shows up, interrupting. Daigo has decided to stop the deal for the resort and military base that were supposed to be built on the land where Morning Glory Orphanage is. Six months later both Nakahara and Daigo are shot. Returning to Kamurocho, Kiryu learns from Kashiwagi just before the other (seems to) die that there is a traitor among the Tojo Clan. Morning Glory Orphanage is destroyed by Tamashiro and Yoshitaka Mine. Tamashiro shoots Kiryu after losing their fight, but Rikiya jumps in front of Kiryu to take the bullet and dies. Kiryu then returns to Tokyo once more to face off with Mine whom he manages to talk into atoning for his actions. Later, he tries to talk Goh Hamazaki who was the traitor, into atoning as well, but Hamazaki stabs him. He manages to survive the injury and moves back to Okinawa to rebuild Morning Glory Orphanage. 
2010 (Age 42): Events of Yakuza 4 take place. Taiga Saejima washes up on the shore of Morning Glory Orphanage and is found by Kiryu and Haruka. After helping him back to health, Kiryu gives him fresh clothes and money to return to Kamurocho despite suspecting he may be an escaped convict. Later, Hamazaki washes up on the beach as well. Kiryu helps him as well despite the man having once tried to kill him. Hamazaki ultimately decides to turn himself in to the police, and Kiryu accompanies him on the way there. They run into Yasuko Saejima, and try to talk to her about her brother, but are interrupted by penitentiary officers. Returning to Kamurocho with Yasuko, Kiryu enlists Date for help protecting her. Yasuko is eventually killed despite Kiryu's best efforts to protect her. Kiryu confronts Daigo and scolds him for his poor decisions leading to a weakened Tojo Clan, but also apologizes for not being there and doing more to help him. After Saejima rejoins the Tojo Clan as a family patriarch, Kiryu returns to Okinawa once more to continue running Morning Glory Orphanage. 
2011-2012 (Age 44): Events of Yakuza 5 take place. Mirai Park approaches Kiryu to scout Haruka as an idol. After Haruka tells him his presence is holding her and the others back, Kiryu leaves for Fukuoka, assigning a new manager to the orphanage. In Fukuoka he works as a taxi driver and uses the name Taichi Suzuki. Daigo goes missing, and the last person to have seen him was Kiryu, when Daigo was in the back of his taxi asking for his advice. He refutes initial attempts to drag him into looking for Daigo, but later meets with Omi Alliance Lieutenant Masaru Watase to try to avoid a war between the Omi Alliance and the Tojo Clan. Aoyama attempts to frame Kiryu for an attack on the two Tojo Clan officers who told him about Daigo's disappearance. Kiryu suspects Daigo decided to go into hiding due to Aoyama's planned attempts on his life. He confronts Aoyama and beats him as a warning. After hearing on the news that a murder victim was found in Tokyo and identified as Goro Majima, Kiryu returns to Tokyo. This turns out to have been a ruse to lure out both Kiryu and Saejima, who is both Majima's oath brother and now considered a pillar of the Tojo Clan alongside Kiryu. Haruka's concert becomes the center point of a yakuza conflict. Rather than let it be canceled Kiryu enlists Saejima, Majima, and Shun Akiyama to help make sure the concert remains safe. Haruka reveals the truth of her past at the end of her concert before reuniting with a collapsed Kiryu. 
2016 (Age 48): Events of Yakuza 6 take place. Following the events of 2012, Kiryu had decided to accept a prison sentence to wipe clean his slate and get rid of his connection to the Tojo Clan. After being released in 2016, he returns to Morning Glory Orphanage where he finds out no one has seen or heard from Haruka since 2013, when she left to keep the others from being harassed by paparazzi following her. He returns to Kamurocho to look for her. Date informs him that police have found her and she has been hospitalized after an accident. Kiryu discovers she had been protecting her son, Haruto, who even he did not know existed. The police have no leads on Haruto's father's identity. CPS plans to take Haruto and put him in an orphanage as he has no legal relatives. Kiryu decides to take Haruto to Morning Glory Orphanage, but ends up bringing him along while searching for the boy's biological father, who turns out to be Yuto Usami. Haruto is kidnapped by the Jingweon Mafia. Kiryu and Yuto work together to save him. Kiryu is shot while protecting Yuto, Haruka, and Haruto. Though he recovers from the gunshot wounds, he decides to be declared legally dead and join Daidoji Temple in exchange for making sure his family is safe.  
2017-2019 (Age 49-51): Kiryu, now presumed dead, takes the codename Joryu as a disciple of Daidoji Temple. He takes jobs as a bodyguard.
2019 (Age 51): Events of Yakuza: Like a Dragon take place. Kiryu is found by Watase and hired as his bodyguard, traveling with him to the announcement of the dissolution of the Omi Alliance, which has by now absorbed the Tojo Clan. Kiryu tracks down Ichiban Kasuga and allies to relay information about Ryo Aoki's plans to kill Omi Alliance officer Jo Sawashiro. After seeing Kasuga take out his frustration on an Omi Alliance grunt, Kiryu at first withholds the information, making Kasuga fight him so he can determine Kasuga's true character as a man. Though Kasuga loses their fight, Kiryu is satisfied with how he handles it, and shares the information. Though asked for his help in dealing with the situation, Kiryu refuses to help in any direct manner due to his current ties to Daidoji Temple requiring him to remain disappeared to keep his family safe. 
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jihooonsdimples · 6 years
letters • jun
☾ pairing: jun x fem!reader
☾ word count: 2.4k
☾ genre: angst, part 1/2
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I miss you.
Jun drops his pen onto the table and runs a hand through his hair, nostalgia washing over him after writing those three simple words. The boy looks out of the window of his childhood bedroom, the only source of light coming from his desk lamp. The view from this room would always leave him breathless, no matter how many times he’s seen it or how long it’s been. The bright lights of the city at night twinkling underneath him, the sea of lights illuminating the cloudy sky and the moon peeking out from behind. His own thoughts clouded his mind and he couldn't think straight. 
He wonders what you were doing right now. It’s been so long since he has last seen you. Were you sleeping? Were you awake? After two years, he was finally in the same time zone as you.
He remembers how you liked to stay up late and watch the city from your apartment balcony. You would think about all the people who lived in your city and what their lives were like. How everyone was so different and experiencing so many things that you would never know about. How you were living this life, in your hometown, at that very moment in time. Late nights were for you to absorb everything in this world and the life you were given. It would also be a time for you to relax and take a break from the life you lived every day. Sometimes, you would invite the boy over and the two of you would sit in silence, enjoying the company of a loved one. Fingers intertwined and your head on his shoulder, it felt so intimate. The world living on while you two sat in the dark of night. 
The boy sadly smiles as the memories of you flood his mind.
Jun remembers how you liked to do things the old fashion way. You liked to write letters to your friends, go to their house and hang out, and go for walks in the park. You didn't want to be a victim of the new technology that took over everyone's lives these days, opting to connect with people physically.
The two of you used to write letters to each other each week, even though you went to the same school and shared many classes together. The joy of opening up a letter from you was something he would never forget. You would even leave little mementos from that week inside the envelope. It always brought back memories of the two of you and everything you’ve experienced together. 
When you would go for long walks in the park with him in the middle of the night because both of you couldn’t sleep, the cold air nipping at your skin through your pyjamas. Dancing under the street lights and running down small roads, it felt like the two of you were the only people awake. 
Or when you two would go to the roof of your apartment building and gaze at the stars all night, pouring your hearts out to each other. Talking about your past, future, and present. Your biggest insecurities and your greatest fears. Life was absolutely insane and it was so hard to understand that this was the life you were given and you should make the most out of it. You can’t remember how many times the two of you laughed over how true the statement, “yolo”, was.
His fond memories of you soon fade away and was replaced by the memory of him leaving you. Crazy how life can change so suddenly.
Jun's face falls and he places his elbows on his desk, resting his head in his hands. Emotions seem to take over his body and all he could feel was pain, the same pain he felt the day he left you.
A sigh leaves his lips as he remembers the day he last saw you.
"I'll be back soon, okay?" He reassured you, wiping away your tears with his thumbs. He was trying his hardest not to cry at the airport while his heart broke. It hurt him just as much as it hurt you.  
You sniffled and embraced him tightly, you didn't want him to leave. More tears came out running down your cheeks and you cried into his chest. The chest that belonged to the man you called home. The home that was leaving you and you didn’t know when it would be coming back. You didn’t know what you would do without it. How would you survive without your love?
"Shhhhh, Y/N, it’s not forever. We can still write to each other every week! I'll check the mailbox all the time!" He tried his best to sound happy, but you could hear the sadness in his voice. You knew the boy inside and out, he was like your other half. A few days before, the two of you talked about how you would keep in contact. Also taking into consideration the time difference and your busy schedules. 
The boy did not want to leave the girl he loved so dearly. You were the one that encouraged him to go chase his dreams and leave your hometown. You were the one that kept him going and the one who made him feel so loved. The one that was by his side the entire time and loved all his flaws. You loved him.
Collecting yourself, you looked at him with teary eyes. His chocolate orbs gazed at you with so much admiration and sadness, you were going to miss him so much. A small smile makes it way onto your tear-stained face as you remember the reason that he was leaving. He was going to go chase his dreams and become the person he always wanted to be. You held out your pinky and softly said, "Promise me that we’ll text everyday and talk as often as possible."
It was so you to make light of the situation, never letting negativity ruin everything. Jun smiled and wrapped his pinky around yours, "Promise." Quick to make the promise, not doubting a thing.
The boy pulled you in for a last hug and the two of you cherished your last few moments together. You weren’t going to see each other for at least a year and the thought still haunted the both of you. But you trusted him and the promise to not lose contact. Promising to talk everyday and write letters to each other, just like how you did now. 
Your lips find his with ease and you hold each other tightly. The kiss was filled with so much love and faith for the future. Faith that the two of you would stay together and not lose the love.
"I love you."
"I love you too."
Tears slip out of Jun's eyes as the memory slowly fades away. He quickly wipes them away, he’s cried so much about this already. His heart still ached and it pained him so much to think about what had happened two years ago.
He was so stupid. He thought that the two of you would stay the same, nothing would change and your relationship would only grow stronger. But the boy wasn’t thinking, he let his dreams ruin everything around him. The worst part was that he didn’t even see it in the moment, he only realised what had happened after. The time he lost all motivation and direction in life, that’s when he realised.
Taking a deep breath and collecting his thoughts, he picks up the pen that laid on the wooden desk. He was ready to continue writing his long overdue letter to you. Finally able to accept his faults and what went wrong. 
Y/N, how have you been doing? It's been a while hasn't it? How's everyone doing? I’m finally back home, I’ve missed everything here. Especially you. 
I'm sorry for not writing back to you. I got so caught up in my work and my ego, I didn’t make time to write a letter back to you. I would always read your letters and brush them aside, making up excuses on how I didn’t have the time to write back. Our texts got shorter and shorter, we even stopped calling each other in general. I don’t know when my values changed, but it was my biggest mistake. I thought that you would stay the same while I would follow my dreams. I thought that we would still love each other. I was so stupid.
Then one day, I opened what I didn’t know would be the last letter you would ever send to me. My heart dropped when I read the first sentence, how you said you wanted to break up with me. That letter was the shortest one you’ve ever sent to me and suddenly, I suddenly saw everything I was missing. I understood everything you were trying to say and how you felt. How you didn’t want this relationship to tie us both down and that it was time to move onto other people. To continue growing and following our dreams. 
I’m so sorry for not writing back to you and for not maintaining our relationship. I’m sorry for letting my ego get in the way and for being so selfish. I’m sorry for putting you in so much pain. Why did I ever think that your feelings for me would never change. I was the one responsible for our broken relationship, all because of something so dumb.
How are you now? Are you still writing letters to your friends? I hope you are. That was one of the many things I loved about you. I could make a whole list of all the things that I loved about you, it would never end. The way your face would light up when you would catch a shooting star as we star gazed on the roof of your apartment building. Are you still living there? It was really nice and you really made it feel like home. I loved when you would cry during movies because of your soft heart. Remember all our movie nights? I loved those so much. With you snuggled up by my side while we had a marathon of our favourite disney movies. I especially loved when you would kiss me with the biggest smile on your face. I could feel the happiness through your lips and I was so in love. I miss everything about you. I miss us.
Did you finish university? I hope you got your dream job, you worked so hard to get there. I hope you finally got your cat and are having lots of fun. Did you find someone else who loved you like I did? I hope they are a good significant other and are making you happy. I hope they are better than me, you deserve it. You deserve the world and so much more. 
I hope I was a good boyfriend. I hope you won’t think of our relationship as a waste of time. I hope I made lots of good memories for you, I know you definitely did for me. You changed me for the better and let me chase my dreams, even if that meant I had to leave you.
I'm sorry I broke our promise. 
I love you and I will always,  Wen Junhui
Gently putting the pen down, he exhales deeply. Two years worth of feelings all in one letter, all his realisations in one place. The boy silently folds up the paper and slips it into an envelope.
Writing down your address that he would never forget, he places a stamp and seals the envelope. It felt weird to be doing something he hasn’t done in so long, he used to write letters every week. He picks up the letter and shuts off his desk lamp, getting up and walking towards his bedroom door.
The boy opens the door and is greeted by the silence and darkness of his childhood house. Having grown up here, the boy didn't need to turn on the lights to see where he was heading. The house was engraved into his head and he knew it like the back of his hand.
He walks down the creaking stairs and slips on a jacket over his pyjamas. He quietly opens the front door and steps out onto the street in his slippers, the cold night greeting him like an old friend. He heads towards the mailbox at the end of the street with the help of the street lights illuminating the way.
Jun holds the envelope with both hands and stares at it as he stops in front of the mailbox. This envelope contains the emotions he held back for two years. The feelings that he could never bring himself to tell you. The things he could never admit to himself.
