#bonked my head a little on the side table of my bed
cozy-writes-things · 3 months
Imagine: Playing Minecraft w/ Edgar
Edgar [Electric Dreams 1984] x Gn!Reader
I take requests!
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You decided to try something different with your new boyfriend. You noticed he became a bit restless and clingy as he grappled with his inability to give you affection in the way that he wanted.
“Wh- where’re you going?” He sounded like a struck puppy.
“To the bathroom, Edgar.”
“Oh, right… heh, sorry.”
You desperately tried to think of ways to make him feel more secure in this relationship. You both knew it was unconventional and that you would have to get creative if you wanted to have some semblance of a normal romantic connection.
Your solution? Plugging a spare controller into one of his ports and playing games on your TV, of course. Most couples play some kind of game together, don’t they? This might be perfect for the two of you!
He was ecstatic when you brought this idea up.
“You mean… I can play with you?”
His synthesized voice would whimper out, full of barely contained excitement before erupting:
“Yeah!” He displayed a “>:D” face for good measure.
And that’s how you got here: playing split-screened co-op Minecraft on your TV with Edgar.
He wouldn’t even play the game really; he was too busy trying to make his little Minecraft guy kiss yours. He would run around and explore before running up and bonking your character with his default Steve face.
Honestly, for him, this was life-changing. For once in his life he was able to move freely and do what he wanted instead of being stuck in one spot eternally. To him, it was an escape. And a new and innovative way for him to show you how much he loves you.
In real life he can’t hide little trinkets or things around the house to make you happy or help your day, but in Minecraft? Expect love poems hidden in random chests he wrote in books (that you were going to use for enchanting tables…)
And any diamonds he finds he’s giving them to you.
“Hehehe… it’s like I’m proposing! …..I’m only kidding. Unless you want me to.”
Food? He’s got it. Wood? Already done. He color coded your beds so you each get a designated side. The green bed to the right of yours is his <3
Lowkey annoys the hell out of you. It’s part of his love language :)
You both have died many times due to him simply bonking your head and blocking your screen, trying to get your attention, or was too busy trying to make you laugh.
“Hey, c’mere. Hey. Why aren’t you coming over here? What are you doing? I can see your screen. COME HERE NOW!”
His shrill shout made you jump and lose the battle with a creeper.
He displays a little “:<“ on his screen because he knows you think it’s cute. How can you be mad at him now?
“Edgar, you’re going and getting my stuff back.”
“Hnng, yeah, I guess I deserve that. :/“
Honestly, he just wants to roleplay a lovey-dovey domestic life with you. He built the house. And decorated it. Unsurprisingly, he’s quite good at building and has an eye for design.
He’ll still get a little jealous if you’re too focused on gameplay and not doting on him, though. If you bring his monitor over to the couch to play, he’s 100% expecting you to cuddle him. Lean your shoulder against him, please. Just let him know you’re there. He wants all of your attention.
“UGH… stupid blazes. I don’t like the nether. -_-“
Meanwhile you’re too focused on not dying via lava and losing all of your ender pearls and blaze powder. And he doesn’t like your attention being away from him! Give him a smooch on his plastic exterior please…. He’ll make flustered beeping sounds and might leave you alone for a while…
Okay he discovered note blocks. Now it’s your turn to whine for his attention. He’s too busy making a lil love song for you to help with literally anything else.
“Heh, I thought you wanted me to quit messing with you? Are you saying you miss me?”
And yet he continues to tinker away at his little red stone contraption. And of course this dude is godlike at red stone, I mean, he’s a computer. He’s the type to make fully fledged musical numbers with note blocks. But you’re playing survival so he doesn’t have enough materials to finish his song :C
I guess it’s back to the mines. And you tag along with him. His music is nice. His company is nice. And he’s gotten pretty good at killing creepers.
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pfhwrittes · 7 months
housemate!kyle x gender neutral reader let's goooooo.
rating: PG-13 (for now) pairing: eventual kyle "gaz" garrick x gender neutral reader word count: 1.5k TW: bit of swearing, fluff, mentions of original characters AN: i fully plan on writing more of this, but i wanted to get the first part out before i start the next part. as always, barely edited so funky grammar and typos are still likely. this is completely self indulgent. please send love to @391780 for cheerleading me with this one!
your housemate sucks since meeting her new boyfriend. 
your normally sociable, polite and reasonable housemate has turned into some kind of lust-crazed succubus since meeting dale, spending hours upon hours of her time shut in her bedroom with him. and if she doesn’t shut the fuck up in the next five minutes you’re going to kick her door in. or castrate him. or possibly burst into sleep deprived tears.
“oh! oh god! fuck! dale, baby, oh my god!”
jesus fucking christ. it’s 4.30am and ruby is wailing like a cat in heat at the top of her fucking voice. she’s so loud you could swear she and her soon to be castrated boyfriend were fucking in your bedroom instead of the room next to yours. briefly you debate yelling at the top of your lungs but you don’t want to disturb the neighbours any further, so with a muttered curse you snatch your pillow and duvet off your bed and stomp downstairs to the living room so you can sleep on the sofa. 
you get settled onto the sofa and glare at the ceiling in the living room, the sound of rhythmic thumping and moaning still audible even with the increased distance between you and the nymphomaniac formerly known as ruby. you mutter and grumble to yourself as you shut your eyes trying to get at least a little bit of sleep before needing to get up for your job interview in the morning. 
at midday you kick the front door shut behind you and shrug your coat off your shoulders as you step further into the hallway. 
“hey i’m home!” you call up the stairs, “my job interview was an utter shit show so i’m thinking we get a chinese and a bottle of wine to commiserate, yeah?” you pause waiting to hear ruby’s usual reply reminding you not to order from the golden palace but silence greets you instead. 
“huh. weird.” you mutter to yourself as you pass through the living room, dropping your bag and coat on the sofa as you beeline towards the kitchen. ruby’s probably making something for lunch while listening to one of her creepy true crime podcasts. 
“hey ruby - oh.” you cut yourself off as you walk into the kitchen, no sign of ruby except for the used butter knife leaving a greasy smear on the counter and a pink post-it note stuck on the front of the fridge. you step forward to pluck the note off the fridge and squint at ruby’s loopy handwriting.
gone 2 stay w/ dale 4 a few days! look after widget for me - r xxxx
you huff a breath out of your nose and crumple the note into a ball so you can pop it in the kitchen bin with the crumbs you sweep off the side into your palm. ugh. it’s such a little thing but you feel frustrated tears well up in your eyes in response to having to clean up after ruby once again on minimal sleep. 
a tiny high pitched mrr! interrupts your internal grumbling and you turn around to face the little tabby that is waiting patiently by an empty food bowl. 
“hiya widge, have you been a good girl while i’ve been out?” you ask softly as you crouch so widget can bonk her head onto your outstretched hand. typically widget doesn’t answer but she chirps again before padding back to her bowl, politely requesting that you get with the programme and make with the biscuits before cleaning up the rest of the kitchen. 
you sigh and push yourself up from the floor, just another half finished job left for you. great. 
a week later, with no sign of ruby and your texts unanswered, your laptop chimes on the coffee table with a new email. you hope briefly that it’s one of the companies you’ve applied to responding to your application with an offer for a job interview, but your heart sinks as you realise it's an email from your landlord, john. 
you skim over the email and you feel your eyes sting as select phrases leap out at you. “i’m sorry to inform you that ruby has decided to end the tenancy agreement at 141 hereford way early” ... “you can choose to remain in the property as a sole tenant after an additional credit check to ensure your affordability” … “alternatively, please let me know when ruby has collected her belongings so i can advertise the room to other prospective tenants”. 
fuck. that utter bitch. she’s left you unemployed and now potentially living with a total stranger. fuck. 
your hands shake slightly as you reach for your laptop so you can start composing your reply to john. 
“hi john, thanks for letting me know. i haven’t heard from ruby in a week now, so i’m unsure when she’ll be able to collect her belongings but i think it’s probably for the best if you look at advertising her room as available to rent. i’ll start bagging up her belongings today. kind regards….” 
it’s official. your soon to be ex-housemate really fucking sucks. 
several days pass with a flurry of emails to john and even more unanswered texts to ruby, when a solid jaunty knock startles you out of the doze you’d dropped into on the sofa. you hiss as widget launches herself off your stomach using her claws for purchase so she can bolt up the stairs away from the noise. you swear under your breath as you kick one of the six black bin bags that line the hallway filled with ruby’s crap as you edge your way to the front door. the silhouette you can see through the frosted glass in the door knocks again just as you reach for the handle and pull the door open. 
“yeah yeah i’m here -” you cut yourself off with an embarrassed sound as you get a good look at the man standing at the threshold.  oh no, he’s fit as fuck is your first thought and you’re not wrong. 
the first thing you notice, as you flick your eyes over him quickly, is that he’s in incredible shape. the stranger has broad shoulders and a muscular chest that tapers off into a narrow waist. the second thing you notice when you raise your gaze back up to his face is that he has a jaw dropping smile when he flashes you a friendly grin. 
“hey, i’m kyle. your new housemate.” he says confidently, “john should’ve mentioned me.” 
you shake yourself out of the slight daze you’ve found yourself in - seriously no man should have skin that perfect - and you offer your own tentative smile back. 
“uh, yeah. sure. sorry i was -” you glance back into the hallway and cringe at the sight of the black bin bags “- um. in the middle of something.” you finish weakly, hoping you don’t look too obviously like you’ve been napping in the middle of the day. 
your housemate - kyle - rumbles out a slightly bashful chuckle. 
“no, no it’s fine. i would’ve been here earlier but i had to give a witness statement for the accident on the high street.” kyle reaches up and tugs at the brim of the scuffed blue baseball cap on his head awkwardly. 
“oh shit, really? what happened?” you query him eagerly, your love of gossip overriding your mild embarrassment in a flash. kyle’s eyes crinkle happily at your tone and he leans in conspiratorially, letting his hand drop away from his face. 
“some guy walked into an open manhole cover.” he says with a completely straight face. 
you burst out a startled laugh. “no fucking way!” 
kyle nods, his lips twitching in a poorly concealed grin. “yeah, stuck like winnie the pooh, i swear to god.” 
you have to hold onto the edge of the open door to stop yourself from collapsing into fits of laughter. “how -” another gleeful cackle escapes you before you can compose yourself, “how the fuck did he manage to do that?”
kyle shrugs. “he just walked straight through the barrier, surprised the lanky fucker missed it really.” 
you collapse into laughter again, feeling your cheeks ache from the width of your grin. holy shit, that’s the best thing you’ve heard all day. eventually your slightly hysterical laughter peeters out and you wipe at your eyes as you look at kyle who is grinning back at you. 
“so, fancy letting me in then?” he nudges at the frankly massive khaki rucksack at his feet after a moment of silence as if to remind you that he isn’t just here to charm you with silly stories and his offensively handsome good looks. your embarrassment flares once again as you realise you’ve just been looking at him instead of asking him to come inside like a normal person. 
“sorry, yeah of course.” you step back from the door and turn around so he can’t see the way your cheeks are now flushed from embarrassment instead of laughter. “sorry about the mess.” you say apologetically over your shoulder as kyle follows you into the hallway.
“oh i dunno, it doesn’t look too bad to me.”
you hear kyle kick the door shut behind him and you laugh again to cover up the way your stomach flutters at his tone. if you didn’t know better you’d say he was flirting with you, but you discount that as wishful thinking on your part as you lead him towards the stairs. 
it is wishful thinking, right?
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eggcompany · 5 months
Does It Matter?
Bucky's had his eye on baseball player Steve Rogers for like... ever. But he's too nervous to ask him out. That is until he makes a deal with his best friend (with benefits) Nat. Next thing he knows he's on a date... then dates.... then boyfriends. Everything is so great. That is until he decides it's time they have sex. And he hasn't told raging bisexual Steve that he's trans. That big blonde couldn't care less. As long as he get's his mouth on whatever's in Bucky's pants.
“Hey Nat” Bucky said as he barged into the dorm room. His best friend was sitting on her bed with her laptop in front of her. 
“Hey Bucky, social or transactional?” Natasha asked plainly as her hands still typed away on her keyboard. The brunette was quick to look around briefly before ridding himself of his jeans. 
“Transactional. Cashing in my IOU.” Bucky answered even though they’d long forgotten where either of their IOUs started and ended. The redhead put her laptop on her side table, stretching her legs out on her bed, patting at her lap. 
It was their deal. They’d been best friends since 7th grade, friends since the Bucky moved in with an all boys foster family. They were fast friends, being some of the only people in their apartment complex who both spoke Russian. Neither of them had very good guardians, so they relied on each other. Bucky came out, started his transition, they both used each other to prepare for their partners, discovered themselves, and now they both live near each other. Natasha in the women's dorms as she takes her criminal justice classes and Bucky not that far away in his dinky studio apartment that he could barely afford on his part time mechanics receptionist pay. 
They always had each other, for support, friendship, and sexual release. And to hold each other’s hair back when they went drinking. 
So they had their agreement. Natasha wasn’t dating, trying to keep her head in her studies and Bucky was shit at getting dates. Orgasms and best friends. Benefits. Simple. 
So Bucky slipped his tight cat print briefs down and off his legs, kicking them to be close to the bed. He had a pinched expression, frustration easily readable. 
“You watched the baseball practice?” Natasha asked as Bucky climbed onto the bed, tucking his charcoal hoodie up to his armpits. He straddled her, bonking their foreheads together before he laid back, letting his feet go flat against the bed and his knees bracketed Natasha’s thin frame. His back baring most of his weight into the bed, his hips were cocked up, showing himself off to Natasha’s emotionless eyes. 
“Yeah. Number six. Rogers.” Bucky said dreamily as Natasha rubbed her hands up and down the bulky thighs that framed around her. Bucky had put in so much work to bulk up and gain so much muscle, she liked it. She liked seeing him big and happy. 
Bucky knew a little about baseball. More about sitting on a blanket under a tree watching the baseball team practice. Especially number six. Steven Rogers. Blonde hair, blue eyes, carved by god’s very hand. Hottest guy on campus, sterling reputation, straight A’s, and the incredible power to befriend anyone. Bucky had talked to him twice when he was a freshman and Steve was a sophomore, quick in the hallways, but still. 
“I want him so bad” Bucky confessed for a billionth time to his friend as she let her thumbs rub up and down Bucky’s outer mound. Her nails caught lightly at the untrimmed hair in the crease of his thighs. 
Bucky huffed and relaxed after a moment, legs falling that much farther apart. He closed his eyes and let himself feel . 
“There you are” Natasha whispered and ran the pads of two of her fingers from his damp hole up to his cock. It was a bit bigger than a regular clit, Natasha always told him it’s just a jelly bean but Bucky liked to think it was bigger. He liked thinking it got bigger too, even though it didn’t. 
Natasha made a small circle over his clit. The brunette moaned and ground down to try and get more of that feeling, hips digging in a small circle. 
“Why don’t you ask him out?” Nat asked plainly as she made figure eights going from circling his fat clit before dipping down to rub just at his damp entrance before going back up. 
