#breaking down sobbing crying screaming slamming my fists into the wall
toviolet · 1 year
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i-heart-slashers · 5 months
FOLLOW THE RULES | Brahms Heelshire
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𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠 | Brahms Hellshire x female!reader
𝐒𝐮𝐦𝐦𝐚𝐫𝐲 | Your car breaking down was the worst of your worries until it wasn't.
𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭 | 1.5 k
𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬 | imprisonment
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞 | This was something I wrote and posted two years ago but I deleted that account and didn't realize it made that post unreadable. So if you see this one and the 'broken' one they're both written by me.
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As another lightning bolt struck the dark blue sky, you quickly ducked into the large manor. This wasn't what you had in mind when you set off for a one-person road trip to have your car break down and get lost.
"Hello?" In case you were breaking into someone's, you called out into the quiet home, but it seemed too silent to be inhabited.
The cobwebs and dust were more than enough to make you realize that the place had been abandoned, not that you were sure why it looked like a beautiful manor.
"Greta?". A small, sad child's voice called out, making you gasp. Were they alone? Did they need your help? You had just quit your babysitting job to travel, so you were good with kids.
"Hello?" You called out again as you made your way upstairs and followed the child's voice. Your breath catches in your throat when a tall man walks out of the shadows.
"You're not Greta!".
You froze in your spot as the man, well over 6 feet tall, stepped into the slither of light made by the moon through the windows. The porcelain mask on his face hid all his features well except for the dark, rage-filled eyes.
"Get out!" a guttural growl escaped his lips as he began to stalk towards you. The fury in his eyes never changed; instead, they seemed to get darker when you put your arm out in front of you protectively and tried to back away.
"Please! I just need some help," You stutter, taking steps backward as he moves closer. "My car broke down, and I-" your words were cut short by a growl and the man lunging towards you aggressively.
Letting out a terrified gasp, you quickly turned on your heel and ran into the closest room to you. Slamming the door shut, you locked it just in time as fists began pounding on the door.
The man outside the door sounded feral, and his angry growls only worsened. This was nothing like the childlike voice you had heard before.
Sliding down the door, you sobbed, wrapping your arms around yourself before realizing that the noise was now gone. It was completely silent, almost as if it never happened.
You would have talked yourself into believing it was some type of delusion from being cold and soaked to the bone. Until the wall in the closet slowly started to slide open. 
Screaming, you threw yourself at the closet door and locked that shut as you wedged the dresser against it.
Between your scared crying and the furious banging, it almost sounded like the whole house was vibrating, or maybe it was just because your entire body was shaking in fear.
"Please-" you begged through the door as you curled into yourself, hoping the man would see sense and stop so you could quickly exit, leaving this crazed man's home.
Glancing around the ransacked room, you guessed that this wasn't the first time this had happened. 
Sitting in front of the dresser, you used yourself as another block and dropped your head onto your knees. Then, as the sounds of the man's banging stopped, you cried to yourself. 
You knew he was still in there because of the creaky floorboards being pressed as he moved around.
It was almost as if he was listening to your pathetic crying.
Coming to you lifted your head up from your knees quickly with a groan from passing out in an awkward position and still being a bit damp from the torrential rain outside.
Glancing around, you remembered what happened and where you were. You must have fallen asleep waiting for the man to leave you alone.
Halting yourself, you tried to listen for any sounds in the big house, even the tiniest of creaks, but there was nothing, only the sound of rain pouring. This was your chance to get out while you still could.
Standing up slowly, you tried to pick your feet up quietly and walk with a lighter step. Almost as if you were a teenager trying to sneak out while your parents were sleeping, but this was nothing like all those times.
Opening the bedroom door slowly, you peeked around the door for any crazed men. But he was still nowhere to be seen; your next step was to look for a weapon. 
Unfortunately for you, the only items in the room were messy clothes, women's toiletries, and a used hairbrush.
Resigning yourself to having no form of a defense weapon, you trudged on, hoping you wouldn't need the weapon in the first place. The man was taller and much bigger than you.
He would win any fight you might have.
Slowly making your way through the hallway, you prayed on every and any god that came to mind for help as you carefully tiptoed down the stairs, trying to avoid any old floorboards that would alert your attacker to you.
The silence was killing you more than knowing that somewhere, a masked lunatic was lurking. Undoubtedly, he knew every hiding spot in the big manor, and it seemed he had hidden doors around, too.
Seeing the manor door insight, you almost cried in relief as you picked up the pace and rushed towards the door, ready to swing it open and run for your life. 
You had no idea where you would go from here, but at least you would be away from this place.
Reaching for the door handle, your stomach dropped when it didn't budge. Tugging on it and urgently shaking it, you realize the man had locked you in with him.
"No, no, no," you whined pitifully as you tried to force the door open. Your face felt heavy with tears while you desperately searched the door for any lock you might have forgotten to open. 
Seeing nothing, you ran your hand down the wood until it reached the brass key lock and let out a shocked, laughing sob. He had locked it with a key. 
There was no way for you to get out this way without it.
You heard noises behind you as you were about to think of another exit strategy. Instead of running, you just freeze facing the door like a child would when put in time-out.
In a weird, childlike moment of fear, you closed your eyes in the false belief that if you couldn't see him, then he couldn't see you either.
The hair on the back of your neck stood at attention when the feeling of being watched overcame you like a sea of hot water. Subtly glancing over your shoulder, you frowned, seeing no one there.
Unless you counted a creepy-looking porcelain doll.
Gulping thickly, you continued to turn, placing your back firmly against the door as your breaths came out ragged and fearful. This was the part in horror movies where dumb idiots like you get killed.
You stared at the porcelain doll perched on the bottom step of the staircase. 
Its face was fractured, and it looked like someone had tried to glue it back together. Its dark eyes bore into yours, unmoving, and with lightning cracking through the silence, it left a suspenseful atmosphere in the dangerous situation.
That wasn't the creepiest thing, however...
How had it gotten here? 
You weren't naive enough to think that the doll had walked here itself like some possessed creepy Chucky doll. Knowing you weren't alone and who the culprit was only gave you shivers. 
Why would he have gone from almost killing you to placing a doll behind you?
At the next loud sounds, you resolved yourself never to want to find out as you pushed away from the door and ran towards the room you had come from, the only place you knew you were safe.
That room would have to be your safe haven until you could think of another plan.
A door banging downstairs and footsteps slamming the floor behind you only made you run quicker as the childish voice called out to you, but this time it went ignored.
Breathing heavily as you successfully locked the door again. You dropped to the floor and peered beneath the door, where you could see the outline of shoes as they stood outside the room.
Crawling to the wall next to the door, you placed your hand over your mouth as you tried to keep yourself from crying again. He knew you were in there, and you knew that he was waiting for you; it was like a game of hide and seek.
A few moments passed as you sat and listened to the rain pelt against the window, wondering if the man would just stand there all night and morning until you tried to escape again.
Hearing rustling noises, you frowned until a piece of paper was pushed under the door. Tentatively picking it up, your eyes widened as you read the bold words, 'RULES'.
The childlike voice calls out once again, this time with a sharp edge, "Follow the rules!"
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Part 2 of the one shot.
Warning. Smut!
Yandere Norman Nordstrom x Younger Female Reader
Kidnapping and obsessive love.
Romance. Women loves romance. Norm smiled at the thought of you blushing and giggling. Maybe if he goes to the store and gets some fresh red roses. He doesn't use candles since he doesn't really care about perfume scented air much. So, he should get some too at the arts and crafts store.
Watermelon or strawberry scented candles. Both would be nice. Nodding in determination, Norm sat inside his Lamborghini and then suddenly an emergency alert came from his cell phone. Out of fear, it showed you running away from the mansion as you destroyed the bathroom window. All his windows were bullet proof except the window in the bathrooms because sometimes his security dogs would jump over them to come inside the mansion.
You slick cunning cock!
Gritting his straight teeth in anger, Norm drove as fast as he could while watching his cellphone screen. You were running across his large front garden so you can reach his neighbor's mansion.
He can make it. He then realized how dark it was and that the full moon gave him advantage to spot you from the distance.
Ungrateful bitch. He didn't rape you or hit you minus the times you attacked him. Like biting his tongue when he was trying to French kiss you. Or when you kneed him in the balls. Ouch. That Fuckin' hurt. It didn't hurt as much as the pain inside his chest. You broke his heart again.
You collapsed on your knees from all the running. Tch. Pathetic Norm thought. You were so damn spoiled and weak that you never exercised unlike him. You were not averagely healthy or athletic. He doesn't need his car. Norm turned off his car and jumped out and ran at full speed.
"Huh?" You looked over your delicate and frail shoulder to see your kidnapper! How did he find out?
You tried to get up but he tackled your lithe and supple body hard against the grass floor hard. You tried to scream but suddenly, he slapped you!
You yelped in pain and then stared up to see his handsome face looking at you in anger.
You clutched your face despite making the pain worse. You froze your resistance and then silently sobbed. You didn't want to make him more mad by crying loud so you tried to hide your hiccups but it was no use
Norm's beautiful blue eyes widened in shock. He stared at the back of his hand in disbelief. He hit a woman and not only that. The woman he loved.
He watched in pity as you slumped and didn't fight back as you cradled your injured cheek. If he wasn't sure ashamed of his harshness he would have thought of you trying to be quiet from crying oddly cute.
But, now he felt regret. Without a word, he slung you over his muscular shoulder like a sack of potatoes and you didn't kick or wiggled like the previous times you ran away but was captured.
You gave up.
And he knew.
He didn't mean to break your spirit. But, you were so scared to give him a chance. That was all he wanted.
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He went to the entrance of his mansion greenhouse at the center of his front yard garden. He kicked the door open and slammed you down on the floor to sit on your ass. You hissed in pain.
You looked up to see his powerful figure fuming and looking down on you. "Why?" He hissed through his teeth. "I gave you all my love yet you reject me. Why do you resist me? I'd die for you."
Your lips trembled in fear. Norm wasn't having it. He clenched his jaw.
"Why!?" He roared.
You flinched. "I..." You hiccuped and felt tears down your beautiful sculpted cheekbones. "I can't love someone I fear."
You saw that your words hurt him. A Navy Seal was wounded by a weak and spoiled lady like yourself. How strange.
"You don't get it, do you?" Norm's voice cracked as he looked away for a second and then you saw his saddened expression. Your heart burned at the sight.
"I love you, Dammit!" He punched the glass wall of the greenhouse. You yelped. You saw the glass shatter and his fist bloodied. "My life was better before I realized you exist. You ruined my life!"
You sniffed. "I am sorry, Norm." You looked at the ground.
Norm sighed in exhaustion. He then crouched down on one knee to your level and grabbed your chin gently despite smearing your chin with his blood from his injured fist.
You blinked in curiosity. He smiled a little as he unbuttoned his shirt. You couldn't help but stare. His top body was carved like Roman sculptors of Ancient Greek Gods. Ares especially. The God of war.
Holy shit.
You ogled. Norm liked that look on you. He knew you were getting horny. But his body was not all he had to offer you.
There across his chest was bold calligraphy letters of your name. How long was it there?
He did all this for you? He was serious about you.
He grabbed your hand gently and placed it over his heart.
It was dominant and strong like his body and personality.
"I can't control the pace of my heart whenever I think of you. Pity me at least." He pleaded you with large puppy blue eyes.
You felt your womanhood wetten and your throat dry. Is this love?
Norm was waiting for your response. To his surprise and pleasure you leaned your beautiful face close to his pink dry lips.
"Same." You whispered.
Norm couldn't believe his ears. This was a dream come true. You kissed him. Holy shit.
Without a second, Norm kissed back with fever and he grabbed your head and lashed his tongue inside your mouth.
"You're mine now." He ripped your nightgown off. Surrounded by plants in the open air being watched by the full moon was a fairy tale where you lost your first time.
After done, Norm carried you bridal style to the bedroom he shared with you and while you were spent, he drove to the emergency room for stitches.
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whumpasaurus101 · 11 months
Look at me posting this on the deadline LMFAO BUT ITS NOT LATE SO LOOK AT ME GO WOOOOO. This is for @epiclamer's and @save-the-villainous-cat's super cute ask game which was GENIUS!!! This was so so much fun thank you!!! @hufflepuffwritingstuff22 had an ask in their inbox: “Hero being brainwashed and forced to fight their friends.”
"Please, Hero!" Sidekick's desperate voice sounded through the room. "I know this isn't you. Think of who I am! C'mon, Hero, please!!!"
Tears streamed down their face as they desperately kicked away fro the 'stranger' before them. That wasn't Hero/ Surely Hero wouldn't do this!
They whimpered as their back hit the wall, gulping hard as they watched Hero continue to stride towards them, switchblade twirling in hand.
"Oh, but Sidekick, don't you understand? This is me. All this time I have been trying to hide it,but now, bow it's too late. You've gone too far. You're a disappointment to not only me, but yourself."
Sidekick gulped as the words carved antagonizingly slow into their heart, their chest growing tight as they tried to keep their breathing level. Their eyes flickered up to Hero's, tears threatening to fall. Their voice came out as a weak rasp, "This is-isn't you..."
They had given up hope at this point, how were they supposed to get through to Hero???
A fist tightened in Sidekick's shirt and hauled them to their feet before they were suddenly slammed against the wall. Sidekick wheezed as they felt all the air leave their body, their eyes blowing wide.
They flinched hard as Hero raised their fist, squeezing their eyes shut as a whimper ripped from their throat but Hero's fist quickly collided with their cheek.
Blood splatted against the ground as they coughed, "He-h'ro... 'm.. pl'se..." Blood ran down from their mouth, their vision spotting. Punch after punch was delivered until Sidekick screamed, breaking into sobs as their body shook with each cry.
As Villain entered the door, Hero instantly dropped Sidekick to the floor. "Hero, to me."
Sidekick watched in horror, wheezing on the floor as Hero quickly made their way over to Villain before dropping to their knees.
Sidekick tried to swallow back bile as they slowly sat up, "Wha-what did you do?"
Villain chuckled softly, a cool smirk painting along their face as they looked at Sidekick, "Oh, this? Oh honey, what I did to Hero is exactly what I am going to do to you. Now Sidekick," They clicked their finger, "I need you to focus on my voice and my voice only."
Sidekick flinched back as Villain's hand rested against their head, a sudden presence filling their head as they lost full control. And suddenly it kicked in. Their thoughts weren't theirs. And as they approached Hero, a clenched fist either side, they had to watch as someone forced them to fight their mentor. Fight the last person who had fate in them. How would Hero ever forgive them?
