#broke riku
matenr0u · 10 months
Very normal about this Belle/Beast parallel in particular:
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I came to fight for Belle.
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And though I am on my own, I will fight.
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I won’t leave without her.
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That’s why I’m here.
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daylighteclipsed · 1 year
Y’all ever think about if Sora falls to darkness that inside his heart will look like the Destiny Islands falling again
#i do a lot#kingdom hearts#one of the biggest reasons i think we’ll see something like this in canon. briefly at least#not only would parallel ddd w ven’s heart/armor no longer there to protect sora#and roxas and xion gone from sora’s heart too. so sora would be alone#and actually there as opposed to in the RoL/awake when riku dives in#but also there is no way nomura’s gonna pass up the chance to bring us full circle like this. he loves making his characters revisit/relive#worlds and memories like this to make a point. and sora’s heart was sunset in ddd… following kh1 the dark and stormy night comes next#The thought of sora and riku reaffirming their love and friendship here when it broke the first time the islands fell#both of them having to in a way relive this horrible night for the final time#but riku doing the total opposite of last time. trying to save sora trying to stop the darkness from consuming everything#being totally honest with sora. reaching his hand out for sora but this time he’s not being consumed by darkness.#he’s become the light in the darkness. and they finally reach each other they finally grasp hands. I’m chewing on glass#i don’t think sora would ‘fall’ to darkness in the traditional sense#thematically i think it makes more sense for him to be faced w another martyr choice#though his own negative feelings would still be tangled up in there. and this would parallel kh3#and if sora chooses to let darkness into his heart to save others it’d also parallel kh1 w riku choosing to open the door/let the darkness#into destiny islands at the risk of others#god it’d be just like kh1 but we’d be playing as riku and he’d be the one looking frantically for sora#a reversed dynamic. but now they understand each other’s pain and feelings so they can reach each other#figuratively and literally#i love parallels i love symbolism i love themes kick my ass !!!!
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cosmosnene · 1 year
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I wanted stickers for my water bottle in hopes it would make me drink more water?!**~ ~If your seeing this..PLS comment on your fav image/meme based from the anime!!! I'd love to see them, and maybe even draw them!!~
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gulava · 1 year
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In any case, I'm tired of watching you duke it out. Although, I did see something interesting in the future. A new world. One that I can't even conceive. A world where neither light nor darkness rules. Do you know what sets people apart from other living beings? People want to believe in the future, even if they won't be around to see it. I want to believe, too. Believe in a world beyond what we can imagine. A world of fiction.
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blowingoffsteam2 · 2 years
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My theory: This whole mural in the Keyblade Graveyard labyrinth, read from top to bottom, is depicting the final passage of the book of prophecies- Riku’s sacrifice (the solar symbol on top, the demon tide being split around them, Sora below) Sora’s heart breaking (the splitting of the heart), and subsequently the descent into the “abyss” (the coffin shaped chaos (greek khaos) symbol beneath the ground). Riku’s sacrifice was the last thing MoM saw/wrote down, hence why the final passage appears on screen when Riku and Sora are covered by the demon tide. “And so, as foretold, darkness prevailed and light expired.”
“The word khaos means "gap" or "chasm" being the space between heaven and earth.” “In Christian theology, the same term is used to refer to the gap or the abyss created by the separation of heaven and earth.”
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hvenart · 1 year
Omg my beautiful man eternal comes out today…….
in theaters…………
While international fans have to wait……..
and knowing Japanese movies it’s probably gonna take more than half a year until it gets its international release…………..
But in all seriousness, I hope it does well in Japan. It will be so weird to not have any updates anymore on Instagram and Twitter of utsukare. I’ve already talked about how much I love this show and the fact that we got two seasons AND a movie is already more then some other bl’s get. Also it made me a fan of Riku Hagiwara and Yagi Yusei. I already knew about Riku but Yagi surprised me with his acting. The writers and directors of this show deserve so much fame they did a FANTASTIC job. The way they portrayed their relationship and developed the characters at a realistic pace is just amazing.
And to all the Japanese fans, I’m so happy you get to see it already (I’m lying I hope you choke on popcorn)
IM KIDDING (I’m not. I’m trying to explode you with my brain)
AND DONT YOU DARE GIVE SPOILERS (please give me spoilers im begging)
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system-of-a-feather · 2 years
favorite animal that isn't birds
Wolves generally for me. Riku immediately went "secretary bird" and I had to just sigh at them before they realized. The child would probably say fish (beta fish) or ants.
Still waiting for Riku to find one - apparently "i literally can't think of any specific animal species that isnt a bird right now"
i keep going "... ospre- FUCK" but with like 1000 birds
Honestly probably a lizard - particularly the local one that might dox me or the bearded dragon. I really don't know Im drawing a HUGE blank and I don't feel like that is the right answer
OH I DO LIKE FOXES. Maybe artic fox idk
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sleepyhead-poll · 19 days
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Propaganda Under the Cut:
Constantly (exaggeration) falling into magical slumber and riku (his friend) always has to go on a quest to save him. The longest occasion was when he slept for a little less than a year while his memories got repaired. He sleeps in a giant lotus thing btw it's pretty cool
Sweet guy. Bby boy.
He broke his own heart (literally) and then took a decade long nap to recover :]
He's managed to fall into deep sleeps on multiple occasions, one of which lasted over a DECADE. Fighting off possession by darkness really takes it out of you, especially when your heart ends up outside your body.
