#brother tried to capture it. couldn’t. now he’s talking to my dad
mars-ipan · 1 year
just got jumpscared so bad
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cyren-myadd · 2 months
Am I The Asshole for saving the life of an evil person?
This whole thing is so screwed up that I don’t even know where to start. Sorry if this is confusing.
So a couple of months ago, I (16M) was captured by the clone of my crazy dead biological father and taken to the RDA to get tortured for information. I’m an orphan, so I don’t have any living family (other than my friends, who I consider my family, but they’re 14M, 14F, and 8F so there wasn’t really anything they could do) and I knew there was no one who would come rescue me. By the time they started interrogating me, I was pretty sure I was as good as dead. I even told the enemy that they would have to kill me before I would talk. But obviously I didn’t die or I wouldn’t be here writing this. The clone saved me. We made a deal that I would act as his guide and translator and in return he would protect me from being tortured and he wouldn’t make me give up any info. I spent the next few months in the jungle teaching him and his squad how to survive in the forest and I can’t believe I’m saying this but it was kind of… nice? I guess? I dunno maybe I had stockholm syndrome or something.
But anyways, it didn’t last forever cause he eventually got a lead on his target, who just so happens to be my best friends’ dad, and we went after him. The clone did so many horrible things. He set villages on fire, hunted an innocent tulkun mother and her calf, threatened to kill people, and I think the only reason he didn’t kill anyone is because I begged him not to. When he finally tracked down my friends’ dad, he and his soldiers ended up using my friends as hostages, and the worst part is that my friends’ older brother (15M) was shot by his right hand man when he helped me and 14M escape. After that, the clone was still holding 14F hostage, and he almost got my friends’ dad to surrender, but before he could, my friends’ mom grabbed me and took me as a hostage too. She was going to kill me to avenge her son, and I thought the clone was just gonna let her do it. Taking out my friends’ dad was the only thing he seemed to care about, but to my surprise, he let 14F go after their mom cut me. Thankfully, we were all able to walk away from that without anyone else dying or getting hurt.
Now here’s the part where I’m probably the asshole. After the big battle, I found the clone drowning underwater. I knew I should've just left him to die, I really really tried to, but for some reason I just couldn’t. I saved him. I guess I felt like I owed him or something. When he realized I saved him, clone called me his son and asked me to come with him, but I just hissed at him and ran back to my friends and their parents. I haven’t told anyone what I did yet. I know I need to tell them at some point but I just don’t know how. The clone was pretty beat up so I know he won’t come back anytime soon, but one thing I know about that bastard is that he doesn’t quit. He’ll be back at some point. What should I do? Am I the asshole?
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aita-blorbos · 2 months
aita for yelling at my ex-girlfriend for hijacking my project and letting my traitorous brother go?
about a year ago, my family realized that my older brother (orbit) was a traitor and working for a villainous rebel organization. we immediately cut off all ties with him and made our home impenetrable to him. or so we thought. a few weeks ago, through a long, intricate scheme, orbit and his villainous friends managed to breach the security to our home. while he was here, i thought i'd managed to trap him (and for a while it seemed like he was dead), but it turns out he escaped. this made me feel incredibly guilty and ashamed because i genuinely believed we'd finally be able to bring him to justice, but it turned out that what i'd done wasn't enough.
anyway, ever since then, i'd been trying to find orbit. i'd sort of kind of tried to keep it a secret, but then my best friend (sun) managed to force my plan out of me in front of my girlfriend (moon). so she knew what i was trying to do, and so did sun. anyway, the plan was i'd do a favor for sun's dad because he claimed he had information about orbit's whereabouts that he'd be willing to trade.
i'd been working on this favor with sun's dad for a few weeks and not really getting anywhere, so behind my back, sun and moon decided that moon should try to do this project instead of me (moon basically has the same power as me that's needed for the project, but much stronger). i would've been okay with this, if it weren't for the fact that moon and sun didn't tell me anything about hijacking my project and also that me and moon have a special connection that means that when we use this power together, we're even stronger, so i could've still played a part in trying to find a breakthrough.
anyway, moon uncovered a lead, which led them to try to find something. sun and moon didn't find what they were looking for, but instead they found orbit. according to what sun told me afterward, they were all ready to drag him back to prison for his crimes, but it turned out that orbit had information that he was willing to trade to sun and moon in return for them letting him go. and sun and moon took the deal instead of capturing him even though they knew exactly how desperate i was to find him and even though the only reason they found him was because they hijacked my project behind my back!
now, it might've been a good deal (the information they uncovered was pretty important), except that power i was talking about earlier? moon could've used it on orbit to drag the information out of him anyway! not to mention, me and moon have that special connection that makes this power even stronger, so we could've taken him on together after orbit had been safely locked away! what sun told me was that orbit told them he was so good at blocking this power because he'd grown up around our father (who has the same special power, it's genetic, i inherited it, orbit didn't) and the power had always made him skittish, so he'd learned to block it. but in my professional opinion, that's complete garbage, especially considering moon's capacity for this power is even stronger than usual and even stronger on top of that when she works together with me!
the other thing was that orbit was apparently very sickly and not at all healthy-looking when sun and moon found him. according to sun, the method i’d used to trap him before he escaped from my house made it so that he was slowly dying. so sun and moon had apparently reasoned that he couldn’t do much damage in his current state and that dragging him back to prison would be next to useless considering how almost-dead he looked when they made their deal with him for the information. again, in my professional opinion, this doesn’t matter. sun and moon just don’t understand how dangerous orbit truly is, and how much we really shouldn’t be underestimating him, even if he is dying. 
here is where i may be the asshole. after sun told me all this, i immediately went to moon's house to confront her. she wasn't home, so i waited, and when she got home, it was pretty clear that she'd been going through something big. i ignored all that and immediately started being sort of passive-aggressive as i accused her of letting orbit go and hijacking my project. moon claimed she'd been having a long day and said that i was pretty upset, so maybe we should continue this conversation tomorrow, which made me so angry because it wasn't like anyone had forced her and sun to hijack my project and let orbit go! so i yelled at her for letting orbit go. she tried to defend her and sun's choices by telling me how sick he looked and how he'd claimed he could block her power, but i shut her down.
eventually we circled around back to the fact that the only reason she'd even been in that position was because she'd decided to hijack my project behind my back. she claimed that she and sun had only done it because i'd been unsuccessful for so long, which made me really mad and i started being kind of passive-aggressive again and started accusing her of thinking she was better than me. moon was clearly trying to keep her composure, and eventually i realized something was off and calmed down a little bit. we eventually broke up during this same incident for unrelated reasons.
so, aita for yelling at moon?
update: sun went into a coma, and moon's been watching after him, so i went to go see them in the hospital and me and her made up again. i told her that i'd started to continue my search for orbit and she immediately got defensive, but i reassured her i wasn't mad at her anymore. but it still makes me a bit annoyed that she never admitted her (and sun's) side of the blame with regards to hijacking my project behind my back. 
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maxattax · 7 months
Reaching Out
Happy Valentine's Core Exchange to @creoastra! I really hope you like it!
Danny had heard rumors that Penelope Spectra had found a new haunt. Frustrated that he had to leave Amity Park to find her, he flew as fast as he could, sweeping the region. He was not surprised that his ghost sense finally went off when he passed the local community college.
“What, you couldn’t find any teens to make miserable so you’re going for college students now?” Danny flew closer to Spectra and fired an ectoblast at her. She dodged out of the way, cackling.
“I can see your aim hasn’t improved,” Spectra shot back. “And where are your little friends? Did they finally tell you they don’t like you?” Her smirk grew. 
“I – no! They like me!” Danny shot another blast, this one hitting the mark. She hit the ground and rolled. He flew closer to her, feeling his belt to make sure his thermos was easily accessible.
“But they don’t want you, you know,” Spectra said, already getting to her feet, seeming unperturbed by the attack. “Not the way you want them.”
One long, agonizing second tore his heart in half.
“You don’t know that! You – you can’t!” 
“Why not? You know I can see all your fears. You know I can tell how you’re still scared that they judge you for being transgender.” She might as well have hit him over the head. “That you’ve been pining for your friends, too afraid to tell them.”
Danny realized he had stopped attacking and was letting her monologue. But… she was right. She was always frustratingly accurate when she tried to get to him. Knowing that she twisted things to make people miserable didn’t make it hurt any less, or make it easier to ignore.
Danny redoubled his efforts, shooting a blast of ice at the ghost. In an attempt to not give her more ammo to use against him, he said nothing. But she didn’t need any, and deftly dodged out of the way of the ice.
“You’re a half-dead freak. Who could love a thing like you? You know, most kids would go to their parents for romantic woes. But yours are more concerned with hunting you down than helping you. You have nobody; you are utterly alone.”
“Shut up!” Danny flew forward and punched her square in the face, sending her flying into a wall. He followed it with an ectoblast to the torso. And then another, and another. She crumpled to the ground, twitching with each attack. He stopped when she stopped moving.
Before she could get back up, Danny uncapped the thermos and captured Spectra.
She always went right for the jugular, but that didn’t make it true. Back when Danny fought her the first time, she lied about Jazz calling him a loser. But Jazz had said nothing of the sort. In fact, Danny realized, he wasn’t alone. He could talk to Jazz. She’d know what to say.
Danny came home to find the living room silent, and Jazz sitting on the couch with a book. “Hey, are you busy?” Danny asked. “I could use some advice.”
Jazz’s face lit up. “I’m never too busy to offer advice!” she said.
“Can we go upstairs?” Danny said. “I don’t want Mom and Dad to hear us.”
“Of course,” They made their way upstairs and into Jazz’s room. Jazz took a seat at her desk, and Danny sat on the edge of her bed.
Danny fiddled with the zipper of his NASA hoodie. “So… I ran into Spectra today.”
“Oh no,” Jazz said. “Whatever she said, you know she’s just trying to get into your head.”
“Seems like she’s already in there, reading my thoughts.” Danny’s tone was bitter.
“Tell me your worries, little brother. I’m here to listen.”
Danny slumped onto the bed. “I may as well put it out there. I like Sam; I have for a while. Apparently that’s a surprise to nobody.” He gave a dry chuckle. “But I like Tucker too. I want both of them. But they’d never go for it. You’ve seen how they’re at each other’s throats half the time.”
“Yes, and they’re inseparable the other half of the time. You’re all best friends for a reason. How do you know they’re not interested in anything more?”
“I guess… but I don’t know. I want to be a regular human guy, but I’m not really human, and I’m not really a guy, and they deserve some normalcy in their life.”
“You stop that. Trans guys are guys, and that includes you. And you are human, in all the ways that count. You’re not wrong, though, that going out with a trans person presents unique challenges.” Jazz nodded thoughtfully. “And dating a half-ghost superhero does as well. But Danny, they’re your best friends. They understand you better than anyone else. If they do want you, they know what they’re signing up for.”
“You said ‘if’ they want me. How can I know? I don’t want to make things weird between us. I can’t risk our friendship on this.” Danny sighed. “I appreciate the pep talk. I’m just… scared of what they’ll say.”
“I can’t know how they’ll react. But I know it won’t ruin things. You mean too much to them for them to throw away years of friendship. Think of it this way: Best case scenario, you gain a wonderful girlfriend and boyfriend. Two partners who would do anything for you. Worst case, they’re not interested in you that way, but you still have two best friends who care about you. I think it’s worth a shot.”
Danny smiled. “Thanks, Jazz. I’ll talk to them soon.”
Danny’s stomach flipped in circles as he watched Tucker and Sam eat their food. They were at a nice Italian restaurant; Sam had offered to pay for dinner, and Danny thought Italian food would have enough variety that everyone would be happy. Tucker dug into his spaghetti and meatballs with fervor, while Sam delicately picked at her eggplant parmesan. 
His best friends were so different from each other, and that’s what he loved about them. He longed to reach over and touch them, brush Sam’s hair out of her face, playfully rustle Tucker’s beret. But it would be weird. But if he could just tell them how he felt… His stomach did another flip. He wasn’t sure he was ready.
“Danny, are you okay? You haven’t touched your chicken francese.” Sam looked at him with concern.
“Yeah, I’m fine,” Danny lied. He took a bite of his chicken. The flavor of the lemon-wine sauce was vibrant. He knew this place was a good choice. But the delicious food didn’t calm his nerves.
“I know you, dude. You look like something’s eating you.” Tucker observed. Okay, maybe Danny wasn’t as good a liar as he’d hoped.
“I just have a lot on my mind,” Danny said. He couldn’t believe he was going to confess his feelings to his crushes. He wanted to scooch closer to them in their roomy booth, and he knew that if he just told them how he felt, maybe they’d let him. Or they’d say it was weird and they didn’t want to be friends anymore. He couldn’t stand the thought of losing them.
“You can tell us anything,” Sam said. “You know we won’t judge you.”
“Probably,” Tucker added, with a chuckle. Sam glared at him, but the effect was lessened by her smile.
Danny chuckled. “I know. You guys know my biggest secret. I trust you with my life,”
“Then what’s on your mind?” Tucker asked.
Danny took a deep breath. The smell of delicious Italian food grounded him, helped to pull him out of his head a little. He could do this. Jazz believed it would be okay, and he trusted her.
“I… have a crush.” Danny started. “On you.” He looked between the two of them. Tucker frowned.
“Man, I knew you two had a thing for each other, but I’m kinda third-wheeling it here.”
Danny clarified, “Both of you.” He hid his head in his hands. “Is that weird?” he mumbled into his hands.
Tucker sounded much more lively when he said, “Dude, it’s not just me? I’ve been into you two for ages, but I didn’t think I stood a chance.”
Danny unburied his head from his hands. Tucker and Sam both had huge grins on their faces.
“I’ve had a feeling you liked me ever since the Ember thing, and I like you too,” Sam said. “But I like Tucker too, and I didn’t feel right asking you on a date and leaving him out.”
Danny’s voice was cautious when he said, “So you both like me back? And each other? I hoped, but I didn’t think it would actually come true.” The room looked so much brighter after that revelation. His heart fluttered with excitement.
“Does that make this our first date?” Tucker asked as he speared a meatball with his fork.
Sam laughed, a pure, crystalline sound. “I think so!”
Danny couldn’t help but laugh too, overcome with unbridled joy. His two favorite people in the whole world wanted to be with him. Danny put his arm around their hips and pulled them both closer to him, sliding them along the booth until he was sandwiched between them. Sam turned bright red, and Tucker sputtered. But neither protested.
“That’s better,” Danny said. Sam snuggled her head into Danny’s side. Tucker put a hand on Danny’s thigh, the other hand still focused on his meal. “I love you guys.”
Danny flew through the roof of Sam’s house, startling her when he landed in her bedroom. Tucker was already there, laying beside her in bed. Their conversation stopped immediately when they saw him clutching his side, ectoplasm leaking between his fingers.
“Oh my God, Danny, what happened?” Sam exclaimed.
“Technus got a lucky shot in,” Danny grunted through the pain. “I got him though. Can you take a look at this?”
“Yeah, of course.” She cleared a space on the floor and put down a towel for Danny to lay on. She sat at his side, and Tucker kneeled beside him as well. As Sam examined his injury through the rip in his suit, Tucker held his hand and rubbed soothing circles with his thumb.
“How bad does it hurt?” Tucker asked softly.
“I’ve had worse,” Danny said. Sam prodded at the wound and Danny let out a small moan.
“You know I love hearing you moan, but not like this,” Tucker joked. Danny chuckled weakly.
“This is going to need stitches,” Sam said. “I’ll go get the supplies. Tuck, keep an eye on him.”
Danny groaned. He hated getting stitches, but he knew even with his enhanced healing, he would lose a lot of ectoplasm (or blood, if he transformed) if they didn’t stitch it up.
“It won’t take long, and you’ll feel better afterwards,” Tucker promised. He petted Danny’s head, running his fingers through his white hair.
“I know,” Danny said. He leaned into Tucker’s touch. “Thank you for being here. I know how much you hate hospitals.”
“Well, this isn’t a hospital,” Tucker pointed out. “It’s the sterile atmosphere I hate, not the medical procedures themselves. I’m okay. Just worried about you.”
“Well, I’ll be alright. You know me,” Danny said.
Sam reentered the room, medical supplies in hand. She sat down next to Danny and slid the zipper down his jumpsuit. She gently peeled back the suit to reveal a gnarly gash in his side. “Yeah, definitely needs stitches.” She gingerly applied a topical anesthetic to the wound.
“Don’t watch, you know it makes it worse,” Tucker said. “Look at me instead.”
Danny turned his head towards Tucker. He felt the needle pierce his skin, although the pain was dulled by the anesthetic. He winced. Tucker made a sympathetic face. He was so cute when he was worried, his brow furrowed, his mouth curled into a small frown. Danny winced again as he felt another prick of the needle.
“That’s it, you’re doing great,” Sam said as she carefully tended to the wound.
Danny turned to watch Sam as she worked, despite Tucker’s warning. He focused on her face, rather than her hands. Her hair was tied back, and she wore an expression of complete concentration. She was so caring, so sweet and loving when Danny was hurt. Even through the pain, Danny appreciated the care his girlfriend was showing him.
“There, all done,” she finally said. “You look like you could use some cuddles. Come on, let’s get you on the bed.”
Danny protested but when he moved, a jolt of pain shot through him. He allowed his partners to support him as he limped over to the bed.
Danny climbed into bed. Sam and Tucker carefully laid down on either side of him. Tucker nestled himself against Danny’s back. Sam snuggled up under the blanket, pressed up against Danny’s chest. Danny felt so warm with his two favorite people so close to him. It was a comforting kind of warmth, the kind that tells you that everything is going to be okay. And today, he believed it.
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dearheart42regenerated · 11 months
gritting my teeth and sharing this in the tag in hopes that it'll help me manifest actually FINISHING this fic.......
“I’m still not buying this!” Chuck popped out from the passenger’s side and leaned over the door, pointing an accusing finger at her. “How do you really know about Mutt?” he demanded.
Capri blinked and frowned, giving him a once-over as she crossed her arms. “How do you know about Mutt, Goldilocks?”
Texas cracked up at the nickname, slapping Dutch on the back. “Goldilocks! That’s a good one, hahaha…” 
“The name’s Chuck, for your information,” huffed Goldilocks, “and I’ve been hanging with Mikey since elementary school. Where have you been his whole life?”
“Elementary school, huh?” Something bitter flickered in her eyes. “That must’ve been nice…”
Mike tried to calm his friend, slightly taken aback by how riled up he was. “Easy, Chuckles, let’s just–”
“No! I’m not gonna sit back and let some random stranger put you through this all over again, dude! It’s not okay!”
“Look, I appreciate it, but–”
“All she has is a story about your bobblehead. That’s not actual proof she’s your sister!”
“He’s right.” Dutch’s eyes were wary. “Anyone could make up a childhood memory like that. How do we know Kane isn’t paying this one off like he did with your fake dad?”
“Let’s at least hear her out first, guys,” said Julie, exasperated. “You can’t demand ‘real proof’ and then not give her a chance at all! Maybe she–”
“I still say she’s an evil clone!” Texas declared.
The arguing devolved into chaos, everyone speaking over each other to the point where nothing coherent could be heard anymore.
“Heartwarming reunion over, I guess,” Capri muttered, unfastening her thigh holster. She pulled out a laser pistol and fired two blasts into the air. “EVERYONE. SHUT UP.”
Everyone shut up.
She sighed and holstered the gun, glaring at nobody in particular. “Sweet baby gumdrops. Okay. FIRST of all…” She turned to Mike. “You don’t need to take my word for it. I wouldn’t take my word for it, either.” Her com-screen popped up, glowing fiery orange. She scrolled, selected a file with the words “CAPRI C. GENETIC PROFILE” hovering above it, and flicked it over to him. “There you go. The DNA can speak for itself.”
Mike took it but barely glanced at it, still looking at her as if she were a hologram herself – something that could disappear any second. Chuck just stared at the unopened file from the other side of the car, unable to hide his own curiosity.
