#brain theres still chance of survival
sumikas · 7 months
i want to get my hopes up for gojo return bc if yuuta can survive world slash then theres no fucking way gojo cant, but in all honesty i think the point of heading south is that even if gojo could heal himself he doesnt really. want to? hes accepted his death and went south for the past instead of north for the future. yeah maybe he CAN reattach his lower half since his brain is intact but Will he...?
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arlathen · 1 year
reading thru my old wips and finding the one where nate has to turn lucy and is like 100% sure it killed her and hes just sitting alone in their house w her corpse in the next room. like BROTHER....
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circeius-invidioso · 6 months
I do not get why the Red Corsairs are not a popular choice.
Like here is the elevator pitch for the warband and then we can come to some justified conclusion.
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What isn't there to love?
You want me to turn into an infomencial and make a top 3 reasons why the Red Corsairs are great?
Cause I can.
And I will.
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The Diverse Working Enviroment
Here in the Red Corsairs we might have started as Ultramarines but the barrier for entry is on the floor. So anyone can join.
You are Night Lord with a bad rep and no ship.
Buckle up we got you covered.
You are a Fallen and have 20 Dark Angels all up in yo business? Trying to shoot down the boss babe you are?
Fear not, or in our case. Know no Fear. We are strapped and don't get clapped.
You are a traitor that likes their Legion but sadly you got in our way?
Tough luck buddy, you will join or die and your geene seed will join our cause. Nothing personal battle brother. Just business as usual.
Everyone is welcome as long as they follow Huron's guidelines and don't aggitate the topless sweaty Khorne worshipping Ultramarines in the basement.
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Unlike the corrupt Imperium of man and the corpse Emperor our leader is powered by miracles (which is trully a miracle how he survived but that on the next section), and we use 0 psyckers to power our crap.
Our carbon footprint is also minimum as we use salvaged goods and don't indulge in toxic industries that destroy worlds.
The Red Corsair base of operation is in the Eye of Terror and from there we expand our scope. A place greatly known for its constant shifts, and horrible conditions but the tan our serfs have are spectacullar from all that cosmic radiation.
Finally we are commited to recycling. As in we take from our victims benefactors and put those stolen goods to some great use. Nothing goes to waste, neither mortal, nor static object. If something is not nailed on the floor we will take it.
In fact we might take the floor too and the nails used to set it in place.
Nothing goes to waste!
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Unmatched Leadership
Last, but certainly not least.
The man.
The myth.
The Legend.
Huron Blackheart.
Aka Lufgt Huron.
Aka what would happen if we gave a compressed Guilliman a daemonic familiar and left him to ferment in a warp storm.
Not only the name is so edgy you might cut yourself by saying it out loud. But also it's complex enough that if you say it quickly three times without twisting your tongue theres is a chance furniture might start levitating.
The man has put his Ultramarine brain to use and amased enough influence and power to put the Black Legion to shame.
Huron went from 0 to 100 in no time, he is a self made Warmaster. With no daddy issues or troubles in the world, he goes into battle blasting Alestorm in the voxxcasters.
He does not care.
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He probably wears this when he wants to relax.
You think he cares?
He does not care.
He has a biker gang specifically organized to hunt down those who have betrayed him.
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They slap those things on their armors not for the usual biker reason
(which fun fact the meaning is, 99% of the bikers are law-abiding, where the 1% are not. That's where the 1% comes from. The more you know 🌈)
no they wear that 1% because that's how high are your chances of escaping from them are.
Is that a bit extreme?
You think he cares?
He does not care.
The dude once gathered his buddies and decided...
to you know. Have a casual outing. Nothing too serious, it was a sunday afteral.
So they decided on.
Kidnapping Guilliman.
Which they almost did if not for a Fallen of all people getting in the way.
But still.
The mad lad took Macragge's Honour and went on a joyride/ mini civil war.
Who in the galaxy can turn and say.
Yeah, I stole Macragge's Honour, almost captured my old Primarch. Told a daemon prince they are irrelevant on my way there. Anyway after crushing a fool who thought he could take my crown as king of the space pirates, I went to the home planet of the White Scars and kidnapped and tortured their Chapter Master. What did you do this week? 💅
Who wouldn't want to be a part of that?
You tell me I can be an immortal, gorgeous chaos Ultramarine goth boy going on pirate adventures across the galaxy?
Where do I sign up?
I don't need ink for a signature.
I will use my own blood.
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mydarllinglover · 1 year
Alone || Shit Happens
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Carl unlocked the gates once T-Dog called out that the food had arrived.
"What you got?" The kid asked.
"Canned beef, canned corn, canned cans, theres' a lot more where this came from." T-Dog said, carrying it through to one of the cells.
Sully jogged towards Natalia, sniffing the stuff she was carrying as he walked by her side.
"Any change?" Rick asked the make shift infirmary cell.
"Bleeding is under control and no fever" Lori said. "But his breath is laboured and his pulse is way down and he hasn't opened his eyes yet."
"Take my cuffs, put them on him." Rick told Glenn. "I'm not taking any chances."
Carl helped T and Natalia whilst Rick talked to Lori, Natalia was still fuming about what had happened in the cafeteria, she should have killed him and let Rick kill her after, least she'd be taking the creep down before he could do anything to anyone else.
"Nat, T, come on, let's go." Rick called out once their conversation was done.
"Stay with Carl, Sul, I'll be back. Be a good boy, will you." She gave the dog a treat as she rubbed his head, scratching behind his ears.
"Hey, I don't blame you" T-Dog told her as they walked back out the door.
"Least someone agrees with me." She scoffed.
Rick could hear them, he didn't say anything for the moment. Once they got back to the prisoners and Daryl, Rick layed the weapons on the table, for them to choose from.
Tomas picked up the crowbar, looking at it.
"Why do I need this, when I got this?" He asked, taking out his gun once again.
"You don't fire guns" Daryl said. "Not unless your backs up against the wall, noise attracts them, it really riles them up."
"We'll go two by two. Daryl will point with T. I'll bring up the rear with you. Stay tight, hold formation, no matter how close the walkers get. Anyone breaks ranks, we could all go down, anyone runs off, they could get mistaken for a walker, end up with an axe in the head."
"And that's where you aim, these things only go down with a head shot." Daryl explained.
"You ain't gotta tell us how to take out a man"
"They ain't men. They're something else."
"Just remember, to go for the brain."
The prisoners picked up their weapons to get ready.
"And what about you little lady, ain't got a partner?" Axel asked.
"She can handle herself just fine." Daryl told him, catching her off guard.
"Nat here was on her own, been surviving like that for a while, hell, she damn near saved our lives and ended it." T joined in.
"You broke into my house and refused to leave." She scoffed, walking after the others.
"Why'd ya call your dog Sully?" Big Tiny asked her, they'd clearly seen her bidding the animal goodbye.
"You ever seen Monsters Inc? One with the monsters who have jobs?"
"Yeah, once." He replied.
"The big blue one, he's called Sully."
"You picked that?" Axel asked.
"It's a stupid name, who'd you let name your dog that?" Andrew included himself into the conversation.
"What you do to end up in prison, show the world how much of a fucking brainless idiot you are?" Natalia turned on the man, the people in the group slightly thrown off by her sudden aggression.
"Jeez, was just a question, uptight bitch" Andrew grumbled.
"Well mind yer own business." Daryl told him in a low voice.
"Man, it's too damn dark in here." Oscar complained as they walked through the dark hallways.
"Gotta hold it up high out In front of you." Daryl told him, gesturing to raise the flashlight.
"You're gonna hear them before you see 'em." Tomas whispered.
A clanging sound came from behind a corner, unsettling some of the prisoners.
"It's coming!" Axel called out.
"Shh." Rick hissed.
A lone walker trudged past the corner, Daryl raised his hand in the air, counting down, but before he could reach one, the prisoners ran at the dead prisoners yelling and shouting.
The four watched as the prisoners punched, kicked and beat the other walkers that came out.
"These guys are idiots, why are we helping them?" Natalia asked.
"Cause we have a deal." Rick sighed.
"We're wasting time." Natalia scoffed, pulling out two knifes, pushing Axel out of the way so that she could plunge one in the head of a walker that was getting its gut punched in, then handling the one Oscar was kicking, before taking out the third, as the prisoners stared at her. "Are we done? Can we move on now?"
