VICTORiOUS Incorrect Quote
Robbie: What am I made of? Tori: Atoms and flesh. Andre: Robbie. Tori: Friend material.
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I am so sorry I haven't been on or posting!! I have been taking a break, trying to find A: new things to watch, B: taking care of my health (mental and physical), and C: trying to f**king survive life in general??? So I am so sorry, but I will try to update more!! Thank you for sticking with me (if you have) and I love you all!!!
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final-bae-stination · 29 days
Let Me Help You (Kevin Fischer) (FD3)
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Prompt: Wendy having to help Kevin undress after an injury.
Scenario: After Kevin gets hurt, Wendy has to help Kevin in and out of clothes, and it's kinda funny, kinda cute.
Author's Note: In case anyone's confused, let me clear something up: In every fic/one shot/whatever, pretty much only a select few live: Wendy; Kevin; Ian; Julie; and maybe Erin, so keep that in mind!!
Third Person POV
It was a close call. Too close. Kevin remembered waking up every day back then, terrified. Was that hammer gonna go through his skull? Was the car gonna run him over, flatten his head? Or would he choke on a spoon? A Cheerio? But now, it was over. It was all over.
They'd lost people, yeah. Ashley, Ashlyn, Frankie, Lewis, Julie's Asian friend Perry...but somehow, they'd survived it: Erin, Ian, Wendy, Julie, and Kevin. And now, he'd broken his left leg in a fucking car accident. A normal one, but still pretty scary. And Wendy...was gonna have to help, he realized. "Um...hey, Wen," Kevin said slowly. Wendy peeked her head in the room. Her and Kevin were trying to date, seeing how it went, and they'd gotten a small apartment outside McKinley, two blocks down from Ian and Erin's place, with Julie somehow right in the middle, a floor down from Kevin and Wendy with Amber, her other friend. "Yeah?" Wendy asked. Her hair was longer, more reddish in the summer. Kevin huffed, "I...need help with something." She smirked. "I...kinda figured."
She tugged his shirt off, then carefully took his shoes off. "Wait, wait, not--no, leave." He said before she could touch his pants. She raised an eyebrow. "You sure?" She asked. "Am I sure that I don't want you to take my fuckin' pants off? Yes. Very much so." She snorted. "You're such a boy." She shut the door, and Kevin rolled his eyes. He quickly but carefully took his pants off, and then paused. "Uh." He frowned. How...was he going to get his sweats over his bulky cast? "I can help, you know," Wendy called through the door, as if sensing his struggle. "Kevin, you act like we're not dating or something." "It's weird, Wendy, no." "It is not! Just let me help you. I won't look." A pause. "Fine."
Wendy came in, keeping her word and her eyes above his stomach. "Okay, here." She kneeled, slipping the legs of his sweats over his cast, and then he jerked them up. "Thanks," He said, without looking at her. She kissed his forehead. "Course, Kev."
Time Skip: 3 days later
"So..." Erin drawls. Her, Ian, Wendy, and Kevin were at a small cafe. "Heard Wendy had to help remove your pants." Ian and Kevin immediately choked on their drinks, and Wendy went bright red. "Erin!" "What?! It was a fact!" Erin snapped.
"Wait..." Wendy smirked. "Don't you help Ian---" "Wendy!"
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final-bae-stination · 29 days
It Made Me Think Of You (Ian McKinley)
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Prompt: Ian buying OC (Maddie) something unrequested because it made him think of her.
OC NAME: Madison "Maddie" Thomas. Fem OC.
The gift:
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Third Person POV In four days, it was Maddie's birthday, and he had not gotten her a damn thing. Now, normally he wouldn't feel so bad, but seeing as Maddie was too fucking good for him, he was panicking. He had no idea what she was into (well, he did, but where the fuck would he find a giant Pikachu?) So, when all things went wrong, he just went around town, figuring he'd find something (hopefully) eventually, and he was right.
He was in this weird shop that had all kinds of things, and he was, for some odd reason, drawn to all the stuffed things. He remembered that Maddie liked squishy things. He looked through them, bored, and then saw it: a mushroom. She liked fairy stuff, mushrooms mostly, and frogs. He picked it up. It was rather soft. He flipped the tag over. Hmm, seven bucks. He shrugged, going to the register.
The woman, about late 50s, eyed him weirdly as he checked out, but he was far too used to this to care. Outside, he flipped open his pack of smokes as he got in his van (yes, he still had what Maddie called the pedo van) and headed home. He heard Maddie singing in the kitchen and snuck upstairs, going right to his closet and hunting for a decent, big enough box. He also found a little bit of leftover Christmas paper, too. This was great!
Ian was sitting at the table, the box under his feet, when Maddie came in, yawning. "Hey, baby." She smiled, kissing his forehead. "Hey," He stretched, reaching down. "Hey, c'mere." He said as she passed. She turned, coming back, and he pushed the box at her. "I...found that, and it...kinda reminded me of you, so I got it," He said shyly, scratching his neck, his black nail polish peeling. She smiled, "Ian, you didn't have to--oh my god!" She gasped at the mushroom. "It's a mushroom!" She squealed, pressing it to her chest. "Oh my God, Ian, how the hell---it's so cute, oh my God, thank you!?" She hugged him, and he laughed, kissing her cheek as she ran her fingers over its face. "How did you know I like them?" She asked. "We've only been together four months." "I pay attention to shit like that." He shrugged. She grinned. "I'm naming him Red." She giggled. He chuckled. "You do that. Happy birthday, babe." Her eyes got misty. "Thank you." She kissed him. This, Ian thought. This is exactly where I want to be.
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final-bae-stination · 29 days
Thunder And The Rain (Ian McKinley)
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Prompt: The reader is scared of the thunder and Ian tries to calm them down during a particularly heavy storm.
Author's Note: This does kind of go WAY out of the "Final Destination" universe, because I like to think, even though it was proven different, they could've beat Death at the end, and Wendy, Kevin, Julie, and Ian survived, so...we're going with that.
Third Person POV Ian hated life, or what passed for it. Somehow, Wendy did it. She beat Death, and in three years, nothing's happened to him, Wendy, Julie, or Kevin. Sure, they were all still extremely paranoid, but who wasn't anymore, after the shit they'd lived through, but barely? The truth was, he missed Erin, but Y/N took care of that.
After he left Build It after Erin's death, he'd been struggling for a job. Nothing seemed interesting. And then, surprisingly, he found one: the pound. He liked animals more than people, that was a fact. Sure, he tolerated Wendy and the others, but it wasn't a necessary kind of like. And, of course, he still hated Wendy for killing Erin (though he was sure that part was fading a little--he literally went shopping with her two weeks ago). He liked to work at the pound, which doubled as an animal rescue and vet clinic. And then he met you.
You were there, just starting a week after him, and he saw immediately that you were drawn to (favorite animal). He could see it: they were cute. Hard to resist. Made sense. What didn't make sense was you talking. To him. A lot. Alone, too. Like, okay, he knew he looked weird, all Gothic and whatnot, and that he was...weird, sure. But you didn't seem to notice that. You talked to him like a normal person, and try as he might not to, he liked that. You didn't treat him differently because he was different.
It was very, very slow, but you both started catching feelings, he'd asked you out, and one thing led to here: you, on your sofa in you and Ian's apartment, watching TV. You and Ian had gotten together four months ago, and he'd finally opened up, telling you everything, from his past to Erin, and things in between, the trauma dumping: the roller coaster accident, the near death experiences, losing Erin, watching the others die, the whole Death thing. You never once doubted he was serious or anything but crazy, because he had a look on his face, talking about it, that wasn't fake.
Now, you've not told him a lot, either, particularly your fear of storms, especially thunder. You felt it was childish, even though there were a million adults with the same fear. It's just...Ian seemed so fearless after everything, and you wanted to be that way for him, so you never told him your fears (you did admit spiders and snakes scared you, though).
