#bold of you to believe I’m not doing this with my own personality every single day. also I love strangercore things I’d have so much fun
fated-normal-767 · 6 months
What if I dressed up as you and stole your identity and proceeded to be a better and kinder person than you. What if people liked the you I acted as more than the you you were. What then. What would you do then.
I would go “yippee! hooray!” and generally have a silly time about it
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hoonvrs · 6 months
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PAIRING riki × gnr
GENRE fluff, confessions, coming of age
W. COUNT 0.5k
S. NOTES happy bday to my baby <//3 cant believe he’s growing up
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finishing high school is a bittersweet feeling.
realising that you’ll never be in the same school as all your friends anymore, that you won’t be seeing them five times a week when everyone moves on with their lives attending different colleges. safe to say it isn’t the happiest day in your eyes.
halls filled with students crying and hugging, some with markers in their hands as they write their goodbye messages on each other's t-shirts, their own covered in colourful messages.
everyone roaming the buildings one last time as a high school student before they leave to officially enter their adult stages. thankfully exams were over so the weight on your shoulders had lifted slightly, making sure to cherish the last few moments you had in this stage of life.
“guess what? i heard that kei is going to give hana his second button,” your friend gossiped, filling the whole group with gasps.
“poor guy, she’s definitely going to reject him.”
every year there would always be a select group of boys handing their crushes the second button of their uniform, a common confession practice at the end of high school year. there’s something sweet about it, giving the person you like the button closest to your heart instead of outright saying it.
it feels youthful, too shy to speak but brave enough to do something so bold in front of the whole school.
so after witnessing keis rejection live, your friends decided to go out to eat not being able to handle the second-hand embarrassment from their classmate. you didn’t make it too far out the school gates before someone called your name.
turning around to see someone running towards you, nishimura riki. everyone knew of riki for his dance skills always shown through the multiple stages and events he holds yearly, and maybe you’d spoken to him a few times but nothing enough to be considered friends.
you can hear your friends mumbling behind you as you walk towards him meeting him halfway, “hi riki, what’s up?”
there’s no denying riki is cute. from the mole adorning his face and his pouty lips, anyone could see he was blessed with looks alongside talent.
“erm—“ you could see him nervously fiddling as he reached for something from his pocket, “i just wanted to give you this.”
in his hands was a single gold button engraved with your school's cherry blossom design. you look up, scanning his uniform to see all his buttons intact except one.
the empty space where his second button once was stared back at you, as riki was starting to feel his adrenaline wear down and embarrassment start to crawl up his body when he noticed your friends a few feet away giggling and talking amongst themselves.
“you don’t have to take it. actually, this is stupid. i’m—“
before he could finish his sentence, you grabbed the button before his hands could close around it, clasping your own around the metal and pulling it closer to your own heart, “thank you riki, i'll text you?”
under different circumstances, you would’ve been worried how red the boy had gotten in the face as he aggressively nodded his head before running back the way he came. 
maybe this next step is sweeter than expected.
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perm taglist @mesopret @whoschr ​@haknom @shinsou-rii @redm4ri @lacimolela @llama-lyna @boyfhee @lazysmushi @flwoie @kocokookie @kyexvly @seongclb @dammit-jjk @flwrshee @produmads ​@teddywonss @aleiouvre @dneltrise @aleiouvre @nyxvrse @yohanabanana @whois-alexis @tinyegg @sserafimez @satsuri3su @yuemvi @chirokookie @idk-tbh777 @s00buwu @ynsvnte @isawritesss
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rendezvouz-fling · 1 year
Astro Observations #20
• Is it just me or do most saturnian moons (Aqua/Cap) tend to grow up with single mothers who only care about making money and having multiple boyfriends? Lmao.
• I feel bad for Gemini risings with Aries mercuries because they’re so genuine and they might be very chatty but it’s their biggest love language.🤎 I think this might also apply to just about every other Gemini rising too!
• I feel bad for Aries moons with Libra mercuries/risings because yes they can be a little hot headed but they won’t be flat out bold and they might beat around the bush a lot! On the other hand though when they’re really arguing with somebody they might switch to intellect and surprisingly demolish that person.✋🏽
• People with mercury at a Fire degree (1, 5, 9, 13, 17, 21, 23, 29) love to exaggerate things! Calling myself out too, chile!😩😂
• Virgo suns with Leo mars can be very sweet and caring but also very scorning, abrasive and wants themselves/their partner & kids to look/dress their best almost all the time! Pretty much the always picture-ready type moms.
• You better believe that even if a Sagittarius moon won’t say it they might feel hurt and start detaching until they’re completely gone out of your life and you’re left wondering what went wrong.
• Tbh idk why but Libra mercuries also be out here saying mean, out-of-pocket stuff just not normally in people’s faces so maybe that’s why their friends might not take them seriously.
• Whereas Aries mercuries probably have a reputation of arrogance and downright disrespectfulness but they can also be very nice especially if you’re close with them. You’ll notice they just like to cuss for fun lol.
• Scorpio mercuries need to stop being on interrogation mode!😭
• Gemini mercuries be telling some of the funniest stories and their facial expressions/hand gestures make it even more funnier than it has to be.😭🤣
• Dear Cancer mercuries, you guys are so thoughtful and caring Ilysm!
• Capricorn mercuries, you’re not boring and I love how also detail oriented you are!
• Can I just say Cap mercuries so be out here clowning too! 😂 I have a close friend who’s a Cap sun & mercury and she says funny things often, she just has a very articulate way of speaking but besides that she’s hilarious!🤣
• I recently noticed people with Air/Earth placements tend to have speech impediments and other stuff. E.g. my little sister is a Virgo sun/moon & Libra stellium and she can’t pronounce the letter ‘R’. I have a Gemini rising at 23 degree, Capricorn mars & other air placements and I used to have a speech impediment and developed selective muting. 💀
• Having Air/Fire placements can be such a challenge! 😭 My Aries mercury just be saying anything along with the super chatty Gemini rising but then later my Aquarius moon has a pep talk moment and makes me say “Why the fuck did I say that? Now they’re going to think I’m—” 😂😂😂
• People with harsh aspects between the sun and pluto might be known as open books but they might become self-conscious about it and have the urge to remain a mystery yet they can’t help but overshare!😭
• They might also think about it often! Like it might haunt them.💀
• Gemini venuses are soo fun!! I’d literally take these people with me if I was to go on a road trip because they’d keep me entertained and we could just goof around & talk about anything lol.
• You might also find yourself attracting/being attracted to people who’s venus sign is your rising sign!
• Pisces venus, for the sake of your own life please stop staying in toxic relationships because you fear being abandoned and think it isn’t worth it because you’ve been with this person so long—LEAVE. ✋🏽
• Cancer venus, you know I love you but sometimes you gotta stop trying to control people. 😭
• Scorpio venus, with you I feel like we’re always on the same page and see eye to eye in most things/interests.
• Capricorn venus you are literally one of the most giving venus signs! I literally love you!!<3
• Sagittarius mars men having a thing for smacking their girlfriend’s butt.🤣
• Leo mars want only the best of the best especially if there’s Taurus in the mix!
• While Libra risings might develop people pleasing tendencies, Gemini risings tend to develop social anxiety.
• I’ve seen so many Gemini suns always point out that they either have or think they have a mental illness. Especially ADHD.😨😰
• Yes Earth suns are normally very chill and grounded. But add some Air and especially Fire in the mix and they’ll be the most erratic, short tempered people you’ve seen!🙃
• Fire mercuries/mercuries at Fire degrees, how does it feel to get shouted at your whole life then gas-lighted and blamed when you turn out to be a sharp-tongue individual?
• Gemini moons and their many 1-3 Am shows in their rooms.😭 Same for Aqua and Libra moons but Gemini moons do it more often lol.
• If somebody is very generous, bold, funny, and gets pissed off/defensive very quickly then they’re an Aries dom.❤️‍🔥
• Taurus moon, why are you so stubborn?
• The best thing to hear is “Okay fine.” From an Aquarius/Taurus moon when you’ve finally got them to change their opinion that they stubbornly wouldn’t let go of lol.
• 9H moons tend to be very attached to their ideas/opinions/beliefs. I can testify😂
• I’ve noticed some 2H moons tend to stress eat?
• 7H moons looove music and fashion!💗
• 9H Aquarius moons are normally cultured people.
• Fire moons are the loyalest friends hands down. I said what I said.✋🏽❤️
• Scorpios suns with Sagittarius moons/mercuries somehow be coming up with the funniest life-stories??😭🤣
• I’ve noticed Sagittarius mercuries tend to be awesome yet underrated songwriters! E.g. Nikki Sixx of Mötley Crüe who wrote most of their songs😩🖤
• Say what you will but some Leo risings literally exude not only a very charming but bright aura! David Lee Roth is literally your typical Leo Rising!🦁🌞
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celaenaeiln · 3 months
Hello, hello! It's been a while!!! Hope you're well. I had this hc about how Batfam is susceptible to manipulation, but only if it's Dick doing it. Like the blind faith he commands, there will literally get everyone ready to get him what he wants without him actually having to do anything. Like of anyone asks for a reason: "Dick said so". That's enough.
Just wanted your opinion on this
Omg hello!!! It’s been so long!! I’m so happy to hear to hear from you again 😆💕❤️!!
Hc that Bruce being completely susceptible to all of Dick’s manipulations due to the sheer faith he has in him? ABSOLUTELY!!
It’s so friggin true I’m pretty sure this is borderline canon if not canon already!!
Because here’s the thing: from the dawn of Batman comics to now, through all the changes that have occurred, there has only been one thing that remains constant and that is the fact that Bruce trusts Dick unconditionally.
There are MULTIPLE scenarios where Bruce confides solely in Dick and he actually worries heavily when his only companion leaves:
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The Brave and Bold (1955) Issue #197
"My only real friends know me as Batman...Dick, Alfred, Kathy Kane...except..what do I do when Dick graduates college...and Alfred retires...and Kathy gives up being Batwoman? What do I do...when I'm finally alone?"
Bruce...that's a whole lot of pressure and expectation to put on a kid a decade younger than you..
But the point still stands because Bruce needs Dick. In the beginning of the Batman comics, there wasn't even Alfred around. It was just Dick and Bruce and they lived in an entire mansion together by themselves and had dual responsibilities of Dick Grayson and Bruce Wayne as well as Batman and Robin. It was quite literally only the two of them in their own world. They went on adventures you wouldn't believe and had things happen beyond people's wildest imaginations. The Golden Age was a fever dream that encompassed only the two of them. They didn't have anyone else and they didn't want anyone else.
Dick pulled Bruce out of one of the worst times of his life when he was just Robin and Bruce pulled Dick out of depression during his. This resulted in a unbreakable bond. It's a deep kind of unshakable, irreplaceable love and profound trust that they have in each other that the other will only and always be there for them in the worst of times of their lives and the happiest of ones as well.
It's that kind of devotion and attachment to each other that established their relationship for decades. Every single timeline has consistently kept this - "You're my only one." - kind of relationship between the two of them.
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Batman (2011) Issue #2
Bruce knows that of everyone he's ever met, Dick will always be the one to know him and hear him.
There's another comic panel that stuck out to me too-
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Titans (2008) Issue #1
"No one knows about them except Bruce, Alfred, Tim. Barbara knows about a few. And ofcourse me."
Bruce only trusts three people - Alfred, his current robin, and Dick.
So consistently and unconditionally, it only comes down to two people at ALL times. For another example, during Death Metal, when the entire Justice League is hunting down Batman and the Batfamily, Bruce would only entrust the deadliest weapon in the world to one person and the entire league knows it.
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Dark Nights: Metal Issue #2
Bruce just has pure faith in Dick for everything. He is the one person that Bruce believes will never do any wrong and he's the one person he always believes and believes in. Period.
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Titans: Beast World Issue #1
Whatever Dick decides, it's the final word.
So that is why Dick is the only person Bruce is susceptible to. He never questions Dick in the comics ever. He's questioned every single person he's ever worked with about their intentions but never Dick. So Dick tells him the world is ending then the world is ending for Bruce.
If Dick tells him that red is an awful tie color, then it's an awful tie color that Bruce will never wear.
If Dick tells him to slick his hair back, take a break, be more compassionate, have faith - Bruce will do anything and everything. And this has been proven time and time again for the most menial situations to the most serious ones.
While everyone looks up at Bruce for answers and orders, Bruce will look to Dick and what he says, that's what they'll all do.
And here's the thing - the entire superhero community doesn't rely just on Bruce for commands, Dick is shown to have an equal weight. A single person has the equivalent weight of the Justice League. They will do what Dick says regardless of what Bruce says.
But the point is Bruce's utter faith in Dick gives him privileges. Anything and everything Dick decides, that's the answer, logic, and light of very reasoning to Bruce because Dick is the very source of existence for Bruce. In Forever Evil he almost let the world die intentionally because he felt that there was nothing to the world if he couldn't save Dick. At times he's fought Dick over his personal choices but every single time, without fail, he comes back literally two issues later to tell him sorry and you're right and we're going to do it your way.
Dick could let the world burn to fucking ashes and Bruce would stand by and clap and praise him. That time in the Blockbuster arc? Where Dick passively killed a man and started self-harming? Bruce roughly grabbed his face, got real close, and told him in his darkest voice that he doesn't give a flying fuck who dies or who Dick kills. As long as Dick doesn't dare hurt himself.
Dick can tell Bruce anything he ever wants, lie or truth, big or small, and Bruce will believe it with no doubts and no questions asked. That is the weight of his faith in him. Of course if someone does ask why he chose to do something a certain way? He can just say, "Because Dick said so." And as you called it, that answer alone will be enough. For everyone.
Don't be fooled by Dick's submissiveness to Bruce's commands. Bruce is holding him by the neck, but he's holding Bruce's leash just as tightly.
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sleepie-birdie · 3 months
Between 303 And 304
Rated: PG-13 Summary: Neuvillette's next-door neighbor is just too sweet for her own good. A moment between the residents of 303 and 304.
Furina labeled him a gentleman, yet Neuvillette believed that should she catch a glimpse of the thoughts circling his mind, she would quickly retract such innocent impressions. Especially the ones circulating now as he sat across from her, watching her tuck happily into the dessert he had brought. It was a testament to his control that he had not leaned over and pressed his lips against the cream smeared at the corner of her lips. He had also resisted the temptation to press his thumb against the smear and rubbed it across her cheek to have an excuse to clean the mess with kisses. Instead, he could only ball his hand into a fist beneath the table as his eyes traced how her tongue cleaned up the mess she made. The corner of Neuvillette’s lips twitched upwards as Furina hummed, the delighted sound wrapping around him like a soothing blanket. Her eyes were glittering with the force of her joy.
He would wait in line daily for a slice of cake if this were his reward every time.
“This is so good! How did you know this is my favorite flavor?”
The corner of his eyes crinkled. “I remember you mentioning it once before.” In a magazine, to be precise. A single spread from two years ago when she was still in the limelight, but that was a specific one she did not need to know. Her most recent mention had been last week when he had bumped into her in their corner of the hall on his way to work, and she lamented that she had missed the limited drop.
“Aw, and you remembered.” He quite liked the way her nose wrinkled as she beamed at him. "Still, you shouldn’t have. The line must have been a hassle, and you just came from work, too.” And there it was, the smidgen of guilt despite her enthusiastic way of devouring the dessert. He wondered if she realized how expressive she was, like a film embodied in a person—a film he would never tire of.
“It was no issue. I simply happened to get lucky.” He sipped his cooling tea as Furina worried the spoon in her mouth between her teeth.
“Still…” The muffled words were met with a sigh. Neuvillette bit back the satisfaction he felt as seeing her cheeks darken as his hand stilled hers.
“What are friends for?” And there it was, the flash of upset, the flicker of yearning . And like every time they played in this little game of cat and mouse, she pulled away first before the lines between them blurred even more—friends yet not, neighbors but more, more than acquaintances and unnamed in the way they flit about each other on the precipice of more.
“Yes, what are friends for~” The smile was back in place, and he slammed down on the urge to end this dance they were in. All he needed to do was lean over and – “You’re the best neighbor ever, Neuvillette.”
“I’m your only neighbor Furina.” Up in the skies, with just a corner shared between their doors, no one could disturb them. It was why he had chosen this place.
“Then it must be fate~” His gaze softened. Perhaps it was fate that brought her here. Maybe fate had deemed it an appropriate time for both. It was a blessing he would not besmirch.
Neuvillette’s thumb brushed the palm of her hand as he let her go. He could be patient until Furina was ready, and he peeled back all the little acts and lies she had wrapped herself up in. He had to be, for she deserved that much for all she had given him in this life.
A reason…
Even as she claimed to be anyone but the actress who had all but disappeared from the stage, he would not mistake those eyes for anyone else—eyes that sparkled like captured sunlight. Not as if he would forget her voice, sweet as sugar yet bold as the ocean’s wave. Focalors may have disappeared, but Furina remained. A secret the world may eventually forget, but not him, never him.
He reached forward the brush, the stray bang that had fallen across her face away. He may be patient, but that did not mean he could not toe that invisible line they never crossed. He tucked the pale lock neatly behind her ear and relished the warmth of her skin against his fingertips. It lasted a moment before his fingers were tapping at his face.
“You have a little something right there, Furina.” Nuevillette eyes crinkled as she blinked, dazed, before realization settled.
“Ack! Why didn’t you tell me earlier!”
The older man hoped the heat that stained the tips of her ears was from his chuckles. 
─── ₊જ⁀➴ ˚ 𓉞 ˚♡⊹˚₊───
They sometimes met in the early mornings when Furina was getting ready to leave for the studio, and Neuvillette was to head his office. Sometimes, a smile is exchanged along with a greeting. Sometimes, the taller man would wait patiently for her as she struggled to slip on her shoes, his arms full of whatever item she needed to drag to the set that day. Other times, he is the one that needs a little help. Especially when his tie was askew, his face held a mostly slight grump as he struggled with the stack of files in his hand and the unruly lace on his shiny shoes. His cane rested in the corner of their two doors.
Today seemed to be one of those days, and Furina, like always, was giggling as she shook her head. Her shoulder rested against the doorway as she stared unabashedly at the older man. It would take just another step for her to run right into him. Whoever had decided to build this corner of their building must have been out of their mind. Not that the ex-actress particularly minded the closed distance at this particular moment. Neuvillette was so pretty. Handsome, too, with a charm she could only call unfair. And then there was his eyes. Sharp and could be, but when he looked at her…
A shiver ran up her spine.
“Need a hand?”  
She could tell the moment his gaze softened. Her heart squeezed .
“If you do not mind.” Like she ever did.
Her heel clicked as the distance between them disappeared. This close, she could make out the scent of rain, fresh and almost sweet, alongside the ever-present undertone of petrichor. 
Furina was proud of how still her finger was as it slipped beneath the band of the tie, loosening it just enough so she could tug at the knot and undo the haphazard mess. Her palm rested briefly on his collar as she smoothed away the wrinkles and straightened the cotton neckline. If she took a second too long to thread the loops and straighten the alignment of the silk beneath his shirt’s collar stays, it was merely the fault of the fine material.
