#blease i only got like two asks from this
queerloquial · 5 months
anyway I've been playing morrowind lately
- by far my biggest "why..." is wrt how often attacks just. miss. like- okay brief note that I've been playing on godmode bc I got Immediately bored-frustrated by trying to maintain health and stamina while having No magicka regen- okay so I decided to test it out. got in combat with a rat, went in unarmed, just to see how long it took me to punch the rat to death. I went up twenty fucking hand-to-hand levels without landing a single hit, by which point i was bored and just re-equipped my sword for a one hit kill. the miss rate is fucking absurd
- hey speaking of godmode. what the fuck do you mean all it does is give you infinite health/magicka/stamina. why do I still have to count arrows. why do I still have to count carry weight
- I'm not hating the lack of quest markers as much as i expected to. what keeps getting me, though, is that the journal is so nonspecific even about things you-the-character definitely know. I spent fifteen minutes wandering every last layer of vivec city trying to find the damn mages guild again bc i couldn't remember what canton it was in, much less which floor, and my journal could only tell me "go back to the mage's guild in vivec :)". eventually I got frustrated and asked uesp for the answer, and I'm getting the sense that I'm going to spend a Lot of time there bc this game is. not for stupid people
- what i miss most from the other games is map markers. blease put a lil symbol on the minimap when I walk by a cave. I can't tell it's there, otherwise
- maybe the bottom left corner of the map is just comparatively empty. maybe exploration will feel more rewarding as i get further along. maybe there will be literally anything in this formless brown blob of a landscape besides me and all these fuckdamn rats
- how in the fuck do merchants magically know that i've got moon sugar in my pocket but not that i'm selling them stolen goods
- every bandit having a name makes me nervous that by exploring I am accidentally fucking myself over by killing npcs for quests i haven't reached yet
- how tf do i level mercantile. half my time is spent selling shit and yet not a single skill level has been gained
- man oblivion's acrobatics/athletics really upped the effect of leveling compared to this. by hitting 50 skill now I have unlocked the ability to... jump 1 foot in the air and to powerwalk. I miss jumping onto roofs. it's hard to feel like I'm making any progress
- also even with a font replacer i am hurting my eyes with the constant squinting. maybe i need a replacer with a more basic font
- had to turn the voice settings way down bc I can't walk two steps in vivec city without another fuckdamn ordinator telling me "KEEP MOVING" in that loudass gravelly voice. can I make a mod that just completely silences that and "wHAt do you wANt, oUTLANDer?"
- no really why tf did they go with the weirdest possible emphasis in that line
- maybe I should just reinstall oblivion. I'm starting to miss wes johnson's guard voice
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starbound-aria · 1 year
So, core processing is up, it is slow, but one it runs for a while I can use the stuff it's spat out it replace it, in the mean time, who wants 5o hear training stories? This one has some official log number I've forgotten, but as the rest of the crew dubbed it, here is "the angel incident"
Me and the rest of the crew under captain Aumu were in what we thought was an uninhabited system learning how to do ship repairs with out the luxury of being able to land, this ship had plenty of back up systems so we could acutaly break things and not have to send a SoS our selves, doesn't stop us from getting them though
In the middle of a project we get an odd and very janky SoS call from one of the near by planets, captain Aumu was able to tell it was someone sending the single manually so someone probably crashed, good thing we have plenty of spare parts, training was done for the day.
Captain takes us down in a lander near where we think the SoS was coming from, one we are in the atmosphere we can even see where it was coming from, a large town with stone walls, signs of a glich settlement, some who liked thier old timey anesthetics it seems, but can't land in town so just out side we go
After we land we grab some general supplies and head towards the city, only to be met by the sounds of mechicnals hooves and a priest by the name of Brightward, who gives us some fun news. He's self aware, there are some "bandits" out in the woods are recently self aware who are freaking out, and he has three other "heratics" who are also freaking out because they just learned they are robots, the rest of the several thousand population of this city? Still running the simulation.
For thoese who don't know, the glich were built by someone for some unknown reason, the assumed reason is to see how civilization grows, however most of them got stuck in medieval or dark ages, with thoese becoming more advanced destroying them selves. With some glich becoming self aware and figuring this out, there is an issue with this though, since self aware glich are a threat to the experiment, the rest of them treat self aware gliches are vile, evil people who need destroyed. Most likely why these two groups got branded heretics who need to be executed, and bandits who are wanted dead or alive, though what ever crimes they are accused of the sentence will be death. So that's fun, we have no glich personal on this crew, and any alien races for those in the simulation just get resolved as forginers, and our tech gets explained a way in thier code as odd trinkets or some such. Geuss who wasn't properly accounted for in thier code? The only winged crew mate, me.
We end up splitting the crew, the more combat capable crew goes to track down the "bandits" while the rest of us see how we are getting the heretics out of the city, the prefered execution method for heretics is burnings, so thier circuits melt, so simply moving them out while they play dead is a no go, thankfully, a plan presents it self when we apporch the guards at the gate.
The high priest, how he manged to maintain his sheraude is impressive, tell the guards we are travelers under his protection, and to let us come and go as we need, the guards aren't listening, they are staring at me. Once they finaly come through one of them explains "awe. An angel as arrived to fix our problems" and runs off, yelling that sentence.
It doesn't take long for us, and by us I mean *me* to be swarmed by peasants asking for blessing, a lot of glich discover "magic" and I had my light wand on hand, so with some quick thinking I'd play along with the captain and a few others making sure I don't get harmed, while the high priest and the rest smuggle the heretics out while I give out some "minor bleasings" easy right? The glich are a confounding race even to them selves.
Who here knows about the placebo effect? Well glich, despite being robotic suffer from placebos so well, basic clothes bandges legitimately will fix fractures in thier hull, intresting, right? Want to know how powerful the glich placebo is in some cases apparently? As far as we could tell she has no structure or internal damage, but I was brought a dead glich who had died of illness of a few days ago, I made the mistake of saying "I don't think I can do anything for them, but I can bless the body and do what i can" apprently me saying "I think" and "I'll do what I can" meant I'm now a miracle worker, and when that dead glich stood up, the already chaotic down went ballistic.
Meanwhile, the bandit were happy to find some people who listened yo thier "maddness" and were happy to help out, and apparently three guards weren't having any of this "angel" nonsense so the heretics were still behind bars.
At this point, while I'm not given any more corpses minor miracles are apparently what om doing now, when another glich comes running into town, warning the black knight apporches, Black knights are (usaly) the simulations failsafe, or in this case fail deadly. Black knights are oddly immune to a lot of the placebo effects gliches use, both good and bad, and are, well, knights and warlords, so now we have a timer, because it's probably coming to stop my nonsense. Thankfully "throw the heretics to the black knight" got them out, and with some slightly better coms equipment smuggled in for high priest brightward to use to call for help when next he needs to smuggle more "heratics" outs we book it.
The new self aware glich on thier way to a village of others like them selves to get adjusted to thier new life, and the black knight being paid to leave according to brightward, resuce mission success, with no real damage done.
And while my new found "skills" were reported, and I've been in simulation settlements before, none of them have failed to notice me as just a person with wings, not some minor deity, so our side of simple first aid stuff, no special healing powers with the glich sense then.
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S/o that asks for affection unconsciously when they wake up without even noticing (nsfw?), how would the Bucci gang + josuke + young joseph+ giorno react? :>
So I don’t age up characters for NSFW, so I’ll just do fluff for Narancia, Josuke, Fugo, Giorno and Trish, but I will add some Adult Characters with NSFW for your troubles. :) I’ll add a cut for the NSFW as well so anyone can read before the cut, but only 18+ after please!
Warnings: Language
Bucciarati (Fluff):
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-He’s surprised when you hug him from behind when just standing around, or when you slip your hand in his just sitting, or stand behind him while he’s sitting and scratch his back (BLEASE DO THIS FOR HIM he will on god love you forever) 
-So when you two decide to move in, he’s also surprised to find that this carries over into sleeping. 
-He’ll wake up with you literally splayed out on top of him, And he blushes so hard. He’ll try to gently push you off of him back onto the bed, because surely you can’t be comfortable like that.
-Will immediately stop when you tighten your grip and stir, instead allowing his hands to rest on your back.
-He’s honestly not used to it but he will indulge you because god you’re so warm, and so soft and so beautiful in his arms. 
-You’ll notice when you’re awake that he’ll start to return your touches, leaning into your back scratches, squeezing your hand when you slip yours into his, Place his hands over your arms when you hug him from behind. 
-Will never say why, though. It’s his secret. 
Abbacchio (Fluff):
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-You may not notice, but god, does he.
-He Panic. You’re half awake, and you just reach out and pull yourself closer to him, nuzzling your face into his chest, Your breath evening out. 
-Oh god what does he do with his hands are you even comfortable there’s no way you’re comfortable jesus what the hell
-He opts to push you away, but you tighten your hold, babbling something out in your sleep about being warm. 
-(He do be warm tho ngl) 
-It takes everything, and I mean, E v e r y t h i n g in him to give in and rest his arms around you, but once he does, and you snuggle even closer? God he’s in love. You’re literally the most precious thing to him. 
-When you’re awake tho he will absolutely push you off the bed without remorse. (Expect a top of the head kiss from him though he’s soft.) 
Mista (Fluff):
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-He’s laying awake, tracing his finger along the wall, making damn sure the sex pistols don’t wake you. 
-In his distraction, you reach out, grasping his arm and hugging it. 
-(Arcana reference but Julian laugh) Oh ho ho!
-He takes note that you’re still asleep, and pulls you on top of him, securing his arms around you so that you don’t slip off. 
-Instead of tracing the wall, he will now be trailing his fingers up and down your arms and back, and through your hair. 
-His heart is melting you’re so god damn cute. He’ll tighten his grip, just gazing down at you with nothing but adoration in his eyes. 
-He will tease the everloving shit out of you when you wake up. Like he will not stfu about it. 
-He will also be a million times more physically affectionate with you during the day lol it’s sickening
-He is NOT stinky JFC
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-Whaaaaat are you doing?
-Oh, you’re asleep.
-He’ll stiffen up, but oh no you’re sleeping he cant just...push you away... he’s not heartless....
-He is confused to say the least, and a lil bit uncomfy, but he trusts you. 
-Watches as your features relax as your face presses into the crook of his neck and your arm tightens around his middle. Oh fuck you’re cute
-you’ve won him over. 
-He’ll wrap an arm around your waist, (So you don’t fall dsjdsjdsj) and let you be close to him. He enjoys it too, if he’s being honest. You’re so cute. 
-When you wake up, he’s much kinder and softer towards you. He’ll make any excuse to gently bump knees while you’re sitting or to brush his hand against yours while reaching for something. 
-Only because you asked for it tho
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-Nani in tarnation is goin on?
-He’s completely taken by surprise. You’re asleep? And you want him? To hold you? ???? ?????? *Windows start up sounds* 
-He literally doesn’t know what to do He’s so soft and so confused with his negative brain cells (I do hate him but I will admit he does have a big heart he is a sweetie) 
-He will, a little too eagerly, hug you back. His tenacity may or may not wake you up. (It does. Sorry.) 
-You wake up to a surprise hug though so win win?
-The more you subconsciously ask, the more he gives, until you two are literally glued together. (Social distancing whomst? We don’t know her.) 
-Expect sloppy kisses everywhere. On the other hand, funnily enough, you will have to initiate the hugging. He’s so scared. What if he hugs you too tight? What if he wakes you up again? What if he suffocates you? What if you don’t like his hugs
-Hug him jfc he needs reassurance that you want to be held. 
-Sleepy morning hugs where you two are just breathing in sync and there’s not a care in the world are his favorite
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-He is a light sleeper. I know I’ve said this before, but he is a very, very, very light sleeper. 
-So when you reach out and grasp at any piece of him you can reach, trying to close the gap between you (It’s a cold winter morning, come on) 
-He’ll startle awake and look over at you to check and see if you’re okay. 
-Oh, you are okay. Oh, you just want held? Alright. He’s up for that. Oh. You’re asleep? He’ll have to be especially careful to not wake you. 
-He will pull you close and rub circles into your back, pressing his cheek against the top of your head. He might even fall back asleep. If you stir, it’s not for long. His warmth and soothing movements lull you back to sleep in the safety of his arms. 
-When you’re awake, he’ll definitely be more affectionate, pressing tiny flowers into your hands, brushing your hair back, k i s s i n g y o u r k n u c k l e s (Im so fucking soft) 
-But seriously imagine Giorno getting down on one knee, taking your hand, and brushing his lips against your knuckles while looking up at you with literally nothing but love and affection in his eyes im going to cry
-Anything he does will have you a blushing mess
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-Who tf is waking her up? 
-oh, it’s you
-Oh, you’re hugging her
-OH, You’re still asleep.
-O H, you’re fucking cute!
-She’ll study you for a minute, before reaching up to lightly cup your cheek in her hand, careful not to wake you up. Her fingers will flutter over your face, tracing your features. She absolutely adores how precious you look snuggled up against her. 
-When you wake up, expect to have your hand held all day. Trish is the queen of hand holding. She will also take your face in her hands and kiss the corners of your lips, and rest her head on your shoulder when you two are sitting next to each other.  
-She’ll have this smug look on her face the whole time too dsjdsjdsjdsjds 
-Will absolutely do the disgusting feeding each other thing. “Babe, try this!” *Proceeds to hold forkful of food in front of your mouth. “Oh, that looks good, can I have some?” *Lets you do the same* 
-It’s revolting and I love it. 
Joseph (Fluff):
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-He’s already awake. He’s got to get up early and train (Viva reverie reference: “With these tall hat guys for a looooong time!”)  But oops, you just so happened to burrow against him, and your arm seems to have found its way across his stomach. What a predicament, you’re still asleep! He can’t wake you!
-He decides that he just doesn’t have the heart to move you, and wraps his arms around you to pull you even closer. What if you get cold? He’s warm, you’ll be warm next to him!
-He will hold you against him until you wake up, no matter how late it makes him. Punishments be damned. You’re way too cute and this opportunity is way too good to pass up. 
-In all honesty though he’s elated that you want him to hold you. This carries over into you being awake. He’ll be hanging off of you. Hell, He’ll carry you around if you give the okay. He will absolutely kneel so he can carry you around on his shoulders. 
-He’s very handsy, so rip to your personal space. You asked for it, after all. You wanna sit in that chair over there? Aww, that’s too bad. He’s your chair now. 
-Are you complaining tho? He’s got some thicc thighs, you’ll be pretty comfy. 
-Psst his hands are gonna be like twice your size compare hand sizes he will love it
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-He’s already cuddly bb
-But if on the rarest of rare occasions he either 1.) wakes up before you or 2.) Isnt already holding you, and you press closer to him in your sleep, just maybe ball his shirt up in your fists as you clutch at him, yearning for the affection you’re too scared to ask for when you’re awake
-Oh god he cry
-He cry so hard
-He is the (Parker James’ Steven Voice) CEO of bear hugs. Especially if someone as adorable as you is cuddling up against him.
-He will pull you up against him and bury his face in your hair, maybe even falling back asleep himself. (good luck getting out of his embrace when he’s asleep lol There’s no chance.) 
