#blind river
if-you-fan-a-fire · 10 months
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"RELIEF WORKERS ASKING TO BE PAID IN CASH," North Bay Nugget. November 27, 1933. Page 2. ---- Blind River, Nov. 27. More than 100 men employed on the Matinenda Road and many others employed on other road work have forwarded a petition to Queen's Park, asking that payment for road work be by cash instead of by voucher. The petition was drawn up and signed at a meeting held in the town hall last week. The suggestion was also made that a board camp be established on the Matinenda road, instead of transporting the workers to and from the 13 miles daily. The men complained that it is very cold riding to work in the open body of a truck.
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jolieeason · 4 months
Top Ten Tuesday: Quotes from the last ten books I have read
Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together. Every Tuesday, a new topic is assigned from the schedule below. Then, you take that topic and fly free with it. You can do as little or as much as you want to (I have…
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lasttarrasque · 5 months
While the world's attention was stolen by celebrities decked out in $10,000+ outfits and Sudanese blood diamonds, Israel used the distraction to begin its invasion of Rafah. The scenes of celebrities who have failed to use their extensive platform to mobilize against this genocide contrasted with fathers begging the remains of their slaughtered children to wake up. These people could use their platforms to levy significant pressure against Israel, yet so many of them chose not to. We need to presser them to stand up for what is right; here is how:
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gbhbl · 1 year
Live Review: Desert Storm with Blind River, Big Mono and The Grudge at The 229, London (20/05/23)
The 229 in London is playing host to a cacophony of noise as the progressive sludge and groove metal band, Desert Storm are in town with the 'Death Rattle London Launch show'.
The 229 in London is playing host to a cacophony of noise as the progressive sludge and groove metal band, Desert Storm are in town with the ‘Death Rattle London Launch show’. Death Rattle being their new album (released March 31st via APF Records), an imaginative record that is exceptionally listenable. Read our full review here. The heavy noise of Desert Storm in the 229 being complimented by…
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hildeeveraert · 1 year
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Gordon Parks, Mother and Child, Blind River Ontario, 1955
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Feel free to nominate more! 🎨 ✨
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lesbiantrish · 24 days
doctorriver is kind of psyche and cupid coded…
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nordsea-horizons · 2 years
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first or second version of this street?? bc i was very happy with the first but now the second looks like an upgrade to me.. so idk🤔🍂
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
At this point, with the invention and availability of internet everywhere, there's only two types of people in the world:
Pro Palestinians
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000marie198 · 6 months
So Hamas’ strategy worked on you. They never thought they could defeat Israel militarily. They want international sympathy and they have been using propaganda to accomplish that.
Hamas *celebrates* its casualties. Think about that.
Buddy, I grew up on the news of what's been happening in Palestine. All of this isn't recent development for me to believe the 'hamas bad, Israel defending itself' propaganda . Especially since most of the things said to be done by Hamas or Palestine are always debunked with solid proof as something Israeli occupation has been doing or ends up doing. One of those solid proofs being their own words and TikToks. I don't give a flying fuck about militia groups of any place.
I care about the people. Millions of innocent civilians being put through countless atrocities by Israel and it has been happening for decades. Hamas here is also a scapegoat at the moment for Zionists to point at with no basis to distract from or try to justify the genocide
Do you condemn the killing of babies?
Do you condemn bloody gory massacres and no mercy raids?
Do you condemn forced famine? Holding back life supporting supplies?
Do you condemn the use of white phosphorus bombs?
Do you condemn armed soldiers attacking children?
Do you condemn terrorism and rape?
Or are you gonna come in my inbox next saying it's all fair game when it's on Palestinians? Then you'll just contradict yourself, like you all always do, with your own words.
As for the last line of your ask, allow me to remind you, to remind EVERYONE, about the videos Israelis made of cheering when bombs were blasted upon Gaza in October, about the TikToks Israelis made of mocking those dying and they included their children in the mocking, videos of an Israeli man opening and closing his taps and turning off and on his lights with a cheery smiles when Israel first cut off the water and electricity in Gaza, TikToks of IOF soldiers hanging private clothing of Palestinian women as trophies on their tanks, so many videos IOF made of stealing toys and private property and laughing, all the witness accounts of IOF soldiers forcing family members to watch each other get shot like it's a game.
Who's the one celebrating?
I didn't fall for any strategy, I've been in the know before any of this, particularly the event that is consistently being used by Zionists to use as a scapegoat, even started. Find someone else to ragebait, it's not gonna work here.