Falling unconscious for worrying amounts of time is his main coping mechanism
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Broke: The Atlantica world in kh sucks
Woke: The Atlantica world in kh sucks HOWEVER. It's a really good Riku parallel
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So I'm back on my percy Jackson bs again and I saw this one post on Tiktok claiming that Solangelo is "Klance Coded" and I simply had to laugh because that couldn't be any further from the truth...
Klance is Red and Blue, Fire and Water type polar opposites in both personality and aesthetics
However, not every polar opposite style ship is "Red and Blue Coded" there's also Sun and Moon, ( Or in Solangelo's case, Sun and Star) Light and Darkness.
so basically, and this might be controversial, but I know those who will get it will get it, what I'm trying to say is.....
Solangelo is NOT Klance Coded.
Solangelo is SORIKU Coded
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I can go into heavy detail, and I will!
Will is definitely a lot like Sora in that even when surrounded by so much bad happening or even when he's going through his own stuff, he still puts on a smile and pretends nothing is wrong. of course to his own detriment and also has self sacrificing tendancies. Overworking himself to heal others to the point of exhaustion and even down to the self esteem issues. Sora sees himself alone as worthless without his friends ("My Friends Are My Power") and Will feeling like Healing is the only thing he's good for since he didn't inherit any of the other natural talents most of his other siblings have as demigod children of Apollo. And the incident with Octavian probably didn't help either. They also have somewhat of a hero complex and struggle with dealing with the fact that they can't save everyone. Sora broke a major taboo in order to bring kairi back in kh3 because he didn't want her to die, and Will being a medic that had been through not 1 but 2 LITERAL WARS, one in which he lost several of his siblings and of course being a medic in general, no matter how hard you try or how good at your job, it's just a fact that you cannot save everyone that's put in your care. Also, Both Sora and Will are heavily associated with Light both literally and figuratively
And then we got Nico, who just like Riku was lost for so long in lieral and metaphorical darkness, both trapped in metaphorical labyrinths of their inner turmoil of thier feelings, their pasts, their trauma (wether it be losing someone they care about, or being abused and manipulated at the hands of a shifty adult figure for their own gain) , and feeling that they have no place of belonging. only to be brought back by the people that care about them the most and through their own self determination and strength. And also both characters associated with darkness literally and as a concept.
Riku and Nico also have a teensy bit of Angel character symbolism with Nico's last name being Angel in italian and Riku's original keyblade Way To Dawn having both a monster/demon wing and Angel wing at the hand guard and for the "teeth" of the keyblade
you could also argue Riku could technically be seen as a "Fallen Angel" type character since he was originally chosen to be a keyblade wielder by Terra but lost that right when he fell to darkness hence why the keyblade went to Sora instead, then Riku spent the next several games on a very angsty redemption arc.
And of course, Nico and Riku aren't strictly associated with darkness. Nico is a son of hades, a prince of the underworld, The Ghost King. However, he isn't all doom and gloom. He's still just a teenage boy that's secretly a giant nerd and is actually a a good kid.
Riku as well, has the power to wield both the powers of light and darkness and it was Riku's light inside his heart that sora reached out to that dark and stormy night on the beaches of destiny island that let him wield the keyblade in the first place
And don't even get me started on how Riku is 100% gay coded (don't beleive me? look up the "Riku Is Gay" video on youtube, grab a snack and enjoy. you're gonna be there a hot minute)
Both characters in both medias are opposites to each other but both also compliment and balance each other out. But not like Fire and Water. Like Light and Darkness. Not only hat, but the dynamic between Sora and Riku and between Nico and Will are kinda similar. not identical by any means, but enough to where I definitely noticed it.
If anyone else has anything to add to this, let me know! I had this lightbulb a few nights ago and I haven't been able to stop thinking about it since!
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megaxard · 2 years
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ive decided to start transferring over some of my kh text post edits from twitter, circa 2020-2022! the first batch is riku (feat. repliku)
[original thread] [#2, xigbar] [#3, xemnas] [#4, soriku] [#5, leaisa] [#6, roxas] [#7, kh1] [#8, axel/lea] [#9, demyx] [#10, CoM] [#11, DiZ hate] [#12, CoM/coded]
Below: Image IDs
[Start image ID]
1. The Master of Masters: i can see through the eyes of every Goku figurine (No Name)
Riku: This post made me promptly put all my DB figurines (Riku’s Keyblades, Soul Eater and Way to the Dawn) in a drawer and I’m not sure why
The Master of Masters: it’s so dark
2. Yuffie: A person I just met said “yeah I grew up loving the Percy Jackson books” and I accidentally responded “so you’re gay.” He was, in fact, gay.
Riku: “nobody’s ever said it that bluntly before but yeah.”
3. Riku: Remember when you were 15 and you were convinced you were evil and irredeemable and completely insane but it turns out you were just 15 (image of KH1 Riku)
4. KH1 Riku, with Ansem behind him: my gender is male as in Italian for evil
5. with images of Repliku and Chain of Memories Riku overlaid, they look very similar: I remember this one time the neighbor’s cat, Simba, broke into our house to fight our cat, also Simba.
reply: Kin drama
6. Riku: My DNA test results came back positive. I definitely have DNA.
Repliku: quit bragging
7. Repliku: life fucking sucks and has no purpose
Marina and the Diamonds: I’m miss sugar pink, liquor liquor lips, hit me with your sweet love steal me with a kiss,
Repliku: Actually I’m gonna go burn a cop car!!