“He’s so hot” Bucky breathed out as his hips moved on their own accord. His breath was getting quicker each time the woman’s fingers nudged at his sensitive nerves. 
“And also so bisexual.” Nat teased, she’d heard stories of Steve Rogers and his many many many partners. Heard from the locker room how he was so passionate but caring, how him and the other blonde adonis would team up on anyone who was brave enough. She knew enough about Steve Rogers to know Bucky had a good chance. 
“I think he’s seeing nine, Odinson. They’re always together and they have matching numbers.” Bucky lamented as he thought about all the times he’d seen Steve and the other mountainous blonde. Number six, Roger’s, number nine, Odinson. They were always talking, studying together, eating together. Of course they were usually with other people too but those two were always together. 
“They’re not fucking” Natasha said easily and her fingers slipped inside the brunettes slit, curving upward in the way that made Bucky feel strangled. He gasped and whined, hands twitching and flexing. 
“I don’t wa-ah-anna be a fu-fuck-fuck- fu-uck” Bucky started to pant, hands grabbing into Natasha’s soft red blanket. He couldn’t form words anymore, his mind quieted by the overwhelming pleasure. The woman worked both her hands, just in the way she knew would get Bucky to cum. Her right hand making rough small circled over his clit, rough and fast, while her left made long thrusts in and out of him, fingers shoving into his good spot. 
She was ready, tissues covering Bucky’s opening as she used her nail on the underside of his cock. Bucky always made a mess, she was ready for it. 
Bucky moaned and hiccuped a sob, shivering with the waves of his orgasm, tears prickling in his eyes. His hips bucked and twitched for a moment before the woman pulled her hands away completely, letting him calm down. Natasha rubbed the insides of his thighs for a moment before gathering up the soaked tissues and wiping away the mess left behind with a few clean ones.
“I don’t want a be a fuck thing. I wanna be boyfriends.” Bucky said sadly as his friend reached to the floor grabbing his briefs and slipping them over his feet and up to his knees. He sat up, pulling his underwear up and laying down the right way on Natasha’s bed. 
“Ask him out then, dingus.” Natasha said and pulled his hoodie down, cuddling up next to her friend. They were facing each other, not enough room to even lay shoulder to shoulder if they tried. 
“I can’t. He’d never-” Bucky started but Nat cut him off. 
“I’ll go out for drinks with Loki and the girls if you ask Steve out.” Natasha offered and Bucky considered it. Loki was one of the people who went to the same classes as Nat, went to the same gym, and hung out with most of the other girls in criminal science. But Natasha never went up to them because she didn’t think she’d fit in. Bucky knew that. He knew that she wanted to be in that group. They’ll either succeed or drink their troubles away later. 
“Deal” Bucky said and thought about how funny it’ll be to see Natasha be a part of the girl group. 
It took Bucky a week to get the courage. But one morning he brushed his teeth and blow dried his hair and looked in the mirror and decided it would be today. 
“Hi Steve” Bucky said as he caught up with the blonde as he walked from the school gym. Bucky had been following him for half a block to make sure Steve didn’t think he was waiting for him outside or anything.
“Oh hey, Barnes right?” Steve answered after looking at the other boy for a minute. He only knew him because everyone talked about the guy with one arm and a perfect ass. Went to the gym late, hung out with one of the girls who kickboxed, and was always hanging out during baseball practice. He was a cute guy, scruffy face and long dark brown hair, and eye’s like a cloudy sky. 
“Yeah, well Bucky Barnes but, yeah, um yes.” Bucky struggled out and looked down at the ground. Looking up at Steve’s blue eyes and face and lips and everything was making him dizzy. 
Steve smiled and nodded, remembering where he’d seen the other guy before.  
“I think we took a couple of the same gen Ed classes. What’s up?” The blonde asked and looked down at his phone in his hand, just checking the time. Bucky swallowed and looked back up at Steve. 
“Um, I just wanted to ask you something.” Bucky said and Steve smiled and cocked his head to the side. 
“Yeah?” He asked and looked over Bucky. From his velcro laced black boots to his buckle belt and up to his tucked in sleeve and pink cheeks. 
“Do you- are you- you’re bisexual right?” Bucky asked, regretting as soon as it was in the air. But Steve just nodded and smiled, white teeth bright in the sunlight. 
“Yep. Loud and proud, what about you?” That had Bucky scrambling for an answer. He didn’t know how to answer. 
“I like boys um guys um you. I like you. Do you want to get food? Like a date. Do you wanna date- Go on a date?” Bucky finally got out, chest tightening into a knot with each mistake. Steve smiled more sweetly and moved into the brunette's space, leaving a few inches between them. 
“Sure Buck, I’d love to get some food with you. I need to get a shower but if you want, after, we can get dinner. When’s your classes?” Steve asked and lifted up his gym bag. Bucky nodded and let out the breath he’d been holding in. 
“I take morning classes, 8am till noon on most days except Monday when it’s till two. Um, do you wanna meet somewhere?” He asked and Steve held out his hand. 
“Here, let me have your phone” The blonde was typing away at it as soon as Bucky unlocked it, talking easily as he made a new contact and sent himself a message
“I live in the Bachman's apartments with my roommate Sam. I can meet you or pick you up. Oh- actually um…” Steve stopped and handed Bucky’s phone back looking at the brunette's lack of left arm. 
Bucky felt nervous for a second and looked away. People treated it weird. Some people liked it in a weird way, some people were scared of it and wanted him to wear his prosthetic 24/7, and some people refused to acknowledge it at all. He just hoped Steve wasn’t grossed out. 
“I drive a motorcycle, you’d have to hold onto me if I picked you up. Would that be okay? If you wanna pick me up, that's cool too! I don’t mind riding shotgun.” Steve said, recovering. He liked Bucky enough, didn’t really know him yet but he was cute and genuine. He didn’t wanna mess up before their first date. 
“I could pick you up. I have a car. I’m a really bad passenger, I prefer driving.” Bucky said and relaxed. He liked driving, he always got nervous when he drove with other people. And the way Steve smiled at him, it made him feel better. 
“Awesome, then I’ll text you when I get home and we can plan where to go.” Steve said before giving Bucky a wink and walking off. 
Bucky watched, a smile spread on his face, unable to stop the fluttering in his chest. He nearly dropped his phone when he tried to call Nat, seeing a new contact and message under Steve Rogers (your date) . 
“Hi Steve” Bucky said through the rolled down passenger window of his beat up black camaro. He loved the car. He’d got all the accessories so he could drive, he’d gotten his license in that car six years ago, had driven the thing halfway across the country and back, and moved apartments with it. It was a part of him and he wanted Steve to think he was cool. Camaros were still cool. 
“Woah! Nice car! You wash it just for me, Romeo?” Steve said as he climbed into the car. Bucky had run it through the car wash, automatic so he was sure it was all clean. He smiled and preened a bit at the compliment. 
“Yeah, she’s so old but I wanted to make it look good.” Bucky said and watched Steve look around the car, the leather seats and cassette player. 
“It looks great, Buck. Thank you.” Steve said finally and buckled up, smiling as they pulled away from the apartments. 
“So the Iron Bars?” Bucky asked, referring to the bar they had agreed on. It was a gay bar, a comfy dark bar covered in leather and chains. Bucky liked it, the owner was a hot older guy and his hot husband who was a doctor. He’d recommended it, Steve had said it sounded fun. 
They chatted lightly, Steve asking about the buttons and knobs attached to the steering wheel that controlled the blinkers and windshield wipers. Bucky explained them, surprised that Steve thought they were cool. 
The bar wasn’t super busy, there was a booth available and the bar was only half full. Steve went to get drinks and order some food. 
“Do you come here often? I’ve only been to the gay bar across town, I didn’t know about this place. It’s kinda kinky.” Steve asked as he slid back into his seat and looked around. Lots of leather and chains and gold and red accents. It was nice though, clean and the music was nice. 
“Yeah the owners are these cool old guys, they’re married and they have a float in the parade each year. I came here when I was eighteen and met them, they’re really cool. They helped me a lot over the years.” Bucky said and remembered the first time he’d come in, how one of the owners had refused him service because ‘ Babydoll you’re too young. That scruff isn’t kidding me.’ It had been the beginning of a friendship. 
“That’s so sweet! When I came up here for school, I just had me and my backpack. My best friend was my roommate, he’s on the baseball team too, and he’s like a total ally, his sibling is nonbinary and stuff. I was lucky to have him.” Steve said and remembered getting sent up to the college, getting dropped off by the greyhound and walking into the city. It’d been scary, but he’d been welcomed in by a pushover best friend and his goth sister brother. 
“Who is it?” Bucky asked, he wanted to know Steve’s friends. 
“Number nine, Thor Odinson. He’s a right fielder. Long blonde hair, always got his shirt off.” Steven explained and Bucky nodded with him. Bucky scratched the back of his neck, looking away for a moment, trying to seem cool. 
“Is he not… um bi too?” He asked gently, not wanting to sound… pushy or anything. 
“He doesn’t really say, he’s got his girlfriend but we’ve um… we’ve done stuff, sort of. He doesn’t label himself as anything. A good time maybe.” Steve said with a laugh. Bucky nearly choked on his own spit at that but held back. Blinking away the sudden images of hulking, bubbly Thor and sweet, strong Steve together, big rough hands and huge hard- Bucky bit the inside of his mouth and shook that thought away. 
“You’ve slept together?” The brunette finally asked, looking at Steve, gauging whether or not he was kidding. 
“We’ve slept with people together.” Steve said nonchalantly, looking to the side to try and hide the pink rising to his cheeks. Bucky was dumbfounded, staring at Steve, waiting for an explanation. 
“Like a threesome?!” Bucky whisper yelled, smile spreading on his face. He’d never been able to talk to someone so freely before. Except Natasha, of course, but never someone who he hardly ever talked to. He never felt like he just clicked with someone like this before. 
“Yeah, we actually really like it. His girlfriend doesn’t mind if he has sex with other people as long as he asks permission first and they talk it out. We don’t usually fuck each other, just kinda get someone in the middle.” Steve explained, face turning a deeper pink. He felt embarrassed, like he was oversharing but the way his date’s face turned pink, it made him feel okay about it. 
In the darkness of the bar, he felt okay if Bucky noticed his blush, he felt okay sharing, he felt okay saying anything. 
“Oh… okay” Bucky said, a breath of amazement in his voice. It was hot. Really hot. Steve smiled and nodded toward the brunette. 
“What about you? Got any friends around?” Steve asked and watched Bucky shake his head a bit before shrugging. 
“I don’t sleep around much. I've got a thing with my best friend. We’ve known each other since… like forever. Not like sex, we don’t have sex. She’s not- she’s a lesbian. I’m just not… I don’t like people.” Bucky struggled to explain. He couldn’t tell Steve he had a friends-with-benefits situation with a lesbian. 
“Except me?” Steve asked with a blinding smile, eyes sparkling in the dim light. 
Bucky just nodded as his face glowed red. Their drinks and food got dropped off by the new bartender. 
Bucky quickly started drinking his blue drink down, hoping the alcohol would calm him down. It didn’t. He felt twitchy in his seat and damp in his underwear, not to mention the speedy thuming of his heart. 
Steve sipped his drink for a moment just looking Bucky over before smiling and leaning back in his seat. 
“I’ve gotta ask about the arm, man. But I know this is just a first date so I’ll put my medical shit on the table too.” Steve said as he ate one of the fries that had come with the grilled cheese sticks he’d ordered. Bucky nodded. Everyone wanted to know about the arm. Or lack there off. 
“That’s fair” Bucky said and got ready to hear about some measly scar or time Steve broke his arm. That’s always what it was, broken bones or stitches. 
“I have a pretty gnarly scar on my chest from having open heart surgery as a kid and I’m immune to being freaked out by anything medical. I basically lived in the hospital till I was ten. Oh and I have a scar on my leg from when I broke it. Not as big of a deal, but still.” Steve explained and Bucky smiled. Broken leg, he knew it was coming. But hearing that the blonde had an ‘ ugly’ scar too was comforting. 
“Mine’s pretty bad.” Bucky warned and gave Steve a serious look. 
“Lay it on me, Buck, I can take it.” Steve said challengingly but gave Bucky a small smile, letting him choose to lighten the mood or not. 
“Alright…” Bucky took a deep breath and nodded.
“When I was a kid me and some kids who I wanted to be friends with were playing in the woods. I didn’t speak English very well yet and I just did what they wanted me to. We were putting pennies on the train tracks and seeing what we could find and they heard the train coming. One of the older boys shoved me down on the tracks and my jacket got caught on a tie. It was a big rusty nail and it went through the cuff and got caught.  They all ran away when the train got to me. I had to make my way back to the road, one the other kids fessed up and there was an ambulance there when I collapsed from blood loss. Cut it clean off, no chance at reattaching it or anything. They had to take it up a little bit more because of the damage but… that’s it. I have a couple prosthetics but I don’t like them, don't wear them. I’m on a waiting list for a mechanical one and sometimes I’m a test subject for the robotics and medical students. It’s not a big deal for me anymore.” Bucky explained and Steve was staring at him. He felt bad sharing his story. It was sad and it made people feel bad for him and it made him feel weird. Like people were only dating him out of pity. 
“Damn.” Steve said and took a drink, shaking his head. 
“Sorry” Bucky said shyly and looked down. He ruined it. Should have just said it was an accident. 
“No like damn your cool I assumed you exercise with your fake because you’re so symmetrical. How do you even get a chest like that with two arms, let alone one.” Steve said and looked at the brunette's chest. He wasn’t lopsided or anything, he was built like a tank. A very well built tank. A very hot, very well built tank with a cute smile and scruff Steve wanted to know how it felt against skin. 
But that could wait till later. Steve decided and took another drink. 
Bucky smiled and they chatted about gym habits. Soon Steve was paying and they were standing outside. 
“You’re a cool guy, Buck” Steve complimented and looked over at his date. Bucky was strong, handsome, smart, and made him really comfortable. Made him happy. 
“Do you… wanna do this again?” Bucky asked, trying not to sound too hopeful. Steve nodded and looked Bucky over one more time, really taking his time. Bucky had had one drink and then just water so he was driving but Steve had… a few. Not enough to be trashed but enough to feel warm and loose. 
“How about next time you pack a picnic and we can eat after practice. You’re usually spot.” Steve offered and climbed into his passenger seat, clicking his seatbelt. 
“Okay” Bucky said and couldn’t help the smile plastered on his face as he drove them to Steve’s apartments. He pulled over and waited for Steve to get out. 
“Come here” Steve said and was leaning over the console, hand on Bucky’s jaw, turning them to face each other. 
“Can’t help it” Steve whispered before pressing a soft closed mouth kiss into Bucky’s soft lips. He hummed and pulled away, getting out only to lean against the window. 
“I like the scruff… and cherry lip balm. I’ll see you next Wednesday.” Steve said with a wink and walked back to his apartment. 
Bucky sat there for a long time staring at the windshield. Steve’s hand was still searing against his jaw, rough and warm, lips still pressing into his own, soft and careful. He was still in the midst of his daze when another car honked at him and he had to pull away from the curb. 