“There! All done.” She could feel the weight of his gaze on the crown of her head.
“Thank you.” She smoothed away a piece of lint and gave his chest one last pat. A thrill ran through her at the hitch in his voice.
“You’re welcome. Now, what would you have done without me~”
Furina turned to grab her temporarily forgotten bag. She hoped her ears were not as pink as they felt as she spied the offered elbow by the time she turned back.
“Who knows…” The cryptic answer was met with a blink, and the door to their elevator opened with a sharp ding.
The petite woman wondered what Neuvillette’s eyes would look like when he discovered she had lied about who she was. That the actress he was so fond of was her. Would they be cold, steely, as if he was looking at the criminals he judged? Or would it remain the same? She could only hope it would still be just as warm as now.
Furina kept her hands on his arm until the steel door slid open.
─── ₊જ⁀➴ ˚ 𓉞 ˚♡⊹˚₊───
Furina has three pets. It is a fact Neuvillette has known since he met the true her for the first time a year ago when he had caught her in the middle of heaving massive bags of sand beneath her arms and a bag of what he suspected was sweets in her mouth as she struggled with opening her door. He could never think of a more perfect meeting. He could also not think of anything she loves more than her three little aquatic pets. He suspects that most of her salary goes into upgrading and adding the 300-gallon rimless tank she had recently installed, and then there came the scaping itself. All for the exotics she had adopted for herself. A single hermit crab, a single seahorse, and a tiny octopus.
It was also because of them that he was here, surrounded by a menagerie of bright blue lights and fluorescent glow, as he shifted through the beautifully painted artisanal shells on a wicker shelf. He did not quite understand it, but Furina said Madamoislle Crabletta needed a new shell now that she had grown up.
Picking out a shell would not have been an issue if they were not all utterly tasteless. Bright colors that did not suit her current waterscape. Horrid shape, unlike the conical ones the crab seemed to prefer. Everything about it was wrong. The only one of appropriate size was too plain—time had ticked away, and the two synchronized taps of feet behind him told him he was taking too long.
“I’m sure she would appreciate whatever you choose.” The familiar baritone voice held a hint of exasperation. Wriothelesly shared a look with the woman on his right as they both eyed their friend and employer. When he had asked for their assistance, it was…well, shopping in one of the higher-end aquatic boutiques was not on their list. But since Neuvillette had met Furina… things had never been as expected.
“I agree. It is the thought that counts.” Clorinde’s addition was met with a look of mild petulance. Both of them heaved a sigh.
“Or…you can make your own?” There was a snort to the woman’s side at that. Their beloved Iudex? Crafting? Why would he–
“That sounds like an appropriate course of action.” Wriothelesly grumbled as he yanked a twenty out of the back of his hand and slapped it into Clorinde’s waiting hand.
“Ah, look…there’s even a class offered here.” Neuvillette straightened, his eyes fixated on the advertisement. That was perfect.  
“Ah, thank you two for your assistance. I may take a while, so you should have dinner without me.” He was gone before hearing an answer, his mind focused on the singular task. He wanted to finish this before Furina even had a chance to go out to buy one. Then, if he had time later, he would revisit that his friends were once more…betting on him again. If he were a subject of their gambling, it would only be fair for him to get a cut, wouldn't he?
It takes him an hour to choose and paint a shell he deems fitting. A glass round had been used as a base, which he coated in a shade of blue that reminded him of the brighter shade of her eyes. White droplets were drawn across its surface, and a water-safe seal was placed as a finishing touch. He was almost proud of his little foray into the arts, as rusty as he had become. It was a little messy, a little…rustic, but he knew, without a doubt, that she would like this. That was his belief until he stood before her, holding the box and meeting her look that both scorched and comforted him simultaneously.
"You mentioned Crabletta needed a new shell, so I've brought something for her."The words tumbled from his lips.
He realized his effort was successful as her eyes sparkled upon seeing the shell cradled in its silky embrace.
"Neuvillette, it's wonderful."
"Then I am glad my venture into this craft was worthwhile." The way she looked, unsure and hopeful, made him want to crawl back to the store and make her some more.
“You…made this for me?” He would make her anything, do anything if she only asked. He watched as she turned it in his palm, eyes almost glassy as she cradled it close.
“Next time she needs a new one, just tell me. I’ll make her another one.” This time, it would be in a deeper shade of blue that would match her other eye.
He watched as the hope across her face bloomed, turned the round of her cheek a rosy hue. His grip tightened against his cane. He squashed the desire to kiss her forehead, smooth away the remnant of wariness across her brow. It was his turn to flush as his breath escaped him. It was quick and sudden, the briefest squeeze around his waist and her warmth on him and then on his jaw. A door was summarily slammed in his face. It was his turn to fumble as he missed slotting his key into the lock. The doorknob rattled as he closed it behind him. The cane in his hand clattered against the hardwood floor.
Neuvillette wondered if she knew how hard it was to hold back. He needed to respect her space and need for time when these little moments gave him hope for more. Ungentalmenly were his desires. He knew this. He fell asleep that night to the lingering phantom touch of her lips, the persistent dream of them traveling elsewhere, and her whisper of thanks, a melodic cry. He wakes to damp sheets and an ache.
They should talk before whatever is unspoken between them spirals. Except they do not—not when Furina is all but running at the sight of him when he bumped into her in the hallway that morning. Not when she would all but sprint out of the elevator when they ride together. Not even when she flushed a myriad of red when he looked at her. Neuvillette may be a patient man, but that did not mean he was immune to hurt. Was the notion of them that upsetting? Was a little peck mortifying to this extent?
─── ₊જ⁀➴ ˚ 𓉞 ˚♡⊹˚₊───
Meeting Neuvillette in Cafe Flora was the last thing Furina wished for. It was not because of the older man standing in line right before them but because of the curious, intuitive, and smug-looking girl to her left. Hu Tao, as appreciated as she was, was the last person she wanted to know of her undeniable and blatant crush on her neighbor, especially since that day when she had impulsively kissed him on the cheek…or tried to. With her height, all she managed had been his chin. Looking back, it had been mortifyingly bold of her, and now Furina was dealing with the consequences of her action. Looking at him when she remembered what she had done was a little more complicated. But how could she not when he had been so sweet?
So gentle, so caring…so..so perfect? A stab of guilt lanced through her, sharp like a blade. He was so good, but all she had were lies. The petite woman could feel her friend’s gaze on her before those ruby eyes flickered behind her. Now, he was close enough that she could smell the faintest whiff of his cologne past the plush she won at the arcade. The very plush she was burying her face in. 
“Oh, you’re Monsieur Neuvillette!” She wanted to smack Hu Tao with the stuffy.
“Ah, Miss Furina…and… you are, Miss?” Furina’s world spun as she was wheeled around. Miss-matched eyes met amethyst. Their flecks of warmth made her tingle, even as her anger at her friend's audacity made her hold onto Tao’s arm tighter.
“I’m Furina’s friend, Hu Tao! She talks about you sometimes.” She was going to shove–
“Are you here for the cake too? Would you like to join us then?” She could feel the weight of his gaze as she turned her head slightly to the side to focus on the dust floating about his shoulder.
“Thank you for the invite, Miss Hu, but I must decline respectfully. I am here to get a coffee before returning to my office.” Her chest ached. She wondered if he was upset at her. It was not like she was trying to avoid him! Not on purpose, anyway. It was just so difficult to think straight when he was around. 
“Aw… gotcha, that’s unfortunate! Maybe next time, then?”
“Ah yes, when my schedule allows, perhaps…” 
Furina’s heart sank slightly more as Neuvillette politely declined Hu Tao's invitation. Part of her felt guilty for wanting him to stay, especially when she noticed the faint shadows under his eyes and the slight slouch in his posture. He looked tired, perhaps even burdened with matters she knew nothing about. Had a case he had been presiding over been complex? Harrowing? Too dark? Those tend to make him more sedated than usual. Worry replaced the upset.
“Alright, then. See you around, Monsieur Neuvillette,” Hu Tao said cheerily, unfazed by the rejection, her arm still around Furina, who felt both grateful and frustrated for her presence.
“Miss Furina, Miss Hu.”
As he walked away, Furina’s gaze lingered on him, noting the weary tilt of his walk that she had not noticed before. The toy in her arm deflated from the force in which she held it.
“I didn’t know you were so smitten,” Hu Tao teased, breaking Furina's trance. Her tone was light, but not without a hint of empathy.
Furina sighed, a small smile tugging at the corner of her lips despite the turmoil inside. “It’s complicated,” she murmured, her eyes still riveted the space Neuvillette had vacated.
Hu Tao nodded, understanding the unspoken words. “Let’s get that cake, then on me. A little sugar is sure to fix you, life’s batter with cake,” she joked, attempting to lift Furina’s spirits.
There was a silence as carmine-colored eyes soaked in the melancholy across the other’s face. A sigh was heaved, and the shorter of the two blinked at the warmth of palms against the white-haired ex-actress cheeks. “Silly girl…if you need to go somewhere else, just tell me you know.” Hu Tao’s grin was gentle. Moments like this reminded Furina of just who the other was. A funeral director wise beyond her years. “Ai, yah… and you call me silly. You’re worried about him, aren’t ‘ya?” With the force applied to her cheeks, Furina could only nod in response.
“Then go~and when you two finally get married, I become the maid of honor.”
“Hu Tao!!” The screech was met with an amused giggle. “I…you…later! I’ll check up on him later,” she exhaled. “He has work still…”
“Mhmm…” There was no escaping the knowing glint in the dark-haired girl’s eyes. “Then we’ll have cake for now, and you tell me how long you’ve liked him.”
Furina wondered if like was all that she felt, if the notion of him disliking her now, even in the slightest, made her want to curl up and cry. But when she knocked on his door that evening, his favorite tea blend in her hand and a container full of macaroni, red sauce, and consomme she whipped up she knew he would like, he answered with a smile despite the puffiness around his eyes. She thought that everything would be alright.
“I know you’re working late tonight, but you must also take a break.” She huffed as she pressed her gift into his open hands. “What would the news say if the infamous Iudex collapsed in his seat from exhaustion.”
Guilt gnawed at the corner of her conscience as she soaked in his wide-eyed look of surprise. Perhaps…she had been a bad…friend if his delight at her checking in on him was any indication. 
“Thank you, Furina.” Her name, soft and sweet on his lips, made the butterflies in her stomach flutter. 
“Would you like to come in? Have you eaten too?” She shook her head.
“If you don’t mind then–”
“Not at all.” He held open the door as she slipped beneath his arm.
When he fell asleep on her shoulder that night as they watched his favorite movie, Furina wanted to curl up and hide as her -no, ‘Focalors’ -face played repeatedly across the screen. She sucked in a sharp breath, stilled her hand, removed his glasses, and tucked him onto the couch with the blanket they had been using before slipping out the door.
‘I did not mean to, truly…please…please believe me.’
The sobs followed her back into her apartment.
─── ₊જ⁀➴ ˚ 𓉞 ˚♡⊹˚₊───
Neuvillette's week went from delightful to horrible in what felt like mere seconds. He nursed the bruised jaw while waiting for the ice pack in his fridge to thaw enough to place against his face. What had started as a typical case had only spiraled into what he would aptly call a show of dramatic proportion when the defendant threw himself across the floor to land a very solid punch to his face. Clorinde had acted fast enough that there had only been one punch, but that did not mean it did not hurt. The pale-haired man hissed as he pressed the wrapped ice block against his face. His ego was bruised, to boot. His phone dinged, and he glanced long enough to see the link to the group chat and the spam of laughing stickers sent by Wriothelesly. He should talk to Siegwinne about her overzealous sticker gifting. He put his phone on mute before slipping onto the couch and turning on the television set.
He willed the day to end earlier.
The day decided it would not end as furious knocking roused him from his nap fifteen minutes later. Blearily, the judge tried to recall if he had ordered anything to be delivered today.
“Neuvillette, are you home?” He hissed as his knee smacked against the table in his rush to rise. “Neuvillette?”
Worry pinched his brow at the panic in her voice. Was something wrong? Did something untoward happen? He caught sight of the clock by the door. Should she not be at work around this time? They were filming a horror show, so her schedule had been shifted to accommodate the setting.
“A moment please.” He fumbled with the latch before managing to scoot the door open.
“Are you alright–”
“What did he do–”
The cacophony of words stalled them just enough. Neuvillette felt the tension in his chest ease when he saw her, disheveled and out of breath but alright.  
“What do you mean if I’m alright? I should be asking you that. Oh, look at you.” He blinked once and then twice as she pulled open the door and dragged him back into his own home. “Are you alright?”
Neuvillette was not quite sure how he had ended up on the couch with her rambling away when he had been distracted by the warmth of her palm against his and her fingers across his chin—light and quivering. He hissed as she pressed against the core. A wet sniffle answered him.
“Furina– Furina,” He held her hand still as she stared at him with glassy eyes. “I am alright. It is just a bruise.”
He wanted to wipe away the tears on her face. “But I saw the video! He punched you, and then you fell, and it was loud, and then when you got up, you were limping even worse. Clorinde said you had to go home–”
"I must admit, I found myself momentarily winded, and as you may recall, my leg was already ailing before this unforeseen incident." He added a mental note to give Clorinde a lovely bonus as Furina’s fingers cradled him. He knew without a doubt that the heat creeping across his cheek and onto his ears would paint them pink.
“You also did not answer any of my messages…or calls,” a wet sniffle broke her sentence in half. “I thought you fainted.” His gaze softened as he held the hand cradling his face. He held them gingerly in his palm as he pulled her closer.
“I assure you I am alright. I merely fell asleep after putting my phone on mute.” His greedy heart wanted her to shower him with more affection even as his conscience wavered at the sight of her tears. “I am sorry if I caused you undue worry. Did you run all the way here from work?”
“Why are you apologizing? You were the one who got hurt.” He reached up to wipe away the droplets beading from the corner of her eyes. She was, indeed, too sweet.
“We were wrapping up anyway. I don’t need to check on the last scene. We have another consultant for that.” He inhaled sharply as she leaned into his hand. Pink dusted her cheek. The taller man curled the desire to kiss her senselessly until she forgot all this upset, closer to his chest lest he fall for it. His heart ached with the hope that was fed to it.
Neuvillette exhaled once more before burying his face into her stomach and pulling her close into a short hug. This should stay within the boundaries she had placed.
“Neuvillette, are you sure you are alright?”
“I will be.”
He could feel her hesitate before he felt the caress of her fingers detangling the strands of his hair. He stilled as he felt it, the ghost of a kiss against the crown of his head.
He pulled back to the sight of her flushed face.
The petite woman shifted, the bottom of her lip caught between her teeth as she bit it under the weight of his observation. He was done with this game of theirs.
His palms found her cheek, and he pulled her firmly between his legs. He moved gently, slowly, enough that if she genuinely did not want this, she could -should - run. Furina met him halfway.
His lips slotted over her own, tender at first as if they were both afraid to shatter the fragile moment. But the hesitancy soon melted away under the warmth of their breath and the brush of his tongue. It was bittersweet and all he wanted. A kiss steeped in all the unspoken words and pent-up longing that had simmered between them for too long.
Neuvillette grew more bold, cradling her face as if she were the most precious treasure he'd ever found. Furina's fingers tangled in the soft locks at the nape of his neck, pulling him impossibly closer. The world around them seemed to fade. He pulled back only to let her breathe for a short moment before crashing his lips back onto her again. A man starved. Their breaths mingled when he finally parted. Her lips were puffed and wet, and the string that connected them gleamed in the low light. He smiled softly as Furina rested her forehead against his own.
Neuvillette held her firmly. His lips lingered on hers.
"Furina," he began, his voice a whisper that carried the weight of his heart. "May I love you?” He was not sure if he would survive heartbreak. He soaked in her glassy expression and the smile on her lips, making his heart soar.
“But…I’m not– I…” she quieted as he shook his head.
“I know. Let me love you, Furina. The Furina, whom adores her pets and sings to her fishtanks, who sometimes dances too hard in her house and plays her music through the wall. The one who helps me without morning ties my tie since he is a failure. The one who takes the elevator with me and ensures that I eat. The one who also runs home on a busy work day because she is worried. That is the one I love. This beautiful, shining, you. ”
Neuvillette’s answer was the press of Furina’s lips against his once more. Insistent and breathless between muttered “yes” and “I love you” in every breath.
They’d never been happier.
Behind them, the television was forgotten.
‘ Please, O judge, lift the chains from my soul!’
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onyourhyuck · 1 year
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↳ Prologue: “I wanted a baby so freaking bad.” + “I know, i’m sorry.”
↳ summary: You and Mark have been trying to conceive for a year but have failed. Both of you are persistent to start a family together so you venture out into the world of IVF. You’re starting your miracle on Christmas Day.
↳ Warning: Angst fluff. Mention of mental health. Healthy relationships with up and downs. Domestic Husband Mark. Fem Reader. Pregnancy mention. Honestly cried while writing this. IVF process. Injections/Needles mention. Arguments.
↳ Note: KINKMAS FIC. My favourite YouTuber is getting an IVF journey and now I can’t stop with the angst, so I’m writing an IVF fanfic. The whole process is inspiration and really shows how women are so strong to go through this.
Life doesn’t go the way you plan most of the time. It certainly didn’t go the way you have imagined your marriage with Mark, but neither of you cared anymore. You aren’t going to give up on having a baby. You want it and Mark wants it just as much as you do. It doesn’t matter how you get the baby anymore. You closed the natural process out. Simply getting pregnant the natural way wasn’t working out for you. Mark has tried his hardest with you last year, every single pregnancy test turned out negative. It was hard to get up the next day to take a new pregnancy test hoping it shows up with two lines with positive written in bold letters. Instead you never came to see those. No matter how many times you try, it never succeed.
It wasn’t only you who suffered great deal of damage physically and mentally stressing constantly about how you will conceive a child. Because it was all you ever wanted. A family. Start your own family. Have little mark or little y/n running about the house, Mark coming home and being greeted with a child or two. You making dinner with your children, growing older while you watch them grow and experience the life ahead of them. Mark wants that too, believe it or not he suffers just as much as you did. He’s frustrated with himself that he couldn’t bring you what you wanted. A sense of divine intervention was meant to be done here but he couldn’t of brought it into light. At some point last year his mentality spiralling down further and he lashed at you. Yelled at you. Mark never yelled at you once, for as long as you knew him he never once shouts at you or scolds you. But he did it when he was in this constant pain of seeing you and him lose each other. The pressure of getting you pregnant but never actually getting you pregnant made him feel as if he has fail you.
So when he had yelled at you that day, you broke down too. Yelling back at your husband , screaming out how it wasn’t his fault but yours. You felt guilty for making Mark feel this way. You were too absorbed in your own worrisome thoughts and paranoia to the point you completely forgot getting pregnant was a two way ticket. Not a lonely journey alone, but a duo teamwork; spiritually, mentally and physically.