“Secondly. Goldilocks.”
He jumped and straightened his posture with a gulp. (Texas snickered.)
Her boots thumped in the silence as she strode towards him, cold annoyance in her voice. “For your information, I wasn’t talking about Mutt to prove I’m Mike’s sister. I brought it up to find out if he’s my brother.” She fished in one of her pockets and pulled out a well-worn photograph, dangling it in front of his nose. “There could be any number of ‘Mike Chiltons’ running around and I haven’t been here in a while. I wanted to be sure.” 
“Whoa,” he murmured, one hand reaching for it. 
Capri snatched it away, eyes hard as steel, and walked back around to Mike. Her expression softened when she handed the photo to him. “I am sure, now.”
It showed a little girl with messy hair and an even messier t-shirt – face scrunched up in a grin, one front tooth missing – and a wide-eyed baby dangling in her arms like a kidnapped puppy, clutching Mutt in small chubby hands, attempting to shove the top of its bobbing head in his mouth. The colors were faded, the edges bent and torn; but the happiness captured in it was so vibrant it made his chest ache. 
Any doubts he had left vanished, replaced by dizzying questions he couldn’t find words for. He had a sister. This was real. (What happened?)
“Thirdly!” said Capri, giving the other Burners a smile that bordered on a snarl. “I’m so very sorry if I’m being rude here, it's just that I spent the last seventy-two hours hopping city-to-colony and crossing a gazillion miles of mutants, raiders, boiling heatwaves and radiation pits to get back to Motorcity. Totally for funsies, of course. It's not like I’ve been trying to track down the only family I have left or anything.” 
Everyone shifted uncomfortably.
“Point being, I’ve had a long flippin’ day! So how about you nosy little ferrets take that file I just sent, run the DNA test, confirm I’m actually not a lying scumbag, and then y’all can decide on how to torture me next. What do you think?” she growled, shooting “Goldilocks” an incinerating look. “That sound alright to you? Chuck?”
Chuck all but melted into a whimpering puddle of terror and compliance, stammering out a vaguely affirmative reply as he stumbled over to where the unopened file still hovered.
“Great! Glad we could get that sorted out.” 
Everything in her demeanor dripped with spite…but Mike was beginning to notice the dark circles under her eyes, the heaviness in her shoulders. How many miles had she really crossed to get here? How many hours had she spent combing the dark labyrinth of Motorcity to find him? (Based on nothing but a hope that it might be him?)
And then they had all assumed the worst of her. 
Capri must be exhausted.
“Now, if you’ll excuse me…” She stormed off towards her motorcycle. “I’m gonna check my bike for damage and maybe also secretly plot to sell out your leader to the guy who destroyed my whole childhood. Holler if you need me.”
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celestiall0tus · 1 year
Miraculous AU - Chapter 22 - Freedom
Beginning || Previous || Next
            Alix stood before her mother as the woman shrieked and yelled at her. She stared at the ground while her mother reminded her about everything wrong about her. She blocked out her mother’s words as she reflected.
            It had been a long week in the hospital, but it was nice. The girls had come to visit Alix often. Juleka and Rose had visited the most to ensure that she was doing well. Marinette and Alya would stop by to keep her company. It wasn’t until Alya’s visit that she met Kaalki. It was then when she learned that it was Kaalki that warned the others of the monster and her capture. That the horse she saw was no hallucination of the poison.
            Fear clawed at Alix as memories of that night flooded to her. She had put herself in a lot of danger before that creature, but that night was the first time she felt afraid. If not for Kaalki and her friends, she would have likely died, and it would have been her fault. All she had to do was be good, to behave, but she didn’t. Instead, she had to disobey and was punished for it. The monster put poison in her and it fed into what was already within her.
            Alix looked up at her mother, who continued her lecture. She couldn’t deny she had a good enough life. A family that mostly loved her, a roof over her head, and friends that did love her. Even with this, there was poison within her that consumed her. Hatred for her successful brother who got lucky in life. Contempt for her mother who expected her to be just like her brother. Annoyance at her father, who cared, but was a passive little bitch. Anger at the world for telling her what she should be, not who she wanted to be.
            Alix looked down. She wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted to be, but she knew she wanted to be free. Free from the expectations of her parents. Free from the shadow of her brother. Now, she wanted to be free of this hatred in her. After being poisoned and the hallucinations she witnessed, she wanted it gone. She touched the goggles atop her head and closed her eyes. Freedom was close at hand. Freedom from everything.
            “Are you even listening to me?” her mother shrieked.
            Alix opened her eyes and looked at her mother. “No, I’m not.”
            Alix’s mother went into a new lecture about Alix’s listening skills. She ignored her mother. She saw her father out of the corner of her eye and smiled. She reared back her foot and tapped the tip of her toe against the floor three times. He stopped and immediately joined her mother.
            “What are you doing here? You can talk with her later, Alim.”
            “I know, dear, but, Alix, please don’t.”
            Alix smirked and tapped her toe three times again.
            “Alix, I know you and I ask you, please don’t.”
            “I’m sorry, Dad, but I’m done listening to this heartless harpy scream at me. I’m tired of feeling like second best. I’m so tired of the anger and contempt I feel everyday just being who I am. I want to be free from it all.”
            Alim paled. He approached Alix and took her hands. “Honey, please don’t talk like that. There are better alternatives to that.”
            Alix sighed and squeezed Alim’s hands. “I don’t mean that, Dad. But, I will be free.”
            “No, you won’t. So long as you live under our roof, you will live by my rules,” Alix’s mother shrieked.
            “I know. It’s why I want to say a few things. Dad, I love you and you are a passive bitch, but you tried and thank you. Mother, I fucking hate you. And, Kaalki, full gallop.”
            Kaalki materialized and vanished into the goggles. They transformed from dark grey to white and the lens changed from black to tan. Alix pulled them over her eyes and transformed.
            Alix’s top transformed into a brown sleeveless crop top with a white stripe down the middle. Her pants became brown short shorts with light brown leggings under them. Light brown gloves covered her arms up to her bicep. The cuff of the gloves and the hand turned white as bracers covered her forearms. Her sneakers transformed into a pair of brown roller blades with white wheels. A brown pack appeared around her right thigh along with a dark brown stringy belt around her hip. Horseshoes decorated her bracers, skates, and belt. Along her back, on her belt, a boomerang appeared.
            Alim gasped and reached for Alix, but she stepped back. “Alix, please, don’t do this! It’s a death sentence.”
            Alix chuckled. “My life was like that long before this.”
            “Alix, stop this silly nonsense. What do you even plan to do? Become one of those silly little heroes?” Alix’s mother asked.
            “I plan to be free. Whatever comes, comes. But, I will not be staying here.”
            “Oh yeah? Where do you even have to go?”
            Alix smirked. “Voyage.”
            The air charged around Alix. A pale green light enveloped her, and she vanished. She materialized in her bedroom. She grabbed one of her backpacks and stuffed her full of clothes. Once it was fit to burst, she zipped it up and put it on. She used Voyage and teleported onto the Louvre. She grinned as she rode down the side of the building into the plaza. People gasped and jumped back as she zoomed through.
            Alix laughed as she skated through Paris. She weaved in and out of traffic as she was faster than any vehicle. She reveled in the dumbstruck people when she passed them by. She activated Defiance and leapt from the streets onto nearby buildings. She rode along the walls as she jumped from building to building. She moved at speeds that’d rival a jet fighter along the buildings. When Defiance ended, she plummeted towards the ground as the rules applied to her again. She stuck a superhero landing and startled the people around her. She winked at the crowd, then headed to the nearest park. As she arrived, her suit started to fall apart.
            “Kaalki, dismount.”
            Kaalki appeared from the goggles and fell into Alix’s hand. Alix pulled the goggles onto her head as she sat in a grassy patch. She placed Kaalki on the ground.
            “There you go. I don’t have any proper food, but will grass be ok for now?”
            Kaalki snorted. “I suppose. It’s green enough, I guess. So, what is the plan?”
            Alix hummed. She placed her backpack at her lap and leaned on it. “I have a friend that should let me crash at their place. They only live with their father who’s usually as busy as Miss Couffaine.”
            “Is it one of your girls?”
            “No. It’s someone else.”
            “Why not one of the girls? Wouldn’t they let you stay with them?”
            “Probably, but it’s more the parents I’m worried about, or siblings. Marinette and her parents are cool enough, so they’re a back-up. Alya is cool, but she’s got little sisters and I hate kids. Juleka and her mom are cool, but Luka is acting really weird lately, at least according to Juleka. Rose is sweet, but she’d get on my nerves really quick. Not to mention that her stepdad is fucking creepy as all hell.”
            “I see. So, who exactly is this person?”
            “He’s my best friend outside of the girls. He can be annoying and, well, a boy, but I respect him.”
            “Does he get along with the ladybug holder?”
            Alix nodded her head back and forth. “Better than most that would get along with him. Why?”
            Alix shrugged. She looked around while Kaalki ate. People stared and whispered but kept their distance. She smiled and looked at Kaalki.
            “You ready?”
            Kaalki nodded.
            “Kaalki, full gallop.”
            Kaalki vanished into the goggles and transformed Alix. Alix pulled the goggles down and picked up the backpack. She used Voyage and vanished.
            “This is utter bullshit!” Kim yelled.
            Max sighed. “Relax. I’ll show it to you again.”
            “Why bother? This shit is stupid. Why do we have to take our classes online? Why can’t we just go to school?”
            Max shook his head. “Have you forgotten that golem creature already? What about the storm? And a few other attacks since then? It’s for our own safety.”
            Kim rolled his eyes.
            “Maybe we should take a break. You’ve got some time before the assignment is due.”
            “Fine. I’m going to get a snack.”
            Max watched Kim leave the room. He sighed and leaned back in the seat. He sat up when he heard three stones hit the window. He approached and opened it. Down below, Alix stood against the wall.
            “Alix? What are you doing here?”
            “Where’s Kim?”
            “He went to get a snack. What’s going on?”
            “I need to talk with him.”
            “Hold on.” Max moved from the window and to the stairs. “Hey, Kim, Alix is-.”
            Kim bolted from the kitchen and up the stairs. He ran to the window and looked down at Alix.
            “Lookie here, little miss trouble herself. What brings you here?”
            “I need a favor. Can I come in?”
            “Of course, but you know the rule. You have ten seconds to get up here.”
            Kim grinned as he counted down. As he got to one, the air charged in his room and Alix materialized. He cursed and jumped back while Max gawked at Alix.
            “Woah. Wait, are you one of those heroes, Alix?” Max asked.
            “I’m not a hero yet, but that’s the plan. But, that’s not important.”
            “Not important? Are fucking with me? This is cool! I’ve got so many questions,” Kim said.
            “And they might be answered if you hear me out.”
            “Alright. So, what’s this little favor?”
            “I need a place to stay.”
            Kim laughed. “Did you run away?”
            Kim’s smile vanished. “Wait, you did? What happened?”
            Alix sighed. She placed down her bag and sat. “I was caught up in a monster attack about a week ago. She poisoned me and it fed on the venom already in me. All my hatred and anger at the world and my parents. If it wasn’t for Juleka, I’m sure I would have died. Both poisons would have been my death.”
            Kim and Max knelt beside Alix. They each put a hand on her shoulder.
            Alix placed a hand on each of theirs. “When I was in the hospital, I was fine. But when I got home, I felt all that anger again. My mother laid into me about everything wrong with me, but I just couldn’t take it anymore. I wanted to be free. Free from the poison and I wasn’t going to be free if I stayed there.”
            “Are you worried that they might come after you? Call the police to bring you back?” Max asked.
            Alix laughed. “They can try, but they’re never gonna be able to keep me. So long as I have Kaalki with me, I will always be free.”
            “Kaalki?” Kim and Max asked.
            “Kaalki, dismount.”
            Kaalki reappeared and transformed Alix back.
            Kaalki bowed. “Greetings, young men. I am Kaalki, kwami of freedom.”
            Max’s jaw dropped and Kim grinned.  Alix smirked and lifted the goggles atop her head.
            “So, you grant Alix powers? Do the other heroes have kwamis too?” Kim asked.
            “Correct on both accounts.”
            “That’s fucking cool. Are there more? Can I get a kwami?”
            “There are plenty more, however we decide our holders. But, a little secret. We tend to seek holders close to the ladybug and black cat once they’ve been activated. Since my holder is close to the ladybug, it would benefit you to be seen in her company if you want a kwami to consider you,” Kaalki said.
            “Then it’s settled! Alix, you know where the spare room is. I’ll let Dad know what happened once he’s home.”
            “Wait, shouldn’t you talk with him first?” Max asked.
            “Why? He loves Alix. Besides, it’s not the first time she’s crashed here. And I want to have a kwami.”
            “To be a hero?” Max asked.
            “What? No. Well, maybe. I just think it’d be fun. Is it fun, Alix?”
            “It is. It’s freedom and euphoria all wrapped in one. The enhanced agility and speed as you perform inhuman feats is incredible. The knowledge that no one can stop you once you’re on a roll is amazing.”
            Kaalki smiled and sat on Alix’s shoulder. She nuzzled Alix’s cheek. “As it will always be. We are freedom, untamed and true, young knight.”
            “Thank you, Kaalki.”
            Kim stood and grabbed Alix’s bag. “C’mon, let’s get you settled, then I have questions for Kaalki.”
            “What about your assignment?” Max asked.
            “We have time. Besides, you suggested a break after all.”
            “Very well. I suppose I’m a little curious myself about this whole thing.”
            “Good, let’s go.”
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I really don’t know why I had this specific headcanon. Maybe bc I was rereading the relationship between Sanji and his family. Plus on reddit I’ve seen an old post with someone saying „Apparently Oda said that if Sanji should die, Zoro would pick up his smoking habit to remember him“, dunno if this is true but now I’m imagining Zoro and Sanji sharing a cigarette. This story is canon-divergent and it’s also been quite some time since I read the WCI arc and my memory is shit, so bear with me. Also Zoro and Sanji are most likely slightly ooc lol. Anyway, this happened in my brain...
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Sanji knows it was a bad idea to go after his so-called family on his own, but he’d rather die while trying to stop them than seeing his friends get in danger. He can’t stand the presence of the man who fathered him, his stench makes him sick to his stomach. Judge has told him all kinds of fairytales about his future power and influence in the world, once Sanji got married to that daughter of Big Mom, and Sanji wishes he could settle things with his family once and for all, but he knows the time isn’t the best, so all he can do for now is listen to his father’s ridiculous fantasies and hope that his friends would be alright.
Of course, Judge tried to ask Sanji about his connection to the Strawhat pirates, which Sanji tried to dodge and give the least possible information about, stating he was only the ship’s chef and nothing else, and his father eyed him suspiciously. „We’ll see about that“, he said and left it at that for the moment, but not without gifting his son with an icy smile that let chills run down over Sanji’s spine.
The door to the throne room opens and Sanji watches his older brothers Ichiji and Niji drag a figure along with them.
„Look at the rat we’ve got here“, Ichiji announces proudly, throwing the man on the floor like a shopping bag. Sanji gulps. Those clothes, short green hair, arms tied behind his back. Goddammit, how could that happen?
„He fell off a tiny ship or whatever that was when we attacked it. These idiots were dumb enough to think they could cross our territorial waters without our permission. Thought he’d look familiar.“
„Does he?“ Judge asks, and Niji grabs the man by the scalp and lifts his head up. A soft sound, metal jingling against metal, from his left ear that was covered in blood, so was his temple, and of course – Sanji already knew who he was when the men entered the room. A figure impossible to mistake for someone else, once you met him, eyeing his opponents with a dark glare like an angered tiger in a cage.
Niji approaches Sanji and Judge with a stack of papers in his hand, briefly says „this one“ and hands the paper on top to his dad. Sanji stares in disbelief at the face that stares at his father’s, full of hatred.
„Ah, Roronoa Zoro“, Judge loudly announces. „The Pirate Hunter. Quite a bounty. I guess you know this guy?“ Judge nugdes Sanji with a grin, but the only response he gets is a frown that’s reserved for Zoro. How could you let yourself get captured?
„What are you doing here?“ Sanji asks his comrade without any emotions in his voice, although there are many of them he feels. The timing of this couldn’t be any worse, Sanji thinks darkly. Shitty marimo is gonna ruin everything. An eerie thought crawls into Sanji’s mind, but he manages to pause it for the moment.
„Guess I could ask you the same thing“, Zoro gives back, husky voice, almost growling, with a suggestive undertone Sanji doesn’t like at all. Zoro is mad. But not solemnly at the Vinsmoke family - first and foremost at Sanji. „Quite a mess you put me in, you dumb cook.“
Sanji bites back the remark that lingers on his tongue, while Judge openly laughs.
„Seems like you boys have something to discuss. I’m afraid there won’t be time for that. But I have quite a few things to talk about with you.“ Judge slowly walks towards Zoro who’s still forced to kneel on the ground.
„Do you?“, Zoro replies, sly grin on his face. „Why would I waste my time talking to a bastard like you?“
„Guess we have to introduce ourselves, father“, Ichiji says, and swings his leg to kick Zoro in the face and the swordsman‘s head jerks to the side and he roars in pain. Sanji flinches and is about to lunge forward to attack Ichiji, but Niji holds him firmly in place. Zoro grunts, blood runs from his nose, and he stares at Ichiji, his brows sunken dangerously low.
„You’re gonna pay for this“, Zoro growls with a deep voice, „for that hit and also for taking away my swords earlier. You don’t seem to know who’s in front of you either….!“
Ichiji grins disdainfully. „You are scum. You’re not worth the ground I’m walking on. You made the mistake of challenging the Vinsmoke family. You might have earned yourself a reputation, but it’s not even close to ours. And you will learn about our power.“
Zoro scans Ichiji’s face, then knits his brows, then looks over to Judge and lastly to Sanji. He grins. And then, he laughs.
„You’re the stupidest looking idiots I’ve ever come across, I don’t know how to take you seriously“, Zoro chuckles, and Sanji shakes his head, both as to acknowledge Zoro’s idiocy and as a warning sign he hopes Zoro sees, in order to tell him to keep his damn big mouth shut.
„You’re not afraid of anything, aren’t you?“, Judge asks Zoro quietly as he crouches down in front of him, and Zoro recovers from his laughing fit and looks directly into Judge’s eyes.
„That’s your first mistake“, Judge says, „but based on my work experience I can tell that the inability to detect danger usually is one result of a general lack of intelligence, and you really don’t appear to be smart. Just loud and boisterous.“ Judge watches Zoro from the corner of his eyes, and it’s a bait Zoro all too easily swallows.
„Oh yeah? You guys really think you’re a match for me? And you claim to be the smart one between the two of us.“ Zoro ends with another arrogant, lopsided grin, one of his many trademarks, and Sanji exhales audibly, shaking his head because he damn well knows where this is gonna lead to. He knows that crazy bastard in front of his father inside and out, but the same applies to his father, and he witnesses two men who won’t back down and bow down to anyone standing face-to-face, and that strange feeling he can’t quite grasp crawls back into his head, and Sanji feels the hair on the back of his neck stand up. He’s gonna ruin everything.
Judge eyes him with a cold stare. „You’re gonna tell me everything I want to know about your crew. Where they are, why you are here, everything.“
„What if I don’t?“
Judge looks into Zoro’s face for a moment longer before he stands up again, and he doesn’t move a single muscle in his face as he kicks Zoro in the stomach, enhancing the boot of his raid suit with electricity, and Zoro screams, and Sanji forces himself to watch his comrade go through the agony his own father put him in. Zoro doubles over, groans repeatedly, and Sanji’s whole body shakes and trembles. Niji eyes him suspiciously, and Sanji reminds himself that he has to keep his composure - he told Judge that he doesn’t care about the Straw Hats, none of them.