"Let's go" Rick ordered, nodding at T and Daryl to lead the way again.
Once again, a walker by itself walked round the corner.
"It's gotta be the brain" Daryl said, shooting it in the head with his crossbow. "Not the stomach, not the heart, the brain."
"I hear you, the brain." Axel repeated as another one came at them.
Oscar, Axel and Rick took out three as more kept coming.
"Stay in tight formation, no more prison riot crap." Rick told the group. 
Natalia noticed the biggest member of the group step back as everyone took out the walkers, one with long curly hair had followed him, she went to help when a walker that had been handcuffed struggled to get his hand's free, had managed to slip one out, although his hand had slid off the bone.
"Look out!" She called as it reached for Big Tiny's back. She threw a knife at the walker, causing it to drop dead as the knife imbedded itself in the skull of the walking dead prisoner.
Though what she didn't account for, is the walker that had sized her up as a meal, falling into her and sending them both to the ground, She struggled to get it's face away from hers as it snarled and spat at her.
It had ceased when a metal arrows head poked through, almost firing into her.
Natalia pushed the walker off of her, Rick quick to help her get to her feet.
"You alright?" Rick asked.
"Fine." She caught her breath.
"You saved my life." Big Tiny expressed, picking up the woman as he hugged her, almost crushing her bones.
"Don't mention it." She patted his back. "You can put me down now."
"Oh, right, my bad." He smiled shyly, dropping Natalia down so she could stand on her own feet.
As they went to continue, another walker had walked round the corner, Big Tiny hadn't noticed it until it was biting into the mans side.
"Argh!" He screamed out.
Tomas was quicker than everyone else, shooting two bullets into it's skull.
"Oh my God!" Natalia gasped, looking at the bite as Rick stared down Tomas, before coming to his senses and gently nudging Natalia out of the way so he could get a better look with the flashlight.
"I'm telling you man, I don't feel anything, it's just a little bite."
"I'm sorry, man." Rick sighed, knowing what would happen.
"I can keep fighting!" He argued.
"You cut that old guys leg off to save his life." Andrew brought up.
"Look at where the bite is"
"Guys, I'm fine! Just, I'm fine." He repeated, trying to reassure Rick.
"It's slow, you don't always get hit with it so soon." Natalia sighed.
"Look at me... I'm not changing into one of those things."
"Look, man, there has to be something that we can do." Oscar said "We could just lock him up."
"Quarantine him." Axel joined in.
"We gotta do something. Why you just standing there? We gotta save him."
"There's nothing we can do." Rick disagreed.
"You son of a bitch" Andrew cursed.
"I'm all right."
Tomas charged forward, shoving Natalia out of his way and onto the floor, before bashing his weapon into Big Tiny's head, letting the man fall to the ground as well, he looked at the bloody weapon for a moment, bringing it back down onto the mans skull repeatedly, sending blood and brain matter splatting everywhere.
Natalia crawled back as she watched the scene unfold, her eyes wide, she had killed many times before, but never so gruesomely, never like the man had just done, she was a survivalist, he was psychotic.
Two hands gripped her arms, pulling her up, she looked behind her quickly before noticing that it was T-Dog, Daryl beside him.
"You alright, got hurt?" T asked.
"I- I'm." She looked back, letting the rest of her sentence die down in her throat.
Once Tomas was satisfied the job was done, he looked back at Rick before walking ahead once more.
Daryl walked toward the handcuffed walker, pulling out the knife and wiping it on the overalls, passing it back to Natalia as the others headed after Tomas.
"Thanks" She muttered. "And for..."
"Let's go." He grumbled, nodding for her to go first.
Rick, Natalia and Daryl stayed behind the others as they walked down the dark hallways.
"You see the look on his face? How he threw Nat?" Daryl asked Rick.
"He makes one move." Rick told the pair.
"Just give me a signal." Daryl finished his sentence.
"I shouldn't of let you stop me earlier, told you I got a knack for this kinda thing." Natalia gritted.
The group made it to the laundromat, inspecting the empty room, just in case anything jumped out at them.
Snarling and banging came from the double doors in the room.
Daryl chucked his ring of keys at Tomas as they neared it.
"I ain't opening that." Tomas said.
"Yes, you are." Rick told him. "If you want this cell block. You're gonna open that door. Just the one, not both of them. Because we need to control this."
With a sigh, Tomas bent down and picked up the ring of keys, looking at the group before stepping towards the door and unlocking it.
"You bitches ready?" He asked, he struggled to open the door. "I got this."
Tomas pulled one more time, opening both doors before jumping back.
"I said one door!" Rick shouted at him.
"Shit happens."
The group fought off the overloading herd of walkers that followed out from the double doors, spreading everyone out.
Natalia pulled her knife out of one head, dropping it to the floor as she watched Tomas purposely try and take Rick out, who had narrowly missed it, causing her to almost forget about the walker that came straight for her.
Natalia dealt with it before running to Ricks side, who was now on the floor from a walker being thrown at him by the Hispanic.
She plunged the knife through its head, letting the man push it off him as she helped him get to his feet.
"T, mind the gap!" Daryl shouted out, also seeing what had just happened.
"Thanks." Rick said to the woman.
"Just paying you back." She said, fighting against another walker that came at her. "Now deal with our other problem."
He nodded at her in agreement, Rick knew what he had to do.
Soon enough, the laundromat was rid of hungry walkers.
Daryl aimed his crossbow at Tomas who shrugged off Ricks heavy stare as he walked towards him.
"It was coming at me, bro." Tomas said.
"Yeah, yeah. I get it." Rick agreed. "I get it. Shit happens."
The laundromat was silent as Rick and Tomas had a stare off.
Until Rick swung his arm back, the one carrying the machete, before bringing it down onto Tomas's head, pushing it down so that he landed on his knees before dropping to the ground.
"No!" Andrew cried out, attempting to hit Rick with his bat. Natalia tugged out her handgun from her waistband, aiming it at him.
"Easy now" Daryl said, moving the aim of his crossbow.
Andrew looked at the pair before turning back to Rick, realising he had no options here. He spun around, running out of the door.
"I got him" Rick told the three as he chased after the prisoner.
Daryl and Natalia pointed their weapons at the other two prisoners, T-Dog quick to copy with his own gun.
"Man, get down on your knees." Daryl ordered.
"We don't have no affiliation to what just happened!" Axel told the three. "Tell him, Oscar!"
"Stop talking, man" Oscar said, his hands up in surrender.
Rick soon enough came back, raising his own gun at the prisoners.
"We didn't have nothing to do with that." Oscar said.
"You didn't know?" Rick asked him. "You knew, let's end this now." Rick moved to point his gun at Axels head.
"Sir, please, listen to me!" Axel cried. "It was them that was bad, it wasn't us."
"Oh, that's convenient."
"You saw what he did to Tiny! He was my friend. Please, we ain't like that. I like my pharmaceuticals, but I'm no killer." Axel pleaded, Natalia scoffed at him. 
"Oscar here, he's a B and E, and he ain't very good at it neither. We ain't the violent guys, they were! Please, I swear to God! I wanna live!"
Rick turned back around and aimed his gun at Oscar.
"What about you?" Rick asked when he still had said nothing.
"I ain't never pleaded for my life. And I aint about to start now. So you do what you gotta do."
Natalia eventually put her gun back on safety, tucking it back in the waistband of her pyjama bottoms.
Rick took this as a sign, lowering his own gun, letting the pair stand up.
Daryl grabbed a hold of Axels overalls pushing him to walk forward to cell block D, using his keys that he picked back up to unlock the door, throwing the man onto the ground.
The Cell block was full of dead prisoners lying on the ground just outside their cells, their hands zip tied behind their backs and blood coming out from their heads, where they had clearly been shot.
"Oh, man." Oscar sighed.
"I knew these guys." Axel whimpered. "These were good men."
Natalia couldn't help the thought that they were in prison not let her fully believe what he said.
"Let's go." Rick told the three.
"So, you're just gonna leave us in here?" Oscar asked him. "Man, this is sick."
"We're locking down this cell block. From now on, this part of the prison is yours, take it or leave it, that was the deal." Rick shrugged.
"You think this is sick? You don't wanna know what's outside." Daryl offered.
"Consider yourselves the lucky ones."
"Sorry about your friends, man."
Natalia followed after Rick and Daryl.
"A word of advice, take those bodies out and burn them." T-Dog finalised before leaving as well.