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sevlawless · 1 year
nothing without you
pairing: m!seven lawless x f!mc (arabella aveiro)
word count: 962
warnings: none just arabella going THROUGH IT
tags: @blainehayes @agentdumortain @valcubust-main
notes: so the @infamous-if brain rot is here and it's very fucking real lmfao- ever since i played i have not been able to stop thinking about it and more specifically, how my mc would cope post break up with seven. something something i still love you i still have to live that but how does ANYONE live with that .. anyway here it is! the song arabella sings is honeysuckle by pom pom squad
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
if i'm nothing without you, am i anything at all?
the chorus rattles around in her head long after she stops singing it. she seems to be frozen in place, her thoughts drowning out the ability to do anything else, although she does notice the faint sound of silence. the rest of dead apple have long stopped playing, but no one says anything. they seem to be doing that a lot lately when it comes to her.
she wasn't even supposed to be at this rehearsal, and she even agreed with her bandmates when they suggested she take some time away to process everything. the music can wait while she figures out how to move forward.
but all she can think about is music, all she could think about while she spent the last two weeks trying to pull herself back together is to write songs.
how do you go through something so traumatic and not write about it?
losing sev- just his name passing through her brain is enough to make her eyes clench shut, gripping the microphone stand in front for her tighter.
losing him is the worst pain she's ever felt in her life. how do you go from talking to someone every single day for the past eleven years to suddenly no contact? how does anyone cope with that? she'd really like to know.
it doesn't help that she was so unbelievably in love with him. she never was one to believe in soulmates but no matter how dumb she thought it was, she considered seven to be her's.
a soulmate who now wants nothing to do with you.
she lets out a ragged breath, which prompts someone reaching out to touch her shoulder.
"arabella-" it's rowan, his voice uncharacteristically timid, and it makes her stomach churn. she shrugs his hand off and turns to face him.
"i'm fine," she snaps, wincing at the tone in her voice. he's staring at her pitifully. if she dared to glance at the others they would share the same look.
they were just as much friends with seven as she was. why are they all so fucking concerned for her in particular? a part of her wants to say that if they were so upset about her, they never would have taken that stupid vote in the first place. the vote that ruined everything.
seeing the look on seven's face, the hurt in his eyes, the betrayal-
she can't think about this right now. she's spent the last two weeks trying to move on and fuck if she's about to cry in front of the band over this.
she turns back around, storming toward the exit. as she yanks the door open and slams it behind her, she wonders if anyone will come after her.
they don't.
she can't even get into the car before she's a sobbing mess, hands shaking as she clambers into her vehicle, resting her head against the steering wheel. her hands are balled into tight fists as she considers if punching something would help the pain subside. it didn't help last time.
last time. that night casts an unbearable weight down on her and makes her shoulders shake as she recalls her and seven screaming at each other in drunken rage, both saying things they can never take back. going to a place they could never come back from. when he left she punched a hole in the wall and her hand flares up as a reminder. her bruised knuckles are starting to heal now, and some part of her wishes they weren't. maybe so she could have one last piece of seven to remember him by. just one last trace of the effect he had on her so it didn't feel like the eleven years she spent with him were for nothing.
they can't just be nothing.
that seems to be what they are now- he hasn't talked to her since that night and every day, every hour it feels like she pulls up his contact info out of reflex to tell him something. a joke, a lyric for a song, a text just to tell him she's thinking of him. she always manages to realize what she's doing before she hits send and she doesn't think that will get any easier.
if i'm nothing without you, am i anything at all?
the lyrics she wrote down one night after getting drunk in an attempt to get him out of her brain dance around in her mind again.
she can't remember the person she was before seven. it's not the one who stares back at her now as she wipes her eyes and looks into the rearview mirror.
would she like that person? would they be friends? she never thought about it until now. she never thought she would have to.
how do you move on from someone that was so inexplicably tethered to you? where there was arabella, seven was right there next to her.
she looks across to the passenger seat that seven used to occupy every day and is met with no one there. she sees the grey headrest where a black mop of hair used to lie. she sees the middle console where his fingers used to drum to the beat of whatever was playing through the speakers. she sees the dash where he used to lay his worn out combat boots on.
emptiness eats away at her until all she can do is let out another sob.
some part of her wonders if he even feels a fraction of what she does. he has to. for her own peace of mind, she hopes this has been as hard on him as it has on her.
but she wouldn't know.
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marcholasmoth · 3 months
OSRR: 3603
good news and bad news
good news is we got an air conditioner for my room today!
the bad news is that was because it was 94° out today, and wednesday and thursday will be hotter.
also i had a meltdown and probably broke my hand again.
i am not built for the heat. not even remotely. it's not just "bad at summer," it's "i should not be exposed to temperatures above 65° fahrenheit."
i was sweating bullets just sitting in the air-conditioned car. sweat dropped down my legs, my arms, my forehead and temples, just. everywhere that could sweat, did.
when we got the air conditioner home, i was the one that brought it upstairs. strikes 1 and 2.
i couldn't find something to open the box with. strike 3.
there were a bunch of parts i didn't have the wherewithal to deal with. strike 5.
it was still fucking hot upstairs. strike 6.
i still had taken out the fan from the window, and then it kept getting in the way as i tried to leave my room. strikes 7 and 8.
told my mom i was done. she belittled me and criticized what i did. strike 9.
my alarm went off - i had to go leave to pick up dinner. she still forced me into working with her. strike 10.
mind you i couldn't turn the light on in the room because that would only add to the heat. strike 11.
i moved the air conditioner to the window and mom held onto the air conditioner which i had a secure grip on instead of me or the desk i was leaning into, both of which of us were falling and could use some stabilization. strike fucking 12????
i couldn't figure out what i needed to get and what i needed to grab. strike 13.
i started to cry. beginning of the end.
i left the room, went downstairs, frustrated and too hot and angry and late and crying and overwhelmed and dad asks "what's wrong?" and i say to him, tearfully, "i'm not built for this weather."
he asks me to repeat myself because the man can't hear anything and refuses to get hearing aids.
i say it louder. but i snap.
i hit the wall, the part of the archway that i guess makes it an arch from one room to the next, the space that's like five or six inches wide and acts as the doorway from one space to the next. i hit it with my fist as one would slam against a table. repeatedly. i screamed. twice. i turn around and hit the other side, deciding to open my hand because even though i couldn't stop myself, i knew that if i kept hitting the wall like that i would break my hand again. so i opened my hand and hit the wall with my palm.
i sobbed and in the midst of all of that dad had the audacity to tell me to take it easy. take it easy? take it easy??? that is something i literally cannot do. i am constantly stressed. i deal with an extremely stressful work environment. i have too much to do and not enough time to do it. i haven't seen my friends in months. some of them years. and they live in the same state that i do. not even too far away, either.
i eventually had to calm down enough to tell my extremely worried sister that mom needed help upstairs before i left the house. of course, my fucking meltdown delayed my trip more, so i couldn't stick around.
keep in mind today is said sibling's birthday.
told dad who was understandably concerned that it was not something he could do in my stead as he offered. i also told him to not touch me, which he complied and removed his hand from my shoulder.
and i left. i went to get dinner, as was my responsibility.
it took me a long time to control my breathing. the imposing heat in my car helped me, i think, because it helped me tire out, kept me from breathing easily so i had to put in a concerted effort, which helped me slow down enough to realize i needed to appear calm enough so the person i interacted with at panera wouldn't think i was a fuckin weirdo or something.
but it helped.
on my way i thought about a bunch of things. i thought about how this kind of meltdown hadn't happened for a little over a year and a half, how i was doing so well until this happened. how angry of a person i am. how it would reflect on any sort of background search. and reverentially, i started to feel bad, guilty, about how i acted. everyone is always so worried and i can't communicate the problems i have and it gets worse and worse and worse and i have no way of controlling it. it was decidedly not a great time to be alone with my thoughts, but it would've been MUCH worse around someone else.
by the time i made it there i was fine. wiping my tears and sweat away in the car actually made the air conditioning work a little better than expected, so it ended up not being the worst trip ever.
by the time i got back, i was fine. tired, but fine.
and i noticed while i was on the car that i had a big painful red mark on my hand along with a big bruise on the side. delightful.
when i got home, i apologized for getting upset and acting the way i did. mom asked if i was okay and i simply said "i'm fine. my hand's probably broken again, but that's neither here nor there."
we just sat down and had dinner. and then ice cream cake, and then we (everyone else) dispersed and i cleaned off the table.
hand hurting and all.
but the good news is that i CAN still crochet. i just need to hold my hook a slightly different way. like a violin now instead of a knife.
i watched more of the flash with mom, which is getting better now that we're in the third season.
after watching i went downstairs to wash my laundry, but i ended up staying downstairs until all my laundry was done. i picked and packed most things for joel's tomorrow, but i still have to pick what dresses to bring. it's too hot for pants. only dresses. nobody wants to see the alternative.
so i have a bunch of dresses downstairs hanging over a chair so i can pick which ones i want to take with me this week.
but now it's 2am and i am exhausted. told joel i was stupid and broke my hand probably, and also that maryland may not be the best location for me temperature wise. so that's under discussion.
i'm so tired.
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kradogsrats · 2 years
lmao guess I’m not working on any of the things I should be working on so what the hell here’s some dead Viren canon divergence, as a treat
Lissa woke gradually—then suddenly, all at once, as panic gripped her. She could no longer hear Soren’s breathing. She couldn’t hear Soren’s—
Her eyes flew open to early dawn sunlight peeking through the bedroom window. She blinked slowly, heart pounding. Why was she in bed? She’d been sitting up with Soren—she’d never have left him. She couldn’t have.
The dim memory of a slow, whistled tune and the touch of a hand on her cheek surfaced in her mind. Viren. Viren had spelled her asleep.
Viren, who had promised long ago to never use magic on her without her knowing consent.
A spark of rage rose in her at the violation, but she was too hollowed-out by exhaustion and grief for it to truly ignite. It was just one more broken thing between them, now. 
I’m going to leave him, she thought, not for the first time. When Soren—when all this is over, I’ll take Claudia and go home.
She allowed herself a moment to imagine it—the regal mountains, the dark, dense forests, the languid waters of the Serpentongue. She’d be able to pick up the life she’d once set down for a man with quicksilver eyes and magic on his tongue. Her daughter would grow up far away from politics, and mages, and—
A high, piercing shriek rang through the house.
Soren? Claudia—!
She was up and running before the sound fully registered in her mind. Her legs immediately tangled in the quilts, and she nearly sprawled face-first to the floor before shaking herself free. Her feet skidded on the smooth floorboards of the hallway as she instinctively oriented herself toward Soren’s sickroom, white-hot terror seizing her chest. 
She slammed against the door, fumbling for the knob. She almost screamed in frustration to find it locked, pounding her fist against the wood as if she had the strength to splinter it. Muffled sobs were audible from within—she ripped the ring of keys from her belt, her hands shaking as she sought the right one.
She burst into the room. “Soren—!”
Her son—her son, who for days had been delirious with fever, unable to even sit up as he gasped for breath—was upright, curled into the corner where the head of his bed met the room’s walls. His cheeks were rosy with health, his eyes clear—he breathed rapidly but easily, no wheeze or rattle impeding the rush of air in and out of his small chest. He looked to her, his face streaked with tears. 
“Mom!” he cried out.
Viren slumped over the foot of the bed, his face turned away from her. For one long, agonizing moment she thought he must have fallen asleep. 
The dark stain soaking the bedspread beneath him said otherwise.
She took a step toward him, then remembered herself and turned to Soren. He trembled in the corner, eyes wide. She crouched and extended her arms to him. “Soren, sweetheart, come to me.”
He practically launched himself into her embrace, burying his face in her shoulder as his small body shook with sobs. “You’ve been so brave, my little warrior,” she murmured, stroking his golden hair, his warm back. “I need you to be brave for me just a little while longer, can you do that?”
Her eyes drifted back to the bed. She squeezed them shut rather than look.
She felt Soren’s nod against her chest and hugged him tight. “Go to Claudia’s room and stay there with her until I come fetch you. Don’t say anything to her about—“ Her throat clenched, cutting off the words.
“I won’t,” he promised. His voice wavered, but he straightened in her arms like a soldier at attention. “Don’t worry, Mom.”
She released him and cupped his face in her hands to kiss his forehead. “That’s my brave, strong boy,” she said. “Go on, then.”
Only when she’d heard the patter of his footsteps leave the room did she allow herself to break. She folded in on herself where she knelt, both hands pressed to her mouth against the anguished cry that threatened to choke her.
Her son, at whose bedside she had sat vigil so he wouldn’t be alone when he took his last, labored breath, was alive. More than alive—he was well. 
And her husband was dead.
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fanatics4l · 2 years
thinking thoughts about that scene in season two when hopper and el fight and he threatens to bring her back to her abusive dad (MAN I WAS PISSED AT HOPPER) and she breaks down.
that exact scene but picture this: billy has lived with hopper and el ever since he was adopted. today, hopper and billy are having a particularly bad day, so they accidentally take their anger out on each other.
(this will contain a part two when i have time.)
the car ride home is tense and silent until hopper opens his mouth. "why'd you punch him, kid?" he sees billy shrug from the corner of his eyes. "none of your business, old man."
hopper grits his teeth. this damn brat has a serious attitude problem. "yeah, well. i had to leave work early for you so the least you can do is explain to me why."
once they arrive at the cabin, hopper watches as billy brushes past him and into the house. he sighs and follows. as he closes the front door, he can hear billy slamming shit around in his room and clenches his fists. don't get mad, jim. stay calm. "come out here and talk to me, billy. stop acting like a child." and yes he sort of regrets saying that because the poor kid never got to actually be a child thanks to his asshole dad.
"go away! stop acting like you care!" billy shouts from behind his closed door. hopper grits his teeth before opening the door and standing in the doorway, watching as billy throws a bottle of his nail polish at the opposite wall.
"hey! you don't throw shit in this house, you hear me?" hopper yells. he's ignored as billy continues to throw all his girly (is that the right word? last time hopper called it that, billy wouldn't talk to him for a day) products across the room. "HEY!"
billy turns around angrily, glaring fiercely. "i said go away! get out of my room!"
"your room? with just a snap of my fingers, kid, you'd be on the street right now!" hopper was too angry to feel regret, but he could feel something heavy in his chest starting to grow. his day was just so fucking shitty and this brat is making everything worse with his stupid fucking attitude.
hopper watches as tears spring into billy's blue eyes, shoulders rising to his ears defensively. "i hate you."
"what did you just say?" hopper takes a menacing step forward. billy flinches back before hardening his glare.