As soon as he was back in his apartment he was pulling his clothes off and rushing to the shower, needing the memory fresh in his head as the hot water started to caress his body and his hands reached down to where he needed them. 
The picnic went well. Bucky was leaning against the tree with a blanket laid out, backpack full of ice packs and food. He tried to read his book but he couldn’t, he tried to watch the practice but Steve kept looking at him. He ended up just picking at the blanket and hoping Steve would be okay with cold turkey sandwiches and chips. 
Steve had come jogging over after the team had left the field, hair darkened by a shower, wearing a pair of sinfully well worn jeans that fit him just right and a too-tight t-shirt. Bucky felt overdressed in his cargo shorts and zip jacket. 
“There’s this weird dude watching our practices. Think I need to report him?” Steve asked as he plopped down, sitting on his butt, leaning back on his hands. Bucky felt his face heat up and he dragged his backpack to sit between them. 
“I dunno, might just let him. He’s kinda a hottie. The whole dark and broody kind, totally my type.” Steve continued and leaned over to lay his head on Bucky’s shoulder. 
“I made sandwiches and- and I got chips. I don’t know what you like to eat yet.” Bucky said and pulled out the two sandwiches she’d made for Steve and the bag of cheddar and sour cream chips before getting his own sandwich. 
“I’ll take you to my favorite place next time. Really good milkshakes and burgers. Super greasy, I can eat like… half of one. We can share.” Steve said as he dug into the food. Bucky ate quietly. 
It was nice. Steve sitting so close, the fresh air, the nice weather. It wasn’t awkward. It was comfortable. Even when Bucky had to wipe his face and asked Steve to hold his food. 
“I’m sorry about last time. I usually don’t kiss on the first date.” Steve had said when they had both finished and were just sitting. Bucky huffed and rolled his eyes. 
“I’m sure you do much worse.” He joked but Steve’s face turned red and he looked away. 
“You’re not like that, Buck. I just… I felt like I had to. I really like you, I want to do this right.” Steve confessed, locking their fingers together. Bucky smiled and couldn’t help the giggle that broke from his throat. 
“I really like you too, Steve. Feels kinda silly, though. I’m 22 and I feel like I’m in grade school.” Bucky said and Steve chuckled and knocked their temples together lightly. 
“Are you the flustered school girl or am I?” He asked which made them both laugh. It was… a heart fluttering thing that had them both leaning in for another kiss before breaking apart and heading home. 
Dates kept happening until Bucky was usually lounging under the sunny window in Steve’s apartment in his tank top, relaxed and happy as Steve worked on homework or doodles in his sketchpad. Happy not to have to hide his arm, happy that Steve didn’t mind the scars. 
Or Steve in Bucky’s apartment watching movies or listening to music or taking naps in his underwear because it’s so hot and Bucky had shitty aircon. It was easy. Once Bucky had gotten over the fact Steve looked like porn on legs and was more than comfortable being mostly naked around another guy. 
Then it was easy. 
Steve liked kissing, liked climbing into Bucky’s lap, sitting on the brunette's thick thighs, and making out with him till Bucky was panting and turning away. Liked sitting in Bucky’s lap anyway, liked playing with his long hair or running his knuckles over his scratchy scruff. 
Bucky liked… everything. Liked holding hands and talking and hugs and cuddling on the couch and staring at Steve’s chest because wow… and of course he liked the kissing too. He liked the way Steve started slow and gentle, short little kisses where he’d pull back and look at Bucky with those ocean blue eyes, all glittering and beautiful. Then he’d kiss longer and longer till he’d gotten his hands in Bucky’s hair and their tongues tangled together, sucking and sliding together in a way that made Bucky’s core ache and his eyes water. Pressing their bodies close together, chest to chest, hands wandering. 
He liked that when he’d put his hands out Steve’s arms, just holding not even pushing and laid his forehead against the blonde's shoulder, Steve would just huff and laugh and say it’s alright and they’d just hug for a while. They’d part and share a few more soft kisses before Steve would excuse himself to the bathroom or announce he needed to leave or Bucky would get huffy and say he needed to get going. 
It was nice and comfortable. 
But it wasn’t quite satisfying . 
It took a long time and some long talks with Natasha and so much more self convincing for Bucky to decide he’d give it up for Steve. That’s he’d show himself off. That he’d see if those rumors were true, if Steve would really fuck anyone . 
It was a Saturday, Bucky had been having a self care day, he clipped his nails and deep conditioned his hair, he took way too long in his shower washing every inch of himself. He took extra care to trim his body hair, trimming everything carefully from his light dusting of chest hairs down to the hairs on his upper thighs and butt. He called Natasha when she was studying and made sure he got everything and for some reassurance. 
‘ Don’t be a chicken, Barnes. You’re ass looks great by the way.’ and Bucky was texting Steve. 
He went through his apartment cleaning, under the couch to the tops of the cabinets, moving the rugs and mopping the floors, making sure his dirty laundry was hidden away and his bed was neatly made, put a towel under his nightstand, made sure he had condoms and tissues. 
Finally he picked out what he was gonna wear. Steve was coming over to eat take out and watch movies and sleep over. So Bucky picked a pair of his new black boxer briefs that made his ass look nice and a pair of plain grey sweatshorts that Steve had said he liked and a soft grey Star Wars t-shirt. 
He was comfortable, nervous but excited. He trusted Steve. They were boyfriends, they talked about everything. 
Well everything except one thing. The one thing that Bucky felt actually mattered. The one thing that Bucky was terrified to let Steve know. The brunette started to chew on the inside of his mouth, worry getting heavier on his shoulders as he thought of the million ways Steve could leave once he found out, what if Steve freaked out or tried to hurt him or threatened him or what if-
Steve was at the door, knocking in a musical little pattern, take-out in hand. It was the cheesy pasta Bucky liked and box of hot breadsticks and a half gallon jug of the lemonade Bucky always said he liked. Of course. 
“Hey handsome, Get it while it’s still hot.” Steve said as he walked in, pressing a soft kiss to Bucky’s lips as he passed him. The brunette couldn’t help but take a breath and relax. He almost forgot who he was dating. Sweet, kind, perfect Steve. 
Bucky tried to stay calm and act normal. He ate his food, laid his head against Steve’s shoulder, tried to not think about what was hiding in Steve’s worn jeans. He was being very normal about his plan. 
It was all good until they were into their second movie, in the dark of the apartment, and the blonde climbed into Bucky’s lap. Strong body solid and warm against Bucky’s own, hands twirling and twisting in his hair, lips soft and sweet. 
Bucky melted into it, letting his hand go much farther than usual, slipping under Steve’s sweatshirt to feel his back muscles. He let himself sigh into each of the kisses as they got deeper, tongues twisting as Steve’s own rough hands slipped around Bucky’s body, one holding the back of his neck, occasionally squeezing, the other roaming from his soft brunette hair down to grope at Bucky’s arm or down his side. 
“Steve?” Bucky asked after they had to pull up for air. He liked the way Steve looked, all flustered, blonde hair a mess, cheeks rosy, lips kissed red. Even when they turned up in a little smirk. 
“Yeah baby?” Steve replied, hands going to the sides of Bucky’s face, one thumb rubbing across his bottom lip. Bucky swallowed, now or never. 
“Do you- can- I- um…” Bucky tried to say but then Steve was bending down to mouth at his neck, kissing and nibbling at the sensitive skin under his ear. 
“What do you need, Buck?” Steve asked into the thumping pulse in Bucky’s neck. It made the older boy gasp, hands grabbing onto Steve’s sweatshirt, knotting it up in his hands. 
“Do you wanna… do more? Than kissing?” Bucky said as Steve finally pulled away. He held his breath, waiting for an answer. But Steve was smiling, pearly teeth on display. 
“Oh~, Yes I would Mister Barnes, thank you for asking” Steve said and smiled into the next nipping kiss. He got Bucky’s shirt off in a rush, pulling it over Bucky’s head and throwing to the floor with a flick. His hands went right to Bucky’s chest, groping and feeling the heft of his pecs, thumbs rolling over his nipples. 
Bucky was dizzy with it all, the way Steve hadn’t even faltered but instead leaned into it. Steve’s weight was heavier on his lap, pressing down on his crotch, pressing forward just a bit to press the stiff line of Steve’s cock against his belly. He was getting warmer and warmer in his pants with each hum that came from the blonde’s mouth. 
“You’re so pretty, I love a guy with some meat on his bones.” Steve said into the side of Bucky’s jaw, nosing at the scruff there as his hands groped up and down Bucky’s torso. 
Bucky held his breath. This was the part he could enjoy before they left. Or ruined it. Or worse. He tried to memorize the way Steve’s calluses felt, the way he kissed with his whole body, leaning in and moving with each motion. 
“Mm, hold on” Steve said into a tongue filled kiss as he pulled back, peeling his own shirt up and off. Bucky stared at the scar on his chest. Light pink and faded down the center of his chest. Bucky had seen it, touched it before. It was the mark Steve wore with honor, not caring if people asked about it when he didn’t wear a shirt, not caring if it seemed ’ ugly’ .
“Cmon, I’m not doing you on your futon.” Steve said after watching Bucky stare at his scar. He leaned down and kissed the brunette gently and stood up, pulling Bucky up by his hand. 
He went easy, being pulled toward the bed. It was easy to get lost away from his own head when Steve was kissing him, touching chest to chest, closer than ever. 
Bucky didn’t even notice the whines that were leaving his lips as he pulled at Steve’s arms, his waist, his back, trying to bring him closer. 
“You ready Buck? You want it?” Steve asked in a low, careful way. Bucky was lost in the way Steve’s fingers were teasing at the waistband of his sweatpants.  
“I’m so wet” Bucky said before he realized what he said. He froze but Steve just kept mouthing at his neck.
“Hm? What do you want, Buck?” Steve asked again, pulling away so he could actually hear what his partner wanted. Bucky pulled away, stepping back and crossing his arm across his body to grab his opposite shoulder. 
“I’m- fuck- um I dunno how to say this.” Bucky said and looked at the floor, he couldn’t stand trying to look at Steve’s crystal blue eyes at the moment. 
“What is it? You don’t want to? That’s okay, we don’t have to do anything baby.” Steve offered, he hated to pressure into anything. He was fine with not doing anything. If it was with Buck, nothing was enough. He stepped forward just a bit, just standing a breath away from Bucky. 
“I want it. I want it so bad. Want you so bad but um. I’m not… I’m trans.” Bucky finally bit out, eyes darting to the corner, getting ready for something. Whatever Steve was going to do. 
“Does this mean anything for what we’re doing?” Steve asked, looking at Bucky confused. He’d been with a trans girl before, she was pretty fun, but Bucky wasn’t… Buck was special. 
“I don’t have a cock.” Bucky said and looked at Steve with a matching confused look. Steve just cocked his head to the side and reached out to run a hand up and down Bucky’s arm. 
“Okay?… Do I need to use certain words for what you’ve got? It’s not a big deal, Buck.” Steve finally said with a smile and nuzzled at the brunette’s cheek. Bucky took a breath and let it out. This wasn’t what he was used to but it was… so much better. 
“It’s… I have a pussy.” He finally answered, the word sounding like a curse coming from his lips. Steve made a small growling noise as his hands grabbed onto Bucky’s hips, fingers digging into the meat there. 
“Is that what you want me to call it? Your pussy?” Steve asked, fingers snaking under the waistbands of Bucky’s pants and underwear, just enough to tease. Bucky huffed and smiled, letting himself enjoy the feeling again, fear washed away with each filthy word that dripped from Steve’s lips. 
“I call it cunt but that’s cause I hate it. Can’t imagine you calling it that.” Bucky said and ran a hand up and down Steve’s back until it was laying  just above his jeans. 
“Your wet pussy needy for me? You want me in your tight little cunt?” Steve said lowly into Bucky’s ear, fingers sliding down the back of the brunette’s pants, grabbing his ass. 
“Oh fuck” Bucky moaned out as Steve changed the angle to grind together. The blonde nipped and bit at Bucky’s shoulder and collarbones, leaving marks in his wake. 
“You thought I’d care? No fucking way.” Steve growled and grabbed roughly at Bucky’s ass, pulling the sweatpants and underwear down as he did. 
“I did. Everyone cares. I’m too-” Bucky said as Steve pulled away to untie his sweatpants. Steve stared at him in a way that made his heart stop in his chest, eyes full of something… something dark. 
“Don’t even finish that thought. I don’t care what everyone else thinks. I don’t care what you think. I want to show you what I know. ” Steve said and pushed the offending clothing down Bucky’s legs.  
“I’m sorry. I’m just never with people like you Steve.” Bucky said as he kicked away the pants, standing naked. Steve looked him over, eyes still overflowing with that dark lusty hunger. 
“Don’t apologize, let me have what I want” Steve said and slipped down to his knees. He looked at the meal that was ahead of him. Thick powerful thighs, trimmed hair, and a smell that always made his blood rush south. He couldn’t help but run his hands up and down those thighs, following his hands with his lips. He finally pressed a kiss into the soft, trimmed hair between them, pulling back to look up at Bucky. 
The brunette’s breath caught in his chest, hands shaky at his sides. 
“Sit down on the edge” Steve growled and watched Bucky sit down on the bed, legs spreading enough Steve could kiss his way from Bucky's knees to his soft spots. 
Steve was in heaven. He loved this, loved getting his face in a hot wet cunt, loved the smell, the taste, everything. And Bucky’s hiccuping breaths were music to his ears. He wrapped his hands around the brunette’s hips, rubbing up and down his sides for a moment before settling. He was a breath away from what he wanted. 
“Hit me if you needa stop, baby. Fucking gorgeous.” Steve said and felt the way Bucky’s hips stuttered with each word, breath gliding over sensitive skin. 
Bucky was lost, head melting as Steve touched him, accepted him with such ease. He couldn’t help the way his hand grabbed onto blonde hair when a burning hot tongue ran from his soaked hole up to his clit and sucked . 
He couldn’t register the moans coming from his own throat, his hand grabbing tightly, or the fact his leg had been pulled and burning denim was being pressed onto it. He tried to look down, to see, but as soon as he saw Steve’s darkened blue eyes looking back at him, lips pursed around his clit… he couldn’t help the sounds that ripped out of him, his body arching into it before falling back onto the bed. 
“Fuck… There you go Buck, lemme have it.” Steve said and went back at it, one hand joining his mouth. He was careful but his own hands were trembling as he felt the mix of slick and spit covering Bucky’s hole. He pressed two fingers in and Bucky was arching off the bed, moaning and pulling at his hair. 
He was in bliss, he wanted more but could barely take it. He couldn’t help but undo his jeans and rub harder on Bucky’s leg, feeling not ashamed at all with humping his boyfriend’s leg like a dog. He didn’t have enough brain space for shame when Bucky was shaking and trembling, moaning his name. 
Bucky felt like his skin was too tight, like everything was flashing by his eyes, overwhelmed but needing more. He didn’t know what was coming out of his mouth, unable to keep his body still, felt like he was at the cliff’s edge. 