That day. Mark swore to never yell at you again because the sight of you crying and hating yourself twice as much meekly pains him to the bones. He would rather have you hate him than hate yourself for something you cannot control. It was Mother Natures process and choice to make. Your husband suggested IVF and if that doesn’t work, adoption was the last bit on the list.
IVF was not a simple process whatsoever though. Many women have so much side effects it can take a toll on your mental health, change your physique as well as your personality might change drastically. But it is what you are willing to go through to get pregnant. You want to do this. The doctors told you to take three injections: one in the morning, one in the afternoon after lunch preferably and then at night.
You woke up with a groggy feeling laying on your abdomen. Rolling out of bed and turning the bedside lamp on, your husband tugs on your sultry silk sleeve pulling your back a nudge. He groans out, half asleep. “Baby, come back to bed.”
Your lips fell into a small smile before pointing your eyes at the clock on your table next to the double share bed. It was 6:30am. The exact time you’re supposed to be taking the injection. You stood up, “after the injection i will.”
Mark sits up humming. “I’ll inject you, is that okay?” He rubs back the bed hair, the soft fluff out black locks make your eyes waver at the sight. You nod, “alright come.” making your way inside the bathroom you sit on top of the toilet seat preparing yourself mentally by heavy exhale. You always hated needles. Hated the way it goes inside you with a pinch.
He comes in with the syringe with the liquid full of hormones. The first side effect you might notice on yourself would be nausea and weight gain. In fact the doctor made you purposely gain weight before injecting your stomach because it would make it easier to pierce in you. The fatter body you have the more chance of the IVF actually working. Mark slowly kneels on the bathroom floor in front of you with reassurance in his eyes, he rubs your legs comfortingly when he saw your teary eyes.
“Hey.” He speaks out to you in a soft spoken voice. “I will be here with you through this journey every step away. Don’t be scared.” He leans to lift your pyjama satin shirt revealing your stomach, you try your best to stay loosen avoiding to use your stomach core muscles. You need to be loose and prepared for the hormone to enter your body.
The needle perks on your skin slowly going in and deeper into you with the liquid slipping in. You weren’t aware of it until he pulls out the needle and quickly he shifts to put the cute watermelon bandaid on the area he injected it to stop the small blood coming out from the injection. You sigh out as your tears spill, your thoughts were coming back: ‘this wouldn’t of happened if i got pregnant naturally. The easy way.’ You realise this wasn’t the ideal situation for either of you.
Mark pulls you into an embrace murmuring praises hoping it might distract you from how overwhelming this actually is for your marriage as well as your families. “You’re so strong for this, Y/n. I’m so proud.” His hands rub your back in circular motions as you exhale a deep heavy breathing, trembling in his hold you sniffle.
“I wanted a baby so freaking bad.” Your voice trails in his shoulder resting there . Mark bites his bottom lip at your words, now his vision become blurry as he spews out tears. “I know, I am sorry.” He wanted a baby so freaking bad too. But he cannot breakdown with you, he has to support you too. Negativity won’t solve your problems, but perhaps Positivity might make a grave difference in your situation a lot more.
His apology couldn’t make you feel more tied down to guilt. It sent you at least twenty feet underground with the way his voice breaks down and cracks, trying to sound strong for you, but you could tell he was on his breaking point too.
Mark pulls away from the embrace holding your face with his palms, he pulls you into a loving kiss. He breaks it apart from your mouth and travels to peck your forehead after. “You’re going to be an amazing mother after the IVF is done.”
You let out a shy smile looking down. “You think so?” Mark brushed your hair back with the fingertips lightly. “I know so.”
Christmas Day has come, and the clinic has called you for an important news to share with you and Mark containing about the IVF journey. You’ve done everything you were told but you now need to hear the final news if you’re pregnant or not.
Your families have gathered around your house for this Christmas and are settling outside hanging about together. You bring yourself in to the living room by the fireplace that was burning the charcoal, a large Christmas tree invading the corner with presents underneath still waiting to be opened. You sit down and Mark comes in soon enough with his phone in hand. He hands it to your palms with a half excited and nervous face.
“They’re calling.” Mark tells you.
Your hands press the green button and the clinical doctor on the line speaks, her voice breaks your mind into nothingness as if before you had no thoughts running even though you were praying like a mantra to god it is positive news something you want to hear ; same with mark. He has prayed before in the kitchen alone. Your families are here with you anticipating too.
“Hello I have some news to share… I want you to prepare for what I’m about to say.” Your doctor said to you both. Mark and you share a glance before humming in agreement.
“We’re ready.”
Your doubts were there, no denying about it. You had negative thoughts there in the back of your head. But you pushed them away staying hopeful for this journey because you haven’t put your blood sweat and tears in it for nothing. Mark and you haven’t got up everyday at 6:30 to inject you the next following days. It wouldn’t be for vain. Plus adoption was always an option next.
“Y/n Lee and Mark Lee…”
“Congratulations you are pregnant!”
You and Mark look at each other with wide eyes. In a sweep your husband has wrapped his hands on your waist lifting you into the air twirling your as if you were a bird dancing in the air, flying free, mark was laughing with tears brewing in the eyes, slipping you down back on your feet he had you freeze in your spot. Your lips fell into a line when he met your lips with his, kissing them gracefully and softly as if they were made of porcelain material. So fragile and delicate. He had his hands wrapping in your curls, letting them go as his fingertips trace your jawline and up cupping your cheeks with his warm hands. You close your eyes enjoying the loving scent of cinnamon in the air as well as the warm emitting from the fireplace. His soft lips radiating on yours, felt like heaven ascending you to higher realm.
You break apart with a breathy sight of happiness. You were happy, he was happy; hell you were more than happy. You felt an achievement. An long fulfilling wish become reality. A family with your lover, your true love, Mark, you can finally share a baby together.
Mark whispers to you. “ I’m still processing the fact that we are going to be parents after so long of trying. Endless fails until now.”
You close your eyes bringing your husband into an embrace where you bury your face in his shoulder lovingly holding each other by the Christmas tree behind your interlock bodies. “It doesn’t matter how many tries we did, Mark, as long as i have you and the baby i feel like we succeeded.”
“I love you, this is our miracle.” He smiles at your words brushing his hands behind your hair stroking it. You murmur. “I love you too.”
Miracles do happen.
@onyourhyuck please refer from translating copyrighting and plagiarising my work thank you! REBLOG THIS POST TO SHOW LOVE AND FOLLOW ME FOR MORE FANFICS IF YOU ENJOYED<3
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elliesbelle · 1 year
hellooo i hope ur doing wonderful
would u be able to do headcanons about the things ellie looks for in a partner?
of course, darling! 🩷
what ellie looks for in a partner
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i think younger, teenage ellie would kind of be like, “it would be really nice to have a girlfriend 👉👈” but older and more experienced ellie would just be like, going with the flow and if she vibes with someone, she vibes with them
i don’t think she’s picky when it comes to the personality of her partner, she’s someone who listens to their gut and she’ll probably be drawn to someone that she feels an instant connection with
she doesn’t necessarily need to have all the same hobbies and interests as her partner, but i do think she’d really love someone who had a creative side to them. they don’t need to be an artist, but maybe someone who makes a presentation with the food they cook or color coordinates their outfit to hers, etc.
she’d definitely need someone who can cook or who at least tries to cook. i believe and thrive for domestic!ellie, but that little slut cannot cook an egg to save her life.
older ellie is less talkative than her younger self, so she’ll probably want someone to balance that out. she’s more of a listener than a talker, and she’s the kind of girlfriend who wants to hear every single detail about your day and listens to every word.
ellie will likely be attracted to someone who’s a bit bold. both cat and dina were gutsy and confident in their own ways, and i feel like ellie would really love being with someone who can put themselves out there.
ellie would be really into someone who she can feel vulnerable with. after emotionally disconnecting from joel a bit, she’d need someone who knew how to communicate, who was emotionally intelligent and made her feel safe (sorry ellabs shippers, but she and abby would not work cause they’re both hard-headed and don’t open up easy). she’d need someone who could be soft and understanding.
i think one of the key things ellie would not just want but need in a partner is someone who shares her sense of humour. her partner would not only need to find her extremely hilarious, but she’d want to be with someone who she thinks is the funniest person she’s ever met. they’d have maaaad inside jokes with each other, they’d be making references that only the two of them would understand, and they’d be repeating the same jokes over and over and finding it funnier each time. ellie and her partner will be the ones who are laughing nonstop at the dumbest joke when nobody else in the room is.
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author’s notes:
i hope you enjoyed this, anon! loved this, i love psychoanalyzing my fave girl 🥰
also writing this made me realize how similar my gf and my ex are to ellie shsjdjdjf
anyway, keep sending me asks and requests! i’m omw home from my beach trip and i got a bit before i have to drive and i need to be entertained ♡︎
my masterlist
i have a ko-fi if you like my work so much that you feel compelled to tip me ♡︎
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slu7formen · 8 months
HEY HEHEGE IK I JUST SENT IN A REQUEST but can i pretty please have another slytherin reader x ced sickfic😭😭😭😔😔😔 this cold is kicking my ass rn i need ced to take care of me🤞 how bout if the reader is like stubborn denying she’s sick but ced is a casual dom taking care of her and reader just complies when he gives her the stern look😫😫 and he’s worried sick not letting her out of bed n stuff omg i want someone to scold me for being sick ffs im lonely as hell. also thank you sm for the last request i made you r a godsend🥰🥰
also can i know what to call you pls i feel rather awkward calling you, well, you. love you tho 💋💋 i’m confident im ur biggest fan if there’s no appreciater of ur work then im probably dead in a ditch somewhere
you’re always requesting and I think that’s just so sweet 🥹 thank u ! also, had so much fun writing this.
Cedric taking care of you when you’re sick <3
slu7formen’s masterlist | cedric diggory masterlist
Sometimes Cedric hated how stubborn you were. Like, really, he truly felt that you behaved like a child that tried to get everything their own way and everything else was just wrong.
He noticed. It was not fucking hard to notice that you were about to catch the worst flu of your life; you looked so sick you could easily be mistaken for someone who was dragon pox. Your sore throat, the pain in your chest, the phlegm in your chest when you coughed, and the sneezing. And still, you were bold enough to lie to his face.
“I’m fine” you affirmed, followed by a small sneeze. Cedric raised his eyebrows at you, you rolled your eyes. “Seriously, it’s nothing”
“It’s nothing?” Cedric raised his voice, looking at you in disbelief. “Honey, you can’t even talk without choking in your own phlegm”
“Don’t overreact” you bit back. “I said I’m fine”
He didn’t want to fight. Whenever you did, it was because most of the time, you behaved like the most stubborn person ever… but he just relaxed. Maybe you could get better, maybe you were right this time.
Of course you weren’t right. Do you really believe that you’re ever gonna prove Cedric wrong?
The next morning your body was hurting, swollen and sore everywhere and constantly groaning as you sat down in chairs during classes. Cedric noticed every single time.
“Can you please let me take you to the Emergency Wing?” he had whispered to you once Snape had walked past you two.
“No” you argued.
“You’re not even writing there” he pointed to your hand, where the ink had dropped a few drops since you just lifted your wrist in the air, without writing anything.
“Cedric” you called. You rarely called him by his name, it was always ‘Ced’ to him, unless you were mad. “I’m fine. Stop it”
He let it pass just one more day, but when you didn’t even show up to your first class the next morning, he truly started to get mad.
You woke up with him sitting at the edge of your bed. You gasped as you sat on the bed, desperate and confused. “What time is it?” you asked, already trying to get out of bed.
“Don’t worry, you’ve missed classes already” he interrupted. You sat on the bed, angry.
“I what!?” you yelled, as painful as it was for you to do so.
“You’re staying in bed” he demanded, big arms crossed over his chest as he stood up, standing in front of your weak body like a giant statue, demanding you to stay where you are.
But of course, you had to complain.
“How many times do I have to tell you?” you stood up and pushed his shoulder, walking past him. “I’m f-…” before you could reach the door, an invisible force bounced you back into your place. You scoffed in disbelief, and Cedric grinned, satisfied. You tried to walk again, but the same bouncy feeling hit your body, much harder this time.
“Imperturbable Charm” he explained. “You’re not getting out of this room”
“Imperturbable-, where’s my wand?” you walked towards him, almost hitting your chest to his, even though the scene was not threatening at all. To Cedric’s eyes, it looked quite funny. You, all red nose and sore throat, smaller than him, trying to act angry at him. Yeah, as if he would let you win this time.
“I’m not giving you your wand. You’re staying inside this room, so do as I say, and go to bed”
You scoffed, crossing your arms over your chest. “No”
“Oh?” he dared, raising both eyebrows and lowering his head. He studied your facial expressions for a moment before speaking again. “Baby, that wasn’t a question. Let me take care of you, and go to bed”
You bit the inside of your cheek. His grey eyes were working their way inside your brain; you fucking hated it and loved it at the same time. You groaned when you slowly saw his satisfied smirk grow on his face, he knew he already won.
Once you got yourself covered in bed again, he walked to the nightstand next to your bed. On top of it, there was a small ceramic bowl with a brown liquid inside, it smelled good. He grabbed it carefully and handed it to you. “It’s chicken and pumpkin soup” he explained. He slowly placed it over your lap, instantly feeling the heat grow over your thighs, it was still hot.
He then squat down and took his leather bag, the one you gifted him just a few months ago. He opened it, and took one small glass bottle, placing it at your small nightstand bed. “And this,” he pointed to the horrible red liquid “is Pepperup Potion. You have to drink it. Madame Pomfrey said it’s just a common cold that you have, but since you’ve been like this for days, if you’re not better by tomorrow morning, you’ll have to stay at the Emergency Wing”
You gulped, looked down at the hot soup, and then back at him. “Okay” you said in a small voice. Cedric sighed heavily before taking a spoon and sitting in front of you at the bed, next to your thighs. You tried to take it, but he quickly backed it up. He served some soup on the spoon, making sure that a small piece of chicken stayed there, he knew how much you loved to have in the first bite… or drink.
“Open” he demanded. You did so, and the warm and salty taste of the soup felt good against your tongue, already satisfied with your food for the first time in three days. You didn’t say anything, just letting your boyfriend put food into your mouth as he placed his free hand over your thigh, squeezing and soothing up and down.
“Thank you” you said after taking one particular big spoon of soup. “And, I’m sorry for being stubborn… and for not letting you take care of me”
He snorted. “It’s okay, angel” he replied. He knew how much you loved it when he called you that. “I know how hard that skull of yours can be sometimes”
You rolled your eyes. “Shut up” you laughed. He forced you into taking more of your food before it gets cold. “You shouldn’t be doing this. I can take care of myself”
“No one takes cares of you better than I do” he took the bowl out of your legs and placed it over the table.
“It’s not like I have a choice. You locked me up here”
He moved closer to you. “And don’t you like it?” he asked. “You and me, locked inside your dorm-…”
“Ced!” you gasped in disbelief before he bursted out laughing. “You’re supposed to be taking care of me, remember?”
“Excuse me, am I not doing it?”
You placed a hand at the back of his neck, slightly running your fingers through his scalp. “No. I would say you’re more of a distraction”
His face got closer to yours. “Am I?” he leaned in, but you backed up, surprise.
“Aren’t you afraid you’ll get sick too?”
“I really don’t care” he said before softly placing your lips over yours. Kissing Cedric always felt like kissing the smoothest and plushiest cloud. His lips were warm, and the way he captured your lips between yours was always the hardest thing to separate from whenever you broke the kiss. If you could, you’d kiss him forever.
He leaned back and placed his forehead on yours. “Want me to give you a massage?” he asked.
“Yes, please” you groaned. He laughed.
“Okay, okay” he stood up “But before that… your medicine” he took the glass bottle and shook it in his hand.
“Nooo” you whined, hiding under the covers.
“You have to drink it, honey” he tried to uncover you, which was already hard enough since your hands gripped onto the sheets with amazing strength.
“You won’t get better unless you drink it”
“I already feel better” you lied.
Cedric found your head hidden under the blanket and gave it a light smack. “Liar” he panted.
After fighting for some time, Cedric promised you a chocolate frog after the medicine. He stayed with you for the rest of the day, only going to his own room when your roommates came back to your dorm to sleep, not leaving without kissing you first, and getting rid of the charm he had put around your bed.
It still felt weird when Cedric took care of you like this. You knew he was someone that cared for the people he loved, but you never thought it would go as far as staying with you in bed for a whole day, missing classes and risking himself on getting sick too.
But the truth was, Cedric loved you more than anything in this world. Taking care of you was the least thing he could do after you agreed in giving your heart and soul to him.
Is it a bad time for me to ask you to go check on my new ethan landry one shot ? 🥹
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jessicaloons · 5 months
Chapter 26:
I swear I don’t love the drama, it loves me…
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"This is so exciting!" I exclaimed and unlocked the door "Ready?"
"Ready when you are." Charles smiled at me and I took a deep breath "Are you nervous?" he chuckled a little.
"I mean… it was all so fast. One day I signed the contract, Rita took care of the payment. The next day we did all the measurements, ordered furniture and painted the walls. I packed last week all my belongings in boxes and yeah now they’re here and I will see my fully renovated and furnished flat for the first time ever…" I said it all so fast that Charles laughed.
"It always baffles me how fast you can talk, cara mia. But come on! It will be amazing! Open up!" he squeezed my hand and I nodded, pushing the door open.
We walked inside. I mustered everything. The colours on the walls. The furniture. After we went into every single room, we came back to the living room and Charles looked at me.
"What’s the verdict?" he asked and I sat down on the sofa, it was just as comfy as I imagined it to be.
"What do you think?" I patted the space next to me and he sat down.
"Honestly? Can you do my flat next? This is amazing! It’s so you! The colours, the furniture, it all looks super cozy but modern and clean… you did an amazing job, cara mia!" he leaned over, kissing my cheek.
"So you like it?"
"100%! But it’s important what you think! It’s your home from now on!"
"I love it. Everything is exactly how I pictured it in my mind." I couldn’t stop smiling. It was perfect and it was all mine "I can’t believe it. I have my own flat. In Monaco. And it looks amazing!"
"Yes, you have your first flat in Monaco and it looks perfect. It looks like you." he pulled me to his side and kissed my cheek "Let’s unpack your stuff." he got up and pulled me with him "I follow your lead!"
After little over an hour I opened up the last of the boxes, getting out a pile of work out clothes, stowing it away in one of the drawers.
"I really thought it would take us longer…" Charles folded the empty box together.
"I mean. It was only my clothes and my personal stuff, books, games and so on. I didn’t have more. Our mums bought all the kitchen stuff, or better they told me what I needed, I showed them some examples of what I liked and they took care of it." I shrugged my shoulders.
"That’s how they did it for me as well." Charles chuckled "You have a lot of space left in your closet. And even more empty drawers. We should take a big shopping trip to fill them up."
"Or…" I turned around, looking at him "… you could bring some of your clothes over… so you always have something here… in case of an emergency."
