#brotp: you're the only thing i know like the back of my hand
princesssarisa · 4 months
Character ask: The Robber Girl (The Snow Queen)
No one asked me, I just felt like sharing because I've been thinking about this story lately.
Favorite thing about them: How remarkably complex she is for a fairy tale character, especially a little girl. She's introduced as a savage little brat, in total contrast to the gentle, innocent Gerda. Yet from the start Andersen hints at her better nature, as she saves Gerda from being killed (albeit for selfish reasons, to force her to be her playmate), and her eyes are described as melancholy. We realize that she's a product of her upbringing, as we see her vicious drunkard mother and the un-familial way they treat each other. And of course, she eventually proves her inner goodness by becoming a genuine friend to Gerda and letting her go with the Reindeer. Yet she does this without losing any of her rough-and-tumble demeanor. There are very few characters in children's stories quite like her.
Least favorite thing about them: Her habit of casually threatening to kill Gerda in the earlier part of their acquaintance, and the way she teases the Reindeer with her knife and laughs at his terror. Did Andersen need to give her that much of a sadistic streak?
Three things I have in common with them:
*I'm broad-shouldered and have dark eyes.
*I can sometimes be selfish, but compassionate and caring too.
*I love animals.
Three things I don't have in common with them:
*I'm not a robber.
*I don't sleep with a knife in my hand.
*I don't torture animals for fun.
Favorite line:
This passage as she lets Gerda go, with its blend of rough yet sincere kindness, lingering selfishness, and irreverent humor:
"Here, take back your fur boots, for it's going to be bitter cold. I'll keep your muff, because it's such a pretty one. But your fingers mustn't get cold. Here are my mother's big mittens, which will come right up to your elbows. Pull them on. Now your hands look just like my ugly mother's big paws."
Her words to Kai when she meets him for the first time near the end:
"You're a fine one for gadding about. I'd just like to know whether you deserve to have someone running to the end of the earth for your sake."
From the Faerie Tale Theatre adaptation:
"Fraidy-cats like you give girls a bad name! The forest is no place for sugar and spice and everything nice! If you run with the wolves like me, you gotta be quick as a cricket and brave as a bear!"
"If word gets out I took pity on a city girl, I'll be booted out of the robbers' league for sure!"
brOTP: Gerda.
In crossover-land, I might also like to see her meet Éponine from Les Misérables, since they have a lot in common. Both are the abused daughters of ruthless criminals, both are wild, hardened, amoral girls as a result, both can stand up to a band of armed robbers and get their own way, and both sometimes skirt the edge between "good guy" and "bad guy." Yet both become deeply attached to one of the protagonists, which reveals their capacity for caring and unselfishness, and they both help to bring the story's innocent girl and boy together. Of course there are key differences too. The Robber Girl is a child, while Éponine is a teenager; the Robber Girl is robust, fierce, and aggressive, while Éponine is more frail, ghostly, and whimsical (in the novel, at least – I've seen productions of the musical that played her more like the Robber Girl); and of the aforementioned boy and girl they help to reunite, Éponine is devoted to the boy, while the Robber Girl is devoted to the girl. But I still wonder if Victor Hugo drew just a little inspiration from Hans Christian Andersen in this case.
OTP: Maybe Gerda, if you view Gerda's love for Kai as sibling-like.
nOTP: Her mother, or any of the adult robbers.
Random headcanon: This isn't a rare or original headcanon, but I'll cite it anyway: she's a baby lesbian with a crush on Gerda. Now, I won't pretend this is the only way to read her. She can also be seen as just a lonely, mistreated child desperate for a friend. But in a story written by a bisexual author, she wraps her arm around Gerda's waist as they ride together, insists that Gerda share her bed, sleeps with her arms around Gerda's neck, and playfully insults Kai (her male "rival" for Gerda's affections) when she eventually meets him. Does that seem entirely platonic?
Even Disney seems to have seen it, since when they very loosely adapted the story as Frozen, they made the Robber Girl's counterpart into a male – though Kristoff isn't a criminal, or as wild or initially nasty as the Robber Girl, he's still the gruff, unsociable reindeer-owner who becomes the heroine's unlikely friend and helper – and made him the love interest of Gerda's counterpart Anna.
Unpopular opinion: Her appeal for me isn't because she's "badass." Repeatedly I've seen critics fixate on her feistiness as the reason to like her. But while it is endearing – and I do like that she's not "tamed" in any way, but gets to end the story by leaving her mother and setting out with a stolen horse and pistols to explore the world – that's not what matters most about her. It's that she has all the potential to be a villain, and at first she seems as if she'll be one, yet she feels compassion for Gerda, and as a result, without losing her hard edge or changing too much to believe, she chooses to do good.
Song I associate with them: None in particular.
Favorite picture of them:
This illustration by Arthur Rackham.
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This illustration by Margaret Tarrant, showing her protecting Gerda from the adult robbers.
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This illustration of the same moment by Nika Golz.
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This illustration by Milo Winter.
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This illustration by Honor C. Appleton.
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This illustration by T. Pym, with Gerda.
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This illustration by Henry J. Ford, showing her letting Gerda and the reindeer go. I like that strange, exotic (and probably stolen) outfit she's wearing!
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Another illustration of the same scene.
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From the 1957 Russian animated film.
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Linda Manz in the Faerie Tale Theatre adaptation. (Too old for the role, yes, but it works because Gerda and Kai are aged up too. I wish I could find a good full-body picture, though, because I like her androgynous, fur-covered costume.)
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@ariel-seagull-wings, @themousefromfantasyland, @thealmightyemprex
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h0n3yk1tt3n · 2 months
2 7 18
2. Are there any popular fandom OTPs that you only BroTP?
Stagedorks. The show's writing didn't justify getting them together in either script. Two River gets a pass for being ambiguous by Not Making Them Kiss.
7. Is there anything you used to like but can't stand now?
Going on tumblr /j
I used to like over-the-top-evil squip, but now I prefer a more quiet sort of manipulation. Yes it still shocks Jeremy but for Logical Science Reasons and not to be Sadistic™️. I'm training you to not slouch. This is a good thing. But like. Idk. I think I care more about the Aftermath and how it effected everyone that was squipped (yes. All of them), which may include It Comes Back Briefly or nightmares but. I think I just prefer my silly shitposts of the squad just dicking around being friends.
18. Does not shipping something 'popular' mean you're in denial and/or biased?
It depends, on the wider fandom scale, but I'll try to narrow it down to bmc.
I never really got expensive headphones. I was biased toward boyfs but I also just. Couldn't see where those shippers were coming from. But ppl do more with less so whatev. But then ppl were screaming about expensive headphones being canon on bway bc of the "is he your boyfriend?" in the hospital and michael just.. pulling the curtain on him.. the same way he did in two river. Or when michael and rich "flirted" in vimh. (Wasn't it like.. Gerard put his hand on George and George took it off with a lil smile?? Or smth innocuous??)
Like. George and Will had that kiss on opening night curtain call. Gerard carried an understudy Jeremy (troy??) off stage. They did little goofs every show, and don't think any of those contribute to wider canon.