Zoro coughs as Judge watches him, addressing him one last time with a cold, vicious voice that freezes the blood in Sanji’s veins.
„I’ll put you through hell.“
Zoro remains silent for once, but his dark, if not murderous expression tells Sanji what’s on the swordman’s mind.
Judge crosses his arms behind his back. „Your decision. You can be a traitor and live, or you can be a moron and die.“ He turns around now and locks eyes with Sanji as he walks back to him and Niji. Sanji returns his gaze, and he doesn’t hide the hatred and abhorrence in his eyes.
Just as Zoro inhales and opens his mouth for a retort, Sanji beats him to it. „You’re right, father“, he says loudly, and Judge comes to a halt right in front of him. „He is a stupid idiot. He’s proven to be an idiot time and time again. Never uses his brain, always excited to get in a fight. The only things he cares about are his swords and booze. You can’t expect much from a guy like that.“ Judge eyes Sanji closely, but Sanji holds his gaze. „He’s as illiterate and crude as you expect him to be. We never got along with each other from the day we’ve met. And I don’t intend to change that. He’s the dumb musclehead he looks like. He doesn’t know jack shit. So whatever it is you expect him to know, you can be sure he doesn’t have a clue about it. He’s useless.“
Sanji’s putting much at stake, he knows it. But he’s not gonna let Zoro grant preference to destroy his father, if the odds turned out to be in Zoro’s favor, absolutely fucking not… however, and Sanji’s sure of it, Zoro would be no match to Judge. Not only because Zoro lacks some vital information about the Vinsmokes in general, but also…
The blonde cook feels his heart beating in his chest, and he hopes he actually didn’t manoeuvre himself into a corner like he suspects he did.
If Vinsmoke Judge wasn’t such a large and impressive figure, Sanji would have been able to see Zoro steaming now, but Judge blocks his view on the swordsman. But he can very well hear Zoro yell „You son of a bitch!“, for which he earns a punch from Ichiji. Sanji tries to be calm and collected, and to emphasise his demeanor, he pulls out a cigarette and his lighter and starts to smoke. Niji lets go off him, and Sanji tries to calm down his shaking hands.
„Well, that brings me in some kind of inconvenience“, Judge muses. „I was hoping that my sons would bring me some big enough fish who could enlighten me, but you say otherwise. I guess I have to change my plans then.“ Judge turns around again, and Sanji exhales the breath he’s been holding.
His father walks over to Zoro again.
Fear. That’s what it is. Not uneasiness, not insecurity, not that anxious feeling you experience when you know something bad is likely going to happen. It’s fear. It’s a primal instinct, and Sanji grew to learn it, grew up with living with it, a long time ago.
Judge suddenly speaks up, and he startles Sanji.
„Pardon me, son, but I’m right to assume that, if you despise this man as much as you claim to, you don’t mind if we‘re going to torture him a little bit – just for the hell of it?“ Judge flashes Sanji a vicious grin, one of those that causes the chef’s blood to boil in his veins. „And it’s your decision if you tell me what I want to know instead, and then we’ll stop, or you just leave this roach to his demise and join us, we’re going to destroy the Strawhat pirates anyway. But be informed that, should you comply and sing, in order to stop the torturing, I’ll just count this as another sign of your weakness, as another proof that you’re a failure and an miserable excuse of a man. Because a real man doesn’t care about those who stand in his way, and a real man doesn’t back down. In some way-„ Judge grabs Zoro’s head now and forces him to look into the tyrants‘ face „-it’s a shame that we’re going to kill you piece by piece. A fierce brute like you would’ve fit in my army just fine. But, like I said, you’re not nearly smart enough for that.“
„You’re gonna regret the day we’ve met“, Zoro growls, before Judge gives him a hard push that shoves Zoro over the floor and Sanji watches Ichji and Niji taking a hold of Zoro again, dragging him out of the room while his crewmate throws insult after insult at them.
Sanji feels nauseous. Everything would have been under control, if Zoro wouldn’t have lost against his brothers. A knot forms in his stomach as he thinks about the rest of the crew, the ones who were travelling with Zoro and whose fate he doesn’t know about, as well as the others who stayed on Tottoland Island with Luffy. Sanji damn well knows how much his older brothers love to torture people who they think little of, and parts of his own childhood force their way back into his mind, and he smokes his cigarette quicker. His father’s laughter echoes in his head, a sound he hasn’t heard in such a long time, but which still feels horribly familiar.
Zoro‘s going to tell him a thing or two, once they’ve been able to escape the place, that’s for sure. Sanji feels that crippling fear again, that imminent sense of danger, as he thinks about the swordsman, the image of him after they’ve met Bartholomew Kuma on the Thriller Bark creeps back into his mind, how Zoro was standing there in his own blood only being alive by sheer willpower. Sanji wondered how Zoro was even standing on his own feet, and he wondered what it would take for him to collapse. He survived shit he should have died on for so many times. He is throws himself into life-threatening, suicidal situations without so much as batting an eye, reckless, careless, senseless, batshit crazy. The cook wipes a strand of his blonde hair out of his face, wondering if he’s gonna be present on the day when Zoro will finally meet his maker. But today’s not the day, and the place is not the place, and Vinsmoke Judge won’t be the last man in whose face Zoro would look and smile before he goes down.
„This is a waste of time“, Sanji murmurs, taking another drag from his cigarette. „I can’t believe y’all are dumb enough to fall for that moron‘s mockery. Guess you’re even dumber than him.“ Judge turns around to look at him. „It’s true“, Sanji shrugs. „That dumbass always wants to get in a fight. Whatever he gains from it, I don’t even wanna know. Shit probably turns him on or something.“ Judge chuckles while Sanji puts out the cigarette he’s been smoking down to its butt.
„You’re too soft“, Judge remarks with a voice that reminds Sanji of a meat grinder. „You don’t stand behind what you’re saying. You’re weak and pathetic and you obviously think I’m dumb. You didn’t really think I’d let go of that jerk because of your little act, did you?“ Judge bends down to get closer to his son’s face, and the latter presses his lips together in anger. „I know he won’t say anything“, Judge continues. „And you know that I just love to see him suffer. I want to see if you suffer then as well. Let’s say, seven days.“
„Seven days. I’ll keep him tied up and torture him for seven days without food and water. If he survives and you don’t do anything to free him and really remain unimpressed by his treatment, I shall set him free. Not you, of course. You will have to stay here and marry Charlotte Pudding.“ Judge cups his hands behind his back and saunters in a circle around Sanji. „You get to see him once a day. And you will tell him to sing. You will tell him that if he gives us information, his suffering will end. If he refuses, he’ll have to wait until those seven days are over to be executed. Not that he’s going to make it that far.“
„But you said that you want me to-„
„Boy, boy, boy.“ Judge shakes his head slowly. „I can torture this guy all day long if I want. But you? You have to stay all pretty of course for the wedding! I’m curious, I have to say, what he thinks of you. He’s going to think you’re a traitor, and that you will talk, right? If he doesn’t think you’re rat already, for crawling back to your father on your knees.“
Sanji’s body shakes on its own account again, he’s fueled with rage. He wishes he could end his father’s life right here and now, and he seriously contemplates doing it. If that shitty marimo wouldn’t be held captive in the catacombs, he wouldn’t hesitate. But as things are now, it’s too risky. He needs more time. He needs a plan. As if he already hadn’t enough shit on his hands.
„I don’t think it’ll work, but I try“, Sanji says then. „But do I have your word that you’ll set him free when he talks?“
„Of course“, Judge grins, and he doesn’t even try to hide that he’s lying.
Sanji waits until Ichiji and Niji return from the catacombs. He grinds his teeth upon seeing their gloves and boots bloodied, upon them laughing and shouting, bragging about what they did.
„Did he say anything?“ Judge wants to know.
„Nah“, Niji replies. „Aside from a few insults and threats here and there. Took my right hook like a champ, though.“ He laughs. Sanji wants to rip his stupid laugh right off his fucking face.
„Give us two more days, three at most. He’ll beg uns on his knees to spare his life. If he’ll have remaining knee caps to kneel down on then, that is.“ Sanji hears the men roar with laughter, and he grinds his teeth harder to remind himself to stay in place, play along, and not to run downstairs immediately. He knows he’s still alive, and they want to have something to do for the remaining days. However, it gets harder to ignore the growing knot in his stomach and the dryness in his throat and the boiling blood in his veins. He waits for the brothers to calm down and find something else they can keep themselves occupied with, and then, with a growing sense of dread, he descends the stairs.
The hallway is dark and cold and humid. A few torches here and there prevent Sanji from wandering around in complete darkness. He walks until he sees a silhouette in one of the cells, sitting at the bars.
„Mosshead“, he greets the figure. „How stupid of you to let yourself get captured.“
Sanji sits down at the bars as well.
„You traveled into that bastard's territory alone and you have the audacity to call me stupid?“, the silhouette rasps, followed by a wheezy, weak laugh.
Sanji exhales. He’s not able to see Zoro properly due to how dark it is. „They roughed you up quite a bit, haven‘t they?“, he asks the swordsman.
A bit of silence, then: „Shut up. It’s nothing.“
Sanji reaches into the pocket of his vest to get his cigarettes. He uses the lighter and in the glim of light, he sees Zoro’s face: the swelling above his remaining eye, the bruises, the dried blood under his nose, how he sits there cross-legged in front of him, arms on his knees, back hunched. Sanji knows he’s worse than he claims to be. Yet, he says nothing, swallows the sudden feeling of anger, closes his eyes and lights the cigarette. When he closes the lid of his lighter, Zoro disappears into the shadows again.
Sanji takes a drag and inhales deeply. He needs a clear mind, for the both of them.
„Care to share with me?“
Zoro’s question startles Sanji a bit. He opens his eyes and tries to perceive Zoro’s face. After his eyesight adjusts to the darkness, he recognises Zoro staring at him.
„You mean… this?“ Sanji holds the cigarette higher and when he doesn’t get an answer, hesitatingly brings his hand closer to Zoro between two of the prison cell bars. He feels Zoro’s fingertips brush against his own as the sturdily built man takes the cigarette from Sanji’s lean fingers. Sanji watches in curiosity how Zoro brings the butt of the cigarette to his lips and takes a drag, and he fails to suppress the cough that fights its way up his throat. Sanji snickers.
„Damn it. That was embarrassing. I’m not used to this anymore“, Zoro croaks, his deep voice sounding even more husky than usual.
„You used to smoke?“ Sanji asks incredulously.
„Back then when I was growing up. Thought I’d be cool, but I actually hated it.“
Sanji was surprised to hear himself laughing softly with a hint of affection. Zoro hands the cigarette back to him.
„Turns out my old sensei hated it too, when he caught us one day.“
„Bushido is all about discipline, isn’t it? Did he kick you out?“
„Me? Nah.“
Sanji takes another drag and shakes his head slightly at how offended Zoro just sounded. That arrogant sack of shit. There’s no chance he’ll ever meet a man more full of himself than Roronoa Zoro, he thought.
„Typical Scorpio right there, aren’t we?“ Sanji mumbles.
„You believe in that bullshit?“
„So far much of it has proven to be true.“
Zoro snorts. „Whatever, curly brows.“
Sanji fumbles with the cigarette a bit before he reaches it back to Zoro. „Quite a welcome my family provided to you“, Sanji says while doing so. „They’re pretty shitty hosts. They should’ve lived on the Baratie. Zeff would’ve taught them some manners.“
Sanji looks down on the floor, ashamed, angry. He sees the cigarette glimmer from the corner of his eyes and hears Zoro exhale a moment later, a wave of smoke washing over his face.
„So what’s your plan, cook? You’re gonna let me rot here and marry your dumb little princess?“, Zoro asks with a crooked grin.
Sanji puffs. „Oh no no, that shit’s not working on me. You can stop being a provocative asshole. I’m gonna tell you everything you want to know.“
„I don’t give two shits about your family or that girl“, Zoro rumbles. „If you think you can earn my sympathy with a sob story of your upbringing, you should know me better.“
„I don’t want your sympathy“, Sanji snarls. „I just want this to be over with and help you escape, if not for you, then for the sake of the others.“
„And what is it you‘re going to do? With them?“
„They laid hands on one of my nakama, they gonna pay for this.“
Zoro sneers. „We’ll see about that. I don’t think you’d stand a chance. Those armours they wear seem to give them great power. They were holding back.“ Zoro takes another drag and Sanji tries to scan Zoro’s body for any more damage.
„What did they do to you?“ he asks then as he fails to see anything.
„Doesn’t matter“, Zoro simply replies as he gives back the cigarette.
„To me, it does. These absolute shitheads are my brothers. They‘ll reap what they sowed.“
„Revenge is a fool’s game“, Zoro calmly states. „If you get invested in revenge, you’re gonna lose your focus.“
„Yeah, I’m sorry I’m not a cold, unemotional bastard like you.“
Zoro watches Sanji taking another drag, but remains silent, and his blank expression makes Sanji indescribably angry.
„What the hell is going on with you?!“, he shouts. „You just sit there and don’t talk back to me. You just sit there and practically wait for them to come back and beat the living shit outta you! How‘s that supposed to help anyone?! You wanna die a hero? Go ahead then, just do it! I don’t even give a fuck! I can just go back upstairs then and tell them to rip you apart, if that’s what you want! You’re begging for it! I came here to see if you’re alright and to make plans how to get you outta here, but if that’s not what you’re interested in, I might as well not give a fuck about you then either!“ Sanji angrily takes another drag and waits impatiently until the nicotine kicks in.
„You’re so fucking stupid“, Zoro blares, and Sanji feels the sudden urge to punch him and under other circumstances, he would. With his fist, and that means something.
„I don’t think so“, Sanji growls through gritted teeth.
„You are. And also, you talk too much.“ Zoro reaches through the bars to snatch the cigarette from Sanji’s fingers. Sanji lets him do it, Zoro looks away and Sanji feels another emotion washing over him suddenly. He gulps, feeling the after-effects of what he just yelled into Zoro’s face, and maybe for the first time ever, asks himself if they still have to be this way, after every thing. He realises that Ichiji, Niji and Yonji aren’t the ones he should call his brothers.
Maybe, one day….
Sanji fumbles with the buttons of his sleeves. He needs to stop that spiral of violence before it’s too late, no matter for whom.
„I’m going to beg him to stop. I can’t just sit here and watch you getting hurt“, Sanji then says. „I’ll tell him what he wants to know.“
Zoro’s head snaps around to look at Sanji. „If you’re gonna do that, I’ll kick your ass the minute i get the chance to do it. You won’t say a single thing. We’re not going to put the others in danger.“
„They’re going to seriously hurt you. You don’t know my bro… these guys.“
Zoro doesn‘t miss the pained expression that slips through Sanji’s masquerade for a short moment.
He shrugs. „I don’t care. I can take it.“ He ponders for a moment to tell Sanji about what happened at Thriller Bark, but decides against it. „The longer I’m here, the longer I’ll drag the attention off the others who are still on the boat. These idiots won’t go after them as long as they got me to play with. If it helps to grant them enough time to reach Wano - fine by me. You worry about your own business. I can take care of myself just fine.“
Zoro takes a long pull before he returns the cigarette that’s almost finished. „Here. You can have the rest.“
Sanji shakes his head, thinking about Zoro willingly act as a distraction. „That’s the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard.“, he then says, accepting the cigarette. He watches it, rather than looking at his nakama, who always had a unique way of showing that he cares.
And so, Zoro smiles, almost genuinely this time. „Hey, if the both of us would be going to beat their asses, that would be unfair.“
That took Sanji by surprise, but he recovers quickly and agrees. „We’d stomp them into the ground, big time“, he laughs, until he notices that he let his guard down and he stares at Zoro to check if he noticed as well. Sanji can’t tell. He’s caught off guard by the intense gaze of his crewmate that comes along with a mismatching neutral expression which most likely actually carries more emotions than Zoro lets on. It’s his gaze, the way he looks at Sanji, for a moment. They usually don’t get the time to talk to each other like that, and if they do, they rather spend it on physical fights, bickering and hurling insults at each other. But there it is again, that inner voice inside of Sanji telling him that maybe it’s time to move on from their immature act. Maybe not ultimately, but on occasion. At this moment, he doesn’t feel like bickering. He feels the need to avenge his comrade, not because he was hurt, he apparently doesn’t even care – but because his so-called brothers and father laid their hands on him. Sanji suppresses the range of emotions, the absurd moments of his past, the multiple flashbacks that threaten their way back into his mind, memories he thought he’d forgotten about years ago, but he knows he’s been lying to himself all the time. There is no way he could ever forget what they have done to him, he can only continue to live in the best way possible. Their abusive behaviour damaged him permanently and he thought he knew how to avoid the triggers. Then, he watches Zoro, the prime example of an alpha male, and he wonders.
„You know, I really hated you, when he first met. And for quite a while after that“, Sanji confesses. „And now, I finally know why. Thing is, some people change and some don’t.“
„I have absolutely no idea what the fuck you’re talking about“, a confused Zoro gives back.
Sanji smiles to himself, kills the cigarette and stands up, wiping the dust off his pants.
„Do me a favor and refrain from dying, I can imagine they’d force me to clean up the mess and I really don’t wanna get rid of your stinking corpse.“ Sanji shoves his hands into his pockets, turns around and starts leaving.
„Oi, cook.“
Sanji stops, but doesn’t turn around.
„These guys. They hurt you back then, didn’t they.“
A ruthless, cold bastard, but not as cold and unemotional as he told him he was.
And the only thing Zoro hears from Sanji is the sound of his shoes on the ground, getting quieter with each step, and the swordsman lays down, with his hands behind his head, wondering if he could take the time for a little bit of revenge after all.
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duskys-dreams · 1 year
Two siblings, brother and sister, received a business card from a strange visitor, a carpet cleaner. They read the tagline, and were transported to a new world.
In this world, there was a giant falcon who tried to capture the siblings and bring them to the king. The ground would melt like quicksand under their feet if they paused for too long, so they had to keep running. The falcon kept taunting them, insisting they would be found and running was pointless.
Eventually, the falcon caught up to them and picked them up, dangling them by their feet, and dropped them into a giant dust spiderweb. The siblings sank through it and found themselves on the next level. There was a beast-keeper on this level (which looked like a giant burned-out house) and had to run around and not get caught. They also had to keep a hand on the flag they had received upon arrival, otherwise they would fall out of the realm (and likely suspended in limbo for eternity.)
They found their way out of the maze without incident, picking up a long-legged hellhound ally along the way. Now they were in a relatively nicer hotel, and they wandered into a room that had a bed and two couples sleeping. They were told that this was a party and they had to socialize, but the people in the bed were all married, so they couldn’t exactly talk about crushes, which had been the siblings’ plan.
The couples woke up and wondered why the hell two kids and a hellhound were in their room, but one of the people recognized the girl. Her name was Hope, but he called her Lola, which apparently was her nickname. This man was Nil, her long-lost brother. Apparently the other brother on the journey was a step-brother or something.
The other couple got into an argument with the hellhound, because apparently the two races hated each other (they were mostly humans but had strange ears and looked animal-like somehow.) Nil has turned into one and ages rapidly because he stayed in this world for too long. He stayed because he found the love of his life, who was in the bed next to him.
Meanwhile, back on earth, an interesting man asked to come into my house. I said yes, but was very suspicious of him. He kept clutching this laminated Britain flag, and asked to see my computer. He said that there was a problem with it and asked to take it with him. I said it was Marcel’s computer, not mine, so I couldn’t say yes. He asked Marcel, who didn’t care at all and seemed to trust this stranger completely. While the man took a drink from the faucet, I stole the important USB drive and secretly pulled our biggest knife from the knife drawer and waited outside.
Once he stepped outside with the computer, I stabbed him with the knife. He fell down and dropped the flag, revealing that he had really long ears and burn marks all over his once-perfect face. I went overboard and started slicing his body with the knife, over and over, making smooth diagonal cuts. He seemed to have sunk down in the ground a bit, and it wasn’t hard to cut through to the ground beneath him.
