#both are bi
arrowheadedbitch · 6 months
Stiles Stalinski and Shawn Spencer have way too much in common
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I always forget that I shouldn’t give a shit about promoting something that I’m working my ass off on. That I should throw it in everybody’s face and glare as the yoke goes down there face 😡
Just kidding! Though I’m close to finishing up chapter two of ‘Bark At The Moon’ a little half way. And I decided why not post a little snippet from chapter 2. (Because im impatient and have control issues.)
Once again neither of them had been hiding their friendship at all, yet somehow Jason Carver was even more convinced that Chrissy had been cheating on him with Eddie. The guy was obtuse. Barely noticing that he was neglecting his relationship with such a wonderful human being, and seemingly being the only person at school who didn't pay attention to the gay rumors that have surrounded Eddie for years now. Sure, they were false. Well not fully. Like many things in life he even half assed being gay. Something that even shocked him.
"But I didn't even do anything Chris?" Eddie laughs softly. Turning his head to look at her shyly. Smiling gently as she gives him a bewildered look. Nearly stumbling over her feet in the process, blushing at the way Eddie's hand moves out and quickly helps her catch her balance. Smiling even more shy as he makes sure she's good before letting go. Ignoring the way her face goes a light pink.
A second passes before they both start to move again, Eddie's heart racing and face going a little red when he catches his Uncles eyes from the corner of his vision on them once again. He needed to ground himself, he was here to help search for Steve. Not trip over his feet for a cute girl who just got out of a relationship. That would be the most stupidest thing he has ever done, having a crush on somebody in a relationship is bad but liking someone who just got out of a relationship seeking for comfort? That might be worst. He felt like he was taking advantage of her, and he refused to do that. He didn't want to become some manipulative asshole.
"Well, I don't know. The fact that you knew more about my interests then my own boyfriend- well ex boyfriend. Was saying a whole lot about his character and very eye opening to me." Chrissy hums. Moving and walking again. Being more careful then what she had been. "And the fact that you went on a hour long rant over face time about how I deserved much better then him." She laughs gently. Eddies face only grows a bit more pink as he moves a hand shyly to move his curls in front of his face. In hopes to hide his facial expression. Though, there wasn't much hiding as he trips and falls on his hands and knees. Faintly hearing the laughter of his fellow teenagers behind him. He's flustered but what convinces him more that Chrissy is willing to be his friend, is the way she angrily turns on her heel and flips Jason and his small gang off. Silencing then, as Chrissy Cunningham never did such things.
Moving back, she bends down a little bit and helps Eddie up. Beaming as she giggles. "Happy to know I'm not the only clumsy one walking these woods." She jokes.
"Chrissy, you've literally been on top of a pyramid." Eddie snorts, not believing that she was clumsy at all.
"Yeah.. but that took a lot of practice. I don't know about you but I don't have much practice walking in these woods." She giggles, moving her smaller hands off from his forearms. Smiling as she starts to lead them forward once again.
"So...." Chrissy drags the word out gently, moving her feet and kicking stones around as they keep furthering their way into the woods.
"So?" Eddie snorts, looking at her with wonder. Biting his lip with a soft smile. Carefully fleeting his eyes from her back to the front of him. His eyes meeting Wayne's who was giving him a knowing look and a smirk. Causing him to mouth a silent 'fuck off' . He felt like some cringe eight year old dealing with his crush for the first time. This was all new to him, he's never had feelings for anyone before. Never had any desire about finding someone to have a relationship with, he was just Eddie and now he regrets not getting some experience. Maybe then if he had he wouldn't be literally tripping over his feet as much.
"Have you ever dated anyone before?" Chrissy asks curiously. Soft eyes looking at him, no looking through him as if she knows something he doesn't. A soft smile on her face, making her seem even more welcoming then before. Not judging as Eddie starts to cough a bit awkwardly, face a bright red as he shakes his head no in her direction. "Not even a guy?" She asks curiously. And oh god. Chrissy Cunningham believed  all of the rumors that surrounded him. Of course, her morbid curiosity was putting him in a rough spot. He was uncomfortable and he's never had to have this discussion with anyone before. Not even Wayne knew about his secret fantasies about Pedro Pascal, and if he did he was hiding it very well.
"Chrissy, you can't just ask things like that." Eddie hisses. For the first time since being around her, his shoulders are tense. His eyes fleeting over to his Uncle, who most likely thinks he's having one of the most straightest experiences of his life. Then his head turns carefully behind him, watching the way Jason jumps around a bit. Not taking any of this as seriously as he should. Here Eddie walked, on his journey to find Steve Harrington and on that journey he was somehow coming out as Bisexual. How ironic. Considering the fact he had a tiny, little crush on him when they had been younger. Long forgotten now.
"Oh, are you not?" Chrissy's eyes furrow with concern. "I assumed that you were after you wrote a whole poem about   Dean Winchesters chest." She whispers now. Catching onto trying to be low as possible.