Ppl swear up and down that the energy was flirty in the hospital scene and I. Just don't care enough to check. I didn't think it was way back when I saw a boot and then never touched it again. But that was back in 2019 so who the hell knows.
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shadow naoto for the character thing :)
Favorite thing about him
oh my goodness . literally where do i start . his stupid lab coat . the way he is such a crybaby about things that dont go how he wants . HIS FUCKING OPERATION TABLE . HIS TRANSFORMED SHADOW DESIGN OH MY GOD . I LOVE HIM .
Least favorite thing about him
[INCREDIBLY LOUD INCORRECT BUZZER] absolutely nothing . i love him forever .
Favorite line
OH MAN THATS TOUGH . one of these two though .
”The fools all say it, don't they…? 'You're only a child,' 'Keep out of our business, kid,' and so forth. No matter how many cases you spend hours cogitating over, no matter how many crimes you solve, you're a child in their eyes. It's your brain they're interested in. The grey matter locked up in that skull. As long as they need it, you're an ace detective! But once you're done, it's back to the playpen with you. You haven't the means to deal with society's two-faced nature… You're just a lonely child."
”No! No, no, don’t go! Why is everyone leaving?! I don’t want to be alone!”
i think him and shadow rise could be good friends . they are something. who knows what exactly
ever the fellow i am i too enjoy shadow shiromura . they are trying to kill each other and it will be the gayest thing you will lay eyes on. these two arent coming back until one or both of them are dead .
narukami x naoto is already a no for me . so it isnt surprising that narukami x s.nao is also a no . teddie is also a Huge no .
random headcanon
his hands ? there are claws there . like . straight talons instead of nails . theyre sharp enough for any required incision, but he likes his tools more, so he covers them with the coat sleeves, it isnt just for style .
a song i associate with them
queen fly - alice schach and the magic orchestra
i cannot explain it . but god . it makes sense . to me . i prommy .
favorite image
oh . thats easy . its this one . fucking freak (i love him so much)
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i love him . hes problems
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fenharael · 2 years
For the character ask thing. Varrè?
Disclaimer: Everyone's got a right to their headcanons these are just mine...etc.
Sexuality headcanon:
Bi/pan for sure. Honestly I cannot see him as a willing bottom/submissive for anyone except Mohg — and that likely would involve stockholm syndrome, cult indoctrination, and rape — the dude has way too much ego/pride and gleeful sadist energy. I do think he could sub if sufficiently psychologically broken though!
A ship I have with said character:
I ship him with the Tarnished mostly. I like the dynamic happening there in general and since everyone’s Tarnished OC’s are different there’s always a new story or angle to read.
I ship him with Mohg but only one-sided and unrequited.
I like the idea of him being insanely jealous of Miquella and maybe taking it out on his sleeping cocoon form somehow.
A BROTP I have with said character:
Courtesy of @quesoquejoso​ Varré and Eleonora are BFF’s.
In terms of my own hc’s though I see him as a loner lol. I don’t really think he has any friends, he strikes me as someone who is unpleasant to be around and would push people away and I don’t think being in a cult would make that better.
A NOTP I have with said character:
I don’t know if I have any NOTP’s for him really? I think the only one I don’t really like is Mohg/Varré that’s reciprocal or where Mohg treats him as an equal or as his lover as opposed to a tool or love-bombing him before tossing him away.
A random headcanon:
He’s dirty and doesn’t care about his appearance. You cannot convince me he is hygienic or washes his hands for an operation unless it’s for a person he cares to keep alive. Is he a huge hypocrite about this and will he get mad if you compare him to a barber surgeon? Yes. He shaves when his beard irritates him under his mask, he keeps his hair up to avoid brushing it. Doesn’t remember the last time he bathed.
I will not be taking criticism.
General Opinion over said character:
I think I wrote about this in another post so I’ll tl;dr with: Love the contrasts and contradictions in his character, love evil killer doctor men, love tragedy, courtly love, gender fuckery, sexy voice
He makes the dopamine happen in my brain I DON’T KNOW WHY.
Gender headcanon:
This is going to sound weird but I have a hard time separating his character from his design, his performance, and his behavior. Please forgive me because I'm gonna get long-winded and I'm gonna make a hard left before circling back around to get to my answer. 😅
Varré as he portrays himself part 1.
Varré seems very comfortable and confident in his identity in how he was acted by Pip Torrens, how his dialogue is written, and how he behaves. He is sinister, haughty, condescending, and passive-aggressive.
This line and it's delivery:
"...Yes, I see. Perhaps it's just as well. Besides, you are maidenless. One can only do so much with the materials provided..."
speaks volumes on his views of his role and of the Tarnished he is attempting to indoctrinate. He thinks he's wasting his time. I'd go as far as to say he killed those he found particularly unworthy outright — at least until Tarnished were harder to come by as time went on. You are a rare commodity and he has to use you though you're below his standards.
It's very clear to anyone paying attention that he feels this way, but if you were to take him at face value (as a naïve Tarnished might) he would come off as genuinely helpful and kind — he alludes to this himself when he says:
"... If you mistake kindness for frailty of heart, then perhaps a more physical lesson is in order!"
So, despite his best efforts to come across as a guide and trustworthy enough to set a new recruit on the right path — he doesn't make quite enough effort to conceal it completely.
This in itself might be a part of the recruitment test — as Roderika asks if you were "enticed" into heading to Stormveil on his instruction and in his cut dialogue Yura calls him "a charlatan”.
So other NPC's are well aware something is off about him and refuse to engage. The fact that you do — despite this — might be the point. He wants someone comfortable with a general feeling of "wrongness" who continues to do as he says anyway.
In regards to his personal beliefs Varré doesn’t lie or mislead the Tarnished at any point either. He simply suggests we visit the Roundtable and form our own opinion. He is even willing to share his own — That the Roundtable Hold’s glory days are far behind it and its remaining warriors are not what they used to be.
Once you have proven yourself as a truly worthy candidate, he will open up even further, divulging that he believes the Two Finger’s have given the Tarnished a foolhardy task and that their guidance was broken with the Elden Ring’s shattering. At this point he will bring up that they harbor “no love for our kind” revealing that, he too, may be Tarnished.
Up until now, the only deception Varré has engaged in is pretending to be nice and patient enough with you to get you to this point. Presumably, before his option to take you to the Roundtable himself was cut even that wouldn’t have been a lie, as he states quite plainly that he likes you and see’s enough potential in you to show you the way.
Despite the mask, despite being dressed as a “man of compassion” and a killer, despite offering you guidance in the ultimate hope of recruiting you as a Bloody Finger: Varré is remarkably honest and up front about who he is and what he feels.
So, once you are well and truly in his good graces and he trusts you... how does that change?
Varré as he portrays himself part 2.
For starters, let’s take Varré’s infamous opening lines:
“...Unfortunately for you, however, you are maidenless. Without guidance, without the strength of runes, and without an invitation to the Roundtable Hold... You are fated, it seems, to die in obscurity. Luckily for you, however, there is one shining ray of hope for even the maidenless. Me. Varré.”
