#boba fett x din djarin x fennec shand x reader
writerlyhabits · 2 years
Hello, may I request a one-shot of the Mandalorian x Reader who somehow gets frozen in Carbonite during a fight, then wakes up blind with the Carbonite sickness? I'm a sucker for that kind of hurt/comfort stuff :)
Listen, I lost my creative juices halfway through this, and didn’t get them back for quite a while… 😬 So I’m sorry that this has taken so long, or if it’s not really all that good, but I’m kind of happy to just throw it into the abyss and let you guys have it 😂😂
Thanks @deceiverofgodss for suffering through this with me, ily 💛
Pairing: Din Djarin x female reader
Word Count: 3.0k
Warnings: hurt/comfort 💛, carbonite sickness, temporary blindness, brief mention of canon-level violence, sweet loving soft amazing Din, the helmet comes off 👀, Grogu is heartbreakingly adorable, I think that’s it? 
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At first, all you could feel was cold. Biting and endless, you couldn’t decipher any other feeling than the all-consuming cold seeping from your bones. 
Then there was a warmth… was it warm? It was certainly warmer than the hell you’d been in, that had to count for something. A firm grip held you close, cradling you into their chest as you laid sprawled against their lap on the ground. As the feeling in your body gradually came back – or maybe your brain was just starting to thaw out – you recognized the warmer surface that was pressed against you in so many places. 
The next thing to hit you was the smell of leather and fire, a smell you were no stranger to. The smoke that rose off of weapons you handled in your day-to-day life, and the buttery smoothness of well-worn leather gloves that were smoothing over your cheeks, filling your nostrils with the familiar scent. Gloves you’d felt caress your skin countless times before. 
It started quiet, the muffled sounds of the world around you. A deep voice was speaking, accompanied by soft footsteps making quiet clangs against the metal flooring beneath you. How many people were here? Where were you? 
You felt your brows furrowing as you tried to focus on the sounds filtering through your ears, and you gave an experimental tilt of your head to see what kind of motion you could pull off. It was very slight, but it was movement. It was probably only noticeable to whoever was holding you if they were paying very close attention.
“Mesh’la? Can you hear me?” You made out, the voice above you laced with concern and panic. 
You opened your eyes slowly to let whatever light beyond your eyelids filter in slowly, allowing your body to take the recovery process one step at a time. 
But the light never came. 
Maybe your eyes weren’t open?
“I told you she’d be alright, Djarin,” you heard in a thick accent from a few steps away. “She’s a fighter.” That gruff voice was Boba’s for sure, but you still had no way of confirming what you were hearing. Were your eyes just… adjusting? 
“Make yourself useful and figure out how to get more light in here, she can’t see anything,” Fennec’s unmistakeable lilt snarked, and with an amused grunt fading away with matching footsteps, you knew she’d thrown her jab at Boba. Yes, more light. That’s all you needed, everything was going to be alright. 
“Talk to me, how do you feel?” Din said above you, and you realized you hadn’t acknowledged him in your confusion. You made an effort to use your vocal cords, a few experimental groans coming out before you could manage any words. 
“I feel… tired.” You heard a quiet, shaky laugh come out from under Din’s helmet, and it didn’t take much longer before you felt the familiar Beskar of his helmet on your forehead. You steadily lifted one of your arms to reach for him, your body still coming back to temperature, and he met you halfway. If your eyes weren’t already closed, they were now as you savored the feeling of his hand in yours, how irrationally warm it made you feel to have Din wrapped so tightly around you. 
You heard Fett’s distant sound of triumph and a sputtering of electrical devices in the room around you. When Din slowly lifted his helmet, you attempted to open your eyes one more time. 
“There she is,” Fennec sighed, and your stomach flipped. “How’s the light, is that a little bit better?” She asked gently. 
You still couldn’t see anything. 
“Mesh’la… what’s wrong?” Din’s voice was quiet, smooth. Like he was trying to keep himself calm in order to comfort you. “Hey, look at me, I’m right here.” Your heart jumped to your throat, your head beginning to spin when you thought about how impossible such a simple task sounded when all you could see was black. 
“I… I can’t,” you whispered, unable to stop the quiver as you finished speaking, the panic starting to set in. You didn’t know where you were trying to go but your body went into overdrive, legs scrambling for some kind of leverage to sit yourself up. Before you could go far, Din’s hand squeezed yours a little tighter, the arm wrapped around you firm as he pulled you into a sitting position while keeping you curled up against his chest. 
“You can’t what?” Din’s voice was too calm, it was unsettling. Usually knowing that he was able to keep his calm in a less-than-ideal situation would be comforting to you, encouraging you to do so yourself and realize that you were okay. But it had never been this bad before. He wasn’t going through what you were. It was easy for him to find his calm, he could still see. 
“The bounty… what happened? What did he do to me?” You settled for, working yourself up as your brain reeled for an answer, an explanation, any morsel of a solution. 
“Easy princess,” Boba said from across the room. “Take it one step at a time, comin’ outta Carbonite isn’t as easy as taking a clam from a Gungan.” 
Carbonite… you could vaguely piece together a memory of fighting. Some slimy bounty you and Din had picked up as a side job on your way to Tatooine to visit with your friends in Mos Espa. What was supposed to be a standard grab-and-go mission had turned complicated fast. 
“You held your own,” Din’s voice said above you, no doubt watching you try to remember. “He caught us by surprise and managed to kick you back into a carbonite freezer. There was no way you could’ve seen him coming.” 
As he said it, the memories came back to you. Stalking around a dark warehouse beside your Mandalorian, lights scanning for any sign of movement. You’d heard a clang come from beside you, and before you could alert your partner that you were going to check it out, you’d been knocked against a metal container. You were able to process hissing sounds as your head stopped spinning, and as you shouted back out to Din, you watched him tearing to get to you before everything went cold. 
“How… how long was I in there?” you tried quietly. 
“A few hours at the most,” Fennec answered. “Mando reached out to us pretty quickly, and as Daimyo of Mos Espa, getting clearance wasn’t an issue. When we got there, Djarin was rooted to the spot next to you with a dead Trandoshan not too far off.” 
“We thought it’d be best if we defrosted you here at the palace,” Boba chimed in. “Give you time to acclimate without rushing you outta there.” Then there was a familiar gurgle, small noises that went directly to your heart. “And give the little one a chance to run around.” 
“But he’s been too worried about you to go anywhere,” Din reasoned softly. It was hard to tell if your eyes were still open, but you could feel the tears coming nonetheless at the thought of Grogu waiting patiently beside you. 
“Can I..” You wanted to ask if you could see him, but that seemed like a redundant question. “Where is he?” You heard the hesitant thump of Boba’s boots against the metal floor as he approached you. 
“Hold out your hands, mesh’la,” Din urged, releasing your hand while keeping you close. You did as he said, and before you could ask why, you felt a familiar weight being set in your arms. 
There were little hands on your cheeks and Grogu’s familiar gurgle of attempted words that were usually matched with his little toothy grin… What little restraint you had was shattered, and you felt the tears welling up in your eyes, and start to roll down your cheeks where they collided with your foundling’s fingers. Din pulled you closer as you cried, and you curled into him with Grogu in tow. 
“Why can’t I see, Din?” you whispered, and you heard how broken your voice sounded. It at least matched the way you felt; broken. 
“Carbonite takes its toll,” Boba started, and you felt Din’s body make a small, quick movement. You could only guess that he’d snapped his head up at the daimyo’s dramatic choice of words. “I just mean that there are usually side effects… but I’ve seen people come outta carbonite after weeks and turn out just fine.” 
“So… how long will it take me to get my vision back?” you choked, trying to put a stop to the stream of emotions that continued falling as you listened around you. Din’s leather-clad hands rubbing soothing patterns into your back was definitely helping on that front. “If I get it back.” 
“Don’t say that,” your Mandalorian’s firm voice countered. “You weren’t in there long. Your body will recover.” 
“He’s right,” Fennec piped up. Not being able to see where your party stood in the room was proving to be a strange sensation, figuring out where the speaker was in the room proving to be its own mental sport. “Unfortunately, there’s no way to tell when it will wear off. Carbonite affects everyone differently, so we could be waiting a few hours, a few days, a few weeks... It depends on how your body reacts.” 
There was a heavy silence in the room as Fennec’s words settled, forcing you to come to terms with the reality of the situation, and how little you could plan around it. 
Din, surprisingly, was the first to break the silence. 
“I’ll be here by your side each step of the way,” he started, his serious tone reassuring, backing up the weight of his promise.
Unsurprisingly, Din kept his word. 
In the days that followed, Din was with you every moment possible. He was there to help you up in the mornings, tender touches and slow movements in the private quarters your clan of three took up in the palace. His hands rarely left you as he helped you maneuver around the space, and had endless amounts of patience as you worked together to get through the day. 
Grogu definitely took a little bit to adjust. He was used to you picking him up and smothering him in affection too many times throughout the day to count. Now you often felt him at your feet, making soft sounds as he asked for you to lift him up. But when he started to understand that you couldn’t see him, his response broke your heart. 
Each morning Din would put Grogu in your arms, and without fail, those little hands would find your cheeks right before you would feel a strange sensation course through your body… He was trying to use his powers to heal you, much like you had seen him do with Din in the past. You wouldn’t let him do it for so long that he would tire himself out, but the two of you entertained his efforts – at the very least to make him feel better, but also to see if it would even work. 
In staying by your side, Din took to showering with you, too. Trying to convince him you could handle it was followed immediately by fumbling with the soaps until they clattered to the floor, and Din was knocking on the fresher door in moments. It was kind of amusing, at first, when he would step in behind you and you could hear the clang of the water against his helmet. 
Amidst the confusion and the disorientation of your lack of sight, the silver lining had been the day Din fully realized how much he could get away with when you couldn’t see him. Your entire relationship you kept your eyes shut tight – or left the room altogether – when Din removed his helmet, honoring his creed. But now he could go without it whenever he so chose… as long as it was in the confines of your room. 
Waking up to his soft kisses had been a warm welcome, one that was met with his enthusiastic affection scattered across your face. “We should do this more often,” he sighed, making you laugh against him as he kissed your cheek, the scratch of his facial fair tickling your skin. 
You grew accustomed to roaming your hands around his body so you could navigate to his soft curls, combing through his hair and massaging his scalp with your nails. You mapped the planes of his face with your lips, traced his pouted ones with your fingertips… and by the Maker, you were basking in the sound of his voice without the vocoder filtering it through his helmet. You could hear his smile when he spoke, could hear even the smallest huff of amusement his helmet usually kept from being audible, and his comforting tone wrapped you in a warmth you wanted to stay in forever. 
“Mesh’la,” you heard as you slowly came into consciousness. You gave Din a sleepy smile as he peppered kisses over your cheeks, the scratch of his mustache tickling your skin. “Someone’s here to see you early this morning,” he whispered, and you felt his side of the bed shift as he sat up. You kept your eyes closed through the whole process, like you did every morning, wanting to soak up the softness of your little family for just a little bit longer before facing the disappointment of not being able to see anything. 
In the last week, there was… some improvement. You knew you should be grateful for any steps forward your condition was taking, even if they were slim, but after the first few days, it just became exhausting. You could make out the vague shapes of the figures around you, and you could tell the difference between light and dark, but that was about it. Din had been ecstatic when you reached out for him that first morning, his excitement growing each time you turned towards him as he leaned in to give you a kiss. 
You just wanted to see again. 
When Din’s weight returned to the bed – your eyes still closed – he brought with him a familiar bundle that was set directly on your stomach. Grogu didn’t wait for your hands to find him before he was crawling clumsily up your body, and you shared in Din's laughter as you each gave him a hand to help him to his destination. 
“Well good morning to you too, little one,” you smiled, pleasantly surprised by your foundling’s newfound eagerness to get started with the day. “You must be hungry if you’re wanting to get this over with so quickly.” There was only a babble in response as he situated himself on your chest, and you could just imagine him reaching his little hands out to make it to your cheeks without losing his balance.
Din grunted as he shifted, this time getting up off of the bed, no doubt to go tend to make Grogu something to eat before it got past the point of no return. And yet, when his little hands finally reached you, there was no urgency. With your eyes still closed, you focused closely on the feeling that began spreading through your body, breathing deeply when the familiar feeling of weightlessness his powers brought you relaxed your muscles. 
