#boo ima ghost
somnium-dulcem · 1 year
* *Me whenever I get a random hello on discord**
New person: Hi 👋😊
Me: ( don't be weird just say hi ) Boooooooo !!!!! I'ma ghost 🤪💀💀 from the Internet I'ma haunt you now :P
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mochinomnoms · 1 year
The Private (not) Thoughts of a Moray Chapter 2: I love you means you're never, ever, ever getting rid of me!
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Gender Neutral Reader x Jade Leech
Chapter 2 preview:
Slamming the front door behind you, you slid down to the floor. Cradling your burning face, Jade’s words played on repeat like a scratched CD. Little pearl~Pretty two-legs.You’re cute when you’re clumsy.I’d like to flip that skirt up and bend you over- “Oh my god, oh my god, ohmygodmygodgodgod-” you shrieked into your hands.
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Ima comfy…
“...I’m going to pinch them.”
“Don’t be mean!”
“I’m gonna do it!”
Turning over in your bed, something smacking into your arm as you blinked the sleep from your eyes. Looking over at the side of your bed, you saw a sprawled out Grim on the floor. Presumably what you smacked with your arm. Floating above him was one of the Ramshackle ghosts, looking both amused and concerned. 
Your three undead companions were familiar faces who often enjoyed scaring you upon your arrival in the dorm. Though you were still fairly easy to spook with a surprise “boo!”, you were on quite friendly terms with Earnest, Albert, and Bernard. 
“Albert, Bernard, whaddya letting him wake me up so early for… it’s still dark out!”
Whining, you turned onto your tummy, raising the sheets up and over your head.
Albert and Bernard, the former the smallest and the latter the largest of the trio, floated above you, the small ghost tugging at your sheets with a giggle. 
“Wakey wakey! It’s time for breakie!”
Bernard similarly began tugging at your foot, which stuck out from under the covers, “Yeah! You told Grim and us to make sure you were bright n’ early today!”
Owwww henchman, that hurrrt! “What’s the big deal? You were the one that wanted to greet the dumb and dumber duo when they came back!” Nyeh, I can’t believe this is the thanks I get!
Bolting up from your bed and slamming face down as Bernard still held your leg, all your exhaustion left your body.
“Shit! I forgot!” Kicking your leg out of Bernard’s grasp, you scrambled to get up from your dirty (damn, when was the last time I cleaned up?) and begin your morning routine. 
Ever since you hosted the training camp for the SDC, and thus fell under the strict eye of Vil in the name of your skincare, you’ve maintained a simple but healthy routine after he provided everyone with his brand of skincare products. 
A few weeks after the performance, you grew nervous as your supply dwindled down, and Vil’s incessant need for beauty and perfection among his little spudlings (you still had no clue how you got roped in with Epel in that regard) had grown following the commotion between Idia and he other housewardens at S.T.Y.X. 
It was then that small, intricately wrapped packages began appearing on your doorstep every month with that very same brand and product. 
Dutifully, you followed the 15 step-by-step routine he had laid out for you, if just to avoid his wrath. 
Somehow, I’d bet he’d figure out I’m skipping out his routine, even at his internship.
The next hour flew breezed as you finished getting presentable. Grim entertained himself with your phone, presumably scrolling through Magicam. 
“Are you putting on makeup?”
You let out a small shriek, more surprised than frightened, jumping as you looked at Earnest floating right next to where you were standing. 
“Hehe, fancy new power and we can still spook ya!” He cackled gleefully, twirling himself upside down in the air.
You huffed, rolling your eyes. “It’s not like it works on you guys, probably because you're dead.”
“We’re dead!?” Albert cried in mock horror, poking his head through the wall of the bathroom while you cleaned up. “Why didn’t you tell us!?!?”
“Dummy!” Bernard phased through as well, hovering above Albert as he whacked his hat off (“Hey, that’s my good hat!”). “We’ve been dead for 840 years!”
“Oh yeah, I forgot!” 
Giggling, the three ghosts followed you back to your bedroom, where Grim was still scrolling through the Magicam feed. 
“Hey Henchman, do you think we’ll get new students in the dorm this year?”
“Hmm? Probably not.” You sighed as you looked through your closet for your most recently purchased uniform, trying to decide between a skirt or pants for the day. “Doesn’t the mirror assign us by the color of our soul, or whatever?”
Grim handed you your phone as you decided on the pleated uniform skirt with long striped socks that matched your tie. “The mirror couldn’t read my soul before without magic, plus I don’t think incoming students are exactly looking to be placed in a dorm called ‘Ramshackle’ anyways.”
Grabbing his own striped ribbon for you to tie into his usual bow, Grim’s voice entered your mind. 
I told you! We should’ve renamed it the Dazzling Dapper Dorm! “If those incoming freshies can’t appreciate our greatness, then they don’t deserve a spot anyways, harumph!”
“Oh, of course Grim!” You giggled as you adjusted the bow, arranging the gem on his collar to set neatly between the loops. “I wouldn’t want to share this space with anyone other than you anyways!”
Nyah! Exactly…purrrrr~
Scratching under your feline friend’s chin, you noticed Bernard and Albert “hiding” (you guys’ see through bodies don’t really help, huh?) boxes behind them, while Earnest held your old ghost camera at the ready. 
“... Yes?”
Giggling, Bernard floated up to you and Albert to Grim. “Revealing” the boxes behind their translucent bodies, you noticed that they were nicely wrapped in a light and dark gray striped box. 
They look a bit like the couches, cute. 
“Open them!” Bernard grinned wider, handing you the larger box while Grim got the smaller one from Albert. “We got them especially for you two, hehe.”
Squinting your eyes at the ghosts, you smiled and took your gift. You tried to focus on any semblance of their thoughts that might hint at what the gift was. It didn't work, of course, since you'd discovered during your summer here that ghosts were an exception to your telepathy. 
Ha? Why is henchman’s bigger than mine?! Grim’s thoughts still came loud and clear. You weren’t sure why ghosts’ thoughts were an exception, but it was nice to be surprised, since gaining your powers prevented anyone from hiding anything from you
Though, other times, reading other’s minds was actually quite helpful.
Like when Mrs. Spade, such a high-spirited and pretty lady really, immediately flooded your head with thoughts of excitement of meeting her son’s new “partners”.
She heard of you and Ace and your misadventures with Deuce, and was immediately smitten with the idea of her son with a cute duo that smothered her boy with affection as much as they got him in trouble. 
If you remembered correctly, she specifically thought: Wahhh! What a couple of cuties!! I didn’t know my little boy was so popular with such pretty people! I’m gonna have the cutest grandkids between these three!!! I’ve got to make sure I set them up together!
It took you hastily whispering to Deuce about her sweet, but frankly embarrassing thoughts to have him explain more thoroughly how your friend group worked. Though disappointed, she wasn’t completely convinced, but let you three be. 
Since you couldn’t hear the ghosts, however, you couldn’t whisper to any friend to make preparations for overexcited mothers or pranking ghosts. Instead, you opened your present with mild caution. 
“Oh!” You exclaimed excitedly, removing the cream white vest and ribbon from its box. You noticed that attached to the ribbon was an emblem of a shield crest. A tattered ribbon on the bottom that curled along the edges of the shield displayed the words ‘Ramshackle’ on it. In the middle, there was a crystal ball with the familiar face of a cat with glowing eyes, its flaming ears appearing like a vision in the ball. At the top center of the crest you recognized a three-pronged trident at the top, reminiscent of Grim’s tail. 
“Is this what I think it is?” You squealed, briefly removing your blazer to slip on the vest, then slipping the ribbon on your left arm, admiring yourself in the mirror. “I look so cool! Like an official student! What about you Grim?”
Grim grabbed your phone and brought it over to you. Propping it up to face himself, he preened over his reflection. Though the ribbon shorter and the emblem smaller, his own dorm ribbon looked as new and impressive as yours.
“I think you should send a picture to the others!” I really look like a mage now! “I bet they’re gonna be fawning all over the Great Grim, cause I look mighty!”
Chuckling at the silly poses he made, you obliged as you took out Magicam. While he continued his little poses, you took a quick mirror selfie, holding a peace sign before sending it over to the group chat you held with the other (now) second-years. Immediately, Deuce and Epel replied with phrases of affirmation and praise for your new uniform, while the other three liked your photo.
“Aw, why do that when I’ve been taking pictures over here like crazy!” Earnest whined, the flash still going off as he continued to take pictures of you two.  
“Ah sorry, sorry.” You picked up Grim (“MEH?!”) and motioned over the ghostly trio to you. “Let's all take a picture together!”
Earnest eagerly took a picture of the five of you, beaming smiles and all. As he and the other two ghosts crowded over the camera to take a look at the selfie, Albert spoke up. 