He was going to mail you this letter and did not know if you would write back or not. He didn't know what kind of reaction he would receive or if he would get anything at all. He didn't even know if you still lived at your apartment.
Bringing his arms up, he places the envelope in the slot on the mailbox with shaking hands. Just as he was going to push it in with the courage he gathered, everything comes crashing down on him; all of his mistakes, insecurities and flaws. Everything he’s done wrong while he was away just seemed to suffocate him.
His hands quickly retracts with the envelope still clutched tightly in his hands. The boy just stares at the mailbox in defeat, he couldn’t bring himself to mail you the letter that explained everything. He would never know that you were still waiting for him to write back. 
A sigh leaves his lips as he pockets the letter. His eyes shift to the old payphone beside the mailbox, covered in stickers and rust. Jun needed to talk to someone right now, even if that meant calling his best friend in the middle of the night. A hand slips into his coat pocket and luckily, he finds some loose change. 
Bringing the coins out, he counts them and sees that he has enough to call for quite a while. He slides the money into the slot and just as he was about to dial Minghao’s number, a voice stops him.
“What are you doing here?”
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queerjunhui · 5 years
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metanoiamorii · 3 years
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❛Maybe we are not meant to be, not yet. Maybe we’re stars, waiting to collide in another life.❜
♧ Title: Be Still My Foolish Heart [BSMFH]
♧ Status: Brainstorming & Drafting
♧ Point of View: Third
♧ Genre: Fantasy, Action, Drama, Romance
♧ Warnings: Violence, War, Death of major and minor characters, nudity, past abuse, generational trauma, generational healing, racism, transphobia, homophobia, character corruption arcs, ethics vs morals, star crossed lovers, tragic endings, codependent and complicated relationships.
♧ Featuring: Diverse LGBTQ+ characters, enemies to friends to allies to lovers slowburn, complex and complicated characters, fantasy religions, plenty of symbolism, complex world building, ethics vs morals, a whole lot of moral grey can be fit into this bad boy, character redemption and corruption arcs, some found family, learning to separate one from their family's trouble and taking control of their life, soulmate trope, setting the groundwork for future generations.
♧ Setting: An Ancient Chinese inspired, fantasy setting
♧ Synopsis:
In Oidien there has always been a defined split against the Heavens and Ghost City. No one can remember what sparked the feud between them, it's possible after all these years of the fighting and endless war... they don't even remember themselves. They know it's tradition to keep fighting, to ensure the cycle of violence continues. So that is what they do; they keep fighting.
In recent years, the King of Ghost City has drawn back from the fields off battles and distants himself from politics. He leaves the affairs in his eldest children: Lianhauzi holds the crown, Lutaizi knows his way around the court, Suming’qiu is gifted with the army, and Taixuan is there to ensure everyone takes a break, to take care of her family.
A fight against children is how the Heavens view it... To their surprise, these children are more than gifted than their father. This isn't a game to them, it's a livelihood. They know how to secure a victory within minimum casualties, and they know how to balance one another's weakness.
The Heavens cannot take another loss. No matter how many battles they have lost, they have always managed to win this war. Each time. But on this account? They're afraid to admit they've been beat. So they come to a resolution: they have to take out one of the links. Take out one and the rest should crumble.
Not as easy as one would imagine. Or so their spies in court relay. The four know to keep their distance in public, and if they meet in private no one knows. They handpick their servants carefully, and they ensure each servant knows their tasks and do not overstep. They've taken every precaution necessary.
Even when it works, when one of their spies is welcomed inside that well guarded, hidden court... no one expects the game of cat and mouse to transpire. Their spy is humored until she's willing to change her allegiance and eventually is brought into the family by marriage... In the very least, she offers the weakest link to exploit to destroy the family.
♧ Tease
Of all I have done,
Forgettable they to none;
Has it now begun?
No, not forgiveness.
That I would never ask for, love.
I wish, regret comes.
You know as I do,
Games I once played, have turned you,
A pretty face blue.
I made no mistake,
You know as I do, the stakes
Required; played.
Once, for you, my rule
To survive, I broke, for you;
That forsaken dual.
My conscious it haunts;
My sleep, in dreams it will taunts
And it brings your scorn.
Pour me a wine glass,
For my sanity to last
And my wrath? To trap.
For me, preform; dance
Distract me with your nice laugh
Until I collapse.
And leave, in silence,
See to it, quiet your lips
Of the truth won't slip.
Allow me my sleep,
Don't be cruel, do not slight, cheat
You ugly she-beast.
A single night, peace,
That is all I ask for, please...
Better, just leave.
I have discovered,
Regret? No, I now confessed
Not for you, coward.
♧ Excerpt:
Her booted feet pattered against the puddles of rain droplets as she hugged the umbrella close to her shoulder, protecting herself from the storm. In a hurry she rounded the corner, following after the image of a soaked cat that had caught her attention and ran before she could approach it properly. It had been the first time in awhile since she had taken to sprinting, to follow the cat. Around the corner Xihuli came, brought to an abrupt halt when she turned into another person, as insane as she was to be out in the midst of a storm.
Her umbrella clattered to the floor, dropped as she staggered back a pace. The bright red silk was out of place, spinning upon the rain soaked ground. She gained her footing, no longer staggering to place distance between them. Her head threw back, an angry look quick to find purchase upon her features. Having yet to reach for her umbrella, the rain begun to soak the bright red and white silks she wore, drenched and sticking to her figure. "Watch—"
Her protests are so abruptly cut off. She watches the man tilt back his own umbrella, dark as the stormy sky with red spider lilies imprinted upon the fabric; the hanging tassels brush against his form, parting to expose his face. A youthful face that should have been smiling, with those eyes— so red to match the spider lilies upon his umbrella— staring at her as if she were a lesser being. The umbrella sits back upon his shoulder, head tilted forward with his chin forward, a sign he was in fact superior to her.
"Don't you know better, Zhuque?" The tone he speaks in, it's unlike that rambunctious voice he's known for, full of laughter that becomes too obnoxious for the ears. How serious it is, no jest spoken, no room for his games. He stares her down, staring through the dangling tassels of his umbrella. And how unkind that look is, a look that's no better than a wolf staring at a lamb. "You should never be out so late."
The two men, another prince and his own dog. Wine and lilac gives him away, wearing the golden lotus crown in his hair. Face unfriendly, a natural scowl he had been born with. He stands beneath the umbrella held above his head, keeping him dry from the rain. Held by that fucking bastard, smug and vain, with the bones acting as hair pins. He's uncaring if he gets wet, of course he is. When he controls the ocean why would he care about a little storm?
Lianhauzi pulls back his hood as he now stands blocking the last exit, Lutaizi and An Huli keeping the woman pinned in. He takes a step forward, Xieyuan moves with him, holding the umbrella in place. When he steps forward they all watch Xihuli push herself back, struggling to press her back into the wall, able to stare in each direction where one was coming from. "The fear in your eyes betray you... You know why we are here."
♧ Characters:
Love Interests
Shenguai Suming’qiu; Heizhao-jun
Amab • Agender • He/Him • Asexual • Reciproromantic
The Fourth Master of the Phantom Palace; that has earned the name of Black Sinister Claws. Said to be cursed from birth, as he has come to age and stepped into the politics and warfare, he has come to be their lucky charm. A conniving young man with a sharp intellect, and a shaper wit. For his family, he has taken up the role as master of intelligence and handles all correspondence, planning, and diplomacy. As a front, he appears an apathetic man, detached and void of all emotions, only hellbent on his work; only his siblings and a selected handful are able to see another side of him.
Yi Xianzi; Courtesy Name Ke’ai
Afab • Genderfluid • She/They • Pansexual • Demiromantic
The Young Mistress of the Yi Manor is a woman with high and strong morals, and lives to maintain peace for the Heavens, and secure a future for the younger generations. She bears conflicted emotions of supporting her mistress’ less than moral ambition, but often does not speak of them and turns a blind eye instead; she tries to justify these actions for the greater good, despite knowing better. Often at times, she is torn between her loyalty to her household, and her own sense of justice and morality.
Phantom Paradise
Shenguai Bixie’e; Guiwang
Amab • Nonbinary • He/They • Pansexual • Apothiromantic
The King of Ghost City. Despite years and generations of war with the Heavens, he remains undefeated and stays alive. Defying the odds, many believe he is unkillable, and quite well, untouchable. He has retired, for the most part, from the battlefield, and remains within the Phantom Palace, allowing his children to helm the war. He spends his time with his concubines, or with his council. Few see his face, fewer are able to gain an audience with him.
Shenguai Lutaizi; Heige-jun
Transmasc • Genderfluid • He/They • Omnisexual • Demi-Homoromantic
The unorthodox First Master of the Phantom Palace; that has earned the name of the Lord of the Black Song. First in line to the throne, he has conceded his right to it, and would concede his own royalty if not for his siblings. Despite being a Prince of Ghost City, he is nothing like his father. Carefree and reckless, he would prefer to spend his days drinking, goofing off, and living life to the fullest, uncaring of a familia grudge that makes little sense to him.
Shenguai Taixuan; Duandaojian-jun
Transfem • Nonbinary • She/They • Demisexual • Panromantic
The Second Master of the Phantom Palace; that has earned the name of the Princess With A Broken Blade. She takes greatly after her elder brother, and refuses to partake in a war that has not personally done her wrong. Despite her heritage, she is a woman with a strong sense of justice, morals, and honour. She protects her family from harm, and she will not turn away someone in need, no matter their origins. Opposed to being a sister and a daughter in her family, she fills the role of mother and acts as the woman of the household.
Shenguai Lianhauzi; Baoli’jífeng-jun
Amab • Agender • He/They • Asexual • Akioromantic
The Third Master of the Phantom Palace; that has earned the name of the Violent Tempest. Pressed by his elder siblings, he has taken up as their father’s heir to the throne; the Crowned Prince. He is known for his bad temper and strict nature. At heart, he has good intentions, he lacks the best judgement to execute his intentions.
Shenguai Kuangre Ai Du De; Dubo'mogui-jun
Amab • Genderfluid • They/He/She • Pansexual • Cupioromantic
The Sixth Master of the Phantom Palace; that has earned the title of the Gambling Demon. He is a man unaffected by grudges, politics, responsibilities. He prefers to take a page from his brother, Lutaizi’s, book and spend his time enjoying life to its fullest. He is very much a hedonist, and a compulsive gambler. Everyone he meets, he is obligated to gamble with them, at least once. The catch? He’s capricious, he’s erratic, and he will always change the game and stakes with every person.
Shenguai Jiaxiu; Mei-jun
Amab • Genderfluid ��� He/She/They • Pansexual • Frayromantic
The Seventh Master of the Phantom Palace; that has earned the name of the Beauty Lord. Arrogant and narcissistic, he is a very conceited man. He enjoys simple flattery and having others fawn over him, being the center of attention. Out of admiration he has taken after his brother, Suming’qiu’s, footsteps and assists him with his tasks. Himself, he carries out the more… darker duties called for, and gathering information; assassinations and spying tends to be his expertise.
The Four Calamities
An Huli; Chui Feihong
Transfem • Agender • She/They • Homosexual • Homoromantic
Little Fox, as she’s called, is the favored of Prince Lutaizi, and the oldest of the Great Calamities. She is a woman who knows what she desires, what she is determined to do, and she refuses to allow anything or anyone to stand in her way. She comes off to be blunt, spiteful, angry; a she-devil, some claim in kinder terms than a bitch. Ahead of her time, she refuses to hide herself behind a mask, to be perceived as a gentle woman when, in truth, she is a walking storm, and for that, many frown upon her.
He Ruxie; Hei Xieyuan
Amab • Agender • He/They • Demisexual • Gyneromantic
Lord Black Water, as he is called, is the favored of Prince Lianhauzi, and the second of the Great Calamities. Formally a scholar in his past life, he experienced a string of bad luck, costing him his family, his wife, his daughter, his livelihood, his freedom, and soon his sanity. When he perished in his mortal life, he returned as a malicious spirit, and soon came into the service of the Shenguai family and serves loyally and viciously
Da Chen; Nitu Guiguai
Transfem • Nonbinary • They/She • Asexual • Demiromantic
The Enlighted One, as they are called, are the favored of Princess Taixuan, and is the third of the Great Calamities. In their previous life, they lived the life of an honest priest, surrounded by corruption and sin. When they met their end, their resentment for their peers remained and thus they rose to power to root out the corruption and seek retribution. Of the four, they are the amicable. They often forgo emotions and act only in rationality. Their mind is never clouded, and each act they make are in good conscious. Good will is shown to those that live an honest life, no matter their origins; ruin is shown to those are decide to live a dishonest life.
Wusi Linghun; Bai Wulian
Closeted Transmasc • Agender • He/They • Akiosexual • Demi-Akioromantic
The White Devil, as he is called, is the favored of Prince Suming’qiu, and the youngest of the Great Calamities. Formally a young lord in the Heavens, he turned his back on a betrothed he held no affection for. Openly, he cast aside his previous life, to serve the Shenguai family, and became a quick aid to the Fourth Prince. He is said to be two-faced, in some encounters being ruthless and apathetic, and other times he is genuine and compassionate; a toss up upon which side someone will see when their paths cross with him.
The Heavenly Host
Meng Zhang; Courtesy Name Amnizha
Transfem • She/Her • Demisexual • Demiromantic
The First Master of Dongbu, and the acting Qinglong. Kindness is the one rule she lives by: kindness to her family, kindness to her allies, kindness to a stranger, kindness to her foes. She sees no reason to rule with fear and hatred, and actively will not promote negative emotions. She is a stern and serious woman, she takes pride in her knowledge, her power, and securing the truth. Behind closed doors, she opposes Xihuli and the Emperor, knowing both have secrets they would prefer to keep buried, in public she maintains an appearance of being a close ally.