"That sounds actually like a good idea… I mean emergencies happen all the time, right?" he put his hands on my waist, pulling me closer "We still should go shopping. You deserve it." he kissed me softly.
"Hmm, you know I’m more of an online shopping person…" I whispered against his lips and he smiled.
"But online shopping doesn’t give me the opportunity to see you trying on new stuff and then happily hand over my credit card and say we take everything." he chuckled.
"Bold of you to assume that I let you pay."
"I want to spoil my girlfriend every once in a while." Charles nipped at my bottom lip and I gasped. His hands began roaming my body, pushing up my sweater "I want to spoil my girlfriend now…" he kissed me, with such urgency, my back colliding with the wall behind me "How about we inaugurate your flat… starting with a nice shower…" he then started peppering tiny kisses along my jaw, down my throat "…have a little stop-over in your bed…" he sucked on my collarbone "…and then maybe we figure out some more…" the doorbell rang, loud banging on the door and he groaned loudly "What now?"
"Fuck! Our mums!" I hastily looked into the mirror, pulling my sweater back in place, smoothing my hair down. I left to open the door.
"Awesome…" I could hear Charles mumble underneath his breath as he followed me.
"Lizzie! First qualifying done in Singapore, how do you like it so far?" Will Buxton wiped his sweaty forehead and I chuckled.
"Hot. Humid. Exhausting? No, honestly, I really like the track, but yeah, it’s really hot, I never had so many ice baths on a race weekend, but pretty cool still. It was a tough quali, but I think a P7 and P9 was all we could do and now I’m excited for the race tomorrow."
"The last weeks were a real whirlwind for you! You moved to Monaco, filming for your documentary began, care to share a little about it?"
"Yeah, it’s been busy weeks, that’s for sure. The moving went smoothly, I already feel so at home in my place. I really love it. Then of course the whole Netflix thing is just… it’s still so mind blowing that they are really interested in my life. We did some shoots of my work out routine, talked about my recovery after my accident. They’re here this weekend as well."
"Will we see now two Netflix crews at every race? Or is it the same one?"
"No, it’s actually a second crew, but a smaller one. Who’s solely focused on me, which is weird because I will still be filmed by the OG crew. My crew won’t be at every race tho. They will be in Mexico and Brazil, that’s it for this season."
"We are all really excited for what’s to come! Good luck tomorrow!"
"Thanks Will!"
The race was exhausting. Long. Hot. But I could make up two positions and crossed the line in P6, but due to a penalty I finished in P5. Not too bad for racing the first time around here.
"How do you feel?" Charles handed me a bottle of water and I looked up.
"Good?" I answered slowly and he looked around.
"It’s the beginning of the month…" he whispered and I smiled a little.
"I’m okay. A slight icky feeling here and there. One or two tiny cramps, but overall not like the last time… or I hope so? Did I turn into a monster again?"
"No, you didn’t." he chuckled "You were a little grumpy, but that could also be because of the heat."
"Yeah, that was really a lot… and then after a freaking exhausting race, when I wanted nothing more but a good, full fat ice cream someone brought me vanilla…" I winked at him and he pinched my side.
"What’s wrong with vanilla? It’s universal! It’s perfect to everything!" Charles asked dramatically.
"It’s boring. Bring me coconut, strawberry, mango, lemon, pistachio! Keep your bland vanilla to yourself!"
"Maybe you are a little monster again." he sighed and I slapped his arm "Just kidding… I’m just glad that it’s better this time. Seriously."
"Yeah, I guess my body adjusted to the new pills, maybe next time I’m completely fine again." I smiled and Charles put his arm around my shoulder, pulling me into him, kissing my head.
A comfortable silence fell over us as the jet brought us closer and closer to our destination. I was more than happy that Charles went with my team instead of his. I didn’t want him to fly alone, not when Japan was our next race.
As soon as we arrived in our hotel, Charles plugged my phone in, that had died on the way from the airport and looked at me.
"Seb tried to call you several times. He also texted you." he said.
"Huh? Seb?" I walked over and grabbed my phone.
"Did something happen?" Charles asked and I read the texts.
"Umm- no, nothing. He just wanted to check in on us. We hadn’t had the chance to talk in Singapore." I said and he nodded, rummaging through his suitcase.
"Andrea wants to go for a run, wanna join?"
"I’m a little tired. I’m going to lay down for a bit, before JK will torture me later on." I kissed his cheek and sat down on the sofa.
"Alright. If you need anything, just call me." he changed into shorts and a hoodie and put his running shoes on "Do you want to go out tonight for dinner, or order room service?"
"Umm…" I shrugged my shoulders.
"We decide spontaneously. See you later, cara mia." he kissed my head and left.
As soon as the door was closed I took my phone out and called Seb.
"Hey Lizzie, how are you?"
"I’m good, thanks. How are you?"
"Oh, you know me. All good." he chuckled a little.
"Yeah, as good as it could be coming out of the heat into the rain."
"That was a drastic change, not gonna lie. The reason why I wanted to talk to you is that I spoke with the FIA and Liberty Media in Singapore about your request. They officially lift the ban, on probation. Starting this weekend." he explained and my heart was racing.
"Okay. That’s good news! Thank you Seb, really!"
"It’s okay, kiddo. But Lizzie, if he crosses the line just slightly he will be out. Forever. There won’t be any complaint needed. The FIA and LM will state it exactly like this. It won’t fall back onto you." for him it would.
"Alright. Thank you! I knew I could count on you!"
"Always, kiddo. And now I gotta go, Britta looks like I forgot something and you know her." he laughed.
"Don’t let her wait then, say hi from me! I see you on Thursday!"
"Take care!" he hung up and I took a deep breath.
Was it over now? He got what he wanted. He could come back. I sent him a DM. The ban is lifted, on probation. Starting from this weekend. Only a moment later he answered and I swallowed hard. See you on Thursday.
To say I was a nervous wreck, would be an understatement. Charles was getting worried, I could tell by the way he looked at me, but I always waved his concerns off. When I saw that I was at the press conference together with Charles, Max, Seb and Lewis my heart sank in my stomach. Press conference meant he would be there. According to Seb he had gotten a mail, that stated if he crossed the line ever again, he would be banned for life. But I had a bad feeling. As soon as Tom Clarkson opened up the floor for questions and I made eye contact with Diaz, I knew he would find a way around the set conditions. I didn’t listen to any of the questions, just as Charles patted my arm a little I looked up.
"Sorry? Can you- umm can you repeat the question, I was a little out of it." I apologised, not even knowing who I should look at. Charles was watching me, knowing that something was off. I had to calm down and focus. Don’t be suspicious.
"Sure. You tested here in F2 for Ferrari and Sauber in the past, now it’s your first race in Suzuka. Knowing that we might have a race in the rain and the Audi seemed to struggle a little under these conditions, what do you think is possible for you this weekend?" a woman in the front row asked.
"First off, I’m really excited about racing here. It’s an amazing track. Tricky but fun. As for the struggles with the car, I wouldn’t say it’s the rain, that created the problems, it was rather me who struggled a little, as Valtteri was doing just fine. But I worked on my issues and I think we have good chances for double points this weekend."
"Mike Gellner, Danskesport. Lizzie, we all know of course about your Netflix deal, which sparked a lot of uproar, people saying that a rookie who didn’t achieve anything shouldn’t be given a platform like that. Drivers like Max, Lewis, Seb or Fernando would be more deserving. What do you say about that?"
"It wasn’t my idea. Netflix approached me, asking if I would like to do it. I saw it as an opportunity to promote girls in motorsports. That’s it. Max, Lewis, Seb or Fernando sure as hell would deserve their own spin-off each, but that’s not my decision to make. Whoever has a problem, talk to Netflix."
"Alright, another question? Yes." Clarkson nodded at him and I immediately tensed up.
"Salva Diaz, ESPN Spain, Question for Lizzie." my heart almost jumped out of my chest, when I looked at him, sinister smile on his lips.
In the corner of my eye I could clearly see how Charles next to me clenched his jaw, shoulders tense, he knew who Diaz was. He stared at him with cold eyes, hands clenched into fists. I felt a pressure on my chest, breathing constricted, I swallowed hard against the lump in my throat. My ears began to ring as I watched how Diaz opened his mouth and asked his question, my mind didn’t even register the words he was saying. No matter how hard I tried to calm myself down, to listen to him, not show him, anyone in here, that I had a full on panic attack, it was to no avail. And then it happened all too fast. My brain couldn’t even fully process it. I blinked once, twice and then I saw Max holding back a furious Charles. Salva Diaz with a bloody nose and lip on the floor. Empty chairs scattered around him on the floor. Charles voice making it through the brain fog.
"Let go of me, Max!" he was fighting with everything he had and a seemingly struggling Max tried to reason with him.
"He’s not worth it, okay? Think of your goddamn hands. You can’t risk an injury. Calm down man!"
"I don’t care." Charles almost made it out of Max’ hold as two security guards stormed in. One helping Max, holding Charles back and the other pulling Diaz up off the floor, leading him outside. Charles looked after him and his eyes fell on me, he pushed Max and the security guard off and walked over to me.
"Get her out of here." Seb whispered and Charles nodded, pulling me up off the sofa, leading me outside. He was awfully quiet and I couldn’t bring myself to say anything so I followed him quietly. My mind was reeling. Heart racing. What the fuck just happened.
Charles POV:
She was shaking. Pale face, lips bitten raw. Her breathing ragged. I held her hand tight in mine and lead her back to the Audi hospitality. There was an eerie silence in the paddock when we made our way through it. Everyone was staring at us. But no one said a single word. JK and Julie stood outside, looking at us, waving us inside and I pulled Lizzie with me, up the stairs. I pushed her down on a sofa and crouched down in front of her, cupping her cheeks.
"Lizzie?" I asked softly and her eyes, looking frantically around before, focused on me "Can you take a few deep breaths for me, please?" she nodded slightly and took a deep breath, but she scrunched up her face in pain immediately "Come on, you can do it. Let’s start with little ones, okay? Inhale 1,2,3. Hold it. Exhale. And again." within the next minutes she was able to breathe normally again and JK handed her a glass of water, which she jugged down in one go "Are you okay?"
"What happened?" her voice was barely a whisper when she looked around.
"What do you mean?" I took her hands in mine and she looked down, her eyes widening in horror.
"Charles! Your hand!" she panicked and I cupped her cheek with my other hand.
"Hey! Hey! Look at me. I’m okay! What do you mean, what happened?" I tried to calm her down.
"He was asking me a question and you… you launched at him! Why?" Lizzie sounded genuinely confused.
"Didn’t you hear what he was asking?"
"Honestly? No. I think… I spaced out." she mumbled and I sighed, happy that she didn’t hear his question.
"You’re a little out of it the last days, are you okay?"
"Yeah, just a lot in my mind… but Charles, no matter what he said, what the hell were you thinking?" she was upset, I could tell, maybe even more than just upset.
"I honestly don’t know. I saw how you tensed up as soon as he began to speak, you were trembling and then what he said. I just lost it. And he deserved it!" I sat down next to her and she leaned in, resting her head on my shoulder.
"What did he say?" she whispered but I shook my head.
"You didn’t hear it, it’s better like this." I said and she sighed.
"Do you think you’ll get in trouble for punching him?"
"I don’t know and I don’t care. I stand by my word, he deserved it." my phone vibrated and I knew without looking who it was "Cara mia, I hate to leave you now, but Sylvia and Mattia are blowing up my phone…"
"It’s okay! Really! I don’t want you to be in even more trouble! Go!" Lizzie sat up and kissed my cheek "And please put a cool pack on your hand…"
"I will, I promise. I call you later." I got up and kissed her head, when I walked out I signalled JK to follow me "Make sure that she doesn’t watch the press conference, okay?"
"I got you, don’t worry. I’ll take care of her." he patted my back and I nodded.
"Thank you."
I sat down, Mattia looked like he wanted to be everywhere but here, Sylvia was seething.
"Charles. The FIA made it clear, that they need you to apolo-…" Sylvia began.
"Not gonna happen." I interrupted her and she shook her head.
"You don’t understand, this isn’t just about the FIA fining you, this could have serious consequences if you don’t show any kind of remorse!" she said.
"I don’t care. They can fine me, punish me in any way. I won’t apologise to him. You heard what he said! He was banned for 10 races, he shouldn’t even be here, but the FIA broke their promise to Lizzie! If someone should apologise then it’s them!" I was furious.
"Charles, think about yourself for a moment. He can sue you! And if that doesn’t matter to you, then… then think about the Scuderia!" Mattia said and I looked at him.
"We should stand with Lizzie! Support her! Protect her! That would look better on us than allowing this asshole his constant verbal attacks on Lizzie!" I slammed my fist on the table "I won’t apologise. And that’s my final answer!" I got up and left, Mia already waiting for me.
"You know that I usually don’t agree with Sylvia… but she’s right this time Charles." she said and I groaned.
"Not you as well! Does anybody care for Lizzie? She had a panic attack when she spotted him in the crowd!"
"I didn’t say that he didn’t deserve it. And in my opinion you could’ve hit him a bit more as well. But you should apologise nonetheless." she looked at me but I shook my head.
"Sorry, but I can’t." my answer was final.
The whole Friday and Saturday was spent between practices, quali and meetings with a whole bunch of different people, all trying to make me apologise. The last attempt was on Sunday morning, when I arrived at the paddock with Lizzie and Stefano Domenicali himself passed us up, asking for a word. Lizzie looked confused between him and I.
"What’s going on?" she asked.
"Umm- it’s between Charles and…" he began but I interrupted him.
"My answer is still no. Not gonna happen." I sighed but he was persistent.
"Charles this isn’t about you alone. As this was an official Formula 1 event, he can’t only sue us as operator, but also the FIA as the governing organisation." he was running out of patience, I could tell.
"Who can sue you? What is this about?" Lizzie looked at him.
"The reporter, Salva Diaz, he threatens to sue us."
"Maybe if he wouldn’t be there, like you promised Lizzie, it wouldn’t have happened. He was banned for 10 races, not 4, if I remember correctly…" I was getting mad.
"Charles…" Lizzie began, grabbing my arm.
"No, Lizzie, they had one job and one job only. Protecting you. And he still found a way in here. Still found a way to attack you like that! So no. If he sues me. Fine. If he sues them. Not my problem." I said in French but she only shook her head and looked away. The way Domenicali looked at her and the way she avoided looking at me felt like they knew something I didn’t.
"I guess you take care of it from here on." he said to Lizzie and walked away.
"Take care of what? What does he mean?" I asked her and she sighed.
"I asked them to lift the ban." she mumbled.
"You did what?" I couldn’t believe my ears.
"You didn’t see what they all were writing after he posted that he was banned from the races because of me! They were saying all kinds of things like they wouldn’t do something like that for any other driver, but because I’m a girl and hypersensitive… it was getting all too much! So I thought that if I just show that I don’t care, be the bigger person, then maybe it would stop them from writing all these things about me." she sounded exhausted.
"Why didn’t you tell me?" I asked her.
"Because I have to be strong enough to go through these kinda things alone… I can’t always rely on you, or anyone else…" she almost whispered it and I took her hand and pulled her behind a container.
"You are the strongest person I know, cara mia! And I know that you can handle all of this alone! But you don’t have to! Please let me help you! Tell me these kinda things!" I pleaded and she nodded slowly.
"Can you please apologise? For me?" she asked and I sighed.
"I honestly don’t know why I should do it."
"Charles please! I don’t want you to be punished by them! I don’t want you to be in trouble because of me! Please! Just say you’re sorry, film it and post it!" she pulled me closer, our lips almost touching "Please Charlie, for me?"
"Fine." I gave in and pulled my phone out "Here. Record it." she took it and I closed my eyes for a moment, then I gave her the thumbs up and she nodded, pressing record. I knew that Sylvia would be mad as hell when she would see the video, but I didn’t care. I didn’t want to use a fabricated statement. I said what I had to say. I shouldn’t resort to violence. It was wrong. I’m sorry.
"Thank you. Really." Lizzie kissed me softly and we walked towards the hospitalities and as predicted a seething Sylvia waited for me.
"Oh. That doesn’t look good, see you later!" Lizzie whispered and walked off.
"Charles. Can we talk?" Sylvia pressed out as soon as I was close enough.
"I apologised. I used my words. I posted it. I apologised to Diaz, the FIA, F1, the team and the Tifosi. That’s enough. I won’t say more. And now I prepare for the race. Thank you." I said and walked inside, not waiting for an answer.
It wasn’t raining as much as before and the race could finally start. I wiped my visor for the last time, before I focused on the lights. As much as I loved this track, I also loathed it. Especially under these conditions. The lights went out and I was fully focused on racing. Nothing else in my mind than chasing Max. I had a good start, almost passing Max. The track was slippery, traction more or less given, the sight as well. It felt like we just started the race as the double yellow flags were waved.
"Double yellow. Safety car deployed." I heard Xavi say.
"What happened?"
"Sainz lost the car into turn 11."
"Is he okay?"
"He is okay."
"Good." my voice was slightly shaking. As I looked up I saw on one of the screens what happened. Thank god Carlos was okay. I kept on driving. Just to see an Audi spinning off track on another screen. My insides started churning, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was going on on the next screen, but my heart clenched when I saw a recovery vehicle on the track. And several cars breezing past it. The first thing I thought of was Jules. Then Lizzie. Fear creeping down my spine. Was the tractor because of Carlos? Or the Audi? Who was it? Lizzie or Valtteri? Where did the Audi spin out? Close to the tractor? My fear turned into anger. Why was there a recovery vehicle on track. With cars still driving on track. Why was there no red flag? I swallowed hard, trying to focus on the track ahead, pushing my fear and anger back.
"Red flag. Red flag. Return to the pit lane."
I drove back into the pits and got out of the car, running back to find Lizzie. With every step that I took without seeing her, the pit in my stomach got heavier and heavier. I had to find her, but my knees started to buckle and I couldn’t breathe. I felt a hand on my shoulder, squeezing it.
"Charles? Hey! Take your helmet off." the faint voice of Sebastian fought its way through the ringing in my ears and I turned around "Your shaking and I can hear you heaving through your helmet. Take it off."
"Lizzie…" barely a whisper and Seb turned me slightly to the side, relieve flooding me. She climbed out of her car, taking her gloves off. She looked at our direction and I felt tears streaming down my face, running towards her. I almost crushed her body into mine, holding her tight. Shaking.
"I’m okay. All good." she said and I shook my head "I spun out but I’m fine. Nothing happened. A bruised ego maybe. But that’s okay."
"The tractor… you… I didn’t… I only saw… Jules…" my voice hoarse and broken.
"I know. It’s okay." I didn’t let go of her. I didn’t care if we would be filmed or photographed. I couldn’t let go of her. Not yet "Mon cœur? I’m okay! Really!" she whispered in French and just then I let go of her, still reluctantly.
"You’re really okay?" I asked and she nodded, taking her helmet off, when she saw my trembling hands she unclasped mine as well and helped me pulling it off. When I pulled the balaclava off I tried to wipe away the tears but the rain kept pouring down on us, it didn’t matter.