“We also got you two of you your own dorm uniform! You can thank the old ghost bride, Mrs. Eliza, for sending some of her old wedding attire! We added some additions to make it more you, but still kept the ghost flair.”
Winking, Albert continued, “We think you’ll like it! You’re truly a part of this dorm, and this school, so it’s time to dress like it!”
Speechless, you and Grim looked up at your companions in disbelief. Tears started to flood your eyes as you smiled. 
“Guys…thank you this is so sweet.” You wiped the corners of your eyes and fanned them, to keep the tears from streaking your makeup. “Where’d you even get all the materials, or the okay from Crowley to make this?” 
Snickering amongst themselves, Bernard waved you off and straightened your tie. “We spectral spookies have been here long enough that he can’t tell us what not or not to do!”
“Yeah!” Earnest continued snapping pictures, undoubtedly running it out of film. “We don’t work anywhere on the school grounds like the other ghosts, so he can’t tell us what to do. Anyways, you should head out! The first few students should be arriving at the Dark Mirror here soon.”
Nodding your head, you grabbed your phone and Grim, placing him on your shoulders. Eee! I’m tall again! Once he settled, you waved goodbye to the ghosts as you left your room. 
“We’ll be back later!” You hopped from the second to last stair into the lobby, giddy to see your friends again and ready to start a new school year in your new home. 
The walk to the Hall of Mirrors wasn’t long, but it did give you some time to contemplate your time at the school. A year ago, you wouldn’t have imagined yourself being here, let alone staying. 
Yet, your time here has been delightful as it has been stressful. Even with the blots, you’ve made friends and a family here. The thought of having to leave through the mirror was more distressing now than it would’ve been before. 
Speaking of mirrors, you arrived at the Hall of Mirrors. Entering the building, you waved at the Headmage, who was busy organizing the check-in procedures before the first students arrived. 
“Ah! Prefect!” Crowley waved back, delighted to see you. “Perfect timing, I need you to take charge of check-in for the students! I am busy with…my own matters, I’m sure you understand!”
He handed over a few items from the table set up a few feet at the entrance of the hall, which faced the Dark Mirror. 
It wouldn’t be Crowley if he didn’t make you work and take attendance for each time a student arrived through the mirror. 
You took the clipboard, pen, and an inch thick stack of papers containing each students’ names, picture, dorm, year and class number. 
Resolving yourself to the task, you nodded with exasperation. “Of course, Headmage. Happy to help.”
It’s nice to see them so delightfully acclimated to the school! At least he seemed to approve of your new and improved school uniform. And I still get my free school admin for another year! Classic headmage. 
“Wonderful!” he clapped his hands in delight, pushing you to the table. “We have a few students arriving at any moment, so do your best, lest we have to make some budget changes to your food allowance~”
Leaving in a flourish, you sighed and clicked your pen. Readying the barrage of students that would eventually arrive. 
Surprisingly, it was much more calm than you would expect from NRC, the students more preoccupied with claiming the best bedroom, rather than causing a ruckus. 
So far, you’ve only checked in the sophomores and juniors of Pomefiore and Heartslabyul, as the lineup started with the oldest dorms, down to the youngest. 
Let’s see, first Pomefiore, then Heartslabyul, Diasomnia, Octavinelle, Scarabia, Savanaclaw, and last is Ignihyde. I should be seeing Epel soon then?
“Hello, do I check in with you?” It’s really the Prefect…
Looking up you saw a tall, slim built man with near black, dark purple hair tied down into a high ponytail with a few features framing his tan face. He was incredibly beautiful, his purple eyeshadow and lipstick suiting him. You recognized him as one of the Pomefiore students that would come to collect Epel on the many occasions that he’d wander to your dorm seeking refuge from Vil.
“Yes! Can I get your name and student number?” you smiled, to which he politely returned
“Of course.” He looked you up and down with dark brown eyes. What a cute outfit, are those thighhighs? “Yev Quispe, 2-C18.” You’re just begging for someone to eat you up, aren’t you?
Smile faltering and turning uncomfortably red, you ignored his thoughts and flipped through your papers, finding his name. He’s one of the new housewardens?
“So you’re the one Vil appointed! Congrats!” you checked his name off your list while Grim handed Yev the keys to his dorm room. “I’m sure you know, but as a housewarden, please ensure that your dorm is ready to receive the freshman at the end of the week!”
Pretty bold of you to tell me what to do when you’ve only had magic for a few months. Smiling politely, Yev nodded. “Of course my dear, I will have my vice pick up the last of the- ack!”
W-what the!
Suddenly lurching forward, Yev, gasped as the arm of a short, white-haired rabbit beastman yanked him down to their height. Quite the contrast to Yev, this student was extremely pale with wide, bright red eyes and freckles all over his face down to his neck. 
“Hiya Y/N! Check me in won’t you?” He smiled, a familiar face finally! Prefect! They look good! “Timothy O’Hare 3-D19! Say why didn’t you visit me at the same time you saw Ace and Deucey~”
Holding on tight despite Yev’s struggle to remove his arm, Timmy pouted at you, looking away as he held his other hand to his eyes and faked cried. It’s been too long! 
“I wanna hangout with you too ya know!” Now that’s no fair—stop struggling Yev. “I’m a good boy~ Also, I’m here to pick up the froshies’ stuff before Riddle’s here, so fork it up!” I can’t be late!
“Nice to see you too, Timmy. Sorry, I only had the weekend to visit so I couldn’t go out much.” You handed him his keys, giggling once Yev managed to knock his arm off. “We can hang out more this year, I got bumped up for some third year classes, so we might see each other more!”
Surprise and delight entered Timmy’s features, who opened his mouth before he got interrupted. 
“Oi! Hurry it up, we have a line building up here!” Another student spoke up behind him, while the ever-growing line of boys started to murmur. 
I gotta get the better bed first, I don’t want one next to the vent again. 
I wonder if Sam’s store is open right now? Once I check in I’ll go see.
Oh dear, I wonder if they’re the only one doing check-ins right now?
Noticing the frustrated thoughts growing, you waved Timmy off, Yev already making it way to his dorm mirror. “Let’s talk later! I gotta get these guys going, tell Riddle to invite me to the next tea party!” 
Once Timmy left, it was fairly smooth sailing as you continued to check in students. Most of them were students you recognized from Heartslabyul unbirthday parties. You’d even had a few classes with some of the Pomefiore students, though you’d never heard their thoughts before. 
I can’t believe they stayed, they shouldn't have even been here. 
Why are they wearing that? They don’t even have an actual dorm, let alone colors!
They look nice~ No wonder those two idiots want to keep them for themselves. 
The longer you kept working, the more your smile dropped, looking rather uncomfortable. Though there were some nice thoughts, many being happy to see you, it was hard when you could practically feel the crude, spinecrawling thoughts of the more unsavory students. 
You brightened when Epel had eventually shown, but he left as soon as he came, claiming that he needed to “git in the good dangone bedroom” before it was snatched, leaving you alone with the rest of the school. 
Afterwhile, the students were becoming more preoccupied with claiming their rooms rather than focusing on your presence. This was when you were particularly grateful for your telepathy, as the minds of young adult men in college were just as funny. 
Sometimes you could see what a person was talking about, rather than hear it. The current student in front of you, a Pomefiore senior, was thinking about a breakdancing cat. It was also crying. 
The next student was singing a song in his head while visualizing what you presumed to be the  music video, with him as the lead singer. 
Never gonna give you up~ Never gonna let you down~ Never gonna run around and desert you~
You snorted, and covered it with a cough, at him as he grabbed his keys and continued to star in his imaginary music video.
You suddenly heard some loud voices fighting amongst themselves, turning more rowdy as you’re favorite ginger’s voice yelled out:
“Let me through! We get to skip the line.”
Another student angrily responded, “What! Why? We've been waiting for 15 minutes already! You just got here!”
“Special privileges as the esteemed Prefect’s favorite classmates!”
“Ace!” You heard Deuce hiss, sounding as exasperated as you felt, “Wait in line like everyone else!”
Shouting out and waving his hands, Ace smiled “Hey Prefect-”
“No!” You shouted back, the room suddenly silent as the two of you held each other’s glares.
“But I don’t wanna-”
Ace pouted as you pointed your hand to the back of the line. Damn, I thought you loved me Prefect.
“Back to the line Ace! I’m not letting you shenan-once, just so you can shenanigan!”
Laughter bursted out as he dejectedly followed Deuce to the end of the line, the check in resuming as normal until the two met you at the front. 
Y/N! You look nice in your dorm colors! “Ace, don’t they look nice in their new uniform?” Deuce gave you a particularly tight hug, while Ace squeezed in and nuzzled his cheek into Grim’s, who claimed that “this is harassment!”. 
Despite his earlier embarrassment, Ace was more than happy to tease you as a small act of revenge.
