negativ-narzissmus · 1 year
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Jahrzehntelang immer nur sinnlos PROVOZIEREN und ziellos SCHOCKIEREN wollen, nur um in dieser UNbewußten, berauschten asozialen Gesellschaft zu schnödem Geld und zweifelhaftem Ruhm zu gelangen, ...nichts als Gewaltverherrlichung, sexuelle Volksverhetzung, sexuelle Flächenbrandstiftung, Anstachelung, Aufwiegelung, Anheizung, Aufpeitschung, Anschürung & Scharfmacherei !!! ...und NUN, wo selbst der Ruch möglicher gezielter Betäubungen zum Zwecke von Serien-Vergewaltigung im Raum steht, nun wollt Ihr plötzlich KNEIFFEN, Ihr jämmerlichen, erbärmlichen, elenden Feiglinge ???
IHR wolltet die Spießigkeit der Durchschnittsbürger aufzeigen und lächerlich machen ??? PAH !!! Ihr seid SELBST eine ekelhafte Parodie auf Sexismus-Spießertum, Wohnzimmerfaschismus, Stubenmilitarismus & Macho-Selbstgefälligkeit !!! Eure durchsichtige Ausrede, Ihr würdet "insgeheime Sozialkritik" üben, ist ein Schlag ins Gesicht eines jeden noch halbwegs denkenden Menschen !
Nun steht also gefälligst dazu, was Ihr für Arschlöcher seid, und immer sein WOLLTET !!! KEIN Wort mehr von wegen "bösen Zungen glaubt man nicht" !!! KEIN Wort mehr über ein angebliches, vorgeschütztes "lyrisches Ich" !!! Feige sein gilt jetzt nicht mehr !!! Dazu ist es endgültig ZU spät !!! Ihr habt es nun verkackt !!!
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marcogiovenale · 1 year
issue #70 of 'otoliths' is now live [and, sadly, it's the *last* issue]
Issue seventy, the southern winter, 2023, of Otoliths is now live. This last issue is immense & ranges from the dunes of Oceano across to the battlefields of Ukraine, from Scandinavia down to the unceded lands of South Australia. It contains reviews, memoirs, collages, photographs, paintings, vispo, text poems, short stories, videos, combinations of the preceding plus a few other things. Included…
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gutachter · 2 years
Katze löst Wohnungsbrand im Herrenbach aus
Katze löst Wohnungsbrand im Herrenbach aus
Augsburg: „…Eine Katze war wohl für einen Wohnungsbrand verantwortlich, zu dem es am Montagnachmittag im Augsburger Stadtteil Herrenbach gekommen ist. Voraussetzung für das Feuer waren neben dem unfreiwilligen, tierischen Brandstifter ein Kochfeld mit Touchfunktion und der auf diesem wohl abgestellte Hausmüll des Katzenbesitzers. Die Polizei geht davon aus, dass eine der Katzen des Bewohners den…
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So random Remus hc. He can conjure stuff like his brother, but his creations always come with a catch (gruesome, gory, disturbing, it comes to life, etc) and when he wants to make something to be not those things, he makes it by hand. And over time he's gotten good at a ton of stuff.
Virgil is used to showing up to find his boyfriend covered in paint, dye, clay, saw dust, and sometimes ashes. And Remus lets him hang out unless what he's making is a gift for his spider. Virgil knows to expect something if Remus frantically kicks him out. He has a whole shelf of Remus-made figurines
S O B B I N G that's S O fucking cute P L E A S E!!! Dukey is in Creative Mode when it's Arts & Crafts time just look at Mr. Fuzzy he puts his blood sweat and tears in his creations but even though he enjoys his Emo's company he certainly doesn't wanna spoil a gift for him <3
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stephane-jeanneau · 2 years
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theabigailthorn · 1 year
Hi there! Me and my brother love your show, we have been watching for a year or so together every episode, and I wanted to ask how do you come up with metaphors? For example, your fire for corruption metaphor in old videos? Thank you so much.
Fire was a metaphor for fascism in those videos, so clearly I need to do a better job of illustrating them haha!
I was inspired by the Max Frisch play Biedermann und die Brandstifter which also features arsonists as metaphorical fascists: I took Frisch's metaphor and ran with it, basically.