While dripping with sarcasm, I’d argue the popular fan-interpretation of this being a come-on isn't far off. While seemingly a part of his ruse, Varré plays the role of stand-in Finger Maiden well enough if you decide to continue his questline. And if you do continue, it becomes clear it may not be a ruse after all.
Varré’s message to the Tarnished once we’ve defeated Godrick reads:
“Find yourself maidenless? Off to Liurnia with you, then! Seek the Rose Church, west of the Gate Town.”
This can be taken two ways, first it can be read as a personalized dig at the PC and second it can be read as an offer: “Find yourself maidenless? Would you like to change that?” if you decide you would like a maiden, he asks you to meet him at the Rose Church... wedding bells ring somewhere in the distance.
Pretty much everyone knows this by now, but in JP the substitute for “lambkin” is “watashi no anata” which is a possessive and traditionally gendered way of referring to someone in close personal context. Ex: A wife calling her husband “my (you) dear”.
In JP from the first time Varré calls you “my (you)” the association of him as your bride is made clear. His pet name “my lambkin”, on the other hand, evokes images of sacrifice and innocence. Is the bride marrying you into Mohg’s faithful flock? Or he is grooming you as a lamb for slaughter? Either way he’s taking you to the altar.
Aside from being your maiden and bride, he is also your Lady. He sends you off on different dangerous tasks, bidding you return, and giving you gifts. Most notably, he gifts you the “Lord of Blood’s Favor” which he bids you stain in the blood of your former any maiden to swear your allegiance. Which is then replaced with his true favor: A lovely brooch to declare your public devotion to the dynasty as his knight.
The Subtext ™
Sex in Elden Ring is very deliberate and very much lurking underneath the surface of almost every strange-looking rock. Generally it is used in connection to fertility and birth, but it also serves as a way many taboo things are explored  or shown in the setting. This combined with Fromsoftware’s unique and subtle brand of storytelling — which puts a lot of emphasis on the little moments of human connection in a dark and dangerous world makes the Mohgwyn Dynasty, and in this specific instance, the act of becoming a Bloody Finger — stand out.
In a series of games where the act of holding hands or calling someone your friend is probably the highest form of human intimacy possible besides mercy killing or stabbing them in the face with a sword. Elden Ring shakes that up, with marriage and sex being talked of openly, but it isn’t handled in a crude or vulgar way. You never outright have mention of sex, of the two items that do mention it (turtle neck meat, Daedicar’s woe) one of them had the reference removed and the other is stated in a subtle way.
Mohg’s whole thing revolves around the birth of a new dynasty via Miquella as his consort. He “shares his bloody bedchamber” and sets his consort’s cocoon atop a giant pelvis. The sex imagery is very much front and center, though it is tasteful and understated, dressed up in symbolism and ritual.
Which brings us (finally) to the Bloody Finger scene. Probably the most blatantly erotic thing outside of the entirety of Bloodborne Lady Maria’s visceral attack animation and the Three Finger’s “embrace”.
To start, the animation for the way Varré extends his arm is just...very seductive. I am unsure of how else to phrase that, but the animation is unique and it is smooth and inviting up until the second he grabs your wrist and very forcefully restrains your Tarnished from moving.
Second, the delivery of:
“Oh good heavens! Clench your teeth or something.”
In the version of this line used in the retail game “Oh good heavens” definitely sounds like a man who wasn’t expecting to be turned on by your screams (to me) or wasn’t expecting you to scream that much. Followed by a dismissive and smug “clench your teeth, or something.”
“Never forget that feeling of agony. For it is what binds you to Luminary Mogh, to all of us. Ha ha ha... You have the sweetest scream. My lambkin.”
Self explanatory. Man gets off on your screaming.
Why the fuck did I write all of this?
I don’t know, I probably didn’t have to and I’m feeling sort of dumb about it.
But uh, to establish that Varré is confident and assured in his identity and that he deliberately and purposefully puts himself in the social context of being your maiden. Whether this is genuine or is just part of Mohgwyn Indoctrination 101 is unclear, but the fact remains he does it and he does it with enthusiasm.
To establish that sex and sexuality are a factor in his characterization and in his relationship to the PC with the context of  the faction he is in and considering how Fromsoft has handled character relationships and how they showcase certain things.
In conclusion:
I headcanon Varré as confident in his masculinity, confident enough that he’s willing to play with gender fuckery and expectations to be a maiden and bride to a Tarnished Inductee and Knight. That he sees it as his sacred duty and an honor — or that he sees it as a necessary ploy to give his master what he wants — fresh blood. Either way Varré is Extremely Gender and I love him.
Edit regarding sexuality headcanon:
My gender headcanon may seem contradictory to my sexuality headcanon, why would he be willing to play the "socially subordinate"'role of a woman and not be willing to do that sexually?
Well, for one, I don't think the gender roles in ER are necessarily reflective of traditional gender roles in reality. I think the birth imagery around Miquella, St Trina's gender bending, Dolores's gender bending, the role and status of women in the setting, and the general gender neutral use of titles and treatment by characters supports this.
I think ones sexual preferences to top/bottom have less gendered weight and more weight regarding power and status.
That being said, to rephrase my sexuality headcanon: I think Varré is a man who wants power and is willing to debase himself for it. I do not think he sees anyone but Mohg as worthy or able to give him that power and thus would not place himself socially underneath them (willingly). I think his subservience to Mohg was a hard pill to swallow (lol) but was achieved, as previously mentioned, through torture and abuse. Once he drank the koolaid though, he was all in baby.
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blairwaldcrf · 2 years
Caroline, Lexi, Rebekah
1: sexuality headcanon
somewhere on the queer spectrum, but less so than some of the other characters imo. also very demiromantic.
2: otp
stefan. i mean day one pilot episode it was him, and she got her june wedding just like she wanted which is Queen shit. (i do also have a soft spot for other ships with her though as i think she's one of the most shippable characters created. ie forwood, baroline, katholine, carenzo, klefaroline)
3: brotp
I think Bonnie, but like. as with every other character in the show she could have treated Bonnie so much better and the wedding invite was some bs. That being said, they were still both so much better to each other than the other half of the barolena friendship
4: notp
Other than the extremely obvious daroline? this used to be klaroline back when the show was airing, but since i don't hate them anymore, I'd say matt/caroline. he was just always pointing out her flaws in a "I'm so great for accepting you despite you" nice-guy way, while not bothering to hide that he was still in love with her best friend??, that was gross.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
she doesn't let stefan sacrifice himself and after whatever finale fix alternative they run the school with klaus lol (idk if i like klaus as a school board figure or as a history teacher ala the hilarious bodyswapped!alaric scene but that's a different post)
6: favorite line from this character
not a line so much as an exclamation, but I adore her "Seriously?" every time. favorite quirk.
other badly paraphrased highlights off the top of my head while high: "lesbian friend necklace because we're freakly like that?" "if someone says I can't, I prove them wrong" "no one's more dangerous than who you're inviting into your bed" "come to me. whenever you need. i won't let you lose control" "I'm a good vampire. i don't go around killing people!"
7: one way in which I relate to this character
lol only one??? I'm the type A control freak, her favorite blood is B+ and that's indeed my blood type (caroline suck on me please), i was the insecure highschooler who got with an abuser, my mom died of cancer after i got close to her in adulthood...