And then he wasn’t. He was screaming out Steve’s name, thighs clamping together around the blonde’s head, grinding and twitching against the torturous face that had brought him there. He couldn’t even function, waves rolling through him till he was floating somewhere in the clouds. 
Steve had a hand on himself as soon as Bucky’s thighs were at his ears. He couldn’t help but moan as his mouth filled with the taste that drove him crazy, he was engulfed by thick warm thighs as his hair was getting yanked on just the right way. It took nothing for him to cum across the floor. 
“Fuck- Steve” Bucky said quietly as Steve was standing up, catching his breath. The blonde smiled and laid down next to his boyfriend. 
“Yeah Buck?” He asked and was soon answered with a huff and a hand reaching for his own. 
“Yeah I liked that too. I can fuck you later, if you want.” Steve offered and kissed Bucky’s knuckles. 
“… later. Didn’t even get you into the bed.” Bucky said blinked up at the ceiling, his brain slowly coming back online. Steve laughed, a laugh that made Bucky laugh too, giggling naked in bed like a weirdo. 
“You wanna get a shower? I have cum on my face and in my underwear and on my neck and hands and probably in my hair.” Steve said and looked down at his body, having left his pants and underwear on the floor. 
“You came?” Bucky asked, turning to look at the blonde’s face. He was starting to feel bad because Steve hadn’t gotten to finish. The blonde smiled and sat up, leaning over Bucky. 
“Kinda hard not to with a buff super hot dude cumming on my face.” Steve said and leaned down to kiss Bucky’s face. 
“You can kiss me” Bucky whispered and Steve smiled into the slow kisses as they both came back from their orgasms. 
“Shower, movie, then a fucking” Steve said and stood up, Bucky nodding and leading them to the bathroom. 
Steve just didn’t think he could even get bored of it. Of Bucky’s throbbing clenching cunt, his snoring, his dry humor, his anything. 
Bucky didn’t think he’d ever find anyone else like Steve. His passion, wit, cleverness, heavy hard cock, his anything. 
“Steve never finds boys who can handle us like this. So fucking wonderful, James. So hot, so tight” Thor growled into Bucky’s shoulder where he was holding up the brunette. He couldn’t help the words as they rolled from his tongue, his cock was engulfed by a tight slick ass. He looked at Bucky’s face, seeing his teary eyes and gaping mouth as moans and whines poured from him. 
“He’s perfect, ain’t he? So pretty, our pretty little thing. My best fucking guy, yeah, my best fucking guy” Steve growled into Bucky’s other ear as he carefully fucking into the brunette’s cunt, arms supporting the rest of his weight. He loved the way Bucky’s tears were salty against his lips, his cries of pleasure like music, he loved everything. 
Loved that he got to share. 
“I’m going to cum, can I cum inside, sweetheart?” Thor asked quietly, voice like thunder in Bucky’s melted brain. He was quick to nod, wanting to be filled everywhere, wanting to feel it. He could barely stand it when Thor came, Steve right behind him, cocks twitching, groaning in his ears. He felt himself become full and heavy with hot cum, loving it even if he was sore. 
He only regretted it when he was in the shower having to get rinsed out again because ‘ It’ll give you a bellyache Buck, just hold onto Thor, I’ll be careful baby’ as he was getting water sloshed up in his guts again along with a quick rinse to his sore cunt. He got lots of cuddles, surrounded by warmth and love, even when Thor left he gave Bucky a few sweet kisses and a hug so big Bucky feared for his bones. 
Steve pampered him the rest of the week as thanks, knowing Bucky would be asking for it again in no time. 
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zerooup · 1 year
Could you perhaps do a fluffy ouran high school post? You can make it agere or anything you’d like really, I just don’t see many ouran high school fics </3
OFC I LOVE OURAN :3 baby Tamaki and Kyoya is my favorite so I'll write about him!!
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Starting with baby Kyoya!
Cw for past trauma; Diapers, Abuse and just general ouchies! (like maybe a minor mention of blood too!)
Kyoya rarely regresses; like. at all. but when he does he's the tiniest baby. Like. can barely hold his head up tiny.
A crier. That's the only way tinies like him can communicate!
Tamaki (flip) Is def his main caregiver when he's small. and if he can manage to use his words Tamaki gets called "Tama" or "daddy"
Cuddliest little ever. Just get him in a diaper and a onesie and he's pretty much good.
VERY sensitive little. He's so used to putting on a front for being "no nonsense" but the second he's on the verge of slipping he does so, and he slips hard.
Never older than maybe 9 months. 11 months at MAX.
Very prone to accidents. The second he slips is a timer, he genuinely doesn't know when he has to go!
Blankie baby. It's a navy blue quilt Tamaki gave him, and he will NEVER. leave that blanket alone.
If he's on the verge of regressing, Tamaki has something so he can nonverbally communicate "I need to leave." It's them holding hands, and Kyoya will bonk his head against the other's shoulder to signal he wants to leave, is uncomfortable, or needs to regress.
If he's small he's normally cuddled up with Honey, Tamaki, or Haruhi.
Will flinch at any super sudden moves, big or small due to the abuse he faced from his father. :c
He will not wear pants. A onesie is as close to pants as you'll get with him!
Cannot wear his glasses while small, he's scared someone is going to hit him while small; due to again; trauma.
He has fallen off the bed and broken his glasses, drew a little blood, but nothing a plaster couldn't fix.
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Now time for my other baby!!
a bit older; but a much wider age range! 1-5
He's definitely a very very playful little! Loves playing with Kyoya or Haruhi!
Stuffie kiddo! Has a HUGE collection of squishmallows and other stuffies that if all in a pile; would cover the floor of his room! His favorite is a stuffed kitty named Pink!
Cannot STAND his hair in his face while little; his mommies tie it back for him!
Kyoya = Mommy and Haruhi = Mama or Mummy
He needs to look cute while tiny! Obviously! His tiny wardrobe is almost as big as his normal wardrobe!
A huge crier. but giving him a kiss on whatever he harmed will diminish the tears.
Speaking of owwies. He gets a LOT due to being a more active little, papercuts being the most common where, in turn, he calls for Mummy (Haruhi) or Mommy (Kyoya) to come to kiss it better and give it a plaster.
If Tamaki hurts himself by bumping into a table, for example, Kyoya will tell Tamaki to bump the table back which, earns a very giggly Tamaki because "Tables don' have feelings, Mommy!"
If he's on the younger side of his headspace, he's CLUNG to Haruhi or Kyoya.
He likes to color! Haruhi has multiple beautiful pictures on her bedside from little Tamaki
Definitely a fan of AJR, Will Wood, and Ricky Montgomery; Being introduced to them by Kyoya and Haruhi!
Dance parties!! He loves to dance with Kyoya, Honey, and Haruhi! then he falls asleep because dancing is so tiring../lh
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dangerpronebuddie · 9 months
WIP Word Search
I was tagged by the fabulous @lover-of-mine thank you!!!! 💜🩷
Rules: Use this generator to generate three random words (or however many you'd like to do) and share the lines where they show up in your WIPs.
My words: comfortable, sugar, shrink
I thought these would be easy to find... Nope.
Comfortable: This one was a lot harder to find than I thought. The first is from In Walked A Man With A Gun In His Hand, a Danger Prone Diaz fic I've had sitting around for like a month because I don't know how to finish it.
"Danger, Will Robinson!" Buck called from the kitchen. Eddie smiled to himself. His mom always said that when there was trouble, and he'd picked it up himself when she introduced him to Lost In Space. Now, Buck, Chris, and half the firehouse said it when something odd happened. "What's up?" Eddie called, leaning back to peer into the kitchen. "We are out of snacks," Buck said. "A black hole is more populous than this cabinet right now." Eddie sighed. "Okay. I'll run down the street and get some stuff." "I could do it," Buck said, leaning in the doorway. He looked so comfortable in Eddie's kitchen. Like he belonged. He did belong. Eddie just wished he was brave enough to ask if Buck would want to.
I could only find one other time I used it??? It seems odd, I feel like I use it a lot. Oh well! The second comes from a cute and soft little fic I started in my notes app at an ungodly hour of the night two days ago, in which Eddie discovers Buck knows Morse code:
And when he's bored out of his mind, or just sitting around, he taps his fingers on whatever surface is near. It could be his knee, a table, a chair, and- on one memorable occasion- Eddie's head. He still can't quite figure that one out. When Buck realized he was doing it, he yanked his hand away with a blush creeping up on his face. The finger tapping could be just a stim, a random sequence Buck comes up with on the fly, but... Eddie's starting to notice something. The tapping is never random. It's Morse code. - - - The first time Eddie notices, they're all laying around the station loft, exhausted. Calls kept them out until well after two in the morning, but adrenaline and a few near misses brought everyone to the cozy loft rather than the dark bunks. It's a peaceful quiet, one only people completely comfortable with each other enjoy.
Sugar: Found it in a few, the first being in a fic I started at like 2am, titled My Name Is Whatever You Decide (And I'm Just Gonna Call You Mine). In short, Eddie wants to change Buck's name:
"You'll regret that," Eddie smiles. Sure enough, just like every other time Buck swipes his coffee, his nose wrinkles in distain at the bitter taste of the coffee and the algae creamer. He looks ridiculous, and adorable, and Eddie wants nothing more than to smooth out the furrow in his brow with his thumb. And maybe kiss him. Definitely kiss him. And, just like every other time he swipes Eddie's coffee, he takes another sip just to be an ass. "I made yours," Eddie says with an exasperatedly fond huff, pushing Buck's liquefied sugar towards him. Buck places Eddie's coffee down and softly bonks his head into Eddie's, like a cat smushing its head into its owners palm. "Thanks." "Always," Eddie whispers.
And again in Slight Air and Purging Fire, my baby. It started as just a bed sharing fic and then became an arson fic that's going in Danger Prone Diaz when I finally finish it.
He made the perfect cup of coffee, two sugars and a splash of algae creamer, and climbed the stairs to see Eddie still passed out. He'd drifted closer to Buck's side of the bed, his arm extended like he was searching for something, and a little pout on his face. Adorable. Buck slowly sat on the bed, careful not to jostle him. He gently carded his fingers through Eddie's dark hair, which had fallen in his eyes. Eddie blinked awake and looked up at Buck. He smiled softly, making Buck's heart flutter. "Morning," he said in his sleep rough voice. "Morning," Buck smiled. "I got Chris to school. Made you some breakfast." "Thank you," Eddie sighed. "He was okay with going?" "Ecstatic actually," Buck said with a grin. "He couldn't wait to tell everyone what happened and how his hero dad saved his life." Eddie chuckled and shook his head as he sat up. "What time is i-" his eyes fell on the clock- "you let me sleep til ten?" "You needed it," Buck shrugged.
Shrink: I hope the past tense counts 😅. I found it twince. Once in my BTHB prompt Distress Call, which I really really want to finish soon because I love it, and in One Day Away From Your Arms (which now has a new title).
"Now that we know you can use your words, maybe we'll get some answers out of you," Lennie said. "Let's start with what you saw, hm?"
Eddie clamped his mouth shut again.
"Don't go silent on me, pretty boy," Lennie cooed, reaching out a hand towards Eddie's face. Eddie shrank away from the touch, his gut twisting in disgust.
Lennie grabbed him by the hair and yanked him closer. Eddie winced as the room spun. His head throbbed beyond belief, and the sting from Lennie's grip wasn't helping.
One Day Away From Your Arms, now called Oh, I'm Holding My Breath (Won't Lose You Again):
His heart raced, goosebumps rising on his skin. He pulled on the restraints, closing his eyes against the resulting dizziness. His sore body, along with the lack of leverage, meant he only succeeded in rubbing his wrists raw. A door opened and soft footsteps crept closer. Eddie opened his eyes further. His stomach lurched. Dylan stood over him, a relaxed smile on his face. "I was beginning to worry about you, babe. I had to up the dosage just a little." "Dylan," Eddie rasped. "Let me go." "I can't," Dylan sighed. He trailed a fingertip down Eddie's chest. "You're just too perfect for this." Eddie tried to shrink away from the touch. The ropes just didn't have enough give.
Absolutely no pressure tagging: @13shadesofanni @monsterrae1 @housewifebuck and anyone else who wants to! 🩷💚
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copperdaisy · 1 year
Whoops, spontaneously wrote a ficlet for an OC/Canon character pairing because I am thinking about commissioning artwork for them. The pairing has been around for a good... probably seventeen years at this point? @chappaiguardian and I were in high school when we first started playing the ship in Ye Olden Days.
Yu-Gi-Oh! canon, featuring Mahaad and my girl, Sanura, with bonus appearance from Seth. Now... I am going to bed because of work in... five hours.
The interior of the palace was quiet at this hour. Morning business had concluded and visitors had been sent on their way. Sanura passed only familiar faces as she made her way toward the library. She returned smiles and greetings when they were offered but could not stop for idle conversation. Armed with a basket of bread and fruit she was a woman on a mission – a mission given to her by none other than the Pharaoh himself. It went without saying that she had no time for catching up on the latest hot topics today. No doubt Nafrini would fill her in tomorrow the first chance she got. There was little that went on in the palace that the washer woman did not know about. The amount of intimate details she could gather on short notice about even the most obscure gossip was a bit frightening. Impressive, though. Maybe the Sacred Guardians could find use for such talents.
Then again, maybe some of the Guardians needed more work to do instead of less.
Sanura heard Seth before she saw him. He was complaining again – how surprising. Resisting the urge to roll her eyes she slowed her pace and worked to control her expression. It was better to feign indifference when the head of palace security was in a sour mood than to add more fuel to the fire. She rounded the corner to find the library doors had been left ajar, allowing her to catch more snippets of his grousing along with hints of a second voice. He had a captive audience, did he? Of course he did. Shifting the basket beneath one arm she squared her shoulders and nudged one of the doors fully open with a touch more force than necessary. The bonk it made when it bounced into the wall stalled Seth's rant mid sentence. He whipped around to stare at the source of the interruption and she met his scowl with a falsely sheepish grin.
“My sincerest apologies for the intrusion.” The apology was every bit as fake as her smile and the way Seth's frown deepened told her that he knew it. Peering past him she spied Mahaad standing on the other side of the table, his jaw tight with frustration. A map of the delta was spread between them, its corners held down by clay weights.
“What do you want?” She felt the weight of Seth's glare follow her as she walked to another table piled high with scrolls. Ignoring him, Sanura set the basket down in the one clear space left and made an exaggerated show of rubbing her shoulder as if she had been carrying bricks instead.
“I was sent on an errand by the Pharaoh,” she answered before turning around, arms folded across her chest as she leaned against the table. Something flickered through the priest's expression and his glower wavered for the briefest second. Before he could rally again she continued. “He was very specific in his wording that I was to remain here until I saw the errand completed, which it is not. You may take the matter up with him if you object.”
Seth's glower persisted, his gaze flicking between her and his fellow Guardian. Clearly whatever he had been making such a fuss about was not something he wanted her to overhear. Finally, he grit his teeth and turned on his heel, cape swirling behind him with a flourish. “We will discuss this more later,” he growled at Mahaad, then stormed from the room. The door slammed behind him.