"I HATE YOU! I WISH YOU NEVER ADOPTED ME," he screams, making hopper's eyes widen and his breath freeze in his throat.
he tries to calm down but he's never dealt with a boy before. he's only had daughters. so maybe the old fashioned side of him thinks he can be a little rougher with his son than he would be with his daughter. hopper doesn't even feel like himself when he lets out a shaky laugh.
"yeah, well. it's not like i wanted you here anyways." lies. "you remember i'm the chief of police, right? one call down at the prison and i can make that wish of yours come true." stop. billy's crying now, backing away and shaking his head.
"what do you say, kid? you wanna go see dear ol' daddy? is that what you want? huh?" he takes another step forward, throwing his hands up in the air.
billy flinches so hard he falls onto the floor. "no- NO!" he sobs loudly. "I DONT WANNA GO BACK- I DONT WANNA," he cries, curling into himself with his arms raised.
hopper feels like he's watching himself from out of his own body, feeling a sense of dread building up. "i thought that's what you wanted. why are you saying no now? real fathers know best, don't they?"
he just wants his officers to listen to him for once. he wants that stupid mike wheeler kid to stay away from his daughter. but nobody ever fucking listens to him.
"stop it- STOP IT," billy screams, covering his ears.
"maybe if you listened to me-"
"HELP," billy shouts frantically when the footsteps reach too close to him.
hopper freezes. he feels like the air finally breaches his lungs while simultaneously leaving them. he looks down at billy, his seventeen year old son, looking so so tiny and terrified. his arms are outstretched in front of him and his knees are pulled up to his chest. he's trembling so intensely, hopper fears he might pass out.
hopper stumbles back, eyes wide. "billy- honey, i-"
it's at that moment that joyce rushes in with a panicked el behind her. the second she catches sight of billy on the ground, she shoves hopper away roughly and lands on the floor in front of the boy. when she reaches out to touch him, billy flinches harshly, still sobbing. his eyes are glazed over like he isn't really present.
"what. did. you. do," el glares at him, breathing heavily.
hopper has never hated himself more.
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purple-babygirl · 3 years
hi im not sure if you’re taking requests so you can ignore this if you’d like, but i really liked your mafia bucky fic !! and i was wondering if you could do one where maybe someone breaks into the house and the reader has to force themselves to be big for a little bit just so they can fight them off and then she runs to the little safe room and goes little there and Bucky finds her there and comforts her and it’s just all fluffy? sorry if this is so specific i just loved the last fic sm 😅
Pairing: Mafia!Daddy!Bucky Barnes x f!little!reader
Word count: 1,958
Warnings: reader gets attacked (includes harassment and mentions of violence, cursing, guns), reader gets hurt, mentions of killing, Bucky's softness (yes it's a warning), ddlg dynamics.
A/N: I've been holding onto this one for forever now I'm really sorry for taking so long, dear nonnie🥺 it means the world to me that you liked mafia!daddy!bucky and i hope i delivered with this one and that you like it as much, love. Please enjoy ily xx💜
You’re a big girl.
You’re a big girl.
You’re a big girl. You can do this.
It all happened too fast. She woke up to guns shooting, Bucky’s men yelling at each other before all the voices suddenly stopped and the door to their bedroom was violently kicked open.
She didn’t even have time to scream before she was dragged from under the large bed by her ankle.
You’re a big girl.
You’re a big girl.
You’re a big girl. Just like Daddy taught you.
“Let go! You don’t wanna do this!” she shrieked, warning the person trying to snatch her off the floor, her leg kicking as she struggled to flee his vice-like hold.
She’d suddenly forgotten every single self-defense move Bucky has ever taught her and was thrashing in panic.
“Oh, I don’t?” the man laughed, his grip painful on her limb as he tried to get on top of her.
She screamed when he dug his fingernails in the flesh of her shin, forcing her legs apart.
“Such a delicate little thing.” He licked his lips when he drew blood, running his gun up her bare leg, pressing down when it reached her inner thigh, “beg me to let you go.”
The words infuriated her big self. If Bucky had taught her one thing that she could never forget it was how dear and precious she was.
“Do you know who my man is?” Her free foot collided with the intruder’s chin, hitting him just right for his teeth to slam together, making him groan and loosen his grasp.
“I beg no one for nothing.” She spat, clumsily standing up, rushing inside Bucky’s large walk-in closet.
“You’re gonna regret that, you little bitch!” The masked man threatened, banging his fist on the door, “I’m gonna make that man of yours weep blood over your dead slut body!”
Her breath was coming out in puffs as tears blurred her vision. With trembling fingers, she moved Bucky’s hung-up suits to the side, revealing the metal door to the panic room.
You’re a big girl.
You’re a big girl.
You’re a big girl. Just a bit longer.
She could hear the man take a few steps back and she knew he was going to shoot the closet open. Her shaky fingers pushed the buttons and typed the number code, the date of the day Bucky had asked her to be his.
I feel safe knowing I have you, angel, so it’s only fit that we make it the safe room code, he'd told her with a playful shrug.
She slid inside as soon as the door moved, pushing her back against the concrete wall, trying to take her breath. The door clicked shut right before the wooden one to the closet was thrown open.
You’re a big girl.
You’re a big girl.
You’re a big girl. You got this.
She let out a relieved sigh that broke into a sob as she tiredly slid down the wall, still hearing the scary man curse, bang and shoot on the safe room door.
Where was Bucky? She couldn’t hold on any longer. This wasn’t a situation she wanted to be present in. Her body started folding up, taking fetal position as her mind led her to the safer side against her better will. Even her fists closed upon themselves, tears leaving her eyes and traveling down the bridge of her nose. She was losing consciousness of her present surroundings, pictures of Bucky’s eyes spreading in her vision instead of the dull, grey walls of the room.
She was crying too loudly to hear the firing of Bucky’s gun right outside the door or the peeping of the door as it slid open once again.
“Angel!” Bucky’s voice sounded so distant. She felt like she was drowning with how muffled his calls were to her ears.
Seeing her body shake with sobs on the floor like that made Bucky want to walk out and shoot the man’s dead body again and again until he couldn’t be identified.
How dare they send someone here? How dare they violate the sanctity of his home? They were certainly not going to live another day to repeat or repent from their sins.
“Angel, are you hurt?” He kneeled beside her, gently untangling her limbs to check if she was wounded anywhere.
Aside from a couple of nasty scratches by her ankle, she was physically okay and Bucky could breathe a little better as his body sagged on the floor.
He swallowed and lifted her on his lap, signaling his men to leave when they stepped in the room to check if they were needed after ‘cleaning up’.
“Get me water.” Was all he said and they were running to the nearest fridge.
“I’m sorry, my angel. I’m here now. You’re okay.” Bucky mumbled, lips hovering over her temple.
“Dada.” Her body leaned into his warmth but her cries didn’t stop and Bucky could only hold her closer as he tried not to let guilt rip him apart.
She was like that now because of him. Had he been a normal man with a normal life, she would’ve been safer. She didn’t deserve to be startled awake only to be chased by a criminal in the middle of the night. She didn’t deserve any of the bullshit that hit her because she was with Bucky.
He kept planting kiss after kiss to her head, wishing he could go back and be there to protect her.
“Shh, you’re okay, my angel. You’re safe,” he kept telling her as he supported himself up with her in his arms.
Her cries were dying down and she was getting comfier in Bucky’s protective hold, fingers digging in his shoulders afraid he would leave again.
“Please, calm down, baby. I’m here. No one can hurt you, angel.” Bucky took her out and to the bathroom so he could take a look at her leg.
“Baby, are you hurt anywhere else?” he asked after sitting her down on the cold counter.
Instead of answering, she pressed her forehead to his chest and kept sniveling, hands clutching Bucky’s jacket. She wasn’t ready for him to let her go yet. She may be too far gone but her body knew it needed to be close to Bucky’s.
“Baby, please come back to me,” Bucky begged, tears threatening to spill from his once hard, cold eyes.
“Angel,” his thumb brushed her cheek and she finally looked up to him.
“Dada, I was so scared.” She sobbed, shaking at the memory.
“I’m sorry, my angel.” Bucky pressed his lips to her forehead, “I’m here with you, baby. No need to be scared anymore.”
“That man- he-” she hiccupped.
“You’re okay, angel. Breathe.” Bucky stroked her back warmly as she buried her face in his chest again.
He took the bottle of water from one of his men, waving him out of the bathroom.
“Here, baby, drink some water.”
She wouldn’t move. She just wanted to be close to Daddy. She was scared and Bucky was safety. He was home.
“For me, baby. Just a tiny sip.” Bucky twisted the bottle cap open, gently cupping her cheek to coax her away from his body.
His heart swelled when she leaned her damp cheek on his palm, enjoying the warmth. Her smaller hand cupped his and her eyes closed, her face further pressed into Bucky’s hand as a soft sigh escaped her lips.
Bucky bit his lip, holding back the waterworks. He should’ve been here; should’ve prevented it all from happening. His thumb brushed her chin and she opened her eyes.
“Drink a little, angel.” Bucky offered a kind smile.
She nodded, sitting up straighter, her lashes wet with tears as she looked up to Bucky, her gaze holding no blame.
He brought the bottle to her lips and she gulped down, the chilled water soothing her sore throat.
“Better?” Bucky cocked his head to the side and she nodded, sniffing.
Bucky bowed, holding his forehead against hers. He just wanted to feel her breathe soundly; wanted to make his mind stop telling him he almost lost her forever.
“Yes, my angel.” Bucky pecked her lips.
“My leg hurts.” Her voice was awfully small as she pointed to the burning scratches ruining her beautiful skin. Bucky wished he could hide her between his ribs in place of his heart.
“Daddy’s got you, angel.”
Bucky cleaned her wound, apologizing with a kiss to her cheek every time she hissed. He had her tell him what happened to distract her and it worked. She wanted him to be proud so much she eagerly told him all about kicking the bad man. Tears gathered in her eyes once again when he applied ointment but she continued with her story, Bucky’s smile keeping her calm.
“Angel, you were so brave! I’m so proud of you, baby.” Bucky kissed her bandaged leg, “how did you do that?!”
“Kept thinkin’ dada thoughts.” She hugged Bucky again.
Bucky was a puddle on the bathroom floor. She was telling him she was brave like that because she was thinking of him through it all. He adored her so much he didn’t know who he was if not her man.
“I promise this is the last time you would ever have to go through anything like that,” Bucky assured, chuckling lovingly when she squeezed him harder and nodded.
She believed Bucky. She knew he could keep her safe. This wasn’t a usual occurrence, Bucky’s always made sure she was protected. She had no doubt anything would change. She trusted her Daddy with all her heart.
Bucky knew that and it scared him to death. He was scared one day he might not be up to the trust she’d put in him. He feared disappointing her; not being there for her in time. He was terrified a day would come where he might let her down.
“Never again. You’re safe, my angel. You’re always safe with me.”
Bucky’s soft lips placed a languishing kiss to her forehead. Her eyes were next, Bucky kissed her eyelids and under her eyes. Then he left wet kisses on both cheeks before pecking her nose. She smiled shyly when he pressed his mouth to the corner of hers.
“I love you, angel,” Bucky whispered against her lips before kissing her.
Bucky carried her back to their bed. The room was organized again, nothing was out of place and she was in Daddy’s arms. She was safe once more.
Bucky held her to his chest all night, his mind too loud to let him fall asleep. She went back to bed almost immediately though. Bucky’s presence was all it really took for her to feel peaceful enough to close her eyes and dream again.
When she moved out of his embrace in her sleep, Bucky carefully left the room and went to his office to review the security cameras footage. He knew watching the attack would make his blood boil again but he had to see what happened and how the unlucky asshole got inside his mansion.
While she already told him she’d defended herself, Bucky was the proudest seeing it unfold on the screen.
“Do you know who my man is?... I beg no one.”
The words brought the largest smile to Bucky’s lips. He was so proud of his angel; so amazed by her courage. He thought he couldn’t love her any more than he already did and he was wrong. His heart has picked the right girl and for that he was grateful. Bucky took one last look at the shining ring in his top drawer before shutting it and walking back to continue cuddling his precious sweetheart.
Tags: @harrysthiccthighss, @tinystudentfirepurse, @lavendercitizen
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Could you write one where the hero is completely broken by their abusive mentor who believes "cant break what's already broken" so trains him to be broken and all they are good for is hero stuff and the villain finds out...and hero wakes up in the villain's base, no clue how they got there and they notice the villain caring for them gently and lovingly and the hero dosnt understand why because, thanks to the mentor, pure fear and pain and being heroic is all they know/felt/endured...
The hero stumbled back to the base, almost collapsing as they passed through the entrance. They were exhausted, sore, aching, but they had made it home.
But the hero couldn't rest, not yet, despite how they longed to curl up right there on the floor and sleep off the ache in their limbs. The hero had braced theirself to return here and face their mentor empty-handed, yet still they winced at the sight of the mentor waiting for them, waiting for answers—feet planted firmly apart, shoulders back, arms crossed.
"I let them get away," the hero whispered, leaning against the wall to keep from toppling right over. They hung their head, unable to face the disappointment in that cold, unforgiving stare. "I was hurt, and cornered, and... I ran. The villain... I wasn't ready. They were going to kill me."
"You failed."
The hero whimpered—a small, choked sound—and bit their lip to hold back tears as their mentor approached, each footstep heavy and deliberate. The hero kept their gaze pinned on the floor, wishing they could hide, disappear.
"You were weak."
The hero couldn't bring theirself to speak, couldn't think of what to say. Their mentor was right—the hero was weak. They had one job, one purpose in this life, and they had failed. Again.
"Look at me." The mentor gripped the hero's chin, fingers pressing hard enough to bruise, and tilted it up until their eyes locked. Held it there long enough for the hero to read the emotions in those dark eyes—anger, disgust, disappointment—and then, faster than the hero could anticipate, the mentor's fist slammed straight into the hero's face.
The hero screamed, crumpling to the floor.
"Can't even take a punch. Pathetic," the mentor snarled. "Get up."
The hero struggled, arms shaking, to push theirself off the floor, whimpering at the pain that had the corners of their vision going black. Despite it, they obeyed as the mentor instructed them to take off their shirt, to face the wall, to brace their arms above their head.
"Please," the hero whispered. They had already been dealt so much pain today—
But their mind went blank as the first lash broke through their skin, warm blood leaking down their back. They bit their lip to keep from screaming—the mentor liked it when they kept quiet, took the punishment without a sign of weakness. They pushed the pain to the back of their mind, burying it like the mentor had taught them.
Another lash.
"Good," the mentor said, and the hero smiled, and replaced the pain with thoughts of happy things.
Your body is an object. A weapon. Weapons do not feel pain. Weapons cannot be broken.
Another lash. Again, again, again.