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
this quote specifically makes me cringe every single time: "girl likes boy, boy likes girl. sex."
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
I'm probably the problematic one for thinking this considering her body count if nothing else, but cinnamon roll
1: sexuality headcanon
2: otp
I don't really have one? I think she and Sheila would be adorable after reading the comic but Sheila knows better than to mess with vampires lol
3: brotp
Stefan!! ❤
4: notp
her & damon obvs
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
when stefan goes to the other side in the finale she berates him for at least a year non stop for sacrificing himself on his wedding day for damon.
6: favorite line from this character
"She was, and she will always be an epic love. Contrary to popular belief, there are actually multiple ones, especially for a vampire."
7: one way in which I relate to this character
i too ship steroline and think Stefan needs to stay off his bullshit
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
she liked damon for a second :/
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
cinnamon roll
1: sexuality headcanon
probably bi but I doubt she cares about labels after millenia
2: otp
her and Marcel. granted I didn't watch more than maybe a season of the originals, but still
3: brotp
4: notp
Damon, per usual
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
at some point she finds the letters klaus sent elijah while pretending to be her while she was staked and she teases klaus relentlessly for his flowery descriptions of stefan (once the anger subsided)
6: favorite line from this character
I'm not sure I have an exact line but I did enjoy the breakfast club esque episode where she said plenty of on point, petty, hilarious things
7: one way in which I relate to this character
like she does for nohumanity!elena, i too support women's wrongs
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
weirdly, her thing for stefan? i'm not sure I could even pinpoint why tbh
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
sinnamon roll
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kitkatt0430 · 9 months
Eddie Thawne for the character ask game!
1: sexuality headcanon
Bisexual (though I'll write him as whatever fits the story best when writing fanfic, make it schrodinger's sexuality, I don't know until the plot demands it)
2: otp
Westhawne or Westhallen - He loves Iris so much in canon it's hard not to be charmed by the Eddie/Iris ship, but I'm a sucker for resolving love triangles by just... closing the triangle, so Barry/Eddie/Iris is probably the overall winner with me
3: brotp
Eddie & Barry - much as I do like shipping them romantically, the platonic broship is really wonderful too
4: notp
I don't know if there's any Joe/Eddie or Eobard/Eddie out there and I'm afraid to look, but if those ships exist I'm going to politely never interact with them or acknowledge their existence beyond hoping they don't.
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
Eddie's never had a pet, but he really wants one. So when he settles into life with Barry and Iris and baby Nora post-show, he's super excited to meet McSnurtle the Turtle and learn all about the care and feeding of pet turtles and starts referring to McSnurtle as their scale-baby. Since... you know... no fur.
Barry and Iris find this incredibly adorable of him.
6: favorite line from this character
When Eddie's on pain killers and he sees Barry being a bit Flash-y and then gets reminded that he's high right now.
"Did you guys see that?" "You're just high, partner." "Right, I forgot."
He laughs after and probably forgets the whole thing afterwards, but it's really just such a cute moment. Especially after he was so pleased to see Barry show up with flowers for him.
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Eddie is definitely the sort of person who will go out super late or drive somewhere out of his way to help a friend and I try to be that kind of person to my friends too.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
They brought him back just to add him to the list of people of have treated Iris more like a prize to win than a person. I'm still so pissed off at the show for bringing Eddie back for the finale only to turn him into the final villain and ignore the fact that he'd died specifically so Iris could have her own life. I know he's being gaslit by the NSF at the time but it is still sooo painful to watch because it's so wildly out of character no matter what excuses they make.
That said, for S1 Eddie only? Watching him try to lie to Iris is hilariously bad, poor baby just cannot do it.
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Cinnamon roll hands down
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dirtypuzzlewrites · 1 year
Fanfic Masterpost
My name is DP, and this is an 18+ blog in that you might encounter some NSFW or explicit writing and a lot of gore/body horror/guts on the outside lovingly described from time to time.
I write for: Naruto, DC, ATLA, SPN, BNHA, BTS/kpop, Teen Wolf, SW (mostly prequel/EU/Clone Wars), and CR1. I'm open to most things and the list will eventually expand. (Anything colored I actually have published. Everything else is in the drafts.)
If you'd like to ask me to alpha or beta, send me a DM and we can chat. Depending on what you're looking for and how long the fic is, I'm more than happy to consider it!
Published Works Under the Cut:
Spillover series - post-Kamino AU - WIP - 4/?
Things never could’ve stayed the same after Kamino. All Might didn’t simply pass on his legacy; his retirement created an event horizon that neither Midoriya nor Bakugou could return from. This time, however—for this point of no return—they have adults willing to intervene on their behalf. [Or: A hospital visit changes things for the great.] This is a series of one-shots that explores a bit more adult intervention without taking the characters out of the action. Very hurt/comfort, very Talking Through Your Shit.
Go Back On and Make Good series - Time Travel AU - WIP - 1/5
“Duty will ask all of you for everything, if only so that someone will give it. Pray to the gods that it isn’t you and accept my pity if it is. Because it is pitiful, and no one will let you forget it.” (The real story of Kakashi Hatake is written down, sealed, and stored in its entirety at the back of the Hokage’s wartime bunker. Konoha’s Rokudaime becomes a figure of legend. No one knows their name, their face, or when they became Hokage, but no one else is allowed to hold the title. Rumor has it that they were a past Hokage brought back to life. They don’t realize how right they are.) Massive 5-part Naruto Peggy-Sue. I started this years ago and am still in the process of cleaning up the first fic so I can continue it. It's not dead, but it hasn't been updated in a while. I swear I will get there lmfao.
Heist Me Up - Canon Compliant? AU? idk - WIP - 1/?
It starts, like most of Ochako’s better ideas do, as a bout of envious window shopping. Shouto would like to state for the record, though, that he was on board from the word go, and is always down to break the law. He just figured that he could help Ochako snag a few goodies along the way. The Hero Commission stuff and the finding family stuff, well. He’s still processing it. Ochako just laughs and ropes Izuku’s mom into filing the lawsuits because they’re both nice like that. Crack fics that explore a chaotic Ochako & Shouto brOTP.
How We Win the War - Modern Magic AU - WIP - 6/?
Namjoon lives in transition. Always in the now, the present that never looks back and never plans for tomorrow. He’ll do anyone a favor for a price and only comes up for air in the niches he scatters around the globe. He doesn’t want a coven. He lives in-between and eyes forward. [Or: Namjoon needs a new apothecary. The coven that runs it won’t seem to leave him alone.] Inspired by Up We Go by Oh_Hey_Tae. (Definitely go read that.) This fic has entirely gotten away from me, and the hours spent on research hopefully doesn't go to waste.
To Steal Our Seoul - Modern AU - WIP - 1/?