After I was done, I picked up his business card, read it, then ran inside to tell Dad and Marcel that the man had been dangerous, and wanted to take us to the spirit realm. My family laughed it off, and I became frustrated. I walked down to the road (the body had completely disappeared) and started reading the card again. It was the same one that the siblings had read, and I realized that I was going there, too. Dad stepped out of the leaf pile and came to see me, reading the card as well. I told him now he was going to the spirit realm, and he was like “haha, okay, whatever you say.”
We went on the bus, and appeared in a car with Mom, Nil, and the siblings. I went “I Told You So” and dad was just fascinated that he was indeed in a different world. It was dark and looked like a burnt down city, and we drove to where the siblings had set up camp. They had found an outlet and pulled in an entire air conditioner, and tried to charge their phones, but there was only one outlet. The siblings were experts on this world at this point, and explained everything that was going on.
0 notes
journeydb · 2 years
January 8 2022 Boulder
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Today would have been Marian, Bruce’s mother’s, 110th birthday!  She died in July of 2010, rather suddenly, and Bruce and I weren’t able to get to Florida, where she lived, until a couple of days later.  Pam, Marian’s faithful friend and caregiver, and the person who arranged all the other caregivers, had taken her to the hospital, and she died there.  We worked for several days with Pam and the authorities in Sarasota to arrange for her burial, the memorial service, distribution of her things to her caregivers and local charities (with some personal items being shipped to us), as well as handling the financial issues of her estate.  The memorial service was lovely and most of the people there were those who had cared for her for over twenty years.  Nearly all of Marian’s family and friends had preceded her in death, which is what happens when you live to be 98 years old.
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Marian was a lovely, smart, talented woman.  She lived a long life filled with many challenges, including losing her mother when she was only twelve years old, and losing two husbands.  She was a wonderful mother to Bruce, a patient and caring mother-in-law to Bruce’s first wife, Kathy, and to me, and the best grandmother she could be, at such an advanced age, to Hobie.  She was also a faithful and loving wife to Bruce’s father, Benny.
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Marian was a talented artist.  I’m happy that we have so many of her paintings, and that we have shared others with Hobie and Katie, as well as donated many to fundraising events, so that her art has been spread far and wide.
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Marian was cute as a child and lovely as a woman.  She had a marvelous sense of humor and we were always laughing together.  She adored her son and grandson and they both brought her a lot of joy throughout her time with them.  I tried to be as loving and supportive as I could be during the time I knew her and I’m grateful for the opportunity to learn from her and spend time with her.  We all  miss her a lot.
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Walking in the neighborhood yesterday I saw this adorable snow person and couldn’t resist the urge to capture it for posterity.
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One of the wonderful things about the holidays is the photos of family and friends that we receive.  These two beautiful young women are our grand nieces, Brynn and Maeve, the daughters of our nephew Randy, our brother Rod’s son. They live in Massachusetts and I don’t see them often.  In fact, I’m the only member of the family who has any contact with them, because our nephew and his Dad have been estranged since the girls were babies, so it is wonderful to get these reminders of how much they have grown up and what is happening in their lives.
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Our friend, Jenna, moved to Mexico with her family, and then later to Michigan, where her family lives, when her and Alex’s daughters were little.  Now Saby and Paloma have grown into lovely young women.  I’ve been hoping to visit them every summer for the last several years but a little thing like a global pandemic has interfered with my plans.  Perhaps this year I’ll get there!
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I’ve decided this year to talk more about the films and television series we watch, because we find them fascinating and I want to share them with you.  Yesterday we watched “Tick, Tick, Boom!”.  the story about playwright Jonathan Larson.  He is best known for writing the musical “Rent”.  Sadly, he died the night before “Rent” opened on Broadway.
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The story of “Tick, Tick, Boom!” is about another of his musical productions.  Since he died so young it is tragic, but also hauntingly beautiful and a joy to watch.  Andrew Garfield plays Larson and has been nominated for an Academy Award for his performance, which is powerful.
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The movie was directed by one of our favorite writer-directors, Lin-Manuel Miranda, who brought “Hamilton” to Broadway.  “Tick, Tick, Boom!” was riveting and entertaining and we highly recommend it.
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avanatural · 2 years
Just A Stomach Bug
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Summary: Y/N, Dean’s girlfriend, suffers from a stomach bug. Dean suspects that she could be pregnant. Suddenly, he finds himself confronted with the idea of starting a family. Is he going to be a dad?  
Pairing: Dean x female Reader
Category: Fluff, angst, implied smut
Word count: 6.2k
Warnings: Mentions of sex, mentions of pregnancy, making out, cursing, mentions of alcohol, mentions of hyperventilation, Dean’s self-hate
A/N: I wrote this for @smellingofpoetry‘s 200 follower celebration. Congratulations again, my friend, and thank you for being so patient about the delay! ❤️ I hope you like my contribution to your writing challenge! 🥰 The paragraph that has been directly inspired by my chosen prompt is marked in bold down below. Divider by the talented @talesmaniac89​ 😊
Dean Winchester Masterlist 
Main Masterlist
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"Hey. How's Y/N?", Sam asked, walking into the kitchen. His growing hair floated through the air as he headed straight for the coffee machine. He needed fuel to keep his brain going. The hunter had found a potential shifter case, the details of which seemed particularly bloody, and it was only 8 o’clock in the morning.
Dean was sitting at the small wooden table in the kitchen, a newspaper spread out in front of him. He liked to start his day the old-fashioned way. Coffee, a newspaper, no technology. Today, though, he couldn’t enjoy the simplicity. When his brother asked about Y/N, Dean was dragged away from his very own worries about her, almost like he was being woken up from a bad dream. "Still the same," he sighed, his facial expression transforming into a deep frown.
"Dude, this has been going on for, what, a couple weeks now? You sure it's just a stomach bug?", Sam questioned. He put his coffee mug down on the table and took a seat opposite his brother.
Inquisitive hazel eyes met bewildered green ones.
"What else would it be?", Dean asked. Creases lined his forehead as he tried to follow his younger brother’s train of thought.
“Well… I’ve been thinking…” Sam shrugged his broad shoulders. Subtle steam was rising steadily from his mug as he recounted a few things that had captured his attention over the past few weeks. “She’s been so exhausted lately. She has to puke constantly. And… She hasn’t asked me to pick up tampons for a while.”
Dumbfounded, Dean squinted at his brother, shaking his head. “What’re you sayin’?”
"That maybe it’s… I don’t know, morning sickness?", Sam suggested, carefully pulling his eyebrows up his forehead.
It took Dean a while to process what his brother was saying. The wrinkles on his forehead twitched with confusion. "Wha- OH." As soon as realization hit him, he raised his hands defensively. His emerald eyes grew large, making him look like a cartoon character. The only thing missing was steam coming out of his ears. "Whoa, whoa, whoa, hold on a second! You think she might be...," he trailed off, making a gesture with his hand so he wouldn't have to say it out loud.
"Pregnant?", Sam finished the question for Dean. Now that he’d said it out loud, the younger brother didn’t seem too sure about it anymore. He pursed his lips, giving it another thought, before adding, "Maybe. I don’t know.” He grabbed his cup of coffee and used it to warm up his hands. “Just a thought.”
Dean gawked at his sibling, opening and closing his mouth a few times. His face turned white as a sheet. "No. No-no-no-no," he started to ramble on, "We've always been careful, I-“
"I really don't want any details, Dean," Sam interrupted, wrinkling his nose, "Maybe you should just talk to her. Make sure."
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Instead of following Sam's advice, Dean started to observe Y/N that day. He kept a close eye on her to look for any signs she might actually be pregnant. Any signs that she might be carrying his child. Their child. An actual human being. It was surreal to even think about. The two of them as parents? The thought had honestly never crossed his mind before. It just wasn’t an option. Well, now, perhaps it had to become one.  
Later that morning, Dean found Y/N bent over the toilet, emptying the contents of her stomach into the bowl once again. Her face was pale, her hair tousled. He scowled upon seeing her like that. She was obviously feeling miserable, and he wanted nothing more than to take her pain away.
"Sweetheart?", Dean addressed her, his voice gentle as a summer breeze. On unusually clumsy feet, he entered the bathroom. "Hey, you okay?"
Her sunken eyes met his. She shook her head as he carefully crouched down beside her. "Not really," she admitted, sounding like she needed an entire week of sleep.
Dean reached out and soothingly rubbed her lower back. He wanted to show her that he was there for her. Sometimes he was real shit at being an attentive boyfriend, he knew that. It was the reason they’d almost broken up a few months prior. But now, with these suspicions swirling around in his head, he wanted to be a better man for her. 
For a few minutes, Dean just sat with his girlfriend, crouching on the floor, caressing her back, trying to give her the comfort she needed.
Finally, Y/N’s tired eyes met his again. “Help me up?”
“Sure. Come on.” He slid his arm around her waist and provided her with the stability that she needed to get back up on her feet. “There you go.” His plump lips pecked the crown of her head as he led her to the sink.
“Thanks,” she grunted and lazily grabbed her toothbrush.
"You need to eat something, Y/N." Dean’s concerned stare didn’t leave her face while she put some toothpaste on her toothbrush.
She shook her head vigorously. The thought of food alone was enough to evoke more nausea. "I will only end up puking again,” she disagreed and started to brush her teeth. The huntress avoided looking at her reflection in the mirror, fearing that she was going to scare herself.
"How about something light? Chicken soup, maybe? I could make some,” Dean offered and rubbed his anxious, sweaty hands together.
Y/N’s gaze found his face in the mirror. The skin around her eyes wrinkled as she smiled around her toothbrush. Dean was truly a sweet guy. No matter how much they argued, he always watched out for her. God, she couldn’t believe that just a few months earlier, they’d almost broken up. Y/N spat out the toothpaste in her mouth and turned to face her boyfriend. "That would be nice. Thank you.”
“Of course,” he replied, wiping his palms against his jeans in a nervous gesture. He was trying to wrap his head around the fact that he may have just witnessed morning sickness. 
Holy shit. Life was real crazy sometimes.
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"You alright there, Y/N?"
She looked up from the library table, a little bit of drool stuck to the corner of her mouth. Steam was rising from the bowl that Dean placed in front of her. The steam was spiraling into the air in small, delicious waves of fog. 
Y/N was resting her head on her hand, pulled back from the verge of sleep by Dean's deep voice. She quickly wiped the drool from her mouth and sat up higher on her chair.
"Yeah, just a little tired," she told him with a clearly exhausted smile and straightened her sore back. Gratefully, she accepted the spoon that Dean handed to her. She could feel his expectant stare on her face as she dipped the spoon into the soup and tasted it. “This is good,” she praised his cooking.
“Awesome. Enjoy.” Dean’s arms swayed back and forth, his hands dangling by his sides like they were lost. Fuck, why the hell was he so awkward? So, what if he’d knocked up his girl? They could handle it. Right?
With a bemused squint, Y/N looked up at him. “Are you gonna join me, or…?”
“Oh! Yeah, sure.” Dean sprang into action and pulled out a chair for himself. Rubbing his palms together, he sat down opposite Y/N. “Listen, uh…” He scratched his chin as he thought about a possible way to approach this conversation. God, why the hell couldn’t his fingers stop fidgeting? “I… I’ve been thinking.”
“Well, that’s a new one for ya.”
“Ha-ha,” Dean retorted with his very best bitch face, “I’m trying to be serious here, okay?”
“Okay. I’m sorry. What have you been thinking?”, Y/N asked and shoved another spoon full of soup into her mouth.
“Uh… This... has been going on for a while, you know?” He emphasized “this” by circling his hands through the air to gesture towards his girlfriend.
“Ugh, I know,” Y/N groaned, “I feel like shit.”
Since he couldn’t find the courage to look her in the eye, Dean stared down at his fumbling fingers. “Do you, uhm, have any idea… why that might be? I mean-“ 
As if on cue, his phone started to ring. The tunes of classic rock usually indicated that he needed to help someone, which he was more than willing to do, but right now was seriously the worst possible time. “You gotta be kidding me,” he grunted and answered his phone.
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Later that night, the couple was lying in bed together. Dean's chest was pressed tightly to Y/N's back. He knew it was sappy, but he’d gotten so used to feeling her warmth next to him at night that he didn’t ever want to sleep without her again. Ever since she’d moved into his room, the nightmares that had tortured him were close to nonexistent.
Tonight, though, he just couldn’t seem to fall asleep. His mind was racing, raging, screaming. Could he really be a dad? Wasn’t he too irresponsible? Too reckless?
Dean planted a kiss on Y/N’s shoulder to check if she was awake. When she didn’t move, he let his hand sneak to her stomach. Holding his breath, he spread his palm across her belly. She still felt the same as usual. Dean was sure he would notice if there was a difference. After all, he knew her gorgeous body better than anyone. He’d spent hours upon hours exploring it, worshipping it. He would be able to tell. Right?
Dean’s muscles stiffened when Y/N suddenly hummed and moved to get more comfortable. Her body molded against his as if she was made specifically for his embrace. Her palm subconsciously covered his hand as she continued sleeping soundly. Her breathing remained slow and steady. The peaceful slumber was a welcome change after her torturous day.
Dean was surprised by the intimacy of their position. How natural it felt to have their hands join on her belly. For the first time ever, he pictured her stomach getting bigger, swelling up as their baby grew inside of her. It was still a surreal thought. But strangely, the thought also held a little piece of comfort. Just for a second, it made him feel like he was a normal guy with a normal girlfriend, about to start a normal life.
Sure, Dean tended to claim that normal was boring. But maybe, just maybe, a normal life could actually be fulfilling.
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"So, get this-"
"You found a case?", Y/N interrupted Sam as she stepped into the library on her new fluffy slippers that Dean had gotten her. 
A few days had passed by since she’d last vomited. She looked like her usual self again, ready to leave behind the pale, exhausted version of her that had been plagued by nausea. 
"Why didn't you guys call me in?", she wondered out loud and narrowed her Y/E/C eyes at the boys. Usually, they spoke to her about the cases they found and let her be part of the discussion.
Dean gave her the eagle eye while she sat down at the table. To his dismay, she seemed fully ready to get involved with the case. He was still concerned about her. She wasn’t puking anymore, thank goodness. But he’d noticed that she was eating more than usual, and weird food combos, too. Like, who actually enjoyed Nutella and pickles? "Because you're supposed to be in bed,” he said, “What are you even doing up?"
In a nonchalant manner, she shrugged her shoulders. "I’m feeling better. Besides, I can't stay in bed all day. I’m bored. You two aren't seriously planning on discussing the case without me?" Folding her hands on the table, she looked back and forth between the two brothers. “So, shifter? What do we got on the guy? Or girl?”
Dean was quick to shut her down, his jaw locked with determination. "You're not coming with us.”
Y/N stared back at her boyfriend with a downturned mouth and a jutted chin. "What?”
"I said, you're not coming. You're in no condition to hunt, Y/N." His voice held finality. The strict look in his emerald eyes communicated just how serious he was about not letting her come along.
An irritated breath of air left Y/N’s mouth. "Okay, I know I haven't exactly been in the best shape these past few weeks. But I’m still a good hunter. I can-“
"You're not going, end of story," Dean cut her off gruffly. He felt a flicker of anger rush through his veins, mixing with his already present concern for Y/N. If she was actually pregnant, they were not putting their kid’s life on the line. It just wasn’t happening.
"What the hell, Dean?”, Y/N barked, her brows snapping together in an annoyed facial expression, “You can't order me around like that. We’ll be fine.”
"You're staying here.” He pointed his finger at the ground to make clear that she was going to stay behind. “You can mope around all you want, Y/N, I ain't takin' you with me.”
With a bitter huff, she got up and left the library, heading straight back to her and Dean’s shared bedroom. The muscles in Sam’s body tensed when Y/N shut the door with a bang. Dean, on the other hand, just groaned and buried his face in his hands.
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Y/N was woken up by the sound of the door being opened. She slowly opened her eyes, letting them adjust to the light that came in from the hallway. Once she could properly see, she took notice of Dean’s bowlegs entering the bedroom.  
Bending his legs, Dean knelt down beside their bed. “Hey…” 
"What time is it?", Y/N asked groggily, her voice still laced with sleep.
"Only a little past eleven. We did some more research, prepared the hunt." Dean inhaled, then sharply released his breath. "Look, I know you’re mad. And I get it. But Sammy and I are gonna hit the road pretty early. About four a.m., so I’m just gonna-”
"So, get in here,” Y/N interrupted and pulled back the sheets to make room for him. “And wake me up before you leave so I can say goodbye."
All Dean could do was to remain still for a moment. Honestly, he’d expected her to be beyond angry about earlier. He was fully prepared to sleep in one of the guest rooms. He had only woken her up to tell her that he would be gone by morning. It was during moments like these that he was astonished by how much she actually cared for him. Y/N had never let him sleep in a guest room before, no matter how many times he’d prepared one for himself.
“Yes, ma’am.” He couldn’t contain the smile on his face, the fluttering in his chest, as he got up to close the door to their bedroom.
Y/N turned on the lamp on the nightstand to make sure that her boyfriend wouldn’t trip over his own feet again. Time and time again, she’d told him to just turn on the main light when he joined her in bed. But in true Winchester fashion, he tended to rather hurt himself than wake her up from a peaceful slumber.
After pulling off his shirts and jeans, Dean climbed under the covers, feeling Y/N’s warmth engulf him. "So, you're not pissed?", he asked after he’d turned off the light on the nightstand.
Y/N placed her head on his bare shoulder. Her hand gently traveled across his torso, sliding from his soft stomach to his defined pecs, over one of his perky nipples to finally rest over his heart. "A little," she confessed, "But I know you just want to protect me. It doesn't mean you're right about this, but you don't deserve to be given the cold shoulder. Especially not when you’re going out there tomorrow.” Her soft lips landed right on his pulse point, gracing him with an affectionate kiss. “I’m sorry about how I reacted earlier.”
“Yeah. Me, too.” Dean pulled her body close and cradled her against him. He felt a lot better knowing his girl would be safe at home while him and Sam went after that shifter.
"Just be careful, okay? Come back to me in one piece,” Y/N requested and buried her face in the crook of his neck.
"I promise. I'll keep in touch, too. You won't even notice that I'm gone,” he spoke quietly and ran his hand through her hair.
She shut her eyes and hummed from deep within her chest. The sensation of Dean brushing his fingers through her hair was one that never failed to soothe her. "I doubt that."
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"Hey. I, uh, just wanted to check in with you." Dean pressed the phone to his ear and lowered his voice in a hopeless attempt to stop his brother from eavesdropping.
Y/N chuckled softly into the speaker. "Dean, you already checked in with me earlier. I told you, I’m well taken care of. I spent the whole day with Donna.”
The older Winchester brother scratched his eyebrow and looked to his left. It was Sam’s turn to drive the car. Dean didn’t like giving away driving duty, but he was truly too exhausted to take the wheel. Through the entire hunt, he’d pushed himself a little too hard. The reason? He wanted to get back to Y/N as fast as only humanly possible. “Did you have a good time?”, he asked, supressing a yawn.
“The best. We went on a movie date, you know? Popcorn and greasy dinner included.”
Dean could hear the smile in Y/N’s voice. It made him smile, too. “Do I need to be jealous?”
“Oh, most definitely,” Y/N teased, “You’re gonna have to top that when you’re back.”
“I’ll do my best,” Dean vowed, the smile widening on his face. It had been a while since he’d taken her out on a proper date. Right now, he was thinking local arcade, followed by a round of milkshakes at their favorite diner. “So, what are you up to now?”
“I’m hanging out with my new friend, Netflix,” she answered, “I thought you're on your way back. What's going on?"
Dean had called her every day for the past eight days that he'd been gone. Eight days for a goddamn shapeshifter! The bastard had been sneaky as hell. Despite all the extra effort that he’d put into the hunt, Dean had developed a steady routine of checking in with Y/N daily, as well as sending her countless texts. He couldn't help it, he was constantly thinking about his girl. Scared that he failed to be there for her.
