#book annabeth chase x reader
lady-ashfade · 3 months
Puppet Master
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Percabeth x Vampie!Reader
-♡ this took a long while!! Sorry for the wait. I will not be making a part two to this, or at this moment.
-♡ words: 1k
-♡ warnings: short, vampire reader, blood, things vampires do, proof reading on this is ass, (we are batman)
@asexualaromosafezone requested this.
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you barely left the shack in the forest. Most campers stayed away from you whenever you came around. from the aura around you, or that you kept a stone cold face always, everything about you kept them away. uou had no cabin, no godly parent so that was the cause of gossip and many questions between the campers.
annabeth heard a story about you when she first arrived at camp, a girl around her age came a year just before her. and she was the cause of spooky night stories used to scared the little ones like her. she was curious to say the least but had many problems to deal with, and no one was allowed near you. she saw you from time to time, you’d find yourself to the big house, stay around the camp alone and stiffen if anyone tried to talk to you. then, you’d leave as soon as the night came and she couldn’t figure where you went.
tt was like you disappeared.
percy on the other hand. as soon as he heard about you it sent a chilling shiver down his spine. luke told him a story, they had made up, that you take the souls of half bloods in the night. so he never wanted to find you and he was glad you stayed away. So naturally he found himself in front of you when you came down into camp.
“I’m sorry,” he apologized and ripped out the arrow from a tree that nearly hit you, “I can’t get ahold of this thing.” he had been there a year and this was his first time seeing you. he noticed something about you that was different from him. your skin didn’t look right and like it was a few shades lighter then it should be, and he couldn’t see your eyes hidden behind your sunglasses.
his body started to nervously sweat as you stare at him without moving and had no facial expression. then he heard the slightest hum from you before you continue to walk back on the path and unfazed by anything.
it’s been a few years and they grew. many quest, getting together, almost many deaths, tears, blood & sweat. you only came to mind a few times when their mind wonders. or when they saw you once a few months, if they could find you at least. it seemed the shadows favored you.
“Find the old shack in camp,” percy was told by the oracle, “you will face the lifeless inhabitant.” it always had to be something dangerous and never, “go get some ice cream.” or anything good.
he brought annabeth…not because he was scared or anything. but they had no idea what it really met, but they brought everything incase. because in every quest it seemed to go the opposite of what they thought.
three knocks was all it took for Percy’s body to run cold and almost tremble. you lived here, or so they say but the words the oracle spoke made no since to him. “face the lifeless inhabitant.” and last time he checked you were alive. Annabeth didn’t waste much time before banging onto the door to call for you of anyone who would listen.
“Go away half bloods.” that voice sounded smooth and it drawled them in. like a angel’s voice with how warm it sounded. “You’re not welcome here.” no one ever heard you speak before so they didn’t know if was you.
“Umm…I’m afraid we can’t. You see we were told to come here from the oracle, and last I checked this is the only shack in camp.” annabeth gave him a side glance before crossing her arms.
there was a minute of silence and the sound of footsteps disappearing away from the door. they were preparing to knock again or force the door open but it creaked open slowly. they slowly stepped inside with their hands ready to reach for their weapons at any moment.
the shack was well lived in and nothing like they expected. books, and a area for a small kitchen, almost victorian decor, but the only light was one candle lit in the corner. “Hello?” the girl called out for the voice they heard earlier.
a sound above them made them snap their attention upwards and nothing was seen, all the light in the room was kept way from that place. percy grabbed ahold of annabeths arm, he didn’t feel right at all. and few seconds later they had a reason to stop. a pair of glowing eyes appeared from the pitch black, and then next a pair of pointy white teeth along with it.
“You should know, bronze doesn’t hurt me.” you glanced toward Percy’s sword.
“What are you?” the boy asked but annabeth already had it figured out when she tugged at his shirt. her eyes stared at a few blood stains on the counter, a pile of bones next to it.
“No one has ever come in here, I guess you should pat yourselves on the back for that too.” your tone now amused. hooking your legs on the plank of wood and swing yourself down and they could see you better now from the light. it was in fact the girl they had seen before.
“Don’t worry, I’m not going to hurt you. half-bloods taste the worst to be honest. Sad tho, I heard gods taste delicious.” the wicked smirk at your lips that had your sharp teeth poking out mad the feel weird.
“Your eyes are beautiful,” percy lowered his weapon and found himself staring heavily into them.
“And your voice…” annabeth followed along side him. the couple wanted to walk closer but something was stopping them like puppets on a string.
“Oh, right,” you sighed and reached for your sunglasses to put over your eyes and you could see the pair coming back to themselves. “Sorry about that.” the power to control you never really tested out on humans or half humans, except once. ever since then you hated their taste and them to be honest.
“You can listen to my voice and it might have some effect but it wouldn’t do anything without my eyes.” you dropped down and landed perfectly before them.
“The stories are true, vampires are beautiful.” Percy spoke still somehow entranced by you.
“Maybe I should have payed more attention to you, I would have seen it from the books I’ve read.” Annabeth hated that she didn’t see it coming.
Only months will tell if they will be your puppets.
Taglist: @maria699669 @purplerose291 @itzmeme @ravenmedows @repostingmyfavs @obsessedwithshams
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marigoldwrites777 · 27 days
kiss it off me
pairing: percy jackson! x fem child of demeter reader!
warnings: aged up, kissing & angst.
summery: after an argument with his dad, percy finds himself looking for a way to cheer himself up.
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percy was not in the mood to go to a party. he knew his mom wouldn’t approve of an all-cabin party this big anyway. unfortunately, he had promised grover and juniper that he would tag along and he wasn’t exactly the kind of person to back out on a promise. as he stared at himself in the bathroom mirror of the aphrodite cabin, percy muttered to himself; lazy, irresponsible, stupid. words his father had said to him just hours earlier. apparently being the son of poseidon doesn’t always show its perks, especially when you don’t finish your quest on time.
he ran a hand through his wavy hair as he turned the doorknob and was greeted face to face with a girl around his age from the demeter cabin. he had seen her around for the last year but had never properly talked to her. she had always caught his eye.
“hi, sorry, i didn’t mean to- its just loud in here.”
“no, no, it was my bad. i opened the door with too much force.” percy awkwardly chuckled and felt a pink blush spread across his neck as he gazed down at the girl. her hair was tucked behind her ears with a flower framing her face.
“i was just about to head out to the garden, do you…do you wanna come?” the words came out before he had even processed the idea.
“sure, you could use a flower in your hair too.” she smiled up at him, fidgeting with her necklace.
the two made their way through the crowded rooms as other campers drank from red solo cups and danced to upbeat music. piper swayed from side to side on the dance floor as annabeth stood in the corner and smirked. the walk from the party was quiet, but neither felt the need to fill the silence with unnecessary small talk. soon enough, the pair were sitting on a bench at the demeter cabin garden.
“its beautiful out here, huh?” he said while glancing around at the bright colours surrounding him. his eyes carried a heaviness that the girl noticed. after a moment, she spoke up.
“are you okay?” percy cocked his head up to look in her eyes. the girl shifted closer to him. percy noticed as she pursed her lips before speaking.