"What a day" Natalia sighed, stretching her arms up high.
"Yer lucky yer still breathing." Daryl told her.
"Yeah, well, falling on my ass twice and saving a mans life before his horrific death, all without dying, I would say that's pretty lucky."
"Lets just get back and see how Hershel's doing" Rick told them, scratching at his beard.
"Hey, that was pretty badass, what you did with the machete and the dramatic pause, but I still think my idea was way better." Natalia told Rick.
"It wasn't really for a show. Your way was barbaric"
"I know, but it would of been gratifying, would make me feel a damn lot better." She shrugged.
"Hershel stopped breathing" Carls voice could be heard as the group walked into the cell block. "Mom saved him."
"Its true." Glenn clarified.
Natalia slid down the wall facing outside the cell as everyone filled it, Sully jogging to her side as he nudged his head against her chest, making her raise her hands to hold his face, scruffing up his fur as she kissed the top of his head.
"Daddy?" Maggie called to her father, followed by a more excited Beth as the man opened his eyes.
Hershel had made it, and Rick was to thank for that.
The sun was shining as Natalia walked round the field with Sully, throwing around a ball she found for the dog to catch and bring back as Rick, Daryl, Carol and T-Dog brought in the cars.
"Hey, Nat, you helping out today?" Daryl shouted over to the woman, gesturing for her to come over.
"Come on, boy." She called to her dog, walking over.
"It's gonna be a long day." T-Dog told her. "Collecting and burning bodies."
"How exciting, so glad you asked me to help out." Natalia teased.
"Where's Glenn and Maggie? We could use some help." Carol asked.
"On watch, right?" Natalia asked, looking around for the pair.
"Yeah, up in the guard tower." Daryl pointed up at the tower.
"Guard tower, they were up there just last night." Rick reminded.
"Must've been a lot to scope out."
"Glenn! Maggie!" Daryl called up.
The head of Glenn popped up through the window, unlocking the door and walking out as he was in the middle of getting dressed.
"Hey! What's up, guys?" Glenn called down, doing up the button of his jeans.
"You coming?" Daryl asked him.
"You coming?" He repeated.
Glenn looked towards Maggie unsure of the question as everyone stifled laughs.
"Come on, we could use a hand."
"Yeah, we'll be right down." Glenn raised a finger as a dishevelled Maggie looked down unapprovingly.
"Least someone's getting some action." Natalia mused.
"Maybe you can try your luck with one of them" T-Dog pointed from behind them, causing the group to turn around.
Axel and Oscar had walked up to their side of the fence, looking down on the others.
"Come with me" Rick muttered, walking towards the fence, the other four on his heels.
Natalia slipped the gun out from behind her belt, holding it tightly just in case.
"That's close enough." Rick told the prisoners. "We had an agreement."
"Please, mister. We know that." Axel pleaded as Maggie and Glenn came out from the red door behind them. "But you gotta understand  we can't live in that place another minute. You follow me? All the bodies, people we knew, blood, brains, everywhere. There's ghosts."
"Why don't you move the bodies out?" Daryl asked.
"You should be burning them" T added.
"We tried. We did."
"The fence is down on the far side of the prison. Every time we drag a body out, those things just line up. Dropping the body and just running back inside." Oscar explained.
"Look, we had nothing to do with Tomas and Andrew. Nothing. You trying to prove a point. You proved it, bro. We'll do whatever it takes to be part of your group. Just please, please... don't make us live in that place."
"You can always leave" Natalia said.
Axel looked at Natalia before back at Rick.
"Our deal is non negotiable." Rick told the two prisoners. You either live in your cell block, or as Nat said, or you can leave."
"I told you this was a waste of time." Oscar told Axel. "They ain't no different than the pricks who shot up our boys. You know how many friends corpses we had to drag out this week? Just threw them out, like. These were good guys. Good guys who had our backs against the really bad dudes in this joint, like Tomas and Andrew. Now we've all made mistakes to get in here, chief. And I'm not gonna pretend to be a saint, but believe me  we've paid our due enough that we would rather hit that road than to go back into that shithole."
Rick turned around, to where Natalia and Daryl were both stood, his eyes asking their thoughts, at first she thought it was just to Daryl until his eyes shifted to hers, each both shook their heads.
"The road it is then." Rick told them.
Daryl escorted the pair into the outer gate where one of the cars still sat whilst Rick deliberated with everyone else.
"Are you serious, you want them living in a cell next to you? They'll just be waiting for a chance to grab our weapons. You want to go back to sleeping with one eye open?" Rick asked T-Dog.
"I never stopped. We let Nat join us, she could of easily done the same thing, now look at her, locking her cell at night so we can't get in."
"Hey, mind your own business, I let you people in, besides, I've never been in prison, from committing a crime!" Natalia defended herself.
"And we're all grateful for that" T-Dog told her. "But what I'm saying is, I think we should bring them into the fold. If we send them off packing, we might as well execute them ourselves."
"If you think they're that incapable on their own, what use are they to us?" She asked him.
"I don't know, Axel seems a little unstable." Glenn joined in.
"After all we've been through? We've fought so hard for all this, what if they decide to take it?" Carol asked.
"It's just been us for so long. They're strangers. I don't... it feels weird all of a sudden to have these other people around." Maggie sighed.
"You brought us in" T-Dog reminded her.
"Yeah, but you turned up with a shot boy in your arms. Didn't give us a choice."
Natalia looked between the group, she had been with them for around two months, she didn't realise how much she actually closed her self off from the group until finding out that Carl had been shot, just now.
"They can't even kill walkers." Glenn brought up.
"They're convicts, bottom line."
"Yeah, both points I've been making, thank you."
"Those two might actually have less blood on their hands then we do, especially Nat." T-dog said, making Natalia scoff as she bit her lip.
"I get guys like this. Hell, I grew up with them. They're degenerates, but they aint psychos. I could have been in there with them just as easy as I'm out here with you guys." Daryl said, seeming to have swayed his vote.
"So are you with me?" T asked him.
"Hell, no. Let 'em take their chances out on the road like we did." He finished with, bringing back Natalia's hope in him.
"What I'm saying, Daryl-"
"When I was a rookie, I arrested this kid. Nineteen years old, wanted for stabbing his girlfriend." Rick started. "The kid blubbered like a baby during the interrogation, during the trial suckered the jury. He was acquitted due to insufficient evidence, and then two weeks later, shot another girl. We've been through too much. Our deal with them stands." Rick finalised, walking away, the rest following except for T-Dog, who eventually came to his senses and caught up.
"Move the cars to the upper yard. Point 'em facing out. They'll be out of the way but ready to go if we ever need to bail." Rick told Glenn, chucking him the keys, who jogged ahead. "We'll give the prisoners a weeks worth of supplies for the road."
"Might not last a week." T-Dog sighed.
"It's their choice." Rick shrugged.
"Did they really have one?"
Natalia ignored the conversation, leaning against the fence, Sully by her side as the vehicles were being moved.
"Twin cylinder. is that a Triumph?" Axel asked Daryl as he hopped on his motorcycle.
"Don't even look at it." He threatened the prisoner, struggling to start it up.
"Don't want it bored out?" Axel tried again at making conversation. "Sounds like it could use a tune up. I'm pretty handy with a wrench." He shouted over the revs of the bike starting. "Heads are leakin', I know my bikes!"
"Man, will you just stop?" Oscar asked the blond, also watching the pair interact. "Have some balls."
"Just sayin'"
Natalia leaned off the fence as Glenn was closing it, walking back up with the others.
Carol was moving the red truck as Daryl, Rick and Natalia climbed through the hole in the fence, planning on heading for the woods, Glenn caught up after giving food to the prisoners.
"Should I take her out?" Glenn asked, pointing to the walker on the other side of the water.
"No." Rick told him. "If that armoury hadn't been picked clean, we could spare the ammo."
"I'll start making runs" Daryl offered. "The sooner the better."
"We'll throw as much wood as we can in the dog run."
"Won't fire attract more walkers? Maybe we should bury them." Glenn suggested.
"You wanna count how many bodies that is we'd have to bury?" Natalia asked him, looking over her shoulder to see that Daryl was still stood at the gate, looking into the woods.
"Besides, we're behind the fence. It's worth the one-time risk to get rid of the bodies for good. I don't want to be planting crops in walker-rotted soil."