8. Riku: Don’t ever lose sight of what’s important in life (being gay)
9. DDD Riku, looking at a hologram Sora: (falls in love with someone who was nice to me in my dream)
[End image ID]
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animesmolbean · 4 months
Guardian of Light
Author's Note: This is not related to the story or Dune.
I'm on Season 3 of The Umbrella Academy! I am obsessed! I'm honestly considering writing a fanfic for it before Season 4 comes out in August. Which means I might have to delay the release of the Dune Part 2 story. I have to write it anyway; I only have the beginning finished.
But I am considering writing a fanfic for The Umbrella Academy!
Story inspiration here
Hope you enjoy the chapter! ♥️
Chapter 4: Off to Arrakis
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It was the next day, (Your Name) was dressed in her normal outfit that was similar to Paul's as she watched him bend down to observe the grass growing on the field they were at.
(Your Name) suspected something was on Paul's mind. He seemed more tense, downcast and more protective of her. He gets like this when something is bothering him. She tried to ask but Paul simply brushed it off, saying he was tired. Not wanting to push him, she always let him be after that.
Paul stood up, turned to the girl and reached his gloved hand for her to take. She takes it without question, smiling softly. The two watched a ship appear from under the water. It was something (Your Name) is still in awe about.
Both of them walked down towards the beach.
When they arrive at the water, Paul removes the glove on (Your Name)’s hand, freeing it of its leather confide. Then he brought her hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss onto the back of it, before letting it go.
(Your Name) watched, with a blush on her cheeks, as Paul walked closer to the edge of the water and bent down, dipping his bare hand into the water, feeling it. She looked where he was looking and walked a bit closer to Paul until she was beside him. Sensing her, Paul stood up.
Paul smiled softly at her before his attention was brought to the sun, shining subtly, a cool expression on his face. She looked out towards the sun too, losing herself in thought.
Caladan was a beautiful place. Full of luscious plantation, beautiful skies, bodies of water to play in. Not to mention all the seasons it gets; rain, snow, the bright sun.
She would miss it dearly.
(Your Name) was outside, on the beach again. She stood where the sand was before it would go into the water, deep in thought.
Ever since the Bene Gesserit came to test her and Paul, her thoughts were running rapidly. Her dreams became more vivid, and seemed like it was a story playing visually to her with words sprinkled in. But it was still scattered and played seemingly out of order.
She remembered everything from her dreams. The people, the fighting of monsters, the villains they faced and defeated, the friends lost and gained, the sacrifices made for the people they loved most. The eventual happiness they all got once the war was over.
There wasn't much talking in the dreams, but she remembered all the words spoken. The ones that were spoken most were darkness, light, Nobody, Heartless, friends, heart, and… keyblade.
‘It must be the weapons they carry to fight.’ She thought to herself.
There were two names she remembered being said too. There were many names that were spoken in her dreams but two were said the most.
Sora and Riku.
‘They were the two that I see in my dreams the most.’
She looked out towards the horizon. Despite knowing all of this, she was still baffled. Everything seemed to make sense but it also felt so… scattered.
She sighed softly, citing words from her latest dream. When she did, she thought she would feel a presence next to her, and their voice saying it with her.
“A scattered dream that's like a far-off memory. A far-off memory that's like a scattered dream…. I want to line the pieces up - Yours and mine.”
“(Your Name)!”
The call of her name broke her out of her thoughts and she turned to see who called for her.
It was Paul.
He was dressed similarly to her, his hair pushed back just a little.
“Time to go. Father is looking for you.”
(Your Name) took one more glance out to the horizon, saying a silent goodbye, before she turned around and walked towards Paul.
Once she got to him, he offered his hand out to her. She graciously took it as they walked to the ship that would take them to Arrakis.
(Your Name) and Paul were in a hanger of a ship, surrounded by soldiers supporting the Atreides clan. They stood in the middle of them all, getting ready to walk out and greet people. The pair felt the ship shift, meaning that they have landed at their destination.
“Shield.” a voice commanded. The soldiers followed, turning on the invisible shields.
Paul reached over to (Your Name) and grabbed her hand, giving it a squeeze, making the girl smile softly. A sudden metallic groan makes the pair break apart. The hanger door was opening, the bright light from Arrakis’ sun coming through, making the teens squint and blink their eyes in discomfort.
The Duke turned his head towards the pair, giving them both a reassuring look, making them smile softly. Duke Leto then turned his head back around when the door fully opened.
“My lungs taste the air of Time, Blown past fallen sand…” Gurney quoted.
A man with bagpipes started playing a tune; one that (Your Name) immediately recognized as the Atreides theme; walking out of the ship.
Gurney walked out after, the rest of the soldiers following him. (Your Name) and Paul close behind, the girl looking around at the people of Arrakis, seeing how they had flags representing their group. Then, her attention was diverted when she saw a familiar figure, along with Paul.
“Thufir Hawat.” The duo exclaimed excitedly with matching smiles. They jog over to the man to greet the man, both of them hugging him by his side, the male returning their hug with a smile.
“Young Master, Lady (Your Name)! How does it feel to walk on the new world?” Thufir asked, smiling kindly.
“Exciting, to say the least.” The childhood friends replied with smiles.
The Duke walked up to the trio, smiling as Thufir bowed in respect, “My lord.”
Duke Leto patted his friend on the arm. “How are you, old friend?”
“My advance team has secured the city. We're still smoothing out a few rough spots.” He replied in a serious tone.
The Duke nodded his head, giving Thufir another friendly pat on his arm. The group started to walk away as Thufir greeted Lady Jessica, the others following behind the Atreides.