As you're watching TV (Ian was at work), you heard the rain, and then the ominous rumble. You tensed, hand on the remote. Another boom, slow and heavy. Shit, you thought. Please not now, Ian's almost home! But the storm, obviously, did not listen, increasing the peals of thunder until you were shivering under your blanket, trying to turn the TV up to block it out. But then the lights flickered, and went out. You gasped, feeling panic clawing its way up your throat, through your veins. Is this how he felt? You ask yourself randomly. Is this what Ian felt, wondering when he'd die, and what from, and how? You shook your head. In the dark, that wasn't helping. Something slammed, and you jumped, heart pounding. You wanted to call out but were too scared. You flinched as thunder roared, lightning shooting across the sky.
"Babe?" A voice calls, and oh, you wanted to start bawling in relief. He finds you on the couch, under your blanket, shaking. "Shit, babe, what's wrong?!" He throws his coat, not even glancing at where it lands, and rushes over, kneeling at your side on the floor. "Babe. Hey." He says, his fingers under your chin as you hide. "Baby, what's wrong?" "It's nothing." You try to say, but he's not having it. Before he can speak, thunder booms, and you squeal, throwing yourself in his arms. He barely catches you, letting out a soft "oof" as he holds you in his lap, feeling you shake. "Baby...is it the thunder?" He asks, and your silence confirms it. "Oh, babe." He breathes, rubbing your back with one hand, the other in your hair.
"I know, it's dumb," You whisper into his red shirt. "No, no, it's not dumb, baby." He says soothingly. "There's a fuck ton of people that're scared, too." He tries to assure. You shake your head, "I feel like a child." You whine. He chuckles, "Well, that's why I'm here. 'Cuz I can protect you, right?" A pause. "Right. I love you, Ian." His breath catches. That was the first time you'd said that. "I love you, Y/N." He whispers. "Why don't we go to bed, yeah? I can throw on a movie or something on my computer." "I'd like that," You blush, and he carries you to the room, setting you on the bed. You pick out The Avengers, and you both curl up to watch it. Here and there, one of the peals of thunder makes you flinch, but with Ian beside you, it's really not that bad.
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final-bae-stination · 2 months
in my loving lo’ak era
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final-bae-stination · 3 months
Injured (Avatar: The Way Of Water)
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Prompt: Neteyam almost drowns in the Tulkun Hunter ship. Kiri and Aonung save him.
Pairing: Kiri X Platonic (Obviously) Neteyam.
Yes, I am doing another Neteyam Fix-It One shot. I really wish we'd gotten more Kiri and Nete screen time, so this is where this came from. Also, Kiri goes off on Neteyam, and I think I did it dumbly. Let me know! <3
Third Person POV
When Neteyam got shot, he was alone. When Neteyam got shot, he was trying to find the others, trapped in the depths of the ship, right as whatever it was started sinking it. Water was flooding the passageway, and he couldn't find the exit, it was too dark. He didn't want to panic, but the water was up to his hips, and rising fast, and he couldn't find a way out. He swore, trying to run through the water (which, as we know, isn't easy) to the wall, fingers scrabbling for any kind of crack that would say hey, here's a way out, but there was only smooth but rusty metal. "Shit!" His voice was painfully loud. He turned, ears flattening, and tried going the other way. The water was now to his chest, floating him to the ceiling, but it wouldn't last. He heard feet, not caring who's, above him. "Hey!" He screamed, banging his fists on the ceiling until his fists ached. "Help me! Please, I'm stuck!" But no one was coming.
He turned, seeing the water touching the tops of some walls, meaning the ship must've been tilting or something. He felt the panic rising in his throat. "Please!" He shouted, hitting the ceiling again, but nobody, still, was coming. He closed his eyes. I'm gonna die, he thought.
Pictures filled his head: Lo'ak, about ten years old, antagonizing a herd of Hammerhead Titanotheres in the jungle, almost getting trampled before Neteyam yanked him up a tree; Kiri, smiling at him as she explored the reef; Tuk, clinging to him when Aonung called the ilu. And the reef kids, too: Rotxo, his panicked voice filling Neteyam's head after Kiri's frightening seizure ("Is she breathing? Is she breathing?!"). Tsireya, smiling sweetly at him, when she knew no other emotion than kind. And Aonung, his brain supplied, the boy he'd liked since he arrived at the reef. You are in love, His brain said. And that is not wrong, that he is a boy, as you are. I wish I could've told him I loved him, Neteyam thought, the water rushing over his head to the ceiling, cutting off his air. He was underwater, trying to peer through the gloom at anything that could let him escape. He pushed forward, slamming into something, his curse mental as he pushed past it. His fingers were pointed, looking for any other obstacles, and, to his great shock, he found an air pocket. He breached the surface, gasping and coughing, and saw, from a faint, milky glow, that he was pushed against some kind of weird glass sheet, crammed in the hallway, which had allowed the small pocket, because the water was slower to go under it. He glanced down, heart stopping when he realized it was an actual sheet of glass, stretching almost to the floor. The only reason there was water on both sides was the bottom was broken, jagged shards aiming down, and there was barely enough space for him. Maybe Tuk, if she was careful, could've fit, but not Neteyam. He was trapped, and his knife was somehow gone.
The water was swirling, climbing slower than before to fill the hall. How ironic, he thought, tears springing to his eyes. That I die because of glass.
He gasped just as the water closed over his head.
It felt like the pressure was caving his chest in, the water flowing around due to the sinking ship. He slammed his hands on the glass, but his movements were too slow in the water, and he couldn't see and had no weapons. His lungs burned, and he fought against rising panic as he tried using his feet to break the glass, but no luck. His head spun, vision turning light gray at the edges, because he couldn't breathe. Then, he saw a dark, bloody orange. Then dark, buttery gold. It was a glow, becoming brighter and brighter by the second. Then, a million tiny fish, each one glowing until the compartment lit up like a lantern, swam under the glass, around his feet. He saw a shape swimming with them, much too big to be another fish. When it surfaced, he was stunned to see Aonung. Neteyam's heart soared at the sight of the free diver boy. Aonung had a Gill Mantle on his back, and he went under, examining the bottom before punching at the edges. His mouth opened in a hiss, teeth grit, bubbles escaping, as his finger was cut, but he paid no other attention to it and kept punching the glass. Finally, the glass broke, tiny shards floating up. He moved up and up, breaking more and more of the glass, until there was a space big enough for Neteyam, who was losing oxygen in his body, his head seriously spinning now. He swam under, wishing that he could have the broad tail of the Metkayina to make it go faster. He slipped under the glass, wincing as one of the longer shards sticking down gashed his shoulder open, but paying it no mind. He had no time, or he would die.
The fish were streaming around, lighting their way out of the ship. Just as the boys reached the opening, they scattered, and Kiri was hovering over a rock on the seabed, her black hair a soft cloud around her face. Or...maybe that was the black spotting Neteyam's vision. He saw Kiri's eyes widen seconds before the black surged and completely obliterated his eyes, and he was gone.
Time Skip, Kiri Perspective
"Neteyam is still in the ship!" Tuk screamed, gripping her mother tightly.
"Oh, Great Mother," Neytiri covered her mouth. Kiri turned to Aonung. "You guys can hold your breath, right?" He blinked. "Yeah?" "If I can light your way, you must return with my brother." Aonung's eyes narrowed, but he nodded, "Okay."
Kiri and Aonung slipped in the water, and she called the fish with whatever power that drew them, and with a wave, they fled towards the sinking ship, and Aonung followed. She couldn't see what was happening, and she grew worried the more time had passed. She'd gone up twice already for air when she saw the glow returning. If she wasn't underwater, she would've sighed in relief. But that relief was short-lived, seeing how much Neteyam was struggling to swim, and she saw his eyes fluttering. No, no, get him up! Her brain screamed as she moved to grab him. He jerked, eyes closing, and was still.
