#brett i love you but you are SO hard to draw
cpericardium · 2 months
Compilation of Megafire's Wildbow Essays (Imported)
I haven't read all of them myself, but the few I did were always worthwhile and interesting, so I thought I'd index them here for anyone who hasn't heard of them or checked them out. As I recall, these were written by Megafire as the chapters were coming out.
Chapter 3.6 
The Warden's HQ, or, Playing With Time
Chapter 4.6 
Natalie, or, Working Through Proxies
Chapter 5.9 
Power Dynamics, or, Why Carol Love(s/d) Mark
Chapter 6.3 
Trust, Safety and Control, or, General Opinion
Chapter 7.4 
A Glimmer of Hope, or, Victoria and Carol have an Actual Conversation!?
Chapter 8.2 
Meeting the Parents, or, Never mind, Carol is Back to Being Carol
Chapter 8.9 
Baby Steps, or, Carol Manages to Respect Boundaries for Once
Chapter 9.12-9.13 
Bonus Damsel Interlude, or, This Will Pay Off Later, I Promise
Chapter 10.1 
The Diner, or, I Yell a Lot
Chapter 10.y 
Bonus Chris Interlude, or, This Has Nothing to Do With Carol, I Just Really Like This One
Chapter 12.1 
Ruminating on New Wave, or, Why Mark Loves Carol
Chapter 12.2 
Carol vs Damsel, or, I Told You It'd Pay Off
Chapter 12.f 
Ryan and Cradle, or, What It Means to be Good, and, Competing Access Needs, or, Why the Dream Room is the Worst
Chapter 12.9 
The Bubble, or, Making You Feel Even Worse About Carol Getting Hurt
Chapter 14.5 
The Greenhouse, or, Carol Brought Low
Chapter 14.6 (Sort of) 
Drawing Similarities, or, What's Left for Carol
Chapter 14.7 
Chris' Crossroads, or, Screw It, I Guess I'm Talking About Chris Too Now
Chapters 14.9 + 14.10 
Her Mother's Daughter, or, What Amy Learned From Carol
Chapter 14.12 
Piecing Together Chris, or, What Do Monsters Mean?
Chapter 15.7 
Slaves to Fate, or, Predictions and Responsibility
Also Chapter 15.7 
Ultimate Agency, or, Who Is Contessa?
Chapter 16.4 
Mockeries and Funhouse Mirrors, or, Paths Not Taken
Chapter 16.y 
Attempted Therapy, or, Amy Is Not Doing Well
Chapter 17.1 
Family Issues, or, Confrontations Vis-a-Vis Parentage
Chapter 19.1 
The Curious Case of Sarah Pelham, or, A Basic Overview of the Shit That Happened to Sarah
Chapter 19.9-19.10 
The Talk, or, How To Screw Up Your Kids In One Easy Conversation
Chapter 20.e6 
Carol: Final, or, What Has Carol Learned? (Hint: Not Much)
Verona and her Dad, a Transactional analysis
Why Verona's Dad is a Literal Manchild - mostly about Out on a Limb 3.1, but with references to 3.4
Adults, Parents and Children
Lucy is Verona's Only Good Parental Figure (and That's Kind Of Sad) - Leaving a Mark 4.2
Pale: Justice
The Cast Of Law And Order: Kennet - Cutting Class 6.z
Practitioner Supremacy
Boy There Are Some Real World Parallels Here - Gone Ahead 7.1
Practitioner Parenting
Regular Old Bad Parenting - Vanishing Points 8.4
Brett is an Absolute Bastard - Shaking Hands 9.9
Avery's Games and Gimmicks
Breaking Patterns Is Hard - Dash to Pieces 11.10
Transgressive Acts
Why the Mussers are like the Spartans - Break 5
Practitioners and Others, a Binary
The Binary is a Lie! - Gone and Done It 17.x
Judging the Judiciary
What About the Judges? - Crossed With Silver 19.z
Hostile Environment
Power Plays for the Future - In Absentia 21.12
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hiii saw ur requests are open for inside job 🖤 what about brett hand with a s/o who’s confident and assertive but also very kind especially to him?? like they would always be there for him whenever he’d have a panic attack, comfort him whenever he’s upset and defend him when someone’s being mean to him?? pls i love him he’s such a little meow meow
A/N: AHHH MY FIRST BRETT ASK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH ANON <333 I love Brett we need more people like him in this world.
Warnings: Mainly fluff all around, john from finances is my biggest opp atm 😒👎
Navigation!! // Masterlist ( coming soon )
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Brett Hand was usually the guy everyone loved—always optimistic, always eager to lend a hand. But the corporate world wasn’t always so forgiving. There were times when even his relentless positivity wasn’t enough to deflect the sharp edges of office politics.
It was late afternoon when you found Brett in the break room, staring out the window with a deep frown creasing his usually bright features. His posture was slumped, his hands gripping the edge of the counter like he needed something to hold onto.
“Hey, Brett,” you greeted him, your voice low and warm as you approached. You leaned casually against the counter beside him, your presence solid and comforting. “Everything okay?”
He glanced at you, his eyes reflecting a weariness you didn’t often see. “Just… work stuff,” he said, trying to brush it off, but the way he ran a hand through his hair told you there was more to it.
You tilted your head, giving him a knowing look. “Work stuff, huh? Is that why you’re hiding out in the break room instead of in your office?”
Brett let out a soft, bitter laugh. “Yeah, guess I’m not doing a great job at pretending everything’s fine, huh?”
You placed a hand on his back, rubbing slow circles between his shoulder blades. “You don’t have to pretend with me. What happened?”
He sighed, his shoulders slumping even more. “You know that big presentation I’ve been working on? The one for the execs?” He paused, waiting for your nod. “It didn’t go well. At all. There’s this one guy—John from finance—he just… tore me apart. And not in a constructive way. It felt personal.”
Your brow furrowed, anger simmering beneath your calm exterior. “John, huh? The guy who thinks he’s everyone’s boss?” You shook your head, irritation clear in your tone. “Brett, that’s not on you. Some people get off on tearing others down to make themselves feel bigger.”
“I know, but…” Brett’s voice wavered, and he looked down at his hands. “It’s hard not to take it personally when you put so much of yourself into something, and then someone just… rips it apart like it’s nothing.”
You turned to face him fully, placing both hands on his shoulders and gently forcing him to meet your eyes. “Brett, listen to me. You’re one of the hardest working, most genuine people I know. John’s comments say more about him than they do about you.”
He searched your eyes for a moment, as if looking for something to hold on to. “But what if he’s right? What if I’m just… not good enough?”
Your grip on his shoulders tightened, a mix of firmness and tenderness. “Don’t you dare doubt yourself because of one person’s pettiness. You got where you are because you’re good at what you do. You care, and that shows in everything you touch. No one can take that away from you, especially not some bitter finance guy.”
Brett took a deep breath, some of the tension leaving his body. “I don’t know what I’d do without you,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. “You always know what to say.”
You smiled softly, your fingers tracing soothing patterns on his arm. “I’m always going to be here, Brett. I believe in you, even when you forget to believe in yourself.”
As you both stood there in silence, the weight of the day slowly lifting, you knew Brett wasn’t entirely free of his doubts. But he leaned into your touch, drawing strength from your presence. He had someone who saw him, really saw him, and that made all the difference.
Later, as you both left the office together, you noticed John across the parking lot. The sight of him immediately reignited that protective fire within you, but you kept your cool. As you walked past, John threw a glance your way, and you didn’t hesitate to hold it.
“John,” you called out, your voice carrying just enough edge to get his attention.
He looked over, a smirk on his face. “Yeah?”
“I’d appreciate it if you kept your critiques professional,” you said, your tone polite but firm. “We’re all working toward the same goals here. Tearing down a teammate doesn’t help anyone.”
John looked taken aback, but before he could respond, you added, “And for the record, Brett’s presentation was solid. You might want to rethink how you approach these things in the future.”
Brett squeezed your hand, a small, grateful smile playing on his lips as you both walked away.
“You really didn’t have to do that,” he said quietly.
“I know,” you replied, meeting his gaze with a steady look. “But I wanted to. You deserve better, Brett. And I’m not going to let anyone make you feel less than what you are.”
Brett’s smile grew a little more, the warmth returning to his eyes. “You’re amazing, you know that?”
You shrugged, grinning. “I try. And so do you, which is why I’ve got your back. Always.”
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socheckitout-mikey · 1 year
Hey! How r u? Uhm- I totally loved "cuddling with brett" because I'm seriously in love with him..but I was hoping if you can do a "cuddling with Jordan Parrish"? It's totally okay if you can't! Btw I love ur writing sm :)
heeey! thanks for requesting. i have never written for jordan before, so i hope that these live up to his character. i hope that you also enjoy what i came up with. it makes me really happy that you enjoy my writing! :') - mae
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
Cuddling with Jordan Parrish Hc's:
° Jordan loves cuddling with you. Showing love through physical affection is something he enjoys, but he never wants to overwhelm you.
° He's always gentle with his touches. He enjoys playing with your hair, rubbing your back and drawing little patterns into your skin. This is a sure way for you to fall asleep, and he just softly gazes at you every once in a while before pressing tender kisses to your temple or forehead.
° Jordan never wants to leave once you've both started cuddling, especially when it's in the morning. Everything is so relaxing in this space when the sun is just coming up and peeking through the curtains. Nothing is better than being in his arms. However, if it's not a weekend, the important duties of being a deputy keep nagging him.
° You're half asleep yourself, trying to savor his presence and touch. He doesn't mind if you fall back asleep, but you're stubborn and want to be somewhat coherent as you snuggle into his chest.
° He laughs into your hair when you mumble about something strange from one of your dreams. It's muffled so he can't exactly hear it, but it greatly amuses him. He's wide awake and you're not.
° He prefers it when you fall asleep so he can slip away and leave a cute little note on his nightstand, but a lot of the time you wake up the second he's made the move to slip out of bed.
° "Where are you going? I was comfy!" You pout sleepily, your weary eyes peeking over the puffy comforter.
° "I know you were, but duty calls, sweetheart." He grins at you, somewhat saddened to go.
° "Five more minutes," you counter with those sweet eyes begging him to stay.
° "Five more minutes was fifteen minutes ago. I still have to shower and I've got to leave soon." He tries to reason with you.
° But you always win.
° "Fine, but it's only for five more minutes," he sighs, lifting up the blanket to settle down next to you.
° You make a pleasant noise, laying on top of him as if that could ever prevent him from leaving. He just laughs, wondering what type of excuse will warrant lateness to Sheriff Stilinski.
° Cuddling after long shifts of work is something you both love to do, especially when you're watching your favourite TV shows or movies. Sometimes you chat and other times you are quiet as you snack.
° Wholesome vibes all around!
° Jordan likes to cuddle when he's had a hard day. It starts when you're just fixing up a quick dinner in the kitchen when he's just gotten home. He engulfs you from behind, burying his face into the crook of your neck and sighing. Taking in your familiar scent, you know the tight hold he has on you is the way he lets you know he needs you.
° "Hey sweetheart, how was your day?" Jordan never fails to check in with you first like the true gentleman he is.
° "I'm okay. Are you doing alright there?" You ask, which provokes another sigh from him.
° Jordan likes to rest his head on your chest, right over your heart on these types of days and just listens to your heartbeat. It's the most soothing sound in the world that's accompanied by your fingers carding through his dark short hair. He falls asleep this way or just waits up, which depends on how hard of a day he's had. Being a deputy is not easy.
° Sometimes he likes to sneak up on you when you're busy and pick you up to take you to the couch or bed. You protest with laughter the entire way, but relent because he uses those gorgeous green eyes to his advantage. He calls the latter payback for making him late to work three times this week.
° He likes to rest his head on your belly when you're reading. He's always asking you to read out loud to him, even if it's right in the middle of a book. Sometimes he's annoying though because he wants you to give him a rundown of characters and the plot so far so he can understand what's going on.
° You just softly bonk him on the head.
° Jordan is like a radiator, so it gets really warm fast. It's good when it's autumn and winter, tolerable in spring, but in the summer it's way too hot for you to handle. You're then forced to swat him away when he advances for cuddles.
° "Get! You're like an active volcano with your heat." You protest, trying to worm your way out of his hold.
° "That's not very fair you know. You put your cold feet on my shins all winter! Summer is my time for payback." Jordan teases you.
° "That's different! I'm a humble human who needs extra warmth during the colder months." You retort with your nose stuck in the air.
° "And I'm an overheated Hellhound that needs to cool down in the hotter months." He counters.
° "Stick yourself in the fridge then," you giggle, but it's too late because he's got you locked in his strong hold.
° Being the big and small spoon interchanges in your relationship. Whatever is most comfortable for you both.