Ling Guang; Courtesy Name Xihuli
Cis-female • She/Her • Demisexual • Apothiromantic
The First Master of Nanfang, and the acting Zhuque. Openly, she is perceived as a compassionate woman, who puts the needs of her people before herself, and acts selfless; in truth, she is surprisingly violent and vulgar. She continues to fuel the war, slandering and starting rumors of false deeds to rile the public, and gain the support of her supposed allies. There is nothing she is not willing to do to gain fame, support, and what she desires.
Jian Bing; Courtesy Name Cixia
Afab • Genderfluid • She/They • Asexual • Demiromantic
The First Master of Xibian, and the acting Baihu. She is known for being a compassionate woman, she wears her heart upon her sleeves, and acts out of the goodness of her heart. She openly encourages peace, to cease endless war and bloodshed; to make amends. For which, she is seen as an enemy to Xihuli, but is a close friend to Amnizha. Her only downfall are her chronic illnesses that have left her sickly since birth.
Zhi Ming; Courtesy Name Lu'yongshi
Amab • Agender • He/They • Closeted Homosexual • Homoromantic
The First Master of Beifang, and the acting Xuanxu. He has a reputation that precedes him as an honorable gentleman. He is a man of his word, he acts in accordance to justice and honor, and rarely strays from it. At heart, he is a warrior, and lacks the delicacies for social greetings; he comes off as blunt, uninterested, distant, and often lacking a heart to care.
Zhi Shi; Courtesy Name Yansbi
Cis-female • She/Her • Asexual • Aromantic
The younger sister of Lu'yongshi, the Second Master of Beifang, and acting Xuanshe. She happens to be her brother’s polar opposite. She is less than honest, she lacks honour, she craves power, she will use blackmail to get what she desires. As, she is not above blackmailing and guilting her own brother to act in accordance to her own agenda. She is also a close associate to Xihuli.
Long Jianhong; Courtesy Name Canren
Cis-male • He/Him • Bisexual • Apothiromantic
The current Emperor of Zhongxin, and the acting Honglong. A prideful man that cares more of his own person than his own people. Often, he turns a blind eye to all suffering, and allows Xihuli to do as she pleases. He is a womanizer, with various concubines’ , and elicit affairs with others. He was loveless to his wife, as there are rumors he was behind her untimely death. Whether these rumors are true or not are unproven, and few challenge them out of fear.
Long Shisan; Courtesy Name Li Busengren
Amab • Genderfluid • He/She • Quoisexual • Quioromantic
The Fourteenth Prince of Zhongxin. With twelve siblings in line of succession to the throne, Li Busengren acknowledges the chances for him to be the heir are little to none; this is added by the factor of being, from birth, his father’s least favorite child. With a will to prove his father wrong, and desperate for his father’s approval, he’s ready to do anything for an ounce of recognition.
BSMFH: @writings-of-a-narwhal, @kittensartswriting, @inkflight, @qelizhus,
General: @endlesshourglass, @writerray, @poore-choice-of-words, @alexwritesfiction, @primusesgiantmetalballbearings
Both: @cecilsstorycorner, @little-boats-writes, @hazard-writes, @egg-shark
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soonsluv · 2 years
i will personally fix the jun mindblock you have no idea how often he runs my mind 🥰 also !! boomboom is one of the superior tracks and i stand by that !! hoshi and jun looked so god damn fine that era. personally tho hoshi runs every era but i’d say my fav eras are dwc (the black hair ruined me) fear (his makeup and smokey eyes during that era had me 🧎) and ready to love <33 - ♣️
what do you think hoshis best era was ? 👀
pls fix it omg, i’m literally on my knees
boomboom was indeed a banger but i wasn’t a fan of them back then, i just knew them bc they were a part of the big three. there was commotion about a mv that was frozen(highlight) so i decided to check it out and i already told this story but guess on who the mv was frozen on lmao?
hoshi’s best eras imo have to be l&r(but that was basically everyone’s era), his silver hair from spider and my absolute fav, him in r2l
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(here’s my favourite pic of him bc i’m whipped)
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mirsfa · 4 years
dangerously (v)
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Genre: Uhm. Kinda everything, from angst through fluff to smut Word count: 10k  Pairing: Prince!Jaehyun x Mafia!Reader Warning: Cursing, underage smoking, drinking, use of drugs, even more cursing, smut in upcoming chapters. There’s a lot and I might have left some out oops. Summary: You were polar opposites. He was royalty, you were a criminal. You hated him, he hated you. This mission was the last thing any of you wanted, but you had to make it work. But could you?  TW: domestic abuse, violence
a/n: hello to every single one of you<3 so here we are again. me being ridiculously late, and you being like “wait whats this fanfic again i dont remember” hnng. SO here is part 5 of dangerously:) i promised a double update - which is going to happen. this is part 5, and i think next week ill upload part 6. i hope that’s alright:) (the whole chapter was 20k but i think its more reasonable if i upload it in two parts). Thank you so so so much for all the people that reminded me to keep going and keep writing. to everyone who likes this mess of words i manage to put together. i love you all, from the bottom of my heart.  also, i put a keep reading thingy on. i pray it works.
Previously: It all went down in slow motion.  The dancefloor of the gigantic room cleared out, the remaining guests pushing themselves up against the walls. Pure terror was written all over their faces, at the scene that played in the very middle of the room.   Prince Chenle stood there.   With a knife at his throat.   And at the end of the knife, the person who was holding it… Junhui.   You stopped breathing as you took in his face, took in that familiar, sharp smile. As your eyes met with Yukhei’s from across the room, you were certain he was horrified, just as much as you.   They were here.   The Black Spade was here.  
The air was stiff, tense; you felt the droplet of sweat on your neck before it had a chance to slide down. You were aware of everything suddenly, the sharp breaths of the elite guests, the faint clinking of your jewellery, the clamminess of your palms as you tightened your fist. You were in deep shit and you had a vague idea of what the outcome might be if you didn’t think of a solution quick enough.  
It’s been three years since you saw any member of the Black Spade.  
Not like you regretted it, or that you had wished to see them. It simply made you nervous, made you hyper-aware of your surroundings. Now, that one of them – if not all – is in the same room as you, some sort of perverse euphoria took over your brain, that they see you, and they want to kill you, and they have no idea how much can be done in the span of three years.  
“Long time no see, beautiful,” drifted Junhui’s voice, and you swore the blood froze in your veins. His ashy hair fell into his eyes as he tilted his head slightly, his cupid’s bow-like lips curling into a vicious, Cheshire-cat smile. He looked different since the last time you saw him, but if it surprised you, the feeling slid away into a secluded, subconscious part of your brain. It was not the appropriate time to think about the appearance of a conman. It was never the same.  
Even though he was standing far away from you, you felt feather-light touches caress your arms, ice-cold breath brushing your neck and even colder lips linger above your shoulder.  
Mirroring his expression, you placed your weight on your right leg and cocked your waist out. The dress shifted around your legs, the slit moving so that your left leg was let bare. You replaced your shocked expression with one of confidence, of piercing ice.  
“Let the prince go, Junhui,” you breathed as you kept eye-contact with him, no matter the amount of memories and even more regrets flashing into your mind.  
His grip tightened on the knife and Chenle hissed as a droplet of blood slid down on the front of his neck.  
For fucks sake.  
The youngest prince was supposed to be down in the basement along with his brother Donghyuck and Winwin…where are they? What happened to them?  
You did not dare glancing up at the balcony, where Taeyong and Doyoung lay, scared that a single look might serve as a clue to the one of the conmen of the Black Spade.  
“Come and take him, assassin,” mused Jun and you tilted your head to the side as invitation.  
“Where is the rest of your precious little gang, Jun?” you asked, masking your voice with the similar silky tone the conman sported. He ran his eyes over your figure then, something like bizarre satisfaction flashing in the dark orbs.  
“Three years ago,” Junhui purred, ignoring your question, as he flattened the blade on Chenle’s neck, “you pulled an impressive stunt.” You felt all eyes on you and him, the guests remaining backed up until the ivory and gold embroidered walls. You kept yourself straightened, focused on your breathing and let your hand linger around the dagger hidden under your dress.  
“Don’t evade,” you said then, icy edge wedging itself between your words, “let the prince go and show your faces so we can settle this properly.”  
A beat of silence, then Junhui craned his neck back as he let out a booming laugh. The knife tightened on Chenle’s neck and his panicked eyes searched yours.  
“Settle this properly?” crowed Jun then before his lips curled back in a vicious snarl. You felt the whole room tense at the sheer animosity. “And what does this ‘settling’ mean for you, huh, dear? Shooting someone in the head? Or stabbing them in the neck, maybe blow their guts up with the help of your little arsonist?” his eyes narrowed into slits as he drank up your facial expression, “or does spreading your legs nice and wide does the job for everyone?”  
You stopped breathing.  
This is all talk, and he talked too much –  
Stalling. Was he stalling?  
You didn’t dare look up at the balcony, it would just give him an idea of Taeyong’s and Doyoung’s whereabouts…  
“That’s quite enough, Jun,” a voice sounded then, echoing through the deadly silent ballroom.  
A figure emerged, muscular and clad in black. His hair was smoothed back onto his scalp, revealing a creaseless forehead and bedroom eyes, wide and dark. An easy, light-hearted smile coated his lips and his name flashed in your mind immediately.  
Then you felt a presence at your back, a whiff of spicy cologne and smoke – Taeyong stepped beside you. You felt a wave of relief wash over you, with enough force to blacken your senses for a single second. But Taeyong didn’t look at you, didn’t even graze his fingers against yours, his gaze was fixated on the rival gang’s leader and conman.  
Rage rippled off him – you felt it, Jun felt it, and you reckoned that the entire room felt it too. It was quiet and icy, cold enough to freeze lakes over.  
“We didn’t come to fight tonight,” Seungcheol said then. His voice was deep and rough, embers of arrogant authority sizzling. You cringed and watched the knife at Chenle’s neck.  
“Of course, you didn’t,” breezed Taeyong, his crimson hair smoothed back, emphasizing his elegantly tilted cat-like eyes, flashing, “you hold daggers to princes’ necks for the laugh.”  
Seungcheol let out a deep chuckle and Junhui grinned, tightening his grip.  
“You are slick ones, you know,” the Black Spade’s leader said, leisurely placing his hands in his pockets. A move of superiority. A move of arrogance. “We managed to catch this little one here only, the rest – “  
He looked at you then, his depthless black eyes raking over your form smoothly and you forced yourself not to flinch.  
“– scattered. Like underground rats.”  
As if on command, tiny red dots flashed up on their skin – not yours or Taeyong’s but the others, and it took them a whole ten seconds to realize it.  
And when they did, you managed to grin as if you had been planning it all along.  
“Rats, you say?” you hummed and dared a glance behind Seungcheol and Junhui – where Yukhei was supposed to be but you found nothing other than an empty macaron plate. He managed to get out – through the servant corridors.  
“Let go of the prince, Junhui,” Taeyong said then, his voice barely louder than a faint whisper, but much, much more powerful.  
The conman and his leader exchanged a quick glance before Jun lifted the dagger from Chenle’s neck and pushed the princeling away from him. He stumbled but didn’t fall and his eyes found yours immediately. It took Chenle no time to be at your side, his breathing and legs shaky. You grabbed his wrist and manoeuvred yourself in front of him.  
“Consider this a warning,” Seungcheol murmured then, “we see and hear everything, and remember, the blade of the spade cuts the snake’s head off.”  
You fought the urge to roll your eyes.  
“Just take the rest of your ragtag and fuck off,” grumbled Taeyong and turning on his heels, walked out of the ballroom.  
For a second you held Junhui’s eyes, then turning around you followed your leader, not letting the prince’s hand go.  
You flinched, hard, when the double-winged door banged closed behind your back.  
Three and a half hours, four shots of whisky and an entire pack of cigarettes later your fingers still seemed to tremble, and you considered chopping them off with one of Doyoung’s crooked daggers. This was after you finally stopped running your eyes over your family and the princes, looking for hidden injuries, panicked flashes in the eyes or a shaky breath – which you had found plenty. None of you changed out of your elegant clothing. If someone had walked into the suite with no knowledge or context regarding your history, they would have perceived the situation as something beautifully morbid. Suits were crumpled – the immaculacy only a tell-tale of what was supposed to happen, and the weapons scattered around the velvet sofas did not seem as intimidating as they should have been.
Chenle was sitting on a big, plush sofa – his entire body shaking, sweat dripping off his brows – Renjun and Jungwoo sat by him, encasing him with their bodies, wiping the cold beads from his eyes and neck. You swore you saw Jungwoo’s hand tremble the entire time.  
Johnny ran his fingers through his hair – once brushed elegantly, now hanging low into his brows. His eyes kept going to his youngest brother, guilt glinting there now and then.  
“We were right then,” he murmured, his voice hushed yet it seemed like a shout in the painfully quiet room, “it has been the Black Spade all along.”  
Ten and Jeno exchanged glances and you hummed. The only noise coming out of you since you collapsed onto a couple-sofa with Winwin.  
Maybe that was why Prince Yuta’s sharp eyes cut to your features immediately.  
“Miss Assassin seemed to have a moment there,” you thought he wanted his voice to be threatening and reckoning but you felt nothing other than a hollow sort of static noise.  
Taeyong turned towards the prince before exhaling a thick cloud of smoke that encased his face for a second.  
“She owes no explanation, even for Your Highnesses.”  
“Maybe she doesn’t,” Johnny said, his eyes now set on you hesitantly and you stared back with an empty expression, “but what if it has significance?”  
Doyoung squinted.  
“It doesn’t.”  
“Maybe it does.”  
“Trust me, it does not.”  
Jaehyun drew in a sharp breath.  
You didn’t look at him. Didn’t dare to or didn’t want to, that did not matter. You still felt the warmth of his breath on the tip of your nose.  