"Nothing. I just... I wanted to hear your voice," Dean explained, pointedly ignoring the way Sam was chuckling to himself in the driver’s seat.
Y/N giggled into the phone. "I love you, too, you dork. Say hi to Sam for me. And get home safe.”
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"I missed you," Y/N mumbled against Dean's chest as they rested in bed together, "I'm glad you're okay, babe.”
His arms clenched around her waist in a silent response. He was better at replying physically rather than verbally. That was okay, though, because Y/N could read his body language like a book.
"You missed me, too.” She grinned against his heated skin that smelled like spicy body wash. "You went all stalker on me."
Dean laughed, letting her feel the vibration of his chest against her cheek. "Just wanted to make sure you're alright.”
"Mmh," Y/N hummed and placed her hand on his stubbled cheek. She tilted his head to the side and pressed a loving kiss to his mouth. His lips felt heavenly against her own. So full. So soft.
Dean was longing for her so bad that he didn’t hesitate for a second. He immediately caught her lower lip between his teeth to bite and suck on it. Y/N moaned into the kiss and hooked her leg over Dean’s hip. Soon they spoiled each other’s mouths with lustful strokes of their tongues.
With his lips still attached to hers, Dean rolled on top of her body. A guttural growl escaped him when she reached between them to stroke him through his boxers. Smacking sounds and heavy breaths echoed through their room as their mouths caressed each other in a hungry, bruising kiss. It had been too long since they had been intimate, with the hunt and Y/N's sickness…
Oh, crap. Her sickness.
Could he even have sex with her like he usually did? What if he ended up hurting her? Dammit, out of all the things he’d googled, had he seriously forgotten to look up this vital piece of information?
Due to his inner monologue, Dean's movements slacked, which didn't go unnoticed by his girlfriend.
Y/N broke away from him and let her Y/E/C gaze drift across his face. "You okay?" Lines of worry emerged on her forehead. Soothingly, she brushed her hands up and down his naked back.
He nodded, his cheeks still flushed with yearning. "Yeah. I'm good," he mumbled, "Just, uh, really tired."
Y/N smiled at him and bumped her nose against his scruffy jaw. "I know you are. But that has never stopped us before, now, has it?"
"No. No, it hasn't.” Dean let out a nervous chuckle. He stopped her when she leaned in to kiss him again. "How about we, uh, postpone this, get some sleep?"
A flash of hurt appeared on Y/N's beautiful face, something that Dean never intended to happen. He had never rejected her before.
"Of course. That’s alright.” She managed a small, kiss-swollen smile for him while he rolled off of her. “Good night.” After one last sweet peck to his cheek, she turned around and got comfortable on her pillow. “Sleep well,” she muttered.
Dean, however, knew very well he wasn’t going to get a good night’s sleep. He inched closer to Y/N and brushed some hair away from her delicate neck. He pressed his lips to her skin and left a tender kiss, hoping that she understood his gesture of love. “Good night, Sweetheart.”
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"What do you think you're doing?”, Dean instantly demanded when he spotted Y/N in the kitchen.
Her body froze. She’d pressed a beer bottle to her lips, about to take a sip. Surprised by the sudden volume of her boyfriend's voice, she dropped the bottle from her mouth. "What do you mean?"
Dean took the bottle from her hand and placed it on the counter behind her. "Beer? Seriously-", he paused when he spotted the used coffee mug in the sink. His shoulders sagged. His frustration was too heavy to keep them up. "Did you have another cup of coffee?"
"Well, yes-"
A sharp, humorless laugh escaped Dean. He pinched the bridge of his freckled nose. His eyes fell shut for a moment until he’d regained composure. "Come on, you have to know this ain't good."
Y/N shook her head from side to side, bobbing it softly while she examined her boyfriend’s bothered demeanor. "Dean, what's going on?"
"No, you don't get to pretend, okay?" He took a step back, putting some distance between them. "You don't wanna tell me? Fine. But I won't act like I don't know about the little one. Hell, I never expected that you-“
Y/N's eyebrows shot up, her mouth opened, but there were no words coming out at first. Then, finally, she managed to interrupt him. "The little one?", she repeated his words.
"I know you're pregnant," Dean stated, crossing his arms over his puffed-out chest like he'd just revealed the most meaningful secret in the world.
"What?", she whispered, gawking at him. Now, she was the one looking like a cartoon character. Wide eyes, dropped jaw, arched eyebrows. Her ears even turned the slightest shade of pink.
Dean arched one of his eyebrows and threw his hands up. He then let his hands drop and hit his legs with a slapping sound. He’d imagined that once the cat was out of the bag, Y/N would have no other option than to talk to him. "That's all you have to say?"
She took a step forward to reduce the distance between their bodies. "Dean, why would you think that?"
"Why would I-" He jabbed a finger at his own chest. "Why would I think that? The morning sickness, the exhaustion, no more periods, those weird food cravings. I mean, those are typical symptoms, right?"
"We were careful, I-" Y/N's eyes went wide. She paused. Then, her eyes went even wider. "Oh my God. Oh God. Holy shit! I swear, I-I thought it was just a stomach bug. Do you really believe... I could be pregnant?"
"Wait… Whoa. What, you didn't even consider that?", Dean asked, his anger lessening as he witnessed his girlfriend panic. She looked truly terrified. Actually, she looked like she was the Hatchet Man’s next victim in a horror flick.
"No. No, I swear. I thought you were going crazy...," she trailed off, taking unsteady breaths as the idea of being pregnant sank in, "What if it's true, Dean? Oh my God! Shit!" She was about ready to hyperventilate. 
"Alright, don't freak out, okay?" Dean stepped forward and took a hold of her hand in an attempt to calm her down. He’d never seen her like this. His other hand moved up to the smooth skin of her cheek. His thumb gently swiped along her cheekbone. “I’m with you,” he muttered.
Her gaze locked onto Dean’s. There was still an alertness in Y/N’s facial expression, but her eyes slowly cleared up. Her boyfriend provided her with enough comfort for her breathing to slow back down.
“Okay?”, Dean whispered, his jade-colored orbs jumping back and forth as he studied her face.
“Okay,” she whispered back.
Dean broke away from Y/N and realized that he was actually shaking himself. They couldn’t go on like this. They needed clarity. “Come on, grab your jacket.”
She squinted at him, her lashes fluttering across her cheeks. "Where are we going?"
"We're getting a test. Now."
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"Which one do you want?", Dean asked as they stood by the feminine hygiene section. His hands were sweaty. He couldn’t stop fidgeting and bouncing on the balls of his feet. But he tried not to show it too much in front of Y/N. At least one of them had to remain calm. Right?
"I think we should get more than one," Y/N suggested, hastily grabbing three different pregnancy tests. Better to be safe. Right?
Dean nodded eagerly and placed his hand on her lower back. He wished he could somehow transfer calmness to her body and soothe her nerves. Unfortunately, he felt like he was about to burst with tension himself. “Definitely.”
Together, the couple walked to the register in the front to pay for the tests. Dean didn’t even stop to look at the pies to their right. No, he just kept his hand on her lower back, hoping for… What, exactly?
Y/N stole a glance at her boyfriend, whose forehead was furrowed. Gently, she nudged his side. When their gazes connected with each other, he sent her a reassuring smile and caressed her back in small circles.
“It’s gonna be fine,” Dean told her, surprising himself with how steady his voice sounded all of a sudden. All it took was one close look at Y/N’s face, and he felt more secure. Reflected in her eyes, he could see how strong they were together. They had been through so much. Hell, they had outrun death together. Multiple times. They could raise a child. Couldn’t they? “We got this.”
She responded with an anxious smile and leaned against him. He was like a wall made of comfort and stability. Dean was everything she could ever need.
An old lady sat at the register and scanned their items. Once she recognized the items to be pregnancy tests, she smiled kindly at Dean and Y/N. "Starting a family, you two?", she asked with sparkling eyes, completely unsuspecting of the inner conflicts that the couple was dealing with.
Y/N looked unsure of what to say, so Dean jumped in, wrapping an arm around her middle to remind her of his presence. Of his support. "We're about to find out," he replied with a friendly smile of his own.
"Good luck. You're a lovely couple. Your children will be beautiful," the old lady said.
Dean nodded at her once, the friendly smile not leaving his face. "Thanks, ma’am."
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After Y/N had taken all three pregnancy tests, it was time to wait. Who the hell knew two freaking minutes could be that long?
Dean and Y/N stood opposite each other, just waiting for the two minutes to be over. Waiting to find out if they were going to be parents. The tests were placed on the sink, in between the two hunters. He stared at her, and she stared at him. Their fingers twitched. They looked like they were having a shoot-out. Only they didn’t have guns, they had pregnancy tests. And, well, they weren’t trying to kill each other. They weren’t opponents. They were a team. A team that was sweating bullets.
After what seemed like an eternity, the timer on Dean's phone went off, indicating that it was time to look at the results.
With fast hunter reflexes, they each snatched one of the pregnancy tests, not missing a single beat.
"What do you got?", Dean asked, his eyes glued to the white stick in his hand.
"One line. You?"
"Me, too.” A crease appeared between his brows as he pulled them together. “What's that mean?"
Y/N took a look at the test descriptions. Her eyes roamed the letters like her life depended on it. Which, actually, it kind of did. "Negative," she finally answered.
Dean didn't meet her gaze. His forehead remained puckered. He was still studying the negative pregnancy test in his hand when he asked, "And the last one?" Subtly, with dread, he watched out of the corner of his eyes as his girlfriend picked up the final test. His heart clenched with an unrecognizable feeling.
Once she saw the result, Y/N took the deepest breath she could muster. “It’s negative, too. Holy shit!”, she chuckled in an outpour of emotion. She ran a shaky hand through her hair. “That was a close call.” After another round of deep breaths and sighs, Y/N took the tests and threw them in the trash.
The metallic hum of the trashcan traveled through the bathroom and bounced off of the walls. The harsh sounds made Dean want to flinch.
With a smile, Y/N circled her arms around her boyfriend’s neck. "Told you it was just a stomach bug.” She kissed his ample lips, too relieved to catch his lack of reaction.
Dean's green eyes lingered on the trashcan as his girlfriend retreated from the bathroom. A scowl spread across his face. His heart dropped, dragged down by a layer of unsettling emotions that left him paralyzed on the spot.
While assuming that his girlfriend was pregnant, the hunter had let himself get used to it. Used to the thought of having a family of his own with Y/N.
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"Hey... You okay?", Y/N asked as she combed her fingers through Dean's hair. They were resting on their memory foam mattress. Their bedroom was barely illuminated by the dimmed light on the nightstand. She loved his hair like this, freshly washed with no products in them. The strands were all fluffy and soft. "You've been so quiet all evening."
He grunted out an, "I'm good." and kept staring at the ceiling.
"You sure? You know you can talk to me, right?"
Dean drew in a long breath. He pulled Y/N close by the waist, hugging her body. His instincts told him to push her away. To avoid the pain. But that was his past self talking. The same self that had acted irresponsibly more times than he could count. Today, he had done right by his girlfriend. That was a good thing, he knew it. But still, he felt like crap. "Yeah, I know."
Y/N pulled away from him and left his embrace with reluctance. She wanted nothing more than to remain in Dean’s arms and pretend like everything was fine. But she knew she couldn’t keep avoiding confrontation. So, instead, she pushed herself up into a seated position. Their cream-colored sheets pooled in her lap. "Then why don't you? I know you, Dean, and something's up with you.” She curled her fingers around his hand. “Is it about the tests I took today?"
Dean was still staring at the ceiling, debating with himself about what to say. His free hand came up to stroke his scruff. Then, finally, he propped himself up against the headboard. He made sure not to lose Y/N’s touch, lacing his fingers through hers. But he didn't face his girlfriend. Instead, he stared down at their joined hands. "I thought you were...," he trailed off and cleared his throat.
He nodded. "All those signs... I was so damn sure," he chuckled bitterly, "And I was terrified." When he finally turned to face her, his eyes had misted over, making them sparkle with the unspoken disappointment he’d carried around all day. "I knew we shouldn't have kids in this life. But I didn't wanna be the kind of guy who...," he sighed, searching for the right words, "I wanted to be there for you. After all, it takes two, right?", he chuckled again.
A gentle, pained smile appeared on Y/N's face. This was Dean pouring out his heart to her - which was truly a rare occurrence for him. The fact alone that he wanted to take responsibility for their child, without a second thought, made her own heart skip a beat. Especially because that wasn't a common reaction for hunters.
"And then I got so caught up in the idea that I found myself… wanting it, I guess,” Dean confessed, "The apple pie life, the whole nine yards.” He wet his dry lips. “I, uh, I even looked up stuff online...” His shoulders raised in a half-shrug and he averted his eyes again. “Then I saw you with that beer bottle, and... I just wanted to protect the little one.”
Y/N squeezed his hand in hers. “I know.”
“I, uh... I kinda pictured that the kid would look like you, you know,” Dean continued with an embarrassed frown masking his face. His cheeks were burning up. He’d pictured a little kid that looked just like Y/N. Same hair. Same smile. Y/E/C eyes that shone even brighter than the sun. He’d pictured that somehow, by giving Y/N a child, he could save that light in her eyes. Make sure that it lived on after they were both gone. The world needed more people like her.
Y/N could feel her own eyes glaze over with tears. Truth be told, she’d pictured their child to look like Dean. A little kid that had adorable freckles, bright green eyes, dirty blonde hair, and a smile that no one could ever stay mad at.
"Then it turned out you weren't even pregnant in the first place.” Dean risked a peek at Y/N, lowering his voice when he got to the root of the issue. “And you... You were relieved." His gaze flickered past her, suddenly drawn to the corner of their bedroom. He couldn’t keep up the eye contact.
"What, you think I wouldn't want that apple pie life with you?" Y/N’s fingers found his cheek. She turned his face to make him look at her, not past her.
His watery eyes were now forced to focus on his girlfriend. His old ways were telling him not to cry, not to be a baby. But he didn’t listen to his old ways. He kept up the eye contact, allowing Y/N to take a look into his heart. 
"I didn't mean to hurt you when I brushed it off like that, Dean,” she explained, “That had nothing to do with you. I just...” Her shoulders sunk. “I didn't want to let myself think about it. Because as you said, a family is not an option for us. I mean…” She pushed a scoff out of her mouth. “What if I’m a horrible mom? What if we drag the kid into the hunting business? What if they’re targeted by monsters? Because of us? I wouldn’t…” She folded her free arm over her stomach, giving herself a little half-hug. “I wouldn’t be able to take it.”
Dean blinked at her. "What are you saying?" He pried her arm away from her stomach, prompting her to open herself up further, to make herself even more vulnerable. Then, he pulled her in, gathering her in his arms.
Y/N let him wrap her up in an embrace. His arms were like protective gear. Like armor. "I wasn't relieved that we're not having a baby,” she spoke, “I was relieved that it’s not happening right now. I'm saying that if, by some miracle, we had a chance at a normal life, I'd love to have the whole nine yards with you, Dean. To have a family with you.”
"What if we got out?", Dean blurted, his voice suddenly laced with something other than sadness and disappointment. It was laced with wonder. With hope.
"You think we could get out?", Y/N asked. A deep curiosity was awakening deep inside of her. What would a normal life look like? What would it feel like?
The corners of Dean’s lips turned up. He held on to Y/N like his life depended on it, cocooning her in his warmth. “I’m starting to think we can do anything.”
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asciendo · 3 years
Your Eyes Tell
You break up with Zuko when Ozai threatens his life if you continue with your relationship. But when you find out Ozai sends an assassin to kill him when he leaves to join team Avatar, you leave the Fire Nation to save him despite knowing how much you hurt him. 
It's been two months since you broke up with Zuko and now he's gone.
You heard from your father that Zuko switched sides and joined the Avatar. You tried to hide your concern at the dinner table as your father broke the news to your family. Your mother gave you a worried look as she always had suspicions about your relationship with the Prince.
"Ozai is furious. I don't think he's going to give Zuko another chance after this." Your father stated as you continued to fiddle with your hands. "That's his son. I don't think...do you think he'd go that far?" Your mother questioned. "I don't know...you saw what he did to Zuko after he questioned him..." Your father sighed. You tried to remain calm but you felt like your heart was beating out of your chest.
Your father was a high ranking general and was a close confidant of Ozai. Although, lately you could tell he's been questioning Ozai's methods after seeing the destruction and death he's been laying upon the other nations. Your father was loyal to the Fire Nation would do anything to protect its people, but you'd overhear him and your mother talking about how he was worried about Ozai's methods.
"He's sending an assassin after Zuko." Your gaze shot up, "WHAT?!" You blurted out. "A-are you sure?" Your mother asked and your dad nodded. "He's sending the combustion mad." You froze. He was known to be one of the most ruthless assassins in the Fire Nation. He was known to master a rare style of fire bending that allows him to trigger explosions from a tattoo on his forehead. "I'm not feeling well...can I go to my room?" You asked and your father nodded leaving your mother with a concerned look in her eyes as you left.
As soon as you entered your room you fell to the floor and cried. You hated this. You hated yourself for breaking up with Zuko but you had no choice.
It was two months ago and you were walking around the palace. Thanks to your father's close relationship with the Fire Lord, you spent your whole life within the palace walls. You grew up with Azula and Zuko and your families were close as well. It wasn't until Zuko returned from his banishment that the both of you began your relationship but decided to keep it a secret as he still had a lot to prove to his father. Zuko wanted to prove he was focused and determined and if Ozai found out he was seeing you, Zuko would be right back where he started before leaving to capture the Avatar.
Unfortunately, your fears came true and Ozai discovered your secret relationship. You were on your way home after sneaking into Zuko's room and as you made your way to the throne room until you heard voices. You recognized one to be Ozai's and the other Azula's.
"Your brother appears to be distracted these days." Ozai's voice boomed throughout the room. " Well it's because he's with his little girlfriend most of the time." Azula replied
"Girlfriend?!" Ozai fires back and you gulp. "Yes, your favorite general's daughter." There was a hint of disgust in Azula's voice which made your blood boil. Despite being "friends" with Azula, it was obvious she looked down on you along with Mai and Tai Lee.
"First, Zuko questions me, now he's frolicking with that girl instead of focusing on his duties as Fire Prince." Ozai growls and you heard his footsteps walk back and forth as he paced around his throne. "He has to be taught a lesson that boy."
"I couldn't agree more, father." You could almost see the smirk on Azula's face at the tone of her voice. "I wonder...does Zuko really need his other eye?" Your heart dropped. His father was about to punish Zuko again...because of you. Your memory shot back to the moment Ozai burned Zuko's face in their Agni Kai. You remember burying your face in your hands while trying to shut out Zuko's screams. .
"Bring him here." Ozai commanded. You don't know what came over you, but you found yourself running into the throne room.
Azula and Ozai both stared at you and Azula chuckled. "Don't hurt him." You were surprised at your own voice coming out. "And why shouldn't I? He's being careless and has to be taught a lesson."
"I'll end it." Your voice shook as you were being stared down by the two of them. "Would that even do anything?" Azula rolled her eyes as she lazily observed her fingers.
"It will. You'll see...it was my idea to start a relationship. Not his. If you're going to punish someone...punish me." Azula raised an eyebrow at your suggestion and looked towards Ozai who began to think.
"Not necessary." Ozai stated and Azula frowned. "Your father is an important ally of mine, wouldn't want to upset him."
The room fell silent as the three of you stared at one another. "I suppose...if you end your relationship with my son...that will do for now." Your shoulders dropped in relief.
"But, I don't care if you're together or not, if he upsets me in any way again I won't hold back." Ozai turned his back and left the room. Azula smirked at you and followed him out.
