#bonus points if after a while instead of grabbing me again
lali-hoe · 6 months
Groping is hot but especially grabbing that little space where your ass meets your thigh and pulling up and out just a little so it spreads your cheeks and your pussy out just a little bit.... letting your cheeks slip out of their hands as they squeeze up your ass, just to cup back at that little part just to start it all over again...
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kentosbabes · 1 year
Just thinking about having to help tutor Eren 💔
Eren who’s often referred to as a ‘fuck boy’ and has a reputation of fucking over every girl he’s been with, yet when he’s around you he feels infatuated with you. He becomes a softie, holding doors open for you and making sure your comfortable.
Eren who couldn’t help but get attached to you. when you opened your door in a crop top and joggers with adorable fluffy slippers with your glasses pushed up your nose, how could he not fall in love?
Eren who pretends to get the question wrong so he can listen to your voice for longer as your explain it again. He loves how you never loose patience with him like other people you just smile and teach him where he went wrong.
Eren who sits behind you in your computer science class and just plays games the whole lesson on the computer so he can ask you to help him later. It’s just a bonus that he can see you infront of him for the whole hour.
Eren who rushes after you after class ‘hey sweetheart, was it just me or was that class real confusing’ you just smile up at him knowing what he’s implying ‘of course Yeager be at mine at 6pm sharp'.
Eren who knocks just as the clock hits 6pm and his eyes go wide seeing what you’re wearing. You both had to admit noticing the change in clothing in the recent weeks, from jeans, hoodies to now shorts, a loose fitted crop top barely covering your breasts and a flowy cardigan handing around your elbows exposing your collarbones.
Eren who sits at the dining table as your rush around grabing everything. ‘you sure you don’t want a drink Eren?’ you ask knowing how long you’ll be here ‘nah ma’ i’m good, unless you have beer’ you can tell he’s teasing you about your lack of experience in the party and alcohol field yet what he doesn’t know yet is that there’s a rack of beer in the fridge. ‘I wouldn’t normally allow this but as you’ve been good I shall grab you a beer’
Eren who now sits sipping his beer manspreading in your chain while you explain the hardware and software of a computer. He knows most of the information, in fact he was at a good grade but when he saw you walk into class as a new student he knew somehow he had to get you.
Eren whose arm reaches over your shoulder when he sits up to ask you to explain further. You don’t move his arm away, it’s sits too perfectly over your shoulder like it belongs there, it follows a sense of comfort brought to you by him being close to you.
Eren who doesn’t know how but blurts out 'have you ever had sex'. By now he's drinking his third beer and when you got all shy and said you were a virgin the infatuation he has with you only grew stronger. You were so innocent, batting your eyelashes up at him only making him want to ruin you even more.
Eren who now has you straddling his lap while your lips attach in a soft kiss. The kiss wasn’t filled with sex and desire like his usual kisses instead it was innocent and pure it was so innocent. His tongue tastes of beer but you don’t complain when he practically whimpers your name when you move your hips.
Eren who talks you through everything. 'here baby? like this?' he's moaning in your ear while he plays with your clit as you squirm under him. He want to make sure your first time his special and you enjoy it so he's constantly asking if your okay, but when you moan out his name when he pushes into you he struggles to hold back.
Eren who cant hold back and lets out moans at your tightness, your walls squeezing and sucking him in. 'fuck mama you've been hiding this from me this whole time? God' you can only moan out the coil in your stomach threatening to snap at any point.
Eren who runs you hot bath as soon as you've both calmed down from your high. The water is soothing and the vanilla scent helps to relax you both. He sits behind you massaging your shoulders and leaving kisses down your neck.
Eren who continues to turn up at your house for the rest of the week not for help with homework but for something a lot better. and once he gains the courage he's asking you to be his girl of course you say yes!
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matrixbearer2024 · 3 months
After reading the "Club Catastrophe" could I please request a Vox POV after the Club rink and it's just him going home and letting all of his questionable feelings for Reader out of his systems(See what I did there?)
A Heart's Conundrum
Vox x CollegeStudent!Reader
A/N: I love writing introspective chapters like this in Vox's POV, lets me mess around with his brain and just have him actually face the music that this is in fact something entirely different. What he has with our dear Reader is actually special, and that he's fucking terrified by it. Usually I've seen Vox often "tending to himself" in other fics when he's obsessed over someone but I notice it's usually because he's got a facination and interest but not something quite complicated like this. Bro doesn't feel lust here despite the closeness and he's very VERY confused. I wasn't initially going to write something like this to keep things pretty goofy but it actually slots into the narrative pretty well to have the resident TV man take another gander at attempting to understand his emotions after the emotional whiplash he'd gone through in "Reunited Again Aren't We?". Bonus points that we kind of get a jealous Valentino confrontation HAHAHAHA-
A/N: This chapter kind of mentions Vark being a good boy and taking care of his emotionally constipated owner lol, I love myself a good doggo. I plan on reader meeting the funny little dude in a later interlude but for now it's just going to be mostly Vox. Anyway, I'm so glad you guys are enjoying this series- I just wanted to say thank you to those sending me love through my inbox too! I read all the things you guys say so it makes me really happy to see my work so well recieved. As always, I hope you guys enjoy this interlude and happy reading!
When Vox had warned you back then to be careful at a party and not to drink too much-
He only said it out of courtesy in good faith that you knew how to hold your liquor.
Disclaimer, you didn't.
Another thing he didn't expect was just how easy it was for you to get drunk.
It was like your tolerance was nonexistent.
The two of you had just been hanging around by the bar and ordering drinks when he noticed you were starting to sway slightly in your seat.
That made the overlord glance over to see you'd just gone through two margaritas and you were holding a third.
Vox had been drinking a lot slower than you have, adopting a leisurely pace and just trying out the different cocktails that the bar had to offer.
Though seeing what you were doing made him wonder if you were still kind of new to casual drinking.
Rolling his eyes, the overlord finished up his martini and plucked the half-finished margarita from your hands.
"Okay doll, maybe that's enough for you."
"Whaaaaaa? Whyyyy??"
"Because you're drunk dollface, so I won't let you have any more."
"Awwwwwhhhhh... can't I at least finishhh itttt??"
Your words were slurred and your breath absolutely reeked of alcohol, your movements clumsy as you tried to grab your beverage back.
When you ungraciously slumped against his chest in a giggling mess while trying, Vox was fairly certain you were hammered out of your mind at this point.
That took a lot less than he originally thought it would.
Placing down your glass at the bar, he let you stay leaning on him while he shrugged his blazer off and wrapped it around you instead.
Your fluffy ears just wiggled around slightly when he'd done that, making Vox raise an eyebrow at you.
Especially when your arms clumsily circled his waist in a hug and kept him there.
"Mhmmmm... warmmmmm..."
Pfft, you were really out of it this time.
He couldn't help the smile on his face at your antics, but as cute as it was-
It would be really irresponsible to still keep you here in the club.
When he noticed Vaggie was nearby, the overlord waved her down to get her attention.
He didn't know if the mild surprise from her was because of how clingy you were or because he wasn't really reacting to it.
"Woah, what happened to (Y/N)?"
"Drank a bit too much too fast. I'm gonna take (Y/N) back to the hotel so they can rest."
"Sure, we'll meet you there. We'll only be staying a little while longer anyway."
"Whaaaaaaa?? Nooooooo- I don't wanna gooooooo-"
"Nope, you need rest. Let's go."
Vox just sighed when you made a small fuss about leaving and being carried.
You were cute, but your drunken stubbornness was not.
Especially with how difficult you made it for the overlord to properly carry you.
In every other way he tried to grab hold, you squirmed out of his grip and it almost made him drop you multiple times.
He panicked a few times when he almost did but it just made him feel more tired when he saw you were fine-
He did eventually find a compromise though, since it seemed you didn't have too many issues being carried on piggyback.
Your head rested on his shoulder by the time he walked you both out of the club, arms wrapped around his neck while he held up your legs.
"Vooooxxyyyyyyy~ Where are we gooiiinnnnnn~?"
"Back to the hotel, you're wasted dollface."
"Aawwwwhhh? I wanted to keep partying witchuuuuuuu-"
"There's always a next time doll, just don't drink too much again."
You giggled at his response and Vox couldn't help but smile.
Your ramblings were entertaining, and it gave him some food for thought while walking back to the hotel.
He just hummed and agreed with some of the things you would say, even if it was nonsensical or not to show he was still listening.
Of course, that was until you said something that nearly made Vox trip on his own feet.
"Mhhhmmmm- you're really cute ya knowww~? I like that yooouuu alwaayyshhh take care of meh-"
"I'm not cute, but thank you."
He tried to brush off the comment, struggling to reign in his own emotions in lest he accidentally overheat and burn you.
He already had trouble just getting over your antics, the last thing he needed was to accidentally bluescreen and drop you because you drunkenly said something cute.
Well, that was until his processing froze anyway when you nuzzled your head into the back of his neck and mumbled something he couldn't quite catch.
His heart jumped into his throat and he had to stop walking for a moment, willing himself to calm down.
Static charge began to wind up in the air around him, and he took a moment to focus and dissipate it before moving again.
He almost zapped you, and it would'be been completely your fault-
You were making it really difficult to just- exist at the moment.
Not that Vox was complaining, he just didn't really know what to do with himself at the moment.
He wondered slightly if you'd even remember any of this come tomorrow, but that wasn't really his problem.
He used his powers to open the hotel doors before stepping in, immediately making his way towards your room.
Vox already knew where it was, especially since he'd walk you there whenever he visited before leaving to return to Vee tower.
He let out a tired sigh before gently placing you down on the bed mattress, just leaving his coat wrapped around you while he tucked you in.
Considering that you were already out like a light, the overlord could only guess that you'd fallen asleep just a little earlier while he was still walking.
Not that he'd have been able to notice when he was too busy trying to keep his abilities from going sideways because of you.
Vox looked back to your resting form and couldn't help but fondly smile, slowly moving to your side and brushing away a stray hair that fell over your face.
Your expression reminded him of the one night he'd been at your side after that horrible situation with your ex back when you were alive.
You just looked so peaceful, not plagued by any worry or fear of anything else.
That made him just that little bit more relaxed compared to earlier.
Before he knew it, he placed a soft kiss to your temple while you slept.
"Rest well my dear."
Vox stays there for a while to make sure you're actually asleep before getting up and walking out.
His limbs feel heavier than earlier, to the point he actually needs to make a conscious effort to leave you.
By the time he's walking out of the hotel, he feels weird.
Like he's just extremely tired, but... pleased?
Once he gathers his bearings again, he travels through some wires to get back to the Vee tower.
However, he's a bit absentminded when he walks through the doors.
"Hold up, where's your blazer?"
Vox doesn't even look at Velvette when he replies, his posture slightly slumped to reflect his exhaustion.
Compared to his typical work day, this wasn't really much.
So he wasn't entirely sure why he felt so out of it already.
"(Y/N) borrowed it, I'll just get it tomorrow."
He mumbled, walking past the youngest Vee towards the elevator.
The overlord's only goal right now was to get to his room and just rest.
By the time Vox shuts the door behind him, he leans back against the cold metal with a sigh.
His back sliding down until the overlord finds himself sitting on the floor with his screen in his hands.
Today was... something.
From how eager you were to teach him how to skate-
Then the anger he felt from that other sinner trying to make a move on you-
To becoming one adorably messy drunk.
Not to mention the kiss you'd given him-
His fans whirred louder when he raised a clawed hand to where you'd pecked his cheek.
You nearly crashed his systems with that one.
Only when he hears a yip and some cooing does he snap out of it and look up.
"Hey Vark..."
The hammerhead moved closer to him and whined slightly, prompting Vox to start petting him in comfort.
The little guy always seemed to know if there was just something up with his owner.
Today was no different.
"I'm okay, just tired. Today was... weird."
The shark kind of just sat there, accepting pets while the overlord talked to him about his day.
The ups and downs-
Even some of the random things you mentioned-
He recounted everything, talking to the hammerhead about it to get it off his chest.
It didn't matter if Vark couldn't say anything in response, the little guy was just listening attentively to his owner regardless.
And as silly as it was- Vox just had to let all of his thoughts out.
It wasn't like there was anyone else he could talk to about this stuff either.
"And it's so odd... I almost didn't want to leave the hotel earlier when I dropped her off."
The shark just made a displeased noise.
"Oh come on, you know I wouldn't leave you by yourself here. Hm, it's almost time for your dinner."
While preparing Vark's food, the overlord finds his mind wandering back to you again.
Especially that time you had to watch over your friend's puppy.
He didn't really understand why he did the things he did back then either.
Placing the pet bowl down in front of the hammerhead, Vox wanders outside to the common room and plops himself down on the couch to surf his phone.
He had nothing better to do, and as tired as he was-
He didn't feel like sleeping quite yet.
When the couch dips beside him, Vox looks up from the small gadget only to see Velvette gazing at him inquisitively.
"Gotta say, this is probably the most chill I've ever seen you."
The overlord scoffs and rolls his eyes, was he really that subdued today?
"I drank quite a bit earlier at the club so I'm still feeling the buzz from the alcohol."
That was a lie, he didn't really drink much compared to his usual.
It just seemed like the most sound excuse he had that didn't involve you.
Still, Velvette just rolled her eyes at his deflective response.
"Right. Anyway, how was it?"
"How was what?"
"Your thing with (Y/N)?"
"Why not just ask her yourself?"
"She's not responding and I've got to know the details old man."
Vox just looked at his colleague for a moment, debating on shrugging off her question.
Well, he was feeling nice.
He could indulge her a little.
"We just met together at the club to catch up. We talked, we sang, we danced, and then I saw (Y/N) off at the hotel before coming back here."
"Wow, that has got to be the most boring date ever."
The overlord just shrugged nonchalantly, he left out a vital piece of information on purpose but it was mostly because he didn't know what to do with it.
Yeah... he still wasn't sure how to make heads or tails of that kiss.
And it wasn't even a proper kiss either.
But suddenly, the loud slam of a door from behind them made the other two Vees quickly look to see who caused it.
And in strolled a clearly irritated pimp overlord.
"A date? You're kidding me Voxy, you actually went on a date?"
"I wouldn't necessarily call it that, but I did go out today. Why?"
"Don't fuck with me right now Vox, did you or did you not go on a date?"
Despite the buzz of the alcohol in his systems keeping him more pacified than usual, Vox narrowed his eyes at Valentino annoyed.
"Why do you want to know?"
"Because it's unlike you to just go on a date without needing something from someone. Like a deal or to conduct business, and I checked in with your secretary amorcito, you didn't have anything scheduled for today."
Velvette just stared between her two colleagues.
She wasn't about to get involved in this drama.
After all, it was Vox's fault if he couldn't properly handle his relationships.
Even if a small part of her did grow concerned about how (Y/N) factored into this.
"I just went out to a club, drank a little and came back. What's that to you?"
"Oh Voxy~ If you wanted to go clubbing why didn't you invite me~?"
Valentino moved closer to the couch, adopting a flirty tone and sensually grabbing Vox's arm.
To which the technology overlord just shrugged off his advances.
It felt wrong.
Just, all sorts and levels of wrong.
Predictably, the moth wasn't pleased with that reaction.
All the more when he had caught a wiff of something new.
That perfume didn't belong to any of them-
So who's was it?!
"You fucking liar! Who the fuck were you with at the club Vox?!"
"I wasn't with anybody, I just went to go drink and unwind. It's been a long week."
"Oh please, as if that's the case. Which new plaything did you find? Don't tell me you actually have feelings for some random tramp you found off the streets?!"
Vox didn't really know how to react to those words.
On one hand, he was absolutely livid that Valentino thought you were just some 'random tramp'.
But on the other hand, that just brought his feelings back into question again.
You were both friends-
And that was it.
Still the overlord couldn't help but question if that really was just the case.
"Fuck off Val."
"You wouldn't go around dating with just anybody, what the hell were you doing and with who?"
"I'm going to sleep."
At this point, Vox was just done with the conversation.
He didn't want to keep dancing around the obvious question and it just made him feel more tired.
Rising from the couch, he attempted to walk past Valentino and just head back to his room.
Well, that was before the pimp roughly grabbed his arm and prevented him from leaving.
"Who the fuck was it Vox? I swear to god I'm going to turn the entire ring upside down and find that bitch if it's the last thing I-"
The moth didn't even have time to finish his sentence before he got a heavy punch to the face.
Staggering back, Valentino looked at his colleague with wide eyes when he realized what had happened.
All the more surprising was just how royally pissed his colleague looked.
Vox's screen glitched as sparks and small jolts of electricity jumped across his body, his left eye swirling with rings as he just finally put his arms down and just glared at Valentino.
"If you so much as harm a single hair on their head I will personally kill you myself."
His voice was distorted by some static overlay, the white noise only fizzling away when Vox had managed to compose himself properly.
Velvette merely glanced between the two worried this altercation might end up devolving into something worse.
Thankfully, it didn't.
Valentino just grit his teeth and glared at the technology overlord, watching as he held his arms behind his back and briskly walked away.
That punch fucking hurt!
By the time Vox had returned back to his own bedroom, he sighed as his colleague's words just echoed in his mind.
He didn't have feelings for you-
You were both just very close good friends.
But when he passed a nearby mirror, he almost didn't recognize himself.
This wasn't the smiling telecaster overlord that had total control over hell's biggest technological empire.
This was just... him.
Tired and disheveled in a light blue turtleneck practically falling to pieces because he couldn't understand what was going on.
And this was considering that Vox was already a pretty self aware person from an emotional standpoint.
After all, he had to make sure not to have freak outs too bad or it could cause the entire pentagram city to lose power.
So why...
Why was he such a train wreck whenever it came to you???
Inadvertently, he'd changed over time because of your influence.
How he felt towards Valentino being more than proof of that.
And again, his chest bloomed with a warm fuzzy sensation he couldn't properly comprehend at the thought of you.
Sizzling his wires and just feeding his systems with an electrifying feeling that Vox just couldn't begin wrap his head around.
Again, it was because of you.
He stared at the mirror for a good minute before catching himself with a tinged pink screen.
Wait a minute-
He's seen this kind of situation play out before.
After all, he's aired enough shitty and cliche romance dramas to know.
There was just no fucking way.
He couldn't be foolishly head over heels in love with you.
And still, as he continued to look-
The more things in the past started to click into place.
His emotions and reactions around you just started to make more and more sense when love was inserted into the context of the situation.