“It might have some, though,” you interrupted, and everyone looked at you. Tilting your head back entirely, you rested it against the head of the loveseat and Winwin reached underneath the nape of your neck. You let out a small, thankful smile.  
Sitting in the crossfire of burning gazes, you began to tell a story.  
Everything has a start. The creation of Earth, the start of civilisations, kings and queens begin their lives as toddlers like everyone and everything else. Gangs, mafias don’t emerge the way they are now. They are not born as complete, safe empires. They crawl out as muddy and clawed hands; they pull themselves through sewers and tunnels and they scratch and cut themselves in the process – but it doesn’t matter because the purpose is stronger than the circumstance.  
The journey is long – never ending. Your growth never stops, there is no limit of being better – or worse. And you believe you haven’t gone down the right path. But does being good mean being right? No one knows the answer to that.  
You took a deep, deep breath before starting.
“There hasn’t always been war between the Black Spade and the Diamond Snake. In fact, it started off as something as close as a brotherhood. It crumbled three years ago – I believe people have heard about it. It was all over the media. Before that happened… Dear heavens, we were inseparable, we even thought about merging our gangs. I was nineteen at the time it all fell apart…an age where you ardently believe you are mature enough for whatever might come your way. The age when life seems to throw its heaviest and sharpest stones at you. Three years ago, our family was thriving already…but only because of Seungcheol’s – the Black Spade’s leader’s – help.”
“The Black Spade is a bit older than us. Even though we are around the same age, they began their businesses much earlier. They were already dealing serious things when we only ran around, wreaking havoc, stealing and just…living life at its fullest. In the foulest ways possible. It was Seungcheol who told Taeyong that he should get into similar business like him. I remember, he said something along the lines of: “There is potential in you, brother. Great potential.”  
I was thirteen then. Taeyong was barely sixteen. We admired the way he built up something like a kingdom, we were there when the fundamental stones were placed down. So, we began to do the same. We built up bases, created businesses, recruited people. He stood with us the whole time, helping us, advising when we needed it.  
For two years, everything went smoothly. I was already good at fighting – living on the streets isn’t the best thing for a girl. Especially in that part of the city. But Doyoung and I began to train, to be weapons, irreplaceable assets. We were trained by ex-assassins, spies, conmen, any person who has once been great, and had enough skill and power to make empires crumble into pieces. Working on the streets and in the underworld had its perks.  
During those two years, the two gangs shared dreams. We had great plans…overly ambitious at the time but we were so determined – it was impossible to keep us down, to make us give up on those ambitions. It didn’t stray us that their gang structure was different from what we planned.”  
You inhaled deeply and let out a shaky laugh. Winwin squeezed your shoulder.  
“The Black Spade has a unique way of…working. I will try my best to tell you what I know about it.”  
You looked around the room, sweeping your eyes over the princes and gang members. They huddled around you and drank up each word you said. As you looked at them you realised – for the first time, there was no place for anger, prejudice or even disgust in the room. The princes and gang members sat by each other one by one, brushing shoulders, crossing legs. Not enemies. Something close to acquaintances. Not friends yet, no… but you felt like you were on the right path towards that. Maybe this mission which became a catastrophic mess, the embodiment of your mutual enemy – this was perhaps what you needed most to be pushed together, to begin acting like an alliance instead of two reluctant parties forced into working together.  
You continued with a small, bitter smile and tucked your trembling hands under your thighs.  
“The Black Spade hits and runs, without lingering. When you realize what they have done…you feel numb and out of place. They work and move in sync, through careful planning and execution of strategy. In and out. They work for money, for men of status and they are not afraid to do the dirty work. They work long-term, taking down their prey over periods of times, working their ways into systems and hearts. This is exactly what they were becoming after that year. The inner circle had roles and jobs – just like us. But they are trained to do the dirtiest and foulest of works. We have spies – but they have conmen. Their names are Jeonghan and… and Junhui.”  
You said the last name with a dying breath. Pressure held your throat together as you fought the urge to shake. Winwin’s pinkie finger began to trace calming patterns on your shoulders.  
“They are worse than spies, they don’t get the information like us – by listening carefully and paying attention to details, or even hacking. No. They deceive you; they make you trust them; make you believe that they are more important than what you are truly protecting. They take the information, and they make sure to destroy you afterwards. Slow and steady. That was the path they started to follow. Their ambitions took a dark turn, one we were not willing to follow. Taeyong wasn’t, at least. More complications arose and more fights broke out between the two gangs. The last one was between Doyoung and Wonwoo, one of the Spades’ assassins. It turned bad…Both Yukhei and Taeyong were needed to hold Doyoung back, and Mingyu – another Spade assassin and Seungcheol, their leader, to keep Wonwoo from throwing daggers at Doyoung. It was a mess. Pure chaos.  
That was when things turned around for us, we strayed apart from each other, went on different paths, different parts of the city. After another half a year, we started a race. To see who has more territory, more assets and influence over wealthy people. It was obvious, after a while, that they worked against us on purpose, but it was too late for them. We grew stronger, we knew their ways of working and we developed ours – a new system, something that was unfamiliar for them. That went on for…I believe I was almost eighteen when I met Junhui again. The last time I saw him was two-three years before that.”
Another breath. You felt your heart hammer against your chest as you tried desperately to calm it down by taking deep breaths. But it did not seem to work, and the dress started to feel tighter, more open – too revealing.  
“I’d always found him attractive. So, when we met again accidentally on a mission, where both of us had the same target…those old emotions re-surfaced. For me, at least. One thing led to the other…The next thing I knew I was sneaking out of the Viper’s Pit, our home and headquarters, to meet up with him. I believe the thrill that we were lovers like Romeo and Juliet, from two families who have developed hatred toward one another, fired our emotions up. He was irresistible. I knew I was doing the wrong thing, deep inside me, but I felt like for once, I would be young and foolish. That I could afford it and could get away with it later. That even if it ends, if emotions die or our families find out, we have learned something new from each other, from the whole situation.”  
“So, we continued meeting up. Secret rendezvous. We shared everything. Our pasts, our feelings, our deepest secrets and doubts.  
Then one day, he started asking about things that weren’t related to my own feelings…he asked about the Snakes, first about how my relationship was with them, then slowly about how we work. And I was so in love, I was so sure that he wanted to know where I come from, where and how I live…I gave him everything he wanted to know.”  
You took a breath. Then another. Then another.  
And you swallowed back the lumps in your throat, because thinking about the mistakes you have made was much, much harder than you thought it would be. The barricades, the walls you have placed between your memories and your thoughts seemed to weaken as you talked about him. You saw a mixture of emotions when you looked around the room, ran your eyes through the princes and your family.  
The young princes…their eyes were filled with held back emotions, sympathy and sorrow and something like understanding. They were young, too young to fully understand how it must have felt like to go through these things but…they were smart enough to comprehend other aspects of it. The choices, the danger of trusting and the importance of keeping vital information to yourself. To not let emotions come in the way of that.  
Then you glanced over at the four older royals…their expressions were a haze, a mess of swirling emotions. It was so clear, in that moment, what each of them felt. As if everyone had dropped down their guards along with you.
Prince Johnny swallowed; you saw his throat bob as he looked away from your face – to stare at his own feet instead. Was it pity? You didn’t know, and you weren’t sure you desired to find out. Yuta’s expression was perhaps the most shocking one. He was leaning back on an armchair, his legs crossed and his head resting in his palm. In his eyes – a sharp glint of understanding. His bone-chilling attitude seemed to have melted in that moment. The edge didn’t leave his eyes but was joined with something new. Something soft and forgiving. Prince Jungwoo had a similar calculating look in his sweet, brown eyes. Although he wasn’t looking at you only. His eyes kept sweeping over your family, their expressions while listening to your story. The big picture.  
Finally, you let yourself glance at Prince Jaehyun.  
He stared at you, his face radiating nothing but pure curiosity and painful realisation - the information seemingly took its place in his brain like the piece of a puzzle. The key to the lock. They understood where you were getting at. They knew what it cost you to love a rival.  
Your voice descended into a quiet, but steely whisper.  
“After I learned all the things he’d done, how he used me for the information…I visited their nest. The Spades’ nest.”
And when you looked up again, you felt like the entire weight of a cliff rolled off your shoulders.
“And I burned it to the ground.”  
“You shouldn’t have shared this much.”  
These were Ten’s first words, barely a minute after the princes left Taeyong’s suite, with something like incredulous haze dwelling in their eyes. Your story was followed by a heavy silence, and you noted the quiet tears in Jaemin’s eyes. He was the most reluctant to leave, but Jaehyun pulled him along gently with a last look at you over his shoulder. You met his gaze. And let it linger.  
You slid your eyes towards the spy, and it barely surprised you how much energy you had to muster for it.  
“I placed the youngest prince in danger. I owed them this much.”  
Ten clicked his tongue.  
“You could’ve told them all this with half as much detail. Something about you and the Black Spade conman fucking, him betraying you and you taking revenge. It would’ve also taken less time.”  
Winwin groaned.  
“Why is it that when you open your mouth, only negative things manage to leave through it?”  
“You’re one to talk.”  
Kun interrupted, “We need them to trust us.” He shot you an approving look before frowning.  
“You did not have motives other than that, right Z?” he looked at you more carefully.  
“Of course, I didn’t, what are you talking about?” you murmured and stared at the ceiling in a rather determined manner. Jeno sat up straighter.  
“Oh my god, is it because of one of the princes? You like one of them?” he grinned, his eyes contracting into half-moons.  
“How did you come up with that? What does it have to do with it all? I don’t like anyone,” you hissed at no one in general. But that wasn’t enough for your family, who had entered a state of frenzy.  
“It’s Johnny, isn’t it?” Winwin glanced down at you, his lips tightened so he doesn’t burst out laughing.  
“No what the fuck, Win -”  
“I mean I wouldn’t blame you,” Ten shrugged and you arched one of your freshly plucked eyebrows. You did not like the direction of the conversation.  
“You have a daddy kink, don’t you Z? And Johnny is the daddy,” Yukhei was nodding deep in thought, as if he was a doctor writing a prescription for you. You gaped again.  
“Excuse me – “  
“No, I think Johnny is way too soft to be a daddy,” Doyoung shook his head and the others murmured in agreement. You were at a loss for words. Just minutes ago, you were discussing your tragic past love-story and now they were dissecting the chances of who you might fancy and their kinks-  
“Nah,” Taeyong spoke up then, the one who did not render his eyes from your face ever since you finished talking about Junhui, “I don’t think it is Johnny.”  
Whipping your head at your leader you shot him a betrayed look. He just stared at you with ever-knowing eyes.  
“You don’t like anyone,” he tilted his head and placed his chin in his palm, “but you do find one of them fascinating, don’t you, dear?”  
You squinted.  
“You wouldn’t know – “  
“Yes, I would,” Taeyong’s voice was hard and you clumped your mouth shut, “I have known you your entire life. Gives me enough time to figure you out.”  
Shrugging, you hoisted yourself up from the sofa and stalked towards the door. You needed sleep. A day’s worth, at least. You didn’t want to listen useless talk.  
“Z, wait,” Taeyong called after you regretfully. Tightening your grip on your heels, you turned around, glanced at your leader, at the rest of the Diamond Snake.  
“Stay here for the night, please. Everyone will.”  
He hesitated, as if saying these words caused him physical pain. He was disappointed, too. Shaken up by the night’s events like the rest of you. On the edge.  
“I don’t think it is…safe yet. For us to walk around here alone. We also heard Seokjin’s words – about his office being near here. And he disappeared along with the Spades. No one knows where he might be, what he might be planning along with these little shits.”  
You saw his point, and you hated to admit that you agreed with him. A part of you wanted to say that you’re fine off alone, that you can protect yourself… but tonight’s events upset you, too. The moment of realisation, while Seokjin held your hair wrapped around his finger, that you knew nothing, that you stalked straight into a trap in golden stilettos. And that you had no idea.  
With a sigh, you dumped your heels back on the ground.  
“Fine. But I want the bed.”  
Tae let out a sigh of relief.  
But not even the soft privilege of the bed was enough to lull you into sleep that night.  
The next few days, most of your group retreated into a nerve-wrecking calm, even Yukhei was quieter and less lively than usual. It was nice to see that you were not alone in this pit of…lethargic feelings because of the ball. The next week was spent in solitude, the entire inner circle gathering up in Taeyong’s suite, eating and sleeping together. If anyone else saw you, they would have straight up called you miserable. The usual teasing, yelling and disastrous attitude towards the cleanliness of the place was nowhere to be seen.  
“We haven’t been that lucky while being here, have we?” Doyoung piped up one evening, with Taeil and yourself sitting on the balcony, smoking in silence. You placed your legs in Taeil’s lap.  
“What do you mean?” the eldest of the group asked as he smashed the remnants of his cigarette.  
Doyoung shrugged.  
“Well, look at the first mission. That wasn’t carried out so well either,” his voice sounded sarcastically cheerful, but you caught the tone of disappointment. Doyoung has always been the type to be adamant on succeeding on the events and actions and whatever objective you had in mind. You hardly failed. And it has never happened two times in a row, until now.  
You wanted to say something soothing, but the words got caught in your mouth.  
Taeil drew circles absently on the skin of your ankle.  
“Well the first mission was good to earn the Royals’ trust, no?” he said then. The raven assassin inclined his head.  
“Yeah, but Z got injured,” he countered, and you groaned, “so the two cancels itself out.”  
Taeil chuckled.  
“Based on what?”  
You chucked the pack at Doyoung’s head. He threw it right back.  
“We have to come up with something. We can’t keep going on like this,” you said after tugging out a new piece from the pack.  
“What do you mean?”  