The soft clanking of dishes from the living area of your room in the palace brought you back to the present, which meant that it was time to start moving through your day, and giving Grogu a chance to rest after using his powers once again. You opened your eyes as you sat up, hoisting Grogu up with you and returning the little smile that spread across his cheeks…
His smile. You could see it. 
You could see.
“Hi baby,” you whispered, your throat suddenly feeling very constricted as you took in the sight of your foundling. His big, dark eyes bore into you as his ears perked up at the attention he hadn’t seen from you in so long. He gurgled happily as he used his grip on your cheeks to encourage you to lean forward, pressing his little forehead against yours. 
You heard Din’s broken voice say your name, speaking softly as if he was scared to break whatever trance he was in. Without thinking, you lifted your head from Grogu’s and turned to look in his direction, and for a moment you couldn’t believe what you were seeing. 
Din stood frozen in place when he met your gaze, his warm brown eyes speaking a thousand words that would never pass his lips. His dark curls that you had felt so many times sat in a mess atop his head, matching the scruff and facial hair that decorated his golden skin. The prominent nose you had felt was more handsome than you could have ever imagined, the pouty pink lips you had traced time and time again as inviting as ever. 
You had imagined this moment a thousand times, thought of every possible situation or turn of events that might ever lead to seeing your Mandalorian without his helmet. Your worst fear was that it would be an accident – like it was now – and that his expression turning into disappointment, anger, or something worse that would mean he wanted nothing more to do with you. 
But the face looking back at you had nothing but anticipation and adoration written across his striking features. 
“Mesh’la…” you whispered, trying the Mando’a endearment on your tongue. The corners of his lips began to turn up in a tentative smile, and the sight you had just gotten back started to blur with the water flooding your eyes. “Beautiful… Din, you’re beautiful,” you sobbed. The last thing you saw was Din rushing to your side, quick to wrap his arms around you and kiss the top of your head as you closed your eyes once more, letting the happy tears flow freely across your cheeks. 
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Thanks for reading!! If you’d like to be notified when I post a new fic, be sure to follow @writerlyhabits-library + turn on post notifications! 💛
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blxkstar · 3 months
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I made a Star Wars bounty hunters playlist! This was inspired by the western style the bounty hunters are portrayed in. Please check it out! 🤠🤠🪐🪐🔫🔫
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I can bring you in warm, or I can bring you in cold.
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annmaximoff18 · 21 days
Y/N: You're an idiot Mando, I can do it.
Din: I already told you no
Fennec: Wow, you two sound like an old married couple.
Din: we are not
Y/N: Yes, what's wrong with you? I wouldn't marry this rusty bucket.
Din: Who do you call a rusty bucket?
Fennec: Yes, they sound like an old married couple.
Boba: let's get out of here
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replaytech · 1 year
episode 5 of book of boba fett:
Din: I won the darksaber in battle, it is mine
Paz: nuh uh
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FlightlessAngelWings Pride 2023 Challenge!
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✨🌈Happy Pride✨🌈
Let’s celebrate pride together here!!!
Just a few rules first.
No minors. My blog is an 18+ only space and smut is allowed and welcomes so anyone under 18 please do not interact.
Any character/pairing from any fandom is welcome just make sure to incorporate pride and queerness in some way. Reader insert, ocs, ships, anything goes! Queer character, queer reader/oc, both, queer family or friends, have fun with it!
Please properly tag and warn for anything! Smut is welcome and encouraged!
If writing a reader insert, please be inclusive with your writing as to not exclude poc.
Event runs for the whole month of pride so please post between June 1 and 30 and I’ll include everything in the Masterlist at the end of the month!
Tag me and use the hashtag #fawpride2023 so I can see and reblog your works! You don’t have to be following me but I always appreciate new followers and want to make new friends!!
Dialogue prompts
“What do you think of my last name with your first name?”
“It’s always been you.”
“I think I’m in love with you.”
“Can I kiss you?”
“We’re dead if we get caught but fuck it.”
“You look so beautiful right now and all I want to do is fuck you senseless.”
“Do you trust me?”
“Hold my hand tight. I’ll protect you.”
“Someone will remember us, I say, even in another time.”
“I may be crazy but that don’t make me wrong”
“You did all this for me?”
“As long as I have you, I know it’ll all be ok.”
“Hold me closer”
Trope prompts
An accidental “I love you” slips out
Fairytale au
Stargazing together
Only one bed
Overhearing you have feelings for them (or vice versa)
Barista/coffee shop au
Idiots to lovers
Showing up at the other’s door unexpectedly
Found family
The italicized oh
Grumpy x sunshine
A hug that lasts just a little bit longer than necessary
Dancing together
A short kiss, pulling away to look in each others eyes, then an explosive passionate deep kiss
Photo prompts
Click for larger images. All images found on Unsplash
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205 notes · View notes
Once Upon a Time on the Razor Crest
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AO3 Link Main Master List
Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 |
Chapter 05 | Chapter 06 | Chapter 07 | Chapter 08 |
Chapter 09 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11
Chapter 01 | Chapter 02 | Chapter 03 | Chapter 04 |
Chapter 05 | Chapter 06 | Chapter 07 | Chapter 08 |
Chapter 09 | Chapter 10 | Chapter 11 | Chapter 12 |
Chapter 13 | Chapter 14 | Chapter 15
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deni-sova · 1 year
I have a lot of thoughts about the mandalorian season 3, but this is one that i really want to share: if you decided to shift focus from din djarin to bo katan or mandalorians in general - this is sad, but please, please, PLEASE for the love of maker, do not erase din, do not just remove him from the show, please, just transfer him to the book of boba fett, boba will take good care of him, din fits there really well, he can be a side caracter in boba's story, just let him raise his kid in peace with auntie peli and aunt fennec
I just care about din so much
As we all do
My rant is over
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helpinghanikan · 2 years
There for you
Boba-Fett x reader
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Sum: Your time spent under the Daimyo’s protection had made you cocky. Most of the planet knew you were Boba-Fett’s, what they didn’t know was that it came with vows and a ring. It’s better to let the people assume you were just a plaything the Daimyo liked to keep around. Supposedly it made you safer, obviously that didn’t work as well as Boba thought.
Tatooine has a reputation for being unforgiving at night. Not just from the pirates, smugglers, and all other types of shady characters. The weather would also be hard on any unprepared traveler. Harsh winds and low temperatures can turn even the most seasoned tracker around.
Your journey wasn’t supposed to take that long. You knew that path to the closest village and had crossed it many times. That didn’t stop you from being a target. By the time you realized the speeders were trained straight for you, it was already too late.
“Is this the right one?” A voiced asked, your captor faceless with the bag over your head.
“She matches the picture. Easier to grab than the sniper, definitely.” Another voice replied. This one seemingly female in it’s pitch. There’s a foot placed on your shoulder, pushing you down until your laying on your side. “Fett only has two. Let’s hope we didn’t grab his favorite.”
Your time spent under the Daimyo’s protection had made you cocky. Most of the planet knew you were Boba-Fett’s, what they didn’t know was that it came with vows and a ring. It’s better to let the people assume you were just a plaything the Daimyo liked to keep around. Supposedly it made you safer, obviously that didn’t work as well as Boba thought.
The male captor starts speaking again: “Takes us over past the ridge. Hide the ship while we work.”
“It’s not gonna be hidden for long once her master starts searching the dessert.” Another male voice said from further away. He was likely the pilot.
“We don’t need long.” The first male voice said. “Take her out, take the pics, dump the body. Done and done.”
Now you started screaming.
Smaller gangs and groups are always scrambling for what little foothold could be found. One way to show you mean business is through the girls and guys that tend to be on the arms of these groups. Capturing them, killing them, and then sending the pictures to the rival gang.
Usually these are side pieces or mistresses that aren’t hard to replace. Never spouses or mates that could cause harsh retaliation. When Jabba was still in control a few gangs had tried this with one or two of his slaves. They were quickly removed due to their annoyance, not for the attack on those women.
The boot on your shoulder moves to your head. Pressing down hard until you could feel the cool of the ship floor through the bag.
“Stop. Screaming.” She says, turning her foot to emphasize her point.
Both Fennec and Boba had offered to either get someone to make the run for you. But this village still needed a personal touch to keep the relationship between them and Mos Espa strong. Seeing the arm candy to the Daimyo coming up with the promised credits was one way to do it.
It wouldn’t take long for this ship to make it past the ridge. Long enough for you to think about how Boba would react when he got those pictures. That had you screaming all over again.
“I. SAID. STOP!” The female voice said again, a kick to your stomach.
You’re still recovering from the impact when the entire ship shakes. Metal and machinery rattles your entire world. Sending your head into jelly from being so close to the ground as it happens.
“Are you serious?!” The first male voice yells.
“Who is it? What is it?” Asked the female.
“If I knew I’d be firing back at it!” Screams the pilot. The ship rattles once more. “Kriff! Somethings’ hit the roof. Somethings on the roof!”
It’s suddenly much hotter inside the bag than it was just a seconds ago. Although the world is dark you can see the bright orange dot penetrating the ceiling. It traces into a circle, leaving behind a trail that lands with an outrageous THUD!
Panic erupts throughout the ship. You are only involved when the hood is ripped from your head. Leaving you staring straight at Fennec’s helmet.
“Just run, okay?” She says, smacking the wall just behind you. “Run.”
You didn’t need to be told twice. Fennec cuts free your ankles and off you go. Sprinting into the endless sand and countless stars. Not having a direction in mind, only away.
Wind was kicking up sand, making you blind and keeping your path a mystery. You didn’t make it very far. Only about three hundred feet before running into someone solid as a tree and just as strong.
“Hold tight,” Boba says, leaning down just enough to grab the back of your thighs.
You don’t have time to thank you. As the ground is already disappearing from beneath your feet.
Boba Fett’s jetpack wasn’t made for someone without armor. Meant to be used while wearing full garb: without a helmet the already whipping sand was that much harsher. Digging into your skin and hurting your eyes. The pack was attached to Boba, making his arms and your grip the only thing keeping you from falling and, at best, breaking your legs.
You only fly for a few minutes before little lights dance at the corner of your eye. Down below the bright colors of Mod bikes were waiting down below.
“We’re landing, brace yourself.” Boba says in an attempt to give comfort.
Three of the Mods gang were waiting when you touch down. While they gave you a glance, one even allowing a smile, they were too focused on Boba to greet you properly. You should be used to this treatment by now, they really only cared about the big man with the gun. Not on his wife standing off to the side.
“Take her home,” Boba ordered, an arm still around you. “Do not leave her side until you reach the palace. Understood?”
“You got it; we’ll keep her safe.” One of the members said. The one who had actually acknowledged you.
Boba turned towards you. “This won’t take long. I promise.”
It’s hard to feel the warmth and affection when he’s all dolled up in green and Beskar. Inside the armor he’s the Mos Espa protector, former bounty hunter, and destroyer of enemies. Obvious this made him one of the hottest things walking, but not the kind you run to to feel better about your situation.
That is the only reason you could give for letting him go. His helmet pressing his forehead against yours for a second before letting you go. He’s gone from sight by the time you straddled one of the bikes.
Fett had liked having his elegance and space, it would seem. It took a few weeks before Boba was comfortable with bringing his guard down within the walls. It took some weeks to get that massive slug bed out and replace it with a proper mattress. Boba Had conceded on a large bed after his bacta tank was no longer needed.
The stone floor made it hard to near impossible to be sneaky. There would always be an echo from moving around. Whether wearing heels, boots, or in bare feet. This made it easy to hear Boba arrive from the balcony.
There’s no point in turning around to greet him. He would be able to see you through the arch way. He’d know you were waiting; he also knew you were wearing his robe.
Of course you had your own. But after everything it helped to have a little bit of him hanging off of your shoulders. It kept away the chill from your naked body underneath. Even dressing felt like too much after the quick shower.
It didn’t take long for Boba to remove his armor and weapons. Droids scurried around him to get everything off and put away correctly.
“Have you eaten?” Boba asks from the doorway.
You shook your head. “I honestly forgot. No point in waking up the kitchen because I was so late for dinner.”
“That’s what I’m paying them for.” Boba replies, disappearing for a second.
From the balcony you could see most of Mos Espa. At this time of night most of the lights were starting to turn off. Being replaced by the streetlights and headlights from bikes moving through the alleyways.
Past the city the desert stretched forever. Every now and then there was a little flicker from somewhere outside of the walls. Although they were mostly white, much like the stars, a few blinked red. Even from here you knew it was blaster fir. Watching them for too long almost had you hearing them being fired.