"I don't get why I'm out here collecting fire like a lumberjack, I could've helped with the cars" Natalia sighed as they began making piles.
"Can you even drive?" Glenn asked her.
"Yes, are you old enough?"
"I'm 22."
"I'm 26."
"Liar. There's no way you were walking and talking by the time I was even born." Glenn rejected.
"Believe it, kiddo."
"We've never seen you drive, we've seen them." Rick said. "When was the last time you drove a car?"
"Uhm, probably nearly three years ago?”
"Why so long?" Glenn asked, surprised by her answer.
"That's a personal question." Natalia said. "But I still know how to, besides, I didn't need to, my boyfriend did, but he's dead, so it's up to me again."
"Oh, uh, well I think this is enough firewood, so we should head back." Rick cleared his throat.
The four of them walked back towards the fence, only three of them carrying firewood as Daryl carried his crossbow, helpful.
"Looky here" Daryl said, holding the fence open for the others to get through.
Natalia was the last to climb out, chucking the logs of wood into the pile the other two placed theirs as they all watched Hershel, on crutches, walk around the courtyard.
"He is one tough son of a bitch" Glenn grinned. "Alright Hershel!"
"Shh! Keep your cheers down" Daryl muttered to Glenn, gesturing to the walkers roaming around outside the fences.
"Oh, man, can't we just have one good day?" The Korean sighed.
"Don't go jinxing it." Natalia told him.
The four smiled at the others, happy for Hershel's achievement, until Natalia noticed something behind Carl.
"Shit!" She cursed, instantly reaching for her knifes.
"Walkers!" Carl screamed, turning around. "Look out!"
"No!" Rick shouted, sprinting down the fences, Daryl following and Natalia right in front, Glenn skidded back to tie the fence back up in order to not get outsiders coming in either.
"Get out of there! Now!"
Natalia reached the gate first.
"Keys! I need the keys!" She screamed out.
Glenn chucked the keys to Daryl, who threw them to Rick who then tossed them to Natalia, who unlocked the gate, throwing it open so the others could get through.
"Move!" She shouted at the two prisoners, running for the other gate to unlock it.
"Come on! Come on!" Daryl shouted.
"I'm trying! It's stuck!"
"Out my way" Rick moved in front of Natalia, trying his luck.
"Got it" He eventually said, throwing the gate open.
"Hey, bro, what about us?" Axel cried out as the four ran up to the prison.
He was ignored.
Rick and Natalia shot walkers, landing headshots, Daryl took a few out with his crossbow, whilst Glenn opted for his machete.
"What the hell happened?" Rick shouted at Beth and Hershel, who were safe in a cage, Natalia could thank the lords above that they had brought Sully with them.
"The gate was open!" Beth answered him.
"Where's Lori, Carl... everyone else?"
"Maggie led Lori and Carl into C block." Hershel replied.
"And T was bit." Beth added.
"Anyone else?"
"I couldn't tell."
"Stay put." Rick instructed, turning around to take out another walker.
"Those chains didn't break on their own." Glenn reported back, once they had got all the walkers in the courtyard. "Someone took an axe or cutters to 'em."
Daryl, Rick and Natalia turned around to find Axel and Oscar walking up.
"How convenient they show up now." Natalia commented, aiming her gun at them.
"You think they did it?" Glenn asked.
"Who else?" Rick said.
Just then, an alarm blared around the prison.
"What's that? Oh, you gotta be kidding me!"
Glenn, Natalia and Rick shot at the speakers, but not ceasing the alarms.
"Kill it!" Hershel shouted.
"How the hell can this be happening?" Rick asked the prisoners, pointing his gun in their faces.
"Woah! Woah! Woah! It must be the back up generators." Oscar said.
"Well how do you turn those on?"
"There's three that's connected to a diesel tank, okay? Each one controls a certain part of the prison. The hacks shut 'em all off when the prison was overrun."
"Can someone open up the gates electronically with full power?" Rick pointed at the main gates.
"I only worked in there a few days. I... I guess it might be possible."
"Come with us!" Rick grabbed Oscar by the overalls, running to the cell blocks.
Once they got to it, there were a few bodies on the ground, but Carl, Maggie and Lori were nowhere in sight.
"We just took out five of 'em in there." Daryl said, grabbing one of his arrows.
"There were four in here but no sign of Lori or any of them." Rick reported back.
"Must've been pushed back into the prison."
"Somebody is playing games!" Rick exclaimed. "We'll split up and look for the others."
"We need to shut this alarm off" Natalia said.
"We will, whoever gets to the generators first, shut them down! Lets go!"
They ran back out the cell block, the prisoners accompanying  them.
Glenn and Axel ran off, but before anyone else could they got chased towards the generator room by a large group, forcing them through.
Daryl and Oscar kept the doors closed as Rick and Natalia looked around, guns held high.
"How do you shut these down?" Rick shouted, looking at the machinery.
"Go, help him, Nat, c'mere, switch" Daryl ordered.
Natalia helped hold the door closed as Oscar went to turn off the machines.
"Did you see how many was out there?" She asked, gritting her teeth.
"Was too busy running!" Daryl responded.
"We could take them."
A loud cry sounded from the other side, before metal hitting metal.
"What's going on?"
"It's Andrew, he's alive!" She told them as they both struggled with the door, her being able to see slightly better than him.
"Alright, one... two  three!" The two stepped away from the door, Natalia readying her knife whilst Daryl reached for his crossbow.
The door flew open, Walkers entering as the pair took them out.
"Shoot him! We can take back this prison!" The voice of Andrew shouted. "What you waiting for? Do it! It's our house, shoot him!"
No one else said anything as a gunshot went off.
Daryl closed the door back up, both looking at each other before moving to see what had just happened. 
Oscar was holding Ricks gun, pointed straight ahead. then he spun it, handing it back to the man, Andrews dead body on the floor.
Rick took his gun back, holding it as he moved back towards the machines, turning dials and soon enough the alarms stopped.
"Let's go" Rick told them.
They walked down the dark hallways, only finding a few lone walkers, that Natalia was quick to take out, the others holding flashlights. Soon enough, they met back up with Glenn and Axel.
The six halted behind a corner, running past it quickly to be met with two walkers eating an corpse.
Rick took them both out, the bodies dropping, revealed what was left of T-Dog.
He was dead.
Glenn paced back. Natalia covered her mouth, not knowing what to do with herself.
Daryl bent down, picking up a red cloth, Carols headscarf.
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hello!! i hope you are well!! i have a bit of a time sensitive question so deepest apologies for that. but i just found out Today that i am going to be teaching college freshman starting Next Monday (8/21) and so am scrambling to pull together some stuff to get our class started off well!! im theming my class on ttrpgs so my first (probably not the last) question is - do you have any recs for ttrpgs for 3-5 players that could be run in like 10 minutes as an icebreaker? silly games would be awesome. im deep in the bible belt and theres still a Wee Bit of satanic panic here so hopefully nothing like. too dark or demon-y. if you are able to give me recs before monday i will be so forever in your debt ToT thank you!!! -psychhound
Theme: Quick Silly Games
@creacherkeeper Hello friend! I hope you find this helpful! Whipped it up in an afternoon so the summaries may be abbreviated.
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ImproVeto, by Plotbunny Games.
ImproVeto is a GM-less mini storygame that lets you tell absurd, fun stories together with at least one other person. It's also a game to help you practice improvisation in collaborative storytelling and the use of the X-card and similar calibration tools for role-playing games.
Impro Veto is quick, GM-less, and doubles as an opportunity to build the idea of safety tools into a game’s mechanics. It’s basically a big game of collaborative storytelling, and players are encouraged to change the direction of the story by vetoing random elements and changing them to continue the story as they tell it. It requires no dice, and can probably be played pretty quickly if you are playing with a small group.
Clown Helsing, by Planarian.
Clowns. We've all seen them… riding their unicycles, blowing up balloons at parties, piling in garish hordes from tiny cars, waddling around in bulbous red shoes, passed out in a dumpster stinking of booze and regret. For what do these martyrs of mirth sacrifice themselves? The answer is they do it for us. Not just to fill our need for laughter and merriment, but because they defy the doom of mankind! Clowns are man's only salvation against… Vampires.