Eddie rubs a hand over his face. Oh god he was going to die. He was willing to trip and crack his head open if it meant that he got out of this entire fucked up situation. Though there was something lurking inside of him that wanted to talk about this with someone. Of course, the whole conversation about Jenson Ackles "tits" had been had when he was completely high off his ass. Not thinking about what he was typing to Chrissy. Of course, a few other friends have received similar messages but it was something unsaid. Never to be brought up in front of anyone ever again. A stoned Eddie was a horny Eddie. Anxiety rose in his chest as he tosses a glance in his Uncles's way once again. Then sighing he gives in. Leans a little closer as he takes a shaky breathe.
"I do like guys, but I also like girls. And I would much rather leave my Uncle in the dark about that because there is no chance in a million years that I'm ever going to end up with a guy in the middle of bum fuck nowhere." Eddies voice cracks a little as he rambles close to the other. Wanting, no needing this conversation to be private as possible. "So-" he drags out the word that started this conversation awkwardly.
Chrissy smiles as she moves her hand down and carefully squeezes his hand into hers. Making his heart race as he quickly decides to add. "That and you can't just ask someone that out of nowhere? That's like... outing or something." His voice cracks more as he doesn't look up from the ground. Ears pink as well as he keeps walking forward. Not even sure where they were going, definitely not towards Steve Harrington. That was for sure.
"I'm so sorry. I thought we had this conversation over text message already. If I had known I wouldn't have just blurted it out like that. I know what it's like you know?" She says softly. Causing Eddie's head to poke up with interest. He's tempted to be bitter, tempted to say a snarky "how does the queen know? Do tell" instead he doesn't say that and just stays silent as he decides to listen. He wasn't good at good at reading signs, but this felt like a very keep your mouth shut situation.
"I think I might like both as well." Chrissy's soft voice cracks a little. Looking ahead, not meeting Eddie's eyes. "Though I think I have a preference for girls." She says gently. Eddies heart is conflicted. Here, there stood someone who was like him and that made him so happy. But there was another part, sad at the realization that the chances of being with her were remotely slim. He doesn't say anything, lets the information sink in. He squeezes her hand gently as he smiles painfully. Off to his left he sees his uncle smiling over at them. Probably assuming that they just confessed their love for each other, instead of coming out.
The situation was strong, emotional and overwhelming. But Eddie knew that Chrissy Cunningham was going to be his best friend in the entire world. No matter what he felt towards her.
Link to the first chapter
Chapter 2 should be up very soon :) I’m excited to share it lol.
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wilchur · 2 months
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tfw you told your boyfriend to stand up for himself more so he decides to execute a man and seize the Fereldan throne on a whim
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I need Crystal to casually mention something about a relationship with a girl in front of the boys, and then Charles is like "Wait, I thought you liked guys?" and then Crystal says, "Oh, I'm bisexual, I like both" and Charles is like "YOU CAN DO THAT?????" because I saw someone mention that bisexuality was not widely known in the 80s, so Charles might not even know that you can be bi.
And naturally this is followed by Charles having a bi crisis.
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spectrecowboy · 5 months
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evan, you have a little something on your face :)
please do not use my art without permission!
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diazfox · 4 months
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towards-toramunda · 3 months
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Cow man with no horns
Cow man with big horns
Cow man who has never been horny
Cow man who is constantly horny
I love it
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sheikfangirl · 4 months
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Post-BotW - When Paya met Zelda 😅🤷‍♀️
She's hot for them BOTH! Paya is the ultimate Zelink shipper representation lol.
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rosamundpkes · 3 months
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Because stories have to come from somewhere.
SUMMERLAND (2020) dir. Jessica Swale
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stackslip · 2 years
at the end of the day it’s not only that twitter is having a meltdown over maia crimew calling herself a a bi lesbian, that a huge amount of people are basically fine with threats of violence for that reason alone, and that some are actually trying to find a justification to say that her leaking the list is Harmful To People Of Colour/is actually anti-communist (when really they said they find her annoying and that they’re mostly mad at her being a bi lesbian).
it’s that this whole insane discourse has completely overshadowed anything about the no-fly list and how and why she did this. it’s being completely buried under the avalanche of nonsense and the arguments that she’s causing Material Harm. i wish i could say i think this is the work of feds but unfortunately i know people are batshit about this stuff. but really as i said before the best thing is to fucking ostracize and ignore these people and get them out of organizing and instead focus on what that list means and what to do next. bc these people are gonna sabotage any conversation or meaningful work, and are ready to betray any activist or person who takes risks.
but beyond that man the fucking state of leftism that any actual work and effort gets highjacked by clowns who drown it in their discourse instead. the fact that they genuinely feel justified in harming and impeding people and precious work in the name of labels. they talk about material harm but if that isn’t what’s happening rn idk what is.
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this-is-waffle · 1 year
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I'm in my fluff era
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maxphilippa · 1 year
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I finished it!! Dear Heavens!!! This was both fun and a mess to color!! ALSO THANK YOU GUYS FOR 1162 FOLLOWERS??? THE HELL??? /POS AAAAAAA
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+ alts!!!!!!!
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bisexuallovee · 8 days
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yrsonpurpose · 3 months
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Numbers on me being into dudes? Seventy-eight percent probability of latent bisexual tendencies.
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raphaerolo · 8 months
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They <3
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obsmiechujek · 11 months
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boyfriend asked me to draw a hyper-realistic Ice King, thought I'd share
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