-it is always a nice surprise to wake up cocooned in his arms, his entire body wrapped around you. 
-When you’re both awake, He’ll do lots of little things for you. Absentmindedly rub your back and shoulders, sling an arm around your shoulders, link pinkies, hold hands, forehead kisses
-He will lift you up and spin you around and kiss you but shh don’t tell anyone
-He is
-so GOD damn soft I love him 
18+ ONLY
-He’s in the midst of registering being awake, getting prepared for the day, when he notices that you’re uh
-he can’t help his erection when he sees you bury your face in his neck and grind your hips against him. You’re still asleep, what could you possibly be dreaming about? 
-Oh god if he hears you whimper his name it’s all over for you. 
-Shakes your shoulder, peering into your sleep-gripped eyes and smiles nervously. 
-”Tesoro, would you mind if I made love to you before I left for work?” 
-Your lips on his are answer enough. He’ll thrust into you at a slow, sensual speed, showering you in praises, leaving soft kisses all over your body. Never marking, but always making sure the feeling of his mouth lingers on your skin. 
-He will speak only in italian during this time, so unless you know italian, don’t count on understanding anything he says. (You’ll have a pretty good Idea of what he means tho 👀)
-He will absolutely make sure you won’t be getting out of bed for the rest of the day. He definitely has a way of making your body melt under his touch. He’s never rough. He’s so, so gentle with you, and you’d be surprised how quickly he can have you cumming because of it. 
-If you ask nicely, he’ll stay in bed with you for a little longer afterwards, pressing kisses into your hair and telling you how much he cherishes you
-”You don’t have to be afraid, dolcezza. My arms are always open for you. You’ll find in them nothing but home.” 
-Did you just grab his tiddies?
-He’s in the middle of telling you off when he sees that you’re asleep, mumbling about how you want him to take you, grinding against him. 
-Something feral awakens in him at the sight of you, unknowingly begging for him, and he grabs your wrists, flipping you fast, waking you, and leaning over you, his breath hot against your ear. 
-”Dolcezza, Is it okay if I fuck you?” 
-The answer is yesssssssss
-Oh bby he is R o u g h. He’ll use his stand to hold your arms above your head and push your legs up so far that your thighs will be pressed against your chest, and he will pound into you with a speed and force that’s almost inhuman
-He will kiss you hard, and long, so that when he pulls away, you’re gasping for air, your lips bruised, your eyes rolled into the back of your head. 
-Any qualms he has about being this close to you are out the door. You’ll have deep handprints in your legs from where he was holding them, and the darker the bruise he leaves with his mouth, the happier he is. He doesn’t care where he leaves them, either. Expect some on your chin, your neck, your chest, anywhere he can reach, honestly. But if your lips are bruised, that’s what satisfies him the most. 
-You’ll definitely cum more than once, and once he cums, it’s hard, and he’ll pull you flush against him, breathing heavily, burying his face in your shoulder. Tell him it’s okay, because once he’s come down from his high, his fear that he hurt you is overwhelming. He loves you, after all. Reassure him. Hold him close, and don’t let go. 
-(Once again Julian laugh) Oh ho ho! 
-He’s gonna watch for a minute, but wake you up if the pressure becomes too much for him. He’ll give you a moment to wake up, and then ask you to fuck. 
-(Yes yes yes) 
-He’s like a mix of Abbacchio and Bucciarati. Rough and kinky, but will literally shower you in praise and affection. 
-He likes tugging your hair while taking you from behind (If you have hair. If not, his hands will grip your waist, or reach around to rub your clit/stroke your cock depending. 
-He will kiss down your back while leaning over you, making sure to leave little marks that’ll last, but not long 
-Definitely makes you cum before he does, but if he can, really enjoys cumming together. To him, it adds to the intimacy of the moment. 
-”Oh, Bombolone, do you need me so much that You want me even in your dreams? I’ll wake you each time, I need you more than you know. You are so perfect. You are so wonderful, and adorable, and I love you so much.” 
-He will literally not shut the fuck up during sex but it’s okay because it’s all sweet and loving. 
-Oh jesus christ stroke his ego why dontcha
-if you’ve discussed it beforehand, and you’re into Somnophilia, he’ll fuck you right there. But if not, He’ll take the time to wake you, his ears burning red. 
-”Oi, babe, You were holding onto me kinda tight and grinding your hips against my leg. If you want me that bad, say something.”  
-He will destroy you. Something about seeing you want him when you’re not even aware of what you’re doing? OOF. 
-He also has a bad case of not shutting the fuck up during sex. 
-The best remedy to this is to just pull him down into a kiss while he’s snapping his hips against yours. Hold it for as long as possible. It’ll make his heart happy if you’re bold enough to initiate a kiss as well. 
-He cums before you but will help you cum as well, whether it be eating you out/blowjob or fingering you/handjob. (If you’re AMAB then he’ll let you return the favor tbh) 
-Will shamelessly ask you for a blowjob. If you indulge him, he’s on cloud nine, His hands weaved into your hair, watching your every move as your mouth closes around his cock and your tongue swirls around him. It takes all of his self control not to throat fuck you. 
-Once you’ve reached your limit, he’ll help you into the shower and massage wherever’s sore, washing you off with a gentleness that’s a stark contrast to his movements prior. 
-When did you end up in his sleeping bag? 
-He’s awake before you or Johnny, and he notices you’ve burrowed yourself close to him. You’re also
-Nyo-ho. Oh are you also. 
-He’ll shake your shoulder, and once you’re awake, he’ll flash his grill and lean in, whispering in your ear
-”D’you wanna fuck me that bad that you’re doing it in your sleep, doll?” 
-Who cares if johnny’s sleeping right over there, with your consent, he’s inside of you faster than anything. He’ll give you a moment to adjust to him, and then start off slow, massaging your hips and thighs, whispering how amazing you are. 
-He goes slow, but makes sure he’s down to his full length with every thrust, pressing his lips into the corners of your mouth, then crashing them directly against your lips, not letting you come up for air until your legs are trembling around him. 
-He won’t change things up until he hears a “Please” 
-That’s his favorite word. If you groan out a “Please, Gyro,” And your voice cracks, oh, are you in for a t r e a t. 
-He’ll make you see stars, but shh, don’t get too loud, doll. Johnny’s asleep. If you’re being too loud, he’ll cover your mouth with his hand. 
-Please hold onto him. Wrap your arms and legs around him while he fucks you. He loves it so much. 
-Once you’ve cum, he tumbles not long after, blurting out something in italian that you can only hope to understand if you don’t speak it. (Hint: It’s praises for you and your body.) 
-Once he’s done, he falls back down next to you, pulling you close and pressing his lips to your forehead, deciding that It can be a later start than usual today. Besides, you look so cute curled up against him like that, doll. 
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echo-three-one · 3 years
i saw requests were open!! mayhaps i request soap/male!reader fluff blease
hi I'm sorry this took too long. I was too busy with gaming. sorry anyways here I go.
Making a difference
For everyone else, high school seemed to be the most colorful moment of their lives. It was a time period where they grew, learned a lot of stuff and engaged into different activities that soon defined their future. Some even find the love of their lives while others used this period of experimenting on how they would approach relationships.
In your case, this was the most confusing time of your life. You are hundreds of miles away from home and honestly have no idea what's going on inside you, especially when around him.
You clearly remember the first day you met him, it was the first day of admissions and you were still unpacking your clothes from your bag.
"Hey man." his low somewhat foreign accent registered to your ear, making you a little bit scared and somewhat excited. You always found men attractive and questioning yourself ever since.
You slowly turn to observe the man looming behind you, his athletic build was already intimidating and his hair looked like he should be in the army. After a quick glance you turned back to your clothes and gulped, following a deep inhale as you stood up, put on a serious face and turned around.
"Hey. I'm Y/N. You must be John… my roommate." you replied, trying not to maintain eye contact for too long as you realized his icy blue eyes were scanning around your face.
"Yeah. John MacTavish. Nice to meet you Y/N. I hope you could tolerate loud snoring." he chuckled, finishing the handshake as he quickly tossed himself on his bed and looked at the ceiling.
"What brings you to this boarding school? Overly concerned parents? Were you bullied? Are you the bully?" He asked as you turned around to him while he started to arrange his stuff on his side of the room.
"None of the above." You sighed.
"Some rich family owed my parents something and now they're helping me get back up on my feet when they died." You muttered as your shoulders sank. Moments later and you felt a warm hand on it as you tensed in surprise.
"I'm sorry about that." he muttered as you turned around to face him.
"It's okay." you replied as he gave you a kind smile and tried to cheer you up.
"Hey, we got like… a week before school starts. I suggest we drive to the nearest town and enjoy some ladies' company before we get busy with our studies, huh?" he roared, trying to light up the mood and you smiled to make him feel great about his suggestion. You could use a breather before everything got serious and you couldn't resist an offer from this guy, so you nodded your head as he picked up his keys and led you to his car.
"Well, I haven't thought that far ahead…" he muttered as he parked the car in front of a convenience store. The radio was softly playing Taylor Swift's Our Song and you were imagining the same scene as the lyrics. Mentally slapping yourself at your delusions.
"Any other great ideas?" He asked, looking around the small town. It was awfully quiet due to a town-wide camping trip where most people their age participated, therefore shops were almost empty. Bars were bustling with activity but they didn't have fake IDs and John wasn't going to act as a bad influence for you. Which made you feel a little more special and besides, he was supposed to drive back home later.
"Why don't we just get something to eat and like, eat it somewhere… Sometimes peaceful areas cleanse the mind before incoming stress." you suggested, hoping he wouldn't see it as a date or something, but you knew he wouldn't feel it that way.
"Good idea. Stay here while I go get something to eat." He muttered as he unclasped his seatbelt and got off the car, his musk slowly dissipated as it followed him. You took a deep breath as you felt your heart express what it felt all while you're alone.
"Holy shit." you whispered to yourself as you tried to calm yourself down. You once felt like this back when you were with your ex girlfriend and shared your first kiss. But this was just sitting on a shotgun of his car and you're already losing your mind.
While your head was wandering about how you're going to survive the whole semester sharing a room with this man, you never noticed that he was already tapping the closed window. You quickly rolled it open and helped him get a few stuff as you wondered how long you were daydreaming.
The guy bought a lot of chips and drinks that could feed ten people and you were shocked at how you two could possibly consume all of these.
"That's a lot." you commented as he closed the door.
"Is it?" He asked with a chuckle and drove off to a park overlooking the small town.
The sun was slowly setting as you opened the third bag of chips for the both of you, wondering what he felt when you simultaneously reached for it and felt each other's hands just moments ago.
"What about you? Why go to an all male boarding school?" you asked as he dipped his hand on the bag and scooped a handful of chips.
"Parents want what's best for me." he muttered, as loud crunching noises followed.
"Isn't that good?" You asked and he looked at you.
"Yeah it is… But I wanted to make a difference to the world… Something… heroic." he mused, his eyes almost looked like it sparkled when he said heroic. You felt that it'd fit him.
"Like a policeman?"
"Something greater and less public. I always felt like I was meant to save the world discreetly." He laughed at his dream.
"It's possible y'know…" you defended and he looked you in the eye.
"Yeah. You're right. It could be. And I have this whole semester to muster up courage and tell my parents what I really want." he smiled as if he's thanking you for a thought you just blurted.
"Wait what?!" you raised your eyebrow, confused.
"I'm thinking of going back home to Scotland after this. Enlist myself into the army. Make myself useful." He stood up and placed his hands on his hips, staring at the sun. You looked at him in amazement at how brave he was to choose such a risky decision. It almost inspired you to do something brave too.
"Hey John?" you asked. Your heart started thumping loud enough that you couldn't hear anything else.
"Aye?" he replied, his blue eyes locked against yours.
"I… I like… your shirt. Where did you buy that?" You exhaled as you failed to express yourself miserably. He'll only be here for a semester. You decide not to make anything more awkward.
"Yeah, my mom got this for me. You know, you can have it. As a remembrance of this day when I decided to change the world." he said, tossing it to you, you caught the shirt in surprise as you secretly admired his whole form while he looked for an extra shirt at the back of his car.
"Worth it." you muttered to yourself as you took a secret whiff on it.
The headline read as you sat on the couch and stared at the screen while it flashed pictures of the devastating effects of war.
"Uncle Y/N. What are you watching?" Your friend's daughter asked as you quickly turned it to the next channel, showing an episode of a soap opera. You were babysitting her today as a favor.
"Just some drama, Haley." You replied, trying not to croak as you slowly wiped off a tear that ran across your face.
"Is it really that sad that it made you cry?" She asked.
"I guess so… It was a great story." you lied as your mind wondered if he got involved in this in any way possible, and also can't help but worry if he was okay.
"I hope you did save the world…" you whispered, looking at the sky, remembering those times where he helped you more than anyone could.
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turtle-steverogers · 3 years
blease give me your angstiest stucky or steve headcanons i need fuel for a oneshot :)
oh MAN ok lemme think
all the angstiest that come to head are part of a fic im working on so lemme dig into my brain um um ok
general suicidal thoughts TW for all of this.
-Steve kept a loaded gun in his bedside drawer when he came out of the ice. He'd often take it out, look at it. Wonder if it would work-- if it could kill him. Sometimes, he'd hold it to his temple, sobbing, wishing he could just Do It. But he's a coward and he always has been.
-Bucky finds it one day a few months after they move back in together. They don't go in each other's bedside drawers. Like the mirror cabinets on their side of the bathroom, they're off limit spaces. Some needed privacy and boundaries between the two of them. Still, he can't find his fucking charger and maybe--
-When he sees the gun, he goes cold. When he sees that it's loaded, the hair on the back of his neck stands up. At first, he wonders if it's just in case. A backup plan if someone breaks in, but there's only one bullet inside and no smart strategist would only load their gun with one bullet. He knows what it means. He hates that he knows what it means
-His head is spinning with the implications. How many times had Steve come close? How many times had he almost lost him without knowing? Had he thought about it recently? Was he still thinking about it?
-He doesn't know how to confront Steve about it, but he's saved from figuring it out when the bedroom door opens behind him. He turns around, knowing his face is pale. Eyes wide. Steve's staring back at him with the same expression, his hand tight around the doorknob, like he's trying not to bolt
-The silence drags on. It's suffocating.
-Bucky's throat works as he swallows. He wants to ask a million things. Can I take it? Are you in danger? Did you feel like you couldn't say something? Does anyone know? But all that comes out is, "Why?"
-And Steve. Goddamn Steve just looks away. For a moment, Bucky is scared he's going to pass out, he looks so pale.
-"I don't know," he whispers. "I don't know."
-"Yes, you do," Bucky whispers back, and suddenly, he's furious. "Don't lie to me. Yes, you do." Another pregnant pause. "Do you still want to?"
-And Bucky's expecting another "I don't know" or maybe a "I need help" but all he gets is silence. It's answer enough-- a resounding yes in the quiet of their safe haven that no longer feels safe. It's possibly the most horrifying answer he could have gotten
ok lfkajsdlfkajsdlkf well i got carried away and that kinda just turned into one long headcanon but
have fun with that, pal
gimme all u got
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littlemousejelly · 4 years
coffee shop au + meet messy + “wait, wait. say that again. please.” blease :)
when i thought of what to do for this my face actually went 😲😈
thanks for the ask, baby! 😈
“Fuck,” Kara hears through her woefully thin walls. Her eyes shoot open. “Ohgodfuck, please–”
Kara sighs, recognizing the noises for what they are, and covers her blushing face with her hands.