"Let’s go find Pierre…" she said and I looked at her "Look." I followed her look and saw Pierre breezing past the tractor dangerously close "He was really close to it. And still pretty fast."
"Why was there a tractor on track? While we were still racing? What the fuck? Didn’t they learn anything? Do they really need another Ju-" I stopped and she cupped my cheek.
"Let’s go, Charlie." she took my hand and pulled me towards the Alpha Tauri garage where a pale Pierre stood at the side. Eyes almost dead "Pierre?" Lizzie approached him carefully and he looked up, as soon as Lizzie was close enough she pulled him into a tight hug.
"They let it on track. While we were racing." he mumbled and I nodded, he was right.
"I know." Lizzie whispered.
"Haven’t they learned anything? Especially here?"
"I know." she repeated, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
"Are you okay? I saw you off track." Pierre pulled away and she nodded.
"I spun out, there was no traction and I lost it. I’m okay."
"You?" he looked at me and I nodded, patting his back.
"I’m just glad you are okay, I had the worst images in my head." I mumbled and Lizzie squeezed my arm.
"We’re all good, okay? What happened out there wasn’t okay. But we are!" she looked at us and I slowly nodded.
"Yeah… we’re ok." Pierre said as someone called him over and he looked at them.
"It’s okay, go. We’ll see you after the race." I said and Lizzie and I left.
"I want this race to be over. This day to be over." I mumbled as we walked back to our teams.
"Same." we stopped in front of the Audi garage "Go check on your team mate. I’ll check on my car."
"If I don’t see you before the restart, please drive careful! Drive safe. Take care, okay?" I hugged her tight "I’m serious! Please be careful, cara mia."
"I will, I promise! The same goes for you! And I want to see you on that podium!" she whispered back and I had to smile.
"I’ll try my best."
I sat on a container, scrolling through my phone, the reactions were all the same. The FIA had fucked up. They knew it. We knew it. And they did what they did the best, blame everyone but themselves. Pierre their newest victim. I scoffed and locked my phone, when Andrea approached.
"Ciao bella, how are you?" he asked and hugged me.
"I’m doing okay. I mean yeah, it was scary but luckily nothing happened… how is he?" I asked looking over his shoulder at Charles, head down, making his way to us.
But before he could answer Charles was already in front of us.
"Can we go? Please?" he almost whispered and I nodded, jumping of the container. He looked pale. Disheveled. Exhausted.
"Let’s go." I took his hand in mine and he looked up "It’s late. Almost no one’s here anymore."
"Thank you." he pulled me close to his side. We walked fast through the paddock to the car park where JK waited for us with my bag.
"Thanks!" I said and he just nodded "Okay… umm JK? Andrea? Why don’t you guys go ahead back to the hotel? Here…" I said and handed JK my car key. Charles looked up and Andrea nodded and followed JK.
"Come on. Let’s drive." I said and we walked to Charles car.
"Where are we going?" he asked as he opened the door for me.
"You’ll see!" I said and kissed his cheek, then got into the car. I pulled my phone out of my bag and googled our first stop, as Charles got in the car "Alright, let’s go."
Apart from me giving directions, we drove in silence, Charles hand on my thigh, rubbing slow circles with his thumb. As we arrived at the first stop I unbuckled my seatbelt.
"I’ll be right back." I got out of the car and walked into the little convenient store. I picked up a basket and walked through the different aisles. I grabbed a variety of different chips, chocolate bars and picked out our two favourite flavours of Ben&Jerry’s and put them in the basket as well, along with some wooden spoons. At the counter the young cashier looked at me intently and I smiled at him as he packed everything into a paper bag. I handed him my credit card and when he gave it back with my receipt he looked at me nervously.
"Can I maybe take a picture?" he asked a little shy and I smiled.
"Yeah, he won’t have a problem with that." I said and he shook his head.
"No. With you! I’m a huge fan." he said and I smiled even wider.
"Really? Of course we can take a picture!" I said and he smiled and walked around the counter.
We took a selfie together and he stared at the picture on his phone.
"Thank you so much!"
"No worries! Have a wonderful night!" I said and with a little wave I left the store and got back into the car.
"Okay, let’s go." I said and started my navigation on the phone again.
"And you won’t tell me, where we’re going?" Charles asked and I shook my head.
"Nope. But you’ll see in a couple of minutes." I answered and he sighed a little, but followed my directions.
We rolled onto a little parking lot and I got out of the car. I grabbed my backpack and opened it to pull out the blanket together with two hoodies, both Charles’. I grabbed the bag with the snacks and walked over to Charles.
"Come on. Close your eyes and just trust me." I reached my hand out and he took it, then he closed his eyes and together we walked towards the little dunes in front, shortly after we stepped on the beach. I guided Charles a couple of metres onto it, closer to the shore and dropped his hand.
"Wait a minute." I said and handed him the paper bag. I laid out the big blanket. Threw the hoodies on it before I took the bag out of his hands again. I laid out the snacks on the blanket and then turned to Charles.
"Okay, you can open your eyes now." I said and he slowly did it. He blinked a little and looked around. As he saw the blanket he smiled and pulled me into him.
"A picnic at the beach?" he chuckled a little and I nodded.
"Well it’s an unhealthy one. And also a little cold one. But yeah…" I laughed and he hugged me for another minute close to his body. Then he kissed my forehead and I smiled "Come on, the ice cream is melting… or not, I don’t know, it’s not really warm." I pulled him down on the blanket and handed him his hoodie, then I pulled the other one over my head.
"What do we have here?" Charles asked and looked at the different snacks and I shrugged my shoulders.
"I’m only sure about the Lay’s chips, the lemonade and the ice cream, the rest? No idea!" I chuckled and grabbed a candy bar "But I’d say let’s find out!" I opened it and bit in. Charles looked at me and I just shook my head "Oh god! That’s too sweet!" I handed it over to Charles who took a bite and frowned a little as well.
"Yeah. That’s pure sugar." he said and wrapped the rest of the candy bar before he put it down.
We tried some of the other snacks, some good, some really bad as I began to shiver a little. The wind picked up slightly and another hoodie would’ve been amazing. Charles noticed it and spread his legs, then pulled me in between and I cuddled into him.
"Better?" he whispered in my ear and I nodded.
"Much better!" I grabbed the ice cream and showed Charles the flavours "Which one?"
"You decide!" he said and I opened up one tub and scooped up some ice cream before feeding it to Charles "How I knew which one you would choose." he chuckled and I ate a scoop full myself.
We sat in silence, enjoying the ice cream, the calmness of the night, the city lights in front, the waves crushing down the shore. After a while Charles kissed my temple and pulled me closer into him.
"Thank you, mon amour." he whispered in my ear and I turned my head to look at him, saw how the weight of the day was lifted off his shoulders a little and I leaned in. He kissed me immediately and our cold lips tasted like ice cream with a hint of sea salt. I felt myself melting into his touch, his heat, and I turned around, not breaking our kiss. I settled down on his lap, slinging my arms around his neck, hands nestled in his hair as I pulled a little at it. Charles groaned into our kiss and pulled away a little and looked at me. Fire in his eyes.
"Stop doing that… you know what that does to me!" he was out of breath and I wiggled a little in his lap and he groaned again "Lizzie!" He grabbed my waist before he kissed me again. This time more hungry. Fierce. Passionate.
"Pretty girl, you seriously need to get up now! Come on!" Charles gently rubbed my arm and I sighed, pulling the sheets over my head, but he pulled them right back and I opened my eyes "Get your cute little ass out of bed! We need to leave soon!"
I mumbled something incoherent and sat up slowly. Our suitcases were packed, there was a fresh set of clothes on the table with my toiletry bag and my phone and headphones were plugged in.
"Did I ever tell you, how amazing you are?" I nuzzled my head in the crook of his neck and inhaled his scent. Humming contently. Charles pulled away slightly, cupping my cheek with his hand and looked at me.
"All the time, cara mia, all the time." he said quietly and leaned in to kiss me, but I turned my head slightly.
"I haven’t even brushed my teeth yet…" I mumbled and he chuckled a little, tilting my head back in place.
"I don’t care…" he whispered against my lips before capturing them in a gentle kiss. I could taste the peppermint of his toothpaste on my lips, my tongue, making me all too aware of the fact that I hadn’t had my teeth brushed yet and I pulled away slightly.
"When do we have to leave?" I asked, feeling the heat in my cheeks, the tingling sensation all over my body.
"In 30 minutes." Charles answered, sounding a little breathless.
"Alright, that’s enough time for a quick shower…" I slowly got up and stretched, my bones creaking. I walked to the table, grabbing my clothes and toiletry bag as Charles hugged me from behind.
"Thank you…" he whispered, kissing my shoulder.
"For getting up in time?" I asked and he chuckled.
"No, silly girl, thank you for last night… Suzuka is never easy… all the bad memories… but after what happened yesterday? When I saw the replay of Pierre being this close to that tractor? And knowing you were also on that track? Just thinking of…" Charles began but his voice cracked and I turned around, hugging him close.
"But nothing happened, okay? We’re all good! Pierre is ok. I’m ok. You’re ok. All is good, you hear me?" I whispered, rubbing soothing circles on his back.
"Yeah, but still… what you did last night. I needed that. I needed to forget what happened, needed to take my mind off of it… thank you, mon amour." he kissed the column of my throat and I shuddered a little.
"Just as all the times you lifted me up, I’ll do the same for you. It’s you and me against the world, remember?" I said and Charles chuckled lightly.
For Charles 25th birthday I reserved the VIP area of one of his favourite clubs in Monaco and invited all our friends. I gathered everyone and nervously checked the time. 2 minutes until midnight. One of the waiters looked at me and I nodded at him, it was time. Looking for Charles, I found him close to the bar where he was talking to Joris and Riccardo like we planned it.
"Charles? Can I talk to you for a second?" I whispered into his ear from behind, Joris and Riccardo nodding slightly at me, walking away.
"Sure, what’s up cara mia?" he put his arm around my waist, pulling me close.
"I need to show you something! Come on!" I took his hand and pulled him towards the VIP area and as soon as we took the 3 steps up the big 25 lit up with sparkles right behind the huge cake, adorned with another 25 candles.
"Happy Birthday!" we all screamed and Charles smiled, eyes lighting up, dimples showing. He turned to me and I could see the look in his eyes, I knew he wanted to kiss me so bad. He hugged me close, kissing my cheek.
"Thank you so much, cara mia." he whispered and I smiled.
"Happy Birthday, Charlie." I whispered back, then pulling away kissing his cheeks "Come on!" I pushed him towards his cake and the whole club sang Happy Birthday for him, his cheeks turning slightly pink, which made him look even more adorable.
"Will you help me?" Charles looked at me as he bent down to blow out the candles and I nodded "Alright. 3… 2… 1… blow!"
All of our friends came up to congratulate Charles and I stayed back a little.
"He looks happy." Daniel said and I looked up at him "Maybe even happier if he could’ve kissed his girlfriend at 12…"
"What?" I gasped, looking frantically around.
"Your sister told me. But I know it’s a secret so I won’t tell, don’t worry." he whispered and I nodded "And please don’t be mad at Sissy! It just slipped out when we were on the phone and Liam asked her something!"
"It’s okay. As long as you keep it to yourself!" I chuckled a little and he saluted.
"Yes mam!" he took a swig of his drink and then squeezed my shoulder before he walked over to Charles, who was talking to Max and Pierre.
"Why do you look so tense? Come on! Loosen up a little!" Joris bumped into me and Shima next to him nodded.
"Yeah, here, take a shot with us and then let’s dance!"
Charles POV:
"There he is! The man of the hour!" Daniel slurred and Max tried to keep him upright.
"He had one drink too much I think." he laughed and I nodded.
"That’s why we’re here after all!" I clinked my glas with theirs and Daniel laughed.
"Hell yes!" Daniel shouted and I chuckled.
"Can I leave him with you for a moment?" Max asked and I nodded.
I sipped on my drink, watching how Lizzie was dancing with Shima and Marta. Daniel followed my look and smiled.
"I’m happy for you guys, I already told Lizzie, Sissy let it slip out when I was on the phone with her and Liam asked something about you two." he said and I nodded.
"You have no idea how happy I am." I chuckled and he lifted his glass.
"To the beautiful Doetterer sisters!" Daniel smiled and I nodded.
"Cheers to that!" I said and took a swig of my drink "And thanks for coming!"
"Wouldn’t miss it in the world. When Lizzie asks me to come, then I come! No questions asked!" he mumbled a little.
"Yeah, I know. She has this effect on people, one look in her eyes and you would do everything for her!" I laughed.
"Exactly!" Daniel nodded "That’s why Charlotte and I kept quiet about Silverstone, the look she gave us? How could we say no?" Daniel said hastily and I looked up.
"What happened in Silverstone?" I was confused.
"That guy who grabbed her?" Daniel said and looked at me questioningly, but then he sat up, eyes widened "Oh shit! Fuck! I shouldn’t have said that!"
"What guy? Grabbed her how?" I was sober in an instant.
"Charles, I didn’t- fuck! I had to promise her I wouldn’t tell anyone!" he looked away, cursing under his breath.
"What happened in Silverstone?" I asked again and got up. Looking at Lizzie. My mind reeling. Thoughts spinning. Silverstone. Anxiety attack. Tears. A lot of tears. Bruises on her jaw and wrist. Lizzie being out of it. What the fuck happened in Silverstone? I had to leave. Get out of here. Fresh air. I walked out of the booth and when Lizzie looked at me, our eyes met. She smiled. But it froze when she saw the look on my face. She excused herself from Marta and Shima and came my way. I turned around and left. Outside. Just away. Just one moment to sort out the mess in my brain.
"Charles?" I heard her faint voice calling out for me but I couldn’t bear to look at her. Not now. I saw the cab at the corner and kept on walking "Charles! Wait!"
"Hi, are you free?" I leaned down and asked the driver who just nodded "Perfect." I got in the car and he drove off, I turned a little and saw Lizzie running up to the car, stopping when she realised she wouldn’t reach us in time. I swallowed hard. Turning back around, sinking into the seat. What happened in Silverstone? Who was that guy who grabbed her? Grabbed her how? What did he do to her? Lizzie’s face when she crouched on the floor, staring at her broken trophy, came to my mind. Lizzie. What the fuck was I doing? Why was I running away from her? She was the one who was attacked? I should run to her, hug her, love her. Not leaving her alone "Stop. Please. I have to get out." the driver looked at me confused and pulled over. I handed him some money and opened the door.
"Wait! That’s way too much! Your change!" the driver said.
"Keep it." I closed the door and the cab drove off. I leaned against the wall and looked around, groaning. I should’ve stayed in the cab, taking me back to the club. I pushed off the wall and started walking, searching my pockets for my phone to call Lizzie, but realised that I had left it at the club.
"Fuck!" I yelled and groaned in frustration. What happened in Silverstone? The question plopped up again and again in my mind. Why didn’t she tell me? But Daniel and Charlotte? I looked up to see where I was and choked up. Of course. The only place I went to, when I had no idea where else to go and needed advice. I took a deep breath and pushed the gate open, walking through the narrow aisles until I reached my destination. I sat down on the stone bench and closed my eyes for a second.
"I haven’t been here in a while, sorry, but a lot has happened. Like really a lot. Lizzie and I. We’re together now. Finally. It’s amazing, really. I never thought that this was what love felt like… it’s all consuming, it’s mind blowing, it sometimes feels like I’m suffocating, but in a good kind of way? Lizzie… she’s, god she’s so amazing, but you know that already, it’s like she makes every day better, every high feels higher with her, every low feels not as low… god, I love her. So much. And that’s why it kills me to say this, but I think I failed her. Couldn’t protect her. Made her feel like she couldn’t be honest with me. Something happened and she didn’t tell me about it, worse even, she wanted to keep it a secret from me… I don’t know what that means, I really could need your advice now, Dad.
"He talked to Danny Ric and then he ran away! Where is he!" I was nervous, even more so when I tried to call Charles, but saw his phone on the sofa of the booth he and Daniel were sitting, before he ran away.
"Where is Danny Ric now?" Shima asked and looked around.
"He left with Max a couple of minutes ago. He was really drunk." Joris said and I groaned.
"What the fuck happened?!" I looked around, still hoping Charles would just come up the 3 stairs and all would be good "I need to find him!"
"And how do you want to find him?" Joris asked and I sighed.
"I look everywhere where he could be, at home, his yacht, his mum’s place?" I was desperate.
"Okay, let’s go." he said and grabbed my hand.
"Text us when you find him!" Riccardo said I hugged him and Marta goodbye.
"I will." I smiled a little and together with Shima and Joris I left.
I walked back the dock and Shima and Joris looked at me, hopefully. I shook my head and Shima sighed.
"Where else could he be? At your place?" Shima asked and I shook my head.
"He doesn’t have a key yet…" I whispered leaning against the car, the cold wind made me shiver, after I forgot my jacket in the club. Joris looking apologetic at me, after he gave Shima his jacket already.
"Let’s get inside the car and think. You’ll freeze to death and Charles would burry me alive for that…" he opened the door for me to get in when it hit me.
"How could I be so stupid? Of course…" I smacked my palm against my forehead "I think I know where he is." I mumbled and Joris looked up.
"Yeah? Alright! Then let’s go."
I looked back at Shima and Joris and nodded slowly, swallowing hard against the lump in my throat. I pushed open the gate and took a few hesitant steps at first. He’ll be here. I could feel it.
"Charles?" I whispered and he didn’t move, but I saw how his shoulders, his whole back tensed up and knew that he heard me. I walked up to him, putting a hand on his shoulder "What are you doing here?"
"I needed some advice." his voice was hoarse, strained with pain "When I don’t know what to do anymore, when I feel like I lost control, I come here and talk to him." he straightened his back, still not turning around.
"You know that you can also talk to me?" I whispered and he scoffed.
"Really? Can I?" he said, turning a little, looking up at me, his eyes glossy but cold "So when I ask you what happened in Silverstone, would you tell me the truth? Or would you keep on lying?"
I took my hand off of his shoulder, taking a step back. His voice was cold, laced with anger. He didn’t break eye contact, kept on staring at me, waiting for an answer. An answer I wasn’t ready to give. Or rather, I wasn’t prepared to give.
"Silence. That’s what I thought." he got up, taking a step in my direction and for some reason I took one back. Charles stopped immediately, looking at me with wide eyes.
"I’m sorry." I whispered, Charles expression unreadable.
"What happened in Silverstone, Lizzie." he repeated and I looked down.
"I- I can’t…" I choked out, my throat felt tight, making it difficult to swallow. My eyes stung with fresh tears. And I felt myself starting to shake a little.
"Lizzie, please… I need to hear it from you… and not the half version from Daniel, imagining the worst…" Charles took another step closer, his words pleading.
"He shouldn’t even… it’s just that… I- I don’t…" my voice started to crack, seeing the stress and fear in Charles eyes, made me feel even worse.