You’ve heard success stories, you’ve heard the tales of bright-eyed kids making it big on nothing but faith and ramen noodles, clutching a dream tighter than they ever did their sense. But do you have time for the failures? Time for the deep crevasse of those that slipped on the ice and fell through the mile-deep cracks? Sometimes we need sacrificial lambs, not heroes. State secrets aren’t so secret anymore, and a handful of dreamers are going to get sucked in and never find their way back out. They can’t let their Seoul die, not when it took so much blood to find it in the first place. “Bearing that in mind, the question which remains to us is this: what is humanity? What do we have to do to keep humanity as one thing and not another?”—Han Kang, ‘Human Acts’ Stand-alone fic for BTS/Mamamoo. Modern AU with a bit of a twist. Gets really political and fucky, though I've only got one chapter out right now. Also heavy on research.
Sworn and Razed - Anakin Has a Twin!AU - WIP - 1/?
Tatooine is where memory goes to die. The galaxy leaves junk in their sand to never be dug up again, including the bones of Outer Rim slaves. Her father—a man Mama has never talked about—has no grave and no name, no stone or marked plot like the dead on real planets do. Lukka shears the flesh from bones when His sands rip across the horizon, the only vulture His winds. Mama tells them early on how it is: your name is your memory, and you’re remembered as long as there are folks that still say it. Don’t forget the names of the people you love; don’t forget; don’t forget; you won’t forget Mama, will you, Tan-Tan? Zeynatan will have a grave even if it’s the last thing she does, even if she has to dig up a thousand tons of rock. Nobody will forget her name; they’ll have to write it into their history books and carve it into their marble statues. Obi-Wan Kenobi left her in the desert to be forgot. Took her brother away from her. Surely hoped the twin suns would burn away her memory, her spite, her rage. And Obi-Wan Kenobi will die for it. Based on the tumblr post by @/wizardarchetypes's childhood OFC.
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udaberriwrites · 2 years
And another ask for the character thing. Your headcanons for Trevor Belmont :D
Trevor Belmont
1: sexuality headcanon
As Sex in the City put it, Trevor is try-sexual... as in, he'll try anything once.
On a more serious note however, I think he'd only really be attracted to someone who was capable and could take care of themselves. Otherwise they'd just be in the "to be protected and/or can be safely ignored" category", neither of which would be conductive to a strong romantic or sexual attachment.
2: otp
Adrian/Sypha/Trevor... again, of course! I mean, Trephacard is just great. Great chemistry together, they each know when to be there and when to step back and they just... fit together. Each of them has something to contribute to the partnership, and they are stronger together. What else can anyone ask?
3: brotp
With Greta! Which is the easy way out, maybe? I do see her as the awesome bff for all of them, thanks in no small part to your stories... but really, they are alike in a pragmatic, straightforward kins of way, aren't they? I really do see them clicking fast (though Greta would probably learn about who he is first from Adrian's and Sypha's stories at the tail end of S4)
4: notp
Eeh... I don't know, St. Germain, maybe?
Ok, yes, now that I see it down on the page. That's a hard pass for me, I just can't see it happening in a non-crack way 😅
5: first headcanon that pops into my head
That he lost some vision on the scarred eye due to the injury not being properly treated, but that he has learned to compensate. It's not so much of an issue in fights, but for mundane tasks like reading or cooking it can get distracting.
6: favorite line from this character
"Killing you was the point. Living through it was just a luxury." 
If that doesn't completely encapsulate where he stood at the start of the series, I don't know what would T-T
7: one way in which I relate to this character
Maybe how difficult it is for him to trust, and yet he still does it, because the alternative is being alone so the reward is worth the risk.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
That bar fight in the first episode 😆 yes, I know, that's the point but Trevor, my man, you're gonna fight Dracula in a season and a half, what are you doing fighting thugs and badly at that 😂
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
He was the cinammon roll of the Belmont clan, but then there was a long and extended Break the Cutie period. So know the sweetness is only deep down on the inside 😁
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la-pheacienne · 2 years
Chuck for meme?
@cauldronofmorning Chuuuuuck omg ok (I didn't read yours on purpose even tho I saw you answered this, to not be influenced 😅)
1: sexuality headcanon : sexually insecure, has felt attraction for men when he was in college but he was a coward and he didn't do anything
2: otp : his wife. I liked them together.
3: brotp : Jimmy. Brotp from hell, each scene they shared was an absolute miracle but also made me wanna tear my eyes out.
4: notp : Kim. They didn't vibe at all. Very cold akward vibe
5: first headcanon that pops into my head : aaaaaaah Chuck as a kid bringing his good grades home all happy but his mum was more excited about a silly thing little Jimmy has done to make her happy, like probably a very silly drawing or a funny theater sketch and she totally ignored Chuck and his grades and he was crying alone at night all bitter and spiteful.
6: favorite line from this character : ahhhhhhh let me think fuck fuck so many ok obviously "slippin Jimmy with a law degree is like a chimp with a machine gun" but also "in the end, you're gonna hurt everyone around you, you can't help it, so stop apologizing, embrace it! I would have more respect for you if you did". And then "if you don't like where you're heading there is no shame in going back and changing your path". Traumatising little shit
7: one way in which I relate to this character : well I studied law, I was always the very good student who just isn't cut for interpersonal relationships that are so fundamental for a lawyer, and it's frustrating to see other people who know less than me do better at the job simply for being charming. That I understand very well. But I'm an only child so the similarities stop there.
8: thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character : well the CHICANERY scene. Iconic tho
9: cinnamon roll or problematic fave? : Problematic fave. I love him. During the show I absolutely hated his guts but now I love him. Definitely problematic.
Thank you for asking 💖
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dedahblog · 2 years
I know that the ichiiruki fandom likes to ship Ichigo and Rukia's zanpakto together but honestly I don't think Zangetsu and Sode no Shirayuki can get along.
As far as the anime portrayal is concerned, Sode no Shirayuki is basically a tsundere and who's between Ichigo and Zangestu is the tsundere ?
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I think you get where I'm going. Silly drabble under the cut about Ichigo x Sode no Shirayuki brotp potentials
Ichigo : ...
Sode no Shirayuki : ...
Ichigo : Nice weather, right?
S n S : ...
Ichigo: So ! Chappy told me you're the only all white zanpaktou.
S n S : ...
Ichigo : and the most beautiful one ever created
S n S : You lowly human, are you trying to court me ?
Ichigo : We've been silently staring at each other for 2 hours waiting for Zangetsu and Rukia to come back. I'm just trying to make small talks and what was that gross thing you just said right now ?! Don't even joke about it, idiot.
S n S : All that talk about being the most beautiful zanpakto is meaningless. What does a sword get from being beautiful ? If anything the beauty of the zanpakto is the reflection of the soul of its weilder.
Ichigo (scratching the back of his neck slightly smiling) Ha... Rukia admires you a lot. I'm happy you feel the same.
S n S : W-what are you talking about ? Who feels the sa- I'm just stating facts ! It's not like I'm writing poems about Rukia sama in my spare time or anything !
Ichigo : Hey ! Hey ! What's wrong with writing po- I-I mean who cares about that ! It's not like Rukia is that pretty pretty pretty
S n S : How dare you badmouth Rukia sama you lowly-
Ichigo : I never said Rukia isn't pretty pretty ! I'm saying she's just pretty pretty pretty. See ! You're the one denying your feelings for her !
S n S : Well, I never said she's pretty pretty. I'm just saying if you want to call her pretty pretty pretty you should at least call her pr-
That's when, Rukia and Zangetsu came back from the bunny theme festival.