Clown Helsing played closer to an hour for me but I think if you’re putting it before the students in a less casual setting, it might speed play up quite a bit. I’d recommend a) knowing the rules really well before starting play, b) providing students with roll tables so they can quickly create a clown, and c) starting the game in the middle of the vampire fight. I’d also recommend reducing the number of Dignity boxes significantly than what is recommended in the book, especially if you, like me, are absurdly good at Rock Paper Scissors - because yes, RPS is how you solve conflicts in this game!
Theme wise, this is exactly on tone. Your clowns humiliating jerk vampires. Let the buffoonery commence!
The Goose of Grillner Grove, by Jenn Martin.
A  tabletop roleplaying game for 3+ players for 15+ minutes. Play townsfolk attempting to warn a newcomer about the goose that's lived in the area for 20 years, and plagued each of you personally. 
Take turns telling stories about that time when you saw the goose doing something outrageous, but don't violate the two truths of the game- the goose isn't supernatural, and the goose doesn't die- lest you be honked at by the other players.
At the end, decide if the newcomer heeds your warnings...
Anyone who has played the Untitled Goose Game is probably going to have a fun time playing this. This game will probably go longer if you have a larger number of people, but it certainly gives you a chance for people to get used to the improv side of games.
The Octopus Shipwreck Explorer, by SassWrites.
An octopus is exploring a shipwreck. The shipwreck is full of treasure, but the octopus doesn’t care. It’s looking for something else, known only to it and its eight arms. The only hitch is, each arm has its own brain! How will they all work together to survive?
One of the biggest assets of this game is that it can be played with a larger group of people. To speed this game up, you could present some options of goals for the players to choose from, and give each player one action to do before wrapping up the game.
Spin the Fishblade, by Marshall Bradshaw.
Spin the FishBlade is the GMless, diceless storygame where players control one fish with a knife by spinning a knife. It's meant for three to five players to play for one to two hours, telling an outlandish story with some stylized violence. Imagine if Finding Nemo were mixed with an action movie, like Taken, Kill Bill, or Snatch.
You can see in the description above that this Fishblade game is also a bit over the time limit but with some adjustments you might be able to at least introduce the game to folks. You could create a pre-established premise, and provide a number of items for the students to choose as loci. The tone can vary with this game, so establishing a premise that is clearly humorous in it’s intent might get you where you want to go.
Please Act Like A Human, by Eden Reese Potts.
Inspired by Octodad and sitcoms about aliens pretending to be human, you are an extraterrestrial creature with nonhuman anatomy who has crash landed on planet Earth and until you can escape, you have to blend in with the local life forms.
This game is just one page with rules, and requires a number of (different) d6’s. I think this is one of the fastest games on this list; the rules are simple, and all you really need to do is introduce an obstacle that allows each player to improvise and roll once! Octodad is pretty humorous and light, so I can see this being pretty silly!
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merakiui · 1 year
Mera! I'm losing track of the days lol, but so long as i send an ask a week, i think i should be okay 😂
Also feel free to post your hsr hair thoughts bc i love to read your rambles as much as your fics! I'm looking forward to the jade one and him imitating floyd is really amusing. I like to think jade has a sort of pride about him where he loathes being compared to floyd but also jokes it off when someone does or when someone mistakes them, so i can imagine his pride and ego taking a hit but he endures it for sake of reader. Almost like he gets addicted to acting like floyd bc everyone likes floyd better anyways, right? So why not give the people what they want! He receives such a positive response when he acts like floyd that it rewires the hurt in his brain and suddenly the thing he hates is now cathartic for him but theres still that underlying hurt underneath >.<
BUT thats not why im here hehehe, for this weeks questionnnnn......
Who do you think would be the 'final girl' in a slasher film from each dorm? And then if u can, who do you think would be the ultimate survivor? You can optionally bestow the other titles; the virgin who lives but is hurt, the killer in hiding and the idiots who are the first to go, etc :D i read a yandere slasher fic here on tumblr where reader goes into a cabin with her friends and they get killed off one by one until the yandere presumably fucks reader and it has me back in my horror phase 😅 just pretend its Halloween in june, like xmas in july hahaha
-🐔 anon!!!!
:D hi hi 🐔!!!! Thank you for enjoying my writings and ramblings and for your interest in the upcoming Jade fic!! He'd do anything for you, even if it means he has to endure bittersweet pain just to see you smile. >_< all he wants is a chance with you and he gets that when he acts as Floyd. It may be uncomfortable and it may chip away pieces of his pride as an individual, but you laugh at his jokes and look at him like he's the only one in your world. He'll do whatever he can just to receive a crumb of your affection, even if it's all meant to be reserved for Floyd. Aaaa I love writing this version of Jade!!!! He's just so interesting and obsessed!! orz
Ooooo final girls from each dorm!!! That's such a fun question. Here are my thoughts!!! ^w^
Heartslabyul's final girl would be Cater. He's so perfect for the final girl trope! You think he might die first because he's pretty and can't let go of his phone for the life of him, but when he gets serious he can be very cutthroat. <3 the idiotic duo would have to be Ace and Deuce. Deuce hears a strange noise and wants to check it out because he's definitely not scared of demons or killers and he'll beat up anything that tries to hurt him and his friends. Ace thinks he's trying to prank him, but he begrudgingly follows him, thinking it's either nothing and Deuce is trying to scare him or it'll just turn out to be something with a completely natural explanation. It's neither, and while they're both bickering the killer looms from behind. Riddle is the logical one who tries to put everything into perspective and figure out a logical reason behind everything. Trey is, unsurprisingly, the mom friend who just wants everyone to stay in one place because hopefully the authorities will show up soon (they never will).
Savanaclaw's final girl is Ruggie. He's resourceful and cunning; you think he may die first, but he's actually very good at survival. He'll live, but he comes out of the horrific night covered in blood after he's just fought the killer to the death. Jack is your typical jock, kind-hearted and caring, who doesn't believe in any of that ghost stuff or horror movie trope stuff, but when it becomes too real he gets even more serious than before, determined to survive and protect those close to him. Leona strikes me as the type who, upon the first sign of something suspicious or dangerous, promptly leaves. He will not be swept up in any murder plots, no thank you. <3 either that or he sleeps through it all and the killer thinks he's dead at first glance LOL.
Octavinelle's final girl would be Floyd. As goofy as he is, he's also another cutthroat guy who can and will survive. He may throw himself directly at danger, but somehow he always comes out of it alive. Jade is your typical killer-in-hiding. You won't suspect him until it's too late, and by then nearly half the cast is dead. Azul is the type who acts like an ally to everyone, but he's secretly either plotting with the killer or planning to sacrifice everyone in order to save himself.
Scarabia's final girl is Jamil. Most of his decisions are made solely to protect Kalim (who naturally is the comedic relief/carefree friend who is just too sweet for this world), but there's a build-up in this movie where the plot twist is that Jamil ultimately ends up tricking Kalim. Is it possible for both him and Jamil to survive? Perhaps, but this isn't that kind of movie. :) and from the bloodshed, Jamil emerges, alive, exhausted, and traumatized. (Or I could also see Jamil as a killer-in-hiding and Kalim as the final girl; it fits either way in my mind hehe!! :D)
Pomefiore's final girl is either Epel or Vil. It's hard to choose just one of them for the trope because I feel like it can fit them both in different ways. Rook is obviously the killer-in-hiding or he's just that really unnerving character who happens to know too much about how a killer thinks. >_< Vil as a final girl would be so cool because I think he can also be quite cutthroat. He's the character type who spends most of his focus on himself throughout the movie, yet he still manages to survive. How, you may ask? He weaponized various beauty products or, my most favorite idea, he fought the killer in heels and won, by which the heels absolutely became his weapon. >:) Epel as a final girl would be somewhat surprising because he's the character who no one really expects to live because he's "so petite and cute and omg how will he ever survive the big, scary killer!!!!" D: but then Epel shocks everyone when he ends up arming himself with brass knuckles or a baseball bat to go hunt down the killer himself.
Ignihyde's final girl is Idia, but then he also fits into the loser nerd category. Idia as a final girl is a little frustrating because he spends the entire movie being prideful and rude to the other characters, so everyone sort of wants him to be killed off first because he's so unlikable. But because Idia's seen all of these tropes before and knows his way around a horror movie, he ends up surviving. Ortho survives as well, but then I can also picture him being something of a sci-fi horror villain (i.e. technology becomes bad and targets humans). It's something like in book six where he was giving the students little tests in order to advance to the next level. Just a little villainous and devious!