° Cuddling with him feels like home. His scents, sounds and touches are nothing short of pleasant. You're familiar with him and he's your soulmate. He loves you deeply and in these sweet moments you both can really feel each other's love.
° On the scale of wholesomeness ya'll are 1,000,000/10! <3
✧・゚: *✧・゚:*    *:・゚✧*:・゚✧
please like, reblog and follow for more! 
requests: open!
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pygmi-says-hi · 2 days
How can I write a good academic rivals to lovers?
oooh I love this one.
(Seriously we need more academic rivals, that's the only thing I've ever been competitive in!)
Academic rivals is a great twist on enemies to lovers but with a predetermined conflict: grades. Now, though the grades/class ranking is the goal, the motivations for the goal should be unique and intriguing to the character. Brett and Andi can be both vying for top dog, but why?
Those individual goals will then direct the emotional and social choices they make when interacting with their rival. Brett needs the top spot because he's trying to live up to his parents' standards, which effects his position in their will. Andi needs top spot so they can escape their shitty hometown and pursue a dream career.
It's an unfortunate phenomenon that academic rivals get boiled down to 'oh i want good grades so let me sabotage you' because....like, really? Have you ever wanted good grades just for the sake of it? there's probably some kind of internal conflict; insecurity, home influence, perfectionism, anxiety...something.
Use the conflicts to draw the lovers closer.
(I'm gonna name them romeo and juliet just because).
Because of the emotional attachment they each have to their conflict and the goal of grades, they should make interesting, dynamic choices. Is it sabotage? Bullying? Ostracization? How do they choose to deal with the issue?
From there, give them some growth. Romeo starts by ignoring Juliet and giving her a hard time every instance he gets. he's aloof and cold to mask the anxiety he has about her overtaking his class position. As he spends more time with her, there's an added anxiety of his burgeoning attraction that he doesn't know how to rationalize.
^ This is a bit of character growth.
You characters should also have some sort of dynamic pattern in their new attraction. Does it influence how they perform academically? Does it shift their priorities? Do they double down on hateful tactics? Each added motivator and context should change something.
academic rivals is wonderful in its simplicity.
don't feel the need to overcomplicate it! It can absolutely be something simple and indulgent. That doesn't mean you skimp out of fleshing out your characters. enemies to lovers is alll about characters. plot can afford to take a backseat.
xox hope this helps!
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fish-ler · 2 months
Hiii I just stumbled on your askblog and I was curious since "fish-ler" sounded pretty interesting XD I have tried reading your blog and it was a little hard to find out about your au(?) personally so in simpler terms is it okay if you explain? I'm sorry I'm an actual dumbass JJSJS
Also glad you're back in the fandom! I miss the fandom being active even though a year later I'm still really into the onceler fandom JSJSJS but it's nice seeing some people keep it alive
Hey Cloud!
I know my blog its a huge mess, when i started it i really didnt know what was i doing.〒▽〒 I wanted to create my own Onceler au, i struggled with finding a original one, i chosed Fish-ler because its sounded good/funny(?). I have a lot of lore in mind but the principal problem its that i am SOO lazy to draw everything... I really want to finish it because i think it has potential, ill try my best.
I will explain to you what has happened so far,
basically, there is Greed-ler and Once-ler (ik they are the same person but the fandom separates them, yk) Greed was in a vacation trip on his boat, but the boat sank down, he falled in the sea until he reached an island, where he met Oncie, who ended there because on an family trip Chett and Brett pushed him into the sea and ended inn the island, they tried to survive together and one day Oncie founded some magic shell necklaces who turned them into fishes, (Greedler turns into a shark and Oncie into a clownfish) and thats it for now, i promise it will get better i have a lot of ideas 😭😭😭 and for Universe-ler, (from the comic "The Origins") he is like a sort of god who made that Greed-ler end in the island. Oh, and they are in love.
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I know its super confusing, ill try my better. (┬┬﹏┬┬)
(sorry for my english, im spanish, and also sorry because i dont know how to explain myself)
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Well, i hope that clarify something! Anyways, thanks for asking!! And i also hope that the fandom revives !
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petertingle-yipyip · 1 year
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Season Three - I’m Not Sorry
tags: @ironprincessstranger @johnmurphys-sass @dusstory @americaarse @astrobees @mayasaurus--rex @woowwwee // seven // finale // masterlist
Pairing: Matt x Reader
Word Count: 7,735
Summary: Moves and countermoves. The cat and mouse game nearly draws to a close as Nelson and Murdock reunite in a last ditch effort to finish things from the right side of the law.
Truthfully, the reveal went better than you had expected. After a few questions and a bit of yelling, Ray was willing to hear you two out. You explained about getting his wife and son out of the line of fire. Ray suggested they leave New York all together but you knew Fisk would be watching all airports and seaports. You were going to offer to call Natasha, see if her billionaire buddy could spare some space but Matt said he knew someone to ask.
While Matt made his call, you asked Ray to go and get Seema and Sami.
Next thing you knew, you were driving Ray and his frazzled family to your apartment. From there, Brett took them in his car while you and Matt headed upstairs. You were both quick to change into something that would catch little to no attention before rushing back into the streets.
You and Matt walked together, his cane in one hand and the other arm linked through yours. Your body was growing heavy with every step and it almost felt as Matt had to hold you up as the weight of your latest string of endeavors began settling on your shoulders, making your latest collection of wounds thump with a heavy pulse. As if he knew that - which he probably did - he gave you a gentle nudge with his elbow.
“Can I ask you something?” He said suddenly, the rhythmic glide of his cane the only other noise on the street.
“Sure.” You nodded.
“Sister Ma- My mother told me that you look at me like I hung the stars.” He began carefully, measuring your reaction. “Is that true?”
“I mean… Did you?” You tried and he chuckled. “I know you didn’t hang the stars but…” You looked up at the night sky, only able to see pinpricks of light past the yellow glow of street lamps but that was more than what you had seen in months. “They’ve always been brighter when you’re around.” You turned back to the path you were walking. “Even now… Days are warmer. Flowers smell sweeter. It’s like everything quiets down and life isn’t so bad. You know what I mean?”
“Yeah.. I think I do.” He answered softly.
“Alright, alright. Don’t get all mushy on me now.” You joked as you nudged him with your shoulder, earning another small laugh. “I thought you were this whole super dark, brooding vigilante right now.”
“I guess you bring out a better side.” He said honestly. “You bring back Matt Murdock.”
“I thought you were leaving him behind.”
“I thought so, too.”
You two met up with Foggy just as Brett was pulling up with Ray and his family. You thanked Brett’s mom as she welcomed you in and she was as kind as you could’ve expected. Brett helped the family get settled while the rest of you waited in the living room.
There was tension brewing in the bedroom as Ray and Seema talked and you felt bad. You wanted to go and help Ray explain, maybe take some of the blame so their marriage didn’t implode, but that felt like a massive overstep. It was clear that Ray loved Seema and she loved him, but that betrayal would be hard to move past. Instead, you pulled some of that tension into your chest in hopes of them having a rational conversation.
You cleared your throat once it hit you and gave Mrs. Mahoney another thanks before heading outside, claiming to need air. Matt was quick to follow but Foggy stayed behind to talk to her.
“You okay?” Matt asked, putting a hand on your back as you leaned against the bars.
“Huh? Yeah, just… Sometimes it’s harder to block stuff out, especially when I’m tired.” You explained, rubbing your eyes. “I could feel the pain and everything from Ray’s wife. I feel like some of this is my fault..”
“How could it be your fault?”
“I didn’t stop this.” You sighed and turned to lean your back against the railing so you could cross your arms. “You were right. I should’ve just made sure this didn’t happen. Now a perfectly happy marriage is gonna be destroyed because Fisk used Ray.”
“You can’t control everything, sweetheart.”
“What about Sami? That little boy looks up to his father like he lifts the sun every morning. And now, what? He loses that because of a jackass like Fisk? That’s not fair, to either of them.”
“I know.” Matt agreed softly. “But if this works, and we get Fisk put away, Ray’s family will be safe.”
“But Seema won’t trust him again.”
“You trust me?”
“After all the lies and the stuff I’ve put you through, everything I’ve said to you recently, do you trust me?”
“With my life.”
He gave a small smile and put a hand on your elbow. “Then I think they can get through this.”
Foggy came out soon after and talked to Matt for a minute. You were glad that you two were able to convince Matt to at least try the legal route. If that fell through, you weren’t exactly sure what would happen next. But that was a bridge you would cross if you got to it.
“So what now?” Ray sighed as he met you guys outside.
“You’re gonna testify against Fisk, after you hire them to represent you.” You answered.
“Represent me?” Ray questioned at the same time Foggy said “Them?”
“Rahul Nadeem, meet the brilliant minds behind Nelson and Murdock, attorneys at law.” You gestured to the boys.
“I thought your old firm packed it up.”
“Everyone loves a comeback story.”
“I don’t know about this, Y/L/N.”
“These two are the best attorneys I know. You’re in good hands.”
“What about you? How do you fit into everything?”
“I can serve as an additional testimony or a character witness, but I’m pretty sure there’s a conflict of interest card to be pulled if I help represent you while still at the bureau. Even for me, there’s limits to what I can get away with.”
“You’re not leaving?”
“Not yet, at least. With Dex still after us, I need to keep an eye on him. There’s no need for guessing what he does or doesn’t know if I can stay close enough.”
“Smart.” He nodded.
“She’s always been the brains of this trio.” Foggy threw an arm over your shoulders. “We won't let you down, Ray.”
“You, Seema, Sami.” You agreed. “We’re gonna do everything we can to help your family.”
“I know… Thank you, Y/N.”
Early the next morning, you and Matt brought Ray to Fogwell’s.
“This is where you went?” You asked him as you walked in, already seeing Karen in there. She gave you a small smile and you waved slightly.
“Nobody knows about this place. We’ll be safe here.” Matt shrugged and headed to the back room.
You patted Ray on the shoulder and gestured to the table Karen was set up at before following Matt down the short hall.
“You alright?” He asked without turning to face you.
“Yeah, just tired.” You leaned back against the wall.  “And those two don’t like each other very much so..” You gave a small smile.
“You don’t have to do this if you don’t wanna.” He offered, putting his hands on your arms. 
“Yeah I do.” You sighed and grabbed onto the material of his shirt. “For a second, can we just… take a moment? Forget about everything out there and between us and just…”
He smiled softly and stepped closer, moving one hand to the side of your head. He leaned down and pressed his forehead gently against yours. You took a deep breath and let go of his shirt so you could wrap your arms around his waist. Your head dropped to his shoulder and he chuckled slightly as he put a hand to the back of your head. His other hand was on your lower back as he pressed a gentle kiss to the side of your head.
As Matt held her close, very few things plagued his mind. Most of them were what he noticed about her. The tension in her muscles. The thrum of her pulse. The rise and fall of her chest. The way her arms were locked together, as if to keep him with her. He wondered how he could ever be so stupid as to walk away from her.
The other thoughts that he could put to words were small, selfish prayers. He prayed that there’d be more to their story, that it was a new first page rather than where it would end. He knew his thoughts echoed her name since he realized he was alive, every day until he saw her again. And then even more after. He left her too soon. He always knew that, whether he’d admit it or not. And now, as she was clinging to him like she was drowning and he was her lifeboat, he prayed that she wasn’t truly in love with someone else. That no one else was waiting for her. 
After taking a minute to enjoy each other’s company and take a breath, you two headed back into the main room. Karen and Ray were wrapping up their previous conversation, punctuating the tension in the room as Matt began talking about getting Ray’s family out of town.
“We were thinking overseas, maybe a friend or a distant relative.” Karen offered tightly, almost instantly snapping into focus.
“My brother’s wife has a cousin in Bihar.” Ray nodded. “I never liked him.”
“I can get them on a flight as early as tonight.” You said plainly. “But I’m guessing Fisk is watching the airports for exactly this so they’d have to fly outta Montreal, but a car is just as easy to get.”
“They’ll be watching my bank accounts.” Ray tried.
“We’ll cover it.” Matt promised and you nodded with a gentle, reassuring smile. You pulled your phone and messaged your old friend Rick, telling him you needed some help.
“Thanks.. But it might be more than I deserve.”
“Look, you… you hurt people.” Karen answered. “But it doesn’t define you.” She took a glance towards you.
“I’ve done worse than you have, believe me.” You offered honestly. “If I can have my life, so can you, Ray.”
Your phone rang in your hands as Matt sent Ray off. You stepped to the far corner and answered, turning your back to your friends as the conversation started.
“Long time, Y/N.” Rick said happily.
“Hasn’t been that long.. I had you help get someone out not too long ago.”
“No, Natasha called me for that.”
“Yeah, but it was for me so potato tomato.”
“I don’t think that’s how it goes.”
“But you knew what I meant.”