The reality crashed into Vox like a freight train and he just stared at his reflection in disbelief.
"You have got to be kidding me..."
He was completely fucked.
A/N: Now if y'all are expecting Reader to start dating Vox after his oh so overdue realization- they're not. Cuz our dear (Y/N) is hilariously dense and Vox just does not wanna make a move when he's still trying to understand when and how the heck this happened without him noticing lmao so still more suffering and shenanigans that are going to make us and the Hazbin cast absolutely appalled at how a pair of people can be so blind to a truth slamming into their faces-
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hopesangelsprite · 6 months
Your Touch
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Summary: A thought that turned into me writing at nearly 1:00 am 💀
Warnings: language, fingering, biting (sexually and not sexually at the same time-), groping, grinding if you squint, manipulation (this is Illumi we're talking about... bffr)
There are many, many things we don't know about Illumi Zoldyck. For example his birthday, the full extent of his power, his total body count, etc. But we can safely say that Illumi Zoldyck is one touch starved mf 💀.
We know that he didn't have the best upbringing or most affectionate parents, so we can safely assume that the only reason he doesn't have to Google what a hug is is because of his expensive ass education and the things he's seen on television. So, imagine his shock when his wife is one of the most affectionate people on the planet.
At first he's appalled and thoroughly considers getting an immediate divorce. Then, ever so slowly, that insanely thick layer of ice on his heart begins to thaw. Those hugs he used to blatantly reject? He welcomes them albeit stiffly. If you ask him how he's feeling now, he's less likely to release bloodlust with the intent to kill you. He even finds himself seeking situations that naturally warrant your love and affection being directed solely toward him.
And just like he usually does, Illumi becomes obsessed. Forget about sleeping on your own ever again. Night after night, his cold body is either completely on top of yours or pressed firmly against your backside. When he's on top of you, settle in for the night and kiss bathroom trips goodbye because he's not moving until sunrise. When he's spooning you, both his hands station themselves in two spots: one on your chest, the other between your thighs on your crotch.
The amount of times you've fallen asleep breathless because his hands have a mind of their own is insane. The amount of times you've tried to fall asleep but couldn't because Illumi wanted to see you cum on his fingers is even crazier. And he swears he wasn't even thinking about it. You could be overstimulated and crying before he pauses in the middle of you coming. "My bad, kinda spaced out a little there.", he whispers in a voice so even it's almost believable, "I suppose I should reward you for being so patient with me, right?". Then he's back to abusing your holes. Even though you might be missing sleep, Illumi's never slept better.
When he's not terrorizing you're sensitive spots in the night, he makes sure that no matter where you are that he's got his hands somewhere on you. In a car heading somewhere? His hand's on your thigh, kneading it "absentmindedly". At a party for reconnaissance or a hit? His hands only leave your hips when absolutely necessary. Relaxing while he's in the room? Be prepared to be moved from your spot onto his lap with a quickness. If you're already in comfy spot, he won't hesitate to climb into your lap instead.
Either way his teeth will find your skin shortly afterward. This is another thing he discovered that brought him comfort. There's nothing like coming home from a long day of murder and espionage to mark you're pretty little wife up out of pure, twisted love. Bonus points if you squirm a bit while he's marking a path across your throat. Bonus bonus points if you bite him back, now you've got him started. Say you don't encourage his not so innocent behavior, he'll relax and tell you all that's been on his mind recently. It's a perfect time to bond in more ways than one.
All of those things are good and all, but his absolute favorite way of showing his affection is practically glueing his hips to your ass whenever your bent over. Say you drop a utensil while you're in the kitchen or need to grab something from under a cabinet. No matter how far away in the house he is, within seconds his big hand is on the small of your back and his crotch is nestled perfectly against your ass.
Then, to make things even eerier, he'll say shit like "My my, that was a hard fall... you should be more careful next time." or "What have I told you about putting your ass in the air without me around, someone could take advantage of you. Now bend a little lower for me.". He's such a loving husband that he makes sure to punctuate each sentence with a warning thrust or a hearty slap.
Illumi Zoldyck may be touch starved, but he's slowly making up for lost time every step of the way.
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privitivium · 4 months
subtop!teacher x dombot!student reader :3, i have a huge thing for my teacher and my thirst needs to be quenched (bonus points if he has a wife already MWHAHAHAH) PLEASE I WANNA RIDE THEM TILL THEIR DUMBBBB 🤲🤲🥰
i wrote teacher as a sweet-ish nice guy,,,  sry if it's a little sloppy im a bit behind hnngh
cw;; age gap, reader is 18, mr is 24. reader bullies teacher, unhealthy relationship in general. guy keeps you way after school hours. guy is referred to as teacher
amab subtop teacher x amab dombot student reader 
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humming to yourself as you sit at your desk - third row from the front, staring ahead and chewing on your pencil... so bored. nothing interesting going on.. you groan aloud, before trying to make conversation with a friend.. teacher passing down the aisle, coincidentally stopping you from doing so.. you wink playfully, teeth biting at your bottom lip as he passes. he immediately looks away, clearing his throat; cheeks growing ruddy... wordlessly, passing you a slip that merely said "detention." so eager!! you grin, biting at your pencil, blood shooting to your cock. gotta wait it out.. but.. then again, it's too easy to hide, wearing a large jacket that so happened to belong to him.. no one would suspect such a thing!
neither would they suspect him keeping a tube of fucking lube in his desk, just to be able to fuck you nice and politely as he should after hours... he's a sensitive guy, you can't help but fuck with him, bullying him so cruelly about his wife knowing about him fucking into his sweet student.. having him finger you, dutifully and utterly focused on the task - making sure to feel and prod around, rubbing the pads of his lubed up digits along your prostate- yelping as you grip the edge of his desk; walls squeezing around his fingers, twitching - "t-that's it.. good-.. good boy.." the nickname, joking originally, but it stuck... using it just to get him hard in the middle of class - obviously, he tries getting back at you, but it never works in his favor. you were too naturally cruel... and he was too tapped into his emotions.. "i guess teacher put his big boy pants on huh?" while thumbing the slit of his cock; plugging it up,,,
sitting over him - no reason to fear being caught; door locked, window covered in paper mache coincidentally. aiming the tip of his weeping, bulbous tip into your lubed up finger-stretched taint... he grabs hold of the base of his cock, so kind, so eager to please this delinquent-like student he was having a relationship with so pathetically... lowering yourself steadily onto him, heaving as you allow yourself to slide down his member - too easy.. yet, the way your walls sting; sretching to accomodate his size as usual, god it was so good.. if only you could just feel that. your own prick, dribbling pre, resting against your teachers abdomen; your hands resting on his shoulders; hison your hips - shakily breathing as he admires you, u-ugh, his cock throbbing inside you.. "uagh.. don't look at me like that.." you complain, tensing around his cock - face growing warm. shy..
"s-sorry." he apologizes mutely, lowering his gaze to instead admire your cock. leaking,, twitching... pressing against his dress shirt that he should probably take off before you cum on it.. but he likes wearing your marks with pride. but... still, he's trying to go through things with his wife... n-no matter. It's all about you... his gentle, soft palms tracing over the plump of your ass as you slowly begin rocking yourself on his girth, so eager to ride out your high... "mhm.. how does it feel, huh teacher? feels good, huuh?" you hum, breathless and ever so teasing as you grind downward so cruelly against his trimmed pubes.. using him for your pleasure. trying to tease him.. "of course it does, look at you... you're practically crying.." you scoff..
"good.. good.. great.. y-you're so great.. beautiful.." he'd whimper - drooling, the same song and dance as per usual... always having the picture of his wife in his desk - utterly focused on you and hiw your gummy walls tensed around his veiny cock, squeezing so good.. biting his lip til it bleeds; resisting the urge to fuck into you like a madman against his desk... uaghh.. you have something different in mind rather than just riding him slow-like... biting your lip, tugging at the skin as you steady yourself, legs straddling him on his loser wheely chair, hands at his shoulders, close to his neck, nearly choking himㅡ
slamming yourself down on his cockㅡeagerly, too excited as you grind downward with every drag, unable to contain your soft moans as you feel his cum and lube dribbling passed the barrier of that of his cock.. soft gasps, mixed in with his garbled wails of shock and pleasure, writhing as he reaches to hold your hips, guiding you gently - making him into a whiny ass messy freak splayed out with a limp cock drenched in his own cum, sitting in his chair... it was too good not to take a picture.. obviously for safe keeping and material to jerk off to.. and to take a video of you doing so. to send it to him.
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;; "goodness.. your tips' already so leaky, man.." you point out the onvious, finding it humorous in doing so. tapping at the slit of his fat, average cock. trimmed up nicely, a vein crawling along the side and disappearing upwards.. seems like he keeps it nice for someone. obviously his wife, but OBVIOUSLY you were going to torture him for this. "isn't it crazy how you're letting me touch you like this? come on, i thought you had a little more restraint. fucking creep." you hissed, a malicious grin spreading across your face as you sat gracefully between his legs, glaring up at him with narrowed eyes. "your curls all trimmed up, who you looking nice for?" you grunt softly, hands grazing downward down his twitching cock - his dip darkened in a flush. aching.. you could only assume. squirming, rubbing your thighs together as you finger the small curls sprouting - "huh? is it for me, teacher? you lookin all pretty for lil ol me, aren't you!"
".. yes.." he admits, voice so damn quiet you nearly missed it if it wasn't for the way his cock twitched, pearling pre-cum - catching your attention. your eyes darting up to find his already staring at you. ".. it's for you.." he continues, unable to bring his voice an octave higher... so sensitive, his chest heaving as he stares at you, wide-eyed, hair all messy...
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simphornies · 3 months
Ahdjsksjsjkssb I love your Vox content and I was wondering if I could request a Vox x reader (preferably fem) who performs songs and dances online, they're like a big shot social media star(who's besties with Vel) and often ropes the Vees into making online content with her(games, dance challenges, reactions, etc. when they're free of course) and it's free PR that some sinners like watching because it's just funny to watch the 3 overlords + reader doing goofy shit. Bonus points if you write about sinners just #shipping Vox and Reader because they have good chemistry XD
A/N: I was listening to Circus by Britney Spears so I may have made the reader a little flirt :) Also this one's a little short so I apologize
Word count: 934
Social Sensation - Vox x Reader
“Vox!” You whined, clinging onto his leg. “No! I’m not letting you plug controllers into me so you can play video games for a video.” He groaned as he repeated himself for the fifth time.
“Vox! Please! The sinners! They want it!” You begged. “This one time and I won’t ask you for it again!”
He sighs, giving in just to get you to stop. And also because he knew you wouldn’t let go until he agreed. “Fine. You get 15 minutes.”
“...20?” You asked.
“Don’t push it.”
Vox had the most deadpan expression on his face while you were livestreaming on Voxstagram, completely unamused at the fact that there’s three different cords plugged into the back of his head. “Vox, put your fuckin’ face away! It’s throwing me off.” Velvette complained, having fallen off of the platform. The three of you were playing Super Smash, as per request of the audience. He groaned and hid his own face on his own screen.
You, Velvette and Valentino were screaming at each other during the whole game. “Valentino! Move your head out the way I can’t see!” You groaned. “Well I can’t fucking see either!” He yelled back, eyes squinting at the screen.
After what felt like forever to Vox, you win the game. You grabbed your phone and smiled, “Thanks for joining in you guys! I’ll see you all tomorrow for another stream!” You put an arm around Vox and put the camera on him. “A big thanks to Vox! For letting us use him for the game today!”
The comments were flooded with a bunch of thanks to Vox, cheering him on for being a real one and promising to buy more VoxTek devices. You signed off and ended the stream. Vox took out the cords with no hesitation as soon as you did. “That was not 15 minutes.” Vox squinted at you, arms crossed.
“I’m sorry, Voxy~” You giggled and laid your head on his lap, happily scrolling on your phone, “I got you more sales and I got more followers. A win-win!”
He huffed, “I get sales either way.” He was full on pouting now. You reached up and pinched the side of his screen, “Aw. Don’t be mad. You know you love me. Besides, you’ve been getting more sales ever since I started crashing here with you guys and you can’t tell me I’m wrong.”
For a brief second, you swore his usual blue screen started to fade into a red before going back to blue. “I guess you’re right on that.” He lets out a sigh and relaxes into the couch, “So what’s the plan for tomorrow?”
“I gotta go tomorrow to the Lust Ring.” You showed him a photo of the poster Asmodeus posted on his Voxstagram. “I’m performing!”
“The Lust Ring?!” His voice cracked before he cleared his throat, “That’s a…You’re gonna fine by yourself?” “What?” You grinned cheekily, “You scared someone’s gonna fuck me there instead of you~” You teased as his screen turned a little red.
“What! No!” He huffed, “I was just wondering if you’d want an escort or something.”
“Aww. If you wanted to come with me, you could’ve just said so!” You giggled and got up.
“Don’t get it twisted! It’s for business.” He crossed his arms.
“Right.” You winked, “Business. Anyways I’ll see you there. Gotta meet up with Velvette for my new outfit.”
Vox sat in one of the seats closer to the front. He stayed on his phone during the other performances only putting it away after you were announced to come up next.
“And it’s my pleasure to announce our final performance for the night! The darling, Y/N!” Asmodeus stepped away from the spotlight as it shines on you.
You began your performance immediately making eye contact with Vox. A seductive smile on your face the whole time. You danced seductively while you sang. Vox didn’t take his eyes off of you, glued to your intoxicating display. His eyes followed your hands running up your hips and to your chest and through your hair. He was enamored.
Your performance went viral online, plenty of people talked about the dress Velvette made for you which boosted her sales making her very happy. Vox’s jaw dropped expression and your wink at him went crazy too, people shipping the two of you together.
“Vox!” You yelled, catching his attention, “The sinners loved the performance. I’m so glad you came and watched it!”
“Y-Yeah! It was amazing as always, my dear.” He grinned, “You’re very lovable, Y/N.” He took a sip of his coffee, watching you gleefully scroll through your phone.
You showed him the comments on your phone, “They love us too, baby~” You teased. He choked on his drink and looked at all of the people commenting under a picture of him staring at you on the stage. “I think you should give what the people and I want and go on a date with me.” You winked.
“A date?!” He coughed, “You want to go on a date with me?”
“For an allegedly smart overlord, you’re a little slow, huh?” You giggled and left him a kiss on his screen. “That show was for you. I’ll see you later tonight~” You snapped a photo next to him rebooting and posted it to your socials with ‘Told him we’re going on a date tonight! <3 Love ya @ Vox <3’ as the caption. Your comments were flooded with excited fans going insane over the development. You giggled and walked away, leaving Vox to deal with your confession by himself.
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nancys4gf · 2 years
So I've been thinking about this idea for a long time and I hope you could write it. The party stays a week at Steve's house as like a sleepover but it's a week long, and the reader and steve are the mom and dad of the party,(the reader has been around a but longer than Steve because they're Jonathan's best friend ) and it's just Steve and the reader being like a married couple the whole week but instead of steve being in mom mode it's the reader and everyone it confused at the sudden change but they love it, especially steve. And the party is just gossiping and being totally confused why the reader and steve aren't dating. ( bonus points if I could get a scene where will lays on the readers chest and naps and steve gets all annoying because that's "his place")
longing glances | steve harrington
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summary: the party has a week-long sleepover at steve's house.
pairing: steve harrington x female reader
warnings: mentions of nightmares
note: dear anon, i LOVED this. i loved it so much i went crazy with it and ended up writing 5k words. it's honestly one of my favorite things i've ever written and i've had so much fun doing it. i truly hope you enjoy it as well!! thank you so much for requesting ♡♡♡
̟ ̇.˚︵‿୨♡୧‿︵˚.✩
– monday. 
when dustin proposed the idea of a week-long sleepover, you thought he was crazy. 
but as you drove the kids, robin, nancy and jonathan to steve’s house, every passing second convinced you that you all deserved to spend some fun, relaxing time together, after everything you had gone through.
after you honked the horn to announce your arrival, steve opened the door theatrically, a huge grin adorning his face. “mi casa es su casa.”
the kids didn’t waste a second before rushing in, pushing past steve. 
“dude, your pool is huge!” dustin exclaimed.
“why is this the first time you’ve invited me over?” robin gaped at the house.
“i don’t know.” steve shrugged. “just, don’t make me regret it.”
“race you to the pool!” 
“oh, yeah,” you laughed, watching steve’s panicked expression as the kids ran to the pool, jumping in without even bothering to put on their swimsuits first. “this was definitely a good idea.”
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– tuesday. 
“um, steve?” you called out, peeking inside the fridge. 
“where’s the food?” 
“right there.” he gestured.
“there’s a carton of milk and a tomato. what kind of breakfast is that?”
“add in some granola and you’ve got a champion’s breakfast.”
“steve,” you closed the fridge and put your hands on the sides of your waist. “i’ve got six hungry kids. and you haven’t stocked up on food?” 
steve opened his mouth only to close it again, and gave you a guilty smile, before turning away to look for his jacket.
“let’s go.”
he jiggled his car keys. “grocery shopping.”
— ❀ —
“can you grab some pop tarts?” 
steve nooded, disappearing further down the aisle. you had agreed to split up so it would take less time getting everything you needed, but you soon realized you couldn’t leave him alone.
“one box? do i need to remind you? six kids, and a week?”
steve looked confused. “uh. two boxes, then?”
you sighed, shaking your head. “alright. we’re teaming up, harrington.”
and so steve pushed the shopping cart, while you tossed the items in it. 
“get those,” you pointed at the fridges, and steve obliged, coming back with a significant amount of eggo’s boxes. “oh, and some lucky charms. will loves them.”
“did you sleep well last night?” he asked while taking the cereal.
“i did, thanks.” you smiled, glancing at him. “your bed is comfy.”
“i even put on some clean sheets for you.” 
“what a luxury.”
steve had arranged his house this way: the kids slept in sleeping bags in the living room, robin and nancy slept in the guest room, and steve and jonathan in steve parents’ room. you were the only one who had an entire room for herself, and you still didn’t really understand why. 
“i felt a little alone, though.” you pouted. “i’m the only one that doesn’t have a roomie.”
“i can go and keep you company if you want.” he said quickly.
“steve harrington,” you gasped dramatically. “are you trying to get into my bed?”
“first of all, it’s my bed,” he turned the cart into another aisle. “and no, obviously. i’d sleep on the floor.”
“or i just could join robin and nancy. or the kids downstairs.”