Diasomnia's final girl is Silver. The stress of the situation manages to keep him awake, and so he's mainly in survival mode for the entirety of the film. Silver does his best to protect everyone, even putting himself at risk if it means he can save his friends. Sebek likely puts up a good fight, but he's far too stubborn and can't be quiet to save his life, so he ends up getting killed. I feel like Lilia could be a killer-in-hiding, or he's just the mischievous trickster type. Malleus could also be a killer-in-hiding, or he's the trope of "misunderstood character with a reputation that is solely rumors who turns out to be quite sweet and helpful to the main character."
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onejellyfishplease · 11 months
Double Mutated Don from my iteration TMNT Test Tube Babies meets all your messed up Donnie’s! What do you think happens? 🤔
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Inspired by sundews, lotus flowers, and waterwheels.
Abilities: - Regeneration: The plantification process caused his formerly missing limbs to regrow all viney - Vine tongue: The sundew is covered in sticky orbs that are used to catch prey, having one that you can control and extend up to a metre makes catching that prey even easier - Retained intelligence: He managed to keep enough of his brain to scheme and plot new was to catch prey - Photosynthesis: While not enough to sustain him, he can obtain nutrients from the sun (and needs to in order to keep his aggression down)
Weaknesses: - Fire: duh - Hunger: His constant hunger will easily distract him from any other goals, and while he usually understands that people are not food, all concept of “friend of foe” is completely out the window when he’s hungry, and the hungrier he is the more aggressive he gets - Smart but stupid: Logic is quick to leave him when given the possibility of food, meaning if someone has enough food, he could be trained like a dog (they would need a LOT tho)
What I think would happen:
Open Your Shell And Find Your Wings Donnie: Bugs are the natural prey of carnivorous plants like sundews and waterwheels, and being part beetle is enough to get DM (double mutated) Donnie to try and eat. OYSAFYW Donnie does have a pretty good chance at survival though if he is able to find enough food to pacify him.
Unmutated Donnie:
Is snack sized. DM Donnie usually able to grasp the idea that mutants aren’t food (sometimes) but non-mutant animals are fair game. Hopefully UM Donnie won’t be sentient by the time DM Don gets to him.
Probably has the best chance at survival. His cult is pretty widespread so he would have access to a lot of food to pacify DM Donnie. The real question isn’t really if he would survive, but more of if he would use his resources to train DM Donnie and use him to help with taking down enemies.
Plant monster battle! I could see a scenario where they might team up if they think they could get more food together, but that alliance would inevitably end the second they actually get any food. Neither seem keen on sharing.
Ooh i love this!!! very cool design for double mutated Donnie, hes just so scrunkly! the abilities seem very interesting too! do u have deigns for the other TMNT Test Tube Babies?
Also your sentence of 'hopefully UM Donnie wont be sentient by the time DM Donnie get to him' absolutely SENT ME, in a dark humor kinda way
and yeah most of these are pretty accurate! though i dont thinks theres any chance of teaming with SnapDonnie, he may be a little disinterested because DM Donnie seems to be mostly plants, but still there is a great risk of it just being on sight.
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caffeinated-croissant · 6 months
Jercy AU in which Jason looks like Kronos, a Percy - Rhea.
So this is a really interesting idea here and i love it!!
(Unrelated, but at first glance, i miss read this and thought of an old favorite fic called Confused By Time by Dragonswoe on AO3 (its percy x kronos))
For this au my brain immediately goes to heavy animosity between Jason and Percy
But first there are a few changes that legally must be set up
1) kronos does not use Luke as a host to rise, Luke is more like a pet or a general for the demigod portion of the army.
Something like that just as long as they are physically separate entities.
2) during the titan war, chb and cj have to meet and work together before tlo (this'll be for the war effort or something)
3) i feel like the titan war would be way expanded in the long run with older characters.
4) Jason is respected, feared, and generally disliked. But the people at Camp Jupiter generally trust him and follow his command.
5) Rhea would likely be on the titan's side for the extra punch i want
But anyway
Percy meets Jason the same time Annabeth and Reyna meet
Each camp sent their big powerhouse (percy & jason) + the person they trust most to lead them (annabeth & reyna)
It goes about how you'd expect.
No one likes each other.
Jason and Reyna are fine since they've built that trust, Annabeth and Percy are the same way, but any other combination is just bad.
Objectively, they all know they have to get along for the sake of everyone's survival. But dont count on them being civil in private
Essentially they are all forced to fake friendship up until its literally just the 4 of them
Annabeth and reyna realize they've actually become friends over time first.
Percy and Jason are both distraught at this news.
They still high key hate each other
Circumstances force these two into close proximity. They fight. They calm down. They still can't leave. Someone breaks the exhausted silence.
Idk how they get out, but that is the start of them realizing the other person isnt horrible.
Bla bla bla, something something
percy and jason get closer. Romantic feelings develop
Percy realizes his feeling at the curse of Achilles but he 100% thinks he's gonna die by the end of the war.
Debating if Jason knows about the prophecy.
He probably does.
I legally need a scene where it looks like Percy is about to die. (Im thinking crushed by rubble and trapped (he should also pass out around here))
Jason hopes Percy is still alive and literally tries to dig him out. Annabeth stops him because the structure itself is unstable, and if Percy is still alive they could kill him if further collapse hits his Achilles spot.
Jason leaves to go feral on the battlefield. (This stresses out Annabeth and Reyna further by default)
Reyna takes on leading the battlefield as Annabeth creates a team to get Percy (or his body).
The war ends somewhere after that (im thinking that's like the big final battle grounds)
Not sure if Luke dies by backbitter or if Jason will die by backbitter. (Hero's soul cursed blade shall reap.) It 100% depends on if Luke has a change of heart and uses the last battle for sabotage and as his own personal grave.
Then the war ends kronos is defeated (dont ask me how cause idk), everyone has the party up on olympus
Annabeth and reyna share a kiss like its new years and the ball just dropped (this is not their first kiss but perhaps the first public kiss)
I want jason and Percy to share a kiss, but thats really difficult when theres a chance Jason is dead.
Side note, if jason had died, percy was 100% by his side. Or another outcome would be they both died, and saved their happy ending for elysium.
The named character death count stands between 1 and 3: luke is always gonna die, while jason and percy both have a chance but its slim
Also im thinking about what would happen if jercy got zombified afterwards because of the one big wish. But this is a scenario where only 1 half of Jercy died/survived.
Most of the end id dependant on who lives, who dies, and the surrounding circumstances
I feel like i kinda went off on a tangent and forgot the original ask. My bad
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tw abuse.
maybe a tamer example than what ive seen on this blog. but i got labelled a "problematic alter" by our abuser because i was the only one willing to stand up to them lol. we also had another alter that we werent allowed to even talk about (including mentioning his source) because he once (one time) called our abuser abusive. its been years but i still think about it every time i front. it was completely a tactic to make us question our literal survival instinct and trap us in that stupid relationship and we stayed in it way too long. anyways if you consider alters made in someones brain as a trauma response genuinely problematic youre either a manipulative loser or fucking stupid. a person can do problematic things obviously (as in like. hurt people) but existing isnt a goddamn crime. stay strong my "problematic" soldiers o7
Alters are a TRAUMA RESPONSE!! so of course if theres something like ABUSE WITH PROBLEMATIC THINGS! (all abuse is problematic but you get what I mean) theres a fair chance some alter may have that as a part of them!
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darth-sonny · 2 years
Kraang Prime having possession of Leo.. the team's leader, strategist, portalist, AND moral booster in other words the team's Soul..
Like we all know that Donnie's the brains, Raph's the brawn, Mikey's the heart..
But you can always live without one of those things but a soul? The spirit? Your basically Dead if you lose that. Theres a reason dead people are deemed 'lifeless' and/or 'souless'.
And Leo is obviously the Soul or at least the spirit of the team heck his ninpo was literally a blue flame in the middle of all the others ninpo, a very common depiction of what a soul looks like.
If the team looses the soul... Ooh boy.
(gonna go back to the brain, brawn, heart, soul thing) we can actually see the characters/team survive or live without one of those heck 2 of them even. But you wanna know what made it to the end? Heart and soul. The 2 key factors, as long as the soul lives, there is still a chance. Both brains and brawn can be obtain from training/practice/studying etc, heart although is important to make peace and empathy/understanding other emotions, you can still live without a heart (villain literally exist, heck kraang is the best example of that, they're heartless)
A soul though.. a soul cannot be obtained from practice like brains or brawn. You can live without a heart, but you can't live without a soul. Heck the soul is the basis for the heart.