She tries to hum a little something to drown out the sound of her neighbor enjoying herself with her lover, a fairly (very) regular (nightly and sometimes daily) occurrence, but chokes off when her neighbor whimpers and. Well.
She tries not to listen for the incredibly satisfied moan she knows is imminent, but as always, can’t just… not hear it.
There are worse things, Kara supposes, as she tries to force the blush off her face and her heart rate to calm down, pressing sweaty palms into the fabric of the shirt over her stomach. Her neighbor has a really attractive voice and listening to her is better than having a neighbor who practices the drums at all hours (most likely), but she still sort of wishes she didn’t have to listen to her come every night.
Kara wakes up early the next morning (a Saturday!) with the unerring feeling that she’s about to have an amazing day. So, she wears her favorite burgundy button-up with the tiny, white dinosaur print tucked into dark gray jeans over splatter-painted black Converse and practically skips to her favorite coffee shop just around the corner from her apartment. The line isn’t terribly long and Nia is working today–which means she’ll get extra whipped cream on her hot cocoa–so her premonition seems to be spot-on so far.
The line moves up and the door opens and closes with a jingle.
Nia spots her and waves excitedly, but does it with the hand holding a small, metal milk pitcher. The milk–thankfully pre-steamed–sloshes over the rim and all over her hand and Nia’s mouth opens into an o of shock. Kara grimaces in sympathy as she hurries to wipe herself up.
There’s no use in crying over spilled milk, but spilling milk still sucks!
As if to spite her for using the proverb in an unorthodox manner, things just start… going wrong. The other barista drops a drink, then gets somebody’s order wrong, and suddenly the short line is no longer moving even though Kara is just two people away from reaching the register.
But! She’s in no hurry to do anything today. Her only set plan for the day is to swing by the farmer’s market after this to go pick up a few breakfast pastries and maybe also some groceries before heading back home.
The line moves up and Kara brightens.
Until she hears what the next guest orders.
Five minutes pass and Nia and the other barista are still doing their best to fulfill his order.
Cloth rustles and the person behind her sighs impatiently. “Fuck,” she says quietly. “Oh my god… please go faster.”
Kara spins around before she can help it, ears burning and cheeks flushing the way they always do when she hears that voice.
“Wait, wait. Say that again. Please,” she blurts.
The woman behind her is bundled up in an oversized, forest-green knit sweater, black leggings, and brown uggs. Her hair is up in the messiest possible hairstyle that could still pass for a bun–with more hair out than in–thick glasses rest upon her nose, and she’s single-handedly the most breathtaking woman Kara’s ever seen.
Double-handedly? She has both her hands. Very nice ones. Clutching a well-loved paperback.
Aaaand that’s probably enough of staring at a stranger’s hands.
Kara’s gaze rockets up to meet the woman’s eyes and, oh jeez. Oh jeez, she’s got pretty eyes too. And they’re narrowed as she squints at Kara like she’s grown a second head, or like she’s the weirdo standing in front of her in line asking her to repeat what she’d overheard.
“I'm… sorry?” the woman says, and Kara didn’t realize she could be attracted to someone who was looking at her like she was the gum she’d stepped on in the street, but–
“Um,” Kara says, high-pitched. She drags her voice down to a normal human register. “Sorry, it’s for an experiment. Could you possibly say what you said before I turned around again?”
The woman raises an eyebrow and Kara blushes harder, somehow. She crosses her arms protectively over her chest and gives Kara a once-over. “Why? You have a voice kink or something?”
Kara’s jaw drops. “Wh–! What! No!” she sputters. “I mean, well, I don’t actually, know… if I do, but. That’s. That’s not why I’m asking!”
If possible, Lena eyes her even more critically. “Then why are you asking?”
Kara freezes, panic welling up inside her faster the more she tells herself not to panic, like how she always needs to pee so much more the more she thinks about needing to pee.
Oh god… she needs to pee.
Kara hears herself say, “It’s just that something about your voice is really familiar. You sound like someone I know,” and wants to high-five herself.
“Is that so…” the woman says. She studies Kara for a moment longer, then shrugs. “Well, okay then.” She licks her lips and Kara finds herself intently focused on the way they glisten as she parts them again and–
“Fuck, please go faster.”
Kara feels a warm, pleasurable tingle stroke up her spine. Or Irish stepdance up her spine or something up her spine. Either way she’s got goosebumps all over her arms and a really nice buzz running through her body now because holy crap, yeah. That’s her voice.
“Oh god,” the woman says, a horrified look spreading across her face. “You do have a voice kink!”
Kara schools her expression back from the dopey, glassy-eyed look she’d accidentally developed. “Nonono, I swear, I really don’t have–” she shivers, replaying the way she’d groaned please, and oh no, maybe she does have a–
“I mean, what? No. No, that’s seriously not why I asked! Please believe me!”
“Believe you about what, Kara?” Nia chimes in suddenly, and Kara whirls around to find that she’s back at the register to take orders. She stifles a sigh of relief and steps closer.
“It’s nothing,” Kara says quickly. “I’ll have my usual, and whatever, uh…” she angles her body sideways and gestures at the woman behind her, shoulder lifting in an inquisitive shrug. An olive branch. An offer.
“…Lena,” Lena supplies.
Kara relaxes a marginal amount and grins. “My usual and whatever Lena wants,” she tells Nia, handing over her card with her eyes steadily trained on Lena’s face.
Lena waits until after Kara’s paid and they’re milling about waiting for their drinks to speak again.
“Don’t think that buying my drink gets you out of whatever nonsense you just pulled, Kara,” she says, tapping long fingers against her bicep.
“It’s not a bribe,” Kara says, hands up in a placating gesture. “I just… wanted to apologize for making you uncomfortable and try to do a better job of explaining everything. But let’s wait ‘til we have our drinks?”
Lena considers for a moment, then nods.
They sit down together on the couch in the corner of the coffeeshop, right by the bookshelf of boardgames. Something in Kara goes gooey when she watches Lena wipe down the (clean) coffee table in front of them before setting her book down on it.
For a time, Kara nurses her hot cocoa (with extra whip!) as Lena sips at her London Fog and they settle into a not-altogether-uncomfortable silence. But then Lena starts tracing her fingers along the lip of her mug and Kara swallows. It’s time.
“So… I think I should preface what I’m about to tell you with the fact that I also live at Orange Park,” Kara says, deliberately making eye contact with her melting whipped cream instead of with Lena. “We’re neighbors… and our walls are thin.”
Lena’s eyebrows raise and her fingers stall, but Kara pushes on.
“With that in mind, I recognized your voice earlier because I can, uh, hear you when you have guests over.”
“I… see,” Lena says slowly, then starts shaking her head. “But, guests? I don’t really invite people over to my apartment.”
Kara blinks and blinks, mouth drying out as she tries to process Lena’s words and the implications hidden within.
“What?” she whispers hoarsely. “You… had someone over last night, right?”
Lena shakes her head, pretty face twisting with confusion. “No, I was alone last night.”
“But I heard–  but you–” Kara stammers. Lena doesn’t invite people over. The back of her neck grows hot. Lena had been alone last night. “Then who was– but you–”
Lena doesn’t invite people over and she’d been alone last night.
“Sohere'sthethingIcanhearyoucomingeverynight,” splurts right out of her mouth before she can stop it, overflowing from somewhere deep inside where it’s been building and building and building from the moment she’d heard Lena’s voice behind her. She frantically claps a hand over her mouth, eyes boggling. That was quite possibly the least tactful, most worst way she could have revealed that.
Lena for her part actually manages to calmly set her mug down on the coffee table before responding. She takes a long, slow breath, looks directly into Kara’s eyes, then releases it in a mortified, whisper-yelled, “What!”
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jgvfhl · 3 years
Number Lads! AKA me taking a hammer to canon :)
Well now we see some actual plot being affected by the character choices in this here little ol' story I'm writing. Damn this list is getting long... wonderful! (Read Part 1 - Part 2- Part 3)
Some gentle warnings for injury descriptions--specifically burns
ARC-0000 = Zero = d0nut man
CT-2222 = Do-si-do = Double Trouble
CT-3333 = Trees = Leafs
CT-4444 = Fours = Submarine
ARC-5555 = Fives = high fives
ARC-1409 = Echo = BetterDomino
CC-6666 = Sixes/Death = DEATH
ARC-7777 = Sevenset = RedBoiiiii
CT-8888 = Loops = Loopy
high fives: GUYS guys guys i think echo and i can get our hands on nines soon
d0nut man: “get our hands on nines”
d0nut man: well. I’ve heard stranger things out of one of our medics
BetterDomino: lol yeah us too
Leafs: nines? 212th yeah?
high fives: yeah echo and i just got the rundown for a mission with cmdr cody and gen kenobi and there was definitely a CT-9999 on the list
Double Trouble: oo what kinda mission??
BetterDomino: the kind you’re not allowed to know about
high fives: yeah :3
BetterDomino: and technically he shouldn’t even have mentioned it >_>
Double Trouble: oh ho ho
Leafs: do si do, gossip is not worth breaking classified information
high fives: but nines!!
high fives: MAYBE
BetterDomino: very strong maybe
DEATH: classified missions = death trap
DEATH: the new guy might not even make it out, don’t get too excited
RedBoiiiii: life of the party, as usual
Leafs: well he is the more experienced of us in these things… so…
high fives: we’re not gonna die guys
Loopy: you better not :(
DEATH: you want some advice? if the seps point a gun at something, they’re going to shoot
DEATH: doesn’t matter how important it is to them or their cause. they will shoot it.
high fives: … noted sir
BetterDomino: thank you
RedBoiiiii: OYA DOMINO I LOVE YOUUUUUUU blease come back safe *bonk*
high fives: *bonk*
BetterDomino: *bonk*
Had Nines not been a member of the 212th for nearly two years, he’d probably be wondering if all of his general’s missions went this muja-shaped so fast. Well. Actually, he’d probably be dead. He rather liked not being dead, and hoped to keep it that way, despite the absolute and utter chaos happening around the Citadel’s lower airfield at the moment. The air was a haze of colors as blue, red, and green blaster bolts zipped through the air, combined with the five lightsabers whirling about the generals and commander. But right now, Nines was really trying not to die while pinned down behind this cargo crate.
The noise of a door drew his attention--ever so briefly--as yet more clankers emerged from the hellish prison. He could only take a glance before he had to duck back behind the large cargo crate he and two ARCs were using for cover. He looked over at the pair, watching one--Echo or Fives, he couldn’t quite recall at the moment--launch a charge at the new droids. Nines felt the detonation, and twisted back around to send some bolts towards the scattered droids. Kriffing hells, commando droids? Again? Stars, he really hated those buggers.
“General Skywalker!” Nines barely caught the tail end of the ARC’s warning as he returned to cover. “A droid is manning one of those turrets. They’re gonna blow up the shuttle, sir.”
Oh, hells no. Nines looked up, locating General Skywalker and General Peill on the little flying craft they’d commandeered from incoming assailants. It looked like they were heading towards the turret, then they disappeared over the edge of the cargo crate.
“This is our only chance!” Nines heard behind him from the same ARC. “We have to stop him.” He looked over just as one of the pair disappeared around the side of the crate, the other close on his heels.
“Echo no!”
Nines jogged over, hoping to cover the pair. Echo was running towards the shuttle’s ramp with a shield dropped by one of the commandos. Nines looked and saw at the same time as Fives--if that was Echo, the one still standing here was Fives--the commando droid at the turret’s controls turning the blaster barrels towards the shuttle.
Nines felt a horribly familiar cold lump sink into his gut as the seconds seemed to slow, green turret rounds creeping closer and closer to Echo and their only way out of this Maker-abandoned pit. But it seemed time hadn’t slowed for Fives, who was suddenly reaching to the ascension cable at the back of his utility belt.
He attached it to his blaster, aimed at his brother, and fired.
There was the distinct sound of the cable striking plastoid. A huge noise followed, managing to drown out the whizz of blaster fire. A wave of light and heat washed over the immediate area as the shuttle exploded. Nines’ eyes followed a chunk of the ship as it flew over the landing pad and destroyed the turret and the droid manning it, but then his attention was back on Fives. Fives, who was drawing in his ascension cable desperately as the rest of the strike team collected by the last way out of the landing pad.
“We need to go,” General Kenobi said, and no one was going to argue. “Now.”
“Fives,” Captain Rex stood next to his ARCs.
Fives was kneeling on one knee over Echo’s unmoving, singed, and smoking form, hastily detaching the cable from his brother’s chestplate. “I got him,” he said, and even for all the training he had, anyone would hear the distress underlining the urgency of his actions.
Nines cast his eyes over the fallen ARC. The plastoid of Echo’s boot had melted in the intense heat of the shuttle’s explosion. It wasn’t coming off until a medic was there to cut it off. Nines was grateful now for the filters in his bucket, keeping the smell of burning blacks and probably flesh out of his nose. Taking another look, he saw Echo’s right arm had suffered similar injuries--the side unprotected by the shield. But, judging by Fives’ concerted efforts, he was still alive.
As the team retreated, Fives finally stowed his cable and his blaster on his belt, hefting his brother across his shoulders and hauling them both up. Nines lagged between the two parties, waiting until Fives had caught up before picking up his pace.
“No man left behind, right?” Nines said, low enough to keep it between them.
“Not a kriffing chance,” Fives huffed.
In a whirlwind of sulfurous stench, near misses, anoobas, crawling over lethal lava lakes, and the unfortunate death of General Peill, the greatly reduced strike team was finally aboard General Koon’s gunship. Fives carefully lowered his brother to the floor, leaning him against the wall. Captain Rex maneuvered over to them, standing between them and the other occupants like a human privacy screen as the gunship flew far, far away from the stinking hell that was The Citadel.
It was another hour or so before Nines had the chance to find them again. Echo’s injuries were the worst to come out of the mission, mostly because of the sheer number of casualties. Nines himself only suffered some relatively superficial bumps and bruises, so he was cleared from medical quickly.
“Where are you off to, Nines?”
The commander, too, had been quickly cleared, it seemed. Nines turned and waited for Commander Cody before starting for the other medbay rooms again. “Sir, I thought I’d check on the two ARCs. Fives and Echo?”
The commander nodded, switching his helmet to under his other arm. “I was gonna check on Rex, and he’s probably with them. I’ll come with.”
“The captain’s pretty fond of them, then?”
“Like you wouldn’t believe,” the commander smiled, though there was something bittersweet in the expression.
As he’d predicted, they found the captain and Fives outside one of the medbay rooms. Rex was seated on the bench between doorways, his bucket on the floor between his feet, a water bottle in one hand. Fives was on his feet, pacing back and forth in front of the room, his eyes only leaving the windows briefly at every pass. His bucket was resting on the ground near the captain’s.