“i know we don’t know each other that well but you can always talk to me. you seem to have a lot of pressure on you and-“ without warning, percy closed the gap between them and had attached his lips to hers. for a second, the girl didn’t know how to react. she had seen percy around all year, even attempted to talk to him, but he was always surrounded by his friends and chiron, helping younger campers, or off on life-threatening quests. he was so important to the camp. so important to everyone. she had never imagined this would be their ‘big introduction.’
percy, almost immediately, leaned back with wide eyes. the pink blush from earlier started to creep back onto his cheeks.
“i’m so sorry, i don’t know what came over me.” he admitted, lowering his head. “everything is just weird right now.” the girl just took her hand and placed it in his.
“it’s okay. i didn’t mind at all.” she tilted her head to the side as if to say i see you and i understand. percy hesitated before slowly pulling her hand into his body and leaning his face back towards her. their lips collided with an unsaid understanding of what they both needed in that moment. comfort & unity. percy’s released his hand from her grasp and placed it on the side of her face, brushing back the hair that had fallen loose. his heart was racing in a way he had never felt before. as the kiss continued, butterflies swarmed the girls stomach. as if right on cue, percy’s lips left kisses down her jaw until he reached her neck. she stifled a breath as his warm lips connected with her soft skin. percy couldn’t stop, he was loving every moment. he wanted to be in this warm embrace forever. no responsibility, no angry godly parents, no worries.
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punkeropercyjackson · 2 months
"The Pjo show is bad because it has a lot of pop culture references and that's so fucking cringe!!!"Omg pop culture references in Percy Jackson?????Fork spotted in a kitchen momence!!!!!
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lukesandromeda · 2 months
for them. l castellan.
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pairing: luke castellan x daughter of athena!reader
summary: the scene in tlo where luke returns home.
a/n: i think a lot about being on the road with luke and i know it was probably the worse experience on the world sooooooo obviously i have to do something with these thoughts
probably part one of a series
there was a cut on your right shoulder, annabeth was complaining about how bad her feet hurt, and thalia wouldn’t stop sending tense glares to everyone.
“can you stop looking at me like that? i didn’t do anything.” luke growled. the four of you were walking down an alleyway a few miles into manhattan, tripping over your own sore feet. each of your weapons were still drawn, having just escaped the hellhound that’d chased you only two minutes ago.
“didn’t do anything my ass,” thalia barked. “you’re the one who insisted we fight the dog, and now my signed green day poster is chewed up in his stomach. thanks a lot, luke.”
“nobody cares about your stupid poster, thalia,” luke protested.
“obviously, i do!”
“why is that what you’re worried about? you’ve got a big gash in your leg and you’re fussing about a poster.”
annabeth looked between the two before moving closer to you, hiding her face in your arm.
“stop it, guys, shut up,” you hissed. “you’re scaring her.”
thalia went to speak, but luke kept his mouth shut after muttering a quick, sorry annabeth.
you let out a little sigh before looking at the watch on your arm. you cursed. “it’s getting late, guys.”
when neither thalia or luke answered as they kept walking, you cleared your throat and spoke again, “should we make camp?”
“we’re not stopping,” the boy said coldly, causing both thalia and you to quit walking. annabeth bumped into your arm when you stopped, and she craned her head up to look at luke.
“i want to make it out of connecticut by the end of tomorrow,” luke said. “and it’ll only hold us back if we sleep an entire night.”
“i’m tired,” annabeth whined, gripping your shirt. you sighed before bending down to pick her up, carrying her in your right arm as you looked over at luke who stared at the little girl before she said, “i want to sleep.”
thalia hissed, and you looked over to see her falling to the ground as she desperately gripped her own leg. “shit.”
you looked at luke as both of you stopped walking. the two of you were the only people well and healthy enough at the moment to make the decision. he pursed his lips.
“where can we go?” you asked.
“i—i… we—shit. we can’t,” luke spluttered.
he bit his lip. “we…shit.”
“speak, luke.”
he grunted. “we’re only a few miles from my house.”
“yes,” you said immediately. “we have to. we don’t have a choice.”
“but i really don’t—”
“luke, do it for them.”
he huffed, eyes avoiding your gaze as he looked at thalia, who was cursing as she wrapped the sleeve of her jacket around the wound on her thigh.
“please,” you begged, desperately tugging on the sleeve of his ragged shirt.
he let out a breath of air through his teeth before he moved out of your grip. “fine. come on.”
as the two of you started to walk again, annabeth still on your arm, thalia stood and limped after you.
the few minutes of walking was getting painful for you, and you walk became laggard as you followed the vigorous boy ahead of you. “slow down.”
he slowed at your request, muttering something under his breath.
“wait, wait, shit,” you chanted as your knees buckled. luke senses you were falling and he took annabeth from your arms as you caught yourself and moved to sit on the ground, clutching your stomach and breathing heavily.
“what? what is it?” luke asked, kneeling down. he placed a hand to your forehead after brushing the hair that was there out of the way.
“i can’t—i can’t breathe.” you panted, looking up at him only in a bit of a struggle.
he grunted before reaching behind him to grab his flash of water and pressing it to your lips. “drink.”
you sipped, choking on your spit as it mixed with the water and poured down your throat. it did help a little, you admitted to yourself as luke pulled away and brushed some hair out of your face. “you okay?”
“we need to find your house,” you whined.
“don’t worry, i know where to go,” he hummed, standing and holding out his hand.
you grabbed it, and thalia followed you, who followed luke with annabeth still in his arms. the walk was dreadful until eventually you approached a hill.
after a torturous hike up the steep ridge, you gasped in relief at the sight of a house.
“there,” luke whispered. his breath seemed to catch a bit as he froze at the sight of his house.
“it’s beautiful,” you gasped, but you shook your head and followed him when he started walking again. “thalia, you okay?”
“‘m fine.” she groaned, and you could hear her feet hitting the ground aggressively as she continued to limp.
the closer to the house you got, the more the anxiety creeped up on you. standing a few feet away from the house, you heard a loud voice saying, you shouldn’t have come back.
“uh, luke?” you said nervously. “what does that—”
“i don’t know, but we’re not turning back,” he said quickly. he walked over to the garage door and put a code into the box. it opened.
nervously, you followed him into the house. it was quiet, but the inside was beautiful, aside from the odd decorations. there were stuffed animals of monsters. medusa, the minotaur, hellhounds, the furies, even—
luke stopped, and your face smashed against his back. he put annabeth down, and you peered around him to see what he was looking at.
a woman, you guessed to be his mother, was sitting across from a man—he was wearing a navy blue tracksuit. there were shoes with wings on his feet, and he was holding a phone that had two snakes coming out of it.
“dad?” luke gasped, and the two people at the table jumped and froze.
“luke? luke!” luke’s mother—may—immediately began sobbing, running to her son. she wrapped her arms around him, trapping him in a hug. her lips kissed his forehead and all over his face aggressively, but he didn’t return any of the excitement.
he was staring ahead at hermes, horror in his eyes. “dad?” he repeated.
“where were you?” may sobbed, and luke moved her off of him.
hermes stood, rather reluctantly. “luke,” he swallowed.
“baby, it’s your father! aren’t you happy?” may asked, but luke began charging forward.
you ran after him, grabbing him before he could reach his father. his fists were clenched so hard that his knuckles were white. “stop. no.”
eventually, you convinced yourself that luke wouldn’t do anything violent, so you let go. he stood angrily, staring at his father with so much hate you almost shrank. hermes’ eyes went to you, and you swallowed, bowing to the god. “lord hermes.”