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tealingual · 1 year
German vocabulary
Vocabulary taken from these articles: Finnland rückt weiter nach rechts,  Brandstifter in der Regierung, Rechter Minister bleibt, "Gelinde gesagt, sehr peinlich",  "Wenn man mir eine Waffe geben würde", Erneut Hetztexte der Finanzministerin aufgetaucht Die Habachtstellung - attention Die Staatsverschuldung - national debt, government debt Die Sozialleistung - social security benefit Die Aufenthaltserlaubnis - residence permit Die Volksverhetzung - incitement to hatred Die Abtreibung - abortion Die Neigung - inclination Die Verschwörung - conspiracy  Der Einschnitt - cut, financial cut, cutback  Der Wohngeldzuschuss - allowance for rent  Der Hetzer - agitator, instigator, rabble rouser Der Brandstifter - arsonist Der Bettler - beggar Der Bevölkerungsaustausch - population exchange Das Arbeitslosengeld - unemployment benefit  Das Misstrauensvotum - vote of no confidence  Verdreifachen - to triple Erwirtschaften - to earn; to generate (a profit) Abschaffen - to abolish, to annul, to discontinue, to get rid of Vertreten - to represent Munkeln - to rumor  Verschärfen - to tighten Einbürgern - to naturalize  Ausrauben - to rob, to steal  Gewaltverherrlichend - glorifying violence, advocating violence
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brandstifter-sys · 2 months
Rating: T
Characters: Roman, Remus, feat. Janus, Patton, and Virgil
Warnings: innuendo, mild horror, blood, brotherly shenanigans, background moceit, background dukexiety, mild OCD
Roman and Remus have no internet, no cookbooks, and they have to make breakfast for everyone in the mindscape. Rather than work together, the creativitwins just have to make it a competition, if only so there's something edible in the end
*must be logged in to read
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garadinervi · 2 years
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A Global Visuage, Edited by Jörg Piringer and Günter Vallaster, edition ch, Wien, 2012. Cover Art: © Jörg Piringer
Feat. Fernando Aguiar, Reed Altemus, Josef Bauer, derek beaulieu, Katja Beran, Armando Bertollo, Simon Biggs, Sergej Birjukov, Friedrich W. Block, Mila Blont, Philippe Boisnard, Brandstifter, J. R. Carpenter, John Cayley, Gerhild Ebel, elffriede.i.a., Bartolome Ferrando, Heike Fiedler, Luc Fierens, Christian Futscher, Hortense Gauthier, Harald Gsaller, Rozalie Hirs, Max Höfler, Jochen Höller, Christine Huber, Peter Huckauf, Dirk HuelsTrunk, Zuzana Huszárová, Geof Huth, Gerhard Jaschke, Jhave, Ragnhildur Jóhanns, Cecilie Bjørgås Jordheim, Eduardo Kac, Michael Kargl, Christian Katt, Angelika Kaufmann, Ilse Kilic, Anatol Knotek, Boris Konstriktor, Márton Koppány, Sergej Kovalskij, Erika Kronabitter, Jason Lewis, Frank Milautzcki, Nick Montfort, Gertrude Moser-Wagner, Marcus Neustetter, Leszek Onak, Ottar Ormstad, Loss Pequeño Glazier, jörg piringer, Renate Pittroff, Łukasz Podgórni, Hannah Rath, a rawlings, Cia Rinne, Roza Rueb, Natascha Schalina/Andrej Stroganow, Valeri Scherstjanoi, Uwe Schloen, Helmut Schranz, Angelika Schröder,  Veronika Schubert, Hannah Sideris, Hartmut Sörgel, Dieter Sperl, Petra Johanna Sturm, Daniel Temkin, Christoph Theiler, Eugenio Tisselli, Liesl Ujvary, united queendoms, Lawrence Upton, Günter Vallaster, Ted Warnell, Helen White, Fritz Widhalm, Daniel Wisser, Andrea Zámbori, Eric Zboya and Ottfried Zielke
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skyetenshi · 1 year
Hier eine Liste mit Liebe für die rote Rächer Folge:
Justus ist aber niedlich interessiert an der Vergangenheit seiner Zieheltern. - Zu recht. Ich will einen Roman nur mit der epischen Liebesgeschickte von Mathilda und Titus. Und ich lese nie freiwillig Liebesromane.
Mathilda spricht über ihre Jugend Rockkonzerte mit Titus. Außerdem war sie ein heißes Schnittchen mit vielen Verehrern.