By the time the hero passed out from the pain, their palms were bleeding from how hard their nails had dug into the skin, their lip bleeding from how hard they had bitten down to keep from screaming.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* :☆゚. ───
When the hero woke, the pain had faded to a dull throbbing from their head to their toes. They kept their eyes shut, wanting to stay in bed for just a moment longer, not quite ready to face the day that awaited them—but the bed they lay in was not their own. The blankets beneath them were soft and fluffy, the mattress thick—a far cry from the scratchy sheets and cardboard-thin mattress on their small cot at home. They opened their eyes to see walls that were blue, not gray, and a large window open to let in a fresh, cool breeze. They didn't have a window at home.
The hero scanned the room and stiffened when they saw the villain, reaching immediately for a weapon that wasn't there. They had been stripped bare, their torso wrapped in bandages, wearing nothing but a clean cotton shirt and pants. Completely and utterly defenseless—and alone with the enemy.
The hero pushed theirself out of bed, ignoring the agony as wounds in their back split open, blood soaking through the bandages.
Bury the pain.
The villain was on their feet in the instant, reaching for the hero. "Stop, you're hurt. You need to rest-"
The hero flinched at the movement, backing away with their teeth gritted.
'Why are you hurting me?' the hero had sobbed when they first started training with the mentor.
'This is for your own good,' their mentor said. 'I will break you so thoroughly that you can never be broken again. You will learn to bury your pain, to not feel it, to let nobody use that weakness against you. They cannot break what is already broken.'
"Where am I?"
"My home," the villain said, gently, carefully.
"How? Why?"
"Your mentor," the villain snarled, nearly spitting out the word before regaining their calm composure, "left you sprawled on the floor like a bloody slab of meat. Unconscious, defenseless, free for the taking."
The hero swallowed down their questions, a nauseating mix of emotions swirling around inside their gut.
"I assume this was supposed to be another test," the villain sighed, after a long moment of silence. "Send you straight into the enemy's hands, already injured and hurting, see if all that training did any good. But I assume you're tired of all the training and tests. You look like you could use a vacation."
The hero stiffened. That's what this was. Another test. Another chance to prove theirself.
"Don't pretend to know anything about me or my training," the hero growled. They squared their shoulders, forcing theirself to meet the villain's eyes with determination instead of fear. "What I'm really tired of is games, so stop playing them. You can trick me and torture me all you want, but I will never tell you what you want to know and I will never surrender to you."
No pain. No fear. No weakness.
They repeated the words silently as the villain drew closer.
No pain. No fear. No weakness.
The hero flinched as the villain's arms wrapped around their body, the villain's hand reaching up to hold the hero's head against their shoulder. This wasn't like any kind of punishment the mentor had given them—it didn't even hurt.
"What are you doing?" the hero hissed, arms hanging limp at their sides.
"It's a hug, dumbass," the villain sighed. "You look like you need one."
"I—wh—I don’t—”
"I'm not playing games, and I'm not going to hurt you. I know you're in a lot of pain, and you've been forced to be strong, all alone," the villain whispered, pulling back to meet the hero's eyes.
"But I'm here for you now, and it doesn’t have to be like that anymore.”
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vinniesgfff · 3 years
don’t leave.
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warnings; sad imagine, cuss words, idk what else. if yall see anything else, lmk and i’ll add it. 
(not proofread yet!)
the screaming, the arguing, the running away from his issues, i couldn’t handle it anymore. not only was it taking a toll on my mental health, but i could see how tired my boyfriend was. 
he would stream multiple hours a day, do whatever content the hh wanted him to do, work out, work on cars, and so much more. it seemed as if he had no time for him and i anymore. he always pushed me away. 
i haven’t spoken to him about it yet, because i know that he’s gonna react the same way he always does. which leads to me hurting even more. i don’t know whether to try and keep him, or let him go. 
he doesn’t give me any loving kisses anymore, he doesn’t hug me, he doesn’t beg to do my hair, or makeup anymore. he doesn’t try to have sex with me. he doesn’t even cuddle me at night anymore,  and when ii talk to him, it feels like im talking to a brick wall. 
not wanting to piss him off too badly, i slowly creeped over to him where he was sitting, gaming. i didn’t say anything to him, or about him being on the game. i was picking up all the trash on his desk when he finally took notice. 
“bro, what the fuck y/n?! could you not wait 5 fucking minutes before you came over here again?! god, you’re so fucking clingy and annoying! just go home!”, he shouted at me, i looked him in the eye, and his face didn’t show any regret. 
“o-oh, i’m sorry. i’ll go.”, i responded, not feeling like fighting with him. my heart shattered when he said that to me. but i’d never let him see that he made me sad. i turned around, and started packing clothes, toiletries, and whatever else i found around the room that was mine.my lip quivered as i reached up to my neck, and took off the necklace he had made for me with his ignitals  in the heart, figuring he wouldn’t want me to have it. next was my promise ring. i never took it off. even when i was showering, washing dishes, whatever, i kept it on.
that’s really when i started breaking down. i slid the ring off of my ring finger, sitting it beside the necklace on his nightstand. i held your sobs in, as tears streamed down my face. 
i quickly took one last look at vinnie, before walking out of the bedroom that we had shared for the past 11 months. i quietly tip-toed down the stairs being that it was 3 in the morning. 
i opened the front door, and shut it as quietly as i could, before walking to my car. i unlocked my car, and opened the door. when i got in, and shut the door, i started uncontrollably sobbing. 
nasty, loud sobs came from my throat, as i hit my fists on the steering wheel before slamming my head down against the steering wheel and sobbing more. he didn’t care anymore, and it was obvious. he didn’t even look at me when i  was packing, or when i was walking out. 
i knew he wasn’t in love with me anymore. 
why did i say that to her? why did i do what i did? she wasn’t doing anything wrong. if anything she was just trying to help me. i had distanced myself from the love of my life just because of hate comments from people who didn’t even matter, and instead of being an adult and voicing my concerns i pushed her away. 
i turned off all of my stuff, and stood up from my gaming chair, i put my shoes on, and went to grab my phone off of my nightstand, when i saw the promise ring i had given her a year ago sitting on the nightstand, beside the necklace i got her for valentines day three years ago. 
i started crying before turning around and punching the wall multiple times. a hole formed in the shape, and size of my fist. i didn’t even care. i hurt the person that i loved the most. 
she was my other half. i don’t know why i allowed myself to call her all the rude things that i did. she probably thinks that i don’t love her anymore. she probably thinks i fell out of love with her. she probably thinks i hate her or something. 
i didn’t even care who i woke up in the house when i went running down the stairs before swinging the front door open and sprinting outside. i saw a bright light in my perephrial vision, and i turned around. 
her car, she was still in the driveway. i pulled myself together and walked over to the driver side before knocking on the window. she jumped slightly, and looked up.
oh my god. she was a mess. she looked worse than i probably did. her hair was fuzzy and frizzy, and her eyes swollen, with tear stained cheeks, and snot running out of her nose, her cheeks were red, and she looked exhausted. 
she rolled the window down slightly, “what vinnie?”, her voice asked softly, and quietly, though you could tell that she was broken. “can we talk?”, i managed to get out. she looked as if she was contemplating for a minute, before nodding her head yes. 
i walked over to the other side of the car, and opened the door, climbing in. “y/n, baby, i’m so sorry, i pushed you away, and fought with you instead of actually telling you what was wrong, and you didn’t deserve that. the hate i’ve been getting, plus all the other shit going on, made me so exhausted, and stressed, along with depressed. i don’t know why i didn’t just talk to you instead of pushing you away.” i rambled. 
���vinnie, nothing hurt more than what you said earlier. when you told me that i was clingy, and told me to leave, my heart shattered into a thousand pieces. you stopped giving me attention a month ago, you don’t even hug me anymore, you don’t cuddle me anymore, you don’t do any of the things that you used to do. i miss you. i know that whoever that was that told me to leave, was not you. you would never say something like that to me. yes, you should’ve came to me. i would’ve listened. it just hurt because you kept blowing up on me over and over again for no reason. “, y/n’s shaky voice managed to speak out. 
“i’m sorry baby. please come back. don’t leave.”
 part 2?? 
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sparkbeast20 · 3 years
The Mask (Lucifer X MC)
This a one-shot Fanfic, is part of my Halloween series “He Snaps”
short Angst/Fluff with Horror elements in them.
Tell me, which brother you want to see next (except Satan, his will be post on his birthday)
This one is inspired by the Masked Event and @fickleminder's post "Hear Me Cry"
and @amistytown and our share post here
Warning: Mention of Blood, Violence, Drugs, Injury and Demonic nature
He was wandering around the school grounds looking for you, both he and the masks on his face.
This night shouldn’t be like this, it was supposed to be a simple round trip to his brothers haunted house, with you.
Now the masks make him and brothers, think horrible things to the guest and especially you. All the horrific, and vile things his thinking to do, to you are running through his head. All the while he is conscious, trap in his own body, unable to take off the mask himself.
If he, had it bad, he can’t imagine what his brothers are thinking or wanting to do to you. He needs to find you. Even if he has the mask on, his still have a better control then his brothers.
Then again, at was his thought before you met up with him in the student council room, if it hadn’t for Diavolo come in, and take you with him. You would’ve been….
That’s the mask talking right? Telling his body to find you……. Yes, that’s it!
Lucifer is second doubting himself, if he should finds you or stay away from you.
On one hand, if he finds you, is a gamble whether or not he can control himself around you. One the other he stays away, he can “wander” to his brothers haunted house, so happen to see if his brothers are there in their respected houses.
The choice the latter.
But some he started to regret his decision, once he notice that Mammon and Levi aren’t in their house, and he saw was a piece of your RAD uniform on the floor. He doesn’t like this situation.
He quickens his walk to Satan and Asmo’s house, and see no sign of them, only met with a stench of a familiar smell, he quickly looks around to see a blood stain on the wall. A fresh one.
He started to panic in the inside, and didn’t notice a sound of a crack from his mask. He was to focus on getting to the twin’s house. If they’re not there, his main priority is to look for you.
As he walking to the haunted hospital of the twins made, he thought to himself. That you wouldn’t be this reckless to got each house and try to take masks off his brothers. But he quickly remembers that you are the same human, who didn’t listen to him to not go up to the attic, who jump Infront of him to protect his brother and a little angel from him, pointed the night dagger yourself instead of him. You are that reckless.
He finally made it to the hospital, he quietly opens the door and walk in.
Once inside, he heard Mammon and Asmo laughing in delight.
“They’re all here good” Lucifer breath a sigh of relief, soon he stiffed in fear once he heard your name uttered by Mammon.
“MC, come on stay awake” Lucifer started to breathed heavily, as his mask start to crack more.
He walks toward the chatter, as his heart race and eyes shifted back and forth. He stops right before open door at the end of the hall, and see Satan and Beel blocking his view of the exam table. He took a few steps closer to get a better look, Lucifer is stunned to what he saw on the exam table.
You laying on your back, facing towards the door with your eyes slightly open, with a cut on your cheek, your uniform ripped apart with your undershirt what left covering your chest, both arms aren’t even on the table and are dangling on the edge.
But what snap him out of his stunned state, was his brothers talking.
“Maybe, a put too much, tranquilizer in you, sorry about that. But we did want you to run back to the others, now would we.”
“This all your fault Belphie! I wanted to hear their lovely screams in fear” Asmo caress you bleeding cheek getting blood on his finger, then he took one and makes a small heart on your cheek and giggles.
“Do you think we should have told Lucifer about this” Levi voices his concern.
“NO!” Mammon yelled “They already choice him. If we told him about this plan, he would have kept MC all to himself once we trap them”
“And besides.” Satan chips in “I don’t trust him; it seems that he has some what of a control over himself. So, we wouldn’t tell if he’s on are side or not”
He couldn’t take it anymore; he was about to charger but his entire froze. Couldn’t move a muscle, only his eyes.
But the he’s sight landed on your face, and saw you blink at him and mouthed his name, and you try to reach out to him. But Beel saw your arm raise and quickly grabbing it and slamming it back on the table, breaking a bone.
That was the thing that finally set Lucifer over the edged.
The mask finally broke, the sound of it breaking causing the brothers to look what made that sound.
All of them gasps, and drop their tools, seeing Lucifer in his demon form with pure and utter rage on his face.
“L-L-Lucifer~” Levi stuttering was cut off, by Lucifer grabbing him by the throat and slamming him on the ground, he quickly uses his free hand to forcefully grab and pull the mask of him, causing Levi to groan in pain at his mask being taking off of him.
Then Lucifer whip his head towards Mammon and Satan, and runs towards them tackling them into the wall, and quickly grab both masks, breaking them while there is on his brothers faces. Both Mammon and Satan immediately fall on to the floor.
Then Lucifer turns his attention to Beel, who threw a punch at him, by quickly ducking and grabbing Beel by the torso and slamming him on the ground, and use both fists to slam on Beel’s face breaking the mask.
Lucifer is breathing heavily turn his head towards Asmo, who is shaking in fear.
“Lucifer, I- we ~” but he quickly met with a hand grabbing the lower part of his mask, and Lucifer pull Asmo’s mask up, because the curse on the mask, Asmo entire body followed his mask. Lucifer lifted him up over him, flipping Asmo over and slamming him on the empty exam table. Lucifer uses his other hand to grab Asmo’s chin, pry the mask off him.
Then finally, Lucifer growls and slowly turns his head to the youngest, who is still disbelief to all just happen. But quickly snap out of his shock by a hand grabbing him by the neck. Lucifer hoist him by neck, with his feet off the ground. Lucifer, slowly tighten his grip and slowly uses his other hand to grab and crush the mask on Belphie, then he lets go of his brother’s neck let him fall it to the ground.
He pants and look down at Belphie, before let out a monstrous roar.
An hour later
Mammon was the first one to wake up rubbing his head, start looking around. Soon one by one the brothers stared to wake up.
Then Asmo gasps and covered his mouth in fear to what he sees right now.
Lucifer kneeling on the ground, cradling you in his arms, as he sobs and racking back and forth.
Belphie is guilt redden, and chatting no, and quickly got up and rushes towards the two of you, But Lucifer roars at him, causing Belphie to stop dead on his track, and startling the others.
“DON’T YOU DARE TAKE ONE MORE FUCKING STEP CLOSER, IF YOU DON’T WANT TO BE KILLED!” Lucifer warns his baby brother and extension to the others. “I DON’T WANT TO SEE ANY OF YOU RIGHT NOW! LEAVE!!!”
Knowing that Lucifer is trying his best not to attack them right now, all of them quickly ran out of the room, leaving you two alone.
Lucifer whisper an apology, as he holds you tighter giving you warmth. You stared shifted in his arms trying to move your body.