“Yeah, yeah. So what do you need this time?”
“Trip to Bihar for a mom and her son.”
He let out a long sigh. “Bihar, huh?”
“But they can’t fly out from New York, so I’ll need a car to Montreal.”
“And a car out of the country? Y/N, this one’ll probably clear out your tab and then some.”
“Yeah, well, if it doesn’t, can you cash out the rest and give it to them?”
“Why are these people important to you?”
“Since when do you ask questions?”
He chuckled slightly. “Tell you what, I still have that little buried airstrip outside New York. They can fly with a friend of mine from there so it’s cheaper and I’ll cover the car.”
“Look at you, going soft.” You teased. “How much does that leave for them?”
“Somewhere around $600.”
“Can you make it $850 and I'll send a check for the rest?”
“I can give them $800 and call it even.”
“You’re the best, Rick. Thank you.”
“I’ll call you when it’s ready. Where am I getting them from?”
“I’ll get you the address when you need it.”
“With what I’m getting them away from, I can’t take any chances. It’s nothing personal.”
“Still all business, eh?” He joked and you frowned to yourself. “No worries, Y/N.  We’ll talk soon. And hey?”
“Call your cousin.”
“Goodbye, Rick.”
“I’m serious!”
“I know.” You laughed before ending the call and heading back to the table.
You sat beside Matt as Karen stepped out and he turned towards you. He put a hand on your leg and you leaned your head against his shoulder. He huffed a small chuckle before giving your leg a pat. He stood to go change, leaving you in the small room alone. You let out a deep sigh and wondered how you had gotten to that point.
How were you pitted against Fisk again? How had he swooped your partner right out from under you? How had your vigilante persona been dangled over your head as leverage? How was your career at the FBI suddenly dirtier than any work you did for Dreykov?
Maybe your life was going exactly as it was supposed to. Or maybe something diverted it so far off track that it would be nothing but chaos from here on out.
Maybe you should’ve just taken Homeland’s offers to disappear after the carousel.
Ray came back in during your quiet contemplation and paced the small room. Your eyes glanced up, only for a moment, before reverting your soft gaze to the table.
“Can I ask you something?” Ray said tentatively.
“Is it about Exodus?” Your brows raised as you faced him again. You saw the man had stopped walking and was now facing you, fidgeting with his fingers. The uncertainty radiated off him so you gave a small, reassuring smile and waved for him to go ahead.
“How did Dex know? About you?”
“When we got into his apartment, after you left, Matt and I were heading to the roof. Dex threw a piece of glass and it cut the band for my mask. When I grabbed it, he saw me.”
“Did he tell Fisk?”
You chuckled slightly before letting out a loud sigh of amusement. “No.. Fisk already knew. He was trying to intimidate me into working for him by using that secret against me, but Dex was easier to manipulate.”
“Is it true that you can get into peoples heads?”
“I’m not a telepath.” You shook your head. “I’m tele-empathetic. I can read and manipulate emotions.”
“Speaking of which.” You said as you pulled yourself to sit straighter as Matt came back in and sat at the edge of the boxing ring. “You need to relax a little.” You waved a hand to clear Ray’s nervousness. “Tower’s gonna eat you alive if you don’t get it together.”
“I loved my job.” He reasoned “And I loved being the good guy. I want to be on the right side of the line again.”
“You didn’t love it enough to stop Fisk.” Matt laughed.
“Matt.” You warned as he hopped down and nodded towards Ray.
“Fisk knows how to make people vulnerable. He got my sister-in-law’s health insurance canceled, left my family with bills to pay. Bills that I had to-“
“So you take out a loan, you sell your house, you figure it out. You don’t allow yourself to become an accessory.”
“It wasn’t that easy-“ Ray tried as you argued, “He can’t just sell his house when he has his son to think about!”
“You backed his play, Ray. You moved him into his hotel. You even gave him his toys back, gave him a new one too.”
“He was giving us information that saved lives.”
“Yeah, while he was taking lives. While he was taking over the city.”
“What the hell are you doing?” You grabbed Matt’s arm to turn his focus on you but he yanked his arm away.
“I thought you were my lawyer.” Ray pressed.
“I am your lawyer but I can’t do anything to help you if you can’t answer this one simple question. Why didn’t you blow the whistle when you watched your boss murder an agent?”
“I don’t know.” Ray said quietly.
“Or when you saw Dex walk into that church?”
“Matt.” You tried but he shrugged you off.
“You didn’t say a goddamn word when he murdered a priest.”
“Matt!” You said firmly and turned on him.
“I don’t know.”
“Then why are we here?” Matt yelled.
“Because I took the damn bait!” Ray answered with the same tone. There was a pause while your hand twisted at your side to bring everything back to a calmer level. “Because I didn’t want my son to see me as just an average federal employee… I messed up. I destroyed my life, my family’s life. And I would do anything to take it all back again.”
“Good.” Matt nodded. “You tell that to the DA, and I can help you.”
You smacked his arm as he turned back to the table. You faced Ray and gave an apologetic smile. He gave a small nod before you stepped closer and put an arm over his shoulders. He hesitantly embraced you back and you felt a heavy shudder as that regret toppled against you.
“I know he’s a dick right now-“ You explained as you pulled away. “-but he’s a good lawyer. He’s gonna help you.”
“Thanks, Y/N.” He nodded. “And thank you for helping my family. I don’t know how I can repay you.”
“Consider it my apology.” You shrugged. “It never should’ve got to this point.”
“I’ve gotta get to work. Call me if you need anything.” You said quickly. “Oh, and Matt? Fisk nearly had me when he showed me that prison fight. If you hadn’t come back that night, it probably would’ve been me instead of Dex.. I would’ve done whatever I had to so I could protect you and your secret, even in death... Think about that.”
“I never would’ve asked you to do that.” He reasoned.
“You wouldn’t have had to and you know it. I didn’t ask you to stay at Midland but you did because you thought it was right. You thought I’d be safe, right?”
He nodded silently.
“Ray didn’t ask to be stuck in the middle of this bullshit either. Just help him do right by Sami, alright?”
As you were turning to leave, you nearly ran into Tower and Foggy. Foggy gave you a quick hug and you greeted Tower in a hurry before rushing out and to the hotel for
When you got in, you greeted the few agents that were left. All people you could no longer trust, even though most were nice enough. People that you knew would try to kill you if they were told to, whether they wanted to or not. People that weren’t on your side and may end up paying with their own lives. You set your shoulders as you walked down the hall and followed behind Dex as he entered the suite with the lunch tray.
“Can I get you anything else, Sir?” Dex asked, to which he was ignored.
“I just wanted to say I’m sorry about Karen Page. She would be dead if Agents Nadeem and Y/L/N hadn’t interfered.”
Again, he was met with silence and you almost felt bad for him. Dex needed reassurance, needed confirmation that he was doing right by someone. And to deprive him of that was what would truly break whatever was left in him. Whether or not that break would work in your favor was still up in the air so you couldn’t afford it. Not yet, at least.
“After everything you’ve done for me, I… I just wanted
to tell you that I’ll keep my word. I will find her and when I do, I am going-“
“No.” Fisk said simply and even you were surprised. “The matter will be handled but not by you.”
“I can handle Nadeem and Y/N.”
“Do nothing… It’s clear that I have put too great a burden on your shoulders. Your relationship with Agent Y/L/N, it was too sentimental for you to finish the job. You let her beat you.”
“I don’t care about Y/N, alright? I don’t. I can make this right.”
“I see it, the way you look at her.” Fisk nodded slightly as he caught sight of you. “It’s admirable that you want to protect her but it needs to end. She wouldn’t do the same for you.”
“That’s enough.” You spoke finally, earning a quick turnaround from Dex. “Let’s go, Dex.”
You could see the heavy movements of his chest as he breathed deeply. You offered a small nod and held a hand out for him to take. He looked between you and Fisk before taking your hand and letting you guide him out.
The small action was in no way a show of solidarity. It was nowhere near you two being on the same side again. All it was, to you, was a stand against Fisk. You very clearly had already chosen Matt’s side since Dex attacked the Bulletin, and even before that. You wouldn’t turn on the man you loved - and the man who still loved you - for a man who was dead set on killing your friend.
For the time being, you would use that soft spot to your advantage for as long as you had it.
And it showed Fisk that you could still take Dex away.
“You can’t protect them both.” Fisk called as you began to leave. “You’ll have to choose.”
“So will you.” You glanced up and saw Vanessa standing near the top of the stairs. “Who will you protect?”
Back at Fogwell’s, Matt and Foggy were well into their conversation with DA Tower about what Ray knew. The back and forth finally settled on five years jail time for Ray, on all felony accounts. Tower promised to have a grand jury together by 4pm, so all that was left was securing immunity for Y/N.
“We have another agent who’s willing to testify alongside Ray, a character witness in his favor but also a witness to some of these crimes.” Matt began calmly, though if Y/N was there, she’d tell him he was practically vibrating.
“So where are they?” Tower shrugged.
“We’re not bringing her in until she’s guaranteed full immunity.” Foggy continued and Matt knew his friend was feeling that same surge, given how his heart was steadily beating faster.
No matter how many times they’d defended someone, how many times they went tit for tat against their oppositions in court. It was different when their friends were on the line. It always meant that much more.
“She…” Tower repeated with a nod. “It’s Y/L/N, isn’t it?”
“Immunity.” Foggy repeated calmly.
“If she’s as involved and knowledgeable as you say, then she’d be in deep shit. She’d lose her position at the FBI and there’d have to be jail time… What about an anonymous witness?”
“That’s hardly ever used in the US.” Foggy replied with furrowed brows.
“I’m sure I can make it work..”
“If you can’t….” Matt tried, waving his hand expectantly.
“How about… No jail time if she just peacefully retires from the FBI.” Tower shrugged.
“She won’t go for that.” Matt countered. “She loves that job.”
“I don’t care. I mean, don’t you guys see that she is just as much to blame as he is?” Tower insisted, pointing to Ray. “She didn’t stop anything either.”
“No, but she warned you from the start, didn’t she?” Matt answered smoothly, to which Tower sighed heavily. “She told you it was a bad idea but you all went along with it anyway.”
The DA cursed quietly before running a frustrated hand down his face. “If she can’t testify anonymously, then I guess she just has to deal with repercussions from the bureau.”
“Thank you. I’m sure we can get her to agree to that.” Foggy nodded with a proud smile before Tower left. He then turned to Matt and patted his friend on the shoulder. “You’re calling her.”
“What?” Matt’s jaw dropped. “She’s not gonna answer me!”
“She’s not gonna answer me!” Foggy reasoned. “And I thought you guys were patching things up. What happened to that?”
“C’mon, man.”
“When has she ever not answered when you called?” Foggy mumbled as he pulled out his phone and dialed Y/N, putting it on speaker. “But hey, feels good, right?” He grinned.
“What? Letting Ray serve five years?”
“Any other lawyers, he would’ve gone away a lot longer. But I meant working together, you and me.”
Foggy was so caught up in his own words that he didn’t realize Y/N had answered. Even Matt barely heard the shift from dial tone to active call.
“Doing what we’re supposed to be doing the way we’re supposed to be doing it.”
“Yeah..” Matt gave a small chuckle. “It felt good.”
“Right? I miss this. Working together, giving a shit about my clients.”
Y/N laughed quietly on the other end of the call.
“Not just billing midtown jackholes in six minute increments.”
“Bet those jackholes pay well though, huh?” Y/N laughed through the phone. “Matt make fun of the new shoes yet?”
“No, I was getting to it though.” Matt continued the joke and Foggy mocked the laughter. “I don’t know, Y/N/N. He might’ve gotten used to the money.”
“It suits him.” She agreed, and Matt knew there was a smile on her face.
“So I’ll get un-used to it.” Foggy countered happily. “We should do this again. All of us.”
“Don’t get ahead of yourself. We’re not there yet.”
“But we’re getting there.”
Matt let out a small sigh but nodded, begrudgingly agreeing.
“Guys.. As much as I love this reconciliation, did you call me just so I’d be included?” Y/N asked with a light chuckle.
“No, actually, we have an update.” Foggy answered. “When do you get off?”
“I can probably leave around three for lunch or just take a half day if I need it. Why?”
“Tower can get the grand jury at four and you can get added to testify.”
There was a brief silence in the conversation, filled with the sounds of shuffling feet as Y/N was likely moving further away from her colleagues.
“Okay… What’s at stake for me?”
“You should be able to testify anonymously.” Matt explained. “And then you only have to take whatever backlash comes from the bureau.”
“You mean from Fisk through the bureau.” She scoffed.
“It was either that or an early retirement.” Foggy added. “I think it’s a solid plan, Y/N. And I’m pretty sure we’re gonna need you to sell this thing.”