As (Your Name) walked beside Paul, she heard a group of people shouting something. She couldn't hear it at first but as she walked closer, she could hear it clearly.
“Lisan al-Gaib!” and “Haris Aldaw’!”
The childhood friends turned to each other confused, and the male took the girl's hand as he continued walking, making her follow behind him.
They arrive at an Ornithopter that was prepared for them. Paul and his mother get on while (Your Name) stays back watching the people shouting with curiosity.
That name again. Haris Aldaw’. What does it mean?
“(Your Name).”
Hearing her name being called, she snapped out of her state and turned to look at who spoke her name. It was Paul, a look of worry on his face.
“Are you alright?” He asked, placing his hands on the girl's shoulders, his thumbs rubbing the front of them, close to her collarbone.
She nodded, giving him a faint smile before walking up the ramp of the Ornithopter. She sat down in between Paul and Jessica.
“Let's get you out of the sun.” Thufir told them as he started to fly the Ornithopter, “The heat can kill in this place.”
As they got ready to fly, (Your Name) turned to Jessica, curiosity etched on her face. “They were pointing at us. What are they shouting?” She asked.
“Lisan al-Gaib, ‘The Voice from the Outer World’. It's their word for ‘messiah’. And “Haris Aldaw’ means the ‘Guardian of Light’. A legend that has been around for some time, and has gained recognition. It all means that the Bene Gesserit have been at work here.” Jessica explained to the confused girl.
“Planting superstitions.” Paul stated, joining in on the conversation.
“Preparing the way, Paul and (Your Name). These people have waited for centuries for the Lisan al-Gaib. And with recent sightings of shadow demons appearing on Arrakis, they call for the Haris Aldaw’ to come save them. They see you two, they see the signs.”
‘Shadow demons? Could those be the Heartless?’ (Your Name) thought to herself.
“They see what they've been told to see.” Paul's mutter broke her out of her thoughts. She looked at the boy, who was now looking down. She reached a hand out and placed it on top of his, giving him a sad smile. The action made Paul hum and maneuvered his hand so now they were holding hands.
“We're good to go.” Thufir said and the Ornithopter started hovering above the ground, before taking off and flying off to the city.
(Your Name) looked out the windshield, eyes wide in surprise at the massive walls around the city.
“Shield Wall. Protects the city from the weather and the worms.” Thufir explained, almost like he knew what she was thinking.
The girl sighed, leaning back as they got to the city.
Arrakis was so different from Caladan. (Your Name) was still getting used to it. Despite Arrakis not having any luscious green plantation or fluffy clouds to admire, the place had its own beauty.
Pale blue sky; it almost looked white. Tall, rocky mountains. The almost white sun shining down on them.
It'll take some time to get used to.
The childhood best friends walked around the city once they arrived, hand in hand. They ended up outside seeing massive palms. (Your Name) swore she heard people still chanting their given names.
“Lisan al-Gaib!”
“Haris Aldaw’!”
(Your Name) wondered if Paul could hear it too. She looked at him and he seemed to tense a bit. He hears it too.
To comfort him, she gives his hand a squeeze. Paul responded by squeezing her hand back, smiling a bit at his friend's gesture.
The pair got closer to the giant palm trees and observed them quietly. That's when they saw a guy watering them.
“Hello.” (Your Name) greeted with a wave of her free hand, her usual smile on her face. Paul smiled softly. He liked that (Your Name) was so open with meeting new people. Always smiling at them.
The male looked up from his watering, “You two shouldn't be out here at this hour of the day.”
‘Must be a peak time.’ (Your Name) thought. “They are out here.” She pointed to a cell full of people.
The man hummed. “Fremen pilgrims. They don't care about heatstroke.”
“I didn't know date palms could even be found out here.” Paul spoke up, looking up and observing the palms.
“Oh, these aren't indigenous. They can't survive without me. Each one of these drinks every day the equivalent of five men. Twenty palm trees. A hundred lives.” The gardener explained.
“Should we remove them? Save the water?” Paul asked.
“No, no, no.” The man gestured to the trees, “These are sacred.” He placed a hand on the tree. “Old dream.” He turned to the pair when he said the last part.
“The largest and most dangerous organism on Arrakis is the sandworm. Capable of reaching four hundred meters in length.” The voice from the video recording playing spoke as (Your Name) and Paul sat on their new bed together, watching.
Paul was pressed against the wall of the bedroom he now shares with (Your Name). His legs were spread, allowing his best friend to slide between them and lay against his chest. With her body now in between his legs, he wrapped his arms around his best friend's waist. His head was resting on top of hers as they watched and listened, their bent legs caressing each other's, on occasion.
“To avoid making rhythmic noises which attract the sandworms, the Freman cross desert spaces using the sandwalk, a dance-like motion with irregular rhythm. Which emulates the natural sounds of the desert.” Paul switched the recording to a different section, “What scant pain life exists on Arrakis is thanks to the Fremen, who have cultivated deep-rooted terrain plants such as saguaro, burrobush, sand-verbena and incense bush. The shepherd’s tree has the deepest documented roots, stretching more than four hundred and fifty feet deep.”
(Your Name) smiled at a small, adorable creature shown in the video. “So cute.” She cooed in a whisper. “If we find one, can I keep it?” She asked Paul, a big smile on her face.
Paul chuckled affectionately at the girl. “If it'll let you take it.” He teased, giving her waist a squeeze, making her squirm a bit in his hold, but not fighting back. She turned her attention back to the video.