Kiri and Aonung hauled him to the surface. "Mr. Sully!" Aonung shouted as Kiri and him swam to the rocks, Neteyam's body between them. "He's not breathing!" He cried. Kiri pushed her brother onto the rock, and Jake placed his hands on her brother's chest, something he said was called CPR: Cardiopulmonary resuscitation, meaning that her dad was trying to restart Neteyam's heart. Restart his heart. That sentence alone made Kiri shiver, though she wasn't cold. "C'mon. C'mon!" Jake cried, pushing harder, and there was a snap. "What was that?!" Tuk panicked. "That was his ribs," Kiri realized when Jake winced, not answering, continuing his compressions. "You broke his ribs?!" Lo'ak shrieked. Neytiri grabbed her son, gently pulling him back. "Don't do this," Jake panted. "Don't leave me, kid."
Tsireya had a hand over her mouth, eyes wide, tears in them, as Neteyam's heart refused to beat. Aonung was shivering, too, and he was staring, almost blankly, at the ground. Kiri's eyes slipped shut. Please don't take him, she thought, hoping Eywa could hear her. We need him.
A wet splatter and a cry made her eyes fly open. Neteyam rolled, water spilling from his mouth and lungs, as he coughed, body spasming from the force. "Teyam!" Jake sighed in relief, hugging his son tightly, breathing hard. Tuk was there in seconds, forcing her way under her dad's arms and into Neteyam's, who looked really shaken. "I-I'm okay," He rasped, coughing wetly. He hugged his father and sister, and then Neytiri and Lo'ak when they reached for him, before finally looking at Kiri. "Thank you," He whispered, eyes kind. She hit him. Not, like, punched him in the face or anything. But she slapped his head, then his arm. "YOU SKXAWNG!" She screamed, even as Neytiri had to hold her hands as Neteyam flinched. "What the hell would we have done, you moron, if you died?!" Kiri screamed, voice cracking. "What the fuck--" "Hey!" Jake said sharply, but she wasn't listening.
"What the fuck was Tuk gonna do?! Or what about Lo'ak?!" Kiri was screaming herself hoarse. "When Dad tells you to get out, get the fuck out! What if--what if you had died, what if Dad couldn't fucking bring you back, what---" She was cut off as Neteyam hugged her, and she cried, weakly hitting him, but he didn't care. "I don't want you to die," She whined, hands curled around her brother's waist. "I'm okay, I'm right here," Neteyam whispered.
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final-bae-stination · 3 months
Fight Me For His Health (Avatar: The Way Of Water)
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This is the only picture I could find, for some reason, of both of them hurt. Please, though, imagine them as their real selves, not human like in the picture, okay?
The second photo is the room mentioned with Lo'ak.
Prompt: Let's pretend that on the SeaDragon, which is the tulkun hunting ship, Neteyam does get shot, but let's say he survives (because, as always, in my stories, he lives). Lo'ak, who was being...erm, tortured (A/N: Because your author wants as much angst as possible) freaks out and basically annihilates the soldiers for hurting his brother, his protector.
This gets bloody. And violent, like, really quickly, so please be warned.
I believe I wrote a scene/one shot where Neteyam lost control and like...tore someone's throat out. Now, we're going to see Lo'ak's way of doing it, which is almost the same but...well, just read. GORE WARNING!
Third Person POV
Neteyam knew his siblings and Tsireya were in trouble. He felt it, the same way Neytiri had once known without being there that Kiri had broken her arm when she was ten from falling out of a tree and had run to get her. He knew it the same way he knew Lo'ak would run to warn Payakan about the charges. He knew it the same time that his siblings and Tsireya didn't return home, and he had to go get them.
He knew it, deep in his bones, and he was going to fix it.
Lo'ak's Perspective
The ship, called the SeaDragon, was a tulkun hunting ship commandeered by Miles Quaritch, Spider's real dad and Jake's enemy since the Pandoran War fifteen years ago. Tsireya and Tuk were tied with restraints slapped to the bars. Tuk growled, tugging uselessly at them, but it was no use.
Quaritch stopped his Recom solider as the girl with tattoos over her blue skin went to tie Lo'ak up. "Put him in the Room." He snarled, his gold eyes filled with hate. Lo'ak glared right back as he was marched away to a white room with only a table in it. Lo'ak turned, trying to suddenly attack, and was backhanded so hard he fell to the floor, groaning in pain, glaring. The Recom woman just snickered, shutting the door and disappearing.
Warning: Trigger For Torture!
He sat in there for ten minutes, wondering what was happening, what was going to happen, when the door opened again. Quaritch bent, coming in the doorway, and Lo'ak hissed, backing up. Quaritch didn't flinch.
He carefully walked to the table, as close as he dared to get. "Where's your father and mother?" Quaritch asked. "Kä ne kllte, teylupil! Kalweyeveng!" Lo'ak hissed, which was Na'vi for Go to the ground, teylu-face! Son of a bitch! He glared hotly as Quaritch's face twisted. "I don't think you want to test me, kid." He snarled, but Lo'ak wasn't budging. "Kalweyev--" He didn't get to finish before Quaritch hit him, so hard his ears rang, as his head snapped back, slamming against the glass behind him. Lo'ak cried out, knees crumpling, and heard Quaritch snarl, "Where are they?!" "Fuck off!" Lo'ak shouted, in English, and was rewarded with a sharp kick to the ribs, making him yelp. Quaritch yanked him up by the base of his queue, making Lo'ak scream, clawing at his hands, but Quaritch wasn't letting go. "I have no qualms about killin' a bunch of blue rats," Quaritch spits. "Don't make me." He dropped Lo'ak, and Lo'ak coughed, groaning softly.
Neteyam POV
Neteyam was on an ilu, talking to Aonung and Rotxo. "They must've been caught," Rotxo says, his blue eyes wide with fear. "What will they do?" "It doesn't matter!" Aonung snarled, ears flat. "That is my sister, we are going!" he shouted.
Neteyam shared a look with Rotxo. "I am going, for that's my family." Neteyam whispered. Rotxo's eyes hardened like blue gems, and he climbed on his ilu. "Stick together," he said, which was a phrase often used by the Sully kids. Neteyam blinked, surprised that he'd picked it up, but then all three turned, racing for sea.
Back To Lo'ak...
!! Torture warning, tried not to make it too descriptive !!
He was in the room still, but was by no means able to currently rise. That woman, the one with the tattoos, seemed to love hurting him under Quaritch's orders. "Just don't kill him" was all Quaritch had said before leaving, and she hadn't, just beat him to the point he was tired of moving, even to twitch his fingers. She smirked down at him now. "What's wrong, baby?" She giggled. "Too tired?"
His hiss was like a tiny puff of air, not threatening at all. She snorted, kicking him in the face. His head snapped back, but he didn't even have the energy to scream anymore. He could only lay there, bleeding and broken. His breath rattled in his chest, and he found himself thinking of home, of his mom and Dad, no matter how rocky their relationship was. He found himself thinking of baby Tuk, of Kiri in the jungle, asleep as the wood sprites drifted over her. Of Neteyam, telling him not to go down to the battlefield as they scouted, and he wondered where Tsireya was. Is she hurt? Are they hurting her? But he didn't---couldn't---think of that too long, because any thought of her in pain hurt him, too.
The woman's boot landed painfully on his ribs, and this time, he screamed, writhing, as something snapped. "I'm talking to you!" She shouted over his cries. He turned, trying to be fast, and sank his teeth into her ankle. She yelped, her fist landing on his face, three times before she could make him let go, and her hits were not soft. Fresh blood spilled from his nose and lips until he was forced to let her go. In retaliation, she became reckless and just started kicking the shit out of him, and he heard several sickening snaps before Quaritch was shouting at her to stop. "He's no use to me dead, Z!" He yelled. She was breathing hard, eyes flat and dark gold, her ankle gushing blood. "Out." Quaritch growled, and she stormed out, muttering under her breath. Quaritch merely glanced at Lo'ak's broken and bruised body before leaving. Lo'ak wasn't sure how much more he could take.