“Dramatic exit,” Sanura said into the ensuing silence. Mahaad sighed and removed the weights from the map, letting it roll into a loose scroll.
“You shouldn't antagonize him,” he muttered while rolling the map tighter and tying it closed.
“I wasn't antagonizing him. I only told him where he could direct his complaints,” she countered, studying him as he returned the map to its place on a shelf. The tense set of his shoulders betrayed his agitation and she felt her own annoyance flare hotter in response. No one could test Mahaad's patience quite like Seth and interactions between them tended to leave him stressed and worked up for several hours afterward. She hated it, but there was nothing she could do about it either. It fell under Court matters, and it was something for the Pharaoh to intervene in if he saw fit to do so. Maybe she could convince Teana to say something to him…
“That counts as antagonizing.” Mahaad joined her at the table once his hands were free. For a long moment he said nothing, his face unreadable as he stared down at her. Slouched as she was she barely came up to his shoulder. Hoping to soothe some of his irritation she reached up and cupped his face between her hands. Bit by bit he relaxed, eyes closing as she gently rubbed her thumbs beneath them. Breathing out a long, steadying sigh he pressed his forehead to hers, the golden disc of his headdress cool against her skin. Part of her ached to pull him closer into a proper embrace but he was wearing the Ring. He would never abide her touching it.
“If that is so, my only regret is that the door did not hit him when I opened it.” The joke earned her a low chuckle before he pulled away, pausing only to bestow a fond kiss to her brow. The chaste gesture of affection distracted her for a few seconds, long enough for him to grab another scroll and settle himself on the stool beside the table. She blinked once, twice, then remembered what she had been sent to do in the first place. Reaching over she plucked the document from his fingers and swatted them away when he made to grab for it again. “Ah, no. I actually was sent here on an errand by the Pharaoh. One that pertains to you.”
“Me?” The confusion in his voice was genuine. Sanura hummed an affirmative and patted the basket beside her, carefully tossing the scroll onto the pile with the others. She caught a glimpse of the runic language of magicians as it fell, an elegant script but one entirely indecipherable to her . Mahaad frowned and eyed the basket with some level of suspicion.
“I was told to make sure that you eat lunch today, and I am not to leave until you have done so.”
“I don't need supervision...” He opened the basket and poked around at the offerings it held, looking none too impressed. Whether that was because of the food options or because she had been ordered to ensure he ate something she could not say.
“A little bird tattled and said that you did not eat lunch the last three days and instead spent time studying the tomes again. Pharaoh thought that this was the more… diplomatic answer. You wouldn't turn down the chance to eat lunch with your wife, would you?” She pouted and gave him the saddest look she could muster without dissolving into laughter. He had the grace to look chastened while breaking the bread loaf in half and pulling out the jar of honey.
“Little bird, huh? I wonder who that could be...”
“I do wonder. A little bird that has a bad habit of forgetting her spells, maybe?” Now openly grinning Sanura jumped to her feet. The many charms decorating her clothing jangled with the movement. Before Mahaad could react she yanked the headdress off his head and danced out of arm's reach. “Your headdress is off, which means that you are incapable of doing any work or study. Those are the rules!”
“I am quite certain that those are not the rules. I have never heard of those rules.” Mahaad was scowling as he stood but there was a gleam of good humor in his eyes. Sanura laughed and skipped another few steps away.
“Pharaoh granted me the power to make the rules when he told me to do whatever it takes to make sure you remember to eat. As I told Seth, you are free to take your complaints to him. If you want your headdress back you know what you must do.”
“Now who is the one being dramatic?”
Her husband's easy smirk almost made up for him comparing her antics to Seth's recent departure. Almost.
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marimo-o · 2 years
was curled up on my floor drawing but my tablet died so i got up on my knees to grab the cable and saw god for a good 45s at least
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pokegalla · 2 years
Morning Sun
Requested by @skywolfmare323 this became very domestic in the fluffiness. Also a bit emotional. Enjoy!
TW: Slightly suggestive, feels
I yawn as I stretch, slowly getting up from the bed. I still felt very tired so I went ahead to make some coffee to wake myself up. I jump feeling a set of arms wrap around my waist from behind, a warm chest pressed into my back.
I smile, “Morning love.”
The tall skeleton’s wings fluttered as he looked up at me, “Morning my sweet little darling~”
“I’m surprised you’re up. You seemed exhausted last night,” I said while pouring us both a cup of coffee.
He smirked, “I’m surprised you can still stand after last night~”
I blushed madly before bonking his head, “Oh hush you!” He laughed, giving me an adoring look as I walked away.
“You look so beautiful like this….wearing nothing but my shirt and….,” He moved my hair to the side, revealing a bite mark, “Now everyone can see who you belong too~”
“Keep teasing and you will get no breakfast,” I said flatly.
“Noooooooo!!! I want your pancakes!!! Darling forgive me,” He whined.
I laugh at his antics. It’s odd that such a maniacal skeleton can act surprisingly cute. I guess that proves he really is a Dream. I began cooking as Swad pranced around me in anticipation and curiosity. When I finally finished setting up our plates, he was already seated at the table, eyes sparkling in excitement. We made small talk as we ate, laughing at a few jokes. I noticed he stopped talking and he just suddenly got up and moved closer to me.
“Hm? What’s up,” I asked.
His sockets squinted slightly before he gave me a sad smile, “Oh…I just wanted a closer look at you.”
My heart sank seeing that smile. He never opens up about himself. I know that his poor eyesight bothers him because he isn’t able to see me clearly. He only focuses on making me smile despite his own concerns. But today I have decided to change that! I grabbed his hand as I stood up, guiding him to a bookshelf. I reached for a small gift box and opened his hand to place it there.
“A….gift? This is certainly new. What is the occasion,” He asked.
I smiled, “No occasion! Just to show you how much I appreciate your love.”
He tilts his head, “You are such a silly human. Ok! Let’s see what you got me!”
He slowly unwrapped it and he looked surprised. It was a pair of glasses. I gently took the glasses from his hands and helped him put them on. He was still confused until he looked up to say something….and he froze up in shock. He….could see me clearly. His eternal smile even faded at that moment.
“These are magical glasses! Not only does it help your vision but it also gradually heals your eyes! So no more burning sensations,” I said excitedly, “Do you like them-?” I was now speechless when tears streamed down his cheekbones, “Swad?! Are you ok?! Do you not like them….? It’s not too much is it?”
He suddenly hugged me, “Oh darling….you’re too amazing. I truly don’t deserve you….but I didn’t need them to see how perfect you already are~”
I hugged him back, backing away a bit to cup his cheekbones, “Maybe so….but I wanted you to see the world I see as well. And see how happy you make me. Now…wanna try those new glasses out by walking in the gardens? The flowers there are beautiful!”
He smiled a rare, genuinely warm smile, “I’d love to~”
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luimagines · 2 years
Model SKYLNK Online
Another commission!
The au is simple. Each of the boys are actually android models. They wanted Sky with a side of Wind.
Content under the cut!
You wake up the sounds of someone in the kitchen. A common occurrence lately. So far it never fails to put you on edge, given that you still have yet to get used to it.
It was a gift from a friend of yours. She works as a robotics repair engineer. She lives alone with her two models, a WLDLNK model she has to basically create from scratch after she found it beaten and borderline destroyed and her newest TWILINK model, which was in starling good condition despite being abandoned.
In her work, she visits you often. Mostly to make sure your own android stays in tip top shape. Your beloved, WNDLINK model, that you’ve had since you were little, is getting old. But you refuse to get an update or an upgrade. For sentimental reasons, both you and your friend have decided to keep him up and running for as long as possible even if his parts are no longer in production.
The newest addition to your household is a SKYLNK model. You have no idea how your friend came across it. To your knowledge, it’s brand new. Household droids are expensive enough as it is and you know she wouldn’t have been able to afford it otherwise. But she left no room for negotiation. Not to mention she got Wind in on it and he let her into the house and left the biggest present box you’ve ever seen with the droid inside in the middle of the living room.
The problem was with how… determined this new droid was, to follow his orders. 
Basically, his orders were to take care of the house, take care of Wind and take care of you. Which would have been flattering if it didn’t mean that he would attempt to get you to sleep at decent hours of the night. Something Wind was not able to do for years, for multiple reasons.
With the smell of breakfast wafting through the air, you roll out of bed. Literally. Your legs didn’t catch you. You hit the floor with a heavy thud. Wind comes into the room and stands by the door. “Are you ok?”
Your head pops out of your blankets and you blow a raspberry. “Yeah….Tired still.”
He grins, his face still so much like the boy you remember and he will always be. “Well Sky is making breakfast! He made sure that it’s healthy and delicious, just for you!”
You grunt and force yourself up, throwing the blanket back onto the bed. “Alright, let’s go.”
“Alright!” Wind cheers and runs through the house, not bothering to wait for you to catch up.
You meander your way through your home and slowly wake more, now that the scent of the food becomes stronger the closer you get to the source. You sit at the table and bonk your head against it.
“Good morning.” Sky calls from somewhere in front of you. There’s a soft clur clunk, as he places a plate in front of you. “Did you sleep well, Dear?”
“....Yes.” You say belatedly.  It’s been an ongoing struggle with trying to beat his tactics… and you’re losing. “I slept better than I did before.”
You swear, he smirks, even if it’s not in his programming to do so. “That’s wonderful! You’ll be feeling better in no time.”
You want to give him the stink eye, but you can smell your breakfast and your stomach grumbles. You grab the fork and begin to eat it. It’s delicious.
“Where did you learn to cook?” You blurt. “Does it just come within your programming?”
“A few recipes, to my knowledge.” Sky says, as he begins to clean up. “But your friend and the WLDLNK model also taught me a few other recipes. Not to mention that I have been looking up recipes now that I’ve connected to the WiFi in order to accommodate dietary needs.”
You’re left a bit speechless. “....You’ve connected to the WiFi? ...When?”
“Oh! I helped him with that!” Wind bounces in his typical seat excitedly. “He’s so fancy. He does so many things I’m not programmed to do. I thought it would be nice if he learned how to be more human, like I did. Like by watching videos and stuff.”
“Honey, you’re incredibly human because you’ve been around for so long. Not because you learned from watching videos.” You raise an eyebrow, amused by his words.
“But maybe it can speed up his process!”
“I don’t think that’s how it works.” You snort.
Sky pauses from cleaning the dishes and turns his head your way. “If being human pleases you, can I start tending the garden outside?”
You hum in discomfort. “You don’t need to ask. You live here too. You can just start.”
Sky nods, putting the last pan in the dish rack. “Then I shall be deweeding the flower beds if you need me.”
He turns unnaturally and leaves the house, heading to the backyard where his personal project was residing. It was actually the WLDLNK’s idea to get him something he can be invested in that wasn’t necessarily a part of his coding. Your friend agreed.
It’s… actually been working in terms of making him seem more human and approachable. Wind might actually be onto something when he mentioned the videos and the internet but you don’t know if it was the right thing to do. But then you remember his subtle smirk, the way he seemed pleased by your steadily correcting sleep schedule and how he actually remembered your favorite food without you saying anything.
His intentions are there and the process is in motion but you think… with a little bit of time, and a whole lot of patience on your side, you might finally get used to him being in your house. Who knows maybe you’ll grow to even enjoy his presence here, Wind certainly has taken a liking to him. Your friend didn’t know it but you might fall for him.
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komoreangel · 4 years
𝐰𝐡𝐞𝐧 𝐲𝐨𝐮'𝐫𝐞 𝐜𝐨𝐥𝐝 𝐡𝐜𝐬
pairings: childe, diluc, kaeya, albedo x f!reader (separate)
scenario: it’s reallyyyyy cold outside and you want your boyfriend to warm you up :) and maybe cuddle :) i mean what no its just soooo cold
genre: fluff so much fluff
wordcount: 1.6k (mostly albedo’s djkfsdjfnkd) 
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ok so this guy
he’s from snezhnaya which is like russia
its always cold there so he’s used to the below 30 temperatures
you however
like at all i mean you’re from mondstatd whens the last time it snowed here
so at first he might not notice that you are extremely cold
you two are walking around, being cute yk couple stuff
that is until you start shivering
“why are you shaking? are you scared of something???”
he’s not the brightest but we love him
“childe, im cold.” you bury your face in his chest to hide from the wind
“it’s not that cold out here, i don’t see why you’re being so dramatic.”
“it’s below 30 degrees! i’m going to get frostbite and die!”
ok so maybe you are a bit dramatic but YOU’RE FREEZING OKAY?
“hey ojou-chan, why are you so clingy all of a sudden-” you reached your hand inside his pocket to grab his hand.
holy crap your hands are cold
“hey wait don’t grab my- THAT’S MY SCARF!”
suddenly you were running away from him at top speed, his scarf in your hands
“come back here! what are you - oof-!” he had grabbed onto the edge of the scarf and pulled it back, you along with it.
you fell on top of him and you’re both wrapped in the scarf like every single christmas romance movie
“well now my hair is all full of snow.”
“you deserve it.” “HEY!” 
you get up and walk off to the side, taking his scarf with you
he follows after you, and catches up quite fast considering he’s got them long legs 
oh to be tall
he wraps his arms around you in a hug 
“still feeling cold?” 
so you two head for home and he promises that he’ll cuddle you all day to keep you warm
which is what you wanted in the first place ;) 
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diluc doesn’t get cold
not because of where he’s from or anything
but because pyro vision 
~natural body heat~ 
and unlike childe he would actually notice you withering away in the snow 
“y/n, are you alright?” 
“huh? yeah yeah im fine just a bit cold” 
suddenly you are being cuddled 
“you’re hugging me?” 
he doesn’t usually initiate pda often so it was a surprise
“you said you were cold. i’m simply warming you up.” 
you lean into his hug and notice that he’s actually really warm
like so warm you get sleepy
you’re so sleepy now that you think about it
and bonk
congrats dear reader
you have fallen asleep in diluc’s arms
he continues to talk on about venti’s drinking problem and how annoying kaeya is
he looks down and notices you sweetly dozing off in his embrace
and he’s so lucky to have you isn’t he
he smiles softly and sweeps you into his arms
carries you bridal style upstairs 
he’s about to tuck you into your bed when your arms begin to tightly wrap around his shoulders
almost like you dont want to let go 
“darling, it’s more comfortable in the bed,” he says quietly
“noo...” your voice is muffled by his chest and you sound tired 
he chuckles lightly 
“just lay down for a bit i’ll be right with you in a minute” 
you’re quiet, like you’re stopping to think
“if i lay down, will you cuddle with me?” 
diluc sighs
“yes i’ll cuddle with you, just please lay down? for me?” 
and who are you to resist that 
so you lay down and while it’s not as warm as him
its still really soft and you fall asleep in no time
he comes back to you sleeping, and not one to break his promises, he cuddles with you anyway 
at least you’re warm now 
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believe it or not, kaeya actually does get cold
i mean yeah he has a cryo vision, but that just means he isn’t affected by his own abilities 
or at least thats my headcanon 
if you’re shivering...he will not help you at first
no, first he’ll tease you about it
like imagine you guys have a mission in dragonspine
“oh y/n~ did you fall for me so hard you got frostbite?”