Paul, however, wasn't paying attention to the video. He was looking at (Your Name). He smiled tenderly at his childhood best friend.
‘If only she knew how much I adored her.’ He thought to himself. ‘Maybe I should tell her how I feel. Tell her that I love her.’
The video continued but suddenly, Paul heard a noise, causing him to freeze.
(Your Name), sensing his unease, turned to face him. “Paul? What's the matter?” She whispered.
The boy doesn't reply. Instead, he slowly moved (Your Name), gently ushering her off the bed. She allowed him, trusting Paul as he stood up slowly from the bed as well.
“What's going on?” (Your Name) whispered again. Paul made a ‘be quiet’ gesture with his finger and moved the both of them to the video.
They moved carefully, hiding themselves in the video as Paul crept up behind (Your Name), his eyes directed towards in front of her.
(Your Name) held her breath, trying not to make a sound. After a couple seconds, something suddenly came flying directly towards her eye. The girl tensed up, frightened. Everything seemed to slow down around her.
Before any harm could be done, the door swung open to reveal a servant and (Your Name), thinking fast, dodged-rolled away from the foreign object and Paul caught it and smashed it against the wall.
(Your Name) was panting softly in a crouching position, having nailed the dodge roll. Paul opened his hand. “It's a hunter-seeker. The operator must be nearby.”
Thufir Hawat walked nervously with some soldiers behind him, dabbing a handkerchief on his temple to collect the sweat build up there.
He arrived at the designated spot where a bunch of other soldiers stood. It was an opening in the wall, pieces of it broken and on the floor. Inside the rectangular hole was a Harkonnen agent, presumably the one that sent the hunter-seeker to Paul and (Your Name).
“The Harkonnen agent was cemented into that hole six weeks ago. Ran the hunter-seeker through a water pipe inside the wall.” Thufir explained.
After everything was cleared up, Thufir stood before Duke Leto and Lady Jessica.
“Sire, I failed you today. There's no excuse. You have my resignation.” Thufir told Duke Leto and Lady Jessica, ashamed.
“You'd deprive us of your talents?” The Duke asked, appalled.
“Sir, my honor demands-”
“They tried to take the life of my son and (Your Name)! The Duke yelled in anger, “I don't give a damn about your honor. You want absolution? Go catch some spies.” He ordered.
“Your Grace.” Thufir bowed his head and went off.
Meanwhile, on Giedi Prime, Hoke of House Harkonnen, The Reverend Mother Gaius Helen Mohiam and Baron Valdimir Harkonnen discuss their plans to rid the Atreides.
“It must never be known.” The Reverend Mother said.
“There's no satellites over Arrakis.” The Baron's gravelly voice said. “The Atreides will die in the dark.”
Mohiam spoke up. “On that matter, Duke Leto Atreides means nothing to our order. But his wife I'd understand our protection and by extension, her son. Allow them the dignity of exile.”
“What of… the other one?” The Baron asked.
“If you can, spare her as well. Even if the Emperor wants her dead.” Mohiam replied.
The Baron sighed. “House Harkonnen would never dream of violating the sanctity of your order. I give you my word. We will not harm them.”
With those words, The Reverend Mother leaves.
A loyal ally of the Baron speaks up. “If the Duke's son lives, along with his friend…”
“No Atreides will live. Neither will that other child.” The Baron told him.
“My lord, you gave your word to the witch. She sees too much.”
“I said I would not harm them. And I shall not. But Arrakis is Arrakis. And the desert takes the weak.” The Baron sat up and slowly started to rise ominously, thanks to his machine lengthening his body.
“My desert. My Arrakis. My Dune.”
After the incident with the hunter-seeker, Paul kept (Your Name) close, becoming extra protective of the girl.
Paul had explained to (Your Name) what a Hunter-Seeker was, making the girl tremble in fear. She heard of the deadly technology but seeing it in action and how it could've taken one of their lives, scared her.
The pair walked into the meeting The Duke was having.
“Your first strategy meeting. (Your Name), who can dodged hunter-seekers coming at full speed and Paul Atreides, who catches hunter-seekers in his bare hands. Like heroes of old.” Gurney told everyone with slight pride, making the members laugh and applauding the pair when they came in.
(Your Name) rolled her eyes and playfully hit Gurney on the back as she passed by him. Paul paused before copying (Your Name)’s action, “Thanks for the humiliation, old man.” He whispered, teasing the older mentor.
“Gotta keep an eye on you two.” Gurney teased back, patting Paul's arm before the boy went to stand on (Your Name)’s left side.
“Attention!” Someone called, and everyone stood up when the Duke arrived, walking to the table.
The Duke touched (Your Name)’s back and did the same to Paul, patting it before he sat down on the right side of (Your Name). “Let's get started.”
Everyone sat down, “Thufir. Operations.” The Duke started.
“I've secured a copy of the Harkonnens’ account books.” Thufir started, making the people at the table start muttering. “The Harkonnens were taking 10 billion solaris out of here every year.”
“They shall suck at the abundance of the seas, and the treasures hid in the sand.” Gurney quoted, his hands folded on the table.
“We won't see profits like that for a while. Not with the equipment they left us.” Thufir said.
“How bad was it?” The Duke asked.
Thufir led everyone outside to where big containers of something on the ground.
“These are spice silos. We're meant to fill every crate.” Thufir explained to the group, umbrella in hand to protect himself from Arrakis’ blazing sun.