You were lying in bed that night and couldn't sleep. Your mind was racing with thoughts of Zuko and how you were going to end it. You heard the window open and the sound of familiar footsteps making its way to your bed.
Before Zuko could slip in next to you, you immediately turned away from him.
"Hey, what's wrong?" he chuckled but you refused to answer.
"I don't need you anymore." You spat out and he stammered back. "What do you mean you don't need me anymore?!"
You buried your head in your covers, trying not to look at him. "I mean, I don't need you anymore, Zuko. I'm done."
"Done?! W-what do you mean done—did something happen?" you heard his footsteps come over to your side of the bed and you huffed.
He lifted the covers over your face and you had no choice but to look at him.
Zuko's eyes were a mixture of sadness and confusion and you chocked out a sob. He slowly brought his hands to your face, but you swatted it. Knowing exactly what to say to get him to leave, to leave you for good. "I can't be with a coward." Zuko stumbled back after this. You knew about his never-ending torment about betraying Iroh out of fear of his father. How he barely slept every night thinking about his uncle sitting in his cell, about how he was scared to do the right thing because he would lose his honor in his family again. "W-what?" Zuko was farther from you now, sad eyes staring into your like daggers. You were fighting the urge to break right there, tell him everything you knew about his father's warning, but you had to protect him. "You left Iroh to rot in a cell. You can't even stand up against your father and you're a disgrace to the Fire Nation. What kind of future is that?" You said coldly, biting your tongue to fight back the tears that were fighting to come out. "
"Do you really mean it?" His voice broke and you were dying to apologize to him, to tell him you thought he was so much more than what he thought of himself, that he was one of the few genuinely good people here, but you had to do this to protect him.
"Yes. I hate you, Zuko...I didn't realize it till now but...I'm embarrassed of you. Being with you...makes me hate myself too." You stated, face blank. Zuko's face dropped. You've never seen him like this, so empty, like he lost all the hope he had in the world. You wanted to reach out to him, you did...but he was gone before you could.
You'd see him in State events but never spoke, and the one time he had to greet you out of courtesy it was like he was talking to a stranger.
Now, here you are somewhere in the forest, looking for him. You heard from one of the guards who was loyal to you that combustion man was able to track Team Avatar near the mountains next to the refugee camps. He told you that he got his scent and was close by.
You heard voices and crouched by the bush. You saw a figure by the river and crawled closer to see who it was. It was a girl, probably your age dressed in blue who was doing laundry. This must be the water bender you thought. Mai and Ty Lee would tell you stories about their time chasing the Avatar and reuniting with Zuko.
Deciding to confront her and ask where Zuko was you began to walk towards her. Her shoulders tensed at the sound of footsteps behind. The girl whipped her head around and her eyes grew wide. Before you could speak, she was shooting water in your direction. "HEY!" You dodged, but she kept going. Grunting in frustration, you began shooting fire back at her.
You were fighting for a while now until suddenly, a boomerang was flying next to your head which caused you to duck.
There was a boy in blue running towards you with a smaller girl in green running next to him.
The girl stomped her foot on the ground and rocks in the shape of bars began to form around you but you were able to roll out of the way. The water bender was about to attack once more but then you heard your name being called behind you.
"Y/N?" You froze and your heart dropped. You haven't heard Zuko's voice in so long and you swore you almost crumbled right there. Slowly, you turned around and faced him for the first time in months. "W-what are you doing here?" he asked, and you couldn't answer. The Avatar arrived and the whole group was staring at you.
You couldn't speak. You didn't know what to say to him and time just stopped. Your eyes never left Zuko and he was staring right back at you.
"Who is she?!" The water bender asked as you and Zuko continued to look at each other.
"Y/N." Was all Zuko said which caused everyone to look at one another in confusion except the guy with the boomerang. "Oh...is she the one you were telling me about?" Zuko blushed in embarrassment but walked towards you.
"I'm sorry, I'm lost...who is she?" The Avatar asked.
"Zuko's ex-girlfriend." Boomerang guy attempted to whisper but failed as everyone heard him. The water bender stared at you curiously while the earth bender huffed and stuck up her nose.
"What are you doing here, Y/N?" Zuko was in front of you now and your heartbeat was rising. You missed him. All you wanted was to kiss him right then and there, but you knew whatever you two had was over. Before you could reply, you saw a figure suddenly appear behind Zuko. The rest of the team was too busy waiting what would happen that they didn't notice combustion man's arrival.
Combustion man's eyes turned red and he smirked, the eye in the middle of his head started to glow and you knew he was about to attack.
"LOOK OUT!" You shouted and shoved Zuko to the side before Combustion man could strike.
The rest of the group were on the floor from the explosion except the Avatar who was on a tree.
"WHO IS THAT?!" Boomerang guy yelled above the explosion.
Looking down, you realized you fell on top of Zuko. Your eyes met his and you noticed his expression change to somewhat of realization. He looked like he was putting the pieces of a puzzle together while looking at you and he was frozen. Combustion Man tried to attack Zuko again but you pulled him away.
"WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" Boomerang guy yelled once more. Spotting the boomerang attached to his waist, you created a plan.
"AVATAR!" You yelled and he looked down at you from the tree. "Distract him!" He looked at you with confusion. You realized they didn't trust you yet, still being in your Fire Nation clothes, they still weren't sure what side you were on. "Come on! Do it!" You yelled and he nodded.
"BOOMERANG GUY!" You shouted once more and he looked at you in fear. "When the Avatar has him distracted, throw your boomerang at the eye on his forehead, it will block his chi."
"Why should I listen to you?! You were just attacking my sister!" he yelled back. "GOSH SOKKA JUST DO IT! THIS IS NOT THE TIME!" The earth bender yelled and Sokka jumped back in shock. "ALRIGHT, ALRIGHT!"
The Avatar shot an air ball at Combustion Man which caused him to stumble. While he was caught off guard, Sokka threw his boomerang hitting him directly on the eye.
Combustion Man grunted in pain but suddenly lost control and shot an explosion to the nearby mountain. Suddenly the rocks began to shake and immediately rolled down the mountain and crushed him.
The whole group sighed but Zuko was still looking at you. Suddenly, you felt rock squeeze around your wrists. Looking down, your wrists were bound in handcuffs made of rocks.
"Seriously?! I just saved your lives!" You yelled but the group continued to stare at you. "Yeah, but you were attacking Katara when we got here." The earth bender stated.
"SHE ATTACKED ME FIRST!" But they weren't having it. You looked at Zuko and his expression changed. He looked deep in thought as he stared back at you.
"Come on...just let me go and I'll be out of here." You whispered still looking at him. "We still don't know why you're here. You could be a spy." You rolled your eyes at the small girl.
"If I as a spy I would have let you all be killed by Combustion Man." You stated.
"That makes sense..." Katara nodded slowly but earth bender was still not having it.
"Still. It's risky to let you go, you're coming with us." She announced and began to walk away. Sokka grabbed your elbow and began to lead you behind her.
Zuko wasn't moving for a moment, watching the scene unfold like it was a movie. "Zuko...are you coming?" The Avatar asked. Zuko nodded slowly began to follow.
The earth bender, who you learned was called Toph made you a makeshift cell in their campsite. Rolling your eyes as you watched them enter their tents to go to bed, you sunk down and sat on the ground.
You started to drift off to sleep until you heard the door of your cell open. Slowly opening your eyes, you look up to see Zuko.
Your lips part in surprise as you slowly stand up to stare at him.
"What do you want?" You finally gained the courage to speak to him.
The Zuko in front of you is a different one than the one you left. The broken Zuko. The Zuko you hurt. Now, all you see are his golden eyes pouring into yours, mixed with anger and determination.
"Why are you here?" he asked, his tone was serious.
"Your friends put me in here! I don't wanna stay in this dumb cell—"
"No. Why are you here?!" He almost yelled at you, but he kept his voice low enough so he wouldn't wake the others.
"I don't know what you mean—"
"Bull Shit." Zuko interrupted but moved closer to you. "I don't know what you want me to say—"
"Do you still hate me?" His question caught you off guard. Unlike last time, there was no sadness in his voice, now, it felt like he was challenging you.
"Did you come here to protect me? I know you knew about Combustion Man." You looked away, refusing to meet his eyes. You didn't know why you were being so difficult. It wasn't like Ozai or Azula were here. But you felt immense guilt for what you said to him, you didn't deserve him.
"When you broke up with me...there was something else right? You were just saying all of those things to protect me?!" Zuko was angry. He had every right to be, for you to just show up here, and not even telling him the real reason why you came.
"I'm not stupid, alright? I know combustion man is an assassin under my father! I know he was here to kill me...and after everything, you show up out of nowhere...I know you were here for me!" He was yelling now but you refused to budge.
"You made me think all this time you hated me! I thought the person I loved the most in this world hated me! For months I couldn't get you out of my head and it was torture seeing you around the palace looking like you didn't care! And you won't even tell me the real reason why you're here?" You looked at him in shock but still refused to speak and he shouted in frustration.
"Y/N...tell me right now why you're here—"
"Yes. I still hate you." Was all you said. You didn't though. You loved him. You were so proud of him for finally standing up to his father and carving his own destiny, but you didn't want to cause him anymore pain. You wanted him to continue being the man he was meant to be...even without you. You felt like you would bring him down, that you didn't deserve Zuko. You wanted to leave, to finally leave him, for good.
"No you don't." His voice was hard and his eyes didn't leave yours. "Zuko, what do you want from me?" You asked and he sighed.
"Do you really hate me?" He asked once more but he took a step closer to you and you backed away.
"YES! God, Zuko I don't know how many times I have to tell you! I hate—"
Before you could finish, Zuko's lips were on yours. Your eyes widened in surprise but as soon as his arms snaked around your waist, you melted around him.
You missed this. The feeling of his lips on yours. His touch. The way he clung to you like his life depended on it.
"No you don't." Was all he said when he pulled away. You were out of breath, and you looked up at him. The hard expression he had was replaced with tender eyes and you felt tears forming.
"H-how'd you know?" Your voice cracked as Zuko began to gently wipe the tears on your face.
"Your eyes tell." Was all he said and before you could speak, his lips were on yours again.
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phoenixyfriend · 3 years
Uncle Ben and Little Luke
AKA we combine several types of time travel for maximum Soft Chaos, let’s go
EDIT NOW THAT I’VE WRITTEN THIS UP: jfc this ended up much angstier than initially intended uhhhhhhhhhh sorry
So a common enough thing I’ve seen in time travel fics is characters getting de-aged when tossed back physically, to neither the age they should be in that time, nor the age they were from the time they left, but whatever is most convenient. This is usually de-aging OT Obi-Wan into his TCW self, for reasons relating to, chiefly, removing the damage of Tatooine absolutely destroying his body alongside PTSD-driven alcoholism, but also because fic writers are horny, and Ewan McGregor playing a late-thirties negotiator is on average more appealing to people than Alec Guinness playing a vaguely feral desert hermit.
So, here’s how it plays out:
We take Luke and Ben from some point in the OT. There are a variety of options depending on how angsty we want it to be. My first instinct is ‘right after Owen and Beru die’ but I want to have that sweet angst where Luke knows that his dad is Vader and that Obi-Wan was trying to convince him to kill his own father without telling him that.
We’ll go with shortly after Bespin, and then they end up significantly before TPM. The Obi-Wan of the timeline proper is, eh, let’s say eighteen. Not really ready to be a knight, but old enough that we don’t have to worry about “if we go save Shmi, do we somehow wipe out Anakin?” which is absolutely a worry. Anakin is a toddler, and is in no place to be evil, on account of being literally two years old. He can’t even explode people with his brain yet.
Now, Ben finds himself mid-thirties, as is traditional. He’s not upset at this, because his joints hurt so much less than they used to! His knees aren’t exactly teenage-perfect, but by the Force are they better than they were in the years before he died! His hair has color! He doesn’t have arthritis! And, goodness, no physical withdrawal symptoms! The psychological aspect is still there, but nonetheless, he’s in much better shape than he last remembers being.
Luke looks like he’s about six. He was recently twenty-two. This is not an upgrade. Ben keeps having to carry him. He can’t see over the counter when they enter a bar for information. He can’t enter the bar in the first place. He’s very annoyed by all of this.
Ben is not annoyed. Ben is having a lot of emotions, actually, but annoyance isn’t one of them. He didn’t get to help raise Luke the way he might have if Anakin hadn’t lost his shit, okay, he sees a small Luke and he wants to hug him and cry.
Luke would like to be able to purchase a speeder part without the lady at the stall asking him if he needs his “dad’s” permission.
Once they figure out when and where they are, they need to decide where and how to leave. There are general shenanigans to gamble their way into enough money to hire a ship. They are in the ass end of nowhere, but definitely not Tatooine. There appears to be a jungle. There appears to be a significant variety of man-eating creatures. There appears to be a temple to the Force of questionable origin. None of this is actually helpful, except for the moment they find a “baby’s first lightsaber” in the temple.
Luke only has one hand and, being a six-year-old, his body is growing too fast for him to bother with getting a wired-in prosthesis the way he could as an adult. He can get a more basic prosthesis, but nothing that attaches to the neurons. He’ll outgrow it too fast.
He’s tiny and he’s not used to doing things with just one hand. He uses the Force to do what one hand can't, and every time someone tries to tell him he's misusing the Force he whaps them with the empty sleeve.
So, you know, they find out what year it is. Ben has a breakdown. Luke is upset that he left behind his friends. Ben admits to him that Leia was his twin. Luke stares in horror because dude, she kissed him, you couldn’t have mentioned this earlier???
Ben points out that Beru and Owen were keeping Luke away from him for nineteen years, and then they had about three days of awkward travel to find Leia in the first place, and then Ben died. He didn’t have a whole lot of time to figure out how to tell him.
(This sparks an argument that lasts several days. All onlookers assume that Ben’s son is throwing a tantrum. He doesn’t correct them, even though this is a very valid reason to be upset, because the truth is much harder to explain.)
Sooooo they travel. Mostly, Ben plays Sabacc, cleans house, and pays their way towards Coruscant. Luke still really wants to learn to be a Proper Jedi, even though Ben is pretty sure that Luke would have... a lot of difference of opinion with the Temple, but sure. Coruscant. They can at least stop by, and see Qui-Gon, and Mace, and Quinlan, and Bant, and everyone else that’s still alive and not tragically deceased in the horror following the start of the Clone Wars and then the birth of the Empire, and Ben can have a nice sob over all his dead friends being alive again.
Ben is only barely holding it together while Luke is in the room with him at any given point. But it’s fine! It’s fine. He’s fine. All of his loved ones have come back to life! It’s great! HE’S FINE.
He is not fine.
Luke is also grieving all the people who haven’t been born yet, but he’s... significantly more okay than Ben is.
The closer they get to the Core, the more often people just assume Ben is Luke’s father, and then look shocked and uncomfortable when Luke flatly calls him by his name, and they just... compromise. This is the point at which Luke starts calling him “Uncle Ben.”
Ben cries in his bunk later that night. Luke overhears it and wonders how the HELL Ben is more unstable now, when there’s a chance to fix things and no Vader or Empire trying to kill or capture both of them, and all his friends are alive.
(Luke will later learn a lot about PTSD and realize this is actually a fairly normal situation, to process significant events and emotions only after gaining safety or catharsis.)
(Twenty years on a ball of sand with an alcohol addiction and debilitating fear of the man you raised as your own brother is not, in fact, safe or cathartic.)
At any rate, they’ve settled into that pattern by the time they reach the Inner Rim. The Inner Rim is the part of the galaxy at which they’ve collected enough money (and mental stability) to travel a little better, and to take a few more risks.
Risks like “manipulate people with those baby blues.”
Ben tells Luke that he’s a menace, after he pouts so cutely that he gets a free scarf added on to a purchase that Ben makes. Luke responds that Ben has no room to talk, since he flirted a free breakfast out of that one inn owner.
Also, Luke is currently physically six. That is objectively a situation that sucks. He deserves to use it for all it’s worth if he’s stuck like this.
“You know, if you keep wearing all-black and looking longingly at the velvet cape and Space Chanel boots, the temple is going to worry that you’re a darksider.”
“Uncle Ben... you told me, yesterday, that I sparkle so brightly in the Force that it’s almost blinding.”
“Yes, but the gloves--”
They don’t agree on this, but Ben relents. He does actually understand good fashion, unfortunately, and he’s not unaware of how much Leia taught Luke about such things.
Luke’s about forty years ahead of the curve, of course, but Skywalkers are prone to such things. It’s usually in regards to technology, granted, but...
They get to Coruscant. Ben is very obviously a Jedi. He knows all the right words and walks like a Soresu master and feels warm and comforting in the Force. They let him in with minimal questions. They note down “my first padawan left the order to have a child, but died shortly after; I consider Luke here to be my nephew, and have raised him as such,” and move on.
Luke is vaguely annoyed because he already had an uncle (and aunt) that raised him, but he admits that a person can have more than one uncle. He can live with this. Ben was more family to Anakin than Owen was, in some ways, so it’s kind of true. Luke is even working on feeling more childish affection for Ben instead of the complicated mess of emotions that come from being lied to about some very large and important subjects, and then seeing the person saying those lies have regular emotional breakdowns due to something as small as Luke saying he likes the curve of the hull on that freighter.
(Apparently he sounds just like his father did as a child. This is almost heartwarming.)
The thing is! The thing. The thing is, they almost make it to the Halls of Healing to get looked over for weird viruses, or Outer Rim Parasites, or whatever the hells needs to be happening. They almost make it without Ben having a flashback to dead younglings or brainwashed troopers or the declaration of a Sith Empire. They almost make it without incident.
Then Ben sees Qui-Gon, and freezes, and does not move again.
Luke cannot get him to restart.
People are staring.
They haven’t even made it to Medical, Uncle Ben, come on.
Young, local Obi-Wan comes over and asks if there’s something he can do to help. Or maybe this “Ben” knows Qui-Gon? Master Jinn doesn’t recognize Ben, but maybe Luke knows more?
Luke does know more, but what Luke actually says is “he probably needs a mind healer.”
(Ben will not appreciate this.)
(Ben is unfortunately standing in the middle of the hallway and completely unresponsive, and is unable to argue with this assertion.)
(Ben is pretty much proving this assertion entirely correct, actually.)
Obi-Wan is helpful, if a little bitchy in the manner of most late-teens individuals, and offers to help get Uncle Ben down to the Halls of Healing. It involves Obi-Wan gently pushing on Ben’s shoulders, and Qui-Gon offering to carry Luke so he can be in Ben’s sights (because Ben is a Mystery, and Qui-Gon is quite fond of those, so he wants to stay involved). Ben kind of just... shuffles on down.
There are medical tests. They ask about how Luke lost his hand. He refuses to talk about it. They ask how Ben got all his scars. Luke says he doesn’t know. They ask if he knows why Ben looks like he’s been through a war. Luke says it’s because he probably was.
They check for foreign viruses. They find evidence of thus-far-unpatented vaccinations. They ask Luke if he knows what he’s vaccinated for.
“How would I know? I’m six.”
They agree that this is a good excuse.
(It is not. He’s lying. They do not know this.)
They do some more tests. They find a lot of questionable medical bullshit in Ben’s body. Most of this is from the clone wars, but they don’t know this. Someone realizes they haven’t gotten a ping back from the Shadow Network regarding “do we have permission to pull the medical file of a Jedi that isn’t in the normal database? We’re assuming you know who he is, since we don’t.”
The Shadow Network does not know who Ben is.
The healers, of course, go “huh, that’s weird, but maybe the name he gave his nephew was fake. We can’t exactly ask ‘Ben’ for more details right now. We already had to sedate him. Let’s check the DNA!”
The DNA pulls up as Obi-Wan Kenobi.
The padawan who brought this guy in two hours ago.
“Huh, that’s weird. Let’s call in Kenobi and ask if he knows what’s going on.”
Obi-Wan absolutely does not know what’s going on.
They ask Luke.