“Heyy~ Prefect, look at you~” You tryin’ to get a boyfriend? “Wow I can’t believe you dressed up all for me! Unfortunately, I’m not into your type, sorry!” That’s illegal, you have to be lonely forever just like me.
You stuck your tongue out at Ace as he squeezed your cheeks, doing the same to you. 
“Ace, leave them alone!” Deuce rolled his eyes, huffing at both of your behaviors. Why are you both like this? “Have you been working all day for check in?” You should take a break soon.
You shrugged, “Yeah, but I’ll be taking a break soon anyways. I’m sure one of the ghost staff can take over.”
Ace frowned as you signed both he and Deuce in the sheet, “That kinda sucks.” Glad I’m not stuck here. 
“Oh!” Deuce held his fist in his hand as he suddenly became animated, a mannerism he still had to break. I know! “What if we help you out? We can drop off our stuff and come back, I’m sure the housewarden wouldn’t mind us helping since it’s just move-in day for the rest of us.”
Noooooooo, I wanna nap! Ace whined, “Don’t say we, I didn’t volunteer.” Prefect, say no thanks!
“Sure!” You chirped, smiling cheekily at a pouting Ace. “I’d love that! Just come right back and I’ll take a lunch. We can then finish check-in way faster with four of us!”
Deuce nodded as he took his and Ace’s room keys, who was still whining about “having to work right away!” You waved as they left through their dorm mirror, turning back to the task at hand. You noted that several students’ thoughts were growing increasingly frustrated with the long line, so you focused on getting your line down before the rowdy Savanaclaw students arrived. 
As the last of the Heartslabyul students were checking in, a mix of Diasomnia and Octavinelle students began arriving. 
A handful of the former had begun checking in, you noticed that Sebek and Silver were the first of their dorm to arrive. Giving a small wave, you smiled at them as the two sophomores, one of Heartslabyul and the other Pomefiore, when a very loud, almost migraine inducing thought AND shout emerged from the crowd. 
“SHRIMPYYYY~” The two students suddenly shoved out of the way as a pair of large, pale hands slammed themselves down on the desk SHRIMPYYYY~
You cringed at the volume of his voice and thoughts, looking up at the sharp-toothed grin of one of the most infamous students at Night Raven College. 
“Hi Floyd, you cut the line you know-”
“Shrimpyyy” he whined, slumping over the desk and looking up at you with his droopy eyes. “Don’t tell me off, aren’t you excited to see me? I’m very excited to see you~”
Hehe, so small~
He grinned and reached for your sides with grabby hands, “I’ve been waiting to give the cutest little shrimpy a good squeeeeeeeze~” Let me at you!
You squeaked as he grabbed you by your waist and held you up like a parent holding a toddler. Suddenly, your vision blurred and dizzy. 
Gripping onto his shoulders, you clutched your arms around him, willing yourself to not throw up. 
Slowing down, still giggling, he set you down on your wobbly feet. “Eeeeeh? You’re fine Shrimpy!”
Hehe, look at them wobble like they're fresh on land! So cuteeee~
“Floyd! You can’t just cut the line!” approaching sternly, exasperated, Azul impatiently tapped his foot. I don’t know what else I’d expect, honestly. 
 Holding on the end of the table, where Grim was still checking in (working for once), you gave Azul a small wave.
“Hi Azul, how’s it going? Gimme a sec, everything is still dizzy…”
Poor little thing. Azul smiled politely at you, “Hello Prefect, it’s nice to see you again, I must say it’s nice to see you acclimating so well to the school culture!”
It’s unfortunate, I won’t ever get Ramshackle at this rate.
“Ha, thanks Azul, uh I’m gonna have to ask you both to head to the back of the line to check in.” You smiled apologetically, gesturing to the back. 
“Oh of course! It wouldn’t be fair to-”
“Nah, I don’t wannaaa!” Floyd whined, draping his arm and weight over Azul who buckled slightly under him, “Jade, you don’t wanna wait either, right?”
Looking behind Floyd and Azul, you saw the other Leech twin approach, his usual polite smile on his face. 
“Now now Floyd, let’s not make the Prefect’s job harder than it needs to be.” He replied, soft-spoken, with his hand up to his chest, “I’m sure they’d like to make an exception if they could, isn’t that right Prefect?”
Smiling in relief, you opened your mouth to reply when Jade’s thoughts floated through, crystal clear with no room for doubt, in your mind. 
Little pearl, I missed you! Did you dress up just for me~ Look at you, pretty little two-legs. Oooooh~ I’d like to flip that skirt up and bend you over-
You saw a mental image of you, bent over the table with Jade over you, skirt lifting up as his hands slid from your legs up to your-
Pain shot up your wrist, your head throbbing, looking up at the Grim from the floor. In your shock from the unexpectedly lewd thoughts from the usually polite and formal Jade, your hand had slipped from the table you’d been leaning on, banging your head on the edge and falling on your wrist.
“Henchman!” Grim cried out, jumping from the table to look at you as the trio looked over you with concern. You locked eyes with Jade and froze, physically feeling the red flush from the tips of your toes to the top of your head.
“Oh my, Prefect, are you alright?” Look how red they are, how cute~ Are you embarrassed? Don’t worry my pearl, you’re cute when clumsy. Why didn’t you fall onto me? I would’ve caught you. 
Jade held a hand out to you, his smile betraying nothing. “Here, let me help you up.”
I’ll take you to the nurse! Then I’ll heal you up, you’ll be so grateful~ You’ll give me a kiss then, won’t you?
Another scene, this time of you in an infirmary bed, Jade hovering over you as you looked into each other’s eyes longingly. 
“Oh Jade, you’ve been taking such good care of me. I don’t know how to thank you!” “Dear Pearl, it’s my pleasure to care for someone as lovely as you. But, there is no need to thank me.” “I need to Jade! Maybe—” You unbutton your blouse, blushing as you looked up at Jade shyly. “—I can thank you… with my body…”
You bolted up, surprising Jade and the others near you, and shrieked at the top of your lungs. “NOTHANKYOUIMFINETHANKSFORASKING!”
Everyone nearby looked at you in shock, Grim included, as Ace and Deuce entered the mirror chamber. Approaching you, they looked at the small crowd that had gathered, confused. 
“Hey Prefect, we came to help.” Deuce looked between you and Jade nervously, “Is everything alright-”
“YES! Everything is fine, I just need a break!!” shoving the clipboard you’d been using into Ace’s hand, you rushed out of the Hall of Mirrors. 
Oof! Hey!
Huh?! Prefect?
“Okay thanks, I’mheadingoutnowbye!!!!” Flying out of the room fast enough to have Coach Vargas begging to have you in the track and field club, you made it to your dorm in mere minutes. 
Slamming the front door behind you, you slid down to the floor. Cradling your burning face, Jade’s words played on repeat like a scratched CD. 
Little pearl~
Pretty two-legs.
You’re cute when you’re clumsy.
I’d like to flip that skirt up and bend you over-
“Oh my god, oh my god, ohmygodmygodgodgod-” you shrieked into your hands. You’d brushed off crude comments from the other students, and even enjoyed the sexual jokes Ace would make in his head at your expense, bantering back with him. 
But hearing something so risqué and just straight-up raunchy from Jade Leech. A polite, albeit unsettling man. All your conversations had either been formal, patronizing, even outright mean during your first interactions with the contract fiasco. 
“I’d never even- I can’t believe-” you curled into a ball. “When? How? WHY???”
You sobbed. Were you shocked? Yes. A bit horrified? More than a bit. Embarrassed? You were hyperventilating in the fetal position after turning a 20-minute walk into a 5-minute sprint to your dorm, so take from that what you will. 
How am I supposed to speak to him now? I don’t even like him, he’s scary! Oh my god, did he have these thoughts before? Are they always so-so-so explicit? He said he wanted to bend me-Oh my GOOOOOOOOOD!
The floor became the victim to your muffled screams and sobs. You failed to notice Earnest floating past the hall to the living room. 
Upon seeing your sobbing, shaking form, he turned back the way he came. “Nope!”
You eventually calmed down, turning over to stare at the ceiling, the clock in the kitchen showed that it was half-past one. You’d been sobbing on the floor for roughly an hour. 
Groaning, you took your phone from your pocket. “Oooooooh crap, Grim and the others are probably wondering where the hell I am.” True to your word, you had well over 20 missed messages and even a few calls from your friends on both Magicam and Twister. 
@traaaaaaaaapola: ayo?? wya dont leave me alone w juice
@deuce♠️: are u ok did something happen?
@traaaaaaaaapola: bitch come back im nah getting paid for this
@JackHowl: Hey, I heard you hurt yourself earlier, are you okay?
@vilmademechangethis: deuce said you ran off u ok???
@deuce♠️: its been a while, are you okay?
@traaaaaaaaapola: i didnt mean to call you a bitch come back ily
@traaaaaaaaapola: bae pls ur loml come back riddle is yelling at us for not being at the dorm
@deuce♠️: Y/N?????