Three days ago, Ichigo was willing to go with Rukia and was actually excited despite his "Hmm, I guess I have no other choice."
It was until he saw the tv ad, that he swore he would never go to "this childish festival" "Like who do you think I am ?? I have a reputation ! Your creepy rabbit obse- aarg" **Rukia's violence on Ichigo**
Of course, this was only an excuse.
The real reason was that he saw someone dressed as a bunny in the tv ad with a similar outfit to the one from a horror manga he watched when he was 6.
A movie that traumatized him ever since.
He didn't even have to ask Zangetsu to go instead of him because the latter was already aware of Ichigo's trauma.
As a part of his soul, he also watched that movie simultaneously and was also freaked out when he saw that tv ad.
However, he thought that if he let Ichigo go to that festival, all his inner world would filled with creepy serial killer bunny and Zangestu wouldn't be able to rest even one eyelid.
That's why he went.
Aside from the fact Rukia insisted on having a photo with that bunny in particular, the festival wasn't that disastrous experience. Althought the cheesy cuteness of the chappy dance was too much for him to handle, Rukia's company made it worth it
To sum up, Zangetsu was glad it was over until he saw Ichigo and Sode no Shirayuki yelling at each other.
Rukia,on the other hand, was deeply concerned. She had never seen the calm and collected Sode no Shirayuki so heated up. But seeing her indulging Ichigo's idiocies warmed her heart "She's an idiot after all. I'm glad they get along, right Zangetsu ? "
However, Zangetsu wasn't impressed at all. He said to himself "King has found someone who's going to fuel his tsundere behavior even more". Him being the first victim of Ichigo's emotional constipation and inner frustrations, he braces himself for the dark future awaiting for him.
Zangestu : Let's go back do that tummy bunny dance challenge.
Rukia : I thought you said on the name of murder and blood lust, you would never do it
Zangetsu : Well, I need something to stop reminding me of some dark upcoming events and this dumb challenge is the only thing that can help me right now.
Rukia : (too concerned to notice he insulted chappy) ... do you need to talk about it ?
Zangetsu: I wish I could tell you.
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fireheartedpup · 2 months
Has Jaal been asked for the character breakdown yet?
No, you're the only one!
How I feel about this character
Apparently, I'm a sucker for characters who call me darling. Best video game boo until Astarion came along. I want so much more of Angaran culture. Help.
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Me. Obviously.
I can ship anyone with anyone, but Peebee makes a strong case I think. They find each other fascinating, and I think it would be interesting.
Cora would play into Jaal's romanticism, and he might be able to help her relax. It's so funny how he asks everyone what their hobbies are and he doesn't understand he's on a ship with people who traveled to an entirely different galaxy because they are workaholics. He would learn about roses for her, and she'd really like being a part of his family (she hadn't seen her parents for years before their spaceship went missing.)
He and Vetra are pretty sweet to each other. She likes the lotion he traded her. I haven't actually thought as much about this game since Baldur's Gate came out, so I don't have a lot more to say at the moment. I'll come back to you my beloved
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Liam. Even if you don't say fuck canon I do what I want, it's an excellent brotp. They take an active interest in each other's cultures, and Liam is pretty good at emotional intelligence when he wants to be.
He and Gil are an underrated pairing imo. Gil helps him build technology that'll let him watch movies the way an Angaran would--by feeling the emotions of the actors through the screen.
I don't know how that's going to work with non-Angaran media, since no one else has the same bioelectrics, but it's a sweet gesture.
My unpopular opinion about this character
He's a bit immature sometimes. The Angaran focus on expressing all of your emotions means he sometimes jumps the gun a bit.
I'm not sure Evfra actually sent him when he came to meet the protagonist. I think he had a say in that decision. And I think he overstepped, and that he and Evfra went a bit too far in making Aya a military state. Paaran Shie was right--she had that in hand, and he should have left the initial meeting to the diplomats. She's not exactly untrained. I think this is one reason she and Evfra butt heads, and I would have a lot to say about it if I were there.
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
More. Please give me my alien back. I want more of him. Please. When is the next game coming
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the-obiwan-for-me · 2 years
Amilyn Holdo for character ask meme?
Jesus, not being gentle on me, are you?
Why I like her: This is a stretch. The other characters I've been asked about so far have been ones I have, at least, consumed a lot of content for, and most I've spent a lot of time getting to know and thinking about. Holdo has little content (I've only encountered her in The Last Jedi and Leia: Princess of Alderaan. Is she in comics, too? Other novels? I don't typically read post OT canon novels). But, from what I know of her, I more or less like her. She's an interesting, off beat character. In a sea of pilots and naval officers, here comes this hippie queen that everyone is calling admiral. She's pretty and soft spoken, and then turns out to be a take no prisoners, get er done bitch (affectionate). And I respect that. I was happy to see her in the Leia novel, and it absolutely makes sense they are lifelong friends. She also makes one of the badassest scenes in an otherwise dumb movie (pretty movie. But it's so dumb. If you read that as Benoit Blanc, we can be friends).
What I don't like about her: A lot, actually. In the novel, she's written very much like a tropey Luna Lovegood character, and I don't think that's how she's meant to be. And I did NOT at all get the point of her keeping information from Poe. Like, honestly, let your scared forces know what you're thinking! Jesus, woman. There was no good reason for it other than to make Poe angry and make him do dumb, rash things. It felt weird and unnecessary (like the entirety of the sequel movies). And I have some issues with her character design. Even Leia, who is absolutely the genetic material of Padme Amidala and raised by the fashion king and queen, Bail and Breha Oragana, wears clothes suitable for the task at hand. She doesn't step into a war room (usually) dressed like she's ready for a senatorial gala. I don't see why Holdo was. She's an admiral.
Favorite scene: There's not a lot to choose from, but I did like the sweet moment with Leia after Leia wakes up and stuns Poe while he's being a little shit. That was kinda cute.
Favorite line: .....I don't think I have one. I thought she said the "hope is like the sun" line, though she credited Leia for it, but it looks like Leia DID say it. So.....
Favorite outfit: She wears one purple dress, and I already talked about how I feel about it.
OTP: Her work? I do know she is pansexual, so that's cool.
Brotp: Leia? That seems like a reach.
Headcanon: This is the most I've ever thought about Holdo, so here is my rapid fire, off the cuff headcanon. She WAS at a gala, hence the dress, and got called up last second, and it was so balls to the walls that she never got a chance to change out of said purple dress. Some aide found more appropriate clothes for her, but every time she tried to sneak away to change, she got called back to work. She was barefoot on the bridge.....those heels start to hurt after awhile.
Unpopular opinion: I don't know what a popular opinion is of her to think of an unpopular one!
A wish: To never have to think this hard about a sequel character ever again that isn't one of the big ones.
An oh-god-please-never-happen: That EK Johnston writes a book about Holdo.
5 words to best describe her: purple haired dinosaur space queen
Nickname: ....yeah, no.
These are so fun, even if this one did kick my ass! Come torment me!
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vulcankin · 2 years
Aradia Megido (for the meme)
1: Sexuality Headcanon
Pansexual demiromantic. Is attracted to anyone, but only develops romantic feelings after a very strong bond is established.