“Oh, I don’t know,” he says, lying through his teeth and not even pretending otherwise.
“You’re not a very good liar,” teenage Obi-Wan tells him.
“I’m not trying to be,” Luke says. “Can you get Master Yoda? I feel like we’re going to need him.”
They normally wouldn’t get Yoda on the request of a six-year-old, but they also normally don’t have a catatonic thirty-something Jedi who looks like he’s been through a war popping up in the medical database as the pimply teenage padawan that broke his pinky trying to do a Badass Ataru Flip last week.
Or... whatever Luke i... is... oh dear.
“Young one,” Qui-Gon asks, while people whisper-shout behind him, not realizing he’s cutting the Correlian Knot and just asking the kid himself. “Do you know why your midichlorian count is so high? It’s almost unheard of.”
“Uncle Ben said my dad was the Chosen One,” Luke says, because he is capable of being a little shit and is actually really eager to let Ben deal with some of the fallout. He feels for the man, really, but he’s also tired of being the one to field every single question.
Also, the expressions that pass on Qui-Gon’s face are hilarious.
(Luke may or may not be more affected by his six-year-old brain than he would like to admit.)
“Thank you,” Qui-Gon says, sounding more than a little strangled about it.
It takes another three hours for Ben to wake up.
He listens to the questions. He hears what they say his ‘nephew’ said. He looks at Luke.
“Is this revenge for not telling you about Leia?”
“It’s not revenge,” Luke does not lie. “I just don’t know how to explain it.”
“It’s pretty easy to explain.”
“It’s not my secret.”
“This is revenge for the Leia thing.”
“No,” Luke says. “Revenge for the Leia thing was when I ate a live frog in front of you.”
This is the point at which someone interrupts and points out that they appear to be stalling.
“Oh, he is,” Luke tells them. He gestures at Ben. “I can’t tell you more, because it’s more his story than mine.”
“I’m afraid, Master, that I am very likely to have an emotional breakdown if I allow myself to consider the reality of this situation for longer than the fraction of a second I already have,” Ben reports, full of false cheer. “Suffice to say, I am far from stable and have only held out this far for Luke’s sake.”
“Can you explain why you have my DNA?” Obi-Wan asks, as the person who’s most concerningly involved in this situation.
“You can,” Ben says, smiling like there is absolutely nothing wrong in the slightest, ever. “I’m you, from the future. I actually died and spent a few years dead before coming back. I’m not sure why I’m younger than I was when I died, but I appreciate being able to put on my shoes without my knees attempting to mutiny.”
“He needs a mind healer,” Luke reiterates, in case the strained grin hasn’t made it clear. “So do I, but not as much.”
“I have felt literally every person in this Temple save for Luke and Yoda die,” Ben reports, looking a shade more manic than a few seconds earlier. “It’s very overwhelming to feel you all being alive again. I may be approaching a mental breakdown, and I’ve been rather strictly advised against using alcohol to treat my traumas again.”
Luke kicks him in the thigh. It’s not a very hard kick, because he is very small, and he does actually like Ben. “I’m not letting you turn into an old drunk again.”
After several seconds of silence, a healer quietly suggests that everyone clear the room, and asks if someone could fetch Master Yoda as the youngling requested.
(THIS IS ALMOST THREE THOUSAND WORDS. I started it less than two hours ago. Why am I like this.)
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majestyeverlasting · 3 years
Can you write prompt(s) 40 & 48 with Dad!Bucky x reader pls?
♡ Of course! Thanks for sending this request in! For the kids, I went ahead and used Jamie and Eden, who are in my Dad!Bucky x Mom!Reader fics. There's cute and funny family ~shenanigans~ in this piece (and Eden ends up duping Bucky). I hope you like it!
♡ Prompt 40: "There it is. There's that smile."
♡ Prompt 48: "Those are my pajama pants. They're literally slipping down your waist."
♡ To make a request for my One Month Tumblr-versary, check out my Fluffy Prompt List :)
No Such Thing as Winning By Default Tonight
The way Jamie and Eden greeted Bucky at the door always gave him something to look forward to, to cherish. They were bouncing on the balls of their feet as if it had been ages since they last saw him. In reality, it had only been a span of hours since he’d left that morning. And with sparkling eyes, they waited for him to take off his backpack and shrug off the leather jacket. You’d spent the day out with them, and they were ready to tell their father about everything. From checking out new books at the library, going to the park, and even getting snow cones.
As soon as Bucky finished putting his things in the closet, he scooped Eden up and kissed her cheek. And he pulled Jamie into a hug after giving him a fist bump—the gesture was something the boy insisted they started doing everyday because it was ‘cool.’ It was important not to forget the explosion fingers right after, because that’s what made fist bumps even cooler.
The kids talked a mile a minute as they told Bucky about their day—as if their lives depended on it. Hundreds of people had told him hundreds of things over the years and, yet, listening to their words—and yours—added a value to his life that he hadn't, or couldn’t find anywhere else in the world. A smile stretched across your face when he entered the living room with Jamie and Eden on either side of him. You were sitting on the couch with the laundry basket on the floor in front of you. Folding clothes that, admittedly, should’ve already been taken care of.
Bucky shot you a wink when your eyes met his, and you felt the smallest flutter in your stomach. After spending the day with children, you were glad to have some adult company again. It helped that he was particularly attractive in his unshaven state. “Hey, stranger,” you teased, affectionately. “How was your day?”
“Not too bad,” he said, draping his arms over the kids’ shoulders. “From what these two were telling me, it sounds like you guys went around the world while I was gone.”
That earned a laugh from you. “It feels like we did. I’m not moving for the next week.”
Jamie snorted. “But don’t you have to move? You can’t just stay still,” he said. “You’re moving right now to fold the clothes.”
You gave him a flat look, narrowing your eyes. Everyone else laughed. “Well, in that case, mister, how about you three come do it for me so I don’t have to move?” Your tone was playful.
“Uhhh... Dad can do it. I forgot how to fold,” he lied.
“‘Dad can do it?’” Bucky repeated, looking down at him in feigned disagreement. If you truly needed a break, or wanted any sort of additional help, he’d step in a heartbeat—he always did.
“Wait, I’m actually pretty good at it,” Eden spoke up, leaving her father’s side to plop beside you. “Do you want me to help, Mommy?” Without waiting for an answer, she picked out one of her shirts from the basket.
It was then that Jamie decided he was going to assist too. Instead of joining the two of you on the couch, however, he sat crossed-legged on the floor, and dug to the bottom of the basket in search of his favorite race car graphic tee. The way their brows furrowed in concentration was adorable. And because they were no longer glued to Bucky, he was able to lean down and press a kiss to your temple, hands bracing on the plush arm of the couch. Before he could pull too far away, you cupped his chin and directed his lips to yours in a brief kiss, sighing through your nose. You felt him smile upon hearing the kids’ quiet giggles.
Eden’s voice soon arose. “Hey, Mommy, look. Is this good enough?” Bucky pulled away and straightened back to his full height, clearing his throat and running a hand through his hair.
On Eden’s lap was a white shirt printed with pink flowers that she had folded. “It looks great, E. Put it on the stack of your other stuff.” You pointed to the clothes of hers that you had already folded.
What you ended up finding later that evening was that one of the kids had accidentally placed Bucky’s navy blue pajama pants in your sleepwear drawer. Considering he was off in the playroom with them, you decided to put them on to go get a reaction out of him. You paired them with a gray V-neck.
When you walked in on him and the kids, they were winning in what appeared to be a play fight. They hovered over him as his back was against the floor. A helpless smile budded on your face as you stood watching in the doorway. He tried to prop himself up upon noticing you, but Jamie growled and pushed chest back down.
“Do you surrender?” He asked his father.
A laugh bubbled up Bucky’s throat. “Yes, I surrender.”
“I don’t believe him,” Eden told Jamie.
“I do! I promise,” Bucky said. “I just wanna talk to your mom.”
They let him sit up, and you caught the way his gaze traveled up your body. “Hey… those are my pajama pants,” he said, pushing himself from the floor to go stand in front of you. “They’re literally slipping down your waist.” To prove his point, he attempted to pull them up to a more proper resting place on your hips. But they slouched back down a bit when he let go.
“No they’re not," you challenged with a smile. "They’re mine."
“Oh, is that right?” He let his hands come to rest on your hips, and in turn you wrapped your arms around his neck, gazing into his eyes. “They look good on you,” he said, voice low. And before you could register his intentions, he reached around you to squeeze your backside.
Bucky chuckled at your small squeak and dipped down for a kiss. He was gentle, and warm, and smelled woodsy. When he started to pull away, you thought it was way too soon. But, a second later, you realized it was because Jamie had started tugging on the back of his shirt.
You stifled a laugh at the way he rolled his eyes before turning around. “May I help you?” He asked the boy.
“Can we do one more round?” Jamie asked. “But this time you have to go harder on us.”
Eden came to stand beside her brother’s side. “Yeah! And Mommy can be on a team with me and Jamie,” she said.
Bucky looked back at you with a mischievous glint in his eyes. “You up for that?”
You wrinkled your nose. “Maybe I should just watch. These pants probably make me wardrobe malfunction prone.”
He waved a dismissive hand. “You’ll be fine.”
That assurance is what landed you in a four-person play fight. Per Jamie’s request, Bucky does exert a little more effort. But he was still overly mindful that nobody got hurt in any other way. For the first few moments, you drew back and let Jamie and Eden make most of the advances on their father. They practically cackled every time he pinned them.
But he eventually locked eyes with you, and you knew he wasn't going to let you remain in the background of the action anymore. All you could do was squeal when he made a very direct advancement. Because you were already kneeling, it didn’t take much for him to force you the rest of the way to the floor. It happened so swiftly that all you could do was let out a surprised huff of laughter. Somehow he managed to capture both of your wrist.
“He’s got Mommy!” You heard Eden say. Then she came to your rescue by pushing his shoulder to divert his attention.
In the sliver of time before Bucky walked on his knees to get the girl, Jamie did a discrete signal to her that she nodded to. All it was was a quick swipe of his pointer finger down his cheek. And between you and Bucky, only you caught their quick exchange. It took a second for it to click that he had told her to fake cry. Or pretend to be hurt, at least.
As soon as Bucky gathered Eden into his arms, and lowered her to the floor in the most gentle 'slam' ever, she enacted their scheme. From her lying position, she winced and released a soft whine. There was no possible way that what he did could've caused any pain, but Bucky didn't even rationalize that. The only thing that rang in his mind was that he'd just hurt his little girl.
“Shoot! I’m sorry, babydoll.” He repositioned to sit in a narrow straddle, and coaxed her up to sit on his thigh. The tenderness of his voice made you want to tell him that she was fine. "What hurts, hmm?" She just continued pouting. Jamie put a hand over his mouth to hide either a smile or shock that it actually worked.
Bucky sighed as his eyes flickered over to you. All you could do was offer an expression that was likely a mix between neutral and guilty. Then he redirected his attention back to Eden and started pressing consoling kisses to her hair. When he noticed her beginning to smile, relief flooded through him. “There it is. There’s that smile,” he said. "I really am sorry, sunshine. Didn't mean to hurt you."
She craned her neck to look up at him. "Daddy..." she said, voice tentative. "I was just kidding..."
Jamie was quick to pitch in. "I only told her to so we could win by default or something. At least she's actually okay, right?" The hopeful edge to his tone made you bite back a smile. "Mom was in on it too." Snitch.
Bucky's mouth fell slightly agape, but he let out a small laugh a second later, shaking his head. "Wow," he breathed. "'Win by default,' huh? Give me a heart attack to 'win by default.'" In all fairness, it had been a somewhat mean trick. But nothing he couldn't recover from.
"I didn't even know if you were gonna believe me!" Eden claimed. She squealed when he suddenly laid onto his back, taking her with him. The sound of their mixed laughter filled the room, and the energetic buzz returned to the atmosphere.
Then Bucky made a proposal to your team. "You guys are gonna have to come save little miss from my arms if you wanna win for real," he said. "No such thing as winning by default tonight."
Previously fulfilled request: Cold Little Paws.
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hangezoeenthusiast · 3 years
You failed me
multiple x gn!reader
word count: 2,524
warnings: cursing, yelling, arguing, death, angst, blood, explosion, the egg (it deserves its own warning)
synopis: you guys failed me(us)
(the lyrics go with each person, might not get everyone, and also xd’s part is kinda wonky)
song: rät by penelope scott
I come from scientists and atheists and white men who kill God They make technology, high quality, complex physiological Experiments and sacrilege in the name of public good They taught me everything, just like a daddy should
Quackity, Karl, George, and Sapnap left you. Your mentors, your friends. The ones who taught you everything you knew. They went to build their little “Kinoko Kingdom” while you stayed in the ruins, the dust. “They’ll regret that.” you swore. You built something better, something greater.
It was called “Las Nevadas”. A place where everyone was allowed. They would remember not to fuck with you. They would soon realize that they should watch their back for the rest of their short, stupid lives.
“Watch out, you guys, I'm watching your every move.”
And you were beautiful and vulnerable and power and success God damn, I fell for you, your flamethrowers, your tunnels, and your tech I studied code because I wanted to do something great like you And the real tragеdy is half of it was true
Wilbur majorly fucked up. He was supposed to be with you to the end, your guys’ country, right? No. He left you behind. He went to find peace, find his heaven, while you stayed on earth, wallowing away until your flesh seeped off your rattling bones, rotting away by yourself, with no one to bare witness.
“Why didn’t you bring me with you Wilbur?” you asked his stupid grave on top of the once L’Manburg. “Why did you get the ecstasy, why do I get the remains?”
“I’m coming for you Wilbur, and when I do, we are going to wreck upon justice on everyone who wronged us, wronged you, they will feel our wrath.”
But we've been fuckin' mеan, we're elitist, we're as flawed as any church And this faux-rad West coast dogma has a higher fuckin' net worth I bit the apple 'cause I trusted you, it tastes like Thomas Malthus Your proposal is immodest and insane And I hope someday Selmers rides her fuckin' train
"Y/n!" Technoblade yelled. "I TRUSTED YOU, AND YOU BETRAYED ME, FOR WHAT, TO BLOW UP A STUPID COUNTRY, A COUNTRY THAT WAS DOOMED TO FAIL FROM THE START." He started to battle you, missing every single swing, blinded by fury.
You looked up at him in the eyes and boldly said, "No, Techno, don’t you see, you’re in the wrong here, you’re the one who betrayed me." You were blinded by friendship, you couldn’t see that Tommy had betrayed Techno, and that what the Butcher Army did to Techno was terrible.
"What do you mean Y/n, you know what they did, they wronged me, they used me, they tortured me, they gave me hell, so I gave it back to them, I destroyed the things they loved, the people they loved, you see Y/n, those who have treated me with kindness I will repay that kindness tenfold, and those who treat me with injustice, that use me, that hunt me down, that hurt my friends, I shall repay that injustice a thousand times over, do you understand?"
"No I don't, Techno, you can't do this.” you begged. He pushed you out of the way, "Get out of my way Y/n." “No, I won’t, I won’t let you destroy everything we worked for.”
“Well, then I have to fight you.”
And thus the battle began, Swords clashing against each other, blood spilling from open wounds, friends digging each other into a whole both of them couldn’t get out of. Techno was letting you off easy, he knew his strength, he knew that he could’ve beaten you in one swipe, but he didn’t want to kill you.
So when you had the opportunity, you swept from under his feet, and knocked him down. You placed your blade onto his neck, pressing down until a little drop of blood appeared, “Stay down Technoblade, or I’ll do something worse than try to put you on trial.”
He watched as you walked away from him, trying to save L’Manberg from a worst fate than death itself.
“One day Y/n, you’ll see, I’m on your side.”
I loved you, I loved you, I loved you, it's true I wanted to be you and do what you do I lived here, I loved here, I bought it, it's true I feel so stupid, and so used I feel so used
"Why would you do that Dream? You didn't have to do that." you interrogated. Dream had stupidly blew up the community house. You both didn't plan that, he had gone behind your back. "I had to Y/n, you wouldn't understand."
"What do you mean I don't understand, you went against my back, we were supposed to-" you cut off yourself, "Dream, don't you understand, you did something stupid, and what did you get, you got stupid jail." "The reason I did that is because I needed to isolate myself from humanity." he said, proudness lacing his words.
"What do you mean?" you questioned. "If anyone knows I can revive people, I'm screwed, so that's why I need to be by myself, yeah it sucks major ass, but at least no one else will know, well, besides you anyways." "I have a task for you Y/n/n, I need you to find a way to bring Tommy and Ghostbur in here."
"Why Dream?"
"I'm going to revive Wilbur."
I was your baby, your firstborn, the hot girl in your comp-sci class And I was Darwin's prep school dream, bred, born and raised to kick your ass I fell for circuit boards, rocket ships, pictures of the stars If you could only be what you pretend you are
"PHILZA MINECRAFT COME BACK HERE." you were chasing Phil, through the woody forest, covered by oak trees. He had information on Technoblade's whereabouts and you needed it. You chased him with your enchanted netherite armor, netherite sword and axe, and a few op potions. Your goal was to capture Philza and interrogate him on where Techno's place was. The thing was, you were his child. His own child trying to kill his own son.
He felt betrayed, his own child turned against him and their brother, their family. "The Butcher Army must've gotten to you somehow." he thought in his head. Surely, his darling Y/n didn't do it on their own will, right?
He was incorrect, you did it because you believed that Techno needed to be brought to justice, by punishment. You believed that your own sibling needed to die, because he was a "liability" to L'Manberg's growth and future. He needed to die because as long as he would live his long life with his little enderman Edward, retired, he would still cause trouble to everything you, Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy, and Ranboo had built.
He pleaded, "Stop Y/n, you don't have to do this." You argued, "I do Philza, as long as he lives, my plans for L'Manberg will forever cease to exist."
He felt like shit, you called him Philza, not Dadza, or Dad, or anything besides his normal name. "Did I screw something up?" he asked himself quietly under his breath. "Yes you did Phil, you took the traitor's side." you had heard Phil mumble.
"HE'S NOT A TRAITOR." Phil yelled at you. "Yes he is, he deserves what he is about to get, I will say it again, where is his base?"
"I'm not saying, Y/n, why are you doing this, Techno is your own sibling." "He's not my sibling anymore, that stopped when he destroyed L'Manberg, you're lucky I forgived you." you declared.
"Y/n/n, please don't do this."
"I have to Dadza, I can't let him roam free."
When I said take me to the moon, I never meant take me alone I thought if mankind toured the sky, it meant that all of us could go But I don't want to see the stars if they're just one more piece of land For us to colonize, for us to turn to sand
Bad had tried to convice you to join the Eggpire. You had no effect while being next to the egg, and he had to take you out. People who had no effect towards the egg had to be eliminated.
He was creepily following you, waiting until you stopped to get a chance to capture you. He had hope that you did have an effect, that you would join the Egg with him. He didn't want to kill you, you were his best friend, besides Skeppy of course.
"Come back here Y/n." he said. "No chance in hell Bad, get the fuck away from me." "HEY, LANGUAGE!" he exclaimed. "No language, get away from me, you're creeping me out."
He threw his trident, spinning in the air, trying to catch up to your frantic steps. You were trying to get to Church Prime, where no one could kill anyone, hopefully Bad would abide to that rule. You were just about to step on Church Prime when you bumped into a hard, armored chest.
You looked up shyly, and saw Punz, with his red eyes reflecting anger. "Where are you going Y/n?" he questioned. "Somewhere." you blankly stated. You were desperate, you didn't want to die, or anything else that Bad was going to do to you. You tried to dodge Punz, but he placed a hand on your shoulder, "Stay right here Y/n."
"No, get away from me, I don't know what's wrong with all of you, but go away, I don't want anything to do with your stupid Eggpire." He raged, and grabbed your wrist heavily, "DON'T TALK ABOUT THE EGG LIKE THAT, IT WILL TAKE CONTROL OF THE SERVER, AND YOU ALL WILL BE ITS SERVANTS." "LET ME THE FUCK GO PUNZ." you screamed. You were wiggling in his grip, trying to escape his lunatic self.