@traaaaaaaaapola: me and juice are coming to the dorm to check on you
@leechj: I hope you’re okay, Prefect. Let me know if you’re in need of assistance, I’m more than happy to provide. :)
You stared at the last message, contemplating on whether you’d resume your fetal position or instead launch yourself off the roof. Super healthy response to learning that someone likes you. 
Like is putting it lightly. There’s no way those are normal thoughts for someone with a crush. God, who actually thinks things like that! It’s like a boy entering puberty and finding porn for the first time. Groooooooss!
Someone knocked at the front door you’d been leaning at, and Deuce called out. “Y/N? It’s us, we brought you snacks, can you let us in please?” 
We know you can hear us, please Y/N. 
I’m not even mad anymore! I got to be incharge of everyone. It was nice. 
Slowly, you stood, groaning from your stiff back, and opened the door. You peaked out to look at the two, and a sleeping Grim in Ace’s arms. Noting the lack of any others, you opened the door wider and gestured to them. 
Stepping in, both boys looked at you softly, Ace pointing to your face.
“You, uh, been crying?”
You wiped at your face, your fingers smudged with black eyeliner. 
“...A lil bit.”
What happened? Deuce placed a bag from you presumed Sam’s shop on the ground and peered closer to your face. “Everyone said you fell and hurt yourself on the table. Is that all?”
Shifting uncomfortably, you nodded your head. 
Did someone hurt you? Ace came back from the living room, where he’d placed Grim on the couch. 
“Nuh-uh” you hummed. 
All three of you stood in uncomfortable silence, the other two waiting for you to explain further. But you remained quiet, refusing to meet their eyes. 
Until Ace opened his mouth, trying to deflate the situation “What did you hear someone’s dirty thoughts or something-”
“Yes. I heard dirty thoughts.”
“O-oh.” Deuce stuttered. “That’s all-”
“I heard Jade’s dirty thoughts.”
Both stiffen.
“I heard Jade’s dirty thoughts about bending me over-”
“What” Ace choked. 
“— And flipping my skirt over-” Deuce made a sputtering noise.
“— I think he must be an exhibitionist cause i think he wanted to fuc-”
Both rushed over to smack their hands over your mouth, effectively cutting off your rambling. Deuce was burning a deep red that would rival Riddle’s hair, while Ace held a poker face. 
“Pffft-AHAHAHAHAAAAA!” Ace bursted out laughing, falling to the ground in hysterics. 
“NO WAY! JADE LEECH?!” He pounded his fist on the floor, heaving for air between laughs.
You started pounding on his back as Ace turned over and held his arms up in defense. “Don’t laugh! Do you know how embarrassing it was to hear that? How would you-STOP LAUGHING!!”
You started pulling at the ginger’s hair, who was still giggling as he held onto your hands to keep you from scalping him. 
“Ace! Stop laughing, they’re obviously embarrassed.” Deuce sighed, still red, looking as if he’d age 30 years suddenly.
Was that all?
Your head snapped to glare at him. “What do you mean ‘was that all?” HOW’D YOU FEEL IF SOMEONE WAS TALKING ABOUT FUCKING YOU IN FRONT OF EVERYONE?!”
Embarrassment fueling your rage, you got up to hit Deuce. Honor student be damned, his delinquent past made an appearance as he grabbed your hands and twisted them so that he pressed them against your back. 
Sighing, Deuce let you struggle in his grasp until you froze as Ace spoke up.
“He didn’t actually say anything though? It was thoughts, which might I remind you, are supposed to be private.” 
Shrugging out of Deuce’s hold, you pouted as Ace continued.
“Telepathy isn’t something that’s heard of, even here.” He reached into the bag the other had brought with you and threw you a bottle of your favorite drink while he opened his own bottle of soda.
Deuce hummed in agreement, “Yeah, I mean you can’t fault someone for thinking stuff. Especially since no one else really knows about your, uh, thing.”
You sighed, sipping your beverage.
“...I guess. It’s still weird though. Other’s make little comments here or there, but they’re always short, something I can ignore as typical college guys and their rudeness. But this?”
Both winced a bit, understanding why you were at the very least uncomfortable. 
We get it…
“Look, it’s not like you have to be cool with it, but-” Ace threw an arm over your shoulder. “-you’d better get used to it, Jade’s definitely not the only one you’re gonna be hearing things from.”
Lots of the students here find you pretty hot you know~
“Huh.” You deadpan at him, mouth agape. 
“What? I thought you knew, lots of the students talked about you and how cute you are.”
Ace smacked his hand into Deuce’s chest. “Right Deuce?”
Grunting and smacking Ace back, he nodded. “Yeah, we thought you knew Prefect, lot’s of the others in our classes would talk about you, especially after dealing with the first overblot.”
You’re awfully pretty Y/N, didn’t you know?
“You better get used to it then.” Ace dragged you over to the dorm kitchen to sit. 
“Not just in general, but with Jade too. Didn’t you say you had the third-year potions class before we left for break?”
You might end up seeing him more often, and hearing him more often too. 
You furrowed your eyebrows at that comment, waving him off. 
“It’s just the potions class, there’s like five different classblocks.” You huffed, resting your head on the cool table. “I’m sure I’ll be fine. We hardly interacted in the shared freshman/sophomore classes.” 
You took a long sigh and ignored the two men’s shared glance. 
It’s a big school, and I hardly visited the Monstro Lounge anyways. I bet I’ll be able to count our interactions on one hand by the end of the year!
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It was a few days before the opening ceremony, you and Grim decided to split up and see where your classes would be. Since you had little expectations for new Ramshackle students, you two were able to be a bit more leisurely during preparations. 
You’d sent Grim to scout out the morning classes, while you wandered the hall for the afternoon ones, seeing as a few of them were advanced classes with the juniors. 
That was alright though, you weren’t just the magicless human now. You were the Ramshackle Prefect, now a semi-capable mage with a surprising affinity for potionology, even before. 
Potionology was actually quite enjoyable, as you’d discover it wasn’t magic dependent. Rather, it reminded you of cooking back in your home world, following simple instructions and measurements.
 At least, the type of cooking could actually follow, you shuddered at having to follow the instructions your mother would give: “take a little bit and then watch it and once it looks good add a bunch of this—pay attention! Put that one over there in the pot!”
Yeah, Crewel is a saint compared to cooking with mom. 
You continued your relaxed pace, looking down at your copy of the schedule. You’d notice that the classes that had required little to no magic last year: potionology, history, musicology, and even magic analysis, were quite easy for you since it focused on the theory of magic. 
Looking up at the classroom numbers, you looked for class 3-H for your next class. You noted that following lunch, you had Ancient History, followed with Advanced Magical Potions as your last class of the day.
Ah, it looks like me and Grim got placed into the afternoon Magical Potions class. Thanks to my hard work last year, I got us to take the advanced class with the juniors, so I might ask-
“Why, hello Prefect.” 
You froze, turning to the 6’2” man towards you from down the hall. 
There you are my pearl. “I was worried about your incident during check in, tell me did you make it home alright?” I missed the opportunity to care for you~
“Ah, Jade.” You shuffled nervously and smiled politely at him. 
He’s thinking sorta normal thoughts, so that’s good.
“I’m alright, there’s no need to worry about me. If you don’t mind me asking, what are you doing exploring the halls? You need to prep your dorm for the freshman, right?”
So sweet, are you curious about me? Cutecutecutecutecute-
“Why yes, but I figured that I’d see where my classes would be at and prepare the most efficient route. Are you doing the same?”
You nodded, relaxing a bit. “Yes, I’m looking for my afternoon classes, a bunch of them are the advance classes for juniors, so I’m trying to figure out where they are.”
Showing Jade the class schedule in your hand, you pointed to the potions class. 
“I was looking for class 3-H for my potionology class, you wouldn’t happen to know where it is?”
Ah… YES!
Slightly jumping, you noticed that Jade’s smile grew ever so slightly. One would think he was just being nice, but you knew better.
“Why yes,” Thank the Sea Witch!! “I happen to have that very same class with you, just down the hall.” Same class with Y/N!
Wait what.
“O-oh, what a…nice surprise!” you stammered out, forcing a smile back.
A VERY nice surprise, I’m delighted that you agree. 
“Indeed. I look forward to seeing you every day this year, Prefect.”
Hopefully we’ll be seatmates, and I’ll have the chance to gaze upon your sweet face every single day! Those soft eyes, sweet lips, oh I wonder do you taste as delicious as you look?
A vision of you and Jade again. This time, he was pressing you up against the wall of the hallway. This version of Jade pressed open-mouthed kisses against your neck, hands guiding your legs and arms to wrap around him. 