“yeah, yeah, of course. i was just- i was just saying.”
you piled up some tubes of ice cream in the cart, but had a hard time picking the last flavor. 
you held up two tubes and stared at steve. “which one?”
he looked as if you were asking a question with an impossible answer. you sighed.
“will, lucas and el prefer cookie dough. but dustin, max and mike like strawberry better.”
“well, what do you like?”
“strawberry it is.” he stated, grabbing the tube from your hands and putting it into the cart.
as you resumed walking together, you glanced at steve, but he was already looking at you, quickly averting his gaze. you couldn’t help the smile that crept across your face.
“so,” he played it cool, opening another fridge. “three frozen pizzas should be enough, right?”
“six kids, steve. six kids.”
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– wednesday. 
steve was trying to barbecue. it didn’t take long before everyone realized steve wasn’t great at barbecuing. 
“you’re supposed to wait for it to heat up.” jonathan informed.
“says who?”
“well, sometimes you gotta be different, you know,” steve shrugged, placing the raw burgers and steaks on the grill. “do things your own way.”
“remember to cook dustin’s well-done. he’s sensitive about meat.” you reminded from the recliner, sunbathing with nancy and robin as the kids played in the pool. 
“ouch.” robin whined for the hundredth time.
“what’s wrong?” nancy asked with her eyes closed, finally giving in to robin’s antics.
“the sun’s too hot.”
“it’s noon, robin.” you said obviously. “did you put on some sunscreen?”
“no,” she said quietly. “it makes me look bad.”
“you’ll look even uglier when you’re walking around like a burnt tomato.”
“here,” nancy offered, while robin threw her sandal at steve. “turn around.”
for the first time in history, robin did as told, and nancy started applying sunscreen on her back. robin went quiet after that. considerably quiet. 
“hey, no running!” steve called out.
“sorry!” mike shouted back. 
“you know you’re supposed to check on the food, right?” jonathan told steve, who was walking towards the pool.
“i am!” he said, before doing a cannonball, splashing dustin in the face.
the boys fooled around for a while: dustin getting on steve’s shoulders and steve dropping him, dustin keeping steve’s head underwater, trying to see how much time he could go on without breathing. 
at some point, the sound of your laugh caught steve’s attention. robin had taken off her sunglasses, and her face was completely red and sunburned, except for the mark of the glasses around her eyes. you burst into laughter, almost falling from your chair. steve didn’t notice he was smiling. but dustin did. 
“you’ve got something on your face.” 
steve immediately started touching his face. “where?”
“here,” dustin pointed at his own chin, right below his mouth, before breaking into a smirk. “drool.”
steve scoffed and slapped dustin on the back of his head, making the boy wince and touch the area. steve directed his gaze back at you, but instead, he caught sight of eleven stepping out of the house.
“what are you doing?” she stopped, the eggo midway between the air and her mouth. “no dessert before lunch, you know that.”
eleven stared as steve dismissively, and pointed at you. “she lets me.”
she proceeded to walk away and get into the water, ignoring steve’s orders not to eat inside the pool. he glared at you, and you shrugged, a playful smile on your lips. 
“sorry. i’m the cool one.”
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– thursday. 
the kitchen was silent and dark as you poured yourself some water. you closed your eyes for a moment, enjoying the way it refreshed your dry mouth. 
suddenly, you heard a noise, similar to a creak or a screech. your guard immediately went up, and before you realized, your hand was reaching for a knife. you stayed very still and very quiet as the noise got nearer, until finally, a figure appeared in the doorway.
you and steve jumped at the same time as he turned on the light. you exhaled and set the knife down, steadying yourself on the counter, your entire body shaking uncontrollably. 
“it’s just me,” steve whispered, slowly making his way towards you. “it’s just me. i’m sorry.”
you nodded as you felt a pair of arms around your shoulders, pulling you closer to him. you could feel his warmth through the fabric of the t-shirt, the smell of his cologne radiating from his skin, filling the air with recognition and safety. 
“i was just…” you sighed. “i came to get some water.”
“couldn’t sleep?” he asked, caressing your arm. you shook your head. “why?”
“i’ve been-” you stopped. you hadn’t told this to anyone. but being in steve’s arms in the dead of night made you feel safe. you knew you could trust him. you knew he would understand. “having nightmares.”
“ever since…?” he didn’t even need to finish the sentence, you nodded your head. 
he pulled you even closer, needing to protect you, even if you weren’t in any real danger.
“i’ll stay with you until you fall asleep, hm? how does that sound?” he said, moving his hand up and down on your back soothingly.
“sounds good.” you whispered, turning your head and giving him a smile.
you walked together, steve’s hand steady on your back. but when you got to the stairs, you stopped. 
“what’s wrong?”
you glanced at the living room where six figures lay, curled up against one another, sleeping soundly. they looked so peaceful. like they were ordinary kids, ordinary friends who did normal things like having sleepovers. they didn’t look like kids that continuously found themselves in danger, seeing each other go through the worst imaginable evils.
“i…” you hesitated, almost ashamed of what you were going to say. “i want to keep an eye on them. but you go.”
steve followed your gaze, and you noticed the way his eyes softened.
“i’ll stay with you.” he said firmly. 
“you don’t have to, steve.”
he stared at you, and this time it was you he was looking at with pure adoration.
“i want to.”
with one last reassuring smile from his part, you nodded, and you two walked back to where you had come from. you positioned yourself on the large couch in the living room, while steve looked for some blankets. 
“is this okay? are you cold?” he whispered as he covered you up. the blanket was warm and fuzzy.
“it’s perfect.” you smiled at him, moved by the tenderness in his gesture. “it smells like your house.”
“like my house?” he asked confusedly.
“yeah. you know how people’s houses have different, particular smells? well, like that.”
“and what does my house smell like?”
you pondered. “like steve.”
“okay, you’re not making any sense right now,” he chuckled. “you should sleep.”
he moved closer to you, covering himself with the blanket as well. it felt nice, being close to him like this.
“he snores.” steve observed, pointing at dustin, who was indeed snoring quite loudly. “of course he snores.”
you laughed together, but you didn’t talk after that. you could hear the occasional ruffle of the sleeping bags as one of the kids moved, the ticking of the clock, and the wind swaying the trees. you could also hear steve’s steady breathing, and your own heartbeat against your ears.
“thank you.” you spoke quietly after a while, just in case steve had fallen asleep. 
“what for?” he whispered back.
“staying with me,” you looked at him. you were so close you could see every detail of his face, even though it was dark. “for taking care of me, of them.” you glanced at the kids. 
he found your hand under the blankets, and squeezed it, giving you a smile. 
“you’re a good guy, steve harrington.”
what you said wasn’t new to you. steve was your friend, and you thought the world of him. and he knew that, he didn’t need to hear it in order to feel it. but actually hearing those words coming out of your mouth with pure sincerity and conviction, made his heart skip a beat. he was glad it was dark, because involuntarily, his eyes watered.
“i try,” he whispered, not daring to say something else in case his voice would break. “i try.”
“i know you do.”
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– friday. 
“sh! you’ll wake them up.”
“good, it’s already ten and i’m hungry.”
“what are they doing here?” 
“shut up!”
the first thing you saw when you opened your eyes was a camera. behind it stood jonathan, and the rest of the party, staring at you with huge smiles on their faces.
“what’s going on?” you mumbled, starting to get up, but something prevented you from moving.
something heavy, pressing down on your chest. you looked down, only to find a mop of disheveled, brown hair. 
“we could ask you the same question.”
“steve,” you whispered, slightly shaking him. “steve, wake up.”
he only whined in response, nuzzling up closer against you. everyone laughed at the sight, and jonathan took another picture. you glared at him. 
“what? this is an adorable scene.” he defended himself, smirking. 
“straight out of a christmas card.” robin chimed in.
“you’re only missing the golden retriever.” dustin said.
“steve is the golden retriever.” lucas proposed. everyone agreed. 
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– saturday. 
after a long day of swimming and playing a very violent game of monopoly, everyone was sprawled on the couches watching a movie. 
the exhaustion of the day seemed to dawn on the kids and robin, though, because they were all asleep by half of it.
will was lying on your chest, as you ran your fingers through his hair. robin always picked the best movies, and this was no exception. you were completely engrossed in it, but someone insisted on distracting you. 
“hey, that’s my place.” steve whispered teasingly from the other side of the couch, max’s head laying on his lap, while he gestured to will sleeping on your chest.
you laughed, shaking your head. you would be lying if you said you didn’t think about that night on the couch. 
“catch.” he whispered again, but when you ignored him, you felt something hit your cheek. 
“are you throwing popcorn at me?”
“i told you to catch.”
and so a war started, with you and steve throwing pieces of popcorn at each other’s mouths. steve caught a good amount of it, but you didn’t, and when some popcorn hit will on the forehead making him whine, you couldn’t help it, both you and steve burst into laughter. robin woke up solely to tell you to shut up.
after a while, the movie ended. the kids got settled in their respective sleeping bags, and the grown-ups wished each other goodnight and headed upstairs. you and steve were the only ones left, when he suddenly said, 
“shit. i forgot to clean the pool.”
“do it tomorrow.”
“no, they want to use it first thing in the morning. shit.” he groaned. “i’ll do it now.”
“i’ll help, then.”
“no, no. go to sleep. it’s late.”
“come on, we’ll be faster if we do it together.”
steve wanted to complain, but you were already opening the window, gesturing for him to follow you outside. and god knows he’d follow you anywhere.
— ❀ —
you and steve were on each end of the pool, removing leaves and eleven’s eggo crumbs. the air was sultry, the stars shining bright in the summer night’s sky.
“thank you for inviting us over.” you spoke. “we’re all having a great time.”
“sure. my house is facing some severe damage, but yeah.”
“i’ll buy you some new plates for the ones dustin broke.” you rolled your eyes. “but seriously, i haven’t had this much fun in a while.”
steve looked at you, nodding his head. 
“yeah, me too.” he paused. “i think we needed this, you know?”
after a while, the pool was cleaned. you stood together, admiring your work.
“see? teamwork makes the dream work.” you said, passing a hand through your sweaty forehead.
“it’s so hot.” steve commented, and you could see how drenched he was in the way his shirt stuck to his chest. oh, you could definitely see.
“i feel disgusting.” 
“good thing we have an entire pool for ourselves then, right?”
“yeah, right.” you chuckled. 
thing is, you didn’t think steve was being serious. but he was. his movements were so fast and sudden that you couldn’t even move out of the way, letting out a surprised yelp as you hit the water.
“steve!” you cried out from the pool. 
“better, isn’t it?” he smirked, and you swam to the edge of the pool, getting hold of his ankles and pushing him inside with you.
after splashing each other for a while, you two swam in silence, going in separate directions but eventually finding your way back to each other. 
“you know, i wasn’t so sure about you at first.” you confessed, floating on your back, staring at the stars above you. 
“you weren’t?” he asked, and you hummed in response. “what changed?”
“dustin adopted you and i was forced to be in your presence.” 
he laughed, but he didn’t say anything.
“you’re not going to ask me why i didn’t like you?”
“nah,” he threw a remaining leaf out of the water. “i can imagine why.” 
you stood on your feet now, moving closer to him.  
“but you’re better now. everybody loves you.”
“keep going,” he teased, and you nudged him. “seriously, it’s good for my ego.”
“remember when you used to call the byers’ every night, so you could make sure will had gotten home alright?” you asked, and steve laughed, a bit embarrassed. “i think that’s how you finally won me over.”
“you didn’t have to do anything to win me over.” he said. “i was sold from the very first moment.”
“yeah?” you asked, a big grin creeping across your face.
“don’t let it get to your head,” he warned, teasingly. “but yeah. you were so sure of yourself. you never thought twice before doing something to help others. i wanted to be like you, i guess.”
you stared into each other’s eyes, the only sounds that could be heard being the sounds of the water and the rustling of leaves.
you didn’t understand what the feeling in your chest was. you had been in this same pool earlier that day, with the same boy standing in front of you, and you hadn’t felt whatever strange sensation you were experiencing now. the clothes felt heavy on your body, but being alone with steve made you feel oddly light. maybe your mind was playing tricks on you. but it felt good.
“come on,” he said after a while. “let’s get some towels.”
after rummaging through his closet, steve handed you a shirt. he turned back, and you turned back as well. you heard his movements as he took off the wet clothes and put on the dry ones. a shiver went down your back, due to the act of intimacy you two were sharing. 
when you were dressed, you turned back, and he did too. 
“you know, i have clothes.” you grinned. “i have a bag full of them.”
“i know.” steve broke into a smile. “i just like seeing you in my clothes. that’s all.”
you averted your gaze as your cheeks warmed up, but you could still feel steve’s eyes on you. 
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– sunday.
jonathan was showing you some pictures outside, while the rest of the party sat around the table having breakfast.
“is that your shirt?” dustin suddenly asked steve, pointing at you through the window.
immediately, everyone directed their gazes towards where dustin was pointing.
“holy shit,” max said. “it so is.”
“so what?” steve asked, feigning indifference. nancy and robin shared a look.
“why is she wearing your shirt?” nancy inquired.
“yeah steve, why is she wearing your shirt? did she run out of clothes? did she lose them? did she manage to get them all dirty?” robin insisted, and steve waved her off.
“she liked the shirt. so i let her borrow it.”
“it looks big on her.” eleven commented.
steve looked down, smiling to himself. “i know.”
“you’ve never even kissed?” max asked very seriously and very incredulously. steve stared at her.
“i’m not answering that question.”
“that means they did!” lucas exclaimed, and max nodded frantically. 
soon, the breakfast table was in uproar. max, lucas and robin were asking for details, dustin was screaming at mike that he owed him twenty dollars, and will, eleven and nancy watched the scene entertainingly. 
“no, no! shut up, everyone! no, nothing’s happened. jeez. you’re like a group of possessed parrots.” 
“i’m confused,” dustin started. “why aren’t you guys dating?”
“yeah!” max exclaimed, and steve was genuinely surprised at the girl’s interest in his (nonexistent) love life. “you guys already act like you’re dating.”
“they act like they’re married.” lucas corrected.
“you’re perfect for each other.” dustin went on. “you both like horror movies, you always laugh at her terrible jokes, she laughs at yours. not to mention you’re the ones who take care of us.”
“yeah, and she makes you decent.” robin remarked.
“and you make her happy.” eleven pointed out, and her profound, sincere comment managed to turn them all silent.
you and jonathan walked into the room, taken aback by the uncharacteristic quiet.
“what’s going on?” 
to make matters even more suspicious, everyone shouted ‘nothing!’ at the same time. you raised an eyebrow, but decided not to engage, sitting down next to steve and stealing a piece of bacon from his plate.
“i like your shirt.” max told you.
“thanks. it’s steve’s.” you said casually. 
you watched curiously as the rest of the kids tried to contain their laughter. you looked at steve, but he just shrugged, a faint flush on his cheeks. 
— ❀ —
things were changing with you and steve. you noticed it in the way his gaze lingered on yours, making every moment of eye contact a breathtaking incident. 
and now, at the bonfire the kids had insisted on having since it was the last night of the sleepover, you saw it in the way he looked at you first whenever he made a joke, or when he gave you the best s’mores. 
“bonfires always get me so emotional.” robin expressed. “they remind me of the last nights at summer camp. i feel like we’re saying goodbye, or something.”
“no one’s saying goodbye,” steve rolled his eyes. “i’ll be seeing your little sunburnt face before i get the chance to miss you.”
robin glared at him. 
“expect to see a lot of me this summer,” dustin added. “you won’t be able to get me away from that pool. or your nintendo.”
“great.” steve said sarcastically.
“you know,” you said, taking the s’mores steve was offering you. “even if we’re not saying goodbye, this is still our last night doing this. we can get emotional if we want.”
“no, don’t start!” will cried out. “you always cry when you make speeches.”
“i won’t make a speech.” you rolled your eyes. “i just want to say that… i never thought i’d have a friend group like this. that i’d ever feel this comfortable and happy. and, honestly, after all we’ve been through, i think we’re bonded for life.”
you gazed at your friends, suddenly feeling exposed and vulnerable. “don’t you think?”
“yeah.” mike agreed, and the rest followed, agreeing quietly.
“i don’t think i could ever forget you guys.” max said. “even if i wanted to.”
lucas wrapped an arm around her shoulders, and she smiled, resting her head in the crook of his neck. 
“whatever happens in the future, let’s promise to protect each other.” nancy spoke.
everyone nodded, a silent promise hanging in the air as the friends leaned against the person sitting next to them, looking for comfort in the people they trusted the most in the world. their family. 
— ❀ —
everyone had already gone to sleep, but you lingered by the stairs with steve. it was your last night here. if something was meant to happen, it was now or never.
“so, last night here.” you commented, playing with your feet. 
“yeah.” he chuckled awkwardly. “i mean, not mine. i live here. but yours.”
he didn’t say anything else, and neither did you. you looked everywhere except at each other. 
“it’s been a… very insightful week.”
“totally.” you agreed, even though you weren’t sure what he meant by ‘insightful’.
steve finally looked at you, and you hesitantly looked back. the look in his eyes made your breath catch in your throat: you were pretty certain it was now. 
“we should get some sleep. it’s late.” he concluded after a moment, putting his hands in the back pockets of his jeans.
“oh.” you nodded your head, furrowing your eyebrows, doing your best to hide your disappointment. “yeah, sure. goodnight.”
you motioned to go up the stairs, but he had to go upstairs too, so you ended up bumping against each other. you both chuckled awkwardly, walking together.
when you finally got upstairs, both of you glanced at each other’s respective rooms, lingering. okay, maybe downstairs wasn’t now or never, you thought. now was now or never. if he wanted to make a move, this was the perfect moment.
“alright. goodnight, don’t let the bed bugs bite.” he said and quickly walked away, shaking his head and muttering a ‘what?’ under his breath.
“uh, yeah, thanks.” you mumbled, walking into his room. 
you shut the door behind you and rested your head against it, letting out a groan. 
you turned and turned on the bed, but sleep wouldn’t come. you kept going over this past week, wondering if you had imagined all the longing glances and touches and subtle flirting. 
wondering if the night at the pool, or the night when you had slept on the couch, or the morning at the supermarket hadn’t meant anything to him. like it meant to you.
not knowing was driving you crazy. so you decided to give in to your curiosity and impulsivity and got out of the bed, going over the things you were going to say when you confronted him.
but when you walked out of the room, you were surprised to find steve already in the hallway, wide-awake, his hair messy and his clothes wrinkled. 