“Love please, don’t move” his voice sound hoarse. “I’m sorry”
You lean closer into him, as you grab his chest, to calm him down.
“I’m…fine…. I…. just…. need…. some…. rest, that’s all” you start crying in his chest.
“I’ll make sure you have it love, now rest. I need to calm myself first. I won’t leave your side”
Note: Oh Man! I really when overboard with this one.
Its kinda my way to make up for the lack of action in my Pain of Love Fic.
Anyway thank you to @fickleminder and @amistytown for their post. I really need something for Lucifer’s story
I'll be posting the next story next week, I need to write some fluff to wash some of the angst. with my The sea for two (Leviathan X MC) fanfic.
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yuujism · 4 years
Spoiled (fushiguro megumi x reader)
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REQUEST:  Can I get a dom megumi x fem reader fic where the reade is being a HUGEEE brat & megumi has no choice but to break her
| PAIRINGS:  dom!fushiguro megumi x fem!reader
| WARNINGS: rough megumi, brat reader, dom/sub, lil bit of dacryphilia oop, explicit language, degradation, unprotected sex (be safe)
| WORD COUNT: 1,647
A/N: so... back to uhhh megumi having a thing for making you cry uhmm 😳 i kinda see megumi as a more soft kinda dom?? idk if that makes sense because he really likes to please you but when you get too need or too annoying he just snaps and goes feral?? yeah anyway lol i hope you like it and it’s what you expected! enjoy!!
Megumi was usually patient with you.
He knew you were quite loud at times when you were with him, reaching the point of being needy, always wanting his attention on you and only you. Even if these occasions weren’t common, He always spoiled you whenever you wanted, rewarding you with the best orgasms of your life. 
However, the moments when you wanted his full attention on you became more and more recurrent lately.
Your small hands made their way under Megumi’s shirt, caressing his bare chest as your lips pressed against his neck while he was studying some book about curses. You wanted him. You heard a small, deep sigh and you smirked; It was working. In the other side, Megumi began to feel something igniting inside of himself, a feeling that came close to how he reacted when his friends were noisy.
“Please~” Your hands came out of his shirt, walking around him until you were in front of him. You were brave enough to take his book out of his hands, placing it on his desk as you sat on one of his knees, legs on each side of it. You smiled in your mind, praising yourself for wearing a skirt that day. His eyes met with yours, a stoic expression you were too focused on changing into a pleasure one. “Megumi, I need you.”
What was it? He couldn’t find the words to describe you right now.
And as he watched you run your hands over his torso until they were about to reach his jeans, a serious expression never leaving his face, jaw clenched, it finally hit him. The words came to his mind as you tried to get some friction for relief, moving against his thigh like-
 “A spoiled brat.” 
Before you could even react to his poisonous remark, one of his hand was already holding you by the back of your neck, pushing you towards him as his lips captured yours roughly. Megumi swallowed each of your moans as his free hand guided your movements against his thigh, already feeling the wetness passing through your underwear and staining his jeans.
When he pulled away, you lingered for more, to stay close to him like that again, but Megumi had other plans. His hand grabbed your chin, his thumb making its way inside your warm mouth as he pressed you down even harder, all the friction going directly to your clit and filling the room with your muffled moans.
“You always have to get away with everything, don’t you?” Megumi’s voice was low and full of annoyance, watching as your tongue played with his thumb and some of your saliva started running down your chin. “Look at you. Can’t even keep your fucking drool inside your mouth. Are you that desperate?”
You could only shake your head no and something inside Megumi snapped. So you were just going to interrupt his study session and then pretend like you were all innocent? He’s had enough with you being needy and he was going to show you.
The way Megumi manhandled you to the bed was new to you, already missing the friction you were getting by his thigh. He placed you on your knees and you looked for support by placing your hands on the headboard, feeling his heavy presence behind you as your skirt was lifted to reveal your underwear and ass.
“Fucking brat.” Megumi let out an almost animalistic growl when his fingers traced your clit over your clothed cunt, his thumb playing with your entrance as you clenched around nothing, whining as your hips pushed back subconsciously. “You’re this wet already from riding my thigh? God, you really wanted to get fucked, didn’t you?”
He wasn’t giving you a chance to answer his question, expertise fingers pushing your panties to the side to finally slip two fingers inside your core, the stretching sting making you moan loudly in pleasure. The squelching sound of your wetness being fucked by his fingers was lewd, and Megumi took notice of this as his free hand unzipped his jeans.
“You’re so messy I could just slide my cock inside you, make that pussy cream all over me.” Megumi brought his chest to press against your back, fingers curling inside you and rubbing that sweet spot you both knew too well. He smirked against your ear as you pushed your head back, a sob coming out of your mouth. “Tell me how much you want my cock to fuck you raw.”
You could feel it. The way the tip of his hard cock was already pressing against your ass cheek. The way Megumi was so turned on he was annoyed. And you could also already feel the way he was going to ruin you. He was already ruining you with his fingers and words alone.
“Megumi, I-I want your cock, please!” You looked over your shoulder at him, tears prickling around your eyes as his fingers kept abusing your cunt, hips trying to meet his thrusts. “Please, Megumi, please I...” A throaty moan interrupted your own words as his fingers slipped out of you suddenly, leaving you with emptiness.
“Not so brave now, huh?” Megumi mocked you as his cock started pushing against your entrance, sliding inside you to the brim in a swift motion. Tears started running down your face thanks to the stretch and the pleasure you were feeling, not being able to hold back your moans anymore and Megumi loved it. “Go on. Tell me how desperate you are for a good fuck.”
His hips started thrusting slow and deep, making you feel every inch of his cock sliding in and out of you. Megumi smirked when he could already see your juices coating all over his shaft. You could only tighten your grip on the headboard, face falling down as your hips pushed back, trying to feel more of him.
“No, no.” His hands gripped your hips, not allowing you to move anymore and you almost complained but you knew better than to do that right now. “You think you can just interrupt me,” This particular thrust went harder, making you go forward and letting out a yelp. “ride my thigh like a desperate slut,” He almost slipped out of you before thrusting again, punctuating his own words with his movements. “and think you can just take control while I fuck you?” Another thrust had you whining loudly, trying to look back at him with a blurry sight by your tears.
“M-Megumi, I’m sorry, please, I need your cock I just-“ The sight of your pink cheeks covered by your tears almost made him explode right there and then, hands gripping your face to make you look at him as his hips started slamming against you in a quick pace. 
“That’s it, baby. Cry for me.” Megumi moaned, his fast and deep thrusts had the tip of his cock rubbing against the sweet spot inside of you as you struggled to keep your eyes open, balls slapping against your ass. “Take my cock like the slutty brat you are.”
And, oh, were you enjoying every moment of this. The way his hands were gripping your face so roughly and the way his cock kept abusing your cunny was driving you insane. Your hold on the headboard was getting weak and when Megumi let go of your face, your body gave up, falling to the mattress, head pressed against your pillow.
Megumi’s hands gripped your hips tightly enough to bruise as he kept fucking you hard and fast, your sobs and moans only pushing him to keep going. You were close. And he could feel it by the way you were clenching around him.
“Tell me you love my cock.” One of his hands grabbed you by the hair, pulling your head back so he could hear you moaning his name more clearly. When he was only met by the slapping noises of your bodies and your loud cries of pleasure, Megumi circled his hips inside you, making you roll your eyes to the back of your head. “Say it, brat. And you better keep crying.”
“I love- love your cock s- much” You babbled out, hands fisting the shits as he kept with his ravishing pace. Megumi couldn’t help but let out a chuckle, watching you get drunk off his cock.
It was just to much. You were so close and gone you felt like passing out if he kept fucking you as hard as he was. Your pussy clenched around him, almost as if your body didn’t want to let him go for even a second, hips trying to meet his movements. You almost screamed when his hand snaked under you, reaching your clit to rub circles around it.
“You gonna cum? Gonna cream all over my cock as I keep fucking your bratty cunt? C‘mon, baby. C’mon, cum around me.”
And his encouraging words plus the attention in your most sensitive part were enough to make you see starts, cumming around him like he told you too as his name fell out of your mouth like a mantra. His hips stilled deep inside you, enjoying the moment of your clenching walls.
“Good girl.” He kissed the back of your shoulder as you were coming down from your high, your cunt sensitive enough that the smallest movement of his cock inside you threw you into overstimulation. And the way Megumi turned you around still impaled on his cock made you cry out, legs wrapping around his waist “But I’m not done with you yet.” 
“F-Fuck!” You moaned as his fingers met your clit once again, arching your back and trying to pull away from his touch.
“You wanted my attention, baby,” Megumi smirked, hard cock throbbing inside you as he slipped out again. “And that’s what you’re going to get, you spoiled brat.”
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yee-fxcking-haw · 4 years
•Forget That Extra•
Summary: Porn with very little plot, just a lot of self induldent smut then some super soft Bakugo. FWB trope and all. This one gets RIGHT INTO THE NEWS (starts with smut immediately) so strap in.
Pairing: Katsuki Bakugo x Reader (both Bakugo and Reader are aged up to 18+)
Warnings: Rough sex, degredation, impact play, choking, ddlg terms, squirting, spitting, dumbification, a dash of breeding/impregnation kink, unprotected sex, overstimulation if you squint, multiple orgasms, marking, possession kink, switch reader, switch Bakugo. (Primarily submissive reader with primarily dominant bakugo.)
Word count: 7,402
A/N: This was,,,, depraved,, and it's only gonna get worse.
Part Two • Part Three
"Fucking- shit- you take this cock so fucking well." Bakugo huffs out as he plows into you from behind, he punctuates his sentence with a harsh slap to your ass. The action earns a high pitched moan from you. Your right hand flies to his headboard, desperate for some kind of a brace against his punishing thrusts.
Sex with Bakugo has always been like this, rough, fast, and urgent. Everything he does in the bedroom is exactly what you would expect from somebody with his explosive personality. You two had started out as "just friends", with immense tension, until one day that tension broke and you introduced the benefits side to your relationship. It happened in an abandoned janitor's closet in the building of the hero agency you both worked at. Ever since then you became Katsuki Bakugo's personal plaything. Your little arrangement had created something truly volatile. One minute you would be all over each other, the next not even willing to speak to each other. You would never cross over the line into an actual relationship, though. That was the only rule set for this shitshow you've both created.
You're in your current predicament because you were caught flirting with some extra at the bar you two were at while Bakugo was in the bathroom. While you're not technically his, he's very territorial. He's decided to teach you a lesson of sorts about flirting behind his back. Something he has no right to do given the dynamic of your relationship, but you're more than willing to pretend if it means he'll rail you like he is right now.
"Who's pussy is this?" He nearly yells as his hand fists into your hair so he can yank you up, your back bends painfully, but you're quickly distracted from the pain by the feeling of his other hand wrapping around your throat.
"I asked you a question bitch, or have I fucked you so stupid you can't even answer?" His tone is nasty, teasing. The harshness of it all renders you incapable of articulating anything. All you can do is moan like a whore while he drills his thick cock in and out of you. His hips slam against your ass and you can feel your juices dripping down the insides of your thighs. Only Bakugo can get you like this, you want to tell him too. You want to stroke his already pompous ego, but all you can do is cry out and take what he's giving you.
"You're so fucking wet, bet you would've let anybody fuck you, huh? You- little -whore." He says the last three words with malice, ramming himself into you as each one leaves his mouth. The hand that isn't on your throat snakes around your waist to tease your clit, he doesn't do much though, just rubs light and slow and it drives you fucking insane. You can feel your body begging for an orgasm, but with the way he's touching you, all you can do is sit on the edge and wait for him to have mercy. Your walls flutter slightly, but not enough to bring you much satisfaction. You groan impatiently, biting your bottom lip hard enough to break the skin. Bakugo chuckles behind you, the sound irritates the hell out of you. Of course he's laughing at you.
"What's wrong baby? Can't cum unless I make you?" He sneers against your neck, he finishes the sentence by releasing your neck just so he can plant his hand between your shoulder blades and force your chest against the bed. Your back arches up in that sinful way you know he loves. His thrusts have slowed slightly, becoming almost gentle, his left hand is still roped around your body so his rough middle finger can trace lazy circles on your clit.
You bury your face in the mattress and cry out, you're right fucking there. Your body is screaming for it, it's like your orgasm is starting but it won't progress past the feeling of falling. It's almost fucking painful. You hear his dark laugh fill the room again and you want nothing more than to turn around and deck him in his handsome face.
He bends down and gathers your hair again, this time his movements are more guiding than demanding. He pulls your roots to turn your face to the side, he presses a sloppy kiss against your temple. His hips continue their lazy push and pull out of your soaked cunt. You let out a pathetic sob like sound and ball the sheets in your fists.
"What is it baby- tell me what you need." He's taunting you again, his voice has that teasing edge. He fucking knows what you want, but he won't give it to you until you say it. Anger bubbles in your chest, creating a strong desire to be defiant. You'll definitely pay for it, but you love it when he gets pissed off.
"I need to cum." You moan, trying to sound pitiful and desperate. You pout slightly, knowing your antics will spur him on.
"Do you think you deserve that?" He growls as he applies just slightly more pressure to your clit, only enough to tease you, making your walls ache and your head spin.
"I bet- fuck Katsuki-" You choke when he pushes himself all the way into you, circling his hips a little once he's fully encased by your soaked hole.
"You bet what?" His voice is dripping with amusement, it pulls you back down to earth long enough to spit out the words you know he'll make you pay for.
"I bet that extra could've made me cum by now." You let your lips pull into a deviant smirk, you look back at him and your chest seizes immediately. His crimson eyes are ablaze with fury, his upper lip pulls up slightly to sneer down at you. He takes a deep breath in, his strong chest expands and your mouth waters at the sweat rolling down his pecs. He stops all movement against you, you internally scream at the loss of stimulation.
He doesn't say a damn word, before you can even say anything to fix this he's ripped himself out of you, his muscular right arm slips around your waist. His hand grabs at your side and he pulls it back swiftly, flipping you onto your back like it's nothing. He leers over you, placing both hands on either side of your head. His movements are slow, almost primal. His gaze is intense and vengeful, you cower beneath him and hold your breath.
He slowly moves his right hand to grasp your chin. You let out a weak breath as soon as his thumb ghosts over your bottom lip. He pulls your soft skin down and you immediately open your mouth to pull his thumb in and swirl your tongue around it. His lack of words and action is making you increasingly nervous for what's going to come next, your heart is hammering in your chest and you have a sick feeling in the pit of your stomach. He's never this quiet during sex. He's always groaning or barking orders at you, did you go too far?