Soft lips and sharp teeth pressed into the crook of your neck, as you let out a heady moan.  “Jaaaaaaade~” you gasped, pressing your own kisses unto his temple.  He hummed, licking up the blood from the bite he left. “Fuhuhu~ I was right my darling, you’re sweet enough for me to eat up.” 
You could feel the sweat drop from your temple, forcing yourself to keep your smile steady. 
“Aha… Looking forward to it.”
This is gonna be a long year, isn’t it?
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Nicknames for mw2 fellas
I have so many ideas for mw2 dudes but idk how to write them out but this one seems to plague my brain the most. But this is something i would see the reader or my oc calling them platonically or romantically. (sorry for any misspellings I'm just rambling as I go)
would definitely get called Boo because ya know most ghosts say boo and sneak up on you. Could also be used in a flirty way, to annoy him, etc. I feel like he’d either be dumbfounded trying to process the whole nickname (could also be blushing under that mask too tbh). The guys would definitely tease him for it but would be met with a glare in exchange.
his nickname would be bubbles because most soaps/body washes create suds/bubbles. He reminds me of bubbles from the power puff girls lol, so happy, sweet and goofy. He lights up any room he’s in. His nickname can also be used in a flirty or teasing way especially if he makes you laugh or if you make him laugh. His joy and laughter is intoxicating. When you first use the nickname on him at first he blinks a couple of times before giving that boyish grin and a cute chuckle. He would also get teased for it but he’d just tell the other they’re jealous of his nickname and bond with you. 
ima be real here these are probably more on the romantic side. Most people see him as someone who is easily flustered and some people see him as not. But the nicknames are your majesty, my liege, your highness (this one mostly bc he’s so tall). All can be playful as well but the image of using them to kinda praise him/flirt with him and even throw in a kiss on his hand won’t leave my mind. Another nickname is skyscraper bc my god this man is tall a whole foot taller than me and I’m 5′10. I can see him just walking down the hall maybe on his way to breakfast and then the reader/your oc trying to catch up like “wait for me your highness! I have little legs!” causing him to smile under his sniper veil (whatever its called lol)
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xotrashratxo · 11 months
Nerdy Prudes Must Die Quotebook
Comment any I missed LMAO
“I am only ONE MAN’s girl, and that man is JESUS CHRIST.” Grace Chastity
“SHUT UUUUUUPPPP.” Max Jagerman *Audience cackles* 
“THE ANSWER IS STILL NO….. by the way.” Max Jagerman
“RAAH” Max Jagerman and Grace Chastity
“the fucking BOW TIE KID???” Brenda the Cheerleader
“I know he’s RICH. But money isn’t everything! Looks are. “ Stacy the Cheerleader
“WAIFU MATERIAL” Richie Lipchitz
“SHE’S TOUCHING MEEE!! LUCKYYYY!” Ruth Fleming and Richie Lipchitz
“Woooow…. These toilets aren’t even in stalls! It’s better than I ever imagined!” Ruth Fleming
“Thats some cooool kid privilege right there.” Ruth Fleming OR Richie Lipchitz
“DESTROY HIM.” Grace Chastity
“God you suck, Grace.” Stephanie Lauter
“He’s made ALL OUR LIVES a living HECK.” Grace Chastity
“The most terrifying, HOTTEST bully in Hatchetfield” Grace Chastity
“We’ll fight sin with sin! Let the games begin!” ‘Nerdy Prudes’
“Ugh I gotta piss….” Max Jagerman
“Oh SHIT, where’s that creepy music coming from?” Max Jagerman
“Oh shit oh fuck it’s a fucking ghost!!!” Max Jagerman
“He thinks it’s real he’s just really fucking BRAVE.” Richie Lipchitz
“BOO HOO BITCH.” Max Jagerman
“Oh shit oh fuck I didn’t think there’d be a skele’in HERE!” Max Jagerman
“WOW… I uh… I thought you guys hated me. But uh, thanks! This was really great! No no no, this is the nicest thing anyone’s done for me!” Max Jagerman
“That was really special.” *bows* Max Jagerman
“And with MY luck, no one will even BOTHER making me their BITCH.” Ruth Fleming
“It was an act of god!” Grace Chastity
“Oh no she’s snapping again!” Richie Lipchitz
“Oh my asthmas back…” Richie Lipchitz
“I just cut off his nips.” Ruth Fleming FORESHADOWING??? 
“Steph, you can keep it. It would bring down my GPA.” Peter Spankofvski
“I’m tryna feel bad but it’s hard when everything is objectively better.” Peter Spankofvski
“Never thought I could open my locker without the fear running through me.” Richie Lipchitz
“N-IG-HT-AWE AWE- ks!” Everyone
“FUCK clivesdale.” Everyone, repeatedly. 
“FUCK YOU CLIVESDALE WE’LL KILL YOU!” Cheerleaders and Jocks
“Zeke! The fighting nighthawk!” Jason the Football player
“We support and love you, but you fuckin’ stink man!” Jason the Football player
“I love being alive!” Richie Lipchitz
“YA BITCH.” Max Jagerman
“Of course not! But you’ve lost everything.” Max Jagerman HIT SO HARD 
“Mama I’m cured!” Grace Chastity
“HWAELL they didn’t say!” Mark Chastity
“Alright ima need the 3 of you to shut the FUDGE up about Max Jagerman.” Grace Chastity
“SHUT. THE FUCK UP. RUTHY.” Stephanie Lauter
“People tell me to die everyday!” Ruth Fleming
“Don’t be ridiculous! Wait-“ Grace Chastity
“DAN!” Angry Adult Mob
“Suddenly the show is real upsetting!” Angry Adult Mob
“Fuckin’ transcendent…..!” Cop Corey
“I wanna remember who I YAAAMmmm…” Trevor, who’s only other credit is Barbecue Monologues Man 2 
“I turned 40 today.” *pours alcohol* Ruth Fleming in Barbecue Monologues
“Oh shit not Clivesdale!” Officer Shapiro
*heavy breathing* “…… thank you.” Peter Spankofvski
“MY DAD sells WOMEN’S SHOES.” Peter Spankofvski
“Dork at the beany’s counter has more balls than you.” Stephanie Lauter
“She’s bisexual and dead, where else could she be?” Grace Chastity, also GRACE DONT CALL ME OUT
“I’ve done horrible things! Like touching myself and lying to the police! I called god a son of a b word! Who am iiiiii…..” Grace Chastity
“Don’t comfort her, she’s fucking weird.” Stephanie Lauter
“KYUK KYUK KAH FUCK.” Max Jagerman
“I beg to differ, BITCH.” Max Jagerman
“I’ve got a gun.” Stephanie Lauter
“Are you a woman of god?” “Catholic.” “I’ll take that as a no.” Grace Chastity and Officer Shapiro (as a Catholic this is hilarious.) 
“I have no idea what I’m doing.” Peter Spankofvski (Me too Peter, me too.)
“My phone!” Stephanie Lauter
“Or fuck off!” The Lords in Black
“It’s you Steph. I’m into you.” Peter Spankofvski (IM CRYINGGGG)
“I just took a bullet for you bro!” Max Jagerman
“SO YOU DO KNOW THE BIBLE?” Grace Chastity
“But Jesus never threw a football like you Max.” Grace Chastity
“SHUT YOUR MOUTH HOLE SPANKOVSKI. I wanna hear this.” Max Jagerman
“FUCK. YEAH.” Max Jagerman
“GASP. That’s NASTY. I like it.” Max Jagerman
“WHAT. THE FUCK. IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW.” Stephanie Lauter (That’s so me, Steph.)
“I paid the price. Now fuck off!” *Spins* Grace Chastity
“WHAT ARE YOUUU-“ Max Jagerman
“You’re in my world now. Bitch.” One of the Lords in Black (Pokey I think???) 
“I…. Am gonna get some fucking coffee.” Officer Shapiro
“Did you guys know JASON goes to my CHURCH?” Grace Chastity
Total quotes: 85
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screampied · 4 months
see I just realised you said GHOST and not ghostface,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, that’s very embarrassing I wish I could unsend an ask bc that’s so embarrassing,,,,,,,,,,,, EISH IM CURLIN UP I MISREAD IT AGHHH
close enough it’s TOJI and he’s sexy so :3333
did he js flick the reader’s forehead,,, OU HIS HANDS ARE COLD?? MEOWWWWW “are you even listening” NO KING IM TRYNA HEAR UR DICKS HEARTBEAT MIAOOWWWWWW
“wanna feel?” 😧 well,,,,,,,, it must be the witching hour bc I’m about to do some magical spells on that shit LMFAOAOA 😭 “knock y’erself out” AYE AYE CAP’N 😻‼️
“knees” did and done 🧎🏾‍♀️”bra, take that off too” SO HE WANNA SEE MY TITS 😛😛😛 BEST BELIEVE THAT SHIT IS FLYING OFF (I’m so sorry.) “fuck, y’er pretty” THANK YOU DADDY 😻😻😻😻😻😻😻
“it’s too big for you? thats my bad” cocky about his cock,,, I NEED HIM AUGGH
“such a pretty mouth, ugh” the ugh in italic? I HEARD IT?? LAED?? IM SO FINISHED IM PROPERLY DONE “good girl. haah, ‘s good” meows.