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threepoint14art · 19 days
We are throwing stuff at a wall and seeing what sticks :9 song is "Paranoiac Intervals/Body Dysmorphia" :D!
appears out of nowhere -> an almeida fucks them up -> the end
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 9 months
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"BURGLARS GO TO CENTRAL PRISON," Cobalt Daily Nugget. December 26, 1913. Page 1. --- North Bay Thieves Sent Down For Two and a half years Each ---- (From Our Own Correspondent.) NORTH BAY, Dec. 24 - Fred Gagnon and John Rinehart, the two young men who pleaded guilty to burglarizing Campbell & McDiarmid's store, and were remanded for sentence, were brought before Magistrate Weegar on Tuesday and sentenced to Kingston penitentiary for two and one-half years each. Both are young men of more than average intelligence and it seems a great pity that they should have allowed themselves to drift into such a position. Gagnon took the sentence cooly, but Rinehart, who is younger, and as far as known not served time before, broke down and cried bitterly.
Gagnon, when he arrived in North Bay, left a trail of burglaries behind him on his journey from the Soo eastward, including stores at Sudbury and Webbwood and a general store at Cache Bay. He met Rinehart, whom he knew previously, at North Bay, and the first words he greeted him with were: "Are you as game as you used to be." Rinehart answered in the affirmative and they lost no time planning a burglary, and broke into Campbell McDiarmid's store, their capture following several days later. Gagnon has already served a term in Central Prison, being sent from Blind River to the prison road work at Matheson, escaping from the gang a few days after he arrived there and receiving an addition to his sentence after being recaptured.
[Gagnon was 23, from Gaspe, a machinist helper, and had indeed been at the Matheson camp. He had a sailor girl tattoo and his initials on his left forearm. He was convict #F-702 and worked in the blacksmith shop, at first. He was a 'bad' convict, reported 14 times for refusal to work, insolence to officers, threats of violence, trafficking in contraband, and assault. His first report, in May 1914, led to 3 days in solitary on bread and water. In July and August he was reported twice more and lost all his earned remission - 30 days. He was transferred to a hard labour gang after that. In 1915, he was reported in April, May (twice), July, October and December, loosing 30 more days in total. In 1916, he spent a week in solitary in January, and again in February. He spent another two days in March, but his behavior got somewhat better and then was released in January 1917. Reinhardt or Rainhardt was also 23, from Quebec City, a shoe cutter, and had no previous record. He was convict #F-701 at Kingston penitentiary, and worked in the shoe shop. He was reported 11 times, almost all in 1916, losing five days remission every month until October. In January 1917 he was lectured twice for misconduct, and released shortly thereafter.]
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jolieeason · 5 months
Bookish Travels---April 2024 Destinations
I saw this meme on It’s All About Books and thought, I like this!! So, I decided to do it once a month also. Many thanks to Yvonne for initially posting this!! This post is what it says: Places I travel to in books each month. Books are lovely and take you to places you would never get to. This will be the last post where I include fantasy. Starting in May, it will be real-life (or set in…
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aeoni-sw · 6 months
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hnnrgh I had to finish this one quick- saw the solar eclipse around 2:20-3:30 and thought: hmm could ghosts go out in the day while the eclipse is happening??
so yeah!! some uwo sillies seeing the solar eclipse! (didnt draw all of em- i was rushes lololol)
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calling-the-angels · 5 months
Shame on you, USA Today!
This is the shoddiest piece of "journalism" I have ever seen. @usatoday
Examples (emphasis mine):
"Explosions were heard in Iran after Israel launched missile strikes in retaliation for a barrage of more than 300 drones and missiles fired by Tehran over the weekend..."
"It was unclear what targets had been hit inside Iran. Iran's weekend swarm of munitions and Israel's response marked the first direct exchanges of fire between the regional arch-enemies."
"Israel, the U.S. and other regional and Western allies joined forces on Saturday to blast hundreds of Iranian drones, cruise missiles and ballistic missiles out of the sky after they were fired at Israel."
"That attack was itself an act of retaliation after Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khameni, blamed Israel for an airstrike on the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, Syria, that killed several people including a leading Revolutionary Guards commander."
"Officials have been on edge about the possibility of a regional war since the Palestinian militant group Hamas rampaged across southern Israel on Oct. 7, killing 1,200 and taking more than 200 people hostage. More than 30,000 Palestinians have died in the ensuing six months in Israeli airstrikes and ground fire, according to the Hamas-run Gaza health ministry."
Language -- and how you use it -- matters, dammit.
It matters what words you use to describe an action. The word you choose tells the reader context clues about what is an acceptable action and what is not. It influences viewpoints about what you are reporting on. Using words and phrases like "barrage" and "swarm of munitions" while painting Israel's actions as a simple "response" without context is a gross manipulation tactic.
It is a gross manipulation tactic to paint the actions of "Israel, the U.S. and other regional and Western allies" as this heroic and epic fantasy where they "joined forces" and "blasted" enemy fire "out of the sky" after they were "fired at Israel." Why did they fire at Israel? Go on, you reported on it. Despite the fact that this linked article features the same shameful use of deliberate word choices to manipulate your readers, you even quoted the Iranian ambassador Hossein Akbari saying that the Iranian response would be "the same magnitude and harshness." Is that not what the terrible "barrage" of missiles and drones fired over the weekend was? Surely, you will bring this up in the article.