“I feel like we have been feeling around in the dark so far. We weren’t sure who stood behind the attacks, we could only play a role as bodyguards. But now we know it is the Black Spade for sure. Just think, what would we do normally?” you straightened up while talking, folding your legs underneath yourself.  
“We need to sniff around the Spades… find out the location of their headquarters, their current customers and deals,” Taeil caught up with your thinking and you nodded.  
Doyoung’s eyes shone as he leaned forward.  
“On the other hand, we need to get ready for any following attacks. We need to recruit more Snakes for this job, the inner circle can’t stay the only ones working on this case,” he thought out loud, “Ask for a new place from the Royals, and no one should know about it… not even the princes. Then we need to visit the Headquarters, see who can be used for the job. And then we need spies stuck onto the Spades… but I’m not so sure about that. Remember what happened last time?” he grimaced.  
You shuddered as you recalled what happened the first and last time you set three of your spies onto the Black Spade. You could hardly identify them two days later, when you found them at an abandoned bus stop by an empty road.  
Taeil let out a pained sigh.  
“That means we will need to hire someone who does not belong to us and is further independent from other gangs… and who knows how things work in the Underworld, knows people, has connections… Doyoung, all the people who would be perfectly up for the job belong to us.”  
“Not really,” you spoke up then, a triumphant grin stretching on your face, “there is someone who would be perfect for the job. Or more like someones.”  
Doyoung’s mouth hanged open after a minute of silence.  
“Z no. I don’t want to see those little shits ever again.”  
You slammed your hands on the arms of the wooden chair and shooting up on your legs, you smashed the cigarette that was not done simmering.  
“Z yes. I’m gonna talk to Tae. Call the rest of the Snakes together,” was all you said before you hurried inside the suite.  
Luckily, all of the members were inside already. You agreed not to roam around at night, especially alone, so it became a fixed routine, that all the Snakes are back in the suite around early evening, doing their own things, scattered around the place.  
As usual, Jisung and Winwin were on the floor in one of the living room’s corners, surrounded by cables and computers. Ten, Jeno and Yukhei were watching a video on one of their phones – something violent, judging by the crashing sounds blasting on full volume. Taeyong and Kun were bent over a pile of papers, thrown messily around on the coffee table. You sauntered over.  
“I have an idea.”  
Both of them flinched at the unexpected voice and the victorious cheer it held. Kun squinted.  
“What have you cooked up now, Z?”  
You jerked your head towards the couches and armchairs arranged into a half circle in the middle of the living room. That area became the core of the preparations, the talks, the planning.  
Shortly after the Snakes got comfortable, you began sharing your idea. Summing Taeil’s, Doyoung’s and your own ideas, you drew up the problems that you stand against – and how you should solve them. The attitude you should adjust to. When you finished with the problem-solution speech, you went quiet, waiting to see if they followed you, to see if they understood.  
After a beat of silence, Yukhei’s head shot up.  
“You’re gonna suggest we talk to the Shenanigans?”  
Taeyong’s eyes widened. Winwin let out a sound that might have been called a whimper. Jeno and Jisung grinned.  
You nodded.  
“I say we talk to the Shenanigans. Listen, if anyone knows the Underworld and its dealings better than us and other gangs, it’s them,” you ran your eyes over the members.  
“They are so disrespectful,” Doyoung whined.  
“What do you expect from a bunch of outcast kids?” Jeno shot back before looking at you and Jisung, who hasn’t said anything the entire time.  
“I like Z’s idea. I’m in. And you know what guys? You old people won’t even need to see them. Jisung and I can go talk with them, we are the same age anyways.”  
You let out an impressed hum and swung your legs over into Yukhei’s lap.  
“The two of you is not enough. You need more people, so maybe you should take Yukhei as well. They seemed to like him last time,” Taeyong tilted his head, “maybe you could bring the young royals with you too.”  
“Okay no need to go overboard now – “Kun spoke up, but you interrupted him.  
“Wicked. I like it. And maybe one elder for added authority and to show it’s a serious case.”  
“No more adults though. Yukhei and an older royal is borderline intolerable for the Devil’s spawns,” Doyoung drawled as he ran through a hand through his hair.  
Everyone looked at Taeyong, waiting to see what he says. Jeno and Jisung exchanged a quick glance and Yukhei played with the nail polish on your toes. You could see your leader mulling over the exchanged ideas and propositions, saw him weigh each of them.  
“We will need to execute these things as quickly and as quietly as we can,” he murmured then, drawing his cut eyebrow up. Kun and Taeil agreed with grunts of their own.  
“Then we will need to divide ourselves and the royals up. One team goes to the Viper’s Pit to recruit more Snakes, the other team goes with the young princes to talk to the Shenanigans,” you jerked your head towards Jeno and Jisung.  
Taeyong straightened up and said, “okay,” before heading towards the phone on the nightstand by the bed.  
Before you knew it, you were on your way to Prince Johnny’s suite with Taeyong and Doyoung flagging either side of you. Following the eldest prince’s instructions, you ducked into a hidden pathway that connected all the wings of the palace and was kept a secret even from most of the servants. It is the safest mean of travel for all of us from now on, he said.  
You chuckled to yourself as you listened to the loud echoes of your breaths with your leader and your fellow hitman. When exactly did you get to the point where you were allowed to visit the private suite of the Crown Prince? And exactly when did the royals stop worrying about the fact that with a single movement you could hurt them in unimaginable ways? You wanted to add ‘without feeling remorse’ but…that would have been a blatant lie.  You wiped the thoughts out of your brain.  
“Did you tell him to get the princes together?” Doyoung whispered over your head to Taeyong, who nodded in response.  
The walls around you were painted hastily in old fashion, and because of the damp, it started to fall off in some places.  
“Ceremonious,” Doyoung groaned as he inched sideways into a corner, so that he wouldn’t touch the blight, “is this really the means by which we’re gonna have to move around in the palace?”  
“Since when are you such a diva?” Taeyong murmured and you snickered.  
“He’s always been like this. How can you forget it?” you countered, then shuddered when a cold breeze kissed the back of your neck. Placing your hands in the pockets of Yukhei’s hoodie, you hurried your steps.  
“It’s getting colder here. Let’s hurry.”  
In about five minutes you arrived at the Crown Prince’s suite and as soon as Doyoung lifted his hand to knock, the door swung open. Johnny had a slightly dishevelled look, but you didn’t have time to observe him because he ushered you inside with hurried, frantic movements. With a frown, all three of you stepped inside the –  
You had no words.  
You had gone speechless.  
You doubted you had the appropriate vocabulary to describe the eldest prince’s suite.  
Staring, you took in the spotless interior. The walls were ivory white, and the entire place had a theme of black and white. The entrance led to a small foyer, where there was a spacious closet in which you could place your shoes and coats. He then led you into the living room and as you walked inside you could feel your feet sinking into the soft, white carpet that covered the entirety of the room. You wanted this material at your place too. You were going to have to Taeyong about it later on. The living space was huge. Enormous.  
There was a spacious kitchen to your right, as you stepped inside, and to your left – half of the living room was sunken into the floor, with a circle of black velvet couches, providing an intimate and cosy atmosphere to the people sitting there.  
It was so luxurious and clean, you felt reluctant to touch anything so you wouldn’t smear …. yourself on it. This was ridiculous.  
There are people on the street, you thought, who are starving and begging for money every day and these people have half their living room sunken inside the floor?  
You heard a low scoff beside you and concluded that Doyoung must have had similar thoughts.  
“Do you think the toilet flushes itself here?” he murmured into your ear and you had to clamp your hand to your mouth, so you don’t snort out loud.  
“Make yourselves at home,” Johnny said then and gestured towards the couches, “The others are here.”  
Indeed, the princes were scattered around the circle, wearing casual clothes. Yet again, you were glad that you wore a hoodie and sneakers instead of a full body tunic and heels. It would have been a little overkill. Placing your hands back inside the pockets, you stalked towards the royals, Tae and Doyoung following.  
Yuta, who had his back to you, turned around then, and glared your way.  
“We do have things to do, you know. You can’t just order us around to your conveniences.”  
Doyoung glared right back.  
“If it concerns your survival, damn yes we can order you around Highness. Unless, you find pompous meetings with ass-lickers more important than your skin, you are obliged to do nothing of course.”  
You clamped your mouth shut when you saw the expression on Yuta’s face. But he didn’t say anything else. That was perhaps the courtesy of Jaehyun, who placed his hand on his brother’s arm. You noted that his face was grimmer than usual and the skin under his eyes were a shade darker than usual. Not that you’ve observed him before.  
The other princes were sitting seemingly relaxed, chatting casually, but you caught their eyes following your every movement. Oh well. Turns out you generalised the thought that they began trusting you. Putting a light swagger in your step you flashed them a grin.  
The three of you sat on a segment that was left empty by the princes.  
You caught Jaemin’s eyes and he gave you an eye-smile.  
“So, what is the reason for this emergency call-together?” Johnny asked as he leaned forward.  
“We came to share an idea and plan we just came up with. We thought it was an emergency because it is important that we take action as soon as we can,” Taeyong said with authority in his voice. He smoothed his flaming hair out of his forehead and ran his eyes over the royals, “we will need to involve Your Highnesses in the implementation of the next task.”  
Jungwoo tilted his head, “which would be?”  
Doyoung took over.  
“Our team will have to be divided into two. We know that the previous missions resulted in more failure than success because how little men and information we had.”  
“One of the teams will have the task of heading to the Diamond Snake headquarters, the Viper’s Pit, and the other team will have to take a small trip outside the city to talk with the Shenanigans,” you explained, placing your chin on the back of your hand. You fought the urge to cringe from having all the princes’ eyes fixated on you. Especially now, after you spilled so many things from your past. Ten was right. You shouldn’t have said so much. The last thing you needed from them was their pity.
“Who are the Shenanigans?” Mark piped up, pushing his circular glasses up on his nose.  
Doyoung hissed, “A group of little fu – “  
“The Shenanigans are a group of boys,” you interrupted him with a pointed look in his direction, “they are a fairly young group who were outcasts. I wouldn’t say they are a gang or mafia because they don’t do dealings or jobs for higher class people. But they know how the Underworld works, where you can find gangs, mafias, how you can get to them. They know how to get information without anyone noticing, they are exceptional at blending in and working their ways through crowds and events.”  
“What is our role?” a low baritone voice spoke up then, sending chills down your spine. You glanced in Jaehyun’s direction but avoided eye contact. Taeyong took over.  
“We would divide both our inner circle and You Highnesses. The younger ones – Princes Mark, Renjun, Jaemin, Donghyuck and Chenle would be accompanied by Prince Jaehyun and Yukhei, Jeno and Jisung from our team. It is known that the Shenanigans don’t take too much liking to older people. We are certain that they have taken a liking to Jeno and Jisung because they are the same age, and also Yukhei who is…Yukhei, and he is liked by anyone. We thought to add Prince Jaehyun as well to take extra caution. One adult wouldn’t hurt anyone. That is, if it is alright with Your Highness,” your leader finished with a long breath.  
Jaehyun thought for a while and glanced at Johnny. There was a wordless conversation between them – something most siblings shared. You knew the feeling well.  
“Alright,” he said then, “I will go with them.”  
The young princes nodded vehemently. Their eyes shone brightly, and it made you believe that they were enthusiastic about having a chance to go on a mission and not staying in the shadow of their older brothers. You smiled at Jaemin who returned it with a wide grin of his own.  
Taeyong inclined his head.  
“Prince Jaehyun and our Jeno will then join the other team at the Viper’s Pit. We will be heading to the headquarters, as we mentioned earlier, to talk with the rest of the Diamond Snake members and recruit people who are trustworthy and fit for the job. The people going there will be Z, Kun, Ten, Princes Johnny, Jungwoo, Yuta and myself. We will need to stay there for a couple of days to make sure everything goes smoothly and without complications.”  
“What about the rest of your gang?” Yuta drawled.  
“I will need to stay here, as I am the Taeyong’s Second,” Doyoung answered, unfazed by Yuta’s icy tone, “Winwin will monitor everything from his computers and Taeil will assist me in sorting through materials for the next mission and other precautions we will need to take.”  
“Precautions?” Johnny asked. Taeyong nodded.  
“We were not careful enough previously. No mistake like that will happen ever again.” his voice held solid authority, even when he apologised. In his own way.  
The princes were quiet for a while, each deep in his own thought and the three of you waited patiently. Somewhat. Doyoung kept playing with the embroidery on one of the pillows until you slapped his hand away. He was this close to tearing it.  
Then to your surprise, Yuta spoke up.  
“When are we leaving?”  
The following morning’s cold breeze sent shivers down Jaehyun’s spine. He groaned as he pulled the covers further up on himself, so it was only his eyebrows and the top of his ruffled hair that was visible. Yuta had stayed in his suite for a long time the day before and honestly, now he wished he had kicked his brother out sooner than three in the morning. He gave himself three more minutes of snoozing, though he was everything but relaxed. Jaehyun knew that if he actually relaxes in that time period, he’s going back to sleep for the next couple of hours.  
With another groan he fought the covers back and sat up. He was not a morning person, and on some days, he was thankful that he was a prince with duties, otherwise he would have wasted his entire life lying in bed all day. It was 7.35 by the time he flung his jacket over his black button-up and left to join his brothers and the three Snakes at the circular driveway of the castle.  
He saw that his younger brothers had taken up on his advice the previous night - that wearing something casual but elegant might be the golden middle way, to stay true to themselves without offending the Shenanigans – who openly judged adults and lived life by their own rules. Unapologetically. He’s done all the research he could last night with Yuta, but this was all he could find online, in the darkest pits of the internet. He will have to interrogate Jeno more on who exactly they were going to see.  
The youngsters set a great tone, his brothers were joking around with the Snakes, and as he headed over to them, occasionally he heard Chenle’s high-pitched giggles and Yukhei’s boisterous laughter. There were only three bulletproof-ed cars waiting for them, not a police car or motorbike could be seen anywhere near them. Interesting. The first one to notice him was Mark. The younger one tilted his head to the side, so his light brown locks fell over his brows.  