“oh, hi.” he said, startled. 
“hi.” you replied, all your bravado and courage fading away as soon as you looked into his eyes.
“is everything okay?” 
“yes, yeah. i was just… it’s nothing,” you chuckled sheepishly. “where were you going?”
“i, uh,” he looked away. “i just wanted to make sure you didn’t have another one of those nightmares.”
“oh,” you nodded your head. “yeah, i’m okay. thank you.”
“good. great.”
“i should…” you took a step back. “yeah, goodnight.”
being in steve’s presence was dangerous. especially when you were so worked up and sleepless and confused and he was looking like that. 
you practically ran back to steve’s room, not daring to cast him another glance.
throwing yourself on the bed, you put the pillow over your head, trying not to scream. what were you doing? were you insane? you had almost ruined your friendship with steve just because you were being stupid over things that didn’t mean anything. not only that, but messing things up with steve would have perpetual consequences on the entire group, and you couldn’t do that. not when all of you had just promised you’d always be there for each other, no matter what.
naturally, you convinced yourself you should apologize to steve in case you had made things weird. so you got on your feet again, and you opened the door.
only steve was already there, his hand raised, about to knock. 
and you forgot whatever it was that you wanted to tell him. you forgot about your worries and your fears and your imagination. you didn’t know what you had imagined and what you hadn’t, you just knew what you were feeling right now, as steve stood in front of you, his eyes showing an urgency that resembled your own.
you had spent the last hour going over possible things you could say, but at that moment, words were the last thing on your mind. because he was cupping your face with his hands and he was kissing you.
he was kissing you, and you didn’t waste a second before kissing him back, your hands finding its way to his hair. his mouth was warm and your hands moved about his body, pulling him towards you. it was just him, him and him and him. 
he kissed you with so much force you stumbled back into the room, and he followed, his hands not leaving the grip on your waist. in one swift movement, he put one hand on the back of your neck, and he shut the door with the other.
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– monday. 
everyone was already in the car, except for you. you were standing with steve on his doorstep.
“are you busy tonight?” 
“i haven’t even left yet and you already miss me?” you teased.
“maybe.” he grinned, and you felt so lucky, so ridiculously lucky, that you were the one he was dedicating that beautiful smile to.
“i’m free.”
“can i… pick you up?” he asked, interlocking his fingers with yours. “at seven, maybe?”
“sounds good.” you nodded, breaking into a smile. his gaze fell to your lips for a moment, before finding your eyes again.
he kept playing with your fingers, simply gazing at you. you realized that it wasn’t that the whole world disappeared when he was looking at you. the world was still there, but he made it better. 
steve placed one hand on your cheek, pulling you closer to him. he planted a soft, short kiss on your lips, before pulling away and planting another one on your nose.
“i’ll see you tonight.”
you said your goodbyes, and as you walked to the car, you were greeted by a tumult of screams and shouts as the kids cried out “i knew it! i knew it!”.
“yeah, yeah,” you said, rolling your eyes but not being able to erase the smile from your face. “now, seatbelts.”
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rootsofdread · 1 year
o-oh, i love me some new X reader blogs!! i really liked your first post and very excited for all the new content <3
could i request Doctor, Ghostface, Julie (or any other Legion member of your liking) and Wesker with a survivor, who is a god looper and treats trials more lika a friendly competition than.. whatever they are for everyone else? like they would full-on run the killer until the gates are open, leave their item and say they r already looking forward for the next trial together 🏃🏃. bonus points, if they also compliment both successful and unsuccessful mindgames mid-chase :D
thank you!! i'll be very happy to provide new content! also this was a funny request to fill out cause i myself have looped a wesker for two gens, so you can say i wrote from experience. but that wesker wasn't as friendly hehe <33
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Herman Carter / The Doctor:
Without a doubt, Herman is confused by your behavior. He's never seen a survivor behave like you -- skillfully running him around and laughing while you do it, giving him a friendly goodbye at the gates after every trial and leaving your items for him. It's perplexing. He'd feel the need to study you, figure out why and how your brain ticks in this kind of way. But he knows he'll have to catch you first.
He takes every chase as a chance to study you as best as he can from a distance: where you decide to go, how you decide to trick him, what you think he'll do to counter him. Chances are he has a few pages of a notebook dedicated to whatever the hell it is that you're doing.
He enjoys the opportunity to run another real experiment, he doesn't get many chances in the realm. He'll do any number of things during chases to see how you'll react and what you do to compensate for it, and will be quietly impressed when you successfully mindgame him.
And when you unsuccessfully mindgame him, instead of hauling you to a hook, he'll take a moment to have you cornered and more closely inspect you. Half-intimidation tactic, half-studying you. He must know your secrets.
In truth, Herman may never understand why you see the trials as more friendly competition rather than a fight for your life…But he does find you fun to study. He'll keep you around.
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Danny Johnson / The Ghostface:
Danny is very much a can of worms. You never really know what'll happen when someone does something out of the ordinary around him. But as he's chasing you and realizes you're running him around for fun, so your teammates can complete gens, he honestly enjoys it. Something new and exciting. He may be unpredictible, but he enjoys a good bit of fun.
He's immediately playing along with you, happily chasing you around pallets and vaults, even hiding around corners or in bushes or underneath windows waiting to scare or grab you when you round/jump them. You're the most fun he's had since coming to the realm, most likely.
He won't hurt you when you accidentally smack right into him; he prefers giving you a chance to correct your mistake and keep the little game going. He's having fun and doesn't want to end it so rudely.
When you mindgame him successfully, though, you may be able to hear him giggling a little bit before running after you again. He may be having a little too much fun. Any other survivors who happen to witness this will be utterly confused.
He's always so happy to wish you goodbye and tell you he's looking forward to your next trial too. He counts the days until he happens upon you while stalking around again.
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Julie Kostenko / The Legion:
Julie is insanely pissed at first. She enjoys a good chase, but not like this. She almost hates that you're having fun and are so carefree during trials - it's not supposed to be fun for anyone but her! She gets the worst tunnel vision whenever you're in a trial together, she sees red every time she gets you in a chase and has to get you on a hook.
She's like this for a while about it, trying her hardest to out-mindgame you and get you down and on a hook. She's quiet when she does; she's not really one for rubbing her victories into people's faces. But she's proud.
She gets over it, eventually. She starts seeing it more of the same way you do: a little friendly competition, at least between the two of you. She starts having more fun chasing you around, and stops caring whether she wins or loses -- she just enjoys having another person to run around having fun with.
When you successfully mindgame her, she laughs about it. It helps her feel like the superior one, whether you're doing it on purpose or not, and she loves that.
She does especially love your little goodbyes and gifts at the gates. She always accepts your items and takes them back with her, and may even use them in personal projects. She feels touched having a new person who likes her so much. It absolutely warms her cold, murderous heart.
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Albert Wesker / The Mastermind:
You know Wesker, he loves his games, and he's delighted to have a survivor who sees the trials the same way he does; as a game. He may be one of the few, if not the only, killer who would get a kick out of a survivor like you. He genuinely has fun in trials with you.
He gets so caught up trying to catch you he often will completely lose trials to you, but he doesn't even get frustrated. He just knows he has to try harder to be able to catch you, because it'll be that much sweeter the next time he does get you.
He's always trying to out-mindgame you at pallets and vault locations, and almost every time he thinks he's finally gotten your patterns down, you surprise him. He finds you a very interesting and entertaining specimen.
When the two of you are closer, he'll compliment your technique when you impress him like that. He's rarely impressed and he thinks you should know when you do it.
…But when he manages to outsmart you, he gets quite smug about it. He may rub it in your face a bit as he carries you to a hook, but it's all in good fun, he's just like that.
He does enjoy your little goodbyes at the gates, and always tells you he's looking forward to your next trial, too. He may even give you a little wave with his ouroboros, if the other survivors left before you.
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peachyloveswriting · 1 year
Hey! Hey! Hey! I just really wanted to say that your trigun writing is soooo good! Especially that of Knives. So could I get Nai and Vash with a plant reader (platonic). The reader is the first independent (they even came before Tesla) and are around 580 years old. So they've seen alot of stuff. They absolutely love humanity but aren't against it if they have to be killed (but only with a good reason). They love their siblings (Knives and Vash) and cares for them. They are just an extremely loving older sibling. I just want these two boys to get the love they deserve. So how about an AU where the ship still cashed but instead of Nai being the cause, it was something normal, like the thrusters failing or something. So Nai and Vash are still on good terms and Nai isn't on his killing stuff. So the boys wander around the desert and meet the reader. They take them in and raise them. I just want a oneshot of little Nai and Vash raised normally and among humans. Bonus points if the reader works at a brothel as a dancer (but if you're not comfortable that's ok too), so Nai and Vash get raised by their older sibling and the female workers there. Just fluffly stuff with the little boys. I hope this is ok. Have a nice day/night!
Ps: If this ask landed in your ask box please give a sign that it did bc sometimes tumblr doesn't send my ask. I hope I'm not too annoying I just wanna make sure. Thank you!
I really like the concept of this, I also really like the idea that Knives might react differently to being raised by a plant instead of a human. Writing this almost made me cry, I'm not even joking I'm on the verge of tears rn.
Wanderers Of the Sands --- Vash & Knives
SUMMARY: After the crash you find Vash and Knives wandering the desert alone and take them in as your own.
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The desert sand is relentless against the twins skin as they wander throughout the barren landscape, ever since the crash they haven't stopped walking. Alone by themselves out here, they stumble upon a lone figure out in the sands. At the first sign of life, Vash grabs his brother's hand and begins to chase after it, knives fights against him. "We don't know who we can trust!" He cries.
His brother ignores him and rushes forward, there in the distance, shielded from the winds by a cloak, is you. Hearing the shouts of a child you turn around, Vash can see the layer of clothing that each him and his brother wear, the designs of a plant wrapping all around.
"Hey!" He shouts. His hand slips from his brothers and he keeps running, scared of his brother being hurt Knives runs after him again. As Vash reaches your side, he collides with you in a hug, his head pressed against your stomach. "Thank goodness we finally found somebody."
You were surprised by how eager he was to latch onto you, yet you welcomed him happily. Behind him, his brother cautiously stepped up to you. "You're a plant too?" He glared at you wearily. With a hand on the top of Vash's head you smiled at his brother.
"I am. It looks like you are too. What are your names?"
Vash steps back to his brother's side. "I'm Vash, this is my brother Naï." His brother suddenly elbows him. "Knives, it's Knives." He stares at you intensely, Vash rubs his side in pain.
You offer a hand to them. "Come with me. I know a place where we can stay."
Vash was eager to follow you while Knives stayed at his brother's back, his eyes never leaving your figure. He didn't trust you in the slightest and even debated hurting you a few times just to keep Vash safe. Between the two, you were overjoyed to have another independent by your side, even more so to raise them as your own. Taking them home was no easy task, people have always been weary of you but most of them trusted you, it would be hard to make these two trustworthy as well.
Being the only face they knew, both of them clung to your side for the first few days. Vash was the first to venture off and meet others, Knives only followed to keep him out of trouble, he never left Vash's side. It only took a few weeks before everyone was absolutely in love with the twins. You honestly thought that at the end of the day they might stay with someone else, but every night the two of them would come crawling into bed on either side of you.
It would be pitch black and then the bedroom door would open. A smile would curl at your lips as you feel the bed dip on either side of you. Very quickly the twins would reach your sides and you would open your arms to both of them.
"You boys came home late tonight, huh?" You would jab. They would quickly settle in, tossing their arms over your stomach and resting their heads on your chest.
"Did we wake you?" Naï would ask. You would chuckle and shake your head. "No, of course not. I was waiting for you. I honestly thought you wouldn't come home."
You feel Vash lift his head from your chest. "Why wouldn't we?" In the dark you rest your hand on the back of his head. "Because, there's more to life than clinging to me at the end of the day." You softly pull Vash's head back to your chest. "One day, you won't have to come home anymore." The idea of them being able to go out and do their own thing one day makes your heart swell with hope, at the same time your chest squeezes and tears begin to fill your eyes.
"We'll always come back." Naï pipes up from your other side, his hand clinging to your shirt. You sniffle sharply and lift your other hand to his head as well. "You'll change your mind someday."
The two fought back with you about it, they swore they would never leave and that they would stay with you forever. Deep inside you knew the day would come eventually so you strapped yourself down and cried all the tears you had to cry while they slept in your embrace. Even as much as you wanted to stay here forever, time moved on, and in just a couple of months the boys were almost as tall as you.
They had chores that they would run for people around town and babysit the children for others while they were busy. Even still, at the end of the day they would curl up at your side and a quiet discussion would follow. Naï was more independent than his brother yet he still slept by your side without any complaints. This was surprising to hear, especially with how he was with Rem. Since they had grown, the rest of them had too.
Naï had unlocked his gate, he could create blades from his skin while Vash had yet to unlock his, you nurtured them both in their differences. It didn't matter to you if one could do something but the other couldn't it was all the same to you.
In only a few months, the boys were parting ways with you. They stood at the entrance to town looking at you with fondness in their eyes. Tears began to sting your own eyes as you opened your arms and pulled them both into a hug.
"I'm going to miss you both so much." You cried. When you pulled away they both smiled sadly at you. "You should come with us." Naï offered. You smiled but shook your head.
"Not yet. This town needs me for a little longer. I'll be sure to join you then." Naï nodded. Leaning forward he presses a small kiss to your cheek and looks back at his brother. They exchanged glances before Naï moves to walk towards his Thomas.
Looking up at Vash, you grabbed his hand. "I have a present for you." You reached back into your small bag and pulled out a hefty pistol. It was the one you were given before you descended upon this planet, the very one you taught Vash how to shoot with. Placing it in his hand, you smile. "This is so you may protect yourself and your brother. I'm counting on you to use it wisely."
"Thank you." He envelopes you in another hug, tears slipping down his face. "We'll see you again right?" He pulls away, a hand firm on your shoulder.
"Once I'm done. Yes." Grabbing his hand, you squeeze. "I'll come find you and Naï, together we can go wherever the sands might lead us. It'll just be us, together as it's always been."
You sobbed for hours after they left, everyone across the town could feel your pain and empathize. They each banded together to get you back on your feet before you finished your business in the town. The time came for you to find your family. There, surrounded by all the people who brought you in and helped you out when you needed it most, you stood satisfied with yourself. You finally returned the favor.
Enveloped by a beautiful white light, two wing-like structures spread from your back. One was like a blade, sharp and shiny in the sun. Intertwined like the roots of a tree, the other was dark with blue spots all about. You said your final goodbye to the people before you ascended into the sky. For seven days and seven nights you traversed the desert searching for two you longed to see. It was finally on the eighth night you spotted them below.
Tears blot your vision as you descend to the ground at their side, both were asleep when they heard you land. "Vash! Naï!" They awoke with a start, tackled into a hug by you. Immediately recognizing you, Vash called out your name engulfing you in a hug. "You came!"
Upon seeing you, Naï froze. "Y... you're here." He stared in disbelief before he burst into tears, hiding his face away in your shoulder. You held them both tight, crying silently between them before you pulled back. You rest a hand on either of their cheeks, a smile tugging at your lips.
"I told you I'd find you."
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drunkonaheistinspace · 6 months
three almost kisses and the one time nothing could interrupt
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originally published: December 3rd, 2023
Pairing: Illinois x gn!Reader
Rating: General Audience
Tags: fluff, friendship, first kiss, slight angst
When Illinois proudly announced that the two of you would be attending an auction again, flashbacks from last time hit you like a tsunami. Luckily for you, you were informed of his plans two weeks in advance and not hours in advance like last time, giving you plenty of time to prepare.
The first thing you did was insist that you wear your outfit from last time and he didn't have to buy you a new one. You accidentally found out how much he paid for it, which nearly gave you a heart attack. The only reason you still had it was Illinois's argument that it was a birthday present and you didn't want to be rude. And yes, you even kept the overpriced ring that could possibly be an ancient relic. The second was to find out more information about the auction. This time it was about a deceased collector whose collection is being liquidated so that the family can pay off the mountain of debt that the deceased had left them. It looks like you might even find it this time as the deceased specialized in ancient artifacts and judging by the thumbnails were the kind of artifacts you're after.
The sight of Illinois in a suit was something you could never get used to. It was just wrong. But it gave you the opportunity to tie his bow tie, which in turn gave you an excuse to get close to him. "Let's go over the rules again," you said as you straightened the bow tie. "Why are we going to the auction?" Illinois sighed. "To find potential pieces for my collection." "What don't we do?" "Do not purchase artifacts of unknown and/or questionable origin." "And?" "And don't give my partner any gifts that cost me more than fifty dollars." The fifty dollars was still a compromise. You wanted to go lower than ten bucks, after all he was still your boss and after all he was obligated to pay you and he paid you well above average, which is why you didn't see the point of expensive gifts. But he insisted that there should be at least fifty. He referred to this as a bonus for excellent work performance.
A look out of the window told you that the limousine had already arrived and was now waiting for you. You went to grab your coat, but Illinois grabbed your arm. You looked at him in surprise. “After the auction...would you like to go out for dinner afterward? It doesn't have to be expensive! We can also just make a detour to McDonald's and get something there.” A gentle smile graced your face. Illinois was always so cute when he was shy. This was a side of him that only you got to see. "I'd love to have dinner with you." You stood in absolute silence for a moment, looking at each other before Illinois slowly walked towards you and leaned towards you. You closed your eyes in anticipation but your lips didn't touch. Instead, you were startled by loud impatient horns. "The limo is waiting," you said, heart racing, and grabbed your coat. "Yeah, we should go now," he agreed, running his fingers through his hair.
In the end, the auction was canceled because two idiots broke in and took a large part of the collection. Instead, you spent the night in the parking lot behind a McDonald's watching the stars while sharing a helping of chicken nuggets.
You had asked Illinois for a single day at the beach several times in the past. Just to relax. Well, your wish has finally been granted after a long time, but unfortunately not in the way you would like. Yes, you just found yourself on a beach at sunset, but instead of sipping colorful cocktails and enjoying the view, you were stuck on a deserted island in the middle of nowhere with a treasure map that made no sense.