Neteyam pushed his ilu as close as it could get to the hull, slipping his queue from the neural queue of his ilu. Aonung and Rotxo did the same. "Follow me, do not make a sound," Neteyam hissed, reaching for the side of the low ship. Aonung and Rotxo climbed after him, all three boys slipping behind huge crates as someone walked by. "Yeah," The voice, a woman, was saying. "Hey, that blue boy?" She laughed, and Neteyam, Aonung, and Rotxo shared a glance. Lo'ak? Rotxo mouthed, and Neteyam nodded.
"What about him?" A male voice asked, slightly deep and raspy. "Well, after I got done with him, he was more red than blue." Cold laughter. Neteyam's brain seemed to short-circuit. He was more red than blue...red is blood...
What has she done to my brother? He snarled in his head.
The two voices faded, two blue smears walking inside, and Neteyam saw them: the girls, Tuk and Tsireya, bawling against the railing, and he was shook. Tuk looked fine, physically, if not a little shaken up, but he was the eldest brother. He noticed a scratch on her face, a bruise on her cheek. If that wasn't enough, Tsireya's cheek was covered in blood from what looked like a knife slash, and she had bruises on her throat, arms, and face.
Aonung saw red.
"Don't!" Rotxo shouted, but it was too late.
With a shriek, Aonung threw himself at the nearest Recom, fingers spasming into claws and grabbing the guy around the throat before he could even squeak. Both toppled to the ground, and surprisingly, no one came running as Aonung slammed the guy's face into the deck, once, twice---crack! Snap!---three times before dropping him. "Nung!" Tsireya cried, tears falling down her cheeks as the three boys rushed over.
"Tuk-Tuk," Neteyam breathed, sawing with his blade at the restraints with his knife. He gulped, "Where's Lo'ak?"
She looked at him, her eyes full of tears, breaking Neteyam's heart. "T-they said the wh-white room..." She bawled. Neteyam glanced at Rotxo. "Can you get her to safety?" He asked sharply. Rotxo nodded. "Come," He told Tuk, who obediently climbed in his arms, and he slung her on his back as Aonung, helping Tsireya, called the ilu. As the creatures appeared, Aonung whispered, "Come back, okay?" He nodded once at Neteyam and helped his sister down, then joined her. Rotxo climbed over the railing carefully, Tuk glancing at Neteyam once more before she was gone.
Neteyam snuck through the ship, ducking behind crates and whatever was available when someone came around. He kept his ears and eyes open, moved as silently as possible, and wasn't caught, luckily. He made it around a bend and saw the white room, through two doorways, which made him curse. He'd have to either risk it and sneak in, or wait until the two Avatars currently in there left. But...he couldn't see Lo'ak. Where is that skxawng? He wondered.
Then, he saw him, and his world stopped, broke, and crashed. Lo'ak was being yanked up by he queue, which made Neteyam wince just watching it, and his face was bloody, bruises coloring his skin like a fucking ink splatter of blood and different shades of black, blue, and purple...and red, of course. His left arm looked broken, and his eyes were slipping shut. "Let's go," A heavily tattooed Na'vi Recom said, and the man dropped Lo'ak. Even out here, Neteyam could hear the thud his body made, and it made him cringe away. The Recoms exited the white room, stalking down the hall, laughing, like they didn't just beat the shit out of a kid with his (pissed, protective) brother watching. The moment they were gone, Neteyam bolted inside...
And nearly fell backwards, shocked, eyes wide. Blood covered the floor in thin streaks, clearly done by Lo'ak, presumably, dragging himself across the floor the way he was now, without even turning, like he was terrified Neteyam was one of the Recoms come to hurt him. "Lo!" He shouted, and Lo'ak went tense, then suddenly limp, and Neteyam heard him crying against the floor.
Neteyam rushed over, hands fluttering, unsure of where the fuck he could touch Lo'ak without hurting him. "They're...coming back," Lo'ak whispered, and glanced up. Neteyam recoiled at the bruises on his baby brother's face. "Just...just go. Quaritch won't let them kill me, not without Dad." "I'm not leaving you!" Neteyam screamed.
A door slammed. "There he is!" He turned, snarling.
Quaritch raised his hands. "Easy, kid. I won't kill you or your brother, alright?" He grinned, but Neteyam wasn't fazed. He stood, muscles tense, and as Quaritch took a step forward, hissed, to the point where Quaritch blinked, stepping back again. "Alright, alright," He said, raising his hands. "I get it, don't come close." He nodded. "I can do that. However, I need him." He smirked. "Your father's here. I made a deal, and he accepted: his sons for his life." No. Neteyam didn't want to believe it. But that was his dad, he'd do anything for his sons. Even die? What about Mom, or Tuk and Kiri and me and Lo'ak? He wondered. "Let us go, then." "Ah, it's...not exactly that easy. But!" He said as Neteyam's ears started flattening. "I can tell you, the moment he steps onboard, you're free." Neteyam paused. He wanted to rip this guy's fucking throat out, and it grew stronger when he glanced at Lo'ak, crumpled, bruised, bloody, and broken, in the corner, eyes foggy. "Don't, Teyam..." He whispered, the energy to speak leaving him. Neteyam glanced back at Quaritch. "Then let us go." Quaritch waved a hand. "I will. Don't fight," He said as four Recoms came in, two grabbing Lo'ak and two restraining Neteyam. He stayed still, knowing it would be worse, at least right now, to fight.
Neteyam saw them first: The Olo'eyktan, Tonowari, with his mate, Ronal. Then, his mother, her eyes hard and dark gold. His heart jumped into his throat, seeing Kiri beside her, her hand on her knife. Thankfully, Rotxo, Tuk, Aonung, and Tsireya were not there. "Mama," He heard Lo'ak wheeze, and it broke Neteyam's heart.
"Jake," Quaritch called. "Come on down," He laughed. Neteyam saw his father kiss his mother, saw him kiss Kiri's head, then come in on a skimwing. "NO!" He screamed suddenly, thrashing. "No, Dad, don't---Ah!" He yelped as something slammed into his face, knocking him to the ground. He was yanked up immediately by his queue, making him scream in pain until that was all he could hear. "Stop, stop it!" Jake was suddenly on the deck. Looking at Lo'ak, Neteyam realized, and he was horrified. "What have you done to my son?" Jake breathed, his eyes darkening. "What I had to." Quaritch snarled.
"Dad..." Lo'ak mumbled, his lips swelling from the bruises. The tattooed lady holding him snarled, "Shut up," her (actually pretty) blue face twisted in rage. Lo'ak ignored her. "Dad, I'm sorry--" He yelped, high and piercing, as the woman slammed her pistol into his already busted nose. That was the last straw for Neteyam.
He shrieked, a weird sort of scream that belonged to a demon, and twisted as the man holding him tried to regain a grip. He swung without really looking, hearing a sickening crunch as chaos exploded around the ship. Jake lunged, the other Na'vi came running (or gliding on ilu and whatnot), and the battle begun. He fought his way towards Lo'ak, who was crumpled on the ground, eyes shut. No, no, please, Eywa, don't take him, Neteyam thought, blindly punching someone else. He heard a sudden shriek and turned, seeing his dad with a knife in his shoulder.
Neteyam was tackled before he could open his mouth.
It was the tattooed lady, snarling as her hands wrapped around his throat. Jake was still in a struggle with three others, the other Na'vi distracted and Lo'ak out for the count, so he was on his own. He choked, tail slapping thickly against the metal deck, and scrabbled for his knife sheath, finally unclipping it and yanking out his blade, but she saw that, smacking his hand. Neteyam's knife slid over the deck, rattling against the metal, and was flung over the side of the ship, lost in the sea. His heart ached almost as much as his lungs. His grandmother, Mo'at, had given him the knife, saying she was proud of him. It was like she was gone, now, too.