“I was feeling bantha tonight.” Boba says, stepping up to your side. “I made sure the steaks will be medium rare.”
“The only kind that’s allowed.” You replied, still staring out towards the blinking red.
Boba hesitates before placing a hand on your back. When he does you immediately lean against him. Giving the needed permission for Boba to pull you closer against his chest. Embracing on the balcony for anyone still awake to see and be jealous of.
After a moment Boba breaks the silence by asking; “Are you hurt?”
“Not enough to matter. Just a few bruises, especially on my ego.” You reply, turning your head up to look at him. “Are they dead?”
Boba has made a habit of always telling the truth. But only if you specifically asked. Had you just let the moment last, and never brought your captors up again, then he would have taken care of them without a moments hesitation.
“Not yet,” Boba said, turning his head to kiss your cheek. “I had Fennec keep the three alive. They hurt you, insulted my position, and embarrassed Fennec by taking you so brazenly. An example needs to be made, otherwise others may try this again.”
He speaks as if he were on his throne. Regarding a room full of citizens and opportunists alike. With a tone that kept everyone’s attention.
He had been sitting on that throne when you left. Stopping by to lean down and whisper that you were leaving. He had taken your hand and offered an escort, but his focus stayed on the farmer in near tears in front of him.
You can’t fault Boba for focusing on those in need over you. Because of this you didn’t insist on getting a kiss or feel the gentle touch of his helm against your forehead.
You remember this now. Smiling sweetly in a way you hadn’t done the entire night.
“I feel like tonight was a good reminder that I need a kiss goodbye, my dear.” You say, looking at his lips.
“My mistake.” Boba replies, going in for a kiss to make up for the one he had failed to give earlier.
The kiss starting off chaste and sweet. Boba waiting a second to ensure you were alright before going further. His hands sliding up your back, splaying his fingers over as much space as possible.
He moans when you step to closer. As if he were pleasantly surprised that you had chosen to only wear his robe this night. Not that he could say much else. Only wearing his short after having his armor and weapons removed. He was too focused on getting to you than whether or not he should put on some new clothes.
“Will you have me?” He asks between kisses.
“Yes, Boba, Yes.” You reassure. Biting at his lip to get his attention entirely. “Next time I get tied up; I want it to be by you. Only you.”
That did it. Just like before Boba lifted the back of your thighs. Setting you on the balcony’s edge, holding your hips hard to ensure that you felt as safe as possible. Or to distract you while he opens up the robe, bracing your chest against his to ensure that your mouths left for the least amount of time as possible.
“I won’t let you be hurt; I swear on my life, on my armor, on everything. I’m going to kill them.” Boba says, more for himself than you.
“Still alive, are they? I assumed they’re in the dungeons then?” You say, moving your arms for the robe to fall further open. Nothing was hidden now. And it was evident on Boba’s face as he stared at the body he’s seen a hundred times.
Boba nods when he realizes that you had asked a question.
“Then I want them to hear us.” You challenge. “Make them know that they failed. That I’m alive and that my screams don’t just come from fear.”
Boba doesn’t say anything, but you can see the change happen. His eyes focusing on yours for the briefest of seconds. Not that it mattered whether you knew his next actions or not, you were already being pulled forward, until your butt say on the ledges very edge. And Boba went to his knees before you.
Few in the galaxy had the privilege of experiencing both sides of Boba Fett. To know the difference between being fucked by Boba and making love with him.
He usually fucks when the day is long and there is nothing to say. The silence will be painful before he reaches your shared chambers. When you’re following right behind he’ll quickly take hold of your wrist, pulling you into the room as if you may escape if he’s not careful. If you’re already in the room he’ll be against your back without bothering to say hello.
His kisses are biting, and hands are rough on your skin. There won’t be enough time to get him armor off. Barely enough time to remove his gloves before he’s finding the opening in your clothes. Say nothing and every bit of his armor and weapons will be left on. The harsh material of his gloves pressing against your neck to keep you in place.
Making love is much more common. He’ll look at you with a slight tilt to his head. As if he couldn’t believe that this beautiful woman was his to have and to hold. He’ll verbally say this too, but only when he knows no one else can hear.
Everything will already be off when he comes to you. His hands are softer, they travel further, and take their time in mapping out the body he already knows.
Right here and now it’s somewhere in between. He bites the inside of your thighs but is gentle in guiding your leg. Resting it over his shoulder to stay out of the way as he travels forward. Nipping and biting while you grabbed onto the balcony for dear life.
“Oh, please.” You gasped out when his lips met your lower ones.
Starting off with soft, wet, bites between your lips. His mouth is so hot it boils your bloods. His hands squeezing the inside of your thighs send the entire world into overdrive. Your system working to make sure your body doesn’t shut down from all the licks, kisses, and touches that Boba wrecked through your body.
His tongue finally joins in and the teasing is over. He pushes up until you’re flat onto your back. The thick balcony edge able to cover your entire back. Making the only thing hanging off the edge.
He rumbles into your skin. Tip of his tongue exploring your entrance as if he were nervous to plunge in completely.
When he finally penetrates your sounds come out sharp. Gasping out into the open air, not caring if anyone down below stopped to hear. Boba moaning at the sounds you made. Sliding his hands up slowly in appreciation.
He builds your orgasm slowly. Wanting more so to taste, to feel, and to know this woman he was worshiping. In doing that he worry about going faster to reach the end. He didn’t want to.
Thick electricity and warmth travels through your body. Growing from your pelvis to your legs and chest. Pressing against your breasts, making your nipples sensitive to the light touch of the soft robe.
You don’t realize the orgasm has reached it peak until your eyes aren’t able to focus. Your thighs closing around Boba’s head without your permission. He grunts at the squeeze but doesn’t stop. If anything he starts to go faster, lick deeper, and downright bite softly at your lips until he gets his goal of your voice.
And voice you did. Head thrown back, crying out to Mas Espa. What you were saying didn’t make much sense. You were calling out Boba’s name, thanking him, begging for more, and pleading with him not to stop.
You wouldn’t have known it at the time, but three passersby had stopped just below your balcony. Young people heading home after a late-night shift. Stopping when hearing the sounds of a loud woman. Taking a moment or two to realize they were shouts of pleasure rather than distress.
“Good for her,” One of the passersby had said. Continuing on her way, now more excited than ever to make it back to her own husband.
Boba stays close as your orgasm finally dies down. Slotting firmly between your thighs, gently stroking the outside of your thighs. Only reaching further up when you finally found the strength to bring your head up.
“Do you feel any better?” Boba asks, reaching out to help pull you up into a sitting position.
He’s so sweet when he allows the concern to reach his face. It reminds you of why you took the risk of becoming more than just a lover to Boba Fett. He had looked at you with such genuine emotions that it was intoxicating. And you were drunk on him.
“Yes, my love, so much better.” You sigh, reaching out for his head. Pulling him in to press your foreheads together. “Now let me do the same for you.”
He doesn’t take advantage of your want to please like he usually would. In the large bed he lays you down gently. Finally taking away the robe and dragging his lips and his hands over every piece of you that he was allowed.
Although it was only the other that you were taken by him, it felt like an eternity. His cock slid through your folds once, twice, before finding your entrance. Pressing in with gentle pressure that through your head back and opens your legs for whatever Boba could dream of doing.
“Love you, love you so much.” Boba whispers in your ear.
You don’t need to reply, he already knows. Instead you place an arm around his neck. Keeping him close as his thick cock splits you open. He rubs your insides raw with powerful thrusts that jiggles your entire body. Keeping a tempo that reaches the deepest part of your body.
Sex with Boba wasn’t always this good. Your first time was fast, clumsy, and ended with dissatisfaction on your end. Something that Boba rectified when he realized, but it felt more like a responsibility rather than part of the fun.
It took time to figure eachother out this well. Your wedding night Boba had asked you to explain what you liked, what you wanted, and what he could do. The first hour coming off like a business meeting you had to attend before being allowed to leave for the weekend.
“Ready?” Boba asks with a husky voice.
“Yes, please.” You reply, body already singing with want for another orgasm.
He leans back from you. The room now freezing without his body to lay against. Still you kept your hands on his wrists, keeping contact as he takes hold of your hips. Pushing you up and down the bed to slam into his hips with a vigor that couldn’t be made from the previous position.
You made a move to massage your own clit, but Boba practically growled. Using his own hand to do the job for you. Although he moved sloppily, with barely a sense of rhythm. But that almost made it better.
Boba has a powerful body. And he uses it to destroy you in a way that can’t be replicated anytime soon. Mixture of the rapid penetration and the massaging of your clit brought that electric warmth traveling through your body once more.
This time you were fully aware of it. Arching your back as if this would make it travel faster, reach your goal at the same time that Boba found his.
Although this didn’t happen it was close enough. Your clenching pussy from another orgasm was just enough for Boba to reach his own edge. Sending him hunching over your body as he orgasmed. Slowly pumping into you as his orgasm rolls through him.
He speaks so softly, so deeply, that you didn’t understand all that he was saying. Although you caught the tail end of terms of endearment and your own name. That was really all you needed to know.
“Come here,” You demand of him when he rolls off.
He does as you ask. Rolling over to make room for you to slide into his arms. Your head tucked under his chin. Sweat and cum staining the sheets that would need to be cleaned later. In a few hours the feeling of it between your thighs would become annoying, but that was for later.
In only a few moments Boba kisses your hairline and says; “I want you in armor.”
“What?” You ask, lifting your head to look at him properly.
He’s looking over you the same way he does when planning. “You need better protection than I can provide. You need armor.”
It’s almost a show how he throws the blanket off of himself. Getting out of the bed and taking his robe with him. Leaving you naked in the bed, a little confused but also excited.
It took a week for your armor to be ordered and finished. Boba spared no expense on materials and design. Getting his new buddy Din Djarin involved when Din started asking questions about your husband’s sudden need of beskar.
Your former captors were kept alive during that week. Fennec made it a point to personally stop by everyday to deliver their food and water. She never said anything, just made sure they knew their deaths would come eventually.
That day came in the late hours of the day. Your captors dragged from their cell by Fennec and marched into the throne room. Standing side by side in chains before the Daimyo.
With Fennec taking her place on Boba’s right, you stood on his left. Staying quiet behind your new helmet of refined beskar. The breast plate, shoulder pads, and leg protection hid your identity pretty well. Especially since you hadn’t gotten the chance to paint and personalize it in your own style yet.
“My lord, we didn’t mean-.” One of your captors started but was quickly silenced by Boba’s raised hand.
“Don’t insult me further by lying.” He said. “You three have already done that enough. Not just to me, but to my right hand, and to my wife.”
This was the moment you chose to remove your helmet. It was a dramatic moment to see your captors become the ones with fear in their eyes. When they came in they just assumed you were some random mercenary, not their victim.
“They made me!” The female captor shouted. “Please, I didn’t want to do it!”
“Oh, shut up. It was her Kriffing plan!” Shouted the captor in the middle. He had been the pilot.
The two started to argue with raised voices and begging pleas. Only one of the captors stayed quiet. His eyes downcast and body lax. A man who had accepted his fate.
Fennec stops the argument with a single shot at their feet.
“Watch the fire to the ground,” Boba told Fennec. “I don’t want you hitting him by mistake.”
“My apologize,” Fennec says, smiling at her prey.
Down, below the captors feet, Boba rancor waited. He didn’t get his breakfast this morning, and it was only now that he decided to whine about it.
“Please,” The captor, the pilot, whispered towards you. “I’m sorry.”
“Three insults, three prisoners, three punishments.” Boba says, calling their attention to him although he was talking to you and Fennec. “Only fair that we each get to pick a fate.”
You nodded in agreement, but it was still hard to find your voice in this moment.
Boba turns to Fennec first: “What would you-.”
He doesn’t get to finish. Fennec leaning forward and pressing down the throne’s switch. Instantly the middle captive, the pilot, dropped from this world. His screams echoed through the halls in a way that hadn’t happened since the age of Jabba the Hutt.
You don’t have to look over to know that Boba’s pet finally got his breakfast. A loud crunch and the silencing of screams confirmed that.
“You didn’t let me finish.” Boba told Fennec.
“I’m sorry, I got excited.” Fennec explained.
At this point the female captor was sobbing. Begging for her life and screaming at her co-conspirator for getting them into this mess.
 She only stops when a blast fire from Boba’s hand. A single shot between her eyes that threw her body backwards. Slamming onto the floor in a head the shape of a corpse. Her tears were still wet when she died.