"I give up! The map is useless!" you called to your boss who had climbed up one of the palm trees hoping to get a better view of the island. You, on the other hand, had the map in your hand and tried to make sense of the scribble. "I'm afraid I have to agree with you there," Illinois admitted while clambering down the palm tree. "I'm not even sure if we're on the right island anymore." You sit down on the sand and bury your face in your hands. The adventurer sat next to you and fanned the cool air with his hat. "At least we can enjoy the sunset." With a sigh, you looked up and you had to admit that the sunset here was particularly beautiful. At least there was a nice moment you could share with Illinois. "We should take a vacation and just go somewhere that isn't dangerous," you murmur as you rest your head on his shoulder. Illinois said nothing and just silently took your hand and gently squeezed it.
You just sat there and watched the sunset without saying a word. You couldn't remember who turned around first, but suddenly you were looking at each other and your faces got closer and closer. Your lips were only a few millimeters from touching. You were just a head movement away from what you both longed for. At the same time, a cannonball hit the water just meters in front of you, drenching you both in seawater. You looked up in surprise and saw a ship on the horizon.
"Please tell me that's not who I think it is," you moaned in annoyance and frustration. "Captain Magnum," Illinois confirmed. "Maybe we should flee inland before he actually hits us." As if on cue, you saw another cannonball being fired and you ran into the dense jungle hoping to escape the pirate.
You ran through the dark maze-like corridors. You've been running for quite a while and you're not exactly sure where you are right now. Everything looks the same and the fear that you've been going in circles the whole time overcomes you. The worst thing about the whole thing, however, was the fact that you didn't even know who you were running from or where exactly you were going. The day started out so harmless.
It was a beautiful summer day and you and Illinois were “on vacation” so to speak. Maybe vacation wasn't the right word. It was much more of a break between adventures because your plane broke down and your flight was delayed by two days. You were in no hurry and instead chose to take this as a sign that you really needed some time off. This included sitting in cute little cafes, drinking coffee and talking about possible new goals. Buy new work boots. Arguing with Illi about why you don't need a 200 euro jacket. In the end you decided to visit an art exhibition.
The exhibition included several different pieces by well-known local artists. You didn't know any of them, but that didn't stop you from marveling at the countless works. Illinois seemed to feel the same way because he would stand in front of a work for a long time complementing both the composition and the technique and all you could do was listen in silence and marvel at how much this man knew about art.
Then it happened. Illinois was laughing. Everything was good. Everything was wonderful. Then he noticed something in the distance. His laughter stopped. His smile vanished. He looked like he had seen a demon. Then everything happened quickly. He grabbed your wrist and pulled you towards the exit, but something forced him to change direction and you ran deeper into the gallery. You couldn't see who or what was doing this to Illinois, but you were sure of one thing. You've never seen him so scared. Eventually he drags you through a door with a staircase leading down. Once you got to the bottom you saw two hallways and Illinois turned to you with a worried look.
"Listen to me. We have to split up! He's most likely after me and I doubt he'll hurt you as long as you stay away from me!" "But-" you tried to protest, but he placed a finger on your lips, silencing you. "No buts! For once, I want you to listen to me and do what I tell you. This is solely for your good.” He removed his finger and instead took your face in his hands. “We will find each other again. I promise it." You wanted to protest again, but the look in his eyes tells you that he won't accept any complaints. You took a deep breath and nodded. "Okay. I trust you." He gave you one final affirmative smile before you walked in different directions.
And so you found yourself in the endless dark labyrinth that sucked every hope out of you with every passing second. Your legs hurt from running and you were exhausted, but you couldn't afford a break. Not unless you knew where the adventurer was. Every step you took felt like you were pulling a heavy load behind you, and a tightness that settled in your chest heralded the onset of a panic attack. It was difficult for you to see in the dimly lit hallways and you felt like it was getting darker with every step. How much time has passed since you broke up?
You turned a corner and instead of finding another endless corridor ahead of you, you ran into what you initially thought was a wall. Only the wall was warm, muscular and difficult to breathe. Two strong hands rested on your shoulders, providing the necessary support that kept you from collapsing like a cheap folding chair on a hot summer afternoon. "Thank God! You're fine!" did you hear the living Adonis statue say You were too exhausted to say anything. Instead, the hands moved away from your shoulders and you were pulled into a tight hug. "I know I have some explaining to do, and I'll do it once we get out of here," Illinois still held you tight, afraid someone would pull you away from him. “I promise you that we will then be a month – no, two months! oh you know what Let's take the rest of the year off and just relax!" The support that the adventurer gave you finally let you relax and catch your breath. Over time, your mind became clearer and the hallway you are in became brighter. You take a deep breath. The familiar smell of leather and linen gave you another piece of security. Your limbs were heavy as lead, but you somehow managed to raise your arm and squeeze Illinois' biceps, after which he released you.
You didn't realize your vision was blurry until you tried to look the adventurer in the face. You feel his warm hands on your cheeks and a light pressure on your forehead. You blink a few times and as your vision cleared you noticed his forehead was pressed against yours. His eyes were closed, his sun-tanned skin was glistening with sweat, and you could smell the faint whiff of coffee on his breath. "I promise nothing will happen to you," he whispered more to himself than to you. “You survived until now. You survived longer than anyone else." He opened his eyes. "You mean too much to me to let him take you away." You stared into each other's eyes for a long time. The corridor was long forgotten. All your senses were taken over by him. The warmth radiating from him. The smell of him clouding your mind like a potent drug. His breath on your face. His eyes that looked straight into your soul. It was like a spell that you couldn't break.
Slowly he closed his eyes again and tilted his head. His lips were only a few millimeters from yours. You inhale his breath and close your eyes. This was the moment. But before you could lean forward and fully surrender to the spell, a door next to you was violently thrown open. You both jumped aside in shock and panic. Was the door here all along? "There you are!" exclaimed Wilford. You both looked at him in horror, but neither of you was able to say or do anything. “You two are extremely late for your interview! Well, come on in!" Wilford grabbed you both by the wrist and yanked you through the door.
You didn't talk about what happened in the corridor. Neither of you could.
It's mid-August. The sky was painted yellow and pink from the setting sun. Illinois kept his promise. Since the Gallery incident, you've stayed away from adventures and settled in a small town. He gave you you room to breath by giving you a small house on the outskirts of town. Under normal circumstances you would insist on getting an apartment, but since the incident you just needed some alone time. Time to think. Time to understand your own feelings. His house wasn't far. A few minutes walk. He gave you a key. You were welcome at any time. And yet you haven't seen each other in two months.
Those two months were the first time you could really think. Overthink. Losing yourself in your own mind. You realized three things: 1. The carpet in your living room was exceptionally soft and perfect for staring at the ceiling for hours. 2. You miss the smell of leather and canvas. 3. Illinois' entire existence was like a siren song and you struggled every day to resist it.
You only now realized that you had been under his spell since the first time you met and every time you tried to leave, you somehow found a way back to him. You had lost your heart and it was now part of his collection. The only thing that stopped him from possessing both your body and your soul was a single kiss.
One kiss and there will be no turning back.
A kiss to seal the deal.
A kiss to become his holy grail.
Every time you opened your front door and looked out, you could see his house. So far and yet so close. There was nothing standing in your way except your own pride and sanity. But today you were weak.
You didn't bother putting on shoes. You looked up at the sky and noticed that the colorful play of colors from before was replaced by dark rain clouds. You felt the first drops on your face and closed your eyes. It didn't take long for the light drizzle to turn into a storm. The rain soaked your clothes and your hair was wet and stuck to your face. This was the perfect weather.
Your legs moved of their own accord, carrying you down the street until you stood in front of his house. Lightning and thunder joined the rain and the wind became more ruthless. But you didn't care. Three steps and you were standing at his door. You take three deep breaths. You knock on the door three times.
You heard the footsteps behind the door. Your heart was racing and you felt the adrenaline rushing through your veins. You heard the door unlock and you held your breath. The door swung open and you took the first step. Illinois didn't have time to react as your arms wrapped around his neck and cold lips pressed against his. He stumbled backwards until his back was pressed against a wall. Only when he realized it was you kissing him did he allow himself to close his eyes and return the kiss. Only when he wrapped his arms around you and felt how wet your clothes were did he force himself to break the kiss. He grabbed your shoulders and pushed you away. You were surprised at his sudden abruptness, but the sight that greeted you made every bit of anger in you fade away. His otherwise perfect hair hung over his face, his cheeks red, his lips swollen and his eyes dark. You wanted to lunge at him once more and steal another kiss, but his grip was iron, keeping you at arm's length.
“What happened?” he asked, struggling to keep you at a safe distance. “Why are you wet?” “I couldn’t take it anymore,” you replied while breathing heavily. "I need to see you, feel you, you..." “And that’s why you walked through the rain?” He looked you up and down again. “And that barefoot?!” You rolled your eyes. “How dare I walk barefoot in the rain! This is worse than the time I had to jump off a cliff into the sea! Or the time I had to fight a mutant killer bunny!” Now it was Illinois who rolled his eyes.
You felt his grip on your shoulders loosen and you took the opportunity to approach him again. He didn't do anything to stop you and so you wrapped your arms around him again and hid your face in his neck. Strong arms wrapped around your wet form, pushing you closer to him. “I want to be more than your partner,” you whisper into his skin. In response, he kissed you on the temple. “Were you thinking about a spring wedding or would you prefer fall?” You gave him a light kick to the leg. “Not so fast, my dear! We haven’t seen each other for two months and we have to make up for that time first.” “Whatever you want, treasure!”
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jackwolfes · 8 months
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Wesper // Six of Crows // 1524 words // T rated @kinktober2023 Day 15: Shotgunning Bonus warnings: illicit drug use
[all kinktober fills]
Jesper shuts Wylan’s front door behind him, toeing his boots off on habit (although Wylan isn’t very stubborn about that sort of thing). It’s late, and dark, and Jesper sets the spare key he dug out of Wylan’s plant pot on the sideboard to hide again later. 
“Wylan?” he calls. 
“In the living room.” 
But by the time he hears his friend reply Jesper is rounding the corner and seeing him. He stands in a neatly pressed shirt and dark slacks, digging through one of the little baskets he keeps stacked on his bookshelf. Saints know he doesn’t bother keeping many books. 
“Looking for a nightcap?” Jesper teases.
Wylan glances at him, single eyebrow raising. “If you’re annoying, I won’t share.”
Jesper sends him a cheeky grin. He meanders into the room, glad to see Wylan. It’s been a while since they’ve both had free time, so the text Wylan sent him inviting him over — never mind the fact it’s late and dark outside already — was more than welcome. Ostensibly, it was just for a smoke, but Jesper knows better. 
He rubs his thumb over the ring on his middle finger. Only one light is on, diffusing a hazy glow over the expansive space. There’s a spectacular view of the city through Wylan’s wide windows, but Jesper is far more preoccupied with the pretty view he has on the other side of the room. He thinks he could happily watch Wylan all day, every day. 
Saints, he has missed him.
“I’m never annoying,” he points out. “Or at least, I’m charming about it when I am.” 
Wylan laughs. “If you say so.”
Instead of dropping onto the sofa Jesper grabs a few pillows and tosses them on the floor, following shortly after. Wylan doesn’t comment on his propensity for sitting on the ground. He does roll his eyes, but Jesper isn’t really surprised by that. It hardly matters when Wylan finally shuts the drawer and joins him on the tiles, setting a small tin down on the floor before stealing one of Jesper’s pillows for himself. 
“I do say so,” Jesper replies, uncaring if he’s needling his friend. Wylan lifts his eyes from his prize, sending Jesper another judgemental look. 
“I meant it when I said I wouldn’t share,” Wylan warns. 
“Just roll me a fucking joint,” Jesper says with a laugh. 
Wylan dumps his supplies onto the floor a little haphazardly, nudging his lighter back towards the centre of the pile when it starts to roll away. Jesper is getting antsy, knowing what’s likely to come with the rest of the evening. There’s nothing for him to do with his hands right now, though: all he can do is sit and watch Wylan, trying to let all the many feelings in his body flow through him without causing fractures.
It’s not that hard to focus on watching Wylan, though. He’s artfully methodical about his joints, and always has been. Jesper finds his eyes lingering on slender fingers as they fold and roll the thin paper, rubbing the ends together with the rhythm of a well trained musician. When he licks the paper to seal it, Jesper tracks the tip of his tongue with his eyes. 
Years ago, he was under the impression that Wylan Van Eck was a little bit useless. Bratty little rich kid, were the exact words he'd muttered to Nina. As it turns out, he’s never been so wrong about a man in his life. Perhaps there's a lot about life Wylan didn't know, but he's a quick study and comes with an awful lot hidden beneath the surface. There’s spice and heat rolling under his easily flushing skin and all those many freckles. Hidden depths, Jesper reasons, that he is still trying to get to the bottom of. 
With a quiet little click Wylan’s lighter flicks on, a bright spot of fire in the otherwise dark room. Jesper stares, a little entranced. Maybe it’s the fire, or maybe it’s Wylan: breathing deep as the end of his joint flares with golden embers. He holds it long enough for Jesper to hear the beat of his heart like a tempo, and when he exhales, he does it slowly. The space between them fills with the thick smoke seeping from between his softly parted lips before it disappears into the night. The ringing in Jesper’s ears is getting easier to ignore with every passing second, if only because he knows something else — something better — is coming. He watches Wylan take another pull. 
Then Wylan leans in and — without any question or warning — presses his lips hard against Jesper’s. 
Jesper inhales, a bit because he’s surprised and a bit because he knows this game very well indeed. His lungs fill with heavy smoke (except Wylan rolls his joints with lavender like the pretentious fucker he is, so it’s soft and sweeter) and his thoughts start turning to fog. Jesper blinks a few times, and Wylan stares back, watching Jesper take it in before leaning away a little bit and letting him exhale. 
When Jesper looks again the world feels softer. Wylan doesn’t smile at him, but he seems awfully pleased. 
“Again?” he asks. 
“One more,” Jesper says. 
Wylan doesn’t offer him the joint, but he rarely does. You’re greedy, he’s said; you smoke it down and give me the filter. Buy your own weed if you want a whole joint. 
Jesper has the money for it, but he likes that this is Wylan’s solution. 
He watches Wylan take another pull, fingers long and slender and attractive as he brings them to his lips. His hands. His hands. Jesper can already feel his thoughts going fuzzy, mostly because he’s aware that the high is going to sink in soon and not because it’s already here. Not because of Wylan and his lips and his hands and the sound he makes when he holds smoke in his lungs, but related, probably. 
Then his lips are back on Jesper’s and his hand is on the back of his head and he’s blowing smoke on his soul to share and Jesper—
They’re making out before he even realises that that’s what happened, but that’s how it usually happens. Jesper never minds. He’s more than used to this sort of thing. 
The heavy smoke and stench of weed lingers in the room around them but Jesper isn’t focusing on that. He’s only barely aware of Wylan stretching to the ashtray to set down his joint for later, except then Wylan is cupping both his hands on Jesper’s jaw to kiss him with singular focus. It’s heady and rich, exactly what Jesper was hoping for tonight, and he struggles to hold back a moan. There’s no point, though, because Wylan always likes hearing him get loud. He says as much most nights, at least. 
So they kiss, and don’t end up frantic, but it’s all so thorough Jesper feels it like a clinging blanket on his skin. He feels warm, burning even, and Wylan’s mouth on his is the spark. He’s a science project for Wylan to take apart and ruin — or, he wants to be. Right now, he’ll take anything, so long as it involves Wylan’s tongue in his mouth in some form or another.  
Wylan pulls back every so often to take another couple of hits, offering the joint to Jesper for a few pulls almost as often as he blows smoke into his mouth directly. Eventually he leans away to stub out what’s left of his smouldering joint for another time, but he keeps one hand on the side of Jesper’s throat while he does like he can’t quite force himself away completely. Like he just desperately wants to keep touching Jesper, to keep contact.
Jesper doesn’t realise he’s hard at first. It’s a thing that happens when he smokes, although he usually only smokes with Wylan and he thinks that probably has something to do with it. The making out probably doesn’t hurt, either. He finds his thoughts drifting, wondering if the fact he usually gets off as soon as his high hits has started to ingrain itself in his head, and get his body ready for a fuck the second he inhales the first hit. 
But the fact remains: Wylan kisses him stupid and eventually sets down his joint just to clamber forward into the spread gap between Jesper’s thighs, and when he inhales sharply Jesper realises that his cock is very ready for a little something more. A lot more, actually. Quite a lot. 
“You aren’t too high yet, are you?” Wylan whispers, lips dancing over Jesper’s. 
What Jesper wants to say is, I’m never too high for you, and also, I think I’m in love with you, but neither of those are smart and he doesn’t want to fuck this up. Instead he just pulls back, smiling at Wylan with a sparkle in his eye. 
“No,” he says, and he’s perfectly honest. Then he sets his hands on Wylan’s hips and pulls him closer, smiling when he does and relishing Wylan’s tiny little gasp. “Kiss me again, Wy.”
So Wylan does.
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captainnameless · 8 months
i know we’ve talked about it so much, will that prevent me from requesting sleepy max being put down for a nap? no. no it will not. sleepy max pls? with daniel pls? bonus point for GP pls? 🥹
well, who am i to deny you sleepy max?
GP moves his hand to Max’s thigh under the table, squeezing it gently to get his attention. Max’s head is in his hands, cheeks so rosy it’s spread to the tips of his ears, gaze barely focused on who’s speaking.
The squeeze shakes him from his zoned out stare, blinks as he lifts his head to meet GP’s eyes, a soft pout starting to present itself.
“You ok?” GP mumbles under his breath, someone from the team is still speaking, he’s not exactly trying to bring too much attention to them.
Max nods, hands rubbing over his face before he rolls his shoulders back, sitting up. “Yeah, just- … Jetlag catching up.” He whispers back.
GP squeezes gently again, a touch of acknowledgment. Briefing should be done soon.
They wrap it up quite quickly after their interaction, people starting to filter out of the room while Max remains seated in his chair, starting to look zoned out again.
“Want me to see if DR is available?”
Daniel’s name pulls Max from his thoughts again, his bottom lip rolling between his teeth before he nods. “Please?”
“Of course,” GP hums, already pulling his phone out of his pocket and resisting the urge to brush his hand through Max’s hair.
“Alright, up.” GP says while his phone gets put back in his pocket, his hand wrapping around Max’s arm to help him out of the chair. “He’s meeting us at your drivers room.”
Max nods, biting back a yawn as he follows GP out, stumbling over his feet and nearly face planting.
“Woah!” GP rushes out, barely catching Max by the waist and hoisting him back up. “Careful, big boy.”