"I'm sure he's still there." He sighs, pushing his thumb further into your mouth.
Your face scrunches in confusion. Where is he going with this?
He braces himself on his knees on either side of your hips, straddling you so he can move his left hand up your body. You steal a glance down between your bodies and see his cock is still painfully hard, glistening with the slick you covered him in. The sight makes you sigh against his hand while your eyes flutter back to his. His left hand snakes over your breast, flicking your nipple on his way, the action makes your body jump and him chuckle. Soon his hand is around your throat again, squeezing in a warning way that makes your heart beat even faster.
"How about I find him and bring him back here for you?" His eyes flicker to your mouth, watching you suck his thumb intently.
"But first…" His hand leaves your mouth abruptly so he can grab your jaw again, your mouth hangs open while he chokes you further.
"I'm gonna cover you in my fucking cum so he knows how much of a whore you are." He spits into your mouth then forces your jaw shut, then gives you a fierce look as he raises his eyebrows. Between his brutal words and his feral appearance, you don't dare push it. You swallow like you know he wants and open your mouth to prove that you've done it.
"Good girl." He almost moans the words.
"Is that what you want then?" He growls, visibly irritated by your lack of argument with the implications that you want somebody else to satisfy you. The hand on your throat tightens even more, causing your own hands to inch towards the vice he's created around your airway.
"No- I don't want that." You gasp out, electricity pulsing through you at the intensity of it all.
"So what do you want?" He asks impatiently.
"You- I fuckin- shit- You Katsuki, I want your cock, nobody else's." You're sputtering, white stars start to spark in your eyes.
He tears himself away from, you gasp as soon as your throat is free of his crushing grip. He maneuvers down your body so he's kneeling between your thighs, he gathers your shaking legs and presses them together, letting them lean to the left side slightly. He reaches down his body and grabs his thick cock to start stroking himself lazily. Your walls clench with longing as his deep red eyes glare at you.
"You want this?" He asks, nodding down at his impressive length.
"Please…" Your voice is absolutely pathetic, laced with need, you find yourself grabbing at the sheets again.
He doesn't say anything else, just rolls his eyes then lines his tip up at your entrance. You hiss at the contact, so desperate to be filled by him again.
Much to your dismay, he's pulled back out as soon as he's pressed himself in. Then you feel the most maddening sensation you've ever experienced. He presses his dick right between your thighs, using your slick as lube. Your eyes roll back and you huff, you feel the sting of tears gathering and gaze up at him with the most pitiful expression.
"Oh, what's the matter?" Bakugo taunts as he slides his length between your soft thighs again.
"You wanted me to fuck you again, huh?" He asks as his hands trail down the backs of your thighs, coming to the curve of your ass to finish his ministrations with a harsh squeeze.
You nod weakly, the horrible ache in your pussy is absolutely maddening. You take in a shuddering breath as you feel your legs begin to shake slightly. Bakugo doesn't miss this in the slightest, in fact, he seems to get a kick out of your desperation. His face lights up in a ferocious and sadistic way, slowly pulling himself in and out of your squished thighs the whole time.
He brings his hands back up to hook them under your knees so he can spread your legs open again. He glares down at your aching entrance and he lets out a condescending chuckle.
His right hand slithers down to your core, he lets his middle finger skate over your puffy clit. Your whole body jolts at the contact, his eyebrow tweaks up at your reaction, that knowing smirk spreads across his face.
"There is one way you can get this cock inside of you again." He drawls.
This grabs your attention shamefully fast, you shift so you're braced on your elbows. He lets himself settle down between your legs so his hot breath can fan over your dripping folds.
"I'll do it, whatever it is, please Katsuki." You're more than just slightly embarrassed to be pleading in this way, but your body needs release desperately, so your pride is nearly non-existent.
"You can squirt for me." His words send a chill right up your spine. You shiver in anticipation and relax against his touch. He presses his lips into the inside of your thigh as his arms snake around your legs so he can hold them against his strong shoulders. He gives you a few more gentle kisses, nipping your heated skin every once in a while.
His eyes flicker up to yours, the beautiful scarlet irises are flooded with lust and his pupils are blown wide. The sight of him looking at you like that from between your legs makes your chest ignite with exhilarating desire. He opens his mouth, letting his tongue loll out, not breaking eye contact for a second. He flicks the tip of it over your clit with lightning speed, you throw your head back and huff at his agonizing teasing.
You're jolted back to reality with smack the side of your leg with brutal force. The sharp sting makes your walls contract as a whimper leaves your throat.
"Eyes on me, sweet girl." He mumbles against you, lips pressing into your clit as he sighs.
You internally scream, you want to tell him to use his mouth on you, you want to tell him to quit his teasing and be a man. You don't fucking dare though, you're miserable enough.
Then he finally licks a long strip up your lips, letting the tip of his tongue flick your clit like he did seconds ago. This time he applies more pressure and moves slower. Your body reacts instantly, cunt clenching as your thighs jerk inwards. He absolutely hates that, he growls and pulls his hands from your hips to press them against the insides of your thighs so he can pry your legs open.
"Don't make me tie these down." He warns, giving you no time to answer before pressing his hot mouth back against where you need him most.
You cry out but you don't dare let your head fall back, remembering his command from before. Your head is spinning and your body is trembling against your will. He's completely devouring you, his mouth is creating lewd smacking sounds as he tongues your aching clit. Before you can't even process it when you feel two of his thick fingers shove into your fluttering cunt.
"Fucking hell, Katsuki!" You cry as he starts to pump his digits in and out of you, his tongue doesn't slow down at all as he finger fucks you furiously.
Your nerves are on fire as the pleasure in your center builds until you're on the edge again. Your body's reaction is to squeeze your legs together. Just as you start to pull them inwards slightly Katsuki raises the hand that isn't two knuckles deep inside you and lets it fall against the inside of your thigh with a crack. The sweet sting makes you moan, you're pushed even closer to your release and you feel an unnatural pressure build close to where he's working your cunt.
"I'm gonna- oh my god- Baby, I'm gonna-" You spit the words out between gasps, the confirmation that you're about to give him what he wants only spurs him on further. His fingers move even quicker, he lets them curl up against the sponge-like skin, jerking his wrist harshly. As soon as the pads of his fingers find that sweet spot inside you, the dam breaks. Your body collapses against the bed as your back arches off the sweat soaked sheets.
"Oh that's it baby girl, that's what I wanna see." He huffs out as you start to squirt around his fingers. He's replaced his tongue with his other hand, letting his middle finger flick your clit in fervent up and down motions. The change of stimulation has you crying out and thrashing your head as you squirt forcefully, the feeling is so foreign and intense. Blinding pleasure catches every single nerve of your body on fire as your pussy clenches and gushes against him. It's almost embarrassing but it feels so incredible.
"-Feels so fucking good, Suki don't fucking stop." You wail, hands grasping at the bed as your hips lift up. Your cunt gives him one last powerful burst as you sob his name over and over.
He keeps his hands working against you, but slows his movements down as he watches your body ease back out of its rapturous pleasure. As soon as you're flat against the mattress again and he sees you catch your breath, he rips his hands away from you. You want to object, but before you can he's shoving his fingers into your mouth. Your own spunky flavor spreads across your taste buds as you suck him into your mouth so you can clean your release off.
"First of all, don't tell me what to do." He huffs as he pulls his fingers out so he can capture your jaw in a possessive grasp.
"Second of all, I'm not going to stop until you want to fucking worship me." His words send you reeling, still trying to catch your breath from the electrifying orgasm he's just given you.
He bends down and kisses you fiercely, all teeth and tongue as he claims your mouth.
He pulls away and settles back onto his knees between your legs. His hands trail down your sides, his feathery touch raises goosebumps all over your flushed skin.
"You were such a good girl." He mumbles as his hand comes to grasp his hard length, he strokes it lazily as he looks down at you.
You lick your lips at the sight, of course he doesn't miss the action. He lets out a patronizing chuckle.
"Is this what you want?" He asks with a mocking tone.
"Yes." You say quietly, your voice is ragged from your previous cries.
His eyebrows shoot up as he lets himself drop to cage you with his arms. He shoves your drenched thighs apart with his knee so he can settle between them. He presses himself against your folds and you his at the teasing sensation.
"Yes what, baby?" The sweet nickname betrays his menacing tone.
Your hands slide up to claw at his muscular sides, your lip quivers and your thighs squeeze his hips.
"Yes, Daddy, I want you to ruin me with that cock." Your voice is light and begging, just like he likes it.
He glares down at you, still pissed at you for bringing up the guy from the bar, but you see the small crack in his facade at your confession. You decide to keep running with your little desperate act. Well, it's not really an act, you truly are so fucking desperate for him. Pride be damned, you need to get railed.
"I'm so sorry I said anything about that stupid extra." You sigh, letting your hands slide up his tense abs.
"He could never make me feel like you do. Nobody ever could." Your hands find their place on the sides of his face, you let your hips roll up against his aching length as you bat your eyelashes.
"Do you mean that?" He asks. The tone in his voice throws you off. He's the one that sounds desperate now, like he wants you to keep reassuring him. Of course he fucking does. He said it himself, he wants you to worship him.
"Nobody has ever made me come that hard before." You admit. His face almost quivers at your words. You take advantage at the moment of weakness, you wrap your strong thighs around his hips and flip you both so you're straddling him. It's a gamble of a move given how much you just pissed him off, but he's all too ready to have his ego stroked. He submits to you beautifully, allowing you to settle on top of his lap so you can run your slick center on his needy dick. His hands cling to your hips, finger tips digging in when you rake your own hands through his messy blonde spikes.
"You make me feel so good, Suki." You whisper against his ear, reveling in the way his entire body relaxes. Maybe he doesn't need to dominate you, maybe he needs you to prove your devotion to him.
"Yeah? Is that right?" He tries to maintain his intimidating tone, but the feeling of his tip against your soaking hole makes him bite his lip while his eyes roll back.
"That's right baby, your name is the only name I want to scream." You punctuate your sentence with a nip at the soft skin under his ear.
A sweet, breathy moan escapes his throat. Now it's your turn to be power hungry.
You snake your hand up to his jaw, letting your fingers grasp the tense flesh with a delicate hold. His eyes meet yours and it takes every ounce of self control in your body to hold you back from jumping on his dick right that second. He's looking up at you with big, doe like eyes. Desperation is etched on every handsome feature, it's enough to make your knees go weak.
"Can I please make you feel good?" You ask sweetly, letting your thumb trace over his kiss-swollen bottom lip. He just nods and sighs, never letting his eyes leave yours for a second.
You roll your hips against him again, the action only makes his grip on your hips tighten as he throws his head back.
"You're already doin' that." He huffs out. His cheeks have a dusting of blush across them. He looks so beautiful like this, all flushed and desperate. You've never really been in control before, not like this anyway. Sure, you've been on top, but you've never seen Bakugo so… submissive?
You grab the sides of his face instinctively, pulling him towards you to place a gentle kiss on his lips. He moans into your mouth as he lets his hands snake around your waist to pull you against him. He lifts your torso against his and you bite his bottom lip when you feel the tip of his dick press into your dripping hole. You pull away to glance down at him and you notice the strained look in his ruby eyes.
"Don't hold back, pretty boy." You breathe out. Your words break his resolve completely, he snarls at you as he plants his feet on the bed so he can drive his cock into you with one sharp thrust. You scream his name and throw your hands out to brace against the headboard.
"Are you sure about that, princess?" He taunts as he pulls out again, stopping once his head is pressed at your entrance again.
"Yes- fuck- please fuck me like tha- FUCK!" You don't get a chance to finish your begging, he sinks himself into you again but this time he doesn't stop. His pace is immediately unforgiving, your whole body starts to shake and all you can do is cry out with each thrust.
"That's it, fuckin' scream for me, baby." He pants. His mouth then moves to attack your neck with hot open mouthed kisses and nips. Whiny moans fall from his lips between each bite. The sweet sting of his teeth against the delicate skin sends shocks of pleasure straight to your core where you're being split open by his incredibly harsh thrusts.
"I don't want to ever hear you talk about another man like that, not when I can fuck your cunt like this." He gasps when the words make you clamp down on him even more than you already are. His possessive statement makes you want to submit completely, any hint of the dominance you felt seconds ago flies from your brain. You're left with nothing but the need to surrender and please him.
"I'm sorry." You sob against his shoulder as he kisses your cervix with his pounding.
"For what?" He grunts. He's testing you now, seeing just how far you've slipped into your submissive headspace.
"I'm sorry for even talking to him. He's nothing compared to you, Dynamight." Your voice is filled with broken desperation, your mind is set on earning atonement for your behavior at the bar.
The name sends him over the edge, without stopping his hips he flips you both over so he can shove your back into the bed. One hand flies to the headboard while the other comes down to form a vice around your throat. He doesn't choke you though, just applies enough pressure to keep you on edge. His mind is set more on possession than punishment now.
"Is this how I get you to behave? I gotta fuck you senseless so you'll fucking act right?" He snarls at you, nothing but fury in his eyes as he buries himself in you again and again.
You nod your head furiously, your jaw drops when he delivers a particularly rough thrust that sets all of your nerves on fire. Drool slips out of the side of your mouth and you feel hot tears fall from your eyes. Your legs tremble around him and your hands cling to the sheets as you moan and sob beneath him.
"Who makes you feel this good?" He barks.
"You do." You say pitifully, immediately kicking yourself for not answering him the way you're supposed to.
In a flash his hand has left your throat so he can send his knuckles cracking across your cheek as he back hands you with a growl. The hand comes back to grab your jaw and jerk your head to face him, he brings his hips to an agonizing pace. He rolls his body against your a few times before pressing himself into you completely, then he stops moving completely. You cry and squirm against the painful stretch, blinking up at him with blurry, tear filled eyes.
"You have one more chance." He says against your ear, voice low and full of warning. He lets his hand squeeze your face even more, inevitably decorating your jaw with little bruises.
"Who makes you feel this good?" He asks you again, his voice has a slight tremor to it, giving you a heads up that now is not the time to push him.
"You do, sir." You gasp, another sob wracking your body. You want to push your hips up against his to gain back even a trace of the feeling he was previously giving you. Your body trembles like a leaf when you realize how pathetic your voice still sounds, knowing he won't be satisfied.
"Speak up, bitch." He says, letting his palm crack across your other cheek. The pain makes your pussy clench around him, he just chuckles at your slutty behavior.
"You do, sir!" You try to scream, but you just end up crying. You know you have to look like an absolute wreck.
Out of your peripheral vision his hand moves again and you brace for impact, but he shocks you by placing his hand gently against your check. The hand on the headboard comes down to rest beside your head, letting his body come even closer to you. You gaze up at him and wait with baited breath for his next command.