The woman laughed, her canines flashing in the sun. "After I kill you, baby blue," She mocked. "I'm killing the other." Her gold eyes flicked to Lo'ak, still unmoving, and that. Was. It. He screamed, his hands flying to her face, and dug his nails into her flesh, her cheeks, the only thing he could think of to get her far enough away. She howled in pain, letting go to clasp her cheeks, and Neteyam, moving on survival instinct, lunged, his mouth open, and sank his canines into her throat.
Her blood spurted from her neck, where Neteyam's canines were lodged up to the gums, and he wasn't letting go. She screamed, gurgling, as he pushed her back, teeth still firm, and jerked back, tearing her throat open, blood gushing from her neck all over Neteyam's mouth and chin, down his chest, and dripping to the metal deck like water. She gasped, gurgling wetly, eyes wide, blood staining both her and Neteyam, before she seized and went still. He was breathing hard, blood covering most of his front and his hands, and turned, eyes wild. Kiri, Jake, Neytiri, and Ronal were staring at him, and he wasn't totally sure if they were horrified or not. "Holy, shit," Kiri said. A groan interrupted them, and Lo'ak blinked, coming to. "Lo--" Neteyam froze, about to run over, but...but he was covered in blood. He couldn't see his brother. He backed up, eyes on Lo'ak, who was shaking his head. Kiri, always so understanding, put a hand on his arm, moving past him to Lo'ak. Lo'ak was staring at Neteyam, and Neteyam...he felt, for the first time in his life, like a monster. Like the demon everyone thought his father was. "I'm so sorry," He whispered, his voice loud like a gunshot in the silence. Lo'ak stood with Kiri's help and stumbled over. He kneeled, grasping a dead recom's shirt and ripping it in half before his fingers, five instead of four, touched Neteyam's cheek, soft as a feather, and wiped the blood away, all without a word. Finally, he spoke. "You're my brother, my tsmukan. Don't act like I'm scared of you," Lo'ak snapped, throwing the cloth, now stained red, to the side. "Oel ngati kameie, tsmukan."
"Oel ngati kameie," Neteyam whispered, tears filling his eyes. *******************************************************************
Glossary: Tsmukan = Brother. Oel ngati kameie = I See You.
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final-bae-stination · 3 months
Is That My Hoodie? (Aonung X Fem OC)
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Pairing: Human! Aonung X Fem Reader. Picture is Human AONUNG.
Prompt: "Is that my hoodie?" "Um...no?" "Why are you wearing that?" "I missed you...."
Third Person POV
        Aonung was out, at the store, and she missed him, even if he'd only left five minutes ago. They'd met through her best friend, Lo'ak, and Lo'ak was, as she expected, disgusted that they'd started dating, but in a Big brother kind of way. She sighed, sitting on the couch, bored. She suddenly got an idea and jumped up, rushing to Aonung's room. She giggled, opening his closet. She'd worn his things a few times, and he'd caught her but was never truly mad, of course. He said she was too cute to be mad at. 
        She pushed hangers aside, looking for a particular hoodie. He'd gotten it because it was one of his favorite singers, some guy named NF. She pulled the black hoodie out, giggling, and slipped it on, relishing in the warmth and the smell of Aonung: salt, like the ocean, and mint. She sighed, turning to the bed and flopping on it. She entertained herself for a bit, flapping the sleeves and pretending to be Aonung. 
        "I'm scary," She frowned, giggling after. She stood, crossing to Aonung's mirror, and frowned, trying to look grumpy. "Get my fucking hoodie off," She mocked, sticking her tongue out at her own reflection. "You're too cute to get mad at," She drawled. "You're too pretty. I'm Aonung, and I'm grumpy. But I love you," She sang, twirling, the sleeves flapping. "And I hate you, because you steal my hoodies," She kept mocking.  "What are you doing, you dork?" She gasped, turning, wide-eyed. Aonung frowned. "Is that...my NF hoodie?" "Um...no?" She covered her chest, where the NF was splashed in white.  "Why are you wearing that?" Aonung said, but like usual, he didn't sound mad. He stepped towards her, setting the grocery bag down. 
"I missed you," She whined, eyes sad.
        His heart squeezed, seeing her pout up at him. "I was gone for ten minutes," He laughed, wrapping his arms around her. His hoodie swallowed her, practically. She whined, hugging him, "But that's too long, Aonung!" She felt him laugh, heard the rumble as her ear pressed to his chest. "Babe, I'm right here. C'mere." He backed up, his arms still around her, and fell back on the bed. She squealed, gripping onto him as they fell, giggling when they bounced a little. She was on top, but it wasn't a sexual thing, just a I'm comfortable with you thing. "I love you," She said, kissing his lips, then his nose. He scrunched his nose, giggling, as she peppered his face. "Okay, okay! I love you, too!" He laughed, pushing her face away. She giggled, "Good." They laid there, her in the NF hoodie on his chest, him in a tank top and shorts (like the picture), until he whispered, "I'm getting a pink NF hoodie." She frowned, glancing at him. "Why?" "So I can have my black one back." She started laughing, "Okay, love."
(A/N: Sneak peek: here's the PINK one--like his but pink).
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final-bae-stination · 3 months
Glasses? (Neteyam X OC)
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Prompt: Human! OC wears glasses. Neteyam goes to kiss their forehead, and when they pull away, her glasses are all fogged up, and she starts saying things like “Well great now I have to clean my glasses/thanks, thanks a lot!/dammit, my glasses!” Neteyam just giggles.
Human OC: Rayne (click link).
Pairing: Neteyam X Fem! OC.
His Nickname For You: Mama.
he is literally so fucking pretty pls?
Third Person POV
        "Hey, mama." Neteyam smiles. You grin up at him, pushing your glasses up. "Hey, Teyam." You smile at him. You were in your room at the lab (LINK) and drawing. "What'cha doing?" Neteyam asked. Since he was Na'vi, he had to bend down slightly to fit inside the doorway. You smiled as he sat on his heels at the edge of your bed. "Drawing. Teyam!" You whine as he kisses your forehead, fogging your glasses. "Well, great," You mutter. "Now I have to clean my glasses. Thanks a lot!" You giggle, taking them off. Neteyam giggled, eyes tracking your face. He loved you with your glasses, even with your exo-pack, but when you took your glasses off, your eyes seemed darker, more magnified, and he found them beautiful, staring for hours sometimes until you blushed and looked away. 
        "What?" You asked now, sliding your glasses back on. He shook his head, his dreads brushing his collarbones. "Nothing," He smiled, kissing your cheek, and you smiled, tiny fingers lacing with his huge ones. You stared at your hands, blue against cream, and smiled. You don't know why he chose you, why you caught his eye instead of a native girl, but you didn't want anything to change. "I love you," You whisper, your brown eyes flicking to his gold. They darkened a little as he smiled, "I love you more." He kissed you gently. 
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final-bae-stination · 3 months
I Almost Lost You... (Rotxo X Reader)
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Not Requested.
Scenario: A review of how much Rotxo really loves you.
Warnings: Rotxo gets...violent, so be warned. There's fighting and blood and injuries. 
Pairing: Rotxo X Fem! Reader.
Fem Reader Description: Click ---> LINK
Third Person POV
        Rotxo wasn't too familiar with human hair, but he was familiar with long hair because of Tsireya's . whenever she needed her hair done, she sometimes asked Rotxo, because he was usually always with her and Aonung and was more convenient. At least, that's how it started, but eventually, he just started fixing her hair, and she let him. At first, Aonung used to tease them, calling them the "secret lovers," until Rotxo met you.          You were like Jake: an avatar, but you were turned full Na'vi too young. In the war between the Metkayina and a recombinant Quaritch, you'd been shot, taking the bullet meant for Neteyam. The oldest Sully kid had screamed himself hoarse at you, a shock against his usually gentle nature. He'd screamed and cried, calling you stupid, why would you do that, what the hell is wrong with you, until you'd cried, telling him that he was more important, what would Tuk do without you, or your mother and brother and sister? But Jake forced (not really) Norm to make you a recom as well, bringing you back from the brink of death. 