You couldn’t look away from her body. Staring at was once the greatest threat to your life, now gone from this world thanks to your husband. The name that now reached out for your hand and took it so gently you were surprised.
“You don’t have choose,” He says, pulling you closer to whisper properly. “You don’t have to do anything. Ever.”
The last captor still stands without looking at anything. He moves slowly to stand over the trap door. Although his slow movements don’t keep Fennec from drawing her weapon.
He now looks up at you. Knowing what you wanted to do, and practically begging you to do it.
It’s quiet in the throne room. Boba not wanting to push you, Fennec too curious to say anything, and the guests far too scared to make a single noise. Only the moving of the rancor down below kept the world moving.
Without thinking, or even trully deciding, you pressed down on the trap door. Leaning across Boba’s lap to do so. Looking away as your last captor drops through the door and into the hands of a beloved pet.
It was only then did the throne room make noise. Someone cheering and another joining in started the party that you weren’t expecting to happen. Fennec looked over to Boba, waiting to be told to shut it down.
“Let them enjoy,” Boba says, “Join them if you’d like.”
Fennec does just that. Stepping down where one of the twi’lek beauties were waiting for her.
You stay close to Boba, maneuvering to sit on his lap. Your helmet being placed back on to rest against his shoulder. His arms pulling you close with a hand on your shoulder and another on your knees.
“I’m sorry,” He whispers. Although it wasn’t his fault it’s nice that he still wanted to make it better. In everyway he can.
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thefact0rygirl · 2 years
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kinktober 2022
main masterlist | kinktober taglist
It's everyone's favorite time of year! Each prompt will be around 600 words or less and rated Explicit/18+. Be sure to check the warnings for each individual work. All Kinktober works are scheduled to go up at 8pm EDT.
Prompts are from this Kinktober list by @starsandskies.
Please block #kinktober 2022 if you don't wish to see!
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This masterlist will be updated with links. Most prompts have been written, but others might change as the month goes on.
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DAY 1: First Time | Fennec Shand x Fem!Reader
DAY 2: Thigh Riding | Din Djarin x Fem!Reader
DAY 3: Dirty Talk | Captain Rex x Fem!Reader
DAY 4: Size Difference | Boba Fett x Fem!Reader
DAY 6: Eating Out | Commander Wolffe x Fem!Reader
DAY 7: Edging | Obi-Wan Kenobi x Fem!Reader
DAY 9: Sixty-nine | Tup x Fem!Reader
DAY 12: Creampie | Boba Fett x AFAB!Reader
DAY 13: Overstimulation | Boba Fett x Fem!Reader
DAY 14: Mutual Masturbation | Commander Cody x Fem!Reader
DAY 16: Anal Sex | ARC Trooper Fives x GN!Reader
DAY 18: Clothes on | ARC Trooper Echo x Fem!Reader
DAY 19: Facesitting | Boba Fett x Fem!Reader
DAY 20: Spanking/Impact Play | Boba Fett x Reader
DAY 21: Rough Sex | ARC Trooper Fives x Reader
DAY 23: Hair Pulling | Boba Fett x Fennec Shand
DAY 25: Threesome/Moresome | Boba Fett x Garsa Fwip x Reader
DAY 26: Collar | Dogma x Reader
DAY 29: Body Worship | Boba Fett x Reader
DAY 31: Aftercare | Commander Wolffe x Reader
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mandwhore · 8 months
mandwhore's masterlist
Here is my AO3. All fics will be uploaded there (most likely), and there are old fics there.
As a quick reminder this is an 18+ blog. Minors and ageless blogs will be blocked.
More under the cut
About My Writing:
I mainly write reader-insert fanfiction. My reader-inserts will have their own stories and can be read more as reader-insert/oc hybrids. As such, the usage of y/n is not included, and most inserts will have a nickname.
All of my fics feature a plus size reader insert, and the majority of my reader inserts are explicitly latine. If not explicitly latine, my inserts are always written with queer plus size poc in mind.
As a queer, disabled, plus size, non-binary woman of color, all of my writing is written through that lens.
Please be aware that I do not:
1. Take Requests. Feel free to send asks, hcs you have, and thots about characters, and/or my fics! Just be aware that I may or may not write something for it. I don't take traditional requests because they are too stressful.
2. Write dd/lg, a/b/o, power imbalances with large age gaps, or RPF. I don't feel comfortable writing these things, though I may reblog fics with such themes. These will be appropriately tagged. I do not write or reblog RPFs.
my writing (last updated 1/13)
(You Drive Me) Crazy - Ellaria Sand x F!/Afab!Reader. Smut fic.
Kinktober 2022 Gagging Prompt - Boba Fett x F!/Afab!Reader.
Many coming soon!
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galacticgraffiti · 1 year
October Thots Masterlist
Kids (hopefully not, this blog is 18+), my original Masterlist has officially run out of Hyperlinks, so I am finally making a Masterlist for my october thoughts from two years ago lol
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This blog, this masterlist and all the fics on it are
!!! NSFW // 18+ // Minors DNI !!!
Daddy!Jango (700w)
Brat Tamer!Cody (500w)
Exhibitionist!Fives (1.2k)
Thigh Riding with Gregor (1.3k)
Overstimulation with Fennec (800w)
Face riding + bandana bondage with Hunter (1.3k)
Praise with Rex (660w)
Biting/Marking with Wolffe (1.6k)
Cockwarming with Commander Fox (1.2k)
Body worship with Paz (1.9k)
Degradation with Boba (1.4k)
Heightened Senses with Hardcase (1.5k)
More heightened Senses with Hardcase (and guest star Fives) (1.8k)
Edging with Din (1.2k)
Anal with Jesse (2k)
Strap On Sex with Fennec (2k)
Competency Kink with Boba (2.5k)
Competition with TBB (2.1k)
Soft morning sex with Rex (1.7k)
Armoured Hallowe’en with Jango (1.6k)
Read on AO3
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0celesteisthebest0 · 2 years
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I’ve been wanting to do this for a while but I haven’t had any time as a late so better late than never right! I got inspired by @saradika from the stardust reblog challenge she is doing at the moment. But instead of doing it monthly I decided to do a whole masterlist of the fics I’ve read since making this blog! I haven’t had a lot of time to read and comment lately so I hope this masterlist can show my appreciation!
Also this fic rec masterlist comes with a warning a majority of these works are 18+ please respect this warning and do not read this content if you are underage.
—Aaron Hotchner—
Fidelity, Bravery, Integrity by @maybege​ 
Summary: As the newest addition to the BAU you have a hard time feeling confident in your new position – especially when you very attractive and very divorced boss keeps doubting. But when you finally get the chance to prove yourself, Aaron Hotchner’s opinion of you did not seem to be so bad in the first place. 
Pairing: Aaron Hotchner x fem!Reader
Rating: E (18+ only!)
Warnings/Tags: Older Man/Younger Woman, Boss/Employee Relationship, slow burn, yearning, canon-typical violence, canon divergence
—Benny Miller—
Benny miller headcanons part 1, part 2 and part 3 by @softanon​ 18+
Summary: A list of wonderful headcanons that get into the character of Benny miller from his childhood to military life. Dia goes into the complex relationship he has with Will and in relationships.
Warnings/Tags :  Mentions of violence and blood, language, mention of sex, Fem! reader Implied in part 3.
Benny thots by @softanon
Summary:  Untitled semi-public sex with Benny Miller/fem!reader. 18+ only.
You can do that on purpose part 1 and part 2 by @softanon​ 
Summary:  Benjamin Miller learns a curious fact about vaginal sex he was previously unaware of. Set about ten years before the movie. 
Warnings/tags :Benny/fem!reader, 18+. Sexual topic of conversation, swearing, friends with benefits, conversations about sexual health/birth control, swearing, mention of alcohol, vaginal sex (fingering and PIV), dirty talk.
La primera fiesta by @marvelousmermaid
Pairing: Benny Miller x Latina!Reader
Summary: Benny is finally going to attend a family event with you and it makes you so nervous. He’s already met the important and immediate family sure but this is a cousin’s birthday party and Benny will stand out.
Warnings: food/eating mentions, comments toward male body (not technically negative. iykyk), overbearing Tìas!
—Boba Fett—
Arise, ascend by @zinzinina 18+
Summary:  They don’t tell you much when they take you to Boba Fett’s palace. Only that he needs a healer, and you happened to be the first one they’d found. You’ve heard his name whispered plenty of times, enough that you’re prepared to hate him; fight him; hurt him if necessary, despite your fear. You’re wrong.
Pairing:  Boba Fett x F!Reader
Warnings/tags: Apparent abduction, description of injuries, mention of canon-typical violence, slow burn, eventual smut, age difference.
Midnight special  by @maybege​ 18+
Summary: After an exciting fling in a bar, you and Boba enter a secret relationship that mostly takes place in motels where you pay for the hour. But when your friend invites you to her family’s BBQ, you meet under drastically different circumstances.
Pairing: hot dad!Boba x fem!Reader
Sick hcs by @saradika
Summary:  “What the bucketheads would do if you were feeling really sick, but you didn’t want to tell them?”
Skinny dipping with Boba by @zinzinina​
 Pairing: Boba Fett x F!Reader
Warnings: The tiniest bit of non-explicit nudity
—Din Djarin—
Seed pearls by @zinzinina
Pairing: Din Djarin x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: Arranged marriage, mention of death, mild canon-typical violence, descriptions of abduction, unprotected PIV sex, contraceptive conversation, clothed male/unclothed female, oral sex (male receiving), vaginal fingering, inexperienced reader, aftercare.
Sleepy sex  by @saradika
Pairing: Mand’alor Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings/Tags: somno, oral (m and f receiving), established relationship (married), PiV, lots of fluff
Sick hcs @saradika
Summary:  “What the bucketheads would do if you were feeling really sick, but you didn’t want to tell them?”
Idyllic by @ohheyitsokay
Pairing: Din Djarin x (f) reader
Warnings: 18+, explicit, uhhh lots of praise and body worship, tons of fluffy smut, p in v sex
Summary: waking up with Din is best when you have nowhere to be.
—Ezra (Prospect)—
The mirror @littleferal
Rating: explicit. Warnings: anal sex, cockwarming, edging, ezra has his own tag, dirty talk, mirror sex, sex toy mention (nipple & clit clamps) but no actual use
Excerpt To say this isn’t what you imagined when you first found the mirror would only be half a lie. Oh you’d known Ezra would want to take you apart slowly, but you hadn’t thought it’d be like this.
Trust by @ohheyitsokay
Pairing: Ezra (Prospect) x reader
Warnings: none, pining, fluff fluff fluff
Summary: the inherent intimacy of sharing space
—Fennec Shand—
Songbird by @writeforfandoms
Warnings: Some violence, nothing explicit. Very overwhelmed reader.
Pairing: Fennec Shand x GN! reader
I’ll be your princess too by @tiffdawg
Pairing: Fennec Shand x Reader (fem; no y/n)
Rated: E  | Warnings: NSFW – explicit sexual content, Fennec gives the strap, cum as lube, squirting, oral sex (f receiving), dirty talk. Open relationships; reader is also involved with Boba Fett. Mild language. 18+ only.
—Frankie ‘ Catfish’ Morales—
Sleep @ohheyitsokay
Pairing: Francisco Morales (Frankie, Catfish) x reader
Warnings: 18+ for mature audiences only!! sexual content (lots of grinding and kisses and dry humping, there are so many words and somehow no actual sex sorry about that), implications of PTSD/trauma, lots of cuddles and intimacy and fluff
Summary: sleeping with someone in a non-sexy way is as intimate as sleeping with them in a sexy way, at least for Francesco. You make him want both, despite the vulnerability
Catch by @scribbledghost
Pairing: Frankie “Catfish�� Morales/Reader (no y/n, gender neutral)
Warnings: none
Summary: Frankie finds a friend in the yard and wants to show you.
Frankie thots @littleferal 18+
Summary : Frankie saying something that makes you laugh in surprise while you two are in the middle of it and he gasps, stilling in his movements before looking up at you in something akin to awe for a moment. 
Pairing : Frankie Morales x reader 
—Marcus Moreno—
thinking with Marcus by @ohheyitsokay​
Summary: Soulmate AU where you could hear fragments of what your soulmate is thinking of
Warnings: a little angst, brief mention of Marcus’ wife passing
Pairing: Marcus Moreno x reader
—Oberyn Martell—
The day she lost her heart @captainstormborn
Pairing: Oberyn Martell x Ellaria Sand
Warnings/Tags: Hurt no comfort, Major Character Death, Oneshot. 