2: OTP
Look, I'm a basic bitch. It's Arasol. I just really think (despite what some people say) they have a really deep history with each other (that, yeah we don't explicitly know, but it is obviously established) and they seem to always find their way back together. I always flipflop between pale and flush for them, and personally I think they vacillate pale/flush, but either way they love each other in a way that transcends all the shit that's happened both around and between them.
3: BrOTP
TavAra. I feel like they were extremely close during the pre-game (especially the pre-FLARP incident days), and even if during SBURB they didn't get to hang out much, that they'd chill together regularly on Earth C. It's like those friendships where it's the one person that you can feel completely relaxed around and know that you're both a little weird but y'all really like each other anyways. They like to play games together, and Tavros loves listening to her tales of exploration.
EquAra/Iron Maiden. The quite literal programmed lack of consent is very off-putting and disgusting for me, amongst the many other issues I have with the way Equius treats/talks about her. Even pitch/caliginous there's still the initial programming thing that... Nah.
5: First headcanon that pops into my head
Aradia likes to play pranks. Not to the extent of John or Nannasprite or anything, but just loves a good practical joke.
6: Favorite line from this character
"ribbit ribbit ribbit WILL YOU LOOK AT THAT I JUST CONTROLLED THE RIBBITS AND I DID IT DELIBERATELY" or "i am very much alive. and i intend to stay that way. :)"
7: One way in which I relate to this character
Our interest in dead civilizations and ruins! I'd love to go exploring places like that, see what I can decipher there.
8: Thing that gives me second hand embarrassment about this character
The way fandom could sometimes treat Aradia as like... "The unimportant troll." It doesn't happen much nowadays, thank god, but I remember back like, when Act 5 was developing her being treated as the forgettable one when even from the beginning she DEFINITELY wasn't.
9: Cinnamon roll or problematic fave?
Mostly cinnamon roll, with a vibe that makes you think "But is she though?"
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leejiieuns · 2 years
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our folklore bbs + folklore lyrics
lily x thea in seven by taylor swift
sweet tea in the summer cross your heart, won't tell no other and though I can't recall your face i still got love for you
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mmollymercury · 2 years
Character ask game: Bruno
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⚧ - Pronoun hc: he/him.
🏳️‍⚧️- Gender hc: a cissy male,, but I also like the hc that he's trans (AFAB)💖
🏳️‍🌈- Orientation hc: asexual aromatic 😭✊
🌌- zodiac sign hc: I think the triplets were all born on October 17th, the start of the thousand day's war. So he's a Libra ♎💖💖
🧠- MBTI/Enneagram hc: legit had to google this, its that personality test with all the funky letters... honestly its too complex for my little brain and I think Bruno would say the same, he'd probably say something like: I don't know! Urm... I guess I have average personality *awkward smile*
❤- OTP hc: Bruno & himself 🥰🫂🫂
🧡- Everyone I ship with this character: ...😶
💛- Brotp: the FAB trio! Otherwise known as: Bruno, Félix and Agustín 🥰
💚- Notp: just... basically anything that's romantic 😭
💙- Crossover ship: Bruno and the onceler- jk NOONE-
💜- Crossover non-ship relationship I like: I'm not really big into crossovers (excluding Roger Rabbit, of course🐰) but I've seen some cute art of Bruno and Hector from coco interacting, so them🥰
📖- AU I'd like to see them in: Love me a good modern AU. I always smile at the idea of Bruno watching ratatouille after coming out the walls and being absolutely GLUED to the TV😭😭
❤🩹- Angsty hc: I love projecting onto my favourite characters, so Bruno has: OCD (this was basically confirmed so YAY! SO HAPPY 🥰🥰), that can be debilitating; an eating disorder, heart palpitations and a tendency to self harm. I mean, he hits his head as a compulsion, as someone who does that too, I can confirm that it is a form of self punishment. Yeah, not fun. And... come on, he was bullied in school, look at him-
💖- Happy hc: HAPPY THINGS! Bruno is an artist, fight me, he excelled at all the creative subjects in school. Hes best uncle😤😤😤 hes like the fun, doesn't shout, laid back uncle and all the kids love him. He loves his little rat babies and coddles them to an insane degree, to the point where Pepa and Julieta are like: are we bad parents/ hj-
😋- Funny/stupid hc: He can be very agile at the weirdest times but hellishly clumsily the rest of the time, I have an image in my head THAT IVE WANTED TO DRAW FOR THE LONGEST TIME, of when he was still the 🌟golden child🌟 and gave an amazingly good vision to this guy, Alma wanted to capture the moment in a picture: so she stands behind him, looking proud, hands on his shoulders, he's smiling all big while holding up the vision and the guy who got it, is standing next to him with a thumbs up... but Bruno’s teeth are like FUCKED UP because a few weeks previously he went flying into a wall and several of them fell out-
🪞- Appearance hc: not sure what to say since we all know what this man looks like... but I do hc him as having really bad acne scars in school, so much so that you can still see some of them.
🥖- Food hc: like I said... he's got eating issues but ignoring that- I think he's generally a bit fussy with his meals (I'm projecting again😶)and has been since he was young, Alma definitely worried over it😫 GIVE THIS WOMAN A BREAK- but I think he favoured salty things and soft meat/ things that don't have a tough consistency.
🛌- Sleep hc: he has sleeping issues ESPECIALLY after years of having to sleep in a chair. But now that he has a bed again, as soon as his back hits that flat soft surface, he's out like a light🥺🥺
🏡- Domestic hc: everyone agrees with this but I'm saying it again! His sisters fuss over him so much and treat him like he's years younger than them❤ Alma too. And for most of his life, he was called "Brunito" by his family, he was only really called "Bruno" if he was in trouble😭
🗡- Badass hc- we all know he'll do anything for his family, he's so selfless, honestly whats more badass than that? He definitely pretended to curse people if they threatened them, being mean to him is okay... but speaking to his family like they owe you something? You're dead.
❓- Anything else you want: hmm hmmmmm,,, what else??? That he gets sick often, always has but now moreso, his family are here to help tho!😭💖💖😫😫😫
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Hey for the requests how about top 10 scenes you're looking forward to seeing in the new season of the anime? Maybe include gifs showing how you'll react to each scene? 😏
Must admit trying to rank the top three was harder than I thought it would be, and I can see myself flip-flopping as the month go on which one I am most looking forward to seeing, so just know that the top three are all basically the scene/s I I am most looking forward to seeing animated.
Also, I cheated here and there, but hopefully you can see why!
Also also, there's of course no guarantee that every scene in the manga will be adapted (some will likely get left out for one reason or another), if they will be adapted exactly like they are in the manga, or how the animation will look (visually it looks like we're in for something awesome, but animation-wise I think we still need to see more), but I am hoping the ones mentioned below will get great adaptions.
With that all out of the way, let's get to it!