When the two caught sight of Nines and Cody approaching, Rex made to stand, but the commander gave him a sharp look. “Sit down, Rex.” The captain slumped back down on the bench, where the commander soon joined him. “What’s the word?”
“There hasn’t been any kriffing word,” Fives growled, still pacing.
The commander’s brows scrunched. “It’s been over an hour.”
“I know,” Fives shot back with far more force than Nines would ever use towards a commander.
But Cody took it in stride, barely reacting to the added bite in the ARC’s words. He just nodded and leaned back against the wall like Captain Rex, whom he asked, “Have you both been looked over?”
The captain nodded. “Yeah, we’ve been cleared.”
Nines watched Fives pacing back and forth. He hadn’t gotten much of a chance to talk to Echo or Fives before the whole strike team went into carbonite. But, clearly, Fives needed a distraction. Nines had been around long enough, battle after battle, to recognize that.
He took a step forward, clearing his throat. “Hey, uh… Fives. What was it you were telling me about before we left? That… number group?”
Fives paused in his pacing, and some of the stress on his face replaced by slight confusion, then recognition. “Right. Yeah.”
The captain raised an eyebrow at them both. “Number group? Fives, how many people are you gonna tell about those guys?”
“Well,” Nines began, “he had a good reason. I’m CT-9999. Nines, sir.”
The captain chuckled. “I see.”
“Yeah, he didn’t get much out before we had to go under. Anything else I should know about these guys?”
Fives finally stopped pacing and sighed quietly, looking over through the medbay windows. “Yeah, okay.” He rubbed his eyes, his shoulders lowering as some of the fight left his system. It appeared he’d realized Nines was only trying to take his mind off his injured brother, and was giving in to the plan.
“Why don’t you get cleaned up while you’re at it, Fives,” Captain Rex told him, and despite the wording, it wasn’t a question.
“Echo’s not going anywhere,” the captain said, cutting off Fives’ protests. “I’ll stay here, and I’ll comm you the second I hear anything.”
Fives sighed again. The captain had won, Nines knew. The ARC trudged over to collect his helmet from the floor by his captain’s boots. As he straighted up, the captain caught the back of his neck and pressed their foreheads together long enough to murmur something inaudible. Nines knew it wasn’t for him to hear anyway. But Fives nodded when he was released, and even Cody reached up to pat his chestplate. Huh.
“Food first or shower first?” Nines asked when he walked over to him. “‘Cause I’m starving.”
“Yeah, me too,” Fives admitted. “But, I think I wanna get the stink of that place out of my armor before I try eating anything.”
After a fast shower, even by GAR standards, Nines found Fives sitting on the floor outside the ‘freshers in just his blacks and boots with his kit and a wet cloth, in the middle of wiping off the worst of the grime from the mission. He had paused, however, and was now fiddling with his wrist comm. Nines sat down next to him with his own kit to do the same.
“Any news?”
“No, I just remembered something…” Fives replied, clearly occupied. Finally, his comm blinked green as it connected with someone else’s. “Loops?”
There was a hesitant answer. “Fives…? Why can you comm me while I’m in hyperspace?”
Fives smiled triumphantly. “Don’t worry about it. Are you busy right now?”
“I mean… it can wait an hour or so. Why?”
“You wanna pop down to the mess hall for a bit?”
There was a pause. “Are you onboard?”
Loops stuttered out a few indignant syllables before demanding, “Did we just haul ass across hyperspace to pull you out of The Citadel?”
“Well, not just me, but yeah. Thanks, by the way, for whatever small part you played in getting us the hell out of there.”
“What in the nine hells were you doing in The Citadel, Fives?”
Fives rolled his eyes. “Can you just meet me in the mess and I’ll tell you?”
Another pause. “Fine, but I’m not happy about it.”
Even if Fives hadn’t filled Nines in on who Loops was on their way to the mess hall, it would have been fairly obvious by the large eight tattooed on his cheek, much the way Fives’ tattoo was obvious. Loops was CT-8888, and his face only dropped its suspicious scowl at Fives when Nines introduced himself.
“Nines? Really?”
“Hey, I said we could get our hands on him,” Fives said around a mouthful of rations. He and Nines had gotten their food and found a table before Loops had shown up.
“Yeah, and the commander said he’d be dead by the end of the mission,” Loops shot back across the table.
Nines raised an eyebrow. “Well, I’m not dead…”
“Which is wonderful,” Loops assured him.
“And… which commander?”
Loops looked at Fives, who took the opportunity to take a long drink. “You didn’t tell him about the commander?”
When he finished, Fives shrugged, wiping his mouth and smiling. “I think it’s better when you find out organically.”
“Maker, you and Sevenset are two of a kind,” Loops said, shaking his head. “Hey, where’s Echo?”
“Is he okay?”
Nines watched the shadow of worry fall across Fives’ face, but he seemed to shake it off. “I don’t know yet.”
Loops dipped his chin, looking sympathetic. “Oh. I’m sorry.”
Fives tried to give an assuring smile, but it didn’t quite land. “Yeah, well… it’s not gonna kill him. So.” He poked the remaining cubes of food on his tray with his fork.
His friend nodded, understanding that, sometimes, injuries weren’t so straightforward to fix. Clones had been decommissioned for some pretty mundane reasons, and everyone knew it. “Well, hey,” he said, “you’re both alive, and so is Nines. You can prove the commander wrong if nothing else.”
“Well, you’ve got a point there.”
“Do you wanna do that now, or…?” Loops asked, slowly raising his wrist comm and opening a text channel.
“We’re in hyperspace,” Nines reminded him.
He frowned, putting his arm back on the table and resting his chin on it. “I hate hyperspace.”
Nines could understand. Usually, he was too busy to complain, but now he was a bit at odd ends. But before he could voice his commiseration, Fives’ comm pinged, and a second later, Fives sprang up from the table, food and tray almost forgotten.
“That was Rex, I gotta go,” he said, already hurrying away to deposit his tray before dashing out the door.
Loops had made no move to follow him, and Nines knew there would be no room in the medbay for them regardless. “Hope it’s good news,” Loops said. Nines nodded.
Fives skidded to a stop, narrowly avoiding crashing directly into Rex in front of Echo’s room in the medbay. Rex grabbed his upper arms to help him stop.
“What is it? What happened?” Fives demanded, only just noticing the Wolfpack medic standing by. He looked regulation except for a large geometric tattoo on the left side of his neck.
“Take a breath, Fives,” Rex told him. “This is Bolt, he was just about to tell us.”
Bolt gestured them into the room, allowing Fives to move past him to stand next to his twin. Echo was still unconscious, although Fives didn’t know if that was because of the extent of his injuries or because of something the medics had done. A blanket was drawn up to his chest, his arms laid out at his sides. His right arm was swathed in bandages almost to the shoulder joint, and Fives could see by the outline of his right leg that it was wrapped up similarly. He reached over to put a hand on his brother’s head, feeling some of the tension he’d still been carrying fade as he ran gentle fingers through his brother’s hair.
“So, how is he?” Rex asked.
“Why is he still unconscious?” Fives added.
Bolt folded his arms, tucking his datapad under one arm. “He’s medically sedated. The burns on his leg are extensive and severe, and it’s better for him to be unconscious for the pain. Most of the time we spent today was getting his leg out of his boots and blacks. They’d melted on in some places. There are some third-degree burns around his knees and ankles where his armor didn’t protect him, but for the most part, they’re all second- and first-degree.”
“But his--it’ll all heal, right?” Fives wanted to know. Batchmate aside, Echo was his partner on the field. He needed to know Echo could still be that, or else Jesse might be getting a bit of informal ARC training to make up for it.
The medic nodded. “It should heal. There might be some nerve damage that will take longer than the rest, but it should be a functional result. Whatever surgeries or grafts will be minor, which is good. As soon as we come out of hyperspace, I will contact your medics, Captain, and let them know to have a bacta tank ready for him when you arrive.”
Rex nodded back, and Fives could see a similar shedding of worries from his shoulders. “Thank you.”
“It’ll still be a couple months until he’s ready for action, but he should be able to return to full duties eventually.” He unfolded his arms and moved towards the door. “You can stay as long as you want.”
Fives nodded, his focus back on Echo now the medic was done. He didn’t notice the captain moving until Rex’s hand landed on his shoulder, and he looked over. “Have a seat. I know you’re gonna be here a while.”
An empty supply crate had appeared behind him. He sat, his hand moving to grasp his brother’s. “I thought I was gonna be the one getting hurt doing something stupid like that.”
Rex breathed a short laugh. “Yeah. Well. Good on you for pulling him out like that. Ascension cable--don’t think I would have thought of that one.”
A tiny smile appeared on Fives’ face. “Guess the ARC training was good for something.”
“Mm… I think that was more Domino training than ARC training.” Rex ruffled Fives’ curls. “Maybe get some sleep while you’re keeping him company, okay?”
He didn’t have any arguments for that. Once Rex was gone, however, he stood up so he could lean over Echo to put their foreheads together, resting his left hand on the side of his brother’s face. He remained like that for a short moment, where he could feel his brother’s slow, even breaths across his face, and to finally let it sink in that Echo was okay. That explosion had been terrifying to watch, and the sight of Echo’s body landing limply on the ground on the end of the cable would have debilitated Fives before ARC training. Then again, they wouldn’t be ARCs if they didn’t have the potential to be better than themselves.
Echo was okay. That was the important thing.
“You’re gonna be right as rain in a few,” he murmured before moving to kiss the spot where their heads had touched. “And I’ll be there the whole time, okay?”
He pulled the crate a bit closer to the bed before he sat back down so he could lay his arms down and rest his head on top of them. He took Echo’s hand in his own, tucked their clasped hands against his cheek, and closed his eyes. Sleep wasn’t far behind.
high fives: guess who’s not dead commander
RedBoiiiii: FIVES!!!! YOU’RE OKAY!!!
DEATH: what do you want, a medal?
high fives: already have one, thanks
Leafs: is everyone else alive too, or just you
Double Trouble: YOU LIVE!!! Now do we get all the goss about the mission??
Leafs: do si do you are a hazard to the gar
Double Trouble: why thank you trees <3
high fives: anyway nines is *also* alive
RedBoiiiii: NINES??
Loopy: and so is echo
d0nut man: oh good nox and pixel were worried about their “handprint buddy”
high fives: that’s adorable he’ll be glad to hear it
DEATH: Where is your plus one?
high fives: … medbay
high fives: also sevenset, i sent you nines’ comm code? didn’t you get it?
RedBoiiiii: oh whoops hang on
d0nut man: what happened to echo???
Leafs: is he okay?
high fives: he got caught in an explosion, got some nasty burns. he’s still in bacta for another half-day, but the medics seem pleased with the progress so… yay?
Double Trouble: damn i’m sorry that sounds awful
RedBoiiiii: nu ;-; fives that sucks but i’m glad the medics are keeping an eye on him
Loopy: yeah that’s good to hear
Loopy: sevens did you get nines in here yet i wanna say hi to my number neighbor
Orangio: hello i’m nines
Orangio: please tell me i can change my own name here
Loopy: nines! hiiii, yeah you can change it
high fives: hey nines
Leafs: welcome to the madness
Double Trouble: we’re not *that* bad :)
d0nut man: … arguable, but welcome anyway
Double Trouble: >:(
DressedtotheNines: thanks guys
Submarine: sorry to hear about your batcher, fives. hi nines
RedBoiiiii: IS THAT FOURS???
Loopy: fours!!
Submarine: yeah sorry i’m not here a lot, but i read all of it
RedBoiiiii: no apologies!! only love!!
Double Trouble: yeah there’s no pressure to use the chat, don’t worry about it
DressedtotheNines: so if i happen to get good footage of cmdr cody like spin kicking grievous or smth, you guys want to see that, yeah?
RedBoiiiii: YES
high fives: pleeeaassseee rex hoards his footage the bastard >:(
d0nut man: i would like to see it
Submarine: yeah me too. general mundi is… he doesn’t do that
DEATH: i’ll bet i could get cadet pictures of cody from some of the alphas
DressedtotheNines: commander death sir i would be honored to help blackmail him for you if you ever need it
DEATH: noted
RedBoiiiii: wait
Double Trouble: anyone else see that
DEATH: no and while you’re at it kriff off
RedBoiiiii: nines you are magical
DressedtotheNines: ………… cool
I love these lads so much :) @darth-void @23-bears @theultimatesandwich @nintendolover13 @peacefulwizardfox @glubtheflyingfish (lmk if you don't want to be tagged anymore 👍 or if you'd like to be tagged in the future!)
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wasithard · 4 years
Ok I haven’t read them yet but I see u have only posted one of ur folklore bits and I feel like u knew I was gna ask for more..... blease can I see some sequinned smile black lipstick.... 🥺😭
annie u actually made me realise that i forgot to put one of my wips on that post oopsie! i’ve updated it now. also ik there were only two to choose from but as fate would have it sequin smile black lipstick is the one featuring love sex magic!!!!!!!!!! can u believe, how long ago were we talking about it??
DISCLAIMER for everyone Percy is NOT consuming alcohol in this chapter ok! Drink Driving is NOT OK.
sequin smile, black lipstick
Annabeth likes to think of herself as a brave person. Even so, she’s not brave enough to tell her best friend that she’s in love with him.
She runs her finger along the edge of her bottom lip, fixing a non-existent unevenness in her shiny black lipstick to buy herself some more time before she has to leave the bathroom and re-enter the party.
Normally she has a better hold on herself than this, but something about the alcohol in her blood, the snug fit of his skinny jeans, the way his eyes had lingered on the midriff exposed by her cropped old band shirt when he first saw her tonight is making it harder for Annabeth to remember why she’s spent so long convincing herself that the risk of telling Percy how she feels and maybe hurting their friendship isn’t worth it.
She needs to sober up.
There’s a knock at the bathroom door.
She needs to sober up now.
“One second!” She calls out, meeting her own gaze in the mirror and muttering, “Annabeth Chase, you are stronger than this,” before straightening and walking out of the bathroom before she can second guess herself.
Annabeth decides to hunt down Rachel, who will probably laugh in her face about the fact that Annabeth is freaking out over this and effectively remind her of how ridiculous she’s being.
Instead she runs into Percy.
“Hey!” He says, steadying her with his hands on her arms, his eyes on hers. “I’ve been looking for you. Wanna dance?”
She hears the beginning notes of a Ciara track on the speakers above her and grins. What a shame she hadn’t found Rachel first to talk some sense into her. “You know,” she starts, a teasing tone dripping easily into her voice, “There was a time when I would’ve had to beg you to ask me to dance with you.” She starts walking in the direction of the makeshift dancefloor in the next room, “I’m proud of this growth, Percy.”
“Shut up,” he groans, nudging her with his shoulder and grabbing her hand, spinning her under his arm and into the crowd of bodies dancing with varying levels of coordination. “If you want to talk about who’s improved the most since middle school, I could say a lot about how you’ve learnt not to step on my toes anymore.” Annabeth rolls her eyes at him but doesn’t miss the way he keeps hold of her hand after she’s finished spinning. She uses it to spur her on, running her hands up his arms until she can hook them behind his neck and pull him closer.
“Touché,” she says as his hands come up to rest at her waist, his body swaying with hers to the beat.