“y/n,” hermes acknowledged.
luke was biting his lip so hard that you expected blood to trickle down his chin. he growled, “why are you here?”
“why are you here?” hermes countered.
“i didn’t want to come back,” luke snarled. may had come over to the three of you, and she frowned at this. “i did it for my family.”
“for us?” hermes questioned.
“no,” luke scoffed. “for them.” he gestured to you, and then to thalia and annabeth.
“they’re your family?”
“yes,” luke promised.
hermes clicked his tongue. “right.”
“and they’re hurt.”
with a sigh, luke’s father nodded. “well, i am the god of travelers. and you four are very much of travelers. may, get something to take care of zeus’ daughter’s cut. not sure what’s wrong with the athenians, though.”
“they’re tired,” luke said. he was being passive aggressive, you noted, but you didn’t have the energy to scold him for it.
“come with me,” hermes said.
annabeth looked up at you with worry. you swallowed. “it’s okay, annabeth. he’s luke’s dad.”
she looked down, frowning, but nodded and squeezed your hand as you led her after hermes. he brought you to a room, just you, and left annabeth alone in a different one. “wait, lord hermes,” you cried. “annabeth. she can’t… you can’t leave her alone.”
hermes smiled. “just rest, okay? worry about your sister tomorrow.”
“what about luke?”
“what about luke?”
“i mean… i… please don’t… i— please go easy on him. we’ve had a really hard day.”
hermes nodded, a thin smile across his lips as he muttered, “okay,” and left the room.
minutes passed. you are in a master bedroom, a king size bed under you. it was the first time you’d laid against an actual bed in years. it felt so good, and you should’ve been able to fall asleep immediately, but hearing the faint sounds of an argument between luke and his father downstairs made you worry.
eventually, after about thirty minutes of laying, staring at the ceiling in worry, you heard the doorknob rattle. your eyes darted to the door, where luke was walking through.
“luke?” you asked, sitting up.
he shushed you, gesturing for you to move over. you did, and he crawled into the bed next to you. you shifted uncomfortably. “what happened?”
he shook his head, running his hands through his hair. “they… they won’t stop talking about my fate.”
“your fate?”
“i don’t know what it means. i… my dad… he doesn’t love me. he tells me does, but i’m not stupid.”
you looked away. you wanted to tell him you understood, but you knew you didn’t. you couldn’t relate; athena had always answered your prayers, visited you in dreams…
“how’s your mom?” you asked softly.
“she’s having one of her fits. that’s why my dad left. as long as she doesn’t come in here, we’ll be okay.”
you nodded. he sighed. “why aren’t you asleep?”
“i just… couldn’t sleep.”
he clicked his tongue. “i’m really sorry.”
“for what?”
“i never should have dragged you into this mess. you, thalia, and annabeth would be better without me. i just… i get so angry all the time. i don’t even know how to explain it.”
you wanted to comfort him, explain to him that you didn’t think he got angry, but you’d be kidding yourself. he had such excessive wrath that he almost scared you sometimes. you settled for, “it’s okay, luke.”
“it’s not.” you looked over at him. he was sitting upright, and he looked so angry. “i hate him. i hate her, and i hate this stupid fucking situations we’re in.”
“but it’s not your fault.”
“i didn’t say it was my fault!” he yelled, and you flinched. he rolled his eyes. “yeah, alright, it’s okay. you’re flinching because of me.”
“no, no. i’m just… on edge.”
“i saw the way you bowed to my father,” he spat the word out like it was poison. it rotted in his mouth as he continued, “like you were grateful for what he’d done. you think he’s a good person? is that it?”
“no. but he’s a god. why are you being like this?”
“being like what?”
he let out air through his nose, glaring at you. you shrunk under his gaze and whispered quickly, “never mind.”
luke huffed. he stood, throwing the covers off of him and storming to the door. “get rest. we’re leaving in the morning.
your head hit the pillow, your heart clenching in your chest as your water eyes stared up at the ceiling. you closed your eyes before you wept.
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dollycxre · 4 months
yandere PJO! athena x demigod! darling 🗡🦉 - general hcs
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!!WARNINGS!!: yandere, obsessive and stalkerish behavior, manipulation, really harsh and cruel punishments, Athena loves watching you suffer, clinginess, possessiveness, isolation, deceiving, jealousy, threats, mentions of violence, she's slightly toxic but her immortal heart is in the right place, I lied she's really toxic please don't ever get in a relationship with someone like her
pairing/s: yandere pjo!athena x demigod!darling
A/N: there wasn't enough athena content so I decided to do it myself :) also, this is my first fic and English is not my first language so I apologise for any spelling errors and such!
• you were a demigod who had somehow survived and become an adult, which now meant you had to find something to do. After the roman camp, camp Jupiter and your own camp; camp half-blood had made peace, the older campers from your camp had started going to the college in camp Jupiter. You were bored and decided that it wouldn't hurt to go to college and find something to do after the war against Gaia
• so you started studying harder in the mortal school you went to, preparing to apply to the college. it was a little hard to concentrate, with all the monsters attracted to your scent who had decided that you would make quite the tasty demigod snack and all the jobless mortals who somehow didn't find the time to grow up and instead decided to make your life as hard as possible
• you decided to drop out and study on your own instead, knowing that there was an option to take an entrance exam instead, something you found out from Chiron during an orientation Mr. D reluctantly conducted after mixing several ounces of wine into his diet coke
• to make your task easier, you went to the smartest people you knew; the athena campers, to help you study and of course they were more than happy to. And so, the daily visits to their cabin began
• and that, is when you caught the eye of the very goddess of wisdom and war who the cabin was dedicated to; Athena herself
• at first, she didn't think much of you, just another demigod in her cabin, probably to consult with one of her children, quite a common occurrence, considering how smart her children were, a trait they got from their mother
• but as you started to visit her cabin more and more frequently, she couldn't help but pay attention to you. to her surprise, you wouldn't leave her mind. you always occupied her thoughts and she found herself unable to concentrate
• at first she dismissed it, she always had mortals and demigods alike peak her interest but they faded eventually
• however, no matter how hard she tried, she found herself watching you for hours, learning everything about you and observing your smallest habits
• once she learned about your ambition to go to college and the reason why you visited her cabin, she used her powers to encourage you to focus, allowing your brain to learn easier and faster
• when she couldn't take the unhealthy way you invaded her thoughts anymore, she decided to act on it. she visited her demigod children in their dreams and told them to act as if she was a regular demigod when she showed up at camp. her children, confused but unable to derive their mother's true intentions and wanting to please her, agreed
• the next day, a well dressed yet stand offish girl, about your age, with stunningly intelligent gray eyes approached you outside your cabin and asked you to accompany her and show her around. you were a little stunned since you weren't popular or well known enough in camp to be actively sought out but agreed and started showing the mysterious girl around
• once you finished, she was claimed by athena and you lead her to Cabin 6. you found it odd how everyone in the cabin seemed to stress about her and flinch as if she was liable to burst into flames at any moment but you dismissed it.