Matilda war so heiß, dass sie selbst 20-30 Jahre später immer noch einen Verehrer aus der Schule hat. Hot damn!
Justus ist nervlich fertig wegen dem Brandstifter und Peter und Bob stehen ihm bei. <3
Der Schrottplatz ist in Gefahr [worüber ich mich nicht freuen sollte, aber es fühlt sich nach einer echten Gefahr an, denn das ist unser Schrottplatz! Wir sind die Schrottplatzkinder!]
Die fucking Kassette von Modern Talking! Like what the fuck Warum hat Justus die? Der Erzähler sagt Justus mag die Kassette nicht, aber er kann sie auch nicht überspielen weil ja die Löschlasche rausgebrochen ist! Die Kassette ist einfach verflucht und liegt hundert Folgen später bestimmt immer noch in der Zentrale rum! Das hier ist auch eigentlich kein Punkt der Liebe mehr für die Folge, sondern eine tiefgehende Angst, die ich so eben in mir entdeckt habe.... wisst ihr was. Machen wir Hass.
Ein wenig Hass für die Folge!
Die Polizei ist absolut furchtbar in ihren Ermittlungsmethoden. Sie sind nicht geeignet, um mit Kindern umzugehen und sollten dafür entlassen werden.
und. Kleiner Rant.
Justus sagt er lebe mit Mathilda und Titus wie in einer RICHTIGEN FAMILIE. WAS FÜR EIN UNDANKBARES STÜCK! Die tun alles für ihn! Und er sagt es ist wie ein richtige Familie. Wenn die das gehört hätten! Nach all den Jahren! Was für ein Assi!
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not-so-bored · 3 months
June - week 3
🛏 Sleeping 8+ hours 🟨🟥🟥🟨🟨🟩🟩 ⏰ Waking up earlier than 10:00 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥 👟 Working ⬛️🟩🟩⬛️⬛️⬛️⬛️ 🇳🇱 Dutch lessons 🟨🟩🟥🟥🟥🟥🟦 🦉 Duolingo: Dutch 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 💧 Drops: Dutch 🟩🟥🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 📚 Reading more than 15 pages 🟥🟩🟥🟩🟩🟩🟩 🧠 Meditation: 5+5 minutes 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🌐 60-day Language Challenge (which I aim to finish in 6 weeks) by @leavelesstree 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥 🚲 Cycling 🟥 ☕️ Coffee* ⬛️⬛️⬛️🟫⬛️⬛️⬛️ *I enjoy an occasional cup of coffee but I need to keep them occasional, which means: up to three cups a week with one day break in between
Special tasks
🧠 Meditation: 5+5 minutes 🟩🟩🟩🟩🟩 🟩🟩🟩🟥🟥 ❗️🚲 Cycling 🟥🟥 ❗️🫣 Registration at a university in my home country 🟥 🗃 Cleaning my room 🟧 💡 Reaching out to the Philosophy people 🟥🟥🟥 🚉 Buying train tickets 🟩🟩 📩 Something expected 🟩
Current tasks
🐙 Making beaded octopi 🟩🟩🟩🟦🟦 👥 Meeting with a friend 🟩 📊 Designing a planner for my friend 🟩 📞 Dispeling my doubts related to the move (formal) 🟨🟥🟥 📱 Dispeling my doubts related to the move (informal) 🟩🟩 🎟️ Planning a thing for next week (shifts exchange?) 🟩 💻 Online event 🟩 📚 Selling some of my old textbooks 🟩 🩻 Appointment 🟩 🇳🇱 Finding a speaking buddy / language exchange partner 🟧🟨 👔 Updating my CVs (🇵🇱, 🇬🇧, 🇳🇱) 🟩🟩🟩 📺 Watching Biedermann und die Brandstifter (1963) 🟩 ✍️ Editing my WiP 🟥 📃 Drafting my name change request 🟥
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unfug-bilder · 7 months
Die Kirche brennt!
Streit in einer DEUTSCHEN FAMILIE!
Eine Zusammenfassung des (noch nicht abgeschlossenen) Prozesses. Das Urteil wird aktuell für Mittwoch erwartet.
Spoiler: SCHULD sind ALLE, außer dem Angeklagten.