Percy and Annabeth are friends. Best friends. Despite the ceaseless teasing of their classmates, they are decidedly nothing more than friends. Sure, they’ve kissed a few times. It doesn’t mean anything.
At least, it doesn’t mean anything Annabeth is willing to admit to herself.
There are moments when she lets herself forget that there are consequences to her actions, though. Moments when the feelings Annabeth spends most of her time ignoring demand to be felt, so she holds on to Percy a little bit tighter, stands a little bit closer, lets her gaze linger a little bit longer.
It doesn’t help that he seems more than willing to indulge her on these occasions.
So tonight they’re holding onto each other, dancing to 2000s music. There’s a disco ball hanging from the light at the centre of the room, and the light it reflects casts shimmering squares over Percy’s face as they watch each other. She feels it, an electric tension that seems to always hum between them but only flares up at certain moments – like right now. Percy’s hands tighten at her waist and she’s one second from pushing up onto her toes so she can press her lips to his when all the lights in the room come on and an adult female voice starts shouting at the Stolls for hosting a party in her house without telling her.
It might’ve ruined the moment, but the adrenaline rush she gets as the entire mob around her start streaming for the exit fires her up just as much. Grinning, she grabs Percy’s hand and makes for the front door, patting Travis Stoll on the shoulder as she runs past he and his brother getting lectured by their mother in the midst of the chaos.
By the time they’re outside and in Percy’s car, both of them are panting and laughing, buckling their seatbelts as Percy’s starts the engine of his old truck. They hear a tap at the back window and turn to see Charles Beckendorf and Silena Beauregard waving through the glass. Percy rolls the window down and Beckendorf says, “Got two spare seats?”
“’Course, man,” Percy says, and the couple file into the car. Then they’re off, exchanging escape stories and guessing what the Stolls’ punishment will be and eventually falling into a comfortable, tired silence as the high starts to wear off.
When they reach Beckendorf’s apartment, he and Silena get out of the car with a “Good night,” and Annabeth watches the boy loop his arm over his girlfriend’s shoulder as they walk into his building.
She turns back to Percy to see him watching them too, making sure they get inside safely. The way his green eyes reflect the streetlight in the darkness of the car is dazzling to Annabeth, and when his gaze meets hers she’s already feeling swept up again in the interrupted moment they’d shared at the party.
She doesn’t think, her hand just comes up to cup his cheek and then they’re kissing in his car.
It’s gentle and slow, like they’re both conscious that the moment is fragile enough to break if they’re not careful. Her hand stays on his cheek, and his own on the wheel, and in the quiet of their embrace Annabeth feels a section of the tight shell around her heart loosen.
They both jump when Percy’s phone vibrates with a text message, and Annabeth snaps her hand back into her lap, her mind reeling and well and truly sobered up. What was she thinking?
“It’s just mom,” Percy says, clearing his throat, “Asking when I’ll be home.”
Annabeth doesn’t respond, just stares directly out the windshield while she waits for Percy to reply to his mom and then pull out from the curb. He switches the radio on and neither of them speak the entire drive back to her place.
Before she gets out of the car she meets his gaze. Somehow, seeing the nervousness that she’s feeling herself reflected in his own eyes brings a soft smile to her face and lets her body relax.
“See you on Monday?” She asks, and he visibly relaxes too.
“See you on Monday.” He smiles.
She walks up the path to her front door and looks over her shoulder to wave at him after she’s turned the key, knowing he won’t leave until she’s closed the door behind her.
At school on Monday she berates him for forgetting his homework and it’s like the kiss never happened.
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plaidbooks · 4 years
A/N: This is just a short, mostly fluff piece, in which Rafael Barba takes care of a sick reader. Based on true events (note: please take medications as prescribed)
Tags: briefest mention of rape, cold medication (and taking too much of it, though not an overdose)
You groaned as you woke up, rolling over and slowly opening your eyes. You felt a soreness in your throat that wasn’t there the night before, and one nostril was clogged. No, you thought, refusing to even acknowledge how your body may or may not be feeling. You rolled over to look at the empty spot beside you; Rafael, your boyfriend, had already left for the day. You groaned again as you got out of bed, dragging your feet to the bathroom. You looked in the mirror, but your eyes caught the bright orange sticky note stuck to the glass.
Hope you have a wonderful day. See you for dinner - Love Raf
You smiled, butterflies in your stomach. You’d been dating for months now, and he left these notes often, but they still made you fall a little more in love with him every time.
Eyes now focusing on your reflection, you winced; you looked exactly how you had felt when you woke up. Maybe a shower would help. You showered quickly, enjoying the warm water on your skin, letting the warmth awaken you. The steam was even able to help unclog your nose, though your throat was still hurting, your head still not feeling right. But you knew that you were already running a little late, and you needed to get going. Before you left the apartment, though, you grabbed the little package of DayQuil, cursing yourself, seeing it as an admission of weakness; if you didn’t let yourself acknowledge your illness, then you wouldn’t be sick! 
You made it to precinct 16, coffee in hand, apology to your boss, Lieutenant Olivia Benson, on your lips. She waved you off; you were very rarely late, and you always had a legit reason. Thankfully, she didn’t ask for one today, because the only excuse you had was maybe coming down with something.
The day seemed to drag on and on, and you felt no better as the hours stretched. Eventually, it came up that there was to be a stake out that night.
“[Y/L/N], Carisi, you two take tonight. Rollins, Fin, you two will take the second shift in the morning,” Olivia ordered.  Your heart sank; a whole night? Feeling like this?
“Sure thing, Lieu,” Sonny replied, shooting you a goofy smile and thumbs up. He wasn’t quite the new guy anymore, but sometimes, he still acted like it. If you were feeling normal, you would’ve smiled and rolled your eyes playfully at him. But now you just sat there, silently thankful you grabbed the DayQuil earlier. You took out your phone and sent a text to Rafael, telling him not to wait up for you. At least it was a Friday, and you’d be off all weekend, after this one night.
“So, what did this guy do again?” you asked, huddled in the passenger seat, sipping at your coffee for warmth.
Sonny was watching the apartment that housed the man you were tasked in staking out, watching for any signs of life. “He raped his wife, and is now trying to threaten her to keep her from testifying.”
You nodded, sighing. You glanced at the clock. It read 3:40am. Got another hour and 20 minutes until Fin and Rollins switched with you two. You had taken another round of DayQuil at midnight, and it was already wearing off. There was no more denying it; you were definitely coming down with a cold. You only hoped that you wouldn’t be getting Sonny sick. Your plan for the weekend was to try and sleep it off; you had some severe NyQuil at home, something you’d never tried before. You weren’t much on medication, especially liquids, but desperate times called for desperate measures.
You were nodding off in your seat when there was a knock on your window. You were so out of it, you didn’t even jump. Turning, you could see Rollins outside the car door. You shuffled out, letting Rollins take your seat, Sonny switching with Fin on the other side.
“Need a ride?” Sonny asked once you were out of sight of the apartment.
“Blease,” you replied, your nose now completely clogged, making the word come out weird. Sonny cocked his brow at you, but didn’t bring it up as he drove you home.
You put your key in the door, unlocking it, and pushing your way in. You felt yourself descend into sickness with every step you took as you shuffled into the living room, unwilling to shed your jacket--you were suddenly freezing and you wrapped the garment around yourself tighter. You walked over to the couch and fell face-first onto the cushions
“Cariño?” you heard Rafael call from the kitchen. You didn’t even notice he was awake; your senses were completely clouded at this point. You grunted, the cushions muffling your voice. You heard his hurried footsteps as he came over to you.
“Are you okay, mi amor?” he asked, crouching down by your head. You turned to face him. His bright green eyes were full of concern, and he placed a comforting hand on your back, rubbing soft circles there.
“I think I’m sick,” you muttered. “I feel like shit.”
He gave your face one more look before he stood, heading for the kitchen. “Let me get you some ginger ale, and then I’ll make you some of my Mami’s famous soup; you’ll feel better instantly.”
You smiled despite yourself; god you loved this man. “I’ll take the ginger ale. But right now, I think I’m just going to have some NyQuil and try and sleep. I’ve been up for almost 24 hours. Can you make me soup when I wake up?”
Rafael was back instantly, ginger ale in his hand. “Of course. Let’s get you to bed.” He helped you stand, then led you to your shared bedroom.
“I don’t want to get you sick,” you protested as he started to help you undress.
He smirked at that. “Don’t worry, Cariño. I don’t get sick.” Now that you thought about it, you had never seen the man sick before. It was true that you, too, rarely got sick, but to never be sick?
“Lucky,” you huffed. He chuckled before helping you climb into bed, tucking you in. He went to the medicine cabinet in the bathroom, grabbed the NyQuil, then poured a cap-full for you. You drank it, trying not to gag on the gross taste, drinking the ginger ale after words.
“Sleep, baby. I’m off today; call me if you need me, okay?” he said, leaning in to kiss your forehead. You smiled, resting your head on the soft pillows, while he went back out of the room. 
You laid there, comfortable except for the illness in your head, congesting your nose, making your throat sore. But sleep never came for you. After an hour, you decided to try and take another cap-full of the disgusting cold medicine. Nothing. After yet another hour, you took a third cap-full, praying for some sort of sleep. Finally, darkness overtook you.
You woke up, groggy, unaware of your surroundings, with a terrible pain in your stomach. It felt like you hadn’t eaten in days. Suddenly remembering the cold medicine, you whipped to look at the clock, wondering how long you could’ve slept to be this hungry. You were stunned to see that only 2 hours had passed.
Maybe I’ve slept a whole day? you thought. But Rafael would’ve woken you...right? After waiting for another painful cramp to subside, you climbed out of bed. You shuffled out of the room, somewhere between sick, hungry, and floating through space. You could hear running water; Rafael was taking a shower in the guest bathroom, probably trying to not wake you. Same day, then.
You made your way to the kitchen, hoping to find something easy to eat, but all you could think of was soup--probably because Rafael had mentioned it. Though, he hadn’t started it, yet, since he didn’t know when to expect you. No worries, you thought, I’ll just make some shitty ramen. You grabbed a pot, filled it with water, and started the stove. Once the water was boiling, you put the noodles in, stirring it. Suddenly, your vision went black. You blinked a few times, but your vision didn’t return. In your drug-induced state, this didn’t seem particularly alarming; you simply sat on the ground, knees pulled up to your chest, arms wrapped around them as you waited for your vision to return.
Slowly, your eyesight returned to you. You blinked, making sure it wasn’t going away again, before you stood and continued cooking your noodles.
“[Y/N]! What the hell are you doing up?” Rafael was in the entrance to the kitchen, wearing only sweatpants, his hair still damp from his shower.
“Hungry,” you murmured back, stirring in the flavor packet. There must’ve been something weird in your voice, because he came over, turned off the stove, and led you away, out of the kitchen, and to the couch.
“Sit,” he commanded. “Stay.” He disappeared and you sat there, staring at the carpeted floor, not quite remembering how you got there or what you were waiting for.
Rafael came back, a bowl in his hands. He handed it to you, and you looked inside at the noodles you had been cooking. Remembering your hunger, you went to take a bite before he stopped you.
“It’s probably hot,” he cautioned, that concern never leaving his expression. He took the bowl from you, and you let out a sad whimper at the loss of food. Instead, he twirled the fork in the noodles, collecting a small amount, and blew on them before holding the fork out to you. He fed you like this until the bowl was empty, blowing on every fork-full.
“Feel better?” he asked, a small smile tugging on his lips, but that concern still deep within his green eyes.
You nodded. “I think I’m going to try and sleep again.” You stood up and he was instantly beside you, leading you back to bed. This time, however, he climbed in bed with you, pulling your body close to his.
“I’m going to make sure you stay here longer than 2 hours this time,” he explained, wrapping his arms around you protectively. You didn’t mind, melting into his touch, his warmth. He kissed your shoulder, his lips warm even through the fabric of your nightshirt. You were asleep before you could even reply.
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iturbide · 3 years
May I request...more Dimitri and Claude bonding...of the Spite Project variety...blease water my crops there is not much platonic content for these two in these woods....
It really seems like fandom at large tends to overlook most if not all platonic stuff: gen content falls by the wayside in favor of always pushing the romantic narrative, and that’s an absolute shame.  There’s a reason this is called my Spite Project, and it’s because so much of it is motivated by spite directed at the wider fandom that only values Claude and Dimitri’s relationship on the condition that it’s romantic, to which I say “that’s bullshit and here’s a novel to prove why.”
“You...want to learn dancing,” Dimitri repeated. 
“Yep,” Claude grinned, folding his arms behind his head. 
“From me,” the prince added.
“You’re the first person I’ve asked,” the archer agreed. 
“...why me?” 
“Well, Lorenz would just be an endless critical nightmare, Lysithea’s got no time with her studies, Hilda’s got no energy because teaching is too much work…”
“No, I mean...w-well, yes, actually, that, too,” Dimitri conceded, “but I more meant...what made you think I would be able to help?”
“Lucky guess,” Claude shrugged.  “I figured dancing’s gotta be one of those things they teach all noble kids, since they have this whole White Heron Cup in the first place.  And you, your Princeliness, are royalty, meaning you’re even more likely to know.”
“I...actually learned quite late, comparatively,” the prince admitted.  “And I’ve not practiced in quite some time, so--”
“Hey, all the more reason to teach me, right?”  The archer’s smile conveyed nothing but confidence that Dimitri quite wished he shared.  “The best way to learn is to practice, and what better way to practice than by showing someone else how it’s supposed to go?”
“I sincerely doubt that Manuela will be selecting me as the Blue Lions’ representative for the White Heron Cup,” he sighed.  At least, he prayed that she would pick someone else…
“Even if she doesn’t, though, there’s still the ball.”  Clearing his throat, the Leicester heir straightened and squared his shoulders, adopting the poise and a comic likeness of Seteth’s stern expression.  “As the heads of our respective Houses, we’ll be expected to attend the festivities.  Or something like that,” he finished, letting the impersonation drop while the prince tried not to laugh (and rather failed, judging by the grin twitching at the corners of Claude’s mouth).  “We’re gonna need to figure this out one way or another.  Seemed like it would be more fun doing it together.”
...in all fairness, it was a rather tempting offer.  Especially in light of the recent events in Remire that still hung over their heads like a dark cloud: perhaps the distraction would be good for him.  “I would be willing to teach you -- on one condition,” he added.  “Why is it that you don’t know how to dance?  You are Duke von Riegan’s heir, are you not?  Was it not part of your education?”
“What, that’s it?” the archer laughed.  “I got pulled into the whole noble life pretty late, and Judith and I didn’t get too far with the dancing lessons before I got shipped off to Garreg Mach.”
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Ramble away, cause I feel the twisted head rot, I kinda wanna see what you think about our bois. ~ a pocket sized dragon hops in excitement.
A POCKET SIZED DWAGOOOOOONNNN 😭💞💞💞 That’s so BLESSED, and tysm omg, I’m very glad to just spill out my barking on every boy, bc yEAH THE BRAIN ROT SKDHAKDB
Everything I breathe ends up relating to TWST in some way, like at this point just let me take my friends, cousins, and pets, and of course Lulu and Seb, and I will have 1. A Gottdamned Harem, 2. So Many Children, and 3. NEVER WANT TO LEAVE. Kwfhskdhjwek
Ok this is gonna be long bc I gotta cover all my boys, so rip lol.