• after all, even you felt the very clear aura radiating about the strange girl, the way she talked as if she was much much older and mature than she let on and the pure air of intelligence that seemed to hang about her, the way her piercing gray eyes seemed to calculate every move you made and how her thoughts seemed universes ahead, beyond human comprehension
• she made you lightly uneasy but you soon found out she was the only one who truly understood how your brain worked. with her, your studies went better than you could have ever imagined and you finished your work effortlessly with her. the athena campers however, still seemed jumpy around her, particularly Annabeth, the head counsellor and one of the seven to save the world against Gaia
• you dismissed it again, choosing to turn a blind eye to the girl who had caught your heart. it was almost impossible not to fall for her, the way she made you laugh just with her brutally honest yet knowledgeable words, the way her beautiful gray eyes picked up on every thought that passed in your head and the way she noticed and admired all your little mannerisms
• this girl was, of course, Athena in disguise, choosing to make you fall in love as an ordinary demigod as she knew that claiming you as hers would be a much easier task if your heart was already hers
• once she was positive that she had you wrapped around her finger, she immediately revealed her true form and confessed boldly to you and of course you accepted, mostly out of fear of what would happen to you if you rejected a goddess, not to mention one of the most powerful ones
• Athena, being the goddess of wisdom, is the smartest of the yandere gods. Once she has you, she won't make you immortal like other gods would, instead, she binds your life force to hers, which allows you to function as an immortal but feel pain like a mortal
• she loves using this against you for punishment and her most common punishments are letting you teeter on the brink of death while you suffer in pain and misery
• she's a paranoid goddess and keeps you far far away from the other Olympians. She knows that the minor gods are too terrified to try to cross her or even look in your direction so she doesn't worry about them. She's mostly worried that someone (*cough cough* aphrodite *cough cough*) will take your heart and the casualties of the wars that would follow would have a devasting effect on your mental health
• she only trusts Hestia and occasionally, Artemis with you
• Hestia because she would probably love and take care of you like a daughter in her hearth and Artemis because she would be too busy to pay enough attention to you for you to fall for her, only giving her attention to make sure you were alive and in one piece
• she will also sometimes drop you off at her cabin in camp half-blood, partially so you can reunite with your friends and visit the camp which had been your home for so long and partially so that her children can keep an eye on you
• she warns her children not to let you out of their sight and as a result, you are constantly tailed by atleast 2 of the cabin 6 campers, eager to please their difficult mother and earn her favor
• anyone who hurts you or dares to fall for you is in for a nasty fate
• Athena may not have as much power as Zeus or as much time to craft her punishments like Hera but being the goddess of wisdom and war comes with the additional perks of being able to think up one of the most horrible punishments ever known in a matter of rage filled seconds so most of the campers tend to stay out of your way, which is both depressing and a relief
• she wants you to be the perfect partner for her, someone gullible and dependant so she'll break you with no remorse or hesitation, knowing that you'll imerge from the trauma as her perfect lover
• if your godly parent dares to try to help you escape, she will find out and she will make sure you regret ever getting the ridiculous thought of leaving her
• if your godly parent is a minor god, they wouldn't dare help you, even if they feel pity for you or anger at Athena. She is not a force to be reckoned with and with love influencing her moves, she will make sure they wish they never even tried
• if your godly parent is one of the olympians, they would probably be more defiant and against your relationship but they would still be too scared to try to act too much on it. Athena is a ruthless goddess and though the most rational, for you, she would willingly start a war without caring for the casualties. They may try to help you escape but Athena is always several thoughts ahead. No matter which scenario, which plan, she's already thought about it and prepared for it accordingly, even preparing the horrifying punishment she will inflict upon you for going along with it
• she loves to use the powers you got from your godly parents against you, just to show you how helpless you are even in your own parent's domain
• her child of Hephaestus s/o was sent a bunch of material and celestial bronze by their father so that they can build something to help them escape? she will personally use those very materials to craft the most terrifying monster she can think of at that moment and let you fight it till you almost die from exhaustion, your only weapon a sword made of celestial bronze while she watches with cruel amusement as you scurry about like a rat in a maze
• oh you're a child of Poseidon who was visited by Poseidon in their dreams and advised on how to best use their powers to escape into their father's territory and claim his protection? she will drag you by your hair to the Underworld and throw you into river Styx and let you dissolve and drown in as you pointlessly fight for breath in what should be your area of expertise, your brain in too much pain and too panicked to think straight, until she's thinks you've learnt your lesson
• Athena has already memorized all your habits and routines. she knows everything about you and will instantly notice if even the slightest thing changes. Thats when she goes on panic mode and isolates you completely, not letting you see anyone but herself and spending time with you until she's convinced you've gotten all other thoughts but her out of your mind
• in short, if you want life to be as easy as you can possibly have it when your fate is entangled with an immortal, you should give in to her completely and as soon as possible which would make life a lot less painful for both you and her
• on a softer note, Athena is very proud of you and shows you off to everyone she possibly can once she decides you're too deeply in love with her to ever fall for anyone else
• she's your number 1 supporter and loves watching you work on your hobbies, praising everything and giving as much helpful criticism as she can
• she'd be delighted if one of your hobbies was also one of hers, such as reading or weaving and loves quietly reading to you in her calm, deep yet soothing voice while you play with her hair or weaving you the most gorgeous tapestries of you to make you feel as confident about your self as she can
• she knows exactly what to do to cheer you up and knows enough about you to know what you need through all your emotions which means that she's always comforting to talk to when you're going through difficulties. she's an amazing listener and will quietly listen to your problems and advise you on the best ways to deal with them
• she can easily make you laugh or cry with her words, her knowledge of you letting her know what evokes emotions in you and what doesn't which allows her to manipulate your emotions with ease, letting her twist you into whatever she wants
• Athena has never been a touchy-feely kind of goddess, nor has she ever wanted it. that is, until she met you, of course.
• she is surprisingly clingy and attached to you and definitely has separation anxiety. she loves having you touch her, the contact alone is enough to make her shudder in happiness and relief
• she feels like your affection is a drug she's addicted to and as a result, she's very needy, demanding that you go everywhere with her and will always have her hand around some part of you, making sure everyone knows who's you are while satisfying her need for your touch
• she may decide to immortalize your closest friends and family if you really desperately ask beg for her to and if you behave well for her
• however, from then on, her neediness increases tenfold. she believes that since she's done you such a huge favor by allowing you to have your loved ones coexist and keep you company for eternity, you should always be ready to drop everything and come running to her when she feels like she wants or needs it
• doesn't really care about the possibility of one of your friends falling for you, she knows both of you will be too scared to ever act on it and if it goes too far, she always has the cruelest punishments prepared for both of you, a message that comes across plain and simple: don't take what's hers.
• she could quietly stare at you and study you for HOURS because no matter what you're doing, she finds you to be the most gorgeous and fascinating person on the earth, a creature so perfect, they managed to catch the attention of the goddess who always believed that she was completely immune to the magic of love, someone who relied on rational thought rather than feelings
• every time she looks at aphrodite, all she sees is you <3
• well you if you were a self absorbed, cunning, well dressed, 7 foot tall goddess
• the point is, she loves you, she has never and will never love anyone like she loves you and you will be her pride and joy, always by her side, till the end of time, living with her and loving her till existence itself crumbles to dust.
A/N: heyyy, so this turned out longer than I thought it would but the amount of ideas I kept getting made it kinda impossible not to add but yea :) I hope you enjoyed!
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not4simp · 4 months
3rd Times The Charm
Paring: Jason Grace x reader Highschool Au! Summary: Confess? Not a success!
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You're in your senior and to your luck you had classes with none of your friends.