        Rotxo was...shaken, to say the least, and everyone was a little surprised. He hadn't shown that much interest until you showed up, and the moment you were shot and he found out, oh, boy. He flipped, like a switch, going straight after the guy that shot you. Or, he tried to, but Neteyam and Aonung wouldn't let him. That was the first time Rotxo had willingly punched Neteyam in the face, trying to get to the guy, vision blacked out with anger as you lay behind them, bleeding, as Norm tried to save you. Jake was there, as was Neytiri, Lo'ak, Kiri, Tuk, Tsireya.
Rotxo did apologize later for punching Neteyam, but Neteyam, at the time, hadn't even flinched, really, just kept pushing Rotxo back.
The last straw was the guy laughing at the scene like he didn't care.  At that point, Aonung had looked once at Tsireya...and he backed up.  And Rotxo bolted. "Rotxo, no!" Tsireya shouted, drawing attention, but it was too late.
        Rotxo raced for the ship, hearing Tsireya shouting his name and someone (he wasn't sure who) coming after him. He leaped from ilu to ship, feet slamming into one of the human men and sending him flying off the side before he ducked from some sort of sixth sense and grabbed the gun aimed at his face, yanking it from the hands of the man, and slamming it sideways into the man's face without even thinking. The man crumpled, head bleeding, and Rotxo swung again, breaking another's nose. The man cried out, dropping to his knees, and Rotxo hissed, slamming the butt into his face, knocking him out.  Tsireya and Aonung stared, stunned, like the others, as Rotxo fought, all alone, against at least thirty humans. 
He hit another in the face, knees dropping to the metal deck as he fell with him, punching him again.
        "All this for some girl?!" One of the men screamed. Rotxo froze, breath catching. All this for some girl?! He turned slowly, like some sort of movie villain, eyes cold. Tsireya shuddered just seeing it. Rotxo stood, taller than the man. The man gulped, eyes wide. "She is not some girl," Rotxo spit, hands curling into fists. "She is a Sully, and she is far better than you." He hissed, ears laid flat. "The Sullys are worthless," The man spit. He didn't finish before Rotxo knocked him flat. "Don't touch the Sullys," He snarled, tail thrashing.          There was only three men left. They shared a look. One tossed his gun, which clattered at Rotxo's feet. "C'mon." He said, backing away from Rotxo. The other two dropped their guns, raising their hands, and turned, bolting. One actually tripped climbing over the railing. 
Rotxo turned, seeing the others staring, wide-eyed. "Holy, shit." Lo'ak said in the silence. Another voice made him freeze. "Rotxo?" You asked, blinking, dazed. 
        He moved before he could think, running to you and dropping to his knees. "Oh, my God, are you okay? Are you hurt?" He started rambling at top speed, and you just blinked at him, confused. "I'm fine," You whispered, then remembered being shot and gasped, yanking your shirt off your shoulder, peering at the skin. It was blue, scattered with your Avatar's syuratan, the glowing, bioluminescent dots. "What---" "It's okay, you're okay." Rotxo breathed, and started to cry as he hugged you. 
        Your heart squeezed as you hugged him back. "Shh, I'm okay," You whispered, face buried in his neck. Neytiri watched, a smile on her face. The family knew you'd been attracted to Rotxo, and vice versa, since you'd both met. He couldn't stop seeing you, couldn't stop talking to you, and you wouldn't shut up about him. "Rotxo, I--" You began, but then he was kissing you, gently and softly, and you forgot about everything else.
Even Aonung and Lo'ak pretending to puke behind you both. "I See you," Rotxo whispered, nose pressed to yours. "I See You," You whispered back. Rotxo stood, turning to Neteyam. "Sorry for punching you...earlier." Neteyam blinked, his gold eyes moving from him to you. "It's fine. I understand. Thank you for protecting my sister," He smiled sweetly. You stood, fingers curling around Rotxo's. "Yeah. Thanks." You kissed his cheek.
He smiled. "Always, Y/N."
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final-bae-stination · 3 months
This Is What Forever Looks Like (Lo'ak)
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Not requested.
Scenario: Lo'ak confesses his love to a human girl.
Pairing: Lo'ak X Fem! Reader.
Fem Reader Description: Red Hair, Pale Skin, green eyes, and freckles.
Third Person POV
She was human, he was Na'vi. They were from different worlds, but that didn't stop them. He grew up with her, and she grew up with his family. She was the unofficial Sully kid, like Spider, except she was more...loved, as we'd say, because unlike Spider, she wasn't the enemy's kid (meaning Spider). She was used to being surrounded by more blue people than her own color, more used to being around aliens than her own species, and she even started acting like a Sully: her and Kiri were the sassy girls, she'd play stupid games and actually have fun with Tuk, and she loved starting trouble with Lo'ak, often laughing when Neteyam scolded them but feeling bad if he got in trouble for her and Lo'ak. But over time, that started changing for Lo'ak, and that scared him. He didn't know what this was, but from looking at his parents, he had an idea. And again, that scared him. You were everything to him, having always been there. He was scared to approach you with this. What if you didn't feel the same as him? What if he made things weird between you two? Everyone started noticing, from Norm and Max to his own parents and older brother. He'd smile more, was less inclined for trouble when you were with him, not wanting you hurt. He'd blush, and because the family was a dark blue, it would appear as a bright purple, which was....obvious, to say the least. Every time you laughed or smiled, that purple dusted his cheeks. He'd glance away when he saw you looking, and the blush would deepen. Kiri started teasing him relentlessly about it, but Neteyam and his parents were more subtle. One day, Neytiri was cooking dinner and she glanced out of her eye, the infamous side-eye Neteyam had inherited, and glanced at Lo'ak. He was sitting in the corner, drawing something on a sketchpad. He'd asked Norm for it, though the family couldn't understand why, and he never said anything or showed them what was in it. Tuk had snuck a glance once, but all she could say she saw was a lot of cream colors and lots of red. That clued in Neteyam, at least: Lo'ak was drawing you.
And he was. It was almost eclipse, and you were sitting in front of the lab. Dr. Max and Norm lived there, as did you, and if you weren't in the jungle, you were in your room, either watching 80's and late 90's movies or listening to music. Right now, you were looking up at the huge figure of Polyphemus, waiting for eclipse (A/N: Polyphemus has no rings and has fourteen moons, the most notable being Pandora). The slight breeze made her hair flutter, tickling her shoulders. About five feet behind her, Lo'ak's heart squeezed. He gripped the sketchpad tightly, the metal swirling binding making his hands sting. "Hey, um...Y/N?" He asked. You turned, your green eyes bright. "Lo'ak!" You crowed, seemingly happy to see him. He smiled shyly, sitting next to you, his tail tip flicking nervously, ears twitching. "I...wanna show you something," He said softly, and his voice deepened, making your stomach flutter with butterflies. "Sure," You said quickly, and he took a deep breath, flipping the pad around. It was you, drawn in pastels. You gasped, eyes widening. He'd perfectly captured your often-dreamy gaze, and your hair rolled over your shoulders like red water. "Lo..." You whisper, taking the pad. "It's beautiful," You whisper, green eyes catching gold. "So are you," He whispered, unable to look away. Your heart stopped, then began to pound. "Lo'ak..." You whispered, scooting closer. He blinked slowly, licking his lips nervously, and your eyes followed the movement before you leaned forward and kissed him. It wasn't like you thought it would be. You thought, honestly, that it'd be a little sweet, nothing more. It was sweet, but also filled with so much love you were surprised you didn't explode. His hands cupped your face, huge against your human face, and kissed you slowly, achingly sweet, and the world slipped away and it was just you both.
"YES!" You heard Kiri scream and you both split, breathing hard, eyes wide.