She sighed and allowed a small silence to pass. Matt could only imagine the thoughts running through her head. She had to be worried about repercussions from Fisk. She’d been taunting him, challenging him since she’d met him, and now she’d be taking yet another stand against him. She had to know that every stand was potentially another nail in her coffin.
But how many times had she cheated death? Matt had started to think she was immortal, though not invulnerable. And they both knew Fisk knew what cards to play to expose her vulnerabilities.
Matt hated and loved that he was one of them.
“Okay.” Was all she said. “I’ll meet you guys where I left you and we can head together.”
“No, we should split.” Matt argued.
“No, we just go unmarked. Maybe a couple switches if it gets tense. I’m not losing this like we lost Jasper.”
“I really think-“
“And I think you need to stop questioning me.” She said firmly. “I’ve done stuff like this more than either of you. I think I should- Oh, shit. I gotta go.”
“Wait, Y/N.” Foggy tried but she was already gone.
“There you are.” Dex said as he approached you with an unusually welcoming smile. “Who you talking to?”
“Friend from college.” You shrugged and shoved your phone away. “Why are you in such a good mood?”
“You’ll see.” He nodded towards the door and began backing away, turning to walk straight once you began following him.
When you two walked in, you were met with two other agents attempting to maneuver a large white painting with a wooden frame.
Rabbit in a snowstorm.
“I thought she wouldn’t sell…” You spoke softly, in mild disbelief that Fisk’s most sentimental possession that he was denied had found its way back to him. “Something about the Nazis and her family being the rightful owners.”
“Just took some extra persuasion.” He shrugged.
That sentence didn’t sit right in your stomach as Vanessa joined you.
“This is from Wilson.” Dex told her and you stepped aside to let her stand between you two.
“I was wondering where it had gone.” Vanessa said, looking at the painting she too adored.
“It was home.” You mumbled and wiped a hand down your face to cover it.
“Y/N, wasn’t it?” She smiled at you. “Y/N Vostokoff.”
“Well, no. Y/L/N, actually.” You admitted.
Her brows raised slightly and she nodded. “Wilson has spoken very highly of you. He respects you a great deal.”
You saw in her eyes a knowing spark. Fisk told her who you were and she was letting you know. She was using her words from the last conversation you had with her as Exodus as a lure to flaunt her knowledge of your truth in front of you.
“The feelings aren’t mutual.” You lifted your chin slightly.
“Tell me, do you still have the painting?”
“Vibrant and loud, but also gentle and vulnerable… Yeah, I do. But it’s not hung anymore. Too many painful memories. The guy I was with when I bought it? We didn’t work out.”
“I see.” She nodded slightly. “Art is wonderful that way, isn’t it? Something so simple-“ She turned to face the large, seemingly blank canvas. “-can be so influential.”
“A bit unnerving as well.”
“As all powerful things are.” She looked over her shoulder to you again. “On either end of the spectrum.”
You looked at the simple painting again and while you remained unimpressed by the creation, your eyes snagged on the new pop of color on the side. A brief splatter of blood that almost no one would notice, but it stood out like neon to you. You then realized that the woman didn’t change her mind. Of course she didn’t. Of course Dex went off and did something terrible to an innocent woman who had suffered her fair share.
“We haven’t formally met yet.” Dex said and took a step to be more in front of Vanessa. Your brows raised slightly but you said nothing. “I’m Agent Poindexter.. Dex. And if you need anything at all, just think of me as the new James Wesley.”
You sucked in a breath between your teeth and tilted your head, earning the attention of both Vanessa and Dex.
“It’s a shame what happened to old Wesley, isn’t it? A whole clip on his chest… And an unrecognizable burn through his sternum. Now, I’d hate to see something like that happen to you.” You said with fake concern lacing your words. It earned you a confused expression that quickly shifted to a glare from your partner.
Vanessa offered you a slight smirk before returning to the previous conversation. “It’s a pleasure to meet you… Vanessa Marianna.” She moved to sit on one of the sofas and Dex shot you a warning look, to which you shrugged.
“I’ve always told Wilson that he has great taste in art.” Dex continued and you rolled your eyes.
“He does love to put beautiful things on display.” She agreed, but there seemed to be something else she was hinting at. “Where’d you find it?”
“Some lady had it. Wilson couldn’t get her to sell it.”
“Well, that must’ve been very disappointing for him. It’s the painting in his collection that means the most to us.”
“I figured as much, so I thought I’d ask her one last time.”
Vanessa scanned the painting again and you saw her attention catch on the slightly bloodied corner as well. You felt a brief uncertainty from her but it shifted to a strange sense of comfort. You wondered if she found peace in violence, in chaos, and maybe that’s why she liked Fisk.
If that was her, a seemingly innocent and unsuspecting woman, what did that mean for you? But when you thought about the violent men you attracted, you were genuinely thankful you were still alive.
The rest of your day was uneventful and you left for lunch right on time. Dex tried to get you to stay, to go with him and “get things back to normal” but you refused. He tried to reason that he was just off from Julie ghosting him and you had half a mind to scream that she was probably dead. Only reasons you didn’t were because you didn’t want to cause a scene when you were drastically outnumbered and if someone threw Matt’s death at you like that, you would’ve gone on a massacre that rivaled your escape from the Red Room.
“Courthouse. No stops.” Matt told the van driver before ushering Ray to the back. You hurried over and watched the relief cross Ray’s face as you got to them. “Nice of you to join us.” Matt smiled gently.
“Yeah, well.” You shrugged with a smile. “It’s not like I have a reason not to.”
“None of this bothers you, does it?” Ray asked a nervous chuckle as you climbed into the back of the van.
“Y’know, with the company of my esteemed attorney here, I have to tell you.” You began dramatically, watching Matt try to hold back a smile. “Rahul Nadeem, I’ve been through so much worse.. Fisk doesn’t scare me.”
“You ever think maybe he should?” He tried as the van took off, just trying to keep his mind distracted so as to not lose his nerve.
You cleared your throat slightly to break up the tension between you all. With a small flick of your fingers, you cleared his uncertainty and let trust fill its place. Trust in you and in Matt. He looked at you and then to Matt, who offered an interested head tilt in return, before he nodded to himself.
“I thought about it… But then who would do this?” You gestured to the van and he broke a small smile.
“You’re nuts, yknow that?” He laughed.
“So I’ve been told.” You nodded with a grin.
After a bit of silence, Ray turned to Matt.
“I’ve gotta ask you something.” He said simply.
“You wanna know about Daredevil.” Matt sighed and you tilted your head, quietly acknowledging that it was a fair thing to wonder.
“I stepped off the path for a few weeks and it destroyed my life… But your life, both of you, you step on and off all the time.”
“It complicates our life, too.” Matt said, seemingly thinking of just how that lifestyle affected him. “Trying to have it both ways.”
“Does it?” Ray scoffed slightly. “I mean, your friends know who you are, what you do. Your girl-“ He gestured to you. “-is right there with you.”
“My life almost got them killed.” Matt countered. “And not for the first time.”
“Not to mention what I drag them into.” You confessed and gave a small lift of your hand. “Everything he puts at risk, so do I. Problem is that I tend to make more rash decisions because I’m the one who’s stepped off the path… He talks about what he’s done and all this but he’s never gone far from the path, y’know? He’s always just walking next to it and finds his way back. Every time, I still try to do the right thing and stay on the straight and narrow but… There’s blood on my hands, Ray. A lot. And there’s always going to be blood on my hands. But if it keeps my friends safe and it helps someone else sleep at night, if a little girl can go home to her parents instead of becoming something like me, I’ll do it again.. We don’t get it both ways. We each sacrifice a lot because we continue to choose this. We give up certain things and..” Your eyes turned to Matt. “Even certain people.”
“Yeah, I don’t see how we could.” Matt sighed, his head turning to the floor as if disappointed. That feeling flashed, only for a moment, before disappearing and being replaced. You felt bad as you understood it was what you said.
Ray insinuated that you could have the people you loved and the lifestyle you continued to choose. And your words implied that you didn’t believe that or didn’t want it. But it wasn’t that you didn’t want it. It was that, at every opportunity, life seemed to not let you. You didn’t believe you were meant to have everything you wanted, so you sacrificed your relationship with Matt because just having him as a friend was better than him dead.
“You guys already do.” Ray said gently, meeting your eyes and offering a small nod towards Matt to which you frowned slightly. “I messed up, and no matter what happens today, I don’t know if my wife’s ever coming back.”
“She loves you, Ray.” You offered honestly, earning a small smile from him. “You’re the father of her child, for crying out loud. It might take time but you’re not gonna lose her. You won’t lose your family.”
“And your friends, they keep coming back.. How do you hold on to them?”
You turned to Matt and he sighed to himself. You leaned back and crossed your arms with slightly raised brows, interested in what Matt would say.
“It’s not me.. It’s them.” He nodded towards you. “They hold on to me.”
You noticed Matt’s attention shift, but all you could hear was the honking. You pushed yourself up quickly and climbed to a kneel as you ditched your blazer. You reached for your gun as Matt motioned for you to get down. Seconds later, he grabbed Ray and your trio dropped to your stomachs. When the bullets finally stopped, you got up quickly and gripped your weapon. You turned over your shoulder and felt a fading sensation from the front seat.
“Driver’s dead.” You said quickly before waving a hand to Ray’s attention “Get your gun out. Matt?”
“Uh..” Matt said before grabbing your hands and showing where to shoot. “There’s a guy right here.”
“Y/L/N, we can’t shoot blind.” Ray tried.
“They’re reloading. Fire your weapon!” Matt insisted.
You groaned in mild annoyance and fired two quick shots. Matt gave you a new target and you fired again. Ray took the third so you hopped out of the van.
You felt a hand trying to close around your arm as you landed but you were quick to move out of reach. You kept your gun raised as you crept around the stopped vehicles. You came across a man on the floor, gripping his bleeding leg, so you came up and pressed your foot against the wound. He yelled in pain so you fired a shot through his forehead. A loud shatter drew your attention and you saw Matt diving through the windshield.
You rolled your eyes slightly at his dramatics before meeting with him and Ray.
“We need to stick together.” Matt scolded as he repositioned his glasses.
“If we did what I said, we wouldn’t be here.” You mumbled as you took position in front of them. “Just follow me.”
“Y/N, just stop and listen.” He grabbed your arm and yanked your back. You pulled out of his grip and used your other hand to press him back against the nearest car. “Trust me, alright? You two pretend to lead me and do what I say.”
“Мне не нужна твоя помощь.” You sneered, pushing off him and moving forward again. (I don’t need your help.)
You moved to the other side of the cars and got to the side of the next two. While they were distracted firing at Ray, you moved quickly. You ran at them and let yourself collide with the first man, hooking an arm around his shoulders. Using the first man as leverage, you slammed your feet against the second one. The impact made him fall back and hit the back of his head against the car.
As your momentum shifted to push you backwards, you moved your leg until you felt your foot against the car. You hooked the toe of your shoe into the wheel well. That allowed you somewhere to steady yourself and pull, which forced the first man to slam back against the hood. You climbed up so one knee was against his chest as you slammed your gun against his temple.
You watched as Matt and Ray made their way forward but you were distracted by a heavy hit of fear. You quickly looked around the cars before seeing the familiar yellow fog leaking from a sedan a few feet away. At the same time you were making your way to her, one of Fisk’s gunmen was heading that way.
You acted fast, firing a shot into the man’s leg. He buckled almost instantly, which allowed Matt time to pick him up and slam him into the vehicle. You opened her door and got her attention while Matt fell into his helpless blind man routine. Flashing your badge was enough to get her to trust you and run as fast as she could in the other direction.
When you found the guys again, they were stuck in a fistfight on a bus. You climbed to the hood of the closet car, knelt as you lined your shot at the man that had Ray, and fired. The bullet landed in the side of the man’s head, causing him to fall limp. You slid down and hurried across as Matt kicked a man out of the bus. When he tried to get up, you slammed your heel down to finish it.
“Oh shit.” Matt groaned.
“What?” Your brows furrowed.
“It’s a cab.”
“Who cares? Just get in. Ray, you drive.”
You climbed into the backseat and shoved your gun back into place. You wiped the blood splatters from your hands and face but could do nothing about the splotches on your clothes.
At least you had evidence of the attack.
Ray made it a quick drive to the courthouse and the three of you were quickly ushered into the building. You met with Foggy and Karen, who didn’t bother to hide their concerned expressions. You offered a small smile for reassurance but that seemed to only deepen Foggy’s frown. Tower rushed your group through the halls, which allowed for Foggy to give a rundown on what would happen next.
“What about my family?” Ray asked, turning to you.
“My guy is taking care of it. They should be out by tonight, early morning at the latest. Karen, can you get the details to Seema?” You leaned around the group to see her on the far end.