One day after class a blonde dude came up to you, from the small scar on his lips you recognized him as one of Annabeth's and Percy's friend as they would frequently post him on insta. He asked you if he could see your notes cause he accidentally fell asleep and you guys had a test for it the next week.
Being the kind hearted person you are you gave it to him without a second thought.
From then on sharing notes with each other became a habit of you two and it evolved to studying in the library after school.
Whenever you guys were discussing his eyes would be on you. All his attention? On you. It made you nervous the first time but over time you got used to it.
Jason Grace was known for being a gentlemen and they did not lie. He always opened the door for you, you can't even remember the last time you open one when he was around.
Anyone would've fallen for him if they were treated this way and so you developed feelings for him
It's a good thing that you guys had mutual friends. Percy was delighted to know that you guys were familiar of each other.
You, Jason, Percy, and Annabeth would hang out any chance you got.
One day you were eating lunch with them when Jason got up to grab some napkins leaving you with the lovebirds
"So when are you gonna tell him" Annabeth nudged you
"Tell who what?" You replied confusion evident in your voice while your gaze still focused on your food
"Jason that you like him duhh" Percy continued in a teasing tone
You immediately looked at them to see if they were joking but with the smirks painted on their face it was clear that you were busted
Before you could reply Jason had returned
After you were caught by Annabeth and Percy there was no escaping it. They pestered you like mosquitos always nagging you to fess up!
After a full week of them tormenting you, you dreadfully agreed.
But every time to you tried someone was always interrupting.
Attempt 1: Class hadn't begun and students were still roaming around the hall so you decided this moment was the time. Earlier in the morning you even gave yourself a pep-talk to yourself in the mirror. You walked over to Jason as he was grabbing books from his locker. You greeted him as usual, "I have to tell you some-" Your words were cut off as Drew decided to join in the conversation. It was clear she was here for Jason cause every time you tried to get in a word she talked over you.
Attempt 2: You guys were currently having chemistry and you paired up for today's experiment. So you thought hey what better way to confess your feelings with a cheesy chemistry pick up line?! at least if he didn't reciprocate your feelings you could play it off as a joke. Here goes nothing. "Hey Jason" you called out. He looked at you waiting for you to continue. You pulled out your best charming face "Do you have 11 protons? cause you're sodium fin-" Before you could finish your sentence a classmate of yours had somehow accidently blew up a Bunsen burner causing the lab to catch on fire. Ugh so close!
Attempt 3: Okay you thought this was the last of your attempt and if it goes south you were just gonna give up this whole confessing ordeal.
It was after school and you and Jason were currently in the halls.
Here goes nothing, "I feel strange whenever you're around"
He stared at you for a moment and you can feel yourself turning into a tomato
ohmygoshohmygosh you instantly regret saying that perhaps you should've worded it better, welp no turning back now.
"Do you have a fever or something" he finally replied a worried expression on his face. Jason put his hand on your forehead. Considering your hot red face you decided to just go with it.
"Yeah I think so" he told you to go to the infirmary but you declined. He wasn't taking no for an answer so he grabbed your arm and dragged you.
Somewhere in the distance Percy saw your red face and Jason dragging you away so he thought that you managed to profess your love to him.
As you were inside the infirmary Jason was out in the hallway grabbing you a drink from the water dispenser.
Suddenly someone slapped him on the back and was congratulating him. He turned around to see Percy.
Percy was going on about he can't believe y/n actually did it, Jason's confusion was unbeknownst to him and he kept on rambling.
"y/n's been crushing on you for ages took you guys long enough to do something about it"
"y/n likes me?"
Percy: ☝️😦🧍🏃
Jason just kinda stood there dazed
Until you came out of the infirmary "Good news the nurse said it was nothing serious" cause it wasn't you were just a blushing hot mess
He gave you the water and just blurted out "you like me?'
Obviously you were caught of guard and you were like "ahahah where did that come from?"
"Percy said so"
silence absolute silence
then you ran
Was it a coward move? Yes Did you care? No
He chased after you
See the thing is he's on the football team so no matter how hard you tried you couldn't outrun him
So he finally caught up to you and held you firmly by the shoulders "Y/n" reluctantly you looked up at him "do you like me?"
Oh how you were gonna roundhouse kick Percy when you see him
You nod muttering a small "yeah I like you"
You expected a sorry i don't feel the same but instead he laughed
"Gee it's fine if you don't reciprocate my feelings but no need to rub it in my face" you sighed
" No, no, no " Jason waved his hands defensively, "I'm just glad because I like you too"
You smiled like a fool. A fool in love!
You guys lean closer to each other, faces just inches a part
Every second you guys leaned closer, closer and-
"WOHOO Now y/n actually did it!" Percy yelled out from behind us
Moment: Ruined
A/n: man I love Jason
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As you color me blue, mm
[percy jackson x f!reader]
Pre-Second Giant War against Gaea-flashback
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" God-damn man child, you act like a kid even though you stand six foot two."
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You stood beside Annabeth as she rattled off about the Lincoln Museum. Of course, you loved her like a sister and you loved that your half-brother, Hudson, Son of Hades and Persephone, God of Dreams, was the man for her even though he would annoyingly talk on and on about ‘her bronze skin, curly golden-brown hair, and dark amber eyes’, but you couldn't stop yourself from dozing off.
“ [Name],” You tilted your head and stared into the eyes of Rachel Dare, the Oracle and the girl who’s had a crush on Percy Jackson for years. See, you used to have a huge crush on him too but when you saw Rachel close to him you became insecure and resisted the urge to be close to him.
She was popular, respected as the Oracle, and…pretty.
All you were was smart. You were only known because your best friend is Annabeth and your cousin is basically married to her, and you would refrain from calling yourself pretty. It was hard acknowledging that fact but you liked being honest unlike the people close to you.
They all said he liked you, but you were hesitant even with the signs.
“ Flower, you want to sit by the lakeside for a picnic during lunch?” Percy whispered, his blinding smile lighting your questioning gaze. You shrugged though, trying to nod because you wanted to be subtle about the care you held for him…But he wanted the love that you gave to everyone else...
“Percy called for you and Annabeth to come to his cabin…He’s been looking for you for ages.” Rachel muttered, gazing at your face uninterestedly. Annabeth nodded before offering you a hand to get up.
You were terrified, ‘Did he find out I liked him?’ Is what you wondered as you stepped toward the still, cold, marble, smelling of the sea.
“ [Name!]” His grin relaxed you as he pulled you to his side on the blue couch. 
You were surrounded by so many socially powerful people. More than you will ever be.
“ You know, sometimes I’m jealous of you all…” You whispered into his chest.
“Everyone understands you, worships the ground you walk on…"
"I wish I could have the same…”
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"you talk to the walls when the party gets bored of you"
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person who made the banners are tagged on my pinned post
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Down Bad
luke castellan x apollo!reader
warnings: angst
a/n: inspired by down bad by taylor swift (i am ignoring all my drafts i have no will to write for 😭) THIS IS NOT ACCURATE
italics - flashback normal - current bold - (idk js impacting lines 😭) this - lyrics
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i paced back and forth in the dimly lit room, my siblings long asleep. percy had just returned from his quest, successful, luke was taking him to chiron. normally i would just sit on my bed waiting for him to come back, but i had a vision. one where percy got hurt.
which was strange since he was with luke, and luke wouldn't let percy get injured unless luke was injured too. but it was probably just another of my visions that made no sense. i waited two minutes, five minutes, however when the clock ticked over to ten minutes i stood up and rushed to chiron.
seeing the half man half goat safe in the middle of the bonfire, running to him i questioned him.