"That's my girl. Now, beg." He says plainly as he pulls his hips back by barely an inch to rock back into you. The motion pushes more tears out of your eyes and more drool from your mouth.
"Please fuck me, Daddy, please- OH FUCK!" Just like that he's ripping you apart again with his relentless thrusts.
"Thank you, sir! Thank you thank you thank you." You cry like a prayer as your eyes drill shut and your back arches off the bed, your walls seize up and your muscles quake when you hear him moaning praises.
"You're so fucking tight, princess." He knows what he's doing, he knows exactly what to say when you're like this, and it's fucking perfect.
"Thank you, daddy." You sob against the hand still pressed to your cheek, you're both surrendering now. Your bodies are aching for that sweet euphoria you offer each other after all this teasing. His other hand mirrors the one holding your cheek so he can cradle your face and lean his forehead against yours. The tenderness sends you careening towards your orgasm, but you know better than to finish without permission.
"Can I please cum." You beg as your hands slide to his back so you can drag your nails down the sweat soaked skin.
"Not yet, you better fuckin' hold it." He huffs out above you, he brings himself back up to brace on one arm. The other slides down to flip one of your legs up so he can hook it around his elbow. The way this new position has your hips angled is absolutely maddening for both of you. You're spread so wide for him that he's able to plunge into you to the hilt with every thrust, and the way your leg is hiked up makes you feel even tighter around him. An all too familiar pressure builds in your core, your walls flutter and your abs tense as the muscles in your cunt shutter.
"I'm gonna fuckin' squirt again." You pray he doesn't punish you for stating it instead of asking if you could, but the look in his eyes tells you he's not in an orgasm ruining mood. His red eyes light up with an animalistic glare, wild blonde hair glued to his forehead by the sweat pouring out of his overworked body.
"Fuckin' do it then, slut. Let me feel that messy cunt cum all over my cock." That's all it takes.
Your hand flies down to assault your clit, and the stimulation sends you straight into your electric orgasm. Your body convulses against Katsuki as your cunt spasms and gushes around his cock, you revel in the sweet pleasure that spreads between your legs and sob out broken cries. He doesn't slow down his thrusts in the slightest, if anything he speeds up. The sight of you squirting around him turns him completely feral.
"Oh fuck yeah, good girl, fuckin' soak me." His voice shifts to that beautiful higher pitch that makes him sound so needy.
You let out gasps and shrill moans as you come undone, between your fingers and his thrust your release is being spread all over the two of you, inevitably ruining the sheets as well.
"Thank you sir- fuck! Thank you for making me squirt." You moan, fingers slowing down as the gushing from your cunt stops. Nerves twitching with the aftershocks of your blinding release, you gain some mental clarity. As Katsuki continues to drill into you, you make sure to not let your walls relax, desperate to see him come undone. You know exactly what he needs. He needs that big ass ego stroked.
His thrusts slow slightly, setting a much less brutal pace. It's not the slow, sloppy pace he sets when he's close, though. His face is scrunched up in deep concentration, breath leaving his lungs in harsh puffs. While he has stamina unmatched by anybody you've ever slept with, he is human. His body is exhausted from all of the exertion it took to get you to finish so forcefully, you look down his body and see his muscles twitching under his lovely, porcelain skin. You owe him after that, big time. It's your turn to make him a mess.
"You ruined me, Daddy." You say as you watch his eyebrows squeeze together, your tone is feather soft as you run your fingers along his sides. His body reacts with a gorgeous shutter, now you've got him.
"You're the only one baby, only you can make me cum that hard." A stunning moan leaves his throat, your sweet talk is doing a number on him, and a wicked idea enters your brain.
"Let me ride you, please, I wanna make it up to you." You beg.
"Make what up to me?" He's so caught off guard by your request, and the fact that he doesn't immediately know what you're talking about tells you he's hanging on by a thread.
"I was such a bad girl, Daddy. I gotta make it up to you." You say with a sweet, innocent tone. Another gentle moan leaves his mouth and his hips stall slightly. That's the exact window you were looking for. You use the same move you did earlier to roll yourself on top. He huffs out as his back meets the mattress, cock still buried inside you. Your hips settle down against his as you lean forward to press your torso against his. One strong hand slides to squeeze your ass while the other sneaks up your side to grab your breast, skilled fingers pinch the nipple and you hiss at the stimulation. You roll your hips against his as your body sings for him.
"Please, baby." He sighs, leaning up to press a kiss against your collar bone.
The gentleness of his request makes your head spin, as well as his willingness to ask so sweetly. Katsuki doesn't ask for anything in the bedroom, or in general. Seeing him in this submissive state makes your mind and body buzz. If you were in a more sadistic mood, you might want to hear him beg a little more, but your body is already so worn from the intense orgasms he's put you through. You settle for lazily rolling your hips against him, gazing down to watch every gorgeous expression cross his fucked out face. His head falls back and his eyes flutter shut, his lips part as and a strained moan leaves his mouth.
"Look at me, baby, please, I want you to watch me." You coo, letting your hands slide up to run through his messy hair. He opens his mouth to say something, probably sass you for even remotely attempting to give him an order. He's cut off as you raise your hips to back down on his length suddenly.
"Oh shit, keep doin' that." He glances down between your bodies, desperate to see where you're connected.
"This?" You tease as you raise your hips again to repeat the motion, this time setting a gentle pace as you bounce on his cock.
"Yeah, just like that, good girl." He sighs, head falling back. Of course he's not going to listen to your request for him to keep his eyes open, even when he's the one underneath you, he won't be told what to do. You're not in the mood to challenge him though, your overstimulated body is already responding to the feeling of him inside you. You sit up and throw your hair over your shoulder as you bring yourself down against him with more force. You grab his wrists and drag his leathery hands up your sides, causing his eyes to snap open as he lifts his head up to gaze at your bouncing breasts.
"Play with me, Daddy, please." You moan softly, guiding his hands up to grasp your tits. He squeezes them greedily and groans at the feeling of the soft flesh. You plant your hands on his strong chest and focus all of your energy into riding him. As your hips snap down against him, he fills you perfectly and you feel your own orgasm starting to build. You're on a mission though, Katsuki has to cum now, and you know exactly how to make that happen.
"Fuck- I wanna feel you cum baby, please fill me up." You beg as you throw your head back, his hands fly to your waist at your confession and his fingers dig into you.
"Yeah? You desperate for Daddy's cum?" He's maintaining his dominance, but his resolve is crumbling.
You nod fervently, grabbing his right hand so you can bring it to your mouth. You take his thumb into your mouth and wrap your pouty lips around it, you feel drool drip out of your mouth to slide down your chin and land on your chest. You look down to see him watching you like a hawk, eyes glued to the spit sliding between your breasts. You let his thumb fall out of your mouth so you can dirty talk some more.
"Make me yours, put a fuckin baby in me, Suki." You throw yourself forward so you can plant your hands beside his head and bare down on his cock even more. Obscene, wet, smacking sounds fill the room as your sopping cunt slams down on his length repeatedly.
"I'll make you mine, slut, I'll fuckin fill you up." He huffs out.
"I'll put a baby in that perfect body, ruin you for everyone else- shit, baby- I'm gonna cum, I'm gonna fuckin cum." As he finishes his sentence his voice climbs a few octaves, starting at his usual manly tenor to end at a pitiful wine.
"You feel so good Daddy, let me feel you cum, I wanna make you feel good." You run a hand down his chest, letting your nails leave angry red marks in their wake. He throws his head back to cry out as his hips buck against you, the sight sends you hurtling into another earth shattering orgasm. It's so fucking perfect, as soon as he starts cumming your walls start pulsing around him. You both still against each other as you feel him start to fill you up with ropes of his hot cum. You collapse onto his chest as you both work your hips against each other, moaning incoherent praises about how good you both did. You ride out your orgasms in tandem, his beautiful, broken moans fill your ears as hot tears cascade down your pink cheeks.
You both pant as you come back down, nerves firing and bodies twitching. You bring your face up to glance down at him. His ruby eyes flutter open to meet yours, his hands move gingerly up your body. His fingertips glide over the bruises already forming on the skin he abused with his teeth. He moves to press a thankful kiss against your battered neck. You run your fingers through his hair and let out a content hum at his affectionate gesture.
He continues to place kisses up your neck, across your jaw, then he grabs your chin so he can tilt your face to the left to kiss where the impact of his knuckles have welted the skin. He does the same with the other cheek so he can kiss where he slapped you on that side.
"Let's get you cleaned up." He mumbles against your flushed face. He timidly slips his softening cock out of your well used hole, you feel warm liquid leak out and spread down your thighs, but at this point it's impossible to know who it's from. You roll off of him and huff when your back hits the bed. He slides off and stands with his hand out for you, you take it and wince when you stand. Your legs threaten to give out, trembling beneath you as you attempt to walk.
"Come here you big baby." He rolls his eyes and scoops you up bridal style. You sigh and lean your head against his shoulder as he hauls you off to the bathroom. He gently sets you in the large claw foot bathtub, you shiver as the frozen porcelain bites your hot skin.
"Here, move forward." He says simply, you obey thoughtlessly. He slides in behind you after flipping the faucet on. He gathers your hair in his hands then moves it over your shoulder so it can fall across your chest when you lean back against him. He brings a hand up to smooth the hair sticking to your sweaty forehead back, placing a sweet kiss to your temple while he does so.
Your eyes flutter closed and you bask in the warmth of his aftercare. Katsuki might be a rockstar in bed, but he really shines in the quiet moments after. He always cares for you like you're something precious that he doesn't want to break. The thought sends a pang of longing through your chest, knowing the security he offers after his rough sex isn't the result of romance.
"Thank you, sir," You sigh out as the water rises over your shaking legs. He smiles against your head, amused at you still addressing him with the name he demands you use in the bedroom, knowing you're still stuck in your obedient headspace.
"Use my name, baby." He says, coaxing you back out of it.
"Thank you, Suki." He hums at the nickname as he reaches for your hand, bringing the back of it to his soft lips.
Soon the water has covered both of your bodies completely, you reach your foot out to turn the faucet off. The heat of the water feels devine against your exhausted muscles, your legs stop trembling and you relax against Katsuki.
"Can we talk?" He asks, head dropping to kiss along the shoulder not covered by your hair.
"What about?" You ask, taking his hand in yours to observe the scars littering his broad palm.
"I meant it." He says, voice deep and intentional.
"Meant what?" You inquire, bringing his hand up to kiss it like he had yours.
"Be mine." He says it like it's obvious, like you should've known better.
Your heart soars at the proposition, but you have to make sure he isn't just talking out of his ass because he's high on endorphins.
"Suki, we agreed that-"
"I know what we fuckin' agreed on." He says gruffly, there's the harsh Bakugo you know.
"I changed my mind." He says, taking a deep breath after changing his tone back to a more caring one.
"Plus I'm doing you a favor." He says, voice laced with mischief.
"How so?" You ask.
"This way you won't have bad sex with lame extras." He states, making you both laugh a little.
"Yeah, good point." You giggle. You turn so you can straddle him, water splashing around you as you do so.
His hands find their home on your waist and his eyes study your face as you settle on his lap.
"You can't have all your ladies though." You sigh, giving a fake pout as you bring your hands up to cradle his face.
"There haven't been any others since this started." His honesty nearly knocks the wind out of you.
"What?" You ask, absolutely dumbfounded.
"Nobody but you." He confirms, leaning up to kiss across your collar bones. He presses his lips into your skin again and again, you pull his face away to look down at him seriously.
"I don't like seeing you with anyone else, I don't want anyone else to have you." He looks up at you through his lashes, an unusual look in his eyes.
"Ok." You breathe out, causing his eyebrows to raise, an almost excited look on his face.
"I'm yours, Suki." You smile down at him. A rare grin spreads across his handsome face and his lips are on yours instantly, kissing you passionately as his arms snake around to grab at your hips.
"Say it again." He mumbles against your lips, still smiling like a fool.
"I'm all yours, Dynamight." You say with a wry smile.
He chuckles, low and dark, before scooping you up by grabbing you under your thighs. You giggle as he pulls you out of the water, he moves quickly back into the bedroom then throws you on the bed. You laugh as you bounce against the mattress.
"What are you doing? We're gonna get the sheets wet!" You yell.
"We already did that, sweetheart." He laughs as he crawls over you.
"Plus, you're my woman now-" He grabs your waist and starts kissing down your stomach, your body reacts to him immediately, head thrown back as his kisses inch lower.
"I've fucked you, now I've gotta make love to you." He says against your hip bone, punctuating his sentence with a sweet bite.
The promise of something so passionate with Bakugo has you reeling. You're more than ready for whatever he has planned for tonight.
"Take me, sparky." You tease, letting him spread your legs.
"Oh baby, I'll do more than that." And just like that, you're seeing stars again.
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rinstars · 4 years
clean up
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pairing: college!sukusa kiyoomi x reader
genre: smut
word count: 1.6k+
tags: cunnilingus, penetration, size kink, a bit of degradation/dumbification(?), choking, probably more but i suck at tags.
note: not as long and didn't proofread as much cause i did this on a whim (again) but here's frustrated sakusa cause you didn't watch him practice like you usually do and he missed you. basically, university/college au cause i don't write them as high school students! always always 18+
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"you didn't come to see me in practice." you looked up from the desk to see sakusa entering the sliding doors of your classroom. he quietly walks over to you, the mask strapped on his face unable to hide his obvious distate at your absence. he leans on the teacher's desk in front, calloused palms pressed flat on the wood to support him as he looks down on you.
"sorry, baby. lots of council stuff to finish." you look up to him pouting, but his glare on you is hard and unmoving – making you press your thighs together as your body heats up with arousal. with the slight bob of his head, he motions you to stand up and get closer to him as he removes the mask from his face.
the moment you sprung up to your feet, you wrap your arms around him, nestling your head on the crook of his neck. one of his hands traveled all the way down to the back of your thighs, guiding you to lift it so one of your knees are resting on the table while the other one remains standing between his legs. you rest a bit of your weight on him, attempting to sit down on his thigh so you're stradling it. you groan in annoyance as his firm grip pulls you back by the waist.
then all of a sudden, without warning, he licks a bold stripe on your ear before whispering, "shhh patience... missed my baby girl."
your breaths slowly get shallower by the second as he continues licking and biting your lobe, the hand on the back of your thigh slowly disappearing to find its way below your skirt. you whimper as the pads of his fingers press on your sopping clit, rubbing small circles through the thin underwear. "missed this little pussy."
your fingers grip the hairs on the back of his head, slowly grinding on his hand as he continues pressing open-mouthed kisses on your jaw. he hooks his fingers on the band of your underwear as he tries to tug it down with one hand. when he successfully manages to get it on the floor with your help, he pulls back to look you in the eye. he flips you around to switch your positions and hoists you up the table so you're sitting on it.