“All of them?” (Your Name) asked, from beside Paul, who was holding the girl's hand.
Thufir turned to look at her, “Every 25 standard days. Harkonnen sabotage slows us down.”
“But who's meant to arbitrate?” Paul asked, “Isn't there a Judge of Change to oversee the transition?”
“Who did the Emperor appoint?” Gurney asked joining in on the questions.
“Dr. Liet Kynes, Imperial Ecologist.” Thufir answered, “Been here 20 years. Eccentric from what I'm told.”
“I want to see these harvesting fields myself.” The Duke stated.
“I wouldn't recommend it, my lord.” Thufir warned.
The Duke gestured with his chin. “Have this Judge of Change accompany us. A meeting’s long overdue. And we'll get a bit of Imperial protection.”
“A hostage? I love it.” Gurney commented with a smile.
Paul and (Your Name) gave him a look to which Gurney slowly shrugged at the two.
Thufir pressed the chip behind his ear. He looked up with a soft smile. “He's here, my lord.”
Everyone heard an ornithopter flying above them and looked up. (Your Name) smiled, knowing who was coming.
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faustiantales · 4 months
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Dark Descent: Nagi Rokuya X fem/afab!Reader
Twisted Truths: incest, mentally ill reader, violence, blood, gore, murder, obsession
Synopsis: He knew that he was the only one in her life. He knew that he was her entire world. So, of course, when he suddenly decided to leave her one day, she'd come retrieving what was rightfully hers.
Shadows Lengthen: 1.4k words
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You stared at the bloody knife in your hand. Its shiny yet stained blade made a reflection of your dull, lifeless blue irises. A stoic expression plastered on your face as you slowly raised the knife to your face, examining its sharp edge dripping with red liquid. You never felt so betrayed before and it made you frustrated by it. However one person, in particular, is to blame for your sudden change of persona—your older brother, Nagi. He betrayed you, lied to you, broke your heart, and left you. You were so furious that he didn't keep his promise to you; the promise that he made ever since the two of you were still young.
"Nagi-niichan, promise me that we'll always be together forever."
"Uh-huh! I promise, [Name]-chan. I promise that we'll always be together forever...just the two of us."
"'Just the two of us'?" you scoffed. "You're so pathetic, niisan. You can't even keep your promise."
Why was it a big deal to you though? Nagi knows that you have a mental illness, and it should be his responsibility as your brother to keep you in check; one extreme emotion that fills you could affect your thinking and the way you act as well. Though because of one, unfortunate turn of events, he became an idol and thus eventually have no time for you due to his job. You wouldn't mind, though, for him to pursue that kind of job. In fact, you were proud of your brother for being an idol.
However, your mental illness was very much linked to your emotions. As the time passed, you became more lonely, sadder...more depressed. You kept reminiscing about the days when it was only just the two of you; no one else standing in the way of your relationship with your brother. That is, until the bond that the two of you had broke. You knew about his new friends. You knew how much he enjoyed being with them. You noticed how he seems to completely forget about you. And that's the reason why you're filled with so much jealousy and anger building up inside of you.
You wanted your brother back. You wanted to retrieve what was stolen from you. You wanted him to be yours, and only yours. You plan on getting him back...and also eliminating the ones that threaten to take your brother away again. You felt nothing else but hatred riling up your emotions and mentality.
Smiling a wide, twisted smile, you hid the knife on your back as you made your way towards the hallway where the rest of Idolish7 resides. How did you get in the agency in the first place? Let's just say you shed some blood before forcing your way into the building during the resting hours of the night. Though you had to be careful as to not be seen by any guards around the place; you only killed two people on your way there anyway.
"Don't worry, niisan. I'm going to get back the precious person what was stolen away from me," you mumbled to yourself, making your way towards the first room.
Once you reached the door, you slowly turned the knob. The door creaked open and you quietly made your way inside the dark room, carefully closing the door behind you as you entered. There you saw sleeping in the bed was the center of the group—the redhead idol, Nanase Riku. Your sadistic grin only widened as your feet trudged over the said male, your right hand that was holding the weapon was raised in the air, ready to strike down its first victim.
Riku shifted on his bed, his front facing the ceiling. He grunted in his sleep, feeling somewhat uncomfortable because of the deadly atmosphere lingering in his room, engulfing his sleeping form. Tolerating it no longer, the male slowly opened his eyes, only for him to widen it after seeing glowing, blue orbs that contain bloodlust staring down at him in the dark. The knife glistening in the distance didn't escape his unsteady gaze. He could feel his heart stop and breath hitch due to the fear he's experiencing.
"Oh, hello there little red~ Good night and sweet dreams~" you let out a quiet, sadistic chuckle as you brought the knife down without any hesitations.
Riku let out a scream once the weapon pierced through his chest, though you made sure to cover his mouth before anyone could hear him, muffling his futile cries. You pulled out the knife from his body while staring at the dead idol. Your determination of killing the rest made you smile in delight; a twisted, sadistic smile.
"One down, five to go~" licking the blood from the knife, you made your way to the door.
You left the room silently, locking the door as you exited. No one would know the murder you caused if you made sure to kill every single idol in privacy and locking the doors of their room where their corpse was located. You giggled, feeling accomplished because of the devious plan you have. Tomorrow morning, Idolish7 would be no more. And you'll finally have your brother back.
"Just wait, niisan. I'll make sure to have you back," you mumbled once again, proceeding to the next room and finishing off your second victim.