"chiron, do you know where luke is? he was meant to take percy to you,"
my concerned tone was met with a swift shake of his head and then he resumed his conversation with mr d.
"i think i saw them heading into the forest," a camper responded.
running to the woods, i saw the faint light deep in the woods. sprinting through the woods, i sighed in relief when the source of the brightness came closer.
not thinking twice, i broke the bushes hiding the opening from me and barged in to see percy on the floor.
"percy oh shit, what happened- where's luke?" my rambling became quicker and louder.
"behind you," percy hoarsely whispered.
"what-" my question was broken by a small pinch to my neck and black spots invaded my vision and strong arms held me up.
"im sorry y/n, i love you" those were the last things i heard before i fainted.
my eyes opened, but i wasn't on the forest floor anymore, i was in the infirmary. annabeth was sitting at my side, my hand jerked when i realised she was holding it.
"y/n you're awake" she sighed.
"where's percy?" i asked. she smiled and replied "he's safe".
"it was luke." i breathed out.
"i know."
"it was luke" my bottom lip wobbled.
there was no one to talk about this with. no one would've understood me. the pain i felt for losing luke, even though i knew this was his choice and his doing, it still hurt inside me.
i tried talking about my feelings once with clarisse, but she didn't understand no matter how much she pretended she did, and the dirty looks i got from campers at the slightest mention of luke hurt.
they'll say i'm nuts if i talk about the existence of you
luke is the perfect boyfriend, he picks me up from my cabin making sure i reach my destination safely. he gives me flowers weekly, tells me he loves me, is the perfect gentleman and cares about me. just when i thought i couldn't love him more, i saw him helping a fairly young camper, the way he crouched down so the boy didn't get intimidated, with a genuine smile that was normally only reserved for me and for a moment my heart ached with how much i loved him.
for a moment, i was heavenstruck
"you look beautiful today, love" luke said with a smile. "i look the same as yesterday luke" i giggle. "yes but you in the sunshine is gift to the world" he says as he pulls me in for a soft kiss.
did you really beam me up in a cloud of sparkling dust
"luke was the one who betrayed the gods" and me.
just to do experiments on?
i stood at the cliff where me and luke hung out, where we had our first kiss, where he first asked me to be his-
"fuck you luke" i scream out into the abyss, so loudly hoping it reaches him
"please don't leave me," i break down, my voice cracking.
how dare you think it's romantic leaving me safe and stranded?
"daughter, you need to fix yourself, you are a daughter of apollo not some peasantly god" dad normally doesn't visit but i guess his daughter ruining the face of apollo was a good enough reason.
"i'm sorry-"
"you're destroying my image and the image of all your siblings," he reprimanded.
"but dad, luke-"
"i don't want to hear that traitors name from your mouth again,"
and with that he left.
down bad (like i lost my twin)
"i get that y/n is sad, but he was just a boyfriend, she's dragging it," one of my siblings said.
"i know she's so overbearing, i feel bad for annabeth and percy,".
tears i didn't know i was holding broke free and spilled over wetting my cheeks.
"i might just die, it would make no difference"
"you know you look like a star reincarnated" luke said his hand caressing my face. pulling away with a blush i replied "you're too kind luke,"
"come back"
staring at the sky, come back and pick me up
"i love you luke".
my eyes shut as the darkness of hades' embrace swallowed me whole.
cause fuck it i was in love fuck you if i cant have us cause fuck it i was in love
a/n sorry abt the shitty post but i didnt want to ghost you guys (like i have been doing) soooo yeah
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anaslair · 4 months
Hiii, I wanted to give the match ups a try cause why not. I go by she/her and prefer to be matched with a male character, I’m also underaged. Oh and I’d prefer to be a demigod, personally I think I’d be the daughter of Hestia or maybeee Hephaestus or Apollo, idrk 😭. Anywaysss, about me. I loveee music/art/film, really anything creative, like I have a deep appreciation for them and artists. I actually used to go to a performing arts school. I also love nature and appreciate that as well. Like, I love going on hikes when I can and even just looking at the beauty of the nature wherever I am. I’m not really much of a sports person, like I love playing but I wouldn’t do anything professionally. I do martial arts though, which is definitely a biggg passion of mine. As a person, although it doesn’t necessarily feel like it to me, sometimes I’m pretty sure I’m fairly outgoing, at least more than other people I know. But I’m also the type of person to really open up and become more social and talkative the more you get to know me. Oh and final thing, I think I’m pretty books smart but not very streets smart, if you know what I mean. 😀 Anywayssss thanks for reading all of this if you did, it’d be really cool to hear back from you!! 🫶🫶
So, it’s not that well known, but Hestia is actually one of the virgin godesses of Olympus (like Artemis and Athena). But!!! We COULD pretend she has kids like Athena does 👀 ✨just because she wants to✨
Like, Athena’s kids come from her mind… maybe Hestia’s could come from her heart? Like figuratively maybe? She’s the goddess of hearth & home so it could kind of make sense? Pls bear with me this will go rlly well with who I’m matching you with so let’s just go with it 🤓
Also the nature thing UGHHH, I always had this head cannon that Percy became a bit of a nature activist after witnessing Pan’s death 😩😩😩 Anyway let’s get to it, I really hope you like this 🫶
Tysm for requesting!!! Have a great day <3
I match you with…
Percy Jackson!!
The requester is a minor and so is Percy at this stage of the books!!
After the second titan war ended, Percy started to value some things way more than he did before it all went down
Not to say he was an ungrateful person, far from it. Percy really did have a heart of gold and often put his loved ones above his own personal needs. Loyalty was his fatal flaw after all
But there was just some things he felt he didn’t pay much attention to before the war, like Hestia for example. The goddess practically lived on camp grounds and he barely even acknowledged her before she saved him when he needed it the most, reminding him what was most important when everything was falling apart during the war
Or Pan. the god of the wild had practically died in front of him, telling him and his friends that the future of nature, of the world they lived in was actually in their hands. Everyone had to do their part for it to survive
He had to pay them back somehow, honor them
So that’s why he was THRILLED when the first Hestia kid arrived on camp after he made the gods promise they would claim all of their kids and send them to camp Half Blood, where all of the gods would have cabins for their descendants
This was his chance to pay back Hestia for her help!! So he promptly asked Chiron to mentor the new girl and teach her what she needed to know about self defense and sword fighting, since she was practically his age and had to survive until now with the mortals without proper training
In fact, how did you manage to do that anyway?
He didn’t really know, but he felt he was the best man for the job. His sword fighting skills were unmatched, only bested by Luke’s
So, not gonna lie. He was kind of waiting to show off his skills on your first lesson and help you with whatever you needed
He told you he would first show you some hand to hand combat moves before y’all could move on to sword fighting, to which you shrugged it out, being cool with it
Too cool even, you seemed super comfortable with it 🧐
“Okay. First, I’ll come at you slowly and you can try and stop the blow however you feel is right. This will be kind of a warm up to start things off. But don’t worry, I won’t actually hurt you, if you feel uncomfortable in any way, please let me know okay?” He said, smiling kindly at you while taking an offensive stance
You nodded, waiting for him to start
He slowly swung at you, being careful to not scare you out
Imagine how completely and utterly bamboozled he was when he found himself lying on the ground, the arm he swung at you now twisted and pressed on to his back, just enough to keep him on the ground
He was like 🧍‍♂️
And you were like 😄 so what’s next?