HONORABLE MENTIONS: Nemu vs The Hand of Reio, Chicken Eyebrows aka someone [Bazz-B] finally appreciates Renji's eyebrows, Renji and Rukia Having More Than One Kind of Tension Between Them at Zero Division, Izuru vs the Chicken Lillies, Byakuya's Greatest Fear, Ichigo Reveals His True Bankai, Ichigo Renji, and Aizen vs Yhwach, Hitsugaya's Hollowifed Bankai, You Can't Kill this BROTP (Even When They're Turned into Zombies) aka Hitsugaya and Rangiku Emerge From the Tanks, The Teams Arrive at the Palace, Operation Mille-Feuille, Mayuri's [Temporary] Mental Breakdown, Orihime Shows She's Got the Power aka Ichigo and Orihime vs Yhwach, and Hitsuagaya Reflects on the 10 Years of Peace
10. Zombie Hitsugaya
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This one is going to be tough, but I know if done right it will be awesome to watch. Zombie Hitsugaya is ruthless and doesn't hold back, cutting down enemies with precision and ease. Why I will be emotional though is not only is one of my favourite character in the series technically deato attack his allies, but also because it shows that when Hitsugaya fights, he's hold back. If he chose to, he could fight just like his zombie counterpart but he holds back and chooses not to. Also, I think the chapter with him vs Mayuri will work better compared to the chapter version. I remembered annoyed the crap out of me at the time (because I felt like Kubo was using the same panels and just repeating himself and not getting to the point), but with hindsight I don't mind the chapter now; I think the anime could make better use to the mini Ground Hog Day Hitsugaya goes through, the scene just repeating itself with slight variations.
9. Rukia vs As Nodt
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There's a lot to love about this one, from the build up to it with Byakuya vs As Nodt many chapters ago to Rukia's bankai reveal to the Kuchiki siblings small moment where Byakuya helps Rukia come out of her bankai. Also, I love As Nodt, he's one of my favourite Sternritters and his design is the best among them. The anime has the chance to make him even more creep and menacing then he already looks, giving motion to the incredible pages Kubo drew with him in this battle.
8. Unohana vs Kenpachi
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I've been looking forward to this fight for a looooong time. I love both Kenpachi and Unohana, and they have great chemistry together in this fight. This is one of my fave battles in BLEACH and to know that it's finally going to be animated has me very excited!
7. Yamamoto's Bankai
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This, this right, here, if done right will one of the best bankai reveals in the series. The double page Kubo did of Zanka no Tachi, Minami: Kaka Jūmanokushi Daisōjin is one the greatest things I have seen in the whole manga and just gives me a surge of hype every time I look at it. Imagine how this thing is going to look animated!!
6. Any Scene with Shinji and Momo
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Cheating here, but I just know regardless of what's going on, this is how I will react to any scene these two are in together. If I had to pick one scene with them I'm particularly looking forward to seeing it's when they come to assist Omaeda, because we get to see a glimpse of their typical dynamic and Shinji recognises Momo's kido abilities.
5. Renji Being the Best Bro There is
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Oh damn this scene. Not much happens action or movement-wise, but this scene made me I teared up while reading it the first time and I can only imagine how I'll react to seeing it animated.
This is the culmination I didn't fully realise was going on in the whole arc. Renji has been helping Ichigo for the majority of this arc, from getting out the hot-springs to early but wanting to be there for him regardless all the way up to this moment, where he has to carry him to final battle. And why? Because Ichigo reunited him and Rukia together. Rukia has been his most important relationship throughout the manga, his reason to become a lieutenant, and Rukia never forgot the day Renji let her go to Byakuya. Ichigo was the one who brought them back together after decades of distance and uncertainty.
Because that's what Ichigo does, he unites the people around him through his sheer determination and willingness to fight against overwhelming forces, whether it's Renji, Byakuya, Aizen, or Yhwach.
4. The BLEACH Comedy Hour, Hosted by Byakuya Kuchiki and Toshiro Hitsugaya, Guest Starring Kenpachi, and Featuring Gerard Valkyrie, Rukia Kuchiki, and Renji Abarai
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This isn't a scene so much as it's a series of moments I'm looking forward to seeing, all them involving the BROTP I always wanted to see finally happen.
First up, to see Hitsugaya of all characters cracking a joke and about his height no less, it's both funny and surreal and everything I wanted without realising it...and he's doing this with BYAKUYA of all people! Add to it, when Kenpachi makes his entrance and Byakuya and Hitsugaya reacting the exact same way to said entrance and you have for me one of the best moments in the entire arc that isn't a battle.
Then you have Gerard, who is an over-the-top 'miracle' man that demeans his enemies while boasting about his strength but also isn't afraid to dish out a nice comment or two (the guy wanted to be Hitsugaya's friend for crying out loud! :P).
And of course we have the glorious dorkiness that is Renji and Rukia not recognising Hitsugaya when he's in his Completed Form, and he just goes along with it.
The battle scenes between these moments are great to though! We see Hitsugaya interfering with Kenpachi vs Gerard and showing concern for his fellow captain (that one panel of them clashing swords got me so hyped right out of nowhere!), Byakuya catching Hitsugaya with Senbonzakura, Byakuya saving Renji and Rukia, and just the general banter between Hitsugaya and Byakuya, it really shows to me why they make a great BROTP.
3. Kenpachi's Bankai in All of it's Terrifying and Badass Glory
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This was the scene that made me desperate for the anime to return. This entire chapter is begging, begging to be animated. Kenpachi's bankai is nuts, and the panels Kubo did made me both hyped and terrified. From when the dust clears and Kenpachi raises his head to tearing off Gerard arms with just his teeth all the way to looming over a building about the deliver the final strike, it all incredible and one of the best chapters in BLEACH. If the animation team follows these panels closely, I have no doubt we're in for one of the best bankai reveals in the series.
2. The Adaption of Chapter 659 - YOU KNOW WHICH MOMENT!
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This will be me the day before the scene is likely to be shown (if it isn't shown in the teaser they usually show at the end of the episode). This is the only hitsuhina moment in the entire arc (unless we get anime-only filler) so of course I am very excited to see it!!
I can't wait to see Hitsugaya fly through the air, attacking Gerard and distracting him from Hinamori, who is carrying her unconscious captain on her shoulders. But she doesn't escape immediately, she looks on worriedly at the boy she considers a friend. Not just any friend though, one she has known since childhood, who has been a constant in her life. She says his nickname, which we hadn't heard since chapter 392, and for just a moment, he glances at her, as if he heard her. We know in this moment there's still a bond between them...IS IT OCTOBER YET?!
Hyourinmaru's Completed Form
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The payoff I never expected to get - or at least, not like this. It's what I waited years to find out and it's the reason I joined Tumblr. I've said it before, but while the appearance of Hitsugaya's Completed Form is cool, the main reason I love this form is because of the powers.
The reveal in the manga caught me so off guard that I couldn't stop thinking about it days afterwards, and then the next chapter when the powers were revealed...I knew I had to see this animated! Whether it was the anime returning or a fan animating the scene themselves, I just knew I had to see this animated. Kubo made the powers look so epic, so OP, so incredible, I was hyped for days afterwards.
We've gotten a glimpse already in the trailer of the Completed Form, and visually it's everything I imagined it would be. If the animation is on par, then I don't know how I will survive the scene where the powers get shown.
Thanks for sending this one in! :D
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