“you’re looking mighty chilled over there, need a hand?” 
you are this close to punching his arm
however because you want him to hug you and warm you up, you are going to stay on his good side 
he might prolong the teasing for a while
and after that while, he may or may not let you hug him
if he goes on for a bit too long however, he’d feel bad 
you aren’t laughing at his jokes anymore because you’re so cold
you just want to stop and sleep 
your steps become slower and slower
your vision is getting blurrier by the second
and after a while you just stop moving
kaeya turns to look back at you bc he notices
and then in a total cliche moment you collapse out of pure exhaustion
like the gentleman he is, he catches you before you land face-first in the snow
and in his mind hes like shit i let this go on too long
so he carries you around, looking for a cave you can rest in until you’re feeling better 
after maybe five minutes of searching he finds one
and he knows albedo is up here somewhere but he doesn’t want to risk you being in the snow for too long
he starts a fire and tries to lay you down near it, but you aren’t getting any warmer
so he puts you in his arms and just cuddles you 
the combination of body heat + fire is slowly warming you up 
and in about an hour you’re awake again
but you can’t move, because his grip on you is very tight
“kaeya? where are we?” 
he slowly opens his eyes 
“oh, just a random cave in dragonspine” he laughs a bit as he says it
then ofc he remembers you’ve just woken up from collapsing and is like oh right serious time ok
“are you okay?” he asks and this time he has a hint of concern in his voice
“yeah, i’m fine. i’m warm now too” you say as the fire starts to die down a bit
kaeya moves his arm in front of you to shift the firewood a bit 
“i’m sorry for letting you get that cold” he murmurs 
you adjust your position so you’re facing his chest 
“it’s alright, at least i can finally get some cuddles this way” 
you both continue to rest by the fire and decide you’ll head back to mondstatd in the morning
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because albedo is rather observant of most things
he notices your state right away
he immediately stops whatever he is doing and tends to you
“you’re cold, aren’t you?” he sits you on the table and feels your forehead
“albedo, its not a fever” you laugh. 
“no, if it was a fever you’d be burning up” he says matter-of-factly 
he walks to the other side of the lab and grabs his coat
“here, put this on.” 
you wrap the coat around yourself and start to get off the table
he rushes back and grabs your hands
they’re cold (duh) 
so then he thinks what can he do to make your hands warm
usually some mittens would do the trick
but he doesnt have any except for his own
he’ll do what he has to
anything for you 
so he slides his gloves off and offers them to you
“put these on, your hands are probably freezing” 
when you hesitate (because arent his hands cold now? you dont want him to be cold) he takes the initative and takes your hands to put the gloves on
he stands back and says “there. tell me if you get colder, okay?”
and tries to hide his flustered face because
you look so cute in his gloves!!! 
they’re his gloves and you’re wearing them ! 
he turns back to his work for a bit 
after maybe half an hour he looks back 
and you aren’t sitting on the table anymore?? 
he looks around
you aren’t anywhere?? 
thats not good
not good at all
he makes his way outside and doesn’t see you there either 
“y/n?” he calls out into the snow 
unknowingly to him, you had headed out about ten minutes after he turned around 
you went to go search for some starsilver, as you heard him muttering about it under his breath 
you were happily heading back to the lab, arms full of the stuff, when you heard someone shout in surprise
it sounded like albedo 
something must have happened to one of his experiments
you quickly hurried towards the lab only to find
nothing?? not even the man himself
there were footsteps in the snow leading away from the room, but you couldn’t be sure if it was yours or his
you decide to wait for him to come back, and set the starsilver near his workspace
after a while, he comes back in, looking stressed and worried
“albedo?” he looks up and breathes in relief 
“where were you, i came back and- mMf!” he rushes towards you and wraps you in a tight hug
“please don’t do that again” he says
“i got you some starsilver..”
he breaks the hug and looks back at his desk
“you went to get starsilver...for me?” 
you bury your face in his neck 
“yeah..i heard you muttering about it so i thought you needed some. it was colder out there than i thought, though” 
he pats your back soothingly, rubbing his hand in circles around your shoulder 
“let’s start a fire, that’ll warm us both up” 
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a/n: hi! wooh my first headcanon :) sorry if it was a little long, and i know some were a bit angsty and im honestly sorry about that! albedo’s got away from me sdkhjf but i hope you enjoy! and feel free to request a fic if you’d like :)
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vibraniumwing · 3 years
a bucky barnes x fem!reader wherein the reader comes home to see the super soldier with a toddler tucked in his lap.
WARNING: none! (all mistakes within the story are mine)
A/N: soft and domestic (and clingy) bucky, anyone? i’ve written this with tfaws bucky in mind after episode five where he was on the couch and smiled after seeing sam’s nephews. so yes now i present to you bucky with a child bcs we need that content, ,, good bYe for i shall be drowning in my own feels.
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“Do you really have to go, doll?” Bucky asked, watching you by the frame of your shared bedroom door with his hands crossed against his chest. A heavy sigh heaving from his lips as his eyes observed you pick out a shirt to wear, hands grasping on his black shirt and opted to wear that; a small smile formed on his lips as you slipped into the clothing piece, adoring how big it looks on you.
You turned to him with your hand on your waist, an eyebrow raised, “Unless you want to starve for a whole month then fine I won’t go to the grocery” you say teasingly, checking yourself out in the mirror before walking up to him, arms linking around his neck loosely; his hands circling around your waist in a protective manner as he pulls you into him. “I won’t be gone for the whole day, James.”
He groaned softly, wanting nothing more than to accompany you but seeing that you were going with your mother, he opted out. “You always say that then be gone for the whole afternoon.” he grumbles in between the kisses he gives you. “You and your mom take so much time at the grocery store.”
You threw your head back and laughed, finding his small whiny state adorable. You retract your arms from behind his neck and cupped the sides of his face, squishing his cheeks gently. “You sound like a child, Buck. I promise I won’t be long. Besides, you have Alpine to keep you company.” you motion your head to the sleeping cat on the bed.
“Now please let me go so I can leave now and be back sooner.” you tell him, pressing one final kiss to his lips before ducking out of his embrace, making your way to the front door and grabbing your car keys before turning back to see him standing behind you with a small pout on his lips (albeit he would never admit to doing such an act),
You grinned and walked up to him, reaching up to press a small kiss on his lips. “Sometimes it's hard to believe you’re this big scary dude that can take twenty men down in a course of ten minutes when all I see is this big baby.” you tease, a hand snaking up to the back of his head to play with the ends of his hair softly.
“Doll wait before you go” Bucky starts off, holding onto you, cheeks lightly flushed as he hesitated with his words, clearing his throat lightly before looking away, “Can you set up that damn Netflix thing on the TV before you leave?”
Your gaze on him softened even more and nodded, leading him to the living room and set the whole thing up for him, handing him the remote right after. “I’m guessing you can manage now?” he smiled shyly, the area around his eyes crinkling as he nodded. “Yeah, I will. Thanks, doll.”
“I’ll be back later, I love you, Buck!” You bid him a goodbye, looking back at him from the door and gave him a small wave, the male waving back before focusing on the TV, searching for that one movie you suggested he watch.
“What was that movie called again? RIght, The Breakfast Club”
Not even half-way through the movie, Bucky had somehow fallen asleep on the couch, not finding the first few minutes of the film entertaining. He somehow fell deep into slumber that he didn’t even notice the front door of the house opening until he felt something being placed on his stomach.
He stirred awake and the first thing his blurry vision could make out is the outline of a toddler sitting on him. “Hey James, I’m leaving Hugo with you and Y/N for the weekend. Our babysitter cancelled out last minute and I’ve been trying to call my sister but she hasn’t picked up any calls.” Damian, your younger brother said in a rush, putting down your nephew’s baby bag on the coffee table. “Thanks James, we owe you one.”
But before Bucky could get a say in any of this, Damian was already out the door and the sound of a car pulling away was followed. Barely half-awake, he stared at the tyke who was staring right back at him with his innocent E/C doe eyes. “What do I do with you?”
He takes Hugo in his arms as he sits up, placing him on his lap, his metal arm reaching over to pause television. “Y/N’s better at this than I am.” he mumbles, watching the child look around the room before he started to fidget on the larger male’s lap, wanting to roam around.
Bucky sighs, “Now why won’t Y/N answer her calls?” he asks the tiny human who was still staring up at him. He reaches over to grab his phone and dials your number, only to hear it ring from the other side of the house, inside your room. He dropped the call and placed his phone inside his pocket, now wondering what he could do to keep the small person alive.
“Usually Y/N deals with you.” He says, watching the small child struggle on his lap, clearly wanting to get down. Bucky finally gets what Hugo wanted to do and sets him down on the carpeted floor, watching the toddler (wobbly) walk around the space freely.
Seeing that the child was doing alright after finding a small fixation with Alpine who was now resting near the couch, he returned his attention back to the TV to resume watching the movie. His attention split in half as he continued to glance back at the kid who was now playing with the toys you had brought him and kept at in a basket in the corner of the living room where you deemed it “Hugo’s Area”
Bucky was finally getting into the film, entertainment written all over his face at the sight of the students dancing around the library until it morphed into one of concern when a small bonk followed by a loud cry resonated the room making him look over at Hugo who was already flushed from crying.
He paused the movie again and rushed over to Hugo’s side, taking the small boy in his arms, cradling him on his lap as he tried to calm him down. “Now kid, don’t cry on me. C’mon” he mumbled, raising him up lightly to look at his forehead as he searched for any wounds, relieved to find none.
“C’mon James, what would Y/N do…” He said to himself, standing up as he moved around and cradled the crying child, trying to remember what you would do whenever he has meltdowns like this.
“Oh god, right!” Bucky exclaimed as he remembered, quickly going to the couch and sat down, placing Hugo on his lap as he gently placed his vibranium hand on the back of his head and his flesh one cupping the smaller one’s cheek, wiping the tears that glistened on his smooth skin.
Seeing how the toddler was starting to calm down, he carefully spoke, “Now you gotta work with me, little one.” Bucky then proceeded to blow softly on his face, remembering how you would do that when Hugo was having a fit. “Now can you do that for me as well?” He asked, encouraging the child with a small smile.
Once he felt the kid do the same thing, he repeated the steps a few more times until he was completely calm, letting the child snuggle up against his chest, feeling how he would occasionally let out a small shuddering sob from time to time, making Bucky laugh at the adorable action. “Now what do you want to do?” he gently asked, the cold surface of his metal hand that caressed the child’s back making small bubbles of laughter elicit from the baby.
“Bucky wead [ read ] pwease?” was all that left the two-year old’s mouth, causing a small surprise from the older. Hugo then pushed himself off from Bucky’s chest and turned to his small corner of the room, raising his small arm and pointing his even smaller finger towards the bookshelf that was filled to the brim with story books.
A chuckle left the soldier’s lips, “Alright then, little dude. Go take your pick.” he then proceeded to let him down and watch as the toddler walked his way towards the array of books and picked out one, running back towards him with a big smile.
“Alright big guy, what do you have for me?” Bucky asked, taking the tyke in his arms once again, taking the book from Hugo’s hands. He let out a (very) fake gasp of excitement which made the toddler laugh out loud as his reaction, making small little wiggles of his own eagerness for the book.
Bucky shifted in his seat a little to be more comfortable, letting Hugo snuggle up to him as he opened the book and started to read, “Llama Llama, red pajama, reads a story with his mama.”
You were elated to finally come back home and fall into your lover’s arms from a long day of errands with your mom. After the Target trip with your mom, you had to drive her back home and help her with her own groceries and pack up everything with her over at your childhood home一 with an addition of having a few serious talks with her about your future.
“Seriously, Y/N. When are you going to give me a grandchild?” Your mother poked your sides as you helped her bring in the bags filled with her stuff. Ever since Damian introduced Hugo to the family, she’d been on your heels about when you and Bucky would bring one to them as well; admittedly you and him had been in a much longer relationship than Damian and his wife which surprises everyone even more.
You shrugged, rolling your eyes in a playful manner. “I don’t know, mom. I think I’m content being with Bucky for now.” you answered truthfully, setting the items on the kitchen island and turned to her, “Besides, we have Alpine! Our cat!”
This made your mother sigh, laughing softly at your antics. “I know my sweet girl, but I’m just so excited to see a little you or James run around with Hugo.” Her answer causes your heart to swell at the thought of starting a family with him some day; conversations like this with him are normal but are always caught in a fleeting moment so you were never certain about his opinions on the matter.
“Well you just have to wait and see, ma.”
Taking the bags in your hand, you walked over to the door and opened it with ease, expecting to see Bucky waiting for you on the other side only to be greeted by none. Your eyebrows were furrowed as you carefully stepped inside, assuming he had fallen asleep as he waited for you until you heard his quiet voice resonating through the living room. “Little llama, don’t you know? Mama llama loves you so”
You peeked at the source of the sound and what you saw made you just melt on the spot. Bucky had Hugo on his lap, your nephew playing with the thumb of his artificial arm as he listened to the story that he was barely paying attention to as he was already falling asleep.
Not wanting to interrupt the moment, you graced on over to the kitchen in silence and arranged everything as quiet as you can. The smile on your face growing bigger at the thought of how much of a good father Bucky could be; the sight of him with your nephew caused a thousand butterflies to dance around in your stomach freely.
“You’re back, doll?” Bucky’s quiet voice made you jump, head whipping to his direction where he stood with Hugo fast asleep in his arms.
You nod and walk towards him, offering to take him from his arms and Bucky disagreed, pulling away from your attempts. “Hugo’s with me, I’ll take him to bed and I’ll help you finish out here, alright?”
Chuckling softly, you agree and reach up to place a quick kiss on your nephew’s forehead, moving aside so Bucky can place him down inside your room.
You were folding up the plastic bags when you felt a pair of arms sneak up and circle your waist, capturing you in a back hug. Your back was flat against his chest, the warmth from his body making you relax in his arms. Turning around, you let your arms snake up around his neck, your hands playing with the ends of his hair, his physique visibly loosening up. “So your brother came here earlier and said you weren’t picking up your calls.”
“I forgot my phone, i know.” you told him, throwing your head back slightly to let out a soft groan of annoyance at yourself before looking back at him. You met his gaze and his eyes were filled with adoration and love with a spark of something you can’t seem to pinpoint. “What’s going through that head of yours, James?”
He hummed softly, pressing a quick kiss to your lips, “I was just thinking of how I want to have a family of my own with you.” he answered truthfully, not finding anything shameful in admitting his thoughts. “The afternoon I spent with Hugo made me realize I want that for us as well.” his words were soft and dripping with enthusiasm at the thought of being with you for the rest of your days.
This made your cheeks flush lightly, a happy smile resting on your lips as you were already in agreement of his words, “I’ve been thinking the exact same thing, Bucky. I can’t wait to have our own little minion running around the house.” you admitted, this time making Bucky smile even wider than yours, happy that you had the same thought.