Bro what the fuck
That was honestly so impressive that when you offered a hand to help him get back to his feet, his cheeks where slightly flushed
He cleaned his throat, fixing his camp Half Blood necklace back into place
“Okay so I guess you’ve got that part covered” He said, giving you his signature sarcastic smirk
You let out a small laugh in response, explaining to him that you actually loved martial arts and that stuff came easy to you
He was completely fascinated, asking you to help him better his hand to hand combat skills after you guys finished
That was the start of a kind of chaotic friendship between the two of you. You helped him better himself in your area while he gave you sword fighting lessons
You weren’t really a fan of it but Percy was so talented and so patient while teaching you that you were winning sparring duels in no time
Y’all were a power duo in capture the flag for sure. You knocked people out and Percy wouldn’t let anyone get even slightly near you with riptide
You knew some strategies in theory from some books you had read and Percy knew how to put them into action
You quickly developed a strong bond, getting closer and closer to each other every day
You always ranted to him about art in general, he didn’t really understand most of the things you told him but he always listened attentively, even memorizing some of your favorite artists to get you stuff related to them when he went home for the school year
You often hanged out by the lake, you absolutely loved how it looked when the sun hit it just right, with the trees reflected on it
One time, Percy took you to the bottom of it, putting an air bubble around you both so you could see how beautiful it was underwater
Your eyes shone bright at the view, but you frowned as soon as you saw a couple of plastic wrappers at the bottom
You asked Percy to lower the bubble so you could collect them and properly throw them out at the surface
That made Percy stare at you with such intensity and admiration that you wondered just what the hell you had done to get him looking at you like that
You avoided his eyes, ears tinted red
It was no secret that you had developed feelings for him, he was so sweet and kind
You wondered if he felt the same
Suddenly, his warm hand met yours as he slowly interlaced your fingers together
You looked at him, eyes wide
The smile on his face made his intentions pretty clear
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astrxsee · 3 months
FALSE GOD chap. 1
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(chap 1) (chap 2) (chap 3)
percy jackson x child of demeter!oc
𝑰𝑵 𝑾𝑯𝑰𝑪𝑯 Rose St. Claire sets off on a quest to save the goddess in chains.
𝑷𝑬𝑹𝑪𝒀 𝑱𝑨𝑪𝑲𝑺𝑶𝑵 learns to see what is right in front of him.
written with heavy influence from rick riordan's book; the titan's curse! all credits go to him!
!CONTENT WARNING! gore, romance, swearing, blood, heavy themes
a/n: hiiiii! posting my first ever fic on tumblr eeeee! this will be a long series that I’ve posted on wattpad as well. i just wanted to post it on here to see how it would do! buckle up and have funnn
I was at true rock bottom. My favorite machine was out of order, I had lost my lotus card in my luxury suite, and karaoke wasn't until Wednesday. I groan as I rub my hand over my face, the slot machine in front of me blinking red. That usually meant it was broken. Worst of all, my friend, Bianca, was no where to be found. I hadn't seen her since breakfast.
  Glancing around at the vast expanse of games in front of me, I frown as I set my sights on a different machine I could try . Dull purple LEDs and blacklights lit my way as I watched other casino goers as they stumbled from game to game. I hear shouts of excitement rise from the craps table to my right and sighs of disappointment from the poker game to my left. Children snake around my ankles, screaming and laughing as they chase each other. I tilt my head as I arrived at a new game I had never seen before; Connect Four. A giant yellow board with checkers was spread out in front of me, along with a flashing green button telling me it was my turn.
  "Rose," I heard from behind me. I whip around to face the voice, smiling. "There you are!"
  "Bianca! I haven't seen you in so long." I exclaimed. My friend smiled at me as she reached out her arms, silently asking for a hug. I supress a laugh as she pulls me in, acting as if we hadn't seen each other for a month.
  "I have been looking for you for like an hour." She draws out, huffing slightly, pulling away from the hug. She all but groans as she rolls her eyes, exaggeration coursing through her movements. I spot her little brother, standing close to her right side, as he shoots me a small wave. I smile at him as he retreats back into Bianca's shadow.
  "I'm sorry, Bi," I begin as I look back at my friend with a smile on my face, "I really was trying to find you, then I got a little sidetracked." Sheepishly laughing as I pointed to the machine off to my right. She waves her hand, telling me that it wasn't a big deal.
"No worries." She responded, absentmindedly. I could see her rocking back and forth on her feet, her tell tale sign of nervousness. She looked as if she wanted to say more.
"Hey, what's up?" I ask her, my eyebrows furrowed in concern. My eyes run over her face, trying to make out anything going on.
"Nothing, I guess I'm just nervous." I knew it. I could feel a small pit grow in my stomach, hating to see my friend worried. She shook her head, glancing around the lively setting.
"I spoke on the phone with our lawyer today." My eyebrows knit further in confusion. 'Why would she be nervous about that?' I thought to myself as a frown makes its way onto my face.
"I just-" She starts, trailing off, trying to find the right words to say. "It was different today than usual, the phone call. She said she was going to come pick us up and take us to school."
My eyes grow wide at her statement. Usually her lawyer calls to check in on the brother and sister's well-being, to see if they're alive. It's always a quick call, with no weight to it. This time, I could tell it was different. Take them to school? What school?
"Wait, what?" I hesitated. "I thought your Dad had sent you here to stay?" Worry evident in my voice. I didn't like change, and this felt like a big change.
"I have no idea. All I know is our lawyer will be here in an hour. She also said that you were to be coming with us." She says, a small smile creeping onto her face. I tilt my head, shooting her a look of disbelief.
"That's not funny, Bianca. Do not get my hopes up." I giggled. She shook her head trying to suppress her own laughter.
"I'm serious, Rosie!" She exclaimed, her hands coming up in a comical 'i'm innocent' motion. "She said she's be here in an hour to take you, Nico, and I to our new school in Maine." At her words, I saw Nico's face fall. His expression a now obvious look of disappointment at the thought of leaving.
"Wait!" I state loudly, drawing out the end of the word. "Why am I coming with you? I mean, I've only met your lawyer like once." Bianca shrugs, her eyes widened in a 'I have no idea either' look.
"Are you sure we have to leave?" I ask as I shake my head. I had been staying here for over a month now and I didn't want to go. I frown as I see her head nod in agreement. "I mean, do we have to go with her? We could just stay here instead of going to school. I like that idea." She nods fervently, agreeing wholeheartedly.
"Me too!" Nico responded, fiddling with a small silver army guy. I smile at him as he moves to stand next to Bianca now. She huffs as she spares a look over to her brother.
"Look, maybe we can convince her to let us stay here, but we should at least go pack." Bianca muttered, looking as if she said it against her will. I groan at the thought of leaving and having to pack. All I wanted was to hang out with Bianca and play games, not leave the hotel I had called home for almost two months.
"Fine." I say reluctantly, sparing a longing glance to the arcade game in front of me. She sends me a begrudging look as she motions for me to follow her.
I had spent the last two months here, my days filled with games, parties, and music. It couldn't get any better. I'd been here since my father dropped me off here on one of his business trips, and I can't seem to remember the reason. I had met Nico on one of my first days here and he quickly introduced me to Bianca. We've been attached by the hip ever since.