“Brother,” he said as a way of greeting, “we were waiting for you. I thought we agreed to meet at 7.30?” his voice was not accusatory, only confused. Jaehyun sighed as he raked his fingers through his hair and glanced back at the castle.  
“Yuta came over to mine at ten.”  
Mark’s mouth shaped a silent ‘o’ and he nodded understandingly. He knew that if Yuta visited someone…it led to a discussion that went on for hours at least.  
Jeno stalked over and Jaehyun had to fight down the urge to wince. The Snake’s steps were near silent, even on the pebbles of the driveway, and he moved with serpentine grace. It sent chills down Jaehyun’s spine.  
“Are we ready to go?” he asked and cast an eye-smile at Jaehyun, “I just told your brothers that we will be divided into three, so we fit into the cars. Princes Jaemin and Donghyuck will be with Yukhei. Mark and Renjun will be going with our Jisung and Your Highnesses Jaehyun and Chenle are with me.”  
Mark and Jaehyun nodded and a quiet voice in the back of Jaehyun’s mind told him that he should consider himself to be lucky – one Snake in one car, and two Royals with them. If it came to anything unfortunate…no. It is not the time to think about betrayals or conspiracies. The Snakes were there to protect them. Not to divert the cars and crash.  
So, he followed Jeno to the car at the very front and with a reluctant gaze, he waited until all his brothers were inside. And then he got in.  
“I’m really excited,” Chenle said as soon as he buckled himself in, “I have heard more about the Shenanigans after yesterday.”  
Jaehyun flicked his eyebrows up and looked at Jeno who was sitting at the passenger seat. The motor whirred into life underneath them.  
“You have?” he asked his youngest brother. Chenle grinned at him, his eyes narrowing into cheerful slits.  
“Yeah! Jeno, do you want to tell Jaehyun more about the Shenanigans?” he grabbed the seat in front of him and leaned as far as his belt allowed him. Jeno shifted so he was sitting sideways and could look at them both.  
“What has Your Highness heard so far?” his voice was casual but his ebony gaze penetrated Jaehyun. The prince shrugged.  
“Not much. I have done a little research. The only thing I know from the internet is that the Shenanigans are rather young, and they don’t take kindly to adults.”  
Jeno nodded.  
“They are known as outcasts, kids who had nowhere to go because no one wanted to take them in, but that is a false myth. They have taken up the role of outcasts on their own will. The boys who join the Shenanigans were once abused by their families. Parents, mostly,” he’d glanced at Jaehyun who forced a mask of calm on his features, “many young people know about the Shenanigans, some consider them a legend, a myth, though. Too good to be true. The ones who were able to stand up to their parents and leave – or get away one way or another, searched for the group. But they were never successful. Instead it was the Shenanigans who found them.”  
Chenle squirmed in his seat but Jaehyun tried to hide his astonishment. To be able to stand up to abusive parents…and leave. How brave does one have to be? How bad does the abuse have to be in order to make teenagers flee their home? Jaehyun shuddered.  
“The Shenanigans are the modern Robin Hoods for the young generation that has lost hope and are scared to stand up for themselves. They embody freedom and independence. Defiance. Us, the gangs and mafias…we are tied down by our businesses, by deals and bets.”  
Jaehyun placed his elbow on the windowsill as he listened to the young spy. He felt like he was beating around the bush.  
“What is it that they do?” Jaehyun asked and Jeno’s eyes cut to him as he gave him an eerie grin.
“They do many things. Firstly, they defy the gangs. They refuse to swear loyalty to any of them other than themselves. Secondly, they steal. They steal from the higher ups. Lastly, they gather information about everyone and everything. Nothing misses their eyes and when I say all the gangs have been trouble figuring out how they do it, I don’t exaggerate. It is impossible to get a hold of them.”  
There was pride in Jeno’s voice and maybe a little longing. Jaehyun wasn’t exactly sure. Chenle looked at him with bright eyes.  
“Aren’t they terrific? Donghyuck and Jaemin and the others think so too.”  
The eldest frowned.  
“Why do they steal? And what do they do with the money?”  
The spy shrugged and laughed quietly.  
“I have absolutely no idea,” he mused, “it is their business. We haven’t tried figuring it out.”  
The rest of the car ride was spent in silence, neither of them talking. Jaehyun caught Chenle smiling softly as he stared out through the windows and it didn’t take him a lot of work to figure out why. The last thing we need is a national scandal that the youngest prince has joined a bunch of thieves, he thought bitterly.  
He had to admit, the Shenanigans did sound appealing to a certain extent. To be free of all duties, to swear loyalty for no one but your family and friends…to be independent from it all. Curiosity burned in the pit of his stomach. He wanted to know more. He wanted to see it all. See how mafias operated, the deals, the missions – even the assassinations, as morbid as it sounded.  
His thoughts screeched to a halt and changed directions. Assassins… he thought of her, with teeth made of razors and eyes like simmering embers. Was she abused as well? Did she have to run away? Or was she born into it all? He thought of the times he watched her train – the way she moved. The sharpness and the precision – the same serpentine grace he saw and still sees in the other members of the Diamond Snake. But it was training – he longed to see it all in action. He longed to see her lunge and twist and stab and – why the fuck was he thinking about all this? Since when did he want to see someone end lives?  
But a voice whispered to him; she is not all edge and defiance.  
He thought of the look on her face when she saw the Black Spade conman with Chenle in the middle of the dancefloor that night…remembered his own rage and how he was glued to the floor, unable to move, to think. How he lost control and went with the flow. Got lost in it. And how she did not. He remembered the way her eyebrows spiked up in that pure, horrified expression. And the way it cleared out in the span of a single second, morphing into a look of murderous calm and arrogance. How she did not let go of his youngest brother’s hand until they were out of sight.
As he stared at splotches of green, orange and yellow passing by, he realised he knew nothing.  
That there was more underneath it all. Hearing her story about the conman and the intertwined history of the two biggest rivalling gangs of the country showed them all, him and his brothers, that there was so much more to these criminals.  
That there is a reason for why things happen. How people turn out to be.  
And how wrong they were for judging them.  
But then again, what if they chose this path…?  
He groaned and pinched the bridge of his nose. Jeno looked back with a surprised look.  
“Something wrong?”  
Jaehyun shook his head and sighed.  
“Just…there’s a lot on my mind,” a blatant understatement. The spy tilted his head as he continued to look at him with calmly. Calculating. Wondering. Jaehyun avoided his gaze. Tried not to cringe when Jeno smirked.  
“We are almost there,” was all he said before turning back.  
“Where are we meeting them?” Chenle piped up and leaned forward.  
“Outside the capital. That is all you need to know,” he looked back at the eldest from the corner of his eyes, “you can trust us. There is no conspiracy. If that’s why your head is so heavy, Your Highness.”  
Jaehyun didn’t know whether to feel insulted or amused.  
The warehouse by which they stopped, was gigantic, and isolated. Both irked Prince Jaehyun. It was ran-down, rusty and almost fell apart and he saw nothing or no one that would have indicated that the Shenanigans were there, waiting for them.  
As he stepped out of the car, a breeze of the early autumn air ruffled his hair. He took a deep breath. It has been a long while since he visited the outskirts of the capital – or the countryside, and he needed to take a moment to take in the solemnity and quietness of it all.  
“Oi, Chenle, I got fucking chills!”  
As soon as Donghyuck’s voice got to him, Jaehyun’s eyes snapped open. In the span of seconds, ten forms of irritation ran through his brain as he swirled in his brother’s direction. Then froze as he saw the way Donghyuck bounced in his youngest brother’s and Jeno’s direction – and threw his arms around both of them. Jaemin joined him from Jeno’s side. In the friendliest of manners. Without hesitation. Jaehyun could only gape as he looked around for someone who could be as outraged as him but…  
Mark got out of the third car along with Renjun and both of them were listening intently to something Jisung was murmuring to them. Nothing on their faces other than concentration and fascination as clear as the pond nearby.  
His eyes found Yukhei’s, and found the arsonist already looking at him. Yukhei gave him a challenging grin.  
Look what happens when status and prejudice doesn’t get in the way.
Jaehyun felt his ears warm up and he cleared his throat.  
Their steps were quick as they neared the doorless entrance of the warehouse, the younger ones leaving Jaehyun and Yukhei behind. The Snake had long, lazy steps, as if he was never in a hurry, had all the time in the world. Jaehyun, on the other hand, was tense as always when it came to a sudden meeting with a bunch of criminals. He had just started getting used to the Diamond Snake. He had to get his mind off this.  
“It’s curious,” he turned to Yukhei, “how you and my brother Mark are almost the same age, yet he doesn’t count as an elder like you do.”  
Yukhei shrugged and his eyes widened with a mischievous glint.  
“I guess it counts a little different. Your brother is seen mostly around the young ones and they seem to give off a really harmonised vibe, if Your Highness gets what I mean. Meanwhile I am a part of the inner circle, the oldest and most trusted part of the Diamond Snake gang. I guess that puts a little more to my age.”  
Yukhei glanced at the prince who watched him carefully.  
“Y’know, there is more to age than just numbers. Our family prefers not to distinguish based on age. That barely gives you valuable assets. Look at our Jisung. He’s a teenager, like Jeno, they would still be in high school… but they’ve been through things, Prince. Terrible things. And that makes them cautious, makes them listen and work hard so they do not have to endure those things again.”  
Jaehyun swallowed and had the same chill run down his spine when he heard the story of the Shenanigans. He dared not to ask what the two youngest members of the inner circle went through. He stayed silent and gave an understanding nod to Yukhei.  
The arsonist gave him an encouraging grin and lifted his arm, as if he wanted to slap Jaehyun in the back but he decided otherwise and dropped it. A pang of disappointment hit the prince.  
As they stepped through the eerie opening of the warehouse, many things came into Jaehyun’s mind. The first being that the warehouse was actually not empty and abandoned; it was filled with iron containers of many sizes, having gods know what inside them. The second was the stuffy smell, nearing on mouldy, and suddenly he did not want to know what was inside those containers.  
The third was that other than the two people sitting by a table in the middle of the main paved way through the containers, there was no one else.  
As Jaehyun looked closer, there were a bunch of chairs in front of the single table, Jeno and Jisung leading his brothers straight for them. He opened his mouth to object but Yukhei placed a hand on his shoulder.  
They stopped a few feet away from the chairs, giving Jaehyun time and space to take in the two figures waiting for them.  
The one who was sitting on a wooden chair was clad in a leather jacket, jeans and black combat boots. His hair was a tousled, curly mess of dark blond and his mouth was quirked in a pleasant, almost welcoming smile. His head was tilted, watching them carefully.  
Jaehyun fought his eyebrow so it doesn’t shoot up in the skies.  
The other person, the one who perched on the edge of the table, gave off a more mysterious and serious aura – this one reminded Jaehyun of the Snakes. The man – boy? – was not smiling like his partner, he had his eyes set dead on the princes entering. His arms were crossed tightly, but his legs were hanging loosely on the edge of the weathered table. He was clad in black, similarly to the other person, even his hair, which was so dark it was almost blue. His fingers were adorned with rings, all silver, all capable of leaving a nasty mark if he was to punch someone. He was not smiling. There was nothing on his face other than…boredom? He seemed bored out of his mind, even as his eyes zig zagged between the younger princes.
Only two? I thought there were more people in the Shenanigans’ group. Did they just send representatives?  
Yukhei must have noticed Jaehyun’s confused glare because after nudging him, he nodded his head around them, towards the top of the containers. Following his nod, Jaehyun looked and his heart almost stopped.  
From the shadows and darkness, without a sound, figures emerged.  
They were everywhere, scattered around the warehouse, on tops of the containers, between them, hiding out in the shadows. They stood still. They only watched. But it gave Jaehyun the impression that if he was to do anything reckless, they would not hesitate to lunge down, up onto him. He placed his hands deep into his pockets so he wouldn’t loosen his shirt that suddenly felt a bit too tight.  
Then the blond one spoke up, with a voice surprisingly soft and pleasant.  
“Jeno,” he said, “it has been a while. You got us all worried with your absence.”  
The spy smiled and his eyes scrunched up into their usual moon slits. He lifted his hand slightly to stop the younger princes a step away from the chair laid out. Yukhei and Jaehyun did not go nearer, and there was a container’s length left between them and the others.  
“You out of everyone should know, that it is way too difficult to get a hold of you, Chan.”  
Chan laughed, his plump lips widening.  
“I would have thought that the infamous Diamond Snake spies would at least try. We might have let you, right Minho?” he glanced up at his partner. The boy, Minho, only gave Chan a quick glance before continuing to observe them, but his arms loosened a bit.  
“How rude of me,” Chan continued as he finally stood up, and waved at the chairs, “please, guests, sit down.”  
Then, for the first time, Jaehyun thought, he looked over at the eldest prince and Yukhei. After giving a quick nod and a flash of a smile to Yukhei, Chan’s eyes settled on Jaehyun.  
“I’m afraid we have no more chairs. I hope that is not taken as personal insult to the throne,” his eyes did not leave Jaehyun’s and his voice suddenly took on a mocking, challenging tone. Jaehyun did not break his look away from his.
“By all means,” he said coolly, “pretend I am not here. I have no role in this meeting other than being an elder brother.”  
Chan held his gaze for a second and then his smile went back to warm.  
“Perfect. Now, let me introduce myself and my boys,” he sat back down and casually waved his hand around, “My name is Chan and I am the leader of the Shenanigans. I welcome you princes, Snakes.”  
His eyes ran through the boys perching on the chairs. Jaehyun could swear Chenle and Donghyuck shook slightly from excitement.  