“Yeah, yeah I can.” She nodded quickly. 
You pulled a folded envelope from your back pocket and passed it over, with all the details of where they were going and what you were able to give them, along with the number to text her address to once you said it was good. You explained that you’d tell them once you heard back.
“Right after I do this.” She gestured outside.
“Well, wait.” You stepped behind the guys to move closer. “What are you trying to do?”
“Press conference.”
“Are you insane?”
“Look, it’ll keep the majority of eyes off you guys for a minute. I’m pretty sure he’s gonna be pretty interested in what I’m gonna have to say.”
“I’ll be fine.”
“Be careful.” You sighed and she patted your arm before hurrying off.
Tower led you and Ray into the courtroom and the small room had an entirely different atmosphere. It was suffocatingly tense and the fear hung heavy in the room. You cleared your throat slightly to try and break it up, but it seemed to swell right back together. You tilted your head slightly with a quick brow raise to admit to yourself that it wouldn’t change.
“Before we begin, I should make it known that your petition for an anonymous witness has been declined. Given the severity of this case, any and all federal agents need to be identified and held responsible. Will both witnesses proceed?” The judge explained as you all approached the bench.
Ray’s hand found yours and you shivered slightly. It was no different, to testify anonymously or not. You stood against Fisk before and survived. You took on Dex multiple times and survived. The Hand. Yakuza. Red Room. Billy Russo. You wouldn’t turn and cower because your name was going to be attached to your words.
You would stand against Fisk, mask or no mask and taunt his retaliations yet again.
Let him come. Let him try.
“Yes, I will.” You nodded.
They took Ray’s testimony first while you sat beside Tower. It seemed to drag on, every word raking across your nerves. Your own body felt electric, thrumming heavily with every second that ticked by. At first, you assumed it was your own jitters but you had gone through worse. You were raised to withstand worse, so why were you so rattled?
You realized then it was coming from somewhere else. You turned the jury and saw the faintest buzzing around them. Understandably, it was a huge case to be a part of so it made sense they’ll have some anxiety. But one juror in particular stood out. One seemed to be vibrating in his seat.
Something else was weighing on him.
He looked quickly between you and Ray, fidgeting with his hands as his leg bounced hard enough to rock him in his seat.
Your eyes closed and you sighed to yourself as you understood. Fisk had a man on the grand jury. Nothing you said would matter.
You’d already lost.
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I *need* 2022 Stiles-centric rare-pair fics like I *need blood to live.*
Jokes aside, it would be awesome if you could provide me a nice list :) (and join me in rare pair hell 😈😈😈).
Thank you!
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Stupid by TheOriginalSinner888
(1/1 I 1,822 I Explicit I Stiles/Allison)
Stiles and Allison are both in the same boat after Scott kisses Lydia.
(I could) love you with my eyes closed by Rakshasha 
(1/1 I 3,774 I Teen I Stiles/Bret)
Stiles is so damn flabbergasted his mind might be as good as gone, and his voice so thin it might be just as well. “What…?”
Brett rolls his eyes. “You’ve taken me to your prom and didn’t even grace me with a dance. What do you think, pretty boy?” His smirk curls dangerously in one corner, the slant of it waking a lick of pure heat in Stiles’ belly — then he cocks his head, hand stretched out a little closer. “C’mon, Stiles, no one’s here to see.”
Which should be encouraging but it really, really isn’t.
Poison and Power by xcaellachx
(9/9 I 30,228 I Mature I Stiles/Deucalion)
Stiles is being horribly abused by his father. Peter comes back to town after being gone several years and wonders what happened to the goofy, loving boy who used to be part of the pack. He finds Stiles and is horrified. He calls in a group of alphas who could help Stiles get away. Deucalion is shocked to meet Stiles and they change each other's lives for good.
things i do for my pack by damasc
(6/? I 46,806 I Explicit I Sterica)
its been one month after Erica and Boyd have run away stiles and Derek's pack have been searching for them only to have stiles be kidnapped as well
Always With You by Slayer_of_Destiny 
(8/8 I 47,398 I Mature I Stiles/Harry Potter)
Harry and Stiles have been friends since they were children, starting as pen pals Stiles' inclusion in his life changes Harry's path in life. After defeating Voldemort Harry grows concerned when he has not heard from his friend. He makes the journey to Beacon Hills and finds his friend in a bad way. While nursing him to health, the two explore more than friendship between them.
The Sticking Place by Escalus
(36/36 I 147,954 I Mature I Stackson)
McCall pack is happy and healthy. Jackson has graduated high school, he's mended his relationship with his parents, he's more than content with the bond he has with his alpha, he has a wonderful sister, he has friends, and, above all, he has a wonderful boyfriend in Stiles. He wants to enjoy what he has for as long as he can. But the horrific designs of the Dread Doctors and the nefarious schemes of Theo Raeken might destroy everything he's worked so hard to achieve.
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luddlestons · 2 months
Tagged by @ocean-in-my-rebel-soul 💕
Top 5 songs I’ve been listening to this week and what I think of them (which is hard sometimes, I’m not always good at talking abt music)
Tagging @miraculan-draws @jewishzevran @petrabasil @vgoblin and anybody else who’d like to!
1. Lavender - Ashleigh Ball
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It’s fun, chill, sexy, and it’s about one of my favorite colors/plants so that’s definitely a good time
2. Blame Brett - The Beaches
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Icky sent me this song because we are both fond of the line “you can be my baby boy, dear lady” and it has become my favorite summer jam since then
3. touch tank - quinnie
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I just love a metaphor about aquariums idk
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On here because it has good memories for me, a friend played it on our cabin trip and we had a grand time during
5. Standard Deviation - Danny Schmidt
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Tumblr will not let me link this bc webbed site is broken but.
You should listen to it anyway bc it’s a very cute song about lesbians who fall in love because they’re nerds and one of them loves math. Heard it bc it was the weather on an episode of Night Vale and looked it up immediately
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daydreamgoddess14 · 1 year
Life After Richmond pt. 1
A Jason Sudeikis multi-chapter RPF w/ a reader insert/OFC. No use of y/n l/n.
A meeting with an author leads to the next project after Ted Lasso.
Chapter 1
"You should read this, it's fucking life changing." Brett dropped the book into Jason's lap on his way to the writers room. Pre-production for season 3 was well underway and they were making the most of some time writing together. Jason picked up the book and thumbed through it, the front inside cover had been signed by the author: 
'You're a twat. Love Callie' 
"I hope you’re good friends. She's not wrong though, why's it so good?" he questioned.
"It's just... bloody brilliant. Honestly, give it a go. She's going to be writing the new wave of romcoms before we know it. I might try and get her to give some TV writing a go once we’ve finished here."
"Sure, sure, I have all the time in the world to sit and read, Goldstein." Jason rolled his eyes and stuffed the book into his backpack before following Brett into the room. Reading was definitely the kind of recreational activity he didn't have time for at the moment. With shooting planned for right around the corner, downtime was hard to come by. It didn’t take long for the writing to draw him in though and a month or two later, Brett saw the book being launched at his head in the makeup trailer.
"Great book, thanks man. I think I've sent a copy to everyone I know." Jason chuckled. 
"I can get you a copy of your own if you're interested. Signed. Callie texted me, she'll be in London in a few weeks. She’s coming over to visit her mum and sister - want me to set up a meeting?"
"Absolutely yes, if she's OK with that? Get it in my diary, I’ll tell Lisa. We can move stuff around to fit it in so work around whenever works for her." Brett nodded, pulling out his phone. 
"She's having a bit of a shitty time, she's just split with her dickhead boyfriend. They were together for about 5 years I think. He's an absolute weapon, she's well shot of him."
"That sucks. She's from the UK? Maybe being at home will help."
“Doubt it, she left when she was like, 17 to get away from her mum.” Brett said with a laugh. “She’s probably coming to see Beth really but if her mum finds out she’s in the country and doesn’t visit, she’ll go mad.”
“How’d you meet?”
“I’ll let her tell you - she loves to tell that one. Mostly cos it makes me look like a loser.”
“Poor baby Brett.”
“Oh fuck off. I tell you what I’m dreading having you two in the same room. I’m gonna be the punching bag.”
“We love you really, bud. I bet she only calls her true best friends a twat.”
“That’s true actually, she does.”
Callie brought her knees up and rested her mug in the V between her torso and legs, reaching around to type. Her sister had offered her spare room and empty-during-the-day restaurant as a quiet workspace. She’d had more than enough of her mum and so far was loving being back in London and with her sister. She felt like hell after the break up and hadn’t been looking after herself at all. It had caused tension with her mum who’d accused Callie of moping around and had told her to sort herself out. With Beth’s help, she was finally starting to do just that. She had half an eye on the front windows of the large dining space looking out for Brett, when a little tap on the front door shifted her gaze. With a big smile, she rose to unlock the door. 
"Alright, gorgeous? God it’s been a long time." She reached up to hug him. 
"Not bad, how have you been? Stupid question - you look like shit - you've lost weight." He chided, pulling at the baggy hoodie.
"Mate, I'll have you know that this is a vast improvement. My hair is clean, I've bathed, I'm actually wearing clothes - and they're clean ones. I haven't had a glass of wine in... three days, and I considered eating breakfast this morning. That’s enough dragging me in front of your boss though, where's the introduction?" Brett sighed heavily. 
"Fine, Cal, this is Jason. Jason, this is Callie Draper. She didn't always look a mess.” He said pointedly.
"This mess is lightyears from a few weeks ago." Callie gestured to her yoga leggings and oversized hoodie. “I’m practically glowing.” The dark circles under her eyes and drawn complexion clearly said otherwise.
"She's right. You should have seen what I picked up from Birmingham airport. It doesn’t look like it should be, but it’s an upgrade." A voice drifted through the swinging kitchen doors. 
"Well, isn't this lovely and supportive. Thanks, sis." Callie called through the door. She turned to Jason and explained, "I got home from the North American leg of my book tour to find my boyfriend fucking our upstairs neighbour on my kitchen counter. I spent a few weeks surviving on wine and chocolate biscuits so I'm now in recovery mode, my skin hasn't forgiven me yet - being dumped in your 30s is a lot harder than it is in your 20s." She said briefly. 
"I'm so sorry, that's fucking awful. If it’s any consolation, it’s fucking horrible in your 40s." Jason offered kindly. Callie smiled and shrugged, the smile not quite reaching her eyes. 
"Jeez, I think I’ll stay single then. Thanks. Shall we sit?" she gestured to her table. "I'll make some coffee - as long as Americano is OK? I can't do a Latte on that thing." She pointed at the barista coffee machine and set about making the three drinks. 
"Sorry sweetheart, I didn't mean to upset you. I'm just worried." Brett dropped an arm around her shoulder and pulled her into a hug. 
"I'm OK. Getting there." She leaned into him before she started to fiddle with the coffee press, twisting it into place. 
"When are you going back to Chicago?"
"End of next week. I'm staying at Sara's at the moment, but I'm thinking of moving anyway."
“Where’s next on the list?” Brett asked curiously.
“Probably New York. I think Brookyn, my agent Laura lives just across the river and her office is in lower Manhattan so it seems like a pretty good spot.”
“Brooklyn is great, I’ve got a place there.”
“Excellent, you can give me take out recs.”
"Happy to. So how'd you two meet?" Jason asked, gesturing between Brett and Callie.
"I was at one of his gigs in San Francisco when he performed to 4 people and a dog. I was the only person who couldn't actually leave cos I was the barmaid. He was terrible!" Jason laughed and nudged Brett's shoulder, thanking Callie for the coffee she placed in front of him. 
"I couldn't understand why I was being heckled by a Brummie!" Brett shook his head. 
"Former Brummie. I'd been in the States for about 15 years by then." Callie countered, sitting back in her original seat. 
"When did you move?" Jason looked across at Callie, trying to connect the timeline.
"I was 17. I didn't want to go to uni, my mum was doing my head in, so I decided to do Camp America for a summer. I fell in love, wanted to stay so we got married when I was 18," Callie paused for effect, Jason's eyebrows somewhere near his hairline and Brett nearly doubled over laughing. "Then I was divorced at 22, and I've spent the last 15 years moving wherever I've wanted and doing any old jobs I can while I write. I just up and move when I’ve had enough. I’ve been in Chicago for the last 6 years though so it’s time for a change"
"Holy shit, maybe you should write that."
"Maybe I should." She laughed. It had been a while since she'd had to give her potted history, and it still made her laugh. 
"What happened with your ex husband? Tell him, Cal." Brett had tears in his eyes waiting for the final kicker in the story.. 
"He's happily remarried, we're still friends and I'm godmother to his and Andrew’s two little girls." She finished with a smirk.
"Are you serious? " Jason looked incredulous. 