We made small talk about the lawyer visiting and what our new school was going to be like. "I bet it's going to be huge!" Nico exclaims. "Like the school on Mount Olympus in Myth-O-Magic!" I crack a smile at his antics.
"I bet it's going to be shit." I mutter under my breath, causing Bianca to suppress a laugh behind her hand. She gives me a look and nods in agreement, trying to hide her actions from her brother. We round the corner on one of the extensive halls in the hotel, the bright lights hurting my eyes. After a couple more minutes we arrive at Bianca and Nico's door. I frown as I meet her gaze.
"Are you sure we have to go, Bianca?" I whispered, looking down at my feet. She nods and puts a gentle hand on my shoulder.
"I'm sure, Rosie. This will be a good change, I have a good feeling." She says giving me a reassuring smile. I don't know what I would do without her, even though I was two years older than her it seemed as if she had been around for longer, an older soul.
"Meet us at the front door in thirty minutes." Bianca insisted, stepping into the door frame of her and Nico's suite. I see Nico sheepishly smile at me before pulling the door closed.
I smile as I turn on my heel, humming a familiar song. Maybe this will be a good change. I guess it would be kind of nice to get some fresh air, but yet again, I think I like the air of my suite just fine. Bianca was right, it'll be a good change, at least that's what I tell myself.
I make my way up a couple floors and stop in front of my door, swiping my lotus card on the handle. None of the hotels from back home had that. I swing the door open, music instantly meeting my ears. Fleetwood Mac's Landslide makes its way into my ears. I sigh as I look forlornly to the bag laying haphazardly in the corner. The room is lit up with the various lamps stowed away in the corners of the room, as my blankets sit peacefully on my soft bed. I quickly walk over to my bag, quickly pulling out the clothes from my drawers.
I could feel a funny feeling rising up in my stomach. It twists as I think about finally stepping out of this place and that I will have to go back to the real world. My stomach surges as I think about having to go back to school. I know I won't be able to fit in. I was never able to fit in before, I could never escape the 'weirdo' narrative my peers set onto me. They would make fun of me as flowers seemed to follow me wherever I went. If I was excited, daisies would pop out of the ground. If I was sad, plants in a close radius would begin to wilt. No one knew why, and neither did I. I just wanted to be normal.
I sigh as I stuff the last thing into the tattered bag I had brought with me into the casino. I quickly throw on my bomber jacket, adorned with american flag patches and pins from various rock bands. It was my most special possession, but I couldn't seem to remember why.
Glancing around the room, I grab my bag as I head for the door, turning around one last time. I step out of my room, closing the door behind me. I trudge forward, ready to face whatever was in front of me.
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lady-ashfade · 4 months
Our valentine
Day 14 of celebration marathon/valentines special
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Poly!Percabeth x Reader
—£ warnings: short, slight self doubt.
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they had spent all day making things were perfect for you. it had to be perfect. they had spent years, countless days fighting monsters and on the brink of death, but when it came to you they weren’t as brave as they thought. it wasn’t often annabeth could disregard her plans but this was a whole new battle to face. don’t get them wrong they wouldn’t have it any other way. but would you?
it was shocking the way you made the couple spin and turn at your presence and just the mere thought of you. the way your face looked when you’d laugh, your cheeks moving up to your eyes, and how much joy filled their stomach when you did. beautiful wasn’t the word but it was all they could say when you were much more then beautiful to them.
so much about you was engraved to their memory. they couldn’t spend much longer without asking you to be theirs even if you rejected them, it was what they had to do. they would be heartbroken but at least they wouldn’t have to hide it anymore.
rose petals lead a path through the woods as candles spread a few feet away from each other every step you took. someone had left you a note on your bed and told you to meet them in the woods, lucky you had a hint as to where to go. so you followed the trail through the woods with a high heartbeat.
the faces you hoped to see were of the golden couple at camp, your best friends. percy and annabeth were who you belonged to even if they didn’t know it. your heart longed for them.
“is this okay?” Percy looked at you with puppy eyes full of fear. annabeth didn’t look much better as she hooked her hands on her jeans and tugged at them to calm herself.
“more then I could have asked for,” you lean down to smell the flower bouquet they had made for you.
“good, we worked on it all week— I mean, but that we weren’t stressing about this…unless you want that-” he stumbled over his words when annabeth elbowed him.
you giggle at them and touch over the soft petals, they find themselves staring again at you. the sounds coming from your lips always made their world stop. “what he is trying to say, is that we want you to be ours- we want to take you out on a date.” Her lips looked soft when she smiled.
“Since tomorrow is Valentine’s Day we thought we could ask you to be ours? We’ll spoil you all day, anything you want.”
honestly, it wasn’t a question for you. there was only one answer for you but you still hesitate to say it. all you wanted was for a chance with them and now you had it— it was all to much. how would that work. what if you messed it up. they could get tired of you easily. but that’s all it was, a doubt of the future that might come to be.
“if you’ll have me, then i would be very grateful to be your valentine.”
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enamoredwithbella · 4 months
Those are my kids y’all I’m crying
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punkeropercyjackson · 3 months
You guys know what's wild as hell about Pjo fans ragging on Walker!Percy though?The fact that they keep saying he's not a good adaption of Percy because he's 'super lame'.Like first of all that's a child shut up and get a life bitch but also my actual point is that he's only lame from normies who think they're freaks perspective and i mean this in the sense of me being a lower class autistic adult and ex-troubled kid like book!Percy is and that's why i think both his version of Percy and Walker himself are cool as fuck.Like sorry to have to burst your bubble but Percy was never a stereotypical guy or a skater boy or a devil may care or popular in the mortal world and i'm bolding that last part as the important distinction-Percy is widely beloved BY OTHER DEMIGODS because they're also weirdos like him but regular humans still view him as a worthless and unappealing loser and this is very much intentional every step of the way.Demigods are a metaphor for neurodivergent otherhood,mortals are a metaphor for ableist neurotypicals and you guys fell for Percy's untrue self-image issues and his tormenters verbal abuse hook line and sinker.Me thinking Walker is really based is not only my opinion(and a fact)but also just me literally understanding the assigment from the get go and for ten years now lmfao!Y'all hate for his Percy Jackson kinnie and zero Peter Johnson energy swag💙
Also,i was gonna end it there but i need to add in this bonus as a black woman who's a lot like Leah personality wise and in presentation:Annabeth canonically dosen't want to be blonde because she wants to be seen as more than her looks and Leah's blackness freed her from it and erased the white feministic aspects of her to be replaced with good nerdy black girl rep so by extension her dynamic with Percy is actually equal and i love watching it which is a far cry from book!Percabeth and i hope they cast a black girl for Rachel(my beloved)too and let Jason's actor when the time for Hoo comes keep his hair black as they did Leah so all you 'Percy has a type and it's blondes' freaks will be exposed for the racists and pedo apologists you are💕💕💕
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sarcasm-and-stiles · 6 months
The first two episodes of Percy Jackson were AMAZING
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vampbloodbunny · 2 years
Y/n : [standing outside Hades' Cabin window with a "DATE?" sign]
Hazel: [leaning out the window] Oh Gods, YES!
Hazel: Nico, I'm going on a date with your Boyfriend!
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and now
for the
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