Max flushes, finds his footing and mumbles something incoherent back at GP before shuffling along.
They, unsurprisingly, get to his driver’s room before Daniel does and when Max steps inside he looks back at GP with that same soft pout, innocence taking over his features. “Stay?” He asks, quiet and shy.
“Of course, Max.” GP answers easily, moves them into the room before shutting the door behind them. “Let’s get your stuff, where’s Leo, huh?”
Max points at one of the bags, and GP wastes little time fishing the lion plush out of the bag and holds it out to Max who gently takes it from him, burying his face into the soft fur and taking a deep breath.
“Thank you.” He mumbles, so polite, so starkly different from the shit they give each other over the radio sometimes.
“You’re welcome bubba.” GP answers, fishing through the bag. “You want Daddy’s stuff?” There’s a hoodie and a T-shirt folded neatly in the bag, both Daniel’s, Daddy’s, GPs slips into it easily these days.
Max shakes his head. “Daddy’s coming.”
GP nods, a soft smile spreading onto his face. “The real deal, huh? Much better cuddle material.” He does grab the blanket out from underneath before guiding Max over to the couch and undoing his shoelaces for him before slipping the shoes of his feet.
Max’s thumb has found it’s way into his mouth, feet curling up under him as soon as his shoes are off, eyes already slipping close.
GP sits down next to him, fits Max’s feet into his lap instead so he can lay a bit more comfortably, hand gently curling around Max���s ankle. He’s about to speak when there’s two quick knocks on the door before Daniel’s face peaks around it. “Daddy delivery?”
GP smirks, watches Max try to react to Daniel by reaching the hand holding Leo out, other effort stalled by how tired he is.
“Oh muffin.” Daniel coos, locks the door behind him before making his way over to Max, gently moving him up so Daniel can fit him against his chest, feet still in GP’s lap. “So sleepy?”
Max barely nods, some sort of agreement mumbled past his thumb as he rubs his face against Daniel’s T-shirt, curling his other hand and Leo up close to chest.
“Busy briefing?” Daniel asks, more to GP since Max is basically sleeping, brushing the hair that’s fallen onto his forehead back, brushing his lips against the now exposed skin for a kiss.
GP shrugs, his thumb rubbing gentle circles into Max’s ankle while he watches the younger’s breathing even out. “Sorta, think jetlag just caught him out.”
“Hmm.” Daniel hums, leaning his head down atop of Max’s. “I’m not complaining.”
GP smiles. “Neither am I.”
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spiteless-xo · 1 year
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╰┈➤ fake dating - tbaw. ⋙ sometime during arc 1.
why was it deleted. ididn't really like the fake dating plotline for this story because it meant that any development between jean/reader would be seen as cheating from jean's perspective, and it seemed out of character for him to do that after his history with pieck. having this fic be a love triangle with a fake dating storyline didn't really make sense. what changed. you ask eren to be your fake boyfriend instead of just friends with benefits. eren already knows he's in love with you at this point. you get a little bit of jean's pov here. jean and eren's relationship isn't as toxic/strained as in the published story. tbh this almost feels like an entirely different story, it's so weird to read it compared to what's on ao3. ft. fem!reader, eren, jean, connie, sasha. cw. unedited, explicit language, explicit sexual content (oral sex, fingering, vaginal sex, unprotected, creampie, overstimulation/crying, name calling: slut, exhibitionism-ish), second person pov, 5,000 words.
Please remember that this scene was deleted for a reason and that nothing that happens here occurs in the actual story posted on AO3. This is just fun bonus content for people who are interested in reading more.
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context. none needed.
You text Eren later that day, asking him to come over so the two of you can talk. Eren’s not sure what you want to talk about, but he rushes over anyway, excited to see you.
When you let him into your house, his heart clenches at the sight of you. You look happy again, for the first time in a while.
He can’t control the smile on his face as you lead him up into your bedroom and quietly shut the door behind you. “What do you wanna talk about?” He asks, settling into your bed as you sit on the edge next to him.
“You can’t laugh, ok?” you say, Eren can see you pouting at him from the corner of his eye.
“I promise.”
You lace your fingers with his as Eren struggles to focus on your face. “Did you ever see that Netflix movie with Lana Condor?”
“To All the Boys I’ve Loved Before?”
Eren wasn’t familiar, but hearing you say the title makes his heart tighten. Were you going to confess your feelings for him? He wanted to pull you into his lap but you were sitting a little too far away. “No, I haven’t seen that one,” he says as he scootches closer to you until your thighs are pressed against one another.
“It’s about a girl who writes letters to all the boys she’s loved --”
“Uh huh,” Eren says, his hand squeezing around yours.
“-- and her little sister mails them all out - whatever, it doesn’t really matter the whole plot.” You wave your other hand in dismissal as Eren brushes a loose strand of hair out of his face and behind his ear.
“Come on,” Eren urges, squeezing your hand tighter. “Tell me about the movie - or whatever.”
You laugh, eyes crinkling as you look at Eren and he wants to grab your face and kiss you, but he waits.
“I don’t know if you’ll be into it, but I have this crazy idea I wanted to run by you.”
Spit it out.
“Do you want to be my fake boyfriend?”
Eren feels like his brain is lagging. “Your… what?”
“In the movie, the two characters fake date to make the guy’s ex-girlfriend jealous,” you explain, looking away. “Jean was really jealous of us hooking up, so I think that if you and I fake date, I can finally help him realize his feelings for me.”
Jean fucking Kirstein. It all comes back to him.
With your face turned away, you don’t see the disappointment etched on Eren’s face. He pulls his hands free from yours and leans back on the bed to rest on his forearms, running a hand through his hair as he thinks.
Fake date the girl he’s in love with to make the guy she’s in love with jealous - how pathetic.
“We can like, hook up and stuff, just like before,” you say. “But then also, you can like, stay the night at my place and join us for movie nights and stuff.” You shrug and look over at him, blushing in embarrassment. “Is that ok? Or is that weird?”
“Sure,” he says. He’d be pathetic for you.
You smile at Eren and it all feels worth it. “Thanks, Eren,” you say with a sigh and you toss your leg across his hips, straddling him on the bed. “Do you want to hook up right now?”
Yes, desperately. “What about your roommates?” he asks, looking up at you as you run your hands up and down his chest. 
“They’re not home right now,” you say before leaning forward to kiss softly against Eren’s neck. “Sasha’s playing soccer and the boys are out picking up food for movie night.”
“Movie night’s tonight?” Eren asks, laying flat on his back so his hands can press into your thighs. 
“Well, it’s the long weekend, so movie night is every night,” you laugh against his skin. “You don’t have to stay if you don’t want to.”
“Oh, I want to,” he says, voice low as his fingers slide under the fabric of your shorts to grab your ass. “I’ve missed you so much, baby.”
Fake dating isn’t what Eren wants from you, but it doesn’t sound so bad when you’re grinding on his lap like this. And you want him to stay the night and hang out with your friends - that sounds great. So what if you’re just using him to make Jean jealous? 
Eren knows Jean doesn’t give a shit about you, so it doesn’t matter how jealous you make him, he’ll still be fucking oblivious. And Eren will get to fuck you and kiss you and hold your hand and sleep in your bed. This plan sounds better and better the more Eren thinks about it.
He flips you over on to your back, caging his arms around your head as he looks down at you. “Fake dating,” he says, dipping his head down to bite at your neck. “So I get to tell everyone you’re my girlfriend, right?”
You hum in response, tilting your head to the side to allow Eren more space to lick and suck and bite. You wrap your legs around his hips, locking your ankles together behind him, and pull him tight against your body as his lips roam across your collarbones.
“I can hold your hand and shit at work? Take you for lunch? Fuck you in the break room?”
You try to laugh but it’s cut off by a moan with Eren sinks his teeth into your skin. He slides off the floor and on to his knees next to the bed, tugging on the waistband of your shorts to pull them off of your hips. He needs to taste you.
You don’t know how long has passed and how many orgasms he’s pulled from you by the time Jean and Connie return home. Even in your post-/pre-/mid-orgasmic haze, you can still hear Connie yelling when he enters the house.
You look down at Eren through half-lidded eyes, pulling harder on his hair to pull his mouth from you. “Eren -- stop -- they --” you can hardly speak as his eyes flick up to meet your gaze, glinting with mischief as he draws another choked orgasm from your exhausted body.
You hear a faint knocking on your door over the lewd sounds of Eren’s tongue on your cunt. “Are you home? We’re gonna start dinner soon.” It’s Jean.
“Don’t open the door!” you say quickly, eyes looking down at Eren in alarm as he pauses - finally.
“You ok?” Jean asks from the other side.
Eren gets up from off the floor, leaning his body over yours as his fingers play with your clit. His face is covered in you and it makes your heart lurch in your chest. Why did the boys have to come home already?
“Hey, you good?” Jean asks, knocking again.
“Yes!” you gasp as Eren plunges his fingers inside of you. You can’t tell how many he’s pushed into you, but the sensation of finally being filled after being tortured with his tongue for so long almost makes you come undone on the spot.
Jean asks another question from outside your room and all you can do is cover your mouth from a strangled moan as Eren’s fingers curl inside of you.
“We’ll come out in a sec,” Eren says, voice calm and collected as you fuck yourself on his hand. “Sasha home yet?” he asks and you look up at him pained.
Jean doesn’t answer right away. “No, she’s still at soccer.”
“When’s she coming back?”
You can’t believe Eren’s having a conversation with Jean with his fingers buried in your cunt. You pray that Jean doesn’t decide to open the door, but you’re certain he can hear the wet squelching noises as Eren’s hand pumps against you. Your eyes water as your pussy flutters tightly around his fingers when Eren brings you over the edge into another orgasm.
“Uh,” Jean stumbles over his words. “Soon, probably.”
Removing his fingers from inside of you, he pulls his sweats down off his hips to let his hard, aching cock spring free from his pants. He guides it to your entrance and pushes inside you roughly as he says, “Yes, that’s great.”
His voice is tight as he slowly pumps into you and you have to clench your eyes shut and clamp your hand over your mouth to stop your desperate whiny moans from escaping. “Do you need help making dinner?” he calls.
Tears are freely falling from your eyes as Eren rocks his hips against your sore, overstimulated pussy. You can hardly breathe, much less speak - and here he is having a conversation with Jean about dinner like he’s not balls deep inside of you. You would be pissed if he didn’t feel so good.
“No, we’re good.” Jean says sharply and you finally hear his footsteps walking away from outside of your door.
“Do you think he knew?” Eren asks, whispering against your ear as he grinds down into your hips. “Think he knew I had you spread out like this for me like my own little slut?”
Eren loves the way you squeeze around him when he fills you like this. He wishes you wouldn’t muffle your noises for him, he wants to hear you begging for him.
He wants to tease you more until you’re limp and satisfied in his arms, but his cock aches for release and he finds himself spilling into you suddenly without warning. Eren gasps and grunts into your neck when he cums as your body trembles beneath him from exhaustion.
You finally pull your hands away from your face and try to blink up at him. Your eyes are blurry from the tears and your mind is dizzy from arousal, but you can still see Eren’s soft eyes as he looks down at you. 
When he pulls away, both of you are breathing hard. “So how was that?” he asks, pulling out of you and rolling next to you on the bed. He pulls his sweats back up his hips to cover himself as you continue to lay next to him, spread out and covered in each others’ mess.
“Is that how you fuck all of your girlfriends?” you ask, breathless.
“Just the fake ones,” he winks before sitting up. He looks around your room for a box of tissues to clean you up with, finding one on your desk next to some papers and pictures of you and your friends.
His eyes linger over one of the pictures. It’s the same as the one you have set up at your desk at work, the one with Connie, Sasha, and Jean. He comes back over to the bed to clean off your thighs with the tissues as your eyes fall shut, exhausted.
“You still don’t have a picture of me.” He says and you crack an eye open to look at him.
You smile up at him, watching as he gets up off the bed to return your box of tissues before allowing your eyes to flutter shut again. He wanders around your room, opening your dresser drawers until he finds your sweatpant drawer and pulls out a pair to toss over to you. He leaves you to get dressed while he looks around your room. He likes to see pieces of you scattered across the room.
He knows you're taking a couse with Titan to improve your technical knowledge, so he’s not surprised to find your notes and textbooks littered across your desk. He scans your bookshelves to see all sorts of different novels: romance, thriller, even some manga - all scattered amongst more photos of you, Sasha, Connie, and Jean. He knows the four of you were close, he always saw you together at parties and at hockey games, but based on the photos you have in your room, it seems like they’re your only friends. 
When you find the strength, you pull on the sweats that Eren gave you and try to smooth down your hair in the reflection of your mirror near your bed. You look like a fucked out mess, but once your blush comes down you think you’ll be ok.
“What’re you looking at?” you ask, noticing for the first time that Eren’s snooping through your bookshelf. 
“Nothing,” he says quietly, turning back to you. You’re still laying sprawled out on the bed and he almost feels bad for feeling himself stir in his sweatpants as he looks down at you, but then he remembers you’re dating now.
Or fake dating, whatever.
“You ready to go help with dinner? I think you promised Jean we’d help,” you say with a laugh.
“He said not to bother.” Eren pulls his hoodie off and tosses it over to you, leaving him in just his grey sweats and black v-neck shirt. You catch it and look over at Eren, confused. “If we’re dating, you should probably wear some of my shit,” he says, looking away to hide his blush.
With a smile, you pull his hoodie on over your tank. You’re swimming it in and it falls just past your ass, but it’s soft and it smells like vanilla. “Good call,” you say. “Have you done this before?”
“Dated girls? Yeah,” Eren scoffs.
“Right,” you say, feeling your chest tighten. “We should go.”
When the two of you leave your room, Eren ducks into the bathroom to clean himself off, leaving you to wander into the kitchen alone. Jean sees you come in first, eyes narrowing at the oversized black hoodie.
You walk over to the sink and wash you hands, looking over at the two boys on either side of you, chopping vegetables for your dinner tonight. “Sorry, I should have let you guys know he was coming over. We’re going to need more food.”
“Huh?” Connie says, clueless.
“Eren’s going to stay for movie night,” you explain, looking over at him with a smile.
“You’re still fucking him?” Jean asks, voice sharp and tight.
You feel Eren’s arms wrap around you, pulling you tight against his chest. He rests his head on your shoulder as he looks over at Jean, smirking. “More than fucking, Kirstein. We decided to make things official.”
You can’t see the way Jean’s jaw tightens as he looks over at Eren wrapped around you. His whole body flinching when Eren says official. “Oh, is that right?” Jean says through clenched teeth.
Jean definitely seems jealous as he looks at the two of you together and Eren can feel his smirk falter. He knows Jean is a conniving, manipulative fuck-face, and your little fake dating plan might work a lot faster than Eren wants it to. 
He’s not sure how much time he’ll have with you before Jean fucks with your head again.
“Woah, congratulations guys!” Connie cheers, high-fiving you with a huge grin on his face. “Does that mean Eren’s gonna be around all the time?”
“If that’s ok,” you say quickly, wanting to turn to look at Jean but being unable to do so with Eren on your shoulder.
“That’s fine, man, it’s been a while!” Connie says, lightly punching Eren’s shoulder.
Eren pulls away from you and punches Connie back gently, the two falling into easy conversation as they rekindle their friendship from before Eren and Jean’s falling out.
When Eren steps away, you’re finally able to look over at Jean to try to get a read on how he’s feeling. His face is turned away from you, focusing on chopping onions for tonight, but he can see you looking at him from the corner of his eye.
“I thought you weren’t dating,” he says, so quietly that you almost don’t hear him.
“I changed my mind,” you say, glancing over at Connie and Eren to see if they’re paying attention to the two of you. “After getting to know him better, I realized that I have feelings for him.”
It’s a lie, but you can see Jean’s whole body tense from your words.
Tense from the fact that, yet again, you’re running back into the arms of Eren fucking Jaeger. 
It makes you giddy to see such an obvious physical reaction and you almost break out in a grin because of it. Instead, your attention turns to the main door as Sasha walks in with a shriek.
“Eren?” she asks, mouth falling open as her bags drop to the floor.
Eren turns away from his conversation with Connie to smile at Sasha. Her eyes bounce from Eren’s face to his hoodie on you and back again. “Oh my God, are you two together?”
He slings his arm around your shoulder and pulls you tight into his chest, pressing his lips softly against your own as Sasha shrieks again. He pulls away, just enough to brush his nose against your as he looks down at you. Your heart pounds in your chest and you have to look away from his intense gaze, flustered.
“Yeah, Sash,” he says, still looking at you. “We are.”
You fall asleep in Eren’s arms during the first movie, exhausted from how you and Eren spent the afternoon. Connie and Sasha all but bombard him with questions when they notice.
“Eren, this is so exciting!” Connie whisper-yells, clapping quietly. “This has been such a long-time coming with you two.”
“I can't believe it!” Sasha squeals, leaning forward across the coffee table to get closer. “She couldn’t get enough of The Eren Jaeger.”
Eren tries to stifle back his laughter as his two goofy friends rattle off at him. It feels good to hear them talk about how happy they are for the two of you, even if he knows it’s all fake on your end.
“I doubt it’s gonna last,” Jean says from the other end of the couch. Sasha and Connie both whip around to scold him as Eren’s narrowed eyes meet Jean’s. 
“How could you say that?” Sasha says angrily, slapping Jean across the chest. “Be supportive of your friends!”
“Ow, Sasha!” Jean flinches from Sasha’s hit, but he doubles down. “Eren’s a fucking prick. You’ve all seen the way he treated the girls at school. He’s just taking advantage of her.”
“I’m taking advantage of her?” Eren growls and you stir in his arms from the rumbling in Eren’s chest.
You blink up at Eren with sleepy eyes as the everyone around you hushes. “Sorry,” you say, voice soft and quiet. “Did I fall asleep?”
“You’re good, babe,” he says, leaning down to kiss you on the cheek. When he pulls away he fixes a hard stare on Jean, who’s ignoring everyone around him by focusing on the movie on the tv.
“You guys can go to bed if you want,” Sasha offers. “We��ve got Monday off too, so we can finish the rest of the movies tomorrow night.”
“Ok,” you say sleepliy, allowing Eren to help you up as you shuffle into the bedroom.
Eren closes the door behind you and you flop down onto the bed, facedown. You don’t even bother to take off your clothes, you’re so tired.
“Are you gonna sleep like that?” Eren asks, pulling off his t-shirt and sweats, leaving himself in just his black boxer briefs, before walking over to you on the bed.