—Paz Vizla—
A little piece of heaven by @maybege
Summary: Williamsdale hates people “like him” and Paz hates Williamsdale, so it’s a perfect fit. Content with living from day to day, Paz’s life takes a sharp turn when he meets you and he is reminded of the life he once dreamed of. But navigating a new relationship can be hard when there is an unplanned pregnancy that makes things even more unpredictable.
Pairing: biker!Paz Vizsla x teacher!fem!Reader
Rating: E(18+ only!) 
Tags/Warnings: Modern AU, Biker AU, unplanned pregnancy,
Tattoos with Paz by@ohheyitsokay
Summary: where your soulmate's name appears as a tattoo, with Paz
Pairing: Paz Vizla x Fem!Reader
Warnings/Tags: 18+ description of piv sex, oral sex, fingering, rapidly falling in love
—Poe Dameron—
Red string with Poe by @ohheyitsokay
Summary:  Poe and red string of fate
Pairing: Poe Dameron x reader
Warnings/ Tags : death mention, canon-typical violence, angst with a happy ending
Directions by @zinzinina
Pairing: Poe Dameron x F!Reader
Rating: Explicit 18+
Warnings: Experience vs. inexperience, descriptions of sex-related anxiety and insecurity, praise kink, encouragement kink, oral sex (f receiving), unprotected PIV, overstimulation, implied cum eating. Anything you think I’ve forgotten that needs to be flagged, please let me know.
—Triple Frontier—
Poly frontier by @ohheyitsokay
Summary: A masterlist full of wonderful poly frontier fics! Contains a list of immersive stories that expand on the relationships between Will (Ironhead) Miller, Santiago (Pope) Garcia, Francisco (Catfish) Morales, Ben (Benny) Miller, and a female reader.
Warning: All works go under 18+, accept this warning!!
Delayed gratification by @softanon
Summary: Sending the TF boys lewds/nudes while they’re busy
Warnings/Tags:  18+, gn!reader. Separate thots for Will, Santiago, Frankie, and Benny. Language and non-explicit allusions to naughty pics/audio sent to one’s lover. 
—Jack “Whiskey” Daniels—
Multitudes by @scribbledghost
Summary:  The Statesman techs have managed to create a window into another universe. A window that just so happens to appear in your kitchen. Before long, you and Whiskey both find yourselves developing feelings that appear to span across time and space itself. Multitudes chronicles the relationship of one smitten cowboy and his interstellar lover.
Pairing: Jack ‘Whiskey’ Daniels x reader 
Fragile normality by @scribbledghost
Summary: Just a few weeks after the events of Shadows, you finally go back into town to see what damage has been done. Over the next few weeks, you spend time trying to decide whether to reveal your Minotaur lover’s existence to your neighbors, and Jack wrestles with the emotional repercussions of what he did to keep you safe during the mimic creature invasion.
Pairing: Minotaur!Agent Whiskey x Reader
Forgotten creatures by @scribbledghost
Pairing: Minotaur!Agent Whiskey x Reader 
Summary: While their patented AlphaGel treatment is still in development, one Agent Whiskey becomes its first human test subject. But goes terribly wrong, and he comes back from the dead as something not quite human - a modern Minotaur. Years after he’s abandoned in a Statesman basement, he becomes a myth, a legend no one seriously expects to exist. One day you venture inside his lair, urged on by your peers to see if you can find the “Statesman Monster”. What you find instead is something very different and distinctly human.
Agent whiskey masterlist by @scribbledghost
Summary: I’ve read the majority of Ghosts Whiskey works and this masterlist right here is a comprehensive love letter in a way to a character the movie didn’t give props to! This masterlist is just beautiful and contains tons of whiskey works!
Tennessee Waltz @softanon
Summary: Jack Daniels remembers dancing.
Honeysuckle by @softanon
Warnings/Tags: Implied fem reader. Kissing and oral sex, a hint of overstimulation. 18+ only
Sleeping habits by @littleferal
Summary: A list of sleeping headcanons regarding Agent Whiskey
Warnings/Tags: mention of anxiety, co-dependency and separation issues. mild angst
Teasing by @ohheyitsokay
Pairing: Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) x reader
Warnings/Tags: extremely mild implications of sex at some point, kissing and cuddles 
Summary: the power you hold over Jack Daniels lies in the fact that he adores you
Just us by @ohheyitsokay
Pairing: Jack Daniels (Agent Whiskey) x (f) reader
Warnings/Tags: discussion of not wanting children, brief mention of trauma (the accident), brief mentions of sex, generally sweet and cozy
Summary: Jack and you both grow into what you want (and don’t want?) for the future
Letters of consent by @ohheyitsokay
Pairing: Jack Daniels x (f) reader
Warnings: 18+ , strong language, sex-pollen (but ✨consensual✨), p v sex, oral sex (f receiving), filth, elle not knowing how to write smut like a normal person
Summary: elle's therapist brain went off the rails again and this is what came of it. Jack needs someone to sign his papers and the only one he wants in a time of crisis is you.
Singing with Whiskey by @ohheyitsokay
Summary: You can hear your soulmate sing.
Pairing: Whiskey x reader 
Warnings/Tags: brief mentions of trauma?
—Javier Peña—
Curriculum Vitea @tiffdawg
Summary: After leaving Colombia and retiring from the DEA, Javier Peña steps into a new role as a university professor. A woman with multiple degrees and more books than you can count, you meet Javier as you similarly struggle with the future of your career. Despite your odds, the two of you find something you need in each other during uncertain times.
Pairing: Javier Peña x Reader (fem; no y/n)
How Javi met… by @jedifarmerr
F!Reader (no y/n, no physical description, established backstory).
Rating: E (18+)
Warnings: mostly set post-season 3. Slow burn, kinda enemies to friends to lovers, eventual smut, semi-accurate timeline - cannon compliant. language, drinking, smoking. Sexual situations. Age gap is ambiguous (Both reader & Javi’s age never explicitly stated).(individual warnings on each chapter)
Story is loosely based on Harry Met Sally 
Pobreceito By @ohheyitsokay
Pairing: Javier Peña x reader
Warnings: none, pining, yearning, enough fluff to fill a couch cushion
Summary: you hide that you know Spanish long enough to accidentally sort of hear Javi fall in love with you
—Will miller—
Will Miller headcanons part 1 @softanon
Summary:  Headcanons of Will and his childhood
Patience @ohheyitsokay
Pairing: Will (Ironhead) Miller x (f)reader
Warnings/Tags: 18+, explicit, edging, piv sex, oral (m receiving) gosh. just a lot of fluffy filth. I'm not even sorry, but let me know if I should add anything
Touching and tattoos with Will by @ohheyitsokay​
 Summary: A soulmate AU with Will. Knowing your soulmate when you touch. Tattoos blossom where you touch your soulmate for the first time. 
Pairing: Will Miller x reader
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imabeautifulbutterfly · 7 months
Once Upon a Time on the Razor Crest
Summary: First steps to friendship
A/N: Hello lovelies,
I hope everyone had a good week. I just want to put this out there as someone who works in the medical field, please be kind to doctors, nurses, technicians, receptions, and cleaning crews.
Just be kind in general. I had a rough week with a very rude patient. It might not seem like much but after a while it takes a toll. So to everyone and anyone who needs to hear this, thank you for all the hard work you do.
Love oo
Due to the past history of the OC there will be discussions alluding to past domestic abuse, please note that as it could be a trigger for some.
Warnings: discussions of lunch, trying to avoid isolation, mentions of past trauma (blink and you'll miss it), discussions of being dirty (physically), possible mud (use your imagination). If I miss any warnings, please let me know.
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As we watched Taika and Misty munching away, it made me remember we needed to eat too, “Din, what do you want for lunch? There’s some leftovers from last night’s dinner or I could make us a sandwich and salad …”
“You know…” he cut her off, realizing he needed to make more of an effort with her. 
Sure she was his employee, but he was also the only person she knew out here. Cobb and Fennec were always busy in town and the surrounding areas,  and Fennec had even less time than Cobb, being Boba’s right hand. Then there was Grogu, and as fun and enjoyable he was for a little kid, it wasn’t the same as having someone around her own age to hang out with. 
He nodded to himself, resolving he needed to do better, “You did a really good job today, Ann. Looking after Bessie, milking her, noticing there was something off about her. You could’ve easily brushed it off, or not even bothered to tell me about it. But you did, and because you did, I can tell you there will be a new addition to the ranch. Nerfs have a faster gestation than most quadrupeds. We should have a new addition in a month or two depending on if it’s a bull or calf. Not to mention you fed the nunas and collected the eggs, even though I know it freaks you out a little. I even noticed that you stamped the eggs with the date, and put them away. Cleaned out the pens as best you could … before I got here.” He smirked.
I tilted my head to look at him, resting my head on my arms that were propped on the railing of the corral. I didn’t say much, simply looking at him as I narrowed my eyes at Din, “I can’t tell if you’re making fun of me, or if you’re being genuine”
He chuckled, as he glanced over to her, shaking his head. “Genuine, I’m being genuine,” he turned back to look at Taika and Misty, “plus, I owe you for this morning.” 
I smirked, focusing back on the horses, “So … does this mean, I’ll get a pay bump?”
“Ha! No.” He stood stretching, “However, I do believe, your good work today, and for my …”
“That’s not even a word.”
“Words aren’t words, until you start using them more often”
Din shook his head laughing, “Anyway, I do believe this entitles you to lunch on me. How about we go into town for lunch? I know a good restaurant.”
“Oh, um … yeah, I guess…”
He hadn’t expected that reaction, “Do you not want to?” Din glanced over to her.
A thousand scenarios ran through my mind, my biggest concern was bringing danger to this small town, but … Fennec went through a lot to cover my tracks so I could make it here. I couldn’t keep hiding on the ranch like I was. I needed to stop letting my ex dictate terms. I needed to start living again. 
I closed my eyes, and reminded myself, I wasn’t that same weak girl, he initially married.
 “No. No.” I focused on the landscape before, taking in the beautiful mountains, the crisp air. I was far away from him. “I’m up for going into town. After all, I need to see more of this area, get to know the town and people. As beautiful as this ranch is, I can’t exactly be holed up here forever.”
“No. You can’t” he smiled.
 I smirked, as my eyes glanced down, looking over my dirty outfit, “Maybe I should change? Take a shower at least?” My hand subconsciously went to my forehead and hair, wiping away some of the sweat and dirt.
Din shrugged, “You can if you want to but there’s no need, we’re going to a diner, not some fancy five-star high-end Coruscant restaurant. Plus this is a farming town, we’re all used to being a little dirty.”
“Hmmm … Well, I guess, if you’re going like that” I motioned to his shirt, “then I guess I can go like this” I motioned to my less than stellar outfit.
“What’s wrong with what I’m wearing?” He looked down, sure there was dirt, hay, dust, some grass strains, and something … he hoped but wasn’t entirely sure was mud. The more he thought about it, the more he changed his opinion, “You know, now that you mention it, maybe a change of shirt wouldn’t be the worst thing.”
I chuckled, nodding in agreement, as he tried to flick a nondescript dark matter off his shirt towards me. I squealed, flinching away from him, increasing the distance between us. “Hey …” I held up my finger as I moved further away, “I’ll have you know, I have enough of my own questionable dark matter on me, I don’t need to take on yours, too.” I shouted over to him, when I was far enough away and headed back into the house.  
Din watched as she headed back to the house, slipping off her boots before she went in. 
He stood in the open glancing over to the pens, the horses grazing, and Bessie chewing away as she stood there looking at him, and he couldn’t remember a time he felt this content from cleaning the pens and grooming Taika and Misty. He shook his head, pushing his thoughts aside as he headed into the house to change.
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@littlemisspascal @sprout-fics @liadamerondjarin @badbatch-simp24 @spicymcnuggies @lady-ren @firstofficerwiggles @darkangel4121 @discofern @kavecika @monako-jinn-stories @ladykatakuri @avathebestx @theroguesully @furyhellfire66 @carodealmeida @ciramaris @twinkofthedink @dindjarin-mandalorian @tortor-mcgee @sarcasmismyonlydefense24 @chiyo13
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djarincore · 9 months
To Touch Darkness
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summary: Din is possessed by the darksaber, forcing all of his darkest fears and deepest desires to manifest in a way that threatens to consume you.
pairing: haunted!din djarin x f!reader
word count: 4.8k
warnings: dark, dubcon, biting, blood, oral (f and m receiving), hair pulling, rough sex, overstimulation, possessive behavior, name calling, dirty talk, breeding kink, breath play, degradation, unprotected PIV, manhandling, mainly smut, please read tags carefully and do not read if anything could be potentially triggering!
a/n: there's something so sexy about an emotionally closed off man who gets possessed and all those locked up feelings surface in the worst way possible and he becomes obsessed with his desire hehe
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There was something wrong with Din.