"Yep, it was a bit of a wild time. My mum still hasn’t forgiven me, she adored him and she was devastated when she found out he was gay."
"You think? She was dreaming of babies on a ranch or some rubbish like that." Brett added with a laugh. "Anyway, enough of your crazy life. Have you got a book on you for Jason? And can you re-sign mine please: you called me a twat." Callie pulled a new book from her bag.
"I did that? Consider yourself honoured. I’m sure I only refer to my best friends as a twat. Got a pen?" she held out her hand, Jason supplied a red pen. "Ooh red, I like to edit in green. It feels less 'grrrr'." She tapped the pen to her lip, thinking, before lifting the cover so he couldn't see, and scribbled her message. Jason took it gratefully and put it straight in his bag without looking. Then she took Brett's dog-eared book and turned to where she'd last signed it. She sniggered at her previous message, and then signed just underneath it before passing the book back. Brett opened it. 
"Callie!" He held it out for Jason to see the new inscription:
'You're still a twat. Still love you though, Callie xo'
"I hope mine is nicer. Either that or I’m already in best friend territory." Jason teased.
"You won't know if you don't read it."
"The book? Oh I read it, I loved it. I sent it to everyone I know." Callie narrowed her eyes at him. 
"When you say everyone you know... do you happen to know Reese Witherspoon?"
"Not personally, but my friend Alexi does. And I sent her a copy, why?"
"My Insta went mental a few weeks ago, Reese Witherspoon, Drew Barrymore... fucking Jennifer Aniston! All tagging me with pictures of the book. It was insane. I’ve had to add more dates to the book tour when I get back, and I’m going on a couple of daytime TV shows as well."
"Jen? Oh that was me, I'm definitely taking credit for that one. And the others by association." Callie's eyes were like saucers. 
"Holy shit." She whispered. "Holy shit. I told Laura something weird had happened, she didn’t believe me. She said it was just word of mouth."
"You're like... Nora Ephron reincarnated. If your books are anything to go by, then I can't wait to read your screenplays. Post-its, shopping lists. You name it, I'll read it." Callie blushed into her coffee.
11am turned quickly to lunchtime, with Callie's sister bringing out food for them all. Callie told them that she'd spent the previous week at her mums binge watching Ted Lasso. Her time living in America had meant that she'd already been familiar with Jason from his SNL days. Conversation came easily between the three of them and lunch soon fell away to mid afternoon, and by 4pm they were being pushed by Callie’s sister into clearing away water glasses, coffee cups and cake plates to make way for the restaurant opening. Brett excused himself to go to the bathroom and Jason turned to Callie,
"You've probably heard this from everyone already, but it does get easier. You'll... find yourself again." She nodded. 
"Thanks. I'll keep trying, it feels good to be out of the pity party so I just need to keep going. I'm struggling to write though," she shrugged, "I can't get in the right headspace, I just keep getting into my own head and seeing, well, what I walked in on. And then it’s all I see. I've tried poetry, lyrics, plays, prose... I just can't get my words out." Her chin dropped to her chest and she brushed across her eyes quickly to get rid of any potential tears. "Sorry, I didn't mean to offload. It all just feels a bit bleak and dark foresty right now."
"I'm glad you did, your words will come back. Give yourself time." Jason offered a hug, and she rose slightly onto her toes to accept. 
"Thank you. Really, thank you." She muttered against the neckline of his hoodie. 
"My turn." Brett interrupted and Callie reluctantly stepped away from Jason. She ruffled Brett's hair and he planted a kiss on her forehead. "When's your flight?"
"Next week, I'm back at mum's at the weekend for my last few days though. Got to go back for one more round of fucks disguised as a pep talk." Brett nodded, 
"She’s only doing it because she loves you. Don't be a stranger, and please look after yourself." She nodded. 
"Will do, it was really good to see you. A patented Goldstein hug makes everything ok. And so good to meet you Jason. Jesus, what a fucking understatement! Good luck with the show."
"Thank you, it was great to meet you too."
"Thanks babe, it wouldn't be half as good without this genius." Brett nudged Jason gently and the two left Callie to lock the door behind them. 
"Jennifer fucking Aniston." She whispered, shaking her head. "As if!"
A few days later, Callie's phone pinged with a Twitter DM. A screenshot. Of a tweet she'd sent from her sister's sofa,
"Meeting actual pop culture geniuses is all well and good until they turn out to be extremely hot and very, very distracting 🥵"
She frowned at the screenshot at first, before seeing the message it came with. 
'Just checking whether you've met any other pop culture geniuses over the last few days?' Callie's jaw dropped. He did not have Twitter. She was almost certain. Almost. "Shit," she whispered furiously, "shit, shit, shit. Bethhhhhh?" she wailed, calling her sister. 
"What's up?" Beth replied, coming in from her room, DVD in hand. 
"I might have tweeted about meeting Jason the other day. Might have called him hot. He's found the tweet." Beth looked blankly, 
"Did you seriously think he didn't have Twitter?"
"There's an account, but it's not active!" 
"Ohh.. Oh Callie, you plum!"
"Shit! I'm so mortified!"
"Ahh so own it, he's seen it now. You might as well just laugh it off. Speaking off, I knew I had one of his films somewhere - fancy watching it?" She held up 'Sleeping with Other People' Callie was too nose deep in her phone to say no. 
"How's this sound - 'Only Brett and I’m not sure he qualifies as a genius.'?"
"Cute, funny. Breezy, go for it. I'm getting popcorn, shall I open some wine?"
"Fuck yes, please do. I might as well continue to drink myself to death at this rate. I'm a walking mess, Beth."
"You're fine. You're getting over dickhead at your own pace, we got you through the heartbreak and booze diet, I know you’re in the forest but we're getting you out." Callie hummed, hitting send on the message and shoving her phone out of sight to watch the film. By the time it ended, the empty wine bottle sat on the coffee table while Callie and Beth lay head to toe on the sofa. 
"So… The film didn't help." Callie pointed out, gently kicking her sister’s head. 
"You're not wrong," Beth sniggered, "He really is hot!"
"Aghh, shut up. I'm in my heartbreak era. I'm allowed to lust over unattainable men. Thank god I’ll never have to meet him again. He is ridiculously gorgeous in person, I couldn’t cope with that again."
"Did he reply to you?"
"Dunno, I'm sitting on my phone. Probably not." Callie dug under the cushions to retrieve it, "Oh shit, he has replied - it just says 'good to know.' Oh, he's sent a link to a song, he said it reminds him of the book." Callie clicked the link and turned up the volume. She looked across at Beth. 
"Didn’t you play this on repeat for about 8 months while you wrote?" Callie nodded slowly. "Bit mad that he's gone for the same song." Callie nodded again, incredulous.
"I'm sending him the full playlist." She decided, getting the link and adding it to the message stream with the caption 'here's my full playlist for the book, crazy coincidence that you went for that track.' He replied with a purple heart, and Callie resisted the urge to keep the conversation going.
Callie landed in Chicago a week later, stopping briefly at her old apartment to get more of her stuff before continuing to her best friend's home. After some calls to her agent, Laura, she had managed to sign a lease on an apartment in New York within the month, and packed up the rest of her belongings. Messages from Jason dropped into her Twitter DMs once or twice a week, recommending the best place in Brooklyn for tacos,  they’d exchanged book recommendations. It felt strange after so long to be living alone. Laura had found her a tiny apartment close enough that they could regularly meet. Since traveling the country together on her book tour, and the break up, she and Laura had become close friends. Callie was grateful to not be starting over totally alone in a new city. She settled down to write, but found again that the words wouldn't come to her, it felt like an age since she’d managed to successfully put pen to paper. Without really thinking, she picked up her phone and sent a message via Twitter: 'What do you listen to when you write?' The response came through almost immediately with a link to Run The Jewels - a duo she'd never heard of. She hit play without replying to the message and emerged 4 hours and 10,000 words later to a new message. Not on Twitter, on WhatsApp, from a number she didn't have saved already. 
'I talked Brett into giving me your number, I hope you don't mind. Hope the music suggestion worked.'
'It did! I finally got something going. Nothing like a looming deadline to hurry me along. I was on a couple of talk shows last week - it was completely bizarre. I don’t know how you do it. Weird as fuck.’
‘You get used to it. Send me the link, I wanna watch.’
Callie dropped the youtube link into their message chain and got back to work. The messages became more and more regular back and forth - discussing new episodes of TV shows they’d recommended to each other, swapping playlists and books. Callie even sent over recipes she’d made, with photographic evidence of how they’d turned out.
Over brunch, Laura put a coffee cup down for Callie and caught sight of a selfie of Jason and Brett on her phone.
“Well this is unexpectedly wonderful Callie Draper. Does Brett know he’s got a new role as matchmaker?”
“Don’t be silly, we’re just friends. We really got along when we met and he’s just really easy to talk to.” Laura hummed, looking at her own phone. She froze reading an email and Callie looked up at the notable silence. She’d expected the Spanish inquisition but it was nowhere to be found. “What’s up babe?”
“Fuuuck. Callie, fucking hell.”
“Laura! What is it? What’s going on?” Laura slid her phone across the table and Callie read the open email;
‘We’d like to invite Ms Draper to the offices to discuss a potential collaboration in getting her book adapted as a series. I’ll send the details across shortly. I'm away in LA for two weeks so we’ll get something booked in early next month. Netflix would love to have something like this in our wheelhouse so I’m really excited to meet you both.’
“Netflix?” Callie whispered in awe, more to the phone than to Laura.
“NETFLIX baby! Netflix!”
“Fucking hell. Fuck me, what do I do?”
“We meet with them, obviously!” Laura took the phone back and frantically drafted a response. Across the table, Callie picked her phone up and wrote a message of her own.
‘Holy fuck, Netflix want to meet me next month to discuss adapting the book. Fuck me, what do I do?!’
‘That’s amazing news - congrats! Meet with them of course, there’s no harm in hearing what they’re thinking of. Meeting with them doesn’t mean you’re committing to them. You’ll crush it.”
‘I know fuck all about TV. Hope you’re ready for a Padewan?’
In London, Jason laughed at his phone before sending a Yoda gif in response. Callie beamed at the reply before concentrating on Laura who was practically combusting. A few days later, a huge bouquet of beautiful sunflowers arrived on her doorstep with a note from Jason and Brett.
Do it you must, young Padawan 💜
She’d cried and sent them both a picture, thanking them.
‘Anytime, anything you need. You’ll do great, I can’t wait to hear all about it.’ Jason had replied.
The Netflix meeting soon rolled around and Callie listened intently. It had sounded great, she knew very little about TV but she’d heard enough to be a little wary of their business model of cancelling both popular and underperforming shows. She wondered if she was ruthless enough for them but found herself hiding those fears from Jason and Brett. She asked Laura to keep Netflix at arms length for a while, playing on her other deadline commitments, while she tried to work the scenarios in her own mind. They were walking through the park when the call from Apple TV reached Laura. She excused herself away from Callie slightly to take the call, before returning with a huge smile.
“Apple wants to meet you now. It happens sometimes, they’ll have heard through the grapevine about the things Netflix are looking into. Sometimes they’re bothered and want to see for themselves, sometimes they leave each other to it. Could be good for you though to hear out another option? They’ve booked us in to meet next month.” Callie was speechless. They parted ways and Laura went back to the office while Callie went home to write. On the way, she sent Jason a message.
‘Now Apple wants to meet me. This is insane. Insane! I’m really wary of Netflix. I’m not sure they’re the right fit. How did you know when you went with Apple?’
‘Amazing news! We were lucky with Apple, we knew right away and they’ve been really supportive. Couldn’t wish for a greater bunch of folks to work with. At least you’ll have something to compare Netflix to.’
Callie smiled, she knew he was right. They’d batted enough ideas back and forth over the last 5 months to know when each other was on the right track. She settled back at her desk and picked a playlist to write to. Time to focus on the day job - not the possibilities of what might happen.
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crossdressingdeath · 1 year
See, now I'm thinking about desire demons again, and like... aside from the fact that yeah the desire demon design just in general isn't all that sexy (please... more creative fanservice than just shoving naked boobs at the camera...), there's no actual reason for them to look like that? And it actually weakens their overall effect as creatures that manipulate humans using their desires. I'm bored so I'm actually going to go down the list of notable desire demons as listed on the wiki to see what they actually offer, and spoiler alert: most of them... aren't actually offering sex, or if they are it's as one part or one option of what they're offering, not the whole thing. So, starting from the top (and leaving out Yevena and Vereveel from Broken Circle, Xebenkeck from Forbidden Knowledge, Hanker from Kind of Want and the unnamed desire demon from Malcolm's Will since none of those offer anything in particular other than a fight):
The desire demon in Arl of Redcliffe offered Connor the power to save his father, and if the Warden negotiates with her she offers the secrets of blood magic, the love of those around them (mechanically is a +20 approval boost for one companion, which seems like a waste given how easy it is to gain approval in DAO but whatever), something to increase their talents (mechanically a tome that gives an additional talent/spell), or sex. So sex isn't off the table, but since it's the only option on the list with no actual benefit to the player I imagine most people don't go for that one, except maybe for roleplay reasons (I'm sure some people's Wardens—and I say this with zero judgement, if someone wants to play a total asshole then I just hope they have fun with it—are the sort that would absolutely choose to bang a desire demon in exchange for a small child's freedom). ...Actually I might make a poll about that, I'm kind of curious what options people go for now.