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So, Remus' birthday photos. Boy eats a dang cockroach. Because he likes the cronch. But everyone else is grossed out!! Even Virgil!! But not for the reason you might think. It's not the roach that bothers him so much as it's the method Remus uses to eat it. Any good spider knows you bite, digest, and slurp bugs. To him it looks like Remus is taking a bite of a whole kit kat
Y E S XD!!! The chaotic Duke L O V E S his C R U N C H Y extra protein but the poor Emo Spider is gonna have to web Dukey's treats and teach him at this rate cause he needs some class XD
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kathastrophen · 2 years
Came for him
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stayed for the plot
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pulchrasilva · 2 years
One Line, Any Fic
I was tagged by @ihasafandom 
Rules: pick any 10 of your WIP fics (or finished; go nuts), scroll somewhere to the mid-point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
These are maybe a bit more than a line but shhh
A mix of Sanders Sides, Roleslaying and Venom fics. Some of these are just single lines jotted down in my notes, some of them are fic I haven’t touched in years, and exactly one of them is actually finished and should be posted soon :D feel free to ask me about any of these because I’d love to talk about them it’s how I get inspiration
These are maybe a bit more than a line but shhh
No pressure tags: @fangirltothefullest @lost-in-thought-20 @theimprobabledreamersworld @remus-of-reston @ant1m0ny @lost-in-frog-land @kitausuret @soodoonimin @korruptbrekker @brandstifter-sys
1. I’m Yours
Of course, the dish had long since gone cold, and there was no way Logan would be eating it after he stepped in it, but the idea made him want to smile, or cry. Both actions were things he hadn’t done in a long time.
2. Don the Sash and Sceptre
Roman strutted down the school corridor like it was his own personal walkway carpeted in red. In a way, it was. Not literally of course, but the way heads turned as he passed by more than made up for that.
3. all i wanna do is take the sad from you
Patton conjured Roman’s orb, and sure enough, amid the scarlets and crimsons and wine reds, a patch of dark, dark red swallowed the prince’s positivity. A blemish on Roman’s courageous and hopeful personality.
4. every memory adds another piece
Steeling himself, the Janus seized Patton by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug – to hide his face, of course. He couldn’t let another side see him crying. That’s what this was about. It had nothing to do with how isolated he felt, or how the physical contact to grounded him inside his own skin.
5. An Alien Symbiote and a Very Resourceful Goat
Venom moved slowly, both to avoid scaring it off and because he physically couldn’t move any faster. When he was near enough to extend a trembling tendril, Venom wasted no time. He latched on to white fur and sunk past the skin. 
6. i know a place where the pain doesn't reach
It was so tender, so vulnerable yet relaxed, in a way that he'd never seen either of them. He'd been travelling with Youngblood for a while now, and slowly getting to know Noise since leaving Neon, but this was a level of familiarity and trust that he couldn't even dream of. The sight had his heart aching with a sudden craving for this, this intimacy, with them.
7. Unnamed
A road, entirely straight, stretches off in either direction into the distance, cutting through the bleak muted orange of the land on either side, dried mud with deep fissures and completely flat. A little way off to his left was what appeared to be a cactus, guarded and intimidating. To his right, a mountain range formed a paper thin outline along the horizon. Thomas started walking. Did it really matter which direction?
8. Unnamed
"You don't need him. I do. And like hell am I gonna let Cletus go after all that time we were separated. If you can't deal with that, you can go find another host that's willing to give up everything for you. Or you could help me save my husband."
9. Unnamed
Carnage grew, spilling out of the heart and into the surrounding veins and arteries, until he filled ever vein, every artery, every tiny capillary. Blood replaced entirely by something new. His body and Cletus's intertwined, forever.
10. A Tragedy with a Happy Ending
Their bones clacked together as Cross took his hand. It felt different from before - there was no warmth, no soft flesh padding out their grip. But even after all the years apart and all the ways they'd changed, their hands fit together perfectly - like they always had.
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talloseye · 2 years
Current Top 5 Songs
Tagged by @cairamelcoffee, thank you sm! I always love music related stuff :-)
Most of it is from the same guy bc I'm having an Autism Moment currently gfjsfisbdks
5.) De Brandstifter -- Rome
4.) Let's Do it A Da Da -- Einstürzende Neubauten
3.) Big Black Bull Comes Like a Caesar -- Munly and The Lee Lewis Harlots
2.) Haggie Hennies Almost Dirty Dress -- Jay Munly
1.) The Denver Boot -- Jay Munly
I tagggg @mullethawke ofc, @illusivesoul @wardenkader @transaeneas @spindleweedss. No pressure though
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