"I tell you what I know. I know that when I came to pick you up, you had this look in your eyes, like you were lost, the light was almost gone, I thought it was because of Hans, what I know is that I heard you scream out in pain in your driver room and when I rushed in you had a panic attack, you almost couldn’t breathe and told me it was because you dropped your trophy, what I know is that that bruise on your hip looked horrible, and I really don’t know how I could be so fucking stupid believing your story that you bumped into the table. What I know is that you had a heavily bruised jaw and wrist and were hiding it from me, then blaming Liam and Benji for it. What I know is that after Silverstone you always looked around like you would search for someone, I’m not even sure that you noticed that yourself. What I know now is that a guy grabbed you and Daniel and Charlotte helped you cover it up. Connecting the dots, I know now that you were frantically looking around, scared to see the face of the guy who attacked you and…"
"Stop." my voice was thin, throat aching, constricting my neck even more. I bit my lips to keep them from trembling, hot tears threatening to slip out the more I tried to blink them away.
"What happened Lizzie?" Charles cupped my cheeks making me look up at him "Please Lizzie, please let me help you and tell me the truth, do you know who it was?!"
I closed my eyes, Salva Diaz’ words burning inside my head. The anonymous letter with the business card. Tick Tock. Your time is ticking. I’m running out of patience. The comment underneath the post. What a sweet family they all are! you can only wish them health and happiness. Him being in Suzuka, crossing the line yet again just to get punched by Charles. I took a deep breath. Gathering myself. Opening my eyes.
"I don’t know who it was. It happened so fast." another lie, added to the pile of the ones I already told because of Diaz.
"Lizzie…" Charles began but I shook my head.
"I’ll tell you everything, everything that happened." I said and he nodded, leading me to the little bench where we sat down. I took another deep breath and lied. Again. Telling a story of a drunk guy, who didn’t want to accept a girl driving in F1. A drunk guy, who I maybe or maybe not would recognise in a sea of faces surrounding me. The whole time I kept looking down on my hands. Charles didn’t interrupt me once. When I finished we sat there in silence.
"I’m- I’m sorry." I sobbed, hating myself with every breath I took more and more.
"Don’t apologise…" Charles whispered, taking my hand in his, pulling me into him, kissing my temple.
"I just… I didn’t want to tell you… you already had enough on your plate with Ferrari and- and I know you. You wouldn’t let this just slip. You would try to find out who that guy was. You would be out for his blood and I just- I didn’t want you to do something stupid…" I whispered, at least now I was telling the truth.
"You’re right… now that I know that… I am out for his blood and when I’ll find him, he…" Charles began but I shook my head.
"See! That’s exactly why I didn’t tell you! Charles, look at me, please. You have to promise me, no, really! You have to promise me to not do anything stupid! Charles please! The only reason why I told you all this was because I wanted to be honest with you! So please, please don’t do anything stupid!" I pleaded, swallowing down the bile that rose up as soon as I took the word honest in my mouth.
Charles looked at me, his eyes studying my face and I knew that he tried to read me, figure out if I told him the whole truth and I knew I had to convince him. I tried to look as desperate as I could, scared even, to mask the nervousness his mustering gaze made me feel. He nodded slowly and I let out a breath, I didn’t know I was holding in.
"Okay. I won’t do anything stupid. I promise." he hugged me closer, kissing the side of my head "But you have to promise me something in return."
"Anything." I said immediately and Charles gently tilted my head up, looking me deep in the eyes.
"Promise me, no more lies. No more secrets."
I swallowed hard, feeling my lungs deflating.
"I promise." I lied breathlessly, hugging him, burying my face in the crook of his neck. Blinking tears away. One more lie. But this one, heavier than all the other ones combined.
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Chapter 26 - a looot to unpack here. Japan last year was a shitshow, I had to bring it up. Seems like they both can’t catch a break. Last chapter for 2023 ✔️ but I can tell you, we’ll start the New Year off with a BANG 👀
Please leave a comment/ like/ reblog/ message and tell me how you liked it! I'm dying to hear your thoughts!
If you want to be added to the taglist, drop a comment!
Last but not least, English is not my first language and although I tried my best: please excuse any mistakes I made!
@silkenthusiasts @eugene-emt-roe @sunny44 @itsjustkhaos @glitterquadricorn @aundercover @kakorrhaphiphobia @alittlebitofbooksandmagic @ru-kru @glitterf1 @janeholt3 @maeve-wileyy @18754389 @chiliwhore @hellowgoodbye @queensassybitchsworld @harrysdimple05 @skynel09
All the images I’m using are from Google, Pinterest and Instagram (or self made).
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leadxxr · 16 days
OKAY random question but I wanna ask! What drew you to Dwight and what drew you to portray him the way you do?
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Omg okay so. BUCKLE UP, FRIENDO. At first, I was not interested in playing Dwight as a character in the game AT ALL. I was a Nea Main and then I was a Felix Main. I thought Dwight was goofy as fuck at first blush (which, I mean, isn't totally inaccurate I suppose LOL) I can’t even recall exactly why I started playing as Dwight? I think it had something to do with a challenge, and when I saw the Dino hoodie I was like oh MAN oh mAN this autistic twink must be mine.
So a lil backstory about me: I’m a chronic nail biter, a textbook empath, I typically put other people before myself in certain contexts (which yes I know isn’t the healthiest thing), I have diagnosed generalized anxiety disorder, ADHD, PTSD, and Bipolar 2. I can be insecure from time to time, and I have a bad habit of isolating myself instead of reaching out for help when I need it (I know I know I know all bad things LOL). When I got curious about Dwight’s tome lore, however, I really fucking identified.
But I think the final reason that cemented in me to write for him (coming back to the tumblr RPC for the first time in literally a decade) was because one day I looked at him and asked my husband: "Wait. You know who would be the most perfect fucking face claim for this dweeb? CHARLIE DAY FROM PACIFIC RIM ?????" and the rest is fucking history below hehehe
There are also a lot of things about me that aren't Dweet coded whatsoever. Like, I'm pretty damn courageous. I don't bite my tongue in situations even if my anxiety is through the roof. I'm a lot more stubborn than he is. I'm eloquently spoken and can talk a lot, whereas he's pretty withdrawn. Dwight also has zero poker face, whereas if I actually wanted to lie to someone? Chances are, they wouldn't be any wiser. I used to be an actor in short films and such in the area and had a lot of theater experience.
When it comes to my portrayal, I try to stay as accurate to what we know as possible without projecting myself onto him, which I realize is a thing a lot of writers do with their muses, but to each their own! I look at every bit of information as possible outside of his tome, like the descriptions on every single one of his clothing items, perk names and descriptions, and ofc his bio. Piecing all of that together, I arrived at the portrayal I have because I genuinely feel like it encompasses every aspect of him versus making one tiny part of him his entire personality. He can be bold, but it's typically a farce or it doesn't come with any serious bravado behind it. This isn't always the case, however.
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As we see in the OG trailer (he looks like a twinky zak bagans and i fucking hate it lmAOO) he peeks from around the corner and actually approaches the Trapper cautiously from behind as if there's anything he could possibly do to save Jake. I picture his heart in his fucking throat during that scene, unsure of why or how he has it in him to stand up like that, but it reveals to me that he does have some courage at his core. He's a bit stubborn, but not really to a fault. He's extremely empathetic and forms bonds with other people quite easily. All his life, he's been stereotyped. He wasn't very good in school but people think he's a nerd. He wasn't very good with women, so kids often called him slurs that he didn't even understand at the time.
He's felt invisible and looked through, literally having to "prove himself" at every single job he's ever had before Peak22 because that job was literally . . . nothing. He got paid to do nothing but create fake social media profiles for his delusional boss. It was cushy, a lot more cushy than his prior list of hourly positions, but he couldn't stand the way his coworkers/manager Rose were treated. He was very empathetic towards her, which I believe showed his ability to be an amazing, caring friend. But he also gives in to peer pressure extremely easily. He's highly suggestible, perhaps a bit naive in certain contexts as well. He was absolutely horrified by the adverse effect the 'laughing drug' was supposed to have on his boss that instead sent him into a homicidal hallucinatory frenzy. I believe that's exceptionally evident of the significance of his conscience. He blames himself for that incident to this day.
He's actually kind of selfish, too, because the main reason he rose to his position as Leader of the survivors is due to how hellbent and determined he is to survive, himself. He's self aware enough to know that he doesn't have what it takes to make it on his own. He's exceptionally insecure in most aspects of his life. There are some quotes of him pleading with the other survivors to survive so he can survive. In the Pinhead trailer, we see him blindly searching for his glasses that are right in front of him, leaving zero room for doubt that he's legally blind, like VELMA WINKLEY level blind. It's also mentioned in his bio, I believe that he is "more or less legally blind without his glasses."
ALL THAT BEING SAID .... I also portray him as someone who listens to heavy metal, which is somewhat a projection of my own music taste onto him?? But at the same time, I was ALWAYS that kid in school that would listen to Seether in my chunky headphones but I looked like a sweet lil anxious girl in pink. No way ANYONE could have predicted WTF I was listening to, and that was the real inspiration behind why I gave him that music taste HC; like who in their right mind would expect that twinK IN A DINOSAUR HOODIE to listen to THAT? No one. And I think that's iconic because Dwight Fairfield is the literal definition of "more than meets the eye." He's lived his entire life in the shadow of various stereotypes, and the last thing I think that would be appropriate for him is to stereotype his taste in music.
And of course . . . I will admit that my portrayal also takes into consideration the outfits I main for him c: (I hate dweard with a fiery passion do noT even talk to me about dweard bc dwIGHT IS WAY TOO INSECURE TO SHAVE HIS FUCKING HEAD???? NO )
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winns-stuff · 1 year
I’m gonna say this cause I’ve been seeing a lot of Minthe edits and finally understanding more and more of her perspective. Persephone is a homewrecker, absolute homewrecker and if this was anyone else the fans would’ve thrown a tantrum because why is it Persephone can get away with knowingly accepting affection, gifts, money, clothes, and even a phone from Hades but Minthe is shamed for also receiving things such as that.
It’s just so annoying and incredibly incompetent to me how they literally do the same things all the damn time yet everyone loves Persephone. Me personally, I hate her with all of my heart I truly believe that she’s very malicious and self serving at the end of the day. She reminds me of those villains targeting old lonely vulnerable rich men all for their money while trying to mask their behavior behind a sweet innocent character…. Oh wait. She’s literally doing just that, like always she’s doing shit like that. She literally took money out of Hades’ account for an apartment without even asking, yes you can argue that they discussed about Persephone moving out but that doesn’t just give someone the okay to take their money and run with it to buy stuff you want. She’s always being a huge extreme brat and it really makes me feel like Demeter is a victim of her damn behavior (I’ve always thought this but it just gives me more reason for it now) because how the hell are you going to get upset at your mother for coddling you when you accept and even welcome being babied by everyone around you. This whole independency thing falls through the floor when you realize that Persephone doesn’t want any independence, all she wants is to be able to get away with things she does and obviously Demeter was more strict with her (unlike Hades) so she couldn’t necessarily do anything without being watched.
I genuinely feel for Minthe, not her actions but her mental state had to be breaking apart with every single day and those two assholes just made it worse. Persephone was always aware that Minthe and Hades were together yet she still allowed herself to be seen publicly with him, she allowed him to get physical, and she didn’t mind kissing him right after they broke up. She was obviously waiting for them to break up to do more bold moves just to spite Minthe and she didn’t even care about how she would feel. I get that you’re jealous that Hades is giving his money away to someone who wasn’t you but that doesn’t mean that you could basically start seeing him and playing fucking house right in the office that she works in. That’s trifling as fuck and I’d be pissed too because not only are you embarrassing me in front of Persephone by showing her that I’m not worth any dignity or respect but you’re embarrassing me in my own workplace as well, you just know that the assistants and other staff members were spreading it around like wild fire and that had to be so stressful to deal with.
Speaking of that actually, fuck Persephone for that because she keeps whining and crying about how rumors made everyone at her college not want to speak with her yet she’s completely fine with doing things that actively ruin Minthe’s reputation and make her a spectacle for everyone to see. That’s one of the main reasons why I don’t feel any sympathy for her and I don’t see why so many people are so keen on protecting her, she’s really not shit and she’s genuinely a terrible person and we all know that if she were a real person no one would like her at all. At least Minthe had a reason for asking Hades for money, she literally only had him to rely on since he insisted on paying for everything and giving her a job, there was an obvious dependency on Hades that he started his damn self (which I have no idea why he thought trapping Minthe into this relationship she never even wanted in the first place would ensure not only a good relationship but a good marriage as well, like you made her lose her job which was the only thing keeping her from getting evicted and he knew it, his job was the only thing keeping her afloat and knowing Hades I just know he paid for the rent by himself cause that’s just how he is, he did the same with Persephone when they went shopping he insisted on buying things for her and spending money, it’s not insane to think that he did the same thing with Minthe’s apartment and her bills) what’s Persephone’s excuse of sticking around Hades and receiving money and gifts from him? She’s incredibly privileged and the heiress to a whole company if she wanted to actually be independent and get a job of her own she could’ve. She’s not like Minthe, she has lots of powerful connections whereas Minthe only had Hades, so she just enjoys being spoiled and she chooses to use only Hades’ money for the things she wants.
Last thing, but I find it incredibly telling that Hades was never truly there for Minthe emotionally. He only wanted to be there when he wanted something from her, never not once did he stand up for her or show her off half as much as he does with Persephone. He’s loud and open about his relationship with her while we barely even see praise coming from Hades and Minthe, it was almost as if he was embarrassed to be with her similar to what the comic wanted us to think with Minthe’s introduction. He listened to Hera bag on his girlfriend even before Persephone was in the picture for probably centuries and never did he ever say anything about it. He’s fucking friends with her! He’s friends and completely fine with everyone who has ever said something bad about Minthe and he doesn’t even care about all the things they said about her. And you expect me to be on their side? After everything you’ve shown us, I’m supposed to be happy that HxP are the only people getting happy endings and no one else that they screwed over to get there? Absolutely the fuck not.
That’s the end of this rant, I’m tired and incredibly irritated with the main couple they make me want to eat my own scalp. It’s so annoying how everyone lets them get away with anything yet Minthe and her fans are just evil for even having a shred of sympathy for her, like y’all stan a murderer and a slave owner. There’s no right choices.
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prospectivereality · 2 years
 grey ferrari x cl
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words: 1.8k, not native english
Your date turns out incredibly different
It was too astringent. Definitely not a match for a sweet tiramisu. I started to wonder - maybe I ordered it wrong? Maybe a waiter didn’t hear my order correctly due to broken French, or perhaps it was more common among customers to order bold wine on Saturday night? 
Having a tiramisu on the first date as a dessert wasn’t weird, but it was not an obvious choice as a main dish. Though that really didn’t matter now, because my date was not even here. 
I’ve checked a time thousand times. We both agreed on six o’clock at this place. Messing up the restaurant could be the option too - in Monte Carlo, there were plenty of them. However, I couldn’t do anything when my date didn’t even dare to text me back. 
It’s been two hours. 
I had no other choice than to try to enjoy my own company, observing the illuminated Hôtel de Paris visible from a terrace of the restaurant. Loud laughter, jazz music and the roar of sport-cars created a pleasant buzz which accompanied me as I reflected. 
I didn’t know him anyway. It was a set-up meeting arranged by one of my friends. She insisted that I needed to start going out and meeting new people. Apparently, the first attempt was not so successful. 
The waiter checked up on me a few times, figuring out I was probably ghosted. Every time I politely denied when he asked me if I want to order something more. I felt that mentioning the wine I was now drinking was irrelevant even though I knew it was very likely it was not the one that I had ordered. Nothing other than finishing and leaving seemed logical. 
Trying to preserve the rest of my dignity, I smoothed out my satin red dress and tried to act graciously. I was about to stand up and leave when someone suddenly pop out in front of my table.
”Puis-je rejoindre?” the man’s voice asked in impeccable French.
My eyes look up at this mysterious person immediately while a slightly surprised look appeared on my face.  
At first, I thought it might be my date, but too many conflicting facts appeared in my mind. He didn’t look British. He couldn’t be a pleasant and cultural gentleman, who moved from London two months ago to work here - in Monaco. The man that stood in front of me was dressed rather casually - something that the businessman I was waiting for couldn’t be able to do. He was wearing a simple, plain white t-shirt along with a black denim jacket and pants. Elegant but yet simple white trainers gave away that he wasn’t coming back from work, more possible could be training. Nevertheless, he had an interesting spark in his eyes of curiosity and slightly parted lips. He was waiting for my response, for permission. Accent, which was hearable in his question was flawless. Was it possible for a British man to talk French this good?
No, this man couldn’t be my date. He was local for sure.
”Pas de problème” I said after a while deciding that I have nothing to lose. 
I noticed how fast the waiter approached us again, while the stranger took his seat. A few fast words of welcoming were given to my companion. The waiter looked… delighted? Was this man known for others, was he coming here often?
I observed how he asked only for wine. Fortunately noticing that I have already drunk a lot this night, he ordered a single glass. A few seconds later the waiter was not there anymore.
”Oh sorry, I’m such a bad gentleman. Didn’t introduce myself” a realization appeared on his face and was washed out with a slight smile ”I’m Charles” An “r” sound in his name resounded perfectly french.
”So you are definitely not my date” I said quietly now thinking too much about it.
”I beg your pardon?” his eyebrows frowned.
”Sorry” a soft laugh escaped me and I offered my name as well. 
”You were waiting for someone?” his eyes had all focus on me.
”Yes, that is true” I said focusing my eyesight on the fabric of my dress ”I have been ghosted” 
“I cannot believe” he laughed and it seemed so characteristic. Looking at his smile I had a feeling that it will be hard to forget. ”You are dressed so well and elegant, pretty woman” 
I flush appeared on my cheeks. Compliments given by strangers should be disturbing, not pleasing. Somehow I couldn’t find any dishonesty in his words. 
“Thank you” I passed him a grateful smile whereas his wine was just placed on the table. 
While he took a sip of red liquid I asked him a question.
“What are you doing in Monaco?”
“Living” he shrugged confidently “I’m a monegasque” 
“Never met a local before. There are a lot of people from all around the world” I admitted looking at him surprised.
“That is true. Sometimes you hear more english than french, but it still feels like home. Couldn’t imagine living somewhere else. 
And you? What are doing here?” he asked with hearable curiosity. 
“Looking for a husband”
A shock suddenly showed up on his face and I swear that this was the reaction I was hoping for. Loud laughter burst uncontrolled out of me as I watch his face return to a casual grin.
”Working. The real answer is working” 
”You know some ladies do that, they look for a husband” he said taking up his glass ”but they are never so direct about it. 
”Have you met one lady like that?”
A longer silence dissolved around the table. I noticed it got pretty late - the sun was low at the horizon, wrapped in pinkish clouds. 
”Tell me more about yourself” he said focusing on me. 
”I am not living in Monaco for a long time. Just adjusting now to living here” I said staring at the sunset ”I do love French and their culture. Pissing off but funny at the most time!”
Oh he laughed, it was so heartwarming. 