So i find it very interesting that in the bad timeline, both brains and brawn are gone. But the Soul and Heart is still around. And in the end. The soul died the last.
P.S i am so sorry this got so long, the premis of Leo being possessed by Prime is very interesting to me, and how.. really screwed the family in reality actually is. Fighting someone who knows them more than themselves. They might not be able to beat him. But, maybe they can make him beat himself? :)
bro don't apologize I LOVE long asks that are basically mini thesis. keep!!!them!!!coming!!!!!!!!!!
but YESSS to all of this!!!!!
the absolute lowest point in the story is when Prime fully takes over, locks Leo away, and reveals themselves to the fam
and yeah, you're right. out of those four things, everyone puts so. much. emphasis on the soul. hell if you look it up, there are so many quotes that say that you're not alive if you don't have a soul (and it's true. like you said, a person can live without the heart, the brain, and/or strength, but the soul is what makes a person a person)
it's the biggest (and main) reason why prime chose leo. they were there when Leo broke Raph out of the mind control, and when Leo helped the others get their ninpō back
prime knows the best way to destroy a revolution is to eliminate those who can keep that flame of inspiration going, those brave brave souls who the people look up to and see hope
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mojaves · 3 months
tell us more abt gabriel & xavier. pleeeeaaase. :]
HEHEHEHE OK ok. they both started working at arasaka at around the same time, after they left college,,, they were in the background, working more in the background. basically just doing tech maintenance stuff, they werent involved in the corporation side of things. gabriel was more charming and talkative and outgoing, found it easy getting along with people there, while xavier kept to himself, didnt really speak unless spoken to. he's there to work and thats It. not to make friends.
not much happened in that time. they had their own lives, didn't get paid too much but they managed to get by somehow. and then one day little andrew colton comes along and sets up the serpent projects, which are essentially a series of projects aimed to modify a person's behaviour in order to make them an unstoppable killing machine via a chip in their brain. this went on for a few years before xavier and gabriel were brought on as subjects, as they are both fairly tall and sturdy, so had a better chance at surviving the initial stages of testing. and they desperately needed the money and a roof over their heads. so they agreed.
started off easy at first. mostly just physical tests and stuff like that. their readings were very similar, almost identical, but overall gabriel seemed to be the stronger of the two in a lot of ways. so because of that xavier was more of a Backup, while gabriel became the main teat subject, as he would be able to handle more of it. they give him a prototype, see how it affects him, tweak it until it's juuust right, and then xavier gets the significantly less buggy version of the tech and upgrades and so on
and thanks to all of that, xavier came out of it,, not like. unscathed. he's still got some lifelong complications to deal with thanks to the faulty chip, but his case is much less severe than gabriel's, as he was left almost catatonic for a good few years following an incident at the labs,,,
which then eventually leads to gabriel escaping the facility and leaving a comically gabriel shaped hole in the wall. and xavier has to go after him. and thats how they eventually break out of arasaka [:
theres so much more to their story but those are like. the KEY elements to whats going on, and how they end up where they are now,,
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spacedhead · 1 year
homestuck reread #14 act 6 p5
we are about to enter some crazy territory. hopefully no one runs out of lives.... lest there be a.... game over.
damn roxy even talks like me. so goated. anyway things are about to get alot worse
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god i fucking love this panel hes so real i am just like him in every way except for the ways i am like john and roxy
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hehehehehe this makes me giggle
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me stealing all of the mannerisms of my boy best friend LOLLLL he actually does need help though. you cant lose your cool like this lil bro.
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NOOO KARKAT . you will be missed :(
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he is so cude man :ppppp :D
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haha redglare. also this glitch shit is crazy and sort of hard to understand. i guess it is because caliborn put his powder in the homestuck cartridge... but is that really why? or is it a metaphor......
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bossy much? true dirk you are being really controlling dude. maybe take it down a notch lil bro
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these interactions with arquiusprite are so funny
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Neigh, braj
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most sane dave rant of all time. i love this man so much he is my son. that guy whos like this is delicious im about to kill my son but instead he says im about to be my son
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HE SAVED THE MAYOR. my heart dropped. if he dies i kill myself NO CAP
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this idiot bozo doesnt know what time travel is. im saying this out loud as i type it out
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brain ghost dirk phenomenon sighting
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the image "why were you on mad at me island"
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do not mess with her fort. LEST THERE BE THE CONSEQUENCES .
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lil seb returns!!! hes so real. also he got rusted because he somehow survived for sooooooooooo long after the earth was abandoned by all
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wait he is just like me. oh HELL no. this BOZO is still at it.... this is up for consideration .
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theres angels. sollux said a LONG TIME AGO that angels are linked with death and are used by paradox space to usher in "the end." what could this mean for their chances of success. surely nothing
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i used to say this shit all the time real ones know about me
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goot bye dabe </3
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this picture of dirk is cool . im glad things will go well for him.
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i love his freudian slips so much hes so funny to me i need to be like him i need to be like him what no im normal im so normal
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i love arcs
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me using my baller ass powers on my enemies ( they stand no chance against me )
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me in real life ( i never have any idea what is going on whatsoever) he is very small in multiple of these panels and that alone is making me like him more. that is all
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seriously how small is this guy!!!!!!!
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...............okay......... sam and i watched game over.... everyone died........ except for john and roxy and terezi temporarily... THINGS WENT TO SHIT. FAWK.......... but it will be better soon... you first must descend in order to ascend as the great nannasprite once said ...... i closed my eyes when dave died so it didnt happen
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myshredda · 2 years
been thinking about pink, i just want her to be safe in a legitimate way and my brain wont shut up about it and cult-like mindsets are insidious so here has been me working through how to express that in an ask format: the premise: duck is a bitter old man with a hedgehog dilemma so would still be curt and direct about his boundaries, but has finally been allowed to soften up thanks to the time taken to prove that they are all finally safe and slowly trust building and learning to communicate.
So seeing that the pink one needs help obviously he would jump to do that but then consider what sudden and all radical need for affection would do to someone not quick to trust? So I think he would be really blunt about setting healthy boundaries in his usual curt and direct way, and red would argue with him having a much different style of being easy going and caving in to spoiling everyone that he would call him mean and try to get him to loosen up. And just in thinking about what these cults do to people psychologically, pink would have to overcome alot of "people pleasing" instincts that have either been exacerbated or entirely groomed into her, with the main pervasive thought being "if im not loved by someone, I'm worthless as a person" and then go out of their way to just bend over backwards for the first person to give a crumb of kindness. So if they are gunna be (rightful) disgusted by her acting in the ways shes been groomed to preform, theres a whole process of just teaching her that she gets to say no to things and that there are different kinds of "no" :
"alright thats enough" "not right now" "slow down" "please stop" "i never want that to happen (preemptively)" "this can never happen again (but i accept your apology and i trust you to be around me)" And there is alot of ways to flavor words like that and expand upon it so someone like duck would find the most aggressive and insulting ways to say these things ahahhHahHahaha and then be au character developed into a kinder version or have red be the mellow interpreter to it all
Because something that gets overlooked with "people pleasers" is the terrifying fear of the word "no" from both ends, being rejected being a catastrophic world ending event, and to ever say no would make you god any number of things depending on the flavor of damage: "one of THOSE girls" "god your so mean" "just give it a chance, your so demanding" and whatever else dismissive things that people say when you are finally brave enough to speak up about boundaries. ANYWAYS THATS THE END OF THE TOPIC I HAVE BEEN HYPER FIXATED ON THINKING ABOUT HOPE YOU HAVE FUN WITH IT~ 🦖🦴
God everything about this is so perfect!
I think you're right protaining to Pink being a default people pleaser because of the cult and how it would be easier for her to survive in that environment if she just stayed quiet and did whatever people wanted her to do. And it would make TOTAL sense that Duck's crotchety nature and gruff way of setting his own personal boundries (ie: not being disrespected) would be the perfect way for her to learn about unwavering consent and how to react when her own comfort is compromised!