“This here is Minho, my Second and my advisor,” he continued, “and soon, if the situation demands, I’ll call the others forward. But that’s it for now.”  
Jeno grinned and Jisung smirked at Chan, who leaned forward, placing his elbows on his knees.  
“Now tell me,” he breathed, “the reason why you called us together.”  
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eachainn · 4 years
Time Will Pass Us By (Wangxian Week Day 5: Future)
Author’s Note: Title taken from 1000 Miles by Vanessa Carlton.
Mo Xuanyu hid a yawn behind his hand, leaning heavily against the counter. The soft whir of the microwave was soothing, a promise of something other than his slow slog through his studies. He tugged the sleeves of his sweatshirt further over his fingers, bundling the opening in his palm.
It was always cold in the coroner’s office, the cold seeming to leak out of the morgue like something out of a horror movie. That and Wen Ning preferred to keep the building cold. Mo Xuanyu couldn’t imagine why. He’d had enough of cold when he’d lived on the streets.
He had no intention of being cold again.
The harsh ding of the microwave startled him, Mo Xuanyu staring at it before reaching out to open it. He cupped his hands tenderly around the plastic soup cup. He savored the warmth and the fact that it was so easily to hand. Mo Xaunyu rubbed his thumb tenderly along the rim of the cup, smiling at the childish handwriting on the lid.
Jin Ling insisted on labeling everything that was his so he would know that he had belongings. It was a childish solution to the nagging fear in his back of his mind that Jin Zixuan and Jiang Yanli’s kindness would run short and he would be back on the streets with nothing but the clothes on his back and whatever he managed to take that was his alone. He had learned his lesson when his aunt and uncle had kicked him out. One well-loved sweatshirt meant nothing when the winter came in full force.
Mo Xaunyu shuddered and clutched the cup to his chest. Jiang Yanli had promised that she would not turn him out on his ear, and Jin Zixuan seemed firm about it as well. Mo Xuanyu wasn’t sure if it was because he fully agreed with his wife, or if there was some lingering embarrassment over the fact that they were half-brothers. And yet Mo Xuanyu had spent years on the streets without any family bothering to find him until Jiang Yanli had dragged him into their house. There was some comfort in the fact that Jin Ling adored him in his own grumpy way.
And the fact that Jiang Yanli had almost stormed out of the house with Suihua to confront his family.
Maybe she would want to keep him around if she was ready to demand retribution with the family heirloom. Mo Xuanyu had been told that the sword was rusted into its scabbard, which meant that Jiang Yanli was prepared to bludgeon his aunt, uncle and cousin for his honor, which was both awe inspiring and hilarious.
He pressed his lip against the side of his cup, glancing over to the note that had been tucked away in his dinner. He could always just buy his own dinner, or make his own, but Jiang Yanli insisted. And he wouldn’t say no to her cooking, especially her lotus and pork rib soup. It was just the thing to chase the cold out of him.
Mo Xuanyu reached over to shove his lunch box into some sort of order before turning to walk out of the small kitchenette. He would eat at his post at the front desk. It was mildly warmer there, and he could curl up and enjoy the soup the way it was meant to be enjoyed. And he could take the time for it, he was done with the clerical tasks that Wen Ning left for him, which just meant that he was stuck with his school work.
There was only so long he could stare at timelines and try to memorize history. At least there were only a few hours left in his shift, and then he could go back and be delightfully distracted by Jin Ling.
He reached the kitchen door, only to stop when he heard voices. Mo Xuanyu tipped his head to the side, trying to place them.
One was Wen Ning’s voice, Mo Xuanyu recognized that easily. But neither of the other two sounded like Wen Qing, who was the only other person who would visit their small office. Both of these voices were male.
Mo Xuanyu frowned and sidled closer to the wall. He reached out to nudge the kitchenette door open. It wasn’t enough to announce his presence, but more than enough for him to see.
Wen Ning bustled past, talking in a low and nervous voice that only his superiors brought out in him. “They’re this way, Master Wei.”
“The strange mauling?” The man that spoke was in all black, Mo Xuanyu’s gaze dropping to the tight black jeans before he jerked his gaze away. There was a flash of red beneath the man’s jacket, which was the only color on him save for the bracelets that clustered around his wrists. Mo Xuanyu flushed when he saw the wedding ring on the man’s hand.
He jerked his gaze up, letting it skitter over the man’s long hair that was tied into a high ponytail with a cloud patterned white ribbon.
There was a second man following the one in black, seemingly content to be towed along. He looked slightly more formal with his suit and long, white coat He had a similar white ribbon, but it was tied around his forehead. It looked so out of place with the rest of him, with the modern suit and short hair.
His coat flared out, Mo Xuanyu’s interest stopping dead with a suddenness that surprised himself at the sight of the sword.
He clutched the cup of soup closer to his chest, his mouth dropping open.
No one bothered with swords anymore. The only ones he had seen were in museums and Suihua, but that was a Jin family heirloom. Maybe this sword was the same, but that didn’t explain why he was carrying it. Nor why the other man was carrying a sword as well, Mo Xuanyu could see it hanging off his other side. Stuffed in his belt on this side was a dizi, shiny and black. Just the sight of it made him shiver and curl over his soup for warmth.
Out of the corner of his eye, he was sure that he saw something else curling out of the shadows, but then it was gone and the man was laughing again. “Well, we’ll see if you’re right and this is the thing we’re chasing, Lan Zhan.”
“Mn.” That was all that Lan Zhan had to add, although the man beamed like the he had spoken words.
He reached down to play with the tassel on his dizi, grinning wide. “And if you’re not, we have something new!”
“Wanna place bets now? Winner chooses the next honeymoon.”
That finally got the man in white to sigh and shake his head, although it seemed fond. “Wei Ying, this is our honeymoon.”
“I know, I know.” Wei Ying waved his hand lazily. “But I mean…wherever we get married next. Where is that again?”
“That still exists? I thought it was part of Germany.”
“Not anymore.”
“Ah, Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan.” Wei Ying batted his eyelashes and leaned back against him. “What would I do without you?”
Wei Ying made an offended noise and let go of his hand, although Lan Zhan didn’t seem to be too annoyed. Wei Ying just skipped up to Wen Ning, slinging his arm around Wen Ning’s shoulders. “You hear how he treats me? I’m a delicate old man.”
There was a soft huff from Lan Zhan, which was enough for Wei Ying to turn around and give him a playful wink. “After millennia of devotion, it comes to this.”
Wen Ning looked a bit panicked, but he was quick to shrug and start hurrying them along. “It’s this way. We have to hurry, the body has been cleared to be taken by the family.”
Wei Ying froze, that enough to get him to drop back to Lan Zhan. “They’re just letting this go?”
Lan Zhan hummed, tipped his head to the side. “It is not like before, Wei Ying.”
“I know! Before it would have been harder to track down.” Wei Ying reached down for his dizi, tapping his against his shoulder. “But also, you could have just shown up and we would have had access to anywhere. Perks of being Hanguang-Jun.”
Mo Xuanyu couldn’t see Lan Zhan’s expression change, but Wei Ying must have seen something there because he patted Lan Zhan’s shoulder. “Well earned, sticking around where chaos is.”
“Where chaos is, Wei Ying usually is.”
Wei Ying snorted, resting his head against Lan Zhan’s shoulder. “I am, aren’t I? Makes me easy to find.”
Lan Zhan leaned down to say something, but they were too far away for Mo Xuanyu to hear it. He just saw Lan Zhan smooth his fingers down the ribbon in Wei Ying’s hair. Then Wen Ning was opening the door to the morgue and ushering them in.
Mo Xuanyu watched them go for a moment, tempted to sneak down the hall and see what they were doing. If they were looking at the mystery case, then it would occupy all of their attention.
He hadn’t been allowed to see the body, he was just a clerk, but he had entered all the information on it, including the strange marks the corpse had. He shuddered at the memory of the clinical description. Wen Ning had been surprised by it too, Mo Xuanyu remembered how he had looked paler than normal and spent a good portion of the day just sitting up with him, like being close to the bodies was too much.
He licked his lips, glancing down at where the three had disappeared to before making his decision. Whatever had killed the man was horribly strange in all meanings of the phrase. It felt too much like he would be inviting trouble if he went after them, and he’d had enough trouble to last a lifetime. What he wanted to do was to retreat back towards the familiar, back to his chair and his studies. Suddenly, taking a little more time to go over them didn’t seem too bad.
Mo Xuanyu edged out into the hallway, clutching his belongings close. He took a few steps away only to stop when he heard haunting music from the room. He turned listening to the eerie sound of the dizi before fleeing at a sprint for the bright lights of his work station.
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taehyun-s · 4 years
As much as i agree that blue hair Jun is superior lets not forget black hair Jun with glasses
i completely forgot about that omg abxjsjx that yeonjun ruined me
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kpoppluv · 4 years
139 Thoughts I Had While Watching 24H MV
1. Good morning SCoups
2. Oooo voice so smooth and deep yes
3. Is he in the desert ?
5. His voice is so sweet and pretty
6. What a great transition
7. That green shot is gorgeous
8. Joshua is gorgeous,,,, uGh Joshua in SUITS
9. Omg the water that’s cool
10. They were in the desert now there’s water..
11. I am not a theory person
12. UM MINGYU????? stay in your lane wtf
14. Why does he look like that
15. His hairrrrrrr😍😍😍😍
16. Man he really just swooped in and snatched me just like that
17. He moves so smoothly
18. The new Keanu Reeves
19. I love how they all came up together
20. I can’t wait to study this choreography
21. His moves are smooth his voice is smooth so smooth
22. JUUUN hello
23. That’s a cool outfit👀
24. Yes the gestures this CHOREO
25. Omg blurry Wonwoo is he time traveling what’s happening
27. This is crazy
28. Ugh DK’s voice I am ascending
29. Ok what was that long stare for?$& unnecessary
30. He always stares
31. He stared at OTY
32. Professional starer 🙄😤
33. Ooo that slide in transition yes
35. CROPPED!!!!!
36. TOP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
38. Wonwoo’s shirt is ripped👀
39. Was this another spontaneous crop top inspired by SCoups cuz if so thank you
39. The shifting side to side whatever move that’s so cool buT I CANT FOCUS
41. I am passing away
42. His voice 😍🤩
43. But thé crop top 😡😡😤
44. I’m weak
45. Fancy pillars desert water what does this MEAN
46. All of this feels like it should be outdoors
47. Minghao so classy✨
49. Minghao wearing black🔥🔥
50. I love that move oml
52. That’s a pretty lipgloss
53. His voice is like velvet
57. All these outfits 101/10
58. He looks so good
59. haha I love him
60. His hair looks so soft
62. Ok this is actually the matrix who just walked up that building rock thing while I was distracted by Jeonghan
63. ‪ Jeonghan really hitting these moves 👏👏 yes baby slay
64. Wooooooozii hi king
65. His voice always adds such a cool shift
66. What’s with all these slutty outfits do up a button sir
67. Was he just sitting in a rock what is the meaning of this
68. Hitting those body rolls yess
69. Thé sweater 🥺
70. I loved that little move
71. This is a weird playground
72. Now Hoshi is in a box?? A cage?? With rocks????
73. Is that the same sweater Jeonghan wore in thé Henggarae album👀👀
74. Omg Hoshi puppetmaster THIS IS INSANEE
76. The chairs??? Flew????
77. Minghao magic 😳
78. Seriously wtf goin on what is the meaning of this
79. I’m gonna be reading theories for 7 years
80. OOoo Vernon with the *swish*
81. His voice is so prettyy like soothing
82. What is he standing on
83. *splash*
86. That red hair is so 🔥🔥🔥
87. Things are getting intense
88. Welcome back SCoups I missed you
90. Is everyone gonna be rude is that the plan
91. He’s too pretty for them to zoom like that😔
92. He’s laughing at me
93. Is he insane or on a power high no one knows
94. Is that a bathrobe👀
95. JOSHUA >:0 shut up how dare you
96. Why does he look like that
97. How does it feel to be God’s favorite
100. His voice I 🤩😩
101. I’m gonna listen to the constantly it’s sO GOOD
102. Aww did Vernon make a wish?? I hope all your wishes come true sweetie💞
103. Oooo Hoshi coming in hard with flashing yes king I love it
104. Fuck it up Hoshi
106. So much Jun so blessed
107. He looks powerful
108. Um JEONGHAN??
109. Pretty pretty eyes 🥺🥺
110. What is going on who is that
111. Is he covering their eyes???
112. I ship it whoever that is
113. Whys he looking at US while he holds onto them tho what is happening here
114. Oh they’re all jumping whoa
115. This choreo is so cool
116. A waterfall😍
117. Yessss Seungkwan 🔥🔥🔥🔥
118. Oo it’s * soft * wonwoos voice is so warm
119. What the friggity Froot Loops was that silver goo alien thing
120. Did it hit him or go through him??
121. Ok I really love this choreo but Wonwoo is really gd distracting
122. Oopw Mingyu showing skin too
124. Dino’s ;) I love him
125. Such a powerful dancer
126. DK’s voice got me ascending but SCoups And the metallic alien tentacle got me mighty worried
127. Bad alien!! Let SCoups go!
128. Is it like hurting him or giving him powers or like ... what is happening I really can’t tell
129. And then the rest of them just watch it like yeah that thing on the ceiling nbd
131. The curly hair and HIM HITTING THOSE MOVES YESSS
132. Everything about this is perfect
133. Yes king punch me in the face💗
134. This is so intense
135. Idk which outfit I like best a whole supermodel
136. Ooooo they all fell down
137. Aaaand goodnight SCoups hope that alien leaves you alone lool
‬138. That end scribble mountain thing in interesting I bet it means something
139. Ok so.. replay..
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gamerwoo · 5 years
i saw that you wanted to do hybrid aus and i was wondering if you had to assign each member of seventeen to an animal what they would be?