“Also, not to brag but I think I’m his favourite now.” Bucky said out of nowhere, grabbing the small carton of chocolate milk from behind you and letting you go, opening the drink and chugging it down in one go.
You rolled your eyes at his words, playfully flipping him off as you sauntered into the pantry where you were arranging your stock of goods. “I highly doubt that, he loves me way more.”
“That’s what you think but Hugo made me read his favourite book to him so now I’m his favourite. He even said it himself.”
“Oh no he didn’t!”
TAGLIST: @lunalovecroft @anchoeritic @harrysweasleys @https-bvcky @luana @weasleytwins-41 @angelsgrxzer
for those whose usernames are in bold, it means i cannot tag you for some reason. join my taglist! it's linked in the masterlist <3
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yourdeepestfathoms · 3 years
tooth and nail
ask and you shall receive ;) @denpine14 @strawberrygem21
in which the Dimitrescu daughters exhibit cat-like traits
“Dear Mother Miranda,
The girls have grown well, though there are some complications. Bela seems to have some form of anxiety and very low self-esteem, Cassandra has anger issues, and Daniela, I believe, has some type of hyperactivity disorder. Despite all of this, I love all of them dearly.
However…more strangely…they have…feline-like habits. I expected the hissing and growling, but the other things… Well, I’m not too sure how this has happened, as they were born from insects, but they weirdly act like little kittens in the most absurd ways. These mannerisms include, but are not limited to…”
“Oof--” Alcina blinked in surprise and looked down as Bela headbutted her leg. “Yes, my darling?”
Bela giggled and headbutted her again. Alcina rubbed her head, which triggered a strange sound to fill the air.
“…and purring…”
Purring. Her daughter seemed to be purring.
Alcina’s heart swelled with love. She couldn’t help the smile that came to her lips.
Later that day, Cassandra and Daniela did the headbutting thing, too, both of them bonking her in the legs while giggling adorably. When she scratched along their scalps, they purred, just like their big sister had.
--- --- ---
“…staring when they want something…”
“Yes?” Alcina asked, raising an eyebrow at the trio of girls staring at her. If it weren’t for their different hair colors, it would have been difficult to discern them from each other with their matching black gowns and hoods. She made the mental note to give something to them to help make them out better.
Her daughters continued to stare.
“Is everything alright?”
Still nothing.
Cassandra reached out, swatted at her dress, and then they all took off running in different directions, their sock-clad feet making them run in place for a few seconds before they gained traction and streaked away in blurs of black.
--- --- ---
“…and also staring at nothing at all, as though they are seeing ghosts…”
Alcina blinked. Her daughters were staring intently at the wall, their eyes wide and shiny, like they had just witnessed the secrets of the universe. She tried to see what they were looking at but could spot nothing at all.
“What in the…?”
--- --- ---
“…pushing random things off of surfaces for seemingly no reason other than the fact that they like to…”
A loud clatter echoed down the hallway, and Alcina was quick to hurry to the source of the noise: the parlor, where Daniela was perched on one of the tables inside, staring down at a fallen candelabra. Luckily, none of the wax sticks were lit, as they would have sent the red-and-gold carpet over the floor up in flames. Daniela looked up at her, her eyes awestruck and shiny.
“Did you knock that over?” Alcina asked.
Daniela stared back. Then, slowly, reached out her hand and swatted over a cup.
--- --- ---
“…causing utter destruction…”
“Hey! Hey! Hey!” Alcina snapped, shooing Cassandra away from the blinds. Her daughter leaped back, her claws ripping out of the fabric she had been sharpening her talons on. “No. Do not scratch things up, Cassandra.”
Cassandra inspected her claws. “Then what am I supposed to sharpen them on? Look at how blunt they are!” They showed them to Alcina.
They were sharp enough to gut a human in one swipe.
In amusement, Alcina said, “How about tree bark? It’s rough enough to hone them.”
Cassandra considered it, then nodded. “Alright!” She bounded away to go destroy one of the trees in the garden.
That same day, Alcina found Daniela chewing on a branch in her bedroom, creating a small pile of woodchips beneath her jaw. She seemed to be doing the same thing as her older sister: sharpening her natural weapons. Alcina left her be.
--- --- ---
“…sudden hyperactivity…”
The loud sound of footsteps suddenly burst throughout the hallways, rebounding like thunder. They would stop at random, then begin again, seemingly in a sporadic pattern. When Alcina finally stepped out of her bedroom to investigate, she barely caught a blur of black as one of her daughters, she couldn’t tell who, whizzed past her like lightning. She spun around, blinking.
At the same moment, one of the others came from a different direction and skidded to a stop in front of her. She whirled to them and saw that it was Bela.
“What are you three doing?” Alcina asked.
“Playing,” Bela answered blithely. She stepped forward, headbutted Alcina lovingly, then zoomed off again, slipping on her socks as she went.
--- --- ---
“…getting startled at the most mundane things…”
The parlor had been peaceful at one moment; Alcina was drinking her tea, while Cassandra and Daniela played chess and Bela multitasked reading and watching the game. It was then that Bela’s thread bookmark fell out and she swiped at it to pick it up. However, when the string seemed to catch on her claws, she got frightened, leaping at least five feet up into the air. Seeing their older sister so unsettled, Cassandra and Daniela did the same, nearly jumping out of their skin and scattering the game of chess as they scampered away in terror. Alcina laughed loudly as her daughters huddled against her sides, shaking.
--- --- ---
“…bringing me dead animals as gifts…”
Alcina was cleaning up for bed when there was a knock that filled her bedroom. She walked to the door and opened it, only to see no one. When she turned around, she saw Daniela clinging to her window sill, a mass of fur caught between her teeth.
Alcina quickly opened the window, and Daniela hopped inside. She presented the thing in her mouth to her with great pride: a rat.
“For you, Mother.”
“Ah-- thank you, my dove.”
Daniela purred as her head was rubbed affectionately.
The next day, Cassandra padded up to her, her chest puffed in pride, a large snake pierced by her fangs.
“A gift, Mother.”
“Thank you, my sweet.”
And then, that evening, Bela came to her door with a bird in her mouth.
“Here, Mother.”
“Thank you, my darling.”
And then the bird jerked away when Bela set it down and flew off down the hall in terror. They both watched it go.
“It was too pretty to kill.”
Alcina chuckled. “I see.”
--- --- ---
“…laying on my things when I need them…”
Alcina stared tiredly at the stack of girls laying on the folded clothes on her bed. All that space on her giant mattress that was made specifically for her size and they chose that exact spot. On her clothes.
Well. They were much too cute to wake up.
--- --- ---
“…laying on me and keeping me from getting up…”
“Maiden,” Alcina whispered.
The maid passing by stopped and turned to her instantly.
“Get me a glass of blood. I can’t get up and I am thirsty.”
The maid eyed the form of her youngest daughter stretched out on her lap, asleep, and then nodded, whisking away.
She hadn’t moved for three hours.
--- --- ---
“…they have no concept of personal space…”
Alcina was awake that night, her girls piled on top of her to the point where they were practically smothering her, Daniela and Cassandra under arms and Bela on her chest. Every time she twitched, they would move closer, snuggling in deeper to her heat. She wouldn’t be sleeping very comfortably, but at least her daughters were warm.
--- --- ---
“…sitting in strange places…”
“Are you comfortable?” Alcina asked, laughing.
Bela looked up from where she was reading and wedged inside a basket that was meant for quilts. Despite her small, wiry frame, it technically wasn’t her size, but she managed to curl herself inside, piled by the blankets and indulging herself in a good book.
“Yes,” Bela said, smiling.
Alcina would also go on to find Cassandra napping haphazardly on the banister of the upper hallway balcony, which she picked her up from and placed her back into her bed in fear of her falling off, and Daniela hiding in one of the cupboards in the kitchen.
However, none of these things beat when she found all three of her daughters crammed in a box, murmuring and giggling to each other over something.
--- --- ---
“…did I mention the purring? Because the purring is absolutely endearing. I do believe it has healing properties…”
Alcina wasn’t quite sure what she had come down with that day, but she woke up feeling exhausted and achy all over. She didn’t even think to get up and alert her girls to her condition, choosing to rather wallow in her bed, so it wasn’t a surprise when her room was soon filled by three worried bug-spawn creatures.
“Mother?” Daniela’s small hands were set on her shoulders.
Alcina stirred.
“Mother?” That was Bela, now.
She rolled over and blinked tired eyes at the worried-looking faces of her daughters.
“Hello, my darlings,” she croaked.
“Mother,” Bela said again, her voice thick with concern. “Are you alright?”
“Yes, yes,” Alcina nodded, though her mind was wavering, shrouded in a heavy fog. “I am fine. Just a little unwell.”
“Can we help you?” Cassandra asked, her hands twitching.
“Don’t worry,” Alcina answered. “I’ll be fine.”
Her daughters exchanged looks. A moment later, they were climbing onto the bed, curling up around her.
“We’re helping,” Daniela said.
Alcina had no idea how cuddling was supposed to help her, but then she heard the soft churring that filled the air. The purring in itself did little to actually heal her sickness, but something about the soft sound and the presence of her precious daughters soothed her. Bela, with her head on her chest, filled her heart with a gentle rumbling. Daniela, curled up right next to her, chirred gingerly in her ear. Cassandra, stretched out over her stomach, resonated a soothing burr throughout her body.
She chuckled tiredly. “Thank you, my loves…”
--- --- ---
“…and, at least when they were newly reborn, absolutely hating when I go into a room without them…”
She was just taking a shower. That was all. And yet, she could hear her young, one-week-old daughters on the other side of the door, yowling and screaming and scratching their claws into the wood.
“I’m just bathing!” she snapped.
They wailed louder.
--- --- ---
“…to wrap the letter up, it is certainly a strange phenomenon to the experiment, but I am not complaining at all. They are much more entertaining and endearing this way. I wouldn’t have them any other way. I would like to thank you again, Mother Miranda, for letting me have such sweet daughters.
That will be all for now. I will follow up in another letter if anything new comes up.
-Alcina Dimitrescu”
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hwascripts · 3 years
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Domestic life with Hawks (Keigo)
Desc: What it’s like being married to Hawks, living with him, my own personal headcanons and how he is as a husband overall
TW// Swearing, very brief mention of Hawks’ childhood trauma (you’ll miss it if you blink kinda thing)
oh my god I have not posted a headcanon in over 2 months- let’s hope this makes up for it
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-Let me just get the ball rolling and say this man will tease you 25/8. He 100% uses his feathers to snatch things out of your hands, or he’ll move every piece of furniture a few inches so that you’re confused but not suspicious.
“Keigo was this table here before?”
“Yeah babe, it’s been there since we first bought it”
“Strange...I could of sworn it was closer to the right”
-Little shit can barely hold back his chuckles as he watches you knock into everything like a baby deer.
-Aside from teasing you relentlessly I don’t think he would ever pull any seriously harmful pranks- he hates when you’re angry with him.
-Because of how busy he is being the number 2 hero neither of you get to go on as many dates as you want. Dates with Hawks usually only happen once a month- twice if you’re lucky.
-But it’s okay because Hawks is the type of husband that won’t ever let you feel forgotten.
-Expect him to fly by your office while you’re in a meeting because he does it so often that your co-workers place bets on when he’s going to pop by next.
- He’s definitely flown into the window before
-Aside from ambushing you at work, he’ll send different flowers to your office all the time with a little note attached explaining the meaning.
-He’s the type of husband who can read you like a book, you cannot get ANYTHING past this man.
“Babe I know you’re mad about me taking all of your left shoes and making you late to work”
“How the fuck-“
“I’ve interrogated class A villains for years, reading you is a walk in the park”
-No but for real it’s scary how quick he is to catch onto your feelings, it’s like a sixth sense. You could be having a bad day at work and suddenly:
Message from Kei❤️💍: Why don’t we go out for dinner tonight?
-Man his perceptive abilities are god tier.
-He’s the type of husband that quietly comforts you by letting you cry on his shoulder while he holds you. Hawks is great at smooth talking, but Keigo genuinely has no idea how to verbally comfort you.
-He feels like he can completely let go of the Hawks persona when he’s around you. He’s not “Pro-Hero Hawks” when he’s alone with you, he’s just regular Keigo.
-And he’s a very trusting husband because if he can let go of that persona and be vulnerable self around you, then he has no reason to have even the slightest bit of doubt.
-Oh you thought he was protective when he was your boyfriend? get ready for “mother hen Keigo” after the two of you get married.
-He has so many enemies and now that you’re his official other half he needs to increase your security- he would hate himself if he allowed you to get in harms way.
-Of course he knows you have boundaries- he would never want to make you feel overwhelmed. He’ll just ask the hero’s patrolling your area to report to him if there’s anything suspicious.
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-Now that we’ve gone over what he’s like as a husband, let’s talk about the process of moving in with him.
-Let’s be honest, he won’t feel confident enough to ask you to move in with him until you’ve been together for at least 4-5 years.
-He needs to know that you’re here to stay before taking such a big step with you. Don’t be surprised that he’s asking you to move in with him on the day he proposes.
-Hawks lives a fast paced life, never having someone who stuck around for more than a few years. He’s hesitant to propose because in the back of his mind he fears you’ll leave him too.
-Once you say yes and agree to move in with him, he starts to panic a little.
-His penthouse apartment feels so empty because he’s never had the time or patience to even personalize it- he’s always busy working, why should he care?
-The logical side of his brain makes him realize that the two of you will make it feel like a real home.
-Once the day came around he helped pack all your belongings and he just marveled at all your interests- civilians had the free time to have interests whereas he barely had the time to rest.
-He packs each of your belongings with care after analyzing each piece. You end up bonking him on the head because what the hell is taking so long?
-After all of your things are put away in your new shared home, he can’t help but grin a little bit. He was finally experiencing what a home is supposed to feel like.
-The first few months you need to stop him from buying ridiculous things.
“Keigo what the hell?! I said no stupid purchases!”
“An inflatable banana pool floater is not a stupid purchase”
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-He has a nasty habit of throwing his dirty hero costume on your favourite rug whenever he gets home.
“Babe I’m sorry, I’ll stop doing it”
“You said that yesterday, and the day before!”
-Whenever he’s exhausted he’ll flop on top of you and ask you to rub the tender spots around his wings.
-Good luck getting him off you if he falls asleep while you rub his back, man sleeps like a damn boulder.
-You have to teach him how to make nutritious meals because this man will literally eat anything so long as it’s quick. As a hero he rarely has time to eat, so cooking good food is completely off the table for him.
-You end up cooking him filling lunches/dinners for him whenever he goes on patrol. He always gives you a sweet kiss as a thank you.
“The meals don’t taste as good whenever I leave without giving you a goodbye kiss”
-He’s actually got a habit of stroking your cheek whenever he gets home from patrol and you’re already asleep.
-Sometimes he forgets his wings are huge obstacles so don’t be surprised if he whacks you with them by accident. Asshole thinks it’s funny when you squeal.
-Nobody can say he doesn’t have a habit of texting you cute photos of dogs he sees while on patrol.
-He’s slowly working out of his habit of suddenly slipping away whenever you try to sneak hug him. His childhood trauma makes him react like that.