The desire demon in Broken Circle who ensorcelled that Templar offered him a family life and happiness, although it's unclear if she asked him or just did it for her own reasons. It's a little hard to judge the exact details of the arrangement since he's completely under her control, but it seems like a safe bet that if sex is involved in the deal it's as a part of the "happy family life" illusion, not as the main draw.
It's a little unclear what Kitty offered Amalia, but it seems to have been friendship of some sort? Although it's also possible that there was no actual bargain involved and Kitty was just being nice so that Amalia would come back often enough to give Kitty the chance to get free and then possess her, which is her ultimate goal. When dealing with the Warden Kitty offers a nice staff in exchange for letting her take Amalia (side note, did not know you can get a staff out of Kitty (hehehehehehehe- sorry, I'm very mature I promise) by trading Amalia for it). So overall no offers of sex in this one.
Moving on to DA2, Allure from the Exiled Prince DLC offered Lady Harimann power in exchange for feeding on her husband, son and daughter and offers the same to Hawke and co if they let her go, and while there is some element of sex in the feeding (Lord Harimann, anyone?), Flora just gets drunk in the cellar and yells at thin air and Brett starts trying to turn people into statues by covering them in molten gold, so again it's not an automatically sexual thing.
Caress in Night Terrors does offer Aveline an illusion of Wesley, but that's more about her failed desire to save and protect him than any physical desire for him and (based on the wiki, I've never brought Aveline on this quest myself) Caress's aim in using him seems to be more getting Aveline to turn on Hawke by blaming them and their family for his death. Meanwhile she offers Isabela a ship and crew, feeding off her desire to be a proper captain again, which is a decidedly non-sexual deal to offer a character who the game sexualizes as constantly as it does Isabela. So again, no sexual offers in sight here.
And of course Imshael, the only male desire demon we see (other than Herren if we count him) and for what I'm sure are totally unrelated reasons the only one wearing actual clothes. Very slick, Bioware. Not. In TME he offers to let Michel influence the dreams of men in exchange for him sacrificing someone as a host for Imshael, and in DAI he offers the Inquisitor riches, power or virgins in exchange for his life and freedom, but if you ask for virgins he... doesn't have any (or if Cole is in the party he could find one but admits you probably wouldn't like the result) and gives you a rune instead. So much like in Arl of Redcliffe sex is presented as an option he's willing to make a deal for (and I'm sure the fact that he's offering to find people for you to have sex with instead of offering to have sex with you himself has nothing to do with him being the only male desire demon, see previous point re Bioware's slickness or lack thereof), but it's not the only choice on the list.
So out of the eleven major desire demons we've had run-ins with, five don't offer any deals that we know of (Xebenkeck at least probably did based on her age and power but we have no real details on what they were so she doesn't count), three offer deals with no sexual component, one offers a deal that ends with a sexual component for the demon's sake that does not involve the deal-maker (since Lord Harimann doesn't seem to have made any deal with Allure, she's just feeding on him, whatever that entails), and two offer sex in exchange for getting their way but also offer other options in case the protagonist would prefer something a little more useful than getting laid. So that's 3/11—27.27%—that offer deals involving sex in some way, or a little over a quarter. So if most of the deals we see desire demons make don't involve sex, why is their design so obviously supposed to be seen as sexy? It would actually make more sense for them to try to look like normal people, because the name of the game for a desire demon is manipulation. If you see a purple topless demon lady with nipple piercings, you are immediately going to be on your guard! That's suspicious! Why are you going to willingly make a deal with this thing! Bioware got so fixated on the idea of sexy demon ladies that they missed the bit where their desire demons don't work in a way where that design makes sense for them! Not only are the desire demons blatantly designed the way they are because Bioware wanted to shake some boobs at the camera, it actually weakens them as enemies because creatures that work largely through manipulation would not want to immediately look suspicious.
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rayless-reblogs · 7 months
Favorites Meme!
Thanks for thinking of me @deemoyza! I love this kind of thing.
Favorite painter: I say I love this kind of thing and then I don't pick a favorite. When it comes to figure-based art, I love the well-known classics, Alphonse Mucha (just lush and gorgeous), John William Waterhouse (softly cluttered, often a little unsettled) and Philip de Laszlo (fiery and opalescent). If we're talking animal art, I love the equine illustrations of Wesley Dennis (powerful nostalgia), all the shaggy warm creatures of Rosa Bonheur, and Theophile Steinlen's endless snoozing cats. And then with landscapes, there's John Brett (airy pure blues), Frederic Edwin Church (ethereal), and Mikalojus Konstantinas Ciurlionis (otherworldly, surreal).
Favorite poet/writer: That's even harder. Let's focus on just poets because it's narrower. I once heard Emily Dickinson described as terrifying in her spare use of language, and that's always resonated with me -- and it's something I've tried to angle towards in some of my own poetry.
Favorite band: Am realizing I don't connect as much with bands as with solo artists, so while there are lots of individual songs by bands that I like, I don't have a big pool to draw from. I've always liked the Something Real album by Meg & Dia -- very mid-2000s rock with a lot of cluttered lyrics. But I don't know enough about them overall to really say I'm a fan of them.
Favorite meal & drink: My family's macaroni and cheese recipe, which is kind of weird and atypical (it has cheese, but not an actual cheese sauce) but so cheddary and hearty and good. When I was learning to cook, mastering the macaroni and cheese was a big milestone. And then for drinks, a really good hot chocolate. One of our local restaurants has an amazing one with an enormous homemade marshmallow. For stuff in a packet, I love Starbuck's salted caramel version.
Favorite outfit aesthetic/style: I would maybe call it low-key romantic? I wear a lot of skirts, and I typically always put on jewelry when I go out. I like dark colors (though I've been branching into brighter colors and pastels), some light goth and medievaly elements. I like airy flowy lines, but I also want structure and shape. Am a huge fan of boots with skirts. Current favorite outfit is a dark floral corduroy mini over black leggings, black tee, and a long open-knit burgundy sweater. And of course boots. Adding a cameo necklace or pin gives it a little bit of Victoriana.
Favorite singer: Right now, it's a lot of Tori Amos. She has so many good stand-out lines, beautiful melodies, and also just so much music I still haven't even listened to, even after being a fan for well over ten years. Recently discovered her song "The Maids of Elfen-Mere" and may have to check out the album.
Favorite item you own: Hard to pick one. The year I finished writing The Price and Prey of Magic, someone, without knowing what was in the book, got me a pendant with stag antlers for Christmas. Stags are a big motif in the novel, and it felt like such a lovely, special coincidence. The person has since died, and so wearing the necklace is extra meaningful to me now; I wore it for my first book signing.
Favorite perfume: I don't wear perfume regularly. But my favorite scents are fairly straightforward -- vanilla, orange, rosemary and mint -- pretty simple stuff.
Thank you again! As for tagging, if you see this and would like to do it, go for it!
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korruptbrekker · 1 year
Happy Autism Acceptance Month to all my fellow autists; professionally diagnosed and self-diagnosed alike!
Here's a list of autistic headcanons for Tchaikovsky because I highly suspect he was autistic in real life and now that he's my blorbo (at least the B²TSM version is) I can do with him what I wish.
Physical touch is extremely grounding for him and if you're not careful he can and will cling to you like a koala
He tends to shut down instead of melt down and tends to be very quiet when he does
He has a special interest in ballet and is even taking classes, but he loves writing ballets much more than he loves dancing to them
He has a hyperfixation on house plants and affectionately names each and every plant he acquires
(His favourites are Brett his pothos plant and Eddy his snake plant)
He's really quiet and subdued, but once you get him talking he will not stop until you tell him to and he gets so obviously excited that 9 times out of 10 the crew just lets him infodump
He has really bad RSD (rejection sensitivity dysphoria) though he's getting better at managing it
He hums A LOT but is really shy about it because his pitch isn't great and so he has to be really comfortable around someone in order to hum around them
His echolalia is strongly tied to music and he'll find himself humming things like text tones, app jingles, or even just sentences that fluctuate in a musical way
Absolutely loves super soft things and enjoys the feeling of pressing fluffy blankets and plushies to his face
(Has a collection of cat plushies he cuddles when he sleeps shhh don't tell)
He loves the rain and every time he can he goes outside without an umbrella, tips his head back, and enjoys the feeling the raindrops on his skin
Is extremely grateful for phones because often he gets so into something he forgets to eat/drink/use the restroom/etc. so having alarms/reminders on his phone has really improved his health
He loves the scratchy scratchy sounds of a quill to paper and so he bought himself specific paper to allow him to continue to use dip pens
Journalling has always been boring for him, but he loves letter-writing so now that he's in the present he writes letters to his future self as a way to keep him interested in journalling (and also as an excuse to use his nice dip pens)
He speaks with a lot of intensity and certainty and can be pretty intimidating with his intense tone and facial expressions if you don't know him well
It super ticklish and HATES it, being tickled is so overstimulating for him and unfortunately the crew learned that the hard way
One of his favourite feelings is to make a hot cup of tea and just hover his face over the mug and enjoy the warm air and tea smell that envelops him
His sensory friendly outfit is a big, soft jumper, sweatpants, and the fuzziest socks known to man
His special interest in plants means everything is covered in green and his flat lowkey looks like a botany lab with all the posters of scientific drawings of plants and all the pictures of plants and whatnot
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realityescapee01 · 2 years
Werewolf Bride (part 6)
part 1, 2, 3, 4, 5
Steo | Stiles x Theo | a little bit AU | ns fw 18 | some chapters rated | sm ut
Stiles admits he is clumsy. He trips over nothing and slips over nothing. He was trying to rectify that by training to be more fit, running through the woods and then again stumbles and trips...
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...trips his way into another world.
A werewolf world and more.
"...What is this?" -Theo was so confused.
"I'm taking back my pack." -Peter said with such force, his alpha red eyes glowing.
"I don't... understand." -Theo gestured for Stiles to come closer to him.
"You see, Theo, son. There are some things you don't know."
"I knew it." -Satomi arrived. "You're a traitor."
Satomi arrived with some pack members. Satomi then looked over at Stiles. And then she smiled.
"I think I figured it out. Did you bring this man here to make Theo preoccupied. Caused a ruckus at the border to draw attention away from you here. Used Stiles again to get Theo to follow. And brainwash him to fight against me. Isn't that right, Peter?"
"Oh, I don't need to brainwash my son, Satomi, once he hear what I have to say." -Peter readied himself the fight.
"Theo, come over here. You knew everyone was wary of your dad, and this is why." -Satomi called to Theo.
"Are you really gonna listen to some random, sweet-looking lady over you own father?" -Peter also called to Theo.
Theo never replied to anyone, he was observing the situation. And keeping Stiles close to him.
"Theo, you gotta hear this-" -Peter had no chance to finish his sentence because Satomi launched herself at him.
And so does the other pack members she brought.
A fight began.
"Brett... Brett, what the hell?!?" -Theo staggered a little because Brett started go attack him.
"What are you doing with Peter, Theo. Tell me the truth." -Brett paused his attacks for a moment.
"Believe me, I am not with him, I am here after Stil-"
"Whoa!" -Stiles exclaimed as he barely dodged the werejaguars attacks.
Theo was infront of him the next second. Theo shifted and growled at the werejaguar. There was a scuffle and Stiles ended up at the edge of the lake, tumbling into the waters.
Stiles kept going deeper and deeper in the water as if something is pulling him downwards.
"Stiles! Stiles!!!"
"Theo!!!" -Stiles kicked as hard as he can and reached his hands up.
Stiles grabbed the hand that gripped his. He was then pulled up... or rather, pulled to sit up... on his bed.
"H-Huh?" -Stiles looked around and saw that it was his dad that got his hand. "Dad?"
The sheriff let out a sigh of relief. "Good, you're awake. Someone found you by the preserve lake."
The sheriff sat up to get Stiles his dinner. "You've been out a while. Here. Eat up, kiddo."
"W-What happened?" -Stiles was still looking around.
"You tell me. All I know was you were going for a jog in the preserve, the next thing, someone called me saying they found you by the lake, unconscious."