After a few moments of finishing off the rest of Idolish7, you then made your way towards the last room where your brother presumably is. Your cold hand gripped the equally cold, metal knob and twisted it open. The door opened and you finally entered the room, locking the door behind you. Walking slowly towards the sleeping blonde, a smile made its way to your bloody face; not a sadistic smile but a gentle smile instead.
"Niisan..." you muttered, making your way to his bed.
Feeling a presence in the room, Nagi opened his eyelids and revealed blue eyes staring back at your own ones. His eyes dilated in shock, mouth agape as he stared at your figure in the dark room. The blonde was able to recognize your smaller form despite the darkness, though that made him scared. He wasn't sure whether it was just an illusion or not. Nagi sat up on his bed and opened the light of the lamp on the side table, hoping that it was just his imagination. However, you proved him wrong...oh, how naive your brother can be.
"[Name]-chan?! What are doing here?" he asked, disbelief lacing his tone.
"I came here to have you back, niisan," you simply replied, a soft expression on your face as you sent him a close-eyed smile.
Nagi gulped, sweat appearing on his face after examing his sister's bloody appearance. Blood splattered on her face, hair, and clothes, staining her whole being with a crimson hue. Seeing her like this made his heart race in fear and body to tremble, shivers kept running down his spine. He regretted not keeping watch on you, and now you've eventually become a living killing machine. Nagi noticed the knife that you're holding in your right hand, and that only frightened him even more.
"W-why are you covered in blood, [Name]-chan? A-a-and why are you holding a bloody knife as well?" he asked, voice quivering due to fear.
"Oh, this?" you glanced at yourself then at the weapon in your grasp. "I just got rid of the nuisance that's keeping me from having you back, niisan."
"W-why? W-what h-happened to you, [N-Name]-chan...?" he choked on his incoming sobs. "Why do you have to do this?"
"Why?" you tilted your head to the side, watching your poor brother cry bitterly over the loss of his friends.
Seeing him cry made your heart being pierced by a sharp pain. You felt sad seeing him cry, but it only made you even more furious realizing that he's still thinking about them and not you. It made you hiss in disgust and anger as you slowly crawled towards him in the bed, the knife still in your tight hold.
"I only did it to have you back, niisan," you cooed in his ears whilst wiping his tears away. "After all, even after you betrayed me, I still love you. Forever."
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📜— Return to the Shadowed Archive
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winwintea · 6 months
Let's ride, Rodeo!
abt me!
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london/cowboy/may — broke college student — 21 — any pronouns!
mbti: entj + gemini
nationality: raaaaaaaaaaaah america /hj (save me please)
lang: 中文/en all ok
fav color: brown/green
ult groups: nct (all units), enhypen, skz, txt, aespa, (g)-idle, riize, & zb1, p1harmony, svt (casual listener of many groups)
biases: winwin, chenle, doyoung, riku, jay (en), han (skz), soobin, ningning, soyeon/yuqi, anton, matthew/taerae, jiung, minghao
likes: bubble tea, cats, dark academia, gaming, literature, sleep, fashion, writing, winning, people, turtles, pineapple on pizza (unironically)
dislikes: arguments i can't win, mushrooms, humidity
i shitpost on @sinisxtea (you're on my writing acc!)
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be respectful at all times AKA no hate speech, bigotry, bullying, harassment, spamming and the like, towards me and to others who interact with my blog
do not plagiarize my posts !!
minors (anyone whose 18th birthday has not passed yet) please do NOT interact with my 18+ posts, but anything else is fine to interact with. (blog mostly sfw with a lot of cussing, so i probably won't have any 18+ posts unless you count reblogs, but just in case 🤞)
asks are ALWAYS OPEN. i love talking to people please talk to me 🥺 ask me questions hi. pls chat with me guys
don’t send asks about political opinions !
anons: 🌊 ◎ 🍉 ◎ 🍷 ◎ 🍄 ◎ 🐍 ◎ 🌼 ◎ 🍑👋 ◎ 🥚 ◎ 🍆✊
on terms of requests:
requests are currently: OPEN
if you make a request, please be patient! i'm only human (wayv reference guys) and i have a life outside of tumblr
i don't have an update schedule, so the time the request gets done will be based around if it's a scenario or a longer fic!
i'll write basically anything but smut. i apologize but i get really uncomfy writing it, so the most i'll do is somewhat suggestive works. i'll read it though, if u wanna send me good fics recs 🙏
i write for all nct units (wish included), and also enha and zb1 when requested 🙏
masterlist here!
o u got bread ???????????? good i want that
belladonna! - h.rj
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strayheartless · 8 months
Who in the Strifehart family would be the grumpiest about a trip to urgent care?
HA! Squall no doubt. In every iteration from liverpepper to my own personal headcanon, I will die on the hill that is “squall is a grumpy fucker,”.
In my own headcanon story:
Out of the two men Squall is the grumpier of the two of them. He’s all about rules and order where as Cloud will keep to a loose routine but is willing to bend. In all fairness to Squall tough Sora has done some dumb shit in his time and they have been in urgent care for some truly stupid shit.
They’ve pretty much adopted the kid as theirs at this point as well as all the other wayward Sora looking children that seem to turn up in Radiant gardens. Mostly it’s just Sora and Occasionally Riku that they look after though.
One time, Sora decided to try and take your his wisdom tooth using the old string on the door knob technique because he refused to simply go to a dentist. This resulted in Squall having to rush him to urgent care at three o’clock in the morning because he’d seriously hurt himself. Squall had been so pissed about it, while Cloud was like “well, he won’t do it again, I guess,” which only enraged Squall further.