"spread your legs." he simply murmured, making you twitch in excitement as you slowly opened your legs, skirt bunched up to the sides. his eyes follow your every movement, pupils dilating in hunger as he stares at your glistening pussy.
"omi, touch me now, please." you pathetically beg, spreading your folds even further with the use of your two fingers so he can get a clearer look of the way you're repeatedly clenching into nothing.
he kneels in front of you, thumb collecting moisture as he runs it softly on your protruding clit. "already making a fucking mess. you're creaming so much, it's soaking the damn wood."
his face inches closer and closer to your cunt and you close your eyes, waiting for the warm contact of his tongue – but it never comes. not when he suddenly spits harshly on your pussy, making you yelp both in surprise and pleasure. you feel his spit slowly run down from your bud to your slit – almost at the table when sakusa's tongue suddenly connects with your folds to collect it instead, making you cry out.
the one time sakusa is willing to be messy is when he's lewding you. he doesn't care if you're dripping on the sheets, the floor, all over him. he loves seeing your cunny get swallowed by your wetness.
"my sweet little slut." he groans, sending a series of vibrations through your core as he laps and flicks your clit over and over – drinking whatever drips out of your hole.
"o-omi, ah, yes baby, j-just like that." you squirm against him, panting with your head thrown back. "your t-tongue, put it.. ah shit – put your tongue in, please."
he forces his tongue inside you, wriggling it a little to fit it into your hole as he uses his fingers to roughly rub your already sore clit, making you grip the edge of the table. he interchanges his fingers and tongue after a moment, sinking two fingers inside you and scissoring it as he sucks on your bud.
"gonna cum, omi." you sob, grabbing a fist of his hair and pressing his face harder to you as you slowly rock your hips.
he just hums into you, encouraging and giving you permission to let go. you soon feel your juices flow out along with the sighs escaping from your mouth. when you looked down at him, he's peering at you through his lashes, lips shining with your slick. his tongue glides past his lips as he stands up, pulling you closer to him.
"that's enough prep time, right baby?" he coos at you as he removes the knot on his training pants, sliding it down his thighs. "you'll take me balls deep and let me fuck you dumb?"
you shook with both desire and fear. sakusa is long and thick, lined with prominent veins. the first time you both did it, you cried so much with barely the tip in. by the time he's halfway in, you're already panting from overstimulation. even now, no matter how many times you've done it already, even when your insides are already taking his shape, you can't help but shed tears when he fucks you. that's why he always takes time to prep you, get you wet and stretched enough.
"be gentle, omi." you plead him, reaching out to touch his face. he places his hand on top of yours, giving it a squeeze before pulling it away and eyeing you with mischief.
"you didn't come to see me in practice." he repeats, hand wrapped around his cock as he slowly pumps himself, spreading the pre-cum leaking from his tip. "bad girls get their little cunt punished and split apart."
tears blur your vision as he comes near you, aligning his cock on your opening. you gently grab his forearm and prepare yourself for the impact of his cock slamming into you. you waited as you felt sakusa pull back a little before burrying himself in you, making you scream out and tighten your grip around his arm.
his hands immediately found your mouth, covering it to prevent you from making any more sound. "fuck, quiet down, baby.. unless you want someone to see you? is that what you want, hmm? someone watching you cream around my fat cock while i split you apart?"
you bit his palm to prevent yourself from making a sound as tears continue flowing down your cheeks and into his fingers. you couldn't hold back the gasp when you looked down at your connected bodies to see that only half of his length managed to slip in. he roughly goes in and out a couple of times, accepting whatever you have to offer at the moment as he helps you adjust a little.
when you feel him start to pound the rest of his length into you, your eyes rolled back, touching his waist in an attempt to make me go slowly.
"omi, n-no more – ah ah you're gonna split me apart, you're gonna break me, p-please yoomi you're too big." your muffled voice resonates through the room.
he completely pulls away from you, leaving you empty without his cock inside you. he steadies your head to face him and look at him in the eyes as he slams all of himself to you, making your body shake both in pleasure and pain. you vision whitens when you feel his tip right at your cervix, touching the spongy area inside you.
"hm? then break for me, little one." he moves his hand from your mouth to your throat, squeezing gently while the other one wraps around your waist.
he pounds into you over and over, making you feel every single vein rub through your walls as you take his shape. his hold on your throat prevents you from making any sound – the wet squelching sounds of your cunt being ripped apart along with his grunts the only thing audible.
"you're gushing so fucking disgustingly around me – fuck, stop clenching me like that, i can't move." he grunts, not out of anything but pure pleasure. he loves it. he loves seeing you wrap him in your stickiness, sucking him dry as you tighten around him.
your toes curl as you feel orgasm flooding your body. you look at him with desperation, and he nods to you, understanding what you're trying to say. he lets go of your throat to pinch your nipples through the sheer white of your uniform, closing the distance between you as he sucks your neck.
with one last moan, you spasm around his cock while your own fingers circle your clit to ride your high. you feel his cock start twitching inside you and you hear him suck in a breath before he, too, spills his seed in your walls, filling you to the brim.
he stays unmoving in your cunt, watching you fail to accommodate all of the juices flowing in you as it falls to the floor. after you both catch your breath, he grabs your face gently, turning you to him so he can press a soft kiss on your lips before hugging you to him.
"did it hurt a lot? are you okay?" he strokes your hair, pressing comforting kisses on your temple. you soften with his touch, assuring him it's fine.
you both stay like that for a moment before he pulls his pants back up, walking away from you to one of the cabinets in the room. you laugh as you realize he's getting cleaning supplies to fix the mess you both caused. luckily, you both finished your duties in practice and council late so you don't have to worry much about getting caught (except probably a few more students who also has things to do).
"well help me clean up your damn mess." he lazily glares at you from across the room, making you reach over to your discarded underwear on the floor and slip it on before grabbing one of the mops from him.
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note: thank u for 100 followers :D
ghoultobio / risaki © 2020 | all content and its rights belong to me. do not modify or repost.
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seiyasabi · 3 years
Yamaguchi’s Awakening
(Here’s a Yandere Yamaguchi Tadashi x Female Reader story :PP I know you only mentioned a Mommy fic, but I kinda added a lil more ‘spice’ to that lol, so I hope that’s okay! If not, feel free to message me! Also, he’s known the stutter, so I made it a bit prevalent in the story. Sorry if that’s annoying.
TW: !Noncon/dubcon!, Mommy kink!, !You are p mean lol, Painslut Yama!, Masochist Yama!, You physically fight him but he loves it, practically wrestles you to the floor!, thigh fucking, creampie!, Calls himself baby boy but alternates that w ‘pig slut!’, etc.. 
Please proceed with caution!) 
You woke up to Tadashi’s moans, eyes practically popping open in both terror and confusion. You’d taken a nap whilst waiting for him to come home from work, but you hadn’t expected to wake up to such a lewd sound. 
Pushing yourself up with shaky arms, your slip’s thin straps slide off of your moisturised shoulders, causing more of your cleavage to show in the skimpy garment. Tired eyes land on the green haired man’s slumped form, his long, lean body practically falling off of a plush chair on the other side of the room. His large hand is fisting his cock at an alarming pace, while his hips stutter upwards to meet his ministrations. 
“What the hell are you doing?” You frown in mild annoyance, scoffing in disgust. Is he really getting off to your sleeping form? 
“Mu-Mommy!” His face is pulled into the perfect Ahegao expression, tongue lolling out stupidly, as drool drips down his chin. Beads of sweat intermix with his perfectly scattered freckles, and if it weren’t for the fact that Tsukishima helped him kidnap you, you most likely would have found it arousing, “Puh-Please pu-punish me! I-I’m such a-a bad boy!” 
Screwing your face up in disgust, you practically spit venom at him, “Oh my God, you’re fucking disgusting. How dare you-” 
With a loud whine, he cums. His liquidy release coats his chest in large streaks, partially splashing himself in the face with his own spunk. The liquid creates a large puddle on the floor, demonstrating just how much semen he’s stored in his purple tinged balls. The sight before you has left you absolutely speechless, as Tadashi keens and whines for you to punish him. 
“Please, please, Mommy! I-I need you to-” 
“What the actual fuck did I just witness?” Your eyes never leave the puddle on your room’s wood look tile, “Oh my God, you’re such a disgusting pervert.”
At your words, the freckled man practically throws his naked body onto your lap, “Yu-you chose me! That means that you love me, right? A-and if Mommy loves me, she should punish me for being bad! Please hit me!” His previously softened cock is now standing back at attention, humping at your exposed legs. 
One of your perfectly manicured hands (thanks to Yamaguchi’s hard work) shoves his head off of your stomach, “Get the fuck off of me! Clearly, I chose wrong, because you’re just a slobbering pig!” Tears bead his large eyes, but the tall man doesn’t back down. He continues to try to rut against you, causing your shoves to become more violent, until you effectively shove him off of your bed. He lands on the hard ground with a ‘smack,’ as he moans on impact. 
“Ye-yes! Hi-hit me mu-more! I de-deserve it, your baby bu-boy deserves it!” He tries once more to crawl his way onto you, but you react far quicker than him. You use the ball of your foot to push him away by the forehead, dropping him back onto the cold floor. 
“Stay the fuck away from me! I knew I should’ve liked your asshole for a best friend, at least he wouldn’t be such a fucking weirdo!” You push yourself off of your bed, trying to escape to the bathroom, but it’s to no avail. Tadashi, in some sort of lucidity, drags you to the ground with him. His lean form tries to trap you to the floor, but your thrashing limbs and harsh elbows keep him from getting too close, “Stop it! Let go of me-”
“Du-don’t say you want someone else! Your precious piggy will do anything you want! Let your baby boy make his Mommy feel good!” You end up on your back, allowing your hands to worm their way between the two of you, and create a small distance. Taking full advantage of that, you get a single hand up by your face, which gives you the perfect opportunity to slap the dogshit out of the feral man. 
He moans breathily, as if he’s savouring the feeling of your harsh touches, “You’re fucking pathetic, Yamaguchi. No one would willingly choose you, which is why you lied and manipulated me!” You smack him multiple more times, his freckled, drooly cheeks quickly becoming bright red. You force your knees against his toned stomach, kneeing him uncomfortably in the ribs, which he just pushed more of his weight on. 
“Yes! Yes! Tell me more of the things you hate about me! Your harsh words are almost enough to make me cum!” Screwing up your face in absolute fury, you punch him in the throat, whilst simultaneously kicking him in the cock, causing him to cum immediately with a small scream, “Mu-Mommy, your piggy is cumming!” His hot, watery cum lands on your slip clad body, making you want to vomit. So, in a last ditch effort, you shove him off whilst he’s still recovering from a second intense orgasm. 
Scrambling to your feet, you make a break for the bathroom door, only to be dragged down to the floor by a firm grip on your ankle. Tadashi’s hot, wet body slots itself on top of yours, effectively pinning you down. Although he may be quite slim, his sheer size is enough to weigh you down. 
“Get off of me! You’re fucking sick!” He pants next to your ear, practically trying to mount you like a dog. His chest is firmly against your back, pushing down your lower half. His knees spread yours apart, allowing him to slot himself between your legs. 
You try to hit him, but because he’s behind you, your hits don’t land very hard. Both of his hands fumble whilst he tries to push your panties down, causing you to thrash even more than before. Growing tired of your ministrations, he rips the garment from your pussy. 
“Stop it! Yamaguchi, get off of me! Don’t do this to me!” Tears drip down your face in thick rivulets, as you sob in pure fury, “I-I’ll never forgive you! I’ll never forgive a pathetic fuck like you! I should have never become your friend- you don’t deserve any!” He lightly moans at your words, not quite listening to what you have to say, but enjoying your harsh tone. 
“Ye-yes, Mommy! Threaten me! I love how you belittle me so well!” He then tries to force his long cock inside of you, but is unsuccessful. You’d just barely moved your thighs together in time, blocking him from breaching your unprepared walls. But, that doesn’t seem to faze him, as he starts to hump your sweat slickened thighs, “Oh-oh my God, your thighs feel so good, Mommy! Your piggy slut loves them!” His eyes are practically rolling to the back of his head, as multiple squirts of precum escape his cock, slicking your pussy opening inadvertently. 
You throw your elbows at his head again, but he just lets them hit him, relishing your harsh blows. If anything, your attempted hits trigger him to hump you even faster. Which, in turn, unfortunately, causes him to accidentally hook his cockhead on your cunny opening, and force his prick inside of you. Your mouth gapes in both shock and pain, as you let out a shrill scream. He slams a sweaty hand over your mouth, fortunately minding your nose, letting you breathe through it. His entire body is convulsing, as he sits inside of you, relishing your twitching walls around his cock. 
“Mu-Mommy’s piggy lu-loves Mommy’s pu-pussy!” In quick, sudden movements, he bucks his hips into yours, his breeder balls slapping against your clit with every thrust. Your pants and light moans are muffled behind his hand, as you continue to cry and try to get free. Your thrashing does nothing but seat you further on his long cock, allowing him to hit your g-spot with every movement. Your pussy gushes at his ministrations, as you fall limp, “Fu-fuck, Mommy! Mommy, I-I’m gunna cum!” 
Your slack mouth tries to deny him, but your eyes practically roll up into your skull as you cum suddenly, spraying girl cum on his cock and on the floor below your chest, practically covering your entire torso. Feeling your orgasm milking his cock, Yamaguchi cums quickly after you, filling you to the brim with his watery, overabundant cum. It was like he was trying to fill every crevice inside of you with his milk, relishing how well you take him. You practically collapse to the ground, no longer having the strength to hold yourself off of the now slick wood look tile. This, in turn, causes his still cumming cock to fall out of you, spraying your ass and thighs with his seed. 
Yamaguchi strokes himself, trying to wring out as much cum as possibly on your crumpled, fucked out form. He looks down at you with an innocent grin, before smooching you kindly on the face, “Thank you, Mommy, your baby boy feels sooo much better, now that I’ve filled your pretty cunny! Do you want a bath?” 
You say nothing, seemingly still in shock at what just transpired. Yams coos at you, trying to gain your attention, but when you don’t respond, he takes it upon himself to clean you up. 
“It’s okay, sometimes when Tsukki would experiment with me, I’d be too sore to move, too! Don’t worry, I’ll make sure you’re all pretty and clean after a long, hot bath.” 
With wobbly legs, the tall man stalks off to the bathroom, not batting an eye at your weird silence. 
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