”You are kinda sporty people, here in Carlo. I hate running with my whole heart but I enjoy playing tennis. It’s so rewarding when you can compete in a healthy manner with others.”
”I agree” he still had a smile on his face
”Love to travel, cook stuff I learn from others. Try it. And oh, buying flowers. I am addicted to it.”
”And what is your favourite flower?”
I caught eye contact. 
”Oh you have taste lady” Charles seemed so amused ”Noted that for future.”
Before I had time to think about what he just said another question was thrown at me. 
”So are you up for some tennis game someday?” He said with a soft chuckle.
”If I don’t have better opponents, well with pleasure” I said looking at him and passing a smile.
I would lie that the conversation that I was having with newly met monegasque didn’t make me feel much better after the unsuccessful date. Talking with Charles seemed so natural and simple. I wanted to know more about him but he was the one who asked me more questions. The aura of mysteriousness around his persona was visible. 
”I am sorry but it’s a bit late” I said after a while.
”No, it’s fine. I can give you a lift if you want” the man said with seriousness on his face.
”That is very nice of you but I don’t want to make any troub-”
”Don’t worry. Come on, I will grab your coat” He interrupted getting up leaving me no time to respond. He called out the waiter and asked for the bill. 
”White, white blazer” I explained to him what he should ask for ”I will pay for myself”
”Nah, don’t be silly. I was the one who gatecrashed your date” he laughed ”You can wait for me at the parking”
A silent thank you left my lips. Slightly confused by the situation, I decided that the best solution was to leave the restaurant. I headed to the parking lot. It was already dark outside, the lights illuminated the neighbouring buildings and all of the city showing it in a captivating aura. I didn't have to wait long for Charles.
”Here you are. Your coat” the man said with a funny French accent passing me my blazer.
”Thank you again”
He took the keys out of his jacket and opened the car. Standing a few meters away, the grey Ferrari flashed its headlights. 
”Oh” I said uncontrollably 
”Yeah. She’s a beauty” he sighted and headed to it. 
The car seemed extremely elegant and even more fast. The two stripes, white and red, divided his hood in half creating a plain and thick line. When I took my seat, amazement wasn't over - Ferrari's interior was sinfully comfortable, it created an impression of sitting in a soft, leather armchair. 
Monegasque pressed a button turning the car on. A beautiful roar resounded. 
”Nice car indeed” 
”And… where I am taking you, lady, with it?” Charles said with full focus on driving out of parking. 
I gave him my address information, he nodded and slowly headed to the streets. 
The whole ride took place in pleasant silence. The man after some time tried to turn on some music in the background. Funny, those were slow Latina songs. Definitely not the type of music I could expect for his mysterious appearance. Minutes later, the Ferrari pulled up in front of my building and I realized that was the end of my unusually surprising but enjoyable evening. 
”Thank you for actually asking me for a seat. I suppose my evening would be even more awful and I would get even drunker” 
He laughed genuinely. His eyes captured mine, they had a spark of happiness.
”It was a pleasure. Hope we can repeat it soon”
A soft obviously left my mouth as I opened the door. I was already about to say goodbye when I suddenly realized something. 
”Wait… How you will reach me?” 
”Don’t worry, I have my ways” he answered calmly ”Have a great night my lady” Charles said before winking. 
A blush crept up on my cheeks and seconds after he was already leaving. 
I moved toward the entrance. Oh, keys. I have to find them. I started searching the pockets of my jacket, it seemed the only logical place to put my keys there. However, to my surprise, in addition to the characteristic cold metal, my hand sensed something coarse and light as well.
A paper. 
I took it out to see what it could be. There was some text.
”Here is my phone number, if you still think about our future tennis match. À bientôt, Charles.”
”This moron” I laughed to myself ”He definitely knew what he was doing looking for my blazer”
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postmodernbeing · 1 year
𝕺𝖚𝖗 𝕾𝖎𝖑𝖛𝖊𝖗 𝕷𝖎𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖌 - Chapter IV
𝔓𝔞𝔦𝔯𝔦𝔫𝔤: Ominis Gaunt x Female Reader
Tags: Fluff, the slowest of burns, Angst (but not really because I’m too soft for that). Mutual pining. Also, the plot is plotting, so be patient.
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𝔖𝔲𝔪𝔪𝔞𝔯𝔶: Amit and Garreth start working together to pry on professors' chambers inside the castle. They do find intriguing news involving Mirabel Garlick. Naturally, Imelda and you decide to investigate further, and somehow that leads you to Hogsmeade. Meanwhile, Natty and Poppy had and idea when investigating further on the Black Lake's situation. The dots are starting to connect, but more troubles appear when Anne confronts Ominis at the Undercroft, he needs your support quickly!
𝔚𝔬𝔯𝔡 ℭ𝔬𝔲𝔫𝔱: 5,291 words.
✧❈Chapter 3 | Masterlist | Chapter 5 (wip)
Chapter 4. Longing Warmth
September 20th, 1891. Hogwarts
Not a week has passed since Natty convinced me to team up with her band of lunatics and yet we’ve already made important advances. Frankly I’m not sure who’s crazier, them or me, who has put all his efforts on our quests. As a matter of fact, Garreth Weasley has become my partner in crime quite in a literal sense, and I’m truly impressed by his sharp mind and intuition. He has even influenced me into daring more since our tasks involve breaking into professors’ private chambers and stealing information one way or another. Of course, I’d never admit he’s been a positive influence on me, at least not in front of him.
Our labors are focused in searching for more of the anonymous notes. So far, we’ve found Ronen’, Shah’, Howin’, Hecat’ and Garlick’s. Every single one of them is written differently, and we’ve noticed some words are tinted bolder than the rest. I can only assume they’re meant to resemble a word when put together. Thanks to [Your Name] deciphering Madame Kogawa’s note, we’ve inferred those bold letters should indicate the direction to reply to and then, for the contents of our Flying professor’s answer, recipients should had received the details of a location outside the castle where they confidently reunited to discuss the contents of the note. Except, sure, that information could’ve been burned or destroyed after receiving it and there’s no way we could access to it.
Not everything is lost nor our efforts were in vain, though. For Garlick’s response made me believe she already knew the place and the aims of the reunion. If we must take risks to unravel this dilemma, I’d dare to say that Garlick is entirely responsible of all the notes. Although seems unlikely. Judging for what we know of her personality, it doesn’t seem like something she would do. But then again, maybe that’s the reason why she’s the most fitted person to exhort all professors to take action. And maybe Garlick’s not working alone but most certainly she's brave enough to stand against whatever she finds unjust. Owns initiative and she's unconventionally young for a professor which's been proven to imply a certain level of rebelliousness, and if that wasn't enough, she cares for all students deeply.
That’s why I asked Imelda to investigate her further (I'm still amazed that she agreed to work with us in the first place. One thing is certain: Natsai is exceptionally persuasive). Since I have access to Garlick’s schedule, I’m most confident Saturdays are the days she heads off to Hogsmeade to visit shops and The Three Broomsticks. This morning Imelda told me she would take [Your Name] with her. Although her recent popularity amongst students, professors, and journalists after last year events could prove counter-productive in their efforts to remain unnoticed, I didn’t try to stop them though. They make quite the team for a pair of Slytherins so different from each other. Or maybe they have more in common than they realize, just as I did with my now companion Garreth.
- Amit Thakkar
After Amit finished writing this new entrance in his logbook, he then positioned the freshly written pages just close enough to the candle beside him. Suddenly, the words began to disappear. A powerful yet unpopular enchantment; not even Headmaster Black will be able to guess the activities registered on it. Originally Amit used it to write scattered ideas for the history books he wants to publish as soon as he graduates. The enchantment had the purpose of hiding said lines so no one could steal his research from him. However, current events demand other uses for it. Finishing those labors, he realized how much time he spent working last night. Another sleepless night, he thought. The mirror that hanged from his wardrove reached his figure and casted the reflection of insomnia that he’s so familiar with. The bluish dark tones under his eyes seemed out of place from the sky-blue of his nightclothes, it told him it was time to rest; yet his grunting stomach demanded food as the first lights of dawn painted the windows of the Ravenclaw Tower. Breakfast it is, and with a silent salute to his still deeply sleeping roommates, his enchanted candle was extinguished.
As Amit was getting ready to finally leave his room, he watched through a window noticing a couple of figures, which he quickly assumed belonged to Natty and Poppy, even if he watched them just for a moment. They should be wandering around the shore of the Black Lake, investigating the recent fog the appeared out of nowhere that blocked any sight one could have of it from the castle, just as they arranged a few days ago. He couldn’t help but wonder if someday he'll be able to overcome his fears and worries and naturally give into the adventure, just like Garreth, Poppy and Natty do so effortlessly. He might call his new companions barmy fools but deep down he admires their traits such as bravery and loyalty. Not to mention they’re powerful witches and wizards too. Maybe their cause could bring them all together, maybe this is the start of the friendships he so strongly longs for.
Amit was right, those were Natty and Poppy, and yes, they headed moments earlier to the point where Amit watched them wander before the fog hid their figures again. This is what they know until now: The glowing creatures that attacked the squid were nowhere to be found after the incident, rather a mysterious cloud covered the entirety of it no longer after.
Natsai pointed this was the perfect scenario for Phineas Black to hide whatever is happening underwater, and Poppy believed pollution was responsible for it, “I’ve seen it in the muggle world with their so-called Industrial Revolution. Water sources are the very firsts to get compromised when dealing with machines or industrial processes.”, she said. The Hufflepuff girl holds that Black is probably working something along those lines with the Ministry; now that wizarkind recovered the control over gobblin metallurgy once again. Causing, by the way, that numerous organizations and unions both gobblin and wizardkind express their discomfort; for they assure nothing has change to assure equal treatment between magical kinds. Rather find in Ranrock’s death a solid argument about the Ministry's oppressive methods against anyone who’s not wizard-born (as evil as he might have been). Then again, Natty and Poppy only have their guesses about what’s happening under the Lake, merely assumptions with no further evidence; that led them to this moment. In any case, they both find intriguing that said fog emits no smell.
- “We ought to be careful. It’s unsure if this fog might harm the skin as other pollutants do.”
- “And yet, if this was byproduct of some sort of pollution under the lake, there are nor dead fish around the shore nor birds avoid flying over the area, they just adventure inside not sensing any dangers.” – Natty objected Poppy’s warning.
- “Perhaps there’s something more that we’re not seeing.” – Poppy added as she regarded around their backs looking for other curious students or professors. - “Speaking of seeing, do we have the invisibility potion with us?”
Natty stood from where she was extracting small tubes of water and dirt for examining later. – “I do have them with me, although we’re not staying any more time. We've already spent a couple of hours around the area, I don't think we'll be able to find anything else for now. I was actually expecting you to accompany me to Hogsmeade. We’re sort of meeting [Your Name] there, that’ll provide us an alibi too, just in case… Besides, we need to hand her these tubes, so she studies them later just as she did with Kogawa’s note.”
- “Now that you mention it, aren’t you curious how she manages to do all these things without Prefects or Professors noticing? I’d never doubt her abilities. It’s just…”
“Curiosity, of course.” – Natty realizes she’s feeling more comfortable with her new companion now that they stopped small talking and passed on to genuine questions. Sure, they've knew each other from classes from this last six years. It’s just that they’d never happen to coincide. Not really. – “Indeed, she has not mention something as a secret spot for her to study, and the restricted section is out of anyone’s possibilities, so one could dismiss the idea of classrooms or public places. I’ve just decided it was best to not know. If anyone but her knows about it, that would put them in danger of Headmaster’s spying ears; this is her protecting us. However, I appreciate you asking me this. If you’re friend of hers surely you possess certain sense of wonder. She was right that we would get along.”
- “Oh, really. What did she tell you exactly?” – Since Poppy is new making human friends, she blushed at the thought of you pairing her with someone you consider alike and approachable, someone that matched her interests and values. She imagined you had to meditate before making them the suggestion of working together a few days ago. This too, is you protecting your friends.
One thing led to another, and as Natty and Poppy made their way out of there, they shared stories about last year’s adventures beside you. Quickly finding Natty helped rescuing Highwing, Poppy felt a deep connection already, she will be forever in debt for that. “Now, any friend of Highwing is good friend of mine.” They both laugh thinking the credit to the intermediary in their friendship lay between a hippogriff and an ancient magic promised witch. Now, the deal for handing you the testing tubes was leaving them at the same place you found Natty’s wand when you both rescued Isko Rabe, at the small dock behind the Hog’s Head Inn. Once that was done, they leave for treats at Honeydukes. They certainly earn it, for they’re heroines from the Wizarding world, but teenagers too.
- “I think you’re right, by the way.” – Poppy said when trying the chocolate frogs while wandering the shop with stiff manners and low-pitched conversations. – “About what you said of having a spot hidden from vigilance of all sorts. It could mean putting us and [Your Name] at risk. But if she knows about somewhere we could gather all the information we find directly... on an assembly, if you will, this should reduce the rest of equally dangerous communications we’re having at halls or grounds secretly and individually. We could also get rid of burning notes that potentially could fall into the wrong hands. Even if they’re charmed.”
- “Not only to gather after making advances. Lately I’ve been thinking the risk that means to our cause that all of you are still using wands that could be tracked. I was planning on teaching Garreth to cast magic with his bare hands after what happen the first day at Charm’s. But now that you mention it…” – Natty admitted.
- “…We could train together. Of course, we’re not sure if such place exists. But we should ask her. Or search for one ourselves. We could do that on our own, don’t we?”
Natty offered a conspiratorial smile. – “I like the way your mind works.”
September often favors its days with sudden temperature changes that only those able to foresee it -with or without magic- appreciate it fondly. It’s like a treat if you’re well sheltered. As the firsts drops sing their ballad over rooftops Imelda thanked that she took the time earlier this morning to spear a light coat for the evening. You couldn’t say the same and now you’ve found yourself in the predicament of shielding from the rain with the velvet jacket you wear only on weekends. Your favorite one, no less.
– “There they are. These samples should be enough.” – You said with an already damped hair whilst putting the tubes safe on your satchel.
-“Alright, it's done, where are we heading? I already lost a perfect morning to your secretive rendezvous. Now that is raining Merlin knows how long must pass until I’m able to practice again. If rain doesn’t stop soon…"
–“Yes, yes. The quidditch season already started and you need to practice, you made sure I was aware of that. I shan’t take more of your time, Imelda. As a matter of fact, you could simply leave and I could take it from here.” – You stated firmly already impatient from listening to Imelda complain from the previous hours. It surprised you how all it took to make her annoyed was the simplest fly that passed by or the indifferent carts pulled by thestrals (even if she’s not able to see them). Made you wonder why she would agree to work with you at all.
But the moue she made proved she too understood why it was best to not be left alone now of all times. As irritated as she is, Imelda owns a strong sense of fairness and her judgements are reasonable, she’s just unfathomably passionate. – “Just lead the way.” – The plan was simple: search for Garlick with the sole purpose of finding about the places she frequents. Soon enough will come the time to interrogate those people. Except for Sirona, of course, she mustn’t know a thing about this. Hopefully these contacts will provide with clues to follow about clandestine meetings between professors. Truth to be said, your expectations were realistically low for the risks you’re taking by spying on Mirabel Garlick. Yet, her partaking is the only solid evidence you possess for now. Thus, the search started.
For a while, the solitary alleys covered in puddles and the shops emitting warmth from the inside were all you'd meet. Hogsmeade felt like a maze on days like this. Imelda suggested the crowd must have hidden inside the establishments or perhaps went straight home now that is pouring. This is unfortunate for two wandering students since in such circumstances you can't pass unnoticed. You were about to point this to your companion when a tall figure trailed a shadow on the corner you both were about to cross upon. You stopped on your tracks already opening the flask of the invisibility potion you carried (a mandatory item to all the members of your group). Imelda assured you there was no need for that with a hand movement, you both watched the owner of said shadow instead: Ex auror Aesop Sharp.
His gestures implied a certain clandestineness, he too was being cautious, not wanting to be detected. Even though his dark raincoat covered from his head to heels, you were sure it was him by the distinctive limping of his leg. You forbid yourself from following him, rather trying to catch something from the picture in front of you at a safe distance. Watching for any sings of what was he carrying under his damped garment, searching for someone following him, looking for the reason he seemed so uneasy. Whatever it was, it stopped him from noticing the two Slytherin students he’s so familiar with. Now that you think about it, surely Sharp interacts constantly with Imelda being your Head Girl and all that. As for you, well… As Head of the House, he’s been keeping opportunistic journalists away from plaguing you with interviews that they search so eagerly to get just so they publish blatant lies about the Hero of Hogwarts anyways. Such desperate vultures, he thinks. Any type of reaction you could have on that moment flew out of the window when Imelda dragged you from your thoughts yet again, - “I swear you’re away with the fairies, aren’t you? I’ll definitely leave you here if you can’t pay attention. Look!”.
The too familiar auburn-haired witch crowned with a green hat nearly escaped the corner of your eyes. Mirabel Garlick finally made her appearance holding a fair number of gray sheets of paper under her arms. Interesting. Could that be the papyrus from which the subversive notes are written over? You need to come closer to catch the details. – “The potion, now.” – You commanded, ready to stop taking any more chances. You recognized the establishment Garlick just entered although you’ve never been inside. A printing house, popular for innovating the rudimentary methods form the Muggle world. The spells used to fasten the printing process, or the enchanted ink to change color, texture and design once captured onto the sheets are great examples. And forget not their most recent invention: The Howler, for urgent and imperatives messages. You both follow Garlick inside quickly huddling together at the corner with the tools for special commissions, listening the exchange of words between Mirabel and the manager.
- “Well, hello Professor. Right on time, we’ve just arranged the supplies for your order. Those are the sheets you’ve told me about; I presume?”-
- “You're correct as usual. I'm glad the place's empty. Mind if we keep this between us, thought? It would be… unpractical to explain to students. You know how these things are.” – Imelda punched your arm as telling you “It’s exactly what we are searching for.” The only problem: you were not expecting her gesture and your reaction made a few pots of tint spill on the floor calling the attention of your informants. The tension rose as Garlick took a few steps closer to you. What else could you do but to stop breathing? She got so close you can see the weariness in her façade, was this state new to her? You’d certainly failed to notice it before, Garlick has always give the impression of a healthy and energetic woman. Before you could draw conclusions, she decided to drop her interest on the corner of the shop and handed silently the gray sheets to the manager. The whole printing process passed with no more details about this special request. Instead, you learnt she meant to pay Sirona a visit just so she returns to the greenhouse again. A dedicated herbologist, no doubt.
Leaving the workshop was easier than expected and the rest of Garlick’s errands were ordinary at best. Her interactions were short and cordial; not ideal, as if she knew she was being listened to. That didn’t discourage Imelda, so she kept her guard on and followed your professor as close as possible. Not that you knew, since both of you were invisible to each other too, of course. Speaking of which, you guessed the potion could give you a solid half hour of its effects, but you much rather be far away from curious eyes when your figures appear again. Down the main bridge should be fine, you decided. The sign for you to gather there was decided earlier as well: casting a simple spell on the opposite direction from which you wanted to go. Nothing prepared you, however, to the lonely situation you’re in now. Still imperceptible, you called Imelda a dozen times with no results.