Another instance is the time Cloud fell off the cliff on the Great Maw and broke his ribs leg and collarbone. Squall had turned up in the lobby looking annoyed, worried and pissed off all at once only to find Cloud had been healed but is sore and Squall proceeds to brood grumpily by his hospital bed.
When anything goes wrong that requires a hospital visit for himself he bitches and moans until Cloud physically puts a hand over his mouth and tells him to shut the fuck up. The sentence “I love you, but if you complain one more time I will beat you to death with your belts” has been uttered many times while waiting for X-Rays.
Given what we discussed about Cloud the other day, when it comes to who is more grumpy to be admitted to hospital then it’s Cloud!
Mr “it barely hurts its fine” is likely to have a ruptured appendix and simply try to “walk it off”. Squall will at least admit that he’s hurt and needs to go. He’ll complain the entire time, but he’ll go. Cloud will fight tooth and nail and then throw the biggest hissy fit at being made to get checked out you’ve ever seen.
Cloud once got impaled by a steel pole and didn’t understand why everyone of the committee was making such a fuss. Squall got grumpy because Cloud was hurt and refused to go to a doctor, and Cloud was grumpy because he was being forced to go.
In the end they bitched at eachother until Cloud gave into the pain potions and Squall curled up around him, but it was done so decidedly Grumpily.
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blowingoffsteam2 · 6 months
Kingdom Key D and Sora's Heart
Gonna paste some thoughts about Kingdom Key D that struck me last night:
Ok so on the topic of KKD being Sora’s true keyblade aka the one made from his heart (as KKL is made from Riku’s) it just struck me that in kh3 Mickey tells Yen Sid that his keyblade-kkd- was damaged in the realm of darkness along with Way to Dawn breaking in half.
Now we already know the theory that Way to Dawn actually broke during Riku’s sacrifice in the first unseen timeline, lining up with the “drop point” when Riku gets swallowed up by the demon tide in the RoD… but if kkd is made of Sora’s heart and what I suspect about Sora’s heart breaking or being damaged in some way during Riku’s sacrifice in the first timeline…That would perfectly explain why kkd randomly gets “damaged” despite them not even showing it to us and quickly glossing over it!
Think about it. Before kh3 we never even knew keyblades getting broken or damaged was a possibility- because keyblades are extensions of a person’s heart not a truly “physical” object. The only other time we’ve seen a keyblade actually be broken was in recoded when Maleficent breaks data Sora’s keyblade. And the ONLY reason she is able to do this, as explained, is because that keyblade was just a data imitation, it wasn’t tied to a real heart. Until Data Sora gets a heart of his own.
Keyblades don’t just break or get damaged because they get hit by a strong heartless. Sora and Riku have faced stronger enemies that small demon tide plenty of times. No. Keyblades only become damaged if the heart they are extension of become damaged. That has to be it.
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The way Mickey says this and it’s just completely glossed over. Why would they even bother having KKD getting damaged and replaced when it’s an iconic keyblade and they don’t even SHOW the damage. It makes no sense... unless it’s planting a seed. Something to come back to with new context. Rather than getting a full replacement Mickey seemingly fuses KKD with Star Seeker, his bbs keyblade, in order to repair it.
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This is also the first time we’ve seen this type of fusion of keyblades, again with zero explanation or showing it happening on screen. Star Seeker also happens to be the keyblade Sora gets with his first drive form, Valor form…
The fusion keyblade is called Star Cluster, and also apparently in jp it is “Kingdom Key W” (what does the W stand for??) The Star/Galaxy aesthetic also reminds me of that starry space in ReMind where Sora connects constellations…
Other things:
Apparently in Japanese the letter W is very commonly used as an idiogram for "Double" or "Two". This would make sense for a fusion keyblade like Kingdom Key W. Other ideas that were suggested: W for Waking, W for the "Win" timeline (as the previous timeline was fated to be lost to darkness). It's possible it has multiple meanings.
2. “Only King Mickey can open a door to the realm of darkness. It’s because he has a special Keyblade of Darkness. He figured out how to make it open the way.”
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As stated in the kh3 glossary there are only three ways to enter the realm of darkness voluntarily: Beings of darkness have the power to open paths to it, a special keyblade of darkness (of which I believe KKD is the only known example- Nomura has explained that it doesn't mean that the keyblade's nature is dark or evil, only that it's a key that works on doors to/from the RoD), and the power of waking (which Sora uses to reach Riku).
I just think it's interesting if KKD is made from Sora's heart it just so happens to be this special keyblade of darkness. It's a complete mystery as to why KKD was just sitting there on the dark side of Destiny Islands. Mickey seems to know that it's a counterpart to KKL and that it would appear where KKL appeared....but how did he know that? What does it mean? Another interesting connection- during the fall of Destiny Islands notice how the door from Sora's dive to the heart appears in front of the Secret Place, and how the door within the cave only blasts wide open when Sora gets near.
Anyway, I've always thought KKD getting damaged was wierd and suspected it had something to do with what happened in the first timeline but assumed it had to do with Mickey's heart getting damaged somehow. But this makes so much more sense to me- after all we know KKD isn't made from Mickey's heart, it was just a keyblade he found. For both Way to Dawn and KKD to have become damaged as a result of Riku's sacrifice, due to whatever happened to Sora and Riku's hearts....it just makes sense. Sora's heart was damaged, so of course the keyblade made from him would be too.
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