“Too tired to change,” you whine, rolling away from him.
He laughs, you were so cute. He never got to see you sleepy like this before. It feels so intimate and domestic to finally see this side of you.
“Come on,” he says, tugging on his hoodie as you whine. “You’ll be more comfy with less clothes.”
“You’re just trying to fuck me again,” you whine, but you allow him to pull his hoodie off of you. He hooks his fingers under the waistband of your sweats and pulls them down past your hips and off your feet. He feels the burn of arousal in his stomach after he successfully peels your pants off - he forgot you didn’t have any underwear on underneath.
“I’m… not,” he says, strained. “Unless you want me to.”
“Maybe tomorrow,” you sigh, letting him fix the blankets so you can crawl underneath them. “I’m too tired after today.”
He slides under the covers behind you and pulls you close against his chest. You nuzzle your face into his skin and sigh against it. “Are you drunk?” he asks with a laugh, rubbing soft circles in your back.
“No, just sleepy,” you say, content.
“Can you stay up for a little bit? I wanna talk to you about something.”
You audibly pout but look up at him from where your face is buried in his chest. “It can’t wait until the morning?”
“I don’t want to forget.” He brushes the hair out of your face with his hand and watches as you try to blink away your sleepiness to focus on what he has to say. “I think we need some terms and conditions for this whole, fake dating, thing.”
You chuckle, eyes crinkling. “Ok…? Like what?”
“We have to treat this like a real relationship, so you can’t hook up with any other people, and obviously neither can I.”
“We have to hold hands and like, cuddle, and stuff.”
“Easy,” you scoff and it warms his heart.
“We should try to stay together for a decent amount of time,” he says quietly and he hopes you can’t hear the way his heart is threatening to beat out of his chest. “If we break up too soon, Jean might not have fully fallen for you, y’know. So like, six months, I think - at least.”
“Hmm, that’s a good point,” you say with a nod. “I thought you said you didn’t watch the movie, and suddenly now you’re an expert?”
“I’m no expert,” he laughs. “I’m just trying to… maximize our chances for success.”
“Ok,” you hum, burying your face back into his chest. “Any other rules?”
“If you fall in love with me, you have to tell me right away,” he says, voice tight.
You laugh into his chest and wrap your arms around him tighter. “You think I’m going to fall in love with you, Eren Jaeger?”
No, he didn’t think - he hoped.
“You never know,” he hums.
“Ok - deal.” He wonders if you’re going to flip the rule back on him too, but instead you sigh against him. “Can I go to sleep now?”
“Go for it, babe.”
“Goodnight, Eren,” you murmur before drifting off to sleep again.
Eren wakes up before you in the morning to find you still curled up against his chest. He wants to stay here with you forever, but the ache in his bladder has him slinking out of bed and down the hall to the bathroom.
Sighing with relief from his now-empty bladder, he wanders into the kitchen for a glass of water but finds Jean already there, grabbing ingredients from the fridge for breakfast.
Eren decides to be civil, “Morning, Jean.”
Jean isn’t, “Fuck you, Jaeger.”
Eren grabs a glass from the cupboard and fills it with water, leaning against the counter to watch Jean prep breakfast as he drinks. 
“What the fuck do you want?”
“Nothing, just drinking water.” He taps on the glass with his finger as Jean scowls at him.
“What the fuck are you doing here?”
“I literally just told you.”
“No -- I mean with her.”
Eren smirks as Jean starts cracking eggs into a bowl. He’s sure Jean’s imagining that each one of those eggs is Eren’s face from the way he’s practically smashing them against the counter.
“We’re dating - you know, girlfriend and boyfriend -- are you familiar with the term?”
“Fuck off, Jaeger.”
“You should be nice to me,” Eren says before taking a sip from his water. “Your room is right next door to hers, isn't it? If you're nice to me, maybe I won't keep you up all night."
Jean cringes at his implication. “You’re disgusting. I know you’re just using her for sex.”
“I’m not, actually,” Eren says sharply. “You’d realize that if you ever took your head out of your ass.”
Jean doesn’t bother to respond as he cuts open a packet of bacon. He lays all the strips out on a baking sheet before turning on the oven to pre-heat, all under Eren’s gaze.
“Are you just going to fucking stand there and watch me all morning?”
“That’s a lot of bacon for one person,” Eren responds, eyeing the food as Jean preps it.
“It’s not just for me,” he says with a sigh. “I’m making breakfast for everyone.”
“Me too?”
Eren makes a silent face of approval as he watches Jean cut up some potatoes for hashbrowns.
“I make breakfast for everyone on the weekends. Sometimes weekdays too, if I’m not busy,” he explains, cutting into the spuds roughly. “It’s like a tradition here.”
“That’s surprisingly nice of you,” Eren says in disbelief. “You don’t strike me as the type.”
“I want to learn how to get better at cooking - not that I owe you an explanation.”
“Right. Because you were raised with fuckin chefs and butlers, so you’ve never had to cook before,” Eren says, more to himself than to Jean.
The oven makes a noise to signify that it’s reached the selected temperature and Jean slides the baking tray into the oven before setting a timer on his phone. He oils a pan with some butter and tosses the chopped chunks of potato into the pan to fry them.
“Smells good,” Eren says, putting his now-empty glass into the sink. “Can’t wait to try some.”
“Thanks,” Jean spits, but the praise makes him blush, even if it’s from Eren fucking Jaeger.
“I thought you left.”
The attention of the two boys turns to you as you stumble into the kitchen, rubbing at your eyes with the sleeve of Eren’s sweater. Your legs are bare underneath it and Eren wonders if you remembered to put underwear on.
“Nah, babe, I’m still here,” Eren says with a smile. “Just talking with your favourite roomie.”
You approach Eren and wrap your arms around his waist, leaning into his chest as you look over at Jean while he works on the food. “Jean does this every morning,” you explain.
“Yeah, we were just talking about that,” Eren wraps his arms around your shoulders and pulls you closer against him. He slides his leg between your thighs to gently press his thigh against your clothed cunt - good, you remembered.
You squrim in his arms and push his thigh away from you while Jean works on frying the potatoes. 
“Are you gonna make some coffees for everyone?” Jean asks, his back facing both of you.
“In a minute,” you say, holding Eren tighter. 
Even though this is all a plan to make Jean jealous, you can’t ignore how happy you feel in Eren’s arms like this. Enveloped in the warmth of his hoodie and the smell of his vanilla cologne, it almost feels like you really are dating. 
The two of you stay like that until the timer on Jean’s phone goes off for the bacon. As Jean pulls the bacon out from the oven, you pull away from Eren to make some coffees with your espresso machine.
“I thought I heard the bacon alarm!” Connie says, coming around the corner and into the kitchen. He clasps his hands and rubs them together like a fly as he looks around Jean’s body at the sizzling baking pan in his hands.
“Connie, back off, I’m going to burn you.” Jean says, pushing Connie back with one arm while he sets the hot pan on the unused half of the stove. “Wait until it cools off a bit.”
Connie pouts but obediently goes to sit on the dining room table while he waits for the food. He looks around at the table, confusion etched on his face.
“What’s up?” Eren asks with a nod, noticing Connie’s expression.
“We need another chair for you,” he says, pointing at the four chairs surrounding the table. “We only have enough for us.”
You turn around to look at the table and realize that Connie is right, there’s only four chairs. You never needed any more than that when it was just you and the roommates. “Can you get your gamer chair maybe, just for today?”
Connie nods, getting up to go to his room to retrieve an extra chair while you turn back to work on the coffee.
Eren comes up behind you, grabbing your hips and pulling you flush against his body as he ducks his face into your neck. “You don’t wanna sit on my lap?” he hums, his lips pressing softly into your skin.
“Maybe later,” you say, face blushing as you try to tame the shaking of your hands as you work your espresso machine. “Why don’t you go get some clothes on so you’re not sitting at the table in your underwear?”
Eren laughs and kisses you once on the shoulder, again on your neck, and then softly on your cheek. “Good idea.”
When Eren steps away from you, you release a shaky breath that you didn’t realize you were holding. Being around Eren always made you lightheaded. It was because of the way he touched you, the way he kissed you, and the way he made you feel.
You made fun of all of those other girls from school for falling over themselves to be with him, but here you were doing the exact same thing. How could you not? Eren was enticing. He definitely wasn’t the worst person to be fake dating.
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grailfinders · 6 months
Grailfinders #329: Sakamoto Ryouma (Lancer)
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today on Grailfinders we’re building the best argument for a completely superfluous Grailfinders episode, Sakamoto Ryouma (Lancer)! it’s Sakamoto, but again! in-game it’s a stronger version of the original, but here we take all the builds to level twenty regardless of their rarity. what I could do to differentiate this build from the first stumped me for a while, but I think I’ve hit on something.
Ryouma’s still an Echo Knight Fighter to summon his wife as a bonus action, but now instead of a monk and a rogue, he’s a Lore Bard to learn some buffing spells for oryou’s super-saiyan mode.
check out their build breakdown below the cut, or their character sheet over here!
next up: you better watch out, you better watch out, you better watch out! you better watch out!
Ancestry & Background
I won’t bore you too much here, it’s exactly the same as before (except for one thing). Variant Human, so that’s +1 Wisdom and Charisma, Stealth proficiency, and instead of that UA feat we’re getting Magic Initiate for some Druid spells. Primal Savagery is how oryou will be attacking most of the time now, using her acidic claws instead of your piddly strength score. you also embrace modern technology like weather stations with Druidcraft, and Oryou can keep you safe thanks to her Protection from Evil and Good. Ryouma’s still a Soldier though, so that’s some History and Intimidation proficiency for you.
Ability Scores
this one’s 100% the same. highest to lowest- Charisma, Dexterity, Wisdom, Intelligence, Constitution, Strength. I would love to be able to stat up oryou this time around, but sadly Ryouma’s still the main servant.
Class Levels
1. Fighter 1: this Ryouma’s a bit more martial since he’s a knight class, so he’s starting off as a Fighter. this means his starting proficiencies are completely different, getting proficiency in Strength and Constitution saves, as well as Insight to see through political bullshit and Animal Handling to stretch the definition of “animal” to its breaking point. and “handling”, for that matter.
also, starting as a fighter gets us oryou’s Fighting Style earlier, so pick up Unarmed Fighting, just in case those claws don’t work out. if you’d rather grab something for Ryouma, I’d just go with Two-weapon Fighting and reflavor a rapier as a light spear, with a shortsword in his off-hand.
you also get a Second Wind once a short rest, giving you back some HP as a bonus action thanks to the power of oryou’s healing spit. …she does really have healing spit, right? I didn’t just hallucinate that while forcing my way through the event?
2. Fighter 2: second level fighters can make an Action Surge once a short rest, adding an action to your turn so you can fight like there’s two of you. because there is.
3. Fighter 3: as a third level fighter you become an Echo Knight, letting you Manifest Echo as a bonus action. now oryou can float around in her own space without using your action to move, as long as she’s within 30’ of you whenever your turn ends. it has a good AC but only one HP, so expect to spend your bonus action bringing oryou back a lot. while she’s out you can swap places as a bonus action, and you can attack and make attacks of opportunity from her space. primal savagery doesn’t count as an attack for this, so I guess oryou’s relying on her fists when she’s not hanging around you. that’s disappointing, but we’ll find a way to make her awesome later on.
also, you can Unleash Incarnation once a day to make an extra attack from the echo’s position. if you want to let oryou use a dex weapon, I won’t tell anyone, promise.
4. Bard 1: bouncing over to bard gives you proficiency in Persuasion, as well as the ability to cast Spells using your Charisma. you can also give Bardic Inspiration to your allies Charisma Modifier times per day, letting them add a d6 to any one attack roll, save, or check they make in the minute after you hand it over.
to be more specific about spells, you have Blade Ward to be protected by oryou physically with resistance to weapon damage, and Mage Hand to have her carry random stuff around, for your cantrips. you also get spells like Distort Value to be a smooth-talking bastard that can convince a whole town to sell him their rice supply, Heroism to make everyone else more ardent supporters of restoration, Feather Fall so oryou can save your frail ass from falling, and Thunderwave so she can punch people so hard they go flying.
5. Bard 2: second level bards are Jacks of All Trades, so now you’re at least half-proficient in every skill. you also have a Song of Rest, so you can add more health to your party over short rests. your gf with one hit point will be grateful.
you can also use Unseen Servant now; in case you need to send oryou off on some errands. a vastly, vastly weaker version of oryou, but an oryou none the less.
6. Bard 3: third level bards can learn up on some Lore, giving you an extra three proficiencies, like in Deception, Arcana, and Athletics. this is still Ryouma after all, did you think I’d forget deception? this is also the level you get Expertise in two skills, doubling your proficiency bonus in Insight and Persuasion.
you also get second level spells like Gift of Gab. Ryouma’s good with words, but you probably aren’t. at least, not as good as he is. with this spell you can undo any unfortunate wordings and rewrite your last six seconds of dialogue.
when you want painful dialogue, you can use Cutting Words to spend inspiration on weakening a creature’s attack, check, or damage roll. if your wife only has 1 HP, she’ll need some protecting too. only a little.
7. Bard 4: fourth level bards finally get an Ability Score Improvement, so you can bump up your Dexterity for better spearing an better dodging.
you also learn the Friends cantrip to force your way into conversations, and the Aid spell for our first taste of healing. is giving your echo an extra 5 HP a good use of a spell? god no. could it be cool? maybe! at least you can also give that buff to a couple other friends at the same time.
8. Bard 5: at fifth level you are a Font of Inspiration, so your inspiration dice refill on short rests as well as long ones. they’re also d8s now, so they’re more effective over-all. on top of that, you get third level spells like Mass Healing Word to top off the whole party in one go.
9. Bard 6: sixth level bards get Countercharm, but that’s pretty much useless, we’re here for Additional Magical Secrets, a feat that I will never get tired of pointing out comes before the first magical secrets. basically, you get two extra spells, and they can be from any spell list. use Tidal Wave to send a little splashback at your enemies, and Primal Savagery again to use charisma instead of wisdom. it’s still tied to just you, but now we’re using your good casting modifier.
for his normal spell Sakamoto gets Motivational Speech, a slightly more offense-based heroism, because by this point Acquisitions Incorporated might as well be bankrolling this build.
10. Bard 7: seventh level bards get fourth level spells, and now oryou can finally set off completely on her own with the help of the spells Phantasmal Killer.  every turn the target has to make a wisdom save or they’ll take psychic damage. real simple, but real effective.
11. Bard 8: use this ASI to bump up your Charisma for stronger spells and more inspiration, and now you can Charm Monsters. I mean, you already charmed one!
12. Bard 9: ninth level bards have a better song of rest, and you can also use fifth level spells like Scrying. literally just. send oryou off to spy on people.
13. Bard 10: tenth level bards have d10s for inspiration, plus another round of Expertise! now you’ve got better animal handling and deception. you also get Thunderclap for a free oryou punch, and another round of Magical Secrets!
now you can Summon Draconic Spirit for a full oryou summoning with much more than 1 HP. they get a bunch of resistances, and she even shares one of them with you! on top of that even at the lowest level you can cast it at, oryou will be able to make three attacks each turn! if you just want uppies, you can use Freedom of the Winds to get a piggyback ride from oryou, giving you a flight speed, as well as advantage against being grappled, restrained, or paralyzed. oryou can also yeet you away from an incoming attack or spell, and if you land outside of its range, you take no damage. of course, this also means your ride is over.
14. Bard 11: remember how I mentioned Ryouma conned a whole town out of their food? now it’s time to use it. Heroes’ Feast gives everyone who partakes a panacea against disease and poison, immunity to poison and being frightened, advantage on wisdom saves, and increased HP, all for 24 hours. this is the benefit of being a 5 star.
15. Bard 12: use your last bardic ASI to receive the Gift of the Metallic Dragon. with this, you can cast Cure Wounds once a day for free or by spending spell slots, and oryou can shield you or your allies as a reaction, adding your proficiency bonus to their AC, and you can do that proficiency times a day.
16. Bard 13: thirteenth level bards get seventh level spells like Etherealness. for up to eight hours you can travel around the ethereal plane without having to worry about anything on the material plane, creatures or objects. this seems out of place for Ryouma, but tbf literally every servant should have this spell.
17. Bard 14: at level fourteen your Peerless Skills lets you add inspiration dice to any ability check you make. you’re two people, you should roll like two people. well, one and a half. you both have your weaknesses and it evens out.
you also get one last round of Magical Secrets, turning yourself into oryou in one of two ways! if you want raw power, Tenser’s Transformation gives you plenty of extra health and stronger attacks, but if you want a more thematic transformation, there’s always Draconic Transformation, giving you blindsight, a breath weapon, and wings.
18. Fighter 4: going back to fighter gets you yet another ASI, so bump up your Dexterity for more lancing.
19. Fighter 5: fifth level fighters get an Extra Attack each attack action, that’s two per turn, four with action surge, and up to five with unleash incarnation. sorry it took so long to get this, I just felt the dragon stuff was higher priority.
20. Fighter 6: fighters are awesome, so we get to end this build with another ASI! this time we’re getting the Gift of the Chromatic Dragon, allowing you to add elemental damage to your weapon for up to a minute, and you can react to gain resistance to one instance of elemental damage proficiency times a day. now oryou protects you from everything!
Pros & Cons
you have a lot of Protection, so actually getting a solid hit in on you is tough. you have a pretty good AC, plus many, many ways to increase your AC or your save or reduce incoming damage.
you’re also great outside of combat, with tons of expertise in social skills, high charisma, and a way to add even more dice to your skill checks. you will definitely be the face of the party. either you or oryou, at least.
I know I bring this up every time, but flying is awesome. it nullifies most enemies, and it’s just a really cool way to get around.
you need all that protection because you’re a politician, not a fighter. you have barely over 100 HP, so a sneeze will put you into power word kill range.
echo knight is super fun, but this time it’s hard to use in combat for us, since oryou’s in-character options for hitting anything are “attack with a -1 to hit” or “hope the DM is kind enough to bend the rules for you.” without a good way to deal damage, the echo knight stuff is just an easily popped balloon.
our biggest goals don’t happen until late game, so for most of the campaign your build will be more awkward than anything else.
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eastons-creations · 7 months
Even If
A/n: hehe uh happy marauder fandom depression day. enjoy this random thing. Btw this was written awhile ago in the middle of the night sooooo might now be that good lol.