On such a moment, your voice echoing around the arches of the bridge felt as the most distressing sound in the world. The river growing from the recent rain hid your calls to anyone that could’ve listened, although you were irreparably alone, no doubt. The level of the canal ran wilder with each passing moment, and you opted to dissolute the spell and just get over with the mission. Oh, you couldn’t wait to take a warm fragrant bath and turn the heather on, get under a blanket, drink warm beverages… The Room of Requirements will spend a few moments arranging those petitions, that's for certain. But that must wait a couple of more hours. For now, Imelda needs your help, a charmed note that she took from the printing shop made sure to notice you.
“Sirona”, was the only word she managed to send, probably registering it with a whisper.
The Three Broomsticks looked fairly different from the last weeks; more people visit it during classes after all. The only protection you had this time was your unkempt hair and a muddied nose. A shy inspection of the establishment with revelio showed you Imelda’s footprints, and they led to the cellar that you now know as the back of your hand. So there you are, first thing you see down there is Sirona holding one of the freshly printed posters Mirabel carried. You hid as best as you could, dissillusionment spell should be enough for now.
- “I’m telling you; this will improve the situation my students are now dragged into. They need it.”
- “Always so thoughtful, but what if your Headmaster disapproves? I’m quite impressed you’ve come so far without him noticing. Or is it because he’s so busy bothering students?”
- “Whatever reason, it has bought us some time. I’ve been planning this the whole summer and the rest of Professors find it imperative, now more than ever. Not to mention the other issue that…”
- “Expelliarmus! Accio!” – Sirona interrupted and Imelda was pulled to your informants with no form to scape. – “I apologize, Mirabel, for disrupting you, it’s just I’m used to detect this type of intruders. Usually, they’re the kind of whom we’re witnessing: students.”
- “I demand you to let me let me go. This is just a misunderstanding. Where’s my wand?”
- “Miss Reyes, spying on your professor on the weekend! You have no idea how lucky you are. Imagine if you’ve listened any other word from our conversation, what if I was someone else?”
- “…That could only mean that we were right to assume that our professors are hiding something from us.” – You pronounced emerging from your hiding place ready to help your partner and with your wand ready. – “There’s something wrong with Phineas’ methods, and that worries you too. What I don’t understand is why won’t you tell us. We surpass him in numbers and power.”
Sirona finally put Imelda down so she could run to her wand while your next motion was quite the opposite, lowering your guard. – “It’s such a sensible matter, I don’t think I’m the right person to tell you.” – Garlick meditated.
- “But you’re the one that started all this, don’t you just say that?” – Imelda was ready to tell her about your quest collecting the notes and answers but chose not to since that would compromise the rest of your team. They don’t have to know that just yet.
- “Oh, this you mean? Ha ha ha ha” – Mirabel and Sirona’s expressions changed from worry to uncontrollable laughter. – “Oh, my dear, come see.” – The poster clearly exposed the words ‘YULE BALL, December 1891: A winter tale’.
- “A ball you say?!” – Oh, Imelda is pissed, disappointed, angry, exasperated. She rather had snitched the rest of the operation. A ball?
- “Well, of course. We’ve been organizing them every three years for generations. This year's was certainly a mystery. I was almost certain it'd be cancelled. Oh, that would have broken my heart.”
- “Professor Garlick, I hope this doesn’t come out as rude but… Nowadays’ circumstances may demand other priorities on our actions.” – You added softly to Imelda’s comment.
- “I understand you could find this a senseless frivolity, but maybe you both should open your minds to the possibilities. Maybe this is the precise moment where you need it the most.” – Sirona offered a warm smile, one of the very same that she gifted you all the restless nights you’ve had these past weeks. 
- “Maybe is best if we don’t give you any more information. It’s a surprise after all, and I won’t be the one to spoil it. Also, if you don’t mind, I recommend you great discretion about our Headmaster’s situation. Until is safe to expose it to you students, you must trust that we’ll handle this. Do we have an agreement? Not a word.” – Mirabel was never severe, but she was firm and persuasive. There was no other way but to agree and walk away.
The road to the castle you made it with an awkward silence. Not for each other’s company, which now you find it at an easy affinity to be around, but because you felt ashamed of your whole operation. Mirabel and Sirona’s words were reminders of your age and inexperience. Now you’re doubting yourself. Were you so wrong to play detectives and risk more than your grades? Is it fair to demand to professors a few answers about the measurements they’re taking when the circumstances seem so overwhelming and incomprehensible? Your mind gathered insecurities, but Imelda knew you could do better than that. As if she could read your thoughts, she saw fit to stop.
- “Hey, do listen to me, and really listen, since I won’t be repeating myself. Garlick can be the best teacher of magical gardening in the world…”
- “Herbology.”
- “…But she’s not the bloody Hero of Hogwarts. Don’t you get it? You’re probably more experienced in defense of Dark Arts and combat than most of the aurors in the Ministry.”
- “I wouldn’t be so sure about that. But I must admit that last year was difficult to convince authorities to take satiating actions to investigate Harlow and Rookwood.”
- “There you have it. That didn’t stop you, did it? I can only guess they’re taking things the diplomatic way. We know better than that.”
- “What are you suggesting?”
- “We finish this game finding the writer of the notes and ask them to step aside but first they’ll tells us all they know. Maybe we’re making them a favor, they’re probably worried that all professors will lose their jobs. Well, then we don’t have much to be worried about. We’re just students after all. What can Black do to us? Send us to Azkaban? Imagine: The Headmaster that sent a whole generation of kids to prison because he felt threaten. Whole Wizarding world will laugh at him.”
- “I say you’re actually right, Imelda. Except for one thing.” – She arched her eyebrow distrusting whatever you’re next to say. - “I believe we’re not just students. We’re the very reason places like Hogwarts exists. We ought to defend that.” - This fresh dynamic with your partner sits well with you both. Who would have guessed, being the right opposites from the Slytherin’ spectrum.
- “Well, spokeswoman of the students and Patron Saint of the rebel youth, what is our next move?” – Imelda teased with renewed excitement.
- “Maybe we should go back to the beginning. Do you fancy contemplate some portraits?” – Just like that you’re back on track.
The Undercroft was considered by the Gaunt’s a necessity inside the castle more than an eccentric commodity. Ominis’ parents constantly comment in every family meeting that “The common room of our House can’t provide us anymore of a safe place for the kids. Not to mention the state of the rest of the Castle.”, implying that the ancient House of Slytherin was made exclusively by and for their kind, of course. As if Salazar was a man of family, Ominis laughed at the thought. In any case, the Undercroft isn’t as comfortable as his relatives swear it is. Not that he complains. After all, his cousins and siblings decided he could keep it to himself to hang around to his equally weird friends with the sole condition that they’re not mudbloods, or else… But they forget of his stubborn personality, for he does not give a single care to please any of them. However, Ominis wields no resentment for the youngest members of the Gaunt’s. On the other hand, the older ones were plain disgusting at the very least. Entire lives wasted with null questions about one’s background, system of beliefs, prejudices and sad excuses birthed from hate and ignorance that they dared to call ‘evidence of The Natural Order of the World’. He sometimes wonder if his aunt Noctua and him were mistakenly born in such a family since even the most reasonable ones of their kind give into the peer pressure. No one talks about how lonely the road of the rightfulness is when everything around you is profoundly wrong. He’s certain, nonetheless, this is the only way for him.
That’s why he doesn’t understand the cruelty of the words he’s listening to right now. One of his closest friends -the family he chose for himself- was demanding him to give account of his new accomplice… you. He should had known this would happen, instead he hid behind illusions; for whenever he’d bring Sebastian’s regret, Anne spared not a single trace of empathy, or so she tried to show. When she gathered enough words without her voice cracking, Anne would suggest that Sebastian could’ve never fall onto Dark magic’s tricks if not for the influence of your presence. You were permissive and encouraging with him at best; she says. Alas, if she only knew he already had darkness on his mind, for light and shadow lives inside every person she’s an acquittance with. No, it must be something else, Ominis noticed from the first time he met you that whenever Sebastian is around you he feels stronger, more confident, profoundly daring. But confessing to Anne this truth would break both of their hearts, as if admitting it out loud turns it a reality. He’s hiding again.
- “Your silence proves me right, Ominis. If not for her abilities, Ranrok would’ve never turn his sight to Feldcroft, allying with Rookwood, cursing me thus Sebastian obsessing with Slytherin’s manual of madness.”
- “Unless this curse allows you the art of reading minds, don’t assume my reasons for keeping my lips closed.”- The Undercroft felt colder than ever. - “I can understand how scared you are, Anne. I’m quite aware, perhaps more than anyone, the deep deception that is to witness the closest people to you turn into a sad mimic of the potential and warmth you see in them. But have ever occurred to you that I used to have a sister? Brothers too? To me, for the things they’ve arbitrarily done, they’re worse than dead. I’m as much as an orphan as you.”
- “Do not dare pronounce death as if you could recognize it on your very composition! As if its irremediable claws have ever lingered over your skin, its haunting howls and seas of sorrow. What do you know about death?” – Anne said feeling the same freezing breeze that Ominis experiences on the room thinking that is probably time to pay a visit to the Hospital wing again as dizziness wash over her from her wrath. But then again, if Anne only knew that he thinks of his aunt Noctua from sun to sun as her bones and notes were all he keeps of her. Soon enough both becoming but ashes.
Death, irremediable and redemptive, all he could think of. Solomon’s cruel qualities were trifles under the cloak of eternal slumber, and Anne decided to forgive and forget it all. Judging the dead is the highest frivolity for the living after all. But is it really? On the other hand, Noctua Gaunt has never been as enchanting and honorable as in death. A heavy stone made of guilt posed on Ominis’ shoulders from the moment he knew of her tragic passing until his elder years. But back to now, the trail of his thoughts landed on you yet again.
Are you remotely aware that you’re the relief he runs to when things becomes unbearable? Can you hear the very blood in his veins calling for you on moments like this? You better not, for his heart would break if he knew that -you- being unapologetically knowledgeable, decided to spare him from your aid. Ominis knows, of course, he can’t keep hiding under the excuses you make for him. You wouldn’t call them that, it’s just that the empathy you keep for him is simply peerless, an anomaly for him... You could let him know that the friendship you both share, you made sure to craft and curate it just for him. But are you remotely aware?
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knuts-and-bolts · 1 year
my takes on religion
i know, it’s a very hot topic (always has been) and pretty bold thing to talk about on the internet given how people are on here, but i wanted to share some thoughts. i don’t think i’m inherently right on this and i’m not open to debate because that’s not the point of this, i’m just putting some thoughts out there.
i was raised Episcopalian and Presbyterian, two pretty open denominations of christianity. i went to an episcopal school from kindergarten to 8th grade, and i studied religion the whole time i was there. i’m elementary school, we learned the basics of the bible and christian beliefs. in middle school we learned more in depth about the more complex parts of religion. i’m 8th grade i took a class called world religions, the purpose of which was to learn about religions outside of our own.
the class was taught by an episcopal man, and the denomination is known for its openness to other religions. we learned about all the big brand name religions, but one thing in particular stick with me. i was taught that the purpose of religion was to provide guidance and stability to people. not to be right or worship the one true god, but to give oneself purpose.
at the same time, i labeled myself as agnostic and attending weekly meetings with my latin teacher to discuss religion and what it meant to me. she also was agnostic, but in a way i wasn’t familiar with. she believed that all religions were equally true, but none of them got it quite right. she said that there was a higher power, but nobody knew what it was.
so now you have the history and context, here’s what i believe. all religions are true and correct, even if they contradict one another. there is evidence for and against every religion that exists, believers and haters for and sacred text. and everybody is right. the christian God, i believe, is the one true all powerful God for christians. those who hold polytheistic beliefs are right too.
i practice paganism because it brings me joy, purpose, guidance, and gratitude. and i believe that anything that does so for any person is true and real. when we discuss things on such a large scale as God and what created the universe, we have to understand that both everything and nothing can be true at the same time. it’s hard to process in a little human brain, but religion should be hard to understand. a being, or beings, that are on a higher plane of existence should exist in a more complex way than we do.
i think it would be crazy if there was just a guy up there who made the universe. what was he doing before? what will he do after? these questions plagued me for years as i was raised in the christian faith, and that was the reason i had a hard time believing. but seeing it as something so beautifully chaotic that i can never wrap my head around it changed that.
in my day to day life, i practice paganism. specifically, i do diety work with Dionysus. but i also believe in God. I believe that Jesus was the son of God who came to earth and died for our sins. I believe in every single religion, but i get to choose one that makes me the happiest.
i would be astonished if anybody reads this whole thing, but if you did, here’s the big takeaway. religion is a concept that’s far to big to put in a nice box that we can understand. nobody understands it and nobody ever will, so choose something to believe and put your heart in it. religion is a building block to self love and care. no matter what you believe, you have the right to believe it and you have the correct belief.
thanks for reading! if you have any interesting takes i would love to hear them this one of my favorite topics because there’s infinite talking points and nobody is ever objectively right or wrong.
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alarrytale · 3 months
I really admire Gina’s presence here since her blog was my first one to follow after I became larrie and most of the larry knowledge including HL’s sexualities, industry and pr tactics and closeting I learned from her blog. And as much I appreciate and respect all her opinions and povs, I also noticed how she suddenly switched to “I don’t know if they are still together, sometimes I think they are and sometimes I think they don’t” opinion + sometimes holds her opinion back on H’s sexuality as well saying that he’s just queer (like if there’s a possibility in her believe that he might be bi/pan) and however he label himself, the most important is that he’s happy. And tbh reading this opinion switches as a still quite new larrie is just making me anxious as long as my opinions and believes are based on what old-days larries, who witnessed it all, say. But I also noticed she just started to hold her back with such a bold opinions like you, Marte, have that they never broke up/hooked up with someone else if they had some breaks and that they are both gays. So she might be bold in her believes but she doesn’t write it anymore because it became an opening a can of worms for her since she’s popular and her asks are the most flooded with antis/gf harries/trolls opinions. So imo she just decided to step on brakes, not because she’s not firm in her believes anymore but because she’s just that popular. But that’s just what I observed in the past year, there were days when she had word larrie in her bio which she also changed.
Anyway I’m still happy she’s there just like you and have a patience and kindness to answers asks because I couldn’t imagine being larrie who believe they are still together and witness their stunt shenanigans and their gaslighting on us on my own.
P.S.: I really hope we’ll get Nouis reunion since they both play the same festival in Berlin and Louis even liked Niall’s post recently and we know how much excited Louis got in Nov that he might see “my Niall” for that RS event. I’m manifesting!
Hi, anon 💜
I think it's very important to make up your own mind and do your own research on all these topics, and not rely on different blogs to tell you what you should believe and not believe. That includes me. I think it can be difficult when you haven't experienced things in person and in the context of which it happened, and the source material is gone or the bloggers that sat on the info have left the fandom. It can be hard to know where to look and who to ask for guidance. However, there are still blogs with plenty of info, blog archives and timelines that can help you make up your own mind and help you put things in context. They're just not active anymore. So the blogs that are still active gets a lot of attention and asks. That doesn’t mean their word is gospel. I see many younger blogs here giving out wrong info, because they weren't here to experience it. There are also hardly veteran blogs who are still here to contest the info being wrong. That means the veteran blogs who're active gets a lot of attention and their opinions are more valued than others. That's both a good and a bad thing.
I'm very confident in my opinions because i have been here almost every single day since 2012. Both on twitter and tumblr. I was here during all the highs and lows. I'm also very clear about what i don't know or feel like i can't confidently make a decision on because of lack of info. I also very much believe in diversity of opinon and hearing different points of view. It's fine to have different opinions or different beliefs. Us larries aren’t a homogenous group of people. So we need to respect each others differences of opinons. We don’t need to reach a consensus. We also need to respect people having a change of heart or not wanting to take a stance on a subject because they don't have enough info to be confident enough in their opinions.
We larries take a breath and we get a ton of shit from antis. So i do understand why people are not always so bold and confident about their opinions. Some anons won't take "i don't know/i'm not sure/i have no opinion" as an answer. They need to know for sure and they need that assurance from the blogger. That's hard to deal with sometimes and a lot of responsibilty when you know the asker will take your word as truth. I wouldn't worry as much about what this or this blogger believes about this and that. Build confidence in your own opinions. You might know more about a subject than i do or what another blogged does. If a blogger succumbed to all the gaslighting, changed their opinons and left the fandom you wouldn't be as lost if you've made up your mind independently of them. You wouldn't be alone in your opinion either, there are loads of people still here who shares them. You just need to find them.
No one knows the full and whole truth here. We're all bound to be wrong about some things. So don't rely too much on others, find what makes the most sense to you and what your gut tells you and stick to it regardless of others opinions.
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jhazeerathoughts · 1 year
You believed yourself to be such a terrible person
But in reality, you were not. You couldn’t be, you were too kind, Lady Luck blessed you with grace, and sanity. You struggled because you wanted to grow different from your mold, not because the universe had it out for you. On the hands of playing pissing contest with trauma, not a drop would come out.
Trauma is still trauma.
Yes. But.
Not the trauma you feel yourself to have. You want to have the trauma everyone else has. The ruined home life, lack of lights, fight for food. But you’d never survive that world. You wouldn’t last a day, not in my shoes but in people like me. Fighting off drug dealers, not by choice. Running from adults that tell you they want “the best” for you. (It’s the worst actually, run).
Yet, you still hide.
You hide behind the façade of a person who has experienced life in the worst way, but life has been kind. Yes, your family favored one of the other, but you were still loved. You weren’t neglected, you weren’t thrown out, or away. You walked away, with your own two feet. Your family didn’t shun you, call you names, tell you awful things that still run through your head. You got nature and nurture. You got love and an environment.
But yet…it wasn’t a enough
Tell me this, in these BIG bold words, why do you lie? Why do you run? Why are you so afraid of you?
I know I’m not afraid of me anymore. Oh god…I used to be. I did not like me, I ran away from myself. I ran into the arms of men who beat me, hurt me, used me. I ran into a pill addiction, I ran into the arms of a man who threatened my death daily, because I was so afraid of me. But why? I mean, back then, I had so much rage, anger, hurt. I didn’t understand why I wasn’t loved. I didn’t understand why my family threw me out, why they didn’t care if I had power, or didn’t have food. Granted, I got rescued if it got too bad. But, they weren’t there, not when I was alone in the dark. Not when he chased me through my house…forced my clothes off. Or when the other one held me down as…well you know the rest. Or when he held a knife to my throat, held me up against a wall threatening to kill me until he almost did. For a year, my eye was always in pain, blinking hurt, and I sobbed every single night to sleep. I had couch surfed, ran, sold myself and my soul.
But here I am, not running away. Dealing with the years of grief, pain and torture I’ve held myself down to.
So why do you run? Why are you so afraid of facing the reality that you are normal?
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