The sheriff proceeded to tell him that he had investigated the area, no suspicious signs found. He had brought Stiles to the hospital to get checked out but everything was fine and was immediately discharged.
"I was jogging. Then I slipped. And kept tumbling. To the lake."
And woke up in a different world, got married, fell inlove, got made-love to so passionately, got involved in a pack fight.
But he never said those.
"Take a rest. I'll be downstairs."
"Thanks, dad." -Stiles smiled and as soon as his dad was out of his room, he pulled to his computer and panicked. Nail-biting panic.
Theo. What the hell happened? Were they all true? Was it just a dream?
He opened his internet browser...but stopped. How is he gonna search about this? Nevertheless, he still searched.
There were all fiction stories or those crazy, weird websites where people say they experienced it, but Stiles knew they were lying.
Stiles closed his computer, it's pointless at this point. He had one other option... Lydia.
"Stiles... I think you need to get checked."
"Brutally honest and straight to the point." Stiles said.
"Seriously, Stiles, that doesn't happen. What you just told me. I know you know."
"Yeah, but Lyds, this guy, Theo-"
"Is not real, Stiles."
Stiles wanted to say some more but he chose to be silent. He needs evidence. Evidence to prove it's real.
But what evidence does he have?
Stiles went on with his life as usual, it's been a week since he got back from Theo's world. He tried to go as usual, but he couldn't. He has dreams about Theo.
The time they spent with each other. The dates. The holding hands. The kiss. The sex. The I-love-yous.
Stiles misses all of those. Their night outs. Their drives. Their dinner dates. The couch they laze on. Their bed. Theo's truck... Theo.
Stiles misses Theo. His Theo.
So fucking much.
Stiles is back at school with Lydia, and had just turned the corner. Lydia went into the restroom as Stiles waited near by.
For some reason, he looked at the football team's locker room. And saw someone familiar.
Stiles perked up and kept inching towards the locker room. It's the same. The height, the hair, the build, the jacket, that's definitely Theo.
"Theo!" Stiles grabbed the guy's shoulder.
Except it wasn't, the moment the guy turned around to face him.
"Excuse me, can I help you?"
"Ah, no, no. Sorry." Stiles scurried away, and got back by the restroom as Lydia stepped out.
"Lyds, wait a bit." Now it's his time to get into the restroom. He splashed his face with water.
Everytime, he always sees Theo around. Or someone that reminds him of Theo. Like this guy, coming out of the stalls, wearing the same jersey number Theo has. Stiles slapped himself a bit and walked out of there.
They went through the day with Stiles gripping himself, he's thinking too much. Too much.
That he asked, in class, in front of everyone, their physics teacher...
"Is it possible to travel to a different world? Through a wormhole, perhaps?"
The class went silent.
"Stilinski, I think we're watching too much marvel movies."
And then everyone laughed. Stiles felt so embarrassed. Lydia looked at him, touched his hand and talked to him after class.
"Stiles-" Lydia was chasing after him through the corridors.
"I know, I know, Lyds. But I swear! Theo is real!" Stiles avoided her touch and stormed out of school. Today was too much.
Stiles went straight home, turning his room upside down and inside out for any evidence he could find to prove that Theo is real. That another world is real. That he is not going crazy.
But he found nothing.
He laid to his bed. It felt familiar, but not as it was. Him and Theo's bed feels better. Theo hugging him into the warmth of his body. They did lots of things in bed.
Stiles sat up suddenly, straight to the mirror, and almost ripped his shirt by the collar.
Theo marked him there.
Stiles kept looking and wiping at the spot, but there is nothing there. But Stiles could feel it. He swears.
"Fuck!!!" Stiles punched the mirror.
"Stiles?!? Are you okay?" Lydia was standing by his room door.
"Lyds?" Stiles tried to hide his bleeding hand.
"You didn't lock the front door." Lydia looked around and saw how a mess the room is. The broken mirror and Stiles' hand. "Stiles, we have to get that checked. Come on."
"Theo is real, Lydia."
"Let's get you checked first then tell me more about Theo, okay?"
They went to the hospital and Stiles' hand got treated, glass shards got pulled out too.
They went home immediately after. Stiles kept touching his neck. Lydia grew worried.
"Stiles, I know you hate to hear this, but I think you need to get a check up with a psyhc-"
"Lyds, please. Not now."
"Stiles, you ended up hurting yourself. Please, get checked. I'm worried about you. A lot."
"Lydia, I'm not going crazy. Theo is real."
"Just get me home."
Another day passed. Or a week Or a month. Stiles isn't sure anymore.
"Ouch!" Stiles jerked from the pain.
Lydia had just slapped his shoulder, hard. "You know, Stiles, you gotta loosen up. I'm throwing a party. You should come!"
"Stiles, Theo is not real. You just dreamed it. Nothing like that happens in real life."
Stiles opened his mouth, but closed it again. He doesn't know what to say to convince her that its real. Hell, now, even him doesn't know if it's real or not.
So just to get his head out of it for a while, he agreed to go to the party.
It is known that Lydia Martin throws the best parties in town. And this time, it's the one Stiles hate the most: blacklight party.
All the glow makeup, all the glow sticks, the body paint on gyrating bodies in a haze of smoke, blacklight, sweat, and perfume; Stiles isn't exactly a fan of.
Lydia pulls Stiles onto the dance floor.
"Stiles, you've been so out of it this past few days. Relax." Lydia said as he made Stiles dance with her.
"Fine." Stiles reluctantly started pulling these quirky dance moves.
For a few minutes, Stiles was stress free. Anxiety free. For a few minutes, he wasn't thinking about what happened, and for a few minutes, he even thought what happened wasn't real.
"Hey, what's that?" Lydia shouted at him through the loud music.
"That, on your neck. Here." Lydia poked at his neck when the blacklight hit it again.
Stiles tried really hard to see but he couldn't. "What is it? Paint?"
"No, more like... a bite mark?"
Then it hit him. That's the spot Theo marked him.
"Theo! Theo is real!" Stiles grabbed Lydia and started shaking her.
"H-Hey! Stiles! Where are we going?!? Stiles!"
Stiles passed by a party goer holding up blacklight, he went back and took it. He went to the bathroom with Lydia. Faced the mirror. He shone the blacklight on his neck, and saw the bite mark there.
"It's real! This is Theo's mark on me, Lyds!" Stiles felt happy. He wasn't going crazy afterall.
"Stiles, you drank quite a bit-"
"How can you explain the bite mark? Even if I'm drunk, how would I get a bite like this on my neck?"
Lydia still isn't buying it.
"Look, I traveled to that world through the lake... water. We need water."
Stiles suddenly had an idea. He dragged Lydia with him to the pool. But the pool had too many people. So he settled to the fountain in the garden.
"Look! I will disappear through this fountain and go to Theo's world."
Stiles took a deep breath and jumped in.
He reemerges and he is still in Lydia's garden fountain.
"Stiles. Get out fo there. We haven't had that cleaned for a while. There are moss and whatnots."
"Why didn't it work?" Stiles slammed his hands on the water.
That incident pushed Lydia to finally tell Stiles' dad about Stiles' troubles. His dad did everything he can to bring Stiles to the facility. He didn't tell Stiles straight, because he knew Stiles will never agree.
So he tricked Stiles. He told him they'll go someplace just to check it out, an investigation, gonna ask the doctor some questions.
Stiles picked up on it just in time. He bolted out of there.
"Stiles! Son! Please, you need this!"
Stiles ran past the guards and out the gate. He ran into the preserve again. He knows he's not crazy. He knows Theo is real. His mark is on him.
He heard Eichen house's personnels coming after him. He knows only one place he could get away.
He only hopes it works this time.
He ran to the lake and jumped in.
-+-+-+ ( to be continued ) +-+-+-
thank you. more on my master list here
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part 7 here
see you on the next chapter. 😉
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stylecouncil · 2 years
agree so hard abt what you have to say about courtney love and just """"problematic"""" women in general. what's crazy to me is seeing people like graham coxon from blur have serious emotional abuse allegations come out about them and after like 5 months everyone forgets and no one cares meanwhile kathleen hanna, justine frischmann, etc have like Dedicated hatedoms because they did something bad one time or come off a certain way. i think for justine it was for two-timing brett anderson and making damon albarn do heroin (even though he didn't even get addicted) which is honestly not that bad and also funny as fuck and they both deserved it. beatles fans still act like yoko is an evil demonic hell bitch because she screwed over julian lennon but just ignore the fact that george was a misogynist who mistreated pattie boyd and didn't pay taxes (still my favorite beatle BTW). it makes me think about that viv albertine quote where she talks about how the only women in music when she was growing up were pop stars and folk musicians. i think people are still made very uncomfortable by women who aren't hyperfeminine and also bubbly or gentle. it's okay to dislike people and it's really important to call out racism but i also think people should maybe stop for a second and compare and contrast how they talk about courtney love vs someone like morrissey
I mean I hate justine frischmann and think she deserves to burn in hell just for being born rich so I guess we all have our different lines in the sand we have to draw for ourselves shhd. oh well at least she gave brett anderson a place to stay for a while. but no there’s definitely a double standard and that’s essentially all I was trying to say.
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I cannot help myself, I like to draw connections with The Muppets and Ted Lasso. Mostly because I draw a connections to Muppets to everything I watch, but it also has a lot to do with Brett's love of Muppets as well, which has gotten me lean in a little bit harder to see where that influence is shown in the show.
One thing I pretty much thought about the moment I finished watching season 1 for the first time was a song that was sang on The Muppet Show (episode 212 with Bernadette Peters). It isn't a song originally written for Muppets, but for Snoopy! The Musical.
I think this song really fits the the Ted Lasso message. Jason has said Ted Lasso is not just a person, but a vibe, and this song is all about that vibe:
If just one person believes in you. Deep enough, and strong enough, believes in you. Hard enough,and long enough before you knew it, Someone else would think, if he can do it, I can do it...
...And when all those people believe in you, Deep enough and strong enough believe in you, Hard enough and long enough it stands to reason you, Yourself will start to see what everybody sees in you. And maybe even you, can believe in you, too.
Check out the song:
I think it fits so well with what TL is trying to do, and I thought it other's would enjoy hearing as well.
On personal note it's a song that makes me cry every time I hear it. Not only because it's a beautiful song with a lovely message, but it was also used on a TV special, A Tribute to Jim Henson (The creator of The Muppets). It was also sang by all his co-workers performing their characters at Jim Henson's memorial.
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dynamoe · 2 years
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If you beg for comments you get results!
Rustique, (I assume you're a tumblrino), you made my day and proved that AT LEAST ONE PERSON has read this chapter.
→ Rustique on Chapter 6 Fri 09 Sep 2022 09:19PM PDT
After going through this fic 5-6 times, I'll give an honest review.
That's a lot of times. I've gone through it about 300 times, but that's because I'm a terrible proofreader and keep finding more typos.
I'm bracing for a super-negative take-down when "an honest review" is in the first line. 😬
This story goes so, so underappreciated in that no one realizes just how much effort the author puts into adding little charming headers to fully-illustrated scenes in the writing itself. It was certainly a highlight of my day when I first saw Billy with cute, colorful bows in his hair and, amazingly, found him less uncomfortable to look at.
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I believe they're referring to this* illustration ↑ They're plastic baby barrettes— bows, flowers and a butterfly— embraced subversively by the Riot Grrrl set like so many other "little girl" accessories in the '90s. (Doesn't explain where Billy got them.)
My socks were knocked off when I saw an entire novel's worth dedicated to Billy Quizboy's love life, so color me impressed when I found this hidden gem right here. I would have never guessed I'd be so intensely reading Billy's (rusty) venture into romance (or some vague form of it) and yet... here we are. I now understand the appeal. I get it. Nearly went to The Light Side after seeing White at the Tiki Bar though, and my loyalty has been compromised.
All the online fans wanna knock boots with Pete even when I write him as an asshole. I also made the mistake of drawing him dressed as Brett Anderson from Suede in that header, an open shirt sets loins afire.
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Anyway, seeing how each chapter plays out has been very fun to read. It's nice to see Quizboy be treated somewhat better than his albino and I'm immersed in this awkward, ugly pug version of a relationship he has with Alison.
Please take all my money in the form of a kudos.
I have taken all your money. Thank you.
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It's odd... a second person mentioning to me in so many days that they find Billy hard to look at. My own mother said "that character you draw with hydrocephalus" was gross.
I've unlocked why young Billy is cuter than regular adult Billy. The key= less chin. He always looks better with no break between head and neck. (No jawline, just neck + chin = horrible.)
*I think I drew Billy looking too young for the chapter, this is his Invisible Hand of Fate era face. I was recycling drawings I had done already. I originally drew this as "1990" not 1994-1996 when the story is set but I wanted to show off his oven mitt and eye-bandage he wears while working at the public library.
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