“Remus!” Came a voice bellowing up the stairs as Remus read his book in their dorm room. The young boy fought a smile but rolled his eyes when Sirius came barreling through the door. Imdeidetly Remus’ eyes were drawn to his clouds of grey, instantly melting into them. The rest of this hot young black drifting away. 
Well…until Remus saw a flash of red. It was Sirius’ hair. It was bright red, curly, and short. Shorter then Remus had even seen it. Sirius’ eyes were filled with tears, because if you have ever come across the boy, you know, his best feature is his hair (well in Sirius opinion, Remus had very different thoughts on that (; ). So naturally…he's heartbroken. 
Sirius threw himself into his boyfriend's arms making his next words a little muffled through Remus’ jumper, “How bad is it?”
Yes…Remus was laughing. But how could he not? “Its not that bad Sirius.”
But Sirius groaned at these words and looked up at Remus with teary eyes, “Don’t lie…”
“I’m not lying!” Remus broke out in a grin at the ridiculousness of the situation. 
“Yes you are…”
“I am not!”
“You know how I know?” His eyebrows furrowed, while Remus raised one. 
“Mhm, how?”
“Cause you called me Sirius instead of Love or Babe or Si or pads.” Sirius' tears were freely flowing now and he sat in a criss-cross situation across the bed from Remus. “Are you not attracted to me now? Cause it will change back! I just have to get someone to help me.” At this point his head hung low and Remus knew he felt ashamed, “I’m sorry Moony…” His voice was meek and quiet. It broke Remus’ heart. 
When he and Sirius started dating it became clear very quickly how much his parents have had an effect on him, cause from the very beginning Sirius believed that he didn’t deserve Remus’ affection. He always worried he wasn’t pretty enough for him, or that if he let down his perfect hair and let it get a little bit messy that Remus would leave him. 
To Sirius’ his looks were everything. 
To Remus, they were only a bonus. But sometimes it's hard to convey that to someone. 
“Oh my love….Not at all!” Remus grabbed the front of Sirius’ shirt and pulled him to himself in a big hug (something that's always calmed both of them down), enveloping the smaller boy into his much larger form. “I’m sorry you feel like that baby. I think you are fucking beautiful no matter what. If you are fat and old, or young and short,” Remus tickled Sirius a little in the side, and Sirius let out a light chuckle, “Or dead and gone, and even if you're ginger…”
Sirius sat up quickly, his tears having dried, “I’M GINGER!” Sirius stands up and runs into the bathroom giving a loud shout into the mirror at the sight of himself. Remus smiled, grateful that his boyfriend is much more able to move past things than himself. 
After a few seconds Sirius’ blushing head poked over the side of the door. “I love you too dork…” Then his head disappeared again, and all Remus heard was him muttering about his hair. Eventually Remus got up to help him turn it back to his normal colour of black. And while Remus figured out what to do Sirius told him about the group of kids who had caused the mischief. Apparently they had put out some kind of potion in all the drinks at lunch to dye all the students' hairs red. Sirius ranted for most of the time about who possibly could have done it, speculating about if it was a slytherin or maybe a Hufflepuff. Remus kept quiet, but in his mind he had a certain Red head that would have been perfect for the job.
The ‘I love you even if…’s had continued on with their life. During their years at Hogwarts when Remus got dysphoria about his chest or his scars, Sirius would hold him and tell him ‘I love you even if…’s. Or when Sirius got a letter from his biological family or his brother said something, Remus would do the same. Once, after a mission for the order where Remus had to go off the radar for 2 weeks he showed up at home and muttered.. “Even if you're ginger…” before collapsing in his crying husband's arms. 
When Sirius escaped from Azkaban and was on the run he showed up at Remus’ house, looking through the window. But never knocking, never saying anything, cause ‘Even if you thought I killed them?’
When Remus finally saw Sirius alone after 12 years he hugged him and whispered, “Even when you leave. Even when everyone doubted you. Even when I doubted you.”
On the night Sirius passed through the veil Remus sat in Sirius’ old room crying and yelling out into the empty void, “Even when you're dead and gone.”
Finally when the final curse hit Remus on the field of Hogwarts he heard a familiar voice say to him, “Even when you take forever getting here.” The shorter form hugged him tightly, swearing to never let go. 
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dk-wren · 5 months
Buddy Daddies Week - Ep. 9-12 Rewatch
Hello and welcome to Day 5 of my Buddy Daddies anniversary week! If you read the little end blurb from yesterday's post, let's just say things did not go according to plan and I decided to switch my planned post for today to tomorrow. That means today, I'll be sharing the last batch of thoughts and questions I had while rewatching the final four episodes of the series. And because this was a bit of a last minute switch, I was not able to grab as many images to accompany my notes at the time of posting. I will likely add those in later today or over the next few days. Hope you enjoy!
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This interaction between Kazuki and Rei about Miri and who she gets her grit from is so cute because Kazuki saying she gets it from him paired with Rei’s side-eye (which in this case I interpret as due to disagreement) both convey how they deeply they feel connected to Miri and the father figure roles they’ve taken on for Miri
It’s kinda interesting to me how throughout this episode, at least based on the subtitles, Miri is the one who constantly says how she’s gonna win the gold medal. There are a few lines from Kazuki that sort of support that mentality, telling her she’s sure to win or that’s the spirit after saying she’s gonna get that gold medal, but overall, he generally just tells her to try her best. And I think that’s very sweet how he doesn’t really put that pressure on her and just wants her to do the best while enjoying herself.
Reason #? of why I love Miss Anna - her determination in the tug-o-war game (also gotta love how everyone is impressed/loves her even more for it)
Random bit, but again the sound design for this moment-perfect! I was so confused at first because I heard the crunching noises but in my head, I couldn’t put two and two together as to what would make that noise if Miri is just eating a normal onigiri. Then, it’s revealed why when Miri gets to her rice ball’s filling. Also, judge me all you want, but sound delicious and I will gladly take Kazuki’s judgmental stares and comments
Two other things about Papa Rei’s rice balls: 1) I love how imperfect they are in terms of shape and sizes, at least compared to Kazuki’s other prepared food. It does a good job illustrating how Rei is trying his best and still learning. And 2) I love how the different shapes/sizes might be due to the different fillings Rei put in, which of course would be revealed a few moments later, suggesting that Kazuki gave Rei his own space while he was making them based on his confused reaction
Even though Kazuki questions Rei’s choices in terms of what he put in the rice balls, I like how he puts back on a smile and asks him “See?” after hearing Miri’s enjoyment of them, circling back to Kazuki’s point that Miri would love anything he made for her (+ bonus small Rei smile)
The fact that there is no hesitancy in their actions. Miri takes a few seconds to read and process her scavenger hunt “item,” then immediately goes for Rei. She tells him to come with her, giving zero explanation, and, okay maybe after a beat or two of processing and thinking about it, Rei gets up and follows her. Then, when Miri and Rei come back to Kazuki, she tells them to run and the two exchange a glance and go for it, winning Miri her gold medal.
What a great episode, with such a cute ending of Rei and Kazuki thinking about next year’s Sports Day. Post-credit scene? Nah, don’t know her. This episode also just ends with the credits.
(Okay, pettiness aside, did Ogino take these photos or another member? And has Kyu been stalling? This is most likely a threat, but is it to warn him that he could have some control as to what information gets back to the Boss (or the illusion of that idea)?
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From my first watch of this episode, I always thought/joked in my head, you can literally see the moment Kazuki’s heart breaks when Miri runs to Misaki instead of him. Just another moment which has always stood out to me.
Say it with me…character growth! When Misaki tells Kazuki and Rei that she is here to take back Miri, I can’t help but scream a little in how you can hear and clearly see Rei’s facial expression change at the thought of Miri being taken away
I know there’s a lot of conflicting opinions and views about Misaki, and while I will concede it was incredibly reckless and uncaring for Misaki to send Miri by herself to find her father, I think how Miri reacts to seeing her mother again says a lot about how Misaki outwardly presented/treated Miri. Underneath everything, I do believe Misaki loved Miri, even if just a tiny bit. Was she the best mother, probably not, but did she do the best she could given her situations, probably.
That being said, Misaki asking Miri (based on sub) if she’d rather be with her papas than with her does kinda irk me. The wording already sets up an underlying opinion, or that Miri would rather stay with Kazuki and Rei, which is only half of what Miri feels. Miri responds to Misaki’s question by saying that she loves her mama and papas, disagreeing with Misaki’s underlying question, but also making it known that she loves or wants to be with both of them. (I’m sorry if this is diving way into what I was taught in my rhetoric/writing classes)
Framing, let’s talk about, but not really because I am not knowledgeable enough in that regard, just gotta appreciate how when Misaki tells Rei and Kazuki that she wants to live her life for Miri, she is in frame, asleep on the couch, but right next to Misaki’s head/face. Maybe this is looking too into things (but that’s nothing new for me), but I feel like a connection could be drawn between what the mind wants and what her heart wants. And previously, all shots focus Misaki in the center of the frame, not seeing too much around her. Up until this point, Misaki is talking with the two of them with the knowledge they are in a “dangerous business,” but has yet to reveal this information to them. Before having to outright say it, Misaki is likely trying to convince Rei and Kazuki to agree to return Miri to her care. This is not to say Misaki made up or lied about having lung cancer (I do think she’s telling the truth about that), but in this moment, her mind is leading her more than her heart as she is attempting to remove Miri from this supposedly dangerous situation. Again, I do think Misaki loves Miri and wants to spend time with her, especially if she does not know how long she has to live, but I don’t think in this moment, it is her heart that’s fully leading her
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When Kyutaro tells Rei and Kazuki that they better be willing to face the organization if they want to keep Miri, asking them if that’s what they want to do, Kazuki’s stuttering just comes up as “I…” in sub, which doesn’t give me a lot to work with. I think at this point, Kazuki is uncertain or unsure if he’s truly ready to fight back against the organization for a multitude of reasons. But, if he was about to say “I am,” or he’s ready/willing to take on the organization, I think that would explain a lot about his behavior when entering Suwa Manor in ep. 12 (which pulling from one of my previous post’s, I described as “Kazuki is radiating an abnormal amount of chaotic energy for him”)
Kyutaro’s line, “All this was ever a dream,” I’ve always been interested in what his intention was. Was it purely to convince them? Was he completely serious? I don’t think I have an answer for this, but it’s something that intrigues me
Give me another year and then maybe I’ll be able to put all my thoughts and feelings about the ferris wheel scene into coherent words. One thing I will say though,  something I’ve never thought too hard about before, but during this rewatch it sorta stuck out to me, I feel it is towards the beginning of this scene that Rei fully processes or understands that the decision has been made for them to give Miri up based on his reaction to Kazuki saying “Normal happiness.” Also, whoever chose to have the same song in the background of this scene as in the hydrangea fields in ep. 7, thank you for irreversibly hurting me
As has been pointed out before, the freaking parallels with Kazuki leaving his scarf with the kitten in ep. 1 to leaving his scarf with Miri in this episode, I will be crying in the corner if anyone needs me
Can I just say how much the end credits hurt after watching this episode? Especially the last frame! They’re all chilling, napping on the couch together, what do you mean Kazuki and Rei just gave Miri up? No, they’re all still together!
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Something that I really liked how it was handled was Miri’s perception on her parents. To her, Misaki is her mother and Kazuki and Rei are her fathers. Maybe it is just because she is young, but there are few things that could probably shake that view for Miri. She loves each parent for a specific reason or rather because they are really good at a certain thing. You could call it naive or innocent, but I loved how this then translated into Miri constantly saying she wants to be with her mama and papas whenever the question was posed. For her there was no choosing one over the other.
Hello, high school English really rewired my brain because I am back on my Shakespeare symbolism. First off a random thought: how long were Rei and Shigeki talking that it went from being sunny (okay, maybe it was already sunset) to fully dark outside? And secondly, the fact that Shigeki reveals his hand, or that he will now take care of Rei’s outside ties (i.e. Miri and Kazuki), at night, in the dark, ooooo!
Perhaps because I have my mind wired a certain way while rewatching this time (sorry if this has already been pointed out before), but I find it very intriguing how scenes between Miri and Misaki are paired with scenes between Rei and Shigeki. Both children, Miri and Rei, are more or less reuniting with their parents after some time apart. However, Misaki is there almost comforting Miri, telling her that she’s changed and wants to continue changing to provide a better future and life for Miri. Whereas with Shigeki, he’s there to remind Rei he cannot change and his return to the organization was inevitable. Unlike Misaki and Miri’s scenes, Rei and Shigeki’s reunion is cold, formal, and all business.
Again, perhaps it is just a translation thing, but I can’t get over the implications that come with Shigeki telling Rei he has yet to close up his “affairs.” Sorry gonna let my inner nerd out for a little bit, but based on the definitions from Merriam-Webster, the first definition is “commercial, professional, public, or personal business,” which easily relates to this situation. Based on this definition, we can interpret Shigeki as asking Rei if he tied up his personal business, as in his connections to Kazuki and Miri. Adding a second layer, the second definition is listed as “a procedure, action, or occasion only vaguely specified.” To me, with the keyword of “vaguely” in this second definition, “affairs” in this sense would compliment Shigeki’s clear distaste for Kazuki and the idea of Rei spending time away from the organization and with people he views as “lower” than their family. Likewise, it represents Shigeki’s distance from Rei and how he is only concerned with the end result, or Rei returning “home,” and not what comes in between or what must be done to get to that point. And for the third definition of “affair,” Merriam-Webster states “a romantic or passionate attachment typically of limited duration.” Now, “romantic” can be omitted depending on how you view Kazuki and Rei’s relationship, but the general ideas of a deep, or “passionate,” connection and “limited duration” stick out because under this lens, then Shigeki is literally undermining Rei’s ability to grow or belief that he has changed. “Attachment” goes back to Shigeki’s talk about Rei finding fixations that he must overcome or ignore because of the future he envisions for Rei in terms of taking over the organization. Shigeki believes Rei’s love for Kazuki and Miri is simply that, a fleeting feeling, and not one that was fostered and equally reciprocated. Similarly, in viewing Rei’s relationship with Miri and Kazuki as only temporary, this reflects Shigeki’s certainty that Rei would always come back to the organization. Bottom line I guess is no matter which definition you interpret Shigeki’s use of the word “affairs” at Rei, or in viewing each definition as another layer, it is loaded with his sole goal of making Rei feel like it was inevitable for him to return back to the organization and back to his side as the future heir
Ogino’s reaction to Kazuki yelling “Now, Rei,” conveys a lot of information about Rei’s image and status within the organization. If even a top member like Ogino immediately reacts, without fully knowing if it is a ruse or not, I’d argue tells a lot about the level of skill and efficiency Rei is known to have by other members
It’s a small gesture, but in her dying moments, Misaki telling Miri she’s sorry for being selfish, and then using the back of her finger to touch Miri one last time, a part which is not bloody, I just, ahhh. Forgive me if this is a stretch, but the fact that Misaki is purposefully not getting Miri “dirty” and in her own way, is trying to spare Miri from the darkness of the world or in doing what she can to help keep Miri’s innocence. Let me go scream over in this corner.
The four episodes covered in this post have a lot of really good examples of Rei’s growth over the season. The balcony scene is no different since you have Rei going from asking Kazuki if they can change (from ep. 8), uncertain of the answer himself, to telling Kazuki they can change, already having convinced himself and now needing to convince Kazuki
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I still can’t get over the fact that Rei and Miri both have their own aprons now too! Though I’ve still yet to fully figure out what Rei’s is. For whatever, reason the white coloring makes me think it’s a polar bear on the front, but I don’t know how much sense that would make otherwise. I feel like if Kazuki bought the aprons, it’s likely a cat on Rei’s apron. (And that’s this episodes random thought or detail I’ve spent too much time thinking about)
Another moment that always manages to melt my heart: Miri struggling to put on her boot because she’s grown that much and the rapid succession of Kazuki asking if she forgot anything, Miri saying no, Kazuki asking about her handkerchief, her immediately saying she forgot, then Rei joining Kazuki and Miri with said handkerchief in hand. They’re a family y’all and they sure do operate like one.
Thinking about it now, I kinda wondered why Miri only made Rei make a pinky promise with him. Rei has grown a lot over the series, but between the two, he is still the more reserved and papa. Perhaps, this is why Miri only makes Rei promise since she knows Kazuki will be at the concert no matter what. Based on the translations I had though, when Miri tells them they better be at her concert, especially since her mama, or Misaki, won’t be, Kazuki responds with “We will” while Rei says “We promise.” With Rei explicitly saying “promise,” maybe that’s what leads Miri to make a pinky promise with him, which so clearly affects him for the remainder of the episode
What it’s been, like nine months and I still cannot get over Kazuki and Rei’s entrance and fight in Suwa Manor! Like, I wish I had more to say but I’m just yelling, rooting for them and love seeing them both be badasses
I know it's been pointed out, but man, the fact that Rei’s hair comes down during the kitchen fight as he is about to deliver the final blow to Ogino, with a little help from Kazuki, just shows his progression of who Rei really is, not the Murder Machine, or a living weapon, but Rei Suwa, a person and father
It’s so simple, and yet, and yet! the power that comes with Rei saying goodbye not to his Boss but to his Father, oh my gosh. He is not just walking away from the organization and his position, he is fully walking away from his family cause he’s got a new (and better) one waiting for him, just as he is
Such a small detail, but gotta love how Miri has kept that green teddy bear with her as she’s grown up
Perhaps this is just my imagination, but does teenage Miri’s voice sound different here than the one in Kazuki’s imagination. If so, that’s awesome because Kazuki wouldn’t know how exactly Miri would sound that many years later, and how Miri turned out nothing like Kazuki had feared
These photos! I love it all! I hope Kazuki, Rei, and Miri are all able to continue living peacefully and with each other for a long time!
And that's a wrap on my rewatch!
I had a lot of fun getting to revisit so many of these scenes and letting the more analytical side of my brain take-over. I know these were long posts, so I really mean it when I say I appreciate your time and support! Also, I originally wrote down all my thoughts on a doc, which is currently sitting at just over 9k words and 16 pages. So, I did try my best to condense what made it onto each post (let me know if you want me to post the full version for any of the eps). I've still got two more days of content planned, which I'm really looking forward to sharing! Unfortunately, school is about to start up for me again, so it might be a little bit of radio silence afterwards.
Thank you again for all your support and joining me on my rewatch!
-Dakota Wren
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