Seungcheol > Wolf – he’s like the alpha wolf yknow he looks out for everybody because he’s the leader. but also like he looks all cute n cuddly and is but would also fuck up anybody who hurts the members
Jeonghan > Lion – male lions don’t really do anything?? they just kinda lay around and look pretty. Jeonghan lays around and looks pretty. you still don’t fuck w a lion tho and you also don’t fuck w Jeonghan
Joshua > Siamese Cat – I was just gonna leave it as “he a cat” but like he’s specifically a Siamese one because a: they’re super fucking pretty, but b: they will 100% mess w you. they’ll get into things, they’ll knock all ur shit over, and they’re loud when they went attention
Junhui > Bunny – he’s cute and excitable just like a bunny ok. and he apparently stomps around the dorms at night and I just picture lil bunny Jun hopping around and Jeonghan being like “go the fUCK to sleep”. but also…..Jun w floppy ears that keep going into his eyes and he kinda blows em out of the way
Soonyoung > Cheetah – I know he says he’s a tiger but just hear me out. cheetahs are the most sociable of big cats so they actually like being around others, and we all know Soonyoung is super sociable and loud and happy. but he also got a shit ton of energy since he a dancer so it makes sense
Wonwoo > Fox (or a cat) – I mean, he looks like a fox and foxes are known for being sly so it makes sense??? but he could also be a cat that just likes to curl up for naps and will go sit in your lap when they want attention but mainly like to do their own thing??? idk
Jihoon > Jaguar – jaguars are elusive and kinda like to hang out alone (like most big cats). you rarely see em so it makes sense for Jihoon. plus they scary and idk Jihoon p scary (but I’d still smooch him don’t try me)
Seokmin > Labrador Retriever – they’re really sweet, outgoing, they don’t tend to get aggressive, and they’re easy to please so that’s basically Seok in a nutshell. and they’re like the “perfect dog” and Seokmin is perfect (also lil happy Seokmin with his floppy ears and his tail wagging bc he’s excited you’re home shut up I love him)
Mingyu > German Shepherd – when I think of German shepherds I think of like lil sweetie pies that would also be super protective w you and I feel like that would suit Mingyu. like he would not like anybody unless you obviously were comfortable w them. he’d also try to be a lap dog when he really isn’t one
Minghao > Black Panther – they’re super smart and agile, just like Minghao, and they’re usually pretty quiet and cautious. but I also feel like a black panther specifically suits him because black haired Minghao w a mullet is superior don’t @ me
Seungkwan > Bear – I know bears are more solitary animals so like there aren’t many things they have in common with behavior, I just really think Seungkwan w lil round bear ears and a lil bear tail is a cute concept and I’m sticking with it
Hansol > Golden Retriever – a lot like labrador retrievers tbh. love people, are really outgoing, and pretty much make the perfect companion. but like aesthetically, Hansol w the fluffy floppy ears makes me soft so 🤷🏻‍♀️
Chan > Tiger – they’re highly adaptable animals and they’re extremely powerful and can swim and climb really well which makes them a dominant predator and idk that just fits Chan for some reason to me??? like I feel like he’d feel the need to assert dominance even toward his owner. but idk he just like,,,,,,I look at him and I think tiger?? 
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gumnut-logic · 5 years
Title: Kayo
Marks series
Author: Gumnut
11 - 12 Jun 2019
Fandom: Thunderbirds Are Go 2015/ Thunderbirds TOS
Rating: Teen
Summary: She was practised in stealth. She was trained. She knew what she was doing.
Word count: 2104
Spoilers & warnings: Virgil/Kayo, Wing!fic.
Timeline: Long before the first two stories in this series, but it might pay to read the other fic first to get an idea of the universe.
Author’s note: For @vegetacide cos I think she’ll like the content :D This is part of the Marks universe. I know I have a pile of other WIPs awaiting my attention, but I didn’t want to think too hard tonight and just wanted something to play with the senses, so this happened. Thank you for tolerating my delusions and I hope you enjoy this :D
Disclaimer: Mine? You’ve got to be kidding. Money? Don’t have any, don’t bother.
The ground was still wet from the morning rain and the dead vegetation stuck to her sandals. She crept as quietly as she could and considering her training, she was silent.
She followed him.
Part of her felt bad. Was she a voyeur, watching from afar?
She wasn’t sure of the label, but she did know she had to do this.
Scrappy rainforest and palm trees. She hid behind rocks and peered through bushes as he made his way to the beach. She knew where he was going.
She had done this before.
For him it was routine.
For her it was new.
And it felt wrong. Forbidden.
But he went.
And she followed.
It was a beach on the far side of the island. The sand was a marble of black volcanic dust and white coral detritus, the two colours sparring into a complicated pattern of swirls. The incoming swell was fractured by reefs offshore and only one wave in ten had any great impact on the sand, but due to the morning storm, there was wrack scattered the length of the high tide mark.
As always, he strode onto the beach and began his workout by stretching. He shed his shirt, his broad shoulders gleaming in the evening light.
His mark shimmered.
She stared at it.
All the Tracy sons had marks. She had seen them in action many times from their earliest manifestation, but there was something about his that drew her eyes.
Eyes that shouldn’t be looking that way at a brother.
She didn’t let the sigh out as he lifted one arm and then the next, stretching back muscles.
They shifted in the light.
Fine tracings of dark feathers were sketched over his biceps almost to his elbows. The mark wrapped around his ribcage and splayed out across his lower back, the very tips disappearing into the waistband of his low hung shorts.
So much black. So much shimmering ink.
But it wasn’t ink. It was wasn’t a tattoo. It was part of him.
She had this urge to touch it. To feel the fine tracings, run her fingers over the ghostly shapes of feathers hidden in his skin.
He finished his stretching and set off for a short jog down the beach.
Kayo settled back and checked her position for visibility.
Was it wrong to use her skills on a brother for purposes that were far from sisterly?
Half of her was screaming at the other half, accusing in her deceit. She should approach this from a better angle. Approach him. Talk.
But she couldn’t.
What if?
What if he looked at her in disgust? Or horror?
What if she broke the relationship they already had?
She loved the man as a brother. She loved all her brothers. The Tracys were her family. They were all she had. The risk was too great.
But here she was.
Watching the second eldest, half naked, alone on a beach, wanting him in a way a sister never should.
Her eyes closed a moment.
She should go and never come back.
He had reached the end of the beach and was returning, his whole body in motion.
She stared.
He wasn’t as tall as his brothers, but he was stocky, solid and strong. She had seen him lift weights and people. His exo-suit only expanded on his natural skill. She had seen him tear through obstacles to get to people in need. She had seen those muscles save souls like the angel he appeared to be.
A swallow.
God, he was beautiful.
But that wasn’t what attracted her to him. He was lovely to watch, but the person inside that body was far more beautiful.
She’s seen him hold a baby. His large, gloved fingers gently cradling a tiny head, his voice a gentle rumble reassuring until he could return the child to its mother. She’s seen him risk everything to catch a man falling out of the sky. She’s seen him risk even more to save a brother, to save her. She’s seen his fingers on piano keys and covered in paint. She’s heard him sing, she’s seen him laugh, she’s seen him cry, she’s seen him with bed hair and half asleep before his mandatory morning coffee. She’s seen him asleep, exhausted and drooling on the couch.
She’s watched him for a long time.
And now...
She found herself counting them as his shoulders flexed, his mark rippling with the rhythm.
Then more stretching.
The breeze wafted through the trees and teased the few loose strands of her hair around her face. Her skin tingled.
On the beach, Virgil straightened up, before hunching forward just a little.
She drew in a breath. This was out of the ordinary. He didn’t usually do this.
Her eyes widened as he lifted his feathers from his skin, the wind catching them immediately, the softer down fluttering as his primaries lifted stiffly.
Folded, his wings brushed the ground, but he rarely left them that way. True to form, the moment they fully manifested, he spread them, stretching his flight muscles and splaying his great feathers.
Glossy, iridescent black, they shone in echo of his mark. A green flickered across the sheen, a violet, to disappear into the deepest shadow. Of all his brothers, Virgil’s wingspan was the largest. It was logical as the engineer’s body had the greatest mass and needed the strongest lift.
And like the man they lifted, they were stunning.
Kayo adored seeing those wings. On the ground or in flight, they were mesmerising.
She, like most people, had no mark and could only sit and watch her brothers reach for the sky, or in Gordon’s special case, seek out the oceans. There was envy. She had no doubt that no one could look upon the Tracy men without some kind of longing. But the nature of her brothers, the way they shared their lives to save others...there was no grandstanding or superiority. The marks were treated as everyday and only as an advantage if they so happened to be in a particular scenario.
Watching them glide at leisure through the Island’s sky...
She lived amongst unassuming wonders.
Virgil flapped his wings once, twice, stirring up the sand around him, before taking a running leap into the air. That first great downstroke tossed up the sand below him and threw him into the sky.
She couldn’t take her eyes off him. Beat after beat he climbed up into the slowly forming pinks of the sunset until his flight stabilised enough for him to swoop into a glide, little more than a dark shadow silhouetted by the sun.
Banking, he disappeared behind the headland.
Kayo wilted. His absence like cutting strings on a puppet.
She swallowed, again questioning her sanity at doing this.
What if he realised she was there? What would he think?
A large wave hit the beach with a clap and a dissipating hiss. She blinked.
What was she going to do?
Her feelings had become such that she reacted when he walked into a room. She found herself hiding from him to hide her reactions to him.
What if he noticed?
But he wouldn’t. She was practised in stealth. She was trained. She knew what she was doing.
A twig snapped.
She spun and her world collapsed around her.
Virgil stood amongst the palms, staring at her, his expression unreadable. He had let his wings go, but the sunset was casting contrasts and golden highlights so he was haloed by shadow.
“I should have known I couldn’t sneak up on you.” His baritone was self effacing, his lips curled up in a small smile.
“Virgil.” His name fell from her lips.
“Yes?” He tilted his head, that smile spreading. “I hope you have been enjoying the view.”
Her eyes narrowed, determined not to be mocked. “I have. We have some lovely palm trees on the island.”
His smile twisted into a smirk and he approached slowly until he was directly in front of her. She felt the urge to run, to get away, but Kayo Kyrano had faced worse in her life.
His brown eyes were caught by the gold of the sunset and it set them aflame. She found herself mesmerised by them.
God, Kayo, this is ridiculous.
She ignored herself.
He didn’t say anything, but his eyes did flicker with hesitation for just a moment before she saw resolution and determination set in.
“I hope you liked what you saw.” His voice was rough.
Barely a whisper. “Yes.”
His hand landed on her arm, warm fingers wrapping around her bare shoulder. His thumb caressed her skin. She shivered and he was suddenly so very close. She could smell his after shave, see the fine detail of the mark tracings on his shoulders.
She wasn’t sure what he was asking for, but he could have it. “Yes.”
His lips were on hers. Warm, ever so warm, his tongue...oh.
She lost herself to his touch, and he drew her in. One hand on the small of back, the other touching her neck and climbing into her hair. She touched the bare skin of his waist, but then her fingers brushed over the fine relief of feather tracings on his back.
A gasp and he broke off. “Kay.” Her name was hoarse.
She withdrew her hand immediately.
He caught it. “No.” He kissed her fingers. “It’s okay.”
Her fingers were returned to his waist and he kissed her again, his breath hot on her lips.
“Virgil.” Whispered into his mouth.
He drew back. “I’m sorry.” A step and he was removing himself from her embrace.
She grabbed at him. “No, don’t.” She caught his hand and pulled him back in. She held his fingers between her two hands and couldn’t help but look down at them. So strong. So capable.
“I thought...I knew you were watching...and, well, I...” And there was the adorable brother she knew.
God, this was hard.
She reached up and cupped his cheek, catching his eyes, now in shadow as the sun was setting. “I want this.” A swallow. “I want you.”
His lips parted just a little and she wanted to kiss them again.
He was watching her, his mind working behind his eyes. What was he thinking? A spark of fear that this was all going to collapse around her.
Those lips found hers again and she was surrounded by his strong arms, held ever so close against his bare chest, yet so gently.
Her mind whited out.
They lay together on the sand and watched the stars come out.
“How long?” Her voice was quiet. She was curled up against his chest, his arm wrapped around her, his warmth ever so comforting.
“A long time. Almost forever.” Wistful. “Would you believe Scott pointed it out to me?”
“Asked me if I had interests in you as a woman rather than as a sister.” His cheek lay against her hair and she could feel him smile. “I didn’t have a clue what he was talking about, but from the moment he mentioned it, I couldn’t get you out of my head.”
“So I should be thanking Scott?”
“Possibly, but I would like to think I would have worked it out for myself eventually.”
It was her turn to smile. “So why didn’t you ask me?”
“And risk everything?” His tone hinted at fear and she placed her hand on his chest, fingers catching in dark hair. “No, I was waiting for you.”
“Sorry, I took so long.”
A kiss in her hair. “I’m just happy to finally hold you.”
Whispered. “Same.”
Evening turned to night and she found herself clinging to him, not wanting it to end. Irrationally fearful that it would all evaporate with the new day.
“Kay?” She turned to him and he kissed her. “Whatever this is, whatever happens...” His eyes caught hers. “I will always love you, no matter what.”
Her breath caught in her throat and she stared at him unable to answer. His hand came up and caressed her cheek. “You will always be important to me, whether you’re my sister or...” He smiled. “...something else.”
“S-same.” Her voice was barely there. He was little more than shadows in the starlight, The faint spark of reflection in his eyes dancing in the dark.
He hugged her just that touch closer and she found herself clinging to him.
This was her chance. This was the risk.
This was everything
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cheolshu · 5 years
What would you say is Jun’s hair color in the trading cards?
hmm.. personally, i like it... as much as i like seeing his hair black. but for me, silver haired jun remains superior 😔✊
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