Dorm Leads:
GOD, my Fucking Baby, my CHILD, my SWEET BABY BOY, I’M 👁💧👄💧👁
I would die for him, beetch, he is PRECIOUS ♥️
He reminds me of how I feel Ciel would behave if S/O took the place as Sebastian’s contracee, too, so like 🥺 Lots of feels 😭
Is Son, I have adopted him now. If you mistreat him, don’t ever speak to me or my son ever again. I’ll FIGHT his MOM, don’t TEST me. I’m his new mom now. His BIRD mom. So proud of him, he’s like...one of the few that’s actually shown growth in canon after his overblot kshdkadjs
.....I am a Mere Simp....
Ya’ll.... I swearh to ghOD I simped hard for Scar back when I was a wee thing, I did NOT expect to simp for him AGAIN LATER IN LIFE, what the FUCK aidhskdhskdj
Like shit bitch, damn, you may not be king of Afterglow honey, but you can be king of my heart if you wAnt to bb....
Leona: *smiles once, even if it’s smugly*
Me: *WEEPING* Look at hiiiiiiim!! My sunshine booooooy! 😭
Does this make me a furry
I am too Simp to Care Anymore
Call me a Herbivore again, bully me //SLAPPED
He secretly a lil shit sometimes, but tha’s ok, it’s mostly in a silly way, especially post overblot~ UvU
The sweetest bby everytime I read fanposts on him, like god, ah 💜💜💜 WHOMST COULD BULLY SUCH A CUTE CHUBBY OCTOBABY I’LL FIGHT ALL OF EM!! A sweetheart 10/10 would be his friend 💗 Not making contracts with him tho, lol
...ok maybe SOME after his overblot, but they’re able to be easily reversed now, so it’s way more chill andhsjdj
He is literally so sweet, anytime anyone was like “you’re so nice it’s annoying” I WAS READY TO COME FLYING IN TO BITCH SLAP THEM LIKE AJDHSKDHSJ (even if I also loved them lol)
Like NO you are WRONG whfksjd
He has also grown so much, and I am proud ♥️🧡
Jesus Christ, canon Vil is Hurting Meeeeee ajdhskdhsj
My fave fanon Vil is the one that recognizes all different types of beauty, though~ uvu and is v encouraging to anyone that may be struggling with self hatred 💜
Canon: Vil is pretty~.
Me: Wow, wtf???? He IS so pretty... How rude I didn’t think you were serious! Wow him??? Pretty??? Wow??? Wow...
I’m not sure yet, as I haven’t seen him very often, but of the few times that I have: BIG same, huge mood, and Me FUCKING Too, goddamn akdhakdj
Idia is my Anxiety and Anime Nerd personified tbh lol
What Ortho is to him are what all my comfort characters are to me, honestly.
Like what would you like bby, you want that singing voice?? Ok here comes a synthesizer just special for you~. Ily, mwah~ u3u 💕
Ok maybe it’s just the lack of story/info out on him yet, but I don’t currently simp as hard for him compared to Leona, I’ll admit jajdkajd
He Is Baby... And I Lob Him....
I am going to smooch those horns and forehead crown of beautiful scales 🖤🖤🖤 I am going to do it!!!! Here I go!!!
This man is too precious for words, and I have so much childhood nostelgia to ‘enchanted’ woods, and being in the mountains, so he has Old Fae Friend vibes to me~🖤
Ngl I ship him and Leona a lil bit lol
No, not just bc that makes a poly with my two faves easier, but that is a bonus factor jadhajdj
Vice Dorm Heads:
Oh my god, the Daddy to my Mommy with all these newly adopted lil kids of ours, ya know??? What a wholesome sweetie and funny lil shit jahdksdh~
I love him, I would gladly make tarts with, AND for him 💚💚💚
The kind of boi who I’d ship HARD with anyone he started dating bc My God it would warm my heart So Much 💞💞
Ruggie (unofficial but may as well be at this point lol)
He took a while to grow on me kadhskdhsj
But I think he’d be a sweet, if a trouble-maker of a friend to have~.
Dank you for taking care of my sweet lion bby, honey, I’m sure Farrena is a sweetheart, but boi I hope he gets his shit together to fix up where Ruggie lives 😭
I think if I met his granny, I’d CRY jadhajsh 💗💗
Leech Twins (?)
Idk if they’re vice leaders, but who cares lol
THESE are the older Big Brothers in every sense of the word. (My canon ages most everyone up just a bit, save for Riddle, Ace, Deuce, Kalim, Jamil, Cheka, and anyone already 20+)
The ANNOYING older big brothers, lol.
The ones that hug you to death (Floyd), or use you for an arm rest (Jade), and specifically Do the thing you asked/told them NOT to Do.
This is fine with me tho, I’m an only child, please give me the experience of annoying older brothers lol 💙💚
I used to hate you bby, I’m so sorry akdhskdhs
I’ve adopted him now, and I’m v proud he’s trying, but making clear what his boundaries are, and trying to come out of a shell he was made to be in for so long 😭
God. FUCKING Rook, lol.
IDK IF I SHOULD TRUST YOU, but I also kinda wanna be your friend akdhakdjs
HE CONCERNS ME but he also seems nice and v sweet sometimes, lmao
Blz don’t stalk me tho 😬
Also, if he DARES hunt cute animals around me, especially BIRDS, I am going to GRIP him jahdkahdsk
He’s like if Lord Druitt was a Little More Nice and a Little Bit Less Creepy ajdhak
I absolutely hc him as nonbinary w/masc pronouns, I absoLUTELY do.
I adore him, I love him, I haven’t gotten a squish (hardcore desire to be someone’s friend, lol) this hard for a character since AngelDust, I-
Pwease be nonbinary friends with me, Lilia 🥺
Anyone know Corpse and how he plays Among Us? That’s how I see Lilia playing his video games with friends and I JUST I JUST I J U S T
The Spencer to your Carly.
He and Crowley are free to compete as Dad with me too like honestly kshdkadjjs
He’ll always be granpa tho uvu 💚💖🖤
God, the Fucking Annoying Middle Brother that pranks you ALL THE DAMN TIME, but I love him andhakdhsk
The Josh to Ace’s Drake. The Cody to Ace’s Zack. The Freddie to your Carly and Ace’s Sam.
If he and Ace started dating, tho, I would CRY.
But regardless who they end up dating, it’ll be slow burn friends to lovers, and literally the most adorable shit to watch EVER 💞💞💞😭
Seems Like A Womanizer But Actually Drinks His Reapect Women Juice And We Stan That 🧡
Can always count on him to help tou get the best Magicram shots, bless you Cater 🧡🧡
Also rly wanna be his friend, ngl 😭 Even IF he pranks me a lot kadhakdhsj
If all three Savannaclaw bois got in a cuddle pile with me, I would Not Be Mad
How can I give this boy love, tell me and I will Do It
Gift him all the cacti’s he WANTS💛
God he drinks that respecc women juice bright and early on his run every morning, you KNOW he does 💛💛💛
I wawnt to pet his ears an tail an fwuffy wolf form 😭
He is a v devoted guard tho, we love to see it UvU
I don’t have more info on him hekdhskdj but his fanmade content seems v v sweet~ 💚
Him being raised by Lilia and Malleus literally gives me so much Fucking Seratonin....... God 💞💕💗💗💞💞💗💗💕💞
He is so FUCKING CUTE what the FUCK!
Leonaaaaaaa... 🥺 Your NEPHEWWWWW 😭
I might steal him from Farrena tbh, lIKE MY CHILD NOW~ 🧡🧡
I just sob and hug him every time I see him honestly 😭
Dire Crowley
Ohhhhhh god oh god oh god
Be my dad. Please. Be my dad. PLEASE be my dad. Ya’ll think I’m joking, I’m not. Please adopt me. Fuck. Fuck. FUCK.
This man as a father gives me so much dopamine and oxytocin and seratonin??? I have been weeping for WEEKS, please adopt me, Sir
Fathers with zero braincells being wrapped around a daughter’s little finger makes me so weak, and I am just here with Daddy Issues like ajdhakdhsj BLEASE ADOPT ME MISTER BIRD MAN
Forgive me, I haven’t seen much content with him in it/that could be considered wholesome, bUT JADHWKDJSJ
Please keep the kink talk out of the classroom, S I R
Call me puppy one more time, see what happens, I’m not scared to fight a teacher akdhakdhsj
The Dad Figure that tries to be the stern part to Crowley’s blumbering kahdkqrhsjdj
Don’t feel as much attachment to him emotionally, but I like him~
Just let me pet your cat sometimes and give you holiday presents, and we’re cool~ ♥️
Found the womanizer //SMACKED
And of course, I can’t forget Grim~!
He’s grown on me, and if anything happens to him I will kill everyone in the room, and then myself 😭
I will pet and snuggle and hold him all he wants and feed him all the tuna his heart desires uvu 💙
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illfoandillfie · 4 years
Oh my gosh what about 40 except it’s her who texts the wrong person? With any of the boys I can’t choose lol
40. Called/texted the wrong person but she he was into it anyway.
Okay babe, this was a Very Good prompt. Originally didn’t plan to have quite so much smut but hhhhhhhh its midnight and i am worked the fuck up after a day of writing these things. Also it’s like 1500 words so I’m gonna chuck this one under a cut.
Also also, I went with Gwil because I haven’t had any gwil recs so blease be kind I don’t write him so often.
“u up? I need u” you sent the text quickly, hoping the guyyou’d had an off and on fuck buddy setup with would be around to answer.
“It’s 1am, why do you need me?”
More words than you’d expected. Normally he’d reply with athumbs up or down. But you didn’t think about it too much before replying. “myvibes out of batteries and my fingers aren’t working”
There was a long pause. Also unusual. Normally if he wasfree he’d reply within seconds. You glanced back up at the previous messages.Why was there a text in there about leaving your sweater at his place? You hadn’tbeen to his place recently. Your brain ticked over, slowly putting the piecesof the puzzle together until you realised your mistake. You took another lookat the name of the person you’d texted. GWILYM. Oh fuck. With all the speed youcould muster you began typing out a quick apology and explanation but beforeyou could hit send he’d responded.
“Poor baby girl. Can’t leave you like that, can we. Yours ormine?”
That was the last thing you’d expected him to say. Youshould let him know you’d texted him by accident though, shouldn’t you? Thatwas the polite thing to do. Your thumb hovered over the send button but youdrew it back again. The thing was, he was apparently not opposed to the idea.And if you told him you’d been thinking of someone else then he’d probably loosehis nerve or his interest. And really that would just leave you to booty call aguy who may or may not respond. But this was an almost guaranteed fuck. Sure,the potential for awkwardness was much higher but Gwil was very attractive andit wasn’t like you hadn’t considered it before. You deleted half the apologymessage and stopped again, reconsidering. Maybe he’d been joking. You retypedthe next three words of the apology. But he didn’t sound like he was joking. Sofuck it. Right? Yeah, fuck it. You’d just fuck Gwil instead of the guy younormally went to. You finished deleting the apology quickly typing back “mine?”
“I’ll be there in 10,” It came through a lot faster than theprevious messages. Okay. So he was coming over and he was eager. You lookedaround your room to make sure it was tidy enough for company, swinging yourlegs out of bed and walking towards your front door to wait. You stood, armsfolded over your chest for a couple of minutes, but the chill of the tiles creptup your bare legs, so you began pacing up and down the corridor, waiting forGwil to arrive. Around ten minutes later you heard a knock on your door, startlingyou from your reverie. You didn’t bother pretending to wait a few minutes,instead opening the front door before he’d managed to lower his fist. You weretoo worked up to worry about whether or not you looked desperate.
“Hi,” he said as soon as he saw you, “apparently you needme?”
All you could manage was to nod as you stepped out of thewalkway, letting him in.
“You that needy you can’t even talk?” He chuckled softly,dropping his overnight bag by the door and stepping in close to drag his thumbover your lips. You watched his eyes slowly creep up your body, taking in your nakedlegs and the oversized shirt you wore, “Good thing I’m here then, isn’t itdarling? Your room’s down this way, if I remember correctly?”
He laughed again as he let you go, turning to walk towardsyour room, trusting you’d follow. Which you did, of course.
“I think I know what the answer to this is but I’ve gottaask anyway, I was a wrong number right?”
“Yeah,” you said sheepishly, closing your bedroom doorbehind you.
“But you’re still okay with me being here?”
“Yes. I just really really need a good fuck,”
“Don’t worry about that, darling, you’ll get what you want.But you need to understand something. I’m not just some fuck. I don’t expect usto date after tonight or even for this to happen again. But I’m not just arandom booty call you can use and then lose. Okay? So if that’s a problem foryou, speak up now.”
“No, there’s no problem. I understand.”
“Good girl,”
You felt a shiver run through you with his praise. Or maybethat was because he was once again standing in your personal space, slippinghis hands under the hem of your shirt. You had to grab onto his arm forstability when his elegant fingers came into contact with your core.
“You poor desperate little thing. Completely soaked already.”
“Please Gwil, I want you so bad.”
“I know sweetheart. But, while you might be ready, I’m not. Youable to help me out?”
As soon as the words were out of his mouth you were droppingto your knees, making short work of his fly and pushing his pants down hislegs. He calmly told you to wait as he stepped out of them and added his shirtto the pile before finally allowing you to touch him. With a look up at him tomake sure he was okay with the morning’s events you leaned in and ran yourtongue along his half hard length. You went as slow as you could manage consideringyou were running on pure need, trailing hot open-mouthed kisses up and down hisshaft until he grew impatient enough to warningly say your name. You took thehint, switching to suck on his tip as you pumped him slowly. He tangled his fingersinto your hair, making you hum as you slowly bobbed your head over him. He hadto remind you to be patient n a few times, his voice a low growl and his gripon your hair tightening slightly. But you could hardly be blamed for want tomove things along a little faster. You were just about dripping with how badlyyou wanted him in your pussy.
Eventually he relented, praising you for being such a goodlittle cockslut, sucking him off so well.
“But you want more, don’t you darling? Want me to fuck yourneedy little pussy?”
“God yes Gwil, please.”
He held his hand out to help pull you to your feet, “How doyou want me?”
“I don’t care,”
“Alright, I suppose you’ve waited long enough. On the bed,on your back. I’m going to watch your pretty face when you cum and I expect tohear you moaning my name.”
He didn’t have to wait long to hear it, a rough, “oh fuckGwil,” falling from your lips as soon as he entered you. The slight burn fromthe stretch only made it more delicious as you finally got what you’d so badlyneeded. Another shaky moan was pulled from you as he readjusted your position,lifting your legs up over his shoulders, letting him sink even deeper. Hestarted carefully, giving you a moment or two to adjust to him before he beganrolling his hips against yours. Almost gentle at first but your pleading formore, faster, harder had him changing his pace, thrusting into you roughly,making you cry out with every one. And he kept up a string of praise, callingyou a good girl for being so vocal for him, telling you how turned on he wasbut how fucking wet you were, how good you felt. You shook when you finally came,finally got the release you’d been craving, Your voice caught in your throatand you grabbed at the sheets so tight you thought you might have ripped themwith your nails. He kept fucking you through it, even when his own release hit,his grunts puncturing the air until you were choking out his name.