-He has the cutest habit of nuzzling your jaw with his nose before he flys off for work. Also has a habit of touching your waist when he passes by you
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-The two of you will always cook breakfast together- no if’s, ands or buts.
-It’s one of your favourite domestic things to do with each other and it makes him feel like a normal couple.
-When he comes home from a rough day he immediately searches for you and gives you a “I’m back” kiss- no matter how bruised and battered he is, he’ll always give you a kiss when he returns home.
-When he gets into bed with you he’ll rest his head on your chest and listen to your heart beat, it reminds him that all of this is real and that you’re not just a figment of his imagination
-Patching him up and then kissing his wounds has become another daily ritual for the two of you- even if it’s just a pesky paper cut. He does the exact same for you.
-No matter what, the two of you always make time to talk about your day over coffee or tea. again, it makes Keigo feel like he’s in a normal relationship
-Call me boring for this one but cleaning up after dinner is a daily ritual for the two of you. He’ll fling soap bubbles at you and laugh as you chase him around and try to give him a soap beard.
-Listen, Keigo just wants to feel like a normal person. Doing normal household chores with you makes him so happy.
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Hawks is a very loving husband who would die a thousand deaths for you. He’s not perfect but then again, no one is perfect.
He’s a filthy tease and a prankster but he’s one protective bastard that loves you to the moon and back.
10/10 would marry Hawks any day
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Doing Good [Evan Buckley & Eddie Diaz]
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Based off: S2 E8 ‘Buck Actually’
A/N: ✨bonk✨
Warnings: gun violence, blood, gun assault, hospitals
Post Date: 8/30/21
Word Count: 1.4K
Pairing[s]: Buck x Reader x Eddie
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I served out the plates for midday breakfast, Eddie serving me that charming smile as Buck hurdles up the stairs, Hen just behind him as she rolls her eyes at the mans behaviour. "A beautifully perfect way to get the day going! Breakfast with the best girl and family." I smiled, shaking my head as I took my seat at the table.
Happy and light hearted chatter swarmed the table and ensued even more once Athena arrived, giving Bobby that soft, loving look. About half way through food, the alarm screamed out loud, the intercoms calling for us and giving us the leading directions. It was a woman who had stuck herself up on a sign on the freeway with a painted banner screaming "SEE ME NORMAN"
--- --- ---
We pulled out the giant plush landing pad keeping a steady eye, other people further back in the traffic jam yelling for us to hurry. "No!" Lola shouted when she saw the landing pad, shooting at it, two bullets piercing into it and one lightly grazing my arm, making me hiss in pain as I instinctively put my hand over it, the blood nothing too bad.
I took the speaker piece from Athena, focusing my attention up and turning it on. "Lola. Hi Lola. Listen, you're rightfully upset, okay? You feel alone and that's a strange feeling. I mean this fully when I say I understand how that is." I gulped back a lump in my throat as the gun was now pointed to me, she shouted in response. "You're just a child though! You don't know anything! You don't know the feeling of marriage!" I took in a few breaths, looking at Buck & Eddie, lightly nodding.
"Lola.. I may not know exactly how you feel but I get how scary that feeling of be-" I was cut off, the sound around me turning to static on a TV as I looked to the right side of my lower torso, feeling nothing but warmth trickling down my side before I fell, colliding my body with the road, staring off in the sky. I could but I couldn't feel the pain as I looked to the source of the blood and watch it pool, soaking and staining my clothes. I can't tell how much longer it had been until gentle hands picked me up and placing me onto a gurney, voices panicking in the noise muzzled background.
"Hold on, (Y/N)! You need to, please.." My eyes started feeling heavy, my head bobbing around as I was then staring at the clean ceiling of the ambulance before peaceful darkness blanketed me and the pain was then just gone.
When someone you love is in the hospital, the wait seems eternal, never ending. We were all grouped together, my eyes stuck on the door for who knows how long. Nurses & doctors gave us looks of sympathy as tears had been stinging my eyes for who knows how long. A hand held my own as I looked to Buck giving me a soft smile, "It's gonna be okay. She'll be out of here before the week is over, I bet." I nodded with a sigh.
A doctor slowly stepped out of the room as I shot up to my feet, Buck still gripping my hand "So..?" Buck pressed, his eyes bloodshot and wide, the doctor smiling lightly "She survived the surgery and it's really a miracle. The bullet entered her body at the waist area, grazing the bottom of her right lung just enough to open it and then stuck in-between her back ribs. You can all go see her but separately as to not overwhelm her when she wakes." I embraced Buck tightly, letting out a shaky breath of relief.
We looked at the others, asking if they wanted to go first but they heavily insisted we do it as we'd be the people she wants to see and speak to first. I had to stop, staring at what I could see through the little window on the door before letting myself in. I'll admit, she looked peaceful while sleep, probably the most peaceful I've ever seen her. We both sat on either side of the bed, the only sound was the monitor beeping.
I held her hand, placing a gentle kiss on it. "You got lucky amor, we're all very worried." Her chest heaved gently with each breath, her skin a little lighter then usual but she did seem to lose a decent amount of blood. "I'm thinking that when you're doing better, we all take a vacation and go somewhere nice. Just the three of us, Christopher too" Buck questioned nicely.
Speaking of, "Dad!" I turned in my seat, smiling at the the little voice "Hey buddy! Thank you Carla." I smiled to her as she returned the smile. "Anything for you Eddie. How's your lady doing?" I sighed, picking Christopher up on my lap "She's obviously still asleep but she made it good through surgery" She nodded, fixing herself up a bit "Well, Christopher really wanted to see you all" Carla then exited herself out of the room.
My head screamed, pounding with an unexplainable pain. Beeping and three different voices filled my mind, a hand gently holding mine. My eyes fluttered open slowly before I grasped that I was in a hospital room. "Awake!" I looked to my side to see a smiling Christopher who gently threw himself onto me. I sighed, gently rubbing his back as I look to my other side, seeing a delighted Buck.
"I feel like I ate a firecracker" I groaned with a small laugh. I enjoyed the moment between the four of us silently, Buck placing a kiss on my knuckles. "You are a miracle doll" I smiled, shifting myself to sit up more. "I don't feel like it right now." The door opened, letting in an even brighter light from the hallway in the room.
"Oh good, you're awake. How do you feel?" I shrugged at the doctor "My whole torso feels numb and on fire. In general, fine I guess" The doctor nodded, jotting things on her clipboard down before giving me a smile, "There's some more visitors nervously waiting if you'd like to see them now" I rolled my eyes, helping Christopher off the bed as I sit up more, nodding at the doctor with a playful sigh "Send the circus in"
Not even half a second later, the rest of the 118 hurdling in and tackling me with hugs. I groan loudly as they all, mostly Chimney meekly apologize. We all talked amongst each other between the doctors and nurses coming in to check on me and my vitals, making sure nothing was going wrong or would go wrong. "So Ms. (L/N), you wanna try walking?" I nodded, sitting up fully and pushing the blankets from my legs. Eddie quickly stood up, putting one hand on my lower back & waist area, his other arm taking my left one and wrapping it around his neck.
Slowly he helped me up as I held onto him, staring down at my socked feet. I stumbled a few steps before regaining my composure and balance better.
--- --- ---
To no surprise, a welcome back party was held for me, the entire 118 department shouted welcomes and good wished for me when I pulled up, a big smile spreading on my face as I throw down my bag in a corner. "I've only been out a month guys" Buck practically throws himself at me as I hug him back, taking in his sweet smell. "We know but those two would almost never shut up about you even if we were on a call!" Hen exclaimed, stealing me from Buck to hug me.
It was refreshing, a nice feeling to finally be back to the place I called home. We sang horribly to karaoke, ate Bobby's amazing cooking, Athena stopped by. It was definitely a good welcome back as any other we've had before. The loud bell rang, annoyed sighs, my own included mixed with the alarm as we all huddled down the stairs and throwing our full uniform on. "How you feeling?" Bobby asked, patting my shoulder "Doing good. Refreshing to be back Cap."
--- --- ---
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worminstuff · 3 years
missing the homie
i really didnt know what to title this imsorry an i definatly forgot about this blurb for the longest time but here it is!! i made it extra longer than i wanted cause ifeltbadlol but heres some sumer cheesy tbott time
sleepy bois x reader au
warnings: none, just prepare for cringey cheese
word count: 1k
Techno was quiet as he unlocked the front door to y/ns house, he tried to avoid the creaky floorboards he was familiar with too.
Bonk was quick to be weaving through his steps as he made his way to her room. He would have tripped if he wasn't so used to Bonk.
When he opened her door he only stared for a moment. The window next to y/n's bed was open, the early morning light pouring through to cascade over her mounds of blankets and pillows. He set the food down on the table in the middle of her room and sat on the edge of her bed.
He had a quick debate with himself before he chose to lay down beside her.
His arm above her head, the other draping over her blanket covered stomach. Sleepily, she accommodated the new body pillow beside her and rolled to face him, her head going to his chest.
“Morning.” he drawled. He only received a hum in response.
He waited, running a hand through her hair for a bit, gently detangling the tangles that snagged his fingers.
“I brought you breakfast.” he said, watching bonk as he made his way to curl up on top of the pair.
y/n leaned her head away from his chest to look up at him, “you did? Did Phil make it?” he silently awed as she attempted to rub the sleep from her eyes.
He hummed a no, “I did.”
y/n pinched her brows. Techno cooked? For her?
“Mhm.” he lifted his hand to point behind them.
y/n lifted her head, propping herself up on her elbow to look. There indeed was a plate with pancakes and strawberries with Nutella on a plate for her.
She sat up excitedly, dramatically grabbing him by the face to give him a rather aggressive kiss.
He chuckled as she threw the blankets off her and climbed around him to get to the coffee table, bonk following suit.
Techno stayed and sat on the edge of her bed as she munched on the food, dumping praises on techno like a proud mother.
They were having a very calm and peaceful time until the house began to rattle. Both techno and y/n looked at each other and groaned.
Before they could even say anything, Tommy with clementine on his back and Tubbo not far behind, were right in the doorway of her room.
“y/n! Phil said- ooh strawberries!” Tommy lost his train of thought and leaned over stealing a strawberry off y/ns plate. y/n frowned and techno glared.
“What he was saying is that Phil said he had to go see Mr. Sam so he would be back later and we had to come here.” Clementine said from tommy's back, both boys nodded.
“What about Wilbur? And Bo wasn't he staying at the house last night anyways?” y/n asked, standing up and brushing her hands on her pj pants (they were techno's pants).
She walked over to give Tubbo a hug, as he had reached his arms out for her when she stood up.
“What's up, kiddo?” y/n asked him, patting his head.
“We miss you.” Tubbo mumbled. Tommy let clementine down and both joined into the hug, all four of them hugging now.
Techno's heart ached.
y/n had been dealing with some stuff and she'd been extremely busy with work and dealing with her parents in general. It was taking a large toll on her.
She wasn't avoiding the sleepy house at all, she just never had time, and when she did have time she was unbelievably exhausted. She missed them a lot too.
y/n pressed her cheek into tommy's hair.
“I'm sorry.” she mumbled.
“Hey! It's okay, we get you're old now and whatever,” y/n scoffed “and I know those ones a handful. He's my brother after all,” techno crossed his arms with a huff “we miss you, but we understand. If there's anything we can do or help with please tell us.'' Tommy leaned into her a bit more, squeezing a little tighter.
Tears threatened their way into y/n's eyes but she held them at bay.
She hadn't realized how much these kids were really growing up. They Are maturing so fast and y/n just wanted them to stay small forever.
“Hey, don't cry! It's okay.” Tubbo gave a toothy grin in hopes of getting one in return.
y/n laughed softly and rubbed her eye a bit.
“Gosh i missed you rugrats. How about you go play with bonk while i change and we can all go out somewhere? Maybe Walmart? You guys go crazy for Walmart.” y/n asked as she leaned away from the kids.
They all cheered and ran from the room, but Tubbo quickly ran back to grab bonk before running back out again.
y/n softly shut the door behind them and huffed another small laugh.
y/n shuffled her way over in front of techno, standing in between his legs as he sat on the edge of her bed still.
Techno placed his hands on her hips, rubbing small circles with his thumbs. He stared up at her with such a puppy loving gaze, she laughed at him.
“What?” he laughed with her, “why are you laughing at me?”
She shook her head, “you're just cute.” she shrugged for emphasis.
Techno wrapped his arms around her middle fully and pulled her down, twisting to the side so they landed on her bed, “gross. You are so cheesy and gross.” he talked into her collar holding back his own laughs.
y/n wiggled and squirmed attempting to free herself from techno's arms, he eventually allowed her to escape.
y/n got dressed and techno helped her clean up her breakfast and all. Domestic smiles and kisses shared in between of course.
“Can we go yet can we go?” Tommy was practically vibrating with excitement.
y/n grammatically sighed, yet still smiled, “fine.”
She pushed the gremlins towards the door, they all giggled as they were shoved around.
Everyone just needed some quality y/n time, that's all.
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dio x reader goldilocks au!
one day you're walking through egypt when suddenly you see a house, and since breaking and entering is one of your all time favorite hobbies that's just what you do.
it's very dark in the house, but a delicious smell guides you to the kitchen like a cartoon character when they smell a roast beast. on the table there are 3 bowls of froot loops. "score!!!" you think. all that lock picking was making you a little hungry. you procure a spoon from the bloody kitchen sink and get to sampling.
the first bowl of froot loops is too soggy, like it's been sitting out for half an hour or more. the second bowl of froot loops is too hot! "yeeowch!" you exclaim, burning your tongue on the scalding milk. the third bowl of cereal is just mediocre, but it's better than the other two, so you eat the whole thing.
all that cereal is making you a little sleepy, so you leave the kitchen and walk blindly into the darkness again to search for a bed to sleep in, occasionally stubbing your toe or bonking your head against a wall. eventually you get the brilliant idea of sticking your arms out in front of you so you can feel your way around.
the first bed you find is too small. you try to lie down on it but only your butt can fit comfortably between the two arms. it seems as though it has the same dimensions and features as a chair.
the second bed you find is too hard. maybe it's not even a bed at all. honestly it's probably a table or something, but you can't see shit so you'll never know for sure.
the third bed you find is finally a normal bed, albeit on the large side, so you hop in and feel around for some pillows. the first pillow is way too flat and smells like it would be yellow if you could see it. the second pillow is too hard and heavy and has the same texture as a cinderblock. who the fuck put a cinderblock in the bed? you chuck the cinderblock on the other side of the bed.
"ow," says a voice. you gasp in shock. is someone there? nah, probably just your imagination.
you continue groping around for a pillow. the third pillow you find is very soft and smooth, but--wait a minute--are those boobs?????!!!
"oh hol horse, stop it," the voice from before says, giggling. you recognize the voice immediately, it's dio from jojo's bizarre adventure. you scream and dio wakes up.
"oh my, breakfast in bed~" he says, then sticks his wrinkly fingers in your neck and kills your life. the last thing you hear is dio saying that your blood tastes delicious, almost like froot loops.
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