Kiri cringed. "Sorry," She said, and you giggled, then started laughing. Lo'ak chuckled, shaking his head, pulling you closer. Kiri, seeing this, smirked and went back inside. "I've loved you for a really long time," Lo'ak whispered, nose touching yours. "Yeah, I could say the same," You giggled. "Why didn't you...ever tell me?" You asked him gently, your legs hooked around his waist as you sat in his lap. He shrugged, playing with the ends of your fiery hair. "I was scared," He admitted. "I didn't...realize, I guess, that I felt that way until I started noticing my mom and Dad, how they acted, and...I realized I wanted that. With you. But...I kept thinking, like, what if she doesn't feel the same, or something like that." He sighed. Your finger, tiny compared to his, lifted his chin. His gold eyes flicked to yours as you whispered, "I will never not choose you, Lo'ak. In any life, here or in the future, I'll choose you." You whispered, and kissed him again. "I love you. I See you," You whisper. You felt him shiver a little as he whispered hoarsely, "I See You."
The gas giant Polyphemus rose, eclipse setting over Pandora, as you two stayed like that, wrapped in each other and the words I See You hovering like stars.
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final-bae-stination · 4 months
Seizure (Kane Brown)
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Okay, you know me. I like to torture my people. Have this monstrosity, I didn't know how to end it. Sorry.
Warnings: Seizure; Head Trauma; Falling From Heights; Blood; Injuries.
 Third Person POV
Either he was cursed, or Kane Brown had really, really bad luck with heights. He’s already fallen once in the year, breaking his right arm in March. Then, in July, he nearly broke his neck hiking, of all things, up a cliff. 
This time, well…it solidified the curse of heights. 
This is what happened. Kane was on tour, and he was onstage, singing “Bury Me In Georgia,” when he got the bright idea, like always, to climb something. He kept singing as he started walking to the metal scaffolding. He climbed up a little, still singing.
The crowd’s energy was hypnotizing Kane, and he climbed a little higher, his free hand gripping the metal tightly, but even that wasn’t enough. 
His sneaker slipped, and he started to fall.
Everything stopped the moment he started to fall, and he landed with a sickening crunch on the stage floor, not moving. The crowd started freaking out as a swarm of backstage crew raced on strange to Kane’s unconscious form. One of the bigger guards scooped Kane up, rushing backstage, as everyone else focused on emptying the arena.
Two seconds after the guard set a still-unconscious Kane on the couch, he started to seize out of nowhere. Everyone started to panic, and Kane’s touring manager called 911. 
Time Skip
Kane groaned, eyes sliding up open. The ceiling was white foam tiles. The walls were a pastel blue. He looked down, realizing he was in the hospital. He blinked, shocked, because the last thing he remembered was climbing the scaffolding at the concert.
Was the concert over?
“Ah, I see you’re awake,” The doctor smiles, coming in. Kane mumbles, “Why…how did I get here?” He asked. “You apparently fell from a great height at the concert and had a seizure.” He said, and Kane blinked, shocked. “You have only two broken ribs, which, from the height you fell, is pretty good. No major damage.” The doctor smiles. “In fact, I can discharge you in an hour.” 
“T-thank you,” Kane stuttered.
After he was discharged, his wife, Katelyn, came to pick him up. “What the hell is with you and heights?” She asked, smiling as she drove out of the parking lot. “I dunno.” Kane groaned, leaning back. His daughter, Kingsley, was in the back, playing with something. “Daddy owie?” She asked. “Nah, baby, Daddy’s alright,” He sighed. Katelyn rolled her eyes. “You’re a trouble magnet, actually.” Kane laughed.
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final-bae-stination · 5 months
Touchy Feely (Jeremy Sumpter)
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Prompt: Matt isn't a very affectionate person, while the OC cherishes every moment she gets with him. One day while Matt is cooking breakfast, Fem! OC comes up and surprises Matt with a hug from behind. (Bonus: Fem! OC buries her head into the back of Matt's shirt.)
Third Person POV
Matt was in the kitchen, cooking breakfast, when he felt a pair of arms slide around his waist. He jumped, looking back, and saw a mess of bright hair. "Hi?" He questions. He had only been dating Savannah for about a year, so they were still learning each other, and he was often shy about affection, but Savannah had no problem showing it.
Savannah grin, her blue eyes twinkling at him. "Hi, honey. Sorry if I scared you." She blushes. He smiled. "That's okay. You sleep okay?" He asked, and she nodded, burying her face in his shirt. He blushed. It was the little things, sometimes, like how she said he made her feel safe, or that she wore his sweaters because she missed him, that made him fall so deeply for her in the first place. "Hey." She poked him, and he blinked. "You okay?" She asked, frowning.
He nodded, turning back to the stove. "Yeah, sorry. Was...just thinkin'." He said. She hummed, smiling, and pulling away, but keeping her arms around him. "Yeah? About what?" She teased. "You." He grinned at her darkened blush. Likewise, she sometimes got surprised by the little things with him: that he truly loved her the way she was, that he missed her sometimes and called her just to hear her voice, and, when he was away filming, he used any excuse to talk to her, hear her laugh.
They sat down and ate together, and as she giggled, he couldn't help but stare at her, the way the un was making her eyes shine and the way she looked truly beautiful. In turn, she was watching him, how easily he laughed and talked and was with her. The sun made his eyes turn a little green, a little blue, that odd mixture of teal that made her love his eyes. When he smiled, he looked so pretty it almost physically hurt her. "I love you." She says suddenly, and he blinks, a little taken aback, but he grins, "I love you, too, baby." He kissed her gently, and she sighed, content. This was definitely the man she wanted to marry.
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final-bae-stination · 5 months
Don’t Leave Me (Animal 2014)
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TRIGGER WARNING: There is a r*pe scene in here, so PLEASE read with caution!!! ********************************************************************* "Animal" is a 2014 American horror thriller film.
Movie Summary: When plans for a weekend vacation hit a dead end, friends find themselves stranded in unfamiliar territory, pursued by a bloodthirsty predator. Holed up in an isolated cabin, the friends must fight to survive as the body count rises.
Prompt: Matt doesn’t run for the car, Mandy does. Matt stays behind with Vicky, Doug, and Alissa while Carl and Sean try to distract the creature. Unknown to Matt, Alissa goes upstairs to watch Mandy and the two men, and is taken advantage of by Doug. When he finds out, Matt flips, turning violent and only Alissa can calm him down.
If you haven't seen "Animal," I highly recommend it!!!
Third Person POV
Alissa shook her head. "I don't think it's a good idea," She muttered. "Look, it's the only way," Carl said gently, putting a hand on her shoulder. She sighed, "Fine. Who's going?" She wondered. "I am." Carl said, then gestured to Sean. "He can wait on the porch, keep an eye out. We need someone to run for the car." He sighed. "I can," Matt said.
"What? Absolutely not!" Alissa yelled. "What, why—" Matt began. "I don't want—I lost Jeff, you're not going anywhere!" "Babe—" "I can go." Mandy said, taking a walkie. "No questions." Alissa bit her lip. After what Mandy had just told her in the kitchen, she was worried. But she knew Mandy would never change her mind. "Well...be safe."
Mandy nodded. "I will. Take care of her," She told Matt. "You know I will." He smiled gently at her.
Doug watched the happenings with a scowl. "You're all insane," He snapped from upstairs, but nobody really seemed fazed. "Let us be crazy, then." Mandy glared up at him, eyes burning. "I don't see you down here doing shit." "Mandy!" Alissa hissed.
"It's the truth." She shrugged, turning to Carl. "Let's get this over with."
Carl nodded, removing a piece of the barricade, and Sean and Carl slipped outside, and Mandy ran out the back, and Alissa carefully closed the barricade back up. Sighing, she turned to Matt, hovering behind her. "I'm gonna go see upstairs." She said. He nodded, kissing her gently. "Love you." He whispered. "Love you more." She said, smiling and stepping past him towards the stairs.