Carefully he pulled out of you. You were vaguely aware thathe’d got up, left the room, half expecting to find him gone when you finallysummoned the strength to move. But he returned a minute later with a glass ofwater and a warm cloth.
“Do you mind?” He asked, holding the cloth up. You shookyour head, and he cleaned you up as carefully as he could. When he was done hegave you a hand to sit up and handed you the water.
“Drink, Y/N.”
You mumbled a small thank you and gulped down the entireglass.
“Yes, thanks. Are you staying?”
“If that’s alright. I brought an overnight bag but I wasn’tsure.”
“I’d like it if you did. Plus, you must be tired after that,can’t ask you to drive now.”
He smiled and pressed a kiss to your forehead.
“I’m gonna go pee. I’ll grab a change of sheets on my wayback.”
“Wait, put this back on,” He handed you the shirt you’d beenwearing when he arrived and you noticed his underpants were back in place.
Together you managed to get the sheets changed, and thencollapsed onto the bed, snuggling in close to each other.
“I don’t know if I want to know but can I ask how I compareto the guy you meant to text?”
“So much better. He usually leaves as soon as we’re done.”
“Maybe you should forget his number. Call me again.”
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secretblog1212 · 5 years
All in Good Humor
BLEASE can I get “You think you’re funny?” with Geralt & Jaskier? -Amazingmsme
Of freaking COURSE! this turned out way longer than I expected it to but like y’know oops. Hope you like it!!!
Okay, so Jaskier should have known that going after Roach would be taking things a bit too far, but he didn’t happen to be thinking of that at the time. No, instead his only thought process was ‘this will get Geralt back for even thinking of touching my lute.’ Roach seemed perfectly content with it as well, so jaskier didn’t quite see what all the problem was, but by the time Geralt had gotten back from fighting some monster on their way to the next town over he had been put in a mood.
Jaskier was tuning his money maker when Geralt walked up to where he had left the two of his companions together less than an hour ago. The crunching of sticks and leaves as he made his way closer had Jaskier barely keeping his grin off his face. He couldn’t wait to see what his Witcher would do. 
The snapping stopped all at once and the air was silent waiting for some response to be had. Geralt walked towards his beautiful steed, patting her nose and bringing his hands up towards her hair which had been braided with forest wildflowers. He hummed at her and she snorted back, pushing herself against his shoulder. 
Now, this is where Jaskier started to think he might have gotten away with it. Geralt seemed to appreciate that Roach approved. At least, that was what he thought until Geralt turned away from his horse and the Witcher and his Bard were face to face. 
Geralt took slow, strong steps to where Jaskier was sitting against a tree. Panic began to boil in Jaskiers belly. Surely Geralt wouldn’t do anything horrible, maybe tell him off for putting Roach in the cross hairs of their games, but no harm no foul right? Those thoughts began to turn more fearful and questioning with every rustle of the leaves beneath Geralt's feet. Perhaps using Roach was a no no he hadn’t thought of before, but he had thought it was a cute idea. She was truly a beautiful horse and deserved to be pampered from time to time. 
Jaskier looked his doom face on as Geralt stood towering over top of him. He’d allow Geralt to make the first move, caution would be needed until he knew how deep he had gotten himself. 
Geralt's voice was gravely, raspy like he got after fighting a good fight. The adrenaline was still pumping its way through his veins. 
“You think you’re funny?” He asked. The question itself showed that although he may not be angry at Jaskier, he wouldn’t let him get away with any of his actions. 
If Jaskier had any sense of self preservation he would have made the smart choice of either apologizing, or switching the conversation to how beautiful Roach looked. But sadly, Jaskier did not have a single cautionary bone in his body. 
“I think I’m quite hilarious actually.”
Jaskier, as he always did, kept going. “Honestly surprised I haven’t started to take up being a comedian yet, perhaps a jester or something if i were to ever settle down?”
“More like a town foul to me.”
With a gasp of shock, more for dramatic effect now than anything, “Why I am offended Geralt! Wh- How dare you call me a foul. A *foul*!”
Geralt just hummed at him again, not even dignifying him with a response, honestly the nerve of some people. 
Jaskier carefully set his lute on the ground, he would need his arms for this performance. “Just because you have a bad sense of humor,” he began as he got himself to his feet, ignoring how Geralt still towered over him. “Does not mean that others would not find my jokes funny. And if you believe so, oh, you are sadly mistaken! You couldn’t make a hyena laugh if you tried you-you always serious big Mr.Tough guy!”
Geralt just tilted his head as if contemplating something. “I have my own methods.”
Jaskier had to laugh at that. “Methods? How, boring people to death till they give you pity laughs?”
That was the wrong thing to say. Geralt wasn’t angry, of course not over some playful dispute, but Jaskier had seen how his eyes shifted from bored and slightly annoyed to playful and observant. He had started a competition he wasn’t ready to handle. 
Geralt set his shoulders back. “Alright. How about we make a deal then Jaskier, if I can make you laugh before we sleep for the day then you will have to complete a request of mine.”
A double edged sword if Jaskier had ever seen one, a deal that he knew he would lose, but what was pride if it didn’t make you make poor decisions in order to prove a point. 
He narrowed his eyes, he was curious as to what Geralt would do anyway so why not.
Geralt smirked, and then backed away without saying another word. 
“Uhh, hello there?” Jaskier grumpily asked as he followed the taller man. “Are you going to do anything or just give up?”
Geralt looked over his shoulder, then up at the beaming sun in the sky. “Well, since I have all day and night before I need to complete my task I figured I could take my time. I am going to head down to the lake about half a mile to the east to wash up now.”
Jaskier was dumbfounded, although he should have expected Geralt to drag this out as long as he could. Instead he scoffed and crossed his arms as Geralt gathered a set of new clothes to change into. 
He didn’t notice when the Witcher had walked up behind him until he was leaning down with a hand on his waist to whisper in his ear causing goose bumps to crawl across his whole body. 
“Don’t worry, I will put my full focus on you here soon my love.”
To say that Jaskier was on edge was an understatement. After Geralt had left it had taken him almost the full hour he was washing to get the blush to leave his face. What exactly Geralt was playing at Jaskier didn’t know, but it hadn’t made him want to laugh. All it made him want to do was find the nearest hotel. 
When Geralt came back, hair damp and skin washed of the dirt and grime of the past week Jaskier was sure he was trying to seduce him rather than make him laugh. But instead of making a move Geralt just went to go fetch some firewood for the night.
Things continued on in a similar fashion for hours, the taunting actions Geralt showed, well aware that Jaskier couldn’t take his eyes off of him, began to be more than just visually distracting. By the time he was getting ready for bed he had forgotten entirely about their whole little competition. 
    Jaskier was pulled close to Geralt, sitting sideways across his lap by the end of the night. Geralt held him with one hand on his back and the other across Jaskier’s legs, watching as the younger bard began to blush light pink across his cheeks. 
‘Get yourself together,’ Jaskier told himself, ‘He shouldn’t be able to fluster you so easily.’
But the bard's face only gained more color as Geralt began to hum in his ear, teasing him about how perfectly the two seemed to fit together. “My hand fits in your hand, and on your head like ale in a tumbler. And even now you sit in my lap as if it were a chair made specifically for you.” Geralt pulled him in closer.
“Any my hand right here, fits perfectly against your side,” he said, but something was different about his voice. It was lower, but not in the way he spoke to the things he fought. No, it was more like he was imitating a monster himself. 
His voice was a growl, sending shivers from his neck to his toes once his next words finally hit him with the force of a mountain troll.
“Just perfect to make you like, like music to my ears.”
In his defense, Jaskier was much too taken aback to properly respond in time. It was a rude trick, a dirty rotten cheating trick. Although the realization had hit him it was too late to try to escape the Witchers hands and wiggling fingers. 
With a squawk of betrayal he tried to push himself further into Geralt, away from the hand that had snuck around his side to squeeze and poke the squishy meat of his body. 
He was able to bite down the giggles that tried to jump out of his chest, and focus on squirming away from the feeling. Memories of earlier that day came rushing back, of fuck why did he make a bet against a Witcher, Geralt none the less. Was he a fucking idiot, no just a town foul. 
He in his squirming he brought himself to have his back against Geralt's chest, best for rolling over to escape right? Well not so much. Instead it just so happened to give Geralt his whole chest to explore, and freed his other hand up from where it had been holding him from flopping backwards out of reach. He tossed his head back onto Geralt's shoulder as he valiantly fought the losing end of his internal war, laughter was sitting right behind his teeth trying to desperately pry his lips apart. 
“Come on Jask, you know you won’t be able to hold out much longer. If you break now maybe I’ll take it easy on you for insulting my humor.”
Jaskier knew he was asking for it, really, but again his pride decided now would be a good time to take the map out of his hands and go off road. He shook his head, ending with his face pressed firmly into Geralt's neck to hide the fact that he was smiling, although Geralt could have figured that one out himself, and blushing more than a maiden at a bar. 
His hands began to wander away from just his sides, one heading toward his center, poking around at the squishy section of his stomach while the other went off on its own down past his hip and to the top of his thigh. 
The sudden shift was enough to break the seal of his lips with a yell. 
“FUHuhucKIHING Gerahahlt!”
Jaskier felt himself losing control, his leg kicked out and he did his best to curl up in an attempt to get away from the devilish fingers, but Geralt easily just held him back against himself. 
Geralt could have stopped there, he had already won so what was the point in continuing. Oh, right, Geralt liked to watch Jaskier suffer. How could he have forgotten. 
Geralt just held him there, occasionally switching spots to test which ones got different reactions. He made little comments too, just little “Oh your ribs must be a bad place if you tried to fling yourself away that hard.” or “Remind me to go for your knees when you start to act up on Roach next time, that should get you acting right.”. The little things like that, or how he analyzed Jaskiers different laughs that he had depending on where he was being tickled. 
Geralt learned that when he dug into Jaskier’s legs he would cackle and kick out a lot, but if he went for a softer spot like his stomach he would giggle and melt almost immediately. He loved to see how they made him blush too, even without the little comments areas that were softer tended to make the man much more red in the face than just laughing could explain. With one hand tilting his head up, too weak to try to really fight him off, Geralt was able to see how Jaskiers eyes squinted shut, and his face was dusted with a light pink which disappeared below the collar of his undershirt. He looked almost graceful, like a Nymph from some of the older stories Geralt had heard. Innocent and playful as he seemed Jaskier began to peek an eye open through his laughter.
Now that wouldn't do, Geralt didn’t like to be caught looking as hypocritical as that sounded. As quickly as he could recover, which was much too quick for Jaskier to even notice what was going on in the first place, Geralt had found his escape plan. 
“I know I’ve already won, but I know you love a big finish.”
He wedged both of his hands underneath Jaskiers arms and began to press against the top most rib with vigor. The rapid switch caused Jaskier to let out an honest to god snort which Geralt would have to come back to later seeing how Jaskier moved to cover his mouth at the sound rather than to get the hands away from him. 
It only lasted a few seconds, but it was enough to get Jaskier cackling like some witch in a wooden cabin. 
His fingers stilled and Geralt held his huffing Bard against his chest while he caught his breath. Jaskier didn’t try to move away, even after the same person had just attacked him, he knew the threat was over now. Geralt put a hand in his hair and gently rubbed at his scalp, occasionally pulling at the tangles that had found a way into his precious locks. His other hand held onto Jaskiers own, the fingers intertwined. 
Geralt leaned them both back together, Jaskier malleable like dough in his hands. Geralt was preparing to sleep now, Jaskier almost fully dead to the world himself when he heard the faint whispers of his bards voice. “Your humor still sucks though.”
He chuckled deeply from inside his chest. Jaskier might never learn his lesson, but they could always try again tomorrow if he wished to be stubborn.
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beetlebitchywitch · 5 years
Blease, may I have incubus!beej with maybe some choking involved and leaving bruises/marks (all consensual obviously)? You write him so well I'm dying.
Hi when did you sneak into my house and find out all my kinks, because you could’ve just knocked, I would’ve baked you some cookies or something
But still I’m gonna write this fic because how can I resist? Also, I’m so glad you like the way I write him, thank you so much!
Warning: slight daddy!kink because come on, he’s got one, extensive hickeys, dirty talk, etc etc 
When you woke up that morning, the first thing you felt was sore. Having an incubus for a partner meant this was a normal occurrence, of course, but this morning felt suspiciously different. The soreness, normally localized at your very center, was instead spread throughout your body, almost to your fingertips. Just pulling yourself out of bed made you wince, though not loud enough to wake the demon slumbering soundly beside you. Really, the only reason you were even awake was because somebody snored like they were attempting to wake the dead, and somehow only managed to wake the living. Grumbling, you made your way to the bathroom, feeling your body protest with each step. It was only when you stood in front of the bathroom mirror that you finally realized where your pain was coming from. 
Your normally unblemished skin was haphazardly littered with dark purple bruises, splotchy and misshapen. You gasped softly, unable to stop staring at the marks so clearly left their by your Beetlejuice. Nearly in a trance, you removed your tank top to expose even more bruised skin, the revealed bruises suspiciously fingerprint shaped on and around your hips. You dragged your fingers between your breasts and down to your stomach, your breathing quickening as your pressed your fingertips lightly over a particularly dark hickey. You dropped your shorts as well, not at all surprised to see full handprint-shaped bruises marring your skin, along with several bite marks. You looked like you’d gotten in a fist fight, except the fist fight had ended in a very rough bout of sex…and you weren’t complaining in the slightest. Especially when you looked up and finally noticed your throat.
There, wrapping so beautifully around the base of your neck, was the perfect imprint of Beej’s hand, splotchy and bruised and beautiful. 
If he hadn’t beaten you to it, you would’ve rushed into the bedroom to wake him up and see how many more marks he could give you. But as it stood, Beetlejuice had grown sentimental, and found it hard to sleep without you in his arms, so you slipping away to the bathroom was bound to wake him up eventually. He padded quietly into the bathroom, tail flicking slowly behind him as he rubbed the grogginess out of his eyes. When he finally saw you, he paused, widened eyes dragging up and down your body. Mm, this was gonna be good.
But in less than a second, Beetlejuice’s hair flashed a brilliant crimson, matching the burning of his eyes and the growing scowl on his lips. 
“Who the FUCK did this to you?!” he exclaimed, descending on you to check every inch of your body, his rage only multiplying with each bruise he saw. “Did you go out alone last night after I fell asleep or some shit? Because these weren’t fuckin’ here before that, and I swear to God whoever laid a hand on you is gonna pay, they’re gonna wish they were never fucking born-” 
His enraged ranting was quickly cut off by you, doubled over in hysterical laughter. Oh my God, you could not fucking believe this.
“How the fuck is this funny, Miss Shit-for-Brains?” he exclaimed, running his fingers through his hair that had gone purple at the roots. “Someone fucking assaulted you, why the fuck are you laughing?” 