You wanted to believe in logical explanations. Grogu was gone, training with Luke Skywaker and shrinking your clan of three to two before you could process your goodbyes. The Razor Crest was ashes—the only home the two of you had known for the years you’d been together. And Din’s creed was broken, leaving him an apostate with an uncertain future. Not to mention he was now in possession of an incredibly powerful weapon, the darksaber, and he didn’t even want the responsibility of its power. 
The world was crashing down around him; it made sense for him to change. 
But, you were wrong—so very wrong.
Your slow realization began the first night without Grogu. The two of you had gone back to Tatooine with Boba Fett and Fennec Shand, finding an inn to stay at before planning your next moves. 
Exhausted, as you laid on your side in bed together, his bare hands wandered over your skin, hot and needy, his mouth trailing down your neck in search of the spot that made you melt beneath him. He knew it well, having spent hours ravishing you in the dark of his bunk long before Grogu was ever in your lives.
You craned your neck to face him with a frown. Maybe now wasn’t the best time; after all, you both just lost a son. “Din, I don’t think-”
With better access, his lips sealed yours in a passionate and frenzied kiss as his hand slipped beneath the waistband of your pants. 
“Need you,” he grunted, yanking your pants down along with your underwear, “Now.” 
“But, Din,” you attempted to protest, but it died on your lips when his hand pulled your thighs apart and another wrapped around your waist. His rough palm came in contact with your clit and a finger ran up your folds. You shuddered and gasped when he ground his palm against your clit, urging you to grind against it. You could feel him growing stiff against your ass as he rutted against you. 
It was unlike him to be so desperate; Din was all about calm and collected control. When the two of you were in bed together he would never fully lose himself to his desires, a part of him always held back, too afraid to hurt you. His hands would only ghost the column of your neck, teeth grazing the sensitive flesh of your skin but never sinking in and taking what he wanted. 
But, you were tempted by that locked up part of himself, by what he could do and how well he could ruin you if he’d just give in. 
Both your emotions were running high from your newfound loss; you slowly allowed yourself to succumb to the pleasure he offered to forget your feelings for a night. 
Din turned you on your back and his lips returned to your neck, trailing down the slope and through the valley of your breasts. You moaned when his tongue ran over your nipple, building it up to its peak and then moving on to the next, teasing lightly with his teeth. 
His finger worked over your clit, massaging circles around it until you were writhing and soaked. He cursed as he stuffed two fingers into you without warning, curling his fingers in your heat. “So tight ‘n wet for me.”
You cried out, shocked by the sudden feeling of fullness. You weren’t quite used to how rough he was being, the words he spoke. As much as you loved his praise and gentle whispers, you couldn’t deny how wet you became from hearing the rasp in his voice or the way he commanded your body with rough touches. 
You shifted your hips to adjust to his fingers, but he clawed down on your thighs, forcing you open. 
“Stay still,” he growled. 
You struggled to comply. Hips jerked in response to his thick fingers pushing and pulling through your slick heat. You whimpered his name, curling your fingers around his bicep. You could feel the tension in your belly building. 
Din huffed, his fingers slipped out of you and he manhandled you onto your stomach, propping you up and ready for him. 
Your eyes widened. He never liked taking you in this position, said it was too impersonal. He always wanted to see you, kiss you, watch as your face twisted with pleasure, to see your eyes open again and know they were filled with love. 
He leaned over, pressing himself against your pulsing heat, allowing you to feel just how badly he wanted you. He whispered low in your ear, rough and heated, “What’d I say, mesh’la?” 
“S-Sorry,” you panted, pushing against his cock. You were throbbing, aching to be filled again and again. 
“Think you can take me yet?” 
You only nodded into the pillows, too distracted by the rustling of his pants sliding off and being discarded somewhere in the corner of the room. His thick cock dragged against your entrance, soaking in arousal.
“I need an answer,” he demanded, pulling your face from the pillows. He cradled your jaw. The tips of his fingers trailed down to brush against the column of your throat. 
“Yes! Please, Din,” you begged, pushing your aching cunt against him. 
When he slid in, molding you around his cock, you clung to the pillow and moaned. He grunted once he was all the way in, already pressing against that perfect spot that made your entire body tremble. He just knew your body all too well and when he began grinding into you just the way you liked, you nearly fell apart with a cry.
“Such a good girl,” he groaned when you opened around him, adjusting his grip tighter on your hips to control you. His thrusts started shallow, allowing you to adjust to his size, until you begged for more. “Ready, cyare?” 
“Yes, please, I need it,” you mewled, rocking your hips back. 
The first heavy thrust nearly pushed you against the headboard. He continued at that pace, drilling into your tight cunt. The slick dripping between your thighs was messy and your walls fluttered around him, pulling him deeper until he was groaning and snapping his hips harder. 
You swore you were going to break. The angle was different; he was pressing against you in all the right places, filling you to the brim. The building pleasure in your stomach grew and grew. His hand wandered away from pressing bruises into your hip and brushed against your swollen clit. 
You jerked away with a pitiful yelp, but his other hand held you down, moving from your hip to the back of your neck once again, pressing your face into the pillows.
“You’re okay,” he soothed. “Doing so well for me.”
“Ah, Din, feels so good,” you whimpered, sinking deeper and deeper under the waves of pleasure as his finger continued moving on your clit, sending strong pulses throughout your body. It rocked you to the very core until you threatened to snap. 
The fingers around your neck pressed gently, reminding you he was there, completely in control of your pleasure. The added pressure only served to bring you closer to your climax. 
“Mhm,” you managed through your breathless pants.
With a few more thrusts of his hips, you shattered completely with a sharp cry, squeezing his cock until he followed soon after. You rode your highs together, his chest against your back and his mouth to your ear, whispering praises. 
As you eased yourself onto your stomach, Din slipped out but continued to hover over you, ghosting fingers up and down your spine to soothe you. 
“Did I hurt you?” His concern and guilt took over his exhaustion. Two hands roamed your body, tracing the marks and bruises he created. 
You cut off his on coming apology, “I’m fine, Din. I-I actually liked it.”
“Really?” His fingers pressed into your skin. “Are you sure?”
You laughed, turning over to grab his head and pull him down, attacking him with a flurry of kisses all over his face. “I’ll say it one more time—I’m fine, Din.”
Din pressed a gentle kiss to your forehead, cradling your cheek in his palm. “You won’t leave, right?”
Your brows furrowed. It was a sudden question, but you had a feeling you knew what brought it out. “No, Din.”
A shadow passed over his eyes, so quickly you swore you imagined it. 
“You’re mine?” 
Your worry faded into a chuckle. “Last time I checked, we’re married. Of course, I’m yours forever.”
Din pulled you into his chest, an arm draped over your waist, his fingers pressing into your back. He peppered kisses over each splotch of color along your neck. He was clearly satisfied with your answer. 
As you drifted off, you faintly heard a whisper.
“Mine forever.”
Din’s behavior only declined after that night. He rarely allowed you to leave his side or wander too far out of sight, claiming it was better this way, safer. 
Who knew what kind of enemies he had made after capturing Moff Gideon? There were people after him; they were enemies shrouded in shadow and ghostly whispers he couldn’t explain, but they were there—he was sure of it. 
And the only place you could be safe was by his side as he viciously tore his enemies apart. Bounties were no longer given the choice to be taken in alive. 
You witnessed Din slice a man’s hand off with the darksaber simply because he grabbed your hand as he begged for his life. And when you asked him why he’d done that, he only shrugged and polished off the darksaber’s hilt. 
“He touched what’s mine.”
His words burrowed into your skin for weeks to come.
Mine. Mine. Mine. 
Every time he held the darksaber you wanted to shy away. The ominous glow surrounding its dark void pulled you into its haze and clouded your rational thoughts. 
His words were no longer spoken with adoration and devotion—there was only obsession. He needed you, craved you so desperately. His frenzied hunger consumed you every night. He was rough, needy, as if every second you weren’t wrapped around his cock would turn him into a starved beast. You were never without splotches coloring your skin, never without his touch burning onto every inch of your body. 
And you craved him all the same, falling into his arms when he opened them. The need was insatiable, almost painful. To be without him created an ache deep in your heart, a pounding in your skull, and throbbing desire for him to be buried in your weeping cunt. 
So, you continued to follow him because you loved him and needed him. 
He often talked about Mandalore, not just when it came to bathing in its waters to be redeemed but reclaiming it, becoming its rightful ruler. You didn’t understand where the desire came from. He was so adamant about giving the darksaber to Bo-Katan after winning it from Gideon, not wanting anything to do with the responsibility.
His determination led the two of you to find the Armorer, hoping she’d give him the support and guidance he needed. When you ended up on Glavis, where the Armorer and Paz set up a new forge, you were glad to see them. 
It almost felt normal. For the past six months all you knew was Din. Seeing familiar faces brought back a sort of clarity in your mind; the world was more than just Din.  
That night you laid with Din in a bed offered by the Armorer in the new covert. You stayed up, haunted by your thoughts. Your recurring dreams, more like nightmares, were plagued with panic and danger, blood and death. 
The nightmares started after Din’s change in character and always surrounded him, whether it was him washed in the blood of his enemies or lying in a pool of his own. 
Fresh air would do you well. You had to untangle yourself from Din’s arms. Carefully, you slipped his arm off and rolled yourself out of his grasp, replacing your body with a pillow. He didn’t stir and you crept out of the room without a sound. 
You hated stumbling around in the dark. Before things with Din began to change, you had no problem with it, but now it felt suffocating to be trapped in the darkness. 
The new covert was smaller, made up of narrow walkways with no railing. One small misstep and you’d tumble over into the abyss. A small part of you wanted to turn back, stay with Din where it was safer, where he could protect you, but that thought shrunk the longer you walked down the familiar path toward the forge. 
The light in the room beckoned you inside. Paz was sitting on a bench cleaning a few blasters with a rag. 
“Come in,” he invited, not taking his focus away from his task. 
You slipped into the room and sat on a bench situated against the wall. 
“Trouble sleeping?” He asked.
“Sort of,” you said. It was odd to be alone after so long by Din’s side. You almost felt empty. 
After a long silence, Paz finally spoke.
“The darksaber is dangerous,” he spat. “The apostate should have never brought it here. It craves power and control. It draws strength from fear and desire.”
You sat, dumbstruck. You felt a moment of clarity, something you hadn’t felt in weeks. Were you truly so blind to the darksaber’s influence over your mind and body? But it all made sense—the lust, the possessiveness. The darksaber was to blame. 
You missed Din, the man he used to be and the life you had. 
“There has to be a way to help him, right? We can take it away, destroy it,” you spouted off. 
Your speech was growing frenzied, your mind desperately raced for solutions to fix a problem you didn’t understand. 
“We have to help him,” you begged. You stood and rushed to Paz, grabbing his arm. “Please-”
“What’s going on here?” 
Din appeared like a ghost at the edge of the shadowed doorway. Darkness seemed to consume his outline, pulling him further into the abyss. 
You slipped your hands from Paz’s arm and stepped away, afraid of what Din might do if you clung to him longer. The sound of the darksaber igniting and echoing screams rang in your ear.
“Nothing,” you were quick to say, but Paz thought differently. 
“You’ve changed.”
Din’s low, dark chuckle made your shoulders tense. Confidence seeped in his stance, his posture lax and head cocked. “Have I?” 
“You scare your own riduur, brother.”
“She’s not scared.” 
Paz stepped in front of you, shielding you behind his large body. “You do not get to decide that.”
With your face no longer in his sight, the confidence slipped into rage. “Stay away from her,” Din growled. 
Paz shifted his feet, igniting his vambrace shield. The tension began to rise as both men reached for their weapons.   
“Din, stop,” you demanded, stepping from behind Paz. You didn’t want bloodshed—you just wanted him to be free. “We just want to help you.”
“Come here,” Din commanded. 
The feeling was undeniable. The heavy push toward him forced your feet toward him. Though your mind wanted to fight it, your eyes gravitated toward the darksaber clutched in his fist. It screamed and called for you, distorted and clear all at the same time. 