“you want that, sweets?” I CALL PEOPLE SWEETS TOO OMG ME N HIM TWINNIN and wtf is ectoplasm.. IS IT YHAT GREEN SHIT FROM GHOSTBUSTERS?? OH NAH GMFU SAY WHAT NOW?? nvm its whitee, false alarm :P
“Yer mouths gettin smart” IT CAN GET SMARTER, OG OFFICE SIREN RIGHT HERE !! “fuuuuuuuuck me” lawd……… LAWD I LOVE WHEN MEN DO THAT
“I wanna break you” sweet and sour kebabs.. “you have to pay for that you kno-" LMFOAOAOAOAOAO WE ARE FUNNYY “you played with her?” he referred to it as her… screampied’s version of toji is the man of my dreams NOT YOU ADRESSING IT LMFAOAOOA YOURE SO REAL FOR THAT
“n-no” “y-yea” moans. THE MOCKING I NEED THIS IN MY LIFEEE “look at that tongue” IM DYING IM BEDRIDDEN IM ILL HELP ME “listen to it with me” WOWZA “atta girl” YOWZA !
— pearl anon !!!! :3
LMAOOO OMG 🫦🫦🫦 tehe yesss he’s an actual ghost but id love to write ghostface toji one day 🤚🏽 that'd eat so hard bruh
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the dick's heartbeat 😭😭😭 that's new i'm gonna use that one day. YESSSS HIS HAPPY TRAIL, i could literally write so much ab happy trails it’s actual sick idk ??? like they’re jus so sexy to me. happy trails >>>
right he’s so cocky he just needs to get put in his place like … (he does 🌚) HEHEJE YESSS UGH IN ITALIC. it just has more pizzazz me thinks, omg i love that word pizzazzzzz. HELPPPP ectoplasm is a ghost like substance but since it’s fanfiction let’s say it’s another type of cum 👨🏽‍💻👨🏽‍💻
YESSS tojis pussy talk is literally unmatched, literally got an ask to elaborate on his pussy talk n i’m so GEEKEDDDDD. writing his dialogue makes my stomach churn up in KNOTSSSS
right. we love sassy reader's w backbone before being put in their place >>>> THE WITCH SHIT BYE. pussarius drunkios HELP ???? 😭😭😭😭
yep, whiney toji my fav 🫦 did all that just to get put in his place <3 he’s never gonna leave us bc he’s too pussy whipped now 🙂‍↕️
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shurishoe · 2 years
|•|Life in the palace|•|
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Shuri’s pov
“Wassup guys!! Welcome back to the royal channel!!! ” Me and Riri yelled at the camera. “So today we are back with a prank on our wife y/n” Riri said smiling at the camera. I smiled at her cuteness and proceeded. “Yes so we’ve built a device that would make it seem as tho you are being haunted. With this device we can control activity around the house to scare y/n”. We started laughing and Riri said “if you don’t know y/n does NOT do ghost! So this is definitely gonna be fun” “That is true ” I said laughing. “So let’s see how this goes” Riri said.
Riri’s Pov-
We snuck around the house and watched y/n, finally we found her in the living room and I started to use the nanotech to knock a picture off the wall. We giggled before we ducked down as started planning what to do next. When she went to the bathroom we went and pulled something’s off the shelf and set them in different places before returning to hiding, A smile crept on my face as I felt Shuri’s hands wrap around my waist “Were supposed to be pranking y/n not having kissy kissy time” I complained as I pushed the taller away playfully. She rolled her eyes but quickly ducked when y/n emerged from the bathroom
Y/n pov
I’m home alone because Shuri and Riri are still at the lab. I heard a picture fall off the wall. “Now how the hell-” I said. “You know what ima let it slide. Ima let it slide.” I went to the bathroom and when I came back things looked reorganized. “Aw hell nah” I said.
I ran upstairs but not before tripping on them. Once I made it to our room I jumped on the bed and hid under the covers. Soon it sounded like a door opened and footsteps so I thought shuri and riri were home. I went down stairs and surely no one was there. “Well I’ll be damned” I said with my hands on my hips looking around. “BOO” was all I heard as my heart stopped for a second. I turned around and there were my two wives laughing uncontrollably. “That’s not funny” I said staring at them. “I know I’m sorry baby” “I’m sorry my love” they said at the same time. “Guys that’s the end of this video thanks for watching.” Said Shuri. “Welp baby you gotta close out” Riri said holding the camera in my face. Make sure you guys like, comment, subscribe and turn on post notifications! Bye guys!” I said. “Bye!” Yelled Shuri and Riri.
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|•♡•♡{Welcome pick your man!}♡•♡•|
|•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡|{Number 1}|♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•♡•|
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{♡} personal
- soulmate au but make it hurt.
Morticia and Gomez
{♡} personal
- they are so them and I love it
{♡} personal
- Mf just wants cuddles
Boo's bed
{♡} personal HC
- He needs Boo to sleep
Incorrect Quotes:
Don't eat Boo's snacks
Another window!?
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{♡} personal
nymph listener
{♡} personal
- Seth finds someone in the water hole he goes to. Wonder who it could be?
{♡} personal
- sigh covering a kiss with his cowboy hat
Incorrect Quotes:
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Zombie Apocalypse AU
{♡} requested
- Ruh roh zombies are heerreee
Casper died au
{♡} personal
- Charlie can't let go. But what if Casper helps him?
{♡} personal HC
- The rat makes you jewelry!
Charlie Things
{♡} personal HC
- Some things I think he'd do
Incorrect Quotes:
Action figure date
Heart go Doki Doki
going to spoil you
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{♡} ask
- big guy small dog type shit
I will guide you all
{♡} personal writing
- Love your ALIVE lover? Erm...sorry to break this to you-
{♡} personal
- I'm silly goofy and so are they
Love Song
{♡} personal
- I wanna serenade this mf
A child
{♡} personal
- somehow we got a kid (it's Faust)
Audio Idea
{♡} personal
- trying to spend time together but Rook/Auron is busy
Another Audio Idea
{♡} personal
- jealously jealously jealously on Rook's part
Audio/story Idea
{♡} personal
- Putting a old bitch in her place. I DO love my partner thanks <3
Big connection
{♡} personal
- What if Rook had connections with a big name?
Got domesticated
{♡} personal HC
- Auron realizes how much Rook took up in his life.
{♡} personal
- Did I manifest the Halloween series? Maybe, maybe not! But I want him to bite my neck-
Bark like you want it
{♡} personal
- trust ima do more than BARK!!
Incorrect Quotes:
everythings great
Smack talk
would kill for you
sugar baby frfr
Yan! Rook
First love
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Gacha Phase
{♡} personal HC
- a gacha kid?!- me too (kinda)
Marina and the Diamonds
{♡} personal HC
- look me in the eyes and tell me I'm wrong.
Incorrect Quotes:
switch moods
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{♡} personal HC
- Give pretty guy shiny rock, pretty guys loves it. Boom romance.
{♡} personal HC
- Silly blonde saying silly sayings
sayings 2
{♡} personal HC
- Silly blonde at it again
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Yan! Sunflower
{♡} reblog
- a moot reblog I had to add on too!
Who would beef with a kid?
{♡} poll
- out if all the boy's whos beefing w a kid? (Spoiler it's not lookin good for Faust)
this whole thread
{♡} personal
- my first post :D
Songs 2
{♡} personal
- bittersweet trio
Corpse bride au
{♡} personal
- Seth is Emily, Alphonse is Victor and Boo is Veronica
Cryptic listeners
{♡} personal
- Wanna get with a cryptic? It's your luck day :D
{♡} personal
- Okay manhwa's but w Alphonse, Seth, Charlie and Auron.
Brotherly talk
{♡} personal
- Rook is tired of their shit and wants them to be happy.
White Chicks
{♡} personal
- Alphonse and Seth love white chick's lil hc
bittersweet poly hc
{♡} personal HC
- their goofy goobers for Sugarboo
{♡} personal
- Bittersweet trio edit idea :D
Edit 2
{♡} personal
- idea #2 for BS trio bc I love them
{♡} personal
- Trend where u make drinks off your ex. But make it bf bc who would break up w them?
Yandere Listeners
{♡} personal
- the listeners are insane, shocker.
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Multi character:
Playing Uno
Phone Call
Emo phase
kill or..
Just Dance
let me kill
Baby girl
Grocery Shopping
Grocery Shopping 2
Rook and Sugarboo
Rook and Star
fucking who?
shoot a ghost
Break up songs
Break up songs 2
my white boy
white people shit
calling him dude
Yan! Listeners interacting
.•♡•♡Please consider following♡•♡•.