While he was holding you, you saw two other shadows behind you. It was Antfrost and Bad. "What do you guys want from me, I didn't do anything wrong."
"You are against the Egg Y/n, people who are like you and Tommy have to die."
"Well, I'm not dying today." you murmured under your breath. "What was that you said?" Antfrost asked you.
You smirked, "I'm not dying today, I'll tell you one more time, let go of me."
Bad and Antfrost walked closer to you, Punz right behind you, all of them cornering you into a tight spot. "What you going to do about it Y/n, you're cornered."
"You'll know when they get here, but for now, you better run boys."
'Cause we're so fuckin' mean, we're so elitist, we're as fucked as any church And this bullshit West coast dogma has a higher fuckin' net worth I bit the apple 'cause I loved you, and why would you lie? And then I realized that you're just as naïve as I am Oh, you're so traumatized it makes me want to cry
"Tubbo, don't do this." Schlatt had unfortunately found out that you were a spy, that you were on Pogtopia's side. He had ordered Tubbo to kill you with fireworks, to light you on fire, give you blisters all over your body. "Please Tubbs, you're my friend." you pleaded.
"I can't Y/n/n, or something worse will happen." he whispered to you. "What do you mean?" you asked. "He can-" he trailed off, looking somewhere else besides your eyes. "Tubbo, you don't have to do what that stupid bastard tells you to do, you're your own person, with your own thoughts and actions."
"I'm sorry Y/n, I hope you can forgive me."
"TUBBO N-" you was cut off by firewords hitting your skin, making blisters and burn marks all over your body. You lost your second canon life, feeling betrayed by Tubbo. He killed you for what, a stupid father who never cared about him in his entire life, a father who exiled his friends that actually treated him like a person, and not like some random piece of trash.
You respawned in your bed, feeling bruises and bumps mostly on your forearms and your back.
"I'll help you Tubbo, I’ll get rid of him.”
You dumb bitch I loved you, I loved you, I loved you, it's true I wanted to be you and do what you do I lived here, I loved here, I bought it, it's true I'm so embarrassed, I feel abused
“Come on Y/n/n, come with me.” Punz begged of you. He wanted you to visit the Egg. You didn’t want to be controlled by a stupid omelette. "I'm not Punzo, why are you so obsessed with that stupid thing."
You put your hands in front of you, accidentally touching Punz's chest, "Ok calm down buddy." He didn't calm down and instead yelled at you on why you had to join the Eggpire.
"If you join, you will be forever happy."
"If you join you'll get whatever you want."
You were tired of the members of the Eggpire to convince you to join them, you didn't like eggs anyway. "Punz, for the last time, I'm not joining you, stop telling me."
“Then you have to die.”
So fuck your tunnels, fuck your cars, fuck your rockets, fuck your cars again You promised you'd be Tesla, but you're just another Edison 'Cause Tesla broke a patent, all you ever broke were hearts I can't believe you tore humanity apart
“XD!” You were pissed at him, he had destroyed your house, made your friends pissed at you, just everything you liked. All because he wanted you for himself.
He wanted you to be dependent on his every word, and he was being a manipulative psychopath. And you didn’t tolerate that, it was like he was his human counterpart, Dream.
He walked to you with confidence, waiting for to get a hug from you, well, he didn’t get that. You slapped him so hard his head swung to the left.
“That’s what you get you stupid son of a bitch. You fucking ruined everything.” “Calm down Y/n/n, what is wrong?” He acted concerned, but you knew that he was faking. He would do anything to get someone’s approval.
“Calm down darling, just take some netheri-” you interrupted him by slapping the ore out of his hands. “I don’t need jack shit from you XD, you know what, take back the necklace, I don’t want it.” You pulled the shiny, green emerald necklace off your neck, and pulled XD’s palm out.
You placed the necklace filled with memories, and put it on his hand. You closed up his palm, and walked away, leaving XD to his own accord.
“We could’ve had evertything X.”
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raineydays411 · 4 years
The adventure continues
Bruce Banner x daughter! reader
Summary: It’s been about two weeks since you’ve been on Sakaar. You and Loki have been kissing the Grandmasters ass in order to stay in his favor. That’s when you see a familiar face.
A/n: Hello! So I finally found the energy to write this chapter lol sorry it took so long. Also, I’m not too sure how to spell Sakaar, soo if there are different spellings please ignore that 
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You sigh as you sit next to Loki. It’s been about two weeks since you came to this planet. You haven’t even begun looking for your father. No, instead you and Loki have been running around kissing the Grandmasters ass. 
You found the man amusing, his chaotic energy was entertaining to say the least. But he had an air of danger to him. You tried to make sure to stay on his good side. Loki seemed to have the same idea as well. 
You and Loki have become significantly closer during your stay here. You never thought that you’d be so close to the God that tried to take over your planet, but here you were. Since your talk in the tailor's room, Loki has become increasingly overprotective over you. He was constantly by your side, glaring at anyone who dared to come up to you. Now as annoying as that sounds, he has gotten you out of some sticky situations. 
For example, there was this one time this alien tried to kidnap you, claiming that as a terran, you’d make him rich. Well before he was able to step even a foot away, Loki was there and almost ripped his arm off. The only thing that stopped him was the Grandmaster. He assured you and Loki that the kidnapper would be taken care of by his “Champion”. Whatever that meant.
That was another thing you tried to avoid on this planet. The Grandmaster’s fights. Something about the idea of sometimes innocent beings being forced to fight for others entertainment was wrong to you. And while to the rest of the population it was the norm, you just couldn’t stand the thought of watching these people slaughter each other.
Other than these few incidents, you and Loki have fit in pretty nicely. Loki was at ease with this crowd, charmingly talking to them and winning them over with his silver tongue. And you have made a name for yourself as well. You were known as one of the best storytellers in Sakaar. Of course, you usually told plots of the movies, plays, and books you memorized from Earth. But what they didn’t know won’t hurt them. But unlike Loki, you were getting restless. You wanted to find your father and go home. You miss Tony and Pepper, the way they were so sweet to each other, and the way Steve would ruffle your hair in the kitchen after his work outs. You wondered of they were worried about you as  you have been missing for two weeks now. 
Lost in thought, you didn’t notice a familiar face who was strapped down in a chair. However, you did notice when Loki went tense next to you. Looking up at him you raised an eyebrow, silently asking if he was okay.
“I’m fine”, he said quickly, “Darling, it seems as if the Grandmaster will be inviting us to watch the newest competition, perhaps you’d want to make yourself scarce before he comes.” 
You smile, appreciating the warning and stood up excusing yourself. You thought you heard someone call for Loki, but brushed it off as he was very popular among this crowd. You made your way to your room, desperate for some peace and quiet. 
Loki lets out a relieved sigh, knowing that if you saw Thor in that chair, you would have made a rash decision and ruin all the plans you both had made.
He stands up, excusing himself from the small group that formed around him. He rushes to Thor, shushing him.
“What?!” ,Thor asks confused on why Loki was shushing him. 
“You’re alive?”, Loki says, in a hushed tone. Thor looks up at him as much as he could, the chair restricting his movements. 
“Of course I’m alive!”, He shouts quietly
“What are you doing here?”
“What to you mean what am I doing here?!” ,Thor says exasperatedly, “ I’m stuck in this stupid chair! Where’s your chair?”
“I didn’t get a chair”
“Then get me out of this one!”
“I can’t”
The two brothers were so caught up in their silent bickering, they didn’t notice the Grandmaster appear right next to them.
“What are you whispering about?”
The two jumped apart. 
“Time works differently around these parts.”, He says, “Anywhere else I would be like millions of years old but here in Sakaar I’m like...”
He trails off, leaving an awkward silence. He smiles and glances at Loki as if he was waiting for him to say something. Loki laughs nervously, looking from Thor to the Grandmaster. Thor looked in between the two totally confused on what was happening. 
Seeing he wasn’t going to get an answer, the Grandmaster continued, 
“ In any case, you know this uh, um”, he turns to Thor, “ You call yourself the ‘Lord of Thunder?”
“God of Thunder” ,Thor corrects, he gestures at Loki, “Tell him”
“I have never seen this man in my life.” 
“He’s my brother!” ,Thor shouts getting frustrated.
The Grandmaster looks at Loki, “ Is he any kind of fighter?”
“You take this thing out of my neck and you’ll find out.” 
The Grandmaster laughs in amusement, as if Thor told him a joke instead of threating him. 
“Hey Sparkles, here’s the deal, anyone who defeats my champion shall win their freedom.” 
As the Grandmaster and Thor had their conversation, Loki’s mind was racing. He had a plan. A plan to overthrow the Grandmaster and (reluctantly) help you find your father, even though he doesn’t know who your father is. He already adjusted the plan when you arrived, and now Thor. He has to keep both you and him in the Grandmasters favor. 
He’s snapped out of his thoughts when he hears Thor call his name once more. He turns to see him being carted away on the chair he was bound to. He smiles at the Grandmaster and excuses himself, forcing himself to mingle once more and not rush off to find you. After a while, he manages to sneak away from the crowds and go back to his room. He finds the room where all the gladiators are being held and makes a clone, stepping into the prison. He sees Thor, saying a prayer for Odin as they were not able to give him a proper burial. He joins in, seeing Thor tense up at his voice. 
“It hurts doesn’t it...being told you are one thing only to find out that it was a lie.”
Then Thor turned and sat indignantly, refusing to acknowledge Loki.
“I couldn’t jeopardize our position with the Grandmaster. It took time for us to win his trust. He’s a lunatic, but he can be amenable.” 
ping. Thor throws another pebble at Loki. Loki sighs, knowing that it was going to be useless talking to him at the moment.
You sat in your room, listening to music on your phone. You may not have any cell service, but surprisingly, this planet has great Wi-Fi. 
You’re writing in a journal you found in the bag Strange gave you. Ever since that first day you arrived at Sakaar, you have been journaling your experiences, thoughts, and feelings in this journal. You also have been writing down methods you could use to find your dad.
You were so lost in the music and your writings that you didn’t notice Loki walk into your room. He saw that you weren’t paying attention and decided to scare you. 
He crept quietly, making sure to make no sudden movements that would catch your eye. But before he could actually scare you, you spoke up. 
“Don’t even think about it Loki.”
“How did you know it was me?” ,He asked, surprised at your reflexes. 
“I can smell your hair gel from outside the door.” You say, rolling over to look at him and removing your earbuds. You laugh at the offended look on his face. 
You both chuckle and then Loki’s face turns serious. 
“Y/n, we have a problem.” 
At those words, your heart begins to race. You worry that the Grandmaster has lost trust in the both of you, or he has become suspicious of you both. 
“What’s wrong?”, You ask, chewing on your lip in anxiety. 
“It seems that Thor has found his way on Sakaar.” 
You breath a sigh if relief, “ Oh, is that it? That’s fine, we can just get him on board and adjust out plan--”
“No, we can’t.”, Loki interrupts.
You squint in confusion, “Why not?”
“It seems that the oaf has gotten himself captured and forced into the gladiator fights.”
You gasp and quickly stand up, “We have to help him! He could be killed!”
“Calm down”, Loki says, resting his hands on your shoulders, “ Thor is far stronger than you believe. He will be able to handle himself. What we need to do for now is to keep our heads, and stick to the plan.”
“Stick to the plan?! Loki, we can’t just leave Thor on his own!”
Loki sighs, “ It’ll be better in the long run. If the Grandmaster suspects mutiny, we can both be killed or forced to fight as well.”
You stay silent, taking in the words that Loki is telling you. 
“Alright.” ,You agree, disappointed you couldn’t do anything to help Thor.
“That’s a good girl.” Loki says, patting your head. He turns to walk out of the room, “ Come along, we mustn’t give the Grandmaster any suspicions.”
You roll your eyes, hiding your phone and journal in your bag. Following Loki down the hallways, you sigh. You miss home. You miss your dad, And you feel completely useless. 
“Darling”, Loki whispers, “Now, I know you don’t like the idea...but perhaps you should make an appearance at the fights”
Your eyes widen at the suggestion, but before you speak Loki continues. 
“ I won’t force you, but just know that the Grandmaster is incredibly proud of his champion, and you seeing it would be more points toward you.”
You nod. You’d have to go eventually. Might as well get it over with. 
You and Loki arrive to the arena late. You didn’t miss much except for the opening act. You hear the roaring of the large crowd, thirsty for blood and carnage. It churns your stomach. 
Then the Grandmaster appears in hologram. You don’t really pay attention, you just force yourself to relax. You know that if Thor is fighting then he’ll be okay. But the thought of watching a friend murder another living being that is most likely innocent makes bile rise in your throat. 
You’ve never been a person who likes violence. Violence meant that you and your dad had to move again, violence meant that you would be left alone.
Despite this, Tony made sure that you knew how to defend yourself if you had to. You trained with Natasha at first but...it didn’t go so well. So you started training with Steve and Bucky. You learned quickly but hardly ever used your training. Mainly for stress relief or a good work out.
But here on Sakaar, you had to be on guard all the time. It was exhausting. You couldn’t imagine what it would be like if Loki wasn’t here. Surely without him you would be dead. 
You zone back in, hearing the Grandmaster introduce the first contender. 
“Ladies and gentlemen...I give you...Lord of Thunder. Watch out for his fingers, they sparkle.”
To your surprise, Thor walks out from his waiting area, the crowd booing as he enters. He was wearing different armor and most noticeably, his hair was cut. He had red markings going down the side of his face. 
“Jeez, now I remember why I had a small crush on him back in the day” you mutter to yourself. Loki looks at you in disgust and disappointment. You avoid his gaze, looking intensely at the arena. 
“Okay! Lets get ready to welcome this guy” 
The crowd cheers, getting excited for the next contender. The grandmaster rubs his hands together.
“Here he comes” 
a boom goes off and green smoke fills the air. The crowd applauds and cheers as they burst. 
“He is a creature. What can we say about him", 
Rumbling shakes the ground as the arena is lifted. Your chest fills with anxiety, this champion must be big if they have to lift the arena. You turn to Loki, seeing his face light up with a mix of emotions. 
“Well hes unique. There’s none like him” 
The rumbling continues as the area is still being lifted. 
“I feel a very special connection to him.” 
You see Thor prepare to fight, putting on a helmet. Concern fills your heart and the audiences cheers fill your ears. 
“Hes undefeated.” 
Loki’s words fill your head. Reminding you that Thor is a god. He’ll be okay.
“He’s reigning”
You settle down, trying to reign in your anxiety.
“He’s the defending.”
 Loki looks at you and smiles, brushing a curl out of your face and patting your cheek. You instantly feel better, knowing that someone is there for you.
“Ladies and gentlemen, I give you” 
“This guy really knows how to build suspense.” You whisper to Loki, who snorts into the drink he has. You both quiet down as the champions doors finally start to open.
“Your Incredible...” 
A roar fills the arena. A roar that makes your blood grow cold and your breath stop.
And there, bursting out of his holding area, was the Hulk. Dressed in gladiator armor, holding an axe and club in both hands. The crowd goes wild, cheering loudly at the sight of their champion. 
Your father, who has been missing for four years, was the Grandmasters champion.
“I have to get off this planet.” Loki says, pale at the memory of what the Hulk is capable of. He pulls you up from the couch, you lax with the shock, an rushes to leave.
“Hey, hey, hey where are you two going.” The Grandmaster intercepts the two of you guiding you both back to the seats. 
“Is she okay? She looks like she’s about to be sick” The grandmaster says, scooting away from you like you were contagious. Loki looks at you in concern and asks if you are okay. 
But you could barely hear him. You didn’t hear anything. You were just focused on the arena. Finally seeing the man who you were looking for.
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hollandsmushroom · 3 years
For the sleepover!!
Mob!Tom's teenager daughter asking for her older brother (23-ish or smth like that) to prank tom and post it on tiktokkkk
God, I don't know what came over me but I am kind of proud of myself for coming up with this!
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You had always tried to foster your children's creative spirits, especially since they grew up in such a difficult family. You had never expected to raise children with a mob boss but here you were with 2 grown children in a massive house. At this point they were way too old to need you for entertainment but not old enough to stop using you for entertainment.
Your daughter walked into the kitchen, laughing giddily at her pophone, catching her older brother's attention, drawing him from where he was looking at the swirling coffee in his mug. He raised his eyes to find her standing next to him, her phone screen turned towards him.
“You should do this to mom and dad” she chuckled tapping the screen and letting the video play. It was a kid and their dad chatting and the kid randomly asks when their dad was taking mom out, continuing with saying that they overheard mom talking about a date on the phone the other day. The tik tok ended with the dad sprinting out of the room, running while shouting something about getting flowers. The caption reading ‘He thought he forgot’ Your son couldn’t help but laugh at the idea, trying to think about what his father’s reaction would be, would he think you were cheating or would he assume that he had thoroughly fucked up, he would soon find out.
“Oh I am so gonna do that” he groaned through his laughter, his sister joining in on the jovial noise as well. Now was just the waiting game for the perfect time to give his father a heart attack. The opportunity came sooner than expected as he had not moved from his spot when his dad walked in. Tom wasn’t fully focused on what he was doing, his attention being focused on the phone in front of him, trying to remedy a shipment that had gone wrong down at the docks. So captured by the mess that was on his phone he didn’t notice his son propping up his phone and pressing record.
“So when are you taking mom on that date?” he asked deviously, trying to play coy, his words catching Tom’s attention, ripping his gaze from his screen and staring at his son incredulously.
“Date?” his voice was laced with confusion and loss at his sons words. “What date?” the boy tried desperately to bite back a smile.
“Oh, I heard mom talking about having a date tonight the other day on the phone” he explained, trying to play it off, trying not to break as Tom’s face contorted into one of anger and confusion. “I just assumed that it was you who was taking her-” before he could finish his sentence Tom was out of the kitchen and sprinting upstairs, calling out your name as he did, your son following behind, still filming.
“Y/N! I AM SO SORRY! ALSO WHO THE FUCK IS IT?” He screamed, running through the doorway to your bedroom and finding you folding laundry, his shouts pulling you from where you had sat to stand in front of him.
“I didn’t know we had something tonight, like i believe we didn’t so either I am a dumbass or you have another date, in that case who the fuck is it.” his voice dipping into a growl as he uttered the last words.
“Calm your tits, Holland” you chuckled at him, not understanding your husband's crazed state as he vomited a mixture of apologies and accusations your way, his chest rising and falling in anxiety and the strain that running up the stairs at such a rate had put him through.
“How are you so calm?” he spat, he looked angry, why was he angry, you didn’t know what he was on about, you were cheating but he was sorry? “Either you’re cheating on me or I forgot our date but you would be mad if I did that unless you for-”
“Tom!” you yelled, cutting him off and grabbing him by the shoulders. “I genuinely don’t know what you are talking about” you laugh, cupping his cheek but he pulled away before you could stroke his cheek with your thumb.
“But he said…” Tom was confused, the anger and panic he was experiencing fading into utter lostness, looking over his shoulder to see his son keeled over with laughter and holding his phone.
“I think you were played, my love” you laugh, turning his cheek towards you again and kissing him softly. “What did he tell you?” you inquired when you pulled away but before your husband could answer
“I told him I overheard you talking about a date you had and I knew he would either panic or assume that you were cheating but I thought he would choose one” your son wheezed out through his hysterical laughter, Tom hiding his face in the crook of your neck.
“I can’t believe I am handing a whole crime syndicate down to you” he groaned into your skin, feeling slightly irritated but mostly he was relieved that you were still his forever and always, and that you weren’t gaming for his head on a stick at his forgetfulness.
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@marvelhasmyheart235 @iluvdeja @capital-koreasofia @hollandsour @quaksonhehe @thollandneedy @parkerpeter24 @prancerrparkerr @lovehollandy12
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