“Din,” you begged, as if his name would be enough to rid him of the darksaber’s curse. 
“I did not ask.”
Like metal grinding against metal, a trilling noise reverberated in your skull, calling you to him with more than just words. 
“You do not deserve that weapon nor your riduur.” 
Paz’s harsh words were enough to push Din into igniting the darksaber. A pitch black saber with a glow of white and a hollow ringing as it raised, the sight brought a tremble in your legs. The confrontation would only end one way if you didn’t defuse it. 
“They belong to me.”
It was like Din’s voice was not his own. 
“The darksaber was forged by my ancestors. It does not belong in the hands of an apostate.”
“Then come get it.” 
The threat was evident in his words. A new challenge for the darksaber was approaching, one that would only end in death to mark the true keeper of its power. 
Paz stepped forward. The ringing became louder, unbearable. 
“Stop!” You threw yourself in the middle, arms outstretched. “That’s enough!”
You carefully stepped toward Din, hoping your wavering smile would make him sheath the darksaber and forget Paz’s words. “Let’s go to bed, okay?”
Din grabbed your arm and tugged you away. When Paz stepped forward again to follow, you stuck your hand out to shoo him away. He had the best intentions, but you didn’t want to see him dead.
When Din returned the darksaber to his belt, the ringing didn’t stop. You wanted to run, but you wouldn’t leave Din to be consumed by the darksaber’s influence. 
Din dragged you back to your bedroom; the silence was tense. His grip around your arm burned and he squeezed until you let out a whimper. “He’s turning you against me, trying to take what’s mine.”
He threw open the door and pulled you inside, kicking the door shut behind him. 
“It wasn’t like that,” you whined, clawing at his hand. Maker, your head was pounding. “He only wanted to help.”
“Help?” He scoffed. His other hand came to grip your jaw, his nails digging into your cheek, forcing you to look him in the eyes. “Don’t fucking lie to me. Just admit you want to leave me too,” he all but roared.
It was fear speaking. His hand trembled as he held you. Like a caged tiger lashing out. 
Your eyes burned as both of his grips tightened. “No,” you managed to squeeze out of your puckered lips. “Never.”
“Prove it.” He released you with a shove, sending you tumbling to the floor, and sat on the bed. He began to unbuckle his pants. 
You stared at him wide eyed, slightly dazed from the fall. He was never this rough or demanding, even when he was buried deep inside your cunt, taking you over every flat surface available.  
“Don’t sit there and look dumb.” 
His words brought you back. Your legs clenched and shame flooded through you. 
It wasn’t right. You were supposed to be convincing him to get rid of the darksaber, not getting aroused when he threw you around with impressive strength. 
Your head was screaming; the pounding against your skull made you fear something would burst out of it. You couldn’t focus. 
You needed to…
Your hands were on him. You freed his cock easily and got to work without a second thought. You just wanted to—needed to—please him. 
Stroking his thick cock with your hand, your thumb brushed over the weeping tip and smeared pearls of precum over him. You felt saliva begin to pool on your tongue as you leaned forward to take him into your mouth. Your lips wrapped around his cock, taking as much as you could until you reached halfway. You stroked the rest of him with your hand. 
“That’s it,” he sighed, a hand reaching to press against your skull to guide you. 
Your head bobbed, tasting the saltiness of him on your tongue. You moaned when evidence of your arousal began seeping into your panties. You attempted to shift your hips and angle your heel against your core to give yourself some stimulation. Your clit rubbed against your heel, a weak pressure but managed to send a shudder through you. 
When Din sensed you were more interested in getting yourself off, he forced you down his cock until you choked. Tears pooled in your eyes as you tried not to gag. Your hand clawed at his hip, begging for air. 
“Take it,” he ordered, his voice nothing but a harsh bite. He could feel your throat fluttering around him perfectly—a mouth made just for him.
You blinked away your tears and tried breathing through your nose. 
“You want to come so bad you’re going to fuck yourself on your heel? Heh, what a naughty little slut,” he said, clicking his tongue. 
You nearly jolted at that word, eyes widening. It was always mesh’la or cyare; on rare, gentle nights it was riduur—never slut. Your brows furrowed, but he paid no mind.
His hand guided you along his length, deep and quick. His breaths came ragged as he used you. He pulled you off at the height of his pleasure, biting back a groan. 
“Get up,” he demanded.
You gripped the bed for support as you stood on weak legs before his seated figure. The throbbing in your core grew stronger when his hands came to slide up your waist, beneath your shirt, to cup your breast, running both thumbs over your hardening nipples. 
“This is mine,” Din rasped, pinching one of your nipples until you yelped. Another hand trailed down, slipping into your panties and cupping your leaking cunt. “And this is mine. Every fucking inch of you belongs to me.”
He dragged a single digit through your folds, gathering your arousal on his finger before dipping into your warmth. Your hands flew to grip his shoulder pauldrons when he began moving his finger and grinding his palm against your clit. 
“There is no running from me,” he growled. He ripped his hands from your body and stood in a mass of intimidating silver armor. “I’ll make sure you remember that. Take your clothes off.” 
You were pushed on the bed before you could blink and Din was removing the rest of his armor and clothes. Each plate clashed against the floor, the sound of anticipation. You followed his orders, quickly shedding off your clothes, revealing yourself to the cold night air.
By the time you were naked, his helmet was all that was left. He revealed his face, finally. The eyes you loved were void of any emotion other than lust. Dark eyes scanned your body as he stalked toward you and slipped onto the bed. 
Laying flat on your back, you awaited his next demands. It would be wise to listen. There was no telling what kind of beast you’d unlock with one wrong move, yet you were shamefully eager to discover it. 
When he knelt between your legs, devouring your glistening pussy with his starving eyes, he pushed your legs wider, bending your knees up toward your chest. 
Din lowered himself onto the bed without tearing his gaze from your cunt. He wet his lower lip before kissing along your inner thigh.
“Stay.” Was his only command before he dove into your sweet cunt. He dragged his flat tongue slow up your slit and against your clit. 
You held onto your trembling legs, pulling yourself open for him, as he delved into your folds. He devoured you, using his hands to spread your lips wider as he fucked you with his tongue, eating you like he was starving. 
You clawed at your knees, trying to keep your legs open, as breathless pants slipped through your lips. Your orgasm was approaching fast and if he didn’t let up or give you a break, you’d come all over his face. 
Maybe that’s what he planned. Once he began to rub your sensitive clit, ignoring your whines, you knew it was over. 
“Ngh, Din,” you gasped, giving up on holding your legs when the overwhelming rush of your impending orgasm flooded you. Your legs locked around his head, fingers tugging his hair as your hips moved to reach your high. 
“That’s right,” he moaned into your cunt, encouraging you to ride his face further, clawing your thighs. 
You met your peak with a sharp cry, grinding against his face as his tongue lapped up your release. His hunger was insatiable; he cleaned any drop of your arousal that leaked from your cunt. When he finally emerged, he swiped his thumb over the corners of his mouth and sucked that off as well. 
“No one else can make you feel like this, huh?” 
You caught your heaving breath. “No one.”
Hands slotting beneath your knees, Din spread you open once again. Your body was still shuddering, sensitive, when he slotted himself between your legs. His cockhead caught against your opening and you groaned, still twitching from the aftershocks of your orgasm, “W-Wait, Din.”
“Quiet,” he growled, grabbing your neck. His hand squeezed, cutting off your breath, leaving no room for any more argument. 
The usual loving gaze he kept was gone, gentle hands and loving gestures, replaced by something darker—a locked away desire bubbling to the surface. 
You hated how much his voice and his complete control made your body tremble. You needed him to satisfy you.
He entered you without another warning, forcing himself into your cunt despite the resistance of your tight walls. He didn’t give you the chance to adjust to his thick cock filling you. 
You yelped, clawing at his arm. The lack of oxygen and his rapid thrusts made your mind spin. There was nothing but Din as darkness crept into your vision—it would only be him forever. 
“Gonna fuck a new baby into you,” he grunted. 
That would have given you pause if you weren’t so caught up in bliss, trapped in the haze of pleasure he gave you. You only moaned, words were lost to you, your tongue nothing but a heavy mass.
“You want that, don’t you?” He cooed, “To be swollen with my kid. You’d never be able to leave my side.”
He released your neck and you gasped for air, grateful with each breath you could gulf down. His hand slid down your chest until he reached your stomach and pressed down; he could feel the bulge of his cock moving inside you. 
“Right here. Feel that?” 
The pressure from his hand brought tears to your eyes. He was relentless—he fucked you until you cried, helpless under his strength. Your body was nothing but a doll for him to break and mold beneath his touch.
Your sobs were silenced by his lips, rough and heady, devouring every gasp and cry. You tasted blood, felt the sting of your lower lip from where he bit. Din trailed kisses and sucked marks onto your neck as you writhed beneath the attention you were too weak to deny.
His hand slid lower, his thumb grazing your sensitive clit. You came without warning, arching into his thrusts and clawing at his back with a sob. 
He continued, unphased by your cunt clenching around him, allowing you to ride out your high to the point of almost painful overstimulation. 
Your chest heaved, begging for a break he would not offer. Your legs fell limp against the bed. “C-Can’t,” you choked.
It was too much, too sensitive. And when he hit that perfect, spongy spot inside you, your back arched with a violent cry escaping you.
“You can take it,” he encouraged, hands slipping beneath your thighs to push them to your chest, spreading you wider and letting him go deeper. “You’re gonna be good for me, yeah?”
All you could do was nod through his punishing movements as he worked closer and closer to his release. He muttered breathless promises until they trailed off into nothing but grunts and groans.
“Give me another one.” 
“Maker, I could stay buried in you forever.”
He was lost, taking all the pleasure for himself as you laid there whimpering, twisting your hands around the sheets or running them down his back. You ached all over, but you could feel another climax building, twisting inside you. 
Din cursed, the harsh groan came before he sank his teeth into your shoulder. You weren’t sure if you screamed or not, too consumed by your orgasm and him filling you. Your hands desperately clawed down his back the deeper his teeth dug. 
“D-Din,” you stuttered weakly, eyes falling heavy under the pain; your face twisted. 
He let you go after his teeth made their mark on your skin, a sign for anyone else foolish enough to challenge him for you. He pulled your limp figure close to his chest and held you in his arms until your breath evened. 
You were fading, succumbing to your exhaustion and his warm embrace. Though there was a thought floating around in your meddled brain, something important. 
Din shifted inside you, not pulling out yet. You could feel the mixture of your cum stuffed inside of you and slowly leaking between your legs. It was just the two of you, lost in the aftershocks of your orgasms. 
Whatever the problem was, it must not have been important if you couldn’t remember—it could be dealt with…eventually…you just…wanted to…sleep. 
Lulled by the sound of vibrations, like a strange ringing, you slipped into a deep slumber, wrapped in Din’s arms, and were pulled into darkness. 
Nothing was wrong. 
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To Give Back
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Chapter 6: Angry Mama
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A/N: Here it is! Thank you for your patience! :> Reblogs and likes are always welcome, even comments. It’s also not really proof read (>v>)’
Summary: Din losts the kid to Moff Gideon and finds his way back to you.
Warning: Poor plushy :<, angst, swears, Vowldike because he is, if I miss any let me know
Words: 2,684 ____________________________________________________
Chapter 5: The Spruce Blue Armor
It was just a normal, decent morning on Nevarro, except it really isn't.
Your entire body jolted yourself awake, sitting up in cold sweat after a horrible dream.
The sounds of children screaming still ringing in your ears as you cover them in panic. Frantically looking around before realizing where you are, you stared down at your feet as your eyes widen in disbelief when the dream had you focused to one particular child. You couldn't see them but you could hear their cries of help. You gulped, trying to calm your breathing, squeezing your eyes tightly, shaking the empty vision from your mind.
You frown, not wanting to remember the dream you had. Although, there's really nothing to remember about except the screams echoing in your mind. There was just darkness and you standing alone in the middle of nowhere in just your sleepwear.
As your heart starts to calm, your hearing was still muffled by your hands, so you slowly let sounds fill through your ear canals and to your ear drums. This time you could hear actual children screaming, not in fear, but with joy and in childish play. You let out a stifled gasp since you've been holding your breath. Letting yourself breathe in through your nose properly and exhaling out through your mouth. You stared down at your hands as you slowly close and tighten them.
'What the hell was that about...?' You thought.