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💯 HUNDRED POINTS SYMBOL — share three random facts about your oc that others may not know.
🌴 PALM TREE — does your oc have a green thumb? do they enjoy gardening?
🤍 WHITE HEART — what are three of your oc's neutral/questionable traits.
🥪 SANDWICH — what does your oc's typical lunch look like? do they usually eat lunch?
😓 DOWNCAST FACE WITH SWEAT — is your oc open-minded or stubborn? are they inquisitive or do they prefer to keep to their bubble of knowledge?
(Any ocs you want :>)
*rubs hands together* >:DDD
💯cassette: 1. despite having a sense of smell, cassette has no sense of taste 2.in (in universe) early designs for cassette, charri originally wanted cassette to be reminiscent of Ichigo/mew strawberry 3. Cassette has limited ability to experience physical sensations, and is currently "little kid making slideshow to convince parents to get them a pet" style trying to get charri to update him
💯charlotte: 1.Charlotte technically has like, dissociative amnesia, which is to say a lot of her childhood she doesn't remember properly due to truama 2.Charlotte is like genetically(?) a very, not powerful but like healthy(?) vampire, this is to say she requires less blood than most to be fully functioning (including magical abilities) esspecially less to be able to regenerate/fast healing, she also is less to prone to hunger, and more resistant and responsive to solid/human foods, and has greater potential for magical abilities 3.Charlotte's original (human) hair color was a lot more saturated and light blue than grey
🌴button the kinda guy to buy a cute airplant and not even manage to keep that alive
🤍charlotte: 1. I mean she's a vampire, she has literally killed people, yes for survival but Charlotte isn't very 'mercy-ful' to her victims, thats not even acknowledging that like, she very much could have avoided killing anyone. She's definitely somewhat sadistic. 2. what really makes 1 questionable is she's not like, horribly regreting said actions, she's very apathetic bout it and while she understands that 'killing people is not good actually' she just sorta doesn't care, while she doesn't go out of her way to harm others she would do it again with no guilt 3. she's not very nice to Jim (the boo that is likely the ghost of one of the staff from the manor) Jim literally wants only the best for her and tries to take care of her and Charlotte sorta pushes him off and generally is really insensitive towards him
🤍kaiya: these are def less questionable considering they all improve greatly post-character arc but still 1. Kaiya's kinda a jerk sometimes, very 'not like the other girls tm' she generally doesn't assume the best of people or give them the benefit of the doubt. 2. she's sorta possessive over those she does deem her friend, like doesn't like a friend of hers being friends with people that aren't also her friends, and isn't past taking advantage of a friend's kindness. 3. Kaiya is always complaining about problems she's caused for herself, Kaiya can't get past her pride and stubbornness even when it would be for her own good, she refuses to admit when she's wrong even when she KNOWS she's wrong
🥪Sunny and Daisy having picnics and lunch dates where they eat various fruits and berries and whenever they have pokebeans sunny points out their heart-shaped nfjksnfadfa. screw it ima share their favorite foods from like the foods that are in pokemon games. sunny's favorite berries are nomel and belue, Daisy's are lum and haban. their go-to drink from the lil pokemon center cafes alola has would be pinap juice for sunny and roserade tea for daisy. There's also those restaurants with z-meals throughout alola. but i'm pretty sure the options are just 3 different meal sizes. Though the battle buffer in hau'oli city does have options, Sunny would get hoen ramen and Daisy would get the rindo salad. Sunny would pick a sour malasada even over a mythical malasada, and Daisy would favor sweet and bitter malasadas. Sunny likes yellow pokebeans the best and daisy likes orange. Daisy's been to multiple regions and has talked to Sunny about all the food he should try if they ever visit. I think it'd be cute if they visited galar together, in which Daisy would like sweet bean medley curry and Sunny would like sour coconut curry. Out of sandwich recipes from paldea Sunny would like tropical sandwiches and Daisy would like smoky sandwich or noodle sandwich.
🥪Button's love for apple juice is almost irrational, like the guy will go through lengths to acquire apple juice. fnkajdak Button really likes Onigiri and seafood but in all honesty his day to day lunch is just instant microwave noodles
😓Kaiya is very stubborn, she doesn't like being talked down to at all and she feels like letting others teach her new things is like admitting their supeirior to her, this is a big part of her arc sense another character in her story, Suika is very much a mentor type character (while kaiya's the magical girl protag, suika is the 'leader')
😓Button used to be leaning to the stubbron side but post-angstera he's very open, they're also the type of person who's just absolutely mind-blown and excited and curious about the simplest things
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ari-cant-think · 11 months
so. uh. i may have made an epilogue for my friend's gen loss fic. ima post the link to theirs and also put my story below.
link: https://archiveofourown.org/works/50311609/chapters/127101310
Ranboo awakes from their thankfully nightmare-less sleep. But while there were no nightmares haunting them that night, they had the feeling they were missing something. He sits up slowly to avoid waking Sneeg and Charlie, and rests his head on his hands as he grasps at the fleeting edges of … something. 
A man with brown hair and square glasses, similar to Charlie's.
A pig-like avatar spawning - was that the word? - a wither in a blocky world.
“Do you want to be a hero, —----? THEN DIE LIKE ONE!”
“-E—---LA—- NEVER DIES!”
“I shall repay that injustice a thousand times over.”
“Hello everyone. Technoblade here. If you’re watching this, I am dead…” 
Ran sits all the way up so fast, they fall off the bed. Sneeg and Charlie are immediately awake, slipping off the bed to sit next to Ranboo. 
“… Ranboo?! … what’s wrong? …”
“… not responding … dissociating? …”
“… boo … you’re not there … promise,”
Ranboo feels someone touch his shoulder, snapping him back to reality. They shake Charlie off, putting their head between their knees. He takes deep breaths, trying to comprehend what he just realized. Once they have regained their composure, they readjust so they are leaning on Charlie, and they begin to speak.
“That man … his name isn't Dave. It’s Alex, but I knew him as Technoblade,”
Sneeg sucks in a sharp breath as the name scratches at a long lost memory.
“He … died. Of cancer. In 2022. 34 years ago. And he did not look like that he was alive. What he looks like now is how most … fanartists … drew him like. Because he - we - played a game called Minecraft. In real life, Techno had short brown hair and brown eyes. He also had glasses … like yours, Charlie … ”
Sneeg slowly breathes in and out before standing up and brushing off his pants.
“Welp. Guess we’re going to have a very important conversation with someone tomorrow.”
“Hullo. You wanted to talk to me?”
Sneeg and Charlie look up from the garden at Dave - or Alex? - let’s go with Alex.
“How’d you know that?” Charlie asks.
Alex shrugs. “Kristen told me.”
“Who’s Kristen?” Sneeg rolls back his shoulder, trying to work out the kinks that had developed during his work in the garden. “Also, how would this ‘Kristen’ know whether we wanted to talk to you?”
Alex lets himself into the garden, undoing the latch from the outside. “She’s Lady Death.”
Charlie turns suddenly, staring at Alex. “Lady Death?! How the fuck do you know her?!”
Alex shrugs once again. “She’s my best friend’s wife.”
—-------i must interrupt your daily sad short story—-------
—--with a link to how i think Sneeg and Charlie look rn:--- -–—--------https://tinyurl.com/sneegandcharlie—------------
“I- ok. Whatever. Not what we need to talk about.”
The three file into the house, moving toward the living room where Ranboo sits. They’re currently drawing with their eye closed … somehow. Alex covertly leans over to glance at the drawing.
. . .
Oh shit.
. . .
It was himself. Not as he appeared now, how he looked when he was alive. Short brown hair, rectangular glasses. 
Ranboo looked up, opening his eye to stare at Alex. 
“Hi, Techno.”
“Hey, Ran.” Alex responds shakily.
“Missed you,” Ranboo tells him.
Alex sits in one of the chairs and begins to fidget with his hair. “I missed you too, kid. Kristen had to stop me from goin’ back to the livin’ world and becomin’ a ghost,”
Charlie, Sneeg and Ranboo all let out identical snorts, surprising Alex.
“Trust me, you do not want to be a ghost,” Sneeg responds. “It’s not fun.”
“ … Well, what do you need to talk about?” Alex asks. 
Ranboo takes a deep breath, and forges ahead. “Why didn’t you tell us? All this time, I’ve been missing memories, and you could’ve helped me - and Sneeg and Charlie - get our memories back. Why?”
Alex’s hands shake slightly and he pulls in a long, deep breath. “Kristen told me not to. I wanted to, I wanted to so bad. She was about to not let me visit you guys, but Phil talked to her -”
A man with kind blue eyes and shoulder length hair.