“Because, Beej-ohmyGodmystomachfuckinghurts- you did!” you retorted, doubling over once more in belly-busting laughter. When you finally managed to collect yourself, Beetlejuice’s confused face only sent you into another uncontrollable peal of giggles. God, incubi could be so incredibly dense, couldn’t they?
“Me? But you know me, morsel, I’d never lay a finger on you! Unless you asked, of cour-…oh.” His voice trailed off, his eyes reexamining your body in light of his newfound insight. “Oh.”
“Who’s the shit-for-brains now, asshole?” you teased with a light giggle, covering your breasts with one arm when you realized how exposed you were. Of course, Beetlejuice was having none of that.
“Come here, snack cake, no need to be shy,” he drawled, magenta slowly crawling its way from root to tip in his hair. “Let Daddy get a good look at what he’s done to you.”
The mood in the room instantly changed, the air between you two dripping with desire. You averted your eyes as he dragged his clawed fingers up from your hips to your shoulders, pulling a whimper from your lips when he prodded at one particularly sensitive mark. His mouth stretched into a shit-eating grin, his attitude oozing self-satisfaction. 
“Do they hurt?” he asked, looking at you with both curiosity and lust. 
“Only a little,” you admitted softly, leaning into his touch. “And in the best way.”
He chuckled darkly as he pulled you into him, sealing his lips over yours in a deep kiss. He laved your lower lip with his tongue, making you groan against him. 
“That’s my girl, all roughed up and still so desperate. I can smell it, you know that? There’s lust pouring off you, smells so sweet. Whatdya say I take you back to our bed, hmm?”
You were about ten steps ahead of him, bolting from his arms and nearly leaping back onto the mattress, clad only in lacy black panties and yet simultaneously lacking shame. You didn’t need it, not when you had an insatiable demon at your beck and call. Speaking of, he strolled into the room behind you, staring down at you in amusement. 
“I was mostly messing with you about the whole ‘desperate’ thing, babes, but you’re provin’ me wrong,” he teased, his teeth glinting dangerously behind his lips as he grinned. “Feel like bein’ a little slut for me this morning, hmm? Well, Daddy can handle that. Question is, can you handle what I’ve got in store for you?”
“Yes,” you groaned, reaching up to grab his hand and pull him to the bed to hover above you. “Come on, Daddy, aren’t you hungry?”
“Ohhhh, sweetness,” he snarled, reaching down to rip your panties off you and toss them in the corner. “I’m always hungry.” 
You chuckled as your legs were spread roughly. He dove between them, dragging his tongue slowly between your folds. You whined, taking a firm hold of his hair with both hands, your fingers curling and uncurling as hot waves of pleasure rushed through you. Beej sucked on your clit while digging his fingers into the marks he’d left on your thighs barely half a day ago, the pain and pleasure intermingling beautifully inside you. He really knew exactly what you needed at any time, and he was more than excited to give it to you. 
“Fuck, Daddy, feels so good,” you moaned. “Come on, harder.”
You felt him smirk against you as he gripped your thighs harder, aggravating your bruises deliciously. 
“You’re doing so good for me, morsel. You want more? Come on, tell me what you want.”
“Gimme more, Beej,” you groaned, pulling him up by his hair to press his lips to your belly. “Wanna know I’m yours, please.”
As much as Beej always knew what you wanted, you were just as good at appealing to his desires, particularly his insatiable possessiveness. You wanted to know who you belonged to? Well, who was he to deny you? With a rough growl, he sunk his teeth into the soft flesh above your belly button, sucking your skin into his mouth and worrying it between his teeth. You nearly choked on a yelp, your hands scrambling to grip his shoulders. He let your skin loose with a pop, laving his tongue over the reddened flesh that was already starting to go purple before moving on to another open patch of skin. You couldn’t stop him now- he was dragging himself up your body, littering hickeys over your stomach and chest in his wake. If he could find empty space, he was leaving a mark there, his mark, because you were fucking his and no one could ever change that. 
When he finally reached your throat, he paused, smirking down at you as you caught your breath, your breasts heaving with each inhale. 
“Well well, what do we have here?” he drawled, tracing his fingertip around the handprint marring your throat. “Wanna tell me what this is doing here, sweetness?”
“Don’t act like you don’t know, asshole,” you panted defiantly. 
“Oh, so that’s how it’s gonna be, huh?” 
“Yes, that’s exactly how it’s gonna be.”
“Hmm. Well, alright then.”
In a flash you were flipped onto your stomach, two fingers probing at your entrance while his other hand wrapped firmly around your neck. Your moans were reduced to a soft croak as he slid his fingers into you, not giving you even a second to adjust as he began fingering you in earnest. 
“I remember now,” he said, entirely too casual for what he was currently doing to you. “You talked back to me last night. Strutted in here actin’ like you owned the place, determined to be a fuckin’ brat. Well, guess you deserved what you had comin’ to you, huh? Although, it doesn’t seem like the lesson stuck. Too bad I have to teach it to you again.”
His words might as well have been gibberish sloshing around in your melting brain as he assaulted it with pleasure, adding another finger inside you and insistently prodding at your g-spot. You couldn’t tell if your head was spinning from how good he was or the lack of oxygen, because you couldn’t care less when you could hear him snapping his fingers to juice his boxers off, his hard cock springing out and slapping against his stomach. He positioned himself behind you, not letting up on his grip on your throat for a second. 
“You want me to fuck you, snack? Come on, beg for it, be a good girl for me,” he groaned, teasing your clit with the head of his cock.
“Beej, plea-” you tried to beg him, but he tightened his grip on your airway, cutting it off nearly completely and leaving your voice a bare squeak. 
“Sorry, what was that? Can’t hear you, babes.”
“Please,” you mouthed, your voice no longer able to escape as he tightened his grip once more. Your mind was foggy, your chest burned, and your pussy ached to be filled, and it was so exquisite that you could’ve cum from the lightest touch to your clit, if he’d been willing to give it to you. But no, he was too busy laughing at your frustration as you tried again and again to beg him for what he already knew you wanted. Finally, he let up a bit, giving you enough slack to take a shallow breath. God, he was such a fucking prick, but you loved him for it. 
“Alright, alright, babycakes,” he chuckled, pretending to wipe away a tear. Asshole. “I’ll give you what you want.”
“Fuck, thankyouthankyouthankyou,” you called out hoarsely as he slid into you, pumping his hips with little thrusts as he eased his way into you. 
“Mm, I’m gonna need two hands for this one, baby girl,” he hissed, overcome by the way your pussy clenched around him. “You’ve got one, maybe two seconds tops.”
His hand quickly uncurled from your throat, and you took a true deep breath, feeling the burn in your chest dissipate for a moment before Beej’s slender tail took his hand’s place, pressing once more against your airway. The sound of your choked-off moans as he thrust into you only egged him on, of course, and soon he was pounding into you with abandon, dragging his nails down your back and leaving angry red lines in their wake. 
“Fuck, Daddy, you feel so good,” you murmured shakily, your voice a rough whisper. “Oh fuck, right there, yes-” 
“Yeah, does that feel good, snack? Come on, I know you can cum for me, gonna feed me so good, give me that cum, sweetness,” he commanded, letting one hand trail down between your legs, circling your clit with the tips of his clawed fingers. You couldn’t have kept yourself from cumming if you tried, not when his deep, commanding voice forced itself into your brain and dragged the pleasure from you. You clenched around him as you let out a rough scream, trembling beneath him as your orgasm washed over you. He fucked you through it, dragging every ounce of pleasure out of you as he could before finally spilling into you, roughly groping your breasts as he groaned into your neck. You both shook as you collapsed to the mattress, panting and utterly wrecked. 
After a solid minute of silence, you finally snuggled into Beej’s chest, chuckling and out of breath. 
“Did you really not realize how much you marked me up last night?” you teased, your voice more hoarse than expected. 
“Oh fuck off, snack,” he chuckled good-naturedly. “You fed me so well last night it was like I’d had a Thanksgiving feast. I nearly passed out with my dick still in you! Forgive me for being a little forgetful.”
“Well…” you drawled, leaning up plant a soft kiss to his lips. “Consider this dessert then.”
“Dessert for breakfast, hmm? How naughty of you.”
“Wanna have an early lunch?”
“Come here.”
I’m an actual literal slut for getting choked so forgive meeeeeee
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delicrieux · 5 years
can i blease request a fic where y/n does a bunch of stupid shit to purposefully get themself summoned by dark just to give him flowers? who cares about possible death that's my nonbinary baby right there and he's receiving my love whether he wants it or not
finally, a y/n i can relate to. also can someone explain to me why all i do is write angst??? like plz tell me to chill, gosh
tagging @onl-you​ mwah! (i mean if anyone else wants to be tagged in these shoot me a message)
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For every good idea you have there are fifteen horrible onesthat follow. And though it might not have been an ideal plan, or one that wasconcerned with your safety, it was a plan that worked. There was little detail, just broad brush strokes forguidelines and unclear destinations that were supposed to lead you to him:something something, get in trouble, something, die maybe?, something, dark!!!
Step one was to get into as much trouble as possible, causea ruckus, make him notice you, keep an eye on you if he was not already, andwhat is more attention grabbing than a flashy heist with a certain fella Darkabsolutely despises? Nothing, you had concluded, putting on your thief gear.The opportunity had fallen into your lap like a beautiful gift, and you werenot going to say no. There was almost nothing you wouldn’t do to see him again.
Step two was to come as close to death as possible, andbeing side by side with Mark was good enough as he was a magnet for danger.Bombs, explosions, loud sounds and everything was white and your ears wereringing and the world did not quite feel real as your head felt like it wassplit open. You shivered. The last grasps of reality slipped into darkness.
You think you might be falling, you had felt this waybefore, but now you aren’t certain of anything.
“You…troublesome…” The voice is contorted with anger, at a lossfor words, carrying an echo.
As there was nothing abruptly became everything, and stilltrembling you sit up, catch your breath. Your surroundings are fragile andfleeting moments of things that were and things that will be. An office. Apainting. You stand up, wobble a bit, and lastly turn to face him. Your heartskips with renewed joy, renewed life, and your face lights up with a stupidsmile and his anger seems to fade at the sight of it.
He stands further away, he always keeps his distance. Hiswhite suit is remiss of something Mark wore before the explosions.
“…Have you any idea what you’ve done?”There it is again, that controlled cold rage. His shoulders tense. “Doyou realise that you could be dead?” His voice is raw and low. Yougulp. No, perhaps you had not realised so, not really. His anger is fuelled byworry, this much you know. He closes his eyes, takes in a deep breath. He is puttingon his mask of calmness. “You got lucky I was there. “
“I knew you would be.” You say, feeling a bit embarrassed.He tilts his head, almost curious. You take out a small flower from your pocket;it a bit burned from the explosion, a bit crumbled from being uncared for, butstill pretty. It’s grey and black and so light in your fingers you wonder if it’seven there in the first place. You extend it to him, “I missed you. I wanted areunion.”
He stares at you, speechless. That surprise, nay, wonderlasts for only a heartbeat before he collects himself once more, “Youmean to tell me you put yourself in danger, went along with Mark’s schemebecause you…wanted to see me?” He chuckles, though he is a hardlyamused, “I didn’t take you for being an idiot.”
“What else was I supposed to do, Damien?”
“—Was I just—“
“--Don’t say that name. Ever.”
You grow quiet, uncertain. Perhaps this was a terrible idea.He is angry. He doesn’t want to see you, he never did, he would have shown upotherwise. You miss the longing look in his eyes, miss the step he was about totake to be closer to you. You sigh, heavily, gently laying the flower down ontothe table and seeing all the times you did and didn’t do that in red and blueflashes.
“I’m sorry.” You whisper, “I just…really wanted to…to…I don’tknow. Ask you how have you been? Seen how you’ve changed? All of it, probably.But you’re right. I shouldn’t have done that. But I did. And I don’t regret it,no, I never will.” You give him a tight smile, “It’s…good talking to you again.Please visit when you have the chance.”
He stares at you, his expression unreadable.
“Even after everything?”
He is referring to what had happened in the manor, you aresure of it.
“Even after everything.” You repeat.
He is suddenly right next to you, and static grows from hisproximity. His hand lands on your shoulder; it is strangely warm. You are aboutto say something but he beats you to it, “Goodbye, (Name).”
In a blink you are back in the museum, back in the vault,back to before Mark had taken the box. Overly excited he claps his hands andtakes out a device to break into the glass case without making a sound. Youstand by the entrance, bewildered, close to tears. You feel this dread withinyou; it makes you shiver. But why you can’t remember.
“(Name), oh, this is gonna be so good…” Mark grins in your direction, and suddenly, just as thatsinking feeling had appeared it is replaced by enthusiasm, and with pep in yourstep you stride forward to join his side.
The heist has just begun.
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randommusicalfluff · 4 years
Blease, I am basic so can I get some Angel Dust & Alastor headcanons?
Let's start with Angel!
Angel Dust:
• He's surprisingly (or unsurprisingly) very ticklish! Specifically under his arms and his thighs!
• Actually kinda likes being tickled, would probably fight you on it for like a second then admit he does
• Definitely a fighter and has to be pinned down most of the time
• Well unless you catch him in on good day, then he won't squirm at all!
• Has a very loud and pretty joyous laugh, totally does the eyes closed head tilted back thing when he's tickled
• Has a tendency to snort a bit when he laughs, kinda hates it
• But oh boy you can only imagine how bad he'd be as a ler
• This man's is a bonafide asshole already, so you know he's gonna be ready as fuck
• Another demon in the hotel is just living their life, reading or chillaxin? NOPE, now their pinned in the air and have to deal with a tickle attack from Angel
• Charlie and Vaggie get the bulk of these kinds of attacks
• Definitely the type of person to throw someone over his shoulder (no matter how tall) and tickle them like nothing is happening. Husk is pretty damn ticklish himself and definitely has to deal with this alot.
• Loves giving raspberries, thinks they're stupidly funny
• Since he's a porn star, he's been known about tickling since duh, it's popular in his industry
• He just wasn't use to the, gentle friendly ones Charlie have
• Which he much much preferred
• Is around the same level of ticklish as Angel, maybe a little less actually.
• He had no god damn idea what is was before he started getting close to everyone, particularly Charlie and Angel. Who one day pinned him down and asked that dreaded question, of course he didn't know what that was so he asked
• Oh boy what's that a stupid mood, they two launched into a full blown tickle attack on the poor Radio Demon
• His laugh sounds pretty similar to his speaking voice, maybe a little higher and definitely a bit louder. Can sound pretty breathless at times and spews out weak threats whenever someone hits a good spot
• After that day, he was on his toes and alert for a while, which Angel though was hilarious and Charlie found adorable
• Though, one day he decided he should get his well deserved revenge
• So he corners them one at a time, starting with Angel since he knew Charlie would probably feel threatened and hand herself over (that was not the case)
• Angel was fairly easy to take out, and Alastor found that he rather enjoyed giving tickles a bit more than receiving. That wasn't saying he didn't want it to happen again, but he'd never utter those words out loud.
• After targeting Angel, he waits a good day or two to get Charlie paranoid
• What he didn't account for, was how big of a ler Charlie was. So the second Al let his guard down she struck from the shadows
• Let's just say, I don't think Al ever got his revenge
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