Red would probably want to be 'softer' with her, but I think she'd need a more strong example from Duck. Like I love Red but his laid-back, apathetic nature isn't really a great example for a girl that's trying to learn how to be alive without being pushed around, especially when Red himself is very susceptible to peer pressure and letting others make decisions for him (the twins convincing him he's not in the right family, the fax machine + waste basket convincing him to fire Duck, the photographer for his family photo telling him to stop smiling so much)
He'd definitely show her how to be direct with her intentions, even if he has to do so by being a little strict with her at first, (in his weird kind of nice/rude bitchy way) along side his constant insistence that she's never going to have to love people if she doesn't want to, not even him! (which is a huge step for his own personal growth due to his 'I need everyone to think I'm the best' complex) but him saying she doesn't have to love him would just make her like him more I think. His gruff way of showing boundaries with her would mainly result in her feeling even safer around him + the clump, but it would also help her learn to deal with the outside world and a new "no" vocabulary!
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1000sunnygo · 1 year
Hello! Its me, shobi! I was wondering on what your thoughts are on what if sister krone were to escape with the children? Would she and yuugo get along? would she survive getting chased by demons with the GF kids? Would she stay with don and gilda or go with emma and ray incase yuugo plans to kill them? How would she react if she found out that norman is alive and wants to genocide? Would she agree with ray and emma about their plan to not kill demons? would she trust and get along with sonju and musika? If they ever return to the farms, how would she react when she found out that isabella became a grandma instead of getting eaten by demons? I have so many questions. I'm sure having her around be a great benefit for the kids. I miss her sm. I wish she had more screentime. I get that she was a huge help when she gave the pen to the kids but still. I want an AU where she lives. OHH AND ANOTHER QUESTION! If you were given a chance to change sister krone's design to make her a great representative of black people, what would it be? What would it look like? sorry for disturbing you and if theres any grammatical errors. I would love to hear your thoughts and don't hesitate to ramble about it. Again, I would love to hear anything you want to say.
Sorry for the delay 😭 got a one piece brain bug so I decided to give this ask some time.
Initial hostility aside (with Krone around they may knock him out as soon as he brings out the gun lol), I think Krone would get along fine with Yugo. It would be Krone's first time interacting with an adult man, right?
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Don't blame my mind for going places 🌚
As for whether she goes with ER or stays in Bunker, I think she stays. She would agree with Norman but then support Emma like GP gang. Overall, the story would proceed just as it did, maybe smoother. Hope she survives Andrew
It's a good food for thought, leaving it here for anyone who wants to add more!
Since you brought up Krone's design, I remember recently rereading an interview where Shirai and Posu talked about her design. It's an extra info but I'd add it here in this opportunity.
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^ francetvinfo interview (2018), Shirai says he came up with Krone's design with Posuka.
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(upper two are Shirai's drawing, bottom one is Posuka's)
Posuka's inspirations for her style of drawing Krone (and others) was Rembrandt's arts, some video games and Little Prince's illustration book (snippet from the aforementioned interview):
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Frankly speaking, I feel that the answers aren't on the same wavelength as the questions, that speaks something for itself :re Shirai and Posuka's awareness on the matter.
And to answer your question. I'm afraid I might not be able to provide a good insight to it based on my insufficient knowledge from news outlets and social media :re this matter. I'd like to hear your own thoughts though :)
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augustameretrix · 1 year
seems to me like paul is ianthe’s personal misery. specifically because paul is neither imperfect nor perfect lyctorhood but a secret third thing
picture this: aspiring spirit magician ianthe thinks a great deal about lyctorhood way before the events of canaan house and ends up with the vague but reasonable, given what she knows, notion that sure it takes two to tango but only one remains standing. obviously lyctorhood is out of the question for corona, but ianthe must tell her about it. or is it a coincidence that corona’s idea of love is a bit of a one-way street? she wants judith to bind her, she wants ianthe to eat her. she thinks corpses are hot. she finds ianthe’s idea of lyctorhood kinda beautiful.
now picture this instead: on some level ianthe knows this sucks. she considers perfect lyctorhood but her research seems to contradict it. she doesn’t even bring it up with corona, lest she gets any wrong ideas. and that’s that. but maybe, just maybe, she - or corona, who knows! - considers another way, a secret third thing: there may be no way for two people to survive the process, but what if the one who does isn’t one of the two, but the two of them as one? what if there is a way for the two souls to merge so that no one gets left behind and each will be whole in the other? corona must think about this, thinks this is even more beautiful than ianthe’s idea of lyctorhood. in ntn she thinks she knows what nona is - the secret third thing - and envies her more than anyone else in the universe. but ianthe rules this out, or doesn’t even think of it. if there’s no precedent for perfect lyctorhood, there’s even less to work with for whatever this is. if anything goes wrong she loses corona forever. she wishes for it to be true, but life’s a bitch sometimes. she doesn’t linger on the thought. she pushes corona to become king, to think of the economy and stuff, to be independent. forget about all this esoteric necro stuff, your brain can’t compute it. it’s not for you, darling.
the emperor needs new lyctors. they get summoned. at canaan house, all the evidence points to ianthe’s initial idea. shit hits the fan. time to grasp all that sweet power and get corona to safety. this means murdering naberius in cold blood and breaking corona’s heart, irrevocably tying the former to herself instead of the latter. ianthe does this knowingly and willingly: ties naberius to her forever. she didn’t have to. she’s just selfish enough to want lyctorhood whatever the cost, with the exception of corona. like this corona is still there, she’s still there for corona. ianthe’s fine with this.
except when she isn’t, alone in the mithraeum, but those are just the bad moments, plus there is the even bigger fuck-up that is the half-lyctor harrowhark nonagesimus- pardon, harrowhark the first - the new names kinda stink, but ianthe will get over it eventually - to remind her that she could be worse off. for one, she doesn’t have brain damage, corona is still fresh in her memories and most importantly alive, and she isn’t haunted by the ghost of naberius. much. plus, it’s not like there was ever another way.
then she experiences paul. another way was in fact possible. she could have given corona everything she ever wanted, all of the joy and none of the pain of losing one’s identity to another. but she wasted her chance on fucking naberius because she could only conceive lyctorhood as violence and consumption and she never could have subjected corona to that. shes always wanted to protect her. theres still time, says paul, only the problem is that ianthe wasn’t so callous as to eat someone she really loved. she ate the spare tire. atoning would mean sacrificing her identity for someone neither she nor corona cared that much about. losing herself, depriving corona of herself, depriving herself of corona, for real and completely this time. the one thing she wanted to avoid. they could have had everything. but ianthe utterly blew it because in her heart there was only ever enough space for one person. ianthes never regretted anything more than when she sees paul.
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breakfastteatime · 2 years
i cant stop thinking about how terrified cal would be in the final fight and it's making me HRRORUURRRGHR
i know i already talked ab this but also .... god...... you can hear the fear in his voice, you can see him shaking and it HURTS because so far cal has faced the entire game without problem. the closest we get to him being scared is when he's seperated from bd on ordo eris but that's still not genuine scare, more anxiety or upset than anything...
i think in general the fandom doesn't talk ab the final fight as much as we should bc theres SO MUCH... cere nearly falling to the darkside, cal almost dying, bd-1 saving cal, cere bringing vader to his knees and successfully holding a force field against him big enough to protect both her and cal, merrin saving them, what greez would've felt after hearing cal say cere's gone, the entire end sequence in general... it makes me FEEL SO MANY THINGS i can't put into words properly
Oh, yeah, he's terrified and in survival mode, probably for the first time since Order 66. His chances of survival are very, very thin here. Vader is unlike anything, or anyone, else Cal has ever encountered. His brain goes 'NOPE!' to thinking and just does what it can to keep him alive.
The reason that entire sequence in the game feels so immediate is because it isn't bogged down in the exploration of feeling. None of them have the time, space or capacity to do so. If they stop and think, they die. It's all about reacting in those moments. Pure survival. The emotional fallout comes later.
Cere is an absolute LEGEND for that shield, and it suggests to me that she's pretty freaking powerful. Also, it's the most Jedi thing to do - she's protecting herself and others rather than attempting to attack Vader again. She makes a very definitive choice at that moment.
Basically, after these guys get clear (and Cal wakes up and destroys the holocron), they are all in need of some serious downtime and trauma therapy to process what they've all gone through.
Thanks for the Ask! Made for a nice workday break ^_^
(Wanna chat JFO headcanons? Drop me an Ask!)
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