You sighed, moving to the edge of your bed, getting ready to start your day.
Later in the day...
He lost the kid.
His ship is destroyed.
What's worse is that Brenmar Vowldike is alive and works along side with Moff Gideon. But before Din met the holographic image of him, Din had brought Grogu to Tython. A planet that Ashoka Tano had told him to go to. A place where a jedi could locate them.
And through Ashoka, he finally found out Grogu's name.
While in Tython, Din had encountered with Boba Fett for the first time along with Fennec Shand who he thought was dead. They had some misunderstanding but after the attack by the Imperial stormtroopers, the decision was already made to help Din rescue the child.
Unfortunately, Din lost his ship and home, the Razor Crest.
All burnt to the ground but the beskar spear he received when he was in Corvus.
And a metal ball that used to be attached to a lever in the cockpit. Which would later be one of the only play things that Grogu liked so much along side with his plushy.
Only for its arm to be ripped out of its body when Grogu got taken away by force.
Luckily, Din was able to grab what's left of the toy, feeling disheartened to see its condition, knowing that Grogu would be upset right now since he has the arm. Now it's tucked away inside the small, buttoned bag attached to his belt along with the ball.
Lastly, the beskar armor. That spruce blue armor that he'd promised you he would take care of. Feeling slightly defeated when he sees it scattered everywhere, he shook it off as he picked up each part up. Shaking the ash off of the beskar and later tying them all together and slung it over his shoulder.
His worry starts to grow with each step. Grogu is probably terrified right now and since traveling with the foundling, Din formed a strong bond with him and even considered him to be his own. His mind playing back the image of when the kid was taken away from him while one of the droids stayed behind to play a holoprojector and instead of Moff Gideon, it was Brenmar Vowldike who introduced himself to Din.
And when he first saw the man, it was with burning rage Din had felt when he found out what Vowldike wanted. Who he wanted. He had already found out about you and Din and had demanded Din to find you and return you back to him since he's a bounty hunter himself. The longer he would have to wait, the sooner he would have to send other bounty hunters after you.
Like hell Din would let that happen. However, he knew he needed to find you as soon as possible, make sure you're in a safe location. For all he know, bounty hunters are probably after you right now.
Din didn't even need to stress about where to find you because when he arrived to Nevarro with Boba and Fennec, the first thing he saw was your ship.
He'd laugh bitterly at the quick timing and for some reason, he would feel ashamed to face you and to tell you that he had broken his promise in making sure the armor was taken care of. But he reminds himself that he is a Mandalorian. And as a Mandalorian, he must face his fears and conquer them.
Din sighed as he walked down the ramp of the ship. On his way to meet with Cara first to asked about a certain person from the prison registry who can help track down the ship that Grogu was taken to.
After his talk with Cara, who is now Marshal of the New Republic, they are now walking out of the building when Cara had brought you up about how you came over to the town just a few days ago. How you decided to settle down for a bit, give yourself a break after everything you've been through and it's just as what Din had expected when he first saw your ship.
"Wouldn't you like to see her before you go?" Cara had asked when she noticed how quiet her friend is when she mentioned you. Maybe she would be willing to help.
Din took a moment, feeling hesitant but he wanted to see you so he nodded once. "Where is she?"
"Here." Cara handed over your address to Din, smirking, "I'm sure she'd be happy to see you. She talks and asks about you a lot when she first came here. She's a pretty good one." She claimed, patting him on the shoulder.
"Alright, I'll see you in a bit." She elbowed his arm teasingly before setting off, leaving him alone.
Din felt his body froze, watching Cara walk off. You were asking about him? And what the hell was that supposed to mean? He looked down at the paper, suddenly feeling nervous.
He continued walking, looking left to right for the right house. Realizing how much farther he needed to go, he picked up the pace as time is ticking. The kid needs him. The kid needs you.
Picking up the pace once more, his hand went over to the small bag that has the plushy when he later realize he's in front of a house. And not just any house. Your house. A pretty small comfy home, located a bit farther away from the other homes. Which seems to suit you actually.
He's hesitant however. Standing in front of the door but his hand refused to move. What's he going to say? How are you going to react once you realize Grogu's gone? Would he have to relocate you? No, you're capable of taking care of yourself, seeing how you took down that thug long ago.
He sighed, letting his shoulders fall back and telling himself to calm down. He took a deep breath and as he was going to knock,
His fist paused mid-air when he heard your familiar voice.
"Din, is that you?" He turned and there you are, holding two bags of groceries. Seeing that bright smile of yours seemed to ease his nerves but the thought of the kid brings it back up. And the fact that the tiredness is shown through your eyes is quite alarming to him as well. However, he's still relieved to see that you're okay.
Your smile began to get smaller as your eyes fill with worry which caused Din to frown. He didn't like that look but he knew it's going to get a lot worse once he tells you the real reason why he's here.
"What are you doing here? You missed me?" You asked, grinning as you walk up to him. Din's heart skipped a beat. Of course he does, but he didn't want to admit that aloud to you.
You find yourself searching around him and he would noticed.
"Where's... the kid?" You asked, sounding sad and assuming that they must of found a Jedi and parted ways. But as your eyes met with the black visor, your heart starts to thump harder. 
Din felt your eyes meet his. He'd felt speechless and drawn to you by your appearance. Despite how tired you look, you being in a simple outfit and somehow, oddly enough, his mind became elsewhere. He snapped out of it when he noticed the confused look on your face, tilting your head at him for being silent for a while. He cleared his throat, placing his hand over his small bag and you watched, raising an eyebrow.
"I need to talk to you." He finally said.
You bit your lip and nodded. Something was wrong and you can feel that sickening feeling from this morning start to reappear in your stomach.
"Inside." You simply said and he nodded, standing aside to let you pass to your door. He watched as you fumbled with your groceries to one arm, making him grab both of them for you as he mumbled 'here'. You blinked, surprised before giving him a small smile, mumbling a 'thanks' back to him. You hurryingly grabbed your keys from your pocket and opened the door to your house and waltz right in with the metal man following behind.
Once he's in, you closed the door behind him, letting him know he can set the bags on the table.
You asked if he would like something to drink in which he would decline. So you only leaned on your table next to him on his right side. You looked at him and you could tell by his shoulders by how it's slumped that he's stressed out.
You took a second before placing your hand out in front of him for him to take. He took one look at it before grabbing your hand with his gloved one, squeezing gently and tightly.
"I'm guessing you're not here to just visit me, huh? Din?" You asked, despite the worry in your voice, it would always seem to bring comfort to Din, but he reminded himself that right now isn't the time. Grogu needs you. That he knows.
So to start, he pulled out the one armed plushy from his pocket and when you first saw it, you gasped  taking it to examine the damage. If this was a different situation, Din would of chuckled when you mumbled, 'Oh no, Froggy.'  You looked at him, eyes full of questions and concerns, and Din immediately knew what you were going to ask.
"It was Gideon. He has the kid." He looked back at you, starting to get serious and then placing his hands on the sides of your arms, "He has Grogu..."
The unfamiliar name made you tilt your head slightly at him. As soon as it clicked, your eyes widen and if this was a different situation, you would of been beaming right now. Realizing that Grogu is that kid's name.
"Grogu..." you repeated, feeling your heart wrenched. Din nodded.
"—And there's someone else and he's after you." He became hesitant before continuing, "I can bring you somewhere safe if you'd like-"
Shaking your head almost aggressively, you asked calmly, a hint of anger laced in your voice, "Who?" The stern look on your face made Din pause for a moment. You gave a clear message to him that there's no way, he's sending you away to somewhere safe. Not when Grogu's in trouble, that poor lil bean you love so much.
"It's Vowldike." As soon as his name slipped out, you froze.
Your hands tighten, nearly squeezing the plush but you stopped yourself before you damage it even more. This precious plushy belonged to the kid and you wouldn't want to ruin it. You felt raging heat rise from your chest, and instead of the fear you've been having all morning, it was rage. And Din could see the flames in your eyes and how you shook with anger.
"Vowldike's alive. That no good osi'yaim never stops, does he?" You scowled. You looked down at the plushy's dark eyes which reminded you of Grogu's. The way that lil bean looked up at you with a smile on his face.
You imagined the terrified look on his face when he got taken, making you winced and closed your eyes. You unconsciously move your head down forward and onto Din's shoulder. You brought the plush to your chest and cradling it like how you would with Grogu.
He'd froze but hearing you whimper out Grogu's name with worry caused him to wrap his arms around you, pulling you to him. His left arm around your waist and his right hand on your head gently, feeling a little awkward at the new and bizarre contact he would have with anyone besides the kid. Especially with someone like you, but since you didn't pull away, and grabbing hold on to his clothing, it encouraged him to hug you even tighter. "I'll get him back."
Your eyes opened, leaning more onto his shoulder. The rage you felt at the thought of Vowldike even touching Grogu's little wrinkly head never left and hearing Din say that he'll get him back alone, brought determination.
Yes, the thought of the man you despised of scared you... But the thought of him hurting someone you cared about is even greater. If Vowldike ever lays a hand on either Grogu or Din, or both, you going to make sure you'd be the last person he would ever see before his final breath.
"You mean we'll get him back." You let out, making Din look at you to see the expression on your face. A new side of you he has never seen. Anger, determined, hatred all at once.
You're not like the you from years ago from when he first saw you. All broken and beat down by the same man who made your life hell. Or the you who smiled and showed kindness to him and Grogu not too long ago.
No. You're not those all of those things, but you're still all of them. It's what makes you who you are. Right now is the type to give those who deserves what's coming. To give them hell and make them pay.
Din's lips parted at the sight of you, not at all weirded out, but in awed at how beautiful you looked. 
As of right now, you couldn't really tell what Din is thinking. When he slowly loosens his arms around you, you realized what just happened and you looked down, feeling a little embarrassed, thinking about what he thinks of you now. 
You huffed, feeling that enough is enough to feel this way. You rubbed your eyes to get rid of the dried up tears before backing a few inches from him. He tilt his head as his arms fell to his sides to see the pink on your cheeks as you turned your body away to head to your room. 
"What are you doing...?" His words trailed off, hearing you rustling around in your room. 
"We can't waste any more time." He hears that strong, determined tone in your voice, and with the thought of bringing back the kid, he kept his head up high as he crossed his arms over his chest with his shoulders squared.
Then he hears a loud thump from your staff hitting the ground and he watched as you walked back out of the room with said weapon and a satchel sling over your shoulder. Walking towards him with confidence. 
"Let's get our kid back and go wipe the smile off of that rotten, dirty hut'uun and kill him, shall we?" You said with a smirk as you walked past the Mandalorian, patting him on the shoulder. Glancing at him as you do and he would watch.
He likes this side of you. In fact, he loves it.
Also did you just said 'their' kid?
Chapter 7 Coming Soon…
Mando’a Translations:
osy’yaim: shithead, useless, despicable person
hu’tunn: coward (worst possible insult)
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saradika · 10 months
Writing Pattern Game
Rules: Share the first line of your last ten published works or as many as you are able and see if there are any patterns! (from most recent to least recent, starting from the top)
thank you so much for the tag @aerynwrites! this was so enlightening 💕 (And cool to revisit what I've worked on))
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just a taste (boba fett x reader)
Heat still lingers in your neck, your cheeks, as you slip from your tiny cottage to rush to the town square.
meet me in the woods (halsin x druid!reader)
The sky has started to slip from soft shades of blue to deep orange and purples.
been too long (joel miller x reader)
Joel rarely kisses you.
looking back (joel miller x reader)
He’s strung as tight as a bow. The lingering adrenaline a notched arrow, leaving him about to snap.
bleed for me (din djarin x reader)
The nervous energy of the crowd is palpable - it’s impossible not to get swept along with it.
kitten's got klaue(s) (klaue x reader)
He drove you mad.
seek you out, hunt you down (kraven x reader)
His eyes had flickered as you had paced. His eyes had flickered as you had paced. That swirling change, darkening from blue to black to gold.
the knight and her lady (fennec shand x reader)
You supposed you should be paying more attention to your host - but you can’t tear your eyes away from the knight in front of you.
wasteland, baby (boba fett x reader)
You still dream about the sleep.
somewhere only we know (din djarin x reader)
It takes some time to rebuild. But like before - when the land had just been desert and barren flats, strength had come with it.
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(no pressure tags!! @stargirlfics, @softlyspector, @cupofjoel, @tinycozycomfort, @thetriumphantpanda, @agentmarcuspike, and you, if you see this!)
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