She found it a little weird that she didn't see Doug, considering he was almost possessive of the upstairs area, but she shrugged it off, moving to the window. She could just barely see Mandy before she disappeared, saw Sean on the porch and Carl with the flare in his hands, trying to draw the creature out, before hands were put over her eyes. "Matt," She mumbled, smiling, but froze when Doug's voice said, "Guess again, honey."
R*pe Scene Warning Below!
"Doug?!" She turned, trying to push him away, but he only laughed, yanking her closer to him. "I haven't had anyone since Barbara," He whispered, his hands touching her lower back and her collarbones, pinning her against the wall. "Let me go!" She said, but he covered her mouth. "Shh, shh. Wouldn't want anyone to hear you, would we? Not Sean, or Carl and Vicky, certainly not Matt." At her boyfriend's name, Alissa's eyes filled with tears, and she struggled in his grip.
Downstairs, Matt frowned, looking up, hearing strange thumping. "What's that?" He asked, and Vicky glanced up, too, shaking her head. "Doug is so strange," She muttered. "He always does that, just ignore him." Matt shrugged. "Okay."
Alissa struggled hard, but Doug wasn't letting her go. He suddenly grabbed her round the throat, and she gasped, choking, as he forced her to the floor, and then he suddenly punched her in the face, hard enough to make her unable to move, and he tied her hands together very quickly, using his hand to choke her a few more times until she was submissive, choking on air rushing back into her lungs every time. "I'm gonna enjoy this," He grins sadistically, tugging at her shorts. She started to cry, trying to kick him, but he hit her again. "If you don't stop," He threatened, holding the knife. "I'll cut you." "Fuck you!" She spit. His hand jerked, and she felt the sting of the blade cutting her cheek. Before she could yelp, he slapped a piece of duct tape over her mouth, then another, tightening it. "Shut. Up." He snarled.
She tried to breathe through her nose, her mouth being taped shut, but then he was forcefully pushing himself inside her, and she screamed, the sound awfully muffled, and tried smacking him, but he pinned her arms down, forcing himself into her and on her, over and over and over, until she was sobbing, near hysterics, and wishing she were dead.
She thought of Matt, just downstairs, who probably had no idea this was happening, and wished he would walk in, or that he'd come save her, but he didn't. She heard shouting, the door opening again, as Doug pulled out, thankfully not finishing inside her, and pulled his pants up quickly. "That'a girl," He smiled, flicking open a knife and cutting the restraints. "Good girl." He turned, walking lightly downstairs, like he didn't just violate a girl inches from the others. Alissa sobbed brokenly into the floor, her shaking hands reaching for the tape and jerking it off her mouth, covering her muffled yelp.
It hurt to move, but she forced herself to reach down and yank her shorts back up, scrubbing the tears from her face, and limp to the stairs. She was glad to see that Sean and Carl were back, but Mandy wasn't. "Did she make it?" Alissa asked, and was shocked at how rough her voice was. Everyone glanced up. "Are you okay?" Matt asked quickly, and she avoided Doug's eyes as she whispered, "Fine. Matt, I'm fine," She said as he asked her questions she could hardly hear. Matt stepped over the table they'd broken earlier to make more barricades and reached for her. For the first time in his life that Matt could remember, Alissa flinched away from him, and he stopped, feeling sick. Was she scared of him? "Babe, what happened?" He asked. She didn't reply, looking at the fire in the fireplace with an almost blank gaze. "Um..." Vicky said, grabbing Sean and Carl's arms. "We'll leave you two to talk." She said, and yanked Carl and Sean into the kitchen. With a look at Alissa that Matt didn't catch, Doug followed the others, and it was just Matt and Alissa. "Babe, you're scaring me." Matt whispered sadly. "What happened?" "You were right." She whispered, not looking away from the fire. "Doug's pretty creepy." She laughed, but it wasn't a happy sound, and that sent alarm bells ringing madly in Matt's brain. "What...what's that mean?" He frowned. He took a step closer, not that Alissa noticed. "Baby, what did he do?" He asked firmly.
"He hurt me." She whispered.
"He what?" Matt asked. "W-what--how---" She stepped closer to him, breath shaky, and whispered it in his ear, stepping back when she was done. He stared at her, face blank, for a moment, and then she saw his face change. She has never seen this look on Matt's face, and she never, ever wanted to again. He turned, starting to walk to the kitchen. "Matt. Matt!" Alissa yelled in a panic. "Carl!"
Vicky, Carl, Sean, and Doug exited the kitchen just as Matt grabbed Doug, slamming him into the wall. "Hey!" Carl shouted, and him and Sean tried to get between them, but Matt wasn't letting go. Doug was swearing, only fighting back to defend himself, as Matt's fists slammed over and over into his face, his jaw, anything he could reach. "Stop, stop!" Vicky was yelling, but her voice was lost in the chaos. "You ever touch my fucking girlfriend—" Matt was shouting, kicking Doug in the ribs, and Alissa knew, in that moment (though she wasn't sure how), that Matt was going to kill him.
"Matt, stop it!" She yelled, getting just close enough that she wouldn't get hurt but that Matt would hear her. "Stop it, okay? He's had enough!" She yelled even louder. "Matt, please!" She said finally, and he stopped, breathing hard, staring at Doug, who was groaning softly in pain, curled up on the ground. "What did he do?" Vicky asked softly. Alissa shared a look with Matt, silently asking, Can you tell them?
"Come here." Matt stepped into the kitchen. Looking warily at Alissa, Sean and Carl and Vicky followed, but Matt dragged Alissa with him, and she glanced back at Doug as she left. He was glaring at her so heatedly that she's surprised she didn't explode in flames.
When they were told, there was a lot more yelling. Carl wanted to kill him, threatening to throw him to the monsters, but Sean was saying it wasn't right and they should leave him for the bears or something, and Vicky was muttering the dirtiest swear words and names she could think of. "I'm sorry, honey. Here." She grabbed a rag from the sink, sitting Alissa down, and started wiping her cheek, where the blade mark was. Alissa stared at her feet, not looking at Sean or Carl or Matt. God, Matt.
She couldn't face him, not after this. Not like before. She couldn't suddenly look him in the eyes anymore, feeling filthy and worthless. She knew he wouldn't think of her differently, he never has, but...this has never happened. She didn't know how to act anymore. "Okay, there you go." Vicky said, and Alissa smiled quickly at her. Her eyes itched, and she just wanted to sleep. Her body was screaming at her to sleep, but she didn't know how she could. Time Skip
She sat in front of the fire with Matt, staring at the flames. Doug was upstairs, tied to the railing, and his mouth was duct taped shut. Mandy had never shown back up, and she was feared dead. Sean was trying to talk to her, something about the songs on his iPod, as Carl and Vicky kept guard. "Sean," Matt finally said, and Sean went quiet as Matt added, "Enough." "Sorry." Sean mumbled, looping his headphones around his fingers.
Feeling bad, Alissa took the iPod, putting the headphones in. "Something calming." She said, and Sean scrolled through his songs. "I have a sleep playlist, let me know if it helps." He pushed a button, and the start of "Delicate" by Taylor Swift started playing softly. She leaned back, against Matt's chest, and closed her eyes. "I love you." She murmured. His arms looped around her, a safe space all for her, making her forget, if only for a little while. "I love you, too." She grinned, eyes still closed. "And I love you, Sean." "Same," Matt chuckled. He giggled. "Love you, too, guys."
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final-bae-stination · 5 months
To my followers:
I'm so sorry I haven't been active! I've been going through a lot and haven't had time to log on. Please forgive me, I'll start updating again! Also, has anyone seen "Into The Storm," a 2014 Disaster movie? I'm obsessed with it, so that might make it's way onto my masterlist! Also, Jeremy Sumpter is so cute oh my lord <3 (look down)
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final-bae-stination · 5 months
Incorrect Quotes: Outer Banks (2)
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JJ: Is something burning? John B.: Just my love for you. JJ: John B., the toaster is on fire.
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