#bring them home NOW
sw1tchbackli · 2 days
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nimrochan · 1 day
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When a hundred Israeli hostage posters are vandalized but the one with the dog remains pristine
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notaplaceofhonour · 4 months
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Not At Odds
Ceasefire Now + Bring Them Home Now
Jewish & Palestinian safety & freedom are not at odds with each other; they are interconnected. These things can must coexist.
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the-eyespy · 1 month
🇵🇸 Israelis threw a Palestinian boy in an oven during the ethnic clëansing of Palestinians in 1948.
Every accusation is a confession.
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that-rad-jewish-girl · 4 months
“They came in on humanitarian aid trucks!”
“This is a war crime!!!”
“They massacred 200+ people!”
It’s actually a war crime to take hostages babe. It’s also a war crime to kill people you take and/or attack civilians. All of October 7th was a war crime. You cannot enter another country and slaughter random civilians dancing at a rave. You cannot go door-to-door in a village and burn people alive. That’s a war crime.
On the other hand, it is not a war crime to attack an entity involved in war, even if it would normally be a crime to do so. For example: attacking a refugee camp is not a war crime when the “refugees” are hiding hostages. If a hospital is being used as a base for terrorists, the hospital is now legally fair game for war. When we have satellite videos of Hamas members driving UN vehicles and operating out of an UNRWA building, those vehicles and that building are up for grabs.
They will literally video themselves wearing press vests while firing rockets into Israel. But if they die, they won’t be reported as a combatant death. The headlines will read “Israel Kills Member of Gazan Press”. And people eat it up.
At this point people have two options:
1. You’re a sheep. You do no real research. You follow blindly.
2. You’re a Jew hater. You are antisemitic.
Which one is it? Maybe a combo of both.
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sunbeamedskies · 4 months
“Noa Argamani was treated well!”
She was kept as a hostage slave in a wealthy family’s apartment, forced to clean it whenever they knocked without warning, for EIGHT MONTHS. Just because they fed her does not mean she wasn’t a hostage and a slave. Her mother also has terminal cancer and was afraid she was never going to see her again.
If you start justifying human rights abuses against women, Jews, and Asians (she is half Chinese) because they are Israeli, you were never against antisemitism, misogyny, or wanted to stop Asian hate.
You can support both Palestinian and Israeli civilian lives.
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bringherhome7 · 4 months
Vogue Greece picked an Israeli model Sun Mizrahi to be on the cover of their “Mediterranean Touch” and their followers got really angry.
“Posting an Israeli model on your cover in the midst of current world events is an extremely tone deaf decision and it really does beg the question whether you are able to read the room” one commentator said. “This is not what Israelis look like” another one added.
This is just a radicalized and panicked whitewashing of Israel to fit an insane narrative that Israelis are all White.
They essentially ask Vogue to not show the world that Israelis are Middle Eastern people. And since it annoys them so much, I decided to post it here too 😘
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queenwille · 25 days
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Hersh Goldberg-Polin Z”L, 23 🕯️🕊️
Eden Yerushalmi Z”L, 24 🕯️🕊️
Ori Danino Z”L, 25 🕯️🕊️
Alex Lubnov Z”L, 32 🕯️🕊️
Carmel Gat Z”L, 40 🕯️🕊️
Almog Sarusi Z”L, 25 🕯️🕊️
Their bodies were retrieved back home by the IDF last night from a tunnel 20m underground in Rafah, after being executed in the last few days. HY”D. 🕯️🎗️
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low-cole-timothy · 4 months
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gaelic-symphony · 25 days
Six hostages were found murdered in Hamas tunnels under Rafah, and initial IDF reports say they were likely killed only a day or two before their bodies were recovered. These six precious souls managed to hold on for almost an entire year in the horrors of Hamas captivity, counting on Israeli and Palestinian leaders to end the war and bring them home to their families, but for eleven months, the world has instead turned its backs on the hostages in Gaza and emboldened their captors. Netanyahu and his cronies have blood on their hands. Sinwar, Abbas, and every other Palestinian leader who continues to promote false narratives about Israel and encourage violence against Jews have blood on their hands. The UN, the Red Cross and other so-called “humanitarian” NGOs who have aided Hamas terrorists have blood on their hands. Privileged western leftists who have emboldened Hamas with their unabashed Jew hate and calls to “globalize the intifada” have blood on their hands.
In Judaism, the phrase we usually say for those who have died is zichronam livrachah, may their memories be a blessing. But there is another phrase which we use when our people are murdered so brutally and senselessly like these six hostages whose loved ones will never get to hold them again. We say: Hashem yikom damam. May Hashem avenge their blood.
Hersh, Eden, Carmel, Almog, Ori, and Alexander, we will never forget you. You were loved, you were valued, and you deserved so much better. You should be alive and home with your families. May your captors and your murders face swift justice and never know a minute of peace. May no more families experience the enormity of devastation and grief that your families are feeling today after nearly a year of screaming and fighting to bring you home.
Fuck Hamas. Fuck Netanyahu. End this war and bring the hostages home. 🎗️
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Since the start of the war i see posts on tiktok about how many cultures makes the Israeli culture, and every time i see pro Palestine say its not true. A black Israeli Jewish explained how her family ran away to israel and live here decently. People call her a liar. That she is paid to say that. A video about a black person and a muslin and a russian guy sitting next to each other on the train and pro Palestine dont believe this.
Israel is not a white European country. Most of us not even white. Dont make the beliefs that we are another reason to hate us.
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I’m going to be honest I believe the Jewish community hasn’t been able to properly mourn October 7th or worry for our hostages due to the pro palestinian community.
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nimrochan · 19 days
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Make antisemitism bad again.
Make racism bad again.
Make terrorism bad again.
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i feel like we can say both "i'm glad more hostages were brought home safely" and "i wish nobody got killed in the process of bringing those people home." it's not even self contradictory, it's saying "i don't like when people get hurt" yk
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troybarnesbucky · 25 days
he should’ve been brought home. his parents shouldnt have spent the better part of a year fighting for his name, his story, his life. baruch dayan ha’emet, hersh. i’m so incredibly heartbroken. this has broken me.
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What the goyische left has subjected the hostages’ families to is, quite simply, unforgivable and cruel beyond the limits of human comprehension. Can you imagine if your loved ones—your wife, your husband, your mother and father, your siblings—were kidnapped by a genocidal terrorist organization that wants to kill all of who you are and who they are… and the world cheered it on?
Like, if your family was being constantly harassed as genocidal liars and sadists? It’s as if Sandy Hook deniers were worldwide and numbered in the millions. Seeing your loved ones go from your loved ones to either a completely forgotten footnote or their kidnapping being held up accomplishment, a victory and a major step towards a “free Palestine.” All the while, you still don’t know if they’ll ever come back… or what unspeakable brutalities they’ve been subjected to during their captivity, what kind of doomsday level PTSD they might have if they come back. And this goes on… for eleven months… and counting.
What the goyim have subjected Jews worldwide to is already disgusting and shameful, but what they’ve done to the families of the hostages so uniquely twisted and sadistic it genuinely boggles the mind. Anyone who has ever defended, denied, or excused Hamas or the kidnapping of the hostages is so unworthy of basic friendship, so low and utterly disgraceful, I couldn’t even look at them without wanting to vomit.
Hamas perpetrated the second deadliest terrorist attack in the history of the human race. And every day, it continues. October 7th has not ended, not for hundreds of families who want their loved ones to come back home.
Bring them home now!
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