"The attack was itself an act of retaliation..." Great, we are going to mention that Israel attacked Iran first. "... after Iran's supreme leader, Ali Khameni, blamed Israel for an airstrike on the Iranian embassy compound in Damascus, Syria." What the fuck. Not only do you then continue on to diminish the lives lost in that airstrike using word choices like "killed several people" and then highlighting one's military connections. It is a blatant manipulation tactic to frame Israel's attack as retaliatory due to an accusation of violence that only "killed several people." Fuck you for diminishing the lives of those in the Middle East living this fucking war/nightmare. Fuck you.
And then, to add insult to injury, you use more inflammatory language to associate Palestinians with a "militant group" called Hamas that "rampaged across southern Israel on Oct. 7." Is Hamas a part of local authority in Gaza? Yes. But painting Palestinians in broad brush strokes with that tone and word association is extremely dangerous and damaging. It's almost similar to how Israeli propaganda speaks about Palestinians...
You then discredit any reporting about the "self defense" that Israel has visited on Gaza and Palestine in the 6 months since October. You do this by stating that the shocking idea of "30,000 Palestinian deaths" (which has already been reported on by far more reputable news sources... though they have their own faults) is the reported deaths by the "Hamas-run Gaza health ministry." Since you have already done the job of describing Hamas as a "militant group" that "rampages" across Israel, do you think that associating the most reliable death count with the "enemy" isn't a disgusting manipulation tactic that belittles and diminishes the very real genocide happening against the Palestinians? Caused by their occupier, Israel?
You aren't news or journalism like you frame yourself to be through your website layout, articles, and tv shows. You are propaganda, bought and paid for by the Israeli occupation. You are on the wrong side of history.
I hope that you and the Western media that have used similar tactics are used in future journalism classes at universities and colleges around the world. I hope you are used as an example of terrible, bad reporting informed only by biases and internal memos telling you what to say. I am disgusted.
Fuck Israel. Fuck the IOF. Fuck Western media.
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some facts about palestine
done w the help of @kourtgreene
the death toll has surpassed 10000 now, a majority of which are women and children
there are also 25000 people injured and estimated thousands are missing
1.5 million are currently displaced in gaza
at least 47 mosques and 3 churches have been destroyed, including the third oldest church in the world
11 bakeries have also been destroyed
47 families (with a total of 500 people in them) have been wiped from the civil registry in gaza
more children have died in gaza since october seventh than from conflicts around the world in each of the last four years
the usa provides $3.8 billion for israel every year
71% of the gazan population screens positive for depression
20000 people are in need of specialised mental health services
there have been 105 attacks on hospitals in gaza since october seventh
in the west bank, WHERE HAMAS HAS NO CONTROL, there are 128 fatalities and ~2270 injuries
there are at least 28 journalists who have been murdered in gaza by israeli attacks
at least 97 schools have been damaged (war crime)
among healthcare staff there have been at least 60 deaths and 111 injuries
107 healthcare facilities have been targeted (which is a war crime) including 19 hospitals, 49 clinics, and 39 ambulances
46% of hospitals arent working
because of electricity being cut off from hospitals, there are thousands of people in need
this includes 130 babies in incubators, 50000 pregnant women, 1000 kidney dialysis patients, and 35000 non-contagious disease patients (e.g. heart failure, diabetes)
there are 183 births per day and the mothers struggle to find a proper place to give birth with proper medical aid
18000 tons of bombs have been dropped on gaza, which is 1.5x the explosive force of the atomic bomb on hiroshima
the number of palestinian prisoners / hostages israel has kidnapped in the west bank have doubled since october 7th (again, hamas is not in the west bank)
thousands of workers from gaza were released from the jails and have reported being beaten, tortured, stripped, bruised, pissed on, denied basic sanitation, denied food, denied water, and have been tagged as numbers
meanwhile, israeli people who have been taken hostage by hamas have reported that they are treated surprisingly well, even eating the same food as the hamas soldiers and having their toilets cleaned regularly
families in the west bank are reporting that their men are vanishing, leading to the idea that israelis are kidnapping them
subhi has an excellent video detailing more about the above point, also you should follow him on instagram he breaks things down incredibly well
israels iron dome has malfunctioned and one of their rockets has hit a hospital in tel aviv
it is important to remember the above point lest they (very likely) come out and somehow blame hamas/hezbollah/iran
theyre dropping lots of white phosphorus
chemical warfare has been a crime since the end of the first world war
theyve bombed the south dozens of times now despite claiming that theyll only target the north (anyone still saying that the south is safe is either clueless or a liar)
theyve hit the rafah border and it’s passage, killing dozens
a ceasefire is for the people of gaza to breathe. a ceasefire is NOT the end of OUR fight for palestine
these numbers increase every single day
this specific attack has been going on for a month
the isolation of gaza is 15 years old
israeli hands have been covered in palestinian blood for 75 years
most governments are failing to do anything that actually stops the massacre
the palestinians in gaza need our help.
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