Another setting in the blocky world - Minecraft - where there is black stone lining the walls around a table that looks like a portal.
“Hi there, mate!”
“Do you really think we’re going to be fair? This is war, —----.”
“Man, sucks to suck, right?”
“Cake time, you little shit!”
“Sometimes you can’t expect forgiveness at all … ”
“Phil … weren’t you really good friends with him?” Ranboo quietly asks.
Alex flinches slightly before answering. “Yeah, we all were. He’s a great father figure,” 
Ranboo laughs a little bit. “I remember that … he bought me food once and demanded to talk with my parents,”
“Ok-” Sneeg interrupts. “-I love to hear the reminiscing, but why did Lady Death order you to not tell us?”
Alex starts to unbraid his hair, a nervous habit. “‘It wasn’t time,’ she said. ‘They’re not ready. It will break them.’ I said that didn’t make sense, but she was insistent,”
“Oh.” Charlie says quietly. There is a long silence before Charlie asks, “Why don’t I remember you at all? Ran does and I can tell that Sneeg remembers some. But I don’t remember anything,”
“ … hmm. There’s no good way to say this. Thing is, Charlie … you’re not the real Charlie. You’re a puppet made by Showfall when they were first starting out. The ‘real’-“ Alex puts quotes around the word. “-Charlie is still on Earth, missin’ Ranboo and Sneeg and the others.”
“But that’s not to say you’re not your own person. You’re a individual, you’re only similar to Livin’ Charlie in your appearance and parts of your personality,”
“So, I’m just what Showfall made me-“
“No, no, no, of course not!” Technoblade hastily adds. “If you were what Showfall created, you would be just like the employees: a blank slate for them to draw on,” He leans forward and gently grabs Charlie’s shoulders, forcing Charlie to look at Techno. 
“You are your own person. You made yourself. All those days spent at Showfall as a child, when you were left alone. That made you. Yourself,” 
Alex, Sneeg, Ranboo, and Charlie’s talking fades out as Lady Death smiles. It did turn out well. Phil was probably right when he said it would be fine. But Kristen didn’t regret it. 
It made for a good story, did it not?
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notcoolbunn · 1 year
Its spooky season so you know what that means, fuck gender ima just be a ghost >:3
Boo be afraid >:(
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i-like-gay-books · 3 years
ive never ghosted someone before why does it feel like,,, not that bad??
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teddytrash-101 · 3 years
An open letter to the good folks at wearethewatcher
Dear Shane and Ryan specifically
I am now a ghost.
Due to you killing me with shock from this ultimate boohya.
I hope you investigate my death.
It better be the first case you find solved.
Because you did it.
Ima eat your hearts as asked previously of other ghosts and demons.
Shane's will be paired with salt bc it feels right.
Ryan"s with peppermint bc I love the taste.
Thx for that cant wait to see you soon.
Ahem. Boo.
Yours sincerely
A ghost
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glitteredcum · 3 years
Coming back...
I’ve been wanting to monologue since I don’t really write in a journal anymore.. and tbh it’s so much more fun typing out my feelings these days, even if no-one reads it too...
So much has been going on in my life lately and I honestly don’t know how to feel about it...
Funny thinking about it now, I never really fully notice how I will process my own emotions until I start doing this... or journaling...
It’s been too long, and there has been so much on my mind lately...
Let’s start with the basics: 
1)   I had an interview today and I think I was hired (?) lol... so that’s cool, however I won’t be starting until two weeks from now... but that’s still a good thing bc it gives me a chance to live it up before starting work again.. lol I’m excited but idk how long I’ll keep this job... tbh my mental health is so bad (even at my best) it’s kinda really hard for me to keep a “normal” job (also a part of the reason why I have an OF because it’s so much easier motivating myself for something I have to schedule myself for...)
2)   I broke up with (one of) my boyfriends, (Zack, now ex) today... bc he kept pushing me away and I couldn’t take it anymore.... Worrying about him was really starting to wear down on me, and I’m not going to let myself put up with someone who’s making me feel like shit bc they do... (I’m sorry, but I care about myself more than that...) I need someone who’s going to treat me the way my other boyfriend (CJ) does... he ALWAYS hits me up and checks up on me and even updates me on his own mental health! (He even tells me when he’s down and I think it’s the cutest fucking thing ever how comfortable he feels with me... I love you CJ!♥) 
3)   I now live in my (”own*) apartment with my brother!? ... it’s cool living with him but obvi his name is on the lease so I don’t pay FULL rent, however I STILL PAY RENT! (I don’t need newfags telling me I don’t pay rent) But, there still is a lot of things unfinished in the house and the landlord seems to not even fucking care??? Like it’s fucked up how much we pay for rent and there’s fucking MOLD in the house! Like???? YIKES... Anyways, 
4)   I am now with my wife Lele for 3 YEARS! ♥ and Katii 2 YEARS! ♥ (These are the longest LDR I’ve ever had! And I’m so proud of us and how far we’ve come!♥ I LOVE my babies!♥) I have also added Brandon this summer ♥ CJ a few months back in April or May ♥ and Xavier last year in November ♥ to the partner list! (I also have another LD bf in New Jersey but he doesn’t want his name out there yet, so I will leave him Anon for now ♥) And that’s 6 partners in total! ♥
5)   My NJ boo has kind of been giving me major heart ache, and y’all ima be full on honest af with out trying to expose him soooo LOL.... for now let’s just say that he has a very time consuming career-path and I used to have a crush on his friend... LOL long story short when we first met IRL, I was going through a very crazy manic episode during the time and I was trying to find a way to live out there (clearly did not work since im back at my home-town lol) but, I ended up telling his BESTFRIEND that I had a crush on him after getting my heart SHATTERED by a fucking - .... rude person I was living with at the time /.\ (trying not to shit talk all my ex’s bc the past is the past but still that person fucking shattered me, but anyways) I was just heartbroken and letting all that out to the wrong person, and we’re cool now (me and my crush), and we had a convo about it and he said it’s “not a big deal” and shit, but idk... something feels off... maybe it’s just me over thinking but we always go through these periods where we will talk for literally two days straight and then he ghosts me for weeks after that...? Like it always has me feeling like he’s just fucking with me this entire time... but everytime he “slides back in my dms” that feeling goes away... I’m so confused honestly, and I don’t even want to think about him or his anymore so I just muted him on instagram and his friends bc I can’t stand being reminded of him (my crush).... I’ve NEVER felt this way about any guy before and idk how to deal with it other than just ignoring it and putting my mind else where.... UGH I HATE THIS!!!!!!!!!!!!!
* I guess y’all can tell what’s really been on my mind here now huh... lol fuck man... ☻ life is crazy... and I feel dead inside 100% of the time tbh, but I’m just too high to notice... lol
Literally if it wasn’t for w**d IDK what I’d be doing w my life, I CBA... LOL
Nah but really though, when you start to value yourself more and how you are treated, you really start to put up with WAAAAAAAAAY less from people. I’ve learned how valuable my time and love is, and I’m not going to allow ANYONE to take that for granted... anyone who doesn’t make me feel absolutely loved for accepted, will be DISMISSED IMMEDIATELY! I don’t have time for people to waste... I need people around me who give me pure love and friendship, I’m not one for the fake shit babe, you can more around with that! ♥
Anyways, y’all ty for reading if you did! I hope this reaches someone who could use this or someone who really needs someone to relate to bc girl, same! ♥
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endmii87 · 5 years
Just thought of a cursed idea: Mario Party but with Luigi’s Mansion 3 characters. Ima make some head cannons out of this, but that would yours be? (let's assume that King boo trapped them in the video game and that all of this is for comical purposes-)
Imfao not gonna lie, I would totally buy that game.
-Some ghosts would be absolutely panicked and don’t know what to do. Chambrea, Ug, Kruller and Potter have no idea what they’re doing but continue on playing, hoping that they can get out. 
-Steward, the triplets, Serpci and Johnny are the ones who troll everyone. They don’t back down to anything if it at least gives them a good laugh from others.
-There’s also the ghosts who are just having fun. Morty, Clem, Fishook and Gloria don’t care that they’re trapped in a game. They play along and are having a blast.
- Finally the loud ones, those who rage because something bad happens to them and loose. Soulfflé, Amadeus, MacFrights and Hellen are ready to break everyone’s eardrums if it comes to them loosing in the last minute.
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unlocktxt · 4 years
BOO hehehehe
ヾ( •́д•̀ ;)ノ KFNAKTIW I swear lena I’m just going to have to plan a whole bunch to get you back. Ima ghost buster yo azz 乁ʕ •̀ ۝ •́ ʔㄏ
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venranae · 4 years
Bro when I move out. Ima move into an old creepy house. My ass never leaves and I don’t have a car. I’m pale as shit. Changing all my clothes to loose white dresses. BOO BITCH.
We going ✈✈ victorian ghost 😍😍
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